#they could MAKE the thing instead i suppose
kenntolog · 23 hours
Can’t get loser gf and sukuna visiting the zoo with yuji out of my head, maybe you could do something with that?
𝝑𝝔 an: it’s such a sweet concept!! thank you baby, hope you enjoy!! and sorry for responding so late ;(
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initially, it was jin who was supposed to take little yuuji to the zoo, but he is a busy man, y’know? so of course, he just forces his younger brother sukuna to do that instead.
sukuna is very lame about, he acts like he doesn’t want to deal with yuuji because he is kind of an asshole, but as soon as jin mentions that he can also bring you along and he will pay for the tickets himself — after a beat of silence sukuna quickly mutters ‘fine’, ending the call, and texts you about picking you up in an our.
yuuji is so excited to spend the day with his uncle!! i imagine him being so happy he can barely stop himself from running and jumping around. and the only person to match his excitement is you, heh.
yuuji didn’t know that you were coming along too so of course when he sees sukuna walking out of the building they stopped by with you, he rushes out of the car to greet you! you’re just as joyful as him as you hug him and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, making him smile widely. his uncle watches the scene silently, with adoration brimming in his eyez, coming to his senses a second later to bark at both of you to get in the car.
throughout the ride yuuji entertains you with various short stories including jin and some of little friends from the neighbourhood, which you intently listen to, completely ignoring sukuna’s huffing and puffing since you exchanged your usual spot at the passenger’s seat with yuuji’s on the backseat.
when you arrive at the zoo, yuuji tugs you out and just runs inside while sukuna parks the car. at that, he rolls his eyes and intentionally slows down his pace just to rile up itadori, who swings your hands around just to do something and puffs his cheeks at his uncle’s annoying tendencies.
yuuji is in so much awe when the three of you finally enter!! hands over his cheeks as he inhales sharply before running off to the first animal he sets his big eyes on; loudly calling you and sukuna to come see whilst sukuna takes the opportunity to hold your hand instead and lazily walk you both over to his nephew.
you can’t stop looking at yuuji, he’s just so adorable and lovable :( the way he talks to every animal he sees and tries to make friends with them, AHH HE SO CUTE i can’t. just, imagine this little boy running around and you taking pictures of him when he’s posing with a tiger that’s right by his side behind the glass, when he’s feeding a monkey, when he’s laughing at deer taking a shit😭😭.
when it gets too crowded, sukuna sees the impatience on yuuji’s face, who tries to jump as high as he can to see the next animal, and lifts him to place him on his shoulders. of course, he’s cranky about it too, complaining about how heavy yuuji is and threatening to throw him down into the one of the exhibits, but in reality, hearing yuuji’s joyful laughter is one of his favourite things in the world so he lets him hang up there until the end.
you manage to capture that sweet moment in a picture: sukuna’s eyes looking up at his nephew, a small smile on his lips paired with a soft expression, while yuuji is holding up a piece sign and beaming brighter than the sun itself.
when you’re with yuuji it seems that sometimes you and the little guy share the same braincell which means that you’re no better than him when it comes to cute animals. cooing and awing at them along with the pink-haired boy, running around with him with no care for the world and being excited just like a little kid. sukuna gets all warm inside when he sees you two laughing together, his eyes projecting a pretty neat future onto the scene.
it’s just a very very nice day, y’know? very fulfilling and very peaceful.
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malwaredykes · 2 days
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well. here she is. miss Leigh Stasik.
trans woman. stubborn, incorrigible, eccentric. communist; she has leftist in-fighting with herself on the regular. a cannibal; she has no moral qualms about this, and its both a bit of a spiritual thing and a bit of a pragmatic thing. medic (not a doctor. no medical license). she knows for sure she had some kind of significant personality change from being shot in the head, but she doesn't remember what she was like exactly before it happened, it all became this kind of distant memory soup. shes originally from west new cali, but she grew very attached to the mojave. and has a lot of contempt for the ncr. She Will Serve Crack Before She Serves This Country. thank god the army discriminates against transsexuals etc. zero tolerance for the legion, obviously.
she firmly believes she is not nice, or kind, or compassionate, but instead her actions and her general sense of justice stem from her simply doing whats the most logical and objectively beneficial. it may be true to some extent, but she might also have a wee bit of ocd of the "i am a horrible person whos at all times like 2 seconds away from committing atrocities" variety.
shes a SCIENTIST. unofficially. she doesnt have a degree nor a chosen field of study. she makes her own hrt and other mysterious concoctions, including designer chems. which she claims she ingests injects etc not for recreational purposes, but to Enhance Her Powers And Possibilities. she reads old world books about psychology so she can manipulate people better. and makes weird contraptions and doohickeys while high. shes a HACKER of course and hacks terminals and systems for fun and just to see if she can.
her stats are out there due to implants and intense training, originally they were rather average. in-game she wears combat armor mk 2, but i see her having spruced it up like this. her main weapon is the ycs/186, the unique gauss rifle, but before that she used a modded plasma pistol. which she very much enjoyed the silly appearance of. because it was so small and with so much shit tacked on and she could just hold it in one hand like a mutated revolver like Hands up motherfucker bang bang bang lol. her melee weapon of choice is the machete gladius, but she's been training to be able to wield a thermic lance.
in my head the trajectory of her actions and the fate of the mojave that follows is different from what you can do with the game, because leigh could only go for The Secret Leftist Route Which Was Supposed To Be In The Game But We Were Robbed Of It.
boone was the first friend she made after leaving goodsprings and their relationship is particularly notable. they are Comrades, Siblings-In-Arms, Worsties (like besties but fucked up). theyve seen each other at their worst. they annoy each other on purpose. theyve had serious ideological clashes with each other and some ways in which boone perceives the world drive leigh absolutely nuts. they're ride or die for each other. theyre the kind of comfortable around each other where she'll be on the toilet and smoking a cig with the door open and talking to him, while he's naked sitting on the floor removing stitches from his leg. she's done surgery without anesthesia on him. he's projectile vomited blood on her from being poisoned by cazadores. she strongly encourages him to become a traitor to the ncr and to take part in the revolution and the formation of the new independent mojave alliance. somehow, it works on him in the end. shamefully they kinda like snuggling... boone bro come to bed man its nighty night man its beddy bye time.
shes in love with lily bowen. i havent decided yet whether she actually makes a move. but she thinks lily is sooooo dreamy. and shes right. if you dont think the enormous 203 year old blue mutant woman is dreamy thats your problem. outta her way
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jyoongim · 2 days
Alastor and married reader but instead of the whole other thing, he kills her husband and is the shoulder for her to cry on (cliche, I know) not wanting her to hate him. And you know- smut somewhere along the way
The happiest day of your life was your wedding day.
The thought of living your days in matrimonial bliss with the man of your dreams had always been your future plans.
Until it wasn’t….
Your dreams of waking up beside your soulmate, having a big family, and living out your days in love were all crushed the day you were told to come to the coroner.
To identify your husband.
You stared at the casket as the pastor read the sermon and it was lowered into the dirt. 
You felt nothing.
The heavens must of felt your sadness as there was an endless pour.
Many family members and friends gave their condolences but you didn’t even acknowledge them.
what had your husband done so terribly that someone would…
The cold of the rain disappeared as a hand grasped your shoulder, pulling your soaked body into theirs “You’ll catch a chill standing like that dear”
He held an umbrella over the two of you as you watch the diggers throw dirt onto the coffin.
You felt hot tears swell in your eyes and your body shook as sobs ran through you. You turned to Alastor, eyes glassy and lip wobbling and you sniffed
“I-I just…why? This-this…it wasnt suppose to be like this” you sobbed as Alastor gathered you in his arms and ran a soothing hand on your back.
He patted your back, letting you cry in his shoulder as he hummed “there there dear, itll be all right. Cry it out doll”
You curled into him as he held you, a hand rubbing your shoulder and back in comfort, whispering gentle words to try and ease your pain.
You and Alastor grew up together. 
He was practically your best friend.
Hes seen you at your happiest and now at your saddest.
He was always your confidant and rock….until you met your husband.
You stopped coming down to the radio station.
You wanted to include him in on outings.
You wanted the two important men in your life to get along…
To share
Alastor would be damned if he gave you up.
But for you, he bared it.
He watched you marry the man you loved.
And he might could have lived happy knowing you were happy, but there was something inside him that just wouldnt go away about you withdrawing your affections from him and redirect them to another man.
You sighed as you looked around the house. Your husband had just bought it and it was suppose to be a surprise after your wedding.
But now it just served as a reminder of what will never be.
“You should stay cher, the house is in your name” Alastor chirped, roaming around.
“I just dont feel right being here when…its just no longer what I thought it would be” you say glaring at a wedding portrait. Alastor smirked, rounding from the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you “Then redecorate! Add a bit of color. Make use of this lovely home”
You thought about it, you would hate to resell it. You didnt want to go back home to live with your parents.
You sighed again. 
“Then stay here with me…at least until” Alastor smiled, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“You think i was gonna leave? Oh darling im hurt you even thought of me like that”
Alastor sat on top the man as he smiled cruelly down at him.
“She was never meant to be your wife.” he squeezed the man’s neck seething.
“Years. I spent years courting her. She might be a bit slow, but all I needed was a nudge. And then here you come. Bright and opinionated, always the knight in shining armor” The man gasped as Alastor’s grip tightened.
“Shes like a Doe, Shes cautious at first, feed her and be kind and shell come to you willingly. But I am the Hunter. I have calculated where and how my Doe reacts. I didnt need you messing up my plans.” the man stuttered in a choke
“Rest assure old chum, she makes a good wife” Alastor growled.
You felt bad that Alastor spent most of his time over. You had tried to encourage and reassure him that you felt better and that he should go home, but the man was stubborn and knew you well enough to decline.
”Al people will start to talk if you’re constantly here. I’m a widow now,  you’ll be  the talk of town if you linger.”
Alastor shrugged “when have i ever cared about what others think and besides…when have you known me to just let you wallow in sorrow.”
Never. Alastor always found a way to make you smile even when you were sad.
You admit that you have enjoyed having Alastor around these last few weeks.
Hes helped you decorate the house, find joy again in life, and even staying with you.
You didn’t want to admit it,  but what affections you already had for the man, had seemed to grow. You put it off as just a way that you were trying to cope from the loss of your husband.
But that wasn’t the case….
Because before your husband….it was Alastor.
But you had just chalked it up to silly childhood emotions.
The rain poured as the wind and thunder whipped around outside.
You and Alastor were cuddled on the couch looking through old photos.
You giggled as you flipped through the pages, reminiscing about your youth.
”lord what were we thinking….our mamas had a fit” you laughed shaking your head, Alastor chuckled “I think your mud pies improved”
You snort “Its the only thing I can actually cook”
The fire crackled as the storm raged outside and you leaned your head against his shoulder.
”you know…I can’t thank you enough.” You whispered, causing the man to flick his eyes to you curious
”For what my dear?”
You fiddle with the crochet blanket, burying your face in the crook of his neck, groaning in embarrassment “for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there at the funeral…You’re really my saving grace Al”
Alastor’s lips curled into a smile, nuzzling into your hair, a deep rumble rakes his chest as lanky arms bound around you.
”Oh ma cherie  don’t say such things. We’ve known each other for years if anything you’re my saving grace.”
You pulled back a bit to give him a funny look, to make a snarky remark but the way Alastor was looking at you made your throat closeup.
Such affection and adoration in those deep eyes.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. 
You ducked your head “Yourejust saying that” you mumbled.
Soft lips grazed your forehead. “I would never lie to you dear”
Maybe it was because it was a storm outside and you were cozy up by the fire
Maybe it was Alastor spending most of his time here.
Maybe it was his consideration for you, the flowers he got you , his cooking (that was AMAZING), the times he sang to you or danced to whatever the radio played.
Whatever it was, you didn’t realized that he had leaned towards you until you felt his lips brush yours. 
Your brain was telling you that you should stop this.
This was your friend.
Your husband just died.
Your shouldn’t.
You closed your eyes and pressed your lips to his, angling your head to slot your lips together.
The kiss was slow, steady, soft…almost like he was testing the waters, unsure of how you would react.
You nipped at his lips and a surprised gasp left you as he pulled you into his lap, deepening the kiss.
That small noise must have possessed something in the man as the once gentle kiss turn to something carnal.
Your arms were loops around his neck and your finger s were buried in his hair as he attempted to devour you.
His lips left your lips to trail to your neck, littering it in bites and suckling.
A soft moan escaped your throat “A-Al”
He pulled back, eyes blown and low.
”Tell Me you don’t want this and ill stop”
He peppered soft kisses along the column of your neck
”Tell me you don’t want me as much as I want you and ill pretend this didn’t happened”
is that what you wanted?
Your heart was pounding.
You cupped his face and gave him a soft smile, before pressing a soft kiss to his nose
”We shouldn’t…”
His hands slipped under your shirt, fingers dancing on your skin
You twirled his hair
”But don’t please don’t stop”
That was all he needed to hear….
Your shadows danced across the walls, the fire casting a glow on your bodies as you rode his cock.
”F-fuck!”you whined as pleasure ripped through your body.
Alastor’s hands were gripping your ass as you bounced on top of him.
He swirled his tongue around a perk nipple, groaning as your gummy walls gripped him.
”you feel so good” he mumbled, teething the mound, causing you to moan.
You threw your head back, a rugged gasp leaving you.
Alastor loved the noises you made, pushing his hips up to meet yours as if to carve his cock into your cunt.
”such a pretty sight you are my dear, if  only I could engrave you into my memory”
Your thighs were burning as you chased your release
”I’m-oh! Fuck fuck Al!”
He slipped a hand between you, thumb circling your swollen clit
”You gonna cum? Cmon baby cum on my cock, let me paint those pretty walls of yours white”
You whined and with a silent cry, you cummed, body shaking as you creamed around him.
Hot sparks ran through you as he toyed your clit, riding out your orgasm as you grind your hips against him.
With a sigh, you slumped against him panting as he planted his feet to pound into you until he came with a choked grunt, cock twitching as he filled you with his cum.
You pressed kisses along his clamming skin, humming as you came down from your high.
Thee two of you sat there, breathless, until Alastor intertwined one of your hands and brought it to his lips.
”Is it a bad time to propose?”
You laughed
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pickingupmymercedes · 16 hours
As good as chocolate - Lewis Hamilton (NSFW)
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requests: "I was on tik tok and I found that video of Lewis where they ask him if he prefers chocolate or sex, and he answers that he likes both together, could you please make magic with that, write something sexy pls." - anon 1
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: unprotected sexual activities (all sorts), food play.
Also, wrap it before you tap it guys
wordcount: +2K
a/n: Something sweet to cheer us up before the race because we need it.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The weight of the day hung heavily between them, the silence all the way from the track punctuated only by their quiet sighs. After a grueling qualifying session that was supposed to be great but went disastrously, they were both frustrated and worn out.
As soon as they stepped into the room, Y/N turned and pulled Lewis into a tight hug. At first, he didn't hug her back, his body rigid with tension, but eventually, she felt him start to relax, his shoulders slumping slightly as he let out a long breath.
“Go take a hot shower” she murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to his shoulder. Lewis nodded, grateful for her understanding.
The sound of the water running was a soothing backdrop as Y/N settled onto the plush sofa, reaching for the familiar comfort of her chocolate. That had been her thing for years now, tiny drops of dark chocolate to get her mind away from the problems.
She unwrapped a small piece and held it delicately between her fingers, letting out a sigh as she tried to let the dark richness of the treat melt away the stress of the day.
When Lewis emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, he found Y/N with the chocolate in hand. She saw the look in his eyes, his posture still hunched, and offered him a piece stretching her arms towards him, her eyes soft with concern and no courage to break the silence heavy in the bedroom.
“You must think I look awful if you’re offering me your chocolate,” he said, attempting to lighten the mood despite his lingering frustration.
Feigning annoyance, Y/N rolled her eyes. “Just take it, Hamilton.”
Lewis chuckled, the sound easing some of the tension in the room. He took the offered chocolate, savoring the taste as he slumped beside her on the sofa.
“Thanks,” he said, his voice a little lighter now.
“You needed it more than I did,” she replied, smiling gently.
They sat in the comfortable silence for a moment, the warmth between them growing as the chocolate worked its magic.
“Do you want to talk about what happened today?” Y/N asked gently, her fingers brushing against his arm as his hands held her thigh firmly.
Lewis sighed deeply, taking his time to answer. “I just... I thought... God, I don't know” he confessed, frustration and confusion evident in his voice.
Seeing the turmoil in his eyes, Y/N decided it was time to shift his focus from the day’s disappointments. She broke off another piece of chocolate and held it out to him with a playful glint in her eyes, her way to offer comfort without pushing too hard. He raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.
“You’re trying to fatten me up?” he teased.
“Nope,” she said, leaning in closer. “Just thought we could both use a bit more sweetness tonight.”
Lewis took the piece, but instead of eating it, he swiftly stole another square from her fingers, popping it into his mouth with a mischievous grin. “You looked like you needed saving from that chocolate though.”
“Oh, really? And how do you propose to save me now?” she teased, her eyes now twinkling.
Lewis reached over to the coffee table, picking up the rest of the chocolate bar. He broke off another square and held it out to her, his eyes dancing with playful intent.  When she reached for the piece, he quickly pulled back, a daring threat to his eyes.
Y/N leaned forward, her lips brushing against his fingers as she took the chocolate into her mouth, her tongue flicking lightly against his skin. Lewis’s breath hitched at the sensation, the warmth of her mouth earning her a moan from him.
"That's a new way to claim your share" Lewis said, his voice husky.
The playful glint in Y/n's eyes intensified. "Maybe I just wanted something else besides the chocolate."
Taking the hint, Lewis broke off another piece, but this time, he didn’t offer it immediately. He leaned in, his lips capturing hers in a slow, tantalizing kiss. The taste of chocolate mingled with the sweetness of her mouth, making his head spin. He could feel her heartbeat quicken against his chest, her body responding to every touch and kiss.
Y/N moaned softly into the kiss, her hands sliding up his chest, fingers tangling in his muscles. He pulled back just enough to break the kiss, his eyes locking onto hers as he brought the chocolate to her lips again. She took it eagerly, her tongue tracing his fingers, savoring both the chocolate and the intimate touch.
Their kisses grew hungrier, more urgent, as the chocolate melted between them. Y/N pressed closer to Lewis, her body heating with every touch and caress. Lewis’s hands roamed over her back, sliding under her shirt to feel the warmth of her skin, the soft moans she made driving him wild.
"Chocolate does taste better shared," Lewis murmured, his voice thick with desire.
Y/n's eyes danced with mischief. "Maybe we should share something else too."
With a wicked grin, he pulled the towel from his waist and laid her down on it in the bed, the plush fabric soft beneath her. He took the chocolate bar and began placing small pieces on her body—atop her nipples, her belly button, tracing a sweet path down her skin.
The coolness of the chocolate against her warm flesh giving her goosebumps.
“You look good enough to eat,” Lewis whispered, his breath hot against her skin. He began at her collarbone, his lips and tongue trailing down, capturing each piece of chocolate. The heat from her body started to melt the chocolate, making it run in delicious rivulets that he eagerly licked up.
Y/N’s breaths came faster, her body arching towards him with every kiss and lick. The sensations were almost too much to bear as his lips traveled lower, the melting chocolate mixing with the heat of his mouth. He reached her nipples, the chocolate now a sticky mess that he lapped up with relish, his tongue circling the hardened peaks.
“Lewis” she gasped, her hands clutching at the fabric beneath her.
His eyes flicked up to meet hers, a smirk playing on his lips as he continued his sweet torture. He moved lower, his mouth tracing a path to her belly button, where the chocolate had started to pool into a tempting little reservoir. He moaned as he licked it up, the sound vibrating against her skin.
“God, you taste amazing,” he groaned, his lips smeared with chocolate as he kissed his way back up her body.
Y/N pulled him up for another kiss, the taste of chocolate and Lewis mingling on her tongue. Lewis’s hands roamed over her body, spreading the melted chocolate across her skin, creating a deliciously messy art.
He moved back to her breasts, his mouth lavishing attention on her nipples, making her writhe beneath him. The chocolate spread with every kiss and lick, his tongue working magic as he trailed down her body once more.
“More” she whispered, her voice a plea and a command.
Lewis obliged, moving back up to capture her lips in a searing kiss, his chocolate-smeared lips mingling with hers in a sweet, sticky mess. Their hands roamed, touching, caressing, and spreading the chocolate across their heated skin.
Y/N gently pushed Lewis back, her eyes gleaming with mischief and desire as he studied her actions.
“Your turn,” she whispered, a playful grin spreading across her lips.
Lewis raised an eyebrow, curiosity and anticipation lighting up his eyes. “Yeah?”
Without answering, Y/N sat up on his lap, reaching for a piece of the chocolate and placing it delicately on his collarbone. Leaning in, she kissed and licked at the chocolate, trailing her lips along his shoulder, nibbling lightly, making him gasp.
“Mmm, Y/N” he breathed, his voice a husky whisper.
She continued her sweet torture, placing tiny pieces of chocolate along his collarbones and neck, his body responding and leaning back on his arms to give her full access.
The mixture of sweetness and the salty tang of his skin was intoxicating, and she could feel his body reacting beneath her touch, muscles tensing and relaxing in rhythm with her movements.
Lewis’s breath hitched as she moved lower, her fingers dancing over his chest, tracing his defined muscles. She reached his abdomen, placing a piece of chocolate right in the middle of his compass tattoo. The chocolate began to melt almost immediately, dripping enticingly down his skin.
Y/N’s fingers trailed through the melted chocolate, spreading it along the crevices of his six-pack. She moved slowly, savoring each moment, her tongue following the path her fingers had traced. Lewis groaned as she licked the chocolate from his abs, not even trying to contain his sounds.
“God, Y/N, that feels incredible,” he murmured, his voice thick with need.
She smirked, taking her time with each piece of chocolate, savoring the way his body responded to her touch. When she finally reached the piece in the center of his compass tattoo, it had melted into a sticky mess. She dragged her tongue through the remnants, her eyes flicking up to meet his as she did.
“You taste so good,” she whispered, her voice full of promise.
Lewis’s eyes darkened with lust, his breaths coming in shallow pants. Y/N moved lower, guiding the chocolate down to his belly button, her lips and tongue never leaving his skin. She kissed and licked at the melted chocolate, her mouth following the delicious trail she had created.
Lewis moaned, his hands gripping at any of her skin he could reach, her mouth working its magic. The combination of her warm lips, the cool chocolate, and the gentle scrape of her teeth against his skin was driving him to the brink of madness. He could barely form coherent thoughts, let alone words, as she continued her exploration.
Y/N’s fingers traced patterns in the chocolate, her touch feather-light yet electrifying. She dipped her tongue into his belly button, licking up the melted chocolate with a satisfied hum. The sensation made Lewis thrust upwards, a deep groan escaping his lips.
“Y/N, please” he begged, his voice a strained whisper.
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of affection and desire. “Please what?” she teased, her fingers dancing across his skin.
“Don’t stop,” he pleaded, his body trembling with need.
Smiling, Y/N moved back up, her lips capturing his in a searing kiss. The taste of chocolate and each other mingled, making the kiss even more intoxicating. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her hands, his body responding to every touch.
When Y/N finally broke from the kiss, she gazed deeply into Lewis's eyes. A wicked smile spread across her lips as she whispered, “I think I’ve had enough dessert. I want my main course.”
Her hands trailed down his body, reaching to wrap her fingers around his hard dick. Lewis groaned, his head falling back in pure pleasure.
“Y/N,” he breathed, his voice heavy with desire.
His hands didn't waste any time, reaching for her uncovered folds too. His fingers sliding through her wetness, and they both moaned into each other's mouths, the intensity of their touch driving the other wild.
“Not gonna last long like that, love” he admitted, his voice strained with need.
She smirked and withdrew her hand his dick springing free, slapping back against his smeared chocolate abs. Leaning down, she licked a strip where the chocolate was now sticking to the skin of his dick, the bittersweet taste mingling with his familiar one.
Lewis hissed. He reached for her, his strong hands maneuvering her body effortlessly until she lay on the bed beneath him. His eyes were dark with hunger and want, his fingers finding her pussy again. He collected her juices on his fingers and brought them to his mouth as he looked down at her, tasting her with a satisfied hum.
“Just as good as chocolate” he murmured; his voice thick with desire.
Y/N shivered at his words. Lewis’s touch was electrifying, his fingers exploring her with precision. She arched into him, her body aching for more, for everything he had to give.
“Lewis, please” she moaned, her voice a desperate plea.
He grinned, his eyes filled with a mix of adoration and lust. He kissed his way down her body, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. When he reached her core, he didn’t hesitate. His tongue replaced his fingers, licking and tasting her with fervent intensity. Y/N’s hands flew to his head, her fingers tangling in his braids as she cried out in pleasure.
“Yeah, just like that” she gasped, her body trembling under his ministrations.
He moaned against her, the vibrations sending waves through her. His hands gripped her hips, holding her steady as he devoured her, his tongue working her into a frenzy. She could feel the pressure building, her release tantalizingly close.
“Gosh don’t stop, please, don’t stop,” she begged, her voice barely more than a breathless whisper.
And Lewis didn’t stop. He continued to taste and tease her until she finally shattered, her orgasm crashing over her. She cried out his name, her body convulsing with the force of her release. He didn’t let up, drawing out every last bit of her pleasure until she was a quivering, panting mess.
When he finally pulled away, his lips and beard glistened with her taste. He moved back up her body, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. She could taste herself on him, the mixture of their flavors intoxicating.
“You’re incredible,” he whispered against her lips, his voice full of love and admiration.
“So are you” she replied, her own voice filled with affection.
But they weren’t done yet. The need between them just as strong, the hunger far from sated. Y/N’s hands found his dick again, stroking him with vigor. Lewis groaned, his hips bucking into her hand.
“Need you, Y/N” he murmured, his voice ragged.
“I’m yours,” she whispered, guiding him to her entrance.
Lewis positioned himself over her, his eyes locked onto hers as he slowly pushed inside her. The sensation was overwhelming, both of them gasping at the intensity of it. He filled her completely, their bodies fitting perfectly, moving together as if that’s what they’re meant to be doing at all times.
Their moans and gasps filling the room.
The sweet scent of chocolate still lingered in the air, mixed with the heady aroma of sex. Their chests, covered in the remnants of melted chocolate, stuck to each other, adding to the delicious mess they had created. Every touch, every kiss, every thrust brought them closer to the edge.
“I’m close” Lewis groaned, his pace quickening.
“Cum babe” she panted, her nails digging into his back.
With a few more thrusts, he filled her, his orgasm crashing over them in a wave of pure ecstasy.
They clung to each other, their bodies trembling with the aftershocks. The sticky sweetness of the chocolate only heightened their senses, the scent engraving into their brains the moment.
Lewis collapsed upon her, his weight grounding her. They lay there creating the most delicious mess they had ever made. Their breathing slowly returning to normal.
He shifted slightly, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at her. His eyes, once clouded with worry and frustration, were now softer. He reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch tender.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice sincere and filled with gratitude.
Y/N smiled up at him, her fingers tracing light patterns on his chest. "For the chocolate?" she asked softly.
"For taking my mind off things" he replied, his eyes locking onto hers and chuckling. "For being here, for understanding... for the chocolate"
Her heart swelled at his words, and she reached up to cup his cheek, her thumb brushing lightly over his skin. "You don't have to thank me" she whispered. "I'm here for you, no matter what."
Lewis leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to her lips. "I love you," he whispered against her mouth.
"I love you, always" she replied, her voice full of emotion.
They lay there for a while longer. The day's disappointments seemed distant now, replaced by the warmth and comfort of their shared moment.
Y/N chuckled softly as she looked to the once white towel that lied underneath her "It’s going to be hard to explain this to the hotel staff."
Lewis laughed, the delicious sound resonating in her " We’re taking it as souvenir. Something to remind this weekend by." With a cheeky grin he sat up and scooped her into his arms. “Let’s go clean you up now, stinker,” he said with a lighter glint to his eyes.
Y/N smile, wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her towards the bathroom. “Only if you join me” she teased.
“Wouldn’t dream of doing it any other way” he replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he stepped into the bathroom.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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toji-girl · 3 days
lavender and vanilla | fuckboy! k. bakugo x fem reader
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synopsis: Katsuki is a certified cherry chaser and you just happen to fall right on his radar, but you're not what you seem like.
wc: 845
tags: 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + not beta read + Katsuki is a fuckboy + everyone is in college and 21+ in age!
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Katsuki leaned forward absentmindedly playing with the hem of your skirt inhaling the cheap perfume you sprayed on earlier in hopes to impress him but after being with so many girls it all smells the same, like lavender and vanilla the most two annoying scents that women could choose. 
Every single one that’s been right where you are smells like the last and looks like it too, the makeup they slathered on thinking that it would catch the older guy’s attention but that’s not what caught Katsuki’s attention. 
Instead it was that air of innocence that seemed to follow you around heavy and annoying like you he thought as he spread your legs, a scoff left his mouth when he saw your cotton baby blue panties. “Of course you’d wear something like this.” He said tracing the outline of your pussylips with his finger tip, on instinct you tried to shut your legs but Katsuki stopped. 
He looked up at you while grabbing your skirt tucking it in the band to keep it from falling. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked feeling him pull your panties to the side, his gaze felt hot and uncomfortable and while you are a vigin, this was not the first time you had a man between your legs.
“You have such a pretty little pussy.” 
His words didn’t come as a shock because it is Katsuki Bakugo after all but hearing him say that about you hit a spot inside that was better left alone. 
“Oh, did I make little Miss. Goody Two Shoes smile?” 
“You wish,” You replied crossing your arms over your chest opening your legs for him again, “cotton panties are comfortable by the way and not every girl wears thongs or g-strings.” 
“Bummer, I think you’d look good in a g-string and some pasties or something.” He laughed snapping the band of your underwear against your groin. 
“I could say the same Bakugo, especially hot pink pasties.” You quipped with a sneer that made his cock swell, maybe you weren’t so innocent. 
He only does one thing with girls when he hangs out with them and once he caught wind that you were a virgin his advances did not go unnoticed, his teasing and flirting became an everyday thing then soon the accidental touches that left both of you wanting more but you wouldn’t admit that you crushed on Katsuki when half the campus does too.
It wouldn’t be a good idea to get involved with him but this is what he deserves after months of back and forth with the teasing and flirting and the countless nights he’d text you asking if your up, and of course you would just ignore him and his player ways of getting in your panties until now. 
You watched with an arched brow as Katsuki hooked his thumbs in your panties slowly pulling them down, a hint of a smug smile on the sexy bastards face made you want to tug on his hair but instead you watched him with wide eyes lean forward with his tongue out ready to taste you but instead you stopped him pressing the heel of your palm against his forehead, “Don’t use your tongue, who knows where it's been?” You told him. 
 He laughed and pouted playfully, “But you look so good.” He whined, thumbing your lips apart to rub your clit sending a zap of pleasure through you which only intensified when Katsuki pressed harder while prodding your tight hole with a slicked up finger.
“So it's true, you’re a virgin, huh?”
“Your favorite.” Came your answer making Katsuki chuckle again.
“You sure got some attitude don’t you?” 
Before you could answer he slid his finger insid. “Just like I thought, so tight and wet. Why haven’t you let some poor sap fuck you yet?” He husked, watching your cunt glisten under the dim artifical light of the lamp. 
“I thought that’s what I was doing?” 
He shook his head and picked up the pace of his finger slowly adding another one feeling his cock harden listeing to the lewd way your pussy took him, your toes curled in your shoes as you held on the sheets feeling Katsuki curl his finger rubbing against the patch of nerves that Katsuki knows drives every girl crazy so he did it again and again watching your eyes roll in the back of your head.
“If you feel this pleasure just from my fingers imagine my cock.” He groaned reaching down to palm at himself just as you squirted shocking Katsuki.
With a smile you got off his bed fixing your skirt, “Woah, where are you going?” He asked, still stunned. His cock so hard he was sure it was going to explode, you giggled and patted Katsuki’s head. 
“Oh, that’s so cute Bakugo. You thought I would willingly give you my virginity? Have you heard the saying, ‘You lay with dogs you’ll get fleas’? That’s why I won’t sleep with you.” He watched you leave feeling like you could take over the world. 
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he-calls-me-kitten · 2 days
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice (1)
VA! MC x OM! Characters
TW: Eh it's more fluffy than smutty I'd say, but minors DNI. Loads of random lore for the sake of immersion. Now to brainstorm the rest of the characters.
Tagging: @romaissa @eliciana @your-favorite-god @april-notthemonth69 @ikevampharem @k8tznd8wgz @futureittomain @m-majoko @the-auguer @yurinayumi @i-am-empress-irish @deepazur @rippedbutnotamasterpiece @pomegranateboba @ra1ns70rm @anjodedesgostoeerros @sammywo @annoyingbiscuitathleteland-blog @ourfinalisation @creativecupcake @snowthatareblack @angelofbooksworld
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"After a freak accident, you and a group of 5 people get teleported into a fantastical world together. Who will you team up with to try and leave this place? Or will they convince you to stay and have a new life with them here instead? Or will you stumble across the biggest secret that this new world holds...?"
You read out the summary for them at a group dinner at Diavolo's castle. Apparently, it was to celebrate your debut as a VA. They all clapped and bombarded you with questions. You tried to answer as many as you could without any spoilers.
They were supposed to have already started playing the game but the game servers got a little overwhelmed and had to go under maintenance with so many people downloading and making accounts at the same time. So Diavolo hosted this party instead.
"So how many endings can you get with a single character?" Simeon inquired.
"Well on an average there's around 12 endings per character, but there's a varying number of endings depending on the character you choose. I'm not sure I remember for all of them-"
"We just want to know yours." Belphie smirked.
"Oi come on, it makes it sound like you're all just going to play my character, don't do that! The other characters are also incredibly well written!"
The sheepish grins and side glances told you that they were clearly going ignore your last advice.
"Honestly you guys, one of the characters here has a teleportation ability, one can read minds, and another one has insane fighting skills - the only thing you know about my character is that I don't have a name!"
"Omg this means they are definitely building you upto to have the most OP ability of them all!" Levi exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh yes that's usually how it goes in these tropes. The most unassuming character ends up giving you the secret ending." Solomon nodded in agreement.
"Both of you, shush! Just play the game normally okay?! You will get to interact with all the characters anyway until the second phase." You reprimanded, sighing, knowing no one would listen anyway.
Lucifer - Saved by the Belle
"Before Tyla takes us home tomorrow, would you like to spend your last day here with me, Lucifer?"
Lucifer and you worked with loyalty and rigor under Tyla, an old world Sorceror. It was because of you two specifically that Tyla's magic was powerful enough to create a portal back home. Your character was so much like you - it felt like he completed this whole journey of freedom with you, and not just an image on screen.
> "Of course, MC. In fact...I would like to spend the night with you too."
MC blushed on screen, looking away and nodding. "Oh? Well then... I'll look forward to it."
He enjoys this way more than he thought he would. He visits for the last time, all the places you both had been together. The first tavern, the first forest path, the first temporary abode - the HumbleBee Inn.
> "It's late. Should we go back here again, for old times sake?"
"Why not? Maybe they'll accidentally put us in the same room again and get overbooked so we have no other choice. Maybe this time it'll be a bit more...eventful." You said with a sly and knowing smile as you skipped ahead.
Lucifer's knee jerked upwards, hitting the table. Just what kind of lines are these? And what are those expressions? Who else was in there listening to you when you recorded this? The way your voice sounded, Lucifer was convinced you were thinking about someone special. If only you saw the effect you were having on him.
> "I've been holding back all day. Forgive me if I'm too rough."
Lucifer pushes you against the wall, caging your body. You blush in the dark, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. It was driving him insane. He could feel his pants getting tighter at the crotch.
Last time he endured the sexual tension of sharing the bed with you, constantly trying avoid your body even though he was desperate to feel it's warmth. This time there wasn't any reason to deprive himself.
"It's okay...I can take it. Please don't hold back..."
Oh hell, you were about to be the death of him. These...are these really the sounds you'd make in bed? Godamnit you are ruining his mind. He can't relax until he's jerked off now. And it's all your fault.
The next couple days, you notice Lucifer hesitates to keep eye contact with you. In fact, he has a rather visceral reaction every time you simply call his name, standing at his door. Only he knows how badly he wants to pull you into his bed to ravage you - practice your lines with him, why don't you?
Mammon - Stranded Together
"Guess they didn't want either of us huh, Mammon?"
Nah Mammon was mad at this ending. He gets why the group left him behind - he made too many questionable choices like stealing the last reserves of food or money (so you never went hungry), running away from the monsters instead of staying and fighting with the group(with you ofc so you wouldn't be in any danger), finding new shelter and not telling anyone (except you).
> "I'm so sorry...it's because of me that they left you too. You did nothing wrong yet...no this will not stand! I'll go threaten them into taking you too!"
"Mammon wait- no don't! Alright fine I was lying! They didn't leave me...I chose not to go!"
Mammon was stunned. He stared at your character blushing and looking elsewhere while holding onto his arm. His heart beat just a little bit faster.
> "Wait...what? But you wanted to...don't you want to go back and keep looking for your family?!"
"Who knows if the family I was looking for even exists?! But you...you are real. And you are so kind to me, and so great. So..."
Your character moved in closer and closer to him. Mammon leaned back too far from the screen, falling backwards on the floor. He was not ready for what was about to come.
"If I really want a family that bad...I can just make one here...with you. But only if you wanted that too ..."
> "I do! Of course I do! We can both find work and home in the kingdom now that big monsters are all dead! I'll be yours and you'll be mine!"
Mammon pressed it on instinct, not knowing his character was gonna grab yours and pin them to the ground. His face burnt up in excitement seeing you all cornered like this. You blushed and whispered as you leaned in to kiss him.
"Hehe...Mammon...I'm all yours already. But there's others ways you can claim me if you like..."
Your sleeves fell loose, and off your shoulders and his hands began to wander. Mammon almost screamed the house down, grabbing at his sheets, humping his pillows, struggling to look away from the screen. But he couldn't stop.
How the fuck was he supposed to face you tomorrow at the breakfast table?! Yet, Mammon re-played that part at least 30 times. And now every time you whispered to him in class, Mammon had to grip his knees and stop himself from imagining the unholiest things.
Leviathan - Power of Friend-ship??
"We did it! We actually did it, Levi! Can you believe it?! Look even the people are cheering for us!"
Levi punched the air in glee, he definitely must have gotten the best ending right?! That was such an intense combat scene - he almost cried when he thought you got swallowed by the Giant of The Depths, then he watched you burst out of its stomach with all the other victims while he slashed through its neck. You and him - the two underdogs dealt the final blow. At this point, every other character was shipping you two together.
> "Let's go Army of the Third Lord!"
MC cheered and high fived him from the screen, while the rest of the group danced in celebration! Ah MC had already become one of his favourite characters of all time. He had already preordered the action figures, posters and a body pillow (yes the ecchi one).
"Come on Levi, won't you join the celebration feast!? Everyone is calling for you!"
Oh no this was Levi's nightmare. Loud and crowded parties - but it was you asking him to go, what if he missed out on an important secret ending. Just to be safe he chose a neutral option to see what you would prefer.
> ... I'm not too sure.
"Then...would you like to celebrate in private with me? I know a quiet place with a good view."
Levi almost fell out of his seat. It's happening. This is where he unlocks the hidden erotic ending. The blush on your face, the way you held out your hand for him to take - biting down on his knuckles in excitement.
> I'd really prefer that! Thank you!
You smile and nod, leading him by the hand to a nearby pond. The moonlight shimmered on the water, the reflections dancing on your skin as you both lay down next to each other. Levi could feel himself falling for you all over again.
"Look Levi, in the pond! The Gloriees are back! Aren't they beautiful?"
Levi looked at the pond in awe, glowing orange fishes swam around in the waters, jumping in and out. He watched the fishes swim around the hand you put in the water. It was like you and hundred Henries in the water.
> "So beautiful..."
"They are my absolute favorite....they have the same color as your eyes..."
Your hands reach up to touch his face, pulling him closer and Levi feels all his self restraint jump out the window. He tried to grab and kiss you but ended falling in the water with you instead.
"Oh? I didn't know I excite you so much... don't worry, it makes me really happy..."
You rose from the water, laughing and coughing slightly, your entire body now laid bare through the transparent white cloth. And if that wasn't already bad enough, he heard your moans as his character started going at it with you in the lake. You were so professional, so skilled at it...he thought he was prepared for it but he clearly wasn't.
Levi couldn't resist jerking himself off there and then, soiling his computer screen with light ropes of his cum. Now every time you announced you were going to shower, this image just popped into his mind, giving him instant boners at the most unfortunate times. And god forbid he sees you walk out of the shower with your hair wet - he'll have to rush to his room to hide that he's creamed his pants.
Satan - Bridge to Televithyia
"Satan, I will be waiting for you always. I know if fate wills it, I'll definitely get to see you again."
Satan cursed himself for this ending, almost chucking his phone at the wall. His magical powers no longer worked since the portal now connected him to his own world. And while you could use all your magic here, it would lose all power in his world. With both worlds needing help after a long and destructive battle, you both knew it was selfish to abandon your either of them - especially since you two were the only Great Guardians left.
> "I will find a permanent path between our worlds. I swear upon my life, MC."
Damnit this game had better not cut his story short. He was willing to keep going, trying to fix the playthrough so he could make a good ending out of this. Just you wait MC, he's not letting you go. A part of him wanted to go into your room and hug you, just to make sure you're there atleast in real life.
Satan rubbed furiously at his eyes as you waved him goodbye. His total playtime could rival Levi's. After gathering enough resources and magical knowledge - he could finally get started on creating the bridge. But to his pleasant surprise, he only needed to build half of the bridge, because there you were standing on the other - building your own path towards him too.
"Satan...is this a dream? Are you really back? Or is this another magical illusion again...?"
Satan blushed as you rushed to hug him peppering kisses all over his face. He had to physically get away from the game, walk around, and silently scream into his hands before he could calm himself down. Because he knew even better things were yet to come.
> "It's really me, MC. I'm sorry did I make you wait too long? I missed you so terribly...I have so many things to tell you about..."
"Come with me, we've been rebuilding our town. I know a place we can catch up...it's a special place I helped build with you in mind."
Satan follows you, your arms intertwined. You point out places to him - old renovations and newer projects. You tell him about everything that's been happening since he left.
How some endangered species came back to life, how the remaining smaller beasts were tamed and how the cursed were given peace. You stopped suddenly in front of a quaint little cottage.
"Welcome to my humble abode. I'm sorry I didn't prepare a separate room for you...because I thought you wouldn't mind sharing a bed with me..."
He blushes and grips your hand as you open the door to your room. He sees pictures of both of you on the wall and next to the bed.
> "You already built a home...with me in mind. *Smiles* Yet...the bed looks in it hasn't been slept in for a while? Did you get no sleep for the past few days?"
"Actually I haven't slept in the bed yet. I sleep on the sofa - I know it's silly but I really don't like sleeping alone in a place of two..."
Satan grips the phone tighter, as he makes his character push you on the bed. How sweet - you both get to enjoy it together for the first time. He climbs after you, trapping you underneath him.
> "Good thing I'm here now, MC."
He cups your face and trails his hands downwards, undoing some buttons on your clothes. You kiss his palms and tug down his collar.
"It's a pity though...I don't think we'll be using the bed for sleeping tonight afterall..."
He watched the screen, slack-jawed as I heard your sultry voice echoing through his room. He fell back on his pillow, hurriedly attaching his earphones. It proved to be more lethal. He could almost imagine you in his bed right now, kissing your way down his chest, while he fondles your bottom.
When you approached him later asking if he liked your work in the game, he had to cover half his face to hide the redness. He couldn't possibly tell you that he had downloaded snippets of all your moans and saved them to a secret folder. Or that he listened to them quite frequently.
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luminiamore · 2 days
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brought back to life toji x black reader
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warnings: cheating but he offs ur bf so not really?, angst in the beginning, we raised megs with toji, depression in the beginning, this is kinda sad but really cute, no prep just straight sex, reader has locs but it could be whateva u want, overstimulation, soft sex, soft toji, SPOILERS if u haven’t watched the anime.
Twelve years.
It’s been that long. Twelve long, agonizing years have passed since you’ve seen Toji. He disappeared on you. Gone. Vanished. One day, he woke you up from a nap and told you he would be gone for a week or so for a job. You understood that his line of work is dangerous. You knew there was a possibility that he could die at any moment.
But he told you not to worry. They were kids, he said.
‘You know me, mama. I don’t die easily.’
He’s a sorcerer killer. He’s strong. It was always apparent to you that he could manage himself. Of course, that never stopped you from worrying.
You began to feel anxious after three weeks. During dinner time, you would cook him meals and fall asleep, hoping that he would come to you stumbling and embrace your body whole as he usually does.
After four weeks, you began to sleep less. The silence in your apartment would haunt you. The sound of every footstep passing by your wooden door and every creak on the floor would make you jump. Imagining that, finally, it would be him who would walk through it. He never did.
After the fifth week, you started calling his boss and friend, but he would never say it out loud. Each time it went to voicemail, you would cry uncontrollably. You may have sent him over one thousand messages, but they all went unanswered. The man probably blocked your number.
You honestly didn’t know what you expected.
Toji tried to keep Shiu and you apart as much as he could. You two were never close. The only thing you had Shiu’s number for was safety purposes, in case you were ever in danger while he was away on the job.
The truth took you five months to accept. To accept that Toji was never going to come back. It took you another three months to come to terms with the fact that Toji was dead.
Throughout all of this, Megumi, his son, gave you comfort. Though it was supposed to be the other way around, you had a feeling he knew what was wrong with you. At times, you couldn’t even get up to cook food and instead chose to order out so he could eat while you lay starving. At the tender age of four, Megumi was skilled in making homemade soup due to your frequent illnesses.
After a year or so, you thought -- you barely left your bed, so you lost track of time, a man came knocking at your door. White hair and bright, bright blue eyes can be seen even with glasses covering his eyes.
You should have fought him, beaten him to a fucking pulp. You’ve always had a keen sense of intuition. You knew he was the one who killed Toji, your Toji. Your gut was screaming that to you.
But what would you be able to do? You had no cursed energy. You couldn’t fight this man even though your husband had taught you some things in his free time. You had no chance against him, and the cocky bastard was aware of that.
He wasn’t here for you anyway. It was obvious to you that when he pushed past you and entered your home, he immediately started to search for Megumi. Knowing that the little boy could see curses, he suspected that his technique was starting to manifest, so he informed him that he could provide assistance.
Hearing the conversation in the kitchen, your breath paused when he mentioned that he would be going to Tokyo. You would be alone, but you refuse to be selfish and force him to watch over you in your depressed state. You urged him to go, urged him to make a change in the world even if it physically pained you.
Megumi made a promise to visit you every year and never leave you. He was truthful to you. Every year, he would spend a week with you, and you would see the boy you helped raise become a capable young man. He would occasionally show you his technique to demonstrate how much he has grown. You couldn’t have been more proud.
It took you 8 years, but you eventually moved on from Toji physically. Your heart still belongs to him emotionally.
Although you never remarried, you did have a boyfriend. He’s a kind man, has a regular corporate job, earns a livable yearly salary, and is not a killer, so there’s no danger of him being murdered. He also treats you nicely, arranging a dinner date every week and a vacation to a nice place every year.
You should’ve been happy. You should love him— why don’t you?
Why is it that every time he fucks you, all you see and think of is Toji? When you respond to his love for you, it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Because you know it’s not true. You know it would never be true.
Megumi has a liking for him and believes he is a good fit for you. After what you went through, it’s fair to say that you deserve this. Though, it’s easy for him to sense how unhappy you are, that you’re putting on a facade in front of the man you’re supposed to love. If the man really knew you, he would understand that every time you smile and kiss him, it was an effort, especially after being together for almost 3 years.
You’re not sure why you never left him. You think this is better than feeling alone. Even if it wasn’t as good as Toji, you still got fucked every other night. It could never be better than Toji. You think he’s ruined you for anyone else.
October 31st, 2018. 11 a.m.
It’s Wednesday, October 31st, and it’s the week Megumi is supposed to come to see you.
You begin your day as you usually do. Your boyfriend wakes you up with a kiss right before he leaves for work, and you groggily force your body straight to the shower. While the eggs sizzle, you make a light breakfast as you stare into space.
As you’re eating, you feel your stomach drop. There is an odd sensation in your gut, a negative one. You experienced the same feeling when Toji died. You hastily pull out your phone and dial Megumi’s number.
One ring. Two. Three rings and no response.
His tone is fatigued as if you had woken him from his sleep. At that, you breathe a sigh of relief. However, the feeling persists.
“Are you okay, Megs?”
He sounds confused, although you suspect he can sense your concern in your voice, “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? Is something wrong?”
“Do you have a mission today?”
Your frantic questioning without an answer is now causing him anxiety.
“There’s something going on in Shibuya tonight, so yeah.” You don’t answer him for a beat, just breathing as you feel your heart beating faster as his response.
“Are you okay, mo-”
“Please, don’t go. I have a bad feeling again.”
He sighs, “You know I can’t do that. It’s supposed to be something manageable, nothing too ba-”
You sternly cut him off, “Megumi. It’s not going to be manageable, I can feel it.”
“If you’re saying that, then it means I need to go and help even more, Mom.”
You’re trembling, and- Are you crying? You feel the tear slide down your cheek before you can even register it. You have always been afraid of Megumi going out to fight curses, but for some reason, your fear is growing stronger.
Your breath stutters, “What if- what if you-”
The thought of Megumi getting badly injured or even dying is so terrifying that you can’t even finish your sentence. You don’t believe you can endure that. No, you know you can’t. You’re still grieving over your husband. How could you possibly stomach his death?
This time, he cuts you off, “I can’t promise you that I won’t go. But I can promise to stay at a safe distance so I don’t die.”
“You’re so selfless, it’s infuriating.” You chuckle through your tears, using your unoccupied hand to wipe them off.
“I love you too.” You can tell he’s trying to stifle a laugh of his own.
You smile, even though he can’t see you, “I love you so much. Please, don’t die.”
“I’ll make sure to haunt you if I do.”
A gasp, “Megumi!”
“Joking.. sort of.”
He hangs up with another ‘Love you’ before you can scold him. And now you’re forced to swallow the lump in your throat. It’s okay, you remind yourself. You’re gonna be okay. Megumi is gonna be fine. He’ll come see you on Friday like he usually does. But even you’re aware that you’re just trying to console yourself.
The day is spent trying to distract yourself. You had the time to paint your nails and toes, try on some new outfits that you bought last week, and even try reading a book. But the feeling would never go away. In fact, it intensified as the darkness outside increased.
October 31st, 2018. 11 p.m.
Around 11 p.m., your boyfriend arrived and greeted you with his usual kiss on the cheek and casual discussion about both of your days. Every day, you think, today is the day. Today is the day you’ll get a tingling feeling whenever he kisses you. Today is the day you’ll feel warmth whenever he says he missed you or he loved you.
But it never came, and today was no different. You had made some food and decided to leave some for him, he had taken a liking to your cooking.
“I’m gonna head to bed. You’re gonna join me?”
“In a few, I wanna stay up a little longer.” You whisper, absentmindedly watching the plate he’s eating from. You don’t even notice. You’re entirely zoned out.
He kisses the side of your head when he stands up.
He kisses the side of your head when he stands up, “Okay, thanks for the food, babe. Let’s go out to eat tomorrow, yeah?”
He pulls back hesitantly, hands still on your shoulder as he observes the lost look in your eyes, “Are you okay, babe? You seem.. out of it.”
All he gets is a slow nod and a small kiss on his knuckles. That seems to be enough for him because he hums and whispers a small “Love you.” and walks away.
The sound of the shower running after a few minutes is your cue to clean up. As you scrub the burnt parts of the pasta you made, you hear your phone ringing. When you glance over, it turns out to be Megumi.
11:38 p.m.
‘why the fuck is Dad alive? he just disappeared after helping me with some curse??’
Your hands become completely limp as the plate you are holding drops abruptly and crashes into the wet sink. Your eyes were wide and unblinking as you stood frozen. Your breath is caught in your throat, making it impossible to exhale. Your mind is overflowing with thoughts, each one more anxious than the last.
You haven’t moved a single inch, but your hands are now shaking.
Toji is what?
No. He’s lying. But that’s not true either. Megumi would never deceive you, especially about his dad being alive. Your hands are trembling as you try to reach for your phone, but you’re stopped in your tracks by a loud crash.
You come out of your frozen state, and as if you’re running on autopilot, you run as fast as you can to the sound that hits the cold tile floor. But what you see next almost causes you to burst into tears because there he is, your husband.
Toji is right there, in your room, holding a sharp red wooden blade against your boyfriend’s neck. He’s in a gray sweater, but even then, you can see his muscles and just how big he is through it. He’s not looking at you, but with the way his shoulders raise and his breath hitches— he knows you’re watching.
Hearing him speak brings a tear to your cheek. It’s been a long time since you last heard his voice. The world seemed to stop moving, leaving you in a surreal moment stuck in time. You can’t believe it, you’ve lost all hope, but he is here. Sending the ugliest glare to the man on the other side of the blade in your bedroom is enough to make you shiver,
“Who the hell is this, baby?”
You say nothing, relishing in the sound of him speaking to you. Your heart pounded fiercely, echoing in your ears, while a wave of dizziness threatened to overwhelm you.
It’s when your boyfriend grunts in an angry tone, “What the fuck is happening, (❤︎)?!” You finally snap out of your stupor.
It’s not a surprise you stutter when you speak, but you don’t even say much. You pitifully let out a squeak of,
You want him to look at you, want him to see you. You want to make sure that it’s really him you’re looking at, but he seems so focused and upset? Your eyes move away from his face briefly to take a glance at the weapon threatening to penetrate your boyfriend’s neck.
You speak so lowly, almost as if you’re ashamed to admit your following words, “My boyfriend. He’s my boyfriend.”
Despite boarding on the brink of death, he still manages to harbor a false confidence when you say that, “Exactly, man, so, who the fuck are you?”
“Her husband.”
At that, your boyfriend chokes, and now his anger is directed towards you, “Husband? You’re married?! We’ve been together for 3 years, and you-”
“He was dead!” You suddenly find your voice, a bit hysterically. You turn to Toji, who still isn’t looking at you but presses harder into his neck. You can see a trickle of blood start to drip. “You were dead- You are dead.”
His response is cold, blunt, “I’m about to kill the bastard standing half naked in my wife’s house, so, no. I’m very much alive, mama.”
“How? How are you alive?”
“Long story.” Is all he utters.
“I’ve waited 12 fucking years, I’m sure you can spare me a little more time.”
At that, he has the audacity to sigh as if you’re the one being difficult. You jump back and yelp when he suddenly plunges the weapon into your boyfriend- ex’s neck. You open your mouth, about to ask him what the hell that was for, but he answers before you can, “Unwanted company.”
When he finally turns his head to look at you, you swear he’s more beautiful than you remember. Everything looks the same, but something’s off. His eyes were blackish, or maybe it was a deep purple color in his sclera— that was supposed to be white, wasn’t it? His pupils are purple, too, or was it blue? You’re not sure, but you don’t find him any less beautiful.
“Toji.. I- how?”
He grumbles, and in one blink, he’s in front of you, hands on your waist and lips immediately logged deep in your neck, not quite sucking but just breathing you in. The action makes you shiver, and the feeling of him so close to you causes more tears to fall. “Some old hag did a seance. Wanted me to kill all sorcerers.”
Your breath hitches, but you sternly reply, “Our son is a sorcerer.”
“Obviously, I’m not going to.”
He smiles at the fact that you said ‘Our.’ He can feel the tears on your neck, and he honestly feels he might drop some of his own. Twelve years in hell—because let’s be real, there was no way someone of his caliber was making it to heaven— and he hasn’t seen you. Hasn’t touched you. He’d rather kill you than not fuck you again- he’d have to force himself to do so.
He’s not ashamed to admit he missed you. He feels guilty for putting you through this, through twelve years with him. He said he was coming back, he couldn’t imagine your despair when he didn’t. He hates himself for causing you that pain, for pushing you into the arms of another man.
He muffled out, “D’ya love him?”
It takes you a minute to answer, you feel a bit ashamed to admit this since he just died, “Never did. I only ever loved you.”
“Loved? You don’t love me anymore?”
You break out another sob, “I never stopped Toji.”
This time, he doesn’t answer, but there’s a nagging question in the back of his mind that he needs answered, “Three years, hm? You fuck him?” Your next words give him the answer he needs.
“Toji- it’s been years! You were-”
“Dead, I know. You didn’t look too sad when he died. He could never fuck you like me, huh?”
He knows he shouldn’t be upset. He knows he has no right to be angry at you. You had every right to move on. He didn’t ghost you or just disappear casually. He was dead. The thought never sat well with him, though. It made his stomach churn. He always told you that if you ever cheated on him, he would kill the man and then himself. He could never bring himself to hurt you physically.
But is it even cheating if he was dead?
A whisper breaks him out of his thoughts, “No.”
What an angel you are. Answering him even when he isn’t even speaking out loud. His mind is confused. So he does what he used to do when he needs to let out his frustrations— use your body as a stress reliever.
When his hands grope your hips, you let out a desperate moan. Fuck you are desperate, you haven’t felt your lover in years.
“Damn- I missed you, baby. Missed how soft you are, missed holding you.” His tongue starts slowly, lapping softly at your collarbone.
Your breath starts getting shaky, and the slick that’s been forming since you first laid eyes on him is dripping down your thighs, “Missed you so much more.”
He’s not in the mood to wait. He’d usually tease you before he impaled you on his dick. But it’s been too long since he felt any warmth from you- he’s not stalling any longer.
“Need to fuck you, now. You remember how to take me, right?”
He was quick with his hands, ripping the nightgown you had on to shreds. You’re bare in front of his gaze, and you can see how he was practically drooling— the man was in a trance.
If Toji is as big as you remember, then taking him would be a challenge. You could never do it without some form of prep, be it him eating you out until you cried or fingering you till your legs trembled. Sometimes it was both. But you could tell he wasn’t in the mood to do either of those right now. He just wanted to stuff you, so you’d have to suck it up and let him.
You give him a shaky nod, “Yes, please.”
He lazily rubs on your engorged bud, spreading your slick all over your fat pussy lips. He releases the most toe-curling moan when he feels how wet you are, and it’s all for him. He doesn’t keep the act up for long and dips two fingers inside. They stretch you so wide you can’t help but buck your hips against the wall he has you pressed on.
“Hnng- Toji! Just put it in, p-please.”
He grunts, but he can never argue against you. Toji forces his tip past your tight walls, and you have to hiss it out. You’re wet enough that the first inch slides in easily, but you’re so tight that he thinks you’re about to squeeze his tip right off.
He groans out, seemingly more out of breath than you are, “Relax, mama. Breathe before you break my dick off.”
“M’trying!” Is your only response. More tears are dripping down your face, both from the pain and how close you are to him.
Toji decides to distract you by rubbing tight circles on your clit, and that causes your breath to stutter and your moans to increase in volume. That does the trick because as you’re focused on the pleasure, he doesn’t hesitate to shove everything into you in one go. All nine inches- but shit, you swear it feels bigger.
“Oh god! It’s too much- I can’t-”
“God took me away from you. Made us spend twelve years apart. It’s not God making you feel this way, it’s me. Focus on me.”
You’re nodding before he can even finish his sentence because he’s right. Toji gives you a few seconds- maybe 30 before his patience runs around, and he starts slowly rutting in you. He knows how big he is. Takes pride in it, too. So, he doesn’t stop rubbing your clit to ease the feeling of him stretching you out.
As he instructs, all your focus is on him. Your hazy eyes focus on his face, his brows furrowed in pleasure, and his lips parted as he pants against you. You can’t help but kiss him, suck his chapped pink lips so hard you can feel his scar against your tongue. And he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back. It isn’t a fight for dominance, Toji easily takes all control of you, and you surrender with no regrets.
You take his cock beautifully, so well. Every time he pushes out, your pussy just pulls him back in, making a wet squelch sound when his hips slap against yours. He can feel the goosebumps on your body whenever his tip presses harshly on your g-spot, and so he keeps the same pace and stroke— determined to make you cum just like this.
You wail out as your eyes roll into the back of your head, “Oh! Right there, don’t s-stop!”
“Never. Won’t ever stop fucking you, baby. Need you to forgive me anyway.”
“For l-leaving me?”
He chuckles against your puffy lips and pulls harshly on your brown locs so your neck cranes to look directly at him, “Yes, mama. I’m sorry for leaving you, for leaving our son. So sorry. Won’t ever do it again, I promise.”
You’re crying again. Tears are flowing freely now, and Toji thinks you’re beautiful and even ethereal. He glances down, and a creamy white paste forms at the base of his cock- getting even more wet each time he pulls out of you.
“I c-cried so much, Toji. For months, for years. You- you-”
“Shh. I know, baby. I know. I’m selfish for doing that, a complete asshole. I’d hate me too.”
You’re nodding, but you could never think of him as such. You would never call Toji anything mean, anything harsh- despite what he put you through.
Your pussy is twitching against him, “Don’t hate you. Could never h-hate you.”
He kisses your lips, all over your face, really, “Yeah? Damn, I love you. You love me?”
“Yes! Yes- I love you. Only you.”
He moans and presses against your stomach, his bulge poking out. Your breaths come in ragged gasps, your body tightening as a wave of pleasure builds inside of you. Your muscles clenched, and an uncontainable rush surged through you. Fuck, you’re gonna come.
Toji can feel it, and his slow pace speeds up. He whispers in your ear, pulling at your lobe, “Cum, baby. Go ahead, I need it.”
Finally, with a shuddering cry, you tipped over the edge. Ecstasy washed over you in powerful, pulsing waves. Your body trembled a blissful release, leaving you breathless and utterly spent. Despite your haze, Toji doesn’t stop, nor do you feel his thick cum flowing past your walls.
He can sense the confusion in you, and all he does to ease your mind is, “3 years, right? How about 3 orgasms for every year I wasn’t with you, huh? Think we can reach 36, mama?”
Your eyes widen in disbelief because that doesn’t even sound possible, but you’re distracted by another toe-curling orgasm ripping through you- your clit pulsing in overstimulation. As always, he knows what you’re thinking, but he doesn’t seem to be backing down with his next words.
“Yeah, I think we can.”
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ihopeiexplode · 3 days
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📱“Back to square one...” [← Previous | Next→]
"how much did you hear?"
"all of it"
He's fucked. Why did he even say that to begin with? He knows he doesn't mean it but then, why did he say it? Before he could explain himself further you just let out a sigh before leaving
I mean who are you to get mad? It's not like he's wrong this is all for a project after all, but then again why does it hurt? You don't care about what he said right? Were you hurt because you thought you could have your best friend back?
As you left to go outside to have some fresh air, Sukuna was left staring at where you were before you left, then uraume spoke up,
"Are you gonna do something about it?"
Sukuna didn't even say anything as he just stood up and ran after you, why was Sukuna running after you? Even he doesn't know, you two were finally on good terms and his stubbornness just had to say that didn't he.
He finally stood in front of you as the two of you were now facing each other right in the middle of your college's garden(?) luckily none was around during this,
"what is it sukuna?"
"y/n listen I—"
"If you're gonna apologize, save it you have nothing to apologize for, it's not like I'm blaming you for saying those it's for a project after all you don't have to actually like me, if this was all an act I don't blame you for it"
"wait so do you not care?"
"no? Why would I? It's not like we had something to begin with, it's not like your my boyfriend or anything"
he wishes he was. But one thing he doesn't understand is why don't you care? That should be a good thing, right? But why does it bother him that everything the two of you did had no effect on you? Did it mean nothing to you? Did he put that much effort into making you like him just for you to not care?
"why doesn't it bother you?"
"is it supposed to?"
"bullshit. Any girl would've done anything to be in your place. You get to spend weeks with me, do you know how many girls would've killed to spend that much time with me?"
"why are you making such a big fuss about the fact I'm not bothered? Does it look like I'm your girlfriend?"
That line alone made Sukuna shut up, he just stared at you as you walked away, your right, why is he making a big fuss about this, he just made himself look desperate.
He'd let out a groan of frustration before taking a seat on a nearby bench, and perfect timing gojo just happened to pass by and witness the scene
"What did you two have some sort of lovers quarrel?"
With that he'd take a seat right beside Sukuna, he'd immediately leave with a scowl on his face, as he left, gojo would just be there wondering what happened between you two
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You'd be out shopping to clear up your mind, as you were about to pay for the things you bought, as you handed your card suddenly you saw a familiar hand pulling your card away and gave his instead,
When you looked to your side you saw the man of the hour: Sukuna.
As the cashier handed him his card back, he took your shopping bags,
"what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to...apologize for what I said back then..." Him? Apologizing? That's new he's not the type to do that
"if you think you can buy my forgiveness think again."
"I know I know, anyways who are you with?"
Before you could answer suddenly he saw someone familiar, someone too. Familiar. And who was it? No other than Yuji.
He'd immediately clench his fist the moment he saw Yuji place his arm over your shoulder smiling at you happily as you did the same,
Then suddenly your whole mood would change the moment you stared at Sukuna
"Since you wanted to come along you can carry my bags"
He'd just roll his eyes before muttering something under his breath, however he noticed how Yuji also looked
"so can you carry my bags to?"
"carry your own bags, you have hands don't you? Use them"
Before he could even say anything just one glare from you was enough for him to grab yujis bags and carry them along with yours.
He's trying to make up for what he said so might as well fulfill your requests..
He hated this. He was stuck following behind you and Yuji, he hated how happy you looked spending time with another guy that isn't him. How come his own brother gets your attention when he's right here?
The whole afternoon he's stuck watching both you and Yuji spend time with one another while he's just trailing behind like some lost puppy.
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: it was supposed to be more angsty but..yeah!!!
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb
155 notes · View notes
hellodropbear · 7 hours
like she used to (IV)
alexia putellas x sister chapter I, II, III
sorry this took longer! have been very busy with work and uni for the past few days :)
Aitana has been suspicious of something all week. I feel her eyes on me during training, when we're in the locker room, as she drives me home and as I walk up to my front door.
But she doesn't say anything and I am grateful. Because if she did say something, I don't think I would be able to answer without telling her every single thing on my mind.
Nobody wants that. Not me, not Aitana. Probably not Alexia either.
So instead, I sit in the midfielder's car quietly, only speaking when she prompts me to, although even that has slowed down over the past few days. She was confused the first time I told her I didn't want to stop for ice cream, and I was grateful that she didn't ask again.
"you're sure? You've never refused ice cream before, lena!"
All I could do was shake my head, keeping my eyes focused on the road ahead.
I get home and I go straight to my room which is easy enough, considering Mami comes home from work late. I am supposed to be going to school, but Aitana doesn't know that and Mami doesn't know any different. She thinks I am there, and as long as I pick up the phone to my personal tutor in the evening, the school won't bother contacting my mother.
I shouldn't be skipping school, but I can't face going there and being asked all those questions about how great it is to be training in the first team, to finally have broken through into a squad that I would hopefully play with for most of my career.
But it isn't great, not really. My life has become a game of hide and seek, escaping rooms that my sister enters, too afraid to even face her.
I am not scared of her, more of what she will say. I am barely coping as it is and anything she says will just make it worse. It is best to just leave her alone, keep my distance.
And I think she thinks the same. She said she was going to take a step back, after all.
Not that is has been any different from before she took that step back. Her back was already against the wall, on the other side of the room from me. Any further and she would leave my life completely which does not seem possible, considering we play for the same club.
But I wish she wasn't so far away, I wish that I could just reach out and grab her attention, for her to know that I needed help without even having to ask.
And it hurts me, more than I'd like to admit, that her friends know exactly how to make me feel better, to make me feel valued, worthy. But she is just there, like a fly on the wall, always watching but never doing anything.
Even the more clueless ones have started to realise that things are not perfect between me and Alexia. We are never in the same room together, I leave training with Aitana every day. It is obvious, we all know it.
So they don't push us together. They don't talk about Alexia to me and they don't ask why we don't drive home together, why she isn't the first person to give me a hug if I score in training.
They don't want me to be compared to her any more than I already have been.
Because on top of all the personal issues, there is a lot of pressure, being her sister.
'Will Elena Putellas follow in her sister's footsteps?'
'The younger Putellas - set to be better than Alexia Putellas, but still hasn't come off the Barcelona bench.'
I've seen the articles, of course I have. Nobody ever mentions it though, nobody mentions the pressure I am under, the pressure I feel to live up to the expectations.
Of course I will not score as many goals as her, of course I will not make a debut at the end of the match like a midfielder often does. It is a lot harder for a centre back to come on as a last minute sub. It is harder for a centre back to score so many goals.
There are feasible reasons why they are saying these things, but none of the news sites think to explore those reasons, exclusively focusing on the negatives.
I don't bring it up because I think that if I mention something even slightly about my emotions, every single thing I feel will all come rushing out, a tsunami wave that will destroy everything I have worked towards.
I have to be strong; I can't let a little bit of pressure overcome me. Alexia had pressure, and she was never swallowed by it.
Alexia was not weak. I can not be weak.
But it feels like the tide has been pulled back, brewing in the deep dark depths of the ocean, preparing to build and build and build until it all becomes too much, until it is here, a huge wave ready to swallow me. Too late to escape, too late to stop it.
But quelling the wave does not seem like something I can do.
The only thing I can do about it is play my piano.
It is thing I am most grateful for, my piano that brings me closer to my father, the one thing I have that nobody else does.
I may not have his memories, but I don't think any memories could match the connection I feel, just sitting on his stool, my fingers dancing on the keys that his hands once graced, the keys that we used to play together.
It was the one thing that we shared, just the two of us. Something that neither of my sisters or my Mami could understand. All they know is to leave me be when I am playing the piano. I don't want to be interrupted and they don't want to face the wrath of my anger if I am stopped before I am finished.
Because it is the only way I can express my emotions and the emotions do not stop coming until the song is finished, until there is a puddle of tears in my lap, fed by the streams that track down my cheeks.
So they leave me be. I want them to leave me with my emotions when I play the piano. But they also leave me with my emotions when I sit in the lounge room, staring at a blank tv screen, staring out the window at just about nothing in particular. I wish they would realise that I don't always want to be left with my emotions.
I wish they could notice that something may be wrong, something more than just the loss of my sister.
Because it feels like more than that. I have never felt so lost in my life.
There is just so much going through my mind at any one time and I can't let it out because once I start I will not be able to stop until my walls have burst and I am nothing but an empty shell of who I was before.
Everything I once was is gone.
Replaced by confusion, hurt, sadness.
And I don't know why, because Alexia isn't all of me, football isn't all of me.
I know it shouldn't be but it feels like it is and even though Alba is right there as well, and Mami and my friends from La Masia, all I can think of is the fact that my older sister doesn't want to be my older sister any more.
And I can't stop thinking about what it could be like, if it was still what it used to be.
I spend another two weeks wallowing in my confusingly overwhelming emotions before Mapi decides to intervene, intercepting me as I walk towards Aitana after training once again.
"No, you are coming with me today, pequena!"
I didn't even realise Mapi was here, her rehab finishes at the same time as Alexia, an hour before training ends.
She beams and throws her arm over my shoulder, ignoring my disgruntled expression.
"I will see you tomorrow, ABC." I murmer softly, but both Spaniards can hear it.
They both think I am too short to see the concerned look they throw at each other, but I notice it. I notice everything.
Mapi guides me out of the facilities and into her car and I can feel her concern grow as she inspects me from the drivers seat.
"You are not ok, Elena."
Her words are soft but understanding. It surprises me how she could just pick it up like that, I thought it was less obvious.
I thought it was less obvious because nobody has brought it up to me before.
I shake my head, not trusting myself to say anything without crying, although at this point it feels inevitable.
"That's ok. It's ok to not be ok, you know?"
I nod and she continues.
"When you came over the other week, I told you to talk to someone, but I don't think you have, have you?"
I continue my vow of silence by shaking my head, my eyes concentrated on how my hands shake and fidget in my lap.
I am too concentrated on my hands to realise that my eyes have filled with tears, to realise that the first one has slipped out. I only notice when the fat tear lands with a splat on my thumb and I stare at it, my mind full of confusion and unfamiliarity.
I don't understand how I feel, because I feel sad, and angry. They are normal emotions, ones that I have always felt, just usually in a less aggressive and persistent way.
But I feel so... lost, isolated. I feel alone and that is something I am not familiar with, not at all. Usually, I would talk to Alexia about my anger and sadness, but this has been going on for so long, slowly chipping away at my self-confidence, at my happiness. Now all I can feel is the loss of someone. Someone so important.
I may be dramatic, but how else would I describe it? She decided she was too busy and threw me away, a piece of rubbish. How am I supposed to cope with the fact that it's all I am to Alexia?
We used to be so strong as a family, we were always there for each other, nobody left behind. But I can't help but feel like I have been, just a bit.
Mami and Alba love me, Mami and Alba are proud of me. But Mami gets home after I go to bed and Alba has her own life, her own friends. She doesn't need to be pulled back by her little sister who has lost the ability to deal with her own emotions.
It would not be fair for me to pile my problems with Alexia onto Alba. It would not be fair to make her pick a side.
Alexia could be the person that helps me. We have similar schedules, interests, personalities. She knew me like the back of her hand and I knew her equally as well. But I don't think I have ever felt so disconnected from her.
Mapi snaps me out of my daydreaming when she speaks again.
"It is not healthy to keep everything inside of you, pequena, so we are going to the beach and we are talking. I am going to force it out of you because I miss my bright little best friend."
She reaches over and wipes the tears from my eyes, awkwardly pulling me into a hug.
"Everything is going to be ok. You are going to be ok, Elena Putellas, because you have me."
I nod, leaning back into my chair and using my palms to wipe my eyes as Mapi turns the car on and begins to drive out of the carpark.
"Thank you, Mapi." It is a whisper, but she hears me loud and clear, offering me a watery smile before focusing her attention right back onto the road ahead.
The car is quiet as we drive to the beach, Mapi just humming along to her song.
Mapi has always been a big talker. She always says she finds silences uncomfortable and sometimes even slightly overwhelming, so she talks. She talks and talks at a speed that makes it practically impossible to register what she is saying, and the inability to comprehend her spoken thoughts is only heightened by the way she jumps from topic to topic, her voice only increasing in speed and excitement as she gets more and more carried away.
But she is Mapi, and Mapi always talks, so I got used to it, finding her chattiness endearing, she was fun, always happy.
Which is why it is so meaningful when she isn't speaking, like she knows that her words are fruitless and likely not particularly tasteful - they won't be received well.
She is silent as we walk down to the beach and as she lays her rug and pillows out, sitting down and motioning for me to sit down next to her.
She is quiet for a few moments, like she is debating within herself on what she should say and when she should say it, captivated by the way he waves crash onto the sand cyclically, the beaming rays of sun showering the crystal water, the first indicators of the imminent sunset.
When she speaks, it is slow and it is quiet. Her words hug me in a way that has been missed for so long, and I immediately soften; she would have noticed my shoulders relaxing underneath her arm.
"I remember when I first met you." Her eyes are closed and a soft smile rests on her face. "It was before I even joined Barcelona, at my third camp with Spain. I had heard about you before, from Alexia, I knew so much about you from how much she would gush about everything you did every time I spoke to her. In person, over text, she was obsessed with you and sometimes I didn't understand why it seemed like all she spoke about was her little 5 year old sister."
She chuckles, but I stay silent, still staring out at the ocean.
"But then I met you and I immediately understood why she wouldn't stop talking about you. You radiated this happiness, like a little sunbeam. Alexia got you from the barricade after a match, it was only my second ever appearance, but Alexia brought you right over to me and introduced us. You grabbed onto my leg and held it, almost yelling about how cool it was that there was another player to meet."
I smile. I have never heard this story before.
"And then the next time, you recognised me and I was so surprised, so happy. But you were also happy, Elena, you always were smiling, laughing. You would hang from your sisters shoulders and whack her on the back, swinging around in her arms and laughing so loudly that we could hear you from the other side of the pitch. You were always like that, every time I saw you. I found myself looking forward to spain camps even more, because I got to see little Elena Putellas with her big smile and cheeky personality. But recently, I think you have lost a bit of your spark because you do not seem as happy. You seem miserable, lena, and I want to help you find that spark again because I promise, it is not gone forever. It has just been buried so deep by all these emotions that are so big and overwhelming and you can't even find who you are anymore."
Her words strike a cord, and I find that my eyes fill with tears once more, but I do everything I do to hold them back as I speak. There is a long moment of silence as we both look out at the waves before I break it with a quiet inhalation.
"I am so scared, Mapi." My voice breaks but I continue anyway. "I don't know who I am anymore and it is so scary. I don't know what happened or where I went but one day I woke up and I was just a miserable shell of the person I was and I don't know what to do."
She is quick to pull me into a hug as the tears start falling because we both know that once I let out the first cry, I will not be able to stop. Her soft hands through my hair and calm words that flow through the small space we occupy will do nothing to calm the turmoil I am feeling on the inside.
Thinking about it only makes it worse, like I am shaking everything up so it rises to the surface instead of letting it lay undisturbed deep inside of me.
But Mapi's words were like stepping into a turbulent plane, shaking uncontrollably, fear falling over me and triggering emotions that I didn't even realise I had inside of me. The dirt hazes up the water until everything is a big whirlwind of confusion. Emotions moving around to quickly to capture them and try to understand them.
The things I want caught up in the whirlwind of unwelcome mess, the whirlwind that I can't seem to get myself out of.
The injured centre back whispers calm words of affirmation into my ear for a while, her hand stroking up and down my back. It keeps me down to earth, does not let me fall into the trap of a million emotions.
"We will find who you are again, Elena. I will always be here to help you. I am right here."
I want to tell her that I want my sisters to be there to help me. I want Alexia to come back and I want Alba to realise that there is something wrong. But neither of them were there like Mapi is. Alba has tried to be there for me, but she doesn't get it because I don't know what to say.
But all I do is cry in her arms. The sobs soften into quiet whimpers as the sun sets, casting a yellow glow over the beach, but we stay there even as the air becomes cooler and the sky becomes darker.
Mapi decides that I will not be going home that night, not trusting me to take proper care of herself and instead taking me back to her apartment again.
Ingrid is there this time, and she looks at her girlfriend with concern when we walk in, immediately noticing my red face and puffy eyes.
"Hey, Elena." She smiled at me, but I was preoccupied by the little black cat that had begun to circle my legs.
"We had a chat on the beach and decided that because her Mami isn't home, she would stay here the night again."
I picked up Bagheera, tickling under her chin as I sat down on the sofa, trying to ignore the wary glances that were being sent in my direction by the Spaniard and Norwegian.
"I don't know what to do."
Mapi's words were hushed, and by the way she immediately spoke more quietly when she saw my head whip towards them, it is clear that they were not for my ears.
But as I fiddle with Bagheera's fur, I dissect her words. More than I should and definitely more than she wants me to.
She doesn't know what to do with me. She doesn't know how to help, how to fix what has been broken.
She doesn't know whether she should talk to Alexia because it would break my trust. Because telling Alexia could just make it all so much worse.
I think I have been holding onto hope that she really is that clueless and is trying to do what she thinks is best for me. I try to hope that is the reason this has all happened, and not because she simply has forgotten about me, or because she doesn't want to be responsible for me any more.
But honestly, I think it is a mix of all of that. And I think it has evolved from guilt, not watching my games, wanting to avoid the awkward conversations that could have arisen if she had apologised to me.
I wish she knew that an apology would make all the difference. A sincere one, from her heart.
Unprovoked. Just her, being truly apologetic.
Because as humiliating as it is, I would do anything to be back in her arms. I would do anything to have my older sister back, I wish that she would just do something that would make this all go away, to pick up the pieces of my shattered insides and stitch them back together. Eventually, the stitches would dissolve, I would forget all about them and I would be able to function normally again.
But Alexia is not a surgeon, and she would not be able to do that stitching seamlessly. She would use glue, but even that won't put it all back together so perfectly.
There is no way for her to just put it back together and pretend it never happened, to move on like this was just a blip. Because I am different now, I have grown. She has missed so much of my early teenage years - the years that I have most needed her help.
But I am not even sure that Alexia wants that any more; I don't know if she wants to fix this all up and move on.
The dinner table is quiet as I pick at my meal, Mapi encouraging me to eat more than a few bites, claiming she won't leave until my plate has been cleaned up.
Ingrid doesn't utter a single word, instead her green eyes piercing through my skin. I feel exposed to Ingrid, as if she can read everything, understand everything, just from one simple glance.
It is ridiculous, but she is deep in thought so I don't say anything to her either.
It is only when Mapi opens her mouth again that Ingrid's eyes flick over to her girlfriend.
"Does Alba know you feel like this? Or your Mami?"
It is a simple question, but strikes a chord.
No, neither of them know. Neither of them have even noticed a change.
I shake my head roughly, and Ingrid releases a scoff.
I look up, offended.
She turns her head to me, confused, so I continue.
"It is not my fault! It is not easy to talk about these things."
"No, no. Elena, that was not directed at you."
She seems apologetic so I have to believe her. I push my chair back, attempting to leave the room with a clutter, cursing my misty eyes for what feels like the millionth time that day.
But me exit is not as seamless as I would have liked, and Mapi is standing right in front of me when I get up, wrapping her arms around me.
It is supposed to be to trap me, but Mapi's arms will never not be a comfort.
I immediately relax into her grip, sighing softly.
"I am so confused."
Mapi's hands were running through my hair, my lap on the sofa as the tv played that evening. It had been an hour since dinner and the three of us had moved into the lounge room, the silence being filled by the Spanish show on the screen.
But there was a knock on the door and Ingrid sighed, standing up to open it, knowing that neither Mapi or I would get up.
It was both surprising and unsurprising to see Aitana standing there, her hair messy and over of her face, as if she had just been in bed.
"Is Mapi still awake?"
She didn't bother to greet Ingrid, clearly here for a reason. Why else would she have arrived at almost 11 at night.
I couldn't hear Ingrid's response, but I could hear Mapi speaking to me.
"She's worried about you too, Elena. You-"
I love Aitana, I always have.
"I know she is, she is terrible at hiding it. But she has avoided bringing it up. If she wanted me to talk to her I would try my best to, but she hasn't."
Again, I love Aitana and I know she has my best interests at heart. She knows I need to talk about everything to someone, but she also knows that I don't want to. She doesn't want to push even though I can tell she is worried. She is stressed.
Ingrid and Aitana enter as soon as I finish speaking, the Spaniard almost running to where I am lying, placing her hand on my cheek.
"You have been crying."
It is blunt, a bit surprising. I don't really know what to expect from Aitana, she has always been the light hearted one who never would shy from telling me how great I was, but we have never really spoken about melancholy emotions like these.
I suppose there has never really been a need to in the past, that is what Alexia and Alba were for.
She sits down on the floor in front of my face, her knees up to her chest as she stares at me, intensity in her eyes. It is not unlike the intensity she often displays on the pitch, motivated and passionate.
"I will help you." She is decisive. "We will fix this."
I nod softly and she runs her hand down my cheek.
"You are too young to be feeling like this, little Lena. I am sorry I let it get this far."
I look at her in confusion and she pauses before continuing.
"I knew something was wrong. I went to your games at La Masia."
I can tell Mapi is listening closer now.
"I know she didn't go to any."
Mapi gasps, quite loudly, and Aitana gives her a frustrated look, rolling her eyes softly.
"I should have said something to her. She doesn't realise how important you are, how lucky she is to have you."
I frown at her words.
It hasn't something I'd ever considered my sisters to be, having to look after a small child for most of their adolescence. Having to please me for so long.
"I used to dream of having a baby sister like you, she is lucky."
Mapi decides it is her turn to add something to the conversation.
"She loves you, Elena, she always has. Of course she thought she was lucky. She needed someone to help her pick on Alba."
There is suddenly a lump in my throat. I think it is the mention of the before that triggered it. The memories are too hard to handle, I usually avoid them at all costs.
My eyes become wet again, apparently, but Aitana just laughs softly.
"You two were just so mean to her, the poor thing."
Mapi lets out a chuckle from above me as well, and I find my mouth turning upwards into a smile.
"I probably should apologise now, shouldn't I?"
Aitana shakes her head, not able to hold back her laughs and Mapi is the same from where I can not see her.
It is when I finally laughed that I feel Mapi soften beneath me and see Aitana exhale a soft sigh of relief. They thought I wouldn't notice, but I did. I notice everything.
"We will fix this, ok?" Aitana was somewhat serious again, her hand patting my face. "We have a day off tomorrow, I will be here and we can all talk. We can all decide what to do next."
"Why are you two doing all this for me?"
Aitana sighs and Mapi's hands pause in my hair.
The midfielder looks above me, as if encouraging her to reply, but I speak up again before she can.
"Alexia is your captain, your teammate. She is your best friend, Mapi. Why are you doing so much for me when we are not speaking?"
There is another pause. It looks like Aitana is about to hit Mapi on the head, but the Spaniard speaks up before she can.
"Alexia has so many people behind her. Alexia is strong, she is experienced and she is older than you. You are just young, pequena and you are so lonely and lost. We want to help the both of you, but we need to help you first."
She pauses and Aitana finds the time to interject. It is like they have been talking about me.
Come to think of it, they probably have.
"You looked like you were going to burst. We knew that you and Alexia weren't speaking, that both of you were having a hard time because of it. But Elena, you looked destroyed. We couldn't leave you to your own devices any more. And Elena, we are doing this because we love you. So, so much."
"Alexia loves you too. More than us. She just does not do a great job of showing it, that's all."
I sigh softly, falling backwards into Mapi's lap, wondering just what I have done to deserve this.
How luckyI am to have my older sisters friends there looking out for me.
Because my family was falling apart and it was my fault. I couldn't do everything alone.
I choose not to think about what would happen if Mapi and Aitana weren't here like they are.
A tear slips down my face again, but this time it is not so sad. It is full of emotion, a grateful tear. Not quite happy, but not sad either.
"Thank you."
hope you enjoyed :)
this chapter was more to gauge where elena is at, sorry if it was boring!
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a-mint-bear · 3 days
Your One and Only
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Male Yandere x Reader
He begged you to make him yours, but when he feels his status as your one and only is threatened, he wants a reminder.
Sequel to "Make Me Yours"
[content warning: slightly pretty suggestive stuff near the end]
His name was Jacob.
It was a bit of a funny situation, learning his name only after he'd become your... boyfriend? Lover? You really didn't know what labels to use in this situation, or how any of this was "supposed" to work. But you were enjoying your time together, despite the... odd and intense way the relationship began.
Jacob wanted to move in with you pretty much right off the bat, but it was all a bit too much to jump right into. You would be lying if you said it wasn't tempting...
He really was a near-perfect fit for you.
He was super domestic. He loved cooking for you and all his dishes were amazing. He was a bit of a neat freak, so sometimes when you took your eyes off him, he tidied up your place without you asking. Not that you left it super messy, but he seemed like perfect househusband material.
In public, he was super assertive. He stood up for you and protected you from average jerks and actual threats when you were out together. He took charge and it made you feel oddly loved. Like you were the most important thing in his life.
In private, he was still that man on his knees in the park. He was dedicated, completely and utterly yours... He loved to wear that collar when the two of you were alone, although you had to beg him not to wear it out in public. The thought of it did give you a thrill, though you'd never admit it to him. But because of all that, he started wearing more thick turtleneck sweaters.
Well, for that, and for... other reasons. You were embarrassed of how much he liked to show off your... handiwork.
He was very clingy, and he got jealous really easily, but it wasn't really a dealbreaker for you. You liked the feeling it gave you of being wanted, appreciated, even loved. It made you a tiny bit uncomfortable sometimes due to how new the relationship was, Jacob was very intense with his feelings, but with every day together it got easier to appreciate the weird new relationship you were in.
He was attentive, he loved spoiling you and getting you little things when you were having a bad day. Or a good day. Even a completely neutral day. You actually had to tell him to tone it down a little, as much as you liked it, because your place was small and you didn't have a ton of extra space. His compromise was to start getting you food and snacks more often instead, and it worked out just perfectly.
When a bouquet of a dozen roses got delivered to your office, you got a good razzing from your coworkers but you ignored them. There was no note or card, but it wasn't a stretch to think it was from Jacob. He'd sent other things to your job before, like lunch when you planned to eat out someplace or your favorite coffee order when you had an early morning. It was nice of him, you thought to yourself with a dumb smile on your face.
When you got home, you sent him a quick text.
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You watched the typing ellipses appear and disappear, then reappear only to blink out of existence and then, nothing.
He'd never dropped off like that before, but you didn't think much of it. It wasn't until he showed up to your place not even ten minutes later that you started to wonder if something was up.
You opened the door for him. It wasn't uncommon for him to come over pretty much every other day (after you'd talked him down from every day) so you were happy to see him. But he had a weird look on his face.
Before you could ask him what was up, you followed his line of sight to the bouquet in a vase on the kitchen windowsill.
You ask him what's wrong, and his eyes snapped back to yours, like he was jolted out of his thoughts.
"Nothing, I... I'm just happy that you... like them."
The smile seemed a tiny bit strained, but he was back to his usual puppy dog demeanor in no time. He was extra attentive, ordering your favorite takeout, but getting it delivered instead of running out to get it or letting you go get it. He clung to you all night, but it was nice, in a way.
You were rinsing the dishes real quick before you continued binging the series you'd been watching together lately. But when you were drying your hands, Jacob came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
You laughed, asking him if he was feeling better, but he just pulled you in closer. You could feel his collar pressing into your neck. His breath was hot, tickling your neck as he mumbled his words of devotion against your skin.
"You're so... perfect." He nuzzled into your neck. "I'm so lucky you let me in... that you let me be yours. Just... I promise I'll be good... I just want to be yours. Please, don't... Don't look at anyone else."
This wasn't his usual lovesick talk. You turned in his grasp to hold his face in your hands. You smiled, telling him that he was yours. He melted, leaning into your touch like he needed it more than everything... Needed you more than anything.
"I'm yours... " he repeated it to himself like a mantra, like it was grounding him to that moment. He needed the reassurance that day, for some reason, but you didn't think much of it.
That same excitement, that overwhelming need to control him, to claim him... it was still just as intoxicating as the day he "proposed". You don't think you could ever get tired of it.
. . .
Jacob had stayed the night, and you'd fallen asleep in his arms. You don't know how long you'd been lying there together before you could just feel that you were half-awake, but too tired to even open your eyes. You just nuzzled into his chest as you tried to drift off again.
You could feel him gently working his fingers into your hair, it felt like heaven, and it got a happy little sigh out of you.
"I've wanted this for so long..." he whispered into the calm of your dark bedroom. He must've thought you were sound asleep. "If someone thinks they can take you away from me..."
He kissed the top of your head, lingering for a moment to breathe you in.
"...I'll rip their fucking throat out."
You felt... startled? Confused? But it all felt so fuzzy, like the edge of a dream you could barely hold on to. He said it so calmly, like it was just another sweet nothing whispered in your ear. A promise to you he would make sure to keep.
You slipped back into a dreamless sleep, unsure of what was real.
. . .
Jacob made the two of you breakfast, just like every time he stayed the night. But the whole time you ate he was unusually quiet, his gaze flicking over to the vase of roses on the kitchen windowsill.
You could tell this was getting to him, for some reason. Maybe it was best to just get rid of the bouquet and ask him what he was so worked up about.
When he was washing the dishes, you went to get up from your chair and grab them, wanting to at least put them in another room while the two of you had a talk. But you didn't get the chance.
His hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, but he wasn't looking at you. He was staring at the flowers with a burning hate you'd never seen a man have for a plant. His grip got tighter until you hissed behind your teeth, trying to wrench your arm away.
He snapped out of whatever the hell that was, fussing over you.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- I-I just..."
This was getting weird and more than a little... off. You told him it was getting late into the morning, didn't he need to get to work soon?
That sent him spiraling.
"No no no... please don't send me away..." he whispered. Before you could ask him what was wrong, he grabbed your shoulders.
"I'm sorry... I'm still your good boy! Please!" His eyes were wide, almost teary as fell to his knees at your feet, his hands in yours. "Please just... look at me! Only me! I can't..."
You asked him what he was talking about, trying to calm him down. It wasn't working.
"You thought those were from me..." He was practically shaking now, but he almost seemed... angry? You blanked for a second at his words, the meaning behind them not sticking long enough to upset him further. "I mean, roses? Really?? You think I don't know your favorite flower? That I'd give you that garbage?? No, no... I know you so much better than that."
It was true that there were flowers you liked more than roses, but you didn't hate them. But if Jacob didn't send you the flowers, who did?
"Someone wants you... they wanna take you away from me... I just got to be yours! I can't... I can't-"
With a shaky sigh, barely holding himself together, he laid his head on your legs.
"I can't lose you... Don't throw me away..."
Nudging your knees apart, he planted soft, tender kisses trailing up your inner thigh. The drastic swing of competing emotions left you more than a little flustered. A hand on top of his head, you were trying to decide whether to push him off to talk this through or tell him to keep going.
"They can't make you feel good, not like I can... I want to show you my love... my devotion..."
Without warning, you felt the dull, throbbing sting of a bite. You yelped, grabbing him by his hair and yanking him back. But all that did was wind him up more, a strangled, needy moan tearing from his throat. His face was a blushing mess, tongue out playfully like his mind was all but fading.
"Hurt me, p-punish me..." he grinned, looking straight into your eyes. "Make me forget everything else but you..."
You yanked him up by his collar and pushed him to the floor, straddling him. The ideas of wanting to fluster him and wanting to get back at him for his little stunt clashing away in your head. You chose good compromise of biting him back, marking up his shoulder as he gasped, letting out excited little "yes"s under his breath.
"Y-yes, fuck yes... mark me up..." He was practically panting now, he was so worked up you could swear you could hear his heartbeat, or maybe it was yours. He tried to sit up, to get closer. "Show everyone I belong to you..."
You shoved him back flat to the floor again, holding him in place with a hand pressed to his chest. The both of you knew he was strong enough to get free with no problem, but he knew that if he did, you'd stop. You kissed him just under his jawline, so tantalizingly close, you knew it was torture for him.
"Please please please..." he whined, sounding so wonderfully needy and desperate. "Kiss me. I'm your good boy. Make me need you so much I can't think straight."
You told him that he wasn't off the hook yet, and he couldn't help but feel so wanted, so loved. He really was yours, and you could do anything you wanted to him.
"Teach me I belong to you, sweetheart." he bit his lip, pushing his luck and grinding his hips up into you. "Fucking ruin me..."
. . .
Jacob clocked into work late that day, but he was more than happy to join his virtual meeting with a shirt cut lower than his usual turtlenecks, showing off his new marks to the coworkers. He pretended he didn't realize any of them were visible. He wanted them to see. What was the point of you marking him up if he couldn't show it off from time to time? Just enough to chase off anyone dumb enough to think about trying to flirt with him.
He still didn't know who'd sent you those goddamn roses, but he had calmed down, for now. He didn't want to do anything to make you hate him. Whoever it was, they were safe for another day.
i hope y'all like this one, i don't think i'll be bold enough to post anything more graphic than that anytime soon, lol
Jacob is his name, being your good boy is his favorite game 🩵
im in the (very slow) process of moving so my brain has been fried between packing, apartment hunting and a few days of video games until 3 am to help pass the time. i have one speed for hobbies lol
can you tell that my adhd meds are out of stock? now im writing to pass the time and it feels a lot more productive than Fallout 4 into the wee hours
i think i will post a poll soon so yous guys can vote for the next story i write. but my inbox is always open for suggestions too. tho you should see the notes in my phone, its like 11 different ideas lol
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theostrophywife · 2 days
curiosity killed the cat.
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pairing: regulus black x reader.
song inspiration: late night talking by harry styles.
author's note: i've been in such a writing rut lately, but sweet baby boy reggie is singlehandedly bringing me out of it. this idea has been floating in my mind for a while so I hope you all enjoy it. <3
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Curiosity killed the cat.
The irony of the phrase wasn’t entirely lost on Regulus as he cautiously peered through the bustling kitchen. The elves were cleaning up after supper, humming and working diligently to keep the castle in order behind the scenes. Some of them leaned down to reach for him with soapy fingers, but he narrowly avoided each attempt, baring his teeth in warning. 
They would not deter him from his true mission to infiltrate the basement. Having explored all the nooks and crannies Hogwarts had to offer, the Hufflepuff common room was his Atlantis—the last unexplored territory that he had yet to set foot in. 
In his current state, it was perhaps more accurate to say that Regulus had never set paw in this corner of the castle. Most of the time, he found his spontaneous transformations terribly inconvenient, but as Regulus slipped past the door without a trace, the youngest Black brother was suddenly grateful for his complete lack of mastery over his Animagus form. 
To be fair, he was only trying to find some peace and quiet. As of late, Regulus had become particularly fond of the kitchens. It was always warm down here and the smell of freshly baked bread wafted from the ovens and beckoned him towards its glorious scent like a beacon. Not to mention the fact that the elves often left a bowl of cold milk for him every night. 
Well, he supposed it wasn’t exactly for him. At least, not his true human form. The elves were not fond of Regulus the person, but they did adore the feral black cat that haunted the halls of Hogwarts. 
Potato, potato. 
The point is, that his benevolent caretakers were typically careful about securing the ever mysterious door at the end of his little haven. Lest he get his wily little paws all over those timid badgers. Much to his delight, the security measure was not in place tonight. The door was wide open, presenting Regulus with an offer that was simply too good to pass up. 
With a shimmy, he slinked behind enemy lines. Despite being located in the lower levels of the castle like the dungeons were, the Hufflepuff common room was far more welcoming. Instead of gothic furnishings and depressing color palettes, Regulus was greeted with warm earth tones and mismatched furniture. Plants of all shapes and sizes littered the room, which were far more pleasant to look upon than the haughty portraits that lined his own common room. At least the mimbulus in the corner didn’t sputter out rather unnecessary comments about the length of his curls every time he entered the dungeons. 
The Hufflepuffs seemed averse to the menacing lighting that his fellow serpents seemed so fond of, choosing instead to illuminate their space with enchanted sun lamps. It was charming and cozy, if one were to take notice of such things. Malfoy would have deemed it greenhouse chic with a sneer that conveyed aristocratic distaste. For that reason alone, Regulus decided he liked the place. 
The growing fondness was solidified as he followed the intoxicating scent of banana nut muffins. The trail led him to a dorm tucked away into the heart of the basement. Luckily for Regulus, the door was slightly ajar, which was more than enough permission for him to venture inside and make himself comfortable. It was the standard issue room—two beds, two desks, and two dressers. Yet the right side drew his attention. 
The top of the nightstand was brimming with books, all stacked in no particular order. The color scheme of the blankets and pillows consisted of golds, pinks, and oranges, reminding Regulus of the sunset. Fairy lights and enchanted plants provided a lived in feel, which was more than he could say for his obsessively neat dorm with its alphabetically arranged library and utilitarian furniture. Everything in his room was designed with practicality instead of comfort in mind. A choice he was rather proud of until the stark contrast made his space feel cold and rigid in comparison.
The reading nook nestled beside the hearth drew him in like a moth to a flame. Regulus inspected the cloud chair, stomping on the soft woven blanket and plush pillows with his paw before coming to the conclusion that it was as good a place as any to burrow. 
This was the life, he said. Or purred, if he was being technical. 
As Regulus enjoyed the comforts of his newfound paradise, he failed to consider the fact that this dorm belonged to someone and that someone would likely be back any second to reclaim their refuge, given the late hour. Engrossed as he was with licking his paws, Regulus startled when the door swung open. Instantly, he recognized the owner of the dorm as the shy and quiet Hufflepuff that sat beside him in Charms. Regulus lifted a paw to his furry head, feeling foolish that he had not connected the dots earlier. 
No wonder the banana muffin scent drew him in. Every now and then, he caught a whiff of it in class when you quietly claimed the spot beside him. The colorful scrunchies on the dresser also sparked his memory. How many times had Regulus witnessed you twisting the hair tie around your wrist as you quietly murmured the correct answers to Professor Flitwick’s questions under your breath? It never made much sense to him that you would allow the others to blatter and stutter through topics you were clearly an expert on, but Regulus attributed that to his proximity to pompous know-it-all pricks all his life. Slytherins were known to be showoffs, but you seemed to be the complete opposite. 
Perhaps that was the reason why he stayed. Well, that and the fact that he was currently too comfortable to even dream of leaving his sanctuary. Really, the decision was made for him. Regulus watched as you settled into your desk, studying diligently as your quill flew across the parchment. Every so often, you leaned back against the chair and stared at whatever problem eluded you as though intimidating the parchment would bring forth the correct answer. It was rather endearing. Dare he say, charming. 
In his mind, only minutes had passed since the start of your silent companionship, but a glance at the clock said otherwise. It was nearly midnight at this rate. As Regulus grumbled about his inevitable separation from the comfy cloud couch, a group of girls spilled into the room. They briefly said hello to you before gathering at the vanity table on the left side of the room. Regulus assumed one of them was your roommate. Probably the dark haired girl chattering on about the party the Gryffindors were hosting tonight. 
“Do you think Cormac will be there?” she asked hopefully. 
The other girls nodded in agreement, asking questions about the older boy with misplaced  enthusiasm. Regulus wrinkled his nose. McLaggen, really? Your roommate truly needed to raise her standards. He glanced over in your direction, snorting as he caught the tail end of your grimace. Clearly, you weren’t a fan either. 
After the girls were satisfied with their appearances, your roommate sauntered over to your desk with a friendly smile. “Would you like to come to the party with us, Y/N?” 
Before you could answer, one of the other girls rudely interrupted. “Oh no, Y/N doesn’t go to parties. She’s too shy.” 
Regulus vaguely recognized the annoyingly nasally tone of the speaker. He thought her name was Brandy or Brenda. Whichever one it was, she always hung around the quidditch team batting her eyelashes and laughing in an exaggerated way that bordered on deranged. It deeply irritated Regulus. 
“Isn’t that right, Y/N? Our little bookworm only prefers the company of her novels. No chance of embarrassing yourself in front of boys when they’re just words on paper.” 
“That’s mean, Britt,” scolded your roommate. 
Regulus very much wanted to scamper across the room and bite Britt’s ankles. He lifted his head up as you stood, mentally encouraging you to even the score by chucking a tome at that horrid girl’s head, but instead you simply smoothed down the front of your gingham dress and smiled. 
“Thanks for the offer, Mina, but I think I’ll stay in tonight. You girls have fun though.” 
The others were more than happy to flee the awkward tension in the room. You bid them goodbye at the door before closing it behind you. As it clicked into place, you released a sigh. Regulus tracked your movements as you swiped a book from the teetering tower on your nightstand before collapsing into bed. 
“God, what’s wrong with me?” You whispered softly to yourself. “It’s Friday night. I should be going out and partying, but instead I’m wallowing alone. No wonder everyone thinks I’m just a boring bookworm.”
Regulus voiced his disagreement. Unfortunately for him, the words came out as a series of meows. He blended in amongst the blankets, his whiskers barely peeking out from a distance. Unaware of his presence, you yelped at the strange cat peering at you from the reading nook. The noise startled Regulus, causing him to launch across the room and into the bed. 
“Oh, it’s just you.” You sat upright, cocking your head at him. Your fingers twitched at your side, probably itching to pet him. You restrained yourself, respecting his general aversion to humans. “If you’re here to bring me bad luck, then I’m sorry to say that I’ve got enough of that on my own already.” 
In protest, Regulus attempted to headbutt your hand, but it only resulted in an unintentional nuzzle. You chuckled in amusement before carefully patting his furry head. He dodged your hand and swiped at your leg, but the padding motions quickly turned to him just making biscuits on your thigh. 
You chuckled in response. “Hm, everyone says you’re a mean kitty, but I think you’re just a little misunderstood.” Regulus huffed, but his displeasure was short lived as you scratched under his chin. He was only slightly embarrassed at how eager he was to receive more. “Look at us, we make quite the pair.” 
At that, Regulus purred in agreement.
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From that night forward, Regulus became a frequent visitor. He hadn’t intended on making a habit of it, but every time Regulus accidentally transformed, he found himself in your dorm. It wasn’t his fault that it was warm and toasty and smelled like pastries. If you weren’t trying to attract a feral cat, you shouldn’t have made your room so inviting. 
During one of his visits, your roommate walked by and yelped at the sight of him. Regulus lifted his chin up in challenge as he claimed his rightful seat on your lap. “Is that the feral cat that almost took off Cedric’s fingers?” 
Regulus purred in answer. He was rather proud of that moment. Would’ve gotten away with it too had it not been for Diggory’s quick reflexes. 
You barely looked up from your book as you combed through his fur. “Mhm. He likes to follow me around sometimes. He’s like my little shadow.” A bright smile curved against your lips. “Oh, I think we found you a name. Shadow.” 
From then on, Regulus wore the name like a badge. The name seemed to awaken more of his animal instincts because his spontaneous transformations became a rather frequent occurrence. At the beginning, they were isolated to nights and thus easier to manage, but now his Animagus form seemed to have no respect for convenience. As of late, the transformations were happening more and more often with absolutely no rhyme or reason. 
The only common denominator seemed to be you. Every time Regulus was in his Animagus form, he sought you out. Whether he was interrupting Potions class to jump in your lap or resting next to you in the courtyard while you read, Regulus was resigned to the fact that he would end up in your proximity one way or another. He basked in the attention you showered him with, shamelessly nuzzling against your hand for more chin scratches and cuddles. It became a routine for the two of you. Most nights, you read in silence as he curled against you for warmth, but other nights, your inner monologue spilled out and he listened to you grapple with your shyness and anxiety. 
Funny, you didn’t seem all that reserved around him. But then again he had taken on the form of a grumpy yet harmless cat. You were none the wiser that Regulus Black was currently purring for more pets as you lamented over the events of the day. He listened intently, not quite understanding your desire to become more sociable. You seemed to view it as a deficiency, but Regulus had always leaned towards the extremities of introvertedness. Though in his case, no one batted an eye when he was abrupt and abrasive. It was just how he was. 
Hufflepuffs, on the other hand, were expected to be sunshine and butterflies. You were, Regulus thought. In your own quiet way, you radiated joy. It wasn’t loud or obnoxious or overbearing. It was just right. Regulus longed to tell you just as much, but it wasn’t like he was in a position to. Outside these late night talks, the two of you hardly spoke a word to one another. 
Perhaps it was time to change that. 
The first time Regulus tried to speak to you was a complete and utter disaster. 
It was bright and early on a Monday morning. You slipped into your seat a few minutes before the start of Charms. The two of you were always the first ones in class, so he figured it was an opportune time to strike up a conversation without overwhelming you. 
“How was your weekend?” 
You blinked up at him, surveying the room covertly as though you weren’t quite sure that he was speaking to you. Regulus watched you flush as you realized that he was indeed addressing the question to you.
“It was good,” you responded cautiously. “How was yours?” 
Regulus paused. “It was…fine.” 
Never in his life had he wanted to swan dive into the Black Lake and become fodder for the merpeople. The response was a natural conversation killer, but he couldn’t very well tell you that he spent the entire weekend lounging in your dorm as you read Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time. That little revelation probably would’ve resulted in a restraining order. 
The short and awkward dialogue made him cringe internally, but you simply smiled politely at him. For Salazar’s sake, where was the basilisk when Regulus needed it?
When lunch came around, he was still pondering the less than lackluster encounter. Regulus needed to find a way in. As his friends chattered and chatted, he stared intently across the Great Hall and watched you. Things were so much easier when you thought he was a cat. 
“Reg, mate, you haven’t blinked for like five minutes. You’re really starting to freak me out.” 
The annoying little quip from Nott brought Regulus out of his stupor. Had he truly been staring for that long? He hoped to Godric that you hadn’t caught him being an utter creep. A sly glance told him that you were none the wiser as you continued chatting with Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley. He turned to Theodore and frowned. 
“What are you staring at, anyways?” asked Mattheo. The curly headed git surveyed the room for the object of his friend’s focus, which only made Regulus more irate. 
“Nothing,” Regulus mumbled. 
Riddle, ever the menace, grinned as he spotted you. “Doesn’t look like nothing to me.” 
He elbowed Theo, who smirked once he too caught sight of you. “Say, Reggie, don’t you have Charms with that cute little Hufflepuff?” 
“Shut it, Nott.” 
“Whoa, a little touchy there, aren’t we? No need to fret. I won’t turn my Italian charms on her. After all, I wouldn’t dare go after one of my mate’s crushes.” 
Regulus bristled. “I do not have a crush.” 
“Sure, mate, and I’m Harry bloody Potter,” scoffed Mattheo. “You’re not fooling anyone, you know.” 
“Does this conversation have a purpose besides showcasing your remarkable skill of grating my nerves?” 
“Aw, Reggie’s upset.” Mattheo and Theodore chuckled as Regulus stood abruptly. He flung the napkin onto his plate and walked off without explanation. “Don’t worry, mate. We won’t tell anyone about your secret girlfriend.”
Unfortunately for Regulus, the childish teasing gained traction over the next few days. Trust Nott and Riddle to be a general nuisance to his everyday life. Every time you walked past Regulus in the halls, his friends (debatable as of late) would nudge him and smirk. Given that Mattheo and Theo possessed the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, you were definitely beginning to notice. 
Even worse, Lorenzo had taken it upon himself to chat you up in the courtyard. Regulus looked on in horror as his best friend laughed and gesticulated alongside you on the bench. His presence had not gone unnoticed by their fellow classmates. A crowd of Hufflepuffs began crowding near your usual spot under the willow tree and Regulus could easily spot the tell-tale signs of your anxiety blooming. He needed to put an end to this. 
“Berkshire, can I talk to you for a second?” 
Lorenzo appeared completely unbothered as he nodded. “Sure, just let me wrap up here. Reg, you’ve met Y/N, right? She was kind enough to lend me notes for History of Magic.” 
You looked up and gave Regulus a shy wave. The desire to throttle Lorenzo diminished by a few notches. “Sorry about him. Berkshire’s a bit overeager. Not fully trained, you see.” 
His friend protested the accusation. “Hey, I’m standing right here!” 
Regulus ignored his protests. Lorenzo might as well have been halfway across the world with how little attention he paid to his friend. He was far too busy being enamored with the way you tried to bite back a grin.
“Thank you for indulging him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t go off leash again.” 
You chuckled. “It’s alright, really. I’ve got a habit of attracting strays.” 
“Where is that little monster of yours, anyways? Busy clawing off some unsuspecting student’s face?” Lorenzo quipped. 
“Shadow isn’t so bad. He’s actually very sweet, once you get to know him.”
Regulus tried not to grin. 
Lorenzo shot him a knowing look. “Sounds like someone else I know.” 
Regulus rolled his eyes. “Sorry again about him. I’ll make sure he returns your notes.” He tugged Lorenzo by the collar. “Now let’s go, Berkshire. We’re going to be late for practice.” 
“Bye, Y/N!” Lorenzo called over his shoulder. “Don’t be a stranger.” 
“Bye, Lorenzo,” you said with an amused smile. “I’ll see you in class, Regulus.” 
Regulus couldn’t help but smile. “See you in class, Y/N.” 
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Thanks to his meddlesome friends, Regulus kept finding himself in less than ideal situations. The twats seemed determined to force you two together. Lorenzo, most of all. 
Every time they studied in the library, you seemed to conveniently be seated a few desks away. Every time they were walking back from quidditch practice, you coincidentally seemed to be headed to the greenhouse. Every time Lorenzo fetched something in his locker, you just so happened to be walking by between classes. 
It was during one of these times that Regulus overheard Britt making snippy little comments about your dresses and bows, commenting on how you were always lost in your books, even citing the fact that the feral cat had taken a liking to you because birds of a feather flock together. Your roommate defended you, but she was a lone voice amongst the other mindless girls who laughed along with Britt. The next time Regulus ran into her in his cat form, he made sure to hiss and claw at her. 
In terms of finding his way in, Regulus had yet to crack the code. When it was just you and your Shadow, you spoke to him for hours and hours. But when he was actually himself, you were so quiet and reserved. 
“Why don’t you just talk to her?” Lorenzo offered. 
The glare Regulus cut his way was sharper than a splicing spell. “I’ve tried, but I’m terrible at it. I asked her about the weather, Enzo. The bloody weather!” 
To his credit, Lorenzo didn’t laugh. Instead, he seemed deep in thought. “You’ve got to find out what she’s passionate about. What’s something that she could talk about for hours and hours?” 
Regulus bolted out of his chair, startling Lorenzo. “You’re a genius, Berkshire.” 
His friend looked utterly confused. “Thanks, I suppose?” 
Half an hour later, Regulus found himself standing in a labyrinth. Plot Twist, the largest bookstore in the village, was as magical as you described it to be. Each aisle was filled to the brim with books, the shelves winding and twisting in on itself to reveal even more volumes. Soft classical music played throughout the shop, its interior filled with kitschy trinkets and illuminated by enchanted candles.
If Regulus recalled correctly, the latest installment of your favorite series just recently released. You mentioned it to Ginny in the Great Hall last week while he lounged on your lap. Was it ethical to eavesdrop on your conversations and use the information he gleaned to grow closer to you? Perhaps not, but he couldn’t help it. Cunning was in his nature. There was a reason Regulus was sorted into Slytherin, after all.
So here he was on a Friday afternoon, looking absolutely engrossed in the romance section of the bookstore. Regulus picked up a novel from the display. One of your favorites, of course. 
From the corner of his eye, Regulus glimpsed your entrance into the store. Naturally, you were headed in his direction since romance was your preferred guilty pleasure. He pretended to skim through the summary despite the fact that he already read the book in its entirety. When you were reading it back in your dorm, you blushed so much that he had to see what the fuss was about for himself. 
“Oh, that’s a really good one,” you said shyly. 
“Yeah?” Regulus asked, noting the pretty flush dusting your cheeks. “Have you read it before?” 
“About a thousand times.” 
“What’s the verdict, then? Would you recommend it to me?” 
You cocked your head in observation, taking him in. Regulus was acutely aware that he didn’t fit the usual demographic of romance novel readers. Hell, even his all black ensemble clashed with the vibrant book covers. 
“I know, I know. I have the looks of someone who would rather binge murder mysteries, but I’m trying to branch out.” 
The grin you gave him made his heart stutter. “Well, I’d be more than happy to be your guide.” 
Regulus had no idea why he hadn’t realized it sooner. Books—that was the gateway to your heart. He listened in fascination as you pulled books from the shelves, talking a mile a minute about your favorite authors, characters, and tropes. You lit up the entire room as you spoke, filling the place with your infectious energy. He had only ever seen you this way in the comfort of your own dorm, so he relished in the fact that he was witnessing this not as Shadow but as Regulus. 
“Oh my god, I’ve been rambling. I’m so sorry. Once I start, I just can’t seem to stop.” 
He smiled softly. Regulus could have listened to you talk about books for the rest of his life and never grow bored. “I don’t want you to stop. I like that you’re so passionate. It’s adorable.” 
Suddenly, Regulus wished he had a camera because the sight of you smiling up at him was a memory that needed to be captured and immortalized. For now, he settled for its dizzying aftereffects. 
“Thank you for letting me talk your ear off,” you said shyly as the two of you made your way to the counter. 
“No, thank you for helping me expand my horizons.” Regulus countered as he set both of your books down. 
You started to fish for your wallet, but Regulus simply waved you off. “Please, let me.” The shopkeeper gaped at him. “Would you mind putting everything on my tab?” 
“Of course, Mr. Black.” 
“Regulus is fine.” 
“Sure thing Mr.—I mean, Regulus.” 
As the shopkeeper carefully packed up the books, Regulus leaned in. “You can call me Reg, if you’d like. Reggie, if you’re feeling particularly brave.” 
You beamed. “Thank you, Reggie.” 
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” 
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The Monday after the breakthrough, Regulus marched into Charms with purpose. You glanced up in amusement as he settled into his seat. 
“You were right. Your recommendations were fantastic. I read it all in one sitting.” 
“Which one?” you asked curiously. 
Back at the bookstore, you had gotten a little overzealous with the recommendations, but at the end, you managed to narrow it down to your absolute top picks. 
“All of them.” 
Your jaw nearly dropped. “You read all of them?” 
Regulus shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Yes.”
“Every single book?” 
“But I gave you six recommendations,” you stated incredulously. You considered yourself a voracious reader, but Regulus Black was giving you a run for your money. 
“And I devoured every single one.” 
As it turns out, that was all it took to unlock the floodgates. Soon your conversations flourished from books and literature to hobbies and future plans. Regulus could tell that you were warming up to him. The conversations that were once isolated to the Charms classroom flowed easily outside of it as well.
The first few times you were spotted together, it turned a few heads. 
Regulus had never been particularly known for his sociability, so he supposed it was a rather strange sight for everyone else to find him practically glued to your side. Never mind that he’d done it a hundred times before as your Shadow and no one ever said a word about it back then. As he spotted you in your usual spot under the willow tree, he found that he really didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought of your newfound friendship. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
You nodded as you moved your belongings to make room for him. “Yes, by you.” 
Regulus dropped his backpack by his feet before stretching his long legs out on the wooden bench. You watched in amusement as the wood creaked under his weight. “I prefer to be horizontal when I read. You don’t mind, do you?” 
“Knock yourself out, Mr. Black.”
“That’s Regulus to you, love.” 
“I thought it was Reg.” 
“Actually, I prefer Reggie. But only if it’s being used by you.” 
“Okay, Reggie.” 
He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. 
Despite spending time with you during the day, Regulus still made his visits in the night. He truly just couldn’t get enough. Thanks to his questionable methods, you were starting to open up to him more. Just that morning, the two of you ate breakfast together in the Great Hall. You teased him for eating such a bland meal. 
“Honestly, Regulus. We attend a magical school. You could ask for anything your little heart desires and you choose to eat gruel?” 
“It’s not gruel. It’s oatmeal.” 
“My point exactly.” 
“What’s wrong with oatmeal?” 
“Nothing, I suppose. If you prefer eating cement for breakfast.” 
“You’re awfully judgmental. Let’s take a closer look at your choices. A chocolate chip muffin? You might as well swallow a spoonful of sugar and call it a day.” 
“My apologies, Mr. Black. I forgot that you abhor flavor. Shall we share your cement goop, then?” 
“After you insulted my culinary preferences? I think not, Y/N.” 
Needless to say, the two of you got along like a house on fire. Both of your friends constantly teased you about the newfound friendship. Regulus simply rolled his eyes and brushed off the comments, but even his mates noticed the way he smiled every time you were mentioned. You knew your friends were bursting at the seams with questions regarding Regulus, but to their credit, Ginny and Luna were happy seeing you happy. 
Not everyone shared their enthusiasm though. Britt, in particular, was rather cross. It made no sense that someone like you would catch the attention of Regulus Black. She had harbored a crush on the youngest Black since third year and he could barely even spare her a glance, yet here you were receiving his full and undivided attention. Britt was seething with jealousy. She simply could not accept losing to you, of all people. 
Perhaps you dosed Regulus with a love potion. Perhaps he pitied you, viewed you as some wounded animal to save. Either way, Britt was convinced that Regulus wasn’t meant to be with someone like you. A shy and quiet girl who could never hope to hold his attention for long. She just had to make Regulus see it. The perfect opportunity presented itself one Friday afternoon.
In the crowded hall, Regulus shielded you from the incoming traffic of students rushing to their next class. It wasn’t much of an effort on his part since your fellow classmates cowered and parted as soon as they caught sight of your companion’s scowl.
“Reggie, could you try not to scare the first years away?” You teased, bumping your hip against his. “Poor Anderson looked ready to cry when you glared at him.” 
Regulus bumped you back. “He nearly stepped on your foot.” 
“Did that really warrant you threatening to hide bullfrogs underneath his pillows?” 
“You’re right, I’ve gone soft. I should’ve threatened him with fire serpents instead.” 
“You’re hopeless, Regulus.” 
Regulus placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. “You wound me, ma chérie.” 
The nickname made you flush. Regulus had never been more thankful that French was his native tongue. The language of love certainly had its effect on you. 
“However will you live?” 
“I’ll tell you what, if you come keep me company tonight, then all will be forgiven.” 
“I’m not helping you sneak bullfrogs into Anderson’s dorm.” 
He pouted in response. “Fine. I suppose we can have a quiet night in. Come join the dark side. We can read together in the common room.” 
“The dungeons?” You asked apprehensively. 
Though you’ve gotten used to the occasional Slytherin greeting you in the halls, the whole lot of them still terrified you. You weren’t quite sure how you felt about marching right into the serpent’s nest. 
“It’ll just be us,” Regulus added softly. “I’ll make sure of it.” 
The way he eased your worries was endearing. You bumped his hip again. “You can’t just kick people out of their own common room.”
“I’m Regulus Black,” he said haughtily. “Of course I can.” Regulus draped an arm over your shoulder and leaned in to whisper conspiratorially. “Come on, I know you’re dying to read that new novel you bought last weekend.” 
You rolled your eyes affectionately. He knew you too well. “You mean, the novel that you bought me. Against my will, thank you very much. I will pay you back.” Regulus started protesting, but you only held your hand up. “You’re right, though. I’m convinced. I’ll bring the snacks. Chocolate frogs for me and a bowl of gruel for you.” 
You yelped as Regulus dug his fingers into your side. “It’s a date, love.” 
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Regulus paced back and forth, watching the door to the dungeons. To say he was nervous would’ve been an understatement. 
As soon as classes were dismissed for the day, Regulus wasted no time. He raced back to the common room and made sure everything was perfect. The boys were taking the piss out of him, but he paid no mind to them as he fluffed the pillows and draped a blanket over the couch. 
“Ooh, what type of candle is this?” Theo asked as he wrapped his grimy little fingers around the banana nut muffin scented candle. 
Regulus smacked his friend’s hand away. “Don’t touch that.” 
Mattheo snickered as he took in the scene before him. “You must really like this girl, Reg. I don’t think I’ve ever put in this much effort for a date.” 
“Yeah, and how’s that working out for you?” Regulus snipped. Blaise and Pansy snorted in response. 
Lorenzo bit back a smile. “I think it’s nice. Y/N will love it.” 
“You think so?” Regulus asked absentmindedly. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect. The dungeons were a far cry from your dorm, but Regulus did his best to emulate the comfort it provided. “It’s not too much?” 
“It’s a bit…cozy for my taste,” said Draco. Regulus fought the urge to throttle his cousin. To be fair, Draco hated anything that wasn’t French or expensive. “But I’m sure your girl will love it.” 
“She’s not my girl,” Regulus corrected. “Not yet, at least.” 
Tom shot a disinterested glance at him from the couch. “What on earth are you waiting for? You’ve been pining over her for months. Your yearning is starting to sicken me.” 
Mattheo grimaced. “I think that’s Tom’s way of encouraging you to make a move.” 
“Consider me encouraged,” Regulus said with an eye roll. “Now everyone get out.” 
As his friends filtered out, Lorenzo patted him on the back. “Good luck, mate.” 
Luck had nothing to do with it. Regulus refused to take his chances on such a finicky thing. He was far too resourceful to leave things up to chance. Instead, he compiled everything he’s learned about you to ensure that you wouldn’t feel overwhelmed. 
At exactly six o’clock on the dot, Regulus opened the door to the dungeons. He smiled when he found you standing in the corridor, fidgeting with the hem of your sunflower dress. You clutched your book to your chest as he stepped through the threshold. 
“Hi, Reg,” you greeted shyly. 
“Hi, love.” Regulus offered his arm, which you gladly took. “Come on in.” 
You weren’t sure what to expect at first, but you found the dungeons to be quite cozy. The waves from the Black Lake gently lapped against the stained glass windows, the murky waters shimmering across the onyx floors. The furnishings were all dark wood and harsh lines with pops of emerald tying everything together. The velvet couch was piled with pillows and candles illuminated the space, providing a warmth and coziness that you never would’ve attributed to the dungeons. 
“This is quite lovely,” you said softly. 
Regulus took your bag from you and set it gently on the marble side table. “I’m glad you think so.” 
“Where’s everyone else?” 
“Out,” Regulus responded. “If they’re smart, they’ll stay that way.” 
You chuckled. “I guess it pays to be mean and scary.” 
“To everyone else, yes.” Regulus said as he guided you over to the couch. “Not to you, though.”
The sentiment made you smile. “Well, big scary Reggie, thank you for inviting me over. As promised, I came bearing snacks.” 
As you laid out a treasure trove of treats, Regulus watched with an amused smile. “For Salazar’s sake, I’m getting a cavity just looking at all of this candy.” 
You grinned as you waved a sour gummy worm in the air. “But it’s good, though.” Regulus backed away from the neon colored candy with a grimace. “Come on, Reg. Try it.” 
“No, thank you.” 
“Please,” you pleaded, poking his cheek with the worm. “Just one little nibble. I know you want to.” 
“You’re a terrible influence,” he sighed defeatedly. 
Regulus leaned over, his lips brushing against your fingers as he took a small bite. You flushed furiously, heat prickling your skin as his emerald gaze pierced through you. From this close, you could make out the golden flecks swimming in his irises. 
“It’s a bit sweet,” Regulus murmured. His eyes never left yours as he held your wrist in place, devouring what was left of the sour worm. “But I’ve grown an appetite for sweet things lately.” 
Regulus licked flecks of sugar off of his lips, smirking when he caught you staring. You cleared your throat, eager to diffuse whatever tension was brewing between you. He tracked your movements as you retrieved your book and daintily perched yourself on the couch. 
“Shall we?” 
A comfortable silence befell the common room, broken only by the lulling crash of the waves against the windows. It baffled you how at ease you were in the dungeons. Usually, it took a bit of time for you to adjust to new environments, but something about this place seemed familiar. You felt safe here, thanks to the boy sitting beside you. 
As you curled up on the sofa, Regulus assumed his position. He scooted towards you, placing his head on your lap and stretching his long legs out until they touched the other end of the couch. With a smile, you peered at him as he nuzzled against your free hand. Regulus sighed in satisfaction when you ran your fingers through his curls. The action reminded you of your little Shadow. 
You had no idea how you hadn’t realized it sooner, but the two of them were similar in a lot of ways. They were both standoffish and prickly on the outside, but complete softies on the inside. The thought made you chuckle. 
“What’s so funny?” Regulus murmured. Despite the fact that the two of you were supposed to be reading, his book remained perched on his stomach while his eyes fluttered close. 
“It’s just hard to reconcile grumpy Regulus to the Regulus that practically begs for his head to be scratched.”
Regulus scoffed. “I do not beg.” 
You placed your hand back in your lap. Regulus furrowed his brows as he glanced up at you. With a soft nudge to your side and a matching pout to boot, he single handedly proved your point. “Why’d you stop?” 
The pointed look you gave him made Regulus flush. “Fine, I suppose I’m not above begging.” 
You raised a brow, which only made him sigh in defeat. Regulus lifted your hand and placed it back atop his curls. “Please?” 
“Only because you asked nicely, Reggie.” 
The rest of the evening was blissfully peaceful as the two of you continued reading. Well, you were reading. Regulus, on the other hand, hadn’t even cracked open his book. You could feel the intensity of his gaze boring into you while you pretended to be engrossed in your novel. 
“Do I have something on my face?” You asked self-consciously. 
“Then why are you staring?” 
Regulus sat upright and faced you, his emerald eyes locking onto yours. His expression was soft as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, knuckles brushing along your jaw. 
“Because you’re beautiful.” 
The air left your lungs as Regulus beheld you. The calluses on his thumb stroked your skin as he caressed your cheek. You shivered at his touch, at his scent, at his closeness. Regulus was like poetry come to life. A work of art that moved and breathed and mesmerized everyone around him. If anyone was beautiful, it was him. 
The words died in your throat when Regulus brushed his thumb over your lips. “Y/N…” 
Little by little, the gap closed between you. Anticipation swelled in the room, enveloping everything with unspoken tension. You felt like a harp string pulled taut, waiting for release. Just as Regulus tilted your head back, a loud smack echoed through the dungeons. 
You nearly jumped out of your seat, but Regulus shielded you behind him, keeping you close. A stream of people made their way through the common room, trampling the once serene atmosphere. The commotion from earlier seemed to be coming from the large keg that Adrian Pucey was now rolling across the stone floor. The other Slythering began clearing the furniture, chattering excitedly amongst themselves. 
Regulus was incensed. “What the fuck is going on?” 
One by one, his friends streamed in. Blaise was the first to squeeze through the crowd. “Common room party, apparently. We ran here to warn you, but they were already rolling the kegs through the corridor before we caught up.” 
Theodore and Mattheo pushed their way through a couple of fourth years. At their complaint, the two boys glared at them so intensely that they slowly started to back away. 
“The fuck are you looking at?” Mattheo barked. 
“Are you deaf or just thick? Get fucking lost, mate,” Theo added menacingly. 
You flinched at the display of aggression. Regulus clocked the reaction and pulled you closer before frowning at his friends. Theodore elbowed Mattheo when he caught sight of you, who in turn elbowed Theodore back. 
“Sorry about that, Y/N.” Theodore drawled, his Italian accent seeping through the words. “We didn’t see you there. Usually, we’re more well-behaved in the presence of a lady.” 
“That’s a lie,” Pansy interjected. “You’re horrid around me all the time.” 
“I’ve known you since we were in diapers, Pans. You’re certainly not a lady,” Theodore quipped. 
“Why, you little twat—” 
“Guys,” Regulus scolded. 
Pansy stopped in her tracks, sighing as she put her hand down after landing a smack on the back of Theodore’s head. She offered her hand. “Right. Well, this isn’t how we thought our first introduction would go, but it’s nice to finally meet the infamous Y/N. Regulus talks about you all the time.” 
You flushed as you took Pansy’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you too, Pansy.” 
“Me next,” Theodore exclaimed. “Theodore Nott, at your service.” 
The floppy haired boy bowed cheekily before taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles. Regulus glared daggers at his friend, but you merely giggled in amusement. 
“Move, Nott. It’s my turn now.” Mattheo smacked Theodore away and enveloped you into a hug. “Mattheo, the most handsome Riddle. Although don’t tell my brother that. He might hex me. Anyways, nice to meet you." He paused, sniffing your hair unabashedly. "Oh! Reg is right. You do smell nice.” 
“Riddle,” warned Regulus.
Mattheo only winked at you before stepping aside. You exchanged introductions with Blaise and Draco next until Lorenzo caught up with the rest of the group. He gave you a warm hug before explaining that someone had printed out posters promoting a party that none of the Slytherins had any clue about. Of course, it didn’t take much convincing on his housemates' part before they jumped on the bandwagon, hence the packed common room. 
“I’m so sorry,” Regulus said as he turned over to face you. “ I didn’t know any of this was happening.”
Worry marred his beautiful face. Though the situation was a little more than overwhelming, you didn’t want Regulus worrying on your behalf. It was touching, truly. But you could try to push through it. 
“It’s okay, Reg. I’m fine, really.” 
“We can leave,” he offered. “Find somewhere more quiet.” 
“Already?” Mattheo asked, pouting. “But we haven’t even played butterbeer pong yet! Dibs on Y/N as my partner.” 
“No fair! I was going to ask her,” Theodore said, shoving Mattheo. His curly headed friend shoved back, which only escalated into Theodore putting him into a headlock. You shook your head in amusement. 
“Sorry to disappoint, but I have no idea how to play butterbeer pong.” 
Mattheo slithered out of Theodore’s hold and beamed. “Oh, it’s easy. You just arrange a bunch of cups into a pyramid and then take turns shooting ping pong balls into them. Surely, you’ve handled balls before, right?” 
The double meaning was not lost on the group. Regulus tensed, charging up to smack Mattheo into next week for the inappropriate joke, but your response stopped him in his tracks. 
“I have,” you said softly. “Have you? Because it doesn’t seem like it from the way you kept missing the goalposts during the game last week.” 
Mattheo gaped in shock before bursting into laughter. “Oh, she’s a keeper.” 
“You’re lucky Y/N found that funny,” Regulus said to his friend. “Otherwise, I would’ve twisted your intestines into a bow for her.” 
“Taking a page out of my brother’s book, I see,” Mattheo taunted. 
“Is this a bad time to ask if you’ve ever had a body shot, Y/N?” Theo asked with feigned innocence. “If not, I’m more than willing to show you.” 
Regulus reeled back and smacked Theo on the head while the rest of the group cackled. Theo rubbed the sore spot and grumbled. “A simple no would have sufficed.” 
The more time you spent around them, the less intimidating they became. From what you gleaned, they seemed to be a tight knit group. It wasn’t at all what you expected from the Slytherins. 
“Your friends are silly,” you whispered to Regulus as the group migrated to the couch. 
In the background, Mattheo and Theodore bickered over who drank the last of the firewhisky while Lorenzo wiped the back of his mouth and burped. He winked when he caught your eye, charging you with keeping his secret. 
“They’re idiots,” Regulus scoffed. His tone was contrasted by the softness in his eyes as he watched his friends muck about. “But they’re family.” 
Throughout the night, you didn’t miss the way that Regulus fussed over you. He was a constant presence by your side, attuned and attentive to every need. When you felt parched, Regulus was there to offer you a drink. When you felt cold, Regulus draped his jacket over you without you needing to ask. He checked in with you often, making sure his obnoxious friends weren’t offending you and ensuring that the attention wasn’t too overwhelming to handle. 
You assured him that you were fine. In fact, you were surprised to realize that you were enjoying yourself. It was a lot easier to deal with your social anxiety when you had someone there to ground you. 
The Slytherins were a rather social bunch. Pansy was thrilled at the prospect of having another girl join the group. Within thirty minutes, she had talked you into going to Hogsmeade with her next weekend. She wanted a break from the boys, she said. But she also made it known that she expected a full rundown of the situation between you and Regulus. 
Draco and Blaise were very clearly eavesdropping, despite their efforts to appear nonchalant. Apparently, everyone was as invested in your pairing as Pansy was. Theodore and Mattheo didn’t even try to hide the fact that they were talking Regulus up. When Mattheo declared that Regulus rescued an injured baby bird and nursed it back to health, you nearly lost it. Regulus hated birds. 
“You’re an idiot,” Regulus exclaimed. 
“No, let him talk. I want to hear all about it. What kind of bird was it, Mattheo?” 
“Uh…the kind with wings?” 
Lorenzo shook his head. “Really, mate? That’s the best you could come up with?” 
The group continued their bantering as you watched in fascination. Their dynamic fascinated you. They bickered like siblings, but you could tell that they would go to the end of the world for one another. You could see why Regulus thought of them as family. 
“Feeling okay?” Regulus asked, nudging you with his hip. 
“Mhm,” you responded, bumping him back. “Thanks for inviting me over.” 
“This isn’t what I had in mind when I did,” Regulus said. “But I’m still glad you came.”
“Of course, I had to see you in your natural habitat. I didn’t know you were such a party animal, Reggie.” 
He grabbed hold of your waist and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “I preferred when the party was just you and me.” 
You flushed, pitching forward to hide your face behind a curtain of hair. “I did, too.” 
“When everyone leaves, I intend on picking up where we left off. You should know that I’m not the type of man who leaves things unfinished, love.” 
There was no hiding the blush that blossomed on your cheeks. Crimson colored your features even as you excused yourself to the bathroom. As you washed your hands in the sink, you studied your reflection. While you would always feel the lingering social anxiety that came from being in large crowds, you thought that tonight was going fairly well. With a smile, you made your return back to the Regulus. 
“I don’t know who you’re fooling, Y/N.” Britt sneered at you as she leaned against the wall, a cigarette held haphazardly between her neon painted fingers. 
You frowned. “What are you talking about, Britt?” 
“Regulus may have fallen for your shy and sweet little act, but he’ll get sick and tired of you dragging him down sooner or later.” 
A lump formed in the pit of your stomach. Though it was no secret that Britt wasn’t exactly a fan of yours, you hadn’t expected her to say such hurtful things. Even worse, she touched a nerve with her words. 
Britt nodded pointedly towards the crowd. “Look at him. He can’t even enjoy himself without worrying about poor, helpless little Y/N.”
Regulus towered over everyone, cutting an imposing figure in the middle of the room. His eyes darted through the crowd, seemingly searching for someone. Perhaps it was the reality of seeing the worry in his features, his half-distracted responses to whatever Lorenzo was saying as he stood stoic, unable to partake in conversation because he was too busy looking for you. Worrying about you. However horrid Britt was, you realized that there was merit to her words. 
The last thing you wanted was to hold Regulus back. You didn’t want him worrying about babysitting you instead of having fun with his friends, which is exactly what he was doing now. The thought made you sad. Sure, Regulus was fine with catering to your needs now, but he was bound to tire of it sooner or later. You didn’t want to find out how long it would take. 
You didn’t want to be a burden to anyone. Most of all, Regulus. 
Without a word, you passed by Britt and weaved your way through the room. You stuck to the alcoves, passing beneath its shadowy refuge until the door came to view. Only a few steps stood between you and your escape when a low, stern voice stopped you in your tracks. 
“Y/N,” said Tom Riddle. “Leaving early, are we?” 
“Oh, hi there Tom,” you mumbled, casting your gaze towards the floor. You were afraid that you’d cry if you stayed in the dungeons a second longer. “M’just not feeling very well.” 
You could feel his observant gaze sweeping over you. “I imagined you wouldn’t after encountering that hag outside of the bathroom.” 
“You saw that?” You asked in a small, defeated voice. 
Finally, you deigned to look up and found Tom staring at you. As always, the eldest Riddle was cold and stoic, but there was something in his gaze that conveyed concern. 
“Yes, and I heard it too.” 
“Please, can you—can you just not tell Reggie?” 
Tom’s expression was imperceptible besides his curt nod. “If that’s what you prefer. I’ll let him know you left early because you weren’t feeling well.” 
“Thank you, Tom.” 
You bid him a good night before reaching for the door. Behind you, Tom cleared his throat. 
“For the record, that hag doesn’t know what she’s talking about. You’re not dragging Regulus down. If anything, you’ve made the twat more tolerable over these past few weeks.” 
Before you could respond, Tom was gone. You barely caught a glimpse of his back as he climbed the stairs that led to the dormitories. The parting surprised you, but you figured that Tom probably just felt bad for witnessing the conversation between you and Britt. 
Casting a last glance towards the common room, you spotted Regulus once again. 
Softly, you whispered, “Bye, Reggie.” 
Once you were back in your dorm, you showered and decided to turn in for the night. It was just a few minutes shy of midnight as you tossed and turned in bed. Your roommate was most likely still at the party, leaving you to ponder your thoughts alone. There was an air of restlessness in the room as you stared up at the ceiling and considered your predicament. 
No matter which way you looked at it, there was only one solution. You had to end your friendship with Regulus. 
The thought filled you with overwhelming sadness. Letting go of Regulus made you feel so isolated and alone, but you knew it was the right thing to do. As though sensing your need for comfort, Shadow slinked through your door and hopped right into your lap. The black cat stared up at you with knowing eyes and meowed. 
“At least I can count on you to always keep me company,” you murmured softly as you scratched under Shadow’s chin. “It’s been a rough night.” 
Shadow bumped his head against your hip, seemingly telling you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. 
“Britt is right, Shadow,” you confessed. “I’m just not the type of girl Regulus should be with.” 
The cat bumped you again, stomping his feet on the bed in frustration. Shadow gave you a rather argumentative meow. 
“Oh, don’t give me that. We both know it’s true. Reggie is Reggie and I’m…well, I’m me.” 
Shadow hissed in response, demanding your attention. You sighed as you pulled the cat into your lap. “It’s a shame,” you whispered against his dark fur. “I really like him.” 
To your surprise, Shadow purred softly and cuddled against your side. Though the feral little cat had taken a liking to you and your dorm, Shadow was always usually gone in the morning. Tonight though, the cat curled up next to you as though it knew that this was what you needed. 
“Good night, Shadow.” 
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Regulus knew it was reckless. 
But after Tom informed him of your sudden illness, suspicion rose in him like a tide. Even if you weren’t feeling well, it wasn’t like you to leave so abruptly, which meant that something was definitely wrong. All of his suspicions were confirmed when he got to your dorm.
It broke his heart to hear you say that you weren’t right for him. How could such a thought even cross your mind? There had never been anyone more perfect to him than you. Didn’t you know that you were the first person Regulus looked for in a room full of people? Couldn’t you tell how head over heels he was for you? His sweet, sassy, shy, sunshine of a Hufflepuff. There was no one better. 
Certainly not Britt. Regulus was well aware of the crush she had on him. At first, he simply ignored it. He had absolutely no interest in someone as foul and loathsome as that girl, but now that she had come after you, Regulus had half a mind to sink his teeth and claws into her ankles until he drew blood. 
At the moment, his plot for revenge was set aside as he focused on comforting you. Up until this point, Regulus had always been careful not to fall asleep in your dorm because he never knew when he was going to switch back, but tonight, he was willing to risk it. He didn’t know if this would be the last time you ever spoke to him given what you confessed earlier. 
Perhaps it was selfish of him, but he didn’t want the night to end. Regulus wasn't ready to face the prospect of you ending things, so he snuggled into your side and fell asleep to the sound of your heartbeat. 
It was a choice that would certainly have its consequences in the morning.
The first thing that woke him up was not the sunlight streaming through your windows or the chirping of the birds, but instead your surprised yelp. Regulus blinked sleepily, rubbing his paw against his snout, but instead bumped his hand into his nose. 
This was not good. 
This was definitely not good. 
You were on the other side of the bed, blankets pulled up over your chin as you stared at him in disbelief. 
“Reggie? What—what are you doing here?” 
Regulus was an idiot. A stupid, careless idiot. 
But none of that mattered now. 
“Don’t end our friendship.” 
You reeled back in surprise. “I—what—what’s even happening—”
“Don’t end our friendship,” Regulus said once more. “Fuck, it’s not even a friendship. You and I both know it’s so much more than that.” 
“I don’t understand.” 
“I’m not going to get bored of you. Never in a million years would I ever get bored of you. In the months that I’ve gotten to know you, not once have I ever stopped feeling drawn in. I want to know everything about you, Y/N. Even though you tell me everything without realizing it, I still want to know more. I want to listen to you talk about your books and hold your hand when you’re overwhelmed and follow you all around the castle like I’ve been doing all along.” 
You were speechless as Regulus continued. “Tom told me that you weren’t feeling well last night. I knew it was a lie, so I had to come and see for myself. I had to make sure you were okay, even if you didn’t know it was me.” He sighed, closing his eyes. “But then you said you wanted to end our friendship and I just—I was selfish. I should’ve gone back to my dorm, but I didn’t know if last night was the last time you’d ever speak to me and I just couldn’t bring myself to leave.” 
Realization dawned over you. Pieces of the puzzle started clicking into place. “You’re—you—you’ve been Shadow this whole time?” 
Regulus nodded guiltily. “I understand if you’re angry with me, but please know that I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I found your dorm by accident that first night and I don’t know. I just kept coming back. You just kept drawing me back.” 
He bowed his head and ran a hand through his curls. “I realize you might hate me after this, but you have been the best part of my day since I accidentally stumbled into your dorm and I think—no, I know that I’ve fallen for you.” 
You blinked in disbelief, still processing his confession. “So you’ve been…you this whole time? You knew everything I’ve ever said to Shadow. You listened to me vent and rant, thinking I was just talking to a cat.” You paused as something niggled at your brain. “When we first ran into each other at the bookstore, did you already know I was going to be there?” 
Regulus didn't deny it. “I did. I also already read all of the books on your shelves in advance on the off chance that you might mention it in class. I didn't really need help in charms, that was just an excuse to spend more time with you and I...I bought the same candles and blankets you like so you'd be comfortable in the common room. I learned all of that by listening to you, by spying on you, and I'm sorry. I’m so fucking sorry —" 
His apology was cut short as you surged forward to kiss him. Regulus was stunned for a moment as your lips met, but it didn’t take long for him to reciprocate. One arm slid around your waist to pull you closer while the other cradled your cheek. His kisses were hungry, like he was a man awaiting the gallows and you were his final meal. It was full of passion, the longing and yearning evident as he gorged himself on the taste of you. 
Coming up for air, Regulus finally opened his pretty emerald eyes and looked at you. His gaze pierced through your skin, raw and vulnerable. “You’re not mad at me?” 
“Are you kidding? That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” Regulus sighed in relief, pressing his forehead against yours. “Plus, how can I be mad when you make such a cute little kitty?” 
Regulus laughed, the sweet, melodious sound filling the room. You brushed his curls back and grinned. “For the record, I’ve fallen for you too.” 
“That’s a relief. My friends have been pestering me on finally making a move for months. Pansy cornered me last night and lectured me on asking you to be my girlfriend before you realize that you’re too good for me.” 
“I think I like Pansy.” 
“Don’t tell her that,” Regulus groaned. “She’ll definitely try to steal you away from me.” 
“I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with that.” 
“Good, I don’t want Parkinson getting any ideas about running off with my girlfriend.” 
You raised a brow. “Oh, I’m your girlfriend now?” 
“Girlfriend. Love of my life. Apple of my eye. Take your pick, mon cœur.” 
“I’ll take all of the above, boyfriend.” 
Later that morning, after much cuddling and kissing, you and Regulus finally decided to head to the Great Hall for breakfast. You smiled as he held your hand, bumping your hip as the two of you walked through the corridors. It was strange how at ease you felt. You were vaguely aware of the eyes that trailed your every move, but they quickly blended into the background when Regulus pulled you close and kissed your cheek. 
Luna and Ginny perked up at the sight of you, surprise marring their faces when they spotted Regulus at your side. Their eyebrows raised to the skies, pointedly staring at your linked fingers. 
Later, you mouthed. You had a hell of a lot of explaining to do, but your friends merely smiled and nodded. 
“Finally,” Pansy announced exasperatedly. She patted the seat next to her as you shyly slipped in. “I was beginning to think that we’d have to scheme to get the two of you together.” 
“No need,” you said with a smile. “I think we took care of that on our own.” 
Regulus smiled and nuzzled against your shoulder. The boys flashed him shit-eating grins, but he didn’t seem to notice. “Stop scaring my girlfriend away, Pans.” 
“Oh, is it girlfriend now? It’s about time. I’ve only listened to you pine and yearn for months.” 
“Excuse her,” Blaise said. “She’s just happy to have another girl in the group.” 
“Damn right I am. I’m tired of spending so much time with you heathens.” Pansy patted your shoulder. “I hope you’re in the market for new friends, because you’re not getting rid of me now. My first act of friendship will be to determine whether or not to hex that little trollop for glaring at you. Do you know that girl, Y/N?” 
You turned and found Britt frowning at you with her arms crossed. “It’s alright, Pansy. She’s not worth it.” 
At the same moment, Tom sauntered through the aisles. Once he reached Britt, he cut her a glare that would paralyze a basilisk. She cowered back and made a hasty retreat. 
Tom merely continued walking before taking a seat next to Mattheo. “So, that hag, “ he says in a no-nonsense tone. “Would you like me to take care of her?” 
You glanced at the group in concern. “What exactly does taking care of her mean?” 
Mattheo’s curly head popped up from his plate. “Oh, he means he’ll feed her to his snake.” 
You laughed at the jest, but Tom remained stone-faced. He was obviously just kidding. Right?
“He’s dead serious,” Theo added. “I’ve seen him do it before.” 
With a gulp, you turned back to Tom. “That won’t be necessary, Tom. Please don’t feed Britt to your snake.” 
Tom shrugged as though you were discussing the weather. “Suit yourself.” 
When everyone returned to their morning banter, you turned to Regulus. “What have I gotten myself into?” 
Regulus smiled and pecked your lips. “You know, I considered clawing her ankles off, but I think Tom’s way will be much quicker.” 
“Regulus Black.” You scolded, though it wasn’t entirely convincing given the grin you were biting back. 
“It’s Reggie to you, love.” You stared at him pointedly, which only made him sigh dramatically. “Fine, Tom’s snake will not have a new snack, but only because I have a saint for a girlfriend.” 
“And I have a devious little sinner for a boyfriend.” 
Regulus smirked. “I’ll make sure to worship at your altar for penance.” 
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help but blush as Regulus laid his head down on your shoulder once more. You ran your fingers through his curls, smiling to yourself when he let out a satisfied hum that sounded awfully close to a purr. 
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misc-obeyme · 20 hours
Mer!MC Headcanons - Side Characters
Well, one person asked as we know that's all it takes! So here are the side characters. Yes, that includes our three undateables! (But not Luke... I coulda done a platonic one for him I suppose but well... I didn't lol.)
Some of these got a touch lengthy but I still like how they turned out. I hope you all enjoy them!
read the older brothers here and the younger brothers here
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GN!mer!MC x Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Mephistopheles, Raphael, and Thirteen
Warnings: just a little bit of drowning danger/imagery in Mephisto's
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Diavolo is lingering in the castle gardens after a particularly entertaining tea time with Lucifer and Barbatos. He’s alone - the others have gone inside. He’s walking around the garden when he notices an unusual ripple in the water of the pond there. He stops to watch it and catches a glimpse of your tail, just barely breaking the water’s surface. He is instantly curious and crouches close to the edge. You peer up at him from beneath the still waters, unwilling to surface at first. But his smile lures you out despite yourself.
He wants to know everything about you. How you got there, where you’re from, anything you’re willing to tell him. He’s amazed to find you’re from the human world. How did you manage to end up in the Devildom? Diavolo settles in beside the pond and you talk for hours. Eventually, Barbatos comes looking for him and you hide in the pond plants.
He comes back every day to check on you. He’s working on finding a way to send you home because he thinks you must long to return. He scolds himself when he realizes he secretly hopes he never finds a way. He wants you to stay here, with him. He’s drawn to you. When he isn’t with you, he’s thinking about how you must be lonely there in the pond’s depths without him. He rushes to return to your side as soon as he can.
He can’t help wanting to touch you. Your skin, your scales, your lips - you’re so unusual and he’s captivated by how gorgeous you are. He constantly brings you gifts, little things that remind him of you. He’s thrilled when you bring him things, too. Pretty pebbles you find or a particularly lovely flower you could reach from the water. You only ever reject one gift when he brings you a way to return to the human world. He’s relieved. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything if you left him now, MC. He works on finding a spell that will give you legs instead.
He’s in the forest area behind the castle, looking for specific Devildom tea ingredients. He knows the area well, having spent hours foraging there. He makes his way to a lake he knows that is further back in the trees. There is a specific flower that grows here that he likes to include in certain tea blends. But this is the first time he’s ever seen a merperson in the waters. You don’t see him at first, sitting upon a large rock, your tail just barely trailing in the water, your skin glistening in the starlight.
Barbatos watches you for a little while, not wanting to disturb you, but also not able to walk away. You’re mesmerizing and he can tell from a glance that you’re from the human world. He thinks of all the ways you could have ended up here. Likely some spell or possibly a spot in the river where the veil between worlds was too thin. It would be a simple matter to send you back. Too cautious, he leaves you alone. But he can’t stop himself from returning. The flower is an easy excuse to see you again.
You spot him, finally. Perhaps you’ve always known he was there. Perhaps he deliberately didn’t hide himself as well as he could have. You bring him a handful of flowers from the other side of the lake. You know what he’s there for. He asks for your story and you tell him everything - how you ended up here, how you’ve adapted to your new surroundings.
Barbatos suggests sending you home. You surge up onto the rock he first saw you on so you can take his hands. He’s startled by your boldness, but he finds he can’t pull himself away. You tell him that you would miss him if you left now. You have plenty of time and you know he does, too. Why not spend some of that time together? He smiles - soft, gentle, full of unexpected feeling. He would love nothing more than to stay by your side, MC.
He’s on his way to the local Devildom fish market because he’s looking for ingredients for a dish he’s planning to make. But on his way, he gets a little distracted by the dark waves of the ocean nearby. He takes a detour to appreciate the sound of the water and finds himself squinting at a glimmer in the distance. As he watches, it comes closer and closer until eventually, you’ve washed up on the shore at his feet, glittering with water and brightly colored scales, a net tangled around you.
Simeon falls to his knees in the water, not caring about his clothes getting wet. You're struggling against the net and he can see that it's hurting you. He talks to you gently, calming you enough so that you'll stop thrashing. He works slowly and methodically, doing his best not to hurt you further. He finds a sharp shell to cut through the net, carefully detangling it from around you. When you're free, you swim out a ways, but you come back to him shortly. You're holding several of the exact fish he had just been on his way to purchase. He takes them gratefully.
He can tell right away you're not from here. When he asks you, you answer easily. He's gained your trust and you're not afraid of him at all. So he learns you're from the human world, that you aren’t sure how you ended up here. He knows how it feels to be out of place. He talks to you for some time, hoping to find out if he can help you return to where you belong.
Simeon brings you some of the food he makes with your fish the very next day. You continue to supply him with freshly caught Devildom fish, some of which are admittedly a little concerning. He always suggests finding a way to send you home. You always tell him that he has made the Devildom feel like home for you. Eventually, he stops asking. You find he likes to trace the pattern of the scales on your tail, his soft fingers making you shiver. You're unlike anything he's ever seen in any of the three worlds, MC. He can't help but feel happiness that you're here in this world with him.
He’s experimenting in his laboratory as usual when the magic circle he’s working on suddenly activates. He’s surprised when you appear in the center of it, somehow summoned here from the human world. How did he even manage to do that? He doesn’t have time to figure it out because there’s a merperson glaring at him and flapping their tail angrily on his lab table. He picks you up right away, to prevent all his magical items from being knocked off and smashed.
Fortunately, Solomon has a large tub-like bucket he can put you in. He fills it with water with a simple spell. Then he has to spend several minutes apologizing profusely as you chew him out for summoning you at random. He’s also laughing, though, and you can’t help but start laughing along. It is pretty funny. And he is really cute.
You start asking him what he was trying to do. Your curiosity gets the best of you, but you find Solomon is ready and willing to explain the intricacies of the magic he was trying to perform. His enthusiasm is really adorable. You can’t help but continue to ask questions, if just to keep him talking. But inevitably, he mentions that he now has to find a way to send you back. You’re instantly opposed to this idea. You like it here, you tell him. As a merperson, you have your own natural magic. Maybe you could help him.
Solomon agrees to let you stay for a bit. He gets a large tank that he alters with magic so you have a whole ocean habitat inside of it. You help him with experiments and he finds he lingers near your tank much longer than he really needs to. He can’t stop watching the way your scales glitter in the water. When you’re partway out of the tank, he can’t stop himself from reaching out to touch your skin, leaving his fingertips damp. One day he tells you the truth. He wants you to stay with him always, MC. He teaches you how to use your magic better, how to do spells and make potions. He’s amazed at your abilities, as well as your ethereal beauty. He starts sleeping in his lab to be closer to you. In the end, neither of you bring up the idea of returning you to the human world again. But if you do go back, it will be because you’re going back with him.
As a member of the Devildom elite, Mephistopheles has access to what can only be described as a yacht. He takes it out into a calm bay, simply because it’s a nice day for sailing. Or at least it was until an unexpected thunderstorm closes in. The yacht is tossed about violently and high waves pouring over the deck wash him overboard. He’s sinking and fighting until his vision goes dark. When he comes to, he’s looking up into your eyes. It takes him a moment to realize his head is pillowed on something soft, that he’s still halfway in the water, but mostly on land.
Mephisto sits up and looks at you, realizing that his head was resting on your tail - bright, shimmering scales that sparkle in the moonlight. He’s amazed, staring at you in surprise, but all that registers on your face is concern. He didn’t know there were merpeople out here - he’s never seen one. That’s when you tell him you’re from the human world.
Perhaps he would have been unlikely to consider befriending you if you hadn’t saved his life. There was no question that he would have drowned if you hadn’t pulled him out of the agitated ocean. Human world or not, he knows he owes you. He offers to find a way for you to go home and you agree. He spends hours researching to find the best way to send you back. It takes some weeks, but he returns to the bay to give you updates on his progress. He won’t admit that he’s captivated by the way your eyes light up when you see him.
He finally finds the spell and he's about to say the words, but he stops when he looks at you. There's always a been a watery sheen to your eyes, but he can still tell you're about to cry. He stares at you for a moment and then deflates a bit in defeat. He's grown fond of you and at this point he'll say anything to bring back your smile. He can't look at you, though, his eyes on the sky and a blush on his cheeks. Do you want to stay here in the Devildom, MC? If you do, he'll make sure you're comfortable. He peeks at you to find the smile restored and he tries not to be irritated by the way his heart squeezes.
He's returned to the Celestial Realm temporarily for a short visit. There's a long stretch of beach where he likes to practice with his spear, so he goes to see it again only to find you playing in the bright sunshine with a pair of celestial dolphins. When they spot him, the dolphins hide, but he watches as your eyes go wide and you swim a little closer to shore.
Raphael is concerned immediately. There are no merpeople in the Celestial Realm. How did you even get here? He wades out into the water, not worrying about his clothes - they can dry later. He gets as close as you'll let him. You seem to be okay with his presence, even allowing him to reach out and touch you. The soft dampness of your skin makes his gut twinge, but he ignores that feeling. He asks you questions and finds out you're from the human world. How you ended up in the Celestial Realm is a mystery. All he knows is he has to get you out of here.
He realizes quite quickly that his best bet is to simply carry you out of the Celestial Realm himself. But when his visit is over, he has to return to the Devildom. He explains this to you, but you seem unperturbed. You tell him that you don't care what world you're in, as long as you get to be with him. It makes him blush quite prettily.
And so when it's time for Raphael to leave, he picks you up out of the water and walks you out of the gates. He gets some odd looks from a few cherubim, but his threatening glare is more than enough for them to look the other way. He brings you to the Devildom where he finds you a nice lake near Purgatory Hall to live in. You're his responsibility now and he'll be sure to take care of you. But don't misunderstand him, MC. It's your inner light that keeps him coming back to you.
Thirteen's cave is quite large, but she's intimately familiar with every part of it. She's re-enforcing the traps in its various locations one day when she's startled by unexpected ripples on her underground lake. It's a large lake and sometimes there are fish there, but she's never seen ripples like these. And then a pair of eyes are peeking at her from across the water as you rise up just enough to see her.
She's immediately concerned. How did a merperson end up in her cave? And how long have you been there without her noticing!? When she learns you're from the human world, she's irritated. Who sent you here? Is this some kind of prank? She highly suspects a certain sorcerer. But in the end, it doesn't matter. You don't know what happened. And she needs to send you back.
You're reluctant already. You've been in this lake for some time now and it feels like home to you. Thirteen tries to argue with you about it, but she can't help letting you stay on for a while. You're pleading eyes get to her. She brings you food and finds herself sitting with you nearly every day. Sometimes you talk for hours. You have a lot of questions about her life and she's surprised at how easy it is to tell you all about it. She also notices the way your skin shimmers in the dim light of the cavern, the strange and watery look of your eyes and your hair and your scales.
You become a permanent fixture in Thirteen's cave. She builds a trap for that particular location that incorporates you. Any time it catches someone, you tell her all about it in excitement. One day she asks you if you miss your home. You tell her that you do sometimes. But that if you left, you would miss her more than you miss your home now. The blush this produces is the sweetest thing you've ever seen. That's good, MC, because you're part of her set up now! She's not likely to ever let you go.
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older brothers | younger brothers | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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gilbirda · 2 days
Personal coach Red Hood
This one goes for @impyssadobsessions, for giving ideas and encouraging me to write this!
Part 1 | Part 2
It was supposed to be your pretty standard run-of-the-mill bank robbery with hostage situation. He had it under control, and told the others that if they dared swing in and “help him out” he would shoot on sight. Given that there were civilians involved, and they weren’t quite sure if he was serious or not — and Oracle confirmed that everything seemed okay via the security cameras — he was left alone tying up the robbers in peace.
That was until a hostage made the stupid mistake to be brave, or a fucking idiot if you ask Jason, and tried to rush one of the guys before Jason had a chance to subdue him.
Who exactly shot first, he couldn’t be sure; but in the following chaos and screams Jason had to prioritize making sure that no one innocent was caught in the crossfire, which gave the perps the chance to escape.
With a sigh, he connected back to comms. “So… “
“They escaped, right?” Barbara’s tone was flat. Which was code that she was laughing at him.
“And you want me to alert the others.”
He sighed again, doing a final sweep just in case another hostage got funny ideas. “Yeah…”
Barbara hummed in his ears. It wasn’t a good sign. “Maybe that’s not needed.” And before he could ask what she meant, she added: “Your stalker is already on the move.”
Jason felt cold just before he was flooded with anger. Of all the stupid things! She had put herself in harm's way so many times and now she pulled something like this? Did she have a deathwish?
He rushed outside to prevent a very probable murder to find —
“Hi!” She said again, a giant smile on her face, waving one hand. “I saw them escape so I jumped in, I hope you don’t mind.” She started talking at a high speed. “So I was following you but couldn’t get inside in time and when the lockdown happened I just thought maybe you’d need backup or something? There were some guys on the rooftop but—”
“What the hell were you thinking?” He growled, maybe louder than he intended.
She blinked and got quiet. Finally.
Even the usual crowd of curious civilians watching from a safe distance stopped murmuring.
“Are you that stupid!?”
Jazz blinked again. “What?
He tried to pinch his nose, but forgot he had the helmet on. He chose to rub the helmet instead.
“Do you want to die?” For some reason this amused her, which really didn’t help her case. “Stop following me around and strong-arm yourself in dangerous situations like this!”
She frowned. “But I’m fine? I can take care of myself.”
She lifted her hands to show she was still in one piece, but Jason grabbed her right arm and pulled her towards him. Her hand was bloody and her knuckles were red, probably going to bruise.
“What’s this, then?”
“That’s not even mine,” Jazz rolled her eyes, but tried to pry her hand out from his grasp. Jason didn’t let go and grabbed her left shoulder next, growling when Jazz whimpered. “Okay that was me being distracted.”
He let her go and pushed her away. “If you show your face in my territory again, woman, you’ll pray you left when you had a chance.”
He turned around and walked to the knocked out guys on the ground, not caring if Jazz — if she was still there watching him. It was better for everyone if she abandoned the idea of vigilantism, or training with him or whatever was supposed to make sense in her head.
When the police arrived, she was already gone.
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heauxzenji · 21 hours
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All Mine
Sakura Haurka x f!reader WC: 1.3k Warnings: pwp, established relationship, oral+piv, pull out method (sorry it’s just who I am now), undertones of possessive Sakura, everyone is aged up to early 20s, mentally this is supposed to have a 2nd part so ignore the abrupt ending...
Daisy Says: Idk how we got here but damn...
tagging @interstellar-inn bc network tings
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“How come you never kiss me like that?”
When you asked, it was a joke, of course. You were curled up on the couch next to Sakura, feet tucked neatly under his thighs to keep your toes warm. There you were, wrapped up in blankets, a shared bowl of popcorn the only thing truly separating you two from getting closer.
You had noticed he wasn’t laughing, though.
“Helloooo,” you called, tossing a single piece of popcorn to barely thud against his temple, his gaze on the film breaking as he looked to you with red-stained cheeks. The truth of the matter was that even though you and Sakura had agreed to take things slow, things were going a little bit too slow for your liking. You liked watching movies, sure, but every time? watching movies could be even better if you were face down, ass up with the Are you still watching? screen pixelated in your blown-out eyes.
The couple on-screen is clearly having more fun than you are; the romantic climax of the movie featuring a kiss in the rain. Their lips meet in a fervent, sensual kiss, each touch igniting a wildfire of longing. The rain is drenching them, but they are oblivious, lost in the heat of the moment. Time stands still as their kiss deepens, every second brimming with unspoken promises and the raw, uncontainable passion of two souls finding their perfect match. Their bodies pressed together, hands roaming with a desperate, aching need, as if trying to memorize every curve and contour.
He shifted a bit, the seemingly permanent scowl on his face temporarily softening the moment his eyes fell onto you again. With you, he was never really angry- or even aggressive, but instead, so much more relaxed and comfortable,despite the discomfort with being close to.. Well anyone. Even against the mounting and overtly sexual tension that had been building much like your closeness- it was no secret that he was insecure at times about your intentions with him. After all, you were such a hot commodity around town- choosing him sometimes felt odd to him in particular. He thought about the things the guys said about you, the things they wanted to do to you, the things that he could do to you. The stare lingered a bit, his eyes trailing from your head and down your neck, before settling on your chest. He could just barely trace the lining of the top of your bra through the deep cut neckline of your shirt, eyes straining involuntarily in an effort to see even more. He had you. You were his. And he had made up his mind in these tangled thoughts- that you had waited long enough.
“Is- that… is that what you want?” His eyes were fixated on the way your chest rose and fell with every breath you took.
You reached out to lift his chin, forcing his eyes to meet yours as you inched closer and closer to his face, lips barely touching as you spoke.
“Mmhmm,” you hummed, confirming your desire and giving him even more indication while batting your lust-ridden eyes. You fully closed the gap, pushing your tits against him as if to say that you weren’t leaving his apartment without what you came for… him.
His complexion flushed an even deeper, carmine red as your hand trailed down to palm him. You felt him stiffen almost immediately in response to the touch, your voice darkening as you stared into his now bewitched multicolored eyes.
“Just wanna be yours.”
It’s barely a full blown make out, but his lips are on yours as soon as you give him the go ahead. There's no real time to melt together but the urgency is there, making it feel as if once your lips part, they’ll never be able to touch again. It gets deeper over time, hands beginning to roam between fabric and skin interchangeably while you gasped for the spaces of thickened air between you, Sakura mumbling ‘all mine,’ against your lips, jawline, and neck as he made sure to leave no patch of skin untouched. He took the lead, pulling your shirt over your head and pushing you to your knees.
Licking your lips with anticipation, you saw him finally spring free from his makeshift pajama pants, cock already glistening at the tip. One hand began to twist at the base of while the other worked to peel your low-rising lounge shorts down to your knees, wiggling your legs until they fell just past your ankles. His hands found their way to your hair as he began to move your head up and down in an effort to guide you. The movement of his arms and hips was feverish and mismatched, desperate for any contact he could have. The weight of him on your tongue alone was enough to send your pussy into overdrive after waiting for what felt like an eternity for this moment. After a few passes, you popped your lips off of him, strings of your saliva separating you from the length.
At first it was slow, making sure he could feel every inch of himself entering you as you adjusted to the pleasure of fullness. He raked his hands into the sides of your flesh, speeding up your pace as he started to thrust upward to meet you. You hadn’t noticed him snaking a hand behind him, reaching over his head to draw it forward- his old Furin jacket. You knew how important that thing was to him- the stories it held, the person it made him way back when. When it came into your vision, you immediately took the hint, gently fumbling with the cool metal buttons that adorned it. Never slowing down, he guided your hips to make figure-8s around him as you slipped it over your shoulders.
“Fuck-” the moan was drawn out and broken as his cock rammed into you more vigorously then, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in harmony with your moans as you felt yourself losing balance. You placed your hands on his chest to stabilize yourself, but he pulled you forward by the breaklines of his jacket, fixated instead on feeling your body in his.
“Now, you’re all mine,” Sakura exalted. His eyes- one blue, one brilliantly golden, were completely glossed over, much like yours at this point, but the intensity of the eye contact brought you closer to the high you’d been chasing as both of your breath patterns slowly began to waver. You could feel his nails softly digging into your side as he concentrated, deepening his claim on you by ghostwriting his name in your skin- you had memorized every character even as your vision began to white, body giving way to land onto his frame and gripping the blankets below you for dear life. He grunted in compliance as he felt you start to clench around him, making sure to get you through it all, eventually slowing his pace and slipping out just in time to come completely undone where your lower abs met.
You both collapsed into the floor beneath you, bodies writhing as you recollected your bearings. There were several seconds of soft pause before anyone moved, heads innocently knocking into each other’s in your disoriented state. He mumbled a soft apology, pressing his lips to the affected area near your temple before reaching over both your bodies to grab his phone.
Oh shit. It was almost 8:45.
Following his lead, you too grabbed your phone- several missed texts flooded your screen. Both of you were late for that night’s festivities- the debut of Tsubakino’s new number down at the club- the one your entire friend group had been invited to at least 2 weeks ago…. The one that Tsubaki would kill you for missing… especially because you helped with the choreography.
“I should probably go back to mine and get ready,” sighed, wrapping yourself in Sakura’s jacket and heading toward the door back to your place, conveniently located a few units away.
“I’ll give this back to you later.”
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It’s probably just a fun wink to her fans, but the way the hate sink characters repeat criticism that people have said rubs me the wrong way. Striker saying, “Why is it always a sex thing?” and Adam yelling “too much red” when getting attacked by Alastor just feels like she’s saying, “All of my critics are hateful bigots!”
Yeah honestly its tacky. With Striker it especially annoys me because of all the other elements to his character like the fact he was a respectable cool menacing antagonist and he is against the hierarchy of hell. People got a little too fond of him for that which is illegal because it hurts the shows fave goldenboy sins and goetias 🙄 got a little too real the way he pointed out that the entire upperclasses benefit from the subjugation of imps even if they're "one of the good ones" I guess...
The three Vs, Adam, Mammon, Striker since he was made to deteriorate, Stella since shes now apparently just an idiot pawn of her brother, the cherubs, DHORKs, Chaz, arguably Crimson with some things he did... its just a lot. I do love a load of the previously mentioned characters! There's nothing wrong with having some characters like that. I thought that the cherubs and DHORKs worked well as being idiots for lighter more comedy based episodes and moments in S1, and then Striker filled the role of a more serious antagonist. I think Crimson should have served as being more serious than he was too.
But no actually instead the villains are ALL stupid idiots that get teehee dunked on! Its too much for my tastes at times. As fun as it can be, in too much excess its getting so boring. I would like these shows to maybe try having villains that aren't actually just stupid idiots getting screwed over but that are somewhat smart and have genuine menace. For once. Especially Hazbin personally since its tone seems a little less silly than Helluva is was supposed to originally be (sigh). Plus that would feel really good for S2 of Hazbin since they could contrast against Adam. Also when we have pilot Alastor we know they could make a really mysterious powerful villain. If they could do wildcard Alastor like that I see no reason why they couldn't do a powerful scary antagonist you take seriously.
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hyukascampfire · 2 days
To: Someone From a Warm Climate
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wc: 7.5k
my works are NOT meant to be accurate representations of any idols. i do not claim them to be as such. they are works of purely fiction.
genre: smut, angst, fantasy violence
pairings: faerie!taehyun x human!reader
synopsis: a life lived as a human among the fae is one hard-earned. the folk are built of indescribable beauty, and of debauchery and mischief. for some, a life lived subservient to the folk is just fine; but to those who dream of something more, they would spend their lives clawing and biting to make it happen.
a/n: okay i am actually so obsessed with a icy and mean taehyun. like genuinely it is rotting my brain LMAO
! warnings: violence, blood is drawn, some heated kissing and groping, a magic spell is placed over a human character, fem reader
The stale reek of the ancient, crumbling palace walls makes it feel increasingly like they are closing in on me, as I trail only a foot behind the odd goblin spy. He is quiet, relatively short in stature and quite grubby. I had plenty of reasons to be scared of him; a royal spy, no doubt lethal in skill, who could probably spin around and end my life the second he decided he didn’t like me. But I wasn’t scared of him—no, my brain is quintessentially human, and more scared of whether or not the rest of them would find me up to their standards when we arrived there.
Growing up among the folk was, in an understatement, challenging. They were of a different nature. They did not understand the rules of the human world, and could never understand my resentment for being spirited away. They would argue that it was a blessing, that I would one day grovel at the feet of the faerie that had stolen me here all those years ago. I grew to hate all things faerie, a potent seed nurtured in my mind the more Nut-hatch made me sew the gowns she couldn’t manage, until my fingers were bleeding and sore. Who could not adore a life spent at the beck and call of the faerie that snatched you right from your cradle?
I trip over a loose, fractured stone, reaching out for a wall to catch myself. I hiss as my palm stings, re-steadying myself and spinning my hand over to inspect the burning scrapes. Blood wells around shallow scrapes, but I force my legs back into motion when I notice the stout goblin still making his way down the passage. 
“And you expect to be a spy,” the goblin laughs, a throaty and irritating sound, “crying over a superficial scuff.” He does not even turn around to address me, but I can’t say I expected that. I had done nothing to earn his respect. I hope to change that. 
Instead of defending myself, and making myself sound pathetic, I just stop nursing the scrape. The walk is long, and I find my mind wandering to ways this could play out. Many of them do not end well. I squeeze my eyes shut, gulping down a swallow despite the tightness in my throat. When I feel my foot catching on flat ground again, nearly toppling forward, my eyes lurch open. Don’t close your eyes walking down the halls of decrepit old castles, idiot. 
He makes a stop a few feet ahead of me, just before a towering, ornate and heavy elmwood door. The metal handles are scuffed to the point that they are utterly dull and reflect little light, and there are four long gashes that splinter the wood. Wild gashes like that could only have been carved by a beast of Faerie origin. 
“So, this is the entrance?” I ask, catching up to him. I gesture at the door in front of us. 
He levels me a stare, a crooked grin tugging at his mouth, a yellowed canine so sharp it would pierce my jugular with little resistance peeking out. I squirm under his glare, yellow eyes scrutinizing me for a moment. 
“More like this,” he says simply, looking pointedly at a slate tile at his feet. I sigh. I suppose I should’ve inferred that the entrance of a royal spy den is not just a door with no visible locks or veiling. I watch as he dislodges the loose tile from the ground with practiced ease, a heavy hunk of stone that reveals a set of stairs leading down into the ground. The palace they had decided to conceal the den within is no doubt timeworn, but the staircase I look at now seems to be built much more recently. The stone is significantly less worn and eroded, save for the dirt that caked the tops of each step. 
I frown at the prospect of heading down without even so much as a torch on the wall. “How deep is that staircase?” I ask. The goblin had already begun descending, pausing at the third step with visible impatience. 
“Oh, just get down here, won’t you?” he grumbles. “This damned stone is heavy.” I observe the utter pitch black of the stairwell for a moment, before relenting and descending into it. The sound of stone grinding and the light weaning to nothingness unsettles me as he slides the coverstone back over the entrance. 
“I can’t see shit.” I say. He curses me out under his breath before he grabs me by the meat of my arm with gnarled, calloused fingers, tugging me forward and down the steps. I protest as I almost slip off the ledge of a step, stumbling down each descending one for a few moments until we come to another stop. I sit in waiting for whatever he is doing in the pitch black, breathing in the air thick with the smell of mud and all things earthy, without questioning him again. I do not intend to come off as any more incapable than I already had made myself look. My stomach is tied in such tangled up knots that I don’t know how to act right; how to act like the capable spy that I had painted myself to be in order to even end in this decaying palace. I wonder if he is second guessing his decision in even bringing me here. I hold my head up a little more, squaring my shoulders. 
A resounding pattern of knocks bounces off the dirt walls surrounding us, and the sound of muffled words spoken follow, before a soft yellow light luminates our surroundings as a peephole slides open. I blink my eyes to readjust, taking in my surroundings for the first time since that stone snuffed the light out. A rickety, rotting wood door stands before us, oddly shaped to fit the round, burrowed out dirt hollow. The light filtering in from behind the door disappears when somebody peeks through it. No words are even exchanged before a metal sliding bolt unlocks, and the round door swings open. I squint my eyes in the light.
“This is her?” A reedy faerie stands holding the door open, her skin a pale green and with an iridescent sheen to it. The hood from the cloak around her shoulders is tugged over her head, but I can see the way she takes me in even through the shadow it casts. 
“Something wrong?” The goblin asks, shoving his way past the long limbed sprite. I stay put, not wanting to just barrel my way in. 
She scrutinizes me for a moment longer, shrugging. “No,” she says, lips pursed, “just a bit…” She hesitates on the wording. “Underwhelming?” She leaves the door to follow him in. I gnaw at my cheeks. I am used to being lackluster—I was raised from infancy here, in a world of beings that redefined the meaning of beauty. Humans could be beautiful, yeah. But it was not the beauty of starless nights for eyes, nor of flower-petal skin, and never hair of twinkling, gold-spun strands. Human beauty could only ever exist in the four-walled prison of facial symmetry and physical attraction. Even the most gritty of the folk had a certain air of ethereal about them, worted and twisted as they may be. I resent them every day for it. 
Their little hideout is humble. It smells of old wood, and furniture was limited. The two of them sit at a square table to the center of the room, leaving three other seats empty. I mull over whether or not simply taking a seat next to them would be offensive, before just shoving my nerves down with a foot long stick and just sitting. The sprite girl tugs her hood off her head, revealing a head of tousled white hair, except for horizontal stripes of black that decorate some chunks. Her eyelashes are chunky, spidery, and curled, so long they tickle her brow with each blink, and they frame the green pair of eyes not too different in tone from her skin. She sits nonchalant and kicked back in the chair, chunky boots up and criss-crossed on the table. 
“This is the place where you’ll meet us,” she says, addressing me finally. She wiggles a foot as if this conversation is the last she’d like to be having. I pause inwardly—I had thought this would be some sort of rugged, skill-testing spy interview, not initiation. “You’ll meet the others whenever they–”
I cut her off. “Aren’t you going to ask me about my qualifications?” 
She quirks a delicate brow.
 “Or, like, test me? Or something?” I say. The two of them share a look, before breaking out into snorts and giggles. I shift in my seat, frowning. There was nothing funny about my questions.
“We would have never even brought you down here if we didn’t already decide on you,” the sprite girl says, and then gestures at the goblin, “We heard plenty of you from Gristle.” 
I take in the goblin as he sputters to explain himself, embarrassed how the sprite had made it seem like he was raving. Gristle was his name, then. “We needed a human counterpart,” he says, pointing a clawed finger at the sprite girl. “Nobody else was doing the heavy lifting in recruiting. You try and see how it is, then.” He huffs, voice gravelly. “We needed one, and I brought you one.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” she says, voice softening to the soft tone reminiscent of the one used to soothe a tantruming toddler. “You sure did, Gristle.” She flexes her booted foot to point in my direction, “But did you bring us a competent one?” 
I cross my arms across my chest, narrowing my eyes. “I’m plenty competent,” I say. Sure, I was just some inconsequential servant girl of a busy seamstress faerie. But I needed to make something more of myself. I could learn anything, if it meant that. “You don’t have to worry about me running off and telling anybody anything.”
She barks a laugh, as if the notion was ridiculous, “Well, I should know that, because I assume you value your life well enough.” She lets her feet drop off the table, prowling toward me, before sliding an ornate dagger from its sheath at her hip and brandishing it to me. “But could you even hold your own if someone engages you out in the field?” She then drives the thick pommel of it into my chin. My head snaps back with the force of the strike, and I can feel by the warm trickle of blood that it busted my chin open. 
I look at her, wild-eyed and accusatory. My jaw aches as I open my mouth to ask, “What was that?” A trail of thick blood runs down my neck, and she just scoffs.
“Figures.” The sprite sheaths the dagger, dropping back into her seat unceremoniously as if she did not just bash me in the chin. 
“I don’t know how to fight yet,” I say, wiping at my neck. I bring my hand up to check the damage, hissing through my teeth as I prod around the gash. I shake my shoulders, as if it would shake off the searing pain running up and down my jaw, before adding, “But I can learn. I will learn.” Gristle tosses me a rag he had retrieved silently from a drawer, his mouth pulled taut into a line. I wipe up the remnants of the blood, the metallic tang of it finally reaching my nose. I shudder as I press the rag to the wound and hold it there. 
“Now, that’s what I’m talking about,” Gristle cracks, his grin toothy. “We weren’t going to find humans who could already fight,” he says, a fur-tipped ear twitching, “but one willing to learn…” He looks at me, and then returns his gaze to the sprite. “We can work with that, Cricket.” When her face stays drawn, he repeats, “We can work with it.” His yellow saucer eyes are serious.
Cricket doesn’t say anything; her grassy eyes simply go distant with thought for a moment. It was true; humans were not brought to the world of Faerie to learn to fight. Or to be anything more than servants, at that. The luckiest ones, like me, were at the very least schooled on reading and faerie histories. Lucky would be an overstatement, though. Nobody stolen from their homes, and then forced to accept a reality in a foreign world, was genuinely lucky. Despite it, I no longer dream of the life I could’ve had in the human world. It is not my life. It will never be my life. And, considering the look that Cricket and Gristle share, my life is now to be the human counterpart of a royal band of spies. 
“Do you know how an oath works?” Cricket asks, pulling out that same embellished dagger and spinning it between two fingers. I hesitate before nodding. I didn’t, and she seems to read right through me and narrows her eyes at me. 
“First of all, don’t lie. Never lie. We have to be able to trust each other.” She says, still spinning that glittering dagger utterly nonchalant. “You’ll want our trust when you’re on the field and need your back covered. Not knowing how to officiate an oath is one thing,” she stops spinning the blade to point it at me, “lying to me is another.”
 I shake off the embarrassment that crawls up my throat, “I’m sorry. I want you guys to trust me.” 
“Trust is especially important with you,” she says. And it’s true, humans can lie blatantly by mouth. The folk could twist truths to deceive, and bend over backwards to make one thing sound like another, but they could not just lie. In my schooling years, it was taught that a lie was simply against faerie nature. I had laughed at that—if anything seemed to be in faerie nature, it was lying.
 “We can start our trust,” she gestures with one finger between herself and I, “on the right foot with a geas.” She takes my arm that is not holding the rag and tugs it toward her. I struggle with the word geas. A geas is a faerie ensorcelement the folk dearly love subjecting humans, who did not know any better, to. They sweet-talk them into it, and when the human was fully ensorcelled, the human became a living plaything; to make dance unabashedly and kiss the dirt off their boots. The term leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
“An oath and a geas are not interchangeable,” I say, wary and preparing to take my arm back. “Which is it?”
 She rolls her eyes. “An oath means nothing to a human.” She looks to Gristle for support, “Right or wrong, Gristle?”
“Leave me out of it.” 
Cricket just laughs. “We just have to get some type of insurance,” she starts, “so that I won’t have to end up tying up loose ends.” A knock rings through the room, that same rhythmic knock that Gristle had performed on the door. Gristle simply clambers over to the door and slides the peephole open. 
“Decided to show up to work today?” Gristle says through the peephole, before sliding the hatch open. I look away from the door before seeing who enters, as Cricket grows impatient, spinning my arm so that my palm is facing the roof. She takes her dagger and slides it across the delicate skin of my palm. I try to reclaim my hand, but she holds it steady and slides a slit across her own palm. 
“Are you guys trying to bleed me for every drop I have?” I protest. I could probably count the amount of wounds I was inflicted with since stepping into the palace on two hands.  I watch as she clasps our hands together, mushing our wounds, still seeping blood, together. 
I had forgotten about the knock at the door until a new voice, with a deep and silvery quality to it, asks, “Trying to do it before I could get here, Cricket?” The voice travels from behind me to in front of me, and the man behind it comes into view. He was relatively tall, towering over Gristle, and quite a bit taller than Cricket. His hair is dark, hanging over a pair of sharp eyes that glare daggers at Cricket. I thank all things good that he was not leveling me with that icy smolder. He is notably less armed than the other two, with just a bow at his back. No doubt some discreet daggers here and there, though. And, most of all, his ears are the distinct rounded form of a human’s ear. 
“This,” Cricket gestures with an exasperated arm, “is Taehyun.” If the roundness of his ears were not already telling, the name was. He was human. I frown, retracting my hand.
“I thought you guys were looking for a human counterpart? That you had no human piece?” 
The quickness that Cricket was trying to get a geas over me was already unnerving, but now they were lying about the circumstances of my recruitment?
 Cricket gives Taehyun a look that could match the heat of a thousand suns. Taehyun’s face is stony and unmoving. Gristle does not make so much as a peep. 
“Taehyun,” she takes my wounded hand into her own again, “is faerie.” 
“What about his ears, then?” I make a gesture around my own ear, one that drags along the round curve of it. Faeries were not born with rounded ears, not the goblins, nor the hobs, nor  brownies, not even ones that are the most humanlike in nature. I had seen folk with knives for teeth, skin of boulders, hair from ear to clawed foot, but never rounded ears. It was another intrinsic piece of their nature; what set me apart from them. He was absolutely a human, and they were absolutely liars. They had to have spoken their words in a way that made one thing seem like another, spun truths into lies. It was the faerie way. I would not be magically compelled by liars. Taehyun’s face flashes with the first emotion I had seen since he arrived, but it is muddled and hard to read. 
Cricket scowls deeper, “He is not a human.” 
Taehyun gets in closer, his eyes venomous. “You know how I feel about that shit.”
 I try to decipher whether he meant being human, or the geas, but his next words solve it for me. “And you were going to try and do it before I could say anything.” When Cricket opens her mouth to say something, he cuts her off, “Don’t you say that’s not true.” 
Cricket turns to me, decidedly not responding to Taehyun. “I want the geas, because it will make us feel safer. I swear on the Mighty King’s life that I will not use it to control you in any way, other than to keep your mouth shut about our operations. You will not hear another thing of it from this day forward, anyway.” Her words are proof enough of her honesty, plain and so obvious in their wording that she could not be twisting her truths around a lie. She means what she says, or else she would not be able to say it. “Would it make you feel better if you were the one to make it, Taehyun? Would you just shut up, and let us move on from this?” She asks. Gristle feels the tension as bad as I do, so thick in the air you could choke on it, making himself busy sliding a blade down a sharpening stone.
Taehyun does not respond, his black eyes conveying exactly how he feels about that. I attempt to ease the atmosphere, while also catering to my own curiosities, “How is he a faerie, with rounded ears? That doesn’t…” Taehyun’s eyes flicker at the topic of his ears again. “Exist.”
“Well, it seems you don’t know all that you think you do about Faerie then, huh?” Taehyun spits. He spins, and begins for a hall that leads further into the spy den, long legs clad in black striding near silently beneath him. The words crawl under my skin successfully. I could spend my whole life here, and still the folk would see me as foreign. It makes me want to make that geas, to make something of myself. To be a spy, and make them see that I am so much more than what Nut-hatch told me I was destined to be: a servant to the superior beings. To make him chew his words, because I knew plenty about this foul world, and how to live in it. If anything was true, it was true that I knew more about it than him. 
I turn to Cricket, more determination in me now than I even had when I pledged my case to Gristle. “I’ll take the geas. I’ll do whatever it takes to become a competent piece of your team, I swear it. I know my words don’t carry much weight to you, but please, let me show you that I mean them.” Cricket grins, tightening her hand to mine, tilting her head to one side and batting her spiky lashes at me. 
“I knew you were a smart girl,” she taps me on the nose, before her expression drops to a more solemn one. The odd headiness of faerie enchantment tugs at the sides of my vision, turning it wavy and magnified about the edges. I feel it thread through the air, and then spread from my palm up my arm, and then all over, under my skin, like an itch, and in my head, like potent faerie wine. It lasts for a moment’s width longer, before I blink it away. She drops her hand from mine. 
“You will not speak of this team, nor its operations, to anybody I do not authorize, and are, from this exact moment forward, unable to reveal the location of our center of operations.” I shudder under the gravity of knowing my autonomy is vulnerable, and in her hands. Was it ever truly mine to have, though? Faerie glamour and enchantments on humans were unpunishable, and often seen as entertainments. Is a geas permanent? I shove back that worry; it is too late now.
Gristle whistles a descending tone, finally making himself known again. “This place, we call Homebase. Or, The Hole. Whichever you prefer,” he gestures around, and I take in the shoddy ceiling, the make-shift kitchen, and the weapons strewn about every surface. Definitely a spy hideout. “There are a few others for you to meet. They come and go; but you’ll be staying here, I understand?” I nod. He knew about my situation with Nut-hatch already. “Okay, then. Let’s get you a room,” he hobbles to that hallway Taehyun had stormed down, his gold-embroidered cloak dragging on the floor behind him. I follow, scoping out the scenery. 
“Do the others not stay here?” We continue down that same hall, the smell of underground musk still heavy. That would take me some getting used to. 
He grunts in affirmation. “Whoever you met today, stay here. The others dwell elsewhere, for some reason or another.” He stops at a room, and opens the door. The room is ornate in contrast with the other rooms of The Hole, the bedding plush and made of fine threads. It was not anything overly extravagant, but perfectly fit for a spy of The King. It is better than sleeping in the sweltering-hot attic of Nut-hatch’s cottage, I decide, appreciating the cool and damp air. And here, they decided I am worthy enough of my own room. That is more than enough for me.
 “But, you’ll meet them tomorrow, no doubt. Make this room your own, I’ll fetch some more fitting garments for you,” he gestures loosely down to the simple linen frock I adorn. I feel the odd tickle of embarrassment at the back of my mind. The irony of my attire, while living under the roof of an esteemed seamstress, is hard to ignore. Nut-hatch had always liked to scold me up and down that there was no need to look frilly working at a gown shop, while simultaneously being dressed in ribbons and lace. I take a deep breath of linen-scented air, and then release it. And then, I get to work in making the room my own. 
I do my best to plant my booted foot to the ground, to save myself from anxiously toeing dirt or stone. The clothes they brought for me were odd and foreign, as a girl who quite literally only wore the most efficient of dresses, and leather slippers on my feet for the entirety of my life leading up to this moment. The mask and the thin, hooded cloak bunch around my neck and shoulders are stifling, the boots are so heavy and chunky that they chastely kiss the ground when I step. It trips me up. The sensation of pant legs securing my thighs and shins is suffocating, and the weight of the weapons secured by straps are heavier than I’d ever expected them to be. And, to top it all off beautifully, my first assignment is with Taehyun. We’re supposed to be heading north, to the land of the hoarfrost, where the folk are Unseelie, and are said to be the most vicious. I’d already let that thought sink in, though. Now, all I can mull over is spending the trip with Taehyun; the disgust he had regarded me with before he left last night is still burnt bright into my mind.
Lightweight footsteps approach behind me, and I know it’s Taehyun.. He plops a pack on the ground wordlessly, before tugging the hood of his mantle up and over his head. He is, like yesterday, fashioned in a black tunic and a matching doublet, embroidered with silver threads at the lapel and cuffs, a heavy bow strapped to his back. 
I cross my arms over my chest, before gesturing to the bag I had already packed for myself, “I packed.” 
He sends a vacant look to me. “Put that one back.” He says. The air is so tense, I consider just doing it, but his tone ruffles my feathers. 
“I have stuff that I want to bring in mine.” He doesn’t respond, his face resound and unforgiving. “Look,” I huff, “I know you don’t respect me yet, but I’m trying my best to become competent, you know?” 
“I respect you,” he picks up the pack he brought me, and dusts the bottom off. “You would freeze to the core in the north without the stuff packed in here. Competence is nothing to a corpse.” 
I blink at the bluntness of his words. I press my mouth into a thin line, before placing my original bag on the table and slinging the other over my shoulder. I gesture for him to lead the way, and he does so without falter; and so we start our trek off to a splendid start. 
There is plenty of time to mull over what we would be doing in the north as Taehyun leads us through the lush forest, where the hum of insects and nearby streams, and the cloying scent of summer-warmed bushberries, reign supreme. When my stomach begins to rumble for not having eaten all day, I stop by a bush with exceptionally heavy branches and begin picking. The juice of the berries is thick and golden, like honey, when they mush between my fingers, and it glitters in the odd way that faerie fruit does. 
“Are you dull?” Taehyun’s voice, thick with contempt, makes me jump and lose my handful of berries. “That is a Goldhip bush,” he says, his strong brows pinched, “you would die without even a sign; just drop dead to the grass.” He scoffs, before spinning and heading the same way he was going before I decided to grab fistfuls of, apparently, intensely poisonous berries. I follow him, shaken. 
“I had no idea,” I say, mostly to myself, but he stops, turning on me. 
“You can’t afford having no idea out here. You’re going to have to step up to your role, now.” He gives me a long look, before turning back around and stepping over a felled log. 
I step over the log as well. “I didn’t really have any reasons to know your poisons in my old life,” I say. Nut-hatch at least fed me well. I set my pace so that I am parallel to him, instead of trailing him. “What are the ones I should know?” 
He doesn’t even pause to think for a moment. “Goldhip berries are turned into a liquid extract, and dropped into drinks. It does not have a smell, but has a sickly sweet taste. It doesn’t matter by the time the recipient tastes it, though; they’re as good as dead.” A chill burrows its way under my skin. I had been so close to death; had I just popped a berry into my mouth, I would be dead right now. 
“How would you even avoid being poisoned by that, then?” 
“You don’t.” He deadpans. “It’s why you have to stay always painfully aware of your surroundings. Always.” I nod.
“Silver and salt are poison to the folk. They singe the skin, and in cases of ingestion, they decay the insides. It’d be best if you use that to your advantage. A poison that is harmless to you, but deadly to another, is an asset.” I clasp my hands and thank the sky inwardly, at that. It feels like an ah-hah moment, to have something over the folk. Small mercies. 
“Human poisons, however, don’t work on the folk at all. So, whatever you remember from your old life won’t serve you here.”
Old life? I have no old life. “I was raised here,” I say, keeping the hurt that tugs at my features on a tight leash. “I was in Faerie before I could even walk.” 
I watch as his face falters, sunlight filtering through tree leaves dappling his features and highlighting his nose. He is beautiful, like all fae are. He only nods in acknowledgement, but I can tell he tucks the information away. His sharp eyes are intelligent, it was quite obvious when he was observing and internalizing. 
He presses forward. “Hunter’s Bane is a milled-up tree leaf that inebriates, and fizzes up any drink it is sprinkled into. Not deadly, but being put in such a state could be. Deadly Pinchweed is ground up as well, and leaves a green tint—and is deadly. 
“Lachrymose is a faerie fruit. As I’m sure you know, it makes a human agreeable and fogs the mind. It’s usually not prepared in any special way, just fed to glamoured humans.” The name of the fruit brings back the memory of a boy, a bit older than me, who at a particularly wild revelry was fed faerie fruit and buttered up by folk who thought it would be exceptionally humorous for the boy to make an audience with The King. Of course, the boy did, spewing nonsense at the foot of the dais, before going to wrap The King in a hug. A guard shot an arrow through his heart. He could not have been older than 16. Nut-hatch barred us from any form of revelry after that; she couldn’t spare her hard-raised shop worker over some faerie fruit.  I fold the memory up neatly, compacting it so that I can keep it vibrant and alive in my mind. I solidify, in that memory, that Taehyun and every other wretched creature of his kind, would hardly blink twice to see me die such a death. 
Taehyun kindles a small but mighty fire with dry twigs and pine needles. I settle onto the ground, propping my back against a gnarled trunk and try to breathe out the ache in my back with each breath. I miss the way the mattress back at home base had cradled my body into sleep, and abhor the dirt and foliage that was sticking to my pants and palms where they meet the ground. 
Taehyun’s voice, returning from his last round of searching for pine needles, startles me. “Get up.”
 I shoot him a look that, hopefully, channels all my exhaustion. “I just sat down,” I whine, exasperated. 
“If you’re hungry, get up.” He says, narrowing his eyes at me. He has ditched his mantle cloak and his doublet, and now is only in his simple black tunic, its sleeves rolled to his elbows. He’s serious, then. 
I huff and complain, but stand up and dust off my palms and pants from the needles that stick to them. The especially deep indents itch a bit, and I soothe them as I follow him promptly into the thicker part of the woods. 
“Lighten your feet,” Taehyun commands, his voice low, as a twig snaps under my foot. I wince; trying to replicate the lightness of his walk, but it makes no noticeable difference. If anything, my gait is more off than before, now that I’m overthinking my walk. Taehyun stops walking, pointing to his feet, before slowly demonstrating his footfalls. “Tense your legs, and keep your weight on your back foot until the other is fully on the ground.”
I oblige, and can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips as it works. 
We continue through the shrubbery and low-hanging branches, until Taehyun pauses, placing a finger over his lips. I see it now, too; a plump pheasant that pecks at the foliage none-the-wiser. Taehyun reaches for his bow, and notches an arrow. He pulls the bowstring taut, centering his shot, and the arrow sings as he lets it fly. 
The thud of the arrow piercing the pheasant makes my stomach flip. The pheasant cries, the arrow had pinned its wing and pierced through its stomach, but not killed it instantly. I avert my eyes as the scene burrows under my skin, and sets my heart sinking like a stone in water. Taehyun’s hurried steps bound over toward the still squawking bird, and the sound of metal unsheathing is followed by a loud final cry, and then silence. My muscles go rigid, and my nails dig deep crescents into my palm. I do not open my eyes, even as Taehyun announces that he spots a second bird. The pheasant’s final cries bounce off the walls of my mind, reverberating and driving a stake into my hurting heart more with each echo.
Taehyun ended up catching us two other pheasants on the way back to our temporary campsite. I watch as they roast over the fire, yellow flames licking at their lightly charring bodies. Taehyun takes one off, passing it to me on a stick whittled sharp at the end. I shake my head, queasy at the thought of eating it. 
He delivers me a cold resolve. “Respect its life,” He holds the stick there for me to take again. 
“I’ll throw up,” I shake my head again, wrapping my arms around my stomach. 
He barks a laugh. “This is ridiculous.” He lets the stick drop back over the fire, and I flinch as embers flurry up into the air, and narrowly miss me. Attitude flares up in my chest, and I go to say something smart-mouthed, but before I can, he continues, “Go back, if you’re just going to become a waste of my time. You think you’re a spy under The King? I don’t see shit but a spoiled brat, who thinks life should be handed to her. If you wanted that, this was not the life to choose.”
I reel at the bite in his voice. His words cut right where it hurts. “You think so?” I say, willing back the hot tears that prickle my eyes. They would only prove his case. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
“I know that you don’t know shit about being a spy,” he says, standing up. “I know that you are weak, and think you’re ready for a world that is going to kill you, and that you should probably be on your way back to Homebase to tell them you were never cut out for this.” 
I’m up to my feet in an eye’s blink, closing in on him. “Humans don’t have the privilege of being spoiled brats in your world.” I hiss. The warm sensation of tears rolling down my cheek has me hoping that he doesn’t notice, and I reach up to wipe it quick. I curse being an angry crier. “I’m doing what I can, with what I have. Just teach me what I need to learn, and I’ll learn it.” 
“Eat the damn pheasant, then.” he urges, like a wild beast in a delicate bauble shop. 
I laugh an exhausted laugh. “Would it kill you to have a little compassion? Just a little? I’ve never killed something, and then eaten it. It's… I think it’ll take me some time to get used to it. Just give me some time, yeah?” It isn’t fair at all for him to hold me to the standards he is holding me to. 
He goes quiet. I sit for a moment, too, stewing in all my rehashed hurt. It isn’t just that he’s treating me like a burden, or the low-blows he seems to keep opting for. He’s unknowingly cutting down to my deepest worries, rubbing salt in the wound, that maybe I am never going to amount to anything more than a servant girl. 
He unsheathes the longsword at his back, getting into a solid stance. “Show me you can be strong, then.” I hesitate. I’ve never so much as swung a sword, and the weight of it is heavier than I’d expect as I unsheath mine. The metal hisses, and the handle of it is solid and plainly decorated. I replicate his stance, and shift the weight of the sword awkwardly in my hand, trying to find my grip
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” I say, palms a bit sweaty against the cold metal, rocking in my stance. He swings hard, the force of it colliding with my sword jolts me, and it flies from my hands. I panic, frozen to the ground as he swings again. My heart lurches as I realize he isn’t going to pull his swing. 
Wind whooshes as his sword stops just by my face. He leaves it there, pointed right at my nose. “Pick it up,” he cocks his head toward my sword. I stare at him, wide-eyed, as I oblige him. We reset our stance, him barking commands every time he finds my stance or swing to be flawed. I accept his criticism with open arms—it is better than the disdain that had painted his features. 
I grit my teeth. I’m sheened in sweat, tugging for deep breaths, and my limbs are slow to recover from each blow he sends me. I’m twisting, dodging, and parrying as he tells me, but it's sloppy, and I have to summon my energy from already low reserves for each. His skin is irritatingly free of sweat, and still of that oddly cold and pristine quality. I had not noticed before how much it looks like frost twinkles under his skin. 
My back collides with a tree I had not noticed Taehyun was backing me into, air escaping my lungs in a big whoosh. He gains on me, pressing the long edge of his sword so that it sits mind-numbingly close to my neck. I can feel my pulse rushing in my neck, heart beating from my chest in an almost audible thudding. I continue to try and catch my breath. He swoops in so close that his breaths fan over my face. An emotion that I have a hard time reading flickers in his eyes, and then he’s slamming his mouth to mine. 
It’s a desperate clashing of teeth and lips. He lets his sword drop from my neck and to the ground, and he takes my face in his sword-roughened hands. My own find purchase at his shoulders, tugging him closer as if he could be any more so. The sound that escapes me as his hand tangles into the hair at the back of my head and tightens, tugging my head back and pressing in with more fervor, is like none I’ve ever made before. 
When we pull back for air, my vision swims around the edges, and is dappled with stars. He studies my face, and I’m suddenly more conscious than ever of how my cheeks burn and my lips are smeared with our kiss. He takes in my debased state. His eyes have more fire in them than I ever thought I’d see—swirling and ravenous, an innate need clawing to reach the surface . It’s a dizzying mixture of pure headiness, and I shouldn’t be doing this. He dives back in, and each nip and lick at my neck is blazing. They electrify my veins and send shockwaves from the column of my throat and through my chest, zipping up and down every one of my limbs. I’m not even sure that if Taehyun were to stop holding me fast to the tree, I would be able to stand on my legs, wobbly and unreliable. 
“Taehyun,” I gasp, my voice sounding not entirely my own. “Taehyun.” 
“You piss me off so fucking bad.” He keeps one hand fisted at the back of my head, exposing my neck to him, but the other travels down my body experimentally. “And I have no idea why.” 
My mind wants to reel and dwell on that, but he doesn’t let me. He wanders a hand about the hem of my shirt, and then he dares to go underneath it, and then he trails that cold hand up the plane of my abdomen. My stomach flips. “Have…” I gasp, “Have you maybe considered that you’re just an asshole?” 
He draws back from ravishing my neck to give me a look, his eyes wild and untrained. It felt, for some odd reason, good to break down his impenetrable exterior—to puncture it down to where he is in his base desires. Maybe it’s because I just need him to see me as something other than useless, to need me so badly that he forgets his contempt for me. He maintains eye contact as his thumb traces the swell of my breast, watches me gasp as he finds my nipple and rolls it under his thumb. His eyes set me ablaze, and he delights in the way I burn. 
“What, you’ve got nothing to say to that?” I say, meeting all the intensity of his gaze the best I can. I try to goad him into something; even if anger, so that he’ll soothe the pounding between my thighs. He does not entertain me, just regarding me with that same blistering intensity. My scalp begins to ache with the relentless tug of his fist, and I whimper, my hands leaving their place in his tunic to grab at his hand. 
“You’re every bit the whiny brat I’ve known you to be,” he says. His voice is gravelly, as if even those few words were hard for him to formulate. Just as my chest had adjusted to the chill of his palm, he drags his fingertips back down my abdomen. The pads of his fingers rake over me, my skin prickling and alight. 
“And you’ve got every bit of faerie entitlement to you,” I hiss. His hand pauses just above the waistline of my bottoms, and every bit of untamed need carved into his features is dust in the wind within a heartbeat. I reel at the loss of warmth as he pulls away. I try to reach out for him, to tug him back and wipe that awful indifferent look off his face again. But he’s already kicking out the fire and propping himself up against a thick pine tree. My stomach churns wildly as I set up my own sleeping situation. The silence is worse than any I’ve sat through—it’s charged with words better left unspoken, and heavy with the weight of our hands all over each other seconds ago. 
Sleep does not come easy to me, but when it does, I sleep dreamless and weary.
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a/n: how was thatttt? i've been looking forward to doing a high fantasy/faerie fanfic for sooo long. i'm sorry to leave you off like that but.. know that I am plotting, and planning. i'm already working on part 2, so stay tuned!!
taglist: @lvrs-street2mmorrow
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