#theon Greyjoy hc
2braincellslz · 1 year
So we can all agree that Dogs love Theon, right?
My little headcanon is that all dogs love Theon. Wether they are hunting dogs, dier wolves, wild wolves, ginger golden retriever boys, or tamed pet dogs. They all love Theon.
Like, one day theon is just walking down through the shops or whatever and then the dog that eat scraps just starts following. The dog lays at his feet when he sits. The dog growls at anyone who looks at him funny.
And for dier wolves, hes never had a problem with any of the starklings dier wolves. Even Ghost though, unlike the other wolves, he just kinda accepts Theon instead of loving on him. GreyWind on the other hand Is the complete opposite. He is constantly licking, rubbing, and playing with Theon. (Definitely not because his emotions are tied to Robb)
I also believe that one day Robb and Theon are on a walk and a wild dog (or a wolf, whatever you wanna call it) bites on to Theons pants and trys to pull him to her den. They end up following the wolf to a pack of wolves with a bunch of little puppy's running around. When they tried to leave, mama wolfe grabbed on to theon pants again. That's how Theon ended up with more dogs then the starklings tho the wolves still live in the woods and the wolves see Theon as theirs then the wolves as Theon's.
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harritudur · 9 months
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*feel free to ignore me* yeah....i'm very deep in my theonsa feels again and obsessed with this AU (in the GoT series Verse) where them both survived and how these two touch-starved broken babies find solace into each other's presence ❤️‍🩹
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"Starts with a shitty, barely there identity built entirely around toxic masculinity, gets tortured into an even faker even worse identity, has started to build a better one that also has to be completely disconnected from aocietal ideas of manhood - @library-seraph
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gazpachoandbooks · 1 year
Arya: I love going out with Jon, Theon and Aegon! It's great to never have to be the designated driver
Gendry: why?
Jon: please stop bringing this up
Bran: the three of them are no longer allowed to get drunk at the same time
Gendry: I'm going to need more context here
Arya: oh it's a great story
Sansa *already tearing up from laughter*: it really is
Arya: so there was this family party, and everyone was there, and Theon and Aegon, who were already pretty wasted themselves, managed to get Jon drunk. So they absolutely HAD to pull a prank on Jon Connington-
Aegon: I think we should all just stop talking for a while
Arya: -and considering he'd fallen asleep on the table about an hour ago, they decided it was a brilliant idea to dye his hair bright pink
Gendry: OH GODS
Bran: it gets better
Aegon: please just stop
Arya: and I've never seen anything half as fucking funny as their faces when the deed was done and the doors of the room opened up to reveal-
Gendry: I'm not following
Rickon *breathless from laughing, already on the floor*: WRONG- WRONG REDHEAD
Jon *whispering in fury*: wrong fucking redhead
Gendry: please don't tell me you were the ones who dyed Brynden THE BLACKFISH TULLY'S HAIR BRIGHT PINK
Theon: it was more of a neon bubblegum shade if we're being accurate
Jon: please just stop talking
Gendry: OH MY GODS
Arya: Uncle Edmure was laughing so hard he actually needed medical assistance
Aegon: the worst part is Bran knew the whole time. He just decided to let us ruin our lives
Bran: I honestly can't think of a single reason why I should have stopped you
Arya: I think about Uncle Brynden's face when he saw himself in the mirror every. Single. Day.
Gendry: how do you come back from that??
Jon: you start by avoiding Riverrun like the fucking plague
Theon: he still doesn't talk to me. A bit of an overreaction if you ask me. His hair grew back! To be fair I still can't look him in the eye without laughing my ass off
Aegon: if I ever see him anywhere I pretend someone just called me and run for my life
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sigilsongs · 2 months
(``) muse tags. JON
(``) jon snow . (tag)
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missglaskin · 1 year
Basically what I will do is do them by the orders of the most demanded to the least
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Requests Guidelines
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Characters I will not be accepting requests for this round:
Arthur Dayne
Ramsay Bolton
Rhaegar Targaryen
Jon Snow
Jasper Hale
Theon Greyjoy
Anyone from the Book of Life (sorry to the Manolo anon 😭 gonna take a break from it)
Anyone from Stranger Things (lost interest momentarily)
Anyone from Harry Potter (lost interest momentarily)
*these are subject to change as I see fit
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New Fandoms that I will be accepting requests for:
ACOTAR (depending on character)
The Boys (depending on character)
My Hero Academia (depending on character
Hazbin Hotel (I just want to see if anyone is interested 🫣
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Oh and also, the longer/descriptive your request is the better chance that it’ll turn into a story and not hc. If you give me vague requests they’ll be hc.
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hanahaki-cure · 2 years
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THEON APPRECIATION MONTH 2022; Theon and fashion Notes and sketches on headcanons for Theon “I’m in the middle of commiting war crimes but do I have a wardrobe for my atonement option?” Greyjoy:
Iron Island fashion HCs:
In spite of the Iron Borns grimm reputation, they’re also seafarers depending on sea trade, some having traveled far. On the barely habitable shore striken with unfriendly weather, they enjoy new discoveries, strange tales, even more when named discoveries are proven by physical evidence. 
Mending and sewing isn’t a rare trait to be found on the Islands. Their sailors are very famous to be able to mend textile material with strong, long lasting stitches. Tailors and seamstresses form the Islands are known for their resourcefulness. Since the Islands are poor, they’re able to create clothing, cods, and so on out of patchwork and make it look good.
Even noble folks form the Islands wears patchwork motives stitched on their clothes.
The Iron Born might have some rigorous ideas about social rules but jewelry is not part of it. As long as they paid the Iron Price for it. In fact, jewelry acquired during battles won (not matter from whom they took it) is a sign of prowess by the wearer. Gifted jewelry is accepted as well. The farther the origin of the precious item, the more meaningful the gift.
 The Iron born having traveled to rare ports are the most showy of all of them.
In fact, far traveling Iron Born actually buy they jewelry at ports to then tell grandiose and entirely made up tales how they fought entire armadas at far shores.
The first men wore tattoos, a tradition having survived prominently on the Iron Islands. Even noble folk wears tattoos although they’re less likely to display it as openly as commoners. Women are tattooed as well.
Tattoos are reserved for seafarers (and their families) only. While even the simplest fisherman or sailor is allowed to wear tattoos, those folks working in mines are prohibited from wearing them.
While the rules around tattoos aren’t too strict, certain motives and timings of tattooing them are set. Symbols of noble houses are only allowed for the family members of that  house, exotic animals from Yi Ti, the Summer Isles, or Asshai can only be tattooed if the person can provide evidence that they actually sailed to that place. Some tattoos are only tattooed after the first child is born, the first battle fought, and so on.
Black and blue (woad) are the most common colours although the Iron born like to experiment with colours imported from the mainland, or even further places. Some tattooist are said to be magicians the way they get out an astonishing variety of colours out of woods, stones, and plants.
Etching tattoos is a highly respected craft, demanding a highly disciplinary education.
Personal HCs:
Theon was old enough to have actively perceived the Iron born culture on which he partially clings on during his time in Winterfell - partially out of common culture of Westeros to represent the family name, partially out of interest to stress remaining pride in his heritage.
The cold weather in the North is cold in a different way than the Iron Island, Theon adapted quickly to local cuts and layered clothing. Soft fur to keep warm and symbolizing status grew on him quickly. He prefers wearing fur from animals he took down on hunts. Same goes for decorative feathers by captured poultry.
Wearing long hair is nothing uncommon in the North still the fashion how it’s worn differs (although the Western coast regions share more common styles with the Islands than the Islands, the Riverlads, or the North would like to admit). Theon likes to keep his hair long, braided in Iron Born fashion: In complex but sturdy braids like tight fishtail braids, some adorned with interwoven decorative rings or beads on festive occasions.
One important aspect in representing his family name is wearing their colours. Black suits him as well, so it’s a win-win fashion choice. If Theon is afforded the luxury he likes to have thread close to the colour of gold for embroided motives.
Maritime are commonly seen on his clothing.
Luxury, all his luxury, he needs only that. Theon loves nothing more than wearing fancy material.
Although Northerners like to mock Iron Islanders for being peack’ish for wearing opulent jewelry openly, Theon’s assured enough in his sense of fashion to spike up his looks with mostly golden jewelry, like necklaces, hair accessories, earrings, or bracelets.
Another nod to his seafaring heritage is wearing “sea gems”, precious material out from the sea, like pearls, coral, or amber.
Realistically Theon wouldn’t have had the chance to get tattooed yet. (Maybe on his short stay back on Pyke.) The fartherst small Northers houses, the Skagosi, and the Free Folk still wear tattoos like the first men yet the Sourthern court etiquette swept through the noble houses, mostly putting tattooing out practice for even noble folk in the North. (The Mormont ladies might have some, Barbarey Dustlin definitly has one around her spicy parts.) The lack of tattoo sometimes bothered Theon, especially when returning to Pyke. As a child he tried to comfort himself to not loose his heritage by drawing motives on himself with coal or cold ash. They were always scrubbed off.
Modern!AU tattoos:
Theon definitely has fine line art tattoos, all overly detailed, even having saved up for uber-fancy golden ink. 
Over his right shoulder, back, and arm (where he pulls his bow during archery) a gigantic kraken rakes over the right body part.
Seriously, this my oldest visual hc you need to pry out of cold dead hands since 2016.
Over his left chest, vaguely above the heart area he got a wind rose, purposefully leaving out a compass needle.
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a-libra-writes · 2 years
Hi! I've followed you for a while and love your blog. I initially found you through your Ramsay stuff which I love, but I read everything you post now even if I'm not that into the character.
I'd love to read any pre-Reek Theon relationship HCs you'd have, though I don't have any specific request.
Once again, I absolutely adore your blog and am excited to finally have the courage to send an ask :)
thanks for reading and enjoying so much 🥺
im gonna divide this between a relationship w a girl at Winterfell, a Stark lady and a lady from outside Winterfell!
Being from Winterfell ->
Being of very minor nobility living in Winterfell (like Jeyne Poole) or the daughter of one of the workers would mean the easiest access and friendship with Theon. You'd probably be one of the few people who was kind to him when he first arrived, though it would take a while to get him talking and willing to open up to the friendship. From then on you'd be free to play with him and hang around him. Even if it wasn't "befitting" a lady, there weren't many high standards for you, nor any eyes watching your every move.
You were absolutely his first crush and continued to be the girl he pined over the most, even when he started flirting with other girls and sleeping around. Honestly, what makes him really consider his feelings for you is when you catch him bragging about some farmer girl he had. You went running from the room and he immediately went after you, not actually knowing what to say or having a plan - just the thought of you being that upset was like a knife in his side.
You and Theon can't be too open, but you don't have to be completely private, either. You both can actually blend in Wintertown as a regular couple, especially if you wear hoods.
Being a Stark ->
You distinctly remember when the Ironborn boy showed up at Winterfell. Your lady mother tried to explain why he was here, but she wanted to spare you the ugly details of war and hostages. So, you were still a bit confused when you realized he'd be living with you all. You were already close with Jon, and it seemed this wasn't much different.
Definitely a slow childhood friends to getting crushes on each other. Theon was suspicious and anxious of everyone, you were the only one showing him open kindness and acceptance. He was friends with you before Robb, even if your mother wasn't pleased with the Ironborn boy getting so close to her eldest daughter. Even as Theon got older and had more of an attitude and arrogance about him, he still had his soft spot for you.
And that soft spot usually led to him punching out any boy that upset you, doing archery or exploring the woods with you, getting highkey lowkey jealous when you pay more attention to Jon, aggressively denying his feelings and daydreaming about the both of you being married (he totally denies that last part). Many times you both snuck off alone in the woods or in the broken-down tower, nearly being caught a few times and raising some suspicion... but nothing was found out.
So, yes, if there's any relationship here, it would be very very secret. There would be no illusions about it being able to work out for real, even if they have wishful thinking. The eldest Stark lady would be expected to marry into another Great House (or the Iron throne!), not a ward. Theon is painfully aware of it and sometimes he lashes out by becoming distant or irritable.
Being a Lady in the North ->
You're able to visit more often than some families, being close to the Starks both politically and geographically. Aloof and cool as Theon pretends to be, you wondered if he had other girls he was seeing when you weren't around. It's not like your relationship was allowed, anyway - even letters were risky. Unbeknownst to you, he awaited your return not unlike a sulking dog.
When you were first messing around, "relationship" was the furthest thing from your mind. You thought the Ironborn boy was interesting, and internally Theon was delighted to have such a pretty girl take an interest in him. But the more time you both spent together, sneaking around or otherwise, it clearly became something more.
Many times you've tried to think up plans to get Theon to visit your family's keep. Maybe when Robb starts visiting his father's men, Theon can come along? He loves the idea of it. The sneaking around in general gets Theon excited, though when you're not around he gets beset by anxiety. When will you get married off? Could he marry you? He is heir to the Iron Islands, but ...
Ironically, it's the war breaking out that allows you both to be together for the longest time. Your family joins the Starks in war, and you're taken along with them, so you and Theon can be right next to each other - the excuse often being you have a letter for Robb that you're giving to Theon to pass along. Not that anyone notices - as the daughter of a less prosperous Northern house and the prisoner hostage of the Starks, people often overlook you both.
Note there's some overlap between these three... I think no matter what, he'd struggle with his own feelings and admitting how important you are to him. Emotional honesty is not his forte, and obviously the whole ward situation puts a damper on a lot of things. I think he'd be very acutely aware of how fragile the relationship is, which makes him both enjoy what time you both have together and give him anxiety that makes him very distant on some days. He's kind of a mess lol.
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l-a-s-t-o-r-d-e-r · 5 years
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I Can’t Help...
Prompt: Headcannons for Game of Thrones charactersand what they’re like in love
Notes: Needed a break from the denser drabbles, have some fluffy/romantic delightfulness! Enjoy! 😘❤
Eddard Stark
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Ned Stark in love is feeling at home with a person rather than a place, knowing in his eyes there are no imperfections only pieces of you, the person he loves.
He’s not one for dramatic gestures or public displays of affection beyond the occasional kiss.
Lots of hand holding in public, will offer you his arm while walking around.
Big on saying “i love you” knowing how powerful words are.
While newly in-love he’s all smiles, constantly beaming with pride that you’re his, unable to stop thinking about the details of your smile, or the way your hair falls around your face.
When you can’t sleep he strokes your hair and tells you stories of growing up in the north to try and lull you back to sleep.
Although his position as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North demand his attention his family is always his first priority, and the first in his heart. 
He’s a family man and as soon as he knew you loved him too, he’d start talking about your future together unable to envision a life without you by his side. He’s the most loyal man you’ll ever meet. 
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Yara Greyjoy
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Yara Greyjoy in love is freedom: to be yourself, unapologetically, always willing to try new things and explore new aspects of the relationship.
She can be dramatic at times, and openly flirtatious regardless of time or place often acting more brazen than most women. 
For Yara in public or private there is little difference on how she ardently cherishes you, easily the most passionate.
She’s never had to choose between being a lover or a fighter and it shows- she will fight people over you. She’ll win.
Doesn’t really get into the “i-love-you” thing, more comfortable in claiming her partners as her’s than using the romantic language. She might say it once she thinks you’re asleep, mostly to confirm it to herself rather than for your benefit. 
While newly in-love she’s full of teasing, wine, and late nights wanting to just have you- as much as she can, all at once.
When you can’t sleep she can be quite tender, trying to sooth and relax you with honeyed words and heavy hands.
As Queen of the Iron Islands she’ll often have you with her at court to show the others that you aren’t a temporary companion for her but someone she trusts and wants to keep around..
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Tyrion Lannister
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Tyrion Lannister in love is insatiable, his life has seen two great loves both that have ended dubiously and to find you, someone who loves him completely without room for doubt, is almost addictive.
His first concern is how people treat you, and as a result he would be hesitant to show any public displays of affection, fearing people would treat you poorly for loving him.
In public he likes to keep you close, after all he fell in love with your mind first and would enjoy showing you off around the capital.
He isn’t quick to tell you he loves you- but falls in love almost instantly. Once he’s confident in the relationship he says it often, regardless of when or where.
While newly in love he’ll make up excuses to see you, feeling so alive in your presence- fully accepted even before you tell him how  you feel. With Tyrion, its like he’s always newly-in-love, each day as wonderful as the one before never growing tired of you.
When you wake with nightmares, or struggle to stay asleep he’ll soothe you with wine and will read to you until you’ve quietly snuggled against him and faded back to sleep.
Although his position as Hand of the Queen keeps him busy, he’s always excited to share it with you. Most nights he’d come to you with jokes and stories of the happenings on the small council.
Tyrion rarely takes anything too seriously, and adores your laugh often doing anything to hear it filling your life with stories, jokes and errant teasing that brings a lot of joy into your life.
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Sansa Stark
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Sansa Stark in love is like she’s gone back in time to when she was younger and giddy with every new thing, always surprised at the ease and simplicity of loving you.
She’s always hesitant to do any public displays of affection, as the reigning Lady of a great house, knowing many of her banner-men wouldn’t approve of her love for you.
She relies on you as her support and in turn tries to do the same for you, showing her love through keeping you as her confidant and adviser, always by your side during meetings with banner-men.
Sansa says ‘i love you’ often in private, or in quiet stolen moments in public wanting to make sure despite the official air she has around others, you know how fully you command her heart.
Newly in love with you Sansa would relish in how different it was from her girlhood crushes, and experiences as a grown women with the uncouth flirtations of others compared to the softness and adoration you showed her.
When you have trouble sleeping Sansa will play with your hair and talk softly, sharing stories from her childhood until you’re both asleep.
Although her position as Lady Stark, Warden of the North keeps her quite busy whenever she passes you in the halls, she makes time to pull you into a nook or out-of-the-way alcove to hold you and whisper how she had missed you throughout the day.
She’s easily the smartest, and upon discovering her newfound feelings for you will strategically find out if you could or might feel the same way.
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Tormund Giantsbane
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Tormund Giantsbane in love is a lot like an over zealous hound dog trying to jump onto your lap, forgetting its no longer a puppy yet happy enough to keep doing so anyway.
Tormund is a 0 or 100 sort of man, everything he does is done at the best of his ability, wholeheartedly and loving you is no exception, he’s the king of grand gestures. Tormund is a brazen and often suggestive flirt in public, never shying away from public displays of affection of any sort.
He’s aware how intimidating he can appear and upon becoming completely smitten with you would try to be more endearing. This would usually be in the form of prolonged gazes and suggestive glances while in public. 
Although he makes jokes and jabs about how you’ve ‘caught’ him, he’d be quick to reassure you how happy he is with you if you ever felt his teasing meant he was insincere, and is always telling you he loves you in one way or another. 
When newly in love he’d get so excited to see you he’d forgotten his own strength and almost knocked you over when greeting you.
It’s rare when you can’t sleep around Tormund, if you can’t its probably his fault wanting to tell you something or bored without your attention. 
Although his position as de facto leader of the free folk wasn’t desired, Tormund appreciates the reputation it gives him, and the respect the free folk have for you by extension, meaning you were completely safe among them (not that anyone would cross your giant of a man).
His love is the most intense, all those powerful feelings measured out in kisses and late nights.
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Ser Brienne
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Brienne in love is finally having a place where she belongs. All of her life she’s felt like an outsider and now she’s found someone she loves that loves her back.
Brienne is absolutely against public displays of affection/grand gestures, but if you ask nicely she might spar with you, something important to her that often brings the two of you closer.
While in public Brienne will act very professional, making sure that no one disrespects you or threatens you in any way she’ll do this because she’s unsure about how relaxed she can be as it isn’t something she’s used to.
When alone Brienne will often and fervently tell you she loves you, a new thing for her as you’re the first to truly lover her as she is for who she is, and she feels comfortable and safe enough with you to be open about those feelings.
When newly in love Brienne would be extra anxious in public trying to look unassuming and professional, but whenever you walk into the same room she can’t help smiling.
When you can’t sleep, especially if you have a nightmare, she’d hold you tight making sure you feel safe and secure. 
Although her position as a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms forbids her from taking a husband, 
(Female Reader) Brienne will be excited when you explain that means she can still marry you.
(Male Reader) you’ll talk to Sansa about marrying you in secret knowing it’s something important to her.
Brienne is the most loyal person in the world, and that shows in your relationship- although there isn’t much room for rumors or gossip during war if there was any she’d never believe them, she knows you for who you are and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks/says.
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Jon Snow
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Jon Snow in love is like waking up in the middle of the night to watch the snow fall- simple yet breathtaking and absolutely perfect.
Jon Snow isn’t the most outwardly expressive person, but when in love, he’s quite the romantic and will often surprise you with small things and stolen moments, during dinners or meetings he’ll keep a hand on your thigh just to know you’re there.
When in public he’ll light up when he sees you, breaking into one of those rare enthusiastic smiles, however he likes to keep you separate from his duties as King of the North to keep you safe.
Jon Snow likes to tell you he loves you whenever he can, even around others, most often in little whispers or kisses pressed to your temple. 
When newly in love everyone knows because he looks happy, almost like nothing in the world could could wipe the smile off his face. (And gods isn’t it a beautiful smile? it just lights his whole face up!)
When you can’t sleep Jon will gather extra blankets, make sure the fire is still roaring, and snuggle you close making sure you are comfortable and cozy. He’ll lull you to sleep with little stories of the future he wants to build with you.
Although his position as King of the North weighs heavy on him, having you by his side makes it worth it. He’d do anything to ensure a safe future for the person he loves as his family
Jon Snow is easily the most romantic partner and while in love will make time to spirit you away to somewhere peaceful to be alone with you, giving you his full attention to make sure you know how strongly he feels.
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Daenerys Targaryen
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Daenerys Targaryen in love is like a summer night, when everything somehow feels absolutely perfect, and outside of time. When you're together and in love nothing else feels real except for you two.
Daenerys wears her heart on her sleeve, and as a result knows you and everyone else already knows what she’s feeling in the moment. As a result she’s largely comfortable with public displays of affection such as hand holding and other subtle things. 
When she’s in love Daenerys will try to include you in every aspect of her life, she’ll value your input sometimes over the advice of her other councilors if you make enough of an argument.
She’s hesitant to tell you she loves you, even after you’re together. Everyone she ever cared for, even slightly, has had some sort of trouble or pain in their life and she blames herself. But once she says it the first time, in a little whisper after a hard day, she’ll never stop.
When newly in love she’ll want to tell you everything: all the stories she heard about her family, about Viserys and how he betrayed her, about Khal Drogo and the witch that stole him from her- everything because it’s part of who she is, and she wants you to know every part of her just like how she wants to know you.
When you’re having trouble sleeping she’ll draw you a warm bath and make sure you’re completely relaxed before even getting back into bed.
Although her position as Queen demands focus and discipline, while in love Daenerys is carefree and can find happiness almost everywhere you are.
After her previous experiences, Daenerys will make sure she knows you, and trusts you, investing a lot of her time in simply being your friend with no expectations of romance, before confessing her feelings.
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Jorah Mormont
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Jorah Mormont in love is an absolute gentleman, wanting no more than to prove the extent of his love through support, loyalty, and absolute adoration.
Jorah isn’t against public displays of affection,  so expect kisses and touches but not overly noticeable ones, he prefers to keep all of those moments for him.
In public he’s your protector, companion, and confidante all at the same time, taking pride in how he keeps you safe and takes care of you.
He says he loves you  all the time with his actions but he’ll say it first, simply and already at peace with rejection, unsure how someone like you could love an older disgraced man with no house or keep. When you say it back, he’s shocked and he’ll never stop telling you.
When newly in love he’ll beat himself up about how he isn't’ good enough for you and will be careful to show you at every opportunity how much he loves and cares about you.
When you cannot sleep he’ll pull you close and stroke your hair, telling you stories in low whispers with his soft and melodic voice. 
Although his position as Daenerys’ adviser and protector often puts him in danger he makes sure to keep himself safe, always focused on making sure he returns to you at the end of the day.
He would wait for a thousand years to love you. He’d be the perfect friend, treating you with nothing but respect and with no expectations of romance. He’s patient, and will happily be your friend for ever, if it means being around you.
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Arya Stark
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Arya Stark in love is an adventure, every moment unexpected and more amazing than the last, always something new to discover in your relationship.
It’s hard to predict how Arya feels about public displays of affection. It’ll never happen around her family, or others who might recognize her lofty heritage but when among strangers or common folk she likes to tease you with small lingering touches on your arms or shoulders.
In public she’s confident and moves about commanding people with her determination, except for you. She loves you quite dearly and consults your opinion for help, and gives you free reign over your own life as long as she knows you’re her’s.
Saying ‘I love you’ is not a common thing. You’ll probably say it first, long after you’d already gotten together late one night, half drunk, half asleep and so utterly in love you just say it. Arya would joke or silence you with a  kiss, and eventually would tell you too. 
When newly in love Arya is driven by her dedication to you, knowing how cruel the world can be she’ll try to push you away at first, before resolving on keeping you close so she knows you’re okay. 
When you can’t sleep she’ll give you space, knowing her late nights can often disturb your sleep, once you would fall into an uneasy sleep she’d make sure to stay quiet and not disturb you.
Although her day-to-day duties as an adventurer keeps you both quite busy, you still journey North  once in a while to visit with Sansa and the rest of her family. They quickly accepted you as one of their own, and each visit is a welcome respite from travel for you both.
If you’re ever harmed, much like anyone she cares about, she’ll go after whoever hurt you. They won’t make it, especially if you were really hurt.
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Theon Greyjoy
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Theon Greyjoy in love is surprising. He follows both the take-what-you-want mentality of the Iron Islands, and the opposite Stark ideals, these contradictions make him a complex partner from the start.
As a younger man Theon never saw a problem with public displays of affection as they meant everyone knew you were his. Later, after things had changed it would make him anxious but over time small things like holding hands would be okay.
In public when he was younger he was a bit of a menace always trying to prove himself to the Starks, and everyone else that he’s just a good a man in every way except courtly behavior; meaning he has a tendency to be rather brash and reckless. After the war, after he’d regained a bit of his confidence he wouldn’t be afraid of his own voice, but he’s more judicious in what he says and how he treats you around others.
He wasn’t really into saying “I love you” before the war, taking your position as his partner as a given. He was more into showing you he cared by speaking up for you if the Stark girls were ever demeaning. As after the war he made sure to tell you quite frequently in private,and keeps you close so even when he isn’t saying it you know.
When newly in love Theon is always around you- something that never changes in your relationship. At first you thought his increased teasing, and how he followed you around was some sort of a joke but over time you realized he couldn’t stay away.
When he can’t sleep, you’re the first thought in his mind, especially when he’s older. After a nightmare he’ll pull you closer and use you as an anchor to the real world. If you ever had trouble sleeping, especially if you couldn’t turn off a busy mind, he’d do anything to help you.
Although his position as Prince of the Iron Islands, and advisory to his sister after the war’s end keeps his mind reeling, your relationship becomes his happy place where you’re both safe and loved, where you both can rest.
In a world where Theon sacrifices himself for Bran Stark, his last thoughts would be of you and how he knows wherever you are he’s making you proud by doing what he knows is right and taking a stand.
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winterfellsbaby · 6 years
Theon: Honestly, i’m just so evil. So full of darkness. I feed off the souls of the living. I strike fear into-
Robb: You sleep with a stuffed shark.
Theon: He’s the second-in-command in my army of darkness!
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praeludio · 5 years
in modern th.eon is fluent in three languages: norwegian, that can be seen as his first language as he spent his childhood in norway and it was the language he used everyday and with his family whenever his father was away. then there’s thai, that was taught to him by his mother and he mostly used it only with her, as.ha and ro.drik at times ( meaning whenever his brother was in a rare good mood ) — never with ma.ron, though, as he th.eon was mostly scared of him and tried to avoid him and never with his father either, who didn’t understand nor ever wished to learn. then there is english, that became his “main” language as soon as he was sent to live under the st.arks, though spoken with a no.rwegian accent he lost during the years.
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sigilsongs · 5 months
(``) muse tags. SANSA
(``) sansa stark . (tag)
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gazpachoandbooks · 3 years
HC that some lords or whatever visit Winterfell for the first time since the Starklings have been ruling there. They've all heard a great deal about every single one of them, how they are legends who battled the dead and lived to tell it, how they took back their father and brother's kingdom, how they faced the wars in the South and gained independence, how they are fearsome skinchangers, and above all how they would defend each other fiercely, until the last breath. How there is magic in Winterfell once more.
So they are extremely shocked to find the White Wolf and his She-wolf little sister with swords in the courtyard, the fight looking a lot more intense than a training exercise, both swearing loudly at the other until they come to a halt.
"Enough!" yells Arya Underfoot, her famous Needle pointing at the shape of her brother. "Confess, heathen!"
"Fine, I did it" says the Bastard of the Wall, apparently not afraid of facing his fate.
"No, you didn't " comes a voice from the ramparts, and to their surprise it is the Red Wolf herself speaking, she who can see through the eyes of the eagles. She is half-laying against a column, her Tully hair shining in the sunlight as bright as the songs claim it does. "Arya did."
"Blasphemy! Have I not beaten him in the very first round? The gods guided my hand!"
"He beat you in the second-"
"The gods guided my hand first!" Arya the Fearless proclaims, ignoring her sister, and if the lords didn't know better they'd say everyone in that courtyard is trying their very hardest to hold back their laughter, but the Lord Commander and his sister look deadly serious. Would brother and sister, both well renowned for their protectiveness of one another, unseath steel to settle a mere quarrel? The Water Dancer raises her sword to point ar her brother once again. "Do you still refuse to accept the truth of your crime?"
The Lord Commander meets her gaze with a glower of the same intensity. "I don't. I did it."
"No, you didn't, Arya did" the Mockingjay's Bane repeats from up above. Arya the Featherfeet throws her hands up in the air. "Unbelievable! Justice is staring you in the eye and you are still too blind to see it. Very well, then. If the gods guiding my hand-"
"And Jon's. In the second round."
"-IF THE GODS GUIDING MY HAND FIRST IS NOT ENOUGH" she insists, "then we must settle this the old way. Let the gods guide the hand of every last warrior who chooses to follow me."
A silence spreads through the yard. "Careful, little sister" He Who Came Back From The Lands Of The Dead says. "Do not start something you can't finish."
"Oh, fear not. I'll finish it alright."
The lords look around themselves and watch men and women eyeing each other, forming small groups, and with a shiver they realise they're picking sides.
"You should hide somewhere" a kitchen boy whispers behind them, and they are about to do so when they see coin changing hands. "They're betting?" One of the lords demands, outraged. The kitchen boy merely shrugs. "Might as well, m'lord. It happens at least once a moon."
Once a moon?!? The lords exchange shocked glances. They haven't heard of such infight in the very heart of the North. In fact, they've been repeatedly informed of the fondness with which Ned Stark's children treat one another. How are they only hearing of this now?
"Alright. If this is your wish, then you shall have it" says the Ghost Commander, a wolfish grin settling on his features that his sister quickly matches with one of her own.
"A piece of advice, m'lord" says the boy. "You should choose a side right now, m'lord, or hide. And, under any circumstance, don't. Trust. Anyone. People here change cloak each time it happens. You can never know who to trust, not really."
The lords can't believe what they're seeing, but they stand their ground all the same. Who must they choose?
"To the death" says Arya.
"To the death" her brother agrees, shaking her hand shortly. The lords have still been unable to decide when a giant mountain of snow lands from the rooftop, right where Lord Snow was standing. "BRAN!" Sansa screams, looking up from the edge of the railing, and a red head appears on the periphery of the roof, followed by a grinning face. "In the name of all that is good, how did you get up there?"
"I had help" says the man who can only be Bran Stark, the Winged Wolf, gesturing behind him. Another red head appears, this one belonging to a smaller lad that can only be Rickon the Wild, and another head still, this one filled with small braids that remind the lords of the way Ironmen like to keep their hair away from their face during battle.
The Red Wolf doesn't seem fazed. "Rickon, Theon, pull Bran down from the ceiling or I swear-" but then Rickon throws a snowball over the edge, and it lands right in his sister's face. The lords stare in horror as the Lady of Winterfell wipes away the wet water on her face, and then serenely says "very well" as a terrifying smile lightens her face. "TO THE DEATH!" She screams at the top of her lungs. And then all hell breaks loose.
Arya has used the distraction to get as far away from Jon as she can, her sword now sheathed at her hip, and gather as much snow as she possibly can in her small hands. She doesn't get to finish her task. A snow-soaked Jon appears behind her and shoves a handfull of snow under the collar of the back of her tunic, making her wriggle as she tries to get away, her laughter ringing in the courtyard. Every man and woman around them has left what they were doing to eagerly throw snow at each other, some betraying their team as soon as they have the chance. Lady Sansa is using a barrel to propel herself onto the roof, while in the other side of the walkway Greyjoy and the youngest Stark are trying to pull Bran down to escape from his sister's wrath, but laughter seems to be taking away all of their strength. A one-handed man with a familiar face races across the yard, closely followed by a tall, armoured woman with short blonde hair and a massive amount of snow in her hands that looks like she is having the time of her life. A redheaded giant throws an enormous proyectile at Jon, who is now trying to evade his and Arya's snowballs.
This is ridiculous, one of the lords thinks, just as a snowball hits his back. He turns around furiously, only to find his wife waiting, a devilish smile dancing on her lips, and his resolve crumbles. They are right, he thinks as he grabs snow from the ground and sprints to catch her. They pass the legendary Starks on their way, now all battling each other in the grounds of the yard, and hear the breathless laughter of the Red Wolf as she tries to squirm from her sister's tickling hands. "FINE, I DID IT!" Sansa yells, tears in the corners of her eyes and a wide smile across her face. "I ATE THE LAST LEMONCAKE! I REGRET NOTHING!"
The lord doesn't slow his pace to witness the repercussions of her confession. They are right, he thinks again as he chases after his wife. There is magic in Winterfell once more.
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jeyne-stark · 3 years
Sansa and/or Theon for the body part hcs please
Headcanon: one of her major triggers was swords. She actively suppressed most of her trauma symptoms, but regularly had nightmares about swords. She hated them so much. When she became queen, she banned drawing swords in her presence.
Heartcanon: hugged Jeyne Poole so hard when they finally reunited.
Gutcanon: didn’t start breaking down about what happened to her until Brienne hugged her for the first time. When she finally did, she started with her family dying and went from there.
Junkcanon: had a really hard time even thinking about sex for a while, and it took a long time for her to get comfortable with the topic. Once she did she enjoyed it, but it took her time.
Spleencanon: never really forgave anyone involved for killing Lady, including Ned and Arya. Even knowing and accepting that it was beyond Arya’s control, she was still angry that her wolf had to die for what Arya’s wolf did.
Headcanon: at least once, someone decided to take out their feelings about the Ironborn and/or the Greyjoy Rebellion on Theon. Theon got in trouble for fighting when he told Ned about it, and no further action was taken. He didn’t tell Ned the second time.
Heartcanon: Alannys gave him her compass when he was taken hostage, and he kept it with him always, never letting anyone see it or touch it.
Gutcanon: he was prohibited from contacting his family, but he was never told that (Ned thought Robert or Balon had explained; they hadn’t). He sent letters to them, Luwin, as was his job, brought all mail addressed to the household to Ned, and Ned burned all letters from the Iron Islands addressed to Theon without telling him anything. Theon thought that his family just never replied to him. He stopped writing to them when he was about twelve.
Junkcanon: like Sansa, had to reclaim his sexuality after his trauma. His came with significantly more spite than hers.
Spleencanon: killed Ramsay. killed him dead.
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