#tooth hurts
multifandomania · 1 year
terrible toothache I'm sleepy af LET ME SLEEP IN PEACE PLEASE
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u3pxx · 2 months
oh and feel free to explain in the tags or whatever
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meatexe · 7 days
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itty bitty purse dog vibes 🎀
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verstawppen · 13 days
hold me close (cl16)
BLURB (1.2k words)
verstawppen writes: something short and sweet for yall. enjoy!
summary: you comfort Charles after a bad Quali warnings: none. fem!reader, F1 journalist!reader, fluff, comfort, established relationship, secret relationship.
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The day was going by at an excruciatingly slow pace, every time you checked your lock screen it seemed only a minute had passed. You sighed in exasperation as the press conference stretched on well past the scheduled timings. You could see the exhaustion on Yuk and Daniel’s faces even from your position at the back and you knew they were dying to get back to their hotel rooms for a day of rest. But here they were, stuck in the media pen answering pointed questions about their Qualifying. And you were stuck too. You’d already done your duties and compiled all the responses from your interviews with the drivers for your tabloid. You were itching to get back to your hotel room. To get back to Charles. He’d had a bad Qualifying, just as he began his fastest lap of Quali, his gearbox began malfunctioning and Ferrari had to retire the car. He was visibly frustrated when he came back to the Ferrari garage. He just wanted to have a good race for once this season without facing any issues with his car and you felt that he deserved that, being one of the best drivers on the grid. Ever since you’d seen him leaving the garage, running his hands through his damp hair, something he only did when he was being consumed with anxiety, you’d wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and soothe his uneased mind. You were his girlfriend, you should have been there for him. But it wasn’t that easy, you knew the implications it would have on both your careers, more on his than yours, to be seen together. An F1 journalist and Ferrari’s golden boy. The media would have a field day, you would know. A brief buzz from the pocket of your trousers brought you out of your thoughts-
Charles <3 When are you coming back?? I miss you :( You I’m so sorry Cha the conference is running past the schedule. I’m stuck here Charles <3 Want me to come rescue you, cherie? You No it’s alright, love. Try to rest until I come back, you’ve had a long day. When Charles didn’t respond after 15 minutes, you presumed he’d taken your advice and had gone to sleep. You felt guilt churn in your stomach. Charles was always there to take care of you after a long day despite his own exhausting profession. He was an absolute sweetheart, showering you with kisses as soon as you came back to him in his motorhome or his hotel room, sitting you down on his bed before taking off your heels for you, nimble fingers massaging your sore, tender feet.
‘Fuck this’ you thought to yourself. “Hey I think I’m gonna leave early”, you informed your colleague sitting beside you. You were friends and you’d told her about you and Charles. She nodded in understanding, “Go, I’ll cover for you.” You got up from your seat, shooting her a grateful smile as you gathered your things and left the media pen. You called yourself a cab to the hotel where Charles and you were staying. The ride felt longer than when you’d arrived at the paddock in the morning, excited to see Charles race. You rubbed your temple, your concern for Charles growing by the minute.
You practically fell out of the cab when you opened the door in a hurry even before the car had fully stopped. You quickly paid the driver and ran up the steps of the hotel entrance. The cool air of the hotel lobby cooled your skin which had gathered a thin layer of sweat from your rushed movements and increasing stress. You impatiently waited for the elevator and immediately pressed your floor number once you were inside.
The elevator opened with a ding and soon you were standing in front of Charles’s hotel room fishing around with one hand for the keycard he’d given you while your other hand held your suit jacket and your bag. You scanned the card and opened the door. You tried to be as quiet as possible and closed the door behind you with a soft click. You removed your heels, set them down on the shoe rack and deposited your stuff onto a countertop near the room’s entrance. But maybe your movements weren’t as discreet as you thought because as soon as the bed came into view, you saw Charles had woken up, sleepily rubbing his eyes. He let out a silent yawn but as soon as his eyes fell on you, his face lit up. He sat upright, a wide grin on his face which you mirrored. You quickly made your way over to his side of the bed and sat down in front of him, feeling his hands wrap themselves around your frame. He was wearing a black hoodie, his favourite one which you liked to steal sometimes. You buried your in his neck, he smelled of aftershave and his characteristic slightly musky cologne. You held him close, your fingers clutching onto his hoodie.  His chin rested atop your head, his left hand tracing abstract circles on your back. It was everything you both needed. You pulled away and looked up into his sparkling green orbs. “Hi, love” “Hi, cherie” Even though he’d been calling you ‘cherie’ for more than 2 years now, the nickname never failed to awaken the butterflies in your stomach. Your hands reached to cup his face, thumb lightly stroking his cheekbone. “How are you?”, you asked. From this proximity, you could see the dark circles forming under his mesmerising eyes, a detail that the cameras thankfully never seemed to capture. And it was good, you knew Charles would hate for the world to think that he wasn’t able to take the heat. But at the end of the day, he was only human. He smiled before replying to you, his voice slightly raspy from having just woken up,” I’m good now that you’re here, mon amour.” Your hands moved from his face into his curled locks and he relished the feeling of your fingers lightly massaging his scalp, making waves of comfort and relief wash all over his tired body as his head found its resting place on your collarbone, lightly taking in the scent of your sweet floral perfume. He unconsciously smiled against your neck. Carding your fingers through his hair just the way you knew he liked, you spoke to him in a low, comforting sort of voice, “You did so well today, Charles. You almost had the fastest lap of the Quali despite having to work with such a difficult car. You got the best you could out of that car and that’s enough for now. Things will get better, Ferrari is working on the issue, right? You’ll soon have a car worthy of your talent and you’ll be back on the podium in no time, love.” He hummed in acknowledgement of your encouraging words. It meant a lot to him, more than you’d ever know. He pressed a small kiss to your collarbone in appreciation. “Thank you, ma cherie” You smiled, your eyes closing to relish the warmth of his presence in your embrace. “Anytime, Cha”
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cowboycatss · 2 months
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who let him cook
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
vampire bats share mouthfuls of blood to other bats they’re close to if they weren’t able to feed and now i need old vampire!ghost sharing a bloody kiss with fledgling!soap, giving him mouthfuls of blood bc his fresh fangs are too sensitive to bite with
it’s been so long since he was turned that ghost’s forgotten the deep ache that comes with growing fangs and he almost worries when johnny goes to bite into the meal he’s brought him only to whimper and pull back; only the slightest pinpricks of a bite left in the man’s neck, barely enough to bring blood to the surface
it’s only when johnny whines and massages at his gums that ghost realises his oversight; crooning at his sweet mate in reassurance. he’s not upset that he couldn’t feed, at the unintentional rejection of his offering. he’ll make the pain stop
ghost pulls the man to his mouth and sinks in his fangs, sucking in a heavy mouthful and drops the now paralysed prey back to his feet; his throat steadily gushing with blood and spilling over his body
he cups johnny’s face, looking into his eyes, teary with pain and hunger, and purses his lips to carefully drip the blood into his mouth. the pain immediately vanishes from his eyes, replaced with pure bliss as he opens his mouth wide; curling his tongue to catch every drop. ghost presses his mouth to his in a hungry, blood-filled kiss; tongues twining together as they share the taste
johnny sucks the last of it from his lips and ghost guides him down to lap at the prey’s neck; licking up the blood he was too weak to draw himself. he’s ravenous with it, his whole face covered in red as he licks up the spill and suckles at ghost’s bite
ghost’s filled with an overwhelming pride at having provided for his mate in an even deeper way than just hunting for him. he spilled the blood johnny’s drinking; fed him in the most intimate way their kind knows and he’ll do it a hundred times over for his love
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feodor-dostoevsky · 1 year
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The way Xiao is so down bad for the Traveller tho JDJSJDJDJSMYPOOKIE
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Nobody can tell me It's not going to be a marriage proposal or something next time lol
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afewproblems · 1 year
Ooo steddie and #78 could be so good
78. "You weren't supposed to hear that."
Thank you nonny, I hope I've done the prompt justice!
"How did I get so lucky," Steve mumbles tiredly into the planes of Eddie's pale back.
He's fast asleep on his front, passed out with a blissed out smile still pulling at his mouth, his face turned towards Steve on his pillow.
Steve leans down and kisses his naked shoulder, watching the steady rise and fall of Eddie's breathing and the way the moonlight filtering through Steve's bedroom window paints his skin silver.
It's new, this thing between them, but Steve's heart has never cared about things like that.
He's all in already, not that Eddie needs to know.
Steve's not stupid enough to scare him away with something like this, big feelings that happened way too quickly.
Steve absently traces one of the jagged demobat scars, and sighs contentedly.
He can let himself have this, he can let himself say it just this once, no consequences.
"I love you," he whispers, letting the words hang in the quiet room.
"Oh, sweetheart," Eddie mumbles, making Steve freeze.
Eddie rolls over and sits up, swiping a hand over his face and into his hair. He flips a handful of curls out of his eyes and smiles broadly, but it disappears the moment he sees Steve's stricken expression.
"You weren't supposed to hear that," Steve manages to say, his heart in his throat.
He lifts his gaze to the window behind them, briefly calculating the likelihood of breaking his leg by jumping out the window or how quickly the cops would be called for indecent exposure.
He could always lock himself in the bathroom -it's the least outlandish plan and one that won't result in bodily harm or an arrest.
He startles again as a gentle hand caresses his cheek.
"Where did you go?" Eddie murmurs, he still looks concerned, and a bit confused now, his big brown eyes flick back and forth between Steve's own.
"Do I need to radio the party babe? Because I'm not that keen for them to catch us with our pants down".
Eddie's grinning as he says it but his brow is pinched and Steve can't take his big brown eyes staring with such open concern.
"It's okay, Eddie, really," Steve mumbles.
His fingers gather the fabric of the sheets into his fists as he brings them up to further cover himself.
"You don't have to pretend you didn't hear me, we can, you can," he bites his lip and takes a deep breath through his nose.
He can do this, he can do what he should have done for Nancy.
"You don't have to stay here and pretend--"
"Woah, woah, what the fuck are you talking about?" Eddie says sharply, he turns to face Steve fully, letting the sheets pool around his hips.
"Please don't make me say it again," Steve croaks, his voice brittle and wane in the quiet room.
The words, you're bullshit, we're bullshit, echo distantly, again and again.
"Sweetheart," Eddie says gently, "I don't understand what you're talking about".
Steve swallows, feeling as though his chest is about to crack in two with how fast his heart is beating, "I said I love you."
Eddie stares blankly at him, lifting his hands in a go-on, motion.
"I…it's too soon," he picks at a loose thread hanging from the sheet fabric twisted between his fingers, "isn't it?"
At this Eddie softens entirely.
He sucks his teeth and pulls Steve towards him with a long sigh.
"Sweetheart," Eddie murmurs into Steve's hair as he nuzzles his ear, lifting his face to nibble gently on the lobe, "darling, light of my life, oh fairest knight, my honey nut cheerio--"
"Okay, knock it off," Steve groans as he tries to get out from Eddie's arms but they tighten around Steve, holding him in place.
"My love," Eddie hums, making Steve pause, "oh you like that one huh?"
Eddie leans back and lifts his hand to tip up Steve's chin, from this angle Steve can see the barest of freckles dust over his nose and the crinkles at the edges of his eyes.
They're too young for wrinkles but Steve can see where they will eventually make their home, a whole future on Eddie's face.
"Who says it's too soon? Fuck that," he says roughly now, his brown eyes flit between Steve's own, "I love you too, no take backs".
Eddie swipes his thumb over the crest of Steve's cheek, catching a tear he hadn't realized was there.
No, not now.
Steve tries to duck his head, to wipe his eyes and pinch his nose but Eddie beats him to it as he leans in to lay smacking kisses all over, on his closed eyes, Steve's cheeks, his chin -which Eddie pauses to nibble on just like his ears, before finally attempting to place a gentle kiss against his lips which have pulled into a wide giggling grin.
"Be serious Steve," Eddie huffs, tamping down his own smile, "shit, how am I supposed to kiss my boyfriend when he's laughing like a damn loon?"
Steve feels like crying all over again.
"Say it again," Steve murmurs, his eyes still closed, some small part still worried if he opens them this will all disappear.
"My boyfriend," Eddie hums, pressing one last kiss to Steve's nose, "I'll say it as many times as you need me to until you believe it Stevie".
"I love you," Eddie whispers again as he tilts Steve's face up before kissing his lips. It’s chaste but the way he sucks on Steve’s bottom lip as he pulls away and waggles his eyebrows makes Steve sigh.
"What do you say I take my boyfriend to bed?" Eddie says softly against Steve's lips as he climbs over him, bracketing his hands on either side of Steve's head.
"I'd say we're already here you dork--"
The rest of his sentence is lost in a grunt as Eddie let's himself fall into Steve, muttering about how vengeance will be nearly as sweet as him.
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yorufi · 4 months
“a sentimental gift”
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oneshlut · 7 months
Hello!! This is my first request!
I was wondering if I could request headcanons for humanoid!fluttershy x fem! Dragon-humanoid! Reader?
Like the reader moved into the town and and the mane 6 went to introduce themselves but the reader was really intrigued by fluttershy and is really sweet and caring towards her?
(by humanoid I mean like, Pegasus characters still have their wings and unicorns still have their horns and so on)
Sorry if this is too much 😓
Thank you!
A/N: oh it's not too much at all! these detailed requests actually give me a lot to go off of, thanks a bunch for requesting! <3 (also, i hope you dont mind that i refer to the characters as ponies, dw, they're still humanoid!!)
Calm (Humanoid!Fluttershy x Fem!Dragonoid!Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: A new pony moves into Ponyville! Or, a uh.. dragon? Either way, everyone is excited to meet her, but one pegasus catches her eye..
After you had left your past town due to a horrible new mayor, you were looking for a fresh start. You had previously lived in an all-dragon town, so moving to Ponyville was.. an experience. A positive one, at that.
As you could probably guess, the first pony to meet you was Pinkie Pie. She shaked your hand, energy beaming from her smile, as she then dragged you through the town square. Along the way, she asked you a million personal questions, ranging from "Are your parents dragons?" to "Why did you move? I thought it was great down in your hometown! Especially for a girl-pony! Eek! Sorry! Girl-dragon!" She hardly gave you time to respond before she started asking the next question.
It was nice to get a tour of the town! But, uh.. you were more interested in getting to your new house right now. You sighed internally, you still had so much to unpack..
Pinkie Pie then lead you to her very own bakery. Knowing now, how she acted like she was on lethal doses of sugar, it made sense that she would own a bakery.
Inside were 4 other ponies that she called her friends. One earth pony, two unicorns, and.. one pegasus. One of the unicorns complained about somepony named "Rainbowdash" not being there. You assumed it was some sort of get-together. Quite convenient for you, huh?
As the 6 of you are talking and chitchatting about how and why you moved here, (many questions asking about your wings, horns, other dragon features), you noticed a pony in the back who hadn't been talking the entire time. When you looked back at her, noticing now she was a pegasus, she met your gaze. Only for a few moments did you keep eye contact, when she squeaked a bit and looked away. Hm..
Afterwards, you had learned all the ponies names, except for one. You waited for the remaining 4 to leave until all that was left was you and her.
Immediately, Fluttershy thought you must've been mad at her. Why else would you want to talk to her? Alone, for that matter. She apologized profusely for anything she could've done, but seeing the confused look on your face told her she was wrong.
She muttered a quiet apology before quietly introducing herself. Fluttershy was surprised you heard her at first, but then went in to shake your hand, realizing it was slightly scale-y. So you really were a dragon..
Most of the time she was absolutely petrified seeing a dragon. But you were different. You weren't huge--but you weren't small, or a child, like Spike. You had fully grown wings and horns, but not big enough to be intimidating. She noticed the way you were gentle with her palm while shaking it, and felt an unusual red tone rise to her face. She's never met a pretty dragon.
It took a while, but she eventually got used to your presence. The more you spent time with her, she began stuttering a lot less, her voice became slightly more confident, and her wings weren't tucked away like they were when you first met her. Much like her wings, she began to open up around you. Sooner or later, you had become one of her closest friends.
When it came to Fluttershy, you were very sweet, kind, soft, patient... That's how she described you in her head anyways. Having someone as soft as her, especially with nature and what not, warmed her heart to the brim.
She would rant to Angel for hours after meeting up with you. Angel took one look at her eyes, how they lighted up when she talked about you, and immediately knew she was head over heels. It was amusing, so Angel kept his mouth shut. Not like he could say anything anyways.
Fluttershy was as oblivious as ever. To her, all she saw in you was a friend. Don't worry, sooner or later she'll understand. When she does, she may or may not pass out.
One day, you had come over to visit Fluttershy in her cottage. She wasn't there.. hm. Maybe she was just out running errands. With nothing else to do, you sat by a nearby pond, letting your spiny wings cover you. It was around fall, meaning the air was just now getting a bit chilly.
You closed your eyes and breathed in the calm atmosphere, taking in all the sounds with your now heightened senses. Birds chirping, running water, animals chittering or scattering, the small wisps of wind in the air, the sound of footsteps, and--.. Footsteps?
You opened your eyes and turned to find Fluttershy sitting beside you. She apologized for not being home when you arrived, and explained how.. peaceful you seemed. When she asked, you reassured her that you were "far from bothered" by her joining you.
Closing your eyes again, the two of you sat in a comfortable silence. Instinctively, you wrapped one of your wings around Fluttershy's shoulder. She prayed that you didn't open your eyes to see the mass amount of blush covering her face.
And with one bold movement, she placed her head on your shoulder, the two of you now peacefully sitting in the small patch of nature.
Fluttershy was calmer than ever before.
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python333 · 10 months
I am in need of more Dad Price! I love your how you write the relationships between 141 and the reader.
carry me to bed, please — python333
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synopsis the 141 base is cold-- luckily, price had told you that his office is always open to you, since it's far warmer in there than the rest of the base. cue some comfort no hurt (???? i think this counts as that) and so much fluff it will give u cavities.
relationships platonic!cap. price & gn!reader.
characters cap. price.
word count 2.2k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], no usage of c/n [code name/call sign], maybe one or two pet names used.
note tysm for the req anon!! and yes omg i agree i think we all need some more dad price :3 so heres some dad price for everyone, he carries u to bed because i say so and totally not because i miss pretending to be asleep in the back of my dad's car after a late night drive and forcing him to carry me to bed. totally not haha. stop looking at me like that. anyway!!! i hope u enjoy this fic, its short & sweet and is literally just so fluffy i loved writing it sm!!
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Price’s office has always been warmer. 
A majority of the 141 base was incredibly cold, especially the training rooms. You could see why, there’s a bunch of people sparring or whatever. It's more useful for it to be colder there, and that’s all fine, but it really gets on your nerves sometimes. 
Especially because you were doing target practice in those same rooms more than actually sparring people, which would always end with you walking out of that same room a mere hour later, freezing your ass off and heading to the showers to turn the water to the hottest setting and defrost yourself in there. 
And almost immediately after you were done showering and putting your clothes back on, the cold 141 air would hit you again, and you’d slowly freeze all over again.
This was a fairly known issue among the other soldiers, a majority of them teasing you for your obvious shivering throughout the day. Price, however, after hearing about your small issue, went about it in a completely different way. 
You remember just a month ago when he had first heard about it, he had gone around base trying to find you and eventually found you in the recreation room, just scrolling through your phone. 
Covering every inch of your forearms up to where the short sleeves of your shirt ended were goosebumps, and the slowness of your thumb as you scrolled through your phone almost perfectly showcased just how cold you were. 
He’d walked right up to you, one of his jackets with a fluffy interior bundled up in his hands, and he’d waited for you to notice him before talking. In short, he mentioned how he’d heard about how you had an issue with the cold temperatures of the base, and decided to give you one of his jackets. 
You had gratefully accepted it and had it on for the rest of the day, a few others who recognized Price’s jacket had teased you for it but you didn’t really mind that—you were more focused on how much warmer you felt. 
So then, just a few days later, after seeing you in his jacket every day after that initial conversation, Price had walked up to you again and offered something else. He’d told you about how his office was generally warmer than the rest of the base, and he had an extra chair in there for you to sit on. 
Naturally, you let him know of your appreciation of his offer, and just after dinner, when you knew you had nothing else you needed to do that day, you knocked on the door of his office and let yourself in after he granted you permission to do so. 
He must’ve known you would’ve been wanting to enter his office, because when you walked in a chair was already pulled up right next to his behind his desk, as well as a small blanket. You’d immediately spotted the chair and blanket and quickly walked over there, your immediate interest in it making an amused smile grace Price’s lips as he watched you pick up the blanket and sit in the chair, unfolding said blanket and throwing it over yourself. 
You vaguely remember drifting off to sleep in that very chair and waking up in your own sleeping quarters. You never really asked Price about the specifics of what happened, but you’ve always had your suspicions that he’d carried you there—well, not really suspicions, since that’s the only logical thing that could’ve happened, but you never know. 
You can’t really imagine Price carrying you to bed, like some dad who had to carry his kid to their bed because they pretended to fall asleep in the back of his car while driving home, but you can’t think of what else could have possibly happened. 
So while you walk to Price’s office now, arms crossed to conceal the goosebumps formed on your arms, you think about the warmth you’ll finally feel once you get to his office. You had made the dumb mistake of leaving the jacket he’d lent to you in your sleeping quarters and hadn’t had the time to go back for it all day. 
Sure, you could go back to your sleeping quarters now and just put on the jacket to warm yourself up, but you had a whole room open to you that was warm even without a jacket, and if that wasn’t enough, it had a blanket in it as well for you to use. So in your mind, it was only logical to go there instead. 
Plus, you enjoyed being in Price’s presence, finding it oddly calm, but that’s not the point. 
You eventually reach Price’s office and uncross your arms to knock on the door, a little bit surprised at how quickly he calls out, “Come in!” 
You open the door wordlessly and close it behind you once you walk into his office, and see the chair still by his own with the same blanket you use neatly folded on top of it. Price looks up from his computer and smiles and nods at you before going back to his work, leaving it up to you whether or not you wanted to just be left alone or chat with him. 
You immediately walk over to the chair and do what you usually do, picking up the blanket and sitting down on the chair, then unfolding the blanket and throwing it over yourself. The room was warm enough for you to go without a blanket—but the blanket was just so much warmer and more cozy, you don’t think you could really go without it.
You toe your boots off and bring your knees up to your chest, bringing the edges of the blanket over your legs and holding the two ends of the blanket together with one hand, the other grabbing the arm rest of Price’s chair for a moment to roll your chair closer to his before letting go and letting your hand retreat back into the blanket. 
Price spares a glance at you once you’ve rolled your chair closer to his before taking one of his hands off of the keyboard of his computer and reaching over to wrap it around your shoulders. It’s significantly harder for him to type this way, but he can’t bring himself to care, not when you hum contently at the physical contact and lean your head to the side to rest it on his shoulder. 
“Why didn’t you have your jacket on?” It takes you a moment to realize he’s asking about the jacket he lent to you. 
When you do realize that’s what he’s asking about, you respond in your tired-raspy tone, “Forgot it in my room.” 
“And you went here instead of going back to your own sleeping quarters to get it and put it on?” Price asks, both somewhat amused and flattered. 
“I did,” You hum, before asking, “Is that an issue?” 
“No, no, not at all,” Price quickly says, squeezing your shoulder gently for a second, “I’m flattered that you decided to come to me.” 
You don’t respond verbally, instead simply letting out a tired huff through your nose, watching as Price types up an email to someone on his computer—to whom, you can’t tell. Your sleepiness and the warmth of the room, the blanket, and Price’s arm around your shoulders causes your eyelids to droop a bit and as a result your vision blurs just a bit, making you unable to read who Price is emailing. 
You can faintly hear Price mumbling, reading out the email as he types under his breath, and the sound of his soft voice gently lulls you to sleep. It’s never been this easy to fall asleep, You realize, I’ve been here for what, a minute? Two minutes? And I’m already falling asleep? 
You aren’t complaining, of course. You let yourself fall asleep, faintly hearing Price’s soft chuckle once he sees that you’re falling asleep, and for a good hour or three you have some uninterrupted rest. 
That is, until you’re awoken by some small movements near your head. 
You don’t open your eyes or anything yet, instead simply waiting to see what happens. You feel the shoulder you were resting your head on move out from under your cheek and before you can even mourn the loss of your pseudo-pillow, you feel gentle hands peeling the blanket you’d been using off of you and hear it being tossed somewhere else. 
Then, you feel a hand snake behind your back, and one goes under your knees. You manage to keep your body relaxed as Price picks you up, hearing him give a soft grunt as he lifts you up from the chair, and he stands in place for a moment—presumably to make sure he has a good hold on you—before beginning to walk away from the chair. 
You hear the soft thumping of his boots against the floor as he carries you over to his office door, and he reaches the hand that’s under your back out a little farther to twist the knob on the door before retracting his hand and kicking open the door. 
He walks out and kicks the door closed behind him, making sure to readjust his hand so that it’s more secure under your back, before continuing to walk down the hall towards your sleeping quarters. You continue to remain relaxed in Price’s arms, but just to fuck with him a little bit, you shift a little in his arms and turn your head so that it leans against his chest.
He stops in his tracks almost immediately and you can feel his eyes on you, and you can feel him grip onto you tighter before continuing to walk down the hall. 
“Thought you were clingy enough when you came into my office instead of going to your own sleeping quarters,” Price muses quietly, his breathy voice just loud enough for you to hear, “But no, apparently you’re clingier in your sleep, always needing to be closer to me. You’re lucky I don’t mind.” 
You hold back an amused huff at his hushed comments and instead remain silent, and in just a few more steps Price is at the door of your room, extending the hand below your back once again to twist the knob on the door then retract his hand and kick the door open. 
He walks in and doesn’t bother to close the door behind him, instead simply walking over to your bed and gently setting you down, much to your disappointment. You can feel him still standing there even after he’s already set you down, and he sighs to himself before bringing the covers up and over you, basically tucking you into bed. 
Tucking you into bed. The thought of it is enough to make you have to fight the urge to smile, trying to maintain the pretense of you being asleep. 
Even after Price has tucked you in, he still stands there for a moment, as if thinking of anything else he has to do while in your sleeping quarters, before suddenly you feel him leaning closer to you and feel him press a soft kiss to your forehead just a second later.
“G’night, lovey,” Price murmurs against your forehead, before pulling back and sighing down at you. Then, he finally walks away from your bed and leaves your room, closing the door quietly behind him. 
Oh. You blink your eyes open once you’re sure he’s left and find yourself staring up at the ceiling, slowly blinking up at it, not sure what to think. Huh. 
So that kind of… confirms that he carried me to bed that night, You think, Which is making me more emotional than it should be. 
You sigh and turn onto your side, closing your eyes again, your thoughts beginning to loop until it’s basically just, He carried me to bed, he kissed me on the forehead, he called me lovey, he carried me to bed, he kissed me on the forehead, he called me lovey— 
For whatever reason, your brain is particularly stuck on how he’d carried you to bed. Not the other things that, to you, seemed far more affectionate. But for some reason, the fact that he carried you to bed gets you all warm inside, almost as warm as his office. 
Maybe it’s because of the gentle way he cradles you as he carries you to bed, or the quiet musings he’d spoken under his breath while he thought you weren’t listening, or the fact that he’d never mentioned that he carried you to bed after you’d fallen asleep before and had just left you to either guess or forget about it—whichever reason it is for why your brain is stuck on the fact that Price carried you to bed, all you know for sure is that it’s enough to reduce you to a soft pile of mush even just thinking about it. 
You eventually fall asleep after a few minutes of forcing yourself not to think about it too much, and the next morning, when you see Price, you don’t say a thing about anything that happened the night before.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
Comfort From a Monster 
Eyeless Jack x Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: Angst, comfort, fluff
A/N: been goin through some stuff lately, so i wrote some fluff about it 
Summary: Your beloved Jack notices that you’re upset, and comforts you the best he can
Content/Warnings: Technically angst, but mostly comfort/fluff, cuddles with Jacky, the reason reader is upset is left vague so please feel free to project /gen, tooth rotting fluff, Jack is non verbal but makes animal noises and it’s CUTE ok
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
There had been something off about you since the moment your feet hit the floor that day. Jack was freakishly observant and incredibly intuitive; it wasn’t hard for him to pick up on your odd change in attitude. Even the most minuscule things caught his attention. 
You forgot to put on your house shoes when you got out of bed this morning, and it made your footsteps sound weird. You didn’t put back the cereal box after you were done, he had to put it up for you. You left your hairbrush out on the bathroom counter, but you always put it away when you were done. 
Small things. Mundane things. And yet, they piled up like snowflakes coming together to form an avalanche. 
His pointed ears perked up when he heard your bedroom door click shut. 
You never did that. 
Something was very, very wrong. 
Jack’s padded paws were silent on the wood floors of your shared cabin as he slowly approached your room. His tentative ears flicked about in all directions as he listened closely from the opposite side of the door. 
For a very long while there was silence, and for a split second Jack doubted his instincts. Maybe his suspicions were just an overreaction, maybe you were just having an off day… 
Maybe it’s best that he doesn’t bother you. 
Jack shrugs to himself, brushing off his worries. He turns on his heel and is about to walk away when— 
He hears that first little sob. 
It’s so quiet, it’s clear you’re trying to hide it. A sound so meek that only a creature like Jack could hear it. It stops him in his tracks, the only thing that could ever still such a hulking beast. He turns his head back towards the door slowly, all of his senses on high alert. 
The second choked noise is clearer, harder to stifle, loud enough for a nearby human to hear. It only gives way to another cry, and Jack can nearly pinpoint the exact moment you give up on holding back your emotions. Before he even realizes it he’s back at the door, ear pressed to the wood as he listens. There’s a split second where he thinks that maybe, just maybe he can hear your tears falling onto your blankets. 
For a moment he’s at a loss. Emotional support has never been his forte. He’ll gladly fight for you, hunt for you, protect you with his life, but comfort you? 
Even his best attempt would probably do more bad than good for your relationship. 
He ponders for a long few minutes, soundlessly pacing back and forth in front of your door. He hugs himself with a tight grip, claws digging into his upper arms through the fabric of his hoodie. His mind is racing as he wonders what to do. 
Should he simply leave you be? That could backfire easily. He didn’t want you to feel ignored, and he’d feel guilty about just leaving you to suffer on your own. 
But he what if he goes in and tries to help? He’s bound to screw that up. He could just make things awkward, or maybe even make you feel worse. 
How is he supposed to figure out what you need? He’s not a mind reader, and it’s not like he can just walk up and ask you! 
…Oh, he…he actually can do that. 
Jack could kick himself for his stupidity. The answer was staring him in the face. 
And yet, he hesitates when he lifts his fist to the door. He has to shake off that last bit of doubt before he can bring himself to knock. 
The sound makes you jump, and for a second you wonder if you simply imagined it. 
“J…Jack…?” You call out with a rasp. The animalistic chitter from the other side of the door answers your question.
“You can come in, Jack.” 
You quickly wipe your tears as he slowly creaks the door open, as if he’s giving you another chance to change your mind. When you don’t, he carefully shuts the door back behind him before approaching you where you sit snuggled up in countless blankets on your bed. 
A deep sound reverberates quietly in the back of his throat as he crouches by your side, head tilting curiously from side to side. He doesn’t say anything, but you know exactly what he’s asking. 
“I’m okay, Jack. Just some…personal stuff. I’m sorry if I made you worry.” 
Your voice is broken and strained, and it makes Jack’s brows furrow behind his mask. He lets out another inquisitive chitter, but you don’t quite understand this time, and it’s your turn to tilt your head in confusion. Jack’s clawed hands come up to briefly sign: 
‘Wanna talk about it?’ 
You think for a moment, then shake your head. 
“No, Jacky, I don’t think I want to talk about it. I appreciate it, though.” 
He nods, taking in the information and mulling it over a bit before he proposes something else: 
‘Can I touch you? Hug you?’
You scoot over a bit, patting the space on the bed next to you. 
“Yeah, thats okay. C’mon up, Jacky.” 
He quickly crawls in next to you, wrapping his strong arms around your smaller frame. His movements are cautious, slow enough that you could stop him if you wanted to. You don’t, though; you gladly accept the gesture and return the hug. 
Jack pulls you down to him, bringing you to lay down. He tenderly rubs up and down your arms in the most soothing manner he can manage. You sniffle a bit as you cling to his hoodie, tugging on the fabric. The feeling of the worn material against your palms is familiar and comforting in a way that nothing else has ever managed to be. The remaining tears finally fall down your cheeks, and you watch as they soak into the hoodie. 
You don’t realize that Jack has slipped his mask off until he’s purring into the crook of your neck. Your hand slides up to lay flat against his chest, and you can feel the soft rumble beneath his skin. Something about the sound sends a wave of calm through you, the volume crescendoing and quieting subtly as Jack breathes in and out. 
Slowly you find your own breathing leveling out as well, allowing yourself a few purposeful, deep inhales that enter through your nose and leave through your mouth. Jack’s hand moves from your arm to your back, scratching up and down slowly and being careful not to hurt you with his razor like nails. 
You pull away from Jack for a moment to slide down, resting your head against his chest and feeling the vibrations of his purr against your temple. You know he doesn’t have a heartbeat—not anymore—but you could almost swear you hear a few thumps behind his ribs. 
Your eyelids begin to flutter when Jack affectionately strokes the back of your head. His hands are so massive they nearly engulf your skull, and yet you can’t help but be reminded of how safe you feel in his arms. Every little thing he does reminds you.
The caution he uses with each move is subtle enough that only you would ever see it; it shows you that he knows his strength, and that he’d never risk hurting you in even a minor way. He’s not warm like a human would be, but he’s been more than effective at calming your shivering body. He smells like your freshly cleaned sheets and the pine trees surrounding your cabin in all directions, with a hint of the dirt that never seems to fully wash out. 
Small things. Mundane things. And yet, they spoke volumes of Jack’s feelings towards you. 
In the arms of no other would you ever feel so welcomed. 
You lay there together for such a long while that Jack doesn’t even realize you’ve fallen asleep until he looks down at you again. He’s not sure how long your eyes have been shut, but he can tell you’re sleeping well. You probably needed it. He wouldn’t be surprised if your stress was taking time from your rest. 
He adjusts his position just a bit, making sure he’s comfortable before deciding he may as well catch some shut eye too. He plants a lingering kiss on your forehead before tightening his hold on you just a bit, and before he falls asleep there is one last thought that rings in his mind: 
There was a time when he thought he’d never be able to have this. There was a time when he was convinced he would simply have to tough it out on his own until his last day. The idea that he ever believed such a thing is almost surreal as he lays here with you, his precious human, his mate. 
Jack could gladly spend the rest of his life in this quaint little cabin with you, and he wouldn’t hesitate to say he was perfectly fulfilled. 
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pcktknife · 3 months
the way teeth grow thru flesh is so...so something idk haven't made my mind up about it yet
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mspaint-flower · 10 months
the flower that tooth hurty ? Or maybe trash 1 star review denis?
I love ur blog and funky drawings of VFlower btw i wish i could smooch them, or frame it in my house :]]]]
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sassymajesty · 5 months
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A series of one shots that follow Clarke and Lexa as they navigate motherhood with their three children: Aden and the twins, Madi and Becca.
previously a patreon story, now on ao3.
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