#them was cool in a M rated version of that thing kinda way
closeted-goth · 1 year
well I have now seen all of the big french extremity movies and can say with conviction that they all suck except martyrs.
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Alhaitham ships I like and respect
I realise I typically only post about Kavetham but I actually love a lot of Alhaitham ships (my mans deserves all the love). Here's a list and my reasons for shipping them, because I just got home from uni and I'm bored. These are all ships that I like, the rating is just "how would this realistically go?".
1) Kaveh/Alhaitham
Getting this one out of the way cos <3 we know. I really enjoy their bickering dynamic and they both have very strong personalities, which I adore. That's why I feel the need to be more picky with the fics I read, actually, cos sometimes people write one of them very uncharacteristically just so they don't have to deal with writing two characters with uh *checks notes* personalities lol.
They are both babygirl and they are both Problems. I think their relationship would be undefined but exclusive - neither of them say they're dating, but they've also never sleep around with other people. I kinda like the hc that Kaveh got around a bit more before they met/started their situationship, but I also vibe with the idea that he lied and told Alhaitham he was "oh so experienced" just to one up him.
Rating: 9/10
2) Cyno/Alhaitham
Hehe this one's an oldie but a goodie. So here's the thing: back in 3.1, this was The Sumeru ship. Cynari was also there , definitely, but there was a loud fandom quite obsessed with the enemies to lovers trope. Which! Some people call Kavetham enemies to lovers, wrong, they never had a fistfight; they're just rivals and lovers.
Anyway, Cyno and Alhaitham are a great ship cos we have battle boyfriends with an eventual soft dynamic. I especially love in Act 5 of the archon quest, when they continue to disagree but they're on the same side - Cyno is very against Alhaitham's reckless plan. They have a lot of contrast in their approaches to life, but at this point they have mutual respect for one another that I think could develop beautifully.
The only issue i have with their dynamic is that I struggle to imagine how they would end up together. Maybe after a fight, one of them almost dies and so there's a dramatic kiss?? I don't think Alhaitham would be so romantic tbh, and Cyno is more likely to be very straightforward with a confession, but I think he might not be honest about his feelings in order to focus on Justice™.
Rating: 7/10
3) Dehya/Alhaitham
Yes. I also occasionally like f/m ships. My issue with this one is simply that I ship Dehya with Dunyazarad more, so I think this would be a more one sided crush on Alhaitham's part. I have a hc that he's just, into claymore users. Dehya serves cunt and beats people up and Alhaitham is like "pls come back to the Akademiya, you're so so cool <3".
Maybe I have a crush on Dehya. Maybe that's the issue hm.
I can't see Dehya dating him or Alhaitham really wanting to date her - just a little crush and then a good friendship.
Rating: 10/10 for vibes, 3/10 for practicality
4) Nilou/Alhaitham
Consider: Nilou is cute. Alhaitham is cute. She thinks he's a cool treason-man and he thinks she's the only person as crazy as he is for immediately agreeing to the dangerous plan everyone else took 80% of the run time complaining about.
Would they actually ever date? I think they'd hold hands once, but then figure out very quickly that they have almost nothing in common. Alhaitham would want a more headstrong person to counter his bluntness, and Nilou would find his introversion frustrating in a dating context.
Rating: 4/10
5) Tighnari/Alhaitham
I sort of see this dynamic as the healthiest version of opposites attract on this list. Now, they're both stubborn bastards, however - where I think Alhaitham and Kaveh lose all braincells upon being in the same room, I think Tighnari and Alhaitham maintain their intelligence.
I like the idea that post archon quest they shared an infirmary room in the Birmastan (Alhaitham via head trauma, Tighnari for his untreated lightning strike lol). They both quickly get fed up with their friends' overprotectiveness and kick the likes of Cyno and Kaveh out. They are both Akademiya graduates who've kind of denounced the Akademiya, Tighnari by quitting to become a forest ranger and Alhaitham by phoning in his entire career :')).
So they get to talking since they only really knew each other through Kaveh previously, and then they vibe doing their own thing when they get bored of conversation. I think they'd understand each other pretty well, and Alhaitham would brush off Tighnari's nagging and Tighnari find Alhaitham's abrasiveness endearing, since he's not an idiot.
Rating: 7/10
However, the context I most like them in is -
6) Kaveh/Alhaitham/Cyno/Tighari
I am an 4ggravate girlie. I love a good poly ship and these guys work very well.
Basically just a combination of everything I've already said:
Alhaitham & Kaveh and Cyno & Tighnari are both in situationships. These are open relationships.
Alhaitham and Cyno (who didn't previously know each other well) start seeing one another in a new light when they're stuck in the desert together for a month fighting against the sages. Feelings ensue.
After the drama, Kaveh realises he wants to make the situation with Alhaitham more concrete because he was worried. He also hangs out with Cyno a lot after Alhaitham and Tighnari kick them out of the infirmary.
So many high stakes and the close companionship makes it so they're all sort of on board with trying a poly sitch. Tighnari seems the type to bring it up first, to Cyno and then to Alhaitham and Kaveh.
Cyno likes the idea but worries a bit that Kaveh and Alhaitham's dynamic would get in the way of an actually healthy relationship.
Alhaitham is a bit iffy cos like - free time, introversion etc, but he does think it would be a good idea to test it out.
Kaveh is pretty totally on board cos all his friends are super hot, though he says "I should have tried using a foursome to force Alhaitham out of his shell ages ago" which actually delays the process quite a lot :'))
Rating: 10/10, Alhaitham gets three boyfriends I cannot see any issues
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Ok, i think it’s totally fucking wild that my absolutely favorite “crack” (taken seriously) theory is somewhat coming true ??  like the one i feel kinda actually emotional about! Srsly!
aka the SMP multiverse
Like it’s def. not *my* version of the theory ofc, but *a* version!  it’s the various creator’s version.  but like good for them.  and omg o m g.
(It’s the one i wrote a few bad double drabbles and the story “on the origins of lives” on ao3 about)
more rambling about “my version” under the cut
and rambling about why i get emotional about, the idea, at least my version (i don’t want to put any weird pressures on the SMP creators or their version) and why i get emotional about the story too.
and yes, i am thinking of a sequel
the story, https://archiveofourown.org/works/40205097
so, like, the crack idea (LOSAR’s version) is the idea that all the SMP roleplay servers are linked in a multiverse, though quite loosely.  And also wrapped into my thoughts or ideas are some vague stuff about admin powers and mod powers and viewers - (and watcher / listener lore from Evo and 3rd Life being loosely tied to that)
so the main crack idea that’s kinda grown into this emotional thing, at least for me, (and it is Crack), is the whole joke bit video where Grian and Tommyinnit meet up, aka “I Tried to get Grian to Swear”, also known as “the one where they have a building competition” and also get weirdly posessively desirous about Mumbo Jumbo....
Anyway, the idea i had is it actually seems to fit well with other stuff with their HC and Dream SMP roleplay characters, and like they actually play off eachother surprisingly well there.  And it’s a chance for both groups to see how “the other half” lives. and they have fun.
So the background of these people is that, oh boy, Tl:dr the relevant parts here is that HermitCraft SMP where Grian usually plays is.... you could call it upbeat, cheerful, and pranksterish but friendly, but not romantic at all.  Pretty much anything of that aspect has to be Teen rating.  And that includes explicit “straight” stuff too, btw. it’s like a friend molecule.  Whereas the Dream SMP, where Tommy’s from, does have that aspect, many gay, straight, poly, marriages. and a lot of passion and genuine caring.  also to put what you heard about bluntly, it may not be the worst.... Dream SMP is a hellhole.  This is just to set the scene if you know nothing.
So anyway, (in the joke video i referenced, and in my story) this is a time when the two groups meet.   And see how they live, and swap stories, and yes build a pair of cottagecore cottages for winner’s clout.
And (in my story at least)  they see things in eachother.  Grian sees how scarred Tommy is (and how annoying and weird to be around) but also how *passionate* and willing to express how he feels about Grian and Mumbo Jumbo, even if it’s in a little bit of a yandere stan way lol.  (understatement)
While Tommy sees in Grian and Mumbo.... one: how absolutely power hungry they are.  Like they really like to influence things, really.  and that they are inhuman.  And well... on the Dream SMP, neither fares very well really.  If you’re power hungry (like Dream) you become everyone’s enemy.  and there’s so many inhumans/part humans on the DSMP, but g d do they go through some hard times because of it, and can’t even talk to it with anyone. Ranboo is part enderman and has to deal with Follish killing other endermen in front of him and rain and snow burning hi,m.  Philza is winged, but has his ability to fly stripped due to injury almost immediately upon joining the server.  And yet - to Tommyinnit’s wise eyes - Mumbo and Grian are liked and respected on HermitCraft. wtf.
And ofc, the contest ends with Grian winning and taking Tommy’s prized elytra (a pair of minecraft wings) as a prize (this will be important later)
So just like Dream XD is Dream in admin form - a God in the minecraft world.... the two go off into Admin Mode (which side note, in my story is Watcher Mode for Grian)
And they go talk to Mumza.
And For the Third Life/Last Life/Double Life series - Grian institutes a loooot more passion.  and also a LIMITED CANONICAL LIFE SYSTEM like they have in THE DREAM SMP.  And finally gets a chance to cling to Scar and Mumbo (but at what cost? “I don’t feel too good about this”)
And for the ORIGINS SMP - Admin Tommyinnit, Tommy XD, institutes unlimited lives, sure, that dcan’t be understated, but also (maybe more importantly) free use of powers or abilities. yes! Elytras, shulkers, ender pearls, teleportation.  Just like on HermitCraft.  and also * the ability to talk about all this stuff *
(notice any patterns on what species people chose on origins? Tubbo starts as the most highly armed and armored species in the game, Phil has elytra wings, Ranboo is an enderman, Will a ghost, Niki was surrounded by fire, now she’s surrounded by water, Jack had to claw his way out of hell after dying in one of Tommy’s stupid wars on the DSMP and always resented him for it, now he starts in hell on the O SMP and has Tommy come to see him and help him get back.)
Anyway, and Tommy is an Avia, who doesn’t have full elytra and can’t fly but has (cute little) vestigial wings.
And who’s favorite jokingly annoyed phrase is “Phiiiil, i wanna fly like you phil!”
And Tommy’s also said that unlike the Dream SMP the disc thing doesn’t apply here.
(now do you maybe start to see where the elytra comes in?)
On Dream SMP, Tommy gives his music discs away to Dream ( XD ) for everyone’s freedom.  and constantly wants them back.
On ORIGINS SMP, planeswalker Admin Tommyinnit XD Gives his elytra to Grian (Watcher) for the ideas of the Origins SMP.  And is like “I wanna fly like you Phil.”
(because if you notice, i think part of the “Tommy” personality in any universe, besides being selfish, and talking about girls, and talking shit to ppl, is being willing to give up things he cares about for his friends ).... (and oh boy, grian will take anything, anything that isn’t nailed down. )
But deep down I think he’s a little “happy” with both cases.
and i know this is a different multiverse thing. And i just like multiverses and planeswalkers in general.
But this is part of why i’m emotional about it, if i am.
(and why.... forget grian adopting tommy, how about i ship some Tommyinnit and Grian and Mumbo Jumbo) < 3
P S - and its a bit off topic, but let me tell you about Lifesteal SMP and what happens there since they have an airport to the Dream SMP.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
1, 10, 17, and 18 for the writer's ask game? :D
𝟙. 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘?
Around seven? First thing I remember doing was some little Pokémon fic with my little trainersona lol. I don't remember much of it but she had a Minun because (at the time) that was my favorite Pokémon lol.
Tumblr media
Look at this little shit. 1000/10 would cuddle.
𝟙𝟘. 𝕀𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖?
One of my stories is centered in a world where angels and demons exist but they just, kinda,, vibe together. And everyone has different powers depending on their subspecies. Such as;
One Reaper character (Mizuki) has the ability to sense people's phobias and then create illusions of them. Partially to feed off their fear (one of the ways Reapers sustain themselves) but also just cause she finds it funny lol
A Cherub character (Tobias) has the ability to control the growth/decay rate of plants. He carries seeds in his pockets to use for emergencies.
Their child (Octavia) is a Reaper/Cherub hybrid, so she can both manipulate and travel through shadows and has an inherent charm ability so she can get away with her pranks and stuff.
Anyways I think it would be pretty cool to exist in a world like that! Provided it wasn't during the whole 'Ancient Gods Randomly Possess People To Commit Warfare On The Mortal Plane' period of time.
𝟙𝟟. 𝕋𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕦𝕤 𝕒 𝕗𝕦𝕟 𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕥 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕎𝕀ℙ
Hah I have so many WIPs it's not even funny. One of them (which I have not talked about on this blog) originally started as a crack fanfic I made about Tom Joad/Jim Casey from John Steinbeck's fucking Grapes of Wrath in English class because I was bored. That somehow branched into a fic about Cormac McCarthy's All The Pretty Horses, also thanks to English class, and then it kinda spiraled from there. Now I have two characters that were originally supposed to be modern versions of Tom and Casey but really aren't, another character that is basically Alejandra from AtPH but if she was slightly more unhinged, and two time travelers who kinda just ricochet around whenever I wanna make a joke. And that's not even mentioning the whole 'modern day M. Butterfly (by David Henry Hwang) where Song rants about how much he hates Panda Express and Rene simps for him while my OC is doing timetravel shit in the background' thing that I also wrote as a joke that somehow ended up just being thrown into the main story because I liked it. I was like,, 15 when I started this. I do a little bit every couple of months.
𝟙𝟠. 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕦𝕤 𝕒 𝕡𝕚𝕖𝕔𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖
I'm bad at writing dialogue 😅 but I have this little excerpt from my LL OC route-rewrite that I kinda like. So you can have it;
Context - Kit (my OC) has gotten into a massive fight with Sage wherein they both said horrible things to each other. Her angst over this causes the Astrolabe to 'freeze' her heart (she specializes in ice magic), numbing her emotions entirely and gradually pushing her into an apathetic state.
the longer she sits like this the more shades of gray seem to slip out of her fingers. they separate into black and white. no nuance. no emotion. nothing to be confused by. nothing to be hurt by. 
what's the point if all that exists is nothing. what's the point of anything at all. she seemed to know a few minutes ago. but now it's slipping away. away away away. 
She slides back on the crate enough to pick her legs up off the floor and pull her knees against her chest. Still nothing. Still sinking. If she closes her eyes it's like she doesn't exist. No pressure. No feeling. just nothing.
she should feel sick and tired of it.
"We'll come check in on ya in a bit. A'right, lass?" 
She nods and waves a hand vaguely in Arkash's direction. For a second there's silence. Then soft footsteps. One set. Then another. Then another. Hesitant like they don't want to leave her alone. But they do. She tracks them out of the room. Hears the soft thump of the door closing behind them.
right then.
she's alone. loathe to admit it but her coworkers are right. there is a mess she has to clean up. objectively that's obvious. objectively. but subjectively there isn't. subjectively there's nothing. objectively she feels nothing subjective. 
'what's happening to me?'
"̷̛̪̦̺̲̣̾̒͒͗͌̚Ȋ̷̧̤͍̣̺̜̀̓͒͑ ̸͉̗̺͖̙̓͆̽a̵͔͕̝̤̟͔͒l̵̡̡̢̤̞͎͛̈ͅr̶̗̙̖̓̏͂̌e̵͎̓͒̐̽̽̈́a̷̦͖͚͖͔͗̃̔̏̚͜ḍ̴̲̟̱̫̉͒̍̚y̵̡̨̼̟̮̼̽͝ͅ ̸̞͉̙̯̤́͆̄͠t̴̘̏̀̿̀o̴̧̿̔̇̑͠l̷͍̓d̵̡̥̯̠̰̄ ̷̛͈͉̗̰̖̏͆͋̈́̿̚y̵̫̏͒͐̈̓̀̕ọ̶̩̣͈͗́͒̔̓͝ǔ̶̩̜͓͑̚,̷̞͔̮̿͒͜ͅ ̵̨̪̊͑̿͛̄L̷͍̟̜̊̊̏̒̈̆̽u̵̧͖͎͗͠ͅl̴̲̒͂͑̂u̴̡̧̞̣͓̗̞̒̐̿̾.̷͉͓̳̏̿͂͑͛̃̓ ̷̛̤͓̻͒̀͝I̶͙͆t̴̢̊̑̍̔̇̓̆ ̴͍̫͉͕͔͂͊͛͜ḏ̷̿͒͗̿ȍ̴͓͛̋͘e̸̡̥̫̬̼͒̐̈́̋ş̸͙̥͂̉̏͑̚̚ͅn̵̨͋̚'̶̡̜͚͓͉͆ͅt̶̮͈͖̺͍̞͔̅̌ ̷̧̖̻̓̐́̀͒m̵͔̠̙͕̒̓̊ͅa̸̤̖̳͎̭̪̗͠ẗ̷̡͖́̐t̷̨̩͍͊̔͜e̵̯̹̽̉̇̾̉r̷̪̪̜̟̔̄́̅̔ͅ.̴̹͎̗͌̽͛
oh. right. nothing hurts. so nothing matters. 
nothing hurts. 
Nothing hurts.
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buzzkillzine · 1 year
I seem to write a lot about stuff that happened when I was a kid. And at the risk of being compared to an elderly relative who only ever talks about the good old days, I'm gonna do that again now. Except the good old days I'm referring to isn't reminiscing about how we used to not let people of colour drink from the Whites Only water tap.
When I was a kid in the 90s (which my brother, who is a teacher, told me that they teach to kids as 'history' now), we grew up pretty poor. We were lucky in that we always had a roof over our heads and never went hungry, but we never had the same stuff as other kids. No game consoles, no fancy new bikes, no super duper toys or whatever and also no Pay TV.
I look back now and we had a pretty simple childhood I enjoyed the simple things in life. Mucking around and Children's television.
This is sorta a story about stuff I watched as a kid.
In Australia I think you had Foxtel and Austar. There were others but they don't play into this story. The point is, that we only had Free to Air TV, which at the time only consisted of 5 channels. There was the commercial channels: Prime (Nothing to do with amazon, it was the country version of Channel 7), WIN (or 9 if you lived in the city), Channel 10, then there was SBS (the multicultural/multilingual channel which had news in tonnes of different languages and late night foreign films which, if you were lucky, had nudity in them... but that's another story) then you had the ABC which is the government owned public broadcaster, and had National News, BBC cop shows, educational programs during the day and most importantly after school, cartoons.
Now we were mainly 'outside kids' and we grew up on a small farm so after school I'd basically, get home, change out of my school uniform, then go ride my bike around for hours until it got dark then would go inside for tea.
I'm aware that this sounds like a childhood from the 1940s but it was what we had and it was good.
Anyways, point is we weren't the kind of kids who'd get home then plonk themselves in front of the 'idiot box' and watch 'mindless drivel' until bed. At least, not at this stage.
But as I got a bit older, into grade 4 onwards, we were allowed to watch some more TV shows. (I say 'allowed' but to be clear we were never 'not allowed' really. I just preferred fanging around on my bike to watching TV, that's all)
My favourite shows as a kid were stuff like the Adventures of Tin Tin, Captain Planet, the X-Men cartoons, Batman (The grey and black suit one) and Spiderman.
I also loved watching old Waner Brisbane cartoons and even Marx Brothers and Ma and Park Kettle films that Mum had taped from the TV. At some stage they started replaying Thunderbirds at like 6am on a Saturday morning maybe? Coulda been a Sunday. It was early but I would set my alarm and get up and watch it. They also used to play the American Who's Line Is It Anyways before it at 5.30 and I eventually started getting up even earlier to watch that as well.
I remember when Daria first aired cos I watched the shit out of it. It felt different to everything else I watched. It was funny and felt more real. It sometimes had a warning at at top of the episode cos it was PG and then JJJ host Rosie Beaton would come on and tell you to get Mum or Dads permission to watch it. Great stuff.
The PG rated shows were always for the cool kids. Like Heartbreak High, Degassing and shit. It felt so grown up.
I remember the first PG movie I ever saw: The Karate Kid. It was coming up as rhe Saturday movie on TV. I don't know why martial arts were huge in the early 90s but they were. I begged mum to watch it when it was gonna be on because I knew all my friends were going to watch it and I had to watch it otherwise I wouldn't be cool. We didn't watch much M rated stuff as kids certainly no MA or R ratings. Other kids would watch Die Hard and stuff but I was way more into George of the Jungle. We were sheltered a bit in that way but I kinda didn't mind because I remember seeing an episode of the X-Files with a killer doll and it scared the ever loving fuck out of me and I couldn't walk passed my sisters doll filled room without tensing every muscle for maybe a year. If I had have seen half the shit my friends watched my brain would've broken.
It's broken now but that's just because of life.
The first regular PG watch was The Adventures of Hercules starring Kevin Sorbo. Xena was way cooler (and still is) but I only got to watch it occasionally cos it was rated M.
The first MA film I watched was Scary Movie. I was in grade 5 or 6 and my brother got to rent it out cos he was 2 years older than me. I couldn't wait to go to school the next day and tell my friends about it.
The thing about not seeing adult stuff until later is, at the time I felt like I was missing out a bit. But in hindsight it's actually good. I mean I wouldn't have been able to see the subtle nuanced humour of Robocop or understood the levels of something like Fight Club as a kid. Hell, I know adults who don't understand that stuff now.
Now as a 32 year old, I watch some insanely gorey and disgusting horror movies. Stuff I would've been terrified of as a kid. But I think that all the early stuff I watched has led to where I am. But that's just how life is in general. Your early experiences inform your future stuff. I still love the Marx Brothers and still love Daria and Thunderbirds. I also now enjoy watching films where people are sewn arse to mouth or have limbs cut off with electric bread knives. That's how personal growth works. I guess. 
Anyways. That's sorta it for now. Hopefully some of that made sense or was interesting.
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hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
Control and Denial
Happy late birthday to my lovely @fictional-duchess it's a day late and about 7k words over what I'd originally planned, but...ya know.
As this is a gift, I will be posting two versions - Viv's version and then a Y/N version for those who prefer that.
Now here's some subby rhythm section Groupie!AU smut for you finally. Enjoy!
Words: 13.8k
Pairings: Sam Kiszka x Reader; Danny Wagner x Reader; smidgeon of Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner (Viv's Version)
Warnings: Language, F. Dom/M. Sub, edging, begging, bondage, crying, gagging, slight spitting, oral sex (m. and f. receiving), threesome
Rated: Explicit
It wasn’t often that you got so pissed off at the boys that you didn’t want them to touch you.
If they pissed you off, usually, they tried to make up for it with sweet words and thoughtful gifts, and if those didn’t work - sweet release beneath their tongue or fingers or…other body parts. But when they hit just the right nerve, sometimes, you thought about telling them to drop you off at the nearest airport and going back to what your life had been like before Greta.
They’d all been snippy with each other for days - too many shows, not enough time, and not enough space. It was bunks and then green rooms, communal spaces and then shared stages. Not to mention the frustration that came with four men, one you, and no way other than headphones to block out the sounds when it wasn’t their turn.
So yeah. High tensions.
But it all came to a head when Sam and Danny had gotten into it for some unknown reason - one minute they were existing peacefully, and the next, they were throwing insults like confetti, which turned to fists (which you’d told them to knock it off - but had they listened? No.) that spilled hot coffee all over your lap.
They’d been apologetic immediately, scurrying around frantically trying to find a towel and some cold water, but you locked them out of the green room bathroom after you hobbled to it, thankful that this one had a shower that you could cool your burning skin in. They were lucky it was coffee that was hot, but not hot hot, and your skin had turned red but hadn’t stayed the color.
Still - you were pissed. Which kinda sucked, seeing as you’d planned a nice night for Sam - it was his night and had, by some chance and some lucky stars for Sammy, fallen on a PR outing to some shmancy restaurant/club hotel thing with this big, fancy ballroom that they were set to have a photoshoot in the next morning before it was back on the bus. But it was a night not moving and you’d been looking forward to all the fun you were supposed to have.
But now you weren’t in the mood for that fun, and you made a point of it by staying firmly on Jake’s side - not making eye contact with either member of the rhythm section and even going as far as to walk away when you saw Danny coming towards you with a conciliatory drumstick (as if you didn’t have full access to them all the time).
“Darling,” Josh murmured in your ear, walking back to the cars from the venue - late enough that security had kept all fans away from the area, “I know it’s Sam’s night, but if you don’t want to sleep with him, you can always stay with me.”
You knew he wasn’t offering in hopes of getting laid (well, not primarily, rather) - he was just very much in-tune with how it felt to be pissed at the people in his band.
So you smiled and leaned your head into him in affection, and said, “Thanks, Joshy. But it’s fine. Just a small…change in plans, but I still have some ideas for the night.”
And you did. You would still have your fun.
Everyone piled onto the bus, one after another, and you planted yourself in the lounge on a padded bench right across from the couch that Sam was sat on. And then it wasn’t so much as catching his eye than it was meeting them - his gaze had been locked onto you all night, apologetic and curious.
With Jake and Josh flanking you and Danny on the other side of the bus near where they kept their records, you smiled and tapped Jake gently on the knee. He turned your way and raised a brow at your innocently mischievous expression, but said, “Whatcha need, sweetness?”
You laughed at the nickname - not quite fitting for what you had in mind, but would need the twins’ help with. With one last glance to a now very curious Sam, you put your lips at Jake’s ear, cupping your hand around it so that Sam couldn’t catch even a breath of what you said. “I have a plan, but I need you and Josh’s help.”
After you had relayed your plan, Jake snickered and rolled his eyes. “Fitting, I guess. And doable. Not easy, though - so you owe us,” he warned, and you winked.
“Name your price any day of the week, handsome,” you flirted before turning to Josh and asking of him the same service. He, like Jake, laughed at the plan and readily agreed, because no one in this band was going to turn down a plan like the one you’d come up with.
Sam was suspicious. “So what? You’re just gonna abandon me and shove secret plans in my face all night?” he complained light-heartedly. You knew he didn’t want to seem desperate, but his need to know everything and limitless curiosity was bothering him big time.
“Oh, Sammy,” you smiled sweetly, “I’m not gonna abandon you. I did say tonight was your night, didn’t I?”
And even though the words that came out of your mouth should have been a relief, you could see the suspicion deepen in Sam’s face. “I don’t trust that,” he said, and the twins sputtered.
“You shouldn’t,” they both grinned at the same time.
Once you got to the hotel, you left the boys to have a promotional/celebratory drink at the bar and headed to what would be you and Sam’s room for the night, making sure the man himself saw you slip away.
But you knew he wouldn’t get away with leaving early, considering that it was one measly drink and half-hour social before they could go to their rooms, so you knew you had at least that much time to prepare for the night.
You actually had time to spare - ending up on your phone when you heard the lock beep to alert you to a new person coming into the room. As Sam stepped in, the only light coming from the table lamp, you paid him no heed, instead letting him come to you.
And he did. He kicked his sandals off and immediately climbed onto the mattress, wide palms running up your thighs and grabbing at you, trying to get your attention. “Viv?” he tried. When you didn’t answer him and continued to stay glued to your phone, he upped his efforts. Dropping down to his stomach, he pried your legs apart, kissing your inner thighs through the thin fabric of the loose zip-up pants you’d donned. “Viv,” he cajoled, “I know you can hear me.”
The shortness of your words must have startled him, because he tensed up and drew back, hesitantly gazing at your face. “Are you - are you still angry? Because if you are, I get it. Just, let me know and I can have Jake or Josh come get your stuff.”
You finally put your phone down. “What about Danny?”
That made his brows furrow, perhaps in confusion, perhaps in annoyance. “Well, I just thought - if you were still mad at me, then you’d still be mad at him, too.” And you shrugged agreeably.
“I guess,” you said simply before drawing yourself up to your knees, shuffling towards Sam until you were face to face. “I’m not going anywhere else. I wasn’t lying - it’s your night.” A hint of relief appeared in his expression - softened features and a release of the tightness around his lips. “But I’m not letting you off easy. Strip down to your boxers and get on that chair.”
When Sam realized what kind of night it was going to be, you were sure he was questioning what kind of a punishment your taking charge was, but you weren’t about to let him in on your little plan, so you just let him think his night was gonna be easy.
He did as he was told, lowering himself into the rolly chair that came with the room, and you went to stand in front of him, the tie from the hotel robe fisted in a hand you held behind your back. “Good boy,” you praised, and you saw Sam’s Adam’s apple bob from your place above his eyeline. “Now, put your hands underneath the armrest - just like that, there you go,” you said softly, padding to the other side of the chair. “I’m gonna tie you up now, okay?”
“Yeah,” Sam replied breathily. “I’m ready.”
You worked silently, concentrating on the knots you had just been studying on your phone. You’d thought about tying his ankles together, too, but ultimately decided against it for ease of movement. Once Sam was good and tied to the chair, you slid your palms up his arms, gently tugging on the ends of his hair. He let his head fall back and met your eyes from upside down.
“Kinda feels like a Spiderman kiss,” he said with a grin.
You left him there, going back to the bed to get on your phone again. “Well, not if I don’t kiss you, it doesn’t.”
“Don’t tease me,” Sam whined, pulling against his binds. “That was mean.”
The glare you fixed him with was unimpressed and dry. “Baby, you haven’t seen anything yet. You wanna know teasing?” You shook your head. “You’ll know it by the end of the night.”
“...You’re really gonna leave me tied up?”
“Yep,” you said casually. “We’re still waiting.”
The chair rattled as Sam pulled again, wheels scooting an inch. “We?” Sam asked distractedly. You really hoped you’d done the ties well enough he wouldn’t be able to undo them. “Waiting for what?”
There was a commotion out in the hallway, and a shock of anticipation and excitement shot through you. “That,” you said wolfishly, getting up and opening the door. Peeking out into the hallway, you laughed and covered your mouth as you watched Jake and Josh running down the carpet, pushing another rolly chair as fast as they could.
And in that rolly chair, a very angry, very confused, very shirtless Danny, cursing the twins to high heavens and making a racket not becoming of the fancy hotel.
“You fucking idiots! Let me go! You can’t just jump me in my own bedroom and not tell me why!” But then Danny caught sight of you, leaning with a smirk against Sam’s door, and his eyes narrowed as he began to connect the dots. “Was this what you guys were talking about to each other on the bus?”
“Yup,” Josh said, cheerfully meeting your eyes as they slowed in front of you. “Where do you want the goods?” he asked in a mock-whisper and with an exaggerated wink.
You laughed, gesturing into the room and stepped aside as Josh pushed Danny past, the latter giving you a stink eye. You were surprised that no one had poked their heads out of their rooms. Jake lingered outside the door with you.
“So I hear we’re going to be compensated for this act of service?” he cajoled, and you gave him a little kiss.
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. “Did he give you a lot of trouble?”
There was another yell from the room and then Josh came out, hobbling as he rubbed his shin. “Fucker just kicked me in the shin,” he pouted.
Jake nodded to Josh’s ailment and then back to you. “If that gives you any idea, it was worse when he figured out we were tying him down. It took both of us, but we’re—”
“Small but mighty,” you giggled.
Josh poked you in the sides and said, “Watch who you’re calling small!”
Knowing you had two tied up men in the room, you were eager to get back in to start the night, so you patted the twins on the chest and turned. “I’ll keep that in mind. But for now, I have some business to attend to. Thanks for all your help, guys.”
“We’re always down to rough and tumble,” Jake teased. “But remember we still need them, as annoying as they can be.”
“I heard that!” Sam’s voice carried out of the room and made his brothers laugh, but soon they were separated by the closed doors. You didn’t want to dally about anymore.
Approaching the two, both of whom had swiveled their chairs towards you, you wondered if not binding their feet was a mistake and clucked your tongue. “Well, look at what we have here,” you said, clearly gleeful at the situation. “Do you like my surprise?”
Both men gave you an unimpressed glare. “Sucky surprise,” Sam mumbled. “He was the one who got us in trouble in the first place.”
This, of course, did not sit well with Danny. “You’re such a baby,” he griped, and you felt like you were watching two kids in the principal’s office. It didn’t fit the mood you were going for at all.
So, you changed it.
“Sammy already knows that tonight is going to require some patience,” you cut in, raising your brows at each of them in turn. They quieted once you spoke, aware that your tone had changed from gleeful to something a little more interesting - something a little more attention-grabbing. “But will you figure it out on your own, Danny? I wouldn’t want the playing field to be uneven,” you pouted sarcastically.
Danny jerked in his chair and bit back a frown. He obviously wanted to do something about the ‘playing field’, and his inability to do so frustrated him. “Pretty girl,” he mused from his place, tied up on the chair and with a wicked glint in his eye, “you’re not going to keep me tied up.”
The way he stated it as fact instead of as a question really pushed your buttons. Him and his control issues. But honestly, it was probably for the better - after all, a strengthened resolve would come in handy when you started craving the men in front of you.
So you kissed him, a bit of a scratchy stubble littering parts of his cheeks, and pulled away as soon as he surged forward for more. “You’re not in charge right now, Danny.” You saw his jaw clench and he raised his eyebrows.
“Oh yeah?”
It was a mind game at this point. And if Danny and Sam weren’t still a little pissed at each other, the two joining teasing, audible forces would likely have had you on your knees within minutes and no amount of resolve would have changed that. Sam and his (consensual) teasing sexual manipulation combined with Danny’s authority would be hard to resist.
But you weren’t gonna tell them that. If they figured it out on their own, you always had some material you were sure you could gag them with.
With a sharp pat on the face that gave you entirely too much satisfaction, you walked away. “Yeah. You or Sam. If we’re gonna put labels on it, then I’m the one in charge.”
You took your seat on the bed, and saw Sam determinedly still trying to untie your knot, but when he saw you looking at him, he grinned. “You think you can handle that, baby? You think you have what it takes to be in charge?” His smile turned wicked. “Because last time I checked, you were better at being a good girl doing what she was told.”
With a roll of your eyes, you flicked your jeans open, toying with your zipper in a way that drew both men's attention. “What a douchebag thing to say. Not to mention a little offensive,” you shot back with little conviction behind the offense. But there was. Conviction, you meant. Was that really what they thought? “And coming from you, Pillow Princess Sam, you should know I’m just as good at taking control as I am giving it up.”
Danny snorted at that, murmuring, “Pillow Princess…” under his breath, and Sam shot him a glare before turning toward you again, this time with a pretty expression on his face - hooded Bambi eyes and fluttering lashes and a demure smile.
“You’re right, baby. I’m so sorry - I shouldn’t underestimate you. Untie me and maybe we can show Danny just how fun being a pillow princess can be?”
And as tempting as that was, you were quite enjoying the power you had right now. “No,” you said, finally unzipping your pants and peeling them off your legs, letting your thighs spread in a deliberate show for the boys’ taking. “No, see, here's the thing. That coffee hurt this morning. I had to wear Jake’s sweats to a show I’d planned on looking hot for so that I could tease you,” you pointedly stared at Sam, “into fucking me real well tonight with a room and everything.”
Sam couldn’t take his eyes off your bare thighs, your panties sufficiently covering up anything important. “Baby, you looked hot anyways, and I can still fu–”
“Shut up,” you snapped sharply. Sam looked like he wanted to protest, but he met your eyes curiously and obediently shut his mouth. You knew he’d grow tired of following directions, but you’d deal with that later. Right now, you had some sort of sixth sense that the other man wouldn’t be quite so accommodating or receptive to your demands.
Sure enough, as soon as it was clear Sam wasn’t gonna finish his thought, Danny chimed in - testing his line. “Baby, don’t be rude. He was just offering to give you what you want - you’ve already been such a brat tonight with these ties and everything, do you really want to dig your grave any deeper?” Him and his words - you swore, perhaps coming on tour with them as their live-in groupie was not the move when it came to his power-complex in the bedroom. You were spoiling him, and perhaps it was time to stop. “Come over and untie me, and we can show Sam just how hard you like to be dicked down.”
You got up from your place on the bed and moved towards Danny, who obviously thought his authoritative tone and crude words had done the trick as you lowered yourself lightly onto his lap. He smiled at you, sickly sweet and sort of patronizing, but as he opened his mouth to say something, you took a page out of his book and slapped your hand over his mouth, perhaps harder than necessary, and watched in amusement as a shocked expression took over his face.
He really hadn’t seen this side of you, not with him. Sam chuckled at the change in Danny’s face, and Danny tried to shoot him another dirty look, but you made sure to keep his eyes on you. “No. Look at me. Look at me,” you demanded again when Danny still tried to turn his head. When he finally settled on your eyes, his hooded and dark with lust and bold impudence, you returned that too-sweet smile he’d given you. “You guys hurt me this morning. Not on purpose, but you did because you were each trying to be the big-man macho-dude and you kinda ruined my day.”
One of your hands snuck down to slip underneath your panties, and you let out an exaggerated sigh when your finger circled your clit. Sam swallowed audibly and tried to say, “Baby, we said we were sorr–”
But once again, you cut him off. “I told you to shut it, Samuel. Don’t make me gag you.” Your attention was tuned in again to Danny, who was trying to see below your hand that was still stuck to his lips. “So you’re gonna learn a little bit about listening and I’m gonna make my day better. I’m gonna make myself feel good since apparently, neither of you have the ability to do that for me today. Understand?”
Danny shook his head to displace your hand, and you let him, wondering what would come out of the defiant man’s mouth. “Sure you can do that?” he snarked. “I’ve got a perfectly good dick that you can ride, baby. We both know you feel empty with just your fingers.”
As you lifted yourself off Danny’s lap, you started to pull your panties teasingly down your legs. “I think I’ll be just fine,” you said dismissively, sarcastically. Deciding to let Danny figure out your game on his own, you moved back over to the bed, unashamedly spreading your legs so that the two men could see the way you teased yourself now that you were uncovered. You removed the rest of your clothing and drank in the way they both couldn’t tear themselves away from you.
Hello, ego boost.
You continued your self-pleasure, and while you were perhaps not as wet as you could be, it was enough that you could spread it from your entrance to your clit (and from there, you knew you’d get yourself to how wet you wanted to be). “If you guys had just stopped when I told you to stop,” you complained, sighing when you eased a singular finger into yourself, “then maybe it could have been your fingers.”
You worked your finger upwards inside of you and grinded onto the heel of your hand to get the friction that was just out of reach. The night was young, and you had your vibrator on hold near you on the mattress just in case you needed a little more umph.
“Just say the word, pretty girl,” Danny said roughly, “and we’ll help you.” Sam said nothing.
You ignored him, only adding another finger. The familiar feeling of your body under your fingers quickly lulled you into a state of fervor, wanting to get there, wanting that reward. Slitting your eyes just a little bit, you saw Sam chasing the air with his hips, his dick twitching in his pants. Danny had adopted a more stubborn façade, taking deep breaths and attempting to convince…well, you? Himself? You weren’t sure, but attempting to convince someone that he was cool, calm, and collected.
“Oh,” you sighed, bringing your fingers out of your body and trailing the wet digits up your body to toy with your nipples, “I suppose you might want to touch yourselves, don’t you?” You addressed both Sam and Danny, but only Sam nodded, a little bit desperate but still following your order to shut up.
Good boy.
Danny, however, scoffed rebelliously. “Don’t ask stupid questions, Viv.” Anger laced his words - more frustrated than anything, but it was a crack in his demeanor that he refused to show physically.
And so, because of his unwillingness to play along, you acted as if he wasn’t there and sashayed over to Sam, straddling him and cupping his face so that you could pull him into a filthy kiss, letting him push his tongue into your mouth and gently taking his bottom lip into between your teeth when he pulled back. Your wet core was pressed against his boxers, settled against his hard cock and rocking in a way that had little whines escaping Sam’s lips.
Fuck those noises were heavenly. The man’s feminine appeal was not lost on you, but to bring out this side of him - so needy and wanting and willing - was like bedroom crack.
“You’ve been such a good boy, Sammy,” you crooned, grinding down with a little more force as he pushed as hard as he could up into you. Uh-oh. Strike one. “I think you’ve earned a reward.” Sam’s lips parted and his tongue poked out to wet them, but he didn’t speak. You could tell he wanted to, though. “You can speak, but the first time you try to manipulate your way out of the ties,” you threatened, leaning in close to his ear so that Danny couldn’t hear, “I’ll gag you with my fucking panties. You know I will.”
Sam shook his head, his hair brushing against your face. “I won’t, I won’t - promise,” he breathed out as he rutted into you. Strike two. “Please - please, touch me?”
“So pretty,” you praised, both his begging and his flushed face. He let out a small moan when you got off of him to hook your fingers in the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down as he lifted his hips to help until his underwear lay tangled at his ankles.
When you spit in your hand and finally took a hold of him, he threw his head back with a relieved sigh, squirming at the sensations he could not contribute much to. Other than what you gave him, his cock remained out of his reach, and you were just waiting for him to buck his hips and chase his pleasure again. You gave him no reason to at first, pumping him wetly in a quick, firm grip just as you knew he liked.
But sure enough, a few strokes later, after you loosened your grip and stilled your hand on the tip of his dick to tease all the sensitive spots there, he tried to fuck up into your fist, following the missing friction. You immediately pulled away with a tsk, leaving him begging once more.
“No, no - wait, Viv, wait please please please I’m so fucking hard,” he rasped, tugging at his binds and clenching his stomach muscles. “You didn’t tell me I couldn’t move,” he tried to reason.
But you weren’t having it, instead scooting back so that his dick lay hard and untouched on his stomach, leaning to the side in the hollow of his hip, and with a half an inch of space between you and it. “You chose to learn the hard way,” you said with a huff of laughter at your pun (it was not reciprocated), “this morning when you showed me that you don’t listen to a word I say. Why would I tell you when you’re not gonna listen?”
It was patronizing - like you were talking to a Kindergartner. But your tone was lost on Sam as he was so suddenly deprived of his only form of stimulation. “Fuck, Viv, I’ll listen - just tell me what I need to do,” he requested with a promise. “I’ll do it - just - please touch me.”
“Make him beg a little more.”
The murmur of an answer didn’t come from you. It came from Danny.
Both of your heads snapped over to the man, who had quieted down when you’d turned your full attention to Sam. His gaze was unabashed - flicking from where your center sat so near to Sam’s cock to the both of you.
You painted an attractive picture, you were sure - skin against skin, desperation against resolve, all glazed, hooded eyes, flushed faces, and wandering hands (on your part, at least) - wrapped up in his best friend and his…well, you weren’t about to get into titles, but other friend.
“Shut up,” Sam told him, but the phrase sounded less hostile than intended when it came out a little breathy and gravelly from arousal. “This is my fucking night - you’re not even supposed to be here, so butt out, fuckface.”
Whether it was actually lingering aggression or just Sam biting out at Danny because he could, or out of frustration, you didn’t know, but the interaction intrigued you. You knew in the few times you’d taken them all in the same room, Danny tended to get mouthy with the other boys - trying to guide the scene in the direction that he wanted and keep that tight hold of control that he usually held with you - but you didn’t often take only two of them, or three (it was one or all, usually). This confidence that he had in trying to control the scene for the both of you even from his position - and even more, Sam pushing back and actually egging the conversation on - was a little new.
Danny cocked his head. “I fuck other people’s faces, not the other way around. And those were not very nice words, pillow princess.”
“Maybe if you got your dick out of your own ass you could enjoy someone else’s for once,” Sam snarked back, and it kinda felt like you had faded to the background in favor of their back and forth arguing. So much for the ego boost.
Danny scoffed, “Like I don’t get fucked over by you three enough day to day–”
You finally had enough of it. Stalking over to the bed, you grabbed your panties and turned around to the men, who were split between eye-fucking you and eye-rolling at each other. “The next one to speak gets fucking panty-gagged.”
There was no room for protest in your words, and Sam shut up reluctantly, but Danny, just as you expected, pushed his boundary, scoffing and opening his mouth as if to talk, but only letting out a huff of air at the end that was followed by a shit-eating grin.
“Cheeky,” you sneered mockingly. He shrugged, eyes still telling you just how much he was enjoying this, and how much it was actually turning him on. “Now, rules are rules. You’ll figure them out eventually.” Your words were evil - almost guaranteeing a very long night for both men as they figured out exactly what you expected. “But this is fun! Like a search and find puzzle. Or BINGO, but bedroom edition.”
You settled back onto the bed and drew your vibrator from underneath the other pillow, smirking in Danny’s direction. He was very much acquainted with the toy, but not on this side of the fence. “Neither of us like those kinds of games,” Danny said roughly, eyes tracking the silicone that was obviously taking him back to the last time it was used. “Can we see what’s behind door number 2?”
Turning the toy on, a low buzzing filled the room. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” you sighed, turning the vibrations to your clit. “Fuck. I really wish this was one of you. But you just can’t seem to catch the drift.” Except, you were aware that Sam was trying his best, and had realized his mistake last time. So instead of enjoying your pleasure alone, and curious how it would affect Sam, you turned the vibrator off again, wandering back over to him. “Care to share?”
He hummed, catching a nipple in his mouth and dragging his tongue across it. “I’ll take whatever you’ll give me, babe.”
His answer lit a fire inside you. God, why didn’t you take the reins more often? “Good answer,” you breathed as you pressed the power button once again.
Sam yelped from underneath you, jumping at the initial sensation of the vibe that was nestled against your core, and subsequently, where Sam’s balls met his shaft. At first, you weren’t sure if he was trying to squirm away or push closer, but the choked sounds and ragged breathing led you to believe it may have been the latter.
“See what good boys get?” you asked breathlessly, face turned towards Danny’s with a relaxed expression of pleasure making your eyes flutter.
But Danny refused to relent. “Be a good girl, and I can give you so much more.”
You ignored him and turned back to where you and Sam were pressed against the same toy and whined right along with him as you stroked yourself, higher and higher until it hit your clit and his head, both of you rocking into the vibrations. Your sweat mingled together when you aligned your foreheads together, sharing the same air.
The ‘three strikes’ concept was pushed to the side for just a moment while you focused on your own pleasure instead of the game. Sam seemed caught up as well as he used his legs to move himself, and it wasn’t until you looked down to where you were so close but not quite touching and saw the pearls of precome that were building at the tip of his cock that you realized you were getting away from yourself.
Fuck, you couldn’t let him have too much fun. But it was becoming more and more appealing to throw away your previous grudge and indulge in Sam’s body, but dammit you had a point to prove.
“Sorry, Sammy,” you whispered, truly apologetic, as you pulled away.
But he caught you with his teeth - sinking them into the muscle above your collarbone, and you cried out, goosebumps erupting all over your body from that point of contact. The sudden bite shocked you out of the façade you’d donned for the evening and made you keen, high and loud. That was gonna leave a big mark. “Don’t leave me,” Sam begged softly, murmuring the plea into your skin while he soothed that which he had bitten with his tongue. “What did I do wrong this time? I didn’t speak, I didn’t…I tried not to move,” he ventured, even though you both knew very well that he hadn’t been trying all that hard. “I just - I - please, tell me what I did and I won’t do it again.”
You wished you’d gagged him, because those words of his would be your downfall.
Turning the vibrator off was a loss for both of you, but you managed to keep your noise of dissent in, while Sam let out a soft grunt that trailed into a more hopeful whine when you lined him up with your entrance, rubbing his tip against you with just enough pressure to start the slide in, but never completing it - instead running your wetness down his shaft and repeating the actions.
“Sweetheart, please. You’re so fucking close, and I know you want to. I know you want to sit down, take me in, make us both feel so good,” Sam urged gently, keeping his feet firmly on the ground. He was leaning into you, pressing wet kisses in between words. “We can work so well together, sweetie - all you gotta do is–”
You felt like crying with how much you wanted exactly what he was feeding you. And he sounded so sweet and genuine and fucking needy it took everything in you not to give in. “Sammy,” you whined, voice higher and attempting to match him on his level of desperation, “Sammy, please. I can’t, baby. Not right now. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. Just be a good boy for me.” And seeing as you were in the position of power here, you shouldn’t have been begging. But something about him made you want to break character and be gentle and soft, like he was fragile even though you knew he wasn’t.
Sam groaned in frustration, but nodded nonetheless. Just as you started to come back into your role, a small, tortured groan came from Danny’s direction, and you saw that he must have really liked something he saw, because his bottom lip was bitten raw, and he leered lasciviously at the two of you. And knowing his dominant tendencies behind closed doors, watching you both dissolve into begging each other simultaneously for relief in two ways that contradicted each other, all whines and whimpers and bittersweet anguish, was probably a dream come true for him.
“You think you’re doing something, ignoring me over here,” he said, having scooted towards the bed so that he could put his feet up in a clear sign of disrespect, “but all I’ve gotten is a free show and time to work out just how to get out of these ropes. What’s gonna happen when I do, hmm?”
You snapped out of whatever funk Sam had lured you into and abruptly got off his lap, swiping Danny’s legs off the bed. He was really pushing back - which was what you expected, but hadn’t really taken into account at the same time. He was a stubborn man when it came to bedroom activities, but you’d expected him to catch on and desire release more than his pride.
Obviously, you were wrong.
“You still won’t get shit,” you said sweetly, faces close as you wheeled him back away from the bed. “But I guess you’ll have the choice to stay and watch Sam and I fuck or leave with the knowledge that we could’ve had so much fun if you’d just stop being an ass.”
Stupidly, you realized your position too late - leaning so far in that all it took was one of Danny’s legs wrapping around you to lurch you forward, your hands slipping on the chair arms as you fell into him.
His lips were nestled right by ear as he held you to him unyieldingly, those stupid-attractive thick thighs clearly not just for show. “Who says I’m not already having fun? You and Sammy over there are the ones trying so damn hard not to break.” He raised his voice a little so that it carried over to the other man in the room. “He had you right where I would have wanted you had I been in his position, and yet he folded, so quickly when he was so close to getting what he wanted.”
He grinned as he finished, releasing you from his hold as Sam blinked himself out of his state of arousal to snap back, “Well, it’s not about me. Not that you’d understand that. And I’d rather my dick fall off my body if it wipes that stupid grin off your face.”
Apparently, that was exactly was Danny was shooting for, that irritation from his best friend, because if anything, his grin only got bigger, and he licked his lips, eyes flicking between the both of you. “See, you’re wrong, Sammy. As usual. How could I be thinking of myself when I know it’s what she wants? What she needs?” You’d had enough of him. Already annoyed at yourself for getting wet at his words and at that awful (-ly hot) arrogance, you searched for your fallen panties on the bed, balling them up in your fist as Danny continued. “Maybe she takes authority with you - we all know you need it - but I know that what she really wants–” he wouldn’t see the gag coming, too engrossed in riling Sam (and himself, and you) up, “--and that’s to be used and led around by her fucking cunt in the bedroom. She’s trying to fill a role she isn’t shaped for - and I am very unselfishly offering to break her like you can’t, like she wants to be brok–”
The rest of his filthy sentence was interrupted by a muffled yell when you took advantage of how he couldn’t seem to shut his mouth and shoved your panties between his lips. He tried to say something around the fabric, but it was nearly unintelligible and you didn’t care to find out what he was trying to say.
“Oh sorry,” you said, fake apology dripping saccharine from your words, “I can’t really understand you.” Sam laughed, and you almost rolled your eyes because what you’d said wasn’t that funny. His ego must have been suffering, though, and you were sure any opportunity he had to build it back up, he would take. You ignored him, still, opting instead to tsk at Danny, staring down at his tented pants. “That has to hurt by now,” you cooed, crouching down and spreading his thighs apart with your body. It was such a fucking rush, being in this position you so often found yourself in, but with the power dynamics switched. “It would be a shame if we just…left it alone.”
Danny’s hips twitched toward the finger you teasingly trailed up his knee, to his thigh, narrowing inward until you jumped across his covered cock. More muted statements from his mouth that you ignored completely until the sound of spitting and puffing came from its direction.
Oh absolutely the fuck not.
Slapping a hand over his mouth, you yanked his hair back with the other and pressed a knee roughly flush against his dick - like a threat. A high moan that you weren’t sure you’d ever heard come out of his mouth seeped through the fabric of your panties and to your ears, igniting a shiver that started in your fingers and ran through your body.
You liked that noise. You really liked it.
“Yeah, baby? You like it when I manhandle you?” He didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to. You felt his yes in the way his dick was twitching against you. Saw it in the way his eyelids fluttered and struggled to stay open. Leaning in to break character and whisper, you said, “Remember, red if you don’t like something. Or stomp your foot three times.” Then you were right back in character, tightening your grip on his thick locks and grinding your thigh into him. “If you spit that gag out, I’m not kidding when I say you won’t lay a single fucking finger on me for the next year. Now, pretty boy,” you mocked, “I hope you’ve realized that I know what I want and I know what I need. And since you still want to be a mouthy little bitch, you can watch me fuck myself on Sammy’s cock and take our pretty little pillow princess apart.”
The moment would have been perfect if Sam hadn’t found his bratty streak again. “Thank god and thank you, Daniel, for your big mouth. Finally fucking useful for once.”
Filled with the fire and power you’d started with again, you whipped around, a lovely little croak of a noise sneaking out of Danny as the movement pressed your kneecap harder against Danny’s dick, putting him on edge.
“You shut up unless you want me to walk right the fuck out of here and leave you and Danny to stare at each other, tied-up and hard and helpless and pathetic and all by yourselves.” And what an interesting picture that painted for you. But you wouldn’t actually go through with the threat. Not tonight. Not while you were trembling a little bit still, yearning for touch and release as if you’d denied yourself for a month instead of a minute.
Sam bit his lip as if the idea wasn’t completely abhorrent to him, either. You’d always suspected he had a little masochistic streak. But still, it wasn’t what he wanted right now. “No. No, I’m sorry, Viv,” he gulped. “I don’t want that. I want you. I want to touch you and please you.” His eyes grew wide and moony, and he wet his pouty bottom lip. “I wanna be your good boy.”
You left Danny to his own devices again. All this back and forth had you feeling like a ping pong game, but one where the ball did whatever the fuck she wanted and the players were firmly under her thumb.
And despite his outburst against Danny, you were still stuck on how sweet he’d sounded, imploring you to stay and asking for whatever you were willing to give him.
He had been a good boy, especially compared to Danny. And the night had to move along, as much as you were enjoying this. So, locking eyes with him, you took his chin in your hands, directing his gaze upwards. “Yeah? You wanna be my good boy?”
He nodded fervently, growing hair bouncing into his face as he promised sincerely, “I’ll be the best boy you’ve ever had. I’ll be quiet, I won’t move - I can be your little fucktoy, Viv - I can, I can, promise.”
You groaned, the offer just too good. With him looking at you as if you’d hung the moon and stars, his dick hard and leaking against him, and your own arousal pumping through your veins - you had no qualms lining him up with you and sinking down as he murmured affirmation after affirmation in verses against your flushed skin, quieting when your hips came to rest flush against his.
“Mmmmm,” you hummed in satisfaction, starting a slow rock that turned it into a moan, “Jesus, Sammy. You make such a good toy for me, sweetheart, just like you promised.” He nodded, knowing he wasn’t allowed to speak, instead using his mouth for better endeavors - taking in his shaky breaths, sucking your nipples into his mouth so that they could slide against his tongue in the same rhythm you bounced on his dick. “Got me filled up just right, baby boy. Fuck…fuck. I take it back. I wanna hear those sweet, sweet words coming out of your mouth. Make me feel pretty, sweetheart?”
It was like you’d removed the stone to let the dam go, torrents of filthy praises spewing out of his mouth, flowing in trails between your breasts and climbing their way up your throat to fill your lungs.
“So good, Viv, so fucking good I wanna drown myself in you - god fucking damnit,” he growled, flinging his head back as you braced your thighs, tightened your core, and snapped your hips back and forth like there was an itch you could’t scratch unless you fucked yourself as fast as you could on him. “You use me so well, Viv, so good. And you’re so damn pretty, riding me like that. Your lips and hips and stomach and tits and…yeah,” he gasped, abs constricting so abruptly you felt it against you. He was trying so hard for you, the sweet thing. “Yeah, baby - you’re the prettiest thing that ever sat on my cock. That ever sat in the same fucking room as me. And I want to show you how good you are, how pretty, how much I love making you feel so good. Let me? Let me, please?”
“Fuck, you beg so pretty,” you gasped into Sam’s ear, listening to his little sounds and pleas. Every time you sat down, a sharp slap sounded into the room, and you could feel the way his legs tensed up and shifted in attempt to stop himself from fucking up into you. But he was a mess - you were certain he’d fuck up at least one more time before you were done.
A sound redirected your attention (which was quite a feat as you were rather attached to what you were currently doing) towards Danny, who looked so damn desperate you took pity on him and his muffled sounds and words. He had to be biting at the bit - or panties, more accurately - to do something.
“You want to spit those out, sweetie? Are you gonna stop mouthing off?” Danny nodded, eyes glazed over as he watched the live show in front of him. “You think you deserve it?” His throat bobbed as he met your eyes, silently asking for forgiveness with a tilt of his head forward, almost as if in deference. You hummed patronizingly. “I’m not convinced. But you know what? Maybe after a second opinion. Sammy?”
You suddenly stopped moving, keeping yourself still even as your approaching orgasm pleaded you to go the distance and finish you off. And if you had been close…well - Sammy, you were sure, had been closer.
“Darling, baby, sweetheart, no,” he wailed, realizing his mistake as soon as he pitched his hips up to bump you into action.
“Sammy baby, you leave me no choice when you don’t listen.” You pulled off of him, barely suppressing a whine yourself, and stumbled back on shaky legs to where he was tied up. “But you’ve been so sweet to me tonight, I’ll cut you some slack.” Your fingers trembled as you undid his ties from the back. “You can make me cum, your choice fingers or tongue, and we’ll re-evaluate after that. How does that sound? My pleasure in exchange for yours?”
He pulled you to the bed without another word, silencing himself with the slickness between your legs as soon as your back hit the mattress. You cried out; he knew exactly how to bring you to the peak, and took advantage of that fact. But you were naught to forget about Danny and his silent torment.
“Baby boy,” you keened, tugging harshly at the roots of his hair to bring him up on a gasp, lips glistening, tongue flicking out obscenely to lick you off his skin, “I still want your opinion. Has Danny been good enough? Should we let him talk to us? You know he won’t be quiet.” The disappointment in your tone was offset by the blatant need in Sam’s.
“I know I wouldn’t want to be quiet if I was in his position,” he admitted breathlessly. “I think he’s been good enough. And I…” He trailed off.
The strands between your fingers were silky, but damp with sweat and leftover stage product. You yanked, and he yelped pitifully, but you saw the way he ground himself into the mattress. “If I wanted to guess what you were saying, I’d have you speaking with your head still buried between my thighs. Now, what?”
There was a hesitation in his gaze that manifested in his mouth, fluttering open as if he couldn’t quite bring himself to say the words lingering on his mind. “He’s been good enough, and I - and I don’t mind. When he talks to us.”
Heat flared across your body, your eyes cutting over to where Danny looked like he was trying desperately not to get the panties out of his mouth by any means necessary. “Spit ‘em out,” you finally permitted. Because after that little concession from Sam, how could you not?
It took a lot of sputtering, and some furious swiping at the material with his shoulder, but Danny finally got the material out of his mouth. You weren’t particularly concerned with his struggle, having guided Sam’s mouth back to you.
“Does she taste good?” Danny’s voice sounded dry, but you wouldn’t have known if it was from the gag or arousal unless the words came from his mouth. You’d still have to remember to get him some water soon.
Or you’d just give him a taste of what Sam was having. And there’d be enough wetness to go around, especially with the way Sam’s nose brushed your clit as he nodded enthusiastically, making sure he pulled out every trick in the book to bring you to completion. For someone who wasn’t the singer in the band, his tongue surely had talents of its own.
“Sweet boy, licking me out so well,” you choked out, grinding your hips against his face as you chased your pleasure. He’d definitely have to be rewarded for his efforts. With his lips playing with suction so well, but his teeth and tongue contributing to the electricity, building the energy in your body until it was like you were balancing on a live-wire, you finally retook control, leaning up on one hand while the other clutched harder at Sam’s hair to hold him in place as you used his face to take and take and take, Sam’s broken moans only adding to your pleasure. “Sammy!” you gasped, tumbling off your high and into his still-ravenous mouth.
“Keep going, Sammy. You said you wanted to make her feel good. Good boys keep their promises,” egged Danny from where he was.
It was about time you dealt with him.
Peeling Sam away from your bucking hips, you tugged him up the bed, tasting yourself on his tongue as you devastated him with a kiss and leaving him in a tizzy, hips rutting and tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. “Viv, I - was I good enough? Please, please tell me I was good enough, tell me I was your good boy, that I made you feel good. I need it. I need you.”
“Shh.” His cries upturned your plans. You had promised him, and you intended to let him collect. “Shh, baby. You were wonderful, you did so well and made me feel so fucking good.” He let out a relieved breath, tension dropping out of his shoulders. You’d have to trust that the two men would be okay with shared aftercare, because you were still intending them both to need it. Sammy seemed to be there already, willing to do whatever you asked of him, the poor boy. You’d have to re-evaluate Danny when you were done with Sam.
Sam held you close, hips twitching into the crease of your hip while you held him right back, wrapping your arms around him and comforting him as he deserved. “Sammy boy, my sweet, sweet, good boy. Do you want to fuck me? Or do you want me to ride you again? I promise I’ll let you cum this time.”
“Yes. Yes, please, please, please, please–” His mumbles disappeared in kisses, lacing your skin with heat and love and desperation so palpable in the way his fingertips rolled waves across your flesh and kept pulling you to him even when every inch of space had been taken. “If you’ll let me fuck you, I want to make you feel good again. Good boys keep their promises, right?”
Danny's words coming from between Sam’s lips was a lovely example of how well he could listen. Maybe you’d gotten through to him. “That’s right, love. But I want you to feel good.”
Sam was already gingerly taking himself in hand. “I know. I still want to fuck you, if that’s okay with you?”
You smiled and accepted him between your legs. “Yes, baby boy, it’s okay with me. Come fuck me now, sweetheart, and we can feel good together.”
“Thank you,” he whispered as he pushed into you, soft groan echoing in your ear and making your brain whir with new happy hormones. “Thank you so much, baby. You’re so good to us,” he praised as he began thrusting into you, pace already sloppy and uncoordinated.
Danny had wheeled himself over to where the action was taking place, and you saw him in your peripheral, watching as Sam worked himself into a frenzy. “So desperate, Sammy. But still remembering your manners. Viv’s got you under lock and key, doesn’t she?” His words spurred Sam on, but he was whining out his concurrence against your lips. “Does she own you, Sam?”
“Yeah,” he grated, concentrating on not losing himself. “Yeah, she owns me. Fucking - I - I wanna make you feel good,” he stated disjointedly, “but I can’t - I can’t –”
Wrapping your legs around him, you pulled him further into you. “You said I own you, right?” He nodded, panting and moving and chasing and stopping, “Then I own your cum, too, Sam. Now, I want it. Cum in me, baby boy, it’s what we both want. Give me what I want and you’ll be a good boy.”
He sobbed and couldn’t argue, couldn’t even begin to put up a fight. As soon as he had permission, he was gone - floating away on a cut string and limply letting his body control him for a few minutes as he came back with your soft words.
“Good boy. So good. Let me deal with Danny–” cue a long groan from said untouched man, “--and then I’ll come back to take real good care of you, okay?” His response was muffled in your breasts, where his face had come to rest. “What?”
“I said…can I watch?”
You laughed gently, hugging him for still being his silly, goofy self even after showing you that level of vulnerability. “Sam, he just watched you fall apart in my hands and talked to you while you did it. Of course you can watch. In fact,” you said, tapping Sam’s shoulder in an effort to get him to roll off of you, “it would only be fair if you participated a little bit, too.”
Danny had a wild look in his eye. Feral and desperate, you wanted to corner him until he surrendered, until he was the one begging for mercy. “I dunno, honey, looks like you fucked all the participation outta him.”
But Sam was quick to come back, saying, “Don’t be so sure, Daniel. And I would watch your fucking mouth if I were you.”
Danny was distracted by your lowering to your knees in front of him, swallowing hard but keeping up the game. “Why? Because - because you’d - um - because you’d do what, pillow princess?” he finally got out, breath quickening.
“It must be awfully hard keeping this attitude up,” you sighed. “But I’m getting tired of waiting for you to stop being a brat. I think it’s about time I make you.”
The threat was clear and dangerous in your voice, but seemingly hypocritical to how you tugged his pants down his legs. His groan of relief told an entire novel in itself. The rich, deep start giving away just how desperate he’d been to free his cock, and the small hiccup at the end telling you just how high his sweet sounds could go when he got what he wanted.
You were gonna make him fucking sing.
Engulfing him in your mouth, he cursed at the suddenness of stimulation, and you could only imagine the way his eyes would roll to the back of his head. You didn’t have to imagine the full-body shudder, though. You tasted that one through the drop of precome on your tongue and felt it all the way down to where his thighs shook underneath your palms.
Drawing off, and in much the same fashion as you had first done to Sam, you pumped him, hard and fast and intentional, in your hand as he squirmed and writhed under the sudden onslaught of intense pleasure. “Sam, you’re somewhat of an expert on this.”
Sam perked up from his spot still resting on the bed. “Yeah?”
“How many times should we edge our naughty Daniel tonight?”
A lick of his lips, and dark meeting of eyes between the two men - one daring the other to do something drastic and the other taking the challenge. So much tension, and then – “Let’s see…how many times did he run his big mouth?”
“Too many times to count,” you chuckled, “do you really want to be here all night?”
Sam pursed his lips. “True. Let’s settle on a good ‘ol lucky number five.”
With a quick agreement set and Danny protesting all the while, you set about round one, continuing the hard and fast jerk you had going, even locking eyes with Danny as you drooled down to where your handjob was bringing him close to the edge he’d been sitting on all night. “Let’s get there fast and furious, and then we can have our fun.”
Danny bucked into your fist with a moan, hissing, “Not our. Fucking…you. You and Sam. M’not having fun.”
Knowing that Danny was aware of the safeword, you laughed, playfully eying his erection. “Oh yeah? Huh. So you can’t control your mouth and you can’t control your cock. Not so dominant after all, are we, Danny?”
Sam’s long legs draped on either side of your shoulders, and you relaxed into the bed while you gave Danny a handjob as if it wasn’t affecting you at all. But you felt twin flames of heat running up and down your body, sizzling with the visual you had and consuming his sounds so that you didn’t miss any of his ‘I’m close’ tells.
“I don’t think it’ll matter that he can’t control his cock tonight, darling. You seem to have a good hand on that particular problem,” Sam said gleefully. You giggled at his play on words, but Danny, the sneaky bastard, took the opportunity to clench his abdomen and attempt to push himself into an orgasm.
“Oh, oh, oh,” you clucked, immediately letting him go and watching him throb and curse. “You can’t just sneak an orgasm past me, Daniel you little brat.” Smirking evilly up at him, you said, “You’ve guaranteed I know every which way you cum with how you use me, usually. Looks like it’s coming back to bite ya in the ass, isn’t it?”
Danny huffed like a racehorse, swallowing so harshly his Adam’s apple hung suspended for a moment. He collected himself before answering you again. “There’s not a thing in this world that could make me regret having you take my cum so well, pretty girl.”
You wanted to break him. You’d seen the cracks, the fault lines in his façade, heard the shakiness in his voice, and you wanted to capitalize on that. It would be so sweet to watch him crumble. But he always caught himself before he fell, which was agonizing to you both, you were sure.
“Hmm. Well, that was only number one. We have a ways to go, and we’ll see if we can change that.” You tilted your head back to look up at Sam, who was still just watching from above you as you kneeled. “Hey, Sammy. Spit in my mouth?”
The request shocked both men, and you heard Danny’s sharp intake of breath cut through the silence like a hot knife that buried itself in your stomach - it set you up in flames. Because you knew that was one of his favorite things to do. Something about the possession and the filthiness and the depravity hit something in him that made his entire being vibrate.
So for you to throw it in his face, asking his best friend to do it right in front of him while he was helpless to do anything? Killer.
You gave Sam your best bedroom eyes, upside down and waiting for him with an open mouth, and relished in the way he gently braced his thumbs on the hinge of your jaw and guided your lips open just a little wider with the rest of his fingers on your chin. “Anything for you, Viv,” he murmured before gathering his spit behind puckered lips, leaning over you and aiming as well as he could before shooting it into your wide open embrace.
It was always strange to you, the feeling of someone else’s saliva in your mouth, but you tolerated it because it was hot, as well. And you had a very specific use for Sam’s spit in mind.
As Sam withdrew, you met Danny’s hungry gaze, mouth still hanging open obscenely, and kept it as you tipped your head forward and let it drip onto his cock, which twitched as soon as the saliva hit. “Fuck,” Danny uttered between clenched teeth.
You heard Sam groan behind you, and then his hair curtained your peripheral. “That was really fucking dirty of you, babe. Really, really fucking dirty.”
“I know,” you said cheerfully, thumbing at the sensitive ridge below Danny’s head. It didn’t bother you that your cheek was pressed against the seat of the chair as you focused your mouth on Danny’s balls. “I need you to tell me when you think he’s getting close,” you asked of Sam, as your vision would be rather compromised.
There was a movie running through your mind, though, of you - on your knees, tongue and lips working to pleasure Danny - blissfully unaware of a silent war raging between the two men. Danny not wanted to beg, trying to get Sam to sympathize with him and perhaps pull an ‘oh no, I caught it too late’ and Sam taking delight in denying him.
You wouldn’t know, though, since all you could see was Danny’s cock and Danny’s balls and Danny’s thighs. Every time he tried to push into you, you bared your teeth to rest smooth on a place he did not want to feel them and eventually he settled to take what you gave.
There was a stubble beneath your tongue, and you were a little fearful that you’d get beard burn that wasn’t from a beard.
“He’s getting close, sweetheart.” Sam’s voice drifted in from above, and you wondered what it was like for him, seeing Danny like this just as you were for the first time, but unlike you, really looking at him and paying attention. “He’s trying not to let me know, but I know. I think it might be time to pull away.”
You throbbed at his words, so gentle and smooth for someone indirectly edging their best friend.
Danny’s cock disappeared once more into your mouth as you rose up, kissing the tip for fun, and then left him alone. But you were not. Left alone, that is. Sam took your chin in his hand and searched your face, letting his eyes linger curiously on your lips, and then dipped his head to capture them with his own. What seemed like a sweet kiss turned filthy as Sam licked into your mouth zealously, intentionally.
Both of you were panting when he pulled back. “Did you taste him?” you asked shakily.
‘Did you want to?’ was the real question.
You knew that’s why he’d been so hesitant, so curious - kissing you after someone else’s dick had just been in your mouth was a move not for those who suffered fragile masculinity. But it wasn’t just indifference you got from Sam. It was interest.
“I think so,” he revealed, almost inaudibly.
“What’d I taste like, on our pretty girl’s lips?” Danny must have been in hell, hating his situation but simultaneously getting off on it. But he still found his voice.
You stroked a finger down Sam’s face. “Yeah, baby boy. What’d we taste like?”
Sam took your lips once more, a small smirk on his when he left you. “Sweet and salty, darling. Now, that was only two, wasn’t it?”
You could tell they were both antsy, and decided to indulge them, pushing Sam back from you and mounting Danny in one smooth move, rubbing your clit with your fingers on top of him so that he could feel you moving against the skin of his cock. “Okay. We’ll make this one fast. Think you can handle it?” you asked, altering your grinding from against the stiff control of your fingers and to the bare skin of Danny’s cock. You stroked his tip up against your opening, teasing him with the slickness and pressure before just running his cock between your lips, making sure you had a thumb teasing at his slit to get him to the edge.
“Think you can handle me?”
Danny meant for his words to be a threat, but when it escaped, choked and pathetic, there wasn’t much threat to be heard.
When he started leaking profusely, straining up to try and get inside you when you lined yourself up, you took everything away again.
Danny’s face colored a deep red and his face screwed up in frustration. “Damnit, Viv! Just let me cum!”
You forgot how tall Sam was until he used his height to his advantage, so when it only took him three strides to get up from the bed to behind Danny’s chair, you could only blink sluggishly as Danny’s head snapped back, Sam (dressed in his shorts again) glowering over him, hand buried into his hair in one bold move, only a slight pause in his actions. “Don’t fucking talk to her like that, bitch.”
You knew Danny would have something to say about that, so you stepped into action, scraping your fingernails up the sensitive inner thighs, soft and just so overdue for a mark or two - making his legs contract in on his body with surprise.
“He’s right, you know. You just keep making things difficult. Wouldn’t it be so nice to give in for once? I’ll give you all the pleasure you’d want, baby,” you cooed. “But that’s three. We have to get to five since you’d been so bad. Sammy even had to step in, how embarrassing is that?”
“Now be quiet,” Sam whispered, keeping his hand at Danny’s scalp. You saw the bumps of his knuckles moving, though, and you thought that maybe he was a little sympathetic to Danny’s plight. “Let her take care of you.”
Lowering yourself onto his cock unexpectedly, you keened just as Danny did, and the unanticipated pleasure worked well in your favor, sanding down his rough edges to your liking grain by painstaking grain. “I just want to cum,” he moaned lowly, “I just want release.”
You rocked with him inside you, deep and snug and so right. It filled you up, like a helium balloon, and you felt so high and floaty, and yet you were grounded by your ambition. “I will, baby. I’ll take care of you. You just have to let me.”
It was a stretch to lean over him, with his head flung so achingly back and his neck forging a strong line from his jaw to the distracting arch of his throat, but you made it just so that you could kiss him. He was so weary, so desolate now. It wouldn’t be long until you reached his foundation and took a pickaxe to it.
You rode him gently, trying to work your hips to catch his cock in all the right ways, and kept your abs tight to bear down on him.
“I’m gonna cum,” Danny gasped, eyes pinched shut in the agonizing knowledge it would once again not come to fruition.
“Good boy, Danny,” you praised, stilling but keeping him nestled in your warmth, “good boy. I know you’re so desperate. I know you’re so frustrated. But that was a step in the right direction. So good.”
Any progress was progress in the end, and Danny keeping his hips from fucking up into you as you sat unmoving in his lap, telling you he was about to come just so that you could deny him - it was delicious. You wanted to eat it up until he had nothing left to offer. Wanted to beat him down until he looked up at you for mercy under your heel.
This man was so perfect for breaking.
“You’re catching on,” Sam commented, still holding Danny’s head to the top of the chair. He gazed down at him in a sated, happy sort of hope, like he was just waiting for Danny to join him where he existed so blissfully. “Just wait. That was four. After five, she’ll fuck you so good, Daniel, you’ll never want anything else like the way you want her to fuck you right now.” Sam pulled you in for a kiss over Danny’s head. “Isn’t that nice?”
“You want me to fuck you, Danny boy? Want me to fuck you so well?”
You and Sam waited on bated breath for his response, both hoping he wouldn’t snark something and ruin the moment. Fuck, you just wanted him to submit so that you could both finish out the night.
“I do. I want to fuck you, Viv, you know that.”
Sam exhaled, disappointment heavy on his breath. “Danny…”
Grabbing onto his shoulders, you rose up, then sat down hard - the bounce burning your thighs. The honey-sweet sob that ripped out of Danny’s throat broke like brittle, though, and Sam finally let his hair go so that he could drop his forehead to your shoulder, but he only used it to bite over where Sam’s teeth had sunk into you early, and you shouted out as his teeth reignited the tender skin. “Danny, fuck!”
He didn’t even attempt to soothe the skin, panting hotly against it instead. “Gonna have to let me come, soon,” he said drunkenly. “It’s gonna have to end at some point, Viv. Ride me harder, ride me faster. We can cum together.”
And the agony of his words as they struck your soul was that he was so damn sincere. He honestly had no clue that there was more, that he hadn’t quite made the cut. And as much as it hurt you, as much as it pained you to know that this stubborn, strung-out, so heartbreakingly oblivious fool would suffer more at your hand–
You would be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to the breakdown.
“Yeah? You wanna cum together, sweet boy?” He shivered in your arms. “You wanna get us so filthy? Oh, you’re so fucking needy, baby,” you sang in his ear. “And you’re so fucking close, too. I can feel you, all hot and twitchy inside me. Let’s take our last little break. Do you want me to cockwarm while we calm down?”
“Yes, pretty girl, yes. You just sit there on my dick and let me rest. And then you can fuck yourself on me some more,” he agreed, relief saturating his voice, so achingly desperate.
Sam met your eye, brows furrowed. You knew what he was asking, what he was looking for.
Were you really going to give him what he wanted?
And the answer?
You shifted your weight suddenly, wrapping yourself around Danny so that he was nearly being suffocated by your breasts (which you were sure wasn’t a complaint on his end), and rode him for all you were worth. The upped intensity was rough on both of your worn-out bodies, but you drove forth anyway.
“Gonna ride you until you cum all up in me, baby,” you whispered in his ear, grateful for Sam’s hold on the chair that kept you from painting the room in wheel-marks, “just like we agreed, yeah? Just like I said?”
“Yes - yes! I’m so close, Viv, you have no idea - I - I - just a little bit more,” he squeezed out.
“Can you beg me, baby? Beg me to let you cum? It would be so sweet of you,” you cajoled. But he refused, making little noises instead to offset your request. And that just wouldn’t work. “Did you hear me, Danny?” Your tone was sharper, and You knew Sam had caught on when his fingertips gripped the seat a little tighter. “I said, beg me to let you cum.”
It was no longer a request, it was a demand. To have spent so much time lulling him into that comfort zone, letting him think that he still had some semblance of control, made it so much sweeter ripping that rug from underneath his feet.
“Daniel, beg,” Sam whispered, like a true friend who didn’t want his buddy getting in any more trouble than he already was. “She’s not asking. Just do it, Danny. Just beg for her. For us.”
But still, nothing.
“You’re going to beg or you’re going to get abso-fucking-lutely nothing,” you snarled, ripping away your entire body from him. Danny let out an anguished cry and tried to keep himself from coming into a ruined orgasm. He’d been right fucking there. One more touch would have sent him overboard.
“That was five!” he cried. “That was five, I swear that was five, that was fucking five times!” He raged and fought against his bonds, and you were certain the chair would have tipped if Sam wasn’t wrestling to keep it upright. Perhaps Danny would learn a lesson if you let him throw himself on the floor like a toddler throwing a tantrum in the cereal aisle. “You promised! You fucking - you - you –”
He cut himself off with the most frustrated sound you’d ever heard from him and wanted to make it all better, but you wanted him to beg more. That was all you wanted. So simple, so easy, and yet…not for him. You stayed quiet, hoping he would work himself up so much to the point where he would give in. You’d done all you could outside of leaving him like this all night, which you wouldn’t do.
“Beg for us, Danny, please,” Sam implored at his ear, and you found it ironic. But also, this could work. Danny was a sucker for when people begged him, but you’d already established you wouldn’t. Sam was the best bridge between you that there was. “Please, Daniel. Please, just - I promise, just tonight. That’s all we want. Just tonight.”
Sam kept murmuring his encouragement while you stared longingly at the two. God, it was all you wanted.
“Please, Viv,” Danny croaked finally, head hanging low in perceived defeat, “please, fuck me. Make me cum, please.”
Even you surprised yourself with the speed you tackled the man with, kissing the prayers straight from the sinner’s mouth. Good enough for now.
“Untie him, Sammy,” you breathed, smoothing your hands over his heated skin, but wanting to wait until he was free to do anything more. “Untie him, and then Danny, I want you on the bed.”
It wasn’t until Danny was splayed out on his back, with you hovering over him, that you asked again. “More, Danny. I want more. You heard Sam earlier. Don’t beg me for selfish reasons, sweetheart. Don’t just say ‘please’. C’mon. Beg me for real,” you urged, catching the very angry head of his dick in your folds.
“I don’t know how,” he sobbed, playing helpless and hoping for pity. “I don’t know what you want.”
With one big sigh, you stopped moving. “Well then, I guess if you don’t know by now…Sam,” you said, putting as much disappointed sadness into your voice as you could, “I don’t think he can. Could you bring me my pajamas?”
And while it did say something that Danny stayed supine, watching with panicky eyes as you began to work your clit so that you could find your own pleasure instead of grabbing you and trying to take what he wanted, you observed him from half-hooded eyes, waiting, waiting, waiting - Danny’s breaths becoming labored and uneven - until –
“I’m sorry!” he burst out, eyes so wide and blown out you could’ve taken a clear picture with a fucking Nokia flip phone. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m so fucking sorry for - for being a brat and making you wait,” he purged, cleansing himself of the night’s difficulty. “All I want is you, Viv. All I want is your touch and whatever you want to give me. I want your hands and your lips, honey, it doesn’t even have to be your pussy. And I - I know I don’t deserve to cum, but I really, really, fucking want to. Please. Please, let me.”
And finally, the sweet, sweet conclusion.
“Sam, get behind me,” was all you said.
You felt him immediately, the warmth of his skin hovering over you, the dip of the mattress, the nesting doll image of your knees bracketing Danny’s hips and Sam’s bracketing yours, but he didn’t touch you. “What do you need?”
You were already lining Danny up, for the final time that night. “You’re gonna help Danny get me off,” you explained, groping blindly for his hand and pressing it to your soaked clit, grinding into him for just a second before you decided Danny didn’t need to be teased any more this evening and sat on his cock.
Even though you’d only cum once in the night, you still felt so used up, like your energy had been siphoned out of you. Sam was so close against you that you felt his dick twitch against your back as he moved with the rhythm you set, trying his best to keep his finger in-time and on-target - which, with how slick you were and how fast you were moving, was quite an ambitious task. You felt it every time he slipped on accident, grazing where you were sucking Danny in and eliciting low, exhausted groans from the two of you.
“He’s about to cum, sweetheart. Look at him, so pretty and willing and…oh fuck, he’s crying!”
Your pace stuttered as you saw Danny’s tears as well, quickly leaning down to comfort him. But as soon as you stopped, he sobbed louder. “No! No, no, please don’t stop,” he begged, obviously having gotten the hang of it. “Please don’t stop again - I can’t take it!”
You shushed him, starting to move instantly after his plea. “I won’t stop, sweet boy. I just need to know that you’re alright. You’re crying, baby.”
Danny brought a shaky hand to his face, feeling the wetness there. “I - It’s - I’m not,” he tried to convince you, “I’m not crying, I’m sweaty and tired and over-fucking-stimulated and I’ll be fine. I promise, I promise! Just - I need you. I can’t have you stop again,” he whimpered desolately.
“Can you at least tell us your color?” Sam asked gently from your shoulder, gazing down at him as well.
Danny nodded, squirming against both you and Sam’s weight. “It’s green. It’s green, but if I get edged again, I might have to - it might change.”
“We won’t,” you promised earnestly. “Come on, Danny. Cum for me, sweet boy.”
You knew he was there. That he had been since you’d touched him. And he listened so easily this time, to that request. His eyes rolled back and his entire torso convulsed upwards in an arch as you felt him empty himself into you.
Sam scaled his fingers across you even faster, racing to get you to your peak, and Danny’s hands came to grip your hips in a tight hold, keeping you almost immobile on top of him. “Thank you, Viv, thank you thank you thank you,” Danny whined, the gratitude rushing forth as if it had been all he wanted all this time as well. “Please, I want you to cum on me. Make her, Sam, please - you gotta - you gotta get her there.”
“I will,” Sam promised, locking eyes with him over your shoulder. “Look, Danny, I am.”
You came with Sam’s fingers dancing over your nerves and still stuffed full of Danny. And then you collapsed, panting heavily into Danny’s neck as he returned the favor and buried his face into yours. “Good boy,” you lauded, “good boys.” You reached back and Sam took a hold of your loose hand. “Come over here, Sammy. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your aftercare.”
“Just cuddle, please,” Danny whispered into your skin. “For now.”
You pet his hair soothingly. “Of course, baby. Of course we can just cuddle for now. But we have to clean up at some point.” You rolled to Danny’s side, but he followed so that he could still lay full-body against you, and you tried to rearrange yourself so that Sam could join on your other side. He promptly clambered up against you as well, and you held them both. You even thought you saw Sam take Danny’s hand, but you weren’t sure, and you weren’t concerned, and you weren’t going to say anything about it if he did. Comfort was the name of the game, now, and you would take it and give it any way you could.
There were still tear tracks on Danny’s face, and you craned over to him to kiss them away, salty on your lips. “Sweaty,” you teased gently, and Danny hummed.
“So sweaty,” he said with a small smile and as much a warning in his eyes as he could manage that said, ‘if you ever fucking mention this, you will be sorry’.
“Thank you for playing along tonight, baby. Both of you.”
You got a kiss from each side. “It was our pleasure. We’re sorry for fighting and spilling coffee on you.”
You’d kinda forgotten all about that.
Taglist: @fictional-duchess @greta-van-yeet @fleetsonfire @theweightofstardust @theatrekidjosh @prophetofthedune @givemeyourtots2
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sugar-petals · 3 years
SuperM Fluff & NSFW Notes
↳ 🌹aka some of their romantic antics plus random 18+ imagines 👋
warnings ⚠️ rated (super) m, boyfriends hc, porn mentions, partial fem!reader, sex toys
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since baekhyun knows how to make scented candles, he creates one for you as a birthday present with your favorite fragrances.
every entry in mark’s diary involves fond thoughts about you.
taemin kisses you more than his cat kkoongie on a daily basis so let that sink in. his smooch obsession is getting out of hand.
lucas, having giant fingers after all, learns how to knit in order to make you a warm scarf. he’s still a bit clumsy with it and had to call kun for advice, but the result is surprisingly proper and quickly becomes your favorite item. it’s a little huge but well, he thinks in his dimensions. lucas’ next project is a beanie.
ten overwhelms you with pet names. in fact, he seemingly seems to come up with a new one each day.
kai is a candlelight dinner, rose petals and music kinda guy. he does every old-school thing in the book.
taeyong can cuddle endlessly in bed. he just doesn’t wanna leave.
lucas gladly shares his sweaters. they’re ginormous so, perfect cuddle material.
baekhyun is already a fool. so — when he falls in love, he becomes an even bigger fool. or, the contrary happens: he becomes dead silent around his partner because he’s so enthralled. he can take this more seriously than you think.
mark likes to write little cards and many many texts to express his love.
lucas is the type who can help you put on your jeans when they were shrinking a bit too much in the dryer. he’s pretty sexy like that and things can get really touchy.
cheesy fucking kai, and there’s only one guy who would do this, has actually lowered himself over a puddle once so you would have a bridge. brushed it off like a daily workout rep.
not one shower missed without baekhyun joining you. yes, it’s not always sexy time, he likes it when you shampoo his hair and whisper sweet nothings. and obviously: it’ll all devolve to a laughing fit.
taeyong is the type who wants to be proposed to.
taemin will get a motorcycle license and take you for a frequent ride. he loves getting those kind of back hugs.
both ten and lucas are great at making bracelets. wayv’s dorm is fully equipped with charms, strings, and pearls, so expect matching ones for you.
we’ve seen it, that one’s his favorite move. kai wraps his hand around your shoulder when you walk together.
mark will ALWAYS share his melon.
making you swoon on a DVD evening is lucas’ favorite hobby. he will buy you the most sugary-sweet romance movies. he will often browse streaming sites to select the latest sentimental plots. all these dramas seem to have a male lead who is suspiciously tall and lanky.
if you allow him, taeyong customizes your white tees with his cute drawings.
since taemin swims in money thanks to his profession as the god of kpop (yes, this is a registered job name because i say so), he can fulfill you any wish. he’s stingy and pouty when the shinee hyungs can pay, and the motherfucker baekhyun is even richer since his albums have been taking off so he opens his mochi wallet when superm is gathered, but you... are a different case. taemin will humbly empty his entire pockets when he overhears you gushing over something. there’s a voice in his mind going: must splurge!!
mark loves christmas, you establish an annual tradition to stage a whole couple evening.
baekhyun likes to play charades and especially do karaoke with you. he’s always cutely wiggling his butt and dances like a drunk uncle. he hits the high notes anyway and makes sure you score 100 points.
taeyong can make out with you while at the same time making sure that the milk doesn’t get burned on the stove. kiss’n’stirr multitask tyong alert. gotta make sure the cocoa is served in time, you know.
all the members enjoy playing board games. yep, imagine the fun and sheer chaos.
lucas has the funniest laugh ever indeed. he’ll react to all your jokes, no matter how lame they might be. intensely reassuring.
taemin’s hand is basically glued to yours.
taeyong and mark are the kinds of boyfriends that spoil their partner with skincare. fancy a nice face massage with a nice fragrant oil?
baekhyun has been baking heart-shaped pizzas ever since you started dating. he just can’t make them round anymore.
mark will join you on anything you’re currently bingewatching. 
kai sometimes — only half-jokingly — goes down on both knees bowing forward with his hands on the ground just to show how much he wants to thank you. in case you didn’t notice: this guy treats you like a deity.
ten usually gets confused glances from the other members whenever he gets the current date wrong: he simply loses track of time with you.
lucas makes a habit of buying you flowers every other week. but on unpredictable occasions, and he arranges them in places you’d never expect.
taemin will build you a weird-looking snowman to make you laugh, and give it an even stranger name. ten will build one that looks like you. kai doesn’t build snowmen, he just stands there challenging you to throw snow balls at him.
mark will hang out with you at the beach constantly bringing his guitar. he’ll serenade you all the time.
returning from three months of touring, baekhyun has once climbed your balcony when your parents were in the other room. yep, he was that desperate to see you. somebody give this man a rope and helmet.
taeyong writes down heartfelt confessions on 365 folded slips of paper so you can open one every day. your reactions will range from ‘awwh!’ to straight-up tears.
ten does regular couple yoga with you. a mildly challenging form, not the circus acrobat version. he’ll do the difficult parts anyway. you can pretzel this guy up, he’ll do anything to make you laugh.
when it rains you hook your arm around his, and lucas always holds the umbrella. even the wildest gush of wind can’t make it turn inside out. you arrive home entirely dry. xuxi is so cute, he’s also a great source of cooling shadow in the summer without even trying.
taemin’s skinship overdrive doesn’t stop with endless hand-holding, back hugs and kisses. he wants to lay down in your lap whenever he can. he looks damn pretty with his hair splaying there. if you work on your laptop, you can pretty much count to ten and he’s already nestled there.
kai does pushups with you on his back. it’s a staple. each time he does one, he says ‘i love you’. he increases his count every day.
it’s no secret that taeyong is great at acting or pulling off any outfit and costume. expect roleplay of the finest kind — literally. he looks good in a firefighter uniform. you’ll be burning up pretty much automatically.
taemin can’t keep his tongue in. it’s terrible. he’s always in the mood for head. his sloppy noises are the absolute worst, it turns you on way too fast.
lucas had some major problems finding condoms that fit him.
ten and taemin are so switchy, they have an unresolved power struggle going on. begs for a dominant third party to help them out.
kai owns expensive latex gear.
baekhyun may be the king of vocals and breath technique, but if you push him far enough he does get hoarse.
taemin often jokes how kai will one day break his dick from fucking too hard.
meanwhile, mark’s dick is already falling off – from fucking too often. this guy has some major hormones going for him. no surprise, a guy who can promote in four kpop groups at the same time is a stamina king.
taeyong likes eating pussy with another party involved. three’s a crowd my friend. sometimes it’s taemin who unleashes his spit waterfall power, sometimes it’s baekhyun who preoccupies himself with nibbling at the inner thigh while taeyong digs in.
taemin owns the most underwear.
mark takes valerian drops because he is so nervous in bed. it never really goes away, it’s his nature.
taeyong keeps a lube collection. a different flavor for all occasions. he likes associating certain scents with specific body parts.
kai has a heels kink. he literally goes wild over it.
taemin likes to have sex with favorite glasses on.
taeyong and kai are the most likely to cry during sex. baekhyun as well if you rough him up enough. 
mark gets rock hard the fastest, followed by kai. he’s a grower.
taeyong gets the best inspiration for a song when he gets a casual dick riding.
taemin watches extremely x-rated erotic thrillers and bdsm flicks that are heavy on the plot. he gets more invested in the characters and actors than you think. since his japanese is amazing? of course he also owns a giant 90s hentai collection. 
when he’s jerking off, baekhyun chokes himself. a) because he’d make too much noise otherwise and b) because asphyxiation is his favorite thing.
kai feels pleasure in his every cell. he cums the hardest. and, as you can expect, his body expresses it the most extremely, accurately, passionately. if you’ve seen it even once, you’ll never look at him the same again.
taemin has less experience than his discography claims, but more than you’d think. he researches sexual techniques as well. you can brace yourself.
mark has not just a tiger inside, but a freak inside, waiting to be unleashed.
sex while gaming is a go-to activity for baekhyun.
lucas has the best stamina when it comes to getting head.
taemin throws his head back during sex. and no, he doesn’t T-pose. i’m kidding — of course he does. but only when he’s on his back.
taeyong tends to grip a pillow when he cums.
or he humps one when he’s by himself.
ten has the best taste in sexy time playlists.
baekhyun has the best taste in singing his own playlist along.
oh, the things kai has bought at a gas station at 3AM.
baekhyun sucks strap the best. he can open his mouth the widest, drools a lot, and makes the best noises unsurprisingly.
how to turn on lee taemin? he likes getting slapped.
since he’s the most avid and most diverse eater, lucas’ sperm tastes the best. he’s shove 50 fruits into his system just to give you a sweet experience.
mark is absolutely a starfish. 
kai wears fishnet tops if you fancy it.
curiously, baekhyun out of all people doesn’t announce when he’s cumming. you’ll hear it, though.
taeyong’s dildo collection is one for the books.
taemin has visited a pro dominatrix a couple times. needless to say, he was the #1 favorite client at the dungeon. having fully submerged into a fantasy world, taemin was one whip crack away from falling in love with the mistress. but then covid happened and the venue closed.
mark’s dick looks really pretty.
taemin can grind on the strap at every humanly possible angle. he’s almost always ready to take it. he carries a prep kit.
kai — that fucker — knows how to make you wet the most with his bare hands. prepare for the thigh ride of your life, too.
taeyong, baekhyun, and taemin have the best arches. kai is coming for the top three as well. ten’s arch is so good, it can’t be considered one anymore.
baekhyun knows every adult movie out there. theoretically, nothing can shock him. in reality, he melts in your hands.
taeyong is so sexually active with you, he has quit eating garlic.
kai will exploit your muscle kink in any way he can.
taemin, being a devil, has that one button on his phone that he can press when you go out for dinner. he’s OBSESSED with getting you off. once you head home, it’s basically running down your thighs.
ten has once opened a condom with scissors to scare away a date that grew weird on him by the time it got to the do.
lucas is too tall for doing missionary normally.
this will surprise nobody: mark is great at constantly keeping up the dirty talk.
baekhyun’s car is sort of like a brothel on wheels. he can’t count how many times he got down and dirty in there. he cleans it all up by himself.
kai can technically grip you the hardest but he’s the gentlest and great at caressing the whole body.
taemin has the easiest time saying what precisely he wants. he is also the best people reader — most your wishes he can pretty intuit. taemin observes your interests well.
ten likes his hair pulled and makes angelic noises when you do so.
baekhyun likes camgirls and erotic chats with strangers online. he spends a lot of money for nsfw internet encounters.
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kaialone · 3 years
Kirby Planet Robobot Translation Comparison: Facing Mecha Knight
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This will be a comparison of the original Japanese version and the US English localized version.
Specifically, this will cover the cutscene where Kirby encounters Susie for the second time, and ends up battling Mecha Knight.
You can also watch this cutscene for yourself in English and Japanese.
For the comparison, the usual points apply:
Bolded is the original Japanese text, for the reference.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
Italicized is the official NOA translation.
A (number) indicates that I have a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
As you read this, please keep in mind that with translations like these, it’s important not to focus on the exact literal wordings, since there is no single “correct answer�� when it comes to translations.
Rather than that, consider the actual information that is being conveyed, in which way, and why.
Meeting Susie Again:
Secretary Susie:
おーお〜 いーだいな ハールトマン〜
Oh, great Haltmann~  (1)
Noble Haltmann, we adore him
Secretary Susie:
おーお〜 いーだいな ハールトマン〜
Oh, great Haltmann~
Noble Haltmann, we adore him!
Secretary Susie:
永遠にー 果てなくー 栄えよ〜
May you prosper, unending, for all eternity~
Every day we wish him glory!
Secretary Susie:
……おっと、 たいへん しつれい いたしました。
...Oh dear, how terribly rude of me.
Oh! Pardon me.
Secretary Susie:
われらが カンパニーの すばらしい社歌、
That was our company's marvelous theme song,
"Haltmann, Famed Across the Galaxy".
That was our company's wonderful theme song, "The Noble Haltmann."
Secretary Susie:
ついつい 口ずさんで しまいましたわ。
I was just overcome with the urge to sing it to myself.
Sometimes I just find myself singing it out loud. It's so catchy!
Secretary Susie:
さて… また、お会いしましたね。
Now then... It appears we meet again.
At any rate, I must say, how nice to see you again.
Secretary Susie:
It is I, Secretary Susie.
I'm Susie, but I'm sure you remember me.
Secretary Susie:
そうそう、 ワタクシ 最近…
Oh yes, just recently...
Let me tell you a story.
Secretary Susie:
とーっても ステキな 方に お会いしましたわ。
I met with the most wonderful person.
Not long ago, I met someone who impressed me very much.
Secretary Susie:
いさましくて クールで、 ハイレベルな剣士様…
Valiant and cool, a truly high-class swordfighter...
He was strong and full of confidence... A knight of the highest order.
Secretary Susie:
で、せっかく お会いできたの ですから、
And, since I was fortunate enough to meet him,
I was so impressed...
Secretary Susie:
I have subjected him to just a tiny full-body reconstruction...
I gave him a complete remodel!
Secretary Susie:
わが社の セキュリティマシンと させて いただきました。
And given him the privilege of being a security machine for our company.
And I hired him as a company security guard.
Secretary Susie:
Heehee! I wonder what you'll make of him?
Secretary Susie:
お気に めして いただける かしら?
I wonder if he will be to your liking?
Please allow me to present...
Secretary Susie:
プロダクトNo. M-7110、 「メタナイトボーグ」よ…
Now, Product #M-7110,  (2) "Meta Knight Borg"...
Model #M-7110. Mecha Knight...
Secretary Susie:
Get to it, please!
Translation Notes:
I translated the lyrics that Susie is singing here directly, so they don’t go exactly with the melody in my translation, but they do in the original Japanese.
There’s actually a Japanese pun in Mecha Knight’s product number. The number “7″ can be read as “na”, the number “1″ can be read as “i”, and the number “10″ can be read as “to”. When put together, this spells out “naito”, which is a Japanese transliteration of the English word “knight”.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This cutscene is another one without many differences.
If you were to really pick it apart it’s arguably a bit looser than the previous cutscene, like having Susie add a few extra comments, but nothing big.
We do get the first mention of the Haltmann Work Company’s theme song, and there is a lot to say about that.
Now, the company’s theme song is hard to talk about without directly addressing details that will come up later in the game, so keep that in mind.
First of all, in English, the song is simply titled “The Noble Haltmann”, whereas in Japanese it’s called 銀河に名立たるハルトマン/Ginga ni Nadataru Harutoman.
I choose to translate the Japanese title as “Haltmann, Famed Across the Galaxy”, but it could also be translated as “The Galaxy-Famous Haltmann” or the like.
So, there’s a bit of a difference between the titles here, with the English version feeling a bit more grounded and reserved in its worship of Haltmann, but that’s not all there is to it.
The Japanese title of this song is a subtle reference to the Japanese title of the “Milky Way Wishes” mode from Kirby Super Star, where it’s known as 銀河に願いを/Ginga ni Negai o, which roughly translates to ”A Wish Upon the Galaxy”.
The reference is definitely intentional, considering how Planet Robobot features several important callbacks to Milky Way Wishes.
The English version lacks such a reference, but it might have been difficult to come up with one, even if the localizers noticed this detail.
Next up, there’s the song’s actual lyrics, and that’s where things get a bit muddy in English.
Basically, in the Japanese version of this cutscene here, Susie is singing the first line of the song. In the next cutscene, she will sing the second line.
Then, the pause screen during Haltmann’s battle will show the full lyrics of the entire first strophe. And lastly, the final unlock of the game is the music video that features a previously unseen second strophe.
Because of that, in the Japanese version, the player ends up slowly being shown more and more of the song as they play through the game, culminating with the music video.
It’s clearly supposed to be an important build up, considering it’s also the main theme of the game that was specifically written to represent it and its story.
The English version is a lot less consistent with the song and its lyrics.
Here in this scene, Susie is singing “Noble Haltmann, we adore him! Every day we wish him glory!”.
This doesn’t match with Haltmann’s pause screen and the music video later on, where the first line is given as “Noble Haltmann, we adore him, kingly lord of time and space!“, instead.
To make matters more confusing, the former actually goes better with the melody of the song, it seems.
The English version of Haltmann’s pause screen description also only features part of the first strophe, rather than all of the first, and the lyrics that Susie will sing in the next cutscene are taken from the second strophe, which isn’t supposed to come up until the music video.
It’s kinda messy, honestly.
I can only assume this is a result of how game translations usually work.
Things like the text from in-game dialogue, the text from in-game menu screens, and the text from additional extras like the music video are normally internally stored in different places, and often you end up with different people having to translate them, with very little context.
Note that I wouldn’t blame the translator(s) and localizer(s) involved here, because they can’t really help their working conditions.
But whatever the case may be, as a result the English version lacks the neat progression of slowly getting to know the song, the way it’s presented in the Japanese version.
With all that general stuff out of the way, let’s have a closer look at the lines Susie sings in this specific cutscene.
In Japanese, she sings “Oh, great Haltmann~ May you prosper, unending, for all eternity~”, while in English she sings “Noble Haltmann, we adore him! Every day we wish him glory!”.
Just like with the song’s title, the English version of this line is a bit more reserved when it comes to practically worshipping Haltmann.
It’s not even like it’s not revering him, it’s just that the Japanese version goes even further with it.
But translating lyrics like this is also something that’s especially difficult, since you need to match the melody of the song, so more differences are to be expected with those.
Really a minor thing, but I want to point out this section:
And, since I was fortunate enough to meet him,
I was so impressed…
I have subjected him to just a tiny full-body reconstruction…
I gave him a complete remodel!
And given him the privilege of being a security machine for our company.
And I hired him as a company security guard.
In the Japanese version, the way Susie says that she gave Meta Knight a “tiny full-body reconstruction” is of course a bit of a joke, talking about something so drastic like it’s just a small little thing.
The English version doesn’t retain this directly, but it gives Susie’s dialogue a similar energy here, having her declare that she gave him a complete remodel like it’s something to be excited about.
A bit of a stronger difference is the fact that Susie says she made Meta Knight a “security machine” in Japanese, rather than a “security guard” like in English.
In the Japanese version, there is a stronger impression of Meta Knight being literally turned into an object or product as far as Susie is concerned, and that that’s a good thing in her eyes too.
In English it’s more like she makes him an employee against his will.
Finally, Mecha Knight’s product number “#M-7110” is a pun in Japanese, as I explained in the translation notes above.
I think it makes sense that the English version didn’t try to adapt it and just kept it the same, because in English you just have a lot less to work with as far as number puns go.
I can’t help but wonder what might’ve worked though, perhaps something like “#M-98”?
And that’s it for this cutscene.
Not a whole lot of differences here again, but more subtle differences are starting to crop up and will continue to add up over time, and we will get to that later.
I want to say that I do really like the localization in this one though, particularly the way Susie’s “swooning” over Meta Knight is written.
It stays close to the original without sounding awkward in English, and captures the basic mood the original version was getting at.
All in all, pretty good.
And with that, feel free to check out the next part!
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shesawriter39049 · 3 years
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Pairing: Taehyung X Reader
About-Just a casual lunch outing where Tae’s trying to do his job and your trying to get him off under the table with your shoe...nothing new!
OR- Tae and yourself are grabbing lunch at 71 Above, after checking out the last couple of venues for the company's end of the year Holiday party. While at said restaurant, it becomes a humbling reminder that the most important people in your life are essentially a secret...cute!
WARNINGS: Public sex -ish( A foot-job under the table) dirty talk, teasing, light edging, frontage (kinda), overstimulation, Tae comes in his YSL leather pants, mentions of Oral (Male receiving), Tae is somewhat submissive, whilst also being a little shit. “Baby boy/Good boy” Kink
DNA Era Tae meets 2020 Tae
Tae is her baby and also her Executive Assistant
He just wants to hold her hand tbh
NOTE: This is a stand alone smut drabble within my OT7 poly universe called “7 DEEP”. Short AU SUMMARY: Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with! P.S. If you’re new here Kookie joins the party a little later….
“So” Musing over your cocktail glass “Thoughts on the last place?”
Eyeing the man sitting across from you intently who’s clearly in the holiday spirit. Dressed in a deep red silk button-down, apparently, he’s taken a page out of Jimin’s book considering it’s barely buttoned, to begin with! Honestly, he’d be better off not even wearing one at all at this rate.
Smoky silver locks messily styled out of his face showcasing those bushy yet sculpted brows of his. One of your favorite past times has become watching Tae become more confident as he grows into himself. No longer finding the need to hide behind his long shaggy bangs, though you can’t; lie, you do kinda miss him looking like the puppy he truly is deep down. However this, version of Tae just hits different, your baby boy looks like a whole ass man and you’ll never get over it!
God the things you endlessly wanna do to him…..even after all these years....
You watch Tae sigh almost miserably over a mouthful of lobster mac which seems completely out of place considering the way the dish in question smells…“Honestly?”
Offering a curt nod, encouraging him to continue as you welcome yourself to his plate! The amount of cheese that’s trickling from your fork is actually disrespectful!
“It was cute, I liked how big the lot is, and more importantly how spaced out the spots are! You know how rich people get about people being too close to the damn cars!” Rolling his eyes as if he in he’s excluded from that category and you can’t help but scoff.
“Tae you technically are one of those people at this point. Just like...yesterday actually, you almost ripped Jackson’s balls off for bumping into your rearview mirror but carry on.” Flicking your fork in his direction, ignoring the sharp glare he sent your way in the process.
This time around I think both of his eyes managed to roll in different directions, again, Jimin’s wearing off on him! “Anyway, yeah, I don’t know, I liked the space, the exposed brick beams in the ceiling was cool. Kinda gave it a homey vibe which is fitting….”
You could hear it hanging off his tongue, he sounds very, “meh” about it, so you opt fil in the blank. “Butttt??”
“Butttt, I -It felt like...like I was forcing myself to like it…” Slouching down into his seat, features a little uneasy, as if him not liking the venue was a direct insult to the owner personally! You on the other hand you let out a bated breath that you weren’t even aware was being held, eyes wide shining with relief.
“Oh thank fuck” Hand slamming down absently along the table, “I thought it was just me, and I felt like such an ass too because-”
“They were so sweet” Came in unison, both of you almost cooing as you said it! Hands placed dramatically over your heart as you reclined against your chair.
“So sweet,” Tae parroted in a light pout,”I mean they were literally wearing matching loafers Y/n. Matching” Idly jading a fork into his side salad in a way that’s borderline concerning actually, a tad bit aggressive over there!
” But it just-I don’t know, I guess will always think like those broke college kids at heart” Flashing you a brief glowing smile that you can’t help but return, humming in agreeance.
“Which isn’t a bad thing, per say, the mentality definitely keeps us humbled! But there’s time and place for that attitude and honestly I just wasn’t feelin it! At least not in comparison to the others we’ve seen, it wasn’t fighting the vibe were going for. Regardless of how good the offer is” Shrugging over another mouth full of food and you there’s not much else for you to say because that was your consensus exactly.
Basically, once the two of you showed up, the cute little husband and wife duo offered you a deal which would essentially consist of them renting you the space for next to nothing. In exchange, they’d want you to post a couple of ads via your company and personal social media accounts as promo. Your initial thought outside of just thinking they were utterly adorable was how much money you’d save...but as Tae said, thankfully that’s not really a concern anymore, if you wanted you can get it!
Easily…discounts and barters aside, just a flick of the wrist and it’s yours!
“True, also can we just take a moment to talk about how aesthetically pleasing the Valentine was though?” Tossing your head back with a dramatic groan “I mean fuck you already know the way I feel about industrial spaces, the high, glass ceiling, all the greenery..” Eyes rolling to the back of your head with a slight moan…as you envision the space. Especially how moody and sexy the overall venue would look with thousands of lights cascading from the glass ceilings.
Clearly the venue was doing ....a lot for you right now!
Brow cocked at the blatant...enthusiasm surrounding the location in question “Mmm, well that’s something...interesting to add to the kink list, just when I thought I’d explored every avenue, but apparently not.” Voice low, teasing, head cocked to the side, a shit eating grin plastered along his lips, as he swirls his tongue along the tip of his straw in a way that’s……
“ I guess we’re adding “industrial spaces” to the list. Noted.” Smirking around his drink like the little shit he is!
Right, you may or may not have crossed your legs at the sudden drawl laced within his delivery but not before, kicking his shin with the tip of your heel, “You little shit” Rolling your eyes at the way he dramatically rubs the side of his leg, hitting you with straight puppy dog eyes as he pouts over at you as if you actually caused serious damage!.
Leaning forward a little so you don't have to try as hard to whisper, the notion has your breast essentially sitting on top of the table. Not that they weren’t already on full display in your dress or anything. Hand slipping beneath the table, landing on his kneecap. “What? Suddenly you don’t like a little pain?” Tone blatantly teasing whilst ghosting your nails agonizingly slow up his inner thigh, and his entire body goes rigid at the sensation. Tae’s always been extremely...
“God, your still so sensetive....” You weren’t intending for that to come out in the form of a moan but considering the one that fell from his lips in return...you ain’t mad about it! 100% dialed in to the way his eyes are fluttering, jaw tight, trying his damndest to play it cool, especially once the waitress makes eye contact silently asking if the two of you need anything. “Takes so little Hmm?”’
Flashing him a quick smile, waving her off for the time being, far too focused on another task to entertain anyone else right now!  Only stopping your ministrations once your fingers land right beneath his balls.
“This place is very well lit, I like the hue, it’s casting a good soft-light, especially the way it’s bouncing off your complexion...” Eyes cascading against the ceiling, tone casual, until your eyes drop....
“You’d look so fuckin good, coming for me right now...” The words purr off your tongue, flashing him a cheeky little wink, and poor Taehyung chokes on his martini!
“You know how much you love being watched...I could have you making a mess all over yourself and no one would even know. ” Not even trying to hide the smirk playing on your lips when you can already feel the tension in the room rise. “My own little private show...” Eyes wicked as your fingers wander a little higher, gently pressing your palm down around his dick. Rubbing tauntingly, the touch isn't enough through the thick leather, however it does instantly make his length swell in the confines of his pants! We all know this….underwear is nonexistent in Tae’s world! “Kinda brings me back to our college days...” Teeth sinking into your bottom lip at the mere memory...you getting Tae off whilst in the lecture hall full of 300 plus students. 
Regardless of the deer in headlights look flashing across his face his legs still spread apart, hips bucking forward because well as we just said...baby boy loves being watched. This however, prompts you to once again change positions, now digging your nails into the back of his thighs before letting the tips of your fingers tickle free. Coly bringing them back above surface to take another languid  sip of your drink, tossing a strand of hair over your shoulder.
Ya know, I can’t say you’re surprised by his reaction, baby boy can dish it but sure can’t take it, neck and chest flushing to rival his shirt! Banging on his sternum in an attempt to reroute the liquor burning his lungs.
“Jesus-fuc-Y/n!” You have the nerve to hum inquisitively, only this time for his sanity he humors you! “Can you like not go from asulting me to-” Looking over his shoulder before dropping his voice down to a whisper “Stroking my dick, and offering to get me off under the table, all in the span of a nanosecond!?” The plea hissed through clenched teeth but the complaint was half hearted at most! Well aware his dicks already throbbing in his pants at the thought alone! “Fuck me” Sucking in a harsh breath, as he raked his fingers through his scalp.
“Well…” Tonguing at your inner cheek, eyes fluttering away as if you were in deep thought… “In my defense you kinda started it, bringing up my kink list like I don’t own a whole ass porn company!” Propping your chin on your palm, gaze locked and loaded “Like I wasn’t thinking about tainting that sweet innocent couple by letting them watch as I dropped to my knees, letting you fuc-”
“Y/n!” He actually attempts to sound almost applauded, like he doesn’t love how absolutely filthy your mouth is. However there’s a silent little “please” playing on his tongue, no matter how threatening he tried to sound.
You giggled, straight up giggled, reclining in your seat, amused, and somewhat satisfied so you let him be, for the time being anyway. Though you may have eaten your angel hair pasta in a very obscene manner, every now and then you’d sinfully suck the noodles through your overly glossed lips! However, if he dared to clock you on it you’d just simply note that it was your way of not messing up your makeup….
The two of you finish your lunch in comfortable silence, making small talk here and there, a mixture of work and bullshit until Tae’s phone goes off with a couple text notifications.
A low hum rattling in the back of his throat as he eyes the message from Hoseok. Subconsciously Tae reaches across the table, intertwining your fingers before bringing your knuckles up to his lips. Grazing them with his lips casually as he scrolls through his phone.
“Alright  baby, so, I have a list ready, we have a couple brands that wanna work with us for the party. Seoks already narrowed it down to the ones that are actually worth discussing however-“
Honestly, it took both of you a minute to even realize what was going on, the skinship was second nature at this point. It wasn’t until his thumb grazed over your wedding band that the notion even resonated! Tae and yourself were a good two drinks in, feelin all warm and fuzzy and got caught up in the moment! Temporarily forgetting that you were in the middle of a restaurant in Downtown LA! Forgetting that the Kim currently caressing your knuckles and calling you baby is not the one you're technically married to! It may seem minor in retrospect, but you’ve always tried to stop yourselves from getting comfortable, with being comfortable in certain locations if that makes sense! You slip up one to many times and the next thing you know it happening in the office or on the red carpet!
Taehyung’s eyes grow almost comically wide, straight panic flashes over those big brown orbs of his and your heart sinks as you watch his head whip around, checking to make sure no one caught the interaction. It was almost painful how quickly he disconnected from you as his entire face dropped and no, just no!
“Hey...hey no it’s fine, it’s like 2 in the afternoon on a Tuesday! Not to mention we’re tucked in a booth in the corner ,we’re good, nobody heard or saw you…” Voice calm and quiet, trying to come off comforting, flashing him a weary smile. Reaching across the table to thumb at his palm, and it would be a lie to say you didn't also check over your shoulder before hand as well’
A dry almost bitter chuckle leaves his throat as he flinches away, tossing the fork down on his plate sliding it halfway across the table indicating he is more than done eating. Flicking the bridge of his nose with his index finger, jaw twitching, “Yeah, lucky me huh? I actually got to hold your hand for all of two seconds before we realized I’m techionally not allowed to do that unless were in fuckin I don’t know Alaska!” 
He’s agitated, and with every right to be, even if he is being a little dramatic. Thankfully he’s keeping his voice low, but you can feel how tight his throat is, the amount of grit laced within his tenor has your eyes bugging out of there socket.
“Bab- “ It was a reflex, whenever he’s upset it’s just what falls from your lips, and he gives you a look, almost as if to say “How fucking dare you” ! The level of hurt the pet name just rendered within his eyes is- 
Eyes sharp, brows furrowed “Noo, nooo, we literally just went through this. That’s not the way it works for us in this kinda setting” Flailing his arms around to reference the restaurant. “Wrong Kim” Well damn. “So it's Tae in public remember!?” Brow quirked accusingly, he’s abating this entire situation, almost like he wants you to snap, a second away from whisper yelling! “ Or maybe I should say Taehyung, hell  just use my full government while your at it. Let’s make it real impersonal, Mr. Kim maybe?” Head cocked to the side as if he’s being genuine and not a total smartass right now. 
You-he’s ...hurt, and you get that, hell you respect that, but Lunch at 71 Above is not the time or place for this conversation. You’re trying to approach this on a more rational level, however the condescending delivery is making it hard, and your only human. Eyes rolling to the back of your head before you can even catch yourself and that little gesture seems to be what officially set him off!
You can physically see the tension within his face... “I’m gonna go get some air, I might actually call a Uber or somethin,.” The words trailed off his lips low in mumbled but clear enough to be heard because that’s ultimately what he wanted to begin with. 
There was something in his eyes you couldn’t read, a combination of anger/hurt mixed another emotion you can’t quite pinpoint! But whatever it is, you fuckin hated it! Throat running painfully dry as watch him slide his chair out and even though realistically you know at max he’s headed home...Still the gesture alone is gut wrenching because you know this runs deeper than just this situation!
“Tae” His name leaves your throat as more of a warning, reaching up to take an almost possessive grip on his wrist. Fingertips landing on the edge of his Cartier bracelet, the one you're both wearing actually, same arm and all!
A deep labored breath shutters from his chest at the contact, thighs feelin like a newborn fawn, gaze hesitantly meeting yours. “Tae, baby” Daring to use the endearment again regardless of your current surroundings “Sit back down so I can order us dessert and we can discuss whatever you want...just-please” The ending whisked off your tongue so faint your almost wondering if he even heard you!
Taehyung narrows his eyes, teeth clenched, tongue nudging his inner cheek! “I’m not really in the mood for cake right now Y/n. To be honest I just wanna leave” You know he’s aiming for dry but instead he lands somewhere around defeated , which makes it even worse. You’re both well aware this is not truly about cake, it’s about his constant need to run away from shit!
Sliding your fingers down his wrist, interlocking your fingers, giving them a firm squeeze. Eyes locked with his “Then you can get whatever you want, but I need you to just be here right now, I really, really need you to sit here, and just breathe through this with me.”
He’s know what your really asking is for him not to run away for once!
A faint little “Whatever” Leaves his lips and then he’s dead silent, silent as he slides his chair out, remaining as such for what feels like hours, and it has your heart beating painfully hard against your ribcage. It’s almost like he’s not even here, eyes fixated on some random painting on the opposite side of the restaurant, chewing at his inner cheek until....
“I’m sorry…” He admits after a baited breath, stroking your palm with his thumb gently, you can see him working over his thought’s in his head before speaking. ”I can’t - fuck I never know when I’m going to get all in my feels with shit like this, sometimes it just sucks harder than others I guess” The curt little shrug that leaves his shoulders let’s you know how uncomfortable he is, Tae’s overall persona suddenly seems mounds smaller in this moment. Anxiously stroking the back of his own neck “But....I shouldn't have come at you like that! That was fucked on my behalf and for that I’m truly am sorry ! This isn't all on you, or Joon we all-”Gazing over his shoulder before continuing “There’s just- there’s a lot, we have families and it’s just, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that, ...”
Dropping his voice a little lower “I just fuckin love you” There’s a timid smile playing on his lips “and if the offer still stands I would really fuckin like chocolate cake…”
You actually snort, that’s your first instinct because only Tae, but the plus is it lightens the mood  immensely! The sudden outburst triggers that full boxy grin to come into play and god your so damn  enamored by this man it’s actually sad. Bringing his knuckles up to your mouth, grazing them past your lips like he did yours moments prior. “I love you too, and chocolate cake sounds fuckin amazing, and liquor, we need new drinks, actually we need an entire bottle! ” You laugh and then so does Tae, suddenly your holding hands and laughing together and everything else just seems so miniscule in the moment.
So, here’s the thing...being a CEO of one of the top Adult film entertainment companies is not on the same level as like..I don’t know….
Owning a high-end clothing company, or being a reality star or something. Your field is praised just as highly as it is tabooed, so with that being said, it’s not like your the top topic on E-news, or on Business Digest. You still have a strong sense of normality, point blank you’re not that important. It’s not as common for outsiders to know the high rollers within the porn industry the way it is in other fields!
However there's another avenue to factor in where the 7 of you are concerned, and that’s the world of social media, and that’s a completely different world entirely! One that’s heavily intertwined in your state in particular, living playing, and working in LA….I mean let’s get real, shit not normal here, by any means!
You’re a 26-year-old wealthy CEO, that goes to work in a Ferrari, cute little bodycons, Louboutin's, and Chanel bags! Your executive assistant is Tae for fucks sake, he looks like a model his damn self , on the surface your life is an aesthetically pleasing wet dream. An influencer without even trying for the title, if your 2.7 million followers are at all telling! So in the public eye, especially when out in Downtown LA..you try to be discreet.
Just last week Jimin was hanging all over you while walking through Saks and one of your mutual followers stopped to ask for a picture. Again this isn’t a daily occurrence, you’re not comparing yourself to Rhianna, but it’s why you do move with a slight air of caution when in your city! You literally live in a place where people become famous for running into walls, nevertheless owning their own business!
The world knows you’re married to Namjoon, and to be honest there’s numerous reasons the other aspect of your dynamic stays hidden! More than just the obvious….
However there’s been rumors circulating over the years, or at least now that Hollywood’s decided you hold some relevance! Ones pertaining your your sexuality, typically the tabloids assuming it, insulating your swingers, or that Namjoon’s bi.  A Lot of these narratives circle back from your college days though, old classmates trying to slip tea to the media. Stories of when you could go to a party and it didn’t matter if you were sandwiched between Namjoon and Yoongi at the same damn time! Not to mention the dark side of social media where nothing ever truly dies, so yeah there are some questionable photos floating around. Luckily nothing recent enough to truly add fuel to the fire but you know deep down it’s only a matter of time!
One could argue it adds allure to the overall dynamic, especially considering your line of work, and maybe it wouldn’t matter if the boys were just casual thirds...but they’re not! They’re so much more than that and that’s what makes this hard, because well in laymen’s terms...people just fucking suck! So as heartbreaking as it is, where your other boys are concerned, in the public eye at least your “relationship” holds a strong air of mystery!
It’s the little things ya know? Like now for example, the fact that he could've easily gotten a foot job under the table but has to walk on eggshells about holding your hand at times! Shit just sucks sometimes, there’s no other way around it!
The two of you don’t really talk much until the dessert comes, more drinks and a bottle is in fact ordered as well! The silence felt a little more bearable this time around, busying yourselves on your phones. A very minor but significant change, is the fact that you still haven’t let go of his hand, even once the waitress returns. The simple notion has his entire dementor shifting! Fingers still tightly bound together and your chest flutters seeing the way he flushes almost bashfully at such minor PDA! Like the two of you didn’t hook up in the back of a club in London two months ago! Like you literally weren’t palming him under the table! Yet here he is blushing at openly holding your hand!
So fuckin cute!
Eventually two pieces of molten chocolate crepe cake gets brought over and holy fuck! Both moaning in unison as the pastry hits the table...
“Oh my goddd, we have to take a piece home for Jin, the like...convince him to learn how to make it!” You watch Tae’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he laces his lips around the fork! Groaning out in agreeance once the mixtures of pure sin hit his tongue.
“K...now back to , these sponsors...” Prompting over a mouth full of cake, not that you wouldn’t love to sit here and chill all day but you do have a 4pm conference call!
You watch as Tae glances down at your intertwined fingers, and his fork....realizing ones gotta go so he can pick up his phone and you physically coo back at him, melting into your set once he opts to drop the fork instead of your hand. Purposely avoiding your glance once he noticed the look on your face, nose scrunched and all!
“Right, so Uber reached out, more specifically Uber Luxxe, looking to send us 4 cars of our choice in exchange for a couple post. Spread out between IG, Twitter and Snap, I’m personally all for this one. The contract doesn’t seem excessive and I like that the post won’t feel forced! I mean realistically we were going to hire a driving service regardless! However something to also consider is our lack of filter when drinking! I mean...”Flailing his phone between the two of you as if to give an example, obviously referencing the little slip up moments prior. At least he can joke about it a little “So realistically, would we feel more comfortable with a private car service where there’s a contract involved as opposed to just some random?”
Tae just went full EA, out of nowhere and honestly ...
You blinked at him, almost dazed, fork halfway to his mouth because, what?! . “You sound so professional right now, it’s so fuckin hot.”
Tae choked on nothing but straight air before blushing profusely. “Baby-I mean-Y-“
You didn’t even flinch, continuing, unperturbed. “Nah, actually I think I’m in the mood to be baby right now!” Eying him wickedly “Your jaw just gets really tight, and your voice gets all low and raspy! It happens during meetings too, it’s really fuckin sexy! Reminds me of the way you sound when your lips are pressed into the side of my neck when we fuck.” It's just the casualness of it all, you sound like your ordering another appetizer and Tae’s about to choke on his dessert. 
The grip he has on your hand is almost painful right now, “But don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here writing out my next script in my head, carry on. What rental service did you have in mind? Or did someone already reach out as well?”
It’s the way you just went from talking about Tae, being balls deep to sponsorships all in the span of a comma! In the words of your best friend you are pure chaos.....
Tae groans  head hanging in defeat and your lips curl into a smirk, brow quirked in his direction.
“It’s the way I hate it here sometimes...” Snatching his hand away to jab his fork into the neglected pastry.
“Ah huh” You roll your eyes crossing your arms over your chest before leaning back. “Right, again let’s not act like you didin’t start this, both here and at the venue.” Leaning over the table again licking your lips “Don’t act like you weren’t eye fucking me the entire time, or the way you’d accidentally brush against me as we walked through the building. You’ve been practically begging for it all day.”
Tae just stares back at you, mind momentarily blank, stomach shifting into knots, letting the fork drop from those delicate fingers of his! Mouth opening and closing like a fish straight outta water...
“Did you think about it too? The acoustics in that place were fuckin insane, the way it would just echo through as you made me cum would just- fuck”  You continued adding that lethal little purr back into your voice! “Or even better the way you’d sound, you don’t even know how bad I wanted to drop-“
“Baby.” Phrasing the word borderline as a threat “Would you have liked that baby boy?” Cocking your head to the side, tongue teasing your bottom lip “Me on my knees for you looking up at you all pretty, letting you hold my hair and fuck my throat until you came straight into my mouth?”
Speaking of mouths' your just straight fuckin-mayhem ...and it’s making Taehyung’s brain feel like it’s melting through his ears! But god should we be surprised though?
It’s never taken much with you....
You’ve always been just what he needs and a little bit more than he can take all in one! You haven’t even touched him yet and he feels a moan creeping up his throat! Especially as he watches you swirl the tip of your tongue over the whipped cream on the edge of your fork, sucking it between your overly glossed lips in the most obscene manner.
Eyes locked and loaded, a second away from drooling, “Fuck, yeah,” He stutters breath hitching on his lungs, heat coursing through his skin. Tae’s veins literally feel like they’re on fire, subtly trying to shift in his seat to readjust himself! Glancing subconsciously out of his peripheral, the restaurant still chill and half empty. The waitress on the opposite end of the room attending to another couple!
“You always look so damn good with my cock down your throat, and my cum on your tounge. God, especially when I wrap my hand around your throat and I can feel you swallowing down around my-” Your tongue’s swirling all over this damn fork, and he can feel every flick your tongue against his dick, and it’s just...fuck!  Not to mention once you accidently spilled some whipped cream on your lips, which you took your time licking off as well.  “Jesus-Fuck, Y/n!!” Taehyung’s voice is dripping with arousal, and you already know he’s leaking all over the place.
“Yeah?” Humming around the form before setting it to the side “ You like the way I look when I’m chocking on your cock?” These questions are all rhetorical, your an ass “Or how about when I get a little messy because I can’t fit it all in my mouth?” Your eyes darken, words coming out over low gasps of air, almost as if your just as aroused as he is and that’s because you are!
“Your always such a good boy for me, so helpful too holding my hair back, guiding my mouth until you hit the back of my throat...holding me in place until I gag. You know how much I love when you get rough with me ..” Tae feels the sole of your red buttons tease up his thigh, shifting between his legs. The transition was so damn smooth it catches him off guard, instinctively wanting to push away but instead...
“You’d be loud for me too wouldn’t you? Show them how good you look falling apart for me, how good you look when you come down my throat....The way your eyes roll-”
“Holy-fuck Baby” Aggressively running his palms over his face until it’s matching his shirt “Please don’t do this to me right, now, if your gonna give it to me then fuckin let me have it but I cant-.”
You can’t help but smile back at him, so fond it almost seems out of place in the moment. “I’ll give you whatever you want Tae...you know this. You just gotta promise you’ll be good for me, we can’t draw-”
“I’m always good” He damn near growled at you, eyes daring you to say otherwise and well, who were you to deny Tae of what he wants!?Gently pressing your foot at the base of his cock, a satisfied smirk playing on your lips upon feeling that your boys already fully hard.
It’s the way the two of you are just casually in one of LA’s boujeiest restaurants and your deadass about to give him a foot job in Louboutin’s! Yup, your life had turned into a porno,  you’ve officially made it!
“Kay, so back to that list of sponsors, first off I completely agree, as much as I love our contact at Uber I’d prefer an actual car service for something like that.” Here you go again the queen of the switch up, you’re back to discussing work yet there’s still a slight moan in your tenor. Breathy and light and Tae feels like all the airs being sucked from his lungs.
Tae shifts, spreading his thighs even further, shuddering out a bated breath as you point your toe, dragging it up and down! It’s a peep-toe so that alone allows you a little more flexibility! Pressure intentionally light so it’s just enough to have him on the brink of begging! But instead of doing so, he picks up his phone, hands shaky and all and continue doing his job as requested!
“Right..” Clearing his throat not sure why he currently sounds like he’s going through puberty again but K...  “I’ll let Hobi know, maybe we can do something we’re we use them while planning this party or something! Since you vetoed a party planner will have a lot more running around to do! Realistically outside of Joon and Jin we all have coupes anyway...so it’s not like we can carry much!”
Mmm, always the innovator, even when all the blood and airs being rushed to his dick! You feel him try and slide forward, chasing after the stimulation.
“Ohhh, I really like that, and like you said it still feels somewhat organic because realistically our cars aren’t efficient for something like that”  You press down harder against his cock almost as a reward “Good boy, what’s next?” Nodding towards his phone and it takes every ounce of self control he had to swallow down the moan laying on his tongue.
Eyes struggling to stay ajar as you continuously rub your foot up and down his length. Now applying more prominent pressure with the ball of your feet! Movement stealth from the waist up so you don’t draw attraction to yourself.
“Tae Tae” The nickname falls from your lips singsong like, and far too innocent for the demon seed you are. “Next?”
He doesn't even know what to really do except follow instructions, so he just nods, scrolling through his phone. “There was also a couple brands wanted to oh fuck-“ Gasping as you pick up your pace, damn near dropping his phone into the plate beneath him.
Face splitting into an amused grin, a hint of something wicked playing on your lips. Eyes gleaming with mischief, you watch those long, delicate fingers flex, clearly struggling this time around to bite back the moan like he needs to! Hands shaking as your continue working him at a merciless pace. Rubbing faster, harder, utilizing the rounded point on the head of your heel to press right against what your assuming is Tae’s tip by the way he shudders. Thighs shaking as he grips the edge of the table for dear life!
“Oh my godddd” Tae manages to just mouth the words as opposed to screaming them the way he desperately wants too. Tugging on his own scalp, trying to just do something to get himself busy!
“You fuckin love this....” It’s not even a question, more of a consensus!
Your eyes haven’t left his once, watching intently as you swirl your tongue around the straw before taking a sip. Moaning around it because well ya know, the drinks just that damn good apparently.
God his skin feels like it’s on fire, every stroke of your foot has him feeling like he’s coming undone!
He’s trying to focus, on his surroundings, this damn list everything but he can’t he just fucking can’t! Thankfully it’s you, and he trust you with everything he has, so his subconscious is somewhat at ease with all of this because he knows you got him!
“Yeah,fuck yeah you already know you can do anything to me” He states plainly, the most stable his voice has sounded in god knows when “Whatever you want” Gaze heavy through hooded lashes, looking straight at you with steady sinful eyes.
“Mmm, and always want it don’t you baby? Always...:”
He bites back a moan nodding, and then his phone rings, of course his phone fucking rings and it’s coming from the office because why the fuck not?!
“Answer” The command was simple, clearly no room for debate and hs eyes go wide,
“Baby” Complaining with a hint of a whine in his voice and when you don’t seem to give a damn....
“Yeah?”Jaw tight, nostrils flared as he picks up the phone. Adrenaline flies through his veins, pressure building in his gut as you relentlessly keep your pace intact! Pressing harder and deeper into all the right places until he’s coughing around Moans to try and cover it up!
Dropping his head slightly, propping it on his elbow as he squeezes the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “ Welp, That's where it would be so if you don’t see any were out, email me a list and I’ll make a Amazon-“
Taehyung’s chest heaves painfully tight, breathing becoming more erratic with every stroke and yes clearly there’s a strong voyeurism kink within this man! So as crazy as it may sound , the combination of the restaurant, and this phone call ?!
Yeah, he’s not gonna last!
Slouching down completely against the back of the booth, thighs spreading to full capacity. Fingers tangled in his Smokey locks holding his bangs out of his face. Eyes shut , jaw tight, neck slightly reclined, though to the naked eye he’d just appear to be on a very unpleasant phone call! When in all actually he’s finally just letting himself fall apart beneath your touch!
Eyes fluttering open just enough to glance down at you in a way that had you feeling like you could come right with him. Your gaze is Just as heavy as his, lips darting out to wet your lips though your throats suddenly what’s running dry!
Tae’s lips part slightly, though he’s falling apart he’s giving it right back to you. Hitting you with those sinfully needy fuck me eyes! The same ones you see when your riding and edging him until he’s coming tenfold! His breathing comes stagnate every time your foot moves and Tae finds himself gnawing down on his bottom lip to stifle the moans sliding up his chest! You can tell who's on the other end now, it’s the new secretary Alanna, and she legitimately is still getting her footing! Which is the only reason Tae is even entertaining the call, well one of the reasons!
You notice Tae’s breathing is starting to even out a little almost as if he’s gained some of his self control back and we don’t support that in this household.  So you proceed to dig your foot right into the head of his cock and he straight wheezes! Body jerking off the wall and all ...
“No, I’m, fuck-“ There’s a moan that finally falls freely off his tongue that only barley seems acceptable because he in fact just choked! Voice coming out what feels like a octave lower and huskier , poor Alanna! “Yeah i'm good sorry , food just went down the wrong pipe.” He can barely think straight but he knows he needs to close this up “Hey look will be back within the hour and will sort it out then alright?”
I don’t even think he even waited for her to respond before hanging up and literally throwing his phone across the table! Gucci case and all.
“Everything okay? ?” Voice low and teasing, he knows you're technically asking about the office but your timing sucks ass!
“Fuck you” Falls off his lips in a barley audible moan, so consumed as his orgasm builds in the pit of his stomach! Eyes still struggling to stay open mouth, mouth falling slack, if your were in your right mind you’d tell him to pull it together alittle! Now that he’s off the phone, he either looks like he’s getting a foot job, or like he’s high on meth! Neither are appealing to the GP! God, he must look utterly ridiculous right now, thankfully he’s shifted against the booth so he’s facing a wall as opposed to other guest!
“Mm, my pretty baby’s close yeah?” Watching how heavily his throat bobs as he swallows, Tae’s leaking precum all over the damn place, so, close hips gently rocking into your foot as discreetly as possible, growing more desperate by the second. Fuck he needs to come, he needs to!
“Yeah baby please don’t- fuck” God he sounds so good, so needy and pliant and fuck!  
“I got you...” At that you actually kick your shoe off, moving back to press down even harder, rubbing and rubbing forcing Tae to attempt to grab his drink in attempts to muzzle himself. However his hands are shaking too hard and  he almost knocks it over!
“God baby I’m-“
“Be a good boy for me”
And he is, coming with a shuddering breath, under the steady pressure of your foot as his release tears through his veins. Dropping his to the table as subtly as possible(Hell maybe people will think he’s tipsy or not feeling well), thighs shaking, chest heaving painfully hard. He’s not completely silently but he does a lot better than expected, a low groan manages to slip past his lips.
“Good boy” The praise rolls off your tongue and goes straight to his dick, as if he needed anymore stimulation there. Another faint whimper falls off his lips until he’s drooling all over the table. Not even realizing initially, that his hips were still grinding into you until he’s hissing from oversensitivity! The force of his orgasm has Taehyung drawing straight blanks, hearing nothing but white nose rustling in the background!
Also, I don’t know what that says about Tae as a person but he’s not even remotely humiliated! The only thing that he’s about to regret once his mind's less foggy is how absolutely drenched his YSL leather pants are!
So busy trying to get his breathing back in check as he comes down from his high, he completely missed the way you’d signaled to the server. Calmly asking for her  to add 8 more slices of cake to go, and bring the bill over!
His face is flushed, his pants feel gross as hell but above everything else he feels so damn good! Reaching down to still your foot, gently massaging the top as his eyes finally flutter open! Vision still a little hazy as he looks back at you with a dazed smile, and your gazing back at him with so much fondness that the first thing that slurs off his lips in a whisper is....
“I fuckin love you!”
Flashing him a wink in return as you make eye contact with your servers whose letting you know she’ll be over in a moment. Keeping your foot stationary for a moment, enjoying the well deserved foot massage. Occasionally flexing your toes to “accidentally brush against his dick. Giggling around your drink every time he'd hiss and jerk away!
This entire lunch situation was a damn mess, and high key reckless but, the blissed out smile written all over his face is more than worth it. Where just ugh...not gonna tell the boys about this!
“Love you too Tae”
Everything from that moment on kind of feels like a blur honestly, up until the two of you sliding into your car and before you can even get yourself settled he’s on you! Yanking you out of your seat and into his lap before you can even put your seatbelt on which obviously is not ideal this is a sports car after all but you don’t dare complain! Taehyung’s far from shy with his wants, griping the back of your neck, sliding his fingers through your hair as he presses your lips together! He doesn’t try to ease you into it either It’s hard, hungry, desperate and overtly needy! Forcing both of you to huff out a staggered breath through your nose to even keep up! You breathe him in, and he breathes you out, it’s all open mouthed, and heady, an obscene amount of moans rolling off your tongues. Reclining your jaw, giving him free reign to explore your mouth. Tongue rolling against your slick and languid with years of finesse between the two of you. No matter how hard he’s kissing you it still doesn’t feel rushed, its deep, borderline sensual actually!
Tae pulls back just enough to nip at your bottom lip, dragging his across your jaw and down the side of your neck! Licking sucking and biting, along your skin, moaning at the way you arch and grind your hips into every touch! The two of you carry on like that until there’s suddenly something thumbing in the back of your throat!
“Hey..” There's a slight sternness within your voice that has him instantly trying to snap out of his postcoital haze. Stroking the hinge of his jaw “You know, how much I love you right? And if, we need to all sit down a re-”
Cutting you off with the smooth glide of his lips pulling you into a kiss that’s a slower, less needy, there’s no ulterior motive, Tae just wants to feel you “Nah, I don't wanna change anything sometimes- I just want-”
“I know...” Because you do, pressing your forehead to his, not even kissing just letting your breaths melt as one. Massaging his scalp gently, he already looks like he’s a second away from passing out! Pondering if maybe the two of you should switch places...
“Promise you’ll let me take care of you later” Tae nuzzles against the side of your face like a puppy wanting his ears scratched! Believe it or not he wasn’t always such a selfless lover, not until he found you guys! Now it’s almost like his orgasms feel incomplete if he’s the only one coming once it’s all said and done!
“You can do whatever you want to me Tae, you know this.” Placing a couple lingering kisses on those pouty lips of his before hesitantly shuffling into the passengers seat. Transfixed on the way he slips back into his lane, fixing his hair, pulling out his oversized cat eye frames to rest on the bridge of his nose. One hand on the wheel the other finding there home on your thigh. Noting the slight discomfort as he shifts in his seat, no doubt due to the fact that well, he just came in his pants.
“How about..” Leaning over to place a open mouth kiss right beneath is ear, digging your nails into his thigh until he moans.  “ I clean you up a little on the drive, and we pit stop at mine, and we drop you off first so you can shower and chill. Then me and Joon will come back and crawl into bed with you after were done for the day..”
“Am I being given the rest of the day off Mrs. Kim?” You can already hear the smirk in his voice without even looking...
“Yes Mr. Kim that would be correct....” Already working the zipper before he can even respond because you already know how this is about to pan out...
Hi my babies, first off IDK where this came from, I also wouldn’t consider it my best, but it was the first thing I’ve written in like 6 months which felt good. This was supposed to be up back in December I had a couple holiday prompts for the series that I never got around to completing ! But If you enjoyed show this some love and come talk to me!
Love always,
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secret-engima · 3 years
Here's something that might come outta left field, what fics do you recommend in the FFXV fandom?
Oooooo okay hmmm. Lemme see what I have. I warn you now that most of these are either short, time-travel, or Prompto angst, but I’ll try to add a little summary to each so you can pick what interests you:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27588704 “Toward Daylight We Run” by SparkleMoose (here on Tumblr as @sparklecryptid) is a time-travel fixit involving Titus, who wakes up post being killed by Nyx with a case of confusion, anger, and le self-doubt, and a Glaive OC who died during the betrayal and who is very understandably angry at them. It’s gonna be a former-enemies-to-lovers thing eventually I think, and tho there’s only two chaps so far I recommend it (I recommend several of Moose’s actually, just watch the tags if you’re not into M-rated or have trigger warnings to look out for) This one does have trigger warning tags for suicidal thoughts and PTSD, so watch out for that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27912505/chapters/68351254 “From Neath Dark Waters”, another one by SparkleMoose! This one is an FFXIV Warrior of Light reborn as a street rat in Insomnia and adopted by Clarus, again, just getting started, but very feelsy and I love it. Moose also has cool Galahdian worldbuilding stuff which is always fun.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23888788 “the Wound (A Place Where Light Enters)” Third one by SparkleMoose, featuring time-traveling Noctis and also a sort of time-traveling Warrior of Light named Azura who looks around, spots Noctis fighting someone and goes “welp time to go break someone’s face on behalf of a friend I guess” which is a great first impulse for a White Mage imho. These two are gonna be a ship and I love it. 
(honestly just go poke through SparkleMoose’s stuff on Ao3 and here on Tumblr, there’s quite a few FFXV fics and there’s bound to be at least a few you like. :D Just remember to read the tags first)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26644129 “The Great Livestream Debacle” by Choke-a-bro. This is just humor/crack oneshot but it makes me laugh on days that need a pick me up. Basically, Noctis runs a tiny twitch channel playing really old RPGs without telling Ignis or Regis and ONE DAY a stray new viewer happens to realize, “huh, this guy looks like the prince” and it spiral wonderfully from there.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27468421 “A Present for a Father” by illusorygardens. This is actually a little gift oneshot thing inspired by one of my AUs here on Tumblr (Clouds and Moonlit Skies) where a bunch of FFVII characters are reborn as various OCs and canon characters in FFXV. Zack is Noctis, Cloud is Prompto, Aerith is Luna, Titus is Sephiroth, and Rufus and Yuffie are reborn as Imperial Royal Twins with the world’s most terrible dad aka Emperor Aldercapt. So naturally Noctis has to prank the Emperor of Niflheim on their behalf.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26667253/chapters/65038747 “Light in the Night Sky” by mokulule. If you’ve read my Deleantur and liked it, then absolutely 1000% give this a try. It’s inspired by Deleantur verse in the sense of “Noctis goes back to the time of Somnus and Ardyn” but it’s cheerfully wandering off in a very different direction and there is WORLDBUILDING and BACKSTORY and Ardyn and Aera being ADORABLE. Seriously it’s great. Again, it’s only got a few chaps on it, but I love it already and highly recommend.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27611195/chapters/67550303 “Holding Secrets Like a Crystal” by LadyHallen. An AU where Monica Elshett is a telepath and proceeds to unknowingly wreck canon in all the best ways. It’s a 5 chap short story and I love it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18114572/chapters/42823973 “First Lightning, Then Thunder” by Nervous Otaku. This is a RAVUS time-travel fixit, 87 chaps long (tho the chaps are short) and fully completed. Basically Ravus dies, the Astrals think “Free Real Estate” and proceed to dump him into the past in the body of a Coeurl. It’s angst and shenanigans and Ravus stubbornly refusing to admit that he is growing attached to these tiny child versions of people all while going through hell and high water to protect them from destiny. It’s a happy ending too!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21681499/chapters/51709084 “Victorious” by Kyirah. This one hasn’t updated in a while? But it’s got 14 stellar chapters of Noctis being gently plopped back into his child self with only vague memories of the future while the Lucii and the Astrals set about fixiting the world on his behalf. It also features adorable, slightly daemon-but-don’t-worry-he’s-fine Prompto and Dadcor. Also ghost Ardyn.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18116312/chapters/42828299 “cyan boys” by dreamtowns. 6 chap, slightly cracky time-travel, only instead of straight time-travel, Noctis and Prompto wake up in a parallel dimension where some stuff is ... different. Such as them being kids while Gladio and Ignis of that world are already adults. It’s just a nice, quirky, kinda angsty-in-places read and I really enjoyed it (despite the undertones of slash that crop up in some places but hey maybe that’s your cup of tea) but as always read the tags and decide for thineself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15073931/chapters/34948019 “Nocturne” by nirejseki. The Taur AU that inspired Nox Taur, 11/10 do recommend (even though there are slash and femslash ships in there later on but HEY just because I skipped over those parts doesn’t mean this fic isn’t great). Features baby Noctis being adorable, some cool world-building, Regis being a Good Dad, DadCor, and just- a great fixit all around with some amazing AU take on the Astrals and the prophecy and all that stuff.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11648547/chapters/26204799 “Introductions” by doodly_squat. This is ... essentially a canon compliant look at Prompto first introducing himself to and getting to be friends with Noctis. Picks up that moment in the Brotherhood episode where he says hi on the first day of high school. It’s short, but it’s finished and it’s great, there’s some Prompto angst, and it has a sequel with even more Prompto angst! That is also finished!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10869282/chapters/24144864 “Running Behind” by Asidian. An MT!Prompto AU where Prompto is raised as an MT (which are cyborgs here rather than canon’s ... whole thing) and then runs away when he learns he’s going to be decommissioned. He’s found a year-ish later by the other Chocobros on their roadtrip and they, unaware he’s a runaway MT, take him along because he clearly needs help. There’s feels and bonding and brotherly feels and also angst and drama because MT!Prompto is terrified of many things. There’s also descriptions of the aftermath of torture, which I didn’t find too bad but as always check the tags and the rating against your own comfort level. It has a happy ending tho.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11725950/chapters/26417871 “Poor Wayfaring Stranger” by lithos_saeculum. The last fic I’m gonna rec for now and just- I CANNOT rec this one enough. I love it so much. 59 chap, ongoing MT!Prompto AU where Cor finds this teenage MT unit and takes him home. There’s DadCor and Prompto learning how to People and the Chocobros getting attached and major angst at various stages because of how Prompto is treated (he has MT modifications and some people looking at you Clarus need to take a chill pill about it). It’s told entirely from Prompto’s POV which is FASCINATING and the author does a stellar job of picking out stuff that Prompto just- wouldn’t know about or understand because he’s been raised in a lab all his life.
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-Rating and gushing about every Wizard101 “World”/Arc-  
Imma just gush about my month of Wizard101 and how I finally got to a close “end” of the game.
24/12 Edit: Fixed some typos here and there and added some stuff.
07/09 Edit: KI decided to fully revamp Wiz city also changing some lore so the rating on that is outdated. Might also put my thought of the new Wiz City there once I’m through all the new content.
Arc 1 - Malistaire - 10/10
Prob my favourite.
The writing really ties in every world, even when you speedquest through it.
Contains a lot of my favourite worlds.
I’m still crying over Mali to this day...
(Old) Wizard City - 10/10
Literally the introduction to the game and the place I spent most of my time in when I was a crownless and membershipless young wizard.
Do you want to farm Nightshade or Kraken?
That graphic revamp really punched.
Fave Places To chill: Nightside, Commons, Ravenwood, Cyclops Lane
Krokotopia - 11/10
This world made me fall in love with Wizard101
Egyptian aesthetic o-o
I was once a balance wizard you know?
Cries over the plot in the tomb of storms
Fave Places To chill: Krokosphinx, School Of Balance
Marleybone - 10/10
I liked the Wizard version, but the Pirate version is more my jam.
Everyone is lookin dapper.
Home of the Doc- I mean Professor!
The whole worlds feels like Cats, but with dogs and the plot is Sherlock Holmes.
Barkingham Palace Gear o-o
Fave Places To chill: The Museum. 
Mooshu 7/10
Japan and China vibes
Your usual warlord chaos
Everything is BRIGHT GREEN
It felt  S H O R T
Has pretty nice wand drops
Fave Places To chill: Jade Palace
Dragonspyre 12/10  
This is what you get when you throw Roman aesthetic, Prussian History and a pinch of Russia into a pot.
The amount of subtle history references is making me listen to every line of dialogue I can get from this world.
Milos Bookwyrm is kinda a darlin
We kill Mali here :’)
Fave Places To chill: The Atheneum, wherever my battle drake chills
Arc 2 - Morganthe - 9/10
Has nice spots here and there.
Writing is still good, but a little less engaging.
Morganthe was so over the top “bad bitch” that it got annoying
Grandpappy spider was the saving grace of the arc
Celestia - 8/10
Solid world, story was kinda meh
Is this Skull Island??? Why are there water moles??? I thought they only exist in Skull Island????
Basically Atlantis
Fave Places To chill: Watermole Village
Zafaria - 8/10
Jambo Wizard!
The plot is Belloq and crazy tse-tse zebra ruining everyones day.
All they wanted was a nice zafari, all they got was misery and running into Morganthe worshippers.
Flameingo can’t take it anymore...
“Son I’m disappointed”
Fave Places To chill: Baobab Crown
Avalon - 9/10
Love it, but something is missing?
King Arthur, but you’re Arthur.
How to become a knight 101
The source of Morganthes saltiness
Everyone is prob scared of me because I rode a battle badger during my stay...
Fave Places To chill: Caliburn
Azteca - 9.5/10
Hello and Bye...
I will never be able to do casual side questing here anymore...
The plot was nice, but you know, IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE WAS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED
Do not speedquest through this if you are a plot person, DO NOT
Cries over birb and dinosaur friends...
The music was the best part of it.
Fave Places To chill: N o w h e r e  a f t e r  t h a t  d a r n  m e t h e o r i t e, almost everywhere before that
Khrysalis - 9.8/10
It was to be expected though
Mouse Guard vibes
The furniture sets for this suck and there is no proper furniture to obtain otherwise...
One Wizard Army (with the help of some deer friends) pls do not kill me for my bad word puns
I’d feel bad about how Morganthe ended, but after Azteca I really don’t have anything left for that whiny bitch...
A lot of people want my head...
Hello there hand- I mean hello there Spider.
Captain Colridge, if you had a pegleg I’d be 100% sure you’re ratbeard gone out of shape.
I love the dynamic changes to the Bastion once you progress
SHADOW MAGIC no one uses though because it’s not worth the pips and time 
Fave Places To chill: Last Woods 
Arc 3 - Spider And Raven - 6/10
Had solid concepts, kinda threw them out of the window
I do not like the writing in a majority of the arc
I think I was so disappointed, because I hyped these worlds up so much, the expectations did not meet reality
The ending was a no no
Plot was barely engaging
I only pushed through this for the concepts of Mirage and Polaris and wanted to see where Grandpappy Spider went
Polaris - 7/10
You spent half of the time in the arcanum anyway
I don’t like Mellori, but that is just me
I don’t like that we had to throw a ship worth of fish into the sea, although they apparently still live? Somehow?
Everyone was at full right to overthrow the Empress though, she was horrible.
Where is Napoleguin???
RA RA RATSPUTIN, LOVER OF- wait  w h a t ? ? ?
I don’t like the Arcanum, but I guess I’ll be a part of it.
Fave Places To chill: Walruskberg, Captain Colridges Tavern 
Mirage - 6.5/10
The more you hype, the more you’ll be disappointed...
Again the Spider part of the plot was good, the other was  e h
If I’m going to have to talk to another snobby over the top whiny cat I’m going to lose it.
Boochbeard, where is Mr. Gandry?
Bara Snakes.
Istar stop whining about bugs.
Ozzy you’re my best bud in this.
House themed GEAR, APARTMENTS and MOUNTS, but you gotta defeat a 100 enemies before that...
Love the world design though
Fave Places To chill: Caravan, anywhere you can wander through endless sand
Empyrea 4/10
This is what happens when you throw too many things together
S t a r  T r e k 
Medulla shut up
The idea to have an isle in the eye of a storm is cool though
Zanadu was kinda meh (prob because I remember most of it just happening in a sewer)
That dance session though, Khan rocks
The dwarfes were also kinda meh, just didn’t fit with the concepts of the previous areas 
Cthulu island was also kinda meh
Ending of the first half was literally Batman and although I know “The Bat” and “The cabal” it kinda came out of nowhere...
And then I pretty much lost interest in the world
The Reverie got me again, nice and fresh mechanics.
I will make a seperate rant on the ending, but no... I don’t like it at all and I don’t see Spider forgiving Raven as a good ending
Felt really forced
Hit some bad spots with me...
I thought we could fight Raven??? >:O
Fave Places To chill: Reverie
Arc 4 - idk what is going on
Karamelle ?/10
Ja moin, guten Tag allerseits.
Haven’t gotten there yet, but man, I’m not up for dictator Nana... :T
Spells look pathetic o k
If you try denglish one more time I’m going to lose it
At this point it’s obvious that KI has a thing for german speaking countries related stuff
Sentinel Marshmallows, do I have to say more? 
Other Worlds
Grizzleheim - 8/10
Forshadowing of Raven
It’s ok
Wintertusk - 8/10
Even more Vikings
Grizzleheim 2.0, but everyone is op and crits
You need the spells, but you don’t want to do it
It’s been too long since I’ve last been there
Wysteria - 9/10
The original snob
At least these weren’t a pain to listen to...
Incompetent teachers make incompetent students.
That hall of fame though.
Actually a nice world to quest through
The aesthetic is nice and they kinda got the cooler library compared to Ravenwood, unless I’m missing out on something.
Fave Places To chill: The library
Aquila - 10/10
Was a pain in Pirate, is wonderful in Wiz
Secret bosses you seldom find people to fight with
Everyone is salty that you’ve beated them and they don’t even try to hide.
Hades got the best estate.
Cerberus was cute until he became a set of floating heads.
Fave Places To chill: Tartarus
Darkmoor - 9.5/10
“Who hits?” - “Everyone” - *person who asked decides to leave the dungeon*
This happened to me 7 times in a row an U G H
People need to calm down their hitter ego
The dungeons are fun the first times, then they are just an annoyance to farm.
Plot is the Ballad Lenore
Hit in 5 rounds or say bye bye to your blades
No Feints
Catacombs 11/10
D r a g o n s p y r e  L o r e
Valencia, what are you doin there?
Basically KI’s punch in the face of Pirate101 players
“Oh you want an update? Guess you gotta watch how we recycle Valencia in Wiz”
Dragoon gear - Just like Darkmoor, but this time your suffering has a certain end
Also no exp on your quests?
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brw · 4 years
rating random outfits from the vision because i am very bored
outfit one - classic look
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[image id: two cropped panels of the vision from marvel comics. they are both wearing the same outfit, of a green bodysuit that covers every part of their body aside from the front of their face. with it, they wear yellow gloves, yellow boots and a knee-length cape which has a large flared collar. their torso is covered by yellow fabric which wraps around them like a corset. it ends at the top of their thighs. in the first image, they are faced to the left, with one leg raised and their cape floating around their shoulders. in the second image, they have she-hulk, thor & monica rambeau as captain marvel grouped behind them. they are facing forwards and gesturing towards the viewer with their hand. end id/]
- cape goes woosh
- literally the only thing showing is their face everything else is covered
- the collar is very dramatic and gay which i appreciate
- kinda wearing a corset thing? which is cool
- idk what's up with the diamond thing between their tits :/
- colour combo is atrocious but that's a staple of their style it seems lmao
- very out there, very dramatic
- you could probably wear something similar to a pride parade tbh just change the colours and you're good to go
- i like the gloves they look like the yellow ones you use to wash dishes in the sink with the scrubber thingy
final score - 7/10 bonus points for nostalgia & cape, its a very nice very classic look but also very modest :/ show some skin pls ur wife is basically wearing a swimsuit with gloves show a little solidarity :/
outfit two - boob window
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[image id: a cropped comic cover of the vision from marvel comics. they are reaching upwards with one arm extended in an attempt to escape several grey hands reaching up to their hip trying to drag them down. their costume is one piece broken into three sections. the bottom half is green and goes slightly above their hips creating a large v-shape. the middle half is yellow and v-shaped as well. the top part reaches to their shoulders and the bottom part is to the middle of their chest, and extends all the way to their fingers. the base of the v is also the bottom of a diamond cut out revealing some of their skin in the pectoral area. the top of the diamond leads to the third and final part of the costume which is the same shade of green as the bottom. This part is a large collar, a head covering that wraps around all around their head but leaves the face uncovered, as well as a cape that is shredded at the bottom. end id/]
- very similar outfit with inverted colours and instead of adding a diamond they cut one out :)
- another wooshy cape :)
- still has their face covered all around except for the front tho :( like idk wouldn't that annoy you? what if it gets too tight or you get hot?
- i have no idea how their cape works with the diamond cleavage window thingy like?? did they just use superglue? please explain
- gloves are gone 😔
- and no more boots 😔😔😔
- corset gone why did they remove all the sexy parts the tiddy does not compensate 😔😔😔😔😔
final score - 3/10 it's basically just an inverted version of the last one except they took the Cool Sexy Bits away which makes everything boring :/ bonus points for the boob window thing though, shows the beginning of their Bimboification :)
outfit three - detective
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[image id: a cropped comic cover of the vision from marvel comics. they are standing with one leg resting on something that is not in view. they are partially shadowed, and wear an intense, thoughtful expression. there is a cigarette hanging out of the side of their mouth. they look similar to a 1940s film noir character. they are wearing a white shirt that appears to be a button up, though the thickness of their tie that reaches down to their trousers obstructs any buttons. their sleeves are rolled up to around their elbows. their tie is somewhat loosened around their neck, and is white with black stripes in varying thickness. they wear a pair of thick white suspenders that connect to their trousers, which seem to be grey or a dull brown. they have one of their hands in their trouser pocket. under the same arm is a gun, though this is hard to make out in the darkness. they are also wearing a broad-rimmed fedora, which casts half their face in shadow with only their pupilless bright yellow eyes showing through. end id/]
- this ABSOLUTELY fucks
- unirionically sexy
- noir detective look very nice very cash money
- the loosened tie really just puts the whole thing together
- their face is free! no more awkward green pieces of plastic or whatever!
- calls pretty people "dames" for sure
- rolled up sleeves make me feel like a repressed victorian girl who's just begun to experiment with the Devil's Doorbell™
- smoking is bad for ur health but jesus if it isn't a vibe
- hat worn by reddit "nice guys" :/
final score - 9/10 this really is one hell of a look, very 1920s it absolutely slaps the suspenders are everything tbh if they were in a movie they'd probably be played by harrison ford idk why. anyway this ABSOLUTELY fucks and is one of my faves and is criminally underrated 🤗
outfit four - suit
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[image id: two cropped panels of the vision from marvel comics. in both panels, they are wearing the same simple two-piece black suit, with a white shirt underneath their jacket. there are no buttons or pockets on their jacket, and everything seems to be perfectly ironed. their tie is long and thin, and is tight around their neck. their shoes are nondescript and black. in the first panel, vision is to the side, and is floating in the air. in the second panel, vision is standing and is facing the viewer, with their face slightly shadowed and their fists clenched at their sides. end id/]
- simple, cute, chic
- the thinness of the tie is a big change from the last one
- classic suit style, the most casual of formal wear
- office worker kind of thing but like. a FANCY office
- nondescript; no personality in it whatsoever :/
- makes them look like a conservative 😔
final score - 4/10 it's kinda boring tbh they look cute but :/ lame. shows them trying too hard to conform to humanity's standards and it is Not A Vibe. there's no Sauce & also appears in something written by t*m k*ng so the association is immediately off
outfit five - ultimates aka No Clothes Titty Out
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[image id: a comic cover of the vision from marvel comics. this one is from the ultimates/1610-verse. this vision is more female-presenting then their 616 counterpart. they are not wearing any clothes. their body is golden and reflective and metallic. their body is comprised of different plates of metal, which are symmetric. just before their elbow, there is a gap in each arm between the metal plates so you can see the wires running through their arms underneath. there is a red diamond shape, still made of metal, in the area where a belly button would be on a human being. they have breasts that do not have any nipples, but have a large circle plating where the nipple would normally be. much like their 616 version they are bald with a yellow diamond in their forehead. their expression is difficult to read but they appear to be smiling slightly. their arms are raised around their head, not touching their skull but close to it. they are strutting towards the viewer with one hip jutted to the side. metal wires surround them, with none of them fully touching them aside from a thick one seemingly connected to the back of their neck. end id/]
- pussy out
- no clothes this bitch doesn't need them (but they do need titties for some reason??? bro????)
- red diamond thing to cover up the bellybutton? girl what are you hiding
- Gold And Shiny a nice change from our regularly scheduled red skin
- emulating aunt/sister/mother/whatever the fuck jocasta which is nice, it's about time vision got someone other then Fashion Disaster Wonder Man to help them out. i guess nudity is better then combining green and yellow all together with red skin jjshsheheh
- sexualised :/
- genuinely kinda hot tho i think i have succumbed to the Robot Tiddies 😔
- no idea how the physics of their hip/ass jutting out is supposed to work it looks like they dislocated something
final score - 6/10 it's cool but also why did u sexualised the android like i. also they are a robot and not a synthezoid which :( why. but u know i appreciate the pussy out kinda thing and ultimates verse vision dated sam wilson so they have good taste. points knocked off for being from the ultimates verse which is Bad™ imo
outfit six - This Fucking Thing What Is This I Hate It So Much
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[image id: a cropped panel of the vision from marvel comics. they are facing the viewer with an angry expression. their fists are tightly clenched and are raised slightly. around their wrists are thick yellow spiked bracelets. their arms are uncovered. their shoulders are covered by yellow spiked shoulderpads. they are wearing a green bodysuit with a bright yellow collar around their neck and a plunged neckline that goes all the way down their chest and torso until it is obstructed by yellow underwear, which is held up by a very thick yellow ring, which is also covered in spikes. their green bodysuit continues all the way down their legs until their boots, which are go up half-way around their calves and are folded over. they have a yellow diamond stuck in the middle of their chest. they are also wearing a green helmet that is green and corinthian (greek) in style. it is also spiked. the spikes at either side of the faceplate are small and yellow. the one at the top of the helmet is the same shade of green as the helmet itself. end id/]
- why
- it's. it's so ugly
- what's with the fucking spikes
- the boots are horrendous
- helmet looks they bought it at a museum for £15 and its made out of cheap shitty poorly made and badly painted plastic
- why did they glue a yellow diamond to their chest what is the fucking point
- porcupine energy
- the shoulder pads why the fucking shoulder pads disco isn't coming back just accept it
- spike belt underwear????? why??????????? looks like they made one of those chokers huge and called it a day
- it's just. it's just so ugly. why would you think this was a good idea who is responsible
final score - 0/10 i do not want to see it
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Wednesday’s NR, E, and M reading
See below!
Not Rated:
The light that reappeared, by KawaiiKittyCat (second in a series)
Lan Wangji hears it. That song. Their song.
He speeds up more than rules at Cloud Recesses would allow him. But that doesn’t matter now. Nothing does. Beside that music. Beside the person that plays this music.
Do not leave me, by Mydla (second in a series)
There is a vicious ghost on the loose. But who would be able to catch such a creature when its only manifestation is that it will let you see your worst nightmare one time? Only once and then it would move to another person. No one will even know that the ghost had ever visited them...
Jiang Cheng's worst nightmare
Just you and me, by Poitre_4
Promt: 153. "I Want you to go upstairs and lock the door ok? Don't come out until I tell you to"
Character: Nie Huaisang
Birth of a mastermind, by Poitre_4 (second in a series)
Promt: 153. "I Want you to go upstairs and lock the door ok? Don't come out until I tell you to"
Character: Nie Huaisang
Speechless, by SuiteJayne
Bored with transcribing the Lan Clan's Collection of Righteousness, Wei Wuxian again decides to provoke a reaction out of Lan Wangji. He gets a different one than he expected.
Some Like It Cold, by SuiteJayne (second in a series)
A hot spell settles on Gusu. Sleepless one night in Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian decides to visit the cold springs to cool off, but finds he’s not the only one who had that idea.
One More Rule, by SuiteJayne (third in a series)
After a small misunderstanding, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji reveal a little more about their feelings for one another and discover a new addition to their bedroom repertoire.
Some Sunny Day, by SuiteJayne (fourth in a series)
The Jiang clan leaves Cloud Recesses; Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have a hard time saying goodbye.
All Talk, by SuiteJayne (fifth in a series)
Wei Wuxian finds a way to work both sides of a light d/s dynamic. (A porny coda to the scene in The Untamed e9 where wwx and lwj battle enchanted chains and the dire owl in a misty forest.)
Long Shadows, by SuiteJayne (sixth in a series)
Wei Wuxian leaves the Jin Clan’s celebratory banquet in Nightless City. Lan Wangji follows.
Early Days, by SuiteJayne (seventh in a series)
Lan Wangji meets Wei Wuxian in Yiling and finds he has a few things to tell him. He manages to say some of it.
Restless, by SuiteJayne (last in the series)
As it turned out, Lan Wangji would have done almost anything to keep Wei Wuxian safe. He’d have lied, stolen, risked his life, exiled himself from his clan, from the whole cultivation world. But in the end, it didn’t matter, because Wei Wuxian didn’t want to be saved. Lan Wangji understood this. At any rate, on some days he understood it. On other days he felt in his bones that the opposite was true: that if he had been a little faster, a little smarter, a little better; if he’d anticipated how things would play out; if he’d intercepted Wei Wuxian and brought him back to Gusu; if he’d said the right things, then Wei Wuxian would still be alive.
library pavilion, by wearing_tearing (second in a series)
Wei Ying’s grin widens. “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about this?” he asks, pressing his body closer to Lan Wangji’s. “You’re always so focused when you’re here, so serious, Lan Er-gege. All I want is to mess you up a little. Even back then, I wanted a reaction out of you.”
Lan Wangji has had one too many fantasies about Wei Ying in the Library Pavilion.
incense burner, by wearing_tearing (last in a series)
Lan Wangji takes in a sharp breath and snaps his mouth shut. Surprise rushes through his entire body, sending sparkles through his spine and down the tips of his fingers. He stares at his husband, taking in his loose hair falling down his shoulders, his flushed cheeks and bright smile, his hands gently cradling the round bump of his belly.
His very pregnant belly.
The incense burner has been a wedding gift they have used often, and it always makes their wildest fantasies come true—if only for the duration of a dream.
Guaranteed Seduction, by cl410
Wei Wuxian puts the freezing talisman to better use
Mark You(r Words), by MajiLovePrincess
“If you keeping fucking me like this, I might just have to marry you,” Wei Ying gasps, too breathy to be properly teasing.
The pace of Lan Wangji’s hips falters as his whole body— not just his thrumming heart— skips a beat.
Or, The post-canon one where they both think the other is sleeping with them for platonic reasons, when that is not the case.
Blood, blood, blood on my hands, by Mydla (third in a series)
There is a vicious ghost on the loose. But who would be able to catch such a creature when its only manifestation is that it will let you see your worst nightmare one time? Only once and then it would move to another person. No one will even know that the ghost had ever visited them...
Lan Xichen's worst nightmare
running the bases, by quillifer (wbtrashking)
Lan Zhan knows his boyfriend plays baseball.
But not, like professionally, or anything. How famous could baseball players truly be? he thinks.
Jealous, are you?, by SugarBottom13
Wei Wuxian looks at the man before following what he was looking at only to frown curious when he sees it was Lan Wangji he was looking at. "I need water" the man awkwardly starts and Lan Wangji nods.
"I didn't bring any" he replies softly and Wei Wuxian looks at Lan Wangji surprised when he replied to the man, like he knows him, before Lan Wangji moves forward until he and the man were facing each other.
Rabbit Parenthood and other Domestic Affairs, by LadyHallen
Wei Ying has been suggesting increasingly more pets to adopt than usual and Lan Zhan is starting to wonder if there's something more to this.
bound, by hauntedotamatone
When the walls of the cave at Muxi Mountain had begun to splinter and crack open, Lan Wangji thought that rescue had come just in time. He hoped beyond all reason and rationality that the flash of a white sleeve he saw in the torchlight belonged to Xichen.
Further into the light they stepped, and he saw that the white sleeve was dipped in red, flames licking around the unfamiliar hand. His stomach dropped, hope sinking to the very depths of despair with each new Wen cultivator streaming in.
It had taken four men to pry him from Wei Ying. Two more to bind him as they dragged his unconscious form behind them in the dirt like a plow in the field.
Not Rated:
It Happened Just a Little bit Earlier, by Dragonsruleist (Dr_disore)
Wei Wuxian was tired, he had just got out of the burial mounds and had just crushed Wen Zhuliu's core. Jiang Cheng gave him back Subian- he would be happier if only he could use it. Lan Zhan wants to take him back to Gusu- for what he doesn't know but it's probably for punishment.
He has one last thing he has to do before he can rest, however. And so he turns his back on Jiang Cheng and walks away with his brother nun the wiser. He has Wen he promised to save after all.
(This kinda explains what happens- but is like a watered-down version of what I actually wrote)(the first chapter can be read as a one-shot) (also- despite what this may seem like this story- if I ever write more- will center the juniors until finally ending with lovely Wangxian romance. You've been forewarned.)
Because of Wen Qing, by QteCuttlfish
What if Jiang Cheng had chosen to support Wen Qing, the Wen clan remnants, and most importantly, Wei Wuxian? Follows CQL/Untamed canon. Canon Divergence from Episode 20.
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n6or · 4 years
showers | piers nsfw
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Rating: Explicit 
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Pocket Monsters: Sword & Shield | Pokemon Sword & Shield Versions
Relationships: Nezu | Piers/Reader
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Vaginal Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Rough Sex
Words: 2583
It’s nearly four am when the first knock sounds. Piers stirs in his sleep. It’s about the fifth knock that actually (begrudgingly) drags him from his bed. He wears a baggy black jumper with an even baggier pair of black sweatpants.
His feet drag slowly along the carpet, padding to the front door. He’s grumbling quietly to himself, totally annoyed at the disruption to his much loved sleep--at least, that’s until he opens the door.
He’s taken aback when he sees the sight of you. Your eyes are rimmed red, glassy, and your face is stained with tears. He blinks a couple moments, trying to figure out if it’s really some sort of dream, but when you take the first step forward, and your face finds his chest, his arms instinctively wrap around your shoulders.
“H-Hey,” he mumbles into your hair, having leaned down to kiss your head. His voice is lower than usual, raspier, too. “What’s goin’ on?”
Your silence is worrying, especially when the only thing close to a reply is the shaking of your shoulders. He squeezes you gently, trying to draw back, but is stopped by your tightening embrace.
"Babe," he says again, voice quiet, deep, and soothing. His hand comes back up to the back of your head, stroking your hair. "C'mon… let's get inside."
He straightens up, arm manoeuvring around your waist so that - although you still clung to him - you were now tucked into his side. The pair of you move slowly into the bathroom, the only noise being the shuffling of socks against carpet and your soft hiccups.
Piers flicks the bathroom light on as you both enter, his eyes squinting to readjust to the sudden abusive change in brightness. Keeping one arm around you, he rubs the sleep from his tired eyes, other hand squeezing your hip gently.
He coaxes you around and slowly guides your shirt up and over your upper half, folding it up rather neatly and placing it on the basin's bench behind him. His spindly fingers move up the smoothness of your belly, fingertips gingerly grazing the swells of your breast. The silent journey of his touch traces along the curve of your shoulder, up your supple neck, and finally, his palm meets your cheek. Calloused pads press against the skin, coaxing your head up.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His eyes are soft as he watches you — less distant than the first time you had both met. "I won't force it out of ya, but y'know I'll always listen."  
You lean into his palm and relish in the cool touch. Compared to you, he was always a lot colder, but you loved it. You often relished in the way his chilled fingers would trace aimless shapes above the small of your back, especially when he was concentrating.
"Just… a bad night," You manage out through staggered breaths.
He nods knowingly, slowly tucking some of your hair behind your ear and out of your face.
"I can't solve ya problems…" He begins, slowly leaving you to turn the faucet on to the bathtub. You miss his touch, the once could touch now burning into your skin. You wanted it back. As he returns once more he takes your hand and squeezes it tight between his own. "But i can hold ya hand and listen."
The soft words prick at the corners of your eyes as a new round of tears settle in and threaten to spill over at any given time. Squeezing his hand in return, you bow your head, forehead dropping onto his shoulder. A silent submission; a usual occurrence during these sorts of nights.
Slender fingers trail up your arms and around your waist, fiddling with the buttons and zipper of your jeans before he's dragging them down your thighs. Lowering himself to his knees, Piers helps you out of your jeans before slowly kissing up your leg. He starts at your ankle, teeth lightly grazing the skin whilst his tongue caresses the soft bite. His hands explore the side of your leg as he trails the kisses higher.
Your breath stutters when his lips find your thigh, your eyes fixed on his mouth, staring silently as he takes the supple skin between his teeth and bites down. A jolt rolls through you and you can feel the slight smirk — especially when you gasp.
He looks up from where he's knelt before you and rests his cheek against your thigh.
"Want me to try and make ya forget, babe? Or is it too bad t'night?" His voice is soft as he speaks, fingertips massaging wherever they can find in an attempt of easing your emotions. "We can just have a bath 'n go t'bed if ya don't wanna do this kinda thing. I just wanna help." You watch his brows crease with concern and can't help but to reach down and run a hand through his thick, two-toned hair.
Slowly, you nod.
Piers mimics the response and litters soft biting kisses up your body towards your shoulder.
Lithe arms find your waist and tug you closer, hips grinding slowly, sensually against yours. Your head tilts to the left, granting your lover more space to work those perfect lips into your suddenly heated body.
A hand moves up into his long hair, your fingers working skilfully to tie his hair up into a loose bun. This earns a quiet chuckle from the older, followed by a small "thanks".
It doesn't take long for the clothes to leave your entangled bodies. Your hands are everywhere on his sculpted frame; feeling up each indent of his ribs, tracing the protrusion of his scapula, moving down over the subtle curve of his ass; this particularly makes him groan with anticipation. You're addicted to his body—completely enthralled by his tall, thin stature.
"Bath," he groans again once you squeeze his ass.
You oblige and slowly draw back from the passionate lock of your lips.
Piers is the first to step in, turning the nozzles of the bath to slow the water. The action earns a cock of your eyebrow. Instead of turning off the water and laying back, he grabs the detachable shower nozzle and carefully adjusts the settings so that water trickles from the silver showerhead now.
You blink, clearly perplexed, but Piers (with his open legs and proudly standing cock) motions for you to sit between his legs.
It's then that you realise the tub isn't quite full yet.
Nonetheless, you oblige.
You move carefully, stepping into the wider bath and taking your seat between your boyfriend's thighs. The feeling of his aching erection pressing flush against your lower back elicits a warm flow of arousal to spread between your thighs.
"Lean back, babe," he murmurs, left hand caressing your thigh. You recline back into his chest, gasping softly when his hand slips under your knee and widening your legs.
"P-Piers," You stammer quietly, trying to sit up again, but Piers merely pulls you back down and greets you with a soft kiss to your shoulder.
"Trust me. I'll make ya feel good, 'kay?"
The question leaves you feeling hot all over, know far too well that Piers never fails to deliver in the pleasure department.
His lips move slowly against your shoulder, massaging your thighs. The water is at a slow pace for the time being, spraying across your pert nipples, causing you to squirm slightly. Piers groans into your ears when your ass grinds back against his cock, the longer shaft jumping excitedly at the friction building between you both.
Slowly, Piers sits you up so that your lower half is totally free of the water (and considering the water level, its not that hard). You shiver when his long fingers slide along the folds of your head, body shuddering at the tender touch. He licks your ear slowly, moaning once two fingers tease your entrance.
"Y'so wet already, babe… Such a good girl."
A fire flames across your cheeks and you squeeze your eyes shut tight. Praise makes something inside you flutter and results in you becoming absolute putty in Piers' hands.
He doesn't penetrate you yet. Instead, he teases your tighter entrance with one fingertip, the showerhead slowly being angled closer towards your clit. His fingers pry the lips of your warmth apart and spread you open for the water to splash against you sensitive core.
The first touch of water steals the breath from your lungs, briefly. Your back arches and your eyes snap open, wide and completely taken aback by the foreign pleasure. Your hips tremble instantly and violently, a string of higher pitched whines falling from you as you writhe atop your boyfriend.
Continuing to tease your ear, you feel him smirk yet again. And it's when the pressure of the shower nozzle increases that you realise why.
The warm water that repetitively soaks your clit makes you want to scream. Droplets remain relentless in drowning your pussy, massaging your clit so strangely to anything you've ever experienced before—it's totally overthrown your previous depression and replaced it with something dangerously delicious: lust.
"Piers…!" You finally cry out, bucking your hips. You can feel your abdomen becoming tight—can feel the familiar tremble of your thighs.
You're panting and moaning and whining his name—and he's living for it. Watching his sweet, innocent girlfriend become a whining whore does things to him. It gives him an odd power trip knowing that he is making someone so beautiful—someone so pure—cry out his name like this.
"Y'like this, Princess?" comes his quiet cool, tongue grazing up and along the shell of your ear. You shudder, pushing yourself both backwards and forwards, wanting both Piers' cock and the vibrations of the shower head. "Can't hear you…~"
When he lowers the showerhead away from your clit you almost cry.
"Yes!" You choke out hurriedly, nodding over and over and over. "P-Please don't stop, Piers. Please. Please, I'm so close…"
There's a quiet chuckle before the bliss of the showerhead returns. The welcomed pleasure makes you sigh with relief, hips slowly beginning to bounce in spot for something more. It's then that a strong hand wraps around your hips and the shower is finally pressed onto the highest pressure it can muster.
The orgasm hits you so suddenly you swore you must've passed out because there was absolutely no warning for you or Piers. Your body convulses against the unyielding attack of the tiny droplets, your eyes rolling into the back of your head which falls back against Piers' shoulder. He holds you in a vice-like grip so that escape was pointless.
You're grounded after a few starry moments with a loud gasp, followed by an even louder whine. Your back arches up off your lover and your toes girl as the pleasure begins to fade to pain. You're crying again by this stage, babbling, begging, trying to move your hips—but no matter what, you can't.
"Not gonna stop. You're a big girl. You know how to use ya words." Piers' words reverberate off each end of your skull, his husky voice going straight to your already dripping pussy.
Safe words were something that he had introduced to you after the eight month mark of your relationship. That's when things became a little more intense between you both—when Piers taught you a whole other world of pleasure from the vanilla sex you knew of.
But this wasn't time for your safe word. Although it hurt, there was the slightest lick of pleasure that teetered alongside the pain that made you want more.
"A-Ah--!" You choke when you feel your hips angle and the head of Piers' cock tease your entrance. "Please!" You cry without any encouragement, knowing full well how badly you wanted to be fucked while the shower head abused your clit.
"Hm… 'Kay. Since ya such a good girl."
The flush spreads from your cheeks down your neck when you feel just how easy his cock enters you, like your pussy was made to sheath his sizable erection.
Another sigh of contentment leaves you when a gradual rhythm of his hips is settled. You reach behind you and run a hand through his hair, tugging on the bun and earning a guttural growl from the older, which entails a rather sharp thrust up into you.
Handing you the showerhead, Piers angles it so its directly targeting your clit.
"N-No!" You cry when he begins to increase the pace of his hips, his throbbing cock slipping in and out of you. "Too much!" Your head falls back against his shoulder once his hands find your hips, angling you so he's thrusting upwards, cock burying deeper and deeper inside your sopping sex.
"Don't y'dare move that hand," he growls once more, teeth nipping at your ear. "If you move It, I won't let ya cum again."
The threat is too much; you almost want to cry out no. The second orgasm is so close. You can feel it conjuring inside you like a tempest, a violent storm that will wreak havoc as it tears through your trembling body. So instead you just nod, silently crying out every time the head of Piers' cock dragged across that sinfully sweet spot deep inside you.
"Y'such a good girl, Y/N. Fuck, I love you so much." You can feel he won't last long. The one thing you've noticed about Piers, is that right before his orgasm, he becomes cutely sappy; reminding you how good you are, telling you how lucky he is to have you—how lucky he is to love you. And again, he groans into your ear, his cock jumping inside of you as he sloppily angles his cock inside of you.
He grabs your hand and begins to shake the nozzle, the droplets splaying in every direction they can, hitting every inch of your sensitive heat and, finally, drawing out your second orgasm.
Euphoria washes over you so strongly that when you clench around Piers, he can't help but to shoot his seed deep inside your sinful pussy. He groans, hand bruising your hips as he fucks himself into you, riding out his orgasm, but also prolonging yours.
"Piers!" You cry out loudly, voice higher pitched than earlier—strained, too. His name seems to be the only thing your sex filled mind can think of because its the only thing you can seem to babble as your consciousness slips.
Piers hums quietly as he continues to hold the showerhead (now right up) against the throbbing bundle of nerves, watching the way your twitching and stiffening body begins to limpen.  
"So fuckin' beautiful," he rubs, finally turning the pressure down and allowing the showerhead to fall back into the slowly rising bathwater.
Heavy pants heave your chest, sweat lining your brow. The afterglow of your orgasm is so warm against the chill of Piers' cold body. You feel the distant press of supple lips trailing along your neck; calloused fingertips tracing aimless shapes (which now you think may have been hearts) against your abdomen.
"I love you so much, Y/N," he whispers again, cradling you so close. "I'm sorry y'so sad right now… I don't really know how t'help… but i'll always be here to hold ya whenever y'need me to, yeah?"
You smile exhaustedly at the soft nothings he whispers and tilt your head to press a small kiss to his jaw.
"I love you, Piers. Thank you."
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A Mage’s Beginning-Part One
Summary: Anathema of Velena is sent by the Brotherhood of Sorcerers to a kingdom already decimated by a mighty beast when she happens upon another. One who saves her life…as she saves his.
Pairing: Geralt/OFC (Anathema of Velena)
Word Count: 5k
Rating/Warnings: M for language, discussion of mature themes and situations, alcohol consumption, violence, and reflection on a particularly shitty childhood that could be triggering. Body image triggers. No smut for now. Also, warning that it’s stupid long and only half done! Wow! I’m super sorry! Anathema is kind of a long winded little witch.
Inspiration: Netflix’s The Witcher, that sweet, sweet Cavill bod, and the chocolatey crunch of his “Geralt voice!” (idk why, but that’s the imagery for me. Lol!) Also, Ana inspired by the badassness of Anya Chalotra as Yen, the powerful vulnerability of Anna Shaffer as Triss, and the poise and grace of MyAnna Brunning as Tissaia…I honestly can’t believe that the name Anathema is a total coincidence now. Especially considering that my name…is Hannah, a version of all of these. It just came to me as a cool name.
Author’s Note: Like most of my OFCs (and honestly, even EFCs), Anathema is loosely based on myself. She reacts how I feel I would (or sometimes hope I would) in her situation. For those of you who read “Shape of Her” you’ll know that I’m chubby. Anathema was, as well, before her transformation, and she talks about what it was like for her as a child and adolescent growing up. For me, this was a deeply personal thing to write about. I don’t usually talk about the effect my weight has always had and continues to have on my mental health. I’m very fortunate that, unlike Anathema, I have loving parents that have never treated me this way. But in an odd way, their “help” and concern for my physical health has created this sort of villainous aspect of them in my mind, and I suppose that comes out in Ana’s mother here. At any rate, I should probably go back to a counselor about it, but that’s tough during a pandemic and with my work hours. So I write about it, and I guess there ends up being a bit of validation for her/me when Geralt shows interest (and maybe takes that further in part two...no spoilers here!). Not that any of it’s completely healthy, but at least it’s kinda cathartic and fun in the moment if you don’t think too hard about it. I hope the monologue doesn’t bog you down and make you lose interest. If it does, just skip it. It won’t hurt my feelings.
Also, I’m sure my spells are total baloney compared to what’s in the books and deffo to what’s in the show. I just wanted to write something down to sort of show the power being expelled by Ana. These are probably way more Hogwarts than Aretuza! Lol!
Tag List: @sunflowersstan @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @mstgsmy @lareinedususpense @geekycanuck and @littlefreya (omg it let me tag you this time, Freya!) I didn’t tag some of you that I tagged before in Shape of Her, just because I didn’t know if that was something you wanted. (basically, if I didn’t get a concrete response one way or the other, or I wasn’t fairly sure you’d want a tag, I didn’t tag you. I still love all of you!) Please let me know if you want to be tagged or if you want me not to tag you in things! I will not be offended! Also, this is not smutty. It’s pre-smut. lol!
Anathema of Velena was a mage of little renown. Powerful enough, but nothing compared to someone such as Yennefer of Vengerberg. She had worked so hard at Aretuza and all Rectoress Tissaia de Vries could manage to tell her most days was “You could not organize a pair of gloves, Ana. How do you expect to be able to control chaos? I’m not even convinced you have any chaos in you.” She turned away, calling the five other girls out of the lightning tower, some of whom had ampules filled with crackling white light. The rest were in various states of injury from singes to limps. Anathema…well, she had nothing. The lightning didn’t come near her. She left the tower without a prize, but filled with shame, uninjured from the typical failed attempt. She didn’t know why it was worse, but it very much was.
It took her years to finally get over that day.
Her first assignment the brotherhood sent her on was, well, it hardly mattered now, because the city, the whole kingdom was now rent by some foul beast. She’d been sent to help. But had arrived too late. She heaved one of her deeper sighs. “Fuck.” She let out audibly. She’d have to make camp. For the third night. At least. Maybe it was the fifth. She wasn’t certain. But it seemed like too long. She dismounted her chestnut mare, Clove, and started to get her supplies down for her modest tent. Modest, meaning that it appeared modest to the casual observer.
Inside, however, when she’d cast her enchantments, it was almost like home, complete with a full bed, soaking tub, fireplace, table, chairs, and a lovely lounge with a settee and chaise. One of her favorite things about Magic was being able to pack heavy while still traveling light. She was even able to bring a small book collection.
She’d just finished setting everything up and was casting the necessary protective enchantments to the perimeter of her site when she heard a rustle in the bushes about twenty yards away. She attempted to remain calm, but was terrified. She carried only a small silver dagger and a steel short sword that she rubbed with a silver infused oil which she made when she came across good silver and decent tallow. It wore off, but the silver oiled blade was a good compromise when you couldn’t carry both silver and steel. What was she, a fucking Witcher? Anyway, she drew her dagger, but conjured a revelatory wall around her so she could see who or what was out there hunting her. She prayed it wasn’t a kikimore. Anything but a kikimore, she thought. Those shits gave her the creeps. Give her an iron toothed wyvern, or the king of dragons, himself. She could conjure in battle against the best of beasts born of magic, but those insects…no.
There came a keening howl unlike anything she’d ever heard. A drowning scream that almost sounded like it was coming from under the water. Then too many pairs of glowing green eyes started appearing from said bushes. They were horrifying lizard-fish people. And they were walking toward her camp. It would be all too soon that they would walk through the invisibility shield as she hadn’t been able to cast any deflective measures yet. They’d breach her camp in minutes if she didn’t act. She prepared to cast a fire spell on them, hoping that would work, when she heard a deep male voice behind her growl an order.
“Get down! Hide!” Pardon me? She thought. This guy didn’t know who he was dealing with.
It appeared though that she didn’t, either.
The voice had come from a very tall and amply muscled horseman. He wore no armor, only a dark linen tunic tucked into leather breeks, and tall black boots. All was weathered and smelled heavily of horse, ale, and sweat. He quickly dismounted in that way that some men do in which they swing their leg over the horse’s head instead of around the rear. This was the way that, even in her terror, made her feel an unfamiliar but pleasant stirring in the pit of her stomach.
His hair, which she had presumed blonde at first, she noted now to be silvery grey, and well past his shoulders. Maybe longer than her own. He grabbed a sword from the large sheath on his saddle and stalked toward the oncoming rabble of sodden predators.  
She thought…she might have been mistaken but she was fairly sure he’d grabbed a steel sword. Steel would not be very effective on these monsters, if she had sized them up right. She looked to his saddle, seeing the hilt of another blade there. She stepped toward it and slid it out to reveal that this was precisely what had happened. He’d grabbed the wrong weapon in his haste. Well. He was dead. She grabbed the silver sword, sheathing her dagger, and marching toward the scrum around the well-meaning muscle head.
“Selectum ignitus!” She chanted as she wrought her hand in the corresponding motion. This spell burned only victims she chose, leaving others unharmed. It had only stunned these creatures, but it was enough time to allow her would-be hero to catch a small break from his blunder. His thick neck was still in the spindly clutches of one of the largest fish men, apparently less susceptible to fire than the others. Ana stepped up behind him, and with the silver sword, sliced his head clean off at the neck.
“Here.” She said as she tossed him the weapon, the steel sword somewhere on the forest floor to be found later. “They’re waking back up.”
“Mmm.” He mumbled. Right. He was welcome. All this gratitude was just making her blush.
They fought well together, surprisingly. She with her magic and dagger, and he with his signs and sword. She could feel it when he cast them. She noticed him using Aard, so she started casting more similar spells herself. The skirmish was over in minutes. All of the beasts had fallen and she looked at her newfound comrade, both of them covered in blood and muck.
“That was…fun!” She said, in earnest.
“Hmm.” He responded. As if to say, sure, whatever, freak. And began hovering over the corpses, rummaging in his satchel.
“So…these handsome fellows. I’ve never come across them.” She waited a beat, hoping he’d just answer her, knowing that’s what she meant for him to do. Oh, okay. This wasn’t the kind of guy he was. Fair. “What are they?”
“Drowners. Bigger ones are called drowned dead. They come out of the nearby bodies of water.”
How nice. Surely she wouldn’t have any nightmares about that. She'd heard of drowners, as a coastal dweller, but had been fortunate enough to never see one. Until tonight.
“And…not that it’s my business, but…you’re doing what exactly?”
He sighed. “These remains have a lot of useful potion ingredients. I never waste a kill if I can help it. Ginatz’s Acid doesn’t grow on trees, does it?”
“No tree I’ve ever seen, no.” She laughed. He didn’t. Well. This guy would just be a barrel of fun, it seemed. But he did just try to save her life. She should attempt to repay him that kindness. Even if he failed a bit at first, she didn’t know what she would have done if he hadn’t been there.
“Hey, I have a few more spells to do before my camp is fortified for the night, but then I was going to have some dinner in my tent. I have plenty, if you’d like to join. As a thank you for helping me tonight.”
“Tempora Portia.” She swept her arm down to create a window in the cloaking spell so he could see her camp in the clearing.
He saw the small tent, that looked as though barely two people could lie down in it, much less sit for a meal.
He eyed her warily. “I think you’ll be lucky enough to eat in there by yourself with just a bowl and a spoon.”
“Ever heard of not judging a book by its cover?” She asked. “Trust me. I have a plump pheasant, some really delicious herbs I got on the way here from Aretuza, and some lovely wine! I’ve been saving it until I got here to share with the court, but…” she looked sheepishly at the ruined city on the hillside. “You’re clearly the only surviving citizen, Sir….”
“Geralt. Just Geralt. I’m not a citizen. I was commissioned to come here, just as you were. Only I was sent by…the neighbors…to eliminate the threat before it reached them, too.”
“Right. Geralt. I’m Anathema of Velena. Nice to meet you, and thank you for saving my life tonight.”
“Anathema, thanks for saving mine. And I guess, I’ll take you up on dinner.”
She told him to finish his scavenging, and cast a charm onto him and his horse, Roach, to allow them to enter through her custom enchantments.
When she was finished securing her campsite, she went inside her tent to clean up. She conjured lots of warm fragrant water into her copper tub. It would have been more relaxing had she not been covered in the muck of battle. The drowner guts were slimy like fish entrails on her skin and in her hair. She was fairly certain that she also had blood from both her own wounds and Geralt’s spattered across what skin had been exposed during the fight.
She reached for her sponge and a bar of soap that smelled of lilac, one of her favorites, and scrubbed until all of the muck, mud, and blood was gone from her skin and hair.
She felt a telltale shudder come from the perimeter of her camp, indicating that her would-be rescuer and his steed had stepped through them. She had put up sheer modesty curtains somewhat arbitrarily, but today she was glad for them. She had just stepped out of the tub and was fully naked when Geralt entered.
“Erm.” He cleared his throat simultaneously announcing his presence and asking if he could come in. She must applaud him for his excellent communication skills.
“Come on in, I’ll be right there.”
She donned a simple, modest wrap dress that went well beyond the duty of a bath robe and looked infinitely more chic, and piled her damp, dark hair into a messy coil high on her head.
“So glad you could join me. Did you get everything you wanted from the creatures?”
“Everything they could give me. Yes.”
“Good. Well, I’ve not started dinner yet, but it won’t be very long. Why don’t you have a bath? You look like you’ve been riding for weeks with no sleep and you’re caked in the muck of a dozen battles like the one we were just in. I’ll clean and mend your clothes, too.”
“I’m fine thank you.”
“Oh, please? You’ll enjoy dinner so much more if you’re not concerned with how you smell…plus my table isn’t so big that…I couldn’t smell you too.” She giggled. “So as a courtesy to your cook and table mate?”
She looked at him with her doe eyes. Maybe that would work. She loved helping people and making them feel better. She thought he was restraining a smirk. He complied with a grunt and a nod.
“Splendid. I’ll get you some wine, too. I love wine with a bath! Don’t you!?”
“That and silence.” Point taken. She’d let him relax.
He stood in the corner of the bathing alcove as she conjured bath water for him.
“Agua fragra fieretta.” she spoke, and the tub filled with steamy water that smelled like spearmint, cedar, and a hint of lavender. Her own had smelled so different. She hadn’t realized it seemed to change depending on who you were drawing the bath for, never having done so for anyone but herself.
She dug around for a sandalwood soap and a new sponge and set them out for him on the small side table.
“Here you are. I’ll be right back with your penis! I mean, woah. Sorry.” She had turned around at the wrong moment. She knew he’d been taking off his shirt when she was rummaging. But she assumed modesty would mandate that he wait for her to leave before removing his trousers. She had been mistaken. He stood there as naked as the day the midwife pulled him from his mother, hands on his hips just like it was the most blasé thing to ever happen.
“It’s fine. I don’t really think about being shy anymore. Sorry. My clothes are on that stool if you want them. Thanks.”
“Right, great. I’ll be right back with a towel and wine. That’s what I was going to say before. And yeah, then I’ll see what I can do for those clothes.”
She left, procured the wine and a towel, and hurried back, placing the cup audibly on the table so she didn’t have to speak to him. She was so embarrassed. She grabbed his clothes and sat them on the settee for later. She was somehow both glad and disappointed that he did not acknowledge her.
Now, she needed to work on dinner. She’d gotten a lovely pheasant this afternoon with her bow. She’d been gathering fragrant herbs of all kinds along her journey and had traded some of them at market for potatoes, carrots, garlic and pearl onions. She prepped the pheasant, stuffing it with the vegetables, herbs, and some salt and pepper, and rubbed it down on the outside with some olive oil and seasoning. She placed it in her camp oven to cook in the infused oil and its own juices, basting it every so often.
She magically cleaned and mended Geralt’s clothes and tried unsuccessfully not to think about the body that they covered. His arms were as thick as the average man’s legs and his legs were not unlike tree trunks, albeit much more shapely. His chest was monolithic with two great pecs and six well-defined abs. He was also perfectly hairy. No one would confuse him with a bear, but this was definitely no boy. No boy, at all. And Mother Melitele herself would weep at the sight of the cock on this man. Long. At least halfway down his thigh. She didn’t get that good a look, but she thought it was veiny. And it was definitely thick…although she couldn’t compare it to much. To anything, really. Not even the instruments used on her the day she ascended to her current state of perfection. She'd been given powerful herbs to sedate her until the transformation was complete.
She’d arrived at Aretuza a sluggish and overweight wallflower with tiny breasts. When she went over her desires for her new form with the “miracle worker” as she liked to call him, she asked him to upgrade her in every way he could, but to keep her eyes the same shade of green they’d always been. She’d felt that the eyes were too directly attached to the soul and to change them was going too far. The rest, however, was fair game.
And this was her first assignment since her ascension, so she hadn’t been anywhere but her home, which was an unforgiving place, and Aretuza. Little opportunity for romance had presented itself. And she wasn’t even sure how romance would go for her at this point. Were mages adored for their power? Beauty? Or who they were as people independent of those attributes? Was that all she was now? A beautiful magician? She suddenly felt a small pang of regret.
Her eyes shifted involuntarily now to the bath partition. Must have been the movement she caught out of the corner of her eye. Geralt was taking a drink of wine, a very long drink, and when he set the goblet back down, he leaned his head back with a contented sigh. She took the clothes back to the stool when she’d finished, smiled at the scarred, and incredibly heroic man before her, and popped away to finish dinner.
She busied herself setting the table with modest candles, and conjuring an extra setting for Geralt. She filled a pitcher with an “agua potum” spell and put her wine vessel out. As she was tabling the pheasant, her eye caught movement again in the “bath room.” Geralt had gotten out of the tub and was drying off. His back was no less impressive than his front and his ass was like a fresh, crisp apple. She’d always loved apples. In her dreamy haze, she'd come too close to the hot camp oven and burned her hand. She let out a whispered but audible “fuck” and brought her hand quickly to her mouth to cool the fire with saliva.
It helped a little, but not much. She continued to prepare as Geralt got dressed and he was out right as dinner was on, wine goblet in hand.
“Smells nice.” He complemented. She was shocked, but still in a lot of pain from the burn.
“It better be the best fucking thing I’ve eaten in ages to make it worth searing the skin off my finger here!” She put her hand to her mouth again, and brought it out, shaking it.
He sat his goblet on the table and went outside, all without a word. She was confused. Wondering how she could have offended him, but honestly, not really caring. She’d tried. She sat down. Exhausted. He came back in with the satchel he’d been wearing and packing with solutions from those corpses.
He walked around the table to kneel in front of her, held out his hand, and raised his eyebrow expectantly. She gave him her injured hand, extending her index finger to indicate the affected area.
“You know, I’ve seen men lose half their faces to fire. This isn’t so bad.” He rifled through the bag for a vial of clear oil with bits of purple floating in it.
“Did they live?” She asked, amused.
“A few.” He smirked, dabbing a small amount of the oil onto his index finger and applying it to hers.
Her relief was instant and evident on her face.
“Wow, that feels so much better. Thank you! What is that?”
“A simple infusion. Oil of lavender. Here.” He gave her the vial.
“Oh I couldn’t.”
“Take it. I make more all the time. It’s damn near free. I’ll show you how, too, so you're prepared for next time. It’s essential for a healer’s kit. Many uses.” These were more words than she’d heard him speak all together since they’d met. She decided not to remark upon it.
“Well thank you. I hope you’re hungry! I think the pheasant is ready to be torn!”
They filled their plates with juicy, savory sections of the bird and large chunks of the vegetables that had become pleasantly tender inside it. Thyme and rosemary, onion and garlic danced off the tongue, complimented by the salt and a dash of ground peppercorn for zest. For once, a meal tasted even better than it had smelled and she had forgotten the terror of the fight with the drowners, the pain of her burn, even the startling sight of the naked man in her tent, and relaxed into the pleasure of a delicious meal.
This is one of the reasons I was fat before, she told herself. And made sure she stopped eating before she'd filled herself to gluttony.
She noticed that her companion was eating…enthusiastically. She was on the verge of saying ravenously, but there was an element of refinement to it that forbade her from using the more savage descriptor. He seldom drank, and most rarely from his water cup.  He liked the wine, then. She liked this fellow. Quite a lot. He stabbed large portions onto his fork and put them easily into his wide mouth. But even though he took larger bites, he did take his time in chewing, savoring the succulent food. She appreciated this from him.
"You're going to have to finish the poor bird off. I'm stuffed." she patted her tummy, demure now, as it had never been in her recent memory.
"Hmm." he grunted in protest. This one she couldn't quite translate past general disagreement.
"What?" she prodded.
"We both know you didn't need any help taking down this bird alone. Even with the vegetables. It's all incredible, by the way. Best meal I've had in ages."
"First of all, thank you, I quite liked it too, and secondly, it's called restraint. Ever heard of it?" she sassed him back.
"I've heard of it, yes. Can't say we've ever crossed paths, though." he held her gaze as he drank deeply from his goblet. Was it suddenly warmer in the tent?
"Well, it might be a good idea to seek it out here and there." she said, hiding well the feathers he'd just ruffled. "Food and I have a volatile history. I have to show restraint or all of this is gone." she indicated her physical form. She hadn't truly intended to make him look at her, but he was. He was holding her in his gaze in a way that was utterly alien to her.
"Mmm." he grunted, as if to express his understanding.
"But enough about me. What about you? It's not every day I meet a witcher!"
His amber eyes met hers, inscrutable, but not pleased.
"You knew."
"Of course I knew. I have eyes and ears, and all kinds of senses working. And all of them caught wind of what you were the moment you dismounted your horse."
"And yet you helped me. Fought with me. Saved me."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Most people don't want a witcher around. They'd prefer the monsters we kill. Even when we're summoned to communities, invited, we're a pariah until the job is done. We're seen as the…lesser evil."
"Tell me Geralt. Did you make the choice to become a witcher?"
"Do you think I made the choice to be a conduit?" This question, he didn't answer. She thought he may not know. She decided then to tell him her story. How she came to be a mage, and the hell she went through to get where she was.
"Do you know what my nickname was as a child? It wasn't anything cute, like a vegetable or fruit or a baked good, or even a cuddly little creature, no. No term of endearment would suit me. I was called 'Rat.' Because you see, as I mentioned, I have a complicated past where food is concerned, and this comes from my youth. When I would sneak into the pantries and steal food. My mother and the staff thought at first there was a large rat, or even a raccoon behind the lost inventory, for at first, I left behind traces and made a mess of things. But after a while, I got good. Covered my tracks. Then mother started blaming the staff. Beating them, then firing most of them. No one seemed to notice how fat I was getting. Me being the middle of five girls. Eldest two sisters already married off to wealthy business men from town and bringing the bratty little grandchildren around, the younger girls learning dance and music, and generally being full of charm. I was in the background. Until one night, mother found me. She was searching the pantry for a tonic for indigestion when she saw me burrowing, trying to hide between sacks of potatoes. She hauled me out and dove for a long wooden spoon on the worktop in the kitchen. She beat me bloody with that spoon. I couldn't sit and could hardly walk for days."
She took a drink from her goblet, fortifying her. She didn't tell this story often. In fact, she hadn’t told anyone but her best friend Codrick, the blacksmith's apprentice. And that had taken many years.
"She started giving me smaller portions at dinner. Insisting that I wouldn't find a husband in my current state and threatening to sell me to a brothel if I didn't marry in good time. I was nearly starving, but still not getting thin fast enough to satisfy her. She made me run around the perimeter of our grounds. If I wasn't back in time, she'd set our wild bull out after me. There were a few times I was nearly gored. But I kept sneaking into the cupboards late at night. They were locked now, but once I told Codrick what was happening, he helped me by forging me a spare key. She kept calling me 'Rat' which was interesting. As if the sneaking and stealing was the more deplorable side of me than my actual size. She never called me 'Pig.' Perhaps because at least pigs had a use. Pigs could be sold or slaughtered for food. Rats were just a nuisance. The last time she caught me, she hauled me into the kitchen and reached for her wooden spoon again. But this time, when she reared back to strike at me, the spoon had turned into a vicious raven. It squalled and flailed and she let go of it, shooing it away. But it didn't relent. It clawed and pecked at her head and face until her hair was patchy and ragged and her face was a bloody mess. One eye was completely gone, the other, likely to be lost. But she could see well enough to tell where the raven landed after it had left her alone. Right beside me, as if it was trying to calm my still quivering form."
"So that was your conduit moment?" Geralt asked, knowing the answer.
"Yes. Lady de Vries showed up at our door not a moment too soon. The Madame from the local brothel had just agreed to my mother's price. There was a rather tense moment where the money had already changed hands and Tissaia had to threaten both women with rather unpleasant repercussions. She was having me and there would be no arguments. Actually, though, the whole experience of being fought over gave me the confidence I needed to confess my true feelings to Codrick and kiss him before we left the town. I'd fancied him for years but never had the guts to tell him."
"I'm sure you have a point to telling me this life story of yours." Geralt said, patiently, but clearly ready for her to wrap it up.
"Right. Sorry. My point is, most of us that are born or imbued with magic have some story like this. I'm certain you're no different. I could go on with horrors at Aretuza, too, just like I'm sure you could with stories of…where was it you were trained? Kaer Morhen?"
He looked at her skeptically.
"Wolf amulet around your neck. School of the Wolf. I thought that was Kaer Morhen."
"Mmhmm." oh, a two syllable grunt. His vocabulary was proving vast.
"Why shun you over a life you didn't choose? And if I have a fucked up past too, and I'm still dealing with that trauma, what right would I have to dismiss you or consider you an unworthy brother in arms? Or dinner companion? Or maybe even travel companion? After all, we fought well together and we don't know what's out there laying waste to the countryside."
"Suppose you're right."
"About which part?" this always happened to her as someone who never shut up. She never knew whether "you're right" was a blanket statement covering an entire monologue, or just certain parts that someone wanted to subscribe to.
"The first part. I'm still not sure about traveling companions. Or mages, if I'm honest. No offense."
"None taken. If it makes you feel better, I'm still very new to being a mage. I don't have any bad mage habits. I'm not even that good of a mage. I had to hand assemble this tent before I spelled it."
"Well, you did a fine job." he chuckled. "It looked…sturdy, from the outside."
"That's what I was going for. And why don't you just…try me for this expedition. I'll sign a contract saying that it's not your fault if I die. Not that anyone would care. Plus, we'll live in luxury every night, and I can make anything taste delicious with bare minimum ingredients."
"Tempting, but won't it be a little…cozy with both of us in here?"
She looked at him, incredulous.
"Remember the part where I'm a mage?" she walked over to the sitting area and contorted her hands toward the wall. "Addendum Sanctorum."
She beckoned him through a new flap in the canvas to a modest, but still accommodating room with a large, plush bed, a few sturdy, simple chairs, a small table, and a bathing area of its own, complete with a stash of sponges, soaps, and towels.
"See? It may not be all of the comforts of home, but it's hardly roughing it compared to the alternative, am I wrong?" She turned to look at him, but he was much closer than she'd expected him to be. She looked directly up into that piercing amber gaze that was unlike any she'd seen before. And he looked so…dangerous. And yet she wasn't afraid. At least not primarily. What she was mostly feeling was desire. She wanted those strong, skilled hands to touch her. She wanted to be held. She hadn't been held since she was a child. And a very young one, at that. She could feel something mutual coursing between them. And that was the thing that terrified her. The thought that he might be hungry for her in that way. He ran his hand along the slope of her temple and cheek down to her chin.
"I don't recall saying I'd mind sharing a cozy space with you, Ana."
TBC in Part Two
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venusmages · 3 years
Cyberpunk 2077 non-spoiler review
Anyways here’s my writeup about my least favorite parts of 2077 for people who are interested in seeing if it’s for them. Both going to talk about content as well as gameplay. This is for PC version, too, because I know last gen consoles are suffering terribly rn and I wouldn’t recommend the game if you’re not going to be playing on PC. At least not until it’s on sale or the issues have been resolved. It really, really shouldn’t have been released on last gen consoles at all in my opinion - or at least should’ve been released on consoles LATER.
If you like Saints Row, GTA, Mass Effect, Shadowrun, or the Cyberpunk genre in general - I definitely think this is something you might want to take a peek at! I wasn’t anticipating the game until about a month or two before release - so maybe that’s why I’m having a blast - but It’s one of my favorite stories from the past decade as far as sci-fi goes. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, and It’s really impressed me. I can’t even go into detail about all the things I LOVE because I really want folks to experience it themselves. Just know there’s a very intricately detailed world, all the characters are memorable and insanely well realized and complex, and the story is great fun. Also made me cry like 5 times. It’s become one of my FAVORITE games very quickly.
I’d also recommend Neon Arcade if you want someone who’s been covering the game for quite a while, including the technical and game industry aspect. He does well to go into some detail and even though he’s a fan, I’ve found him to be largely unbiased. I’m not going to go into industry politics here because I feel that’s up for everyone to decide on their own terms.
No spoilers, things to keep in mind, content warnings, etc. below!
CONTENT WARNINGS and issues with plot/story
this setting is dark. very dark. if you struggle stomaching things like dystopian landscapes, body horror, physical, mental and sexual abuse, corporate and gang violence, abuse of children, harsh language, and concepts that mess with the perception of reality - this game might not be for you. It’s a very mature setting, and I don’t mean that in the Adult Swim kind of way. I mean it in the ‘oh shit, it went there’ way. In my opinion I haven’t run across anything in it that was handled distastefully when it dipped into the depressing, but dark and gritty isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and I wanted to give a disclaimer.
The game’s universe in advertising and working for the lower class also exploits sex/sex work quite a bit. This is part of the lore itself because in this universe everyone’s become desensitized to sex and violence to the point that marketing embraces it and makes it ridiculous. I feel it’s very obvious that it doesn’t condone this message and is instead a commentary on consumerism - but people still might be uncomfortable seeing a lot of suggestive stuff all over the place regardless. 
Women in game are naked more often than men - even though there is nudity for both. This is likely a mix of appealing to the Gamer Boy demographic (even though the story does NOT actually), or the fact that media is way more cool with seeing naked women than seeing full frontal nudity on men. They probably had to tone some of it down to avoid going above an M rating. 
The story is amazing, but sometimes it dumps a lot onto you at once. It’s one of those sci-fi stories that you have to really be following the names, faces, and concepts continually to get it all down. There’s a lot of betrayal, background players, etc. I think by the mid-way point I’d mostly had it, but It’s pretty dense. However it’s still amazing. You might just need two playthroughs before every tiny detail clicks - because there’s a LOT of details. 
Honestly I think it would help to read up on the lore first so you’re not going ‘what’ constantly. But people have seemed to manage fine without that also! Neon Arcade has a really nice series of videos (like 2 or 3) that get you up to speed with the universe. It also helps you decide if the tone is right for you. 
I think the main story should’ve been longer, also. I don’t mind a 20 hr story, especially in a massive RPG, but It feels like they really struggled to cram as much into that time frame as possible. It skirts the edge of being nice and concise, snappy, and tight - and needing just a few more moments to take a breath and wait a second. This is helped if you do a lot of side quests.
The straight male romance option, River, is INCREDIBLY well written but he doesn’t tie into the main plot in any way whatsoever. It’s very strange and feels like they either ran out of time with him, or slapped together a romance with him at the last second. All the other romances at least know what’s going on with V’s story - meanwhile River has no idea, and you can never tell him. He’s an amazing guy though and I highly recommend his questline. He appears in ACT 2.
In general I’d say not to bother with the romances. There are only 4 total, and while the romancible characters on their own are really well written, the romances themselves are just kinda meh. One romance you don’t even meet until act 3. I don’t think they should’ve been included in the game at all, because they definitely don’t feel as fleshed out as everything else. 
CDPR also sometimes forget that women players or gay men exist. Panam and Judy have a lot more content than River and Kerry for example. I don’t think this is intentional, they just have a large fanbase of dudebros. It only shows in the romance content and the nudity thing though.
Johnny, Takemura, and Claire should’ve been romances and I will fight to the death on that. 
There are gay and trans characters in the game and their stories don’t revolve around their sexualities. It’s very Fallout: New Vegas in it’s approach to characters: IE. you’re going to love them. All of them. 
V’s gender isn’t locked to their body type or their genitals- but to to their voice. I don’t think it’s the best solution they could’ve used but given how the game is heavily voice acted I assume that was what they had to work with. 
Some of the romances are locked to both cis voices AND body types (not genitals if I recall but body shapes). That’s disappointing but I assume it was because of scripted scene issues and/or ignorance on the dev’s part considering the LGBT NPCS are so AMAZINGLY done. There’s no homophobic or transphobic language in the game - though there are gendered curse words and insults if that bothers you. 
Some characters MAY suffer from ‘bilingual people don’t talk like that’ syndrome. But it can be hard to say for sure given that translators exist in this universe and the way they operate aren’t fully described. It’s only momentarily distracting, not enough to take away from how charming the NPCs are.
The endings are really good don’t get me wrong but I want fix it fic :(. All of the endings out of like 6 (?) in the game are bittersweet. 
Both gender V’s are very good but female V’s voice acting is out of this world. If you don’t know what voice to go with/are neutral I’d highly recommend female V. Male V is charming and good but he feels much more monotone compared to female V. 
V has their own personality. To some this won’t be a detractor - but a lot of people thought they’d be making absolutely everything from the ground up. V is more of a commander shepard or geralt than a skyrim or d&d pc, if that makes sense. You can customize and influence them to a HUGE degree, some aspects of V will always be the same.
Streetkid is the most boring background - at least for it’s introduction/prologue.
If you can run your game on ultra, don’t. It actually looks best with a mix of high and medium settings. Unless you have a beast that has ray-tracing - then by all means use ray tracing and see how absolutely insanely good it looks.
There are color blind modes for the UI, but not for some of the AI/Netrunning segments in cutscenes. Idk how much this will effect folks with colorblindness but those segments are thankfully short. 
There was an issue with braindances being an epilepsy trigger because for some reason they decided to mirror the flashing pattern after real epilepsy tests - probably because it ‘looks cool’. I don’t have epilepsy but it even hurt my eyes and gave me a headache. Massive oversight and really goddamn weird. Thankfully this was fixed.
There is no driving AI. Like at all. If you leave your car in the street the traffic is just going to pile up behind it. It’s one of the very few immersion breaking things I’ve encountered.
Sometimes when an NPC is driving with you in the car, they’ll drive on the curb and/or run into people. It’s kind of funny but can occasionally result in something weird. Feels very GTA  - but nothing excruciating. 
The camera angle feels a little too low in first person mode when driving on cars. You get used to it though. 
The police in this game feel slapped on and I hope they improve it. Right now if you commit a crime, you can never tell what will actually trigger it. And if you just run away a few blocks the police forget about it. 
Bikes are just way more fun to ride than the cars are. 
You CANNOT respec your character after you make them. Ever. it sucks. Go in with an idea ahead of time what you wanna do - it’s better than being a jack of all trades.
as of now you also CANNOT change their appearance after you exit the character creator. This, also, sucks. Make sure you REALLY like your V or you’re gonna be replaying the openings over and over like I did. 
Photomode on PC is the N key. Had to look it up. The mode itself is great though
Shooting and Mele fighting feel pretty standard. I don’t have a lot of shooter experience besides Bethesda games so anything feels better than that to me. So far I’ve enjoyed stealth and mele the best, but that’s just my own taste! The combat and driving aren’t groundbreaking by any means, but they’re still very fun. I look forward to running at people with swords or mantis blades, and zipping around the city on a motorcycle to see the sights. The story, lore, and interesting quests and characters are the real draw here.
I haven’t encountered any game breaking bugs in 80-ish hours of play time. One or two T-poses, a few overlays not loading or floating objects - but nothing terrible. Again, my experience is with Bethesda games. This is all usually fixed by either opening your inventory and closing it again, or exiting out and reloading your save. 
The C button is mapped for crouching AND skipping dialogue by default. That’s terrible. Change it in the settings to be HOLDING C skips dialogue and you’ll be gucci.
There’s apparently a crafting system. I have never been inclined to touch it. But I also play on easy like a pleb so IDK how it all scales otherwise.
The mirror reflections can be a little bit weird, at least on my end. They always end up a teeny bit grainy despite my computer being able to run everything on Ultra Max. You can still get good screens out of it though!
So many people text me to sell me cars and I want them to stop. Please. also the texting menu is abysmal. The rest is ok tho
It’s pretty clear when you’re going to go into a ‘cutscene’. all cutscenes are rendered in-engine BUT you often will be talking to other characters at a specific angle or setting. The game locks you into this usually by having you sit down. It works for me - after all we do a lot of sitting- but it IS very obvious that it’s a way for the game to get you in the frame it wants to display.
That’s all I can think of rn! If you’re interested but wanted to get a slightly better idea of whats going on, I hope this helps. I’m really enjoying it and despite my issues it’s exceeding my expectations. I’m going to be thinking about and replaying this game for quite a while. 
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