#they are really close friends ! it's interesting to see a friendship that is essentially a partnership
professorsta · 2 years
Been seeing some... wack shit in the watcher/shyan tag so just a heads up for anyone new to the fandom:
Shane and Ryan are aware of Shyan. Neither of them are comfortable with talking about it or interacting with the ship, but they are aware and don't care because the fanbase doesn't bring it up. The predominant faction of the Shyan fanbase Do Not actually think Shane and Ryan are going to break up with their wives/fiancé just to bump uglies with their dumbass friend. Those who write or create art of Shyan are doing it in the same vain as people who ship two characters who have never interacted, to further explore a dynamic not seen in "canon" and to basically smash two dolls together to kiss. If you want to talk/write/or make art of Shyan, keep it in the tags, if you hate the ship, block the tag.
The watcher fanbase tries to be a respectful, fun place to scream about our favorite three fools, but telling people to kill themselves? Over rpf is sucking the joy out of it. Sending threats to even people who just don't mind it? Is causing more attention to be drawn to the ship than just ignoring it. Shane and Ryan wouldn't thank you for causing a stir about fanfic being made about them, especially if your fighting strategy is to get people to feel ashamed enough to think that you're validated in telling them to kill themselves. How is that decent? How in your mind do you ever think Shane and Ryan wouldn't find that fucking weird as shit? More so than the people who want them to hold hands
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sokkastyles · 3 months
I've seen people try to argue that while Katara and Zuko have a close friendship, Katara could never trust him enough to be in a romantic relationship with him. And the thing about this is that I think we are really underestimating here the amount of trust Katara would have to put in Zuko to even be an ally to him, let alone a friend.
Katara's hurt is so great that there is no possibility of her having even a casual relationship with Zuko if she was not assured that he no longer believed any of the things he previously believed about her people or the other nations, and no longer would act on those beliefs. Their entire relationship is built on not only Zuko's redemption but Katara's belief in his redemption, which the show spends quite a bit of time building. The reason Katara was so angry at Zuko when he joined the gaang is because she did not trust and believe that he had changed, and she needed that convincing to even allow herself to be around him.
That's why the renewed interest in calling Zuko a colonizer to discredit zutara does not ring true. It seems to actually diminish the choices Katara made to trust Zuko, to paint Katara's trust in him as undeserved. Which actually undermines Katara's pain in a misguided attempt to "protect" her from it because then everything Katara does from the Southern Raiders onward, every moment where she confides in Zuko and expresses care towards him and fights alongside him, becomes a moment where she is actually not a person making a choice to trust Zuko. It reduces her to a victim in a relationship that she actively invested in and assumes that her forgiveness of him was either insincere or coerced.
And the problem with that is that in canon, Katara's relationship with Zuko is actually a healing one. Her forgiveness of him is essential to her finding closure for not only the pain he caused her, but the pain of the loss of her mother. That is why she explicitly chooses to forgive Zuko and not Yon Rah. The closeness she has with Zuko following this choice is a result of her decision to seek healing and accept Zuko's help, and to give him what help she can. She does not forgive because she is morally obligated to, but because she chooses to and wants to.
And this process actually began long before Katara forgave Zuko. It began in the crystal catacombs when not only did Zuko apologize to Katara, but Katara apologized to him. Because seeing Zuko as someone like her who was in pain was part of her way of finding healing for herself. That's the thing that is missing when people insist that there is forever this unbridgeable gap between them. That Katara herself sought to close that gap as part of her healing process.
That also was a large part of why she felt betrayed by him in book 3. Which means that reconciling with him was an essential part of finding closure. Katara could not just put up with Zuko. She could not be an ally or a casual friend. She had to be sure that there was mutual trust between them, and she had to feel it.
She would accept nothing less from him than mutual respect and trust. And I don't think she would accept anything less if their relationship became romantic.
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audiblehush · 2 months
Okay, so post-P1 trailer, the thing I’m MOST excited about for is Colin and Penelope’s ACTUAL friendship!
Because while Colin has always viewed Penelope as a genuine a friend, she has always had the added lense of “I’m in love with you,” and that changed the way she interacted with him.
But now, to Penelope, Colin has essentially closed the door on him ever seeing her in a romantic light, both with his end of S2 words AND their “friends” handshake in S3. “Okay,” she probably thinks, “that dream is dead but friends. I can do friends.”
But what this opportunity does is this give us Penelope functioning in this friendship as an ACTUAL friend, and not just “yes sure friends but I can’t get the heart out of eyes enough for it to be truly genuine because I’m wearing a mask so you like me” - That didn’t make her a bad person; it made her a girl with a strong crush worried about his view of her; it’s normal! But it also obviously led to her putting on airs around him, while also having him on a pedestal and not seeing him as a fully realized person.
But these “lessons” allow for them to be around one another without expectation. That scene of them giggling in the ballroom like dorks, as if no one else was around them??
Colin will begin to see Penelope as a true friend because she’ll LET him; she’ll drop her guard enough to be real instead of trying to impress him all the time. THAT is (hopefully) when Colin starts to realize his feelings: because Penelope will finally be her authentic self… while feeling more confident because of her new wardrobe. He’ll be attracted to her new confidence, and her ACTUAL personality she’s letting him finally see, not just her physical glow-up (the candle symbolism!!!!).
COLIN will now have heart eyes for her, and maybe the one to have her on a slight pedestal… only for the LW reveal to happen and shake his world… letting us see his hurt, his anger, his worry…
Once they work through all that is when these two see each other for who the other REALLY is, flaws and all, fighting to grow individually, as a friendship, as a COUPLE… and choose each other every time.
I still have my concerns about the season. I do NOT want Colin only realizing his feelings once some other guy pays her mind. I NEED him to already be struggling with and analyzing his feelings before Debling get involved. If I had to guess, it will be more than Colin is like “okay, I’m pretty sure I have feelings for Penelope, but how do i know for SURE when I’ve thought that before?” (thanks S1…) … but then Debling comes along looking for a wife, and Colin is suddenly between rock and a hard place because now he has a sort time limit to sort through really complicated feelings.
Violet says “ what more could SHE want?” mostly likely about Penelope and Debling, because Debling is wealthy, titled, and has strong interests and beliefs he is committed to (based on his promo info, anyway). This has already been an insecurity of Colin’s since S1. He’s a third son (with wealth, yes), but he has been searching for “his purpose” for ages now; it’s all over S2 how lost he is and how that frustrates him. His family tends to tolerate him at best and kind of ridicule him at worst, and so he flits by being easy-going and “charming” when he just wants to know who is and be accepted for it. So Violet says all this and Colin says “but you said friendship is the best foundation” and she tells him to follow his heart.
But that’s the problem: Colin struggles to KNOW HIS OWN HEART, and not just romantically! So I just want to know how much of his feelings for Pen has he grappled with at that point? How much exploration outside of his Pen stuff has he done regarding his own person? Because he IS a person outside his relationships, but HE doesn’t feel that way.
EDIT: Also, ALSO Yes, Colin is hyping pen up, but I want her to hype HIM up once she sees that he’s not as confident as he acts. She’s seen glimpses of that in S2, but S3 can let her be like “actually, you are AMAZING…” and without romantic intentions, just her telling her friends he has so much to offer the world.
I’m also scared Penelope will make some awful choices (Nicola hinted at this in interviews) and like, i get it we need conflict, but my poor heart can only take so much…
At the end of the day, it’s all speculation. It’s so hard to say with how trailers are cut, and I know they can’t include it all, and most people are here for the romance so that is what they would lean into… so I’m really trying to avoid doom-theorizing, or even getting attached to things I WANT to happen. We won’t know until it’s out, so I’m just trying to contain both feelings of nervousness AND excitement.
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
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friendship breakups 🎀 . ࣪˖
OKAY. so. i was best friends with this girl for 7 years and only recently i ditched her! after so so so so long i ditched her. finally. and my god i feel SO much better.
˚₊‧꒰ა friendship ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
someone that you experience a bond with.
˚₊‧꒰ა toxic friendship ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
someone who drains you and hurts you while still considering themselves a friend.
i think one of the hardest parts of this whole situation is figuring out what makes somebody toxic for you without constantly over-romanticising all the good parts.
˚₊‧꒰ა clear signs of a toxic friendship ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
♡ dreading communication with them
♡ feeling drained after interactions
♡ being insecure and fearful around them
♡ holding off on telling them big things
♡ used as a joke way too often
♡ kept in the dark as just a "backup plan"
♡ left out & overlooked.
a friend should be somebody who hypes you up and makes you laugh and rambles for ages with you and makes dumb jokes with you and makes you happy and doesn't leave you out or make you feel alienated or upset or anything like that. it took me 4 whole years to actually realise this.
now, if you find yourself in a position where you are experiencing these signs of a toxic friendship but aren't really sure what to do, this is what i did!:
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ weigh out the goods & bads
if you're currently stuck with somebody who makes you feel drained and insecure and whatever else may be making you feel as though maybe you should cut them off, it sounds a little weird but as somebody who works way better puzzling things out when doing it on paper, i made a whole pros and cons list of what this friendship brings to my life. having a physical representation of your confusing thought process around the whole situation can be very beneficial and help to put your thoughts into clarity so you can make a decision that actually helps and aligns with you and go from there.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ figure out your friendship standards
everybody always talks about having standards in romantic relationships and love and all that but i barely hear anything on standards for friendships. friendships are just as important as romantic relationships, and having standards for friendships is equally essential as it would be in a relationship if you dont want to attract scruffy, dirty, insecure people who will only drag you down. ask yourself what your ideal friend looks like; somebody who shares your interests, somebody who supports you, somebody with a similar mindset to you, similar background to you; what is it that you want in a friendship? how do you define friendship? what does that look like for you? make a list and keep it somewhere safe. refer to this when making new friends and cutting them off.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ think back on your actions
a harsh truth of life is sometimes we are the problem. something i did for way longer than i should have is spend time going back over my every word, every movement, every action to see if there was something i did wrong. now dont do what i did, but do just sit down for a little bit and think if there was anything you could have possibly done and bring it up with them to resolve it if you did. admitting your wrongs is not weak. it is the strongest thing one can do.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ get a second opinion
one thing that helped me was talking to my mum about it. me and my mum are really close so i chose her but it can be another close friend, a parent, a partner, just whatever you feel comfy with. try to put it into a hypothetical situation so that they have no prior biased views on the situation and explain to them the scenario and see what they would do and what they would say. if you have no one to do it with, then thats absolutely fine because this is completely optional and just helped me to reassure myself a bit, but you can also think of it from an outsiders perspective or if a friend was telling you that they are experiencing what you're currently going through so you can get an unbiased opinion from yourself.
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ let yourself feel how you feel
if you need to, just sit and cry for a bit. journal, write, wallow in your own sadness for a bit if thats what you need to release it from yourself. suppressing and holding all this in is way, way worse for you than letting it out could ever be. just have one night where you rot and cry and be sad about it. this releases the negative energy you've been holding onto about it and i promise you will feel so much lighter afterwards.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ demonising and romanticising
in these situations, its best to keep a neutral mindset towards them. even if its toxic, they were your friends in the first place for a reason and even if you shouldn't romanticise them dont demonise them and completely despise them either because thats not good for you or them. they are still an experience you went through in your life and are to be learnt from, nothing more. respect the good parts just as much as the bad parts.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ dealing with conflict
something i really really worried about for years when i wanted to leave my ex-best friend was the falling out and the social backlash, seeing as she's fairly popular too. but while i was expecting sooo much backlash and conflict, it turns out that if you do it the right way, nobody really cares. sure, it might attract a little attention for a while, but trust in yourself and remembering that nobody will actually care about this in a few weeks will get you through and you can move on with your life. if people can turn against you from only hearing one side of the story, they were never your people. plus, why are you stressing about validation from people you don't even like in the first place?
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ detachment
one thing that has saved me in many, many situations, including this one, is not giving a fuck. i will be making a post on detachment at some point but detachment in friendship breakups especially is so important because its easy to let your emotions get the best of you and control you and make irrational decisions in these situations. staying completely indifferent and detached and comfortable in yourself with you as your main priority has to be one of if not the most important part of this whole process.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ moving on
obviously moving on is difficult. moving on might be one of the most difficult things about the whole experience of a friendship breakup. so along with feeling the emotions and releasing them like i mentioned earlier, acknowledge that it's okay to mourn the past, even if they were bad for you. thats perfectly normal and okay. but do not let it consume you. trust in yourself and that this is for the best, and be proud of yourself for getting out of that friendship because there's so much you haven't yet learned and so many people you haven't yet met that will change your whole life in ways you can't possibly imagine right now. ♡
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ trusting yourself
trust that no matter what's going on right now you will always be able to bounce back from it. trust your judgement and that if it makes you feel this bad, you arent overreacting, you arent overemotional, you arent just sensitive and it is genuinely affecting and impacting you. everything is an experience to be learnt and grow from and this is no different. its uncomfortable and its scary but the shift to getting everything you want is often scary and uncomfortable because of how much has to change to achieve that reality. if there's one person you're always going to have no matter what, it's going to be you. you are your own best friend. trust yourself above anybody and everybody else.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ actually cutting them off
one thing i did that i feel could have ended things a lot easier is not procrastinate the process of actually cutting them off. it was a little easier for me because she was ghosting me anyway so i did the same and told her no whenever she wanted me to do something because i refuse to be a second option, but if you're not comfortable with that and can't do it in a good or polite way because of whatever circumstances you might be in then just politely tell them. plan out what you wanna say in your head, dont think about it and just tell them. it will all be for the best, i promise. being uncomfortable is a part of change. you can do this.
overall, everybody enters your life and everybody leaves your life for a reason. please don't take this personally. people are not meant to stay forever. relationships are precious and fleeting, no matter what kind, and you should treasure them, good or bad, while accepting it might not be right for you anymore. people aren't supposed to stay forever and losing friends shows that you are growing. you've got this, okay? 💞💗
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Yandere Platonic Sunny Starscout with Alicorn reader as mentor
Sure! This is a soft yandere so sorry it's not that intense. It's more just... clingy and cute? I wasn't sure how to make this dark :( I just want them happy lol.
Soft "Yandere!" Platonic! Sunny Starscout with Alicorn Mentor! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Soft yandere, Delusional yandere, Subtle manipulation, Jealousy, Dubious companionship/Consensual companionship.
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Let's be honest, Sunny needs an alicorn mentor that isn't someone like Opaline manipulating her.
So let's make this a little AU.
You'd essentially be a modern version of Celestia and Twilight with Sunny.
You teach her how she's meant to use her new Alicorn powers.
She's an interesting case for you since you've never seen an Earth Pony have Alicorn magic like her.
Not even during the centuries you've been alive.
Alicorns have always usually been born or a role given to successful unicorn students.
You don't mind her odd origin…she's still an Alicorn you feel you should look after.
Especially with someone like Opaline out there who would like to use her.
You probably were an Alicorn sealed away or something who was then found by Sunny and her friends.
You most likely help her get rid of Opaline and might even help her after.
Your new home becomes Maretime Bay with Sunny, who you take in as your student.
I imagine Sunny has all sorts of questions for you, quickly writing down every bit of information you give her.
She may even ask if you've known Twilight.
Sunny sees you as both a teacher and parental figure.
Which makes her get attached as she's been forced to mature for a long time now.
You are primarily her teacher but also help teach her friends lessons.
After all, they are the main symbols of friendship now.
You feel it's your duty to help them mature.
Sunny is embarrassed to admit you're like a parent to her at first.
She's never met an Alicorn other than Opaline and Twilight in her message.
Yet you're just so kind and attentive to her feelings.
She probably lets it slip that she sees you like a parent by accident.
Y'know how you make the mistake of calling your teacher mom? It's like that.
You excuse it and even allow her to see you like a parent.
In terms of the darker parts of her obsession, there probably aren't many.
She is extremely optimistic.
Which may make her the more delusional type of yandere.
If she felt jealous towards anyone she'd try to rationalize with herself rather than lash out.
Well, you are a teacher… Of course others need your help!
Sunny may be more of a clingy yandere rather than outright aggressive.
She believes in Unity and doesn't want to go against that.
So she just tries to force herself into what you're doing.
Be it a boring or fun task she just wants to be involved with you.
Sunny melts when you teach and parent her.
She loves all the affection you give her like hugs and learns every lesson you give.
Sunny seems like she's attached to the hip with you.
She never wants to leave you alone.
As I said before, she's more likely to be delusional than possessive.
You two were just meant to learn from each other!
No pony can ruin such a bond!
Sunny would only really sabotage you by following you closely around.
Everything you do must include her.
She won't hurt others to be close to you… but she'll be hard to get rid of.
Why would you want to anyways?
You're her parent and teacher…
Surely that must mean you do everything together, right?
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Here’s a 3am Steddie rant I think every Steddie lover (and possibly hater) should hear. I have no goal to convert anyone—just to say that the ship did not actually “come from nothing.” Here’s why:
I don’t understand how there wasn’t Steddie foresight in the writer’s room.
So they play it up in season 3 like Steve just can’t get the girl and when he does she’s not the right girl and yada yada yada—cool beans. I love his character arc with Robin, their friendship, her queerness. I love their entire bathroom interaction.
Specifically: “It’s somebody that I didn’t even talk to in school. Maybe cuz Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me, or I wouldn’t be prom king…. First of all, she’s hilarious. So funny. I feel like this summer I have laughed harder than I have laughed in a really long time. And she’s smart—way smarter than me…. She’s honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.”
Traits Robin Also Has that Eddie Shares:
Band Kid
The Witty Banter
Eddie’s personality is VERY Robin. Not perfectly so, but maddeningly close.
Another point:
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This is just the same person in different gender specific fonts, A.K.A. Steve’s “love interest” versus a guy who called him “big boy” completely unprompted and interrupted a tender moment between him and his “love interest” and complimented him for an entire scene while Steve wore his clothes.
So, really, one of them’s Steve’s love interest and the other is Nancy Wheeler /hj.
I write a lot, and as someone who both writes and consumes an abhorrent amount of media, whoever wrote this down, casted and costumed this way, and allowed for the interactions between Steve and Eddie to be as nuanced as they were (EX: the scene in which Eddie steps forward like he has more to say to Steve before he goes off and kills himself) had to have known what was going to happen. There is simply no way of not seeing it.
And if they didn’t want people shipping Steddie at the scale which they do, here’s what went wrong:
First: defaulting to Steve wanting his ex back is just plain shitty writing. It means you don’t know where to go with the character anymore, and since you’re certain he’s done all the growing he can do, he’s just gonna double back to the conflict he was in in the FIRST SEASON.
Are you serious right now, bro?
Steve’s arc as a character has been absolutely heartwarming to watch. If anything, he’d have been better off given the “I need to figure out how to be happy on my own” narrative. Throwing him back at Nancy is a cop out, a big one.
Second: Eddie. Throwing Eddie in the mix was absolutely a WILD decision, because he looks like Nancy, he banters like Robin, and GENDER IS NO LONGER A PLAUSIBLE REASON FOR AN AUDIENCE TO DENY CHEMISTRY, OR EXPLAIN IT AWAY. Not in the year of our lord 2023, no sir. Not unless you’re going to explicitly state in some way to an audience that these characters are DEFINITIVELY STRAIGHT. And with Eddie, they went as far off that course as possible.
The outcast stuff. The D&D stuff. The hatred of the system. The mysteriously living with his uncle and not his parents. THE HANKERCHIEF IN HIS BACK POCKET.
So essentially, this is what they did:
They took a beloved character, flubbed over his character arc because they weren’t sure what to do with it.
Then, they created a SECOND beloved character, made him likable, lovable, even, and relatable. Then they gave him half and half personality and looks of Steve’s last two love interests. Then they gave us scenes of them together where they showed chemistry, genuineness, and playfulness.
Then they EXPECTED that we as an audience had enough heteronormativity left as a society to say—oh, those two guys aren’t flirting with each other even a little bit because they’re two guys and obviously that doesn’t happen.
Pick a side pick a side, are your characters fucking gay or is your audience fucking blind?
Point being, I have some friends IRL who don’t really get this. They think Steve and Eddie hardly interacted enough for there to be romance at all, but I think it’s less about how much they interacted and more about the (unintentional) set up they were given by the writers.
Steve’s a truly beloved character and I don’t know on ST fan that wants to see him just end up back with Nancy Wheeler like his entire character arc was just to “get the girl” and “have six kids.” Which he already has by the way.
Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I’m not advocating for anyone to ship them, I’m just saying it’s honestly a perfectly logical conclusion to make, especially if you CARE about Steve as a character, you know? We want him to be with someone genuine, someone who challenges him to be better, to be different than he was. Nancy couldn’t handle doing that. Robin could, but they’re platonic af.
So why wouldn’t it be Eddie?
Rest in peace, by the way. You would’ve loved this text post.
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
sirius and peter's friendship is one of the most interesting and compelling relationships to me.
they are best friends. they were best friends for about 10 years. what we see of them whilst being friends is essentially sirius making fun of peter; he mocks his interest in james playing with a snitch and peter appears embarrassed. but they were still good friends. sirius still says he would have died rather than betrayed peter. which definitely isn't the 'peter was always left out by his friends and they didn't really care about him, but only kept him around to feed their egos' narrative.
but sirius is still very much an attractive and popular and talented person. whilst peter isn't. although i would argue peter was still extremely skilled and smart, he managed to become an animagus so young just like sirius and james and practically single handedly (pun intended) brought voldemort back. but even so, from what we see it does seem like sirius makes fun of peter and pushes him around. and we have rosmerta saying peter tended to follow behind james and sirius, as if he's somehow lesser. but clearly sirius (and james and remus) didn't actually think of peter like that.
what i think is that peter is very much someone who understands people and knows how to manipulate people to his favour (he'd be an excellent politician), and that is what he does during school and why outsiders seem to view peter as following the others/being made fun of by them but his friends don't actually think that, creating a sorta sympathy for him by outsiders. he knows people will judge him for being fat or being less outgoing or less academically gifted. peter, in public, doesn't say comebacks. however, alone with the other marauders, he does. in the dorm rooms, peter will make fun of them and they'll make fun of him back, all in a joking spirit. but in public, his friends will still do that, and just don't seem to notice he doesn't do it back around other people. because he wants their sympathy/pity in order to make them like him.
james and sirius easily get people to like them just by joking around qnd being their charming selves. remus gets people to like him by being nice and sweet and helpful. and peter gets people to like him through pity (we even see him attempt this with remus and sirius in poa)
now going back to sirius and peter's relationship. i honestly think they had one of the closest bonds. sirius trusted him to be the secret keeper instead. sirius said he'd rather die than betray peter. sirius remembers exactly what peter looked like in his animagus form, that he was able to tell scabbers was peter from a tiny newspaper photo.
this next part is my headcanons about them but i wanted to add it so: i see peter as being raised in a muggle environment so whilst sirius helped him with understanding the wizard world, peter taught sirius about muggles. i think peter also played a large part in helping sirius understand his sexuality- with peter's mum being a lesbian and peter himself being gay and sorta knowing more about the idea of sexuality and gender expression and everything. dyslexic peter and sirius who proofreads his essays for him even though he hates academic work. peter and sirius being partners in potions because james and remus suck at potions so much. peter and sirius coming up with the dumbest pranks that always get vetoed. peter and sirius being the bestfriends that they were <3
anyway yeah. sirius would have died for peter. that's how close they were.
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karmaspidr · 4 months
Desert Sanctuary AU pt.2
Due to how many people liked this idea, I decided to develop it further. Here are the roles for the rest of Yellow's main cast as well as the cast of the original game.
Feisty Four: Special Forces.
After the Sanctuary was established, Starlo told his friends that they would no longer be 'playing around' and that things were about to get very dangerous. He told them they were allowed to back out at any time they wished. They refused.
They are now essentially Starlo's five-star generals, in charge of training and leading new recruits. They each also have unique roles, important to the security of the Sanctuary.
Ed - He's Clover's primary bodyguard. Whenever the only human in the Underground is out in the open, Ed is almost always the one to accompany him.
Moray - They oversee the prisoners. Prisoners may include mercenaries sent to assassinate Clover, extremists, general law breakers etc. They are basically the warden and treat their prisoners fairly. However, it's been noted that those who attempted to kill Clover received slightly less food.
Ace - Head of investigations. He's the one who finds patterns in places patterns shouldn't exist. Uses his playing cards in his conspiracy boards because Clover told him about a character in a TV Show who did that and he liked the idea.
Mooch - Reconasince and Scavenging. The Dunes aren't all that plentiful in terms of natural resources. That is where Mooch's kleptomania comes in handy. She leads teams into the Greater Underground to gather materials they can't trade for and generally nobody would miss. She also steals information, using her innocent appearance and small size to get people to tell her things or find her way into their darkest closets. She sees the Lab as her greatest challenge.
Dalv: Scholar
He still lives in Snowdin and tries to avoid the conflict. This doesn't mean he's not doing his part. He, like many people on both sides, doesn't want these tensions to spiral into something everyone would regret. So he spends his time shifting through history books, diaries, personal recounts and human myths and legends to figure out exactly what happened during the Human-Monster War.
Original Game
Toriel: Caretaker of the Ruins
Her role hasn't changed from the original game. She heard about the movement and has made contact with them. However, she remains in the Ruins take act as the the first line of protection for any human that falls. After all, the Sanctuary is far from the main path.
Flowey: Observer.
When he realised that Clover wouldn't be going to the castle, he was furious. He believed that this timeline was another dud. However, he had the patience to wait, perhaps because of something Clover said under that Cherry Blossom tree. He realised that this 'Cold Civil War' was the most interesting thing to ever happen in the Underground, and has only ever Reset to save Clover from an assassin. He also believes this conflict to be the key to him getting the souls.
Sans: Royal Judge
Sans doesn't change much from the original game either. He doesn't really care about the conflict. Although, due to his promise to Toriel, he would point any human that leaves the Ruins in the direction of either Martlet or the Dunes.
Asgore had sent him to the Dunes a handful of times to 'judge' the residents. He always comes back with good things to say. He never mentioned the anger buried deep inside Clover's soul.
Papyrus: Member of the Royal Guard.
Due to rising tensions between the two sides, Undyne decided to recruit Papyrus into the Guard because of the increased need for soldiers. He's still a loveable goofball but now takes his role much more seriously. Has a close friendship with Martlet. Capable of killing Frisk depending on the route.
Undyne: Captain of the Royal Guard.
She is much more aggressive than in the original game and is the primary reason the two sides haven't made peace yet. Her anti-human views are stronger than ever she sees the Monsters in the Sanctuary as traitors and has compared them to a cult. Wants nothing more than to skewer Clover. The only thing holding her back is her dwindling respect for Asgore and Gerson's warning.
"Men like Clover can be an ally just as easily as an enemy. The key is not giving them a reason to see you as an enemy. You do NOT want to be their enemy."
Alphys: Royal Scientist.
She is not having a good time. She's under more pressure than ever, is watching Undyne slowly destroy herself and has blackmail hanging over her head. Martlet doesn't know everything in the True Lab but she has seen enough to make people ask questions. Ceroba used this knowledge to get Alphys to provide the Sanctuary with the minimal resources to sustain itself.
Mettaton: Entertainment Robot and Wild Card.
Mettaton isn't aligned with either side and is surprisingly neutral when reporting the conflict. He doesn't want humanity to be destroyed but also sees Clover and his allies as a threat to his own agendas. Has sent multiple mercenaries to collect Clover's Soul.
Muffet: Head of the Spider Colony.
Let's be clear. No one likes her, at least as an ally. Everyone knows that the moment you trust her with something she'll sell it to the enemy.
Asgore: Tired King.
Asgore is probably the only one having a worse time than Alphys. He wants this conflict to end. He doesn't want to watch his people tear each other apart. He truly believes that the Sanctuary is in the right. But he can't bring himself to surrender. There are still so many Monsters who genuinely believe in what he is doing and believe that giving in to the Sanctuary's demands would escalate the conflict further. He is too tired to give any grand speeches or to confront his mistakes properly.
After the first diplomatic meeting, he told Clover, "I should have taken back what I said that night immediately, no matter how many people cheered."
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hii! can i request being friends with benefits with pietro maximoff hcs, please??
hii!! ofc ofc!! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
pietro maximoff x f!reader
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word count. 639
warnings. mentions of sex, mdni
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perhaps you're hanging out at yours, having a small couple drinks on the couch, chatting and catching up. the tv is on, so it's all very casual and familiar (it's something you do a lot (you're good friends so this isn't uncommon for you))
probs sat quite close together, maybe your legs are tucked under you and you're sorta leaning into him, there's distance between for it to not cross a line, but he's also sat similar, so you're kinda close
he'd watch you intensely as you spoke, his cheeks warm and flush from the beer, his eyes low as they flick over your face. he'd focus on you with undivided attention, purely interested in you. maybe you're looking at him the same, so he takes that as an invitation. slowly leaning in to kiss you when you mirror his movement. neither of you would pull away, and it would progress quite quickly
a kiss would turn into a makeout, and that would turn into a heavy makeout with petting. petting would turn into tugging on clothes, and that would turn into undressing. neither of you would question or hesitate, like it was something you both wanted (for a while) it would also feel natural like it was how it was supposed to be between you. your brain would be pretty empty, and you wouldn't really be thinking, except a random thought of making a mistake, or how it might ruin your friendship
but he'd be all over you, so that thought would be quickly disregarded. you'd end up fucking on the couch, and it would be amazing (he'd probs make you cum harder than anyone else has)
maybe after, there's a little awkward silence like you were both questioning if that was a mistake or if you crossed a line. maybe he goes home shortly after, and you probs feel sick like you just ruined things (he feels the same way)
when he gets back home, he has a shower, collects his thoughts and messages you. saying how he doesn't regret what happened and how he hopes you feel the same as him (reassuring you essentially) you respond back, agreeing, saying how you had a good time, and liked what happened, also telling him to keep it a secret
maybe a couple days later, he messages you, asking to hang out at his. you say yes and end up having sex again. this time in his bed and more passionate than before (rather than a quick bang on the sofa) afterwards, the vibe would be different than the first. you talk, maybe cuddle for a bit, maybe watch something - no one is in a rush to leave after. maybe order something to eat
every few days, you'd meet up, and try out different things. each 'session' would vary, sometimes a little rough, others a little softer, maybe a couple kinks thrown in
you'd both only be able to have this arrangement for so long before things start to get complicated. maybe you each develop romantic feelings for one another, but scared to say bc you think the other only wants sex
it might cause a rift, and you'd meet up less and less before one of you says something. maybe that angry love confession (bc that makes me weak)
maybe he says he doesn't want to do this (just sex) anymore and that he can't go back to what it was like before, and wants something else. you tell him how you want more, and how you want to be with him. there would be lots of relief, like the daunting question had been weighing heavy on each of you
maybe he suggests a date, like a trial run to see if things would work well. you say yes, and arrange one for the following day <33
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
pietro taglist: @astermath @thewinterv @earth-elemental18 @lunnnix @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @randomawesomeperson102 @queerponcho @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor @mrsbarnesxxx @honestly-who-even-is-this @simplyreflected @apxtowiris
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monsterfuker3000 · 9 months
I Crave Your Taste ⋆⭒˚。⋆
HEY so like uhhhh it’s been a while bc I’ve been being an absolute girl queen pussy BOSS and I’m essentially running my golf course alone like 60 hours a week so I haven’t had much free time 🥲 ANYWAY I present to you uhhh this!
CW: reader is hit on by a creep, punching, brief mention of blood, dom!ish?reader, sub!ish?Leon, fem reader, mf uhhh yearning, pining, uhh some longing and desiring, a little languishing (Leon is stupid,) p in v sex, unprotected sex (DO NOT DO THAT,) Leon uses every pet name in the book but that’s cuz he loves you, man I can’t think of anything else I’m writing this on the clock. If I missed anything let me know pls my angels mwah!
Word count: 2,145 words of Leon drowning in misunderstanding trope
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“Oh my God, are you fucking jealous?”
Fuck that guy. Leon couldn’t stand him. The way he pawed at you, the way he stared at you like you were something to fucking eat. He swears he could kill the bastard. He gripped the glass in his hand hard, wondering absentmindedly if he might break it but not able to bring himself to care. Why did you have to come to this bar with that guy? Why didn’t you want to go with him?
You’d told him you were going on a date this morning in the break room of the station when the two of you ran into each other in search of coffee. He faltered, almost dropping his coffee cup, but he knew he had no right to say anything. The two of you were best friends and had hooked up a handful of times, but it was never more serious than that, not that Leon didn’t want it to be. He loved you desperately, he had from the very beginning, but how could he tell you that? You were perfect, beautiful in every way and he knew he was lucky to even have this small part of you. There was no way he was messing that up by spilling his guts for you and potentially driving you away, so beyond your close friendship, he kept you at arm’s length.
That’s precisely why you were going on this date. You didn’t like the guy all that much, but you were head over heels for Leon and he certainly didn’t seem to feel the same way, so the other man was a convenient distraction. Every time you tried for some intimacy that wasn’t sexual, Leon would seem to lose interest. He wouldn’t hold you after sex the way that you liked. It’s not that he would skip aftercare altogether; he’d get you cleaned up and situated to the best of his ability, but he’d either leave your apartment right after or wouldn’t touch you.
It’s not that he didn’t want to hold you after sex. God, he’d give anything. But he knew that the second he had you in his arms in any way that was that tender, he wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut or his heart steady. He wasn’t risking that.
The two of you were at an impasse, and that’s what landed you at this bar at 10 o’clock on a Friday. The guy you were on a date with was okay, what was his name? James? Jake? Whatever. He was impossibly boring and a little gross, so you didn’t feel the need to memorize his name since you didn’t think you’d be seeing him again. He was also wildly drunk and had his arm around you, squeezing you a little tighter than you thought was necessary, but the date seemed to be winding to a close, so you figured you’d have your personal space back shortly. You paid your tab (there was no way you were letting this guy spend any money on you,) and turned to your date to say goodbye.
“Well,” what was his name? Better just skip it. “I had a lot of fun, but I think I’m going to head out. I’ll call you, okay?” You absolutely would not call him. He stood, swaying a bit.
“Come on, little lady,” he leered at you. “Don’t you want to come back to my place?” Fuck no, you didn’t, but you tried to stay polite.
“No thank you, but I’ll talk to you later, okay?” You turned again to leave but he grabbed your arm, pulling you in close to whisper in your ear.
“You really think you get to just leave now?” Your blood ran cold. No fucking way. You tried to wrench your arm away but he held fast. “Don’t fight me on this, kitten, you know you owe me.” He leaned in even closer to flick his tongue against your earlobe, nearly making you gag. Then he was gone. What?
He lay on the ground in front of you now, hands covering a bloody nose someone had delivered him. Who? Your eyes shot up and locked on Leon’s, a soft expression on his face as he looked at you despite his bloodied knuckles. When did he get here? Leon turned away from you to look back down at the man, his expression changing to icy in an instant.
“If you ever touch her again, I swear to God I’ll kill you with my bare hands,” he spat. The man scrambled to his feet and darted through the crowd that had started to form, rushing through the front entrance of the bar full tilt. Leon looked back at you. “My car, now,” he snapped, holding his hand out for you but giving you the choice to take it or not. You did.
He helped you into the passenger seat of his Jeep, closing the door behind you before getting in the driver’s seat himself. “I’m taking you to my place,” he told you, leaving little room for argument. You nodded.
The ride back to his apartment was quiet, both of you not saying anything from when you climbed into his car to when you plopped down on a chair in his tiny kitchen. You watched him cross his kitchen to the little sink, wetting a rag to dab at his now scabbed-over knuckles. He winced, and you stood from the kitchen chair to take the rag from him and help him.
He stayed silent and let you wipe away the blood. Two knuckles had split but not badly enough to need stitches, which you told him. He thanked you as you used a paper towel to dry off his hands. You hadn’t looked him in the eyes once during the entire process, and hoped he didn’t notice. He did.
“Why?” He asked you. You knew what he meant, but pretended you didn’t.
“Why what?”
“Why him? Why not me?”
You sighed. He knew damn well why, which you told him. He shot back that he definitely did not. You relented.
“Because,” you mumbled, “I want something that you won’t give me. I figured I wouldn’t find it in him, but I’m not going to get it from you, either.”
He was still confused. What in the world were you talking about? You saw him tilt his head to the side, his brows furrowed. You sighed.
“I love you, Leon, I have for a long time. I know you don’t love me back and I understand that, I’m okay with it, that’s why I’m looking for it elsewhere.”
“What?” He asked, eyes wide. You were frustrated now.
“I love you! I love you, okay?” You threw your hands up, tossing the bloody rag in the sink. “How many different ways do you want me to tell you, Lee? I’m fucking tired of-“
“Oh my God,” he cut you off. You were annoyed before, but now you were pissed.
“‘Oh my God,’ what, Leon? What, are you disgusted or something? Jesus Christ-“
He cut you off again, this time not by speaking over you but by pressing his lips to yours. Huh? He pulled away, your eyes still wide.
“I love you too.”
He loves you too. He loves you too. Holy shit. You grab the sides of his face and pull him in for another kiss, taking him by surprise. He let his hands fall naturally at your waist, trying to seem nonchalant, but he fisted desperately at your shirt and moaned high in his throat when you sunk your teeth into his bottom lip. He pulled away, eyes lingering on the string of spit connecting your mouths before he ducked his head to place wet, needy kisses to your throat.
“Please, honey,” he begged between kisses, his hands wandering. “Please let me touch you. Promise I’ll make you feel so good, please.” You pulled him away from you by his hair, and he whined pathetically.
“You want to touch me?” You asked, one eyebrow raised. He nodded. “Get on your knees and beg.”
You expected him to protest, but he didn’t miss a beat. He knelt down in front of you lightning-quick, hands on your thighs and the most desperate look in his eyes you’d ever seen. Perfect.
“Baby, please, I’ll give anything, I’ll do anything, just please let me touch you, let me taste you, I’m desperate, honey,” he pleaded.
“Bedroom,” you ordered, and once again he obeyed. He stood and slung you partway over his shoulder, making you laugh before making the short trip to his bedroom and throwing you down on the bed. He did nothing else, though, seemingly waiting for more instructions. You obliged. “Undress me.”
He nodded once and began to undress you, starting slow but getting sloppier and more desperate as he struggled with the button on your jeans. You took pity on him and undid the button and the zipper, allowing him to pull your jeans and panties off in one motion and throw them to the floor without any further interference. He reached to dip his fingers into your pussy but you grabbed his wrist, making him whine.
“So quiet until now, what happened?” You teased. He whined again.
“Wanna touch you, please,” he begged. You shook your head.
“I’m completely naked and you’re fully dressed. Do you really think that’s fair, Lee?” You questioned. He shook his head. “Undress yourself then.”
He began to take his own clothes off, somehow more desperate that he’d been when he’d undressed you. You managed to stifle a laugh when you heard the tear of fabric, wondering what he’d just put a hole through in his rush. You slid off the bed and stood when he finished, pushing him to lie down instead before climbing on top of him, straddling him just below his cock. He whined, reaching out for you. Part of you wanted to deny him, to punish him for all he’d put you through these past few months, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You relented, allowing him to grab at your waist and lift you up as you used your hand to line his cock up with your entrance before he pushed you back down, sheathing himself completely.
He threw his head back into the pillows beneath him, golden hair strewn everywhere and sticking a bit to his already sweaty forehead. His teeth were gritted, pretty blue eyes pricking with tears as he squeezed them shut, fingers digging into your hips. He cried out in a way that could have been pathetic if you didn’t love it so much.
You gave him a moment to regain his composure as you sat atop him, but the second his heavy panting began to even out, you lifted your hips and slammed them back down, causing him to cry out again.
“Fuck, baby, feels so good,” he moaned, lifting his hips to meet you in the middle of every thrust. As the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room, he circled your clit with one thumb, trying desperately to keep up some semblance of a rhythm.
You ground against him with every thrust and were worked up enough physically and emotionally to know you weren’t going to last long.
“Lee, Lee I’m gonna cum,” you panted.
“Oh, honey, please cum on me, I wanna feel you squeeze me, feels so fucking good,” he rambled, his hips stuttering a bit. He was close too.
The circles around your clit became more sloppier and more desperate. Leon was trying like hell to get you to cum before him because he knew he wasn’t going to last.
“Come on, my pretty girl, cum for me, yeah? Please, please cum, I want it so bad, sweet thing,” he whined. A particularly sharp thrust finally sent you over the edge.
The rhythmic clenching of your pussy around him sent him over as well; he soon followed you, spilling into you with a cry. You rode him through both of your orgasms, finally lifting yourself off him when the aftershocks died down. He whined at the overstimulation and the feeling of his own cum dripping out of you onto his stomach. You laid next to him with a huff, your legs exhausted.
For the very first time, Leon pulled you into his arms and squeezed you tightly as you lay beside him, one hand rubbing your back gently. You pressed your forehead to his chest, allowing yourself to enjoy the genuine intimacy he was finally affording you, but the feeling was cut short by another more unpleasant one that made you grimace.
“Lee, I gotta get up. Your cum is oozing out onto the sheets.
“Stay here for just a few more minutes, sweet girl,” he replied sleepily. “I’ll help you change the sheets later.”
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Yandere Robb Stark trying to get your attention Includes:
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He'd wait for the right moment to claim his soon-to-be darling. He'd make sure to be extra observant and keep his plans hidden, but he'd also drop hints to you to let you know he's got his eye on you. He'd try to get close to you, earn your trust, and make you think he's only after friendship. But deep down, he'd be plotting his every move to make you his.
He feels the best way to get your attention is to be overly possessive and obsessive. Starting by following you around, secretly monitoring your activities, and always being in the vicinity. Makes sure to also shower you with compliments to make you feel important, but also use guilt and manipulation to keep you around and under his control. He'll also use subtle threats or even physical violence if necessary to maintain control over you. Lastly, feels it's important to isolate you from friends and family to prevent any outside interference.
He would also go to great lengths to protect his darling from any perceived threats. He would use his power and influence to eliminate or prevent anyone who stands in the way of his darling and him, whether it’s a rival love interest or a family member that he sees as a threat. He would also use technology such as tracking devices and hidden cameras to monitor your activities and be sure that you are always safe and protected. In short, as a yandere, he would use any means necessary to ensure that his darling is his and his alone.
As a yandere, he would work to get his darling’s attention by playing mind games and using psychological manipulation. He would use his knowledge and understanding of your personality to find ways to make you feel special and would use subtle hints and gestures to let you know that you are being watched. He'll keep you busy and around him so that you would not be distracted and so that he could be your only source of comfort and understanding. All of this would be done in the hope of making you dependent on him and only him.
He would also be jealous and possessive of you and would actively try to prevent you from forming relationships with others. He would do everything possible to keep the attention and affection of his sweetheart for himself and would not tolerate any rival or interference in his plans. In some cases, as part of his tactics, he would resort to drastic measures, such as harming or even murdering anyone who stood in the way of you and him being together. Ultimately, his aim as a yandere is to isolate you from the rest of the world and to make you reliant solely on him.
He would also make sure to pay close attention to his darling’s interests and hobbies and would find ways to incorporate you into his plans. For example, if you were really into music, he could pretend to be interested in the same bands or artists, and then use that as an excuse to spend more time with you. He would also use the things that he knows about you to create romantic gestures that are tailored specifically to you. For example, if he knew that you love roses, he would give you a bunch of rose petals as a sign of his affection.
Additionally, as a yandere, he might try to sabotage any potential romantic ties that you have with other people. This could involve spreading rumors and lies about rivals or playing up his own strengths and advantages to you in order to make him seem more appealing than the competition. He might also try to create an illusion of danger or vulnerability, making you think that you need his protection and support. Essentially, he would do anything to make you feel like you need him, and only him, in your life.
He would also likely suffer from obsessions, fixations, and even psychosis. He would be so consumed by his love and adoration for his darling that he would be unaware of or disregard any negative consequences of his behavior. It is possible that he would start seeing himself as the only one who understands and appreciates his beloved, and he might even start to believe that you are meant to be together and that your love is fate or destiny. This could lead to delusions and paranoia, where he sees anyone else who tries to get close to his special person as a threat that must be eliminated.
He might also behave in a controlling and manipulative manner towards you. He would try to dictate your activities and decisions and would not allow you to make choices for yourself, believing that he knows what is best for you. He might use guilt, threats, and manipulation techniques to get his way and would keep a close eye on your activities and movements. He would also try to ensure that his darling remains dependent on him and does not try to gain independence or control over your own life.
He would approach the situation in a roundabout and manipulative manner. He would first observe his crush for a while to understand your interests and preferences and then try to find an opportunity to interact with you. He might engineer a situation in which you would meet by "chance" or arrange some reason for being in the same place. Once he had gathered enough information about you, he would try to manipulate circumstances to create a situation where he could spend time alone with you and get to know you better. He might also try to create a sense of tension and chemistry between you both.
He might ask you out in a way that is both subtle and yet also makes it clear that he is interested in you. He might try something like leaving a note with cryptic writing or giving you a gift that has a hidden meaning. He might also try to engineer situations in which you and him are alone together to create an intimate setting. He'll want to start more conversations and try to get to know you better in the hope that you will fall in love with him and want to be with him.
If you were to say no to him, he might feel upset and frustrated as a yandere. He would probably try to convince you that you should say yes and might use various emotional manipulation tactics to try to get you to change your mind. If you still refuse, he might become angry and jealous and would try to find ways to punish you or force you to change your answer. In some cases, as part of his yandere tendencies, he might even resort to violent behavior in order to get his way.
If you did agree to go on a date with him as a yandere, he would want to plan something special and unique. He would take into account your interests and preferences and would choose an activity or location that you would find exciting and surprising. For example, if his darling loved music, he might arrange for a private concert or live music session. If his darling loved nature, he might plan a romantic picnic in a beautiful natural location. The goal of the date would be to show you that you are special and that he cares about you deeply.
Once on a date with you, he would want the date to be the perfect opportunity to show you how much he cares about you. He would shower you with attention and affection and would try to make you feel special and important. Of course, as a yandere, he would also be jealous and suspicious of anyone who came near his darling and would try to keep you away from other potential rivals. He might even try to monopolize your time and attention and would be quick to point out if you gave someone else the slightest bit of attention or admiration.
He'll also try to find out more about his darling during the date. He would want to know your deepest secrets, your thoughts and feelings, and your desires. He would use this knowledge to learn more about you and how you think, which he could then use to manipulate and control you in the future. He might also try to steer the conversation towards topics that he knows you're passionate about and would ask leading questions to get you to reveal more about yourself.
He would also try to manipulate and control you on the date and would not want to give you any opportunity to make your own decisions or go your own way. He would try to make you feel dependent on him and would try to make you think that you need him in order to be happy. He would also try to control the date itself, deciding where to go and what to do. He'll want to manipulate the date so that you end up agreeing to his proposal without even realizing it.
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rosypenguins · 2 months
My last post didn’t do my thoughts justice. I have more to say regarding this.
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First, I have to talk about this boy’s insecurities. Because my god does he have them. His egotistical and cocky attitude? It’s all a front.
Because whenever we see him brag about himself, it’s usually either about his money, his possessions, or his achievements. He never brags about his own qualities. Likely because he doesn’t view himself as anything worthwhile.
It is also confirmed Drew has issues at home, and just based on his controlling attitude and his atrocious comforting skills (“Whoever recorded you did you a favor.” DREW NO-) I believe his parents are either absent entirely or neglectful as hell. (They probably shoved a credit card in his face every time he cried.)
Anyways, this is all to say that Drew doesn’t really find happiness in himself or his family. So who does he turn to for emotional stability? His friends.
And when TMF started, Drew was at his high point. He was confident in his friendships, and had a sense of security, which is why he had the motivation to dress nicely. He felt good, so he wanted to look good.
But in episode five, his outfit changes. And the first thing we see him do is talk about how Zoey’s been acting odd. And only a minute or so later, he accuses Jake of preferring the company of others over him.
This interaction immediately shows Drew’s growing insecurities regarding his relationships, and as mentioned previously, without these relationships, he essentially has nothing. When Drew’s relationships feel unstable, he feels unstable. And he loses that motivation to put himself together, instead opting for something he can feel comfortable in.
As the series progresses, we don’t see too much of Drew and Zoey’s relationship, but it doesn’t exactly seem like it’s functioning well. Zoey seems more interested in spending time with Lia, and anytime Drew’s with them, he seems bored out of his mind.
I also believe Drew knows he’ll never be as close to Henry and Liam as they are to each other. Even though they’re all friends, we mostly see Liam and Henry stick to one another, and I’d imagine it’d leave Drew feeling almost like a third wheel. Especially knowing Liam and Henry went to middle school together, while Drew didn’t. (Due to the fact Henry didn’t recognize Hailey in the comic episode, meaning he didn’t go to middle school with her, and by extension, Drew.)
The relationship that seems to mean the most to Drew is his and Jake’s. Jake’s his best friend. Jake’s the one he sits next to in class. The one he whispers to and gossips with. The one he partners with for assignments. The one he’s the most protective of. It’s obvious that this relationship is the one that means the most to him. The one that gives him the most security. And from this point onwards, we see this relationship crumble. Jake continues to avoid him, and the more possessive Drew becomes, the further it pushes Jake away.
And I find it interesting how Drew is almost unable to fathom Jake leaving him for someone else. Specifically, for someone they both bullied. Instead of questioning Jake, or even himself, he villainizes the Music Club. He doesn’t want to believe Jake would leave on his own, and instead comes to the conclusion Jake is being manipulated. Until, of course, Jake accuses him of the recording and fails to apologize even AFTER finding out Drew was innocent. (Jake why?)
And after everything, Drew breaks things off with Zoey, and cuts Jake out of his life. Two people he thought he could trust, gone.
TLDR: Drew is co-dependent on his friends and his clothing reflects how slowly but surely, both his relationships and his own mental state crumble, until he’s left with nothing.
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enderpearlll · 2 years
Yandere!Kevin Headcanons.
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Needed a break from writing Bob. Pretend Kevin isn’t dating Streber in for the sake of the story, please. Sorry if this is too OOC, based it off of the song “Go-Getter Greg” by Ludo.
Gender-Neutral reader.
TW/CW: Yandere content, harsh language, stalking, harassment, creepy behaviour, etc…
• Kevin was a friendly guy at first, rather awkward and off standish. It was oddly charming in a way. When you first started working at the Candy Club he was more than eager to show you the ropes. The place was always short staffed so Kevin was overjoyed to have a new coworker that was reliable.
• The two of you clicked quickly, seeing as you two were the only competent employees there. Now, you liked Kevin but you weren’t willing to take the friendship out of work just yet. But Kevin couldn’t help but fall for the cute new employee. You were just so amazing and he felt the need to impress you, to get to know you better.
• Now Kevin is usually an uptight cynical guy that had no patience for bullshit, but around you he just becomes the most mushiest, soft, and attention seeking guy. You just have an effect on him that he doesn’t understand. It’s like Cupid shot him in the head twenty times over and over. Kevin is the most lovesick fuck around you and it’s sort of terrifying because everyone can tell he has a crush on you.
• He always helps you out around the shop and will let you take longer breaks than him. Kevin is a fucking simp. He is glad to do anything for you if it means you’ll give him attention. Are you struggling with restocking the shelves? Don’t worry, he can handle it! Gotta clean out the back? It’s okay, he can do it by himself! Kevin will happily sacrifice his own time for you.
• You feel bad, but he is really, REALLY persistent. You’re essentially getting paid to sit on your ass all day while Kevin does your job for you. It’s sort of creepy in a way… You try to tell him that it’s okay but he’s stubborn. Weirdly stubborn. Kevin does it to impress you, can’t you see that?
• He is an anxious person, so it’s only natural for him to worry about you 24/7, it’s normal behaviour for him. So he starts to follow you home. It’s just to make sure you make it there safely, honest! Oh, sometimes he’ll bump into around town when you’re both off of work, what a coincidence! Or you’ll even cross paths at one of your favourite cafes, and wow, he can’t believe that you both like the same drink!
• Kevin usually butts into any conversation you have with other coworkers, and will often pull you away with an excuse. Even if you’re having a friendly conversation with a customer Kevin will always interrupt or intimidate the customer. Especially if they’re a guy. “You’re holding up the line. Hurry up already. ” “… There’s no one here, dude.”
• Kevin is secretly a nerd and is into a lot of movie franchises and comic book series, so if you even mention or reference one of them he is on your case immediately. He can’t believe his crush likes the same stuff as him, it’s unbelievable! But if you have any other interests that Kevin doesn’t know about, he will pour hours of dedicated research into it. Then when he brings up random facts and what not, you’ll definitely want to talk to him more!
• Kevin blushes at just the tiniest amount of physical contact with you, it’s unbelievable. You could reach over to grab something from him and your skin will barely hover over his and he will explode internally. He stutters and stumbles over his words when you get remotely close to him, especially if you have a huge height difference.
• Kevin is definitely one of those people that dress to impress, so he always makes sure to look his best around you. He feels embarrassed if there’s even a string out of place on his uniform, since he wants you to see him at his absolute best. If you compliment him, Kevin will literally melt.
• Kevin is always trying to invite you to do stuff outside of work, but you had other friends and what not so it was always a no. He feels defeated at times but that doesn’t mean he’ll give up, no way. You think it’s scary, since he does it almost everyday.
“S—so, um, d—did you want to go watch a movie tonight?” “Um… Not tonight, Kevin.” Your friends also think this is creepy behaviour.
• Hell, your stuff even goes missing at work because of him! You’ve lost more lip balms than you could count, you lost your wallet, gloves and hats go missing, and you even lost your favourite hoodie! You quickly begin to suspect Kevin, but when you ask he vehemently denies it. He’s a horrible liar, by the way, if you didn’t notice. Kevin feels horrible, but it’s so wonderful to have your stuff for his own.
• Now, one can’t see all of this and not pick up on the ungodly obsession he has with you. Especially if you’re the target of said obsession. You slowly start to avoid Kevin when you can help it, and you begin to distance yourself from him. Your friends constantly beg you to quit but your budget was tight at the moment and you couldn’t exactly find another job immediately.
• So you tried to make excuses for Kevin, desperately trying to delude yourself into believing that he was a good guy. It wasn’t until you witnessed him dig through your jacket that you finally snapped under the pressure. You felt like you were going to puke. You quickly gather your stuff and leave, ready to call your boss in the morning to report everything that was going on. You were done.
• Kevin quickly notices you approach and is mortified. You pull your jacket on silently, before leaving the store without a goodbye. He quickly followed you out like a lost puppy, pelting you with a million apologies. You’re trying to stay rational, but dear god you wanted to punt him. This is also when you begin to notice that he was the one following you around, and when he tries to lay a hand on you that’s when you snap.
• “You’re a fucking creep, Kevin! You better knock it off before I call the police on you!” You screamed, pure anger in your voice. Kevin is frozen in his tracks, disbelief evident on his face. No, this couldn’t be… “No, wait! I can explain, please!” Kevin cried, falling to his knees and clutching onto the fabric of your pants. “I love you so much it hurts, please!” He rasped, tears welling in his eyes.
• “What the—?! Get off me, you sicko! I hate you!” And with those three words, Kevin’s world came crashing down around him. You… Hated him? After all he’s done for you? You kicked him off of you and ran down the street, leaving Kevin behind with a broken heart.
• No, no, no, no, no— This couldn’t be happening! He needed you to live, without you he was nothing, he’s never felt more alive when he was with you. Kevin needed to do something to win you back, and quick. Before he loses you forever. He doesn’t care if he loses his job, he doesn’t care if he gets in trouble with the police, all he needs is you.
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jaxinvasion · 2 months
Hey Jax do you think June and Dave would have a friendship fallout after SBURB?
hey hermit!! sure is surprise to see you here!!
to put it simply, i don't think so. i'd be surprised if that happened given how close the two are, haha. but! im interested in hearing where the thought comes from… tell me more!
for now, i guess i’ll give my general thoughts on pepsicola under the cut.
if you know me i probably seem like the #1 pepsicola hater but its not really true. im just an unfortunate victim of missing their romantic moments and letting fanon pepsicola take its place in my brain. and god. do i hate fanon.
see, my problem with fanon pepsicola, in addition to essentially being the proto-davekat as well as yaoi (if no june), is that it really throws a wrench in the two parties’ dynamic. like, i remember hitting up a friend one day and being like. “DUDE. I JUST REALIZED. PEPSICOLA WORKS IF. THEIR DYNAMIC DOESNT CHANGE.” to which he responded with “you thought it changed??”
fanon pepsicola in my eyes is far too romantic. (it also has a problem of being a little too focused on dave’s perspective. which i dislike. cuz that’s all everyone does- focus on the strider perspective.) and i dont want to rant too much about how june is so aro or ace or gray or etc in my head but like all june ships it plays a huge factor. (maybe i could make a post about it if anybody is interested?)
i don’t have much to say on dave’s perspective, so i’ll focus on june’s. i feel like while she wouldnt be AVERSE to a relationship with dave, it would just catch her way off guard. but she’d be down!! but once they enter a relationship, i can see things changing. remember the exchange between jane and jake along the lines of the following?
GG: Who CARES anymore. Go have some babies!!
GT: Woah!! Jane the decision to sire children with ones best bro is not to be taken lightly.
i feel like this is how june would approach a relationship with dave. she’d take it way too seriously and overthink it! i can see her doing both and kinda making things awkward? it’d change their relationship and i don’t think dave would rock with it ngl. he could deal with it for a little, but eventually i think he’d break it off. so sad!
…but i dont like to think that’d be the end of it. june and dave are super close, and i’d be surprised if they stopped being friends. ideally? they’d actually talk it out. it’d be a really tough thing for june to actually acknowledge her emotions and how she treats her friends, but it’d help a lot.
annd… yeah those are my thoughts on pepsicola. im a lot more fond of it as m/f, but that’s just cuz i dislike men. thanks again for your ask, hermit!!!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
I’m literally sitting here with a rainstorm raging around me thinking about every single relationship (of any type) of Eddie’s that we’ve been shown. And I hope this makes sense after my app deleted what I had previously written for this meta!
Nearly every single one of them has been easy for him - except for a few, those with Buck, his father, Taylor and Josh (and arguably Ana which is a whole other interesting conversation point that I'll get to!) I'm not going to go into the Buck and Eddie relationship and its lack of ease - its a whole post on its own and I want to focus on the other aspects of Eddies journey through these other relationships he has.
Because he easily befriends Hen and Chim, there’s an easy relationship that develops with Bobby, and even with Athena. We’ve seen an easy friendship between him and Karen, easy friendships grow with the people at dispatch (lindaand May espeically). We saw an easy friendship with Michael (and David) and then at the firehouse with Lena, with Ravi and with Lucy (the two minutes of it we saw!)
He has a good realtionship with Abeula nad with Pepa - they're his family yes, but the show takes the time to show us that their relationships are close and good ones.
He even makes friends with the woman Pepa sets him up with (even if they have no further contact beyond that awkward date it was still friendly and reads like they could’ve pursued a friendship if they had wanted to beyond that meeting) even Marisol is easy and requires very little effort or energy on his part.
Even with Shannon - there might be a bit of suspicion initally, but he falls back into bed with her pretty easily, and then back into some form of a relationship with her. He re-finds that magic and it’s pretty easy for him, even if what we see heavily implies its all surface level and sex.
And now we have Tommy and this easy friendship that just clicks, but more on that a bit later.
If we look at the difficult or more complicated relationships he has, well they tell their own story and the subtext is delicious.
Let's start with Ramon. It not an easy relationship and Eddie feels a lot of resentment towards him. There are a million heart metaphors in play around this relationship and the moment we see it being repaired and beginning to heal is telling. Eddie has spent his entire journey through fatherhood scared of ending up the same type of father as his own and the moment he recognises and accepts that he isn't following the same path and that he doesn't have to/wont in the future, is the moment we see it heal and Eddie is able to move forward. from then on we're shown that relationship as being in a much more positive light and we see his own relationship with Chris improve as well.
Ramon is a mirror for Eddie and fatherhood.
Then there is Ana - while they had a good initial meeting it quickly turned sour when Chris fell of the skateboard and got injured. Ana stops being Christophers teacher and leaves the school and then when they meet back up in s4 it became easy once they’d cleared the air - but easy in the fact that Eddies heart wasn't really in it and he was ultimately sticking it out or Chris.
I find the Ana thing interesting because there is the fact that it doesn’t read to the audience like Eddie would’ve pursued anything with her had he not been pushed by his friends. and this plays into the theme surrounding Ana - she is a parallel of Shannon.
From what we know from what Eddie has told us - he met Shannon and it was magic, then she got pregnant so they go married, Eddie signs up and things turn sour. Eddie gets injured and comes home - they are at loggerheads with one another until she leaves. then they meet back up again once Eddie has moved to LA an they fall back into bed with one another and essentially pick back up their relationship. its easy, but again they are not truky in it for themselves or each other - they're sticking it out for Chris.
See where I'm going - the ups and downs of Eddie and Ana's relationship hits the same points at the same moments as Eddie nad Shannons relationship did.
So like Ramon, Ana is a mirror, just she is a mirror to Shannon rather than Eddie himself. Because the moment Eddie breaks up with Ana is also the moment he accepts the reality of his relationship with Shannon was about Christopher rather than about himself. from then on we see him building a more positive experience about Shannon for Christopher (we know as an audience that they have probably been talking about Shannon etc, but its actually from this moment on when we are shown it - its when start to see pictures of Shannon more explicitly being shown in the Diaz house outside of Christophers bedroom)
Then there is the Taylor Kelly of it all and this one is a fascinating one to me. Eddie dislikes Taylor because she is pretty damn similar to Helena Diaz. I know that sounds a bit far fetched, but they have the same personality traits and hit similar beats. Taylor is loud and forceful, her personality is domineering and we are shown her taking over and or inserting herself into every scene scene she's at and into places she does't belong. She has next to no qualms about throwing people under the bus for her own benefit and to ensure she stays the centre of attention.
Helena is the same - pretty much every scene we see her in she pulls focus she is domineering and controls the conversations and the narratives. She thinks she knows best and inserts herself into places she shouldn't be (the scene from Eddie begins where she sends Eddie back to get a juice box for Chris is a prime example of this and its implied by Shannons reaction and words that its a common occurrence) even down to making all the food for Ramon's retirement party because she doesn't trust the caterers. She, like Taylor, has no qualms throwing people under the bus to be the centre of attention - even her own son - at her husbands retirement party - an event manifestly not about her and yet she makes it about her.
And the thing is Ramon, personality wise, is very similar to Buck. This is particularly true when it comes to his relationship with Taylor - it mirrors Ramon a fair amount - going along with Taylors wants and needs rather than his own and allowing her to control things. Letting her be the centre of attention and dominate the relationship. The fact that things come to a head with her in the same episode (hero complex) as Eddie begins to reconcile with his father and we are shown Helena throwing Eddie under the bus (in the same way Taylor did with Buck (I can't reiterate enough this is in the very same episode).
One of the reasons I personally think Eddie dislikes Taylor as intensely as he does is because of these similarities between Ramon and Buck and Helena and Taylor. I couldn't say if its on a conscious or subconscious level, but Eddie knows that his parents marriage isn't perhaps an especially happy or good one, that they are fundamentally not really right for one another. I think he perhaps sees his father as downtrodden and under the thumb of his mother and that he's essentially trapped and won't get out because it's too late and he doesn't want that for Buck. Like I said its not necessarily on a conscious level, but it makes sense with the context we have that even if he isn't fully cognisant of his feelings/ the depth of his feelings for Buck, the last thing he would want is for his friend to become a shell of himself in the way his father has at the hands of a woman who is exactly like his mother.
This is such a choice by the show to parallel Ramon and Buck, especially if you entertain the concept of people marrying versions of their parents (generally taken as men marrying women similar to their mothers but it can also be applied to a queer relationship and the idea of a queer man marrying a man who is similar to his father), so Eddie ending up in a romantic relationship with Buck would play into this as a trope/ concept - one that I would actually love the show to explore.
Finally - Eddie has a difficult relationship with Josh at dispatch that we never really truly see resolved. So as far as we know, while the last time they interacted showed them in a slightly more friendly light, it was still evident that they are not friends and there is still tension there. the reason this is super interesting is that Josh is the only single gay guy on the show (and is loosely friends with buck and the show riffed on the idea of Maddie setting them up) and because Eddie hasn’t reckoned with his queerness yet, he can’t become friends with Josh. If the show continues the way it has - reconciling those relationships that are not easy for Eddie once he has accepted/confronted/ reckoned with that aspect of himself, I think we might see him become friends with Josh once he’s actually accepted he’s gay!
The fact that the Josh relationship hasn't been resolved is what makes this friendship Eddie has struck up with Tommy so interesting - it's looking like its going to play out along a similar (extended over multiple episodes) line to the Buck/Red friendship for Eddie (I'm not going into the Buck aspects of Tommys appearance in this meta). Its about Eddie reckoning with himself so all the dialogue that has seriously queer undertones to it and the directorial choices of bro high fives etc that are all just a little too much and trying a little too hard - its all about Eddie facing up to himself and looking in the mirror and accepting all the parts of himself.
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decepti-thots · 6 months
Really enjoy your post about Optimus holding onto skewed views of his relationships. I think a lot about how soon he started calling Megatron a friend when they interacted maybe twice and said interactions weren't exactly pleasant. How he undermined Bee and treated him as just another politician while calling him friend. How we don't really see him have much of a personal or pleasant relationship with Prowl and he calls him friend. There's so much distance between Optimus and the people important to him, and we know he knows that, but he doesn't talk as if that distance is there most of the time. By the end of IDW1 it really felt like he didn't have any friends at all even though a lot of characters would probably say otherwise. The character we see have the most significant legitimate friendship with Optimus (in my opinion) is Senator Shockwave. And even he had ulterior motives.
This is EXCELLENT anon, exactly right IMO. A lot of the Megatron-Optimus stuff in particular I think is a peculiar byproduct of phase two writers (lbr, mostly Roberts) attempting to make IDW Megatron-Optimus into something that more strongly resembles the kind of dramatic narrative that exists in other continuities but realistically just does not make sense in IDW at that point; obviously the easy one to point at is TFP, but actually this also is a situation where Marvel G1 and G1 generally actually does also have that vibe, if you take into consideration the lesser-known prose stories for Marvel especially. And it has this fascinating knock-on effect in IDW of creating the dynamic you're highlighting here, which honestly is much more interesting than if Optimus had had those genuinely close relationships, and which I think Barber is able to kind of work with more deliberately in his later work in the comics. He's constantly trying to create these connections retroactively, to fill a gap because the gap exists in the first place. Hell, at one point in the exRiD/OP stuff he calls Soundwave 'old friend', and like. They are not old friends. But Optimus certainly would have known of Soundwave, and you can see how the narrative would get constructed, out of the need to have some kind of interpersonal continuity he would otherwise totally lack. It's like he so lacks strong interpersonal relationships he substitutes symbolic ones by way of the war, almost. It's all he has after a certain point! Those ideological touchstones, in place of actual connections, some of it self imposed, some of it externally forced on him.
A lot of the real tail-end stuff with Optimus in IDW is about constructed narratives and their power and how they can constrict the people trying to live within them, and I think it fits perfectly with this, honestly. IDW Megatron and Optimus weren't ever actually friends, but they both understand how they could have been, and in their own way they both try and create narratives in their post-war lives that allow them to explore that now they've made themselves into people who cannot properly connect to anyone around them. (I really dislike the LL 'Megatron goes off to the functionist universe' stuff for various reasons, but one thing I actually do think is potentially fascinating is the way it allows him to live out a fantasy of actually knowing Orion, just because it highlights how he never did in the way the audience might assume by default.) And even pre-war, the way Orion lived his life- essentially as someone who did not understand his own complicity in the downfall of things and the structures of corrupt power until it was too late- did not create any long-term interpersonal connections. He can mostly only imagine them. He wants them, but he can't find a way to make them, so he tries to turn those imagined connections into reality just by saying them.
And again, it's definitely accidental, but it's weirdly fitting that the one other character he actually does have any canonical basis for an 'old friend' thing with... leaves. Which is Ratchet. It's weirdly fitting I think that Ratchet, who actually knew him in some intimate capacity pre-war, who is his old friend, is the person who is explicitly like 'no, I can't stay here anymore because there's no room for me' and leaves him, not unkindly, but definitively.
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