#they thrive in certain areas where the other lacks
niishi · 1 year
if so tho.... I genuinely love how if Sanji awakens conquerors haki, that it's gonna be like... a plot point. made obvious. but Zoro used his on punk hazard and then again in dressrosa and it's never even focused on and tbh I think it went over a lot of fans heads too, and then he uses it on onigashima and kaido acknowledges it out loud and zoros like idk wtf u mean and that's as much as we get. I love how Zoro is written like that. like you really gotta watch him or else all his development and progress and individuality etc goes straight over your head. Zoro observes everyone and he's so emotionally intelligent and so aware of changes in ppl... you gotta be like that too, to rlly see Zoro.
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willtheweaver · 4 months
A writer’s guide to forests: from the poles to the tropics, part 7
Is it no.7 already? Wow. A big shout out to everyone who has had the patients to stick with this. Now onto this week’s forest…
Dry forest
Water is life. That’s a fact. And especially where it doesn’t rain for more than half the year.
Location: Dry forests are scattered throughout the Yucatán peninsula ,South America, various Pacific islands,Australia, Madagascar, and India. Areas have been cleared by human activity, and the SA dry forests are classified as the most threatened tropical forests.
Climate: Temperate to tropical, with just enough rain to sustain trees. Many are monsoonal, with rain coming in one or two brief periods separated by a long dry season.
Plant life- Hardy trees, such as Baobab and Eucalyptus are able to last with little rain by tapping into groundwater with extensive root systems. Many trees are evergreen, but in India, many species are deciduous. Trees are often more spaced out, and shrubs and grasses grow extensively. Cacti are common plants in the Americas, with some growing tall enough to be considered trees. In order to survive the heat and lack of water, many small plants are annuals, or store water in tubers. Palms can make up a large percentage of the trees, as was the case in the now vanished forests of Easter Island.
Animal life- As they can come and go when they please, birds are common species. Larger animals are active year round, with smaller species of mammals, amphibians, and certain insects only coming out during the rainy season. Isolation means that islands become home to many endemic species; think about Madagascar and the lemurs, or Darwin’s finches, iguanas, and tortoises in the Galapagos. Isolation has also led to the marsupials of Australia developing to fill the niches that would normally be occupied by placental mammals .The introduction of invasive species has brought about the extinction of island fauna.
How the forest affects the story- Water, or the lack of will be the biggest challenge your characters will face. Rivers and lakes may be seasonal, so other sources will have to be utilized. Drinkable fluids can be obtained from various plants and animals, or maybe the bedrock is porous and water accumulates in cenotes. Your characters could come from a culture that builds artificial reservoirs to collect the rain and store it for the dry season. With careful water management, cities can thrive in dry areas. But your characters will have to be careful. Prolonged drought will see societies go the way of the Maya. Deforestation leaves the topsoil vulnerable to the wind, and forests, farms, and grassland will inevitably turn to desert. Whether nomadic or sedentary, your characters and their society will have to find a way to interact with the forest without destroying it or themselves. Can they do it? Can a damaged biosphere be restored before it’s too late? The success or failure of your characters and/or their predecessors can be a driving focus of the plot. Of course ,when the rains do come, it could be in the form of a cyclone. Dry ground does not readily absorb water, and flash floods are a danger. Water can grant life, but it can take it as well.
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enbycrip · 6 months
I have come across a number of things in books and podcasts about historical West Africa recently which have made me think about our current society and how we as humans handle prestige, class, resources and stability.
(I am aware I’m writing this as a white European and that the people this knowledge passed to me through had European or American accents and names; while all of them referenced academics with African names, I am acknowledging as a starting point here that there is going to have been flattening of power relationships, oversimplification, translation issues, issues with how oral histories reach academic writings, and the issues of a colonial lens *at the very least* in the transmission of knowledge to me here, and that’s before whatever misunderstanding and issues with my lack of context and structural racism have occurred in how I have processed what I have read and heard.)
So it seems that, in a lot of medieval West African kingdoms, particularly historical Ghana (relationship to the modern state of Ghana is complex and not really geographical), land was neither owned by individuals/families or by the king a la European feudalism; it was in something closer to corporate wider kin/tribal group ownership.
Unlike the situation in *most* of medieval Europe, there was just not a land shortage; there never seems to have been an issue with any individual or familial group having security of tenure of a particular area of land as long as they had the capacity to work it.
The issue of shortage was *labour*, not land itself; it’s basically the complete inverse of the situation in Western Europe in the 14th century just before the decade preceding the Black Death, when there was so much labour due to population growth that all the marginal land was under cultivation just to feed everyone and there was this underclass living in serious poverty and food insecurity, who were, horribly and familiarly, the first people to start dying in the decade of disasters that led up to the Black Death.
This kind of situation, where *land* is the prestige resource, is the one really baked into the European and colonial mindset, and you can still see the effects of it stretching into our modern western capitalist mindset when, in a lot of ways, that doesn’t entirely make logical sense. But, in medieval to early modern West Africa, the prestige resource was *labour*, not land.
Hence the long, stable social history of slavery in West Africa; when labour is your scarce resource, holding and controlling labour is how you gain, hold and demonstrate power and prestige.
And because it is long and stable, the institution of slavery in West Africa seems to have had a lot more in common with serfdom in Europe or thralldom in early medieval Scandanavia than chattel slavery in the Americas or Roman slavery. Because both of those depend on an Imperial mindset. While a society can *absolutely* persist stably with manifest inequality and exploitation, and even dehumanisation of whole classes of people, it can’t *use up* people the way those institutions did and still remain stable.
It’s not even simply an issue with birth and replacement rates etc; there are conditions of life that humans can tolerate on a generational scale and ones we can’t. We are these highly social apes that evolved to survive and thrive in small, hierarchical but highly interdependent clan communities. So there are certain kinds of stress we can tolerate an enormous amount of *if* we have other protective factors.
Imperial societies do not allow their underclasses these factors because they do not only seek to *maximise* output of resources at any given time; they see the maximum theoretical output as their “right”. They work slaves to death and exploit land to infertility because they can always conquer more land/take more prisoners/buy more slaves. The fact that they *can* acquire MORE people, and/or more land, quickly becomes a social imperative; they are *duty-bound* to acquire more people and/or more land; to EXPAND, and not doing so becomes a “loss”.
(Yes, Augustus set Rome’s imperial boundaries; it didn’t stop them continually starting wars for resources and prisoners to become slaves until the collapse of the Empire.)
I think it is fairly clear that modern capitalism is a global imperial society. You can, in fact, explicitly see that evolution. Capitalism was born at the same time as Spanish imperialism - and colonialism-genocide - in the South Americas; it was South American silver that was the resource injection that allowed the beginnings of the stock market in the Netherlands. Both of these were part of the Spanish Empire at the time, and the Netherlands’ nascent capitalism powered itself on that resource injection and used it to leap free from Spanish control and immediately begin its own colonial ventures.
Capitalism was part of the imperial machinery of the Dutch, French and British Empires; the American Empire has been more explicitly capitalist than it has been imperialist, as one became more overtly acceptable than the other. It didn’t really change its nature; just moved it from a national base - and let’s be clear; nation states are as much social constructs as anything else is, and the fact that they are somewhat anchored to a geographical location does not give them more objective reality than, for example, money - to something more diffuse that nonetheless still operates to systemically entrench power and privilege to certain people and marginalise others.
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ahautism · 1 year
If there’s one thing Cleo is rich in, it’s time. Well, she’s rich in many things, since she is insanely powerful. But time is their bread and butter, her area of study, the ability that comes the most innately to them, though they do also excel in explosions. But even witches aren’t made to know so much at once.
She can be in the present, as well as last Tuesday, and all of 1995, all at once, but other timelines are where things get tricky. Too much to keep track of with just one mind, and things get a bit mixed up along the way. So, as much as she knows about this thread in the universe’s ornate weaving, the most they get from other timelines are… notions, perhaps. Feelings, deja vu, a vague “this is right” or “this is wrong”. No certain facts, just… Scott would probably call them vibes. She’s not sure why they can hear that in his voice, despite not having heard him say it - her exact point.
So, as Cleo sits in her too-familiar castle - no, castle isn’t quite right. As she sits in Kairos, she knows something is missing. It can’t be a lack of books. They’ve already tried filling the feeling of Missing with books everywhere. Nothing. As much as the not-quite-castle feels like home, like somewhere she has been safe, loved even, there is something that isn’t there. The more time she spends here, the more sure they become that it's a ‘someone’ rather than a ‘something’ missing. She did think it might be Scott at first, but when they invited him round, it still didn’t quite feel right. He is someone she has loved before, they can tell that much.
(She tries to ignore the feeling that she never got enough time with him, before. A lack of time is not a feeling they are accustomed to, and they don’t like it.)
The universe likes patterns, the universe loves a recurring motif, but more than anything else, the universe craves acts of love. The universe loves its players because they are love, and the universe weaves their expressions of adoration into its tapestry like strands of gold. Cleo is acutely aware of this. Even if she didn’t have a sense for the bigger picture, she sees it.
She sees the flowers Scott collects, the mindless zombies he continues to fruitlessly raise, the traces of his lover in the design of his own home, and the more literal pieces of him stashed under the floorboards. She feels the ties to her coven, the willingness to fight for them, the wish to improve together, even when it doesn’t directly benefit her.
Even in this one world, even in a competition, even when she hates half her fellow witches, there is so much love. They can feel the universe drinking it in, thriving off it. They’ve always had a knack for finding beauty in the grotesque, and she thinks the universe is the same way.
Cleo floats up to the crenellations, chuckling to herself at a joke they don’t even understand. She leans against the wall. It is a powerful thing, to create a declaration of love so powerful it transcends time and space. A desire to protect so strong it follows every version of a person. Time you enjoy spending. A home built for two.
She told Scott they were looking for someone too. Maybe when she becomes Supreme Witch, she will be powerful enough to know who that is. To know who loved her so deeply it followed her where neither of them could remember it. She’d like to thank them. For the time well spent with them, and all the time well spent they could never have known about. They’d like to bring them to the castle. A castle made of love everlasting. Fit for a Time King. For the first time in a long time, that feels right.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
how do you reconcile being a feminist, single, and a high-value woman? maybe I'm misunderstanding the concept but I always thought HVW and hypergamy were all very centered on seeking a male partner.
Hi love! Great question. I think your curiosity offers a great opportunity to dive a bit more into my personal views and philosophy.
I believe that the goal of feminism is to protect all women and provide them legal protection, structural resources, and social power to live equitably in society. In my eyes, a high-value woman is one who is unapologetically self-respecting and sets her life up in a way to allows her to work towards goals that meet her needs in all areas of life.
Hypergamy, by its modern definition, is the idea that women "date up" to intertwine their sexual relationships with men to those who offer more or equally high social, financial, or sexual capital to them. The traditional idea of hypergamy was exclusively referred to as "marrying up" as marriage was the only way women could achieve most resources (like a bank account, credit card, housing, and certain medical care – it's so terrifying, honestly).
In the latter case, hypergamy is nearly synonymous with centralizing men. Before women gained certain freedoms (in the U.S. this was mostly in the 1960-70s), centralizing men was a survival mechanism, not a preference or act of self-imposed oppression.
I believe in the modern world where women can have their own bank accounts, careers, and access to birth control (the latter one is an anxiety-inducing topic at this point in time, ugh), women are given the choice to be hypergamous either while centralizing or decentralizing men.
I believe that you can uphold hypergamous standards in your dating life without centralizing men in your life. For me, personally, my relationship or dating status has no bearing on how happy or successful I am in my life. No man (or lack of one in my life) will ever determine my self-worth or reflect my progress in life. My metrics of fulfillment and accomplishment stem from thriving in my professional life, staying in good health, practicing consistently healthy habits (WFPB diet, regular exercise, mental health hygiene, sexual wellness, mindfulness, self-care, etc.), and maintaining nourishing friendships. Dating and my interactions with men (in non-platonic ways) are fun ways I enrich my life, so I believe this mentality embodies the modern – albeit hyper-progressive – definition of hypergamy. Remaining single allows me to enjoy all of the ways men can uplevel my life – socially, financially (to the degree some nighttime activities, such as dinners, drinks, car services, club fees, etc. are paid for – no sugaring activities or anything), and sexually without the aspects of dating men that would contradict my sense of self-respect or autonomy. I'm not personally designed to be a man's therapist or feel like I should have to include a man's needs in all of my life or day-to-day decisions because we're sexually involved with each other. I have a strict vetting process regarding who I will entertain in my dating/sexual life to ensure they're adding value to my life and there's mutual compatibility considering the type of arrangement we're both seeking.
Personally, I believe the only way to maintain equity in dating is to remain single, which allows me to meet all of my other standards in life. I will never sacrifice my life goals for a man, but I do not believe that means you have to approach dating or sexual relationships from a black-and-white perspective. However, if I'm going to date men (which can be a headache for certain), I believe they need to enrich my life in some way – whether that's interesting conversations, gaining business acumen, social relationships, fun sexual experiences, or just learning about different cultures/world perspectives.
From my observations, women who use hypergamy as an excuse to centralize their life or aspirations around a man are glamorizing regressive/oppressive ideologies (like submitting to a partner or relying on men financially) as a last attempt to uphold the patriarchy as women wake up to the fact that having to do all of society's emotional labor plus having to contort ourselves in a world designed for men, namely in our professional lives, is not the truest form of feminism out there (not to mention it's lack of intersectionality, but that's a whole other rant lol). I don't use the "hypergamy" tag on my posts anymore for this reason, though. I believe that many people are conflating the textbook concept of hypergamy with regressive political agendas, which I will never promote let alone subscribe to.
This is all just my take, so I hope it all makes sense and resonates with some members of this amazing community. Every woman should figure out what approaches to all of these matters would make her the most genuinely happy and fulfilled regardless of society's expectations or cultural norms.
Sending love xx
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misteria247 · 2 years
Y'all know something Apritello had so much potential as a good ship that would have worked well. Like for example-
April's kind yet fiery personality plays off well with Donnie's timid yet expressive one. Where Donnie lacks in being bold April makes up for it and where April lacks in being timid Donnie makes up for it. Their personalities when played a certain way play, work off of one another in not only a platonic but also romantic sense as well and it's been shown in the show quite a few times how they both had inspired and helped the other be better than they were before they'd met each other. And it's not just their personalities that play off of each other no, no my friends their personalities play off another character's personality.
They play off of Casey Jones's personality extremely well.
Both of you have chemistry with Casey just as they do with each other in both the platonic and romantic departments. April with her spunky no bullshit attitude paired up with Casey's somewhat temperamental yet mischievous attitude go extremely well together and they give each other a certain pizazz in their relationship. And it's the same way with Donnie and Casey, their personalities blend well together when they're not forced to do the whole love triangle thing. Donnie's quick as a whip snark paired with Casey's biting and witty remarks makes their relationship work incredibly well. There's chemistry between all three of them. So the question I ask is this.
Why is their relationship such a mess?
Well to be honest it's the writing.
Whenever Donnie and April first meet Donnie's instantly infatuated with her, so much so that he comes on extremely strong whenever he tries to make a move on April. Basically Donnie's feelings or rather his crush on her becomes this commitment kind of ordeal that should really only exist after you've known someone for a long time. Because of this kind of thing Donnie basically brings too much too fast to the table and as a result April gets uncomfortable because it's too much all at once. She's a sixteen year old girl who's been through a traumatic experience and to suddenly have something so intense thrown at her in such a short amount of time makes her skittish and not as open to accepting anything from Donnie. And it's the same thing with Casey. He brings the romantic rivalry in too quickly and it causes a rather chaotic mess for any of the possible relationships between April and Donnie from fully working.
Basically it's too much in a short time span.
And it's why the ships are so messy.
Realistically if the relationship between these three is going to work a different approach would have been better for them in the long run. Example:
April and Donnie meet for the first time in the first episode and like in the original episode Donnie does think that April's a beautiful girl but it just ends there. He admires her looks for a moment before going back to doing his mission which is rescuing her. The boys succeed and April stays with them as they try to help her find her father. All of season one at that point Donnie and April slowly begin to get to know one another, though Donnie at first is anxious talking to her because as stated he's a timid and awkward person at times and it's even worse because April's not only the first person outside of his family that he's interacted with but she's also the first girl he's ever talked to. With a bit of a push from his brothers and April herself seeking him out due to her curiosity about him and wondering about his kindness he finally talks to her. They start small but then they find something they both have in common with one another and their friendship kicks off from there. The rest of season one is basically the setting for their friendship to blossom and thrive as they try to get back April's dad. There's really nothing there in the romantic areas, just platonic for the time being.
Start season two and you enter Casey Jones and much like before him and April hit it off really well. Casey then learns about the turtles and then on he bonds with them and ends up getting into a strange bicker filled friendship with Donnie. The trio spend a lot of time together afterwards, getting closer to one another and fighting against their enemies and protecting NYC from renegade mutants. Then season two drawls towards it's closing and it's where things start to shift a bit in the April and Donnie relationship area. Donnie starts to get a bit upset when he notices how close April and Casey are getting and he ignores the feeling for awhile because he doesn't really know exactly what it is. It's only after the Invasion of the city and after he nearly loses his loved ones to the Kraang that he realizes that maybe he likes April more than as a friend.
Afterward the relationship between the trio changes and if chosen the love triangle can still be used as each member realizes that they may actually have romantic feelings for one another. And it's implied that both Casey and Donnie have an equal opportunity to get April's affections because at some point she realizes that she likes both of them in a more romantic way.
Ya see what I'm saying? It's the approach of the relationships between the trio that changes the whole dynamic into something more solid and less messy. It's one of the reasons why I said that the Apritello ship had so much potential because it honestly did. Yet due to the approach of which the romance was taken it ended up being a rather mixed bag of oof in the relationship department.
At least that's my opinion.
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monstergraffiti · 1 year
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Tarbeast Anatomy. Lore Dump under the cut
1.) Depending on when a tarbeast emerges from the "Prime Pit", the primordial goo that all tarbeasts form inside of before emerging as fully grown adults, they can take on different coloration. Tarbeasts born during the day, such as Travis pictured above, generally have pink and orange markings, and red eyes. Tarbeasts that emerge at night have indigo and violet markings, and purple or blue eyes.
2.) Depending on how long an individual took to emerge, their height can range from 5-8 feet, with smaller members taking less time to emerge. In highly rare situations, a tarbeast’s "original body" falls apart and they instead emerge as "twins", a sort of failed mitosis that ends with two identical individuals. The twins are completely identical from a psychological standpoint, and show very little individuality, but otherwise function perfectly well in tarbeast society. Tarbeasts weigh from 200-500 pounds, and have a generally stocky build and somewhat hunched posture.
3.) All tarbeasts are biologically identical. Because they are "generated" from the pit instead of reproducing sexually, they lack any sort of sex based traits. They have a very loose grasp on the concepts of gender or familial roles, and don't necessarily understand things like "parents", "children", or "siblings". Culturally, all tarbeasts share a communal bond, and take care of one another with the same importance they'd care for themselves. Their small population means that they don't fight often, and most disputes are settled quickly. For communication sake, most tarbeasts use "he/him" as their personal pronouns, but might take up others once they learn about them.
4.) Tarbeasts lack bones, muscles, and most organs except for a "brain", stomach, and poison sacs. Their bodies are formed from a dense mass that becomes more and more tightly packed the deeper it goes, which gives them their form and shape. Some tarbeasts have naturally denser mass than others, which makes them more physically capable, but not as flexible, and vice versa. The poison of a day born tarbeast causes burns, but the poison of a tarbeast born at night causes numbness and paralysis. Some tarbeasts enjoy the taste of each other's poisons, and certain members of the species are reported to taste better than others.
5.) Tarbeasts are very resilient. Their home world is a deslolate desert wasteland, and the generally live inside of the caves and mountains in the planet. They're functionally immortal, don't age, and if they're too badly injured, can recover from anything simply by returning to the Pit for a while. Harsh environments are where they thrive, but as a tradeoff, they do not do well in delicate situations and don't have the same dexterity a human does. Tarbeasts are made for climbing, digging, and roughhousing. Not for operating technology or driving spaceships.
6.) Tarbeasts can eat just about anything. Since they convert anything that ends up in their bellies into mass, energy, or more poison, they're very capable at breaking down toxins and other inorganic material to make themselves more potent. However they also have very sensitive tongues, so they can be kind of picky, and most prefer real food as opposed to just whatever is laying around. Some are so picky that they only eat a few very specific foods, and won't touch anything else.
7.) Because of their preferred environment, tarbeasts prefer dimly lit spaces, and have very good night vision. Their own bioluminescence allows them to see just about anywhere, but sometimes they don't enjoy brightly lit areas or lots of sunshine. Dark, hot areas like volcanic caverns are their favorite, and they don't handle the cold very well.
8.) Tarbeasts have several methods of defense. Aside from their teeth, claws, and poison, some tarbeasts can expend their internal energy reserves to generate fire or electricity, usually from their hands. Certain tarbeasts are capable of expelling their energy through their mouth in the form of a hot laser, while others have more control and can attack with sharp and precise shots from a distance. Outside of combat, this ability also allows them to melt through tough to destroy rocks so they can expand their mines and caverns. The abilities of a tarbeast can generally be discerned through the location of any excess markings on their bodies, with tarbeasts who have markings on their hands or stomachs being especially dangerous foes. Their horns, however, are too soft to be used as weapons, and would break if struck with enough force.
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theevilcat · 8 months
A child could have mild symptoms of autism, but parents and guardians should still take proactive steps to seek a diagnosis.
When a child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), caregivers can work with professionals to develop appropriate strategies in response. These strategies help children thrive in their environment through appropriate accommodations, therapy, and parent training.
While some children with autism may rarely encounter challenges related to their disorder, others may find that negative experiences increase as they get older. This can lead to unwanted stress, potentially up to the point of a crisis event. In extreme cases, a child could lose opportunities to advance in school or other life areas.
Understanding a child’s needs is important. Individuals in their life should never brush away observations that a child might have a behavior disorder. Instead, they can educate themselves on the signs of ASD and look into the next best actions to take.
Being “On the Spectrum” Can Mean a Wide Variety of Experiences
Autism is described as a spectrum of disorders for a reason. Signs of autism can present differently.
Some individuals will have significant behavior and communication challenges that make the possibility of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis more likely.
In other cases, caregivers may notice occasional “atypical” behaviors but that don’t immediately cause them to seek a full behavioral health evaluation.
In the latter scenario, a child may never have their autism diagnosed or addressed therapeutically. It’s possible that mildly-expressed forms of ASD behavior go completely unnoticed.
But another possibility is that an undiagnosed child or their caregiver will feel frustrated by a lack of explanation for certain behavioral events. They may struggle with socialization, for instance, or they may lack commitment to extracurricular activities.
Ignoring the possibility of an autism diagnosis, especially if a child seems mostly neurotypical, can make it more difficult for them to adjust and have their needs met. For this reason, teachers and caregivers who observe subtle signs of ASD should speak with a mental health professional.
A child’s parents, teachers, and others with a direct role in their life are the best observers when it comes to picking up on a possible autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Only a licensed mental health professional can come to a full, accurate diagnosis, but you don’t have to be a professional to suspect that an ASD diagnosis is possible.
What Are Some Possible Signs of Mild Autism?
ASD encompasses a broad range of behavioral patterns and experiences.
Inconsistency from one ASD case to the next can make it more difficult for caregivers to fully connect the dots.
Even so, there are many common behaviors that could point to a possible ASD diagnosis. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these may include:
Repetitive play or verbal expressiveness (echolalia)
A fixation on certain activities, ideas, or concepts
A reluctance to engage in new experiences or to disrupt routines
Aversion to certain forms of interaction, especially hugging or cuddling
Avoiding eye contact and being difficult to engage in conversation
Missing verbal or physical cues, such as not looking at where someone is pointing
Having difficulty understanding others’ feelings or talking about feelings in general
Reluctance to socialize or a preference for isolation
Trouble expressing their needs or wishes
Unexpected reactions to certain sights, sounds, textures, or smells
Tantrums or explosive aggression with unexpected triggers
Some children with ASD may appear to have a learning disability or other form of behavior disorder. They may also have co-occurring medical challenges, such as gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort, trouble sleeping, or seizures. Many individuals with autism may also have mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, or an attention deficit disorder.
It is also possible that any of the above behavior signs could be related to something other than autism, such as if a child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This possibility should encourage those in the child’s life to seek a diagnostic assessment from a professional who can advise parents and others how best to address their needs.
Any Form of Autism Can Benefit From a Therapeutic Approach
Unnoticeable signs of autism can be detrimental to a child’s wellbeing when caregivers neglect to investigate further. People with autism can be given strategies and support that can help them work alongside their condition and be successful while still being completely and utterly themselves.
Once you begin talking with professionals about your child’s unique situation and any unexpected behaviors or occurrences, you can begin to understand him or her better. With support from clinicians and the community, you can provide conditions and strategies that encourage your child to have a less stressful, more fulfilling life.
If you think your child or a child in your life might have autism, take the first step toward seeing if they need extra care, attention, and support from you. Seek a diagnosis and support from professionals who use an evidence-based approach to achieve goals that help children thrive.
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plymouthpets · 1 year
Plymouth Pets Breed of the Week - Samoyeds
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With the recent polar vortex across the northern US and Canada earlier this month, many who are used to more temperate climates got a taste of what’s often considered the norm in Arctic parts of the world. Certain dogs do thrive in the snow – Huskies and St. Bernards are often some of the first that come to mind, especially for Americans, but the now fairly popular and widespread Samoyed breed comes to mind for people of many different cultures. Like other “snow dogs” mentioned, you may see them more and more in areas far from the arctics or high altitudes. While Samoyeds can often have lively, even intense, personalities – these Siberian natives are very smart and reliable companions ideal especially for medium-to-large families and less urban areas.
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            Samoyeds were originally bred generally around Northern-Central Siberia, by the indigenous Nenets peoples in what is now Russia. They were, like many famous and typical herding dogs of the north, bred from spitz-style breeds for herding, guarding, and hunting abilities. They have a notable spitz-type pointy tail, and are of average to larger sizes for dogs in their category. Due to breeding in the dramatically cold climates of Northern Siberia, where daytime temperatures often go below -30 Celsius, they have distinctive thick fur coats relative to their body, allowing them to withstand these severe temperatures. Samoyeds, like Huskies, also gained some fame worldwide during the endeavors to seek out the North and South Poles in Person over a century ago. Some of the most famous British, Scandinavian, and Russian/Soviet arctic explorers held the dogs in high regard for their herding and organizational abilities, tough build, and fierceness in fighting off (and even hunting!) larger animals like bears. This is still reflected in their nature today, as Samoyeds can still get stand-offish around new or unfamiliar animals. Even with modern Samoyeds, it is good to keep a close eye on their behavior in public or private other dogs, pets, and common wild animals.
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Despite this fact, Samoyeds are not so particularly fierce towards their human companions, in fact quite the opposite. Like many herding dogs, they are often affectionate not to mention incredibly loyal and protective towards their owners and friends. Samoyeds lived in small, usually tent-like domiciles right next to their owners and their families. They are not only used to close human contact, but are trained for it. But they were always trained in an assertive-but-careful manner to ensure discipline for these very energetic, strong-willed, and surprisingly dominant dogs. Maintaining your authority while training a Samoyed is possibly the most important aspects of caring for the dog, also minding its health. Samoyeds are naturally calm and are quite safe with children or the elderly, but may start acting up if they feel too stuffy and need to (literally) stretch their legs. This also helps prevent arthritis and joint issues later in life.
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Like many other herding dogs such as Border Collies and Australian Shepherds,  Samoyeds need a lot of space during their training and day-to-day lives. They are high-energy dogs with a passion for outdoor activity, so at least having them walk for at least 70 to 90 minutes a day (especially in earlier years) is greatly beneficial to their general and mental health. Grooming them is extremely important – their thick coats carry dirt and other particles very easily (and their often-white coats will start yellowing/browning) not to mention pests like ticks and fleas in more wild or unclean environments. It is important to properly wash and care for their fur – hire a groomer at least semi-regularly if you lack the complete skills and/or tools to groom a Samoyed and care for their fur, teeth, etc. When visiting the vet they will often take a close look at their ocular health and any issues possibly related to the Samoyed’s liver, due to two common mutations. One mutation is common in Samoyeds’ eyes, where a defect will cause them to lose sight gradually over time, sometimes from a young age. A more serious mutation affects many Samoyeds’ kidneys, and while usually passing quickly in young age for Samoyed pups, may lead to liver failure, also surprisingly early in life. Keeping up with a vet and watching for these issues while assertively training your Samoyed will help ensure it leads a happier, healthier, and fuller life with you and your other loved ones.
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autobotmedic · 2 years
|| Notification: Recorded Transmission || From: Optimus Prime || Origin: Cybertron  || Referenced outgoing message ID: 672963439313944576
[ Ratchet, ] the recording begins, Optimus’s voice holding a tone soft enough to make the name itself sound like an endearment. [ I hope this message finds you and our human companions well. I have received the one you sent me. Thank for taking out the time; it has been... wonderful to hear your voice again. I also look forward to the future when our resources will allow us to see one another more often. ]
There’s a brief pause and a subtle skip in the background noise as Optimus pauses recording, needing a moment to compose himself and rein back... certain feelings. When he continues, he sounds calmer, having recalibrated his focus towards a more dutiful topic. 
[ I trust in your judgement with regards to the negotiations that have taken place. Please do inform me if any matters arrive which require my advice or direct assistance, and I will do all I can to give you my support. ] 
Ratchet is one of very few Autobots he trusts so far as to act in his stead, and that trust includes confidence in him knowing when to put discussions on hold and contact Optimus if conflict arises. They both recognize that diplomacy is not Ratchet’s strongest suite.
Optimus has listened to Ratchet’s message enough times to remember each topic and what he’d said on them in turn, but he still pauses his own recording again to replay it, just to hear it in his voice again. It feels more like a conversation this way than if he simply goes by his internal notes—and he’d been truthful when he’d said he had missed hearing him. He smiles to himself once again at the mental image of Ratchet struggling to restrain himself while being forced to learn incorrect scientific theories. 
[ I have no doubts in your abilities as a scientist or as a medical student. Perhaps after you have rightfully earned your qualifications by human standards, you might find an opportunity to share your ‘corrections’. ] Ratchet knows him well enough that he would no doubt recognize the amusement in his voice, but it is nonetheless a legitimate—if only momentarily thought out—suggestion. 
[ I am also very interested in observing any progress you have made on the holomatter avatars when I see you next. They will certainly be an invaluable asset to us in communicating with humans and in interacting with their world in areas where our size may otherwise prove destructive. Perhaps one day we may employ them in viewing some of the planet’s more life-rich natural areas up close. ]
[ With regard to the topic of natural life, Cybertron has been showing considerable new growth. I have observed a number of familiar species, both young specimens and older ones that lay dormant from lack of fuel for all this time. Even more interestingly, there are multiple variations I do not recognize; I would like to show these to you when you next visit. ]
[ The mecha here are also doing well. Bulkhead is leading rebuilding efforts under the supervision of Ultra Magnus and myself, while the others take turns in scouting for new energon deposits. Knock Out is on probation, and has been acclimating with few issues. I think he is as pleased as we are that the war is over. ]
After a few moments' pause, he adds in a softer tone, [ We will finally have a place for our species to thrive again. It has been so long. This time I will allow for no oppression; all must have the opportunity to find their own happiness. It is a second chance at the world we always meant to help create, when you opened your clinic and I sought ways to to support changed, before Megatron betrayed our cause. I was naïve then, but all of us have learned much, even as the war has damaged us. I believe we can do better. ]
There is another silence before the recording is cut again, and Optimus's voice continues. 
[ I am impressed to hear about Rafael. His talents are an anomaly that have only seemed to grow more unexplainable the more I have learned of the human species, but I believe they should be supported all the same. More importantly, it is wonderful that you have each found a friend in the other. I am proud of you both. ]
[ I will indeed inform Bulkhead of your suggestion. I believe a visit would benefit him as well; I have overheard him worrying for her. He cares for her very much. ]
[ ... I have a spare room where you may stay when you visit, if you wish. Though of course you are as welcome to share my berth here as during our travels. The greater resources here have allowed for ample space. I am sure it will also please you to hear that I have been considerably more well-rested and fed since my return here despite the many tasks required for rebuilding. I sincerely hope that you have been caring for yourself as well. It will be wonderful to see you feeling better. ]
[ Goodbye, my dear old friend, and may we see each other before the moons cross. ]
|| End Transmission ||
    Following his return from a beach experience that he had allowed three youngsters to talk him into supervising, and after a longer-than average time spent cleaning up (the feeling of sand under plating annoyed him immensely), the discovery of the received transmission was a welcomed surprise. He was more than ready to simply sit for a while, and now, he could rest while listening to an awaited reply from Optimus.
    Hearing his name spoken so gently as the first he had heard of his friend’s voice since he had actually last seen him, caused his spark to flare in its chamber. Ratchet knew he had missed him, and although creating a transmission package to send a personal update had helped, it was not the same as sharing a conversation. Audio was still not equivalent to face-to-face interaction, but it was significantly better than nothing at all, in addition to the fact that Optimus simply had an incredibly pleasant voice. 
    He was also glad to hear the sentiment of missing their interactions was mutual. And that Optimus trusted he would seek his assistance in human relations if necessary. Ratchet was not surprised, in either case, but nonetheless validated.
    He could hear the smile, the subtle amusement, as Optimus mentioned Ratchet’s official Earth courses. He wished he could have seen it in his silver features and soft optics, as well. It was so good to witness him experience lighter sentiments. He hoped Optimus would continue to find reasons to smile more often than he had for eons.
    When his friend’s words shifted to Cybertron, finding new and old species returning, he equally wished to view them. Especially as a form of shared outing. His jaw rested on his palm as he continued to listen, noting the shared statuses of their companions.
    As Optimus went on to share his hope for their world, he believed the same, and he hoped they were both right. Despite his presence on Earth for now, Ratchet did not have any long-term plans (by their species’ standards) of remaining. At times, while alone, he questioned if he should have stayed, but his reasons always felt important enough. He wanted to learn in depth of humans’ biology and health for the future, as there would undoubtedly remain a tie between their worlds, and he wanted to look after the three children. He was not a replacement for their guardians, but having someone remain at all, helped ease the adjustment to their absence. And he knew that the others, Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, would worry a little less about them too, with the knowledge that they were not without any form of guidance and protection.
    Despite his certainty of his reasons, however, he continued to miss Optimus daily. And he had intentions for the future, when he did live on Cybertron again. He wanted medical care to be provided fairly, as it always should have been, and he wanted hospitals to be less cold places to those who had to stay in them, medic and patient alike. But, there was plenty of time for that, now that they had a living planet again.
    Due to the distraction of his own thoughts, he paused the recording, backed it up, and resumed listening. Ratchet hummed in agreement over Rafael being an anomaly, though the sound was only heard by himself. He was also satisfied that Bulkhead would be informed of his suggestion.
    Ratchet blinked when the topic shifted to a form of invitation to stay with him. It was a kind offer, considering the medic had not be present to claim or establish a living and resting space on Cybertron. But, there was more to it. The specification that Ratchet could still rest with him, despite other space being available, made him grin. He would accept that, without hesitation. He had missed it too greatly to refuse.
    He was indeed happy to hear Optimus was taking care of himself. And the comment about his own health reminded him to get up and retrieve a cube for evening refuel, once the transmission ended. Cube in hand, he sat down once again, and listened to the recording from the start for a second time. It was partially to make mental notes for when he replied, and partially to merely hear his dear one’s voice again.
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playingwithgifs · 1 year
How to grow your own marijuana
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Following quite a while of attempting to take part in male-overwhelmed web-based pot developing networks, April Brett was finished with the lack of regard that was aimed at her since she was a lady. Along these lines, in February 2020, she chose to make her own Facebook bunch: O'Cannabis: Canadian Women Becoming Together.
"I needed to make a gathering only for ladies where they can have a solid sense of security and have no show and figure out how to develop," says Brett, who resides and lives in Hamilton, Ont. "We construct each other up and uphold one another, which is what ladies should do."
Brett's timing was immaculate. A month after she sent off her gathering, pandemic lockdowns cleared the nation and individuals started getting locally established side interests to fight growing pressure and fatigue, and searching for local areas on the web. Numerous ladies chose to establish pandemic nurseries with weed, and Brett watched her enrollment shoot up in large numbers to in excess of 3,500 today.
"Developing is so remedial," says Brett, who utilises marijuana to deal with her nervousness, discouragement, headaches and persistent agony. "It's an enormous pressure reliever. I feel so settled when I'm in my nursery, watching my plants develop and thrive."
Brett sees many advantages to developing her own weed: it tastes preferable and is more affordable over getting it from dispensaries or clinical pot providers and she knows precisely every thing she's getting and what she put into it. She takes note of the fact that business cultivators might utilise substance manures, pesticides and form inhibitors — and purchasers have absolutely no chance of knowing. (Wellbeing Canada manages the utilisation of these substances and requires authorised makers to have their items tried.)
While developing weed might appear to be overwhelming, Brett says it's straightforward on the off chance that you follow a couple of fundamental standards. "Individuals who can't keep houseplants alive can develop weed," she says. "Keep it basic."
Terese Bowors, a weed mentor situated in Canada's marijuana developing capital, Nelson, B.C., reverberates Brett. "In the event that you can develop tomatoes and lettuce, you can develop a pot," she says.
We got the soil on what you really want to be aware of to take your pandemic nursery to a more significant level from ladies in the loop.
Figure out the standards
Under the government Weed Act, you can grow up to four marijuana plants for sporting use per family. In any case, a few common, neighbourhood and Native legislatures, as well as property managers and stratas, have their own standards.
Manitoba and Quebec deny sporting development. In any case, in 2019, a Quebec Predominant Court judge decided that the territory's boycott was illegal. The Quebec government has pursued the decision; its site actually says sporting development is a no, yet Éducaloi, a Quebec good cause attempting to work on lawful education, says green thumbs are great to develop — for the time being. "In the event that you choose to develop pot at home, make certain to keep awake to date on any changes!" Éducaloi merrily alerts on its site.
In the meantime, Newfoundland and Labrador doesn't permit outside development and different territories have severe rules on how it may very well be finished. In B.C., for example, your yield can't be noticeable to people in general, while in New Brunswick, your mystery garden should be encircled by a locked nook that is no less than five feet tall.
Bowers put deer fencing around her nursery and fixed it with a light, white cultivating texture. "It seems to be a major marshmallow," she says, adding that the texture additionally traps the intensity, which the plants like.
On the off chance that you use marijuana for clinical reasons, you might have the option to get a remedy from a medical care supplier and a clinical endorsement to develop, which might permit you multiple plants. (There are numerous clinical weed centres that can assist you with the cycle.) The quantity of plants you can develop depends on the quantity of everyday grams you're endorsed and whether you intend to develop inside, outside or both.
It's simply legitimate to develop marijuana from seeds or little plants called clones bought from authorised retailers or makers or skilled to you by lawful sporting producers. Sporting producers can buy seeds from authorised retailers for about $30 to $60 for a pack of four. Clones are gradually coming on the rec market and go for about $40 a pop. Clinical cultivators can get their beginning materials from authorised makers and access better mass costs and more assortment in clones.
While there are many web-based seed banks selling a much more extensive assortment of seeds for less expensive than authorised retailers and makers, it's critical to take note of that they're not lawful. Ashleigh Brown, organiser behind SheKan, a computerised network for ladies intrigued by clinical and legitimate marijuana, alerts that when individuals pay off the unlawful market, they may not be getting what they think and could wind up with a lot more grounded strain, comparing it to "a container of wine instead of a light brew."
Select your strains
There are many types of marijuana, however just a handful accessible through authorised retailers and makers. Mikela Moore, a Chilliwack, B.C., producer and O'Cannabis bunch manager, says ladies can keep away from choice weariness by thinking about two key things: what sort of high you need and your environment, as well as the two fundamental subspecies: indica and sativa.
As a general rule, indicas ground you with a weighty body stone, while sativas lift you up with an invigorating head high. There are likewise half breeds, which are some in the middle between.
"They like to say, 'Indica put you in-da-sofa,'" says Moore, who has a clinical test to develop a pot to assist with treating her sleeping disorder. "Though with sativas, you will have the option to do your clearing or go out for a walk."
Sativas are commonly taller and flourish in warm, wet, sticky regions and have longer developing seasons. Indicas, then again, are bushier and can all the more likely endure the cold and have more limited developing seasons. There are likewise ruderalises, a.k.a. autoflowers, which begin blooming in view, are old enough as opposed to on light and have an eight-to 10-week lifecycle, making them the littlest of the bundle. Autoflowers are great for places that have more limited developing seasons and for individuals with more modest spaces. "Autoflowers are fundamentally on a hereditary clock — they'll simply do their thing regardless of how much sun they get," Moore says.
No matter what the strain, marijuana will not do well in that frame of mind under 12 C or over 30 C, and is most joyful between 20 C and 25 C.
Assuming you purchase standard seeds, it's vital to take note of that you have a 50-50 possibility of getting male or female plants. Just female plants produce buds, while male plants fertilise female plants, making them produce seeds in their buds and basically destroying your yield. Therefore you need to hack down male plants. It's feasible to sort out the sex of your plants when they're around a month and a half old (female plants have wispy white hairs while guys have dust sacks), yet it's not generally simple for novices.
You can keep away from the mistake of having male plants by buying feminised seeds, which is what Andrea Meharg, a marijuana mentor and teacher situated in Parkhill, Ont., encourages beginners to do. "Beginning with a decent quality feminised seed puts you 70% of the way to a decent development," she says.
Retailers and seed organisations frequently share every one of the critical insights concerning their seeds in the portrayals on their sites.
Plan your nursery
The two significant choices you really want to make while arranging your nursery is where you will put your plants and whether you will establish them in pots or in the ground. Moore says the main thing is to choose a spot that gets a great deal of direct daylight. She likewise suggests tracking down a spot that offers a great wind stream and insurance from the components. Tomato confines, garden stakes and fences can offer help.
"Weed is a quite intense plant, however it is as yet defenseless to weighty downpours and high breezes," she says. "You need to find some place that is to some degree protected, yet where it can in any case get a light breeze to assist with reinforcing it."
With regards to choosing whether to fill in pots or the ground, Moore suggests contemplating your dirt and your space. "On the off chance that you have soil with a great deal of earth or sand, it won't be excellent for the plants, so you may be in an ideal situation to fill in pots," she says. "Furthermore, on the off chance that you put a plant in the ground, you could wind up with a tree. In the event that you put it in a pot, you have some command over how huge it will get."
You can likewise move pots around if, say, your partners are coming over for a grill or your children are having a playdate and you need to keep your new side interest on the DL.
Moore, who fills in pots on her bright deck, suggests utilising seven-or 10-gallon pots for photoperiod plants and five-gallon pots for autoflowers. She encourages ladies to painstakingly think about what, regardless, to establish near your pot. A few plants — like tomatoes, pumpkins and squash — are inclined to fine mould, which can move to weed plants. Different plants — like marigolds, hay and spices — create extraordinary neighbours as they can be vermin and infection hindrances.
You likewise need to conclude what sort of soil and manure to utilise. Moore says Favourable to Blend HP, a peat greenery and perlite soil, is famous, yet she utilises coconut coir, which is produced using coconut husks, since she found it's less inclined to bugs.
For manure, you can pick compound, natural or Do-It-Yourself (think fertiliser teas, eggshells and coffee beans). Plants need various measures of the enormous three supplements — nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium — during the vegetative and blooming stage, so you'll need to change around your compost, as well.
While Moore suggests utilising compost, she says it's excessive. "You can grow a plant with regular water and daylight, however if you need to get more out of your plant, that is the point at which the supplements prove to be useful," she says.
Moore likewise suggests placing your plants in a solid spot out of general visibility (whether or not it's a prerequisite locally) in light of the fact that burglary is tragically normal. Notwithstanding, she recommends limiting surrounding light — like security lights — so your plants get the dull periods they need.
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inhaledpie4 · 2 years
So while I think homeschooling has its benefits, I can't help but worry about kid's development. A lot of kids I've met who are homeschooled are quite socially awkward and many of them still play with toys well into adulthood. I wanted to know your opinions on this and if there's a way to deal with these issues?
My husband was homeschooled and he turned out well. The problem is not homeschooling itself, but a lack of proper socialization with other kids and adults. Learning how to converse with people your own age is super important, which is why local homeschooling groups get together often. It's also important for them to learn to converse with kids younger and older than them, so living in a community with other growing families can help to provide that interaction. These opportunities will also eliminate the toys issue, as their interests mature as they mature through that socialization.
Homeschooled kids get a bad rap because their parents often seek to shelter their child from bad influence, which turns into preventing them from meeting other kids.
Homeschooling when done right is not the same as sheltering, and in fact should create more positive environments for interaction. Schools often allow kids to go unchecked in creating a toxic social hierarchy necessitated by the stressful learning environment in which kids are sorted by their age and ability with pressure to receive the highest grade in a certain amount of time. In contrast, homeschooling (when kids are properly socialized) creates a thriving social environment of tight knit groups where kids of all ages and abilities are considered roughly equal. Kids are less stressed because they can work through the learning at their own pace. Including the ability to spend more time learning/practicing one area which can't be done in a school with a strict class schedule of 60-80 minute blocks
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valorxdrive · 2 years
is there anything sora has a hard time believing in? have there been times where he's truly questioned his standing on certain matters or beliefs?
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Seeing what it’s building up into the future of the series, I believe it’s going to tie to the Light vs Darkness dichotomy that a lot of people in the series come to preach about.
Growing up the way he did, they stuck only lukewarm at best. Meanwhile battle served as the staple to see how the forces of Darkness is the enemy in many regards, given the many opponents he’s come to face thrived in that power. All while Light in itself was dying out due to the lack of people in his era of Keyblade History that could utilize it’s strengths.
Kingdom Hearts 3 (the past titles as auxiliaries) arrives to the point where his worldview on this matter is being changed. I won’t say it’s entirely gray area, but the human aspect of emotion which all elements thrive off of in KH mythos gets studied in a new lens. Darkness in itself isn’t as much of an enemy moreso the people thrust into grim influence which negatively enhances this aspect.
This doesn’t even begin to add the 13 Primordial Darknesses, not introduced to him just yet, but it’ll only expand a need to require heavier reflection on many concepts.
While Sora is perceived more as your hero who would look like they’re a bastion of the good and truth. (Which would be light in most cases of media you’d look in.) Kingdom Hearts has also showed examples where being ‘true to Light’ in a setting that doesn’t properly let you grow, can lead to you having moments where you become a monster and your own worst enemy.
So far this is a work in progress! (With the saga continuing into the Lost Masters arc.) In the meantime, we’ll see what new entail introduces upon his worldviews.
On the other hand? Before all this would be the horribly wrong view that Nobodies = Not human at all, thanks to Yen Sid’s (granted he was just relying new learned info.) and Xemnas’s (Now this man was just being heinous reference to someone’s identity) views holding a heavy hand above him while fighting strong in the KH Re:CoM to DDD era. For a moment he almost did feed into those views due to the rage he felt to Organization 13. (Also forgetting Namine too, who would’ve easily pinned sense on matters SO much earlier to him.)
That’s where his heavy questioning and the corraled into a resolution was found by meeting Roxas at the end of DDD. Those prejudiced views that were being built up by pain and a case of ignorance were aptly shattered thanks to the better ends of guidance he gained, on top of simply having a heart that’s more willing to care than it is to hate as a defensive measure.
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California’s Ongoing Struggle with Illegal Cannabis Sales
Despite the legalization of cannabis in California, the state continues to grapple with a thriving black market for marijuana. The promise of a legitimate cannabis market has not been fully realized, as illegal pot sales still dominate in many areas. Factors such as high taxes, difficulty obtaining licenses, and limited access to capital for small operators have contributed to the persistence of the black market.
Law enforcement officials acknowledge that the black market for cannabis is larger than the legal market in California. A lack of initial enforcement efforts allowed unlicensed operations to flourish, leading to a widespread presence of illicit cannabis stores. Raids on these unlicensed storefronts have increased in recent years, but the penalties for selling illegal marijuana are relatively light, resulting in repeat offenses at the same locations.
Economists point to consumer behavior as a key driver of the black market’s viability. While some buyers appreciate the quality and safety assurances of licensed cannabis products, others are swayed by the lower prices offered by illegal sellers. Additionally, the limited availability of licensed cannabis stores in certain jurisdictions leaves a significant portion of the market open to unregulated retailers.
In rural areas like Riverside County, law enforcement efforts to combat illegal cannabis cultivation face challenges in holding offenders accountable. Despite ongoing raids and enforcement actions, the consequences for illegal growers are often minimal, prompting officials to pursue charges related to other violations, such as environmental infractions.
California’s status as a major exporter of cannabis to states where marijuana remains illegal has further complicated the issue. The state’s thriving black market has attracted criminal organizations and contributed to a range of associated crimes, including violence, trafficking, and environmental damage.
While some believe that consistent enforcement efforts over time could help curb the black market for cannabis in California, the road to achieving this goal remains long and challenging. Balancing the demands of a legal cannabis industry with the need to address ongoing illegal sales and cultivation requires a multi-faceted approach involving resources, enforcement, and regulatory solutions.
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subhambiswas287 · 1 month
Unlocking Communication: Overcoming Speech Challenges with Therapy in Kolkata
In Kolkata, individuals facing speech challenges often encounter various pain points. Some struggle with articulation, finding it challenging to pronounce certain sounds clearly. Others battle fluency issues, such as stuttering, which hinders the flow of their speech. Additionally, there are those who grapple with voice disorders, where their voice quality or pitch is affected, making communication strenuous.
Addressing these pain points efficiently involves a multi-faceted approach. Speech therapy in Kolkata offers tailored solutions to individuals of all ages, aiming to enhance communication skills and confidence. Therapists employ various techniques, including articulation exercises, fluency strategies like breathing techniques and pacing, and voice therapy to improve vocal quality.
One common pain point is the lack of awareness about available resources. Families may not know where to seek help or may hesitate due to misconceptions about speech therapy. Thus, raising awareness through community outreach programs, educational workshops, and online resources can bridge this gap, ensuring timely intervention.
Another challenge is accessibility, especially for individuals in remote areas or those with limited mobility. Teletherapy emerges as a viable solution, allowing individuals to receive therapy sessions remotely via video conferencing. This not only expands access but also ensures continuity of care, even amidst logistical challenges.
Moreover, affordability remains a concern for many. Collaborations between speech therapy clinics, NGOs, and government initiatives can facilitate subsidized or free therapy sessions for economically disadvantaged individuals. Additionally, promoting health insurance coverage for speech therapy services can alleviate financial burdens.
By addressing these pain points through awareness, accessibility, and affordability, individuals in Kolkata can access the transformative benefits of speech therapy. Whether it's overcoming articulation challenges, enhancing fluency, or refining vocal quality, therapy offers a pathway to clearer, confident communication.
In conclusion, speech therapy in Kolkata stands as a beacon of hope for those grappling with speech challenges. Through targeted interventions, tailored strategies, and community support, individuals can unlock their communication potential and thrive in their personal and professional lives.
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Why Summerfield Retirement is the Best Choice for Senior Living Placement Services Near You
Are you or a loved one in need of senior living placement services? Choosing the right senior facility can be a daunting task, but with Summerfield Retirement, you can rest assured that you are making the best choice for your loved one's well-being and happiness. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of choosing Summerfield Retirement over other senior facilities nearby and why it is the top choice for senior living placement services.
Understanding the Need for Senior Placement Services
Searching for suitable senior living options can be overwhelming for seniors and their families. There are numerous factors to consider, such as location, amenities, level of care, and cost. This is where senior placement services come in. These services simplify the process by providing personalized recommendations based on individual needs and preferences. They have extensive knowledge of the senior living industry and can guide families through the entire process, from touring facilities to making the final decision.
The Advantages of Summerfield Retirement
Summerfield Retirement is a locally-owned senior living facility that offers a range of services and amenities to ensure the comfort and well-being of its residents. Here are some of the advantages of choosing Summerfield Retirement:
1. Personalized Care and Enriching Environment
At Summerfield Retirement, we understand that each resident has unique needs and preferences. Our dedicated team of caregivers provides personalized care to ensure that every resident receives the attention and support they require. We strive to create an enriching environment where seniors can thrive and enjoy their golden years.
2. Convenient Location and Amenities
Summerfield Retirement is conveniently located near shopping centers and other amenities, making it easy for residents to access essential services and enjoy recreational activities. Additionally, we are just across the street from Timpanogos Hospital, providing peace of mind knowing that medical care is easily accessible if needed.
3. Various Levels of Care
We offer various levels of care to meet the individual needs of our residents. Whether someone requires independent living, assisted living, or memory care, we have the resources and expertise to provide the appropriate level of support. Our goal is to ensure that each resident receives the care they need while maintaining their independence and dignity.
Comparing Summerfield Retirement with Other Senior Facilities Nearby
While there may be other senior facilities in the area, Summerfield Retirement stands out for several reasons. Here is a comparison of Summerfield Retirement with other senior facilities nearby:
Summerfield Retirement offers a wide range of amenities, including delicious home-cooked meals prepared by our dedicated kitchen staff, while keeping both taste and nutrition in mind. Other facilities may not prioritize the culinary experience as much.
Our independent living apartments at Summerfield Retirement come in various sizes, including two-bedroom units with fireplaces. This allows residents to choose the living space that suits their needs and preferences. Other facilities may have limited options or lack certain features.
Summerfield Retirement has a strong focus on creating a vibrant and engaging community for our residents. Our Life Enrichment program offers a variety of activities, including exercise programs, shopping trips, parties, entertainment, and local attractions. We believe in fostering new experiences, budding friendships, and opportunities for self-growth. Other facilities may have fewer organized activities or a less vibrant community atmosphere.
How to Get Started with Summerfield Retirement
If you are interested in learning more about Summerfield Retirement and our senior living placement services, we encourage you to reach out to us. You can contact us at (801) 434-7581 to schedule a tour or consultation. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process of finding the perfect senior living option for yourself or your loved one.
Choosing the right senior living facility is a crucial decision that can greatly impact the quality of life for seniors. Summerfield Retirement stands out as the best choice for senior living placement services near you. With personalized care, a convenient location, various levels of care, and a vibrant community, Summerfield Retirement offers everything you need to ensure the well-being and happiness of your loved one. Contact us today to take the first step towards a fulfilling and comfortable senior living experience.
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