#tom holland valentine
ilovetomdaya · 3 months
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Happy Valentines Day to these love birds. I hope that they had a great day together.
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siremasterlawrence · 3 months
Bloody Valentine Part 3
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Iron Man is a pain in my ass constantly in a flux going after me only narrow missing me all but today because he found my base in a loud shattering landing on to the cave we settled in.I greet him standing a few feet away from him in defiance of his strength as a hero but I ignore him happily and he stomps his feet causing all of the ground to split in to two like crazy.I snap slip under one heading to my lap as I pound on the wall as the elevator races up to the top floor and I slip escaping to my laboratory because it is the day I bring him down.He shaft hits the ground floor as I walk over to my computer counter typing in a code acountdown begins as the walls beginning yo disappear revealing all of my worriers who ache to fight.They are super protective stepping in front of me in excitement they stood arms cross ready to obey but the best part is Batman and Nightwing weapons in hand as Iron Man lands.Iron man erupts in to the room still floating in mid air arms spread straight forward as missiles launch from his hands, arms, side of legs and shoulders exploding everywhere on him.Captain America rushes in to the field doing a dive in the air freaking flipping in to the air like super cannon he uses shield to block the bombs and then crushes Iron Man in to the wall.He lands with a super hero landing as Bucky walks standing in front of The Bat and lift up his arms in the aid setting it up he unleashes a trigger and sound wave of hitting iron man head on.Iron man thrust in to the wall sliding down to the caves ground as he rolls back and laying on the ground and cap sheds all as he hits him head on and pounding him in to the ground.Batman loses it commanding Nightwing to go to the side blocking me from any harms but enter we go and he shook his head to them but Captain America and The Winter Soldier join him.Batman leaps in to action pinning his foot in to the wall propelling himself ever forward to the next placing small circular devices on all four walls and presses the start button as the cave is wired exploding.The ceiling, all four walls come down onto him covering him a load of rocks protecting him and he is absolutely destroyed getting up as he struggles to make sense of what just happened.Flying erratically he barrels into him as they go shooting in to the sky he holds Batman head on sky rocketing in to the atmosphere and Bruce struggles with him hitting his face in pound.Nightwing’s breaks free typing some code in to his computer sleeves as two missiles lifting through the ground bust upward at him and hit him causing impact as he fell from the sky.Both men coming tumbling down smashing everything in its quake as Batman recovers and Nightwing along with Captain America and Bucky drag Tony towards me as the mask feel off placing my hand on his head.
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“Tony! Can you hear me my love?”
“I am not your love”
“I am yours “
“Fuck you !”
“Be careful how you speak to me”
“Why the hell should I”
“Did you point the at me”
“It’s a night life”
“Command prompt one”
“Type in passcode”
“Enslave no. 3”
“I am your Lord and Master”
“Please command me”
“I am at your will “
“Then you will bring me your spider protege”
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“Hey kid! I need your help”
“Mr. Stark?”
“Hurry up!”
“Yes Sir”
“How did you get in?”
“Suit up”
“Say cheese “
“What are you …”
“Listen to me Peter”
“Mwahahaha! You will swing with me back to Master’s home.”
“Ugh! Did I fall a sleep? Where are we going Mr Stark?”
“To your new home obviously kid”
“Stark Tower with Bloody Valentine “
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Peter blacks losing his ability he slips as his former pal Tony catches him playing a small device on him and dragging him back to yeh base with a evil glint in his eyes he knows it’s his demise.
He lands on to the port of the base dropping the kid as he calls him with smile and he is picking him up and took him to me leaving him on a his knees as he fell to his knees in obedience.
“Bloody Valentine my love.”
“Parker is yours”
“Kiss him”
“He is stirring awake”
“Bloody Valentine”
“Both of you kneel”
“Am I your Master?”
“Yes Bloody Valentine “
“Am I your king?”
“Yes Sire”
“How may we serve you ?”
“You are a team now”
“We are Iron & Spider”
The end
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14 / 02 / 2024
Chers lecteurs ! Joyeuse Saint-Valentin 🌹💞
Vous ne le savez peut-être pas mais je n'ai jamais célébré cette journée en couple, alors j'ai imaginé une histoire sur ce que j'aurais aimé vivre, comme je l'ai fait les années précédentes.
Aujourd'hui je publie une histoire inspirée par "l'art" (illustrations créées par Intelligence Artificielle) de @dragonslayher sur Deviantart. Il a représenté le chanteur / acteur Ross Lynch (âgé actuellement de 28 ans) et l'acteur Tom Holland (âgé de 27 ans) étant en couple au lycée. Si cette histoire vous plaît je publierais certainement ce qui s'est passé avant (Chapitre 1) et après (Chapitre 3) cette histoire (Chapitre 2).
Dans cette histoire, c'est un univers parallèle où Tom âgé de 17 ans et Ross âgé de 18 ans, avec leur différence de taille actuelle, auraient été ensemble au lycée et amoureux. Il est plus facile pour moi d'imaginer Tom Holland comme un mignon garçon dominé plutôt que comme un dominant, même si je l'ai déjà décrit ainsi dans des histoires précédentes.
Je suis également excité par Ross Lynch et je l'ai décrit ici comme un sportif géant et dominant. Vous pouvez également imaginer cette histoire comme ce qu'aurait été un film entre ces deux magnifiques acteurs.
J'ai mis cette histoire parmi celles sur les CÉLÉBRITÉS AMOUREUSES mais ce ne sont pas ici les réelles stars qui sont mises en scènes mais des variants de réalités parallèles, c'est-à-dire dans un autre monde.
Je dédie cette histoire à tous les célibataires, en vous souhaitant de passer une bonne soirée seul et en espérant que mon histoire vous apportera de la joie. 😊
Tom Holland était un joli pompom boy de son lycée. Il n'avait d'yeux que pour son amoureux, le quaterback Ross Lynch. Ross Lynch était le plus bel homme du lycée, car il était le plus grand et le plus musclé. Avec son long nez droit, son sourire étincelant, son odeur chaude de sueur masculine, ses doux cheveux blonds magnifiquement coiffés, ses yeux bleu charmants, il avait tout d'un prince. Capitaine et quaterback de l'équipe de soccer du lycée, il était littéralement le Roi du lycée, car il dépassait tout le monde de minimum une tête, alors personne n'osait le contredire ou lui manquer de respect. Et pourtant, cet homme magnifique, naturellement autoritaire et qui n'avait pas besoin d'élever la voix pour être obéi des professeurs comme des élèves, était bisexuel.
Oui, et il était depuis récemment le fier petit ami de Tom Holland, un garçon cheerleader! Celui-ci ne pouvait y croire : depuis son premier jour au lycée, il était immédiatement tombé amoureux de Ross Lynch sans même avoir entendu le soix de sa voix, n'avoir respiré l'odeur de sa sueur, goûté à son corps, masser ses muscles ou tout simplement avoir pu lui parler ou l'écouter. Depuis, Tom Holland avait fait toutes ces choses, et personne n'avait plus jamais embêté le mignon petit garçon depuis qu'il était officiellement l'amoureux de Ross Lynch. Car, quel contraste il y avait entre eux !
Âgé d'un an de moins que Ross Lynch, Tom Holland était un joli garçon de 17 ans, un peu musclé mais avec un petit cul rond, alors que Ross était très musclé et avait un gros cul ; des cheveux bruns quand ceux de Ross sont blonds ; des yeux marrons alors que ceux de Ross sont noisettes... Mais la différence notable et majeure est la taille : même si Tom Holland mesure 1 m 69, ce qui est raisonnable, il a l'air minuscule comparé à Ross Lynch, qui mesure 1 m 83, donc plus d'une tête de plus que son amoureux.
Ross Lynch étant désiré de la quasi totalité des lycéens, beaucoup avaient espéré qu'un grand mâle blanc dominant et sportif, bon élève et séducteur, ne soit pas intéressé par ce garçon insignifiant. L'inverse s'était produit. C'est justement le caractère discret de Tom Holland, son aspect de mignon petit garçon doux et rieur qui avait plu à Ross Lynch. Il voulait être protecteur envers son garçon, qui, quoiqu'agé d'un an de moins que lui seulement, était son bien le plus précieux. Par amour et adoration envers, Tom Holland avait rejoint l'équipe de cheerleaders dans l'unique but de pouvoir admirer la musculature de son gigantesque petit ami.
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Voir et entendre son petit ami donner des ordres à ses coéquipiers émoustillait toujours Tom Holland, qui savait qu'il était la petite chose de son mec. Pouvoir respirer l'odeur de sa chaude sueur virile était une belle récompense pour toutes ces heures dépensées à apprendre des chorégraphies et des chansons dont le seul but était de glorifier la puissance et la beauté des athlètes dont Ross Lynch était le capitaine. Devenu le petit-ami du roi du lycée qui était candidat à sa propre réélection pour le prochain Bal de Promo, Tom Holland avait gagné en popularité auprès des lycéens.
En ce 14 février, jour de la Saint-Valentin, Tom Holland était dans un couloir, vêtu de son uniforme de pompom boy composé dun tee-shirt moulant aux manches courtes et d'une jupe plissée arrivant bien au-dessus des genoux. Ce contraste entre la masculinité des bras musclés de son petit ami et sa féminité par sa jupe excitait Ross Lynch, ouvertement bisexuel. Cela avait pour effet que les garçons et les filles du lycée rêvaient presque tous d'être en couple avec lui. Mais, même si certains espéraient toujours qu'ils rompent, la beauté du couple que formaient Ross et Tom avaient fini par les convaincre de la sincérité de leurs sentiments.
Des pas affirmés retentirent dans le couloir. Ross Lynch, l'homme le plus grand du lycée, était gigantesque pour son âge et tout le monde baissait la tête en signe de respect ou alors osait admirer la perfection de son visage. D'une allure assuré et un peu arrogante, Ross Lynch arriva au niveau du casier de son grand amour.
ROSS LYNCH : "Comment va mon bébé aujourd'hui 😏 ?"
Tom se retourna et sourit immédiatement en voyant son divin amoureux. Le haut de la tête de Tom arrivait à peine au-dessus des impressionnants pectoraux de son amant. Pour se regarder les yeux dans les yeux, Ross Lynch devait baisser la tête et Tom devait la lever.
TOM HOLLAND : "Mieux maintenant que je te vois 😁."
ROSS LYNCH : "Bonne réponse, bébé."
Vêtu de son teddy en cuir, d'un jean qui moulait son gros cul rond et son immense bite juteuse et ses couilles pleines, Ross Lynch avait un bras posé contre les casiers, empêchant des losers de s'en approcher tant qu'il se trouvant devant. Il adorait contempler son garçon de haut pour le voir le regarder avec adoration.
ROSS LYNCH : "Viens là, tu mérite ton bisou."
Ross Lynch prit Tom Holland par la taille, et le colla contre lui pour embrasser son front, son nez et ses oreilles, faisant rire son petit ami.
TOM HOLLAND : "Et moi ? 😅"
ROSS LYNCH : "Quoi, "toi" ?"
TOM HOLLAND : "Je n'ai pas le droit de t'embrasser, s'il te plaît ?"
ROSS LYNCH : "Je vais devoir y réfléchir... Mais non je rigole, ne fait pas cette tête, bébé ! Tu as le droit à un baiser !"
Tom embrassa le cou chaud de son amoureux et en profita pour respirer l'odeur de sueur masculine.
ROSS LYNCH : "Viens, on doit aller en cours."
Ce matin là, Tom avait le bonheur d'avoir un cours commun avec Ross Lynch, qui avait un an de plus que lui. Les deux amants en profitèrent pour s'asseoir l'un à côté de l'autre. Tout au long du cours, Tom Holland regardait, admiratif, la perfection du visage de Ross Lynch, se demandant pourquoi il ne lui avait encore rien offert en ce jour particulier de la Saint-Valentin, leur première ensemble. Autour de lui des roses et des boîtes de chocolats, des cartes et des ballons, des bonbons et des peluches étaient échangés entre les amoureux. Lui n'avait rien reçu.
Ross Lynch avait-il oublié ? Impossible, car en temps que Président des élèves - un de ses innombrables titres au lycée - il dirigeait le comité d'organisation des fêtes du lycée : les ballons et les guirlandes roses et rouges ornaient les portes et les plafonds du lycée.
Tom se demandait s'il était puni d'une quelconque désobéissance envers Ross, s'il avait manqué de respect, s'il n'avait pas assez bien massé ses longs pieds ou sucé sa belle bite la dernière fois qu'ils avaient passés un moment intime.
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Perdu dans ses pensées, Tom Holland n'entendit par la professeur dire : "Tom, je sais que Monsieur Lynch est le plus bel homme qui ait jamais vécu sur Terre, que MichelAnge doit être triste de ne pas l'avoir eu pour modèle et que nous passerions tous nos journées entières à admirer sa magnifique splendeur, mais, mais, tu dois te concentrer un peu plus sur le cours et un peu moins sur la perfection de son visage !"
Cette intervention provoqua un léger rire, mais respectueux, sans moquerie, car quiconque aurait manqué de respect au petit ami aurait définitivement perdu l'usage d'un bras ou d'une jambe. Ross Lunch prit la douce petite main de Tom dans la sienne qui en mesurait quasiment le double pour le rassurer.
Après une journée à espérer n'importe quel cadeau de la part de l'homme de ses rêves, Tom se résigna, craignant que Ross Lynch, fidèle à sa réputation de séducteur, ne le quitte le jour de la Fête des Amoureux. En sortant du lycée, il vit Ross appuyé contre sa voiture.
"Monte.", lui dit Ross d'un ton calme mais qui ne supposait aucune réponse.
En petit ami obéissant, il voulait plaire à son géant. Il monta en voiture, et Ross lui claqua ses petites fesses avant de fermer la portière. Il aimait cette sorte d'androgynie chez Tom, le fait que Tom soit petit et mince avec une jupe courte comme une fille, musclé aux cheveux courts comme un gars. Il posa son long bras musclé derrière la nuque de Tom et l'embrassait sur la joue de temps à autre. Tom Holland ne savait pas à quoi s'attendre de la part de Ross Lynch.
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Ils arrivèrent dans une forêt, et, avant qu'ils ne se garent, Ross mit un ruban sur les yeux de Tom. Il lui demanda de s'habiller sans regarder. C'était un pantalon, un tee-shirt blanc et un gilet en cuir.
Une fois arrivés à destination, Ross guida Tom, lui mit une chaîne autour du cœur dont il se servir comme une laisse pour guider Tom Holland derrière lui comme s'il était son toutou. Tom Holland se considéré comme la propriété de Ross, il voulait lui appartenir pour l'éternité, alors être son animal de compagnie ne le dérangeait pas.
Pourtant lorsqu'il sentit les bras puissants de Ross le porter pour les derniers mètres, il comprit. Oui, la surprise. Celle qu'il espérait tant. Ross le posa à terre, retira le ruban et Tom découvrit une table sut une plate-forme recouverte de pétales de roses rouges, des bougies cachées dans des buissons, des plats délicieux les attendaient. Ross avait envoyé ses serviteurs préparer le lieu, mais c'est lui qui l'avait conçu et choisi le menu que ses cuisiniers personnels avaient faits. Tom eut les larmes aux yeux en voyant ça : jamais personne ne lui avait aussi élégamment témoigné de l'amour !
Ross prit la laisse de Tom et le guida à table, où les deux amoureux dégustèrent les mets fins, s'amusant à se mettre les plats dans la bouche de l'autre.
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Ross se leva, embrassa son mignon petit garçon et l'emmena regarder la nuit étoilée. Ross s'allongea contre un arbre. Il prit Tom dans ses bras, si fort qu'il pouvait aisément supporter le poids du corps du léger et mignon Tom sur lui, lui caressant ses cheveux bruns. 
TOM HOLLAND : "Merci de m'avoir emmené voir les étoiles, mais j'ai la chance d'en admirer une tout les jours : toi."
Narcissique, Ross aimer la flatterie. Surtout si elle venait du mignon petit garçon qui le voyait comme un dieu vivant et pour qui il aurait tué sans remord. 
ROSS LYNCH : "C'est bien. Continue." 
TOM HOLLAND : "Je n'ai pas besoin d'être éclairé par le Soleil si tu es face à moi." 
ROSS LYNCH : "Pas mal. Ne t'arrête pas." 
TOM HOLLAND : "Je mourrai si je ne pouvais pas te voir. Je t'aime plus que tout au monde, tu es un diamant, rien ni personne ne t'égale, je t'aime, merci d'être mon amoureux..." 
ROSS LYNCH : "Ça va, bébé, ça va ! Gardes en pour la prochaine Saint-Valentin. D'ici là tu auras le temps de t'améliorer en flatterie. Quand on est le petit ami d'un dieu on doit être reconnaissant."
 TOM HOLLAND : "Je le suis ! Je ferais tout pour toi !"
 ROSS LYNCH : "Tommy, mon bébé, tu es le plus mignon, le plus doux des garçons qu'un roi comme moi puisse désirer. Quiconque te fera le moindre mal subira d'atroces représailles. Tu es plus précieux à mes yeux que le plus pur des diamants."
Tom s'en voulait d'avoir voulu un cadeau : Ross Lynch est à lui-même un cadeau ! Celui-ci se pencha pour embrasser Tom Holland quand...
Un rot tonitruant sentant la viande et le chocolat souffla sur le visage de Tom, dont la joli petite mèche se retourna en raison de la puissance du rot. Ross Lunch hurla de rire d'avoir roté au visage de son garçon, mais Tom respirait l'odeur de la bouche de Ross et le remercia pour son rot : tout ce qui venait de Ross Lynch était précieux et devait être apprécié.
Le beau maître gazeux, tenant toujours la chaîne en main, admira les étoiles en compagnie de son adorable petit garçon, et Tom s'endormit dans ses bras musclés, au comble du bonheur en cette Saint-Valentin.
Dear readers ! Happy Valentine's day 💞🌹
You may not know it but I've never celebrated this day being in couple, so i imagined a story about what I would have liked to live, as i did in the previous years.
Today I'm publishing a story inspired by the "art" (illustrations created by Artificial Intelligence) of @dragonslayher on Deviantart. It depicted singer/actor Ross Lynch (currently 28 years old) and actor Tom Holland (aged 27) being a couple in high school. In this story, it's a parallel universe where Tom aged 17 and Ross aged 18, with their current height difference, would have been in high school together and in love. It's easier for me to imagine Tom Holland as a cutie boy dominated rather than as a dom, even though I've already described him that way in previous stories.
I am excited by Ross Lynch too, and I've described him here as a giant dominant jock. You can also imagine this story as what a movie would have been between these two gorgeous actors 🥵.
It's a story about CELEBRITIES IN LOVE but it's not the real versions of the stars here, more variants from a parallel universe.
I dedicate this story to all the single persons, wishing you to spend a good evening alone and hoping my story will bring you joy. 😊
If you like this story I will definitely post what happened before (Chapter 1) and after (Chapter 3) this story (that's why it's already Chapter 2).
Tom Holland was a pretty cheerleader at his high school. He only had eyes for his lover, quarterback Ross Lynch. Ross Lynch was the most handsome man in school because he was the tallest and most muscular. With his long straight nose, his sparkling smile, his warm smell of male sweat, his soft, beautifully styled blond hair, his charming blue eyes, he had everything of a prince. Captain and quarterback of the high school soccer team, he was literally the King of the school, because he was at least a head taller than everyone, so no one dared to contradict him or disrespect him. And yet, this magnificent man, naturally authoritarian and who did not need to raise his voice to be obeyed by teachers and students alike, was bisexual.
Yes, and he was most recently the proud boyfriend of Tom Holland, a boy cheerleader!
Tom couldn't believe it: since his first day in high school, he had immediately fallen in love with Ross Lynch without even having heard the six of his voice, having breathed the smell of his sweat, tasting his body, massaging his muscles or simply being able to talk to him or listen to him. Since then, Tom Holland had done all these things, and no one had ever bothered the cute little boy since he was officially Ross Lynch's love interest. Because what a contrast there was between them!
A year younger than Ross Lynch, Tom Holland was a pretty boy of 17, a little muscular but with a small round ass, while Ross was very muscular and had a big ass; brown hair when Ross's is blond; brown eyes while Ross's are hazel... But the notable and major difference is the height: even if Tom Holland measures 1 m 69, which is reasonable, he looks tiny compared to Ross Lynch, who measures 1 m 83, so more than a head taller than her lover. Ross Lynch being desired by almost all high school students, boys and girls, many had hoped that a tall, dominant and athletic white male, a good student and seducer, would not be interested in this insignificant boy.
The opposite had happened. It was precisely the discreet character of Tom Holland, his appearance as a cute, sweet and laughing little boy that appealed to Ross Lynch. He wanted to be protective of his boy, who, although only a year younger than him, was his most precious possession. Out of love and adoration, Tom Holland had joined the cheerleading team for the sole purpose of being able to admire the muscles of his gigantic boyfriend.
Seeing and hearing his boyfriend giving orders to his teammates always excited Tom Holland, who knew he was his boyfriend's little thing. Being able to breathe in the smell of his warm virile sweat was a great reward for all those hours spent learning choreographies and songs whose sole purpose was to glorify the power and beauty of the athletes of which Ross Lynch was the captain. Having become the boy of the high school school's king, who was a candidate for his own re-election for the next Prom, Tom Holland had gained popularity among high school students.
On February 14, Valentine's Day, Tom Holland was in a hallway, dressed in his cheerleader uniform consisting of a tight-fitting short-sleeved T-shirt and a pleated skirt reaching well above the knees. This contrast between the masculinity of his boyfriend's muscular arms and his femininity through his skirt excited Ross Lynch, openly bisexual. This had the effect that the boys and girls in high school almost all dreamed of being in a relationship with him. But, even if some still hoped that they would break up, the beauty of the couple that Ross and Tom formed had finally convinced them of the sincerity of their feelings.
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Assertive footsteps sounded in the hallway. Ross Lynch, the tallest man in school, was gigantic for his age and everyone either bowed their heads in respect or dared to admire the perfection of his face.
With a confident and slightly arrogant look, Ross Lynch arrived at his great love's locker.
ROSS LYNCH: “How is my baby today 😏?”
Tom turned around and immediately smiled upon seeing his divine lover. The top of Tom's head barely came above his lover's impressive pecs. To look each other in the eye, Ross Lynch had to lower his head and Tom had to raise it.
TOM HOLLAND: “Better now that I see you 😁.”
ROSS LYNCH: “Good answer, baby.”
Dressed in his leather teddy, jeans that hugged his big round ass and his huge juicy cock and his full balls, Ross Lynch had one arm resting against the lockers, preventing losers from approaching him as long as he was finding in front. He loved looking down on his boy to see him look at him with adoration.
ROSS LYNCH: “Come here, you deserve your kiss.”
Ross Lynch grabbed Tom Holland by the waist, and pulled him close to kiss his forehead, nose and ears, making his boyfriend laugh.
TOM HOLLAND: "And me? 😅"
ROSS LYNCH: "What, 'you'?"
TOM HOLLAND: “Am I not allowed to kiss you, please? 😊”
ROSS LYNCH: "I'll have to think about it... 🤔But no, I'm kidding, don't make that face, baby! 😂 You have the right to do one kiss!"
Tom kissed his lover's warm neck and took the opportunity to breathe in the scent of male sweat.
ROSS LYNCH: “Come on, we have to go to class.”
That morning, Tom had the pleasure of having a joint class with Ross Lynch, who was a year older than him. The two lovers took the opportunity to sit next to each other. Throughout the class, Tom Holland stared in awe at the perfection of Ross Lynch's face, wondering why he hadn't given her anything yet on this special Valentine's Day, their first together. Around him roses and boxes of chocolates, cards and balloons, sweets and stuffed animals were exchanged between the lovers. He had received nothing.
Had Ross Lynch forgotten? Impossible, because as Student President - one of his countless titles at high school - he headed the organizing committee for the high school celebrations: balloons and pink and red garlands decorated the doors and ceilings of the high school.
Tom wondered if he was being punished for any disobedience to Ross, if he had been disrespectful, if he hadn't massaged his long feet well enough or sucked his beautiful cock well enough too, the last time they hung out.
Lost in his thoughts, Tom Holland did not hear the professor say: "Tom, I know that Mr. Lynch is the most beautiful man who ever lived on Earth, that Michelangelo must be sad not to have had him as a model and that we would all spend our entire days admiring his magnificent splendor, but, but, you need to concentrate a little more on the lesson and a little less on the perfection of his face!”
This intervention provoked a slight laugh, but respectful, without mockery, because anyone who had disrespected the boyfriend would have definitely lost the use of an arm or a leg. Ross Lunch took Tom's soft little hand in his, which was almost twice the size, to reassure him.
After a day of hoping for any gift from the man of his dreams, Tom resigned himself, fearing that Ross Lynch, true to his reputation as a seducer, would leave him on Lovers' Day. As he left the school, he saw Ross leaning against his car.
"Come up.", Ross told him in a calm tone but which did not assume any response.
As an obedient boyfriend, he wanted to please his giant. He got into the car, and Ross smacked his little butt before closing the door. He liked this kind of androgyny in Tom, the fact that Tom was short and thin with a short skirt like a girl, muscular with short hair like a guy. He put his long muscular arm behind Tom's neck and kissed him on the cheek from time to time.
Tom Holland didn't know what to expect from Ross Lynch. They arrived in a forest, and, before they parked, Ross put a ribbon over Tom's eyes. He asked him to dress without looking. It was pants, a white t-shirt and a leather vest.
Once at their destination, Ross guided Tom, put a chain around his heart which he used as a leash to guide Tom Holland behind him as if he were his dog. Tom Holland considered himself Ross's property, he wanted to belong to him for eternity, so he didn't mind being his pet. Yet when he felt Ross' strong arms carrying him for the last few meters, he understood.
Yes, the surprise. The one he hoped for so much. Ross put him on the ground, removed the ribbon and Tom discovered a table on a platform covered with red rose petals, candles hidden in bushes, delicious food waiting for them. 🌹
Ross had sent his servants to prepare the place, but it was he who had designed it and chosen the menu that his personal cooks had made. Tom had tears in his eyes when he saw this: no one had ever shown him love so elegantly!
Ross took Tom's leash and guided him to the table, where the two lovers tasted the fine dishes, having fun putting the dishes in each other's mouths.
Ross got up, kissed his cute little boy and took him to watch the starry night. 🌌
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Ross lay down against a tree. He hugged Tom, so tight that he could easily hold the weight of the light, cute Tom's body on top of him, stroking his brown hair.
TOM HOLLAND: “Thank you for taking me to see the stars, but I have the chance to admire one every day: you.”
Narcissistic, Ross loves flattery. Especially if it came from the cute little boy who saw him as a living god and for whom he would have killed without remorse.
ROSS LYNCH: "That's good. Keep going."
TOM HOLLAND: "I don't need to be lit by the Sun if you're facing me."
ROSS LYNCH: "Not bad. Don't stop."
TOM HOLLAND: "I would die if I couldn't see you. I love you more than anything in the world, you are a diamond, nothing and no one equals you, I love you, thank you for being my lover.. ."
ROSS LYNCH: "It's okay, baby, it's okay! Save some for next Valentine's Day. Until then you'll have time to get better at flattery. When you're the boyfriend of a god you have to be grateful."
TOM HOLLAND: "I am! I would do anything for you!"
ROSS LYNCH: "Tommy, my baby, you are the sweetest, sweetest boy a king like me could want. Anyone who does you the slightest harm will suffer terrible retaliation. You are more precious to me than the purest of diamonds."
Tom was angry with himself for having wanted a gift: Ross Lynch is a gift to himself! He leaned over to kiss Tom Holland when...
A thunderous belch smelling of meat and chocolate blew into Tom's face, whose pretty little locks flipped due to the power of the burp. Ross Lunch howled with laughter for burping in his boy's face, but Tom breathed in the scent of Ross's mouth and thanked him for the burp: anything from Ross Lynch was precious and should be appreciated.
The handsome gassy master, still holding the chain in his hand, admired the stars in the company of his adorable little boy, and Tom fell asleep in his muscular arms, at the height of happiness this Valentine's Day.
@rosslynchdaily @rosslynchstreetteam @rosslynch4life-blog @tomhollanddaily @rosslynchamazing-blog @tomhollandnet @rosslynchd @tomhollandfics @rosslynchdaddy @rosslynchdirty @tomhollande @tomhollanderr @tidodore2 @natashaxmarvelmen @gayhopefullove @chrisevansxmalereader @lovefanfiction01 @rainykpoptravelcreator @bat-woodfeet-us @leftprogrammingroadtripdean @burps @giantxxx2 @giant-tiny-people @tallmascsub @tallmascjock @inanimatetffantasies
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frecklystars · 3 months
I’M SO EXCITED TO VISIT SCHENECTADY IN FIVE WEEKS TO VISIT A BUNCH OF TPBTP FILMING LOCATIONS I JUST [vibrates and skyrockets into outer space and explodes into confetti] 💥🌈🎉🌟✨
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spideymjlove · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day 🌹
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f10werfae · 1 year
Valentines Week Event💞
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Hey Everyone thank you all so much for 4k followers!!!My heart is actually bursting at the seams with happiness and gratefulness from you all. So i've decided to try something new and host a Valentines Picnic Event!
More info below :)
As the invite says, everyday this week something will be posted, the schedule is up above! I will try my best to keep on schedule but two posts may be posted on the same day if there's delays!!
Alongside the full fics scheduled, surprise drabbles will be posted of the likes of Tom Holland and Chris Evans, soo keep your eyes out👀 (Just in case you think i’m biased to writing for Henry ♥️)
The spot for Sunday the 19th is open, meaning any of you can request anything, although please be aware that I will only be choosing one request to write on that day! When requesting for Sunday the 19th, please specify that it is for the Valentines Picnic event :)
Any requests that aren’t chosen will still be written at some point so please have a go🫶
Tags chosen at random for this post 🫶 ( Again thank you all so much, I hope my writing can make your day better even by a smidge)
@elenavampire21 @hallecarey1 @uwiuwi @thereisa8ella @madebylilly @pandaxnienke @hp-hogwartsexpress @cilliansangel @mischiefsemimanaged @stuckysgirl27 @wintasssoldier @thebaileybugle @angelmather1 @stormcloudss @mdpplgtz03 @chrisevansdaughter @feltonswifesworld87 @aerangi @meetmeatyourworst @adoreyouusugar @marvelgurl @royalwriteroftheuniverse @patzammit @bxdbxtxh15 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @evanstanwhore @ggmimitf @kzhlvlysstuff @misshale21 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @sweetybuzz25 @fdl305 @kimhtoo17 @daddymack01 @p4st3lst4rs @hoya122 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry @mrspeacem1nusone @keiva1000 @imboredat2am @ravenhood2792 @lastwandastan @teti-menchon0604 @kemillyfreitas @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @imaginelover88 @esposadomd
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Peter Three: I’d die for you guys, honestly.
Peter One: Well, that’s a bit of a conundrum, because I would also die for you both.
Peter Two: Hmm. How about, and here’s a wild thought, none of us die for each other and we have healthy relationships like adults.
Peter Three: Terrifying. Fine, why not. 
Peter One: We're in.
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prettyboysworld · 1 year
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Awe, I really like how this one turned out! Peter Parker/Spider-Man for the "Be Mine" series for Valentine's Day.
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 months
Random headcanons for Ghost and Soap (and Ghostsoap) part 1
- Soap has the habit of placing his hand on the small of Ghost's back. It looks adorable because next to Ghost, everyone looks tiny and yet Soap oozes such confidence that Ghost feels small whenever he has Johnny's hand directing him by pressing into the small of his back, sometimes Johnny's thumb is rubbing little circles over his spine. He always blushes, too.
- On the other hand, Ghost has a habit of pulling Soap by the hip any time he's about to get himself in trouble. Someone says some shit, Soap turns to the side and opens his mouth and Ghost just reaches his arm across his back and with his fingers digging into the v curve of hip steering him away before he can open his big mouth and get himself in trouble. This is inspired by the Tom Holland&Zendaya photos
- Ghost is always cold, Soap is always hot. It looks absolutely comical during spring when they go out - Ghost has warm sweats and jacket and a hoodie and a hat/mask on and Soap is in shorts and a hoodie with cut-off sleeves. Gaz calls it Soap's slut behaviour
- This means Ghost is a blanket hog. They often sleep in the same bed but separately because Soap just feels too hot to cuddle up under the warmest duvet available in store which is Ghost's preferred one.
- They are decent cooks but Ghost is better at cooking and Soap is better at baking. They also have different cooking styles - Ghost cooks to relax and doesn't stress about the results and Soap takes cooking as a challenge.
- Ghost doesn't get jealous, really. He's too in control to get jealous and he's the ride or die kinda guy so he's put all of his trust into Soap and is used to Soap's overfriendly, borderline flirty personality. It's endearing to him.
- Soap, on the other hand, is a jealous beast. Recruits, other teams officers, strangers in a bar, anyone who gets Ghost's attention or tries to get Ghost's attention, Soap always struts in and stands way too close and asserts his position as soon as he notices. Ghost pretends it's annoying but he finds it cute (he's never had anyone get jealous over him).
- Soap never stops calling Ghost per sir. Not when they're on leave, not when they retire. Sometimes it happens in public and because Soap only calls him sir when he's feeling cheeky, he sounds really bratty and people make their (dirty) assumptions.
- Soap is not a fan of Valentine's Day. Ghost likes to pretend he isn't either, but in the week before the day, he'd do small romantic gifts/gestures every day.
- Soap is the 'leaves his dirty socks on the floor' kinda guy, meaning he never puts back stuff in its rightful place, has tons of dirty mugs lying around, piles of sketchbooks and books and about a dozen of pencil cases, he forgets to make the bed, doesn't fold the laundry for days after taking it out of the dryer, just leaving in the corner in the kitchen. Ghost feels tested when they move in together because he's a neat freak.
- Soap is a hairy beast. He's got dark thick hair everywhere - his chest, back, arms, the happy trail, the other happy trail that goes down his inner thighs. He'd have to shave twice a day if he had to keep a clean-shaven look.
- Ghost is not exactly hairy but also not hairless, it's just that the majority of his body hair is very pale.
- Ghost unironically likes Vimto. His favourite takeaway is Chinese and he actually likes beans on toast for breakfast and scotch eggs. He, however, can't understand how Soap can eat oats for breakfast every day.
- Ghost does, in fact, have a soft tum. Soap also has a healthy layer of fat over muscles but Ghost doesn't really have the abs shape - he's teddy bear shaped.
- Ghost feeds stray cats scraps of meat any time he cooks off base.
- Soap definitely has ADHD. He doesn't shut up and his mind is brilliant but very scattered.
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ilovetomdaya · 1 year
I told ya'll that Zendaya and Tom were going to spend Valentines Day together. Us tomdaya stans/ fans never loose.😌
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not-so-rosyyy · 3 months
Thoughts after the insane week we had last week?
in the past week alone we got:
Z looking divine in Alaia, Diesel, Balmain, and finally, LV in Paris (she really said i'm gonna wear the brand i'm an ambassador for once and only on my terms!) 💅🏽
Main pop girl Tom🕺🏻 making an entire town's population queue up from the crack of dawn for his West-End comeback 🎭 and selling it all out in less than six hours
Z saying "ayt, I'm out!" 🏃🏾‍♀️💨 to WB and her costars at the earliest possible moment to come home 🏠 to London
TZ Valentine's Day 2024 in London with both of them coming off the high from their work and feeling so loved by everyone 🥰
TZ celebrating the twins' birthday with the entire family at their local pub 👫🏻🧑🏻‍🎨🧒🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Z going back to work in Roksanda and 16Arlington (that hasn't even hit the runway yet!) and then shutting down the premiere carpet and gagging the whole fashion world with that coveted archival Mugler 🤖
Z telling Flo she got family and friends going to the premiere, and by family, she apparently meant the Hollands 🏡🫶🏽
and by the Hollands, yes, including Dom? 👴🏻
LIKE WDYM DOMINIC? HOLLAND?? WAS AT??? HIS DAUGHTER IN LAW'S???? MOVIE PREMIERE???????? (man said fawwwk my son's movies, i only care about my dawtuh's!)
nobody forgot Paddy 🧑🏻‍🎨 at the house
Tom and the entire family breaking their necks marvelling at her from the sidelines 😮🤩
TZ looking hot, walking out hand in hand from the afterparty 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻
BodyguardTom appears! 🫦🤵🏻‍♂️
yucky ratstans losing over and over and over🤭
everybody else's skin clear, breath fresh, bills paid, insurance covered, depression cured ✨life is very, very good✨
so, my thoughts? well....DJ KHALEEEED 🗣️
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revengemode · 3 months
Prepare for the Valentines Day’s plans question on Wednesday that they’ll be getting. That’ll be cringe af. Don’t let the dude that kept asking Tom about his during Uncharted promo back in Feb 2021 get close
Reporter: So Zendieah what will you be doing for Valentines day? Any plans with a special someone 😏😉
Zendaya: No no plans 😊. We will be doing press, talking to you guys about this movie that I am incredibly of…
Twitter on Wednesday Feb 14th at 5:54 pm
Cravemedia: 📷
PopCrave: Zendaya and Tom Holland photographed in London
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nappingtopknot · 1 year
Maybe I'll get fancy with this in the future...
Follow along with #Thirst Nights
Will Poulter
Valentines Day 💘
Delayed Flight 💘
Praise Kink 💦
Hot and Bothered 💦
Giggly Filth 💦
Relieving Himself (Short) 💦💦
Titanic 💦
Lazy Sundays 💘💦
Secret Crush 💘💦
Thunderstorms 💦
Frustrated Will 💦
Strangers & Alleyways 💦
Dubious Consent 💦
Colin x Kitty x Reader 💦
The Awkward Call 💦
Home for the Holidays 💘
Shower Fun 💦
Casual Dates 💘
Thigh Riding 💦
Drunk Will 💘
Drunk Will Part 2 💦
Will x Short Girlfriend 💘💦
Aftercare Will 💘
My Dearest Will
Part 1 🖤
Part 2 (TBD)
Tom Holland
Silent treatment 💘
The way he looks at you 💘
Smut 💦
Got Me Going Crazy 💘
Cheeky 💘
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Mexico - Jesus Thomas
Paris - Cute valentine Spider-Man
London - Tom Holland in person 🤞
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flodaya · 3 months
saw someone on twitter say "how can you expect us tomdayas to NOT be annoying with all the material we get" and i couldn't agree more 😌✨
the fact that morons said i would have such a bad time during dune press but in the last 4 weeks we had
flodaya content
Z serving face (and looks)
Z saying she's into tea with milk now, GIRL
Z skipping a talk show to go home a day earlier
tz spending valentines and the twin's birthday with the family
Z making fashion history at the dune world premiere
tom showing up to the london premiere
bringing his entire family, THEIR entire family
the video of him safely guiding her into the car >>>>>
tom reposting the trailer "you aint ready for this one"
everyone calling Z a movie star
saying she is giving a career best performance as chani
Z complimenting Mr. Tom Holland's rizz 🥹🥹🥹
she would most like to live in the spiderman universe, i know my spidey nerd <3
meme daya strikes again
and thats just what i remember from the top of my head
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