#though the one thing i got stuck on was bonnie's hat. if anyone knows like an irl equivalent PLS show meee i don't understand pillow hat 😭
beneathsilverstars ¡ 25 days
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Drew some family portraits to figure out how I want to draw everyone!! I was so brave and basically kept them in canon greyscale even though coloring is my favorite thing in the world 😤
59 notes ¡ View notes
the-bar-sinister ¡ 4 days
Chains of the Dragon (46975 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth
catch up here
October 3, 2028– 9:45 pm 
"Ever slept in a palace before, Wright?" Betty asked, sizing Trucy up as much as the room they'd been stowed in.
Trucy glanced back over at her with a broad grin. 
“have you, lord dracula?”
The rooms were gorgeous…bigger than anywhere she’d ever stayed before by far. It was the fulfillment of a private dream she hadn’t told anyone aside from her father.
One day I’m going to stay in a palace.  And here she was…though she wasn’t going to admit it was her first time so easily to the ever competitive Betty.
Bonny had carried in her sister’s bags, peeking around from behind them at the sprawling architecture with a curious grin, even as she wobbled on her feet “It’s so pretty…” 
"I asked you first, Wright," Betty sneered. She shrugged. "Anyway, it's pretty decent digs.Shame about the country of course."
She watched as her sister wobbled her way across the floor. With a sigh, she grabbed one of the bags.
Bonny sighed with relief. 
“Thank you Betty…” she smiled tiredly at her before dropping the bags on the bed.
“To answer your question, no, not yet.” Trucy stuck her tongue out. “...but it’s just what I’d always hoped. Shame about the whole ‘inner turmoil’ thing, though. Seems I can’t go five feet without stumbling into international incidents!” 
"Seems like," Betty nodded. She unzipped the suitcase she'd taken and started going through it. "How'd the reunion with your brother go, anyway? You never exactly said."
“Oh, you know.” Trucy chirped. “lots of hugging, lots of crying. Lots of telling him that everything we knew was a lie perpetrated by my family legacy’s allergy to telling the truth and being normal about anything.”
“That…that doesn’t exactly sound like it went great, Miss Trucy.” Bonny turned with genuine concern in her voice. 
"I mean it doesn't sound like anyone got shot or stabbed so I actually agree with Wright," Betty snorted. "What's the plan from here, boss?"
“Boss. I love the sound of that.” Trucy grinned as she slung an arm around Betty “the plan’s simple…I can’t convince Apollo to just up and leave, sadly…but we might be able to jury rig a way to get all this crap tying him here out of the way faster. A little magic trick to speed up this whole retrial business.”
Bonny nodded seriously, twisting her finger in her hair “make…the paperwork disappear?” 
"Didn't you hear her the first time, Bonny?" Betty grinned mischievously. She bopped her sister gently on the back of the head as she leaned against Trucy. "We're gonna rig the jury."
“Oop!!” Bonny squeaked with a rabbit like startle, before she fell against Trucy’s other side. “Oooh…that makes sense.”
Trucy laughed, both at their antics and everything else. She had to admit– she’d been glad when she actually dragged the De Fammes into her troupe. When she convinced them to join the Wright Anything Agency despite her struggles, her cynicism, after the Retinz trial.
They had a fantastic rapport.
“It’s kinda the general plan – at the same time I don’t think they have a jury here. They used to just have a big pool that everyone would look into and point to go ‘yeah obviously the defendant’s the killer, that puddle looks like ‘em.’ you know?.” 
"Great, so trial by magic 8 ball. You'd think that would go pretty fast," Betty grumbled. "So what is the plan exactly? Or are we going to improvise?"
“I think it went too fast, Betty. That was kinda the problem they’re cleanin’ up after now.” Trucy bopped her lightly atop the head.
“I don’t have a plan…yet….no…wait.”
She put her hand to her chin “..Bonny, Betty. Babes. My brother’s only going so slow because he’s literally the only defense attorney here, right?”
“Wait, like..literally the only one?” Bonny asked “I thought that was an exaggeration… that’s…gosh.” 
Betty tapped her foot. "So what are we gonna do– pull an attorney out of our hats?"
Trucy tipped her hat with a playful grin, her smile from ear to ear “That’s right, Betty! A wave of the magic wand and just call me Trucy Wright….Ace Attorney at Law~” 
October 4, 2028– 6:15 am 
Klavier was not exactly up bright and early, but he was up early, and carefully doing his makeup in the mirror sitting on his suitcase while he let Ema sleep in for a little while. He brushed his hair, checking the sides where the shaved parts were starting to grow in again. It was getting to be the time where he'd have to make a decision about whether to keep cutting it or not.
While he was doing his lipstick there was a sharp knock at the door and he winced as it roused Ema.
“GAHHhhurggh…” Elegant as always, Ema rose from the sheets with her hair splayed around her face in a hectic tangle, her bleary eyes glaring at the door. “what’s a woman gotta do to …to fucking sleep in around here?” 
"One wonders, Fraulein," he said, getting up and hurrying over to the door. "Go ahead and stay in bed for the moment, ja?"
He stepped outside for a moment and was surprised by a guard waiting there, who passed him 'a request on behalf of the lord regent'.
When he stepped back inside, Ema was roughly running a brush through her hair by his mirror, bleary and glaring at her own reflection as she sat in her underwear.
“Please tell me it was room service with some coffee.” 
"Nein, liebchen, nothing so mundane," he chuckled, playing with the long strands of his hair. "But we are being issued a royal invitation– to a strategy meeting and breakfast."
Ema brushed furiously at a tangle in her hair for a moment, wincing as it snagged on the brush.
“Oh! Yeah I shoulda e–ugh…ouch…shoulda expected that. We used to have a lot of those when there was that rash of trials.” She looked over her shoulder at him “...you’re really gonna do this huh? I’m glad.” 
"Let it never be said that I'm not a man who does what is needed," Klavier smiled slightly. He went to Ema's suitcase– and then remembered it was her own room they were in. He went to her wardrobe and started pulling out clothing for her. "And it is clear that herr horn head and the prince and you are in a desperate time of need, ja?"
Emma bit her lip as she finally tamed her hair enough to tie part of it up behind her, letting the rest of it fall in waves around her shoulders. 
“...I’d say. I knew it was bad but it’s worse than I even thought.” She sighed and leaned back in the chair “...we really gotta fix this.” 
"Ja, it's pretty clear." He pulled out some clothes and laid them out on the bed for her. A pair of her favorite chocolate colored pants, a cream button down shirt, maroon vest, and a tie. He hesitated before he spoke again, but admitted. "Fraulein, I have read fantasy novels that begin this way."
Ema stood and walked over to the bed with a stretch, glancing over at him as she started to shimmy into her pants, hiking them up over her hips. “....you have, huh? I think I’ve read the same ones.” 
"Ja, and they don't usually end well for the royals, eh, liebchen?" He had already dressed, and tugged at the hems of his amethyst tone suit jacket. "I would like to try to avert that, since you've gotten to know them so well. A beheading here seems tragic, wouldn't you say?"
Ema winced, and she sucked in sharp breath as she buttoned up her shirt. 
“...yeah, look. The last thing I want is for Nahyuta or Rayfa to be fucking executed. I’m not exactly Ms. Pro-Monarchy, you know? I just don’t want them to be hurt.” SHe smoothed out her shirt with a frown, and reached for her vest “...so we’ve gotta do something before this turns into a classic RPG sad backstory.” 
"For herr horn head? He certainly doesn't need another one." Klavier shook his head. "I am worried about her highness Rayfa as well. She's really the queen now? A child queen? With Nahyuta as her advisor?"
Ema hissed through her teeth. 
“...I mean yeah, she’s basically the queen. It’ll be official the exact moment she manages to summon a spirit into herself, and until then she’s the queen with Nahyuta as her regent and advisor.” She didn’t look happy about it as she worked at her tie. “The poor kid was overworked before…having to do the dance of devotion for every trial this country ever had, but now she’s got no time at all…and Yuta’s been slowly coming apart at the seams.” 
"Not a good state to be running a state in," Klavier said darkly as the thought settled on him. "Summon a spirit— fraulein, is this country's monarchy decided by some kind of magical and spiritual means?"
It wasn't that Klavier didn't believe in magic. It was more that he wanted to believe in it, but hadn't seen anything that convinced him. If magic was real, surely things would have been different.
And magic was no kind of lie to run a monarchy on. Divine right of kings… unacceptable.
“Yeah– that was actually how they got Ga’ran deposed…especially since it led to us all figuring out she killed Apollo’s dad and ‘fake killed’ her sister and blamed Nahyuta and Rayfa’s father. She didn’t have…have any of the magic talent her sister did, she she got passed over for the crown.”
Her brow furrowed “...only a spirit medium can rule as Queen, one who has proven themselves able to summon the spirits of the dead and channel them. Rayfa can see their last moments…she can’t channel them yet.” 
"Oh naturally," Klavier drawled. "Wunderbar, this gets better and better."
He took a deep, steadying breath and put his hands on Ema's shoulders, straightening the lines and hems of her clothing for her.
There was not an obvious way forward in this. Well. There was, but somehow he didn't think the little queen and her advisor would be keen to 'abdicate while the abdication's good.'
“Trust me, Klav.” Ema said in a quiet voice, a voice he realized was heavy with worry as she continued “I don’t like it either. The whole Ga’ran thing may not have been such a shitshow if this magical right of queens shit wasn’t real…and everyone’s working themselves to death, for what? The people ain’t happy. They’re not happy. It’s a mess.”
She finished tying her tie and tucked it under her vest with a sad laugh.
“But I’m not gonna be able to do shit to convince anyone to leave and go back to doing what they love when the weight of responsibility’s out there pushing them down. I’m hardly a great example.” 
"Ja, I understand that. Even if I have lived the opposite in the past." He shook his head, rubbing her shoulders again as he stood behind her. "Alright, you said the former queen is still alive. Presumably she knows the spirit summoning trick, ja? If Rayfa performs it, will the people of the country be pacified for a while?"
“Amara?” Ema scoffed, and venom dripped into her voice as she sharply tightened her tie. “good luck getting her to teach Rayfa it. I mean…I think she is but her teaching methods leave much to be fucking desired. The answer’s ‘probably, but’.” 
"Alright, forget Amara then," Klavier nodded. He scooped his arms under her armpits and around her waist. "We have three magicians with us. Between Trucy and the De Fammes we can put on a more convincing show than the country has ever seen. I ask again– will the trick pacify the yokels?"
Ema leaned back into him with a frown. “Maybe. Most of them. But the dragons who apparently decided they weren’t happy with their old boss’ standard MO and leanings might not be.” 
Klavier sighed. "Well, I hate to fall back on tyranny, liebchen. But it sounds like these 'dragons' are probably in violation of the law? Are we not about to discuss a crime being committed? It hurts my rebel spirit to say it but do they not perhaps belong in jail after conviction for their crimes?"
Ema groaned and thumped her head back against his chest. 
“...why’d I have to fall in love with a fucking prince.” she muttered under her breath “I hate politics.” 
Klavier kissed her on the neck and sighed, holding her close. "There there, liebchen. He is very pretty, so I can't blame you. But we need to rescue this prince or he's going to very quickly become an ex-prince. Unless he is much more tyrannically inclined than he seemed last night. It takes a… firm hand to rule a country that is troubled, ja?"
Certainly Klavier could imagine it– did imagine it for a moment. An icier take on the man he had met last night. Black gloved and quietly mad with power.
A man like that would know what to do about a few rebels. 
But he wouldn't be a good man.
“I mean, not anymore at least.” Ema leaned back to look up at Klavier “...he could be pretty ruthless, admittedly. Back when he was a prosecutor. Quietly giving everyone their last rites before they’d be thrown behind bars. But that was Ga’ran’s will. Nahyuta…”
She shook her head “you’re right. We’ve gotta save him.”
"Pretty and ruthless, you say?" Klavier smiled a little fondly, and shook himself out of the daydream. "Ja, we'll save him. I don't know how yet, but maybe we'll get a brainwave at this meeting. And we shouldn't keep your prince waiting."
He released her from his arms, and offered her his hand.
Ema squeezed his hand with a huff and a flush. 
“...doesn’t have to be only my prince, if you play your cards right, piano man.” 
"Unfortunately, skill with cards doesn't run in my blood," he chuckled.leading her to the door. "But maybe I can play the right notes instead, ja?."
October 4, 2028– 6:25 am
Apollo and Nahyuta made their way to the garden only shortly after the servants and guards had set up the light breakfast– out of the way of any potential clues to the graffiti crime that might have been missed.
Apollo scowled at it as they passed it, skirting the police line that Ema had set up.
"I really can't believe it."
“Unfortunately..” Nahyuta sighed. “I can. It was perhaps naive to imagine they might accept us right away. Father was beloved as a dragon…Mother was beloved as a queen…but we’re a little more… controversial. I suppose.” 
"I still don't understand why she didn't take the throne back, but. it is what it is," Apollo murmured. There were footsteps from down the way they'd just come, and Apollo saw Trucy and the De Fammes coming along the way.
He waved them over, cutting off wherever else they might have chased that thought.
Trucy’s smile went ear to ear the moment she saw Apollo, and she came running up with a cheerful wave that died only a second later when she happened to glance on Nahyuta.
Her eyes narrowed over her faux-cheerful smile. 
“....good morning, big brother. Good morning Mr. Last Rites Prosecutor.” 
“You can call me Nahyuta, Miss Wright.” Nahyuta gave her a smile.
"Morning, Trucy. Heh– little sis." Apollo reached out and teasingly grabbed the brim of her hat. It was so strange to think about. He actually had family. It was… a lot to think about. He'd hardly had time to process it.
The De Famme twins stood behind like backup dancers– though Apollo noticed at least one of them looking Nahyuta over curiously.
Nahyuta turned his long lashed stare towards the three of them, bowing his head. 
“thank you for joining us so early.”
One of the bunnies…Bonny, Apollo could recognize, put her finger to her chin with a smile as she looked them over curiously “never a problem with nice company…right sis?”
Trucy laughed with her hand on her hip, “Not a problem at all, Mr. Nahyuta, sir~”
Apollo could feel his bracelet tighten a bit at his sister’s big grin and cheerful declaration.
He glanced her way– but there was nothing wrong with a polite lie when you didn't want to get up early.
"Eh, it's probably worth getting up for at least," the other bunny shrugged, tapping her cane on the ground. "At least there's tea. Wanna get me a cup, Bon?"
As they started toward the table, Ema and Klavier turned the corner.
"Looks like the meeting's going to get started," Apollo said with a nervous smile. "So… definitely a good time for that tea."
The tea was poured in short order, and the conversation grew from there. Ema had murmured about her desperation for coffee at first, but quickly melted out of her grumpy mood to chatter pleasantly and give her greetings to Apollo, Nahyuta and Trucy’s troupe. For some reason..she really seemed to be trying to get Klavier to talk to Nahyuta.
Trucy sipped her tea, excitedly trying to get Apollo’s attention as she sat almost cuddled between the flanking assistant…though her eyes kept straying with a curious expression towards Nahyuta while they spoke. 
"So," Klavier said as the idle chatter died and drifted toward business. "As I understand it there are two big topics that we must address today, ja? Firstly, the state of the court and these legal proceedings on you and herr horn head's shoulders, and secondly the ah…. political unrest that has led to the unsolved crime in this garden."
Nahyuta sighed, running his hand through his hair with a smile “yes…I know we did some preliminary investigation yesterday…Miss Skye, anything to report?”
Ema looked up from her tea with a grin “not yet, sir, still waiting on the results from my support team. But it’s my hope we can get some kinda lead from it.”
"Why don't we discuss the court situation first then?" Apollo suggested rubbing the back of his neck. "If Klavier's willing to stay for a while and take some of the case load off of Nahyuta, that would free him up to at least handle some of the political things that have been falling to Rayfa, right?"
He glanced at Nahyuta, to see how he reacted to the suggestion.
Nahyuta looked over at Klavier with a thoughtful expression before he nodded with approval. “Honestly…that would be a tremendous help to us both. Thank you, Klavier. I’ll want to talk to you about that some time in private so I can give you a rundown of Khura’in law.”
Trucy suddenly sat up and slapped her hands on the table “Troupe Wright has a plan too!!” she suddenly announced. 
"I'll need the rundown, mein prinz, but I'm at your service," Klavier said with one of his melodramatic little flourishes. He turned to Trucy. "Let's hear what the magician has to say, ja?"
Apollo had startled at Trucy's sudden movement and she immediately had his full attention. What the heck was she going to suggest?
Knowing Trucy, it could be anything.
Trucy snapped her fingers, and Bonny leapt into motion…her umbrella snapped open to cover Trucy for a moment, and when it closed she was gone.
A moment later she popped out behind Apollo with a broad smile and her magic panties in hand , counting a cheerful
“One, two , three!!” and pulling something small and glistening in the morning sun from within…
Apollo’s defense badge.
“Defense Attorney Trucy Wright, at your majesty’s service~~” 
Apollo squealed and groped at his chest where the badge should have been– then stared at her. "Again, Trucy?"
Klavier meanwhile laughed and clapped. "A good trick, fraulein, marvelous!"
“Thank you, thank you!” Trucy dipped into a low bow as she pinned the badge on her lapel “...I hereby offer my services as counsel to the accused to alleviate the burden on my big brother!” 
Apollo kept staring at her. She was being serious, despite the act.
"Trucy, that's a wonderful, generous offer. There's only one problem," he pointed out. "You're not a lawyer. You haven't even graduated highschool. You don't even go to the lawyer high school."
“But I’ve been working as co-counsel for you for like…years now, Polly!” she puffed her cheeks with her hands on her hips “I mean…I know law just as good as anyone else! Daddy taught me, you’ve taught me…I..”
She pointed at him “I usually figured things out even before YOU did! And you’re buddy buddy with the prince here, aren’t you? I’m doing this to help you, so I’m SURE they can make some kind of exception!” 
Apollo looked helplessly at Nahyuta. "Well– what do you think? I mean, she has helped me out in court plenty before, but… I mean this is serious. Could we really…?"
Ema leaned on her hand “...Trucy Wright, Ace Attorney?” she snickered “has a ring to it…but she’s kinda young?”
Nahyuta looked at Trucy with a thoughtful hum. 
“...I remember the Gramaryeland trial.” he said slowly “you proved yourself a young lady of good heart and firm conviction against the accusations of an impure and hateful soul.”
“Y-yeah.” Trucy huffed “I mean, yeah, I sure had to!” 
"How does it work legally here, herr engel?" Klavier asked. "Who is allowed to defend another in court?"
“While it’s customary to attend legal training at the temple, the strict requirement is the approval of the Justice Department and the signing of your license.”
“Trucy Wright doesn’t need to pass the bar.” Trucy rubbed her hands together.
"And I imagine, mein prinz, that you are in charge of the Justice Department?" Klavier asked.
Apollo was getting more and more uncomfortable. He was glad that Trucy wanted to help him but…
Is this really okay?
Most of the trials that we're looking at aren't even that serious, Apollo. Its not like she'll have to defend murders. She could just do the paperwork, essentially.
I suppose… it would take a lot of pressure off.
Nahyuta answered thoughtfully. 
“Normally I would deny a request like this ...trials are not to be taken lightly after all. The training one typically receives is for good reason.” He looked up at Trucy as she started to frown, “but these retrials …they’re predominantly paperwork and evidence review. If she’s interested in law, then it can serve as a sort of…” he thought for a moment “training. As head of the department of Justice, I’ll allow it. Tentatively."
Trucy crossed her arms with a nod “Thanks…this is all to help Polly, after all.” 
"As long as it's just the excess paperwork, and kind of a training thing," Apollo nodded. "That should be fine– and it really would take a lot of the weight off our shoulders."
Klavier grinned. "Wunderbar! I was actually going to bring up something of the same myself, but it seems Trucy had the idea as well.."
Ema nodded with a chuckle. 
“yeah…it looks like she did.” She looked at Trucy with a curious look in her eyes, perhaps wondering just how much of it was ‘just to help’ and how much was some hidden excitement.
Trucy put her hands on her hips with a laugh “Wunderbar!! Now you’re not gonna have a heart attack while defending a hundred guys a day, Polly!” 
Apollo laughed– but it was hardly even a joke, was it. "Thanks, Trucy. You're the best."
Klavier clapped. "Fantastisch! Then perhaps we should move to the other topic, and leave the details for now?"
“Ja~” Trucy said with a big grin at Klavier.
Somehow, she’d started picking up the German. 
Somehow, Apollo felt just a little more exhausted. But hopeful.
October 4, 2028– 7:15 am 
The group split after breakfast, Ema and Apollo to get the results of the investigation and carry it forward, leaving Klavier, Trucy and Nahyuta headed to the palace's judicial offices to make the new arrangement legal. The De Fammes had said something about 'seeing the sights'.
"So how do you feel to be working as an attorney, fraulein?" Klavier asked as they headed down the palace hall.
Trucy grinned with her hands folded behind her back. It felt good, honestly…ever since the idea came to her she’d felt a tingly sort of excitement at the idea. Attorney Trucy Wright, just like her daddy…just like Apollo. Someone who fought for a client to the bitter end, who— who solved mysteries and actually helped people..
“Honestly, kinda excited? Daddy always made it look so interesting…and I always loved standing on the bench with Apollo, ya know?”
Nahyuta hummed softly. “Surrounded by law as you are, I’m surprised you haven’t begun studies for it already, Miss Wright.”
Trucy puffed out her cheeks with a huff. “I mean, I’m a magician. A Gramarye magician… magic’s what I was pretty much born to do.” 
"Well, liebchen, if you like magic, you should stick with magic, ja? But you're the only one who decides what you were born to do. Did you know my father was a defense attorney?"
“Just like mine.” Nahyuta chuckled with his arms crossed delicately over his chest. “interesting…”
Trucy gasped, her hand going to her mouth. She hadn’t expected it…she knew Klavier’s brother was a defense attorney, but his father too? He’d come from a long line…and yet he didn’t follow in their footsteps. The same, it seemed went for Nahyuta. She felt a sting of frustration, remembering the Gramarye trial, and the accusations of her ‘impure soul’ and the expectation that he and Retinz seemed to have that she’d follow in the dark legacy her family name had sown. That she was just as bad, or would be soon enough.
“For real? He was? But you became a prosecutor, Klavvy! And you too, Last Rites Prosecu–”
“Please…” Nahyuta said with a quiet, almost desperate huff “Nahyuta is fine.” 
Klavier chuckled, though Trucy wasn't quite sure what elicited it.
"Poor Nahyuta– everyone makes you sound so big and scary. But your father was a defense attorney as well? Funny thing to have in common." He nodded to Trucy. "Ja, he was a very famous one in fact, but not one whose footsteps I would like to follow."
Famous…but not the one who’s footsteps he wanted to follow. She knew better than most exactly who he meant…her daddy had been very close with Mr. Kristoph for a long time, and it’d always been clear how much Klavier idolized him.
She couldn’t say it out loud, she knew it’d be a knife to Klavier’s heart.
“I suppose it’s my own doing.” he chuckled. “I made myself out to be rather frightful for a long while, and now I’m reaping what I’ve sown…but it is, isn’t it? Yes…Dhurke was a defense attorney until the revolution happened. That office Apollo works out of used to be his. Funny thing to have in common..”
Trucy bit her lip, rubbing her chin thoughtfully as they walked. It was the both of them, both men choosing paths of their own in the wake of famous fathers. “...so he was famous…but you wanted to follow other footsteps? For the both of you, i guess.” 
"I don't know Nahyuta's story of course," Klavier said, perhaps making the effort to use his name, since he'd been asked. "But my father was not a man I wanted to emulate, ja? And my brother was already following in his footsteps besides– I was going to rival him, instead of mirror him. Well, then music happened anyway."
He shook his head, and toyed with the shaggy ends of his hair again.
Trucy winced slightly at the mention of Klavier’s brother, a sore subject for everyone, her fingers clasping the corner of her cape as she looked down with a smile. “that makes sense…I remember some of that now that I think about it.”
Kristoph had always been so nice to her when she was younger…and yet. The wounds he left on Klavier and everyone else went deep.
Nahyuta put his hand to his chin. “to become a rival to your brother…instead of the path laid out for you. It’s admirable, Klavier. I…respected my father, but his methods weren’t mine. I wanted to change Khura’in in my own way instead of merely being a copy of my father.” 
"That seems more admirable than my own selfish little path, Nahyuta," Klavier grinned casually, his hands in his pockets. "But I get it. Who wants to be a copy, ja? Even of someone you admire."
“You strike me as a man of contradictions, Klavier.” Nahyuta said with his eyes closed and a half smile. “both too humble and yet the opposite at the same time.”
“Ough.” Trucy laughed, and rubbed her neck.
Who wants to be a copy, even of someone you admire. Trucy flashed back to her father, big smile and hands on his hips as he laughed heartily and told her that they’d never hand down the verdict on him…
That it would be the last day she ever saw him.
She thought of herself, forcing the same big smile every day as she fought to protect the family secrets from people hurt and slighted by her own grandfather and deliver a show that’d make everyone smile…
Almost everyone. Sometimes she didn’t feel like smiling at all.
“I wouldn’t wanna be anyone’s copy!” She chirped “nobody wants to pay attention to someone who’s not bringing anything new to the table, you know?” 
"Exactly, fraulein, exactly!" Klavier grinned widely as they arrived at Nahyuta's office. "And Nahyuta, I promise you I can never be too humble, ja?"
He lingered by the door, waiting for Nahyuta to lead them in.
Nahyuta put his hand to his chin “you may be perfect for the temple with an attitude like that.” he purred. “ever think of becoming a monk?”
He opened the door and waved them inside. 
"Nein, I don't think being a monk would suit me," Klavier said, shaking his head as he entered. Trucy watched him give Nahyuta a coy look. "I have never had a chaste day in my life."
“There’s no vow of chastity in Khura’inism, Klavier Gavin.” Nahyuta stepped out of the way and waved her inside too.
She followed and looked around curiously. It was a handsome office, sure…flowering plants by the window, a low table with settings for tea and a bunch of paperwork in the corner…there was even some kind of shrine to a woman without a face right behind it…
The holy mother, she reminded herself as the memory of the big trial against Ga’ran came back to her.
She couldn’t believe Klavier and the Sad Monk were flirting right in front of her. But she totally could. 
"Is that so?" Klavier grinned. "Well, if I were a man who believed in holy things, then I'd consider it. But right now we are already engaged in the only religion that my family has ever practiced. Shall we sign over young Trucy's soul to it, ja?"
He waved at the legal books and the documents on the desk.
Nahyuta laughed, and Trucy was a little frustrated that it was so pretty. “Sign over her soul…what a way to put it. But not entirely untrue, in it’s way.”
He walked over and began pulling sheets from the drawers beside the shrine.
“You make it sound like a devil’s bargain.” Trucy pursed her lips with a huff. “...not that I mind that. “
Klavier grinned that showstopping, stage-light grin of his and pulled his sunglasses down over his nose from where they'd been perched in his hair.
"Who's to say it isn't, fraulein? They say the devil is in the details, and the devil's advocate was a defense attorney, ja? Law is a tool of justice, fraulein. Much like a knife is a tool for whatever you cut. Nahyuta and I are handing you a knife, and asking you to make a pledge."
Nahyuta raised his eyebrow, and his smile turned a touch amused as he turned to offer the page.
“A knife and a pledge. My fellow prosecutor speaks true…the knife of justice calls to those who yearn to wield it, just as Lady Kee'ra once learned when she took up the dagger in the Holy Mother’s name.”
He produced the documents with his angelic smile “Here you are, Miss Wright. We shall see just where this will lead your mitamah.”
She looked between them. They were a couple of hams. Absolute drama queens trying to out drama one another.
But she wasn’t any better. Maybe it was her magician’s blood…or maybe something deep inside her sense of fun. She couldn’t help but play along.
She dipped into a sweeping bow, and snatched the papers “I’ll take the pledge, alright. Magical Girl Trucy Wright is going to be the best dang defense attorney you’ve ever seen. You two’d better get ready to see what happens when a tool’s used by a real master.” 
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ijustwant2write ¡ 4 years
Watch Your Words-Arthur Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader
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(GIF credit to @paulinska44stark)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @jenepleurepasbaby @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff @mzcrazy2
Prompt List
Requested by anonymous: 'can you do a arthur shelby one where the reader is his daughter (16-17) and they get into argument and he says something he doesn't mean and she runs off and everyone starts to get worried when they cant find her but she with bonnie or Isaiah and Arthur finds her and they talk and he apologizes and they make up'
Characters: Arthur Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader, Isaiah Jesus x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Alcohol abuse/drunkenness, neglect, swearing, crying, fluff
I moaned as I stirred that morning, hating how little sleep I had got. My father had been out once again, stumbling in at who knows what time, not keeping quiet and sounding like he was having a fight with himself downstairs. It wasn't unusual for him to drink this much, he used to do it a lot more, and I thought it had stopped for a while; the company was doing well, there hadn't been as much trouble recently, my father had been more present in my life. However, I watched it all crumble before me, returning to nights by myself, cooking for one, not having anyone to talk to.
Before heading downstairs, I peeked into my dad's room, wondering if he had made it upstairs. I was wrong, hoping that he was sprawled out on the sofa. Again, I made the mistake of thinking he wasn't that drunk, finding him lying down on the kitchen floor, two of the chairs from the dining table knocked over, as well as smashed glass surrounding it.
Sighing, I brushed some pieces of glass away from his head, hoping he would want to head to bed as soon as he woke up. Dad was on his back, head tilted to the right as he lightly snored. His coat had been in the hallway, along with his hat, but he had failed to take his jacket off, it was half way down his arms.
"Dad," I quietly said, shaking him lightly,"dad!"
He jolted awake, taking in a sharp breath, trying to figure out where he was. When he saw me, he groaned, wiping a hand over his face. Helping him sit up, I prayed that he wouldn't be sick (I had dealt with that situation too many times), not saying anything yet as I didn't know what mood he was in.
"Fucking hell." his voice was raspy, still rough from the night before."Did I wake you up?"
"Last night you did. But it doesn't matter."
"Sorry love."
"It's alright." I lied, managing to sit him down in a chair."Do you think you can stomach something?"
I didn't press further, grabbing a broom and sweeping up the glass into a pile. He said nothing more. As I got rid of the glass, making sure there were no more pieces we could step on, I noticed his fist on the table clenching up.
"Dad? You OK?"
"Just thinking about last night." he mumbled.
"Anything you want to talk about?"
"Don't worry. It's not for your ears. Go on, go get dressed."
I did as he said, knowing he was particularly sensitive at this moment. It was quiet downstairs when I was getting ready, a blessing and a curse. He could be sat down gathering his senses, trying to sober up, or he could be working himself into a frenzy. It had happened before, and I was scared it could happen again. I loved my father, he had raised me well, considering that we were Shelby's. Though I supposed I had Aunt Polly and Aunt Ada to thank for that, not him. He had always tried to be around when I was younger, wanting his child to know her dad. But as I got older, when I could become more independent, that's when he realised he could have a bit more freedom, especially since the woman (my mother) he fucked wanted nothing to do with him, just to look after the child they created.
I returned to him once I was ready for the day, slowly stepping into the kitchen. My heart sunk at the sight of whiskey in his hands once again. How could someone drink so much and continue? I had been drunk before, and I didn't enjoy the headache the next day.
"Dad, did something happen last night?" I hesitantly asked, slowly walking towards him.
He scoffed."Some people don't understand what respect means. I'm Arthur fucking Shelby, I don't think twice about killing a man."
I hated when he spoke of killing. It was something I always pushed to the back of my mind.
"You would not believe what this woman said to me last night. She...she said...how the fuck did I end up with a daughter like you? How could my daughter, who apparently has the heart in an angel, look me in the face everyday and smile? Hm? Well go on then, answer her question!"
"Dad, she was just trying to win you up."
He took a swig of his drink, clumsily leaning back in his seat."No, no, she meant that! And I want to know too. Since you're so perfect, what are you doing in the Shelby family?"
I backed away, now pressed up against the wall opposite him."You're not making sense. Look, I'll cook us something to eat, it'll help with your headache."
"The only headache round here is you."
"Don't know why your whore mother left you on my doorstep. I'm a killer, how would I know how to raise a child?"
"Just shut up dad, you're wasting your energy over this."
He shot up from his chair, causing it to hit the cabinets behind him."Don't you tell me what to do!" 
I flinched back, hitting my back and head on the wall. He had never hurt me, but there was a different rage in his eyes, and I was scared that this was the look his victims saw before he killed them. 
“When I fucked her, I was drunk, done a few lines, eh? I didn’t even know her name, but it didn’t matter. She might have been a prostitute, she might have been a woman at the club. But it didn’t matter.”
“Dad,” I sobbed, wondering if I should just run,“please stop talking like this.”
“I’ve slept with hundreds of women, never had a baby turn up though. But of course, just when things were going good for me, I got stuck with you. I had to spend money on you, feed you, dress you, shit, I had to make sure I knew what the fuck I was doing and be there for you. My fucking life went out of the window.”
I didn’t need to hear any more of this. Taking my chances, I darted towards the hallway, throwing open the door and running into the street. People on their way to work (or coming back from a long night out) watched as I sprinted past them, tears streaming down my face, despite the wind repeatedly drying them. I had heard my dad call for me, and I was sure he had fallen down trying to come after me. Stumbling into Charlie’s yard as I slowed down, I sighed with relief when I saw that no one was there. It seemed stupid to come here, when it was my family that owned it (and they were the people I wanted to be away from), but it was also somewhere I felt safe. Sniffling, I used one of my dress sleeves to wipe away the tears, now idly walking around the place. It was so dirty here, gloomy and dark; it reflected the mood at the moment.
Sitting down on a chair, that was terribly out of place, outside the stables, I leaned back, hating how the cold air hurt my lungs from running. My throat was recovering from being dry, but now there was a metallic taste in my saliva. It wasn’t lady-like to sit like this, but who gave a fuck? Coughing before spitting on the floor, I sunk deeper into the chair, legs spreading out to make it comfier.
“What’s little Miss Shelby doing all the way out here by herself?” I heard Isaiah call. However, the cocky smirk he held disappeared when he saw my teary face.“Shit, what’s happened?”
“My dad.” I sobbed, sitting up properly when he knelt in front of me.“He’s just drunk and...he said some things.”
“What things?”
“I don’t want to get you in trouble, Is.”
“Don’t worry about me.” Isaiah held on of my hands that was resting on my lap.“You’ve never been this upset before, he’s clearly said something that’s hurt you.”
“I’m tired of his habits Isaiah, he’s gone back to his old ways. I hate it! I don’t understand how he can go out almost every night and drink to that extent. He’s broken things in the house, he’s been sick, he’s fallen down the stairs, and yet it continues! And today, he said hurtful words to me. Told me how I was just the child of a whore, I was unwanted, he was basically saying he regrets taking me in when he could have easily given me to an orphanage!”
“Hey, calm down.” Isaiah kept his voice quiet.“He’s drunk, you know that. And that means he doesn’t mean those things.”
“They say that drunk words are your true thoughts.” I snapped.
“(Y/N), please listen to me.”
Reluctantly, I looked down at him, trying not to smile at the image of our hands interlocked.
“Your dad loves you far too much for his own good. He’s only ever loved his family, as in his brothers, sister and aunt, and that was just the normal. You were different. Yes, you weren’t planned, meaning he hadn’t prepared himself to welcome yet another person in his life.And he had to throw himself into parenthood, had to realise he was looking after a child. It was like going cold turkey for him. Now I’m not excusing his words or actions from earlier, he shouldn’t have ever said such things to you. But he worries, he worries because he loves you so much that he doesn’t even understand it himself.”
“I know that deep down...it just hurt. And I’m scared that he’s going to keep doing this to himself.”
He sighed, standing up, tugging on my hand.“Let’s go. We don’t need to be in this sad place.”
I slightly smiled, still holding his hand as I stood. However, he let go, taking off his coat and putting it on me. Luckily I was just tall enough for it to not drag on the floor, otherwise I would have dragged it through mud. He made his usual cheeky remark about it ‘looking better on me’, causing me to roll my eyes but laugh all the same. He distracted me as we walked, trying to steer the topic away from family matters.
"Isaiah, do you want kids?" I randomly asked.
He chuckled."Was that an offer?"
I shoved him away from me, causing us to laugh."You know what I meant you prick."
"Yeah, I do. It's still early days for me, especially since I'm doing a lot more for the boss and all that. But once I find my girl, I'll want to have my own family."
"That's very sweet of you Is. I can see you being a father, and a good one at that. Once you grow up a bit that is."
"You're wanting a mature man then, eh (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, do you know of anybody?"
He pretended to think."Nah."
The dreadful feeling that had been stuck in the pit of my stomach was almost gone, until I saw my dad running around the streets, obviously looking for me. Poor people in the street were bombarded by questions, he was terrifying to them. When he saw Isaiah and me, he was relieved, taking long strides towards us. He didn't look angry anymore, but I was still wary, hoping Isaiah would stay beside me.
"(Y/N), (Y/N) love, I've been looking everywhere for you!" he exasperated, trying to catch his breath.
"She was down by Charlie's yard." Isaiah explained.
"Why didn't you find me straight away?"
I butted in before he got angry with Isaiah."I was upset, Isaiah cheered me up. I wouldnt have come back anyway."
"I'm sorry (Y/N). I really didn't mean anything that I said this morning. It was the alcohol, I swear!"
"You'll use this excuse for the next time too."
"There won't be a next time, I promise!"
"Dad, do you know how much you upset me today? You basically told me you didn't want me, you called my mother a whore. There were so many random things that came out of nowhere, and it was purely to hurt me because you were hurting."
"I know. A woman in the bat last night reminded me of how your mother was, or at least I think she did. She made the same comments, saying that I didn't deserve to have such a lovely, good hearted girl as a daughter."
"No, sometimes you don't. But you're lucky that I love up to that title, because I love you too much to let this get in the way of our relationship."
"I'm going to stop, I won't do that again!"
"You're not going to drink again?"
He hesitated."I...I mean-"
"Dad, I was joking. I'm not expecting you to quit drinking altogether, just don't drink as much. And not just because you say mean things, because you've hurt yourself in the past. And there's so many people who are after you."
"Alright love, I'll hold back. For you. Am I forgiven?"
"For now." I hugged him, still upset, but knowing that we had to move past this in order for him to get better."I'm going to stay with Isaiah today though. I feel like we should spend some time apart, for the rest of the day at least."
"Why with Isaiah?"
"Because he's my friend, and he's helped me take my mind off things. I'll see you later dad." I kissed his cheek before grabbing Isaiah's hand again, dragging him away.
"You know you're dad is going to kill me right?" Isaiah said once we were out of earshot.
"He won't. Not if he wants me coming back for dinner tonight."
"I'm going to lose you that soon?"
"You would be so lucky Isaiah."
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trashyswitch ¡ 3 years
The Repair Man's Reward
Chris is a full time repair man who works with the Animatronics. But a regular night of routine housekeeping for the next morning, would turn into so much more than he expected. And frankly, he's not complaining!
This prompt was suggested by a close friend of mine, who has been having dreams of being tickled by Chica (a FNAF representation of me as a ler, basically). So Chris, buddy, I hope this fanfic lives up to your expectations and puts you into a lee mood for a while!
Chris walked himself into the newer-looking pizzeria and looked around the place. The custodian must’ve just finished cleaning and re-setting up the party room, because it wasn’t dirty or cluttered with kids stuff. It was completely put together with table covers, banners, party hats and napkins on the tables, and little party bags to go with it. Chris smiled as he walked past the dining hall/game room, and looked up at the stage with Toy Freddy Fazbear and the bright-looking band members.
He walked up the stage’s stairs, and walked up to the new animatronics. “Good morning guys. Are you ready for another day of entertainment?” He asked rhetorically. He knew that the animatronics wouldn’t reply, so he got started on Toy Bonnie first. He took a moment to make sure the animatronics were properly shut down, and started removing the eyes. “Let’s get that guitar of yours tuned, shall we?” He said to himself.
Chris placed the eyes into the box to be cleaned, and moved onto the two bottom buttons. He clicked both of them one at a time, and smiled as Bonnie’s faceplate opened. “Perfect.” he declared. Next, Chris touched the flashing light button on the throat pipe to make the guitar play. Quickly, the guitar started playing each string individually from up to down. He listened carefully for any strings out of place and to Chris’s surprise, the strings were fine!
“Huh...looks like you’re learning how to carry a tune without breaking a string! Good job, Bon.” He reacted.
Then, he carried the eyes to the cleaning boxes, and dropped them in. It took only a couple seconds for the eyes to be cleaned and spat out. Chris grabbed them, walked back to the animatronic and placed the eyes in. Lastly: Chris closed the faceplate. “There ya go! And now onto Chica.”
Chris walked up to Chica with a smile. “Hello Chica! Good to see ya.” He greeted as he looked at her body. “Having fun making pizza for the kids?” He asked, seeing at least 4 separate slices of pizza on her. “Let’s get that removed.” He put some blue gloves on and started removing the pizza from her body. “Eugh...What is up with you and your obsession with pizza? I mean I totally get it, but this is just…wrong.” Chris threw the pizzas away one at a time and threw away the gloves into the same garbage. “And now…”
Chris clicked the two buttons on Chica’s head, and waited to see if there were cockroaches or other bugs. And sure enough, a few cockroaches started climbing around on there. “Oh no. Not again. Seriously! Where do these cockroaches come from? Do we need to call an exterminator?” He asked. “I’m gonna write that down for Mr. Afton to see.” He decided. He grabbed a notebook out of his box of parts and wrote a note to Afton about the cockroach issue. Then, Chris put a dust mask on and goggles, and sprayed some chemi-spray onto the animatronic. Quickly, Chris watched with relief as the cockroaches died and fell onto the ground.
Finally, Chris adjusted Chica’s arm, and placed the cupcake onto her hand. “There! Now onto Freddy.”
Chris had walked himself up to Freddy and right away, he could see a kid’s toy stuck in the mouth. Carefully, Chris started to open the mouth to remove the kid’s toy. He managed to successfully remove it and placed it into the lost and found bin. Giving his bowtie a light tug, Freddy’s chestplate opened and revealed no other toys or anything else worthy of the lost and found bin. So, Chris booped Freddy’s snoot and kept Freddy the way he was.
“Alright. And Foxy is still out of commission and-” Chris paused what he was saying when he saw that Chica was looking at him. “Heeeeee’s…” Chris walked closer to Chica and slowly started walking backwards. He watched as Chica’s head moved with his body, while his big green eyes stayed staring right back at his own dark brown eyes.
“W-What are you looking at?” He asked.
Suddenly, the yellow toy animatronic’s eyes went black. Chris didn’t even have a chance to think another coherent thought before the animatronic had dropped the cupcake and leaped right off the stage! Chris had immediately dropped his box of spare parts and had taken off in a terrified sprint down the main hall. He could hear stomps and clanging sounds of the yellow toy robot following right behind him.
While he ran for his life, Chris tried looking behind him to see just how much space was between-
The robot was literally neck and neck with the tiny human that had repaired her. It was like a human trying to outrun a raging lion! So impossible you shouldn’t even TRY to attempt it! Even though it would’ve been easier to just give up, Chris didn’t. But that determination only lasted another second before he was quickly captured by the speedy robot. Chris shouted and kicked, and wiggled as much as he could to get out of her grip. But it was impossible. Now that he was captured, there was no getting out.
“Help! HELP! HELP! AAAA-” All of Chris’s breath was squeezed right out of him as Chica tried to give him a big hug. Though it didn’t hurt him per say, it did render him unable to breath for a couple seconds. When the robot had stopped tightening her arms, Chris managed to adjust himself slightly so he could still breath. He took in a big breath, and exhaled in relief. Though he was able to breathe okay, he was still stuck in Chica’s grip.
Chica had wrapped her arms around Chris’s upper arms, rendering his shoulders immobile for a while. He was still able to bend his elbows and reach his lower arms out, but he couldn’t extend them like he would with free shoulders. “Ch-Chica! Please!” Chris begged.
Chica ignored his begs to be let go, and rested her head against Chris’s shoulder and neck, like a touch-starved mother. Chris blinked in surprise and still worried for his safety thanks to the fear that still lingered in his system.
But then, Chris felt one of Chica’s arms loosen and watched as the big hand rose above his head. Chris gasped and braced himself for skull-crushing impact…
But the only thing he felt was a light pat. A light pat from a big palm, and a ruffle of his big head of hair from the robot’s fingers. Chris opened his eyes and...didn’t know how to react. Were the animatronics supposed to hug people like this? If not, then why was Chica hugging him? Chris looked up at the hand and attempted to shake her hand off his head. But Chica removed her hand herself and resumed her tight hug.
Chris blinked in more surprise, but slowly seemed to calm down. It seemed like Chica was not planning on killing him and instead, was only planning to give hugs and cuddles to the guy. If that was true, then he’ll take them. Anything’s better than being killed.
But the comfy hug soon grew loose as Chica lifted Chris back up in front of her. Chris looked at her with genuine confusion and slight curiosity. Chica’s eyes were no longer dark black and had reverted back to the light green color. The toy version of Chica looked so much more friendly and approachable compared to the first Chica. It was somewhat deceiving. Chris watched as Chica wrapped one full hand under his armpits and around the man’s upper chest. The left hand was now securely but gently holding onto Chris, while the right hand started reaching down to his belly.
Noticing the shirt had risen up, Chica lifted the shirt up more and gazed at the skin underneath. Chica’s head tilted to the side while her jaw dropped a little in surprise. Chris looked at her eyes and quickly widened his own when he saw something adrenaline-inducing in Chica’s pupils:
A white feather had appeared in both eyes.
“Oooooh no. Ch-Chica...Let’s not do that-”
Chris was quickly interrupted by a single thick yellow finger, scratching at his belly. Chris immediately went silent and tensed, almost nervous to let his laugh out. Maybe if he held his breath and waited it out, Chica would assume he’s not ticklish and move on. But unfortunately, it was a lot easier said than actually done.
Chica was moving the single finger around the different spots on his belly and adding little extra scratches here and there. The extra scratches were already almost breaking him. What made matters worse was that his belly was one of his absolute worst spots! It didn’t take much for anyone to break him just from some scratches on his belly.
Chris let out a strained grunting sound as he tried to keep his giggles from escaping his lungs. But then: Chica pulled an EVIL move by adding another finger to the scratching! And if that wasn’t enough, Chica had started ‘walking’ her fingers around his belly! OH NO! Chris accidentally let out a strained titter as his lips quivered into a wobbly, silly-looking smile.
Much to Chris’s dismay, Chica heard the tittering sound and quickly took it as a sign that the guy was ticklish! So Chica added her third finger and her thumb to the mix. The moment she started clawing and scratching, Chris threw his head back and broke out in laughter. “AAAAHAHAAAhahahahaha! EEEeehehehehehehe!” Chris laughed, wiggling around and kicking his feet.
Chica’s eyes appeared to dilate, making the pair feather images appear bigger in her eyes as she moved her hand to squeeze his bottom ribs. Chris took the few seconds to breath a little and quickly started giggling more high-pitched the moment she started squeezing. “Hahahahahahahaha! Chihihihicahahahahaha! Cuhuhuhut ihihihit ohohohouhuhut!” Chris reacted, squeezing Chica’s fingers as he giggled.
Chica removed her right hand and put her three fingers into a fist. Staring at her thumb, Chica lowered it towards the side of Chris’s chest and started digging and worming her thumb into the middle ribs and the spaces between. “HeheheheHEHEHEEEEEE! NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Chris tried desperately to reach down and grab the hand or thumb, but couldn’t even reach high enough thanks to Chica’s thick arms. And even if he could, he wouldn’t have been able to pull her off anyway.
Then, Chica stretched out her hands, and moved her hand curiously to his belly again. “IHIhihi...Whahahat ahahare…” He struggled to properly see where she was gonna go next thanks to her fingers taking up so much of his view. But Chris quickly figured it out thanks to one poke to the bell button.
Chris widened his eyes in horror. She’d better not be!
Chica poked his belly button again, causing Chris to jump and squeak like a loud mouse.
It was at this moment that Chris had realized: he was toast.
Chica immediately started poking and scratching her finger into his belly button, leaving him in hysterics. “AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAP! STAHAHAP IHIHIHIT! IHIHIHIT’S TOOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Chris begged.
Chica didn’t have any of those words in her code. But truth be told, none of the words in her code included laughter in between. That was a command flaw that had been around for a while, sadly. Usually, there would be a parent there to give the command. But this time, it was just one person! Chris was all alone; so Chris would have to work super hard to properly plead for her to actually stop.
Chris had sadly realized this and mentally cursed the complicated technology. If they had just come up with suits instead of robots...it would’ve been so much easier. But nope! He’s stuck with a robot chicken that was currently tickling him to bits.
Just as one would figure, Chica didn’t understand this as a proper command. So, she continue to tickle the belly button for a little longer before resuming to the generally belly area. “HAHAHahahahahaha! Ohohohokahahahay, thahahahank yohohou. Thahahahank yohohohou Chihihicaha.” Chris told her.
Chica didn’t really understand that command. but she did notice that Chris’s laughter was more giggly and happy, than high-pitched and hysterical. So, Chica seemed to be able to learn the type of attention that Chris liked. Chica’s whole hand scratching soon moved back to 1 finger scratching again. When that happened, Chris started to calm down more and more. “Hehehehehehe! Yohohou...Yohohou’re ahamahahazing. Wooohohow.” Chris muttered.
Chica tilted her head as she gently lifted up Chris’s chin. Chris had a cute little dopey smile on his face. Under his longer hair, hid his sparkling dark eyes. Chica tilted her head as the feather image in both her eyes, switched to white hearts. Chris looked at the hearts in her eyes and dropped his smile. Not because he was sad, but because he was curious. Why were there hearts in her eyes? Was...Was Chica in love with her? Or was this more like a motherly kind of love?
Chica moved her finger around under his chin, and started gently scratching under his chin. Chris’s smile seemed to grow right back onto his face but this time, it was followed up by...almost a loving reaction to the scratching. He was closing his eyes and tilting his head to the side while sporting a soft, comfortable smile on his face. Whatever kind of loving reaction this was, Chica was loving it! Her eyes dilated in wonder and excitement as she scratched under his chin with two fingers this time.
Chris appeared to be loving the chin scratches. Whenever Chica would move towards the upper chin, Chris would follow her and lift his chin up like a touch-starved cat. It was like he had just learned about the wonders of being touched. He didn’t want it to stop!
Next, Chica moved her ears towards his ears and started lightly scratching there. To Chica’s surprise, Chris started leaning into that touch as well! His face showed signs of enjoyment, and he even started...vibrating?
Wait...there was a sound to this vibration! It sounded strange. In fact, it sounded similar to a finger fluttering through all the pages of a book. It sounded...pleasurable? Was it a sound of enjoyment to go along with his face? Chica wasn’t entirely sure. But she could understand that whatever the sound was...it was connected to the ear scratching.
Whenever Chica would stop scratching his ears, Chris would stop doing the flutter sound and would look at him with sadness and hurt. Silent pleas for more? It seemed so. Chica would continue the ear scratches, and the pleasurable face, along with the flutter sound, would return.
Chica kept up this interesting sound-making action for a little longer. And the moment she finally stopped, Chris looked at her with a smile. “Thank you Chica. That felt amazing.” Chris opened his arms out, reaching for a hug. Chica, surprised but happy to agree, gently brought Chris into a hug. Chris wrapped his arms around her neck and snuggled his face into her shoulder.
While Chris snuggled into the chick, Chica started to draw little scribbles on his back with her loving finger. Chris, much to her surprise, started giggling and wiggling a little. “Hehehehehehehe! Thahahat tihihihicklehehes!” He giggled. Happy to hear his laughter more up close, Chica kept it up. “Hehehehehehehe! Hehehehehahahahahahaha!” He kept on giggling.
Chris wasn’t even trying to protest at this point! He was just happy to be in her arms! Chris’s viewpoint on Chica had changed drastically from when he got there, to at this moment. Toy Chica was programmed to be a little like a mother hen to the little children she likely saw as baby chicks. It was an underappreciated code idea that deserved a lot more positive reviews.
Chris stayed in Chica’s hug for a long while and enjoyed every ticking second of his cuddle session with her. It had been years since he had been cuddled like this. He never, ever expected to get such a warm cuddle session from a metallic, chicken-looking robot! But, gifts can come at the strangest of times.
Chris would later go back to the Pizzeria with more than just a daily repair job to do. He would come back, fix up the animatronics, and cuddle Chica for a while. Everytime he had a shift, Chris would happily cuddle with Chica. And amazingly, Chica’s faulty facial scanning seemed to work just enough so that she recognized who he was! It was the fixing man who loves to cuddle!
Now despite Chris’s attempts to hide this secret, he did manage to get caught. But Chris was actually surprised with who, out of all the staff, had caught him during a cuddle session. It was Henry Emily himself.
Henry had originally come into the restaurant to reminisce over the robots he had created and sadly, handed over to Afton once he left the team. But he ended up finding a lot more than just a repair man and the animatronics.
While the sight of a grown man cuddling a robot was super confusing and almost worrying at first, Mr. Emily seemed to understand just what was actually happening. Not only that, but Emily even had some answers for Chris’s questions such as: What did the hearts mean?
As it would turn out, the hearts meant that Chica had grown a special connection to someone, similar to a mother with their child! He had originally set it up with white hearts to represent purity in the love rather than the traditional red heart, which would represent a more intimate love.
So Chris smiled in delight when he realized his personal guess was almost spot on!
But then, more and more things started to finally click when Chica’s feathers appeared in her eyes again while looking at Henry. And of course; before the engineer could think to run, Chica had grabbed him and started tickling him! And even when Emily begged and pleaded for Chris to stop her, Chris just crossed his arms and enjoyed the strangely endearing scene.
Looks like Chris isn’t the only one who likes getting tickles from the pizza-loving chicken...
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furtheradvofsanta ¡ 3 years
Santa Letter 2020
Every year, Santa Claus writes a letter to my nephew, and somehow every year I manage to find a copy. If you’ve been wondering what Santa and crew have been up to in quarantine, well, here you go. Bonus: Jack Frost and Frosty the Snowman go hunting for a yeti.
Santa’s Workshop
Beyond the Riphean Mountains
Beyond the North Wind
True North Pole
December 21, 2020
My dearest [name],
What a strange year this has been. I hope you and your family are doing well, or as well as possible at least. I don’t know how much you remember your five Christmases before this one, but they weren’t much like this sixth one, and I hope the seventh and beyond won’t be much like this one either! At least this year I am definitely writing to you from home and not the Moon, where the mail takes so long to travel from (and where I guess they print in blue ink!), but I’ve been at home so long now, I honestly wouldn’t mind a quick little hop to the Moon, or anywhere, if I were allowed.
But before I tell you about what things have been like here at the North Pole as we have all been stuck at home, let me tell you about what happened at the beginning of the year, which I think will amuse you. You see, our good friend Jack Frost came to visit us after we had finished our rounds for Christmas. Along with him came his brother, whose name I have not mentioned before, because his name is in Russian, and is something of a big name for little eyes: МОРОЗКО. Some of those letters may not even look like letters to you, but I promise you, in Russian, they are. It means something like “Little Frost,” and he got the name from his grandfather, Grandfather Frost, so I suppose I will call him “Frostie,” which some have been known to call him.
When Jack and Frostie arrived at the workshop after the Christmas rush, it was obvious that Frostie was upset. Angry, even. This is fairly unusual for him, as he is usually the cooler head that prevails over Jack’s flights of fancy. Another thing you need to know about Frostie is that, well, he doesn’t have a body. Because of an accident that happened many years ago, he’s more like a ghost who lives in a hat. But whenever that hat is placed on something--a mannequin or doll, for instance--that thing comes alive with Frostie’s spirit. Because of his family’s power over the winter frost, the most common thing he uses for a body is a snowman. In fact, he’s pretty famous for his adventures that way.
One of his best-known adventures happened many years ago in the small town of Armonk, New York, where he played with the children there and raised Christmas spirits considerably. You might have heard about it. The people of that town celebrate this adventure every year with a parade in which Frostie is the guest of honor. Despite generally being a pretty modest young man, Frostie does love this parade and he attends every year. In most ways, 2019 was no different. But then something chanced to catch his eye.
As the parade was processing down Main Street toward the village square, Frostie happened to look over at a local storefront that was decorated for Christmas. What he saw was a snowy mountain scene populated by dolls fashioned to look like strange figures: mostly human-shaped but very large, with long white hair covering most of their bodies and only bits of blue skin peeking out at their faces, hands, and very large feet. You might have heard of the creatures depicted in this scene. In the snowy Himalayas, they call them the Migoi or the Mirka, but most people there and elsewhere call them the yeti. In English, the yeti is often called the Abominable Snowman, and an old friend of mine used to call them bumbles because he couldn’t say “abominable” very well.
America has its own fair share of large, hairy, human-like ape creatures that stalk through their woods. The most famous of these of course is the sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, who lives in the Northwest states like Washington and Oregon, down into Northern California, but there’s also the Fouke Monster in Arkansas, the Skunk Ape in Florida, the Hillbilly Beast in Kentucky, and several others. The yeti is related to this, but lives way over in Asia, high in the Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world.
The yeti looks like a large ape that walks on two legs, almost eight feet tall, with long arms, a powerfully strong body, and a head with a flat nose, all covered in long red or black hair. While they often appear white, this is usually because their naturally dark fur is covered with snow and ice. They are clever hunters and can turn their feet around backwards so that their footprints look like they’re going the opposite direction, just to fool anyone trying to follow them. Their main hunting weapon is a magic rock that they carry under their left arm which always hits and stuns its target--which is usually a yak or a goat, unless a person is really unlucky. They normally live alone, but they talk to each other by making a whistling sound. Plus they smell really bad.
After the parade was over, Frostie decided to see if he could find any more Christmas yetis, so he let his hat take to the wind, and he flew all over the place. The more Frostie looked around, the more decorations he saw of these Abominable Snowmen. He saw ornaments, stuffed animals, dolls, tree toppers, and inflatables in people’s front yards. They were everywhere. And Frostie didn’t like it.
Do you know what the word “abominable” means? It’s not a very nice word. It means something so bad, so mean, so disgusting, that everyone who sees it immediately hates it. Frostie, who was often a snowman himself, didn’t want that to be the word everyone thought of when they thought of snowmen at Christmas. As he himself is a jolly, happy soul (usually), those are the kinds of words he would want to be used to describe snowmen.
(His brother Jack, of course, suggested that the real reason that Frostie was so upset is that he had become used to being the most famous snowman of all, and he didn’t like his spotlight being stolen. This, I think, was Jack teasing his brother, but who knows? There could be some truth to it.)
And so it was that when Jack and Frostie came to visit us after Christmas, Frostie let us know of his plan: he was going to go to the Himalayas, catch a yeti, and tell them to go back up into their mountain caves and leave Christmas to less abominable people! He wasn’t going to go alone, of course. Jack considers himself a big-time adventurer and thought catching one of the scariest monsters in the world would be a real feather in his cap. (Though knowing Jack as I do, I knew he would tell stories of bravely catching an abominable snowman even if he never saw one.) What’s more, the two brothers would be joined by their cousin, the Snow Maiden, whose duties for Grandfather Frost (the grandfather of Jack, Frostie, and the Snow Maiden who lives in a snowy estate in the forests of Russia) she had completed after the New Year, which is when Russian children get presents.
Frostie thought it would be a good family outing for the three cousins to travel together, since the two brothers are normally roaming the world and the Snow Maiden spends most of her time with Grandfather Frost. I think the Snow Maiden was more interested in the travels with her family than any chance of seeing (or smelling) a yeti. And, as I said, Jack was more interested in being able to boast about hunting a great monster than in saving the good name of snowmen everywhere.
But Frostie was still glad to have them along. Each one of them has a good amount of snow and ice magic on their own, but together the three of them should have been unstoppable, even in the face of giant hairy ape-men. As they were preparing for their trip, Jack even started singing a song that he made up (or so he says) about their expedition. I don’t remember all the words, but I do remember him singing this part over and over at the top of his lungs, until the words echoed through the reindeer stalls and frightened all the calves:
“Well, it’s cheer up, my lads!
Keep your hearts ever steady!
For the bonny brave Frost cousins
Go a-hunting for the yeti!”
And before we knew it, they were off. As quick as a wink, Jack and the Snow Maiden had whisked themselves up into invisible snowy winds and carried Frostie’s hat off with them. Fortunately, the same Christmas magic that lets me know when children are in danger or when they’re up to coal-worthy antics would warn me if anything went wrong for them on their trip that required a quick reindeer rescue. Frostie had told me not to worry, as he had once saved a city in Maryland from monsters that were a lot like yetis except much, much bigger. In that case, a local doctor had simply built a very, very large snowman body for Frostie to inhabit, which made scaring off the frost giants much easier. He said that if things got too scary, Jack could easily make him a similar body. I guess it was better than no plan at all, but I hoped they wouldn’t have to count on a giant snowman saving them.
As it turns out, they didn’t have to build a giant snowman. But that’s not to say there wasn’t any danger. In fact, only a few days after the Frost cousins had left for the mountains of Tibet, I had a dream in which I could see what they were up to. After failing to find a snowbeast for some time, the three cousins decided to find a place to rest. What they found was an old abandoned mill where the local people used to grind barley into flour. Since it was obvious no one had been there in a long time, the three built a fire and settled in to sleep.
In the darkest, quietest time of the night, they were all suddenly woken up by the sound of the mill door slamming shut! When they opened their eyes, they saw the giant, shaggy form of an angry yeti standing over them! “This is my hideout!” he growled in an angry voice. “What are you doing here? I’m going to eat you up!”
The three cousins were scared and didn’t know what to do. They had great power among them, but this yeti had caught them off-guard. There was no snow inside the mill for Frostie to use as a body, so the plan that had worked on the frost giants in Maryland wouldn’t work here. Jack decided to turn to his most powerful weapon: tall tales.
“It’s good that you’re here, Mister Yeti,” said Jack. “We’ve been looking all over for you. My brother and sister and I are all powerful frost giants from the land of Giants’ Home and we have taken on these puny human forms to come and see how this world’s snow and ice monsters are doing.” He stood up and walked around the yeti as if he were checking out a suit of clothes that he was considering buying. “You seem to be doing a very good job, very frightening. The stink is good, it reminds me of home. Your sweaty armpit rock is very intimidating as well. I’ll let the king of the giants know that he doesn’t have to worry about the ape-men of the Himalayas.”
Unfortunately, the yeti wasn’t buying Jack’s story any more than you might. He grabbed Jack by the back of his collar and lifted him up off the ground to look him straight in the eye. Jack did his best not to grimace when the sour milk smell of the yeti’s steamy breath puffed into his nostrils. “Show me,” said the yeti. “Show me that you are a giant. If you are so strong, you could crush me.” Jack couldn’t answer. “Why do you look so scared?”
So Frostie’s plan to make a big snowman hadn’t worked, and the yeti wasn’t convinced by Jack’s fibs. Fortunately there was still a third Frost cousin. The Snow Maiden cried out, just as the yeti was about to bop Jack one right on the head, “Wait! Mister Yeti, I know we have come into your hiding place and now you are going to eat us up. That is only fair. But I have one request. Where we come from, it is a custom before dying to cover our legs with oil before dying. That way we can run swiftly to Heaven. Will you allow us to do this?”
The yeti thought it over and decided he didn’t really care if his dinner tasted like oil or not, especially since he planned to gobble them up so fast that he wouldn’t even be able to taste anything. And so he agreed to let the cousins brush their legs with oil before he ate them up. But what he didn’t know was that the brush the Snow Maiden held up wasn’t a brush for rubbing oil on things: it was Jack’s magic paintbrush that he uses to paint frost crystals on windows and sparkling white icicles on tree branches.
The Snow Maiden ran the brush up and down her leg and said, “This is so wonderful. My legs feel like I could run anywhere, as fast as the wind. I could catch up to a yak without trying. I could leap from mountaintop to mountaintop.”
The yeti, who would have liked to be able to catch a yak without trying, grabbed the brush from the Snow Maiden’s hands. “Let me try that!” he growled. Soon he was rubbing the brush up and down his hideous hairy legs, just as he had seen the Snow Maiden do, all the way down to his furry, backwards feet. With each swipe of the brush, however, the yeti’s legs became more and more covered in ice thanks to the magic of the paintbrush. Before he even noticed what was happening, his legs were so frozen that he couldn’t move. Jack couldn’t believe the Snow Maiden, normally so polite, had pulled off a better trick than even he could think of, and with his own brush no less.
With the yeti frozen to the ground, the Frost cousins took their chance to escape. Jack, with one last flick of his brush, froze the yeti’s mouth closed so that he wouldn’t be able to whistle a warning to the others out there hiding among the mountain caves. The three Frosts disappeared into a flurry of snow, and that was the end of my dream. I did not dream about them again for a long time, so I figured that meant they were safe.
Meanwhile, it turns out that it was everywhere else that wasn’t safe! Suddenly, everywhere all over the world people were getting sick, and the only way to stay healthy was to stay inside or wear a mask if you had to go out. That was true everywhere, even here at the North Pole. You may have heard on TV that I can’t catch this sickness, which is true--I wouldn’t be able to deliver presents this year otherwise--but that’s not true for everyone who lives up here at the North Pole. And so we had to make sure everyone was safe.
My main apprentice, Pete, was very helpful in making sure that his brothers all washed their hands several times a day while singing the song “Saint Nicholas, Little Rascal” (a very popular song in the Netherlands) twice to make sure they were all the way clean. The animals couldn’t get sick, so Rupert didn’t have much to do besides his normal job, though he did make sure the werewolf in our stables always kept a mask over his snout. The elves in the workshop made special breathing devices that filtered out any sickness from the air. I told them they didn’t have to work and that I would make all the toys this year, but they said that toymakers are essential workers, and I couldn’t disagree. We can’t disappoint the children. This year has been bad enough.
The Krampus assured me that the beasts huddled up in our outbuilding of furry friends were enough like animals that they wouldn’t get sick any more than the reindeer would. That was good, because I couldn’t imagine trying to convince that big pile of monsters that they should stay six feet away from each other.
Once we had made sure that everyone at the workshop was being careful and staying home, it was up to Mrs. Claus to make sure that everyone out in the village in the forest was being safe. Mrs. Claus and her two closest helpers, Holly and Ivy, who are both tree spirits like Mrs. Claus, went out into the thick forest of fir trees that surround the North Pole workshop. First they told all the other tree spirits that it would be best to just stay in their trees this year unless absolutely necessary.
Then they turned to the Mushroom People who make their homes underneath the fir trees, with their little red caps with white spots. They had come to live in our forest after being driven out of their homes by the Penny Bun Mushrooms in the War of the Mushrooms. They found it most comfortable to live under the shade of silver fir trees, and since we have more of those than anywhere else in the world, they live with us. When Mrs. Claus told them about how everyone was getting sick, they said they weren’t worried because their people were blessed with good luck, but that they would still stay inside anyway to help everyone else.
Then Mrs. Claus, Holly, and Ivy checked with the Moss People, the Mossmen and Mosswomen, who live with us to hide away from the wild hunters who try to catch them every year. The Moss People were all fine, tucked away inside their hollow log homes. Next, Mrs. Claus and her helpers checked with the timid Pinecone People, who can normally be found climbing over the rooftops during the Twelve Days of Christmas, and made them promise to stay home and not climb on any rooftops at all.
Holly and Ivy then ranged out deeper into the fir forest in an attempt to find Belsnickel, the woodsman of the North Pole, who keeps to himself at the best of times. They looked and looked and couldn’t find him, so we feel pretty confident that he’s keeping away from other people, which is pretty normal for him anyway. Don’t worry about him being lonely, though, as I’m sure he has no shortage of snowshoe hares, Arctic foxes, puffins, and snow buntings to keep him company.
I myself went to talk to the Valkyries, the warrior women who watch over the northern sky and whose armor twinkles in the distant light of the sun, creating what most people call the Northern Lights. I talked to their leader, whose name is Mist, as she hovered in the night sky above the Earth. Normally, the job of Valkyries is to select the bravest warriors from any battle who might be worthy to join the Hall of Heroes who spend their days training to fight a giant wolf who they know will one day try to eat the world. (Don’t worry, that wolf is chained up with the strongest chains ever built. They were made by the relatives of our workshop elves, so I know they’re of good quality and should last a long time.) Mist told me that because so many people were staying home this year, there were no battles for them to watch over. That meant they could stay home in the skies above the North Pole.
I went next to talk to the Great North Polar Bear, Callisto, and her son, Arcas. As they are bears, I knew they wouldn’t need to worry about a human sickness. I still wanted to check on them and make sure they were okay, because I didn’t want them to be lonely. I also asked them if they would do me the favor of keeping an eye on the entrance to the Star Land. You remember that Callisto and Arcas live up among the stars above the Pole to be a sign to the people so they can always find which way is north. Because they live in the stars, they are neighbors to the Star People of Star Land. I was not particularly worried that the Star Man or the Little Star would wander out of the Star Land and into the human world and get sick, but I knew that some of the little ones, the Star Boys and little angels who romp and play all over that starry land, might not be old enough to understand that they can’t play with or sing for little human girls and boys this year. Callisto promised that she would look out for any stray cherubs dancing down the light beams towards the Earth. I thanked her by promising her we would save her and Arcas an extra big portion of their favorite soda when they visited next.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Claus took one of the horses from the stables and rode out to the Riphean Mountains, which surround the North Pole and help keep unwanted visitors out. She rode to the court of King Lunicursor, the king of the griffins who live in the mountains, protecting their hoards of gold. Griffins, of course, are half eagle and half lion, so they can’t catch a human virus. We weren’t worried about the griffins, but rather about the one-eyed giants who also live in the Riphean Mountains and who are always trying to steal the griffins’ gold. Despite only having one eye and being larger and meaner than a normal human, we were worried that the Arimaspians, as they are called, would not care very much about their health or anyone else’s, and they might run down into human villages and spread sickness everywhere. They are definitely rude enough that they would never wear a mask or stay six feet away from someone, or even wash their hands or cover their mouths when they cough. Very rude.
Lunicursor, you will remember, is quite friendly with Mrs. Claus after the two of them flew to the Moon last year to stop the Mouse King with the legendary sword Crackatook. He was, of course, very happy to see Mrs. Claus, and he agreed to keep a close eye on the Arimaspians this year and try to keep them too busy to make war with their neighbors south of the mountains. Mrs. Claus and Lunicursor also agreed that the griffins’ job of flying across the world and finding homes for unwanted toys was more important than ever this year. This year has been lonely enough for some children. We want to make sure they get all the toys they can.
Beyond the peaks where the griffins guard their gold and the valleys were the Arimaspians pasture their horses lie the banks of the Eridanus River, the only river that leads up through the Riphean Mountains. Along its banks grow long rows of poplar trees that never stop weeping golden, sticky amber. The trees cry because they used to be human, the sisters of a young man who foolishly thought he could control the sun as if he were driving a sleigh. He was wrong, and he steered it too close to the Earth and burned a big part of it up, creating what we know now as the Sahara Desert. In the end, he lost control altogether, and his sisters were so sad after he fell from the sun and back to Earth that they turned into trees that have been crying ever since. 
Swimming in the waters of the Eridanus are huge flocks of swans. Most of them used to be human; in fact, they were the people who lived at the North Pole before we did, when it was still spring all the time, before the cold came. When the people of the North Pole became old, they would dive into the waters of the Eridanus, and its magic turned them into swans. Also among them are many Swan Maidens, who can change between human form and swan form, but who are not originally from the North Pole. They are watched over by their brother, the Swan Knight, who rides a boat pulled by his sisters in their swan forms. I’ll have to tell you more about them another time.
Anyway, Mrs. Claus rode down from the mountains, sneaking through the valleys of the Arimaspians, and to the banks of the river. There she talked to the Swan Maidens and the Swan Knight and made them promise to stay along the banks of the river, or if they had to visit the human world, that they would stay in their swan forms. The Swan Maidens all promised to obey Mrs. Claus, and I hope they were being honest. Many of the Swan Maidens used to be princesses and are not used to doing what other people say, even when it’s for their own good.
Beyond the banks of the Eridanus lies a snowy land that has been cursed to eternal winter where only horrible creatures like the Awgwas live, so there isn’t much good we could do there. The Awgwas are even ruder than the Arimaspians, and besides, they can turn invisible, so it’s not likely we’d find them if we wanted to. Once you get beyond that, you’ll find the Islands of Amber and the Island of Tin and Furthest Thule and other places that are well outside the influence of the North Pole. Hopefully those people will make good decisions for themselves.
And so you can see, from the Pole to the Workshop to the stables to the Krampus shelters to the village to the fir forest to the Northern Lights to the Star Land to the Riphean Mountains to the Riphean valleys to the banks of the Eridanus, we have done our best to keep everyone safe and inside this year. It has been a hard and lonely year, but we have done our best. We tried to focus on our work and making toys and getting ready for Christmas, but sometimes it can be hard to pay attention to work, and that’s okay too.
The good news is this: after many months of staying home and making sure all the creatures of the North Pole were doing the same, I finally had another dream about the Frost cousins. The three of them were standing on an icy peak near Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world, hoping from that high point they could spy a yeti. Of course, the wind and snow made it very hard to see anything, let alone a sneaky beast whose fur was crusted white with frost against blankets of snow. And while their attention was focused on what was down the mountain, they weren’t thinking about what was coming behind them!
Yes, it was a yeti! This one was even taller than the one who had tried to gobble them up at the mill. Fortunately they heard his large, backwards feet cracking through the snow behind them. When they whipped their heads around to see what had made the noise, they saw a yeti very different from the one they had encountered before. This one was not crusted over with snow, but rather his long, black fur appeared to be neatly combed. The look on his face was peaceful and welcoming, rather than snarling and hungry. And perhaps most strangely of all, he was wearing clothes! Even though they were ragged from age and use, the Frost cousins could tell that the yeti was wearing monk’s robes. With his magic rock tucked under his left arm, this unusual creature was dragging a large portion of meat behind him with his right arm.
Rather than threatening to eat the Frost cousins up, he asked if they would like to get out of the cold and join him for a meal. The way he asked was so polite, even sassy Jack didn’t bother pointing out that the Frost cousins never got cold. Instead, the polite Snow Maiden agreed that they would follow him. Frostie was nervous about following a yeti to his home, but he knew this was perhaps his best shot at telling an abominable snowman to leave Christmas to the jolly, happy snowmen.
This yeti, it turned out, lived in a small house near the peak of Everest. For many years he had lived there with a monk--a human monk--who was his friend, and who had taught the yeti how to be a monk himself. It turns out that many, many years ago, the monk had been keeping watch over the world one night, silently praying for good things for the people and animals of the world below him. In the winter moonlight, a yeti--this yeti, the one telling the story--tried to sneak up on him to gobble him up, as the yeti at the mill had tried to do to the Frost cousins.
Instead, the monk turned around and showed the yeti his peaceful, smiling face. The monk’s attitude was so loving and calm that the yeti forgot that he had meant to make a meal of him. With gentle words and loving gestures, the monk invited the yeti into his humble home, the very cabin where the yeti and the three cousins now sat. The yeti was a welcome guest here at the home of the monk. He had never felt so happy and accepted in his life, and soon he wondered why he had ever tried to hurt anyone.
The monk treated the yeti as if he were his brother--because, the monk said, all those who walk the Earth are his siblings--and as if he had lived in his home for years. The monk’s words were like seeds that he planted in the yeti’s heart, and those kind and gentle words blossomed into peace and love within the yeti. Soon the yeti would help the monk by getting food and firewood for the two of them, and the monk taught him his way of life. Although the monk had grown old and died many years ago, the yeti lived on, continuing to live in the style of peace and kindness the monk had taught him.
And that is how the Frost cousins had found him. The four joined together in happiness and warmth inside the monk’s cabin, enjoying the warm fire and the meal the yeti prepared for them. It was very good, in my opinion, that the cousins found someone so kind and helpful, because soon after they arrived in the yeti’s small house, the order went out that everyone needed to stay home or else get sick. That was, of course, back in the spring.
So Jack, Frostie, and the Snow Maiden have been living with the yeti monk for most of a year, eating yak for dinner and learning the ways of peace and kindness. My dream didn’t show me everything that has been going on with them for nine months, but I do know that now that he’s met this yeti, Frostie has changed his tune about yetis. He thinks that calling them abominable is very rude, and that while some of them are mean and cruel, others of them are more like adorable snowmen. And so he’s decided that it’s okay if some people decorate for Christmas while using yetis as long as they don’t forget to use regular snowmen, too. I think he’ll probably get his wish.
The extra good news is that a doctor just called me this week to tell me that they were making a medicine to help people fight the sickness that caused so much trouble this year. While they are still working on making enough for everyone to have some, they know how important Christmas is to so many people, so they wanted to make sure we got some at the North Pole so that we can make our rounds. As soon as it gets here, I’m going to fly the sleigh down to the Himalayas to find Jack, Frostie, and the Snow Maiden and take them back to Grandfather Frost in Russia so they can get ready to help him deliver gifts on New Year’s!
I will have to take my fastest reindeer, because we at the North Pole of course have our own work to do, and Christmas is coming soon! I will definitely be coming to see you, because I know you have been good this year, staying at home and wearing a mask when you go out! I wish there were more people who would follow your example, but there are a lot of names on the naughty list this year, I’m afraid, all because they are so angry about masks! Anyway, there’s plenty of coal to go around for people like that.
Have a merry Christmas, and here’s to a better year in 2021! Give my love to your mommy and daddy and all of your family. I will be there to visit soon! 
Your friend,
Santa Claus
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queencarolinemikaelson ¡ 4 years
Ice Skating
Klaroline Bingo as hosted by @klaroline-events Prompt // Winter
Caroline Forbes was single, and proud.
Being single allowed her to go wherever, whenever, and with whomever she wanted.
She didn’t have to worry about checking in with anyone. She could stay out all weekend if she wanted, and she could stay in whenever she wanted too. She could focus on her career, and herself, and didn’t have to worry about treading on any masculine toes.
There had been a time where she flitted from boyfriend to boyfriend, thinking it was what she needed to be happy. But the older she got, the more she realised she was just happy being with herself, and if the right person came along, she would know.
So yeah, Caroline Forbes was single, and loved it.
But every now and then, as rare as it was, there were days she hated it.
On that particular day, for instance.
It was the day of the whenever-it-works-out friend reunion. A day when Caroline, her entire friend group and their partners got together to have a big, boozy lunch - free from kiddies and responsibilities.
Her friends were dotted around the country by now, so their reunions were rare. This one Caroline had actually organised, seeing as she was the only Chicago local in the group. They had decided on Chicago some months earlier, because some of her friends were coming to Chicago to visit their brother anyway, and it wasn’t much of a stretch for the remaining couples to descend upon the city as well.
Caroline was rightly looking forward to it, it wasn’t often her friends-who-are-parents were able to let loose.
So imagine her displeasure when, she got a harried phone call from one of her friends the morning before the reunion was due to take place.
Because, for some reason, ‘single’ seemed to be friends-who-are-parents language for ‘convenient babysitter’ when they needed time out from their rowdy young ones.
“Please, Caroline,” Elena begged. “The service we hired to mind all the kids cancelled. None of us have been able to go out for months!”
The blaring implication was there; Caroline could hear it in her friend’s plea.
‘Please, Caroline. You can be stuck with children for one day. Going out doesn’t mean as much to you.’
Caroline had been an odd mix of hurt, and – dare she say it – relieved that she was being shouldered out of lunch, because her friends-who-are-parents needed a babysitter.
She was hurt for obvious reasons. Didn’t matter that she wanted to hang with them.  Didn’t matter that she organised the reunion. Didn’t matter that it was her rallying that got them all together. She was the most expendable. Because she was single, she wasn’t a mother; she didn’t need it as much.
But she was relieved because, no matter how much happy she was living her single life, her coupled-off friends usually couldn’t manage to keep their opinions of her singlehood to themselves.
She bitterly rolled her eyes, thinking about how they would like it if she passed comment on their lifestyles with kids, made judgements about their marriages.
“Fine, but you better remember this next time you ask me why I’m still single,” Caroline agreed, haughtily. “And I expect a pretty awesome Christmas present.”
On the morning of the reunion, her small, not-particularly-kid-proof apartment was over run by her five excitable nieces and nephews, and their eight excited-looking parents.
“We can’t thank you enough,” Bonnie gushed, happily, as she stepped through her front door, beginning the slew of compliments for Caroline’s selflessness.
“Care, this is so amazing,” Jeremy said, appreciatively.
“Caroline, you’re a lifesaver,” Elena grinned, gratefully.
“Yeah, barbie, love your work,” Damon quipped, sardonically.
“Care, you truly are the best friend,” Rebekah smiled, thankfully.
“Yeah, Caroline, I know you’ve been looking forward to today as well,” Stefan thanked, profusely.
“We are very much in your debt,” Elijah nodded, graciously.
“I don’t know what all you are on about, Caroline is the reason these things are fun, and you’re making her babysit your kids!” Katherine griped, but threw her friend a relieved smile.
“Not a problem, guys,” Caroline said, with all the grace she could muster. “Now, how are my favourite rugrats!”
The five children chorused their enthusiasm in exuberant cacophony, making all nine adults smile widely at the cuteness.
Before too long, however, eight of the nine adults took their leave, leaving Caroline to wrangle the little ones on her own.
Now, Caroline may not have been a mother, but she knew her way around children.
She babysat her way through high school, then nannied her way through university. Plus, the first baby had been born into the group less than a year after college ended. Plus, Caroline had known all these children since they were born, and just as she was the cool friend in the group, she was the cool aunty.
That experience, coupled with her unrivalled ability to plan the perfect day for any group, Caroline knew the day with the kids would go off without a hitch.
She had every activity planned out, and every item she’d need for each activity in colour coded boxes. She’d only had a day’s lead time, or else she’d have sent each parent a list of things they should pack, to ensure best-day-ever status from the children.
Though, minding all five at once was getting more challenging as the two eldest, Jeremy and Bonnie’s, Rowan, and Elena and Damon’s, Jessamy, were now ten, so endless craft activities didn’t hold the magic it once did.
But never fear, Caroline set up stations for the children to run between, which included every winter activity she could think of; paper snowflake cutting, drawing, Twister, and, the group favourite, gingerbread house decorating.
Each child chipped in making lasagne for lunch, and laughed their way through a team challenge of baking chocolate chip cookies.
They all watched a movie after lunch, munching on their cookies and gingerbread. But by the time 4pm rolled around the kids began to get fidgety, and the lack of a back yard on her apartment suddenly became and issue.
Never fear, however, because Caroline had a contingency for this, as she had for every eventuality.
“All right, kids,” she called, clapping her hands together to get their attention. “Jackets, shoes and socks on, please, we’re going on a special trip. But you have to promise to be extra good okay?”
While the kids eagerly donned their outwear, Caroline quickly shoved snacks, and two thermos’ of hot chocolate into a big bag, before donning her jacket, scarf, hat, and gloves. 
“Let’s go ice skating!”
“Okay everyone!” Caroline called, as all five kids stood with their feet all clad in skating gear. “Are we excited?”
A squealed response later, Caroline gave them her brightest smile and the green light to take off.
She knew she was taking a bit of a risk with this trip, but she also knew Bonnie and Jeremy took their kids skating often so she wasn’t worried when the two youngest Gilberts, Rowan and Penny, took off immediately. Elena and Damon’s daughter, Jessamy, was a little less confident, but it didn’t take long before she was off after her cousins in a flurry of snow. Stefan and Rebekah’s, Jamie, was also already quite the competent skater, which left Meg, the youngest of the cousins, to tentatively cling to Caroline’s hands as her wobbly skating legs took to the new activity.
But before much longer, even Meg was chasing after her older cousins, just leaving Caroline to grip the railing at the edge of the rink.
“Come on Aunty Care!” Jessamy shouted, excitedly. “You have to skate too! We need six if we want to play this game!”
Caroline felt a wave of trepidation cross over her, she was content staying stationary, thank you very much. She may have been an incredible cheerleader in her day, but that skill did not translate to skating ability. That was a lesson she’d learnt the hard way on her first college date, where she had ended up with concussion and a broken arm as a result.
“Umm, I’m not very good at skating, guys. Can I just watch?”
“No!” came the rousing protestation.
And Caroline, of course, obliged, unable to bear their sad, puppy dog faces for longer than a few moments.
“Fine,” she groaned, cursing herself internally for taking them skating when she knew full well she couldn’t skate.
Caroline shakily put her legs onto the ice, and immediately began to wobble. Rowan and Jamie took her hands encouragingly, and pulled her further onto the ice.
And right as Rowan let go of her hand, Caroline felt a figure zoom past her, too big and too fast to be one of her group, and she cursed the blasted skating trip again, as all hell broke loose.
Caroline’s legs tangled up with Jamie’s and they crashed to the ground. Penny fell onto her knees trying to stop herself crashing into them, leaving Jessamy to crash into her. From there, Meg started to cry seeing all her family in a confusing muddle on the ice, and the Gilbert siblings took it upon themselves to start yelling about whose fault it was.  
Caroline cursed the damn trip a third time, as she contemplated the complete impossibility of scrambling to her feet – because, did she mention, she was terrible at skating – while in the middle of a clusterfork of wailing, potentially injured children.
Then an unfamiliar voice joined the ruckus.
“Do you need a little help, love?”
Caroline froze.
The kids froze.
“Excuse me?” Caroline asked, as she stared at the man who was intruding on quite an embarrassing moment.
He was god-tier-handsome, and Caroline nearly rolled her eyes that this would be the way she met someone who looked like him.
“I asked if you needed a little help, love?” the man repeated. “After all, it’s not everyday a beauty, such as yourself, falls – quite literally – at my feet?”
The flustered Caroline balked at the absolute gall of this man. Sure, he was hot, but ‘a beauty falls at my feet’.
That was for sure.
“Now you listen here, buddy –”
She was about to give him a true fairly uncensored piece of her mind, but was cut off when Jamie suddenly cut over top of her.
“Uncle Klaus?
The man’s somewhat smug-and-charming smirk was replaced with a look of confusion.
“Jamie Mikaelson, why are out here all by yourself?”
“But he’s not by himself, Uncle Klaus!” the boy’s cousin cried. “I’m here too!”
“And me!”
“Me too!”
Klaus was suddenly quite squeamish to note every single one of his nieces and nephews were in the pile of small children he had vaguely noted when he stopped to chivalrously aid the blonde beauty who had toppled on the ice.
And he had to admit it was not ideal.
Sure, he loved his family, and fully intended showing up as the cool uncle when they were older – but he was not good with kids at all, and was at a loss with how to proceed.
“Wait, you’re Klaus Mikaelson?” the blonde asked, as she began struggling to her feet.
“That would be me,” he replied, weakly. 
“But why the… why are you… oh my gosh!”
In her attempts to clamber up and talk at the same time, Caroline planted her ass firmly on the ice again with an unceremonious ‘ooof’ – much to the amusement of the little ones surrounding them.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up,” Caroline grumbled. “Come on, we should try and get up. Why don’t we take a break? I packed some hot chocolate for us to drink.
The kids agreed without too much fuss, the older ones helping the younger ones to their feet and skating to the edge.
“Do you need some help, sweetheart,” Klaus asked, as Caroline still struggled.
“I’m good,” Caroline said stubbornly, proceeding to struggle for another minute.
“Do you need some help?” Klaus asked again, this time with a cool, quirked eyebrow.
She just threw him a disgruntled look, but stuck out her arms for him to take nonetheless.
When she found her balance, she kept her hand squeezed tight to Klaus’ forearm, much to his enjoyment.
In the short skate from the centre of the rink, where the incident occurred, to the edge, Klaus got his kicks by unbalancing Caroline, to provoke the small whinge from her throat, and the tightening on her grip on his arm.
When they made it to blessedly dry land again, Caroline jumped back into babysitter-mode, passing each child a steaming drink and telling them not to stray too far away, before turning her attention back to Klaus.
“Why the hell did you barrel me over on the ice?”
“I did no such thing, love!” he replied indignantly. “You were the one to strayed into my path.”
“That is so not how it happened!” Caroline cried. “Why are you here anyhow, aren’t you some big grouch who hates fun?”
“Is that what they say about me is it,” Klaus said, waspishly. “I’ll have you know, that I am perfectly fun, thank you very much. And I quite enjoy outdoor ice-skating. We did it lots when we were children, and my siblings visiting reminded me of that.”
“How sweet,” Caroline said mockingly, though she noted the slight change in mood, and the wistful look on his face. “Wait, you went skating because you’ll miss them?
Klaus didn’t say anything, but his ears reddened, and she knew she had hit the mark.
“I’m Caroline, by the way,” she said, changing the subject.
“I had worked that out.”
“Why are you here, Caroline?” Klaus asked. “Didn’t you organise some great catch-up?”
“Well I did, but the sitter bailed,” Caroline said. “And you know, I’m the only child-free friend, so…”
“I see,” Klaus replied.
“Caroline, can we go back on the ice,” Penny whined.
“Oh, sure thing, sweetie,” Caroline said. “Take care of the little ones though, okay, I’m not going to go out this time.”
“But Aunty Caroline, you gotta,” Jessamy sulked.
“Please Caroline!”
“You have to!”
“I’m so bad at skating,” Caroline implored, for some reason, looking at Klaus, hoping he’d back her up.
“Why doesn’t Uncle Klaus teach you!” Rowan said, ever the pragmatist. “He’s a grown up! Grown ups are good teachers!”
“Well, doesn’t that sound like fun,” Klaus said, that smug-and-charming smirk coming back to his lips in full force.
“Yeah! Then we can have seven players for the game! That will be even better!” Rowan cried. “Come on!” 
With that, the eldest cousin was off, and all the younger ones following closely behind.
“Please, you really don’t have to do this,” Caroline said nervously, even as she got to her feet to follow the children at a slower pace.
“Oh I think I do,” Klaus said. “The children have spoken.”
“No buts, Caroline, my nieces and nephews don’t take no for an answer,” he said, then leaned in to whisper almost seductively into her ear. “Neither do I.”
She couldn’t help the tingle that ran through her body at that, nor the wry curl beginning on her lips.
It wasn’t too long before Klaus’ out stretched hand was closing on her own, and he was pulling her onto the ice, teaching her the basics. And less time still before he was settling his hands on her waist behind her to help her ‘keep her balance’.
“You move quickly, don’t you,” she quipped.
“Only when I know I’ve got something worth moving for.”
It was only another ten minutes until the kids found their aunt and uncle, and demanded they join in their complicated skating game. And then just an hour before they were back at her apartment, having skated themselves completely exhausted. And then only thirty minutes before the parents were back.
It was only a few minutes after they all arrived that they found out that Klaus had joined them for skating. And then only a few of seconds before Katherine made a semi-drunk, very-lewd comment about Caroline and Klaus sitting in some sort of plant, doing some sort of natural act together.
And she wasn’t far off the mark, for it was only a day later when Caroline heard from Klaus.
And only the day after that when they went on their first date.
Hope you like! Happy Klaroline bingo!! xoxo
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everly-kindred ¡ 4 years
Eve’s Diary - Entry #47
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Synopsis: With Rose Grams released at school as the Hearty Party approaches, Eve’s week gets much busier! 
Words: 1,075
Date: 31st of January, 2027
Dear Diary, 
It has been a busy week, and now, thankfully, it’s the weekend! But I fear it may not get any less busy for me. For good reasons, though! 
I met some new friends! One of them is a girl named Hailey, who is actually one of the other first years I share a dorm with. I’d seen her about in the common rooms, but we hadn’t actually spoken until recently. She seems nice! I also met an older boy named Shaun briefly, and his white cat, Snowy. 
I finally had a success of sorts, also! In herbology, I managed to successfully plant mint, wolfsbane, wormwood /and/ nettle! I’ve gotten a bit better with plants, which makes me really happy, since it’s my best subject on paper at least! 
And then we had Defense Against the Dark Arts, which… I definitely had nightmares after that one. The professor brought a hag in, and we all talked about how hags like eating the flesh of children and stuff, and he let her walk around the class and she kind of stood over me and messed with my hat? I was petrified! Marigold tried to offer her hat up to the hag, but the hag sort of ignored her, I guess. Anyways, I ran out of that class as fast as I could, once Vikander unlocked the door, and went straight to my dorm! I figured, if I’m safe anywhere, it’s there… Maybe hags melt when they get sprayed by vinegar, like the wicked witch of the west? Was she the one that melted? Anyways, it’s nice to know at least that a lot of hags choose to have a more… uh… people friendly diet so they can sort of be a part of society. 
We had astrology, which I always have a hard time waking up for. Nora had to help me with the telescope because I kept getting distracted, and I swear I had that one song that goes, ‘catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day,’ stuck in my head the entire night. I would certainly love to catch stars like I dream about, of course, but yeah. 
We had a test in transfigurations and I… couldn’t answer even one question. I completely blanked. And now that I think about it, I think that was my first test at Hogwarts? So… I’ll need to figure out why I panicked and how to… not do that next time. And I heard in the older kids Transfigurations that Gallo borrowed Waldgrave’s wand and transfigured himself into a chicken!
This weeks Care of Magical Creatures was about pygmy puffs, so I got to bring Cornelius to class with me, which was really sweet. He’s been rolling around in fireplaces lately, I guess ‘cause it’s warm and maybe he likes the smell, but it’s made him look like a ball of soot! I’ve thought about giving him a bath and asking Bonnie to make his fur pink for Valentines, but… He seems so happy covered in soot, and it feels wrong to take that away from him. 
In Ghoul Studies, we talked about animal ghosts, how animals are companions and protect us in real life, and how our spirit guardians are manifested as our patronuses in their own animal forms. I wonder what my patronus will be… I wonder what it is /now/, because I know they can change as you change. 
We also had Dueling today, and played this game where we have to sneak up on someone and then they turn around and hex whoever they can spot, and the person we’re sneaking up on is called, ‘Grandma.’ Octavia Dechants was grandma, and she ended up getting into a duel with Bonnie, who made her scarf attack her and then turned her into a turtle. We had Magical Theory right after that, so I had to let Professor Reuter know she’d be late due to being transfigured, and he said she would’ve made a better peacock or something like that…
The most exciting news, though, is that the Owl Post finally opened up Rose Grams and Cupid’s Corner! I put in requests to send them to all of my friends, and then I started delivering them! I also delivered a bouquet of them and a plate of biscuits to the professor’s lounge with a note I had written, because I wanted to send grams to a lot of professors and thought that would be easier. Gallo helped me and let me into the lounge so I could do it! It looked really interesting in there. I did something similar for Cupid’s Corner for my friends - wrote a message for no one in specific, just from me to my friends, because there’s… So many of them! Which is so nice to say! 
Also, mum sent me a little enchanted stuffed rabbit with wings and a cupid’s bow and arrows, and he floats over my shoulder while I make deliveries. I’ve put on my most festive outfit for the occasion! 
I talked to Aures a bit, when I went to deliver her rose gram, and we talked about romance. I told her my mom had said I was a ‘hopeless romantic’ and that means I’m in love with love (I guess?) and Aures said she’d have to tell me about her parents, and then she… Well she mentioned that it’ll make things exciting when you can go to the Hearty Party with someone special, which… I suppose I /have/ daydreamed plenty of times about such things, but living at home with my parents for so long, I never thought it would actually be possible! And now it is I guess? Which is both exciting and scary.
I told Aures that I’d probably just wait and see if someone asks me, but not stress it either way, and that we could dance together when the Hearty Party comes. She said that if she asks someone, she’ll have gone to the dance all three ways - alone, having been asked by someone, and then having asked someone. And I told her if someone asked me, I could say the same! 
I’m not sure if anyone will ask me, though. Who knows. I don’t, for now, anyways. My dreams haven’t hinted at anything. Only time will tell! 
It is very late, so I suppose I shall go to bed now. 
Much love, Everly
About the Character: Everlina Rosemary Kindred is an imaginative Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She keeps up with her magical journey through a series of diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings, all documented for future reflection. Her diary is a small glimpse into her enchanted life, and her adventure into the wizarding world and all its splendors. If you’d like more information about Eve, visit her wiki page. 
About the Author: My name is Katherine! I am a 22-year-old Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie from Louisville, Kentucky. This page is my creative journey into the magical world, through the lenses of Second Life. Here I post diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings all from my character’s perspective. If you’d like more information about me, visit my Flickr! 
Outfit Credits:
Hair - [monso] My Hair - Gabriella
Glasses - .random.Matter. - Rose Glasses - Gold
Bandaid - m i z u ru -  nose bandage
Headband (flowers) - Mossu - Fleur.Wreath 
Headband (hearts) - Bowtique - Cupid Heart Headband (Pink)
Flower-crown - +Half-Deer+ Blossom Baby - Wildflower Crown - Mix
Scarf - FATEplay Scarf - Evans - Badger
Top - Stories&Co. Reverse Vneck - Heart 
Skirt - `M.BIRDIE / Merry look-skirtA1
Bouquet - Ariskea[amour]. Roses Bouquet Pink
Bunny - MishMish - Cupid Bunny / Chocolate Chip
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lenin-it-to-win-it ¡ 5 years
rabbit tour!
i just made a “shelf” so all my stuffed animals weren’t crowded on the windowsill and i used this as an opportunity to take pictures of all the ones i have with me so here we go!
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this is artemis, a majestic and powerful silver rabbit with a very dramatic backstory
basically i was 5 hours away from home on a work trip and i saw her in the window of a shop BUT it hadn’t opened yet so i had to walk away not knowing if I would have time to get back to the shop before it closed, if someone else would buy the rabbit, or if i even had enough money to buy the rabbit in the first place 
the most I was willing to spend was $20, not because I don’t think this rabbit is a priceless artifact of beauty, but bc im a peasant and my job was technically volunteer work and paid less than minimum wage but ANYWAY i go on and on about this fucking rabbit to anyone who will listen, my coworkers are plotting ways to murder me that will look like an accident, but we get back to the store and the rabbits still there AND ITS ExACTLY $20 SO I IMMEDIATELY BUY IT WITH NO REGRETS BEST PURCHASE OF MY LIFE 
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here are some little baby babies i have clipped to my backpack (can you tell i like rabbits???), the yellow one on top is bun might for obvious reasons
 the one in the middle is technically unnamed but i call him sergeant pez bc hes a pez dispenser and he was in one of my dads old military trunks for like a million years until he was cleaning them out and gave him to me 
the light green one is the newest addition, her name is mochi and shes so fucking soft you guys its like petting a delicate cloud 
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these arent rabbits but theyre still valid so shut up, the black cat is named agugu (short for akutagawa) bc i was into bung/ou s/tray d/ogs at the time 
the panda in the middle was a gift from my roommate and her name is monochrome because i have another panda back home thats purple and her name is. purple. so i wanted to stick with the theme here
the white tiger is named at2shi after atsushi (from b/ungou st/ray d/ogs again) who can turn into a white tiger but also i already had ANOTHER non-white tiger that was named atsushi so this one is at2shi 
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more wild thangs that arent rabbits!
the elephant is слон or “sloane”, слон means elephant in russian and it’s kind of pronounced like the name sloane so it’s a very deep complex and intellectual name, clearly. слон is a puppet that shrieks like the souls of the damned when you squeeze him and he was a gift from my high school russian teacher because i would be Blessed with the duty of making слон scream at students who were speaking english in class, he’s a good comrade 
the tiger is atsushi, im sure you can figure out his deal based on at2shi, i got him at the zoo and hes lovely
the red panda with the minnie ears might have had another name at some point but during my regrettable b/s/d phase i started calling him chuuya and it stuck, also now i put my minnie ears on him bc his head’s the perfect size so im more or less using him as a hat rack which is very on brand for chuuya actually
the purple sloth staring into the camera (and your soul) is gasloth leroux and i won him at dave and busters after re-reading phantom of the opera
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(last batch of non-rabbits)
the bear in the snazzy tunic is radar, he was originally my mom’s as a baby and she gave him to me as a baby and since i dont intend on spawning im hoarding him forever #life hack 
yall better know who fucking kermit is 
aannnd we already went over сНОн in the last picture so! back to the rabbits!
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welcome to the purple corner, friends!
the little all purple one in the back is sukie, and she is just baby, only little creacher, nothing can change that, she was a gift for easter i think two years ago now 
the purple and white rabbit with the pink nose laying next to the cardboard shapes is named violet and her fur is very soft and lovely but she has some kind of hard panel inside (she moves, maybe? idk) so not exactly optimized for cuddling, still shes a good girl
the hulking googly eyed purple yarn monstrosity is roundy blumbo and he was handmade by my terrible but talented sister @rattypants​
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most of these are new arrivals because walgreens has easter rabbits out and some of them were literally only three dollars so yeah but anyway
the grey one with the pink bow is named toshi after all might (i got him about the same time as bun might so b/nha heavily owned my ass at the time) and hes absolutely perfect for cuddling, very soft and long
the blue one is named bluebell the second or “twobell”, when I was younger I had a really tiny blue stuffed rabbit named bluebell that i would take everywhere but one day i dropped it somewhere in or around a ymca and lost it forever and i literally did not stop crying for two whole days because of it, bluebell the second is a spiritual successor who hopefully wont get lost 
the one that looks just like bluebell the second but not blue is marshmallow, bluebell the seconds identical twin brother who was also 3 dollars because literally, THREE DOLLARS
the one with light brown fur and orange ears is named gingersnap carrot cake because I liked both names and couldnt decide and since i bought him around the same time as bluebell the second and marshmallow, he’s their mischievous older brother and together i guess that makes them the rabbit mcelroys 
now the round rabbit next to toshi with the floppy ears and a smaller rabbit with a green dress on its back is rose and bunnia, the larger one is rose, the mother, and bunnia is her daughter, they have a very close relationship as you can see
the small white and brown rabbit next to rose and bunnia is spenser, named after edmund spenser, creator of the spenserian sonnet, bc i bought her at a renn faire and thought she should have an old timey name, shes a literary icon 
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now we’re getting into the old guard! all the rabbits in this picture (aside from carrot cake gingersnap whomst is a SLUT FOR ATTENTION) are all ones i got between the ages of 6-10, so theyre my day ones uwu
the brown rabbit with floppy ears is mocha, she was a christmas present when i was 9 years old and shes probably the most rabbit-shaped rabbit i have 
the rabbit with the bright pink scarf is beatrice (i dont have favorites except actually i do and its beatrice), I got her when i was 7 years old from goodwill and one of her arms was kind of loosely connected and started falling off which Horrified me and i tried to “take care of her” by using a bit of ribbon as a sling, eventually my grandma sewed her arm back on so then i used the ribbon as a scarf and ever since then beatrice has had a scarf of some kind  
the rabbit next to beatrice with the black button eye is wrinkly pinkly, who lost her eye in the warTM (it fell off years later but she claims to have lost it in the war anyway and shes old so everyone just goes along with it), shes very loose and as the name implies, VERY wrinkly which makes her fun to wiggle around 
the bright pink rabbit with the wide head is anna, beatrice’s mom and wrinkly pinkly’s sister, her husband griffy is back home so i dont have a picture of him but their story is very enemies-to-lovers (they were on opposite sides of The War) and shes a very ambitious and powerful figure in rabbitopia despite having hundreds of kids to raise #feminist icon 
the light pink rabbit with the yarn dress is madison, ironically named long before i even remotely knew that madison, wisconsin was a place that exists, and shes beatrice’s younger sister and shes very active and athletic but she also likes being pretty which is why i made her the yarn dress
cottontail (he doesnt actually have a tail) is the town drunk and a constant nuisance, his wife left him so now he’s always hoeing around and causing trouble for everyone (which is also what he did Before his wife left him), one of his legs is more filled than the other so he walks with a limp. his wife took most of the children except
darnell (the long pink rabbit lying down), who inherited her dad’s troublemaking tendencies and loves playing pranks and talking shit 
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(last one, for all the zero people who are still reading at this point)
next to cottontail we have aminta in the green dress, i bought her at the airport and shes a very beautiful and distinguished young rabbit who madison is ABSOLUTELY gay for, she’s very proper and is being brought up by
hera nova (the white rabbit with the pink nose and floppy ears in the back) who is the oldest rabbit i have (Ive had her since i was at least 5, though she didn’t get a name until i was in my greek mythology phase a few years later), shes sort of a grandma to all the other rabbits and could absolutely destroy them all if she wanted to 
karoline (yes with a k, i didnt know the kardashians were a Thing back then) is the yellow rabbit with the basket, she works at rabbitopia’s most popular restaurant, the spinning carrot, and she is one of the three main chefs along with her sister 
bonnie, the pink rabbit with only one ear, she got torn up pretty badly over the years but shes still alive and still spinning those carrots!! (there was a third rabbit that worked with them named fritz who was white and holding an easter egg but i don’t remember what happened to her) 
so there we go! rabbits! lots of them! 
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farafeys ¡ 5 years
instant karma
my third, most recent fic (written as a comic on dl-6 day adapted to prose the day after), and the beginning of an au i’m currently VERY focused on haha
Characters: Gregory Edgeworth, Miles Edgeworth, Manfred von Karma, Blaise Debeste, Raymond Shields, Bonnie Young, Franziska von Karma, and Sebastian Debeste, mentions of various other investigations characters
2,242 words; no romantic relationships; spoilers for aa1/turnabout goodbyes, spoilers for investigations 2 specifically the backstory mentioned in the inherited turnabout/aai2.4; not-super-graphic violence but violence nonetheless
on december 28, 2001, gregory and miles edgeworth go home safe and sound. about a year later, von karma finds his revenge in a different way. 
(link to ao3; fic under cut)
December 28, 2001
District Court 7:00 PM
The long long trial had finally reached an end. Miles could still hear the old judge declaring Mr. Masters guilty as he and his father walked into the elevator to go home.
Mr. Masters wasn't guilty. He knew, because his father said he didn't kill anyone, and he even proved that that mean loud old prosecutor man had forced Mr. Masters to say he did it. It was infuriating. His father had taken the loss with grace, elegantly accepting the unfair, incorrect verdict.
Miles glanced up at his father. He didn't look upset, his usual strong gaze watching the floor numbers tick lower on the elevator display. Miles watched it too, trying to mimic his stoic expression.
Then in an instant everything changed.
he couldn't see everything was dark
the elevator LURCHED        they stopped moving
he heard a yell that wasn't his father was it that man with the official-looking hat he'd forgotten he was there
what was going on—
And the lights turned back on.
They flickered, then stayed constant as the elevator smoothly began its descent again.
Miles found that he was clutching his father's arm. He felt somewhat embarrassed; it had only been a second or two, and he was too old for such things.
Gregory placed a strong hand on Miles’ shoulder. If he was frazzled by that incident, his face didn't show it. With a small smile, he asked, “Are you alright, Miles?”
He glanced between the ceiling lights and his father's kind face. “Y-yes, the light just— just went out, Father.”
The security guard sharing the elevator with them leveled a neutral look at the father and son. He seemed to be breathing almost as heavily as Miles.
Gregory squeezed his son's shoulder. “I know, dear, it's all alright. That was frightening, though, wasn't it?”
Miles nodded solemnly.
After several seconds of quiet, there was a gentle ding. The elevator doors opened onto the ground floor and the occupants all made their ways home.
About three minutes later, the same elevator let out a man holding an expensive cane, wearing expensive clothes, and thinking livid things.
January 15, 2003
Criminal Affairs Department- Morgue 2:00 PM
A simple slip of the tongue, a moment of forgetfulness, the vaguest implication, and multiple lives were instantly in danger.
Dr. Bonnie Young flinched as the tall man on the other side of the table roared, “FORGED? ”
“Did I hear you correctly, woman!?” Her face soured and she steeled herself against the cold eyes of the veteran prosecutor.
“I don't know what you're impl-”
von Karma cut her off, “Dover's autopsy was doctored and I was not informed.” His nostrils flared. Unflattering, she thought. “Correct?”
Dr. Young's denial stuck in her throat. Failure to keep the secret could easily cost her life but in the face of such an accurate deduction the lie she had prepared evaporated.
Too enraged to give her time to improvise, von Karma turned on his heel. “Enough.” He said nothing else as he strode out of the morgue, slamming the exterior door.
January 15
Chief Prosecutor's Office 2:30 PM
Blaise DeBeste was infuriatingly unruffled as von Karma burst into his office as if he were trying to tear the doors off their hinges. It was even more so as he leveled heated, snide accusations of his meddling in the Masters case.
The Chief leaned his cheek into his hand, grinning.
“REALLY, I got no clue what yer talkin’ bout, Manny. Are ya implying I'm at fault for that penalty last year?” His hands flapped lazily in rhythm with his words.
DeBeste reached up to adjust his ugly driving goggles. “Ohh, just the idea brings tears to m-”
“Do not condescend to me, DeBeste,” von Karma hissed. He leaned over onto the desk, getting into the other's space. By chance, his right hand brushed over a custom-made letter opener; the handle was custom engraved with a favorite phrase of Blaise's, 'previligium fori ’.
Manfred von Karma was not aware of this engraving. He was barely aware that there was an object in his hand, let alone a lethal one, as he gripped it unconsciously, fingers clenching as a means of sweating out desperate rage.
DeBeste, however, did notice this. His eyes narrowed, watching his hand as the other continued, “No one fools Manfred von Karma.” He was leaning far enough over the desk that spit flecked Debeste's face with every consonant.
DeBeste leaned back in his expensive swivel chair, glanced at the hand holding the letter opener, and took his favorite cigarette lighter out of his pocket.
“... Are ya threatening me, Manny? Cute.” He flicked the fire on and off, speaking to von Karma but not looking at him.
“What exactly are ya gonna do to the Chief, huh?” He glanced up once to smirk at von Karma's contorted expression. “Unless you wanna disappear?”
Several seconds of silence other than the subtle flick - whoosh - flicks of the lighter.
von Karma by now recognized that he was brandishing a small knife, and the idea of a simple and quick out to this problem was very enticing. He held onto perspective, the knowledge that they were in the Prosecutor's Office and that this man was more indestructible than even he himself, for a tense and chafing while.
The threat hanging in the air, inflamed by the nonchalant arrogance of its creator, felt like a string stretched taut over a quivering knife.
Somehow, something in the mind of that enraged man snapped.
In less than a minute’s time, Blaise DeBeste's assistant ran into the room at the sound of a pained shout. In less than ten minutes’ time, Manfred von Karma was handcuffed after being caught by a perfect witness with perfect evidence. In less than ten seconds’ time, and for the next five hours until all the evidence was documented, Blaise DeBeste's custom-made letter opener was lodged 4 inches into his heart, only previlig- visible over his bloodied chest.
January 15
Detention Center 7:30 PM
Ray stood nervous outside the visiting room door. He usually accompanied Mr. Edgeworth while talking to potential clients, but he had said that this visit was more a courtesy than anything, and he doubted they'd actually be hired. Knowing what he did about the man in question, Ray was glad both that they wouldn't be working with him and that he wasn't a part of this current conversation. Still, he was anxious for his mentor.
Inside, Gregory Edgeworth was enduring an unpleasant but, he thought, necessary conversation.
On the other side of the safety glass, Manfred von Karma sneered at him. “Don't make me laugh.”
His arms were crossed haughtily. “Defend me? Why not just spit in my face, Edgeworth?”
Gregory sighed and ran a thumb along his hat where it rested on the sill below the glass.
“Does the possibility of the death penalty not worry you?” von Karma's eyes flicked from his face to his extended arm. His glare deepened. “Everyone deserves an attorney, even you, Prosecutor von Karma.”
Gregory waited several seconds while the other glared at him, almost searchingly. Perhaps his words actually got through to him?
von Karma swallowed, then huffed a contemptuous sigh. “Leave now.”
His tone allowed no argument. Gregory stood, retrieved his hat, and bid the murderer farewell with a small nod.
January 16
District Court: Courtroom no. Three  10:21 AM
It was not a long trial. It made sense, what with how perfectly decisive the evidence was. The prosecutor called Dr. Young to explain the forgery of Isaac Dover's autopsy report, the subsequent reveal of which enraged von Karma to the point of attacking the man responsible for it. A perfectly precise motive.
Less than an hour and a half after the trial opened, with only three witnesses, the judge was ready to declare a verdict. There was no objection from the defense, as von Karma had refused the public defender offered to him, and had remained silent, glowering in the defendant's chair, the entire morning.
Despite how one-sided and clear-cut the proceedings had been, there was a tense anticipation in the moments before the verdict was called. As the judge's booming voice called out, “Guilty,” something just too sour to be relief filled the courtroom air.
Gregory and Raymond sat in the gallery a few moments past the time the rest of the audience had begun to make their way out. Just the two of them had come together, even though Katie Hall and Miles had both expressed strong interest in seeing the trial (Kate had a performance she couldn't cancel, although she asked Ray over the phone to tell her about the trial later; Gregory refused to let his son meet Manfred von Karma again, even at his murder trial, and even besides that pointed out that it was a school day.).
Just as the two of them got through the lobby into the main atrium of the courthouse, there was a quick tapping sound behind them, then a gentle hand on Gregory's shoulder.
“Excuse me, Mr. Edgeworth?”
“Hmm?” Gregory turned around. The person who had stopped him, her hand now again at her side, was the prosecutor who had just convicted von Karma, Ms. Werther.
She spoke again, “You were the lawyer that got a penalty against him, right?”
Gregory assumed that she meant von Karma. He nodded. Raymond hovered behind him, watching over his shoulder.
Prosecutor Werther smiled a bit and jiggled the papers in her hand. The wind from it ruffled her impressively large ascot and coiffed white hair.
“There's been an issue no one at the Prosecutor's Office could help me resolve. Both von Karma and DeBeste had small children- a three year old girl and a very little baby boy, just over a year.” Her glasses were too thick to see her eyes and her posture was neutral, but a tremble in her typically steady voice betrayed strong feeling.
“None of us want them to go into the foster care system, especially not when they're fathers were our co-workers (...however corrupt). But they don't seem to have willing relatives.”
“But!” her voice got several shades brighter, “I remembered that your son observes your trials! I've met him during recesses, he's a very polite child. I thought, since you're a parent and already connected to the case, you might know what to do.”
Ray looked between the two lawyers. It was a little odd hearing this lady ask his mentor for advice about kids, especially since she looked quite a bit older than Mr. Edgeworth. Her hair reminded Ray of his grandma.
Prosecutor Werther cleared her throat. “Regardless, do you have any advice about these children?”
Gregory stayed quiet a few moments, his hand on his chin. “Prosecutor Werther,” he began. “... What are these children's names?”
January 15
County Social Security Office  6:57 PM
“That's the last of the paperwork! All the best to your family!” The man behind the agency desk gave Gregory a tired smile and handed him carbon copies of the documents.
“Thank you,” Gregory replied, doing the best he could to give a farewell nod at the same time as tucking away the papers with the sleeping Sebastian in his arms.
As far as adoptions go, Gregory may have set a record for speed. Thanks to the thorough work of Prosecutor Werther, gaining the official approval of a judge for Gregory to take in both Franziska and Sebastian was very much painless. Most of the day had been spent speaking with the children themselves (who were not in attendance of the trial but had been supervised at the courthouse during it), then dealing with the many and varied tedious kinds of paperwork. The whole process would have taken much longer without Werther's help in the groundwork and legal aspects, and Raymond's youthful energy and support, as well as his attempts to entertain a stressed, bored three year old girl.
As Ray saw Mr. Edgeworth returning from the desk to the waiting room, he sprung up from his chair and offered Franziska a piggyback ride. After some barbed questions and several tiny slaps to his arm, she agreed and was on his back by the time her new father was ready to leave.
They made their way to Gregory's car. He had offered to drive Raymond home that morning well before all this, and reiterated it several times over the afternoon. He felt no need to repeat it again now.
“...Thank you for helping me all day, Raymond, it was entirely above and beyond the expectations of your position.”
Ray laughed and hopped a little to keep Franziska from sliding down his back. She whined tiredly but said nothing. “ 'Course, Mr. Edgeworth! Ha, Miles is in for a big surprise in a bit, isn't he?”
Gregory internally winced for a moment. Aside from not yet telling his son about this significant change to their lives, he hadn't called him after being out all day. It wasn't unusual for him to be out late and Miles was both very capable and used to this, but it still weighed on Gregory's mind. He certainly wouldn't be able to try that trick anymore; he well remembered how much attention toddlers need, not to mention a 16-month old like Sebastian. Perhaps he'd be spending more time at home with Miles now.
“... Yes. A good surprise, I hope.”
15 notes ¡ View notes
theabominableblogger ¡ 6 years
Rewatching “Gotham” S3E14
On this blog, we stan one kickass butler.  And how much he loves his boy
As said before, the rest of these reaction posts I’ll be uploading are not chronological order.  They’re like that because A) college and B) more college.
My sister watched it with me (as well as the other episodes left in my epic “Gotham” reaction series) so my comments will be in bold, and hers will be in regular font.  Author’s notes courtesy of me will be bolded and italicized.
AN:   I managed to record our reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
*gasps as a grenade gets thrown into the precinct*
Jesus God!
Ohhhhh my gosh!
*both freak out over the opening titles*
Molotov cocktails- bet you can’t have just one.
Meanwhile Jeremiah’s like “Eh.  Bazooka.”  *chuckles*
You are walking straight into a trap, Oswald.
*Ed walks in*  I bet you’re wondering why I’ve brought you all here today...
Oswald has like freaking umbrella cufflinks, did you notice that?
“Oh, you [Ed] escaped.”  Nooo....
*jaw drops as Ed shoots Oswald’s men*
“Just wondering if I [Ed] was gonna have to reload.”  Jesus God.
“...what’s happening...”  ‘What’s happening?’  He’s been playing you for a sap!
...Like the cheap kazoo you are.
*starts pretending to play “Amazing Grace” on the kazoo*
*claps hands for each word*  JUSTICE FOR ISABELLA, I swear!
*claps hands*  Yes!
“Isabella was my everything, and you [Oswald] took her from me.”  [Ed] YOU MET HER [Isabella] LIKE A DAY AGO!
*laughs*  You met her in like a span of a day!
*claps hands*  She still deserves better!
I know!  I still think she’s a useless character though.
I don’t care!  She deserved better!
“You [Oswald] still have your life.  But that ends tonight!”  *starts singing “Tonight” from “West Side Story” without trying to giggle*
*chuckles*  You weren’t kidding about the random songs.
Seriously, I do it all the time!
Court of Owls!
The only thing I will never find plausible about the Court of Owls is this idea of “Oh, they’ve been ruling over Gotham from the shadows this whole time,” bullshit.
*both do rising spooky hands*
OK though, I don’t know her name, they don’t give her a name, but she’s like the best.  You see her in previous episodes, she’s like the secretary.  Girl, you rule!
 *puts hands together*  Well, I’m gonna give her a name.  Because in the 66 series, Gordon’s secretary is named Bonnie.
Bonnie!  Ooh, I like that name.
You never actually see Bonnie, you just hear her on the intercom.
“Meanwhile, Cobblepot’s MIA.  You call down to City Hall, and literally no one’s in charge.  Although that might actually be good news.”  *both laugh*
*giggles*  They capitalized “dumpster” on the [close captioning on Netflix]
*waves hands in air in imaginary rainbow*  DUMPster!
“He’s [Jerome] not one to miss out on the fun, so what does he want?”  “A puppy?!?”  *laughs*
“[Oswald] You saw a man that I [Ed] met in Indian Hill that does killer impersonations [Clayface].”  *both end up nodding in agreement*
That’s one way to put it.
I mean, yeah...
“But my father’s remains... you stole them from his grave?”  WHAT NAH WHAT?!?
When did that happen?
I don’t know....
“I [Ed] gently placed his [Elijahs’] remains inside a dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant.”  Oh that’s just mean!
That’s awfuuulll!
That’s meeeaannn!
“You were angry.  I [Oswald] understand.  I even forgive you.”  I love how Ed’s like “Son of a bitch...” and he adjusts his glasses before he turns back.
“So you [Oswald] admit you killed Isabella?”  “Fine.  Is that what you want?”  “Yes.”  *groans in frustration*
“You [Ed] should thank me [Oswald] because we both know what would have happened if I hadn’t!”  *bug eyes in alarm*
“I [Ed] could have lived a life with the woman I loved!”  *both clap hands and aggressively point fingers at screen in agreement*
See see see see?!?  Yes!  God!  Thank you!
“No, Ed.  You would have killed her!”  *leans back*  NOOOOOOOOO!!!
“Just like you did the other one!”  NOOOOOO!!!
Justice for Kristen Kringle too because I’m still pissed about that.
Yeah, I know, I know!  Yeah, I hated what happened to her.
“I did it for love.”  “What?!?”  What?
“I did it because I love you.”  *laughs in frustration*
“Love is about sacrifice!  It’s about putting someone else’s needs before your own!”  *splays hand towards screen in agreement*
“'Cause the truth is, Oswald, you would sacrifice anyone to save your own neck.”  *silently nods in agreement*
“Even me.”  Uh Ed, you’d do it too.  *laughs*
I was gonna say, how does the guy who literally strangled his last girlfriend to death know more about love than [Oswald]?!?
“Now, if you'll look above us, you will see a cauldron of highly corrosive acid, which is currently being held in place by this chain.  When the ice melts, the chain comes loose, the vat of acid tips... you get the idea.”  This is such a Batman 66 trap.
I was gonna say Professor Ratigan but that works too.
*in unison*  Snap!  Boom!  Twang!  Thunk!  Splat!
I mean, if you look really closely at the 66 Riddler, dude was like freaking Jigsaw.
He wasn’t in a wheelchair though.
*in best Jigsaw voice*  Hello, Oswald.
Suck a dick, Oswald,  Though not his dick- you might get mange.
*buries face in elbow*  OH MY GODDDDDD!!
I’m surprised too.
“I mentioned that you [Jim] killed my husband on our wedding night,and he [Jerome] thought that was hilarious, so that’s something the two of you can bond over when you find him.”  Lee’s just amazing.
Lee deserves better.
Though later, Lee’s like “Mmm, I’m still like extremely angry about this.  Tetch Virus!”  and I’m like “WHY?!?!?!?”
Tetch Virus AKA Dumb Plot Device.
“I’ll’’ [Alfred] nip downstairs and see if there’s any life left in that old generator.”  Does he have like no other- did the Waynes have any other staff besides Alfred?
I don’t know...
I’ve always wondered that.
I don’t know.  They never really bring it up.
“Alfred....”  Don’t do it!
*both freak out when Alfred gets jumped by cult followers*
Ohhhh shit!
*Jerome walks in, pretending to be a ghost*  Pfffttt...
Seriously like, where did he get that outfit?
It’s a straitjacket!  He nicked it out of Arkham, I’m sure.
Or it’s like “Oh I’m sorry, gotta find my old friend Bruce.  Oh SYKE!  Outfit change!”
He’s extra enough to do that.
The Valeska twins are just extra to the core.  They’re from the circus, they’re judgy.
*chuckles*  It comes with the territory.
“Teenagers, am I [Jerome] right?”  You are one!
If I recall, he’s like a couple years older than Bruce.
*shakes head*
I would say he’s about [my sister’s] age.
Ohhh OK.
*The owl statue doesn’t break when Jerome drops it*  It stuck!
*groans in frustration when Jerome ends up breaking the owl statue*
“Right.  Sorry.  The old noodle’s still a little al dente post-thaw.”  *laughs*  Al dente?  Is that a pasta?
Don’t know....  I mean, I imagine, waking up from the dead, your brain would feel a little bit like spaghetti.
AN:  Yeah, al dente describes pasta or rice that’s supposed to firm when you eat it. 
“It’s been nagging at me since I [Jerome] woke up.  The idea of slitting that pretty, pink throat of yours...”  Don’t ever refer to Bruce as pretty pink anything.
*imitates the way Jerome twirls his knife in the air before pointing it at Bruce*
“And you’re [Jerome] just going to kill me here?  That’s kinda disappointing.”  You have got balls of steel, Bruce.
*mouths along with Jerome as he says “Flair?  Hmmm?  Style?  Panache?!?”*
He’s like Alex from “A Clockwork Orange”
“I’m Bruce Wayne.”  “I’m aware.”  *both wheeze in laughter*
“My [Bruce’s] company is the machine that keeps the cogs of Gotham running.”  OH MY GOD, you badass!
“You’re saying I [Jerome] need an audience?”  Took you long enough to get it!
*tries not to laugh when Jerome suddenly dips into a British accent in front of Alfred*
“I [Bruce] will see you [Alfred] again.”  *pats chest*  God, I love their relationship in this shoooow!
That was like straight out of “Arkham Origins,” I swear...
I know....
*Oswald still tries to get out of Ed’s trap*  Couldn’t you just like slide up though?  Just shimmy up?
He can’t go far...
“I happen to be the mayor of Gotham...”  *ends up cracking up at the delivery of that line*
“What did you do?”  *scoffs in hilarity*
*Oswald gets out of the trap just in time*  SHIIIT!!
*Jerome’s followers trash the manor in front of Alfred*  Damn!
“And how ‘bout you, Mr. Machete?  Come on in, sunshine. Don’t be shy. Your mother wasn’t. Chop-chop.”  *BOTH JAWS DROP IN SHOCK*
*ends up wheezing*
He snuck in!  That’s why Alfred was saying all that stuff.  He was letting Jim know where everybody was.
Ohhhhhhh.... OK.
*on verge of losing voice*  HE [Alfred] JUST STABBED HIM [the follower] WITH A MACHETE!
*reels back*  OH ALFRED, YOU BADASS!
Holy shit!
That was awesome!
Oh my God!
*Bruce arrives at the cult circus*  Amusement Mile... I swear this is Amusement Mile..
I think so.  It’s one of the few permanent landmarks Gotham has across incarnations.
*ends up wincing at half of the games the cult plays*
This is like a mix between “The Purge” and “Hell Fest”
Oh God.
That’s literally what this is.
“What do you say, Bruce?  Wanna have some fun before the main event?”  That’s a cool shot [of Jerome].
Hooo hooo...
*dives across room to put on hat for rest of episode*
Alfred’s like “I don’t care, I’m not police, I’m goin’ in!”
Oh my God...
Yess!  Like the badass you are, Alfred!
*winces when Jerome stabs a follower beside him*
*both groan in horror when Jerome uses the blood to paint a frown on Bruce’s face*
*freezes when Tabitha snags her whip around Oswald’s neck*
Oh shit!
“Now, where’s Nygma?”  “I [Oswald] don’t know.”  If he’d knew, he’d murder his ass.
“[Butch] Stop pretending that you are anything but muscle!  Yes, you used to be someone in Gotham, but those days are in the past!”  You stop pretending that you have any pull in this situation, Oswald.  You’re the one who has a whip around your neck!
“Remember when I [Tabitha] put a knife in your mom’s back?”  Oh yeah, she’s the one that killed the mom.  And it SUCKED!
“You [Oswald] never did anything about it.”  *cups hands with mouth*  S4 finale!
*proceeds to smack laptop with hat*
*bug eyes when Butch knocks out Oswald*
“You [Butch] realize you have to carry him now.”  *both chuckle*
C’mon, he weighs like 120 pounds tops.
Soaking wet.
“A few dozen brainwashed maniacs can’t keep the city hostage forever.”  “Well, duh...”  Pffttt...
“The point is that all these people out here, looting, robbing, killing, they're the people who wash your car, who pour your coffee, who take out your trash.  And what happened the moment the lights went out?  They showed their true faces.  They showed how quickly they want to open up your rich boy veins and bathe in your blue blood.”  *very softly*  Oooh, that’s a good line.
“There are good people in Gotham.”  This is the Killing Joke.  ‘All it takes is one bad day.’
“Face it, kid:  Gotham has no heroes.”  Yeah, but the people who crawl under their beds and lock their doors are the ones that are biding their time.
*Bruce pushes Jerome so that he messes up his shot*  Ooohhh!
“Foul!  He pushed me!  Did you see that?!?”  Genesis of Batman and Joker’s relationship:  a shove!
*softly*  Jesus Christ....
*The “punk” ends up being dropped anyway*  Oh my God...
*both yell in disgust when Jerome has to re-staple part of his face*
“Did that hurt?”  *z-snaps in shock*
*Jerome puts a staple in Bruce’s arm*  Did he [Bruce] just No-Sell-
Ohhh!  Ohhh!  YES!  YES HE DID!  Yes he did!
*both yell when Jerome does it again*
Aaahhh!  Aahh, that was on the wrist too!
“Stop!”  He took two!  He took two of those!
Over the wrist too!  God, that’s a major vein!
Did you see Jerome there?!?  He’s like “Well, wait a minute...”
*imitates the dramatic way Jerome puts his hat back on*
“Where the hell is our back up?”  Still two minutes out.”  Alfred is your back up!
*chuckles*  All you need is Alfred!
“All right, so we [Jim, Harvey, and Alfred] go in, find Bruce, get him to safety, then we go after Jerome.  Ready?”  “Not really.”  *chuckles*
*Jerome comes out in his ringmaster costume* AAAAHHHH THE SUIT!!
Oh, that’s so cool.
*Jerome slaps his butt*  Did he-
Yes he did.
“The show is about toooo...begin!”  He [Jerome] was doing a Mark Hamill voice there for a second!
I know!  He does the Mark Hamill laugh sometimes.
Ohhh that’s badass!
*both try to laugh at the stock crowd gasp when Jerome shoots a rowdy audience member*
Y’know what, he [Jerome] would be the guy that would carry around canned sound effects like that.
“So, how to thank the best darn cult of fanatics a messiah like myself [Jerome] could ask for?”  *chuckles*  Oh my God...
“I give you-”  *does small verbal keyboard smash when the ta-da fanfare stock sound goes off*
“QUEUE!”  *laughs*
*Bruce gets carted out*  Oh my God.
*mouths along with Jerome saying “Or better yet.... a boom?,” dramatic hand gesture included*
*The cannon gets rolled out*  They’re gonna shoot his ass out of a cannon?!?
*laughs*  Yeah, like Jerome’s gonna fly out of a cannon!
NO, Y’KNOW WHAT?!?  I would pay good money to see that though!
*legitimately trying not to cry laughing*  I can just see Cameron Monaghan going *makes flying sound effect*
No, like they’re gonna bada bing bada boom [shoot Bruce with the cannon]
Oh OK.
OK, y’know what, I would have bought it either way!
*keels over laughing*  I’m just imagining Cameron Monaghan.... WHHHEEEEEUUUU!!!
AN:  Please God someone draw this, I’m begging you.
*both yell in horror at Jerome pouring various kitchen knifes into the cannon*
“Whatever you do, please, definitely try this at home.  Preferably on a family member.”  *wheezes*
“WHOOO!  DOGGIE!”  Somebody saw “Dr. Strangelove.”
Cameron’s like “Yes, I’m getting PAID!”
“Ready, partner?”  *hits desk with hat*
*Alfred starts beating up cult members*  Go Alfred!
Go Alfred!
*mutters*  You magnificent boss, you...
*both laugh when Jerome’s hat gets shot off*
*Jerome sets off the cannon fuse*  Oooooooooohhhhhhh!!
*Bruce starts to pick the handcuffs off*  C’mon, Bruuuuuuucceee.... c’mon, Bruuuuucccceee...
C’mon, last handcuff.  You got this.
*Bruce loses one of the staples*  Oooohhhhhhh!!!
Knock the thing [the stand that Bruce is on] over!  Knock the thing over!  Knock it over so at least you’re out of range!
Well he has one more [staple] though in his wrist.  Or does he?  Yeah, he has one more!
*in unison*  C’mon, c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon!
*jaws drop when Jim and Alfred discover the remnants of the staff that Bruce barely escaped from*
He broke it?!?
I guess...
Oh no, we gotta back to this [Ed and Oswald drama]!  *hits leg with hat*  Nooooo!!
“I [Oswald] I underestimated you, Barbara.”  *sarcastically*  NAAAHHH, really?!?
I hate that dress [the striped one Barbara wears].  I hate that dress so much.
Holy crap,  ooooohhhh... that’s from Tabitha’s whip [the mark on Oswald’s neck]!
Ooooohhhh... euugghhh...
“So I [Oswald] help you [Barbara] find Ed... things go better for me... I don’t know, you kill me?  That about it?”  That’s just about the sound of it.
“Yeah.”  Yeah.
*Bruce runs into the Mirror Maze*  Oohhhhhhhhh...
Oooohhhhh here we go.
“Bruce, darling.”  *points excitedly at screen*
This is the scene!
This is the one “Dark Knight Returns” homage I will ever accept.
*Jerome in front of the mirrors*  OH MY GOOOOSSSHHH!  Look at that!
That’s awesome.
That is amazing!
That is the coolest damn thing.
*Bruce comes into the frame*  Whooooo hoo hooo hooooo!!
*shocked*  Oh shit!
“You’re [Jerome] going to pay for what you’ve done.”  *snaps fingers excitedly*
Daaamn, son!
“What’s going on?  [Oswald] You have a weird look on your face.   Like, weirder than normal.”  *scoffs in hilarity*
“Oswald, you loved him, and he [Ed] betrayed you.”  Kill him!  Kill the love you feel!  Prove that death is stronger than love!  And you can have your own life again!
Yes, I quoted “Once on This Island,“ what of it?
“But I killed Isabella... because I wouldn’t share him.”  Yeah, no shit, eh?
“Ed said love is sacrifice.”  *buries face in hat*
“I shoudl have been able to sacrifice my happiness for his.”  It took you this long?!?
*both shook when Ed walks in*
[Oswald] You are so dead now...
“You’re [Ed and Barbara] in this together.”  Yeah, no shit, eh?
“I [Ed] wanted you [Oswald] to die knowing that you were incapable of loving another person.”  “But I can.  I just proved that, right?!?”  No, you didn’t.
You notice that Bruce is like right beside him [Jerome]!
“Let’s do this mano y mano.... my little conquistador [Bruce].”  Ahhhhh, don’t call him that.
*gasps when Bruce tackles Jerome from behind*
“What kind of hero tackles someone from behind?!?”  *chuckles in shock*
*gasps when Bruce beats Jerome to the ground and starts the beatdown*
Keep going!
*Bruce picks up a piece of glass to stab Jerome with*  Oh shit!
*both too much in the moment to say anything when Bruce decides not to kill Jerome*
*out of breath*  Go Alfred...
C’mon, Alfred!
*both raise our hands and cheer when Bruce runs to hug Alfred*
*Jerome stumbles out toward Bruce and Alfred*  OoOOhhhhh!!  Ohhhh boy...
Take his ass out!  He’s not gonna last much longer!
*yells in shock when Jim runs up and punches Jerome*
*both yell and reel back in horror/disgust when Jerome’s face gets punched off*
*trying not to laugh*  His face is back off!
His face...
*in unison, with fancy hand gesture*  Off!
*giggles*  Had to lighten the mood somehow.
*laughs*  How often can you literally say that?
“[Harvey] You wish I [Jim] would’ve shot him [Jerome]?”  “Eh, he’d probably just come back from the dead again.”  “Probably.”  *both stifle a laugh*
“At least you [Jim] get to say you punched a man’s face off.”  Exactly!
*grumbles and hits desk with hat*  But Jeremiah dies in the next season.
*keels over*  SON OF A-
*evil laugh*
There’s twins!  Shut up!
“Well, got to say the clown makeup was way more terrifying than the damage underneath, Master Bruce.”  Pfft.
“Did I [Alfred] ever tell you that I don’t like clowns?”  *bug eyes in horror*
*whispers*  You’re not gonna like Jeremiah then.
He’s less clownish than [Jerome]
I love this orange lighting
“Shall I [Alfred] tell you [Bruce] what I thought?  I thought how proud I was of you.”  *puts hands to chest*
“Of the man you’ve become.”  *smiles*
“I almost killed him, Alfred.”  But you didn’t.
“But if you [Bruce] keep going, you’re gonna need rules.”  Vengeance blackens the soul, Master Bruce.  You walk the edge of that abyss every night, but you haven’t fallen over, and I thank heaven for that.
*softly*  This is that scene!
“I will not kill.”  *both raise our hands in anticipation*
“Say it again.”  Say it, c’mon...
“I will not kill.”  *both clap hands toward screen*
My sweet badass bab!
*in dramatic Batman voice*  Sad Boy... is now... Vengeful Boy!
*about falls out of chair reeling back*  OH SNAP THE CLONE!
*bug eyes*
*throws hat at screen*
“I [Five] still don’t understand how I can help save Gotham.”  His voice is different!
That’s the doppleganger theme!
Oh shit, son!
*Someone knocks on Jim’s door.”  Have a drink first.  No wait, you’re gonna need that.
*softly*  God damn, this freaking pier...
“Ed...I love you.”  *both so done*
“I... don’t... love you.”  *snaps fingers in agreement*
“You need me, Edward Nygma!”  No he doesn’t!
“When I [Oswald] met you [Ed], you were a nervous, jittery, loser!”  :[
“I created Edward Nygma!”  You’re full of shit
AN:  Oswald kinda has a point though.  Just sayin’...
You see him [Oswald] spitting up foam?!?
“You can’t do this...”  Yes he damn well can.
“Ed, are you listening to me?”  “...I’m listening...“  NO!  Don’t listen to him!
*both raise our eyebrows in shock when Ed shoots Oswald*
Push him in!  Push him in!
*Ed pushes Oswald into the river*  YEEEEEEESSSS...
*slow jams to Penguin’s theme playing as Oswald sinks to the bottom*
Go to hell, Oswald.  I know he lives but let me have this.
*jams the crap out to the ending theme*
11 notes ¡ View notes
bard-of-worlds ¡ 4 years
Darkness of Heritage CH1/ Lite
This work of mine has about 1,000 words of Lemon, my first and for this site, Tumber i won’t have it on it.  The full Chapter will be on my Patreon on my low and only Tier of 2D, if you want go there, all in all enjoy.
Narrator[The Pokémon World is wide and diverse.  Sometimes people may discover their destiny and roots could be found where they never thought it would be, and a legacy others might desire to hold it while the person it is meant for doesn’t know it is there.]
 Ash ran with Pikachu running beside him as they lead the way through the pouring rain as he cursed that the storm had hit sooner than they had expected, they were supposed to be in the next town before the storm started, but of course, it had to start early, it was so bad that he and Serena had to put the hood of his jacket up over his hat keep the rain out of his eyes so he could try and see anything through the storm. He looked at the river they were paralleling and cursed as he saw it.  I haven’t seen a storm this bad since that time in the Orange Islands and Lugia, I can only hope the bridge will last until we cross it but I can tell that this is just the start of something like what happened back then.  Ash thought as he saw the river rage as the rain fell on the area.
 “Clemont, Serena, do either of you know anything about the bridge we have to cross to get into the next town, how’s it’s made?!”  Ash called he saw a wave splash onto the path and Bonnie covered her face as the water hit her coat.
 “No, I’ve never been around here before!  I remember hearing that they had to rebuild it once around twenty years ago though, something about a fight between father and son!  What about you Serena, I heard they had Pokémon Racing here, has your mom ever been here before?!”  Clemont cried as he ran holding Bonnie’s hand as she tried to keep the water out of her eyes.
 “The races they do around here are the ones without riders from what I heard so mom never came here to race! But she did say she passed through once when she was starting in the league here, but I was just starting school, said it was a tight community and the bridge was made of stone, so maybe it’ll last!” Serena cried as she held her hat to her hair as the wind battered them.  I’ve never felt wind so strong before, what the hell is with this storm! I hope we can make it there soon!  Serena thought as she followed Ash.
 “I just hope we can make it to the town soon!”  Bonnie cried out as she ran, holding her bag as Dedenne huddled within in it to escape the rain.  
 Clemont tried to keep the water off a Pokénav and looked at their location and tried to figure out where they were.  “I think we’ll be there within maybe the next ten minutes, I just hope the local dam holds and the bridge is safe to cross!”
 Ash looked up at the clouds as he heard a crash of thunder and without a lightning strike, he felt a jolt of fear.  Please, no no no!  He thought as he looked upward and strained his eyes hoping not to see what he feared he would. He noticed a few flashes of color here and there suddenly he saw an avian Pokémon with red wings fall below the clouds before it flew upwards. He ran faster and cursed as he released what was happening. “FUCK! The storm’s being fed by a Pokémon battle up there!”    
 Serena looked upwards as Clemont paled and Bonnie gasped as Dedenne cowered in Bonnie’s bag.  “Are you sure Ash?!”  Bonnie asked as she ran through a puddle as the group ran through the rain.
 “Oh yeah, I just saw what looked like a Talonflame up there, this is going to be so bad”  Ash said as he ran.  This could be as bad as when those Gravelers caused that landslide when they fought that Chimera!  Ash thought as he pulled his hood over his face and held up a hand to keep the rain out of his eyes.  “I’ve seen a lot over the years, natural disasters caused by Pokémon are a thing, this is so bad!”
 “How bad is it?” Clemont demanded as he watched Bonnie as he ran, moving so he could grab her if she fell.
“Bad, really, really bad. If I'm right then the storm’s not even half as bad as it will be!  This has to be the result of multiple Rain Dances, it’s the only thing that could cause this!” Ash said as he looked upwards and cursed as the rain increased.   “We have to get to the city soon, we can’t last out here without shelter!”
 “How much worse do you think it’ll get!?”  Serena demanded as tried to see what Ash had.
 “Way worse!  I saw the result of three Rain Dances once, it caused a river to surge and destroy a dam built by wild Pokémon, almost took out a town downstream.  And if whatever’s up there is trying to drive off something that can fly and use fire then they’ll using Rain Dance to increase their abilities and seal their opponents.  I once came across a researcher long ago, he said that any more than five of them will cause a monsoon, and this is getting worse!”  Ash snarled as he moved as the others absorbed what he was saying.
 Serena looked at Ash as she ran and slowed down when they reached a signpost and smiled at what was on it.  “We just passed a sign, we’re just a mile away from a cable car station!”
 “Come on then, we’ve got to move!” Ash said a moment before they took off just as fast as the sky started to darken.
Ash smirked when they reached a small mountain and reached station with a cable car.  Clemont ran to it and looked it over and nodded at the others as they huddled inside it and waited for him to get to them.  “This is was built to be operated by anyone who pushes the buttons, and the I think once we get to the top we can uses a freight elevator to get down.”
 Ash looked around the area and frowned before looking at the group and sighed.  “The way I see it if we can make it to the top we’ll have to go to the city, the river seems to overflow and the fact that the car is here means that when something it goes up automatically.  I think we’ll only see how bad this place is by going up but we then we’ll have to make it to the city, we don’t have the supplies to make it back to Camphrier Town without starving.”  Ash said as the others looked at him.  
 “What about scavenging for food and running?”  Serena asked only for Clemont to sigh.  
 “The station is made of metal and the water damage around here says to me that floods are common, we could survive initially on up top and maybe signal the town but if they can’t get to us then we’re stuck up there,  then it’s a race to survive or starve, if we try and make it back to the last town then we gamble if we can out run a flood, so realistically we’ve got no choice do we?” Clemont asked as the others nodded and he activated the tram as Bonnie exploded.
 “AAUUGG!  How’d this happen to us!”  She demanded as she looked around.
 Serena just sighed and shook her head.  “That bridge being down really messed us up, maybe we should try and find a way to move faster on the road once we get to the next city, maybe look up a bus schedule or see if we can get a Ride Pokémon or two.”
 As cable car made it to the top station Ash ran to the edge of the room had looked out the window. Ash just cursed as he got out a pair of binoculars from his backpack and looked towards the mountain in the distance and frowned before he started to curse.  The others made it to the window and saw what Ash did; a large city was set against a mountain with a large wall five stories tall around the whole thing with a large gate with a stone bridge before it.  From the station they could see lights on the wall shinning onto the bridge. Fuck!  Okay, thing we can’t go down the elevator, it’s best to see what we have to deal with! Ash said as looked around before finally seeing the stairs down.
 “We need to move, we can’t survive here and we have to make it to the city fast.”  Ash barked as they reached the top and Ash led them towards the stairs.
“What do you mean Ash, what do you see.”  Clemont asked as they ran down and Pikachu ran ahead of them, letting out sparks so they could see what was ahead of them.
 “The mountain, there’s a large dam there and I could see ice covering it from here.”  Ash said as they reached the valley floor and ran towards the city.  As they ran Ash looked towards the mountain and frowned as he saw what he hoped weren’t Pokémon attacks in the distance.  And if the dam was covered in Ice, that means its either someone following orders or its part of a protocol for this kind of situation, I really hope that’s not the case.  He thought as he led the way into the rain, the others following behind him. “That means that the ice is either to hold it in place or it was a stray shot, both means trouble.  And both means we have to move fast!”
 A few minutes later they reached a line of people traveling over the bridge and one of the guards looked at them.
 “The hell?  Shouldn’t every one of you people from the school already been sent ahead?  Didn’t you get the evacuation order?” The guard demanded as the group stopped and looked at him.
 “We’re travelers, we came into the area and ran until we made it here.”  Ash said as the group looked at the people moving across, some of them pushing carts.
 The guard turned and did a double take at Ash.  He stared at him and rubbed his eyes for a few seconds.  “Can’t be….What are you kids doing here, didn’t you all hear the….wait you’re not from around here are you.  Get over the bridge now; we don’t know how long the dam will last and there’s supposedly two Chimera fighting up there!”
 “Got it, thanks!”  Ash said as they moved over with the line, the guard looking after them until someone put a hand on his shoulder and looked at another guard who looked at him with concern.
 “Everything alright man?”
 “Yeah, thought I saw Sir Adrien for a second, guess my eyes are playing tricks on me with what’s happening.”  The first guard said as he looked at him before looking after Ash and his friends.
 As the party moved towards the walls they could see people around the middle of the bridge, looking towards a rock with…
 “There’s a girl in the water, we’ve gotta help her Clemont!” Bonnie said as Ash looked upriver and cursed as he saw what the guard was talking about.   He could see a dam set against the mountain and he could see the dam being iced over
 “Why haven’t any of you gotten her out of the river yet!”  Ash barked at the group and they jumped and turned to him.
 “We can’t get to her and we don’t have anything to reach her!  The water’s too fast for any of our Pokémon and the wind’s picking up, how the hell are we supposed to get her!”  One of the other group said as Clemont looked at the river.
 “Don’t any of you have any Pokémon that could get to her?!”  Serena demanded as the others looked conflicted as they looked at each other.
 “Most trainers with Grass Types are on the other side of the city or at the lake holding back a Water Chimera or using Frenzy Plant to shore up the wall, we’ve been trying to think of a way to get her but we’ve come up with nothing that won’t put whoever tries to go to her at risk!”  Another of the group said as Clemont went still and grabbed a Pokéball.
 “Chesspin, use Vine Whip to grab the girl!”  Clemont command as his Chesspin appeared and saw the scene before them before saluting his trainer.
 “CHESSPIN!”  It cried as two vines shot from it and grabbed the girl in the water and pulled her to the bridge.
 “Morg!” A voice called out as a teenage girl in a black raincoat with the hood raised grabbed her.
 “Lilly, I’m fine, really!” The girl said as the older one looked her over.
 “Thanks for saving my….” The teen began as she looked at the group before a roar was heard and people charged past them.
 “GET MOVING, THE ICE IS CRACKING!”  A voice called out as the guards moved by them and within moments all of them were running for the closing gates.  
 As soon as they got off the bridge a large cracking was heard and they picked up speed, Clemont’s backpack hand grabbed Bonnie and Lilly grabbed Morg and carried her as they ran. As the sound of water rushing towards them was heard they made it through the gate and it started to close behind them.  Serena turned and looked out as they closed and saw a large wave crash into the bridge moments before the doors slammed shut moments before the water could reach the walls.  As her heart slowed down she looked around when she realized that she didn’t feel the rain and saw that they were in a warehouse like structure a good two hundred feet long and wide with multiple garage doors set against the far wall, she could see maybe at least three hundred people all around in groups with people dressed like the guards moving around and taking stock of the people here and there.
 “If we were maybe a few minutes slower to get here, I don’t want to think about it.”  Clemont said as he panted and his backpack lowered Bonnie to the ground as Lilly put Morg down.
 “Well welcome to another lesson about traveling on foot, knowing when to beet feet for shelter and how luck is a factor.”  Ash said as he panted, his hood still up.  Serena looked at him and sighed as she shook her head.  He’s trying to keep out spirits up, that Ash he still hasn’t changed from all the those years ago when we were lost in the woods.  She thought as she gazed on him as she smiled.
 “You know I never was able to finish thanking you all for saving my sister, I’m Lilith and this is my sister Morgana, we all call her Morg” Lilith said they turned to her and saw her. She had pulled back her hood and revealed a flowing black hair above black eyes and she smiled at them with black lips as Morg was revealed to have short green hair. Clemont looked at her and blushed for a second before he got his face under control, but not before Bonnie had seen it.
 “I couldn’t let her stay there; I mean I had to do something to help out, oh I’m Clemont and this is my sister Bonnie.”  Clemont replied and Lilith looked at him for a second before relaxing as well, and this time Morrigan noticed.  Lilith looked around and noticed that a long staircase was having some people move around.
 “Hi, I’m Serena and this is Ash and Pikachu.”  Serena said as she indicated Ash who was looking around as Pikachu stood on his shoulder.  
 “So where are you all going, you seemed to be a diverse group.”  Morrigan asked as Ash laughed a little.
 “Yeah, well we’ve all got our reasons for being on the road, but how long until we can get back do you think?”  Ash asked as Lilith and Morrigan looked at him for a few seconds before shaking their heads.
 “Sorry if you want to get to another major city, but with the Chimera around the city will be on lockdown for a few days as we make sure it didn’t make any eggs, and that’s not even talking about how damaged the bridge is.  There is a tournament and a Perfomance secheduled within the next few days though.”  Lilith said and Morrigan grabbed Bonnie’s and pulled her towards the staircase.  Lilith laughed and grabbed Clemont and pulled her after their sisters.
 “Come on, we can see how bad it is from within the wall, there’s an observation floor around the third level.” Lilith said as she led the way.  As she led the way she looked over her shoulder and tried to see under Ash’s hood.  There’s no way, there’s just no way.
 A few minutes later they reached a floor with a transparent window at the fall end, people here and there in the room everyone with downcast expressions.  As they made it to the window they saw the bridge had been destroyed and the river had overflowed and was at least fifteen feet high and against the walls and he could see the water had reached the entire other side of the valley.
 “We’re so screwed.” Serena said as she looked at the water. Ash only nodded, having seen something like this a few times before but never so bad and with the road flooded.  We could fly over it with Noivern, and I could use the Center to transfer Gliscor so there’s that.  Noivern is a strong flyer, I could see if we could reach the mountain, but the packs fighting up there…. Ash thought as he looked at the water and planned how to get them out of there in a hurry, an old habit he had.
 “Good construction, the walls I mean it must have been built to withstand this.  Really wonderful, but I wonder how long until we can leave.” Clemont asked as Liltith
 “It’s not as bad as it’s been in the past, I think maybe a good week or two and the city can get around to start making a new bridge once the lockdown is lifted.”  Lilith said as she looked out the window.
 “How long!” Bonnie asked as Morrigan laughed.  
 “Yeah there was a problem where a Chimera horde tried to break the gate and destroyed the area around the gate, the city had to replace a lot of the riverbed.  And we’ve always known something like this is possible, we structure our defense budget to get supplies for repair.” Lilith said with a smirk.
 “May I have your attention please, the cities Pokémon Centers are ready for everyone to check in and clean up.  And to all out of towners the city government will help you all find a place to sleep until the crisis is over.”  A voice boomed from the loud speakers and Lilith and Morrigan looked at each other and smiled at the group.
 “Come on, we can head over to the Center near my house and see what’s what, if we have too then we can take you over to our home, we can put you all up for a few days at least.” Lilith said as Morrigan started to snicker.
 “Maybe some of you longer.” Morrigan sang as she moved away from her spluttering sister as she laughed as Clemont blushed as Bonnie and Serena giggled as Pikachu sighed and Ash shook his head with a smirk.
 “Best to keep my hood up, this weather isn’t getting better.” Ash said and looked down at Pikachu.  “Want a covered ride buddy?”
 “Pika.” Pikachu sighed and jumped up to hide in Ash’s bag and Ash sighed.
 “Yeah, we can dry off there right Morrigan?” Serena asked and she nodded, Serena frowned as she saw that Morrigan was still sneaking looks at Ash and frowned.
 Ash looked about the Center, taking in all the people that were huddled around the room, children with their families and people moving here and there and sighed.  We’re stuck here for at least two weeks if I can’t fly us out, great.  I guess with all the people around here we’ll have a lot of quests to do so we’re be able to survive at least.  And we’re be able to get at least a basic meal out of the Center if everything is wrong, I might have to try for the next Conference but hey, the best plans of Rattata and men.  He thought as Lilith talked with Serena.
 “Oh you’re a Performer? There’s a Pokévision studio set up in the downtown area, our cousin uses it to shoot music videos, if you want I’m sure I could help you make a great one!”  Lilith said as she looked at Serena who smiled back.
 “That might be for the best, I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out of here in time to make it to the Master Class this year.” Serena said as she looked at Ash who shrugged.
 “Thought the same thing, but you know how it is, sometimes your plans work and sometimes they don’t, but what about you Lilith, are you a Performer?” Ash asked only for Lilith to adopt
 “Kinda, but I consider myself a Coordinator really.  The way the Showcases are just for girls is something that we, the people of this city don’t like.”  Lilith said as she looked around.  “We don’t think that a how trainer works with their Pokémon is meant to be limited, it’s their choice alone. I think this place is the one city in Kalos where men and women can put on shows with their Pokémon.”
 “You know I never thought about it that way, I just really started to train Pokémon a few months back really, and I think I have a few selfish reasons for being a Performer but I like to put on perform for the crowd.”  Serena said as she looked thoughtful as Lilith nodded.  Morrigan looked at Clemont as she sat with Bonnie and fed Dedenne.
 “What about you and Clemont Bonnie, what are your reasons for traveling.” Morrigan asked as Bonnie laughed.
 “My bros the Gym Leader for Lumiose City, he’s on a journey to grow stronger and I’m on vacation from a few problems back home and we just came along with Ash .” Bonnie said as Clemont nodded.
 “I left the gym under my second and well I just thought a bit of time on the road would do both of us some good.”  Clemont said as he starched the back of his head.
 “I’m on a journey to well, find something really.  I travel and challenge the Leagues to accomplish that and well, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for yet.”  Ash said as Morrigan looked at him in awe.
 “Cool, what have you seen since you started traveling?”  Morrigan asked as she looked at him with stars in her eyes as Bonnie joined in.
 “I’ve seen wonders and horrors you have to have been there to believe.  I’ve fought the worst and seen the best.”  Ash said with a smirk as Nurse Joy came towards them.  Serena did a double take and looked at her, noticing how pale she looked compared to her sisters.
 “Are you alright Nurse Joy, you don’t look so good.”  Serena said as Joy looked at her before gaining a look of understanding.
 “I’ve had trouble sleeping lately.  Here are a few towels to clean yourselves up, and here’s a number card, when your called someone from your group can call in and we’ll find a place for you to sleep tonight.”  Joy said as Morrigan spoke up.
 “Sis and I are putting them up Nurse Joy, a thank you for Clemont saving me!”  Morrigan said causing Joy to look at Lilith who nodded and sighed.
 “Then when someone calls your number we’ll put that down, at least there’s something that’s easy for us.” Joy said as she turned around and walked towards another group.
 “Thanks for the towels.” Ash said as he took a towel and pulled down his hood, a gasp coming from Lilith as she looked at him.  “What’s wrong Lilith?”
 “You look like master Adrien!” She gasped out and Joy turned with a scowl on her face. Ash stared at her before he gained a scowl on his face as he realized she said that name.
 “Lilith what did you just say…..OHH MY!”  Nurse Joy called out as she put a hand to her mouth as she dropped the towels.  People turned and every native of the town stared in shock as they saw Ash’s face.
 “He can’t be…..”
 “Wait wasn’t he gone for years, could he be?”
 “Then the line is alive? Why didn’t he tell us?”
 “Get the Seneschal, somebody get the Seneschal now!”  A voice roared as people started to look at Ash in awe.  He looked around and saw Lilith and Morrigan staring at him in shock and Lilith started to grin as she looked at his face.
 “What’s the problem and how the hell do you know that deadbeats name.”  Ash demanded as he looked at Lilith as Joy stared to splutter.
 “You look like Adrien. Wait, ‘Deadbeat’?!”  Joy said as she looked at him and Serena stared at him.
 “Adrien, wait wasn’t that the name on your birth certificate under your father!?” Serena asked as she remembered how she, Ash and Gary had found Ash’s birth certificate once and the pain that had led to the breaking of his and Gary’s friendship.
 “He’s your father, why didn’t he ever tell us about his family?”  Joy asked in confusion as Ash looked at her with a scowl.
 “So the bastard never talked about us, hu?  So where is he, I really want to give me a good punch for all the pain he’s caused my mother over the years!”  Ash said as he snarled, Lilith looked at him before paling as she realized just what he was saying, tears falling from his eyes.
 “PIKA!”  Pichacu barked as his checks started to spark, he had heard Delia’s pain when they had been back in Pallet and he wanted to get his own shocks in.
 Joy looked at him in confusion before gaining a look of horrified shock before she spoke a single sentence that destroyed Ash’s rage.   “Master Adrien has been dead for over fifteen years.”
 Ash’s snarl disappeared as he heard and understood what Joy had said, Serena gasping and covering her mouth and Bonnie and Morrigan hugged each other.  “Dead, he’s been dead all these years?”  Ash said as he looked at her in total shock.  I don’t I just can’t….. My journey…….. no matter what I said, part of it was to find him and give him a piece of my mind; I don’t know what else to do now. He thought as a commotion from the front caused him to look up.
 A man with white hair on the sides of his head wearing a grey had and a grey suit walked in, a scowl on his face as he looked about.  “Why did you call me, I have enough problems with handling the damage what…… oh by the elements.”  He stammered as he looked at Ash who stood there and a tear came to his eyes.  “So Adrien did have a child, I wondered for years but he did.  I….no. No.”  He said as he looked at Ash before turning to the people around him.
 “I don’t know anything but Adrien is the name of my father, he’s been dead since he left us years ago?” Ash asked as he slowly reached for his backpack and Serena nodded and slowly reached for her bag when Lilith grabbed her arm.  
 Looking at Lilith Serena saw a look of conflict on her face.  She moved her head closer to Serana’s and started to whisper to her.  “If he’s not related then this is a bad coincidence, nothing more.   I promise if something seems wrong I’ll help fight your way to freedom, I promise but please let this play out.”
 The seneschal looked at Ash and staring at his eyes something in them caused him to see his former master superimposed on Ash and something in him started to believe that he might be who he looked like.
 “Okay, I don’t believe that you are complete who you….resemble.  I apologies for this but this town has enemies and threats that I don’t think you would believe or understand.”  The seneschal said as the people around them started to move in, Ash looked around and moved his hand away from his back pack.
 “I guess that me and my friends don’t have a choice in the matter.”  Ash said as he made a motion that told Pikachu not to react.
 “No.  I’m sorry but I must test you.  If nothing happens you and yours will have only out of a little time and we’ll mark this up to a terrible twist of fate.  The storm has died down, would you please follow me? And I am Richard Sign, seneschal to the former lord of this, the great independent city of Walharina.” Richard said as he bowed and gestured to the door out of the center and the people made way for them.  
 Ash shared a look with his friends, Clemont and Serena both had their backpacks on and Bonnie just looked confused, Morrigan looked like she understood half of what she was hearing and Lilith looked apologetic.
 “Fine, let’s see what this test is.” Ash said as Richard nodded and led the way out of the chamber into the night’s air.  As they followed after Richard, Serena stayed near Bonnie and Morrigan so she could protect them if things went south as Clemont prepared to raise hell to keep them all safe as Ash looked about and started to plan how to destroy the town.
 Lilith moved faster and walked next to Richard. “He looks like he’ll burn the city to the ground if he has needs to do so to keep his friends safe.”
 “Another mark that he is who he looks like, if he’s not I will let him and his friends go with no trouble, if I have to I will fight to do that.” Richard said as Lilith nodded at him, silently promising that she would help them, even if she and Morrigan had to leave the city for a while.  That might not be so bad if we can travel with them for a while.  She thought with a blush as she looked at Clemont as he led the way, Bonnie and Morrigan walking behind him.
  Ash looked around at the procession, as they had travel through the city people had either joined or watched from the buildings as they traveled.  As they had seen him they had muttered his father’s name, some of them praising the elements that the line was still alive and that the town would live. If dad really was from here why didn’t he ever tell them about us, if their Adrien is my dad.  If he died all those years ago, I don’t know just how and why he didn’t ever tell mom where he was going, what happened to ‘this’ Adrien?  Ash thought as he walked after Richard and noticed Lilith was walking a little behind him and saw her as the person to tell him.
 Increasing his speed until he stood next to Lilith he looked at her with a glare. “So you might know more about my family then I do, so start talking.”
 “It’s a long and complicated story…. I don’t know the full history, there are a lot of secrets.” Lilith began as she looked at him. As they spoke they traveled closer to the castle on the mountain, always they moved closer to it. “To begin with, this city was formed by people who tried to escape from a war years ago in the ancient past.  Your line, well our Adiren’s line were the leaders of one group of survivors from one of the many city states that fell in the war.  Somehow they found out about this place and knew they could defend and traveled here, gathering other survivors as they went.”
 The procession had reached a park and they moved through it, trees and lakes were all over it and they passed gazebos and statues on pedestals of humans wielding weapons with plaques and they moved closer to the mountain.  “For the rest of the war we fought defensively as, the leader and his inner circle fighting duels with the leaders of army after sieges lasted for days or months.  While they fought against each other, we developed the mountain and the valleys hidden there and lived good lives, spies found out and tried to conquer us.”
 “So my family, his family were the leaders who made this city?”  Ash asked as he looked around the park, noticing the plaques had victor of this siege or that siege here and there.  Okay so they might have a reason for being excited if I am related to this places founders, but why did he leave this place.  He wondered as the procession moved ever closer to the mountain and a large staircase. “Why did Adrien leave, and where we’re going is up those stairs, they’ve got to be a good three hundred feet up!”
 “Actual four hundred, and the mountain goes a good three miles up!  Hidden here and there are the farms that once feed everyone here, most of them are still operated by the families that inherited them over the years.” Lilith laughed as the procession moved towards the stairs.  “And about Master Adrien, I remember the gossip it was a fight with his grandfather when he was about our age, you’re what fifteen-sixteen?  He wanted to see the world and when his father wouldn’t let him he took most of his Pokémon and fought his way out, destroyed the bridge and he just disappeared for years, he returned when the town was attacked and died fighting to protect this place. ”
 “Guess that’s where I get my sense of adventure and rage, at least if he was my father, so where are we going?”  Ash asked as they marched past the staircase and towards a wall.  As they turned the corner Ash saw a large gate with its doors opening as they marched, it had to be at least twenty feet high.
 “It’s called the Passage.” Lilith said with a laugh as they marched towards the doors.  “This is connected to the city’s storage rooms and there’s a library where the city’s most important relics are stored.  Never seen it myself but that’s the legend.”  Lilith said as Clemont and the others caught up.”  They looked around as they passed through the doorway into a room that was a good hundred feet high with at least three levels of ledges with bridges crises crossing the empty space in the air.  They went notice a long upwards ramp that Richard that went farther into the mountain.  
 “This is amazing, those lights…….is that arcane science?”  Clemont asked causing Ash to notice that some of the underside of the bridges had crystal diamonds on them and they were the source of the chamber’s light.  “But I thought Nikola only created this in the Azoth Kingdom?”
 Morrigan laughed and smiled up at him.  “Yeah, but one of his apprentices escaped and wandered until he made it to us and bargained for safety here, he helped to create the blueprints for the wall and our early power source.”  
 “We even have a holiday for the team of heroes he joined that, saved us and fought for us until he died.”  Lilith said as the group moved through the mountain.  “It’s even soon, I think you’d like it……… if you all stay here until its time.”
 Lilith trailed off as she remembered just why she was walking with them towards the mountain and walked off, keeping silent as they walked on.
 Ash watched her walk and knew why she was silent, looking about he saw people watching them and some part of him saw people looking at him and judging all of them with looks of hopeful but guarded looks on their face as they moved, and some strange part of him that he never even knew existed was proud of what he saw, and he shook himself as he moved after Lilith.
 “They say there’s a hidden place somewhere down here you know, something really beautiful?” Morrigan said to Bonnie as they walked after their siblings.  “There’s no rule against walking around down here and it’s actually encouraged, there are murals that tell our history and most kids like to run wild down here. Want to mess around down here if you stay for a while?”
 Bonnie looked at her and smiled.  “Sounds fun, but is this as important as I think it is?”  Bonnie asked quietly as she looked at the people, some of them looking at Ash with expected and calculating looks.
 “It’s important yeah, there was a lot of talk recently about who would take over the town.  If he’s who a lot of people hope he is, even I could see how this would change things.”  Morrigan said as she looked at the front of the group and frowned. Bonnie looked up and saw a woman waiting before an exit that revealed the sky.  She was tall, voluptuous woman in a red dress with long black hair that reached her waist.  She had piercing red eyes and red painted lips and looked at Richard as the procession stopped and looked at him.
 “So where’s this so called heir I’ve been hearing about?  Where is he Richard?”  She asked as she looked over the procession before stopping when she saw Ash and gasping, taking a step backwards in shock.  “By the elements!”
 “I know Isabella; he looks a lot like Adrien.  From what I was told; the boy’s father was named Adrien and left both him and his mother before our Adrien died and they might have been the same person.”  Richard said as he walked past Isabella and moved up the ramp towards the open sky, the procession following him.  He stopped before a statue of a man holding a sword on a pillar before a black stone on a small pedestal.  “Touch this stone, if nothing happens then the Adrien we’re talking about isn’t your father and he might be alive.”
 Ash looked at the stone and then at the others around him, he wasn’t sure about this but he couldn’t let him.  He felt something touch his leg and looked at Pickachu and smiled down at his starter and took a deep breath and put his hands on the stone.
 After a few seconds he was about to take his hand off it when he heard Serena gasp.  The statue’s eyes were glowing black and looking down at him and it raised the sword it was holding and put it on both his shoulders before standing at attention with the sword pointing downward. “The blood line is alive, may you survive all that is thrown at you.”  The statue spoke resolutely and Ash felt something move through him, a sense of belonging that he hadn’t ever felt before.
 He turned to the procession and saw them all of them had gone down to their knees bowing to him. He turned to Richard who was staring at him with Isabella bowing next to him.  “Long live the count!”  They said as Ash looked at Serena and Clemont who looked back at him with shock, Bonnie smiling and Lilith and Morrigan among those bowing.
 Ash looked from the kneeling people to the stand and he released a sigh as he looked at Richard who only looked down at the ground.  
 “This means I’m the, that Adrien is my…….that your Adrien is my father?” Ash asked with a hard look that the man nodded from where he had been bowing.
 “Yes my lord, that is the situation as it is.”  The seneschal said and Ash went still and sighed and closed his eyes.  “And I know what you want to ask next my lord.”
 “Where is he buried?” Ash asked and let a tear drop form one of his eyes as Serena went still as she realized what this meant and even Bonnie had a hand to her mouth as Clemont looked down and Morg let her tears fall.
 “He rests in the Salvotion Cemetery on one of the mountain terraces, a place all honored ones go to their final rest.”  Richard said as he stood up.  “Let me take you there.”
 As Ash and his friends with Lilith and Morrigan following behind them, Isabella stayed where she was and smirked.  “Ohhh this is amazing!  To think he had a son, this is going to upset quite a few plans.”
 Ash walked through the cemetery, a somber mood about him as Pikachu followed behind him.  his friends had stayed at the entrance and he walked until he reach the grave in question.  Ash stood there looking at his father’s name and swallowed.
 “Hey dad, you know I thought this might be how I would meet you.” Ash said softly.  “Mom never gave up on you, she always thought that something had happened to you to keep you from coming home you know.”
 Ash just stay still as the winds whistled around him as he looked down.  “I don’t….. I don’t know what to do now.  The…… my journey, that was to find out where you were, what happened to make me grow up without a father, and I did think you were dead for a few years but this, I wanted to gain fame so someone would contact me because of my looks, a way to find you.  I never would have thought that I find you like this.”
 Ash looked out over the town below; some people were still running around letting people know that the heir of their leader had returned, Ash caressed his Pokéballs on his belt and sighed.  “I’m not a leader, not a town leader anyway.  I mean I always was around mom when she would take care of Pallet House and I guess this is just a bigger restaurant but they were talking about as we walked to that stone, I think a lot of people will want me to take over. Maybe I could but will I, I wanted to know who I was, where you came form but I never thought that I would find something like this.”
 Ash felt a presence come over him as wind blew around him and carried the leaves on the ground and moved into a whirlwind.  Ash just sighed and looked at the whirlwind and smiled.  I guess that I’ll just stay here until the bridge is repaired, anything else I can decide later.  Ash thought as he turned around and started to walk back towards his friends.
 Richard looked at the cemetery and waited for Ash to come back, his mind going over many different tracks as he stood apart from the teens who were talking amongst themselves, a frown on his face as he looked into his past.  Ash’s very existence will upset a lot of people, from the three who were angling to become the new Count/ess and then the people in each faction.  If he takes over, if he wants to take over I’ll need to talk to him, give him the dossiers on all of them.  But at the work on the bridge and the dam will give me a chance to sound him out……… and when the Master awakens his heritage then that might awaken some of his ambition.  And I know that some of them just don’t want the others to take over so they might help him…… I can only hope that he decides to stay.  Richard thought as he looked around the area and noticed a few spies of the various factions here and there looking at where Ash was, most of them staying back out of respect for those people who slept there and the rest because they would be stopped by the others.
 “I never would have guessed that Ash would have found where his father was, not even like this.” Serena said to Clemont as she stood with him and Lilith as Morg and Bonnie stood a few feet away talking quietly.
 “I’m guessing there’s a bit of a story there, isn’t there?” Clemont asked and Serena nodded and looked up with a soft smile.  Turning they saw Ash walking towards them with a resolute look on his face.  
 Richard walked to him and took a deep breath.  “From what I’ve just heard it will be a few days at least until we can repair the dam, let alone the bridge.  I’m sorry but that’s not even counting on if the workers are attacked.”
 “What about the Pokémon transporter, I have some Flying types that could get us out of here…..” Ash trailed off as Richard shook his head.  “There’s something blocking the transporter isn’t there?”
 “Yeah, and then there’s supposed to be a Chimera that has a kind of electrical field that disrupts radio waves according to local legends…….. it’s a terrible but trainers around here don’t really have a choice and because of that, most who stay here don’t consider themselves part of the league and use Computer Cores to store Pokémon long term .” Richard said and Clemont looked at him.
 “Really, this is one of those towns?” Clemont asked and looked around.  “I know there are at least four towns where trainers can’t use the transporter but this was one of them?”
 “And how’d you know that?” Lilith asked Clemont and Bonnie started to grin.
 “Yes, I know the local League likes to keep the idea that there could be another way to live with Pokemon from people.”  Richard asked and Clemont blushed and looked away
 “My brother’s the Gym Leader back home in Lumiose City!” Bonnie said with a grinning face and Lilith stars at Clem with stars in eyes as Richard looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.
 “But what about the emergency transportation?  I know the city has a plane or a helicopter if this happens again right?” Lilith asked and Richard looked down.  “Couldn’t you send on to ask for help, maybe a skyship to transport the out of towners back to the main road at least?”
 “Yes we do normaly, but before the Chimera attacked they exploded.” Richard admitted and Ash looked up, a strange feeling of anger welling up in him.
 “Exploded?!  Was anyone hurt!?” Ash demanded and Richard winced.
 “All the people nearby are alive, we have a possible witness in protective custody but he’s unconscious. The doctor thinks he’ll be up in a day or two at most.” Richard said as he held up his hands.  “And all of them are damaged and I don’t how bad.”
 “So we’re stuck here then?” Serena asked and Richard nodded.  
 “You and a lot of other people madam.  Most place are full up but there is the castle.”  Richard began and looked at Ash.  “After he left, your grandfather ordered that his son’s room stay the same, I’m sure he’d like you to sleep there at least sir Ash.”
 Ash looked at the others and after a few moments sighed and looked at Richard and nodded.
 Ash looked about the room he had walked into and shook his head.  He had been directed to his father old room, it was at the central level near the central tower and he looked around, seeing a stand for a sword and shield, books about the history the world and tourist brochures here and there.
 “So this was where you came from dad?  And you went back here because it was your home.” Ash said quietly as he looked a tapestry of the all the Pokémon Element symbols.
 “He was a brave man and loyal to those he thought were worth it.”  The person speaking was the butler, a man in a dark suit named Sebastian who had led his and Serena to rooms in the castle.  After everything was done Lilith, her sister, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena had been shown the castle introduced to Sebastian and the staff, and after the crying and such the group had sat down to a small meal.  Richard had told a lot about the history of the place and told about how most of the families owed their very lives to his, he had talked about his mother and Pallet town and the struggles that they had gone through growing up.  
 Richard had spoken about the Chimera, wild Pokémon and problems a small city had being so far out of the way.  After they were done Lilith had carried her sister to their home, what she said was a small cottage at best a mile away and Clemont had carried Bonnie to their room. Richard had promised to show him around the city tomorrow, and that they would talk more about it but he had a few things he had to show him.  Serena had been show to a place to sleep and Ash was led off to his father’s old room, and looking around he could feel something about the castle.
 “There’s something about this room, isn’t there?” Ash asked and Sebastian nodded.
 “According to the person who trained me, this room is the one that was always set for the heir.  I remember when your father was born; your grandfather was so happy and proud of him.”  Sebastian said before he grew gloomy.  “But then your grandmother was killed and he grew so over protective over his son.”
 “Who killed her?”  Ash asked as Sebastian grew angry at question.
 “We never found out, that….it changed this town and I think tracking down who was behind it was one of the reasons he wanted to leave I think.”  Sebastian said as he sighed and looked into his past.  “I think the master knew more then he said about it, but I know that was what caused their relationship to change.”
 “So one of the reasons dad wanted to leave was to find who killed his mother?”  Ash asked as he looked around the room.
 “I believed so, good night young master.”  Sebastian said as he bowed and left the room.  
 Ash watched him go and turned in a circle, Pikachu lying on a pillow near the bed and Ash looked around and sighed, this was the last thing he thought he would discover traveling through Kalos.  I still have to call mom, telling her that dad had died all those years ago……. I don’t know how I feel about any of this. This is my heritage, I always wondered where dad came from but this, I don’t know anything anymore. He thought as he lay on his bed, sighing as he tried to sleep.
 “Come.”  A voice seemed to come from all around him and he shot up and looked around the room, seeing Pikachu was asleep.   Looking around and not seeing anyone there he moved to go back to sleep.
 “COME!”  A voice called out again and this time he heard it from the door to the hall.  Something seemed to tell him to follow it and he got up and walked out of the room.  He looked around, trying to find anything that he could tell where the voice had come from and finding nothing he was about to turn back when the voice came again.
 “COME!”  He heard it from his right and he followed the voice, moving down the hallway.  After a while he reached a staircase at the end of a hallway and climbed it, not turning back, something pulling him onwards.  He reached the top and saw a set of large double doors at the end and moved towards them, some strange feeling pulling him along.  He pushed them open and entered a large bedroom with a large bed in the center, a strange silvery mirror on the wall and a large dresser. He saw an open door to a balcony to the right and to the left was a pedestal with a medallion on a box.  He walked towards it and saw that the box had a painted black dragon and he saw the medallion was of a black dragon with ruby eyes and the eyes were glowing.    He reached for it and picked it up, something about it seemed to suck the warmth out of the room and then he opened the box and the pendant’s eyes flashed and he fell to the floor, unconscious.
 Ash’s body got up and walked towards a mirror and looked at the reflection.
 “So this is my grandson, you look like my brat.”  A deeper voice came from Ash’s mouth as his eyes closed and a small smile formed. “Grandson you are as obvious as I was before your grandaunt kissed me, but I think I’ll go and give you and her a nice dream.”  The force controlling Ash’s body said as he walked Ash out of his chambers.
 Serena sat before a mirror and brushed her hair as she just thought about what had happened so far. They had found the place where Ash’s father had come from and where he had died, they had been shown to a castle he had inherited and it had been confirmed by a blood link that he was truly in his family’s land and they had been invited to stay there until they could leave the area and she had been shown a room to spend the night in, taken a bath and come out to find a note that her cloths were being washed!  All she found to wear was a red semi-transparent nightie that barely covered her breasts but she had to admit she did look great in it!  She looked around the room and wondered just how they had something her size and what it was made off, it was as smooth as silk and actually wasn’t as flimsy as she thought, it actually felt like she was wearing her regular sleepwear.  I can’t believe this.  Ash’s father left his home due to having a fight with his own father, and when he left a battle destroyed the bridge, and then he returned to save his father and they both died before they could met Ash and for some reason while traveling we end up at his family’s city just when a storm destroys the only way in or out of it and we end up staying the night at his family’s seat of power.  If I haven’t been living this I would never believe it could have ever happen.  But I don’t know, there’s something about this room, something about this is just bothering me for some reason I can’t put my finger on.  Serena thought as she looked around the room.  A candle caste a soft glow over the room and as she looked around, from the bed to the mirror and desk there was something about it.
 She got up and walked about the room, noting the stone walls that seemed to absorb the sound instead of reflecting it and looked at the candle set against the wall and the stone tiles on the floor.  
 A knocking from the door caused her to stand up look towards the door.
 “Yes, who is it?” Serena called out and grabbed a robe she put on, quickly tying it around herself as she moved towards the door, hoping it was the staff with her cloths.  She reached the door and opened it to reveal Ash standing there in a loose shirt and pants, a strange look in his eyes that excited Serena.
[Cut scene]
Dracula looked down at the sleeping form of Serena as he directed his grandson’s body to put his own cloths back on and him pick up the torn remnants of Serena nightie before he pushed some of his power into Serena and put three commands into her mind, 1; to treat what had happened as a dream until she was fully changed, 2; to remember she had slept topless because of the heat and 3; to wear a collar around her neck when she got up, since Richard had told her she could wear any of the clothing they found in the rooms.  He directed Ash’s body to leave Serena’s room as he looked back at Serena, his grandson had good taste at least and given what he had seen in his grandson’s memory he was a strong person and had the talent to draw to him people of character. He chuckled as he had Ash return to the room he was staying in and floated downward towards a room he knew would be occupied at giving what had happened to the bridge.  He finally entered a room lite by a candle, a large book case along the opposite wall and a desk facing the only window with the door behind it.  At the desk sat Richard, looking over papers with his head down.
 “So you’ve started your grandson down the path my liege?”  Seneschal asked without turning his head to speak to the specter before him. Dracula chuckled as he floated and gave the man a bitter smile.
 “You have to tell me how you keep doing that one day old friend.  But yes, I have, and that was a good job putting the young girl in the proper room.”  Dracula said as the man before the desk just smirked at the reply.
 “I felt how she feels about him my lord, I knew if you started him then you’d need someone to feed on and she was there after all.” Richard said and laughed lightly.
 “Well she might have a few new sisters soon; it seems some of his old traveling companions are in the city as well.  I asked about his journey over supper and there are three girls here who I will make sure come to the castle.”  He said as Dracula just chuckled as he looked out the window.  “One of them helped fight off the Water Chimera, only reason we drove it off to be truthful, another and her brother helped get people out of the path of the storm and the last helped to make sure the farms were evacuated.”
 “Oh, so those people are here, when I went through his memories, I had wondered how to bring them to him.”  Dracula said as he mused about the memories he had seen in his grandson’s mind.  
 “I….my lord I have to ask, what kind of person is he, really?  From what I gathered on my own he’s a good person but who is he, deep down?” Richard asked as Dracula sighed.  
 “He is the product of my fight with my son, you were right.”  Dracula said as he looked away.  “I was too protective, I’m just glad he returned when he did, that I was able to see him before I went.”
 “And your grandson is a chip off the old block, he has your eye to see the best and draw talent to him.” Richard said as he looked over the papers on his desk, short dossiers that had been made once he had the names of Ash’s companions.  “Good kids, they all have principles that would do good here, and with the others baying to take his place this might be the best way to recement your family’s control over the town.”
 He looked at the specter of his master and frowned when he saw the way he looked. “What’s wrong my liege, what more is there to take up your limited time.”
 “The packs attacking while the Chimera did, are you sure it was natural?”  Dracula asked Richard causing him to straighten up and look at him.
 “As sure as we can be, I’ve instructed the Guards to check the nests as close as they could and to try and find where the Chimera could have come from.”  He sighed and put a hand to his head.  “I admit that recently the political climate has become a bit different as people tried to become the new leader, but one of them being behind that? I’ll have to look into that.”
 “Do so, I’ll be around until he fully awakens, if he decides to stay I want you to teach him everything he needs to know.”  Dracula said as he faded away.
 “When you get where you’re going, be sure to save me a place and say hi to everyone for me old friend.” Richard whispered as he went back to his papers, already planning how to get his master will done as he overlooked the town’s current problems.
[Cut final scene]
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ijustwant2write ¡ 5 years
Thin Ice-Bonnie Gold x Reader
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(GIF credit to @finnshelby1920s)
Summary: The snow is thick in Small Heath, the largest amount of snowfall there has ever been; and with the freezing cold comes ice, which covers a nearby lake and makes it a popular spot for ice skating. Esme decides that it’s a good idea to take her kids there, get them away from the danger of their family, even for an hour or so. Little does she know that she’s led them directly to that, and an unsuspecting hero swoops in.
Characters: Bonnie Gold x Reader, Esme Shelby x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name
Warnings: Drowning, distressing moments, fluff
(A/N: Don’t know why I’m writing about winter in the middle of summer. Also, Betty is a made up character and I made up one of the kids names cause they don’t actually have names.)
I had already lost any feeling in my toes, my thick boots and three pairs of socks not doing anything to shield me from the snow. Small Heath was now suffering through its third week of snow, and at first it had been fun, but now it was too much for anyone. The snow wasn’t fluffy and fun to play with anymore, it was solid and hard to even walk on; buried underneath inches of snow was ice, making it even harder to walk. Those who had to go to work wore annoyed expressions on their faces as they trudged through the weather, whilst those who were lucky remained in their cosy beds. However, Betty and I decided that we had to embrace the snow, seeing as Small Heath hardly got any; I was now regretting that decision.
“Remember when we were doing that two weeks ago?” Betty giggled as we looked out to a bunch of kids attempting to skate on the frozen lake.
“Yeah. How come they’re doing better than I did?” I joked as the smallest one fell over.
“Can you believe that it’s stayed frozen for so long? I would have thought it would be breaking by now.”
“It seems like the snow is never going to leave.”
“Do you want to head back?”
“No! We’ve only been out for ten minutes.”
“Betty,” I whined,“come on, it feels like my feet have been cut off!”
“No, we may never see snow fall again-”
“I doubt that-”
“But look how beautiful it makes everything look!”
Betty then went rambling on about how precious nature was, how we should cherish every moment of it, even though she had never once stepped foot in the countryside. I let her go on, focusing on keeping my hands warm, seeing as every other limb was numb. Betty could have a whole conversation to herself, that’s how much she spoke, so she didn’t even realise I wasn’t listening. I usually loved our extremely long chats, but right now my brain couldn’t function in the cold.
“Mum! Mum, help!” a child called out, making our heads turn. 
There was a young girl, she couldn’t be older than seven, stood in the middle of the lake, tears streaming down her face.
“Louisa, stay there, mum will get you!” the mum shouted back.
“Isn’t that John Shelby’s wife?” Betty asked as we watched.“Esme? Yeah, I think that’s her name.”
Esme went to step onto the frozen lake, jumping back as the sound of cracking rang out. She held back the other dozen kids, her eyes wide with panic. That poor girl was left on her own, she wouldn’t have any idea how to get out of there safely; and she was in hysterics to even move.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Betty stressed as I shed off my coat, scarf, gloves and hat.
“That poor girl isn’t going to make it out of there alive unless someone helps her.”
“No, (Y/N), we can’t get involved with this! And what are you even going to do?!”
“Just stay here, look out for me, OK?”
She continued to protest as I took a small, light step onto the ice. It felt sturdy, like it would hold me, and I was confident to walk on. Esme was still screaming, her other children distressed, Betty had run to be beside her, holding her back from running out to us; she knew just what to do, we needed them to be calm. If they were calm, Louise would be too. I hesitated as it fell silent, the occasional chirp from a bird sounding out. After another glance, I summoned all of my bravery, forcing my feet forwards.
“Louisa? That’s your name, isn’t it?” I called out, keeping an eye on the ice. It was starting to thin out, I could almost make out the water beneath us.
“Y-yes.” she sobbed.
“That’s a lovely name. I’m (Y/N). I’m coming to help.”
“I’m s-stuck. The ice is breaking.”
“I know sweetheart. But don’t worry.”
“I’m scared, I’m going to fall!”
“No, you’re not.” I felt a thud beneath my foot, seeing the ice cracking.“All we have to do, is take small steps. Look.”
I took a deep breath as I walked towards her, relieved when I didn’t see anymore cracks. She too looked slightly calmer, glancing down to her feet before her name was called out again. Back on land, John Shelby had arrived, along with his youngest brother and Polly Gray. 
“Who’s that?” I asked, pretending I didn’t know to distract her.
“That’s my dad. And uncle Finn, and aunt Pol. But she’s not really my aunt.”
I was still taking more steps “Oh, they seem lovely.” 
“But I don’t know who that boy is.”
There was a young lad too, I had never seen him before, but he was also wearing a peaky cap. He was intently watching the situation unfold, though not like the others; there was something different about the way he was watching.
“I think he’s here to help.” I reassured her, thankful that she was fully focused on them.
Until the new lad started to walk onto the lake. 
“What is he doing?” Louisa shakily said.
“Oi! Get off! I’ve got this.” I yelled at him. 
“I’m only trying to help.” He shouted back, I was surprised by his accent; he definitely wasn’t from around here.
I sent him a glare, warning him not to move. When he did as I wished, I put my attention back on Louisa.
“We’re almost there Louisa.” I breathed out, trying to not show how scared I was as the ice broke more and more underneath my weight.
“The ice, it’s-” 
I ran towards her, knowing that there was no more time, feeling unstable on the ice, and shoved her away from me before I felt the ground beneath me disappear, a shock wave of freezing water rushing over me. My instincts told me to scream, though that only made me swallow the water, and I was struggling to even hold my breath; forcing my eyes open, they stung as I tried to recollect myself, force my arms and legs to move. However, they were paralyzed, I was a good swimmer and I couldn’t even work out with direction I was supposed to be moving in. Where was the hole that I fell into? Where was the surface?!
My lungs were throbbing, aching to get some air in them, eyes stinging madly as I kept them open. I felt like a wicked witch had cast a spell on me, turning me to stone, that’s how immobile I was. But I kept fighting. I was terrified, this wasn’t how I was going to die. This was a painful, sad, lonely death. And what about Louisa? Had I helped her? Or had this all been for nothing? Were we both dying?
Something grabbed the back of my dress, and something else grabbed my upper arm; it tugged at me harshly, pulling me upwards. The force was strong, and I panicked, thinking some sort of creature lurking in the waters had got me; though I don’t know what sort of monster would be living in a lake in Birmingham. Goosebumps instantly appeared on my skin as I was taken out of the water, coughing and spluttering. Whoever was holding me was also trying to catch their breath, I tilted my head back, seeing the man who had almost jeopardized this whole thing. He was waving one arm about, wrapping the other around my waist to hold me.
“There they are! Get that branch out to them!” I heard a man shout.
The remaining men and Esme had ventured onto the strong part of the ice, holding a huge branch that had fallen off of a tree towards us. My saviour strained to reach it, though managed to grab it, and we were pulled out of the water, finally safe. As we made it onto land, Betty rushed forwards, tightly wrapping me in my coat, shoving on my accessories to warm me up.
“You,” Esme knelt in front of me, taking my face in her hands,“are a bloody angel.”
I then felt someone jump onto me, seeing that it was Louisa. I smiled, trying to hold back the tears of distress, everything was moving too quickly. My mind couldn’t register what was happening in time, and I couldn’t believe that I had made it out alive. The man who rescued me still had his arm around me, him also being covered with his jacket. 
Water dripped from our hair onto our faces as we looked at each other; I just couldn’t form a sentence to even thank him. His dark eyes bore into mine, they were entrancing. For a moment I felt warmth, perhaps from how he was looking at me. My friends had described how their boyfriends looked at them with such love, such devotion; and for some reason I felt like he was looking at me in that way. Perhaps it was the lack of oxygen getting to me, there’s no way I could fall in love with a stranger like that. 
“We need to get her to the hospital. You too Bonnie, otherwise you’ll both freeze to death.” Polly interjected, helping me to my feet as the men helped this Bonnie lad.
Betty stayed with me the whole time the doctors looked over me. I was advised to stay inside, wrap up warm and rest after finding out nothing else was wrong with me. But throughout my check up, I thought back to Bonnie who was also here. Did he think I wasn’t grateful? Did he see me in a bad light? I tried asking about him, but received no information. Betty didn’t know anything either, instead ushering me out of the hospital wrapped in blankets. I must have spent the rest of the day shivering, even with my duvet on top of the blankets as I laid beside the fire. For dinner, I cradled the bowl of soup in my hands, relishing in the feeling as it slipped down my throat. But sleep hadn’t come easy that night, my mind flashing back to what had happened, that horrible feeling of drowning coming back; I gave up that night, praying that that experience would leave my thoughts, though who could forget something like that?
When the light from the sun streamed through any gaps in my curtains, I hauled myself out of bed, sniffling as I felt the cold that had developed overnight (what a surprise). I had to go about my daily life, even if I was resting. Putting on makeup and actually getting dressed made me feel better mentally, took my mind off of...that. 
“(Y/N), you should still be in bed.” Betty softly said as she entered the kitchen, finding me making breakfast.
“I know. I’ll probably go back after this. But it’s a thank you for looking after me.” I smiled as I handed her a bacon sandwich.
“It’s not even been a day. Thank you though.” she took the sandwich, sitting at the table before I joined her.
Before we could really dig into our food, there was a knock at the door. Betty got up, instructing me to stay like a dog. The clock on the wall said it was only quarter to ten, still a little early for someone to visit. Betty called my name, well, more like sang it. What was she excited about?
Tucking my hair behind my ear, I felt the cold wind sweep in as Esme and Louisa stepped into our home. Louisa had a big box of chocolates along with a bottle of whisky, a huge grin showing off her teeth, and the one missing at the front. 
“Hello.” I greeted them.
“We were just popping by to give you these.” Esme gently nudged her daughter, Louisa shyly handing them to me.“It’s not much compared to what you did yesterday.”
“It’s lovely, thank you.”
“We would have got you flowers too, but it’s not exactly a good season.” Esme hesitated before speaking again.“I need to ask you though, why did you do it?”
“We don’t know each other. Plus, we’re Shelby’s.”
“Who you are had nothing to do with it. I saw a child in trouble and...something just took over me.”
“Well thank god it did. Bonnie practically sprinted towards you when he saw what was happening.”
“Do you know how he is?”
“Somehow he’s just as normal as he usually is. Must be his gypsy blood.”
“And what about you Louisa? How are you feeling?” 
“I’m alright now.” she replied.“It was really scary but you were really brave.”
“So were you.”
“Right, come on Louisa,” Esme huffed,“(Y/N) needs to rest. And I’ve left your siblings alone for far too long.”
I waved them off, holding the gifts in my other hand. Nudging the door shut, I was going to follow Betty back to the kitchen, but there was someone else knocking at our door, and I hadn’t even closed it. Betty took the gifts from my hand, leaving me alone with another visitor.
“Oh, hello, Bonnie right?”
 I knew his name, why had I said that? Oh yeah, because he was a stranger who had control over me, just because of the way he looked at me. Yet, he was here, looking extremely handsome, even after that incident. 
“Yes, (Y/N).” he was confident.“I know Esme has just given you the gift of chocolates and alcohol, so I thought I would add to the mix.”
He held his hand out, a bunch of beautiful, white, delicate flowers in them. I smiled, slightly gasping at them.
“I thought there weren’t any flowers that grew in winter.”
“Snowdrops, for the snow angel.”
Oh god, he was a smooth talker too.
“I really should be the one giving you gifts, you’re the one that saved me.”
“Well, I was hoping you would do something for me in return.”
I leaned against the door frame, looking down at the flowers as I blushed.
“What is it?”
“Can I take you out for dinner?”
“R-really? You want to take me out?”
“Yes. I admire a brave, smart and kind woman. There aren’t many ladies like you out there. You’re intriguing to me and I want to get to know you, a stranger that popped out of nowhere and saved a little girl.”
I was taken back by his words. No one had ever spoken about me like that. Where had this man come from?
“Of-of course Bonnie. I’d love to.”
“I’ll let you rest (Y/N). Get better for our date.” he winked, tucking his hands into his pockets as he walked away.
“I will!” I called out, instantly cringing as the words came out.
I may have been a hero, but I definitely wasn’t a natural flirt, unlike some people. As I shut the door, I was tempted to run back to bed, rest easy and get better within record speed; this man was so interesting to me. He too had risked his life to save me, and apparently I was the interesting one. The snowdrops in my hand were somehow radiant, making me smile; either that or my headache was coming back. Shaking it off, I squealed on my way back to the kitchen, ready to tell Betty absolutely everything.
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misssophiachase ¡ 7 years
Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting)
Thanks for the amazing response to part one of my four day Easter drabble collection you can access HERE That Don’t Impress Me Much, here's the next part. The points of view will alternate, this part from Klaus.
That Don’t Impress Me Much - Part Two
"I can't believe mother's blatant attempts at matchmaking," Elijah drawled, consulting his appearance in the bathroom mirror. "After the last few disasters you'd think she learned her lesson."
"Oh come on," Klaus scoffed. "She lives for this kind of thing given Rebekah and Finn have settled down. I'm just glad her attention is focused on Kol this time, although she doesn't have a chance in hell of success."
"I resent that," Kol interrupted, joining them in front of the large mirror. "I could be willing to settle down, you know for the right girl."
"Well, Katherine Pierce is certainly not for you, little brother," Elijah offered.
"Why not? She's certainly hot."
"She's also too smart to be seduced by you."
"Is that a bet?" He asked Elijah pointedly, Kol always did live for a challenge.
"This isn't high school, Kol," Elijah growled. "Just because mother is completely misguided doesn't mean I have any intention of exposing her to your foolish and immature ways."
"Sounds like someone is a little protective of Miss Katherine Pierce," Klaus deduced, eyeing his brother curiously. "Does someone have a little crush?" Klaus couldn't miss the slight blush that crept across Elijah's usually serious face.
Klaus would be lying if he didn't feel the same way when the blonde had appeared but he wasn't one to settle down with anyone no matter how gorgeous they were. He'd discreetly asked around and was immediately disappointed to find out she was a political intern. If there was anything Klaus avoided like the plague it was those uptight, political types.
Unlike his siblings, Klaus had always shunned that kind of life. Yes, he came from money but he wanted to do things on his own. Although he'd studied at Oxford he spent most of his time sketching and when it came time to embrace a legal career he'd deferred it in favour of his art. Luckily for him his work was well received and one exhibition followed another. 
His parents weren't always into art until he became successful and that's when they'd bought their own group of galleries but even though they expected him to show his art there he resisted. He'd gotten to where he was without them and had no intention of using their name to further his career.
"I barely know the girl and she's certainly not my type."
"Oh you mean she doesn't have a big stick up her ass like Tatia?" Kol joked. "Maybe it's time you finally branched out, Elijah."
"You just want to annoy mother."
"Why not kill two birds with one stone? It would serve mother right for trying to interfere with my love life yet again."
"For once I think that's the best idea you've ever had, Kol." Klaus agreed. "It would totally throw her into a spin if things didn't go according to plan."
"Now who's being immature?"
"Oh come on Elijah," Klaus said. "We're stuck here for the weekend, what better way to pass the time then beat mother at her own game?"
Klaus found himself walking through the gallery on the third floor shortly afterwards, he had a habit of procrastinating before boring, family events and held out arriving as long as possible. Art was something that calmed him immensely and his parent's collection was nothing short of brilliant. So many of his favourite artists in one room, it was the one thing that calmed him when he was forced to return there from his home in London.
Klaus stopped at one of his favourites Van Gogh's A Girl in the Street, his gaze concentrated on the blonde figure in the picture as usual trying to guess her intentions. Her back was to him and Klaus had always wondered what her face looked like even after all these years of staring.
"I always thought she was watching her life go by," a voice offered. He immediately whipped his head around, his eyes focusing on her blue ones and trying to ignore just how beautiful she looked in the little, black dress that hugged every creamy curve. It was a little eerie she said that, almost like she was reading his mind.
"And here I thought Miss Pierce was the art fan." Klaus was reeling trying to come to terms with the fact that the blonde he'd been admiring apparently shared his interests.
"I can appreciate good art. In fact Van Gogh is one of my favourites and even though it was an early work this would have to be one of his best, well besides Starry Night Over the Rhone."
"I'm surprised," he said. "Most people only know Starry Night."
"Well, I'm not most people," she scoffed. "While beautiful, Starry Night was painted during a happy time but I'm more interested in the complexities of Starry Night Over the Rhone because Van Gogh was particularly unhappy at the asylum."
"I wasn't aware politicians were interested in art," Klaus inferred, unable to help himself.
"Number one, I don't take too kindly to generalisations and I'm not a politician," she growled. "And number two I don't really care what you think. This house is so damn huge I got lost on my way to dinner." Klaus couldn't deny just how attractive her feisty nature was to him at that exact moment.
"I'd be happy to take you to the dining room, Miss Forbes."
"I'd rather spare myself that ego a minute longer," she said turning away before he reached out to grab her arm instinctively. For some reason he didn't want her to leave just yet. "What?" Klaus was trying to ignore just how beautiful she looked with those blonde waves cascading down her back and that look of pure indignation.
"We got off on the wrong foot," he offered, meekly.
"You think?"
"Why do you think she's watching life go by?" He asked desperately wanting to know the answer to the question he'd been asking all his life.
"I thought you were the art expert?" Klaus didn't respond just sent her his best puppy dog eyes complete with flashing a stray dimple in his left cheek.
"She's realising that there is much more to life in that small town and wants so much more."
"You sound like you're speaking from experience?" Klaus asked curiously.
"I thought we were talking about the girl in the painting," she murmured, her eyes gazing into his deeply. Klaus felt like time had stopped momentarily as he desperately tried to hold her gaze for as long as possible. "I think we should be getting to dinner."
"Yes," he mumbled finally tearing his gaze away. She wasn't his type and the sooner Klaus realised it the better. He gestured towards the doorway at the end of the hall and they began to walk towards it before her attention was taken by another painting.
"Now, this is by far the prettiest snowflake I've ever seen." Klaus looked over, slightly annoyed by her synopsis.
"Do you really think the artist is that literal?" He asked gruffly.
"I'm not sure but what would a politician know given you're the art expert after all," she grinned before making her way purposefully down the hallway. 
Klaus would be denying his ego hadn't taken a large hit but he had no intention of letting the annoying blonde know that. He figured that after two days he would never have to see her again.
"Don't worry the quail is always a little dry," Kol offered, looking at Bonnie's half-finished entree.
"I bet the chef really likes you coming home," she mumbled trying to keep her voice down at the long, dinner table. "I was a vegetarian for ten years so any meat that is kind of unusual doesn't really sit well on my palette, if you must know."
"Vegetarian? I don't know how you did it."
"Yeah, you seem like the kind of guy that has no idea what it's like to live without anything."
"I've lived without plenty."
"Oh like what?" He was silent for a moment obviously trying to work out what to say in response.
"Are you judging me?"
"I'm just wondering why I got stuck sitting next to you when its clear your mother is trying to matchmake you with Katherine."
"Wow," he murmured, his brown eyes downcast. "Am I really that deplorable?"
"I'm just not that interested in conversing with some playboy," she said matter-of-factly.
"Its not really my type."
"And what makes you think you're my type?" He baulked, suddenly a little annoyed by her assumptions, even if they were slightly true. Kol wasn't quite used to girls rejecting him given his fortune and looks made that an almost impossible circumstance until now. He wouldn't have cared if she wasn't just so beautiful with that glossy, dark hair and chocolate brown skin.
When their mother had first introduced them, Bonnie was the only girl to pique his interest not that he'd admitted that to his brothers. Kol wasn't one to share his thoughts especially if they exposed his true feelings and given her subsequent reaction he was glad he hadn't. It had been so difficult not to keep his eyes off her in that red dress tonight and stealing the seat beside her had been a bold move. Now he was beginning to regret that given her obvious animosity.
"Given I had no intention of being your type, I'm glad I've succeeded," she drawled.
"Has anyone ever told you how judgmental you are?"
"I'm not judgmental," she stammered, obviously taken aback by his assessment.
"So, you didn't just decide I was a playboy and nothing else? I have to admit I'm kind of hurt."
"Oh really," she drawled. "Then try to prove me otherwise."
Part two on FF HERE
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Dawn in Your Eyes Alfie SolomonsxOC (Part 1)
Summary: Alfie has little to no idea why Caroline ever gave him the time of day. The blind woman seemed far too sensible to even speak to him. But soon he finds himself falling helplessly in love.
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                    Everyone in Camden Town always greeted Alfie. Whether it was a tip of the hat, a polite greeting, or simply keeping out of his way. Hardly anyone caught his eye though. He merely grunted in brief acknowledgment to those who greeted him. There were only a few people he truly interacted with on his walk from his flat to the bakery.
           His elderly neighbor who knew his mother, the postman, and the boy at the corner who gave him the daily paper.
           “Morning, Mr. Solomons.” The boy greeted with a bright smile. The gangster was his best customer. Always consistent and always gave a little extra.
           “Morning, Timothy.” Alfie reached into his pocket to retrieve a few coins. “How’re the headlines?”
           “Going on ‘bout all the strikes, sir.” The boy handed him the newspaper. “Communists.”
           “Fucking hell,” Alfie muttered and bid Timothy a good morning before moving along. He glanced up from the front page of the paper and noticed possibly the biggest dog he’d ever seen. Previously it had been Cyril but this dog had to be more than ten stone. An absolute sucker for dogs, he decided to go over and ask about him.
           Standing beside the massive Newfoundland was a petite woman with a thin cane in hand. She kept the dog’s leather lead gripped tightly in her hand. Her ashy brown hair was pinned up and partially hidden beneath a dark maroon cloche hat.
           “That’s quite a beast you’ve got there,” Alfie said as he approached the woman.
           Her head tilted slightly toward him but her eyes remained straight ahead. Still, Alfie could see a smile form on her face. “Thank you.” She spoke softly.
           “Fucking hell, like a horse.” He remarked and took in the dog’s heavy black coat and bushy tail. “A Newfie, innit?”
           The woman still didn’t turn to look at him. She nodded slightly. “Yes, his name is Pilot.”
           “That right…I’ve got a bull mastiff. But he ain’t nearly this big.” He chuckled and reached out his hand for Pilot to sniff. Instead, the dog remained absolutely still, ignoring him just as the woman appeared to be. Alfie frowned. Cyril could hardly contain himself when a stranger came to pat him. “Don’t like people?”
           “He’s trained not to lose focus.” The woman replied and slightly turned her head in the direction of his voice. That’s when Alfie noticed her eyes were clouded over. It wasn’t a foreign sight to him, it was exactly the way his young cousin’s looked.
           “Sorry, didn’t realize…” Alfie cleared his throat and felt embarrassed. Such an unfamiliar feeling. “Me cousin is blind. She’s got a dog too. A nice Labrador.”
           The woman didn’t seem to mind his mistake. She merely smiled and nodded.
           “Name’s Alfie. You from around here?”
           “Yes, I’m Caroline. I’m Julia’s niece.” The woman said and gently rested a hand on Pilot’s head that stood just above her hips.
           “Oh right, yeah…” He ran a hand over his beard. Julia was a big figure in the Jewish community. Especially when she began a charity for the blind. The woman had told Alfie the reason for starting the charity, citing her niece who was born blind. But he’d never met Caroline before.
           “You donate a good sum of money to her charity.” She spoke so gently but had steady confidence behind her voice. She wasn’t timid or afraid of the world despite her disability.
           “Right, well, think is great what she does, innit?” The gangster began to realize he was staring at Caroline. She was beautiful, a beautiful Jewish woman, the kind of woman his mother always wanted him to find. He swallowed hard.
           “Of course.” Caroline nodded. “She speaks very highly of you, my aunt. What is it that you do?”
           He furrowed his brow and glanced down at Pilot for a moment. “Me? I own a bakery. One down the road, end of Bonnie Street.”        
           “I didn’t picture you being a baker.” She admitted with an amused smile passing over her pink lips. “My aunt makes you out to be a big scary man.”
           Alfie chuckled sheepishly and shook his head. “Don’t believe everything you hear, love.”
           “I tend not to.” Caroline reached out an arm. “You could escort me. I’ll be traveling past Bonnie Street. You can tell me about your bull mastiff.”
           He raised an eyebrow. Most people were too intimidated to be close to him. They were afraid of the reputation he held. What they saw scared him. What they heard about him scared them even more. “Sure.” He carefully took her arm in his, escorting her down the street.
           Pilot began walking to her left, the large dog plodding along dutifully. He didn’t care if Alfie was there or not, he would guide Caroline, his job was never done.
           “What’s his name?”
           “Cyril,” Alfie answered. It was strangely relaxing being in her presence. She soothed him and it felt like the world around them was muted. “S’an idiot.”
           Caroline laughed. “Oh, I’m sure that’s not true.”
           “Nah, tripped, right, on his own fucking feet this morning.” He told her. “Would be the worse seeing-eye dog. Would lead me right into the fucking cut.”
           It was lovely listening to her laugh so genuinely. “But you love him.”
           “’Course. Had him since he was just a little runt. Found him tossed on the side of the fucking road. All ‘lone in the rain.”
           “Oh, how awful.” Caroline frowned. “How could someone abandon him?”
           “Fucking soulless person, that’s who,” Alfie grunted in agreement. “You’ll hafta meet him though. He’s a love, ain’t as well behaved as Pilot is.” He could hardly believe how silent and subtle such a large dog was.
           Caroline smiled. “I would like that.” She disagreed with her aunt who said Alfie was crooked. Julia respected the man for donating to the charity but she sure as hell didn’t trust the man. But Caroline couldn’t imagine a man who rescued a puppy from death would be crooked. There was so much she didn’t know but there was so much she wanted to know.
           “Yeah? I’ll bring him ‘long to work tomorrow. Will you be out for a walk?” He wondered hopefully.
           “I was planning on it.” She stopped when she felt Alfie standstill in front of a building. She heard the sounds of men shouting back and forth inside.
           “Then I’ll see you ‘round. Try to make sure Cyril’s on his best behavior.” Alfie smiled and reluctantly let his arm slip away from her.
           “I’m looking forward to it.” Caroline smiled. “Have a good day, Mr. Solomons. Come along, Pilot.”
           Alfie stood by the doors of the bakery, watching her walk off with Pilot, her cane tapping on the ground. How wonderful it was to not be judged based on appearances. It was an interesting concept and he wanted to explore it further with Caroline.
           Very seldom did Alfie ask for life advice. He was typically the type of man who walked through the world pretending he knew everything, even if he was clueless. But in his eyes, weakness wasn’t an option.
           Still, there were some people he trusted. Very few people. Probably less than ten. But Ollie was one of those people; he had to be trusted in his position at the bakery. But their families had known each other for a very long time. Camden’s Jewish community was very tightly knit, but some families were closer than others. Especially when it came to Alfie and his men. Some disapproved while others saw him as a leading figure despite what he did behind closed doors.
           But in such a close community, no matter what opinion you held, rumors got around about everything and everyone.
           “So, I heard you were seen with Julia’s niece.” Ollie tentatively brought up the conversation as the two made their rounds in the bakery.
           “Yeah, who’d you hear that from?” Alfie asked grumpily. He wasn’t happy to hear people were gossiping about him. As a gangster, he liked a high measure of secrecy and enjoyed his private life.
           “Shayna,” Ollie admitted.
           It was difficult to be upset with his assistant’s wife. She was a good Jewish woman who always offered a place in her home for the bachelor gangster. But she had a bite to her as well and if you passed by their flat at the right time, you could hear her shouting in Yiddish. Alfie liked her enough to let the gossiping pass.
           “We were just talking ‘bout her dog,” Alfie explained. “Never met her ‘fore.”
           Ollie nodded and became a little distracted from the ledger in his hand. His wife’s words from the previous night echoed in his head.
           ‘Eva saw them walking together. Said Alfie couldn’t keep his eyes off her.’
           He cleared his throat and tested the waters a little bit. “She’s beautiful.”
           “Fuck off.” Alfie’s defenses immediately spiked up and he rolled his eyes.
           “Sorry.” Ollie dropped the subject, well accustomed to picking and choosing his battles.
           But the mention of Caroline’s beauty stuck a pin right in Alfie’s heart. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. She had become a part of his morning routine. After getting his paper, Alfie greeted her and Pilot at the corner. He’d have to rein back Cyril so the mastiff didn’t distract the Newfoundland.
           They would walk together towards the bakery, sometimes taking a longer route just to spend more time together. Caroline always rested her hand on Alfie’s arm. They would talk about simple things in their life, nothing too deep. His occupation and her blindness were never topics of conversation.
           Despite the casual morning chats, Alfie felt a solid connection to the woman. Normally, it took years for him to truly trust anyone or to feel a real bond. It was one of the many reasons he’d been single for so long. But he was so intrigued by Caroline.
           She experienced the world differently than others did. She approached things from another angle. Being a Jewish woman in a fairly Orthodox community, she had a measure of expectations placed on her. But she was like Alfie. Her disability made her adjust her priorities and crack the mold she was supposed to fit. Unmarried and childless at twenty-nine, she didn’t follow the life her family assumed she would have. But her independence was one of the things she treasured most. Pilot gave her a level of independence that she thought she would never have. Now she was mostly on her own. Took care of her own needs and felt the freedom she always craved as a blind teenager.
           Alfie loved that about her. A strong woman with good Jewish morals was an unbelievable find in his opinion. Something he didn’t think he deserved but it was nice to think about. He wasn’t heartless.
           He ran a hand through his hair and grumbled. “How’d you…you know…” The words were failing him. “Fuck, I just don’t know how to talk to her.”          
           Ollie did everything he could to hide his amusement. It was nice to see a softer side to the man though. “Well, what have you been talking about?”
           Alfie furrowed his brows. “Just little things. Can’t really tell her that…” It was unbelievably frustrating for him. Dictating his emotions was something he didn’t do often.
           “Sir,” His assistant smiled sympathetically. “You obviously like her. Maybe you should just tell her that.”
           “Great, yeah, I’ll just tell her that.” Alfie rolled up the newspaper in his hand and used it to whack Ollie on the back of the head. “You thick? She’d fucking laugh at me.”
           Ollie rubbed the back of his head and sighed. “Just trying to help, sir.”
           “Just tryna help.” He muttered and stormed towards his office, leaving the young man behind him. “Fucking hell.”
           Alfie had a feeling he would just run around in circles before he ever mustered up the courage, to be honest with Caroline. In fact, he was just waiting for the day she decided he wasn’t a man to waste time on. Maybe her aunt would tell her more about what he did. Her friends would warn her of the danger. Something he might say could push her away.
           But the morning after he spoke to Ollie, she was there on the corner as usual. She smiled when she heard Alfie’s familiar shuffling gait approaching her.
           “You’re late.” She informed him with an amused glint in her eyes.
           “Late?” Alfie chuckled. “You think so?”
           She reached out and he offered his arm to her. “Pilot and my aunt keep me on a pretty good schedule.”
           “Wish Cyril would do that. But he likes to sleep in.” They began to walk their normal route, Pilot dutifully walking beside Caroline. Cyril’s tongue lolled out happily as he loped along.
           “Well, I’m glad you didn’t keep me too long.” Caroline smiled and tilted her head towards Alfie. “You’ve become one of the best parts of my morning.”
           The simple sentence socked Alfie right in the gut. He suddenly felt thrilled and dumbfounded at the same time. “Really? Your morning’s that terrible?” He joked half-heartedly. He couldn’t believe that he would be the best thing or her morning.
           “You sound surprised. Have I not made my feelings towards you clear?” She stopped walking for a moment.
           Alfie paused and turned to face her. He gently touched her cheek and guided her eyes to his. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t see him; she could feel him deeper than anyone else. “Tell me.” He coaxed softly. It was a relief to have her break the ice. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to muster the courage that she had.
           Caroline smiled and shifted her hand from his arm and placed it on his wrist. “You’re the first person who doesn’t treat me like I’m…less of a person. When I’m with you, I don’t feel different.”
           Alfie’s heart was hammering against his chest. “Nah, love, you’re different. You’re a good person, right, and that’s fucking rare, innit?”
           She bit her lip and a blush formed on her cheeks. “Alfie…”
           “You’re the best part of my morning too. I’m just sorry I can’t-” He frowned and withdrew his hand from her cheek. But she slipped her hand from his wrist and went to lace her fingers with his. He glanced at their entwined hands. “I can’t be the man you need.”
           “What do you mean?”
           Alfie wrestled with the part of him that wanted to protect her from himself and the part that was selfishly yearning for her. “Lotta things I’ve done that you should never have to know.”
           Caroline didn’t look worried or even hurt. And she didn’t let go of his hand. “I’m not afraid of you, Alfie.”
           He laughed anxiously and shook his head. “I’m terrified of you, love.”
           “Me?” Her face scrunched up in surprised amusement. “Why in the world would you be afraid of me?”
           “’Cause you’re everything I want but know I can’t ever have. Beautiful, intelligent, patient woman. Too good for my world, ain’t ya?” He went to slip his hand away from hers. But she relented and tightened her grip.
           “Alfie, you’re so silly.” She smiled teasingly. “Would you please just stop doubting yourself? I know you’re a lovely man.” She turned and went to start walking again.
           He followed her, stunned by her indifference towards the potential danger he posed to her. “You so sure ‘bout that?”
           When they approached the front of the bakery, Alfie seriously considered allowing himself to follow his desires. “You’re something else, you know that?”
           Her coy look made him nearly lose his mind. How could such a perfect creature be drawn to him? “Don’t be late tomorrow.” She warned and let go of his hand.
           “Could take you out to dinner or somethin’.” He offered hopefully.
           “We’re Jewish, Alfie, you’ll have to meet my family first.” She called over her shoulder and let Pilot lead her down the sidewalk.
           “Fucking hell.” Alfie couldn’t get the grin off his face.
Part 2
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everly-kindred ¡ 5 years
Everly’s Diary - Entry #26
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Synopsis: Eve details her first two days at Hogwarts, including the Sorting Ceremony! (Finally!)
Words: 2,670
Date: 1st of September, 2026
Dear Diary, 
So… yesterday was the Sorting Ceremony, and the first day of Hogwarts. My wrist is about to hurt from how much I have to write!
Firstly, there was the train ride. Admittedly, I cried a lot, and it all started with having to say goodbye to my family. Once I was on the train, Bonnie gave me a crate and asked me to watch it on the train ride for her. I took it and found myself a window seat in an empty compartment, and then I got to meet a lot of students.
I finally met Evan, who Aures had mentioned to me. He seemed very nice, if not quiet, though he got a lot brighter when she entered the room. I met a boy named Levi, who also seemed very nice. He and Evan both like to draw, like me! Evan was sorted into Hufflepuff, and Levi went to Gryffindor. Oh, also, Aures was sorted into Gryffindor, which… Made me sad, to be completely honest, though not as sad as Evan. I could tell he looked crushed. But, she looked very happy about it, and I think it suits her. Anyways, it’s not like we can’t be friends just because we’re in different houses! 
I also met a set of twins, two girls named Celeste and Soleil. They seemed nice, too, and got sorted into Hufflepuff as well! So that’s exciting. Finally, there was a boy named Felix, who got sorted into Ravenclaw. He was also very sweet, so I guess I got lucky with my train compartment friends! He actually helped identify what creature was in the crate Bonnie had me watch over, because he had a copy of Fantastic Beasts with him. 
It turned out, they were something called a “Jarvey.” There were two of them. They looked like ferrets, and they were wearing cones on their heads. That wasn’t the weirdest thing, though. The weirdest thing was that they could talk! And they didn’t have anything nice to say, either.
Once we got off the train, all of the first years were guided by a Professor named uh… Well, I don’t know how to spell it yet, but it sounded like Pre-Oh. She wore a really pretty gold robe, and is actually the Hufflepuff Head of House! She guided us to the boats, and me, Aures, Felix, and another first year all shared one. Aures said it was our first adventure together, and I said it would be the first of many. 
We got off the boats, and walked up to the castle. It’s honestly much, much bigger than I imagined it to be. I mean, I knew it would be big, but I guess I just wasn’t prepared for how big, you know? And I’d bet galleons that I’ll be getting lost in it very, very easily. I hope I can figure out how to make my classes in time.
Anyways, we stood outside of the Great Hall, and met the Deputy Headmistress. Her name is Professor Blightly. I won’t lie, I was a little scared of her at first. She’s a very pale, thin woman and one eye is… Well, not missing, but… I mean it doesn’t look okay. And she has very white hair although there’s a streak of black. Actually, she’s very pretty, but I was expecting her to be a lot more… Cold? Than she ended up being. She was quite nice! And gave a very comforting welcome speech to all of us. 
We all went into the Great Hall after that, and it was… Well, magnificent! It’s not called the Great Hall for nothing! The ceiling was full of stars and clouds and the moon, and there were candles floating over all of our heads. It was everything I had read about in Hogwarts: A History, and more!
While we were waiting to be sorted, a ghost flew through me, and honestly even laying in your undies in the snow couldn’t compare to how cold that felt. It was both gross, and really cool at the same time. It came over me like a sort of sadness, and made me feel incredibly lonely in that moment, but then it was over. I must say, Hogwarts has a lot of ghosts, and I’ve honestly never seen one like that aside from the one I saw at Christmas. But these ghosts were socializing, and weren’t trying to hide at all! It was bizarre but very, very interesting, and they were all quite beautiful. 
The sorting hat sang a song about all the houses, and this really weird, colourful… I mean, I guess he was a ghost, but he didn’t look like the other ones? I don’t know how to explain it. He looked like a puppet without strings, the way he flew around the Great Hall. Anyways, he kept interrupting the song, and saying mean things, which was a little irritating. 
Once that was done, it was time to be sorted. Get this - Ruby was a Ravenclaw! He was so sure he was going to be Slytherin, and he honestly looked so upset that he wasn’t. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him yet, but… Maybe it would be best to give him time. I’ve never seen him look as unhappy as he did, like that. 
As for me? Well, Grandpa won the bet, because I’m a Hufflepuff! So I’ll be with Evan, the twins, and Bobby! Plus Talula and another girl I met named Marigold. It seems like my house is full of a lot of good people, so I’m not unhappy about it at all.
After I was sorted, that was when things started to go downhill for me. The Headmistress spoke, and even sang a song for the Headmaster. I think they’re meant to do this every year, because most of the people in the hall knew the words already. I didn’t know the words, but I still hummed and swayed to the music. It was haunting. The Headmistress was a woman dressed in black, with a very sharp eye. She seemed a bit more stern than the Deputy Headmistress, but she wasn’t without a smile for the new students, at least. She was dressed in all black, so I think she’s still mourning Headmaster Fox.
After her speech and song, the feast began. That was also when the trouble began. A clown entered the room, though, it wasn’t really a clown. It changed into something else that I honestly don’t remember, as it walked between the tables, and then… it locked eyes with me, and turned into a skeleton. I honestly froze with fear! I couldn’t move, or breathe, and I think I screamed, before I ducked under the table.
Apparently, it was a boggart, and the Headmistress shooed it away from the hall, but now it’s running loose in the school. I was really shaken up after that, but I was able to eat some food. They had mashed potatoes, of course, which is one of my favourite foods. They had a bunch of other stuff, too, but I was honestly too frightened to really pay attention or want to eat anything more solid than that. 
After dinner, the prefects guided us to the common room, and the dorms. I went ahead of everyone else, so I got there first, and then a boy named Anton showed up. He had a very large hat that hid most of his face! He was very nice, and gave me a few tips about the common room and the dorms. The prefects came, and showed everyone how to get in. You see, the entrance to the Hufflepuff commons is a bunch of barrels, and you have to tap them the right way, or else they’ll douse you in vinegar. The smell was very, very unpleasant. Anyways, we got in, the prefects gave us a speech about being good students and how we were all family now. I honestly really like our dorms, they remind me of the Hobbit Holes in this muggle book my dad likes. After the prefects talked to us, we all got shown to our dorms. 
I took a bed in the very back, against the wall. Puck was already there, along with all of my things. I took a shower and got changed into my pajamas, and then stayed in the commons with the others for a little longer before going to bed.
You know how I was saying I cried a lot? Well… yeah. It was a good thing that I went to bed before anyone else. I’ve honestly never felt so homesick and lonely in my life. All I wanted was a hug from my mum, and I was so sad and scared that I ended up crying until I fell asleep. I feel better now, for the most part, because I think I’m making friends, but… It’s hard. I miss home.
I ended up having a nightmare about the skeleton, too. I dreamed I was in the Great Hall again, and the hall was full but everyone had their backs to me, and I was standing in the middle of the aisle with the sorting hat on my head. The skeleton was coming towards me, slowly, crawling on all fours. It started off human, but it was slowly morphing into the skeleton of a frog, which was honestly less scary. But it was a big frog! Well, frog skeleton. 
Anyways, I was still terrified, because I was in a nightmare, and everyone was facing away, not looking at me, not helping me. I couldn’t move my feet at all, because it felt like I was stuck in something sticky, like trying to walk in honey or something. The frog was getting bigger and bigger, and was about to swallow me and trap me in its bones like a big cage. Finally, I managed to say ‘stop’ and I ended up saying it out loud, which woke me up, but I experienced a little sleep paralysis first. It was the first time I’d ever had that happen to me, but I knew what it was when it did, which made it less scary. It was just like, my brain was awake but my body wasn’t yet, so I still couldn’t move, and the dream was fading before my eyes. 
I managed to go back to sleep, but I didn’t have another dream after that. Then, I woke up kinda early, and went down to breakfast. I met two more Hufflepuffs, one named Willow who told me that if you laugh at the boggart, it’ll go away, and that I should travel with someone in case I run into it. The other one was named Ronan. Him and Willow were doing sign language, I think, but I don’t know sign language, so I couldn’t really keep up. They were talking a little while they were doing it, though, so I wasn’t left out or anything. 
After that, we had to leave the Great Hall so they could prepare it for the memorial. They filled it with benches and bubbles, and there was a portrait of Fox at the front - life size. I ended up sitting next to my potions professor, Professor Green. She actually loaned me her hat, because I complimented her on it! It’s a pretty black hat with a blue ribbon and a big, glass yellow star hanging off the tip. 
Then, the memorial started. And a lot of witches and wizards showed up for it.
Headmaster Fox was a man of many talents and accomplishments. He sounds as though he might’ve been one of the greatest and strongest wizards alive, when he was. And certainly one of the most beloved, as there were so many people around me, crying as the Headmistress spoke of him. It was very hard to be in that room, honestly. It broke me a little, to see the hurt everyone was feeling. 
I wish I had known him. 
Mum, Dad, my Step Dad, and Grandpa all showed up, and it was nice because I really needed a hug. Some people shared words with us about the Headmaster, including the Minister of Magic, Wilfred Bloom, who said the statue in the Ministry would be taken out and replaced with one of Fox. Talula sang a song I didn’t recognize, but it was very pretty anyways. 
I’m really grateful that Bonnie is here, and that she’s Head Girl. I feel so lost in this big school, and so alone… I’m friendly with some people but it’s not the same as being at home, with family. I hope the castle becomes home soon, and that my classmates become family. I’m really homesick, and I don’t know what I’ll do without Bonnie next year.
Hufflepuff had their first house meeting, after the memorial. Anton suggested to Professor Pre-Oh that we grow fruits and vegetables, and then someone else suggested a scavenger hunt to help the first years (like me!) learn the castle. Kites and dances were also suggested, but I was most excited about the gardening and the scavenger hunt. Especially because Pre-Oh said she could ask our herbology professors about helping grow the pumpkins! I love pumpkins so much! Eating them, using them for decoration… they’re amazing!
Eventually it was decided that Hufflepuff would organize a castle-wide scavenger hunt and that all houses were invited to participate, especially the first years so that we could get to know the castle. I’m very excited to see how it turns out, and try my hand at it! 
We also decided to have a night where we all sleep under the stars in the Astronomy tower, so that’s exciting too! Anton wanted us to transfigure our legs into tails and swim in the lake like mermaids, but the Professor said no to that idea. It got me wondering, though, if a person could be shrunk with magic and given transfigured wings? What if magic could make me into a faerie?
I also talked to Evan a little. He seems nervous about being a Hufflepuff, but hopefully we’ll both be fine. I told him we could be scared together. Also, I got to talk to Bobby, when I was writing in the courtyard. It was good to see him again, and it reminded me that I’m glad to be a Hufflepuff. I’m glad to be in a house with many good friends. 
Before dinner, I decided I wanted to explore the dungeons a little. Maybe a little stupid, especially because I was alone and there’s a boggart on the loose, but I was curious and ended up getting lucky. I was truthfully hoping I’d run into Ruby maybe. Even though he’s a Ravenclaw instead of a Slytherin, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was hanging out down there. But, I didn’t see him. 
It’s very dark down there, but I saw something white in the shadows. It turned out to be a very scared little rat! She seemed hungry, so I gave her some of the chocolate I had with me. After that, she crawled into my pocket, and didn’t want to leave, so I guess she’s mine now? I brought her with me to dinner, and she seemed very fond of the peas, cheese, and strawberries, like me! I didn’t hear anyone say anything about losing a pure-white rat, so I suppose she was wild? Or at the very least, not missed. 
Then I took her back to my dorm, and decided her name would be Venus. She seems scared of Puck, but Puck doesn’t really pay her any mind. For now, her and Cornelius share a cage. Hopefully no one notices that I’ve now got three pets…
Anyways, that’s been the past two days. Absolutely crazy, and my wrist hurts from writing it all out, just as I thought it would. Classes start tomorrow, so I’m going to go to bed. I’ll write soon!
Much love, Everly
About the Character: Everlina Rosemary Kindred is an imaginative Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She keeps up with her magical journey through a series of diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings, all documented for future reflection. Her diary is a small glimpse into her enchanted life, and her adventure into the wizarding world and all its splendors. If you’d like more information about Eve, visit her wiki page. 
About the Author: My name is Katherine! I am a 21-year-old Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie from Louisville, Kentucky. This page is my creative journey into the magical world, through the lenses of Second Life. Here I post diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings all from my character’s perspective. If you’d like more information about me, visit my Flickr! 
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