#theo vamp
littlebabyvampire · 1 month
m between headspaces an I jus wan Papa :[
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duckyfann9871 · 2 months
I want to be a vampire too: rant
played 2 routes of ikemen vampire so far. I love the game, but both times I have wished that there was an option to join them as a vampire at the end.
I don't understand why becoming a vampire is posed so negatively in the game, but whenever it comes up in the routes it's coded like it's a terrible option that MC doesn't want to do.
Well, au contraire! If I had a chance to become a sexy vampire in a mansion full of other sexy vampires I would take it ... especially if the person I was in love with was also a vampire. If both are vampires doesn't that mean more time you get to be together??
TLDR I want to become a vampire at the end of my romance and I haven't had my way yet,
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choi-taeyang · 1 year
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theo · jump · 230618
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kwillow · 1 year
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ksbbb · 4 months
Wip Thursday (let’s pretend it’s not Saturday 😂)
Tagged by @maplefire18
“Go away. I’m thinking.” Liam huffs, rolling his eyes at Theo.
“This is my truck.” Theo points out, as Liam turns as far away from him as the passenger seat will allow.
“That doesn’t mean I want you here.” Liam challenges, eyes narrowing at Theo’s exasperated face and if Theo knew why the werewolf was upset then he’d apologize.
“Is this about me not introducing you right away?” Theo asks, amazed by Liam’s ability to be insulted in the middle of this.
“You introduced me as Liam.” Liam frowns, unable to explain himself further.”
“Would you like me to refer to you as someone else?” Theo questions, still aggravated by Liam’s cold shoulder that he’s been giving him all night.
“Nope. I’m good. Theo.” Liam growls, still turned away from him.
“I have no idea what’s happening.” Theo mutters, dumbfounded by Liam’s statement.
Tagging @wolfboy88 @kingofangst @thiamsxbitch
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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meet the crew !
first day of school ready 🏫🍎✅
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doodlesdreaming · 1 year
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Got sick last week, so I doodled random stuff to get myself un-rusty.
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whatever-fanfics · 7 months
I’m most likely going to separate this into 2 parts for the act 2 gang because I can’t add anymore choices
I will also create a tag list so please comment below if you want to be tagged
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violettduchess · 1 year
Ugh. Darling. I literally typed these up immediately after your first post about angst/tension. My submissions for Broken Heartstrings:
One that would kill me is the build of MC working themselves sick. Only to find out it gave way for another, more serious illness. And if that was with Arthur or Sariel.
As for accidents, especially if it was MC protecting her love (and that if she hadn't, they would be in the same position as her), my brain dies a little at how Theo would react. Or Chev.
I'm so ready for the angst 😈
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A/N: here you are, @yarnnerdally ! 💜
cw: sickness, injury, violence, blood
WC: 1421
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Why is getting out of bed so damn hard? Your bones feel like they are made of lead, your muscles barely able to lift them. You’ve been working so hard, but you always managed to push through. Until today. You’re tired, you admit to Arthur. Even those few words are difficult through a throat dry as the desert steppes. And they're thorny. This admission of weakness scrapes against your teeth, digs into your tongue. You don't want to worry him….
But his blue eyes are bright with worry, endless oceans of worry when he notices the lethargy of your movements, the hand pressed against your chest. His concern is chasms-deep because this is not the first time he's seen this, this deflated version of you. It's been happening over days, weeks. It's knocked at the window of his medical mind only to be shuttered and kept out by his apprehensive heart.
It’s nothing, you say. Your words are hollow. He hears the gray exhaustion that colors them, he sees the pallor in your cheeks, the dimming of your bright eyes. It’s nothing you repeat to his retreating form. He knows illness when he sees it and he can't deny it any longer. He wants a second opinion to quiet the riot of fear that flies through his mind.
It’s nothing, you say, shooting Arthur and Comte a weak look of annoyance even as the doctor they’ve brought around presses the cold diaphragm of the stethoscope against your back. He shushes you to silence and if you had the energy to glare, you would. He listens to your breathing, your heartbeat, his wrinkled fingers wrapping around your wrist, counting under his breath. He examines your body with astute eyes, his expression professionally inscrutable, chiseled in stone. And then he leaves the room, taking both vampires with him. 
You strain to hear what they are saying but the door is only open a few centimeters and their words float away from you like smoke.
When he re-enters the room, Arthur's face immediately tells you more than any of his words ever could: The lines of worry etched into the sides of his mouth, the press of his brows, the unnatural gleam in his eyes, a sky on fire. The way he sinks into the chair by your bedside like Atlas with the weight of the world on his shoulders. His two hands find yours, clasping that thin appendage, tenderly. Devoutly.
Words are delivered with a voice that does its best not to shake and often fails. Winding through affirmations of love you hear the soft, off-key clang of anxiety, you hear things like “blood sickness”, “Dr. Virchow”, “bruising”, “fatigue”, “rest”. He does not need to say it. There is an unmistakable undercurrent of sorrow, a whirlpool of abject uncertainty and misery in his voice. He brings your hand to his lips like a prayer. Anyone else could rise on a tide of false hope, could use their lack of medical knowledge, their ignorance, as a buoy to keep them hoping for a miracle. But not Arthur. He knows the truth, he sees its ugly maw in the distance, wide-open and waiting patiently while the disease runs its course and ultimately delivers you into its jaws, taking you from him forever.
Your eyes are closed. His voice, so beloved to you, has lulled you to sleep. The words you'll deal with another time. When you're not so tired. For now it's enough that he's with you, head bowed over you, a blade of grass yielding to the winds of an oncoming storm. Bending. But not breaking. As long as you draw breath, he will find the strength to stay whole, to hold the pieces of his soul together. For you. 
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It starts like any other day. Another opulent mansion. Another patron looking to make it even more opulent by hanging an eye-catching painting. Theo in his smart business suit, strategically flashing his dazzling, white-toothed smile; you offering a gentler version of that smile whenever the patron you're persuading turns his curious gaze in your direction. 
In a wood-paneled office surrounded by rich furnishings and a massive mahogany desk, with sunset's warm colors washing over all of you through crown glass windows, you do not hear the sound of the heavy front door opening, the thud as the butler falls to the Italian marble floor, the dull footsteps heading straight towards the office.
The embellished wooden door to said office is ajar and opens with a wild swing, slamming into the thick walnut bookcase with a heartstopping bang. You jump and then your mind goes blank as the sight of an armed gunman strikes your brain like lightning. 
And then time slows. The world blurs like a hand swiping across a freshly painted canvas. The gunman demands money. However he's not staring at the patron but Theo. He's mistakenly assumed Theo, in his expensive suit, is the wealthy owner of this villa. The gun shakes in his hand, aimless, not focused on anyone but rather acting as a threat of what could be. His voice trembles when he demands money. Sweat drips down his temple, soaking into the frayed edges of the worn rag tied around his lower face.
Suddenly your patron makes a run for the door and chaos explodes. All you see is the gunman turning, the gun now steadily pointing at Theo, a target in his addled mind. 
And you fly, wings on your feet, body reacting automatically. The gun spits out its bullet from a mouth full of sound and fury, and what would have lodged itself in Theo's stomach strikes your back instead. A blossom of red. A spray of crimson droplets. And then your world narrows, darkness closing in until it has taken you completely.
He refuses to leave your bedside. He hasn’t moved, hasn’t changed out of his bloodstained clothing. Whose blood it is, he isn’t sure. Yours, when he cradled your limp body against his chest, heavy with the anvil of disbelief and shock. The gunman’s when he turned, a monster born of fury and pain, and exacted the toll for daring to hurt you. 
Never has he moved so quickly, never have his legs swallowed the earth as fast as when he brought you to the mansion, his deep voice ringing throughout the vast rooms, singed with panic, raspy with fear. Comte goes to remove you from his arms but he will not let go. His blue eyes are nebulous, bright with the force of every shaking breath, every shuddering heartbeat. Arthur motions for him to follow and he does, only letting you go when Vincent’s gentle voice, in the softly spoken language of their homeland, breaks through the fog: Het is oké, broer. Laat haar gaan. Laat Arthur werken.
Never has Theo been more grateful for his friend. Arthur has done his best, assessing the injury, cleaning it, sewing it closed with steady, razor-sharp precision. Now those hands clamp down on Theo’s shoulder. There is nothing more he can do. Theo reaches up, his hand covering one of Arthur’s for a moment, the gesture saying more than any words could. Arthur nods, subdued and then quietly leaves you both..
And now Theo is alone with you, you so pale and small in your bed. Even the warm light of the oil lanterns cannot bring color to your cheeks.
He falls forward in his chair, runs his hands through his hair, elbows resting on his knees. It is because of him. He should have been the one to take the bullet. He would heal just fine. Why didn’t you just let him? Why did you have to throw yourself in the way, you a mortal, whose life is the delicate dance of a spider’s web in the wind. There was no reason….no reason….his breath quakes within his broad chest. He would close his eyes, he would let the tears burning behind them fall but then……then he would miss looking at you. The tears would blur his vision of you and that, nee….that is not acceptable. 
He will sit here, keeping vigil, searching your face for any signs of life. All night if need be. And all day. He will not move. Because it isn’t just your life hanging there in balance…..it is his as well. 
Because, he thinks as he raises his gaze, presses his lips to your cold hand, without you…..Ik heb niets. I have nothing.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
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Admiring the Art
Fandom: IkeVamp
Pairing: Theo x F!Reader
Prompt: Enchanted Evenings Day 14: Public Sex
Type: NSFW - Minors DNI
CW: teasing, public sex, wall sex, slight breeding, rough sex, creampie, toys
WC: 1200+
Tagging: @toloveawarlord , @thewitchofbooks , @queen-dahlia , @kissmetwicekissmedeadly , @aquagirl1978 , @canaria-blackwell , @devildomwritersposts , @ikesimp100 , @sarahann-1984 , @kpop-and-otome , @citizensofcradle , @littlewitty , @curious-skybunny , @lordsisterxotome , @queengiuliettafirstlady ,@namine-somebodies-nobody , @jihanel , @atelieredux , @violettduchess , @leotoru​ - If you want to be tagged or remove please dm me or fill out the form here.  
You could never get used to the amount of people at these art galleries, wishing you were curled back up at home with your husband. Tugging your dress a little more, you look around again for Theo, wanting to find him before he is swarmed with people.
“There you are Hondje, I was worried you would be late” An arm wraps securely around your waist as Theo appearsat your side, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Theo! I’ve missed you” turning to face him, you press your lips to his in a brief greeting, parting far sooner than you would have liked.
“You wore the dress?” Theo looks you over, his eyes clouding over for the briefest of moments.
“My darling husband bought me a beautiful dress to wear, did you think I would wear something else?” you question, stepping way to slowly turn in front of him, showing him how the dress fits on you, subtly showing off all your curves.
“You are absolutely gorgeous, I am going to have such a hard time keeping my hands off you” Theo grumbles in your ear, his hands already wandering lower on your waist as he pulls you to whisper in your ear.
“Behave, we are at one of your galleries, all eyes are going to be on you after all. No one wants to see you feeling me up” You scold, still pressing back against his advance and listening to the delicious groan that escapes his lips. Before he can retaliate however, people start coming to greet the two of you and praise Theo’s gallery, forcing him to socialize. You both keep one arm wrapped around each other, his fingers teasing your hips, reminding you he hasn’t forgotten.
You grow more brazen as the night wears on, the hand wrapped around his waist drops into the back pocket of his trousers, pressing your fingers there, you hear the low grow.
“Enough Hondje” he murmurs under his breath, his hand tightening against your hips.
“Keep your attention on the art” you whisper, feeling his hand dip dangerously low on your hips. Lowering his mouth so it was right over your ear he chuckles.
“I am admiring the art. Such beautiful art work” He murmurs, tucking a start hair behind your ear, watching the goosebumps flood your body. You keep your hand in his back pocket, but still your movements, not wanting to push him too far. The subtle signs of his desires only grow through the night, his movements against you becoming more and more brazen until he finally pulls you behind a pillar, away from prying eyes.
“What if I told you I wanted you right here, right now” His low murmur has desire flooding your veins, his hands rubbing through your dress and to your core. You can feel his hard length pressing against your thigh as his arms wrap around your legs, pinning you to the pillar.
“Theo! Put me down, what if someone sees?” You start to whisper, pushing against him and Theo just presses his lips against yours, silencing you.
“No one is going to come behind this pillar, but if you insist, maybe we can find somewhere else.” He lowers you down, looking around, before nipping your neck, his fangs scraping your skin and listens to the moan that escapes your lips. Finding the shadows of pillars, he pulls you aside.
“Here is good enough. Any longer and I won’t be able to hold myself back from ripping your dress off your pretty little body” His voice darkens and you can’t help the desire that floods your core. Pushing the image from your mind, you mock anger instead.
“Don’t you dare Theodorus Van Gough.” You glare, watching the amusement cloud his face. He spins you around and presses you against the wall, his hand dragging your skirt over your waist.
“You’re cute, all riled up Hondje, what if I made other sounds come out of your mouth?” Nipping your ear, Theo is careful not to break the skin with his fangs as he scraps along your lobe, listening to the moans that fall from your lips
“Just like that, though don’t be too loud, we don’t want to attract any onlookers now” Theo murmurs, his fingers hooking under your underwear to pull them down and slipping them in his pocket. His hand gropes the flesh of your bottom as you steady yourself against the wall with your hands. You can’t help the rush at knowing where you are. The sound of his belt unbuckling seems to echo down the long dark hallway and you pray that no lost guests find their way down this hallway. His length teases your folds, collecting all your slick as his fingers find their way to your mouth.
“Suck” he commands, and you comply, letting his fingers into your mouth as his tip presses against your entrance. “Look at how ready you are. Such a naughty Hondje, taking my cock during such an important event.” You whimper against his fingers when he chastises you, his length filing you in one thrust. You are grateful for his fingers muffling your sound as your walls accommodate him. He wastes no time in thrusting, feeling your arms give out against the walls, and he presses your body closer to the wall. Only behind held up by him, you feel him lift your leg over his arm, deepening the angle.
“Right there, that’s the spot” He groans, feeling your walls clench over his length, your body quickly succumbing to the pleasure of his rapid thrusts. Only the sound of muffled moans and skin on skin fills the hallway.
“Rub your clit, I want you cumming on my cock” Theo commands, his breath hot against your neck, his control loosening as you feel his fangs tease your skin. The urge to bite you is so strong, a primal instinct as he feels your blood pumping under your skin. Rubbing your clit, you feel the coil in your core become more and more wound up, his thrusts stuttering as his pleasure builds too.
“Cum for me now” He groans, his fangs finally sinking in your neck, as your orgasm washes over both of you. Pressing you tight to the wall, your muscles go weak, and your mind goes blank as you only focus on the pleasure of the bite. You can feel him already licking your neck, his hips stilling against your core.
“Don’t waste a single drop” Theo whispers in your ear, his cock slipping out of your core, his finger slipping from your mouth to press against your entrance. “I knew I brought this for a reason” his voice is soft as he pulls out a plug, pressing it against your entrance to keep your combined fluids inside your womb. When his hand finally lowers your leg, Theo’s vampire strength is the only thing keeping you standing. Your body trembles against his, and Theo lifts you in his arms, carrying you down a hall and into a room.
“This is my office, rest here while I go say my goodbyes. Then I am bringing you home, I can’t stand you in this dress one more minute. You are too beautiful. I just want you” His promise has more desire flooding your tired body and you curl up in a ball, feeling the plug in your core. His lips brush yours before he leaves the room. Pressing a hand between your legs you caress the plug, your mind running wild with the thoughts of a child.
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superduperkas · 2 years
The Guild comically suck at their job and are useless. Not a real tactician or analyst in bunch, eh?
Off the top of my head, I can think of at least five ways they could've leveraged Cal and Jules love for one another to possibly obtain useful info about Legacy Vamps but decided gunsablazin was the best option each time
And they're so righteous about their fuck ups every time and seem to learn nothing from them
How are they even still functioning???
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spotlightstudios · 7 months
Theo is alive!!! (His Save-file is back) Therefore, Theo Headcanons:
My other tavs (Ormand, Promenade, and Blanche) are all cousins and are all Dragonborn. Theo is a dragon-blood sorcerer Half-Elf. I like to think Theo is the adopted cousin who was an angel as a kid, but was raised to be a spoiled brat, so none of the cousins keep in contact with him.
He's romancing Astarion too. Naturally, Theo is pompous and only does what he wants to, but he's smitten by the vamp. Therefore, he'd commit war crimes before letting Astarion down. It helps neither of their egos.
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parsleyartist · 7 months
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Inktober Day 29 — Twins
Introducing the twins Soldevilla on the VampAu! Theodosia died from typhoid and became a specter... Theo is just Theo...
<<day 28 | day 30 >>
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ksbbb · 3 months
vamp Theo, please!
“I find it very interesting that all these friends keep coming out of nowhere.” Liam points out, the same person who just told Theo to get more friends and not be a loner, but now Theo has too many friends for Liam’s liking.
“It’s one person!” Theo cries, exasperated and confused by the sudden change in Liam’s mood.
“We’re not friends. I’m here on a favor.” Tyler says, looking uncomfortable at their argument over his sudden appearance.
“I counted three today.” Liam challenges, raising his eyebrows at Theo.
“This is Liam. He’s always giving me a hard time.” Theo introduces him to the other man, forever regretting letting Liam decide what to do about their next move.
“I’m his favorite person.” Liam smiles, winking at Theo.
He probably is but he’s stressing Theo out right now and he’s ready to strangle him for being difficult and offended over not having Theo’s undivided attention.
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Title: How to Prey on Your Master
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Summary: Dame Elle, the deputy commander of The Order of November, has her heart broken when she discovers her fiancé is in love with someone else. After a night of heavy drinking to wash away the pain, she wakes up the next morning in the bed of Sir Theodore, more widely known as the kingdom’s mad dog! Adding more to the confusion, Theodore keeps calling Elle his “master” and has been appointed as the deputy commander’s aide without her knowledge. But despite his wolfish reputation, Theodore acts oddly tame when it comes to the dame he serves. Just what intentions could this knight be hiding behind his sharp-toothed grin?
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pallases · 2 years
last ep can’t wait to end on some cliffhanger that will never be resolved 😋
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