#this pair is so blue and pink coded. i love the vibes
averlym · 10 months
Hi! Would you maybe be willing to draw Fluff, 1 for platonic Kat and Cathy, please? No pressure if not obv!
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"wait is that my book" "you mean our book?" (prompt list here)
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pit Babe Jeff x Alan & Kenta x Pete Colors Ep. 11
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here.
Disclaimer: I've been listening to Drake's "You Broke My Heart (Fuck My Ex)" on repeat for over two hours, so I'm *in* my feels, and all of them are salty.
Jeffrey, the red? Really?! Is it because you are looking at Barbie suffering and know the truth?! YOU KNOW, MOTHERF*CKER!
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Love that Pete's side starts with the blue-est drink because he is a GOOD MAN, while Waymond's side begins with the non-blue side since he cannot pick a side in this color war!
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Peter, I know you were a red, but I also notice you in that blue blazer, and the way you look at Waymond. I wish Waymond could see that no matter how much the red may linger, he NEEDS to make a choice. Be blue. Commit to it, Way Way.
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Babe is back in black, Alan is blue, and Jeffrey is a LIAR!
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"You broke my heart. I had my doubts about you from the start! I swear you're dead to me. Does Mercedes make a hearse? FUCK MY EX!"
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All I'm getting out of this is Jeffrey and Charles have a dad and Decanus was the fall guy for this very-dumb-plan. I am not a Dean apologist, but I am very much on his side, without a doubt, no hesitation.
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Alan Scale - 12/10. Why?! WHY?! It's not even the damn outfits. IT'S THE RED TUBE OF PRODUCT PLACEMENT Y'ALL ARE SHARING! Are y'all secret agents?! Do y'all have superpowers? What in the hell is y'alls deal?!
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KIMBERLY! Not wearing red. I wouldn't either. Fuck them hoes. You're a free man now. I love you and I like you.
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Alan, you have never done anything wrong (expect apologize to lying Jeffrey), and you using the blue tube of product placement is healing my soul. I love you. I like you. I respect you.
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Pete in the blue shirt too! My holy trinity is coming through. Kimberly, Alan, and Peter, you are good men, and I have never doubted you. You three will save the day like the PowerPuff Girls. Sugar, Spice, and Chemical-X. Beat the hell out of Mojo Jojo Big Red. And in case it's not clear: Alan = Buttercup, Kim = Blossom, Pete = Bubbles
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Kentana, why do you have spies at Bubbles' place?! You were spying on him in the woods, and y'all had that moment. Why are you so obsessed with him?
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Jeffrey, in the blue. Better be telling Buttercup you're sorry for LYING and that you love him. You will never find a better man. NEVER!
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Oh, are you telling him that?!
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I think you are! There is pink!
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Buttercup, these was cheesy af, and I'm disgusted at myself for smiling when the hearts connected.
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POP OFF, SIR! Sex on the blue bed!
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Sex in the blue shower!
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Cuddles in the blue bathroom! Jeffrey is gonna be blue one way or another, even if Alan has to -redacted- it into him.
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Big Red did wear red once?! Color me shocked, but who are these kids in the past? A blue kid and red kid? Which one are you, Kentana?
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I love that the blue is *right* there next to Kentana, yet he stays in the black. He is a Black Brooder, but he is blue-adjacent, and I just do not understand why he can't be loyal to the blue instead of the red.
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Oh, wait! Was that them as kids?! Pete, in his red pants, emerged from the blue (because he has always been a GOOD MAN!), but . . . that means Kentana was the little blue kid? Kentana, what made you go black? The abuse? The manipulation? You and Barbara are the same text, but different font, and I just need you to be better. Kiss Peter and let him heal you because this is the second time you have pushed him against a wall, and I think you want any excuse to be on him.
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Waymond, I'm stressed over your ass. Color-coded boys in love get happy endings, and unlike Kentana who is color coded black and Southwest Airlines and Vegas' Hedgehog who are just pure color chaos, you refuse to pick a damn color. And do you know what that means? No happy endings. You are paired with Peter, and he is trying with you, but it's episode 11 and you haven't solidified your color. Are you black? Are you blue? Are you red? Are you gonna kiss Peter because if not, Kentana sure looks like he will? ARE YOU GOING TO GET A HAPPY ENDING?!
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Peter, always in the blue! ALWAYS! Give that blue to Waymond. Give that blue to Kentana. And kiss them! I cannot support Waymond and Kentana's wrongs if they don't kiss a boy (with consent, Waymond!)
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KENTANA! In the dark, again. Pete is always coming from the blue, and you are always in the dark. SEE THE LIGHT, KENTANA!
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Oh my god! The dark versus light. Y'all were best buddies since childhood. Quit your shit, Kentana. You are a good guy in there. I saw it in the beginning when you looked sad that Barbie was being hit, but I need you to act! I need you to do something, and I'm hoping it won't be sacrificing yourself. Kiss a man! Kiss Kimberly already! You and Waymond are scaring me!
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Pete. Liked. It.
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Waymond. Waymundo. Way. I thought you were supposed to be with Peter and Kimberly and Kentana would be the new Kardashians, but . . . are you going to be the sacrifice? You cannot settle on a color. You haven't kissed a man (with consent). You are drinking all the time. You were taking pills to cope with life. Kiss any man so I can know you are safe.
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Way, please touch Whiny Winifred and convince him not to do shoot. Way, please do not take a bullet for Barbara to atone for your sins. Barbie can fix himself if he is shot. Way, please do not do this to me. Please. I'm begging you.
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Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
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mandalhoerian · 10 months
Hey, I don't know if anyone's mentioned this to you before, but I just wanted to say making Vera's color scheme pink (with black) totally makes her super recognizable and iconic, you know? It's a genius character design choice to me because in all of Resident Evil, there's no other character that's "pink," so she really stands out in a fresh way. It's like you filled a gap we didn't even realize was there. Plus, she's got that whole tech vibe going on, which is so cool because she stands out from all the scientists and badass fighters dealing with bioterrorism. I just think she's awesome and the thought put into her design is top-notch! I miss her sm I hope you update soon <3
You didn't ask for this at all but I'm going to ramble ANYWAY. SO
I was extremely particular about making her "recognizable" as you say, like memorable. Because good god RE has so many good female characters who are so unique, and color-coded somehow, honest to god I was like "WHAT IS LEFT IN THIS UNIVERSE I DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE A DISTINCTIVE OC WHAT AM I GONNA DO"
----- like, I had a friend who knows extremely early drafts of her, and embarrassingly she was a corrupt, snobby, scope-hungry journalist redhead who wore red and dressed like veronica lodge from riverdale 🙃🤐
and then she was korean for a while (this fell after i discovered ashiemochi's so-ah). and then turkish. and then the turkish journalist thing fell AS WELL because i discovered other journalist ocs on tumblr paired with leon and a turkish journalist on wattpad and i was like "oh my god fuck i am scrapping everything" (this idea later got recycled in moth to a flame)
first drafts are absolute hell, as you can see.
i actually dont remember how i got the pink idea. im also like. obsessed with color? i guess. i like to categorize so it's always fascinating when a character/thing is associated with a color/symbol/animal/ and owns it -- like, the girlies in RE -- they made Ashley orange-yellow, sheva purple (kinda? its not as prominent as the others), rebecca pistachio green, alex wesker white, ada cherry red, claire apple red and it just HITS, it could just be a me-thing though. It falls apart at one pointt I know, because how many characters can you color code hahahah (and they didnt even try with the men. they're shades of blue, all of them. or black. bo-ring. they went with the hair and body type for them while the girls got the colors kinda DDJSKDS) -- so take it with a grain of salt, it's just that I love color as a starting and developing point and I cant overgrow it 😭
but like. interestingly there was no pink pink character like you said — apart from moira burton that is who has it in like the hood of her jacket and bracelet and nowhere else, though she is a minor character? i guess in a zombie game franchise marketed to boys majorly in earlier years, they wouldn't really prefer pink LMAO so it was easier to bubblegum chainsaw an OC in since that was a deliberately left alone concept. I was like "mine now" and put a spin to it!!!!! I love that she's just black-pink. It's her whole thing. Such a satisfying thing to me to work with
I'm glad you think highly of this, the opportunity was ripe for the taking and I just went for it! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!1!!!💕💕💕
EDIT: I FORGOT THE TECH THING YOU SAID IM SORRY. Yeah that was on purpose to further establish her to be her own thing as well. Too much "she's not like the other girls" vibes here AND ITS WORRYING but no she is just like the other girls and is proud of it. I just wanted to explore other occupations DJSDHSJSJKD Legit it started out as wanting to branch out and experimenting how I could incorporate it to RE's story!!!
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tieflingtryst · 21 days
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My name is Marza or Mars
I live in Scotland
I am 26 years old
I am a Lesbian (gender is Nope)
This page is 18+ for comfort
This page is mainly SFW but might be the odd fiction-based textpost.
Honestly a lot of this blog will be about either me or my OCs
I ship my d&d OCs with my friends OCs we have an elaborate RP universe
I dont take requests for moodboards or stimboards from non-friends sorry
(Note: trans women are women and i dont do tumblr discourse. DNI if you dont agree with the first bit.)
Banners on my headcanons are by either me or benkeibear
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My current OCs:
Rouge Montgomery - 3 foot tall red Tiefling/Eladrin Rogue with a lot of trauma because im very unique everyone. His themes are religious abuse/rejection of faith, being bi and transgender, and being hypersexual because of trauma but being greyace himself. He is canonically single, and noncanonically paired with Dannis (not mine) who is a golden retriever audhd ranger. Ex of Estée. Chaotic Good.
Estée Maplesword - Tiefling/Eladrin Grave Cleric. Was raised in total isolation. Does not know a lot of simple human things. Bisexual cis woman. Has religious trauma but a fixation on the themes and symbolism. Loves flowers and cottagecore and romanticises the picket fence dream. Thinks everyone nice is in love with her- particularly Dannis in canon (unrequited as of now). Ex of Rouge. Unknown child of Ulkarien and sister of Eridan. Chaotic Good.
Dante Hexwood - Tiefling Soulknife Rogue/Bard. Living weapon character. Riddled with relationship trauma. Attracted to men. Newly discovered trans woman. Dark blue and glowy blue colour themes. Heavily cares about freedom and music. Loves butterflies. Chaotic Good.
Ulkarien Eversong - Half Human Half Eladrin Rogue/Ranger in one canon and Fathomless Warlock in another AU. In the rogue canon he is shy, autistic-coded, fond of animals and easily manipulated, with light academia themes. In the warlock canon he is unstable, reclusive, autistic/bpd coded, obsessed with eldritch horrors, and prone to jealousy over his girlfriend Nemeria (not mine) a fellow warlock. Has 17 illegitimate children he is not aware of. Rogue ver Chaotic Good, Warlock ver Chaotic Neutral
Eridan Stonevine - Tiefling/Eladrin Bard - in one canon Rogue/Bard. Heavily audhd coded, loves animals especially his pet rat Remy. Somehow an emo and a dark academia vibe together. Angsty but full of love. Drinks too much. Gay (not realised in canon, realised non-canonically). Canonically interested in Oliver (not mine) a circle of stars druid with hidden depths. Non-canonically in a relationship with Davin (not mine) an emo-ass Bard with many tattoos and a bravado bigger than the sky. Chaotic Good.
Lux Clearskies - Radiant Soul Aasimar Sorcerer - Demiromantic MLM autistic trans guy, ex noble, adopted spare. Not fond of wearing a shirt (paid good money for that). Light Academia themes. Likes cooking and puzzles. Currently interested in Valerian (not mine) an ex-investigator rogue tiefling with serious anxiety issues. Adopted Brother to Claude. Chaotic Good
Claude Clearskies - Eladrin Elf Bard - Bi (mainly MLM) transmasc genderqueer he/him sir boy. Pink themed (spring affinity). Extremely cheerful, impulsive, consistently rolls terribly for performance so he's aggressively mediocre at his class. Excitable adhd energy. In a relationship/courtship with Silver (not mine)- a flamboyant nonbinary Aasimar Bard who is learning about commitment. Chaotic Good.
Aurora Knightsport-Montgomery - Tiefling/Eladrin Barbarian. Cis Lesbian. Constant gay panic, silly lass, lover of gardening. Adhd vibes. Loves dogs, prone to panic attacks. Lived in isolation for 10 years- very parentified. Was sheltered from the religious trauma but is clueless due to isolation. Paired with Zephyr (not mine) who is another barbarian (air genasi) recovering from loss related trauma. Chaotic Good.
(Yes i REALLY like the same 3 tropes. And chaotic good characters. And shipping!)
Note: I am personally prof dx with BPD and Autism, and i heavily suspect ADHD (tis in the family and i am the same as them) so all coding of characters comes from an informed place of love- not harmful stereotyping.
There are other minor characters too who may get content but these are the main ones.
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 8 months
Demonverse District Colour Palettes
By this I mean the colours associated with each Sin/District. Obviously this doesn't mean you like, can't wear a colour in a certain district, but it's moreso there's recurring themes (plus I like colour coding lol)
Pride: White, Yellow, Gold
I feel like these are very bright and regal colours. Naturally it's a District full of people who take, well, pride in their appearances, so I can imagine it being filled with very proud, majestic buildings. Red and purple are also not uncommon accent colours (purple having royal associations and red being very striking, and matches its Viceroy and King, Lucifer)
Greed: Black, Yellow, Gold
Now, this is fun, cause I feel like it'd be very similar to Pride with the love of gold, but I like the black as being more striking, or at least a different type. As it's full of people with expensive tastes, this District is luxuriously decorated on the surface, but most quickly run out of money as they spend it as recklessly as they did in life but forget they have no way of accumulating it back. Very much a facade of beauty but underlying sense of things crumbling, falling apart. Still has its own magnificence in a way, but less so than Pride. Purple is also favoured as an accent colour (again, royal colour), but they prefer green to red.
Gluttony: Red, Rainbow
Yep, I'm cheating with this one. Red is UNDOUBTEDLY a favoured colour; the colour of wine, of fruits, of meat, of blood. However, food comes in a variety of forms and flavours, and therefore, colours. Blue might be the least common colour, along with orange, but honestly, every colour is here (with the amount of candy themed demons I make, pastel pinks and purples and blues and yellows tend to be fairly common). Bright jewel tones are favoured, deep rich colours, but as said, anything goes, really.
Lust: Purple, Pink, Red
"I always knew, I always said / That silk and lace in black and red / will drive a man right off his head". That's from Bring On The Men from the Jekyll and Hyde musical, and it's true! We all know red and black is the sexiest colour combination, but black looks good with everything, and it's VERY damn sexy to pair with purple and/or pink. Mix and match these lovely colours for some great looks really! Yeah, these are simply the sexiest, most passionate colours I can think of that gets the mood across. Nothing like a dark room lit only by garish purple neon or dimmed pink lights, is there? Yes These Are My Favourite Colours Other Than Blue Why Do You Ask
Sloth: Blue, Teal, Silver
Sloth's a fun one because it's overall a very dreamy, slumber-esque place. Much softer colours here in contrast to the louder, brighter Districts. Soft yellows and white also tends to be common accent colours, but there is a heavy emphasis on starry night skies, soft beds, slumberous vibe to the place. Funnily enough, though, Hellborns from this District tend to be the busiest and hardest workers. Guess it's Belphegor's influence. Most people around here end up being sent to work elsewhere (ironic punishment for laziness I suppose), no wonder they're knackered and just wanna sleep when they return home. Beautiful place, though. Try not to let it lull you into a false sense of security.
Wrath: Orange, Red, Black
The most 'classic' Hell imagery. It's the hottest District filled with equally hot-headed people, many of them decked out in leather, even though that probably doesn't help with the heat, which probably makes them EXTRA cranky. Ah well, it's Hell for a reason, right? The roughest place, not one you want to brave alone if you like your limbs exactly where they are.
Envy: Green, Teal, Grey
I say green is one of the most common colours, as obvious as that may be, but it's true. However, teal, grey, even blue and black are favoured highly. In fact a lot of people are sick of the colour green (seriously I promise you you are NOT the first person to say 'green eyed monster' to them). In contrast with Wrath, it's the coldest District, and also the smallest, but also one of the roughest and meanest. The people are cold, defensive, and hostile to others, and it's dreary colour palette reflects that. Similar to Sloth's, but cold rather than comforting. Still, there's probably some strange beauty to be found here, like how the wet, slick streets of Great Yharnam and the Fishing Hamlet from Bloodborne communicate a dead place that's still, somehow, teaming with life.
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pinkacademic · 2 years
Other Colours in Pink Academia
Even if your favourite colour isn’t pink, we can still be friends- pink is a state of mind. I got an ask recently about PA but make it baby blue and I was inspired to give some character inspo for other colours than pink. Also, there is no visual more fabulous than a colour-coded squad looking like studious power rangers. I tried to list as many diffrent pieces of media as possible so so of these eg Heathers might apply to more than one colour, but I just wanted to give some variety.
Red: THEEEE look has to be Heather Chandler, whose most iconic look is totally the musical with a striking red blazer, a pleated, plaid red skirt, red argyle socks, and of course, the red scrunchie. Heathers invented the Pink Academia aesthetic. Another end of the red spectrum could be Clover from Totally Spies. My first thought for a Clover outfit is that bright red shirt/blouse and pink jeans combo which I think you could academia up with a more office-ready bottom- though I will not stop anyone from recreating the spy suit either. Orange: I'm not good at orange, I'm sorry! My first thought was Lisa in the As if its your Last music video, but that's just her hair. I think a cute, simple base with an orange hairband could get the vibe across. My favourite orange-coded characters have to be the mermaids from H2o- they were my childhood. Each girl has their own colour scheme, but the mermaid tails and weird scaly bra things were an orange-gold colour, so they count! I'd recreate this with a pencil skirt and a blouse with a tie detail like a pussycat bow maybe to evoke the same details- you could also try a bustier or corset belt. Yellow: I overlooked the Clueless matching sets in my analysis, BUT NOT TODAY! It is the ideal outfit to rference for yellow, and I'll DID YOU KNOW until the end of days that it was the inspiration for Ashley B in Recess. Alternatively, the iconic yellow ball gown Belle serves is the look to end all looks and I think you could do a cute academia-style Disneybound with an off-the shoulder peasant style top and poofy yellow skirt, and some pretty rose-themed accesories. Green: Not to be on-the-nose but Elphaba from Wicked can be emulated with a striking black blouse and skirt and simple black boots. You are obligates to wear green tights or socks with this one- and Zelena from Once Upon a Time has a Wicked (pun so very intended, please appreciate me) necklace that adds so much drama to a simple all-black outfit. If you love a good supervillain, Poison Ivy serves so much potential for a floral outfit with a green base. Her most famous look is a leotard, but you can add a little bit more of a classic academia sillhouette with a white blazer to evoke a doctor's lab coat. Blue: I've already done a whole inspo set on the Abbey Mount uniform from Wild Child which can be replicated with a grey blazer and a blue plaid skirt, but for other options, there's St Trinnians with an edgier version of a similar look, or the Worst Witch, if, like me, you're trying to reconcile your happy childhood memories of Harry Potter with... uh... current climes... The Worst Witch uniforms have the added fun of personalistiion with another colour to represent your house or year group. I'm still upset at the travesty that was Fate: a Winx Saga for doing my girls dirty. for a true blue Bloom inspired look, she has a cute pleated skirt in the earlier seasons. It looks to be denim, but you could go for a plaid or houndstooth to be more rigidly Academia about it, paired with yellow and some lovehearts for contrast and a girly twist, Bloom has a tonne of good looks in the later seasons too, I'm just not as well versed because I'm old! Purple: It has to be said, Twilight Sparkle serves a Pink Academia moment with a purple pleated skirt and lace-up boots. So-Called Sci-Twi rocks a sweater vest, and the Crystal Prep uniform consists of a berry-leaning purple plaid skirt, purple socks or tights, and beryy waistcoat or blazer with each character having their own spin on the uniform. If you were a Strawberry Shortcake kid like I was (only 2003 is valid because I'm old!) then all those girls served a look. My fave is Angel Cake, and to Academia-ify her outfit, I would use a purple stripy blouse, a deeper purple blazer or jumper as a nod to the 2007 version (the only other acceptable depiction!! jk... mostly) and some kind of bow detail to go woth her hair. Also, listen, we need to bring hats back into their full power again. Neutrals: Bro, Neutrals are the base for any good dark or light academia outfits, so all of your Austen girls, all of your Secret History or Kill your Darlings kind of looks belong here. But honestly, I think mostly of Twilightcore, and if I wanted to make Bella Swan a Pink Academia Girly, I'd go for a dark green cardigan, a brown plaid skirt, and a simple white t-shirt blouse. For Bella, it would have to be flat shoes because our klutzy girl could trip on air, we do not eed to elevate her. Something more modest such as toning the outfit down with thick brown tights or a skirt with a longer hem keeps a certain degree of her style, and I think over-sizing the cardigan so you can grab the ends gives the Bella vibe.
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viking-raider · 4 years
The Crimson Moon *MATURE*
Summary: Your friend drags you out to a strip club for your birthday. But, you end up with more than just a lap dance from one mustached, blue-eyed stripper.
Pairing: August Walker/You
Word Count: 8,716
Rating: MATURE - Smut, Language, Lap Dances, Strippers, Stalking (if you squint hard enough) Oral - F Receiving, Light Dom!August, Light Bondage, Expeditionism, Unprotected Sex, Dirty Talk, Cream Pie, Double life
Inspiration: This Anon @littlefreya​​ received (x)
Author’s Note: Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans, @rosie-loves-things, @ohjules, @mary-ann84, @omgkatinka, @the-freak-cassie-131, @wardl0w, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4, @michelehansel, @kaatelyyynn, @badassbaker, @mrsaugustwalker, @authentic-bish-face, @rizeandvibe, @severuined, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @bellastellaluna, @wondersofdreaming, @thisisntmyrightera, @michelle-1185, @winchwm, @royallylazy, @sofiebstar, @worldicreate, @bellastellaluna, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @witches-of-discovery-a, @xuxszx, @ayamenimthiriel, @keiva1000, @itsreigns​, @constip8merm8​, @scorpionchild81​, @mylifefallingupthestairs​, @onlyhenrys​, @luclittlepond​, @ellixthea​, @lebguardians​, @geralt-yennefer-jeskier, @cherrybloomn​, @p3nny4urth0ught5​, @iloveyouyen​, @hollydaisy23​, @mcuimagination​, @psychosupernatural​, @sweetlybigdragonn​, @whitewolfandthefox​, @moviemonzy​, @the-soot-sprite​, @hell1129-blog​, @trippedmetaldetector​, @captaingothgirl1996​, @dont8mind8me8eue​, @peaky-marvel​, @desperate-and-broken21​, @monstersnmoney​, @dancingwendigo​, @redhot-mystacism​, @thereisa8ella​, @black-ninja-blade​, @oddduckthatgirl​, @rosewinx​, @henrythickcavill​, @tinabean37​, @hnryycvll​, @msblkfire84​, @romangenesius​, @emelinelovesjc​, @strangerliaa​, @lovieebby​, @pinksdaydream​, @fanfictionaddiction99​, @seb-owns-these-tatas​, @oh-for-fic-sake​, @sauvage-et-libre​, @mis-lil-red​, @angreav​, @crazyandanonymous4u​, @the-mighty-jellybean​ @henrycavell​, @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​, @iam-laiya​, @worshipping-skarsgard​, @thetruthandotherstories​, @ruthoakenshield​, @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​, @theonetheycallhannah​, @nina-skyee​, @thatgirly81​, @inanna999​, @suueeeeeee​, @spideysimpossiblegirl​, @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8​, @beckster07890​, @daddys-littlewhitegirl​, @magic-and-the-macabre​, @stxphmxlls​, @radaofrivia​, @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​, @starstruckkittyangel​, @heartfelt-pen​, @stuckupstucky​, @dummiesshort​, @la-cey​, @singeramg​, @queenoftheworldisdead​, @brooklymw​, @raspberrydreamclouds​
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The Crimson Moon
Flashed the sign on the front of the building your friend was dragging you into.
The building, as the sign indicated, was a Crimson-Red color, accented with Charcoal-Black, the parking lot was dimly lit, giving the whole place a secretive and hushed vibe about it. You didn't want to go into it even more, the closer you got to it, even though you knew it wasn't like the seedy, Club O on 12th street, downtown. The Crimson Moon was a high-end and classy establishment, you needed a membership to enter this strip club, or you knew someone that one.
Enter your best friend, Baeli.
Baeli had an unapologetic obsession with men, typically, Chippendales, Firefighters or Cop type males. She had a reputation for going to the Crimson Moon and tipping the strippers so well, her membership was upgraded to Gold, which was how she was allowed to kidnap you and force you into going with her.
“Bae, I don't want to spend my birthday in a strip club.” You complained, sighing as you both stopped at the door leading inside.
“Oh, come on!” Baeli huffed, flipping her blond hair at you, the powerful wall of her perfume hitting you square in the nose. “Let's see one show, then we'll go somewhere you wanna spend your birthday.”
You gave her a dubious look, you had been friends with her since Grade One, and knew when she was talking out of her bleached ass.
“Pinkie swear.” She sighed, rolling her eyes and stuck her powdered-pink, French manicure pinkie finger out towards you.
Growling and rolling your eyes back, neither of you ever broke a pinkie swear. “Fine.” You groaned, hooking your plain pinkie finger with hers. “Pinkie swear, then we're going to Nathan's pub and getting shots.”
“Fine.” Baeli groaned, she hated going to Nathan's, but like how you sucked up going to the club with her, she'll suck up going to the pub with you.
“Card.” A beefy doorman growled, thrusting out his hand towards Baeli.
Baeli opened the clutch that hung from her forearm, revealing a huge wad of cash, there wasn't a bill lower than a ten amongst them. Fishing around the thick bundle of money, Baeli removed a glittering gold card, the name Crimson Moon written on it, over the image of red thumbnail moon, with her name and membership number.
“A pleasure to have you again, Ms. Evans.” The doorman said, swiping her card in a reader and handing it back to her, his almost mafia bodyguard demeanor washing away into a surprisingly polite and gentlemanly attitude.
“This is my guest.” Baeli said, smiling at you over her shoulder. “It's her birthday.” She added, with a sly smirk.
The doorman looked you over, lifting a brow at your black, knee length and sleeveless halter top dress, hugging your body just right with your black flats. You saw the corner of his lip twitch, and knew that you passed the club's strict dress code, it worked out with Baeli helping you decide what to wear on your birthday. You didn't care, if you were going to stay home and nurse a bottle of wine on your own, while watching ridiculous tv shows, you just wanted to feel gorgeous on your big day.
“Enjoy yourselves, ladies.” The doorman said, opening the blacked out door for you both, with a slight bow of his head. “Happy birthday.” He added quietly, as you walked by him and into the club.
“Thank you.” You whispered back as the door closed behind you.
Looking around, you felt the illusion of the club, it was larger on the inside than it was on the outside. The carpeting was dark red and black abstract, with spots of steel-gray. There were in-laid, circle lights in the floor, showing the way to the bar and to the seated section, right in front of the stage and a hallway off the side. The whole place was dimly lit, with the runner lights and turned down low sconces, as well as the various lights on the stage, to light the performance of the strippers.
Baeli grabbed your hand and guided you to the bar. “One rum and coke.” She told the single bartender. “And a mojito, please.”
The bartender nodded his head at her, silently, and started moving about, grabbing the two different glasses for the drinks and started building them, impressively, at the same time, using one hand for the mojito and the other for the rum and coke.
“That's pretty cool.” You commented, nodding your hand at him as he set a napkin on the bar top, then your rum and coke on it, setting it in front of you.
“Thanks.” He whispered, quietly, then moved on to another customer.
“Come.” Baeli said, taking a sip of her mojito through the teeny black straw, then turned towards the stage. “The next show is starting.” She informed you.
A smooth and deep voice came over an intercom system wired throughout the immaculate building, it smelled like sandalwood, money and unfulfilled fantasies. You followed Baeli to the front row, shocker, you thought. It wasn't that your best friend was a slut or anything, she just had a really strong fetish for men, even though, nine and a half times out of ten, they were complete losers, that treated her badly, had a criminal history or were married.
Didn't stop Baeli though.
“Welcome to the Crimson Moon, where you'll always be driven mad by our full moons.” the silky voice said, smoothly.
“Christ, that's cliché.” You snorted, sipping your drink and sitting down at the table with Baeli.
“Ssshh.” Baeli hushed you, annoyed.
“Tonight, we have just what every woman needs in her life, The Hammer.” The voice continued, dropping his tone to a low timber at the end of his sentence.
You looked over at Baeli, rolling your eyes at how stupid that sounded, a stripper named, 'the Hammer', did they have a Screwdriver and Power Saw, as well? But, Baeli was losing her mind, grinning like mad and bouncing in her seat, if her face got any redder with her excitement, you'd mistake her for a Crimson Moon.
“Oh, we're in so much luck!” She bubbled at you, with a full and toothy grin. “He is so handsome, a total hunk of man. He could fuck me through the floor and all I'd be able to do, is thank him and ask for more.”
“You say that about every man you encounter, Bae.” You replied, shaking your head at her, not at all impressed or excited, you looked forward to him doing his routine and getting out of here to get to Nathan's.
“I mean it with this one.” Baeli replied, unstoppable. “The Hammer is a total package, just you wait! By the time he finishes his routine, your panties will be soaked.” She beamed, then got a wolfish look on her face.
“That is, if you're wearing any.”
You narrowed your eyes at her in disgust. “I'm wearing underwear, you weirdo.” You huffed at her, shifting and feeling the elegant, lace panties you had on.
The lights lining the edge of the stage turned on and moved low against the stage, illuminating the floor and the simple black curtain backdrop. A low hum of music pumped through hidden speakers, you could feel the bass in your chest and the soles of your flats, it was a pleasant beat. Baeli fidgeted with excitement as the black satin curtain opened and you saw the biggest guy you had ever seen in your life. He was well over six foot, two hundred pounds of well packaged muscle, broad shoulders and chest. You were sure he was the reason the phrase, 'thick thighs save lives' was coined, they were as big around as tree trunks, held snug in the black slacks he wore. Your eyes trailed up his long legs, licking your lips as your eyes moved over his torso, he was moving slowly, rolling his hips as his big hands moved to the button of his shirt, nimble fingers gently pushing the clear button through the hole. You didn't know how the hell he managed it, but he somehow made unbuttoning a shirt sexy; you bit your lip as his chest slowly came into view as more buttons came undone.
Half of his buttons were free by the time your eye finally met his, and you felt your breath catch in your throat. 'Fuck, he's gorgeous'. His hooded Cerulean-Blue eyes met yours and a smirk tugged up the corner of his lip, a light scruff on his cheeks and sharp jawline with a well taken care of mustache. 'Damn it, Baeli.' you thought, feeling the slick warmth start to pool in your black lace panties. The smirk on his face grew, his attentive and observant eyes noticing the slight movements of your knees as you tried to ignore the tingling feeling there and the slightly embarrassed look in your eyes.
He let his now unbuttoned shirt slip off his arms, revealing thick and strong arms underneath. Your eyes flared as he smoothed his palms over his chest, the bump of his defined abs, and to the buckle of his belt.
“Oh god.” You whimpered into your drink, eyes glued to his hands as they tugged open the buckle of his belt, then slowly pulled the clearly expensive leather from the loops of his pants. “Oh Jesus.” You whined, chewing on your lip and unable to look away.
“I told you.” Baeli chuckled into your ear. “He must like you, his eyes haven't left yours, since he came on.”
“He's just doing his job.” You mumbled into your glass, your own eyes still locked on his.
His thumbs hooked into the waistband of his slacks and shoved them down, kicking them off the stage, and making some girl on the other side of the stage squeal, scrambling to grab them off the floor, but he was still focused on you, still gently moving as he stood there in a silk thong, that just barely contained his overflowing package.
“Oh good god.” You gasped, mouth falling open.
“That's right, honey!” Baeli yelled out, pulling out several large bills from the wad of cash in her clutch and stuffed them in the tip jar at the end of the stage, since you weren't allowed to touch the performers.
“I need another drink.” You squeaked, as you met his eyes again, then got up and rushed over to the bar, feeling his blue orbs follow you. “Rum and coke, extra rum.” You told the bartender as he approached you, throat tight.
When the bartender set your refilled glass down in front of you, you shamelessly chugged it down, trying to get the burning feeling your mind, and pussy, to go away with the strong and chilled beverage, but it didn't seem to work, the alcohol only heated your skin up even more. There was a room full of claps and whistles behind you, signaling the end of the man's dance, and relaxed as the sizzling feeling of his eyes on you vanished as he returned to the backstage.
“I think you might have hurt his feelings.” Baeli said, coming up behind you. “Rushing off like that.”
“I'm sure all the cash you practically threw at him will buffer that burn.” You told her, dabbing at your mouth with the napkin from under your glass. “Let's go.” You told her, setting your empty glass on the bar top, and turned towards her.
“We can't.” She frowned at you, shaking her head.
“Why the hell not?” You snapped at her, narrowing your eyes at her.
“Because, I set up a private lap dance for you.” She replied with an excited grin.
“Oh no.” You shook your head at her, licking your lip. “Absolutely not!”
“Absolutely yes.” She nodded back, getting annoyed with you. “That is an expensive dance, so you have to take it.”
“No, I don't. You do it and I'll wait in the car.”
“I can't, I'm not the birthday girl, you are.” Baeli shook her head at you and held out a key to you, dangling from a black and red moon shaped key tagged. “Off you go, or I'll drag you there by your hair.”
“Christ.” You huffed at her, snagging the key from her. “You and the hair pulling.” You chided her.
“The room number is on the tag.” She told you, grinning like she was sending you off to the wolves.
You looked down at the tag as you walked towards the hallway off the side of the stage where all of the private rooms were, and found Room Six. Biting your lip and taking a deep breath, you slotted the key into the door and stepped inside, closing it behind you. The room was decorated much like the rest of the club, but with a single comfortable chair and a closed circuit camera in one of the top corners of the room, and one other door across from you. Your heart was pounding against your ribs, you had never gotten a lap dance before, this was only your second time in a strip club, so you were uncomfortable. The door across from you opened and your heart started to beat even harder, seeing the blue eyed, mustached man from the stage step into the room with you.
“You.” He smirked at you, licking his upper lip as he closed his door.
“Yeah.” You squeaked, trembling, he was so much bigger up close.
He chuckled, seeing your nervousness and motioned to the chair. “Sit.”
Hesitating for a moment, you slipped into the chair, feeling even smaller compared to him now, melting into the chair as he stepped closer to you. He planted a hand on each of the arm rests and leaned down over you, bringing his face so close to yours, you saw the brown fleck in the upper corner of his blue eyes. He smelled so good, like dark vanilla, leather bound books and sandalwood from his beard and mustache oil; you were unconscious of slightly leaning towards him and taking in a stronger breath, wanting to be immersed in his scent. He smirked at you and leaned down closer, your nose deliciously close to the hollow of his neck and collarbone.
“I hear, it's your birthday.” He whispered softly into your ear.
“Yeah.” You nodded, enchanted and almost drugged by his scent and presence.
“Well, then.” He purred, his lips brushing your ear, the soft hairs of his mustache tickling the rim of your lobe. “I'll have to give you an extra bit of attention.” He cooed at you, fingertips meeting the sensitive spot behind your opposite ear and smoothed down the side of your neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“Birthday girl.” His voice was husky, his hot breath warming your chilled skin and making you shiver.
“Sweet Jesus.” You whimpered, feeling the heat of his breath rippling through your body and to your pussy, drenching your panties even more, and you were sure, as you watched his eyes darken, that he could smell it.
“Not Jesus, birthday girl.” He chucked, moving back some, his hands moving to the collar of his shirt, he had clothed himself since his performance, you couldn't remember how long ago. “Just the Hammer.” He murmured, his voice smooth like chocolate.
“Do you usually go to strip clubs on your birthday?” He asked, undoing another button.
“No.” You whispered, out of breath and hyper-focused on his rapidly appearing chest, that your hands tingled to be able to touch. “I usually stay home or go to Nathan's pub.” You mumbled, brain going on autopilot.
“Doesn't sound very fun.” He rasped, tugging one side of his now unbuttoned shirt from where it was tucked into his ridiculously tight waistband.
“I don't like celebrating.” You goggled at his exposed torso.
“Hm.” He hummed with a sly smirk, wrapping a big hand around your wrist and pulled up your hand so you pressed your palm flat against his chest.
Despite the heat in the room,—was the room hot or was it you—his skin was cool to the touch, like he has been sitting under a pleasant air conditioner before coming into the room. You whimpered softly, pressing your hand firmer to his groomed, but hairy, chest and slid down, feeling the nub on his nipple harden under the heat of your palm, before rubbing your thumb over each bump of his six-pack. Smirking, he tugged the other side of his shirt free, gently grinding against you and tossing his shirt over the back of your chair.
“Go on.” He purred, lips brushing your warm cheek. “I know you want to touch me more than that.” He whispered into your ear, before taking it between his pearly-whites.
“Is that even allowed?” You found yourself asking, without meaning too.
“It's private, we can do damn near anything in here,” he hummed low in his throat. “As long as we're both consenting.” He added, softer, sending a shiver down your back.
Your other hand reached up and gripped that etched hip peeking out from the top of his slacks and dug your nails into his skin, making him hiss and bite your neck, all the while, pressing closer to you, one hand braced on the back of the couch and the other cupping your neck. You felt the firm and long rub of something, then noticed the very visible bulge straining his slacks, inches from you, and panicked. You planted both hands on his chest and pushed him away, jumping up from the chair, all flustered and embarrassed.
“I'm sorry.” You squeaked, making for the door.
Sighing heavily, but smiling at your shy and hasty departure, he plucked his shirt from the back of the chair and exited out of the door he came in through.
“So, how was it?” Baeli asked, sitting at the bar, while she waited for you. “It wasn't very long.”
“It was long enough.” You told her, muddled. “Can we go to Nathan's now?” You asked her, almost begging, you wanted to get out of the Crimson Moon in case, the Hammer, decided to follow after you.
Baeli rolled her eyes, but nodded her head. “All right, fine.” She sighed, slapping a fifty on the bar top and headed for the door.
Relieved, you followed Baeli back out to her car and slipped into the passenger seat, you watched the Crimson Moon sink into the distance as Baeli drove you both to the pub, twenty minutes away. With a sigh, you slipped into a booth seat at Nathan's Pub, which had been your watering hole since college, the alcohol was decent, the staff was incredible and the food was spot on, what else would you want out of an establishment?
Importantly, no hot men grinding on you and making you question your morals.
You and Baeli shared a drink and the waitress, who knew you quite well, showed up at your table with a slice of cake, a single candle burning on it, then several other staff, a couple patrons and Baeli sang you a round of happy birthday, before clapping and giving you hugs after blowing the candle out. You chuckled, digging into the overly sweet cake, sharing it with Baeli, and forgetting all about the strip club.
“All right, birthday girl.” Baeli yawned, finishing off her plain, diet coke. “I'm ready to go, how about you?” She asked, making sure she had her car keys.
“You go on home, I'm going to stay a little bit longer, I'll Uber home.” You told her, still nursing the Daiquiri you ordered.
“You sure?” She frowned, she hated to leave you alone like this on your birthday.
“I'm positive.” You nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.
“All right, I'll call you in the morning.” She nodded back, giving you a quick hug and headed out.
You finished your drink, and left a tip for the staff, since Baeli paid the bill, then headed outside to find a good spot to have an Uber pick you up and take you home.
“You know, I was quite surprised by you.” A silky voice said behind you. “I wouldn't have taken you as the rude type, not allowing me to finish my work, twice.”
You yelped in surprise and dropped your phone on the asphalt, spinning around to see the tall stripper behind you, the Hammer. “Are you following me?” You squeaked, slowly bending down to pick up your phone, never taking your eyes off of him.
“I really don't like unfinished business.” He replied, folding his arms over his chest and leaning his shoulder against the brick wall at the side of Nathan's.
“Too bad.” You replied, gulping and looking around, hoping someone would come out of the pub and into the parking lot.
“I'm not going to hurt you.” He told you, lifting a brow as your uneasiness.
“Yeah, sure.” You huffed at him, trying to fake confidence. “You only follow me twenty minutes from your work and wait for me to come out, to confront me, alone, in a parking lot, in the middle of the night.
He chuckled at you. “When you put it that way.” He smirked, licking his lips in a way that had you feeling that heat again. “But, if I wanted to kidnap or harm you, you would already be in my car.” He told you, with such a steely confidence and an amused blankness to his face and eyes, you felt a chill join the growing heat of your body.
“W-what do you want?” You mumbled, biting your lip.
“To finish what I started.” He smirked at you, his eyes racking over you. “It is still your birthday, for another-” He looked at his watch. “Two hours.” He smirked and crossed his arms again. “Come on, I promised to give you extra attention, and intend too. Promise, I won't disappoint or do anything you don't want.”
You stared at this man and felt your morals slip, it was your birthday after all, why the hell shouldn't you make the most of it with a hot guy. “Where?” You asked him, taking a deep breath.
“I have a good neutral place.” He told you, pushing off the wall and motion to a stupidly nice car.
“Um,” You frowned at him, then activated the screen of your phone, texting Baeli.
» Met a guy at Nathan's, sharing my location.
» Is he cute?
Rolling your eyes, you shoved your phone into the little pocket in your dress and looked back at him, he had opened the passenger door for you, which surprised you, a guy had never done that for you before.
“Thanks.” You muttered, slipping into the seat.
“Of course.” He chuckled, then closed your door and went around to the driver's side.
“What's your name?” You asked, looking over at him.
“Why?” He frowned at the road.
“I don't want to call you 'the Hammer' for the next two hours.” You retorted, lifting a brow at him.
“Hm.” He huffed, amused. “Most people call me, Walker.” He replied.
“What do your friends call you?”
“Walker.” He answered, his tone plain and guarded.
“What did your mother call you?”
Walker looked over at you as the car rolled to a stop at a red light. “Nothing that a child should be called.” He replied, tightly.
“Walker, it is then.” You gulped, after a momentary pause.
“And yours?” Walker asked, turning a corner as the light changed back to green.
You told him your name.
“It's a lovely name.” He complimented you.
“Thanks.” You smiled, shyly brushing your hair behind your ear. “That's your neutral ground?” You asked, seeing the highest end hotel the city had come into view.
“It is.” Walker nodded with a sly smirk.
“How does a stripper afford a super expensive car and an even more expensive hotel?” You asked him, following him into the lobby.
Walker smiled at you, stopping at the reception counter. “Pent suite.” He told the clerk, holding out a gold American Express card to him.
“Of course, Mr. Walker.” the Clerk replied, setting it up.
Your mouth was hanging open as you watched him swipe the card and hand it back to Walker, surprised that the man knew his name and the price on the screen for the room. But, Walker was unphased by all of it, taking back his card and motioning you in front of him, towards the lifts.
“That's a lot of money for two hours.” You choked, stepping into the lift with him.
“Not for the Birthday girl.” Walker replied, smiling smugly at you, and hit the top floor button.
“Are you always like this, when someone doesn't let you finish?” You asked, following him down the hall at the very top floor and to a set of double doors.
“No, you're the first woman that's never let me finish a performance.” He replied, swiping the room key in the door reader and pushed it open, politely letting you enter the elegant suite first.
“First for everything, I suppose.” You answered, looking around the room, mouth hanging open.
“True.” Walker nodded, looking you over as you walked around, licking his lips, like he was thirsty and you were a refreshing drink. “Here, sit down.” He said softly, grabbing a chair and setting in the middle of the room.
Sighing, you did as he said and sat down in the chair, then watched him loosen the clearly expensive silk tie he was wearing, and stepped around behind you, pulling your arms back and using the tie to bind your wrists together. You started to panic and breathe hard, feeling the soft fabric tighten, securely.
“Calm down.” Walker purred at you, soothingly. “I can't have you running off for a third time, can I?” He asked, coming around the chair to face you. “That's just so incredibly rude.” He told you, shaking his head at you.
“Is it too tight?” He asked, watching you try and calm yourself with deep breaths.
“No.” You gasped, biting your lip.
“Good.” He nodded, with a sweet smile. “All settled?” He asked, stroking your cheek in an oddly soothing way.
“Ye-yeah.” You nodded, finally getting your heart rate under control.
“Very good.” He smiled a bit more, the back of his fingers trailing from your cheek to your neck, then down the swell of your breasts, liking the way your bra pushed them up. “Hm.” He hummed, watching the rise and fall of your chest quicken again, but for a completely different reason.
“If I do anything you don't like, or if you want to stop,” He explained, rubbing his thumb over your lips. “All I want you to say is one word.”
“What word?” You asked, pressing your thighs together to stop the slick heat from raising again, and failing.
“Okay.” You nodded, feeling that cliché.
“Say it.” Walker pressed you, sternly.
“Cake.” You repeated the word with a gulp.
“Very good.” He smiled and gently pat you on the head with, what you supposed was his attempt at, a wink. “Now, where was I before you interrupted me?” He hummed, pressing his lips together and tapping his middle finger against his stubbly chin.
“That's right.”
Turning on his heels, August pulled his phone out of his pocket and over to a Bluetooth speaker that came with the room. Pairing the two up, he scrolled through his vast and diverse music playlists, until he found a song he wanted and pressed play, setting his phone down next to the speaker, he turned back to you. Smiling, he rested his foot on the seat of a chair that was identical to the one he had you tied to, removed the laces of his dress shoes and neatly tucked them under the foot of the huge bed in the room, then took off his socks and rolled them up, neatly stuffing them into his shoes. Satisfied with that, Walker moved closer to you, your knees brushing his shins.
“You're quite beautiful, you know that.” He complimented you, resting his hand on the back of your chair, his lips brushing your ear, cheek and then your lips.
“Thank you.” You sighed, eyes rolling shut at the soft feel of his supple lips and the intoxicating scent of his body.
“You're welcome.” He purred, before giving you a chasten kiss on the lips.
You moaned against his mouth, he tasted sweet and minty. Chuckling, Walker moved slightly away, his hands unbutton his shirt before your eyes, for the third time that night. You almost pouted at the fact your arms were tied behind you, wanting to touch his body again, and Walker saw that look in your eyes.
“Patience, love.” He cooed at you, letting his shirt slip off his arms and to the floor. “If you behave, I'll untie you, and you can touch me all you want.” He promised, cupping your cheek in his hand, thumb rubbing your lips, before pressing inside your mouth for a moment, letting you suck on the tip of his digit for a second, before pulling his hand away, teasing you.
His movements were slow, fluid and calculated. You were learning that was the kind of person Walker was, he took his time, and he managed that time well, like a General in the military would. He touched your face, arms and upper body as he moved around you, only occasionally brushing your thighs and knees, pushing up the edge of your dress with each touch, until he could just see the hint of your soaked panties. His hands left you, with a whine of protest, he chuckled and dropped his hands to his pants, he wasn't wearing a belt this go around, so popping open the button of his slacks was simple, but he made a painfully slow show out of unzipping them and pushing them down his tree trunk thighs.
You expected the thong he had been wearing for his on stage routine, but, unfortunately, he was wearing boxer briefs. But even that much material wasn't enough to hold back the creature Walker had living inside of them, he was large and incredibly hard inside of them, a small damp spot on them from where the tip of his cock rested.
“You see what you've done.” He asked you, following your eyes to the wet spot. “You've teased me twice tonight, leaving me hard as a block of marble.”
“I'm sorry.” You found yourself blurting out, without conscious thought, eyes glued to his confined dick, it had been months since you had sex, and that was underwhelming, at best.
“Not yet, you're not.” Walker laughed, slipping the tips of his fingers into his boxers and stroking his shaft, the wet spot growing. “You want me to take them off?” He asked, fisting himself, unashamed.
“Please.” You nodded, licking your lips, dying for the sight of it.
“Hm.” He hummed, squatting in front of you, hands resting on your knees. “Let's see just how much you want to see me naked, shall we?” He asked, lifting a brow at you and slipped a hand between your legs, sliding it home to palm the drenched fabric of your panties.
“Shit.” You gasped, hips shamefully rubbing against his palm, a mind of their own.
“Oh, how wet the Birthday Girl is.” He teased you, ghosting the pad of his middle finger against your clothed clit. “You must really want to see me naked.” He chuckled, licking his lips and rubbing harder.
“Oh god, Walker.” You begged him, squeezing your legs together to keep his hand against your pussy. “Please.”
“You want me this bad, and yet, you ran away, twice.” He tutted at you, pulling his hand free, and stood.
“I'm sorry.” You croaked, eyes wide and desperate. “I was just frightened and overwhelmed, I didn't expect this.” You explained, you still didn't expect it, and part of you was berating yourself for getting into this situation, but there was nothing for it now, you were hot, wet and horny, and you wanted Walker to finish his lap dance, and give you whatever else he had in mind.
Or, in his boxers, for that matter.
“I'm sure you didn't.” He answered, his voice rough and dripping with arousal.
The tempo of the song picked up and Walker started slowly dancing and moving, surprising you with how agile his tall and muscular body was, he was in such complete control of himself and every teeny little thing he did, you couldn't help the enthralled and turned on expression on your face and in your eyes. As the song and his dance came to a close, Walker knelt before you, resting his hands on your shaky knees, pushing your dress up and spread your legs wide, the cool air of the room wafted against the wet fabric, making you shiver in response. Walker smirked, petting your folds through your panties and you shivered even more, moaning.
“So impatient.” He cooed at you, slipping a finger into the side of your undies and caressing your slick and dripping folds.
“Fuck.” You moaned, bucking against his finger, choking down a gulp.
“Push on your toes and lift your hips.” Walker instructed you, removing his hand from between your legs.
You did as he told you and felt his strong fingers wrap around the waistband of your panties and slip them off of you, then carefully removed your flats, tucking them in beside his own. You gasped, feeling his warm lips on the cool skin at the inside of your thigh, the tickle of his mustache and stubble had you letting out a breathy giggle, only to melt into a deep moan, from Walker placing wet kisses, nibbles and love bites all over your thighs. You were starting to get impatient again, wanting his mouth on your pussy all ready, straining against the tie wrapped around your wrists, you were surprised by how well he bound and tied you.
“Ow!” You let out in a breathy yelp.
“Stop doing that.” He scolded you, feeling you fidget. “You'll cut off the circulation in your hands.”
“Well, if you stop fucking teasing me.” You retorted back.
“I'll tease you all I want.” Walker remarked with a sly smirk. “You're the one tied to the chair.” He reminded you, like you had forgotten.
You grinned back at him, cheeks warm and shaking your head.
Chuckling, Walker started all over again, and took even longer this time to reach your folds, leaving bite marks, hickies and beard burn behind. You opened your legs even wider, panting, as his warm breath tickled your wet folds, your head fell back as he gave your clit a sharp flick of his tongue, toes curling intp the short carpet under your feet. Walker pressed a lewd kiss to your pussy, suckling your clit with maddening expertise and leisure, his hands gripped your hips and pinned you to the chair, stopping your desperate wiggles to fuck his face. His licks grew more and more, until he was licking the full length of your pussy with his long and broad tongue, swirling it around your clit and delving into the weeping entrance of your core, collecting your juices on his tongue and swallowing with deep rumbles of satisfaction of how good you tasted.
“You definitely taste better than Birthday Cake.” He moaned, lapping at your pussy.
You laughed, nervously. “Th-thanks.” You whimpered, a complete mess under his skilled mouth.
“I'm still shocked.” He purred between licks. “You're so polite, yet, you're so willing to ditch someone just trying to do their job.” He laughed, then gave your pussy several long and firm lips, sending you skating over the edge.
“Fuck, Walker!” You cried out, twitching and straining against your bonds, leaving a sticky mess between your legs, his mouth and mustache, and all over the seat beneath you, your eyes fluttering shut.
“That is the best damn orgasm I have ever had.” You commented, after semi recovering yourself.
Walker chuckled, smugly proud of himself as he moved around you and tugged the knot of the tie free, your numb arms falling heavily to your sides, releasing the strain on your shoulders. Walker's broad hands rested on your shoulders and started massaging your tense muscles, working his thumbs up and down your neck and between your shoulder blades, kneading and making you feel even more like puddy under his attention. His hands moved away from you and you heard the rustle of clothing behind you and every hair on your body stood on end, seeing his boxers come flying over your head and land on the floor with his discard pants and shirt.
“Stand up.” He rasped directly into your ear.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you could stand up, your legs felt like weak water balloons, but you slowly rose to your feet and your chair was pulled farther back. You didn't turn around to face Walker, the last remnants of your shyness holding you back from seeing him fully naked. His hands suddenly appeared on your back again, grabbing the zipper to the back of your dress and pulling it down, then pushed the straps off your shoulders, the black material of your dress pooled at your feet, like a black hole; followed by your matching push up bra. You hugged your arms to your bare chest and gulped, Walker wrapped his arms around you and pressed an open mouthed kiss to your neck, hugging you back against him, allowing you to feel every square inch of his chiseled and naked body.
“You're even more beautiful naked.” He hummed against the skin of your neck and shoulder, then turned you to face him. “Don't be shy.” He chuckled, grabbing your wrists and gently pulled your arms away from your chest. “Nothing I haven't seen before.” He assured you, bending his head forward to press a kiss to each other of your breasts, reaffirming his words.
Wrapping your arms around his neck and resting his hands on your hips, Walker picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and carefully turned, pressing your back against the wall beside you. Your ass rested right on top of his rock hard cock as he braced his knees against the wall and your eyes widened, 'fuck, he's huge'. You gulped, blinking at him. Walker smirked and wiggled his brows at you, his confidence was as palpable as the rest of his body, he reached beneath you and grasped his shaft and rubbed the tip against your sticky and still wet pussy, both of you moaning in unison. Chests heaving against each other, Walker slowly guided his uncut cock inside of your core, then let your body weight sink you the rest of the way on its own, wanting you to feel that slow stretch as his thick shaft opened you even wider, every long inch being molded to your core.
“You are perfectly snug around my cock.” He purred, biting into your neck and sucking hard. “Your sweet little pussy doesn't wanna let me go, does it.” He growled against your jugular, biting you even harder, you were shocked he didn't draw blood.
“No.” You moaned, shaking your head and hugging your arms tighter around his neck; you didn't want to let him go.
Walker bucked up into you, spearing into your cervix like a hot knife and had you calling out his name, not caring how loud you were and if any of the other suites on the floor heard. His thrusts were measured and rough, pulling you down as he drove himself up, the dresser along the table next to you rattled and the objects on top of it jumped with each thrust and clattered to the floor. The whole room was filled with sounds spilling out from you and Walker, slapping skin, shaking furniture and knocking over objects.
“Yes, yes.” You panted and cried, holding onto Walker and understanding why he was called the Hammer. “Fuck, Walker. Fill me, please, for fuck sake, fill me.” You begged him, racking your nails down his shoulders and sweaty back, drawing spots of blood.
Grunting and hammering you harder, Walker obliged your request and sent both of you spiraling into a tandem orgasm and miraculously not through the wall. His flushed face and sweaty forehead fell heavily to your shoulder, his huffing breath washing over the skin of your collarbone and breast. You rested your head back against the wall, trying to catch your own breath and settling your pounding and screaming heart rate, with a throb between your legs from Walker's furious thrusting. Breath caught, Walker pulled both of you off the wall and carried you, like a limp koala, into the huge bathroom suite, setting you down on the heated toilet seat, then turned to the deep soaking tub and spinning on the hot tap.
“If this is how you treat women that run out on your performances, then I might turn into a regular dance and dash customer of yours.” You chuckled, sinking into the warm and soapy water, feeling the jets massage your exhausted and drained body.
Walker chuckled, shaking his head at you and stepped out of the bathroom, picking up his discarded clothes, carefully folding them, and cleaned up the mess on the floor. He picked your dress up off the floor and felt the pocket vibrate. Frowning, he pulled the device out and the screen lit up, showing off a text from someone called Baeli and the notification of your location share.
“Smart girl.”
He chuckled, smirking, then turned the share off, before folding your dress and set it on the dresser with your ruined panties and bra, your phone on top of them. “Are you hungry?” Walker called out to you, opening the double doors of the private balcony the room had; but you didn't answer him.
Frowning, Walker stepped back into the bathroom and chuckled, shaking his head, seeing you had dozed off, while enjoying your nice, hot bath.
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You hadn't realized you fell asleep, until you woke up an hour later, under a layer of blankets. But, that wasn't what had woken you, what woke you was the low murmur of a voice that sounded very angry. Walker's voice, with someone he was clearly on the phone with.
“I don't care.” Walker hissed between clenched teeth, as he stood on the balcony. “I fucking told you, Royce. I want the rest of the Apostles on this. If any, and I mean, any, of them fuck this up for me, I will kill them.” He growled, gripping the balcony railing to try and keep his voice and temper under control.
“Do you understand? I would do it myself, if the CIA didn't have me undercover.”
It seemed like the person Walker was talking to had promised to do what he expected of them, because he visibly relaxed.
“Good. Call me in the morning and tell me how it went.” Walker sighed, running a hand through his disheveled and wind swept curls.
You closed your eyes as he hung up and leaned against the railing, not wanting him to feel your eyes on him or to know you had woken up at an apparently important section of his phone call. Your stomach was in knots, who were the Apostles? Was he really an undercover CIA? Was being a stripper part of that cover, or just a side job he got a kick out of? That must have been why he had so much money. Your brain screamed for you to jump up right there, yank on your clothing and run like hell from this apparently more dangerous man than you thought he was, but your body was still heavy as a rock from all the drinks you consumed over the night of your birthday and the mind blowing sex, so you only ended up falling back to sleep, as Walker turned around and entered the room again, unaware of your being awake or knowing what you now knew.
Waking again a few hours later, it was early morning, but still dark outside, an arm slung over your waist, hugging you against the solid, breathing wall of Walker's chest. Biting your lip, you carefully wiggled out of Walker's arms and to the edge of the bed, before you risked sitting up and stood, turning around to face him. He was relaxed and softly snoring on his side, his handsome face so soft you finally noticed the dark circles under his long lashes, the thick muscles of his arms and chest slack, he didn't seem as dangerous as you thought as you fell back to sleep after his phone call on the balcony.
Maybe, you had just dreamt it.
He gave you no indication of wanting to hurt you, and he had plenty of opportunities to do so throughout the night. Walker had done quite the opposite, he had been gentle, careful and mindful of you. He could have forced himself on you in the private room at the Crimson Moon, he could have done anything to you when he showed up at Nathan's, obviously annoyed by you running off before your lap dance was done, and he could have seriously hurt you once he got you into this hotel room, but again did nothing you didn't want and was quite sweet by drawing you a bath and putting you to bed after you fell asleep.
Sighing, you moved to the dresser, where he had folded your clothes and slipped your bra and panties on, then stepped out onto the balcony, the doors still open and letting in the cool night air. Resting your forearms against the railing and leaning forward, you looked down the dizzying thirty floors to the street below, a trickle of cars slowly thickening as people got up and started their days, rushing off to work or wherever else, which reminded you, you had to get home and get ready for your shift in four hours. Huffing, you shook your head, 'fuck that', you'd just call in sick and take the day off.
“Penny for your thoughts.” Walker's voice rasped behind you.
You glanced at him over your shoulder, finding him standing, butt naked, at the threshold of the balcony. “Just thinking that I have work in four hours, and how I want to call in sick.” You replied, looking back over the skyline.
“Perhaps you should.” He commented, stepping out onto the balcony with you, his hands resting on your hips and kneading them. “You deserve it.” He whispered, rubbing his soft cock against your ass.
“Do I?” You snorted, shaking your head and pushing back against him.
“I think so.” He rasped, touching the side of his foot to the inside of yours and pushed your leg out, until your chest was pressed to the railing and you leaned over it, slightly.
“Walker.” You gasped, eyes wide as you got even more dizzy from the height.
“Hush.” He cooed, then promptly ripped your underwear off of you.
“Walker!” You barked, surprised and annoyed, you were starting to rethink his threat level, when he filled you up with his cock again.
“I'll replace them.” Walker laughed, wrapping your hair around one hand and pulled your head back. “I can afford something better for you to wear, anyway.” He whispered into your ear, and started thrusting into you, your hips rubbing harshly against the railing, and his strong fingers rubbing your still sore clit.
Afterwards, You let Walker carry you back to bed and melted into his big arms and broad chest. “Is your cover really going to be blown, August?” You asked, coming off the high that had started the afternoon before.
“So, you were awake.” August laughed, brushing his fingers through your hair. “But, no, love. My cover is just fine, like it always is. Some of the Apostles are just being idiots, but I've put them back in their rightful places.”
“Under your size eleven boot.” You laughed, tilting your head back to look up at your beloved boyfriend.
“Exactly, sweetheart.” He chuckled back, kissing the tip and bridge of your nose. “Did you have a good birthday?” He asked, stroking the side of your face.”
“Mission: Crimson Moon, was bloody fantastic.” You assured him, kissing his stubbly jawline. “You make a damn good stripper, by the way.” You added, trailing your fingertips up and down his torso.
“It's no wonder why Sloane put you undercover there.”
You and August had met, while both of you were on separate missions, three years before, that ended up colliding together and you and August became nearly inseparable. Where one of you was, the other wasn't long off or far from. August worked as the CIA's best assassin. You worked a bit more free lance, bouncing between the CIA and MI-6, or sometimes for a private sector or person, if the money paid well enough. After your first year of dating August, when he finally trusted you without condition, he let you in on his 'John Lark' secret, how he was moonlighting as the top leader to the Apostles, the group that formed after the fall of the Syndicate, with Solomon Lane.
You were shocked at first, but the more you thought about it, the more it really made sense, August was calculated in everything he did, from work life to private life, he was distant and cold, almost cruel, if you didn't have the pleasure of being in his trusted inner circle. He had feared, an extremely rare trait in August Walker's vocabulary, that once you found out about his true dealings, you would leave him, he didn't worry about you outing him and blowing his cover, he knew you wouldn't, no matter how hurt and shocked you were, you had your own secrets and knew the value of keeping them that way.
A secret.
But, you didn't leave him, you loved him; even his faults.
You made him promise to never talk about the Apostles' business around you, unless you asked him about it, the less you knew about his works as the Head Apostle, the less of it could be pulled out of you and used to harm him, should anyone decide to use you as a pawn against August. Which, you weren't worried about either, people, from high governments to the cockroaches knew better than to fuck with you, even more so knowing that if they did do something to hurt or compromise you, August would be at their doorstep a moment later.
“Well, the job there is almost done, then only you will be getting a lifetime membership to my lap dances.” He told you with a smug grin, rolling onto his back and pulling you on top of him.
“I better be, August Walker.” You told him, pushing yourself up to straddle his waist, hands braced on his chest. “I'm the only one, this Hammer gets to nail.” You laughed, rubbing against his flaccid cock, waking it up for another round.
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thebest-medicine · 4 years
Lore Olympus, Persephone / Hades, tickle fic/fluff, takes place during/directly after ep 112
A/N: I have fast pass and so I waited a million years to post this because I read ep 112 and HAD TO FCKING WRITE THIS OK impossible not to god I fucking love lore olympus AND I LOVE HOW MUCH HADES DRINKS RESPECTING WOMEN JUICE 🧃 GOD(S) DAMN. Also maybe it’s the fact that I color coded the dialogue so I had to edit this more thoroughly but this is one of my favorite things I’ve written in a long time and I just really fucking love this web comic and this pairing and this feels like it’d be on vibe and that makes me really happy ok? ok.
Summary: coda to ep 112, Persephone and Hades chat about what has happened in the past day or two and Hades comes up with a cute (i.e. ticklish) way to help distract Persephone when she is tired of feeling glum and worrying
Words: 2,495
(so... spoilers for 112, also 110 spoilers mentioned)
An hour ago, Hades wouldn’t have believed who was about to summon him. Had he known Persephone would have wanted his company, perhaps he’d have worn something other than sweatpants. But now, laying next to her in her own bed, he was happy to have comfortable clothes. At least something was comfortable. They needed to talk about what happened between them. He didn’t want to pressure her, she said she wasn’t feeling good, maybe it was because of him..?
“Can we.. talk about the kiss?”
“Did you...not like it?”
“The kiss?”
He felt a tightness in his chest evaporate when he heard her words. “...I loved the kiss.”
Suddenly, he realized, everything was comfortable, how could it not be, around her. Hades nearly melted into the pillow. He told Persephone to tell him if she wanted him to leave, and of course he would respect her wishes, but he couldn’t think of anything more devastating than the thought of leaving where he was right now.
“Then.. why did you leave? What happened?”
“I guess I... really enjoyed the kiss and I... got.. excited...” She answered bashfully.
Relief - and he had to admit a bit of flattery too - washed over him. “Oooooh..”
“And then I.. felt scared of those feelings I was having. My body reacted in a way I didn’t expect.” She paused, turning to face him. “I’m sorry for leaving you...”
I wish you’d never leave me again. He caught himself thinking. Jesus, Hades, she’s her own person, relax. He chuckled to himself. God, she’s just so... sweet, and cute, and adorable, and gorgeous, and nice...
“And I’m sorry for being weird.”
He thought he might evaporate into an array of butterflies too when she turned herself fully toward him, letting her arm fall over his chest. When was the last time he just...cuddled?
“You’re not that weird...” Hades smiled. A black moth took shape above them in the bed. “See?”
Persephone’s smile softened the room as she giggled, bringing her fingers up to the moth where two small pink butterflies fluttered into existence next to Hades’ moth.
“Thank you.” Persephone sighed against his chest.
Hades tilted his chin towards her. “What for?”
“For coming..”
“You summoned me, to be fair.” He snorted, then taking her hand. “But you know, I’d- I’d come whenever you ask.”
Persephone gazed up at him, and he could see the smile in her eyes. “I appreciate it.. a lot. And thanks for... for listening. For staying. For being here. With me.” She wiggled closer to him, pressing herself against his side.
Hades realized he was holding his breath after she moved even closer. How could this be so- so nerve-wracking? She likes you too, you idiot, why are you so nervous? He counted to ten in his head and tried to stuff down the butterflies in his own chest, regain his composure, confidence..
“You said before that you.. didn’t feel good and were having trouble sleeping. Do you... want to talk about what else is bothering you?” Hades offered.
Persephone shrunk in on herself a bit, holding him tighter. “Not- not really.”
Hades couldn’t stop his face from falling a bit. He pulled her close. “That’s alright. If you ever do... I’m here to listen, Kore.”
An idea popped into his head. “If you don’t want to talk about it.. Would you rather be... distracted? Comforted? Held? Or... Want me to just shut up?” He grinned at her. “What do you need?” He squeezed her hand tighter.
“Um..” Persephone thought aloud. “Hmm.. actually.. Distracted...sounds pretty good! I’m not exactly sleepy.” She stifled a yawn into her palm.
“I actually have something in mind that might help you with that.” Hades smirked at her.
Persephone’s eyes widened a little at him. “Um-” She hesitated.
“Oh not- not like-”Hades smacked his own forehead, a blue blush rising to his cheeks. “I’m not- that’s not what I meant! I swear I’m trying to bring my scoundrel level down!” He laughed. “What am I at now by the way?”
“Hmm, well I would have said maybe...15%, but- but that number depends on whatever you say next!” Persephone raised an eyebrow at him.
“15%? Nice, I’ve gone down!” Hades grinned joyfully. “My number might go up after this but..... only a little bit.” He paused sheepishly. “I hope!”
Persephone propped herself onto her elbows on his chest. “Well, now I’m curious, what’s your big idea?”
“I just want to ask you a question.” Hades started, shrugging innocently. “I think it’ll be pretty distracting.”
“... Okay.” Persephone agreed.
“Are you ticklish?” Hades couldn’t keep the smirk out of his voice.
Persephone stiffened up in his arms. “N-” She started to make a noise but stopped when he looked down at her.
She was blushing even more pink than usual, a goofy, nervous smile on her face. “I- I-” She couldn’t make eye contact with him
She had been in many a tickle fight with the flower nymphs she played with back home in the mortal realm. Was there any answer, though, that wouldn’t end with the same result? He’s gonna test it out...
She felt him slowly shifting himself into a better position to do just that, one of his hands was crawling slowly toward her side.
When words finally came to her, just as Hades was about to find out regardless of what she said, all she answered was, “Are you?”
She always fucking surprises me. Hades thought to himself as a blush grew on his cheeks. How does she do that? I was in control a second ago, wasn’t I? He chuckled. “Well, I’m.. not, I- I don’t think..” That definitely didn’t sound convincing.
“!! YOU DON’T THINK?” Persephone practically shouted, a bright smile on her face as she stared at him with giddy disbelief. “YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?” She was almost embarrassed by how excited she knew she sounded.
Hades rolled his eyes. “I mean... who exactly do you think is going to be tickling the King of the Underworld?” Hades laughed at the thought.
“ME!” Persephone couldn’t help herself.
Hades could think of a few times as a child that he’d been tickled by Rhea or the other gods because of how serious he always was, and they figured somebody needed to put a smile on his face, right? Maybe a handful of teasing pokes from Hera or an accidental brush or two of fingers from Minthe that surprised him by how sensitive it was, but none of that was ANYTHING like what Persephone’s fingers were doing to his side.
She was leaning over him, five fingers digging into each side of him, her thumbs pressing between the muscles on the sides of his abdomen while her fingers squeezed around the back of his sides sporadically. She wiggled her fingers up toward his ribs and used her nails to dig in a bit between the bones.
Hades already had a hard time keeping any kind of guard up with her, so it was only a matter of seconds before she had him laughing. “Ohmygods- Kore st-stahahahop!”
“YOU ARE TICKLISH!!” She nearly had stars in her eyes. He was more adorable in that moment than any of his dogs (but she would never tell them that) even Pomelia.
Hades hadn’t laughed like that in.... he didn’t know if ever. Somehow in 2 weeks, she brought out things - feelings, situations... that he never in thousands of years even dreamed of finding himself in.
“Persephoneheheehhehehehe-” Hades giggled helplessly as he squirmed on her bed. His arms wrapped around her but he didn’t actively stop her. He didn’t want to push her away, and he ESPECIALLY didn’t want to hurt her. Hades would probably rip the head off of anyone else who made him feel so... vulnerable and silly, but with Kore it felt right. Even if she might be torturing him a little bit. This kind of torture was far better than the torture he felt trying to be away from her.
“I- I can’t believe...” Persephone squealed. “You’re...You’re...so cute!!!!!” She stopped tickling him with one hand to cover her face. Both of them had fire in their cheeks.
Hades took advantage of her slowing down her tickle attack and grabbed her tickling hand, interlacing his fingers with hers. “Okay, okay- Stahahop- I- nobody has ever- I’ve never been tickled like that-” Hades calmed himself through his residual giggles as he pulled the Goddess of Spring against his chest, wrapping his other arm around her.
“Hehehehehe.” Persephone snickered, twirling her free hand’s fingers against his neck and under his chin. He flinched away. “You’re ticklish.”
“You’re lucky.”
“You’re ticklish.”
“Anyone else who tried that would be dead.”
“And you’re ticklish.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re very ticklish.”
Hades rolled his eyes. “Okay fine... maybe.”
“Where else are you ticklish? Your feet? Your knees? I didn’t even get to try under your arms...” Persephone noted.
“I don’t like where this is going...” Or maybe I do? Hades laughed hesitantly. “Anyway... weren’t we- weren’t we supposed to be talking about where you are ticklish?”
Persephone, a sudden bolt of confidence shooting through her, declared. “I’m not. I never said I was.”
Hades, almost disappointed for a moment, narrowed his eyes at her. “I don’t buy that shit for a second.”
Persephone’s confident smile faltered.
“So let’s just see about that!” Hades continued, suddenly using the hand that was already holding hers to try to also grab her other wrist. She squirmed enough that he could only keep her one arm pinned, so he just started anyway. His free hand, instead of holding her to his chest, started pinching just above her hip on her side. “Are you ticklish here?”
“Nohohohoho-” Persephone cackled.
“No? You sound kinda ticklish..”
“I’M NAHAHAHHA-NOT!” Persephone insisted, squirming wildly and trying to somehow smack his hand away.
That only encouraged Hades to keep trying more places. “Okay, then..let’s see where else you’re not ticklish.”
Persephone practically screamed.
“You do realize Artemis is here, right?” Hades teased. “How much trouble do you think you’d get in...” He latched onto the side of her rib cage and squeezed mercilessly, making Kore wriggle madly in the bed, rolling around and practically falling off trying to get away. “If you laughed, or you screamed, so loud you woke her up?”
Persephone turned her face into the pillow, rolling herself face down on the bed. Hades let go of her hand and rolled up onto his knees, hovering over her as he continued teasing her.
“Artemis would charge in here, arrows notched, ready to help poor, sweet Kore who screamed for help.”
Hades, caught up in the moment, climbed over her, straddling the back of her hips. He was so concerned with properly tickling her that he didn’t even have time to appreciate that he was sitting directly behind her butt. His two hands wiggled their fingers under the edges of her sides and began to tickle, first in the same spots, then slowly down toward her hips and up toward her ribs.
“And then she’d see this, the Goddess of Spring, giggling helplessly underneath a King, in her bed, in her room, in the middle of the night.” Hades laughed at the scene.
“I mean, what would she think of us?”
Persephone grabbed at his wrists uselessly as Hades tickled along her midsection. She definitely did not see the night going this way. “H-Hades ohmygohaahhaHAHAHAHAHA- plehehehease!” Persephone’s laughter got even more desperate when he started pinching her lower ribs.
Hades leaned down, practically next to her ear. “You’d better be quiet...” He warned as she cackled into the pillow.
“Though.. I don’t know, you’re already in a lot of trouble.” He winked, not that she could even see it, laughing her head off face down. Two fingers on each side latched onto the space just in front of her hip bones and started squeezing.
“100! HAHAHA- 100% SCOUNDREL!! HAAHHA PLEASE BASHSHAHA HADEHEHEHEES- st-stoppit!” Persephone wheezed, pounding her fists against the bed.
The way she giggled out his name.. he was the one in trouble.
“Calling me a scoundrel, while you might be right, given the situation, still doesn’t seem like the best way to get yourself out of it, now does it?” Hades teased.
As he kept going, tickling upward, he noticed Persephone wouldn’t move her arms from her upper sides/ribs so he decided to try her underarms out another time. There would definitely have to be more of this. A lot more.
“I wanna try one more spot, and then I’ll stop, alright?” Hades offered, slowing down his tickling a bit to just lightly scribbling his fingers over her back, shoulder blades, and sides.
“OMG! I ahahahaha - I was nice to you! I- I stopped!” Persephone tried.
“That’s ‘cause I stopped you.” Hades corrected her. He slowed down his tickling on her sides and ribs, shifting himself so he was facing her legs now. “And Kore, here’s the other thing..”
Persephone grabbed the pillow she was laughing into, wrapping her arms around it.
“I think you.. also could, very easily, stop me right now.” Hades grabbed ahold of her ankles and pulled them up close to his chest. “If you wanted to.”
Persephone was grateful the laughter and the pillow were there to hide her blush. Alright well, maybe he’s right, maybe this was a great distraction... and.... maybe she was having fun.
They both noted how she didn’t answer.
Hades kept a tight grip on her ankles with one hand while the other’s fingers spidered and wriggled all over her soles, between her toes, over the tops of her feet even. It didn’t last more than probably 45 seconds, but Hades was actually beginning to worry a little about waking Artemis up with all this giggling.
When he finally did stop, he noticed pink petals strewn around the room.
He slid off of her, swallowing down the nervous feeling that gripped him when he remembered he had just been literally straddling her. He inched back to his side of the bed.
He glanced away sheepishly, a palm to his neck. “Uh- s-sorry if I got a little carried away..”
Persephone pulled her face out of the pillow, a giggly, warm, almost teary-eyed smile upon it. “Don’t worry about it.” She assured him. “I- you- uh, I didn’t mind.” She giggled.
“Well good because, that was really cute.” The words somehow pushed through his brain and out of his mouth and he admitted, laying down once again and pulling her back toward his chest. “Next time, don’t lie to me though.”
“Lie?” Persephone gave him a weird look for a moment.
“You said you weren’t ticklish.” Hades laughed.
Persephone snorted and rolled her eyes. “So did you.” She stuck her tongue out at him.
“Touché.” Hades kissed her forehead.
Kore kissed his cheek, wrapping her arms around his chest and pulling herself even closer. “Thanks for distracting me.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Envious (Branjie) - Ortega
a/n: hello ya big lovely bastards it’s ya gal ortega back on the scene with this wee bit of filth i promised was coming over on my blog about a month ago! thank u very much to everyone that’s waited patiently! without further ado i wish all of my readers a very pleasant jealous exes makeup sex fic xo
(this fic is sponsored by envious // aluna, go listen to it it’s is the exact vibe)
fic summary:
yeah, you got some nerve
standing over there with her just to make me mad
(or- Brooke and Vanessa are ex girlfriends at a party both missing each other and wanting to make the other jealous so Brooke spends all night flirting with Priyanka and Vanessa spends all night flirting with Kameron until neither of them can keep up the charade anymore and they go and have jealous makeup sex in the bathroom)
The room is dark, the music is loud, and she’s over there.
Brooke wonders if she knew she’d be here tonight. She probably did if the outfit she’s wearing is anything to go by; black lace bodysuit that’s see-through everywhere but where Brooke wants it to be, vinyl red snake print skirt that’s too short and too tight and is going to make Brooke have a heart attack. She’s not chosen heels tonight. Instead she’s in a pair of scuffed black Superstars with three gold stripes which are stained with the spilt alcohol of parties gone by. Brooke always thought it was adorable when she accepted her short stature, always used to love the way she’d have to go on her toes if she wanted to kiss her.
Which used to be all the time. And now it’s not.
Instead she’s leaning against the counter in the kitchen and talking to some tall Amazonian goddess with tumbling blonde ombré hair, long legs and intimidating-looking muscles which tell Brooke she wouldn’t win against her in a fight. Not that Brooke’s going to fight her, of course. Even if the way she tucks her hair behind her ears and laughs softly as her conversational partner screeches out a story makes Brooke want to tip the entire contents of the punch bowl they’re standing beside over her head.
“Anyone sitting here?”
Brooke blinks, a little caught out, and follows the voice to make sure it’s actually talking to her. She is pleasantly surprised when her gaze falls on a tall girl with a shock of long, straight, bright orange hair, with long eyelashes and dark eyes and full lips. She’s wearing a denim skirt with a set of metal buttons down the front and a safety pin masquerading as one at the bottom. She also appears to be part of the bodysuit club (was there a dress code? Did Brooke miss a memo?) except hers is white, long-sleeved, tight and ribbed.
Brooke might still be hung up on her ex but she knows a pretty girl when she sees one, and she runs her tongue over her teeth before she smiles. “Nope, you’re good.”
The girl grins gratefully and flips some of her hair over her shoulder before sitting down next to Brooke on the battered leather sofa. She’s close and Brooke can smell her perfume, the overpowering cloying-ness of it rendering it instantly recognisable as some Thierry Mugler invention. It’s only then that Brooke registers she’s got two drinks in her hand, and she’s holding one out for her to take.
“You want this?” she asks cheerfully. “It was meant for my friend but I think she went off to get high or something, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s yours now.”
The outgoing nature of this girl is only serving to take Brooke’s mind off of the one on the other side of the house. That’s good. She doesn’t want to think about her, or the way that she’s almost pressed up against that other bodybuilder girl, or the way that that used to be them.
Brooke blinks slowly in an attempt to hit refresh on her mind, not to dignify those thoughts with any more time. She thanks the girl and sips at the curious red liquid in the cup, narrowing her eyes a little. “What’s in this?”
“Fuck knows. It’s the punch from the kitchen,” the girl shrugs, then raises an eyebrow at Brooke. “I mean there’s no roofies, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“No, I wasn’t…God, sorry-”
“Chill. I’m kidding,” the girl quirks a smile, and Brooke relaxes a little. Fuck, this is hard. She’s out of practise more than she’d care to admit. Luckily though the girl takes the lead again, flicking her hair once more and exposing a huge gold hoop hanging from her earlobe. “I’m Priyanka.”
“I’m Brooke,” Brooke follows suit. How can it possibly feel weird to introduce herself to someone else? “So, uh. How do you know Yvie?”
“We do netball together,” Priyanka explains, fishing something out of her drink with a long acrylic nail. “I mean, just for fun. Neither of us are actually on the team. I’m pretty much still at the stage where the ball comes towards me and I scream so loud all the insects in a five mile radius pass away.”
Brooke can’t control the way she snorts out a laugh at Priyanka’s unexpected turn of phrase. She’s funny, and that’s always been attractive to Brooke. She remembers the way someone else used to make her laugh like that, the absolutely off-the-wall observations she’d hit out with. Brooke’s thinking about her again, and she finds her gaze shifting through to the kitchen.
When Brooke’s eyes land on her, she finds she’s already staring her way. Staring at her and Priyanka sitting close together on the sofa, and Brooke having just laughed the way she used to laugh with her. And her face is like a storm cloud brought to life.
Brooke feels a little spark go off in her gut a bit like she’s won something, so she casts Priyanka a big smile, one that she attempts to make literally sparkle. Brooke reaches out and touches Priyanka’s knee lightly, can practically hear the girl on the other side of the room hiss.
“You’re funny,” Brooke simpers, and Priyanka tries to suppress a smile but fails.
“You’re cute,” she replies, and a firework goes off in Brooke’s brain.
“Son of a bitch,” Vanessa finds herself muttering under her breath.
Her gaze snaps back to the girl in front of her. Kameron, the girl that works at the gym with muscles that make Vanessa wonder if she could pick her up and hold her against the wall if they made out. The girl who’s tall and blonde and who, if Vanessa squints a little, looks just like her ex.
Her ex who’s currently sat in the living room dressed in the tightest pair of blue jeans imaginable (Vanessa knows the ones- they make her butt look way too good) and an illegally tiny pink crop top, practically in some other girl’s lap, laughing and flirting and touching and doing entirely too much.
But Vanessa’s not thinking about her right now. She’s moving on. She’s talking to a hot girl with tattoos and ripped jeans and a flannel shirt tied around her waist and short nails on her middle and index fingers.
Or at least she’s trying to. If her ex wasn’t distracting her by laughing so loud the whole party is practically deafened.
“Sorry,” Vanessa smiles apologetically, bats her lashes a little. “What were we talkin’ about?”
“You were telling me about your course,” Kameron raises an eyebrow at her. “And then you got distracted by that girl over on the sofa.”
Fuck. Vanessa needs to save the situation. Kameron is incredibly gorgeous and Vanessa’s goal is to go home with her tonight, be underneath her between the hours of 1 and 4am and all the while run the risk of accidentally yelling out the wrong name. She decides to come clean. “God, yeah, sorry. It’s just…that’s my ex. An’ I forgot she’d be here tonight. Sucks when you got mutual friends after you break up so then you still gotta see each other.”
Kameron nods understandingly. “Jeez, sorry. That’s rough. And that’s totally insensitive of her to be doing all that in front of you. You think she’s doing it on purpose?”
Vanessa narrows her eyes as she flicks her gaze to the sofa again. She’s tracing the henna on the other girl’s hand. Vanessa feels the blood in her veins turn to fire. “Yep.”
As she flicks her gaze back to Kameron, Vanessa watches as a little scheming smile appears on her face. “Well, you should get to have some fun of your own, right?”
Vanessa feels little butterflies in her stomach as Kameron steps a little closer to her and lets out a laugh that’s entirely too loud but makes Vanessa smile at the sheer unexpectedness of it all regardless. “What the hell was that for?”
Kameron jerks her head to the living room and sure enough, her ex is looking over at the pair of them with a face like a burst balloon and body language to match.
“Now,” Kameron says lightly as she brings a hand up to touch Vanessa’s arm gently. “Are you going to tell me what the hell sociology is?”
Brooke doesn’t really know what her plan is anymore. She’s not sure if she’s trying to make her ex jealous or if she actually really wants to kiss Priyanka until she can no longer think straight. Priyanka is confident, and funny, and very attractive, and the way she smiles all excitedly at practically everything Brooke says is entirely too endearing. But Brooke is vaguely- scratch that, acutely- aware of the two girls in the kitchen who are standing too close and smiling too much and fuck, she’s giving the other girl those eyes and Brooke knows exactly what that look means.
She needs to up her game somehow.
“So wait, you must have so many crazy stories about Yvie from high school,” Priyanka distracts her. She’s curled her fingers around Brooke’s at some point during their conversation, and Brooke’s not adverse to that at all.
Brooke pauses for dramatic effect and leans close to Priyanka as she imparts her new information. “She had a full Myspace emo fringe which she used to straighten as soon as she got out the shower.”
“NO!” Priyanka yells, throwing her head back in a laugh. Score. That’s going to have attracted the right amount of attention from the girl in the kitchen, and Brooke feels like she’s been lit up inside.
“Fried her hair. Fried it! I can’t even describe the sizzling sound it made on the irons. Like twelve thousand rashers of bacon on the hottest pan alive. I heard it so many times at sleepovers, I swear I can’t eat fried food any more.”
Priyanka’s laughing again, gripping Brooke’s hand tighter and sending shockwaves down her spine. As her laughter dies down, Brooke notices she’s got her hand in her lap and it’s giving her entirely too many ideas.
She checks on the situation in the kitchen. Her ex isn’t looking at her. Instead, she’s got her eyes on the girl in front of her and a hand on her waist, and Brooke feels a little like she’s going to be sick.
“It was 2012, though, I mean we all made questionable choices back then,” Priyanka shrugs, her gaze dark and wicked as she fixes Brooke with her brown eyes. “I bet you were, like, totally on the neon trend.”
Brooke is distracted from her ex by the horrific accusation she’s just had pointed at her, and she lets out a small screech as Priyanka laughs. “Oh my God! That’s the most offensive thing anyone’s ever said to me. Fucking…neon, Jesus. So wait, you think I was one of those girls that rocked up to house parties in a bright green tutu and those Stargazer pink feather eyelashes?!”
“Exactly that! And twelve layers of fake tan!” Priyanka laughs with glee. Brooke finds the nausea dissipating. She really is very cute.
“Oh my God, fuck all the way off. No, I was more…trying incredibly hard to be the fifth member of Little Mix.”
Priyanka’s mouth drops open in shock and recognition. “No way. Your entire personality was moustache-themed accessories, wasn’t it. Tell me I’m wrong.”
Brooke bites back a smile. “If I told you I had a t-shirt with the words ‘I moustache you a question’ on it…would you judge me?”
Priyanka drops Brooke’s hand in aid of flailing and squealing entirely too much, but Brooke’s only disappointed for a moment because as she speaks Priyanka rests both of her palms on Brooke’s knees. “YES! Heavily! Jesus, at least you glowed up, though.”
Brooke feels like she’s blushing. Maybe she is. She tucks a little lock of hair behind her ear and she’s not too sure whose benefit it’s for. “Stop it.”
“I mean, I don’t know what you looked like in high school, but you’re super hot now, so,” Priyanka shrugs, gives her a little wink. The girl is a massive flirt and Brooke doesn’t mind it one single bit.
She takes Priyanka’s hand before looking back through to the kitchen.
That got her attention.
“So he’s obviously booked himself onto the expert level class to try and impress me, and I’m like, baby…you are so not even close to my type. Because number one, you’re a guy. And that’s…that’s numbers two and three as well, actually.”
Vanessa giggles, leans in a little closer for good measure.
“So anyway, I think I maybe killed him that day. If you’re going to call yourself an expert, have the balls to back it up,” Kameron finishes her story, and Vanessa is smiling, simpering, tucking her hair behind her ears, laying it all on thick because the girl in the living room she’s attempting to stop thinking about has got her fingers curled around that other girl’s hand and she’s stroking a little strip of skin with her thumb the way she used to do to Vanessa’s hand across the table if they were out having dinner somewhere nice.
“So how much can you lift?” Vanessa asks, and if she’s leaning against the counter and pushing her chest out just a little then it’s nobody’s business but her own.
Kameron smirks at her and Vanessa finds herself blushing, the other girl obviously wise to what she’s trying to do. “Well I can squat 80 kilos?”
Vanessa frowns. “Much is that?”
“You know those bags of flour you get from the shop?” Kameron tilts her head, and Vanessa nods. “Eighty of those.”
Vanessa’s eyes fly wide open. She gives a little laugh of disbelief. “Stop lyin’, there’s no way that’s possible!”
Kameron is laughing at her reaction, and it gives Vanessa a little feeling of triumph. Suddenly she forms an idea. “Bet you couldn’t squat me.”
Vanessa feels something curl low in her gut as Kameron raises an eyebrow at her. “Is that a challenge?”
“Might be.”
There’s a little glint in Kameron’s eyes as she suddenly picks Vanessa up, ignores the way she squeals and laughs and goes a little over the top as she fires off some squats whilst cradling Vanessa in her arms as if she weighs nothing at all. Vanessa takes advantage of the situation to throw her arms around Kameron’s neck, and as Kameron deposits her back on the kitchen tiles Vanessa makes a big show of trailing her hands down past her collarbones and smiling up at her a little.
It occurs to Vanessa that she’s not looked over to the sofa in a little while and sure enough, her ex flicks her gaze quickly back to the girl in front of her as if she’s been caught staring.
Vanessa smiles triumphantly at Kameron before hopping up to sit on the countertop. If it gives whoever’s in the living room a better view of her thighs, then that’s just a happy coincidence.
Brooke doesn’t know how long she’s been talking to Priyanka. Could’ve been an hour, could’ve been three, but all she knows is that she needs another drink. Preferably some of the red concoction that Priyanka managed to procure from the punch bowl.
The problem is, all of the alcohol is in the kitchen. Where she is. With the fucking lesbian bodybuilder she’s chatting up. But then said lesbian bodybuilder leaves the room- not before giving her a kiss on the cheek that sends Brooke’s blood pressure skyrocketing, but it means that she’s alone.
Without knowing what possesses her, Brooke turns to Priyanka and motions to her empty cup. “You want another?”
“Yes please,” she replies politely, and Brooke’s heart melts a little bit. Priyanka is nice, and she’s sweet.
But she’s not her.
So Brooke stands up, tugs down her top a little bit before walking tall through to the kitchen. She’s sat on the countertop with her legs crossed and her thighs look entirely too good. Brooke is consumed by the sudden need to kiss all the way up them like she used to and she still hasn’t forgotten how soft her skin is or the way it smells like cocoa butter.
She’s on her phone as Brooke approaches but her eyes flick up to look at her as Brooke walks in, stands right up close beside her as she reaches for two plastic cups and then the punch ladle. She wishes she’d picked a skirt or something that exposes her legs because the outside of her ex’s thigh is touching hers and the spark that’s just sent about thirty volts of electricity through Brooke’s nerve endings is delicious.
They don’t speak. Brooke wants to say something, but her ex hasn’t broken the stalemate and therefore neither will she. She’s consumed with longing. She misses her. She misses her so much. But this isn’t the kind of place for that conversation, not that she’d deign Brooke with any of her time anyway. As she tips the red liquid into the plastic cup, Brooke becomes acutely aware of the fact that her ex has uncrossed her legs, and that she’s deliberately pressing her thigh against her. She knows what she’s doing. So much of Brooke wants to grab her jaw and smash their lips together, press her body right up against hers and rip her clothes off in the middle of the kitchen at her best friend’s house party, but she doesn’t. Instead, Brooke flips her long, blonde hair over one shoulder, exposing a strip of her neck that her ex used to love kissing all the way up and marking with red and purple hickies.
From the way her gaze darkens as Brooke sneaks a look at her, she’s thinking about the same thing right this second.
Brooke’s filled up her cups so she’s ready to go back through to the living room, back through to Priyanka and the prospect of taking her home that night and pretending she’s the girl on the countertop beside her. But all of that, all of those prospects aren’t as good as the reaction she gets as Brooke reaches out and touches her ex’s knee, lets her fingers skate up the exposed strip of inner thigh as she leans in close and whispers quickly into her ear.
“She looks a little bit like me.”
Before Brooke turns and walks back into the living room, she catches the look on her face: shocked, infuriated, and her gaze absolutely filled with lust.
Brooke ignores the heavy throb between her thighs as she makes her way back to her position on the couch.
Vanessa scrolls. Scrolls through her camera roll, back to all the ridiculous selfies they took together- silly ones lying on the grass at the park, glam ones before they went off to Scarlet’s fancy 21st, cute ones buried under the duvet after sex where they pulled horrific faces and laughed and laughed and still found the other the most beautiful person in the world. She scrolls through their texts, all the way back to when they first met at Jackie’s flat party and started messaging each other all tentative and shy and flirty.
She misses her. She doesn’t even remember what they had that stupid fight about now, and she should, it should have been something important because it’s the reason everything came crashing down around her. Vanessa misses the way she’d always be the first one to wake up and bring her cups of coffee, she misses the way they’d both get all excited if they went for a walk and saw a neighbourhood cat, she misses that Snow Fairy body spray she would wear at Christmas time that smelt of candyfloss and jelly beans and made Vanessa want to cuddle her and never let go.
She wishes she hadn’t let go. And now she’s over there, laughing like a dumb blonde airhead with that girl she just got punch for. Vanessa narrows her gaze. If anything, that girl looks more like her than Kameron looks like her ex. They both have dark skin (although they’re completely different shades), and dark eyes (Vanessa’s guessing), and…
Yeah, that’s probably where their similarities end.  
“Hey! Sorry. I bumped into this girl I knew from class last year, hadn’t seen her in ages,” Kameron breezes back in. She clearly registers Vanessa’s radiating the same vibes as a cat that’s been taunted too many times with a laser pointer, and she cocks an eyebrow at her suspiciously. “Who pissed in your cereal?”
Vanessa pauses. She’s loath to bring her ex up again with Kameron. She’s trying hard to forget about her, and Kameron is beautiful and would probably treat her right and might end up being the one she’s never realised she’s been looking for.
And then she hears that laugh ricochet through the house again, and she visibly winces.
“Right. The ex,” Kameron grimaces. Vanessa feels herself cringe a little bit. Kameron’s clearly realised that she’s going to get nowhere with a girl who’s still hung up on somebody else, and to be honest Vanessa doesn’t blame her.
“I’m sorry,” Vanessa says, embarrassed. “You’re real sweet. But I think I’ll prolly just end up goin’ home by myself. Might cry so hard into a tub of Chew Chew that the caramel turns salted. Who knows.”
Kameron lets out a warm, genuine laugh, touches her arm in a way that makes Vanessa wish she wasn’t so hung up on her ex still. “Well, I hope your night doesn’t end up as sad as all that.”
With that, Kameron pulls her into a hug. She’s warm and soft and Vanessa finds herself sighing a little, not realising how tight her chest had become until now. Suddenly, she feels Kameron’s chest judder in a laugh.
Kameron murmurs against Vanessa’s ear. “Your girl’s looking over.”
Vanessa isn’t bothered. “She prolly don’t give a fuck.”
Kameron pulls away a little, a smirk on her lips. “Well. Kiss me so she does.”
So Vanessa doesn’t think and instead she simply follows orders, pulls Kameron in so that her glossy lips press against her own and kisses her deeply, presses her body against hers if only so she can add to the illusion that she’s kissing someone else. The kiss is fine- the kiss is good- but it’s not what she wants, and selfishly Vanessa opens her eyes, lets her gaze travel through to the living room and the girl on the sofa, and-
Mother fucker.
Vanessa locks eyes with her while she’s got her own tongue down that other girl’s throat and a hand in her orange hair. She can’t believe it. Can’t fucking believe it. Her ex has seen her kissing Kameron and she’s tried to beat her at her own game. Vanessa keeps her eyes on her as she brings a hand up to Kameron’s jaw, pulling her closer to her. When her ex’s eyes snap shut like she’s seen something she doesn’t like, Vanessa calls that a win.
Satisfied, Vanessa pulls away and Kameron follows her lead. They share a goodbye and Vanessa is left on her own. She can’t stop looking at the scene in the living room that isn’t yet over. She thinks about fingers on her thigh and a whisper in her ear and the way that they both so clearly want each other Vanessa’s amazed the house hasn’t burnt down with the tension of it all yet.
So, as the two girls on the sofa break away, Vanessa does what any self-confessed bad bitch would do- smooths her skirt down, tosses her hair over her shoulder, and walks through to the next room. Vanessa watches her ex react- she’s still talking to that girl but her eyes keep darting right, right, right, falling on her with every step she takes. Her body language is becoming jittery, nervous, as if Vanessa’s about to spoil this little cosy setup she’s got going with fucking Lavagirl on the sofa.
And when Vanessa makes and then holds eye contact with her before sharply turning in the direction of the bathroom, she doesn’t look back. Even when she hears her telling the girl that she’ll be back in a second, and feels the presence of someone following behind her.
Vanessa skips past the queue of people that has accumulated outside the small bathroom, jumps in front of a girl with bad extensions who’s about to go in and who yells at her in outrage. She’s silenced, however, by the way the girl following her closes the door and slides the lock in place, turning around with pure rage on her face. Vanessa smirks.
“Wow. Didn’t know watching girls pee was one of your kinks.”
“Shut the hell up,” she bites back, taking two steps towards her and setting Vanessa’s heart off like a flare. “It’s pretty fucking obvious you wanted me to follow you.”
“See, Brooke, the only way I’m viewing this situation is that you’re the one who wants me,” Vanessa replies, already feeling that flirtatious sense of excitement as she casts a slow gaze up and down Brooke’s body. It’s the way she knows exactly how this is going to end that sends a tingle down her spine and between her legs, and the way Brooke’s looking at her with her eyes all dark is doing nothing to dissipate that feeling.
“Why are you so pressed? I wasn’t the one standing flirting all night with the fucking…lesbian final boss in the kitchen,” Brooke rolls her eyes, and the knowledge that she’s been riled enough to reference Kameron is a win in Vanessa’s book.
“Says the girl who had Ginger Spice in her lap?” Vanessa raises an eyebrow questioningly. They’re both close now, and the cracked white tiles are pressing against Vanessa’s back but she doesn’t mind the cold because every single inch of her body is on fire.
“What was your plan for tonight? Go home with a girl who looks like me and then spend the whole night pretending she fucks you like I do? That it?” Brooke leans in and murmurs. Vanessa knows it’s meant to mock her but she can’t shake the feeling that Brooke’s only giving her what she wants. She’s brought it up now, and images of nights spent in Brooke’s bed are burning through Vanessa’s mind like a wildfire.
Christ, she misses her so much. And if Brooke’s playing a game here, then Vanessa decides she’s going to play one of her own.
“You couldn’t make me scream if your life depended on it,” she smirks at her, deliberately making her voice all low and sultry, and Vanessa’s heart gives a leap at the way Brooke’s pupils visibly dilate in response. She’s close now; bodies not separated by much, lips within kissing distance. God, Vanessa wants to kiss her so badly. Get the pink lipstick she’s wearing smudged all over her lips, pressed against her neck, marked onto her collarbones.
“So…leading me into a toilet and hitting me with playground-level goading. Classy. Good to see you’re still as childish as you were when we broke up,” Brooke mutters in response. Her words are harsh but her touch is gentle as she rests her hands on Vanessa’s hips and in turn sends her pulse through the ceiling.
“You were the one that followed me,” Vanessa cocks an eyebrow, challenging her. Vanessa knows Brooke, she knows she’s proud and takes herself entirely too seriously and she knows it won’t be long until she cracks, she just needs to taunt her enough. So Vanessa rests her palms against the tiles, looks down at where Brooke’s thumbs are swiping against the lace of her bodysuit at her waist, and smiles a little. “Because you still want me.”
Brooke’s face screws up, clearly battling some inner turmoil. She squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, but she leans in a little so that their bodies become pressed together. Vanessa lets out a little sigh of satisfaction, the contact between them delicious and satisfying. Brooke’s eyes are still shut as she hisses out a response.
“Fuck…don’t want you…”
“Seemed like you wanted me in the kitchen earlier,” Vanessa whispers a reply. Brooke’s rested her forehead on the wall beside her, seemingly in a bid to avoid eye contact, but one of her hands has dropped down to trace patterns along the outside of Vanessa’s thigh and it’s giving away what she wants. Brooke’s neck is exposed like this so Vanessa leans in a little, lets her lips skate over her skin as she pushes things a little further. “Seems like you want me now. You want me so bad.”
“Swear to God if you don’t fucking shut up…” Brooke hisses out against Vanessa’s own neck, sending shockwaves all the way from the top of her spine right down to the base and ending with a sting of heat striking between her legs and making her throb.
“What, baby? What are you gonna do?”
Brooke nuzzles her head into the crook of her neck, so close to kissing it that Vanessa hears herself letting out a whine into the tiny bathroom.
“Well, I’m not going to give you what you want.”
“Even if it’s what you want too?”
“We broke up…we didn’t work,” Brooke insists, even though she’s pushing her knee in between Vanessa’s legs so that her thigh is right up against her. Vanessa thinks this is a dangerous game considering how wet she can feel herself becoming and the fact that Brooke’s jeans are light blue denim, but she shifts against her anyway and shivers a little in delight.
“We worked in some aspects,” Vanessa teases her, relenting a little and bringing her hands up to paw at the exposed skin at Brooke’s waist. She’s got a theory that there’s no bra under that crop top and she wants to build some evidence around it, so she traces her fingers up Brooke’s spine.
When she doesn’t feel the bump of a clasp, her brain hotwires.
Brooke breathes out heavily against her neck in response to her touches, takes her knee away which makes Vanessa’s heart plummet in disappointment and a whine leap out of her mouth. As Brooke transfers the hand that’s on her hip to the inside of her thigh, Vanessa is stunned into silence as she realises what she’s trying to do. Brooke is having some difficulty, though, getting Vanessa’s legs spread any wider because of her skirt.
“This is impossible, fuck,” Brooke hisses in frustration, before scrabbling both hands up to the silver zip that runs from the waistband all the way to the hem and tugging it down.
Vanessa’s skirt is on the floor and her heart rate is through the roof and the pulse between her legs is fast becoming too much to handle. So when Brooke presses her fingers against the satin of her underwear and finally, mercifully gives her some contact, Vanessa can’t help but let out a tiny giggle of relief. All the big talk and games are gone now that Brooke’s giving Vanessa exactly what she’s wanted all night, exactly what they’ve both wanted all night, and now all Vanessa wants to do is worship her, remind her of what Brooke knows already- that she can’t pretend anyone knows her body like she does, knows exactly how to push her to the edge and hold her there before finally offering her the most blissful kind of release.  
“Knew it.”
“I’m drunk, this means nothing,” Brooke mouths against her neck. Vanessa’s eyes snap open only for her to roll them.
“You’re drunk off two glasses of punch?”
“Oh what, you’re monitoring my drinks now? Psycho,” Brooke shakes her head against Vanessa’s neck, eliciting a gasp out of her as she bites down gently on her collarbone then instantly kisses it better. Vanessa knows Brooke’s only embarrassed because she’s called her out- that they can’t blame this on the alcohol, that there’s only so much damage that fruit juice and lemonade and a couple of swigs of vodka are going to do, and the fact they’re doing all of this while they’re at the most mildly tipsy means something that neither of them want to address.
But Vanessa doesn’t focus on all this for long, because Brooke’s fingers are too light against her and her hips are raised up off the tiles trying to grind down against them. She decides to tease Brooke herself- dances her fingers up to push them into Brooke’s hair and tug at it gently the way she used to like. The action makes her moan against her neck, and Vanessa is rewarded by Brooke pressing her fingers against her ever-so-slightly harder, leaning against her so that Vanessa is now effectively pinned against the wall. Even with all of this, she wants more. She wants Brooke’s fingers curling inside her and her thumb on her clit. Most of all, though, she wants to kiss her and to be kissed back, because Brooke’s still not met her lips yet and the fact she hasn’t is becoming more heightened and tense than anything physical they’re caught up in now.
So Vanessa decides to taunt her a little more. Because it’s fun, and it gets a reaction out of her, and if she’s trying to get a rise out of Brooke it means she’s not saying the things she wants to say but are far too risky to even consider.
“This all you got? You scared to fuck me in case I realise you ain’t that special?” she turns her head so that her lips skate across Brooke’s neck. “…or has it been so long that you forgot how to?”
“Fucking look at yourself,” Brooke hisses into her ear in a way that makes Vanessa want to squeal. “Begging for it against the wall in the bathroom at a house party. Desperate little bitch.”
“But you love it, don’t you, baby?” Vanessa bites back, cutting herself off with a moan as Brooke pulls her thong to one side, teases her slit with two fingers and avoids her clit completely, and Vanessa is so tense and frustrated that she feels as if she’ll explode.
Brooke’s breath is shallow against her neck, and there’s a note of awe to her voice as she speaks. “Fuck, V’nessa, you’re so wet…I’m-”
BANG BANG BANG. The slam against the door and the irritated yelling of some drunk girl outside makes them both jump, Vanessa taking one of Brooke’s arms and Brooke’s head lurching up from Vanessa’s neck sharply. They’re locked in an almost protective kind of embrace and it makes her heart hurt only a tiny bit. There’s a pause in which neither of them move but Brooke’s still got two of her fingers dangerously close to being inside her, and Vanessa’s fucked if she’s got this far and she’s not even going to get what she wants out of the situation.
So she locks eyes with Brooke, whose lipstick is all smudged and whose chest is heaving and whose pupils are still wide like a full moon, and she plays her ace.
“You gonna make me come or not? ‘Cuz I can always get that girl I was talking to in the kitchen to come an’ finish what you started.”
“Son of a bitch-” Brooke growls, before she all but slams both fingers inside her and cuts off Vanessa’s resulting moan with her mouth, kissing her deeply and sliding her tongue over hers. It’s exactly what Vanessa was hoping for and Brooke’s fingers feel even better than she remembers as she sinks down to meet her knuckles, her whining muffled by Brooke’s tongue as she pulses her fingers inside her the way she always used to, the way that used to drive Vanessa absolutely wild and still does.
Their kiss breaks apart, leaving them both with their foreheads pressed against each other. Vanessa feels her eyes flutter closed in ecstasy as she rides Brooke’s fingers, Brooke matching her pace and the pair of them falling into a rhythm that only serves to draw Vanessa closer and closer to the edge.
Vanessa knows Brooke can do more, though. So she twists her head to reach her neck, kisses up it and then puts her lips to her ear.
“Fuck…what would that girl you were talking to say if she knew you were fucking your ex in the bathroom right now…if she knew the only reason you were even entertaining her was just to get my attention…she’d be so heartbroken…you’re so mean- ah!”
Brooke sucks a hickey into her neck then murmurs against it. “You love it when I’m mean, don’t you?”
“Love it so much,” Vanessa replies, gasping as Brooke gently flicks her thumb against her clit and sends a tidal wave of pleasure crashing into her.
“You like that, babe?”
“Mmm, so much, so much,” Vanessa bites down hard on her lip as Brooke kisses her neck, sucks on a sensitive spot that makes Vanessa frown in concentration because she’s close now, and she’s not going to last much longer with the way that Brooke’s rubbing her clit in little circles. She doesn’t want her to stop so she begins some sort of sacreligious incoherent prayer, sighing out into the bathroom and not even caring who’s on the other side of the door. “Fuck, Brooke, so good…so fuckin’ amazing…fuck yes, right there…”
“You sound so pretty when you want to come,” Brooke breathes out all at once, the validation pushing Vanessa ever so close to the edge.
“Want to…want to so bad…”
“You wanna come?” Brooke taunts her, and Vanessa is tantalisinglyclose now so she confirms Brooke’s question with a whine. Her eyes snap open when Brooke brings her head up off her shoulder again, fixes her with searing hot eye contact. “Say you miss me.”
Vanessa is so wound up that she thinks she’s misheard her. “What?”
“Say you miss me and I’ll let you come,” Brooke repeats, as if she’s just made a comment about the weather.
Part of Vanessa freezes up because oh- Brooke misses her too. This isn’t just some pathetic, one-sided thing. This isn’t just about Vanessa riding Brooke’s fingers in a run-down bathroom, this is about feelings and regret and a second chance. So Vanessa takes her hands that’ve been anchored around Brooke’s neck so far and cups her jaw, pulls her close so their noses touch.
“Miss you…miss you so fucking much.”
Vanessa crashes her lips against Brooke’s and their kiss is messier this time but it’s still hot and wet and entirely too much for Vanessa to cope with. She’s completely on the precipice now so she breaks away to murmur against Brooke’s lips.
“Miss you…miss this…”
“Miss you too,” Brooke says quietly, kissing her frantically as she teases Vanessa’s clit with her thumb and crooks her fingers inside her and leaves her so close she’s almost crumbling. “You’re so perfect, fuck…perfect fucking princess, Jesus, Vanessa, fucking look at you…God, want you so much…”
“All yours, baby, all yours, nobody else’s,” Vanessa mouths against her lips. Her hair’s all in her face and her legs are aching but it’s happening, Vanessa can feel it, and so she can only squeak out a Brooke, I’m- before her orgasm hits her like a tsunami and she cries out into the bathroom, high-pitched and loud as she feels herself throb relentlessly against Brooke’s fingers, completely overwhelmed.
There’s an almost-silence as Vanessa’s breathing levels out and Brooke slides her fingers out from inside her. Vanessa watches her, flushed and sheepish, try to figure out what to do with them until eventually she remembers what room of the house they’re in and washes her hands. The running water gives Vanessa some time to think. Brooke misses her. She misses Brooke. They’re on the same page, and Vanessa’s just had the best sex she’s had in months (the only sex she’s had in months).
So when Brooke turns around and can’t quite meet her eyes, Vanessa takes a deep breath and collects herself.
“Hey,” she says, soft and quiet. “Why don’t we go back to mine? I can, uh…help you out. An’ then we can get pizza and talk?”
Brooke’s face washes over with relief, and it makes Vanessa’s heart pole vault into the air. She crosses over to her from the sink, takes both of her hands in hers.
“That’s assuming…” she begins, a wicked smile appearing on her face. “…we can wait that long to finish what we started.”
And when Vanessa pulls her back in again and she feels Brooke smile against her lips, it makes her think maybe everything will be okay after all.
Priyanka has been standing outside the bathroom in the seven-person queue for what could be twenty minutes but could also equally be half an hour. She grips her plastic cup tighter in her hand and puffs out a sigh. Rumours have filtered through the grapevine that there’s two people banging in there. Priyanka’s happy for them. Except she’s not. She’s wound up and frustrated. Brooke’s clearly ghosted her and Lemon’s nowhere to be found and now she’s stuck alone at a party with an ever-growing need to pee.
She’s jolted out of her moping by a tall blonde with black sweeps of eyeliner on her brown eyes and muscles that make Priyanka’s mouth dry up. She’s joined the queue and she’s said something to her but Priyanka can only look at her with a slack jaw and wide eyes because Jesus Fucking Christ she’s hot as hell and she’s appeared right in front of her. It’s definitely a sign.
“Are you…okay?” the girl asks, her face turning concerned. Priyanka snaps out of her daze, instantly turns the charm up to one hundred. Or attempts to, at least.
“No, shit, sorry, yeah. I’m good. I just got distracted by…” Priyanka gestures wildly at the girl in front of her. “…you. This. All of this.”
She’s a few glasses of punch down but she knows it’s not that that’s rendering her incapable of stringing a sentence together. Nevertheless, the girl in front of her is laughing and her body language is warming up.
“I just asked if this was the queue,” she repeats, a smirk on her face.
“Oh, yeah. I’ve been here ages. Think some people have actually started going out to the garden to pee. Yvie’s gonna wake up tomorrow with her flowers growing the size of a fucking double-decker bus.”
The girl bursts out laughing and shows a row of shiny white teeth. She’s cute. Very cute. She steps forward a little to touch Priyanka’s arm, fixes her with a smile.
“You’re funny.”
She’s flirting. This is flirting. Priyanka’s into it.
“No, I’m Priyanka,” she fires back, winking at her cheekily. The girl’s laughing again, and as she tails off she cocks her head to look at her.
“I’m Kameron,” she says. Her voice is smooth like melted butter and her eyes are dark and twinkly and Priyanka thinks fuck it, might as well try. She shrugs before stepping closer, lessening the gap between them.
“Nice to meet you, Kameron. Wanna make out?”
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ibuki-says · 3 years
Color Coded Symphony
Pairing: Ibuki Mioda x Sonia Nevermind
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,653
Spoilers: None! Non-despair AU
Prompt: Soulmate AU - One cannot see color until they touch their soulmate
       The cool autumn air was barely noticeable to the princess as she made her way across campus, diligently following two of her good friends. Her heart was pounding in such excitement that at times she feared it would leap its way right out of her chest. Sonia Nevermind was going to be attending her first Japanese rock concert!! Sure, she had been in attendance to live music before, but it was always the classical music of her homeland. This was so new and exciting! So different from what she was used to! Better yet, she was even going with friends that she already made...that were actually her own age! Chiaki, who had suggested the outing, and Mikan, who had overheard the conversation and expressed interest in the concert. Though it took quite a bit of convincing for the anxious nurse to believe it wouldn’t be a burden for her to attend the concert with the two other girls. Eventually, she did agree to accompany them, so when the time came, they met up and began their trek.
One of the things Sonia was most curious about was who they were going to see play. Ibuki Mioda, better known as the Ultimate Musician. Despite being her classmate, Sonia had never actually crossed paths with the other girl. She knew Ibuki was good friends with both Chiaki and Mikan, and she trusted the opinions of her dear friends, so she had no doubts that she was absolutely lovely as well.
“So what do we do at the Japanese rock concert?” Sonia eagerly questioned her friends, certainly not wanting to do or say the wrong thing, lest she offend the other concert goers, or, perish the thought, even Ibuki herself! Chiaki yawned and rubbed her eye before glancing at the princess.
“I haven’t been to a live concert before, so I’m not totally sure. I think we just kinda listen to the music. Maybe dance some?” She answered thoughtfully, though it was clear she was rather inexperienced in the whole “rock concert” thing as well.
“Ah- I-I know sometimes people get rough at concerts, so please be careful! I treat people that come in with all sorts of bumps or bruises afterwards, so it’s important to pay attention to your surroundings!” Mikan chimed in with her own advice, taking a deep breath after as if she had said the whole thing without breathing. Sonia looked between her two friends with a gentle smile, grateful for their input.
“Thank you two! I now know a little more of what to expect, and I am confident we will have a hella great time!” She exclaimed, pumping her fists with stars in her eyes. She really felt as though she was integrating herself incredibly well with her Japanese classmates, though of course there were cultural differences, she did her best. The three girls finally reached their destination, the music hall on campus but it certainly gave off a...different vibe than usual. The air practically sparked with a rebellious electricity that Sonia felt all the way to her bones. She could recognize many of her other classmates who had shown up to give support to Ibuki as well. She offered a wave to a few of those who caught her gaze before being drawn to the stage. She stared at the stage in awe when she heard Chiaki speak up beside her.
“It’s seven o’ clock. We made it just on time.” She muttered while just on time, a bass chord rang out through the music hall.
“IS EVERYONE READY TO ROCK!?” A loud voice echoed from the speakers while Sonia craned her neck to locate the person the voice belonged to. A beat later, the curtain fell away to reveal a girl with long black hair, with some parts haphazardly dyed different shades of grey...though she assumed they were supposed to be different colors. Sonia’s eyes sparkled once more, the princess was absolutely enchanted by the Ultimate Musician that immediately commanded the stage by launching into an upbeat rock song. Her heart pounded to the rhythm and she couldn’t help herself from moving her body as well. Keeping Mikan’s advice in mind, she swayed in time to the music and danced with her two friends to the exciting music that reverberated throughout the building. She felt every bass chord in her chest and the melody deep in her soul. The three of them danced the night away as the stage lights flashed brilliantly around them.
The concert was over much too quickly. Despite being practically covered with sweat and exhaustion, Sonia wasn’t ready for the fun night with her friends to be over. She cheered along with the rest of the crowds as Ibuki thanked them for coming and disappeared back behind the curtain.
“That...was...absolutely exhilarating!! I have never felt so alive!!” Sonia exclaimed, looking between her friends with the same gleam in her eyes that had never left. Chiaki nodded, the same tiredness Sonia felt was evident in her own expression.
“I’m glad you had fun. Before we go back, we do have one stop to make.” Chiaki’s smile turned slightly mischievous as she glanced at Mikan with a knowing look. Mikan let out a small “eep!” before nervously giggling and nodding. Sonia’s expression quickly turned to one of confusion as she regarded her two friends. Chiaki gestured for the two girls to follow her.
“Where are we going?” Sonia questioned, though still following Chiaki with little hesitation. Her heart began pounding once again as she realized Chiaki was leading them towards the backstage. Did this mean-? Were they going to be seeing Ibuki-?? Yes, she was their classmate and friend, but Sonia had just watched her perform! Was this not breaching some kind of etiquette? Evidently not as they arrived backstage. Her heart sped up more as she saw Ibuki, who noticed the three girls and brightly grinned at them.
“Ibuki hopes you all liked the show!! It was such a blast playing in the music hall again!!” Ibuki laughed, greeting Chiaki and Mikan with tight hugs. She stopped when she got to Sonia, glancing at her with a bit of a quizzical look before nodding in recognition. “Sonia, right? Ack! Sorry- Ultimate Princess Sonia!! That’s you?” She looked at her curiously, making Sonia nod.
“Yes, that’s me! Ah, I do not care for such formalities, though.” She answered with a soft grin. Ibuki immediately pepped up with an affirmative nod.
“Alright Sonia! Well, Ibuki’s super super glad you came to the show!” She exclaimed, proceeding to throw her arms around the princess to give her her own hug. She was caught off guard for just a moment before relenting and hugging her back. However, as she pulled away and opened her eyes, the world was suddenly full of color. The dressing room was painted a red color, the lights were different colors, she even noted the sections of Ibuki’s hair dyed pink and blue. Looking into Ibuki’s newly pink eyes, she could tell she was having the same realization. Sonia’s hand instinctively covered her mouth as she stared at Ibuki with mirrored bewilderment. The two girls went to speak at the same time, causing them both to fall into nervous giggles. They stood quietly processing this before Sonia managed to speak up again. “You...it looks like you are my soulmate!” After the confusion began to wear off, she was left with a positive giddiness. She clasped Ibuki’s hands in her own as she couldn’t take the goofy grin off of her face.
“Wow...just….I can’t believe it! I’m just-” Ibuki squeezed Sonia’s hands in return, sputtering out her own words of disbelief. Sonia suddenly remembered the two friends who had accompanied her and whirled to look at them, eyebrows furrowing.
“Did...did you two know about this??” She had to ask, though wondering just how Chiaki or Mikan would possibly know the two were soulmates before they themselves did. This was evident by the utter astonishment on their faces as well.
“I had no idea, I p-promise! But this is truly a wonderful turn of events!” Mikan cried as Chiaki nodded in agreement.
“Yup. Same as me. No clue.” Chiaki added, looking between the two of them. “But it does make sense. So...I think we’ll leave now. I’m getting tired anyway…” Chiaki muttered, yawning practically on cue, tugging on Mikan’s sleeve to non-subtly get her to leave as well. Mikan quickly got the hint as the two made their way out of the dressing room, leaving recently discovered soulmates Sonia and Ibuki alone together.
“This is super duper crazy like...what??” Ibuki’s disbelief was apparent as Sonia giggled as well.
“I know. I cannot believe I have been attending school with my soulmate and did not realize it this whole time.” Sonia mused with a soft smile. Her expression turned to one of contemplation as she looked back to Ibuki. “I do have a question... if you could not see color...how did you go about dying your hair?” She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. Ibuki let out a loud laugh, seemingly been broken out of her daze from finding her soulmate.
“Oh! Well, I just asked my friends who already did find their soulmates to pick them out! Ibuki didn’t really care as long as it looked cool!” She answered cheerfully. Sonia nodded, it did make perfect sense to her. “Hmmm, anyway! Wanna go walk and talk for a bit? The night is still young, and I, uh, really wanna get to know you better now.” A light blush coated Ibuki’s cheeks as she asked this.
“Of course. I would like nothing more right now.” Sonia answered with a soft smile. Ibuki looked visibly relieved as she took Sonia’s hand once again, the two of them walking back out into the cool autumn night.
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𖡼.𖤣𖥧 Admirer 𖡼.𖤣𖥧
Summary: Patton gives each of the sides, including Thomas a Valentines gift to show his appreciation for each and every one of them! 
Warning: Wholesome-ness, Remus being Remus, every character just being themselves, blood and gore, happy boy Thomas, good vibes, slight cursing.
Characters: All! (Remus, Thomas, Janus, Roman, Logan, Patton, and Virgil.)
Word Count: 1847
Ship/ Pairing: Thomas + Logan + Virgil + Patton + Janus + Roman + Remus (DRLAMPT) (Platonic)
AU: Sanders Sides (Normal)
I hope you enjoy this (late) Valentine’s Special!!! (,,> ᎑ <,,)
✧ʚ .·:*¨༺♡༻¨*:·. ɞ✧
“Good morning Thomas!” Patton rose up, with his hands folded behind his back, hiding something from Thomas’ line of sight. “Oh, hey Pat, you look cheery today.” Thomas smiled at the side, wearing a graphic t-shirt of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s beautifully written and preformed, Hamiltion. 
“How couldn’t I be? Today is such a sweet and fantastic day!” He giggled, smile wide and bright. Thomas tilted his head to one side in confusion. “What’s so special about today?” 
“Aww, you haven’t forgotten already, have you?” Thomas thought for a moment, realization hitting him. “Oh! Valentines day.” His face lit up and then dulled as he fully took in the information. “Why so gloomy, kiddo?” 
Thomas let out a sigh, looking down at the ground. “Another year without a date...” He ruffled through his brown hair, feeling his heart sink. “Well, this year is gonna be different!” Patton bubbled. “How?” His eyes darted up to meet Patton’s gaze. “Ta-da!” He pulled a bag from behind him decorated in hearts and ribbons, colored pink, white, and red. 
Thomas focused on the bag, unsure of how this colorful bag could fix the rain cloud that poured over his mood. 
“Hello, my color-coded companions! What a perfect day to look so dashing~” Roman rose up, adjusting his emblems. “Princey!” Patton announced. “You always look good!” He told Thomas’ fanciful side. 
“You got me a gift!? How sweet!” Roman practically had stars in his eyes as he looked at the bag in Patton’s hands. “It’s actually for everyone, Ro!” 
“Logan! Virgil!” Patton called, summoning the other sides. Logan rose with a Shakespearean classic in his hand. Roman gasped loudly. “Romeo and Juliet! You’re finally reading it!” 
“Well, I took your argument stating why I should consume such literature into consideration. Mainly due to your incessant request. I figured the sooner I read it, the sooner you wouldn’t bother me about it.” Logan responded, without looking up from his book. 
Virgil appeared soon after, with headphones in his ears. “The gang is all here!” Patton giggled. Virgil took one side of his earbuds out of his ears and looked around him. “Why was I called? I was in the middle of something.”
“Like what? Listening to your, rock and roll, contemplating all the ways Thomas could embarrass himself by trying to ask someone out?” Roman retorted.
“For your information, Princey, I was listening to a compilation of Disney classic love songs, not that you would care.” 
“Before you two go on with your cute banter---” Patton started. “I wouldn’t call it cute.” Virgil muttered. “I got you guy’s a little something!” Patton held up the bag for everyone to see. 
“I thought instead of focusing on what we don’t have, I thought we could spread a little love and focus on what we do have, each other!” Opening the bag he began to pull out various items. “For you Roman!” He handed the side a box wrapped in pink wrapping paper covered in sparkly hearts. 
“Oooo~!” He tore away the paper and opened the box to find a heart themed painted mirror. “So you never forget how beautiful you are, Roman!” 
“This....is...AMAZING PATTON!” Roman ran over and wrapped his arms around the side, pulling him in for a warm hug. “Exactly what I needed.” He walked back over to his side of the room, admiring himself in the mirror, smiling at the little hand painted decorations on the reflective surface.
“Logan,” Patton turned to the side. Logan closed his book and looked up, making eye contact with his good friend. “Here!” 
Logan grabbed the present which was a thick DVD case with a shiny red bow on top. “A copy of all four seasons of Mark Gatiss’ Sherlock! I hope you like it, Lo.” Logan’s eyes widened and a smile crept onto his face as he stared into the gift. His smile dropped as he realized they were all staring at him. “This is...” He looked up at Patton and cleared his throat, trying to maintain composure. “This is satisfactory.”
“Virgil!” Patton turned to the rather anxious side, who jumped at the mere mention of his name, not expecting it due to the loud music blaring in his ears. Patton handed him a five inch purple Squishmallow. Virgil’s eyes lit up as he took the adorable plushie in his hand. “You got me Brenda the Butterfly.” Virgil said in disbelief. “I thought you could use a cuddle-buddy if you got lonely.”
“Squishy....” Virgil mumbled as he held the stuffed toy close to him. “And Thomas!” Patton looked toward Thomas who had a huge smile on his face. Patton handed Thomas a pink colored book which read in multi-colored words on the front: “Sanders Sides famILY”
Thomas opened the book gently, his eyes fixated on the various pictures of each side as well as hand written notes and drawings on the various colorful pages. “Patton....this is wonderful.” Thomas gushed. “I’m so glad everyone likes what I got! I figured we needed something to cheer us up.”
Everyone in the room was mesmerized with their gifts. Everyone except....the dark sides. “Hey uh, kiddo!” He looked to Thomas who was enveloped in his book. “Yea?” 
“I’ll be right back! Don’t have too much fun without me!” Patton gave a little smile and sunk into the floor, traveling to the darkest part of Thomas’ mind.
“Good morning Dee!!!” Remus announced as he walked up to Janus who was reading something. “I got you a lil’ something.” He snickered. “If it’s another one of your dead animals, I don’t want it.” Janus said coldly. 
“Not at all! I’m giving you something live today!” The scaley side looked up at Remus, whose eyes were filled with mischief. A knife appeared in Remus’ hand and with two hands he jabbed the metal object in his chest and began to slowly drag down to the middle of his torso as blood squirted out of the opened wound. Janus stared at the intestines that wriggled inside Remus’ body and held back a gag. Without looking away, Remus dug one of his hands under his rip and yanked out his beating heart, still attached to the rest of his system. “See? I’m finally giving you my heart, Dee~” He threw his head back and let out a maniacal laugh.
“I said, I didn’t want anything dead.” Janus set down his book. Remus reared his head back in front of Janus. “It’s obviously still beating.” The veins on the fist-sized organ were prominent. “Wow, exactly what I wanted.” His voice was heavy with sarcasm. 
“Uhm....hello...” Both heads turned to see a rather shy Patton standing in the room with them. His hands shook as he held onto his bag tighter. “Well, look who it is~!” Remus licked his lips. “Is that...a real heart?” Patton couldn’t look away from the blood covered thing in the demented side’s hand. 
“Ignore him, he’s barely house trained.” Janus stood up and walked over to the nervous boy. “My question is,” he started, peering over Patton. “Why are you here?” he emphasized his words. “I uh---I....” Get it together, Pat! He told himself. “I got s-something for you!” He hid his face, holding out the bag. 
Janus and Remus looked at each other with confusion. “....why?” Remus asked, his expression twisted with questions. Patton looked up and swallowed the lump in his throat. “It’s Valentines day....! And I thought I could get everyone a little something...”
“Everyone...including us?” Janus looked at Patton’s face and then to the bag. He grabbed the bag as gently as possible and opened it. His eyes widened as he pulled out a yellow sweater with multiple sleeves. “I thought you might want to keep warm since Logan told me snakes can get cold in the Winter.” Patton explained, trying to place how Janus was feeling.
“Oooo!!! What’d ya get for me, glasses?” Remus pushed his heart back in his chest, the wound closing up like a zipper. Patton pulled out a tray of assorted candies in the shape of different body parts, both human and animal.
“Wow! This gives me a great idea!” Remus snatched the tray and ran into his room.
“Uh...thanksss...” Janus blushed. “I didn’t think anyone else thought of us like that.” Patton gave a little happy sigh. “Happy Valentines day, Janus.” 
At the end of the day, Patton returned to his nostalgic dream-land of a room and noticed the door to his bedroom was open. As he walked in he noticed gifts piled in the center of the room.
He pulled out LED lights with a note on it that read, “I thought this would be an adequate addition to your room.” ~Logan Sanders. His hand writing was as neat as can be, not a mark out of place.
Next was a bouquet of red roses and a box of assorted chocolates. Patton smiled to himself, Roman...
He knew the one to follow was Virgil’s present right away. It was a hand stitched stuffed animal of a cute frog with a little sky blue bow tie. Patton also knew it was from Virgil since there was a little letter with the list of love based Disney songs he was listening to earlier in the side’s messy and dark handwriting.
Lastly, there was the Polaroid from Thomas of all five of them that they took earlier that day with everyone’s initials on the bottom as the words, “To our favorite dad, We love you Patton!” Tears started to swell in his eyes at all the love he had from his dear friends. 
As he stood up and went to close his bedroom door, he noticed a plain cardboard box that had randomly appeared in the doorway. He picked it up, closed the door, and walked over to his bed, setting it down gently
He unfolded it and his eyes widened. The first thing his eyes landed on was a bloody Ziplock bag with Remus’ heart in it. Attacked to the clear bag is a letter that read, “Here, have this, I got exstra anywayz!” ~Remus. There was smudges of what looked like pen ink, chocolate, and dried blood on the note.
Next was a letter that could only be from Janus. “Thanks for the gifts, it was really nice of you. (No this isn’t sarcasm) Also ignore Remus’ spelling, bitch barely passed Kindergarten.” ~Lord of the Lies.
There was another Ziplock bag with a dissected frog with it’s limbs and other body parts scattered inside of it. There was a final note attached to it, “I didn’t know what to get you so Remus got you another gift. It’s called, Sort The Frog. You essentially have to put the frog back together and when you do, you win a prize. Have fun with that. (This is sarcasm)” ~Janus Sanders.
Even though their gifts were exactly what Patton expected when it came to the dark sides, he still smiled. Today was truly a wonderful Valentines day.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
Have you ever saw a couple with an odd color match in a bl?
For example a pink x green. I mean these colors are a match in color theory and I would think they Make a good contrast when we talk about people (pink being more romantic and daydreaming while green may be someone more mature and down to earth) but we it's something rare to see?
@brazilian-whalien52, to answer your question before I mention a whole bunch of other stuff . . .
TLWR: I don't find any color-coded pair really odd if it's two different colors. I like the diversity of color coding and the stories the colors tell. The only thing I find odd is when colors are the same since that goes against the norm regarding romantic pairings, which isn't a bad thing.
I like that your example of an odd couple was pink x green, only because that coloring is reserved for friendships and family connections.
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I would love to see a romantic pair color coded that way because I like different colors getting paired up, but secretly, I'm always rooting for the Purple Pretties x Brown Beauties since one is extravagant and the other is down-to-earth.
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We've only gotten one pair with this actual color coding, and I desperately want more.
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Which is why I'm thrilled I'm getting a new color coded pair in Wandee Goodday!
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But the couples I find odd in regards to color coding are the couples with the same color (Tharn x Phaya are NOT the same color).
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Quick color terms:
Hue - The main color
Tone - When grey is added to the main color
Shade - When black is added to the main color
Tint - When white is added to the main color
Visual media tells us those who share the same color are too similar to work out romantically.
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So whenever I get a romantic couple who shares the same color, I get confused. For example, before the yellow was introduced in La Pluie, Tai was light blue and Phat was dark blue.
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One was usually neutral blue (the main color), and the other was either a tint (white added to it - Tai) or a shade (black added to it - Phat).
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So theirs really should have been a story about how even though they were soulmates, they wouldn't work romantically because they were too similar.
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The same for Secret Crush on You's Sky and Jao.
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Pink is not a separate color on the Color Wheel. Violet is, which is a third-level color mixed between red and purple, but pink is really a tint of red (red with white added to it).
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So Jao and Sky were essentially the same color.
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Which is different from Kiseki: Dear to Me's Eddie x Chen Yi who didn't have a specific color assigned to them, but just simply matched colors.
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Honestly, I like when couples match colors, clothing, accessories, y todo. It's very Midwestern-family vacation vibes.
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Like nothing says "we are a couple" more than matching colors, matching dog tags, and matching body pillows, you know?
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As an aside: Color coding makes me really reflect on the story and what it is trying to say. For instance, I, a bisexual, am very against bi-colored characters because I want them to pick one color, but isn't the whole point of a bi-colored character is that they don't have to pick just one color? Same with same-color couples. I'm watching a queer love story and demanding different colors from each person, yet doesn't the same color reinforce the homo part of the story?
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Things to think about.
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thatwitchyaunt · 3 years
Makeup for Magick/Ritual: Imbolc
So, this is a post that got taken own off of reddit because, apparently, a post about makeup as a tool in witchcraft is not... about... witchcraft? Okay? Anyway, this is the copy/paste of the original first post and the rest of this series will be here, so I hope you enjoy. And to anyone coming here from r/witchcraft, welcome to the absolute hot mess that is The Whatever Book!
“Well, here we go! The first post in (hopefully) a series that some of you were surprisingly interested in! Not gonna lie, I thought it would get a bunch of downvotes and that'd be that, but here we are! Before I start, quick disclaimer: My current phone is a 3S, so the pictures aren't the... best quality. But it's what we're working with. Now let's get into it!
So, quick cheeky recap of what I said in my original post: My other passion besides witchcraft is makeup. It's how I express myself artistically and I often use themed makeup looks as a way to celebrate the sabbats, doubling as offerings on Imbolc and Lammas/Lughnasadh. Sometimes, I even incorporate themed looks into spellwork in the same way I would decorate an intention-specific altar. (I fully blame Ms. Frizzle for my love of themed/inspired-by makeup looks, btw.) Now let's get into the post! First sabbat: Imbolc.
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Generally, my rituals focus on the more fiery aspect of Lady Brighid on Imbolc; so reds, oranges and yellows are what I reach for. Depending on what you focus on (cleansing/purification, healing, the returning warmth, prep for Spring, new growth, etc), what you choose may be way different. So lets take a peek at the palettes I have in my collection that I can see fitting this coming up sabbat, starting with Colourpop!
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Here we have the "Uh Huh, Honey" palette, the "Orange You Glad?" palette and the "Main Squeeze" palette. I'd use these three together for my more fiery looks, but "Uh Huh, Honey" could be paired with a more icy look if your focus is on the returning warmth.
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Speaking of! This is the "Going Coconuts" palette, "Blue Moon" palette, "Mint to Be" palette and "Just My Luck" palette.
"Going Coconuts" is definitely a good, affordable neutral palette for Imbolc. It's neutral, but can lean on the icier side thanks to the shade "Palm Reader". Add a pop of yellow from the "Uh Huh, Honey" palette and you're set for a "returning warmth" look.
Then there's the "Blue Moon" and "Mint to Be" palettes, which are both good for the more healing/cleansing aspects of Imbolc. "Blue Moon" can go icy (and be paired with "Uh Huh, Honey" for the returning warmth), or can be used to represent Brighid's healing/cleansing waters. The shades in "Mint to Be" are somewhere between wintery greens and spring greens, so perfect for Imbolc! These mints give me very "fresh and clean" vibes, and also would not be out of place on a set of nurse scrubs. More gentle healing than "Blue Moon".
"Just My Luck" is your girl if you're going for the green of "new growth". Try pairing with "Mint to Be" for a more interesting green look.
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The last CP palette I'd look at is the "Yes, Please" palette. It's a descent dupe for the Give Me Glow "Extra Spicy" palette if it's sold out. This is Colourpop's original eyeshadow palette and has those fiery tones I reach for this time of year.
Then, onto the Give Me Glow palettes, there's the "Extra Spicy" palette. I would reach for this one over the "Yes, Please" palette, because it's a better formula and is multi-functional. "Mild", "Spicy Peach Martini" and "Habanero" make for really great blushes and "Ghost Pepper" is a really cool fiery-yellow highlighter. This is being discontinued, however, so If you want it you need to grab it while you can. 10/10, would absolutely recommend!
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Next is "The Grunge" palette and the "Sweet & Sticky" palette. Both are descent neutral/nude palettes for this time of year (if you aren't like me and are down for to look like a "Happy Clown") "The Grunge" palette has some interesting matte pops and has two metallics that could lean either warm or cool depending on what you pair with it. It's currently out of stock, and I'm not sure if it's coming back? This past Black Friday, they had it labeled as "discontinued" but I'm not 100% sure.
"Sweet & Sticky" is a cinnamon bun themed palette, and the colors are spot on! I absolutely consider cinnamon buns to be an appropriate food for Imbolc, what with the white icing (melting snow) paired with the cinnamon filling (warmth) in the roll (earth). An excellent small palette for neutral lovers, and "Icing Drip" and "Sweet Cinnamon Latte" are good highlighters depending on your skin tone.
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The last Give Me Glow palette is the "Summer Vibes" palette! Specifically for the shades "Orange Soda Pop", "Mango Margarita" and "Sunny". Again, for the fiery aspect of the Sabbat. All the shades in this palette are available in singles, but I'd say just get the palette if you're interested in it. This will definitely come up again in my post for Litha/Summer Solstice, no doubt about it.
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Now onto BH Cosmetics! We'll start with the two bigger palettes I chose this time around: "The Zodiac" palette and the Holiday 2020 "Naughty" palette. "The Zodiac" is a that cool with a pop of warm that fots the Sabbat, and the formula is gorgeous! The middle shade is a baked highlighter as well, and looks great on fair/light skintones (don't ask me about deeper skin tones, since I'm out here looking like Casper the Friendly Ghost and have absolutely no clue).
The "Naughty" palette... I'd say it's the only holiday palette that I've seen in the past few years that a brand actually put any real thought and effort into. And the formula's 10/10, so well done, BH! If you want to do a warm tone or cool toned Imbolc look, it's got you. If you want to do a fiery look, it's got you. If you want to do an icy with a pop of fire look, it's got you. It can be used all year round, too, which is pretty great, and you can use it as a sort of anchor palette for different looks. The day I'm writing this (January 18-19, 2021) it's on sale for 60% off, so only $12, and I honestly think you should snatch it up. Definitely going to be showing up in my Yule/Winter Solstice post.
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On to the smaller BH palettes! First batch are "Love in London", "Smitten in Switzerland" and "Chillin' in Chicago". These are the three more neutral/"wearable" (eff, I hate that word) palettes in the BH Travel Series. There are a couple more like this, but they'll pop up in later posts.
"Love in London" can go either warm or cool depending on the shades you use, but either way, the tones are deep enough to fit the winter season we're still in.
"Smitten in Switzerland" is more cool-toned, muted-colorful palette with a bright pop. My favorite sage green eyeshadow look is from this palette. Outside of any Sabbat uses, I genuinely cooked up an entire scenario based solely on the vibes of the palette. Like, this is the palette you'd wear if the world was no longer on fire, and you and your family decided to go to a ski lodge for a weekend. You're no winter sports kind of Witch, no skiing or snowboarding for you (you're not here to break all the bones in your body so, hard pass). Instead, you sit by the lodge's fireplace/hearth wearing a cute and cozy sweater, perhaps some cute boots. Maybe you're reading a book or on a laptop/phone/whatever with a mug filled with a hot beverage of your choice, possibly spiked. And there you stay, looking like a cute snow bunny while you wait for the rest of your family to be done nearly getting themselves killed on the slopes.
*Cough cough* Now back to the post... Eh-heh...
"Chillin' in Chicago" is the palette to grab for a muted fiery look. Still has some color to it, but nothing as intense as, lets say, the "Extra Spicy" palette. Great alternative.
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Now for the two bright/colorful palettes from BH's Weekend Vibes series. "Avocado Toast" and "Blueberry Muffin". "Avocado Toast" has your greens/warm browns with a pink and yellow pop that'd work great for any "new growth" symbolism. Meanwhile, for my fellow New Englanders, "Blueberry Muffin" gives us those more icy tones for the foot of snow we usually get on, or around, Imbolc. Any other New England Witches just look at that whole "new growth" bit when they first got started and went "B!tch, how?!" ...No? Just me? Side note, "Decadent" is the exact shade of the stain from blueberry juice and that made me idiotically happy. Don't ask, cause I don't know either.
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The Shroud Cosmetics "Creepy Cute" palette! Widely considered one of the best pastel palettes on the market (Use code BEAUTBEAN fo 10% off! Did I just plug one of my favorite beauty YouTubers Why yes, yes I did...), it's insanely pigmented! "Void", "Tombstone", "Creep It Real", and "Cold Shoulder" can help you with colder, more wintery looks. "Cold Shoulder" and "Creep It Real" could be used for healing/purification if that's your ritual focus, and "Third Eye" and "Strawberry Milk" could both be used as crease/blending shades for a more fore-based look.
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These three are my mainstream "if color is not your jam" palettes. The Tarte "Tartelette Toasted" palette, and the Anastasia Beverly Hills "Soft Glam" palette and "Sultry" palette.
The "Tartelette Toasted" palette is your neutral fiery palette. It gives a nice orange-red "toasted" look that fits the Sabbat well. Not my first choice, but if you're looking for a "basic b!tch" warm palette, she's your girl.
"Soft Glam" and "Sultry" are more warm tone vs. cool tone. If you want a more "cold, thawing earth" vibe, "Sultry" is the way to go. If you want to get it, I think it's only available in bundles on Ulta and the ABH website (but it's like.. half off in Ulta sooooo....). And "Soft Glam", obviously, for the warmer aspects of the Sabbat.
Now, on to my single shadows!
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The top five are from Shroud Cosmetics. The first four (left to right) would be good for a fiery look), while the last one would be good to use for a water look/pop.
"World Eater" (Drool-worthy metallic red), "Ignite" (coppery orange metallic), "Vigil" (yellow-gold metallic), "Oracle" (light gold "inner corner highlight" type of metallic), "Sea of Ghosts" (medium blue metallic with a gold shift).
The bottom one is from Colourpop in the shade "Glass Bull", which is the perfect inner corner highlight for icier blue/purple looks.
Last, but certainly not least, my Give Me Glow Singles!
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The amount of times I had to curate these singles so they would fit into one large palette.. I just... That's why this took three years to figure out. Anyways, I have a few different color stories in this palette, so stick with me more a second.
*Row 1 (L-R)*
"Marshmallow" - White matte. Pretty basic.
"Halo" - White metallic with baby blue and gold shifts. Perfect inner corner pop of sun for icy looks.
"Satellite" - Straight up silver metallic. If the Tin Man is your fashion icon, this'll do ya.
"Bubbles" - Icy blue metallic.
"Sky High" - Bright sky blue matte. Not pictured because mine came broken, but it's legit the perfect Imbolc blue.
"Blue Jeans" - Muted grey-blue metallic.
*Row 2 (L-R)*
"Cream Please" - Basic cream shade.
"Spring Break" - Green-blue with gold shift.
"Kiwi" - Kiwi Green. What it says on the tin.
"Joker" - Olive green metallic with lime undertones.
"Patty"- Just a true green matte.
"Space Dust" - Deep Smokey true grey.
*Row 3 (L-R)*
"On Ice" - Pale champagne nude metallic.
"Highlight" - Pale champagne gold metallic.
"Lucky Charm" - Golden yellow metallic.
"Fierce" - Pale orangy peach matte.
"You're Cheesy" - Mac and cheese orange metallic.
"Low Battery" - True red orange matte, more on the red side.
*Row 4 (L-R)*
"Selfie" - Burnt golden orange metallic.
"Hashtag" - Grungy medium toned orange matte.
"Chili" - Deep blue based rusty red matte.
"Icy Frap" - Icy warm champagne metallic with taupe undertones.
"Iced Coffee" - Deep bronze gold metallic.
"Dark as My Soul" - Grungy deep warm brown matte.
Now on to the color stories:
*Color Story 1* Icy Blue with a sunny gold pop on the inner corner (returning warmth)
Marshmallow, Halo, Satellite, Bubbles, Sky High, Blue Jeans, Space Dust.
*Color Story 2* Greens (new growth)
Cream Please, Spring Break, Kiwi, Joker, Patty, Space Dust, On Ice.
*Color Story 3* Brighid's Fire
Highlight, Lucky Charm, Fierce, You're Cheesy, Low Battery
*Color Story 4* Warming earth (warm tone browns)
Selfie, Hashtag, Chili, Cream Please, Highlight.
*Color Story 5* Frozen earth (cool tone browns)
Icy Frap, Iced Coffee, Dark as My Soul, Marshmallow, Halo.
And that's that for Imbolc! Holy crap, that took ages! The pictured do not do these shadows justice. One day I'll have a phone with a properly functioning camera...
Well, Glamour Ghouls (you can boo me, it's fine), it's your turn to shop your stash and get those creative juices flowing! Is there anything in your collection that you'd grab for Imbolc? Sound off in the comments and let's inspire each other!”
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almostrealdudes · 5 years
Sunset Drive-In
a/n: hi, here goes the first part of the two-part story about Colin I promised earlier! I know how people feel about original characters, but I ask you to look past it and read the story because I hope it’s totally worth it xoxo Pairing: Colin Ritman x female!OC (Lucy Mayfield) Word count: 1.7k Warnings: none Summary: The second Colin and Lucy meet - they click together. Eventually, Colin makes a decision to set Lucy free and show her the true nature of time.
(gif credit @movie-gifs)
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There are people who stand out from the crowd. They glow in a special way, signifying their presence beforehand. You can always tell you’re seeing one. It is almost like being thrown into a movie scene for a moment. The frame gets narrower, the colors of the surroundings change, as if a filter has been put right in front of your eyes. They are kernels of the timeline. Those people have a soundtrack to them. A song that accompanies them everywhere they go. When you see them, you know you are about to be involved in something significant. Or at least witness it happen.
“Colin, how’s that update going, mate?” Mohan was his usual overactive self as he walked past Colin’s desk, glancing quickly at his screen to check the progress.
“Will be ready by the end of the week,” Colin uttered abruptly, not looking away from his computer, typing rapidly.
“I need it sooner,” Mohan patted the programmer on the shoulder, maybe too hard for the latter’s likeness, and proceeded to his office.
“And I need realistic deadlines,” Colin muttered under his breath, finishing another line of code and reaching into his pocket for a roll-up.
Thakur was not quick enough to reach his office before one of his assistants ran up to him from across the room.
“Mr. Thakur, your two o’clock visit is here.”
“Oh, brilliant!” The man exclaimed, stopping right in front of his door and clapping his hands. Colin’s hands froze as he threw a brief look at his boss. Mohan, noticing the attention, pointed his thumbs up.
Intrigued, Colin raised his brows and turned in his chair to face the entrance to the parlor.
And there it was. Music. Everything slowed down. The sounds of the office went mute. Colin swore he could hear something playing. Maybe it was the headphones. Maybe it was the nature of the divine. Funnel of Love. So laid-back, yet so daring. There she was, one of those people. Standing out. Walking out, to be exact.
“Hey! You are—Daisy, right?” Blue hair. A pink t-shirt that says “Cherry Bomb” on it, in a red, bold, curvy font. Puppylike.
“Lucy,” her voice is soft. Her sky-clear eyes examine the surroundings with curiosity. She reaches into the pocket of her high-waisted jeans to turn her player off. “Lucy Mayfield.”
“Yeah, right, sorry about that,” Mohan retreated, raising his hands apologetically.
Colin had to continue working on the update. But he couldn’t bring himself to it. Her freckle-spangled face was raised up, looking at Mohan as he was talking. She was very short. She turned her cassette player off, but the song was still playing. Was it in Colin’s head? Or was it the vibe Lucy—right, that’s her name—had about her?
“Hey, Colin, c’mon. Lucy has something to show us.”
“Colin as in Colin Ritman?” Lucy asked, astonished. Colin huffed in satisfaction. It was nice sometimes to have a reputation, to make an impression. Keeping his cool, he waved with his hand before getting up from his chair. He wasn’t looking away the entire time, keeping his gaze on her, as she looked back at him in awe.
“Come, my office.”
The “Sunset Drive-In” was a driving game. It was stylishly colored. The entire theme was in different shades of orange and purple. A small-sized car was in the middle of the highway, controlled by a joystick to move in different directions to dodge the rocks and sticks on the road. Soft beat music was playing in the background.
Colin was moving the lever, scrutinizing every single pixel on the screen. It was a beautiful work.
“This is rich,” Mohan said, grinning excitedly.
“The transitions are so smooth,” Colin mumbled, a roll-up in between his lips,” I bet this took some doing.”
“Yeah,” Lucy was sitting at the table, fiddling with her fingers. “I spent so much time on this. Perhaps, way more than I had to. But I really wanted it to look good.”
“Is it an endless game? Like an arcade?” Thakur questioned.
“Well, kind of, but not really. There,” she pointed at the screen as the car reached a cube with a sign that said Sunset Drive-In on it, followed by the Level Complete notification. “The levels are kind of the same randomly generated path, but the car always reaches the Drive-In.”
“Why is the player going to the Drive-In?” Colin asked, putting the joystick away and looking at Lucy. She seemed surprised, she didn’t expect this question to be asked, apart from the technical ones.
“They have a date. Levels change in difficulty, but eventually, the car gets to the finish and the player is reunited with their significant other. I think it’s symbolic, in a sense,” she looked away awkwardly, “like a destined meeting kind of thing.”
“Kind of cliché,” Colin shrugged, fixing his glasses. The girl jerked her head up, glancing back at him with her eyes narrowed.
“Well, it’s not for the common user anyway. It’s just a personal gig, for me,” she crossed her arms, clearly offended by Colin’s observation.
“Wait, so the game is finished?” Thakur asked, distracting Lucy from her little staring contest.
“Uh, yeah, pretty much.”
“Wicked. We can make some add-ups and get it ready by the next month. This is beautiful, Lucy, congratulations. I’ll be expecting no less from you.”
“What—what do you mean?” Lucy blinked rapidly, her fingers slightly digging into the chair.
“What do you think I mean? I’m hiring you. You’re talented, we need people exactly like you.”
She gasped, covering her mouth with her palm. “Oh my god, I—thank you so much, Mr. Thakur! You will not regret this.”
“I’m counting on you, Lucy. Alright,” Mohan clapped his hands before looking at his hand watch, “I gotta go. You, “he pointed at Lucy, “come back tomorrow, we’ll get you a desk and everything. And you, “he pointed again, at Colin this time, “get on with the update.”
Colin rolled his eyes, slowly moving away from the table. His gaze lingered on Lucy again, who was hurriedly stuffing her game back into her bag.
“Good job. Thakur is not the easiest to impress.”
“Easier than you, I figure,” she stood up from her chair, still looking slightly irritated. “You know, you are disappointingly close to an image of a typical famous wanker.”
Colin smirked.
“Hey. Your game is good. I just choose to be honest when I give an opinion.”
“Or you’re simply justifying your rudeness,” Lucy teased, shortly shrugging her shoulders after. “Whatever. I’m not a sissy. I can take criticism.”
“Can you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she smiled, shaking her head in disbelief.
“You’ve got anywhere to be later?” Colin suddenly changed the subject, shoving his hands into pockets.
“I don’t know. Why?” She looked at him skeptically, quirking a brow.
“I could ask you out.”
“And why do you think I would be interested in that?”
“Because you still haven’t said no.”
Lucy pressed her lips together, being at a loss for words. Colin victoriously took a puff from his cigarette and walked up to the door.
“C’mon, let’s go.”
“Thought you had an update you needed to finish.”
“I’m not leaving. Just going out for lunch.”
When two kernels meet, they merge. Their radiance intensifies. There is no way for them to disconnect afterward because one meeting is enough to destine them to share their lives. Whatever was planned for those people before is overwritten.
Colin and Lucy clicked. Both working at the same place and having an overwhelming interest in one another brought them closer and closer, stronger than any magnet. They did everything from secretly making out in storage closets to hitting it at Colin’s place. They competed, sitting down at the screen and waiting for both of their games to be rated, keeping score. Colin was usually in the lead.
“It’s because you pay too much attention to the design,” he told Lucy, watching her clench her fists in anger.
“It’s because you wankers don’t care for a game’s style as long as it’s at least merely entertaining!”
Colin took his time in enjoying his little moment of victory, but he always ended up cheering Lucy up. They were coming over to Colins’s place, smoking and letting the world be without them, as they existed in this small bubble, only for the two of them. Their lips were always close, either in a kiss or in millimeters away from one. They touched, caressed, hugged, held, and stroked. Time felt funny every time they were together.
When the night breeze was pleasant, they sat outside on the balcony, smoking and watching the stars. Lucy liked sitting on the edge as Colin stood in between her legs.
“What’s my anarchist thinking about?” she cooed, running her fingers through his spiky bleached hair.
“I want to show you something,” Colin’s were firmly placed on Lucy’s hips.
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“It concerns a discussion we had before. About time.”
Lucy raised her eyebrows in interest.
“The ‘time is a construct’ one?” She leaned back, supporting her weight with her hand behind her.
“Exactly. I will show you something that will set you free. But you have to promise not to freak out.” He took a puff of his joint and handed it to her. She chuckled, accepting the rollup and bringing it to her lips.
“Usually, when you ask me not to freak out, I end up doing the opposite.”
“Yes. That’s why I need you to promise me not to.”
She let a cloud a smoke out of her lungs, examining Colin’s face while he patiently waited for an answer.
“Okay,” she finally said, “sure.”
“For fuck’s sake,” she whispered mildly irritated, “yes, yes, I promise.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Jesus, Colin, what are you going to do, kill somebody?”
“Say it,” Colin insisted, looking her directly in the eyes. Lucy rolled her eyes.
“Yes, Colin, I trust you. Get on with it already.”
He smirked, taking the joint back. He then took a step back, and his hands slowly traveled down Lucy’s hips to her knees. She watched him, waiting for whatever was to come next. Colin’s fingers squeezed her harder.
“I’ll see you around.”
Before Lucy could ask anything, Colin yanked her legs into the air and threw her over the balcony.
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ravenhilarious · 5 years
Harry Potter character personal headcanons - Golden & Silver Trio
Race: White mother, Asian father (common headcanon is that he’s Indian, and really, I like that headcanon) Sexuality: Bi bi bi bi bi (and that’s pretty much canon, given his reaction to meeting Bill and Charlie, as well as the amount of detail he keeps describing Sirius’ hair and Cedric’s face, and of course we know how much he fancied Cho and Ginny) Ship(s): There’s Ginny, of course. They’re pretty much soulmates.  I also like him with Luna, since they understand each other in a way many people don’t.  I also like the idea of them in a poly relationship, where they all love each other equally. In an AU where Ginny and Luna are married and not into polyamory, I’d probably ship him with Neville, but I don’t think Neville is into guys, so... Nope ship(s): Draco, Snape, Voldemort... you name it. I’ve also seen fanart for Harry and Hagrid... and McGonagall... and even Buckbeak. Yeah, ma boi deserves way better than that... Platonic ship(s): Ron and Hermione. He’s like a brother to both of them, but they’re definitely not siblings to each other...  And Ginny, Luna and Neville will all be his platonic soulmates if they aren’t dating. Oh, and I love the relationship he has with Fred and George. He’s basically their adopted lil bro, and that’s really cute. Disability/ies: It’s basically canon that he has depression and PTSD in the fifth book, and I don’t think any of that completely disappears like, ever. In order to reach the “all was well” ending, he must have gone to some kind of therapy, and I hope he did so after the war. I don’t know whether his “saving people thing” is an actual mental illness, but I’ve read on tumblr that it often appears in abuse/neglect victims.
Race: White as a toilet paper roll Sexuality: Straight, but bi-curious. He had a huge obsession with Viktor Krum, and he did wonder for awhile whether that was “a gay crush”. Eventually, he figured out that it was “just” an idolization. Big ally tho. Ship(s): Hermione! They were like made for each other, and I have a really hard time imagining them with anyone else, and I can’t see any of them being into polyamory either. That being said, I could definitely see him with Luna, if I have to pick someone else. They both saw potential in each other that no one else really saw, and I think they’d definitely entertain each other. But I think he needs someone mature and serious, like Hermione; they balance each other out more. Nope ship(s): Like with Harry, anyone who was mean to him. Draco, Voldemort... and any of the Weasleys! I’ve also seen him paired up with McGonagall and Dumbledore, and that was... strange, to put it mildly. Platonic ship(s): Harry. Definitely Harry. And Luna (if he doesn’t date her). Neville, too (I wish we had seen more of their friendship in canon, especially in the movies, where Ron was often a bit condescending to Neville, which he really wasn’t in the books... oh well, I’m going off topic) Disability/ies: Canonically arachnophobia. I also think he has some kind of anxiety or depression, a bit milder that Harry’s obvious trauma, but he is SO insecure during the series that he can’t be classified as neurotypical.
Race: Black father, white mother (that white mother is Jewish, btw. You can’t have a Nazi-coded villain without making at least some Jewish characters, especially if said characters are part of in-universely oppressed groups) Sexuality: Token Straight Girl™. I like to picture her as demisexual/demiromantic, but judging by the instant crush she had on Lockhart, that seems pretty unlikely. Definitely an ally, tho. Ship(s): Ron, Ron, Ron Weasley. Like I mentioned above, I just can’t picture them with other people. But if I have to, I could see her with Neville. They were very close friends, and if she never befriended Ron, I could definitely see them growing to love each other. However, in canon, they seem more like brother/sister-ish. Nope Ship(s): So, so many. Like Harry; Snape, Voldy and Draco are no-go. But Bellatrix, Pansy Parkinson and (for some very weird reason) Greyback (yes, I’ve seen it...) are all wrong in their own ways. Platonic ship(s): Harry and Neville. Sort of McGonagall too, in a way. Disability/ies: Ocd, social anxiety of some kind. Could be on the autism spectrum as well. Screw that, I’m autistic and I like her, so therefore, she is autistic too.
Race: I think he’s white. Pretty sure he’s described as pink-faced and blue-eyed at some point (but if people wanna headcanon him as poc, then let them) Sexuality: Asexual. As I mentioned above, I don’t think he’s into guys, so a heteroromantic ace? Also, I don’t think he is comepletely cis, either. But whether he’s a binary trans dude, intersex, non-binary... I could see it all. Ship(s): While we never really saw their romance in the book, I think he and Hannah Abbot would be really cute together. There’d be lots of fluff. Probably gonna write some fanfic of their relationship someday. In an AU where Hermione didn’t date Ron, I could see Neville/Hermione, for aforementioned reasons. Nope ship(s): Fortunately, I have yet to see ma smol bean Nevy in problematic ships (a bit weird, considering he’s played by Mathew Lewis, whom lots of straight girls find hot – I’m surprised I haven’t seen fanart of him with Draco, Bellatrix etc.) I hope I’ll never do! But yeah, Draco and Bellatrix are definitely nopes. Platonic ship(s): All of the Core Six™ characters. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna... he has a great relationship with all of them in canon. Disability/ies: Probably some kind of anxiety. 
Race: Just like Ron, super duper white. Sexuality: She gives me a queer vibe. It’s common to headcanon her as bi, and well, so do I. Ship(s): Harry, of course.  And Luna. Luna as the soft flower gal, Ginny as the smol energy bomb, both wanting to protecc each other... I love it! Like I mentioned above, I mostly ship them in a polyamorous relationship. If we say that Harry and Luna were together and not into polyamory, I would ship her with an oc; a butch lesbian quidditch player she met while playing professional Quidditch. (I do think she dated that “oc” for awhile before marrying Harry, but idk) Nope ship(s): First of all, Voldemort. That ship is creepy af, okay?  And any of her siblings is no-no, too.  Platonic ship(s): If she didn’t date Harry or Luna, then they’d both be platonic soulmates for her. I like her protectiveness of Neville, too. And I love her friendship with Tonks! I know we didn’t really see them interact in canon, but I’d love to see her befriend Colin Creevey.  Disability/ies: None that I can think of... she could have some mild ADHD, but I don’t know enough details about ADHD to argue for my case.
Race: Pretty sure she’s white. However, I’ve seen some gorgeous fanart of a Latina!Luna. Sexuality: Pan pan pan. Falls in love very easily, but respects it when people don’t like her back. I once read a post about her being a trans girl, and honestly? I could see it. I especially like the idea of a very tall and lean Luna Lovegood, but extremely soft and girly fairy princess on the inside. Ship(s): She did marry some dude called Rolf in canon and had kids with him. However, I don’t know enough about him to ship them, tho he’s probably pretty cool. But I do think they broke up at some point, but remained friends. I also ship her with Harry and Ginny, like I mentioned above. And Ron, if he didn’t date Hermione, also like mentioned above. Nope ship(s): Any ships where she has to be some Manic Pixie Dream Girl to some evil guy, especially if he’s much older than her. She deserves so much better than that! Platonic ship(s): Harry and Ginny, if she doesn’t date any of them. Ron and Neville. In an AU, I like the idea of her befriending Snape, as long as he isn’t mean to her or anything (and she has to call him out for the way he treats Neville, too, bc I don’t think she’d be okay with that) but if they start dating, then I quit Disability/ies: Autistic af. I’m Autistic, I identify with Luna, therefore, Luna is Autistic. No, but seriously; the way she speaks directly about her thoughts and feelings, doesn’t mind being alone (even enjoys it sometimes) and seems very passionate whenever she does something are very clear signs.
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dawnjeman · 5 years
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram
  Hello, my wonderful friends! How are you in 2019? Did anything happen? Did a switch turn on, bringing more Light into your heart during this first week of this New Year? It’s been terribly cold, gloomy and dark out there. The weather is miserable and it’s easy to feel the winter blues insistently knocking on my door, but I am not opening it… instead, I decided to take a small break during the Holidays to do what I love the most in life; which is spending time with my family and work whenever I feel inspired. I took a small break and I am finally feeling like myself again… nothing makes you feel more centered than being able to slow down and hear your own thoughts, and that was exactly what I did.
During this New Year, I certainly hope to continue to listen to what’s inside of my heart and that goes to what I want to share with you here on Home Bunch. I have to be completely honest with you guys. I am tired of cold homes, everything looks the same these days. Although I will always bring the latest trends to my readers, one of my main goals this year is to share homes that feel more like real homes, homes that have character and feel loved, and that starts with this year’s first “Beautiful Homes of Instagram”. Please, get to know Erin from The Heart and Haven. She’s someone that will inspire you to transform your current home into your “home-sweet-home”!
  Hi, my name is Erin @theheartandhaven and I’m a home renovator, home décor enthusiast and mother. I have always enjoyed staring at all the pretty things, but I never realized how much joy I would find in creating them until my husband and I bought a 1950s fixer upper about five years ago.
My husband and I are high school sweethearts from the Jersey Shore. We dated long-distance throughout college and upon graduation, we decided to move across the country to start our life together in Los Angeles. I worked in television before deciding to become a stay at home mom when I had my first son. I now have two boys, ages 7 and 4.
After getting married, we purchased a newly-built, builder-grade condo in Los Angeles and while the finishes were not exactly my taste, I was excited to just have a place to call our own and honestly never thought about changing anything. Two years after having my son and really craving some private outdoor space to have him run around, we searched our neighborhood to find a house. We found a corner house only a few blocks away on a beautiful, wide tree-lined street. It was custom built in 1950, and nothing had been updated since then. The house was head- to-toe covered in orange wood (floors, ceilings, walls, you name it!). The bathrooms had parquet linoleum, the staircase had scrolling wrought iron and each room had ceiling fixtures hanging so low that it made the 8 ft. ceilings feel much smaller. Having no reno experience under my belt, I still felt that this 2400 sq. ft. house had potential. Thus began our renovation journey, and we lived through all of it! I don’t think I knew what my style was when we started renovating our home and decisions often had to be made quickly. There are some things I would change, but I have learned so much throughout this process. And five years later, I think I have found my casually modern, beachy-boho style through decorating it , and it has truly become a passion of mine.
  New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram
Our kitchen was the last major renovation. After living in what felt like a wooden cave, I wanted our new kitchen to be light and bright. We took down the wall that separated the kitchen from our playroom to open it up. I had always wanted an island but, due to building codes, the island would have been very small. So, I adjusted my vision and was able to have the counter space and seating area by making it into a peninsula instead.
Peninsula measures 6 ft x 4.5 ft. and counters are Salt White Marble.
Paint Color: Valspar Mountain Mist.
Kettle: Crate & Barrel.
“Let’s Stay Home” sign: Here.
Runner & Flooring
This pink kitchen runner is one of the cheeriest pieces of home décor I own. I paired it with the wallpaper to make our kitchen more playful.  
Runner: Here.
Flooring: Wickham Hardwood, Maple (color Walnut) – similar here, here & here.
Cabinet Paint Color
Kitchen cabinets are Maple, painted Benjamin Moore White.
Canisters: West Elm.
Backsplash is Daltile Subway Tile, 3×6 in Arctic White – similar here.
Appliances: Thermador Range, GE Café Series Refrigerator.
Marble Clock: Sur la Table.
Cabinet Cup Pulls: Hickory Hardware.
Sink & Faucet
While it might not be the most picturesque faucet, I love how we can turn the faucet on and off without dripping on our marble counters.  Definitely a functional win! 
Kitchen Faucet: Faucet, Moen Motionsense Chrome.
Kitchen Sink: 33” Farmhouse Fireclay Sink.
Kitchen Towel: Kate Spade.
Lighting & Barstools
When choosing the pendants over our peninsula, I didn’t want to compete with the chandelier in the nook. These cone pendants with their antique brass interior echoed the glam of the chandelier without overwhelming the space.
Barstools: Serena & Lily.
Lighting: Visual Comfort – 15 Inch Wide.
Utensil Holder: West Elm.
Breakfast Nook
I loved the idea of a breakfast nook and wanted to make it feel special, so I went with wallpaper and a statement chandelier. I think the wallpaper adds so much personality to this otherwise all white kitchen. I then paired it with a more rustic feeling table and chairs to contrast the crisp, geometric design.
Table is RH – similar here, here, here, here & here.
Chairs are RH – similar here & here.
Pillows: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Chandelier & Wallpaper
Wallpaper is from Serena & Lily in Denim.
Chandelier is Visual Comfort.
After taking down the wall between the kitchen and the playroom, this is now our view.  Since this is the room my sons hang out in the most, it had to be functional for them but also flow with our kitchen.  
Sofa is from HD Buttercup 
Window Treatment throughout home are plantation shutters by American Vision Windows 
Paint Color
The barstools had to become part of the design for the playroom because of the open concept, so going slightly more coastal in this room with the oversized beach print and using blue accents in the room helped tie things together. 
Paint color is Valspar Mountain Mist.
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Some might think a white sofa and children do not go together. And they would be right! However, I love the crisp look of a white sofa so I chose a slipcover that can be removed and washed.
Sofa is from HD Buttercup.
Ottomans: Etsy.
Artwork: Minted.
Rug: Pottery Barn.
Mudcloth Pillow is by Bryar Wolf – similar here.
Playroom Media Center
Not fancy or even perfectly styled, but that is mom life! This media center holds all the extra toys and books and games.
TV: Samsung.
Gray bins are from IKEA – similar here.
Media Center: Pottery Barn.
Knobs: Restoration Hardware Dillon Knobs.
African Wall Baskets: Etsy.
Both the desk and window-seat are IKEA hacks.  I upgraded the desk by swapping out the hardware and I made the IKEA Kallax bookshelf-turned-window seat feel more custom by adding a bench cushion.
Rattan Mirror: Pottery Barn.
Vintage rug found on Etsy – similar here.
Pillows and bench cushion by Tonic Living – Similar Bench: here (on sale!) & here.
Bins found at Target.
Living Room
Our sectional is actually a recliner and the chaise lifts up for hidden storage.  I love how functional it is for our family. 
While there is still updating to do to this room, we recently removed the metal stair railings and replaced it with a wooden banister.  Painting and staining the banister was a beast! But it was well worth it. 
Stair posts are Benjamin Moore Super White and stain was a custom mix. 
Artwork on wall by @sarahcnightingale.
Sofa: West Elm.
Paint Color
Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore London Fog.
Rug is discontinued – similar here.
Seagrass lidded basket: here – similar.
Choosing a split-faced stone for the fireplace is still one of my favorite design decisions. 
Stone: Wayfair.
Chair: West Elm.
Moroccan Leather Pouf: here.
Fireplace Sconces: Pottery Barn.
Believe it or not, farmhouse style was my first love.
Shelves are IKEA and I spray painted the brackets Rustoleum Hammered Copper.
Grid Photo Frame: McGee.
Walnut Frame: McGee.
Brass Bells: McGee.
Rustic Vase: Here.
Artwork on top by @sarahcnightingale.
Others items mix of flea market and HomeGoods finds (including bottom baskets) – similar baskets: here.
Coffee Table
Coffee Table: here.
Coffee Table Decor: Wooden Bowl, similar moss, similar wooden beads & similar vintage bells.
Sofa Pillows: here, here, here & here.
Dining Room
I love earthy elements and this rustic dining table is the perfect combination of form and function. With all of its raw imperfections, the kids can be as rough as they want with it and I don’t mind.
Dining Table & Bench: West Elm.
Rug is vintage – similar here, here, here, here & here.
Wooden Candle holders are locally sourced.
Planter in corner is from HomeGoods – similar here & here.
Good Vibes
There is a casualness about my design style which is probably why I gravitate towards word art.  And I love the boldness of this black and white piece.
Artwork by JaxnBlvd.
Stool: Target.
Dining Room Chairs
The white wishbone chairs help to bring a lightness to this space which doesn’t get a lot of natural light and the chairs’ low profile makes this small dining space feel bigger. Paint Color is Benjamin Moore London Fog.
Chairs are by InMod – similar here, here & here.
Lighting: West Elm – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Floor basket: Pier 1.
Kids Corner
This was a fun IKEA hack that I did for my 7 year old’s room.  I took the IKEA Kallax shelf unit, chose two different color doors and then spray painted the letters. Wall color is Valspar Ghost Ship.
Pillows by Tonic Living – similar here.
Rug & Seagrass boxes from Homegoods  – similar rug & baskets.
Shelf and baskets from IKEA .
Reading Nook
These fern decals make this reading nook a lot of fun for my four-year-old.  And while I would have loved a hanging chair, I didn’t think it was practical for my boys so I opted for this caged freestanding chair instead. 
Decals by Urban Walls.
Chair: World Market.
Paper Mache Animal Heads: Fox, Rabbit & Deer.
Elephant Side Table: Serena & Lily.
Rug: here – similar.
Prints by Society6.
Guest Bedroom
Adding board and batten was a game changer in this room.  It instantly made the guest bedroom feel loftier than its standard 8 ft. ceiling height. 
Leather Bed: CB2.
Duvet Cover: here.
Nightstand: West Elm.
Throw: here, here & here.
Rug: here.
Paint Color
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace.
Candle Holders: Crate & Barrel.
Pillows: Black & White & Bolster Pillow – similar.
Artwork: here.
Guest Bathroom
This small bathroom was the first major renovation we did when we moved in. There was literally a treasure chest inspired toilet box in here and, much like the rest of the house, tiles and walls were orange-brown. Having no prior design experience, I went with timeless marble and this little bathroom still makes me happy.
Bathroom wall paint is Behr Sterling.
Vanity: Wayfair.
Faucet is Kohler Bancroft.
Mirror: Uttermost.
Hand Towel: McGee.
Wood pot from HomeGoods.
Floor Tile: Wayfair.
Master Bathroom
This is our only bathroom upstairs, so it was important for us to keep a separate tub for our kids.  Paint color is Behr Light French Gray.
Paint Cabinet Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Tile is Ceramiche Caesar Porcelain Tile in MORE Manhattan – similar here.
Rug is from HomeGoods – similar here & here.
Vanity: Pottery Barn.
Art Print from Serena & Lily.
Crytal knob by Emtek.
Tub: Wayfair.
Stool: Serena & Lily.
Master Bedroom
I love having a neutral bedroom that I can easily switch up by swapping out pillows and throws.
Bed: Wayfair.
Blue quilt from HomeGoods.
Throw: Etsy – similar here.
Full Length Mirror: here – similar.
Rug: Lulu & Georgia.
Bench from RJ Imports – similar here.
Duvet Cover: Anthropologie.
Wall Basket: here – similar.
Pillows: Velvet Pillows, Mudcloth Pillows, Lumbar – similar.
Stripe vase from Crate & Barrel.
Faux Stems: Crate & Barrel.
Nightstands from Crate & Barrel discontinued but similar ones here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
Paint color is Chantilly Lace by Benjamin Moore.
One of my favorite things about this house is the amount of closet space.  Our master has a his and hers closet.  The smaller one behind that door is the his, of course.  
Ladder is from Crate & Barrel.
The wall art here was an easy DIY.  I put mudcloth scraps in black frames to give this corner a boho chic look. 
Chair from HD Buttercup – other beautiful chairs: here, here, here & here.
Side table: here. 
Bench: here.
Dresser: Pottery Barn.
Desk from Restoration Hardware – other beautiful desks: here & here.
Chair is from IKEA – similar here.
Pillow: Serena & Lily.
Hanging planter is from Homegoods – similar here.
Baskets: Serena & Lily.
Rug is from Homegoods – similar here, here, here, here & here.
  Many thanks to Erin for sharing all of the details above.
Make sure to follow Erin on Instagram to see more of her beautiful home!
  Amazing End-of-Season Sales!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Serena & Lily: Tent Sale Up to 70% off! – Enjoy an Extra 20% OFF. Use Code HOORAY
  Wayfair: UP to 75% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
  Joss & Main: Best Prices of 2018 – Up to 70% Off
  Pottery Barn: Buy More, Save More – 20% Off Sidewide + Free shipping: use Code: HELLO19 
  One Kings Lane: Final Days to Save: Take an Extra 20% Off Markdowns with Code OKL20MORE.
  West Elm: Big New Year Sale: 20% Off Your Entire Purchase! Use Code: NEWYEAR
  Pier 1: Huge Sales – Up to 60% Off!
  Anthropologie: Winter Tag Sale: All sales at an extra 40% Off! Amazing!
  Posts of the Week:
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Family-friendly Home Design.
Christmas Inspiration.
Interior Design Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Transitional Home Design.
Newlyweds Home Design.
Family Home Renovation with Casual Interiors.
2018 Norton Children’s Hospital Raffle Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
Neutral Home Interior Ideas.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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