#this one's especially really funny to me with the 'for men only' combined with the sweaty dirty hot guy on the cover
recordbodycount · 1 year
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new vegas dime novels, anyone?
illustration of my courier based off of an old pulp fiction novel cover that i found just unbearably funny, stories extra fictionalised. (original cover under read more) ❤️💛
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hausofneptune · 4 months
aspects/placements i love (and hate!) in my chart pt. 1
[astro notes no. 003]
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hey y’all! i felt like going through some of my personal aspects/placements and describing the “positive” and “negative” ways they’ve manifested in my life, so here we are. this ended up being longer than i thought it would, so i'll end up doing a part two since i really enjoyed making this!
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venus conj. neptune in aquarius (1°03’) in the 1H
this is one of my favorite placements. i feel like this + my pisces sun can make me appear to others as “ethereal” at times, but if i’m keeping it a buck, it also makes me extremely evasive. i have a good amount of aquarius influence in my chart as well, so all of this combined definitely makes me feel like i have to put in effort to not come off as too impersonal, especially towards my loved ones. 
having neptune in my 1H also makes me feel like people perceive me to be someone that i’m not. like even my close friends and family, i don’t feel like anyone actually understands who i am, and i don’t think i’ve ever had a relationship (platonic, romantic, or familial) where i felt like i was seen for who i actually am, or where i was able to connect to somebody on a deeper, spiritual level. i can also over-romanticize people and situations at times, but i’ve grown out of this habit… for the most part.
i’ve always been an extremely creative/artistic person. i’ve been drawing, painting, writing, and singing since i was a kid, and i even sell my artwork now as an adult. i’m extremely imaginative, but i do have to be careful to not get too in my head and forget to participate in reality, if that makes sense. i’ve also had issues with dissociation and memory loss throughout my life. i feel like my lived experience has more to do with that, but i can see how the Neptunian influence in my chart could play a role in it as well.
venus opposite north node in the 7H (1°40’)
there are some placements that convince me that the universe was tryna be funny when it made my birth chart. this is one of them. i have so many things in my chart that can make it challenging at times to form meaningful, trustful relationships with other people, and it’s interesting to me the fact that my spiritual growth is something that’s supposed to be found… through my relationships with other people. i try not to victimize myself too much and look at things from an objective lens, but i would be lying if i said it didn’t feel like people find it convenient to have me in their lives only when i allow them to view me in a way that makes them feel the most comfortable.
like i mentioned, i can be very avoidant, it’s something i’m working on. but i know that it’s possible for me to have fulfilling connections with other people, and obviously with this placement it’s something i need to work through my aversion to, seeing as my self-development and spiritual growth is something that’s extremely important to me and deep down i do want to want to experience having meaningful, healthy relationships. 
sun sextile lilith (within 3.0°) in the 11H / chiron in the 11H
let me tell you, most of the people i’ve been friends with over the years, regardless of gender, hypersexualize the fuck out of me. especially the men i’ve been friends with, majority of them had feelings for me that i never reciprocated. i was actually friends with a girl in high school who’s moon fell in my 8H, and in hindsight she had a very unhinged, borderline obsession with me. she would speak to me, and get mad at me, as if we were in a relationship together, and did not understand any type of boundaries that you’re supposed to have with someone you’re friends with. i don’t hold it against her now as an adult, but we definitely don’t speak to each other anymore.
i’ve also encountered issues in regards to the relationships i've with women, mainly when i was younger though, the women i’m acquainted with now i have healthy, normal friendships with (thank god). but i’ve had friendships with girls where they secretly didn’t like me, they were secretly attracted to me, or both. and i don't mean this in a weird, misogynistic, "pick me i'm different!" type of way at all, this is just a pattern i picked up on with some of the women i've met throughout my life.
in regards to having chiron in my 11H, my sore spot is most definitely my friendships. on top of feeling misunderstood and objectified in the friendships i’ve had, i’ve also experienced trauma at the hands of people i thought were my friends. and i always do my best to exercise being mindful and self-aware, and i’m definitely not on some “i’ve always been the perfect friend and people hurt me regardless, boo-hoo, woe-is-me” type shit, because i’ve definitely hurt people in my lifetime. but in terms of how these placements have manifested, i’ve always encountered difficulty in connecting to others, and i’m just now getting to a point where i feel comfortable enough to even attempt to try making new friends again. 
and this is what i mean when i say: astrology is a tool that you can use for shit that is more important than your appearance and future partner! it wasn’t until my 12H profection year when i started studying traditional astrology and learned how to read charts, that i actually began to understand myself on a deeper level and gained the confidence to end friendships that no longer served me and made new ones that actually do. 
chiron in my 11H also makes me feel inclined to take on a “therapist” role in my friendships, something that can be good or bad depending on whether the boundaries are there or not. i tend to attract people who like to trauma dump on me (that’s my moon in the 8H influence too), and i have to actively put boundaries in place and make sure people around me understand that i have to be in the right mindset to hold space for them. there aren’t a lot of pisces sun stereotypes that i can relate to, but being an emotional sponge is definitely one that i can. unfortunately. 
moon and ceres in virgo in the 8H 
LMAOOO this one might be a little heavy. i apologize in advance. feel free to skip this one if you don’t want to hear about parental/maternal loss or my mommy issues <3
my relationship with my mom is without a doubt where a lot of my emotional avoidance comes from. that plus my moon being in the 8H makes me very guarded when it comes to emotional vulnerability, even with the people i’m closest to. without telling a bunch of strangers on the internet too much of my business, here are the sparknotes:
my home life growing up (and to this day lowkey) never felt stable
it never felt like i could feel my emotions without them “consuming” me, this was mainly an issue in my youth, i was around 12-years-old when i started going to therapy and taking antidepressants  
my mom battled a chronic disease her entire life and passed away when i was a teenager 
i’ve always craved to have deep, spiritual connections with people, and ever since i was a kid i’ve been extremely intuitive and had the ability to read a room and everyone in it without anyone having to speak, but i typically attract people who are either emotionally unavailable, or emotionally unstable in some way, probably because i come off as “closed off” on the surface. 
in terms of my relationship with my mom, i love her but i could never be vulnerable with her about a damn thing, like i never really felt “heard” by her. she was a taurus sun, scorpio moon, with an aries stellium, as soon as she had her mind made up about something it didn’t really matter how i felt (pluto also falls in my 10H, and i definitely viewed her as an “authority figure” more than a mother at times). y’all remember this scene from lady bird where her mom tells her she wants her to “be the best version of herself she can be” and she asks “what if this is the best version?” - it was very much so that.
and i don’t want to give the impression that my mom didn’t love me because she definitely did. i think it was just a matter of what a lot of us eventually come to understand about our parents; that they’re products of the environments and the people they were raised by. and in my mom’s case, she did her best with the cards she was dealt and showed up the best way she could. it doesn’t make my feelings any less important, but it helps to maintain the balance between recognizing her humanity, and also validating my own frustration and trauma regarding our relationship. 
venus conjunct ascendant in aquarius (2°40’)
i didn't wanna end this post on a depressing ass note so i'm adding this last aspect lmfao. honestly i struggle with some of the venusian energy in my chart because i honestly never really felt "pretty" growing up. it might be neptune in my 1H that effects my self image, because it wasn't until my 20s that i actually started to genuinely recognize my beauty. i feel like growing up i only viewed my beauty through the lens of the "male gaze" (it didn't help that i felt objectified from the boys around me), or through the lens of euro-centric/white beauty standards, and in adulthood i'm finally approaching the way that i view myself from my perspective.
i do notice that i attract people very easily, both in a friendly and romantic way. i know this aspect has to do a lot with love and romance, but honestly, i'm not too concerned about being in a relationship at this point in my life (with the way the economy is set up i think we all got bigger fish to fry rn but that's neither here nor there-), but like i mentioned i've always been an artist at heart and the art that i create plays a really big role in my identity. i've always found it easier to express myself through my paintings or my writing rather than my words.
aesthetics and comfortability are pretty big for me too, more so now in my 20s. this aspect has a lot to do with sociability and being inclined to uplift and help others, and i can relate to the latter but when it comes to other aspects in my chart i do struggle with being "outgoing" and coming across friendly, but we'll get to that in part two.
as always, if y'all have any of the aspects/placements mentioned in this post let me know how they manifest in your life and personality, and if you have any insight or questions in general feel free to reach out!
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Those inexperienced smut prompts make me feral 👀 How about #18, “I can’t wait to take your innocence," with Jesse and a shy/nervous female reader? Maybe something sweet, but also deliciously feral??? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Summary: You have a confession to make to Jesse, and it's making you very nervous.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader
Word Count: 1692
Warnings: Uh Spicy almost smut, but no actual smut
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I had an idea, but I couldn't make the smut work, so I might make a sequel to this one with the actual smut. I'm so tired, I can't stop yawning.
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For someone so anxious all the time, especially around strangers, Jesse has always been surprisingly easy for you to talk to, and to spend time with.
And sure, there were times when you were sure that he was only spending time with you out of a dare or because he had nothing better to do, or no one else has shown an interest in him, but at the same time, you’ve seen some of the people who flirt with Jesse.
People who are prettier, or smarter, or more confident, and Jesse always, always, firmly turns them down, and then turns his gaze back to you. Often with a kiss, or a tight hug, or some combination of the both.
It’s weird, and flattering, but mostly weird.
You’re not used to being anyone’s first choice. Let alone someone who’s as handsome and amazing as Jesse.
And yet, everytime he returns from a deployment, you’re his first visit.
And so, with time, you’ve relaxed around him. You no longer think that he’s going to ditch you the first time someone more gives him a look. 
Which brings you to today.
Today you and Jesse were supposed to go out for dinner and a movie, but the movie was canceled, and so you canceled your reservations, deciding that you want to spend time with Jesse in private rather than out in public, and he hadn’t minded, when you sent him a message to inform him several hours earlier. 
Of course, then he had to turn his comm off for training, so you haven’t heard anything from him since.
And, honestly, you’re a little nervous. Because you need to tell Jesse something. Something that he’s probably already guessed, since he knows you, but you know you still need to tell him. And you’re worried that telling him will make him treat you differently.
After all, you know that some men can be…funny…about finding out that their girlfriend is still a virgin.
You don’t really expect it to be a problem, but it still might be, and it’s that might that’s making you so nervous right now. Because you honestly don’t know what you’re going to do if Jesse does have a problem with it. 
Anxiously, you gnaw on your lower lip, even as you try and focus on the stew that you’ve been slowly cooking for the majority of the day. Honestly, Jesse just needs to hurry up and get here so you can get out of your own head.
Half an hour later, you hear your front door slide open, “Babe?” Jesse calls from the hallway, once he lets the door slide shut, “I’m home!”
His never fails to settle your nerves, and a small smile crosses your face as you cover the stew, and you poke your head into the hallway to watch him strip his armor off. “How was your day?” You ask as a greeting.
“Ugh. Rex had us running drills all day because of something stupid a shiny did,” Jesse complains, “I thought I was going to have to crawl home. Luckily, Rex showed some mercy.”
“His lady came for a visit and he was much calmer when she left.” Jesse replies with a grin as he finishes setting his armor on the shelf, “I could have cried.”
“Ooh, dragon whisperer.” You joke with an easy smile, and Jesse laughs, pulling a proper grin to your lips.
He turns to you then and sweeps you into his arms, pulling a startled squeal from you as he lifts you and spins you around, before he sets you back on your feet and bumps his forehead against yours, a wide grin on his handsome face, “Missed you, cyare.”
“You always say that.”
“It’s always true.” Jesse ducks his head to catch your lips in a chaste kiss, which slowly becomes more heated the longer it lasts. And the more heated the kiss becomes the tighter his grip becomes, until he’s all but clutching you to his body.
You’re the one who breaks the kiss, suddenly remembering that you have food on the stove, and Jesse releases a strangled noise as you squirm out of his grip and hurry back into the kitchen.
He follows you into the kitchen, though, and leans against the wall as you check the stew. “It smells amazing, cyare.” He says, his voice a little rougher than usual.
“I know you were really looking forward to the restaurant-”
“I was looking forward to spending time with you,” Jesse corrects, “I don’t really care where we spend it.”
You turn the heat down, so that the food won’t burn, and then you spin to look at him. You nervously play with the hem of your shirt, and your face is slightly pink, “Uhm…I need to tell you something!”
Jesse glances at your nervous hands, and then your pink face, and he smiles slowly. “Come here, babe.” As soon as you’re close enough, he tugs you into his arms, and lightly presses his forehead against yours again, “You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“I know. But this is…embarrassing.” You reply sheepishly.
“Hm…well, I promise not to laugh or judge you. No matter how embarrassing it might be.” Jesse says with an easy smile.
“Um…okay.” Your face burns a little hotter and you realize that there’s no way you’re going to be able to say what you need to say with him looking you in the eyes. So you shift and press your face against his neck, pulling an amused chuckle from his lips.
“That embarrassing, huh?”
“It’s okay, baby. I know you’re shy.” Jesse smooths his hand down your back.
“Um…I want…need…to tell that I’m…I’ve never…” You stumble over your words, and then you heave out a sigh of frustration. It shouldn’t be so hard to say this.
Jesse presses his head against the top of yours, “It’s okay, sweetling. Take your time.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, “I’m still a virgin,” You blurt out, very quickly. And then you press your face firmly against his neck and nervously wait for his response.
Jesse doesn’t say anything for a moment, and then you feel his hand so soft, and so gentle against the back of your head, “Cyare. Sweetling. Will you look at me? Please?”
You really don’t want to, but this is Jesse, so you slowly pull away to look up at him, your face still burning with embarrassment. 
He’s smiling at you,  there’s no judgment in his gaze, “My beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl.” Jesse coos, as he reaches up and caresses your cheek, “I guessed that you were, and it doesn’t bother me, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“...it-it doesn’t?”
“Of course not.” He ducks his head and presses a feather light kiss against your cheek, and then drags his lips to your jaw, “I’m willing to wait until you’re ready for me, sweetheart. No matter how long that might take.”
“Oh.” You blink at him, “Um…so…I was actually…” You hesitate and trail off.
“Go on, baby.”
“I want-”
Jesse’s gaze locks with yours, and something eager slides through his eyes, “You want-?” He prods, gently.
For a moment you avert your gaze, and you take a deep breath to steel yourself, and then you look back at him, “You.” You whisper up to him. 
You’re barely able to get the word out before his lips are against yours, the kiss immediately more heated than any previous kiss. “I can’t wait to take your innocence.” He murmurs against your lips. Your nose scrunches slightly, and he laughs, “Too much?”
“You’re not taking anything,” You mumble as your hands slide just under the hem of his shirt, “I’m giving it to you.”
Jesse grins at you, “Dinner isn’t going to burn, is it?”
“Of course not!”
“Good.” Jesse crashes his lips back against yours as he sweeps you out of the kitchen and through the apartment and into your bedroom, and he kicks the door shut behind him. 
His hands dip under your shirt, and he swiftly peels it off your body and tosses it to the side, and your bra quickly joins your shirt on the floor. 
Jesse pauses then to slide his hands across your breasts. “Kriff, you’re so soft.” He mumbles against your lips. “I knew you would be. I’ve been fantasizing about this for months now.”
“Nope. No apologies allowed.” Jesse kisses you quickly and then guides you to sit, and then lay on the bed, so he’s able to lavish your torso with adoring kisses and lazy flicks of his tongue. “All my fantasies did was make this actual moment so much sweeter.” He wraps his lips around one of your nipples and lavishes it with attention, and he doesn’t move to the other side until you’re moaning softly.
He trails his lips back up your body, and sucks a mark against your collar bone, and then he moves up to your neck where he lavishes all of the exposed skin with kisses, taking his time to leave marks anywhere he can. 
You squirm under him, gasping moans falling from your lips as he bites and sucks marks against your neck, “Jess-”
He pulls back and grins at you, “You look so pretty covered in my marks, sweetheart,” Jesse breathes out as he drags his hands over your exposed skin, “You’re so soft and warm and so much better than my fantasies.”
“Am I?” You ask.
He groans, “So much so.” He kisses you deeply, “Eventually I’m going to make all of my fantasies come true, but I wanna hear yours, baby. What do you want?”
You shake your head, “I don’t-”
Jesse regards you thoughtfully, and he very gently kisses you, “It’s okay baby, I’ll take care of you. And we can figure out what you like together.”
Your face heats at the way he’s looking at you. 
And he laughs softly, “I have to keep reminding myself to go slow,” He murmurs as he lowers himself to press flush against you again, “You’re making me absolutely insane, gorgeous.”
“I haven’t done anything?” You whisper.
“You’re you. That’s enough.”
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rlyehtaxidermist · 8 months
so I’ve seen some posting about oil fire going around and as one of the people sitting in the eye of that particular hurricane i have a couple thoughts. keep in mind that I obviously can’t speak for every single Poster etc etc, obviously this is just my view on things. in particular don’t quote Twitter at me because the only time I was ever active on there was back when “have a visible professional social media account” was considered important for the job hunt. I know nothing of Touhou Twitter or Touhou Reddit and I am content in my ignorance
Anyway there’s three major points of criticism I’ve seen, and one of them as basically “it’s just a nothingburger that came out of nowhere” and even ignoring the history of that in Touhou in general, I’m going to set it aside because I don’t think it needs a more specific rebuttal than the length of this post. so on to the two more substantial complaints I’ve seen:
“it’s just a sex ship”: look, I won’t deny that there’s been a lot of sexposting. i’ve probably posted more about cock in the last 48 hours than in the last five years combined. almost certainly more than i will in the next five too. but there’s a subtext to it that often gets missed (not just by critics but also by a lot of sexposters).
these are two characters who have had... a bit of a history with being sexualised by the fandom. i shouldn’t need to recite all the “slut sanae” memes, those who know know and honestly they were never funny, but they existed. tsukasa meanwhile was stuck with “sex fox” pretty much from the beginning due to some kuda-gitsune legends specifically involving their rapid reproduction.
obviously this is going to go more into the personal view and i reiterate that i’m not speaking for Everyone’s posts, but I’m asexual. the whole emphasis people put on sex as a cultural thing, not just in terms of Posting about it but also in terms of Not Posting about it is funny to me. people dance around it like they’re waltzing with the demon core but also are baffled when i say i’m just not into it.
the oil fire sexposting isn’t about “lol they’re fucking”. there was already plenty of that. the joke is that it’s not a big deal that they’re fucking - it’s not dramatic or cathartic or even erotic. they’re bad at it, they get distracted, they’re not really thinking things through; fail sex with her cringe wife. it’s sexual in the way that a Tom and Jerry sketch is violent - stepping back from the artifice around it to say “you know, whatever else this is, it’s pretty goofy”. to me at least, that’s more of a repudiation of horny character exaggeration than simply ignoring it is.
(there’s also a false equivalence to me in the general notion of “it’s just hornyposting”, between hornyposting by straight men and that of queer women and/or the gender blender, when the characters involved are both women - especially in light of the reasonably consistent depiction of one or both as transgender in oil fire posting. there’s better people than me and my none gender with leftist beef to effortpost on that side of things.)
“tsukasa is manipulating sanae” I’d add a single phrase here - she’s trying to. The big thing with a lot of how I look at Sanae and this is no exception is that while she can be naive, she’s not stupid. There’s a difference between being trusting and being easily deceived. She’s not a master manipulator, but she lives with Kanako, she knows a bit of how the game is played.
I think this kind of echoes the last bit of the last segment, in that how the characters are portrayed in the context matters a lot. Oil Fire Sanae is, at least within the spheres I see here, heavily coded as if not explicitly autistic. A lot of the content is being written by autistic people, myself included.
Autistic adults are, in my anecdotal experience, pretty conscious of being manipulative or manipulated, because we have to learn deliberately where that line is drawn and how to act around it.
To get into explicitly personal experiences, I often think of myself as being “manipulative” because I have to deliberately strategise a lot of social cues and how I present myself and information I know, and still haven’t really shook that perspective internally despite the intellectual knowledge of several therapists and psychiatrists that no, that’s just an autism thing, most people do all that stuff without thinking about it.
Now obviously simply Being Autistic is not an unassailable fortress against manipulation, nor does it prevent you from being actually manipulative in your own right, but it does tilt the pinball table a bit, again especially in terms of awareness. And that awareness helps control a response - again, even if you’re not always quite sure how to respond.
Sanae’s way of cutting that Gordian knot is what a friend of mine calls the Bishop Myriel Method: how can someone steal what is freely given? She has her lines, but the stuff Tsukasa is leaning on her to get - protection, shelter, and an in-group - are all things Sanae doesn’t see an issue with giving to her. Tsukasa for her part doesn’t really understand this, being more used to dealing with power-broker types where everything has a quid-pro-quo, and from a position of pretty notable inferiority (just look at how any of the stronger youkai talk to her in UDoALG) at that - so she looks at all the leverage that Sanae now has over her (leverage which Sanae doesn’t really understand she has), and doubles down on trying to be manipulative because she doesn’t understand that she doesn’t have to.
in conclusion obviously I’m not thinking about all this wall of text every time I post something, for the same reason that I’m not thinking about how my house’s foundations are designed every time I go up or down the stairs - the general idea is there in the background and actually needing to go check it out usually means that I won’t be doing whatever I was going up the stairs for in the first place. but these are The Thoughts, upon which the lower effort thoughts stand as they heckle each other. there are many like them but these are mine
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engie-ivy · 1 year
@wolfstarmicrofic's 30th: Surreal
1217 words
Sirius has always dreamed about Remus confessing his love, though he has accepted that's all it'll ever be; a dream. But when it does become reality, he mostly feels conflicted. Why can't Remus just let him move on?
Why Now?
It’s surreal, really.
He has pictured this moment in his head a thousand times in thousand different ways, and now it’s happening. Actually happening.
Remus is standing in front of him, telling him he loves him.
Sirius pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Sirius has been in love with Remus since at least the end of high school, probably even before that. He had actually gathered the courage to ask Remus to prom, fumbling to give him a rose and everything.
Remus had said no.
He said that prom wasn’t really his thing, he actually didn’t want to go, and Sirius should just take someone else with whom he could probably have a better time.
After they went to college and became roommates, they grew even closer, especially when James moved back home to help his parents around the house as they were getting old, and it was just the two of them. When they were at the point where they’d fall asleep in each other’s beds and Sirius would lie on the couch with his head in Remus’ lap, Sirius had nervously suggested taking their friendship to the next level.
Remus had declined.
He told Sirius that he liked where they were right now. He liked their friendship, but that was really all it was to him.
Later, when James and Lily, Marlene and Dorcas, Benjy and Caradoc, and Gideon and Emmeline were all together, and it was often Sirius and Remus surrounded by couples, Sirius had asked Remus one more time to go on a date. They so often went out for dinner together or attended events together, why not make it a real date?
Remus had rejected him.
He apologized for just not seeing Sirius like that. He cared about him, so, so much, but not in a romantic way.
All in all, it has been pretty clear how Sirius feels about Remus for years.
He respected that Remus didn’t feel the same, but he couldn’t switch off his feelings just like that, so he kept on pining. Combined with the instances when Remus would kiss a boy at a party and Sirius would storm out of the room, or when Sirius would grow silent and sullen when they were at the bar and he saw someone flirt with Remus, or even the moment when Sirius had returned from a night out to walk in on Remus with some guy on the couch, and, humiliatingly so, had cried and shouted ‘Why not me?’, everyone knew that Sirius was smitten with Remus, including Remus himself.
Their friends were supportive, comforting Sirius when it got hard and always trying to get Sirius to move on, for instance by their attempts to set him up with other guys, which Sirius refused for a long time, as going on a date with one guy while constantly thinking about another guy didn’t seem fair.
Eventually, though, Sirius conceded.
He started going out with other men, and truthfully, he liked it.
Sure, no one made him feel the way Remus did, but he liked how his dates would react when they saw him, sitting upright, their eyes widening, how they would compliment him, and how they would try to impress him. He’s only human, after all. He also liked how they don’t mind showing that they’re interested in him.
After years of rejection, it felt good to be so clearly wanted.
Yet, Sirius didn’t feel anything for any of them, so he never accepted a second date, not wanting to lead them on while he didn’t see it with them.
Until Edgar.
Edgar was handsome and funny, with a cheeky grin and a sparkle in his eyes. He had made Sirius laugh all evening long, with his amusing stories and his forward sense of humour. When he asked Sirius for a second date, Sirius said yes.
For the first time, Sirius could imagine it. He could imagine finally getting over Remus and he could imagine maybe, one day, eventually growing to love someone who wasn’t him.
He could imagine finally moving on.
And now this.
Just as Sirius feels like he has a chance of moving on, the one thing he has so desperately wished for all these years, the one thing he has finally accepted he would never have, is happening. Remus is confessing his love to him.
“Really, Remus?” He asks. “Now? You’re telling me now?”
Remus averts his eyes, looking embarrassed. “I needed to tell you, so why not now?”
“Why not-?” Sirius shakes his head in disbelieve. “Are you fucking kidding me, Remus? I’ve been here! This whole time, I’ve been here. Waiting for you. Waiting for a sign. Waiting for... for anything, really. All you had to do was say the word, and I would’ve been yours. But you didn’t. You never did. Only now, now that I’m finally, finally, moving on you...”
“I’m sorry,” Remus says. “You’re right, and I’m sorry. I know I’ve hurt you. I wish I had done things differently...”
“What is this then?” Sirius asks. “You don’t want me to move on, you like having me pine after you? You don’t want me yourself, but you don’t want anybody else to have me either? Or is this just some cliché case of only wanting what you can’t have?” He can feel himself getting more angry with each word, all the pain from these last years bubbling to the surface.
“No,” Remus says quickly. “No, Sirius, no. This isn’t something that I’ve suddenly come up with now. I’ve always loved you!”
“You... you what?”
“Of course I’ve always loved you. How could I not?”
“But why then? Why did you pretend you didn’t? Why, for all this time?”
“Because I didn’t think I was good enough for you,” Remus states simply. “I thought you could go and find better. I wanted better for you.”
“And now that’s changed?”
“No, I still think I don’t deserve you,” Remus admits. “But neither do they!” He shakes his head. “Seeing you with those other men made me realise that has nothing to do with me. I don’t think anyone deserves you. But you’re not going to be alone forever, you don’t deserve to be alone forever, and if you’re going to be with someone, why not someone who at least knows how much you’re worth and how much you deserve? Why not me?”
Sirius doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.”
Remus shrugs. “I admit that I’ve wasted quite some time, but forgive me for hoping that I’m not too late?”
“You have to mean it,” Sirius says, as he slowly starts moving closer to Remus. “If we’re really going to do this, you and me, for real, you can’t change your mind. If we do this, that’s it for me, there’s no going back.” He stops when he’s standing almost chest to chest with Remus. “If we do this, I’m gone for,” he says softly.
“Fuck yes,” Remus breaths. “I want it to be you and me. You and me forever.”
Remus wraps his arms around Sirius and pulls him into a kiss, and every chance, every desire, and luckily, also every need for Sirius to get over him disappears.
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houkagokappa · 10 months
The Yuri Manga Post
From when I first came across yuri manga a decade ago, followed by a long break from it due to the excruciating longing I’d experience reading about girls loving girls while not experiencing it myself, I’d been wanting to get back to reading yuri manga again. The loneliness hasn’t gone anywhere, but my love towards girls and girls loving girls has remained, and I’ve wanted to take part in it once more.
What got me started was Hanamonogatari by schwinn. People were hyping it up on twitter as old woman yuri, and not just yuri involving a grown adult, but an actual grandmother. So far only 2 chapters have been translated, so I don’t have a whole lot to say about the series. It’s a nice change of pace to read about someone in their 60′s, and it’s wholesome to see how they discover make-up as a new hobby and the salesperson as a new romantic interest. Life doesn’t end after your 20′s, y’all!
This inspired me to check out what else is popular these days, and one of the first works I saw recommended was Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete by Akihiro Ononaka, which is the polar-opposite to Hanamonogatari. It’s about a young girl who adores magical girls, but ends up becoming a villain forced to fight them. Her new alter-ego is sadistic and enjoys teasing and torturing her opponents. The manga feels like a combination of Douman Seiman’s works and Kill la Kill, the way it’s stylized with high contrasts and contains plenty of wacky, sexy comedy that takes things just a little too far for comfort. Personally I love it. It’s not a manga for everyone, and I wish it would start wrapping up soon after 9 volumes, before it starts repeating itself too much. It’s been one of the most refreshing manga I’ve read in a while, a funny parody with an amazing artstyle, even if it also contains some... questionable scenes.
Looking at more conventional works, I picked up Ki ni Natteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta by Agu. It’s about a high school girl who falls for a guy as they bond over similar tastes in music, but as the title suggests, it turns out the guy’s actually a girl and her classmate (disguised in her casual/alternative style). The manga releases on twitter, and it’s been a fun exercise for me to keep up with it in Japanese. The twitter releases have also allowed Agu to use some colour, adding lime green to the traditional black and white, which makes the manga stand out and look really cool. The art itself is great too, both girls are super cute with their own distinctive styles. I like seeing how their relationship develops and I’m glad that it doesn’t dwell on the initial misunderstanding for too long. I will say that it’s a shame to be caught up with the story, since each weekly update is only 4 pages long and I’d rather read this in one go.
Next, I picked up Kakeochi Girl by Battan, since it was recent and renowned, with gorgeous covers. It’s about a woman who runs into her old high school sweetheart again after 10 years. While she never got over her, her old lover is now about to get married to a man, and have his baby. I wasn’t a huge fan of this manga. I thought it was sad how the main girl hadn’t been able to move on and felt stuck with her life for so long, while her romantic interest was stuck making bad decisions. I also didn’t like how the husband was portrayed as a villain of comical proportions. I think there’s value to the story which explores what comphet does to a woman, but it’s not something I care to read about when men become too central to the story. I also have conflicting feelings about the art. The covers, illustrations and some pages were absolutely gorgeous, and I love how Battan portrays different feelings, especially whenever something’s a little scary, but exciting, with tingles and sparks, but I’m not a huge fan of her style when it comes to the eyes and other facial features, which is a stylistic choice for her and a personal preference of mine.
I gave Battan another chance with Ane no Yuujin, since I couldn’t resist the enthralling, sensual cover. I liked it better than Kakeochi Girl, and it helped me appreciate the art more, thanks to her excellent portrayal of longing and joy. I was about to say that I liked the characters better too, but now that I think about it, I’m not sure I did. I think the fact that this was much shorter and focused on more characters masked it for me. I don’t think Battan’s works are for me, but I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who do love them for good reason!
I continued my yuri journey with another work I’d seen and heard much about, Sayonara Rose Garden by Dr. Pepperco. It’s about a Japanese maid who works for an English noblewoman, set in England in the early 1900′s. My first impression was that Dr. Pepperco is a genius for this setting and combination of aesthetics, with the Japanese maid dressing in kimono off-duty (!!!). The manga is beautifully drawn, and I enjoyed both main characters, but unfortunately a man had to get between them as well. It makes sense considering the setting, but it’s still not something I enjoy reading about, so my initial excitement was dulled out after the first volume. Overall it was a good read with great art, but because of my high expectations and slight disappointment, it didn’t end up as a favourite of mine.
After getting worried about not finding any more good yuri to read, I was happy to discover Ikemen Girl to Hakoiri Musume by Mochi au Lait and majoccoid. It’s another manga where one girl mistakes her classmate for a man and falls for them. Here the girl confesses right at the start, the other one accepts as a joke, and they end up dating while the misunderstandings are still at play. The girl who was mistaken for a man is incredibly sympathetic and a whole mood (TM), while her girlfriend is super bubbly and sweet. The manga is light-hearted and funny, and I wish I could find something similar to this, since it’s been one of my favorites.
Next up I read Yuunagi Marbled and Kimi Koi Limit by Momono Moto. Yuunagi Marbled was a tad bit on the edgy side, but still an okay read. Kimi Koi Limit had a real mess of a main character, which I enjoyed immensely, since I’ve been looking for something like that in yuri works. After all these stories about women who suddenly end up in lesbian relationships, or who have to hide the fact they want to be in them, it was refreshing to read about women who were open and assertive about their interests. I can’t say either of these works left a strong impression on me beyond that, but I found the girls cute and they were easy enough to read.
Then I went on to read Papa no Sexy Doll by Kajikawa Gaku. Look. The title is questionable. And the manga is indeed about a girl and her dad both having some sort of relationship with an android to get over the loss of the girls’ mother. I checked it out because I read something else by the same author, which left me curious about what else they’d done. Then I wanted to check what Papa no Sexy Doll could possibly be about, since it wasn’t marked as r-18. It was a pleasant surprise to see that it was yuri, and I actually got attached to the main character, who’s a young girl going through a rough patch with her crush/girlfriend and seeking solace (not necessarily sexual, but also that kind of comfort) from the titular doll. There are only a few chapters out and it’s still ongoing, but so far it’s been a nice story about loss and the pains of growing up. I can’t recommend it for everyone, but it’s been a pleasant surprise for sure.      
To continue with more questionable works, I was excited to give Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara by Iwami Kiyoko a try, based on the gorgeous art and a powerful line I randomly came across and had to fish out the source for. Like the title suggests, it’s about a girl in a lesbian relationship, but said girlfriend is still in the closet afraid to show any sort of affection towards her in public. Furthermore, she keeps ignoring her in favour of club activities, which leaves our main girl sad and lonely. A third girl shows up, and with a few pushes, the main girl starts two-timing her girlfriend. I love how horrible the girls are, and how easy it is to see what drove them to be the way they are. The art is to die for, and although I can’t recommend such a controversial topic to everyone, it’s been one of my favorites. The manga is still ongoing, with 4 volumes currently, and things are heating up!
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After reading all these popular and currently talked-about series, and not finding that much more looking though what’s popular, I discovered the greatness of Interest Stacks on MAL. There were a few collections with titles and covers that looked intriguing, and I started reading older works, with the oldest being Maya no Souretsu by Ichijo Yukari, published in 1972. I love the 70′s shoujo manga style, and the story was a tragic wild-ride about loss and revenge.
From there I kinda fell down the rabbit hole that was 90′s josei. Some of the yuri works I read were Love Vibes and Sheets no Sukima by Erica Sakurazawa. They are both about messy relationships that involve a lot of sex and cheating, and while love between women was central for both, there was more action between women and men. Because I read other josei works from the same era before these two, I came in thinking it was cool to see women be active and forward, so I didn’t mind it, but I do think Sheets no Sukima in particular suffered from not developing the relationship between the two women further. The ending was incredibly unsatisfying and abrupt, even if it could be seen as realistic and tragic in a way I usually love, because it reflects how uncertain and unsatisfying real life can be. I definitely preferred Love Vibes out of the two, where the feelings were more clear and reciprocated. Both works had a charming artstyle, and the girls were cute so it was nice reading them.
Back to the present day, although ready to take a journey into the past, I continued with Yume no Hashibashi by Sudou Yumi. It’s about two women in their mid-80′s who have been in love with each other since they were 14/15, but unable to be with each other due to various societal reasons. The manga starts with them in their old age and progresses backwards in time, with each chapter giving us a small glimpse of the choices they made and the feelings they had throughout different periods in their lives. It’s quite an interesting structure, and I loved seeing what drove the characters to make the decisions they did, when I already knew what they would lead to, and to see what prevented them from choosing to be with each other throughout the years. I wasn’t sure what to think of it based on the first two chapters, but I was crying as I reached the end. It was tragic, yet beautiful, and what hurts the most is how there are people out there who have gone through similar experiences. This was another favourite of mine and I highly recommend it, with the warning that it’s a heartbreaking read. I’d love to read more yuri by this mangaka, but unfortunately I couldn’t find much else.
Following these, I read Nettai Shoujo by Yoshitomi Akihito. I picked it up after reading Balance Policy, also by him, thanks to the nice cover art. Balance Policy contained some yuri as well, which would ordinarily be a nice bonus, except here it was paired with some of the most absurd ideas of how women work I’ve come across in a long time (weird stuff about periods etc.). Along with some other choices, it was quite obvious it was written by a man. I don’t think gender should prevent you from writing whatever, and I can even appreciate yuri that’s created for the male gaze, but oh man does it hurt when it’s combined with bad writing. Both Balance Policy and Nettai Shoujo got me though, since they depict summer in the countryside, which is one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to manga settings, especially paired with queer themes. Nettai Shoujo is a collection of shorts around that theme, and it delivers, save for a couple instances where you can clearly tell it was written by a man, and a few “but I’m a girl” lines, which I didn’t know I’d come to dislike as much as I now do. In their defence, it was written in 2007, so I can’t be too mad about it.
It was only after reading Nettai Shoujo that I realised Yoshitomi Akihito is the man behind Blue Drop. I’ve read one or two installations from the series and I’ve always wanted to read through them all, so I’m now stuck in this weird love-hate relationship with Yoshitomi Akihito and his works. I’ve gotten quite busy, so I haven’t had the time to read more than the first (original) volume so far. I love the art and the sci-fi setting of lesbian aliens taking over Earth, but it feels aged and contains gratuitous fanservice, which I don’t enjoy. The girls are either undressing themselves at weird moments, too often, or it’s done to them in a way which feels exploitative. I’ll read and reread the rest of Blue Drop, and I’ll probably check out the anime too, but for now, I no longer have the time. Pride month is coming to an end too, so this shall be it for my big yuri manga review.
Thank you for taking the time to read any or all of this!
I hope you’ve been able to read some good yuri as well, and if you have any recommendations I’m happy to receive them!
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what-if-queen-camilla · 9 months
Chapter 29
21st November 1995 - Part 3
"She's asleep, finally.", Camilla sighed as she returned to the dining room - the only room which was still in its normal shape despite the move; mainly because she had already bought a new table and chairs for their new home and would get rid of their previous ones last minute - and sat down next to Charles, leaning onto him. She suddenly felt so exhausted that she could fall asleep immediately. Charles noticed and pulled her in his arms, tenderly stroking her back. "Don't you two want to go to bed?", Rose asked, looking at them in concern. She had arrived around 5 and her presence had been a blessing. She had so kindly made dinner for all of them and afterwards played with Thea so that the three parents could plan the next steps in that unpleasant situation. They hadn't really come to a final conclusion yet; while Charles and Andrew thought it'd be best for Charles to officially acknowledge paternity of Thea to avoid further speculations and especially confusion for the little girl, Camilla was more reluctant and even considered denying the accusations as it was nothing but rumours and speculations at this point and her main priority was still and always would be her daughter's safety. "Maybe when we say it's not true they'll leave her alone and everything will remain as it is.", she had murmured, beggingly looking at her men, but both Charles and Andrew had shaken their heads determinedly. "No, Milla, no more lies from now on.", Andrew had said. "We have explained it all to her and she's taken it rather well. We're not going to contradict ourselves and make it even more confusing for her." "Also, I don't think they'll ever leave her alone again from now.", Charles had stated, looking all desperate and sad. "But if I acknowledge her as my daughter, I can do much more to support you, I can privately pay for her security for example." "That sounds like an exceptionally sensible plan…", Andrew had agreed, but Camilla had panicked at the mere imagination of her daughter having to deal with security. "I want her to have a normal life!", she had declared and while Andrew just rolled his eyes at her, Charles had tenderly taken her hand and softly reminded her: "Darling, her life will never be 'normal' again; but we have to protect her as best as we can and I truly believe that acknowledging her as my daughter is the best we can do now."
"And how exactly do you suggest that we put your glorious plan into action?", Camilla asked, sighing, expectantly looking from one to the other. She really wanted to conclude this before she could even think of going to bed. "With a joint statement.", Charles declared. "From all three of us, together. I really think that, if we explain it all a bit further…" "Explain it all a bit further?!", she repeated, highly alert, and jerked away from him. "Like you 'explained' things to Jonathan Dimbleby in your glorious interview last year?! No! That's definitely not going to happen!" "Milla, please…", Andrew responded soothingly, putting his hand on her shoulder but she shook him off vehemently. "Don't touch me!", she snarled, but now even Rose seemed to agree with the men. "Come on, Camilla.", she whispered, gently reaching out for Camilla’s hand. "It really sounds like the best and most sensible solution for this… mess." Camilla laid back, closed her tired eyes for a few seconds, sighed heavily and straightened her shoulders. "Okay.", she said firmly, much to everybody's relief. "If you really think that's what's best for her then so be it. But I want a lawyer to check on it." And then, looking at Charles intently, making clear that she was not going to accept any form of objection was pointless: "Our lawyer." "Alright.", he replied. "You can have it checked by whomever you want, darling. I won't mess it up this time, I promise you."
It really was quite a funny combination with all four of them sleeping in the house that had once been bought to be Camilla and Andrew's family home but which would soon belong to another family that would hopefully be happier that they'd have been. Charles and Camilla slept in her bedroom on one side of the corridor in the first floor, and Andrew and Rose in his former bedroom, several metres away on the opposite side of the corridor. Thea's room was located somewhere in the middle. It felt a bit like at boarding school but it was only for one night anyway as Charles had to go back to London tomorrow, but Camilla was more than happy to have him here tonight, to be able to cuddle up to him, be held and caressed by him until they'd hopefully wake up to a brighter day in the morning…"
Sir? Sir! Mrs Parker Bowles?!" Camilla tried to ignore the calls and heavy knocks against the front door at first, turned around and covered her ears with the pillow. Couldn't they just leave them alone? Charles seemed to have noticed them as well but only grumbled something incomprehensible. The noises became only louder and impossible to ignore at some point, so she reluctantly got up, grabbed her dressing gown and rushed down the stairs to avoid them waking the entire house- “We’re terribly sorry to… interrupt you, Ma’am.”, Charles’ driver declared, indignantly stepping from one foot to the other, looking down on the floor. Next to him, Charles’ protection officer stood, obviously just as uncomfortable, nervously fumbling on his sunglasses, which was actually ridiculously unnecessary to wear at this time of the day as it was still dark. Before she could ask any further questions, she felt two strong hands on her shoulders, tenderly and protectively pulling her close. “What’s the matter, gentleman?” Charles asked firmly and both, his driver and protection officer, bowed their heads before the future King. “Have you heard the news yet?”, the protection officer asked, anxiously looking from Charles to Camilla, who shook their heads unisono.”I think you’d better…”, he added, clearing his throat in very obvious discomfort which almost made Camilla feel sorry. It couldn’t have been easy to sort of always be the one to overbearing bad news… “Mark, Ranjid, please come in.”, she said and the gentlemen seemed to be as equally surprised as Charles that she actually knew their names. “You must be tired, hungry and freezing cold. I’ll get you a cup of tea and something for breakfast…”
So the whole party went over to the kitchen, and while Camilla heated some water, Charles switched on the radio…“We are shocked and deeply concerned about Her Royal Highnesses’ accusations and take them very seriously.”, an only too well-known voice stated in an exclusive radio broadcast - one of his mother’s private secretaries, Cerberus as he called him, because he was just evil through and through and he’d never trusted him for a second. No wonder he was playing a leading role in whatever this drama was going to be turned into… “We have every intention to completely clear up the matter and will take the appropriate actions such as a DNA paternity test. Further information on the matter will be announced in due course.” Camilla felt like in some sort of a trance. So, Thea had become a “matter” overnight?” DNA paternity test? What on earth were those silly people even talking about? Nobody would make her daughter undertake any kind of test, only over her dead body! “Darling…”, Charles stuttered uneasily, very obviously as equally overwhelmed as she was, but she didn’t care about him right now, she didn’t want to hear anything from him right now. “No!”, she declared with lifted hands, slowly moving away from him. “Whatever you want to say now - just don’t!”, she added, sounding quite dangerously, tears in her eyes. “I trusted you, Charles!”, she screamed at him, heartbreakingly disappointed. “Milla, darling, please, I had no idea!!!”, he desperately tried to convince her of his innocence, but she didn’t even want to hear it. “No! Just shut the fuck up! I will take my daughter to a safe place now and I don’t want to see you ever again!”
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34saveme34 · 3 months
Episode review I guess!!
After looking at today's episode I uh
god damn the references
like I've seen others talk about it and while I don't see all of them, it's definitely really interesting
so, spoilers, obviously
the Shrek dating sim was an interesting choice, especially for the hunky shirtless Shrek like cmon also combined with the clingy GF asmr we get the cringiest most hopeless bisexual to ever exist
might I add, as a crack theory to be funny since there's no real evidence for it, but as a funny headcanon, perhaps that is his type in men, and perhaps maybe kind of 3 aligns with his taste and maybe that's why he called him rizzless in his head in the elevator.... as someone who is trying to deeply understand 4, I think about that scene a lot. it's such an intimate thought since it's only in his head and he doesn't actually say it to anyone
Also the 3 related searches really have a vibe if you ask me. the vibe that they need to really up their communication skills. there's no way 3 just randomly threw toilet paper over his castle, there must be a reason
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this is like, top 10 worst communication skills moment in history, he is so... easily agitated, which is very noticable if you look more. Especially with the elevator. They have so much unresolved tension, I want them to sit down with a couple's psychologist or what is it called
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although based on this, he does care and he's trying, I can just feel him about to cry because 3 refuses to talk to him after hurting him and him doing his best to try and get 3 to forgive him, like... my god, beautiful, they should show more of that
like I wonder how it actually went here. what did he actually see to question whether 3 showers. he probably searched his stream to spam his chat about 3 not showering
like I know the supporting the homies is so real but based on that kind of search, he definitely went in there to call 3 stinky, like, I can't see it any other way
but he did at least regret it after wards, he definitely hurt 3's feelings and dignity with that, I think it would make a funny crack-esque fluff fic with the 2 about it. But yeah, I'm glad that 4 can actually get himself to apologise, although it is strange that he has to search how, it is an interesting touch. me personally wanting it to be him panicking so much about him losing his Friend over this that he doesn't know what to do so he has to search it vs the people who write him off as an asshole who would imply he did it because he doesn't know how to do it because he's a piece of shit like that
honestly, thinking about it, I'm likely the one right about it, he definitely cares about 3, that's for sure
now I'm trying to think what the shampoo and conditioner thing could possibly mean here. It's so specific so I can't really put it anywhere in my head. It doesn't fit the narrative set up before it
so I think it's best to write it off as being unrelated, although it would be funny if he searched it to roast 3 further in some way about how he also needs to wash his hair better or something like that. it does lightly fit
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also some that preceeds the 3 shenanigans, the addicted to pasta thing is crazy. I wonder how he could find something like that. Idea he may have searched it because he was wondering about Mario's addiction to pasta. caring about him in a weird way or something. not much else way to interpret it, besides it being a reference that means nothing but that's boring, we don't like doing that in this house
also it's not like 3 starts everything,
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I'm sure 3 wasn't happy about whatever this is implying......
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now this implications here, as unfortunately, this can be read in many ways
but regardless, we all know the crew knows the fans and we all know that regardless there's a layer of fruity slathered on top of this thing, especially since they're shown together like this
what the implications could mean: big event in june=pride month, I can't really think of anything else, besides them shittily teasing something big coming in june like this. which sounds stupid but kind of interesting at the same time
also his tsundere search baffles me. he used the word himself. he knows what it means. is this here just to cement the idea that 3 calling him and only him baka is meant to be recieved at least a little bit unironically? that it's not just stupid haha? did he need to check just in case? Is he affirming 3's love for him (<- getting into stupid brain territory) ? also this ep truly confirming 4 to rizzless, awesome
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now this. not going to lie, I'm having a hard time to believe he's 178 cm tall. I think he's lying. he is short to me forever and ever
also look at him lying about being a virgin, or maybe he thinks gay sex doesn't count
the religion: shrek makes me think Shrek was his bisexual awakening, it should be, it makes sense and it would fit him, especially with that dating sim, that's my headcanon now
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also him reaching acceptance about the toiler paper, truly, a fanfic was written right before our eyes, it would be a beautiful crack fic. we were shown a scenario with 3 and 4 without them even interacting directly in this episode. truly, the power of the gays <3
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that's a bit. too specific, why would he search it. what is he dying....
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beautiful amount of spam mail, canon compliant with how bad he is with computer security
however I'm quite stuck on the salsa dancing. now this may be a long shot, and you may call me crazy, I'll allow it, but what if that's what the sexy dance would've been in wotfi 2023? I know it's probably not but there's that tiny bit of possibility. I mean there's like... no way they would've made him pole dance or some shit on youtube, but salsa... yeah, it would've definitely been interesting, especially if he actually tried and dressed for the occasion (feminine style, we know he isn't 100% against dressing up like that) it would've been awesome, now I lament the gay it could've given us
I trailed off a bit, huh? well that's just how I get
you should've seen the way I went off about 3 in my head and how I think about him in general but I decided to spare the world of such burden
tbh congrats if you managed to read all this, Idk why I speak so much
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purpleturtle9000 · 10 months
*slides in through the mail slot that you have definitely always had*
Greetings friend. I do not know much about the bayverse boys (haven’t watched the movies sinceI was a smol) but having said that, I request you assign them favorite movies, to watch, together and on their own (if different)
Beaming vibes of something nice will happen to you today <3
Real talk I wish I had a mail slot those thinks look cool as hell. But yes greetings and good vibes friend!!
Donnie is a fan of horror movies, but gets bored with most creature features because there's no logical reason for the [insert animal here] to relentlessly hunt random humans. But if a movie has lore of some kind, he loves that! He's seen a few seasons of Supernatural is what I'm saying. He loves lore-heavy movies in general, especially if there's tie-in books, but he also likes murder and mayhem. The only creature movies he does like are the Alien series. He admires the xenomorphs immensely for their pure, uncompromised killing power. (Leo really wonders about that part.)
Mikey's is Ponyo! It's a movie about transitioning between worlds, leaving behind the magical for the human, and finding unconditional love and acceptance there. Since Mikey loves video games, I hc that he favours animation over 'real life' media. That combined with his attraction to the human world, and desire to engage with it, means this is the perfect fit for him! Also the movie is downright gorgeous I mean honestly. A close second is Lilo and Stitch cause it has similar themes, and also aliens! Who doesn't love aliens?
Okay so for Raph there's an obvious answer, cause he canonically admires Vin Diesel. Except, and hear me out here - Ice Age. First of all it's a found-family movie and you can't tell me Raph isn't a fan of found family, it's literally what the turtles are. It's also about three random weirdos bonding, and one of said weirdoes changing from secretly-a-bad-guy to nearly-died-protecting-family. But also can I make it canon that the Vin Diesel appreciation is not because of any of the action movies? It's because of The Iron Giant. He cried over that movie I know it in my heart listen to me Nickelodeon-
Leo's is, ironically, a Vin Diesel movie. The Fast and The Furious, to be exact! He'd be the family car guy if it weren't for the fact that Donnie won't let anyone touch the turtle tank. As it is, he finds shiny cars very cool, even if there are parts in the later movies that he thinks are. Kinda stupid. It's part of the appeal, that boy's too uptight, he needs to relax by liking kinda-dumb action movies that heavily emphasize family bonds. He's also a huge fan of I Love Lucy because Splinter would let Leo watch it with him while the others were busy with their own things. As a treat for me, he likes the Transformers movies and sometimes calls April 'Mikaela' and everyone looks at him like he's an idiot. He needs to be a lil stupid sometimes it's good for him.
Family movie nights often involve superheroes of some kind. Sky High, Avengers, Megamind, Men In Black. Leo has a list of inaccurate sci-fi movies that will make Donnie yell at the tv because the rest of them think it's funny how worked up he gets. Mikey has a list of 100 top movies that he insists on going through to learn about human culture. They all get really invested in Leverage at one point. Once Donnie made them sit through a documentary about turtles and they threw popcorn at him through the whole thing. They watch a lot of basketball and also the security cameras at Central Park Zoo! Raph's favourite are the red pandas. Leo would not say this even under pain of death, but he likes watching the turtles. Mikey thinks it's cool that they let peacocks walk around and Donnie likes the snow leopard.
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sigmoon · 7 months
IM CACKLIJG BECAUSE YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHTaaa. The thing that attracts me the most to Dostoevsky is the fact that he writes everything in such a dramatic and over the top way. Every time I read his books, I notice that there's 3 pages worth of him trying to portray something as short as "yeah, he was really anxious," and I adore that. And I swear to you his books or classical literature in general has a way to be absolutely hilarious regardless of how serious the situation they are trying to portray is
I've gotten into classic literature 4-5?? years ago because of school and I actually started off reading classical literature written by people from my country as part of social studies and history so that was fun but a little hard for me to comprehend since I'll be honest, I don't speak my native language all that much
Currently, I'm reading White Nights. The book I bought was a book that had multiple of his small stories (including white nights) and Notes from Underground, but I'm already itching to start reading it already. My parents got me a THICK STACK of Dostoevsky books that I plan to read and I'm saving brothers Karamazov for last since it's extremely long and I've been too busy lately to focus on reading so I don't want to ruin the experience for me by reading then stopping for a long period of time
And honestly, maybe Dostoevsky has gotten it all figured out. There's something about jaded, morally frustrated, depressed, anxious, and anti-social men who have a chokehold on me, AND I GET IT, BUT I DONTT IS IT BECAUSE THEY'RE GENTLE??? Either way, reading crime and punishment made me realistically think about it, and I've come to the conclusion that if I was in Raskolinkovs position, I honestly think I would've done a good job acting normal after it but the anxiety I'd feel would've been x10000 worse than his
Dostoesvky has been one of the only classical authors I've read so far that combines so many different themes like nihilism, optimism, pessimism, religion, socialism etc. I read that he also had struggles with his religion, but he ultimately was an avid Christian, and he writes about all these things in his books. But I'm planning to dip my toes into Leo Tolstoy and Nabokov
SORRY IF THIS WAS LONG AHH, my friends don't read Dostoevsky, mostly other authors, SOOO ♡♡
Aaaahhh I’m sorry for my late reply, I read through your ask but I didn’t get to answer yet!
First of all, I don’t mind long asks or people talking about their interests, especially if I share them :3
What you said about Dostoyevsky’s writing being over the top and dramatic— I love that! Raskolnikov fainting five times a day? Sweet, and I’m not sure if I would handle the agonies of the guilt after a double murder more graceful than he did. Dimitri Karamazov holds really long monologues as well, and they’re sometimes really moving and beautiful and sometimes it’s just…yeah…you’re bitchless, we get it (/lovingly).
I’m so glad you perceive his works or other classics as funny as well, because the few people I’ve told that C&P or notes made me giggle while reading gave me that 0_0 look and asked how something so dark can be funny (but it is! Whether that was intended or not.) God, you have to read notes from the underground, I love the MC so much, he reminds me of an angry cat who scratches and hisses at people for no apparent reason but actually needs to be wrapped in a blanket, made some tea and given some head pats (bad example, don’t feed your cat tea…)
Overall, Dostoyevsky understands me like no other; him and mitski are the only ones who do.
And what is it with disheveled, greasy, depressed and anxious men with superior complexes that makes them so hot? They barely eat, they keep fainting, they don’t bathe, they’re antisocial…and they’re so sexy doing exactly that. When Raskolnikov said that he’s very busy with thinking— I felt that.
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lee-lucius · 7 months
Tickletober Day 8: Truth
Summary: Ikkaku and Yumichika's training session leads to the revelation of an unexpected truth.
Word Count: 1,788
I didn't post this yesterday, because I was rereading it for editing and realized I didn't really like it, so I just decided to redo the fic! But my first Bleach fic is finally here!!! I love Bleach (even if I'm barely into it so far lol), and these two especially! I hope you enjoy! 💙
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"And what exactly is the point of this?" Yumichika asked skeptically, watching as Ikkaku removed his zanpakutō, gently setting the blade down and stretching.
"Training, obviously."
"It's not as if you ever go all out fighting with me anyway. And it's not like some hand-to-hand practice ever hurt," he said, cracking his neck. "You ready?"
He rolled his eyes. Yes, that much was obvious. "Why bother training without our zanpakutōs? If you lose it in a fight, you're as good as dead."
Sighing, Yumichika got into his stance. "I suppose. Just try not to damage my beautiful face."
Ikkaku chuckled, "No promises."
Then he rushed at Yumichika, and the battle began.
They were fairly evenly matched, expertly delivering and evading blows. While Yumichika was slightly more agile, Ikkaku made up for it with his marginally superior strength. But combined with Ikkaku's greater experience and Yumichika's half-hearted attitude, it didn't take long for one to get an upper hand.
Before Yumichika even knew what hit him, his legs were swept out from under him, and landed on his butt with a loud thunk. 
"Pfft—is that all you got? If that's it, there really is no point training with you."
A vein bulged in Yumichika's forehead, but he took a deep breath, composing himself. Stress wasn't good for his complexion, and he was not going to let Ikkaku be the reason his beautiful skin was wrinkled.
"Then again, I don't know what I expected. You are only fifth in the company. There's just too large of a gap between us for you to be a challenge."
The vein was practically bursting now. He jumped to his feet, well aware that he was playing into Ikkaku's hands and letting his childish taunts get to him, but he had too much pride to stand there and take it.
"If that's how you're going to be, then I'll show you exactly what I'm capable of," Yumichika glowered, getting back into his stance. "I just hope you don't regret it, you ugly oaf."
He grinned, confident and satisfied, "As long as you don't regret it when I bust your pretty face in."
With that, Yumichika rushed at him, dodging a punch from Ikkaku. He attempted a kick at his sides, one Ikkkau easily blocked but it didn't matter, because Yumichika diverted, landing a punch square at his jaw.
"What were you saying?" He smirked.
However easy it was to rile up Yumichika, it was even easier with Ikkaku.
"Maybe you should shut up and focus instead," he growled, charging at Yumichika. 
Both of them were too stubborn to give up; the fight wore on until they were both tired and breathless. Their movements were slowed, weighed down by a fatigue that made it almost too easy for Ikkaku to grab his leg when Yumichika kicked at him again, gripping it tightly and yanking hard enough that Yumichika landed on his back with a strange sound.
A… laugh?
"Oi. What's so funny? You like losing that much?"
Even stranger was the flush on Yumichika's face, darker than it should be from overexertion. 
It took a few moments for him to formulate a response. "Or I find your ugly face that amusing."
Ikkaku stared at him skeptically, offering a hand to help him up. "Something wrong?"
He almost chuckled. Normally, Yumichika was a better liar than this. "You sure?"
A sigh. Then, "If I tell you, then you can't… tease me about it."
There really was something odd about this whole thing. Yumichika never made requests like that. The men in the Eleventh Company always fucked around with each other; "teasing," if you could call it that, was more than commonplace. And emotions were never much of a factor, not among their meat-headed, battle-frenzied men.
Something more serious than usual, then.
"Fine," he shrugged, trying for nonchalance.
"I'm…" the blush deepened, "a bit… sensitive there."
Yumichika wouldn't look at him, focusing on the floor instead. "You know."
"I don't."
He couldn't even imagine what would elicit this kind of reaction from his friend. Bashfulness didn't suit him.
"I'm ticklish."
Ikkaku stared at him for a long moment, trying to tell if he was serious or not. Did something as simple as that warrant all this?
He waited. There was no response. Just when he was about to ask if they wanted to return to their match, he noticed the anxious air around Yumichika. 
He kept staring at the floor, somehow looking almost expectant as he fidgeted with his sleeve.
Yumichika never fidgeted, or held his tongue.
An idea grew in Ikkaku's mind, but the question died in his throat. He had said that he wouldn't tease him, and Ikkaku wasn't one to break his word for no reason. Instead, with a devious plan in mind, he asked, "Ready for the next round?"
An affirmative. And, if Ikkaku wasn't mistaken, for a moment Yumichika appeared disappointed. He'd have to fix that.
Both settling into their stances, their fight began again. Only this time was different. Ikkaku had another goal in mind.
"Hehey!" He protested with a surprised giggle when Ikkaku reached out, poking his stomach instead of landing a hit.
"What?" He grinned, taking in Yumichika's own wobbly smile. "There's nothing wrong with exploiting your enemy's weakness."
"So you need to resort to dirty tricks to win."
His words were lightly scathing, but altogether forgotten when Ikkaku caught his fist, quickly jabbing at his underarm in a way that made Yumichika gasp and stumble.
"How have I never noticed this before?" He asked himself, marveling at his outlandish reactions. 
"Shuhut uhuhup!" Yumichika yanked his arm away, taking a few steps back until he was securely out of Ikkaku's reach. "What happened to training?"
"This is just another kind. Say… endurance training."
"Ikkaku," he said sharply—a warning. Then took another step back.
"Yumichika," he parroted with a teasing grin, taking his own step forward. 
Yumichika bolted. Ikkaku was hot on his heels.
He barely made it a foot before he was tackled to the ground, Ikkaku's fingers digging into his sides as he fell, grumbling out a curse in between his laughter.
Yumichika was his friend; Ikkaku had gotten to know him fairly well over the years, and he was fairly confident that despite Yumichika's protests, he didn't really mind the tickling. If anything, Ikkaku thought he liked it.
If he didn't, it would've been all too easy not to mention, and even easier for him to actually get away. Even now, he didn't bother putting up a fight.
Instead, he was practically curled up in a ball on the floor, squirming beneath Ikkaku. His hands were wrapped tightly around himself, as if he was trying to shield himself from the ticklish attack. His face was tucked into his neck, hair tousled, cheeks flushed, eyes crinkled, and lips stretched into a wide smile. 
It wasn't a bad look.
"Can't you feel yourself becoming stronger?" 
"Thihihis ihihisn't traihihing!"
"Sure it is," Ikkaku laughed, reaching down to squeeze at his knees.
He spasmed, unconsciously jerking his leg in a kick that hit Ikkaku in the stomach.
"Thahat's… mohore lihike it," he huffed, smirking.
"Now," Ikkaku growled, grabbing onto his leg like he had earlier, "it really isn't about training. I just want revenge."
"Ihihit wahahasn't my fahahulut!" He protested, shrieking when Ikkaku started pinching his thighs.
"What? You're saying it was my fault?" 
"Yehehehes?" It came out more unsure than he intended, but it was hard to think, let alone talk, when Ikkaku was jumping between his tickle spots, targeting anywhere he could reach with such a speed that Yumichika could hardly even try to escape from his torment.
"You're really asking for it now."
Begging was beneath Yumichika, but even if it wasn't, he didn't have the chance to plead for mercy before Ikkaku was digging into his stomach, making him squeal and laugh harder than he ever had in his life.
It didn't take much longer before Yumichika was a breathless, teary-eyed mess, and Ikkaku finally let him go. After his release, all he could do was fully curl up into a ball, wheezing and giggling and thinking about how awfully unbeautiful he must've looked in that moment.
Once he had mostly regained his breath, he glared at Ikkaku, who looked all too satisfied, hissing, "Not a wohord… to anyone."
"Fine with me," he shrugged, rising to his feet and once again offering a hand to help him up. "It can just be our secret."
Reluctantly, Yumichika accepted his assistance, wobbling slightly when he stood but managing to right himself. Quickly, he tried to fix his hair, realizing how awful he must look after all of… that. 
And, after an internal debate, he decided it wasn't worth asking Ikkaku if he could try using his shiny, bald head as a mirror, instead focusing on brushing the dust off of his uniform. 
"Training wasn't so bad, was it?"
"No, it wasn't. But what happened afterwards was shameful."
"You can't tell someone something like that without expecting them to try it out."
Yumichika decided not to dignify that with a response. "Now can you tell what the actual point of that idiotic training session was for?"
"You know I love a good fight. Captain's never interested, and I wouldn't even bother trying with Yachiru."
"You act like there are no other capable fighters in our company."
"They're nowhere near our level," he said, walking back over to their swords to pick up his discarded zanpakutō. "Besides, you never use your real power against me."
"There isn't much of a point using it while sparring."
But that was a dangerous thought. One Yumichika quickly pushed aside, focusing on sheathing his sword instead.
Yumichika joined him, and Ikkaku handed him his sword. Their hands were so close, only a few inches apart, and Yumichika imagined reaching closer, touching their pinkies together, and slowly, painfully slowly, inching closer and closer until Ikkaku wrapped his hand—the hand that had just been touching Yumichika so intimately; the one he never wanted to leave his skin—around his, interlocking their fingers, feeling the body heat emanating from his skin and the callouses from years of fighting.
"Still, this seemed like it'd be an equal way to fight." Ikkaku continued, almost annoyingly oblivious. 
"We can do this again sometime. As long as you focus on training instead of… that."
"Don't act like you didn't like it. And, I was nice, wasn't I? I barely even teased you about how ticklish you are," he smirked. "Yet."
"Be quiet," he demanded, turning away from the man who made his heart beat too fast in his chest. "And hope I don't decide to get my revenge."
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
i couldn't get behind the lesbian ending of lok because it felt like an ass-pull for representation after they both went for the same guy earlier, especially with the cattiness between the women before then. i also couldn't get behind kuvira because she was a cop, and because her character existing implied toph slept with a man (and was also a cop), especially when kuvira also went for men, romantically.
more than that, i'm bothered by the shitty plot, especially the way they threw out basically everything important to the world of atla. atla very strongly supported things like harmony with nature and portrayed much of industrialization as a bad thing for the world (due to both the harm it does to humans AND the harm it does to the environment), but the "better world" of lok is steampunk? only about 100 years or so have passed iirc, and the world has become a completely industrialized, westernized, capitalistic place. it's depressing. the destruction of the avatar cycle combining with that really grossed me out.
plot wise, it just felt infinitely less cohesive and controlled than atla. atla felt like it had things to say (many of them based around social justice and environmental justice), and built a strong story around those things without faltering for even a moment. lok felt like a sloppy anime that clumsily tried to forcibly inject social justice talking points into the plot. it's unfortunate because there are a few impressive character designs and concepts, and i would have loved an atla sequel following a female incarnation of the avatar (and actual, solid gay representation would be nice too), but it just failed to be anything actually impressive, imo.
on the downlow, i kind of feel it paved the way for the steven universe era of cartoons, where children's cartoons are heavily marketed to adults (who they rely on for an audience more than the actual kids the show is meant for) using nostalgic references and weirdly inserted social talking points and instances of representation that feel more like the creators are saying "LOOK HOW STUNNING AND BRAVE AND SUBVERSIVE AND PROGRESSIVE WE ARE" rather than actually trying to tell stories, convey messages they feel strongly about, or represent people authentically. i know a lot of right-wing people use that sort of argument in bad faith, but a lot of these pieces of media with gay representation or therapy talk make me feel like i'm a brand or a market audience rather than a normal type of person.
i couldn't get behind the lesbian ending of lok because it felt like an ass-pull for representation after they both went for the same guy earlier, especially with the cattiness between the women before then. i also couldn't get behind kuvira because she was a cop, and because her character existing implied toph slept with a man (and was also a cop), especially when kuvira also went for men, romantically.
Okay! One, you're right! the lebsian ending meant a lot to my coming out development, but i was literally trying to tell people, like, "didn't this shit feel a little rushed?" like, yes they did write to each other and all that and oh, asami said she liked korra's hair (you know, like girls do).
Two, I think you've got Kuvira and Lin mixed up, but your point is no less valid since I completely understand what you're saying. i think the move to turn toph into a cop was supposed to be a funny little "isn't that crazy that the most rebellious member of the group became a cop?" but it's like, yeah, it is crazy. Two point five? If you want to tell me that Toph isn't a lesbian, I might lose some support but I can kind of understand that. To me, Toph is just a tomboy who doesn't like to be restrained. But at the same time, I also don't think that woman is one to just have sex with a cop, have fucking kids, and ugh. Like, I understand they wanted the fun of writing the offspring of a fan favorite, but honestly? Maybe Lin and Suyin should have just been adopted under some strange circumstances because I have never been able to buy that Toph slept with a man. I think that woman cares about herself and helping out when need be.
Three! Kuvira and Lin being straight is another example that another anon said about the writers not being able to fully commit. You know damn well those women aren't straight and you damn sure didn't draw them for the osa gaze. THAT WAS FOR US.
more than that, i'm bothered by the shitty plot, especially the way they threw out basically everything important to the world of atla. atla very strongly supported things like harmony with nature and portrayed much of industrialization as a bad thing for the world (due to both the harm it does to humans AND the harm it does to the environment), but the "better world" of lok is steampunk? only about 100 years or so have passed iirc, and the world has become a completely industrialized, westernized, capitalistic place. it's depressing. the destruction of the avatar cycle combining with that really grossed me out.
I'll be honest, I wondered how they would go about portraying the future of this world since something that really drew me to it was the necessity of bending. To be a bender was a true boon in the original series. So much so that an entire city functioned off of it. I thought it was so cool the way the fire nation stole the concept of the hot air balloon and were able to create something arguably better around their bending. Bringing more tech advancements into the mix always felt like it would sort of ruin a little of that magic, and to me, it did. Seeing them driving and stuff, I was kind of flat faced. Like nah, what happened to the cool ass animals they ride on and stuff? It definitely took a little bit of the magic away. There had to have been a better way to push the plot into the future (if you really felt so inclined) without completely turning it over on its head.
plot wise, it just felt infinitely less cohesive and controlled than atla. atla felt like it had things to say (many of them based around social justice and environmental justice), and built a strong story around those things without faltering for even a moment. lok felt like a sloppy anime that clumsily tried to forcibly inject social justice talking points into the plot. it's unfortunate because there are a few impressive character designs and concepts, and i would have loved an atla sequel following a female incarnation of the avatar (and actual, solid gay representation would be nice too), but it just failed to be anything actually impressive, imo.
I stand by the fact that I liked the series, but people often think that means you can't talk crap about it at all, and that's simply not true. But this is. I think what I enjoyed about this continuation was the inclusion of more fight scenes. I liked seeing the different ways people used their bending. I've always loved that. I'm an action gal lmao. Plot wise, tho? I understand your point completely.
on the downlow, i kind of feel it paved the way for the steven universe era of cartoons, where children's cartoons are heavily marketed to adults (who they rely on for an audience more than the actual kids the show is meant for) using nostalgic references and weirdly inserted social talking points and instances of representation that feel more like the creators are saying "LOOK HOW STUNNING AND BRAVE AND SUBVERSIVE AND PROGRESSIVE WE ARE" rather than actually trying to tell stories, convey messages they feel strongly about, or represent people authentically. i know a lot of right-wing people use that sort of argument in bad faith, but a lot of these pieces of media with gay representation or therapy talk make me feel like i'm a brand or a market audience rather than a normal type of person.
Damn, that's true. The only thing I'll say is that I don't even really think it did that either. I can't tell you any lesson I learned or was told through LoK except "gay ok" and I already knew that.
You've got some really dope perspective, anon. <3
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killian-whump · 2 years
Top 10 Colin Moments...
Here they are!! My Top 10 Colin Moments!!!
Because, really, I have so many of them, I couldn’t narrow it down to only 5, because I’m me and also because, like, there’s two ways you could do this... You could do, like, Top Moments Where He Acted So Good or you could do Top Moments Where He Looked So Good or you could do Top Moments That I Like for Stupid Reasons That Are Still Somewhat Valid Because Personal Choice Is a Subjective Thing and You Don’t Always Have to Have Important Reasons for Liking Something, You Know... and I could go on and on!
SO! I’m doing my Top 5 Colin Moments from a “This impressed me” perspective and my Top 5 Colin Moments from a “I just really like this” perspective. Some of them overlap. Most don’t. Let’s go!!!
TOP 5 COLIN MOMENTS (performance-wise)
5. You Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me
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I have some complex love-hate feelings about The Rite itself, but one thing I unequivocally love is this scene. The slight eyeroll, the eyebrow twitch, the dialogue... Michael Kovak has had enough of these fucking frogs in his motherfucking hotel room. This scene puts Colin’s greatest strengths to good use. It’s adorable. It’s relatable. It’s understatedly funny. And if he’d been allowed to be this charming and likeable throughout the entire film, I have no doubt that America would’ve absolutely fallen in love with him. Alas, he wasn’t and they didn’t... but this scene, especially when compared to the rest of the film, perfectly illustrates the “certain something” that Colin undoubtedly has.
4. This Fucking Coward
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I really think Colin’s acting in Storage 24 gets brushed aside too often. Yeah, yeah, I know; it’s a budget indie horror flick, it’s not a serious work... blah, blah, blah. Screw that. As ridiculous as the entire premise is (like all horror flicks) and as unimpressive as the film as a whole is, Colin streaks through this film thoroughly convincing the audience of two things: (1) he’s an asshole and (2) he’s scared out of his fucking mind. Most impressive is the scene above, where Mark’s fear overwhelms him to the point that he makes his most reprehensible decision yet. If Colin was a woman, I swear this role would’ve seen him getting endless offers for more (and better) horror flicks and he could’ve been the next latest hottest Scream Queen - because giving believable terror is a prerequisite for that job. But scared men in horror flicks are usually just side roles of someone’s nerdy friend who’s in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets killed off in the film’s one “comedic death” scene after a combined 7 minutes on film. It wasn’t a useful performance, so it gets ignored. But dammit, you guys, it was a good performance. Dude was fucking scared.
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Look. I’m a connoisseur of whump. I watch a lot of it. I’ve seen tons of actors perform whump scenes. I’ve seen good acting, bad acting, and every flavor in between. So please believe me when I tell you that Colin does an absolutely amazing job with almost all of his whump scenes - and especially the ones in the Underworld arc of OUAT - and extra especially in the scene the GIF above is from. Drooling blood is something that is almost always NOT commendable, impressive, OR sexy - and yet, it’s all three of those things when Colin does it in those scenes. We also get winces, shudders, trembling, and even a bonafide whimper of all things. That man acted his fucking ass off in a scene where many, many actors would’ve phoned it in and let the stage blood do the talking for them. Believe me, I know this stuff - and if my lot in life is to be the weirdo that continually reminds the world how good Colin O’Donoghue is at portraying half-dead guys in bloody peril, I’M OKAY WITH THAT.
2. Dark Colin Rises...
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I really think Colin did some of his best acting in the JJ Sneed episode of Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings. It really did a great job of showing off his derring ‘do... and his ability to flip on a dime and go from inspiring “what a charming rapscallion” responses to “holy shit I’m in danger” ones. I got literal chills the first time I saw JJ Sneed and he went full-on nasty on his cohort for the first time. Granted, we’ve seen Colin go dark in other roles (sometimes literally, hey-oooo), but JJ Sneed brought us some of the most realistic and unapologetic darkness we’ve seen - and Colin nailed it really well. Chills, I tell you people! Chills! This is precisely the kind of role Colin’s perfect for - and he nailed it so well.
1. The Entirety of His Role as Captain Hook
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Look. Cheating is what I do, and I’m doing it right now, and if you didn’t expect me to do it, I mean, that’s really on you, isn’t it? But in all fairness, I’m not entirely cheating here anyway, because this entry isn’t about the individual scenes - it’s about the fact that he didn’t just play a role here; he built another whole human being that is so profoundly loved and understood by so many people that he lives on to this day in our memories and our hearts, and continues to have adventures in fanworks and lore. And it’s all the more impressive because Hook is so different from Colin himself in a lot of ways. Where Hook is ostentatious, bawdy, and confrontational... Colin is shy, considerate, and too nice to be an actual human being. My money’s on “angelic cherub that fell off a cloud, got amnesia, and was raised as a person.” but that’s a subject for another day...
TOP 5 COLIN MOMENTS (personal taste)
5. My Crazy-Ass Son
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It might not be his best role. It might not be the best movie. But dammit, I love this completely batshit crazy character. Maybe it’s that I’m still pretty sure they had him step on a bear trap in the beginning of the film just so I could watch Colin wince and limp through the rest of the film. Maybe it’s the deep “monsters aren’t born, they’re made” philosophy of it all. Maybe it’s that he’s endearingly oblivious to his own evil anna’s disinterest proper marriage procedure everything. Maybe the jokes are too good. Maybe he just looks hot killing people. I dunno. I just adopted him for some reason, and woe be the person who tries to diss my crazy-ass son, ‘cos I fucking love him.
4. Detective Rogers
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Here’s the thing. Colin did an amazing job acting like someone entirely unlike himself for 6+ seasons. Then, in the seventh season, he got a chance to create a cursed version of an alternate reality version of that same character and... he gave us this. And I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think Rogers took as much work for him to portray as OG Hook did, because he injected more of himself into Rogers - answering the age-old question of “What if you took Hook’s sexiness and combined it with Colin’s natural cupcakey goodness?” Now, do I think Rogers took expert acting chops to present to us? No. But do I love him with the burning passion of a thousand suns because he’s got more Colin in him than anyone else he’s played? Yes. Yes, I do. I would throw small children off a moving train for this man, but he would never ever ask me to, because he is a pure and precious peanut and I love him. (And yes, I’m cheating again. What are you going to do about it, huh? Just try and stop me.)
3. The Words
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I mean... Come on. If you don’t spontaneously turn into a thirteen-year-old girl and start giggling and blushing like crazy every time you watch this, I don’t know you. It’s the Mountain Lodge Candle of music videos. You don’t actually need a man in your life; you just need to watch this video and know you’ve experienced the best that the male species has to offer you.
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Netflix probably still has my account flagged as “That nutter who watched the same two episodes of a 7 season series over and over and over again without ever watching any of the other episodes”.
1. Colin Himself
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Colin’s managed to do the one thing no other living actor or actress has ever managed to do in my 43 years of life on this planet - he’s amused, delighted, and impressed me enough off screen that it’s out-weighed the value of his work in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love the work - and I want more of it! - but the man himself is just as enjoyable to me. Be it interviews or selfies or “!!!” tweets or dominating at trivia/games or whatever-it-is-he’s-up-to, I just get a kick out of the guy. He’s fun. He’s silly. He's kind. He makes me smile. I hope we make him smile sometimes, too :)
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
the mbti dating chart is a whole bunch of bs. im an estj(my functions are te-si-ne-ti-ni-fi-fe and rest assured the fe is NOT used at all) 3w4 361(tritype) and i HATE istps. i mean i dont hate them but… you get me. especially male istps act so damn cocky all the time. females are usually chads i love them hehe. but anyways i was saying i LOVE enfps so much. only the real ones tho, the internet is filled with ppl who take the 16personalities.com test(for those who dont know, that test sucks balls. whether ur room is tidy or not doesnt determine perceiver/judger, go read about cognitive functions pls) and adopt the “enfp fun girlie😙✌🏻” attitude(i hope ur not one of them.)
the main thing that rules out any kind of mbti romantic compatibility is that, all people are different. all people use their functions to different extents, in different ways, different combinations, and their enneagrams are different. also your expectation from romantic partners. i for one, expect my partner to have significant differences from me, so im more into se doms(esxp types). but things dont always work out like that. i love my enfp sister to death but cant get along well much with my entj(se user) sister. dont think too hard about mbti, its just for fun and to analyze the reasonings of peoples behaviours, rooted in the way theyve built their personality since they were kids. have a nice day babeeee
Nah it's ok luv, I get it!! I just thought the article was fun and it low key boosted my ego a little, that's why I wanted to share it! 😂 People who take MBTI so seriously are really annoying, especially when they shove down your throat how much of an (insert mbti type) they are. And almost all of my friends should, in theory, be "incompatible" with me because a good bunch of them are xNTP.
YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT ISTP MEN, THOUGH OH GOD, arrogant assholes, all of them!! I do think it's funny how people are down bad for ISTP women but not for men! 😂
As for me I personally thought that I was an INFP for YEARS but someone who is more knowledgeable in that field very kindly explained to me as to why they think I'm an ENFP and I found myself agreeing on absolutely everything they said and no, they didn't just mention the messy and cheerful stereotype that's often attributed to that type. I sincerely hope you don't see me as a fake-
I personally noticed that I'm really attracted to xNFJ and xNTJ types but honestly, all of the types of hot. You just gotta pick which one you prefer in the end!
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
Spiritually succeeding this other post, I'm here once again to go on and on about some things I see outside my little protective bubble, and while the language barrier prevents me from knowing bnha's actual target audience's (i.e. young japanese men) thoughts on things, as always reading those of its western equivalent is... an experience
I always go back to this BUT the fact that Midoriya can (and will) bring himself to the extreme should he believe it to be necessary has always been a recurring theme, and his "recent" rogue arc is something that encapsulated this very well. And it was incredible [with negative connotations] to see readers rejoice for it, and complain when class 1A intervened to get him back on track again
Whenever Midoriya got like that, Horikoshi made it a point to highlight how irresponsible it was, how unfair to himself he was being, and up until that arc everyone had agreed. So why is it that him destroying his body made him a dumbass who needed to get his shit together, but then suddenly him isolating himself and shutting everyone out made him cool and badass?
And in general what I'd like to do is grab these guys by the shoulders, look them in the eye and just. I promise you that masculinity is not just red meat, muscles, and sweat. Midoriya is a Boy and he's Sensitive and Awkward And That's Okay, any other man who likes bnha and isn't as insecure as you are has no problem with this, you are making up a Flaw to be angry about
Then there's Bakugou, a character whose arc has been incredibly emotion-driven, which isn't as common for male characters in shounen, and what made it stand out even more is what kind of emotions it has involved and towards whom, which again is something that sets him apart from the usual "bad boy who eventually turns good" archetype
Many guys dislike Bakugou because his current relationship with Midoriya betrays any "bullied person never forgives and/or takes revenge on they bully" power fantasy, but I recently read a comment that brought up the similarities between these people's attitude towards him and the one that they have towards female characters from other shounen manga (calling him a bitch, commenting on the way his development has taken place for how unusual it has been, arguing whether he's actually important or useful to the story), which I know may sound absurd at first, but it did get me thinking
God knows I simply refuse to entertain any thoughts™ on what Horikoshi has in mind, but narratively speaking - especially lately so - his role has been one that's stereotypically associated with female characters more so than with male ones* (love interests specifically, but again: you will never have me, Hope) (always worrying for the protagonist more than anyone else, evoking protectiveness and possessiveness from the protagonist, the protagonist acting and reacting to what is said and done to them specifically, being individually targeted for their closeness to the protagonist, etc), and after having read that comment it has been interesting to notice a small but still very real subset of dudebros, not that it has been a good thing
[*: obviously it's very misogynistic that the things I listed are almost exclusively associated with female characters to begin with and that it's surprising for a male character to be put in that spot for once, No One Is Arguing Against This. If anything, this shines some light on the fact that the world of shounen manga (and not only that tbh) would benefit from novelties like this one since people are acting like clowns over it]
While most of them (dudebros) still refuse to acknowledge how close Bakugou is to Midoriya, there's a minority that... has a funny way of indirectly acknowledging this, because of a combination of see: above reasons and see: homophobia. I don't really think that it's a coincidence that whenever something bkdk flavoured becomes popular, among the various kinds of hate comments, a number of people always comment that Midoriya isn't gay. Midoriya, not necessarily Bakugou as well
Horikoshi managed to go beyond quite a few stereotypes with Bakugou's character arc (ironic when you compare it to someone else's but I digress, this conversation specifically isn't about her), so it is sad to see people turn it into a chance to be bigoted towards other fans, because obviously all the comments they make aren't merely in "defense" of the characters themselves, but they're meant to be read by and hurt the often queer fans who share their theories/headcanons/interpretations etc
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Oddly, not here about your fics...or even to scream over a certain 7 men. I...I...need your help with Pokemon, wiyllt. The Metacritic/user score for Scarlet/Violet is supposedly extra low? It is on my kid's (and husband's!) holiday list. Still worth it? Ignore the haters and still go catch 'em all? 💢 Ah, ty!
lmao, who cares about those dumbass reviewers, buy the game! It's great for both new and older players. The storyline is better than Galar (Gen 8, the previous generation). You can choose your own adventure and explore all you want (well, you might hit a roadblock if the Pokémon are too high level but you live and learn and can always go back to beat 'em up later hehe). The raids are fun, especially if your kid and husband are tackling them together. It's cute, it's bright, it's cheesy, and it reminds / teaches people an important lesson.
Find something you treasure and hold onto it closely. :)
I like Pokémon games because you can make them as difficult or as easy as you want. You get to decide the difficulty. You can think deeply about Pokémon types, movesets, team building, even calculate the math of how much damage you'll do in a particular matchup - or not, just overlevel the crap outta your partners and wreck everybody LOL
Pokémon games shouldn't be taken too seriously in terms of graphics. I've seen people complain about the coding mishaps and, while the lag / odd positioning errors is true, a child is only going to think lag is funny as hell. Adults who complain about lag... go work for Game Freak and code it yourself. XD I thought phasing through walls and poor Pokémon getting trapped in fences was hilarious but maybe that means I'm childish, oop
to adults who say Pokémon is "too easy"... yeah, bro, it's for KIDS, you have to do some thinking to make it fun for yourself, duh *rolls eyes*
I would even go so far to say that this is my second favorite generation of Pokémon (my favorite is Gen 5, Black+White, that storyline is unmatched). They combine the 3 storylines at the end and you go towards the climax of the story with the friends you made along the way (aww I mean, ew, gross (-ㅅ-)! ).
I even ended up liking a character I really hated at first lol
I think the biggest letdown is that your "rival" is kind of... boring? Two-dimensional? The Champion is also not that interesting or strong (in my opinion). I like the other characters a lot more. As an adult, when you read the dialogue of the Gym Leaders and other adult characters, you'll realize "I know someone irl just like that", Pokémon's subtle nod to realizing their fanbase is growing up, which is pretty cool.
I was about to go into a rant analyzing the Pokédex of this generation but then I realized you probably haven't played every generation like my psychopathic self so I'll just say there's a good mix of cute / cool / visually pleasing / hilarious and statistically good Pokémon. :D Get the double pack. The Pokémon on the cover is the one you'll be travelling on, so have your kid and husband fight about which is cooler hehe
also Scarlet+VIolet sold 10 million units in the first 3 days of release, I think these reviewers are just haters :P
I could rant about Pokemon for hours so I'll stop here to spare you... until someone gets me started again lol
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