#they may not be my fave ship but they are soulmates
kennimu · 23 days
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Realized I never drew them together and immediately went to fix that
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I’m new here so I’m sorry if I missed an FAQ about rec lists instead of general fic locate requests. If you do regular rev lists on your fave fics but can you do a list of your favorite Stackson Brotp fics? Like it’s still endgame Sterek but still has a healthy dose of Stackson brotp please. I’d really appreciate it
joonniverse asked:
Hey there ! Would you happen to have any fic recs where Jackson and Stiles are/become really close? Any Stiles centric pairing is fine
Anonymous asked:
May i get some fic recs for Jackson and stiles friendship? Either childhood friends or became friends post Canon or anything in between. If stackson happens that is also ok as is any other ship.
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Alright friends. It took me a minute but here's some of my favorite Stiles and Jackson friendship fics. (alternatively this could be renamed " A list of mostly isthatbloodonyourshirt fics")
So When Do I Get To Pledge My Loyalty To The Mob? by RedRidingStiles
(1/1 I 10,146 I Mature I Sterek)
“Are you my sugar daddy?” Stiles blurts out, slapping a hand over his mouth when his brain catches up to his mouth.
The man lets out a soft laugh, making his way around the couch till he’s standing just feet away from Stiles.
Stiles can smell his cologne from here, it smells heavenly, Stiles kinda wants to bury his face into the guy's chest so he can figure out exactly what it is.
“If that’s what you’d like to call it.” The man smiles.
Stiles doesn’t think he should be allowed to smile like that. All soft and gorgeous and way too pretty to be legal.
He’s still not convinced any of this is real.
Stiles loses his wallet, someone returns it along with $5,000. Shit keeps coming, Stiles life doesn't make any sense anymore, he's just going with it.
Quack (Stiles Stop Calling It That) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 15,980 I Teen I Sterek)
“Stiles, I’m serious, I need a favour.”
“That sounds like a trap,” Stiles Stilinski muttered sleepily into both his pillows. “You know,” he continued when the man in his room made no move to leave, “you’d think I’d be used to this. My dad, coming into my room, smacking my ass to get me out of bed, waking me up at the ass crack of dawn—”
“It’s almost one.”
“—waking me up at the ass crack of one,” Stiles continued without missing a beat, “and asking for a favour. Given my life growing up with you, you’d think I’d be used to this by now. I think the reason this hits so hard now is that I specifically bought my own apartment so that you couldn’t wake me up at the ass crack of dawn—”
“Stiles, it’s almost one.”
“—so that you couldn’t wake me up at the ass crack of one.”
Everyone Needs a Little Mischief in Their Life by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 17,984 I Teen I Sterek)
Finally, against his better judgement, and having gone in circles for much too long, he blurted out, “Who is my soulmate?”
The Witch looked disappointed, like he’d fucked up. Like he’d fucked up bad.
But she answered anyway.
Derek stared at her, not understanding, because what? “That’s not a name,” he insisted.
“Not exactly, no.” She offered him a small smile.
“I don’t understand.”
“You will.”
Sweet Buns by skoosiepants
(1/1 I 17,935 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles hasn’t seen Derek Hale this close up for over a decade. He looks almost exactly the same, except somehow he seems even bigger and broodier—criminally handsome, with soft-looking dark scruff, heavy brows, light hazel eyes. His gaze zeros in on Stiles almost immediately, and his scowl lightens minutely in what looks like surprise.
Stiles is acutely aware that he has melted butter and cinnamon all over his face, and tries to surreptitiously wipe it with the ends of his sweater-sleeve.
I've Lived A Better Day by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere
(18/18 I 32,819 I Not Rated I Sterek)
When Stiles comes across a rogue Alpha during his first year at Berkeley, the ensuing fight doesn't exactly go his way. He calls an unlikely ally to help him with his transition, and finds out his new pack isn't quite who he might have thought it would be.
Stiles is now left with the task of trying to figure out how his old life will fit in with his new, but that is not without its challenges.
Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain
(1/1 I 35,197 I Teen I Sterek)
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly.
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding:
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
There’s No Escape for the Potato Man by isthatbloodonhisshirt
(1/1 I 53,977 I Teen I Sterek)
“Who is this? Where’s Erica?”
“Wrong number, asshole!”
“Stop calling me an asshole,” the man on the other end snapped aggressively.
Stiles could understand. He’d be pretty aggressive too if he’d murdered someone and texted a wrong number to ask for help burying the body. This guy obviously failed How To Be a Serial Killer 101.
“What kind of idiot thinks I murdered someone?”
“The kind of idiot who got your text messages, you fucking dumbass!” he retorted hotly. “Maybe double check your contacts before sending a random stranger details on your nefarious plans to dispose of a freshly cut up body!”
“What?!” the guy on the other end demanded, crossed between horrendously confused and livid.
Have You Met Me? by Niecy8
(23/23 I 60,462 I Mature I Steter)
Derek’s eyes widened as his mouth contorted. “Good luck with that. First of all, he has sworn off alphas. Second of all, he will never ever agree to fake date and third of all, he’s just as stubborn as you.”
Oh, this idea of his was becoming more of a challenge. Peter certainly doesn’t want to back down now. “Please Derek. I am Peter Hale. I am charismatic as fuck. I can steal candy from a baby. Stiles will be no match for me.” And he was an omega. Despite what his nephew said, he could definitely turn on his alpha charm and the boy will be putty in his hand. It would be a slam dunk in his book.
Laughing through a wheeze which was rude by the way, Derek caught his breath. “Please tell me when you go to his place so I can video when he slams the door in your face.”
Later, there would be a door slammed in his face. Yet the boy did take the flowers Peter brought over as an ice breaker before doing so because Peter can be warming and Derek was not there smirking at him so he called it win.
Yep, challenged accepted. He would most certainly convince a certain omega to fake date him for a week.
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(7/7 I 196,137 I Explicit I Sterek)
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!”
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her.
“What?! What was that sound?!”
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder.
“Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!”
“Mike,” she argued.
“Who’s Mike?” Scott asked.
“Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
@lovesouthernsweettea and @harriet-wimsey suggested this one!
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
(1/1 I 66,656 I Explicit I Sterek)
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
@midnightwinterhawk suggested these!
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
(1/1 I 65,656 I Explicit I Sterek)
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
Shovels and Dirt by bellefire
(15/15 I 88,628 I Mature I Sterek)
The nogitsune’s power doesn’t leave Stiles after the spirit is defeated. No, it seems Stiles was changing and knowing what that darkness did to his friends he refuses to put them in danger again. He leaves without a word. Now in a new city with not quite new friends Stiles realizes no one can run forever. Because family doesn’t back down and also, yeah, that fuckin’ tree really is talking to him.
@nolanfa suggested this one!
See You on the Other Side by damnitgreenberg
(18/18 I 146,077 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles isn't doing so well on the ‘dealing with life’ front. He'll admit to that freely, okay? But he quickly discovers he isn't the only one, and that person’s inability to adapt and roll with the punches may cost Stiles his own life.
@ah-lone-drah suggested this one!
Derek's Person by ash_mcj
(3/? I 3,916 I General i Sterek)
Derek didn’t like people—they set him on edge in a way that nobody quite seemed to understand, much to his vexation. They always invited themselves into his space, like they somehow had a right to be there. They touched his clothes, his books, his skin—leaving their scents clinging to things that were supposed to smell like himself. They expected him to talk to them, and never managed to wrap their heads around the notion that he just couldn’t. Words were difficult for him to use most of the time, and despite all efforts to communicate in other ways, people just didn’t understand. But it didn’t matter anyway, because Derek didn’t like people and had no inclination to socialize with them.
But Stiles was…different, somehow. He did everything that Derek hated, and more. He intruded into Derek’s space, he rambled constantly, loudly, with flailing arms and fidgeting fingers—and his presence should have driven Derek up the wall, but it didn’t. Stiles didn’t set him on edge, like everyone else did. And maybe most surprising of all, he understood him.
[or: reclusive, feral-risk derek hale finds solace in a wild child, much to his pack’s surprise]
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naofairy · 3 months
Haikyuu!! February fic recs
I’m a bit late but still I’ve bookmarked a lot of fics last month and once again I’m happy to share, because these fics definitely deserve even more love! I’m putting links to the originally posted fics so pleasy be mindful of the tags!
Miya Atsumu's Guide to: What NOT to Do in the Workplace by sumuviolet
Although there is one more chapter to go I’m putting this fic here, because I loved it so far and it brings out the things I love most about this ship (also I may be in love with boss Sakusa)
hope is but a heartache by sonhoedesrazao
Once again, CEO Sakusa. I love fics where he finds his comfort in Atsumu and this is definitely one of those fics. One of all time faves. (Also check other works by this author, it will be worth it)
three roses and a smile by strawberrycitrus
This is for my biochem/med girlies. Reading this felt like a memoir from my university time, the drama felt too real haha
Revenge Together by UnicornFlowers
Atsumu catches his (soon to be ex-)boyfriend kissing a stranger (a very beautiful one)
it drives you crazy getting old by atsumusbiceps
Teen Sakuatsu waking up in their older bodies and finding out the truth what’s really between them. I loved it so much!
your heart on my sleeve by winterwaltz6
This one is definitely one of my fave tattoo artist fics.
headlights by mysterious trumpet
Sakusa Kiyoomi hopes he’ll never find his soulmate. (I haven’t read soulmates au in a long time but this one was chefs kiss)
Foxes Under Saturn by yuuki
This was (almost!) painful, but ended so sweet!
Stuck in the Sunshine by thesweetestnerd
Atsumu shares his firsts with Sakusa
to dream of honey and light by yee_haw23
Sakusa is lonely and finds his comfort in Atsumu
Overflow by UhohShouto
This was so sweet it might as well be canon.
accidentally in love by youraveragedegenerate
Post time skip idiots in love with pining Akaashi? Yes please. Or in other words, the fic in which Akaashi doesn’t realise they’re dating.
Stranger My Beloved by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98
Alternate universe: I met you at a train station and fell in love. (I keep thinking about this fic a lot, it definitely holds a dear place in my heart)
Invariably Imperfect by UnicornFlowers
Bokuto is sad beacause Akaashi has a date (and sadly it’s not with him)
Just Another by Mooifyourecows
The one angsty daisuga fic I will always come back to aka Suga confesses and gets rejected by Daichi (but what if…)
heart's calling by TripsH
Iwaoi through the years, it feels like reading a love letter
fic rec masterlist
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
Part 2
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liked by selenagomez, harryfan1 and 268,799 others
yourinstagram should we just keep driving? Stream Harry’s House I may or may not have written on a couple of the songs and I’m really proud of everything Harry’s done with this album 🔥💖
view all 17,517 comments
y/nfan1 I knew some of the songs had an y/n flair to them
oliviarodrigo I love everything about you
harryfan1 they wrote so many songs together omg
harrystyles thanks for all you do beloved
↳yourinstagram anything for you 🤭
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan1 and 36,689 others
theharryupdate Harry was spotted leaving dinner tonight with y/n in Malibu!
view all 17,683 comments
harryfan1 shut up 😵‍💫
harryfan2 omg I saw them together! They were totally holding hands and were pretty intimate for just friends
↳ harryfan3 friends hold hands all the time they’re nothing more than friends stop being weird
harryfan4 I ship this to the moon and back
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liked by gemmastyles, oliviarodrigo and 306,687 others
yourinstagram soulmate shit
view all 60,638 comments
y/nfan2 does this mean they’re official…
harryfan1 wait they’re actually pretty cute together
harryfan2 the songs were about to get from this 🫢
harrystyles cutieeeeee
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 2,790,789 others
harrystyles making music I love with the ones I love. Harry’s House. Out now.
harryfan1 I love you :(
harryfan2 it’s the most amazing album ever
y/nfan1 I spy with my little eye y/n
yourinstagram thank you for letting me be apart of something so amazing I’ll love you till the end of time
↳harrystyles thanks for being my muse ❤️
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liked by y/nfan1, y/nfan2 and 35,689 others
y/nupdates y/n was featured in Harry’s recent cover story with Better Homes and Gardens! She spoke a bit about their relationship!
“You know it was just the most natural evolution of things. We originally were introduced by a mutual friend to write music together and it just progressed from falling in love with the songs we were writing and some late nights at the studios and next thing you know you’re just head over heels for this person. I couldn’t be happier, I’m with someone who loves every piece of me and supports me in just everything I do.”
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y/nfan1 god I’m just so happy for them
y/nfan2 she deserves nothing but the best
y/nfan3 my fave person ever
harryfan1 I already love her so much
harryfan2 the prettiest Harry is so lucky
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ilikepjo24 · 2 months
For the character thing, can you do Mai?
It took me so long to find the last time I did this game to find the questions 😭
Sexually headcanon
Zukoromantic lesbian.
(Dates girls and Zuko)
Maiko!! They are soulmates in my mind, I absolutely adore them!!
I can't say I really have a notp for Mai. For me, notp means a ship o actively dislike and if I found it in the tags of a fic, it'd be a deal breaker and I wouldn't read that fic. For Mai, while there are a lot of ships I'm indifferent to, I can't say there are any I actively dislike and would ruin a fic for me.
First headcanon that pops into my brain
Mai and Azula shared a summer thing together while Zuko was banished. They were each other's gay awakening, and Azula is one of the only people Mai can talk about her feelings to, because the princess makes her feel comfortable.
Favourite line from this character
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The line itself. The delivery. The attitude. Calling Zuko a jerk. Saving Zuko despite him being a jerk because their love is so strong. Everything about this was chef's kiss. 🤌
One way in which I relate to this character
Knife collection!
Thing that gives me second hand embarassment about this character.
Dating that Justin Bieber looking bitch, Kei Lo. Like I believe their break up was necessary and that Zuko needed a reality check on all the ways you can't treat your girlfriend, Kei Lo's design is blander than vanilla.
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave
I have to say problematic fave. She was willing to go on a manhunt and hurt people only out of sheer boredom.
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changingplumbob · 4 months
Tell us your 3 fave OC ships and the song(s) or other media you associate with them. They can be your own OCs or the OCs of someone else (it's more fun if you include someone else!) Pass this on to 3 others (on or off anon) and let's keep the game going!
Strap in folks! Somebody asked me to talk about love (my favourite thing after cats) so I'm going to go for it! I'm going to do 3 ships of other simmers (I'm afraid I won't say what media I associate with these as I don't want to misrepresent any characters) and 3 ships of my sims because "Hang the code! And hang the rules! They're more like guidelines anyway" (yes, Pirates of the Caribbean is still going around in my head)
Other's Amazing OC 🚢 (so hard to pick)
Vlad and Ji Ho by @satureja13. I am a big fan of romance that takes its time and these two fit that. Check out their writing if you haven't already as there are several sweet couples trying to find their way in the world. If you're searching for a song for them well... the story pieces come with music to get you in the headspace.
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2. Victor and Yuri by @stargazer-sims. I've only just met these two recently but I love them already. To me true couples support each other, and the devotion these two have for one another is shown in the writing.
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3. Excuse me while I do 3 for number 3 because I'm indecisive. Zinnia and Momo by @belsasim. Young love is adorable! Who knows what these two have ahead but I'm excited to see how it goes. Erick and Noemi by @matchalovertrait. I love a couple that cheer on each other's dreams, and these two do that. REDACTED and REDACTED by @simmerbeans. The 7th generation is so sweet and that's all I'll say because no spoilers here!
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My Beloved OC 🚢
Reece and Samir. I love these two because they communicate with each other. It drives me insane when couples go through problems created by not just sitting down and having a proper conversation. Yes they're on the spicy end of the spectrum, I wrote a mini TedTalk for @daedriyth about why, but beyond the spice they are pretty damn devoted to each other.
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Song: Suburban Legends by Taylor Swift because I listened to it loads when writing them actually getting together so in my head, there's a connection.
I didn't come here to make friends We were born to be suburban legends When you hold me, it holds me together And you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever
2. Rahul and Cassandra. Rahul came along and showed Cassandra a life beyond the expectations of being part of the Goth family. They have moved to the country and together are working on raising their kids (and still want more kids). Rahul wants to give Cassandra the large loving family that neither of them felt they had growing up.
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Song: Beautiful Day by Joshua Radin because the it sounds like them. It's about connecting back to nature, shrugging off the negative, and making a peaceful home where you are.
Gonna climb that hill behind my house See what this place is all about Cause from above it all, you can't help but say It's gonna be a beautiful day
3. Keira and Marta. Keira was getting over a teenage romance when she met Marta. The two clicked, Marta is a romantic and Keira has the soulmate aspiration. Marta may have an abusive ex but Keira has proposed and is longing to make a love nest with the girl who helps her feel good about herself.
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Song: Meant To Be by Bebe Rexha ft. Florid Georgia Line because they took their time when they started their relationship. Keira was still very new at dating and Marta was wary after it took her so long to realise her ex Liam was treating her like trash.
No need to go nowhere fast Let's enjoy right here where we at Who knows where this road is supposed to lead We got nothing but time
Happy Valentines Day from New Zealand
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longtallglasses · 5 months
Favorite ship
favorite ship? favorite SHIP?
titanic for sure i had a huge fixation on it as a child i even came up w a roller coaster idea for it although ive been told it would be distasteful to execute
but actually sry anon im going to have to use this as an excuse to talk about every single one of my favorite ships and why i love them bc ive had a notes list going for a while…
in really no particular order:
wolfstar - what can you say you know if you know you know they are the definition of literary soulmates. the fact that j** wrote them without the intent of making them be in love is so baffling it’s ridiculous. people talk about ships like oh they’re the sun/star and so and so is the moon which is all well and good but is it written in the text?? do their names literally translate to moon and star?? THEIR HISTORY wolfstar is the blueprint no one’s done it like them and i dare say no one will again
byler - my current brain rot and just may be becoming an all time fave (no that’s a lie they’re my fave) best childhood friends to lovers my favorite trope they are a ship i’ve always yearned for. small town 80s nerds the pining the angst the Horror! their potential is so promising and have become such a amazing vessel for me - i relate to both of them so much on so many levels that it makes the creativity just FLOW
catradora - catradora. CHANGED. THE. GAaaaamee. best friends to enemies to lovers?!? WHAT. honestly this whole show changed the game. nestled in each others hearts they know how to twist the knife but also know exactly how to make it better ! that one intense homoerotic friendship u had when u were younger that slowly destroyed you. catradora my beloved.
victurri - from yuri on ice. this one was esp special to me bc i watched that go down live my senior year of hs so it was quite formative. i hadn’t fully grasped my queerness at the time(even tho everything i consumed was gay…) but i did suspect i was somewhere on the ace spectrum and watching their relationship build and come together through a growing emotional intimacy was soooo special to me and they will always be famous. (also weirdly it’s the fandom i hav the most merch of w/o ever buying a single thing bc i never shut up about this show when i was younger so ive been gifted everything them stickers, key chains, posters, pins so much lmao)
dorlene - badass girlfriends. i have a whole backstory for marlene in my head that i think veers from the most popular characterization of her (she’s been very sirius-ified by most of the fandom which i’m not mad at but!) my dorlene MY dorlene is very srs and very important to me.
elmax - okay okay lumax for the show elmax for personal reasons. el a sheltered traumatized girl being exposed to true love and friendship w/o expectations or conditions by a gives zero shits free spirited max - max being harsh and stand offish to most people bc of her own history but is so warmed and won ovr by el’s honesty and naivety. the way they Can Grow together ! the way they can be exactly what the the needs!
honorable straight mentions lol:
recently carmy and syd from the bear !!! oooo that slow burn
jily obvs
and percabeth that is a beautiful ship of my childhood dreams and i’m so excited to see it play out now on screen!
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polutrope · 7 months
weird and controversial ships hmmmm.... elwing/maglor, feanolo, indis/nerdanel?
[ship bingo]
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Yes. They're both hot (to me), she hates him, he would do anything (anything) to redeem himself in her eyes. He won't but she'll still fuck him. Dynamic is Maglor guilt-fucking, Elwing like, "Yeah, I deserve this. Please me, kinslayer -- also don't talk." They are both surprised to find they have amazing chemistry and it gets pretty kinky. Earendil backs it, sometimes watches, rarely partakes. Elrond and Elros think it's funny as hell.
I need them to kill each other = I need her to kill him. With hotness.
That's my take, but for another great (and darker) one, may I recommend: Elwing/f!Maglor by simaetha.
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@ettelene is gonna be mad at me for not saying Soulmates but I'm still in my toxic sibcest era lol. UST more than hatefuck though. I do think kissing could fix them though, and I like a Feanor Lives AU where they fuck-to-fix-it.
Some Fave Feanolos:
The Revolutionary and the Usurper by Encairion (imo a masterpiece of Feanor characterisation, complicated relationships, and super hot smut scenes)
All of them by Ettelene but A Clash of swords is so much fun and showcases her talent for group dynamics as well as smut.
hell is empty and we are here by @crownlessliestheking. More pre-slash but their dynamic here is so perfectly spiky.
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100% sold on this by you. Prefer it to Mindis. Everyone, may I highly recommend stone toys by welcomingdisaster.
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marquisguyun · 6 months
Hi it's your secret santa 👋I love that some of your fav dramas for this year are also mine "The Blood of Youth, A League of Nobleman, Mysterious Lotus Casebook." Do you have a particular fave character or dynamics in those dramas?
Hello!! Lol, looks like the mods did a good job of matching us (and also you have good taste 😉)
Here are some of my favorites:
The Blood of Youth
My favorite character in this show is Tang Lian! I also got unexpectedly attached to Xiao Chong (and I totally called him becoming emperor lol)
I also really love the like,, main gang (Xiao Se, Lei Wujie, Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo, Ye Ruoyi) especially as a group (doesn't have to be the whole group)
I'm not super interested in any romances for this drama, canon or otherwise, and I'm also not as into Wuxin (altho I don't hate him or anything!)
A League of Nobleman
If I had to pick one character it'd be Zhang Ping. I really like Wang Mowen too tho
As far as dynamics between characters go, I'm definitely a huge polyshipper for this show lol... Like my ideal polycule here is Zhang Ping/Lan Jue/Wang Mowen with Gu Qingzhang as Lan Jue's ex, the Emperor as Zhang Ping's boyfriend, and Chen Chou either as Zhang Ping's queerplatonic partner or his boyfriend. (I viewed Zhang Ping and Chen Chou as super close but platonic when watching it originally, but I don't have super strong feelings about that.)
All of that said, you don't need to feel like you have to include the whole polycule in anything you make for me! Feel free to focus in on any part of it that you may ship or want to create for. (You also don't have to actually state that anyone is together, I'm good with Vibes.)
I just wanted to give you the context of my preferred dynamic! Maybe avoid like "one true soulmate" type talk for this particular show? But I'm a generally a multishipper who can enjoy all kinds of conflicting ships separately, so don't feel too pressured about this, I'm sure whatever you're inspired to make would be great!
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Li Lianhua, Fang Duobing, and Di Feisheng. I am just very invested in whatever the hell the three of them have going on. Or any two of them, your pick! Platonic or romantic is fine, I'd take either... Also down for any of the three on their own
Alternatively, I thought the Li Lianhua & Yun Biqiu little side plot was interesting!
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
Can you rank ur fav to least fav couples in the shadowhunter world and why u rank them there 🤪🫶?
I definitely have done this before lol but sure! I'm only going to provide short reasons for most of them, though, because there are so many. I'm only including endgame ships (with one exception) because otherwise this list would be insane.
Thomastair (tied with Wessa) -> So hopeful. So healing. Soulmates right there. Best friends in love. Share interests. Perfectly-matched dispositions. They love every part of each other, even when those parts are snappish or petty. Loving someone's flaws, the pretty and the ugly, always gets me. The heart in this ship hits hard. Also, a ship where I love and adore both characters individually as well as together.
Wessa (tied with Thomastair, put slightly lower because their story makes me sad sometimes) -> Another ship where two of my individual faves get together. It's the BOOKISHNESS of it all, the banter, the joy, the love. They have perfect chemistry, and like Tessa says, Will is a person like her. They let each other shine. He lets her bejeweled. Also they're super funny together, like they should form a comedy duo.
Gracetopher -> Deserved better. Deserved the WORLD. Aggg this had the potential to be healing and hopeful in a similar way to Thomastair. I love both individual characters, though I'm not as attached to them as Thomas, Alastair, Will, or Tessa. Or Matthew, #1 fave, who isn't on this list.
Sophideon -> Their entire courtship is hilarious. Scone incident? Blurted proposal? Awkward himbo meets headstrong girl will never fail.
Malec -> So nostalgic for me. They're really well written and have a great arc. They make me feel like a giddy teenager again as I was when I read TMI for the first time.
Ragnor/Catarina -> The only non-canon ship on this list. I see the vision.
Jordelia -> This may come as a surprise since I think their dynamic is a bit boring to watch. But I love Cordelia and James clearly makes her happy.
Gwynburn -> The only good thing about TDA. Such a good story.
Gabriely -> Adorable and funny
Chenry -> Adorable.
KitTy -> They have a LOT of potential, but I don't quite see it yet. Still, I'm excited to learn more about them, and they very well could move up this list a lot.
Clace -> Cute. Gotta respect the OGs.
Haline -> Hilarious. Fun. By far TSC's superior sapphic ship.
Dru/Ash -> Currently neutral, but potential.
Sizzy -> Neutral feelings
Maia/Bat -> Neutral feelings
Ghostwriter -> Great story! Unfortunately, the characters are both extremely lackluster imo so it never realizes its full potential
Arianna -> Toxic AF, Ari could do better, but okay I guess. I don't care enough to get pressed, and I like Ari, so they stay here.
Luke/Jocelyn -> They exist
Kierarktina -> Queen of the savior complex, lowkey asshole, and highkey asshole? Poorly developed polyamory. Nope.
Jemma Blackstairs -> God I hate both of these characters. At least they deserve each other, though. 0/10.
Jessa -> Don't like Jem, boring dynamic, he doesn't let her bejeweled and her sparkle is dulled around him so much. Do not see the appeal. Literally they are ruining new content for me left and right, I plan to skip all of their scenes for the rest of TSC unless there are Blorbo Mentions.
Is that it? I think that's it. I hope I didn't forget anyone.
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mistocho · 11 months
at the core of all my fave ships is acceptance. i accept you and you accept me no matter how twisted and fucked up i may be. and that is how we are soulmates, in this unconditional love pushed to the furthest sickest bounds.
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🌗💕📚💎📒🎤🎁 heh heh
Honestly I love a good mix of both fluff and angst. Depending on my mood it can be just one or the other but writing both together is just so <3
2. I am nothing if not a self-ship monster. It's legit all I write. Generally I use like... ocs for it but I kinda use bits of myself for all my ocs anyway lmao. Someday I might try branching out and do reader x canon type stuff but for now it's just my ultra self-indulgent shit lmao
3. I think the fandoms I've wrote for the most so far is the MHA / BNHA fandom and Pokemon? I had an ultra-long Pokemon/Naruto crossover fic I wrote when I was like 14 that was like 50-ish chapters long and yet somehow still unfinished lmao. I still have that shit but I reuploaded it to Google Docs to make sure I never lost it, even if some of it makes me cringe now lmao
4. Forbidden love is a vibe I really dig ngl. Esp like.. older x younger type vibes where the younger person just like... absolutely lights up the older persons gloomy heart and makes them feel young again in a good way. I've also been really into soulmates type stuff lately. Also stuff with like A/B/O vibes but like I kinda cherry pick that stuff and rework it a bit for my own personal writing vibes.
5. I have a legit wasteland of barely started / half finished fics. I have only finished one and I have no idea how I managed to get the self-control to only make it 4 pages long ngl lmao. I really wanna go back and rewrite a few older fics but that's a lot of time and energy for someone like me (ADHD/Autism brain that hates doing something that feels unfulfilling in the moment lmao). Someday I hope to finish something longer though.
6. Honestly it's more an entire section lmao. The entire plot point was that my oc Riley was trying to ask probing questions in regard to my friends oc I wrote into the story, named Iseiah, who was in love with this character named Zisu and because of how Riley asked Zisu mistook it for Riley asking her out and any time Riley would attempt to interject Zisu would cut her off so the next day at lunch they're all sitting at the table and Zisu slips that Riley 'asked her out' and Iseiah loses his shit because he had just told Riley how he had feelins for Zisu. In his anger he didn't give Riley much of a chance to explain but accidentally let it slip that he was in love with Zisu. In that particular scene he says a lot of shit but my absolute fave line was “OH I SEE HOW IT IS, I TELL YOU I’M IN LOVE WITH HER AND YOU FUCKING STEAL HER, RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE! YOU RUG PULLING BITCH! I’VE BEEN WAITING YEARS TO ASK THIS GIRL OUT, BUT LO AND BEHOLD, LIL MISS AMNESIA FALLEN FROM THE SKY DECIDES SHES GONNA STEAL MY FUCKING GIRL!" and honestly I frequently quote "You rug-pulling bitch!" lmaoo. Best part was that Zisu is built like a bodyguard and legit took him down and pinned him to keep him from causing a scene lol. Just genuinely one of my absolute fave scenes because of the rollercoaster of shit in it.
7. I don't even think I have the file anymore but the line was "If nothing is real and nothing matters... then why not enjoy it? Allow yourself to live the way you want to for once. With no regrets. Not everyone has that chance. Take it and make this life, however fake it may be, a life worth living." - The fic was from a fucking Justice League / Batman fic of all things lmao
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kae-karo · 1 year
Fic Roundup 2022
my fave that i've written this year 😌
jan - our names were meant to have arrows drawn through (x) - klk spring break meet cute posted on the literal first day of the year lmao i remember being surprised this one got so little interaction for it being klk?
feb - bring me my coffin, please (x) - my first chennett fic!!! i really went 'ya i'll just write this and get it out of my system' and now i'm out here still writing chennett lmao
mar - my love is the killing kind (x) - chiluc assassin soulmate au where you can't kill ur soulmate >:} unironically this was such a fun au to write and i had a great time with it
apr - like you, like me (x) - sdlkfj chiluc again, very soft and a lil melancholy and inspired by the lovely @/eseninkit's art (on twt) that just gave me so many Emotions
may - dead line, live wire (x) - a klk wrong number and accidental meet cute au that stepped outside my usual klk dynamics - it's always fun to have aus where they haven't met before and see how things would turn out differently
jun - ragnvindr? i barely know her! (x) - another klk with a test of different dynamics for me, featuring darknight hero diluc and kaeya who actually (somehow) didn't know it was diluc lmao
jul - shadows amidst snowstorms (x) - albedo/fakebedo but instead of talking it out during their encounter, they fuck about it. this was probably the first time i really jumped into a hatefuck type of scenario!
aug - letters unsigned and unsent out of fear (x) - klk epistolary fic based on the letters they both kept during the hidden strife event! my first time trying my hand at a (mostly) epistolary fic
sept - that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die (x) - finally some zhongchi on this list lmao. another first, both somno and egg/ovipos, and i wasn't sure how ppl would like it? but i'm glad yall enjoyed lmao
oct - i don't bite (but i heard you might) (x) - bakutodo!!! finally!! not the first one i wrote after picking bnha back up, but definitely my fave so far. wolf!bkg and vamp!tdrk full of playful banter and a lil spice >:}
nov - do your worst (that's what you do best) (x) - panttore!! evil men being evil and sexy and kind of evil to each other too!!! i had a good time with this one and once again trying out some dynamics i don't often do lmao
dec - Kaeya and the Huge Bread (x) - i'm using this as dec since i published the final ch in dec lmao. chaeya author au my beloved!! i had unironically SO much fun writing this fic, both from the actual perspective of writing the chaeya (which is always fun but was especially fun with this particular dynamic) and writing the various commercial break ships that i might otherwise not have had the inspiration to write. i think this was up there as one of my fave fics to write like, maybe ever
honorable mentions & other stats below the cut 🙏
i posted 523k words over 46 different fics this year???? and two fandoms (bnha and genshin, welcome back bnha lmao)
my longest fic was 117k (bread! - x), the shortest was 678 words (too young to die - x)
i also wrote my first xiaother this year! your calming embrace is the first time i felt something real (x) back in june 😌
and!!! i got back into bnha again this year - rewatching the training camp arc is what actually finally inspired me to start writing for bnha again, and i wrote patched up in the dark (x)
i also wrote a fallen angel / risen demon bktd au that i had quite a fun time with from a worldbuilding perspective - closer to heaven than you'll ever know (x)
i also continued my (very slow) progress of making country music gay by writing and p.s. if this is kaeya... (x). perhaps i'll add another fic to that short list next year lmao
and!! i finally finished the time that we spent in arms and in longing series (x) inspired by my very first ever chaeya fic many moons ago, which remains one of my fave fics to this day
oh and speaking of series, i also concluded my chiluc sparks of hope built in the dark series (x) that started with the aphrodisiac'd diluc some time last year
and in other firsts, i finally did smth i had been meaning to do for ages - writing zhongkae! fleeting heart and home (please, let me be kind) (x) with any luck, i'll have inspiration to write them more next year too
and finally, in the world of bnha firsts, i wrote and posted some bakushin for the first time! speakeasy (x), where i got to play with the particularly interesting dynamic of "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" / "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" 😌
and obviously there were many many more, i've only barely listed half of them here, but thank u to everyone who read and enjoyed these stories with me this year!! here's to many more to come 💜
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sparrowmoth · 2 years
B, C, K, L, V for the ask game <33
@infiniteecosmos Thank youuu, Blake! 💖💖 It's TWST time...
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Definitely Riddle/Floyd. Never would have crossed my mind tbh but @moorsgrimhilde made a case for it and now I can’t unsee the soulmate potential. They’re a really cute, funny ship that just lives at the back of my mind now. I like calling them Floriddle because it sounds like a fucked up version of Florida and idk that’s just really funny to me, what can I say dajkgjskdgdjk
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Jamil and Azul. Just nope lmao. There’s definitely something going on from Azul’s side, but I would hesitate to even call that a crush because he’s so clearly business-minded about it all. Even if Azul had seriously caught feelings, I don’t think Jamil could be less interested if he tried lmao.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
This is kind of a “they’re a set, do not separate” situation, so… JAMIL AND KALIM. I’ve been so pleasantly surprised by both the development of their characters as individuals as well as the relationship between them. The Scarabia arc absolutely destroyed me, but god, it was SO important for upturning the figurative log of their relationship to show all the bugs and rot beneath that they just HAVE to confront, they gotta.
With all that ugliness laid bare, I just love to see the genuine effort Kalim makes to be more self-aware of himself and his privilege. I love that he decides to embrace being competitive and earning his laurels, I love that he gives Jamil the space he so desperately needs to breathe while at the same time holding out his hand in an offer of friendship because, after everything, he still sees the best in Jamil and he really wants to make things better. It’s not just something he says, he puts his actions behind it, too.
I love seeing Jamil so bitter and guarded, but slowly, very slowly coming around to the idea of friendship with Kalim as he starts to realize that Kalim didn’t choose his life any more than he did and, yes, his lot in life is better in many regards, but Kalim isn’t the caricature of a person Jamil always looked at him as. There’s loneliness and fear and heavy obligations that Kalim must carry. There’s also deep compassion and generosity in this boy who could very well be as selfish as he likes. The way Jamil’s armor begins to show cracks, the way he finally tells Kalim at the end of the Scalding Sands event that maybe the idea of being friends isn’t so bad actually… *FIST CLENCH* No one’s doing it like them.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Man, shout out to Idia because I really didn’t like him at all until the Ignihyde arc dropped. He’s never going to be a fave of mine, but there’s plenty of nice things I could say about him. His character design is gorgeous. I absolutely love his hair, it’s so cool. His backstory with Ortho? Heartbreaking. Hurts so good.
His potential as a villain? AMAZING. I’m not gonna lie, I find him most intriguing in that capacity. I want him as a fully unhinged morally dark gray scientist. I knew it was in vain to want this, but I was so hoping for a mad scientist/lab rats kind of plot with Ignihyde. Apparently I’m just going to have to write the AU I want for myself one day, what else is new djaksgjksdg
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Hmm, I think it’s pretty close between Carlos and Jamil, but I’m going to just focus on Jamil since I’ve spoken about that a lot less on this blog. I relate a lot to Jamil being someone who walks a very thin line between love and hate with one of the most important people in his life. He seems to me haunted by questions like, would I love you if I didn’t have to? Is it okay that you’ve hurt me since you never meant to and you don’t even realize, may never even understand how you’ve done so? Can I ever know my authentic feelings toward you or have we lived too long under the shadow of my obligations toward you? Yeah, things like that djkgjskdgjk.
Also, the way he tries so hard to bottle up his emotions and keep his head down, but there’s so much resentment inside him that threatens to turn destructive and, god, that siren song of giving into it, damn the consequences…
Um. There’s also that he’s canonically terrified of bugs lmao. Relatable content.
A - Z Fandom Asks
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mydaylight · 4 months
✨Tag 9 people to get to know better!✨
I was tagged by @three-atoms, thanks a lot! 💖💖💖
Last Song: Angelina Mango's "La Noia"
Currently Watching: I was supposed to be watching Queen for Seven Days, but I cheated on it by re-watching Legend of Zhen Huan (also called Empresses in the Palace), an all-time fave. I've just started watching Judge Di's Mystery as well.
Three Ships: My current hyperfixations are Bertha x George (The Gilded Age), Sheng Minglan x Gu Tingye (The Story of Minglan) and Wei Yingluo x Qianlong (The Story of Yanxi Palace). I'll also add Marisa x Asriel from His Dark Materials, another ship I think often about. My jam is scheming women and morally ambiguous men who have the taste to appreciate them as much as I do. Also shoutout to Zhen Huan x Shen Meizhuang from Legend of Zhen Huan, I've been feeling very strongly about their relationship since I decided to rewatch the show (they were soulmates - Prince Guo who?)
Favorite Color: Purple & green
Currently Consuming: I am not eating anything right now, but I had some almond chocolate confections an hour ago.
First Ship: It was probably either Percy x Annabeth or Zuko x Mai from ATLA from the time I was a pre-teen. I've since outgrown both, though the recent PJO show did help to bring back some of my love for the first one back.
Current Location: my room + my desk
Relationship Status: single
Not tagging anybody in particular right now, but anyone who wishes to do it is welcome to!
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Yuletide letter 2023
Things I really like: third-person limited (one POV character), canon-divergent AUs/fics that are set in the canon world*, soulmate tropes
Hello author! This is my second Yuletide and first one where I realized I should write a letter. Feel free to poke around here (my main blog) or my AO3 (gandmvsm or tripleorderstix, I don't really know how pseuds work lmao) if you want to know anything more about me or what I like!
Actual letter content below the readmore!
Things I usually don't like: most other AUs, permanent major character death, first- or second-person, more violence than canon-typical, POV character pregnancy, on-screen rape/sexual assault
Strict DNWs: adult/child romantic or sexual relationships, pregnancy, detailed body horror (implied/offscreen is ok), omegaverse
*To give an example, I wouldn't be interested in a standard coffee shop AU for Supernatural, but I would be interested in a Supernatural coffee shop AU where demons and monsters still exist on-screen, but Sam and Dean's main gig just happens to be working in a coffee shop instead of being hunters. (...This explanation may have made things less clear, sorry!)
Higurashi - Rika, Satoko
I love the original VN, anime, and Gou, I just didn't love how Sotsu was an exact retread of Gou instead of its own arcs. I'd love to see any expansion of that world, though! Is there a loop we didn’t see? Something post-Sotsu? A sidebar from a loop we did see, but with a different focus? I also know and love Umineko also if you want to work in any details from that canon. (I don't know anything about Ciconia, so feel free to include but any references will go over my head.)
I'm very into Satoko and Rika's unhealthy relationship, in any form - romantic, platonic, somewhere in between. I'm very much /not/ into romantic Mion/Shion, Satoko/Satoshi, or adult/child romantic relationships. Any other characters and/or relationships you want to include are welcome!
AI: The Somnium Files - Bibi, Ryuki
Spoiler warning for AI:NI, although if you matched on this fandom you already know what's up
I'm so so fond of all the members of ABIS, and I think we should have gotten more interactions between Ryuki and Bibi. I'd love to see how they interact when Ryuki isn't in the middle of a literal mental breakdown. Or maybe when he is, if that's something that inspires you! Besides the requested characters, I also love Date, Mizuki, and Boss, and of course Tama and Aiba.
You can include any other characters or relationships you're interested in!
Zero Escape - Akane, Junpei
Akane is my problematic girlboss fave and whatever other buzzword you want to apply to her. I'm in love with her and want any story that features her front and center. I love how she can be so cold about what needs to be done, but she does still care about people, at least to their face. Her relationship with Junpei in particular is just so juicy - sure we got two and a half games or so of it, but I want more!
Of the three games, 999 is my favorite game, so something set before/during/between it and ZTD would be fantastic. Snake, Clover, and Santa are my other favorites from that game if you're inspired to include them!
Taskmaster - Alex, Greg
And now for something completely different after a string of visual novels. Taskmaster on its own would already interest me because I love funny people doing stupid things, but then whatever the fuck Alex and Greg have going on fascinates me. I also have a huge celebrity crush on Alex.
Greg/Alex is the popular ship for a reason and I'd love to see something about them, but if you want to go into any other ships or platonic relationships instead or in addition, please do! I'd prefer any family or real-life relationships be ignored, or treated as if they never existed. E.g. Alex and Rachel just never met in the world of your fic.
Unlike my other requests, some of my favorite fics for this fandom have been AUs! As long as there's still Greg and Alex's BDSM thing going ON, I'm happy with any setting. If you aim more towards "canon," I'm a huge fan of the studio banter.
Powerwash Simulator - worldbuilding
This game has the weirdest lore. Imagine future humans (or possibly aliens? Still not sure!) showing up in your society and saying hey, you need to worship a power washer so that this volcano in definitely-not-England doesn't erupt and kill everyone. What does that even look like?
Or, you work at the mayor's office and he's definitely not sacrificing the entire town's cats to said volcano. Of course not! How do you deal with that??
These are just two ideas off the top of my head. Don't feel limited by those prompts, I want to see anything that goes beyond the handful of text messages you receive in-game!
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