#they can’t even give him a headshot…….
joeyisourranger · 3 months
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starsofang · 6 days
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simon riley x autistic!reader requested by anon! <3 tw: NSFW, smut, vaginal fingering, p in v, but all of it's really fluffy
a/n: was originally gonna make this request more of a headshot typa deal but ended up writing 2.7k of fluffy sex with Simon and autistic/virgin reader, so i hope you enjoy anon, and i'm so sorry for the long wait <3
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Simon knew you like the back of his hand. He knew every little quirk, even the ones you weren’t even aware about.
He kept you afloat amongst an unpredictable sea that threatened to consume you and pull you down under. Your head could be its own raging storm, cracking with jolts of thunder that shook your state of mind, yet Simon was the gleam of sunshine poking through the clouds.
That’s how it had been up until this point. Your relationship was a sweet one, filled with fields of flowers and the buzz of bees. It was soft and supple, but lately, there’d been a brewing cloud looming over your colorful paradise,hiding away the rays of light your flowers needed in order to blossom.
Sex. It was the most complex form of intimacy in your mind, and it was why you’d avoided ever doing it like the plague. The turmoil that the mere thought of sex brought you was nerve wracking, nearly throwing you into overdrive.
Simon never asked for it. He seemed perfectly content with the way things were – staying up late to hear your enthusiastic passion that poured from your lips like his favorite bourbon, encouraging your interests with subtle gifts he’d give you when he’d happen to see it passing by, holding you when your mind wasn’t a whirlpool of spitfire that threatened to lash out at you.
He never asked, nor did he seem keen on asking. And that was the issue.
You were curious.
Simon had allowed you to positively be you in all forms. He didn’t define you by your autism, it was simply a chapter in the book about you, while the rest of your story was much more special in his eyes. It wasn’t a setback, nor was it a concern – it was there, and meant to stay.
No matter how supportive he was towards your individuality and your comfort, it didn’t settle the unease of wanting to take the next step, but not knowing how to ask for it.
It festered your mind like a flu until it began to worsen into a burning fever. You kept it bottled up, the feeling of keeping it locked away making your body feel as if it were going to combust.
It didn’t take Simon long to notice. Of course it didn’t. Like said previously, he knew you better than you knew yourself.
“What’s goin’ on in that head of yours, sweetheart?” he asked you when he finally had the chance to sit you down in his room.
The curtains were shut to keep the light out, knowing they irritated you and too much brightness made your eyes squint to the point of an ache. It was quiet apart from the subtle background noise of his TV, plastered with a show you enjoyed watching on nights alone with him. Bits of you were neatly placed around the room, like your journal placed on his desk with your favorite pen carefully set on top of it, or your clothes folded in a tidy pile on one of his shelves he had reserved for you.
“Nothing,” you responded, though Simon knew you enough to detect the lie, even from just one small word.
“You know you can’t hold it in, so talk to me,” he urged, taking a seat next to you from where you sat on the edge of his bed with your hands in your lap. You were picking at the skin around your nails, and like he’d always done, he picked them up into his own hands, soothing his thumbs along the back.
You blinked at him, mouth remaining shut. But the fever was becoming unbearable in your head, scorching you from the insides. You knew you wouldn’t be able to avoid asking him any longer.
“Why don’t we have sex?” you asked, blunt and to the point. His eyebrows raised from beneath his mask, one that he had yet to take off during your relationship. You never pushed since he never pushed you. Both of you had your own oddities, and for him, the mask was it.
“I didn’t think you wanted to,” he confessed, tone remaining calm and soft as he continued to encourage you to speak your mind. “I didn’t want to ask you, sweetheart.”
You don’t know why you found yourself frowning, but you did, feeling a bit stumped from his answer. He had a point. You’d made no indications on wanting to be more intimate, and Simon’s only ever considered you in your best interest.
“That doesn’t mean I don’t want to,” he rushed to say. “I meant – do you want to?”
You did. The longer you found yourself thinking about it, the more you grew a need to try it. You trusted Simon entirely.
“I’ve never done it.” You felt embarrassed, though unsure why. This was Simon, after all.
“That’s okay,” he assured, giving your hands a squeeze. “Then we don’t have to, yeah?”
“But I want to,” you protested, frowning at him. He huffed out a quiet laugh, fiddling with one of your fingers affectionately.
“That’s okay, too.”
“Is it?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“I don’t know, because I won’t be good, and I’m scared it’ll be too much, then I’ll ruin it by getting overwhelmed, and–”
“Hey,” Simon called out, lifting one of his hands off of yours to cradle your face. You sucked in a breath, exhausted from the rushed flow of panicked words that spilled out, allowing yourself to breathe. “We’ll take it slow, yeah? We’ll do everything at your pace, and the moment you say stop, we stop, no questions asked. I won’t be upset with you, sweetheart, and you certainly wouldn’t ruin it.”
You stared at him while he stared back at you, eyes filled with fondness and love that was only ever reserved for you. They were understanding, assuring, like deep pools of serenity you could float in forever.
“Promise?” you asked, and he laughed again.
Simon continued to stare at you for a long moment, taking you in, before his hand lifted the bottom of his mask and tugged it over his head, showcasing the entirety of the very man who’d given his all to you. Since it would be your first time making a new step in your relationship, he figured he’d do the same by completely stripping himself of the very thing he wore to hide away.
Rugged and scarred, but beautiful, and you admired it until you surged forward to initiate the first move, like he’d always waited for you to do. He melted into you, cradling your face with tender emotion, pulling you in and calming the nasty sea that flooded your being.
Simon knew exactly how to make you feel safe, while also enjoying yourself. This wasn’t about him, it was about you, and he was absolutely determined to ensure that your first time was comfortable.
He covered the bed in your favorite blanket he kept just for you, soft and fuzzy, much more comfortable than the cotton sheet that always felt a bit too scratchy, even on his own skin. He laid it out for you, encouraging you to take your place.
His fingers were careful as they undressed you, and with every fabric he pulled off of your body, he took off of his own so the state of nudity was matched and you didn’t feel too exposed in comparison to him. He spoke to you with coated sweetness, telling you how proud he was that you told him of your needs, how honored he was that you trusted him to be the one to take you.
Simon took his time. He made no rush or fervent motion, and he allowed you the time to gather yourself if his hands became too much when they mapped out every inch of your skin. Soft and soothing, thumbs brushing along your hips as he waited patiently for you to assure him to continue.
When you were fully exposed to him, he smiled at you fondly, eyes lighting with nothing short of love. He was seeing you for everything you were now, and though for brief moments it was overwhelming to you, he was quick to wash the burden of it away with gentle guides of his hands.
The first finger was uncomfortable, even if he remained careful and slow when prodding you. Your face had mushed up into one of discomfort, and his eyes never left sight of you so he could watch for any indication that it was too much.
You, on the other hand, were both on a cloud of praise from the way he handled you so cautiously, while also free falling from the sky in anxious turmoil. The TV was echoing in your mind, the sounds of chatter causing you to lose focus. Combined with the intimate touches he filled your body with, it was already starting to become too much. You just didn’t know how to express it.
“Hey,” Simon called out to you, easing his finger out of you and instead placing his hand on your hip. “Tell me. What is it? Do you want to stop?”
“No.” You shook your head, letting out an exhale you were holding. “No, just– can you turn off the TV? I can’t– I can’t focus.”
Simon smiled warmly at you, moving without hesitation to shut the television off. The room was quiet now, and you breathed a sigh of relief, your mind finally calming.
“Better?” he asked, and you nodded. “Do you want me to continue, sweetheart?”
“Yes, please.”
Simon gave your hip a comforting squeeze before resuming his previous notions, sliding the pad of his finger along your slit before easing back inside once again. It was only when Simon was sure you could take it that he pressed in a second one, keeping his pace slow and controlled.
Discomfort was turning into pleasure, the feeling so new to you, so foreign. It wasn’t as overstimulating as you thought it would be thus far, but you had Simon there to assure it wouldn’t be.
The feeling of his fingers moving at a steady rhythm, back and forth with the occasional curl of the pads pressing up against your gummy walls, quickly spiraled into something good, something you didn’t hate.
Simon watched you the entire time, and when you gathered the courage to open your eyes and look at him, his smile nearly knocked the air out of your lungs.
“You’re doin’ good, sweetheart,” he praised, and a whimper left your mouth, causing you to squirm shamefully. “No, hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to be quiet around me, you know that, don’t you? Love hearin’ you, always love hearin’ your voice.”
His words caused your breath to quicken at the same time his fingers did, a spark of piping desire and need erupting inside of you, like lava spilling out of a volcano. It filled you to the brim, threatening to explode.
“That’s it, sweet girl. There you go,” he cooed, further urging you to let out any noises you had been holding back.
Before you could revel in the newfound fulfillment, his fingers slipped out of you, leaving you to whine at the loss. He smiled softly at your pout, lifting his clean hand to smoothen the furrow in your brow.
“I want to be inside you when you cum for the first time,” he explained, and you scrunched your nose up at his choice of words. They were unfamiliar, but not unwelcome, and clearly he found it amusing, judging from the snort that exhaled through his nose. “You tell me if it gets too much. Promise.”
You released a shaky breath, peering up at him from where he hovered over you, his hand tracing the lines on your face.
“I promise.”
That was all he needed to line himself up with you, gently easing the tip of him inside. It was an uncomfortable stretch, one that had you whimpering in disturbance. Simon shushed you, cradling his hand over your cheek and placing a warm kiss on your nose.
“I know, sweetheart. Tell me to stop. I will.”
You shook your head in protest despite the clear fluster of your emotions. He could see the inner workings of your mind driving themselves into exhaustion, so he grabbed one of your hands that were fisting the tufts of your blanket in a death grip, gently guiding it to the span of his bare shoulder.
“Dig your nails in if you have to, pretty girl. I don’t mind, hm?”
He knew when you were stimulated, you needed something to grasp and claim as yours. It was the reason you picked at your fingers the way you did, or gnawed on your lip until it was bloodied and raw. Now, he was encouraging you to release that tension, but at his own expense instead. He wanted you to express yourself comfortably.
You did as he said the more he pressed into you. Your nails created sharp indents into his scarred skin, threatening to break and pierce into him. His face showed no discomfort of his own from the sting, instead focused on your own, eyes gazing into yours the entirety of him sheathing himself fully.
Every time your face twitched, he leaned down to kiss it, showering you with his encouragement and pride for you.
When his hips were flush with yours, he stayed still, giving you all the time you needed to adjust.
Your entire body was more full than ever before, and you began to take in that feeling. It was like the world came to a stop and was waiting for your return, remaining patient and kind while you gave in to the fresh feeling of intimacy to its fullest.
“Still good, sweetheart?” he asked, and his voice brushed all the worries away.
“Doin’ amazing, sweet girl. M’gonna move now, okay?”
Another nod and he began to guide his hips back, dragging along the inside of your walls before promptly pressing back forward. It left your mind in a frenzy, and the only thing you could do was blink up at him and gasp every time he pushed and pulled in a game of tug of war.
Simon smothered you in affection while he continued to thrust into you, pressing along the spongy spot in your core that had your mind blanking. The blanket beneath you was soft against your skin, and you squirmed against it cozily whenever his thrusts had your body slightly shifting every time his hips slapped into yours, thankful he knew you well enough that he recognized what you needed to feel content.
Pleasure wracked your body, becoming overwhelming hot under the flesh of your skin. It flushed you a sheen a pink, layering you were evidence of your enjoyment, and he pressed daft kisses against the warmth.
The chord was unraveling, and the more it threatened to snap, the more Simon whispered you praises.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Doin’ so well, it feels good, yeah? You can let go, you can do it.”
With a loud cry, you did, the thin chord breaking in half and snapping, leaving you to burn with unfamiliar euphoria that took over every part of your bloodstream. It warmed you from the inside and out, and when you came down from it, Simon had pulled out, finishing himself off into his hand. When you gave him a confused and rather ruffled look, he smiled.
“Don’t think you’ll like the feelin', sweetheart,” he noted.
You laid there with an overwhelming flood of satisfaction when he went to clean himself up. When he returned, he had a warm washcloth that he used to carefully clean you up as well, knowing that if the wet, sticky feeling lingered, you’d grow agitated and uncomfortable.
Simon wrapped you up in his arms when all was said and done, making sure to brush away the stray hairs that tickled your forehead and instead tucking them behind your ears. Your mind was on mute, the consistent buzz that always lingered settling into nothingness. Simon tucked you into him, swaddling you with the fuzzy blanket and tugging it up over your ears just the way you liked, before pressing a chaste kiss on your forehead and softly playing with your hair until you were consumed by your own sleepiness.
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garoujo · 2 years
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・✶ 。゚nagi kinda wishes he’d played more dating simulators before he thought about confessing to you.
♱ warnings — f!reader, reader is reo’s roommate, friends -> lovers, mutual pining, cunninglingus, creampies, party setting, alcohol mentioned but not consumed, all characters written 22+ wc: 7k / note. finally ! i have written my longest fic 2 d8 n it’s all 4 my bbie boy seishiro ! i rly hope u guys enjoy sob <3 fank yew mosh @/saetoshis 4 reading thru 4 me ilysm !
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“oops, a headshot.” nagi mumbles from where he’s lying on his stomach on his bed, feet kicking behind him as his fingers tap carefully at the screen of his phone. he’s not moved in a while, he’ll probably eat soon but hes so close to upping his online ranking he thinks that could maybe wait for another game or two.
“die.” his character fires another few shots before he feels his phone vibrate against his palms, his eyes barely casting the notification a glance before he’s back to focusing on the target infront of him.
reo : i’m throwing a party this weekend, you’re coming.
reo : don’t even think about trying to ditch, i know you’re off practice cause so am i.
nagi groans before he readjusts his elbows, not giving it another thought before he’s back to focusing on his game, continuing the rest of his daily missions as his friend gives him a moments peace before he texts again.
reo : i know you’re getting these, quit ignoring me.
he doesn’t let this one stick around as long as the last ones did before he’s swiping it away from his screen, a small pout settling on his lips when his wavering focus causes him a little more hp than he could afford to lose as he leans closer to his phone.
another few shots, followed by another sharp vibration of his phone before nagi huffs, this message was different than the last and he hates the way this is the one that catches his attention, just as he was about to score another headshot too.
reo : y/n will be there. you gonna leave them to get hit on by someone else?
he guesses reo’s always been persistent. he clears his throat as he lets his drowsy gaze scan over the text at the top of the screen, followed by another sigh when it ultimately costs him the rest of his hp as a game over flashes across the screen.
“ah, i died.. whatever.” nagi murmurs under his breathe as he rolls over onto his back to finally click on the notification, snowy bangs framing his drowsy gaze as he lets himself read over the newest text from reo once more. obviously you’ll be there, you and reo are roommates.
you’d become somewhat of a consistent in his life, you’d sort of slotted into place when he’d met you the first time he visited reo’s new apartment. he doesn’t think you’re a pain to be around, but you rejecting him and not wanting to hang around with him anymore would be.
even with his limited romantic (and platonic) experience, no one despite a few from the team have found his company to be as desirable as you do, and the thought still makes his head spin whenever he thinks too hard about it — about you.
he doesn’t really know why reo even needed a roommate, he had enough money to rent his own place but then.. he wouldn’t have met you if it weren’t for him, nagi thinks before he feels himself cringe at how cheesy he’s being as his fingers hover over the keyboard.
you were pretty and kind, you’re not the sort of person who would ever normally show that sort of interest in somebody like him so he was surprised when you did. you never pushed him for conversation and he can’t deny the way you made something burst and warm along his skin the first time you’d asked to watch him play when it was just you two.
although hes pretty sure reo had left you both alone to go the store deliberately.
you’d started buying in lemon tea and melon bread for the apartment, making sure there was a few of the things he likes just incase he came over to visit — it was nice, unfamiliar but it felt good. like every interaction he had with you was an exp boost closer to a level up.
it’s not like nagi ever planned to act on his feelings, fuck—he’d have completely ignored them altogether if reo wasn’t the one to point them out. saying he acted different when you were around, maybe he did.. he was less focused on his games, actually offered a little more to conversation if you were taking part in it.
was he that obvious? “ah, cringe.” he groans outwardly this time before he allows himself another shuffle around his bed, just until he’s able to stuff his face into the pillows with a grumble before peering back up at the text that’s suddenly mocking him. maybe he should play more dating simulators.
nagi : i’ll pass, sounds like a pain.
reo : goddamit, where’s your ego?
it’s almost too quick the way reo replies to his message, like he knew what he was about to say as he begins to load up his game again — guess that comes with dealing with the “game addict bothersome prince.” but nagi knows he’s never been one to take no for an answer.
“i don’t know why you keep pressing this, reo. nothings going to happen.” you sigh as you let yourself rest on your elbows across the kitchen island, your irritated eye-movement bringing your gaze to your amethyst haired roommate across the room, who’s sending you a smug look as he places his phone back down on the table after sending his friend another text.
“maybe it’s cause i know our ultra genius likes you, and you like him! two idiots in love, this is gonna be fun.” reo grins, smirk in place as he watches you roll your eyes and turn away from him, busying yourself with something else in the hopes it’ll end this conversation — it doesn’t. you guess reo’s always been persistent.
“you gotta be there to get him motivated, that’s the deal or else he’ll just get bored and leave.” you click your tongue at his words, sending him another irritated look over your shoulder at the way he’s treating your feelings like some bargaining chip despite the way you know it’s harmless.
“who cares, hes not gonna confess. this is seishiro we’re talking about.” you huff, ofcourse you liked nagi — there was a certain charm to the snowy haired striker than you couldn’t seem to resist, sure he was a little subdued but he was sweet, funny in his own little dorky way and a little stupid in a way that made you wanna see more.
you felt like you’d grown with him as he got more comfortable with you, like everytime you met him he was revealing more of himself to you than the last time you met, he’d even began deliberately sitting in spots that could fit two — opting for the couch rather than the armchair he used to when he visited.
you began to find a certain joy in the things that he enjoyed, and watching him pick up certain habits and interests of yours felt like a sort of reward after how gruelling it was to get him to open up.
but that’s just the sort of person nagi was you realised, and it was sort of nice to see it — to see him, but that’s also why you’re perfectly fine just pining for him like you have been, because why should you risk losing all the progress you’d tried so hard to make, why would you risk losing him?
“hey.” reo grunts, it’s low and just loud enough to demand your attention before he tilts his head slightly at you, raising a brow like he knows he’s just disturbed you from your thoughts. “he’s a pain in the ass but, he’d surprise you, y’know.”
what a pain, this is so stupid.. nagi grumbles internally from where he’s standing in front of you and reo’s apartment — he can feel the low thump of the bass through the door and he already feels the urge to just turn on his heels to go home and play video games, but why can’t he?
why is he even here? he asks himself as he lets his fingers pinch around the bangs that frame his face — sighing a little low as he stuffs his other hand into the pocket of his hoodie. he did spend a whole lot of time getting ready, looking in the mirror and thinking about whether you’d like this before he cringed at himself again. this was becoming a bad habit.
“ehhh, this is so tiresome. i just wanna play video games.” nagi hums, but his body betrays him when his words are followed by a knock on the door — one that’s immediately answered by a particularly smug looking reo as he smirks at him.
“look who decided to come, ultra genius.” reo teases, cheeky and nagi sends him a drowsy, steely sort of look in reply, although the exasperation goes unnoticed when his gaze drops and he’s tapping away at his phone, brushing past him to get into the apartment. “you’re so annoying, reo. you made me come.”
“absolutely not! you wouldn’t have came if you didn’t want to.” nagi already feels sweaty and stuffy around the buzzing atmosphere, he’d much rather go home and take a bath but then he sees your little tells around the apartment that tells him you’re here— your jacket, your favourite mug that you always complain about reo drinking out of—and they somehow keep his feet rooted to where he is now.
“eh, it’s just cause your sofa is comfortable. you spend too much money on that stuff.” he’s lying and reo knows it, but he spares him the embarrassment because he’s here — who knows how long for but he’ll take it.
nagi’s always thought it was entertaining the way his bestfriend could entertain a crowd — popular guy thing i guess, he thinks to himself as he sinks deeper into the couch cushions, lower half of his face tucked into the neckline of his oversized hoodie as he sits among the rest of his teammates. not really absorbing any of the information as he tries to discreetly let his eyes wander around the room.
he’s been stuck on the same level for a while, it’s like he can’t entirely focus — blame the slightly intoxicated players or the loud music blasting through the halls of the apartment, or maybe it’s something else — someone else.
reo picks up the shift in nagi’s exterior, watches the way his bestfriend shuffles uncomfortably on the couch between long sighs, fingertips flexing against his phone with what he can assume is another loss and he’d help him out any other time, but this was something he wanted him to do alone — for his own ego, and for you.
the snowy-haired male gives himself a few more hits, a few more revives before it really gets to him — makes him sit up a little straighter as he turns his phone back vertically and opens up his texts, he knows you’re here, but where?
nagi : you at the party? it’s loud, gonna run away now :x
nagi’s cringing at himself when he feels heat burst along his neck, it was just a text to a friend but somehow he can’t help but leave it open to wait for your reply, swallowing thick when he watches the little text bubble appear at the bottom of the screen before it disappears just as quickly.
you : in my room, bored already? you can come in.
he was still a little awkward despite how often you both were in eachothers company, he still got stuck on words and liked to let the silence linger but that was just him and it was never uncomfortable. but now he’s going to be alone with you, in your room and he can feel his heart kick at his chest at the thought.
nagi gives it a few seconds, not wanting to seem too eager before he’s biting on the inside of his cheek and stuffing his hands into his pockets as he stands. reo notices, raising a brow in question — wordlessly, although they’ve been friends long enough for him to pick up on it.
“bathroom.” he doesn’t know why he’s too nervous to say where he’s actually going, his answer is falling from his lips before his brain has time to catch up. but reo gives him a look, one that tells him he’s not quite convinced as he fails to hide the soft, knowing smirk of amusement that’s twitching at the corners of his lips. “i’ll allow it.”
nagi’s body feels like it moves on instinct as it carries him through the long stretch of apartment, allowing the warm air from the party to roll over his features as he passes by teammates and people he’s never even seen before.
but he’s struck with a sudden wave of anticipation and nerves when he finally stands outside your bedroom door, arm raised to knock despite the way he’s almost frozen still — he’d probably look really weird if someone was to see him creeping outside of your room right now, that’d be such a pain if people thought he was even weirder.
“you can come in, sei.” you call with the first wrap of his knuckles along the wood, and the sweet ring of your voice feels like it shoots electricity into nagi’s stomach with how it drips through him at first. but then he exhales as he enters, and the tension in his body somehow softens when he takes in his first look at you.
he thinks you’re too pretty for your own good, he can still see the outfit you must’ve had on for the party underneath the blanket that’s draped over you now with your laptop resting on your lap. you’re a sight that makes him swallow rough as he lets his drowsy gaze flicker over you, although the leap in his chest is a sort of effect you’ve always had on him.
“you lasted longer than i expected.” nagi notices the way your sentence trails off at the end, he hears the whispery, breathy, pouty sound your lips make as you lean back against the bedframe and pat the space next to you — urging him to come closer as a grin twitches at your lips and he feels his heart race.
“eh, was such a drag anyway.” he sounds tired but his voice is still as smooth as it always is when he speaks to you, not that you notice any difference but his reply still makes you laugh softly as he takes his first careful step into your space.
every stride he takes feels bigger than usual until your eyes raise up to look at him from where he’s stood at the edge of the bed, and he lets himself press his bangs between his fingers awkwardly before he’s falling into his place beside you with a huff.
“wow, mattress feels so good. way comfier than mine.” nagi murmurs and you fail to suppress a little smirk at his words, making his cheeks burn pink at the feeling of your eyes suddenly cutting into him, and he feels his heart race when the mattress dips under your weight as you get comfortable.
“it was reo’s old one, that’s why it’s so comfy. it was probably stupid expensive.” he mentally trails off with a nervous swallow before he’s fishing his phone out of his pocket. he only offers you a low hum in response as he tries to take his mind off the fact you’re both on the same fucking mattress right now, and he suddenly feels too incredibly warm under his clothes.
there’s a bout of silence and nagi can feel his heart kicking at his ribs with every beat, nervously glancing you up and down whenever he feels you shuffle in your place next to him before his eyes are back on his phone — although not really paying much attention to the cutscene that plays.
“do you wanna watch something?” you ask, the question drawn out and slow as you flick through the netflix menu on your laptop screen, and it’s hard for him not to get lost in the dreamy drawl your voice takes as it draws him closer. he clears his throat as he leans in, letting his eyes flicker over the screen with every press of your fingers against the mousepad before he answers.
“hm, nah. whatever you wanna watch ‘s fine. i’m just gonna play games.” nagi’s voice takes a more whispery tone, he blames it on the suddenly close proximity that only seems to get closer when he rests himself back. he’s suddenly able to feel the press of your body into his side with the way the mattress has sunk beneath you both, and hes pretty sure his mind scrambles at the touch.
he can smell hints of your perfume on your sheets and he’s watching you like every move you make is enchanting, making his fingers twitch against his phone screen before he’s kicking his feet under the comforter that’s thrown haphazardly half way down — he might aswell be comfortable.
but you don’t say anything back to him, you just tilt your head to the side with a pretty little pout as your fingers curl against the mouse pad again, before you’re clicking some random movie nagi’s pretty sure you’ve both seen a few times already.
he clears his throat again when he feels you sit back beside him, scooting closer unintentionally while his eyes narrow on the cutscene he’s still got playing on his screen and you push back gently into your place. but he can feel his focus wavering with the warm press of your skin against his side again, and he has to remind himself how to breathe — how the hell is he supposed to win this game?
“we’ve seen this. don’t you get bored watching it again?” he begins, trying so desperately to focus on fucking anything other than how close you are to him right now. but then your drawl vibrates through the room and nagi swears he feels it in his gut when you turn to send him an adorable little pout over your shoulder.
“no, cause then i know when the good parts are coming up.” you’re so fucking close, he thinks as you share a long look and his head tilts with a sigh despite the way his lips curl into a soft smile, making one of your own break through your features.
“ehhhh, that’s so stupid, then there’s no surprises to look forward to — you’ve ruined all the best parts already.” nagi drawls, and his body feels like it burns when you blink at his words before you laugh. the sound does horrible things to his heart, makes his fingers shaky, but he hides it well when he sees your little smug smirk.
“i thought you were just gonna play games.” you reply quickly, tilting your head back to tease him and he lets his sleepy gaze trail along the newly exposed skin of your neck, making his own flare hot and it takes him a while to respond, but he does.
“‘cause your movies too loud ‘nd you’re making me lose — it’s such a pain. ah, see.. i died.” there’s a fire in the room that almost consumes you both when your grin twitches at nagi’s teasing and your eyes stare into his as he looks over you, carefully blank despite the pink that dusts his cheeks and the sweating of his palms, his racing heart drowning out any other sounds as you both take a breath.
“seishiro..” you whisper and the soft, careful sound of your voice makes him feel like he suddenly can’t get quite enough air with each breath. he makes a weak sound when he feels you suddenly cling at him, tugging him in for a kiss as he leans into meet you, sighing when he finally allows himself to taste you for the first time before he hears your laptop close and move from your lap a few moments later.
it’s short, too short when you both pull away but you don’t put more distance between you both than what already remains — your breathing fans over his cheeks and he feels the way your legs shuffle closer, knocking against his and he wants nothing more than to feel his skin on yours.
nagi feels a pang for his anxieties, sighing softly in an attempt to swallow down any concerns when he leans in again to brush his lips against yours once more. he feels your hand press against his chest and he half expects you to push him away, but you only pull him closer and he’s pretty sure you can probably feel the race of his heart even underneath his hoodie.
“seishiro..” you gasp again, it sounds different this time — a plea as you breathe deep with him but it lets him push his tongue between your lips before his hands reach out for you, exploring over the swell of your hips before he’s pushing himself onto his side to loom over you and pull you underneath him.
it’s almost immediate the way nagi feels your limbs wrap around him as he kisses you, it’s deep and messy, your fingers tangling in his hair as your thighs wrap around his hips to pull him closer and he bathes you in kisses that press you into the pillows he eases you back into.
that’s all you do for a while, let yourself be showered in the mindless press of his lips against yours — in the stroke of his large palms up your thighs and hips, squeezing at the skin before it’s accompanied with a stuttered roll of his cock into you that has him murmuring out a trembling apology.
“pretty thing..” nagi whispers, holding your waist as the kiss disconnects wet and his nose traces your cheek, steely gaze lidded when he pulls back to give you a look through his now even more mused bangs. “fuck, wanna give you more.. ‘s this okay?” he should’ve asked earlier, he realises with bated breath but then you arch with need — palming at his clothes with a sweet little plea that drives him fucking crazy and he thinks he might actually pass out.
you watch the way he gnaws on his lower lip before he leans in to continue kissing you, the hem of your skirt slinking up with his wrists as they smooth up your hips again, pushing the fabric up higher until it’s pooling around your waist and he groans at the heat he feels burst along his heavy, clothed cock.
nagi presses himself deeper into you as his large palms trail higher, taking a slow, languid handful of your tits from the outside before he curls his fingers around the flesh — squeezing softly until you’re whimpering and moaning against his mouth with every swipe of his thumb over the sensitive, firm flesh of your nipples through the fabric.
“does it feel good? wanna hear more of you—gimme even more, angel.” his voice cracks under the weight of his arousal as he feels the way your tits move beneath his palms, feeling you dig your head back against the pillows when every flick of his fingers is accompanied with another slow grind of his cock against your clothed pussy.
“need more, seishiro. i want you!” a ragged sound leaves you as nagi swallows it eagerly, swiping his tongue along yours before his hands are pulling at the low neckline of your shirt — pushing it down lower until it’s tucked under your tits and he breathes deep at the feeling of the new, intimate skin that’s suddenly bare for him to explore.
“hm? be patient w’ me, gotta make you feel good first.” he groans as he eases himself away from your lips, smearing soft kisses along your cheeks and jawline until hes making his way between the valley of your breasts and hes sending you a needy look from your chest.
you gasp with the first messy drag of his tongue along your hard nipple, his palm pressing deep into the other as he leaves careful, wet kisses along your sensitive skin with a whimper. “see, sure sounds like it feels good. wanna hear more of ‘em.. please?“ nagi breathes as he laps and slurps at your tits, tracing kisses along your skin to give the other just as much attention before his huge body is trailing even lower.
his warm fingers dig into the aching flesh of your thighs as his lips press onto your abdomen, swirling and dragging his tongue along the skin as he pushes up your shirt — a flush high on his cheeks with the uncomfortably, mindless throb in his cock that’s leaking against his sweats, but he needs more — not yet.
“gotta taste you, pretty thing.” nagi murmurs against your skin, hands careful when they trace along your thighs to carefully hook underneath your panties — sliding them down just as he leaves a suckled, messy kiss against your hip.
“hurry up already, want your mouth.” you whisper as you lift your head up to watch the way nagi leans back onto his knees over you, pulling down the flimsy fabric until it’s hanging around one of your ankles. he lets himself rest back down on his stomach to throw your thighs over his shoulders with a long sigh, huge body keeping your thighs spread wide as his breath fans over your slick folds.
“eh, no fair. gotta gimme a sec — wanna take my time w’ you.” he murmurs, his tone carrying the same lazy drawl as always despite the edge of desperation that makes you burn. he feels his whole body shiver with the first press of his lips against your cunt — easing past your folds to tease your clit as your thighs twitch around his cheeks, making his cock throb from where it’s pressed against the mattress.
“yum, pretty thing.” nagi drawls absentmindedly as he peers up at you through heavy eyes, curling his tongue around your pussy before he’s dragging it up higher to flick it over your clit — suckling at the bud softly as he watches you wiggle and twitch in time with his movements.
the way your fingers are twisting in his hair only urges him to press himself deeper into you, he already feels mindless on the taste of you as he groans against your folds. the low tone of his voice sending blissful vibrations straight through your clit as he gives your pussy another messy, eager lap with his tongue.
it’s so eager the way nagi’s drinking you up, like he’s pouring in the months of pining, eagerly giving himself up to you as he smacks and slurps at your slick, hoping it translates better than his words ever could. “oh, god—sei! fuck—“ he feels the way you’re dripping down his cheeks, almost babbling as he buries himself even deeper into you until his hips twitch with want, cock throbbing with the friction the small thrust grants him as he trembles.
your fingers twitch from where they’re twisting in his hair and the searing pain only makes him feel drunker on the taste of you, pressing his tongue against the entrance of your cunt before he’s groaning at the first needy squeeze your walls welcome him with.
you twitch when you feel the muscle graze past the sensitive nerves, his nose grinding against your clit with every eager swipe and smack as nagi pulls more needy, breathless sounds from your lips — dragging the orgasm out of you as his palms press into the underside of your thighs to push you wider.
but he doesn’t think he ever wants to stop when he feels the next breathless croon of his name fall from your lips like honey, the thump of the bass and the distant chatter from the party a wall over completely swallowed up by the ringing in his ears and the throb of his cock.
you let yourself pull at nagi’s hair and he fucking groans with how good he feels, eyes fluttering closed as his lashes kiss along his flushed cheeks. he lets you guide him back to where you need him most and he hums before he’s hooking his tongue around your clit once more, feeling the way the bud has grown firmer, more sensitive when he’s twisting and laving it in licks that you meet with eager, intoxicating twitches of your hips.
“fuck—‘m gonna cum, sei. ah—you’re gonna make me cum!” you gasp as you both breathe deep and his fingertips feel like they burn you as they squeeze into your skin, pulling you deeper into his mouth as he trails his tongue underneath the hood of your clit and closes his lips around it.
nagi suckles languidly as he rewards himself with another needy rock of his hips into the mattress, his movements stuttering with the way his cock fucking aches for the friction—for you, as you grind down onto his tongue, letting him bathe your pussy in mindless licks and rolls of the wet muscle.
“mmm, fuck— i’ll take it, princess. gimme it.” he babbles and you fucking tremble, his moans muffled against your slick folds as you feel warm bliss curl and lick down your spine with every eager roll of your hips.
you’re chasing the warmth you feel twist and heat in your abdomen and nagi’s just as eager to pull it out of you when you finally stiffen, pulling him deeper as your hips twist and your orgasm suddenly rolls over you in blissful waves that rock through you.
you hear him whine, long and low, with the first taste of your cream against his tongue as he slurps and drinks you up greedily — flattening his tongue against your folds before he’s bathing you in long licks, only stopping when you’re twitching from overstimulation and pushing him away with a whine.
nagi’s flushed to his chest when he pulls away to kneel between your thighs, cheeks to his chin glistening with your juices and he’s sweating hard underneath his hoodie with every shaky breath. the snowy peaks of his hair frame his features beautifully as he casts you a needy glance, and he shifts uncomfortably with the now embarrassingly obvious bulge that’s tenting his sweats as he tries to fix it slightly. “eh, cringe.”
“want me to do you?” you ask earnestly and he swears he feels his heart knock at his chest at the question, sending you a lazy, starry-eyed look that was almost too cute for the 190cm striker between your thighs.
if he’s being honest he wants nothing more but it’s dangerous, he’s already wound up tight from the taste of you — cock throbbing almost painfully where it’s smearing against his thigh. he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back, not with your warm throat hugging and squeezing around him.. he needs to be smart about this.
“nah, ‘ts fine.. just wanna feel all of you, pretty thing.” nagi grunts, voice wavering with the unsteadiness of his breath and underneath the weight of his arousal, his need.
“another time then?” oh now that really gets him, you’re already thinking about a next time with a slacker like him? another throb and choked whimper dies in his throat and fuck— if you keep looking at him like that he might just cum where he kneels right now.
nagi reminds himself to exhale before he replies, before he chokes and splutters on his words, and he follows it with an internal little yay in his mind before he speaks. “yeah, can owe me one then i guess.”
you’re still trembling from your orgasm when he leans down to kiss you, crawling back over you before you’re pulling at the hem of his hoodie to grasp at more of the muscle underneath. “is this glued to you, sei? take it off.” you giggle, lips still leaking with pretty little whimpers for him, and the small grin he sends you when he leans back to pull the fabric over his head makes you pulse.
“hey— don’t make fun ‘f me, ‘ts comfy.” nagi sighs with the sudden freedom he feels from the loss of the heavy fabric, shuddering when he feels your hands reach to explore his physique — feeling the hard, trained muscle flex under your palms when he feels your skin press tight against his.
“see, better.” you laugh again breathlessly, but it’s not mocking — it’s warm and comforting and accompanied by a smile that makes his cock jump, especially when it’s followed by your arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him in for another kiss.
nagi lets himself look at you, heavy lids and parted lips as the kiss breaks wet and he feels your fingers trail down to his sweats, tugging at the waistband. he swallows thick when you pull down the restrictive fabric to let his heavy cock spring free — making him exhale with the sudden sexual freedom he feels as the cool air fans over the sensitive nerves.
he lets his palm rest against the inside of your thigh as he pulls back to loom over you, letting his hand wrap around the base of his cock before he’s giving himself a few rough strokes with his palm — twitching as he swallows the whimper that threatens to pour from his lungs.
“got way more for you, pretty thing. can do more than this.“ nagi’s voice catches as he hugs you closer, letting the blunt head of his cock swipe through your folds as his breathing hitches. he’s internally cringing at the effect you have on him already, his balls already feel so fucking tight, aching for release as he rubs your slick all over his cock.
he feels his cock throb in his hold when it catches against the flexing entrance to your pussy, urging him inside before he begins to sink into you with heavy breathes — resting his face in the crook of your neck as he buries soft, whimpered curses into your skin.
it almost hurts how deep it feels like nagi reaches, he’s long and thick, but he’s warm and it lights a fuse that fizzles into something that’s even better as it bursts along your skin — making his toes and fingers curl when he feels your pussy squeeze down on him eagerly, rewarding the stretch of his cock the deeper he goes.
you feel his large hands grope just a little too hard into your waist, making him stutter out a low whimper as he drags you along his cock — forcing your walls to spread open for him as he feels something ache deep in his stomach. there’s desire heavy in each laboured breathe he takes as he tries to keep a firm grip on his sanity now he’s finally wrapped in you.
“sure feels good, angel. fuck— how’s that fair? g’nna make me cum already.” nagi breathes, low and ragged, and you can only find it in yourself to reply with a sound that’s high pitched and needy when you finally feel the weight of his hips press tight against yours as he bottoms out.
“mmm, fu-uck..” his voice sounds needier than he expects and his eyes flutter closed when he finally pulls his hips back after a few moments, drawing his cock out of you as he feels the way your pussy squeezes down around him tight in response.
it’s like you’re trying to lure back in every inch you lose — begging nagi to press deeper into you before his fingers dig bruises into your hips and he’s doing just that, beginning a steady pace with another slow withdrawal and a staggered breath.
the first real, deep kiss of his cock has your toes curling as he hugs you closer — his face rests just over the crook of your neck so you can hear the way he pants and growls softly between your moans, smearing kisses against your cheek everytime he turns to take in the sight of you beneath him.
nagi feels mindless when your hips grind up to meet every heavy thrust, the pace hes set isn’t fast but the force behind it is — driven by the flex of his thighs and abdomen as his strong grasp keeps you in place. it felt nice to put in effort like this, for you — spurred on by the sweet sounds that break from your throat, your voice taking a dreamier lull than hes used to — it’s more needy, more intoxicating.
your body claps against his as he kisses over your skin, lips gliding along your heightened nerves so softly it has you twitching — squeezing down around him until his breathing hitches and it’s almost like he feels the tight hug of your cunt in his fucking lungs.
“you feel good.. dammit, i don’t wanna stop.” nagi’s words are emphasised by a particularly slow grind, grazing his pelvis against your swollen clit until you’re jolting at the small aftershock that races through you — still sensitive from your orgasm as his cock digs out the next.
he feels your nails grab at his shoulders, no doubt leaving pretty crimson marks along the muscle there before his pace inevitably speeds up. he’s gripping so tight into your hips he’ll surely leave bruises as he gives more to you — more than he ever has to anyone else as you bask in the pleasure only he brings you and give back all that you can.
nagi buries himself back into the crook of your neck with the next sinful squeeze of your walls around him — making his hips stutter as he buries another ragged whimper into your skin. he repositions his knees to begin a pace that’s a little faster, needier until each smack of his hips is loud and clapping and every quick thrust leaves you breathless, beginning to lose his pace as he presses deep into your body.
“gimme what i need, angel. fuck—can gimme another one. c’mon.” he gulps, words like his own plea as he lets his fingers trace between your bodies to roll your puffy clit in sticky circles, pairing it with the back and forth stutter of his hips as he digs your orgasm out of you — breathing hard when he feels your pussy throb around him.
“mhm, can give you another, fuck! gonna cum again, sei..” you cry for him and nagi groans low as his hips press snug and tight against yours with the first milking compression of your walls around his cock. he’s panting against your neck as he coaxes and eases you through another mind-numbing orgasm, the pleasure hitting you so hard and good it almost hurts as you cream around him.
“fuck, pretty thing. g’nna make me cum, lemme give it to you.” he doesn’t stop even when you’re panting and gasping with each shockwave of bliss he fucks through you, feeling his cock finally throb inside of your soaked pussy as he gives into the needy coax of your body — rewarding you with the orgasm you’ve earned from him, the one you own.
nagi pulls away to kiss you as he cums, whining long and low against the soft press of your lips as he cums thick and heavy inside of you, shuddering when he feels your tongue push against his and he almost pins you completely underneath him as he continues to fuck into your sensitive pussy.
you both bask in the drowsy, sleepy storm that follows after as his larger body blankets you — only rolling off of you when you tap your palm against his back to make sure he’s not actually fallen asleep where he is right now.
but nagi lets his arm rest underneath your head as he rolls onto his side to look at you, his gaze still cloudy from pleasure but barely visible behind the mess of slightly sweaty bangs that fan over his features. the sight of him only seems to draw you closer, and he encourages you to cuddle up next to him as his arm curls around you.
“‘m sweaty and sleepy.. i wanna take a bath, but don’t wanna leave yet.” he grumbles, still breathless as his free hand covers over his eyes — pinching at the hair that hangs there as you both catch your breath. he’s a little nervous if he’s honest, maybe you’re about to be hit with some post-nut clarity and kick him out.
but then you laugh suddenly, a breathy sound as you pant softly with him and nagi’s lips threaten to curl into a smile at the sound, feeling you pat at his chest before you answer him. “you’re literally an athlete.” you tease, like nothings changed — your palms still warm where it presses into his skin and his heart still races when his eyes meet yours.
“zombie nagi.” he sighs and you start laughing even harder before you lean closer to press a kiss against his cheek — making him tilt his face away from you to try and hide the blush that hasn’t left him since he came into the room. “you’re a weirdo.”
“yeah i get that a lot.” nagi whispers, heart thudding in his chest underneath your hand and you grin as you pet across his pectorals before turning to press a kiss along his bicep that pillows you.
“i like it though.” you nod as you nuzzle into the skin and he leans in to rest his lips against your temple before he speaks this time, a casual little act of intimacy that makes him sigh happy with the press of your body against his as he pulls you closer. “thanks.”
you both lie like that for a few more seconds, content with the feeling of being wrapped in eachother before nagi feels his phone vibrate from underneath one of the pillows, groaning when he reaches around for it before giving his screen a lazy, lidded look.
reo : you get lost on the way to the bathroom? i better not have to pay off the neighbours cause of noise complaints.
“what a pain, maybe we should go to my apartment. ‘ts less bothersome there.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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uluvjay · 1 year
Prompts 80 & 131 from the smut list (I believe it’s the 2nd list) w/ Nico plz!! Maybe it’s photoshoot/media day & reader is the photographer & goes to fix his hair & make small adjustments to his gear etc. while it’s happening
80. “What? Does that feel good?”
131. “Oh don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying the view”
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Nico Hischier x secret relationship! Reader
Warnings?; smut, relationship is secret because reader is the team photographer, hand job(m receiving), oral(m receiving)
Sorry for any error! Hope you enjoy
Today was a busy day for the New Jersey devils, the season started in three weeks meaning all the media needed done was being taken today. Four media girls had been split up and each given an even group of guys to work with.
You had Jack, Luke, Nico, and Jesper. You didn’t mind working with any of these guys, especially Nico as he was your boyfriend.
There weren’t many people on the team that knew about your relationship but of course Jack did so he didn’t hesitate to tease you about it the whole time you worked with him today, media was annoying to him so he decided to annoy you.
After a good four hours of working with the other three guys it was finally Nicos turn to come into the little media room they had you in. You were thankful it was just the two of you in the room because after a summer full of Nico you were missing your man.
There was a knock on the door before you looked up and seen your boyfriend entering the room. “Hi honey” he greeted you after shutting the door.
“Hi Ni” you replied with a smile as he came over and gave you a kiss on your head.
He waited for your instructions before doing anything, not wanting to mess anything up.
“Okay so first we’re going to take pictures of you in your jersey, so take off your T-shirt and throw your jersey on” you told him pointing to the jersey resting on a little table in the room.
You should have been setting everything up while he got changed but you couldn’t help but stare at his back muscles flexing as he moved, and admire the healing scratch marks on his back from a few nights ago.
“I can feel you staring” he said turning around with a smirk.
“I was admiring my art work, now shush and go sit” you told him
“Yes ma’am” he saluted you before taking a seat.
You got your camera ready and began to take pictures of his front but a piece of his hair was out of place and it was driving you crazy.
“Wait, lean down here for a second” you told him before setting your camera down and making your way to him and fixing his hair.
“Am I runway ready?” He asked with a laugh
“Damn straight you are baby” you laughed with him.
You got the front and back shots of his jersey before having him sit down for his headshot, but before you could even press the button that stupid piece of hair was messed up again.
You let out a groan before once again putting your equipment down and making your way back to him again. As you stood between his legs fixing his hair he ran his hands over your body before letting them rest on your ass.
When you leaned back a little to double check his hair he pulled you right back to him.
“Nico! I have to take your picture” you laughed as he began to kiss your neck.
“Pictures can wait, need you” he said and grabbed your hand to guide it to the bulge in his work out shorts.
“Baby we can’t, your to loud” you laughed and stepped back a little.
“What if I promise to be quite?” He asked giving you puppy dog eyes.
“Fuck fine! But be. Quiet.” You told him before he pulled his shorts and boxers down just enough for his hard dick to pop out.
“Ohh you poor thing, look how swollen your tip is” you teased him and you looked down at it.
“Baby please” he whined
“So impatient” you grumbled before spitting in your hands and slowly jerking him off at.
“Ohh shiitt” he moaned quietly, head thrown back.
You sped up a little watching as he bit his lip to keep himself from crying out to loud. You moved your other hand into his pants to pull his balls out and slowly massage them as well but his hand quickly shot to grab your wrist as soon as you began.
“What? Does that feel good” you mocked him
“Yea-fuck you know it does” he groaned as you began to work him slowly. You just laughed before dropping to your knees and putting him in your mouth.
“Holy shit!” He moaned out a little too loud at the contact of your warm tongue.
You pulled off him with a pop and scolded him for his loud outburst. You put him back in your mouth, taking him as deep as you could and holding yourself there for a moment until you needed to come up for air. You took a deep breath and began to bob you head back on his cock, your hand working what wouldn’t fit in your mouth.
“Your mouths so good” he moaned out in a hushed voice.
“Fuck my face Nico” you told him and watched his eyes light up.
He put a hand on the back of your head and used the other to guide his cock into your mouth before applying it to the back of your head as well.
His first few thrust were soft but they quickly sped up and he was telling you he was close, “shit gonna come down your throat” he told you and he looked down into your eyes.
One last hard thrust and you felt warm liquid run down your throat. He moaned before slowly pulling out of your mouth and tucking himself away as you cleaned around your mouth up.
“What?” You asked as you felt his eyes intensely on you.
“Oh don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying the view” he replied with a smirk.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 6 months
Turmoil; Chapter 7
Roman Roy x Reader
a/n: catch the easter egg hehe
Word Count: 2.60k
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Just one day, you tell yourself. One day to forget about all the bullshit in your life and just enjoy yourself. It is a party in your name, after all.
After some moaning and groaning from Roman, you manage to drag him out of bed and get him ready. You stand, hips touching, as he messes with his cologne and you put in your earrings.
“You know some shit is going to happen today,” he mutters.
“Why would you say that?” you chide. “We should be relaxed. It’s our last night here.”
“Murphy’s Law, Y/N.”
“I didn’t know you were smart enough to know what that is.” He smacks your shoulder lightly. “What? I’m being honest,” you tease, smoothing out the wrinkles in the dress you’d picked out a few days before.
“I’m extremely intelligent, just so you know.”
“Sure, Roman.” You laugh.
“I’m the one who got Connor’s watch. And…,” he says conspiratorially, winding an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against him. “I got someone’s personal bank records.”
“I love it when a man commits federal crimes for me,” you say faux-dreamily, smiling at him.
“Y/N, it’s not illegal, if I, er, found them.”
“We’ll talk about it later. I want a stress-free night.”
“Murphy’s Law,” he repeats. “What can go wrong will go wrong.”
“Is it too much to ask of your father to keep his opinions to himself for one night?” you ask, sighing. You perfect your look in the mirror before stepping away form Roman.
He follows you out the door, his fingers subtly intertwined with yours. He’s warmed up to your touch- not that he’s ever not liked it. Kissing, apparently, is still out of the question. You’d realized when you tried giving him a peck good night before bed the other day.
You can’t even begin to count all the people in attendance tonight. You don’t know most of them, as you’d expected, which makes your job more difficult. You have to make yourself look good- and Logan.
You mill about, doing what Roman refers to as ‘standing there and looking so damn pretty’, watching the crowd. He’d scuttled off in the name of finding desserts, leaving you to yourself and your thoughts. Logan had spared no expense for his son- chandeliers were lit, servers were flitting here and there, tables upon tables of food were laid out.
While your situation is less than ideal, you’re able to appreciate nice things when they come.
You idly sip from your glass, letting your gaze rake over the crowd. Logan is sitting by himself off to a corner, seemingly trying to gather his strength to even get up. You wonder where Marcia is, and you briefly feel a pang of sympathy. Only briefly.
Shiv is more than likely flirting with some random guy, you tell yourself, Kendall probably asleep in a separate room. Connor is entertaining his own circle of guests, in his element. He makes weird flapping motions with his arms, and you’re thankful you weren’t pulled into that conversation. Greg is happily munching on an assortment of treats. You’re delighted he’s gotten a break. He’s a good man; he deserves it.
Your gaze snags on a strangely already-balding young man. Before you’d left for this party, Roman had shown you a headshot of the accountant Connor was working with. He seemed freshly out of college, but both his face and certain records you’re sure you’ll be able to dig up say otherwise. If anything, he was suspicious.
To your dismay, he makes his way over to you. You hope this won’t be a repeat of the charity gala- you don’t think you’ll be able to control yourself this time. This guy has a punchable face, anyway.
“The future Mrs. Roy,” he says heartily. You lazily raise your glass to him. “I’ve been keen to meet you.” He talks like an old man, too. “I’m the one who directed my client to you when his things got stolen at the hotel.”
You straighten slightly. “Were you, now? I thought it just came with our… familial ties.” You flash your engagement ring at him.
“I mean, of course that’d be the natural course of thought. Regardless, I had to make sure he went with the best, and you’re the best.”
You’re certain he’s trying to kiss your ass. The question is why. You fold one of your arms over your torso and regard him. “Who are you, again?”
He straightens his blazer and extends his hand out to the one you currently have holding your glass. Jerkily, he puts it back down by his side and says, “Peirce Thompson. Thompson & Thompson Accounting and Banking.”
“What a firm name,” you say blandly.
“My brother and I started the thing up from our bedroom way back when, and the name’s just stuck.”
“So you’ve been around a while, then?”
“Oh, ages, absolute ages.” He dusts off an imaginary bit of lint from his shoulder. You press your lips together.
“Why haven’t I heard of you, then?” you ask carefully.
“Psh, your type of law and my finance rarely collide,” he says condescendingly. “We’re in two different worlds, sweetheart.”
Trying not to recede into yourself, you give him a strange look. What he’s saying is bullshit- you know your way around economics, and you run your own firm. Clearly, you have a handle on finance. “If you say so.”
As if Connor’s shenanigans couldn’t get more confusing. This accountant banker bitch reeks of fish- both figuratively and literally, unfortunately.
“I’ve been meaning to ask. Have you ever personally taken care of many fraud cases?”
“Depends on the kind of fraud we’re talking about.” You manage to catch Kendall’s eyes over Peirce’s shoulder. You subtly widen and release your eyelids, trying to get him to come over.
“Er, tax fraud.”
”Sure I have. Why do you ask?” You turn your gaze back to his.
“Only wondering. Some issues are arising with… clients.”
“Clients, huh?”
Thankfully, before he can say anything, Kendall claps his hand over Peirce’s shoulder. “I didn’t think you’d be here today,” Kendall says stiffly. “Funny you’d show your face after raking up the interest for my dad by ‘forgetting’ to pay his taxes.” You have to keep yourself from laughing. Kendall continues. “You’ve met my sister? Trying to weasel your way into her finances, too?” He shifts to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Your heart warms when he refers to you as family.
Peirce grits his teeth. “Lies don’t look good on you, Mr. Roy.”
Kendall snorts before pressing a hand to your back and guiding you away. “Thanks,” you murmur to him as you both slip away.
“He makes me want to rip my hair out. I’ve got you.”
You both make your way to a table, taking seats. You’d been standing for so long your feet were aching. Roman finds you and pulls a chair up right next to yours, and when he sits, he makes sure his leg is touching yours.
Kendall takes note, his eyes flickering from you to Roman. “What happened to ‘I’m going to kill her before I let her near me?’”
You laugh. “You said that?”
“I say lots of things I don’t remember.” Roman pushes a plate piled high with sweets towards you. “I didn’t know what you’d like, so I got you everything.”
You give his knee a pat. “I appreciate you trying, Roman, but that’s way too much.”
“We’ll all share,” he insists. Kendall smiles, taking the miniature slice of German chocolate cake and setting it on his place.
“My wife catered,” he says simply. “She owns that bakery you like, Y/N. The one always open on the holidays.”
You smile softly at him. You’re happy that he’s happy. You and Roman pig out on the sweets, chattering comfortably until his eyes catch someone as they cross the room.
He somehow manages to smack Kendall’s chest from across the table and stares back into the crowd.
You and Kendall both follow Roman’s gaze. You just barely catch Marcia as she slips out of the main atrium, a man in tow.
Kendall must see something you don’t. “Give me your fucking phone,” he says quickly. Without thinking, you hand it to him and he power walks after her. You and Roman follow, albeit much slower because Kendall already looks crazy.
Kendall’s leagues ahead of you at this point, but he’s slow enough that you and Roman can tail him. You wind through the corridors until the three of you have stopped in an eerily empty hallway. Kendall is peeping into the sitting area that dead-ends the hall, and almost immediately doubles back, seemingly sick. He steels himself, then takes your phone and sticks it through the doorway and starts filming.
Peeking over his shoulder, you wince.
Marcia has a fuck buddy, and it isn’t Logan Roy.
As desperately as you want to get rid of the image of Marcia having sex from your brain, you can’t. It simultaneously makes you want to puke but also, disgustingly, elated that you now have something over her- and by proxy, Logan.
After an excruciating five minutes, the three of you had gone back to the party. You and Roman had danced a bit, and he’d admittedly embarrassed you with his extremely out-of-date moves. Despite it all, you’d found yourself laughing and having more fun than you’d had in ages.
Now, you’re struggling to unzip the back of your dress. Roman’s stooped over the sink, aggressively washing his face.
“Rome, you’re going to rip it off. Calm down,” you manage, tongue between your teeth as you continue to attempt to pull down the zipper.
He pats his face dry with a towel. “I’m being thorough.” Without being asked,he comes over to you and tugs the zipper open. “You should wear that more often.”
“I literally just got it.”
“Yeah. Keep wearing it.” His hands go to sit on your hips, gently rubbing.
“What’s with the affection all of the sudden?” He settles his face into your shoulder as you move to put your hair up. “Not that I’m complaining.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “Getting more comfortable,” he says into your skin. “I don’t… I’ve never had a relationship like this. Where we genuinely liked each other.” You stay silent, letting him gather his thoughts. “I’m just scared. But we’ve been over that before.”
”You can always tell me how you’re feeling,” you say softly.
“I don’t want to get hurt. I don’t think I’ll physically be able to handle it.” Roman pulls away from you, padding into the bedroom. You quickly change into your pajamas before following him, slipping under the covers by his side. “I also don’t want to hurt you,” he says quietly.
“What makes you think you’ll hurt me?”
“I don’t exactly have the greatest track record with relationships, do I? Behind all that hoity toity lawyer stuff, you’re so horribly kind. It makes me sick, honestly.” He’s facing you, pain flickering across his face. “People have never really liked me for me, you know? It’s always just for my money, or my brother, or Dad. It’s like… it’s like I’m not even here.”
You take a moment before responding. “I see you. You work hard, Roman. I should express my appreciation more.”
You’re right. Despite your consistent bickering in the beginning, Roman was dedicated to what you were trying to do together. Like clockwork, he’d have paperwork on your desk or news articles sent or even a mug of coffee. Recently, too- he’d helped you confirm Connor was lying, and now he apparently has dirt on his finances- and financier.
“Even though you’re honestly a jerk, I think deep down under all of that clownery you’re a good guy,” you murmur.
“You’re so backhanded,” he complains, reaching across you to pull you into him. His arm wraps around your back, the other sitting on the back of your thigh as he shifts you on top of him. You set your cheek on his chest.
“Really, Roman. I think you’re too hard on yourself.” His fingers trace circles into your skin.
“I don’t even know what I’m talking about.” You catch your eyes drooping as he speaks. “I want to try this. Seriously. Actually.”
“You can,” you murmur back. “We can.”
“I want to start acting like a real couple. I want you to trust me, to feel safe with me.”
You sigh happily as his fingers continue their ministrations. “I already do.”
“That makes you kind of stupid, really.” Roman presses a hesitant kiss to your head. “Like you said, I’m a jerk, and on top of that, I’m vain, self absorbed, wickedly good looking…”
“Oh, shut up.” You laugh lightly into his chest.
He does, for a few moments. “Y/N?”
He gently takes your chin, tilting it up enough so he can look at you. You can tell he’s fighting with himself in his mind. Shakily, he presses his lips to yours.
It’s a stiff, awkward kiss, and he pulls away quickly.
“Good night, Y/N.”
The next morning, you’re leaning against the wall, fighting off sleep. Your flight is bright and early, and therefore so are you. Roman insisted to carry all of your luggage out to the car, so you stand in the foyer, avoiding the outside chill of the morning. You and Greg talk about nothing while Kendall stares into his empty coffee cup, Shiv on his other side, teeth chattering.
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you- I’ve gotten a few bank statements I want you to take a look at. Don’t worry about them now, though. I don’t want you stressing until we get back. I mean, I don’t want you stressing at all, and I’m just trying to preserve the peace until we get back to the States. I mean- I don’t know what I mean.”
You give his arm an affectionate squeeze, and he rubs the grogginess from his eyes.
Roman shuffles back in, his breath clouding out in front of him before he steps back into the heat. “Santa took a fat shit outside.”
“How poetic,” you mutter in response. “You have such a way with words.”
He waits for the other three to file out of the foyer before pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Just for you.”
The flight back is lethargic. Nobody wants to get back to work, least of all you. Roman’s sprawled across your lap, and you idly scratch at his scalp. Kendall sits on your other side, slumped against you with his blanket pulled over his head. Shiv once again sits across from you, her legs once again propped up on the side of your lap Roman isn’t occupying. Greg has a sofa all to himself, his legs sticking off the end as he snores lightly.
Logan, again, had elected to take a different flight. It’s for the better, anyway.
“You think I can hire a hit man without getting arrested?” Shiv asks you nonchalantly.
“I want to see you try.” You give her ankle a pat. “You’ll do great,” you tell her sarcastically. “I’ll be so excited to come see you during prison visiting hours. If you get any.”
“Oh, be quiet. I’d execute it perfectly.”
“I really do hope you’re joking. Do you know how stupid people who hire ‘hit men’ are?” you ask, making air quotes with your free hand.
“What? It’d be fun, I think.”
“Stop thinking, then, Shiv.”
The rest of the long flight goes by slowly. When you step off the stairway and onto the asphalt, you take a breath of the smoke-infused air. It’s disgusting compared to the crisp, Norwegian air. Your nose scrunches.
“Fuckin’ gross…,” Kendall mutters as he gently pushes past you, his face mirroring yours. After everyone goes their separate ways, you and Roman are left to each other in the backseat of the car taking you back to your apartment.
The rest of the day is lazy. You spend it curled together on the couch.
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reds-skull · 6 months
Not Alive, Nor Dead
Bit of a late update! Was playing cod lmao
Went into this chapter not knowing what to do with the two idiots, but the moment I put them in a room together, they just start writing themselves...
Also, the formatting on Google Docs decided to fucking change out of nowhere and it really annoyed me.
Price frowns at the three of them, displeasure and concern flitting in his eyes as he examines the state they’re in. Ghost is sure they’re quite the sight. Soap’s head is covered in blood, his eyes red from crying and with a pale skin, he looks like a bad cosplay of a zombie. Ghost is so tense he feels like his bones will snap, his muscles about as cooperative as a stone wall. Gaz is faring better appearance wise, but the Sergeant has been uncharacteristically quiet ever since they landed.
“Well? I assume you’ve found something.” Price squints, still unsure of what he’s supposed to do with his soldiers.
Ghost takes it as a signal for him to begin debrief, and he stands up on shaky legs, muscles screaming in protest, “no intel, two revenants extracted.”
The Captain sighed, clearly hoping for more. The other 2 teams haven’t found anything, the PMC disappearing like it usually does, “any hostiles?”
Now there’s something major they can give Price, “undetermined amount, non-human, sir.”
Price’s attention is caught, the previous frustrations gone, “explain.”
“They don’t have a face, take several headshots to kill, and turn to some sort of smoke when taken out.” Ghost resumes, “they all communicate somehow, the moment one of them spotted Soap, all of them rushed to him.”
Price strokes at his moustache, “I fear we’re not working against a PMC here, boys. This could be the work of one very sneaky revenant.”
Ghost has heard of similar powers in the past - corpse manipulation, illusions, mirroring. None of them exactly fit what they fought, though.
It seems they know even less than what they started with.
“What’s the status on the two revenants?” Price asks.
Ghost looks over at Gaz, who snapped out of his thoughts to answer, “unconscious, both of them. Medics said they’ll wake in a few.”
The Captain nods, “we’ll get them to questioning once they’re up for it. They’re our only lead for now.” he turns to Soap, expression softening a tad, “you solid, son?”
Johnny’s eyebrows raise, and he nods slowly, “aye, it healed already.”
And that means he’s miraculously fine, Ghost internally scoffs. Price obviously heard that, as he says, “take the day off, MacTavish. And get yourself clean, for goodness’ sake, you’re gonna scare a Vaquero to death and Alejandro will hunt me for sport.”
The Scot chuckles, “copy that, Cap”
“That goes for the rest of you muppets, I don’t want to see any of you before the revenants wake up, that clear?”
“Crystal.” Ghost grumbles.
After everyone else exited the room, Ghost made eye contact with Price. “Found a lead on Soap’s Reaping.”
Price’s brows furrowed, “there’s a reason it’s redacted, Simon. I can’t just go around and investigate every military cover up.”
Never stopped any of us…
“I’m trying to keep heat off of you, not endanger you further.” Price crosses his arms.
Ghost huffs, “with all due respect, sir, that’s a load of crap if I ever heard it. You know I’m not gonna forget about it, and I know you’re going to help me in the end.”
They stare at each other for a minute before Price groans, “what do you have for me, Ghost?”
He smirks under the mask. Can always trust Price to come through, “not enough, just a name.”
The Captain raises an eyebrow.
“Konchar. Supposedly, Johnny killed him after he downed his squad, but the Sergeant wasn’t… too coherent at that point.” Soap’s screams still echo in the back of his mind, the way memories have ravaged his Sergeant… it leaves a gaping hole in his chest.
“I’ll talk to Laswell, see what she can do. Don’t be surprised if she finds nothing.”
“I know not to expect good outcomes at this point in life.”
Ghost shuts the door behind him, clocking in a presence on the wall near it. He turns around to find Soap leaning on it, still as bloody as he was in debrief.
“Thought Price ordered you to clean up”, Ghost comes to stand in front of him, trying not to let his Sergeant see just how much his legs are shaking.
Soap gives him a lopsided smile, “decided I look better covered in blood and dust, some people are into that y’know.”
He probably saw Ghost’s unimpressed eyes, because his smile drops, and he looks away for a moment, “wanted to wait fer ye.”
Fuckin’ hell, he hopes Price can’t feel how his chest warmed up like someone lit a firework in his gut, “let’s get you to the showers then, no one is attracted to your stench.”
Johnny pushed off the wall, “I’m sure there’s at least one”
Ghost starts walking besides him, “don’t count on it-”
His left leg decided to give out at that exact moment, and Ghost inhales sharply, fully expecting to have a very up close and personal meeting with the floor, when two hands grab him.
Johnny pulls him back up, “shit, Ghost! Ye didn’t tell me yer fuckin’ broken!” he leads Ghost to lean on the wall.
“I’m not-fuck…” Ghost hisses as his leg muscles convulse, “not injured… Limbo was trying to get you, had to hold it back…”
Flames lick at his biceps, and he wants to close his eyes and indulge in how they relax his aching arms.
Soap doesn’t look convinced, and he gives Ghost a determined look. “Let’s go to yer barrack, closer than the showers.” He wraps Ghost’s arm around his shoulders, and makes him lean on the Scot.
Warmth spreads throughout him, “Johnny, I can fuckin’ walk-”
Soap starts walking, “aye, I saw how that worked fer ye before, haud yer wheesht.”
Ghost retorts, “English, Sergeant.”
“Shut yer mouth and let me help ye.” He takes them slowly to Ghost’s room.
“Much better.”
Soap looks up at him, annoyed, before he breaks character and laughs. It almost distracts Ghost from the pain in his limbs.
Johnny lets him off on the lower bunk bed, and turns around to close the door. He stands awkwardly in the middle of the room when Ghost pats the space beside him.
Soap joins him and Ghost exhales, lowering himself further into the bed. He takes stock of the various degrees of discomfort coursing through his body, and feels his Sergeant shift.
“I’m uh… sorry fer what happened there.” Ghost lifts his head to frown at him.
“You’re sorry for getting shot in the head? Fuckin’ hell Soap-”
Johnny twists his body to face Ghost fully, “fer not recognising ye! For shouting and demanding shit, fer making ye deal with teenage me, Reapers know he was a feckin’ idiot.”
Ghost lifts himself back up to tower over his Sergeant, “you wanted me to leave you alone?”
Soap’s face scrunches up in confusion, but his eyes… they shine brightly with his radiant fire, “I- didn’t want you to… see that.” he breaks eye contact, looking away a little flushed.
“I wouldn’t let you go through that alone, Johnny.” He looks at the familiar flames brighten, “no running away, remember?”
Johnny’s features crumple, and slowly, telegraphing the movement clearly, he places a hand over Ghost’s forearm, moving up and down gently. Ghost is fixated on the motion, his world reducing to the point of contact, the heat it emanates.
“Aye, I remember.” Johnny almost whispers, his face still pained, and Ghost doesn’t understand why. Fuck, he wishes he could read minds like Price. “It’s just… I didn’t want ye to see it… but I think I needed it.” 
Ghost nods, as if he has the capacity to contain everything going through him at the moment.
Johnny finally meets his eyes, “I’ve never met anyone like ye, Simon. Ye make me think I’m human.”
Simon’s heart beats twice as fast at hearing his name whispered like that, and he swallows deep buried confessions, words that should never be let out to the air between them, “you are human.” 
“No. And neither are you. But we could pretend, right?” Johnny gives him a smile, and removes his hand from Simon’s. He wants to chase the heat, but knows better than to try and claim something so luminous such as that.
Simon closes his eyes, as if that would help the temptation, “we could pretend.”
When he opens his eyes again, he notices the stains of red still marring Soap’s head. Simon groans as he stretches towards the side table next to the bed, rummaging through one of the drawers.
Johnny leans in, “what are ye lookin’ fer?”
He grabs the pack of wet wipes and groans again on his way back to his previous position, “bring your face here, Sergeant.”
Johnny raises a brow but follows Simon’s lead. He opens the pack and fishes out a couple wipes, “stay still.”
Simon takes Johnny’s chin and turns his face to the side, bringing the wipe up and cleaning his temples with the same concentration and accuracy he would use in the field to line up a sniper shot. He uses up several, leaving a pile of pale pink wipes on the bed between them, but once the right side is clean he turns Johnny’s head again, observing how he closed his eyes.
He puts too much trust in him, Simon thinks to himself. He can’t help but feel comforted by the fact.
He cleans the left temple, following the small rivers the blood made on Johnny’s cheek. Once he’s done, he takes a few seconds to just… gaze at Johnny. He doesn’t avert his eyes when Johnny’s flutter open, the bright blue completing the vision he is.
They sit in silence for what feels like hours, just looking for the sake of it, just staring because they can. Because they both survived today.
A yawn from Soap breaks the spell they were both trapped in. “You still reek, Sergeant. Get yourself to showers and fuckin’ sleep.” Ghost gathers the used up wipes from the bed.
Soap hesitates, and gets up. “Aye sir. I… thank ye. Fer everything.”
Ghost doesn’t look at him, “don’t mention it.”
The door clicks behind his Sergeant, and Ghost makes to lay down. He’s too fucking exhausted to drag himself to the top bunk.
He settles in, staring up at the bars supporting the mattress above him. For once his mind is calm, his chest is warm, and all he can think about is the phantom feeling of flames caressing his forearm.
Ghost supposes he was dead tired, as he falls asleep more easily than he remembers he was ever capable of. 
He startles awake to the feeling of multiple hands grasping at him, “FUCKIN’-” Ghost jumps away from the bed, watching the hands return to the ground.
He suppresses a shiver while he notes the sun starting to set. Did it really take the bastards of Limbo several hours to try that shit on him?
Maybe his good mood leaked to them. He won’t look a gifting horse in the mouth.
Price’s voice fills his mind, “glad you feel better, Sleeping Beauty. Up and at ‘em, Lieutenant. The revenants woke up.”
Ghost opens the door to see the Captain smoking on a half-spent cigar. “You really have nothing better to do than stand and wait for me to get up?”
Price takes another breath of smoke, “I know when you start waking up, Simon.”
Right, Price probably knows his own brain better than himself.
“That’s for certain. Let’s move.”
When they reach medical, Ghost unfortunately spots Graves out of everyone looking around the beds. The fuck is he searching for?
“Revenants are in the back, behind the curtain. We wait for Soap and Gaz here.” Price informs him privately, before calling the American, “Graves, lost a soldier in medical?”
The man whips his head around, covering a surprised face with a shitty smile, “John! Just making sure none of our forces got hurt in the latest mission.” the bullshit couldn’t smell stronger, Ghost rolls his eyes.
Johnny and Garrick open the doors, and Ghost watches Graves’ face curl into shock for half a second before returning to its usual, easy going smile. Strange tosser, that one. Ghost wouldn’t trust him with a dart gun at his 6.
“Ghost”, Johnny approaches him, and he immediately turns his attention to his Sergeant, “you solid?”
“Affirm” he walks nearer to him, standing at attention.
Price nods to Gaz, probably exchanging a couple of words through his power, and addresses the group, “Vargas and Parra are busy with managing the base, they let us know we can go ahead and speak with the revenants. Keep questions to a minimum, they’re likely still disoriented from the entire ordeal.”
The soldiers nod and walk to the back, staying a step behind the Captain as he slowly moves the curtains to the side.
Ghost analyzes the two sitting in their beds. One man, light brown hair and moustache, fit, dog tags peeking above his hospital gown. Soldier, American, if Ghost had to guess. The other, a woman, instantly locked eyes with the captain, a band holding her long dark brown hair back. Her skin glistens oddly at the setting sun’s light, her brown eyes piercing and alert.
He looks back at Price, and is surprised to see shock over his features. He’s about to ask what’s got him like that when he starts talking.
“Commander Karim?”
The woman’s face relaxes, giving the Captain a sharp nod, “Captain Price. I would prefer if we stopped meeting this way.”
Shoutout to forestshadow-wolf for guessing correctly who the revenants were! I was impressed haha
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jscameron · 3 months
Tumblr media
you’re a tour photographer, meaning that you take professional pictures of performers. you’re currently waiting outside of the venue in nashville, where you would be seeing THE DRIVER ERA. you were ready to meet rocky and ross, the excitement buzzing through your body. you take a picture of the venue that opens up in 3 hours for their concert.
word count: 1.1k
please be kind! this is not proofread!
“hey! you must be y/n!”, a sweet voice shouts from behind you. your turn around and see that it’s no other than ross lynch, his brother, rocky, next to him!
“no way! you’re ross and rocky! how did you guys know my name?”, you ask way too excitedly.
“well, you’re going to be taking concert photos, right? we have a list of everyone that’s allowed to come in and help us set up or interview or anything else like that.”, ross says.
“oh. yeah! i’ll be taking your pictures. do you mind if i take some now, while we have some time?”, you ask eagerly.
“sure! we don’t have to warm up for another hour, so we can definitely do that! how about we go on top of the roof? i think the lighting would be great, but you’re the photographer, what you say goes.”, ross says with a wink.
“you have a wonderful idea. let me steal you boys away!”, you say.
“stay just like that! the light is hitting you boys at just the right angle.”, you say, peeking through the camera and hitting the button to take ross’ and rocky’s picture. little did the boys know, you were taking individual headshots as well, with every pose you set them up for.
“oh! these are so good! and you boys are so sweet!”, you say.
“really? well, let’s see ‘em!”, ross says, snatching your camera from you.
“ross! no!! they’re not edited or anything! give it back!”, you say, worried he’s going to see the individual pictures.
“oh no, y/n, i don’t think so.”, he teases holding the camera above both of your heads now. “rocky, take this and run!”, he says to his brother.
“bet.”, rocky says, a devious smile on his face.
“no! wait!”, you say, but it was too late. the boys are playing a trick with you and rocky is long out of reach now.
“well, looks like rocky might take a picture of you and me now. smile and pose.”, ross says while grabbing you by your waist and pulling you close to him. he dips you down and tells you, “focus on me. you’re beautiful.” you blush, but oblige. you hear your camera flick with each picture rocky takes of you and ross.
“okay, ross and rocky. please give me my camera back, i think it’s almost time for you guys to get ready to warm up.”, you say, trying to get out of ross’ grip, but he won’t let go.
“rocky is heading that way now, but i want to stay here with you, y/n.”, ross says to you, still holding onto you.
“awe, ross”, you say, looking into his eyes.
the chemistry between you is crazy. you can tell you both want the same thing each other wants. your faces draw closer together and just when you think he’s about to kiss you, he stops.
“okay, kid. time for me to go warm up. come with.”, he says with a smirk on his lips, while leading you off of the roof.
“ugh! ross!”, you say, not letting go of his hand.
“how’s everyone doing tonight?!”, rocky asks the crowd at their sold out show. you stand behind the barrier and start taking pictures of the fans and the brothers. the crowd is going wild as they start to play their song “a kiss”. you start taking pictures of the boys and you can’t help but notice how much ross is interacting with you, even though he’s on stage. and you can’t help but crack a smile and follow his lead.
ross grabs you up on the stage and sets you to the side, he stares at you for what feels like forever, then touches your hands that hold your camera. he wants his picture taken. you shoot one. then, he grabs the camera off of your neck and takes a selfie with you.
“you got your phone?”, he asks you, while still performing. you take your phone out of your pocket and he takes it from you and takes another selfie of the two of you together, then he takes some pictures of his brother and the crowd, interacting with everyone. before handing your phone back, he takes a picture of you, taking a picture of him with your camera. once you lower your camera, he takes another picture of you. “absolutely beautiful.”, he says. he gives you a kiss on your cheek before continuing to perform. you’re blushing and you can’t stop feeling the tingles of electricity resonating where he kissed you.
after the boys’ performance, ross tells rocky he’s taking you out. “oh, you don’t have to do that, ross.”, you say, bashfully.
“sure i do! i want to. i want to get to know you more. you’re not getting rid of me easily.”, he says to you. he grabs you by your hand and leads you out of the tour bus and out into the town. you find a nearby diner that doesn’t look too busy this late at night and go in.
“how many is it tonight, sir?”, the hostess asks as you and ross come in.
“just us two, ma’am.”, ross says.
“perfect. right this way.”, she says, gesturing to follow her.
the hostess sits you both down across from each other. as soon as she leaves though, ross, comes over to your side and blocks you in the booth.
“so…y/n? how’d you like the show tonight?”, ross asks you, eagerly.
“i loved it! and i loved getting to know you guys tonight. i can’t wait to go with you boys on the rest of your tour!”, you say.
“perfect. i’m so glad you feel that way. i don’t know if i could let you go so easily.”, he says, gently placing his hand on top of yours.
“awe, ross.”, you say, leaning into him for a kiss.
“y/n?”, he asks after kissing you a couple more times in the booth.
“ross?”, you say back.
“will you be my girlfriend? i know we just only met, but i can’t help but feel this way about you.”, he asks you, shyly.
“ross, shut up.”, you say, laughing at him and kissing him again, sealing the deal that yes, you will be his girlfriend.
it was going to be a long tour, but you’re happy to have ross by your side. ❤️‍🔥
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whumblr · 6 months
A terrible price
Hello, I had a very awful thought and I'll let you all suffer with me :) Pls don't hate me.
Home is where the hurt is: Part 1
TW: Character death :)
So, what if Zayne had won. What if he’d managed to 'convince' Jay to give up his research. Maybe after a particular nasty evening, with Jay covered in blood just sobbing and shouting "Fine! Okay! You win!” And he actually does as Zayne says. No more trying to nail Emery. Just letting things play out to let Zayne clear his debt and walk away.
Zayne is satisfied.
And over the next couple of weeks, his mood improves with every passing day.
Even Jay can’t resist to go along with Zayne’s bright mood. Everything feels lighter, even Zayne’s visits. Sure, Zayne still torments him, but not as much as when he wanted to break him, and Jay finds himself, just like Zayne, looking forward to when Zayne can finally say he is debt-free and breaks free from Emery.
He’s practically counting down the days, sure that after Zayne’s life improves, so will his.
But one day, Zayne suddenly stops visiting.
Jay is relieved at first. Pretty sure that, well, this was it. But something is gnawing at him. Surely Zayne would drop by to ‘celebrate’ his freedom and maybe tell Jay that he was packing up and leaving. Or drop hints that his last job was going to be soon. This is strange. And something’s not right. But his new-found freedom makes it somewhat impossible to focus on anything but the fact that he can finally try to take the first few steps to closure.
Then a couple days later when he arrives at work in the morning, Dennis is waiting for him in the lobby. Wearing a grave and somewhat unreadable expression on his face. Jay remembers he received a phone call the day before, shot Jay a sharp glance, but just grabbed his things to rush out of the building.
He now leads Jay into a meeting room, fiddling with a paper file in his hands.
“I’m not sure how you’re going to take this,” he starts, a meek gesture to them alone in the room.
Jay doesn’t respond, doesn’t know how to respond and Dennis continues after a deep breath:
“They found Zayne's body in the river.”
Jay just gives him a blank stare. Merely blinks. Everything, from his thoughts to his expression, just stops moving. Until the gravity of those words fully hits him and he realises what’s going on.
Zayne is…
His lips slowly part as his jaw drops. His thoughts go from zero to full speed in a matter of seconds. His mouth moves, stuttering out fragments of words, unable to fully form even a single word.
“You need prove,” Dennis’ voice breaks through his thoughts. It wasn’t a question.
“Yes.” His mouth feels dry and he eyes the file in Dennis’ hands.
“It’s not pretty.”
“I need to see it.”
Dennis hands him the file. A police report. Autopsy report.
And on the first page he is immediately greeted by a headshot of… something that resembles Zayne.
His face is all bloated. His eyes are closed, skin discoloured, hair flat on his head. Everything that made Zayne ‘Zayne’ is just… gone; his expression, his smile, his swiped back hair. Now it’s just… a body. With his eyes closed he could almost look peaceful and while the water erased most signs of violence, there’s still something eerie about certain spots on his face that don’t a complete picture, as if parts have been erased. Black and blue parts.
With every page he turns, he quickly swipes his hand over the pictures, not wanting to see. Just reading the cold, medical terms on what happened is hard enough. The words blur together and he only sees things like stabbed several times, lacerations, bruises, breaks, collarbone, ribs, wrists—
“I thought I’d be relieved…” he finally says, over the hand covering his mouth.
“Me too.”
He’s just too late covering a picture on the next page of Zayne’s torso, covered in stab wounds. The lines are clean, but something about them still makes his stomach churn. Something about the placement of the wounds that betrays a precision to avoid any fatal harm. He notices the old scar on his abdomen and for some reason that really hammers home that this puffed up body on a slab really is - was - Zayne.
“What was the fatal one?” He hears his own voice, brittle.
Dennis turns a few pages back and points at the picture. That’s when Jay notices the line over Zayne's throat. There’s a sharp intake of breath.
A little voice in the back of his head manages to make things even worse: did they use Zayne’s own knife?
“I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Every bit of relief is squashed by something heavy. His heart is racing. His hand is shaking and just doesn’t want to leave his mouth, as if he’s gonna throw up immediately once he removes it.
And he feels something wet against his fingertips.
“No I... why...?!” He takes his glasses off and furiously swipes his sleeve over his cheekbones. “Why am I upset about… about Zayne?!” he cries out, brushing tears away as soon as they appear, as if he can erase any evidence of the bitterness swirling inside.
“You don’t have to cry for the man who did those awful things to you…” Dennis says, voice soft. “It’s okay to cry for the man they dragged out of the water.”
Something doesn’t quite break but Jay feels something crack. Tears seep through it and he finally just slumps down on a chair, catching his head in his hands.
“This is too cruel. He… he didn’t deserve this. Not like this.”
Nor do I! This isn’t the happy ending he wanted! Everything, going back to his old life, his freedom, his recovery, is going to be overshadowed by this. How could he ever be relieved that he was going to be left alone now, happy that Zayne would never visit again, when he knows—
And Zayne… he was so happy these last few days. So sure that his freedom was near. And everything was ripped away. Cruelly punished for doing just as he was asked to do, for making it to the end, for merely existing. For meeting the wrong man.
“I was going to say… call in sick and go home but—”
“But home is no longer safe,” Jay finishes. It wouldn’t take long before Emery would tie up the last loose end. “When was he killed?”
“About five days ago.”
“You’d think Emery would be on my doorstep four days ago then…”
“I’m not going to take any risks. I’m going to finish up, talk to Luke to see if we can arrange some protection and you’re staying with me.”
Finally free. It cost a terrible price. And even now he still isn't free at all. A bigger threat still looms over them all. And it wouldn’t be satisfied with just its first victim.
Things might actually take a turn for the worse.
Suffer List Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror @susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime @freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks @hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion @afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpedydump @pickleking8 @itsmyworld98 @whumpifi @painless-and-colourful
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wingdingery · 7 months
Trick or treat! Happy for any treat :))))
Hello, anon!! You get… (spins the wheel) a peek in the WIP icebox!
WIPs in the icebox are old WIPs that I’m not actively working on anymore and might never post.
This is an Under the Red Hood AU where SlaDick are (waves hands vaguely) something so Dick “hires” Slade to protect Jason from Black Mask’s contract hit squad, and Jason is very confused.
The thing about Jason is that he doesn’t believe in luck, or divine intervention, or good deeds going unpunished. If any of those things were real, he’s sure his life would be very different.
So when he sees another lackey of the day go down in front of him with a well-placed bullet to the knee, he follows his suspicions to the rooftop where Deathstroke the fucking Terminator is calmly packing away his gear.
“What the fuck do you want?” Jason demands.
“From you? Nothing.” Deathstroke swings his bag over his shoulder.
“You think I don’t know about the five hundred grand Black Mask put out on me?” Jason thumps his fist against his chest and spreads his arms wide. “Well, I’m right here. Come and get it.”
“Tempting,” Deathstroke says, like he’d rather lick dirt off the sidewalk. “Unfortunately, I have a better offer elsewhere, so you and your death wish will have to survive another day.”
“What kind of offer?”
“Security,” Deathstroke says. “You keep kicking; I get what I’m due.”
Jason’s nostrils flare. “I can handle myself.”
“Do I look like I care?” Deathstroke says. “I do what I’m hired for. You have a problem, you can take it up with my client.”
Jason can’t think of a single person who would give that much of a shit to keep him alive. “Who’s your client?”
“If you don’t know, that’s your problem,” Deathstroke says. “Information doesn’t come free. And the answer to that question is going to cost you much more than you can afford.”
Jason scowls. Whoever it is, they’d have to have some pretty deep pockets—some pretty deep pockets and a certain sense of morality that would exclude the first rich asshole that springs to Jason’s mind.
Well, would mostly exclude him, except…
“You get a lot of the squeamish type?” Jason says; then, at Deathstroke’s impassive stare, adds, “Seems to me like a clean headshot would be the fastest way to put ‘em down. Instead, they’re getting away with rubber fucking bullets in the leg. Wonder why.”
“Professional courtesy,” Deathstroke says. “Job’s a job. You’re not going to have many friends in the business if you go around offing your associates first chance you get.”
Jason scowls. “I’m not in it to make friends. You can keep your life advice to yourself.”
Deathstroke snorts. “Do I look like your youth group leader? If you want to die alone, that’s your business.”
Jason absolutely refuses to be shamed about his social life by Deathstroke the fucking Terminator. What the fuck is even happening.
“You’d better not be recruiting for Lex fucking Luthor.” He knows Luthor’s hired Deathstroke in the past. If this is some scheme to get him to join some secret supervillain club, he’s gonna throw a fucking riot. As much as he doesn’t want to be associated with Bruce and Dick and the fucking replacement, Luthor feels like a significant step down.
Instead of answering, Deathstroke just slugs him on the shoulder as he walks by, hard enough that Jason stumbles. “Try a bit harder to stay alive, would you? I’ve got a nice deal resting on it.”
“Well, so long as it’s helpful for you,” Jason says, but Deathstroke is already gone.
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Finders Keepers Ch 16. (Cormac McLaggen x fem!reader)
Tumblr media
Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 6.2k
Warnings: SMUT, PIV, Sex pollen / Love Potion so copious dub-con. Cormac calls Reader a Slut (during sex - not during an argument).
Summary: You want to celebrate Carmichael's return but you have anxiety. Thankfully McLaggen can always help you let some steam off.
A/N: We're really just killing time with the power of friendship (and smut) until the Battle of Hogwarts here.
Tag list: @countlambula, @ratsys, @aweidlich, @navs-bhat, @stainedpomegranatelips, @chiaraanatra, @xxvelvetxxxx, @ohnoitsrosie, @dracosisteer, @daisydark, @intense-sneezing, @lipstickandloveletters, @ichorai, @marmie-noir, @lolitstiana(let me know if you want removed at any point btw!)
Chapter 16: Relax
The party is in full swing as you sit anxiously on the couch, absently toying with the label from an unopened bottle of Madam Rosmerta’s mead in your hands. From here you can keep an eye on the front door and watch the others milling around in the kitchen.
You’re supposed to be joining in with the others, celebrating Eddie Carmichael’s release from Azkaban but when you look at the discarded Daily Prophet on the coffee table, a knot twists in your stomach.
Three photos dominate the front page under the headline “Mass Breakout from Azkaban: Quidditch Conspiracy?” Two professional headshots of Krum and Davies respectively, looking intimidatingly composed in their Lyon Quidditch robes and a picture of you in your Azkaban ones, looking quite the opposite.
You reread the caption underneath, although at this point it’s committed to your memory - permanently. 
‘Undesirables. Contact the Ministry of Magic immediately if you have any information concerning the whereabouts of the organisation known Dumbledore’s Army or the disappearance of Cormac McLaggen and Marietta Edgecombe. Reward five thousand galleons.’
“You alright, Keeps?” 
You look up when Alicia drops herself onto the sofa next to you. You nod and stop fidgeting with the bottle, trying to appear nonchalant.
“You’re not. I can still tell when something’s on your mind,” she says.
“I’m just keeping an eye out. I’m not sure it’s a good idea for us all to let our guard down.” You look edgily at the door. 
She chuckles. “You haven’t changed a bit. Always so serious - too serious. Relax. Enjoy the party.”
You purse your lips, holding back the rebuttal on the tip of your tongue. Her statement is half true but you can’t help feeling her assessment is an unfair one. You have changed. But to give yourself credit - this is serious. There’s a war going on and you’re all in here, partying as if it’s the end of term and you’ve just finished your exams. Nobody’s behaving like you’re wanted by the Ministry.
“I just think at least one of us should keep their wits about them. Just in case something happens.” Your eyes find the door again.
“What are you gonna do? Fight off the Death Eaters single-handed while we watch?”
“What are you gonna do? Get so wasted you can’t point your wand straight?”
“We’ll be fine.”
You look up at Carmichael and McLaggen, laughing together at the other side of the kitchen. 
Carmichael, even more so than you, bears the gaunt look of someone who’s spent time in Azkaban but his smile lights up his face so brightly that it’s almost easy to forget how recently he escaped. Your brow softens when you see him slap McLaggen on the back in reaction to some joke you can’t hear.
“Well, maybe something about you has changed,” says Alicia, watching you observe the two of them across the room.
“Oh, yeah?”
“I kind of had a feeling you’d settle down with a guy when your experimental phase was over.”
You snap back around to look at her. “It’s not like that.”
“What’s it like, then?”
You feel adrenaline rising in your chest, your body instinctively reverting to a state of readiness for one of your and Alicia’s notorious screaming matches.
“You know what, Alicia? You broke up with me so I don’t have to justify who I end up with or why.”
“Well, it might have been different if I’d known you’d resort to dating an idiot like McLaggen when there were no other lesbians left at Hogwarts. I could have at least warned you.”
“He’s not an idiot.” You hear scuffling at the other side of the kitchen and look up to see Carmichael and McLaggen play fighting, trying to put each other in a headlock. You close your eyes and let out an exasperated breath. 
Alicia laughs. “Come on, he’s everything you hate. Arrogant. Entitled. I heard he even got into an argument with Harry Potter when he wasn’t picked for the Quidditch team.”
“He was confunded!”
She pulls a face. “He was? He was reminiscing about the whole sorry tale with Wood and Angelina about it yesterday morning and never mentioned that bit. Just seemed to think Potter had just missed a trick, not recruiting the amazing Cormac McLaggen.”
Your stomach drops. He still doesn’t know. He doesn’t know that you knew Hermione Granger confunded him and never said anything.
“I’m not listening to you talking shit about my boyfriend - yes, boyfriend - when you’re staying here at his place,” you say and get to your feet. “You know, you haven’t changed either, Alicia.”
“I’m sure you’ll tell me why.”
“You’re still a dickhead.”
You hear her scoff behind you as you go to the kitchen and interrupt McLaggen and Carmichael’s boisterous laughter.
“Hey,” McLaggen says in a cautiously optimistic sort of way when you come over. “Do you need a bottle opener?”
“No. Do you have a minute?” you ask him and his expression becomes serious.
McLaggen puts down his drink and opens the kitchen door into the garden. When you follow him outside he shuts the door behind you and leans on the edge of a planter filled with lavender and sage.
“Everything alright? I saw you talking to Alicia. Didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Cormac, I need to tell you something.”
He straightens up with the demeanour of someone bracing themselves, pulling his shoulders back. “Cormac? Something must be up if you’re calling me that.” 
You take a deep breath. “Do you remember your Quidditch tryouts? How you missed the last penalty?”
“...Yes? Sort of?” he says uncertainly.
“Well -” You swallow nervously. “- Hermione Granger confunded you. And I found out and didn't tell you.”
“Okay?” His eyebrows knit together worriedly. “Then what?” 
“That’s it.”
“That’s what you came out here to tell me?” He laughs and runs his hands through his hair. “I thought you were about to break up with me or something.”
“What? No!” His palpable relief is confusing you. “You’re not annoyed with me?”
“C’mere,” he says, pulling you close to him. You stand between his legs and rest your forehead against his chest. His arms are like a warm, weighted blanket around your shoulders. “I’m not annoyed with you about school Quidditch tryouts. You’re acting like you confunded me - not Granger.”
“I should have told you or Madam Hooch or, well, anyone,” you tell his chest. “But I didn’t because I thought Ravenclaw’s chances would be better if Weasley was Keeper.”
He snorts a laugh. “Well, you were wrong. I was awful when I played in that one match, remember?”
“You’re really not mad at me?”
“You’re forgetting I already know how ruthless you are when it comes to Quidditch. I just can’t believe you’ve been feeling guilty all this time.”
“I sort of forgot about it until I was speaking to Alicia.”
“What else were you guys talking about? I looked over and, well, it looked deep.”
“Definitely not deep. She was just saying I’m too serious and that you’re arrogant and entitled.”
“Lots of opinions for someone who broke up with you and barely knows me.” McLaggen rolls his eyes.
“Do you think I’m too serious?”
He looks down at you, considering you for a moment. “I think you worry a lot and that it’s probably exhausting to live in your head. And don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to worry about right now, but sometimes I think you think you need to be responsible for it all. And you don’t.”
You nod. “I don’t feel great about having a party when people like me are in hiding.”
“We’re still hiding. Or have you also forgotten you’re a fugitive responsible for my kidnapping?” He raises an eyebrow.
“And you’ll never escape,” you say, allowing yourself a small smile.
“I hope not.” He smirks. “What about me? Think she’s right”
“Entitled? No. Arrogant? Yes. But in fairness, you don’t have a lot to be modest about.”
“Lucky you,” he says, with that cocky look you love so much, waiting for your usual sharp retort. But you just bring your hand up to touch his handsome face.
“I am.”
“You’re supposed to argue and say I’m the lucky one. Now I do sound like an entitled dick.”
“I can’t believe you thought I might be coming out here to break up with you.” You’re not sure where you’d be without McLaggen right now. Probably holed up somewhere alone, or worse, still in Azkaban. 
“To be honest, that still sounds more plausible than you apologising for keeping a secret about Quidditch tryouts last year when there’s a war going on.”
“Yeah…” You frown when you hear raucous laughter coming from inside the lighthouse.
He kisses the top of your head. “How about you and I sit this one out? The Fidelious Charm is impenetrable. Everyone who knows about headquarters is in there right now. But if it makes you feel better, we can.”
And his words of comfort make you believe it in a way that Alicia simply dismissing your concerns and telling you to relax didn’t. Really believe it. That you’re safe. 
And that you’re not overreacting. That he gets it. 
Gets you.
You shake your head. “You’re right. I need to stop worrying. At least for tonight. Let’s go back inside and enjoy ourselves. Angelina, Wood and Alicia are going home tomorrow - when are we all going to get to do this again?”
He tilts his head. “If you’re sure?”
“I’m always sure when I’m with you.”
You weave your way through the party, chatting and occasionally accepting drinks thrust into your hands as music plays from McLaggen’s Uncle’s radio. You pass Davies as he leaves Krum on the sofa to get more drinks. You replace his empty seat next to Krum.
“I like this,” Krum says, looking appraisingly around the room.
“It’s all Carmichael’s doing. If there’s one thing he’s mad for, it’s a party. He was probably planning the whole thing in Azkaban.”
“Not the party. It is like having friends. Not just fans.”
You look at him a little sadly. He’s not expecting sympathy but the matter-of-fact way he said it makes your heart sink. You know what it feels like to not have many friends. It was only this year, after all, that you made your own.
“You can’t take part in a prison breakout without becoming friends at the end of it,” you smile.
He takes a sip of beer thoughtfully, looking at McLaggen. “At first, I am not so sure when he says you are his girlfriend. You are very bossy. But now I am thinking you are a good match. He is a good leader too. He fought vell in Azkaban.”
His unsolicited, backhanded compliment out of nowhere makes you laugh.
“Thank you. I think?”
Krum nods at Cho talking to Davies. She laughs hard at something he says and her long, shiny hair swishes in the dim light of the kitchen. “I also think your friend is very pretty. But I knew Diggory. They were together at the Yule Ball.”
“They were. But she can’t be expected to be alone forever. She’s had boyfriends since Cedric if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“This is good to know.” He stands up. “I’ll see you later,” he adds bluntly, standing up and making a beeline for Cho as if worried that any time she spends talking to Davies instead of him is an opportunity wasted.
Before you have time to be offended by Krum’s abrupt departure, Carmichael launches himself next to you, followed closely by McLaggen who slaps Carmichael’s head and squeezes between you. 
“Keep your bloody hair on. You could have just asked me to shift over,” says Carmichael, slapping him back. “You alright, mucker?”
You nod. “You’ve done it again, Carmichael. Some party.”
“It’s all I’ve been thinking about in Azkaban for the past month,” he says and you feel warm satisfaction - somehow knew that’s exactly what he’d have been doing without you there. “Needed something to think about when you done a bunk.”
“I’m sorry, Eddie -“ you start but absurdly he just laughs.
“Only winding you up.”
“I didn’t want to leave you there alone. I swear.” Even though Carmichael is just teasing, you still feel like you need to explain. 
“It’s true - it’s the first thing she said when she saw me,” confirms McLaggen with a slightly awkward look. “I wanted to get you out at the same time, it’s just that -“
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, alright? Maz got me up to speed, didn’t she? You broke into Azkaban for me. Can’t ask for much more than that.”
You nod. It still barely feels real. You did it. You got him out. And he’s doing… surprisingly well. “I can’t believe you’re so upbeat. I was a mess.”
“The Patronus every night kept me going. And I kept our old routine up.”
“What routine?” asks McLaggen, looking confused.
“You never told him about our very exciting schedule?” asks Carmichael.
“I’ve not told anyone anything about Azkaban, to be honest. Except the layout so we could draw up a plan.”
“Well, we’d recite facts all day and do burpees all night to keep sane. I think I’ve nearly remembered every plant from ‘One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi’,” reminisces Carmichael.
“That was basically all we did until the Patronus came. We couldn’t chat or anything or else the Dementors would sense us having fun. But when your Patronus showed up we could actually talk about things that mattered,” you add and squeeze McLaggen’s hand.
“You really did us a solid, mate.”
McLaggen nods at Carmichael and returns the squeeze of your hand gently.
As the night goes on, you, McLaggen and Carmichael are soon joined by Marietta as you catch up sitting on the fat leather couches. Leanne and Rodger Davies appear too and McLaggen pulls you onto his knee so Leanne can sit down, while Davies plants himself on a cushion on the floor. You look at the old grandfather clock - Krum and Cho have been conspicuously missing for almost an hour.
“You think they’re… they’re alright though?” you ask, looking at the kitchen window. You’re worried they’ve accidentally stepped outside the perimeter of the Fidelius Charm. 
“They’re fine,” insists McLaggen. “Trust me, you don’t want to stumble across something you can’t unsee.”
Just then, Cho and Krum burst through the back door in a more giggly fashion than you’d have expected from the internationally famous player.
“Oi, oi,” grins Carmichael. “Where you been?” They glance at each other and there’s an obvious silence as they hesitate. The only the sound is of The Weird Sisters coming through the radio.
“I remember this,” says Krum, changing the subject. “This vos the music at the Yule Ball.”
“Isn’t it funny that we were all at the Yule Ball?” asks Leanne. “Who would have thought three years later, we’d all be here together?”
Not you, anyway. For most of your time at Hogwarts, your only close friend was Cho and briefly, Alicia. Now you’re quite literally surrounded by friends.
A thought strikes you. “Who did you go to the Yule Ball with?” you ask McLaggen. You didn’t really know him back then.
He clears his throat. “Er, one of the girls from Beauxbatons.” You don’t fail to notice the sympathetic look Leanne gives him. Neither does McLaggen. “It’s alright,” he laughs. “I’m over it now. Really.”
“Wait, what happened?” you ask.
“Took his V-card and fled the country,” says Carmichael.
“Oi, it wasn’t like that.” Carmichael raises his eyebrows at him. “Alright, maybe that was the jist of it.”
“I hear that, mate,” says Davies and you give him a tight-lipped smile in commisseration, remembering how he was devastated when Fleur Delacour went home to France and never wrote back to him.
“What about you?” asks McLaggen. “Who did you go with?”
You shrug. “I didn’t have a date. I just went alone.”
“Yeah, but you never finished the night alone,” says Alicia, coming over with Wood, Katie and Angelina. “Remember?”
At the Yule Ball, Alicia noticed that you didn’t have a date either. And you hadn’t wasted time in finding out why she too had spurned invitations from the boys at Hogwarts. But you’d rather she didn’t flaunt it in front of your current boyfriend, who you notice, holds onto your waist a little firmer than before as you sit in his lap.
“I am thinking that I am not the only one who vos heartbroken after the Trivizard Tournament,” says Krum, and you’re grateful that the normally stoic Seeker has warmed up enough to change the subject again. He looks intently a Cho. “I vos sorry about vot had happened to Diggory.”
Cho smiles, a little sadly but she doesn’t look upset. “He would have been here too. At headquarters with us. He’d have loved being part of the D.A.”
As the night draws into the small hours of the morning, the group begins to retire to bed. Alicia, Angelina and Wood make their excuses since they’re getting up early to leave tomorrow. Soon after Katie and Leanne yawn and declare they’re tired and go upstairs too, shortly followed by Davies. 
“Right then. Party favours anyone?” asks Carmichael, wiggling his eyebrows at the five of you remaining.
Without waiting for a reply, he leaps off the sofa and runs up the stairs.
“Where’s he going?” you ask Marietta.
“Probably to get something from his bag.”
This perplexes you. “Where’d he get his bag?”
“I stole it from the Department of Magical Confiscated Items before I left the Ministry.”
“You did?!”
“Marietta Edgecombe.” McLaggen whistles, impressed. “It should be your mug shot in there.” He points to the front page of the Prophet, still open on the table. But Marietta just flips her hair over her shoulder with a proud smile as she hears Eddie trundling back downstairs with something clutched in his hand.
“Right, here we go,” says Eddie putting three heart-shaped vials on the table.
“Nope, no way,” you say. You recognise them immediately as love potion.
“Look, it’s different. You drank a whole bottle last time, didn’t ya? If you have half each it’s a better experience.”
You and McLaggen exchange glances. You don’t want to make a fool of yourself again.
“What was it like last time?” Cho asks you. “I’ve never had a love potion before.”
“What do you mean ‘what was it like?’ - you saw me.”
“No, I remember that. Vividly,” grins Cho, and you expect she too is remembering you trying to kiss her like a possessed maniac. “What did it feel like?”
“I dunno, I was in a weird state of mind.” You and McLaggen were broken up and you remember begging him to fuck you in the cubicle as he resisted your pleas. “But it still felt… good, I guess. Circumstances aside.”
That’s an understatement. It felt really good. You wonder what it’d be like if McLaggen wanted you in the same insane, feral way you wanted him that night. It’s not as if he’s shy when he’s feeling amorous but still, the idea makes your cheeks flush. 
“Should we?” you ask him.
“You want to?” He reaches across your legs to pick up the small bottle. “I’m not doing it right here though.”
“Good, I don’t even remotely want to know what your turned-on face looks like, mate,” laughs Carmichael before swerving a cushion that McLaggen tosses at his head.
“Are you guys…?” You look between Marietta and Cho. Marietta nods but Cho looks at Krum waiting for his answer. He shakes his head and Cho looks slightly disappointed. 
“Not tonight,” says Krum. “I vant to be lucid when I’m with you.”
She looks taken aback by his forwardness but it cheers her up significantly. McLaggen hesitates looking at the bottle but you press his hand closed and look at him meaningfully. Maybe, just maybe, using it with him could repair your so-far tainted relationship with the potion.
McLaggen tears his eyes from your hungry look and helps you to your feet. “Right, we’re turning in to get some rest. See you guys later.”
You squeal when he grabs your hand, dragging you towards the stairs.
You close the bedroom door behind you and lock it with a wave of your borrowed wand. You pause thoughtfully. “I’m gonna move the chest of drawers in front of the door - just in case.”
“A bit overkill, isn’t it?” asks McLaggen.
“I wanted to fuck anything and everything last time. It’s just an extra precaution.”
“Hmm,” he murmurs, turning the small vial in his hands and sitting down on the bed. “You sure it’s not going to be too intense for you? We don’t have to.”
“I mean, based on what happened to me last time, you know you lose most of your autonomy, right? All you’ll want to do is fuck me.”
“That’s all I want to do most of the time as it is,” he grins. 
“I’m serious. It’s like losing yourself and only listening to the horny part of your brain.”
He doesn’t look too concerned with this revelation. “Sure you want to do it again? You hate love potions.”
“I just hate bad experiences with them. Are you sure you want to?”
“I’m always sure when I’m with you,” he says as you sit down on the edge of the bed beside him. He opens the stopper decisively and takes a drink. You both stare at the bottle.
“That’s almost all of it…” you say, your pulse rate quickening, remembering how you felt when you drank an entire bottle. 
“It felt like barely a sip!” He holds it up to the light. “I think there’s about a quarter left.”
“That’s a generous estimate.” 
McLaggen is much bigger than you after all - maybe it’s fine if he has more. You take the tiny bottle, drink the last few drops and when the liquid spills down your throat you immediately feel it warming in your chest. The burning sensation sinks lower and lower into your pelvis.
You look at Cormac. God, he’s beautiful with his messy curls and his eyes focusing intently on your face. But his usually bright green eyes almost look black right now. 
“Your eyes…” you say, blinking up at him.
“My eyes?” He blinks a few times. “What about your eyes? They’re so pretty.” He cups your face with both hands. “So, so pretty.”
With difficulty, you tear your eyes off him and look at the door.
“Let me just move the drawers,” you say, turning on the bed to face the door so you can grab the wand lying on the other side of the mattress. “Wingardium Leviosa - oh fuck -”
Your careful movement of the drawers is interrupted when Cormac crawls behind you on all fours and clambers over you, squeezing your tits from behind and knocking your wand arm so they crash into the door with a thud.
“Wait - Cormac -“ The feeling of his hot breath against your ear as he nuzzles into your neck makes your cunt throb. You extend your wand arm towards the door again. “Muffliato.”
White noise buzzes around the bedroom door as you place your wand down and try to turn around to kiss him but his body cages you in, preventing you from changing position. 
Cormac roughly pushes your T-shirt and bra up over your head so he can grope the bare flesh of your chest from behind. 
“Fuck. You smell so good,” he says, breathing in the scent of your hair. 
You feel his cock pressing against your backside. You want his touch more than anything right now but there’s a niggling feeling at the back of your mind. The sensible, ‘too serious’ part of your brain is yelling at you. Calling you an idiot for locking yourself in. But the love potion flowing through your veins is shouting louder. Telling you to do whatever will ease the throbbing sensation in your underwear.
Your core burns when he removes a hand from your chest and you hear the gentle clinking of his belt unbuckling. He’s never asked to fuck you like this before - you don’t mean under the effect of love potion - but from behind. And without any preamble, insistence on eating your pussy first or sweet murmured words of how much he loves you.
Silently he reaches around and unbuttons your jeans and when his hand brushes over your pussy you let out a whimper. It’s only the lightest graze but your skin tingles in response. Cormac pulls your jeans and underwear down to your knees, not even bothering to remove them completely as you remain on all fours.
“Fuck,” comes his low, ragged breath when he sees your pussy - blushed pink, sopping wet and ready for him to do whatever the fuck he wants with you.
Suddenly his chest is pressed up against your back and the length of his cock rubs underneath you, along your lips and brushing your clit. Every sensation is heightened. From the way his hands find your hard nipples to how his stubble scratches your shoulder as he kisses and bites your skin.
You feel yourself getting stickier and wetter from the way he’s dragging his length along your cunt. Until you realise he’s barely moving at all - that it’s you who’s pushing back against him chasing the gentle friction while he sucks a fresh bruise on your shoulder blade.
Cormac’s hands cease their rough groping of your body and you feel him position himself at your slick entrance. The head of his cock slowly glides between your folds but you can’t wait for him to slowly sink into you. Full of longing, you urge your hips backwards, feeling a shiver go up your spine as he penetrates you.
“So fucking tight…” he groans as he grips the soft curve of your hips and you rock on your knees until he’s pressed flush up against you. You unsteadily bring your hand to your clit but he reaches round and pushes your own hand aside so he can toy with the pulsing bundle of nerves, begging for attention. The rough pads of his fingers, coated in your juices, dance against you in time with your rocking. 
Bright, white light - brighter than any Patronus - flickers behind your eyelids as you chase the sensation. You pant and whine under his touch, feeling like a wild animal in heat as you get yourself off on his cock. But why isn’t he moving? You had expected from the way he crawled on top of you that he’d be desperate to fuck you too. 
“Cormac, fuck - fuck me… please,” you babble, knowing how much he likes it when you beg for him. The steady rhythm of his fingers picks up, rubbing in circles all over your clit.
“I can’t - can’t -” He swallows.
You push your hips back harder, gyrating into him as far as you can, feeling the stinging stretch of his cock opening you up as your body cries out for him. You bounce back wildly against his still body and your pussy clamps and convulses around him. Cormac frantically works your clit under his hand, guiding you to the blinding light just out of your own reach.
“Why?” You sob, in a pathetic, drawn-out wail. You were sure he’d want you the way you wanted him in the Prefect Bathroom. The way you want him right now. But here you are, making an idiot of yourself again, the love potion making you act in a way that you know is embarrassingly unbecoming but your body doesn’t seem to care.
He grits his teeth. “If I start - I won’t - I can’t be gentle.”
Oh shit.
“Don’t be gentle, then. Fuck me - fuck, fuck…”
Pleasure floods through your entire body, the love potion setting every nerve ending ablaze as your orgasm takes hold of you. You don’t even realise how loudly you’re cumming until he grunts your name and you can barely hear it over your own mewling.
Your arms give way and your face presses against the sheets as you collapse in a dishevelled heap, catching your breath and feeling your cunt twitch helplessly in the wake of your orgasm. The feeling you’ve only experienced once before, of love potion evaporating from your consciousness and your thoughts becoming instantly coherent, washes over you as your chest heaves and intense clarity sets back in.
He pulls out of you and your hips slump down to meet the bed too. But the anticipated sensation of his cum leaking out of you doesn’t happen.
“Did you…?” You look over your shoulder and watch him silently remove his T-shirt over his head. He clenches his jaw as he takes off his jeans. Cormac straddles your lying figure from behind and his hands massage the flesh of your ass, roaming over your curves until his thumbs spread your pussy - still flushed and swollen for him.
“Are you okay?” you ask. He doesn’t reply - he simply adjusts himself, taking hold of his warm, wet cock. You suck sharply through your teeth when he forces himself down into your sensitive cunt. 
Oh, fuck.
You can barely move. You try to tilt your hips up, to find a better angle but his weight on your thighs presses down on you - hard. Maybe if you had a pillow to lie on…
“Let me just grab -”
His hand comes down with lighting quick reflexes and pins your outstretched arm.
He grinds down on you, using his forearm to push on your back so you’re flat against the mattress as his cock rams undiscerningly against your G-spot. And you realise, as he ramps up pace, that he was fighting against the love potion, letting you cum first so he could finally give in to the urge to fuck you mercilessly.
Cormac’s hand laces through your hair and wrenches your head back. He kisses you desperately but you wince and attempt to pull back. He makes a shushing noise, his lips pressing against the side of your face. 
“Shh, just take it… take it… take it…” Every hushed insistence is punctuated with a thrust.
Jesus fucking Christ. 
Cormac is taking your permission not to be gentle seriously. Your pussy leaks as you forget to protest and your body willingly accepts the uncomfortable hold he has on you. His fingers remain firmly entwined in your hair as he fucks himself into you. You wonder if he can even register that you’re his girlfriend and not just a warm, wet fucktoy for him to do whatever he pleases.
You know he’s being too rough with you. He knows he’s being too rough with you. But right now he doesn’t care. You wonder if he’s always wanted to fuck you like this and it’s just that the love potion has made him lose all sense of how he should behave.
The thought makes your pussy clench - that he’s always been so loving and gentle with you because he knows he ought to be. That he makes himself hold back because knows he’s so much bigger and stronger than you.
And now…
You let out an involuntary whine and quickly feel yourself blush right down to your chest when he laughs in response. A triumphant laugh, with his teeth bared against your cheek as he continues to thrust down into your pussy, his hips slapping your backside so hard it stings.
Fuck, you’re going to cum again. Going to cum from being used as nothing but a hole for Cormac to empty himself into. His free hand slides under your chest and squeezes your breast roughly. It’s definitely going to leave a mark. 
Your thighs twitch as your G-spot is fucking pounded into submission. You can’t tense and squeeze the way you normally do so you just have to accept your fate and pray that his cock keeps hammering into that same exact spot that you’re so desperate for. You wonder if he’d listen if you told him to keep going.
“Please, Cormac - there. Keep - fuck - right there.”
“Yeah? Fuck. You’re such a slut. Such a pretty, fucking, slut,” he slurs his words right against your ear.
Oh shit.
He’s never called you that before. Probably because he knows under normal circumstances you’d curse him. But you’re in no position to do so right now. And what’s worse - for some reason, it turns you on in a way that you never imagined it would.
“Yes,” you breathe.
“That’s right,” he says, gritting his teeth. “You gonna cum for me like this?”
You try to reply in the affirmative but instead, a broken yelp is ripped from your throat. The bedsheets bundle up tight under your fists as another wave of ecstasy takes hold of you, dragging you by your hair under the surface. 
And then you feel the drop approaching without any indication of slowing down. 
An empty dark space filled only by Cormac fucking you so hard that his hips drive you right down into the mattress. So deep and so tight that the air is forced from your lungs under the sheer weight of him. Every part of your walls constricts around his cock, gratefully squeezing him, thanking him for making you cum like this.
He lets go of your hair and anchors himself to your body by holding onto your tits. He gasps and groans wildly, and with a few more deep, grinding thrusts he pushes as deep as he can, cumming deep into your cunt. You twitch involuntarily around his cock, the aftershock milking every last drop he empties into you.
Cormac’s dead weight collapses on top of you and he pants breathlessly for a few moments. Even though you’re crushed, you’re comforted by his warm body. But it doesn’t last long. He pulls out of you and lies on his side, quickly brushing loose strands of hair out of your face.
“Baby… baby, are you okay?”
You remain lying on your front and turn your head to look at him. His eyes are full of deep concern.
“Yeah, I’m - I’m more than okay… are you?”
“I dunno, I - I tried to hold back but… fuck -” He brings his hand to his head. “I - called you a slut,” he whispers.
You laugh and pull yourself close to him, lying on your side and feeling his cum leaking out of you onto your thigh.
“Are you sure you’re alright? The love potion’s not -”
“Yes,” you stress. 
He looks at your breasts, covered in blotches. “Oh, god.” Cormac moves downward and places soft kisses on your chest, so gentle it makes you giggle.
“I’m sorry.”
“I told you - it’s okay. Are you feeling alright?”
“Just - fuck - I never let myself lose control like that.”
Your suspicions are confirmed.
“You know… you’re allowed to lose control when you’re with me. I’m not that fragile.”
“But -”
“No, listen, I know you’re a gentleman and I love that you make me feel loved, even adored when we have sex. I do. But if I’d known you had wanted to just pin me down and fuck me hard before, I would have let you. Wanted you to.”
“Yeah.” You shuffle down to meet him and smirk. “I’m not saying all the time. You know how much I like being adored.”
He smiles and kisses the top of your head, before pulling you close.
“I don’t want to break you.”
“Psht, I can handle it.” you smile. 
You lie quietly, breathing in the warm amber and jasmine scent lingering on his chest. It smells like home to you.
“I can’t imagine what it was like for you that time in the Prefect’s Bathroom. I mean, after that, I almost feel bad for not fucking you back then,” he murmurs into your hair and inhales deeply. You wonder if you smell like home to him too.
You laugh. “It was rough. But you made the right decision.”
“I mean, fuck, I had you. And I still felt like… I dunno. Like I was going crazy. You were right in Slughorn’s class.”
“In Potions class? What?” Your eyebrows pull together in confusion, trying to recall.
“Way back in our first lesson together, when you said they should be banned -” He frowns. “- I feel sick thinking what would have happened if it was me instead of you who drank it at the seventh-year party. I was able to hold you but if it was the other way around you wouldn’t have stood a chance.”
You shrug. “I’d have done alright if I had my wand.” 
“Unlikely. I’ve seen you duelling, remember?”
“Nah, I wouldn’t have duelled you - I’d just have done a binding spell.” You mimic waving your wand. “‘Incarcerous’ - then you’d be tied up so I could just wank you off. Sorted.”
You said it as a casual joke but Cormac’s breath catches in his throat as he holds you. 
“What?” You look up and see his face has turned pink.
“I think…” He clears his throat and laughs. “I think that’s just awoken something in me.”
You gasp in mock scandalisation. “Cormac McLaggen tied up and forced to cum by someone who ‘wouldn’t have stood a chance’ otherwise.”
“It was you who suggested it!” He protests as he laughs and rolls on top of you, lying between your open hips. He presses his forehead against yours and you look in his eyes. They’re normal again. Devastatingly green. 
“Imagine the Daily Prophet found out that’s what I’d been doing to you the whole time you were here, kidnapped.”
“Stop, I can only get so hard,” he smirks.
Cormac kisses you and runs his hand down the back of your thigh. You suck on his bottom lip before grinning up at him wickedly. “Who’s a slut now?”
Chapter 17: Purpose
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amurih · 2 years
I know that Squak is going to be the “fun” Uncle for Peep but what if the others? I trying to imagine like Peep describing her mother’s “family” tree and it’s fucking wild man. Like she’s giving like a “ my family tree” presentation to her class:
After a long explanation as to what bad parts of birds Great-grandfather is made up of Peep is ready to share with the class her TOP 5 favorite family members on her Mother’s side.
First is what looks like a professional headshot of a dark skinned man’s with bird like features giving a seductive/suggestive look and an signature autograph of the pen named “Airry Pearry”.
“And here is Uncle Squak, he likes to party hard and write stories with me. Mommy says I can’t have the special drinks and Glad Stuff that she and uncle like to have until I get bigger, but they give me my favorite juice and candy so I can have fun too!”
Peep slides over to the next set of people on the board labeled Andhera and BINX. A picture of a handsome tall man with a small cloud over his head standing next to a shorter woman with a choppy bob and moth wings on her back. Both look like a deer in the headlights spooked from having their picture taken in grubby shirts, stretchy leggings, and mismatched socks.
“And here is Uncle Andhera and Aunt BINX; uncle is the prince of the Unseelie Court and can fold so many animal out of paper, and knows a lot about caves! Auntie has a HUGE collection of cool stuff that people forgot! Uncle also has a dog with a face of an old man named Grandpa Dog! It even speaks! Aunt BINX gives me hot chocolate when we go camping outside and always has a warm blanket for when it gets cold.”
They then slide their fingers to the last two names in front of the children. Both Huge and monstrous beings wearing really fancy clothing. One with the face of a canine, many teeth and sharp claws. The other the head of a green barn owl but the body of a bear wearing flowers on them.
“And here is Uncle Hob and Auncle Rue. Uncle Hob is big and scary looking at first, but he is very soft and gentle and lets me ride his horse with him. I once saw him punch a tree in half while getting the fire wood on our camping trip with Aunt BINX and Uncle Andera. Auncle Rue is so pretty and always wears the nicest clothes. I like to dress up with them and have our tea parties! They used to plan and host BIG parties for everyone in all the realms of the fey wild.Mommy, and Uncle Squak, and Uncle Andhera, and Aunt BINX, and Uncle Hob met at one of their parties. They like to play matchmaker.”
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fanficsforfun · 1 year
Guts (re-writed)
Paring: Merle Dixon x female reader
Word count: 3,3k
Warnings: shooting, racism, violence, hard language, sexual content (cuddling, kissing, dry humping), the reader has conflicted feelings towards Merle
Summary: TWD s1e2 re-writed so that Merle doesn't get left behind; you're the one who makes sure of it
When the others went downstairs, you stayed on the roof with Merle. He seemed to be on something and you were afraid he’d get himself hurt or killed if he’d be left alone. Maybe it wasn’t too smart of you though because when it was just the two of you there, Merle tried to get you to sleep with him. What a surprise.
“Come on, sugar”, he persuaded. “It’s just ya an’ I here. Ain’t nobody will ever know.”
You had blushed and kept your gaze away, a small embarrassed smile on your lips. His behavior didn’t really bother you like it bothered everybody else, not even now when he was high, but you surely weren’t going to do anything here on a damn rooftop. And not when he wasn’t fully here anyway.
“Oh, don’t be shy, honey”, Merle kept trying but you just glanced at him, not replying.
“I’m a safe guy to be around, ya know. I’ve done military service, and I'm not a bad shot even if I say so myself. In fact, I used to be one of the bests”, he continued to show off, trying to impress you. And truth to be told, you were impressed despite everything. He was a good hunter, that much you knew for sure. He always brought back a catch and these times that was a vital skill to have.
“Wanna see? I swear I’ll pop any of ‘em walkers down there!”
“I- I don’t know if that is such a good idea”, you said carefully, not wanting to piss him off. You knew noise was like a dinner bell to them, but there were so many of them already, how much worse could it even become?
“Ah, don’t ya worry darlin’. They can’t get to us.” 
With that, Merle grabbed the rifle and got up on the edge of the roof. You followed, leaning against the railing next to him. You couldn’t help yourself, you were a bit curious. You had managed to convince yourself to believe Merle and decided not to try to stop him.
“Watch this”, he grinned and raised the gun, rested his cheek against the stock, aimed carefully and squeezed the trigger. Headshot. The walker dropped from its feet. You looked up at him in genuine impression and he flashed you a smug grin.
“How ‘bout this? I hit ten of ‘em fuckers in a row and ya’ll give me kiss?”
“Um”, you said but the look on your face was that much interested that Merle decided to interpret it as a yes. However, he managed to shoot only a few times before the others came back running.
“Hey Dixon, are you crazy??” Morales shouted to him. You flinched but Merle just laughed.
“Ya ought to be more polite to a man with a gun! Only common sense”, he stated and jumped down from the railing, taking a few steps closer to the others. You stopped leaning on the railing but didn't approach them. You were alert, because although Merle looked amused, his mood could change in an instant.
“You're wasting bullets we ain’t even got, man!” T-Dog shouted at him, sounding both shocked and angry. “And you’re bringing even more of them down on our ass!”
Merle started walking towards him and clearly was getting annoyed.
“Hey, bad enough I’ve got this taco-bender on my ass all day, now I’m gonna take orders from ya? I don't think so, that’ll be the day.”
“Merle…”, you tried, carefully walking closer to him but he simply ignored you.
“That’ll be the day?? You got something you want to tell me?” T-Dog snapped. He had got enough of Merle’s bullshit. The others tried to calm him down but he was as pissed as Merle and wasn’t listening either.
“Ya wanna know the day?” Merle asked.
“I’ll tell ya the day mr. Yo. It’s the day I take orders from a nigger!”
Oh no, you thought and were precisely right as the next thing you knew, T-Dog tried to punch Merle, only leading to Merle hitting him with the stock of his rifle. Then the scuffle started. Some new guy, a cop, tried to get in the way, but only got to make acquaintance with Merle's fist. In no time T-Dog was on the ground and Merle kicking him. Everyone tried to get him to calm down, but he didn’t give a damn. Even your desperate cry for him to stop got no reaction from him other than a quick glance. 
For a moment it really looked like Merle was going to kill T-Dog, but then he just spit on him and got up on his feet. 
“Yeah, all right! We’re gonna have ourselves a little pow-wow, huh? Talk about who’s in charge. I vote me. Anybody else? Huh? Democracy time y’all!”
The others helped T-Dog away from Merle, not responding to him. You stood apart from them, shuddering and your eyes wide open. Merle was terrifying with his pistol raised and an amused look on his face. He wasn’t like this normally. Or well, he was, but not this bad. And he clearly wasn't stopping until he got what he wanted; he kept up the pressure until all but T-Dog had put their hand up. 
That's when you noticed the policeman was on his feet and before you could make a sound, he knocked Merle to the ground with the rifle and handcuffed him on the ventilation duct or whatever it was.
“Who the hell are ya?” Merle gruffed, though the look on his face was rather indifferent.
“Officer friendly. Look here now, Merle. Things are different now. There are no niggers anymore. No dumb-as-shit, inbred white-trash fools either. Only dark meat and white meat. There’s us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart!” The cop scolded Merle.
“Screw ya, man”, came Merle’s uninterested answer.
“I can see you make a habit of missing the point.”
“Yeah? Well, screw ya twice!”
“Ought to be polite to a man with a gun. Only common sense”, the cop mocked Merle by using his own words while pressing the pistol against his temple. You gasped and took a step closer, fear in your eyes. Merle surely wasn’t the nicest guy around but he didn’t deserve to die!
“Ya wouldn’t. Yer a cop”, Merle pointed out, and you really hoped he was right.
“All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. Anybody gets in the way of that is gonna lose. I’ll give you a moment to think about that”, the cop said, but lowered his gun and patted Merle down, finding his drugs and throwing them off the roof. Merle didn’t like that too much and shouted insults at him without getting a response.
He was so angry you didn't dare approach him. Instead you went to take a look down the street like Andrea and Jacqui. The view wasn't too encouraging. The streets were full of the dead and you didn't think there was any way to get past them.
“How’s the signal?” Morals asked.
“Like Dixon’s brain. Weak”, T-Dog stated and got Merle to flip the finger to him. You couldn’t help but smile, but made sure Merle didn’t see it. He would have got really pissed off over it.
Your smile soon faded as the others tried to think of a way to get out of the city, but no one seemed very hopeful. Merle's comment about the streets being dangerous didn't help either. And when Merle tried to talk Andrea into letting him out of the handcuffs, you suddenly felt a rush of jealousy. Sure, you knew he flirted with everyone, but it still didn't feel too good. At the same time you felt rather embarrassed over your emotions. Were you really jealous over some asshole-drug addict-redneck??
“How ‘bout ya, darlin’?” Merle shifted his attention to you, his voice flirty and rather… soft.
You flinched and turned to look at him. 
“I know I didn't have time to take down ten walkers because we were so brutally interrupted”, he gave an annoyed glance towards the others, “but would ya mind helpin’ out a bit anyway?”
However, you didn’t have the time to answer as the others came up with a plan that might work, namely the sewers. Merle's attention also moved to them and for a moment he showed no interest in you. And in no time they were off the rooftop again, going to take a look at the sewers. Now it was Merle, T-Dog and you left on the rooftop. T-Dog tried to reach anyone on the walkie-talkie, but quickly became frustrated. Merle, of course, took the opportunity to make dumb-ass comments, as usual. You looked away and pretended not to hear their words.
Then Merle tried to make T-Dog to let him free. That bait didn't pull so Merle gave up. He had an easier target.
“So, honey, where were we?” Merle’s attention was undividedly yours again. “Get me out of these and I’ll make it up to ya. Huh? What do ya say?”
“I… um”, you didn’t know what to say. You kind of wanted to free him, but T-Dog was probably right about him only doing stupid things if that would happen. You had seen him acting violently before, and not just earlier that day.
“What, ya believe what he’s sayin’? I ain’t gonna kill nobody, don’t ya worry”, Merle smiled.
You shifted restlessly, glanced at T-Dog who looked at you with an expression that you'd better not agree, and then at the toolbox.
“Yeah, gimme that hacksaw, and I’ll do whatever ya want me to do”, Merle kept trying. “Come on, be kind to ol’ Merle, would ya?”
Your expression became increasingly distressed since you couldn't stand Merle's pleading, despite the playful, teasing tone of his voice. You took an uncertain step closer to the toolpack, then another.
“Yeah, that’s it girl, go on”, Merle encouraged you, but then T-Dog snarled at you: "'Don't fucking do that!”
"But..." you tried, but he wouldn't listen. Instead, he stood up and picked up a toolbox for himself so you couldn't take anything from it to Merle.
You turned your gaze to Merle with an apologetic look in your eyes and shifted restlessly again.
“I’m sorry”, you said quietly.
“Whatever”, Merle grunted and you felt bad.
Soon the others showed up again with a new plan which involved disguising themselves as walkers. It made you almost throw up but luckily you were allowed to stay on the roof with Merle and didn't have to chop up any walkers. The very thought disgusted you so much that you were merely glad you didn't have to go along. Now it was just you and him up there again.
“Fuck, did he take the toolpack with him?” Merle asked after the door was closed.
“Yeah”, you replied after a quick look around. 
“Great.” Merle looked really pissed. Then the look on his face changed. "See if the key to these damn handcuffs is around here somewhere, I'll give ya a kiss as a reward.”
You nodded, not having the guts to decline especially after how disappointed he had looked earlier, and started going through the stuff despite it feeling wrong to do so. But nothing was to be found.
"I'm sorry, Merle, it's not here."
“Fuck”, Merle cursed again, trying to pull his hand free. 
“Well”, he then breathed out. “We ain’t got much of a choice ‘ere other than to wait for ‘em to come back, huh?”
You nodded slowly.
“Let’s make some use of that time then. Come back ‘ere, hun, and sit down.”
Merle was clearly flirting with you again, and as crazy it was, you found yourself wanting to play along. He was in handcuffs, he couldn’t do anything way off, unless you’d let him. And to be real honest, he actually looked pretty damn cute there. So you sat next to him on the hot concrete rooftop.
“That’s it, good girl”, his voice came out low and raspy, and something about it made your heartbeat quicken and breathing deepen. 
His free hand settled on your thigh and he started stroking it, slowly up and down. His hand was so warm, the touch felt good, better than you had though. You felt flush rising to your face and realized you were getting aroused. Suddenly, scared by the intensity of your feelings, you wanted to move away, to stop this, but instead you leaned closer. You couldn't deny you had missed gentle touch, nor could you deny your rather questionable attraction towards him.
“Ya like that, don’t ya?” Merle kept talking and when you almost moaned as a response, he moved his hand between your thighs, rubbing you through your pants. You flinched and tensed up, before letting out a shaky breath and relaxing again. You hadn’t expected him to do that, but it felt… great. Your own hand reached down to Merle's thigh and you began stroking it in turn. You wouldn’t ever had the guts to touch him, well, there.
Merle chuckled and told you to sit on his lap. And so you did. You carefully crawled into his lap and he pulled you against him. You couldn't help but flinch again at the feeling of his already hard cock against you. You closed your eyes and breathed. Was this really happening??
“Rock yer hips, girl”, Merle commanded, and that’s exactly what you did. His free hand moved down to your butt while he kissed your neck. You took support from his shoulders and could no longer hold back your moans. Merle's soft lips teased your sensitive skin, and you clearly could feel your arousal growing. His touch felt too good but none of this was right. You had to do something.
"Merle, we can't...", you tried, but he just laughed.
"Why not? Ya sure seem to be enjoyin’ this.”
“The others, they can come back at any minute”, you explained almost hysterically. You couldn't stop this, you couldn't move away, you wanted him too badly. But you couldn’t do this, not like this anyway. 
And then the others came. You scrambled away from Merle's arms and tried to steady your breathing even though you knew you were deeply flushed and trembling, and hopefully not visibly wet. Merle almost laughed at you, but the others running like the devil was on their heels drew his attention away from you.
“Hey, what’s happening, man?” He shouted, turning to look at Morales who was the first one coming. 
No one responded.
“Hey, come on! Talk to me, y’all!” His voice suddenly became worried.
The others rushed to the edge of the roof and peered down. You followed the example, trying to find the ones who had gone out there. Then you noticed two very much alive people among the walkers, Glenn and the cop, and shuddered in terror. It wouldn’t be too nice to be down there. 
Merle had figured out the situation on his own and asked in disbelief: “That asshole’s out on the street with the handcuff keys??”
You turned to look at Merle but then T-Dog lifted out the key. Thank God, you thought but Merle didn’t look too happy. 
It had been a cloudy day, but you were still surprised by the sudden onset of rain. Although Morales assured it was just a short downpour, things started going all to hell down on the street. You walked away from the railing, you didn’t even want to see. If they’d get eaten, you’d be stuck on the roof forever. You tried to banish the thought, but it refused to leave. 
After a while you heard Glenn over the walkie-talkie telling everyone to get downstairs to the roll-up doors. Relief washed over you. They had pulled through the crazy stunt after all!
“Come on! Let’s go, let’s go!” Morales shouted.
Everyone, including you, rushed to get their belongings but then Merle's panicked voice reached you.
“Hey, you can’t leave me here! I’m not fooling, man!”
You stopped dead in your tracks while the others rushed to the door, and shouted for T-Dog to give you the key. To your surprise, he stopped and turned to look back at you two. Merle's desperate pleas almost brought you to tears and you felt a cold grip on your chest, but you extended your hand insistently towards T-Dog.
"Give me the damn key!" You almost cried but T-Dog didn’t seem to know what to do.
“We gotta go!” Morales shouted from the door before disappearing down the stairs. Now it was just Merle, you and T-Dog there. You knew that if T-Dog would decide not to give the key, there was nothing you could do. You had no gun and all he needed to do was to lock the door. That would be it.
“You can’t leave me like this, man! You can’t leave me here, not like this! Come on, man! It’s not human!” Merle’s voice became increasingly scared.
“The key, give me the fucking key!” You shouted, dropped your stuff and ran to T-Dog, who took a few steps closer and then actually gave it to you. You clenched the key in your fist and rushed back to Merle. Hands shaking, you unlocked the handcuffs. Merle immediately jumped to his feet in rage, showing no sign of fear anymore. 
"What the fuck is wrong with y'all, ya can't do that, ya fuckin' assholes!" He snarled.
You just picked up your stuff and grabbed Merle by the forearm.
"Come on, hurry up!" You rushed him and forced him to follow you down the stairs after T-Dog where he had disappeared in a flash as soon as the key had been handed over to you. You ran down the stairs together and reached the others barely in time. They had already climbed in the back of the truck when you two showed up.
“Wait, wait for us! Please!” You screamed, and thank God they did.
You quickly climbed aboard and at that very moment walkers started to appear from somewhere in large numbers. The cop pushed the pedal to the metal right away. You staggered and grabbed Merle who wrapped his arms around your waist. Fortunately, Morales rolled the door down so no one could fall out of the truck. Merle, on the other hand, turned the other way and let his rage out freely.
"Y'all are fuckin' pricks, ya can't just chain anyone up like that, leave behind without a fuckin' second thought. Just one, one fuckin' person, sacrificed a single thought for ol' Merle. Yer all idiots, I'll fuckin’ kill y'all!"
The others backed away from him if at all possible, as everyone was already packed into the front of the truck.
"Merle please, not now," you sobbed with your arms tightly around him. Merle leaned against the wall in the corner, mostly because you were clinging to him and refused to let go, and he had to somehow keep his balance.
"It was your own fault, you know. Nobody told you to be such an ass", the cop pointed out from the driver's seat.
"Who the fuck do ya think ya are?? Ya have no fuckin' right to decide anyone's fate!" Merle continued as if he hadn't heard.
“Merle, please”, you tried again, “please, stop it!”
Merle shook his head with a heavy sigh and dropped down on the floor, pulling you with him. You snuggled up against him and buried your tear-stained face against his neck. You were downright trembling and held on tightly to him.
"This ain't over", Merle grunted, but then concentrated on caressing you, not saying another word which was… unusual, to say at least.
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Dona Nobis Pacem by lawsofchaos (+ podfic)
Part 2 of Consular High Warlock Magnus Bane
"When Alec kneels before you on that dais, Magnus,” Jace keeps going, “he’s telling every person present that it is your judgement, your respect, that he places before all others. In you placing that rune on his neck, Alec is publicly proclaiming that it’s your blessing and your judgement on him and on his reign as Head that gives him the right and the authority to uphold the Covenant.”
Magnus' throat is too tight to speak, but there’s a distinct shimmer visible in his suddenly unglamoured eyes.
Oh My God Dad, You Can't Just Ask People Why They're Blue by Ellegy42
"Nothing weird ever happens when Rafe sneezes,” Max complains into Papa’s stomach when he finally gets home.
The Sandman
Right Place, Right Time by sherwoodfox
Over the centuries, Hob had dreamt plenty of dreams about his friend from the tavern. All good dreams, of course.
Very good dreams.
Usually not dreams that featured either of them wearing very much clothing.
But until the talking bird told him otherwise, he hadn't considered that those dreams might be real.
(Featuring: a live Jessamy, Hob rescuing Dream from the fishbowl, a mess to clean and a happy ending.)
The Witcher
Every Word by GoldenDaydreams
Jaskier kept his secrets close. The fewer who knew, the fewer could hurt him with the curse—it was a secret he intended on taking to the grave.
The grave might just come early.
They Came to Florence or: Plagiarize This Fic by shiphitsthefan
Author William Graham has had a book on the bestseller list for the better part of a decade. He's also a recluse—no interviews, only a rare book signing or lecture. Otherwise, no one knows much about the man beyond the words in his novels and the requisite headshot on every cover. Even the blurb printed underneath his scowling, bespectacled face, framed by a head of messy curls—
“Oh my God,” said the woman strapped to Hannibal's surgical table, “will you please just kill me already?”
Dr. Hannibal Lecter has a thriving psychiatry practice and a not-so-secret obsession; William Graham has an impressive writing career and not a single goddamn clue
DC (Batfamily)
still feel your teeth around my organs by gladioar (deargalileo)
drake isn't getting out of bed. damian doesn't know what to do. thankfully alfred and dick do.
See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey
Letting himself get cursed may not have been the smartest thing Wei Wuxian has ever done, but he'd argue that it’s completely in character. So he should earn some points for consistency, at the very least. Besides, when the spirit had been explaining it, the curse hadn't sounded too bad. Maybe a little bothersome if he underestimated how many people felt strongly about him, but surely, surely, it wouldn't be enough to hamper him in the long run.
Let it be known that Wei Wuxian is an idiot.
Because, when he emerges from the dilapidated husk of the temple, he can't see anyone
Or: Wei Wuxian gets cursed so he can’t see or feel anyone who feels strongly about him and assume this means that the people he cares about actually hate him.
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jawritter · 2 years
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Single!Jensen. Photographer!reader. Convention. Nesnej. Need more?
Are You Flirting With Me?
Pairing: Drunk!Jensen Ackles x Photograper!Reader
Word Count: 503
Warnings: Pre-Smut, Flirting, Drunk Jensen (Yes, he get’s a warning), Language
A/N: Okay, so apparently Tumblr still isn’t letting me tag people, sorry guys, but it worked out okay last night so I’m going to go ahead and post this without tags, I have emailed support, and hopefully they can work it out before TDITNR post Friday! All mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Enjoy!
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“Would you just look at the damn camera please!”
Jensen tosses his head back and laughs one of those full body laughs the fans go on and on about and fuck if you don’t see why, the man is fucking beautiful; even if he is rockstar wasted. 
“Okay, okay, how’s this?” He questioned before flashing you the perfect Blue Steel, and you roll your eyes dramatically and repress the laugh as you snap the shot, because honestly, even if you didn’t get the perfect headshot creation was looking for at this point at least the shots he was giving you were going to be eaten alive by his fanbase, as well as yourself, the man was fucking gorgeous. 
“You know, this would go a hell of a lot faster Jensen, if you would just give me a serious shot,” you chuckle as you reset your camera, and he staggers forward slightly and grabs the wall for support before taking another generous swig of his ‘apple juice’ Creaton had so graciously provided him. 
“But what if I don’t want it to go any faster,” he slurs slightly as he stalks towards you, pupils blown wide with adrenaline and lust, his whole demeanor changing on a dime and fuck if you didn’t think your panties just melted slam off of your body, and you take a another shot, finally at least getting that serious picture of him, even if he was in mid stride, it would make a hell of a story later, that is, if you live to tell the tell. “What if I want to drag this out as long as possible, and then, when it’s finally over, what if I take you back to my room and we can have a few more personal shots that you can keep for just you?”
“Are you flirting with me Ackles?” you try to tease, and he smirks a smirk that you were sure carved by the Devil himself. 
Jensen shrugs as he takes the camera from your hands, and turns it around to snap a shot of your face as you stare up at him in sheer fucking amazement that this might actually be happening, and the that you might actually be okay with it, even if it goes against everything you normally stand for. Sure, he’s single as fuck, and so are you, but one night stands where never really your thing, but this was also Jensen fucking Ackles, and there was no walking away from that, no matter how your moral compass screams at you that you might regret it later. 
“Is it really flirting though? Or is it a proposition you can’t refuse?” He questioned, and laughed again as your jaw hit the floor at his boldness, and another flash came from the camera as he snapped yet another shot. 
“Come on baby girl,” he smirked, dropping the camera onto the small table next to him before he reached for your hand, “let me take you on the ride of your life, and we can worry about regretting it later.”
He might regret it when he sobered up, but you were sure of one thing, you never would.
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patchwork-oil · 5 months
❧ "Blue Hour”
Chapter 2/?
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Pairing: Karkat/Reader (Gender Neutral) Word count: 2,386 Warnings: strong language
Summary: Turns out, you forgot Nepeta was stopping by. She’ll be able to help you sort through your feelings, though.
Author’s Note: Happy Christmas Eve I guess? What better is there to do than write fanfic lollll
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As is only reasonable, I refused to think anymore. I went completely head-empty watching some videos on my phone in the dark of my room before eventually passing out without a thought to my name. Everything should go by perfectly, I’ll forget about yesterday and today should proceed as normal.
I lay in a half-asleep stupor when something possesses me to check my phone. 11:30 AM..? How late was I up watching videos... A Pesterchum notification?
AC: :33< hey (name)! be there at 12!
AC: :33< ill make karkitten open the door if youre sl33ping in again h33h33 AC: :33< is it pawlright if aradia comes too?
Oh no.
I completely forgot Nepeta was stopping by to pick up part of her cosplay she left behind last time we held DnD here. And we’re supposed to go out to the craft store after.
With all the practice of a college student who had woken up minutes before class began way too many times, I rush out of bed and get dressed in a flash—it’s just Nepeta and Aradia, they can handle it if I accidentally wear my shirt backwards. Breakfast! Breakfast? Is there time for breakfast?
I scramble out the door and beeline it to the fridge. Yogurt will have to do. Karkat was leaning over the counter with a bowl of cereal and his phone in hand, watching me in bewilderment.
“Hm?!” WHAT. Why didn’t he start by swearing at me? What does he want? I probably responded too fast-
“-if you have the time, which, by the looks of it, maybe you don’t… No, wait, what the hell has you all flighty?”
“Um!” I shovel some yogurt into my mouth and dunk the empty container in the trash. “See, uh, in like, 10 minutes Nepeta’s coming over?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, (Name), you know we tell each other before we have guests,” he moves to pick up his bowl.
“No, no! She won’t be staying—we’re leaving right after. I would have told you yesterday if we had something planned, but really she won’t be here long so I forgot. I… also overslept, sorry.”
Karkat’s face contorts, trying to read me as if I were a sign across the room. I find myself avoiding his gaze, for some reason. He gives up, and with a sigh places the food back down.
“… Aradia too.”
“Fuckin’—The more the goddamn merrier, I guess.”
I smile in relief and wash the spoon I was using. He seems to have forgotten what he wanted to talk to me about, so that’s a plus!
“So,” Goddammit. “I just wanted to say-“
“Brush my teeth! I have to go brush my teeth. Tell me after?”
I’m in the bathroom with the door closed before I hear the end of that. Why the HELL am I freaking out so bad? I don’t even know what he wants to say! It probably isn’t about last night. There isn’t even anything to say about last night! I was just on top of him a little! Roommates can get touchy with… each other… no they don’t. Do they? I’m spitting out paste before I even realized I started brushing. I check myself in the mirror. I really could have messed up today with forgetting to tell him about Nep coming over. I owe it to him to at least listen to what he has to say. Can’t find a solution when you’re too scared to look at the problem, or something.
I pull open the handle in defeat.
“Hi Karkat!” That’s… not my voice.
“Hey Nepeta. (Name)’s in the bathroom. Yeah, Aradia, go ahead. Make this your hive.” Karkat dripped with all the sarcasm I was to blame for.
“Hi! I’m here, I'm almost ready! I just need to grab my bag and stuff.”
Karkat was holding the door open as Aradia and Nepeta filed in. I wave to them both as they talk quietly between themselves. Karkat’s iconic scowl hit me like a headshot. Yeah. He’s going to tear me to shreds when I get back.
I mouth “sorry” at him as I hurry past.
Last week, I stored Nepeta’s delicate cosplay hat in my closet when I noticed she had left it here. I suppose if I kept it out I wouldn’t have forgotten about today, but there’s nothing I can do about that now.
Her craftsmanship is gorgeous. From what I remember, Kanaya knit the base as some sort of a beanie, but Nepeta created these intricate fantasy flowers and sewn them into a sort of laurel configuration around the rim. I loved Nep’s DnD character, probably the most interesting out of the groups just by the way Nepeta role-played her, but the cosplay she brings every week just goes to show how much time and care went into creating the character as well. A druid swiftstride shifter, can’t get more Nepeta than that. 
I should probably stop gawking and get back out there.
“Eee! Thank you so much for keeping it safe!” I feel almost too guilty to smile when Nepeta takes the hat from me. She puts it on as she bounces excitedly in place, apparently down to wear it out of the house. Honestly, she should wear it everywhere with how much time it must have taken to make.
“Of course! I’m just sorry about oversleeping today. We should get going right away. Have you guys eaten?”
“No,” says Aradia, stepping out into the hallway. “When Nepeta told me you weren’t answering, we both suspected you’d be too busy rushing to get ready to eat.”
“Wow! Geez, gumshoe, give me a break.” The other two are already down the hall when Karkat grabs me by the arm.
“We are going to talk when you get back. And before you flip whatever’s left in your stupid, rotting thinkpan, I’m. Not. Mad at you.”
… Allllllright.
Kinda out of character for Karkat if I’m honest.
His eyes bore into me with some expression I couldn’t understand. Yet, despite staring down each other for what felt like the rest of the afternoon, I don’t get the chance to dumbly respond with at least an “okay” before he shuts the door. _________________
Aradia pulled us to a cafe when I said I couldn’t stop dreaming about a hot breakfast sandwich. I’m honestly just saying anything to try not to think about how serious Karkat sounded. The other two go secure a table outside while I stand waiting for our orders. The cafe is almost crowded but mostly it’s pleasant with its mild chattering. I’m just grateful to sit outside in the crisp autumn air, hopefully it will clear my head. A tray appears on the counter before me and a server calls my name.
Nepeta and I have been friends nearly since college began. We were both art majors and we just clicked too well not to stick like glue. To top it off, I adored her art style. I often tell her how adorable her art style is, but she compliments mine back just as much if not more. She majored in 2D animation and it always felt like she was much more well-rounded than me. We make it a habit to gush about each other’s art constantly, she’s more than aware of how much I admire her. I mean, she’s getting plenty more commissions than I ever had.
And Aradia was a friend that Nepeta had introduced me to when we were batting around the idea of starting a DnD session. There’s no one with better time management than Aradia, and that’s like half the battle of being a dungeon master, I’m pretty sure. Not to mention her stories are always so exciting, she really knows how to make it feel like we’re really exploring dungeons and looting ruins.
The only other players in our session are Dave and Karkat, Dave who claims to have been dragged along by Aradia and Karkat who wouldn’t shut up about it until I let him join back when we first started dorming together. Ever since him and I got that table, we’ve been using it every other Sunday to play together in person.
“(Name)? Hellooo?”
“Ah! Sorry, did you say something? I was totally in my head.” Nepeta had apparently been trying to get my attention. Maybe this is more of a ruminating week.
“Heehee! You seem like you have a bit of a full heart, lately. You were acting strange since you caught up with us back at your apartment.”
“Huh? Oh...”
“Something on your mind?” Aradia leaned in.
I guess I trust these two more than anyone…
“I… Promise it’s not a big deal. In fact I’m pretty sure I’m making a bigger deal of it than it needs to be.” The two share a look briefly. “It was just something that happened between me and Karkat yesterday.”
“Did you guys fight?” Aradia asked way too fast and with too big a smile on her face. She does love drama after all.
“No. Not really, I guess. Well, it’s weird. And you have to promise not to make fun of me because this is actually super easy to make fun of me about.”
They both start giggling, which evolves into just full laughter.
“Right, not sure why I even asked,” I laugh along with them.
“We won’t! We won’t, we’ll be so serious,” Nepeta mediates with a lingering smirk.
“Nepeta, do you, like...” I look for my words like they’re somewhere on the table with my sandwich. “When you lived with Equius, did you guys… hug?”
“Yes of course! But I also just hug people all the time.” She demonstrates by half-hugging Aradia right next to her.
“What, did you just hug Karkat for the first time?” Aradia asks incredulously, almost ignoring Nepeta at her side.
“No,” I say with almost a scolding tone. “We’ve hugged before… I think. It’s not about that. I’m sorta just trying to find a roundabout way to explain… Well, I sorta was on top of him.” 
“YOU WHAT?” They scream in unison.
“NOT LIKE THAT! It wasn’t like that! I just had my leg on his! But we were really close and for I don’t know how long—we were playing a game together!”
“Well what did he do?” One of them asks, I’m too busy burying my head in my hands.
“So when we won the level, at some point he put his arm on my back? And we still didn’t notice until we looked at each other.”
“And that’s it”
“That’s it?” Aradia presses.
“Yes ‘that’s it!’ And I’m freaking out!”
“Really, (Name). That seems pretty normal to me! You both got excited is all. Even if it is weird that Karkat gets excited at anything at all,” Aradia tries to reason, Nepeta stays focused on me.
“But I really can’t read him! Ok, but this morning is when it gets weird. I think he was trying to talk to me about it, but I’m way too scared to hear him out.”
“What is there to be scared of? You’re the only one Karkat doesn’t really scream at. He’s more at, like, 70% with you at most.”
“I’m not scared of that. I… don’t know. That’s what I’m having trouble with. I don’t even know why I’m nervous. I just don’t want anything to change between us. He’s the best roommate I’ve ever had.”
“Are you worried he may have liked you all along?” Nepeta asks very quietly, but very pointedly. I stare at her like she has the answer written on her face.
“I… think so. I guess that’s what I haven’t been able to put into words. I don’t know how I’d feel if this whole time he was only nice to me because he liked me like that. Only moved in together because…”
My heart catches in my throat, I really don’t know what I’d do…
The two share a look, this time more troubled.
“(Name)…” Aradia starts.
“I don’t think that’s happening. I mean no offense, but when Karkat likes someone, it’s very obvious. We would have seen something during our sessions at the least,” Nepeta finishes.
Oh, right. It’s no secret Nepeta had a huge crush on Karkat for a very long time. It wasn’t until maybe sophomore year that we encouraged Nepeta to tell him, all of us knowing fully well he didn’t feel the same way. It was strange, though, the way Nepeta gained a lot of confidence after he rejected her feelings. She was a completely different, happier person. They’d been friends much longer than I knew either of them, but it was only after that day that they both seemed completely honest with one another. Karkat, too, could laugh around her more and more since then. I hope I’m not reviving any bad history.
“And if I know him, I’d say he’s probably trying to clear this up as well.”
“Nepeta’s right. Everyone noticed how you started to act similar once you were dorming together. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was freaking out as much as you for the same reasons.”
I sighed as if I had been out of breath. “So there’s nothing to worry about?”
“Not at all,” Nepeta smiled and put both hands on one of mine. She looked absolutely charming with the afternoon sun on her hat and her cute cat-ear horns.
“Aw man. It would have been much more exciting if he made a move on you. Imagine how awkward next session would be.”
“I don’t think you’d like that as much as you say you would, Aradia.”
“It would enhance your characters!”
The heavy air leaves the table with our fit of laughter. I’m definitely ready to see Karkat tonight, even if he needs to cut me to ribbons.
“Thank you guys. I promise I’ll be more present for the rest of the day.”
Nepeta perks up “You better! I just got a huge commission and I want to spend all day in the craft store!”
Aradia tags along. “And I’ve been getting into woodworking, we may have to stop at a hardware store too.”
“Oh, what the hell! All I need is a new sketchbook!”
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Previous Chapter
Author's Note: I always wanted to read a fic where Aradia and the reader were friends :3
I don't know why tumblr isnt letting me do my indenting :( i love my indenting
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
Leverage Ep 11 >:3
Pre-game thoughts:
ngl the last episode was a lot of fun! got to see Nate at his breaking point, Sophie being the best (as always), ALEC AND ELIOT DUO!!!!!
also it looks like this one focuses on Parker? (at least, that’s what the blurb says 🤷🏻‍♀️) so praying for more moments for my ot3 🥰 either as duos or altogether, I do not care. just want them to have screen time 
anyway, can’t really think of anything else to add???
I mean, this is the last episode before the 2-parter finale, so I’m curious if this will touch on…..the ✨insurance company✨and that uh Crowley-looking dude (unrelated to GO!Crowley, a show I should also watch)
ooooooh a flashback 👀
Ok that was not a safe dose
is he dead?????
oooooooooh team drama 👀
lmaooooo parents (Nate/Sophie) using jury duty as a lesson
“Yeah, I know jury duty, this seems legit” <- has only gone once
OooooOOOoooooOoOooh defendant is wearing colored shades, he must be an asshole 😂
babe, please step the fuck away from the jury panel. i would not be in favor of you anyways with you standing so close wtf
oop! she knows!!! fuck they’re gonna strike her out 
ok but seriously who are those camera people???? are they even a real legal team???? the ick is strong, I hope they burn this other team to the ground
everybody giving Nate the stink eye, yesssssssssss 
(You would think, with how much I yell at this man, I hate him, but tis the opposite! Love him. He’s just an asshole, and I would never like him in person, great character <3)
Lmao he took the beer
literally before clicking play I was like “you know, I don’t think Parker and Eliot have been a duo yet” AND HERE WE GO
nO glasses guy 🫢 was a faker?! <- is not shocked
jfc Alec is good 😍
ok what you doing Parker? oh wait nvm 
Chess???? lmao you nerd
“Hmmmm how do we show an evil character is smart…..I KNOW! Chess!”
ohhhhhh big pharma ok (can’t believe it took me this long)
ugh no we’re not
oh shit bribery????
ELIOT PLAYS CHESS???? you fucking nerd 💕
lmao Parker gets a lesson in social interaction (I’m so sorry, girlie, I’d hate it too, but tbh I also befriended an older lady while at jury duty so same????)
it’s ok Parker you tried your best 🫂
“I have a peanut allergy” <- love you Alec 
Nate, I sure hope you don’t regret that honeypot plan
OHHHHHHHHH oh dear ok now the brownface comments make sense
Ok show’s age has been shown
jfc Sophie wtf please tell me this is the only episode where this happened 
“I’m very spiritual” <- 🤢 god how many times have I heard this
Jesus H Christ I can’t even look at her T^T
awwwww Sophie is helping Parker
i want Parker and the grandma to be friends. Like best friends
lmaooooooo she’s foreman now (I don’t think I spelled that right)
girlie, you sound like you’re giving the old man a job interview 😂
He won’t
Nate noooooooooo
but also shit they are treading the legality there (<- she says even tho they do this every episode)
“Do you trust your government, Ms. Vargas?” ALEC 😂😂😂😂 bringing back the old teachings of being a Jehova Witness i see
WE ARE BARELY HALFWAY?????? (Sorry just looked at the time stamp  what do you mean it’s only been 20 minutes????)
“is that a high school yearbook?” oh my god
Alec, babe, love you, but what
girlie you could say cauliflower steak
Awwwwwwwwwwww Parker has a friend 🤧🤧🤧🤧
Alec’s headshot is beautiful 
“It all checks out unless [says an example of exactly what Alec did]”
Ooooooh outsource mention 👀 
Nate there are cameras!!!!
“You know why they say, ‘Justice has a blindfold’? Because Justice is asleep” FUCKING DEAD
ok bro this isn’t jury duty anymore this is a trial???? did I miss the part where they finished jury selection 
lmaooooo he was Scottish 
Awwwwwwwww Parker 🥺 “she likes rainy days” im fucking sobbing
Ok now that’s why we were only halfway 
Hehe Alec has to actually win the trial
“You think lawyers aren’t just pretending and trying to fill in daddy’s shoes” ok, uh, wow 💔 
Eliot on another parents trip!!!
wait who is he fighting???? Oh ok
Nate, you look so fucking dumb 😂
oh ho ho! bringing up his qualifications I see 👀 why he now only doing cases in Cali 👀
Alex’s closing statement 👀 omg 🥺 yes babe 🤧 beautiful 💐 take my flowers 💐💐💐💐💐
jfc I’m nervous!!!! I know this will end happy but still!!!! So nervous 🫠
nooooo, she must not figure out 🫠
Oh dear, 
lol yesssss girlie, burn that fucking bridge!!!! BURN THE BRIDGE!!!! DIG THAT HOLE!!!!
unrelated but her jacket is super pretty
ok ok here we go. fuck I’m nervous 
why are you revealing yourself to her????? bro she could find people to get you!!!!
Final Thoughts:
this episode was so much fun!!!! we may not have gotten much of the Parker/Eliot duo but I’m still happy that they got to tag-team! Parker learning how to socialize, be a team player, and lead was just 👌👌👌👌👌👌 wonderful so proud of her T^T Alec was amazing (obviously) and fucking killed both for stalling the case and winning it <3
not as much Nate/Sophie moments besides them acting like parents to their teammates and being a well-oiled machine 😎 so I’m still satisfied! a little disappointed that there wasn’t any hint for the finale but that might just be because of the messed up order again 😔 
overall: wonderful episode, this might be my favorite of the season (tho Miracle Job still has my heart)
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