#wbk x reader
sainns · 2 days
1:28PM ㅤ✶ㅤ umemiya hajime x gnreader.
note sawry if this is ooc i just want him so bad also this was definitely an excuse to write abt sakura too who i also want so bad
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you don't hate a lot of things—sure, you dislike stuff, but not hate. it's a strong word and you don't find yourself applying it to anything you deem too insignificant.
one thing you do hate, though, is sakura's supposed romance radar. sure, it's funny to see him get flustered over something as little as a two middle schoolers who are crushing on each other. it's not funny when he starts acting like that around you and umemiya.
you don't even have to be doing anything for his face to turn an annoying shade of red causing the other first years to start teasing him, questioning him about jis flustered state.
it's going to ruin your life. you've gone this long without anyone knowing about your massive crush on the white-haired boy—well, besides higari, who had found out purely by accident months prior—but in just a few minutes of knowing you somehow sakura was able to figure it out.
maybe you do look at umemiya for too long to be normal and maybe your eyes hold a much bigger level of affection towards him than anybody else but for him to figure it out immediately? it's amazing, really.
"hey, why're you frowning?" you blink when you feel umemiya's finger press against the crease in between your eyebrows.
"oh..." you push his hand away, "i was just thinking,"
"about what?"
you narrow your eyes at the three boys eating at the table next to yours. sakura's face is red.
you internally groan, covering your face with your hand when you notice umemiya follow your gaze. he's definitely going to realize everything and that's it for you. you're absolutely done for.
"woahhh, sakura, your face is super red. what's got you embarrassed now?" he grins, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.
the first year sputters, his face getting even redder much to your disbelief. suo smiles, speaking for his friend, "his radar went off," he glances at you briefly.
oh great. do all the first years know about your crush?
umemiya cocks his head to the side, "radar?"
"yeah! his ro—" nirei begins but never finishes, his face paling at the glare you're giving him, "it's... uh, it's his radar for really good food!"
"nice! kotoha does make good food, huh?" he nudges you, "right, yn?"
you smile, "yeah, she does,"
you silently thank whatever powerful being is out there that umemiya fell for nirei's lie, promising to devote your life to them. you also make sure to buy nirei some snacks as a thanks for his quick thinking.
and now hopefully umemiya will continue to believe his lie until you're ready to confess to him. you just have to make sure you're only around both him and sakura whenever food is near. that won't be too hard. you hope.
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gojosatoruwifey · 1 day
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ume with a reader who doesn't like vegetables will give him a huge whiplash. what do you mean by that? you don’t eat them? sure, he understands some don't like them but still eat, say, for example, the kids. how are you sustaining yourself? ume is so worried like a mother hen. he’ll not-so-subtlety convince you to eat them or ask kotoha to make them delicious just for you but he’ll never force you if you can’t stomach them. he is like a cute slump big white puppy, the sight of him being so worried,  that you can’t bring yourself not to give in and soothe his worries away — ume perks up when he sees you poking the cauliflowers on the curried and chickpea dish, unsure how to pick up the vegetable, he watches you silently as the fork is stabbed in the lower part, amused at your cuteness. you look pleasantly surprised at the taste, looking him right in the eyes (ume feels his heart quickens oh the effect you have on him), serious and sparkly as if you have found a long-hidden treasure, “it’s delicious.” 
best to say, what happens next he teaches you how to cut the cauliflowers to small sections and insists he feeds you because you’re so cute he might chomp his teeth in your cheeks out of cuteness aggression.
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enassbraid · 1 day
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-> Fics
Unexpected Loverboy (Suo Hayato)
No one could’ve expected Suo to share anything about himself, especially his love life
-> Scenarios
Not a Chance (Sakura Haruka, Suo Hayato, Togame Jo)
They have their own ways of scaring your new admirer away, as do you
-> Drabbles
nothing here yet
-> Headcanons
nothing here yet
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ccraccz · 12 days
Hello! I saw that wind breaker requests are open!
May I request some fluff for umemiya, suo, sakura and togame please?
I you could please write about how they would react if they saw their crush crying because they were worried about boys injuries please?
Thank you!
YESYESYES SO CUTTEEE!!! Thank you so so much for the request sweets!!! <333
Characters: Hajime Umemiya, Suo Hayato, Sakura Haruka, Jo Togame x reader (GN! since not specified)
Patch me up
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He usually never got this injured
but the gang that had used you and a few other vendors as hostages had knives and bats that had bruised and sliced at his, and his gangs skin.
After the fight, and after he looked over Bofurin to check for injuries, he quickly went up to check on you and some other vendors
Tears stained your cheeks as he fast walked to you, urgency in each step as he grew closer to you
You both locked eyes, and in an instant, you ran towards him, throwing yourself into his chest and wrapping your arms around him, tightly squeezing before tears restarted flowing down your cheeks.
your tears seeped into his white shirt, that was stained with red due to the scratches and slices on his skin
He wraps his arms around you as you sob, mumbling about how your safe and that he's fine
he brings you home, were you patch him up with sniffles and cuddle him for comfort, where he blushes lightly.
Your hold was nice, and warm, and it was so comforting
He felt sorry that you had to experience such a traumatizing situation, and that you had to see him fight and be serious
he closed his eyes, sitting on the couch as the thoughts of today rush through his mind, staying awake in as images of your terror filled face stayed imprinted under his eyelids.
that day, he did not sleep, even in the comfort of your embrace.
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he barely even gets hurt in general, so that person he was fighting would have to be very fast and diligent in their movements to even be able to touch him
He had been fighting a group with the other windbreaker first years, and the gang leader had been intently watching them, learning their steps and movements.
Suo was the first one who finished fighting the underlings, not even breaking a sweat, and he was the one who decided to fight the leader
since the leader had watched them, he had learned how to counter his fighting style and more
it took him of guard and made him hesitate in a movement which the gang leader used to his advantage and struck him, cutting his cheek in the process due to him falling on the ground before he jumped back up and fought back
it didn't come to mind until he finished the fight with the help of Sakura that the scene was right in front of you place
so after the fight, you running down the stairs of your place and basically shoving your face into his chest and you basically fall on your knees, loud sobs resonating in his ears
tears fell from your eyes like waterfalls, arms tightening at his waist and fists wrinkling his gakuran
he laughs as he pats your head, telling you to not worry, and that he was fine, a blush on his cheeks
he enjoyed that you worried so much for him, enough to sob at the sight of him 'endangering' himself to help the town.
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Get used to it
he loves fighting and getting injured is a part of it
its mostly for the thrill of hurt for him
but seeing you freak out about his bloody nose, bruised knuckles, and scratched face makes him tense
his bright red face basically blended with the redness of his blood LMAO
he's so awkward about it as you bandage his fists, patch up his scraped up elbows and cheeks, and clean him up of dirt
big crocodile tears flow down your cheeks as you clean him up, loud sniffles making him look at you
the tears just kept falling as you rubbed your face to dry them up, but they just kept dribbling down your flushed face and soaking up on his black pants as you sat, kneeling before him on the floor of your place after you patch up his scuffed up knee
he makes a face before standing up, making you look up at him as he grabbed you and made you stand up
he then held you close, holding the back of you head to his collar bone with one hand as the other wrapped around your back and awkwardly patted it
he was at least trying to comfort you, and it was working.
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it was during a festival
a gang had shown up randomly and decided they were going to start some chaos
so they started to robbing food and drinks, destroying the stalls, and even pushing around some vendors
you had been helping out your friends parents in their stall since your friend got injured and their parents were busy selling their sweets as you kept an eye on the hot sugar when you heard the chaos happening a two stalls down
the stall besides yours was being helped by Jo Togame, who had been watching you from the corner of his eye the whole time, a small blush on his face
Togame had hear the chaos happening and asked the vendor to be able to check out what was happening, which the vendor quickly agreed
The male quickly slips on his Shishitoren jacket, the clacking of his geta sandals being loud as he walks towards the ruckus of the opposing gangs show of power
what he got hurt with wasn't an injury from a punch or a kick, but a few scrapes came from how harshly he landed when he tackled the gangs leader, knees sliding on the floor and ripping his loose, monk pants
you had turned off the heat on the sugar and made the last few sweets to be sold before focusing on the fight happening, your friends parents having started to freak out, trying to take care of the elderly around you
you weren't too worried about the people around, more worried for Togame, with how he slid in the rough, rocky ground
the sound of screams and punches were loud, but you could only watch as Togame slowly stands up and tells the gang to scram
you quickly grab the first aid kit that was under you friend's parents stall and rush forward, tears brimming your waterline as you jogs up to him
you grab his sleeve, pulling him to a seat and cleaning his knees and knuckles
you blink, and suddenly your crying, sniffling
Togame blushes, not knowing what to do other than to hold you close
and so that's what he does
he stands and walks away with you, holding onto your sleeve this time and dragging you to a secluded space
the festival was then canceled for the rest of the night
but both you and Togame stick close to each other, looking up at the dark sky that is luminated by the stars and the moon
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goteique · 22 days
are we still friends? + (togame jo, sugista kyotaro,choji tomiyama,kota sako)
cws. | gn!reader, headcanon + scenarios format, sorta character study, fluff, angst, comfort. | redirect to blog navigation.
syn. | How do they react to confession when the feelings are mutual?
notes. | omg! here's part two. read part one here. enjoy <3
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☆ Togame Jo : "Did Choji put you up for this?" Togame enquires with a sharp tone, eyebrows ever so slightly growing close to each other that it goes away when you blink. The question hits you like a stone on your head. Why would he do that? unless . . . he already did that what's it got anything to do with him? Did Choji pull a prank like this before? and he might have liked them. . . and might not have. . .pushing the thoughts aside  you ask keeping your voice as even as possible,
"Would your answer be any different if that wasn't the case?" Of course, he has his wall high up. Not only that, the surface of the wall is full of sharp spikes so that no one can climb, not even you. It is no surprise that he would be so rude when a wave of affection washes over him. You force a smile upon your face and look down. The empty bottle of the cold drink containing a marble ball that was circling a while ago comes to a halt now. That's right. He should not have said that out loud. It is surprising in the first place when someone like you, so far away from his world is into him and it is even more surprising when you have the heart to confess. He did not mean to sound rude. . .It's just that . . .
"Sorry, I should not have asked that." He says trying his best he can to keep himself. He takes a quick glance at you through the corner of his eyes. Even for a split second, he saw your lips trembling. He curses himself keeping the bottle aside on the bench. "Well, no." His voice is so low, so meek that he has to clear his throat and straighten up before speaking. "No. Absolutely not. My answer would not change." was he scared? wait, he is . . . scared? He has never been the one to pray to God but now, at this moment with all his heart he asks the heavens not to let you cry. He does not wish to witness that since he does not know how to handle it. He has only been known to handle things with violence and dominance, not with talking and kindness. He takes off his glasses and stands up to face you who is still sitting on the bench head down as if gravity is growing stronger at each second. You feel a wind pass by before a cloth rests on your back, embracing your shoulders. You look up with eyes full of water up to the brim. "That's . . . that's my way of telling."
It takes a moment to sink into you what he actually meant and wear his jacket properly thinking how emotionally constipated he is. what is this? A competition? you let out a long hum.
"that's all you have to say?" Togame says impatiently. "I tell you that you like you and all you say is "hmm", huh? You grin from war to ear, and standing up you pinch his cheeks. He does not recoil like a spring-like you expected him to.
"Yeah. You said that now." Togame looks away unable to meet your water-full eyes anymore, warmth spreading over his cheeks, ears and even neck.
★ Sugishita Kyotaro
Sugishita's world is totally mapped out and it all revolves around Umemiya-san. But the moment you said you like him, his everlasting face of boredom did not do much except his eyebrows grew closer together. Is that the face of a surprised person? You ponder but it is meaningless because his eyes are onto you and all he is doing is to inspect you. If the wills and worlds had the potential he would put you under microscope. But even with so much effort all he does is to ask the most stupid question ever. “Do you? Do you really like me? You nod since your throat has become dry. He chins his face for a second and then turns towards you asking with a mellowed tone, “Is it the “i like you as a lover” or ...?” He does not get to finish his sentence while you cover your face and nod tremendously. almost five times in a row. His eyes spread wide. You are covering your face. You do not wish to see his reaction, nor prepared for the answer he is about to give. You feel a feather touch around your wrists as he whispers, “i do too. I like you too.” as he peels off your hand carefully. As someone who is known to be only talking with fists he certainly is not rigid and rough with you. He holds your hand as you look at him for a few seconds and then guides your palms over his cheeks. “y/n-san, Tell me again that you like me and I'll tell you again.” he says sinking in to your touch.
☆ Choji Tomiyama
"Huh?" It was all he could say when those magical words came out of your mouth. Within a blink of your eyes, he jumps so high that you feel if he really wanted, he could touch the sky. Then his cheeks puff a little before a devasted choice of words escapes his mouth,“It’s not fair. I wanted to say it at first,” When it registers in your head you think he might have misheard you so you try to say again but he quickly grabs your hand saying, “Why didn't you give me heads up? I wanted to tell you first that I like you. It's not fairrrreee.” if anything's is unfair is that how a leader seems to act in such a childlike manner but it's okay. This is why you fell for him. He stops whining and says in one breath, "So, then I'll be the one to take you on a date. " he is still holding your hand.
★ Kota Sako
For someone who's eyes are always glued on Hiragi, movements and talks trying to imitate Hiragi he certainly is more than aware of himself and his surroundings. You expect him to brush away your plea when you ask him to stay after the class or even just decline you by saying that he is busy or the worst: simply ignoring you even after hearing. But none of that happens. He waits for you after the class patiently, listens to all you have to say, and then says, "I'll think about it." while internally practically panicking so hard that his head starts to hurt by the time he reaches home. When you reach home, you get a text from an unknown number saying, "So, let's date then. -Sako."
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heauxzenji · 6 days
Choose your duo- warnings: f!reader, smut, implied poly relationship, 3ways, oral (m!receiving) minors literally dni I will haunt you!
daisy says: I wrote this with matsuhana in mind but realized so many other men could fit this bill and that is just so beautiful I’m weeping
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It took some convincing, but they were getting their way… finally.
Best friends share everything, right? Clothes, food, cash… their girlfriends?
That’s why they took turns pushing each of their cocks past your lips. It made your face burn, feeling like at any moment your cheeks could split in half. But you were taking them both like a champ.
“You were right,” the taller of the two said.
“It is big enough for the both of us.”
They both looked down at you, darkened pairs of eyes watching a slow stream of mascara’d tears, spit, and of course, cum, slide down your face, pooling at your chin. A sly smile washes on the other’s face.
“If you like being in her mouth- fffuck- just wait until you get inside her guts…”
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MATTSUN+MAKKI, satoru+suguru, kirishima+bakugou (or Denki tbh), Mikey+Draken, Izana+Kakucho, Shidou+Sae, Togame+Choji, duo of your choice….
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formula-wind · 19 days
cooking chaos — sakura haruka x gn!reader
※ short drabble, 580 words. mainly crack. platonic/close friendly relationship implied. pretty much just sakura and his fondness of omurice.
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“Wait no, that doesn’t look right. Did you have the stove on high?!”
“Yeah, so it cooks faster. I’m already hungry.”
“But the omelette is burnt!”
And that was yours and Sakura’s third attempt at replicating Kotoha’s omurice omelette. What was supposed to be a creamy scrambled egg-like center was dry and overcooked, and the outer layer was pretty much burnt with such a hot pan due to the long time you both spent trying to get the results right.
Hoping to somewhat salvage the failed meal, Sakura quickly flips the omelette on an empty plate you were holding; revealing the charred surface. “This is annoying to create” he mumbled, setting down the now empty pan back on the stove and turning off the heat.
“Well, we at least have decent scrambled eggs from our first two tries?” you tried to stay positive despite the devastating situation. You sure know from past experiences how frustrating it can be to not be able to cook something you’ve been craving for. Although while the solution would be to simply just go out and buy it at a shop, unfortunately for the two of you today, Café Pothos was closed as Kotoha was out of town to buy special ingredients.
“I don’t like dry scrambled eggs.” Sakura argues, arms crossed while staring holes into what is supposed to be his current lunch.
“Alright, alright mr. picky eater. Give me a few moments and I’ll see what I can do.” You laugh at the bi-color haired boy, throwing away the latest failed omelette before taking his spot in front of the stove and turning it on to a medium-low heat. “Can you set the table while I cook?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Replied Sakura as he moves to get placemats, utensils, and cups from your cupboards. He has been here somewhat often since you both became a closer pair so finding the tableware is pretty much muscle memory to him now. Furthermore, it’s a lot more spacious than his apartment for cooking—or attempting to cook, at least—which is why the two of you are here in the first place after finding out the café was closed.
Breaking a couple more eggs and stirring the scrambled batter into the pan, you quickly stir the center with your chopsticks while slightly shaking the skillet similar to the tutorials you’ve came across on social media. It didn’t take long before the outer layer turned somewhat firm to be able to fold the omelette and announce its completion. Sakura walks over to see you move the omelette over a prepared plate of rice, which you then handed to him while he studied intently.
“I didn’t put in any poison.”
“I wasn’t thinking that!” Sakura’s two-toned eyes widened, blushing in embarrassment from being caught staring. “You knew how to cook and didn’t even bother helping me.” He expresses somewhat angrily.
“Well, I would’ve if you let me help you.” You shrugged then walked to your seat at the table. Out of your vision, Sakura was pouting and mumbling incoherent words you assumed were opposing your remark before taking the seat in front of you.
“Still, thanks for cooking for me.” He expressed shyly, which made you smile in success at your attempt of satisfying his cravings. Taking his first bite, you waited expectantly for his reaction; slightly anticipating some sort of praise for such good cooking.
“It’s bland. Did you at least added salt to this?”
“Ah, dang it!”
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a/n: first post! i can’t believe wind breaker was able to motivate me to write. if you have any writing requests, feel free to send them in!
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kruinka · 1 year
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happy belated white day sae and kaiser in pt 2
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enhas-bestie · 2 years
Idol Crush! [37]
► THIRTY SEVEN: please say sike ("I've been TELLING all of you that Jungwon is a solo stan!! ")
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Idol Crush!💞 masterlist
SYNOPSIS: Y/N knew that once she and her group, IKONIC, finally debuted, there'd be a chance that she'd run into YANG JUNGWON: The leader of the global rookie group ENHYPEN. But JUNGWON isn't just the leader of a famous 4th gen boy group... he's also the boy that she confessed to three years ago and got rejected by. The last thing Y/N needs to do is fall back in like with him, because even something as simple as an idol crush! could bring about some unwanted drama and Dispatch worthy headlines.
[TAGLIST #1]: @acciomylove @mitsukifilms @ncityy04 @ja4hyvn @navsnct @hwalllllllelujah @shit-idek-meself-at-this-point @lullabyinparis @masterofdoom @enhacolor @mochisnlix @hiqhkey @vlykai @pshwyfie @hyuka-luvbot @yvesismywife @one16core @en-boyz @moon-lys  @liliansun ​ @jungwoniie @spicynlong @ramenais @bigtoewinwin @catbitchh111 @c9tnoos @missmadwoman @haoreo @doodlewon @enhaswab @alyselenai @moasworld @yyunari @chirokookie @yjwfav @kyutekyuala @giyyuzz @andromedawillburryyou @tlnyjoong @sarahxy537 @darlinluvsu @fairycheol @love-4-keum @ohmy-fandoms @yyunari @centheodd @mavlogist @jungwonnieee @emoworu
[CAN'T TAG #1]: @shit-idek-meself-at-this-point @vlykai @pshwyfie @jungwoniie @spicynlong @itboyjungwon @enhaswab @kyutekyuala @darlinluvsu
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gojosatoruwifey · 25 days
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someday sakura's romance sensor will bring trouble to suo.
the thought of it brings a sigh to the one-eyed patch young man.
“hm?” a voice hummed beside him, he glanced down to see you curiously looking back at him. suo ignored the little leap his heart made. “are you still tired from the fight a few days ago?”
“oh, is it that obvious?” suo smiled. he set down the cup on the table and slightly leaned into you. suo fights back his laugh as he hears a choke somewhere in front of him. his sappanwood eye focused on yours, intense.
“why don’t you nurse me back to health?” he teased.
and there is it. the reaction he is looking for — your flustered, shy expression. then, it immediately changes to a glare he found so cute. suo takes a quick look at the bicolored or should he say, tricolored man? sakura’s face is flaming red, he almost resembles a tomato.
suo chuckled. “ah, did i accidentally set off a sensor?”
“suo-san!” nirei’s eyes darted to sakura’s trembling form and suo’s smiling face back and forth, nervous. you do the same, confused by what suo’s words. what sensor???
too bad, you will never know about it until sakura can’t take any more of suo’s teasing.
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enassbraid · 3 days
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ft. Sakura Haruka, Suo Hayato, and Togame Jo
—Someone seems a little too eager to ask you out on a date… somehow missing your boyfriend’s sharp glare from beside you. How is the situation handled? (1.4k words)
Cw) gn!reader, getting hit on, cursing, flirting, kinda suggestive in suo’s part at the end, reader is shorter than suo in his part, reader can fight + mentioned bullying in togame’s part, some of this might (definitely) be ooc but i wrote this with 2 hours of sleep and a redbull, so its okay ..
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Sakura gets aggressive…
Haruka has never been ignored like this before.
He’s been excluded, sure. But ignored? Never. With looks like his, it’s nearly impossible to turn a blind eye to him. While he might’ve been accepted for his unique traits since coming to Furin, it doesn’t erase the fact that they’ve been the very bane of his existence for the past 16 years.
Oddly enough, he’d rather have his pale eyelashes and hair ridiculed again than sit through another minute of this.
“Ah, I’ve been rambling for too long, haven’t I?” your self-proclaimed ‘childhood friend’ apologized discreetly. “How about this, you give me your number and we can plan a day to catch up without constraints. Does that sound good?”
You cringed from the guy’s insistence, but before you could turn him down, Sakura interjected.
“That sounds awful,” he scoffed; wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer.
The male before you merely rolled his eyes. “I don’t recall asking you anything.”
Sakura’s brows furrowed, and you felt his loose hold ok you tighten in an attempt to keep himself somewhat grounded. This guy was pissing both of you off, but more so Sakura due to the blatant ignorance your “friend” was displaying.
He shifted his gaze back from Sakura to you, and slightly tilted his head. “Clearly there’s some competition here.”
“A competition you already lost,” your boyfriend grumbled under his breath.
“So tell me, what’ll it take for you to give in?”
Your previously nonchalant expression morphed into one of annoyance. You might’ve known this guy from when you were younger, but he’s practically a stranger now after so many years. His sly smile struck a nerve, not to mention his attitude towards the boy that stood next to you. All of it ignited a strong flame within you, one that made you wanna-
“Ah- Shit! What the hell is wrong with you?!” your old acquaintance cried from the ground.
Sakura’s arms were tense at his sides, ready to throw another punch if needed. He stood in a fighting stance you were familiar with, but this time, it was for your sake.
“Take a hint, man. Don't you get it?” your boyfriend spoke, retreating back to your side with a sharp glare aimed at his current arch nemesis.
He interlocked his hand with yours, holding it with a firm grip. “They’re already taken, not to mention uninterested!” Sakura barked with displeasure. “And if you don’t want that face of yours to get fucked up even more, I suggest you scram.”
The other male whined from the ground, hastily scrambling away in fear whilst clutching his bloody nose. Of course, he spouted one last insult once he was far enough.
“You’re crazy! You Bofurin shits are all out of your minds!”
You and Sakura could only turn to one another and laugh in amusement.
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Suo becomes flirtatious…
Suo’s a relatively calm man. He always kept a small smile on his face, rarely allowing it to fall no matter the situation.
Although right now it was slowly starting to falter.
He stood next to you, hands behind his back with a threatening gaze towards the other man before you. Seriously, neither of you expected that this guy would start flirting with you after helping him gather his belongings that just so happened to fall to the ground as you both walked by.
But he seemed to believe it was “fate.”
“Thank you so much!” the stranger said with glee. “I really oughta take you out to show my gratitude. Is there any place that’d you-“
“Nah, I’m good,” you interrupted, rejecting his advances before anything could escalate.
Suo felt a brief wave of relief wash over him at your words. You were very much capable of standing up for yourself, but he still kept his guard up incase anything were to happen. While you were very clear about turning this guy down, he wasn’t ready to give up.
“Are you sure? I’ll take you anywhere you want! All you gotta do is name a place!”
Suo’s eye twitched.
“I’m quite positive. I’m sure my boyfriend here can do all that for me and even more, so if you could kindly back off that would be wonderful.” you placed a hand on Suo’s shoulder with a grin, displaying affection to get your point across.
“This guy? Seriously?” the stranger grumbled in disbelief.
“Yep, that’s me,” Suo started. “Your offer is kind, but you should know when to back down, yeah?”
“I think she should be grateful I’m offering anything, and the nice thing to do would be to take that offer,” he taunted.
Suo chuckled at the boy’s insistence. “She doesn’t owe you anything.” he stayed sternly. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
You felt flustered at the sudden pet name, not to mention the feeling of his arm slowly slipping around your waist teasingly.
“Yeah, that’s right,” you responded, accepting your boyfriend’s display of affection as you both emphasized your point.
His grip on your waist tightened, and he slowly leaned down to plant his forehead against yours. His eye was half-lidded, and you could feel his gaze on your lips. Just as he was about to lock his lips with yours, the other male let out a noise of disgust.
“Oh god okay- I get it!” he gagged. He stepped away, bags you helped him gather in hand as his face scrunched up. “You don’t need to start making out! That’s gross! You’re both gross!”
He rushed off, turning the corner to never be seen again. Suo pulled away from you, leaving his touch to linger around your face and waist. You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, flustered, confused, and annoyed all at once.
“I didn’t think you had something like that in you~” you teased playfully.
His hand went to rub the back of his neck. “Neither did I… I don’t think I can do something like that again. I just needed to get him to back off.” he replied bashfully.
“But you did leave me hanging there. Am I gonna get that kiss or what?” you asked genuinely, tilting your head in curiosity.
Suo sighed, and guided the back of your hand to his lips to plant a kiss.
“You’ll get the one you’re waiting for when we get home, yeah?”
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Togame is amused…
Usually, Togame would be ready to swing by now. However, he’s too enamored by your pretty face as you spew a number of insults at your middle school bully.
“After all you’ve put me through back then, do you really think I’d wanna sit and chat with you like nothing ever happened?” you shouted in the middle of the sidewalk, catching the attention of numerous passerbys.
“I’ve changed!” he shouted back, arms thrown up defensively. “Don’t you believe in change? Or do you think everyone stays the same their entire life?”
You rolled your eyes with bitterness. “Just forget it, we aren’t speaking ever again.”
“Now just wait a second-“
“Didn’t you hear them? They told you to forget it,” Togame stepped in front of you protectively.
“No, Togame. Let me handle him.”
“Oh? Well if you say so,” he replied, stepping aside for you. He knows you’re capable of holding your own, so he’s not too worried. Still, he kept his fists balled up at his sides incase he had to step in at any point.
The boy you’ve known since junior high scoffed at your actions. “We ain’t fighting, pretty.”
“You don’t get to call me that,” you fumed.
“Oh? Does that mean only your boyfriend here can compliment you?” he taunted, a smirk forming on his face.
Togame sat back and watched with a sly smile, admiring the way your face scrunched up in anger. He had no problem with others complimenting you. In all honesty, he liked it. It filled him with pride. Others could want you all they want, but only he could have you.
And he loved that.
You threw a hard punch at the male’s face, knocking him off his feet and onto the ground. Togame only whistled from behind you in praise.
You crouched down to the other’s level, grabbing him by the hair to keep eye contact. “I don’t wanna hear shit from someone like you, that’s all.”
After dropping his head, you stood up proudly.
“Sorry I didn’t let you handle it, Jo.” you apologized meekly.
“Nah, don’t worry about it.,” he brushed off whilst waving his hand. “Besides, that was pretty hot.”
You punched his shoulder lightly with a slight smile. “Of course that’s what you were thinking.”
He hummed. “If you ask me, anything you do is hot.”
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© enassbraid 2024. i do not permit plagiarism, translations, or reposts of my work on any platform.
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ccraccz · 5 days
hi hello, hope ur doing well! just wanted to request headcanons for wind breaker characters (pls include suo^^) like how would they react to the reader being jealous when they're nice/helping other girls or just other people in general? i've been looking for these types of headcanons as someone who easily gets jealous lmao. hope u have time to do this! ^^
Suo Hayato, Jo Togame, Hajime Umemiya x GN! Reader
WARNINGS: Arguments and Jealousy (from the reader)
Jealousy Jealousy~
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He would notice instantly that you're jealous
and he would tease you for it
He would purposely help girls in the town to drive you up the wall
that is IF you don't say anything about it
if you do tell him that you seriously don't like that, he would apologize and promise you he won't, but he also won't avoid someone who needs help
and you understand that
it might become a slight argument, but it all mends together in the end
he buys you small but meaningful gifts through out the week, and especially if he saves a girl and they decide to try to make a move on him
in the end, he likes seeing you irate, due to it usually leading to you taking control in bed, but he will stop if you say something about it not being your thing.
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He wouldn't understand immediately when you started to get jealous
it is only after he saved a few ladies during a festival while you worked nearby did he notice as to why you were becoming jealous
you nearly burned the snacks that were cooking up in your stall if he didn't come over and tell you about it
after that, both of you had a long conversation after the festival at your place because of what happened
where you explained your feelings and he explained his views
he, of course, thought this could be a problem with the relationship but be believes you both could work with it and around it
he does tease you about your jealousy, which makes him feel more empowered until you shut him up
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He would see you get jealous, and be curious as to why you're jealous, but he wouldn't ask you
It was until you walked by when he was on patrol and helping a few women who were drooling for his buff arms and strong figure
he saw you walk by when he finished working on what they needed, getting their thanks before quickly leaving to find you
he hugs you from behind, singing your name as he rubs his cheek on your hair
he knew you were angry, or jealous, and he wanted you to relax
after that, he watched as you got more and more jealous every day due to him helping others, specifically women about your age or older who gawk at him in every way possible
he made sure to talk to you about it, trying to not make it into an argument
it, sadly, does become an argument in the end
You were struggling on understanding his views and he was struggling on understanding yours
you both had to take a breather, away from each other for a few hours before coming back to the conversation you were having
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markdelonge · 2 years
(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ dating tom delonge in the 2000s
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heauxzenji · 2 hours
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All Mine
Sakura Haurka x f!reader WC: 1.3k Warnings: pwp, established relationship, oral+piv, pull out method (sorry it’s just who I am now), undertones of possessive Sakura, everyone is aged up to early 20s, mentally this is supposed to have a 2nd part so ignore the abrupt ending...
Daisy Says: Idk how we got here but damn...
tagging @interstellar-inn bc network tings
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“How come you never kiss me like that?”
When you asked, it was a joke, of course. You were curled up on the couch next to Sakura, feet tucked neatly under his thighs to keep your toes warm. There you were, wrapped up in blankets, a shared bowl of popcorn the only thing truly separating you two from getting closer.
You had noticed he wasn’t laughing, though.
“Helloooo,” you called, tossing a single piece of popcorn to barely thud against his temple, his gaze on the film breaking as he looked to you with red-stained cheeks. The truth of the matter was that even though you and Sakura had agreed to take things slow, things were going a little bit too slow for your liking. You liked watching movies, sure, but every time? watching movies could be even better if you were face down, ass up with the Are you still watching? screen pixelated in your blown-out eyes.
The couple on-screen is clearly having more fun than you are; the romantic climax of the movie featuring a kiss in the rain. Their lips meet in a fervent, sensual kiss, each touch igniting a wildfire of longing. The rain is drenching them, but they are oblivious, lost in the heat of the moment. Time stands still as their kiss deepens, every second brimming with unspoken promises and the raw, uncontainable passion of two souls finding their perfect match. Their bodies pressed together, hands roaming with a desperate, aching need, as if trying to memorize every curve and contour.
He shifted a bit, the seemingly permanent scowl on his face temporarily softening the moment his eyes fell onto you again. With you, he was never really angry- or even aggressive, but instead, so much more relaxed and comfortable,despite the discomfort with being close to.. Well anyone. Even against the mounting and overtly sexual tension that had been building much like your closeness- it was no secret that he was insecure at times about your intentions with him. After all, you were such a hot commodity around town- choosing him sometimes felt odd to him in particular. He thought about the things the guys said about you, the things they wanted to do to you, the things that he could do to you. The stare lingered a bit, his eyes trailing from your head and down your neck, before settling on your chest. He could just barely trace the lining of the top of your bra through the deep cut neckline of your shirt, eyes straining involuntarily in an effort to see even more. He had you. You were his. And he had made up his mind in these tangled thoughts- that you had waited long enough.
“Is- that… is that what you want?” His eyes were fixated on the way your chest rose and fell with every breath you took.
You reached out to lift his chin, forcing his eyes to meet yours as you inched closer and closer to his face, lips barely touching as you spoke.
“Mmhmm,” you hummed, confirming your desire and giving him even more indication while batting your lust-ridden eyes. You fully closed the gap, pushing your tits against him as if to say that you weren’t leaving his apartment without what you came for… him.
His complexion flushed an even deeper, carmine red as your hand trailed down to palm him. You felt him stiffen almost immediately in response to the touch, your voice darkening as you stared into his now bewitched multicolored eyes.
“Just wanna be yours.”
It’s barely a full blown make out, but his lips are on yours as soon as you give him the go ahead. There's no real time to melt together but the urgency is there, making it feel as if once your lips part, they’ll never be able to touch again. It gets deeper over time, hands beginning to roam between fabric and skin interchangeably while you gasped for the spaces of thickened air between you, Sakura mumbling ‘all mine,’ against your lips, jawline, and neck as he made sure to leave no patch of skin untouched. He took the lead, pulling your shirt over your head and pushing you to your knees.
Licking your lips with anticipation, you saw him finally spring free from his makeshift pajama pants, cock already glistening at the tip. One hand began to twist at the base of while the other worked to peel your low-rising lounge shorts down to your knees, wiggling your legs until they fell just past your ankles. His hands found their way to your hair as he began to move your head up and down in an effort to guide you. The movement of his arms and hips was feverish and mismatched, desperate for any contact he could have. The weight of him on your tongue alone was enough to send your pussy into overdrive after waiting for what felt like an eternity for this moment. After a few passes, you popped your lips off of him, strings of your saliva separating you from the length.
At first it was slow, making sure he could feel every inch of himself entering you as you adjusted to the pleasure of fullness. He raked his hands into the sides of your flesh, speeding up your pace as he started to thrust upward to meet you. You hadn’t noticed him snaking a hand behind him, reaching over his head to draw it forward- his old Furin jacket. You knew how important that thing was to him- the stories it held, the person it made him way back when. When it came into your vision, you immediately took the hint, gently fumbling with the cool metal buttons that adorned it. Never slowing down, he guided your hips to make figure-8s around him as you slipped it over your shoulders.
“Fuck-” the moan was drawn out and broken as his cock rammed into you more vigorously then, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in harmony with your moans as you felt yourself losing balance. You placed your hands on his chest to stabilize yourself, but he pulled you forward by the breaklines of his jacket, fixated instead on feeling your body in his.
“Now, you’re all mine,” Sakura exalted. His eyes- one blue, one brilliantly golden, were completely glossed over, much like yours at this point, but the intensity of the eye contact brought you closer to the high you’d been chasing as both of your breath patterns slowly began to waver. You could feel his nails softly digging into your side as he concentrated, deepening his claim on you by ghostwriting his name in your skin- you had memorized every character even as your vision began to white, body giving way to land onto his frame and gripping the blankets below you for dear life. He grunted in compliance as he felt you start to clench around him, making sure to get you through it all, eventually slowing his pace and slipping out just in time to come completely undone where your lower abs met.
You both collapsed into the floor beneath you, bodies writhing as you recollected your bearings. There were several seconds of soft pause before anyone moved, heads innocently knocking into each other’s in your disoriented state. He mumbled a soft apology, pressing his lips to the affected area near your temple before reaching over both your bodies to grab his phone.
Oh shit. It was almost 8:45.
Following his lead, you too grabbed your phone- several missed texts flooded your screen. Both of you were late for that night’s festivities- the debut of Tsubakino’s new number down at the club- the one your entire friend group had been invited to at least 2 weeks ago…. The one that Tsubaki would kill you for missing… especially because you helped with the choreography.
“I should probably go back to mine and get ready,” sighed, wrapping yourself in Sakura’s jacket and heading toward the door back to your place, conveniently located a few units away.
“I’ll give this back to you later.”
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formula-wind · 18 days
choose your agent! — valorant mains of furin high first years
※ headcanons for wind breaker characters as valorant players ft. sakura haruka, nirei akihiko, suo hayato, & sugishita kyotaro
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Sakura Haruka — instalock duelist
Like with gang fights, he definitely had his fair share of experiences with cocky duelists so it’s no surprise he tries to take the main damage-dealer role first in his team when he queues for a game.
Reyna would be the first one Haruka tries to pick because of the agent’s self-sustaining nature. No need to rely on teammates for entry support or heals—relating well with his independent character.
I mean, Reyna’s blind wont affect his teammates so there’s no reason for them to yell at him for bad blind timings or wasting heals so less problems!
Though not that he would admit this, but he also thinks she’s the most useful agent for helping the team out.
No one is an initiator? Haruka entries site for the team with a blind, killing anyone there who stops his team from getting in.
No one is a sentinel? Haruka stays behind to guard their backs trying to stay alive for as long as possible to protect the spike (when attacking) or site (when defending).
No one is a controller? Well, he can’t really do much with Reyna’s abilities but he does hunt down enemies when he has ultimate available to reduce the team’s worries.
Definitely sets a good example for how Reyna mains should be.
He also just hates being in a team with Reyna players who talk shit more than get kills. Who doesn’t though?
Because of this, he does understand that instalocking Reyna would get his teammates assuming he’s one of the bad players but he couldn’t care less when they express their annoyance.
Haruka can and will prove them wrong, after all.
However, in extremely rare cases where people instalock duelists before him, he either dodges (95% of the time since he just wont be able to stand the possibility of egoistical teammates) or picks Chamber.
Why? He can stay behind guarding flank or site strongly as his “dumbass teammates” charge the enemies.
With his shooting skills, he can really makes the most out of Chamber’s abilities.
Also because of chamber’s pistol and rifle ultimate, he’s also able to buy a gun for a teammate if needed. Again, definitely not something he would admit, but if pointed out, best believe he’s going to scream in voice chat about how irresponsible his team is with credits.
Akihiko Nirei — sentinel or controller strategist
We all know how proactive he is with gathering information about guys he finds cool so I am pretty sure that when he gets really into Valorant he has a notebook full of strategy plans, setups, and lineups from his research and actual game experiences.
His analytical skills and game-knowledge would definitely make him the best supporting member of the team.
Nirei would be that person that waits for everyone to pick their agent before picking his to avoid complaints and to work with the team dynamic.
If a sentinel is needed, fits well with the team and the map; he would most likely select Killjoy.
He probably mastered a lot of swarm + alarm bot setups. Though, he does like using the same setups twice or more instead of switching it up if it works against the enemy.
Probably does it because he thinks the enemy wouldn’t expect such plans to be executed again (not really true most of the time).
Good thing about Nirei is he knows what he’s capable and not capable of; he understands his weaknesses so he plays it safe to not become a burden to his teammates.
Enemies call him a rat for being so skilled with his utility usage, and he takes it as a compliment with pride.
Loves playing post-plant lineups! He practices a lot in custom before each ranked game.
However, if his team needs a controller to block out sections of a site to secure entries, he’s playing Astra.
Now, Astra is probably one of the toughest agents to master since it needs good map awareness skills and team coordination so Nirei only picks her if he knows his team can give good comms and support (like if he would be playing with the other bofurin members).
He would definitely take pride in assisting his teammates with getting kills by using concuss (nova pulse) and pulling enemies (gravity well).
May get too focused with getting his abilities set up and activated right so he would need someone to watch his back (he has been trolled and stabbed multiple times, which sometimes led to really funny games).
Truly the teammate with the braincells we all need (and aspire to be).
Suo Hayato — duelist-like sentinel or full-on duelist
He is a Sage main. 100%. No doubt.
Oh but Hayato's not your stereotypical bottom frag “team before me” Sage main.
He’s the type that would carry the whole team—some would even say he’s one of those “selfish” Sage players.
Why she’s his first pick? Simple: fun walls.
He doesn’t really like walling off the spike since it doesn't provide good entertainment he knows his walls can be used for better uses.
He loves tormenting the enemy with crazy Sage wall placements, getting kills without the enemy knowing where they’re getting shot at brings him so much joy—it’s almost sadistic.
You think a wall is misplaced so bad it lets you enter the site easier? Wrong. Hayato's behind you getting your team one by one.
Sometimes he drags it out, watching the enemy team get past him when they don’t check their corners and follows them to the site—and if they’re attacking—he does the little ninja defuse trick; defusing the spike as soon as the other team has planted it.
With his healing orbs, he is still very supportive of his team and usually heals them first instead of himself, not really minding if they still die first after getting healed. He’s pretty confident with his shooting skills so he survives well without needing additional health stats.
He plays at a distance so even on low health he is able to get frags.
His slow orbs are also mainly there for its regular use of keeping enemies at bay, but also torment his team members if they’re getting on his nerves—which doesn’t happen often.
The reviving ultimate? If his team keeps asking to be revived best believe he’s only using it to use the revived bodies as a shield or revives them in the most inconvenient moment.
When given the chance to be a duelist, he is definitely picking Jett.
You really can’t convince me otherwise cause her swift play style suits well with Hayato's character.
Those updraft knife trick shots on tiktok? He does them at least once a game to bring down the enemy’s mental.
Would probably be like a Tenz with Jett’s ultimate. He would save the other abilities if he knows he has or is getting his ultimate soon to do those crazy killer dash moves.
This is pretty much self-explanatory so I don’t know what else to say. Hayato is graceful; Jett lets him prove it in game.
Sugishita Kyotaro — hunting-focused initiator
Probably not the most active player in Bofurin but when he does play, he’s playing Fade.
Is probably only ever playing fade because it fits the most with him though.
Short explanation: their auras match well; scary and will be out to torment you.
Long explanation: if he’s playing with Umemiya, he’s probably using Fade to provide support and keep the enemy as far from him as possible.
Since he also doesn’t talk much, Fade uncovering the location of enemies helps him be useful for his team without needing much interaction. I mean, the agent literally can direct you to enemies with the ultimate ability so what else is there to point out?
I also see him as a very proactive corner-checker so Fade’s haunt and prowler is really handy for him. No corner of the site is left unchecked with Kyotaro around!
However, I can’t really picture him using seize that much for capturing enemies so I think he doesn’t really purchase it. If they’re out in the open, he likes killing them head-on so he doesn’t see much value to the said skill.
Overall, even as a one-agent player, he definitely excels with making the most out of Fade’s abilities.
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a/n: depending on whether or not anyone is actually interested in this i may turn this into a series,,
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edwardslvrr · 2 months
SO AMERICAN 𐙚 lando norris
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౨ৎ lando norris x sargeant!reader
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the one where lando notices logan sargeant his sister at the miami grand prix
taglist if you'd like to be added to my taglist, message me privately or comment on this post
warning this is all fake and just for fun, no hate to any of the people mentioned. Just a reminder that this is pure for entertainment хохо
main masterlist 𐙚 lando masterlist
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━━ 𝓜AY 7TH, 2023
౨ৎ yourinstagram posted on their stories
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viewed by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 5.873 others
replies to your story
username yess mother is finally at the gp
username it’s almost like youre family😨
logansargeant stop making me look like that yourinstagram never🦅🦅
౨ৎ messages oscar/lando
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౨ৎ messages oscar/logan/yn
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౨ৎ yourinstagram miami, florida
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liked by landonorris and 64.893 others
yourinstagram miami grand prix was a big succes (for me not for logan)
view all 794 comments
username the call out please
username what is lando doing here
username she’s close w oscar so probably just met this weekend through him
logansargeant stop using me for clout
yourinstagram no one knows you
oscarpiastri oh
alexalbon harsh
username logan always fighting for his life on this account
username the better Sargeant fr
౨ৎ instagram DM landonorris/yourinstagram
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━━ 𝓜AY 10TH, 2023
౨ৎ landonorris/yourinstagram posted on their stories
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౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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౨ৎ yourinstagram miami, florida
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liked by logansargeant and 91.693 others
yourinstagram didn’t forget my sunscreen this time yay
view all 828 comments
username girl aint no one talking about sunscreen here, what’s lando doing here though
username please, honestly why girl talking abt sunscreen
username logan us fuming fr
logansargeant um.. i didn’t approve this
yourinstagram well luckily i dont need approval
username lando wtf r you doing here buddy
username off topic but you’re so gorgeous what
username idk what’s happening but i ship this tbh
౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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౨ৎ messages oscar/logan/yn
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━━ 𝓙ULY 9TH, 2023
౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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౨ৎ yourinstagram posted on their stories
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౨ৎ messages lando/yn
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౨ৎ landonorris silverstone circuit
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liked by maxfewtrell and 1.084.739 others
landonorris p2 and a 🏆 at my homerace!!!!! ❤️
view all 8.618 comments
mclaren what a result🧡
username the way i’ve been crying
maxfewtrell proud brother 🧡
yourinstagram HE’S THE MAN
username so real
yungfilly well done brother 🔥❤️
username let him cook!!!
username that’s so sexy
lnfour who’s cutting onions here 🥹
team_quadrant frame it 🖼️
౨ৎ yourinstagram posted on their stories
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━━ 𝓢EPTEMBER 17TH, 2023
౨ৎ landonorris marina bay singapore
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liked by oscarpiastri and 1.183.792 others
landonorris carlando podium and p2 in singapore!! thank you guyss❤️
view all 5.893 comments
username um excuse me sir whats that last picture
oscarpiastri 👏
yourinstagram things he did. THAT.
username the way you looked so proud🥹
username is that u in the photo🫢
username did bro just-
౨ৎ yourinstagram marina bay singapore
Tumblr media
liked by landonorris and 104.793 others
yourinstagram hey my boyfriend got p2 this weekend 🧡
view all 983 comments
username the hard launch holy shit
username im tryna act suprised but wbk
landonorris i love youuuu
yourinstagram love you the mostest
username he did amazing this weekend
logansargeant gross but congrats lando
landonorris thanks mate
yourinstagram you love us
oscarpiastri this is my doing guys, i got them together!
yourinstagram bro only gave my name to lando but whatever helps you sleep at night
taglist - @louvrepool @italyrryx @buendiabebeta @janeholt3 @privatemythss @lightdragonrayne @namgification @aquangxl @sammyam @americanbluebirdrb @nxrrislando
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