#this video had me laughing and grinning so hard 😂
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a/n: happy happy birthday to @youunravelme 🥳 thanks for being such a good friend and matching my crazy when we discuss how mat and squeaks are horny little freaks for each other 😂 had to write this fun little fic after our convos the past few days! hope you have the best birthday!
word count: 1k
tw: some innuendo, implied oral (f receiving)
summary: roping mat into another tik tok trend ends pretty much not how you expected it to go, but you’re not complaining
Mat’s sitting on the couch, watching ESPN game highlights when you walk into the room, phone in hand. He looks up at you and smiles lazily, exhausted after returning from a West Coast swing the night before and an early morning practice. He pats the couch cushion, “come join me.”
You smile at him, but don’t respond, instead turning back to your phone.
“Hey,” you speak into the camera, video recording already started, “can you guys watch my boyfriend for me while I do something really quick?”
You settle your phone on the coffee table, propped up against a few of the decorative books that Mat had fought you on buying but ends up reading when he’s bored and wander back out of the room. You stay within earshot though and manage to hide behind the wall so you can see him.
Mat looks between the phone on the table and the doorway where you disappeared a few times, frowning for a minute. His eyebrows are drawn together over his nose and you cover your mouth to muffle a little giggle. The Tik Tok trend is stupid but you’re curious to see what Mat does.
After a few seconds of confused staring, Mat starts speaking into the camera.
“Kitchen floor, couch, pool,” he starts ticking locations off on his fingers, a slow smile forming on his face. “Backseat of the car, front seat of the car, Bo’s bathroom, Leesy’s bathroom, our bathroom, golf cart. Um, where else?”
Now it’s your turn to frown, confused. What the hell is he making a list of?
“My childhood bedroom, Squeaks’ childhood bedroom,” he continues and your eyes widen a little, realizing what he’s doing. “Squeaks’ office -“
You dart back into the living room, cutting him off and saying, “oh my god, what are you listing off?”
His grin is wicked and he looks directly at the camera when he says, “all the places I’ve fucked you.”
“Aghhhh!” You squeal and tackle him onto the couch, his laughter vibrating through your chest. “Stop that!”
You dart your foot out to kick your phone off the coffee table, knowing it won’t stop the recording and hoping the clatter doesn’t mean you broke the screen. “Why are you like this?” You whine, trapped in the embrace of his arms. “That was supposed to be a wholesome video!”
Mat can’t stop laughing and it’s contagious, making you giggle a little even though you’re trying to stop. “Baby,” he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “nothing about us is wholesome. I could’ve kept going on that list for another ten minutes.”
“I hate you,” you grumble.
“No you don’t,” you can hear the grin in his voice and feel the twitch of his cock under your stomach.
“Yes I do,” you pout, warmth spreading through your body as Mat crushes you tighter against his chest.
“How about we go upstairs and I’ll prove that you don’t hate me?”
You know exactly what he’s getting at. “Why go that far?” You ask, shifting your body up and rolling your hips over his lap. The hard press of his erection makes your mouth go dry. “The couch can handle a little action.”
The couch can handle a lot of action, if your history is any indication.
Mat’s clearly thinking along the same lines because he laughs and says, “the couch has seen enough. The window seat in our room though? Haven’t eaten you out while you’re sitting pretty up there yet.”
“Oh!” You squeak, barely registering Mat sitting up with you in his lap, your legs locking around his waist when he stands up. The prominent ridge of his cock settles under your ass and your cunt instinctively tries to clench around nothing, the spread of your legs around his waist leaving you wide open for your arousal to drip out of you. He steps over your phone on the ground and heads for the stairs. “Mat, my phone…” you trail off, arms hooked around his neck. You can see it’s still recording the ceiling and has definitely captured your entire conversation. That video absolutely has to be deleted.
“We can record ourselves on mine,” he replies and your breath hiccups in your chest. “I need something new to watch when I’m away.”
“Perv,” you giggle, arousal flooding between your legs.
Mat pinches your ass, making you jolt in his arms. “Says the woman who slipped a couple of Polaroids into my carry-on. Thanks for that, by the way. Dobber’s traumatized again.”
“Oh my god,” you drop your forehead to Mat’s shoulder. After the condom under the coffee table incident, you’re surprised Noah even speaks to you at all.
“He only saw a little flash of boob,” Mat reassures you. “But he definitely got the gist.”
“I’m never doing that again,” you mutter.
Mat whines in the back of his throat. “Don’t punish me because he can’t keep his eyes on his screen,” he complains, setting you down on the cushioned window seat and dropping to his knees in front of you. His hands are warm on your knees when he pulls them apart, pressing a quick kiss to the inside of your right knee before gliding his fingers up your inner thighs.
Your legs tremble and your breathing hitches.
“No more pictures in the carry-on,” you repeat, Mat’s fingers dipping under the hem of your shorts.
“What if I give you a few pictures to put in your purse,” Mat says, “for your next work trip?”
His fingers trace against the crease of your thigh and you drop your head back, hitting it against the window pane with a dull thunk. “Mmm,” you hum, “maybe I could be con-convinced to change my stance.” Your voice shakes and Mat’s fingers dip under the elastic of your panties, his smile growing hungry when he feels how wet you are.
Mat shifts forward, closer to you, his shoulders spreading your legs even further apart, and smirks up at you. “Let me try and convince you then,” he laughs quietly and tugs at your shorts.
The window seat is christened twice and you both get new photos for your next out of town trips.
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nicosallachbestsinger · 7 months
Kaputt Kurwa😂💥🤣
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lovesomehate · 11 months
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Kevin and Nico’s dance rehearsal for Everytime We Touch.
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: In which Denmark's star girl in swimming has always been very outgoing, which has always made her so popular, especially when she talks about her crushes...
sofia lundgaard x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying sofia is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translation, also just fluff
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y/n just posted on her story
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"Hi y/n, welcome to London!" Marie, the interviewer said.
"Thank you! I am really enjoying looking around." y/n said smiling, her bright smile as sweet as always as they got straight into the interview.
"Well, obviously you are wonderous, three golds at the Worlds already this year, I mean being 19 and so talented, what is that like?" Marie asked.
"Very, very stressful." y/n said with a laugh and the group watching her laughed a little too.
"I bet." Marie nodded.
"I think also, because I am naturally quite a happy person, it seems to have shown during interviews and cameras so now I feel like I cannot be angry or upset, because everyone expects something else from me." y/n explained and Marie nodded.
The interview continued for a bit, until Marie got to her final section, smiling at the young girl who hadn't stopped making the room chuckle since she stepped foot in it.
"And finally, we know you are a big football fan, you have talked about it a lot, who is your favourite player?" Marie asks.
"I think that such a hard question because I like so many players for so many reasons, but I mean Sofie Lundgaard, she's fantastic. Also, pretty, Sofie, I'm single." y/n said.
She looked toward the second camera as she spoke, making everyone laugh again before the interview wrapped up.
"Oh my! She knows who I am?" Sofie asks as she looks up from the video, tearing her eyes from the stunning girl as Rachel snorted, used to the Danish girl's obsession with the swimmer.
"Yep." Yana grins, popping the 'p' with her lips.
"Great, she'll be unbearable now." Missy sighs as the group walk out to warm up on the pitch, Sofie stuck her tongue out at her friend, leaving over to push her when Yana spat out some water.
Both Missy and Sofie shrieked, jumping out of the way but Yana was focussed on something in the stands, and when Sofie and Missy turned they both gasped.
y/n was sat happily in the stands, talking to one of her friends who must have come over from Denmark with her for the few days of interviews she had.
Sofie's eyes had doubled in size as she took in the gorgeous girl, smooth skin and sweet dimples which had appeared as she threw her head back, laughing at her friend.
"Come on love bird." Missy sighed and Sofie tore her eyes away as they began to run.
username1: is anyone at the Liverpool women game rn cause Sofie just looked at y/n like she was an angel and I am freaking out because of it
username2: AND THEY WAY y/n is looking at her? Like she's so amazing... I am going to cry this is so cute
username3: AND AFTER Y/N'S INTERVIEW??????
username4: Sofie better shoot her shot, or I will do it for her!
username5: We don't know if Sofie is even into it though???
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y/n just posted
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liked by, sofiielundgaard, daniels_yana and 398, 279 others
tagged liverpoolwfc and y/f/n
y/n just one chance, please...
view all 13, 287 comments
username2: no shame
daniels_yana: @sofiielundgaard...
username3: Sofie was a bit quick to like there
username4: y/n is so cute omg 😭😍😍
username5: the way she was cheering in game was so cute i wanted to cry !!!
username6: I spoke to her during half-time and SHE WAS SO SWEET and gave me some gum! 🥹
username7: not even trying to hide it! 😭
y/f/n: she cried when we got back to the hotel, she was too excited...
y/n: stfu 😑
liverpoolwfc: Thank you for your support! Loved having you!! ❤️
y/n: Thanks for the invite! ❤️
username8: Liverpool admin tryna love island it up???
sofiielundgaard: Tak for din støtte! Helt sikkert hjulpet!
thanks for your support! Definitely helped!
y/n: elskede at se jer alle!
loved watching you all
sofiielundgaard: xxx
username9: OMG
username10: this girl forgets she is a public figure and I love it so much 😂
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y/n just posted on her story
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Sofie sat laughing with her teammate Yana as they answered questions for an interview which would go on the Youtube channel, Yana grinning evilly when asked what Sofie liked to watch as a test of their friendship.
"Sofie here is really into her swimming, you, patriot for Denmark and all that." Yana grins. "Though, with how many competitions of a certain Denmark swimmer she watches, I don't know... Maybe it's not the swimming." Yana hums.
"Shut up!" Sofie hisses but the crew had already begun to laugh, causing Sofie to groan and throw her head against the table with a thump.
Yana grins evilly at the camera before feeling a little bad for the blonde and rubbing her back kindly as Sofie leans back up and sighs.
"What can I say? I love my home country." She hums and this again causes everyone to burst out laughing.
username1: The way this plot thickens with every turn!
username2: Sofie admitting she likes watching swimming then Yana being an angel and spilling the true tea
username3: loveeeee Yana sm omg 😍😂
username4: I did feel bad for Sofie though, she looked so embarrassed 😩
username5: yeah same...
username6: She will have let them put that in tho, like they would have removed it if she really wanted
username5: VERYYYYY true 😶
username7: omg that is such a good point!!
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y/n took a deep breath in, her limbs weightless as they floated around her, the swimmer took another deep breath before pushing of the wall and beginning to swim down toward the other side.
The pool she had found was not busy, maybe because it was half six on a Sunday morning. But y/n could never go a few days without swimming, the water was more home than ground was.
y/n did several lengths before she came to a stop, head popping up before she pushed herself underneath the water, using the side to hold her underneath.
The world quietened and blurred above her, the water for that minute, kept her safe. However, she hadn't taken a deep enough breath for longer than a minute and a half, and so pushed herself back up and to sit on the side.
y/n sat quietly, regulating her breath once more as she watched her feet in the water, her braided hair now heavy against her suit clad back.
It was only after a minute, did y/n realise she was no longer alone. She turned her head, looking in the next lane, where to her surprise, Sofie Lundgaard was, head lent back and eyes shut as she floated for a moment in the water.
Her muscled shoulder tensed as she kept herself afloat, and y/n suddenly felt very hot as she lowered herself back into the water to try and ignore the woman beside her.
"Ingen er her normalt på dette tidspunkt." Sofie hummed as she looked back up.
no one is usually here at this time.
"Jeg bliver stort set sindssyg, hvis jeg ikke svømmer i et par dage." y/n admitted with a soft laugh.
I pretty much go insane if I don't swim for a few days.
"Really?" Sofie asked, not overly aware she had slipped into English.
"Yeah, more at home in the water than on land mum used to say." y/n smiled softly relaxing back, her eyes darted up to the clock, showing 6:48.
Sofie and y/n didn't talk much for the new few minutes, an occasional comment or question with an answer would be thrown, but for a bit they just swam side by side, enjoying the feeling of one another's company.
When the clock hit 7:30, y/n sighed and slid up the pool side. Sofie gulped and looked away from the muscled arms which tensed as they pushed y/n from the water.
y/n smiled at Sofie, nodding as she grabbed her towel and walked toward the changing rooms, but as she went to leave the room she changed her mind.
"Would you like to get breakfast?" y/n asked as she turned to face Sofie.
"Thought you would never ask." The blonde grinned and pushed herself out of the water as well.
y/n just posted on their story
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sofiielundgaard just posted on her story
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y/n hummed as she prepared for her final race of the day, it was just a friendly, Denmark's best against each other, but that did not mean she was not prepared.
She had gotten back to Denmark a week ago, after spending three weeks in London, a trip which had lengthened for no specific reason.
She heard the call, the shot and then she dived as soon as she hit the water, y/n knew, she knew she had won, because she was away suddenly.
She pulled ahead, a good few strokes from everyone else, she turned and pushed again, knowing this one was only two lengths. Which after a week of long racing was nice to think.
She pulled ahead further, the commentator shocked as anything as she slammed her hand on the wall, sighing in relief as she pulled herself up, shocked at the way her coach had paused.
"Hvad?" She asked him.
"Hvad?" She asked again, pulling a towel around her body to keep her warm. Her coach just turned her body and pointed to two letters next to her name.
Danish Record.
y/n let out a yell of shock, her fellow swimmers running over to congratulate her as she slammed her hand over her mouth, eyes trying to find someone, who once they had been found grinned wildly.
y/n grinned back, looking briefly at the pool before grabbing her coach and fellow swimmers, the group all jumping in, her coach slightly begrudgingly.
Breaking records was something y/n had been doing from the age of 14, and every time she did, she would jump into the pool. But y/n had just been thrown into today's race as a back up, almost as a joke.
Because breaststroke was not her stroke, but she had somehow just broken a Danish record with it. How? She didn't know nor care as she and her fellow swimmers sunk into the waves of blue, being watched by a very proud blonde.
y/n just posted
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liked by, sofiielundgaard, pharder10 ans 401, 766 others
tagged sofiielundgaard
y/n note to self, always go for half six swimming sessions...
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sofiielundgaard just posted
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liked by, daniels_yana, y/n and 218, 736 others
tagged y/n
sofiielundgaard You know, I don't think I watch swimming for the sport... 🤷‍♀️
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username2: 'I don't think I watch swimming for the sport' hahahahah 😂
username3: FUCK YESSSSSS
username4: I feel like we have Yana to thank for this.
daniels_yana: You do 😌
username5: OMG
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kay bois, struggled with this one, won't lie - so what do you we think???
love ya'll!
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padfootagain · 11 months
Pet Names
Hi! Here is a request that was sent my way by @thenerdysimp : ‘And then I had a new idea just now where reader does a “TikTok prank” on Ben where she calls him by his full name. Man’s terrified and she starts to feel bad for scaring him😂’
So, here we go for this adorable idea! I hope you enjoy what I’ve written for it! Also you said ‘full name’, so I’m not just dropping the cute nickname I’m going ‘full name’… the poor man…
I hope you like this cute oneshot! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warnings: Some tooth-rotting fluff! Also… the ending turned a sexy even if there is no nsfw stuff, but the flirt is getting out of hand… (don’t know what happened to me with that last sentence but…)
Summary: You find this popular prank on Tik Tok and decide to try it on Ben. But when you call him by his full name instead of your usual adorable pet names, he panics more than anticipating, and it kind of backfires.
Word Count: 1859
Ben Barnes Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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You laugh at the video on your phone, and a sting of guilt shoots through your body because… well… it is more than time to get up from the warmth of your bed and actually be productive, but then again…
You decide that one more short video will not kill you, so you stay on Tik Tok for one more.
It’s the same trend again that’s been going on for a few days on the app now: calling your significant other by their name in order to see their reaction. And you find it hilarious. Some are cute about it, some are straight up moody or even angry.
You wonder how Ben would react to that, though…
You don’t reckon that he would get angry, he is too calm and too nice for that. Confused? Yes, definitely, he would get confused, maybe even a little worried. Actually, you’re so curious about it that you’re considering pulling this prank on him.
He’s not the kind to be petty, but he will get back at you if you prank him, so you need to weigh your options. The last time you made fun of him for being taller than you, he hid your favourite snacks on the top shelf for three days…
Still, you reckon this one is rather innocent, so you decide to try it on Ben.
He’ll soon be home, he went for an early run this morning before getting some work done as he is getting ready to leave to shoot a new project in a couple of days. So, you finally get up, take a shower before he arrives and decide to wait for him on the couch, grabbing the book you’re currently reading.
You hear the key turning in the lock first, then you hear fumbling with the doorknob, and finally you hear him whistling as he steps inside your home. You hear his keys being dropped in their bowl by the door, the sound of his shoes dropping to the floor, and finally his footsteps crossing the hall. He grins as he sees you on the sofa, looking comfy and rather adorable in one of his jumpers, some sweatpants and buried under a heavy blanket.
“Hi, darling!” he chimes, hurrying towards you and you can’t refrain the smile that forms on your lips in response to his happy voice.
He bends to drop a sweet kiss on your lips, but you wriggle your nose when he pulls away.
“You’re all sweaty!” you complain, making him laugh.
“True. It was a good run, though. I’m going to take a shower, I reckon I need one.”
He moves towards the bathroom, but spins around after a couple of steps, and strides towards the kitchen instead.
“Water first,” he explains at the sight of your amused frown, before disappearing in the kitchen. “Do you want some, darling?”
“Oh, yes! Thanks, Ben.”
You wait for his reaction, but you hear nothing. From your peripheral vision, you catch him peering at you from the kitchen. He frowns hard, completely puzzled, and you struggle not to let out a bright laugh.
But he shakes his head, and resumes his activity in the kitchen. A minute later, he’s bringing you your glass of fresh water.
He’s still not reacting to your prank though, so you decide to push it a little further.
“Thank you, Benjamin.”
You see him visibly tensing as you take your drink, raising his eyebrows in disbelief.
“Wow… I must really be in trouble,” he says, crossing his arms and tilting his head a little to the side. “Why on earth would you call me that?”
His voice is perfectly calm though, soothing even. You struggle not to laugh at the confused expression that paints itself over his features.
“Nothing,” you answer, but he’s not buying it.
“If it’s about the last jaffa cake that disappeared last night, it wasn’t me.”
“It was my doppelganger.”
“Hmm… Jaffa cakes are his favourite, it’s not his fault, really…”
“I see…”
But you keep on staring sternly at him, and Ben grows more and more confused and anxious at the sight.
He frowns, humour gone from his voice when he speaks once more.
“Seriously, though… what’s wrong?”
“What do you mean ‘nothing’? You’ve never called me that before, what’s going on?”
“I’ve just used your name!”
But his frown deepens, he blinks several times, completely at a loss.
“Why would you call me that? No one calls me Benjamin. Except for my parents when they want to ground me.”
“Aren’t you a little old to be grounded?”
“You can never know with them.”
You chuckle, but Ben grows worried now, and your amusement starts feeling a lot like guilt.
He sits down next to you and takes your hand in his, enlacing your fingers together.
“What’s wrong? What did I do? I’ve done something terrible, haven’t I?”
“No, of course not…”
“I have… are you… how bad is it?”
“Nothing is wrong, I’m sorry…”
“You’ve never called me ‘Benjamin’. Ever. And you haven’t called me ‘Ben’ in like… two years!”
But you take his face in your hands to shush him, a soothing smile on your lips now.
“There’s nothing wrong! It was just a joke.”
He deeply frowns again.
“I just saw this trend on Tik Tok, where you’re supposed to call your significant other by their name to see their reaction, and I just wanted to try it on you. It’s just a joke!”
You’re giggling now, but Ben is still frowning.
“It’s a joke?” he asks again, just to make sure. “So… you’re not mad at me, right?”
“No, of course not, honey!”
You see him relaxing next to you, shaking his head at you now, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Benjamin… really?” he asks, teasing back in his voice.
“You didn’t say anything at ‘Ben’! I had to up my game!”
“I thought you wanted to murder me or something!”
“Murder you?” you asked, laughing brightly now.
“I would actually expect you to murder me before calling me Benjamin.”
You both laugh at that.
“Don’t ever call me that again, by the way.”
“I could do worse.”
“Could you?” he snorts.
You stare at him, dead serious.
“Benjamin. Thomas. Barnes.”
You remain still for a moment, before both of you would explode with laughter.
“You’re right, it’s worse!” Ben complains, still laughing, as he stands from the couch to finally head for a shower. “Careful, or I’ll hug you while still covered with sweat.”
He takes off his black t-shirt and throws it at you, making you laugh harder as you dive to avoid the dirty piece of clothing.
“You’re disgusting!”
But you hear him laughing, as he turns to look at you pushing his t-shirt away, leaning against the doorframe. And it is quite infuriating how handsome he looks like this, dishevelled, and sweaty, and you can’t help but stare at his exposed chest…
“I reckon that was a very petty vengeance,” you narrow your eyes at him as he starts chuckling again, a smug smile on his lips.
“I think you like the view, though.”
“Not at all…”
“Maybe a little bit.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He buries his hands in the pockets of his dark pair of shorts.
“Now, give me one of my usual pet names, please, my darling,” he goes on, his voice more tender now.
“I don’t know which one you’re talking about…”
“Any will do.”
“What do I usually call you again?”
“Hmm… let’s see…” he plays along, looking up as if searching through his memories. “There’s the classic ‘baby’, then there’s ‘love’… I’m very fond of ‘darling’, not gonna lie. ‘Honey’, ‘babe’, ‘honey bun’, ‘handsome’, and of course there’s ‘sweetheart’, and ‘sweetie’…”
“You’ve got many!”
“Hmm… you’re more creative than I am with these, I have to say. I usually keep with ‘darling’, or ‘love’, or ‘sweetheart’… right?”
“You call me ‘beautiful’ a lot, too.”
“That’s because you’re hot.”
You both laugh at that, even if the glimmer in Ben’s eyes tells you he’s not really teasing.
“Come on! Call me something proper, now!” Ben insists, and you nod.
“Alright, alright… that’s enough teasing.”
You stare intensely at him, and he waits patiently while you make up your mind. He’s expectant when he sees you opening your mouth to speak.
He lets out a frustrated cry.
“That’s even worse! No! It sounds like you’re calling my father!”
He shudders, and you double over with laughter.
“Stop laughing! That’s disgusting!”
“You should see your face!” you laugh, your stomach painful by now.
“You’re going to pay for this!” Ben warns you, and even though there’s a smile tugging at his lips again, you know he’s serious still. “You’ll have to make me forgive you for that.”
“Alright, alright… I’m sorry, that was going a little too far.”
“Indeed! Now, call me a sweet name or else…”
“Or else…”
“I’ll make sure you’re forgiven.”
You raise a surprised eyebrow.
“And how are you going to do that?”
He shoots you a bright grin.
“Oh, you’ll like that, don’t worry.”
“Will I?”
He nods with confidence, almost cocky.
“Someone’s a little full of himself over there…” you tease, but Ben merely shrugs.
“Realistic, rather.”
“Alright, anyway, I’m going to call you a cute name now, don’t worry.”
“I’m all ears.”
You grin at him, full of mischief, when you speak again.
“You little minx!”
The next second you’ve jumped off the couch as Ben is sprinting towards you, running after you through your apartment, both of you laughing like crazy.
“Come back here!”
He’s got you cornered after less than a minute, your back to the wall, and giggling like crazy.
“Now, baby, I call for a parlay,” you negotiate, but Ben is not fooled.
“Absolutely not.”
“Don’t tickle me. Please, don’t tickle me…”
“I’m not going to tickle you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
You lower your guard a little, tilting your head.
“Kisses?” you offer as a truce, and Ben has to admit he’s tempted, but then a devilish grin spreads over his lips.
“I got better than kisses planned, darling.”
The next second, he’s bent down to pick you up on his shoulder, carrying you like a bag of potatoes across the apartment, striding towards the bathroom.
“Baby! Stop it! Put me down!”
But he doesn’t listen to you.
“Ben! Stop!” you laugh, swatting his naked back.
“And here is my name again…”
“Too late!”
He steps into the bathroom, opens the door to the bathroom, and gently puts you down in the shower.
“I’ve already taken a shower!” you tell him with a frown. “You’re the one who needs one!”
But when his gaze turns more intense, you instantly fall silent, finally understanding his devilish plan.
He’s already stripping when he finally answers, his eyes still staring deep into your soul, and his smile has turned much more dangerous now…
“I know,” he nods, voice deep and husky now, terribly tempting. “But then again, if you’re so eager to say my name, why not moan it instead?”
Taglist: @reg-arcturus-black @wolfmoonmusic @sergeantbuckybarnes
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laylaylamode · 10 days
Bouncing the interaction request around lol. How about some interactions with Lyric and the Stacies?
Bet! 😂
Even though Lyric interacted with the Stacie's on occasion, she still had no idea which one was which. The only way to tell them apart was when their last name was mentioned, but it came up so rarely that it amazed her how Franny was able to keep up.
Currently the redhead one was topping her root beer float with whipped cream while the rest of the volleyball girls lounged around the pool. She was the friendliest of the Stacie's and had been talking to Lyric ever since she arrived.
"So, like, can you do the hula? You've got the hips for it."
Lyric raised a brow. "You know it's kinda racist to ask that, right?"
"OMG." Redhead Stacie frowned. "Sorry! I totally wasn't trying to offend you-"
Lyric laughed. "I'm kidding! Relax." She shrugged. "But yeah, I can. The one you're thinking of is probably the Tahitian dance by the way."
A gasp went around the pool. Blond Stacie nearly fell out of her floaty as she tried to sit up without spilling her drink. "Show us! We could have a little luau!"
Tall Stacie sighed. "Q, A, we literally discussed why you can't say microaggressive stuff like that. B made a whole PowerPoint about it."
"Yeah! I worked hard on that PowerPoint!" Short Stacie pointed her sunglasses at the two offenders. "And you're gonna watch it again! This time with assigned homework!"
"I said I was sorry!"
"I am NOT doing more homework than I already have!"
An argument broke out, making Patty and Jodie turn up the music that they were listening to. Lyric glanced over at Franny, who gave her look that said yes, this is what I constantly have to deal with.
Lyric sighed. "It's not that big a deal. You can stop arguing now. Quiet. SHUT UP!!!"
The pool went silent. Except for Dolly Doo, who whined.
"Look." Lyric glared at them. "Will you calm the hell down if I dance? But just this once."
"Oh, yeah."
"For sure."
"I'll get the music!"
Stacie Q leaned against the side of Lyric's locker. "Sooooooo..."
Lyric stared at her. "So what?"
"I was wondering if you could tell me the secret to your hair!" She grinned. "It's, like, super silky and voluminous! How do you get it like that?"
"Oh." Lyric shut her locker and smirked as she flipped her hair. "Just some coconut oil, prayers, and genetics."
"Amazing..." Stacie Q sighed dramatically and dabbed at imaginary tears. "Meanwhile, I'm stuck with Maybelline..."
Lyric and Stacie B sat side by side, watching from the sofa as Newt and Mach hollared excitedly over the video game they were playing. They were so invested in tag teaming the boss that they...pretty much forgot that the girls were there.
Stacie B snorted and folded her arms. "So much for that movie, huh?"
Lyric shook her head. "Too late now. It started an hour ago..." They could have made things easier by reminding the boys about their planned outing, but it didn't feel right to spoil the fun. It was the first day they really had off since volleyball season ended, so it made since that they wanted to catch up gaming.
"You know." Stacie B smirked. "You didn't peg me as being into the nerdy type."
"You're one to talk." Lyric smirked back at her. "But they're adorable."
"Yeah, they are...wanna join them?"
"Why not?" Lyric leapt off the couch and snagged two more controllers. "Scoot over, boys! We want in!"
"Of course." Newt smiled as he made room for them. Lyric sat at his right, and Stacie B on Mach's left. "The more the merrier."
"This boss is pretty tough though." Mach restarted the battle and went to the screen for the girls to pick their characters. "Maybe if you choose the healers-"
"Healers?!" Lyric narrowed her eyes. "I'm pulling out a tank! Lick your own wounds!"
"Same!" Stacie selected her character. "So let's kill this thing and go get victory tacos!"
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television-overload · 7 months
Wait since your a chiefs fan what do you think of the Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift relationship? A
I'm so glad you asked 🎤 *ahem*
I've never been that into Taylor Swift, I listened to her early stuff as a kid, her country albums and early pop, but her newer stuff for the most part isn't my jam
That said, I find the whole thing hilarious and adorable and I wheeze laughing for like 5 minutes anytime I see something new pop up in the news, because it's just so wild to me
The Chiefs were so so bad at football throughout my childhood, you'd think Kansas City didn't even have a football team with how little people talked about them. They were forgettable, one of those teams you can't even remember the name of unless you're actually a football fan.
Of course, for the last few years they've been on fire and it has been so exciting! I love all the players, have had a Kelce jersey since their first Super Bowl. But my brain still hasn't processed that they're actually good and known on a national level now, so it almost feels like my cousin or something is suddenly dating a world famous pop star 😂😂😂 surreal
All that to say, I love it, I hope it genuinely works out, she seems like exactly the type of woman he's been looking for. I love seeing the Swifties learning about football too. I genuinely laughed for like 10 minutes when I got the idea to see if tumblr had caught on and saw the fanfiction 😂 there was one that started out with him and his brother's podcast and the way they wrote his voice and common phrases was fantastic and hilarious. "Alright nah!" Love their podcast, and his brother. Last season was fun, but this is the most fun NFL season I've experienced, thanks to Taylor Swift, the Kelce brothers, and trying fantasy football for the first time.
Also the video of her running up to kiss him after her concert had me grinning ear to ear. Even my brother texted me a link to it and said "kicking my wittle feetsies at this" 🤣
The news has been such a dumpster fire lately, it's nice to have something sweet in it. I think at the beginning the broadcasters were leaning a little too hard into it and I hope people can respect their privacy outside the spotlight, but sadly that's probably unlikely with all the paparazzi. The fun killers who comment hate everywhere need to let people enjoy things
Tl:dr, it's so bizarre, I feel like I'm in an alternate timeline, but I absolutely love it
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 27. That's not why we're doing this
Fandom: 911
Ship: Buck/Eddie
Summary: Eddie's family is stressing him out during wedding planning, so he talks to his fiancé about it.
Words: 635
Note: I keep saying it but like, seriously: buddie plagues my mind lmao I had a different idea for this, for a different fandom, and then I took a shower and let my mind wander… and here we are 🤷😂
“I’m so done.” Eddie says as he comes out of the bedroom after a video call with his family. He flops down on the couch with a heavy sigh. “We should just elope and tell everyone after.” he says, as Buck comes to sit down next to him. “It’s so hard to fucking keep everyone happy.”
“You know that’s not why we’re doing this, though, right?” Buck gently runs his hand through Eddie’s hair. Ever since they announced they’re getting married, people have been offering advice and help, and it’s all good until it gets too much. Eddie’s on great terms with his family, but honestly, they get too involved. “We’re getting married and having a wedding, because we love each other and want to celebrate that with our loved ones.” he repeats what they already talked about when they got engaged – they agreed that this is what they both want. “But it’s our day, so really, we’re the only ones who have to be happy. The rest of them can suck it.” he grins, and Eddie smiles weakly.
“Can you say that to my mom? And the rest of my family who go fucking crazy over this wedding?” he sighs again, wrapping his arms around Buck and hiding his face in Buck’s shirt. “I’m just so tired. It’s supposed to be fun and exciting.”
“Well, you know I’d do anything for you… but that. I’m sorry, but I don’t wanna get on my mother-in-law’s bad side. She loves me and I wanna keep it that way.” Buck laughs, his hand soothingly rubbing Eddie’s back. Eddie’s mood slightly improves. He loves Buck’s laugh. “Anything in particular today?”
“Just the usual. Everyone has different opinions and they start arguing with each other, and don’t even ask me what I think. And I didn’t even bring up the wedding, they did.” he grumbles, pulling away to pout. “Is it too late to take just Chris with us and elope?” he asks again. He genuinely considers that as an option at this point. He knew that planning a wedding would be stressful, but it’s just… overwhelming.
“I think our 118 family might have objections.” Buck grins. Eddie agrees, he doesn’t want to do it without them, either – besides, Maddie and Athena would kick their asses, for sure. And he is excited, more than he’s been in a while, it’s just that sometimes it all gets a bit much. He’s so thankful he has Buck.
“I just want to already be your husband. Officially.” he smiles, not yet believing this is happening. Everyone’s been telling them they’ve been like a married couple since before they even got together, and that may be true, but now it’s going to be official and legal, and Buck will adopt Christopher, and will be legally his parent, too. Eddie tears up just thinking about it. This is all he’s ever wanted.
“Soon.” Buck leans in to peck his lips. “And it’s gonna be the best day ever, no matter what.”
“Yeah.” Eddie nods. “It’s gonna be perfect just because I’m marrying you.” he says, looking at his wonderful soon-to-be husband with awe. He loves him so much, it’s insane. “I just wish everyone would fuck off and let us do it our way.” he adds grumpily and Buck laughs.
“We’ll figure it out. There’s still a lot of time.”
“Yeah.” Eddie sighs. He gives Buck a look, and even though he really wants the wedding, surrounded by all the people he loves, even those who annoy him at the moment, he jokingly asks one more time: “So elopement is completely off the table?” 
Buck laughs again, and Eddie smiles widely. This is what he needed. His partner can always make everything better, just by being there. He really can’t wait to marry him.
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nicosallachbestsinger · 7 months
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coldshrugs · 2 years
idk u yet
pairing: teddy malone/nakedtoaster word count: ~775 Teddy is feeling cool and fine and totally normal as she closes her laptop and shoves it onto her cluttered nightstand. She shuffles down into her sheets a little more dramatically than necessary, as if convincing herself this is, indeed, the bedtime of a responsible adult.
She's got work in the morning–movie and book review columns to deliver to her local newspaper–and she can't be late. Again.
Keeping her eyes shut is taking near-full concentration, and even more effort is being spent on containing a grin.
The past week hasn’t felt real. Between work and writing for herself during her free time, there’s been the urge to click on a highly suspicious link, whirlwind friendships, some rogue code gaining sentience (she’s still ??? about that one), and… Toasty.
Toasty likes her.
“Fuck,” she whispers, hands flying to her face.
No. Toasty loves her. And she said it back.
It’s too soon, right? Definitely too soon. People don't do this after meeting a week ago. But after the week she's had, it was... kind of nice to look forward to seeing them at the end of each day. He’s so unexpectedly sweet, and clever, and kind, and funny, and–
Yeah, there’s no way in hell she’s getting any sleep right now.
Squinting against the light of her phone, Teddy opens a new text thread and punches in the number with no hesitation.
hi, it’s teddy💖 i can’t sleep
He asked for a text in the morning, and technically it’s morning now. If this were anyone else, she’d worry about coming on too strong. Somehow, she knows he won’t mind. But just in case:
hope this is okay. and also i hope this is actually toasty because awk af if not…
It only takes a couple seconds more before she has an answer.
it’s been 10 minutes, did u even try to sleep?
The grin breaks in full now, spreading just like the giddy warmth in her chest. Yep, that’s Toasty.
no, not really 😔
kinda hard to sleep after the last few days, y’know? i’ve got cold brew in the fridge, dw
oh u mean coming down from this shitshow of a week
well… mostly 🥴
i think??? we started dating??
LMAO i mean, if we’re not dating, we’ve really got to reevaluate these declarations
like “i love you! (but just as friends)” or something 😂😂
Toast takes a long time to reply to that one. Teddy can perfectly picture their furious blush, the stifled groan.
fuck off, we’re dating
i know it’s fast but idc if u don't
fuck it, can i call you?
And before she can shoot back a “yes,” Teddy’s phone is buzzing in her hand. She’s laughing, so hard she can barely squeak out “hello?”
“Yeah, I needed to hear that again.” Toasty’s smile is evident in their voice. “But why aren’t you fucking sleeping?”
“I’m horizontal! I’m under blankets! Are you even in bed yet?”
The pause is too long for the answer to be anything other than “no.”
“Okay but I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow and–what timezone are you even in?”
They spend most of the next hour fake bickering about the logistics of it all. He’s on the west coast, she’s three hours ahead in Atlanta. And when can they meet? Her job’s not great about vacation time; they’d have to find a guest columnist and she’d miss out on pay. He tells her to quit her job and it’s a joke, but probably not one he’ll mean forever. It’s fine, she can live with video calls for now. He can too, but he’ll take a look at flights tomorrow.
Actual tomorrow, after they’ve both had some sleep.
She’s yawning now. The excitement is there but it’s already settling into something comfortable. This is real. This is happening.
There’s just one more thing. “Toasty?”
“Yeah?” He’s starting to sound wrecked too.
“You still haven’t told me your name.”
“To be fair, I still don't know yours either.”
She laughs conspiratorially at that. “Well, my full name is Theodora. Teddy for short–”
“You got your name past BloomBot?!” An edge of alertness bleeds into their voice. “How in the world?”
“You tell me, you built the thing! Sort of.”
“Goddammit, this is so unfair. But, uh, your name is adorable, not that that’s a surprise.”
“Did you think I was a beanie baby aficionado? Actually, don't answer that. Your turn,” she yawns again. “And hurry it up; I’m closing in on 3 AM over here.”
Even through his drowsiness, a rich giggle rings from the phone, seems to fill Teddy's chest.
“Okay, okay. My name is–”
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How to Lose a Tiktok Challenge
Word count: 1700
Warnings: attempts to use tiktok lingo from a tiktok noob
I haven't done a short one in a while, and I felt like this prompt didn't call for a ton of backstory - so, please enjoy this short, little fluff bomb!
This is based on a prompt by an anon requesting a Bucky x reader fic where the reader tries some tiktok challenges on boyfriend!Bucky. Please excuse my tiktok ignorance 😂 I tried to figure out the right lingo!
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“Could you pass me the salt, Steve?”
Bucky’s head shot up when you spoke, glancing around at the two empty chairs on the other ends of your small dining room table. Having confirmed that he was, indeed, the only man in your house eating dinner with you, he tilted his head and gazed at you quizzically.
“Did… did you call me Steve?”
“What?” You asked innocently, trying desperately not to burst into laughter.
“Steve. You said ‘pass the salt, Steve.’”
“No, I said ‘could you pass the salt, Steve?’”
Bucky gesticulated toward you dramatically. “See?? You did it again!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You leaned over across the table to grab the salt. “It’s fine, I’ll get it myself, Steve.”
Bucky frowned, his brow furrowed. “Doll, we’ve been dating for six months now. Haven’t you figured out my name?” His eyes narrowed. “You’re not cheating on me with my best friend, are you?”
You finally allowed your laughter to slip out, picking your phone up from the table where you’d leaned it against the napkin holder to record the exchange. “No, I’m nohot cheating on you! Relax, Bucky. It’s just a tiktok challenge.”
“A… what now?”
“Ah. I forget you grew up in the pre-social media era,” you quipped, earning a glare from the super soldier. “It’s a site where people can share random videos of whatever they want. There’s a challenge going around where you have to say the wrong name to your boyfriend and film his reaction.”
“So you were pranking me?”
“Something like that.” You tapped a few buttons on your phone screen, then turned the phone around for him to see with a grin. “See? You’re tiktok famous now!”
Bucky stared at the screen for a moment, then lifted his eyes to glower at you. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Love you too, Buck.” You turned your phone around, glancing down at the screen in surprise. “Wow! Already 100 likes! Guess people must recognize you.”
“Yeah, yeah…” He shook his head, failing to hold back a grin of endearment. “You done with this?" His hand grasped your dinner plate, looking at you questioningly. You nodded, smiling when he took the plate along with his own to the sink to wash. Always such a gentleman.
* * *
"Wait - you actually tried it on him??" Wanda asked the next morning when visiting your apartment.
"Yep! He was so confused," you chuckled. "He asked if I was cheating on him with Steve."
It had been Wanda who had suggested you try filming Bucky for one of the tiktok challenges you'd come across in your idle scrolling. She thought it would be pretty amusing, considering the super soldier had largely avoided social media for the entirety of his life. 'Out of principle,' he insisted. Why start using social media now, when he'd survived nearly one hundred years without it?
You'd called him a cranky old man after that. He tickled you senseless.
"You should try another one. So many people loved your first video!" Wanda suggested.
"I could make a whole page for him," you laughed. "But which one would be a good one to try next?”
“Hmm…” Wanda scrolled through her phone, thoughtfully viewing some of the different ‘boyfriend challenges’ floating around the social media site. “Oh, how about this one?” She turned her screen around to show you the video she was playing.
“Ooh… I don’t know, Wanda. This one might be hard,” you worried. “Not saying I love you when he says it? It might hurt his feelings.”
“Oh, no way. Just smile at him, he’ll know it’s not because you don’t actually love him.”
“Well… alright. I’ll give it a shot. He’ll be back tonight, I’ll see if I can find a good time to try it out.”
“Send me the video!” Wanda insisted with a grin. “Maybe I’ll have to try this on Vision at some point…”
“Ha! Now that would be funny!”
* * *
That evening, you and Bucky were curled up on the sofa as you often did, binge watching some TV series on demand. You leaned comfortably into his side with his arm wrapped around your waist, your feet propped up on the sofa beside you. There was no better way to spend the evening.
When the television came up with that incredibly judgmental “are you still watching?” screen, Bucky slid his arm out from behind you and began to get up, causing you to topple over sideways onto the sofa where he sat (probably more dramatically than was necessary.)
“Wait! Where are you going?” you whined.
“I have to pee!” he laughed at your melodramatic pouting. “But I also was thinking of picking up takeout for dinner. Want anything?”
“Ooh… alright, I guess if you’re gonna go get me food, I can forgive you,” you teased. He rolled his eyes with a fond grin.
“Alright, let me pee first and then I’ll go.”
Bucky disappeared down the hallway, and it suddenly hit you that this was the perfect opportunity to try the challenge Wanda had suggested. He always said ‘I love you’ before leaving. And you had just enough time to set up your phone to record before he got back.
You propped your phone up carefully against a stack of books on your coffee table, aiming the lens at the sofa and pressing record. As you heard the bathroom door opening down the hallway, you scurried back to your seat, leaning back casually against the backrest as Bucky wandered back into the living room.
“Alright, I’m gonna go. I’ll be back in a few,” he promised, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
You had to bite your tongue to keep from instinctively saying it back, instead smiling sweetly. “Bye, Bucky! See you soon!”
He paused, looking at you quizzically. “I love you.”
“I know! Thanks for getting food for us!” Giggles threatened to burst from your lips as you watched him tilt his head in puzzled confusion.
“Why aren’t you saying ‘I love you?’ Did I do something wrong?”
“No! Of course not!” You bit down on your bottom lip to try to hide the involuntary grin threatening to spread across your face. His brow furrowed as he glanced around the room in his frustration. When he turned to look at you again, he sighed.
“Alright. Well at least give me a hug,” he requested. You opened your arms wide to accept a hug from him with a smile, and he all but tackled you to the couch in a big hug.
“Oho my gohod, Bucky!! This is not a hug!”
“Yes it is!” he argued, an air of mischief in his tone. “It also allows me to do this.”
“Wh- AHH hehey!!” you shrieked as his fingers dug into your sides and ribs. “Buhuhucky!!”
“I saw the camera, doll. Trying another one of your silly toktok challenges on me?”
“Ahah-hi-ihit’s TIKTOK yohou dork!”
He paused for a moment, leaning back to shoot you an incredulous look. “You’re seriously calling ME a dork?? Oh-ho, you’re asking for it!”
“Wait, wait- NOHOHO!!” You screeched with laughter as his fingers slipped up under your arms, wriggling ruthlessly into your uppermost ribs while leaning more heavily on you to pin you to the sofa. It was almost impossible to even squirm under his weight. Somehow, it made every sweep of his fingers against your skin ten-fold worse, not being able to do much as wiggle to try to escape.
“Come on, doll. You’re way too ticklish to try to mess with me,” he teased in your ear with a growl. “Maybe you should post the video to your tiktok anyway - I bet your followers would find it very funny to see your boyfriend tickling you to tears.”
“B-AHAH… BUCKY IHI SWEAR - EEK!” His metal hand suddenly shifted down to knead at your hip, fingers scratching into the soft skin beside your hipbone. Despite not being able to move much, you kicked your legs those few inches you had in range of motion just to try to distract from the sensation.
“You swear what? I didn’t catch that.”
“Yohou’re the WOHOHORST!”
“Oh-ho, bold statement for someone in your position.” With a smirk, he slipped his cold metal fingers up under the hem of your shirt, fluttering them just below your navel along your waistline. You squealed and threw your head back in ticklish agony.
“OHOKAY!! I’M SO-HO-RRY!!” you pleaded, unable to take much more despite loving this closeness. He stopped tormenting you, climbing off you and planting a kiss on your cheek. Turning around, he knelt down in front of your phone where it was still recording, grinning cheekily into the lens.
“Maybe I’ll have started a new viral challenge,” he declared, winking before reaching over and turning off the recording. Bucky turned back to face you with your phone in his hand, poking at the screen. “How do I upload this to your tiktok?”
“Noho! Bucky! Don’t you dare -”
“Ah-ha!” With a self-assured grin, he turned your phone screen around to show you he’d figured it out. You cursed yourself for having the app open when you set the phone to record.
“Ughh, Bucky, so embarrassing!!” you whined, covering your face with your hands.
“That’s what you get for playing tricks on me!” You lowered your hands from your eyes when he pressed his lips to your forehead. “Alright, let me go get food now. I love you.”
“Bye Bucky!”
His eyes narrowed playfully, hovering over you. “You just want me to stay here and tickle you, don’t you?”
“No, no, NOHOHO!” You screeched when he grabbed hold of your ankles in the crook of his elbow, skittering his fingers rapidly across the soles of your feet. This time, he wasn’t letting you off so easy.
But honestly, you didn’t mind. You’d just find a new challenge to try on him tomorrow to get him back.
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kookieswan · 3 years
Heyyyyy sweetie!♥️
I was watching videos of Tae performing “Singularity” and i was wondering “what is going on inside his head while he acts like a tease in front of the camera?”😂😂😂😂
Sooo… can u write about how he would react if you ask him while you watch performances with him? Please. (sfw/nsfw I’ll leave it up to you🤍)
I love this idea because it’s so specific but like 🥴✨ I can do so much with it, but I’m going to stick with some fluffy fluff I think 🌸 I hope you like it 🧶 anon!
Taehyung x Reader
Word Count: 494
Warnings: None!
Sitting on the couch with your boyfriend, you lay back into his chest as you click on the YouTube video. He pops up on screen then, a closeup of his face as he prepares to perform Singularity. You had insisted that you watch his performances together, and with a roll of his eyes he agreed.
The song starts and he zeros in on the television, watching himself closely. It’s pretty normal for him to lay such close attention, wanting to see where he can I love or what he did well. You do the same, paying special attention to the steps that he takes as he moved through the motions. You can’t help but notice how beautiful he looks.
“You looks so good in every performance of Singularity Tae. The routine is breathtaking.” His gaze doesn’t leave the tv, but a smile comes to his face at the words. Looking back at the tv yourself, you ponder for a while about what he must really be thinking about during all of it. It’s a relatively intense performance.
“I’ve always wondered what you think about during the Singularity performances. The song is so beautiful but the lyrics…” You trail off, thinking about the dark tone the song holds. Taehyung and you hadn’t been dating for long at the time of the last performances, so you knew there was likely no connection to your relationship. The thoughts still lingered though…
“Honestly, I was thinking about anything but you during the last few if that’s what you’re wondering. The song itself is about a love destined to fail, something I hope our love will never go through.” You grin at him, more than happy with the answer. Fake love is something you certainly want to avoid in your relationship, and even if the song is beautiful, you don’t want it dedicated to you.
“I will admit, it was super fun to act all sultry and tease the crowed though.” You laugh at the revelation, but it’s not surprising to hear. Taehyung has always been a bit of a tease, liking to mess around with the people he adores. Patting his thigh a bit, you quietly ask another question.
“Do you miss performing it at all?” Tae tilts his head back then, thinking for a bit. You snuggle in closer to him, leaning up to leave a small kiss on his sharp jaw. A small chuckle leaves his lips and he looks directly towards you then.
“I do and I don’t. I love the song yeah, but the context behind it doesn’t hold true to me. I think I’d have a hard time connecting to the feeling now. Our relationship is destined to last my love, I just know it.” Feeling satisfied, a small blush comes to your face. He never fails to be the most romantic man in the world.
“Forever huh? Forever’s a long time but I don’t think I’d have it any other way Tae.”
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nicosallachbestsinger · 7 months
Rave the dave😂😂😂
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