#this has got to be one of my favorite d20 shows ever
nosnexus · 2 years
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Say goodbye pack of pixies...
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workingwhileidream · 5 months
Okay Burrow's End had me thinking some thoughts... So here are my favorite Dimension 20 moments that rotate like a rotisserie chicken in my brain (in no particular order other than the order I thought if them).
- Riz goes into the butthole of the Corn Ooze Monster (Fantasy High). The first absolutely insane shenanigans move anyone makes on D20, setting the tone the show will have forever.
- Raphaniel kills Queen Pamelia (Ravening War). I think I saw Brennan's soul leave his body briefly when he got that How Do You Want To Do This from Matt. Time was an absolute flat circle that day.
- Hank convinces Brennan to let him role savvy instead of sneak (Mentopolis). Hank is one of the most famous content creators, having him on the show was phenomenal to begin with. Then right out of the gate, he pulls this move in his first episode. And it just works. Hilarious, instantly iconic.
- Jet Dies (A Crown of Candy). When Lapin dies, it is shocking but I wasn't attached to him as a character. Lapin was a bit antagonistic and his death happens early in the season. On the other hand, Jet is instantly likeable. Emily and Siobhan are amazing as siblings, their performances this campaign are some of my favorites. I have siblings and I am very close to them, so this hit me like a ton of bricks.
- The entire epilogue of Burrow's End. "Are you pitching and Air Bud ending?" is one of the instant hall of fame quotes from this show. I started crying I was laughing so hard.
- Ylfa's bottleneck and the TPK (Neverafter). There are so many close calls for total party kills in Dimension 20 history, but this is where it finally happens and it's only 3 episodes in. I was on edge, expecting another TPK at any turn, for the rest of the campaign.
- 3 nat one initiative rolls for the battle that literally opens the season (A Starstruck Odyssey). The beginning of a new season is always full of excitement. This season was extra special, having everyone back in the dome after the pandemic and the season being based off Brennan's Mom's comics. The zoom energy is still in the air and I still think about this season opener a lot.
- Mother Timothy Goose breaks Snow White's concentration with a cantrip (Neverafter). Only Ally Beardsley could and we all damn well know it. Still didn't stop me from being so far in disbelief that all I could do is laugh.
- Hob's "You will never know another lonely day" speech to Rue (A Court of Fey and Flowers). I will still cry about this if I think about it for too long. Rue and Hob's romance is the heart of this season to me. I won't be over it ever.
- Gertrude convinces Nyruth to give the Questing Queens very powerful boons after the Queens tried to rob them only a few hours earlier (Dungeons and Drag Queens). The fact that this season exists drives a level of serotonin into my brain that is unimaginable. This is the definition of a big swing and when Bob rolls well, Brennan has no other choice than to honor it. This is one of the moments I have made a meme of. I cannot wait for season 2.
- Wuuvy shows up to the duel and she did not come to play (A Court of Fey and Flowers). Aabria has talked about how Wuuvy is one of her favorite NPCs and I feel the same. Wuuvy and Rue's relationship has such a great arc and this moment is so pivotal.
- Fabian's no good very bad day (Fantasy High Sophomore Year). An iconic moment in D20 history that was truly wild to watch live. For everything to go so fantastically bad for Fabian and Lou was unprecedented. There is a reason why people still talk about this moment to this day.
- Amathar survives being pushed off the castle (A Crown of Candy). Brennan tried to kill Lou so many times in this campaign. I really thought Brennan had gotten him with this one, my stomach sunk. But Lou pulls it out and Amathar lives once again.
- Pib plays "Smoke on the Water" (Neverafter). "I stepped out to play 'Smoke on the Water' " is also a hall of fame quote to me. This list could be all Pib moments if I'm being honest, he's my favorite Zac character. And the fact that Zac doesn't roll well makes this moment funnier to me.
- Buddy Bear gets planted with the All Blossom (Dungeons and Drag Queens). Jujubee and Brennan owe me a therapy session for this one. I sobbed. My cat is my baby and I will be ruined the day she leaves me, so I get it. I really do.
- "Eat your dice, Brennan" (Fantasy High Sophomore Year). A great bit made physically possible by Siobhan. I hope Siobhan gives him gummy dice or something like that so that Brennan can continue to eat his dice for Junior Year.
- Orange Top Hat Fairy (Neverafter). It's a horror season and the cast is doing bits about how hot a mini is the entire finale and the Adventuring Party that followed. I felt the stress and off the walls energy through the screen. The Smooth Criminal pin was the first piece of Dimension 20 merch I bought.
- Viola's epic takedown of Phoebe (Burrow's End). Watching Rashawn absolutely crush it her first time in the dome was amazing. I loved Viola from the jump, her arc was so satisfying and fun to watch. Also the idea of a tiny stoat kicking a gun just the right way to get it to fire is hilarious. No notes other than please have Rashawn come back on every season she possibly can.
- Evan Kelmp warns the Rosemont student not to duel him (Misfits and Magic). Brennan's deadpan warning matched with the reactions of the other players and Aabria really make this scene. An underrated Brennan moment for sure.
- Stacey Fakename turns out to be real (Mentopolis). This was such a good reoccurring bit, so to have Stacey be real at the end of the story was too funny. In a season of bits, tropes, and puns - this one has the most payoff to me and is definitely my favorite.
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lovely--lover · 2 years
Eddie Munson and Uncle Wayne Things
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Some of my head cannons of Eddie and his Uncles relationship and your relationship when dating Eddie 😊 I got the idea from a post by @dunadain​Eddie and Wayne Head cannons Part 2​
🤘After a late night shift at work Wayne will come home so tired that he falls asleep on the couch. When Eddie comes out for a late night snack he will see his Uncle. Eddie will carefully take of his shoes and find a clean blanket to lay over him while whispering “You work too hard old man”
🤘You come over so often that Wayne makes you a key for the trailer. Eddie forgets his a lot and ”You’re a good influence on Eddie so come over anytime”
🤘On the weekend when Corroded Coffin performs you and Wayne will go watch Eddie perform. Inbetween songs Wayne tells you how he had to work two jobs to save up and buy Eddie's guitar. 
🤘Eddie takes you to the store so you can help him pick out a new mug for his Uncle. He is stuck between the D20 mug and a Garfield mug “Eddie I don't think your Uncle likes D&D” he gets the Garfield mug even though he’s just a stupid cat (according to Eddie)
🤘For Christmas Eddie’s Uncle gets him a D20 mug 🥺
🤘Cooking dinner for Eddie while Wayne is at work. Saving a plate for him when he get’s home leaving a note of the fridge Food in the fridge, enjoy Mr. Munson!
🤘”You can just call me Wayne sweetheart” 
🤘Wayne cuts Eddie’s hair and you watch from the living room as they use a spare chair in the kitchen. Eddie will have his arms crossed “What do you even know about hair you’re practically bald. You’re gonna mess it up and it’ll look like shit”
Wayne flicks Eddie in the back of the head “Be quiet boy. You’d be handsome with any haircut” Eddie’s cheeks turn red as he sits up straighter. “Y/N you want me to cut yours too?”
🤘After you and Eddie have dated for a while Wayne will have you both sit at the table with him and try to give you a ‘sex talk’ Eddie just laughs the entire time. (Wayne leaves a box of condoms on Eddie’s bed)
🤘”Eddie! They’re a keeper so don't be stupid.”
🤘You help Eddie study so he is no longer failing English. When he gets an A on his paper he show’s Wayne who immediately pulls him into a hug “That’s my boy! You’ll graduate in no time!”
🤘Eddie gives his Uncle a Hellfire Club shirt 
🤘Wayne tells you stories about Eddie from when he was younger to embarrass him. Eddie will literally pout “Wayne I don't think Y/N wants to hear it” you’ll sit next to Wayne “Yes I do”
Eddie goes to his room while you and Wayne talk about Eddie. He will pull out old photo albums and talk about how much his boy has grown. And although he’s not the best Eddies greater than he ever imagined. 
🤘Occasionally Eddie smokes cigarettes with his Uncle at the picnic table and they’ll end up sitting for hours talking with each other
🤘Wayne’s love language is acts of service and gift giving. So he will do Eddie’s laundry, build him a new table for D&D, buys Eddie cassettes of his favorite bands. Wayne will check your oil whenever you drive over, get you new shoes because yours had a hole in them, build you a bookcase.
🤘Wayne leaves notes for Eddie when he has to leave really early for work. Eddie keeps all of them! Keeps one in his drug box that says I’ll be home late kid stay safe I love you
🤘Wayne always ask you about Eddie and what he is up to. Ask you to keep an eye on him because “Eddie is a good kid but sometimes he just gets into trouble.”
🤘During a smoke sesh you and Eddie will talk about people who inspire you. Of course Eddie says a few big metal names and then finishes with his Uncle. Talks about how he is the hardest working man he knows and makes Eddie proud to be a Munson.
🤘Wayne has his cap and gown from graduation saved in a box tucked away in his closet so that Eddie can wear it when he graduates.
🤘On the weekends after Eddie performs his Uncle will take you to a local dinner. Where Eddie stuffs his face with cheap cheeseburgers and his Uncle pokes fun when you and Eddie share a milkshake together. 
🤘When his Uncle is sleeping Eddie will add some money (his drug money) to his wallet because he refuses to accept money from Eddie and insist he spend it on you or himself. 
I hope everyone enjoys them!
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prickly-paprikash · 1 month
Hey man what the fuck.
I don't like how every single episode of FHJY has just upped the ante. I have loved every single season of Fantasy High, and hands down the Intrepid Heroes seasons' are my absolute favorite. But it genuinely feels like every new release, the team behind D20 just escalates further and further. It isn't just higher level gameplay; it's the sheer creativity behind the mechanics implemented and how the story weaves from one episode to another.
Every single player on this table throws themselves into every character they have ever made in previous seasons, but it is the intimiate familiarity with the Bad Kids that raises the stakes. Raises the plot. Raises the tension.
Holy fucking shit, every combat episode in FHJY so far has left me on the edge of my seat. The use of Downtime is so good because it paces the plot, development and mystery so well.
Every single episode I have been like, "Wow, holy shit that was the best episode ever." I've been forced to say that fourteen times now.
Brennan, Rick, the Art Department, the Music, the Concept and Character Artists—every person involved in FH from cast to crew all have that FUCKING DAWG IN THEM.
And now a MSG live show to boot? The quality of Game Changer becoming increasingly insane?
Every one at Dropout is cooking. These are some gourmet shit, people. Not only are they one of the only ethical streaming services out there, but they got that fine dining ready to go.
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hi sorry for the bother whats world without number and how can i watch it thank you
ohohohoho <3
okay so worlds beyond number is an actual play podcast with brennan lee mulligan, erika ishii, aabria iyengar, and lou wilson.
their current campaign is the wizard the witch and the wild one, which brennan is dming (it's 5e but with a lot of really cool homebrew, including a whole new class), but eventually all of them are gonna get a turn behind the screen, and iirc they said something about it not being limited to 5e for future campaigns.
it's free to listen to i believe anywhere you can podcast, i listen to it on spotify.
episodes drop every other tuesday. episode 5 just dropped, so it's still super easy to catch up on.
there's also a patreon which has talkback shows a la d20's adventuring parties and a bunch of other really cool stuff (including an 8-episode miniseries that is basically them playing character creation. it's funny and beautiful and god it's so good). if you've got $5 a month i think it's worth it and then some.
the wizard the witch and the wild one is already one of my favorite things i've ever listened to/watched, and it's just scratching the surface of what it's going to be.
unlike d20 stuff with a set end date, wwwo is more open ended, i believe, the goal is more of a home game type of feel where it's not structured like that and takes as much time as it needs to, which is gonna be a lot from what they've told us.
it's so fucking good i cannot recommend it enough.
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rooolt · 10 months
Rank the 7 intrepid heroes seasons from worst to best: FH, FHSY, TUC, ACOC, TUC2, ASO, & NA
Kill your darlings
*disclaimer that I am not attacking anyone who likes the things I don’t, literally no one yell at me*
7. ACOC - I feel like I’ve been pretty transparent that acoc just like isn’t my genre. Not a fan of lower magic, not a fan of fantasy politics, and it really stressed me out to a point where I really can’t watch it. I also just like got really annoyed at ruby and amethar post jet death and I’m still bummed we didn’t get more time with lapin. Solid Murph character this season, not his best work tho
6. NVA - also been pretty transparent with my thoughts about this season, I don’t handle horror well and I feel like it just got too convoluted at points. Sometimes it felt like it was just trying to do too much so some plot lines got rushed weird, but a lot of the pcs were super fun. Big fan of the Murph character this season, big fan of guys who are the worst
5. TUC2 - I feel like you specifically will be mad at me for this but like, idk it just doesn’t reach the highs of some of the other seasons for me. I liked a lot of it dont get me wrong, but a lot of Sofia’s plot line specifically to me just felt like a lot of talking. I know it’s all talking but that’s the easiest way I can describe it. I do not think this is a bad season, I like it a lot, I just like the others better, plus the roll 20 combat just wasn’t as engaging to me I’m sorry to say. 10/10 Murph character this season, I love my awful guy, he’s so New Jersey coded.
4. TUC - this was a tough decision for me and fantasy high’s nostalgia factor just beat it out, but genuinely TUC is such a beautiful story and I really really like it. I prefer this one to tuc2 because it feels much more on track idk and it’s just great to me. Kugrash’s story like means so much to me and I ugly cried the first time I watched the finale.
3. FH - An amazing start to a great show. I love high school settings I’m sorry I love teenagers (not that the fh teenagers are very teenagery but we can pretend) and it’s just so memorable to me I know the name of every episode and every fight in order this is what kicked off my dnd special interest it has such a deep place in my heart I adore it so. Riz Gukgak is the best character to ever be created.
2. FHSY - I like it better than the first season because of the deeper explorations of the characters and also Ayda Aguefort my girlfriend appears. Not much to say about it that I haven’t already said about fantasy high but I think it just benefits from these characters and their relationships already being set up. Once again, riz gukgak is the best character to ever be created and this was really his season
ASO - SEASON OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!! It’s so fun it’s so great I don’t care about the plot because I could’ve watched these amazing characters do just smash and grabs for like 50 episodes. The feeling of being back in the dome was electric, this was the first season d20 combats REALLY hooked me and just it was so laugh out loud funny and the rolls were so exciting and also it’s my mommy’s favorite season so bonus points. I only wish perfect television like this wasn’t tainted because of all the stupid slug arguments because oh my god people needed to calm down. I would be straight for Big Barry Syx
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meggie-stardust · 7 months
thanks to the lovely @lucky-bishop for the tag <3
favorite color: purple and pink
last song: "Shot Shot" by Gomez because that song came on in an episode and do you ever had a needle drop that is so perfect for you? And then you get to wax nostalgic about where you were when In Our Gun was released?
last movie: We had "Nightmare Before Christmas" on in the background earlier
currently watching: Suits (I blame @punchedbymarkesmith), D20's Burrow's End, and slowly but surely making my way though too many things to list.
other stuff I watched this year: I don't even know... what year is it? what have I watched? I have not been good with keeping up with movies, but I have watched a lot of shows... mostly these days I'm watching all of the Dropout content. It just makes me happy.
shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: I mean pretty much everything I watch I accidentally don't finish. My watch list would be the equivalent of people leaving texts unread. Like why did not not watch the last 2 episodes? Idk I got distracted and forgot.
currently reading: I have been reading non-stop this year (and less fic that any time in recent memory). I'm currently reading "Watership Down" to get into the vibe for Burrow's End, and I'm reading "Boyslut" by Zachary Zane. I'm also listening to "Re: Dracula," so that counts as reading "Dracula," right?
currently listening to: I'm training for a 1/2 marathon, which means I'm listening to a ton of podcasts and books on tape because I don't run to music (I'm weird, I know). I've been trying to pick my way through the Sheridan Tapes (which I was liking a lot when each episode was kind of a spooky story, and now the meta narrative is dragging a bit -- also i love a good DIY podcast, but start getting annoyed when you can tell one person writes all the dialogue because every character has the same way of delivering a very specific line, in this case: what the hell?)
currently working on: work stuff mostly. I have to sit down and finish the last chapter of "Gimme Danger". Also Maybe planning a Stargent fic in my head.
current obsession: Dash mini waffle makers. I always knew I would have some eccentric something as I got older. I didn't know it would be having a ton of mini waffle makers in different shapes an colors.
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi, I'm in a self indulgent mood. So I decided to just do this whole list for fun! Here is the link to the Ask Game.
I'll add all my answers and such under the cut so it's not just a wall of text in your face!!
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I don't have any but I do have a few I really want. I'd love a d20 on my wrist, my mom and brother's birthdays on like a scroll with extra space (so I can put any kids I might have on it), and a full moon over a waxing crescent. I'd probably let my mom and brother pick a tattoo for me to get as well.
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Green and blue have always been colors I've loved since I was little. As I've gotten older, I really grew to love pink and yellow too. I do prefer the lighter shades (and I find pastels v cute). While I mostly did my blog theme for like Valentine's day, I would say rn pink is def my favorite.
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Baked potato 🥰 it has to be my favorite food. Potatoes are just godsend and baked potatoes? Hell yes
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
As if right now, it's 8:50pm. No idea what time it'll be when I post this.
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio! Nov. 11th is my birthdate. Although wasn't there like a new zodiac sign that was introduced a few years ago? I think technically my zodiac should be that one, but I think I want to keep Scorpio.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Accents are so cute you guys. I'd probably go with the lighter, airy Irish accent.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
I have a couple small ones on my hands due to burns while cooking (the amount of times I've been splashed by oil 😅)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
I took the test just cause I don't know how much it changed from the last time I did it. I got INTP: The Logician. It's interesting cause I think every time I've done the test, it's swapped between INTP and INFP
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
Oof. It's probably between Coraline, Spirited Away, and The Corpse Bride.
📺 - Favourite show?
Critical Role (webshow), Madoka Magica (anime), Teen Titans (cartoon)
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yep! I don't know how ticklish tho since it's been a while since anyone has tried tickling me. I know I was v ticklish as a baby child but now I think it's mostly my feet that are ticklish.
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Absolutely! I'd love to be married some day and have kids. Or if I somehow end up really rich, I might adopt. I mostly want to be a mom. But if I can find someone that can deal with me then I'd like to marry too!
😳 - Do you like your name?
I didn't when I was younger but since becoming an adult and applying for jobs (since you have to use your full name and not a nickname), it's really grown on me. Yeah Kat isn't my real name, but I enjoy it v much as a nickname.
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
It's a fucking green screen Green. I wasn't around when my room was being painted and my mom mentioned being afraid it'd be too bright. But hey, at least I have a green screen whenever I want to clear space and do weird stuff.
🤓 - How did you get your name?
Ooh so without giving away my whole name, my initials are due to a bet my dad made (some thing was being named and my initials were one of the options, which won). One of my middle names is because my mom's aunt (my great aunt) was a nun and so she couldn't have kids so my mom named me after her (she was my favorite aunt, I very much miss her ❤️). My first name is based on a character from my dad's favorite book.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
2018 was when I finished High School. I haven't done college yet just cause I want to save up money and see if I can figure myself out a bit first before doing that.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Man I'd love to get piercings but when I first got my ears pierced, they swelled up real badly in like 2 days. I know I have real sensitive skin, but I thought real metals wouldn't affect me that badly. Boy I was wrong. So for now I'll just longingly look at facial jewelry and sigh.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Hazel! Depending on what I wear they can look more on the green side.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Pixie cut! I don't have an exact style of pixie, I don't know that much about hair 😅 but I love getting pixie cuts.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes. Never anything good though since it was mostly beer or whatever was being drank due to the holiday.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Nope! I've been tipsy but I always get super tired when I drink so I haven't been able to stay awake long enough to get drunk (which I always do around people I trust, not to worry anyone!)
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Claustrophobia. I can probably deal with it better if I'm around someone I really trust so they can help calm me down. This one might be more niche, but being eaten when I'm in some body of water terrifies the shit out of me. I'm decent at swimming, but there's no way in hell I'm going to outswim anything that wants to eat me.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
God I hate both of them so much. I prefer cold weather so I can bundle up and be comfy. But I'd rather be too hot. Maybe I can sweat off some of my water weight 🙃
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
If I don't have to go anywhere, I love the rain. It's just so soothing and a good time. I also love the sound of thunder. I still love rain even if I have to go somewhere, but I'd prefer lighter rain and hopefully it's not cold out while it's raining.
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn/Fall. It's just cozy and the vibes are immaculate.
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
I am an animal lover so this is tricky. I've been really into pigs lately. They're v cute and I'd love a little piggy (good for hiding bodies too).
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
I mean, I'm not shy about sharing my babies. I have three cats and a dog. I have a few chickens too but I wouldn't really count them as pets.
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Back when I was in high school, I could go a couple nights without sleep. But now, I am an old lady with my sleep schedule.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Besides the obvious, I can loom knit (well I can make an octopus and that's it) but I've made so many for friends and family. It's v fun although I got a new knitting needle and have stabbed myself so many times cause it's ungodly sharp.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'm overthinking this and that's the issue. If traveling was free then I know I'd be on some waiting list to travel some places because everyone will want to go (trips to Japan would take years). Honestly, I'd probably go to Texas because I have a very good friend that lives there. We've been online friends since I was in middle school and so I really would like to meet her IRL
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Haven't looked yet but I'm nervous laughing because it could be so many things. The amount of times I've looked up "What happens to a body in these conditions..." 😅
I'm dumb, my most recent thing is the MBTI test since I retook it for this
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
I don't have that many apps on my phone tbh. Webtoons is probably the one that gets used the most (I do have the tumblr app but I much prefer browser). I guess I'd have to go with Discord tho just cause it's how I communicate with friends and there's many fun memories there.
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I live in the country right now and while I love all the open space and there being no rules about what I can and can't do, I do miss being able to go out and do stuff in the city. If I lived in a city that doesn't require driving to get to places then I'd be city girl 100%. So I'll have to go with country just because driving scares me (well other people driving scares me, especially in the city. Everyone is chill driving in the country).
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dorics · 2 years
everyone thinks they’re too young to die for the ask game
natasha u are my new favorite person for sending me this ask. i want to talk about this au SO bad. i am so sorry you are the person who sent me this ask because ik you're not into d20 and now are being subjected to me rambling about a crossover with a dnd actual play show.
anyway i am normal about the hunger games (lie) and my greatest joy is putting non thg characters into thg verse and making them experience pain and suffering. ‘everyone thinks that they're too young to die.’ is my fantasy high thg au and it is named because of a fantasy high edit to the hippo campus song, ‘2 young 2 die’ that my friend oj made. basically the premise is it's a fic with differing timelines where each of the bad kids wins the hunger games. it is, as of this moment, unfinished, and 26k. this makes it the longest fic i have ever written and possibly the longest thing, period, i have ever written, because i hand-wrote the novel i wrote when i was eleven and so it doesn't have an accurate word count. i estimate this will probably clock in closer to 50 or 60k by the end of it.
again, my major issue here is plot, but unfortunately i am currently being haunted by this au (cannot stop thinking about it for more than a few days at a time) so i keep adding to it even when those scenes are not at all relevant to the plot of the au. the goal is to finish this fic by november but unfortunately my brain doesn't like deadlines i set for myself and thinks they're fake so we'll see if that actually happens
hallarial lomenelda and bill seacaster were the perfect capitol love story. a beautiful capitolite teen, sending gifts to the handsome teenage victor, him flirting with her, winking at the camera after he opened his sponsor gifts, blowing her kisses after he used the weapon she sent him to disembowel three other teenagers. he'd even proposed to her on live television, after all. 
hallarial lomenelda and bill seacaster were the perfect capitol love story, right up until she gave up her citizenship in the capitol to go live in district four with him.
their love story is what fabian has grown up on. he remembers hearing it every night as a bedtime story, of begging his parents to retell it almost every night — the way the crowd cheered so loud during their proposal that his father thought he'd gone deaf, just for a moment, the way the light glittered off the ocean as they got married, their wedding knot around their wrists and orange in the sunset sky as they’d exchanged their first kiss as a married couple.
on the nights that he isn’t begging for his mother to tell him about her and his father’s love story, he’s begging for his father’s accounting of his time in the arena. about the time a young bill seacaster, sixteen and with more muscle than most of the capitol from working on a fishing boat, was reaped, and against all odds — when he’s reaped, fabian will watch his father’s games in full, will really study them, and he will learn that it wasn’t against all odds at all, his father had the sponsors and the training score and the looks on his side — bill seacaster came home a victor, bringing a year’s worth of grain and oil to district four.
and that, too, is something that bill seacaster has always been proud of. he’s taken care of his people. he’s always taken care of the people of district four like he’s taken care of fabian. 
and he expects fabian to follow in his footsteps. to go off to the hunger games and return a victor. to provide for district four, to be one of their victors that they’re oh so proud of. to join the ranks of cathilda, and marcid, and myrtle, and of course, bill seacaster.
fabian will later think that his father wanted in him not a child but a living legacy. something for the world to remember him by when bill seacaster is just bones and dust.
because, after all, being a victor does not mean you never die. it just means you stave off death for a little while longer.
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aliteraltrashgay · 1 year
You sent me an ask a while ago, and I feel bad I'm only just now following up with this, but I'd LOVE to hear about your dnd campaigns/stories/blorbos!!! Gimme all the tales
You. You have done me a great honor on this day.
My "main" campaign has been going for about 2 years now, so There Is Lore. It started as a group of 5 people (not including me), then 3 players left and another joined. We now have 4 total (again not including me)
The characters that are still there include:
Accalia the Tefling Bard/Rouge and a straight-up war criminal. She's committed war crimes and refuses to think of it as a bad thing.
Emile the Half-Elf fighter. The player also played his sister, before they killed her off and started playing her brother. He has the most issues by far.
Fiddlefen the Gnome Druid/Warlock. Their player joined late and is everyone's favorite. Fiddlefen gets bitches, in and out of the game
Theodorus "Theo" the Human Ranger/Paladin, started as a deranged old man and now is one of the most competent PC.
The ones who were there briefly were: Malach the Fallen Angel, Dio (except neither me nor the player ever watched Jojo), and Ohm.
Some stories include:
Fiddlefen made it cannon that milk is Gnome booze, and also poured a gallon of milk onto Malach to show him what milk is
Accalia made a deal with a giant man-eating centipede creature that it would leave her alone if she let it go into the physical world. The creature preceded to kill and eat a lot of people. (the creature could have been swayed by simply telling it that the PC was trying to leave. It was legitimately trying to be a good person). Accalia refuses to see this as an issue
Emile lost an eye in his backstory, got it back through ✨Shenanigans✨, then lost his other eye, so he technically has none of the eyes he was born with.
They met an NPC and adopted him. After that, every time they did something I would threaten the NPC. This only worked on Theo's player, as they're the only person who consistently remembers the NPC exists.
It is canon that the God of Gods is a person who wears a hoodie, and jeans, and has a floating, glowing D20 as a head. This person is canonically me.
Theo's player has a blood feud with Ohm's player. They also love Ohm with every bone in their body.
Accalia had 2 girlfriends. One is a half-succubus horse farmer, and the other is just straight-up a demi-god who can ascend at any point. The keyword had, as the demi-god is very pissed about the whole war crimes bit.
Theo had an adventure before this one, but he had intense amnesia to where he only just remembers. He was saved after the memory loss event by a senile gnomish woman. Theo is now convinced that Soup has the consistency of bread dough. No one has corrected him on this.
I'll leave it there, but there are quite a few stories connected to the campaign.
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hiscrimsonangel · 1 year
(Small update for ‘24…)
Some basics for you about Scarlet ( to hopefully save some time though a lot is above)
My name is Scarlet or Scar to some for short. I am over 21- a Leo- pronouns are she/her (and sometimes the Royal “We” if I feel a little bratty). Simply put, I am just a pansexual metalhead woman with a few kinks, a few tats here and there, and a piercing or 3, that will sometimes carry a D20 for luck and always embraces my beautifully weird self and doesn’t mind flying her nerdy freak flag proudly. It’s what makes me me after all. Oh and I also communicate at times with music- it speaks sometimes when mere words fail. …and yes ADHD is also a factor so sometimes I babble a bit, working on correcting that, personally I think it helps me with my artistic endeavors, the ADHD not the talking a lot.
IMPORTANT! Absolutely NO MINORS ALLOWED! 18+ ONLY - I will block little shits or send them to Mordor depending on the mood I am in. I am not a babysitter- my last name is NOT Harrington.
If you send an ANON ask with no age attached to it I probably won’t answer you just so you know.
Oh and if you follow me and have zero posts and info? Yah- consider yourself blocked. Save us both time, k? Thanks. (Stupid fucking bots)
This is predominantly a ST/EM RP blog so while I may reblog posts and follow some people cuz I like their writing and yah there are quite a few and they are fucking awesome, I will post various things in that sort of RP vein…. My main verse and heart’s song is @emthebanished ( there is magic all around you, Eddie my love …💋 )
In reality, quite honestly, I don’t debate about all the “ship” BS- I absolutely adore Eddie Munson in ALL his glory. There is a reason he struck a chord with so many, and why his fan base is a devoted one. I am here to have fun, relax and celebrate the fanfics, imagines and art that has been done for my favorite show since 2016 and my very favorite character from said show that seemingly was always in the background, but we never got to meet til May 2022. Just watch ST seasons 1-3 and you will see his younger self floating by in the background. I swear it’s him… the curls, dark eyes and denim give him away…
I or my admin will add more or revamp this as I go probably but this is a good start. The Admin who lends a hand is in her late 20’s and if she ever posts anything it will be in // at the front and simply will be referred to as “CrimsonAdmin”. I don’t have time to continuously block bots, she lends a hand… she may answer questions too, but questions to her please use the // -ok?
And feel free to ask questions- but make sure you aren’t afraid of the answers! Ha ha! And again, if you ask ANON with no age, I probably won’t answer as this really is an adults only space, k?
Lastly, Please Remember….
This is Munson’s world- seriously, it is- we simply live in it…. (He’ll get humble about it, on his behalf I won’t tho… “it’s just the facts “ as Erica would say..)
Now then, Thanks for reading all this drivel babble stuff that is kinda important… now please- Carry on…
See y’all! 🤘🏼
Scarlet (Emerson) Munson- Hawkins, Indiana
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tyrusralvez · 2 years
DND scene
I’m currently writing a DND scene for a fanfic. I’ve researched, but I just want to know if what I’m writing is actually accurate for a campaign in terms of the mechanics of rolling the dice and all of that.
“We’re in the kingdom of silence.” He whispered, the members leaning in to follow his voice. He hadn’t even planned this part of the campaign; had never even sprung up a campaign and planned as he went along. He liked to take his time on his campaigns, something he never really cared to do on anything else.
The kids leaned in, anticipation filling the air.
“The knights will send those who dare speak above a whisper to the dungeons, for the kings. Will. Eliminate. You.” He leaned in with every word, punctuating them for dramatic effect. The Party gasped, determined looks set upon their faces. Even El, who was braiding Max’s hair, was getting sucked into the story. He sat back down in the makeshift throne that the kids had made for him, a kind gesture that had him clutching his heart. 
“You’re on your way to the castle of doom for a mission that will pay you a great deal of gold.” Oh, he sure hoped he remembered all of this information. This wasn’t his strong suit, but if he rehearsed what he was going to be saying in his campaigns, then all would go fine. But right now, he was finding it extremely difficult coming up with stuff to make this one shot come to life. “But on your journey there, you find a dragon. Bright red, a giant scaly thing, snoring at the castle’s entrance. What do you do?”
The overlap of voices sent a sharp pain rushing through his forehead. He massaged his temple, finding a bit of relief in the soothing motion. 
He had no choice but to raise his own voice over the ever-growing ones from the Party. “If I weren’t so nice, I would be chopping your heads off right now.”
Their shouting ceased at once, hushed whispers taking their place. Eddie took a moment to close his eyes and breathe in and out just like his psychiatrist from forever ago told him to do whenever he got overwhelmed with emotion. He didn’t know why the thought appeared out of nowhere, but he was glad he didn’t snap. 
When he opened his eyes, he was met with half a dozen pairs of eyes looking at him expectantly. He made a motion with his hand to go on.
It was Dustin who came forth. “I’m going to try and slay it.”
“Bold move, Henderson.”
“Well, I’m the most leveled up, and my character has the most XP.”
“Mhm, you also think you’re my favorite. Roll the dice for damage.”
He did as told, blowing on his dice for good luck, and then let the d20 roll. The whole room held their breaths the whole time, and when it landed on the board, it showed a 16.
Eddie gave him the d6 to see if the attack landed. Dustin, yet again, blew on the dice, shaking it up in his hand, and throwing it down. . . . 5.
“A 5?” Dustin screeched, and before he could go on, Eddie interrupted.
“Pardonme Belchin, you will suffer the consequences and lose the bit of hair you have. The dragon has blown its fiery breath at you, and when you try to slay it, it’s unsuccessful. You suffer severe burns, and your HP goes down twenty points.”
“I can heal you.” Will spoke up, and Dustin handed him the dice.
He rolled an 18. 
“I want to try cutting its head off.” Mike went up next, rolling the dice for it to come to a 17. Next, he grabbed 4 of the 6-sided dice
“Will the Wise heals your burns and while the dragon is distracted by you, Mike successfully cuts its head off.”
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rain-dere · 2 years
The name’s Rain!
Main: @subfundere | Pronouns: she/her | Age: 18+
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This is just a sideblog for stuff I’m interested in at the moment. It’s mostly: 
Dungeons and Dragons! I’ve seen 12 seasons of Dimension 20 plus ExU and ExU: Calamity. Currently listening to Worlds Beyond Number. I’m also into House of the Dragon which I guess technically has dungeons and dragons too!
Video Games! Narrative focused or cute and cozy is my jam. Cult of the Lamb, Elden Ring, Minecraft, Stray, and Stardew Valley are a few favorites. I watch YouTube playthroughs and Twitch vods every once in a while.
I write sporadically on AO3 which you can find here.
I've got an extensively tagged informal fanart archive. Feel free to browse through and reblog any art you want I don't mind spam.
Notes on the archive below the cut
The [brackets] around the tags here are just for readability’s sake.
Main Media
Most of my interests aren’t preceded by anything. If it’s only a few rbs, it’ll be tagged [movie: __], [book: __], [show: __], or [series: __]
Art w/ one character is [c: __] Art w/ two (regardless of whether those two are romantic or platonic, enemies or friends, parental or even strangers) is tagged [c: __ and __] in alphabetical order. Art w/ three is almost always tagged [c: __ and __ and __] also alphabetical. For more than three I usually make up a group name.
Art and Artist
I tag every fanart by the artist’s current url at the time I’m reblogging it with very few exceptions. I also sorta tag by type, as in [art: comic], [art: animation], [art: gif], and [art: doodles]. I also tag art trends like [art: color wheel] and [art: barbie mugshot]. [post: video] is gonna have a lot of animations in it too.
I tag warnings inconsistently, but they will be [tw __] or sometimes [cw __]. [domesticity] is exactly what it sounds like and [pantheon] is a total cast lineup. I tag events like [event: d20 exchange] or [event: día de los muertos]. Fanart based on fics is tagged [fic: __] with the fic’s full name in lowercase. Feel free to check out [fanart hall of fame], [fic recs], [artist deactivated but not forgotten], and [environments] because those are some tags I love the most.
Just a reminder that I’ve tagged and reblogged thousands of fanart posts- and I usually queue 100-200 in a single sitting- so I make mistakes! If I ever mistag something or make a typo please let me know and please be nice about it. Also if you are deleting your account please let me know so I can reblog your art and save it. Your work matters to so many people you’ll never know!!
Alright that’s it if you made it all the way down here I hope you have a good day ok bye
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marbleheavy · 3 years
here are some of my Nico headcanons that nobody asked for!!
He collects things. Not just Mythomagic stuff like he did as a kid, but cool shells, and rocks, and weird glass figurines that everyone else thinks are terrifying, and books. He’s got them in jars or lined up on shelves and he just has so many things (Because for so long he had so few things that actually belonged to him that didn’t have to serve a very clear purpose, so now he just wants to keep whatever he’d like)
He reads SO much as an adult. A lot of it is nonfiction because he’s trying to catch up on what happened in the world while he was pulled out of it, but a lot of fiction too (not really fantasy though, that’s too close to home) and a lot of poetry. He can recite poems from memory and will just randomly quote them sometimes and it should be pretentious but it isn’t and his friends think it’s amazing (cue dramatically saying "till love and fame to nothingness do sink" anytime he's told he has to wait) (Also, he will rant about why Ted Hughes sucks at any point in time)
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again!! He is a Dungeon Master! He’s got a binder for all the notes for his current campaign and a notebook for ideas and special highlighters and pens that he only uses for D&D. Also, dice are definitely one of the things he collects and he keeps them in those clear, plastic bead containers with dividers and they’re sorted by number of faces and also ~vibes~ (for example, do a backflip D20 and life or death D20)
leather jacket Nico di Angelo? seen, respected, and appreciated. CARDIGAN Nico di Angelo? underrated! He has a couple oversized cardigans with buttons and big pockets that he adores. The first one he ever had he definitely stole from Will but now, whenever he comes across another similar one, he buys it. The pockets are filled with rocks and worn, mass-market paperbacks and pens. (Basically, I’m leaning hard into English Major Nico with his annotated books and glasses and cardigans) (Also, cardigan Nico and flannel Will but sometimes they swap)
He definitely cuts his own hair in the bathroom and he's gotten very good at it. He's had a range of haircuts, from long hair to a mullet to the shaved sides and fluffy top, but he always ends up back with a shaggy mop that Hazel likes to put little braids in (or sometimes pull the very back of it into two little pigtails) and with bangs that always end up in his eyes.
Sorry to reiterate the same point that's been made forever, but his wardrobe is pretty dark-toned. Obviously black, but he does like a good jewel tone, perhaps a maroon or an emerald. Anything really bright was either a gift or belongs to Will someone else. Also, gendered clothing means nothing to him. He wears what he wants to wear and he thinks it's cool as hell when he's wearing a skirt while sparring and it flares out dramatically as he twirls.
He's kind of picked up modern slang but he also uses a lot of slang from pretty much every decade he missed. It's also a 50/50 chance he's using it incorrectly. (examples include: 1) Leo says something that is definitely supposed to be funny and Nico stares at him, utterly emotionless, and says "Gag me with a spoon" in an alarmingly monotone voice, and 2) Anytime he says something snarky to Jason or Percy he starts it with "hey bestie..." and honestly, they're both just touched Nico called them "bestie" at all)
He adores Studio Ghibli movies and can be found humming the Ponyo theme song anytime he goes swimming (Will standing on the shore, looking around for Nico and he eventually spots him in the water. He wades out to Nico, all sunglasses that shouldn't look so cool and golden hair and chest, and just greets him with "Hey there, Neeks, how's my fishie in the sea?" and Nico can't decide if he wants to drown himself or kiss Will on his stupid mouth)
Speaking of movies, shortly after the Giant War, all of his friends (the Seven, Reyna, Will, probably Lou Ellen and Cecil, too) showed up at his cabin with blankets and snacks. They each brought their favorite movie or movies they think he needs to see to catch him up on the modern age. At first, he acts disgruntled that they're all there but he very quickly settles into the blanket fort Annabeth constructs and is quietly very grateful and excited that they cared enough to do this for him. They're all holed up in his cabin for a full day until they've finished every movie. (Percy brought Finding Nemo, Annabeth brought Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Piper brought Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Jason brought Captain America: The First Avenger (and Nico definitely says "that's gay" when Steve and Bucky say there "Until the end of the line" shit and everybody absolutely loses their minds), Hazel also is behind on movies but she brought either a very scary movie or Moana, Frank brought A New Hope (though he considered Brother Bear), Will brought Spirited Away, Cecil brought Back to the Future, and Lou Ellen brought The Princess Bride)
He can play the piano! He gets a piano for the Hades cabin and on nights where he can't sleep and the nightmares are really bad, he plays piano.
He will cry if he hears I Will by Mitski or Wasteland, Baby by Hozier, for different reasons but also kind of not (he wants to be loved)
Also, Nico and Dionysus being buddies! Nico jokingly says he'll host a bacchanal if Dionysus excuses him from certain camp activities and that's how Nico and friends end up wearing togas around a campfire, all very hesitantly holding cups of wine they aren't actually going to drink. It is definitely not a bacchanal, it's just a bad toga party (barely) but Dionysus accepts it and decides Nico is a Good One.
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(Yes I did very badly make this stupid meme that somebody has definitely made a variation of before)
This is definitely not a complete list of headcanons but it's what I've got so far!
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5, 7, 17, 4 for the d20 ask game 🙏
thank you for the ask friend, you are the best!! and the link to the ask game is here for anyone who missed it and might want to join in
4 - favourite NPC
it hurts to choose because i have a lot of favorites, but i think i'm gonna go with jawbone (special mentions to ayda, gilear, bud cubby and aguefort, fh has so many good npcs)
5 - favourite quote
i know this is one of the obvious choices but “in the same way that your heart feels and your mind thinks, you, mortal beings, are the instrument by which the universe cares. if you choose to care, then the universe cares. if you don’t, it doesn’t.” from fh is a classic for a reason. i recently got an amazing cross stitch of part of it from etsy that i LOVE, it makes me so happy to see on my wall every day
i'm also partial to "one time a pig's head in the butcher shop told me that god and the devil killed each other" from mismag and "when you're here you're family, it's called being gay" from fh:sy
i feel like i'm forgetting a lot that i love and honestly it's making me want to rewatch all of d20 to remember the many amazing quotes i'm missing
7 - favourite combat
it's a tie between "all in the hot exit" which is the most recent starstruck combat and "broadway brawl" from tuc
17 - campaign you would want to play in
it's a toss up between fantasy high and starstruck odyssey, both seem ridiculously fun to play in!! on one hand i do already get that fh itch scratched with a side campaign i'm in with the question asker that's set in the world of fh and i love it SO MUCH so i'm leaning towards starstruck because "scrappy outlaws form a found family on a shitty spaceship" is one of my favorite niche genres of story ever and i probably won't play in a campaign with that in the foreseeable future. but also fh is my comfort show so i don't think i could ever say no to more time in that world so in conclusion i refuse to pick
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quasieli · 3 years
top six: fictional characters that give you gender envy, flowers, little things that make you happy and d&d moments :D
Ooh lotsa questions!
Gender Envy:
1) Bow from She-Ra (2018). Something about buff athletic dude who wears crop tops and is soft as hell is very Gender to me.
2) Vax from Critical Role. Pretty boy, kinda goth rogue? That’s sexy as hell and I wish that was me. 
3) In a wildly different idea of gender envy, I’ve been thinking about it lately and @quantum-lesbian’s character in the Frostmaiden game I’m in with them, Ambrose, is Big Gender. Beautiful non-binary drow with a starry and kinda witchy aesthetic that dresses super grandly and ostentatiously no matter the occasion? Yes please.
4) Pete from The Unsleeping City, specifically season two. I adore season one Pete but season two Pete that works in a queer bookshop and has a teapot arcane focus, is artsy and is unapologetically a trans man who doesn’t give a shit about gender roles? Sign me the fuck up.  
5) Beau from Critical Role. Buff GNC lesbian mixed with academia, but like academia from the prospective of a grad student with ADHD trying to learn everything about their special interests? A+, I love her and I’m jealous. 
6) I’m gonna cheat a lil bit for this last one. I know the prompt is fictional characters, but Julia Lepetit and Jacob Andrews in their Hitman streams? Simultaneously both of them were Gender for me. Jacob esp felt like that for me, which is weird cause dresses can make me dysphoric, but I am also slightly envious of the Dude in a Dress type of gender presentation. 
Can you tell that I’m a confused trans masc enby
Gonna put it under the cut from here cause oof, there’s still a lot more.
1) Big slut for Sunflowers, always have been, always will be.
2) Fun fact, my dad’s family used to own a flower shop (in like the 70s, so I never got to see it :(), and one of their big things was hydrangeas. My dad has always loved them and now I love the snowballs too!  
3) A recent favorite, the Baker’s Globe Mallow. It’s a type of flower that only grows from the soils of forests that have been affected by wildfires. It’s a simple little flower but I love the idea of something beautiful rising from the ashes after tragedy. A little dramatic, but I’m queer, ofc I’m dramatic.
4) Roses are another important flower to my family (Rose was a family name for a couple generations), and ya know, they’re a classic. 
5) There’s this beautiful magnolia tree in front of my house that blooms with the most beautiful white and pink flowers every spring, and it’s one of my favorite things to see every year. 
6) There’s so many different types of Lillies and they’re all very pretty, but the Purple Stargazer is prob my favorite.
Little Things That Make Me Happy:
1) My cat, Maddie. She may be a cranky girl at times, but she is also very sweet and will always be my baby (even though she is 12). 
2) Not a little thing really, but my best friend. Just getting a sweet/silly text from her or the two of us chilling in a room, sitting in a comfortable silence because we just like being together, nothing better. 
3) Baking, esp if I’m doing it for others. I’m not much of a sweets person myself, a little treat every once in a while type person, but I love baking. It’s a very relaxing process for me, even when it can sometimes get stressful, but seeing people enjoying something I made, especially something that brought me great joy to make, is simply the best. 
4) In the same sorta vein, crafting and other art, but that’s a bit more personal. I love making things for others, but art, particularly drawing, is something I do more for me. It’s such a great feeling when you can get into a really good art mood and just sink yourself into a project. I love it.
5) My plush toys. Yes, I am a 23 year old, no I will not stop loving my plushies. I just got a few new friends, which I made a post about recently, and they such good cuddle buddies. However, there is one king amongst them all. I have this old, beat up christmas puppy beanie baby, on his tag named Jingle Pup, but I just call him Jingle. I had one version of him since I was like 6, but he currently lives on a shelf cause he is very beaten up and fragile, but his “brother”, who I got when I was 8, is still in kinda good shape and is currently chilling on my chest as I type this lol.
6) Again, not a little thing, but it’s important to mention; D&D. The game itself is such a joy, but truly the best part of it is the people. I love creating stories and memories with people through this weird little game. Truly one of my favorite things to do.
D&D Moments:
These are all gonna be personal moments, rather than anything from actual play shows/podcasts. RC is Reforged Campaign, where I play Saube, and FM is Frostmaiden, where I play Sparks.
1) RC - Meeting Mahety, Saube’s girlfriend. We met her way back in session 12 and we are now up to like session 73. Saube saw her and was immediately big heart eyes at her but also felt a bit awkward and shy. So, being a game a dice, I decided to roll. 10 or higher, Saube would talk to her, 9 or lower, she’d stay put. I rolled a 17, 17 is now a lucky number for me. I love Mahety and I’d die for her. 
2) FM - This was an insane fight that should not have been so crazy, but in a fairly early session, my group went up against an angry druid and her awakened animals. So much batshit stuff happened in that fight, and we unfortunately lost our bread loving bard (RIP Agneyis), but one of my favorite combat turns happened in this fight. Our artificer, Omaren, has a robe of useful items and one of the patches on it creates a large pit. Thinking quickly, Omaren tore off the patch, slid it under one of the dire wolves we were fighting and created a looney tunes style pit under it, allowing us to take it out easily via pot shots. Such a clutch move and such a funny visual, especially because the dire wolf kept failing the checks to get out of the pit.  
3) RC - Saube’s Zebrith (I will never remember how this actually spelled RIP). So, for context, Saube ended up with a death curse (long story) that mechanically meant they had disadvantage on any death saving throws. Scary as hell, need to get that fixed! So, Saube and their party had to be smuggled into another country to talk with some religious leaders of a goddess known as The First, the goddess of death. They were told that Saube would have to go through the aforementioned ritual, which included her soul leaving her body for a short period of time. During this ritual, her friends had to call back to her, to say things that would bring her back to her body and I still cry thinking about that game. That ritual was not only important for Saube bodily, but spiritually as well. After that ritual, Saube officially became a cleric of The First! 
4) A real sappy one, RC - Saube meeting all of her friends. Anyone who follows along with the rantings on my blog probably knows how important this game is to me. I met this random group of strangers on tumblr and formed a D&D party with them and now, a year and a half later, I honestly think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I know that sounds silly and dramatic but not only has this game brought me so much joy and comfort, but I also gained a group of really amazing friends who have been nothing but amazing since day one. As much as Saube knows she can depend on SICL, I know I can depend on my group of weirdos lol. We both love our friends very much and even though we’ve all been through some crazy shit, we wouldn’t change it for the world.    
5) RC - Just playing Saube in general. I really didn’t intend for it to be this way, but Saube is very much a reflection of myself. She is the first long term character I have ever played and so much of me is in her. I try not to treat D&D like therapy, because that’s unfair to my DM and fellow party members, but playing Saube has allowed me to work through some of my own problems, especially social anxiety, in a lot safer of an environment. It isn’t so much that I’m asking this game to help me fix my life, but playing out these scenarios that, in the real world, would make me anxious or make me freak out, I can stop, take a moment to breathe and work out these issues in a way that makes sense to me. Playing her has led me to understanding myself a bit better, as well, and that’s truly such a wonderfully unexpected gift from this whole experience. 
6) Lastly, a silly one: RC - Getting a crit 6. The last session of this game got real interesting. Saube’s party ended up in the ethereal plane and magic got real fucky there. So, any time any of us tried to cast a spell, we’d roll a d20, not look at the result, and then try to guess what number rolled. The closer to the number, the better the result. A few times, a few people managed to get within like 3 or 4 of their roll, but oh the power I felt when I rolled a 6 (on Saube’s die!) and guessed it correctly! So, not only did the spell (Bless) work, but it worked super well. So instead of getting +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws, Saube and two other party members got +2d4 to attacks, saving throws and skill checks. So powerful I broke the rules of D&D lmao. 
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