#fictober 2022
rinskiroo · 20 days
"I Chose You."
“Keep an eye on him,” Sao’la told Vette as they watched Malavai Quinn walk down the corridor and step into the crew quarters to deposit his gear.
“I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that stick in the mud taking extra portions or too long in the ‘fresher. Seems like a boring old by-the-book Imp to me,” Vette replied, sticking her tongue out in Quinn’s direction, though he was no longer in their sight.
Truth be told, Sao’la thought she could use someone who understood Imperial protocol and could navigate the military system for her. Perhaps under different circumstances, Quinn could have been that for her, but there was a problem. She didn’t trust him, couldn’t trust him.
The Sith crossed her arms over her chest and shifted her weight slightly as she pondered just how close to the truth she could get with her young Twi’lek companion. Vette knew that Sao’la didn’t like Baras and would openly mock and defy him, testing how much she could push him. But there was a depth of hatred and the waiting vengeance she kept hidden. Too soon to let all that out.
“I chose you, Vette,” Sao’la said, looking at her.
Vette turned towards the Sith and blinked, her large round eyes a mix of delight and confusion.
“The appropriate response for a Sith would have been for me to kill you. A fate I know Baras would have preferred. I chose to bring you with me, and you chose to stay. Quinn is here by command, and I do not believe I truly have a choice in refusing him.”
“But he said—I mean he was practically proposing!”
“Hm.” Sao’la did not offer any further explanation. She turned around and headed to her own quarters and a quiet respite. She did not miss the near giddy sound of Vette rubbing her hands together and quietly plotting the day when she’d hold it over Quinn’s head that the Sith liked her better.
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ghirahimbo · 2 years
Fictober 2022 Day 13: "I don't want you to do that"
Okay, I just read this through again and fixed a few things, and it's probably fine now :) Prompts might not come out as frequently as they were for a bit, just because I really am making decent progress on my actual wip again and would rather focus on that ;)
Revalink, pre-Calamity, alcohol mention. Revali's not having much fun at the party—and neither, as it turns out, is Link.
Truth be told, Revali didn't normally mind an excuse to be fawned over, though somehow the celebration held the night of the Champions' dedication didn't quite scratch the usual itch.
More than once, he wished he could have joined the retinue of Rito sent with him from the village, celebrating in the streets of Castle Town where the festivities had spilled over. The food would have been less elegant, no doubt, yet the company infinitely better—but no. As one of the Champions, he was obliged instead to spend the evening rubbing shoulders with a caliber of Hylian he'd had very few dealings with before, due both to lack of access and lack of interest. 
Those lofty men and women had a charming way about them, to be sure, and Revali preened a bit beneath their attention at first… but it didn't take long for their compliments to take on a repetitive, grating tone. How brave he must be to join the fight against the Calamity. How grateful for the opportunity to represent the Rito. How honored he must feel to lend his support to the princess (may her powers awaken soon)... and what a blessing he and all the pilots were to the Hylian Champion, who would face off against Calamity Ganon himself. How proud Revali must be for the chance to aid Link through such a crucial task.
Link's name hung heavy on every tongue, in fact, until Revali nearly began to flinch each time he heard it. Though all of the Champions had been honored that day, it was all too clear who truly held the castle's interest—and their transparently desperate hope. The underlying fear of failure hidden beneath every compliment began to feel truly sickening.
Five minutes into the night, he was already done with it.
It didn't help that Revali had Link constantly in his line of sight all night, that blasted sword of his sticking innocuously up over his shoulder. He might have found refuge with the other Champions, but Mipha had a habit of sticking too close to Link himself for comfort, and Urbosa's attention was all for the princess. Daruk, boisterous as he was, seemed liable to break Revali's back if he spent more than a few minutes at a time in his company, and so Revali found himself increasingly isolated, hugging the edge of the room and responding to conversation with the least amount of waspishness he could manage.
Still, the sun had well and truly set before Revali at last found the opportunity to extract himself from the party completely. Slipping from the grand hall unnoticed, a task made easier by the copious amounts of wine consumed by that point, he nodded graciously to the few passersby he saw but did not stop, setting off on a determined search to find a quiet place to escape beneath the sky. Revali had never liked being enclosed, no matter how high or vaulted the ceilings, and the atmosphere of that room alone had been enough to leave him feeling claustrophobic.
Unfortunately, he was not alone in his determination. More than one otherwise promising spot he found already occupied by giggling Hylian couples taking advantage of the darkness, while a few stray wanderers like himself had claimed their own place on balconies overlooking the castle grounds. Revali let all of them be, giving the couples an especially wide berth. If they wanted to be alone, he certainly had no desire to intrude.
Higher and higher up the castle he searched, ascending staircases he was no longer entirely sure he was allowed to climb. Revali had just started to wonder in exasperation whether he might have better luck searching from the skies when a familiar silhouette brought him to a halt. Short for a Hylian, with an embroidered blue tunic and hair pulled back, the all-too-familiar sword hanging from a sheath at his back marked him instantly for who he was despite the darkness. So Revali wasn't the only Champion who'd managed to escape.
His beak twisted derisively as he watched Link stand there, back to Revali, leaning up against the railing's edge in silent contemplation. Of course. Here Link could be basking in the adulation of adoring crowds, and instead he'd decided to sequester himself up on some secluded balcony alone. Maybe he was self-aware enough to know just how little he'd done yet to earn their love—though that was almost certainly giving him too much credit.
Revali considered walking on past him as he had all the rest. The last thing he wanted was a repeat of the last time he'd found the Hylian Champion alone, when Link had refused to so much as quirk an eyebrow in response to Revali's ever-sharpening taunts.
Then again… maybe he'd had one too many glasses of wine himself. Revali leaned up against a column behind Link, a sardonic gleam in his eyes.
“Shouldn’t you be back there?" he called, gesturing a lazy wing back towards the castle. Even up here, the sounds of music and celebration inside formed a constant, inescapable buzz. "This is your party, isn't it?”
Grimacing, Revali sauntered up closer until he stood right beside Link, leaning out over the balcony himself to see what exactly had captured his attention. He'd not chosen the most picturesque view for his evening contemplations, facing north over the castle's moat with a few grassy hills in the distance. The trees in the forest beyond them were barely visible at night, coated as always in a luminescent mist.
It might have been a salve to his battered pride if Link had acted the least bit startled by his presence, but unfortunately he did not. He glanced back at Revali, eyes barely gleaming in the dim moonlight… and turned back again without speaking, ignoring him.
Revali eyed Link sideways, his frustration only mounting when he wouldn’t do the same. Had Link truly so little regard for a fellow Champion that he wouldn't even look at him?
“My challenge remains from the first time we met, you know,” Revali murmured, watching closely to see whether Link so much as batted an eye in his direction. He didn’t. “Prove yourself superior to me, and I will graciously lead your throngs of admirers in their… hero worship.”
Still nothing. What good was a rival who refused to engage even in conversation, much less a test of abilities?
With a quiet noise of disgust, Revali gave up, turning back the way he’d come. The view here was dismal, the company depressing, and Revali refused to put on another show for such an unappreciative audience. Maybe he could track down an unattended bottle of wine somewhere instead and forget this night ever happened.
He was halfway across the balcony when he heard it.
"I don't want you to do that."
Revali stopped. He turned. Link still wasn't looking in his direction, staring stiffly over the railing precisely where Revali had left him... but there wasn't anyone else who could have spoken.
"Pardon?" Revali tilted his head, wings tucked behind him as he walked slowly back. Each click of his talons rang out against the decorative tile. "For a moment there, I thought perhaps that the hero chosen to defeat the Calamity might have deigned to acknowledge my existence… but surely I'm mistaken.”
…Nothing. Revali very nearly growled, the feathers of his crest rising one by one in irritation—except Link had spoken. Something Revali had done must have had an effect.
That thought alone was enough to drag him to Link's side once more, staring down over his beak at him. His patience was rewarded this time when Link met his gaze. Steady blue eyes pierced him through, searching for something in his own green depths—and a strange thrill sparked to life inside him.
Revali cleared his throat.
“What do you want from me, then?" he asked, his voice kept scornful through sheer force of will. "What should I be for you, if not utterly adoring?”
Link's lip quivered briefly, and Revali raised an eyebrow, cataloging the motion away in his small, yet expanding collection of reactions earned. This time, he could see Link's lips move as he spoke.
Revali ruffled his feathers, unprepared for such sincerity. It grated at his carefully crafted armor of disdain, leaving him with barely enough shreds to hide himself behind.
“What do you mean?” he asked at last, and got more of an answer in return than he'd bargained for.
“Those people." Link jerked his head back towards the castle. "In there. They’ll flatter me to my face because they think I can save them, but what they say to each other in secret is… something else. About me, and about…" His lips compressed, a thin, straight line. "With you, there’s no difference. You say what you think no matter what. It’s… nice.”
“Nice,” Revali repeated blankly. Nice was… not a word he'd heard used to describe himself very often. 
So the compliments they paid Link were no more sincere than the ones they gave Revali, were they? It rankled to discover even that much common ground between them.
"What do I get in return?" he asked abruptly. Link’s head tilted, the hint of a question, and Revali clarified. "For being honest. If I'm doing you so great a favor, surely I should be offered something worthwhile in recompense."
"What… do you want?"
Link's lip quirked again, half-incredulous. Had all his little tells simply escaped Revali's notice until now, or had loosening his tongue loosened up the rest of him, too? Come to think of it, how many others had been privy to hearing Link speak at all? Revali startled himself by hoping fiercely that the number was vanishingly few.
Revali considered the question. What could he ask for in exchange for something he'd always intended to give anyway—his honest, uncensored opinion of Link?
He grinned.
"You," he said… and when Link blinked, mouth falling open in confused protest, Revali continued. "In my debt. I want to live my life knowing that the hero tasked with defeating Calamity Ganon owes me a favor."
Link stared, his whole body shifting to face Revali. Revali only raised an eyebrow, trying not to let on just how triumphant he felt in that moment. Whatever else he achieved this night, Link was certainly not ignoring him.
"I always repay a favor," Link said slowly. Implied was the notion that he would not remain in Revali's debt for long.
"And I'm asking you to put it off," Revali said smoothly. "That's not too much to ask in exchange for honesty, is it? Now, if I'm being honest, you are not the company I was looking for, so I think I'll be on my way."
Revali turned away with a smirk, beaded braids whipping around behind him—and stopped as a hand grasped his wing in a steel grip. Looking back, he found himself pinned beneath a blue stare almost as sharp as the sword on Link's back. That same thrill sparked through him again, one hundred times stronger. One thousand.
"I always repay a favor."
"I... look forward to it," Revali said, with barely enough presence of mind to regret how breathless he sounded.
Instead, he took to the skies, more frazzled than he cared to admit but buoyed by the thought of watching Link squirm... for a little while, at least.
Nodding, Link let Revali go, striding back through the castle's passageways and off into the night with no further word of farewell. Staring after him, it took Revali a moment to realize he had the balcony to himself now—except he felt too overcome by restlessness now to consider standing still. A part of Revali even wanted to follow after Link, ludicrous though that was. What exactly did he intend to do if he caught up with him?
So he always repays a favor, does he?
He surprised himself by looking forward to watching Link try. Maybe he would come up with something that surprised them both.
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scully-loves-ruthie · 2 years
Fictober Day 13
Prompt: I don't want you to do that
Fandom: The X-Files
 She asked him last week what he wanted to do for his birthday, he seemed less than jovial about the occasion.
          “Come one Mulder, we haven’t really celebrated the last couple years.”
          “It’s not like we were really in a position to be celebrating.”  He mumbled out, pushing past her for his morning coffee.
          “I could make a cake,” She offered wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.
          “I don’t want you to do that Scully.  It’s just another day.”  He shimmies out of her embrace headed toward the office, his pajama pants dragging on the hardwood offering a stark contrast to her work heels.  He loved the way Scully looked when she left for the hospital, it was his own niche he was looking to fill, and pajama pants weren’t getting him on the New York times best seller list lately.
          “Suit yourself Mulder.”  She offered dropping him a patterned kiss on her way out the door.
          That’s exactly how they ended up here, blankets laid in the backyard, the slow hum of insects and the wind lulling them to sleep.  Scully’s naked body nestled perfectly beneath Mulder’s, both cocooned tight insides a sleeping bag.  A call back to earlier times, not better, just able to be the stuff of fodder these days.  He did get lucky he thought as he rolled over to pop a mini cupcake in his mouth.  He never said no to mini cupcakes.  He lowers his head to kiss Scully slowly, deeply, intentionally feeding her some of his frosting.  He may be 46, and it may be just another day, but another day with Scully is all he ever wanted for his birthday and for his life.    
@fictober-event @xffictober2022 @today-in-fic
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astridncs · 2 years
The Best Day Ever
-a little bit late oops-
Fictober 2022  — Day 8: Mulder and William have a day-out ; tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 ; also on AO3
“You sure you guys will be alright?” Scully asked for probably the third time already.
“Yes, Scully, we’ll be fine.” Mulder reassured her. “Right, buddy?” he asked turning to their four-year-old who was already bouncing off the walls with energy.
“Yeth, Daddy!” William exclaimed. He was all smiles and excitement that Scully couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Alright, but you have to promise Mommy that you’ll be good for Daddy.” Scully said, getting down to William’s level.
William nodded his head eagerly before saying, “I pwomise, Mommy.” He had a serious look on his face that Mulder would swear made him look so much alike Scully.
“Okay, well, you guys have fun, alright?” she said. “But not too much fun.” She added, looking up to Mulder who just winked back.
“Give Mommy a big hug, buddy.” Mulder instructed William.
William softly lunged himself into Scully’s arms and she engulfed him with a hug and tons of kisses that made him giggle loudly. It was one of the sounds that made Scully’s heart soar with so much love.
“I love you, both.” She said, pressing a kiss on William’s cheek before standing up and kissing Mulder on the lips.
“And we love you too.” Mulder told her, pressing another kiss on her lips.
Scully walked them to the car, made sure they all had their stuff packed – food, first aid kit, bicycles – yes, bicycles. They were going to a trail that Mulder reassured her was safe for the both of them. She trusts him so much that she doesn’t seem to worry.
She watched her boys drive away, waving back at William who was waving to her from his booster seat and blowing her kisses. When they were out of sight, she went back inside and wondered what to do having the whole house to herself for the next couple of hours.
continue on AO3
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atths--twice · 2 years
It’s Fictober! Time for posting stories! 🎃
So, I created a prompt list and I shared it. A suggestion was made and it gave me pause because it wasn’t my plan. Buuuut, the more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. ❤️
Instead of 31 separate stories, I will be writing a 31 chaptered story using the prompt list I created. I had no intention of doing it this way and have no idea how this will go, but I am excited to see what happens.
So, come join me on this wild journey, won’t you?
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Just Beyond the Edge
Halloween. A monster, a case, and a relationship that is slowly evolving.
Chapter One
What Do You Mean, No?
October 1999
“Tali-Keno,” Mulder said excitedly as he opened the door to the office, causing Scully to startle and glare at him.
“Jesus Christ, Mulder,” she said, letting out an exasperated breath. “Whatever happened to good morning. How are you today?”
“Good morning, Scully,” he replied with a grin, hanging up his coat as she crossed her arms and stared at him. “How are you today?”
She rolled her eyes, but could not stop her lips from quirking as she shook her head.
“I was doing well until you burst in here like an overly sugared toddler,” she stated and he laughed as he stepped closer to her. “What were you saying? Something about a teddy corn?”
“Tali-Keno,” he corrected her and she shrugged as he grinned.
“Who, or more than likely what, is a Tali-Keno?” she asked and he chuckled.
“The Tali-Keno is believed to have lived hundreds of years ago-”
“Hmm,” she hummed, shaking her head.
“And recently it’s been spotted.”
“Has it?”
“Yup!” he said excitedly, turning to the filing cabinet and rifling through the drawers. “It was believed to only appear in October, around Halloween, scaring children and causing adults to take caution, staying home to avoid being killed or maimed.”
“Sounds like a story told to keep townspeople in line. Most likely as a balance between God and the Devil. Good and evil.”
“Oh, Scully,” he said, taking out a file and slamming the drawer. He smiled and opened the file, handing her a piece of paper with an old drawing of a large gargoyle type creature.
“Mulder,” she scoffed, laughing slightly. “You can’t be serious. This is a generic drawing that could be anything aside from what it is supposed to be. It could be a large dog, perhaps a person in a cloak or a jacket. Perhaps the person who claimed to have seen it was drunk or suffering from a sickness. There are many things it could be aside from this… tall, grotesque… are those wings?” She looked at him and he nodded happily. “Mulder…”
“Okay, I can see that drawing hasn’t won you over.”
“Hardly,” she murmured, handing him back the paper and he chuckled.
“How about this one then?” He handed her another one and it was almost identical, except this creature had red eyes and claws dripping with blood. She looked at him and sighed. “Or this one?”
Another drawing, very similar to the other two, was handed to her and she shook her head with a smile as she gave them both back to him.
“Mulder, no.”
“What do you mean, no?”
“I mean,” she said, pointing to the file. “This “creature”-”
“I don’t think there’s a need for air quotes here, Scully,” he deadpanned and she fought back a laugh.
“This… idea,” she said, raising her eyebrows and he nodded with a small smile, accepting the change. She rolled her eyes and licked her lips to stop from smiling back at him. “This belief, or legend, is not unlike the hundreds we’ve investigated already.”
“No, it’s different.”
“How?” she asked, crossing her arms.
“It only appears around Halloween.”
“And? You need more? It’s Halloween, Scully,” he said, giving her an incredulous look.
“And?” she asked again.
“What do you mean? How are you not getting this? It’s a creature. It’s Halloween.”
He stared at her and she blinked a few times before shrugging her shoulders and making a face. His mouth dropped open and she laughed, reaching out to pat his arm.
“Mulder, we have investigated many “monsters and creatures”-”
“Again with the air quotes,” he said, sighing as he shook his head and she laughed again.
“We’ve investigated many unbelievable things and often it’s not a monster, it’s simply a person or… an alligator.”
“How dare you,” he said quietly and she laughed harder, shaking her head at his expression of mock outrage.
“Mulder…” she said, smiling and placing her hands palms up as she shrugged again. “I don’t see how Skinner is going to allow us to go chasing after this thing without any cause.”
“It’s been seen, Scully. Eyewitness accounts.”
“Not by a lake,” she said teasingly and he narrowed his eyes at her. “Because we’ve already solved that one.”
“I refer you to my previously stated comment,” he said and she smiled.
God, but he is cute, she thought, her eyes flicking quickly to his lips then back to his eyes.
“I’m not going to some lake to hunt down a monster,” she said. “I have no desire to end up stuck on a rock watching our boat sink.”
“Well, you’re in luck. It’s not been spotted near a lake.”
“That’s good.”
“It’s been seen in a graveyard.”
“Mmm,” she growled, her eyebrows knitting together.
“An old graveyard at the edge of a forest.”
“Ughhhhh,” she drawled out and he could not suppress a grin.
“Always after midnight.”
“Mullllllderrrrr,” she whined and he laughed, squeezing her upper arm. “Noooooo…”
“It will be quick, hopefully, as Halloween is in five days.”
“Noooo,” she said softly, groaning as she stared at him.
“Four people have reported seeing it in the graveyard before it then hurries at impossible speed back into the forest.”
“Oh, that sounds like it will be super easy to solve,” she said sarcastically. “Why are we still talking about it? Why aren’t we on our way to… where is it?”
She blinked at him then exhaled loudly through her nose.
“Vermont,” she said flatly.
“Vermont. In the fall. In a graveyard near a forest.”
“Colonel Mustard with the lead pipe,” he teased and she inhaled sharply.
“Do you have any idea how cold it’s going to be if we do go gallivanting off?”
“Not if, when.”
“Mulder,” she said, shaking her head. “No.”
“Scully, yes,” he said gleefully. “We have a briefing with Skinner in… twenty minutes.”
“What? No. Why? Noooo. Mulderrrrr,” she whined again and he laughed, now squeezing both her arms.
“Make sure to pack some warm clothes, Scully. We’re heading off to the beautiful state of Vermont.”
She groaned and he laughed once more as her shoulders slumped and she hung her head in defeat.
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 23. Not on my watch!
Fandom: 911
Ship: Buck x Eddie
Summary: Just a usual evening at the Diaz house, which takes an unexpected turn.
Words: 1170
Note: Apparently I can't stop writing about buddie 🤷😂 so here's another short and silly one idk haha
“Oh, no, dad’s winning!” Chris exclaimed, as all three of them sat on the couch playing some video game. Buck was in the middle, with Chris and Eddie on each side.
“Not on my watch!” Buck said, and before Eddie could react, he got pushed off the couch, and Buck stalled his avatar in the game, too, making Chris win the race. His son started cheering, while Eddie grumpily got off the floor.
“It’s not fair, you two always team up against me.” he complained.
“Well, I gotta help my favorite Diaz.” Buck grinned at him and Eddie almost broke his mock-annoyed facade. Buck had such a charming smile, you couldn’t look at it and not smile back. Chris beamed at Buck’s words, too, and then it was simply impossible not to smile back.
“Wow, that hurts.” Eddie tried to keep serious, but he did laugh briefly. “Whatever, I’m not playing with you guys anymore.” he put the controller on the table and moved to walk out of the room.
“Aw, Eds, don’t pout.” Buck teased.
“I’m not pouting.” he rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna go order dinner. What do you guys want?”
“Pizza.” Buck answered immediately. 
“So basic.” Eddie shook his head with a smile. Buck made an offended face.
“I want pizza, too.” Chris added.
“You got it.” he grinned at Buck, who stuck out his tongue like a child. It shouldn’t have been as adorable as Eddie found it. Eddie just laughed and went to the kitchen, where he was pretty sure he left his phone. Whenever Buck was around and all three of them spent time together, Eddie just felt so happy and carefree, as if nothing could ever be wrong. Those were his favorite moments.
He ordered pizza, and when it got there, they put on a movie to watch while eating, while still talking and bickering like they did the whole evening. Like always, it was pretty great. Soon after that, it was bedtime for Christopher, which left Buck and Eddie alone on the couch, finishing the movie. They were sitting closer than was necessary, their thighs touching. Buck just finished the last slice of the already-cold pizza, and since Eddie kept glancing at him more often than necessary, he noticed that Buck got some sauce on his face. So, without even thinking about it, Eddie grabbed a napkin and delicately wiped the sauce off of Buck’s cheek. Buck looked at him weirdly, but didn’t say anything, just focused on the movie again.
And Eddie sat there, feeling his cheeks grow hot, and wondering what the fuck was wrong with him. Why didn’t he just say something? Why go there immediately? He was getting too comfortable with this whole domesticity thing with Buck – but it wasn’t his fault, Buck was always there, helping his kid with homework, cooking breakfast or dinner, helping him clean up, picking Chris up from school or a friend’s house, just hanging out and being there for them… And don’t get him wrong, Eddie loved all that. But if you added his very strong, constantly growing feelings for his best friend to all this, well… shit could get confusing. Especially since apparently his brain turned off around Buck, in non-work-related settings.
He tried to relax and just watch the movie, pretending that he didn’t do anything weird. If they didn’t acknowledge it, it didn’t happen. Whatever. Not like he was gonna spend the whole night lying in bed and berating himself for it. Best to ignore it.
But then, he felt Buck’s gaze on him, and from the corner of his eye Eddie could see him just observing him. So, Eddie decided to be braver than he felt and turned his head to Buck. Did he mention they were sitting close? Because they were way too close, and Eddie almost stopped breathing. Buck had a curious expression and a soft smile on his face. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Eddie chuckled nervously, a slow, involuntary smile spreading across his face. Seriously, was there one person in the world who could resist a smile when Buck smiled at them? If so, something had to be seriously wrong with them.
“You look happy lately.” Buck said after a few moments of just staring at Eddie. That was not what Eddie expected after being weird just a few minutes ago.
“Uh, that’s because I am.” he answered, confused, still smiling. “You make me happy.” he dared to add, whispering, now not only his cheeks but his whole face and neck felt hot. What was he even doing, if this backfired, he was gonna have to fucking… move out of the country, no question about it.
“That’s all I wanna do.” Buck whispered. Eddie’s heart was pounding, he was sure Buck could both hear and feel it. “I love to see you happy.” then, he just turned back towards the screen, and what just happened? 
“You can’t just say that.” Eddie burst out suddenly, making Buck look back at him with amusement and surprise. Honestly, Eddie was a bit annoyed at how confident and casual Buck was right now, while he could barely hold it together. It was so unlike him, but one look and smile from Buck, and Eddie was a complete mess. When did it get to this point? He knew he was falling for him harder and deeper every day, but he didn’t think he was this deep yet.
“Say what?”
“Can I ask you something?” Buck asked. Eddie nodded, anxiously. “Would I ruin our friendship if I kissed you right now?” and wow, his voice was steady, his expression still curious, and the little bit of nerves Eddie could see in his eyes only.
For a few seconds Eddie could only stare at him, his eyes wide. Did he hear that correctly? That wasn’t possible… He’d been pining for Buck for so long, and now on some random evening he just basically decides to… to insinuate that the feelings are mutual? What kind of alternate universe was Eddie in right now?
“Hell no.” he said eagerly once he processed the question. “Please kiss me.” he added, and Buck laughed, leaning in. Eddie met him halfway, having waited for this for too long. Buck’s soft lips moved firmly and confidently, and Eddie didn’t have a single thought in his head aside from ‘he’s kissing me! Buck’s kissing me!’ The kiss was intense, but soft, and felt way too short – when Buck pulled away, Eddie chased after him, earning another wonderful smile. 
“Hey.” he looked into Eddie’s eyes. “Do you want to go out on a date? With me?” he added, as if it wasn’t clear. 
“Yeah. Of course I do.” Eddie grinned, going back in for another kiss. He was still kind of in shock at how that regular evening turned out. They were just hanging out as always, nothing unusual, and now Eddie and Buck were… going on a fucking date. Who could’ve seen this coming?
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not-krys · 2 years
Fictober 2022: A New Resident
Prompt #25: You Know I'd Do Anything
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: Mature
Characters: Comte de Saint Germain, Preg!Reader, Leonardo da Vinci, Arthur Conan Doyle
Summary: After finding that Blanc and Rogue could do nothing to help improve your condition, Comte decides the only option left to save your baby is to offer his own blood.
Notes: Blood, AFAB Reader referenced with she/her pronouns and feminine-coded terms, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Implied/References to pregnancy and birth complications, use of French and Italian when neither are languages I speak so the usage is possibly incorrect.
Word Count: 2,157
Also on ao3!
My Masterlist!
"You know that I'd do anything for her… for them…" Comte brushed your damp bangs out of your eyes, closed in an uneasy sleep.
"Even risk turning her?" Leonardo said pointedly, glaring at his old friend.
"Blanc and Rouge aren't doing as well as we had hoped. I also don't want to risk the other residents either. It has to be a pureblood's essence. My blood."
"And what happens if you lose both of them? What then?"
Comte looked pained, looking again at his beloved's face.
"…We have to try something, Leonardo. I can't stand to see them suffering like this."
Leonardo glared, staring down the other vampire, his teeth grinding together.
"Fine… but we're using a knife. No need to get your fangs involved."
Comte smiled, tired, but relieved.
"Thank you, mon ami."
"I'll go ask Sebas for one." Leonardo turned with the speed only a pureblood could manage, his coat tails trailing behind him.
Comte turned his attention back to his cherie on the bed, pale but still breathing. He kissed your fevered forehead, brushing back more of your sweat-dampened hair. His other hand trailed down your side, to your swollen abdomen covered by the thin sheet. He pressed his hand into you, feeling a tiny heart beneath his hand against what he could only assume was his child's back.
"So strong." Comte said tenderly, his smile soft despite his fatigue. "for one so tiny."
His eyes turned back to his love, his smile turning to a frown.
"I'm sorry, ma cherie." he said, sadly, "this… all of this… none of us knew that this was even possible. For purebloods and humans to be able to reproduce together… and now you're paying the price for it…"
His hand trembled in your hair.
"If I could take away your suffering, all of it… you know that I would. But it's becoming harder and harder to find viable options. I thought that the Rouge would help as it's the closest to the real thing, but even that is starting to fail."
His breath shuddered, struggling to keep his voice even as he spoke to you.
"If nothing else works… if my blood isn't enough… what must I do?"
He received no answer aside from your steady breathing and the tiny heart beating beneath his hand.
Minutes later, Leonardo returned with Arthur in tow, carrying a bowl of hot water and towels.
"He refused to stay behind with the others," Leonardo commented, "and said we might need this."
"I'm no midwife, but I've delivered my fair share of babies before, so I'll help with what I can if it comes to that."
Comte frowned.
"It's too soon," he said, "they would be premature."
"It's always a possibility that we need to prepare for," said Arthur, "as another idea, in case yours doesn't work out, of course."
He then washed his hands in the nightstand bowl.
"What is the plan, anyway?"
"I'm going to give her some of my blood." Comte said plainly.
"But… won't that turn her?"
"Only if a pureblood's venom is administered first." Leonardo said, placing down the hot water nearby.
"Though the bite from a pureblood," Comte continued, helping you to sit up amongst the large pile of pillows. "However, to be effectively turned, the prospective vampire also has to drink their maker's blood, to complete the transformation."
"Has to be a pureblood's blood too, not one of you lesser ones. 'Scusa, cara mia." Leonardo helped fluff up your pillows.
"But, since Blanc and Rouge don't seem to be helping her anymore, we're resorting to more desperate measures."
"I see."
"That's what the knife is for." Leonardo said, putting a towel under your chin. "Comte's gonna slice himself open for our amusement. "
"Just a cut on my wrist, nothing more. Hopefully nothing more." He rolled up his sleeve, exposing the milky white of his arm, flexing his hand to release the tension. "And please don't be so crude in front of my wife and child, Leonardo."
"What better way would you have put it?"
"So, as far as I'm understanding what we're doing, " Arthur interjected, "We're going to have the bird drink your blood, and then what? Hope for the best? Pregnancy is meant to have an end where the little bundle has to come out."
"…Will she even be alright? With drinking a pureblood's blood?"
"We're not sure," Comte said, "but we have to try something…"
You winced and groaned, breaking Comte's train of thought. You gripped the sheets so tightly, your knuckles turned white.
"A-Abel," you whispered hoarsely.
"[Name]! I'm right here," Comte took hold of your hand, "What's wrong?"
"It… it hurts…"
"What hurts? Where does it hurt?"
You moved your hand over your stomach, grimacing.
"I… I don't know what's wrong…." you hissed, hot tears forming in your eyes. "It hurts…"
"[Name]," Comte said calmly as he could, smoothing back your hair again, "I want you to drink some of my blood. We're going to see if it helps."
"But… what if…"
"Please, cherie," Comte pleaded, "it's the last thing we haven't tried. Let me help you."
You swallow, breathing hard but shallow.
"…If… if it will help…"
Comte kissed your forehead.
"It will work."
He released your hand and took the kitchen knife from Leonardo, turning his back to you. You then heard a sharp hiss through his teeth and a grunt of pain. When he turned back around, a rivulet of red oozed down his arm. He sat down on the edge of the bed, holding out his wrist to you.
"It shouldn't taste too different from Rouge." Comte reassured you.
"Coppery, then…" you tried to laugh, but winced instead.
Comte held his wrist closer, giving your mouth easy access, rubbing your shoulder with his other hand. Carefully, you licked up his arm, pretending not to notice the shiver that went through him. It did taste similar to Rouge, coppery as blood had always tasted to you, but there was a difference. The warmth for one, how fresh it was, not diluted with thinners so that it was drinkable and kept for longer. It didn't taste particularly good but it wasn't completely disgusting. There was also something else there that you couldn't quite describe. Something old… powerful… Was this what made up a pureblood's blood?
When you had finished, nothing remained on Comte's wrist save for an angry red line, already on its way to turning white and faint.
Everything turned still save for your breathing. No other sound entered the room.
"How do you feel, Cherie?" Comte said.
"It might take a minute to fully take effect," Arthur said, "letting it get through her system and all tha-!"
Suddenly, you were sitting up, clutching your stomach, breathing hard and ragged.
"[Name]!" Comte called out.
"Well, it did something!" Leonardo said.
"Pardon me, sirs!" Arthur was now at your side, throwing the blanket off, blinking in surprise.
"W-wet…" you said weakly.
"Wet?" Comte said.
"I think her water just broke," Arthur frowned.
"It's too soon!" Comte said, "[Name]!"
"Can't do anything about it now!" Arthur said. "Comte, you help [Name] get control of her breathing. Last thing we need is her passing out. And I know you'll get mad if I didn't ask, but take off any underclothes she has on. And I'll only look as much as necessary. Leonardo, you get me some of those towels. Call out to Sebas that we might be needing more. And my doctor bag in my closet. And something soft we can wrap the baby in."
Leonardo nodded, helping Arthur place the towels and calling for Sebastian through a crack in the door while Comte gently pulled off your underwear.
"[Name]," Arthur said calmly to you, "what you're likely experiencing right now are contractions. What I want you to do, besides keep on taking as deep and easy breaths as you can, is to tell me when the pains become more intense. I'm timing them so I can know when to tell you to push. Only do so when I tell you to, alright?"
"In the meantime," Arthur cracked a smile, "how about you two talk about names? Maybe place bets on if you're gonna have a boy or girl?"
 You looked over at Comte as he looked over at you.
"Well… our odds favor having a boy. " Comte said, "Female purebloods are rare, even rarer to find one that can bear children."
"Rare?" you say, wincing.
"Rare enough to be quite valuable, especially in the old families. Mère had to be guarded at all times, before and after I was born. Other families would do anything to say they have a child-bearer amongst them."
"My mamma hated being guarded," said Leonardo, returning with more towels and a small yellow blanket. "always complained to Papà about it. Hated how it limited her freedom."
You grimaced and breathed in.
"Stronger now…"
"Just a little longer," Arthur glanced at his watch then back at you. "you're doing fine, given the circumstances."
"Keep your breathing calm.  You'll be needing it soon."
"How soon?"
"It varies, mostly, though not by this much. At best, this normally would be over in a few hours, a full day or so if you're not so lucky. This? This is happening so quickly, I'm a little baffled myself. Maybe the old chap's blood helped accelerate the labor?"
"It is normally supposed to help turn a normal human into a vampire," Comte thought aloud, "I'm sorry, Cherie. This is my fault."
You smiled tensely.
"No one knew something like this… how any of this was possible. We were all taken by surprise. You just wanted to help."
You reach a hand up towards his cheek, intending to try and comfort him, but another pain rattled you, your hand falling back to the bed sheets.
"Pardon the intrusion, luv!" Arthur was at your feet in an instant, grabbing a nearby towel. His eyes widened again in surprise. "Bloody hell, the head's already- Leonardo, grab my scissors and keep that blanket handy! [Name], I know this is going super fast, but when I count to three, I want you to push for me."
Your hand clenched the sheets while you gritted your teeth. Comte took hold of your hand, letting it clamp around his.
You looked at him, seeing him smile to encourage you, nodding.
With Arthur's command, you squeezed Comte's hand as hard as you could, holding your breath. You released when you felt you couldn't hold it anymore, panting hard.
"Head's almost out," Arthur said, "two more should get the shoulders out. On the count of three again, [Name]. One!"
You clenched Comte's hand again, his face thankful for his vampire strength keeping his fingers and palm from shattering.
On Arthur's call of another three, you pushed the second time, feeling your heart racing and your face turning red with effort. On the third push, Arthur called Leonardo over, the sound of snipping scissors barely registering in your ears.
"No wonder you were in so much pain, wrapped up in your own cord." Arthur bit his lip while cleaning off their nose and mouth. "Color still looks good, thank-."
He was interrupted by a new voice in the room, a tiny cough soon followed by a breathy cry.
"That's…"Comte started.
"Almost out," Arthur said, "almost there, little bairn. Nearly there, [Name]."
"Che cavolo…" said Leonardo.
The next few minutes blurred together through flashes of pain and tiny cries that stole your heart.
After what felt like hours, the pain stopped, gone completely. You could breathe easier.
Everyone was smiling, relieved.
"Congrats, [Name], Comte." Arthur said, wiping his brow.
"Say hello to your …bambina, cara mia," Leonardo said, handing over the tiny bundle of yellow, dwarfed by the vampire's large hands.
"Bambina?" you ask.
"Against your odds, you have a little girl." Arthur grinned.
"A little girl…" You said, taking in the wrinkly red face on your chest, Comte in just as much awe.
"She seems to be in good health overall, surprisingly," Arthur continued. "if on the small side, but that's to be expected with preemies. We'll have to keep an eye on her, since she is so tiny."
Comte gently rubbed his finger against her cheek, turning his head to kiss yours.
"She's beautiful, cherie."
You nodded, keeping your attention on your daughter. Arthur and Leonardo slipped out, presumably to go tell the others about their new 'resident', but you also heard distinct mumblings of badly needing a hundred cigarillos all at the same time and a drink strong enough to knock someone out into next Tuesday. 
Comte continued to keep you company, crawling into bed beside you, wrapping an arm around you and burying his nose in your hair, tired and relieved as you were. You both fell asleep like that, holding each other close, a family bonded together.
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
Fictober 2022, Day 4: How Would That Even Work?
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Rating: Mature Pairing: Mitsuhide Akechi x Preg!Reader Summary: Mitsuhide just wants you to sit in his lap and eat oranges with him. Warnings: Sensual orange eating, pregnancy, Mitsuhide being a tease, if that's a warning
My Masterlist! Also on ao3!
"How would that even work?"
"It's really quite simple. You sit on my lap and I would feed you from my hand. How does that sound?"
"I can feed myself just fine."
"You wound me, little mouse," Mitsuhide sighed dramatically, putting a hand to his heart. "A few days separated has already turned your heart to ice. My heart weeps in despair."
His eyes, still golden and dry, said otherwise.
"Your melancholy is certainly palpable, Mitsuhide."
You cross your arms and look away, feeling embarrassed to say the real reason you didn't want to sit in his lap and eat from his hand. His fingers took the opportunity to tickle your defenseless abdomen.
"It would take quite a bit more than you, our little kit, and a handful of fruit to break my thighs, if that's what's troubling you."
You turned further away, feeling your ears burn. Mitsuhide poked you again.
"Come now, Little Mouse, these oranges I worked so hard to pick for you will rot at this rate."
You tense, feeling the craving for the sweet tanginess of oranges come over you so suddenly. True, you had told him you liked oranges before, but the craving coming over you was intense.
"[Name]," Mitsuhide said more firmly, the sound of a round fruit rolling on a plate catching your attention.
He had his thumb placed at the top of the orange, the rind giving easily to quick, gentle pressure. He put half a piece to his mouth, bit down and the juice dribbled down his chin. You swallowed, hard.
"But… you can't taste anything-"
"It's wet," he said simply, licking his lips sensually. "Cool on the tongue. Little sticky if I had to give it one flaw."
He finished off his little piece, licking the remaining juice from his fingers, making sure to look you in the eye while doing so.
"Delicious," his voice was low as he pulled another piece off and biting it as well, proving it just as juicy and dripping as the first. And again, Mitsuhide licked his lips and fingers, stirring them against his tongue.
With caution thrown to the wind, you over take his sweet, sticky lips, tasting the remaining nectar from his chin. Mitsuhide chuckled.
"My, someone's hungry." He tore off another piece and touched it to your lips.
"Now, say 'ahh'."
You complied with a pout, agitated that he had won you over. The whole piece brushed your tongue, the sweetest tang exploding in your mouth. As soon as you chew and swallow, you feel a wet warmth slide up your lip corner, a quick swipe that makes your cheeks burn.
"…Did you just-?
"My hands are occupied, unfortunately, so my options are limited, as you can see."
"You could have told me and I would have gotten it."
"Now, where's the fun in that?" He tore another piece. "Ahh?"
The second piece was just as juicy and sweet as the first, Mitsuhide coming to your rescue once again, licking your chin.
"Such a messy eater, dear [Name]," Mitsuhide chuckled after the third piece, "I hope that isn't behavior you're going to teach our kit."
"Says their father who eats leaves and bark straight off trees."
"Only as a last resort to stave off starvation. Though…" he touched his nose to yours, "I recommend boiling it in strips to protect your delicate teeth. Or grinding it to a powder to make it into a small cake."
"N-no thank you. I think I'll stick with the oranges."
"Pity, I was looking forward to making you a tasty tree bark cake."
 "Masamune would run you through for even stepping a foot into the kitchens."
"He cannot protect every kitchen in Japan, and certainly not the ones in my domain, amusing as it would be to see him try."
He licked his lips one more time before placing his hands behind your knees and back, making his sure his sticky fingers weren't touching your clothes. You grabbed onto Mitsuhide's neck to keep balance.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking you to get washed up. I want to give our kit some pets, but I can't do so with my hands in such a  sticky mess."
"Then, why are you carrying me?"
"To make sure you can't escape me." He kissed your lip corner, looking you in the eye, "Feeding you those oranges and kit petting are going to be the most innocent thing I plan to do to you tonight."
You swallow, seeing that familiar glint in his eye. Oh…
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summersnow82 · 2 years
Evening Walks
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Fanfiction _ Once Upon a Time
Fictober 2022/ Prompt #18: “I don’t think this is your problem.”
Summary: Archie comes to the rescue! Takes place during "The Curse."
Author’s Note: I love Archie. I still feel like he was completely underused, and yeah, I’m still bitter about it. I’ve paired him with two different OC’s in the past, but I’m also a huge fan of the RedCricket pairing. This is my chance to dabble. Enjoy!
Dr. Archibald Hopper had a car, but he preferred to walk. It was an opportunity to walk Pongo, enjoy the outdoors, and a chance to say hello to everyone who crossed his path. This preference allowed him to see things others wouldn’t as they went about their day; he knew when Mary Margaret was feeling down, when Granny and Ruby had been fighting, and when Leroy had one too many to drink. He knew Storybrooke like the back of his hand, and the residents knew him as the kind, thoughtful doctor who could lend an ear when needed.
Archie liked being needed, and in this town he was in high demand.
Professionally, at least. For some reason he’d never had a successful relationship since he’d moved to Storybrooke. Hell, he’d barely had a successful date. Frustrating as it was, he couldn’t bring himself to be too upset about it because he knew part of the problem – a big part of the problem – was his infatuation with the lovely Ruby Lucas.
Logically, he knew it didn’t make sense. She was much younger than him, constantly trying to escape the town he adored, and he wasn’t exactly her type of man. She liked them assertive, aggressive even, someone to challenge her in a way Archie didn’t think he could. He’d heard the rumors and the gossip – Ruby was the town bike, call Ruby for a good time, good ol’ Ruby won’t leave you hanging like some girls. He always pushed those thoughts away or shut the conversations down as quickly as he could because he knew if she were a man the conversations would sound very different.
Still, it surprised him to see her in the alley beside Granny’s diner with a man he knew all too well. Liam Brody was a married man known for drinking away his paycheck, stepping out on his wife, and beating the hell out of anyone who looked at him sideways. Archie slowed his steps, refusing to avert his eyes as every red flag in his body went off. Ruby was backed against the brick wall with Liam leaning over her. His free hand brushed up and down her arm, and Archie noticed Ruby shifting her body to pull away from his touch. There was a tentative smile on her face, one Archie knew a woman typically used when she was trying to maneuver out of a difficult spot without escalating the situation further.
Archie had never seen Ruby like this, and he sure wasn’t about to round the corner and leave her with Liam. “Excuse me!” Archie tried cheerful first. “Evening, Liam,” Archie said, walking closer, forcing his smile to remain. “Ruby! I’m glad I caught you. I’ve got the answers for those questions we were talking about earlier.”
Ruby blinked, quickly catching on. “Oh, good. I -,” she moved towards him, but Liam placed a beefy hand on her shoulder, holding her still.
“What kinda answers?”
“Well, that’s,” Archie was having a hard time holding his smile, “that’s a bit personal, Liam. Doctor-patient confidentiality, and all that.”
Liam turned his eyes back to Ruby. “You seeing a shrink, girl?”
Ruby opened her mouth, stammering in a manner Archie knew only came from fear. “That’s really none of your business,” he answered for her.
Liam turned his eyes to Archie, narrowing them enough to send a clear message: leave. Now.
Archie remained firmly planted where he was. Pongo let out a low growl. “The girl and I were having a conversation. You can talk to her when I’m done.”
Archie assessed the situation. Being friendly wasn’t going to work. On to Plan B. “Her name is Ruby. Ruby Lucas. And from what I can gather,” Archie made a clear show of clocking her bloody knees and torn tights. “Your conversation is over.” His tone was cool and low, but firm.
Panic flooded Ruby’s eyes as Liam gripped her shoulder harder than before. “Archie, it’s… it’s okay. I’m all right. You can go.”
Liam shot Archie a cocky grin. “You heard the girl. I don’t think this is your problem.”
“Her name,” Archie said firmly, “is Ruby, and I am making it my problem.”
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drgnrder82 · 2 years
Fictober22: Do you remember?
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Warnings: None (surprising even me!)
Word count: 1304
Prompt: Do you remember?
A/N: I thought about this story for a long time... and I thought maybe I've posted something similar before but eh... here it is.
The note fell out of his locker, landing on his shoes. 
“A-hem!” Sam coughed. “Danny?” 
Danny bent to pick up the note, narrowly avoiding a swing from Dash. 
“OOOOOOH,” Tucker sang. “Danny’s got a secret admirer!” 
Danny spotted Sam swing at Tucker's chest from the corner of his eye. The note felt thick but oddly weightless. No name was written on any of the sides. The only way to know who this was for was to read it. It might not even be for Danny. 
“OOOOOH,” Tucker sang again, not learning his lesson from the first time. “Danny’s really got a…” 
“Don’t. Finish. That. Sentence.” Sam growled. 
Quietly Danny kept reading, and… if this was a love declaration, it would've been channeling ancient times. 
Or, well… it certainly sounded several decades out of fashion. 
“Sooooo? Who’s the lucky girl?” Tucker slid next to Danny. “Who’s Annabeth? There’s no Annabeth in Casper High.” 
“See, someone’s playing a prank. Let’s get to first period!” Without waiting for an answer, Sam stalked down the hall. 
The note was only the first strange thing that day. Before lunch, when Danny opened his locker, flowers fell out. Not a bouquet, just loose flowers of all varieties. Then after school, while waiting for their orders at Nasty Burger, Danny found a snack at their table labeled 'for Daniel.' 
After stealing a bit of the cake, Tucker said, "Dude, I like this 'Annabeth' secret admirer. Can we keep her around a couple more days before Danny tells her he's not interested? Unless…" 
"I'm not interested!" Danny screeched. Glancing at Sam, a hot blush filled his face. "But I need to find out what's going on. These things are all just appearing, but…" 
Danny's ghost breath activated, and his heart skipped a beat (hilarious, of course, because if he transformed, he wouldn't have a heartbeat). But before transforming, Danny scanned the area. There was nothing out of the ordinary at Nasty Burger. No one screaming. Nothing that told them, 'hey, ghost over here,' and that was saying something in Amity Park. 
“Today is full of strange stuff, that’s for sure,” Danny said and tried to enjoy his burger. 
As Danny stepped out the front door, he realized he couldn't place the feeling until finally, he felt the presence before the gift was placed. "Ah ha! Oh." 
Floating behind Danny on his parents' doorstep, holding a transparent box of chocolate, was a young woman… ghost. There were many ghosts Danny fought. Maniacal, psychotic, eternally loud and boisterous and evil… 
Some looked normal enough until they'd been pushed over a metaphorical edge. But this girl looked like nothing more than a girl. Granted, her dress was about 5 decades or more out of date. And her long, straight hair was pulled into a low ponytail. 
The poor girl-ghost yelped and dropped the ghostly chocolates. 
Before Danny could get another word out, the ghost girl (presumably, Annabeth) squeaked again, turned invisible, scooped up the chocolates, and flew off. 
"Hey, wait!" An alarm went off on Danny's phone. "Oh, man! I can be late and get written up or follow you?"
“Danny!” His father, Jack Fenton, cried from inside their house. “Where is that boy?” 
“At school, honey!” Danny’s mother called back. “Cause if he isn’t, he’s grounded until he graduates!” 
"Guess that answers that question," Danny complained and stomped off.
“So?” Tucker, somehow, cornered Danny at his locker. Actually making Danny feel trapped against his will even though he could turn ghost and leave if he wanted. 
“So, what?” Danny asked. 
“Was she pretty?” 
“She’s a ghost, Tucker. Probably mistook me for someone else named Daniel.” 
"Sure, another Daniel who is also a ghost. Come on, man! She's got a hardcore crush on you!" 
Somehow, Sam's books slipped from her hand and fell directly onto Tucker's foot. 
"Look, after school, I'll find her and talk to her. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.” 
“You might not have to wait long!” Sam smirked as some screams came from up the hall. 
Then quickly faded. Sure, down the hallway floated Annabeth the ghost, muttering to herself and rearranging the box of ghostly chocolates in neat rows within their box again. As a ghost not trying to scare people, she was mostly garnering strange looks and more than a few snide comments from Paulina about her dress. 
“Yeah… I’ll be right back.” Danny stepped into his locker, letting Tucker and Sam cover his hiding spot as he transformed. 
Danny went invisible and sailed down the hallway, grabbing hold of Annabeth and taking her with him through the closest classroom wall. 
“Oh. OH!” Annabeth squealed, dropping the ghostly chocolates and covering her face. “Daniel! What are you doing?” 
"Name's not 'Daniel,'" Danny said, letting go of Annabeth outside the school in the quiet courtyard. "Actually, it is," he continued, turning visible again. "But only my parents call me Daniel, and that's only when I'm in trouble. I'm Danny." 
"Oooooh," Annabeth sighed, then went to work fixing her mussed-up dress. Though, as a ghost, it was hardly necessary. She even tugged at her hair. "I must be an awful mess." 
“Annabeth?” Danny pulled her hands from her hair. They both hovered just off the ground, but Danny landed and brought her with him. “Who is Daniel?” 
“No… who is the Daniel you’re looking for? Do you remember?” 
Annabeth stumbled back. “You’re Daniel… you’re… oh. You’re not my Daniel?” She moved closer, studying Danny so closely that if he currently had a heartbeat, it would be erratic as all get out. 
Gently, Danny reached out, gripping Annabeth's shoulders and keeping her at arm's length. "What happened? Do you remember?" he repeated. 
“I… no, we were supposed to meet for our anniversary. But… well…” 
"I swear if you tell me his last name was 'Fenton,' I will lose it." 
"No. Not Fen-ton? But his home… his parents… they lived just there," Annabeth said and pointed at the Fenton home. "… and this school… it's the same…" 
Danny chuckled. “That does not surprise me. This school feels ancient!” 
Annabeth's eyes cast down, stifling a sob. Danny had met so many terrifying ghosts (and maybe a few that were not so terrifying **cough cough** Box Ghost **cough cough**), but this girl was not like any of them. Plus, Annabeth was a ghost for a reason… but why? 
“Were you and Daniel together when…” 
She couldn’t hold back the sob any longer. “No. I’ve been looking for him for decades and then you…” 
“How about this?” Danny asked quickly, trying to stem the flood of tears. “We’ll help you look for your Daniel?”
Sam and Tucker, out of breath, came running up to Danny. “We need to hustle to class!” 
“Mr. Lancer is on the warpath,” Tucker added. 
"Ah! If I get written up one more time…!" Danny glanced at Annabeth. "Here," Danny said, pulling out a notebook and pen from his backpack in Tucker's grasp. "We'll figure out where Daniel is together. Write down what you remember about Daniel, about where you lived… about everything, and we'll find him. When not under the impending doom of detention." 
Danny started to change back to his human form when Annabeth jumped into him for a hug. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. 
“Heh, heh, heh. Yeah.” Danny quickly pried the girl ghost off him as Sam seemed to be near fuming again. “Whoa.” A sudden wave of dizziness took hold of Danny. 
“Danny?” Sam asked as she rushed to his side. “Danny, say something!” 
"Excellent work, little one! This new trap works perfectly!" Vlad materialized behind Annabeth, who still appeared stricken by the sight of Danny's sudden illness. 
“It’s a Tuesday, isn’t it?” Tucker asked, tossing the Geometry homework in the air. “This stuff always happens on a Tuesday.” 
TO BE CONTINUED (on another fictober prompt)
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kaitlyngreatlyn · 1 year
"Check That Again, Are You Sure?"
Day 7: “Check that again, are you sure?"
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
(Can be set in any TMNT universe really.)
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Raphael is faced with some growing pains as the Turtles get older.
“Check that again, are you sure?” Raph begged.
Down in the sewers there had always been a debate on who was the oldest and youngest. 
Leo said it was him because he was the most mature.
Donnie said it was him because he was the smartest.
Mikey tried to say it was him, but between him always being the smallest and the most childish - no one believed him. 
Raph always knew it had to be him, not because he was the strongest, but because he was the tallest. 
Despite being nearly identical as babies, there were always differences. Leonardo was darker and leaner than his brothers with piercing blue eyes. Donatello had a gap between his front two teeth and was a lighter green. Michelangelo was the runt, smaller than the others, but he was also incredibly freckled and the lightest of the four. Raphael was more spotted and had a crack on his carapace. He was also the tallest. 
He stood heads over his brothers as soon as they started growing. He took pride in his height and whenever his father checked a new mark off the wall, he bragged about it until the next check-up.
They were pre-teens now and it was obvious the others were growing. 
He was standing against the wall along with his other brothers and it was the first time in a while that one of his brothers would have a new mark on the wall… above him.
“Yes,” Their sensei said, marking the spot above Leo’s head, “I’m sure.”
Leo stood there smugly, tall and proud, “I guess you’re not the oldest anymore.” 
“You know that’s not how it works.” Donnie clarified, though on the inside he was proud that he now held the second tallest spot amongst the turtles.
“Does that mean we don’t have to listen to you anymore?” Mikey said, jumping in excitement. 
“Both me and Donnie are taller than you now, Raphy.” Leo teased.
“I believe it’s Donnie and I.” Donnie said.
“I don’t think it can be you and you.” Mikey said, confused.
Raph stomped his foot on the ground angrily, “You’re not taller!” 
He ran out of the makeshift doctor’s office, running to his room.
He jumped onto his bed, feeling tears well up in his eyes, “I’m not shorter, I’m not!”
There was a knock on his door, “Leave me alone Mikey!” 
The door opened and Raph got ready to throw a pillow at his brother, but instead he saw Master Splinter, “Oh, sorry sensei.”
“Can I come in?” 
Raph nodded, wiping away his tears and holding the pillow close for comfort.
Splinter sat next to him, “Why is it important for you to be the tallest?”
Raph put the pillow down, feeling a bit embarrassed, “I…” He thought about it, “I don’t know, because then I’d be the strongest and oldest?”
“And is that important?”
“Of course it is sensei! Cause then-” Raph shut his mouth quickly, looking away from the rat.
“Because then, what?” Splinter said, putting a hand on the back of Raphael’s shell. Raphael looked down at his feet, not wanting to say anything else, “Hmm, I see. Do you think you can only protect your siblings if you’re the tallest and oldest?”
Raph looked up surprised, “How did you know?”
“I’m your father Raphael.” Splinter held Raph close with an arm wrapped around his shoulder, “I know these things.”
Raph looked back down, leaning close to his father, “What can I do if I’m not tall? I can’t be smaller and still stronger than my brothers, right? I can’t take charge if I’m not the oldest, can I?”
“Just because you’re not the tallest anymore doesn’t mean you’re not the strongest or the oldest. Even a stone can take down a giant. And neither height or age make it so that you can’t protect your siblings.”
“Really?” Raph looked up.
“I don’t know which of you are older, but I do know if one of you are to be the leader, it won’t be because of your height or age, it’ll be because of your strength-” Splinter poked the middle of his red banded son’s chest, “-In here.”
Raph smiled, feeling better, “Thank you father.”
“And if you really want to be physically stronger, paying attention during your lessons wouldn’t hurt.”
Raph groaned, but nodded, “Hai sensei.”
Raph wouldn’t feel sore about his height after that day. Raph would focus on his strengths, learning to make his stature a strength, he grew more muscle and took care of himself. Sure, he would still be annoyed whenever one of his brothers called him short, but after Donnie sprouted up taller than all of them, the teasing would stop.
“I think height and age don’t matter.” Leo would say, crossing his arms to avoid looking up at his now much taller brother. 
Donnie would groan when the other two brothers agreed, “Of course you say that now!” 
“It never did matter.” Raph said, “Unless you’re Mikey.”
It never really mattered who the oldest was or even who the leader was.
As they got older, their differences were more obvious and so were their different strengths.
Leonard was the leader, Donatello was the genius,  Michelangelo was the peacemaker, and Raphael was the protector. 
Sure Master Splinter was there, but as the turtles got older so did their father, and he wouldn’t always be there. There would be a time when their father would be gone and Raph knew he would need to be stronger than ever.
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peterfankoffski · 2 years
Fictober 2022, day 2 (“Nobody waned you about me?”)
Tick, tick, tick. The seconds passed, one by one, the clicking of the clock in Hatchetfield High’s detention as monotonous as ever. Lex stared at the clock with pure indignation. She didn’t deserve to be here. Not this time, anyway. If the greater good mattered to anyone, anyway. She wouldn’t usually punch anyone, really. But she overheard some senior girls whispering and snickering in her general direction during study hall, which hadn’t bothered Lex at first. Then she heard a murmur of something like ‘and her crazy sister—’ and before Lex knew it, she’d walked three desks over and socked one of the bitches in the mouth.
Apparently, violence is never the answer, because the school took bullying so seriously.
This was the sixth time Lex had been sent to detention within the first semester of high school alone, and that didn’t even begin to cover how she was always seen as “a problem child” in elementary school and “doomed to follow her mother’s footsteps” in junior high. There was no winning, Lex knew people had no faith in her. She couldn’t blame them, she didn’t either. Still, it would be nice if she could explain herself, even just once.
Lex rested her head on her arms. Just two hours until she could get out of this dump, and then she could go home, talk to Hannah for a bit, apologize for being held up, and then put another shitty day behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a boy who looked to be about a year older than her clad in a leather jacket sit down in the chair next to her.
He caught her looking and flashed a smile. Lex quickly looked away, but it was too late to escape an interaction.
“Hey,” the boy said.
“Hi,” Lex mumbled. She still really wasn’t in a mood to talk.
“My name’s Ethan,” the boy said.
“Hey,” Lex said, still not looking back up.
“And…you are?” Ethan asked.
“The one and only,” Lex sighed.
Neither of them said anything for a few minutes. Ethan eventually spoke up again. “So what are you in for?”
“Punched someone,” Lex said flatly.
“If you must know,” Lex huffed, “they were talking shit about my little sister. That’s the one thing I don’t stand for.” She wasn’t sure why she was explaining herself. Bringing up Hannah would inevitably lead to scorn, she didn’t see a point in telling it all to a peer she barely knew. “Why are you in here?”
“I got caught graffitiing the back entrance,” Ethan admitted.
“Really?” Lex said. She wanted to ask for elaboration, but there was this unease that this conversation was going to lead to something bad. More judgment, more laughter, more knowing that she was destined to suck.
Lex sighed and finally sat up to meet Ethan’s eye. “Why are you talking to me, anyway?”
Ethan shrugged. “You looked like you were needin’ the company.”
“Please, hasn’t anyone warned you? I’m Alexandra Foster. I’m Hatchetfield’s next piece of trailer trash, a fuse that will go off any moment. A fuckup waiting to happen.”
“Y’know?” Ethan replied, “I don’t see that. You have morals. I think you seem fine, Alexandra Foster.”
Lex smiled. First time in who knows how long. Maybe it would be nice, to have someone to hang out with through everything.
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ghirahimbo · 2 years
Fictober 2022 Day 11: "Think! For once!"
FINALLY breaking away from Revali to do something with Ghirahim. This... is more like a story idea than a oneshot, tbh. With daily prompts, there's not a lot of room for brainstorming or starting over, so it is what it is. In fact, I'm a little irked with it, because now I really wish I had time to write it XD Anyway, this does touch on one of my main issues with Zelda’s explanation scene in Skyward Sword, so if anyone has their own explanation for the discrepancy, I'd be interested to hear it. For now, Nintendo's plot holes are my plot points :D
Genfic, Ghirahim and Link centric. No warnings.
"Think! For once! I know you must be capable of it," Ghirahim hissed. "I've watched you solve ancient puzzles in a matter of minutes, yet the second even the smallest of your preconceived beliefs is challenged, you fall back on rote devotion!"
Seated at the edge of his own bed, Link's eyes followed the agitated demon lord warily as he paced back and forth across the darkened bedroom, the embroidered gold diamonds that lined his fluttering cloak glinting dully in the thin strips of moonlight. When he'd been awakened in the dead of night by that dreadfully familiar laugh, he'd expected the worst... but so far, bafflingly, all Ghirahim had wanted to do was talk.
Considering that Link himself was completely unarmed, he'd been happy enough to oblige him at first. Somehow, though, the more Ghirahim said, the less Link wanted to hear.
"I am thinking," Link whispered harshly, even more careful than Ghirahim to keep his voice down. He doubted that anyone in the Academy was a match for Ghirahim in battle aside from himself, and the last thing he wanted was for anyone else to put that theory to the test. "It's just that I think you're wrong. Zelda hasn't said anything to me about—"
"It doesn't strike you as strange that you were the one to wield the Triforce against my former master?" Ghirahim’s smooth voice rolled right over him, and Link cut off, scowling. "The spirit maiden did outline the goddess's plan to you, did she not? Or did you merely trail after her all that time with blind dedication?"
"She—she told me." Link's scowl deepened. Zelda had told him what was happening eventually, at least—and she would have told him sooner if they'd been able to meet up at the Temple of Time as planned. The fact that those plans had fallen to pieces was Ghirahim’s fault. "Why is that strange? I was the one chosen to defeat Demise."
"And you did an admirable job of it," Ghirahim said, inclining his head sardonically. "But why did you wield the Triforce?"
Link's jaw set stubbornly. "I just said it was because—"
"Why did the goddess Hylia give up her immortal form?"
Ghirahim's dark eyes glittered as he whirled to a halt, looming over Link to stare him down. Link blinked, taken aback by the change in tactics.
"I... because..."
Zelda had told him all those weeks ago only to quickly brush it off, and he'd never thought to question... but he did know the answer.
Worse, the satisfied smirk spreading across Ghirahim’s face said all too clearly that he knew that they both knew. Still, Link set his jaw stubbornly, refusing to be the one to speak it.
"Because only a mortal can wield the power of the Triforce." Ghirahim said it for him, enunciating each word with relish. "So for the last time, I'll ask: why did you end up bearing this power when Hylia herself abandoned immortality for the ability to do the same?"
"I..." Link frowned up at him, trying to come up with the answer to a question he suddenly had himself. "Something... must have gone wrong."
"Oh, I don't think so," Ghirahim said, sweeping one arm out as if to brush the notion aside. "My contribution excluded, of course—yet I only interfered after you had already called on the Triforce’s strength. No, I've given this a great deal of thought, as I'm sure you can imagine, and the conclusion I've reached is that it all went perfectly according to the goddess's plan." Something in his eyes pierced Link through, and without quite knowing why, he found himself looking away. "We simply don't know the full extent of that plan yet."
"So what?" Link said abruptly, glaring off to the side. "Why should I care if... I can see how that's bad news for you, maybe, but not for me. I trust Zelda.
"Oh really?" Ghirahim leaned in over him, his soft voice lowering almost seductively. "You do not tire of being tugged this way and that by divine whims, with no explanation given beyond the pointed finger telling you where to go? It does not bother you in the least that the goddess has perhaps more yet in store for your life, and far from even consulting you, she has rather ensured you know nothing about it?"
"No," Link said shortly, gritting his teeth at Ghirahim’s condescending laughter in response.
"Then I suppose the goddess chose her agent well. Speaking of your beloved Zelda..." Link looked up quickly to find Ghirahim grinning knowingly at him. Pityingly. "Is everything as perfect as you ever imagined it? Are the two of you closer than ever now that you've been through so much to save her?" His voice turned cruel. "Did your best friend return to you at all—or is it someone else now who wears her face and speaks with her voice—"
"Shut up!" Link snapped. Jumping to his feet, he pushed Ghirahim back in a fit of anger. "I don't have to sit here and listen to—"
Ghirahim’s hand shot out to tangle in Link's hair, pulling his head back with supernatural strength. Tears leaked from the corners of his eyes as his neck craned unwillingly back to stare at the ceiling, Ghirahim’s face floating into view. Link tried to glare, his barely flailing arms achieving nothing.
"Unless you have a sword tucked away somewhere I can't see, I think you'll find that you do," Ghirahim reminded him in a sing-song voice that contrasted jarringly with the cold glint in his eyes. "For now, you're better off remembering who holds the power in this conversation."
Sound advice, Link thought. He plowed ahead anyway, preferring to ignore it.
"I don't know what Zelda’s planning," he rasped out recklessly. The grip on his hair tightened, and he winced, but pressed on. "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."
The back of his left hand itched all of a sudden, the sensation growing rapidly to a fierce burn. Frowning, Link flexed his fingers, trying to brush the feeling off. Ghirahim glanced down, his eyes following the motion—and froze. His hold on Link's hair slackened.
"That much... I believe." He met Link's eyes again, and Link felt a thrill of trepidation. Those icy chips of fury had melted away as easily as they'd formed in the first place, and he hoped uneasily that he was imagining Ghirahim’s vague look of triumph. "You still have it, don't you?"
Fingers entwined around Link's, pulling his burning hand up, while at the same time the hand in Link's hair jerked his head forward. Link grunted—and gaped as he caught sight of the back of his own hand where three golden triangles burned.
"This couldn't have gone better if I'd planned it myself."
"Don't..." Link's tongue felt strangely thick as he tried to swallow. For the first time that night, true fear curdled his stomach. Could Ghirahim take it away? Maybe use it to raise Demise again?
"Of course not," Ghirahim said disdainfully, dismissing Link's unspoken plea. "And risk scattering it to the far corners of the world simply because my virtues aren't perfectly in balance? No, I won't take the Triforce yet... but I will take the next best thing."
A tentative knock at the door drew both of their attention. After a short pause, it swung partway open.
"Link?" That was Fledge's timid voice, his eyes peeking around the door's edge. "Sorry, I—I thought I heard—"
He cut off at the sight of the scene in front of him, his round eyes growing rounder. Ghirahim’s thin lips split into a grin.
"A messenger. Perfect." He pulled Link in close, clamping a hand around his mouth before he could think to say anything. "Please inform your Zelda that I'll be borrowing her hero for awhile, though I'm afraid I can't promise what sort of condition I'll return him in." In a whispered hiss in Link's ear, he added, "Let's see if she'll expend even half as much effort on your behalf as you did for her."
Only as streams of monochrome diamonds flooded Link’s vision, swallowing up Fledge and the darkened bedroom both, did Link finally understand what was happening. The next best thing to having the Triforce... was having the person who held the Triforce.
Ghirahim was stealing away him.
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scully-loves-ruthie · 2 years
Fictober Day 7
Prompt: Check that again, are you sure
Fandom: The X-Files
She can remember the wave of the doctor’s white coat, the shuffle of his papered clipboard, the steadying way her cleared his throat.  All to deliver life ending news.  To pronounce one’s life over with the flick of a wrist as he signed off on her paperwork.  She remembers herself saying calmly, well resigned, “Check that again, are you sure?”  He was sure and so was she, still in this fated situation it didn’t hurt to ask. 
          She can remember Mulder a frayed thread laid bare at her bedside tears of elation and disbelief shredding down his skin.  “Check that again, are you sure?”  He never wanted to believe something so badly in his entire life.  He would have traded his quest, his need for proof, answers about his sister, all of it if it just meant saving Scully’s life.  Yet somehow there he sat with the person his soul was melded to receiving the only news that could ever matter.
          She can remember taking 14 pregnancy tests, 12 didn’t seem enough and 13 seemed far too unlucky, yet there they all were a perfect pink plus sign offering up her dreams delivered, all she would have needed was Mulder.  She’s panicked and called him right away, rushed him even though he’d only been back at his place for 3 hours. She had pulled him into the bathroom and handed him one test, the joy that had spread across his face that day couldn’t have been quantified.  “Let me check that again, are you sure!”  He reached out to reexamine the test and was met with two handfuls of positives.  He was there he realized while hugging Scully against him feeling her tears against his t-shirt.  He was home.           She can remember running, faster, harder, more desperate than she’d ever run.  She never pursued a subject with such determination, and force as she found herself doing that day.  She knew, just knew, he’d be in that field.  If she could get to him, she could save him.  Yet there he lay, naked, mutilated, and mangled.  A perverse depiction of her soul mate.  Skinner held her back the paramedics weren’t safe.  She heard them pronounce time of death.  That was the moment she knew if he was going in the ground, she was going with him.  “Check that again, are you sure?”  She’d screamed the words over and over again, until the field was empty until her voice made no sound.  Finally, Skinner put her in the back of his car laid his jacket over her and stated somberly that he was in fact sure
@fictober-event @xffictober2022 @today-in-fic
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astridncs · 2 years
As The Rain Pours
Fictober 2022 — Day 15: “Good morning. No, don’t get up, it’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer...” (from this list); tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022; also on AO3
She slowly woke up in the dark room, only a bit of sunlight shining from the windows provided light. She could hear the start of rain falling, the soft rapt of the branches from the trees outside his room, and his soft snoring against the back of her neck. He was snuggled against her; a heavy arm slung over her waist, his head burrowed in her neck, and his soft lips touching her bare skin. It was intimate and sweet, and perfect. But they had work soon and she needs to shower and change her clothes, but at the same time, she didn’t want to leave. She loved being in his arms, the way she felt safe and secure, the way she felt so much love. And he was warm, so warm.
“Hmmm, Scully…” Mulder softly groaned behind her. Flashbacks of the night before came into mind and it was enough to make her body buzz with excitement once again.
She slowly turned to face him. He was beautiful, always had been. She studied his face; the way his long lashes fanned, his nose which she loved, and his lips were still a bit swollen from the way they made out. He was awake, she knew it. She leaned in to kiss his forehead and waited for him to become fully awake.
“Good morning.” He whispered, his voice laced with sleep and his eyes still a bit droopy.
“Good morning.” Scully whispered back.
They laid there for a few moments, basking in the silence. Looking at each other, studying each other’s faces. The rain started to pour outside and it started to become chilly. Noticing the way Scully shivered, Mulder began to pull over the duvet just over their shoulders. She moved closer to him and without hesitation, wrapped an arm around his waist and slung one leg over his. She looked up to him, waiting for his reaction and her face bloomed into a smile when she saw him smile as well. He pulled her even closer to him, and held her face into his hand which she nuzzled into. He marveled at her beauty, he always did. But her being naked in bed with him, the way she was glowing – he can’t help but admire her more. He felt more than lucky.
Scully moved herself to lay her head on his chest, just above his heart. She reached over to touch the scar she inflicted from shooting him years ago. It was a reminder of so many things, but never of hate and resentment. Rather, it was of love and protection. She sighed at the memory of it.
“Don’t think about it,” Mulder’s voice softly said, taking her hand and pressed kisses on her fingers. “I know you’re thinking about it, don’t.”
She nodded and laid back her head on his chest. She took in all his warmth and loved it. She could feel his hand rubbing her shoulder and the kisses that he pressed on top of her head. She closed her eyes and took in the moment.
But some things just have to come to an end.
“Mulder…” she whispered and he hummed in reply. “I have to go.”
He sighed, but remained silent. He understood and wasn’t even mad, but he wanted her stay a while longer. Was he scared that things might change as soon as she was out of the door? Maybe. But he doubted it would.
It may sound selfish of him to want her to stay rather than let her go, but the moment was too perfect to let it burst like a bubble. He just hoped that he could convince her.
Scully on the other hand, took his silence differently. A part of her was disappointed that he seemed to not be making a move to stop her. She sighed and slowly broke away from him, but the way his arms tightened around her made her stop from getting up.
“No, don’t get up,” he softly said. “It’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer…” a soft smile was on his face, and his eyes were sincere, but she could see the want in them. Suddenly, she didn’t want to leave anymore.
She kissed him in response, and there he knew she was going to stay.
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atths--twice · 2 years
Chapter Three
I Did What You Asked
Checking into the motel and meeting some locals.
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Pines Motel
8:30 p.m.
“He didn’t speak to you?” Skinner asked.
“No, sir,” Scully said, rotating her neck as she stood at the back of the rental car and Mulder took out both of their bags from the trunk. “The doctors said his blood pressure had begun to rise and he was extremely agitated. They sedated him so he could rest.”
“And his injuries?”
“Dehydrated as you mentioned. Cuts and bruises, a few that are…” She drew in a breath and let it out, not quite of how she wanted to phrase her words.
“What, Agent Scully?”
“The injuries are odd. I hesitate to say until I know more, but they seem almost… ritualistic.” She paused, catching Mulder’s expression of raised eyebrows as she heard Skinner sigh loudly in her ear along with the sound of ice cubes falling into a glass.
“Yes, sir.”
“It can’t ever just be cut and dry, can it?” he mused and she turned away from Mulder as she smiled softly.
“Not usually, sir,” she said and he huffed out a breath.
“Okay, thank you for the update. Hope for better news tomorrow.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Goodnight, Agent Scully.”
“And to you.”
She hung up and put her phone in her pocket, turning back to Mulder and sighing.
“Was he angry that we couldn't speak to the victim?”
“No,” she said, taking her bag from him. “But, I believe we may have driven him to drink. I heard ice filling a glass.” She gave him a look and he nodded.
“Or… maybe he has company,” he suggested as they made their way to the motel rental office. “Did you hear any dulcet tones asking him to please leave work at the office and to join her?”
Scully stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes as she tried not to allow that image into her mind.
“Maybe Peggy, the receptionist on the third floor? I’ve heard her mention him before,” he continued.
“Mulder,” she warned as she shook her head.
“Agent Rhodes, Jackie, do you know her? She said one time she’d like to bounce a quarter off his ass. No wait, I think she said a fifty cent piece. Said she thought he could handle it.”
“Could you stop?” she asked, opening her eyes and staring at him. “I don’t want to have those thoughts about Skinner in my head.”
“Everybody does it, Scully. Didn’t you say so yourself once?” He grinned at her and she shook her head.
“There’s a huge difference between the discussion of the drive of a species to procreate and thinking about your boss having a fifty cent piece bouncing off his ass, thank you very much.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, smiling at her as he reached for the handle and pulled the door open, a bell tinkling from above as he held it for her. “He wears tighty-whities, Scully. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”
She stopped again and looked at him as he raised his eyebrows and nodded.
“Goddamn you, Mulder,” she said under her breath as she walked beneath his arm into the lobby and he laughed as he followed her.
“Hello,” said the young woman behind the counter with a smile. “Welcome to the Pines Motel. I’m Darcy. Do you have a reservation?”
“We do,” Scully said, smiling back with a nod, and taking out her badge. “Agents Scully and Mulder.”
“Oh, you’re here about the missing men,” Darcy stated, shaking her head, her long black hair brushing the tops of her shoulders. “It’s terrible. Just terrible.”
“Do you know any of the men?” Mulder asked and she shook her head again.
“Not personally, no. But I know of them. One of them is… was? the brother of a girl I knew in elementary school.” She sighed as she looked up their reservation on the computer and nodded as she reached for two room keys with on green keychains.
“Do you have any idea as to why they would have disappeared?” Mulder continued his questioning and Darcy stared at him, unblinking.
“I don’t,” she said in a low voice. “But… I mean, you’re with the government, right? You’re here to help?”
Mulder glanced quickly at Scully and then smiled at Darcy as he leaned against the counter.
“We are,” he said with a nod and Darcy nodded back.
“Brent, my old classmate's brother, he… he was into some weird shit.”
“What do you mean?” Scully asked with a frown.
“I… I probably shouldn’t say, but if it helps to find him…?” She looked at Mulder and he smiled kindly at her. With a sigh, she nodded. “Drugs mostly. And he hung out with this group of people who liked going to old graveyards and having “parties” where they acted out deaths or held seances, calling back spirits from the graves around them.”
“Did you ever go to the parties?”
“Once,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It was during a weekend home from college a few years back. Honestly, the parties are really just an excuse to get smashed and then have sex in the graveyard. Not really my thing. Then or now. It’s too creepy.”
“Well,” Mulder said and shifted slightly. He cleared his throat and Scully frowned, wondering what was causing his discomfort.
“Maybe people saw them continue with the parties, especially around this time of year, and they didn’t like the desecration of a sacred place?” Scully offered and Darcy shrugged.
“I don’t know. I just know it wasn’t my scene and the next time I was asked, my answer was no thanks.” She smiled as she handed them the keys to rooms six and seven. “I hope you’re able to find Brent and the others. He’s not the best person I know, but he doesn’t deserve whatever happened to him.”
“Thank you, Darcy,” Mulder said, smiling at her as they stepped back. “We-”
“I did what you asked,” a young boy said as the door opened suddenly, slamming against the outside of the building, the bell tinkling loudly. “What else do you want me to do, Darce?” He ignored Mulder and Scully, walking between them and toward the counter as he pushed his dark blonde hair from his eyes.
“Jesus, Steven,” Darcy said, rolling her eyes. “Be careful. The door nearly came off its hinges.”
“Oh, calm down,” he said, looking back at the door and finally noticing Mulder and Scully standing there. “Who’re you?”
“They’re FBI agents, Steven.”
“Really? Like in the movies?” he asked excitedly, walking to Scully and smiling. “Can I see your badge?”
She looked at the boy, who could not have been older than twelve, and nodded as she took her badge out to show him.
“Wow,” he said, touching it and then looking at her. “That’s so bitchin’.”
Steven! You better not let mom hear you say that.”
“I won’t,” he assured her, rolling his eyes at Scully and she felt an instant liking to him. “Can you tell me about being an FBI agent? Have you ever arrested anyone? Or… oh, shot anyone?”
“Steven,” Darcy groaned. “Let them go to their rooms. Sorry. He’s my little brother. I know he can be a pest.”
“I’m not a pest,” Steven shot back. “I just want to know.”
“If you help me with my bag, I’ll tell you,” Scully said and Steven’s eyes widened as he took her bag and nodded.
“Which room are you in? I can show you where to find it.”
“Well, there’s some debate on that,” Scully said, taking Mulder’s key from him with a sly smile. “Point us in the direction of rooms six and seven, please.”
Mulder smiled as he thanked Darcy again and then opened the door, letting Scully and Steven walk out first.
It was not far to their rooms and soon they were saying goodnight to Steven, who seemed awestruck by both of them after hearing how they had both arrested people, though they did not mention people they had shot, even as Mulder had rubbed near his right shoulder with a wink to Scully.
Setting her bag down in room six, she turned the heater on to its maximum level. Mulder waited outside while she then opened door number seven and again turned on the heater, staring at him from the doorway.
“Shouldn’t take too long,” she said and he shrugged with a smile.
“Okay. But can I at least set my bag down?”
“No,” she said, shaking her head and crossing her arms. “Holding it while you wait for the rooms to warm up will be your penance for the information you shared about Skinner. I can’t unhear that or scrub that image from my brain, so you get to stand in the cold, with your bag, while I choose between the rooms.”
He laughed and nodded, his bag hanging from his shoulder, as he put his hands in his pockets.
She walked back and forth, testing out the warmth of each room and muttering tighty-whities under her breath every time she passed him. Finally deciding that room six would be best for her, she handed him the key to room seven.
“Of course, if the heater craps out in the middle of the night, I will be taking your room,” she informed him as he took the key.
“No, you’ll be sharing the room,” he corrected her. “I don’t have any plans to move from a comfortably warmed room into a cold one. I’ll be sure to save you a nice warm spot, if your heater does indeed crap out.” She stared at him as he smiled. “Goodnight, Scully. Give a shout if you need to join me.”
He walked to his door and she walked to her own, glancing at him as he paused and looked over at her.
“For any reason,” he said, his smile gone and his eyes serious. He nodded and went inside his room, closing the door behind him, as her breathing rate increased and she stood on the threshold of her room.
Stepping into her room and closing the door, his words continued ringing in her ears for quite some time.
Give a shout if you need to join me…
For any reason…
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