#this is a balm to my soul
zimshan · 8 months
august braindump: on the state of tv and heartstopper
the last year has been such a strange time for me and tv. i honestly cannot remember a time i watched less new tv shows. it’s not for lack of trying but every show/season i started, i was just dragging my heels to finish. some of that is because they’re older shows that aren’t as good as their earlier seasons. stranger things s4 took me an entire year to finish. the pacing was just wildly off to me, and that’s disappointing after the incredible structure of s1. some of that is because of subject matter. i haven’t been able to work myself up to watch outlander after the s5 finale because i just don’t have the mental bandwidth for a sexual trauma storyline. babylon berlin i stopped watching because they were threatening to kill another kid. i’ve noped out of so many shows because of the ratcheting stakes, something that i'm so so tired of seeing done just for the hell of it.
of all the shows, i probably watched the great s2 quickest because it was just so off the wall and the tone of s1 still fascinates me. but even that dragged and was partly guilt tripping to justify my hulu subscription, and i could never let my guard down because it was always going for the most outrageous grotesque thing. i’m stalled on s3 now that they’re killing off characters left and right.
i watched shadow and bone s2 like 15-20 minutes at a time in july because i just found it a snoozefest compared to s1. i legit just wanted to finish it to cross it off my list. how terrible is that? the moment i finished, i started the fame game, a bollywood show, literally because of one gifset on my dash. and watched that 4x faster than anything else i’ve seen all year. cementing my idea that the best of netflix is their international shows. but that shit was pretty dark too.
so beginning of august, i opened up netflix sleep deprived and looking for something to get my mind off my impossible deadline and fuel some writing inspiration. someone on my dash was recently talking about Heartstopper, and it reminded me i missed watching it last year when everyone was talking about it. so seeing it pop up on my netflix screen, i absentmindedly thought, "what the hell let’s see what the fuss is about" and started the first episode. and you know it did the impossible. it grabbed me from the first few frames, and i looked up 2 hours later like oh right sleep. and now i just want to analyze it like a bug. what the hell makes it work where others have failed?
the binging culture inherent to streaming tv is fascinating to me because i almost never do it. if there is one anti-binger out there, she is me. i miss the era of one episode a week on a certain night every day for years. my patience maxes out at 45 minutes every time. i think it’s terrible that shows need to be so bingeable millions of people have to watch an entire season in a weekend to get renewed. because even the best shows i can't commit to doing that for. where does anyone find the time or brainspace, idek.
i know most of the coverage and reaction to the show seem to be about representation and i agree. but there’s something about the elements of Heartstopper that just work where other tv shows lately have faltered and i want to break it down for parts. because on paper it does seem so simple. some of it really is just basic storytelling in tv. those first three episodes are key and the pacing is excellent, every second counts and the acting, editing, and music really drive the show and keep it compelling. on rewatch, i can see how the addictive quality is very much in the editing, in the music, to keep it punchy so that you never think to stop watching. but it’s also in the white space, the moments they give to the lead actors to let a moment breathe. i've been beating this drum for decades now but this show gave so many good examples of it.
several 5-minute sequences caught me thinking god that so compelling why how. the one that stood out on rewatch is the texting sequence in 102 after nick’s interception of the assault scene. there’s zero dialogue but the editing, acting, and music work together to feel the weight of the moment and then lift up from there.
all these essentials combine with something unique like the animations as visual representations of emotions and attraction and create some kind of magical alchemy. it’s been a long time since i’ve thought about it but “lightning in a bottle” describes the best seasons of tv i’ve seen: where it feels like everyone on set, all the actors, every one of the crew, writers, directors, care about the story and are working on all cylinders to do their best job. in the age of streaming, this seems to be more rare than ever and learning about mini writing rooms during the WGA strike has helped to understand why. so has seeing those checks to send home the overall state of residuals in the streaming era. to do the best job people need to be paid fairly. full stop.
so i started Heartstopper and watched 4 episodes in the blink of an eye. the next day, 6; the last day 4. then i did a thing i almost never do anymore: i looked up the soundtrack. music has always been a driver for me, a tv show that nails a score or soundtrack is always gonna get under my skin more than one that doesn’t. it’s part of the necessary ingredients for a good show for me. all my forever tv loves, music plays a central role, music that defines and sets the tone for the show and then becomes forever married to it. you can create a list of the songs and play it back and see the show unfurl again in your mind. its my favorite way of revisiting a show without actually watching it, after a good vid that is. but it works best when the music is a dead lock for the scene or character and typically this is sound driven more than lyrically driven. this show uses a 2012 era style sound i already have a strong affinity for, i have multiple work playlists from the last decade to drive me through a deadline with Foster The People, Fitz and the Tantrums, et al.
but it also did a thing i haven't seen in a long while: the lyrics were used as an extension of the script for internal character POV. in the first episode alone you have the following lyrical-visual pairs: -i'll go anywhere you want to go on charlie getting ben's text to meet -i wanna get lovesick with you on nick watching charlie run and asking him to join the team -right before i'm swallowed by my mind and cursing at the sky on charlie out of place on the rugby field before nick pulls him in to the group -what's the point of looking at the view? cause every time i do i just see you on elle and tao missing each other -the world ends it's you and me/in my head if we can be together/maybe we'll live forever on nick tackling charlie and the leaves animations around them -i see the signs of a lifetime on nick getting charlie's thank you x text paired with the flowing bird animations roll to the credits
this is vidding happening here.
so i spent a good two days listening to the soundtrack and related albums as i got through my deadline. and then i started getting some more questions about the timeline on the story (the soundtrack is of a style popular circa 2012 that i associate with 8tracks playlists even though the actual songs are a bit later, 2015 onwards) and looked up the books the show was based on. i started Solitaire after seeing it was the author’s first book and wanting to read tori’s POV after the glimpses in the show got me thinking about her elder daughter role.
then i looked up the comics when i realized the timeline of Solitaire was a year later and wanted to fill in the gaps. and wow, i’m in awe of how much of the show was already here, how much detail went into the show to match certain frames. the comics are basically acting as storyboards for the show. i used to do the most basic storyboarding for vidding a lifetime ago. i’ve recently gotten the storyboarding itch again the last few months after watching some BTS docs on TCM about storyboard artists and remembering how fascinating and underappreciated the skill actually is. there's some beautiful storyboarding out there, but it doesn't have to be beautiful, it's just got to be functional. at its heart, it's about the frame, the shot, the visual that tells the story. and a lot of that is already done in the comics and translated straight to screen.
i’m inspired learning about alice oseman’s story as a young author, how she started and finished Solitaire before graduating high school, writing the story she wished she saw on the shelves. then how she was taken with her two secondary characters and started teaching herself how to draw to visualize and bring to life their own journeys. it’s such a great example of how storytelling takes on a life of its own and how you are not defined by only your current skillset. there are no boundaries on creativity and curiosity but the ones we self-impose on ourselves.
the last few years, i’ve been thinking a lot about why some works fail to resonate while others succeed, especially in regard to book to screen adaptation. it probably started with the absolute fail that was GOT S8 and rereading THG next to the films and grown from there with my TCM pandemic focus. obviously it’s a gamechanger when the author is the showrunner and that alone is rare. the whole nature of Heartstopper as a webcomic first and driven by subscribers and kickstarter donations is unique as well. alice has built up a passionate audience to create for that helped promote the show and that makes a lot of difference.
but the streaming element is an added issue. by the time i finished season 2, my one overriding thought was wow, imagine society if this had aired 20 years ago. i couldn't help but think of the kids this show could have helped, seeing such an sincere example of queer community on screen. but interrogating that further, i know it’s a silly thought. it wouldn’t have gotten made at all. in 2000, dawson's creek kicked up hate over one gay kiss that amounted to almost nothing. my best friend at 15 came out as gay and felt like he had to pirate QaF asap as the only piece of queer rep around but something far outside of our age group. this story is age appropriate for the age that needs it. in 2023, homophobic parents are waging wars on the school board and libraries in our area for carrying books with queer representation including those of oseman's. no network would greenlight 22 episodes of a queer tumblr webcomic. netflix gave the show 4 hours for its first season in the middle of the pandemic. it only gets made in the streaming era. it is a product of the times, even if the story originates 10 years earlier.
the picture of queer community and lifting up and supporting others is essential for the age this is targeting. i know i'm 20 years older than that target and am mindful of that. this show is not for me. but it's been a while since i've watched a teen series, probably skam, which is a big outliner in teen shows. i think from my dash i assumed the show was going to be pure teen fluff but instead was surprised how much texture it has. the love story is the focus of the gifsets, but it does sell the show short imo. the world doesn’t ignore the dark parts---homophobic bullies, abusive partners and clueless parents, trauma and its long tail, anxiety and eating disorders, the ways love and community can uplift and support but not cure. reading Solitaire i can see where it’s coming from, a dark story that starts the verse. the darkness is there not ignored but part of the journey. its presence makes the light more powerful. but its best virtue is that despite its dark parts, it’s at heart a comforting story. and i think this is an overarching reason why it succeeds as a show. the comic does right by each character and in turn cares for the reader. so everyone working on it saw the story as a comfort themselves and did right by the story. that care shows on screen.
the way Solitaire ends is a thesis statement of sorts for the osemanverse: support and lift each other up, you’re not alone and stronger as a community. it matches skam's thesis, and heartstopper continues it. that reminder is a balm to these times. it's the ethos of organizing but it got lost in isolation of the last few years. its simplicity is part of its power. part of lightning in a bottle is timing. i know some people have lived with this story for years, but after 4 long plague years, its sincerity speaks to me. i can’t think of a reminder i needed more than this story at this time. sometimes you really do stumble on the right story right when you need it.
anyway, this verse has gotten in my brain now so fair warning. heartstopper/osemanverse posting ahead.
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wildflowercryptid · 4 months
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happy new years to everyone, but especially these two and their meddling dragons!
and a lil new years message is under the cut!
i wanna say thank you for the all the kindness i've received in the passing year from all of my beloved mutuals and followers. the fact that ya'll have stuck with me through all my fandom hopping and droughts in art uploads means a lot to me. it's been very encouraging to see how much people enjoy my work, along with all the sweet comments people leave in tags, and it really helps motivate me figure out how to do my art full-time. i have a lot i wanna do this year, ( like build my portfolio so i can finally pursue professional work, ) so i hope everyone will continue to support me going forward! 🥳✨
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rhysespuff · 9 months
Is this Love?
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Hello guys! I’m so motivated to draw more stuff of these beautiful puppets even if I’m very short timed.
I drew a little comic because sometimes ideas of how Eddie or frank fell in love for each-other are buzzing around in my head. So I made one of these Ideas to a little comic!
I kinda like the way I drew frank here. They look so cute >v> want to give them a hug. Also I’m sorry that it isn’t in Color, I just didn’t got the time to Color it because my homework is oppressing me :(
But more Eddie and Frank. >:3 Drawing them helps me to relax and forget the stress a bit. (Still I hate to draw backgrounds especially trees or bushes)
What do you think. How did Eddie and Frank fell in love with each other?
I hope you all enjoy the post! And thank you all for your support! It makes me feel better when I’m insecure about my art so thank you all!!
Have a great day! 💖
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comradekatara · 4 months
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that meme isn’t even topical you losers
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inoreuct · 7 months
zosan caretaking fluff feat. hair washing, banter and very soft vibes. dinner is served.
Sanji sighed, sliding down until the back of his head pressed against the lip of the bathtub. The water was toeing the line between too hot and just right and he'd poured in enough lavender emulsion to coat it with dense, heady bubbles; they tickled his chin as he let his eyes slip shut.
It had been such a long day.
He'd been rudely woken up by the sound of a cannonball crashing through their hull, tossed out of his bunk a second later when the enemy ship rammed into their side; having to fight moments after being startled awake had already put him in a horrid mood, and then he'd realised that the galley had taken damage and he would have to restock more than half of everything he'd had in there. The fridge had lost power too so he'd had to cook all the meat that had thawed (which, to be fair, was never a problem with Luffy around) but then his whole crew had scattered during their supply run and he'd lugged a shit-ton of food back to the Sunny himself and now his brain was buzzing and his everything was aching and he was pretty sure he had gunpowder in his hair.
The steam filled his lungs when he breathed in, damp and dense and warm, settling heavy as he trailed his fingers through the milky water. His neck hurt from staring down at goods all day and he could feel the beginning of a tension headache behind his eyeballs. It was a small blessing that he had the bathroom to himself—
The door creaked open.
Goddammit. Sanji sucked down a fortifying breath before he looked up— and relaxed, because thankfully, the one possible person he might be able to tolerate at the moment was sliding inside with one arm behind his back.
Zoro pushed the door shut with his heel, loose pants wrapped low around his hips and hair already darkening from the humidity. "Hi."
"Hello, marimo," Sanji sighed, tilting his head to the side. He watched as Zoro trudged over and stuck his free hand into the water before yanking it back with a muffled hiss.
"That's hot."
"Nearly enough to boil a lobster," the cook agreed mildly, eyebrows flashing up as he turned his head to track Zoro pulling up a stool, lazy and languid. "Now did you need anything, or are you just here to kill off more of my brain cells?"
Zoro gave him a dry look.
A heavy exhale slipped from Sanji's nose before he reached behind him, fingers brushing Zoro's elbow and sliding down to take his hand. He spread the swordsman's fingers out, tracing over hard-earned callouses with featherlight swirls. "I'm sorry, mon chou," he sighed, letting his temple fall against Zoro's knuckles. "Just... tired, is all."
"I know." Zoro flipped his palm, rubbing a thumb over Sanji's cheekbone before pulling away. "Brought you something."
Sanji heard the sound of glass being picked up and nearly turned before he was presented with a dark, stout bottle, the labelling font reminiscent of chalk on a blackboard. "Pirate Blend," he read, huffing a chuckle. Fitting. "No glass?"
"As if you won't finish the whole thing."
He let out a faux-indignant gasp, reaching out to whack the back of his hand against Zoro's bare chest. "Ass."
"That was my tit, cook. Think the steam's getting to your head."
The laugh that peeled its way out of Sanji's throat was sticky with exhaustion, steeped through with lavender suds and underpinned by the ache in his muscles as he popped the cork with his teeth and took a swig. "...Where did you get this?"
"There was a tasting booth in the market. Thought you'd like this one."
"You thought right," Sanji admitted, lifting the bottle to his mouth again and letting the wine coat his tongue; a red by the taste of it, with a nearly savoury spiced vanilla and dark, syrupy cacao, a rich core of sweet berry, an almost silky hint of dry tannin. He held out the bottle, but Zoro shook his head with a soft quirk of his mouth.
"Got it for you, swirly."
The cook smirked. "Suit yourself. So that's where you ran off to while poor little me was stuck doing all the heavy lifting," he lamented, sighing and emphasising it with an exaggerated sip.
"Not just that."
He heard twine sliding across waxed paper, packaging rustling as it was unfolded—
The water sloshed as Sanji set his bottle down and turned around, holding onto the edge of the tub as Zoro pulled the last bit of paper away to reveal the set of soaps in his lap.
The cook's breath caught. Each of the five bars clearly had a different scent, and a design to match; the one with green and cream swirls was matcha, surely, and the translucent one with rose petals was obviously rose. One more was oat and honey, and the one with a herb sprig on top was definitely rosemary mint— But the last one was plain brown, mild enough that his nose couldn't pick out what it was supposed to be. "Marimo."
"How much did these cost?"
Zoro shot him a smug grin. "Just a couple of logs that needed chopping... And some charm."
"You." The cook blinked, stretching out like a cat to rest his chin on his hands, lips twitching as he tried to hide his awed smile. "Charm."
"Oi! I can be charming when I want to be!" The swordsman scowled at Sanji's fond, disbelieving scoff. "I charmed you, didn't I?"
"Yes, well—" Sanji felt a little breathless, buoyant, like if he let go of the tub he'd float with no effort at all. "Yes, I suppose you did." He held still, heart fluttering in the hollow of his throat as Zoro's face softened, leaning forward to poke at something in his hair.
"You've got gunpowder in your bangs."
"I— Ugh, I know!" he complained, rolling over with a dramatic sigh.
"Well, hurry up and pick one, then!"
"Pick one?" Sanji lurched up again, bubbles sloshing everywhere, eyes flicking between Zoro and the soaps. "I can't just pick one, they all smell so good and they're too pretty to—"
"Oh, for the love of— Curly, can you just pick one and let me wash your hair?" Zoro deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest and completely oblivious to the way he'd just made Sanji's entire system freeze, the inconsiderate moss-headed bastard.
If a cannonball crashed into their ship again, Sanji wouldn't have noticed. If the Sunny was sinking, he wouldn't have cared. He was much too preoccupied with staring at the man sitting in front of him, skin flushed with the warmth, green hair mussed as it always was, soaps that he'd bought for Sanji on a whim in his lap. The cook's fingers dug into the edge of the tub and gripped until ceramic squeaked. Zoro wanted to wash his hair.
Zoro's throat bobbed as he swallowed, clearly fighting the urge to look away. "Look, if you don't want—"
"No!" Sanji yelped, startling himself enough that he nearly clapped his hands over his own mouth. "No, I— This one," he breathed, reaching for the plain brown bar and pressing it into Zoro's palm. "This one." He knew that he probably looked nearly shocked, eyes so wide it must have been unsettling, but his chest ached something fierce when he breathed in deep down all the way to his gut and he couldn't help it. His water must have been getting cold by now but he didn't feel it at all.
Zoro's lashes fluttered as he shifted in his seat, carefully wrapping the rest of the soaps up and placing them aside. "Okay, then. Turn around."
Sanji flipped, sitting still as Zoro gently pulled the tie from his hair and slipped it around his own wrist, holding back a shiver when calloused hands cupped his face to guide him nearer the running tap. The water seemed warm, but not warmer than Zoro himself; the swordsman always seemed to run ridiculously hot and Sanji—
"Relax," Zoro murmured, his hand broad and steady against the back of Sanji's head. "I've got you, cook. Lean back."
And Sanji was slowly coming to realise that he was loathe to deny Zoro anything, so he did. He let his weight sink back against Zoro's hand, trusting the swordsman to hold him up, letting his eyes close as Zoro carefully poured water over his scalp until his curls were soaked. He didn't open them even as he was pushed back up, settling comfortably in the tub as Zoro lathered the soap in his hands. What remaining suds left in the tub lapped at his collarbones; the water was a soothing pressure all around his torso, and he didn't bother hiding his soft sigh when Zoro's fingers slid into his hair.
"S'getting long." Firm fingertips started scrubbing at his scalp, kneading into spots of tension Sanji didn't even know he had. "You gonna cut it?"
"Mm? No," he sighed, shuddering when Zoro dragged his thumbs up from his nape. "Think I w'na grow it out."
Zoro hummed at that, tipping the cook's head to the side. "You'll look pretty."
"I know I will. And you'll tell me every day."
"Oh, will I, now?"
The swordsman scoffed without any bite, doing something with his fingers that made Sanji melt. "You're so cocky."
"Mhm," Sanji mumbled again, not even bothering to find out what he was agreeing to. He had better things to focus on. "Just... keep doing that."
He heard Zoro chuckle and then pretty much zoned out completely, tension bleeding from his muscles, letting Zoro move his head this way and that. His bathwater was tepid at this point; he didn't care. Zoro's hands were big and warm and as the bubbles drifted down to his shoulders, he finally realised what this bar was scented with.
Sandalwood suffused his senses, a deep creamy sweetness with an undercurrent of leather and earth. With what little wherewithal he had left, Sanji decided that it suited Zoro more than it did him. Maybe he'd try to convince the mosshead to take it for himself. A few kisses should be bribery enough. Fingertips dug beneath the bones just behind his ears, working until the ache dissipated, and Sanji felt his shoulders slump because God, that felt good.
He didn't know how long he sat there, drifting blissfully between sleep and Zoro's fingers scrubbing at his crown, gingerly detangling his hair, but if you had to ask him his answer would be not long enough. His eyes fluttered open when Zoro tapped his cheek, and he squinted at the light. "Wh—"
"Wake up, baby. Gotta rinse."
The pet name made something tucked inside his ribcage pull tight like a gasp, but Sanji just closed his eyes again. "Just a while longer..."
Zoro chuckled as Sanji's head lolled in his palm. "We should get you to bed."
"Noooooo." Was he whining? This was ridiculous. He really didn't care.
"You're a spoiled prince," Zoro said matter-of-factly.
"Your fault." Sanji discreetly cracked one eye open to gauge the swordsman's reaction and immediately closed it when he saw Zoro's expression, sucking in a hitched breath.
That was enough devotion in a glance to kill a man, and it tore through Sanji like a fucking bullet. Right through the ribs, in and out faster than he could stop it, so quick that he didn't even realise until his love was bleeding out of him, all over his hands, filling his mouth, colouring his teeth, honeyed at the back of his throat and finally he'd be able to see how much of it his heart held. He didn't mind. He didn't think he ever would, actually; he'd fill this bathtub with red if it meant that Zoro would see. If it meant that he would understand how every time he looked at Sanji like that it felt like he had Sanji's heart in his fist, his lungs in a vice, his goddamn life under his thumb.
Sanji had come to terms with it long ago. He put his soul in these battle-scarred hands every day and he trusted them to be gentle because he knew that they could, they would be, for him. Even now, Zoro took his weight easily, one palm at his nape and the other stopping suds from getting into his eyes and it meant far too much for something so simple, but that was just how it worked, wasn't it?
The cook swallowed hard, allowing himself one more moment before pushing up so Zoro wouldn't accidentally waterboard him. It would possibly be hilarious but he might also very possibly just die, considering how low his guard was. The thought made him laugh a little, strained with how his head was tipped back; he saw Zoro give him a weird look upside-down and decided that he was either more tired than he'd thought or he'd had more of the wine than he'd realised.
Zoro rinsed his hair quickly, but he was no less meticulous than he had been at the beginning. It was something that Sanji had refused to admit he admired at first, that single-minded intensity regarding the things Zoro cared about, and oh, wasn't that a thought? That he belonged within that distinction now. Sanji pulled his knees to his chest when the swordsman leaned over to grab the towel he had set out, scrunching the cook's hair dry as best he could and then dropping the fluffy white cloth over his head just to make him laugh.
The bottle of wine was relatively full when Sanji picked it up, holding it up to the light as Zoro dried his hair. "Guess I didn't finish it after all."
"Yeah, well." Zoro shrugged as he took it from him to put aside and tugged gently on a stray curl. "Nobody's gonna want it now that it has your spit in it."
Sanji scoffed. "You'd still drink it. You'd drink any booze."
"...Yeah, I would."
Zoro's eyes were a soft grey as he stood up. Sanji had a feeling that he could have left out the second part of that statement and the answer would still be the same.
He let Zoro pull him up out of the tub, wrap him in the towel and hold open the pair of briefs he'd left for him to step into. He held his arms up as Zoro pulled his soft sleep shirt over his head, brazen as if he didn't know full well the shirt was Zoro's to begin with. If it were any other time he might have protested against being helped to dress like a child— but for now he'd just refuse to admit that he enjoyed it, enjoyed being cared for, even in minute ways like this. Plausible deniability and all that.
Sanji didn't resist as the swordsman took his hand, leading him back to the men's quarters and tugging the covers up for him, patting them into place around his shoulders as he settled. The bed dipped by his hip where Zoro sat, and Sanji sighed as his damp bangs were brushed away from his face. Zoro liked seeing both his eyes, he'd noticed. Maybe he'd start wearing his hair back more often.
"Goodnight, cook," Zoro whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Sanji's temple.
Sanji's brain was full of cotton and sandalwood suds. He squeezed over underneath the blankets, cupping Zoro's face in his palms. "Stay."
The swordsman laughed under his breath. "Haven't showered."
Sanji considered letting him in anyway, but yep, nope, guess his brain wasn't that full of cotton. "Make it quick," he ordered, the effect broken by the massive yawn that interrupted his last word. Pulling Zoro down for a proper kiss was easier than breathing, the press of their lips just enough to wrap warmth over his skin like a blanket. "And use the soap from just now."
Zoro huffed at the words murmured against his mouth. "Spoiled."
"Your fault," Sanji yawned again, jabbing a finger into Zoro's chest before waving him away.
He heard his boyfriend's rumble of a laugh, smiled into his pillow as Zoro's acquiescence was brushed over his cheek, before the lamp was turned down and the door opened and shut. He'd been serious about Zoro being quick; they both slept better when they shared a bunk, and today had been more than enough of a shitshow for them to have earned a good night's rest.
Sanji snuggled down, fully intent on waiting.
He was asleep between one breath and the next.
(And if he woke briefly to curl closer when Zoro slid half-asleep into bed behind him, clean and warm and smelling of sandalwood, well. Neither of them would remember it in the morning.)
thank you for reading! part 2 where sanji takes care of zoro is already in the works, so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested :)
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percicosoftcore · 8 months
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‘I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go
'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
And I hope this works out’
percy’s always up to sharing his clothes with his nico. art made by my dearest @lovermyme 🤍 friends, go check their artwork out! i’m absolutely in love with how this turned out. 🥹
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 15 days
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Inspired by @siflshonen's fic Faster, specifically chapter 3.
"When they finally break, there is almost no sunlight in the room, but Kacchan is smiling gently and glowing like he did in the hospital. He really does glow, thinks Izuku. Or at least he does to me."
Happy birthday, Kacchan. Kiss that damn nerd to your heart's content. You both need it.
(lyrics from Pretty Please by Dua Lipa)
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s-aint-elmo · 10 months
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today i offer you screenshots of my favourite war veterans from my defunct laptop. tomorrow? who knows
(id in alt text)
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You know what I need?
I need Billy and Chrissy at some shitty high school party in the middle of the forest.
Jason takes Chrissy into the woods for some "alone time" and starts going too far. She's trying to push him off of her, screams out no, but then he's got a hand over her mouth and nobody can hear her screams. He's got his fly down, just about to pull off her skirt, when he feels himself being lifted into the air by his collar.
Chrissy pulls herself up onto her elbows, watching with wide eyes as Billy Hargrove picks Jason up like a sack of potatoes and swings him against a tree, arm across his throat.
"The girl said no, Carver," Billy breathes into Jason's face, nostrils flaring like an angry bull.
"Mind your business, Hargrove," Jason spits back, and Billy presses his arm into his windpipe until he goes purple.
"Tell her you're sorry," Billy instructs through gritted teeth.
Jason eventually gasps out a breathless sorry and Billy loosens his grip, letting Jason fall to the forest floor, clutching his throat and gasping for air.
Billy leans down and grabs Jason by his preppy hair, forcing him to look up at him. "You touch her again, you answer to me," he threatens in a vicious whisper. Jason squeezes his eyes shut and nods, scrambling away into the darkness as Billy turns his attention to Chrissy.
"You okay?" He reaches his hand out to her and helps her stand up. She's shaking like a leaf, her eyes still glassy with frightened tears.
"Y-Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks, Billy."
Billy sighs, grabbing a cigarette out of his shirt pocket and lighting it, taking a long drag. He offers it to her but she politely declines.
Chrissy is still looking around the forest, as if she's paranoid that Jason's going to come back from round two.
Billy casts her a sidelong glance. "Look, I've been drinking, but a friend of mine is DD tonight. He could take you home if you want."
Chrissy nods frantically. "Yeah. I don't really want to be here anymore."
She's blushing in embarrassment and Billy plucks the cigarette out of his mouth, stomping it into the ground. "Carver's a piece of shit, but this stays between us. You have my word."
Chrissy looks relieved. "Thank you."
Billy nods like it's nothing and gestures for her to walk ahead of him. They make their way back to the clearing with the bonfire, tons of students laughing raucously and swigging back liquor and beer. Chrissy hangs back in the shadows while Billy strides forward, calling out, "Hey, Munson - Come here for a sec."
The crowd parts and Eddie Munson walks through, stumbling over a tree branch on the way. He jogs up to Billy, looking at him in confusion. "Hey. What's up?"
"Princess here needs a ride home. Can you help her out?"
Eddie nods immediately as Chrissy comes out of the shadow of a nearby tree. "Yeah, man. I can do that. You ready to go now?"
He looks at Chrissy and she nods, pursing her lips as she tries to keep the tears at bay. Eddie's expression immediately softens.
"Okay, my van's parked out on the road." Eddie gently touches her shoulder, guiding her forwards.
Billy watches them walk away together, a hell of a pair. He hears Chrissy laugh, probably from some dumb joke Eddie made up, and hopes to God that son of a bitch acts on the crush he's been harboring for about 7 years.
"Is that--?"
Steve hands Billy a beer and they both watch as Eddie opens his van door for Chrissy, bowing as she gets in.
Billy grimaces. "Jesus, he's a fucking nerd."
Steve laughs. "He also loves Metallica, so you can't really fault him on his taste." He pauses, watching as Eddie's van drives away. "Rumor has it, someone scared Jason Carver so bad, he left early."
Billy takes a swig of his beer. "Doesn't sound like my problem, Harrington."
"Well, whoever put him in his place, I'm sure Chrissy appreciated it. Eddie, too."
Steve gives him a pointed look, clinking their beer bottles together before striding back to the party. Billy watches Steve's ass walk all the way back to the fire before following. He figures he's earned it.
When Billy hears the rumors on Monday about Chrissy & Jason's breakup, he can't help but smile to himself--Especially when he sees Chrissy at Eddie's locker later, returning the leather jacket he'd loaned her with way too big of a smile.
Just call him a fuckin' matchmaker.
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swordbreakerz · 9 months
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fellas is it gay to lift your boy best friend off his feet in a hug upon seeing him for the first time in 15 years 🤔😳
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laskume-dragon · 18 days
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I've been doing a lot of art just for myself recently and while I'm quite content to keep doing so, while I'm cooking up some other (art)projects, i decided to drop some monkey brainrot on here for once.
Decided to redraw some frames in my own style for funsies
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nell0-0 · 1 year
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A lost soul in search of his home
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cloudyfacewithjam · 7 months
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Eoin McGonigal (Dónal Finn) in SAS: Rogue Heroes Season 1 Episode 1
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wild-flowerhoney · 24 days
bbc merlin my old friend ive come to talk with you again
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shitpostingkats · 7 months
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Mark this down as one of the yugioh lines that I was not expecting to tear me open and chew on my brain. THIS IS IT. This is the line that summarizes everything about their dynamic, while also gently affirming a lot of my personal values and the message of these shows. Yeah, Yusaku and Ai might not get along all the time. Yeah, they might be a little unhealthy and not communicate very well. Yeah, they might not even make sense together. But they both chose. For the simple reason that they like eachothers company. And everyone is asking them why and clamoring for their opinions on a war they want no part in, when this is the only thing they've stated wanting. The chance to both choose the other.
Yusaku states it so simply, like the fact it is, and offers no more explanation. It's not anyone's business as to the why, the only people this matters to is Ai and Yusaku, and they're both on the same page. As a queer person in a nontraditional relationship, this surety with no elaboration is like a balm. I am constantly getting asked why, getting asked to define, am bombarded by an attempt to understand. And even when it comes from a place of compassion, that sort of constant invasiveness grates.
Yusaku says screw that, all that matters is that him and Ai chose. And everyone who wants an explanation can heck right off.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
I just wanted to say that the main picture you chose for Buster Keaton is just. fantastic. His HAIR. His EYES. His SHIRT. That INTENT EXPRESSION. It is everything to me he is the hottest man I have ever seen. He's getting a lot of love and he deserves it!!!!
Thank you!! :D
Buster Keaton vs Harry Belafonte
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