#this possibility LATCHED onto my brain and I'm loving it
starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
So weird/funny idea. What if Dual trip kinda. Keeps happening in the rest of the parts? Like, Part 4 would be pretty similar to your Hidden In Plain Sight AU just with Yukako being more stable so that Koichi has an actual Squad before he meets Rohan, and they both go after Kira for different reasons—Koichi's group of him, Yukako, and Rohan being guided by Reimi; and Josuke's group of himself, Okuyasu, and Jotaro going after him because he killed/hospitalized Shigechi.
Part 5 features Giorno doing a lot of Accidental Kidnapping/Recruiting. Koichi is one thing, but then, before he even officially joins Bruno's group he accidentally convinces Trish that he's her Mafia escort (or straight up accidentally kidnaps her) and now they're on the run. This ends up in a 4-way battle between Giorno and his ragtag group, Bucciarati's gang, La Squadra, and the lower level grunts who are fighting for their own reasons, mainly recognition from the boss. (Giorno probably Charismas a few to his side, because he's Giorno. Possibly including Sheila E from Purple Haze Distortion.)
As for Bruno's gang, Abbachio is in the same situation Joseph was in, his stand constantly giving him the Worst Possible Moments, except this time with the added benefit of Giorno somehow always looking good; Fugo leaves Bucciarati's group just to immediately get dragged into Giorno's (unwillingly); Bruno is wondering what the hell Giorno did to have things go this far off the rails thIS WAS NOT THE PLAN, and Mista and Narancia are just constantly Out Of The Loop.
I don't even know what the divisions are for Stone Ocean. Maybe Jolyne fighting for Jotaro with Foof and Anasui, and Ermes, Weather, and Emporio teaming up and getting into trouble for their own individual goals which only partially involves fricking Pucci over.
Bonus: Iggy is still serving the same role of go-between in each part. Average age for dogs be damned.
What if this time Yukako and Koichi have been friends for a while, perhaps they met before her crush developed into the obsessive level as canon. And their side of the plot kicks off when one day soon after their first day of high school, the both of them get shot by Keicho when they’re walking home. Yukako was doing fine, but Koichi..... not so much. And as Yukako’s running to get him to a hospital, what if they accidentally run into Josuke along the way and he subtly heals Koichi in a way to ensure his injuries wouldn’t be lethal or cause any long term consequences. This also ends up being what cues Josuke in on who’s making all these enemy Stand Users so he and Jotaro can go deal with it, getting Okuyasu onto their team
and I also had a fun idea for how Centipede Shoes could go. I’m not sure about how exactly to get there, but when Koichi goes to call for help, he wouldn’t be able to call Josuke. Instead, he ends up calling Rohan, who immediately starts panicking upon seeing Koichi’s body because he can’t heal. So in what was a VERY desperate bid for Koichi’s survival, he wrote something like “Koichi Hirose will survive his fight with the killer” and immediately started hauling ass to the hospital praying it would work
And Part 5....... oh god that’s going to be absolutely insane. What if Koichi’s reason for sticking around at first is “hhhhhh I can’t leave this 15 year old by himself, I remember what being 15 as a Stand User was like-”, plus he was a tad worried about Giorno’s living situation because of how..... alone and impersonal his room was, so his plan was to stick close to Naples and periodically check in. But what if Mr.Pericolo and Trish were in Naples at least for a little bit, and well..... seeing a very uncomfortable 15 year old girl with a man who’s clearly Mafia isn’t going to look very good, especially without the context of the situation
So what if in the middle of Polpo’s test, Giorno offers to help, yoinks her, and brings her back to his dorm at which Koichi shows up and it’s revealed that Trish is the Boss’s daughter..... but before Gio can think about how he could possibly use this.... what if Koichi ends up bringing up the possibility of her father having less than innocent intentions. 
After all, Koichi is very familiar with people like Diavlo who will do anything and everything to keep their secrets. How they will murder, tear apart families, even kill children to stay hidden. How loose threads are cut and burned before they can pose any threat without hesitation, and that a mysterious daughter he hadn’t known about is one huge thread. He brings up the inconsistencies in this story, that if her father wanted to meet her so badly, why hadn’t he sent so much as a note or reassurance of her safety? Why has he just been dragging her all around Italy without even asking her about……. anything???
He doesn’t want to scare them but..... he also doesn’t want anyone getting "dealt with” like he nearly was. And besides, even if the man’s intentions weren’t murder, this was still really shitty behavior, especially since Trish has exactly ZERO desire to meet her father
So he asks Trish. That if she could make any choice right now, regardless of the consequences or danger, what would she want to do?
And this catches her off guard. These past few weeks Trish had gotten used to being treated as something important, but mostly inatimate. She was dragged from one place to another without so much as a glance in her direction, with people walking on eggshells around her, treating her as though she were the most fragile of glass but also the most dangerous of weapons that could end them in an instant
So she’s honest. She tells him she doesn’t want to meet her father, that she doesn’t want anything to do with this. Not with her father, not with Passione, none of it
So Koichi agrees without hesitation. He calls Jotaro and updates him on the development and plans with the kids on what to do next
And for a second Giorno’s a tad..... stuck. Without knowing it, he’d accidentally made things so much easier and infinitely more complicated. There’s no going back from this, he’d already taken Trish and even if he did try returning her, that was just asking to get killed. This was in no way, shape or form his plan, but he more or less has to go with it lest he accept defeat
of course, the second the three of them cross paths with the Bucci Gang, Bucciarati nearly blows both their covered because Giorno what the fuck- 
And wow, Koichi’s really out here collecting kiddos like Pokemon cards isn’t he
(also unrelated from the rest of this but I think that while they’re on the run, Koichi should be allowed to be terrifying with Echoes. As a treat. After all we’ve seen just how much damage all the Acts can cause, and Act 1 especially can really fuck with someone’s mental state)
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ssahotchnerr · 1 month
you see when you did a fic abt reader getting a lil clingy when she’s tired , can we pls have it w aaron instead. like they’re all on the jet and he just puts a hand on her knee or keeps on giving her forehead kisses every second, or even he gets so tired to the point he falls asleep w his head on her shoulder
sleep deprived
clingy aaron my beloved cw; bau!reader, fluff <3
After many years of practice, Aaron's rather proud of his resilience to remain awake and alert despite extreme fatigue.
Some cases called for either little or no sleep at all. Was it his favorite thing to do? No - it knocked his body completely off schedule, worsened with time spent on the West Coast. Had he been exhausted? Absolutely. But he could ignore the feeling well, working just as diligently as if he had gotten a full night's rest.
Frequent helpings of caffeine also assisted.
But when a case resolved and the urgency was dismissed - it was like a switch flipped in his brain. His mind and body knew before he could fully process it, and he felt it. Sleep deprived brain fog, a newly significant heaviness to his body, more irritable if certain buttons were pushed.
He couldn't wait to be home. He couldn't wait to be in the comfort of bed. He couldn't wait for you to be at his side, secure and close in sleep.
Each one of those thoughts correlated to each heavy step as he trudged up the jet's stairs, his eyes latching onto you immediately upon entry.
You were stationed at the kitchenette, head down as you prepared your favorite soothing, nighttime tea.
A wave of affection rippled through him; simply seeing you made him long for you desperately, although you were near and already his. The love he felt for you was unfathomable already, but in a sleep deprived state, it was enhanced greatly. He wanted - no, had to be as close as possible, to be entirely consumed by you.
After storing his go-bag, he swiftly (and slightly clumsily) moved behind you, hands finding your waist easily.
"Hey," you greeted, steeping your tea. Your voice was soft, and he could hear the faint smile in your voice.
"Hey," Aaron echoed in a mumble, his hands sliding forward from your hips to your abdomen. "How are you."
You hummed gently, leaning back to lightly touch your head to his, closing the tiny gap that separated the two of you. "Better now that we're going home."
With your back to his chest, you felt his agreeable chuckle shake through him.
"You want a cup?"
"No, I'm okay." Truthfully, he was certain he would fall asleep before the rim of the mug touched his lips. His head turned, pressing a long kiss to your temple, speaking into it, "Thank you though."
His lips lingered while you finished prepping your tea, adding light honey and lemon. With you in his arms, matching your evenly distributed breaths, Aaron's hold wasn't only to hold you, but to keep him standing upright. The lights on the jet had already been dimmed, as everyone settled down for the red eye flight, so that wasn't helping his tiredness either. He was just as comfortable as if he were in his bed at home.
You felt him nodding off. His arms - unknown to him, as he thought otherwise - were loosening, his figure even swaying the smallest amount. You hurried, knowing he probably wouldn't claim his seat without you at his side. And when you made your way over, Aaron followed like a lost puppy, his fingers grasping onto the back of your shirt.
Your blanket was already at your seat; after setting your tea aside, you draped it over your lap, offering half to Aaron. You even managed to pry him out of his suit jacket and tie.
His hand started out in yours, before finding home on your thigh - enjoying the comfort of contact. His fingers were splayed across the width, keeping you as close as the seats could awkwardly offer. Part of him considered persuading Reid from his usual spot, allowing the two of you a turn to lie down.
But it was Spencer's favorite spot, the rest of the team would never let him live down visibly 'cuddling', and he was too tired to move, so the regular seats would have to do.
His thumb began brushing against the fabric of your pants, the lull bringing him closer to sleep. He placed a kiss on your shoulder, then your jaw, before nestling his head on your shoulder.
A faint blush trickled onto your face, feeling warm from both the tea and the open tenderness. "Aaron?"
A very drowsy, "Hm?" came from below your ear.
You simply leaned your head against his, a contentful sigh leaving you. Under the blanket, your hand rest atop his, giving his fingers a gentle squeeze.
Aaron's eyes remained closed, but a sleepy smile made its way onto his face. In the smallest of whispers, "I love you too."
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moodywyrm · 1 year
moony i have been THINKING about soft dom abby and i think i might explode bc of it. i just know she talks you through it
do you mean ,,, farm hand abby ,,,, because im thinking it ,,, @pinknightsinmymind my brain is being rotted
because farm hand abby is such a soft dom. she knows she's strong and she would never wanna hurt her girl! so she's extra careful during sex.
her grip is always firm but never hard, her hands planted on your hips to pull you back into her. even when she's trying to be so gentle, she sees the bruises she leaves on your hips. she's really sad about them until you tell her how much you like them. then she gets all flustered and needy when she sees them.
speaking of marks, farm abby is a sucker for hickies. she's so gentle with you, leaving them on you when she's trailing down your body, kissing over each mark. while she's still a farmhand, she leaves them in spots only she would have access to, like your inner thighs, your lower tummy, and your tits. she doesn't want her boss – your uncle – to see them, but she can't help but leave pretty little bites on you. you're just too delicious :(
she also loves when you leave marks on her! if you have nails long enough to leave a mark, those scratches are her pride and joy. when she's got you on your back, whining and moaning and soaking her cock, and she feels the sting of your nails on her back? she's going feral, grinding as deep as possible and pushing you over the edge.
soft dom abby my love, she's 100% a praise girl. literally unable to shut up when she's pleasing you. when she's eating you out on the front porch (farmer abby) or behind one of the barns (farmhand abby)? "That's it, you taste so good baby, fucking delicious"
when she's got you pinned under her, taking her strap and pawing at her, eyes rolled back? "look at you fucking taking it, such a good girl f'me, so pretty taking my dick like that"
when you're going down on her, having begged her to let you eat her out after she's been working so hard on the farm? like you're literally on your knees on the front porch, hands gripping her thighs and begging her, until you've got your mouth latched onto her sensitive clit, fingers working against her needy cunt? "sh-shit, feels so good baby - ah - fuck, making me feel so good princess, look so pretty looking up at me like that, gonna make me cum"
soft dom abby when two inherit the farm because your uncle goes to live with your parents, letting y'all take over the business,,,,, omgomgomg
it's like it's your fucking wedding night, she carries you into the house and up to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed and stripping you piece by piece. I wanna write a full thing about this, but it's the most beautiful, gentle, loving sex you've ever had. y'all have been dating for years at this point, but now everything y'all have ever wanted is being realized: y'all have the farm and a house and a stable future together. I'm not kidding when I say she fucks you like it's your wedding night, because it practically is. makes you cum over and over again, letting you recover from each one so you don't get too too overstimulated.
soft dom abby who loves fucking you in the morning. this is absolutely bc I can't stop thinking of the plowing farmhand audio by @jupiter-va,,,,,
abby who sees you come out super early in the morning, hiding something behind your back, and immediately knows you're needy. it's not made any better by the tiny sleep shorts you wear with nothing underneath, and one of her old shirts. it always ends with her bouncing you on her strap, doing all the work while you whine and writhe and paw at her as you two sit on one of the porch chairs.
"darlin', just couldn't help it could ya? didn't I fuck you enough last night? sweet girl just needed to be taken care of, mhm?"
sometimes she's sweet and gentle, but sometimes she just can't control herself. cue her laying you down in the grass and fucking you until you leak all over her strap. or her guiding you down onto your hands and knees before hauling you back onto her cock and laughing at your sweet lil whines, and the hand you use to reach behind and push at her tummy that she just grabs and pins to your lower back before going even harder.
can I just say,,,, soft dom abby with a southern accent ,,,,, drooling. every she says sounds fucking beautiful, and if you're not Southern she Knows her accent has a profound effect on you.
farm abby ,,, her n sevika are taking over my brain,,,, woof
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junowritings · 1 year
Hi friend, I hope I'm not bothering you. I stumbled across your twisted wonderland writings a little bit ago and fell in love with them. They're so good! I was wondering if you could do an angst comfort imagine with Jamil or Kalim where MC overblots? In game, Crowley piles so much work on poor MC, along with MC being the college's resident problem solver, and some of the students have called them worthless due to their inability to cast magic. I was wondering if you could play around with that idea? Regardless, thank you for doing what you do! Hope you have a lovely day.
Hiyya friend thank you for the love <3 I'm glad you've been having fun with these~! I'll admit this started off as a little thing but then the overblot brainrot kicked in thinking about the effects of blot on a non magic user and it spiraled from there lmao. Please do enjoy this though I had a bunch of fun giving my Scarabia boys some love,even if it is filled with angst!
The realization of what’s happening comes too late, as it always does. 
Eyes have been everywhere, watching your every move since you clawed your way from that coffin into this twisted wonderland. And each of them have expected something from you, saw fit to use you and take advantage of your situation for their own gains. Making yourself useful seemed to be the only way you could earn any modicum of respect, and so the pressure mounted and mounted as every day saw you taking on more responsibilities than you could handle. But you’d been so hopeful that it wouldn’t be that way forever - things would get easier, and you only needed to put up with the pressure until you got home; Crowley promised you that the day you enrolled at the school, and he wouldn’t lie when he was the only one capable of making that a reality, right?Right?
You should never have believed him; maybe that would have saved you.
This shouldn’t have been possible; with no magic to your name or even a magical presence to call your own the thought of you of all people overblotting was laughable, some cruel joke that was humored for the few seconds before you were deemed magicless, and thus no longer a concern. And yet the impossible pools at your feet and clings to your skin and clothes like a parasite as your brain spirals into a frenzy. All you can think about is what they’ve done to you, what they made you do. You were so useless to all of these people until you had some kind of purpose to serve, was that it? Running their errands; being a personal therapist and caretaker to so many dorms when you were still nursing your own wounds; having to take care of everyone else's problems only to return to your dilapidated corpse of a dorm at the end of the day. 
Perhaps it’s the stress, the mental fatigue drawing in all of that leftover magical waste with nowhere to go that accumulated the blot, allowing it to take root after months of being subjected to the worst that magic could do. It’s there which it festered until the pressure became too great, until it now seeps through your bones, your eyes, your fingertips in thick, viscous globs of ink for all to see. And from that blot comes the monster, a patchwork mockery of all of those overblots you’ve dealt with before taking shape of your deepest insecurities and regrets; and your own despondent sobs are drowned out by the screams of its birth as it rises to its full height, writhing and looming overhead.
But it’s imperfect; with no stable magic source to siphon its energy from the blotted creature latched onto you fights only to stay alive. The noises it releases are distorted, a hollow rattle that has the students taking an unconscious step back as a chill settles in the air. Many were smart enough to flee, yet there are those that stay, either foolish or frozen in fear at the sight in front of them.
You’re conscious, barely, the remaining dregs fading in and out of your control as your eyes, half blinded by the inky mass that pours from the blotted thing above you scans the sea of horrified faces. Friends, dormmates, and finally….
♡ Jamil feels the rush of students tripping over themselves to flee, can hear the screams of people too confused or too terrified to understand the impossibility of the situation, but his focus is trained solely on you and the thing that leeches off of you to stay alive. He watches it twist, heaving ink as it takes a defensive stance ready to attack anything that tries to get in its way. Your friends around you all make vain attempts to reach out to you; Ace and Deuce are frantically screaming out for you as they bat away an onslaught of inky limbs, and Grim gets close enough to barely brush your shoulder with his paw before the frantic swipe of the creature nearly sends him careening back in a torn mess had Jack not yanked him back to safety.
♡ For that moment he takes in the scene unfolding in front of him, watching the person who has fought to earn his respect and gain his trust being taken over by the flood of bottled up emotions preyed upon by the blot, and it hits him. Is this what you’d seen during his overblot? Is this how you felt seeing the person you cared for being reduced to a shadow of their deepest hatred and pains? If he closes his eyes he can vaguely recall the horrified look on your face in the muddled memories from his own overblot, but there’s no time to dwell, no time to panic, or scream, or cry when the most important thing is separating you from the blot and making sure you survive. And so he takes a steadying breath, steeling his resolve and shelving his emotions until you’re freed.
♡ Your friends are already mounting an offensive against the overblot and Jamil is right there in stride acting as a defensive force for those better equipped to attack. Each hit has the beast screaming, chunk by chunk being wrested away from its patchwork frame that’s barely holding itself together as is. Your screams echo along with it, only making the fight harder as hesitation hits your friends, Jamil himself almost making the mistake of stepping towards you before catching himself and refocusing on the fight at hand.
♡ He’d caught glimpses of the strain your situation had forced you under, he’d be a fool not to have noticed the pressure you’d been settled with. He knows the pressure well, having to play the part and live your life restricted by the whims of others. And yet every time he’d reached out to you, pulled you to the side away from prying eyes you’d only smiled and told him that you were fine, even if the sallow eyes and the constant tremble in your hands screamed otherwise. Jamil should have never taken you at your word, so sure that if whatever you were dealing with became overwhelming you would open up to someone - open up to him - before it was too much. Who could have ever imagined that it would get to this point? Jamil feels a sickness welling in the pit of his stomach just thinking about it, and the momentary lapse in attention nearly costs him a limb as a writhing hand slams down at his side when the overblot monster lunges forward, warbled voice screaming “-𝔸𝕎𝔸𝕐...𝔾𝔼𝕋 𝔸𝕎𝔸𝕐-!” again and again.
♡ Your overblot fights harder than anything they’ve faced before, even as the half formed twitching mass of energy that it is. Like an animal caged and surrounded it’s got no qualms pulling every ounce of power it can muster to ensure its survival even if it means turning you into little more than a husk. All it takes is watching you crumble, heaving and choking on some invisible force that saps everything from you for everything to finally snap. Whatever strength the creature pulls from you isn’t enough to keep it standing, and no sooner have you dropped the blot caves in on itself, still reaching out to you for more even in its final moments. In the wake of its dissipation the air is thick with an unspoken pressure, and the remaining students even torn up and bruised all make a beeline for your crumpled body, surrounding you in a wall of frantic calls of your name. 
♡There’s a lump in his throat as Jamil approaches the crowd, elbowing his way between Ace and Deuce kneeling before you. His breathing all but stops at the glimpses he catches of you among the hands cradling you, body limp as the remaining blot flakes from your skin and turns to whisps. Those seconds last for an eternity, bated breaths unwilling to ask the question that’s burning on everyone’s tongue. 
♡Are you…?
♡The next moment you’re gasping for air, rocketing up and narrowly missing headbutting the vice dormhead as you all but throw yourself up to retch. You miss the collective breath that everyone releases as the world starts to turn once again, relief flooding the atmosphere now that the imminent danger has passed. Someone mentions making sure you’re taken to the infirmary and Jamil can practically see the cogs turning in your head as you panic, finally coming back to your senses. You insist that you can take yourself there, scrambling groggily to your feet and shaking away the mass of hands supporting you only to immediately buckle the second your feet touch the floor. 
♡How lucky you are that Jamil catches you before you fall, one arm firmly gripping your elbow and the other pressed against your back to make sure you don’t try getting away on your own again. Surprisingly you don’t argue, in fact you hardly even say a word as Jamil whisks you away from the crowd; the silence is only broken on the walk there when Jamil has to stop you from nearly bucking again. You’re gripping his jacket for support when you ask “Did I hurt them?” focused on your hand wrapped into the fabric and not willing to look at him. There’s a pause, and Jamil watches your knuckles turning pale from your grip like you’re afraid of the answer. “It takes more than that to hurt any of those guys;They’ll be fine.” 
♡ Whether it’s the answer you wanted or not your grip loosens on his jacket but never truly lets go the entire walk there even as the infirmary sign comes into view around the corner. There’s no saying what effect the overblot had on you both physically and mentally, so the staff are on high alert as soon as you’re led into the infirmary. The nurse tries to take you off of his hands but you’re still holding onto Jamil for support and he’s quick to take the lead in getting you onto the bed so you can finally be seen to.
♡Jamil only allows the gravity of the situation to hit him once you’re in the capable hands of NRC medical staff, giving you some space to recover without being hounded by people as he tries to collect his thoughts. A part of him wants to stay there with you, especially with the way you’re so reluctant to let go of him during the initial checkup, but you’re drained both physically and mentally and need time to rest, and he needs to start picking up the pieces of the aftermath.
♡ The work keeps Jamil’s mind occupied, and provides a welcome buffer to the what ifs that are already beginning to creep in. But the moment he’s given a moment to finally rest it’s like all his energy’s been drained, using the nearest surface to keep himself upright as the events of the day finally fully sink in. You’ll live but all he can think about is what if you hadn’t; those few seconds where you weren’t moving, repeating over again and again. It’s an image that’s burned into his brain no matter how much he loathes having it there, and it forces his feet to move without thinking, heading straight back to the infirmary where he’d left you. Jamil needs to see that you’re really there, that you’re really safe in that bed and not taken whole by that creature again, and it’s something he finds himself doing long afterwards if only to set his own nerves at ease.  
♡ Kalim is horrified to see what’s happening to you, watching the creature that rises from your barely standing form like it’s tearing itself free from your very shadow. For a split second it’s as though he’s back at Scarabia watching his childhood friend overcome the overblot and change right before his eyes. That familiar chill of fear that he’s hoped to never have to experience again hits him square in the chest and his entire body goes cold as the reality of the situation settles with the wheezing howl that the overblot creature lets loose into the air. 
♡ Even though he can see it with his own eyes it’s almost impossible to come to terms with the fact that this is you. The one who always went out of your way to help people, who was so kind and there for everyone to help deal with their problems with hardly ever a thanks in return - there’s no way that the trembling, half coherent body looking out at the world with nothing but hatred burning behind ink stained eyes is really you. But it is, and there’s a beat, a split second where your eyes meet his and that anger flickers to grief, a lapse of the real you looking back at him before the hatred consumes you once again.
♡ It’s hard to think straight, and Kalim’s got little concern for his own safety as he joins Ace, Deuce and Grim in trying to reach out to you however pointless it may seem. He has to reach you, has to get to you somehow to make sure that you’re safe and get you away from that thing; he has to-!
♡ There’s a whoosh of air barely inches from his face, and Kalim only has a second to process the mangled claw that makes a swipe for him before there’s a hand winding into the back of his clothes , pulling him back into the dirt before those claws can bury themselves into his skull. It's enough to shock him back into the present moment, only now hearing the panicked voices of his friends and classmates as the chaos unfolds; there’s others here, and every single one of them is in danger the longer that this overblot is free to wreak havoc onto its new domain.
♡He hesitates to fight you - he just can’t bring himself to do anything that risks hurting you even though he knows that standing by and doing nothing it’s only going to make the problem worse. So he calls out to you, shouting your name with a near frantic desperation begging you to come to your senses even as the creature you’ve summoned continues it’s assault, gouging into the earth in its attempts to get at him with half formed joints. His cries are drowned out by the overblot monster’s screams, garbled words sounding like white noise ringing in the air only ever cut off when a sudden blast of magic from behind Kalim has the beast reeling. 
♡Your friends round up to make a wall effectively creating a barrier between it and the students, their faces grave as they realize what it’s going to take to make sure everyone gets out of this situation alive. The last thing he sees before they close in is you, the blot still dripping down your face as you let out an enraged scream, the months of bottled up emotions sending goosebumps up Kalims skin before you disappear back into the overblot’s hold.
♡Hesitating will only result in you getting more hurt, so Kalim tries to pour his focus onto helping elsewhere. Hoisting himself to his feet he takes charge in making sure that everyone not directly involved in the fight has a clear path to get to safety, ensuring that the debris scattering through the air never has a chance of hitting any of the students and causing more damage. All the while he’s fighting not to be distracted by the sounds of fighting - the gurgling of the overblot, the shouts of everyone co-ordinating together and struggling to turn the tide of the fight. He can’t allow himself to think too hard about what’s happening to you; the people he’s helping are looking to him as dorm leader to keep them safe and get them out of there, and if he thinks about it for too long he knows he’s going to slip up and someone’s going to end up hurt or worse. 
♡ A bloodcurdling howl brings everything to a standstill, and all at once something snaps in the air, the pressure on the back of Kalim’s skull dissipating as the blot that has soaked into every corner of the area breaks apart and disappears, no longer held together by magic. That means only one thing, and Kalim immediately drops everything that he’s doing to get back to where you are. The terrain is a mess and he trips up more than a few times on the huge chunks torn out of the earth beneath his feet as he grows more desperate to see you, to get to you. 
♡His heart drops into his stomach once he finds you through the sea of people who were fighting you not moments before, now crowded around you in a protective circle. You’re curled up on yourself, unresponsive and Kalim immediately sinks down onto his knees in front of you, not caring for the last broken pieces of the overblot that try to claw at legs for purchase even as it sinks back into the mindless puddle of waste it came from. Hands trembling, Kalim holds you as close to him as he can, wide eyes scanning your face for any sign of reaction, a sign that you’re back. The time stretches on and he feels his throat burn the longer you go without waking up; he’s here, calling your name over and over again, can’t you hear him? It’s okay to wake up now, everyone’s safe! You're okay right?... right?!
♡A groan cuts his thinking off, and there’s no holding back the sob he almost chokes on when you finally come to. You’re blinking away the haze that’s making your head pound and finally make out his face, caked in mud and debris and smeared with stark tear tracks as he cries. You bring a hand up to try and wipe away the tears and grime but that only makes him cry harder, though you don’t have time to feel bad before he’s pulling you even closer, pressing your face against his shoulder and wrapping his arms around you so tight that your ribs groan in protest. It’s not like you have the heart to push him away though - you’re so tired and drained and all you can think about is how glad you are that he’s here as you zone in and out of him gushing about how he’s so glad that you’re going to be okay.
♡Kalim refuses to let you go even as the others begin to crowd around to check on you for themselves; now that this is all over the last thing he wants to do is leave you on your own again much to the frustration of Grim and your other friends. It takes Jamil stepping in and none too subtly warning him that there’s a chance you’re still suffering from complications unless you get to a nurse and find out for sure before he relents, but even then he’s going right with you to the infirmary, taking a seat right next to the bed you’re propped up in and holding your hand and supporting you through the entire checkup.
♡All he can focus on is how tired you look, the exhaustion palpable now that the blot has washed away from your skin and clothes. He knows that it isn’t from the blot though; Kalim may be naive but he knows you were suffering before the overblot overwhelmed you. He’d tried so hard to help - offered you to stay at Scarabia any time you needed a break, insisted that you could always rely on him for anything, to tell him anything, just say it and he’ll be there! And yet it wasn’t enough to save you from all of this, and he can’t help but feel guilty that he couldn’t help you when you needed him the most…♡ You have to convince him not to call in the best doctors from back home just to come and see you the second the nurses are finished with their tests, insisting that he really doesn’t need to go that far despite his protests that he wants to make sure that you’re really okay. He’s already rattling off about how things are going to be better once you’re all healed up - he’ll come to see you everyday, of course, and he’ll make sure to bring plenty of things to keep you happy so that you can focus on resting and feeling better! It’s almost enough to forget the fact that everything that happened wasn’t just some dream your stress addled mind conjured up; however, even so exhausted you don’t miss the concern hiding behind his seemingly carefree smile, grip on your hand squeezing every once in a while as though to reassure himself that you’re both still here - he hasn’t lost you yet.
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bluiex · 10 months
I got to pirates smp an hour late and then had to dip before the stream ended nonetheless I was watching Scar's POV and now I'm having Scarian thoughts.
Mostly spoiler free all I really share is a mention of Scar's faction.
Scar drops the anchor on his boat. It's not much now, but one day he'll have something grand, he's sure of it. He hops down onto the rocky shore and picks his way inland.
In hindsight, maybe a single knife was not the right weapon, but Scar doesn't have anything better. Yet.
Scroll, scroll.. where was- Ah
Scar spends more than a moment reading the piece of paper... 'return to the mainland with the head of the isle's monster for 300 gold'
Yep, that's a good deal. Hopefully.
Unless it's something really vicious in which case, Scar is absolutely being ripped off here. Goddamn inflation.
Again, all he has is a knife.
This is... fine, probably.
Scar can hear Jellie meowing from his ship "I'll be back before you know it!" He reassures his cat.
It takes hours. He scours the island at least twice, with no success.
Then he spots a cave he didn't notice before, stepping in to an animal den of some kind where... a bird creature is goring the wolves.
Yeah this is ... fine actually. Mhm, definitely fine. Definitely not terrifying.
It's even more fine when the creature looks up at the sound of Scar's presence, dark eyes locking with his before it scrambles back in fear, wings braced around itself as if that can possibly protect it from him.
Scar makes a reckless decision, carefully putting his knife down behind himself. He's not completely stupid, if the bird-thing makes a lunge for his knife, he's dead.
Scar had been expecting an animal, not something that had the intelligence of a human. And Scar knows what it feels like to be hunted - or, knew once - so in a moment of uncharacteristic gentleness he's opening his heart to this so-called monster.
"Do you understand me?" Scar asks, softly.
The creature flinches at the sound of his voice. So it's that bad...
"I was sent to bring back your head. But neither of us want that."
The thing curls tighter around itself.
"My name is Scar. If we play our cards right we can get the reward money without you getting hurt."
The bird hisses. Which is progress, in Scar's eyes.
"I know how you feel, I do. If you come with me- if you come aboard my ship, you'll be safer." Scar feels a little faint, thinking of how mercilessly some of the other pirates would no doubt have already slaughtered this bird in Scar's shoes. "You could be my bird! Every pirate needs a bird!"
It's three days back to the kestrels' tavern base of operations. Or, it should be. It ends up taking Scar around a week, because Grian - the bird creature has a name! - doesn't quite have his sea legs yet so they have to stop at this island and that island and then Grian has to hide from other pirates
.Grian had gotten washed up after they left the cave, and it turns out that he's completely adorable under all that blood and viscera. Scar thinks it's very unfair that he can't just spend hours watching Grian, and instead has to steer his little ship.
Grian spends his time on the boat playing with Jellie, and honestly it warms Scar's heart.
It's one such stop where Grian finally accepts more than the bare minimum of physical contact necessary from Scar. It's particularly cold that night, sleeping under the stars, and Grian huddles up to Scar for warmth, burying his face in Scar's hair.
After that, it's like a switch has been flicked in Grian's brain. He's constantly latched onto Scar's arm, or perched on top of his hats, or his shoulder, asking questions.
Insert continued falling in love here I've run out of traction. Anyway the quest loophole Scar had *worked* so they do get the reward money
And it being birb Grian- AAAAH this is so good Scitties. I love it so VERY MUCH
It takes awhile for Grian to come out of his shell fully and start speaking to Scar- he's started with the physical touch and protectiveness because Scar's his flock now
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
hi! i’m not sure if you saw today’s discourse on twitter but people are speculating on the alice, armand and daniel getup. what are your thoughts on this? some people think alice and armand are the same person but others think they are separate people and daniel was married to alice while still being with armand at some point. you’re one of the few people in the fandom whose opinions i actually do trust so i’m interested in reading your take on this lol
I... just went and just scrolled over the timeline and I think I saw some of it...
So errr - thank you for your trust, I hope I can live up to it^^ - here's my two cents on this:
I do think Daniel's daughters are real, we only hear of them, but there's the helmets and I do think that the mind-wipe that obviously happened at some point happened a few years after the initial interview. I think that has likely to do with the daughters (the leaked music titles/hints would fit here) and when exactly the first pregnancy occurred.
So in my opinion this leaves us with two distinct possibilities:
Alice is Daniel's first wife. He gets his "shit" together for her, because she got pregnant. He also might confuse some of his memories of her with some of Armand's characteristics (the eyebrow standing in for the contact lenses), or events he experienced with Armand, like that dessert in Paris, because that's how brains work - they try to make sense of "what's there". It's where deja-vus come from, too. Daniel's mind has a lot of things buried it tries to make sense of, so that is nothing too surprising, imho.
Armand is Alice, the name replaced in Daniel's mind, and his daughters are actually by his second wife. That would mean that a lot of Daniel's memories and thoughts are confused though, and I'm not so sure I would lean into that, because I think it is contradicted by his career.
There's also the third possibility that Daniel's daughters (and Alice) actually never existed, and that the few items of them were planted, but that... I think that would be too far out, because Daniel would then have lived an illusory life, with repeated spell-binding and mind-wipes to keep him in it, to write his books as he did, and so on. I don't think that's likely.
Now, personally I think the show will take the route of 1).
If you know the Devil's Minion, Armand hunts Daniel all over the world after Louis attacked him (and in the show after Armand saved his life). In growing consternation and fascination, and an also quite fatal love.
We know that at some point something happens which leads in turn to someone wiping Daniel's mind. We know they kept tabs on him (the tapes turn up in his post box without postage^^), we know they are up to date on his medical issues. Louis refers to Daniel as "our boy" more than once, and Armand looks shocked when Louis quips offers Daniel the Dark Gift.
In the book, Armand only turns Daniel when he is about to die, and I don't think that will change here. If that will mean a combination of TtotBT, or QotD? We'll see. There's a lot of ways they could go.
But back to Daniel and his daughters.
We know these daughters are all grown up (and don't talk to him anymore). We know he is divorced, twice, and has had his ups and downs. These can be traced, the books exist, his career exists. His wife is mentioned in those books.
So there are decades of his life that he lived outside the "hunt" with Armand (and likely, in parts at least, Louis). Decades of his life that exist away from the vampires - and there has to be a reason for that.
For Armand to step back from his fixation on Daniel there had to be a very valid, very deep reason.
Obviously Daniel getting "Alice" pregnant would fit that bill.
Armand had wanted to keep Daniel human, had tried not to turn him. (In vain, ultimately.) Daniel becoming a father... now that would bring in a "reason" outside Armand's own reasoning that he could latch onto.
And, who knows where we are in the story wrt the reconciliation with Marius, maybe it was he who wiped Daniel's mind. But of course Armand is just as capable here.
So I think the hunts, and maybe years of relationship with Armand happened.
And then... something else happened. Maybe the frustration of being denied the blood led to Daniel leaving Armand for periods of time. Maybe he found solace with Alice. Maybe it was an accident. Maybe it was an attempt at normalcy. We'll see.
As a note though, because for me it kinda implied there - Armand... wouldn't mind Daniel being (having sex) with someone else, even if he were there. In the books the famous "cuck chair" is very much real, Armand gets Daniel a lot of people to have sex with.
I do not think they will go the route of Daniel being married while Armand is still "there".
I do however think that Armand is always somewhere close, has maybe interfered in Daniel's life in some aspects, too. Has kept tabs.
So that's my two cents on this :) Hope it made sense - let me know what you think?^^
>> Btw, if you are interested in a fanfiction take that is very well written, and likely very close to what we might see? I can recommend "The Forgotten Years", by @faerywhimsy and @cbrownjc - they did a fantastic job hooking into what we know already and what the books provide and merge it together. I'm reading it now, and I have a blast seeing it all fit^^.
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xerith-42 · 2 months
dude. xerith. idk if you saw my reblog of madcatlad’s post, BUT. they cooked. the issue on the table: nether withdrawals. i’m insane about this.
very much exploring the idea of the calling being more about fighting the addiction that is the nether itself for shadow knights, rather than purely the aggression part.
thoughts? musings?
Oh Cinn, oh Cinn you've brought my attention to something beautiful.
Little known fact about me because I'm still pretty decent about over sharing on the internet, addiction is something I've actually thrown hands with before. The idea of the Calling as an addiction to the Nether?? Now that's a concept I can latch onto.
I think that there could be ways to satiate withdrawal, but not in an exactly helpful way. The Calling is in Shadow Knights brains like "Oooh you wanna kill your loved ones and come back to the Nether soooo bad." But minor acts of violence and arson can make it shut up. Enough bloodshed, such as what happens at the Werewolf Wedding, is enough to make it so a knight isn't drawn to the idea of killing their loved one anymore because the urge for blood has been answered. Of course... Most Shadow Knights fighting the call aren't exactly happy when something like the Werewolf Wedding happens to them.
As for the urge of the Nether, they could always try to answer that with things that are like the Nether or remind them of it. Sitting by a fire, setting things on fire, sitting in a pool of hot water that can at least try and simulate lava, setting things on fire, existing in the bitter dry heat of an Arizonan morning, or setting things on fire. The Calling always responds best to the most violent solution, and even while trying to satiate it, it's still pulling at the mental strings of a knight to make the most violent decisions possible.
That idea of being able to sit by a fire instead of setting something ablaze really sucks for Knights who might have been traumatized by the Nether and struggle to be around fire for very long as a result, Laurance.
A lot of moments of a premature Shadow Knight lashing out aren't necessarily because the Calling is making them want to kill, it's because it's making them want to go back to something they know is bad for them. It's a drug that they've overdosed on and are trying to run away from still present in their veins and urging them to take another dose, regardless of its lethality. That kind of mental gymnastics and battle wears down at a person even when they aren't actively fighting. Even if they aren't in their head fighting the Calling and it's urges, it's still there. They still think about it.
Laurance doesn't want to go back to The Nether. He would rather die again than go back there. But when he sees the frame of a portal, when he's nearby one that's unstable, he has to fight. He has to fight his body and its urge to go back to that hell. Just one hit will make him feel better. Just a chance to touch netherack and breathe that ashy air will soothe his worries. Because being reminded of the Nether, even if it causes a trauma response, does cause a part of his brain to feel good. The Calling sees fire and gives him a shot of dopamine and excitement.
Wouldn't it just be so nice if he went back? If he didn't have to feel this constant drain? If he was in the Nether then the Calling would shut up, right? Wouldn't it be so amazing to just feel this good all the time? He's already dead, what damage can be done to his body afterwards?
Of course the Calling has two components, both addictive. One is of course the urge to go to the Nether. The other is that urge to kill your loved one and gain immortality. Doing one only makes the other feel stronger. Oh, you sat next to a Nether portal and made it so you're now comfortable in the over world? Bet you wanna kill your lord right about now, huh?
What's that, you actually killed your lord? Well, don't you just wanna come home to the Nether where you're surrounded by people who have all done the same and won't hate you for it? Go on, you know you want to.
Like everything else, it comes down to the Shadow Kings need to control. If he can make Shadow Knights into addicts of stuff directly associated with him, they'll be more loyal. They'll serve him to get a fix of bloodshed and hell fire. They'll come running back to him after ruining their lives for his enjoyment, and they'll fall at his feet for the chance to become a higher up in their army. He deprives them of everything they ever could have had and calls it freedom.
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gaybananabread · 5 months
⌁₊˚⊹ Jay's Silly Moods⊹˚₊⌁
(Art this is based off of)
Definitely getting back into Ninjago… Halfway through drawing this, I got a very strong urge to write a self-indulgent fic. These goobers are slowly regaining their vice grip on my brain. I might be getting to the “Requested When Shit Was Closed” prompts soon, but big possibility. Back on task, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Jay
Ler: Cole
Summary: Jay’s been zapping his shipmates, sneaking in quick pokes and shockingly ticklish squeezes whenever he can. While it isn't his intention, most of those are aimed at Cole. Sick of the surprise jolts, the Earth ninja has a little vengeful fun of his own.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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The ninja were peacefully relaxing on the couch, trying to unwind after a long day of battles and villain encounters. Cole was listening to music, the faint sounds of “dad rock” coming through his headphones as he rested his arms behind his head. Zane was messing around with his circuitry, and Kai was sprawled out, trying to nap. 
The only one not lazing around was Jay; he had a much more mischievous way of cooling down in mind. 
Sneaking up near the couch, he positioned himself right behind the relaxed Cole. Not wasting another second, he sent a very small amount of electricity to his finger tips, tasing Cole's sides before taking off. The rocky boy jolted out of his trance, a surprised laugh flying from his lips as his arms came crashing down.
“GYAH! W-whahat the hell?” When he turned around to his perpetrator, though, all he saw was a streak of blue disappear around the corner. “Zappy jerk…”
Zane chuckled, shaking his head before resuming his tinkering. Kai was still snoozing, oblivious to the world. With a huff, Cole lowered his arms, not wanting to risk another attack before relaxing again. Damn Jay's silly moods…
The whole rest of that week was full of little pokes, squeezes and zaps from the blue ninja. Whenever anyone even thought of letting their guard down, he'd be there, disappearing the moment they tried to retaliate or catch him.
Most of the team just ignored it, used to his silly behavior. Sure, it was a little annoying sometimes, but it was all in good fun. Everyone was fine with that.
Everyone except Cole.
While he loves his friend's quirks, the constant tickling was getting on his nerves. The guy wore tank-tops daily; it wasn't exactly hard for Jay to get him.
But he had a plan. One that would surely keep Jay off his back, or at least for a little while. So, sitting on the couch and sprawling out, he waited for the inevitable pokes that would seal his fellow ninja's fate.
Jay snickered as he saw his rocky friend, sprawled out and relaxing on the couch. It was too easy! He should have been suspicious, but the brain goblins were overpowering his rationality with mischief.
Creeping over to the couch, he sent small sparks to his fingers. Just a little closer…wait is he smili-
Before Jay could even think to run, Cole shot his hands upward, latching onto the sparky boy’s wrists and flipping him over the couch. Cole was careful not to hurt him, though the shriek Jay let out surely did some hearing damage. 
He was pinned in seconds, stuck lying on his stomach with a rather intimidating man on his waist. Whatever his friend was gonna do, he literally couldn't see it coming.
Anticipatory giggles bubbled past Jay's lips, his eyes wide and giddy-looking. “C-Cole, wait! Lehet's talk about thihihis!”
Cracking his neck, Cole smirked down at his fellow ninja. “Neh, I'm good. Actions have consequences, Jay..”
Without another word, Cole dug into the sparky boy's sides, squeezing the sensitive skin. He was done with Jay's shit; it was payback time.
“Nohohoho! Cohome on, thihihis ihis mehehean!” The brat tried to wriggle out of the hold, but Cole's hands were just out of reach. The position he was in was evil: Who pins people on their stomach?!
“You know what's mean? Poking your friends when they're trying to get stuff done. I'd say you deserve this, wouldn’t you?” He smirked, scritching little lightning bolts on his sides. It was silly, sure, but he kinda asked for it.
Jay kicked his feet behind Cole, trying anything to make things tickle less. It was a fruitless effort, though: he was stuck. 
“Plehehease! Ihit’s nohohot fahair!” His giggling sounded whiny, like a child throwing a tantrum.
Cole scoffed and rolled his eyes. He wants to see unfair? Cole’ll show him unfair…
Snickering, he moved up to the zappy boy’s ribs, digging in and wiggling his fingers between each bone. That should kill him.
“C-Cohohole! Grk- NOHOhohot thehere! I'M SOHAHARRY! NYAHAHAHA!” Jay lost it when Cole dug into his ribs, loud belly laughter quickly replacing his giggles. Little snorts and squeaks flowed with the laughter, only adding to the mild chaos.
“Hmhmph. Sparky brat…” Cole just chuckled smugly, continuing to torment his fellow ninja. Besides the payback, his cute reactions were well worth it.
Thrashing wildly, Jay laughed his ass off, the tickling on his worst spot driving him insane. “P-PLEHEASE! COHOHOLE! I CAHAHAN’T-” He patted his hand, palm flat against the floor. 
The moment Cole saw the tapping-out, he knew it was time to quit. Pulling his hands away, he climbed off Jay. The giggly boy immediately curled up in a ball, tickle-drunk and giddy. 
“You alive, sparky?” Cole asked while rubbing Jay's back, trying to calm him down. There was an air of humor in his tone, but he was trying to be nice.
Jay tried to catch his breath, his cheeks flush and his nerves buzzing. “F-fuhuck youhuhu…”
“Alright, alright. I'm done being mean.” Snorting, Cole pulled his friend up into a hug. It was clear he enjoyed the short bout of being tickled, the agitation just a facade.“Next time, try just asking for what you want, okay? I'd be happy to help~”
Blushing heavily, Jay whined, though he did relax into the hug. It was warm, nice, and calming after all the laughter. Muttering something under his breath, Jay leaned his head against Cole's chest. If he wanted to be mean, the rocky boy was gonna be a pillow.
Cole lifted him up with a huff, carrying the lightning ninja to their beds. He laid him down, cuddling up next to him and pulling a blanket over them both. It wasn't a rare sight: the ninja saw some things on missions, and physical contact helped keep them calm.
It was ten o’clock: not the latest for them, but good enough to doze off. Cole closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of his fellow ninja and the happy air in the room. Yeah, he could get used to Jay's goofy moods…
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smytherines · 3 months
I went through my big Starkid era over the last like six months or so. I had seen Spies Are Forever once a few months back, liked it, but it kinda got buried by life stuff. Maybe a week or two before the tinlightenment kickstarter started up, I remembered SAF and decided to rewatch it, and seeing it again with the context of the full story just really spoke to me in a way I cannot shut up about.
I love Spies Are Forever. I love how funny and tender and gay and hilarious it is. But as much as I love SAF, I'm most grateful that I've gotten to make so many friends bonding over this show. Friends who are working so so so hard to promote the kickstarter because they love Tin Can Bros stuff as much as I do. We have had so much fun on streams, making up ridiculous inside jokes, posting sandwiches and asses in bios and the Sacred Text.
When I found out about the kickstarter I went and liked all the socials, not even thinking about funding it if I'm honest, but I wanted to share stuff at least. That has changed in a big way. I just increased my pledge today, actually!
Anyways I kept rewatching SAF and appreciating it in new ways. I watched Solve It Squad and Grunch and Wayward Guide. I started engaging with the tinlightenment posts. I asked my partner for the 54 Below digital ticket for Valentines Day. I made a new tumblr for the first time in years so I could post hyperfixations about SAF. I made a Diane Lopez-Richter meme that still makes me smile every time I see it, and now I'm just doing as much TCB promo as I possibly can because I really believe in what they're doing.
Theatre is hard. Independent theatre is so much harder. I spent 8 years in a children's community theatre company growing up. My mom did their books in exchange for my tuition. It was always a hustle to keep the doors open. I can say without question that it saved my life. It gave me a space to safely have my big ADHD feelings. Theatre gives you space to feel huge things in a safe way, and TCB provides free, fully original productions to anyone who can access youtube.
I backed the Tinlightenment kickstarter because these original shows and songs and characters are rare and precious, given to us FOR FREE in the hopes that we'll continue to choose to support all of these wonderful creators when they do these big fundraising campaigns.
Corey, Joey, and Brian have spent ten years working hard as fuck to bring us new things for our goblin brains to latch onto, and I want to see more. They have been working so hard on this kickstarter to give us SEVEN events for 200k, which is basically nonsense. An irrationally small amount of money for what they are planning to do. And I want to see them get there.
If you can't back the kickstarter, that's totally cool. Everyone has their own shit going on, nobody is going to hold it against you. We love you we love you we love you.
If you can afford to throw a few bucks towards the kickstarter, please please do it. Independent theatre only happens if we fund it.
>>> Tinlightenment <<<
(Reposting the Diane meme because I love watching her get new treats)
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jennilah · 2 months
I think i started to follow you bc of tiny!cas, like eons ago, let me tell you seeing you get into different fandoms over the years has been a delight.
I remember seeing post of you going like 'hey these slasher film kinda go hard' and look at you know.
I mean this in the best way possible, I feel i've been watching a house plant grow, every now and then catching my attention and being amazed by the changes
omg thats such a sweet way of describing my... well happy autism awareness day everyone, its a nice way of describing the way i naturally transition through my Special Interests lmfao
actually, for the holiday, let me infodump about this very aspect of my brain to anyone who isnt aware how this works for me. (also every autistic person is different, so this is just how this symptom manifests in me)
ill say "phases" to simplify, though thats an unfair word because it implies im "over" my past phases. 99% of my past phases are pretty much there for life, but in the back of my mind. (So long as I didnt have a "bad breakup" with it for some reason, which is rare but happens) The ability to become a raving lunatic about it is dormant until someone asks the right question.
There can only be one interest (sometimes 2, with one being the less dominant one) at the forefront of my brain at a time, though. that defines the "phase".
so for example, my recent Halloween phase is "over" and I am 100% fully into Saw now, but I still absolutely love Halloween and Michael and Jason and all those guys. as evident by me still happily sharing gifsets and art and buying merch etc if it tickles my fancy. They're just hanging out in the background of my mental display case.
yea whoever follows my tumblr for a very long time has watched it happen in realtime. the transition between interests. i know for a fact which phase I started this blog on. if you're here from the beginning, youve seen, in order:
-Durarara!! -Deus Ex -Supernatural -Godzilla -Detroit: Become Human -There was like a few weeks where it was HLVRAI -And then it was plants. There was a year-long stretch with no Special Interest and I was latching onto odd things (and I was very inactive here) -Halloween & Friday the 13th -and now, Saw
I have many other things I love, but they don't clamp around my brain in quite the same extreme way.
my phases can last any amount of time, anywhere from a few short intense months to 5+ years, its completely random, completely unpredictable. even the interest itself is impossible to predict. its not something i choose, its something that happens to me.
sometimes i avoid watching things for a long time because im still very emotionally attached to my current phase and im genuinely afraid the shiny new thing will replace it. all art or fic ideas for the previous phase? theyll be abandoned. all I will want to create will be related to the new thing. (though I will sometimes draw it anyway, like digging up old toys to play with once in a while. The likelihood just drops considerably)
which is why right now i pretty much put a pause on the other franchises I plan on watching. I'm genuinely gripping onto Saw like someone is tryin to take it from me.
and then sometimes im like "haha yeah right. ill be fine. ill eat my shoe if my brain latches to this" and then put on the movie and by the credits roll im a new person (yes thats what happened with Saw. I really had no idea.)
this is also why im terrified of even just "checking out" things that have, like, a toxic fanbase or something, because i cant stop a new phase from happening if it does. and its really hard to keep it to myself, fuck
(do u know how mad i was when i realized i was attaching to hoffman the evil dirty cop??? i was so scared of drawing him, dudes. but thankfully everyones been cool abt it and we're all very aware of his awfulness & we have fun w it)
and every time my brain changes and i do get obsessed with some new thing, i get really scared and worried and hope I dont bother everyone who followed me for something else :(((( and yet, every time, im absolutely floored by how many people choose to tolerate my newest nonsense and stick around anyway
anyway ive lost the plot of what point i was making here OH YEAH thank you!
tl;dr: that would be the autism! thank you, it WILL happen again! that is a threat! 🥰
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piratekane · 15 days
okay hmmm....i won't ask about americava cause i know you're gonna post chapter one any day now....
soo....7, 11, 12 for can i get your house key? =]
i see what you're doing there. i see it. you're not so slick. (but maybe i *will* post something. just to motivate myself, IDK)
7. What inspired the idea for the plot? i did just answer this one here, but also i want to say that my brain is not a place brimming with inspiration and sometimes a thought erupts like a belch and i latch onto it. this is what happened.
11. Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in? originally we were going to end it at the moment they finally get together because i thought that was a nice neat bow to tie around the project. but kay and i were talking and she really convinced me that people needed to see how they started as friends, what that moment was like, and then see where they ended up after they finally decided to make a go of things. and because she's brilliant, it was a great idea. it wasn't necessarily hard to fit in, but i had kind of given myself the out with them getting together that diving back in took a minute. i think it worked out for the best though!
12. Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in? there wasn't, actually. we had plotted out all we thought it should be and i felt like we really hit every note. maybe something more with the whole group, if i'm pressed to think about it now. i love the group dynamic and always want more of them. it's possible i could have even done something about the first time ava hung out with the group on her own and their (not so) subtle questions about her intentions--as bea's friend, obviously.
ask away!
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manofthepipis · 7 months
In a hypothetical scenario where Spamton could physically (and was mentally ready to) talk about his puppetification with all the horrors it entailed…what aspects would he discuss?
Also those post-its drawings are so gooood what the hell
Ooo so i've thought about this question a lot, like rolling the possibilities in my brain, and it makes for some rlly angsty convos that aren't meant to be but great in a hypothetical.
First, so i write ol spammy boy's puppetification due to my own hcs about how it all went down. like after he looked into the Brightest Spotlight Ever™️, he begs to his phone pal to show him more about the world above him. But in the attempt to do so, his benefactor ends up breaking him. This is when the physical glitches start and with each glitch, he becomes more and more of a literal puppet until the transformation is complete. I'd think these glitches were attempts to "fix" his programming, (maybe make him more sentient in the light world? wouldn't that be cool) but the phone guy just took more of spamton's control away from him. I believe spamton agreed to this, not knowing the consequences, but in his mind, providing more control to the guy on the phone was his ticket to becoming [bigger and better]. He was thinking that this was his way to get to that pretty light he saw in the shadow crystal, but nope, poor dude was let down and fell due to his own hubris. This preludes their connection being totally lost.
Over time, seeing less and less of himself and anticipating that feeling of the loss of self with every emerging error until it just embeds itself into his character... it's a dark theme and i love to mess with it lol. Computer body horror is just top tier
I think he'd reach out to Swatch first, as they were a front-row witness to his downfall, and he couldn't answer any question or concern they had about what was going on. He'd clear things up, detail what happened and how it wasn't him making these changes, it was his top investor. The glitches don't do any further permanent damage, they're just an after-effect now, but it's enough to make Swatch, and those around spamton, want to help him out with it. Like, Swatch was left horribly confused as to why spamton lost his marbles so abruptly and decided to latch onto neo, but this would provide an explanation rather than just give spamton an excuse for what he did.
He'd be glad to tell the addisons. Give em a good ol extra punch of guilt. While they were moping and writhing in their jealousy, thinking that spamton had it all and more, spamton was actually going through becoming a living jigsaw cosplay. After all the panic of reliving it, it'd be like him to start rlly guilting them with a smile on his face, rlly rubbing salt in the wound until it got too much.
that's my take on it at least! Honestly I can't decide if he'd talk about the implications of their existence with other darkners, but instead with us/Kris. I mean, it'd be hilarious af if he just dropped the identity of the knight and all those other mysteries, but if he did i'm 98% sure we'd just see him as unreliable and keep theorizing lmao
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xiphiaarts · 26 days
Okay, so i've got the fic brewing in my brain. Definitely want it to be Papyrus centric, but I'm considering maybe adding in a love bug Sans as well. Whether Sans is infected or not, I like to imagine that they would have a sibling bond (happy sibling relationship go brrr). That does the raise the question, if both ends of a soul bond are infected, what happens?
OhmygoodnessSSS listen I am not normal about any papyrus (or any sans so either way I'd be insane/POS)
OKAY OKAY SO IM GOING TO GIVE TWO EXAMPLES OF THIS, a romantic affection one based around my selfshipping and a platonic one based around Sans and papy
Two infecteds together in romantic aspect is the perfect and the worst possible couple you can imagine. A lovebugg can't infect a pat (what I call my sona) but pats have their own virus called LuvSick, a relationship between LuvSick and their pat is more controlling than the symbiotic relationship between a skeleton and their lovebugg parasite.
That being said, it makes a pat as obsessive, violent and possessive of whoever they're bonded to, and should they be bonded to an infected skeleton the two (or three in the poly aus) if them will be on top of eachother constantly. They're dependant on eachother for sustenance and are fine living their lives attached at the waists, though they have a tendency to shut down or freakout if their bonded is not around. The relationship is full of the reassurance and affection that both parasite and virus need to survive, but also may result in social isolation or the possible deaths of people around them. They're feeding off of eachother, consistently, to the point where they become more addicted to it than usual and would rather sit in a dark room with eachother than do any thing else. This is also true for parasite infected x parasite infected relationships, say, if you were a sansxsans/papxpap shipper
Now a sibling bond if two infected's is different, and it's likely that one sibling infected the other. Papyri are also alot more susceptible to infection because the parasites that latch onto their souls have more 'bugs' than they're able to give out, so in a house full of papyri they'd all get sick at a much faster rate. (This is because I hc papyrus as just a general power house with more magic than the average monster, so this also translates to his parasite)
A sibling bond would relate to them having a similar relationship to that of a sort of 'hive', they don't even have to look at eachother for their prime directive to be the same and they work together to achieve goals flawlessly, they feed off of each other's bond so they make sure to keep eachother alive and functioning properly, and are quick to ward off threats to their family member. Papyrus would be the hives mobility; carrying sans around, walking/driving places etc, and sans would be the meerkat/turret scouting out danger and destroying it accordingly. Sans Still makes his bad puns that papyrus pretend gets on his nerves, and papyrus still chastises his brother for his laziness at times, but they're basically psychically linked and cling to eachother when their romantic bonded's are non existent or not around. Keeping sick!siblings together is also a way to keep the skeletons off of a romantic bonded's back, but it may backfire and they may both hunt you down to smother you in their joined affections
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cuubism · 10 months
Hey I love your work so much, I just have a quick question to pick at that phenomenal brain of yours.
So this is WHUMP!Hob because my heart aches for this little man and I love him but I also want to see him go through the horrors.
Did any of us ever imagine what it’d be like if Hob had been on the Titanic? Not like an AU where Hob and Dream are Jack and Rose, but like canon universe.
What if Hob was on the Titanic when it sank??
I don’t think he’d get on the lifeboat because:
1) He’s Hob,our beautiful, lovable, self-sacrificing pillock that now holds all life over his own. If he can save just one more person, if one more live can be saved if he doesn’t get on that boat.
(He’d probably rag other men off the lifeboats too to make room let’s not gaff.)
2) He knows he’ll survive underneath it all. The stress and fear around him would probably get to him so much that it wouldn’t be the first thing he thought of (I mean that’s my person opinion because the titanic obviously was a mortifying experience)
3) He would leave the lifeboats to go below deck and literally deck the workers locking the lower class people under and to their deaths. He would 10000% break every gate and door he could find to free those trapped.
If he can survive drowning, then he’s going to hold his breath as long as possible to help those he can.
But then imagine him after the boat has gone under. After the lifeboats have abandoned those they couldn’t carry.
He’d be floating there hearing the screams of people around him and long after that, when he’s frozen and stuff, he’s drowned twice and come back, and latched onto an empty life jacket that he doesn’t want to think of why it was empty, and he’s just floating there.
And then he hears a whistle. Rose has been saved and he is found too, and he survives of course.
Imagine Dream finding out about this. It happened roughly 2 decades after their last meeting, where Hob thinks he screwed it all up.
He wanted an escape after it happened and then this cruise ship came along with promise of being unsinkable, and to an immortal man who sees the wonder of life, isn’t that bloody brilliant??
And then it turns into one of his reoccurring nightmares for decades, nay centuries to come.
How would Dream react to that?
I just think you could do more with this than I could, you know?
You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, I understand that some people tend to avoid asks/promos like these and if so, I completely understand! It’s just been in my brain for a while now.
So so sorry this is so long and badly written, I didn’t know how to phrase it.
Again, I LOVE your work, keep it up! Take a break when and if you need and I hope you have an amazing day/night wherever and whenever you read this!
<3 Meema
You have such a more generous interpretation of Hob's personality than I do, because my first impulse was "Hob is the ultimate survivalist and would definitely push somebody off the lifeboat" 😂. Then again, this is also in his post-1889 era which is the first era where it seems like he cared about or was trying to be a better person, so maybe not. Maybe he'd only push assholes off the lifeboat and not just anybody 😂
I could see Hob going on the Titanic though, he was involved in the ship-building business for a while so I can see him hearing about it being 'unsinkable' and being like hmmm bet. Anything for a new experience, etc.
Then it's sinking of course and he's like mmm fuck I can't die but I'm in the middle of the goddamn ocean. He does need to get on some lifeboat or something because even if he can't actually die of drowning he also can't swim hundreds and hundreds of miles to shore, he'll just be trapped out there or stuck in a cycle of dying from hypothermia and reviving for god knows how long. I doubt drowning is something Hob particularly wants to experience again anyway.
I really enjoy your kind Hob who wants to help people, I'm sorry that my mental image of Hob is hitting somebody in the head with an oar instead 😂 or at least, wanting to hit somebody with an oar, thinking back on his stranger saying 'you've changed,' dropping the oar with gritted teeth... XD Being a better person is hard-won and hard-learned for Hob, I think.
thank you for sending me the story 🥰
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chiarrara · 2 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Oh my gosh this is impossible, I like too much and I'm the most indecisive motherfucker. I actually agonized over this, like this is so broad I was trying to think of everything I've ever liked, and what do you mean by favorite, and do I like the story because of the characters or the narrative, and how much do I like them now vs. how much I used to like them. I was doing way too much.
Basically, this is a list (loosely ordered) of my favorite characters (probably) right NOW, either based in recency bias, or in their lasting ability to remain a favorite years later A.K.A. characters that altered my brain chemistry because I'm insane about them:
Yuri Plisetsky - Yuri!!! On Ice
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Yuri Plisetsky is my favorite of all time. If the rest of the list isn't quite in order, he's still at the top every time. There are some characters that just click for you and he's one of them. You're gonna start seeing a pattern here with some of these characters so it might just be that I have a type, but either way I love him like he's me. I love to put him in situations. I love to explore his character. I love to imagine his future. And I love his lil face. He's just so determined, and so angry, and I adore him and all his flaws.
2. Otabek Altin - Yuri!!! On Ice
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Now listen, he's not a major character, he doesn't have a lot of screen time, but he made a huge, huge impact. It's not a coincidence that I love Yuri P so much, Otabek is so high because of Yuri P. But ultimately, he's one of my all time favorites because of a version of him that exists in fanfiction and fanon. Specifically, I love Otabek because of "From Almaty, With Love", my favorite fic of all time. I love to inhabit his mind, but also I just love him. He's the type of guy who's nothing like me, but I wish I was more like him. Also, I'm just a sucker for the strong and silent type.
3. Megumi Fushiguro - Jujutsu Kaisen
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Current biggest projection target. Oh my god how this lil guy has taken over my mind. I watched JJK for the first time in December, but I don't think I really got insane about Megumi until I read the manga and... just check out my tag #megumi fushiguro's gay little hands. He's just so compelling to me. I just love a grumpy teen. I love a troubled little guy. I love how out of touch with his emotions he is. I love that he's insane. I want to put him in every possible situation and see what he does. He's my favorite, I don't know what to say.
4. Ahsoka Tano - Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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Ahsoka!!! I love her so much!!!!! It's been a while since I watched The Clone Wars, and I'm off the Star Wars hundred million franchise properties train right now, so I haven't watched the new show, and I probably won't because I like her just the way she is in Clone Wars and I don't need any more. She's the coolest girl, she pulls like crazy, she's some variety of lesbian, she's a skilled fighter, she has a great personality, and she's a brown girl for brown girls. Like, little boys get cool characters they can latch onto all the time, she's that for me. Love her forever.
5. Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Ahhhhh, Zuko. I'm gonna try to be normal about him. Best redemption arc ever written in any media ever. He's just so lovable. You get to know him even a little bit early on in the series (The Storm) and it's just...OH. You start to understand. And it just grows and grows from there. He's a sympathetic character (The Blue Spirit), but you don't pity him because you're with him every step of the way as he has to grow and fight through all the pain and conflict inside him (Bitter Work, The Avatar and The Firelord). And he makes the worst mistakes. He makes the wrong choices (Crossroads of Destiny). And he has to earn every little bit of his redemption. And he does. What an incredible character. One of the most iconic voices of all time (Dante Basco, I love you). Also, I just love him. "Hey, Zuko here!" He will always have my heart.
6. Yuuri Katsuki - Yuri!!! On Ice
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It is actually impossible for me to pick only two pictures of Yuri Katsuki because he's just so precious in every single one in completely different ways. I wasn't sure at first if I was going to put him on this list because Yuri P dominates my thoughts around YOI so much. But I don't love Yuri On Ice because of Yuri P. When I'm actually in a rewatch, Yuri Katsuki reminds me how much I love and adore him and how much he really means to me. Discovering Yuri, and everything he doesn't show you through his unreliable narrator ass as the show goes on is so so special. And nothing in that show could make me fall in love with figure skating the way "Yuri on Ice" and "On Love: Eros" did. My 2017 Spotify Wrapped was 90% YOI music because I used to fall asleep to "Yuri on Ice" on repeat. I love him so much. He means so much to me. That's all I can say.
7. Rue Bennett - Euphoria
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She is me. I am her. This is less about her character, and more about how she allows me to see myself and be seen. My weakest parts. My most painful parts. The worst experiences of my life. I don't think I've ever related to a character or what they have gone through more than I have with Rue. I don't think I've ever related to a character's flaws and worst moments more than I have with Rue. Say what you will about Euphoria, I don't care. It's so important to me because of Rue. At least....Season 1 is.
8. Effy Stonem - Skins (UK)
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Are we starting to see the patterns here? Effy Stonem is THE original indie sleaze girl. I wanted to be her sooooo bad. I wanted to be her in Gen 1 (I loved Effy Stonem before Gen 2, I'm not like other girls. lmao, anyway...) Skins was a very formative piece of media for me. There is no world where I love Euphoria without having loved Skins first. Skins and Effy made me want to go to raves in Bristol, wear ripped tights, take MDMA, smoke spliffs and cigarettes 24/7... it was actually such a bad influence, but it means a lot to me. I loved Effy from her first appearance on screen, and I loved her until her last. Kaya Scodelario you will always be famous.
9. Ash Lynx - Banana Fish
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Ash Lynx is one of the most complicated and compelling characters I have ever seen. I had a hard time deciding to include him because I don't feel like you can divorce Ash the character from Banana Fish the story, or from Eiji and their relationship. Do I love him as his own character, or do I love Banana Fish in its entirety? But I do love him. He's very special to me. Banana Fish is about him. It's a love letter to him, in a way. You can't love Banana Fish without loving Ash, everyone around Ash loves Ash, even the horrible people who want to claim him. His pain and trauma is so overwhelming, but you as the audience can see the person he is through all of that even if he can't, and you just want him to find happiness and see it for himself someday. And be safe for the first time in his life. A tragic hero who really shouldn't have been in a tragedy. An unfair tragedy. He deserves the world.
10. Kyo Sohma - Fruits Basket
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At this point you have to be seeing the pattern. I love a well-written grumpy boy. And I love Kyo Sohma so, so much. I watched 2001 right before 2019 and let me tell you, the vidication... I was absolutely in love with 2001 Kyo, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. He was my little shojo crush, it was fine if he wasn't Tohru's. Then I popped on 2019, and he had the SAME VOICE ACTOR!?!?!? Bro, the way I melted. And then the show went on and I noticed he was being framed a little different than he was in 2001???? I mean, if you want my whole watch through check my #fruits basket 2019 tag. I had a whole journey. Let's be so honest, Kyo is on here because I'm in love with him. But also, he's an amazing character with so much deep turmoil from really really difficult circumstances, and he still manages to be caring and attentive and kind, along with a million other amazing character traits. Most character of all time. I love him so much.
BONUS (Characters I can't believe didn't make this list):
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The Entire Skins Gen 1 Main Cast (who I love more than Effy, but I can't pick just one favorite), Suguru Geto (who's creeping up on me more and more as I dive deeper into his character), Eiji Okumura (the other half of AshEiji, and just the sweetest boy alive who's also the biggest ride-or-die I love him), and Victor Nikiforov (out of the YOI cast, he's my least most favorite, but I love him so much and his lil heart mouth. He's a star, he is the moment, give him his flowers).
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eraldkarma · 6 months
Ok so my hyper fixation on aphmau has sparked u again, I've decided to share my little Au with the world because my friends are getting tired of hearing about a minecraft roleplay from... oh god it's been that long? Jeez.
Anyway here is what I'm changing about the base cannon of mystreet before I throw in any crazy AUs like Ein being a decent person and living with Aph and Sylvanna during S2 of PDH or mystreet Dante getting stuck in MCD when everyone ditched him.
So I don't know I can fit my whole four years worth of brain rot in one post so we are going to start with the big blaring walking red flag himself Aaron.
What needs to change?
So so muck For starters, apparently, Aphmau needed to listen to sylvannas internet safety lectures a bit more because SHE STILL GIVES A STRANGER HER ACTUAL PHONE NUMBER!!! Sorry sorry this is a post about Aaron not how nieve aphmau is.
Anyway the guys 18 and is dating aphmau who is probably 14/15. This guy is going off to college in a year and aphmau still talks her stuffed cat and hides in a closet before her first day of high school.
Also at first I defended Aaron becouse I thought he just didn't know how old she was when they were strangers texting each other but they have a whole conversation about how nervous she is ABOUT HER FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL! Sorry again 😔 but if I was Aaron and I found out that the person I was talking to was actually a young girl who was probably fourteen or fifteen (younger actually since they've known each other and have been texting for atleast a couple months) and knowing that I am seventeen or eighteen would break it off and probably unfriend them not keep texting them about it and then start to ask them to reveal there real name.
Then there's the whole like ultima thing I know it wasn't actually written in until like season 4 of mystreet but I have a question 🤔 if darek knew what kind of life was in store for his son having the curse if he feels so bad about having to isolate his son if he knew the curse is a possibility why have him? Why risk have biological children? Or why not stop after milisasa since for some reason the curse only effects the males of a blood line. (You're telling Me the lycan family has never had an all female generation? Is the curse just dormant in females?) I'm changing that we need to change dark put him on the list right above Sylvanna but under KC.
There's also like why are you the alpha of the werewolf pack? Like I get it in highschool but after in season five? You don't know anything about the culture and Daniel ran the highschool pack for four years you don't have to be the alpha now? I genuinely think that was from Jason wanting his self insert to be the ' powerful hot alpha oc trademark do not steal'
So how an I gonna fix this?
Well we are going to start with Aaron's age, He's aphmaus age or well hes sixteen but so were Garothand Laurence. Plane and simple hes sixteen hes a softmore who was homeschooled is life becouse of his secret ultima curse. He does switch schools temporarily for S2 of PHD becouse dark was worried about how frequently Aaron was loosing control and how he still hadn't had a grasp on the curse, I'm gonna get to that hold tight.
That leads me into my next fix how Aph and Aaron met! They were put in the same online schooling class because Rachel is a bissness major, and Sylvanna is the type of mom to make you cry when she helps you study for your spelling bee (she loves her daughter but she does not have enogh patients to be a teacher.) Anyway they meet in the online class and find out they're both into the same things including a popular Online game and being lonely homeschooled kids latch onto each other, (I would imagine that Aaron went under a different name for the homeschooling program since he can't have the media tracking him down or asking questions y'know?) Then once they get to the age were they have phones reluctantly trade Instagram (aph made a separamount. Just for talking to Aaron and not posting pics because her mom follows her mian and Aaron makes his very first acount and only follows aph who goes by Shu on that account.)
Now to fix the lycann family.
Let's start with the curse, like I said makes no sense as to why Dark still had kids with Rachel biological when he Knew what his kids would go through. So the ultima curse effects all offspring male or female and it isn't usually as strong as Aaron's. In my head not being able to control there eyes was grown out of around five years old to seven years old and then there eyes stop turning red without wanting them to they still pose the danger it's just not that hard to control. It's like potty training they learn as they grow up. But for whatever reason Aaron never really grew out of the uncontrollable eyes thing, infact they were almost always red when he was young. This scared Darek who grew up on these stories about what will happen to them if the curse is ever discovered in they're family blood line, (which is why they still hide that they're werewolves.)
Aaron lived his life in solitude while millisa got to go out and experience the world she got to go the boarding schools in Germany and go with mom and dad on they're business trips while he stayed in they're house in falcon claw with either one of his parents or trusted staff. (This is not how millisa sees it BTW but we'll talk about her later.
I hope you enjoyed my brain dump.
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