#this is a mess of a oneshot
pastelsandpining · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 400!!! do with this what you will 😈
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
you did this to yourself beloved <3
thank you for the request!! and thank you to my beta @ladyhoneydee !!
warnings: blood, major character death, themes of guilt and grief
Masterlist | 400 Requests
The world burned.
Crimson and amber painted the sky, dappled the trees, traced every blade of grass that met the naked eye. Embers waltzed amongst spires of smoke, climbing higher and higher into the ashen air. He could remember the look of the world when he emerged; remembered that initial glimpse of cerulean blue through the crack in the surface, the sway of greenery in a gentle breeze, the way his chest expanded with his first greedy breath of fresh air. It had burned in his lungs then, stung his eyes to tears, but he couldn’t get enough. Now, the earth looked nothing like those memories. His own hand had set everything ablaze.
And just there, in the midst of the crumbling architecture—mortal talent, wasted—and charred ground, laid this world’s protector. It was she who kept the earth alive; whose breath made the tide of the oceans rise and sink; whose touch caused flowers to blossom and trees to sprout; whose song brought comfort and warmth, like a lullaby brings to a babe; whose heartbeat was the reason for the chase between the sun and the moon. Hylia, she was called, and she’d been the first to greet him when his King split the ground she walked on.
She’d been kind. She must not have known that creatures like him did not deserve kindness.
He did not know what compelled him to move. He could only guess that it was guilt driving his feet forward, one foot in front of the other, towards the crumpled figure. He moved with an urgency that did not belong; he’d known that this was going to happen. He’d known that the outcome meant she was going to be hurt. Demise was not merciful to those that he loathed, and Hylia, in all of her goodness and power, was what he hated most. Yet nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited. 
Her once white dress was stained with golden ichor. She was nearly unmoving, curled into herself in a last attempt to conserve energy. Her skin was pale, as if all the color had been drained from it, and her golden hair was in tangles and knots sprawled over the sooty ground. Still, the sight of her was so beautiful that it took his breath away. 
He knelt by her side, his arms gentle and careful as he cradled her body between them. 
“Hylia,” he murmured; speaking her language had always felt off on his tongue. “My goddess…”
She turned her head. Despite it all, her lips curved into a comforting smile. One of her hands lifted and pressed to his cheek. Her fingers slipped in the ichor; it was warm and smooth. He was not accustomed to many emotions, but he understood those that hit him so suddenly, right then and there, to be grief and utter guilt. The heart that she’d unearthed from the depths of his chest wrenched. 
“I’m so sorry,” he told her, dropping his head to hers. Her breathing sounded as ragged as it felt. “I’m so sorry.”
“You were not the one to strike me,” Hylia spoke. Her voice was barely audible over the roaring of the wind. 
“Don’t,” he begged, clutching the fabric of her dress. He’d always thought white was too bright of a color; now, he would give anything to see it pure again. “Don’t. I led him to you. I do not deserve your kindness.”
“My love, do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?”
And it hurt. It was agony, the way his chest ached and hands began to shake. He did not think it was possible that someone could be so good, good enough to forgive him for his sins. He’d led the Demon King to her, knowing what he would do, because it was what he’d been created for. He’d hated himself for it upon meeting her and had loathed his existence ever since. He held her tighter, one hand lifting to hold the slipping hand of hers against his face, and a new warmth ran over his skin: tears. “I..” But he could not even say that he loved her. Would it mean anything if he did? After all he’d done? He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to bid the evidence of his sorrow to stay beyond the floodgates, but nothing could stop them now. He’d done this to her. Demise would always know where she was, because wherever she went, his obedient servant would follow.
“I know.”
“I will kill him myself,” he swore, but Hylia’s sad smile suggested it meant very little. “He will get to you first,” she told him. They both knew it. He swallowed. 
“I deserve what comes to me.”
She looked at him now with something different. Pity. Like what he’d said had somehow hurt her, too. She was too good to agree with him, even if they should both call it true.
“You are not what Demise made you to be,” she murmured, and her hand moved to rake through his hair. The gesture was comforting, once upon a time. Now, it felt like he was being set aflame. Maybe he was. 
“I killed you,” he said weakly. Her smile became something wry.
“Gods do not die,” she told him, and he tried his hardest to convince himself that it was true. Gods did not die, but those like him were sent back to the depths of hell over and over again, and he wished nothing more than for her to serve him that fate on a rancid platter. He did not deserve to be anywhere else, or have death reach out to him kindly. He was born to be and would die a traitor; he only longed for it to be by her hands. It was fitting.
The sky was dark when Hylia fell still. Maybe she would recover in time; maybe what she had said was true: gods could not be killed.
But he laid her body with the flowers and decided he would find out for himself whether or not a god could die.
He would begin with the Demon King himself.
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mangekyuou · 2 months
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★ the new intern portgas d. ace, my beloved.
cw: nsfw. f!reader. afab!reader. ace is from the south idk. takes place in the states for some reason again idk. i was just writing lmaoo. reader wears a skirt. not proofread. hear me out. MINORS DNI.
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── intern!ace who has recently started his internship at your company you have only been at for almost a year. mentoring him is somehow pushed onto you despite any of your colleagues being here longer than you and having much more experience in mentoring. you’ve never done this before. you try your absolute damnedest to get out of it but no one seems interested in relieving you of the responsibility. so best of luck to you
── intern!ace who is unlike anything you’ve seen before. why would a rowdy man start an internship at an office where he’d just be behind his desk or in meetings all day?
── intern!ace who never went anywhere without that distractingly bright orange hat.
── intern!ace who has a southern drawl about him, you aren’t surprised to learn he comes from somewhere down south. he has a special way of speaking that you, born and raised up north, struggled with understanding his creative idioms.
── intern!ace who you could always hear before you could see whether it was his loud mouth or the loud clicking of those ostrich skin square toe boots he was so proud of covered by his long trousers. they were louder than your heels.
── intern!ace who has a load of questions and is at your office door every five minutes. you’ve even started to recognize him by his knock. he always greeted you with a wooden toothpick between his plump lips.
── intern!ace who is a very respectful man who cares a lot about honorifics. that’s how he was raised. you are his mentor, his senior. he can’t just call you by your name. what kind of man would he be? you have become, miss.
── intern!ace who is very friendly, very touchy, but sweet as candy. you chalked it up to southern hospitality that you have yet to experience. when you’re explaining something, he stands extra close, he’s almost touching you. when you’re coming in, he jogs in front of you to hold open the door. when you fix the problem he has, he compliments you. he always looks so amazed when in just a few clicks everything is fixed. you’re like his superhero.
── intern!ace who has made it a habit to eat with you. or wait to take his lunch until you’re done. you’re like his only friend in the office and he likes eating with you.
── intern!ace who gets onto you about forgetting your lunch and eating fast food all the time. a woman like you deserves a homecooked meal he’s made it a habit to bring you an extra lunch. he does it so much, he’s even got you your own lunchbox that’s your favorite color.
── intern!ace who doesn’t leave the office until you leave. he could be done for hours but he still wants to walk you to your car to make sure you get there safely. plus what if you get lonely being the only one in the office?
── intern!ace who worries that you overwork yourself only to never be recognized. he’s only been here a month and a half and he’s already noticed it. he is always ready to remind you that you’re too good for this job and that they don’t deserve you or your time.
── intern!ace who looks a little different. dressed in a tight white button-down that looked like he was going to pop out of any second. were his arms always that big? was his chest always that broad? what did he look like without the shirt on? was he hiding more freckles under there?
── intern!ace who isn’t a fool. he may have been born at night but it damn sure wasn’t last night. he sees how you’re eyeballing him, undressing him with your eyes. he’s flattered. he’s always thought you were a beauty too, pretty as a peach, hotter than a fire in july.
── intern!ace who once again doesn’t leave with everyone else, he stays to keep you company. though this time he is bold enough to stay with you in your office until you’re ready to go. he’s distracting you with his presence alone. how are you supposed to finish when he’s sitting there with the top buttons of his shirt undone because it’s a little warm in here? he sprawled out on the chair, his legs open and his hat resting over his face because he wanted to 'rest his eyes'. you never noticed how built he was…how nice and lonely his lap looked. maybe it was kinda warm in here.
── intern!ace who hears you shuffle in your seat and hears you call out to him. he sits back up, taking his hat off of your face. you ask for his help, something you’ve never done before. he’s honored. he steps behind your desk to see the problem, to see exactly what you’re stuck on. it’s something simple, something you’ve helped him with before. why were you struggling now? maybe you wanted to test his knowledge, maybe you wanted to have him closer.
── intern!ace who stands behind your chair, reaching over the side of you to grab the mouse while his other strong hand rests on the back of your chair. you take on his warm, heavenly scent. it was intoxicating, you could hardly focus, and you hadn't heard a word he uttered.
── intern!ace who must come even closer, to actually finish your report so he can use the keyboard. he is particularly towering over you as he types so slowly. the tension in the room was so high. you cross your legs making your skirt ride up your thighs a little. with your eyes stuck on your monitor, you fail to watch him bite down on his lip.
── intern!ace who steps back to let you send your report to the boss before spinning your chair around to face him. there is one more work-related question he needs to ask you before you go home for the night.
── intern!ace who is a liar. it’s not work-related at all. he just wanted to be dramatic.
── “can i kiss you? i’ve been wanting to for a while now. it’s been killing me not to”
── intern!ace who barely lets the word yes fade into the air before he’s captured your lips on his in a passionate kiss. he kissed you like a desperate man, like a man who has waited god knows how long.
── intern!ace whose hands fiddle with your top, unbuttoning it just enough to reveal your bra and remove the tie you wore to work today.
── “i love me a businesswoman in a tie. you’re the boss here tonight, miss”
── intern!ace who wants you to take the reins, to take charge, to take what you want from him tonight. anything you wanted you could have.
── intern!ace who followed your every command with “yes ma’am” that sent shivers down your spine.
── intern!ace who finds his face place to be is in between your legs, with your tie tied tightly around his wrists behind his back. your fingers locked into his hair as you pushed him as far as he could go into your sopping wet cunt that has already drenched the lower half of his face.
── “like this, miss?”
── intern!ace with a praise kink. he loves hearing you tell him how good he’s treating you. looking up at you through hooded eyes as he waits for your praise. it sends chills down his spine and makes his cock twitch and leak in his pants.
── intern!ace who doesn’t know how you got even hotter with his hat on top of your head, your face contorted in pleasure, your shirt unbuttoned and your little skirt pulled up to your waist. it was a picture that was never going to leave his mind. from now on, you had to wear his hat more often.
── intern!ace who has an oral fixation. he’s attached his plump lips to your throbbing bundle of nerves yet again like a starved man with his eyes closed in delight. he moaned and hummed against you. he loved how your body trembled underneath his tongue as you came for him yet again. he lapped up all of your juices without fail like you were his favorite meal.
── intern!ace who whines when you pull him off your cunt.
── intern!ace who loves it when you take ownership over him. he’s your intern. he's your boy. he’s your baby, only yours and he’ll do whatever it takes to please you. he wants to hear you say it. he needs to hear you say it when he’s got you over your desk, balls deep into your pussy, fucking you like he’s in heat as you hold onto your tie that’s wrapped around his neck. say he’s your baby when he’s fucking this rough, this deep. say you own all of him, as his balls slap against your tight, creamy cunt.
── intern!ace who only cums after you because your pleasure is first. he only cums when you tell him to. he needs to kiss you when he does, emptying his load deep into your pussy, something he wasn’t supposed to do. he lets you pull on the tie one more time for good measure since he couldn’t behave.
── intern!ace whose oral fixation comes back to bite you in the ass when he’s already back on his knees to lap up all of his cum out of your sensitive cunt.
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MANGEKYOU 2024 ── do not copy, repost, or translate my works onto this platform or any other !
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houseofripley · 3 months
Can you do a rhea x fem!reader story where rhea and reader are in Highschool and have both had feeling for eachother for the longest time and both haven’t confessed but all that changes because rhea ask reader to prom and they end up kissing and it leads to something else (ifykyk😏) (smut n a lil bit of fluff too🙏)
Starry Prom Night
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
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WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT, Kissing, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Scissoring, Praise, Cheek Cupping & Kissing Galore, INSANE PLOT BUILDING FOR NO REASON LOL SORRYYYYYY IM A YEARNER (im serious this is like 67% plot building)
A/N: this is just pure sapphic yearning on my end LMAO anyways anon i had so much fun writing this even though its all over the place!!!
also can you tell where i got impatient with all the plot building lol
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“Rhea, I seriously don’t know how many more of these cheesy signs I can’t take. I think I’m gonna go insane.” You grunted, rolling your eyes to the back of your head. 
Prom season was in full swing. It was third period and you had just witnessed what had to have been the seventh promposal of the day. This year would be the mark of your and your best friend, Rhea’s senior prom. Senior prom was a date thousands of dreamed about, wanting to show up and show out one last time before waving goodbye to their highschool years. 
Every girl except you and Rhea. You both despised the thought of prom. Why would any sane person spend hundreds of dollars on an outfit just to spend their night drenched in sweat in the school gymnasium? 
Fuck that!
“Romeo O Romeo! Will thou spend your Saturday night with I, drinking punch next to the locker rooms?” Rhea mocked, elbowing your arm. 
You shook your head, pressing your lips together trying to keep your laughter silent. The commotion of classmates was soon drowned out by thoughts as your eyes met Rhea’s, causing your tightened lips to curl into a small smile.
Rhea’s blue eyes never failed to warm you. Everytime you gazed into those beachy eyes you were brought back to the day you first met the girl. Seventh grade, first period, language arts. A quiet blonde girl sporting a Pierce The Veil shirt was assigned to sit next to you. Nobody knew anything about the girl besides the fact she had just moved basically across the globe. You spent the entire period thinking of what you could possibly say to her, because what do you even say to a kid that was just relocated from South Australia all the way to some shitty suburban town? 
“Cool shirt.” 
And it fucking worked somehow. You were immediately attached to her hip. The two of you grew closer with each day that passed. You were inseparable. She was everything to you. Sleepovers every weekend. ‘Study’ sessions that were spent play fighting with each other. Singing pop-punk songs at the top of your lungs till your throats were raw. Dying your hair the same shade of blue at three in the morning. She was even at your side while your parents scolded you the morning after for said blue hair. 
Jesus Christ. Lost in her eyes again? Snap out of it already! 
“Yo, Alice in Wonderland, you okay?” Rhea playfully questioned, breaking your trance by poking at your thigh.
“Just…thinking. That’s all.” You softly chuckled. You were telling the truth, you were just thinking. Just thinking about her. Thinking about her touch, her hands, her pierced nose, her lips, her stupid cool shirts. 
“Jesus, someone’s eager to get out of here.” You laughed, trailing behind Rhea who was booking it over to her small black Lexus.
“Dude, can you blame me? It’s like everyone has some sort of prom fever. I am not letting it catch me.” Rhea complained, ducking into the vehicle. 
You made your way to the passenger side of the car before hopping into the seat next to Rhea. “I counted eighteen of those damn signs today.” You babbled, resting your arm on the center console before trailing on, diffusing the topic, “Anyways, let’s go thrifting or something. I don’t wanna go home.”
Rhea shrugged in agreeance before pulling out of her parking spot. She knew things were tough for you at home. You had recently come out as lesbian to your parents. They weren't unsupportive but they weren't exactly supportive at the same time which had built quite a bit of tension in the household. You came out to Rhea just about two years ago, who was more than supportive. She was your number one defender, always there to threaten whichever classmate that dared to ridicule you.
You knew absolutely nothing about Rhea’s sexuality. Hell, even Rhea knew nothing about her sexuality. She only knew one thing, that she liked you. She didn’t even know when she caught feelings for you, it was like the sentiments were there since the moment you first spoke to her. She hoped as time went on the flutters she’d feel for you would pass on but recently she couldn’t seem to even push the mere thought of you out of her head, it was killing her.
The drive to the nearest thrift shop was comfortably silent…silent if you ignored the Black Veil Brides cd Rhea had blaring…
Entering the store the pair of you let out scoffed laughs as the first thing catching your attention was a large display of second hand dresses. Shaking it out of your heads and ignoring it at first you carried on to wander the isles, grabbing whatever caught your eye to try on later although you’d inevitably end back up to the racks of long dresses. You weren't a big fan of dresses but you wanted to waste as much time as you possibly could, so you decided to browse the gowns with Rhea. 
She pulled a deep maroon dress, the form fitting glittered bodice was paired with a looser, more freeing skirt. “Try it on!” Rhea pushed, shoving the dress into your arms.
“I’d look so stupid in this.” You gave Rhea a bewildered look.
“Oh c’mon just try it!”
“Rhe’ when have you ever given a shit about this stuff?”
“Dude you’re the one that wanted to waste time here…” Rhea playfully scorned, diverting your question.
“Urgh, I hate when you’re right.” You huffed, shuffling towards the dressing room. 
“How ridiculous do I look?” You pouted, opening the door of the changing room before shuffling to the closest mirror.
Rhea stood behind you, peering over your shoulder as you silently studied yourself in the mirror. You looked at Rhea through the mirror as she opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself in her tracks. “I mean it’s cute but where in the world would I wear this?” You shrugged, adjusting the straps as Rhea chewed on her cheeks.
“Wear it to prom.” Rhea timidly broke her silence.
“Why would I go to prom, Rhe’? First of all it would be so lame and second of all I’d have nobody to go with. I’m just gonna put this back.” You mumbled, turning to make your way back into the changing room.
 A hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. “Go with me…” Rhea blurted out, sounding scared of her own words. Her statement caused you to turn to face her with a puzzled expression, Rhea herself even looked surprised at what she just said. Fearing your rejection she quickly added on, “Ya know, like as a joke and stuff. We can make it not lame…”
“As a joke?” Your heart that was skipping beats just seconds ago was immediately let down. 
“Yeah. It’s just a stupid idea we don’t hav-”
“No, let's go…as a joke.” You interrupted Rhea’s nervous deflection. “We’ve got nothing better to do.” You shrugged on watching Rhea’s anxieties fade into the distance as her classic cheeky smile crept upon her face.
After you swapped out of your dress you returned to Rhea who was holding up a silky black dress with a deep slit in the skirt. “This’ll work. I’m too lazy to try anything on.” She chuckled while shrugging.
“That's ballsy Rhe-Rhe.”
Tonight was the night, you were sat atop Rhea’s bathroom counter, finishing up your makeup while Rhea was shuffling around her closet searching for a pair of shoes. It had been four weeks since Rhea ‘asked’ you to prom and you simply couldn’t keep your mind off it. Although you two planned this whole thing as a joke, something shifted ever so slightly between the two of you, maybe it wasn’t a joke, who knows. Rhea had your heart in your throat at every moment and you were the topic of every thought that popped into Rhea’s head. More than ever the both of you were head over heels for each other, just terrified the other wouldn’t reciprocate those shared feelings.
Your parents were completely unaware you’d be attending prom. You had informed them you were staying with a friend before immediately storming off to Rhea’s house. Rhea’s parents hadn’t a clue either, they were under the impression tonight would be just another night of the two of you doing nothing for hours then sneaking out to go for a drive at three in the morning. There truly wasn’t much reasoning behind this secret, you guys just wanted to have this night for yourselves without pestering parents. 
“Urgh! At this point I’m gonna go barefoot!” You could hear yet another pair of shoes be tossed to the floor. You slid off Rhea’s counter, stepped out of her bathroom and over to her closet. She was already in her dress tearing through a pile of shoes on the floor. “What has gotten into you Rhe’?” You leaned against the doorframe laughing at the fact that Rhea of all people was stressing over shoes. 
 Rhea rolled her eyes ignoring your banter. “Would it make me a hipster if I wore converse?”
“Oh absolutely, I dare you!” 
“You know I will,” Rhea retorted, picking up a black pair of the canvas shoes.
You chuckled before turning to return to the bathroom, letting Rhea know you were gonna change. You got into your dress with ease up until you came to the zipper on the back. You groaned in annoyance, reaching behind to your back attempting to wiggle the zipper to no avail.
“Rhe’, can you help me real quick?” You asked while popping your head out the door.
“Hm? What’s up?” Rhea turned around and questioned before making her way up to you, trying to keep her gaze from falling down to the hand placed on your chest, keeping the dress from completely slipping from your body.
“Zippers stuck,” You pouted, turning around. Rhea’s hand swept across the base of your neck, sweeping your hair to the side. You watched her through the mirror as she began fumbling with the metal, ultimately getting it to slide up your back.
After an awkward exchange of bashful looks the two of you finished getting ready in each other's company. You sat next to Rhea slipping into your shoes while she tied off her converse, took a handful of polaroid pictures together, then eventually snuck out Rhea’s window to begin your hike to the school.
“Ouu! Ripley’s got a date!” Was whistled out by a classmate as you and Rhea made your way down the congested hallway, making Rhes roll her eyes.
“Shut up dickhead! We’re here as a joke.” Rhea rebutted, flipping the guy off as she carried on down the hall. 
Here as a joke but her flushed cheeks and sweaty hand gripping yours told a slightly different story.
“Dickheads always running their mo-” Rhea muttered, stepping into the crowded gymnasium.
“Shh. It’s fine, you shouldn’t worry about them.” You cut off Rhea, giving her hand a squeeze as you examined the starry night themed room. The area was dimly lit by blue leds and strings of fairy lights. Blue curtains decorated with paper stars draped over the majority of the walls while an array of tables adorned with bottles of fairy lights surrounded a dance floor full of teenagers.
You both seated yourselves near the stage where a live band was playing. Your legs pressed against one another as you fell into an array of conversations. Thirty minutes had managed to sneak by before your meaningless conversation was cut short by your biology teacher.
“You girls gonna sit here and chat all night? Go dance!” 
“But dancing is lame, Mr. Brown.” Rhea groaned while you both turned to face the man.
“I promise you that in ten years you’ll regret not doing anything at your senior prom. Seriously, go dance!” Your teacher stood behind you giving his words of advice. Rhea peeked over to you looking for your opinion. You gave her a ‘why not’ shrug before rising from your seat.
“But I don't even know how to slow dance.” Rhea whined to herself under her breath as she stood up. “If we have to dance, we’re dancing in the corner cause I’m gonna look stupid.” She stipulated.
You guided Rhea over to a secluded section of the dance floor near a wall, reassuring her that you also had no clue on what you were doing. 
“We’ll just do what everyone else is doing, Rhe’.” 
“I think this right,” Rhea unassuredly giggled with a racing heart, taking a hold of your left hand while wrapping her free hand around your waist. You shook your hair to cover your flushing cheeks as you brought your right hand to rest on her shoulder. The pair of you began swaying to the music while trying to hold back laughter, both in slight disbelief at your current situation. Prom was the last place either of you ever expected to be attending.
You were already trailing back into the pit of those sapphire eyes, drowning out all external noise you missed Rhea humming about how beautiful you looked. You were too occupied taking in the essence of your childlike crush to take notice of the grip Rhea had on your waist tightening. You were fully prepared to stare into those eyes all night, but Rhea was eager to run a risk.
A set of warm lips fell onto you abruptly, pulling you by the waist into a desperate kiss. All five senses rushed over your body, sending a rush of adrenaline through your bloodstream, placing you in awe too shocked to move.
Rhea forced herself to pull away, letting a sigh of relief out before the panic settled in, “Shit. I, god I’m so-”
Your thoughts had just now grasped what just happened.
This was a kiss that spent years in the making…you were not just gonna let it end like that.
Your hand slipped to the back of Rhea’s head, pushing Rhea back into the kiss, forcibly putting an end to her apology. She immediately fell back into your lips, closing her dilated eyes. While her tongue slid across your bottom lip begging to deepen the kiss, her hands slid up to cup your cheeks. Time slid away as the two of you fell into each other in your isolated corner of the gymnasium.
Rhea pulled herself from your lips breathless, her parted lips forming an open smile. She wanted more. You attempted to collect your thoughts while catching your breath. Both of you were attempting to draft a response while gazing into each other, because what do you say after tasting your best friend of five years?
“Cool.” You nodded
Rhea shook her head scoffing out a laugh, still making an attempt to regulate her breath. She took grip of your hand, giving it a squeeze before beginning to pull you into the hall without speaking a word.
“Just follow me!” Rhea cut you off, rushing through the halls as she dragged you behind herself, both of you trying not to stumble over your dresses. 
She halted in front of the nurses office before fiddling with the keypad on the door, “God bless modern technology,” She muttered, managing to get the door open as you watched in disbelief. “Don’t even ask.” She chuckled, scanning the hall to make sure you were in the clear before tugging you into the room.
Once Rhea’s foot forced the door shut her lips directly got to work pinning themselves to your neck, nipping at the delicate skin. 
“Shit Rhe’, there might be cameras.” You pushed through a stunned whine. 
“There's none…” Rhea couldn't even pull her lips away from your skin as she spoke, “Wouldn't stop me either way, I’ve waited too long for this.” She grunted, dragging her kisses to your collarbone. “Now please tell me I can keep going.”
“I don’t think I could ever tell you to stop.” You pulled Rhea’s face to meet your eyes, whispering your confession. There was no need for Rhea to open her mouth, the look on her face alone told you that was exactly what she needed to hear.
“You have no fucking clue how long I’ve waited for this.” Rhea growled, grasping your cheeks as she pulled you over to the nurses twin sized treatment bed. 
She brought her legs to straddle over you, lowering her chest to hover over you. Rhea was attached to you like a dog, her lips were sloppy against yours as her hands snuck to pull up the skirt of your dress. 
Rhea brought herself between your legs, in a rush to finally get a taste of your core.
“Please…I’m begging you, please don't make me wait more than I already have.” Rhea looked up at you pleading.
Your heart was in your throat as you fervently nodded. “I wanna hear your voice,” Rhea begged, whispering out your name.
“Rhea, please just do anything, I need, I need you.”
With that said she hurriedly slid your panties down your legs, tossing them to the foot of the bed. Rhea was making it clear that tonight was her time to shine.
“Fuck, you’re perfect…” Rhea murmured, awed at the sight of your soaked cunt. Her arms tangled themselves around your legs. After years her tongue finally made contact with your delicacy, she preached a string of curses, finally getting what she was after. You propped yourself on your elbows to catch the sight of Rhea exploring your brand new world. You could feel a smirk between your legs as her eyes met yours, thirstily watching you watch.
“Tastes so good.” Rhea praised, sweeping her tongue through your folds before bringing herself to round your clit. You chewed on your cheeks to hush the moans escaping your throat as Rhea wrapped her lips around your sensitivity, allowing her to lightly suck at your skin. Your legs made an unsuccessful attempt at wrapping around Rhea’s head only to be overtaken by her hands, prying them open, giving her full access to devour your aching heat. 
The stealthy addition of two fingers into your emptiness was only amplifying the wobbly knees her mouth alone had created. Her fingers began steadily massaging into you, causing an arch to form over your back. The mixture of Rhea’s roaming tongue and grinding digits already had a knot forming in your stomach.
“Fucking Christ Rhe’, where the fuck did you learn all this.” You struggled out through moans. Rhea let out a soft chuckle as she continued to take your clit into her mouth, rolling her tongue piercing over your sensitivity.
Rhea gave your cunt one last kiss before she brought herself to face you. Now that Rhea had finally gotten a taste of your mouth she couldn't get enough, she had to return for more. Your lips once again blended together, your moans now slipping into Rhea’s mouth as her fingers curled inside your core. 
“God, you sound so beautiful.” Rhea admired, pressing her warmed forehead against yours while her digits continued toying with your clenching walls. Her thumb was soon added to the mixture of pleasure as it rubbed rhythmic circles over your bud. 
“Rhe’, I want to feel you against me,” You opened your eyes, pulling from her kiss while your hips rolled against her working digits. “Please.”
Rhea nodded, her eyes full of adoration, she’d do whatever it took to please you no matter if it took minutes or hours. She let her fingers come to a declined pace before withdrawing from your warmth. She stood up, licking her fingers clean before riding her dress up her legs and dropping her panties. She rushed to return to the bed pulling your leg into the air before propping a leg of hers next to your hip.
Rhea settled her heat against yours, letting out a heavy breath. She gradually started rocking her hips against you, mixing your slick together. You watched as the new sensation of pleasure washed over her, causing her jaw to drop open and her eyes to roll to the back of her head. 
“Just…just like that.” You whimpered as you began to grind your hips at a matching pace, chasing towards your climax. Rhea’s arm clung to your leg that was situated in the air for support as the sound of quiet moans and the rustling of dress fabric bounced around the room. 
“Feels so good, fuck.” Rhea quickened her motions, moaning out the nickname she created for you through heavy breaths.Rhea pushed herself further against you chasing her own high as you squirmed beneath her grinds. 
“Rhe’, I’m gonna cum.” You whined out, reaching for a hand to cling to. Her hand met you halfway, instantly taking you into her grip she pulled you up to meet her face. She was back to those oh-so passionate kisses she could now never get enough of. “Please, Rhe’!” You cried against her, her movements bucking against your cunt.
Rhea nodded into your kiss signaling for your release, her own climax just seconds away. Your series of moans brushed against Rhea’s lips as your orgasm washed over you, hers quickly following. Muffled whines echoed around the room as Rhea’s thrusts against you faltered.
After riding out your highs together, Rhea squeezed herself next to you on the tiny bed and rested her hand on your thigh, giving it a soft squeeze. “I swear to god if you say cool.” Rhea looked over at you giggling. 
“Unfair!” You joked, resting your head against Rhea’s chest. You both fell into silence simply taking in the moment, reflecting on everything that had just happened. Rhea peppered small kisses to the top of your head as you toyed with the fabric of her dress.
“We should probably get outta here before somebody finds us.” Rhea suggested, breaking the silence.
“Wanna go dance again?” You teased as you turned to face her.
Rhea quickly shook her head, “I’m never gonna dance again. I was so bad.” She laughed, “How about we go find a parking lot and makeout under the stars, hm?”
“I seriously would have never expected you to be all smoochy, Rhe’.”
“Look, I have like five years of kisses to make up for!”
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anto-pops · 1 year
Mallowsweet Muses PART 2 - Sebastian Sallow/Ominis Gaunt/Female! Reader
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Summary: Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result. 
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit content, F/M/M, polyamory themes
Full fic can be found here on Ao3! Part 1 of Mallowsweet Muses can be read here on Tumblr. Part 3 now complete! 
Ominis was ready to throw himself in the lake and let the Kraken have away with him. 
It had been an entire week since his unintentional bout of eavesdropping in the vivarium. One week since he had listened to you give sloppy head to Sebastian and heard the depraved comments he whispered in your ear, before he had shamelessly fucked you over the table. All with him laying not five feet away. His mind hadn’t stopped reeling from it since, and maintaining his aloof facade had proven to be more difficult than he’d originally thought. 
Hell, he’d been so preoccupied with controlling his raging boner after the fact that he’d barely been able to pretend to be pissed about his Herbology notes. 
Since then, he’d spent an increasing amount of time separated from the two of you. Not because he was mad– far from it, in fact– but because he was confused beyond belief at his own reaction to the whole thing. 
He liked it. All of it; your muffled moaning against Sebastian’s hand, and the wet sound of him pumping into you. The almost silent scrape of the wooden table against the floor had made Sebastian’s slow and steady pace easy to keep track of, and the man’s own lust-filled groans had lit a fire in Ominis’ gut that had yet to lessen, much less disappear. 
Sighing in frustration, he let go of his magical hold on his dictation quill, the feather falling to the table silently. His head tipped forward to slam down on his notebook, the dull thud echoing through the sparsely populated library around him. Ominis had managed to find a cozier corner on the second level, far from the activity that overtook the main floor, and he had been here for the better part of two hours trying to distract himself before his mind had started to wander. 
Right back to you and Sebastian. His cock twitched in his pants then, demanding attention. 
He groaned, “Damn it.” 
Common decency overpowered his baser urges, and with a hurried flick of his wand Ominis charmed away his books and quill, stuffing his hand down his tight trousers to quickly readjust himself into a somewhat more comfortable position before he was peeling out of the library. The dorms were out of the question– too many students were likely holed up there for the weekend, and the possibility of running into Sebastian was too great. Silently praying that the two of you had gone on a date somewhere far away, he made his way to the Undercroft.
As the iron gate rose, Ominis went rigid like a deer, already about to flee as the sound of Sebastian’s voice mid-conversation registered from somewhere inside. 
“I’m not sure, but he wasn’t in the dorms this morning. Imelda pretty much confirmed he was in the Great Hall early though.” 
“So he’s avoiding us–” you said, before the screaming gears of the gate cut you off, drawing your attention to the entryway. Ominis could only assume as much, considering it had suddenly gone deathly silent. 
You barely had time to catch a glimpse of the red glow from Ominis’ wand before he was pivoting on his heel and making a break for the exit. “Ominis, wait!” 
Sebastian shot up instantly as he followed your gaze, watching with a mixture of anger and confusion as his best friend fled down the hall as quick as his legs would carry him. All week he had been trying to figure out what the hell could have caused Ominis to draw so far into himself– to the point where he would be actively avoiding his two closest companions– only to come up empty handed, everytime. The man’s ability to maintain a straight face was impressive most days, but Sebastian had grown tired of it after the third night in a row of being blown off by Ominis to ‘study’. 
Who the fuck studied at midnight? Not Ominis Gaunt, that’s for damn sure. He was indisputably intelligent, but he never cut his sleep short to slave over books. Sebastian knew him too well to believe any of his half-assed excuses. 
“Accio!” Sebastian expertly cast the spell as Ominis turned to escape up the stairs. It caught the material of his robe and summoned him backwards down the hall, indignant shouts and curses flying off his lips as he was unceremoniously dragged across the stone floor before coming to stop in front of you. 
“Are you out of your mind, Sebastian?! What the hell is wrong with you?” Ominis shot to his feet with a piercing scowl, hurriedly adjusting his robes and smoothing out the material of his trousers.  
Sebastian’s eyes darkened with obvious anger, his fist clenching around his wand as he gestured wildly. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?! Hiding from us all week and then sprinting to get away just now? Start talking.” 
“It’s none of your concern. How dare you presume to yank me around like some common dog– not everyone likes being at your beck and call all the time, you know.” 
The brunette recoiled like he’d been slapped, but all you could do was watch with wide-eyed shock as the two men’s bickering devolved into a full blown argument. 
“What the fuck are you even talking about? Where is this coming from, Ominis? What did I do to piss you off so bad? Things were fine a week ago then out of nowhere you’re acting all uptight and avoiding us like the plague.” 
“I wasn’t pissed until about ten seconds ago, you pompous ass! And who says I need to spend every waking moment with you? I’m allowed to have time for myself. Get off your high horse, and if you ever do something like that to me again, I’ll transfigure you into a roach and step on you.” 
Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result. 
“Every waking moment? What the hell, Ominis– if this is some last ditch attempt at graduating friendless, you’re going to have to do better than that– you’re not leaving until you come clean about whatever fucking resentments you’ve clearly got bottled up.”
“I said it’s none of your business. Now if you’re finished using me for target practice, I’ll be going–” 
“Did I do something?” Your timid voice from somewhere to his left was like a punch to the gut, making him halt his movements. “If I did, I’m sorry. I know we’ve all been stressed because of our O.W.L.s, but if I said something last week or did something to offend you, I really am sorry, Ominis.” 
Dammit. This was the worst case scenario for more reasons than one. Sebastian being pissed with him was one thing, but having you believe he was upset because of you, was unacceptable. The angel on his shoulder was smacking him for being so immature and cursing him for putting that watery tone in your voice. 
You and Sebastian watched dumbfounded as Ominis threw his hands into his hair and raked the neat strands into an unkempt mess. Suffice it to say, you’d never seen him so frazzled; Ominis was normally the picture of groomed elegance on every day ending in ‘Y’, and as your eyes roamed over his disheveled form, you took in his flushed cheeks and the shaky rise and fall of his chest. When he pushed his hair back from his face, the action caused his robe to fall open further, and you couldn’t help but notice the painfully obvious bulge in his trousers.
Oh, wow. 
Ominis hissed through clenched teeth, “Sweet fucking Merlin– I’m not angry with you– either of you. I’m just confused about something right now and it isn’t anything I want to bring you two into, so please, just drop it and let me leave.” 
Sebastian looked exasperated. “Confused about what? Since when are we keeping secrets from one another? I thought we were past that, let us help you, Ominis.”
You started to interject, “Sebastian–” 
“You can’t help me with this! For fuck’s sake— I heard you last week, alright?!”
The declaration bounced off the walls of the Undercroft, silencing you and Sebastian both as a brilliant red hue swept across Ominis’ otherwise pale cheeks. Sebastian’s mouth fell open, and you found your own cheeks warming aggressively as you cast a panicked look at him. 
Sebastian’s genuine shock lasted for all of two seconds before he was schooling his expression into something less petrified, and you followed the bob of his adam’s apple as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. “You… heard us? In the vivarium?” 
Ominis exhaled roughly, awkwardly shifting his weight between his feet in a combined attempt to calm the fuck down and to alleviate the mounting pressure between his legs. “Yes.” 
“And you’re confused about what part of that, exactly?” 
His crude remark pulled an affronted gasp from your throat, but before you could tell him to keep his mouth shut and at least try to be understanding, Ominis was replying evenly, “I’m confused as to why I liked it.” 
Maybe you had imagined it, but you could have sworn the sound Sebastian made at the back of his throat was one of interest. When you looked over to him, you found his gaze trained on the tenting fabric of Ominis’ trousers, a curious glint reflecting in his eyes. Part of your mind was still reeling from embarrassment at the entire situation, but another far more shameless part of you was enthralled by your boyfriend’s reaction to his best friend’s confession. 
Frankly, you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little intrigued by Ominis’ words too. 
“What about it did you like?” Sebastian asked, his voice noticeably rougher than before, and you and Ominis both had physical reactions to it. While you seemed to melt at the sound, instantly enticed by whatever dirty thoughts raced through his head, Ominis tensed, visibly mulling over whether answering was worthwhile. 
“Sebastian,” you injected yourself into the moment, drawing his attention back to you. The smoldering expression on his face was promising, but for Ominis’ sake, you tried to give the kind-hearted Slytherin an out. “Don’t make him any more uncomfortable than he already is.”
“I– it’s fine,” Ominis muttered, angling his head in the direction of your voice. “Does it make you uncomfortable? That I overheard the two of you?” 
Did it? While the initial embarrassment was impossible to deny, there was a very big, very brazen part of you that liked the idea of having an audience. After all, hadn’t you and Sebastian both teased one another with the threat of Ominis catching you? That day in the vivarium certainly hadn’t been the first time. Suddenly your mind was flooded with fantasies of Sebastian’s hands gripping your hips, digging into the skin there to pull you back on his cock with brutal precision, before pistoning you forward to swallow around Ominis’ equally hard member.
Oh, Merlin. 
Sebastian seemed to lean in closer in anticipation of your response. Heat rose to your cheeks as your gaze flickered down to the ground in an attempt to hide the growing interest on your face. “No. I don’t mind that you listened.” 
“Nor do I,” Sebastian added, and when your wide-eyed stare landed back on him, there was pure mischief etched into his expression. “I kind of wish you’d said something back then, to be completely honest with you.” 
Ominis reeled back a step, his blush amplifying tenfold as his grip on his wand blanched his knuckles white. “Whatever you’re playing at, stop it. I feel bad enough that I let myself behave so boorishly without your jesting. I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you both, I’ll get over it, but now you know, so please excuse me–” 
“What did you like about it?” you echoed Sebastian’s earlier question, your own curiosity driven by the lust-fueled fantasies that whipped through your mind, and Ominis’ mouth hung open in silent shock. “Please, tell me. I want to know.” 
“What’s the matter with you two? I’ve been ripping my hair out all week while fighting the worst urges of my life because I feel too ashamed to jerk off to the memory of what I heard– and now that you both know, you want feedback?”
“You shouldn’t feel ashamed, Ominis. If anything, we’re the ones who should be apologizing,” Sebastian threw out, his tone genuine. “I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression I’d be angry with you over something like this. You’re my best friend– I trust you more than anyone– and if it had to be someone in this blasted school that had to hear us, I’m glad it was you.”
“Let us make it up to you,” your sultry voice came from directly in front of him this time, and Ominis’ breath caught somewhere in his throat. Nothing about the way you were speaking implied that ‘making it up to him’ wouldn’t involve his cock. For the first time since entering the Undercroft, Ominis let his hand drift south to his achingly hard member, squeezing it softly through his trousers. 
Merlin’s beard– was he actually considering this? Interestingly enough, Sebastian had yet to voice his displeasure at the thought of his girlfriend handling another man’s cock– and Ominis decided that had to be the strangest thing about this whole thing. Where was the possessive, alpha-male persona Sebastian so frequently displayed when other men approached you? He was the last person Ominis imagined to be okay with sharing, so to speak. 
“Why are you doing this?” It was a vague question, but one he needed to voice all the same. He needed to know this wasn’t some sick, convoluted game the two of you were conspiring to play at his expense. 
“You’re clearly in a predicament, and if you really did listen for as long as you say you did, you already know she can help with that.” Sebastian purred the statement, the low growl in his voice causing the slick to build between your legs, and even Ominis couldn’t suppress his shaky exhale. 
“How are you so okay with this? I can’t– I don’t want to make things awkward– I can just as easily take care of this myself.” 
Your hands came to rest just above Ominis’ sternum, and he jumped at the sudden contact, his heart thrumming wildly beneath your palms. His lips parted around a small gasp as you wandered lower to the waistband of his trousers, nimble fingers dancing between the fabric and his smooth skin. “Do you really think we haven’t thought about including you before? Where do you think the dirty fantasies of you catching us came from?” 
Ominis’ mind went blank for a split second when the tip of your finger gently brushed across the head of his cock through his undergarments. He hissed, “You’re telling me you’ve wanted me to walk in on you before?” 
It was Sebastian who spoke next, his voice heavily laden with arousal as he watched his best friend fall apart at your touch. “Hell yeah, we’ve wanted you to join in too. Trust me Ominis, we’re more than okay with bringing you into the mix. I’ve kinda been dreaming about it for a while now.” 
It was a rare treat, getting to see this side of Ominis. Sebastian could recall walking in on him jerking off once when they were younger while spending their summer in Feldcroft. The blonde boy had been spread wide on his bed, hair mused and face bright red, with one hand furiously jacking his impressively long and uncut cock while the other cradled his tight balls. The memory had stayed with Sebastian all these years, and he sincerely hoped Ominis was still as vocal now as he had been then, because his broken moans from that day had continued to haunt Sebastian with enough sleepless nights to last a lifetime. 
Rational thinking failed to triumph as Ominis let himself relax into your touch, his shoulders dropping slightly when your palm came to lay flat against his cock. Your fingers pressed lightly, ghosting over the throbbing head and drawing a needy sigh from him. Sebastian moved quickly so that he was behind Ominis and wrapped his arms around the man’s slender waist, tugging him securely against his chest before his hands started to explore. 
Ominis gasped at the sudden feeling, but Sebastian’s firm hold prevented him from arching away, and even if he could, you were still leaning against his front, working him into a frenzy with featherlight touches that threatened to make him combust. He was sandwiched between the two of you, effectively at the mercy of his two closest companions.
“A-Are you sure about this?” 
“Absolutely,” Sebastian murmured into the crook of Ominis’ neck, and you gave the blonde’s cock one more affectionate squeeze before you were sinking to your knees in front of him in silent confirmation. “So tell us then; what did you like most about what you heard last week?”
It was impossible for Ominis to decide on one thing in particular when he felt your fingers move to unfasten the button on his waistband. The scrape of your nails over his hip bones was positively tantalizing as you swiftly tugged his trousers down to his knees. Sebastian’s broad hands slid under his shirt, trailing along Ominis’ bare torso as he gripped at whatever skin he could. When he grazed his thumb over one of Ominis’ nipples, the taller man’s breath hitched, and you watched in awe as his cock twitched against the cotton prison of his briefs. 
“Fuck– I don’t know, I liked all of it,” he fought back a whine as your hands abandoned his swollen cock to slide up the sensitive skin at the back of his legs, dragging your nails softly as you went. The muscles in his stomach tensed, and he shuddered, “I liked the sounds.” 
“What did it sound like?” Sebastian whispered, and when you peered up to steal a glance at him, you were pleased to find him watching you with hooded eyes over Ominis’ shoulder. The look was primal and hungry, and so at odds with the bewildered expression that Ominis bore. 
Those milky blue irises pinched shut as Ominis willed himself to maintain his composure, his eagerness to have your mouth around him revealing itself in the form of his shallow panting. “It sounded wet, and sloppy. I liked listening to her choke around you, it was–” 
He was cut off by a guttural moan when your hands finally returned to his front, your fingers catching in the elastic of his briefs before you were sliding the attire away oh-so-slowly. 
When Ominis’ cock sprung free, he sighed with relief at the same time you licked your lips, and Sebastian was already committing the entire scene to memory because fuck– this was hot. His best friend was leaning against him while his girlfriend prepared to stuff her beautiful mouth with his equally stunning cock, and all the while, Sebastian’s own erection was standing at attention between the shapely curve of Ominis’ ass. 
He really hoped he wouldn’t cum in his pants before getting a chance to see everything play out. 
“Is that what you want?” You asked Ominis from your kneeled position before him. When you took his shaft in your hands to give him a testing pump, he bucked his hips eagerly to meet your touch, and a wicked smile broke out across your face that nearly brought Sebastian to his own knees. 
“Yes,” he breathed. “Yes, I want that. I want all of it– your mouth and Sebastian’s hands– whatever you’ll give me, please.” 
Sebastian couldn’t fight the desperate roll of hips as he ground his now solid cock against Ominis at the request, and the bold movement had the man arching his back to press harder against Sebastian while simultaneously angling his hips to grant you easier access to his leaking member. You obliged, convinced that he had waited for this long enough, and wrapped your lips around the head to give him a toe curling suck. 
Ominis’ head fell back against Sebastian’s shoulder with a broken cry, his knees already trembling on either side of you— and it was a good thing Sebastian was holding him upright because you were positive he would have collapsed otherwise. Spurred on by his heady gasps, you pushed forward more, hollowing your cheeks around Ominis’ impressive length before you pressed your tongue against the sensitive underside of the head. 
“Fuck– damn, that’s perfect–” he moaned his praises into empty air, the hair on his arms standing on end when he felt Sebastian crane his neck to place wet, teasing kisses along the curve of his jaw. He sucked and bit at the skin there, the sensation bringing Ominis to new heights at the same time you began bobbing your head on his cock in a steady rhythm. 
There was nothing in this world that could have prepared Ominis for any of this. To go from sulking around the castle for days, to suddenly being wrapped in Sebastian’s arms with him sucking bruises into the column of his neck; all the while, you were holding your mouth fast to his cock, drawing wanton moans and breathless gasps from his lips with each stroke of your skillful tongue. It was like his wildest fantasies come to life– and for once, he refused to give a shit about the repercussions. 
With a low moan, Ominis surrendered to the feelings overtaking his limp form, allowing his fingers to slide into your hair before fisting against your scalp to pull you harder onto his shaft. You were prepared for him, suppressing a gag as you allowed Ominis to stuff more of himself in your mouth, and you hummed around his pulsing cock as you brought your hands up to stroke what you couldn’t fit. 
You began to suck him off like that, watching intently through your lashes as Ominis writhed under your attention and arched against Sebastian, his stomach tightening and tensing in time with each steady dip of your head. The hand he didn’t have fisted in your hair was gripping at Sebastian’s forearm for support as his hips rolled brainlessly into the even tempo of your mouth. Maybe you were crazy for thinking so, but Ominis looked rather pretty as he fell apart. He was noisy, too, gasping soft praises and breathless moans whenever the head of his cock brushed the back of your throat, and his fingers tightened in your hair at the feeling. 
“You two look so fucking good right now, you have no idea.” Sebastian had paused his ministrations against Ominis’ positively wrecked neck to watch you hungrily through his hooded eyes. Your idea then was easier said than done, but you did your best to weasel one of your hands behind the curve of Ominis’ ass to grab at Sebastian’s own neglected member. Your efforts were rewarded with an unsteady groan from the freckled man, and you grinned around Ominis’ cock as Sebastian’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as you began pressing and stroking him through his trousers. 
With Ominis in the way and the added difficulty of the angle, you didn’t think you were doing much to help Sebastian with his predicament. But from his perspective your eagerness to please, coupled with the rushed manner you palmed at his cock through his trousers, was more than enough to make his head spin with arousal. His hips jerked against Ominis’ backside, causing the slender man to jolt forward, and the force of Sebastian’s thrust in turn pushed Ominis further down your throat. 
“Mmph–” your eyes squeezed shut, a few tears slipping out of the corners of your eyes at the intrusion, but by some miracle you didn’t choke. Instead you relaxed your throat more so you could accommodate as much of Ominis as possible, and when your nose nearly nestled against the collection of sparse hair below his navel, you heard a long string of profanities fall from the blonde man’s soft lips. 
“Fuck, she’s taking you so well, Ominis– she’s drooling all over your cock, it looks fucking incredible–”
Sebastian was rutting shamelessly against Ominis, taking full advantage of your hand and the smooth expanse of his friend’s ass to chase his own pleasure. It was quite possibly the raunchiest thing you’d ever seen; both of your companions desperately crumbling above you as you worked to please them in any way you could. Your jaw started to ache around Ominis’ cock and you slowed your pace slightly, but not before your clever tongue was quickly picking up its movements to compensate. 
At the same time you hollowed your cheeks and swallowed around Ominis, his fingers tightened painfully in your hair as his hips bucked against your chin. “Fuck, wait, p-pull– pull back–” 
You would do no such thing. 
Your hands abandoned Sebastian’s cock to grip the backs of Ominis’ thighs again, holding him firm against your parted lips as your tongue cunningly flattened along the underside of his shaft before curling along the base. The filthy, wet sounds coming from your mouth intermingled with Ominis’ shaky breaths in the air around him, and Sebastian dropped one of his arms to shamelessly stuff his hand down his pants to pick up where you had left off. It was an awkward position to get off in, but Merlin– he was desperate for some reprieve. 
Sebastian tugged Ominis closer to him, boldly rutting against the other man’s body while his fist furiously assaulted the pre-cum soaked head, keening moans spilling from his freckled lips as he brought himself closer to his release. Ominis shook against Sebastian as you hummed around his cock, the vibrations finally sending him clean over the edge with a hoarse, drawn out cry of your name, and he was frantically holding you to him as he shot thick ropes of cum down your throat. 
It was almost greedy, the way you drank down everything he gave you. Ominis was boneless in Sebastian’s arms as you continued to work your tongue over him, milking him dry before you were pulling off his softening cock with a sinful lick of your lips. The sight of your glazed over eyes combined with Ominis’ trembling weight pressed against him was more than enough, and Sebastian dug his teeth into the alabaster skin of his friend’s shoulder as he came all over his hand
“Fuck,” Ominis rasped as he felt Sebastian buck against him, looking like the epitome of a wet dream. 
His usually neat hair was beyond mused, falling into his sweat-slick face as his head hung between his shoulders. Sebastian’s arm moved with the rapid rise and fall of Ominis’ chest, and the sight of your boyfriend shaking with pleasure while wrapped around Ominis’ lithe form had you tilting your head to the side to gauge his condition. 
Safe to say, Sebastian looked seconds away from dropping to the ground with Ominis in his ironclad grip. The poor man was barely holding it together– his face was flushed, bottom lip red and swollen from him incessantly working it between his teeth, and although Ominis concealed the majority of his lower half, you knew Sebastian had to be riding out the prolonged high of his own orgasm– all from watching you suck off his best friend from over his shoulder. He caught you staring a second later, narrowing his eyes when he spied the smug look on your face. “Find something funny down there?” 
Your hands were lazily stroking Ominis’ bare thighs, pulling a contented sigh from the blonde as you grinned diabolically at Sebastian. “Just enjoying the view. You look… pleased.”
“That’s a word for it,” Sebastian mused, gingerly lowering himself and Ominis to the ground, and once the safety of the stone floor was beneath his knees, his arms slid away from the slender man. Ominis sagged limply against Sebastian with an airy groan, his chest still heaving as he willed his brain to start functioning again. “Damn, I think you killed him, darling.” 
You couldn’t help but smirk, feeling mighty proud of yourself, all things considered. Your voice was still a little rough as you asked, “You alright, Ominis?” 
He slurred the first half of his sentence, but the second bit sounded a little like, “–fuckin superb,” which earned a laugh from both you and Sebastian. Then, Ominis was fidgeting slightly, effectively grinding his ass against Sebastian’s sensitive length still pressed against him, and the brunette hissed through clenched teeth. 
“I already made a mess of these trousers, Gaunt. Proceed with caution.”
It was a real treat getting to watch Ominis’ fucked out expression sober up instantaneously following Sebastian’s statement. His blue eyes widened comically, and his hips slowly twitched back to feel the blatant wet patch between the brunette’s legs. 
“D-Damn– that’s– I’m sorry,” Ominis fumbled for words as he attempted to sit forward, but Sebastian was having none of it, and quickly wound his strong arms across Ominis’ waist to keep him in place. 
Sebastian pressed a hot, tender kiss to Ominis’ pulse, stilling the blonde’s attempts at escaping as you closed the space between you and the boys. You cupped your hands under the sharp curve of Ominis’ jaw to angle his parted lips to yours, and before he could register what was happening, you were there, banishing any lingering tension from his body with your lips. It was soft and delicate, yet demanding and urgent, all at once. Ominis sighed against your mouth and let his slender fingers come to wind in your hair once again, tugging you against him quickly, and he felt Sebastian reach around his shoulder to put his hands on you as well. 
“Don’t apologize,” you murmured in between heated kisses before pulling away entirely to stare down at him. “It’s a pleasure having you with us, Ominis… we should do this again.” 
Sebastian shot you a look of agreement over Ominis’ love-bitten shoulder, and his eyes darkened as he groaned softly from beneath you. “Can ‘again’ be right now?” 
Your brows shot up into your hairline, “Are you even capable of that right now?” 
Ominis roused further from his post-coital state at Sebastian’s suggestion and pushed himself upright. “Do you not want to?” 
“Merlin’s beard, of course I want to. Trust me– I have a few ideas on the subject, believe it or not. I’m just making sure he isn’t spouting false promises–” 
“False promises?”  Sebastian chimed in indignantly from behind Ominis, and the glint that reflected in his eyes was one that guaranteed trouble. “I can promise you this, darling. You haven’t come yet, and after all that hard work, I’m sure Ominis would be thrilled to assist me in getting you off. Wouldn’t you, Ominis?” 
“As long as you’ll have me,” he murmured, voice husky. “I’d love nothing more than to return the favor– you won’t end up waiting a week for it, either.” 
A laugh burst from you at the same time Ominis was tugging you back towards his lips, delving his tongue into your mouth to taste more of you, and Sebastian made a keening sound deep in his throat. 
“Seriously Ominis, say something next time. To think we could have done this last weekend if you’d just spoken up.” 
Any retorts he could have mustered fell away at the feeling of Sebastian’s hands trailing up his shirt, and when you deepened your kiss with him, Ominis decided that if this was standard practice for being honest, he would make more of an effort to voice exactly what he was thinking in the future. 
After all, his fantasies couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing. With a brief adjustment period, and maybe a few butterbeers, Ominis was certain he could get used to this sort of treatment.
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mareagirls · 1 year
hi! if you’re still taking requests could you do a peter or remus one where the reader is shy and someone makes fun of that (like in a super backhanded way) and peter or remus hear and defend her?
when i say this is months overdue, i mean months and months and months :') sorry for not writing it sooner! this is all over the place and i kinda hate it but i rly wanted to try writing remus rip :') i hope it's alright! I'll check for mistakes later <3
“You okay?” Remus nudges your shoulder gently with his own as the two of you make your way up Sirius’s drive.
“Yeah. I’m a little nervous about meeting your friends though.” You give him the truth because you’ve never been much good at lying to Remus, and he's always been far too intuitive for your liking.
The boy pulls you to a stop outside the front door. If you listen closely, you can hear music playing inside. Laughter maybe. 
You gulp, pulling your sweater around you. Remus looks at you patiently. His hair is falling into his eyes, you notice. You fight the urge to brush it up.
“It’s just… I’m not good at talking to new people. What if they think I’m weird? They might not like me.” You’re not fishing for compliments, you never are, doubting yourself is almost like second nature. Remus shakes his head before pressing a firm but gentle kiss to your hairline.
“Sirus and James love you, honey. They don’t mind that you’re timid.” The boy sounds truthful, and honestly you have no reason not to believe him. Remus’s closest friends have been nothing but kind to you since you first met them. 
“And so what if someone doesn’t like you?“ he continues. “That’s their problem. I like you. I think you’re absolutely lovely.” Remus, takes your hands in his and massages tiny circles into your skin. 
You try to internalise his words, do you best to weed out all the anxiety you’re feeling and make space for his comforts instead. 
Still, uncertainty lingers in your chest at the prospect of meeting all of their other friends. Remus must sense it because his hands come up to cup your face gently and you lean into his touch
 “My quiet girl,” Remus murmurs, and there’s so much tenderness in his voice that you think you might die from it. “You’re just a little shy is all. It’s not a flaw.” 
You soften some more at his words and Remus squeezes your hand. “If it gets too much at any point, you just let me know and I’ll make up an excuse to leave.”
“Okay,” you murmur.  “I will.”
But you think to yourself that you won’t be doing anything of the sort. Remus has been talking about this get together that Sirius organised for weeks, and it's been ages since he's seen some of the people invited. The last thing you want to do is take him away from them. 
You walk to the door behind Remus, happy to let his body shield yours as you enter. His hand gives yours two short squeezes. 
I’m with you. It’s unspoken, but it’s there.
James and Lily open the door before Remus can knock. James is grinning from ear to ear, all teeth, a lazy arm slung over his girlfriends shoulder.
“Moony!” He pulls Remus in for a crushing hug. “We thought you’d never show up!”  His attention shifts to you as he peers over Remus’s shoulder. “And you brought Y/N! Even better!”
Remus smiles at his friend and you find yourself smiling too. James’s enthusiasm is infectious.
Lily moves forward to hug you. You've only met her a couple of times, but she's always been sweet and friendly. You hug her back.
"Thank god you're here," she whispers, conspirational. "The boys have been doing my head in."
James gasps, appalled. Lily just smacks his arm.
You're about to reply to her, when, a loud squeal reaches the four of you. 
“Remmy! It’s been ages!” 
You look up to see a girl you don’t know making a beeline towards Remus. When she reaches him, she practically drapes herself over his shoulder. Remus, polite as ever, gives her a short hug before untangling himself and pulling his arm back to his side. 
“Hey Maisy. It’s nice to see you.” He places an easy hand on the small of your back, nudging you forward ever so slightly but still giving you ample time to stop him if you don’t want to go. “This is Y/N. She’s my girl.”
My girl. My girl. My girl. You go warm at the sound of the petname, something giddy and sweet blooming in your chest at the way he’s presented you. You offer Maisy a small wave, feeling braver than usual. “It’s nice to meet you.”
For a split second, Maisy looks as if she’s swallowed something sour as she looks at you, but the expression is gone in an instant and replaced by a sweet smile, doe eyes. You wonder if you’ve imagined it.
“Sure, nice to meet you,” she’s speaking to you, but her attention is trained on Remus. Before you can do or say anything else, Maisy reaches between the two of you once more and grabs hold of Remus again, trying to pull him further into the house.
"C'mon, Remmy. We've got to catch up! I haven't seen you in ages! Dorcas and Marlene will be so happy to see you again!"
Before Remus can ask you if you'd like to come too, you shuffle next to Lily and smile up at him. You don't want to take him away from his friends, and you know that if your expression starts to give away how anxious you feel, Remus will spend the whole night by your side. You don't want his friends to think you're clingy.
"Go, Rem. I'm with Lily."
Lily loops her arm through yours and nods fiercely. "I'll take good care of her."
Remus catches your gaze one more time before Maisy drags him off, a question in his eyes.
Are you sure?
You give him a resolute nod.
"I'll see you in a bit."
Then, he's being whisked away, and Lily is pulling you in the opposite direction towards the kitchen.
You find Remus in the living room a while later. The party has died down and by now, it's only James, Lily, Sirius, and Maisy left. Remus is sitting next to Sirius murmuring something quiet to the other boy who laughs out loud. Your heart warms when you realise he's left a space for you on his right hand side.
You sit down, leaning against him ever so slightly - a moth to the loveliest flame of all. Remus turns to face you.
"Hey, sweetheart." His hand comes around your shoulder as he speaks like it's muscle memory. "It's not too loud, is it? I know this lot can be rowdy sometimes."
"No not at all," you reply honestly. "I'm having a really good time. Lily is so so nice."
Remus looks over to where the girl in question seems to be teasing Sirius about something. There's nothing but affection in your boyfriend' gaze as he looks at them.
"She really is."
"Are you having a good time. Rem?"
Remus response is earnest, "I hadn't seen some of these people since we left school. It's been real nice to catch up."
James walks in then, phone in one hand, notepad in the other. “I’m ordering pizza," he declares. "Who wants what?"
He looks at you you first because you're the closest. "Y/N? What do you feel like having?"
You're not prepared for the anxiousness that blooms in your chest at being put on the spot. Beside you, Remus lets his hand brush absentminded patterns on your arm. It's grounding. His tiny way of trying to reassuring you - he knows you struggle sometimes with unexpected choices, especially under pressure. You love him more than ever in that moment.
“Can I- please may I have a moment longer?" You manage, words coming out in a tangle. "If that’s okay. I’m really- I’m sorry I just haven’t decided yet-”
You’re rambling, you realise, but Remus bumps his knee against yours and the world shifts back on its axis again.
“Sure,” James smiles easily. “I can come back to you.”
You breathe in a sigh of relief - centered by by the feeling of Remus’s gentle hand against your skin.
“Everything okay, dove? We can share a pizza if you'd like.” 
He says it quietly whilst Lily and Sirius tell James their orders, but you catch it regardless, shooting him a nerve-wracked smile back. Before you can respond and tell him that you'd like that a lot, another voice grabs your attention.
Opposite you, Maisy has finished telling James what she wants. You think she rolls her eyes when she catches you looking up at her.
You try to give her the benefit of the doubt - she and Remus are friends after all - but when she yawns and loudly proclaims how hungry she is, you can't help but feel like it's aimed at you, or more explicitly, how long you're taking to choose something.
James, bless his heart, waves her off, “I’ll place the order in a second. Y/N, have you decided what you’d like yet?”
“No- I’m sorry-... I don’t mean to hold everyone up- I’m really sorry-” Your palms start getting sweaty with panic as you feel eyes on you. The urge to get yourself out of the situation as soon as possible growing stronger by the second. Remus saves you.
"Y/n and I will share a margherita."
And it’s as easy and simple as that. You don’t envy Remus, but you do sometimes find yourself wishing you could replicate a fraction of the quiet confidence he carries himself with.
James nods and finishes writing it all up. Maisy seizes the moment of quiet.
“Ugh, finally. Remmy, you didn’t say your girlfriend was so quiet.” She smiles at you, but there's not a shred of warmth behind it. “She's like a little mouse.”
Silence. Your heart thunders against your rib cage and you find yourself wishing for the sofa to swallow you up. Out of the corner of your eye you see Lily open her mouth to say something, and even Sirius sits up from his slouch, indignance splayed over his face. Before either of them can step in, your boyfriend speaks. 
“Maisy, stop.” 
Remus’s voice harbours a sharpness that you don’t often hear.
“What?” Maisy looks around, confused. “I’m just saying what everyone’s thinking. She’s not exactly the chattiest. Poor thing can’t hold a conversation to save her life, and we’ve been trying to order pizza for ages now-”
“You’re being rude.”
Your stomach churns at Remus’s appalled tone and you reach out blindly, searching for his hand. Remus takes it, but his eyes don’t move from Maisy who is, for once, speechless.
His tone softens a little when you squeeze his fingers. You’re not good around tension.  
“You’ve barely even spared her a glance since we got here.” 
Maisy looks has the nerve to look indignant as she flattens her skirt out primly. When she realises that no one is going to back her up, she grabs her things and makes her way out in a huff, muttering a quick whatever. Lily glares daggers at the back of her head, but Remus barely pays Maisy any heed, his eyes on you instead. Noticing how tense you've become, Sirius, James, and Lily are kind enough to talk amongst themselves. 
“I’m sorry, dove,” Remus shakes his head. “I thought she might have gotten better after all these years. She shouldn’t have spoken about you like that, you know that right?”
In all truth, you’re not sure how to feel. You're overwhelmed, definitely. Feeling slightly to blame for what's just transpired. It’s nice to be defended, but part of you hates that it had to happen in the first place. You probably would have let Maisy keep walking all over you if Remus hadn’t stepped in. 
“Hey,” he nudges your chin up from where it’s dropped against your chest. “Eyes up here, honey. “
You force yourself to look up and see nothing but patience and concern in his gaze. 
When you press your hands hard against your warming cheeks, his eyes soften even more and he reaches out to clasp your fingers in his. 
“What if she was right, Rem?” you whisper, wide eyes darting to where his friends are still chattering to each other and then back to your boyfriend. “I was holding everyone up.”
Remus is shaking his head before you can apologise again. 
“No, sweetheart. She was out of order. I should have said something sooner. I’m sorry I didn’t. I'm sorry I let her drag me away earlier."
You want to tell him that you don't hold any of it against him. That you wanted him to have fun and see his friends.
Remus doesn't seem to mind at all when you don't. You'll have chance to talk about it more later, when it's just the two of you and you're less overwhelmed.
For now, he simply tucks you under a protective arm. The rest of the night goes on without a hitch.
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sparring-spirals · 3 months
they were running, and then their bodies began to slow, and then the seep just took them. but they were still aware. they were still screaming. hey matt what the hell
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bruisedboys · 1 year
so I injured my wrist and had to wash my hair one handed and I’m just thinking about how james would not let that happen.
he’d wash your hair for you even if he’s already showered himself, standing outside the shower while you stand under the spray, his shirt getting all wet from the shower water. he hardly cares, even when it gets so wet he has to change it completely. and he definitely spends way more time on your hair than he needs to, scrubbing shampoo into it as if it’s his life’s mission yo get your hair as clean as possible. he’d dry your hair for you too, and if you have curls he’ll scrunch your curls for you and put in all your special products. and he’ll re-wrap your wrist for you afterwards :(((
and like. just in general, if you injure your wrist or your hand james is suddenly doing everything for you. anything that could possibly put strain on your injury he’s gonna do for you. buttering your toast in the morning. zipping and unzipping your clothes. doing up the clasp on your bra because it hurts when you reach around your back like that. tying up your hair for you!!!! omg. he braids it so it’s out of your face and if it looks a little wonky so what? ugh I’m thinking thoughts. also this is self indulgent I’m sorry <3
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ariadne-mouse · 11 months
Oh man if Essek makes an appearance in the liveshow they're going to have to pause for a few minutes due to all the screaming 😂
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puhpandas · 5 months
Between The Lines
(7,832 words)
Tony thinks that there's something about Freddy and Bonnie that make them seem closer and different than the other Glamrocks. It takes him a while to realize that there isn't on the outside like he thought, and that maybe, he just sees himself and Gregory in them. And that a certain drawing Gregory has given to him might tell him that Gregory had the same idea.
Greg and Ellis had looked like kids in a candy shop when theyd entered the West Arcade for the first time since the Pizzaplex reopened.
Just like all the banners strung about have advertised, theres brand new arcades and games to try out around the place. The place is fuller, not only due to the sheer amount of guests, especially because of the return of Bonnie, but also because of all of the new cabinets taking up space.
Tony had been content just following his friends as they floundered over what game to play first. They had such big smiles on their faces while wandering around... itd been nice seeing them like that. Tony knows Gregory has been having trouble lately. The whole GGY thing takes a toll on him, even after it's been over for months. He's not much different, but... Greg definitely has it worse. Tony's just glad he's loosening up for this.
Even Tony, who hadn't ever really cared for arcade games, can notice just how many new games have been added to the Faz-Cade. Every step brings his attention to a new cabinet here, another one there, all with new themes and art he's never seen before.
Despite how much he likes to be aware of everything around him, he usually can only focus on one thing at a time. His friends voices are only background noise to him while he gazes at all of the new sights in the Faz-Cade. They're saying something about grinding for points and scores, but Tony cant focus when he's just admiring some particularly cool art.
Subconsciously, his body stops along with his friends when they suddenly quit walking to admire some other cabinet. He startles at the change, and goes to open his mouth, a question already on his tongue.
But he never gets it out. His head doesnt turn, and his eyes catch onto a certain arcade game to their right that's angled directly for the cabinet art to be staring right at him.
The bright and contrasting colors of the two characters in the drawing are all he needs to see to recognize them at first glance.
It's a drawing of Freddy and Bonnie; the colors bright and art angled to look dynamic on the curve of the games' outer shape. Its brand new art, Tony's sure of it. Theres been multiple of Bonnie across the Plex so far since he's returned.
He would know.
Freddy and Bonnie... Tony doesnt know why, but he just cant stop looking at the art of them on the cabinet. They're shoulder to shoulder, bodies leaned onto each other and looking at eachother from the corner of their eyes. Not their instruments or who would be the viewer... eachother.
Its like they're in their own little world, Tony thinks. He doesn't know why he thinks that. He's never noticed a difference before. Is there even one? Has there ever been this kind of closeness in promotional art with characters like Roxy and Monty or Chica and Freddy?
Maybe he should get another opinion. He tilts his head, never taking his eyes off of the art on the cabinet over. "Hey, guys? Does this art of Freddy and Bonnie look--"
"Midnight Motorist!" He's cut off mid sentence by Ellis' exclamation. Ellis takes off from his side, and it finally tears Tony's eyes off of the drawing of Freddy and Bonnie. He races to a cabinet a few over and is bouncing in place looking it over. "I cant believe this is one of the new ones they added!"
Gregory is the next to leave his side after that, heading to join Ellis at the cabinet and blabbering on about something himself. But Tony finds it hard to listen when his mind is still stuck on the brand new official Freddy and Bonnie art for some reason.
He shakes it off, leaving it for another time. He knows sometimes his curiosity can take over his brain in the middle of something sometimes. He just... doesn't understand what there is to be curious about this time. It doesn't eat away at him like curiosity does to him every time, though. This time doesnt feel the same.
He shakes it off again, this time shaking his head physically for good measure. Later. He thinks. He leaves the cabinet and joins his friends by Midnight Motorist, and begins to catch their conversation.
"Do you think we can get the first high scores on it?" Greg is asking when Tony gets there. Theres a kind of rare wicked grin on his face. "Just imagine. Setting an example for everyone else before they can even try themselves."
Ellis huffs a laugh, and eyes Tony when he stands beside Greg. "Hey," Ellis grins. "Wanna watch me set the first high score ever on Midnight Motorist?"
Tony smiles, eyeing the completely empty Best Players screen. "Sure."
To Tony's suprise, Gregory let's Ellis play first and waits his turn until he's done. Ellis steps up to the cabinet, and Tony is content watching Ellis get to know the game and his steadily racking points.
The two of them have formed a little huddle around Ellis' shoulder. His shoulder. For some reason, Tony and Gregory arent on each side like they should be. Theyve decided to squish into the left side of the cabinet and watch from there.
Why? Tony's thinking. Theres a weird feeling in his stomach that he cant identify. Why didnt they split up? They're shoulder to shoulder and theyre pressed so close together Tony is hyper aware of Greg's presence.
He feels his voice reverberate through his own arm and it makes Tony's cheeks burn and his thoughts scramble to come up with a reason.
He cant find one, he realizes. The chimes and music of the game in front of him kind of fade into the background while he tries to think about it more. His brain runs at a million miles an hour, and hes half aware of the thoughts in his head and half aware of how his heart is hammering in his chest at the same time.
Its confusing to him why he cares so much. Why this one little simple action has made his thoughts run so wild.
But while searching for why he and Greg are so close instead of far apart, for some reason, in response, his mind conjures up the art of Freddy and Bonnie.
"Yeah!" Greg cheers beside him, and Tony startles slightly, his thoughts coming to an abrupt halt as he comes back down to earth. His voice is right in his ear and Tony doesnt know what the weird feeling in his stomach is. "You got this, Ellis!"
He breathes out, deep but quiet and slow. He tries not to be obvious, but after the past few months, he shouldn't be suprised when Greg somehow notices.
He twists his neck over to look Tony's way, and Tony makes himself look back. Theres concern swimming in Gregory's eyes that Tony's so familiar with from over the past few months. When Tony would be struggling with the GGY incident and Greg would try his hardest to help him.
"Hey," Gregory asks, voice hushed and soft. Despite the loud button presses and the music coming from the cabinet just besides them, Gregory's voice reaches him so clearly. "are you okay?"
Tony doesnt respond immediately. He just stares, and ignores the twinge in his neck from how hes leaning his head back from the proximity. For some reason, he flounders for words.
"Uh, yeah." He says after a second, offering a smile. "I'm, uh, okay, Greg. Don't worry about me."
Gregory doesn't respond immediately, just looking at him a bit longer. Despite the inches of height Tony has on Gregory, his presence just feels bigger. Tony dares to flick his eyes, and deep blue meets gold.
Another moment of silence passes, and it feels like it drags on forever. Then, Greg nods. "Kay." He says, then turns back to the cabinet screen.
And that's that.
The feeling in his stomach doesnt go away, and along with the exchange neither do the thoughts. He tries to focus on Ellis' high score and having a good time with his friends, but he keeps being aware of his arm pressed against Greg's and the way that hes so close to him.
He doesnt know what's going on. He doesn't have anything to think about it that isnt jumbled and incomprehensible, so he tries to leave it for another day. He takes a breath, calming himself and the storm thats going on inside of him that's leaving him wondering and confused, and watches the car move back and forth on the road on the screen in front of him.
During it all, flashes of blue and orange keep appearing in his minds eye.
If theres one thing Tony had missed since getting Gregory back, its seeing Greg enjoy his art.
He'd never taken it too seriously, just drawn the Glamrocks and himself and his friends a few times, and always just for fun. But that's the point, isnt it? Tony... Tony may take his writing seriously, but that doesnt mean Greg would have to take his art seriously. That's something Tony's learned the past few months.
That you should appreciate chilling and having fun while it happens. GGY wasnt something easy to come back from. It wasnt easy to have seemingly recovered very fast from his attack and gone back to school while still grappling with what happened. Especially after it'd only taken a day or two for the real Greg to show up at his house and tell him what really happened.
The point is, Greg hasnt really touched a pencil and paper in a while. At least... not that Tony's seen.
He understands. He really does. Even Tony hadn't touched writing for a little while after... everything happened. He needed time to process everything, and writing was just never something he'd wanted to do, despite it being something he has fun with.
Greg just needed time, is all. But even Tony couldnt stay away from writing forever. He's picked it back up relatively recently. He just wishes Gregory would do.
Which is why when he goes over to Greg's house; a small apartment where he lives with Vanessa, Tony immediately is drawn to the sight of colorful paper and pencils on Greg's desk.
And on one page, two very distinct colorful characters standing next to eachother peeking under a couple other papers.
"You're drawing again." Tony says with a smile when he walks over to Greg's desk.
Gregory doesnt respond respond right away. It gives more time to Tony to just admire some of the newest art Greg's drawn obviously recently. Theres some of himself, some of people he knows, like Vanessa and even him and Ellis, one of a girl he doesnt recognize, and lots of Freddy.
But Tony's eyes keep being drawn to the orange and blue peeking out from under the more recent papers, and his right arm twitches, wanting to reach for the paper and pull it out to look at it.
It's a strange urge, one that doesn't feel quite like curiosity but has no other name Tony could put to it. It gets the better of him, and before Greg can utter a word from behind him, Tony reaches out and pulls on the corner to slip it out from under the others.
"Wait!" Greg yells from behind him. It's a little loud, and when Tony turns around, he looks a little sheepish, along with something else Tony doesnt have time to put a finger on. "Uh, which one is that?"
Tony raises a brow, but he let's his eyes fall back on the drawing of Freddy and Bonnie. He holds it out to Greg, trying to smile. "Uh, this one."
Gregory doesnt say anything, just walking up to his side and looking at the drawing himself. Theres an expression Tony cant place on Greg's face, and he cant help but feel like hes maybe done something wrong.
"I'm sorry," Tony blurts out, lowering the drawing. His brows furrow as he turns to look at Gregory. "should I have, uh, should I have not looked at your drawings without asking?"
Immediately, Gregory's shaking his head, waving a hand. "Uh. No. You're fine." He says slowly, and he's glancing at his desk and the corkboard hung above it with old and new drawings hung on it.
"I display them myself. Its..." Greg trails off, looking deep in thought for only a split second before he says, "it's... okay for you to see them."
Tony's quiet for a second, but his heads nodding and hes blinking shortly after. "Okay, good."
"Here." Greg says, coming up to him with a new small smile on his face; usually, all of Greg's smiles are small, so Tony can notice when ones real or not. This one... it's real, but also a little... nervous? Theres an undertone to it that Tony cant place, but any thoughts he could have had about it wash way when Greg's standing next to him again, bringing up the page in his hand he'd held out of sight back in view with a gentle hand. "You can see it."
Tony holds the page like its porcelain glass, his grip gentle and careful. Greg has the other side, and the paper is longways; meaning Greg's pressed against his shoulder again.
It... theres that weird feeling, again. But Tony doesnt really pay it any mind right now. He just admires the drawing Greg's offered him to see and takes in all the details.
In the soft sunlight of Gregory's window, it gives him plenty good view to see the art. Its good. Its really good. Tony knows Greg is a good artist, but... this is better than he thought it would be. Tony takes in the details, the line strokes and the color choices and even the little blocks signature in the corner of the page. He smiles instinctively.
"Its... good." He mumbles, voice quiet, but earnest. The drawing is of Freddy and Bonnie, colors bright and popping like they were on the arcade cabinet back at the Faz-Cade. This reminds him of then, Tony realizes. The drawing is similar, and... it gives him that same feeling. That same wonder if theres something else there between Freddy and Bonnie.
They're standing beside eachother, and the pose isnt as dynamic at the cabinets was. They're facing forward, but looking at eachother. They have one arm on each instrument, but the others that are in-between eachother just... hang limply. It makes Tony's brows furrow. It doesn't fit with the pose Greg was going for.
This whole time, Tony realizes, Greg had been watching his reaction. He suddenly becomes aware of Gregory looking at him and how hes holding the other side of the page and how their shoulders are pressed together. How their hands are hanging limply next to eachother. His fingers twitch and burn, and so does his face.
"You like it?" Greg is asking, and Tony tries to ignore that exact same strange feeling in his stomach he's been having to answer him. His mouth feels heavy and locked shut, and he stammers.
"Ye-Yeah!" He manages, managing to keep looking away from Greg's eyes and at the drawing in front of him. He smiles, and it's real when he says, "Its-- Its great, Greg. Its amazing."
But then Gregory is silent for a second too long, and Tony dares to glance over. It's the exact same time Gregory switches his gaze to the drawing and shifts his body.
Greg takes his hand off of the page, pushing it gently with both towards Tony's chest. Theres a smile that stretches wide across his cheeks when he says, "Its yours."
Immediately, Tony sputters. "What? But--" He gapes. "Yo-You dont have to do that--"
"Its fine." Greg cuts him off, smiling at him. Tony finds himself going quiet and staring. "I... uh... I drew it for you in the first place."
Tony gapes, unfurling the paper from his chest with a gentle grip. He takes another look at it, feeling something warm bloom in his chest. His fingers shake and tremble as he holds the paper in-between his fingers. Just, admiring it again. The orange and blue of Freddy and Bonnie.
"You did?" Tony asks, softer than silk. It's barely above a whisper.
Greg nods in front of him, smile still on his face. It dissolves into a small chuckle. "Dont act so suprised."
Tony shakes his head, whipping his head up. "I'm not!" He says, but his eyes find the drawing again quickly after. It's like hes unable to look away. The drawing... it feels different now, knowing it was made for him. "Its-- its just... really cool, Greg. I love it. I really do."
Gregory goes silent again, this time for longer than a second or two. Tony glances up, and barely catches a blank stare from Greg for a split second, like he'd been thinking about something. It's gone in an instant, and Gregory's smiling at him again, looking at him with yellow-gold eyes that seem to be shining in the light from his window.
"I'm..." He trails off. "I'm glad."
"I'll treasure it." Tony promises, holding the page closer to his face. Theres even highlights in their eyes as they look at eachother in the drawing. "I promise. I wont let anything happen to it, either."
This time, Tony looks up just in time to see Gregory smile softly, and say "I know."
Despite Bonnie being Tony's favorite, he's never actually gotten to meet him face to face.
He would be lying if he said he had liked him before his disappearance. It sounds bad, but... Tony hadnt ever cared much for the animatronic characters. It was Bonnie's sudden vanishing that caused Tony to gain interest in Fazbears brand and characters and history and why they would retire him if they meant to. And so abruptly at that.
But... after reading up and seeing all of the history and different iterations of the characters and their merch and art and brand and evolution... he maybe got a little interested.
It goes deeper than a childish interest in the animal characters, though. He... he doesn't know how to explain it. He just feels connected to Bonnie, somehow. It's not like Freddy and Gregory. They... they have something else. But it... it feels like Tony sees more in him than the other glamrock characters. To an extent, Freddy as well. But Freddy has what he has with Gregory, and Tony doesnt feel that connection with him like he does Bonnie.
Which is why he'd been excited when Bonnie had returned in the re-opening. The bowling alley has been flipped and remodeled and the art replaced and updated since hes come back, and the place is pretty packed usually, now. Bonnie performs on his stage sometimes, and will come out and mingle with guests rarely, but Tony's never gotten a chance to talk to him.
Of course, he should have known Gregory wouldnt let it stay that way for long. Not with how he still travels across the Plex behind closed doors sometimes to see the Glamrocks often.
Which is how Greg had gotten Tony into Bonnie's greenroom in-between his schedule later in the day, when not a lot of people are at Bonnie Bowl.
Of course, Greg had always known, but... his sudden action was definitely influenced by how Tony's been talking about it, recently. How he wants to be able to talk to Bonnie alone one on one. How he's always wanted to.
Its just... Tony's been looking at the drawing Greg made him a lot lately. And it keeps reminding him over and over of how it feels like theres... more to Freddy and Bonnie. Theyve been paired together since the very beginning. It feels like theres something else intangible with them that there isnt with the other characters.
They have history. Theyve always gone together, like yin and yang. Fire and ice. Red and blue.
He's... he's just always felt a connection with Bonnie.
It doesnt feel like meeting a celebrity, when Gregory ushers him with a smile into Bonnie's greenroom and shuts the curtain behind him. He doesnt feel starstruck, or like he wants an autograph. He just wants to talk to Bonnie.
Bonnie's sitting at his mirror when Tony inches in, feeling strangely nervous and anxious and fiddling with the Bonnie keychain on his backpack. Bonnies ear twitches, the one with the earring, and then hes swiveling his chair to face him.
"Ah! You must be Tony, then." Bonnie says with a smile. Tony just stays quiet when Bonnie gets up and heads over to him, his mind running wild with what exactly it is he wants to say. "Yeah, Fred and Greg told me about ya. Said you wanted to meet me. That I'm your favorite?"
Tony nods, meeting Bonnie's eyes. "Yeah, that's right."
"Well then, its nice to meet you, Tony." Bonnie says happily, holding out a hand for Tony to shake. Tony releases the keychain and takes it without another word, shaking it politely.
It's only then that Bonnie quirks a brow at him, his ears drooping a bit. Theres a small stretch of silence where nobody says anything, and Tony feels self conscious, the nerves rising up even more.
Bonnie's kneeling down to be eye level. His ears aren't pointed straight up anymore, they're more relaxed. Bonnie looks at him, looking... concerned? Curious? And he sets a hand on his shoulder.
"Alright, now." Bonnie finally says, and Tony glances back at the curtain, than at Bonnie. Bonnie fixes him with a look that's inviting and warm. "What's on your mind, Striker? I may have just met you, but Greg has told me all about ya. He told me you had questions for me and would be bombarding me with them."
Tony's shoulders droop a little more, and he feels the nerves ebb away ever so slightly when Bonnie is nothing but warm and inviting. Once again, Tony doesnt feel like hes meeting a big star. He feels like hes having a conversation with... someone he looks up to. Someone he came to ask a question.
"But you arent." Bonnie points out, not unkindly. When Tony frowns, Bonnie smiles kindly.
"You dont have to be nervous, Striker." Bonnie tells him, his voice quiet and encouraging. "Theres plenty of kids that come to us to ask us things."
"Things that..." Bonnie trails off. "they just need a little friendly advice for that they may not want to tell anyone else."
He says the end pointedly, just enough emphasis to bring it to Tony's attention. It feels so childish. It really does. It makes Tony bristle to think about, that hes a kid who needs advice, and that Bonnie already knows that. That Bonnie is using tactics he uses on young children on him. But... that's what he came for, didnt he?
It sticks out to him, though. And Tony's aware that Bonnie's tactic worked. 'Things they may not want to tell anyone else.' aka, things that Tony had wondered about in bed and at school and at the Faz-Cade when he'd think about the cabinet art or Gregorys drawing. When... when he'd felt like there was something else.
To Freddy and Bonnie. To what appears on the outside. To what there may be on the inside. To the colors orange and blue.
He opens his mouth, not quite speaking yet, and Bonnie's waiting patiently. Hes looking at him encouragingly, and Tony sighs, letting the words spill out. The big question that he's mulled over for months.
Tony takes one last glance around him, not exactly knowing why but feeling like he needs to. It feels personal, or taboo somehow. Like this needs to be kept under wraps and only for his and Bonnie's ears to hear. He grabs at his keychain again, fidgeting with it.
"Bonnie..." He manages eventually, feelings and thoughts that feel disconnected racing through his mind. The keychain gives his hands something to do, but it doesnt help much with his nerves. "Are you and Freddy... uh..."
He stammers over his words, feeling nerves fry his stomach. This is hard to say, for some reason. It feels scary. Bonnie waits, though. Still ever patient, but his head does tilt in curiosity, a quirk to his brow.
Tony opens his mouth, taking a second to continue. "Well... I just..." He trails off, and Bonnie is still looking at him. Theres a moment where Tony says nothing, and Bonnie just meets his eyes and nods, smiling.
Its okay it feels like he's saying. Tony breathes out again, and pushes past the wall he'd been hitting. "Are you two together?"
Bonnie jerks a bit, barely noticeable, but Tony had been searching for any kind of reaction, small or not. Tony watches how Bonnie's face twists in suprise for a moment, and Tony's eyes widen, his shoulders hitching up.
"I just--" He stammers, and averts his eyes when Bonnie keeps staring at him. "I notice sometimes that your promotional art has you two... uh, closer. Than the others."
Its agonizing, watching Bonnie mull over his words. His eyes twitch and look down, and it's clear he's deep in thought. Tony feels his ears burn. He feels embarrassed. It all feels scary. Why? Why does it feel like he's spilling all his deepest darkest secrets?
Tony watches carefully, holding his breath as Bonnie says nothing. He's taking his time, thinking deeply, and Tony watches Bonnie's eyes flick towards the curtain. The curtain Gregory'd promised him he'd wait for him behind.
They widen, ever so slightly, and Bonnie's eyes then look towards Tony's hands, and the keychain hes flipping between his fingers.
Bonnie stares for just a moment longer, and then he clears his throat a bit, and Tony releases the tightness in his chest when Bonnie finally responds.
"Well, Striker..." Bonnie says, voice hushed and quiet, like he's telling a secret. "Just between you and me, Freddy and I do have something going on that... may not particularly be apart of the brand characterization of us."
Tony's eyes widen. Something shoots through his chest, some sort of burning blooming feeling, and he just stares at Bonnie speechless.
There had been something going on between the lines. There had been. Just like he'd thought. Did... Does that mean that the closeness, the undertones that Tony had felt just had to be between them had been there all along? That he really was right.
But... Bonnie had said that last part with the same emphasis he'd used before, and it only just now clicks.
Tony feels something he cant place. It feels crushing, scary, like... somethings caught up to him. Like he was somehow wrong all along. Wrong about Freddy and Bonnie? Wrong about something he never ever knew why he latched onto in the first place?
"So..." He begins uncertainly, shoulders feeling heavy. He realizes he hasnt blinked this whole time, and releases the tight breath he'd been holding. His eyes flick up to Bonnie's. "The promotional art isn't any different?"
Bonnie's ears droop, and he shakes his head. Tony just looks away.
"No, buddy." Bonnie replies. He shakes him a bit, just enough to get his attention, and Tony makes himself look back at Bonnie.
He looks knowing, somehow. It makes Tony bristle. He looks like he just figured it out. But what is there to figure out? Why is Bonnie looking at him with sympathy?
Bonnie doesnt say something like Tony had been expecting him to, though. He just stands to his full height, herding Tony by his shoulders gently to go down the hallway and stand just at the mouth of the curtain. They dont go through, but stay tucked in the shadows. Tony frowns, confused.
"Might there be a reason why you saw a difference with us in the first place?" Bonnie asks, a whisper. He nudges him, and Tony, despite the confusion and how his question begins to weigh on him, joins him in peering through the gap in the curtain.
Tony's not really sure why Bonnie's brought him over here; it's just Gregory and Freddy on the other side, and Tony cant help but feel a little bit of impatient-ness mix with the confusion inside of him, because Bonnie obviously knows something that Tony doesnt and its killing him.
But any remarks over it he bites down, and he tries to decipher the reasoning himself. There obviously is one, after all.
Tony just watches, looking for whatever Bonnie may be getting at. Gregory's faced half away from the curtain, talking to Freddy about something, and he doesnt notice Tony's observing him. Tony watches Gregory's face; theres a smile that goes as wide as to crinkle the corner of his eyes, and it dissolves into laughter soon after. He looks amused, like the funniest joke in the world was just told, and Freddy laughs heartily next to him.
Theres that weird feeling in his chest that been eating away at him again. The one he always gets around Greg and if he gets to looking at the drawing he gave him. The one of Freddy and Bonnie. Or if he remembers the cabinet art.
Tony just watches. He watches and is aware that Gregory barely ever smiles like that and that it makes his eyes sparkle, and it's like the gold in them shimmers even more. How it curves around his cheeks and even after it dissipates a bit, the contentment is still there. He watches him speak and how it flashes his teeth and his home-cut, shaggy hair kinda falls over his face like a curtain and he has to brush it out of the way with a hand. Theres the scar on his face that travels up his jaw and the sharpness to his eyes and the curve of his nose and--
He's long let go of the Bonnie keychain by now, but now, it weighs heavy on him. Suddenly he's all too aware of its presence, and Gregory's Freddy backpack that Tony can see on his back through the gap of the curtain.
Flashes of the cabinet art at the Faz-Cade and Gregory's drawing run laps through his mind. It makes sense, now. His mind is so jumbled he cant get a thought through, but he still knows what they're all saying. He feels it.
Freddy and Bonnie, the two always paired together that Tony saw a certain closeness between. Bonnie, who had always been Tony's favorite. Freddy, who is Greg's favorite. Who he draws all the time and has bonded with and who he's connected with.
Tony's always felt connected to Bonnie.
"Oh." Tony says outwardly, barely louder than a whisper. His voice cracks in the middle.
Bonnie tries to squeeze his shoulder, to open his mouth and say something, but Tony gently shoves him off, walking out of his hold and stumbling closer the curtain.
"Im--" He stammers, not knowing what to think. "I'm sorry, Bonnie. I-- thank you for this, but--" He sighs out, and it feels a little wet. He ignores Bonnie's worried expression and pushes open the curtain with one arm. "Ive-- I've got to go."
Bonnie doesn't try to stop him. He doesnt yell for him, ask him to wait, nothing. Tony appreciates it. Maybe that knowing look hed given him means he understands.
"Hey." Greg greets him on the outside, just like he said he would. Hes smiling, Freddy backpack still on his shoulders, but it drops a bit when he sees his face.
"Tony?" He asks, softer and less enthusiastic. "Are you--"
"I'm fine." Tony cuts him off, ignoring the guilt curling in his stomach when he walks past both Greg and Freddy. He needs-- he can't think right now. He doesnt know what to do. "Im-- I'm okay. I uh, just think im gonna go home."
Theres no response for a second until Greg goes "Oh." Its a little flat, and one hundred percent sounds disappointed and worried all in one. The guilt gets worse. "Are you--"
"I'm okay." Tony insists, and the tightness in his chest and rapidness of his thoughts dont go away. Greg doesnt get to ask again, because Tony's almost running away, now.
He can feel Greg and Freddys eyes on his back as he leaves Bonnie Bowl, not knowing how to feel.
Tony hasnt told Gregory.
How is he supposed to? He-- he hasnt even processed it himself. He doesnt know what to think or how to feel. He doesnt like not being able to think.
Every time he tries, it all gets jumbled and his brain twists in knots. He doesnt need to think to know. To know what it all meant and that he'd always felt this way. Since he'd gotten to know the real Greg.
That those moments where he and Gregory would be close where he'd have those weird feelings were because he liked him. He still does. He likes him. A lot.
He likes him and he'd-- Tony had always seen more in Bonnie and Freddy because he saw more in him and Gregory. Its always been that way. He's always felt closer to Greg. He's... he's the Freddy to his Bonnie.
The thought makes Tony's brain freeze up again. He blinks, feeling his arms burn from being sprawled out on the bed and holding them up for so long. He groans, long and drawn out, feeling lost.
His stomach does somersaults and his face burns when he looks at the drawing again. He's stared at it a lot already. Not only today, but since he got it. Its felt... special, to him. Now he knows why. That this drawing Greg gifted him always felt like it held something deeper. Something that... only Tony saw. That no one else would.
He grips the paper with his fingers, staring longingly at the art. It feels like hes getting a headache, lying flat on his back and straining his arms just to hold the drawing up in the air. He stares at the pencil lines and the colors and how Freddy and Bonnie's shoulders are pressed together and their hands are still awkwardly limp from where they fall by their waists.
Tony frowns, always feeling off about that part. It never fit in correctly. It never felt intentional. Not like everything about Gregory's art always has. It had always left Tony wondering. Like how he had with the feeling in his stomach and Freddy and Bonnie's official art.
He sighs, his arms drooping slightly from the strain. Today was a school day, and Tony hadn't gone with Greg to his house like he usually does. He's barely talked to him since his exchange with Bonnie. He doesn't want to avoid, him, he just... doesnt know what to say.
He doesnt know if he should tell him. Tony has always felt that he and Greg felt different, but he has no idea if Gregory does. Tony had been wrong about it being intentional in the art at the Plex. He'd created it himself because he saw himself in it. He doesnt want to-- to mess things up with Greg. He doesnt want Gregory to have never felt the same.
His brows furrow and he frowns as he readies himself to leave it for today, like he usually does. He takes a last long look at the drawing, eyeing Freddy and Bonnie's hands again, and how they look forced and awkward, and starts to drop his arms.
It's the afternoon, and the sun is setting and just at the right position to shine through his blinds and onto his bed. The blinds are almost fully shut, but the sun peeks through the cracks, shining on the back of the paper and highlighting the details of the drawing.
Tony wouldnt have paid it any mind if it hadn't revealed something hes never seen, never, about the drawing he's spent so long looking at.
He does a double take. Then a triple. Then some more for good measure. He blinks, and scrambles up on his arms to sit upright so he can see it better.
His eyes widen, and his stomach feels floaty. The same feeling from the cabinet art and when he and Greg will sit close to eachother at lunch and let their shoulders and knees touch or, stand closer to eachother than they should blooms in his stomach.
The sun, shining bright and golden through his window, illuminates the blank paper space adjacent to Freddy and Bonnie's hands in Gregory's drawing. They're bending awkwardly, out of the way, and it gives him room to see the faded lines besides Freddy and Bonnie's hands.
It starts from the wrist and the lines show up even through the marker Greg had used to color their hands with. It fits, Tony thinks, with the pose. With the original pose. This way, it doesnt feel forced or awkward. It looks like how it had intended to be from the start.
Because with the sun shining behind it and showing through the color and pen that had carefully covered it up, Tony sees faded pencil lines that before, had connected Freddy and Bonnie's hands.
His face becomes warm, and he just looks, feeling something blooms in his chest. Hope? Disbelief? Excitement? His brain short circuits and he's only feeling right now. He feels how sparks are flying in his stomach and it feels a little less impossible than before.
I... uh... I drew it for you in the first place.
This is how it had always been intended. For Freddy and Bonnie to be holding hands. Theres nothing else it could have been. It had always been unintentional in the Plex art. Always just created from Tony's own relation. But this... Greg wanted this. He wanted to draw Freddy and Bonnie holding hands and for that closeness to be more than an undertone. More than intangible.
Tony feels breathless. His arms and hands shake, and the paper in front of him shakes along with it. He doesnt care, though. The sun is still illuminating what Greg had intended in his drawing all along, the drawing he made for him, and Tony feels less unsure than before. He feels like maybe he isnt alone in feeling this way at all.
The next day, after a long night and day at school, Tony goes with Greg to his house.
The drawing sits heavy in his backpack. unfolded unfolded because he'd never want to crease it and he doesnt want the pencil lines to suddenly disappear, either. He handles it like porcelain glass, like itll slip through his fingers if he let's it go too much.
Even Ellis had noticed him acting weird, and Tony noticed Greg looking at him concerned from the corner of his eye. He knows why. He's been distant lately. But... at school today, Tony hadn't felt afraid of Greg. Of messing things up with him. He'd felt the warmth spread through his face and his stomach and fireworks go off and his face stretch in a grin when he'd seen him the first time that day. And he'd felt it times ten all over again when Greg had smiled back.
He wont lose him. Tony knows this. He'd spend all night and all day mulling it over. Greg feels the same. He'd felt the closeness like I had. He'd.. he erased it. He was scared, like I am now.
It feels different, walking into Greg's room. He hasnt been there in a couple days, but it feels almost similar to when he'd walked into Bonnie's greenroom. He knows now that it had been because he knew, deep down. It felt like he was about to confess something then. He pretty much had, saying that Bonnie and Freddy were together out loud.
It's not as far down, anymore. It's not buried underneath characterization branding and pencil lines and marker strokes and only revealed if the light hits it right. It wont stay under wraps. Not after today.
Tony becomes hyper aware of the bag on his back immediately after the door closes on them. Greg walks into his room first, slinging his bag off of his back and kicking his shoes off and talking about watching something, together, or writing like they always do, but Tony isnt listening. He's just balling up the hem of his green corduroy jacket in his hands and staring at the carpet and thinking about the colors orange and blue.
"Tony?" Greg asks him. Tony startles, looking up at Greg. Hes sitting on the edge of his bed, with concern etched on his face. "Are you okay?"
Tony opens his mouth, but theres no words on his tongue. He stands there silently for a moment, and he thinks about the drawing again. He knows it's time. The sun is peeking through Greg's blinds. His backpack and the knowledge that the drawing is inside and his Bonnie keychain weigh on him.
His eyes flick for a split second to Greg's backpack and his sneakers, and then he clears his throat, his mouth feeling dry. "Greg, can I show you something?"
Gregory tilts his head, looking a little worried. He jerks, patting the bed beside him. "Uh, yeah, of course."
Tony swings his own backpack off of his shoulders as he makes his way next to Gregory, but its gentler. Careful about the easily crinkleable paper inside. Pencil lines that have already been attempted to be erased.
It only fully sets in when he sits down next to Gregory on the bed, and he chose to sit close enough that their arms are flush against eachother and Tony's face gets warm. He doesnt fight it. He just unzips his backpack and carefully reaches in, grabbing ahold of the corner with light fingers.
He pulls it out, and Gregory looks suprised next to him, if not also a little but confused. Tony's face is still warm, and his fingers shake and tremble, and he turns his neck to face Gregory.
They're really close like this, and Tony's eyes widen and he has to fight to not look away. His heart hammers a hundred miles an hour in his chest, but he keeps his gaze on Greg's eyes. Gold meets blue, and they stay staring at eachother. Tony hopes deeply that Gregory gets the hint. That he understands.
Nothing, yet. Not a peep. Just a silent moment. Theres closeness now, Tony thinks. Closeness that feels carefully not one sided. That feels mutual. So after another moment, he forces himself to look away, pointing the paper at the wall and smoothing out the corners. Gregory follows his movements, still having not made a sound.
Tony doesnt, either. He just holds the paper up to the window on Greg's wall, or rather the beams of golden light shining through it, and just like how it did in Tony's room, it illuminates the pencil lines around the white of the paper.
Lines that had been hidden. That are being revealed now, brought to the surface because Gregory didnt have to be afraid. Becuase its mutual. It feels less like it was erased, now, and more like it was drawn in invisible ink. Blank to the naked eye, but the two of them know. Greg knows, he has to. He hid it himself. And Tony... well, Tony wasnt crazy for feeling that there was something between the lines all this time, has he? Not when there literally have been.
Tony looks at it for a moment, feeling like it's all being brought up to the surface. He feels connected to Gregory, right now. Like this isnt some big reveal. That its just an acknowledging of feelings. I know. Tony's trying to say. I always have, and now I know that you did, too.
He moves his gaze to Greg, who's staring wide eyed but almost blank faced at the paper. His lips are parted slightly, but other than that, he just looks... shocked. Suprised.
Tony's scared, too. But not in the way Greg is. Tony's nervous, and afraid, and excited, but Greg doesnt know if Tony knows. If he thinks the closeness is mutual.
He does.
He takes the leap, fire in his chest and on his face and sparks flying from where Greg's shoulder is pressed against his. "Maybe..." He begins, slow and quiet. He looks at Greg, meeting his eyes, and he points a finger at the lines that originally portrayed hands laced together. "...Bonnie and Freddy would like to hold hands. You know, like... in the promotional art".
Theres a fleeting moment of silence where Tony's words just hang in the air. Like in the promotional art, because Tony knows Gregory noticed, too. He knows he felt the same connection Tony had. He knows that he knows. He sets the paper down in his lap, no longer feeling like its needed. His hand lies on his leg, carefully positioned in-between them, like Greg's is.
Then, Greg stops looking so scared, and he meets Tony's eyes. The sun from his window makes them shine like gold, and Tony keeps ahold of his gaze. He hopes desperately that those few words were enough, that a moment like this that cant be shattered by big declarations gets across.
But then, Greg breaks from his eyes first, looking downwards, and Tony follows his gaze.
"Like in the promotional art." Gregory agrees. Tony watches as Gregorys hand twitches, and no matter how slow or agonizing, it moves to lace together with Tonys.
Tony doesnt dare smile, or laugh, or make a peep. He doesnt dare shatter the moment. His chest blooms and explodes with sparks and fireworks, and he knows. He knows that its requited. That Gregory knows, as well. That orange and blue go good together and that he was never wrong about there being something else there.
His head whips up from their hands to look at Greg's face again, and Gregory is looking at him already. Theres red on his face, too, like Tony knows there is on his own. Tony dares to use his thumb to brush against Greg's hand, and Gregory's eyes dart downwards for just a moment, before meeting his again.
Then, without a word, Greg smiles slowly. It's big and it stretches across his cheeks and crinkles his eyes at the corners. And Tony let's a grin appear on his own face.
The drawing sits in his lap, and a ray of sunshine continues to showcase the faded indents of pencil drawing laced together hands. Tony squeezes once, then twice, and shifts his hold to be tighter and more secure. Greg does the same.
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liliansun · 8 months
all too well | lee haechan
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wc 0.9k
warnings | angst | ex. hyuck x gn. reader
listen to the inspiration while reading this
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the air was crisp, brushing against your cheek as you walk up to the cafe doors that offered warmth and comfort. just as you’re reaching for the handle, a familiar voice calls out to you and it carried enough weight to halt your movements. turning to your left, your eyes fall upon a silhouette you didn’t think you’d ever see again, watching as he got closer and closer to you despite the snowfall coming down gently.
you take the time to take him in, a soft smile that almost felt like a natural response spread across your lips as he returns the smile. “please, go inside.” wordlessly, you reach back out to the handle, pulling the door open just enough for you to slip inside as he followed behind you. you take this moment to brush the snow off your coat, feeling a lot warmer with his presence next to you than you would’ve had he not gotten your attention.
“did you want the usual, i was thinking of getting something as well.” nodding, you look over at him as he takes your gesture as a yes and leaves your side to the line forming in front of the register. your thoughts are running, wondering what to say in conversation and what not to bring up to avoid cutting through old wounds while making your way to the same small table you two used to sit at back when you were younger. oh what a time it was to be young and in love, how the two of you would walk in the same cafe hand in hand with goofy smiles spread from ear to ear and now it feels almost foreign to be here with him again.
as you take the seat, haechan comes back over with two cups that have a steam coming up from the only spot it has to escape from and he sets them down onto the table. “they made ours quicker than i expected, guess that’s the perks of being regulars.” the words fall effortlessly out of his mouth, as if you two still came here together. “yeah, i still come by often to check on everyone so they’re pretty accustom to the time i stop by.” he only nods, pushing your drink towards you as he holds his within his hands. without much to spark a conversation, the two of you fall into a comfortable silence while you opt to avoid his longing gaze by staring out the window.
“oh i almost forgot.” he mumbles beneath his breath while digging in his coat pocket. his voice directs your attention to his hand, furrowed brows to show your confusion as to what he had for you till you see the faded red fabric in his hand. “you left this years ago and i never had time to return it.” setting it on the table, he searches for your eyes for a hint at anything that’ll walk you two down the road of your memories together. instead, he sees the same look in your eyes that you had the night you two ended things and it brings a familiar pain to his heart.
“uhm, thanks hyuck.” you’re not sure what to say, grabbing the scarf from off the table and gently caress it within your glove-covered hands. you’re not sure what possessed you to meet his eyes, but when you do you can only hold back the tears as you both share a similar thought. you both missed each other, so much that it drove you apart and despite the nights you each cried out for one another, neither of you had the strength to find the other. now here you both were, sitting at the same table with the drinks you still order each time you come in and choke back the urge to ask him how he’s been when you know the answer already. he looks good, his face is a little thinner since the last time you saw him, but his hair is thicker and his eyes are bright.
he now has his own life, a life that is no longer intertwined within yours and all you can do is remember him from who he was then and not him becoming the stranger in front of you now. “i gotta go y/n, but i want you to know i would like to get in touch with you again.” and there it goes again, his attempts of trying to rebuild a bridge with you that you burnt down yourself. he’s quick when he gets up from his seat, going to the counter to scribble his number down on a napkin and brining it back to you. “i don’t need your number hyuck, i still remember it.” judging by the look on his face, he seemed relieved and almost saddened by your response, but he simply smiles at you and carries his drink in his hand as he walks out of the cafe.
watching him from your seat, a singular tear rolls down your cheek as you follow his silhouette with your eyes till he gets too far out of view. you remember everything about him, from his favorite movies down to his first songs he started a playlist with. how could you ever forget anything about your first love, for he was and still is everything to you. they say that with time, all wounds will heal, but for you, you know you’ll never forget him. you’ll forever remember him all too well.
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permanent taglist | @dinonuguaegi
90 notes · View notes
sundaepoppy · 1 year
🩸You messed up🩸
(featuring the reader in it)
I watched the video multiple times and I thought about inserting the reader into it. I might do "The Bridge" after this.
Warnings: Spoilers (Again LMAO)
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(Name), Craig, Token, and Clyde all stare in horror as a certain song starts playing. Tweek was freaking out and covering his ears while Gregory dances around him before he starts singing.
"We messed upon the stairs", Gregory glanced at all of them while smiling as he moved behind Craig. "We spoke of was and when", Craig singed. "Although I wasn't there".
"He said I was his friend". Pip, Tweek, and Gregory appeared in front them as Gregory's eyes rolled to the back as black ink hands started coming out of his mouth.
"Which came as a surprise". Craig, Token, and Clyde singed at the same time as (Name) tried to walk away before Gregory blocked their way as he opened his mouth and more black ink hands came out.
"I spoke into his eyes, I thought you died alone". (Name) backed away from Gregory as they stood next to Craig who continued to sing while staring at the demons before his eyes.
"A long, long time ago". Tweek was freaking out again as Pip was happily flying around him. Gregory gave several glances at (Name) as they gripped onto Craig's sleeve while shaking.
"Oh no, not me", the song played as Gregory glitched into different designs of himself with Tweek and Pip in the background.
"We never lost control", Gregory lifted his left hand to the side as a small blonde boy was in front of (Name) and (Name) recognized him as Thomas.
"You're face to face, with the man who sold the world". Thomas smiled nervously as he covered his mouth but he uncovered it as he puked blood everywhere while his wings, horns and tail appeared in the progress. Some of his blood got on (Name)'s face and clothes.
(Name) flinched as Craig pulled them away from Thomas.
"I laughed and stook his hand". An memory image appeared and it showed a school bus in the great canyon. "And made my way back home". Gregory was sitting next to Stan on the bus while he seems to be slightly annoyed with Stan.
"I searched for form and land". Gregory was walking behind Stan on a path while Stan was eating a banana".
"For years and years I roam". Stan finished eating his banana as he threw the peel onto Gregory's hand and Gregory was pissed at Stan for doing that.
"I gazed a gazeless stare". Gregory threw the peel onto the ground as he gave Stan an angry look and prepared to confront him.
"We walked a millions years, I must have died alone". Gregory ended up stepping onto the peel and slipped over the rails and began to start falling off the cliff which resulted in him dying.
"A long, long time ago". Gregory singed as Pip continued to fly around Tweek as he freaked out even more.
"Who knows? not me". the scene replayed with Gregory glitching from different designs with Tweek and Thomas in the background this time.
"I never lost control". (Name) could see a glimpse of Pip holding a body's hand in his own behind Gregory.
"You're face to face, with the man who sold the world". Pip threw down Jimmy's body onto the ground that had his skull showing from his face being bitten off.
Thomas began to throw up blood onto Jimmy's body.
Craig, Token, and Clyde all had scared looks on their face as they began to start running while leaving (Name) behind.
(Name) began to run to catch up with them until Gregory's black ink hands grabbed their leg and pulled them backwards.
(Name) tried to get themselves free from the black ink hands until Craig, Token, and Clyde were out of their sight.
All (Name) could see was the corpse of Jimmy Valmer lying down on the ground a few feets from them as the song began to fade out.
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Hahahahahfjskdbdjjsjs why did I write this😭😭
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sealofarchives · 1 month
Oneshot scenario: Leo x GN!Reader - Late Hour Conversations
Prompt: A surprise visit from Leo when the reader couldn't make it to the lair due to pms (tone can be viewed as platonic or romantic)
Warnings: mostly towards the topic of pms (nothing too graphic though) and a slight mention of throwing up (again not too graphic)
Close to 2 am...
You just woke up from an accidental nap in attempt to get rid of the monthly menstrual headaches. Your phone was a few inches away as you winced grabbing it.
Sorry Leo, I can't make it to the lair today.
I couldn't sleep because of pms and I still have a terrible headache because of it...
The electronic screen laid out the messages you sent a few hours ago. You looked for some other video to watch while adjusting your head back onto the pillow.
The sound of a light blue portal appearing close to your bedside immediately caught your attention. As you tried to sit up while the red slider turtle almost dropped a plastic bag, slightly startled that you were still awake at this hour.
Leo cleared his throat but, still held on the bag filled with menstrual products, attempting to hide the worried look on his face.
"The store ran out on what you usually use so... Think you can manage a few days with these?"
"Its fine thanks but, you're not using this time to skip out on the night patrols?"
"Its been kind of a slow week so not much was happening. Until we all saw your message."
"When you mentioned the headache part, we didn't want to risk making it worse. Since we can get a bit rowdy and I dunno, just one turtle checking up on you seemed like the best idea."
"I'm guessing you guys were panicking when it happened to April."
Leo rolled his eyes as he made himself comfortable sitting in a nearby chair.
"I wouldn't call it panicking if we ended up getting pale faces with how Splinter explained it. At least April can make it sound like something out of a scary movie."
The turtle took notice towards a cup by your desk before looking back at you.
"I'd hate to bug you about staying hydrated at this hour but, if the headache's back, I could go grab a refill for you."
A sly smile showed up on your face as you briefly paused the video.
"When you say it like that, you're almost starting to sound like Raph."
Leo got up from the chair as he stuck out his tongue at you, taking the empty drink.
"You and Donnie always forget to eat breakfast right before Raph or Mikey wake up. Just be lucky I haven't told them about it."
The turtle returned back with the glass of water just as you readjusted yourself sitting by the edge of your bed. You briefly muttered a thanks with a remark.
"If you did, you'd be whining about missing a few hours for your well needed beauty sleep."
Leo sat beside you but, ignored the comment. Feeling his face heat up as you sipped your drink.
"You still kind of scared us when you were close to throwing up in the turtle tank. Just taking a shortcut away from reaching your favorite fast food place."
You muttered a geez under your breath, realizing it was a month ago when that happened.
"Don't remind me, I would have to be Donnie's helper for a few weeks if I ended up making a mess on his prized vehicle."
Leo lightly chuckled relaxing his shoulders as he began to stretch.
"I'm pretty sure Donnie will ease up on the workload. The fact you can keep up with his neverending tangents helps a lot. But, in case he gets a little too over his head, just get a spare beach ball-"
You lightly pinched Leo's cheek before going back to finish your drink.
"Yeah no, I can hold my ground against Donnie if he's gonna be stubborn about taking breaks."
"When he claimed, he can surpass my messed up sleep schedule by noon. Around 9 am, when I placed a pillow close to his keyboard. He was already snoring on top of it."
Leo rubbed his cheek while crossing one of his legs on to the edge of the bed.
"I guess any beach ball pranks are out of the question because..."
"I can already imagine you rushing to defend Donnie from those 'dreaded colorful spheres.'"
A light hum and smirk surfaced your face as you pretended to ignore Leo.
"If you keep bringing up it, I'll mostly spare Mikey and Raph and just aim for your face instead."
"Hey, I was kidding about that?! I wouldn't go that far to scare Donnie!"
The red slider turtle pouted as you laughed but, not loud enough to draw attention to your room.
"I know, just wanted to see if you're still keeping up to being the face man of the group~."
"Uh duh, its still part of my image. I don't need to be reminded-"
"Unless you want to keep pestering me about it~."
You playfully pushed Leo away but, grinned back at him.
"I guess I owe you a pizza since my headache hasn't come back to bite me."
"So, thanks Leo..."
Leo almost froze from the hug but, nuzzled near your shoulder because of your high body temperature.
"Are you gonna hate me if I really want pineapple toppings?"
You poked his face with your empty cup as Leo hid his head from your annoyed smile.
"I'll glare at you if you don't give me something in return..."
Leo gave a quick thumbs up before hurrying out of the door to refill your drink.
After a couple of days, both of you reached a compromise on an empty rooftop building, trading the pizza box for your favorite food. You still silently judged Leo's choice of pizza toppings.
However, he was more content that he got to see a genuine smile from you.
Bonus drawing:
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I couldn’t draw the body without making it too wonky so here’s a quick sketch of a POV where you don’t notice Leo acting almost soft around you > /// <
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blackhillverse · 1 year
the last thing maria remembered was looking into nick’s eyes, his hands covered in her blood never letting go of maria’s numb limbs.
she let go.
the darkness gradually released its grip, giving way to a sense of serenity and comfort she had longed for since the day she was resurrected from the blip and realized a profound void had been left in her heart, torn apart by the events that had unfolded.
as her senses gradually returned, she could hear the melodic chirping of birds in the distance, their songs harmonizing with the gentle rustling of leaves. the warm rays of the sun caressed her face, casting a gentle glow upon her skin, while a salty breeze swept through the air, carrying with it a touch of the ocean's essence. as maria’s eyelids fluttered open, the world around her came into focus. colors seemed more vibrant, and the scenery unfolded before her like a painting brought to life. she found herself lying in a tranquil meadow, the grass beneath her fingertips cool and soft.
with each breath she took, the air felt invigorating, filling her lungs with a renewed sense of vitality. as she sat up, her muscles responded with a pleasant ache, reminding her of the physicality of existence. taking in the panoramic view, maria noticed a majestic mountain range in the distance, its peaks kissed by wisps of clouds. the sound of a nearby stream reached her ears, its gentle babbling adding a soothing rhythm to the symphony of nature that surrounded her.
"hey sleepyhead," came a voice from behind maria, causing her heart to skip a beat. she turned slowly, her eyes widening with astonishment as she laid eyes upon the figure standing before her. natasha's red hair gently streamed in the wind, just as radiant and vibrant as she remembered.
their gazes locked, and in that silent exchange, a myriad of unspoken words passed between them. it was as if time stood still, allowing them to savor the moment and relish in the presence of one another. no grand declarations were necessary; their connection spoke volumes in its simplicity.
"you've done so well, masha," a tender smile played upon natasha's lips as she spoke. her voice was just like she remembered—warm, velvety, and filled with a depth of emotion that resonated deep within maria's soul.
without needing to say another word, maria and natasha stepped towards one another, their embrace a testament to their enduring connection. it was a reunion that mended the fragments of their souls, rekindling a flame that had flickered but never extinguished.
as the meadow whispered its gentle secrets, the world around them faded into insignificance.
in the quiet intimacy of their reunion, maria knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be. and as their hearts beat in synchrony, they both found solace in the knowledge that their journey, though filled with pain and sacrifice, had led them to this moment of profound serenity and unspoken love.
maria hill was finally home.
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kitsune024 · 1 year
Danny Phantom, Batman & Justice League Fanfiction Crossover
Ghostly Delivery by WeirdNCrazy
What's a boy supposed to do in another dimension filled with heroes? Well become a pizza delivery man of course and if it comes with the bonus of fucking with the local heroes' heads then that is just a plus.
Chapters: 1/1
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kristannafever · 4 months
A Snow Angel and a Substitute
Kristanna Modern AU Rated: T+ WC: 7122
~Completely self indulgent oneshot
“Yo, Mr. B!”
Kristoff turned around right as the snowball exploded against his shoulder.  His eyes narrowed at the three teenage boys who were busting a gut laughing.
“Get your asses to class!” he yelled, a smirk pulling at the side of his mouth as he brushed the snow off his jacket.
The boys grinned at him and took off running through the deep snow.  Kristoff shook his head and resumed his work with the shovel.  It was a crying shame their rural school never got the walks cleared in the morning in time, forcing parents and children to navigate the blinding white landscape.  He’d seen his fair share of people slip and fall, not to mention that one time he took a tumble on the way to his truck after school. 
More students filed off the buses, stepping around him as he resumed shoveling the snow.  It was a long walkway along the front of the school to the bus loop, and he was going to have to hurry back inside to make it in time for the second bell to teach his class.
“There he goes again.”
Anna looked up from where she was sitting at one of the tables in the staff break room.  There were four other teachers, all ladies, looking out the window at someone.   This was a new school for her and her first time substituting at it; if she knew the other teachers better, she might go see that the commotion was about.
“He’s such an angel for doing that,” one of them said.
“Every time it snows.  And he always has a smile on his face,” the first one who spoke answered.
“If I wasn’t married, I would be all over him,” another woman said through a dreamy sigh. 
“Ha.  Get in line.  Almost all of us single ladies have already tried and failed to get a date.”
Anna had no idea what they were talking about but curiosity got the better of her and she got up and approached the window.  Outside was a tall man, his blond hair decorated with snowflakes, shoveling the walkways around the school.
The one who spoke first turned slightly, noticing Anna’s presence.  “Oh, you’re Miss Arendelle, right?  The sub for Mrs. Gleeman’s class?”
“That’s me.”  She smiled.  “I’m Anna.”
“I’m Tracy.  Welcome to the school.”  She offered her hand and Anna shook it.  “You get a good look at Mr. B out there?”
“Mr. B?” Anna asked.
Tracy gave her a wicked smile.  “Mr. Kristoff Bjorgman.  He teaches science in the junior high wing.  You’ll see once you meet him.”
Anna was certainly intrigued.  She imagined she’d have a chance to bump into him since she was taking over the Junior High’s English period in the same wing for the entire month while Mrs. Gleeman recovered from knee surgery.    
The rest of the teachers introduced themselves and Anna found them all to be warm and inviting.  They included her in their conversation about the goings-on of the school until the first bell rang and all the women broke up to head to their classrooms. 
Anna headed to the classroom that the principal had shown her when she’d arrived, and turned the corner to come face to face with a very snow-covered blond man whom she’d been looking at only moments before.
“Oh, hello…” he said, shaking snow off his hair and then brushing it off the shoulders of his coat.  “You must be subbing for Mrs. G.”
Anna was immediately enamored with the pink hue of his cheeks from being out in the cold and exerting himself with the shovel.  “I am,” she said with a smile.  “My name is Anna.”
“Kristoff,” he said, and offered a hand.  “Kids call me Mr. B.”
Anna shook it, expecting it to be cold, but instead it was delightfully warm.  “Nice to meet you, Kristoff.”
He gave her a tiny smile.  “Have a good morning.”  Then he walked around her and straight to the classroom beside hers. 
Anna paused at the door to her classroom and took a deep breath.  It was always nerve-racking teaching in a new school she wasn’t familiar with, and grade seven was by far the most ruthless grade she’d ever taught for.  With any luck, she’d get through the day without having a nervous breakdown.
So far, the morning had gone off without too much issue.  There were some rowdy boys in the class to be sure, but none of them did anything too rash beyond talking when they weren’t supposed to be.  The biggest distraction of the morning happened when the classroom next to theirs erupted with noise.
Her students had been reading quietly to prepare for the book report they were going to do on their chosen book, when there was a whooshing sound, a class full of teenagers oohing and ahhing, and then ruckus laughter.  It filtered through the wall with remarkable clarity.
“I can’t wait for science,” whispered one of the boys in the back to his friend. 
“Me either,” his friend responded.  “Mr. B is the best!”
That brought hushed murmurs of agreement from other students and within seconds they were all talking.  Anna looked at the clock, and with only five minutes left in the period, she figured she’d let them be.  In the meantime, she took the opportunity to look up this Mr. B on line, only to find that he had no presence there beyond being listed as a teacher on the school’s website.
The bell rang and the kids filed out to head to their next class.  Not long after the grade eights filed in, talking and laughing.  Anna had read over their curriculum and was prepared.  That class went a little quicker since they were discussing their upcoming biography projects and Anna had to answer a lot of questions before the bell rang for lunch. 
Anna lingered a moment to gather her notes for the grade nine’s she would be teaching after lunch, then grabbed her bag and headed for the staff room.  Walking passed Mr. B’s classroom, she noticed him out of the corner of her eye.  Pausing, she turned towards the open door and leaned against the frame.
“Do all the teachers eat lunch in their classrooms?”
His head remained still but his eyes looked up from the book he was reading, a sandwich paused half way to his mouth in his other hand.  He blinked at her and finally brough his head up, setting his lunch down.  “Um, no.  But I do.”
“Oh?” Anna cocked her head to the side.  “Is everyone here that insufferable?”
A smirk played out on his lips and he set his book down, looking away from her eyes.  “No, nothing like that.  I just like peace and quiet.”
Anna nodded slowly.  “I get it.  Sometimes I need a breather from all the talking and listening to the students.”
Kristoff looked back and smiled at her but didn’t look like he was going to say anything in response, so Anna told him to have a good lunch and headed to the staff room.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristoff was out there again the next morning, shoveling the snow that had fallen overnight.  The school district crews had been there in the afternoon to clear the accumulation from the day, but everything was once again under a blanket of snow.
Anna walked into the staff room to a nearly identical scene from the morning before, only this time where were five other female teachers lined up at the window.  She didn’t bother to join them since it seemed a little juvenile.  Not that she didn’t understand; he truly was a very handsome man, but why bother ogling when he wasn’t interested.  Anna certainly would have joined him if he’d offered her to eat lunch with him yesterday.  Only he hadn’t, so it was fair to assume there was no interest for her either.
She put her lunch in the fridge and headed to her classroom.  There were already a few students milling around in it, and she got everything set up for the day.  Then the junior high door opened and shut and the sound of someone stomping boots on the mat came down the hallway.  Kristoff breezed by her open door a moment later on his way to his classroom without sparing her so much as a glance. 
“Yo, Mr. B!” came through the wall a moment later, and the sound of kids bombarding him with comments and questions was drowned out by the second bell. 
The day progressed much like the day before, only with the other grade seven and eight classes.  Then the lunch bell rang and Anna headed to the staff room, glancing briefly in Kristoff’s classroom to find it empty.   As soon as she entered the staff area, she could see why.  He was digging around in the fridge, bent at the waist, with every single pair of female eyes staring at his wonderfully shaped back side.
Anna fought with a smile and the urge to break out with laughter.  These women were worse than love struck teenagers.
Kristoff pulled out a brown paper bag and shut the fridge as he turned in her direction.  He almost slammed right into her, and had to stumble back a step.  “Oh, sorry.  Didn’t mean to almost run you over.”
“No worries.”  Anna smiled at him.
The side of his mouth curved up in response but he walked around her and said, “Have a good lunch.”
“You too,” Anna said to his back as he left the room.
Silence stretched on for a moment when Tracy piped up.  “He is so fine.”
A male teacher sitting at a table guffawed at her comment.  “Put it back in your pants, you cougar.  He ain’t interested.”
“I know that,” she snapped at him.  “Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate that fine form.  Not to mention that perfect ass.”
Some of the ladies in the room giggled while the male teacher rolled his eyes with comedic drama that told her the ribbing was all in good fun.   Anna turned away from the group and grabbed her lunch and found a spot to eat while conversations turned away from the attractiveness of co-workers.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristoff never had to shovel the next morning, which disappointed him just a little.  He liked doing it, getting out in the cold fresh air and making life a little better for the parents and students.  One of the gym teachers used to do it, but the guy only shoveled the entryway to the front doors, so when Kristoff got to the shovel before him one morning, he never made a move to grab it again.  It was for the better.  This way the entre walkway was free and clear of deep snow, and Kristoff always got the de-icer to sprinkle if there was ice left on the walks. 
One of the good things about not having to shovel at least was not seeing a bunch of faces staring at him from the window of the staff room.  Some of those ladies were relentless. 
At least it was hump-day and Kristoff was excited to dazzle the kids with another experiment.  He put his lunch in the fridge, ignoring the stares, and went to his classroom to organize his day.  As the kids filtered in, he was greeted warmly. 
He tried not to listen to much of what they were saying, especially when he heard a swear word or two fall out of their mouths, but one of the boys talking caught his attention when he mentioned ‘Miss A’.
“… is so awesome.  She’s so chill.  I like her.”
“Dude, she’s hot!”
“Jackson!” Kristoff warned, not bringing his eyes up from the quiz he was grading.  “Inappropriate.”
“Sorry, Mr. B,” Jackson responded sheepishly. 
Kristoff went back to his work.  He understood these kids had hormones fucking up their brains at this age.  Hell, he’d received googly eyes from plenty of the girls over his years teaching.  It was natural for them to feel those feelings.  And of course, not one of them ever acted on them.  Which sadly, couldn’t be said for all teachers.
He’d worked with a guy before who’d crossed the line with one of his students.  Kristoff laid him out with one punch when he found out, and got him fired on the spot.  The girl was consenting and technically eighteen, but it was still so fucking wrong.  
He saw a flash of colour scurry past his open door and met Anna’s eyes for one brief second as she hurried down the hall.  Kristoff stared at nothing for a moment, regretting not thinking of something better to say to her when she’d stopped by his classroom that first day.  Truth is, she was hot.  And he was instantly captivated by her eyes and her easygoing smile. 
The noise level in the room was getting out of hand so Kristoff had to rein in the students and begin class.  The morning flew by, and before he knew it, the lunch bell was ringing and he was swiftly left alone in his classroom.  He hurried to grab his lunch and managed to get out before too many people came in, and was once again alone in the solitude of his classroom a moment later.
Mid way through unpacking his sandwiches, a familiar voice came from his open door. 
“How do you do it?” she asked. 
Kristoff looked at her, those clear blue, intelligent, eyes, and felt a jolt of longing.  He hadn’t really ever felt an attraction like this before, and it went well beyond her looks. 
“How do I do what?”
“Get them to love you so much,” she said with mock exasperation as she took a couple steps into the room and threw her hands up dramatically.  “Those kids adore you.”
He felt his cheeks warm instantly, and shrugged to her.  “I just like teaching science.”
She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.  “Nuh uh.  It’s more than that.  You have a natural talent for reaching these young people.  They look up to you, and they listen to you, and most importantly, they learn from you.”
The heat in his face deepened and he had no idea what to say.
She sighed.  “We all had those teachers growing up.  You remember, right?  The one, or if you’re lucky, two, that really make a difference.  The one’s that leave an impression.  You are one of those.  How do you do it?”
Kristoff was at a complete loss for words.  No one had ever said anything so flattering to him before.  He was further taken with her. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it then.”  She uncrossed her arms and turned back towards the door.
He had a moment of panic, wanting this conversation to keep going only his mind was still drawing a blank.  She was almost out of sight when words finally came to him and came out with halting awkwardness.  “I don’t really know how… I just love science.”
She turned back and looked at him with curiosity.  “You really don’t have like, a secret, or something?”
He shook his head.  “No.  Not at all.  In fact, I’m actually a really quiet person.  I just… like talking about science.”
Anna stared at him, making him a little uncomfortable.  “So you’re basically a unicorn,” she said finally.
The absurdity of the statement made him laugh.  “What?”
She waved her hand in front of her face.  “Never mind.  Just means you’re a rare individual.”  Then she turned and disappeared out the door before he could utter another word. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He was tired as hell, and shoveling the dump of snow that had fallen overnight was hard work.  By the time he stomped his snow-covered boots on the mat and changed into his school sneakers, he was ready to call it a day and go home.  Only the day was only just starting. 
The reason he couldn’t sleep, appeared rushing to her classroom as he approached his door, and she threw him one of those breathtaking smiles as she passed him.
All morning, he struggled to concentrate, leaving his kids quietly passing silent glances at one another.  He finally had more than he could take and told them to just take out their textbooks and read over the material in their unit to study for the upcoming test next week.  While they silently worked, he stared at his computer and tried to make himself work. 
He almost dozed off and the bell ran, startling him, which was embarrassingly noticed by almost all of his students.  They filtered out of the class throwing him questioning glances and his next class sauntered in.  He managed to hold it together a bit better, then he looked at the clock, realized how much time was left, and told them to do the same as he did with his other class.
Miss A… Anna… was thoroughly under his skin.
By the time the lunch bell rang, it felt like eight hours had passed instead of four.  He went to the corner of his desk where he’d thrown his lunch bag when he came in.  He was too tired to put it in the fridge and he pulled the items out without really thinking about it and started to eat his first sandwich.
Then she was at his door again. 
“It’s noticeably quiet over here today.”
“Pardon?” he asked, his tired mind trying to understand.
“Your classes are kind of loud,” she said, walking into the room and right up to his desk.
He swallowed the sudden thickness in his throat and maintained eye contact with her.  “I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to be a disruption.”
She gave him a brilliant smile.  “That’s not what I’m saying.”  Anna grabbed a nearby student chair and pulled it towards his desk, sitting across from him.  “I just mean the kids seem a little less upbeat today.  And… so do you.”
Did that mean she had been watching him while he was shoveling?  Did she notice that his enthusiasm was not what it was at the beginning of the week?
“Just tired…” was all he could think of to say. 
She stared back at him with eyes that were more knowing than anyone else he’d ever met.  “I get it.  We all have those days.  That’s why the kids seem quiet.  They feed off your energy, and when you don’t have it, they worry.”
He frowned.  “You think they worry about me?”
“Of course they do!  That’s all I heard murmured when my next class came in.  They come straight from you to me.”
“They noticed,” he said more to himself than Anna as his gaze fell to his desk.  He was a little taken aback, as this had never really happened to him before.  Upon reflection, he supposed he was pretty constant with his attitude.  No wonder the kids were thrown off.
She nodded.  “Don’t worry, no one is saying anything bad.  Just that you look tired.”
He looked back into her eyes.  “Yeah, I am tired.”
Shit, if his tiredness was throwing his kids off, her question as to why certainty threw him off.   “Just a restless night,” he said carefully.
“That’s too bad.”  She frowned.  “Everything okay?  You need to talk about something?”
The fact that the reason he couldn’t sleep was asking him why, was amusing his tired brain.  “No, it’s all good.  Just couldn’t stop thinking.”
“Ah, I have those nights once in a while.”  She leaned back in the chair.  “Definitely no fun.”
He shook his head slowly, watching her eyes as they flicked to the clock and then back to his desk, before finally coming up and meeting his gaze.  It was all over her face; she was going to get up and leave him to his solitude and join the masses in the break room.  All he had to do was say the words.  She stood and it came out of his mouth. 
“If you want, you can bring your lunch here and we could talk.”
A slow smile spread across her face.  “Sure.  I’ll be right back.”
Kristoff watched her leave the room and caught her eyes as she looked back at him.  That was a good sign. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Anna had a restless night, and now she had a better understanding of why Kristoff had looked tired the day before.
The talk they had over their short lunch, had opened up something between them.  It was there, and real, and she could feel it.  Kristoff could too, she could tell.  His eyes bored into hers as they talked, taking her in in the way she was taking him in with hers.  And then the bell rang way too soon.
Anna went back to her room feeling fluttery and light.  She even lingered a moment after class, and waited until she saw him walk past her room, looking in and smiling.  She’d called out that she’d walk to the parking lot with him, and he waited while she put on her coat and grabbed her purse.  The talk was brief, but she was suddenly desperate to find out everything about him. 
And then he was on her mind all night long. 
The next morning, it hadn’t snowed and the forecast was for clear skies, so Anna went into her classroom early, not surprised one little bit that Kristoff was in his.  She stopped by his door and noticed there was only one kid there so far, reading quietly at his desk.  She was hoping for an empty classroom but this was going to have to do and the student in question was a quiet one.  Not that this wasn’t going to start a rumor. 
She approached the desk where he was going through some papers.  “Morning, Kristoff.  How are you?”
He looked up quickly and have her an even quicker smile.  “Morning!  I’m Good, how about you, Anna?”
“I’m good.  A little tired, but you know… pretty good.”  She suddenly felt a little flustered in his warm brown gaze. 
“Hmm.  Didn’t sleep well?”
“Not really.”
“Seems to be going around.”
Anna did not miss what he meant by that and by the way he was looking at her.  “How about you?  You catch up on your rest?”
His smile widened and he chuckled low.  “Went to bed at eight, so yeah.  Got nine hours in.”
“That’s great!  I imagine your class will be lively again today.”
“With the experiment I have planned to show the kids, we’ll definitely be disturbing you.”
Anna grinned at him.  “Wonderful.  I love hearing the kids have fun.”
“If it gets too loud though, please let me know.  Mrs. G complained to me all the time.”
“I promise it won’t,” she said, noticing a few kids filtering into the class behind her.  If she was going to go for it, she better get it out now.  “Have a fun morning, and if you want, you can join me in my classroom today for lunch?”
One eyebrow twitched up ever so slightly.  “Sure.  I’d love to.”
Despite Anna’s attempt to keep things low key, she was already hearing kids talk rumors.  And it had only taken a matter of hours for the gossip to spread.  The kids were apparently tickled pink with the idea of Miss A and Mr. B getting together and going on a date.   Now all Anna had to do was get Kristoff to ask her out on one. 
Kristoff showed up for lunch before all the kids had left the room, which she knew would further stoke the flames of the chatter.  Not that she really cared. 
He asked her all about how she got into teaching and she had a great time talking to him, then the bell rang and they finished teaching out their day and walking to the parking lot together again.  He bid her a good night but did not ask her out.  It had disappointed her, but Kristoff seemed kind of laid-back to her, like he just rolled with it, so maybe he just had no presence of mind to rush things.  Unlike Anna, who had already pictured kissing him, among other things, about a dozen times. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristoff parked in the staff lot and lingered in his truck a moment.  There was no snow to shovel, so no real reason to hurry into the school so early.  That, and Anna’s car wasn’t there yet.
He was going to ask her out on a date, of that he was certain.  What he wasn’t so certain about was whether or not it was a good idea.  He’d already heard the kids whisper about them, and it bothered him.  He was very careful to maintain professionalism in the workplace, and while there were absolutely no rules about dating a staff member, the fact that the kids were so into it was weird to him. 
He decided to let it go when he saw Anna’s car pull of the main road and made a show of slowly grabbing his bag and getting out of the truck so it wasn’t obvious that he had waited for her.  She parked beside him with a bright smile while he shut his door and lingered.  Her head popped up over the roof of the car a moment later.
“Morning, Kristoff.  Walk in with me?”
He smiled.  “Sure.”
“Just a sec…”  She disappeared back into her car to gather her things. 
“No problem.”  It took her a moment, making him smile a little more.  Finally, she gathered her bag and her purse and shut her door.
“TGIF, am I right?”  She laughed, falling in step beside him. 
“Definitely.  Any plans for the weekend?”
“Eh, not really.  Call my sister on Sunday, but that’s about it.  Maybe some Christmas shopping.  I like to get that done early.”
So did Kristoff.  In fact, he was already done.
“How about you?” she asked, as they rounded the bus loop and headed towards the front doors. 
“Oh, not too much.  Go to my folks for dinner on Sunday.”  He took a quick breath and went for it.  “Maybe take you out for dinner tomorrow night?”
Anna stopped in her tracks only feet from the front door and Kristoff resisted the urge to look at the staff window to see who was spying on them.  That was the whole reason he wanted to ask her when they were alone.  The gossip among the staff was sometimes worse than the children.  
She smiled at him in a way he hadn’t yet seen, and it made his stomach do little flips.  “Sure, Kristoff.  I would love that.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
On Monday morning, Anna was accosted by Tracy in the staff room. 
The woman had her hands on her hips.  “So you and Mr. B went on a date this weekend?”
Anna bristled at the stern look from the older woman.  “How in the hell did you hear about that?”  She’d been careful not to let the kids know about their date plans, and no one had been around when he’d asked her. 
“Janice, the kindergarten teacher, was at the restaurant that night and saw the two of you canoodling over dinner.”
“So?  Two consenting adults going on a date isn’t a crime.”
“It is when the man is that fine,” Tracy said, arching and eyebrow and giving Anna and evil smile.  “Good for you, girl.”
Anna smiled and giggled nervously with no idea of how to respond to that.
“I’m just joking with you, Anna.  Relax.”  Tracy left the staff room laughing to herself and Anna’s cheeks were on fire. 
She quickly grabbed another coffee and rushed to her classroom, stopping briefly by Kristoff’s open door to smile at him.  Their date, had been magical.  Kristoff was wonderful, kind, honest, intelligent, and sexy as all get out.  He was the man she’d been looking for her entire life.  The sparks flew, and yeah, she supposed they were canoodling over dinner. 
Then Kristoff dropped her off at her place, declined the invite inside, then kissed her in the most wonderful, yet chaste way, leaving her weak in the knees.  She was already head over heels about him and could not wait to go on their next date.  If all went well, they’d be spending more of the weekend together than just their Friday night.
Kristoff went on with explaining the science projects that the kids were going to create and test, but his mind was completely occupied with thoughts of Anna and how he already knew that he was going to fall deeply in love with her.
She ignited things in his soul that he didn’t even know were there.  Time with her was some of the best of his entire life.  And the best part was, he could feel the same kind of energy coming from Anna.   She had wanted him to come into her place when he dropped her off, she made that very clear.  But Kristoff was raised with respect and somehow, he managed to decline despite what his body was telling him.  They were going out again this Friday and he knew she was going to ask again for him to come in after their date, and while he planned to say no, wanting to hold out for the third, he had to wonder if he’d have enough strength to deny her again.
It turned out that Kristoff did not possess the strength to be able to deny her again, and after their second date, him and Anna made love for the first time.  They were inseparable after that.
Anna had been set to leave the school when Mrs. Gleeman returned, only to be informed that the healing was taking its toll on the much older woman, and she’d need another three to four weeks of recovery.  Kristoff was sad that Mrs. G (even as grouchy as she always was to him) was having a hard time, but happy that meant Anna would be at the school a little longer.   And with the thought of her eventually leaving the school looming in his mind, he asked her to move in with him only five weeks after their first date. 
His home had never felt like home until Anna had moved in.  She made his life so much better, and they did absolutely everything together.  Except, at school it was business, and they kept the fact that they were so involved, from everyone there.   Even Tracy had stopped pestering Anna after not getting the information she wanted.  The kids still talked, because Kristoff and Anna still took turns eating lunch in each other’s classrooms, but with no ammo besides a healthy friendship, the murmurs soon ceased. 
More time went on and Anna had been getting genuinely depressed when it was looking like she’d have to move onto another school to substitute at, when low and behold, Mrs. G showed up one morning to meet with the principal and Anna.
Mrs. Gleeman’s daughter, lifelong friends with one of the mothers who Anna taught, had commented about her improvement in her child’s grades and the fact that she was genuinely having a better time at school.  Apparently, Anna’s sharp ears, zero tolerance for bullying and taunting, and constant encouragement to be kind and to help one another, had put an end to her friend’s daughter getting picked on.  Now she even had a couple of good friends and raved about what a great teacher Miss A was.  And apparently, they were not the first parent to comment on the positive changes in their children.
By the end of that meeting, with Mrs. Gleeman’s plans to retire early and her encouragement, Anna had a permanent job teaching junior high English.  She had thanked the older woman and the principal profusely, and went back to her classroom weeping with happiness.  Her students, shocked to see her in such a state, inquired to her emotion.  Kristoff had never heard such a ruckus roar of approval coming from her classroom as she told them she wasn’t going anywhere.  By the end of that day, it was all the kids who entered his class could talk about.
Then, the inevitable happened.  Him and Anna were out bowling on a date in town, when one of their students happened to be there at the same time.  Neither he or Anna had noticed the kid until after a bunch of PDA, and by then it was much too late.  They decided to pretend the student wasn’t there and went about their date.  And as they expected, the following Monday, tongues were wagging among the kids, and they had not stopped for over a week.  Therefore, by that second Friday since that date, Kristoff had an idea to put that to rest once and for all.
He had to put his plan together quickly, informing the principal and other junior high teachers for approval before getting the most important part of his plan.  He was a little nervous, having only been with Anna for six months, but knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were meant for each other.
The morning finally came, and all the junior high students were called into the gym to address the rumors that had been flying around for the past couple weeks.  Kristoff watched them all file in, shaking with nerves.  He couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but having Anna stand by his side, filled him with confidence. 
“How could they not have given us a heads up that we had to address this?” she asked him, leaning over to speak low as the remaining kids and teachers came into the gym.  She’d been informed by the principal at the same time as her class that they were all about to meet to talk about two teachers rumored to be in a relationship.
“Uh, actually, this was my idea.”
Anna’s head snapped in his direction and she looked at him with wide questioning eyes.  “And you didn’t tell me?”
Kristoff pursed his lips but didn’t answer her.  The door to the gym swung shut with the last teacher ushering the kids in and he decided to just go for it.
“Hey, hey!”  He held up his hands.  “Quiet down.”  The kids were too excited and the volume didn’t drop one bit.  “Quiet down, please!” he said, louder, repeating himself a few times, and finally the murmurs died down.
He spared a glance at Anna standing beside him, her cheeks alight with embarrassment and looking over all the kids to the back of the room.   He felt a pang of regret, like this was suddenly a really bad idea, then he looked back at the kids and found renewed strength.
“I’ve had several students mention something to me,” he started.  “Raise your hand if you’ve heard a rumor about Miss A and I.”
Every single student raised their hands and started to giggle and talk.  The noise level took off again and Kristoff had to speak over the din.  “Hands down.  Okay!  Hands down, quiet please.”
The students all quieted and Kristoff resumed his speech.  “There is a rumor going around that Miss A and I are dating.  So I think it’s about time that we address that rumor, and confirm that the answer is… yes, Miss A and I are dating.”
The kids freaked out.  They all shouted with genuine glee and Kristoff looked over to see Anna smiling despite the fact that her face was now crimson.  She looked back at him still shocked and wondering what in the hell he was doing given the fact that he had not mentioned this to her beforehand, but also looking a bit more relaxed about the whole ordeal.
It took him a moment to settle the kids back down, all the while his heart hammered away in his chest.  Once the students were finally settled again, he went for it. 
“The truth is, we are a little more than dating…”  The murmurs began so Kristoff talked over them to get it out and not prolong this any more than it already had been.  “Because I am completely in love with her.”
The kids gasped and started to cheer again and Anna had started to get emotional at the clear delight and support from their students.  She wiped at her glistening eyes as she looked back at Kristoff, and he raised his hand, waiting a moment to get enough of the chatter down to finish this. 
“Quiet, please,” he said loudly, his hand slipping into his pocket.  “Quiet down!”  The noise died and Kristoff took one last nervous swallow, slowly turning to Anna and sinking to his knee.  “I was wondering if Miss A, would like to become Mrs. B?”
Anna’s hands flew to her mouth as the gym erupted with excited screaming.  All Kristoff could do was look at her in question as his words would be drown out by the excited teenagers.  She nodded an enthusiastic yes before offering him her hand to slip the ring onto.  As soon as it was in place he was up on his feet, pulling her into a protective hug while the students carried on their joy for their teachers.   He knew she was going to be shocked, made evident to him in the way she was shaking in his arms, but he knew she would appreciate his plan. 
And she did.  Later that night, after a celebratory dinner, she confided in him how wonderful his gesture was to include their kids, and how special she felt. 
Then they made love and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
“Yo, Mrs. B!”
Anna turned around and ducked anticipating what was about to happen.  The snowball sailed over her head and she gave the now eighth graders a stern look, even though she couldn’t help but smile.  “Get your butts to class, gentlemen!”
The boys laughed and took off to their door with Kristoff chuckling beside her.  “Seem’s like I’m just chopped liver to them now,” he said.  “Those snowballs used to have my title on them.”
Anna laughed.  “Don’t worry.  It’s the first snowfall of the season.  I am sure the next one will have Mr. all over it.”
Kristoff hummed his amusement and him and Anna continued to shovel the walks.  They decided to do it together since it would get done faster, and Kristoff mentioned to her that he was genuinely relived not to see a bunch of faces watching him from the staff room window anymore.
The whole junior high body was invited to their wedding ceremony.  Not to it proper, of course that would have been crazy, but to watch the live stream if they were so inclined.  After the first couple days of their honeymoon, Anna had checked and was surprised to see how many people had actually watched it.  There were tons of wonderful and supportive comments.
Those first two weeks of newlywedded bliss exploring the fjords of Norway, had been the best of Anna’s entire life aside from the day she married her best friend.  Kristoff was the most wonderful person she had ever met in her life, and she was thankful to be able to call him her husband.
They finished shoveling and returned to their classrooms to begin preparing for the day, when the principal made an announcement that he would like all the junior high students to assemble in the gym.   Anna ushered her kids out of the classroom and received a concerned and questioning look from Kristoff when she met him in the hallway. 
She shrugged her shoulders and kept back the smile that was fighting to form her lips.  Anna had truly adored the way that Kristoff had proposed, but still vowed to herself to get him back. 
The teachers gathered in the corner while the kids huddled together, sitting on the floor and waiting for whatever they were about to be told.  The principal came in, greeted everyone, and got the ball rolling.
“Quiet down, please,” he said, gesturing with his hands for the kids to settle.   “I’ve called you all in her to receive an announcement from one of our teachers.  Mrs. Bjorgman, you have the floor.”
Kristoff’s head whipped in her direction and he stared at her with shock, so Anna decided to get it out while she still had the nerves.
“Well, I have to say that I am going to be taking a leave of absence.” 
The students started to murmur with concern and Kristoff went so far as to reach out and grab her hand.
“Anna?” he asked quietly, his tone full of worry.
Anna looked back at him, gave hum a gentle smile, and returned to the kids.  “I will be taking leave of my position at the end of April.”
Hands shot up with questions and Anna felt Kristoff squeeze her hand firmly but did not look over at him yet.  She picked Brie, since she was sitting in the front row.  “Yes, Brie?”
The grade sevener frowned.  ““Are you coming back?” 
“Yes, of course.”
The students started to murmur louder and Anna picked another kid with their hand up.  “Yes, Brandon?”
“How long will you be gone?”
The students quieted down immediately to hear the answer.  “A year.” 
More hands shot up and Anna felt Kristoff squeeze her hand again.  She picked another student.  “Yes, Samantha?”
“Why are you leaving?”
Anna finally looked at Kristoff, and his expression was in awe.  She knew he was too smart not to figure out what she was going to say next, and she smiled at him, eyes welling up with happy tears.
She turned back to the kids.  “Mr. B and I are going to have a baby.”
Much like Kristoff’s proposal, the kids cheered for them, and Anna let the tears come as Kristoff pulled her into a protective hug. 
“Anna, I am so happy,” Kristoff said, his voice wavering with emotion.  “I can’t believe you’ve kept this a secret for four months.”
Anna laughed, not at all surprised Kristoff had done the math.  She pulled back to look at his glassy eyes and happy smile.  “Well, I had to get you back for that surprise proposal.  So… surprise!”
He chuckled, and pulled her into another hug, the volume of the kids rising as they began talking excitedly.  “This is the absolute best surprise,” he said in her ear.  “Thank you, Anna.”
Anna hugged him back tighter.  Her heart was happy and full, and she could not wait to meet their first baby in the spring.
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sawyerconfort · 10 months
enjoy the silence | lorraine broughton x fem! reader
I am back! Finally, I hope you didn't mind my disappearance. I decided to take a little break from the stories because I felt like I really needed to rest, and I was running out of creativity. I also went traveling this weekend and didn't have time to write as I had planned, but anyway, I'm back and that's what matters!
As I said in the previous post, I will be focusing this week on writing multifandom oneshots, and maybe an ask or two will be answered over the weekend, so those of you who sent in asks, please be patient with me, as always!
Well, taking into account the lack of stories about her, and taking into account that in the last few weeks I gained a boost of obsession with Charlize Theron, let's do a oneshot with Lorraine!
This is fem!reader, but if you feel comfortable adjusting your pronouns in it as you read, feel free!
Requests open!
*Atomic Blonde is such a badass movie, oh gosh, I can't!*
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Premise: As you tend to Lorraine's wounds, some things become crystal clear between you. Things that had apparently been kept secret for a long time…
You were used to being alone after all the other male members left. It was your most precious moment of peace, when none of them were making fun of you or making sexual comments about you. It was the only time, as one of the top MI6 officials, when you could be silent, focusing on things other than missions, The List or anything else that risked your life.
Turns out that night, it was different. You were concentrating on an electrifying chapter of your science fiction book, when you heard the door slamming loudly. A low, whispered curse and you turned, taking the book out of your eyes to look at who it was.
The thing is, you never took the time to talk to her personally and properly. Lorraine Broughton was one of MI6's most gifted and well-known spies, and newcomers joked that she had been with them since their beginnings in the Stone Age.
Someone of extreme importance like Lorraine apparently didn't have time to listen to your bullshit.
Your eyes met and she took off the black collar that covered her mouth, her platinum hair giving extreme emphasis to her scarred face.
"Good evening, agent (Y\LN), I thought there was no one here."
Hell, she knew your last name! How was that possible?
"I was just leaving, Lorraine, don't worry," you said, trying to sound at least reasonable so as not to cause a fuss with her. But then, as soon as you got up, you noticed her ripped pants, a hideous trickle of blood running down one part of her leg, and her face streaked with red streaks and very swollen.
She looked back at you, the weight of those pale eyes taking over you, and then, your voice was categorical, hoping she wasn't going to dump your ass, not this time.
"Need some help tending to those wounds? They look pretty bad…"
She looked at you, and with the same restful face, she shook her head. "Don't waste your time, I'm fine. It happens all the time."
"Lorraine, your leg is bleeding. We better look into this."
"Don't worry, (Y\N), go home, I can take care of myself."
You chuckled, already being aware of her stubbornness. Lorraine was good when she wanted to outsmart someone in an interrogation, especially the guys in the company, but you weren't interrogating her this time, so she didn't have to act so defensive.
Deciding not to let her go without tending to her wounds, you hurried out and opened one of the cupboards in the cold, dark corridor of the office. The sound of the creaking door obviously got Lorraine's attention because everything was extremely loud in that dark office. Grabbing a first-aid kit, which was only used in emergencies by high-ranking men, you pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit down.
"I already told you I'm fine, (Y\N), I can take ca-"
"Sit down, please." You didn't mean to sound domineering, but it was unavoidable.
Lorraine rolled her eyes and sat up, legs spread, not intending to cross them. She wasn't going to make the job easy for you, but of course it wasn't a problem anymore. You opened the first aid kit and took out some gauze, cotton and bandages.
"Please, let's not turn this whole thing into a moment of silence, if you want, tell me how you managed the feat of getting all screwed up…", you said, gently swiping the cotton wool over her eyes and lips. , cleaning the blood.
Lorraine gasped and pressed her lips together, feeling the pain of the contact. "Are you sure you work for a spy team, (Y\N)?" You rolled your eyes as she took a deep breath. "It was a chase. Several guys shooting. One of them threw me on the glass table and I ended up cutting myself… not new to me, really."
You continued to gently dab cotton and gauze over the bruises, and her clear, intimidating eyes never left her face as you did so. It was even uncomfortable to look at, such beauty, staring back at you as if it were something normal.
"And how are the guys doing?" you asked curiously, determined to keep her distracted - and to keep you distracted too.
"Dead, I guess. It's not news to me either, they would keep chasing me if they lived and I needed to get rid of them to save my skin…"
You nodded, at the same time that you bent down to get some ointment from the first aid kit and began to run your fingers along Lorraine's injured leg, the blood still very fresh where the glass had probably been stuck. She's lucky she didn't hemorrhage, you thought absently.
"Is that really necessary?!", Lorraine exclaimed, pulling you out of her thoughts, her voice very firm and a hiss of discomfort escaping her lips.
"Unless you want to catch a bacteria, maybe," you replied in the same tone. She laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Okay, okay, you call the shots," she snapped. "Look, it's actually really weird that we've never crossed paths, (Y\N), you seem to know what you're doing."
You nodded, getting up, closing the ointment and putting it back in the first aid kit, as you sat on the edge of Lorraine's chair, her legs keeping your body steady.
"It's hard to come across an agent that the boys keep like a precious jewel inside a password safe…"
She laughed again, and only then did you stop to notice that her smile was beautiful. Your heart missed a beat, but you didn't know if it was envy or some much deeper feeling… And before you knew it, you pushed those thoughts away, afraid of the answer.
Whatever the case, Lorraine Broughton was not the type of person you thought was ideal for the type of person you were. Not as friendship. You could only support yourself within the walls of offices, and despite being called an agent, you were afraid to even fly a plane.
"Is it over yet?", she woke you up from your thoughts again, looking at you with a playful smile. "Yeah, it wasn't so bad after all."
"Yeah, but that's because the bad part starts now!", you said, holding the bandages, which were those children's animal bandages. "You can choose between the giraffe bandages, or the flower bandages, you call the shots, Lorraine."
The smile faltered on your lips as she frowned, clearly confused and uncomfortable, not sure if it was a joke or not.
"Seriously?" she said in disbelief. "Who let the guys buy this?"
You shrugged. "Make a choice, Lorraine."
"I'd rather go without bandages."
"Ah, come on! You're going to make a childhood dream come true! Your inner child is crying out for it, go ahead, choose one!"
"Okay, the giraffe one then.", Lorraine said, in a monotone voice, as if she knew she would regret it the moment she left the office and walked down the street. You laughed, calmly sticking the bandages on her wounds and caressing the skin with your fingers, to fix them better.
That took Lorraine by surprise. Until then, she hadn't known that she could feel that same electricity from a simple touch. She looked back at you, and allowed herself to relax as you finished gluing them all together. At the end, you noticed her look and bit your lip, also caught off guard, completely embarrassed.
"You're free, Lorraine. Now you can even take off the bandages while I'm not looking, I know you're going to do that…", you said, joking, just to ease the tension. But it didn't help much.
Her eyes were too bright in the dim light, and that perfect, even bruised face that looked as if it had been sculpted by angels only made it worse. You were extremely tense and nervous around her, and not in your best dreams, did you imagine that you would feel this way with Lorraine, when you saw her.
"Thank you, (Y\N). And I'm sorry, I think I've been quite rude to you in the meantime, you just wanted to help me get better."
"I don't mind, I'm used to agents' patience…", you laughed again. And he got up, going to put the suitcase back in the closet and close it properly, so that none of the others would notice that you had even touched it.
Lorraine was still staring at you when you looked back at her, and a smile graced her interested expression.
"How long have you been working with us, (Y\N)?", she asked, her deep voice dropping to almost a whisper in the silence between you.
You stopped to think, to remember, to count on your fingers, as you went back and sat in the small space of her chair, as before. Not to tease her, it's just because that was her usual chair and you had this habit of taking possession of things.
"A few months. Five, I think… I'm not good with numbers and dates…", you explained, laughing. Lorraine nodded. "Before you ask, this definitely wasn't the plan since I was a kid, but it seemed to me that I had a knack for it when I had my first experience here, so… yeah, maybe it was nice to get this job."
Lorraine nodded again. "And are you happy here?"
"I think so. I'm sure I do, actually. I don't think I fit in anywhere else right now, honestly."
"That's good, this work is not very easy, there are few people who manage, in the natural order of things, to stay for so long."
Lorraine was still looking at you, and nervousness was still very much present in her body language as she did so.
"And do you have… a boyfriend, (Y\N)?"
You frowned, caught off guard.
"Sorry, that was a weird question."
"No, I don't have a boyfriend", you replied, shaking your head. "It wasn't a weird question, you're just trying to get to know me better…"
Lorraine nodded again, scratching her forehead and looking at you, intent on knowing more. "And are you looking for someone? Or are you completely focused on work right now?"
"Ah, MI6 is my life, yes, but I wouldn't mind breaking that routine to find someone I can share my days with, you know…"
Lorraine looked away, and oddly enough, you noticed that there was a flush in her cheeks. Now, that was something you would never have thought to see, not in Lorraine Broughton.
"You say "someone", so… is someone really someone?"
"Are you asking me about my sexuality?"
Lorraine shrugged. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."
"No, I don't have a problem with that, I… I'm open to experimenting, actually. I want something that takes me off my feet, and makes me see whether or not it's worth risking everything."
Lorraine nodded again and her eyes glued to your lips. The tension became even more palpable between you, and when she took the opportunity that you were close to pull you close, seeing that you were going to fall out of the chair if you went any farther back, her inner will spoke louder and she kissed you, absolutely nothing, without expecting you to respond.
If it was someone else, you would have walked away and slapped that person across the face, but that didn't happen with Lorraine. You were so surprised when she kissed you that you just responded. She thought maybe that would ease the tension of the moment, that it would make it easier for you to talk, and she was so beautiful it was impossible to resist.
She was the one who pulled away first, gasping for air, and she opened her clear, beautiful eyes to look at you, her hand hesitating between your hip and your leg.
"Sorry, I really don't know why I did that, I…" she started, but you cut her off, your index finger on her wet lips.
"No, that's fine, I enjoyed it… and actually… I think I'd like to do it again, if you don't mind…"
She laughed and kissed you again, this time letting the moment flow by itself, last as long as it should. You were being drawn, like magnets, to each other's lips, and now it was impossible to break the contact. Lorraine's charm didn't help either, and she ended the kiss after a few seconds with a peck on your cheek.
"Well, I better get going now that you don't need me…" you said, feeling all awkward and embarrassed. Lorraine got up and let go of your hips, and just as you were about to walk through the door, she called out her name.
"Don't you want a ride home, (Y\N)? I think it's too late for us to walk alone…", her voice was full of ulterior motives, and as much as you would love to take things easy, have the chance of a lifetime with Lorraine Broughton made you want to find out where this was going to go.
To be honest, you were under the impression that you wouldn't regret it.
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