#theres a few missing but theyre the really new ones so i will be real. bottom of my list in priorities
silverliningspidey · 8 days
dead poets?? cooking?? headcanons? (is this anything)
charlie can make a solid few meals and hes not bad at cooking but hes a fiend for not washing up after himself and the mountain of dirty dishes he leaves behind annoys everyone so much that they just let him off cooking duties indefinitely (was it his plan all along? whose to say)
todd can cook but he lacks any confidence in his ability so the whole process is a big headache. he follows the recipe and measurements to a t, and he HATES the “pinch of” “good amount” measurements like PLEASE GIVE IT TO HIM IN NUMBERS PLEASE
knox can cook pretty well and he wears those dumb kiss the chef aprons all the time. he definitely spent time when he was smaller cooking with his mom in the kitchen and when he whips out those family recipes?! OMNOMNOM SO GOOD!!
neil can cook and he generally really likes it! he just enjoys caring for people, hes up for trying to make any new dish and hes the exact cook that stresses todd out so bad he measures ingredients with what feels right and just goes from there. he feels the quantities in his soul. needs someone in the kitchen with him so they can have a yap, (usually todd) but sometimes he’ll get so caught up in a conversation that he’ll forget about something that he has on and burn it (oops)
pittsie is great at cooking but he has NOBODY IN THE KITCHEN W HIM! chef at WORK!! i feel he gets up p early aswell so if ur in the kitchen in the morning and he’s there you might luck into some divine scrambled eggs. hes a humble chef everyone loves when he cooks and hes always like “yeah yeah no problem” but hes secretly so delighted. hes also so anti store bought things that are really easy to make like guacamole. he goes on RANTS because seriously it takes three minutes to make a decent guac and ur buying this?!? for like double the price and half the goodness? are u INSANE? (charlie is a repeat offender)
meeks can cook alright! he has like three dishes that he throws on and theyre nothing special but hey its easy and nice. fiend for a one pot dish he despises dishwashing like god forbid he has to wash one extra pot. he buys those precut onions and stuff because he’s usually like oh shit i have to make dinner! and then throws it on within ten minutes (plus having to wash another knife and CHOPPING BOARD?!?)
cam is a little horrendous at cooking bless him. he just makes like smeh food. nothing wrong about it. but theres nothing RIGHT about it either. he makes up for it in his crazily fantastic baking skills. BUT HE NEVER BAKES bc its effort and everyone is always begging him to put on cookies or something bc theyre always heavenly he just KNOWS how to do it right. hes always a little like FINE HERE TAKE THEM GEEZ but you know hes chuffed with his skills, won several baking competitions when he was smaller.
extra bits:
todd anxiously stares at everyone when theyre eating any food hes made to make sure they actually like it and arent just being nice because they dont HAVE to eat it he doesnt mind seriously oh god its horrible isnt it why didn’t anyone just tell me im so sor-
charlie is obsessed w camerons baking and it KILLS HIM to ask cam to bake something but sometimes u have to set aside ur pride
meeks and pitts early risers real. i feel todd and cam are also up early sometimes
knox loves the idea of having fresh herbs but hes bad at keeping plants so its mostly charlie tending them, he has experience from being around his familys gardener when he was small
neil is go to for what something needs more of. he has a good sense of what a dish is missing and pitts will tolerate him helping with his cooking, plus neil is a great sous chef he’s so eager let him help please
they all try to eat together as often as possible, like a mini society meeting every time. and if they cant all eat together its rare that anyone will eat alone, usually one of em will pop their heads round a door and ask if anyone else is hungry and together they all keep eachother well :)
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homophyte · 1 year
okay im going to be vulnerable and admit though ive owned house of leaves for a few months i was spurred to start reading it the other day after watching that video on myhouse.wad . no one make fun of me. that being said.
im not necessarily going though it super in depth and more just trying to unravel some stuff for funsies with some various help from old forums and what strikes me as sometimes glaringly missing from discussions on the book is the way it relates to women. like the fact that the house itself is treated as though it has a female identity will get talked about but theres not rlly discussions about the ramifications of that--how will and holloways posturing--named as explicitly about 'male dominance'--is essentially a fight over who gets to get the girl. wills early venture into the house is literally likened to karen kissing wax, like theyre BOTH infidelities, and thats not nearly the first time karen herself treats the situation like the house is her romantic rival or at least rival for wills attention (im not far enough in to have too solid a grasp on the implications of the name delial--but lets just say i have a suspicion?).
anyway whats maybe even more interesting than that is the way its kinda ALL about gender--its men who keep entering the house desperate to know what its about, its men driven to write about it and uncover its secret knowledge, and it drives them fucking crazy. like...you can read that--VERY EASILY--as men 'discovering' the ""hidden"" interiority of women, like, the very idea that women are complex people with their own ideas and emotions and inner worlds. the fact that the house has a secret inside is huge fucking news and just about every man in the novel reacts to it as such, but the reactions from women are like...not that. idk im not done with it by any means but the similarity between the conversations between karen & wax at the end ch VII and johnny & thumper at the end of VIII really apparent. when thumper is listening to johnny, seeking to understand him, being really invested and interested and not reacting with annoyance or disdain or boredom like he expects, it genuinely really knocks him out to the point he nearly cries--and then he bottles it up, writes it off, even when she echoes karens exact words flirting with wax he doesnt register it.
the text displays a consciousness around gendered expectations here, particularly bc thumper is a sex worker, that she cant be expected to intellectually engage w it, but she can and does...and then johnny doenst know what to DO about it, how to engage w a real moment of understanding between the sexes or whatever so he very consciously falls back on gender expectations for men and refuses to feel that connection, severing the tie he inadvertently built w her and consigning the moment to unknowable blackness. the void is invented by people determined to treat it as foreign--which often means treating it as hostile (holloways gun, johnnys suspicions when thumper didnt call him back).
that she ends with the comment 'you just need to get out of the house' is like...almost laughably on the nose especially w the way chauvanist culture has proliferated on the internet. like in the book too, dont get me wrong, its just so startlingly accurate to whats going on it seems like she really must UNDERSTAND in a way johnny fails to capture in his narration but still comes through due to her being kinda fucking great--sorry i REALLY like thumper in this actually she may be my favorite. its sort of difficult for me to look at the line and divorce it in my head from the phenomenon of the incel--read a certain way, you have johnny ranting and raving about how he just cant ever figure out what the collective 'woman' is thinking and all this time hes spent driving himself crazy about it, and thumper listening and understanding and very sympathetically and honestly saying 'that wouldnt be a big deal if you interacted w women instead of holing up inside trying to theorize about it.'
i dont necessarily think its a mistake that johnny is the kind of person he is, a partying womanizer or whatever, bc sex becomes his only interaction w women (his failure to talk abt the book w kyrie in favor or fucking her) just as entering the house becomes wills only interaction w it (or at least he rages when he cant have that interaction, he values it above others). the book is pretty clear about both of these acting as forms of penetration. as johnny gets more invested in the text he interacts more and more w the women zampano used as interpreters and comes more and more into contact w women and less and less able to deny their interiority.
the reaction from men that women are people is simple and plain disbelief, followed by disconnected, invasive, rigorous study, study that is likened to war, to surgery, to expedition--anything but understanding. its kind of baffling idk maybe im just not looking in the right place to see people talking about it but this sorta feels like...the point. hell even earlier in ch VII on page 91 you get will and holloway excitedly talking about calling the press about their huge discovery that no one will believe...and then just, karen, living her life, treated like an enigma. i literally have this written in my notes as "men discover women have internality; their wives decline to comment"
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frostbite-the-bat · 3 months
WHAT AN AMAZING COLLECTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the dragons protecting the display OOOOOOOUGH SHARKS TEETH YEAAAAAAAAA Do you have any specific favorites? (& What about them said Pick Me to you? (i love rocks sm but have none space so i only have a lil bag of my own) )
YESS!!! THANK YUOU!!! and ofc i gotta have dragons B)
and HMMM OKAY lemme THInks
so *now* pick and buy gems at trinket stores whenver i go travelling and see any tha i just dont own yet (or if theres a piece that's really pretty to me that i DO have, but it's just unique and cool and i want it)
but back then id just..! buy whatever was Cool to me . id always buy so many at once my god
my favorites are defo my extra silly fancy lookin gems!! lemme show em here (older pics) (some are fancier bc i took them for my personal collection list google doc)
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these quartz! i was told they are some type of quartz! these are special to me because i got them a year ago during a school trip to germany - i only had a few euros on me and i ended up spending it all on gems. we checked out the christmas markets and there was an friendly old fellow who was selling gemstones and other things! he even had a cutter and could speak english. we chatted a bit and i listened to him talk about things (like how these lil fellas are formed. i know nothing about chemicals but i just think these things are interesting!!!! i actually get most my gems from giftshops near cave tours because i love visiting them and think it's interesting ^^
anyways he had a little box of various "rocks" that could possibly be geodes that he'd cut and see if they are! the price depended on their size. he said that i could guess with the weight and feel of the "rock" and let me pick from a few that could possible be ones. i said it didn't matter to me if it's gonna be hollow or not, since it's cool to me anyways!
so while my classmates waited and stared at me i just watched this guy cut it nicely in half like this - and he then even cut the smaller flatter piece of it, too. it was very nice! it's also where i bought the tooth, the bismuth, and some other things that i forgot as well... oops. i got a lot of gems
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this shimmery pretty goldstone / aventurine glass ! wacky picture quality but i don't feel like getting new pics (+ im on pc now) (lie: i ended up getting new pics later)
. it's a man-made lil' mineral, but it's very lovely regardless! i honestly only care about the "realness" only i it's a scam of some sort. any rock, trinket, gem or mineral, man-made or not is very niceys to me. (i still want an opal tho i only got an opalite which was mislabeled. i dont think on purpose since these stores sometimes accidentally mislabel or misspell things. or use czech names which gets confusing. yeah i may have inaccurate names for some of my gems but i try my best to be accurate. im no pro im just a collector little beast)
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some type of peacock ore! (either treated chalcopyrite or bornite, as i've previously written down. i'll trust my past self)
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aura quartz! one of my first 3 pieces ive ever gotten that sparked my collection
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all of these little fellas i bought at the same place for really cheap! filled my lil collection quite a bitso. i loves tghem. theyre like cereal To Me
in order: garnet, carnelian, emerald, tusquoise (why isnt this one in my list. oh my god how many gems did i miss. i still have a few to add that ill list on the list later that i need to re-check what gems they are. lord.) opalite, chalcedony, snowflake obsidian, obsidian (?), onyx. + not pictured an aquamarine which...? i cant find? im not checking if i put it behind a bigger gem and i cant FIND IT.
i really need to do a new and better gem list . oops. i cant always rely on my memory for these names
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my EYES! in order: tiger's eye 2x, hawk's eye, bull's eye
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my funny silly mosly multicolor fellas idk they fit the Vibes. i likes thgem (appreciae this secion i had to make sure and like re-identify half of these but i still could be incorrect)
in ORDER... lapis lazuli, sodalite 2x, elbaite (most likely), chrysocolla, rhodonite, blue apatite, amazonite, kyanite
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dalmatian jasper and unakite
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...some kinda jasper?
so ya!! thats some of my Rocks. this took a while bc i had to look what some of these are again @_@ i loaves them . todays guzma enrichment: this
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clockworkrobotic · 2 years
The Tragic Saga of the Goncharov Tie-In Game (1995)
so since everyone has discovered goncharov i get to talk about a personal fascination of mine, which is the wild n wacky tale of the goncharov video game tie in. If youre thinking "what the hell are you talking about, there wasn't a video game tie in" theres a reason for that, bear with me
so the game came out sometime around 1995 (different sources place it at various points between 1994 and 1995), and it was one of the first properties to be licenced by sony for a console. It was originally planned to be a SNES-CD release until that console was cancelled, at which point it was ported to the playstation. if youre wondering why goncharov got a tie in like twenty years after the film released, that's kind of why it's so unheard of. sony was testing the waters with its new hardware to see if there was an older audience for gaming, and a few investors were willing to put some money behind the idea. it was actually pretty well-funded all things considered, with a budget of around $1.1m, and the gameplay was similar to that of goldeneye, which released a couple of years later. it was also fairly sophisticated, featuring branching decision trees and several different endings (I think 4? there isn't a lot of gameplay footage available, but there were at least 4)
unfortunately, development was plagued with problems from the get go. Despite its healthy budget, the studio couldn't convince any of the original cast to return to do voice work. Of course they couldn't, the film was two decades old -- you think harvey keitel was gonna bail on pulp fiction to appear in some experimental video game? of course not. so the dev team went for the next best thing: soundalikes.
the problem is, the soundalike VAs they hired weren't used to doing longform work. don't get me wrong, they did their darndest, but their experience was very much rooted in things like radio commercials and short voiceovers. they hadn't really had to act before. oh, and all but one of them hadn't seen the movie. the anecdote goes that they showed up on day one expecting a couple of days work tops, and much to their shock were handed several dozen pages of script (remember the decision trees? branching dialogue baby) and told they were employed for the next six months. Good for them, I think?
The voice acting really suffered from this. a lot of it feels very stilted, it ruins the immersion. yknow how in elder scrolls oblivion all the voice lines were recorded in alphabetical order? It sounds similar to that (altho personally i think the goncharov voice acting is a bit better lol). the directors and actors really struggled to pull everything together.
the result was that, while the game itself definitely wasn't bad, it was outright innovative in places, critics really couldn't get past the baffling performances, which they near-unanimously agreed made the game a slog. someone suggested the game should be played on mute with goncharov the film playing on a second tv, though went on to say that you wouldn't even finish the game then, because you'd just end up watching the far superior goncharov film instead. The game flopped, causing its global release to be cancelled, and was only ever distributed in the UK, Australia, and Japan.
the game had a brief stint as a cult classic, garnering a small online fandom in the early days on the internet. there is allegedly an italian fan translation out there somewhere, although a copy has never surfaced and it is considered lost media. a couple of people have come forward claiming to have worked on it -- they also claim to have met in the neopets forums of all places. i believe them -- and there are a couple of youtube videos showcasing what appears to be an italian fandub, but without the game files it's not possible to know whether theyre real or edited in post.
so now you know the story of goncharov the movie the game, my favourite game i've never played and probably never will. while it may well have been a missed opportunity, i like to think it paved the way for such classics as enter the matrix, and ratatouille the movie the game, and what would the world be like without them?
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fefairys · 1 year
2 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49!! 50 51 52
holy fuck juice i knwo u said u were sending a lot but damn. thank u i love u. ok.
under the cut because its so long <3
2. How quickly did you finish reading the comic? i dont remember... i think a few months??? i first watched all of the voice nexus videos (back when they were still collabHQ) and they were around mindfang's journal at the time, then i read the rest on my own. i think it was probably like. 3 months or so? maybe 4?? i know that i missed a new years countdown because i was busy reading homestuck LMAO.. but the fastest i've ever read it all the way through is 7 days.
11. Favorite Alpha kid? roxy :3
12. Favorite Alpha troll? porrim or latula.. or mituna... but porrim came to my head first so i guess she's the real answer
14. Least favorite Alpha kid? :( ...i guess dirk. but i still love him a lot.... i love the alphas...
15. Least favorite Alpha troll? cronus
17. Favorite Beta kid? rose or jade.. i relate more to rose but i am in love with jade
18. Favorite Beta troll? aradia probably..
20. Least favorite Beta kid? :( dont have one. i love them all too much i cannot answer this!!! if i must answer i guess i'll say dave since i've drawn him the least lol
21. Least favorite Beta troll? eridan
23. Favorite guardian? mom <3
25. Favorite Alternian ancestor? dolorosa... alternia's first mother. do u think about this? cry.
26. Least favorite Alternian ancestor? dualscar. im seeing a trend in my least favorite trolls SLDKFJ
27. Favorite carapacian? those random prospitians that meenah mistook for problem sleuth, pickle inspector, and ace dick
29. Favorite Friendsim character? oh god i dont know D: i like so many of them... fuck!!! i really like mallek tho... for gay reasons. also cirava. NEED to smoke a blunt w them.
30. Least favorite Friendsim character? zebruh. literally forgot about him and was like "oh i dunno i like all of them :) let me see" and looked them up and saw him and was like oh wait yeah. its zebruh.
31. Favorite sprite? davepetasprite^2 !!!
32. Least favorite sprite? calsprite lol
33. Favorite pale ship? ogh... i don know... arasol maybe.. i like them red also tho but theyre really cute pale :3 but i'll always have a soft spot for meowrails theyre probably the only ones i ship ONLY pale and not other quadrants
34. Favorite pitch ship? im trying to think of something that i ONLY ship pitch and not other quads... i dont think that exists for me lmao uhhh... vrisjade pitch is fun.. also solkat but theyre all quadrants but i really like them pitch theyre so silly hehe
35. Favorite flushed ship? ARAFEF !!!!!!!!!!
36. Favorite ashen ship? vriska, kanaya, and rose doing a gay little dance, taking turns auspisticing each other 😌
37. Favorite vacillating ship? SOLKAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
38. OTP? right now im really feeling solkat. arafef and vrisrezi are up there though
39. NOTP? besides obvious incest and kid/guardian pairings, i think gamrezi is the one that makes me most uncomfortable when i see it. leave her alone!!!
40. BROTP? aradia and dave :) also karkat and kanaya friendship is everything..
41. Character you’d choose to be your moirail? ohhhhhh maybe nepeta :3
42. Character you’d choose to be your kismesis? karkat. (kins sollux)
43. Character you’d choose to be your matesprit? aradia <3333 or kanaya or rose or terezi or (continues to list every girl)
44. Character you’d choose to be your auspistice? hm. i dunno. i dont want an auspistice leave me alone SDLFKJ i can handle it 😤 besides, the "main" "purpose" of an auspistice is preventing infidelity, but aint no infidelity when ur polyam!!! ill hatefuck this entire town so help me jegus
45. Character you’d vacillate quadrants with? oh. karkat as well. also vriska. maybe i should change my kismesis answer but idk if theres a character i hate in that way that i wouldnt want to vascillate with :/ i'll just leave it idk
46. Character you’d be best friends with? jade :D or roxy!! :D yeah :D
47. Patron troll? Are you happy with them? equius. no.
48. Zodiac troll? Are you happy with them? aradia! yes!!! :D
49. One character you didn’t like at first, but like now? i HATED vriska on my first read SO MUCH!!! but now i love her shes in my top 5 :) and also i am her.
50. One character you liked at first, but don’t like now? does not exist if i liked them i like them still <3
51. One ship you didn’t like at first, but like now? OH solfef!!! i HATED solfef so much i was like this is stupid and doesnt make sense but now i think its kind of cute. but aradia should be there too.
52. One ship you liked at first, but don’t like now? again, if i liked it i like it!!! there are ones that i used to care about more, but don't anymore, but i still like them! :)
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faggotsonic · 2 years
Outside of me gushing about cosmo though i think itd be fun to lay out all my sonic x opinions now. boom:
I think its quality verrrry much has like. a very steep rise and fall. I think season 1 is pretty consistently fun and alright-- the stakes are lower and silly but people can enjoy that kind of thing. and they also have a lot of fun with the POTENTIAL of the silliness to-- i.e. the baseball episode. also it helps that like. its a plot not based on any particular games, and its built WITH its human cast-- not around it. Like the humans are fun and enjoyable because theyre meant to be there. And i think that's why season 2 is just.... a mess.
Because while i enjoyed the sa2 arc (and i really think the new speech that chris gives hits a bit harder than the og. even if it should've been amy giving it), they rush the SHIT out of the sa1 arc (and kinda sa2), and they try to push their human characters into narratives that WEREN'T built for them. and while for some this works (mr.stewart, cause hes an agent and investigates g.u.n.), for most, it really, really doesn't.
they try to fit chris into unchanged sonic adventure plots and it just DOESNT work. because you want to include your main human character in the main plot, but you don't want to take away any characterization or fan favorite moments from the actual sonic characters. so the solution ends up being chris tagging alone for no discernable purpose, and often times being what causes things to go wrong. It definitely goes worse in the sa1 arc than 2, but the issue still stands and then there's after the adventure arcs. the sonic battle arc was GOOD but outside of that? the writing kind of.... it feels like im watching a fish dying out of water. they had to fit in sa1, sa2, and battle, but because there isn't a season-long overarching plot, when thats over, theyre at a loss on how to fill the space, and match the new tone and stakes they set with those other arcs.
and then there's the whole ending plot of season 2 that relies on chris completely redoing a revelation that he already HAD, and actually goes backwards as a character. and i think this is where chris gets the worst. because he is now just actively getting in the protagonists way of actually MOVING ON to an INTERESTING plotline and youre just watching like please man can you let sonic go.
ANYWAYS i think ive seen people make fun of or dislike season 3 for its edginess but to me it is. by far the best. They set the stakes well, get serious, and get you engaged right off the bat. chris is there still but he actually takes a backseat to whats going on. they add a new character but they give her ATTENTION and its GOOD attention and great writing and she is very deeply woven into the story. And they just keep it up throughout the whole season-- like yeah ofc some episodes are gonna be a bit of a bore but for the whole season, i was engaged.
like theres real stakes going on, villains who i find believably dangerous and a threat to sonic, with interesting goals and motives. None of the plot feels like its forcing itself to exist, like it does in season 2. It's clear the writers got the clear to write their own original plot again for the whole season and they had so much fun with it.
and the characterization... oughghggh it was good (well, with the exception of rouge. they made her so MEAN that season and shes the only one with scenes that i actually violently disagree with. Her character goes up towards the end but it never shouldve gone down that far to begin with). while unfortunately sonics character is still kinda stagnant throughout the whole anime, even HE gets a few shining character moments (moments of self-sacrifice, mostly.) and SHADOW. god it makes me miss old shadow writing so bad. he's not perfect either but he's GOOD. he's still the shadow i know and love and i miss him. okay thats enough sonic x thoughts this is so long
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princepotatosack · 1 year
anon from here ( its a thread atp )
out of topic but emma from hss doesnt get enough appreciation as a LL 😞🙏 like yeah okay, she's a great friend but APPRECIATE HER MORE AS AN LL I BEG
i faintly remember waiting for pb to upload a new chapter for hss and i got so sad when it ended [ i still replay it from time to time except with all the changes pb is making, id much rather download older version of the game 😔 ]
hi bestie<3
no ur so right i feel like the “best friend” LIs are overlooked all the time…… perhaps its because people find the emo LIs more interesting and to be honest they tend to have more compelling character arcs? like its fun to see a nasty shithead cause problems (possibly a reflection of our desires to flout social conventions and express displeasure, but with no real life consequences?) and sometimes its even MORE fun to see them grow and change over time to become a caring affectionate shithead. personally thats not what i’m looking for in an LI but i do like to watch it happen. maybe because i partially self insert and in real life i would want a normal person for a partner. but i do understand people who want to create the most dramatic route possible for their fictional guys.
also ik these books are written by multiple people and i would imagine they kind of have to reduce characters to a few strong characteristics in order to maintain consistency. so im not saying that sweetheart LIs can’t have dramatic character arcs (nia i miss you babygirl) but if a character’s one assigned personality trait is “perfect angel” and theyre in a pretty low stakes story then theres not really a narrative NEED for them to change yknow??
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vampfucker666 · 2 years
new year happened right as i was finishing message in a haunted mansion. happy 2022.
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gnfkitten · 3 years
my favorite part of warrior cats is the grotesque story of squirrelflight, ashfur, and the extended cast of cats that sound like they came out of an ajj song
this gal named squirrelflight flirts with a guy named ashfur a few times. typical 80s romance song. its quick, its fleeting. squirrelflight gets together with brambleclaw. its all real lovely. brambleclaw gets promoted to leader after squirrelflights dad goes into retirement and makes his deputy the chief. brambleclaw is now bramblestar
(before the promotion and after the marriage, brambleclaw leads the entire 4 clans to a new territory. not relevant. he also stabs his brother in the neck with a tent stake)
and then squirrelflights sister leafpool, who is a medicine cat and sworn into celibacy, has sex with a guy from windclan named crowfeather. this is something all the cats are sworn not to do. double illegal.
crowfeather is a bit of a whore because he was previously in love with another girl who went on a magical journey with him when he was a child. (brambleclaw was there for that too. brambleclaw is eternal and everywhere) the girl crowfeather was in love with got impaled by a falling stalagmite while protecting a tribe of savage feral cats with names very similar to english translations of a few native american names i know. interesting. racist? there was a mountain lion involved
yeah so they have sex and leafpool gets pregnant. but since she did two crimes in one she gives the kids to squirrelflight and pretends they belong to her and brambelstar. theres an uncomfortable birthing scene because the kids decided to emerge from her cat uterus in the middle of a snowstorm. this is very telling of their characters after birth
theres three kids. jayfeather lionblaze and hollyleaf. jayfeather is very angry. lionblaze is angry but in a brave way. hollyleaf loves rules. they are a legendary trio
theres a thing about superpowers, and a prophecy or something. jay is sickly and blind and can see peoples thoughts. lionblaze never loses any fights, ever, and he maims ashfur a little while theyre trianing. hollyleaf doesnt have any powers, but she is absolutely obsessed with the warrior code and gets caught up with a guy named sol who says the world is gonna end. none of this is relevant except the "bootlicker hollyleaf" thing
ashfur is stewing. ashfur has been stewing for years now. long enough that they literally brought all 4 clans across the continent to a new territory kind of stewing. hes lonely. he misses the girl he was madly in love with, and shes married to the coolest guy in town. hes in agony. (over in windclan, crowfeather has a new girlfriend. manwhoring as long as he lives)
theres a big fire. thunderclans entire territory sets on fire. everyone is escaping, except for squirrelflight and her three kids. jayfeather, lionblaze, and hollyleaf, who is contemplating becoming an antivaxxer or something
imagine this: a clearing on the edge of a pit. the pit is where the cats live. everything is on fire around this clearing. there is one log running across the clearing, and squirreflight and her fake kids are going along it to escape. theyre the last out
ashfur appears he stands at the other end of the log. hes pissed. hes crying. he hates squirrelflight. he hates her so much. his rage is all consuming, like the fire that burns around them. he says he wants her in as much pain as possible, and he knows how: taking the only thing she loves in this world. her 3 kids
we all know something ashfur doesnt. the kids arent hers. squirrelflight, though non an omnipresence, is gifted with this knowledge herself.. she sees ashfurs twisted evil mind and tells him, flat out that they arent hers. she doesnt love them. he can kill them, they mean nothing to her. they are, after all, just her sister leafpool's. why would she care for them?
ashfur is stunned. he gives up. he leaves. squirrelflight and her three kids leave. its a bit awkward. imagine the thanksgiving dinner table after a particularly bad argument. thats all this is really
anyways. hollyleaf is broken from this. shes the daughter of a medicine cat and a manwhore from a clan that only eats rabbits. she cant take it. much like ashfur, she snaps
there are these big clan meetings, once every month. everyone goes, except the old people and the dying people and the kids who just want juiceboxes and lunchables. thunderclan is heading out to the Meeting Island. they find a body in the river. surprise! its ashfur
they go on to the gathering despite finding the body of one of their finest, most mentally haunted warriors polluting the stream with the blood seeping out of his slit throat. the three kids are there. squirrelflight is there. leafpool is there. bramblestar is there
this story has very weird heathers energy to me. its there, but it isnt coherant. like a bad remix of 100 gecs, sort of. this part is no exception
hollyleaf runs up to the big tree the clan leaders stand on and monologue. shes not allowed to do this. perhaps the sense that she lost her identity with her illigitimate birth turned into something real, that the warrior code didnt matter anymore. perhaps she was just tired of being kind; she wanted to go apeshit
she confesses. to two things. number one - the muderder of ashfur. how tragic. number two - leafpool. leafpools affar with crowfeather. squirrelflights lies to her for her entire life. theres chaos. thunderclan is like stan twitter after a minecraft youtuber said something racist 8 years ago. the 3 other clans are trying desperately to get in on this drama. the hot tea of the hour if you will
hollyleaf says her share. she runs away. lionblaze and jayfeather chase after her all the way back to the thunderclan territory. she yells at them. she runs into a tunnel and gets crushed by rocks. thats the end. shes dead.
jk jk that was a lie shes alive and shes living in a huge cave system with a ghost cat. remember the native american coded mountain tribe? yeah, they had ancestors. the ancestors lived at the territory the 4 clans moved to after squirelflight flirted with ashfur and before she got together with bramblestar. they used to drown little kids in the tunnels. jayfeather is the entire reason why the ancestors moved to the mountains and became the racist mountain tribe. i wont explain the timeline of this, and i dont think i could if i tried
up above hollyleafs slowburn romance with a transparent cat, theres a new girl with superpowers. prophecy fulfilled yadda yadda. her sister is annoyed that she isnt #quirky and so she joins a fighting cult run by the cats in hell. i cannot stress this enough its literally every cat from the 50 some books before this who went to hell. they have an army of children. theyre training them. the sister kills one of her classmates and becomes equals with the hell cats. my second favorite plotline in the series
the hell cats come to the land of the living. the sister betrays them. theres a big battle, and its supposed to be the end of the series but you know theyre gonna continue it for at least 20 more books. (they did). hollyleaf appears, and i dont think its ever explained how or why. but shes back, and she joins the battle. everyones too busy with the literal hell cats to care much about some kid with a body count of 1 appearing randomly
hollyleaf fights a bit. she gets mauled to death. thats the end. its just over. she dies and she doesnt come back. rip to a queen
i think my biggest question besides why would someone create this ad continue to do so for fifty plus books, is how the fuck brambleclaw stabbed his brother with a tent stake when he literally doesn’t even have hands. what.
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fandomsnstuff · 4 years
Angus figures everything out and fucks up Lucretia’s whole Thing AU
Lucretia hires angus, innoculates him, and is like this is the deal with those missing people cases you were investigating
Angus says oh okay! This totally and completely satiases my curiosity :)
Internally angus says this is sus as hell
So he does what he does best, he snoops
So angus is snooping and somehow, cause he's a little crime boy who can sneak around real good, he finds the starblaster
He's like what the fuck is this
He gets in, and it's.....odd. he doesnt linger in any one room too long, he just kind of pokes his head into the bedrooms and moves on (he figures he shouldnt stay here too long, lest he get caught)
But the most peculiar thing is how lived in this place looks. There's mismatched furniture with throw pillows and blankets in the common area, a chore chart on the fridge, the bedrooms are all cluttered with knick knacks and clothes, beds unmade, theres a lab with papers scattered around tables and taped to the wall
But one room catches his attention
It's... fairly simple, and emptier than the others. Bookshelf with some books missing, a bare desk, but what catches his attention is the pile of red on the bed
He goes to investigate and finds robes and jackets, all with an odd patch and names embroidered on them
He finds, in this order:
A robe with "lucretia" embroidered on it
A jacket and robe, together as if someone had been wearing them at the same time, with "lup" and "taako"
A jacket with "davenport"
A robe with "merle"
A jacket with "magnus"
(there’s no barry robe cause he fell off the ship with it, these are the robes/jackets lucretia took off of the crew members as she sent them off to their new lives)
Now. This is after crystal kingdom and angus was at the candlenights party. He knows the director's name is lucretia
He knows who Davenport is
He knows who taako, magnus, and merle are
This is pre-LUP incident, so he doesnt know who lup is
Angus, appropriately freaked out, puts them all back and BOLTS
Angus vacates the premises
Runs back to his room
He tries to figure out what this all means, but his thoughts dodge around the obvious conclusion that's right in front of him
Hes too nervous to go back, it's not until the L U P incident that he decides okay. I have to go back
So he goes back. He goes into the room labeled Captain's Quarters (although "captain" has been scratched out and changed to "cap'nport". Angus doesnt think too hard about what that means)
In the desk he finds some folders with the same weird logo as the robes and jackets. He doesnt look in them. Not yet. He can do that back in his room. He cant spend too much time here.
Then he goes to the lab. He doesnt know what hes looking for, but he grabs ones that seem important. A notebook or two. Some papers clipped together. He just grabs and shoves them into his bag and he fuckin bolts again
he looks at what he grabbed and some of it he can read, some of it he can't
They lived in that ship. They were going on a mission for something. They made the grand relics to stop something. Theres a lot of notes on the planes.
Angus recognizes the way some stuff is redacted, and he kind of figures out that there must be another voidfish. And if the directors name was on one of those robes, maybe she has it.
Refuge mission comes and goes
Angus, cause he's so fucking good, is able to sneak back into lucretias personal quarters and finds junior. He fills a water bottle with the ichor and gets the fuck outta there
He gets back to his room, innoculates himself and is like AAAAAAAAAA
Cause he can finally put it all together properly
And he basically pieces together the whole hunger situation himself with the notes he grabbed
The stuff he grabbed from davenports room was the crew's like profiles or whatever from when they got hired on to the mission so angus now knows who lup is
So angus is like oh i GOTTA fix this
So he heads down to the reclaimers dorm with his bottle of ichor
Angus: i need you to drink this Merle: what is it? Angus: voidfish ichor Taako: *laughs* hate to break it to you kid, we already drank the voidfish juice. Angus: just- please? Magnus: yeah alright
So magnus drinks it. His breath catches and he kinda goes weak and he's shaking and he drops to his knees. After a minute or two (or more) he looks up at angus. "Holy shit," he says. He grabs the bottle from where he dropped it and holds it out to taako and merle. "Drink it." He says.
"Yeah alright," merle says. Same deal as with magnus.
Once merle collects himself, they both turn to taako.
"Yeah, alright. Sure. Let's get taako in on this weird party," he says, taking the bottle and drinking
This time, magnus is ready and he catches taako when his knees give out
"Im gonna fucking kill her," taako mumbles into magnus' shoulder, his knuckles white as he grips his shirt.
"You're not gonna kill her."
"Im gonna fucking hit her so HARD, i swear to god."
Taako keeps his face in magnus' shoulder, but magnus and merle watch as angus crosses the room to where taako had left the umbrastaff, and he walks back over to magnus and taako on the floor
"Sir?" Taako looks up at angus. Angus holds the umbrella out, "i think i know where your sister is."
It takes taako a second, but he realizes what angus is saying and scrambles out of magnus' hold and to his feet. He takes the umbrella and lifts it, about to snap it when angus says, "wait!"
Taako glares at him. "Ive waited ten years, kid. Make it snappy." "Madame director had a holy symbol in her office. I think it would ward against your sister, if shes a lich." "Uuugggggghhhhhhhhh LUCRETIAAAAAA"
The four of them go down planetside under the guise of a magic lesson and not wanting to burn any more "cryptic messages" into the walls
Taako snaps that fuckin umbrella as soon as his feet hit solid ground
Lup's back!
Lup does some magic shit to summon barry, so barold shows up, happy reunion, and then a Discussion on what to do re: davenport not being innoculated and re: lucretia
Their plan boils down to this: thb and angus will go back to the moon and act as if this never happened. As far as lucretia knows, thb are still under junior's influence
As soon as they can get davenport alone without rousing any suspicion, they bring him to their room and innoculate him. Once he's got his memories back, he'll be powerful enough to a) get his bracer off/disable the tracking spell in it and b) get off the base undetected
Davenport will definitely not want to go back to playing butler, so he'll sneak off the base and hang out with lup and barry until lucretia sends the boys to wonderland
When the boys get sent to wonderland, theyll meet up, get the bell all together, and THEN confront lucretia, cause at that point theyll have the whole light, and they'll have Options
So they do just that. They go back and innoculate davenport a few days later, a week at most
A panic ensues once everyone realizes davenport is missing
AND the tracking in his bracer is turning up nothing
Lucretia's blood pressure has never been higher
But everything goes as business per usual
Lucretia, oddly enough, suspects nothing re: the boys ‘cause surely they wouldve confronted her if they remembered
The boys get sent down to wonderland. They meet up with blupjeans and dav at the entrance. With the six of them with all their memories and full access to their skills they take edward and lydia down in like 30 minutes. Tops.
So edward and lydia get their asses thoroughly handed to them by the six of them
(Davenport has the time of his LIFE)
They head back to the lich cave, barry gets in his new body and gets innoculated (the boys brought some ichor with them for him)
Lup possesses barry, then barry-with-lup and dav get in the pocket spa and back up to the moon they go
Lucretia is in her office when avi comes knocking "Uh... director? The boys are coming back." "Already?" "Yeah." "Are you sure it's them?" "Yep."
Lucretia is.... stunned. It's been... an hour and a half. Two, maybe. She has full faith in the boys but they took down wonderland in two hours?????
Not even two hours
She goes to meet them, highly suspicious
But they arrive and, sure enough, it's them. No magic. No tricks. It's them, for sure.
taako has the bell and hes just holding it casually from the top as if it isnt one of the most powerful magic items in existence. And she can tell he isnt thralled, that's just how hes decided to transport it.
Lucretia: ive got to admit, you boys took care of that...much faster than i expected Magnus: ah, it was no big Merle: piece of cake! Taako: yeah, luce, shit was easy. Dunno what you were talkin' about earlier.
And lucretia just freezes. Luce. Thats what taako called her. It’s what they all called her, really, but it’s the nickname Taako took 4 whole cycles to give to her, officially cracking the door of friendship open to her. And she looks him in the eyes and she knows that he knows. And she looks at merle and magnus and she can tell they know, too.
And taako gives her a venomous smile, all teeth, and says, "why dont we go have a little chat, madame director" and she flinches at the way he spits out her title
She doesnt know what to do but nod and turn to leave. As she turns, there's angus, looking up at her with a determined set to his brow, and she knows he knows too
They head back to her office, and taako pulls the pocket spa out, and before lucretia can ask him what hes doing, out walks barry and davenport. And barrys eyes have got that red glow about them, so she knows lup's here too.
"Take down the lich ward, lucretia," barry says.
She does, and now there's a firey, red robed lich among them.
Now this is where things get a little iffy for how they work out but here's what i got
They have a similar confrontation as canon where theyre bickering about staying or going, shield or no shield, and im thinking this is where taako has his "there's a third option" realization
And, because they did extreme wonderland speedrun, and they didnt take a whole extra day to travel to the lich cave and just used fuckin magic to get there, theyre a whole day ahead of where they were in canon
The hunger is close enough at this point tho that they can enact the plan like. Now.
But magnus insists on returning Fisher's baby to them first
As magnus takes junior, lucretia works on getting the base secured and getting the bureau members ready for if the hunger touches down before they can cut it off
Magnus goes down to fisher with the baby, he takes his axe and swings, breaking the tank open
Johann, still alive and now soaking wet, is like dude wtf
Magnus returns the baby and out goes the story and song
Now johann is REALLY like DUDE WTF
Magnus is like im off to save the universe. Peace.
So since theyre a whole day ahead of the hunger, all seven of them go up in the ship
And then they fight and they win and they cut the hunger off and it's rad
The end
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protagonistheavy · 2 years
Hmm thoughts about anime culture and porn addiction.
Im facing some reality checks lately and yeah, Ive really developed a distaste for loli culture that Im going to have to distance myself from lists of characters I used to like. It's plainly hard to harbor affection for characters that are, ultimately and unfortunately, being directly designed to appeal to pedophiles -- even if my interests are innocent enough, if its an aesthetic appreciation of the character or whatever, there really is a line where I have to be an adult and admit that Im turning a blind-eye towards a very gross culture.
Recently one of those wake-up calls was the newest Koume content on Idolmaster, which features her as a bride. I wish my disappointment could be felt through the internet because I really did sigh sooooo hard lol. Just... what whiplash, the excitement of realizing a favorite character is getting new official art and content or whatever, only to quickly see that it's depicting them as some sort of child-bride. It grossed me out, but even grosser honestly is seeing everyone else just... uncritically admire the art. The same way I probably would have a few years ago.
It's really gotten me to wonder a lot about the anime community, just how deep this goes. I think there's a culture in anime that's very proud about deviancy, and not entirely unlike how you see deviancy be embraced in other adult sectors -- like LGBT+ communities and furry communities. For many people, it appears to be an outlet to "let go" of normal social restraints and immerse oneself into fantasies that are otherwise repressed. And these fantasies range far and wide, not just fetishes or wanting to fuck monster girls, but also nostalgia, which is very powerful with the anime community. So much anime appeals to the nostalgia of being young again, but this time, being important and wiser, or asking the girl out, or having sexual romps that you thought everyone else was enjoying in high school -- an entire genre is dedicated to people, often "losers", dying in the real world and being reincarnated in a fantasy world full of hot women. In the anime community, there's so much interest over even the most mundane interactions, no stone left unturned to sexualize. Cleaning a classroom? Make it sexy. Reading a book? Make it sexy. Clocking into work? Make it sexy. And I understand why people are drawn to this appeal, when so many people within the community feel sexually repressed, unloved, they feel like they've already "missed out" on their best years, they "missed out" on the chances to have crazy harems and make outrageous friends-with-benefits.
... It's porn addiction. It's a culture of porn addiction. And within anime, it has seeped into everything. And so with that considered, it's very difficult to continue even indirectly supporting the most blatant pedo behavior. Like, lol, who can convince me that the child-bride Koume was developed with innocent intent? How can anyone tell me with a straight face that the implication is anything but the fantasy of marrying a 13 year-old? I havent read any of the related dialogue, but I cant help but guess that it only confirms my point, that the appeal is obviously directed to tickle the kind of people who would be okay marrying a middle schooler.
I've had my ups and downs with justifying this kind of stuff with underage characters. I tried squinting and telling myself theyre older, or that whatever Im looking at is fine because I appreciate the aesthetics, not any childlike aspect of the character, or I try to over look the more blatantly nsfw art even though theres plenty of sfw art with implications just as bad. But Ive got to be honest with myself in admitting that this isnt who I am, this isnt what I want to be supporting.
And it sucks, I guess, and it also sounds stupid that I'm "moving away" "from anime" but it really is so simple: there's no way I can trust anime or its extended mediums to not be benefiting pedophiles whenever it has the chance. It's why I can't be assed to even consider watching something like that spy anime, because god knows that pink-haired toddler is getting peoples rocks off -- not just fans, but certainly also the official artists and animators, any storyboard directors, I cant trust any one of them to not have sick intentions behind their handling of a child character, not when its developed in a culture that is unabashedly favorable towards sexualizing children. They dont have to draw anything explicit, it can just be the way they pose her for a scene, or a dialogue bit they make her say, or a dream sequence they insert a fetish into. Like, Im so sick of this lol. Im tired of wading through anime and thinking "oh, well, this scene is definitely written for the porn addicts, I just have to sit through it."
I'm left looking at the SJW-side of anime enjoyers and wondering where theyre going to draw the same line, though. I cant help but think of how widespread this culture is, and how contradictory people can be. Some folks will obviously be disgusted by loli porn, but then happily participate in shota content... Some people will blast your ass for reblogging sexy art of a 17 year-old, but then have their own 16 year-old blorbo that they do fetish RPs with... Some folks would never, ever sexualize a 15 year-old from a Disney cartoon, but are more than fine with 13 year-olds from anime being drawn in bikinis. There's so little consistency, it has always felt like a free-for-all with this discourse. I truly was burned by the fact that so many SJW-types were a-okay with Dragon Maid and its depiction of toddlers engaging in blatant fanservice, so much applause for a cartoon created by an unabashed lolicon just because it had some gay characters -- that told me everything lol, it told me the truth, that pedophilia can just be considered acceptable by anyone, at any point within the community, so long as its to that individual's tastes.
There really does need to be an EXACT discussion about this part of anime culture, but no one wants to engage with it, because virtually everyone would be guilty of having been enamored with an underage character at one point or another. Think of all the porn made of pokemon characters that are implied to be 10-13 years-old canonically, think of all the high school anime characters that rarely go to high school in the first place, think of all the legacy characters from any given person's childhood that they might think is fine to sexualize because it's been 20-30 years. There's so many points and arguments to make, but it truly is a discussion that will just never happen and never be resolved, because ultimately, deviancy is one of the biggest appeals to the anime community -- its a pillar of what "anime culture" is, its why ecchi and hentai are intrinsically linked to most anime spaces, its absolutely a major reason why anime is so popular as it is. To call out deviancy and its implications within the anime community is to prod at one of its base appeals, one of the very core reasons people are into anime to begin with.
I feel like any debate about this topic eventually hits this wall: "why are you trying to take away someone's fun? why are you trying to make something gross?" Thats the strongest virtue of the community. "Just dont take it so seriously" "dont worry about what other people are doing" For so, so many people, it feels like the "point" of anime is to fantasize about all the things youre not supposed to do irl. And I guess Im at a point where I cant keep buying into that lol. I think for many people, their critical awareness has been almost completely dulled down by an addiction to deviant porn that's made them numb to creepy behaviors. Add in a dose of irony poisoning and you have people who openly jerk off to incest loli/shota porn, but tell themselves theyre not ACTUALLY into pedophillic incest because uhh its just anime lol and apparently not at all a reflection of any true self or interests. A culture of porn addiction and unaccountability -- do you see why I just dont want to be so associated with that kind of people?
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lunar-lair · 3 years
ok say hello to my insanely new oc who ive made entirely to be a villain who is still an excellent adult and a decent parent, probably. cares too much abt kids. think reigen mob psycho with a drop or two of milla. worked under Nick From The Mailroom and was actually in on his scheme.
has always been rather cold and brash towards adults, but is more caring towards kids. in my brain he has a brooklyn type accent? rough and tumble, walks around without a tie, yknow? they keep him cause he sorts mail real good, though.
(added a read more because this got INSANELY LONG AKSKSK i spent like an hr on this h)
he was a delugeionist, but only because he kinda just wanted to rip the world apart a little; lysandre vibes, thinks a lot of it is scum and needs to go. thinks the *psychonauts* are scum and need to go. hes psychic but suppressed it, think aquato parents but extra toxic about it, and straight up just saying being psychic is unnatural. wouldnt go to loboto parent lengths tho. so he adopted that thought of 'being psychic is unnatural and wrong', which contributed to a lot of self hate that was never learned out. likely, he realizes hes a shitty person and thinks he needs to go too. so like...yknow hank, dbh? kinda the vibe im gettin right now. way more formal, of course, and while usually gruff, is more polite when its needed; can and *will* beat the shit out of you verbally in a factual way, though, and can talk more street-lingo if hes talkin to real thugs. (probably winged it on his own after failing college or smth, hes got the vibes.)
anyways, its this plot where he slinks off and starts planting mistrust in the psychonauts or something. and inevitably he just...shows up and starts kidnapping people. dismantling things from the inside and all that. he left and formed a group who also hated psychics at some point, likely friends of his parents and friends of friends, all from his hometown. all of them fight *insanely* dirty, and a lot of them are insanely vulgar. the kids are supposed to be kept away.
but theres a line to follow here.
this man is a fold to raz. hates the psychonauts, hates being psychic, adopted his parent's hate of psychics, hates the *world.* raz is young and unburdened and unjaded...mostly. hes not the shock of water some young characters can be when it comes to being the foils of other characters; think steven with a villain or something, right? but raz is sassy and a little jaded, and not total sunshine positivity.
hes a child this man could look down on and not be immediately annoyed by, who is worried by yet respects raz's realization of the world as it is, however little that is.
and yet raz is still his foil. he still mostly loves the psychonauts, despite it all, he loves being psychic, for the most part, he dodged adopting his parents previous values, he still seems to have an even view of the world as a whole.
raz is jaded, if only a little, but he moved past it and accepted that things could still be bright. this man is jaded, but he stayed in his stormclouds, never looked for the sun.
ok where. was i. RIGHT ok so. at the beginning of this...story? the man finds raz being talked down to by one of the office workers; someone with weak psychic powers whos insanely jealous of his prowess. an adult who envies the young prodigy. and theyre giving him some insane task to do, like cleaning all of the closets within the hour, but hes saved the world twice, so he smiles and nods along, because he said he would help around the motherlobe, and this adult is asking him to do something that seems simple enough.
and this guy, internally, goes 'bitch.' for a good long second bc 1. dude even if you envy a kid, kinda fucked to show that?? not their fault 2. WHY are you asking a 10 year old to do that. why is there a 10 year old here. holy shit thats a 10 year old oh my god hes so tiny (no one told him there was a 10 year old because they knew hed stomp right up to management but. regardless. he is going to stomp up to management after this and no one can really stop him. except maybe raz well see)
so yknow. dude fixes his slight slouch and walks forward and politely tells this woman that 1. hes 10 why are you jealous of him and 2. hes 10????????? and shes like shit hes 10. and apologizes. and walks away
and raz is VERY ?? bc she was doing what? why is him being 10 important? and its that young part of you that gets pissed when people try to keep you from doing things because youre young and hes DEFINITELY yet to learn that piling responsibilites that should be handled by adults onto a child is fucked up in its own special way (looking at you ford, *nick*)
and the dude calmly explains because yea. he gets that. and he still sounds gruff and a little peeved but he squats down to razs height and he talks simply and factually, telling him straight on why it isnt right.
and. huh. people dont really do that for raz. except for sasha, sometimes, everyone likes to dodge the truth a lot with him, because hes 10, and sometimes, hes too nice to tug it out of them.
and this guy, this man that raz is already polishing a trophy for 'good adulting' in the back of his brain with his striking statements about how adults should handle things and kids should-kids should...get to have fun. not be traumatized.
for the shock on his face when raz said hed already saved the world a couple times, whats some closets. he reigned it in, said that its weird he saved the world, because thats usually their jobs.
and this guy offers his hand on instict before he stands up, even though he doesnt seem very sweet and kind like the adults that usually offer raz a hand. and he takes it, i think. he takes it.
warm. warm, a little nice.
reminds raz of his dad, maybe. he wonders if this man has any kids himself, but keeps his mouth shut, because he thinks he already has the answer, and its yes.
(he doesnt have any. he would wish he did, but he knows hed fail to raise them right.)
and when he stands, he asks raz what he was asking that woman for, and he says hes doing tasks around the motherlobe because his papers are still coming in. the man doesnt ask. (he knows what 'papers' means, realizes this is the tiny junior psychonaut every room in the damn place has been buzzing about, and he has fucking words for forsythe.) he just offers for the kid to sort mail under his supervision.
and that sounds boring. at least, it usually would.
this man is interesting, and a good...person? a good adult? hes...hes new. hes new, and calm, and a little like sasha but a lot not, and he thinks he trusts him.
so raz grins and says yea, mail sorting sounds nice.
(debatably, raz does not take his hand. hes too jaded when it comes to adults. debatably, he does not feel any warmth from this man who has taught him every adult has been telling him wrong. debatably, im projecting. but thats the whole point of ocs, hm?)
and then holes crop up in motherlobe systems. people are kidnapped.
raz keeps seeing the strange man, keeps telling him things, keeps hearing back, gruff and factual and a little annoyed, but raz can almost-just-barely tell its not at him, with the way he talks.
he can tell. he can tell.
he can never tell. this man is making sure he can tell.
raz trusts the man, is still polishing that trophy for 'best adulting' he has settling in the back of his mind.
and then the man comes with a militia.
he did not seem jaded. he did not seem hateful. he never showed any anger or hate towards raz.
but thats because he knows kids dont deserve it.
an excellent moral or two. a rotten, broken heart.
and at first, they keep the kids away, because these people fight dirty, because this isnt their battle, because the man has been sending emails about why 15 year olds are in a secret psychic agency.
(he does not mention raz. by razs second visit, he had just marked the boy down as another reason to hate the psychonauts as a whole, and especially its higher ups.
hes also regretting his alliance to nick by about the third. if he had known the man would puppet a child as if they were a toy, he would have organized his own rebellion ages ago.)
but eventually, the psychonauts need all hands on deck.
they send the children to find the missing agents.
the interns are fought on the way. some of them avoid the child, know the boss would pummel them.
they get to the base, and the strange man, the one with the broken trophy for 'best adult' (still barely-polished, because hes still so sure) still nestled in the back of razs brain, is still there.
the junior psychonauts are spotted. one of the guards throws a few rocks aimlessly.
they surprise them. one almost hits raz.
its intercepted instead.
and the other junior psychonauts watch as this man, their enemy, a villain, in their eyes, reprimands the other man for even accidentally daring, for even trying. for doing something they might have done just a month or so ago, if they had decided he was too much weirder than they already had.
and he yells something like, "Why the hell is he even here?! This is an enemy base, of whats a rebellion! This is a *10 year old*! What kind of adult sends a child *near* something like that?!" and he truly sounds angry this time, raz finds. hes too angry to keep it in. he still sounds gruff and oddly proper. raz is standing there, arms hanging. hes baffled in a specific way, the way he was every time the man's brow furrowed when he mentioned a harrowing story, the way he was the first day they met.
and he asks, a little quiet, a little small, a reminder of how young he really is, "Why are you still trying to keep me safe? We're supposed to be enemies now."
And his brow furrows further before flattening out, and he tilts onto one leg, and he swears he almost kneels to a knee.
He cant believe it. He really cant.
"You're 10." he says simply, softly, that factual way. "You shouldn't even be here."
and raz pauses. the interns freeze.
"...well, here I am."
and i think...it would be so intriguing if this was done halfway out of the mind, because this man is so against anything psychic. it would be so *compelling.*
so raz steps forward and asks again, asks why hes doing this.
and the mans eyes harden, he tries to turn off that soft heart, trying to remind himself of all that he hates. because he hates the psychonauts, because he sort of hates the world.
and raz asks why he could ever hate the psychonauts, head tilted, before listing off the few he knows to be true. but other than that, how? and ok, the world sucks a little, yea, hes seen that, gets that.
and he appreciates that this kid isnt totally gung ho about existence.
but he hates that he isnt, too.
and its this back and forth. everything the man hates, why he hates it. raz saying why its good but admitting why its bad.
and hes swayed, just a little.
but the man stands up from the kneel hed inevitably instinctively put himself into, and walks forward, hand held out yet again.
"You shouldn't be in the Psychonauts," he tells him, soft, factual, brow furrowed. "Come with me. I'll bring you back to your parents, or wherever it is you want to go."
raz contemplates. thinks, for a long moment.
he grabs the mans hand, warm and firm, yet again, for a terrifying moment.
before he reaches up to slap a mental door on his forehead, and astral projects into it.
he thinks this man is good. thinks hes just jaded.
thinks hes the best adult hes ever met, one who just happens to hate a lot of things.
hes only 10.
hes not letting someone who can tell him so clearly whats wrong and right for adults to tell him go that easily.
aaaand yknow. raz does his razzy thing. learns about why the guy hates the world and the psychonauts and himself. helps him learn that its not all bad, that he was excellent to raz, and still is, that things can be bad and good all at once.
the man concedes that raz is very capable, very smart, and can do a lot. but that doesnt mean he should have to.
raz tells him, though, that he likes working for the psychonauts. its his dream. and he realizes some things he was told to do were kinda screwed up, now. that maybe, in honesty, he was dealt a bad hand.
but hes done what he can with that hand, and he ended up with a royal flush.
and uh! yknow!! then raz leaves his mind and he calls off the rebellion! its like a rhombus of ruin type adventure, except without the villain being present beforehand. its just not clustered in insanely close with a ton of other wild shit.
anyways this got really long? sorry?? its an oc i just saw good adult and slight father vibe potential in the vibe i instantly got on him and then i went feral???? rip maybe someone will read this and if you did. congrats i honestly really liked how the whole foil and good-yet-bad and consideration of raz being 10 thing worked out. this oc is almost like our representative in the psychonauts world the way reigen is for the audience in mp100. yea :) i match them up a lot but thats just cause they vibe a lot. anyways its 1:40 am now and i spent abt an hour on this hope it vibed mildly byeeee
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reidsconverse · 3 years
Tik tok do be a little toxic like huh-
answer under the cut (also do not send hate to or about the creator of the tiktok i will not tolerate it)
no stop the second hand embarrassment i just got because i’ve seen so many if these and theyre all sooooo :/// .
tbh they’re not wrong about somethings??? SOME!!! reid stans do have some annoying traits but most of them that act like that are like 13/14 and are on tiktok....idk its just weird and slightly ignorant to generalise a whole group of people based on the actions of a few. (not the creator i know they specified it was a specific group im just talking people who way “i hate reid stans” “reid stans are toxic” in general)
i completely agree with the dilaudid jokes, they are not and never will be funny, but once again its a small group of people who make those and think its funny i can assure you not every reid stan does that.
also the “sexualising thing” is weird to me.... i get it if people are upset about sexualising matthew but.... spencer??? a fictional character??? who isnt real?? who does not have real emotions, or feelings or straight up does not exist??? you literally cannot sexualise someone that isnt real, and it frustrates me when these kids learn a new word and throw it around without knowing what it means.
also once again; hating on jj//aj and tearing down other characters is a small group of a individuals who are most likely young and ignorant, i love jj and aj so much snd ik sooo many other people do???? also the only character we should be tearing down is seaver (she just personally annoys me, i’ve explained my reason before y’all say “omfg reidsconverse hates women 😩😩” )😾😾
god i dont know, the cm fandom really frustrates me sometimes because its fullof these young children who learn everything they know off the internet and never do any actual research themselves? and theres so much fake wokeness/policing its irritating...
and also i feel like a minority of stans think theyre the first fandom in the universe to make things like fics???? baby....smut n rpf has been around longer than you’ve been alive, its fake...its imagination... im not gonna go into but its annoying to see people quit writing because some kids (who shouldn’t be reading it anyway) have bullied/harassed them... AND THE FACT THAT so many of these kids screaming about rpf arw the same ones who post the pie eating video/sandwich thing with EXPLICIT CAPTIONS??? like whats the difference??? same crime different method....
god i just... its just annoying and idk if its bc im older now and have seen fandom after fandom be ruined by toxic stans, but i can safely say cm fandom is fucking awful sometimes 😾😾 i miss last summer when it wasnt so..,idk :// theres a reason why so many are leaving n its bc certain types of people just dont make it enjoyable or safe.
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axemetaphor · 3 years
im definitely not ripping off my friend by making a list of au ideas i have no siree //gonna slap this under a readmore cause i. well i say a lot. all of the time. i tried so hard to format this Good but tumblr fucked me up i am so sorry
so first-off i know i already have one WIP AU (Auckland) on ao3 so i wont talk about That one cause like. spoilers. i actualyl have it like 80% created so its likely gonna truly get finished for once and i dont wanna ruin shit
the other one ive posted about is something me and ben (catgirlrepublic) have worked on together its not at all close to done or anything but it's. a fun little crossover. Between jdate and my fuckinuhm. Original characters story “Untitled Villains Project”. the sketches of the comic version ive started is actually my pinned post 👉👈 its like the first chunk of the story, i think half of part 1? yea.
Tldr john fucking Somehow is able t oget into contact with a certain curious scientist from another reality who’d just love to study the Soy Sauce, most certainly not for her own nefarious purposes
John and Dave meet up with the scientist, her name is Boss, and her lab assistant, Toxic, and after a bit of a preliminary Vibe Check where john determines her trustworthy (which Dave doesnt agree with,) the two agree to be taken to the world UVP is set in. from there they stay in Boss’s lab (big old fucking abandoned military lab). John and Toxic are fast friends due to mutual love-of-chaos. John n Dave get to fuckin, camp out on an air mattress.
The day after they arrive, the two get split up, not exactly intentionally; big plot points of UVP are liek. Fueled by Boss sending Toxic to go fetch her “research materials,” which are usually important artifacts
Fuckin side note i guess i have to explain my dumb bullshit: Boss’s, uh, field of expertise so to speak is actually fckin, basically the scientific study of magic and superpowers n shit like that. This shit’s all real in that world. Toxic’s got fuckin superpowers, so do 4 other main characters, whatever. It’s got a bit to do with spirituality, iss Boss’s hypothesis. So she has Toxic fetch important artifacts that might have “energies” to them. The thing is actually way more fuckin complictated than that, this is just Boss’s initial hypothesis.
Motherfucking anyways. So Boss gives Toxic a job to do, and John get excited about how Cool that sounds, and ends up going with Toxic, leaving Boss and Dave alone. Neither is thrilled about this. But Dave and Boss get to have a bit of conversation (while Toxic and John are off bonding and having a good time) and come to a… mutual grudging understanding of some kind. They still dont like each other though lmao
Theres gonna be deeper shit going on but we havent sorted it out yet/tbh havent like Written For It in a while but i still like thinking about it a lot lol
Also pretty sure our endgame is john and dave steal toxic and bring them back with em lmao boss is kind of not nice and toxic would most certainly be better off in Undisclosed. Actually theyd fucking love it. Theyd become a local cryptid im sure. Undisclosed’s mothman is a teleporting spike baby.
I have. Another crossover AU that i might. Post something about for halloween? Maybe? If i have it finished?
Crosses over into, you guessed it, another one of my original-character projects. God, am i vain or something?
I promise this is just because i think blue and dave should get to team up to beat up some monsters
Quick briefing on my fuckinuh. Original character story, this one doesnt have a name (yet? Idk lol my work never actually goes anywhere sso who gives a shit). It centers around two grim reapers, Red (26, bi woman) and Blue (22, aroace agender asshole). In this reality or whatever, grim reapers function kind of like low-level office workers. They get told who’s going to die + when by some middle-management types, and upper management only involve themselves when punishment needs to be doled out. These Higher-Ups can be seen as analogous to Korrok; they’re decidedly not human, never were, and fucking terrifyingly powerful. Additionally, grim reapers are sort of .. designed to be “background noise” people. In reality theyre supernatural beings and, uh, look Real Fuckin Weird (the whole deal has a neon aesthetic im terrible at drawing uwu) but most humans just perceive them like extras in a movie. A body’s there but the camera’s not focused on it.
To the narrative: the shit starts when Red n Blue get relocated to Undisclosed. Relocation is something that just happens every now and then to reapers; they usually work in teams, but they get split up into different cities to avoid any strong bonds forming (a counter-union strategy from the Higher-Ups).
Red, Blue, John and Dave end up running into each other for the first time in a McDonalds where John n Dave are getting some 4am “hey, we just survived another horrific monster fight” celebration burgers. John and Dave are the only two people who can see how… strange Red and Blue are. Nobody else notices.
John unintentionally pisses Blue off, leading to Blue whacking him upside the head with a dildo bat. They all four get kicked out of McDonald’s. Dave and Red both are less than thrilled
Blue and John end up resolving their differences, somehow. Red and Dave briefly bond over their dumbass best friends being, well, dumbasses. They all part ways amicably.
somehow-or-other (idk yet) they end up running into each other a few more times, and eventually john invites them over to his place, and the four (plus Amy now!) get to know each other a little better
while there, Blue gets a text about some guy who's gonna die and John offers to drive them to where that's gonna go down. they take him up on the offer and get to have a bit of one-on-one conversation
after that ordeal though Blue has had Enough of people and bails, leaving John to head home alone
theres a sort of mirror-development going on with the five of em. Red, John, and Amy would all like everyone to get along, though theyre a bit tentative about it (John moreso than the other two, actually, jsut cause. well Red n Blue could still be Sauce Monsters). Dave and Blue on the other hand do Not like people enough for this shit, and Dave's not unconvinced theyre Sauce Monsters. he will not trust them until proven he should
the story's kinda nebulous but i got an idea for some Shit going down that involves both Sauce Monsters and also the Higher-Ups to have some fuckin absolute chaos go down.
Oops! All Trans
Everybody is transgender. Everyone
Ive actually workshopped this one both with ben (catgirlrepublic) and ghost (ghost-wannabe) lmao its a fun lil concept ive had from the get-go cause i mean. What’s an internet tran gonna do other than hit all their favourite media with the Everyone’s Trans beam
Dave transitioned post-high school and faked his death for it. People go missing in Undisclosed all the damned time, after all. He moved to the next city over, transitioned fully, then came back as a completely new man. Yes i know this doesnt exactly fit with the “everyone knows David from high school” thing alright, hush.
Anytime anyone brings up John’s old best friend (pre-transition Dave) John throws an entire fit like an overdramatic grieving widow. Full-on sobbing “why would you bring her up?! I miss her so much—” to the point that people just stop bringing up because Jesus Christ That Sure Is Uncomfortable KJHGFDS.
This is a scheme he and Dave came up with prior to Dave leaving, though Dave hadnt exactly anticipated John putting on this much of a performance about it— but it’s stopped Dave from ever having tto hear his deadname again, so hey.
Amy transitioned sometime in middle school/early high school. Her family was super supportive and loved her a ton and most people just know her as Amy. she was super shy her whole life really so. Yeah. people just dont think to bring it up lmao also i Feel Like big jim would absolutely wallop anyone who gave her trouble of any kind
John’s nonbinary (genderfluid specifically) and not exactly Interested in transitioning ? like hes fine with how he is. mostly.
he came out to Dave in high school but hes not out to anyone else exactly. Maybe his bandmates. Probably any other trans person in Undisclosed knows, too, cause theyre safe to tell lmao. Johns mostly a “he/him out of convenience” kinda nb who’s cool with any pronouns but does prefer they/them most. Dave and Amy use they/them when the trio are alone
Also this is a totally self-indulgent caveat that i think would be great, Dave’s actually agender but because he's transmasc and transitioned when he thought there were really only two options, and being Boy at least felt less weird than being Girl, he just kind of assumed he was a dude. It’s only through a lot of (like fucking years and years hes probably in his 30s/40s when he puts 2 and 2 together on this one) talks about gender with John that he realizes he actually feels like No Gender. Masc aesthetic with none gender.
I Just Think It’d Be Neat Is All Okay
Also Amy came out to Dave about being trans early on in them seeing each other and his response was to get very nervous before blurting out “me too” and then just being too embarrassed to talk about it for the rest of the day. Hes got a lot of hangups on talking about it actually it takes years for him to get comfortable in that
by contrast when Amy comes out to John about it his response is to yell “EYYY ME TOO” and give her a big ol hug lmao
I think itd be neatt if Amy ran a like. Transfem help/advice blog on tumblr. Kind of helped-with by John who can give her transfem nb insight for certain asks. I also just think that would be neat.
Cowboy AU - i put this one last cause its got drawings to it actually. Theyll be at the bottom
Basically just. Hey you ever watched a western. I think they look neat
This is another one me n ben have come up with lol
The soy sauce and all that shit still exist, im not sure where korrok fits in yet but ill figure it out
Theres no real like solid narrative yet ? but heres the barebones of everybody’s arcs.
Johns an absolute troublemaker, Of Course. Hes wanted in several towns for absolutely stupid shit. Hes a loner who shows up, causes chaos, gets drunk, does some drugs, runs away if people get too mad at him
He definitely had the same kind of deal with the soy sauce as in canon— he was at some kind of party, somebody offered it, he took it cause why the fuck wouldnt he, now he can see monsters and shit
Hes kind of a mooch also. Like. dont let him stay in your barn man he’ll never fucking leave and drink all your booze.
He runs into Dave when they happen to just, cross paths in the same town. the bullshit John stirs up ends up involving Dave in a way that makes it seem like it's his fault too, and they both get run out of town
after that he just tags along after Dave. hes decided this guy's Cool he wants to stick around. Dave is pissed at first, but not enough to shoot him or anything, and eventually, John grows on him
Dave also is a loner but unlike John hes simply so fucking awkward and bad with people. He doesnt feel like he belongs anywhere so he just travels
He’s the stereotypical Lone Ranger tbh. He wanders from town to town, solving their problems, though hed deny its out of any moral obligation (it kinda is, a little bit, tbh. He does like feeling useful). He shows up, fixes things, leaves. He's kind of a legend but most people think he's hiding something dark. other people jsut know him as that guy who farted real loud in the middle of the saloon and promptly skipped town out of sheer embarrassment. you know how it goes with Dave
He ends up involved with the Soy Sauce when a snake (not Actually a snake,) bites him. The snake’s more like the wig-monsters, really. Anyway, it injects him with the soy sauce, he fucking trips balls in the middle of the desert, he can see monsters now
He runs into John and shit goes tits-up, as said, but they become traveling buddies after that. he'd never say so, but he's glad for the company, actually. it's nice. hes not used to companionship but he feels a strange kind of easiness hanging out with John....
not sure how the Monster Dave concept will like fit in to this reality but like. trust me i want it in here. I'll Figure It Out.
Amy’s been living in a town John and Dave end up passing through and she is very curious about these two new Handsome Strangers who claim to fight monsters and just kinda. Persistently tags along til they let her join for real
Her family’s all dead, unfortunately, just like in canon, and she’s been living alone for a few years before meeting John n Dave. she had nothing left in that town to stay for, she'd been fantasizing about escaping on wild adventures for a long time and this felt a little like a dream come true. (Dave still gives her a spiel about how Difficult it is, but really, her fantasies were pretty grounded-in-reality already. i jsut think thats how she is, yknow?)
Shes the first person to react to the whole “we see monsters” shit with a kind of “oh, okay. neat” kind of response lmao
John and Dave fix whatever the fuck is up with her town (maybe that’s where the Korrok shit can fit, who knows) and Amy ends up being integral to that. After, she insists they take her with them because “they need her now” and Dave just cant really say no. John too is very much "the more the merrier!" and hes actually glad to have another person along he loves people lmao
At the start she has long hair but after she joins them she chops it short with a knife for convenience
also she still is an amputee. justt. idk. it was a wagon/stagecoach accident rather than a car accident lmao. just to clarify since i hadnt mentioned it, i wouldnt rob her of her ghost hand or yknow. all of the significance to her character that Missing A Hand has. although also now im going to have to research what was used as painkillers way-back-when, but im betting shes still got, like, her pain pills, they probably had those, maybe i wouldnt have to try too hard there. old timey medicine could be WACK though,
Yeah hes in tthis shit mostly cause i liked designing his cowboy self lmao
Hes a kid (like 16, 17, technically i think in those days that was more Young Man than Kid but whatever. Hes Young i mean.) who got possessed by the Worms out in the desert and, by his family’s perception, just went missing!
Hes also a wanderer, but he ended up at the same town john and dave met in, at that same time, and starts following them after, already aware of who/what they are.
He keeps his face covered 24/7. actually he covers a Majority of his self for reasons. kinda want him to be a slightly more horrifying Worm Entity rather than human idk,
I kinda dont have much for this boy yet sorry Shitload
images !
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with some editing notes for me cause im doing a very specific aesthetic with this lmao. i might change some lil details/colours though ...... idk
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im also kinda 🤔 about shitload's colour palette. i want things assoicated w the sauce to be black'n'red predominantly but i think his palette might mirror dave's too closely. also im working on a korrok design i jsut am too busy to draw it now
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ivyuns · 3 years
landing in my heart: secret
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han jisung
genre: angst 
word count: 2.6k
warnings: lost in north korea, violence, mentions of chopping a head off, military stuff, mentions of car accidents, weapons, mentions of ending life and disorders (at the end), grammer mistakes, if i missed anything, lmk :)
part two of landing in my heart
landing in my heart information
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“y/n, choose your future!”
from that day, you always made the right choices. looking in front of you, you saw items which predicted your future by grabbing an item. instead of an item, you grabbed your fathers hand.
till that day on, you successfully opened your own fashion store. cutting the ribbon for your grand opening.
now that you heard jisung telling you to take the right path, you went to the other way. the night when jisung pulled you and hid you in his chest, you looked up in shock.
“oh my. i cant believe we met again”
“i thought you left”
you start flirting with jisung to get your way with him. smiling while jisung stares at you. ‘should i just kill her’ jisung thinks.
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the following morning, you wake up and see yourself in the mirror. face full of marks and cuts. grabbing a cup of water and pour it into the bucket, you clean your face. “its okay, you’ll get through this yoon y/n”
as youre telling yourself to calm down in the bathroom, jisung makes you breakfast. “i-i dont know what you guys do but we usually give the host the first bite” you said, giving jisung a spoonful of the food, he stares at you.
“what wrong?” you asked. jisung sighs and crosses his arms. “are you concerned of whats in the food? because its poisonous?” putting the spoon back onto the food, you gave you. “im sorry if i offended you. but please do understand why im acting like this. wouldnt it be ridiculous for me to be trusting someone at this point?”
“hm, i guess youre right” lifting you head, you smiled. “see! i was correct-” “but you made an emergency landing at the DMZ while flying an unpowered aircraft on a windy day. right as the electric wires were working, you crossed it and came to a military housing area. ill sound crazy to believe someone like you”
“dont tell me youre suspecting me, thinking im a - spy. in fact i believe people are looking for me considered im famous down there” you paused, “one everyone knows im here, the south korean government, military authorites, and the UN wont stay still” jisung nods his head in agreement. “then, nobody should know youre here. i wont tell them”
jisung stands up and gathers your plate. hearing a knock, you look at jisung as he goes and looks who is here.
looking outside the gate, he sees hyunjin outside. “ah, captain han. i didnt know you went home early so i looked everywhere for you. so i knew you were home when i saw smoke from the chimney” hyunjin says and goes inside jisungs house without permission.
“oh and good news. about that south korean girl-” “listen she’s” “shes dead!” hyunjin laughs. “i know youre shocked too because i am too! there was an accident on the mountain and reporters said there was a young woman there” jisung shakes his head, “no thats not it hyung-” “aye, if im wrong then you can chop off my head” jisung nods his head and leads hyunjin back to the gate “wait let me use the bathroom real quick”
as both of the boys went to the entry way of the house, hyunjin takes off his shoes and talks about you. as he takes his shoes off, you went to lean on the door frame. hyunjin turns around and gets scared of seeing to woman he was talking about.
“how do you chop someone’s head off? ive never done it before” you spoke. with hyunjin’s mind going everywhere, he manages to speak to jisung. “c-captain han, whats going on here?” after realization, you realized he was the one who tried to shoot you. “y-you. it was you! you shoot the bullet at me!”
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settling down, jisung rubs his temples as you tried to explain hyunjin that youre not a spy. “do you have trouble understanding or something?” “captain, do you have a shovel i can borrow?” you explain everything that had happened when you ran away, hyunjin gets scared and sits next to jisung.
moments later, another knock comes from jisung’s gates. opening the gate, he sees seungmin, felix and jeongin with food and drinks. “captain han! did you hear the news? the one with the young lady-” “thats not true” jisung cuts off felix.
“you must be jeongin” you called out. jeongin turns around and sees you. “yes, and who are you?” crossing your arms and leaning on the door frame, “i heard you might face a dishonored discharge. that means youll lose the job that you really need” you told him with a scared hyunjin next to you. “i-i thought she died!” jeongin screams and turns to the other two men next to him.
“and ah! youre felix! so tell me, which kdramas did you watch before leaving the post?” you pointed your finger at him. “stairway to heaven” felix answers. “ah thats a pretty old one. its the one with jiwoo and sangwoo right? im close to them, they live a few houses away from me” “is that true?!” felix smiles as seungmin tells him to stop.
telling everybody to come inside to talk, you demand them to take you back where you first landed in north korea. “im afraid we cant do that” jisung answers. “captain han, just let her be. let her get fried in the fences and say ‘so this is how the fences feels like’ if she’ll ever learn” hyunjin laughs out. giving a death glare at him, he stops laughing and puts on a straight face.
“basically, we cant go back to the post because we finished our job for two months and cant return there for a few months” jisung continues. “but you have a choice; i take you to the state security department. they may let you go home. or you stay here but heres a few rules. one, dont talk to us. and two, dont leave the house until we get you back home” jisung finishes. “my dad does a boat-to-boat. where a small boat goes to the international oceans and meets up with the bigger boats to another country” felix tells you.
nodding your head and agreeing with the second choice, the boys goes and makes you food since you were begging them to give you meat. after the food is done, you all eat as jisung steps back. “we must return to our post after this” jisung speaks out. “what? so i have to be alone now?” you exclaimed. “yah, do you just expect captain han to just stay here with you?” hyunjin jokes. “if you need anything thats urgent, press 8 on the cell phone and ill answer it in the outerpost”
instead of calling him for emergencies, you only called him, asking silly stuff. asking wheres the body wash, shampoo, and conditioner and wheres the candles, he responds with the bar of soap. you then call him how to take a bath since theres no modern showers inside his house. “you need to fill up the bucket with hot water. then take the tarp and hang it up with the clothes pin above the bucket. make sure to tuck the tarp under the bucket so theres no airflow. youll have your shower after that”
doing what jisung told you, you were surprised on how they lived. finally finishing, you went in the bucket after taking your clothes off. “ah this feels nice”
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jisung, who was still in the office, got another phone call. “what is it now- ah master sergeant, whats the matter?” jisung answers to the sergeant. “its about the tomb raiders. they were killed in an accident on the mountain” jisung quickly hangs up and goes to the security state department and tell cheolgang.
he shows his military id to enter the place before the other military men opens the gate for jisung. as he goes to the room that cheolgang is in, he tells him what happened. “yes, i know what happen. but what can we do” cheolgang asks. “i believe there needs to be an investigation. what car did they crash into? was it on accident or on purpose? if it was on purpose, who was behind this? and why accidents like this keeps happening. so im asking if i can look into it” jisung says. cheolgang nods his head “go ahead. you should go to the headquaters in pyongyang tomorrow morning and get more information” he answers. jisung gets up and leaves.
the senior coloniel, who was next to cheolgang the whole time, asks cheolgang whats going to happen now. “dont worry about it, we hired somebody since hes responsible for a billion won scheme”
minseok and his bodyguard enters the hotel where theyre supposed to meet someone. after finding the person, they talk about how minseok should be safe in north korea after passing through the other countries without being caught by sehyeong. minseok signs the contact and goes to his new home in north korea with extra protection.
back in north korea in the village, the kids were playing outside as you were still hidden in jisungs place. the mothers came out and gather their kids since it was dark and late and was now time for dinner. however, upil didnt leave until his dad showed up.
as manbok calls his son’s name, upil goes and hugs him and enters their house with upil’s favorite donut.
meanwhile in jisung’s house, you finished your bath and the lights go out. “whats going on? havent i had enough suprises today?”
the whole village had a blackout and you were scared. making your way to the telephone, you called jisung. only to be declined. you were hearing noises and you felt like you were going to be caught soon. closing the blinds, the noises were getting clearer.
grabbing the nearest item to hit the intruder, you were stopped as you saw jisungs face. tears threatened to spilled as your emotions came down are you. “why are you here” you said, lowering the item. “you said you needed a candle” jisung grabs the candle from the bag and gives it to you. “you said you needed it when you took a bath and when you sleep” “thats just a candle. i need a scented one” more tears spilled and jisung takes the item out of your hand.
“im sorry, you probably feel frustrated right now. but i just cant believe what im going through right now” sobs left your mouth as jisung guilty.
ranting to jisung about your problems back in south korea, you couldnt help but spill more tears. feeling frustrated at yourself back then, you felt bad for jisung since you were just crying in front of him. jisung puts his finger on the flame of the candle that was on. “there, i cant see you anymore” jisung reassures you that everything will be okay soon. he gets up and grabs his hat. “where are you going?” “i need to get on a train in the morning to pyongyang” he answers
“i dont know when ill be back so i might not see you when you leave. but my comrades will help you get on the boat in a few days. heres some things i bought that you needed” jisung says and hands you a bag and leaves the house. you open the door before he could leave.
“excuse me, but what is your name? i want to remember it to return the favor later” “you dont have to, there was no favor in the beginning. so its better to not remember it. and as i said before, dont tell anyone about this when you go back” nodding your head, jisung leaves the place.
going back inside, you open the bag and its full of the stuff you asked for earlier. looking at every product, you realize its from south korea. everything that you needed was in the bag, including undergarments and medicine for your cut.
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jisung arrives pyongyang. hes then stopped for an investigation. jisung is led to a torture room to be questioned about the robbers. myeongseok enters the room and sees jisung being yelled at throught the glass window. he barges into the room and kicks the person who was asking jisung questions and aggravating him. “what are you doing? this is the directors son” myeongseok yells at the person, who is shocked.
myeogseok apolgizes to jisung and leads him somewhere to let jisung tell him what he needs to know.
the person who was just yelled at calls cheolgang and tells him that jisung is the directors son of general politics and gets angry.
later the night, jisung and myeongseok are talking about how jisung was to investigate into the car accident recently. “do you perhaps think this accidents was like your brothers?” jisung thinks to what myeongseok ask, and realizes the accident could be like his brothers. the same truck that ran into his brothers car and the others that the trucks ran into.
after company five visited you, they came back to the military zone to get some rest. they happened to see cheolgang leaving the place and quickly straightens up and salutes him. “fifth company, where are you guys coming from?” cheolgang asks. “from fixing the pump in out captains house sir” hyunjin replies. “ hes in pyongyang so good job”
“yes sir. may i ask where youre heading sir” seungmin asks. “lately were have lots of runaways so im going to run random house inspections today” “tonight sir?” hyunjin asks. cheolgang nods and felix starts hiccuping. “whats wrong with him?” “nothing sir. we missed what was in front of us, therefore the runaways must be in the military base. i believe that is a wise plan sir” hyunjin responds quickly. cheolgang nods and tells them to hurry inside and get some sleep.
they quickly go inside and hyunjin calls jisung as seungmin makes sure nobody is coming inside the room theyre in. “captain han, theyre doing random house inspections tonight. but we told the south korean woman not to answer any phone calls. so theyres no way to tell her” hyunjin tells jisung. jisung then hangs up and asks myeongseok for a favor.
jisung quickly drives back to the village as cheolgang arrives in front of jisungs house since is was the next house on the list. seeing the lights on, he doesnt believe that jisung is back from pyongyang.
looking through jisungs stuff, you look into a book that seems familiar. opening the book, you see an application form. “i swear i saw this face before” you were disturbed by your thoughts when you heard knocking. “captain han jisung! were here for house inspecting!” putting everything away, you hid in jisungs kimchi cellar, which was underground. cheolgang unlocks the gate and finds jisung as he sees the cellar’s blanket off of the door.
opening the door, the investigators finds you and clucks their guns. as youre forced to get off of jisungs property, everyones asking you questions as your hands are up in defense and silent. “it doesnt matter. once shes at the state security department, these muted people will talk” cheolgang says.
as a bright light flashes through, everyone stops and looks at the car in front of them. jisung stops the car and gets out to walk towards you and cheolgang. cheolgang suddenly aims his gun at you as tears fell.
“what are you doing to my fiancee?”
“what did you just say?”
“i would appreciate if you put the gun away from my fiancee”
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additional ending:
location: switzerland
“its invalidation in our institute regulations, im sorry” the woman tells you after your request. “but why? i heard i can end my life here sure i have no physical pain, but i feel extraordinary pain in my mind. depression, panic disorder, eating disorder, insomnia, what all do i have to name? ” you questioned.
“we always recommend the sight seeing of switzerland to our visitors. most of our visitors change their minds after sight seeing. i dont know why you want to end it, but im sure youll be one of them”
after doing what the woman had told you, you went to visit a place where you can paraglide. amazed at how amazing paragliding looked, a guy stopped right next to you, admiring the view with you.
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twilight-aus · 3 years
stray kids x camp half blood (part 2)
part 2 is finally here and it’s time for changbin and hyunjin to take stage! i got really into writing these two so they seem a bit longer to me!! i fully intend to write a changjin fic in this universe one day so this is kinda just,, a way to explain backstory for me!
anyway here’s part 1 if anyone missed it and i hope you enjoy!!!
seo changbin- child of hades
okay,,, I know what you’re thinking,,, and I debated it too but he just fits so well as a child of hades so im resting my case with this. So,,, yeah theres that whole pact between the big three aka zeus, Poseidon and hades,,, and hades did stick to it,,, he just happened to totally forget that one time he didn’t but as no one ever came forward to be like “hey you gave me a kid??” he just chose to forget about it and stays loved up with Persephone down in the underworld. Changbin is pretty normal for the most part,,, goes to school, gets fussed over by his mum too much and likes to make music. Except,, well changbin knows he’s not normal when he came back from school one day and as he was fumbling to find his key to his apartment he shared with his mum,,, a huge pile of gold coins just appeared at his feet as he got more agitated when he couldn’t find his key… well his mum opened the door, saw the gold and was like,, well here we go. He gets sent to camp half blood that summer and is just like,,, I really don’t understand what I’m doing here when he’s with chan and chan just sorta looks at him funny before being like “well,, come and stay with me for the time being!!” and well,, it takes a few weeks of summer camp before changbin gets claimed and when he does…. It’s an absolute nightmare to say the least. Everyone is just so CONFUSED?? Like, Hades kids shouldn’t be a thing?? Wasn’t there that whole pact between the big three ?? Anyway,, this kinda causes people to stay away from changbin,,, bc damn that’s scary the third hades kid to appear in recent history is actually terrifying,,,, let’s just Zeus and Poseidon are raging upstairs lmaoooo. Poor changbin though,,, he had so many friends before he got claimed but they all kinda just left him,, apart from his lil crew of 8,,, yeah skz they don’t leave him behind. Bc they know he’s way more than being just a kid of Hades,,, like he’s so different from the typical moody, dark traits of Hades kids,,, pink sweaters, loves all things sweet, and ADORES HUGS. Like,,, a lot,,, which is good for skz because theyre so cuddly themselves but damnnn,,, dark scary changbin likes hugs?? He’s always clinging to felix or hyunjin and everyone’s just like,,, what. This makes people open up way more to changbin. Until it’s capture the flag time and changbin gets banned from summoning skeletons bc he sicced them on jisung once and well,,, yeah it wasn’t pretty. Oh,, changbin is like the strongest Hades kid who is not only good with his powers but like,,, he loves working out ?? everyone, including hades himself, just assumes he’s gonna stay a moody, thin kid like Nico or smth but no,,, short beefy changbin appears and he absolutely DECIMATES everyone including the ares kids in combat bc he’s just so,,, beefy….
hwang hyunjin- child of Hecate
So you’re probably all thinking,,, why not an Aphrodite kid?? Well that’s boring and overdone and I just think,,, witchy hyunjin. That’s all I want. Now hyunjin was sent to camp half blood by his dad bc quite frankly,, he was kinda terrified of what hyunjin might become without proper training so he sent him off with a promise from chiron to not reveal to hyunjin who is godly parent was,,, so there hyunjin was, standing around the cabins like,,, where do I fit in. Chan, being Chan, adopts hyunjin and they’re both just in the Hermes cabin. Hyunjin is kinda just,, a bit clueless bc he’s like,,, wow “Greek gods are real and im the son of one of them omg what if im like,,, the son of Poseidon or smth that would be so cool” and chan kinda just side eyes him bc like,,, chan knows he’s different and doesn’t fit with any of the cabins they have so. Anyways,, so as hyunjin only really goes to camp during the summer, by the time new cabins were built at camp half blood he was back at mortal school and when he comes back next summer,,, well he keeps being drawn to one cabin in particular…. You guessed it, it’s the Hecate cabin. He just stands there staring at it when he arrives until chan appears behind him to explain the new cabins and lets himself being dragged back to the Hermes cabin, not without sparing another look at the Hecate cabin. Hyunjin is fairly,,, okay at being at camp, he’s not the best archer or swordsperson, he’s okay at ancient Greek langauge, he does alright in his ancient Greek history classes but like,, he doesn’t fit in anywhere. All of his friends have been claimed by their godly parent and Hyunjin’s a bit bitter that his dad is either sending him to boarding school during term time and then to camp during the summer and still won’t tell him who is mum is like ?? yeah it’s bit frustrating bc he’s one of the oldest unclaimed kids and he’s just over it okay. One day in the middle of summer,,, everything changes. Hyunjin is just minding his own business as he’s cleaning up the archery area after practice when minho thinks it’s funny to see if hyunjin will notice if he shoots an arrow towards him,,, well,,, minho does this at the same time hyunjin whips around sensing something and theres an arrow flying towards him and he panics okay he doesn’t mean to stop it in midair it just happened and minho is just like,,, open mouthed staring at him like wtf. The arrow clatters to the ground after a tense few seconds and hyunjin just runs away to the only place that makes sense and it’s the Hecate cabin. It’s not until a few hours later when the boys decide to visit him that he sees another person, too busy being scared by what just happened and yeah, well as soon as the see him there’s a purple wheel above his head and he’s been officially claimed. Little things that had no explanation now suddenly do,,, it’s been hwang hyunjin all along.. (they keep it a secret from chiron and camp for a few hours as they comfort him but you know,,, chiron realises where everyone is pretty soon and he just smiles,, he knows hyunjin’s dad has nothing to fear anymore)
find part one HERE
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