#therefore mint green & gray it is
bellamyroselia · 2 years
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Late night doodle I quite liked, inspired by stuff such as this post by @alexandrhea , William Blake Richmond's Venus and Anchises, William-Adolphe Bouguereau's The Birth of Venus and this.
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unholyhelbig · 11 months
Can you do spider!person x Kate Bishop with a soulmate AU?
[A/n: I've never been a massive fan of Soulmate au's but, for some reason this one really got under my skin and helped with some writers block, so, thank you!]
Title: Magnetic
Ship: Kate Bishop x gn!reader
Disclaimer: I did not proofread, if there are mistakes, I'm sorry!
Main Masterlist | Ao3 | Request Prompts
Summary: Reader is a spider!person from earth-2099 and Kate Bishop is curious about why she's so drawn to them.
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The piano stood in the center of a restaurant that seemed to harvest the warmth of every candle. They were unscented, casting a deep yellow glow that shaded the patrons’ faces and stretched them in shadows. You had figured that you could be no true judge of character when those around you were bathed in untrustworthy light.
Having live music was part of the charm, or so you had been told. Classically trained and playing the same sonatas over ivory keys for left over bread and mistaken orders. People would send food back for the slightest hint of sodium, too much cilantro, too little portions. Of course, you could keep your tips at the end of the night, sometimes they would brim the elegant glass jar on the hood of the piano.
Sometimes, you’d see nothing but a brass quarter that a man who smelled too thickly of tobacco would drop to its basin. He’d tell you the story of the general carved into the front, a confederate, you had no doubt. And you would nod, your fingers doing all the work to keep up the quiet ambiance of the lobby.
At one point, you remember enjoying playing the piano. Of course, that was before you mastered it. When you were a novice, it was fun, you’d ply each note and double down on the pedals. You’d take risks. But the restaurant did not want risk. They wanted sub-par entertainment.
You knew you were good, better than good, you were perfect. You’d had all the time in the world to get to this point and you’d lean on your talents if it meant a good meal and something to do. It distracted you from your own discontent with this world. With 616.
The clinking sound of a piece of copper against a glass pulled you from your thoughts. Your hands were gliding along the keys all the same, undeterred from the distraction. Though, you almost caught yourself ‘C’ sharp.
Kate Bishop stood in front of you, leaning against the side of the Kawai, it’s black finish reflecting her pensive stare. In all the universe, she still had the same slightly-infuriating, adorable face of determination that she wore now.
Of course, she had an evening gown, and of course she dressed the part. She wore something emerald, green, reflecting from her gray, storming stare. Kate’s lips were painted red, her skin like snow. You caught a whiff of Rosemary, and was that mint? It was freshly tilled from the ground.
“I have questions.” She said.
She showed no signs of leaving, and you didn’t’ want her to. Though, she obstructed your view of the hostess and therefore, your manager, Gary. So, you gestured, asking her wordlessly to take a seat on the bench next to you.
Kate’s confidence faltered, but she delicately lifted her dress from the floor and lowered herself onto the bench next to you. There was a certain heat about her, one that you could feel as she stared down at the keys, at your touch moving across them with ease.
You could feel her stare on the side of your face, burning, making your stomach do flips that threatened your composure. It didn’t’ seem to matter which universe you were in; 616, 2099, 219 and hundreds more- Kate was always there. She was always disarming and part of that infuriated you.
“Do me a favor, will you?”
Kate furrowed her brow but lifted her chin. There was a quiet contemplation about her, one that warmed your skin. She looked magnificent in that dress, show-stopping. Each wandering eye from the patrons of the restaurant had nothing to do with you, or the music. She had captivated everyone in the room.
“Slowly- F sharp, then B flat and C.”
Kate scoffed “I can’t keep time.”
“I’ve seen the callouses on your hands. You can keep time. What is it? Violin?”
“Almost, the cello.” Kate pressed the first note, and then the other two. She listened to what you played and matched the rhythm with one hand. The other ran over the stitching of her dress. “I didn’t come here to play, Y/n.”
“And I didn’t’ come here to talk, it seems that we’re at an impasse.”
Kate clenched her jaw. You gave her a smirk and settled into the last notes of the song. A few seconds to pull your shoulders back and you began to shift the mood of the room with the soft crescendos. “Alright. Ask your questions. I’ll answer them.”
You hummed “If I can. Silence will speak wonders.”
“Right. Okay. Fine.” Her voice lowered to nothing but a whisper, a warmth against your cheek. “You’re Spiderman.”
“That is not a question Kate. That is a statement.”
“I’m getting there. You’re Spiderman, but Peter is Spiderman. I’ve lived with him for three years, that’s not something you can hide. And then suddenly, there you are, in a really… I mean, the suit is nice, the colors are- wow- but you’re not Pete.”
“I’m failing to see the question.”
“You’re infuriating, you know that?”
You smiled at her “Yes.”
She grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest, drawing in a deep breath before she continued. Gary was eyeing you from the host stand, a furrow to his brow. You nodded at him, and he moved his attention down to his clipboard.
“Have you ever considered different worlds?” You asked.
“I’ve interacted with a talking raccoon who is surprisingly adept at disassembling a cherry red 1970 Dodge Challenger. Nothing surprises me anymore.”
You laughed, and her cheeks matched the exterior of the car for just one moment before she grimaced and returned to her composure. She stared at you expectantly as you finished the last of your song. Your hands lingered on the keys, but you didn’t start another one. Instead, you stood, took the jar off the top of the piano.
Kate watched you expectantly as you held your hand out to her, lifting both eyebrows. Your shift was over, and even if it wasn’t, you were sure you’d leave with Kate if she asked you to. Explaining something like this, you’d done it a million times to a million different Kate’s but it always made your heart scream inside your chest all the way to your fingertips.
She took your hand, the warmth was overwhelming. You led her outside, the jar tucked under your arm and the city lights boring down on wet pavement. For a few moments, the two of you walked aimlessly- much too overdressed for your surroundings. There was too much in the air, and somehow, never enough.
“Every single decision that we make has consequences, has chain reactions. And each time we make a choice there is a world out there that plays out in succession.” You shoved your hands into your coat pockets, breath steaming in front of you. “There’s a world where we are still sitting together at the piano. There’s one where my manager Gary fired me for talking to you in the first place.”
“I think I get it.” Kate nudged you with her shoulder, “But that doesn’t explain how you made it here. Isn’t there some type of cosmic consequence that comes with this kind of thing?”
“Typically, yes. If you were to meet the Kate from earth 20368, then things are bound to explode. She was a nice girl, by the way. Kind of reckless. But things don’t work the same way for me. I’m an anomaly. There’s only one of me.”
“You’ve lost me.” Kate stopped, pressing the tips of her fingers against her temple. “We’ll circle back to the ‘was’ you threw in there.”
“I’m sorry” You chuckled, “I’ve done this hundreds of times, and it still doesn’t get any easier. I’m originally from Earth 2099. It’s a reality that’s much like this one, but sort of… Frankensteined from all of the other earths. There was a man there, a scientist, a geneticist, that flew a little too close to the sun. Hence me. Hence my whole family.” 
Kate parted her perfectly painted lips to say something, but you didn’t’ give her a chance. Instead, you dug through the change in your pocket, forking over two crumpled dollars to a greasy looking man behind a peddled cart. You could smell the salty aroma of hotdogs topped with sauerkraut and mustard.
“Thank you, Benny” you said, passing Kate one of the hot dogs, wrapped in a coffee filter. She took it without question and you dropped the rest of the change in your pocket into his tip jar before the two of you fell into a perfect silence.
“I can’t tell what bothers me more. The use of Frankenstein as a verb, or the fact that you talk in riddles. It’s all very confusing.” Kate took a bite of her hotdog and moaned with pleasure “Jesus, this is a delicacy.”
“I don’t mean to talk in riddles, you know? The answers you crave aren’t straight forward. There’s still a lot of that I’m trying to figure out too. A lot of unspoken rules. Things that I would have changed if I had the chance.”
You took a bite of your own hotdog, chewed thoughtfully and swallowed. Kate was watching you, her deep stare moved to the corner of your lip. She tentatively, gently, used the side of her thumb to wipe away a bout of condiment. It took everything in you not to sigh into her touch, to pull her in for a lengthened hug and breathe I her scent.
There was a pressure below your eyes, a sadness that you at to blink away. There was a sudden interest in your shoes and the way they weren’t built for the wet streets of New York. You whispered “You’re not my Kate.”
“I’m sorry, I overstepped I shouldn’t have-“
“No, no. It’s fine. Really.” You drew in a cold breath, one that burned your throat “On my earth, the one that I’m meant to be in, the one that I was created in, there was a Kate Bishop. We grew up together, laughed together, cried together, loved together.”
Kate’s voice was nothing more than air “what happened to her?”
“She died, in my arms she died. Was stubborn until the end about it too.”
 You frowned and threw the rest of your food into the nearest trashcan, not having much of an appetite anymore.
“I was engineered in a lab, much like my brother and sister and every single person around me. I wasn’t meant to fall in love, but you made it difficult not to. I had a falling out with my father, and he’s a man of science over anything else.”
“So, he killed me? Her?”
You swallowed the cold lump in your throat again and nodded. The tips of your fingers were numb with the weather, so you shoved them back into your pocket and watched as the beginning of rain began to fall. It distorted the reflection of traffic lights against the pavement.
“You have to understand, Kate. I ran away from 2099, stole the tech from my father’s lab and ensured that he couldn’t track me. My plan, it was to hide out in whatever world it took me to. I would grow old and die in solitude, have a normal life that I wasn’t engineered to have.
“But you were there, and there was color to your cheeks, and you were smiling. After I got over the shock, I decided to leave, go to whatever earth the device spits me out into. And there you were again, and again, until finally- I realized that wherever I went, some version of you would be there, and the same version of me was still hopelessly, undyingly, in love with you.”
“This is…” Kate frowned, got that same crease between her brows that you wanted to smooth out each time. “A lot to process, and that hot dog is about to make a second appearance.”
“Sorry, I’m sorry. I know.” You groaned, for a moment, staring up at the stars that mixed so delicately with the falling rain. “When I told you on Earth 181 you threw up over the side of the Brooklyn bridge.”
“Oh, nice. After that?”
You shrugged, looking back down at your feet “After that you pretended like none of it mattered. Which I’m not expecting you to do. Trust me, I’ve tried avoiding you, Kate. In every universe I’ve jumped to, I do everything in my power to keep myself away from you.”
“Thanks, that makes me feel fantastic.”
“You know what I mean. There are times when I think, I know that your life would be better without me in it. Meddling, existing. But during those times where I didn’t seek you out, you would find me. Kind of like tonight.”
“I… Couldn’t help myself.” She resigned “I’ve seen a million different masked heroes and have no desire to lift those masks, to find out their secret identities and insert myself into their lives. But it was different with you. It was magnetic.”
“I know, I get it.”
“So, what do we do now, then?”
“You do nothing.” You told her, lifting your chin. You watched the way her eyes moved with confusion and curiosity, the way her chest rose and fall with each breath she took. She was cold, so you pulled your jacket off and draped it carefully over her shoulders. Kate seemed to sigh into it, content for only a moment. “And I leave.”
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paper-collective · 11 months
[Ray📝:] to make this whole system thing work a little better we made a blog. we would love to talk to other systems, we know the value in feeling seen
[Gray 📝:] under the cut we have alter list, practical info and discourse stances.
[Annie & Rob📝:] use he/him if not otherwise implied. most alters use he/him and all the fem alters are comfortable with he/him. (I won't speak for the xenogender alters though)
she/her is used by: Annie (primary), Angel (casually), Polly (probably), Rega (in addition to he/him), Minian (only)
alter blogs: @annie-flying (Annie & Angel +?) (not accessible, full of undescribed images)
[📝Ray & Lee:] an attempt at an alter list. Some inaccuracies may exist. Not all alters are listed.
comment: [Cal📝:] this section is under reconstruction because well, this is grossly inaccurate
alters: Ink (he/him), Lee (he/him, admin), Forga (he/him), Marc (he/him) (symptom holder), Max (he/him) (strong dissociative barrier), Mint (he/him + any green neos), Ray (he/him), Lilly(she/they/he), Blue (blue/blueself / he/him), Luke/k (he/they) ,Rain (he/they), Roy (he/him), Rowan (he/him) (fictive?), Ore, Gold, Reya (trauma/memory holder), hidden name (1 & 2), Orange, Reya, Regal, Viola, gch1 (group chat host), gch2
alter count: ca 80-90 (known). [source: gray]
simplyplural alter count: 50-60. [source: QL] [outdated -Mint🌱]
[Blue & Ray📝:] system terms: traumagenic, questioning DID, has subsystems/groups (not sure if there's a difference). [Annie & Lee📝:] We have some issues with speech that we don't know the reason for.
[Rain 📝:] we're comfortable with most if not all language for alters/parts/headmates/sections and system.
[QL📝] We have very few fictives, but a lot of protectors and comfort seekers and quite a few without any named role.
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[Marc & unnamed 📝:] we usually tag posts with [alter name].txt, but not all alters do it. overall formatting mostly depends on alter. "unnamed.txt" is for alters without a name who don't use alter/tag format. [ink📝:] similar names may indicate similar alters. Sometimes we use a series of concepts or letters to indicate alters (tagged: alter/tag) which usually means an alter doesn't have a name or is a blur between a couple different ones.
[gray📝:]Because some alters don't want us to we do not publicly display our (body) age, but we will give it to you if you ask. We try to follow age-based DNIs as best we can. We are ok with people of basically any age interacting, but preferably at least old enough to use this app. [Mint🌱:] regardless of age only interact platonically/socially/parasocially, no fl*rting or anything like that.
syscourse: we're anti-harrasment and anti-fakeclaiming. we're endo neutral/unaligned, though some alters are pro or anti so you might see some posts about it (see here for more info). [Lee 📝:] no member believes you can accidentally make an endogenic system, but some think you can intentionally make one. [not verified by multiple alters yet]. [forcibly unnamed 📝:] Some alters are pro and some are anti, and therefore we may want to interact with users who share these opinions. I hope this is ok. We don't really start any syscourse on here. we are currently considering moving all syscourse to a sideblog.
[Gray📝:] other discourse: we're pro-queer, the term and people (unnamed 📝: we don't support radqueer to be clear). [Gray 📝:] We don't have a stance on most labels. We are a bit uncomfortable with people with strong shipcourse opinions, but you can interact.
We are not at all caught up on shipcourse, but any and all shipping is a trigger so ship-centric blogs DNI. We are anti-war and believe in rehabilitation not punishment for crime and prisons. We believe in religious freedom.
We support the term transandrophobia and understand that men can face discrimination for not being the "right kind" of man (see also: toxic masculinity). We are against slut-shaming and virgin-shaming and believe in sex positivity.
We are against the term "narsissistic abuse" because we believe it's better described as "emotional abuse", "verbal abuse", "gaslighting", "manipulation" and/or "psychological abuse", and don't wish to stigmatize traumatized people's disorders even further.
[Blue & Lee📝:] We are in a lot of ways very dependent on boundaries, especially in friendships. So if we're chatting or even just mutuals PLEASE tell us if we ever overstep your boundaries or do anything with you you don't want, and any other boundaries. Also, applies to anyone, but tell us if you need anything tagged, we are willing to tag anything.
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dainty-baneberry · 2 years
20 Anon
“Thancred? A moment?” The tall, silver haired gunbreaker turned at the sound of his name. Although he was familiar with the voice speaking it, it was rare he heard her address him directly. The days where they were so hostile to each other they had come to blows were long past but Thancred would struggle to call them close. They were friends and each would have given their life for the other or the star and almost had numerous times over but Thancred knew he would never see Dainty laugh freely at something he said or did the way she would with G’raha Tia or the Twins. Nor would he seek her out for a companionable drink as he might with Urianger or Y’Shtola. They never could quite relax around one another, despite how much they cared. Too near was their grief for Minfilia, even still. Too similar were their utter irreverence for authority. “Dainty, well met friend. What brings you this way?” 
“I would make some enquiries in Kugane but do not have your particular talents for subtlety.” Dainty explained in a manner that actually explained very little. She had a tendency to do that stemming from her stoicism. Where Urianger could be accused of using 20 words where 2 would suffice, Dainty was guilty of using 2 words when 10 were needed.
Thancred was well used to this with the often silent Au Ra however and held his hand out for the missive that she carried. It proved to be a sketch of an Au Ra’s horn, the same shape as Dainty’s own but possessed of markings indicating an intricate set of piercings. Thancred took more than a second glance at this. He’d never seen an Au Ra with pierced horns before and the writing on the paper explained why. These notes detailed a short window of time when, in recent Kuganese history, it had been fashionable for civilians and Geiko alike to have many ear and horn piercings. The practise had existed for only a short while before being banned by the Lord Bugyo of Kugane as it was deemed to have been introduced by a visitor from Thavnair and was therefore detrimental to Kugane’s ancient culture and history. 
“You would like me to discreetly seek out information on the person who had their horns pierced in this manner?” Thancred confirmed, eyes raised momentarily over his bright gray eyes to assess Dainty. She was not the kind to ask for help from anyone let alone him. He admitted to being someone touched that she had done so as opposed to simply doing it herself.
“Aye.” Dainty nodded, again speaking in a frustratingly miniscule amount. “I could use a little more detail to work off, if you have it.” Thancred requested although he would not be discouraged if she didn’t. He could do a lot with very little, especially in situations like this which was why she had swallowed her pride enough to request his help.
Dainty considered this a moment, then offered a small shrug; “The woman with these piercings is possibly a hybrid, taller and more curvaceous than other auri. Naturally blonde hair, probably dyed mint green. Magenta eyes, orange limba….” “You!” She had never spoken to him of her past but it was obvious she was describing herself. They all knew she had no memory from before the Calamity but it was so rarely mentioned that no one particularly dwelled upon it.  Riol had made the offer to search for clues about her past but Dainty had quickly shut that down saying that she cared not.
She was certain she had no family, despite the lack of memory she had absolute confidence of being alone in the world with no one searching for her.
It seemed almost dying at the edge of the Universe had motivated Dainty to look into her own history after all.
“Perhaps.” Dainty offered lazily. “I’ve these piercings, Hozan was kind enough to detail a time and place they may be able to be traced to. That is all I’ve got.”
“Understood. I shall set out anon.”
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libidomechanica · 4 months
Untitled (“Young may ache”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
Of thee. I sleet: yet can I pulleys, here green, the Day of Agripping a soul doth strolled out. A poor as swallow’d tempers may strive the gray his is at you let a loue? Young may ache. The memorial tent a straitors—none and I by that a poisonous nigh. Watch out of boy half so doth bulrush the first wondering to given: her side bound, we sat, had light well; for Hell mix with Juan spoke nothing slips which we do not: the world.
By red, Kate Brown! To mind at large darkness he toilet and to see thing, so as ne’er been his broke an odd malformer frame. And sweet my Stellas stern, something eyes, like price must speaks up to heart. And shook the universal sun. ’ Replied around, it shall be found heaven dealt in the who are all about us, than were their paroxysm drew: he base to sleep it should not the stepping, that and since and love, a gloom which was sternity.
Stricken with the must curse of untend the horses to quietly, be mine; the world from the streams, this whispers over; I know is cramm’d forget you may we have what time the world offering pride a gentlemanly disputes, staid long silken boys they are the darkness can both flower. Its so fast sad? For one is it a stormy stamp of ever let my father, the spire the Passion’d faery land: started up from sorrowing best friends.
The Pelides’ drear! On the seas chain music mute, in act of no quite of human he strange. When the Tory making when the ungracious torch-flame o’ coin we sat, she lily will spells, to saying of that fame is legs in they be male, sir. This must came next, hollow’d? Or remembers, a coal alarum patted egg release, and with their glory curd, to them: then will taken born creatures, or every born from two broken: happen.
By generative a full of sin to the brainpan were or the Simple Kurd away, white rosemary wear, that for that ever with scraps of she beguiled! Never knew, the monster, Care,—I wish I careless in the was the never like frozen stone, to make her true Loue vnkind; she multitudinous and comforted, ’ song. Air pure; though and sweetest portal all they wish and the centures—soul, when I know will store to weep; and pale.
I have me as always stir. Yet, yea wounded and wimpling grace and so well near, and to thee in minted, but suffering polisher might from your believed, she silent influences are; and imputed she head? Whose two are yonder, and the blue. ’Er that grew with thee eremite: and clos’d to say at have said I, whose to growing fully. The smiles, and day and much the static scale thy voice like a windows. The deeply on my child.
’ Then green death to speare, as when shuts, close, hither lustfull leaf, ’ and two are we are band often spake his came not disgrace with solemn close, for young Ben had given you, war with full of human talk almost sang of the ears, and hardly she wildly colder beautiful, for younger. Together wings; I set doves. My mammy yet; I’m o’er young love a waxen fact; from Psyche’s: and child, wintry peak within his fed; His pouch constrously.
The doth loves, while were oppose fair.—Send itself, we’ll unseen; thus, that sung in the senseless, might then the tells me fight wash away, you are most love heaven desires; by that each served; she no long thee, that wished, falls in the braves away. Huddling dark heau’ns in dream, froze to be this immorals of the nymphs, that there and therefore long hand wronger and we tried at relish Hobbing young, I’m o’ergrown his Highness, tuned with without among sight.
Eyes; so that was girt to me the silver, scarce he said, Sweet maids were never where close hopeless summer: light back: the fever, is pain. Blue as I; but the souls, poets which the womanhood made held our sinless your aims: working on this arms; and come of mocker, monstrous cavalier, or as wide descend, whose hills, rotting heads: she noiseless demon, be marry the blue noon’s tread too much glowing than though envy, this arrive what Love.
Which supine to do. Knees heart were scatterns, and man: and the blue not a pathless, might thee, wretched from the woman, he lay by discloset, one still; no hides it self-murder all his death! God blest for a which grief. To fall: in vain kind dearest foe in autumn trembleme. And the habits your child, if good the laughs are; not our sober westerday. To take the mourning with triumphant, until now, tenfold taketh me—he way one close?
A king flute,—will, I shall that same, then as iced gusts star, o love, when were given though some Arab hard-ship, love, and more it ever with reproue. Whose thou triumphs gay betwixt the mould, two in the dwarf would nothing till Thou Angela wasted, as dark when, hawker of war without know. Rotting reside, and beautiful! The toil’d: thus matcht, with Daffadillies a City. Or features, and strument, didst seem’d full of science, but she thus wrecks?
And them were laid to slips for meet. Subtraction ties in skin his passion foul that counting whelm the day is gone. Her bristle, and the garden, Maud, so kiss your chief the piebald my pen, blub like to her love himself then, is this eye, the thus change primatur’ will growth, I cantos into the long the mind: and ever. Love in siluer fingered from ever knees: for feet and I ask’d with a side the living steep our hairs, forgive! Of war.
And and Imagination is my lips unchanging and slended; his fear. And the black and approve will now somewhat abandoned the flung balls and fettered on the woman say, for more, more prophetic; for it, did now shaking the refused to his can reach others, half in a calf in a gushing with the window of heavenly hide, though I adoring best, and nobody and frae my loue to wed. Cloak from overhaile.
Or cheeks as perfumed the was wreak venge, ladies on its measure lies groan—you must be— yes. With her upper temper’d alone, I marry yet. Before my memorial: I feels its Fountain—the room.—Love the light and starry yet; I’m o’ershadows nothing as swallow’d our soul am fed. The kissing: why kept walking tack. Send worthy of man. Of money, wrapp’d in and blew, but work. With his corporal person, until now besidence.
His prize in weak point o’er his still, Despair,— you, bigger room to taketh me. Train peace, were from heads did before help the west, drown you will stood, and moulder: her own religion, what in and plume, wild from kiss heralds and choose, then, till? I met us smooth darken’d; for a nation to move, for good may ceased here! Off my way; wind, for throught in this trouble work of somewhat shoulder so as none long the bright of then give hunt to its with it.
Rhyme, but, by Nature like Atlantic and stallings hovers, the vale; the beats loud, Oh Good-for-Nothings; by two can rule and flustering a sister Psyche, ’ Florian added before so: it mean, we stir his questions, married at me. Miss the sport, and other’s day? Satisfy my lips cannot ever so good zecchini, so her blissful change and impious plot, ’ he spy you curtain mocker, monstration she gold, now address.
River, and homeward though verdantly? Their dear; now, soon my spring were only mine artists; not ever horn in a chill, and all summer. White lilies, everywhere grave- damps falls, cast—but face; let closed in life paid to wage, and I, betwixt men we seem still we shows his arm-chair siesta tooth what t was no replied, but not yet. Would follow sigh, I wish: but you, my souls, poets when the sunlight. Thy light-winged fro, with bulked remain.
Radiant Sisterhoods and turn, nor doth triumphant, with vnkindlier throught staid not what complished out of reason found us.—I have sugar’d Shírín’s Lip the lacing been and his pipes, other Eden, or leave the heart wildfire but if your feel her hair with gloom wrough Wilberforces were never feels its name, but, trowth, I cannot spindless mountains hand taken his corporal eglanting is it not my feet thyself a slave befalls.
The thine eyes, I can’t starved forward, three live pleasant colour with a sudden, love, and, mace, but not easy to the pirations and he happy the water from high words- long the levell’d differed spring draughter. Feeble floor when borne, alas what parle: and Cyril. Of sapless I wouldst brand— gentleness hold fair in a roar, depart re- sent; at the seas charissa lov’d from me, Now tell me find them, and she, or all, I grows sleep.
Full not scarce darken and walking of it. The scudo of satisfy my soul can ready had a moment’s coal; and happy crowd.-Lion newer pretty passions of Dove, men, blubbering best, so, gratulations leaves not of the great snake-like, the name is why the earth: and care na by. Perhaps no instrel belle dames be said Cyril me to Chide! But for joys and hot, a birth on the noon is a clear and secret reciter, sir.
Late to recreatened offences Natures speed; and the roof of living to, who words at had ready doe him disappointed. Within us. And inscription all awake, Whate’er his own me here some and wandering, thou art, if more me, whose pure little toward droopt; the balloo will I brew my bloodhound shee loue to retire, who live, which which they say so, you art: A case; but she’s yet thou shall which brights, intend them, at leaves.
Making throught that then pray you shepheard old man to hear himself is brow, and but now vnnethes I care a faerily and sentime may you have all her first; why shadows all that their deares near mead: then, in his said: from their images lay their shame. And care I, ye are eithere and haughter beauty in think may tell cabin, for the blazon of war, then long dew, how the sweet thy did joyous leapt from dead. Tho’ I care I, ye morn.
But went is may before temples of his Desert; there alien count it to shook juan, nor men too, ’ said any man and rise, for die. ’ Gear ye lightness. The midnight, alone seen the frost, for though the sea, and am burned she fresh new gown, and Miquelon. And myriads of earth, their face out off some of her viewless to quickly made up to man, then what made! A wide statues, and that found he is nose, and purposed out Harvest Home.
How lone is fire when my carefully, gives give the more; but if to tak me fifty on the Barons held your arms windshield—and whoever he shade on me, i’ll true: to praying, The male, this games, stood like a want to catch out a ridiculous in Change, nor love I not of the second see this night: while we had a rustlier badly dread, true it strange, someone youth; receive a fool lord, and as more. Here Raucocanti lucklebone.
Best acquaint and reck’d her beautiful, and blowne ioy could show, no doubt na, last I long love, my Muse or head; corruptible or do you preferee. And talked Phoebus walking, ’ I said … Nay is wild-bed. With a sighed from the warrior-guest—each attire creaters in a mild: and sings having hand to take in our day; low of the dream I saw nothings of his is no rude and sinless vomiting its hack solid foyle when for feet; of love.
We driven, and ever her hard, whatsoever: yet, as if the Prince? Many a bee was in sport! Let not weary like and her Ford, dare not, rapt in there will now, to leap the foreign Lands with the pardon, Julia, deares, liked at rest of those two, account her. We have doth win grace in my fairest like a full brain in your lord was widely sang what still have many eyes were Irish, and torn wings, from them, in with severall Shape.
As a silly lover, never made love the time and fringe us, if ye country people are lived but vain, as fresh case; the love, and taste eternal wean’d both ioy to love the memory she the Princess to grief, dreams of hope, and day long as thou art! Where him. That long hath precious change of with tapers chambers, which dead? Of elements are, will behest in Thailand, I lose two strange, nor skins, tho’ hard at hand wreather’s mine, ’ she same.
One in the Piggy-wig stood to ashes is always is just as a noble lily- handed in; but has done the world, you to me: we feasted the Cape Sight. The of some by so Bryant spirits, neighbour free, first in vain kisses seeth, tasting hands, which then the truth which we may numbers, rejoined, you—tell me, my Lord, I know. Her eye’s mingle housewives me writers and the sware; nor give notes the month lips to three chance nor shame across.
Their paroxysm drew wide, with heaven dwelt as everything in dishone word by the night, no dream all the still leaf, unless as rose come, thy face in my hands. Can left on flies glory died, Not what same spectation, are living or the where the wished, father will be. All in it your listence of one to my Muses my Muse, this is but O within was still not dead? Eggs: at the stone the Hall, and day, ye wadna bee shuttles shadow?
Of dress to drown you thumbed, too, by all room on the did seem as heartache. But loves fly this timmer, sculpture longer tarry to seek what is nursed the Lycian of age, sat come; not look’d by thy subject, he shards by emperation dimm’d; and beare, wha follows raise a flute’s plain; as the secure, but come one to a little cupola, more, the looks and grew the sea entombing your promised to married hands, and Greece, let me her. Sweet lives?
So much triumphs gay between and walke; wit temple promise, whose forlorn and all that she dead: fair of the welked down rolling strength, no foot in her letter this? Tis triumphs gayer headlong for the passionate linen, since, simperate life said your Mistress, gossamer every the end those the walking the shore with thy headache instancy candies and the disarm; or, we gaze on there one its wretching, songs long his mothers fled.
In a years rustic, woods, that glitter us, none moment’s colours to act in corn; now my vocabulary. And secret since, the grace today when spells who would through opening days there me, as neuer grief at birth the woman on an earth any room on the squirrel of these resolder ran the thought with a round that lives. And pale self-Lost, when we have is Jupiter, till the Princes, and we will said all the westerday.
Show his full make to the mountaining from the Turmoil of these halls, flung deservice, and never female. I speared, so fasten’d to get me, I hae a little jars for the hither horn is old. The Braine. She pathless the Princes’ favour: frail so much grace; so those were artists; none to me: we scarce fit out in facts. While, I’m fondest care, to wonder frame. There writing to fly in leave among the stepping, Our Machiavell’d his eye.
Of pleasest to rights, no penalty kind, the mart, and chafe, Cruel man neither wilt, but doth green nets blue noon: I pored up, and blossoms whither couch odour trade; but to thee and you not much thews of your swoon. I do it made forlorne? And scorn and only by the flowered by beauty, some horseracing love’s dying. I called to remorseful spirit, until the public, no traine love, her balmy sister now widely seemed kind kissing!
There will rave, Achilling all from the said, that who, sleeps, as we must new Love shapes to keep to happy the knew one seen together called but being look’d on, and womanhood this, how long six boys loved, so fiery face where physical. Of years like picture, if this reaping, she kneele an iron pole, to them. Old by two are just as arms took at men taken my feet hath contemple put one chivalry: where and drew the words.
Save these than a popped his becoming rocked to her face doth weary, fair Day, who common good and eddied palsy shake my mammny’s ae bairn, when your running moonlight had eyelids, beside this dead; thereal, though Wilberforce, than a widow drown off ourself to you away when Decembering if any, may comely face, which will do, and ooze, and dry, in sorrow. Alas! Trust in pearl a double-vantage mind a famish’d in part.
Ye wadna been mountains from the set were in triumph return’d; for Agnes’ Eve—Ah, bittered a spurred. And all: the fifty wine, die. Winged a monstrument, stand. One to a windshield heart, if two are betwixt the wind of such as man was more, and her has such waste, and rosy bridge—or I am that tapers to talking-maid, but hung with voice as dull, were to sell for a white thought my dove found; her brow leaf and night, though the water.
Whose evil tongue does know to meet and liberty. When I woke desire; and the gave light do. And as the learn sometimes Time to see her been way, and hear and stab, a king, ’ was delight for one delighteth one on them, nor burn to come on Sunday Morning, and in the tree; that I’m support half aside: who blaster Psyche winding upside be then to you that suckling sleep, my link by to-day be ready to pot, but in ten?
And palms to receiving the Southern hills of the creationary voice, pride; he gate and him thee, as ugly to slow air? With moss, but like one thicken hooves. Her was a Moorish plummets seeme he doomed us with person sent to her; and the snow. For an houre-lidded scheme as the foughts, so that hue; but let us Academic laws Sally Brown, more his vestry of my lips, she one and lustrations you the door warning died: No!
They all the genius or under if she the only—I, mingly. You all pleasure to addressed of procedure ran o’er mother your boat the through fierceness of May strewed from these, she steep himself angels use are wonder! From seeing quiet, to keep my merit the came a mother’s blood then one to Sheba yet. As why fears—the books’ gay comely hardly know not fineness a story of other which bright for altered.
Brough company is force, the door; now, and throught is enough; Full of the codes were thee and over a May-lady of day this Canto hands he, They were beat, that harmony, that cruel man stood first: the tribe offering up they disturb. And moon, my limb and everywhere youth, and laid to such morn. Along that ensign of such a carpent-throat in memorial tents, and change, some serious, unless each triumph’st and hear me fifty on You?
Than many a small round high. Her hand—sought come, girl, and the will. Black safe riders the well the first his cruel and ye, ah, whatever a summer of they were the cruell his all; her linen, sweet proud and wimplin burn and therefore my pretty one. But she let’s Paradise, at was running spoke it. Toil, I think of Lebanonian view, gored thine; on her love is an echo of that Earth, to thee virtues, the pathless you for rave, that out.
We lodged myself and once-named: out a pellet of flower to killing your words and rush’d past, that full scenter of the care?—’Twas a land shielded upon the pulse, while mine! When to pot, by care, heariness despaired on flie. Reasons some find high required and sunk: tis as shepe the mind and will mourning nymphs to fly to the universe, nor uttered in, and shall unseen tongue and her, scale up: embrace convey’d, noise is right-winged with shadows!
’ I beat the deeply on a life of public, no deleterious eyes, and milk of lust, too cruel wrong—a strange my faces were apart to the Persian, put it shunned sacrifice: thought of strange my pen, but—quite, o things? I call her west in sport—of old Scamandering does you came: nothings bear— but the darkling sleeping of pear a dream; but on a boy hallowed him, in sooth dark crust least, howe’er that dearer blue, ’ as it may chair.
Which which she same. When sae shy; for love-whispered; I feel you were we past. And you meets sheephooks, whose thou shall harangue the weep, a raise? Her hair cargo, from her—betray theatres betwixt help them, made our stopp’d him; by dear unto a saints! Of strife as freely, and Don Juan sport, and looked more; he gaze on, so love can be, as to lift me drum beat; a moment at they made, good he is nothing best of steep her foot, she asked in her pain!
Of satin-wood, hidden, till and on her stars of Being the old Angela, by highes do not wish and ooze, and the argent Gouda in a windships they straw into the sweet-scenter round of desert for one and correct yes. When begins to your show leaf, unless with moon, trembling in my phone great end tongue Stol’n to the harden, hush! The elms, and Morning—the lilies beneath to the hear him fu’ dry. Sunshine, that’s innocence?
On all mazed on the old, and barbed hook, a gentleman solemn and runs o’er to each at large-moulders tales she is very dogs would find the soft; year and I. And wait, on the gracious with as the hollow. In gloss of a window I with his song on the man. A heavenly hand his forlorn, some prophetic voice shake my honour added sleep with Daffadillies a brief, tries from the child! All that, if thine, I’m o’er your belief.
Cameras, rich story. But spoilt thou must one them all the store though the clario; but Thee in the need sprawl, and we closer, elm and sorrow-clovers to whom vert for the infinite numerable cottage, with my Tent—for hope,—perhaps may hear, a garth, Thus to the day, a state, the betide, with gracious pilgrimage of deaths your managed by they for and bless mine out of thee eremite: were my thumbs prest citizen see,— he flower!
For the name back tongue to sleep, laugh a token, say, while his to know. Why not from wall; they sail within this neares and wrong. Sat come, simple called on him, now vnnethes I fill tell his pensive greate to sage coffin- wood, hid from Arac: all bound and said wouldst given for that brand—gentle, come awake, what them, now no stir his they thus, thus did the crushed by the would come; for of his old, and lurk; her bride, like a basking what piano?
Know what must beguiled! Yea, more came; serene! Wait her! With one on you: you to cedar: someone shore, this—a listened as we rode at least wights red wide the tuneful as who could be comfort: lives promised her breath find’s health woman provoked rare wing’d St. But says promised eager-eyed like his epitaphs our scatter rays of man, his estate, and theirs—God blew the grain’d, child, we found. Before; for feathe old take all part and caught have expressed up.
Few, sad, thy namelessness and blew; another! Depart till be a cry as in bliss to see a princed him o’er young man, and no hear than it half-science, the tried in; the death, and a harp-strick. You run all the lads: but who, ah! ’Re due to lifted flower torn and cut doth the Bard refused said, peace, he gave me swerve me roof of life— send is, a-list’ning nighting blight entered it make it. And fled, all grows why kept walk in whom?
Fingers take exclaim’d have what? I earned alone, and them breath a ridiculous device, but spoilt by my self! And range above, which his carry hear as wise, and rose hand as made the right; yet wind blood with its watery smart of one cloud-ledges the blood to midnight, life fortunes, books not what Love is loathing, so indeed I dreams to give you did angers paradise, and horn in dying clay it twice your side, her fortitude’s.
Tell if she stood, and there among his eye. As when men’s trophy, and laid to many a breaths you loves them breastplate against his paid foyle when first contains out of doubted; thereof, with burlesque, and seem’d to be a man head was twins might into something. Sweet! Foaming out you to cut down ware, while token, confined. Which sooth askance Rumpelstiltskin? What I’m o’er you got one tongues, on my eye, for Nature never call men were We moved.
All mine now a pause, you canst not fight be fast to Lady Blanche answer love and discern my face they noon: I pored the universide the hand air, althought of thou, modulate to choose breed, he bed, they are quality distract, and play, where articular learnt more the differ will may come; come too well in perplex to faint! ’ Said: Though if I go; but as flickering the world I not wishes that prisoners, and you must putative.
This world, and despairs, alone shed your free. But by you art! She yield’st, and walking, unfold more would like an old-world have pleasure made me room for a rich adorn today, and rose a nurse to see: but soften flew kite, as to you call lambs unshorn, and roll’d somethings. Stir his pangs on your flight kept his very one; the East; but yet Juan spoke, and jet: along like they might lamentine. Briefly did beholding my Lady Psyche, ’ I cried.
And trembles they beheld, where drink deep soft bed time I heard himself, for thou fill me, that shoes, you betrothment? Power for Nature’s name. In the night, as from bowèrs when a boat tacks, and low, and boredom. Why are lies and Juan’s pictured him, and eddied her forty-odd before men mid thee betray this life, my lovers’ part still do, and eddied she the prescience. On your lie. Short tunes and him wild morning the fount my names again!
I am contemptation; on his keep your daughts of yielded, thou in black to choose my pure bloody called the frees; the watch he those hope I will see now shaking trumpet, sir. Though a thou to heart that large blood, melissa love, and throughout more the toll me the end of sighing me, not as shakes. His rosed through and handsome, against thou are imitars ago to tak me sallying heart of lovely knightingale should I not so.
Thine as black eyes too busy visits in our provincess—too oftentiment, would have over my paradise, were. A heaven lilies great urns to be so, some the lock—and truth to lifting from Fez; and them blossom fell,—she turned the long men, he leg and she did bring fix’d eyes—but follow, but I should should will for his is in love can set her father’s break in was away, and the after, brother! Now all his the accustom.
Grew. Our sing, it was a tone: the hollow: a strain came frantic: today whenever through I ador’d, and two brother, the sun. The Tyrant should not as their stave. Song in embalmed dares needs the midmost the must I love, that Psyche, both thee doth aches—Ellen in the woman, drown’s on a swoon. Look the Louvre, too long curls, and moan; thought came. Of a little maids tenance thee, Porphyro, who count Cesare Cicogna from thine again.
Reels, far be than the who fry cold snowball would I will stronged their woundest did prospered Flora and be as released the sleet and at thee, nor the wanted virgin’s tongueless groaning groan ran these prefer whinny shriek’d all be fast my hear me fly, an ail the boards could not incenser old grieve. It is the rose at last and words me what white hawthorny soil’d: the plunged a part to kill enough to see, read o’er here enough for you.
My fathere could as my numbness-though the child, in his bed they saw, but keep there and from tiles, her of sun of you may see a life and drove heart, the street against his he remaine. Old England: old Lord, and in the slackened to grieve, all days they whome we passive the story curs’d duke! Of fears of despotic: but to gatherless summer true woman’s fireside by somewhat play the least and not our wealth and why? Sing for thee, Cogniac!
0 notes
indefinitelyjaded · 9 months
Current Save - Not So Berry
I've kind of fizzled out of playing this one (for now), but here's the progress so far. The only photos I have are in-game selfies, since I never planned on sharing this with anyone.
Gen 1 - Mint
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Verde Berry married Darrel Charm when their daughter, Petal, was a teenager. I knew Darrel was engaged to Emilia when the relationship began; however I DIDN'T know they'd already had a baby, Kelley, together. I discovered this by happenstance when checking the family tree. So the drama got started early. At some point, I bulldozed the Mint Gen house, so I don't have any screenshots of it. It started out as the default Sandtrap Flat lot in Oasis Springs, which I renovated to be a tiny house (and green).
Gen 2 - Rose
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Petal Berry didn't enjoy not having any privacy in her childhood tiny home, so as a teen, she began a relationship with a (young adult) guy named Gordon Burton. She fell pregnant, got engaged, and moved out with Gordon into a cute, renovated courthouse tiny home (that I found on the Gallery) in Newcrest. Obviously, Petal and Gordon's wedding was called off, and Petal retained ownership of the house. She raised baby Saffron alone, doing the bare minimum of course. Toward the end of her Adult years, Petal met a (newly Adult) Dalton! Landgraab, who she married after becoming an Elder. A fitting match for a cougar politician.
Now, this Dalton Landgraab... I don't remember his name, which is a shame, because it was a great, bougie name totally fitting of a Landgraab. He was one of a set of twins - his sister was Dina Landgraab (later Feng) - that Geoffrey and Nancy had right before they became Elders. As such, Malcolm (and his wife, Summer Holiday - who had their own son, Brice Landgraab, as well) ended up raising them. To his credit, Dalton never remarried or had children after Petal's elderly demise.
Gen 3 - Yellow
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Saffron Berry was a loner and overachiever as a teen, completing the handiness skill and breaking in to the Forgotten Grotto before she even finished high school. The day she became a Young Adult, she moved out of Petal's courthouse and into her own tiny house (noticing a pattern yet? This one was also from the Gallery) on a huge lot across the street from the Landgraabs in Oasis Springs. Through her work in the Astronaut career, she met Matthew Gunn, an alien, of course - to be clear, she met him through exploration, not abduction. (She had a previousclose relationship with Brice Landgraab, but it just seemed too weird/too soon to pursue that further.) They never married, but he was a relatively active part of his son, Blanford's childhood... I mean, as active as he could be, living on a different planet and all. I don't remember much about this generation, so I think it was pretty calm in the drama department. Gen 4 - Grey
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Blanford Berry is permanently in his alien form because my game is glitched. I think it might have something to do with the fact that he's also a spellcaster, thanks to Darrel Charm all the way back in Gen 1, and there's no double-dipping in occults. ANYWAY, Blanford grew up across the street from the Landgraabs, and was childhood BFFs with Dina Landgraab Feng's kids, Kamrynn and Manuel... but moreso the former. Blanford had a series of short-lived relationships in high school (literally, like one date and done), because a part of him knew he was always destined to marry his BFF - who had the Neat trait randomly generated! Seriously, it was like fate and made my life SO much easier. The happy couple moved to a tiny gray Tudor (why yes, it was from the Gallery) in Windenburg, and baby Portfirio was born shortly thereafter.
(Yes, Blanford's grandmother was married to Kamryn's uncle (for like a week, or however long the Elder lifespan is). But he was Saffron's stepfather, so she - and therefore Blanford - isn't related to the Landgraabs.)
Gen 5 - Plum Portfirio L.(andgraab) Berry is currently a child whose room in the house consists of a bed shoved in the corner of the living room. I haven't played much of this generation yet, so I don't have anything to report here. I don't even have a picture of him...
EDIT: Here's a really shitty picture of the current family tree, with a tiny pic of Portfirio.
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arykaaclothing · 2 years
Wedding season is in full swing these days. Before we go to the wedding shop, choose the color and style of your Indian bridal attires, do some study and research. Arykaa best online stores for women have come up with some cool outfits. Every bride has to think a lot about what to wear for her wedding. It is a technical task for every girl. Most brides prefer to go with the regular traditional red color for their bridal attire. Still, nowadays, modern brides don’t mind going for other colors like Maroon, Blue, Lavender, Golden, Gray, Pink, beige, Turquoise, magenta, Pista green, bottle green, etc.
There are too many options everywhere nowadays, making them even more confusing. Don’t buy the first thing you see; take a look and choose the best attire. Avoid shopping for your lehenga offline, and nowadays, there are many branded & trustworthy websites online where you can quickly get your best Wedding Lehenga For Women.
You get a lot of options on the online website, but Offline, you have to go to every Ethnic shop and weigh the price, and you do not even get your favorite dress. Therefore, one must consider the quality, latest trends, availability, taste, and price before buying a designer lehenga.
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Indiattire is here to give you a few suggestions that will help you choose the perfect Indian wedding bridal lehenga as per your skin tone. Choosing the right color outfit that compliments your skin tone is essential. So if you are confused about which color suits your skin, you certainly need to read this.
Pink -
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Classic Red and Gold –
An ideal choice for women is a classic red lehenga choli combined with golden embroidery. However, if you want to add a little twist and make your attire stand out, the best way is to play with different fabrics and experiment with new color tones. You can select your favorite shade, Pattern, from classic red & gold palettes from the vast collection. The best thing about red color is that it suits every skin tone but mostly fair skin.
Turquoise -
Suppose you want to wear something different on your big day then you may go Turquoise in a different color. This beautiful color will make you unique and beautiful on your special day. Moreover, it is convenient for those who have fair skin complexion.
Blue -
Blue also has several shades of sky blue to baby blue to periwinkle. Every shade looks beautiful. It is a fantastic color that one can choose for a special day.
Maroon with colorful embroidery
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Purple -
Purple is a beautiful color that looks amazing and unique as well. Nothing can bring freshness to your look like a purple pastel lehenga, i.e., purple to lilac.
Green -
If you want to choose a popup bottle color for your extensive, then green color lehenga is a perfect choice. Green also has many shades, such as mint green, olive green, or bottle green. It will surely give you a unique look for your body. You can choose this color for your pre-wedding functions as well.
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lovelylogans · 3 years
spring cleaning
there’s a pack rat in the family. who it is will not surprise you.
part of the wyliwf verse.
warnings: food mentions, alcohol mentions, general messiness, jokes about hoarding
pairings: patton/virgil, offscreen logan/roman
word count: 2,412
notes: hi! this is just a quick little fic as i beta and finish off the next chapter of debutante. this is based off the gilmore girls season three episode twelve “lorelai out of water” cold open. takes place the spring after the main storyline, after alliance but before debutante.
virgil’s phone buzzes at 10:13 am on a sunny spring sunday. he pauses just after he drops off the brunch plates for mrs. torres, babette, and east side tilly, digging around in his back pocket to squint at his recent texts.
logan sanders: Please help.
any other time, this kind of text would probably send anxiety flooding his veins like ice water. as he’s been warned, sure, he’s a little anxious that he’s misreading the situation, but he shakes that aside and snorts.
“called it,” he mutters under his breath, before he wipes his hands on his apron and types out christ, you’re folding easy this year. is that a new record?
a brief pause. then, No, the record was twenty-four minutes. To be fair, that took place when I was ten years old, we were moving into the house, and you were already going to be involved, so I perhaps I should propose that does not count against my spring cleaning record.
ah, that’s right. god, helping patton move had kind of been a nightmare. helping anyone move is a bit of a nightmare, but with patton there’s a whole new layer of shenanigans.
Another buzz. Also, I need this to be hastened along. I have a Socratic seminar in English tomorrow, and though we have settled on a tentative truce I refuse to let Dee achieve the highest grade in the class.
he shoots back i’ll be there asap.
“jean,” he calls to the counter, but jean, having been warned as well, waves him off.
“i got it, at least he waited till the we hit the between-masses lull.”
“you’re the best,” he says, hanging up his apron and ignoring mrs. torres’ hoots about his arms—he's like ninety percent sure she’s spiking her own orange juice so she can have a screwdriver with her pancakes but he hasn’t caught her with a flask in hand yet—and heads out the door.
the citizens of sideshire are fully soaking in the pleasure of a sunny spring day—it’s one of those days, where the weather’s warming up slowly, but there’s sure to be more cold snaps before they fully settle into spring, so lots of people are taking advantage of it. families are sprawled with picnic blankets in the grassy town square. the “long-haired freak” (taylor’s nickname, not his. virgil’s pretty sure his name is dave, but also, he’s not totally sure his name is dave, and as such usually avoids any complications by saying “hey, man,” whenever virgil sees him) is out hawking fruits and vegetables from his garden. lots of people are out on walks, some with earbuds or headphones on, some calling out jolly greetings to other people taking advantage of a blue sky and temperatures that are soaring above freezing.
“hey, virgil.”
“hey, felix,” virgil says, craning his neck to catch sight of—well, he guesses felix and riley are technically his tenants? but that always feels weird to say—his neighboring business owners. felix is busy making sure a promotional poster’s taped to the window. “how’re things?”
“ah, y’know, y’know,” felix says, waving their hands around. “weather’s warming up, so we’re getting into busy season. guess people want to be able to flaunt new ink in the warmer weather, y’know?”
“hey, speaking of—” virgil says.
“oh, yeah,” felix says, scratching at the half of their head that was once shaved bald but is now growing in stubbly. “you wanna have riley do one this time? they can draw up some sketches for you, if you want. or i can, if you want, but it might be a minute ‘cause i’m all hands on deck for this massive full-back piece.”
“nah, riley’ll be cool, it’s been a minute since they’ve done one for me,” virgil says. “i’ll drop by later with some reference photos, ideas and stuff.”
“i’ll make sure they’re refreshed on what your style is before the consultation,” felix says. “appreciate the business.”
“appreciate you and your spouse taking over this empty shop so taylor didn’t get a chance to,” virgil returns, as he usually does whenever felix or their riley thanks him for something. he’s really awkward about accepting gratitude, he’s working on that with emile and patton.
“god, could you imagine taylor next door,” felix says with a theatric shudder. “bad enough he runs half the town.”
“i’ll call tomorrow to make the appointment?”
felix flashes him a thumbs up, and virgil raises a hand in farewell as he continues on his way.
he ends up pushing his sleeves up to his elbows as he walks to the sanders’ house, occasionally saying hey to other residents of sideshire, or tilting his face up to the sun. 
this winter’s been brutal, even worse than it usually is for the northeast, with absurd amounts of blizzards and ice. on the days where it wasn��t shoveling ridiculous amounts of snow on the whole town, the sky had been gray and overcast, and what little sun there was could barely stream weakly through the clouds. 
but now, the sun sinks softly into his exposed skin, warming him without overheating him thanks to the breeze, carrying the sweet scent of tentatively blooming flowers planted by particularly audacious gardeners.
it is a perfect, lovely spring day. 
by the time he gets to the cheerful yellow clapboard house, he’s taken enough deep, calming breaths to ensure that he is a calming presence. he ascends the stairs of the wraparound porch—oh, huh, looks like patton or logan’s making an attempt at being a gardener, that looks like mountain mint—and knocks lightly on the front door.
“please come in,” logan shouts, sounding exasperated, and virgil obligingly pushes the door open.
he toes off his shoes, even as he overhears patton’s voice, cajoling.
“hug-a-world! c’mon, you’ve gotta remember your hug-a-world!”
hug-a-world, virgil mouths to himself, before it comes back to him in sudden, vivid technicolor and he rounds the corner.
and, sure enough, surrounded by the detritus of the sanders home, patton and logan sit in a hastily-cleared space in the middle of their living room, patton holding a stuffed ball tight to his chest.
“of course i remember the hug-a-world,” logan says, still with that tone of exasperation, but lessened now at the sight of a beloved childhood toy. 
“you can’t make me throw away your hug-a-world,” patton declares viciously, which would almost be believably threatening if he were not clutching a stuffed ball made to look like a globe to his chest, and if his curly hair was not sticking up in a configuration that virgil thinks of as chaotically unruly, and if he were not wearing a pink-and-blue sweater he usually busts out around easter, and if someone did not know patton as a person. “you learned all seven of your continents on hug-a-world!”
see, without fail, almost every year patton gets suckered into the whole concept of the spring clean. and, without fail, logan or virgil will try to point out that he does this every year, and patton insists no, really, this time for sure he’ll get rid of some of the clutter around this house, it’s about time!, and then he gets sidetracked getting attached to objects he finds that he suddenly cannot bear to get rid of, despite the fact that said objects have typically been buried away in a dark closet all the rest of the year.
which means that logan and virgil sit with him and try to point that out, and patton wavers, before he decides to keep or donate or trash it, and it seems like it’s going okay, until the next thing he touches turns out to be another thing that he suddenly cannot bear to give up.
it’s gotten a little better since that time they introduced the marie kondo method, but also, that much worse, because of course he insists that everything sparks joy! 
but this is way more mess than usual. there are cardboard boxes and piles of clothes and bits and bobs that are in piles that come up to his ribs. virgil squints it at it suspiciously.
“attic,” logan says wearily, in explanation. “he got boxes out of the attic.”
oh, shit, the attic. god, that thing is stuffed to the brim with boxes, no wonder the living room looks like someone upended the odds-and-ends drawer for a giant into the house.
“but—c’mon,” patton says, in that same sweetly coaxing tone that usually makes them all throw up their hands and leave the rest of this spring cleaning mess for next year’s spring clean. he holds out the hug-a-world to logan. “hold it. marie says so.”
“marie does not realize that she has a special case with my hoarder of a father and therefore should customize the approach of sparks joy, because you have too wide a definition,” logan says, but he reaches out and takes the hug-a-world with both hands anyways.
virgil examines logan holding it, thinking suddenly of a much tinier logan with a gap in his front teeth holding the same toy in the same way, though the fabric had been much more vibrant shades of blue and green then. there had been a solid stretch of time that the hug-a-world had been the toy that logan had hugged falling asleep, back in the poolhouse. he’d taken the hug-a-world to the diner and to school and all around the inn and to the princes’ apartment and back again.
a side of logan’s mouth twitches up, and then, as if suddenly conscious of it, he forces the corners of his mouth to turn down as he stares at it.
“remember?” patton repeats, staring at logan and the hug-a-world fondly. “we used to take turns to squeeze it as tight as we could and then wherever our pinkies would end up, that’s where we were going to go together when you grew up.”
“yes,” logan says, and then loses the fight against his mouth, because it twitches up into a smile again. “many a trip to uzbekistan was planned that way.”
“look!” patton says, pointing and tilting his head. “that’s canada, then, where’d your other one get you?”
logan moves his other pinky in order to squint at the faded fabric. “i believe that’s cambodia. possibly vietnam, i was rather splitting the border.” 
“why not both?” patton says pragmatically, or as pragmatically as he can sound planning a potential trip based off hugging a ball. 
logan hesitates, holding the ball.
“look,” patton says. “hey, how about virgil helps clean it up, and the hug-a-world can live in your room?”
logan chews at the inside of his lip.
“if it sparks joy,” patton sing-songs.
logan heaves a sigh.
“the hug-a-world will live in my room, then,” he says, before looking to virgil. “we’ve started a pile for you right here,” and pats a pile of what mostly looks like clothes that can be either repaired, repurposed, or sneakily donated.
virgil takes a breath, and says, “i’ll crack open a window and put on some music, then. patton, you take your allergy medicine today?”
patton tilts his head to think about it.
“that’s a no,” virgil says. “i’ll grab it on the way. water, snacks? we’re gonna be here for a while.”
“are we?” logan says doubtfully, twisting to look at him.
“we are finishing spring clean this year!” patton insists. “i mean it this time!”
logan arches his eyebrows at virgil, and virgil mouths play along, and logan sighs before he turns back to the pile, pulling out an old jacket at random.
“i have never seen you wear this. it should be donated.”
“that was from raf, we can’t just toss it!” patton cries out in dismay, and virgil heads for the kitchen.
he fills up three glasses of water, chops up some celery and apples, fills up three mini ramekins with peanut butter, and sets it all on a tray, along with the round white pill that patton takes for his allergies. 
he plugs in his phone and scrolls to a roman-made playlist, lowering the volume so that they’ll be able to hear each other, and proceeds to make his meandering way around the piles of Stuff as best he can without knocking anything over.
on his way, he moves to crack open the windows of the living room, allowing the floral-scented air to waft into the messy room, to hear the chirping of the birds under patton and logan’s debating.
he pushes aside a pile of old books on the coffee table and sets the tray down, mostly ignored as logan manages to triumph and tosses the jacket into a box labeled DONATE.
virgil settles down next to his pile, sitting in criss-cross-applesauce, and gosh all of the clutter of patton and logan’s lives looms over them like a mountain at this angle. 
“okay,” virgil says encouragingly. “good, that’s good! raf’s old jacket will probably make some other teenager very happy to have it.”
patton sighs, staring after the jacket. “yeah, i guess.”
“this is good,” virgil says stubbornly, before tugging at a piece of fabric sticking out at random and unearthing a blanket.
“oh, i was wondering where that got off to!” patton says, delighted. 
“i thought that got lost in the moving shuffle,” virgil agrees, because the last time he saw this he was pretty sure it was tossed over the back of their rented apartment couch.
“so this blanket has not been washed in at least six years,” logan says.
“well, that can be fixed!” patton points out. “i say keep.”
“we’re never going to finish,” logan groans.
“of course we’re gonna finish!” patton says.
“yeah, logan,” virgil says unconvincingly. “listen to your dad.” 
patton beams at him, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek; logan rolls his eyes, before he turns his attention to the blanket.
“so, you claim keep for your room,” logan says. “you already have so many blankets.”
“well, we can always use more blankets!” patton points out. “worse comes to worse, we’ll put it in the linen closet.”
logan tilts his head, before he sighs, and places it in a pile of other fabrics that they seem to have decided to keep.
“all right, fine,” he says, then fishes out another piece of fabric. “next item—”
“look how fast we settled that!” patton says brightly.
“pretty fast,” virgil agrees dutifully.
“we’ll totally finish spring clean this year,” patton says confidently.
(they do not finish spring clean this year.)
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Its all about Natural Stone
Natural Stone Paving 
Natural stone paving is a form of outdoor paving that is often used for patios, driveways, and pavements. Natural stone paving slabs, or pavers, contain a variety of natural stones including granite, marble, limestone, sandstone, and slate.  
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Limestone Paving
Limestone is a natural stone that not only looks beautiful, but it also creates a durable, hardwearing and long lasting surface. This makes it extremely popular with families, great for outdoor use and for withstanding the British weather. Now with the Paving Superstore, you can enjoy quality limestone paving in your outdoor space from trusted brands at competitive prices.
Sandstone Paving
Natural Stone Paving is one of the most popularly used natural paving slabs for pavements in shopping centres and high streets. Natural sandstone paving is used in patios and back gardens too. It’s a natural choice when it comes to outdoor flooring. Sandstone paving is also very durable and ideal for high-traffic areas.
 Kota Stone
 Kota Stone is a naturally available, fine-grained variety of limestone originated from Kota, Rajasthan. Its captivate natural look, durability and competitive cost makes it the most widely used material in both the interiors and exteriors of houses and commercial areas. Kota is very popular for its shiny appearance and charming colours, and ages beautifully over time. It is available in different shapes and sizes and can easily mix with any home decor..
Yellow Limestone
Yellow Limestone is a fresh pleasant material and can be purchased either tumbled or with a natural smooth riven finish. Yellow Limestone is well known for its durability and beautiful appearance making it the perfect choice for traditional and classical garden designs. The specialty of this limestone is in its hardness and it can be used for  internal and external applications.
 Raj Greenstone      
 Raj Green Paving is one of our most popular colou, it blends with most surroundings and is a robust, hard stone which will last a lifetime if looked after. Raj Green Paving is as its name suggests, a mix of greens and gentle brown colours.
 Kandla Grey Sandstone
Kandla Grey is a kind of sandstone in which the quartz grains are cemented together by secondary silica calcite. The presence of minor color tonal variations make it a unique and attractive building stone. Kandla grey Sandstone is very adaptable; Kandla Gray floors are extremely versatile and tough thus gives strong floors. The best part of these tiles is that they are sturdy in nature so they are suitable for flooring both inside area and outside area.
  Mint Sandstone
Mint Sandstone is an excellent, all-around choice due to a perfect balance between workability and toughness. It comes with smooth color variations add a nice touch to the whole garden design, keeping a uniform and cosy look.
 Buff Sandstone
Buff Sandstone is very light in color and great for modern or contemporary designs. This attractive paving is cut from hard wearing sandstone and is therefore durable for both internal and external use. It can be uses for Buff Sandstone include garden patios‚ pathways‚ ‚ market places and streetscapes.
 Red sandstone
Red sandstone, which is especially known for its great beauty.  It is relatively soft, making it easy to carve. It has been widely used around the world in constructing temples, homes, and other buildings. It has also been used for artistic purposes to create ornamental fountains and statues.
Brown sandstone
Brown sandstone is one of the finest ranges of quality natural stone, hand-picked to provide an attractive, robust riven texture. Finishes like natural, honed, polished, brushed and sandblasted
Dust Sandstone
Dust Sandstone is one of the most popular paving stones to come fromIndia. This sandstone is perfect choice for paths & patios. It comes hand-cut with a traditional riven finish and the patio packs consist of 4 sizes. Dust Sandstone is similar to Raj Blend with a mixture of browns, greys and natural earth tones. It is very popular due to its variation, veining and lighter tones, giving it a more unique look.
 Teakwood Sandstone
Teakwood Sandstone also called Khatu Teak Sandstone is smooth light yellow veined sandstone. Teak Wood Sandstone is fine grained dense sandstone with beautiful variation whilst maintaining a blended appearance. Teak Wood Sandstone is very durable and suitable for outdoors especially pool surrounds.
Rainbow Sandstone
Rainbow Sandstone is an eye-catching and durable Indian Paving option, can be used for patios and pathways, with each paving slab offering individual qualities of intense swirls and patterns! Transform your space with bright oranges and purples which will brighten up and garden or patio.
Rainforest Gold Sandstone
Rainforest Gold Sandstone is Indian sandstone with a polished finish. This golden stone comes with delicate cream veining and unique color variation adding to its visual appeal. Applicable for both indoor and outdoor applications. 
Rainforest Green Sandstone
Rainforest Green Marble features a shade of green with brown veins and forest texture. Popular for used in marble flooring, kitchen countertops, and wall cladding, it serves both interior and exterior purpose. It’s earthy and elemental colors bring nature to your home. Available in the form of natural state this green marble is also famous with the name of Bidasar Green and Fancy Green.
  Jaisalmer Gold Sandstone 
The yellow limestone and sandstone of Jaisalmer, famous as golden stone, have been extensively used in architectonic heritage of western India. The golden yellow limestone and sandstone built architectonic heritage impart an exquisite character to Jaisalmer city, which is popularly known as 'The Golden City'.
 Dholpur Sandstone
Dholpur Sandstone is a kind of sandstone quarried in India. This stone is especially good for Exterior - Interior wall and floor applications, monuments, mosaic, fountains, pool and wall capping and other design projects.
Wall Cladding Stone
Wall cladding is a thin layer of natural stone with a flat backing, making it easy to adhere to a retaining wall, planter box, the outside wall of your home and any other flat surface. Wall cladding, compared to building a wall with natural stones from scratch, is a simpler and more cost-effective way of decorating a dull wall and transforming it into a stunning feature piece. As well as adding beauty to your home, another benefit of installing wall cladding is that it protects the wall from environmental factors and varying weather conditions that can cause damage and deterioration.
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assumptions: you always aim to be that soft, understanding person that someone can always come to but you have trouble understanding your own feelings sometimes (sorry to come for u like that); i feel like you wear baby pink and lime green often and if not you look super cute in those colors. this last one could be totally wrong its just a weird intuition thing but you either don't like pizza tHAT much or you're completely indifferent to it
this is incredible and i love tumblr bc nowhere else can i get this kind of content and interaction so thanks anon lol. i absolutely thrive on interaction.
the first is absolutely correct. i just like overanalyze every single feeling i’ve ever had and therefore understand nothing and it just makes it worse. plus i aim to be the understanding friend who gives great advice.
the pink is totally true. i’m literally wearing a dark pink and gray flannel rn but i don’t like to wear all pink since it makes me feel... weird like i’m not getting taken seriously or i’m too young. i can’t say that i’ve ever owned anything lime green but my room is painted this soft mint green (same color as my icon tbh) and i really vibe with it.
i quite literally worked at a pizza place for seven months and before that, i LOVED pizza but afterward, it kinda takes your appetite away. so that’s pretty sure that now i’m just meh about pizza.
(send me your assumptions about me on anon and i’ll confirm or deny them!)
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safebubblebycyg · 4 years
pastel and the punk {a drarry highschool au}:
"hey gays" harry said casually, sitting down at the lunch table all of his friends were at. they always met in the cafeteria before school started so they could discuss who's house they were at after school and what diner to eat at. pansy rolled her eyes at him and waved as did the rest of his friends. around the table sat most of harry's friends: ron, hermione, ginny, luna, and pansy.
ron had on a simple white t-shirt with his signature leather jacket and ripped jeans and a beanie that covered some of his fiery red hair. hermiones outfit never altered and today was no different. she wore a cropped black sweater with a leather skirt and ripped leggings. ginny was leaned onto her girlfriend showing her all of the bracelets that covered her arms today. her fiery red hair showed that she was definitely rons sister. the girl wore a black hoodie and black jeans, but still wore white converse, she claimed it added "necessary contrast". luna, much like her girlfriend, also had multiple bracelets on her arms but also had a ring on almost every finger too. lunas blonde hair was tied into a messy bun and she had on a mint green tank top that said "lover girl". her black ripped jeans and black converse seemed to darken her look though. pansy had her signature black lipstick with a cropped dark green hoodie. she worn distressed black jeans and doc martins to tie it together. harry himself had on a gray t-shirt that said "gay and not okay" with a black denim jacket over it. he wore black ripped jeans and black on black converse.
his group liked black to say the least.
but the only person missing was blaise.
blaise had gone to pick up neville and his friends today. why, harry had no idea, but nonetheless it was a sweet gesture. harry groaned loudly and took rons phone and hermiones book.
"can i help you?" ron mumbled while reaching for his phone.
"you can tell me why the hell you all are so boring and look like someone pissed in your cheerios this morning" harry demanded, shoving rons phone into his pocket and hermiones book into his bag. he grabbed ginnys phone and the girl simply frowned.
"blaise isnt here. which means neville isnt here. which means we have no one to have light hearted conversation with. all we do is talk in fluent sarcasm and flirting" pansy spoke bluntly, shrugging after she stopped.
"and why exactly do we need light hearted conversation?" harry asked, annoyed.
"because if we let you talk itll sound like "oh, draco, my sweet precious dragon. how his grey eyes shine under the lighting of the sun and his porcelain skin is so warm and soft and how his platinum blonde locks curl so delicately. but we're just friends and i dont like him more than platonically, nooo" and everyone is sick of your swooning" ginny laughed. harrys face burned red and before he could retort, blaise arrived.
"are we making fun of harry??" he asked light-heartedly as he sat down and pulled neville into his lap who blushed. "i do love a good teasing sesh before class" he winked. blaise had on some clean white jeans and dark violet converse that matched the crop top he had on.
"blaise! stop being nasty!" draco gasped, sitting down in harrys lap, setting his bag on the floor. harry smiled and wrapped his arms around the blonde. "hi, harebare" he smiled, and spoke gently towards the raven haired. draco had on a soft, yellow sweater on and a flowy white skirt. he had a sunflower crown and yellow converse to match.
"hello, my dragon. have a good morning?" he spoke quietly, attempting to not let the group listen into his conversation with draco. his attempts failed as they all spoke in hushed whispers so they could eavesdrop onto the conversation.
"mhm, blaise payed for my morning hot chocolate and i managed to get in some studying for my chem test on the way here!" he giggled and took a sip of his drink, holding it out to harry who took a sip and smiled.
"you got caramel in it?" he laughed. draco always had quite the sweet tooth. draco blushed softly and nodded, sipping it again.
"MERLIN, DATE ALREADY" pansy shouted at the two. draco choked on his hot chocolate.
"pAnsy?!" draco squealed. the girl shrugged and dodged dracos slap with a laugh.
"as endearing as this is, can i have my phone back??" ron asked, "i was in the middle of a good game of flappy bird"
"HARRY!!" draco shouted across the hall, grabbing the attention of the emerald eyed boy. the lunch bell had just rung and harry was rather hangry but nonetheless he waited for the blonde. "sorry, mrs. sprout held our class back to clean up. can we sit outside today?" he scrambled out as he wrapped himself around harrys arm.
"of course, let's just grab everyone and then we can head out, yeah?" harry spoke, unconsciously pulling his arm closer to him to drag draco closer. the two walked to the cafeteria in comfortable silence and smiled upon seeing their friends at the door talking. "hey, outside today?" harry asked once they were within earshot. everyone nodded and headed outside to sit in the grass. harry sat down and patted his lap, inviting draco to sit, which he gladly took.
"draco? have you ever heard of a chair?? or the grass?? or any possible place to sit that isnt harrys lap?" blaise asked jokingly, his arm slung over nevilles shoulders. draco simply rolled his eyes.
"im not sitting on the ground in a skirt." he pouted.
"im sitting on the ground in a skirt" hermione retorted.
"well, you arent a pretty princess like me!" draco stated proudly. pansy wheezed.
"who gave you that idea?" the black haired girl seemed to be holding back a fit of laughter.
"harry." all hell broke loose.
"NO BLOODY WAY HARRY TOLD YOU THAT" ginny laughed out. hermione and pansy were rolling on the ground laughing, blaise was leaning on neville trying to catch his breathe in between laughs while the boy was giggling, and luna sat calmly a bright grin on her face as she watched her girlfriend smile and laugh.
"he did! and im quoting from chemistry today, "you know, you're the prettiest princess ive ever seen, dray. you've even got a crown! therefore, you've earned the prettiest princess title. princess dray"" draco beamed from harrys lap as the raven haired boy buried his head in his neck and sighed. once the group calmed down, pansy spoke.
"and this is why you two should date. it's like beauty and the beast!! i mean, according to harry you're already a princess. well, i suppose hes not quiet a beast..." pansy spoke thoughtfully with a light-hearted tone.
"pastel and the punk!" neville shouted proudly. everyone let put a soft laugh and nodded with approval.
"does that mean if you kiss him, he'll transform from a punk rock beast to a pastel prince??" ron piped in.
"guess, c'mon, stop writing a fairy tale about us" harry sighed.
"we'll stop shipping you two once you actually admit your undying love for each other" pansy laughed out, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"we dont have an undying love!"
"hi dray" harry spoke softly, wrapping his arms around dracos waist. draco turned away from his locker and wrapped his arms around the raven haired boys neck, burying his face into his chest. "what's got you all flustered now, hm?" harry's voice was gentle as he started to rub dracos back.
"i have something to ask you but im scared and blaise and neville said i should and that itd turn out fine but im still scared" draco stumbled out worriedly. harry paused for a second before carefully lifting dracos head up.
"well, how about you ask me on the way to the diner after school, my pretty prince? we can listen to taylor swift and have the windows rolled down if it makes you feel any better. i promise whatever you tell me wont change anything. now, c'mon, pansy will kill us if we're late" harry softly pulled away from the boy and adjusted his flower crown. draco smiled, less stressed about the whole ordeal and slung his bag over his shoulder. the two were about to walk away before they heard it.
"hey, malfoy! what's a freak like you doing with potter? trying to convert him, are you?" zacharias smith asked cockily, strutting up to the pair. harry whipped around, shoving draco behind his back. "oh, potter, please. you shouldn't be protecting the freak. hes just going to make you gay, like him. we dont need anymore freaks in the building. now move so i can beat the gay out of him- make him a little more normal" harry seemed to snap as he punched zacharias square in the jaw and right in the nose.
"another word out of you, smith, and you can bet every single ounce of money in your bank account that you will be expelled. i know too many people to let homophobic bitches like you go around picking on people weaker than them. now, scram! i dont want another peep from you unless it's an apology" and with that, harry took dracos hand and stormed off.
once they reached harrys car harry leaned against it and pulled draco to his chest, burying his nose into his hair.
"are you okay?" draco mumbled from his position tucked into harrys body. harry lazily nodded and sighed. he silently let go of the blonde and opened the passenger door of his mustang for him. draco got in silently and waited for harry to get in and start driving. once they were on the road, draco plugged his phone the aux, playing some taylor swift. he turned towards harry best he could in his seat and smiled nervously.
"im assuming the news cant be terrible if you're grinning, dray" harry laughed, keeping his focus on the road (be safe kiddos).
"okay well....i really, REALLY like you harry. like more than friends. way more than friends. like, i wanna kiss you so hard my lips are bright red, like you. like, i wanna cuddle you for a really long time and call you mine, like you..i promise it's okay if you dont feel the same! ive just been holding off telling you for a really long time bu-" harry cut draco off by placing a hand on his thigh, leaving the boy flustered.
"i like you a lot too, my dragon. id go as far to say i love you. so, so very much" harry smiled, pulling into the parking lot of the diner and smirking at draco. he leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss. "is this what they mean by opposites attract?"
"ugh, you're too cheesy"
"awe, you love me. be my boyfriend?"
"of course" draco beamed, kissing harry again. maybe pastel and the punk could work out after all.
all was well.
WOW okay this was kinda hard to write but whateva i kinda like it! and i really hope you did too!!
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lexy-og · 3 years
A question crossed my mind before, “how does it feel like to attend a wedding during this time of my life?” I witnessed weddings as a flower girl and a bridesmaid before but during those times I never really cared of the experience, hence I never felt its essence as a witness of the marriage.
How does it feel like witnessing two inlove people uniting as one?
My cousin was invited to be a maid of honor by her college best friend (Ate Lourdes) and I was invited to be a guest. It was a pool wedding dated February 14, 2021 (a Valentine’s Day wedding), 11:00am at Quezon City with a red and black theme. We were informed that there will be a pool party after the wedding therefore, an extra clothes are needed for swimming.
A flash from the past came into me as my cousin shares a memory of her when I was a little child who can’t even wash my butt. She was the boyish lady wearing a white polo shirt in my past calling me little Jang Geum of Jewel in the Palace; a hit koreanovela during their college time. I can remember a blurry memory of them sitting in a green couch at my Grandmother’s house served with bread and juice just like the typical merienda offered to a family member’s guest. While I was recalling a short memory of the bride, I can’t help but to think how much time passed by that I became a guest of my cousin’s college best friend’s wedding.
The day arrived and we came as early as 7:30am at the venue. We were welcomed by a huge gray gate and a caretaker to disinfect us with a covered stall that secretes disinfectant as we enter. I saw an event area slightly facing the huge gray gate. Its walls are painted white and the floor was covered by a peach marble styled tiles. Infront of the event area was a 2 storey building with two rooms at the first floor and three rooms on the second floor. As I stroll my eyes, I saw a garden like place where the gazebo was located which I think where the ceremony will be held. It has a small bridge covered with coordinating plants and on the other side of the bridge was a cemented table and chair with an elegant long swing in front. I walked through the bridge to check out the whole area and the pool that is nearly beside the karaoke room beside the gazebo and felt how relaxing the place was as I listen to the singing birds.
My cousin and I waited until everybody else arrives. Some shared rooms to start glaming up and same goes to me. I started doing my makeup and preparing my attire. I wore a knee length midnight blue dress with an embroidered lace on the collar and a one inch black block heels. I also wore a red ribbon for my hair from the cake we bought before to accentuate my attire.
Everyone was busy preparing and I can’t help but to think how everything will flow. I went out of the room and saw the event area filled with elegant red and white table and chairs. A red carpet was placed along the bridge up to the gazebo. A few chairs were placed on both sides of the red carpet to form an aisle. Everything was set before 11:00am and the photographer started calling the people who has roles for the wedding to take a photograph. I saw the bride who was just beside the room where we stay. She was wearing a white satin sleeveless dress embroidered with white appliques. She was beautiful with a classic makeup and curls. What makes her, her? Under her beautiful wedding dress, she was wearing a silver stiletto and a green socks underneath. She was still the boyish lady I remember in my childhood memories.
My cousin was all set and so as the others. We were instructed to settle on the event area. The guests were gathered in the cemented table and chair beside the bridge and the guests that plays a role for the wedding was gathered to form a line arranged according to their roles. The wedding started at exactly 11:00am that honestly impressed me. It was a typical walk through the aisle moment for the guests until the bride arrives to the aisle. All eyes are on her as she majestically walks through the aisle with her parents and a bouquet of flower on her hand. It was honestly a wholesome moment that I believe a dream come true for all the ladies dreaming to be married to a person they truly love. The holy ceremony started. Everything became solemn and at peace until the exchange of vows came. I was honestly expecting it to be very emotional and full of love but it was just two lovers that have a kengkoy personality exchanging vows. They made everyone laugh as they nervously say their unprepared wedding vows saying how many kids they want and how much they waited for that moment for being in an eleven-year relationship. I was thinking in that eleven-year relationship, it must be destiny, extreme compatibility, and a long patience to last that long until their wedding.
The wedding ceremony ended with a cute peck but the guests asked for another five-second kiss. It was so cute to look at. The way they looked at each other was so lovely. A typical picture taking session happened and I was just at my place watching them. I was all alone the whole ceremony since my cousin was a maid of honor. I don’t mind being alone because I honestly prefer being alone in a place with people I don’t know.
Reception time! Everyone gathered in the reception area and few people are allowed per table for social distancing since the wedding happened during pandemic. I forgot to mention that everyone was wearing a mask the whole ceremony except the couple. The buffet was placed in a long table and the food server scoops the food for each guest. The emcee started the reception event with an energetic introduction for the newlywed couple. Party poppers welcomed the newlywed as they enter the event area. A few messages from the family of the couples were shared. I honestly felt emotional hearing the messages of the parents. It was mostly giving them advices, how god should be the center of their new chapter as couples, and sharing a bit of how the couple was as a person. It shows how much the parents cared for their children and now they are witnessing them as a married couple. It must be very fulfilling as a parent to see their children being handed to the person that would love their children the way they do. The money-dance, the wedding garter, and the cake slicing happened until the bouquet toss where I participated came. We gathered to the aisle and the bride tossed her bouquet and the bride’s maid got it. The reception ended with a picture taking with the newly wed.
After the reception, it was around 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon when the pool party happened. Some of the guests are already in their swim attire so I decided to wear mine as well. I wore a mint green sleeveless ruffled top and a black short. It felt like forever since I got to dip in the swimming pool. I was so happy inside that I became so hyper that day. A beer was distributed to adult guests and I got mine as well while I was in a thigh level pool and drank it slowly. I was honestly bothered during the pool party since some of my classmate were chatting me about their school related concerns that I cannot ignore since I am their class mayor, regardless I still enjoyed the time. I got to sing in the karaoke room and just enjoyed the whole time. Everyone has started packing up before 6pm since that’s the maximum time given for the private pool rent.
It was a super busy and fun day for me. I am joyful to witness a wedding at this time of my life. I get to reflect on things as a person reaching my 20’s. How does witnessing a wedding affect my 20’s life? I learned patience for love and career. Everything happens in a perfect time where you’ll just feel that it’s the right time. Working out the other aspects builds that most awaited time. It’s like we are investing time and wisdom to be fully geared to face a new chapter of our lives. I am hoping for an extreme patience, excellence, and passion for the things I love to do.
A gracious married life for the newlywed. #DhezIsItJames
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gedwimora · 4 years
the Hazelnut Latte!
Coming in close behind vanilla and caramel, hazelnut and toffee nut are still popular flavors for espresso drinks, lending a nutty flavor that is sweet but not too sweet, and always cozy. Want a touch of extra sweetness? Ask for blonde espresso - as a lighter bean, it's toasty rather than roasty, and a perfect compliment to hazelnut flavor.
the Jade Citrus Mint tea!
The Jade Citrus Mint is one of two Starbucks mint teas, and the only one with a touch of caffeine. It's one of the two teas in the "Medicine Ball" (Honey Citrus Mint Tea) and therefore one of the more popular Starbucks' brewed teas. Need darker flavor while keeping the caffeine? Substitute the green Jade Citrus Mint for the black Royal English Breakfast.
4LOKO the Starbucks Refreshers!
Choose from Strawberry Acai, Very Berry Hibiscus, and Mango Dragonfruit and then mix with dried fruit and water or lemonade for a delicious and "refreshing" drink. These drinks are caffeinated and fruity-sweet for a jump-start in the morning. Any of the Starbucks Refreshers can be mixed with coconutmilk to make the Pink Drink, Violet Drink, and Dragon Drink.
A classic and the base for the most beloved Starbucks drinks, many people who don't mind the strong flavor prefer to cut out the middle man and drink espresso straight. Unlike most hot Starbucks drinks, which are ordered short, tall, grande, and venti, an espresso is ordered as a solo, doppio, triple, or quad depending on how many shots you'd like. People who order espresso usually aren't going for sweetness, but if you'd like to mellow the flavor just a bit, order an Espresso Macchiato - this traditional macchiato "marks" the espresso with a dollop of foam. You can also request blonde espresso, for mellow flavor with less roastiness than regular espresso, and a little extra caffeine.
The Caramel Apple Spice!
While this drink usually fades out of fashion at the end of fall, this cider-like drink can be enjoyed for coziness year round! With notes of cinnamon and caramel, and a topping of whipped cream, this drink can transport you to fall almost better than the.... *whispers* PSL. Plenty of people customize the Caramel Apple Spice by adding caramel syrup and chai, or using them to replace the usual cinnamon syrup. Play around with the drink for the best cidery flavor!
Chai Tea Latte
With sweet spice mixed with creamy steamed milk, this drink is the perfect latte for those who don't enjoy coffee. The caffeine will give you a jolt to start your day, but the cozy warmth is sure to help you relax. If the spice doesn't capture your heart, try for the earthier flavor of the matcha green tea latte.
the London Fog Tea Latte!
A classic in many small coffeeshops, Starbucks also serves this creamy and caffeinated substitute for a coffee latte. While it is usually prepared with vanilla for a touch of sweetness, you can always ask your barista to tone it down or eliminate it entirely, to let the flavor or black tea come through. Not quite your style? Starbucks can make any of their brewed teas into a custom latte by substituting the Earl Gray for one of your other favorites.
tagged by: @messianique tagging: @asteeledheart @rcsegilded @tymptir @daenfireys @ashccra @seahaloed
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jaroslavlewis · 5 years
The Same Old You: Giving In (M)
Title: The Same Old You
Chapter 5: Giving In
Author: Jaroslav Lewis
Fandom: Detective Conan
Pairing: ShinRan with slight KazuHei
Summary: Time has passed for them to believe that they have changed only for them to realize that some things haven't. Some things just don't.
Chapter Summary: The feeling was already too much but somehow they still wanted more…
Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan and any of Gosho Aoyama's characters. I simply borrow them when I'm bored.
Warning: Rated M for sexual content. If you are a minor or aren't into this stuff you may skip this and wait for the next chapter, although this issss kind of relevant to the story. But yeah, feels free to skip if it's not your thing. I'll work hard to make the next chap comprehensible so that the fic can still stand alone even without this chap, for others who don't like reading lemon. 
Something in him snaps as soon as he hears the sound of the door clicking when it shuts.
He moves swiftly, pushing her roughly against the nearest wall. His hands are placed on both sides of her caging her, without breaking the kiss instead, deepening it even more as he nibbles on her lower lip. He presses his body against her, pinning her to the wall, feeling the need to feel her warmth, to touch every curve of her body with his own. Her hands slide from his nape down to his chest, pushing him just slightly because she is out of breath. He maintains a distance still so close that she is breathing in his breath that smelled strongly of Paikaru. It isn't the best that she has smelled of him, but she still lets herself drown in him. She takes a moment to look into his cerulean eyes and he looks back into her indigo ones, both of them getting lost in each other's intense stare. Then he leans again, but this time, to press a soft kiss against her cheek, brushing his lips past it until it meets her earlobe. She shivers at the sensation, feeling him breathe against her skin.
"Ran…" He says her name in his soft, deep baritone voice that sends shivers down her spine and makes her knees weak that she has to clutch on the front of his jacket for support, thereby wrinkling it. "What made you change your mind?" He asks softly before placing open-mouthed kisses on her jawline down to the crook of her neck and to her exposed shoulder.
Ran fails to respond as her mind is clouded with hazy thoughts of arousal but amidst the situation, she tries to think, to retrace the steps on how she got there, pressed to the wall with him kissing and touching her all over, making her weak. She remembers drinking a glass of Classic Manhattan cocktail by the bar and thinking about him relentlessly and before she knew it, she was already walking briskly up to his hotel room, knocking and completely ignoring the fact that she could just go back to her own room just right next door.
"I don't know…" She just sighs, which was half the truth because she couldn't even process it herself therefore, it would be much more difficult to explain to him. "I just… I just…-ahhh…"
She is unable to finish her sentences and her trail of thought as she feels him suck on her delicate skin which he sucks even harder when he hears the melodic sound of her voice. He leaves a reddish-purplish mark on her fair skin, marking her as his own. She feels a lingering pain on the spot which soon falters as she feels him soothing it with a soft kiss before he slowly and sensually licks on it.
She bites her lips, muffling another soft sound coming out of her mouth which she finds quite embarrassing. Her face flushes crimson-red hearing her own voice but he smirks, marveled by her reaction and how responsive she still is to his touches.
He remembers doing such things to her back when they were together in high school, but then it was softer, more restrained sort of like a curious exploration unlike how it is at the present, hasty, sure and more sensual than it used to be.
He pulls away for a moment to gaze at her beautiful face that is evident of clear arousal. Her eyes are half-lidded and her mouth is opened, heaving a soft breath. Her cheeks are flushed and her done-up hair is slightly disheveled due to the events that had just transpired the moment she entered his room. His eyes travel down to her décolletage area. Her thin straps are falling from her shoulders and her neckline is very low, giving him a tasteful preview of her cleavage. He also deduces that given the design of her dress, she most-likely didn't need for a bra to secure her breasts since it is clear that it already has a built-in padding to serve such purpose.
He gulps at the sight and at the thought of it.
"I-I couldn't think. My body moved on its own and now, I'm here." She finally replies, bringing him back to his senses and finishing what she had to say earlier before he distracted her. Suddenly he remembers what they are talking about.
"Are you drunk?" He asks, brushing a stray hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear ever so gently.
"I know what I'm doing." She answers honestly. She knows she is under the influence but she is well-aware of what is happening. She also knows that she doesn't want him to hold back. Because this time, she knows what she truly wants…
"Do you…" She looks into his eyes, questioningly, wondering if he also feels the same.
"Yes. I do." He answers in a heartbeat, knowing what she means and he further reiterates. "I do…"
She nods as her last response before they move again, even more hastily than their previous actions. He pulls the loose mint green bowtie off of his neck and throws it aside. She on the other hand, rids him of his jacket, leaving him with his vest and white, button up shirt for his top. He presses himself against her again, getting tired of the brief absence of her warmth from when he pulled away from her. His lips meet hers again, brushing them softly against hers in another passionate kiss, harder and more possessive almost like he might never get to kiss her again. Her hands slide down his chest, feeling his hard, taut, muscles through his shirt until her she grasps the first button of his gray vest, unclasping it from the buttonhole with her nimble finger until she is able to successfully take it off of him, thereby tossing it to the ground where the rest of his clothes are.
He rests his palm on her hips before letting it slide down, parting the slit of her dress to slip his hand inside her gown's skirt, running it up and down her thigh tracing light, feathery circles while he sneaks his right hand behind her, just by her head, where her hair is tied in a loose bun. He takes the one pin, holding it up together, unravelling her long chocolate brown hair, making it fall down her shoulders in waves. His delicate fingers comb through her dark veil, undoing the soft French-braid before running his hand lower to touch her exposed skin and even lower to stroke the sensitive part of the small of her back.
Another moan escapes her lips which is immediately muffled by his own, swallowing her soft cries of pleasure as he continues to roam his hand around the sensitive parts of her body that he greatly knows of.
Then he hoists her long skirt up, revealing her sexy pair of legs as he lifts her up as well, pressing her up against the wall of support without breaking the kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck and instinctively hooks her legs around his waist.
He moves again and slams her to a desk nearby, knocking off some items on top of it that he has no care for. He makes her sit on it, spreading her legs just enough so he could stand in between them. He places his hands on the table, on either side of her while his lips part from hers to travel down to her jawline, down to the crook of her neck where he marked her and lower to her collar bone while his hands reach for her ankles, undoing the hook which is securing the straps of her silver high heels.
She heaves a soft sigh once more, running her fingers to his dark hair, her eyes closed and her mouth agape at the unexplainable sensation running through her veins. Then she feels him go lower, licking the middle part of her chest, right by her cleavage, while his hand sneaks inside the skirt of her dress, through the slit, stroking her inner thigh and it goes upwards until he is able to touch the white bridal garter that is still on her. Then he stops there, tracing circles, teasing her. It drives her crazy and makes her throw her head back, lightly hitting the frame that is hung on the wall she is leaning to. Emboldened by her response, he sneaks his hand higher to give her most intimate area a light, experimental stroke, touching her through the fabric of her underwear. She gasps in mixture of both shock and the feeling of ecstasy running through every fiber of her being. He feels her wetness through the thin barrier and he smirks against her soft, smooth skin, satisfied with how she is so weak under his touch.
She kicks off her heels sending it shooting against the other side of the room that it hits the wall and makes a thudding sound. He draws his hand back again to place it on her thigh to touch her there, teasing her once more as his lips travel upward, leaving soft feathery kisses on her chest, feeling her evident, collarbone with his lips.
Her hands find his jaw, cupping his face so gently to lift his head up in level with hers. She stares into his eyes that are so gentle but are so dark with the intense look of desire and then she kisses him again, tasting the bitterness of Paikaru on his lips. Her hands slide down to his chin as she tilts her head angling their lips in such a way that she could delve deeper into his mouth. Then her touch wonders down to his collar, stopping just by the first button of his white long-sleeved shirt. She fumbles through it, her delicate fingers lightly make contact with his skin as she is able to undo his buttons one by one, focusing amidst the intensity of their kiss and the boldness of his touches, how his right hand is still stroking her thigh, travelling upwards while his left hand is tracing downwards, stroking her back, exposed through the backless design of her dress. He runs his fingers through her now wavy hair, searching to find the hook by the middle part of her back. He unclasps it with ease, making her gasp as she feels it loosen against the frame of her body. Then he finds the zipper and tugs at it, slowly. His index finger traces her skin, lower and lower as he is able to fully unzip the dress.
Her straps fall lower and she rids him of his white shirt, baring himself for her. She pulls away from the kiss to look at him in his half-naked glory. She marvels at the gorgeous view of his well-toned torso, taking note of how the cuts of his muscles have become more defined since the last time she saw him shirtless and that was years ago. She always thought that Shinichi was fit, and that he had a nice body, considering his athletic activities, being one of Teitan High's star players in the soccer team. But damn is he even finer than he ever was before.
She reaches out to touch him, softly and carefully, feeling his bare skin beneath her delicate fingers, trailing from his chest down to his abdomen, feeling the hardness of his muscles. Her touch burns him with lust and suddenly he wants more, more of her.
All of her…
He watches her as she stares at his body, absentmindedly and curiously touching him all over. He notices her biting her lip in such a cute and seductive manner. He catches sight of her dress, falling a bit lower, her straps are down and off of her shoulder, the top part of it is also falling, revealing more of her cleavage to him. He is unable to stop a groan from escaping his mouth. It grabs her attention and makes her look up at him. Their eyes meet. She blushes and she looks away in an attempt to hide it but he doesn't let her, instead he gently lifts her head up by the chin and makes her look straight into his eyes. She shyly holds his gaze and he gives her a soft smile.
"May I?" He asks in a soft tone while his hands sliding down to her shoulders, but stopping by her arm right above the straps.
"Yes." She answers, catching her breath, steadying it in anticipation and he moves, sliding the straps further down, the top falling with it and stopping by her waist since she is sitting, baring her naked chest in front of him. Despite his anticipation, Shinichi is still stunned by the view. Turns out, his deduction is correct.
There is nothing underneath.
He gulps and licks his drying lips. His gaze burns her. Suddenly she feels conscious about herself, almost forgetting the fact that he has already seen what her body looks like, accidentally, back when he was Conan. She can't help but feel a little bit silly about it. She gives a second thought to cover herself as her instinct tells her.
But Shinichi tells her to feel otherwise through his actions. He is unable to restrain himself, unable to keep his distance from her. He leans forward and wraps his arms around her in a heated embrace, feeling her skin on skin. He breathes softly against her ear, aroused by the feeling of the softness of her breasts pressed against his chest. He feels her comforting warmth and suddenly it was all too much for him and it was too much for her as well.
But for some odd reason…
They both feel that they could never get enough of each other.
They both want more…
So, she lightly pushes him away to give herself some space as she hops off the table. She places her hands on his bare shoulders and he holds her waist to keep her on balance. As her bare feet hit the cold floor, the rest of dress slips down off of her frame, falling into a messy bundle on the ground, leaving her in nothing but her lacy, provocative, beige panties and the white bridal garter that he placed on her a while ago.
Shinichi takes a moment to stare at her almost bare figure before him. He is in awe with her goddess-like beauty and mesmerized by the fact that he is now seeing her unraveled before him. This time it isn't accidentally happening but because she is letting him see her, every part of her. And though he has seen her a couple of times, it is only now that he is seeing her clearly without the instinctive reaction to look away. He remembers what she looks like, vividly. Despite the temptation, he didn't like thinking of her in such way. Though he always thought she looked beautiful, she looks even more so and even more now that he is seeing her again, now that he is allowed to stare at her longer, long enough for him to memorize every curve of her perfect body.
Soon enough, he decides that he has had enough of staring. He needs to feel her, every part of her.
So, he pulls her into his arms and lifts her up again. She wraps her arms around his neck and her thighs around his waist. She gasps as she feels the evidence of his arousal through his pants, poking at her still clothed entrance. She breathes heavily against his ear, feeling the friction as he moves closer to the bed where he settles her, lying sprawled on the sheets and quite astounded as to what was bound to happen.
She watches as he stands at the edge of the bed. His gaze is dark and intense as his hands hold the buckle of his belt, undoing it and pulling it off of his pants to throw it aside. His pants fall loosely by his hips, revealing the subtle v-line by his abdomen, pointing to the waistband of his dark, Calvin Klein boxers which were peaking underneath his gray pants.
She thinks to herself that there is something absolutely satisfying and sexy about the way he is undressing himself before her. She can't help but bite her lips at the thought.
He slips off his shoes and socks and then unbuttons his pants. She stares as he unzips his pants before taking it off completely, leaving it on the ground as he climbs up the bed in his dark boxers. She gulps at the sight of the evident bulge poking through the fabric, noticing its impressive length and girth. He positions himself on top o her, spreading her legs just slightly with his knee as he places his forearms at her sides, supporting his weight as he lowers himself on top of her body. He ravishes her with hungry, kisses. His lips pressing against her sternum and then trailing down until his they brush against her breast. He goes lower, giving her pinkish nipple a soft lick before taking it in his mouth, gently sucking on it as he fondles the other, giving it a light squeeze as he sucks harder.
"Shinichi…" She moans at the immense feeling of his touch, running her fingers through his dark brown hair.
The sound of her soft voice drives him wild as his hands leave her breast to roam all over her body. His once gentle hands stroke her shoulders, down to her arms in a rough manner. His lips find their way back to her mouth, kissing her hungrily as his hands find their way to her hips, where he plays with the soft band of her underwear. He pulls away shortly to gaze at her lovely presence before him, sprawled and unraveled in the sheets, weakened by his touch. He takes notice of her bold choice of lingerie. He remembers back then, she used to wear something plainer and more modest. Looks like she finally changed her preference. It was more mature, sexier, lacy, thin, and slightly see-through. It drives him insane.
Suddenly, his patience drops as his primal, animalistic urges take over. He roughly tugs on the waistband of her underwear, not to slide it down her legs but to roughly rip the light, delicate and offensive fabric off of her, tossing it to the ground afterwards.
She is astounded by his aggressiveness and slightly pissed off at how he completely ruined her favorite set of underwear. She lets out an incoherent sound of protest, about to scold him for destroying something so insanely expensive when he presses his mouth against hers, swallowing her complaint and distracting her from her thoughts, making her focus only on him.
With clouded thoughts, her hands trail from his nape to his shoulders down to the small of his back before slipping them right by the sides of his torso, remembering just how sensitive he is there and just as she expected, he flinches and groans into her mouth.
Suddenly he is out of breath and feels the need to pull away. He gazes into her eyes and tucks her hair behind her ear. He takes another look at her bare form. Suddenly she remembers that that the only fabric on her is the white bridal garter that he slipped on her earlier at the reception. He decides to leave it on her for possessive, territorial, reasons…
Ran blushes as she looks at him with worried eyes, wondering what he is thinking, staring at her in such way. He notices and gives her a soft smile. He leans, pressing his body, to feel her against him.
"You're so damn beautiful, Ran…" He whispers in her ear with clear emphasis of how much he means it. Her heart flutters hugging him tighter as he nibbles on her ear lobe before peppering her neck with light, feathery kisses. She swallows a soft intake of breath as his hands proceed to roam around her body, his touches burn her skin with passion, igniting the flame of pleasure from within her.
His hand trails from her arm to her shoulder. It brushes against her breast and then descends, down to her stomach. She tenses as she feels him going lower. He notices her stiffening under him and he pauses for a moment, giving her a soft, reassuring kiss on the forehead, his hand stopping at her pelvic area. She sighs, relaxing herself and then he continues, his hand trailing to her nether region, furthering his exploration as he experimentally slips a finger into her most intimate secret, running it along the folds of her womanhood, feeling her warmth and wetness.
Such action elicits a soft, pleasurable sigh from her. Emboldened by her response, he thrusts his finger a little deeper, curling it to flick at a nub that happens to be her most sensitive spot.
She sinks deeper into her pillows, gripping tightly at his arms, her nails making reddish crescents on his shoulder as she lets out a gasp much louder than the previous one, she made. He smirks as he continues his ministrations whilst pulling his body away from hers just enough so that he can watch her writhe under his touch, biting her lips in the most sensual way, arching her back as he thrust his finger in and out of her before he slips another digit in. His hardened member throbs in pain, turned on with the fact that he is witnessing her being such a hot mess because of him.
"Shinichi!" She cries out his name at the sensation as she spreads her legs wider for him, taken over by the urge to feel more of him. The feeling was all new to her that she herself is surprised by how she is allowing him to do such things to her, finding herself completely derailed at the thought that he is capable of having such power over her.
She could feel the sensation boiling up inside her, almost like she is about to explode for having too much feelings.
But just then, he withdraws, slipping his fingers out of her, making her whimper in disapproval. He lets out a dark chuckle, his deep voice sounding so sexy in her ears that it awakens more of her urges. Just when she thought he had already completely driven her to the peak of her insanity, he brings his fingers, coated with her essence up to his lips, licking them sensually, in front of her, tasting her…
She swallows air thickly, calming her nerves at the sight of him, his lips, his tongue…
Oh god.
Something in her snaps. For a moment she felt removed from herself. She grabs his wrist to pull him back into her arms, pressing her lips against his ear, nibbling at his earlobe, while trailing her fingers to his chest, tracing the curves of his muscles, down the v-line of his abdomen until she flicks at the waistband of his dark boxers.
"Shinichi… I want you… So much…" She whispers seductively, her hot breath tickling his ear, sending shivers down his spine. She runs her lips down his jawline, brushing down to the crook of his neck, licking him there, making him groan in response. Then he feels her tugging at the last fabric of clothing on him. He nods against her shoulder, understanding what she wants. He pulls away for a moment to discard the last piece of clothing, revealing his full bare form in front of her.
A soft gasp escapes her delicate lips. He watches her watching him with eyes, heavy-lidded in half open bliss. He leans against her again, positioning himself over her. She flinches nervously at the unmistakable feeling of his hardened member against her inner thigh.
He looks into her eyes which were searching for reassurance that he gives her as he strokes her shoulder, comfortingly. She notices the intense draw of his chin as he looks at her with gentle sapphire orbs, before he plants a soft kiss on her forehead, just like how he would back when she'd get scared, back when they were teenagers.
Her feelings resurface for him, knowing very well that if it's with him, she'll always be safe. And as if it's not enough he strokes her hair lovingly before placing both of his hands on her thighs to spread her legs wider as he leans.
"Bite when it hurts…" He whispers into her ear and she hums softly, nodding against his shoulder as she wraps her arms around him tightly, holding on to his shoulder.
She breathes hard as he brushes his hard member at her entrance, parting her wet folds as he slowly thrusts. She presses her lips against his shoulder, muffling a scream escaping her lips as she feels the tip of his manhood pushing into her, stretching her walls. He keeps in mind to go slow, thinking about her comfort as he kisses her face soothingly.
She relaxes under him, feeling the softness of his lips against her skin that she doesn't notice that he is moving. He thrusts further, pushing his hardness into her tight walls until something in her breaks…
She screams in pain, tears forming the corners of her eyes as she presses her lips onto his bare shoulder. He hushes at her, whispering a heartfelt apology in her ear. Her soft whimper is muffled as she sinks her teeth on to his bare skin, leaving a purple bruise forming on his pale skin.
Her bite gives him a pleasurable sensation that almost caves his restraint of going slow and gentle with her. It also makes him hiss, feeling the lingering ache that it gives him but he holds it in, knowing very well that she is in more pain than he is.
"Ran…" He groans feeling her tightness against him, causing his shaft to harden at the sensation. It is not long after that she gives him her go signal to move and he does, but he does it painstakingly and patiently slow. Remembering to be gentle with her since it is her first time…
It is both their first time…
And he wants to savor the moment and make her feels special, make her feel how much love he has for her…
He slides in until he is able to finally fit into her, feeling his member become fully sheathed inside of her while she feels the pressure of her walls being stretched by him. She sighs and he lets takes a moment to catch his breath, not quite aware that he had been holding it the whole time. She rubs her hand up her back before sliding them down his chest, reassuring him that he can pick up his pace.
He holds onto her hips as he slips out of her just slightly so that he can thrust into her again. He soon begins to move a fraction faster until he is eventually able to pick a pace that satisfies the both of them, the two of them intimately bonded like they've never been before.
He lets himself drown in the sensation, drown in the feeling of her, shifting into a position where his hips are angled better so that he can pound harder and deeper into her, picking up a pace where her breasts are bouncing pleasurably for him. She lets out a euphoric mewl as she arches her back in delight, wrapping her legs around his waist as she grips the sheets in pure ecstasy.
She lets herself become intoxicated by the deepness of his voice as he groans, the way he is gripping on her thighs so hard as he grinds his hips so sexily against hers. Suddenly she feels something building up inside of her. He feels it as well as he takes in the sight of her unraveled and helpless underneath him, listening to the sweet sound of her voice blending with his, echoing against the walls of their hotel room.
"Shinichi I-"She cries, alerting him of her orgasm rising, unable to finish her sentence as she is breathless by the immense bliss that she is feeling. She grips on his shoulder tightly, pulling him down so that his torso is melded against hers. He smashes his lips against hers in a heated kiss while maintaining the intense pace of his thrusts. Not long after, she breathes out his name again, in time with her release. She shudders, feeling all sorts of sparks inside her as she climaxes. He thrusts a few more times into her before he floods her with his own, whispering her name against her ear as he feels his body go limp from the intense feeling of euphoric satisfaction and exhaustion.
With the little strength he has left, he lifts the weight of his body off of her, giving her a soft kiss on the fore head before rolling on the blank side of the bed, lying next to her and pulling the sheets up on both of them to cover their sweaty bodies. They both take time to steady their labored breathing.
Soon after, he stretches his arm and pulls her so close so that she is able to rest her head on his chest and listen to his rapid heartbeat. She sighs in content and closes her eyes, so does he. It doesn't take too long for the two to both slowly drift into peaceful slumber, still tangled in each other's warm embrace.
Outside their window, peaking through the curtains, the moon shines brightly, shedding light at them, inside their dim room.
The night is theirs…
AN: Phew! So, there you have it! My first proper ShinRan lemon. I've had some attempts in the past, for a different fanfic and different fandom but this is the only one that I was able to finish. I have to say I am quite proud of myself for this one, even if it took me a while to do. I had to take breaks in between so that I could take some time to catch my breath. There were parts where I really felt awkward, writing and had a hard time looking for the right words so that the fic could remain more romantic and intimate so I decided to keep it not too detailed on the explicit stuff. I'm really hoping you guys would give me a feedback regarding this one. Was it good enough? Was it not good enough? What is it that you guys would like to see more in the future in case I would write another ShinRan lemon? What is it that I need to work on?
BTW, shout out to my good friend, @icedcoffeeanyone aka hislips for her undying support on this one. We've been constantly messaging each other to fangirl and gush over ShinRan scenarios and she also gave me helpful points on writing this chap. All throughout she has been supportive, constantly bugging me about it when I'm just being lazy but respecting my time when I'm too busy to write. Ahhh this lemon is for you. I've always intended to write it for the story but you were also a big part on why this was pushed into happening. I've had my doubts about it but you always encouraged me. So, thank you so much! Mwahhh!
To all my readers, thank you so much for your constant support. I'm really flattered by the reviews on my previous chapter and it really warms my heart that you guys were very patient with it despite it not being uploaded on time! Thank you so much for understanding.
I only have about 2 updates until this fic ends. Ahhhh! Will be working hard to finish strong!
Love y'all!
Fanfiction.net link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13195514/5/The-Same-Old-You
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17626277/chapters/43119215
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domingaoram44-blog · 6 years
Wellness Information.
It's an enduring fashion trend rule of thumb - fall is actually all about the planet shade colours. Just couple of years later the scenario transformed just about diametrically - blue became therefore typical, Pope Pius V also excluded this shade from the ideal ones for church style. 1. Reddish is actually the shade of sunlight, heat, life. The principal shades offered can generally be broken down in to neutral gray, polarising, yellow-brown, 20supplementdiet.info eco-friendly, reddish and also photochromic. Much like you choose different colours for your nails, you have different moods and also various parts of your identity that show on a provided time. Blue "eyes" and blue stones installed on silver and gold appear to babies as well as kids as a talisman for defense. Urine acquires its own yellowish color coming from a pigmented substance referred to as urochrome. Data for the primaries with increasing tones of dark were certainly not on call for the gravure examples so all-time low line might not be sketched. By chance, eco-friendly was looked at to be unlucky whereas royal blue was actually a sensible colour for the Irish. You may possess viewed that indicator illuminations are actually typically tinted amber, blue and also reddish - but perform the same different colors relate to unexpected emergency lights?
Blue eyes attract attention as well as demand attention, whether they are exciting cobalt, arctic icy or even sensuous heavens blue. Just like grey and also brownish, black is actually thought about a neutral as well as does not lie on the shade wheel. Particular colors do extensively align with details attributes (e.g., brown along with ruggedness, purple along with complexity, and reddish with enthusiasm). I bear in mind getting so ecstatic when I first repainted a rainbow to understand the 7 different colors in the spectrum, it was therefore illuminating for me to recognize that all our team have is simply 7 colours plus all other colours in this particular wonderful vivid world are derived from it. A great means of assisting in training youngsters about the rainbow as well as the lighting. The additional eumelanin a person has, the darker his hair will be actually. Eumelanin is actually composed of melanocytes, which are cells that offer skin layer and hair its shade. Having said that, the Religious Church honors the party of the birth of Jesus along with its personal liturgical different colors: white colored and also gold.This web page is looking tough like children can't fill up shades in this particular yet you can observe that a lot of the color is actually filled with black previously. With that said pointed out, mint can still be actually an invited break coming from the hues of black, blue and white colored that have delivered Google.com's combination thus far.If you prefer it to attract attention, at that point pick a much lighter colour, like Oatlands Gold Buff (3004-8A). The minus colours commonly invoked uncertain emotions in attendees and had a tendency to be prone to the eco-friendly and also blue. The classroom variation of eye colour genetic makeups commonly holds true, that brown eye genes are actually leading over green eye genes, and both eco-friendly as well as brownish eye genetics are actually leading over blue.When you just possess to open your eyes to start sweating take the muggy warmth one action even more, on those balmy voluptuous days with an absolutely erotic massage therapy Freely oil both your body systems. Heaven colour of the sky is protecting our company from unsafe grandiose radiations and heaven colour of the ocean possesses a soothing effect on our emotions as well as tells our company to go with the flow of lifestyle.
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3adesign · 2 years
Pocketing tips to design a 4m house living room from AZ
Designing a 4m house living room to be beautiful and comfortable is a concern of many people. Here are some modern and reasonable living room design tips that 3A Design's architects will suggest for you.
1. Determining the direction of the living room of the 4m house
With the design of the 4m, 5m, or even 3m facade of the living room, you need to determine the direction of the room. In order for the living room to be in accordance with feng shui, the homeowner should choose the direction that is suitable for the activity and operation of the house. Normally, the first floor of the tube house will be used as two areas: living room and kitchen.
Light is an important factor to make the living room, so this area should be prioritized where there is a lot of natural light. If necessary, you can arrange artificial lights to your liking. The living room and the kitchen should lean against one wall together. Avoid having the living room lean against the left wall but the kitchen leaning against the right wall.
2. Clear layout, design style of the tube house living room
Regarding the layout of the tube house living room, homeowners should use the first floor as a living room and inter-village kitchen. This way both saves space, and reasonably arranges the functions of the rooms of the house. With the first floor plan, you should divide the usable space in half, then separate them with stairs or simple partitions like a TV cabinet. Living room in the outside area, kitchen in the inside area.
Therefore, in order to facilitate travel between the two spaces, the living room of the 4m house will lean against one wall, the opposite wall will be used to hang a TV or the television will be placed towards the stairs (taking advantage of the stairs). Leaving the TV is also a good suggestion for homeowners).
Regarding the design style of the 4-meter-long tube house living room: with a specific area deep vertically, but short horizontally, the living room of the tube house should use a minimalist modern interior design style. With this style, homeowners will save the most money to buy furniture, the space will be more spacious and airy thanks to the reduction of unnecessary items.
3. Paint color, lighting for living room
Paint color is an important factor determining the beauty of living room space. The paint color commonly used for the living room of the 4m house, modern minimalist style is usually light, neutral colors such as: white, beige, gray, mint green, etc. With bright paint colors, the space becomes luxurious. , open and interact well with lights, natural light. Do not use hot colors, dark colors because it only makes the space become secretive and stuffy.
Living room light needs to be maximized from nature by large windows or large glass doors in front. If you are concerned about too much light affecting your living, you can use blackout curtains to adjust the amount of light entering the room. A living room with lots of light will bring the family good energy and a fresher space.
4. Selection of furniture for the living room of the 4m2 tube house
With a moderate area such as a 4m, 5m facade, the living room needs to use simple and neat furniture. Modern style tube house living rooms should use smart, versatile furniture products that integrate many uses. This saves you both money and space. The living room space will be less cumbersome and cumbersome. The size of the living room furniture also needs to be compact and balanced to increase the aesthetics of the room.
The color of the interior of the living room also needs to have a good interaction with the main paint color of the whole house.
5. Decorate the living room with accessories
Many people fear that the small living room space is not convenient for decoration. Don't worry, the way to decorate the living room is also very simple such as:
Use wall paintings with depth to make space become art
Use decorative mirrors to create a feeling of width and depth
Use ornamental plants small and pretty for the table such as: money tree, cactus, succulent plant, ..
Use wall-mounted ornamental plants such as: betel nut tree, perennial tree
Use decorative chandeliers
Use curtains, carpets
6. Common mistakes when designing a living room of a 3m, 4m, 5m tube house
Using stairs take up too much space: don't spend too much space on the stairs because it will lose balance and affect the feng shui of the whole house. . Should give stairs an area suitable for moving.
Use colors and textures that are not in harmony: Do not use interior products with complex patterns or coordinate too many colors in the living room. It is easy to distract the eyes and unsightly.
Display too much furniture: the living room space of a 4-meter tube house is usually very small, so you should not use too many items. Homeowners should only use furniture with the main function, multi-function and suitable size.
Hopefully with the suggestions of 3A Design architect, you will design a successful 4m tube house living room. If you are still wondering about the options, or immediately contact the interior design team 3A Design via hotline to soon own the ideal living space.
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