#there's even more parallels but I'm too tired to talk about them all
cyjammy · 4 months
Vox and Alastor’s Dynamic is so FUN
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Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 2 Spoilers ahead!
I have to talk about Vox and Alastor’s “rivalry”. I love how Alastor just couldn’t care less, he’s witty, he’s emotionless and that makes him all the more powerful.
Well, not emotionless since he does express outward disgust towards anything digital, but the fact he can keep himself composed because he knows he is the shit and that’s what makes him my absolute favorite.
That showed through in the pilot and the show didn’t fail to deliver. I love how he’s handled. Viv’s characterization is wonderful.
Most fics I have read with Alastor have shown him as vunerable despite the story never alluding to that and it’s such a breath of fresh air to have canon content of Alastor being his authentic self.
My god do I love a character that’s strong and not swayed by emotion, but they can be handled well too. I.E. VOX oh my god. Every fanon had him pegged down as the victim to Val’s wrath, but he’s the mastermind behind the scenes. A complete subversion of everyone’s expectations. And that’s for another post I’m about to go crazy on, but I digress.
Vox is a man up in his ivory electronic tower with villainous intentions, but he falls short because of emotion!
Handling Velvet’s demands to get Val together? A quick pep talk with himself and he’s got it.
Addressing unforeseen circumstances with concerned sinners? Easy.
But Alastor?
He sees RED. He let Valentino have it when he even thought about going on a rampage over a sinner under his thumb.
When it comes to Alastor, Vox goes on a hate campaign and makes a fool of himself.
Meanwhile, Alastor was minding his business, and Vox couldn’t deal with that.
So much so he causes a blackout in the Wrath ring!
Why? Because of his rejection sensitivity.
He is this all powerful overlord with companions in his rule and when he asks someone of similar station to become his equal he gets rejected.
It’s unheard of for him. He cannot fathom it.
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Because that makes Alastor a factor he cannot control.
Val says that Alastor “almost beat him”. Val may not have witnessed that fight and Vox spun it around to claim he came out on top.
But if he did, he definitely wouldn’t let Alastor get away.
Valentino and Vox have known each other for a long time, as shown in a photo in the background in the episode.
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So either this spat began before they had met and Vox lied or Valentino witnessed it. I'm excited to see which way that goes.
In terms of influence, Alastor seems to win that battle. Vox is in charge of electrical currents and anything in the digital space.
Alastor is so far removed from that Vox has no influence over him. He refuses to be involved with new technology.
But with Vox having an army of sinners under his wing through subliminal messaging, he had security and power.
With Alastor’s return he brings CHARISMA and he’s doing it SO FUCKING WELL.
This is not a battle, it’s a slaughter, and Alastor is WINNING. With television there are so many ways to captivate a viewer but with radio all the host has is their voice and personality. It all has to be shown in a medium that doesn’t have many options for uniqueness.
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Alastor defends himself with grace. He throws out compliments to his fellow overlords while still having it be a slight to the man who began the fight.
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It's night and day, but that's probably because Valentino and Velvet are tired of Vox's shit. I love this parallel so much!
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Vox needed to be the person he was with Valentino at all times if this is a battle he wants to win, but he’s so bitter he will never see that.
He’s stubborn and that’s his main flaw.
And I fucking love it.
Alastor knows what he’s thinking and how to avoid it.
Always a step ahead. And their duet showcases that perfectly.
Alastor uses his opponent’s power against them, seeing the slanderous TV campaign and immediately going on air.
He does that in the pilot as well and seeing that this has become a habit for him is so fun to see.
Alastor is not to be messed with and I feel like people decided to gloss over that. But it’s so in your face you cannot deny it.
Alastor is TERRIFYING with a chilling deposition that will give you nightmares if you dare cross him.
Give him the respect he fucking deserves.
And the music and the visuals of the song — A whole fucking masterpiece.
I’m in love with their dynamic so far and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
So far Vox is the obsessed fanatic that couldn’t handle rejection.
There has to be more than that.
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Glad the fandom agrees that Gareth is to Eddie what Robin is to Steve.
When Steve and Eddie get together, Eddie is obviously accepted by Steve's friends. Immediately: they can't go through hell together and NOT want every single member of the party to find something good and healing like love. The Party loves Eddie, obviously; they know he'll look after Steve, they know Steve will look after Eddie, and despite his love for both of them, Dustin gives Eddie a shovel talk so detailed, so disturbing, and so terrifying that Eddie asks Dustin to DM their next one shot (that little shit has some skills in manipulating emotions when he wants to. He did bully Mike and Lucas into making up in season one, Steve into hunting demodogs in season two, Steve into trying to translate Russian correspondence in season three, and ERICA into helping them infiltrate the Russian bunker base in season three. Kid has skills, we're all lucky he leans more towards chaotic neutral than chaotic evil). Point is, Eddie does not experience any negative reactions to the news that he and Steve are dating.
But the Party does not include Eddie's oldest friends. Gareth, Jeff, and Nelson (I like that name better than "unnamed freak 1," saw it in a fanfic and adopted it into my headcanons) are very much AGAINST Steve and Eddie dating, not because they're two dudes, but because Steve was best friends with Tommy Hagan, arguably the largest douchebag in Hawkins history, and they don't want Eddie to get hurt. So every time Steve joins Eddie for band practice, if Eddie is out of the room or even out of EARSHOT, all three of them are a little extra rude to former King Steve. But no matter what they do, Steve won't lash out. He'll grit his jaw, sure, and say something about how they don't know anything through clenched teeth, but he never argues when they call him an asshole or a bully or a liar.
When Jeff says that Steve is full of bullshit, Steve goes totally rigid before he just shuts down. Gareth sees this and immediately tries to backtrack; a parallel to Steve in high school, he's said a few regrettable things but he mostly just allows it to happen in front of him. Eddie comes back in from his bathroom break, sees Steve, and is instantly on the defensive. He drags Steve out of the garage, shooting absolutely deadly looks to his band, and they don't see him for two weeks. When Eddie does return, all three apologize to him, then less genuinely to Steve, and Steve quickly forgives them. Again, Eddie ends up taking a bathroom break, but this time, Gareth sits gingerly on the couch beside Steve.
"Are you really dating Ed? Like, no ulterior motives?" He asks, and Steve nods.
"I can't say how, but he saved my life. I was wrong to think he was just some freak," Steve says, but then he hesitates. "I- I really love him. I'm sorry you don't- I know I was a shithead in high school, but really, I love him." Gareth believes him. There's an earnestness in his eyes, a desperation for someone to know, and he can see the anxious set to Steve's shoulders. Gareth never thought that he'd see this, the King admitting to loving another man with not a trace of ill intent, and now that he DOES see it, he can see the tremble in Steve's hands, the tension in his posture and bags under his eyes, he can see the exhaustion written in every line of Steve's posture. So Gareth decides then that, whatever horrors have made such a self assured, confident person this tired, nervous, fidgety man, Steve is a good person. So he asks Steve to be good to Eddie, and then he goes back to his drumset. Jeff and Nelson are kinder, too, seeing that Eddie's #1 best friend, Platonic Soulmate, has decided to trust the fallen King.
After that, to Eddie's shock and embarrassment, Steve and Gareth get along like a house on fire. First, it's just teasing Eddie, then it's sharing embarrassing stories (Gareth shares the time Eddie spent an hour crying over a ladybug he killed before they told him it was just an M&M, and Steve shares the time that Eddie shot off of the couch during movie night and face planted into the wall, because he was half-awake and convinced that he'd just seen Ronnie James Dio through the window). Finally, it's Gareth who puts the pieces together that Steve is dyslexic, and helps Eddie record tapes for each chapter of books that Dustin and Eddie have been trying to get Steve to read.
They're not as close as Eddie and Gareth or Steve and Robin, but Steve and Gareth become great friends. Eventually, Steve and Eddie convince the party to bring Gareth into the know (Gareth is suspicious, but El's abilities and their story combined fill every single hole in the official story. He's terrified but comforted to know that it's over now)
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Monday lovely fandom. Lots to love about this one. Their opening scene is *chefs kiss* Some good Metro Tim. Really good Tim SL in general. Love this episode it’s fantastic for a lot of reasons. Let us begin shall we?
5x19 A Hole in the World.
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We start off with some domestic Chenford and I’m here for it. Gimme. Lucy is studying in what looks to be one of Tim’s shirts. *squee* Pen in her bun looking all kinds of adorable. Tim stumbles out of her bedroom looking dead on his feet. Lucy having coffee ready for her sleepy boyfriend is everything. Her soft voice and excited features when she sees him is so precious. Gah she loves this man.
Ecstatic she gets to see him before work. Spend a little time together. She asks when he got in? Tim replying depends on what day it is? Ha Poor tired Tim. Lucy shooting back 'That bad huh?' Tim saying he’s eighty percent sure it’s Thursday LOL Lucy crushing his dreams telling him it’s Tuesday….His face is too funny. Poor man needs a day off in bed and snuggle time with his wife.
Lucy asks him what he was working on last night? I just love the whole feel in this scene. Him waking up all sleepy. Lucy is there happy to greet him. Little banter. Asking about what he’s working on. Married vibes in this moment. Lucy saying she stayed up incase she would catch him. Hoping the guy would turn himself in. Risking losing sleep to see her man. My Heart.
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Tim says he did show up though. Showing her his battle scar. I saw a great parallel about this moment. That in past she had to ask if he was ok. Now he just shares it with her. She doesn't have to wonder. *happy sigh* Then we get the most glorious thing of all she calls him ‘Babe.’ Which I absolutely love. I think it’s so fitting for her to call him this. Unpopular opinion alert. I hate ‘baby.’ I legit cringe when I see it in a fic. Will straight bounce if it’s used to death as well. Just doesn’t seem like them IMO.
Babe seems much more fitting. Until I hear that word come out of either of their mouths. (Not counting Dim/Juicy) I can’t accept it as canon in my brain. Anyways that rant is over ha I love the concern and the way she softly touches his wound. Wanting to fix it for him. Can we talk about the tight fitting tank top and scruff? My god this man is trying to kill me. Sleepy scruffy Tim in his jams is welcome anytime. Give me more tank top Tim as well while we're at it. Loving that he has a hoodie there when he wakes up.
Which lends credence to my drawer theory. Man is keeping clothes there. I’m melting from all of these things at once. This is a fantastic opening scene for them. I love the way he shows her his wound first thing. Wanting her to make it better. The softest of humans around his girl. The way she gently touches it has me reeling. You know part of him showed her so she’d love on him a bit. Lucy jumped all over that and a sweet pet name to boot. I’m in heaven.
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Lucy mentioning it was confident of this guy to try and take on 5 metro officers. I'm losing my mind over how once Tim is seated he’s not close enough for her. So Lucy pulls him even closer. Personal space wasn’t a word they knew before they were together. It’s non existent now that they are. Lucy lights up like a Christmas tree once he’s in front of her. Look at her above. Best thing to happen to her morning is him being there.
That line from 2x05 'They look so happy. I want that.' Now she has it and it looks good on her. Tim’s content ‘Mmm' and head tilt has me melting after she pulls him closer. His sweet gone for her smile and rubbing her arm. I'm a puddle. He is just as happy to be near her. Literally so content to share a quiet morning with his girl *internal screaming* They’re so adorable they might kill me. I’ll be writing the remaining reviews from the great beyond. So damn soft I’m on a cloud.
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Once Tim is able to tear himself from her loving gaze he sees she’s studying. Genuinely confused asking what this is all is? I love her playful hit. Thinking he's pulling her leg. Tim is so baffled by this. She reminds him she’s studying for the detectives exam. Then questioning if she told him. I mean she might’ve but the man is sleep deprived and doesn’t know what day it is so...LOL
Tim replying he doesn’t think so? Lucy explaining why she’s going for it. Tim asking if she got the tap? Lucy is beaming when she tells him Harper and Lopez are backing her. (Of course they are. They know what a BAMF she is) Lucy looks so excited to share this news with him. Look at how proud he is of her. Exuding from that sexy smile of his. These are the moments where he’s that big softy for her.
Look at this love struck man. So proud of her he can’t stand it. Lucy starting with a little bit of self doubt. Saying with skepticism all she has to do is score in the top 12. Tim cuts her off before she can doubt herself any further. Saying she will. He knows how good of a test taker she is. Also how incredibly intelligent she is. He is her biggest fan and makes my heart so happy. Something that hasn’t changed from friends to more. Tim’s unwavering faith she will be amazing. No doubt in his mind about her crushing this.
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From day one all he’s wanted is for her to succeed. To have an amazing career. Such the supportive husband not letting her doubt herself at all. I love her ‘Mmm’ as she leans in for their kiss. Heart eyes galore for him. Knowing that’s what he’s doing fo her. Her smile before she goes in for their kiss. *dreamy sigh* Always needing more than one kiss so they sneak in a second one. Forever love that. Such a great shot of a really cute morning kiss.
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I adore the look on his face when he pulls back. That whole she fell first he fell harder resonating here in that look. The sweet rubbing of her arm getting me in feels as well. Can't keep his hands off her. Tim saying they better get used to not seeing each other then. Lucy adding in sadly yes. Between his hours and detective hours it'll be harder. Can see the sadness wash over her. Just as devastated by this idea as she was at the end of 5x12. Hating the idea of being apart from him so much. I do love Tim’s confidence it’ll be ok though.
Reminds me of Lucy’s in 5x12 and her talk with Tamara. Saying how they’d figure it out and they did. Little rocky but they did. This is a new obstacle for them to overcome is all. I love his wink at her when he tells her they’ll figure it out. It is fun to see their dynamic shift a little bit. Lucy being worried they’ll see less of each other. The worry is etched on her face. Tim being the positive one blows me away. Knowing they got this. Now that doesn’t mean they don’t need to have a deeper convo about this.
They for sure do. But I adore the depth of change in this man. With Lucy by his side there isn’t much he isn’t willing to do to figure it out. What happens when you are truly and unconditionally loved. Lucy has brought out this entirely new side of him and I love it so very much. Also it’s good for them to have these issues to work through. It’ll be productive for them even if it hurts a little along the way. Why productive angst is the best. Hurts so good and all that.
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Nothing I love more than watching Tim in Metro mode. Hot damn. Fair warning he makes me very feral in this section. I have no regrets. Grey has looped in Tim and his team to watch Joel. Surveil him since he is a huge person of interest. Something about the the way he commands his team. Does things to me. Watching how he has plans in place.
Communicates everything so seamlessly. Just the complete control he has over this OP got me all hot and bothered not gonna lie. This case is serious but I can’t ignore how much I love watching him in the field. Especially with Metro. Phew lord. So much certainty in his commands and decisions. Crossed my legs couple times watching him in action not gonna lie LOL
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We haven’t really gotten to see him on a mission yet. Be apart of patrol's mission's yes. But run his own OP that is exclusively Metro that we get to see? Haven't gotten that. I loved being able to watch him in his new element. Making calls on the fly as the situation develops. Then we get to see how he reacts under massive pressure running a team. He is watching Joel and it's obvious he is trying to split his team up. Tim can see his play from a mile away. Tim decides last minute to split them up in case. His seasoned gut coming into play in this decision. He's such a damn boss in this portion. Fanning myself as I watch him run this OP.
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If you can watch him in this portion and not be turned on by his boss leadership I'm shocked.... and you're probably lying to yourself. LMAO Man is making me very thirsty in this scene. Just watching him have absolute control over everything around him is incredibly attractive. I need some water. *phew* We watch the hard choices he has to make during this OP. Joel has taken a motorcycle and they’re chasing him.
It’s getting more dangerous the faster he goes to get away. One of his guys is in pursuit and says he can keep up with him. The issue is he's in a car and Joel is not. Tim lets him pursue Joel till it gets too risky. Joel is going 130 entering the free way on that motorcycle. Tim makes the call to pull the plug despite some protest from his guy. He does as Tim tells him to and backs off.
He can't ensure no collateral damage due to the pursuit. Can't have an innocent family possibly get hurt to do it. Having to let him go despite wanting to pursue him. We can see how having to make this call frustrates Tim. It was the right call but damn it sucks. Once again love watching him in the field. Imma need more Metro Tim OP's in s6 writers just an FYI.
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We return to Lucy at the station. They were able to locate Joel at an abandoned house. The kid was saved and removed thankfully. Sadly Tim had to shoot Joel once they entered and located him. He died on the scene. Didn’t leave him any choice in the matter. The shakiness in Lucy’s voice kills me as she approaches Nyla. Needing her guidance in this moment. Very stressed Tim still isn't back from IA yet.
She’s so worried about Tim and her anxiety is coming off her in waves. Harper being the amazing human can see this. She is tells her it’s ok. Harper can see how unsettled Lucy is. So she tries to calm her with some logic. Telling her that these types of interviews with IA are very through. They take awhile. That Tim will be fine. Lucy still looks like she hasn’t taken a breath though. That she can't do that till he's in her sights.
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Tim makes his way into the bullpen and Lucy looks on verge of tears for him. That pull to go towards him is innate. Harper stops her when she sees Lucy move towards him. Telling her to let him talk to Grey first. She loves him so much. The look in her eyes when she sees him and her eyes follow him across the room. Ugh. My heart. Worried girlfriend mode has been activated and she can’t turn it off. There is just so much love in her expression and intense worry. A deep need to automatically make this better for him.
We can see how much she is longing to be near him. Wants to wrap him up in her arms and erase his pain. You can feel the anxiety coursing through her as she watches him make his way to Grey’s office. No one worries and cares for Tim like Lucy does that’s for sure. Plus her empathy is absorbing it all as well. She’s hurting because he is and it’s killing her to be away from him. But she is good and heeds Nylas advice to let him go for now….
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The scene in Grey’s office has me crying. Gah Eric damn you and your amazing acting. He is WRECKED. Absolutely wrecked. Barely keeping it together in front of Wade. You can see the tears brimming in his eyes. He’s so emotional right now and trying so very hard to keep it in check. I'm so glad that they had this scene. Touched on how traumatic this was for Tim. Wasn’t glossed over. This scene showing the impact it had on him. Not only did he take a life but it was another cop's. One who KNEW Tim would have to pull the trigger if he forced his hand. Joel took the cowards way out. Made Tim pay the price for his exit.
Grey can see how distraught he is. The tears in this man’s eyes are breaking me. If Lucy could see this he would be in her arms so quickly. But she isn’t. I'm so glad he saw Wade first he needed this. Was important for Grey to absolve him in this moment. To hear it from someone who was his mentor and superior at one time. Not that Lucy’s opinion or help isn’t valid or wouldn’t help him. It will. He just needed to hear it from Grey first. That what he did was the right thing.
It’s why Harper suggested he see him first. Before she does. Logically Tim knows all the things he’s telling him. But he’s an emotional time bomb right now. So Grey reminds him that he had no choice. That he was dangerous. Tim repeating ‘I know’ because he does. Doesn’t change how he’s feeling though. I love Wade asking if there’s anything he can do? Tim gives his longest answer telling him to let him get back to him. Such a good scene. Broke my heart but damn good.
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We return to our lovely couple catching up in the hallway. What a glow up this is I have to say. Going from hiding to Lucy being on his arm in front of the whole bullpen. The PDA in front of the station got me all in my feels. My heart may implode from how happy this makes me. Love her linking arms with one hand and touching his arm with the other. His reply to her question is such growth for him.
Before when he was keyed up he would just be angry. Lash out at those around him or push his feelings down and pretend he was ok. The fact that he can say he’ll be okay is huge. Tells her this calmly too. What a change in him. I remember seeing good parallel for this. His answer to Nell in 1x12 deflecting 'Yeah' and his reply to Angela in 2x11 when he was upset raging out. That he was fine just needed to blow off steam. With Lucy he's honest and doesn't deflect or explode. How far we've come.
Makes a massive difference when you’re loved by the right person. Lucy tries to be super soft in her approach. It’s why she’s does the soft touch first. It disarms him and she can speak her anxiety. Let out all the advice she’s been dying to say since he got back. Wanting so badly to soothe his raging emotions. Tim cuts her off and says it’s not the first time for him. Being bristly at first because it is still a default mode for him. Grown a lot but still getting used to the love and support of this woman next to him.
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Lucy doesn’t let it stop her from being extra soft with him. She looks like she just wants absorb all his pain. Her eyes screaming as much as she touches her hand to his heart. Telling him she just wants to be helpful. Desperate to absolve him of this. He immediately melts at her touch and reverts back to soft Tim. Especially with her motives being so damn pure and in favor of helping him heal. Two episodes in a row she soothes him with just a simple touch. God I love them.
Tim thanks her eternally grateful for this woman in front of him. That she loves him and cares enough to do so. Put him first even when he’s slightly bristly still. Just like before they were together she doesn’t care if he is. Her main objective is to take care of him. He rubs her arm in the same affectionate manner as he did in their morning scene. This sweet touch speaking volumes for him. He’s so used to doing this stuff alone. To not have someone to be there in the aftermath.
But having her there for him changes everything. That realization melting his bristly reply from earlier. Heart eyes for days the two of them. In front of the entire station and I can’t get over it. Lucy giving him massive ones in reply to his thank you. Wanting so much to just make it better for him. Feeling like she isn't doing enough to help him though this. It's the way her body sags in that third gif. Wishing there was more she could do for him.
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Tim needing the distraction from his emotions asking if she needs help? We watch Lucy melt like a puddle in front of him in the second gif. Loving him asking her if she needs it. Because despite the distraction it provides he genuinely wants to help her. Then we get a glorious call back to 2x02. Him basically recognizing all she did for him then in this moment. Knowing he wouldn’t be a sergeant without her. Without the books she recorded for him. Helping him study etc. Getting verbal recognition all these years later from him.
I too am a puddle Lucy. Not only recognizing her for what she did but telling her he wouldn’t have gotten score he did without her. (He really wouldn't have...) It’s here we see the scene go from serious to flirty as hell. Lucy touching his chest once again with her finger. Saying that’s true he owes her. Lucy seems so excited by this idea. Ready to cash in this long owed debt of his. Tim is smiling when she pokes him. Not an agitated bone in that man's body over this.
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Tim is sassy af in his reply. Telling her he doesn’t owe her. Even though he was just a marshmallow and admitted as such moments ago... The flirty way she grabs his jacket. Oh my lord. The look in her eye as she walks away. Eyeing his lips and pulling on his jacket. Sweet lord this man is powerless before her. He knows it. Doesn’t fight her very long just says ‘Okay’ and goes after his girl. Never seen a man be so happy to be whipped in my life.
He is so ok that she runs this relationship for most part. We all know he actually loves this. Assertive Lucy is one of his favorites. Look at Lucy giving the orders and Tim following her lead no question. How times have changed folks. Broke his brain once again and all he can do is be in awe and follow after her. Such a goner for her and he’s very happy with this setup.
Follows her like a lost puppy out the door. Only Lucy could bring him back from the brink like this. Go from being upset and in his head to chasing after her. I love the amount of flirty sex talk these to have without ever really saying so. It’s amazing. Lucy definitely is owed a debt my god. He’s the one who passed the test but not without her help. Just like in 4x18 a debt is owed sir LOL Damn I love these two so very much it’s insane. S5 was a glorious gift. Kept on giving. Also if you’re needing a post 5x19 fic. D wrote an excellent one I highly recommend.
Side notes -non Chenford
Lucy is so excited when she runs up to Harper at the station. Ready to sign up for the detectives exams. Telling Nyla she’s ready for this test. Harper is beaming saying she has no doubt. Then Smitty comes up and ruins everything. Saying one of the defective have out it out for her. We knew the 5 player trade could bite her… and it looks like it has Primm found out and isn’t happy about it. Be interesting to see how this will develop on s6.
Aaron’s face when Lucy calls herself one of the cool kids LOL hey man she is... haha
This Ep is Sooo good reminds me why I love this show as a whole. So emotional with Celina’s SL. Makes me cry thinking about my niece and nephew. There would be scorched earth for whoever got between me and them. This was the ep really made me love Celina. I wasn’t sure at first but this changed that. Her forgiving her mom is huge. Makes me cry.
I love Lucy being a BAMF with that offender. Putting him right in his own place when he gets defensive about it being harassment. Never be over how she's come into her own as a cop.
Angela looking up air tagging her kids LOL love her I really do haha
Thank you to my amazing readers who like, comment (love these) and reblogs. You are the reason I do what I do. I shall see you all in 5x20 :)
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overleftdown · 5 months
farleigh analysis PART 3, because i might as well do the entire movie at this point. i'm locked in. this is going to cover the early-saltburn summer era. AKA, oliver's once in a lifetime, hand job on a haybale, golden big boy summer. everything after venetia and oliver's sex scene is in another post on my blog. this one is pretty short.
[0:34:42] (they're watching superbad. teehee.)
farleigh looks borderline revolted in the background of this shot, which is so funny to me. superbad is, in my opinion, notoriously rude. the comedy is hollow, childish, homophobic, etc. even seth rogan admits that the movie is tone deaf and aged horribly. that's neither here nor there, though. all i'm saying is that i can't imagine farleigh would enjoy the movie as a queer person.
[0:35:19] elsbeth: is that right, he had to put his fingers down his mother's throat to make her sick? farleigh: yeah. felix: farleigh, that's private stuff! farleigh: well, you told us. felix: in confidence!
when elsbeth initially asks the question, she's looking directly at farleigh. yet, when felix confronts farleigh about discussing private matters, farleigh responds with "well, you told us." meaning the family, i assume. felix had no issue with elsbeth and pamela discussing oliver's home life until farleigh was very moderately involved. it's odd to me. and yes, felix is the one that told them. moral superiority, or something. having someone to blame, even when you enabled their gossiping in the first place.
[0:35:34] elsbeth: we should give him the most wonderful time! farleigh: good luck, he doesn't smile much. elsbeth: farleigh seems to think he's ghastly. why are you friends with him, darling?
really, you can tell that elsbeth likes farleigh. she respects his opinion to a certain extent. i also talked about the tutor scene in part 2, and how i consider the "style over substance" debate a metaphorical parallel to farleigh over oliver. here, farleigh once again points out the style of oliver's social interactions: he doesn't smile much. when you look at this from a social and... neurotypical perspective, lacking a smile during conversation can mean a lot of negative things. farleigh seems to have a dedicated focus on arbitrary social expectations, largely because he has to.
[0:35:33] farleigh: and here he is now! we were just talking about you. elsbeth: don't be silly! farleigh, you just make up the most awful things. of course we weren't!
once again, in traditional catton fashion, farleigh is scolded for saying doing something that contrasts the cattons saviorism. obviously oliver knew they were talking about them. i can't blame elsbeth for attempting to backtrack, but "farleigh, you just make up the most awful things" is a weirdly unnecessary throat punch. she's stepping on farleigh to appear taller, if you will. at 0:36:34, when elsbeth asks oliver to sit by her, farleigh looks so exceptionally irritated. he rolls his eyes, looks back towards his computer, and sighs dramatically. wonderful. he's so sick and tired.
[0:37:20] elsbeth: i've lost so many friends to addiction. so, so many dear, dear friends. it's the root of poor pamela's horrors too, i'm afraid. farleigh: and the only interesting thing about her. elsbeth: farleigh! no, she is rather dull, actually. but she's so beautiful. you have to admit, she's very beautiful.
elsbeth and her obsession with physical appearances. once again, style over substance. and her outrage at farleigh refusing to soften the blow on his statements, before following it with her own (albeit less crude) dig at pamela. style over substance. wouldn't it a little uncanny, a little scary, to be the only person of color in a household that places physical appearance on such a high pedestal? especially a household as ignorant as the cattons. that's just conjecture, though. oliver has the ability to manipulate a space for himself in the family without sacrificing any of the qualities he began with. he never really smiles more, throughout the summer. he never really loses his signature awkwardness, his imposing energy.
[0:40:05] elsbeth: you know we're delighted to have you for however long it is you mean to stay. farleigh: forever...? pamela: oh, no. i think i might have, erm, found somewhere. elsbeth: oh, well done, darling! james: oh, good!
right after james says "good," you can see farleigh turning to look at him. prompting james to drop the hatchet on pamela's prolonged stay at saltburn, i'm assumng. this is what's interesting to me, i think. again, farleigh lacks the drive to play the same game as oliver. farleigh doesn't want to nurture the charitable actions of the cattons. farleigh believes the other guests at saltburn take up the space that he would otherwise fill. just like at oxford, when felix is sitting with someone else, farleigh is discarded. when elsbeth invited oliver to sit next to her, farleigh looks annoyed. the cattons capacity for attention and kindness is depressingly small. farleigh isn't playing chess, he's trying to win by sheer survival of the fittest.
for the next few, brief scene of farleigh and oliver interacting, oliver repeatedly proves that he does his research. i can't get over it, to be honest. neither can farleigh; if looks could kill, oliver would've been dead within 10 minutes of arriving at saltburn. the methods farleigh and oliver uses to remain relevant in the catton catalogue are so wildly different. farleigh, who uses his personality and social skills to keep the cattons entertained and charmed by him. i'm sure he loves to gossip with elsbeth, wine and dines with venetia, and he clearly does everything in his power to stay glued to felix's side throughout the school year. this is someone who has never considered manipulating the cattons; he just wants to be one of them, and he wants it to be easy. can you blame him?
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k-dokja · 11 months
synopsis: headache count: the amount of times gojo satoru opens his mouth to speak |
timeline: second year, 65-66 parallel
characters feature: geto suguru, gojo satoru.
relationship: classmates, friends. gojo is into the reader but not serious about it. geto is into the reader but not really doing anything about it.
notes: ooc as hell since i'm trying to narrow them down.
you weren't there for it, but you heard about it.
upon returning from your own solo mission, you are informed of the mistakes made by your fellow classmates. apparently, the three of them have all forgotten to put up the curtains while exterminating the cursed spirits, with satoru at the helm of the problem. vaguely, you had thought this would happen, with how often you are responsible for it when you're out with satoru.
to see it actually plays into reality, you only want to slap your forehead.
it was to be expected. he's arrogant and reckless. you can't deny his strength, but you can condemn his flaws. suguru might be the sweeter one of the two, but he's no better. if anything, you only have shoko to rely on with holding their brain cells together.
but apparently, that's too much to ask for.
although, for once, you aren't going to give them slack about it. you're tired enough from your mission, you don't need to add satoru to the list of problems you have to deal with. not that he ever likes to make anything easy.
with any luck, they'd be too ashamed of their mistake to talk about it by the time you return to class. but you know you'd never be that fortunate. in fact, you should've expected something worse to happen.
that way, when you're within the threshold of your classroom, your eyes wouldn't roll far back up your head when you hear satoru and suguru bickering. your irritation barely gives you time to react when shoko dashes out past you. briefly, you wonder if she even noticed your return with her haste to escape the fight.
you slide the door open with more force than necessary. as expected, that succeeds in breaking the tension between them by pulling their attention towards you.
"are you guys honestly fighting? is there a limit to your stupidity?"
ignoring the fact you straight-up called him stupid not a second earlier, "you're home!" satoru bounces towards you from his seat close to the door. reflexively, your hand raises to block his head before he can crash into you.
"i thought you wouldn't come back until tomorrow?" and ignoring your block, he continues to make grabby hands towards you.
"i finished early," you purposefully angle yourself away from satoru, but you know he isn't trying very hard. at least, not with the difference between his arm's length and yours.
"welcome back," suguru smiles pleasantly at you, the ire he has towards satoru the moment before dissipating. instead, it's replaced by the warmth of unspoken affection. "it's nice to have you with us again."
you smile back at him, "thanks, it's definitely better to be off-duty for a little while," you say, "can't say the same for the two of you, though."
suguru arches an eyebrow at your statement, but before he can ask anything, you step aside to let yaga-sensei enter. as your teacher takes the podium to settle them down, you take your seat next to satoru's. hearing him catching the boys up about their mission with the star vessel gives you a moment to take a breath.
idly, you think about your next mission. you only have a day or two to recharge before the next one requires you to be on the go. this schedule keeps you active and busy, but you can't deny you've missed working in a group a little.
as if sensing your thoughts, satoru speaks up, "wait, just the two of us?" he pulls you to him at the waist, grinning up at yaga-sensei, "can we bring her with us?"
you knock him on the head, "don't talk about me like i'm some pet poodle to carry around, i have my own mission to deal with," you grumble, "besides, it'd be an overkill to bring the three of us. i'm resource better spent elsewhere than babysitting the two of you."
yaga-sensei reaffirms your words, "she's right. all three of you are extraordinary at your age, but master tengen believes the two of you are enough. unless in case of emergency, you and geto will be the ones responsible for this mission."
you give satoru a sideway glance that basically says "see?" but he only pouts in answer. his foul mood is nothing but a charade and neither you nor suguru bothers to do anything about it. yet, satoru doesn’t relent his hold on you. exasperated, your eyes meet suguru's, he only smiles in sympathy but once again leaves you to fend for your device.
truly, you have no ally in this hell hole of a class.
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4saken4gotten · 1 month
Head Canons For Dante From Devil May Cry
I think about Dante way too much so I thought I would share my thoughts on some head canons of my own. Especially since the fandom for me gets so fucking dryyyyyyy Like please, I need more content or I'm going to spontaneously combust and not even in a hot and sexy way. (Or it still will be I just wont feel like it, but looking like hell on wheels is the goal!) yes that was a Heathers reference don't come at me Am I cringe? Yes. Am I free? Yes. These are my SFW head canons for him! If I get to it I can make my NSFW head canons as well but we'll see about that. Gender Neutral Reader Pairing. For my bitches, bros and fellow nonbinary hoes. (My certification in making head canons is as follows: I have played DMC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I've read all the novels, and read 3 different fan translations of the novels we don't have official English translations for. I've watched the animated series at least 12 times and I've listened to all of the audio drama CD's. I have canon reasons for all my head canons but some of them are just little silly things because I brain rot. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.) I apologize in advanced for any typos and grammar mistakes and or just not making sense. I am dyslexic and autistic so I have a weird way of explaining things and will misspell basic words sometimes but I promise to do my best.
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He's a big dork and his favorite thing to do is make his S/O laugh. Filling their soul with light is his favorite thing to do. teehee So he says the stupidest jokes to make them double over in laughter.
This is a bit of a double edged sword however since he uses humor and sarcasm as a major crutch / coping mechanism. He can be serious when the situation calls for it, but most of the time he doesn't want situations and mishaps to weigh on himself or those around him too heavily.
He's HELLA broke. So he'd take full advantage of free things to do like spending the night under the stars in a park after hours. Something that feels like "We aren't supposed to be out here!" but isn't really harmful / breaking the law.
I think he has some sort of collection of some sort. I think he collects seashells because they remind him of more serene times in his childhood. Probably hand sized conches or perhaps sand dollars (because its the only 'dollars' Lady cant swindle out of him ;u;)
Will die on the hill of pizza being a "balanced meal" insisting that it has all the important food groups therefore pizza is healthier than media wants people to think.
Despite his habits of leaving his pizza boxes about and letting Patty clean up after him- his own personal hygiene is actually really important to him. He always makes sure to take a shower after he gets back from every mission.
He honestly cant stand the scent of demon blood on him, it makes him a little anxious because it takes him back to the night of the fire / attack every time. (babyyyy boyyyyyyyyyyyy)
His love language is physical touch (giving) and acts of service (receiving). When he gets more comfortable with you, he's got some part of him touching you at all times: a thigh pressed against yours, a gentle hand around your shoulders or the small of your back, insistent on you laying on his shoulder or in his lap if you're tired. He'll be super appreciative of you organizing things when his mind gets too jumbled or he's just brooding.
I'm sick of people calling him lazy. I don't think he doesn't clean up because he doesn't want to- I think he's just overwhelmed most of the time / overstimulated to do anything if he's not in battle.
I strongly feel like he has some sort of ADHD, Depression and CPTSD due to his trauma. (Losing / killing his brother several times, his mother being killed, his father up and disappearing one day, losing his found family repeatedly: Grue, Nell, Jessica... etc)
He'd probably be super understanding of a neurodivergent s/o and be more than happy to "parallel play" in the shop. He reads his magazines on the couch with you while you read a book. Or he'll try to get some semblance of work done at his desk on the occasion while you watch your favorite tv show.
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sarasade · 11 months
Part of me almost hopes that Viren's story arc will end in a disproportionately cruel way, you know.
I'm just so tired of seeing a character doing one good thing before they die or trying to change before they die and instead of the audience taking that as purposeful ambiguity the discussion will center around if the character was "Redeemed".
But imagine if he was punished so harshly that even the Viren haters would feel bad for him. Now that would be interesting! I've seen some dark speculation around season 5 so I'm looking forward to seeing how the show will contextualise his arc.
I don't understand why "Redemption" is such a popular talking point when centering villains (ok I actually do. I'm looking at you, Zuko).
"Sin and Atonement" and "Redemption" are deeply Christian themes. I don't think those should be a universal frame of reference to all stories.
Yes, yes, this is more of a fandom problem, not a show problem. But if people want to see a bad character harshly punished for their crimes maybe they should get that for once. I don't really mind because I think Viren, while unlikeable, is a sympathetic character already. Of course I feel for a character even if they are "irredeemable". That's what stories are for.
I don't mean it's a completely useless way to look at art but it's just- I don't know- I'm bored? Especially YouTube commentators talk about redemption constantly instead of engaging with the themes that actually are there.
Sometimes villains can't even really make up for everything they have done, just like some people in real life. Viren has committed so many crimes- like how do you even fix that? However it'd still be interesting if he tried to change. That's what I'm here for. Like Viren and Claudia are not just an antagonistic counterforce to our heros but they have a lot of going on as unique characters.
Viren has his saviour complex and values domination over cooperation. Claudia is interesting because she's both the victim and the perpetrator. It's interesting how self-sufficient she is while being deeply emotionally codependent on Viren. She has a ton of agency as a physically (magically?) strong person but not a ton of agency as an independent, emotionally strong individual. Viren and Claudia love each other but it's isolating kind of love where they don't really have anyone else but each other (Terry is really trying to get in there. Like sorry Terry you don't know how fucked up these two are lmao).
No wonder it was so easy to Aaravos take Viren's place as an authority figure in Claudia's life after Viren died. Or at least that's what I took away from Lost Child short and TDP season 4 in general.
I still think about the first information we got outside Viren and Claudia's POV about Aaravos's mirror: Runaan's warning about "A Fate Worse Than Death".
This framing device sounds really important. I've been wondering how it'll play out eventually. Is it something about Viren losing his old life he worked so hard to build, or will he lose Claudia in some metaphorical or literal way? Is it something even more personal?
Personally, I'd love to see Viren live and change as a person. There are plenty of high-fantasy male characters like him who go through that kind of transformation: Guts from Berserk, Geralt of Rivia, Jaime from GoT, Ged the Wizard... You know, characters who realise that the things they value are unsustainable or even harmful to themselves and to people around them and even to the world as a whole. Or they realise that superficial things like status and power are unfulfilling and only serve status quo. There are some parallels to toxic masculinity/ hegemonic masculinity, too.
However, I think it'd be interesting if Viren's story will be a deeply tragic one. Anyway I'm here for this.
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autisticrosewilson · 2 months
Feel Better
Connected JayGrant pieces from an AU where Grant moves to Gotham after he runs away from home. Content warning for implied/mentioned death (Felipe Garzonas, Jason's, and Grant's), Needles, drug use??? It's Grant taking the super soldier serum but the parallels are there, Grant has some mildly sexual/possessive thoughts about Jason, nonsexual intimacy, angst because what else do I write, and very vague timelines. Mentioned JadeRoy/Jade is pregnant. Roy's addiction is also mentioned in passing. Underage drinking + Grant trying to initiate things while he's drunk but Jason doesn't let him. @perseus-jackass IT'S DONE I'M FINALLY DONE
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"Thank you, Miss Montoya." Jason grins, the polite fake one he wears at parties that make all the old ladies coo and pinch his cheeks.
Grant tries to keep his focus on not putting too much of his weight on Jason, lest they both fall over.
Jason seems to have no such problem, dragging Grant along with an ease that he might have questioned if he were sober. As it stands, he thinks it's really hot.
"I'll make sure he gets home safe." Jason promises, still sweet talking even though they're off the hook, have been since Jason strided over with that pinched expression and started scolding him about being out so late.
It's amazing how much preconceived notions can affect your judgement, how quick the officer is to glance over all the signs that Jason had certainly been at that party too.
He doesn't blame her, Jason is a very good actor. Fuckin' nerd.
They're far enough away now that Jason has dropped the ploy, although he still seems a little annoyed. Grant wants to kiss the pout off his lips.
"What part of 'Scatter! The police are here!' didn't occur to you?" He complains.
"Was tired," Grant whines, "'sides, you saved me. It's all good baby." He grins, goofy and delighted.
Jason's cheeks flush the same way they always do when Grant calls him one of those "cliche" pet names he always complains about.
"Well, next time I might not be there to save you." He huffs, mostly giving up on scolding.
Grant hums, puts more of his weight on Jason that his boy just takes, rests his cheek against Jason's curls and tries not to make the fact that he's definitely smelling his hair obvious. Seems to fail by the sound of Jason's put upon sigh.
Grant wants to hear him make those noises for other reasons.
"Course you will," he lets his voice drop to a lower register, bites back a grin at the little shudder it earns him, "m not lettin' you go anywhere. You're stuck with me." He promises, leans down to press kisses to the parts of Jason's face he can reach. His forehead, the curve of his cheek bone, the corner of his lips.
He wonders if he could taste the rum and coke he'd managed to coax Jason into sipping, wonders if he could make Jason taste like fireball just by kissing him. Wants so bad to try but Jason cups his face gently, brushing a thumb over his jaw to stop him.
"You're drunk, Grant." Jason tries to convince him, firm but not unkind.
"And?" Grant says distractedly, wrapping his arms around Jason's waist to pull him in.
"You can't...make decisions right now." Jason tries again, squirming against him to try to escape the hold, doing the very opposite of making him want to let go.
Grant thinks that's a moot point. He always wants Jason, he thought he was pretty clear on that front. Maybe he needs to show him? He leans down to pull Jason into a kiss that tastes like cherry coke and bubble gum, chases it with his tongue to work cheap vodka into the mix, almost falls over when Jason detangles them.
"Time to get you home." Jason insists.
Oh right, Jason doesn't like when Grant tries to get them a public indecency charge. The press would explode if they caught Gotham's golden boy swapping spit with a nobody degenerate like him.
He huffs, let's Jason heft him along, doesn't realize he's scowling until Jason is pressing sweet little kisses to his jaw and nose and forehead. He melts, losing his previous train of thought immediately as he tries to chase after Jason's mouth. Jason swats him away with a laugh that Grant wants to taste. A cycle that repeats all six blocks back to Grant's apartment.
Jason gets in easily and Grant doesn't even wonder how he got a key.
"You comin' to bed, honey?" Grant teases sweetly, crowding Jason against the door the second it closes.
Jason fixed him with a fond, stern look, and ducks beneath his arm. "Go change, I'll bring you something to eat." He urges.
Grant strips to his briefs and goes starfish mode on the bed. Jason snorts when he walks in, water bottle in one hand and a bowl of fruit in the other.
Jason hand feeds him, at Grants insistence, he smacks Grant lightly whenever his tongue darts out to catch the juice on his fingers, looks a little more like he wants to smother Grant's unrepentantly salacious grin with every passing second.
Grant could definitely make an innuendo out of all this, but Jason might actually leave.
Instead he catches Jason's hand gently and presses a kiss to his palm, bringing it down to splay on his chest so Jason can feel his heartbeat. Watches how Jason softens and gives to the pull, climbing up beside him to replace his hand with his head, arm thrown around his waist.
"Don't suppose you'd be willing to strip too?" He murmurs.
"Maybe tomorrow if you ask real nicely." Jason snorts.
"I ain't good with manners." He doesn't care to keep the southern drawl out of his voice, mentally notes the way it makes Jason's breath hitch.
There is a silence where Jason's lips are pursed so tight Grant knows he's keeping back a remarks that wouldn't befit Jason Wayne.
"I'll be here when you wake up, if you need to be taught." Is what he says eventually.
Grant grins tangling his fingers in Jason's curls, resists the urge to pull just to hear the sounds he'll make.
"Love you too, Jace." He mutters and can't help the laugh at the way it makes Jason bury his face in Grant's ribs to hide the flush that's creeping up to his ears.
He's not gentle, but he could be.
Grant thinks he is, and Jason hopes he never figures out the truth.
So he smiles placidly when Grant offers him the cigarette, "I don't smoke." The anymore goes unheard, because Jason Wayne would never smoke, or draw blood with his teeth or try to steal the tires from the Batmobile.
Grant doesn't know about Jason Todd, not entrenched long enough in the socialite circles of their peers to know anything about Jason's before. This is a mercy, rare as those are. There is nothing to obstruct the sweet, dull thing that he has made of himself.
"Course you don't," Grant grins, crooked and mischievous and nowhere near as sharp as he pretends it is, "the world might stop turning if Gotham's golden boy was caught doing something so uncouth." It's more self-deprecating than mocking, convinced that he's the worst thing Jason has ever done. It's cute, but mostly sad.
Jason stays quiet, let's Grant believe that he's the bad boy between the two of them. Hides his sharp teeth behind a soft smile, keeps all the molten anger that coils in his gut at bay, where it can't hurt anyone.
He's not soft, or sweet, or good. But he wants to be, and he's done a good job playing the part so far.
Grant blinks awake to the sound of his window sliding open, immediately on high alert. The person enters gracefully, if panicked, and the first thing his sleep blurred vision makes out is the bright yellow cape falling over their shoulders, the second are the blank white lenses of a domino mask.
Robin, undoubtedly. Although Grant can't fathom why he'd be here.
He's never actually seen the hero up close before, although he swings past Grant's window every night and he's on the news often enough.
He'd always looked small next to Batman but on his own- well he's still pretty small, surprisingly scrawny too, with dark hair that curls.... distinctively.
"Grant..." Robin trails off and he knows that voice, although he's never heard it sound so small.
"Jay?" He scrambles out of bed, sheets tangled around his legs as he struggles to get across the room. Jason doesn't look hurt but that doesn't mean anything. He could be- Grant doesn't even know. Jason is Robin, he faces Gothams worst every fucking night.
He could have internal bleeding or broken bones or he could be dosed with something or, fuck, what if there's magic involved? Grant doesn't know how to handle that. But Jason came to him and he'll be damned if he doesn't try.
First things first, getting Jason out of the rain soaked Robin uniform. He must be freezing, it's amazing he hasn't caught a cold yet in those tiny shorts of his.
(Grant will shove all the feelings that come with thinking about them down very far for as long as he possibly can.)
"Are you hurt?" Seems as good a place as any to start.
Jason shakes his head despondently. Grant vaguely knows that look, the same one Joey had when he woke up in the ER, dissociation the doctor had said.
"...Is someone trying to hurt you?" Grant keeps his breathing even, tries to keep the anger that sparks at the very notion out of his expression.
(Jason can probably see it anyway though because he's fucking Robin, holy shit.)
Another shake of his head that has the tension reluctantly bleeding from Grant's shoulders. That will need to be good enough for now.
"Okay- fuck, alright. Uh, let's, let's get you a bath and then into some dry clothes." He breathes, tries to keep all of the many, many questions at bay. Guides Jason to the bathroom with a gentle grip on his hand.
First he peels the wet gloves off, they're not as rubbery as Grant thought they'd be and the pads are rough, probably for better grip. Then he unlatches the ridiculously bright cape and lets it pool on the floor, soon joined by the red tunic and the surprisingly heavy utility belt, until Jason is just in those little green shorts that Grant is still definitely not thinking about. They quickly join the pile and it's easier than he thought to avoid looking at anything below the waste because-
Jason has so many scars. Maybe more than Grant himself. He probably should have suspected that, but the idea of anything getting close enough to hurt Jason, to dig into his soft skin and leave a mark, still sends a wave of revulsion rolling through him that steals his breath away. His breath catches and he practically picks Jason up to settle him gently into the tub, still only a quarter full of water. He makes the executive decision to squeeze half the bottle of vanilla honey bubble solution into the water, watching the foam build and spread.
Jason brings his knees to his chest, resting his head atop them as he levels a blank look at the tile. Grant swallows thickly trying to blink away the image of a different boy, scrawny and despondent with tear rimmed eyes.
He makes a mental note to introduce Joey and Jason one day, can't help but think they'd like each other.
He cups his hands beneath the water, brings up a handful of suds that he lets cascade down Jason's back and shoulders, presses a kiss to the back of his neck at the visual shudder that wracks his body.
Even the rain water in Gotham is tainted with murky pollution that tints it slightly. Grant rakes a washcloth down Jason's arms and is reminded of those dish soap commercials with the baby birds after oil spills. Has to bite back the grin that threatens to quirk his lips at the thought because Jason might think he's laughing at him, mocking.
Grant hadn't even realized when he stopped making jokes at Jason's expense, when he stopped using jabs just a little too mean to be friendly to protect himself. When he'd stopped making jokes about him and started making jokes for him, because his smile drives the Gotham smog away in an instant and his laughter rings like birdsong and church bells.
The realization makes his hands shake but he doesn't stop the easy, repetitive motions. Gently coaxing Jason out of his ball so he can work away at the grime with gentle scrubbing.
"I killed someone." Is the first thing Jason says to him after going on 20 minutes of silence.
Grant's breath hitches, mind scrambling over the words, before he exhales. Thinks of how to comfort someone whose hands have just been soaked in blood for the first time. Metaphorically. He chances a glance back to the Robin uniform, still clean aside from the rainwater.
"I don't regret it." He adds absently, still staring at the wall. "He deserved it Grant." Jason finally looks him in the eye, fierce conviction and panic, but no guilt, no shame. "He- what he did- they just let him go! And she couldn't even- sh-she-" he breaks off into sniffles, eyes becoming glassy and cheeks flushing with distress.
Well, there goes that issue. Idly, Grant thinks that Jason is pretty when he cries. Feels a flare of jealousy that it's because of someone else, breathes past the possessive anger. Acknowledges the guilt all of this brings and then promptly shoves it all down.
He's not important right now, Jason is
"I believe you." Is what Grant says out loud, steady and firm. Jason isn't who Grant thought he was, but he'd still like to think he knows him well enough to know that he wouldn't do something like this if he didn't think it was necessary, worth it.
Jason looks at him, analysing, searching, with the kind of intensity Grant used to brush off. (He wonders what Jason knows about him, how much he's seen because Grant didn't know how much he had to hide.)
He seems to find what he was looking for, he sniffles and then lets himself lean into Grant. It's a little awkward with the cold edge of the tub between them, wedged in their sides, but Grant doesn't mind.
...Does Jason need help hiding the body? Did someone see him? Is someone looking for him? Does he need somewhere to disappear-
"What do you need from me, Jay?" He murmurs, chin resting atop Jason's wet curls.
Jason shudders, stays silent for a moment. "He won't let me be Robin anymore." Jason whispers eventually. "He- B won't- he'll kick me out."
The root of the problem then. There's a lot of implications there that Grant can't hope to unpack right now. "Do you wanna stay with me?" He's already thinking of the logistics, would Batman try to put him in jail? Grant doesn't think so, that would put his identity in question. So he can probably keep going to school without worry but just in case Grant should probably work on a new identity for him, not that he thinks for a second Batman would be fooled. He's fucking Batman.
"...Just for the weekend?" Jason asks, as though he's worried Grant would turn the request down.
Honestly, he's more upset that Jason is planning on leaving than he would be if Jason told him he was moving in tonight.
"Whatever you want." Is what he voices instead, because Jason has never done well with being ordered around.
Jason relaxes with a bereft sigh, tension bleeding out as he trusts all his weight to Grant. He takes it, pays no mind to the water seeping through his clothes, continues his task of washing away the gunk that Gotham has left on his boy.
"My mom's alive." Jason repeats numbly.
Grant stares at him blankly, still clutching the bowl of cereal that's already starting to turn soggy. "...is that a good thing?" He squints at Jason like the action will let him read him better.
"I don't know." He admits. "She's not- not the woman who raised me. I don't know her name but it starts with an S. Found my dad's phone book. Apparently he...knew a lot of interesting people." He explains.
"Are you going to find her?" Grant guesses, he doesn't look particularly happy about it.
"Hopefully. There are three potential candidates but them being in my dad's phone book doesn't really mean anything." He shrugs. "It's the best lead I have though." He tries to sound a little more determined than he feels.
"and if you don't find her? If it's a dead end?" Grant urges, fingers curled tight enough around the bowl Jason worries for a moment it will break.
"Then I come back here." He swallows thickly. "If you'll let me." He can't bring himself to meet Grant's eyes.
The bowl gets set down on the table and Grant closes the distance between them. He intertwines their fingers, brings the back of Jason's hand to his mouth to press a kiss there that makes something hot and fluttery squirm in his chest, makes his face flush and his eyes dart up to Grant's.
"I'll leave the window unlocked." Grant grins, sweet and promising. A safe place to land.
"I'll be home soon." Jason promises.
Grant can't look at the picture of him and Jason together. Happy and together and alive. They'd gone to the arcade that day, Jason had ditched his uniform and was dressed down in baggy jeans and a metal band T-shirt Grant had been surprised he listened to. A surprisingly good imitation of street wear, Grant had thought.
He has to shove the picture face down. Jason doesn't need to see this.
Deep down, Grant knows Jason wouldn't want this. Might actually hate him for it. But he's not here, so Grant searches for the right vein and pushes the needle through, keeping still even as the cold liquid flows through his veins, leaving a faint burning. The injection spot will hurt for a few days, and when the ache stops he'll know to use the next dose.
He'd been hesitant to follow so close in his father's tracks, but Grant knows what he's doing. The Joker will pay, and inevitably so will Batman. He'll make sure of it.
There's a knock at his bedroom door. He lives in a new apartment now, somewhere in Jump far from the dregs of Gotham and Jason's tainted memory. Jade is leaning against the frame when he looks up, eyebrow raised and lips pursed in disapproval that reminds him too much of his mother.
Cheshire is an unconventional roommate, but a good ally, and occasionally a decent friend. Now is clearly not one of those instances.
"You're an idiot." She tells him conversationally, still somehow intimidating with cookie monster pajama pants and a baby bump.
"Right back at ya." He deadpans, packing away his little kit.
"That shits gonna kill you one day." She scolds. "Something tells me your boyfriend wouldn't be keen on you joining him so soon."
It's a low blow.
"Don't talk about him like you knew him." He grits. "You don't know what he'd want." It's a weak argument, even to him.
"I know that you loved him, and he probably loved you. And you don't want to see the people you love deteriorating on the other side of a needle." She vivisects him with her eyes, dark and brown and mixed with green so similar to Jason's that he can hardly stand to meet them.
He knows she's speaking from experience, and not for the first time he wants to punch Roy Harper.
"it's not the same and you know it." He argues.
"Isn't it? You look like shit. You get worse every week. The last time you used your stupid fucking powers you passed out mid battle and I had to drag you out." She hisses.
"I know what I'm doing." He insists.
"I might not be there to save you next time." She rolls her eyes, sends him one last look he can't quite decipher, and leaves.
"I know what I'm doing." He repeats, quieter, reassuring himself or maybe Jason. He doesn't really know anymore.
Kentucky is dry and hot, but after spending so long in the desert it hardly bothers him anymore. He gets odd looks from the passerby, he can't blame them. He's a lot bigger than he used to be, broad and scarred and just a little uncanny to look at.
This is a small town, barely 200 people and mostly made of suburban neighborhoods as far as the eye can see.
He doesn't plan to be here long.
There's one cemetery in the town, it's been there about as long as the town itself and there are rumors that the groundskeeper might be immortal for how long the lady has been tending to it.
The grave he's looking for is on the far right, as far away from the graves of Slade's parents as possible.
The marker is slanted, paradiso granite with zinnias carved into the corners.
Grant Wilson
•Son• •Brother• •Friend•
It hurts to look at. Steals his breath away and makes something deep in his chest ache like a bruise that's been pressed too hard. He has to take a minute to breathe past the grief that's festering behind his ribs.
He crouches down in front of it when he's sure he won't lose his balance and curl up on the dirt. He has a death grip on the bouquet, mangling the poor stems.
"Grant you idiot," Jason sniffles, "you couldn't've waited just a few more months?" He huffs, it's wet and sounds as pathetic as he feels.
They could have put the clown down together, and Grant would've never been anywhere near that fucking cult.
He sets the colorful bundle down with shaking hands, pansies and hyacinths and Cyclamens that Jason had only just managed to pick out through his blurry vision.
He doesn't know how long he's been sitting there when the presence makes itself known. Long enough for his knees to sink into the soft dirt and the sky to darken with incoming rain. He's been aware of the eyes on him but he hadn't really cared.
Slade doesn't say anything for a while, just stares at the grave.
"How did you come back?" He doesn't pull his punches, when he finally speaks.
"I don't know." He shrugs, the same answer he's given every league doctor and magician that interrogated him. "I crawled out of my grave catatonic six months after I was buried. Talia found me, tried to heal me naturally and when that didn't work..." He trails off thinking of the burning green that had stolen death from his clutches.
"The Pit." Slade finishes for him. "It didn't bring you back?" It's as desperate as Jason has ever heard Deathstroke sound, and he can't even bring himself to enjoy it.
"I'd already be digging if it could." Jason admits, focusing on the plaque and not the dirt under his nails.
It's not your grave, he reminds himself. It doesn't help.
(He almost wishes it was)
"You still planning to get revenge on the Bat?" Slade cuts to the chase. At Jason's suspicious look he shrugs. "Talia said you're looking for teachers."
Of course she did.
"Batman doesn't know what he's doing. Gotham needs someone who can do what needs to be done. I intend to be that person." He confirms.
"And that means you have to be better than the Bat." Slade follows the logic. "I can help make that happen." He mutters almost to himself. "Are you gonna kill him?" It's mocking, a subtle dare. It reminds him of Grant, and that's the only reason he hesitates.
"No," he says eventually ignoring the inelegant snort from Slade, "someone else would just take his place. Dick or one of the new kids. If I want them out of the way I'll have to make their alter egos inaccessible. I've got a plan though. It'll take some time, a shit ton of undercover work, but I think you'll enjoy the amount of explosions." He finally pushes himself up to stand, ignoring the ache in his knees.
Slade hums consideringly but seems to agree. He turns his back to Jason without another word, clearly expecting him to follow.
What Talia probably left out is his penchant for killing his teachers. It's times like these having friends to keep him in the loop might be helpful, but Slade is always so keen on pushing others away. It's a weakness Jason was banking on when he booked the flight to bumfuck nowhere Kentucky.
Something he'd never told Grant was that sometimes it's better to be underestimated. To let people think that you're soft and sweet and gentle. If you hang your head in deference no one thinks to look for your teeth.
"You got something you wanna call yourself?" Slade asks as he starts the car.
"Shrike." He grins, and watches Slade dismiss him.
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shenrickyz · 2 months
well actually!
post-daesang win, seojun and jisung talk in the bathroom
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"all good now?"
jisung looks at the older through the mirror, who seems to sense his eyes, as he immediately looks up and catches jisung's gaze. the maknae of nct dream shrugs, wiping some of the dried tears from his cheeks. "i'm okay".
"you sure?" ah seojun, always so concerned no matter what the situation might be. of course, jisung's tears were happy ones, but seojun just always needs extra reassurance, it's cute, he'll give him that.
"do you constantly have to ask?"
"i'm looking after you, that's my job".
jisung isn't sure when seojun decided that was his title, if his mom heard that, she'd be pretty pissed (that's a lie, jisung's mom adores seojun, just as much as the park himself does). he constantly insists that seojun doesn't have to look after him like some sort of caretaker, they are only a month apart after all.
but seojun doesn't care, always dismissing his words and carrying on with his usual antics. "really? it's your job? jaemin hyung will be pretty pissed".
"as your boyfriend, it's my job to take care of you" seojun puts an emphasis on the obvious word, rummaging through his pockets and pulling out a tissue for jisung. "is that what you wanted to hear?"
jisung pretends to think about it, a small smile playing on his lips. "not exactly, but i like the way it sounds".
"you're such a baby".
"you're only a month older".
"and? you still act like a baby".
jisung wants to protest when seojun lets go of his hand, leaning against the nearby stall, but he keeps quiet, instead leaning against the sink. now the two are exactly parallel to each other, it's cute, jisung days in his head again.
everything about seojun is cute.
jisung smiles at the thought, and the two slip into a comfortable silence, a lot on their minds.
"did you have to follow me?"
seojun snickers, as if the words baffle him. "you were literally sobbing out there, jisung, i was being of help".
"but you were so quick to not let jeno take me to the bathroom".
"is it bad that i want alone time with you?" the older raises an eyebrow, and jisung just cocks his head to the side, pretending to think about it again.
"yes, you need to learn how to be professional, we are coworkers".
the clear sarcasm in jisung's voice makes seojun raise his eyebrow again, and he hums. "okay, i'll make sure to remind you of that next time you want a last minute kiss backstage".
jisung gasps, placing a hand on his chest. "that's not fair".
"yes it is".
"it's not!" seojun can't resist the urge to laugh, he lightly slaps jisung's arm and walks up to the sink to wash his hands. "you can't resist me anyway".
"uh huh" seojun agrees, flicking water at jisung with his hands, eliciting a temp from the younger. "i just don't like seeing you cry, even if it's happy tears".
"ri was crying too" jisung says, suddenly thinking about the older. "why didn't you accompany him to the bathroom?"
"you know why.." seojun mutters, trying off his hands. jisung does know, but he's not sure if it's because the answer is obvious, or because seojun is predictable.
"you just wanted to get him and jeno hyung alone".
seojun makes a sound corresponding to a correct buzzer on a game show, and jisung just chuckles, pushing him.
"i don't think the two of them are ever going to get there".
seojun hums. "hikari just needs time and jeno just needs to tell him when the times right".
"they seem to be letting that time extend, though".
"that's what we did".
at the words, jisung pauses, he's right, obviously, but he just said it so abruptly. seojun doesn't say anything more, just reaches over for jisung's hand and laces their fingers together. "we just have to be patient".
"tell that to mini hyung, every time he looks at them it's like he wants to scream".
seojun snickers at the mention of his fellow nct sei member, rolling his eyes playfully. "you're acting like we weren't the exact same, chenle was literally so tired of us".
"he still is tired of us".
"well that's different now" seojun muses, a pretty smile tugging on his lips as he also tugs on jisung's hand. "okay we need to go, mark is gonna start getting worried".
"mark already knows we're here, why would he be worried?"
"he's always worried, and i don't want to get scolded".
jisung doesn't respond more, instead letting the older tug his hand once again and drag him out of the bathroom. yeah he'll have to get through a bunch of teasing from the dreamies, but he doesn't care.
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seoji content for the seoji connoisseur @junjiie
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wastelandmoony · 3 months
Déjà Vécu
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Chapter Thirty : Teenage Kicks
Characters: Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader (no use of y/n), James Potter, Petter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Lily Evans, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI
A/N: I had a few people message about a taglist, and since I'm the stupidest person alive I totally forgot who asked and now can't find your names to tag. So if you want to be added to a taglist, please message me again so I can add y'all <3
Déjà Vécu Masterlist
Companion Playlist
Read on AO3
May 24th, 1977
Emmeline had broken up with Sirius after his refusal to apologize for not celebrating Valentine’s Day, not that he minded in the slightest. The rest of the group was so elated by her absence, that they even briefly discussed throwing a party in honor of it (Lily shut down the idea for being “a tad too cruel” for her liking). They all quickly fell back into the old routine of eating meals together in the Great Hall (sans vigorous public displays of affection), only with a new seating change. Sirius sat beside her for every meal now, hand on her knee underneath the table, a silent reassurance between them both that he was there, and that she was safe. She was done fighting the feelings between them, letting Sirius be as close as he wanted, and he seemed to never want to be more than an arms-length away. 
In a sick parallel of events, she began to have nightmares, recognizing them as the similar trauma-induced ones Sirius had endured. Not one to broadcast her own issues, she kept the problem under wraps and suffered in silence. Each night became the same routine of silencing charms and attempts to lull herself to sleep wrapped in the soft gold sheets of her bed. When she did finally slip into a dream, they were never good. Flashes of dark forest, vicious hands with bloodied nails coming to tear at her flesh, sinister laughter at her cries. When she’d jolt awake mid-scream, face wet with tears, she could still feel their bruising grip. After a few weeks of sleepless nights she became a zombie, trudging through the motions of the day with deep circles under both eyes. Sirius noticed quickly, having spent years in the same predicament. He cornered her one morning after breakfast, pulling her into an alcove just beyond the main staircase.
“How bad is it?” His intense stare made her squirm against the wall. She began to fidget, not daring to look him directly in the eye.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
He leaned closer, arms caging her in as he rested both hands beside her head, “You’re a shit liar, have you seen yourself? You look like a ghost. I know you’re not sleeping, so tell me.”
Slowly, she dragged her tired eyes up to his. Though his words were direct, his face was soft and kind, gaze full of careful concern. Sirius brushed a hand down her hair as she finally cracked.
“I keep seeing it. Over and over again, every night. I don’t know how to stop it…” She wanted to cry, but no tears would come; she was too exhausted. 
“Oh love,” Sirius kissed her forehead, pulling her in close, “We’ll fix it. Come to the tower tonight, we’ll figure something out.”
She didn’t want to tell the others, not about the terrors, not about the incident, not about…whatever it was her and Sirius were doing, so she crept up to Gryffindor Tower under the cover of darkness with the help of the map Sirius had slipped to her that afternoon. James and Peter slept like the dead, so the creak of the dormitory door wouldn’t wake them. Remus however, was a wildcard, and she prayed that he hadn’t heard the relatively loud groan that occurred as she pushed open the heavy wooden door. Pausing to listen to anyone stirring, she continued to tip-toe towards Sirius’ bed, slipping through the curtains to find him lounging against his headboard waiting for her. Upon seeing her face, Sirius opened his arms in silent invitation, and she quietly climbed across to fall into his comforting embrace. When she woke up the next morning, it had taken a few moments to realize she had slept soundly for the first time in weeks.
Most (if not all) nights were now spent sneaking into Sirius’ bed after the other three boys had gone to sleep, slipping out at dawn after having slept peacefully against his familiar body. If any of them had caught on, they didn’t say a word. Nor did she care at that point. 
At the end of May, she crept through the bed curtains as usual, only to find him uncannily quiet and upset. 
“Hey, you alright?” She whispered, climbing over his legs to settle into her usual spot. 
He shook his head, sinking down further and closing his eyes in a futile attempt at avoiding the conversation. She pulled the blankets back from his face, “Don’t you try and pretend to fall asleep Sirius Black, I know you better than that.”
The ghost of a smile graced his lips, “Smart ass.”
She pushed his hair back from his eyes, “Tell me what’s going on.”
Sirius sighed, hand trailing up her arm in a self-soothing gesture, “It’s Reggie.”
Her heart skipped a beat. She’d seen Regulus with Evan and the others a handful of times since the incident in February, and every time she had felt like throwing up. He had been present during it, she saw him, but after her eyes were shut she had no way of determining who was who. Frankly, she didn’t want to know which one of them had been Regulus. She understood that he was Sirius’ brother, and there would always be an underlying bond between them, but she hated him nonetheless. Part of her was still angry that Sirius didn’t seem to share the same hatred for what his brother had done to her.
Her throat was dry as she fought the urge to scream, “What about him?”
Sirius turned on his back and stared at the canopy, “…he took the mark.” 
His voice was laden with devastation and disbelief, the presence of which instantly dissolved all of her ill feelings surfacing about Regulus. She remembered that Christmas at the Potters, the fear in Sirius’ eyes as he explained the dark mark to them. They both knew what this meant for his brother, and that everything had changed.
“You’re sure? How do you know?” 
Sirius shrugged in a feeble attempt to seem unfazed, “Prongs heard some rumors and told me, but then at practice earlier I saw something peeking out of his kit and confronted Reg about it.”
“I’m sorry,” she laid down, head leaning on his arm, “They didn’t…they didn’t force him, did they?” The image of Sirius laying in a pool of blood on the Potter’s sitting room floor flashed through her mind, and she swallowed the bile in her throat. He shook his head slowly. 
“I’m not sure which is worse to be honest,” he whispered sadly, “my parents holding him down, or the fact that he took it willingly.”
They laid in silence for a few minutes, the weight of everything pressing down on them. Sirius rolled onto his side, pulling her closer.
“Reggie is the one that told me,” he whispered into her hair, “back in February. He found me and brought me to the forest…”
The admission stole the breath from her lungs. Her entire body froze as she scrambled for something, anything, to say in response. Ultimately, she couldn’t. The silence stretched between them again, Sirius’ breathing eventually evening out as he fell asleep. She laid there for a while pressed against the warmth of his body, trying to come to terms with the fact that Regulus had been the one to save her that night.
June 27th, 1977
“Bunch of bloody traitors,” Sirius muttered, pushing his way past James and Peter on the way to the train. She laughed as he strode up beside her at the front of the group, slinging an arm around her shoulders. 
“Now, now,” she rolled her eyes as Sirius stuck his tongue out at the rest of their friends trailing behind, “there’s no reason for name calling. We’re going to have a great time this summer! I can’t wait to show you around London!”
A month prior, James had excitedly announced that the Potters’ (including Sirius) were going on vacation to Spain this summer, Lily would be tagging along as well. Sirius had groaned loudly, immediately followed by a dramatic exclamation that he’d “rather die than be a perpetual third wheel all holiday”. He turned to Pete and asked if he could stay at his instead, only to be met with a sheepish grin. 
“Sorry mate,” Peter shrugged, “my family’s going away as well.”
“Are you fucking joking?” Sirius stared between his friends, mouth slack, “Moony?”
Remus shook his head, “You know better than to ask to stay at mine.” 
Sirius shut his mouth into a thin line, eyes falling on her.
“Yellowjacket…” he purred from beside her on the bench.
“Yes, Sirius?” she made her voice as monotoned as possible to piss him off. When he didn’t answer, she turned, his blue eyes mock-pleading and bottom lip jutting out. She scoffed. “Jesus Christ, knock off the theatrics,” she swatted at him, “I’ll ask my parents if you can stay with us, but no promises!”
Her parents had of course, both said yes. They had met the boys on multiple occasions throughout the years and loved them all dearly, and had been hearing her talk about Sirius specifically for a while now. 
As they got off the train at Kings Cross, Sirius brought her into a crushing bear hug. 
“See you in a few weeks, I hope you won’t miss me too much,” he squeezed as she struggled to break free.
“Keep choking me like this and I’ll rescind the invitation entirely,” she laughed, pinching his sides in retribution. He let go with a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart in faux-offense. 
She leaned up to kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you in a few weeks, Siri.”
The slight pink tint to his face didn’t go unnoticed as she said goodbye to the rest of her friends, eagerly joining her parents at the back of the crowd to begin what she hoped would be one of the best summers of her life.
July 30th, 1977
She had assumed that letting Sirius stay in her parent’s muggle house, on a muggle street, in a muggle town would be a fiasco, but what she hadn’t expected was how quickly and enthusiastically he absorbed the culture. From the moment he arrived via Floo in their sitting room, the widest smile plastered to his face, he was eager to take in as much of the muggle world as he could. Driving in a car for the first time had him practically foaming at the mouth, making a point to press every button and crank every handle he possibly could, just to see what it would do. 
He helped her mother out in the kitchen, learning how to not only use muggle utensils and tools, but how to cook in general, which was a skill his family apparently deemed “beneath a member of the Noble House of Black” he had explained with an eye roll. His favorite thing to cook was pasta, specifically spaghetti, and her mum had taught him how to make sauce from scratch. He beamed as they all ate it, watching with sparkling eyes as they praised his new found culinary talent. Sirius washed the dishes afterwards as well, always jumping up before anyone else to try his hand at scrubbing pots and plates with the little yellow and green sponge in the sink. She caught him using his wand once or twice, but only when she knew he was growing impatient with a particular spot. 
Her father showed him around the garage, and Sirius drooled over the sight of her dad’s old beat-up Volkswagen that he’d been working on since she was a kid. They spent hours out there, blasting rock ’n roll and fine tuning beneath the hood. It almost became a struggle to get them inside the house, if it wasn’t for the promise her mother offered to let Sirius use the electric mixer to make dessert. 
Though he technically grew up in London, Sirius had never stepped foot outside of Islington. He’d never been able to explore the city, or even spend any time walking beyond the front steps of Grimmauld Place. The thought of such isolation baffled her, giving her intense feelings of claustrophobia. They spent a few days shuttling about the city to the typical tourist spots, just so he could say he’d been there. Though he loved the muggle world, most of the famous sites seemed to bore him; except for the London Eye, he loved being up so high and waving at passing tourists (you can take the boy out of the quidditch pitch and whatnot…) She knew the perfect place that would set his blood on fire: Camden. 
Watching Sirius explore muggle London was a trip, but watching his face illuminate while stepping out of the tube station in Camden Town made her heart swell exponentially. The sounds of live music from local clubs filled the streets, paired with the market vendors selling everything from jewelry, to clothes, to random paraphernalia; Sirius was a certifiable kid in a candy store. But all of that joy seemed like nothing compared to when he saw a motorcycle up close and personal. The only thing she could assume it felt like, was when she saw Hogwarts for the first time. Sirius had frozen in place on the sidewalk, watching as the rider strapped on his helmet and swung a leg over the red and chrome frame. As he revved the bike to life, Sirius’ breath caught, watching with awe and longing as the rider pulled away, the rumbling exhaust rattling their bones. 
“When we leave school,” he muttered to her, still in a daze, “I’m going to get one of those.”
She laughed, pulling him along towards the market stalls, “Well if that’s the case, you’ll need to look the part.” Holding up a black leather jacket from a vendor selling different wildly flashy garments, she motioned for him to try it on. As he inspected the sleeve length and ran fingers over the zippers and buttons, he smiled.
“Your old one was getting gross,” she laughed again, handing the vendor some cash as Sirius beamed. 
“Pub?” She raised her eyebrows, already knowing the answer. He threw a leather-clad arm around her shoulders, “You know me too well, little bee.”
“It’s definitely not as good at Ogden’s, but I’ll take it,” Sirius shot back Jack Daniels and grimaced. Though he didn’t care much for muggle whisky, he did seem to love the beer (she promised to smuggle some in their trunks for the ride back to school in September).
When the sun had set, and they had a little bit of a buzz, they meandered out into the street, walking down towards the river. The muffled sound of music carried from a few blocks away, the area fully alive even late into the night. They found themselves stopping beneath an old stone bridge, Sirius pulling out his cigarettes and offering her one. After a confirming nod, he lit them, handing one over with an annoying little bow.
“Fuck off,” she mumbled in jest, smirking as she watched him take a drag, the ember illuminating his face as he inhaled. 
“So what now?” Smoke curled around his head, making him look practically ethereal in the low light.
“Uhm, well, we could see if there’s anything going on at the Roundhouse? Maybe even Dingwalls?” She flicked at her cigarette, watched as Sirius’ gaze turned to the walls of the bridge, covered in a multitude of graffiti and etchings. 
“We should write something,” he covertly took out his wand and placed it against the stone.
“Sirius, no,” she let out a nervous laugh, “we’ll get in trouble—“
“Who’s going to know?” He motioned around under the empty bridge. 
“The Department of Improper Use of Magic Office!” She hissed.
Sirius gave her a look, “Don’t be such a swot. They can’t trace who did magic, just where. Even if they find out, the most we’ll get is a warning.” 
He was right, there was no one around, and the muggle cops rarely cared about what happened down here unless you were selling drugs or something. She sighed, leaning back against the wall as Sirius smirked and began muttering something while moving his wand around the stone. He nudged her with an elbow a few seconds later when he’d finished, “Your turn, Yellowjacket.”
Etched into the wall was Sirius Orion Black, he even added little crudely drawn stars above it for extra flair. She rolled her eyes and pulled out her wand, adding her own name beneath his, sans any additional doodles. 
“Happy?” She said as she put her wand away.
He stared at their names, mulling something over.
“Hmmm…almost,” he mumbled, putting his wand back to the stone. A moment later, he took a final step back to admire his work. “There!” He exclaimed cheerfully.
A poorly drawn heart encompassed their names, one side of it being a little too wonky.
“Is that supposed to be a leaf?” She joked.
Sirius scowled, “No you fucker, it’s a heart!” He jabbed a finger into her ribs, tickling her as punishment. She gave a playful yell and grabbed his arm, “Knock it off!” 
His hands flattened against her ribs, holding her in place as they stood pressed against each other. One of Sirius’ hands began to travel, trailing upwards to curve around the side of her neck. Her breath caught, the thumping heartbeat in her ears was so loud that she could barely hear when he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
She exhaled, almost as if she had been holding her breath since they had met all those years ago on the train.
“What took you so long?” She whispered.
And then his mouth found hers. 
She needed him like oxygen, couldn’t get enough. He kissed her like he felt the same, one hand cradling her jaw as he explored every inch of her mouth. 
God, he was intoxicating. Her head swam like she’d downed a bottle of whisky, hands roaming to graze beneath the hem of his shirt. Sirius pulled back slowly, eyes filled with what could only be described as reluctant restraint. 
“Tell me to stop, and I will,” he whispered, licking his bottom lip. Her hands stilled against him, taking in the almost tortured look on his face. 
“Please, Sirius,” she gripped his belt, “don’t ever stop.”
Then his mouth was on her again with a ferocity she had never experience before. He was consuming her; his taste, the feel of his body pressed against hers, the smell of smoke and leather and spice was overwhelming every sense. Her hands couldn’t move fast enough, couldn’t explore his body enough. 
None of it was enough. 
It would never be enough.
She would always want more of him.
She would always need him. 
Sirius pushed her against the stone wall of the bridge, lifting to wrap her legs around his waist. As he trailed down her neck, one of her hands found its way to his hair, fingers running through the silken mess that she loved so much. The stones cut into her back as she arched against him, Sirius taking the opportunity to bite at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
“Siri—“ she gasped, tightening her legs around him.
He groaned into her neck, “Say my name like that again, and we’ll never leave from under this bridge.”
She pulled at his hair and he laughed, even in the dark his smile lit up her soul. Sirius kissed her again slowly, until the sound of a passing group of people tore them from the moment.
He brushed a thumb over her bottom lip as she spoke, “Wanna check out one of the clubs?”
Sirius shook his head slowly, voice low, “I’d much rather continue this conversation at home.”
The way he had said it made her thoughts spiral. In the blink of an eye, she could picture it. A life, a future, with him. She hadn’t put much thought into what life would look like post-Hogwarts. The boys would always be a part of it obviously, but they all seemed to be diverting onto their own paths, and it looked like maybe Sirius’ was parallel to hers. 
She kissed him one last time, setting her feet back on the ground. Lacing their fingers together she laughed, pulling him from under the bridge, “C’mon, I’m not letting you leave Camden without seeing a live show.”
Dingwalls was packed when they arrived, a new punk band from Surrey apparently playing a set that night. Drinks in hand, they pushed towards the stage, finding a spot against one of the side walls to stand against. Sirius pulled her back against his chest as they danced and drank to the fast thrumming of the music. He let his hands wander, leaning down to kiss her as much as he wanted. Maybe it was the atmosphere, the sweaty bodies and loud music drowning their senses, or maybe it was something else entirely, but time ceased to exist around them. Her hands tangled in Sirius’ hair as they leaned against the wall, his knee wedged between her legs as the the pounding drums echoed the elevated beat of their hearts. His arousal was evident against her thigh, and she smiled against the column of his neck as she pressed closer.
“You’re killing me, bee,” Sirius groaned into her ear, following up with a gentle bite to her lobe. 
She looked up at him, eyes trying to convey innocence though she knew he didn’t buy it for a second. “Wanna head back?”
He kissed her for emphasis, grabbing her hand and practically dragging her out the door. 
Later that night, she laid in her bed unable to relax. Her parents had already been asleep when her and Sirius arrived back from Camden well after midnight, tiptoeing upstairs to their respective rooms. The journey back had sobered them up a little, the night air cooling down whatever intense feelings had flared to near catastrophic levels in the club. Sleep never came, and she instead stared at the ceiling and tried to turn all thoughts away from Sirius Black sleeping across the hall. But when her bedroom door cracked open, a wave of relief washed over her. 
Sirius shut it quietly, climbing into bed beside her like they had done so many times throughout the years. As he settled down beneath the sheets she turned to face him, “Can’t sleep?”
Sirius’ hand trailed along her hip, “I told you we’d finish our conversation from earlier, didn’t I?”
She smiled into a kiss, wrapping herself entirely in him. 
In the early hours of dawn, she awoke to Sirius’ even breaths and perfect skin. He looked like a painting, like one of the romantics had crafted him from pure desire and passion and beauty. She almost felt guilty waking him, but at the risk of her parents seeing him leave her bedroom, it had to be done. He groaned into her neck as she scratched the back of his head.
“If you don’t go back to your room, my parents will kill us both,” she whispered, kissing him on the temple. Sirius made another dramatic noise as he sat up, reaching over the side of the bed for his clothes. Before leaving, he kissed her again, one filled with promises for more.
“See you at breakfast,” he murmured against her lips, slipping out the door and back to his room without another sound. 
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
A few adaptations/retellings don't get the significance of the fact that Mary has grown up unloved and for whatever reason try to soften her relationship with her parents. But many of them do grasp just how neglected she's been and highlight it, especially in light of how prickly it has made her. These versions tend to understand the root of her issues relatively easily.
But an overwhelming number of recent adaptations/retellings do not do the same for Colin. It is extremely common for these versions to give him/his equivalent a warm relationship with his now-deceased mother/equivalent. In The Humming Room, Phillip "adored [his mother] and she adored him back," and he is in the depths of depression after losing her. Callie in The Misselthwaite Archives has fond memories of her late mother and footage of the family enjoying happy times in the glade, as well as a father who, even though he's gone frequently, regularly keeps in touch with her through affectionate postcards. When Mary meets Colin in the 2020 film, he talks about his relationship with his mother, how she "loved me hugely" (painfully awkward wording), and her letters back that up. Colin in The Secret Garden on 81st Garden mourns the apparently very recent death of a loving father and, despite his anger toward Mr. Craven, is still surrounded by adults who appear to genuinely care about his wellbeing. Although Clement in The Edge of In Between was an infant when his mother died, he apparently had such a close bond with her already that he lost all color (something that happens to those who succumb to grief in this book's world) after losing her. It's been a while since I've read A Bit of Earth, but if I recall correctly, Colin in that book also knew and loved his mother before her death and struggles more with living up to (perceived?) familial expectations than feeling rejected or unloved.
And I'm not saying that these creative choices were necessarily ineffective within the stories that these authors/creators chose to tell. But it does take the character in a fundamentally different direction. Not only does it eliminate one of the deliberate parallels in his and Mary's backgrounds, but it also alters the root of the character's problems.
There are a lot of messed-up reasons for why he is the way he is, but what it ultimately comes down to is this: Colin is unloved. He has never been loved. Like Mary, he exhibits the behavior he does because he has never learned how to connect with others. It's easy to miss this about him, easy to get so caught up in what a horrid little brat he genuinely is that it might not immediately occur to the reader how loveless his existence has been--every bit as loveless as Mary's. His mother died giving birth to him, his father rejects him because of this, and his caretakers are all "tired of him" and (in one case) have even said in front of him that it would be better for him and everyone else if he died.
No wonder he has such ambivalence toward living. Dickon tells Mary once that his mother believes that unwantedness is "th' worst thing on earth for a child," that "Them as is not wanted scarce ever thrives." And that is the root of Colin's problems, the reason his expectation out of life is to die. This is more of the point than any psychological condition that we might be able to pin on the character--those things are symptoms, not causes. This is why developing strong friendships is so important to his arc, why his getting hugged (possibly for the first time in his life) by Mrs. Sowerby and telling her that he wishes she were his mother is such a poignant moment, why his arc ends with being reunited with and accepted by his father.
(Weirdly enough, an adaptation that did seem to pick up on this was the 1986 musical, in which Colin is introduced with a solo entitled "No One Needs Me." A bit too on-the-nose and self-aware for him to be able to spell out like that, perhaps, but as a summation of the problem? Spot on.)
If, as recent adaptations and retellings interpret him, he is a child who has been loved and has lost that, his behavior as Burnett depicts comes from a different place and possibly makes less sense, his whole character changes, and the themes shift. He becomes someone who needs to work through traditional grief--which in the original book is his father's arc, not his--rather than someone who needs to learn that his existence has meaning and that he can matter to other people (and they to him).
And I think that's why a lot of these reinterpretations of the character feel a bit off to me? There tends to be so much concern for remolding him in light of themes of disability or mental health (which are significant to his character! but not all that there is) that the original point of his being as much an emotionally neglected and unloved child as Mary can get lost in translation.
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i-heart-slashers · 2 years
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"Damn, you're strong for a little thing." +  "Don't threaten me with a good time." 
Pairings: Bo Sinclair x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): death, violence, non-con touching, implied sexual assault.
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'Help me meet up with a guy I met online,' your friend said; she was too worried that he'd be some sort of catfish or, worse, a serial killer. Addy had talked you and some of your friends into going on a road trip with her to meet the 'guy of her dreams.'
It had actually been fun until the tires on the van punctured out of nowhere in the middle of god knows where. Your friend driving had pulled the car over near the edge of town none of you knew existed. 
It was all well and good until we figured out there was no phone signal, and so the guys all did the macho thing by leaving the 'weak, defenseless' girls with the car while they left to find help.
You and Addy stayed in the car for what seemed like hours. Your friend complained every minute until you opened the van door and began walking into the town.
It was so strange how quiet the small place was. You almost would have thought it was deserted, not for the few signs of life.
Passing by some stores, you continued to look for your other friends until you saw a guy, a very cute guy walking out of the church. He gave you a charismatic smile as you explained your problem to him.
"Your friends have gone to the garage?" Bo said, raising his eyebrow and motioning to the darkened street behind the two of you. The cold had begun to set in, and the town twinkled with frost, so you and Addy were shivering together.
You nodded quickly, crossing your arms as Bo's eyes roamed over your shaking form. "Well, I'm the town's only mechanic" Addy tapped your arm excitedly as she gave Bo a squeal. The man's eye twitched briefly before his charming smile was back.
"Why don't you ladies come up to the house with me? I can get ya a blanket and some coffee, and we'll pick up my truck" The hair on the back of your neck pricked up, but Addy was already following the man towards the other end of the town.
Bo had talked the whole way to his home about the town, his life, and how he lived in the house with his brothers. That made you feel more secure knowing there would be others, not just the two of you and Bo.
Not that you were purposely trying to judge the man who seemed to want to help the two of you, but his eyes seemed to darken every time they laid on Addy.
It wasn't that unusual, many people were initially turned off by her bubbly, happy-go-lucky attitude, but she was somehow able to worm her way into their hearts.
That's how the two of you had initially become friends.
Addy had begun in detail telling the southern man all about your friends still down in the town and where you had all been going. You thought it was weird until you soon remember Bo questioning her while you were lost in your thinking.
That was a little suspicious, but maybe you were being too harsh. It seemed like Bo had grown up in this small town where everyone knew each other and all their businesses.
Gossip must be hot in a town like this.
Entering Bo's home, you felt uneasy again, but apparently, your friend was content enough to ask for the bathroom. The fireplace had been lit before you even entered the house; maybe his brother was here?
Bo showed her the way before coming back with a blanket and coffee cup. "Thanks" You gave him a small half smile taking the items from him and sipping from the cup.
"You don't talk much, huh?" Bo joked as a small laugh slipped from you as you sat on the edge of the couch, placing the cup on the worn table in front of you.
"Addy does a lot of the talking for me" You admitted small talk wasn't something you particularly enjoyed, but for Addy, she loved to be social whenever someone would be willing to listen.
The man smirked at your amusement as he dropped into an armchair parallel to you. "Yeah, I noticed. She said you were helping her meet some guy. Pretty dangerous thing to do. One of them boys down there, your man?".
The question was so blunt it took you a moment to understand what he was asking. "Oh, uh, no. We're all just friends." His eyes seemed to brighten for a second at my admission, but that could have been the light from the fire.
A sound caught your attention, and your head whipped around to find the source of the bang. Addy has been in that bathroom for a while. Did she need help?
"Ahh, it's probably just the dog. The damn thing is stupid" The tone of Bo's voice made you frown. All charm had been replaced with annoyance until you turned back to face him. 
Seeing your confused expression, he gives a wide smirk until Addy screaming your name, sounded out in the creepily silent house. "Help me!".
Bo's face dropped into seething anger as you quickly threw the hot coffee in his face and smashed the cup against his head.
You knew you had a weird feeling about him. 
Jumping up, you quickly run towards the hall Addy had walked down earlier, meeting her halfway when she manages to run from the room screaming and covered in blood.
A tall man followed her with a large knife in hand; half of his face looked disfigured. The sound of a truck pulling up outside distracted you for a moment before a fist struck your cheek.
Landing against the hallway wall, you were held there by a recovered Bo as the other man plunged the knife through your best friend's back and out of her chest.
You watched as her mouth and eyes both went wide, blood seeping from her lips as her gaze turned glassy, and she gasped. The man catches her falling body dragging her back through the house.
"Shh, shh," Bo whispered with his lips against your forehead as you sobbed seeing Addy murdered so brutally. He pushed himself against your body as another man flung the door open.
Through the open door, you saw something horrifying; the truck's bed contained your other friends' broken bodies. Bo followed your gaze before giving you a smirk as he watched your expression. It was like he was trying to gauge how you would react.
The other man winked as he smiled at you, full of blackened teeth, before he walked back out to the truck after Bo instructed him to take the bodies out back and that 'Vincent' would help him.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you realized that everyone you had come with was now dead, and you were the only one left. "Who knew when we put those tire spikes out on the road, it would bring me a pretty thing like you."
Did they do this on purpose? 
Hearing his words only lit a fire inside of you, this obviously wasn't their first time, but you would try to make it the last. You needed to get out of here and find the police or something.
You vaguely remember passing a sheriff's office down in the town.
While Bo was busy taunting you and holding your arms against the wall tightly, you managed to get your knee up between the two of you and kick him straight in the stomach.
Watching him get knocked away, you screamed as you threw all your body weight at him like you had seen your friends do while playing football.
"Damn, you're strong for a little thing." He groans as you pick up the lamp from the corner table and hit him with it before shakily getting up and running for the door. 
There was no time to look back; the ones who turned to look behind them were always the ones who died in the movies.
Getting to the town, you immediately began to scream for help, knowing Bo probably wasn't too far behind. Smacking your hands on windows and doors, you caused a hell of a scene.
But nothing happened.
Time seemed to stand still once you realized that something wasn't quite right with the town, the same woman had pulled back her curtains twice now, and yet her face hadn't changed.
"What the fuck" You whispered before hearing footsteps thudding and knowing your time was nearly up. 
Seeing a small sheriff's office, you quickly ran towards it. "Help me, please. My friends have been killed!" You pleaded, grabbing onto the uniformed man in the room.
At the strength of your grasp, the man toppled to the ground shattering as a scream was pulled from you. Turning, you glanced around the room and noticed that neither of the other people was moving. 
Wax, they were all made from wax.
"Beautiful, ain't it" You gasped as Bo's voice rang out at the door. Jumping over the wax sheriff, you tried to run out the back of the building, but a heavy force sent you to the ground.
You were quickly flipped onto your back as Bo loomed over you. Reaching up to one of the wax statues, he pulled the cuffs off its belt and forced you into them.
Holding your cuffed hands above your head Bo started roaming his hands over your body before biting your neck harshly. Freezing, it suddenly occurred to you that Bo might want you for something else.
"Get your hands off me," You yelled, trying to fight against the hands that moved over your body, tearing the buttons from your shirt as the man, with an unusual gentleness to take stock of your body.
"The police will come looking for us. People will realize that we're missing, and then you'll be the one in the handcuffs." The words from your lips tasted untrue to your ears, but you had to resist.
If nothing else, you had to keep your fighting spirit.
Bo gave a seemed to be a genuine laugh instead of the smirk you had seen. He brushed his hand against your sore cheek as you tried to turn to bite it. "Aw, baby. Don't threaten me with a good time." 
Pulling your body up over his shoulder with ease, all you could do was scream as he unlocked the door to the garage and began his descent down the stairs to the basement.
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perspectivestarters · 3 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo (Part I)
I want it to be, like, messy.
I'm so insecure.
I think that I'll die before I drink.
I'm so caught up in the news.
I'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life.
They'd all be so disappointed.
Who am I if not exploited?
I'm so sick of seventeen.
Where's my fucking teenage dream?
If someone tells me one more time "Enjoy your youth," I'm gonna cry.
I don't stick up for myself.
I'm anxious, and nothing can help.
I wish I'd done this before.
I wish people liked me more.
All I did was try my best.
This the kinda thanks I get?
They say these are the golden years.
I wish I could disappear.
God, it's brutal out here.
I feel like no one wants me.
I hate the way I'm perceived.
I'm a nervous wreck.
I love people I don't like.
I hate every song I write.
I'm not cool.
I'm not smart.
I can't even parallel park.
Just havin' a really good time.
Got a broken ego?
God, I don't even know where to start.
I played dumb, but I always knew.
I always knew that you talked to her, maybe did even worse.
I kept quiet so I could keep you.
Ain't it funny how you ran to her the second that we called it quits?
Ain't it funny how you said you were friends?
It sure as hell don't look like it
You betrayed me.
I know that you'll never feel sorry.
You talked to her when we were together.
Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter.
It took you two weeks to go off and date her.
Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.
I know if you were true, there's no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly.
Ain't it funny?
Remember I brought her up and you told me I was paranoid?
I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you.
Don't you dare forget about the way you betrayed me.
You gave me your word, but that didn't matter
Yeah, you're still a traitor.
I got my driver's license last week.
Just like we always talked about.
Today, I drove through the suburbs crying 'cause you weren't around
You're probably with that blonde girl who always made me doubt.
She's so much older than me.
She's everything I'm insecure about.
How could I ever love someone else?
I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one.
I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone.
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me.
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street.
All my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.
I kinda feel sorry for them.
They'll never know you the way that I do.
I still see your face.
Can't drive past the places we used to go to.
I still fuckin' love you, babe.
I still hear your voice in the traffic.
God, I'm so blue.
All I did was speak normally
Somehow, I still struck a nerve.
You got me fucked up in the head.
Never doubted myself so much.
Am I pretty?
Am I fun?
I hate that I give you power over that kinda stuff
It's always one step forward and three steps back
I'm the love of your life until I make you mad.
Do you love me, want me, hate me?
I don't understand.
Maybe in some masochistic way, I kind of find it all exciting.
Which lover will I get today?
Will you walk me to the door or send me home crying?
It's back and forth.
Did I say something wrong?
Maybe this is all your fault instead.
I'd leave you, but the rollercoaster's all I've ever had.
I bet she's braggin' to all her friends, sayin' you're so unique.
So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?
She thinks it's special, but it's all reused.
That was our place, I found it first.
I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you.
Do you get déjà vu when she’s with you?
Do you get déjà vu?
Do you call her, almost say my name?
Let's be honest, we kinda do sound the same.
I hate to think that I was just your type.
Now I bet you even tell her how you love her in between the chorus and the verse.
That was the show we talked about.
Played you the songs she's singing now when she's with you.
Don't act like we didn't do that shit, too.
You're tradin' jackets like we used to do
Everything is all reused.
Play her piano, but she doesn't know that I was the one who taught you.
A different girl now, but there's nothing new.
I know you get déjà vu
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily.
You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks.
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?
I guess that you've been workin' on yourself.
I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped.
Now you can be a better man for your brand-new girl.
You look happy and healthy.
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
You're doin' great out there without me, baby.
God, I wish that I could do that.
I've lost my mind.
I've spent the night cryin' on the floor of my bathroom.
You're so unaffected, I really don't get it.
I guess you're gettin' everything you want.
You bought a new car and your career's really takin' off.
It's like we never even happened.
Baby, what the fuck is up with that?
It's like you never even met me.
Remember when you swore to god I was the only person who ever got you?
Well, screw that, and screw you
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do.
Maybe I'm too emotional.
Your apathy's like a wound in salt.
Maybe you never cared at all.
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masterqwertster · 11 months
Maybe #17 with Deanna and Orym (maybe with a side of #8 if you're so inclined).
After last night's episode I'm a little obsessed with Deanna's dynamic with Team Issylra. Plus with Aabria drawing parallels between Deanna and Will being the ones to wait for their partners on the other side of the veil to send them back to the living world... I'd love to see these 2 have a heart-to-heart. ❤
8 "I’m so sorry you had to go through that." 17 "It seems like that really rattled you." Yeah, it's kind of a shame they didn't get the chance for some one-on-ones with the guest PCs (I would have loved a shovel talk to FRIDA and some Tired Robit Parent conversations. Fearne and Prism about being non-native to the plane they're currently on. More Deanna with Laudna and/or Ashton on being People Raised from the Dead to a Life in Shambles stuff), but the table was too full and guests can only stick around for so long.
"I'm sorry, but I can't help but ask: you were dead for 200 years? I didn't even know people could be brought back after that long," Orym says, turning to Deanna now seated beside him at the large table.
"Yeah," Deanna answers, shaky smile on her face. "I died. My husband kind of promised to bring me back, and he did after collecting all the resources to do it. Lots and lots of diamonds. A Dawnfather cleric powerful enough to do it. So, you know, it took him a while."
"He must love you very much," Orym comments. He certainly loved Will enough that if it could work, Orym would spend half his life trying to bring him back.
"I guess. I mean, he moved on with his life, got remarried and had a new family, while I was dead. By the time he brought me back, it was obligation more than anything. Barely even stuck around long enough to say, 'Hey! Welcome back!'"
"Oh." That's a tragedy if Orym's ever heard one. To be loved enough to receive such a promise and have it kept, yet it takes so long that you have to wonder why the promise was kept at all when they don't feel the love that initiated that promise. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine bringing someone back just to dump them like that."
"No, no. It wasn't like that. I encouraged him to live his life," Deanna tries to downplay it. But Orym can see the hurt beneath the surface.
"...Wait, you encouraged him?" Orym asks after a moment to process, confused.
"Yeah. See, Dustel, that's my ex-, I guess, husband, became an adventurer to get the money and stuff for my resurrection. So he did the adventurer thing where he dies for a little bit before someone brings him back in a minute or a few days. And I was waiting for him on the other side. Telling him I still loved him, but he still had a life to live. Eternity is a long time, so what's a few centuries, yeah? And it's so peaceful in death." There's something almost wistful in here eyes as she speaks of the afterlife.
And Orym thinks of Will. Of meeting his husband when he was briefly dead. How Will threw him back towards the light of life. The promise from Will to wait for the day Orym stayed dead. ...And the brief flickers of thought he's had about moving on.
"Do you resent that he moved on without you?" Orym asks with morbid curiosity.
"No. I meant it when I told him to live. That means finding joy and love among the pain and grief," Deanna answers, truth in her eyes. "I just don't appreciate being left to struggle alone, hundreds of years after my last memory, when he took the time to bring me back. Like, you want the people you love to find happiness, even if it's not necessarily with you. But also own up to your actions and their consequences! Come on! Couldn't just take me to your new home to get my feet under me. Or send me to our kids! That could work too!"
Orym nods, a little wide-eyed at her vehemence.
Though it's nice to hear that Will probably won't resent him for moving on. After all, he can't bring Will back as he reaches the end of his own life. So as long as their reunion in death has room for anyone Orym might eventually move on with, it should be okay. Probably.
"Sorry. I can get a little passionate," Deanna apologizes, sitting back down from her rant.
"No, you've got every reason to be upset," Orym says. "That's- It's horrible, that he wouldn't make room for you in his life again."
"Thank you. For caring," Deanna says after a moment, a small smile on her face.
"You're welcome."
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aannonn · 8 months
Opinion: My own view on HanaNeneTsuka ship because- why not? lol
Finally done with the TeruAoiKane post! ...Now moving on to (Ama)HanaNeneTsuka!
First things first; No. I do not ship Tsukasa x Amane, nor do I support incest in fiction or in real life. This post will be mostly about me analysing the TsuNene and (Ama)HanaNene relationship, and Tsukasa & Amane's fraternal (platonic) relationship. And my final opinion about this trio in a both romantic and platonic way. Lil' notes: this post may contain sensitive topics.
That's it for the notes! Now, let's start with...
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To be honest with you guys... I don't even remember when did I even start shipping those 2 lol Like- I seriously do not remember. Not even a vague memory of it. I just know that, one day, I got tired of HanaNene and started to ship TsuNene. And soon they become my Top 1 favorite ship. I don't know if it was the fanarts, the manga itself, the official AUs of them together, the fanfictions, or something else. I just started to ship them and that's it.What I do know, though, is that there is something that made me continue shipping them, regardless of what happened in the manga between them.. lol
Just like in my last post about TeruAoi; The way both Tsukasa and Nene are so similar is what kept me shipping them.
Like- They both are so similar to each other in so many ways. They have so much in common!
Both wish to know more about Amane.
Both are kind of interested in romance in their own ways. (Read this analysis if u wish to understand what I'm talking about!)
In many official arts and even bonus pages, we can see them both parallelling each other in their own different way. (this. And the fact that Tsukasa is singing Over The Rainbow while Nene is wearing Dorothy's dress- I found it a nice similarity lol Also, singing duo.)
They are both equally chaotic. (In basically all official AUs, too! Especially in monster nursery AU, where Nene it's basically a Tsukasa 2.0 lol)
Both seems to really like puzzles games.
It may not really have much relevance, but I really love seeing how similar they are.
Their dynamics in each different official AUs is pretty nice to see, too! We have Father and Daughter dynamic, Rivalry dynamic, Friendly? dynamic, Friends? dynamic; Each different dynamic in each different AU. It's always interesting and fun for me to see them interacting!
Though, I have to admit that this ship wouldn't really work out in canon, since Tsukasa still have that demon inside him and both him and Amane are dead, while Nene is still alive.
Besides, Tsukasa sexually harassed her. I know that Nene apparently doesn't seem to think too much about it, but it was still sexually harassment.
Honestly, I feel like if Nene and Tsukasa had met under different circumstances with no demons or supernaturals in the mix, I feel like they would have be really good friends; Maybe even a sibling dynamic!
I just love to see my 2 favorite characters of all time interacting together.
Now let's go to... (Ama)HanaNene!
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Honestly, do I even need to explain? They are canon. They are perfect.
Hanako's first love was Nene. Nene finally found someone who loves her for who she is. Nene is Hanako's first ever friend (most likely). They both genuinely love each other. They are absolutely perfect
It's practically canon, too, so I feel like I don't have much to say about them- But I'll try to say how do I feel about this ship!
Honestly, this is one of my top 2 favorite- Literally my comfort ship.
Their personality matches each other very well, and the way their relationship slowly gets their development through out the whole manga is actually really adorable!
I absolutely screamed and giggled like a lil' kid when I first saw their panel of them officially kissing; If u were there, you could clearly tell how happy I was when I saw them kissing after waiting for literal years. ❤
They feel mutual care, respect and love for each other; They would do anything for each other and that's clear.
Nene ran away with Hanako the moment they met again - She felt practically devastated when Hanako fell apart before her eyes. You can tell she cares a lot about him.
And Hanako literally sacrificed everything in his power to see Nene happy and alive, even if it meant trapping her in a fake world or sacrificing her own best friend.
Besides, the way they act around each other really feels like a really clingy and touch-starved couple. I love them.
I feel like I've never shipped a canon ship as much as I do now. HanaNene was definitely the first canonical ship in the whole world that I genuinely wanted to for them to be together and work out, and I never ever gave up on the ship even after years of shipping them.
They just make so much sense and I love them so very much. ❤
Though, this ship does has its flaws. I can see why some people doesn't really ship HanaNene.
Hanako already sexually harassed Nene. Even Nene herself said that many things that Hanako did to her was sexually harassment.
And Hanako is pretty possessive that even Nene noticed it; Whenever he feels jealous about Nene, he throws water at her or even threatens to turn her into a fish. He even trapped Nene into a fake world.
The thing is; Hanako himself said that no matter what Kou or the others say- He wants to be the one who saves Nene. Not Kou nor anyone else, just him being the one who changes her future.
The jealousy and possessiveness he feels around Nene could soon become a problem in the future.
Though, Nene also has her own flaws in this ship..
She often slaps him and, as much as Hanako often deserves a slap of reality to learn not to be selfish when it comes to saving Nene's life without thinking about the consequences of his actions for it, I don't think violence is the answer.
She also, for some strange reason, still chooses to admire Teru's presence even though she knows what he did to Hanako and what he planned to do to Hanako.
I understand that she doesn't feel any kind of romantic attraction towards him and all she feels is just admiration, but still... Nene, are you sure you don't feel any kind of resentment towards Teru after finding out what he planned to do with Hanako? Like, not even a little bit?
Although, if I'm only blaming Nene in this case, I would be being unfair, because Kou also doesn't seem to hold any kind of grudge against Teru even after seeing what he did to Hanako. What he almost successfully did to Hanako.
But then again, Kou and Teru are brothers; Nene and Teru are just friendly acquaintances...
I can't say anything either, since no matter how hard I try, I can't hold a grudge against anyone even after so much has happened. (I can dislike them, I just cannot hold a grudge nor hate them.)
Nene may just really have a heart of gold and be too naive for her own good, but still…
Welp- This ship has its ups and downs, its flaws and its goods; But, in my opinion, I still think HanaNene is still a pretty adorable ship. They still need some development on their relationship, though.
Now let's move on to... (Hanako-kun) Yugi Amane & Yugi Tsukasa! Not a ship btw!. Just analysing their relationship.
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Honestly- I don't even know what to say, I just know that i love their sibling relationship so much.
Ofc, their sibling relationship isn't my top favorite, but I definitely love to see them interacting in such a healthy and normal way. Just them being the adorable twinnies they are.
I was always a sucker for healthy siblings relatioship, so you can tell how much I love those 2 dorks even though their relationship isn't my top favorite.
You can tell how much they love and care for each other; Of course they do, they are brothers after all! Though, I feel like their relationship is more deep and unhealthy than it actually seems...
Tsukasa seems to think that Amane hates him, which most likely explain his apathyness in leaving his family just so his brother could live.
Also, I can't be the only one who thinks that Tsukasa may hold some kind of grudge against Amane, right...? I mean, think about that;
Don't get me wrong, it is pretty clear as the sun that Tsukasa and Amane both mutually and equally care for and love each other, but I feel like that there are so many misunderstandings between them that they may have some negative feelings between them.
If u have/had a sibling, wouldn't you be mad if, even after everything you did for your sibling, they still decides to kill you? I think it would be a bit unrealistic if Tsukasa didn't feel even a hint of resentment against Amane for killing him.
The fact that it is revealed to us that Tsukasa is a yorishiro, and that Sumire - as a human yorishiro herself, had to experience her death in a total loop for God knows how long...
Tsukasa, for also being a yorishiro, probably had to experience his death in loop, too. And without any visits from his brother, either.
It's already bad enough that he was 'trapped' in the red house for decades, but he also had to put up with experience his death over and over again without even a single visit from his brother.
I don't blame Amane; He was probably too scared to face the brother he killed. Probably afraid of hurting him again.
But still.. Tsukasa had to endure all of that for decades, all for Amane. Tsukasa was willing to endure being without his family for decades, to endure having to experience his death over and over again, to endure all of this, just for Amane.
No wonder he went insane, especially with a demon inside him.
Amane also has his negative feelings towards Tsukasa; Imagine if you had killed your loved one without actually meaning to kill them? You didn't want to kill them, but you still killed them.
Amane probably feels immense guilt, so much so that it's probably why Tsukasa says it's been "10 or 20 years" since they've seen each other, implying that Amane hasn't come to visit him in decades simply because of the fear he feels.
There are a lot of people saying that Amane is afraid of Tsukasa, but honestly? I think Amane is afraid of himself. (Based on an analysis that I'm too lazy to try to find right now lol)
Amane is scared to face Tsukasa; Not because he is afraid of him, but of himself. He's afraid of hurting his loved one again. He's afraid of having to see Tsukasa's reaction; The person behind Amane that we saw in the opening (in 0:36) is not Tsukasa, but rather the immense guilt he feels.
He feels like someone is holding him, a person whispering all the bad things he did when he was alive, a shadow making him relive the memories of what he did to his little brother.
Basically; There are a lot of misunderstandings surrounding them that still need to be resolved, and there is their past for us to unravel, too.
Based on AidaIro's old works, it seems that they both really like complicated sibling relationships in fiction lol
I'm not sure if Jibaku Shounen Hanako Kun will have a happy ending for these two, but let's wait and see. xd
Now.. All of them together!
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Alright... Honestly, I don't view those three in a poly relationship. More like a love triangle where both of the twins are in love with Nene and Nene is in love with them (sounds cliché, I know lol). I really feel umconfortable with the incest, honestly. - Saying that as someone who has also has a brother.
Honestly, I feel like they could be a really chaotic trio. They would get into every lil' adventure and trouble, honestly- lol
I don't have much to say about them, just that I really love their friendship. Like I said before; I feel like Nene and Tsukasa would be such good friends if met in different circumstances, and the platonic AmaNene/HanaNene is really underrated tbh lol
To be honest, there were times where it felt like HanaNene would be better off as best friends... And the platonic TsukaNene is such an concept that it's understandably loved by the fandom xD
In a platonic matter, I like to think that Nene would be a like a big sister or like a 'lost' triplet for them. They are all so similar to each other and I really love the friendship/sibling dynamic potential TsukaNene have, while platonic! AmaNene/HanaNene is such a reaaaally underrated concept.
For me, it's adorable to see all three of them just happily bonding like the chaotic trio they are. I love romance but I would choose the found-family trope over it anytime.
They would be the all time besties fr
In my personal opinion, I think the platonic! HanaNene/AmaNene is much better than romantic! HanaNene/AmaNene... I still like the romance between them tho lol
In a romantic matter, however, I like to think that the twins are inlove with Nene only and not with each other, since it makes me highly umconfortable when that's the case.
Though, I prefer much more the platonic! HanaNeneTsuka. It just holds so much more power. lol
In a HanaNeneTsuka fic, I like to see the twins ready to fight each other for a girl's attention, but still willing to die for each other at the end of the day. They are twinnies and they love each other, no one, not even the girl they both like, can surpass that.
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Final opinion; Platonic! HanaNeneTsuka solos. okno- Xd I love both HanaNene and TsuNene, in a both platonic and romantic way. HanaTsuka/TsukAmane makes me umconfortable, though I won't hate on people who ships them.
They all gives me chaotic good vibes, and I love it.
Platonic! HanaNene is underrated and I wish the fandom would stop with the romance for five seconds and appreciate the platonic.
Romantic! TsuNene have its potential to be a really nice and fun dynamic, I'm still wishing the fandom could be open-minded about it instead of losing their time in trying to force people into stop shipping them.
Weell.. I think that's it-? lol lmao i spent the whole day trying to finish this... Only for the HanaNeneTsuka part to look like it was rushed😭
Well, what can I do... I think i've rambled too much about TsuNene and HanaNene that my energy has gone down...
Cya u all in the next post! Bye-bye! &lt;3
lil' reminder; Feel free to add your own thoughts into it or correct me about something! Just be respectful about it, please. &lt;3
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lil' update; Edited! Had soo many grammatical errors omg- Welp. Also added and fixed some other things even though this opinion of mine is kind of outdated by now lol
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noellashes · 7 months
hiiiiiiii! feel free to ignore this ask but what do you like about noelashe? :0 I really like them too but I don't exactly know why myself... the parallels perhaps? the care? the potential? either way, I'm asking you how you feel about them! And I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
so so sorry for the late response but
anon you don't understand how long ive been waiting for someone to ask me this exact question
this may be extremely long depending on how much i feel like talking about so i apologize
spoilers inbound after this point!!
there are many, many reasons ive fallen in love with them and their dynamic, but ill try to condense them into a more readable format
the sections will be as follows:
 their parallels and how they compliment each other
their kindness and affection towards each other
how they treat the other differently to the others in the mansion
more surface level dynamic things i like
the things that got me attached to them in the first place
i feel like every noelashe fan understands their parallels somewhat but im insane so im gonna go in depth
they match and contrast each other in so so many different ways, down to even design (i actually made a post about that before it shouldnt be too hard to find)
their personalities are one thing, energetic and tired, extroverted and introverted, loud and shy, cruel and kind, fake and genuine, manipulative and naïve, i could go on but thatd be WAY too long so i'll just mention these
but thats just on the surface, they actually match each other a LOT more than you think
how ashe is more introverted than what meets the eye, not liking people out of distrust, and noel being tons more talkative and social, adoring people and barely being able to hate anyone
noel being smarter than he appears, willing to lie and manipulate for what he wants, and ashe being really easy to fool sometimes, immediately believing anything he thinks can bring back his family
and of course the obvious, their wishes
the same wish, the same pain, they go through such similar trauma with different ways of dealing with it
or so you think, their coping is very similar and this is acknowledged in sirius's conclusion, the only real difference being if theyre violent or not. noel, has sworn off harming people but he's still not above using backhanded methods for his goals. ashe, despite doing awful things for his wants, still has noble(ish) reasons for why he does these things
neither are entirely innocent, but neither are completely guilty
they both just want the people they care for to live peacefully, alive
but both do some pretty fucked up things for this wish, noel lies to sirius and uses dorothy as a ploy, ashe well- i think we all know. ashe commits multiple varied crimes that range from theft to murder and noel's own negligence can be considered a crime in some cases.
they have an understanding no one else does and it creates a lot of interest towards them and develops them as individuals too
they care so much for each other its insane
noel has trouble seeing ashe as anything but kind and ashe cant help but feel attached to noel even if he doesnt want to, which makes them get close each time and it makes them feel for each other a LOT more than they need to
the times where noel is sick and ashe takes care of him, ashe saying he lied so noel wont feel bad, noel letting ashe confide in him and ashe even trusting him enough to say his worries in the first place, the list goes on
they just have an instant bond bc they want someone to care and help them (even if both have trouble admitting it) and they want to help each other, which just makes them care more
it always ends in kindness between the two and it's one of the ways we get a happy ending
special treatment
i could put this in the kindness section but i think it deserves its own section bc its so damn cute
it does have a little less to go over tho as it doesn't happen much
im also gonna start adding screenshots and such
noel seems to really admire ashe and his abilities so much more than anyone else its adorable
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hes so amazed by him literally just cooking and he doesnt comment on anything to do with precise stuff that isnt smth ashe does, i may be wrong but i dont think ive ever seen him comment on smth like sirius drawing talismans which is highly specific but will ALWAYS think about how impressed he is with ashe
he also just
treats ashe in a similar way to claire, like he just casually says ashe saved him which is such a strong word to him with no thought and he LITERALLY SAYS HE TRUSTS HIM UNCONSCIOUSLY BC HE REMINDS HIM OF CLAIRE if that doesnt say smth i dont know what does
and ashe always opens up to noel so much more than anyone else like noel has gotten ashe to talk about himself unlike anyone else, the only other character he talked to about things was claire (technically sirius too but he was drunk off his ass so im not counting it) and that was like once he doesnt even say anything that isnt surface level
ashe also just refuses to harm noel and i dont think anyone has noticed this before
it makes sense if his killings are during the day bc noel literally just isnt there but some other times he has no excuse
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surface level things
as much as i love the incredible lengths of their relationship, i also like more simple things that im just gonna put into a little list
theyre so sun and moon guys
their color palettes look nice together
babygirl and wet cat
loves to cook and fucking awful at cooking
smartass x dumbass
mutual healing
their symbols being hearts and stars those look so cute together
"i care about you!!" "why??", mutually
little bitch and sweetheart
both are affectionate but neither can handle it
emotionally repressed x the one who wants them to grow again
bfs who rant about their interests
same trauma
very strange guy x doesnt care
"im a disgusting monster" "HOW?"
the black and white good evil thing is very aesthetically pleasing for them
angel and devil (kinda)
why i fell in love with them
theres a lot of reasons why i love them but theres a few very specific things that got me attached
most obvious is that theyre both my favorites, im extremely attached to ashe and i loved him from the start, i didnt start liking noel until a tiny bit later but he very quickly gained my love
i also relate to them both heavily so seeing them care so much for each other gave me comfort
its a huge pattern that most of my ships are of the character i got immediately attached to and relate to and other character i relate to who cares about the first character
the fate line. its just so gay i was like "thats kinda gay" and while i didnt always think of it like it was super important it always stuck in my head like "yeah i could ship them"
but the real thing that started this all was the wine scene
its when i realized how much they cared for each other and then the floodgates opened, and here we are now!!
its still by far my favorite scene of the two it just makes me so happy its so adorable
i have an extreme love for noelashe and just seeing them can make my entire mood better
i dont think many people have analyzed them as much as me so its sad to see how much stuff with them goes unnoticed
theyre genuinely so great for each other, platonic, romantic or anything in between, they deserve to be happy with each other
im so sorry for this being so long and maybe really hard to understand but i adore them so much
if you read this all thank you so much!! have a great day
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