thepunkbug · 3 years
The sides as John Mulaney quotes
Logan: I don't care for these new Nazis, and you may quote me on that.
Logan: What kind of a coke-head relative is my college?
Logan: I am a proud Asian American woman.
Roman: And they go "you're a little fat girl aren't you" and I go "nooo" and they go "say it!" and I go "I'm a little fat girl."
Roman: I didn't drink water the entire time.
Roman: When I walk down the street, I need everybody, all day long, to like me so much.
Roman: Got your menus, you hungry hungry whores.
Virgil: No, no, I got promoted! "To what?" Pass-around party bottom.
Virgil: Let's just not see each other for 8 months and it doesn't matter at all.
Virgil: Think about that for two minutes and tell me that you don't wanna walk into the ocean.
Virgil: No, that's a thing I'm sensitive about!
Virgil: College was like a four year gameshow called "do my friends hate me, or do I just need to go to sleep?"
Patton: I go "hi, knock knock" - I say "knock knock" out loud.
Patton: Everyone get out of my way! I just wanna sit here and feed my birds.
Patton: *punches* *waves*
Remus: I am homeless. I am gay. I have AIDS. I'm new in town!
Remus: Silence! BLAH!
Remus: Shut up, you're all gonna die! Street smarts!
Remus: Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you?!
Remus: I lived like a goddamn ninja turtle.
Remus: This guy killed three people, and yet you'll watch it and you'll go "I like this guy!"
Janus: Anyone who's seen my dick and met my parents needs to die.
Janus: No! In fact, we're gonna frame you for murder, and you're gonna go to jail for 30 years!
Janus: *asked if he killed Princess Diana* Oh! No, um. . . It was so long ago, uh, who knows what happened in that dark tunnel on that Paris evening.
Janus: I lived on cigarettes and alcohol and Adderall.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
There's a lot I'm missing here I'm sure, but here's my take for the time being, since I just want to share my thoughts.
First of all, I don't know why everyone is so vehemently hating on Jared right now. I don't know if it's a long time coming, if people have always hated him, or if it's a more recent thing. I won't comment much on that, simply because I'm confused here, and if someone is willing to fill me in (not condescendingly, please), then I might end up changing my mind.
First of all, good on Jensen and Danneel for making a SPN prequel if they want to. Personally, I doubt I'll ever watch it, mostly because we already know John and Mary's story (Cupid made them fall in love, they hated each other before that, Mary dies when they're babies, John is kind of a terrible father, etc), and if I want more SPN content, it's to get a better ending for the brothers and for Dean/Cas. Still, happy for Jensen and those looking forward to it.
It seems as though Jared has been basically cut out entirely, not just by Jensen, but the rest of the cast and crew. Someone said it had to do with Jared's pranks and jokes that wasted time and money, and could've hurt or humiliated people. This isn't okay, obviously, if it was this extreme, but from panels and blooper reels, I was under the impression Jensen participated in just as many pranks as Jared? That was kind of their thing, right? Like, they were known for that.
Also, in panels and blooper reels, people laugh along and joke with them, so if no one ever said "that wasn't funny, that went too far, please stop," how were they supposed to know any different? I've had this happen to me, where I think I'm fine with a person, only to find out they dislike me, and I would've rather known from the start than believe they liked me the way I liked them. It feels like a betrayal, and if no one talked to Jared about these things, or if he just plain didn't know, then he's likely feeling the same thing.
I'm sure Jensen has his reasons for not letting Jared in on this, or including him in the show. As a creator and a grown ass man, he's well within his right to do that. As someone who has shared the screen with Jared for fifteen seasons, who had put as much time and energy and love into Dean as Jared has with Sam, as two people who have been through so much together these past 15ish years, that was a shitty thing to do. I'm not hating on Jensen or Danneel, I'm not gonna send them death threats or call them out or treat them like shit (because I'm not a literal child), but from the perspective of coworkers, that just wasn't cool.
People are upset that Jared is responding publicly. Well, he found out publicly. If Jensen didn't want a response from Jared like this, he should've told him privately. As the person introducing the show and the one excluding Jared, it was his job to decide how to present this and handle things, however they'll end up being handled. It's not Jared's fault he found out like the rest of us, and I don't see anything wrong with him being publicly upset about it, because I think he's well within his right to do so.
Do I think say "et tu, brute?" is a bit dramatic? Yes. Am I gonna laugh at him, gaslight him, make him feel like shit for caring? Fuck no. He put as much into this show as Jensen did, and was basically ignored and written out. Again, I don't know what's going on with the two of them, or why they've fallen out. That's their business.
And I love Jensen. I really do. I think he's incredible and creative and really, really good at his damn job. But between he and Jared, I think Jensen is being the bigger child here. Maybe he did speak to Jared on his own at some point, but it really feels like he didn't. Instead of including his coworker in something they both have equal, full rights to be a part of, he never deigned to mention it to Jared, and left him to find out about this like the rest of us, which is not fair. It looks to me like instead of being an adult and confront his issues and be the bigger person, he decided "no, I don't wanna deal with this like an adult, I wanna deal with it like a high school student" and then just full sent it.
And as the creator of this new show, Jensen can do what he wants. He isn't technically obligated to include Jared in a professional capacity. That doesn't mean there were WAY better ways to handle this. I disapprove of how Jensen managed this whole thing, but whatever, really.
I think people's response to this, though, is a product of how our society is now. People are seriously either/or now, but life doesn't always really work in either/or, it works as both/and. Jensen can do what he wants with his own project, Jared can be upset about it, and both of those can exist at the same time and be true. We don't have to pick sides here, we can just acknowledge that both are true, and both Jared and Jensen can be right in some regards, and wrong in others. It's not the end of the world. We're not terrible people for not picking a hill to die on. We're consumers, and (hopefully) people with critical thinking skills capable of discernment. Let's maybe try that approach instead.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
So I just spent the last couple hours browsing emo tiktok, and now it's safe to say I've dived headfirst back into my emo self, listening to music I haven't heard in forever and also some new stuff I never got around to before.....I'm very excited.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Okay, so there’s a lot going on right now to do with Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco, and I figured I’d give my take on it.
Before I start, I should say I got most of my information from other people on social media - YouTube, Twitter, Tik Tok, and I read some articles. Because of where I got most of my information, I won’t be able to link anything, so I implore you to do your own research as well. That being said, here’s a brief rundown of what happened, with my opinion at the end.
First and foremost, Brendon has been called out for being racist. There’s a Vine of him mouthing along to the n-word, and while he didn’t outright say it, he did still mouth along to it. Being white, he had no business doing that, and he should’ve censored the word out entirely, but he didn’t. He’s since apologized and been a supporter of BLM, even going onto Twitch when George Floyd was killed, and making a post on his Instagram about how white privilege affects him, all of which can be found on YouTube or Instagram.
Secondly, he was accused of being transphobic. Most of you are probably confused because he is pansexual himself, and he wrote a song about bisexuality, and he can be found decked out in pride flags at concerts. However, there is a video of him at an interview saying the transphobic slur, and since he’s cisgender, he has no right using that word. From what I know, he was explaining his sexuality when someone asked him about it, and he quoted what someone had said to him, which included the transphobic slur. He’s since apologized on Periscope (I’m not sure if there’s a YouTube video of that or not), and as we all know, he’s been a huge advocate for LGBTQ+ rights ever since.
There’s also a video of Brendon joking about raping fans at a concert. You can find this on YouTube, where he says something along the lines of “If I see you after the show, I’m gonna fuck you. I don’t care if you want it - I care more if you don’t!” If the video isn’t edited shorter, you can also hear Dallon Weekes say “And I’m gonna watch,” though no one ever mentions that. This isn’t me trying to get Dallon cancelled. Quite frankly, I don’t like cancel culture and I think people are way too trigger happy to destroy someone’s career. My only reason for interjecting this is if you’re gonna get mad at Brendon for making that joke, then get mad at Dallon for adding onto it, too.
More recently, he’s been accused of sexually assaulting a fan. Someone on Twitter by the name of Kam retold a story of being a minor when he met Brendon, and Brendon was kissing and touching him inappropriately despite knowing he was a minor. There were also other accounts saying similar things happened to them. However, from what I know, the whole Kam thing was actually a Wattpad self-insert fanfiction that someone stole the plot of, and the multiple different accounts were actually one person, and they were lying, so there’s absolutely no evidence of Brendon sexually assaulting a minor or behaving inappropriately in that way whatsoever.
Lots of people also get upset with the Zack Hall thing. Zack Hall was Brendon’s bodyguard for a long time, and Breezy Weekes recently came out and said that Zack Hall basically sexually harassed her the entire time Dallon was in Panic!. Other people came out and said they had similar encounters with Zack Hall, and he’s now fired from Panic!. Similarly, when Kenny Harris was accused of sexually harassing/assaulting minors, he was also fired. People are upset because Brendon is remaining friends with Zack Hall, though I really don’t think that’s any of our business. As far as I see it, they’ve been close friends for years, and it’s hard to just drop that, even if they do something you disagree with. Also, Zack was fired, which is what people wanted. I think it’s dumb to hold Brendon to a friend’s actions, especially when he already fired him and removed him from fans, like everyone was asking him to do.
Also (and I’m not as well informed with this as other topics), there’s an interview somewhere of Ryan Ross being uncomfortable with Brendon’s stage gay. I’m not sure how many times they had that conversation or how often Ryan asked Brendon to not touch him or do the stage gay routine with him, or how many times Brendon disregarded that once they were onstage. Brendon should’ve respected Ryan’s wishes and not touched him the first time he was asked, but again, I don’t know the specifics here, so this is all I can comment on here.
[Edit: I had someone reach out to me in regards to the above information, and I decided to keep everything I originally wrote as context. According to them, there isn’t an interview of Ryan saying he’s uncomfortable with the stage gay, and it was all in fact scripted between the two of them. It sounds like people basically made up Ryan being uncomfortable with the act, in which case, these accusations also appear to be entirely false.] 
As we all know, Brendon struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, which literally impairs judgment and makes you do things you normally wouldn’t do. This includes saying things you shouldn’t (making rape jokes to a supposedly 18+ audience while likely drunk, high, or both) and doing things you shouldn’t (the stage gay routine). I’d also like to point out that a lot of the stuff he said at shows was probably to entertain, particularly the stage gay stuff, and there’s no way in hell you can convince me the audience didn’t eat that shit up. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did those things to get a reaction, and you know he fucking got one, so while I disapprove of him making Ryan uncomfortable, I also understand the audience there, expecting it, probably didn’t help either.
I think that’s everything. As you can see, it’s a lot of stuff, but I don’t think any of it is as bad as people say. Mouthing the n-word once doesn’t make a person racist. Saying a transphobic slur once doesn’t make a person transphobic. He especially isn’t either of these things when you take into account how he’s since apologized and shown incredible support for BLM and the LGBTQ+ community, which I think says a lot about him as a person.
This is going off track a little bit, but I think it’ll make a point. My dad grew up in the seventies, in a time where homophobia was rampant and racism was common. My dad grew up homophobic and racist, and he used homophobic slurs all the time as a teenager and a young adult. To this day, my dad has prejudiced views about race and sexuality, but he’s obviously changed his opinion since then, with education and understanding. He never apologized for the things he said back then, mostly because he isn’t famous and no one has called him out for it.
The point is, if people held my dad responsible for things he said in high school and college, when he was the most ignorant, the most sheltered, the least exposed to other people and cultures, then he’d be labeled racist and homophobic now (which he technically is, simply by virtue of being white and straight, but that’s a conversation for another time). We need to give people room to grow, give them resources to educate themselves and combat their ignorance. Brendon Urie has DONE that, multiple times! He’s never been accused of racism aside from mouthing the n-word in a Vine, which, should I remind you how old Vine is? He’s never been accused of being transphobic aside from that one time he used a slur, when he wasn’t even using his own words.
I’m not trying to excuse what he’s done. Using those slurs, making Ryan uncomfortable [edit: probably not true], joking about rape, none of those things are okay, and that’s pretty damn obvious to everyone, I think. However, it’s also evident he’s changed since then. As far as I know, he’s never used a slur since then. He’s an advocate for BLM and the LGBTQ+ community. He’s struggled with addiction, which isn’t easy for anyone, and he’s been able to grow and become a better person since then. I absolutely agree with holding him accountable for what he said and did, especially the things we don’t agree with. He’s a public figure, and he has to be aware of what he says and how his actions have consequences. That’s just how it works when you’re in the public eye.
Do I think Brendon Urie deserves to be cancelled? Absolutely not. He’s human, and all humans change. I’m not the same person I was ten years ago, and ten years from now, I’ll be someone else entirely. If someone held me responsible for every mistake I ever made and completely disregarded my progress and personal growth, I’d look like a horrible person. Why aren’t we keeping that energy for Brendon? Hold him accountable. Keep him responsible for what he did. And allow him to improve. Allow him to educate himself. Allow him to better himself. Allow him to be fucking human, for fuck’s sake.
So, there’s my take. I’m still a Panic! At The Disco fan, and I’m still a huge fan of Brendon Urie himself. Unless he regresses completely and becomes Kanye West or some shit, I will continue to support him. He’s not even as problematic as some other people’s faves, so I’m not even gonna feel bad for continuing to support him. I’m acknowledging his shortcomings and recognizing his progress, because I understand that this isn’t black and white or two dimensional.
If his actions aren’t exuseable for you, then that’s fine. If you can’t be a fan of him of Panic! anymore, then that’s your decision. For me personally, I think his growth says a lot about his character, and I’m gonna continue to stick it out with him. You don’t have to like him, but quit being so close-minded about the good he’s done in all of this. It makes you look excited to destroy a person’s career, and quite frankly, I’m tired of trigger-happy, cancel culture junkies. Take it elsewhere.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Small Town American Gothic
The rolling fields are always tall and yellow, in the middle of summer and the dead of winter. No one ever remembers seeing them tended to, and children aren’t allowed in the fields at midday. That’s when all the children go missing. Your best friend’s twin sister went missing from the fields six years ago, and no one has seen her since, though your best friend insists he hears her early in the morning.
Mrs. Perkins lives on the edge of town, off a path into the woods. If you go visit her, she’ll put a necklace over your head and give you tea and treats. She’ll tell you a story, the fire crackling no matter the time of year, but you never hear the end of the story. When you wake up, you’re in your backyard. Mrs. Perkins’s house isn’t there anymore, and the necklace is gone. You don’t know how her story ends, but you know it ends sour.
Your grandfather is sick. He’s been sick for a long time. Everyone keeps saying “Any day now,” and any day seems to last forever. Your parents take you to visit him every Sunday to say your final goodbyes. He smells of chemicals and his skin has a yellow tint. You don’t want the talisman he offers you, but it’s rude to refuse a gift from your elders. You’ll just add it to your collection.
There’s a little yellow house on the end of Cherry Lane. You walk past it on your way home from school, and you admire the identical roses and immaculate front lawn, though you never see anyone tending to them. Sometimes you see a little girl in the upstairs window, staring at you. You wave every time, just in case. One day, she waves back. You never see her again.
The old train tracks have long since been forgotten and abandoned, with rusted rails and rotted wood. Even so, no one goes near them, for fear of feral dogs or children. One day, Aiden Zimmerman’s dog goes missing. Everyone goes looking for it. You find its body by the tracks. It had been hit by a train.
Mrs. Priestly spends all her time in front of the grocery store. No one ever sees her come or go, and she’s never found anywhere else. Her lipstick is always smeared onto her teeth, and her gray hair is frayed and messy. She always stands hunched, probably because of her bad back, but she never stops smiling, even though you can tell she’s in pain. One weekend, you go to the grocery store with your mother in the morning. Mrs. Priestly is there, her hair brown and her face young again. Her eyes are wild and her voice is desperate. Your mother tells you to ignore her. She can’t be helped.
The school is always sweltering, especially in the warmer months. Flies can be found in every classroom, as well as the dead eyes and droning voices of the teachers. They wear the same clothes every day, and their cars never leave the parking lot. Yesterday, Mr. Gilligan disappeared and was replaced with a new teacher no one’s ever seen before. She seems excited to be here. It won’t be long before she settles in.
There’s a test in Ms. Marvolo’s class. You don’t have a class with her this year, but your best friend does, and he sounds worried. No one makes a sound on days Ms. Marvolo schedules a test, so when Ivy Pearlman starts screaming and crying, it can be heard from anywhere. No one goes to console her, so she stays there all day, and is gone the next. She’s in your best friend’s class. When you ask him what happened, he refuses to talk about it. No one sees her again, though sometimes you can hear her on days Ms. Marvolo schedules another test.
There’s a lake a few miles north of town. It’s a beautiful lake, and attracts tourists looking to visit. You know it’s dangerous, but no one ever warns the tourists to find a safer place to vacation. You asked your father about it when you were a child. He shushed you quickly, looking around in case anyone heard. Then, all he said was, “Rather a stranger than someone we know.” He had tears in his eyes when he said it, and you suddenly remembered an older brother you stopped seeing one day. You didn’t ask if he had anything to do with the lake. You didn’t need to.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
So I'm going through my old documents of when I wrote fanfiction of band members, back when I was like 13 maybe, and it's actually not too bad, aside from I don't ship real life people anymore cause it's too cringey for me.
And in this particular story, the teacher puts the class into groups, and one of the groups is Brendon and Ryan (I was likely planning on this being a ship later on). Anyway, here's what I wrote - this is the teacher talking btw.
"No, Brendon, you can't work alone, that's not how a group works. And no Ryan, you're not allowed to leave and start up your own group."
I mean, the absolute SHADE my eighth grade self was throwing on these boys! I was just reading and then it hit me and I was like DAMN I WAS SALTY ABOUT SOMETHING
Am I glad I decided to do this to myself, cause they're not even half bad not looking forward to getting to the smut I wrote tho oh gosh that's gonna be awful
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Can I just say that the season two finale of Ben 10 Alien Force is way better than the season fifteen finale of Supernatural? Because it is.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Watching Marvel in chronological order and I came across this gem at the end of the first Captain America movie.
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There's a real life guy out there named Peter Stark. He was an extra in a Marvel movie. What a legend.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Sets of Three
I've been deeply inspired by @sparkingstoryinspiration and their prompts that come in sets of three. I'm using some of these prompts to write stories to family members as birthday and holiday gifts, and I've decided to contribute some of my own. As usual, I'll be tagging my own posts with my username, and these specifically will also be tagged as "three set prompts" and "sets of three," which should help you find some of the prompts that inspired me.
So, without further ado, here are nine, three-set prompts of my own! Tag me if you decide to write something, I'd love to read it!
A student, a blind woman, a cauldron
A fur coat, a downpour, bruises
An astronaut, a fish, late-night snacks
A snowglobe, a talisman, a monster
A lake, a confession, a full moon
A white dress, a storm, inexplicable events
A crumbling staircase, croaking frogs, a pebble
An abandoned house, owls at night, broken china
An outstanding fee, a promise made too soon, shadows
There are my nine. Check the tags for more!
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Guys, as much as I love my parents and as much support and openness we have at home, there are still things they'll never get about Gen Z. Even my mom, on the younger side of Gen X who works with millennials and college-age Gen Z every day, just won't understand some things about us.
For example, despite my parents being chill, I could never just go up to them and say "Men (and masculine-presenting people) in maid costumes hold so much power." If y'all are on tik tok, you know what I mean, but even if I explained it to them, they wouldn't get it.
Long story short, I'd be incomplete if I wasn't a part of this chaotic, sleep-deprived, completely fearless generation. I wouldn't give up being Gen Z for literally anything. Except maybe to go on a romantic dinner date with Death, but that's a big maybe.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Hey, so, can we stop with the whole “If you’re gonna break up with someone, the least you can do is tell them in person” rhetoric? Because I’ve realized I’ve heard that since I was a child too young to understand the complexities of relationships and breakups and to understand that people don’t break up with their partners over text as a pastime or a hobby.
It’s real easy to sit outside a relationship and point fingers.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Some days I’ll be texting someone and think “Man, this person is damn lucky to be talking to me right now” and then others days it’ll basically be “Oh gosh I’m so sorry for this person talking to me right now” and there is just no in between with that
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Man, I could really go for a room of covid-free people wearing neon paint under black lights with those little mist sprinklers in the produce aisle of grocery stores as we scream and sob along to fall out boy with the speakers playing too loud but it fits how we're feeling so it's not like we can turn it down even if we wanted to anyway
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thepunkbug · 3 years
What's a food that you hated as a kid, but either love or tolerate now?
What's a food you hated as a kid that you still hate today?
For me, it's onions that I hated and now love, and zucchini that I still can't eat.
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thepunkbug · 3 years
So are we really not gonna talk about the new logo?
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thepunkbug · 3 years
Is anyone else getting transphobic ads on YouTube? Because that's never happened to me before, but I just watched a minute of one because the language was very disguised in the beginning, only to figure out that yes, it was a transphobic ad.
I also got the same sexist ad twice earlier in the week, and tons of conservative, missionary Christians. Maybe it's the people I'm subscribed to, or maybe it's YouTube (tbh, I'm not sure how ads work on YouTube).
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