#thrifted ofcourse!!!!!!
vixenstarlets · 1 year
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i love selfies and i love me
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ratherbefangirling · 14 days
Bts reaction: you ask for their credit card
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Joon asks why you need it
but hands it over anyway if you're in an established relationship.
Also very subtly give you artwork worth a lot and its all going to be cheesy shit. We held hands at this artists exhibition.
Also takes you on all expenses paid trips.
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Jin buy your own stuff .....
Rock paper scissors when deciding who to pay .
Can easily be made to pay by some buttering.
Won't let you spend your money when you're out together but will also lecture you about purchases
Buys an rj everytime he misses you.. you will end up with an rj shrine. He will be mad if you even give a single one away. Like what do you mean you don't have enough room.
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Yoongi already gave you one of his in case of emergency or to tell you treat yourself.
Literally will fix your finances. Good at filing taxes.
"You know bts, you know your boyfriend is min yoongi,suga,Agust d." Flex
Will get flustered if you buy him stuff.. probably blush lol
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Hobi regularly buys you things from your wishlist already.
Spoils you so much that you forget your card's pincode. Has all your bills covered.
Like rent and electricity. Already paid.
If you need to buy him gifts you gotta go big or go home. But also any cute thing will make him happy.
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Once you've been together for a while he's ready to get you anything. Ofcourse you have to pay him in cuddles and attention.
Can be a little sensitive about money but too nice to say anything. Tread with caution.
Also randomly sends over money in case you mention wanting something.
Loves it when you pay on dates. All for Princess treatment.
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"do you need my credit card when you have me."
Never let's you pay like a gentleman.
Also randomly starts paying when you're still friends saying nothing until you mention it and he's like I like you so it's fine.
Loves going to thrift stores with you. Also ends up liking the most expensive things there.
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Probably ends up using yours, but it gets declined because the transaction was too big. Almost gave you a heart attack.
Not only that, he loves it when you pass him your impulse buys. Never say no to free stuff. That thing you bought just cause it was on sale. You got free samples. Made more food than needed he's ready to eat it.
'But your diet Jungkook' ' its fine I can start tomorrow'
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firefly--bright · 1 year
Hii, can I ask for a painting date with Jeanbo X reader on his birthday please??
jean kirstein x gender neutral!reader
summary : two artists being each other's muses.
warnings : maybe writing inconsistencies (?) not proofread.
a/n: thank you so much for this request!!! i loved writing it <3 soft jean supremacy i love this man (he's lines on a screen). ofcourse i made a playlist for this. this is nothing but pure pure fluff and alot of smiley jean :)
tagging : @mrsnobodynobody , @holding-ishu-and-a-book
✿ enter my taglist! ✿ masterlist is linked in pinned post! ✿ fic playlist ✿
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art creds : @/koidezuu on twt!
you exhaled nervously, checking the front camera of your phone to make sure that you looked just as you wanted to, putting all of your faith in your other hand to clutch both the bouquet of flowers, and the actual gift you had made for jean - a bracelet strung with a charm he had eyed at a thrift store, and some pretty beads.
seeing that everything was set, you knocked on his front door and waited for him to answer.
April 7th, your beloved's birthday. you only hoped that your birthday gift to him made him feel just as special as he made you feel everyday. he deserved to be pampered too, especially on this day.
you had called him as midnight struck last night, pouring all your love into the biggest snd brightest "happy birthday, jean!" you could muster, which turned out to be loud enough to wake up your roomate. it was worth it, though, because his laugh lit up the entire screen despite it's pre-set brightness. the two of you talked till about 2 a.m., and you informed him to be ready the next day for a special date.
you had everything prepared : booking an art studio - which you had saved plenty for - a month in advance, making sure everything was all set up; the canvases, the paints, aprons, and charcoals (jean's favourite medium to work with.) you decorated it aptly with the help of sasha, who stole some of the cupcakes you had also made for jean as compensation. after this elaborate date, you'd drive him home, where he'd be greeted with the rest of his friends for a surprise birthday party, which you had also planned.
he deserved this. he deserved so much more than this, but for now, this would have to do. jean kirstein, resident asshole up until a couple years ago, somehow softened over time, and somehow also fell in love with you as you did with him not long before.
you hoped everything would go according to plan. jean took his lovesickness in pride, never missing out on an opportunity to spoil you, and you wanted to return the favour tenfold.
you knocked on the door, adjusting the objects in your hands, shaking your head to rid all the anxious thoughts.
a terrible effort, because jean rid them for you as soon as he opened the door.
your heart could burst out of your chest, and you could barely control the expression on your face as you broke into a wide smile.
he was dressed in his best colour; sage green. the hoodie fell just above his belly button, and it was clear that he cropped it himself. impulsively, as he did most things, but it somehow came out not as bad as you'd think. the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and there was a small embroidered star on the right side of his chest. he wore a hat that you had given him, yet another impulsive buy. the matching hat of the two currently hung behind your door. his fingers were adorned with metal bands, some plain and some with a pop of blue in them that matched the colour of his jeans.
the best part was his smile.
he wore the same smile he always did when he saw you, except today, his eyes had an extra glint.
"hi, love." he said.
"hi." you say, clearing your throat, "happy birthday, jean."
the statement came out as more of a whisper than an exclamation, and maybe that made it better because it was only something he was supposed to hear.
you presented him the bouquet of orchids you had bought. his smile widened, if that was even possible.
"i bought these for you."
he chuckled. "why are you nervous, babe?" he said, taking the flowers from your hands. you rolled your eyes as he did, as if the answer was obvious.
"i wanted to impress you, dumbass."
there was a beat of silence.
"m-me?" jean says, surprised. you nod.
"i mean, it is your birthday, so."
another beat passes. you look into his eyes, catching a glimpse of his reddening cheeks.
almost six months of dating and you couldn't believe you still had that effect on him. you breath out a smile and pull him closer by the front of his shirt.
placing your lips on his cheek, you trail kisses till the path of his lips, meeting there and waiting, patiently, for him to push forward and give you a kiss himself.
jean delivers. when he kisses you, you can feel the smile against your lips and smell his fragrance he wore especially for this occasion. his hair brushes against your forehead, and his trimmed stubble tickles your chin. you smile too, and now it's barely even a kiss; more just two pairs of smiling lips closely aligned, but you still pull away just as breathless.
the blush on Jean's cheek had nothing but deepend and you swallow a laugh at that. he always complained about how easily he could blush, but it was always something you liked about him.
"what's that?" he asks, eyes pointing to the box in your hands.
"patience, babe. all in good time." you say, "come on, i have a whole day planned for you."
jean smiled, brushing his hand through his hair. "can't wait."
the car ride there was mostly filled with you and jean screaming Jean's favourite songs out till your heart's content. his favourite songs had quickly became your favourite too, and vice versa. jean couldn't sing if your weren't singing with him, so you happily accompanied him in the act. after half of the playlist had finished, you reached your destination.
it was an art studio that you had found out on the internet, and people in the comments were raving about the space and view that struck them with inspiration. and sure enough, it was beautiful.
located in a large garage-looking loft on one of the far secluded corners of the beach, the letters "Raven's Studios" were plastered on the big doors in a bold red font. jean took in the place with surprise written all over his features, not knowing that out of all places, this would be the one you were driving to.
the inside was spacious, the windows streched over the expanse of the wall, overlooking the blue waters with boats cruising on it. there were two canvases placed near the windows, both facing each other. all the other materials were placed carefully (and double checked) on a wooden table that had old paint splattered on it's surface, on the far left, along with the remainder chocolate cupcakes and an empty vase waiting to be filled up with the orchids you bought for jean.
you gauged Jean's reaction, who stood near the doorway. his mouth was slightly hung open, eyes scanning over each carefully thought out detail. his left hand still gripped the bouquet, his right holding his phone and his hat.
you bit the inside of your lip in anticipation as he walked further inside.
jean let out a low whistle. "holy shit." was all he could muster up, and the tone his voice helped you relax a little.
"do you like it? i didn't know which medium you wanted to draw with, but you told me about how you really wantsd to have an art date, and i figured why not, you know?" your nervous voice bounced around the four walls. jean stood near the large windows now, hands on his hips. you continued, filling in the space with your rambling, "and some cupcakes, i got the recipie from your mom....she had to take it from the bakery you told me about, the one that sold those cheescakes you really liked near your old house.... but sasha ate some of them, of course-"
"it's perfect." jean said. he had turned towards you now, walking to where you were standing, still lingering near the doorway.
you didn't notice when he had placed all his belongings on the space on the table, and his hands now cupped your cheeks gently, his thumb rubbing ticklish circles on your cheekbones.
his smile was radiant, the corners of his eyes crinkling. there was a sparkle in them, his smile showing his teeth, his exhale blowing a puff of air over your face.
"thank you," he said, kissing your cheek, then the tip of your nose - which immediately scrunched up under his lips - and then finally a fleeting kiss on your smiling lips.
"don't thank me. it's my pleasure, birthday boy."
his face scrunched with that comment. "please dont call me that. it makes me feel like I'm...ten years old or something."
you tilt your head, his hands still on your face, with a teasing smirk. "jean-boy, then?"
he rolled his eyes. "you just love ruining the moment, don't you?"
"you love me." you said.
his expression softened. "that I do."
the playlist you made specially for this occasion flowed through the room beautifully, and the brilliantly blue sky gave off a blue hue to the inside of the white room. the wind ruffled Jean's hair, and the waves crashing into the shore made it all the more beautiful to look at him.
he had opted for the charcoals, as you had guessed, grabbing one of the papers and making himself comfortable on the ground near the window. you sat behind him, choosing a canvas and some acrylic paints in all the different blues you could get your hands on, along with some colours to paint jean.
your view - the one you had decided to paint - included the bright blue skies, littered with clouds, the calm sea, the rim of half of the window, and Jean's side profile. mapping your painting on your canvas, you tried not to notice Jean's skittish glances towards your face.
jean definitely had your face memorized by now. if someone asked him to, he'd be able to give them a vivid description of you without even having to close his eyes. he could probably name all of the parts of your body that he loved, and he'd seen the back of your hand more than he had seen his own by now. thank god you hadn't seen the sketchbook he kept hidden from you, which was filled with drawings of you doing absolutely nothing but breathing.
yes, jean definitely had your face memorized by now. but he was looking at you because he knew you were painting him, because there was so much care and comfort held in your eyes as you got the silohette of his side profile just right, because you saw him as your muse. as if today hadn't been special enough, he swore all his dreams came true the moment your hands began to sketch the scenery out.
Jean's mind couldn't focus on the art he was supposed to be making, not like this. which was ironic, because given the conditions, it shoudlve been more than enough for him to find inspiration in this beauty. but he couldn't help it; his muse was sitting there, blinking and breathing and creating, painting him. he couldn't help but do what his muscles grew familiar to now - draw you.
jean tried not to move as he sketched out your face, then your body, and your hands that were moving over your own canvas.
" can I go, where you go?
can we always be this close? "
jean heard you hum to the song that everyone came to associate with the two of you. all of his friends, who were your friends too, thought that this song was the most fitting for you, and jean couldn't agree more. jean wanted to stick by your side, do all the mundane things that life brought to him every day of the year, and do all the special things too, like the one he was currently doing. jean smiled, joining your hums, and he knew you had the same smile etched in your face as the one he was recreating on his rough paper.
his hands stained with charcoal, he drew flowers all around you, messily adding petals in a way that he knew would still make sense.
he snuck another glance at your form. you were so pretty it made his heart physically hurt.
his birthday was something he slightly dreaded throughout the year. when he was younger, he didn't have many people except his mother to celebrate the day with. it stayed that way, the same traditions up until highschool, where he met marco, when he began to look forward to his birthday a little. then came sasha and Connie, and soon the rest of his friends made the day as special as they could. every year would be somewhat the same, but it was comfortable, and jean didn't feel consumed by the lingering lonliness that he usually felt as a kid. he desperately wished to be someone special to another someone special as he blew out his birthday candles every year.
and then he met you, and all that he had been wishing for made sense. he became someone special to someone remarkable; to you. the thought enough made him want to climb onto the tallest roof of the world and scream out your names together, so that the clouds could hear him and make sure their rains would bring nothing but pleasant memories of your first kiss together.
jean bit back a giddy smile. being with you, spending the day, this day, together with you made him feel like he was standing on top of the same clouds now.
he glanced at the table, mind whirring as to what he could make next. there was no question in his mind that all he was able to draw was you, but he wanted to experiment with different colours and mediums.
getting up, he brushed his hands on the apron that you had left out for him, making his way over to the table. he heard your soft dissapointed sigh at his sudden movement, and he tried not to smirk, failing miserably.
"you should take a picture, love, it'll last longer." he says, back to you.
he could almost feel the glare you shot his back, but didn't have a response to follow. jean picked up the box of pastel colours from the table, turning his head towards where you sat, and suddenly the lack of a response from you made sense.
you had picked up your phone, thumb clicking Jean's numerous pictures. even though your phone was somewhat covering your face, jean could still see you smiling from behind the screen, biting your bottom lip to contain it with futile efforts.
jean smiled softly, "what happened to not wanting to 'boost my ego' ?" he asked, recalling the time you refused to admit how good he looked on your last date.
he heard you snicker, your phone still held up to sheild your face, still clicking pictures. jean was pretty sure your phone would run out of space to store those pictures soon, but you didn't seem to care, making jean smile even wider.
"i mean, if you want me to stop-" you started, but jean cut you off with a "i never said that."
he striked a pose, smouldering comically, running a hand through his hair.
you laughed, Jean's stomach swirling at the sound. he'd strike a hundred poses if it kept you laughing.
"you're such a goof, kirstein."
"dont let the others look at this, they'll never shut up about it."
"well...." you said, stretching the word out teasingly, putting your phone down now. "i make no promises." you say, shrugging.
"i knew it. you like betraying me, don't you?" jean walks over to you, box of pastels in hand.
"was that not obvious enough?"
he crouches, left knee hitting the ground, the heel of his other foot planted solidly. his elbow rested on his kneecap, the sleeves of his cropped hoodie still rolled up.
"nope," he says with a smile.
"sorry, I promise I'll do better next time." you match his smile.
he hums lowly, refusing to take his eyes off of yours. shivers run down your spine, and the change in music barely registers in your mind.
the teasing smirk returns to your face.
"are you gonna kiss me or just keep looking at me like that?"
but jean remains motionless, glancing down at your painting instead. his eyes glint with the sun from the window, which was now tilting slowly towards the horizon, threatening to dip into the sea. it remained bright, though, and you couldn't help but think that it's shine was just for the two of you. Jean's side glowed softly with the light, his hair almost shining.
"say please," he says, and it reminds you of all the times he had joked about kissing you before you were together.
you rolled your eyes again, but your smile refused to move. "please kiss me, jean, you're the only thing that's keeping me afloat in this abyss of darkn-"
he kissed you mid-sentence, and he tasted like the chocolate cupcakes you had made.
his hands rested on the base of your neck, the warmth of which made your heart race. his hands still had smudged charcoal on them, but you didn't care. you'd let him taint you with the most hideous colour he could mix together, and you'd still wear it proudly.
pulling away, he rested his forehead against your own. you grew to realise that he liked that; he liked your noses almost brushing, lips only inches away from each other. his eyes reminded close but his eyelashes fluttered, tickling your cheek.
"thank you," he whispered.
you shook your head slightly, opening your mouth to answer him, but he silenced you once again with his own sentence. "i know you don't want me to thank you, but thank you. not just for today but for...everything, honestly." he pulled away a bit, eyes opening to look into yours with so much intensity and warmth, your simmering love could've boiled over.
"i love you," you said, hand reaching out to rest on his jaw.
painting long forgotten, jean smiled again. "i love you too."
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neotrances · 2 years
ik trends and labels r like the new thing for ppl in our age group and younger bc most are struggling with identity and use these made up aesthetics to find value in themselves and assign themselves power within their little online communities that never translate very well in the real world but stuff like this is so confusing to me
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like the entire video is a slide show of things a poor child would have / be familiar with, pictures of thrifting second hand toys, struggle meals, off brand movies, tv with the free networking bc ur parents couldn’t afford the real channels, dirty bedrooms with broken mattresses, mold on the walls, tub that doesn’t work etc etc like what the hell is crunchy lower class u were poor, u were just poor. and i feel like ofcourse theirs shame with being poor bc no one wants to admit to that bc of how poor ppl r treated but im actually gonna loose a few marbles if this becomes the new “thing” . if someone calls me or my childhood crunchy imattacking them with my teeth
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hopepaigeturner · 1 year
🎄Giftmas Day 4: Record Player--Franchael
A little modern AU. The couple connecting past, present and their hearts through their favourite medium.
“Surprise!” Francesca chimed gesturing to the maroon Philips record player that had a little Christmas bow on it. Michael stared.
“It’s just like…like…” he stuttered, his hands hovering over it as if one touch would make it disappear.
“I found it while thrifting with Sophie and Kate. It was just…perfect. Do you still have?”
“Ofcourse I do.”
Michael went into the bedroom and returned with an amazon cardboard box decorated with various music stickers. They looked through them together, picking out long-lost favourites from their uni nights when they would lie on the floor drinking Rose and passing a joint around. On those nights she would be wedged between the pair of them, her hands in John’s but laughing with Michael.
They continued to swap little comments while drawing strings from memories to songs.  The melodies of time allowed their voices to have a little warmth in them rather than a tinge of blue.
But then they stumbled on a particularly worn record and their chatter quietened. They stared for a long moment until Michael turned to her and asked,
“Shall we?”
Francesca took a shaky breath and nodded. “Do the honours.”
Michael went up and reverently brushed a finger over the player. Then gently he switched it on and set the needle whirring. After the initial crackle the first notes on the piano filtered out.
“It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair…”
He turned back to her, and Francesca held her hand out. He took it and they pulled each other close, past invading present like incense.
“Go on, play something on it Johnny!” Michael called, taking a swig from an almost empty bottle of rose. They had worked out that £1.60 LIDL Rose and lemonade tasted surprisingly good together—and went down like a treat. “Show off to Francesca how retro you are.”
Francesca giggled, the alcohol long since invaded her system and making everything soft and muted around the edges.
She cackles when John sticks his middle finger up at Michael before he turns to the maroon record player, as precious an heirloom as the Kilmartin etched tankards. The fingerprints of their father’s still sticky on the switches.
The needles scratches and the disc spins. Francesca watches as John croons the first lines
“It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling, "No" And her daddy has told her to go
She watches as Michael joins in, the two of them singing to each other, lost in a world of memory that she is now on the precipice of entering. They both hold out their hands and she takes them.
The chorus swells and they sing together, as one, swaying, Michael sticking the Rose bottle in the air as if it is a microphone. As they swayed and all three sung their hearts out at the chorus the world continued to shrink for Francesca, whether from alcohol or the settling of her heart. The world shrunk until it held just the three of them.
And even back then she had known, somewhere deep in her heart, that those two boys would be her entire world.
Music had brought the three of them together, her and John as singing strangers rocking out to Radiohead in the club. Music had sustained them through countless ups and downs of university as they all tried to puzzle themselves out. Music had healed them, ever so slightly; Michael strumming on a guitar in front of a microphone then a thousand faces; Francesca playing her piano to men and women in tuxes and ballgowns. And music had brought them together once more and allowed John’s ghost to dance rather than linger, before fading into fond memories.
Michael and Francesca continued to dance with no real direction. Francesca took solace from the weight of his arm on her waist and how her hair fluttered slightly from his humming.
“I love you,” she whispered into his ear, in a voice that had apparently been the sweetest melody to his ears since the moment he met her. Michael pulled slightly away until they could stare into each other’s eyes.
“I love you too,” he whispered in a voice that had become the sweetest and most precious of melodies.
And they kissed, the melodies washing over them and around them like incense. Sanctifying the space, gently leading the past ghosts away until only their love remained and swelled to the crescendo of the song.
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365-betterdays · 2 months
april 8, 2024 | 12:18am
hi there! you haven't missed much here. i've been spending a lot of time with my friends and my partner. to start,
march 21-23 - i went to vigan with friends. to be specific, thalia (ofcourse, she deserves to be mentioned first. i love that bitch) , -redacted name bc i hate her- , russ, gerah, ash, yana, and mj ! it was fun. the whole trip felt like a turning point for our friendship. we had loads of fun ! lots of laughs, loud noises. we were basically autism, if autism were a group of people.
i had been breaking my back for research. my friends are included, i struggle opening up to them about how much of my soul is slowly dying due to the paper. will open up, but maybe next week.
year book pictorial ! dam i looked semi-like shit. it was a comical experience, so i don't really mind. it was a character developing-ish moment. mj and thalia had my back after i bawled my eyes out over how unready i was. after the breakdown, i was rejuvenated back into being a bad bitch. especially after finding out the class prude student cried over how ugly she was. i haven't gotten that bad yet lol.
joined an outreach program. *i fed the other half* ... i'm joking !
been doing well in school, i haven't had a single absent since March 7, 2024.
i've been recommended to do community service, no suspension for two major offenses: cutting class and leaving school premises without consent. it's honestly fine. i'll be going home from school much later, 4:30pm. i think?
i think i gained some weight. about 3-4kgs. it's all good. i can bounce back with just less eating. we're good. i'm fine (?)
found a special place in my heart for thrifting. oh god. i have no money.
i've been spending more time in hotels with my partner.
taste in music? i've been listening to lovey dovey music. my relationship is in one of its best states - we've been communicating more and dealing with our relationship in a healthier way.
i've been finding myself more lately. but like, "FINDING" finding myself. i've been setting more boundaries and standards for my relationships with other people and for myself. i love it !
more more more gifts from my partner. after the shit i've been through? i deserve this. :) i love malik so much.
finals and grad coming sooon ! college better watch out.
planning to focus MOOORE this summer on myself. i want to spend more time with friends, family, with malik. look at the mirror more often. find what feels comfortable. find my way back home.
cancelled a trip to elyu. i was too damn tired from pagudpud. 12+ hours sitting on a bus did something to my soul. i FELT my ass turn purple.
mj and yana are a thing now. (a thing i love)
ise went by my house last week asking if she could climb my roof. it was fucking crazy. the bitch's dating a mf sex offender. she also used my name to cut classes. crazy !
speaking of, i've been setting more boundaries diba? emphasis: no more squeezing myself into situations where i'm not needed or looked for. no more forcing myself. i know, it sounds kinda icky. this whole statement sounds like i'm screeching "nO mORe Mr. NiCE gUy" in an icky icky voice. but yeah jokes aside, i'm genuinely proud of myself for this one. no more being a push over. more hatred, but atleast?
malik's been helping me out more often. thankfully. i'm so grateful.
people from the past had been reaching out to me lately. it's kinda crazy.
i love legos now. wowowoweee!
went to manila. moa, rizal park, the national museums. you name it! i also had been going to tags more often with malik too.
i didn't know this list would go this far. you did miss a lot.
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zmeura · 4 months
i had this dream that i was gone to a holiday and i met two brothers at the hotel i was staying. the younger one liked me first and we got along nicely and all, i couldnt not like him. we walking and talking around the hotel and then i met his older brother. instant connection. it got late and the younger brother went away probably to sleep and it was only me and the older brother in my room. he was playing with my camera, taking photos and all and just chatting. i was on the bed and he was on an armchair close to my bed. he begin telling me some funny ass stories about him and his friends and i started laughing so hard i fell off the bed. he got up the armchair and on the side of the bed where i just fell from. we were laughing even harder now. we were both laughing at how i fell. i was still on the floor and he was still on the side of the bed when we suddenly stopped and begin to just hold the longest eye contact ever. he was looking down at me and i was looking up at him still giggling but i was just hoping that he d get down on the floor with me. i was hopping that he would get on me and we would kiss. and i knew that he wanted that too. there was this heavy tension betwen us in that moment. but we resisted it because we knew it was wrong since i was kinda spoken for, since his little brother showed interest in me first. i still liked his younger brother, but i wanted the older one. he was attractive physically: tall, fluffy dark hair, dark clothes, genuine smile sexy ahh body sexy ahh face. he was playful yet calm, funny and intimate without even having to touch me. he also had the warmest look in his eyes, almost motherly. he was so himself around me and i knew it because i felt it, i felt how natural he was with me in that moment. i felt how natural our connection was and how easy it was to hold the chemistry with him, unlike his brother, where the chemistry felt forced. unlike his brother, where i had to play those little mind games and play them by the book. somehow, me and the older boy are now in my livingroom and hes looking at my mothers vintage popular brand thrift finds from when she was a teen and used to thrift all the time. he was so mesmerised by those clothes he asked me why dont i something with them, like resellin them. then he invited me to go together to a resell/ sh fair and try to sell them together.and ofcourse i couldnt say no. this dream was so good that it made me became aware of the fact that i was dreaming. i remember i was looking at both brothers and sayin "i hope i will see you in the next dream aswell to continue the story".
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ghost-loserr · 10 months
thrift shop book haul!! 📖
big find of some murder mystery’s, a sally rooney book, (im still yet to read ‘normal people’ but i’ve only heard good things) the book of wicked (i didnt even know it was a book!!) and ofcourse maybe a little more lighthearted romance/friendship (maybe???)
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drjohnwatson · 5 years
Just planned my day in Amsterdam on saturday and I’m exciteeeed
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bbarican · 2 years
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casita 🤍 a little room tour as requested by @buhaybabae 🤪
here's a little rundown on my room: (photos are from L-R going down)
i painted my closet myself so the flowers and whatever else you see on there was all by me back in 2020; green hanging organizer is where i store my masks, masks lanyards, and headbands; ofcourse there is also my tote bag collection for easy access when i need them (thats why theyre all by the door)
prints/artworks are tbh just from pinterest and i printed them on some glossy photo paper and the ink just kept going everything - stick to matte photo paper, everyody!
my vanity which im pretty proud to say was all done by my dad - yung kalat, thats all me; before i started working, thats the table i used to work on or sit at most of the time plus selfies here are top tier; very proud of my book collection too - lahat yan nabasa ko na except siguro like 5 books
my work station - obviously not that much of a fan of blank walls; artworks on that wall is a combo of either something i made myself or those photocards from shopee or something i printed off of pinterest; shelf was installed by my dad; table is literally just a lifetime table from snr; syempre lahat ng important kalat ko nandiyan sa "desk" ko and at the coffee table turned storage table beneath it
queen sized bed that i only sleep on siguro 2-3 times a month depending on when my lola is here kasi dito kami both sa kwarto ko natutulog; tapestry is a gift from my bestfriend; dreamcatcher is from my debut since it was coachella themed wew; there are indeed fairylights on that wall since i am very basic
that medyo pale look simple corner is basically my lola's side of the bed and thats her little table where she stores her bible and cosmetics; my dad wanted to put a tv on that shelf over there but nope its too high so i just displayed a monet print (my favorite artist), my college diploma, and my certificate stating that i was an honorable mention
thats my drafting table turned catch all table kasi hindi ko pa naman siya ulit gagamitin now so it just holds random stuff; black trolley is from ikea pero TRUST ME you can find a cheaper version on shopee or lazada but hey atleast the quality is good! - the trolley has my supplier catalogs and a bunch of other necessities
and last but not the least, just some extra storage cabinets plus my very old thrifted record player and my very little vinyl collection, which is a combo of records that my dad and grandfather used to own and some that we bought back in like 2015-2016; and that green crate full of books is my to be read stash which i will start on tonight
so yeah - again i dont stay here that much, i only started staying in here more once i started reviewing for the boards and when i got a job
i never sleep here by myself kasi we all actually sleep in one room to save energy, but nevertheless, ofcourse i was gonna design my room the way i wanted to and with the fact that i am stuck in here for atleast a week more, i might just even add more paintings to the cabinets doors, who knows?
but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed my not so short room tour!
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Let's do a style analysis of HBO max's gossip girl,shall we?
Hey upper east siders!! All I have to say is the outfits are *immaculate*
Note: The points I make are solely mine and I am trying to be as straightforward as possible in this post so kindly ignore any inarticulateness this post may convey😁.
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The amount of vibrancy that the above photoshoot is radiating is something really refreshing, with people all around me dressing in a usual and similar manner (blue jeans and white tank top duh!), the extravagant yet not extravagant clothing that these wonderful people are donning is something that caught my eye instantly. Yes!! from the moment the first picture came out I looked forward to more behind the scenes pictures of the cast and of course its fashion(actually I looked forward to ONLY the fashion, not because I don't trust the storytelling or the future plot but because the uniforms like these shown below made my inner fashion enthusiast *shake* to her very core.
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● Now clothing or a style statement is very necessary for a film or any cinematic art form because in a lot of cases it is something that makes the show stand in the future or something which shares the iconicity of the art itself. The particular fashion becomes something exclusive and a trendsetter for that show or a movie. Yes! it does happen because the first thing that pops up in my head when somebody talks about clueless is the Cher and Dionne's plaid outfit or when i am reminded of mean girls one of the first things that comes up in my mind is a pink skater skirt or just you know pink outfits in general.
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● When we as an audience are mesmerized by the "attractive" outfits or statement pieces our favorite characters wear onscreen we are influenced to wear similar pieces too. Such a thing happened with Blair Waldorf's iconic headband which made a lot of people wanting to don that too.
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00's Vs Present
What I primarily want to do with this post is compare gossip girl's iconic fashion moments with the upcoming gossip girls' fashion and eventually compare 00's fashion to the fashion we have seen emerging in the past year, basically fashion 2020 onwards.
● There was this "rule" I learned and tried to follow which is no outfit should have more than 3 colors together , I did try to religiously follow that but it seemed a bit difficult so I increased the max number of colors I could have in my outfit to 4 .
● My biggest pet peeve regarding fashion would be too many mismatched colors in an outfit or simply lots of different colors in an outfit unless its a multicolored outfit. The example is given below.
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• Outfit 1 above aesthetically looks good but if the handbag were of a pastel color(pink or even yellow to match the shoes) the whole outfit could have looked way better.
• Outfit 2 strains my eye at the very first instant I look at it, was that necklace really necessary? I am confused whether it is a athletic outfit or a casual one?
Not very recently we have been obsessed with and have been looking out for this style in fashion. Kuwtk also played a role in promoting this form of styling which is minimalism because they are donning outfits of neutral colors like white,khaki,brown,beige,cream and mostly they happen to be monochromatic. Also with tiktok( I am saying tik tok because I have seen many tik tok videos with most people wearing this staple outfit),the easy and comfy outfit consisting of a white tank/crop/shirt or a T-shirt paired with blue skinny/wide legged Jeans and compulsory white sneakers. I honestly thought the new gossip girl would show include current elements of pop culture fashion elements like minimal jewellery ,claw clips or tie dye outfits but seems like they are trying to set up a fashion statement of their own in their own creative way ! which is very great.
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● But after looking at the behind the scenes of gg reboot and the promotional pictures,it seems they are approaching a more "colorful" approach to the outfits and I hope they are able to set new style standards too as the og gossip girl did. The new gossip girl has fashion inspired by the 2000s and subtly the 90s but yet feels modern?The outfits look formal yet very practical and easy to recreate?The outfits look smart yet not very extravagant(of course barring the fact that all the products are high end but nothing thrifting and matching our outfits cant solve) ? a big YESSS!! to all the questions raised! It's really refreshing to see how well put together and actually comfortable the outfits look . Although the huge bags that blair and serena used to carry are making a statement in this show as well as can be seen from the pictures. In the upcoming show the jewellery is not exaggerated nor the colors mismatched,basically they are beautifully following the notion "less is more". I had an aversion to blue colored clothes and I always gravitated towards black and white while wearing formal but the actors and ofcourse the characters wearing blue formal outfits(to school I know) is making me think differently . 👀
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Make sure to comment down below and hit me up with your expectations regarding the show set to air on July!
Xoxo, gossip girl💋
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neotrances · 2 years
it’s obvious ofcourse but u ever get shocked by how little online discourse matters when ur going outside everyday like two days ago i got four essay length ask questioning me about watching anime “incorrectly” that i ignored and that same day i got icecream went thrifting binged tv shows with a friend and walked around the park and itslike maybe some of u would be less…….how you are…if you got more fresh air
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I’m back! With Round 4 of “MC Closet Tour 2021”
This time, we’re getting sentimental. All the feels.
I want to know two things:
1. what piece of jewelry holds the most sentimental value to Meera. It doesn’t have to be from Ethan.
2. Favorite piece of jewelry that Ethan has given Meera. If you see them getting married, it can totally be her engagement ring. Or it can be something else.
For this “challenge” you don’t need to have pictures. Simply explaining what the pieces are if enough, but if you want to, you can add pictures
Have fun! I will aggressively be refreshing my notifications to see if you’ve answered 😂
Ahhhh-Sara! @genevievemd These questions were just so beautiful! 🥺
I have mentioned in the last round that Meera is a jewelry junkie, through and through and so am I. So it was really difficult for me to choose one so I went extra lol 🙈 but here we go!
The Piece of Jewelry Holding the Most Sentimental Value :
1. This earring right here belongs to Meera's paternal grandmother who had worn this on her wedding day. She had gifted this to Meera on her 16th birthday and she holds this piece very close to her heart.
(fun fact : this is a true story from my life and this is the exact same earring, I received from my grandmother. She left us about two years ago and this still smells like her. I just felt like sharing with y'all 🙈)
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2. This pendant here was gifted to Meera by Sienna when she asked her to be her Maid of Honour. This is an opal encrusted on silver pendant and it's very convenient for wearing on a daily basis. Needless to say the two dolphins wear them to work together on most days.
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Favorite Piece of Jewelry that Ethan has Given Meera :
This man has impeccable taste and no budget whatsoever also he loves showering Meera with gifts all the time. So this is a long long list on top of which is definitely the engagement ring. But I am here to share the next three, buckle up! 💃🏽
1. This earring is hands down the best! Meera fell in love with it the moment Ethan handed it to her on her first birthday they spent together as an official couple. This is maddeningly expensive and Meera keeps it very safe and wears only for hospital galas or very classy convention dinners and stuff.
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2. This was a gift from Ethan on their first anniversary. This is a small one which can be worn on a daily basis. It has their wedding date carved on the inside of one earring and "Que Sera Sera" carved on the other. "Que Sera Sera" means "Whatever Will Be, Will Be" a motto which Meera picked up from her dad at a very young age and it has been her motto in life ever since. She wears this to work every day.
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3. Finally! This body chain is actually not at all expensive rather it is from a thrift store in Miami. This was their second trip to Miami post book 3. Ethan was not interested in buying this at all. Meera had bought one on her own and had surprised Ethan with it and a bikini in their private pool back at the hotel.
Ethan's mind went bonkers and he found her extremely irresistible in that. And you guessed it right, he tore off not only the bikini but also the chain from her body. Next day he bought another one for her. Meera didn't remove the chain for the rest of the trip.
That chain remained a token of many great sexcapades for the couple. Back home in Boston, Meera often wears the chain when she surprises Ethan with a bath and champagne and ofcourse it does the trick every time.
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Okay that's all for now! I loved doing this and sorry for going so extra lol, I couldn't resist myself. Hope y'all had the same fun I had while writing this. 🙈
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reynanghugot · 2 years
So nag message yung tita ko sakin nangangamusta. She's one of my aunt na close ko pero she's living in CA na ngayon. So to make the story short, before we end the conversation napunta sa lovelife and family and sa angkan namin usapan which is masasabi ko na I couldn't imagine na I'm still here thriving sa lahat ng aspeto sa buhay. She's even claiming na after 3 years paguwi niya ng Pinas I already have my own thrift store as I'm really working my ass off to have one since DTI registered naman na siya. After the conversation, I realized how grateful yung buhay na meron ako because si mommy minake sure niya since my dad left us never namin na mafifeel na we are from a broken family. My brother was way too supportive din sa lahat from my clothing shop to acads and even to some of my gala. Tapos I have most of my relatives na ngayon na supportive sa lahat ng platform ng small business ko, they even do advanve reservation if bet nila teasers ko. Then, I have some of my friends who are doing the same thing too. And ofcourse, a super supportive and hindi manipulative kong boyfriend na laging andyan sa lahat even pagche-check-out ko sa shopee naka suporta. Hahahahahaha! Isa lang talaga masasabi ko sa sarili ko ngayon aside tapping my shoulder for doing great from the last quarter of 2021 na as long as wala kang tinatapakan na tao or naagrabyado, hindi ka nahihiya sa ginagawa mo and hindi ka nanlalamang ng iba, everything will go smoothly and shempre prayer works too! Tulad nga ng sabi ko sa sarili ko, law of attraction will not work if there's no law of action.
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grandparomeaskblog · 3 years
Because details sometimes go unnoticed I make some pictures of my cosplay progress. Here are some details of my aph Byzantine Costume:
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little (synthetic) pearls on the sleeves
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The tunic is made from a really fine linen in diamond weave. The bluegreen wool parts are either sewn on or embroiderd by hand. The wool I used for the embroideries are hand dyed period colors.
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The rings are selfmade with polymer clays and the earrings are made from random beads I found at the thrift shop. The cross is a tin replica I bought at a medieval fair.
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IC XC NIKA Jezus Christ Conquers and the Chi-Ro side to side at the bottom of the tunic
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A monogram of ROMA to honor his history and brother. The Byzantines continued to call themselves Roman.
On the other shoulder a practical joke. The cresent moon and star were a frequent used symbol in ancient time. But ofcourse it's also the symbol in modern Turkey's Flag. Kind of a foreshadowing... ha ha
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show-off hat. because why not
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And last but not least the wool cape with the embroidery and sewn on pearls and beads on silk.
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347897-blog · 4 years
List of my favorite things
-          Hot coffee
-          Fresh flowers
-          The smell of lavender
-          Clean laundry
-          Waves
-          Singing birds
-          Sunshine
-          Doing my make-up
-          Drawing
-          Taking a cold shower on a warm day
-          Plants
-          Cycling
-          Watching movies
-          Gaming
-          Cold beer
-          Red wine
-          Homemade pizza
-          Working
-          Listening to music
-          Totebags
-          Thrift shopping
-          Sleeping in a bed with new sheets
-          My hamster
-          Hanging out with friends
-          (Poke) tattoos
-          Piercings
-          Cozy blankets
-          Spending time with family
-          Tea
-          Dancing
-          An organized desk
I made pictures of two of my favorite things
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I always start my day with a cup of hot coffee and a cigarette on the balcony of my appartement. The smell of coffee makes me happy, even as the taste of it. I like different kinds of coffee. The coffee I enjoy most are definitely cappuccinos or latte macchiatos. I think it’s delicious when the foam is topped with caramel or a little bit of sugar. 
The cup of coffee you see on the picture is homemade filtercoffee with steamed milk and foam. And ofcourse I drank this cup on the balcony, with a cigarette, in the sun. (which is also one of my favorite things!)
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Here is another picture of one of my favorite things: fresh flowers! Lilies are my favorite flowers. They’re really big and you have them in different kinds of colors. I think the white ones are the most beautiful ones. 
I love it when I come home in a clean room and there’s a bouquet of fresh flowers on the coffee table. There is a floral scent spreading over the space.
I always have a bouquet of flowers. It makes me feel like home and it gives color in a room.
What are your favorite things?
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