#they’re so excited that their kid(s) on the case with them
spicy-apple-pie · 25 days
I just realized that Pok Gukgak is everything I want Bruce Wayne to be…
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anothermansjeans · 29 days
a.h x f!reader
cw: some slight angst (blink and you miss it)
wc: 1k
a/n: hiiiii!!! this is based on this request! sorry for taking a bit, i've been swamped with homework. i have one more in my inbox but im still taking requests! you can uses any of the prompt lists linked or just send me any request you have!
Hotch had a problem. He didn't necessarily want this problem, but he also didn't want to fight it. He had started to develop feelings for his coworker– who is also his subordinate– Y/N.
It started pretty recently. The team got back from a case and he told Jessica he would need her to watch Jack for a couple more hours. Unfortunately, that couldn't work for her, so he asked if she could talk to the babysitting agency and get someone in before she left. All was well when he last heard from her, and he was told that if they can't get someone out, they'll call him.
That’s why when his personal phone rang, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering “this is the one time I’m wishing they’re calling about my car’s extended warranty.” Alas, he picked up the phone and saw it was the agency he used, and they couldn't get anyone out this late in his area. He was so frustrated, he wanted to cry, which was more common than not recently.
After hanging up, he was so lost in his head, preparing to head out and take his work home with him (he never liked doing this, too scared Jack may see something he shouldn't). He didn't realize his door was opened the entire time, and he certainly didn't realize that Y/N had popped her head in with a mildly concerned look on her face.
“Hey, I was just heading out… are you okay?”
He jumped the tiniest bit, and looked up at her. “Uh, yeah. I’m actually leaving too.” He stood up and grabbed the pile of files in his desk, preparing to shove them in his briefcase, when he looked up for a millisecond to see the confused look on her face. “Jessica can't watch Jack for the rest of the night and there are no babysitters available this late of notice. I have to bring work home.”
Hotch didn't know what to expect from his oversharing, but it definitely wasn't the next words out of Y/N’s mouth. “I can watch him!” He looked at her. She looked at him. Y/N suddenly laughed to herself and shook her head. “Sorry, I meant to say if you need me to, since I’m already heading out, I can watch him until you're finished up here. I know how you feel about bringing those files home.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that–”
“You're not asking!” She promptly cut him off. “Trust me, Hotch, I want to do this for you. The sooner you say okay, the sooner I can go relieve Jessica.”
He numbly nodded, putting his briefcase on his desk. “Yes, thank you. I owe you for this. I’ll let Jessica know and I promise I won't be too long so that you can enjoy the rest of your night.”
And it was that simple of a solution. He did his work, you watched Jack, and when he got home, he was able to witness you putting his kid to bed. It was sweet (beyond sweet, really), and since then, whenever the team got back from a case and he needed extra help with Jack, Y/N would volunteer without being prompted. He loved seeing the little moments Y/N had with Jack, so much so that he would sometimes come home a little early (he could survive the extra work on a night Jessica was babysitting) and offer to have Y/N stay for dinner, which turned into bedtime for Jack, and then a little wine after he was asleep.
He didn't know when the feelings began to develop exactly, but once he noticed the excitement of going home to not only Jack but also Y/N, well he wanted to put a little bit of space between them. He wishes it was a gradual thing– really, he does– but he kind of just started declining her offers, making sure to book a babysitter hours (sometimes days) prior so that there were no issues with someone watching Jack. He hadn't taken into account what Y/N would be feeling about this shift, and he wasn't sure why he was so surprised when she marched into his office after a case; a time where they would normally arrange for her to watch Jack.
“Did I do something? Did I hurt Jack, or offend you, or literally anything wrong?”
“Excuse me?” His head whipped up from the papers under him.
“We had a routine. Something happened to disrupt the routine. I just need to know what I did wrong.” She looked sad. That was something Hotch didn't see on her often.
“You didn't do anything wrong.” He placed his pen down and stood up, closing his office door and standing in front of Y/N. “I have this problem.” He didn't know how else to state it, but he had to say something now or she’d think that his problems are her fault (and he would say a hundred times over that this was never her fault). “I don’t want to feel things for you but at the same I have this need to be near you 24/7.”
Eyes wide and deep breaths, the only thing Y/N could utter out was “what?”
Hesitating, Hotch stepped a little closer. “After seeing you with Jack and spending more time with you I…” he scoffed and shook his head “this is so juvenile.”
“Keep going, please.” Her response was quick. She needed him to finish.
“I want to be near you all of the time and I got scared of that– we work together, I’m your unit chief, I shouldn't be feeling things the way I do so I just… I pulled away.”
The silence was suffocating for the minute Y/N took to digest all that was said, but after what felt like years to Hotch, he felt her hand tentatively touch his, gently raking her nails down his palm before interlocking their fingers. “You don't have to… pull away.” The shy look was turning into one of awe. “We can… be around each other more often. See what happens. If you want.”
Maybe Hotch didn't have a problem. He felt a warmth spread through his body at the mere thought of being closer to Y/N, to seeing what happens with them, to a future. He definitely didn't have a problem.
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mirisss · 8 months
SKZ Mafia AU
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SKZ OT8 x afab! reader
Featuring Ateez, SKZ’s rival mafia
Wordcount ≈ 1.3k
Warnings: attempted kidnapping, violence, fighting, mention of weapons, 
I changed the story a tiny bit but I hope you still like it. 
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Third person POV
(Y/n) had been out for a girl’s night with Lia and Chaeryeong, first some shopping, a dinner, some dessert, and now the next stop was a club. Lia and Chaer were excited and looking forward to dancing and singing their hearts out at the club. (Y/n) on the other hand, was feeling very tired, and she was contemplating going home to her eight boyfriends instead of going to the club. After thinking it over, she decided that she wanted to go home. 
“Hey, girls, not to ruin the night or anything but I’m really tired so I’ll head home, but you guys should go,” “Are you sure?” “Yes, Chaer, I’m sure. I’m really tired so even if I went to the club it wouldn’t be any fun, you know having me yawning and asking when we’d be going home. Besides, we can always go out some other time,” “Want us to wait with you until the taxi comes?” “Nah, it’s fine, I’ll just call the boys and they’ll come. They’re eating dinner about two streets away from here,” “Alright, text us when you get home,” “Will do,” 
As the two girls began walking again, (Y/n) took up her phone and dialed Chan’s number. “Hey, baby, what’s up?” “I’m really tired so I decided not to go clubbing, I just parted with the girls, are you guys still at Chang’s? I’m not too far from there so maybe we could meet up halfway?” “Yeah, we were just leaving, but I think it’s better if you stay where you are, if you’re alone you could become a target, just stay there and wait for us, we’ll be there in 5,” And so they hung up, (Y/n) spent the time scrolling through her phone, waiting for SKZ to show up. 
Suddenly, she saw two pairs of shoes coming into her view as she looked at her phone. She didn’t recognize them so (Y/n) looked up from her phone, hoping her boyfriends had just gotten new shoes. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. She met the eyes of two men that she did recognize, she turned and prepared to run, only to meet 6 more men, all sporting nasty smirks. “Where are you going, sweetheart?” The shortest man spoke, sending anxious shivers down (Y/n)’s spine as she hoped SKZ would arrive soon.
(Y/n) knew that her boyfriends were the leaders and members of a mafia gang, Stray Kids, also known as, SKZ. Though, previously, she had barely noticed it except for them carrying weapons, having a bunch of money, and often dressing the part of the Mafia. She had seen pictures of one of their rival gangs, Ateez. SKZ and Ateez were the two strongest mafias in town, they didn’t fight a ton but recently a conflict had sparked between the two gangs. And (Y/n) had now become caught in the middle of it. 
“Please don’t hurt me,” In an attempt to call for help, (Y/n) threw herself down on the cold, slightly wet ground. Clutching her phone close to her to hide it, she managed to dial Seungmin’s number but before she could actually say anything, Yunho lifted her off the ground causing her to drop her phone. Seungmin answered the call, calling out her name, with no response, all he heard was a familiar voice saying (Y/n)’s name and something along the lines of  “Cooperate and we won’t have to hurt you,” Seungmin hung up the call and told the others of what he heard, the eight of them ran full speed, hoping to arrive in time to save (Y/n). 
(Y/n) tried to run away, but failed miserably, the odds were against her. One vs eight, yeah, it didn’t look good for her. While trying to run away, she had fallen over a few times, resulting in a couple of scrapes and bruises, her phone had been shattered once Jongho noticed that (Y/n) had called Seungmin. Now, Ateez was trying to get (Y/n) to come with them away from the street. A few people were glancing at them but doing nothing as they recognized the gang and also noticed Mingi holding a gun completely visible in his hand, threatening anyone who might think of stepping in. 
“Come on, princess. Nothing bad has to happen, just shut your mouth and come with us,” Seonghwa said, (Y/n) wasn’t sure who he was but she faintly remembered seeing the name Seonghwa under a picture of a man who looked very similar to this one. “If you think I’ll just surrender to you, then you must be dumb,” It was evident that Seonghwa did not like that (Y/n) was talking back to him. “Darling, you’d be much happier if you did as we said. It wouldn’t be good if we had to resort to violence, now would it? Hmm, would you prefer to come with us or lose a limb?” (Y/n) would be lying if she said she wasn’t frightened by the demonic look in the eyes of the man who now stood before her, if she recalled correctly, this was San. 
Running on pure adrenaline and bravado, (Y/n) mustered up the courage to spit in San’s face. “I’d never stop fighting, now let me go,” “You bitch!” They all shouted at her action. (Y/n) was shaking, scared that she made the wrong decision and had commisioned her own death. She shut her eyes, preparing to be shot or stabbed or anything. She heard a lot of noise around yet she felt nothing until a pair of arms enveloped her in a warm hug. 
“(Y/n)” The familiar, warm voice of Felix greeted her ears as she let out a relieved breath. “Come on, (Y/n), let’s get out of here,” Felix shielded her view as he led her out of there, the other’s staying to resolve the conflict. No gunshots were heard, (Y/n) hoped they could resolve the conflict peacefully. Wishing that all her boyfriends would get out safely. Felix led her to their car, where the two sat and waited for the rest. A few minutes later, the seven remaining boys returned to the car. (Y/n) scanned them for injuries, happy to see that her eyes couldn’t find any. 
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” Changbin asked as he frantically looked over (Y/n). “I’m okay, I have a few scrapes and light bruises, mostly I’m just shaken from it all,” All the boys gave (Y/n) a hug each, mostly to calm their own worries for her safety. “Let’s go home,” Hyunjin said as they all got into the car. 
Once at home, Lee Know and Han helped treat (Y/n) bruises and scrapes, then they all changed into comfortable clothes and sat down in their extravagant living room to watch a movie or two and cuddle. Happy they were all safe and sound in their home. 
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sinofwriting · 1 year
Sweet Nothing - Clay Spenser
Words: 4,912
Note(s): This is a long one that I honestly did not want to end. Also this is x reader but she goes by the nickname Mira. And anything in italics unless stated otherwise is them speaking Urdu. (Oh, and title is of course from a Taylor Swift song)
Tagging @nerdyreaderpapi who said they were really excited for this. Hope they and everyone else enjoys this.
Summary: Clay has a wife and no one believes him. He’s been a part of Bravo for eight months, the wife excuse is getting old, got old after the first month and yet he sticks to it, despite the fact that they never met her, don’t know her name, or seen a single picture of her.
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Turning his phone on, a tired smile crosses his lips at the sight of his lockscreen and he can’t help the way his thumb caresses the screen as he mouths the words on it that he knows by heart, a yawn leaving him in the middle as he adjusts to being awake.
The always there ache in his heart, grows now that they’re so close to being home. And he has to resist rubbing at his chest. He didn’t need to catch Trent’s attention, the medic was like a mother hen to all of the team, but especially him since he was the youngest.
Unlocking his phone, he goes to his texts and scrolls through his missed texts, body relaxing into his hammock as he looks at the texts from his wife. Some just random tidbits of things she had to translate, or things she had to buy that they ran out of, things she made for dinner, how she forgot to pick her meds up but not to worry because she did end up getting them, just a week later than she should’ve and he can ignore the email from the pharmacy about it, and that yes Clay she knows she hopeless without him and she’s more than okay without.
He lets out a chuckle at one of her texts telling him that she wants a dog and he needs to stop dragging his feet about it.
“It’s been nearly a year, husband. The longer we go without any paws running about, the more I’ll want.”
He lifts his eyes from his phone, letting them drift around until they land on Brock who’s also laying in his hammock, though he’s more upright, Cerberus in between his legs.
“Hey, Brock.” “Hmm?” Clay doesn’t notice that the rest of the team have also turned their attention to Clay. It wasn’t often that the kid was talkative after missions, especially one like this one. “I’ve been meaning to get a dog, anything I should keep in mind with Cerb?” The dog lifts its head at his name, tail wagging as he looks at Clay. Brock runs a hand over the dog's head. “I’d say once they settle in, we introduce them, just in case.” “What kind of dog you getting?” Clay shrugs, “not too sure yet. It’ll be a puppy, that’s for sure.” His wife would have his head if they’re first pet together wasn’t a puppy. “Puppy? That’s a lot for our job.” “Yeah, who’s getting to watch it when we get spun out or are on deployment?” “My wife, who absolutely exists.” He throws up a middle finger at Sonny, already knowing what comment was going to leave the Texan’s mouth. He makes a noise and half hearted denial, but doesn’t say anything, jaw twitching as Clay tries to press that he had a wife on them again.
“She going to pick you up?” Clay’s eyebrow raises, and he pockets his phone as he feels a shift in the altitude. They’d be landing within the next thirty minutes. “I drove myself. So, no.” Ray makes a noise at that and he has to resist the urge to snap at him or one of the other guys who was staring at him.
“Join us for beers tomorrow?” Sonny asks, as they all step out and start heading to their cars. “We just spent nearly two weeks together, next time absolutely.” Sonny grunts. “Fine, but just remember what you're missing out on, GQ. I could get you a great girl.” “Married.” He shouts, as he rushes to his car. The door shuts before he can hear Sonny’s reply and with it comes a sigh of relief.
The drive home passes quickly and before he knows it, he’s in the driveway of his house. His wife’s car parked in its spot and the porch light on, with its automatic timer set to turn on at eighteen hundred and shut off at four hundred.
Clay feels the ache in his chest grow, being so close and yet still so far away. So, he doesn’t bother grabbing his go bag, even though everything needs to be washed, he just climbs out of the car, barely remembering to lock it and running up the steps to the front door.
Opening the door, he quickly steps into the house, kicking off his boots as he closes the door behind him.
“Baby?” He calls, anxiety and excitement warring inside of him. “Mira?” He uses the name that her parents started calling after learning that he and her grandmother had taken to calling her Miracle in Urdu. “I’m home.” He hears the sound of feet rounding the corner before a cry of his name greets him and he’s got an armful of his wife.
He holds her tight, lifting her off her feet, his hands moving down to her bottom to hold it as her legs wrap themselves around his waist.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He whispers into the skin of her neck, tears pricking at his eyes, as he takes in the feeling of home, the smell of it, of her. “Missed you too.” Her arms loosen from around his shoulders and she pulls back slightly, looking into his eyes as her hands come up to his face. She sighs, thumbs rubbing his cheekbones. “You got even more handsome. I think you can’t, then you leave me and somehow it happens.”
His cheeks turn pink at the compliment, the one she always gives him when he comes home to her. At one point he had denied it, thought she was just saying it, that she didn’t mean it, but with over a decade together, he knew that she meant it. It was clear in her face, the way her eyes were lit up in awe and they couldn’t stop looking at him. Clear in her body, how her breath still sped up, heart hammering in her chest.
Emotion bubbles up in him, how overwhelmingly he is in love with this woman and has been since they met, since he was fifteen. And he knows that if he speaks right now, he’ll stumble over his words, so instead he presses their lips together.
And the ache that had been plaguing him vanishes at the contact. At the soft lips pressed to his. Her hands slip from his face to his neck, her right pointer finger tracing the shell of his ear making him tighten his grip on her and press his tongue to the seam of her lips, gently touching them, before retreating. Even with the sigh into his mouth.
“Do you have anything cooking?” “No.” She breathes, “take me to bed, soldier.” He grins at the command, pressing their lips together, once than twice before starting the trip to their bedroom. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Stop looking at me like that.” She murmurs, eyes scanning the menu. “How am I looking at you?” She lifts her eyes off the menu, her husbands grinning face staring at her. “Like you won the lottery.” His grin grows wider, eyes alight with amusement. “Everyday with you is like winning the lottery, miracle.” She has to look away for a moment, lips pressing together to suppress a giggle. Fuck, her husband was a charmer.
Her eyes drift back towards the menu. Despite having dinner two hours earlier, she was hungry again, but not hungry enough to eat something all by herself, so it was a good thing she had Clay with her. She swore sometimes he had more than one stomach on him with the way he ate.
“Want to share a chicken strip basket with me?” “Sure. You want a beer?” He asks, looking out for a waitress. “Please, just whatever you get.”
Resting her chin on her hand, she watches as he orders for them. Seamlessly keeping the waitress's attention off her.
“It ran over. Complications?” She asks when the waitress leaves, curiosity pulling at her. He nods, “Intel was bad. HAVOC nearly blew a gasket.” “But, no injuries.” “No injuries.” The whole team had basically been glorified bodyguards for two weeks. “It was a milk run that went long. Only reason we were there for so long was because of the intel and having to get new contacts.” She hums, switching back to english. “This place seems nice.” She takes a glance around. “Only opened up a month or so ago. Kids aren’t allowed after eight.” “Yes, sir.” The waitress says, setting down two beers in front of them. “And the last family we had just left. So just a warning the music will be going up and our cook is only here until ten.” “Thank you.” She smiles at the waitress. “Of course. Let me know if you need a refill and your food should be out shortly.”
“She’s nice.” “Hasn’t worked long enough in food service.” Her eyes roll. “Says the man who's never worked in food service.” “But you did. Worst six months of our marriage.” Her mouth falls open, “you were deployed for all of it.” He shrugs, “you were miserable working at the place. Me not being there just made that worse.” “Such a softy.” Clay smiles, tangling their fingers together on top of the table. “Only for you, my miracle.”
They're halfway through their beers when the music gets turned up and their basket of chicken strips arrive. Grabbing one, she hisses at how hot it is immediately dropping it back down. She shakes her hand out, rubbing the pads of fingers together.
“Cut it?” “Please.” He doesn’t say anything, sending her a fond look before grabbing the fork and knife that had been resting on the table and cutting the chicken up.
Nearly an hour later and on her third beer and last one, since Clay was also stopping at three since he was driving, the door opening to the bar and raucous noise catches her attention.
Turning her head, she eyes the group of six men and two women, military she noted by some of their stances and they way all the men seemed to be surveying the building. It’s then that her eyes focus on their faces and her eyes widen, recognizing some of them.
“Clay,” she kicks his shin lightly. She hears his sharp intake of breath and she blindly reaches for his hand, squeezing it tight. Her heart thuds painfully in her chest when he grasps it tight, clinging to it. “Do you want to leave?” “No.” “Are you sure?” “It's your choice.” She takes her eyes off his team, going to protest, but he stops her. “No, it’s your choice. I know you don’t particularly like them.” His face twists at that, because that was a light way of putting it.
His wife nearly despised them for judging him just because he had the last name Spenser. Add on Sonny’s treatment those first few missions and how Jason treated him after that first time he worked with Bravo. He was surprised that she hadn’t stormed onto base using her clearance to give the Master Chief a piece of her mind. It wouldn’t shock him if them meeting eventually resulted in that happening. She wasn’t one to hold back, not when it concerned him.
She eyes her husband, remembering how he had come home practically collapsing in her arms because of Bravo, because he had the last name Spenser and more stupid military men weren’t willing to not judge a book by its cover. Remembering their refusal to believe that he was married, all because he won’t introduce them or talk about her, because he was a kid, despite being twenty-seven. But she also remembers the light in his eyes as he talks about Cerb, Trent’s mother henning, Ray’s quiet accompaniment to the range. He’s been with them for nearly a year and she knows that they’ve become like family to them, so close to being brothers in not just name but also bond. And she knows that the only thing that is stopping him from letting them in and really see who he is behind that cocky façade is her. And she can’t deny him family, more people to love him, so she squeezes his hand again.
“Let’s stay.” “Really?” She nods. “They’re your brothers, honey. I can’t deny you people that love you, just because of my misgivings.” He looks at her in awe, blue eyes shining. “I don’t deserve you, not one bit.” He sounds reverent and before she can deny it, protest, he’s leaning across the table, crushing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
A loud whistle breaks them apart and he’s still looking at her in absolute awe. “You, Mrs. Spenser, are going to be spoiled so much later.” She swallows harshly, thighs pressing together at the promise. “And I can’t wait, husband.” His eyes flash but the sound of a chair being pulled out stops him from kissing her again.
“I’m going to take these up and get something else to drink. You want anything?” She asks, grabbing their beer bottles. “Water, please.” She nods, flashing him a smile before standing and heading to the bar, a slight limp in her gait.
He watches her, heat simmering inside of him.
Clay looks away when someone sits across from him, knocking their feet together,
“Would ya look at that, GQ. Said you didn’t want to come out drinking with us and we still ended up at the same place.” The Texan accent makes him sigh. “Sonny. First stop of the night?” “Yeah, even managed to get Blackburn to join us.” Clay spots the rest of the group in the corner where there’s pool tables, brows going up seeing Naima standing next to Lisa. He had forgotten that her parents were in town this week. “Naima eat?” “You think Ray would’ve let her out of the house to drink without food in her stomach?” “I don’t think Ray tells her to do anything.” Sonny laughs, “right you are, brother. Last time Ray tried to tell her to do something,” he whistles. “I don’t think I’ve seen a man regret something so much.” He chuckles, he hadn’t been part of the team for that but he could imagine it. “Lisa text you, we were coming here? Decide to join us anyways?” “No, I actually,” he begins before he can continue, two glasses are being put on the table and a familiar weight is settling on his leg that’s planted outside the booth.
“Next time we should Uber, they’ve got some interesting cocktails.” She tells him, before turning her head to look at the stunned Seal sitting across from them. “Hi, I hope I wasn’t interrupting.” Clay has to press his face against her back to hide his smile. She knew damn well what she was doing and he couldn’t love her more for it. “No, ma’am. You known Clay long?” His eyes flicker between the two. She lets out a laugh, just a little off from her normal one. “Long enough.” He squeezes her waist and she relaxes a little back into him. “Well, my name's Sonny Quinn, I work with Clay since he ain’t got the manners to introduce us.” She extends her hand, giving the Texan’s a quick shake before giving her name and they both watch as his jaw drops and his eyes widen. “But please, call me Mira. Everyone does.”
“Spenser?” He repeats, barely hearing her request. “Yes, sir. And proud.” She lifts her left hand and gives it a small shake where both his grandmother’s wedding band sits and her grandmother's wedding ring. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you” He manages to say after a few seconds. “Mira, I don’t think you’ve met the rest of the team, but if you’d like you could join us. We're just playing some pool and drinking.”
“Join?” The french makes him blink, but he nods. “Sure.” “We’d love to.” He blinks at the language change, but nods, standing. “Alright, then. Can I get you anything to drink?” His eyes flicker to Clay, expecting to see some sort of scowl on the younger man’s face at his offer but the kid just looks amused and tension he didn’t know he was holding, vanishes. “I’m alright. I just got us some water.” She tells him, standing, grabbing one of the waters from the table.
Nodding, he watches as Clay also stands, doing the same as her, his arm looping around his wife’s waist, lips brushing her temple. They make an interesting picture, a pretty one. Cause of course Clay would have a wife even prettier than he was.
Leading them over to the corner that Bravo had commandeered, Jason spots them first, smiling at him, before a brief look of concern takes over at his wide eyes. And a quick nudge to Ray’s ribs from Jason gets everyone else's attention.
“Ladies,” he nods to Lisa and Naima, “gents. Look who I ran into?” He steps aside letting them more easily see Clay, who’s setting their waters down on a high table they took over. “Hey!” A few say at the time, catching other people's attention for a moment. “What are you doing here?” Lisa asks, smiling at the youngest member of Bravo. He tilts his head to the left, gesturing, “date night. Went to dinner then ended up here. Would’ve gone somewhere else if I knew who we’d run into.” He grins, catching the elbow his wife starts to throw before it can make contact. “You love us.” She teases and Clay rolls his eyes but the soft line of his shoulders and grin betrays him. “And who is this?” She looks at the woman next to Clay offering her smile. She smiles at the woman who Clay talks about fondly, always having their back in HAVOC, “I’m Mira, Clay’s wife.” Her smile doesn’t flicker at the sharp intakes of breaths her introduction causes. “You must be Lisa, Clay talks about you often. He talks about all of you often.” She looks at the rest of them. Naima hits Ray’s chest. “I had no idea that Clay was married.”
She quickly shakes the younger girl's hand. “I’m Naima, Ray’s wife. If Ray had something sooner, we could have set up something sooner. All of us wives and girlfriends have a groupchat. I know how difficult it can be.” “Thank you. We’ll have to exchange numbers. You have two kids right? Jameelah and RJ?” “We do.” Her smile widens at Mira remembering her kids names just from hearing Clay talk about them. “Clay mentioned them. He’s never been uncle Clay before. Came home all lit up.” He nudges her slightly. “They meet you and you’ll be Auntie.” “Damn straight, I married you for the benefits, honey.” “And my body.” He grins down at her, holding her tighter against him. She pats his chest. “And your body.”
Naima awes a bit at the young couple. She remembered when her and Ray were first together, they had also been stuck together at the hip. Now with being together for so long and two kids, there wasn’t a lot of being stuck at the hip.
“How long have you two been together? Or married?” She asks, curious. They seemed like newlyweds, just a couple of months under their belt, still firmly in the honeymoon phase. “Been together for twelve years, married for eight.” Clay tells everyone, a proud look in his eyes. “Seven, honey. We got engaged eight years ago.” She corrects, watching the shocked faces of his team. He scowls at the reminder of the near year of waiting he had before they finally could get married. “Worst year of my life.” “It wasn’t even a year!” “It was nearly a year.”
“Now, why do I feel like there’s a story there?” One of the guys says, recovering first. “Trent,” he offers his name, just in case. “That would be because there is.” She pats Clay’s hand. “Clay and I got together when we were fifteen, but there’s nearly a year between us. So, Clay turns eighteen, proposes, is already to go to the courthouse and be married and I had to remind him that we had to wait a good eight months to get married since I was still seventeen.”
“The wait was horrible.” He groans. Mira laughs, “what wait? The only thing that changed was my last name and us getting a piece of paper. Nothing else changed.” “Sex.” Sonny chokes on his beer. “We had sex before.” Lisa lets out a laugh at the exasperated look on her face, she already liked this girl. “Yeah, but it wasn’t married sex.” “Oh my god.” She rolls her eyes, not needing to look at him to know he was grinning, chest puffed out a bit.
She looks at the other women in the group, “Please save me from him.” Naima laughs at the girl, but steps over to the booth where Brock is sitting and motions for her to join. “Sit with me and Brock. I want to know all about you.”
She feels Clay squeeze her hip and brush his lips across her temple before letting her go. She sends him a smile before joining the older woman at the booth, sliding in on the same side that Naima’s sitting on.
“Nice to meet you, Brock.” She greets the man. “You too.”
Clay watches as Naima and Mira start to talk, Brock paying rapid attention if the way his body language is anything to go by.
“So, Bam Bam does have a wife.” He scowls at the Texan, “Told you I did.” “Still. Can see why you kept her away. She’s so far out of your league.” Sonny laughs, sending Clay a wink as he dodges an elbow from Lisa. He looks back at Mira, who’s laughing. “Damn right.”
He felt lucky most days that she even took a glance at him.
“Why did it take so long for us to meet her?” Jason asks. “Does she not like the job? Cause problems at home?” Clay scoffs, “god, no.” It wasn’t that they hadn’t had problems, they’d been together for over a decade they had them, but the idea of his job causing some was laughable. “She encouraged me to enlist, wouldn’t have made it as far without her. And she understands the job.” Something in his tone sets Jason on edge, “Not too much, I hope.” “Spenser,” Eric starts, realizing where Jason’s head went and it’s clear Ray did too by the way he sets his pool cue down. He sticks his chin out, shaking his head. “She’s a linguist.” He gets blank looks. “She knows as many languages as me, more. She’s been a consultant for the CIA since we were twenty. She’s got higher clearance than me.” Sonny whistles, “she’s really out of your league.” He grins at him.
“So, what was the problem?” Jason asks and god was he like a dog with a bone. He could tell there was a reason and all of them knew he wouldn’t stop until he knew why. Clay sighs, sending a look over to Mira, who sensing it, looks back at him and sends him a smile and nod. “I talk shop with her.” Jason sends him a disapproving look, but he ignores it. He liked Jason, but he wasn’t about to take relationship advice from the older man. “So, if I’ve had a bad day or something went wrong I talk about it.” “I don’t get it.” Lisa whacks the Texan on his arm, understanding why Clay hadn’t introduced her or even talked about her. He sighs, “she doesn’t like you,” he looks at Sonny. “Or you.” he looks at Jason. “What? For what reason?” Trent and Ray let out laughs at Sonny’s confusion. They could take a good guess for why she didn’t like either Sonny or Jason and they couldn’t say they blamed her. “She doesn’t have much tolerance for anyone who sees the last name Spenser and immediately assumes I’m like my father.” Jason winces at the statement and reminder of what he had first thought of Clay and how he treated him because of it. Yeah, he could see the reason for dislike. “Shit, Bam Bam. I fucked that one, huh?”
Clay smiles at the older man, “give her a year, maybe two. You’ll get off her shitlist.” “And me?” Jason asks, noticing that his eyes hadn’t drifted over to him. He winces, “that’s a bit more complicated.” Ray lets out a laugh at Jason’s face, slapping him on the back. “I told you that one of these days your big mouth and unwillingness to let things go would bite you in the ass.”
“He did not, Mira!” Naima’s scandalized voice rings out and makes them all turn their heads to look over at the booth where her, Mira, and Brock were sitting. She lets out a laugh, people’s reactions to how exactly Clay proposed never ceased to make her laugh. “He absolutely did.” Naima’s scandalized expression vanishes and her jaw locks as she ushers the younger out of the booth, turning her attention to the man they had just been talking about. “Clay Spenser!” His eyes widen at his name being said like that and he sends a look to Ray, but the 2IC just shakes his head. He was on his own with this one. “I can not believe you! Proposing like that!” She stands with her hands on her hips, lips pressed together in a frown. He relaxes at that. He knew how he proposed wasn’t normal and had pointedly not mentioned how he had to her parents or his grandparents knowing he’d got smacked upside the head. “Naima, I was eighteen.” He pleads, putting his hands up in surrender, sending a look to Mira who’s giggling. “Really, it’s funny more than anything.” “Oh, I’ve got to know this.” Sonny mutters under his breath. There would never be enough material to tease Clay with. And something from his relationship, well that was even juicer.
“How exactly did Clay propose?” Lisa asks, wondering what had the normally chill woman up in arms. “Well, honey, should I tell them or do you want to?” She asks, teasingly as she walks over to him. He wraps an arm around her, pulling her closer. “You can, miracle. Already told it once today, what’s two times?” She nods, wrapping an arm around him as well. Might as well get as comfy as she could with all the eyes on her.
“Well, you already know that Clay was very eager to get married.” “Be a fool not to.” He mutters, interrupting her which she ignores but Trent snorts hearing the mutter. “But he was really eager. My parents and his grandparents were missionaries, so they kept odd hours, were really only home to sleep and even then sometimes depending on how bad the area they were at was they sometimes would sleep there. Which meant we had a lot of time to ourselves.” The guys all grin at that, knowing exactly what that meant. “And with our luck, the week that Clay turned eighteen, they were away helping a village six hours away that experienced a horrible fire.” That earns a few frowns, but everyone is still listening intently to her.
“So, when it rolled over to midnight, I woke him up to wish him a happy eighteenth and to have birthday sex.” She earns a few laughs at how unashamed she is and she smiles at the sound. She could blame it on being a horny teenager but she still wanted to climb Clay like a tree as much if not more than when they were teens. “In the middle of said birthday sex, he just asks me to marry him. Tells me that one of the guys in the village we were in owes him a favor and we could take his truck to get married as soon as the sun was up.” “You didn’t?” Clay shrugs at the disappointed look from Jason. “I’d been thinking about it for months, it slipped out.” He defends. “It was sweet.” Mira also defends him. “Even if my response put a damper on things.” He winces at that, because yeah, he hadn’t reacted the best to hearing the word can’t right after he had proposed and then forced onto his back so she could ride him. It was one of the few times that he had stopped in the middle of sex for a reason that wasn’t cramping or someone knocking on the door. “And what was your response?”
“Can’t, just the word can’t.” She gives Clay a sorry smile. “Even in the middle of sex the logical side of my brain was working.” “Sounds like someone wasn’t doing a good job.” Sonny jokes. “Nah, I was thinking of a way to flip him on his back right before he started talking.” Sonny lets out a loud laugh at that and the way it makes Jason slightly bug eyed. “I definitely like you, Mrs. GQ.” “Can I be Mrs. Bam Bam instead?” She asks, grinning. “Rolls off the tongue better.” “You can have whatever nickname you want, Mrs. Bam Bam.” The Texan tells her, a bit more southern drawl in his voice as he gives her a wink.
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.33
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Witch!OC
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23   Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 34  Part 35   Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
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You're awaken in the early morning hours by sharp taps on your window.
Unable to ignore them anymore, you groan and roll onto your side. You had summer school in four hours. What could possibly be important enough to ruin your good sleep? You'd certainly have to give an earful to whoever it was that woke you.
Pulling up the shades of your window you see Quil and Embry outside.
Reluctantly you open your window. "What are you guys doing?"
"He's here."
"They're here."
They both seem to talk at the same time. There could be many connotations to who they could be referring to. A member of the Volturi was the first to pop in your head before you whisper out "Who?"
Embry holds onto you with his warm eyes. "Evita's friends."
Friends. As in plural.
You shut the window without another word so you could hastily get dressed and join them. Scrawling a note and leaving it on the kitchen table, you explain to your parents in case they wake up before you get back that you would still go to school regardless of what was going on.
The three of you weave through the trees deciding to go the back way. At this hour, it would be odd for someone to find three kids running through the streets. Your phone had died which explained why you hadn't known the news as soon as it happened. Quil and Embry though received a text from Sam that called for immediate action. Anyone whom the wolves aren't familiar with had to meet the pack. This served to familiarize the newcomer's scent for future reference and also to check them out and see if they are trustworthy enough to even pass through our land.
A familiar aroma of magic makes your brain feel tingling. They feel it too as you notice Quil actually stumbles a little bit from the heady sensation.
As you got closer, you bumped into both Leah and Seth on their way as well as Collin who was tiredly rubbing at his eyes. No one spoke. Too excited and in a hurry to reach what Seth had once called HQ. Which for your pack it basically was. All pack and most elder meetings took place there.
The two newcomers sat on either side of Evita inside of the living room. A boy and a girl. They both appeared weary from their travels but have a hand on Evita's lap. Dieufel, who you guess is the boy, is hastily wiping his eyes with his free hand; uncaring of who spotted his stray tears. "She was a warm spirit."
They must have been talking about Letizia. The wolves remain quiet until the guests are ready to introduce themselves. Dieufel was the darkest of the three witches sitting on the couch and already you could feel wisps of power wafting off of him. Just sitting there his presence was an enchanting enigma.
Dieufel had to be in his early twenties, exuding an aura of both mystery and vibrancy. His eyes the color of deep onyx holds a glimmer of ancient wisdom that you'd never seen on a face so young. Thick, dark lashes frame his dark eyes that add a touch of allure to his already striking features. Short, dreaded hair like tightly coiled springs are dyed a lighter shade of brown. His attire seems to blend seamlessly with his persona speaking of his connection to both the modern world and the ancient realms of magic. He has quite the elegant speech pattern that reminds you a little of how Edward spoke. He was proper when introducing himself. "Thank you for taking care of Evita during this time." He'd turned to Sam to say. "For your good will, we will join your cause although it sounds like quite the dangerous objective."
Skin as rich and warm as the finest mahogany, Dieufel inclines his head toward the other female on the opposite side of Evita. With this action you catch the sparkle of a gold earring hanging from one of his lobes. "This is my cousin Nadege."
Good looks must run in the family. Nadege smiles brightly at everyone and stands, almost towering over even Sam himself. Her cheekbones were high and fine, emphasizing her large olive green eyes. Her hair gave off a dark purple sheen, weaved into complicated braids that you admire as she moves to enthusiastically shake hands with the perplexed wolves. Nadege greets everyone with a warm, heavily accented 'hello'. "We've flown so far to meet you all! Once Evita called, we took to the sky immediately."
A few members were perplexed by her overall bubbly attitude but smile. It was always a joy to meet non-volatile supernatural beings.
Her features were expressive as she goes on to lament "Oh we were terribly broken to hear that brise took our Leti from this world. You know it killed another one of us just last year too."
As if used to hearing his cousin's ramblings, Dieufel gently puts a hand on her arm to draw her attention. "Kouzen, kalme ou. You'll scare them off." This earns him a rueful glare from Nadege who apparently didn't like being interrupted.
Sam chuckles. "It's alright. The pack is glad to have you here as well. I'm sure Evita has caught you both up on our situation."
Dieufel nods. "Yes she did. Can't say I've ever encountered anyone from the Volturi specifically."
"I didn't even know who they are." Nadege pipes in.
He rolls his pretty eyes but overall ignores her little comments. She reminds you of a chirping bird. Turning to Evita, he adds "I learned about the Volturi when staying with your family. The traveling witch who had stopped for a respite told us about them. So much power concentrated like that is bound to lead to disaster."
Evita nods. "Yes. I have finished one ward to prepare for their arrival."
"I can tell." replies Dieufel as he eyes her still exhausted face.There's color back in her face but the blue, bruise-like shadows are still stamped underneath her eyes. Overall, Evita's energy is lower as well which would tip off anyone who knew he well enough. "And how many more do you need?"
It wasn't necessary to reply. From the sour expression Evita scrunches her face into, Dieufel learns that the quantity was more than three. He hisses out a sigh at the workload ahead but isn't angry. Of course he'll do anything for his adopted spirit sister. Plus Evita was young and still didn't have much control over her magic. She could only summon a small amount of it at a time. Not like Leti who would have been able to create two wards in one day though it would definitely debilitate her for the following week.
Nadege speaks more in that fast language you don't understand, nudging her older cousin with her sharp elbow. Her long, full lashes flutter when she narrows her light colored eyes at Dieufel. "We can make up the rest. Or are you weak?" She teases with a goading smirk and hands on her hips. Lips, dark and glossy, curl in a devilish upward flick. A few of the wolves chuckle at her boldness. Even Sam's body jerks in a silent laugh at their familiarity. A connection that was similar to the pack. Blood was not what tied them, but genuine respect and affection. It reminds you of the relationship between the older wolves: Sam, Jared and Paul. They were brothers in all but genetics. You considered them your own older brothers, guiding and protective.
A giggle leaves Evita and she leans against Dieufel's shoulder comfortably. The first familiar touch she's had in a while. You're happy for her and notice her face soften and finally relax. She must have been on edge since her sister left home.
"Of course we will help." Dieufel says with a lazy smile. He pats Evita's head and makes the top curls bounce in reply. "But I don't know their specific powers, like your Edward's mind reading." The last part is addressed toward you.
"He's told me. I can easily have him write down the members he knows and their special abilities. The Volturi will have many of them on staff." You remember Edward telling you that they've spent hundreds of years collecting vampires with special powers. And damn did you want to hope that maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to keep the Volturi at bay. They could be strong enough to keep them out forever. That would be too perfect. Your life had proved anything but perfect the past several months. You didn't expect it to be.
That makes the others of your pack bristle. What other powers could be out there that they don't know about? Mind reading and seeing the future had been quite the shock to many. Too much maybe.
Brady and Collin exchange slightly anxious glances, knowing that this kind of talk was feeling a lot like a preparation for war. Wolves they were, but baby fat was still evident on their faces. In about a month it would be gone, chiseled away into manhood. Sam would make sure in that time that they would be ready for battle if it called upon them. They'd been kept away from Victoria's army, but they wouldn't be spared from fighting the Volturi. Barely entering high school in two months, your heart goes out to them. At least you had been granted time to enjoy the beginning of your high school years. There wasn't much to enjoy but you could claim that it had been your own.
Dieufel ponders for a second before nodding. "Alright. What is the deadline?"
Wolves anxiously peer at one another. The answer wasn't ideal.
It made Nadege's eyes round from what Sam told them. Which was "Anytime now."
Credulously, Dieufel shoots his dark gaze at Evita who shrugs and speaks Spanish. Dieufel exchanges his own words in her native tongue and you could hear the worry in his voice. Evita switches to English when she notices several pairs of eyes on her. "Besides, we might have another pair of helping hands soon enough." At that, Evita flicks her eyes over to you. Now the pack's attention centered on you. You'd grown used to it by now. Being the one to freaking imprint on a vampire will do that to you though.
You address the room, more so Sam to fill him in. "Evita says Bella has potential to wield magic."
Jared and Paul are comically confused. "Bella Swan?"
Ignoring the whispers spread through the room, Sam uses his authority as alpha to bring people back to attention. Dieufel and Nadege look thoroughly impressed. When the room is once more quiet, Sam asks Evita "Is it possible for her to learn?"
Dieufel stiffly nods. "Yes. . . it's possible but I do not recommend crash courses in magic. More than anything it is an artform which one should take the most care with. Your intentions may be good but if you are not properly trained, it can blow up in your face."
"Bella can do it." Insisting and also wanting to have Bella's back, you tell them what Jake told you. How smart she was and even got a spot in the high school's AP sciences and math. "She really wants to help."
You never expect Leah to agree with you. "The very least she can do is try it out." Better yet, Leah looked Sam straight in the eye with equal determination. "This is her fault after all."
Sam does a good job not to gawk at Leah addressing him as she hadn't so much as looked at him since the whole Emily drama.
He takes Leah's interest seriously although he is suspicious about her motives. Silently Sam consents with a nod. "You're right. The least any of us can do is try. (y/n), can you get into contact with Bella? Or would you rather-"
He knew it may be awkward for you to talk to Bella considering you were the reason why her and Edward broke up. "I don't mind. I'll call her after I get out of class."
That way everyone could have a rest before the real work began. **
Leah was the first one to leave. She didn't know what possessed her to be so vocal about Bella trying her hand at magic. Maybe it was because she wanted Dieufel to look at her and really see her.
A fluke, she'd put it to when she first saw Dieufel. Of course she would be attracted to him, he was gorgeous and his eyes would make any woman envious of his perfect lashes. The speeding of her heart was just one of intense attraction.
This wasn't-this couldn't be imprinting. Leah refused to even compare it to what she was feeling.
In order to not rise any suspicion, she'd managed to keep her features calm . She couldn't let anyone else know. Wasn't the reason why they kept Jacob's imprinting a secret to protect Evita and not cause added stress? Damn. Why him? Why now? Leah felt her steady descent into mental decay. She felt raving mad.
Feet stumbling to the forest line, Leah runs for it. Home. She needed to get home. That was a safe place. At least it used to before her father died. Now she fell into one waking nightmare after another. Blindly groping in the dark for something to anchor herself to so she wouldn't be swept up in the void. Everything was out of her control. What little control she had. When (y/n) imprinted on Edward, Leah half worried that she would imprint on a blood sucker too. Her and (y/n) were anomalies among the all male wolf pack. Even in the wolf's history there had been very few female warriors who inherited the gift of the moon.
She'd prayed to whoever would listen that she would never imprint and lose that freedom in picking her own partner. Her heart wasn't healed yet from Sam. Being in any kind of relationship was not of importance to Leah.
Leaning against the trunk of a tree to catch her breath, Leah felt absolutely fucked. Everyone would know the moment she transformed thanks to the stupid pack telepathy.
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You slunk back into your bed. You had two more hours before you had to be up and ready for school. Only a few more days then you could attend to the business of protecting La Push and Forks. Bella managed to get good grades all while dealing with murderous vampires. What was her secret, you wonder to yourself. Many of the wolves hadn't been so lucky.
There was no point trying to sleep. Meeting Dieufel and Nadege wired you up. You'd wanted to stay but were reminded that they too were tired from their travels and would need all of their energy. Fair enough. Amped up like when you first met Evita, you suppose it's the magic of their being that energizes you so.
When the time came, you grabbed your backpack and let your dad drop you off at the rez' high school. You did your best to try and pay attention. Someone simply wouldn't let you though. Embry was just as excited as you were about the new arrivals and all the 'cool shit' they would do. Several times the both of you were hushed by the instructor forced into school as well. From years of goofing off in class, you and Embry were masters at passing notes subtly that neither of you were ever caught. He wrote of his doubts that Bella could actually do magic like them. She was the most helpless thing out there and to think that she had power all along was a little more than upsetting to him. But how could she have known though? You argue back. This back and forth helps to pass the time until you're both racing out the doors, grateful to be done for the day.
You wouldn't waste time stopping by your place to drop off your backpack. Embry followed your line of thinking and keeps pace with you. During your snack break that they allowed you, you'd texted Bella to meet you at Sam's. She'd replied that she'd be there. A quick text had been sent to Edward as well to keep him up to date on what was going on. He said he'd let Dieufel and Nadege settle in before bombarding them with his own family.
Neither you or Embry were expecting to find the tribe elders lined up at Sam's front door. You frown looking from one withered face to another. They looked upset. Sam was bravely facing off against them, keeping his voice level so you couldn't hear the words exchanged.
Paul pulls away from Sam's side to greet you. "Head in through the backdoor."
"What's going on with the elders?" Embry inquires while keeping his focus on the older men.
He grimaces and runs a hand through his short black hair. "They don't like the idea of three witches here. They're worried that the magic they're doing will attract more outsiders. More danger for everyone else."
Not allowing you to say anything else, Paul ushers both of you around the back of the house and through the screen of the back door. It led into the cozy but cramped kitchen where Quil was already there with Seth, Brady, Colin and Nadege. The boys were completely enamored with her, that was clear. And you wouldn't blame them. Like her cousin, Nadege was stunning and her personality added to her overall attractiveness. She was friendly and laughed without restraint at something Quil had said while placing an innocent hand on his forearm.
You notice Quil's ears turn a vibrant pink hue. Oh, he was smitten with the witch. He had a stupid grin on his face that was painfully obvious. The second hand embarrassment wasn't too bad since Nadege didn't seem to notice. When she saw you, her eyes crinkle and attention now directly at you. "(y/n)! I don't think I got to meet you before! Evita told me about you." Okay, maybe you were a little smitten with her too now. She was just so warm and pretty you couldn't help your brain going stupid in front of her.
Was this part of her magic? Maybe it was just her natural charm over people. Her reactions appear genuine though.
"It's nice to meet you too." You earnestly grin. She was such a warm person.
"I was just telling your pack brothers how Dieufel and I flew all the way over here. They weren't aware we were shapeshifters too!" She chuckles and you notice her prominent dimples.
"R-Really?" You'd never another animal shape shifter before. Surely Evita would have told you.
She nods. "While our family has always had magic in our blood, we also have another advantage. From as far back as our lineage goes, our ancestors have been able to turn into red-tailed hawks. Much like your own wolf warriors, our animal forms are larger than the actual species."
You were baffled. That was definitely something worth mentioning from Evita. A reminder that the world was so much larger than you could ever imagine.
Brady was beyond thrilled at the information and looked damn near giddy at the prospect of the great big world you were living in. They didn't see the potential danger that you and the older members saw. With such a large world, there were bound to be bigger creatures that could kill you. While you were definitely in recovery from your encounter with Xiomara, you weren't near cured enough to subdue the chill that seized the base of your spine and had you remembering those dark and evil eyes. They continued to haunt you, her claws were branded into your cheek. Three cruel lines that curve from the height of your cheekbone to the curve of your jaw. You remember your mother crying when she first saw them. The despair that she couldn't hide. She could have lived all her life without seeing the evidence of the reality you lived in.
If you were a better daughter. . .
No. You couldn't dwell on your own insecurities. You don’t have to keep going back to that place.
Going back to that vulnerable time with Xiomara did not serve you any purpose. You knew you had to move past that point in time although it was the one you held tightly in your memory.
A bit breathlessly you ask "Can we see?"
Nadege's smile widens; her limbs elongate and bones shift, her clothes become large as her body morphs to accommodate her changing form. Feathers sprout from her skin, first small and downy, then they grew larger and more vibrant with each breath she exhaled. Her arms stretch into wings adorned with fiery red feathers that blend with cream and brown feathers. Traces of her human self fade. The ground seems to retreat beneath her, and she instively spread her newly-formed wings, ready to take flight. Exhilaration washes over her as she looks down to you and the other boys. Dish towels flutter against the breeze she kicks up with her massive wings. She'd easily transformed into a majestic red-tailed hawk, master of the skies and dancer of the wind.
You're surprised how elegant she was, avoiding bumping into the ceiling fan and anything else that could get caught in her wingspan. She'd been beautiful in her human form; utterly breathtaking in her animal form. She shows off a bit, aware of the universal beauty she possessed.
"Forgive my cousin." Dieufel's voice comes out with a bit of a laugh to it. "She has always been known to be quite the bit of the showoff."
Hawk-Nadege shrieks at him and dives for his face but Dieufel easily reaches out and grabs her by her thin bird legs. She continues to half-hearedl thrash against his grip. It wasn't tight enough to hurt her but forbade Nadege from escaping his grip. She was more so annoyed than angry.
The spell breaks over Quil and the other young wolves as they blink away the dream-like filter that had been lowered over their vision.
Nadege's beak attempts to peck at Dieufel's cheek but he's aware of her tricks and keeps her at a distance. You can't help but laugh at how expressive Nadege was in her hawk form. The others, broken from whatever charm she had over them, bust out laughing.
You still couldn't believe how easily Evita and her friends merged into the pack. Already it felt like you had known them for years. They introduced so much more of the world to our small pack. Paul, from standing near them didn't even seem to mind the different knowledge that they brought with them. He laughs along with everyone else as the large hawk squirms and fights against Dieufel's hold.
In this light moment there was hope for the future. Something you desperately held onto. Hope would be your anchor.
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TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch​  , @dangerouslittlefairy​ , @burn-crash-rqmance​ , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite​ , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd​, @godinho11​ , @arin-swear-rose​ , @alexizodd​ , @melaninsugarbaby​ , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme​ , @itsmytimetoodream​ , @afro-hispwriter​ , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles​ , @nightly-polaris​ , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar​ , @itgetzweird08​ , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms​ , @sassyandclassyx​ , @scarlet2007​ , @theroyalbrownbarbie​ , @jennyamanda8​ , @stevenandmarcslove​ , @biancaindaeyo​ , @loversjoy​ , @turningtoclown​ , @vixorell​ , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels​ , @dumbbitch-juicee​ , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmom​ , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi​ , @minjix​ , @magical-spit​ , @krismdavis​  
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bots-and-cons · 10 months
Hi. I'm glad your requests are open again. I wanted to request the tfp autobots finding there s/o is a powerful wild witch from the boiling isles and is trying to teach the kids about glyphs and potions? (Idk if you've seen the owl house so you don't have to do this one but I thought it would be pretty cool. Have a good day.)
Uuuu I love Owl House. I haven't finished it yet since the last episodes are not on Disney+ where I live (at least they weren't when I last checked). I very much based this on Eda, because that sounded like a fun idea. I only did the original bots, since this ended up being pretty damn long but oh well
•You’ve got the door to the human realm and you use it pretty often to collect stuff to sell
•One time it malfunctioned a bit and sent you to the autobots’ base, or maybe it was fate, who knows
•Anyway, you’re not really even surprised by the bots, since you don’t know enough about the human world to know they don’t belong there
•Ratchet was obviously pretty surprised to see some random person, with peculiar clothing and a staff wandering around the base
•You carry a few items that are infused with magic when you go into the human world, so you can still use magic when you’re there
•Ratchet calls for Optimus, asking who brought a new human to the base, but he obviously doesn’t know where you came from either
•Ratchet and Optimus ask you how you got in to their base and you start explaining about the door and when they clearly don’t believe you, you show them how the door works
•Ratchet doesn’t really get surprised by much anymore, he feels like he’s seen it all, but magic? MAGIC!?
•Optimus is much calmer about it, because while he is also internally going “What?!”, he doesn’t let it show
•The kids arrive with their guardians and everyone is like “Why is there a new human at he base?”
•You have to explain that you’re not a human, you’re a witch
•Miko is of course very excited about this, and tells you that you look like one too, and asks if you can teach her magic
•There are giant alien robots, so is someone being a witch really such a stretch?
•Raf is also interested, but he’s more skeptical
•Jack doesn’t believe you at all, but you change that quite quickly when you start flying around on your staff
•Arcee is interested even if skeptical, because you clearly have something going on with you, humans don’t just fly on sticks
•Bee is probably the most excited about the whole thing, because he’s seen witches on TV and magic is always cool
•Bulkhead is a bit suspicious about the whole thing, but much more interested in what you can do
•You decide it’s time for you to leave as the bots start talking about what they should do with you, because you don’t like the tone of that
•They’re not malicious of course, but you never know
•So you try to use the door portal, but it doesn’t open
•”Why do you have to be so temperamental?” you mutter at the door before putting it away
•Ratchet tells you he thought you were leaving, and you tell him that doesn’t seem to be happening
•So you’re stuck there for now and decide to spend your time teaching the three kids some magic
•You have a lot of stuff in your bag, so you can make some basic potions, and paper and pens exist everywhere so glyphs are not a problem either
•You teach them to make lights, and soon there are dozens of them floating around the room
•Ratchet and Arcee keep and eye on you, in case you do something they’d consider dangerous
•But you just teach them some basic stuff and make a potion that makes them float
•You and the kids are having a ton of fun, because magic is great obviously
•There are some mishaps, like Miko drawing a water glyph and getting Jack totally drenched
•It turns into a bit of a fight, because Jack does it back and then Miko again and it keeps going
•Raf gets left out of it and you later teach them to draw wind glyphs so they can dry themselves
•Bee wants to try it too and he copies one of the glyphs you showed on a piece of paper, and manages to grow some plants on it
•He luckily drew it on a small paper so the plants weren’t too big
•Bee got a bit spooked because the plants started wrapping around his feet, but they didn’t get far because they were so small
•Optimus is also quietly watching from the sidelines, and he’s honestly just glad to see the kids having fun, even if the base getting a bit messy
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spectralsleuth · 5 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
This is such a sweet and fun ask!! Thanks so much! I enjoyed seeing other authors answering this it’s so hype to get it myself.
1. This is hard to answer, because this year I tried to do something different with every fic I posted. When I got a concept I very pointedly didn’t shy away from it because it seemed difficult, or I thought I might be bad at it, so there’s something that makes me proud with each one. IF I HAD TO CHOOSE THOUGH I’m going to cheat and pick two.
What it Will Be I’m proud of this because it fell out of me SO EASY. I felt like the process of writing it was a testament to how hard I’ve been working at improving all year, and it came together very quickly and very well. I’m also proud because I incorporated @heckitall ‘s comic page to base it off of, and I’d never tried writing fic for a visual media like that. It was super fun!
On the OTHER end of the spectrum is Case of the Hidden City vs Lou Jitsu because it is VERY technically and narratively complicated and is by far the most ambitious thing I’ve ever written. It’s very hard, but I am VERY proud because I haven’t QUIT it. It’s not complete yet, but it is a good amount of the way there and I’m excited to finish it. Probably once I’ve recovered from surgery lol.
2. This sounds insincere maybe, but I really am happy with the engagement I get on my fic. I really do write my fic for me, and while I love to make sure as many people who want to read it can find it, at the end of the day I don’t like assigning people homework! I went through my whole works list and scratched my head and really tried to think of there was anything I wanted to plug, and I don’t think there is!
I guess I’ll post my lowest viewed, my Swanatello fic! @tangledinink ‘s AU I’m sure everyone’s familiar with lol. I knew that one would be lower when I posted it, if only because it has prior required reading (Swanatello). But I wrote it mainly because the AU was starting to reach a critical point and I REALLY wanted to write fanfiction of how I fantasized an ending might be, so I could go back and read it for comfort. I love Odette and the lore Kayson made for his AU, so I’ll plug this only because I think some people may have missed it!
3. Three works!! JUST THREE?? AUGH.
little kid with a big death wish
By @remedyturtles ! This made me leak tears the whole way through, so huge CW’s obviously. Not only was it one of the best fics I’ve ever read, but I got the privilege of seeing how talented Rem is behind the scenes a little and saw how they write and work and I really want to emulate them going forward. One of many all timer fics for me, for sure, I’d love to read any original fiction they put out.
The Whispering Forest and Other Tales
By @sroloc--elbisivni and @kithnkin ! I love love LOVE the feudal Japan fusion, the research, and the perfect blend of Usagi Yojimbo’s universe with what the Riseverse would have been like in this era. Even the little segues into what they’re wearing and eating is endlessly fascinating to me. Every single character is written to be the best and most interesting version of that character I could imagine. Theres Leosagi, there’s a PB&J murder mystery, there’s spookiness- AND Raphael Hamato gets wifed up!! WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT? I love people that write a fully fleshed story that could be a standalone universe, without losing ANY of the flavor or humor or narrative of the original source material.
And last is I’m Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now
@tangledinink has such a good grasp of family and writing, and realistic portrayals of what would HONESTLY HAPPEN if you discovered literally any aspect of the ROTTMNT narrative. Not even taking into ACCOUNT the turtle nonsense, how do you unpack a family that’s been devoted to destroying a magic monster and sacrificing themselves, or a Dad that fought in a death match battle royale for over a decade, or a RIVAL CLAN OF NINJA? All the characters are written SO WELL, and Kayson does a fantastic job of never letting the characters or story fall into cliche tropes. Their characters are always super detailed, to the point where I really feel it if they’re hungry or hurt or itchy. Which is a weird thing to point out but they make sure you really FEEL the situation. Also like, turtles in highschool? Body dysphoria? My CO-CEO of Hamato Yoshi???
What a great year!! I had so much fun in fandom this year and made a lot of friends.
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
A Study of the Heart and Brain (Book 2) Prologue
Father Figure! Sherlock x Teen! Reader
Prologue: First Case
Summary: The first case (Y/N) was involved in with Sherlock, and how they become so close.
Mouse Note: Hello, everyone! Welcome back (or Welcome to) A Study of the Heart and Brain! I hope you guys will all enjoy Book 2! This is a brief prologue to again show the development of MC and Sherlock's relationship, but don't worry, Friday the official content begins! Updates will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Again, a quick reminder for newer readers: This is a Father Figure Sherlock x Teen Reader, so no romance! Everything between adults and teenagers is familial. Other than that, welcome back everyone! I'm so excited to share this story with you, it's got some amazing moments. As usual, feel free to comment, I am always responding and love chatting with readers. It makes my day to see your guys' interpretations.
One year ago…
            (Y/N) rested their hand on their palm as they gazed out of the cab window. It had been a month since Sherlock Holmes had decided to bring them into his home as his foster child. It was a strange experience, to say the least. (Y/N) still felt wary of him. They thought he was intelligent, sure, but they had seen the signs—addiction.
            The knowledge weighed heavily on them. (Y/N)’s mother had died of an overdose, and although they pretended it didn’t matter since it happened when they were young, it did have an impact on them. (Y/N) didn’t want to get close to Sherlock if there was a risk of losing him the same way, and they weren’t going to put themself into the situation of getting hurt like that again.
            “We’re here,” said Sherlock as the cab stopped. “Lestrade said the body is in that building.”
            (Y/N) looked over. The building was a simple office-building but still in the late stages of construction since (Y/N) spied the empty rooms inside. Their mind came up with a few deductions right off the bat: From the outside, it appears normal, so to know the inside is empty would require prior knowledge. Killer is involved with it.
            “You sure bringing me is fine?” asked (Y/N). Their voice was even, less of an admission of insecurity (although that was a reality) and more of a question on whether or not Sherlock would be able to get them in. Sherlock could force his way in as an adult; (Y/N) was teenager.
            “Who cares?” said Sherlock. “You’re coming with me whether they like it or not.”
            (Y/N) blinked at his blasé attitude before leaving the cab and following him towards the cop cars and yellow tape.
            “Oh, lovely, Freak’s here,” muttered a dark-skinned woman with a scowl on her face.
            “Donovan,” said Sherlock curtly.
            “What are you doing here?” asked Donovan.
            “You’re out of your depth as usual,” said Sherlock, sounding very pleased with himself.
            Donovan scoffed before spying (Y/N). “Oh, god, why is there a kid here?”
            “They’re my protégé,” said Sherlock as if it was obvious.
            “Did he kidnap you?” questioned Donovan, looking at (Y/N).
            They wrinkled their nose. “No. He’s fostering me.”
            “No way.” Donovan’s mouth dropped open. “No bloody way anyone in their right mind would let the Freak get near a kid.”
            (Y/N) considered. She wasn’t wrong. Sherlock had gotten permission after pressuring his brother (“Mycroft is the British government,” he had explained to them), so they supposed maybe no one in their right mind had given him approval.
            “Well, I’m here,” said (Y/N), tucking their hands into their pockets.
            “Now, if you’d stop wasting our time, we have a case to solve,” said Sherlock.
            “You can’t bring a kid here, Sherlock,” said Donovan. “It’s not regulation.”
            “Call Lestrade. He wants me here, and it’s either both of us or neither,” said Sherlock.
            Donovan scowled. She didn’t have to call Lestrade. She knew he’d give in to Sherlock’s demands. Still, she hated it. Donovan glared at Sherlock as she pulled out her radio to give a report. “Freak’s here, sending him up.” She looked (Y/N) up and down. “And he’s got a surprise with him.”
            What am I, a party trick? thought (Y/N) grumpily.
            “Come on,” said Sherlock, lifting the yellow tape.
            (Y/N) ducked under with him and walked into the building. They went up a flight of stairs to an open room. The office still needed cubicles and desks and chairs, but (Y/N) could feel the soul-sucking “office building air” around them already.
            “Oh my god, is that a teenager?!” hissed another angry voice.
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. Do adults not realize I can hear them?
            “Incredible observation,” said Sherlock sarcastically. “You can see the obvious. Why don’t you try focusing on the case, or is that too hard, Anderson?”
            Anderson glared at Sherlock. “Oh, shut it. You expect me to just let you waltz in here with a kid? This is a crime scene.”
            “Says they’re a package deal or whatever,” said Donovan. She had followed them up.
            (Y/N) knew what was happening. She was trying to see if they really had any worth and if Sherlock had a reason to bring them.
            “Apparently, he’s fostering them,” said Donovan.
            Anderson scoffed. “Somehow, that’s worse than if they were actually his kid. Someone had to sign off on him taking care of a kid, and that’s bloody crazy.”
            (Y/N) shifted, and Sherlock glanced down at them. They were still young; their mind was developing. He could, for the most part, ignore Donovan and Anderson’s comments, but it was having an effect on them.
            “Yes, well, obviously someone is crazy, so I’d suggest you move on,” said Sherlock. He looked at (Y/N). “Let’s take a look at the body.”
            “Right,” said (Y/N).
            Sherlock walked over to where Lestrade, who (Y/N) recognized from the case at their orphanage, was kneeling by the body of a man. Lestrade stood and did a double-take upon seeing (Y/N).
            “Oh, dear god, you were serious. You actually decided to foster the kid,” said Lestrade.
            (Y/N) stood a little straighter. Lestrade wasn’t insulting him or (Y/N). He was just surprised and a little worried. That was much better than Donovan and Anderson. (Y/N) instantly liked him more than them.
            “Of course I did,” said Sherlock, kneeling by the body. “Their potential was wasted in that orphanage, I told you.”
            Lestrade groaned. “I had hoped you’d get distracted by a case and just leave it alone.”
            “Well, they’re here,” said Sherlock.
            “Yes, they are,” said Lestrade. He extended a hand to (Y/N). “I’m Lestrade. If Sherlock causes trouble for you, just let me know.”
            (Y/N) was unused to an adult being so nice to them. Usually they either ignored them because they were younger or thought they were strange because of their deductive abilities. Evidently, Lestrade was used to Sherlock so didn’t really give a second thought to being civilized with (Y/N).
            “I’m (Y/N),” they said, shaking his hand.
            “(Y/N), take a look,” said Sherlock, gesturing to the body.
            (Y/N) crouched and began to look over the body as Lestrade filled them in. “Alton Morris, pharmacist in London. Construction workers found him this morning when they came in to begin installing cubicles. We can’t work out why he’s in this building. No evidence of connection to it.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes passed on Alton’s corpse. They swallowed hard. Someone had injected him with drugs to cause a forced overdose. That much was clear by the empty needle and pale skin. (Y/N) blinked to clear their head. Yes, having their first case be related to drugs, a difficult subject for them, was bad luck, but they couldn’t let it distract them.
            Sherlock saw their minute reaction and furrowed his brow. The presence of drugs caused them to recoil. In his minds eye, he remembered the file on them from the orphanage. Ah. Their mother died from drug use. His eyes widened slightly. Ah. So that’s why they’ve been so suspicious in the apartment. He had stashes. They had figured it out.
            Sherlock frowned inwardly. He couldn’t really explain it, but he felt his stomach twist uncomfortably as he realized his actions were the reason (Y/N) felt unsafe. Oddly enough, he had gotten a bit attached to them already. They were kind, even though they kept to themself. He had seen it when they were out or with Mrs. Hudson. Sherlock liked them. And it was his fault they were wary of him.
            For the first time, Sherlock felt an inward push to make a change. It wouldn’t be easy, but it if meant he could have (Y/N) grow more secure in their surroundings and become the genius he saw they had the potential for, he’d do it. Sherlock would try to quit.
            Sherlock cleared his throat and looked at (Y/N). “What have you figure out?”
            “Oh, come on, they’re a kid,” said Anderson, rolling his eyes. “Can’t we just get on to you showing off? They’re not going be able to help.”
            Sherlock saw (Y/N)’s eyes narrow at Anderson’s insult. “Go ahead, (Y/N),” he said encouragingly. They needed to see that ignoring idiots like Anderson was perfectly fine.
            (Y/N)’s eyes didn’t leave Alton’s body as they began. “He’s a pharmacist and was murdered with drugs. That suggests this crime was drug-related in general since he has ready access to them. His murderer was connected to the construction of this building since they’d know when it was empty enough to do a drug deal. Inside knowledge and all that.”
            Anderson and Donovan glanced at each other in surprise. Lestrade’s eyes widened slightly as (Y/N) proved once again they were smarter than their age suggested.
            “What profile would you suggest for the murderer?” prompted Sherlock, nodding in complete agreement with their findings.
            “A construction worker who’s had an injury in the past,” said (Y/N). “Needed drugs for the pain and got—” the word caught in their throat for a moment, and Sherlock furrowed his brow as his chest twisted again “—addicted.”
            “If the murderer needs the drugs, why did they kill their supplier?” asked Lestrade, confused.
            “Either Alton decided to increase prices since he knew the killer needed them or decided to stop supplying,” said (Y/N). “More likely the first since by the state of Alton’s clothing, he’s low on money, can’t afford newer items and gets these patched up. He needed the money and tried to get more out of the killer. But, uh, the murderer was unstable due to drug use and…killed him with his own product.”
            Sherlock smirked at Lestrade, Anderson, and Donovan’s reactions. It was entertaining to see them so surprised. He also made note of how (Y/N) seemed much more self-assured when they were in the moment and focused on their deductions.
            “A freak in training,” muttered Donovan.
            “A Freakling,” agreed Anderson.
            (Y/N) didn’t acknowledge their words and instead looked at Sherlock. “Is that enough?”
            “Well, if Lestrade and Scotland Yard can’t handle it from here, we’d be doing all of their job for them,” said Sherlock, standing up.
            “Thanks, Sherlock,” said Lestrade sarcastically. “We’re not helpless.”
            “Debatable,” said Sherlock. “Come on, (Y/N).”
            (Y/N) stood up and followed him. They left the building and went back to the main street to wait for a cab to pass by. As they did, they passed a sweets shop and paused for a moment at the sight of some purple lollipops. (Y/N) remembered how a nicer social worker used to give treats like that out. Sure, it seemed childish, but (Y/N) liked them. But it was stupid to be so attached.
            “Do you want some?” asked Sherlock. He had noticed their little reaction to the sweets.
            “It’s not important,” said (Y/N).
            Sherlock furrowed his brow. He saw they clearly weren’t used to having people be nice or notice what they liked. “Let’s buy some,” he said. Sherlock wanted to show he wasn’t going to treat them like the adults of the orphanage. He was going to take care of them. And he had to admit, the tiny smile that appeared on (Y/N)’s face as they unwrapped the lollipops he bought them was also a nice reward.
            When (Y/N) woke up the next morning, they threw on the scratchy sweater they still had from the orphanage before heading to the kitchen. They weren’t really planning on eating, but they did want to see Sherlock’s experiment (He had put tongue’s in the fridge). They didn’t like his drug habits, but they liked his experiments. (Y/N) found them interesting.
            They paused in the living room and frowned. Their mind immediately categorized the slight changes in the layout. The hiding places of his drugs were gone.
            He…got rid of them? (Y/N) wasn’t sure what to think.
            “Are you planning on standing there or do you want to see the results? I haven’t looked yet,” said Sherlock, poking his head out of the kitchen.
            He was far from a fool; he knew what they had noticed. They made eye contact with him, and he saw the tiny glimmer of thanks within it. (Y/N)’s body relaxed slightly at the knowledge the drugs were gone. It wasn’t complete trust, but Sherlock could see he had made a step in the right direction.
            “Yes,” said (Y/N), following him in.
            They opened the fridge, and together, Sherlock and (Y/N) examined and recorded the results of the experiment before sitting down to check the newspapers for any interesting cases and the results of yesterday’s mystery.
            “They caught him. Construction worker addicted to drugs,” said (Y/N). “We were spot on this time.”
            Sherlock glanced up to where they were lounging on the couch. That was more than they had ever spoken to him at one time unbidden. Another good sign. The orphanage had taught them to be silent, not speak their mind, not share their thoughts and deductions. Sherlock was determined to undo some of the damage that had done to (Y/N).
            “Yes. Occasionally there’s a detail we miss, but this one was straightforward,” said Sherlock in agreement.
            “It was,” agreed (Y/N).
            “Oh. I have something,” said Sherlock, standing and crossing to where a bundled package lay on a messy table.
            “What is it?” asked (Y/N).
            “Find out,” said Sherlock, giving it to them.
            (Y/N) opened it up. It was a soft purple sweater. It would fit much better than the clothes from their group home, and it was in the same deep color as the lollipops they had liked. He noticed that? He paid attention to what I like? (Y/N)’s heart seemed to warm at having someone take care of their feelings slightly.
            “Thank you,” said (Y/N) quietly. I think…I think I’m going to like this place and him.
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positivexcellence · 1 year
Jared Padalecki on That ‘Walker’ Finale, Cordi & Geri, 13-Episode Seasons, and More
Ok, first off…congratulations. You got renewed! And you’re lucky, because if you gave us this finale and then left us hanging, you were gonna be in so much trouble.
Jared Padalecki: No s**t, right? I was like, “Can we just write the season to figure out what happened? We don’t have to film it, but if you don’t mind just writing it?” [Laughs]
Obviously it sucks that it’s only 13 episodes, but I also like that idea because that gives you a lot more time to prep story and streamline it.
You know, Jensen [Ackles] and I asked for 13-episode seasons of Supernatural, many, many, many times. As a matter of fact, I feel like if we had done 13-episode seasons of Supernatural, we’d probably still be doing Supernatural right now. Because it’s hard to do a long network season while also trying to be a husband and a father and friend.
I think Jim Beaver at one of our Comic-Con panels said about 22 or 23-episode seasons, “You know, even if it’s the best batter on the planet, if Ted Williams goes to bat 23 times, he’s gonna strike out a few times.” And so I think a shortened season would just be a really strong, action-packed, story-packed season where we don’t have to do an episode like “Bugs” in Season 1 of Supernatural. [Laughs]
How did the cast hear?
I kind of told them yesterday, I talked to Brad Schwartz [the new CW president] and they totally tricked me. I was doing hyperbaric chamber stuff…after my TBI last year, I try to get hyperbaric [therapy] when I can for brain health and I got out to all these missed messages, like “Hey, we need to do some press for the finale,” and “Hey, will you call into The CW because they have some reporters that want to do this.” And I was like, “Oh, s**t, sorry! On it!”
So I called in and Brad answers like, “Hey, bud… so I just wanted to touch base with you.” And he went on for a few minutes about how I need to do some interviews since the writers are on strike and can’t do them. And I was like “Sure thing,” I was ready. Then finally, he goes, “Well in that case, we are also excited to bring Walker back for Season 4.” I was so totally not expecting that conversation, right? I was in the head space of like, “Okayyyyy, now…what was the finale about again?” [Laughs]
And it’s so nice because we had a little tradition on Supernatural and now on Walker, at the end of the season, where they’d let me give the news. And I had asked Brad many months ago, we had chatted and I asked, “Hey, if it’s good news or bad news, can I be the one to break it to my cast and crew?” Obviously I hoped it would be good news, but even if it was bad news, you know, I’m the face they see every day at work and I’d love to be the one to just tell them thank you. So they’re all thrilled.
Now…did you make any calls to Justin Johnson Cortez? Because he turned up in this finale and that would be awesome to see him again. What he brings into this episode launches a whole new Jackal storyline.
Oh yeah, big time. I would love to see him come back. And yeah, you know, we have this cold case where it’s something that really drove Captain James to the brink back when we originally dealt with it and never felt we’d solved it…and maybe we haven’t. And how does that connect with Witt and our Park Ranger, who is a little more than fishy?
And I gotta tell you, the kids are growing up so nicely. Violet is so good.
She’s so good. Yeah. And we knew that from the get-go. I think some of the early themes in Season 1 where she’s kind of rebelling a little bit, we would shoot her and after we wrapped, I’d get on the phone with Anna [Fricke, the showrunner] and be like, “Holy shit, this young lady, she’s got something.” It’s a joy to work with her… and Kale Culley is growing up and becoming like, Jared Padalecki, Season 1 of Gilmore Girls. [Laughs] It’s uncanny and he’s such a strong performer, too.
Their scene in the finale where she comes in to support him after Cordi tells him to defer his military plans, I was struck by how well they carry their own scenes. The adults could literally take an episode off and they could carry it.
I like the way you’re thinking. I’m gonna talk to writers. Tell them you said that and that I could have an episode off. [Laughs]
There you go. Now when did we find out about Ashley Reyes’ singing?
Uh, how amazing is that? What, and Kearran? So we knew Ashley could sing, she’d gone to [the London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art] out in the UK and she’s like a triple, quadruple threat, whatever you’d call it. She sings, she dances, she acts. She’s funny. She’s dramatic. She’s a home run for sure. She and Kearran…that was a lot of fun. I found myself breaking into Jared sometimes when we were shooting. I was like, “These girls are amazing, right?” [Laughs]
It also felt like, if this show had not been picked up, what a great episode to have as one of your last? It’s just a huge party, there’s all this love, you’re sending off Bonham and Abby to their Italian honeymoon. It was a really joyful episode…aside from the serial killer stuff.
[Laughs] So true! Yeah, fair enough!
Now, the way this season ends is very interesting, because Augie went to grandpa first with the military stuff and then Stella calls in Liam (Keegan Allen) to help with a dead body. How’s Cordi gonna feel about this? And also, how bad is gonna be for Liam holding this secret?
Well, as you know I did a show for 15 years about brothers who had a complicated relationship, you know, who would do anything for each other but also kind of upset each other and crossed boundaries for so long. And I love those stories. So it definitely makes sense that Walker, especially on the night that he decides to do something for himself — he asks Geri to move in for the summer and he’s not really the type to do something for himself like that, he’s not the “I’m gonna take a me day,” right? So he invites Geri in and now he’s about to find out not only did his son tell him earlier that he went to gramps to ask about enlisting, but that his daughter witnessed what might be a murder, but was certainly an attack — something that Walker would deal with in his line of work — and she went to his brother instead. Uh, so yeah, I don’t think he’s gonna be super thrilled about it. [Laughs]
Thank God he’s got Geri to talk him down from the ledge though.
Yeah, yeah. Put him in his place, talk him down.
I love that she danced down the aisle with the kids. Not only is Odette always fantastic, but that just showed how Geri is truly family now.
For sure, and there’s also something I’ve liked since our first scene together in Season 1. I knew Odette vaguely, you know, I think we had met two or three times at random Comic-Cons or award shows or something and she’s always pretty sweet and we always like got along fine. I didn’t really know her know her like I do now, but ever since that first scene in the Side Step where Walker and Liam show up, there seemed to be a depth between Cordi and Geri, like they knew each other’s skeletons, they knew each other’s demons, and they knew how to call each other on their bulls**t. Mostly her calling me on my bulls**t. [Laughs]
That was something I really liked. And so to see Walker have a relationship with somebody that can go like, “Hey, I’ve known you for decades and decades, something is going on. What’s going on? You’re not gonna run past this.” Because Walker can always pull the law-enforcement card and say, “Oh, I’m just worried about this or that…no, I just got something on my mind,” and she is able to go, “Nope…there’s something else going on.” And so I love that dynamic.
Have you talked about casting The Jackal?
We have. Who, who are you thinking?
Well, obviously Jim Beaver would be hilarious.
Oh my God, that would be hilarious.
Or you go get Scott Patterson…
Oh God, that would be great, right?! And I’m gonna see him soon. Again, I like your thinking! I like the cut of your jib. [Laughs] I like those few ideas, so when the writers are allowed to have conversations legally, I’ll have that conversation with them!
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porternash · 20 days
Got tagged by @goodsirbeasts in this dope little get to know the blogger thing with a few questions I haven’t seen before so here goes!
Do you make your bed?: *Starbomb Smash! voice* Absolutely fucking not! lmao not even as a kid tbh. Ama learned a looong time ago she was not winning that battle with me, putting the fitted sheet on each corner and the pillows in cases is as ‘made’ as it gets 😂
What’s your favorite number?: Six, and I couldn’t tell you why. It’s my go to tho!
What is your job?: CSRI in Spending Accounts—basically I talk to old people about their money in relation to healthcare. Also known as Dante’s secret 8th circle of hell! 😂
If you could go back to school, would you?: Depends! Does it have to be in America and can it be college? Like in this scenario, I’m assuming it’s my choice without money as an object, hell yeah, I’m going to university in Scotland and actually get my degree in literature. “Vince, you’d make the exact same mistake you did the first time?” Fuck yeah, I had a blast in the classes I actually wanted to take. I love learning. But I’m geographically challenged so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can you parallel park?: ………………….Theoretically.
A job you had that would surprise people?: Uhhh underage construction worker? lmfao my old man used to take me to jobs with him over the summer because the neighbours kept calling CPS about me being 11 and home alone all day. Fun fact, that’s how I got the scar on my left foot! I jumped from an unfinished deck about four feet down directly onto an upright nail that went through my Super Construction Approved canvas sneakers, the bottom of my foot, the top of my foot, and the top of my shoe! So! 😂 I am my own worst enemy.
Do you think aliens are real?: I think it’s narcissism to assume they’re not, tbh. We know too much about this planet and humanity to believe it’s *just us*. Also I’d kind of like them to go ahead and just pull the trigger piglet.
Can you drive a manual car?: I can probably figure it out tbh. I’m a strangely good driver after I get a feel for the car/area.
What’s your guilty pleasure?: I don’t think I have any? I’m pretty open about what tickles my pickle. Unfortunately for you fuckers.
Tattoos?: Horny. lmao jk I have ….uh….ttttirteeen? 😅 (they said with absolutely no certainty) I’ll do an update post soon with all of them because they’re currently all healed and for the most part complete, but I have covered up my first ever tattoo because it was ugly and shitty and the dumb idea of an 18 year old off their meds lmfao and I have a pic off hand of the cover up here so enjoy~
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Favourite colour?: deep greens, teals, pinks, purples, and reds. They’re plural because I’m a bit colorblind and can’t tell shades.
Favourite type of music?: Honestly put it in front of me and I’ll listen to it, but the stuff I tend to keep and replay constantly is on the rock spectrum. But hell I know every word of Dolly’s 9 to 5, Ludacris’ Stand Up, fucking Cab Calloway’s Minnie the Moocher! So yeah, just, throw whatever at the wall see what sticks approach 😂
Do you like puzzles?: Yeh actually! I love puzzle games and like actual jigsaw puzzles and if I’m in the right mood logic puzzles are fun.
Any phobias?: It’s spiders. It’s purely spiders. It’s completely irrational, I know it is, but they fucking terrify me.
Favourite childhood sport?: Soccer and touch football in high school, because it meant we were playing with the weight training guys and that was always a blast.
Do you talk to yourself?: Not out loud normally but yeah in my head constantly. I’m like JD from Scrubs but without the budget for elaborate scenarios 😂
What movie(s) do you adore?: Fuck me dead. Okay. No order of preference these are just my top five.
1. The Brothers Bloom - My first exposure to Rian Johnson and a day I will genuinely never forget at the theater with @goodsirbeasts 💜
2. Pacific Rim - I was excited for this movie for years before it came out because all I knew was the cast list and the premise (GDT making giant monsters? say fucking less) Then it actually came out and I saw it in IMAX with that bitch *gestures to @goodsirbeasts* and again, fucking transformative.
3. Blitz - okay hear me out 😭
4. Inglorious Basterds - God fucking shit I saw this in theaters with @goodsirbeasts too, on my 19th birthday! Bitch we need to start going to the movies again I miss it.
5. Silent Hill (2006) - Like PacRim, I pretend the sequel doesn’t exist and they’re both perfect solo films. But it definitely hit something in me as a kid watching this because it’s such a fucking good movie even outside of the adaptation aspect.
6. Bonus mentions; Constantine, Too Wong Foo Thanks For Everything Julie Newmar, the entire Scream series of films, and Ever After. Just to pinball around the entire spectrum lmfao
Coffee or tea?: Coffee, I tend not to like tea for the most part unless it’s milk tea.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?: A drummer, for some godforsaken reason? I couldn’t play drums, at all. Not even a little bit at the beginning 😂 After that it’s never really changed, I always wanted to be a writer :3
This was fun! I’m trying to catch up on these tag games guys I swear 😭 Imma tag @kalgalen @captainsaku @bisexualr2d2 aaand @fuckwritersblock kissing you bitches all on the cheek 🩵
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
Last Minute to the Castle Oblivion
Most of the Kingdom Hearts novels were localized into English, but some were not- namely, the two volumes of short stories that went with kh2′s novels. Because of that, and because of how old they are, they’ve kinda fallen into obscurity. I’ve seen maybe two people ever acknowledge their existence, and that’s such a shame, since they’re pretty good. Which is why! I’m making this post! Both short story volumes have lots of cool stuff and I’d like to look into them more another day but this is specifically to spread the good word of the 5th chapter of volume 2 because I do not control the special interest That chapter, titled Last Minute to the Castle Oblivion, is essentially a collection of Organization XIII drabbles. It starts with the Chamber of Repose/Awakening scene from KHII Final Mix, and leads up to Roxas joining the group. Pre-Roxas Organization XIII interactions. Casual ones. Some characters get more attention than others (*cough* Axel) but they do all show up in some capacity and let me tell you it is everything I could have asked for Here’s the best translation I’ve found while scouring the internet if you want to read it yourself. https://khenglish.wordpress.com/index/kingdom-hearts-2-short-stories-vol-2-axel-seven-days/episode-5-last-minute-to-the-castle-oblivion/ Thank you Goldpanner for your service Summary of its contents for the curious:
novelization of the Chamber of Repose/Awakening scene with Zexion and Xigbar, now featuring *gasp* two new lines!!! (from the perspective of Zexion, which is highly amusing at times)
Larxene’s induction (Axel’s perspective)
Larxene and Axel first interaction, which is fuckin’ incredible (Axel’s perspective)
Demyx playing music late at night and Xaldin coming to his room to tell him to shut up because it’s 3:00 in the morning (Demyx’s perspective! Exciting)
Axel and Luxord playing cards and also Xigbar is there (Axel’s perspective again)
Marluxia and Larxene’s first interaction (Marluxia’s perspective)
Zexion and Lexaeus conversation about Castle Oblivion (Zexion perspective again)
Xemnas finding Roxas cutscene novelization
Axel and Saïx interaction (Axel’s perspective... again)
I’m not kidding about that Demyx and Xaldin one btw. Several of these scenes feel like things you would only find in fanon, but no. Larxene really does say she’s interacting with Axel because she doesn’t want to talk to crusty old men and he really does respond by listing off all the other Organization members who aren’t crusty old men. This is an official piece of Kingdom Hearts media Throughout, it contains a whole bunch of nuggets of interesting information (dubiously canon, as with all the novels, but still), like:
Xigbar was the one to find and recruit Larxene
Organization coats magically change to fit the wearer
Zexion was doing research much like Vexen and it had something to do with memories
There’s a Demyx depression soliloquy. I just wanted to point that out
I have. So much to say about this. But that’s for another time!! This post was simply to spread the word so more people can enjoy. But also I’m going to explode so please look at some of my favorite lines
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In conclusion please please please read Last Minute to the Castle Oblivion it’s everything to me and I need everyone to know about it and I hope someone remembers it some day and localizes it because I want to own it in my house
Here’s the link again just in case you scrolled all the way to the bottom and missed it
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adainesfroggieboggy · 5 months
i want to share my future bad kids bc that i came up with for a fic. i love them dearly. Below the cut bc its so long.
Adaine goes to Fallinel for a while and goes into politics after college, but after quite a few years of working her ass off to fix the country, she leaves because Jawbone’s lycanthropy becomes very difficult for him to live alone. He has Sandra Lynn but they’re both getting old and he’s sick. She comes home for him, takes a job as the divination teacher at Augefort, and settles back into Elmville peacefully. I also think she dates a hell of a lot and I hc pan Adaine. I feel like with immortality, sexuality becomes pretty fluid, and Adaine very much leans into that. When she moves back to Elmville, she puts dating on pause and just teaches and cares for Jawbone (the principal of Augefort).
Fig and Ayda tour together for years. Fig loves playing and she never wants to stop. Not even when in their 30’s, Ayda decides she wants to settle down. They break up pretty amicably and Fig tours for a long time afterwards. She slows down when she hits her 40s and ends up living in Bastion City, still a rock star, but she doesn't tour quite so often or go quite so far, but she never quite stops. She's happy, and pulls tons of chicks when she wants to, but doesn't really date seriously? Even in her 40s, she's so young for an archdevil. Her friends have decades, she has centuries. She lives her young soul life for a long ass time.
Kristen spreads the gospel of Cassandra for a long time. She leaves the party to run the church and just gets too busy to continue the frequent traveling. She gets married and divorced, has a couple kids, and lives in Bastion City. She has a very amicable tradeoff with the kids and shares custody but spends the majority of her time running the church. Her kids are sweet and loved, and so is she. Her life is mundane and easy now, which she learns to really love. She just settles down and learns to channel her chaos. She becomes a very great mom, pastor, and person, doing a lot of volunteer and outreach work, loving the world, her life, and her family. I think she ends up having a very serious long-term relationship but keeps her very separate from her kids. it's a quiet life.
Riz is absolutely an investigative reporter! Murph says this in one of his fireside chats, and I wholeheartedly agree! He leaves the party first because he didn't ever want the adventuring life, he wants the detective, crime-solving part of it. He goes to school and ends up with a law degree (bc he's just cool and would absolutely take lawyer classes to make sure he was able to cite laws) and a really badass job as a reporter, kicking ass and taking names, but with words as his weapon! He stays in Bastion City, makes friends, and just is happy. He doesn't get married or have kids, but he has so much platonic love and familial love! He's so happy and cool and very effective. He likes to enlist Adaine for arcane cases, and she definitely heads over every time and stays over in his apartment and they're super close. He's also super close with fabian, but their lives are so different that it's a different kind of closeness.
Gorgug's life is super chill and simple He doesn't marry Zelda bc they're children, but he does fall head-over-heels for a woman and gets married. He leaves because he suffers a pretty severe head injury, but also because his wife is pregnant! He has a son his parents are so sweet and excited. He's a tinkerer, but also a professor at Augefort! Zac said that Gorgug may help people who are multiclassing, and I like the idea that Jawbone opens a completely new section of the school that focuses specifically on multiclassing, and Gorgug teaches both barbarian and artificer classes! He really chills out and his rage is very rare and almost always in defense of his family. Chill, happy, relaxed Gorgug just vibes with me.
FABIAN! My favorite most hc. He's a dad. He has two daughters and they're his whole entire world. Leaving the party was absolutely not his choice, but he lost his leg in a brutal battle and his body no longer cooperates with the way he needs to move. He's got chronic pain and just can't adventure any longer, so he ends up moving to a seaside town and becoming a stay-at-home dad. At some point during his recovery, his first wife leaves him and the girls and Cathilda moves in. The girls call her their Dida and she's like their other grandma. He's a stay-at-home dad and loves it! He and Aelwyn reconnect as adults and end up getting married now that they're no longer so toxic in each other's lives, and Aelwyn is an absolutely amazing stepmom. She'd never imagined having her own kids, but she loves the girls so much and they're all so happy together. Aelwyn is still a researcher and an abjurative wizard, so he happily stays at home. They might have a mansion in the sky because it's a bit in one of the fireside chats and I love to commit to a bit. They're so cute! Domestic, toxic masculinity is dead, stay-at-home dad and his smart, hot, kind, caring wife.
Also, bonus one, I am so tempted to kill Gilear. A lot of my hcs are based on actual things the cast has said, and Brennan says, "As the person who plays Gilear, I'd like to see him dead in the fucking ground." I am not a Gilear lover, I find him funny and entertaining, but there is something about that sad elf man that makes me wanna kill him. Like if we were in Spyre and I knew Gilear, I might just kill him. Straight up. (Kidding, kidding. I wouldn't kill him, but in a campaign? I'd probably attack him for fun so often bc i wouldn't have Emily at my table.) If he doesn't end up just straight-up dead, he's vice principal. It's much better to have his ex-wife's new boyfriend as his boss for the rest of his sad little life. No happiness for him. I love Emily, I love Fig. Gilear? Dead to me.
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grvstnaya-svka · 10 months
Post season 8 Castle Headcanons
Castle picking up the kids from school bringing them to the precinct to visit mommy, Captain Kate Beckett-Castle. Sometimes they get to hang out with Aunt Lanie, & Uncles Ryan and Esposito too. Castle often brings dinner for his wife. She sometimes forgets to eat, seeing as she’s not on the streets nearly as much. Not as many opportunities to go out and pick up some food on the case. Though, the boys do offer sometimes.
Castle buys Lanie very nice Spa certificates, jewelry, etc and new equipment for the morgue. And a cappuccino machine.
Kate always bringing Lanie coffee, treats, etc. when she’s called to a crime scene.
Castle surprising Kate with a puppy for their 5th anniversary. At first, she’s convinced it was to entertain their kids but he reminds her of their time taking care of Royal, the dog show judge’s own golden retriever companion. Kate had mentioned that she’d been wanting to get a dog then. In fact, they both did. Now was the perfect time. (s4, e13)
Big “Sissy” Alexis and Gram babysitting/ absolutely spoiling the kiddos during “Caskett” date nights or late nights at the office/precinct.
Kate meets up with victims’ relatives on occasion to comfort them when they need it. Usually from Joanne Delgado, whose mother was stuffed in her safe during a home invasion/robbery. (s1, e7)
Detective Karpowski coming back to the 12th on a case of her own to get a consult. When her case is solved they all take her out for a celebratory beer. They reminisce about her time at the 12th, and of course, the Bet ™. (s2, e2)
Jeremy preswick and Emma Carnes run into castle and Beckett one day at the park while walking their dog, Lucy. They chat for a bit. Both Emma and Jeremy are excited because it seems that Jeremy was starting to gain some of his memories back from before the shooting at the art gallery. They’re still living together. Rebuilding what they once had as much as possible with Jeremy’s memory lapse. But that’s ok with Emma. They both seem very happy to have each other. (s2, e11)
Castle decides to do his PI work from home. Alexis helps man the office with Hayley. Rick plays more of a consultant role at this point, seeing as he has three youngsters to watch. The cases he helps with are rather sparse and small but it keeps him occupied and happy. He never fails to get super excited/giddy when he gets a case that somehow intercepts with an investigation from the 12th. Of course, the Castles now have a deadbolt on the apartment door. Given the wild shit they’ve dealt with before, both of them being in the same dangerous line of work, their children’s safety was a bit more of a concern.
Jenny, Kate, Hayley, Lanie, Alexis, and Martha having a girls’ day every so often. Brunch and spa days, mani/pedis, etc. Kate even convinces the hubby to let them use the vacation house in the Hamptons sometimes for a weekend.
The poker games continue! Both the bestsellers crew, and Rick’s “Gotham City” crew, plus Kate. The Castles’ are no longer shy about kicking each other’s asses. Kate wins a good 55% of the time. Out of all of them. Montgomery’s chair is honored with the same rule as with the best sellers crew. Nobody sits there. Sometimes, former captain Gates joins them. She enjoys watching Kate whooping Castle’s ass. Very much.
Annual New Year’s party at the Castles’ place. Jenny & Ryan, little Sarah Grace and Nicholas Javier, Lanie, Esposito, Hayley, Vicram, Alexis, Martha, Jim (Beckett) and of course the Castles’; Rick, Kate and little Lily, Jake and Reece. Sometimes Gates makes a special appearance. The grownups play some of poker once the kids are asleep.
The boys going to games together. Sometimes clubs. Castle lists Javi on his insurance for the Ferrari. Javi likes to try to pick up chicks if he can with the fancy car.
Castle finding out Kate and Jim’s favorite baseball team(s) and getting them all the tickets he can get his hands on. The best seats. Close enough for a chance to catch a flyaway ball… just for Kate. They usually bring the kids. And sometimes Castle.
The whole 12th gang getting tickets/invites to the next broadway play featuring The Martha Rodgers.
Mia “The Nose” Lazlo (s8, e5) sends Kate special order perfumes that she’s helped test. Mia and Castle exchange emails every now and then. Castle always makes sure to send her tickets to his mother’s shows.
Kate and Jim have a tradition to visit the late Johanna Beckett’s grave on her birthday. Sometimes Castle comes along. Sometimes they bring the kids, if they’re up for it. They always bring flowers. Kate, Jim, and the kids like to give her little updates on the things happening in their lives.
The 12th detectives , Lanie and Castle visit Captain Montgomery’s grave, when they can. They keep in touch with his family. Make sure they’re doing ok.
The team going to each other’s kids dance recitals, science fairs, etc. They have play dates with each other.
Summer cook outs/ memorial weekend/ July 4th at the Hamptons with he whole crew! (Or whoever’s available.)
On particularly difficult cases, castle hosts Blue Nights at The Haunt. Cops get drinks free. Though, the 12th crew always get some sort of friends & family discount. There is also a small shrine to Roy behind the bar. Every time any of them visit, they have a drink in his honor.
Dinner dates at Q3. Being good friends with the owner and the new chef really makes the whole experience that much better. Beckett and Madison get to catch up every now and then. And castle gets to try Chef Wong’s oven roasted pork belly glaze that she’d made on Kitchen Wars. (e2, e22)
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
My That ‘90s Show Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Alright, a few days (and rewatches) in, and I’m finally ready to give my thoughts on That ‘90s Show - a show I waited on for two years (but really, more like 17 years). Buckle in for a looooong essay, lol.
I give That ‘90s Show a solid 4 out of 5 stars. I’ll do my best to explain my rating below.
The Good
The Eric-and-Donna of it all. Well - this is an Eric & Donna blog above all else, so of course we were watching first and foremost to see our OTP reunited onscreen after 15 years! And we were not disappointed by what we found. 💗😭
Eric and Donna are happily married in 1995, and navigating the perils of parenting a teenager (shudder). They’re still just as in-love as ever, but now in their mid (late??) 30′s and acting like they’ve been married for 150 years. I guess they have been together since they were 4 🤣.
One thing I think the show really got right is Eric-and-Donna-as-parents. That went exactly as I could’ve predicted. Eric is Kitty to his daughter, well-intentioned but overbearing - and Donna sets boundaries with Leia (like her parents didn’t with her) but is also there to reel Eric in and to remind him of the important stuff: to trust their kid, to let her have her own experiences, to help teach her to take (smart!) risks. I adored that we got to see them “in action” as a parenting team, I loved when Donna went out to check on him and they talked through his fears about Leia growing up and not needing him anymore, I loved seeing how Eric is clearly worried he’s going to become his father (but it’s so clear that he’s so not)... I just loved it all.
Specific shout out to Donna-as-a-mom, which I never knew I needed in my life so much until I saw it! Her running into the Forman’s living room, screaming that she got Leia condoms, jellies, and the uglies underwear she could find... 🤣 Hysterical, and also felt so true to character. That’s exactly how I saw Donna parenting a teenager.
The Red-and-Kitty of it all. Red and Kitty are a joy. Seeing them as grandparents - and as a still-happy couple, enjoying their retirement (or not-so-retirement?) -was the other high point of the series for me.
Red and Kitty are still happy and in love. I never doubted they would be, but it was just heartwarming to see. I also loved their interactions with other characters, like seeing Bob and Fez come back (!!) and the introduction of Sherri, who very much feels like pseudo-daughter for them.
Red as a grandparent was everything I wanted it to be. Him calling Leia “kiddo” - my heart 💗. We kind of got glimpses that he was excited to become a grandparent on the show - like Eric and Donna’s pregnancy scare in season 6 - and I think now we see why. Red knows being a grandpa is where it’s at! He’s done with all the hard parts of being a father, being the ‘bad cop’, and just gets to enjoy and be the fun one! I am picturing him doing this Leia’s whole life lmao... like Eric and Donna sent her over for an afternoon and she comes home hopped up on sugar and Red’s like, “Sorry, she wanted it all and I couldn’t say no. Oh, getting her to bed tonight? I don’t know, not my problem!” Or like, he always gets her the noisiest gifts for Christmas. Kitty as a grandparent was also very sweet - her and Leia making up the pasta names is what immediately comes to mind 😂. Their “good cop” and “bad cop” dynamic has definitely shifted with the grandkid, and I could have predicted that (but it is fun to see!!).
Leia Forman. I adore Leia. I saw someone online say she’s the rare case of two great characters not having a super annoying kid, and I thought yep, spot on. Reboots are always a tricky beast, casting the kid of two beloved characters even more so, but this one worked out.
Leia is funny, endearing, smart, and I see a lot of shades of both Eric and Donna in her but also plenty that sets her apart as her own character. Her storyline about being a coddled, sheltered kid looking to break free and have some adventure worked for me, and I would love to get the chance to see how Leia continues to evolve as she gets older and spends more summers in Point Place.
Gwen and Leia, aka Geia. This is my ship! I really love Gwen and Leia together, and want them to fall in love (cackles in *fanfic author*). But I want it to be a slow-burn, where they realize they’ve fallen for each other, ‘accidentally’, over time. Falling for your best friend... who lives next door... hmmm, wonder why I like this pairing so much...? 😉🤣🥰
Pure nostalgia. The basement. The Hub. The Vista Cruiser. Fenton. Leo. I wanted nostalgia, dammit, and the show delivered. I will even (tentatively) put a few ‘90s references in this column, like hearing ‘Shoop’, ‘I’ll Make Love to You’, and ‘You Outta Know’ and seeing a few other 90s things that reminded me of my childhood, like Free Willy and snap bracelets. 
The humor. I went into the show with low expectations, specifically in this department. I was worried the humor would feel ‘off’, or would feel cheesy, or just not funny to me. There were definitely a few jokes that didn’t land (aren’t there always?), but over all I am happy to put the show’s humor in the ‘win’ column! I laughed out loud - a lot. I could tell that the same writers/showrunners were involved - it felt like similar humor from the original series. I think I enjoyed so much partly because I just love these characters, but many of the new characters had me in stitches too. Ozzie and Sherri in particular.
Sherri. Speaking of Sherri, she was my favorite of the new characters. Obvious Laurie stand-in is obvious, and that’s sad/unfortunate, but once I can move beyond that I really enjoyed her. I liked that she was a well-meaning mom but she definitely needs Red and Kitty’s support and guidance - I look forward to seeing how their relationship will develop. I even thought Sherri’s storyline with Fez was funny. It leaves the door open for Wilmer to return.
The references back to the OG show. The split-screen moments. The extended 90210 daydream/fantasy sequence. The Circle. The screen change sequences (the one with Kitty and Leia in the beanie hats is my favorite!)
The Bad
The 10-episode format. To me the most glaring issue was the 10-episode format, which rendered the season far too short to develop any of the characters or plot-lines they’d set up to satisfaction. Now, in fairness, maybe this is just the order they got for season 1. If they are successful, perhaps a longer order can be made for season 2. But also - maybe not. A lot of Netflix shows are consistently 10-episodes only these days.
But That ‘90s Show had less than half the episodes That ‘70s Show had in its first season to develop character and interesting conflict - and it shows. I like where they were going with everything, but storylines often felt rushed or like a lot of jumping around had happened from one episode to the next (For instance, I thought the Leia-and-Jay dating story went really fast. One minute they were all will-they-won’t-they, Leia’s never kissed a boy, and then BAM they’re together, calling each other babe, and she’s sneaking him up into her room for make-out sessions. Whoa!). The characters felt underdeveloped, too, or like we only knew one thing about them - because we didn’t have time to learn more.
So I know this is unlikely to change, but my biggest gripe is that there wasn’t enough runtime. You have an interesting premise here, you’ve sucked me in. Now properly develop it.
The focus on romantic relationships. Related, the focus on Leia’s romantic relationships was not my favorite aspect. I actually liked how they started the thing with her and Jay - Jay’s a playboy, but he’s not being one with her. They should’ve developed that out through all ten episodes, and had him just give her her first kiss in like, episode 9 or 10. The twist with Nate at the end is kind of interesting and could still happen (but as it is, it comes out of left field... which, now that I think about it, is how Leia felt about it too, I guess).
Regardless, I am neither team-Jay or team-Nate. I didn’t think either couple like, blew me away with their chemistry (although I don’t think we’re meant to feel that way yet, as viewers). My favorite parts of the season were seeing Leia’s friendships blossom, with Gwen and with Ozzie mostly. I’d have liked this season to be more focused on that - and maybe she stumbles into her first kiss along the way by the end of the season, anyway, and there’s still a romantic cliff-hanger.
The timeline inconsistencies (and others). There were several - the most notable being the timeline around Jackie-Kelso getting back together and Jay’s existence, and Eric’s age (38? He was born in 1960 so he and Donna would be 35 in 1995) - and while I am disappointed, I am not surprised. 
These are the same showrunners who gave us 3 different birthdays for Eric during the run of the show. The same people who gave us 3 different stories about how/when Eric and Donna met for the first time. The same people who gave Donna 2 sisters and then - poof - magically wrote them off (including in That ‘90s Show lol - “There’s only one girl in the world with Bob as her dad, and Eric had to pick her!”). The same showrunners who had Hyde turn 18 two seasons before Eric. The same - you know what, I’m going to stop myself. The point is, this shit is nothing new. That ‘70s Show fans are used to setting their non-sensical mistakes aside and enjoying the show anyway. Their inattention to detail officially goes in the ‘Bad’ column, though. It’s frustrating.
Jackie and Kelso endgame. Well, this ended up being exactly as it was leaked to be, and Jackie and Kelso were on their second remarriage. I do not mind Jackie and Kelso together and do frankly find it realistic, but this isn’t the happiest ending for Ms. Jackie Burkhart. I thought their scene was pretty funny (we did get a “Damn, Jackie!”), albeit brief, but I had higher hopes for the state of their relationship based on some recent promo materials. I also wished we’d seen (1) Jackie, Kelso and Jay interact as a family, (2) Learned what Jackie and Kelso do for a living/a little bit of backstory as to how they ended up back in Point Place.
No on-screen character reunion. I am bummed that Eric and Donna didn’t interact with the Kelso’s - or with Fez! (I guess Donna did, briefly) Seeing this picture makes me want to see it so, so badly in season 2! I think we’re all curious as to what Eric and Donna’s relationship is like with Jackie and Kelso these days.
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The Ugly
Hyde’s absence. I think any long-time fan of the show felt Hyde’s absence, and wondered about the character’s ending. The character’s ending is: totally open-ended, since he was not mentioned at all. Although it was painful to feel his absence, I preferred this to giving him an ending like prison or death, which would have felt like a fuck you to the actor but not fair to the character of Steven Hyde. Mostly because it allows us to fill in our own ending for him. I’m going to say that he finally moved to New York, and he’s happy out there. He keeps in contact with Eric and Donna still. 😊
A few side-notes: One, I have a feeling most of the OG cast actually supports Danny Masterson, so... yeah. Do with that sinking feeling in your heart what you will. But I doubt they will write him off in a mean way for that reason.
Two, I think they were in between a rock and a hard place with this. Honestly, if they’d written Hyde in, in any way, I’d feel squicky about it. Even an off-screen mention. But long-live the fan fiction, am I right?? I’ve already started to see some popping up 👀
Kitty’s moment. Kitty had a moment where I clapped my hand over my mouth (even though I literally knew it was coming), and that was when she called Leia, “That lying little bitch,” when Ozzie told her they were at a rave. It was very shocking, and very un-Kitty-like. Did not like.
(That said, I am not one who uses labels like out-of-character in a context like this. It’s not my character - it’s Debra Jo’s and the showrunners’. It’s a part of her character I didn’t like. And that’s okay. She was in a moment of huge stress, probably suddenly worried sick about her granddaughter. I have certainly had bad reactions to stress, too. As my girl Brene Brown says, “People get scary when they’re scared.”)
So, I mean... I have largely good things to say about That ‘90s Show, and it was a tall order man, because That ‘70s Show is my baby. And ain’t nobody finna touch my baby!!!
Was it perfect? No. Some of the little things were off, but it felt like overall, the big things were on. And that’s what’s important. I also feel invested enough in the new kids (definitely in Leia), and I think they have a lot of different directions they can take the rest of the series. So 4 out of 5 stars, and when can I expect a season 2 announcement, Netflix??? 😆
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monstersinthecosmos · 9 months
I am sooo happy I sent that ask!! Your reply was everything I could have wished for and more. I didn’t know anything about the VC universe (I did see the movie adaptation as a kid, but all I could remember were the ~vibes), and now I might actually want to check out the books. I mean I can’t believe how much of it is canon LOL, traumatized kinky asexual vampires wtf? sign me up??? Which book(s) of the series would you recommend to me? :o
In the meantime, I will DEFINITELY be giving your VC fics a try, thank you so much for the pointers!!! I’m already weak just reading your reply, esp. that parallel of post-disaster Armand and Marius being kind of like an AU where Shiro *does* give up on Keith - that actually broke me. A lot of what I love about your fics is how you characterize Keith so realistically and in a way that’s meaningfully informed by his upbringing/subsequent abandonment issues and that’s a thrill to read because, well, it’s just good writing - but also because it makes so much sense, not just abstractly but in a very real and personal way. And while the ~relatability~ of it all makes for a super intense reading experience, it can also be weirdly and sometimes incredibly cathartic imo - which is one of the reasons why I think I keep revisiting your fics (sorry if tmi LOL 😭). But!! In the case of Sheith it more or less all works out in the end because, like you said, it’s such a wholesome ship and they love and prioritize each other so much that (as a reader) they’re kinda like a safe space, delectably complete with all the angst and hurt and fuckedupness of their circumstances/selves (you know, for flavor). However, thinking about a timeline where it does NOT all more or less work out, well that’s kinda super heartwrenching! But yummy? And I kinda can’t wait to get into it but I’m also genuinely scared for my heart LMAO. Anyway I’m sorry for rambling!!! With your permission I will definitely come back and scream about Sheith and vampires because I sorta already am lol.
Re: the teaser xmgdknfnrmsmgdk I can’t even gather enough brain cells to form coherent sentences, I’m just squealing and awaiting my resurrection I guess. Thank you sooo so so much! I got so excited I haven’t even been able to finish reading it 🫣😳😵😵😵
!!!!! Thank you again for such a thoughtful and delicious response! <3
So this post got really long I’m so sorry asdghkads  TLDR: I recommend all of them but I also don’t LMAO and you can skip around and won’t be confused but it will spoil stuff. This is a LOADED QUESTION.
It’s wild like I was thinking about the fic i could stop dreaming and also just in general AGAIN IF WE CAN TALK ABOUT COMMON SHEITH TROPES/FANON like I’ve read many S8 fix-its where Keith is drifting around and he’s just like so cold and broken and empty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that’s how Armand feels to me! Even a fic like heart nailed open where Keith is just so fucking empty! Or SOURCE DECAY??????? Like I think there’s tons of Sheith AUs or S8 fics where Keith is like Depressed Guy Keith and !!!!!! God it fucks me up lol. Armand is kinda like if Depressed Guy Keith was also like a 500 year old fucking weirdo.
And like BECAUSE they’re vampires and they’re immortal they’re sort of always coming in and out of each other’s lives so like there’s always a hypothetical future where they can work it out. Like i could stop dreaming is about them working it out, right? And what it would take to heal that injury. And there’s a lot of stuff in canon where these characters commit absolute fucking atrocities to each other and still manage to work it out and I think it’s again just an exercise in empathy and asking if we can still deserve love when we’ve fucked up. The characters have CENTURIES to get over stuff (and some of them STILL DON’T LOL) but sometimes they do. Famously & without spoiling too much of IWTV, Armand does something pretty fucking atrocious to Louis and they still have a long relationship and still love each other very much!!!
But ON THE QUESTION OF WHICH BOOKS, jfc hold my beer
I think in Sheith you see people like almost universally dismiss S8; the only fics I ever see of it really are like just gratuitous whump or fix-its LOL which is valid. And VC has FIFTEEN FUCKING BOOKS and you could honestly ask ANY fan in VC which books “count” and which books are skippable and I think everyone has a different answer.
I also think you can read them out of order and there’s always a little bit of exposition to catch you up so you won’t be lost; the only downside is that you’ll get spoiled on the previous book. For example, if you jumped in and read Armand’s book first, it would make sense, but it would spoil what happened at the end of the book before it.
Also to get the movies & show out of the way because it’s faster than committing to fifteen books:
The 1994 movie is a pretty solid adaptation; you can tell they condensed some details for time or whatever but it’s pretty faithful. There’s also the show that came out last year which is …………….. not so faithful lol. The show also heavily focuses on Lestat & Louis which is the juggernaut ship of the fandom but they’re also like the missionary position of the fandom so who the fuck cares lol. (Loustat fans lurking in this extremely niche post I am so sorry, I'm kidding ilu LMAO it's just not my thing!) And tbh the show wrote Armand & Daniel’s characters SO POORLY it like absolutely killed any motivation I had to continue watching so as an Armand stan I can’t really recommend it but it’s kinda like silly and fun if you don’t take it too seriously. And tbh if this entire fact finding mission is to understand VC more, the show literally changes EVERYTHING; it changes the time period, it changes the lore, it changes the story, it changes the character ages, etc. Basically it just kept the names lol. It's a completely different canon so I think even show fics & book fics aren't compatible either.
There’s also a movie of Queen of the Damned from 2002 which is like SO BAD LMAO but also silly fun. It’s a really bad adaptation but I’d put it in between the movie and the show. Marius is in it and the characterization is really strange LMAO. Armand is an extra.
The thing about VC is that it’s very sort of like non-linear and nontraditional storytelling. Most of the books are narrated by Lestat but several of them are narrated by random other people, and a lot of times the same story is retold through other people’s POVs. Like you get the story about Marius & Armand in three different books and each version is a little different because everyone has a different perspective. And regarding reading out of order and having spoilers, I do think it often creates like a suspense vs surprise element because we circle back and revisit the same stories so many times; you might get a spoiler and read a book knowing that a certain thing is going to happen and there’s still the tension of waiting for it to happen haha. Like when I mentioned the cult raids Marius’s house—you learn about that in Book 2 so you read Armand’s book later going into detail about his life and you’re just SWEATING because you know it’s coming. AND THEN YOU READ ABOUT IT IN MARIUS'S BOOK AND YOU'RE JUST DEVASTATED ONCE MORE.
I will say that for me I always recommend just fucking read them lol. Just read all of them. LOL!! But they’re weird and like, you’re gonna hate some of them, but I don’t think you can take someone’s word for it on Tumblr, it must be experienced. But I do understand that it’s a lot of material to get through and so I can give a fair cheat guide I think.
Most fans agree that the first three books (“The Trilogy”!) are solid and worth reading. Those are Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, and The Queen of the Damned. IWTV is like this gloomy gothic tome about Louis’s life that started this whole thing and was written as a conversation about grief because Anne Rice’s daughter had died. It absolutely reads like a book someone writes about their daughter dying and it’s REALLY beautiful but it’s also a bit dense at times. If you’re put off by the vibe IT GETS EASIER when Lestat shows up because he literally bursts into the series like Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way ready to like tell you how blonde he is and how he’s gonna fuck everyone’s lives up. The books are still very heavy on existential questions and angst and grief but the text gets a bit lighter and super absurd LOL.
The first three also establish the universe and lore, though, so I think it would give you a pretty solid foundation to understand that type of stuff.
After the trilogy the books just go off the rails like there’s a few about Lestat having stupid adventures and doing dumb shit, there’s a few that cross over with Anne Rice’s witch series (so add three more book so if you truly wanted to read all of them!), then Anne Rice went back to the church and stopped writing vampires so there’s a huge gap, and then she quit the church again and returned LMAO. There’s a final trilogy she wrote before she died that are like, not the heaviest reading and they’re just kinda like silly good times with lots of Easter eggs and fan service. I feel good about the final trilogy being how it ended, just really silly times about them trying to use iPhones and shit, completely wild.
Armand does feature heavily in the trilogy so that’s also a good Armand foundation. And it’s REALLY FUN because he shows up in IWTV as sort of a chill mentor to Louis, but then in TVL you get the story about how Lestat met him when he was still in the cult and he was a feral little monster!!! And I love the duality of how Lestat and Louis describe him!!! It’s framed as unreliable narration a lot of the time because like Lestat’s resentment & Louis’s respect for Armand absolutely color the way they describe him, but idk like 100 years go by in between the two meetings so you also see a lot of character growth and see how Armand is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God. My heart.
Anne Rice also very often uses like texts inside texts so like, IWTV literally is an interview with a vampire where the bulk of the book is in quotes as dialogue LOL and then in other books you often meet a character who will talk for like 40 pages at a time to tell a story. So in TVL when Lestat meets Armand, Armand takes over for a chapter and tells the story of his life, and then later he meets Marius and Marius ALSO tells the story of his life.
QOTD is a modern story (modern in the 1980s when it was written haha) about how the whole vampire world has to deal with Lestat’s bullshit and they all come together for a common cause. This book features the little novelette about Armand & Daniel as one of the chapters!! It’s so good!! (The chapter is called The Devil's Minion and basically if you needed to understand Armand & Daniel you could just read that one chapter and that's basically it bc then it goes to shit!!! Not to spoil anything but also don't get your hopes up about like heaps and heaps of ship content because there isn't any lmfao fml)
It also features Marius and Armand reuniting with each other after 500 years!!!!!!!! HEARTBREAKING! It’s really good and very preposterous but the writing is so lush and takes itself so seriously you kinda forget that it’s preposterous.
Armand has a POV book later in the series, it’s called The Vampire Armand, it details his life as a human and some of his early years as a vampire with Marius. IT’S SORT OF LIKE A LONG EXTENDED VERSION OF HIS CHAPTER IN TVL.  
I do want to say that regarding the BDSM and whatnot that I mentioned; this book is quite controversial because there’s not good BDSM etiquette LOL and like part of the genius of this book is that it can be read as abuse, even when Armand isn’t setting out to tell you the story of how he was abused. I have a lot of thoughts about this because Anne Rice was also an erotica writer and her erotica books were all noncon BDSM; I WROTE ABOUT IT HERE I DON’T WANT TO GET INTO IT NOW but I think depending how people go into this book they either see the kink & sex stuff as explicit abuse OR you can read it as like, fantasy from a porn writer. As a Sheith fan I’m going to assume you’re not that sensitive lol. (But also por que no los dos, that's the flavor baby!)
Personally I think you could read this book as a standalone and like, it’ll be a little whacky without context, but I think I’ve given you a lot of context. It’s basically about his sad sad life, the religious trauma, and all the freaky sex he had. (Also just so you’re not disappointed, the sex isn’t graphic haha but he’ll be like “And then I went to the brothel and they licked honey off my nipples and I came home and Marius sucked my dick in the bathtub” but not like crazy sex scenes.)
Marius also has a POV book called Blood & Gold and it’s my favorite in the series!! IT’S MARIUS’S LONG EXTENDED VERSION OF HIS TVL CHAPTER. I think it’s the one that handles IMMORTALITY the best; the other books often focus on a short period of time or a specific incident and don’t often span someone’s ENTIRE life. IWTV spans Louis’s entire life but he’s only like 200 years old. Marius is 2,000!!!! He’s from the Roman Empire!! So like it’s really exciting to me to read about his whole life and all the eras he lived through!!!!!!!!!!!!
In his book you also get a few chapters about his time with Armand and it breaks my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There’s also a third secret option which is the book Pandora which isn’t part of the main series; VC is like actually 13 books and 2 side books? LOL So Pandora is one of the side books. But she was the first vampire that Marius made and they were lovers for like 200 years. This book to me feels like Anne Rice had a lot of leftover historical research and wanted to park it somewhere so a lot of the text is her talking about history stuff but there’s really great Marius content here and Marius/Pandora is one of my fav ships.
A lot of the fandom are more into the original trilogy and the Lestat/Louis content but I’m all about Marius so I’m into the DARK TRIAD of The Vampire Armand/Blood & Gold/Pandora. This to me is the more interesting section of the series but it’s an unpopular opinion so don’t take my word for it.
Other than that I’d also say Memnoch the Devil is my absolute least favorite VC, I think it’s so weird and boring lol but there’s some absolutely incredible Armand stuff in it and the stuff Armand does in this will be spoiled immediately if you check out Pandora or TVA. All in all it’s like idk 10 fucking pages of Armand LOL so if you got an ebook you could probably word search him. BUT YKNOW WHAT? Again don’t take someone’s word for it from Tumblr because like I find this book very weird and boring because it’s the most religious and I was raised atheist; there are people who were raised religious and say this one is their favorite. So what the fuck do I know!
Marius & Armand & Daniel are all in the final trilogy as well if you make it that far. Daniel is sort of always shuffled to the side because Anne Rice didn't care about him so like every time Daniel shows up I like feast on the breadcrumbs LOL but I'm glad to get some context about how he's doing and what's going on with his life.
They’re very weird books, they’re also kinda outdated and racist, but very queer, beautiful prose, incredible characters. They were my first hyperfixation that I can never seem to shake even when I’ve done all the work to dismantle all the ways they’re problematic and imperfect, it’s just yknow sometimes something gets its claws in you LOL. And I go out and explore other fandoms and still always come back to Marius and Armand and Daniel lol. I say that to say I wouldn’t be offended if you didn’t like them LOL but don’t judge me if you give it a shot and you’re like “what the fuck is this”
I just think Armand is like the most incredible character of all time okay!
SORRY FOR THIS VERY LONG REPLY LOL love you, patience yields focus!
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divinctions · 4 months
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is that HANDE ERCEL? oh, no, that’s EMERI 'MINNIE' TURAN, a THIRTY THREE year old DIAGNOSTICIAN at VALPARAÍSO CENTRO MEDICO who uses SHE/HER pronouns. they currently live in QUILPUÉ, and the character they identify with most is DR. GREGORY HOUSE from HOUSE. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! 
your resident workaholic and perpetual smartass reporting for duty !
━━━━━━━━━ B A S I C S :
full name: emeri asli turan
nickname(s): minnie, lili, emer
age: thirty-three .
ethnicity: turkish american  /  chilean   ( dual citizenship ) .
gender: cis woman .
pronouns: she / her .
orientation: heteroromantic / heterosexual .
occupation: diagnostician at valparaíso centro médico
language(s) spoken: english , spanish
━━━━━━━━━ P E R S O N A  L I T Y  :
unhinged. sometimes in the funny, but mainly in the mean way, sorry class. she’s very blunt and very smart so she thinks she’s earned the right to be ( she’s annoying i’m sorry ). she also just thinks that niceties or putting things nicely is a waste of time and she could be doing better things with her time. a big workaholic. loves her job because yes, she’s good at it, but also because she loves helping people. as unconventional, and sometimes chaotic, as her methods may be, it was always with her patients best interest in mind and she was the first ( and sometimes the only ) one willing to put herself in the line of fire. she’s the type to stand up for what she thinks is right no matter what. she loves puzzles or things that are too hard to figure out which is why she became a diagnostician specializing in rare and infectious diseases, and neurology. the added pressure of a lot other cases being time sensitive, she believes, pushes her to be better and it’s exciting for her. which is something that gets her in trouble because you shouldn’t be excited about never seeing a case like your patients right in front of them but she’s very much like well i save them don’t i? FDSIFKODFISJFD a mess okay, she’s a mess. extremely sarcastic, always has a quip on her mouth. it’s to the point where it’s hard to tell when she’s being serious and when she’s being an asshole (she’s most likely being an asshole). she’s very bad with the intimate and the emotional. being honest with her emotions isn’t something she can do easily and it usually comes with jabs and jokes but if she considers you someone who is close to her she’s a ride or die. extremely loyal to you. but if you do her dirty then it’s like you never existed to her, tee hee !
━━━━━━━━━ B A C K G R O U N D :
daughter of chess grandmaster and an astrophysicist, emeri always enjoyed the hard puzzles. one of her first toys was a rubik's cube and she had it figured out by the age of 5. she was top of her class all throughout school, and joined every club and organization she could. she was the most insufferable student you could ever meet. the type to remind the teacher you guys had homework, showed up to classes on time and was the type to basically do calligraphy on all of her notes, had a binder for each class, class president but basically just the entire student council because she never let anyone do anything she did it herself so. was the student kids came to for tutoring and hosted study sessions at her place and that was her house party. she would have it catered, with self care, very much blair waldorf sat prep episode and they’re just studying for an algebra quiz. she would tutor the kids doing the worst, like 2.0 gpa types and help them, not out of the kindness of her heart, but because it was hard she thought the challenge was fun. 
this didn’t change when she got into college. she got an early admission into stanford and graduated early to set off to college at 16 years old. it was only then did she realized she had no idea what she wanted to major in. after a google search for the hardest degrees to get she signed up for an aerospace engineering course, an architecture course, and a course in medicine. she found aerospace to be too straightforward, architecture to be too boring, but medicine had potential. after a few years she decided on studying to become a neurosurgeon and when her class was learning about a case that the doctors werent able to solve and as a result lost the patient. the point of the assignment was to learn how to deliver bad news to families and the legality of it but she could only focus on the case.
she scoured, cross referenced, searched, and bothered any doctor she could get to listen before she was able to solve it. or at least, as close to solve as they could get with nothing to confirm. the day of the bad-news-blah-blah-demonstration she instead presented how the doctor’s could’ve saved him by looking outside of the probably and into the impossible and though she failed the assignment (her very first failure) she didn’t care, and the professor encouraged her to look into becoming a diagnostician and so she did. she transferred to harvard, did her fellowship residency at the mayo clinic in rochester and the best professional career ever !
except not at all, because he career has been riddled with family and patient complaints, write ups, and more disciplinary hearings than she could keep count of. it wasn’t because she was a bad doctor by any means, but because she was a doctor who didn’t care for the legalities or red tape of it all when it came to her patients. she wouldn’t wait for the proper sign offs, she was hardly have kind to family members if she felt they were getting in the way of her diagnostics, and she’d always push her fellows to tow the line if it meant saving a life. while her intentions are good, hospitals have to protect their image so she was practically barred from every hospital in america. the only reason she didn’t lose her license was because she still very good at her job even if she didn’t respect most of it.
after agreeing to teach through a yale medicine program in chile, she soon fell in love with the city and the fact that she found a place where she could do the job she loved all over again. it wasn’t long before the new valparaiso centro medico opened and was looking for new doctors so she applied and got it. doing her best not to mess it up but, the patient will always come first for her no matter what!
━━━━━━━━━ H E A D C A N O N S :
has a huge personal library ! like bought a town house in quilpue and broke the wall between two separate rooms to make one big library kind of library. definitely has one of those rolley ladder things too.
has to wear readers so whenever someone is trying to give her something she doesn’t want or tell her something she doesn’t want to hear she’ll just take off her glasses and say oh no i can’t see, i can’t hear or no ! and leave, just walk away.
LOVES hate watching medical dramas and greys anatomy is her biggest enemy, but she (obviously) love shouse, and loves watching svu as well
is unofficially-officially-studying medical law to keep herself out of trouble. wants to officially enroll in some classes, but with how much of a workaholic she is she doesn’t have the time.
a complainer bby, truly loves to complain. like she doesn’t have to be involved directly and she will still complain with you. she loves talking shit its cathartic ! 
also absolutely loves to brag too and she has a lot to brag about so why wouldnt she in her mind?
medicine is her first love but shopping is a very close secvalond. loves fashion and make up. has a literal vanity IN her office at the hospital bc she spends so much at the hospital but still has to get her skincare routine in, and her make up on so you do what you must
constantly stressing out her bosses and her fellows, she can’t help it and will stress you out too if you let her !
━━━━━━━━━  W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S:
PLEASE BRING HER THE WILSON TO HER HOUSE. not the fursona version but biblically (tv) accurate version dFDISJFIODSKFAJDIJ this person would be the voice of reason to all of her stubborn, selfish insanity. the only person (so far) that she would die for. tries to do right by them but she does fumble pretty often. it would be ideal if this person was also connected to the hospital somehow so she can harass them on work hours too but im not picky !!! phones exists!!!
enemies i swear shes so nice to look at but so hard to like UFIJDFDUSIJFAK she can’t help it she’ll just always choose to say the wrong and annoying thing
a toxic ex; i think this could be a case of “oh you just have to get to know her” “deep down shes a really good person” “i’ll stick it out, i know she’ll change for me we love each other” and then.. yknow she just.. doesn’t do that…. like any of it… IJOKDFDIDJFOKSFADS so they fought a lot, and it ended pretty badly and left  a lot unresolved but she really did love this person in her own way shes just very bad at expressing it
neighbors !!! i think it could be fun if they both work really odd hours and so they meet when ones leaving and ones coming back home and maybe they share a very late night meal or a very early morning one and just enjoy not working and not being alone for a bit very wholesome
someone who gets her to stop working so much and take a break !!!! maybe drag her to join one of the clubs or something !!!
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