#the way jade looks at kit. and as soon as she turns away. kit looks up at her!!!
stbot · 1 year
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Jade + protecting Kit
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acre-of-wheat · 1 year
Since there’s an 85% chance I’m thinking about Willow at any given time, I have some more Willow thoughts.
Mainly, why does no one check in with Kit about her brother?
I know that the purpose of The Quest shifts with the discovery of Elora, but it's still ostensibly about saving Airk, and his twin is right there, consumed with worry and guilt about the whole thing, and every time she expresses it she's treated like she's throwing a tantrum.
The Gales
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There's tremendous guilt here, where Kit has said something rash and now regrets it, a common theme for her. The apology here is fascinating, because what exactly is she apologizing for? Not protecting her brother? Not being the one taken? Not cherishing her family enough? For behaving badly? Whatever it is, it hurts the heart.
The High Aldwin
As soon as Kit sees the clusterfuck that is the finger test and watches Elora "fail" it, she's out the door, insistent on continuing The Quest because now that Willow has given them a direction she won't let anything stop her. She'll go alone if she has to.
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The rest of the party catches up (Kit didn't really want to go alone, or at least not without Jade) and suddenly they have an extremely slow wagon and they've added several members to the party and are taking breaks in the middle of the day for magic lessons-- all things that will slow them down considerably.
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As an aside, because this could really be its own whole post, I feel like one of the roots of disconnect between Kit and Jade is that Jade has never taken Kit seriously. Not as a swordsman or adventurer, not as a princess or leader, not even as a real potential love interest. It's not until the edge of the Shattered Sea where Jade finally tells Kit that she'll trust Kit's judgment and doesn't drag her away from the waterfall jump that she learns to have faith. If part of Kit's journey is about learning to believe in Elora, part of Jade's journey is learning to believe in Kit.
The Whispers of Nockmaar
With the knowledge they have at the time, Kit makes the realistic call about Graydon, one that Jade and Boorman agree with (of course not in the moment, don't get me started on that...) and her reasoning remains her brother-- they don't have time to wait for Graydon to turn, to keep him chained up and drag him with, and to inevitably get shanked by him. They've just watched several allies be killed by possessed people, and so far Willow hasn't given them any reason to hope that it can be reversed.
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Even with Willow's dodgy faith in the purgation ritual, Kit does throw herself into the process. Then they get partway through and start to hear Airk's voice and Kit loses it.
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She fully books it out of the throne room, because this is legit awful.
When Elora goes out to the hallway after her own emotional moment, the two share an aggressive greeting that Kit immediately backs off from.
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It should be mentioned that the conversation shifts to Elora's fears about things, and Kit is about to tell her about the eckleberry bush before Elora bounces.
Beyond the Shattered Sea
There's a lot going on in this episode, internally with Kit and externally in her relationship with Elora. They hear the old paladin of Cashmere's story about wandering the Shattered Sea for years and eventually murdering all his companions and Elora says that it doesn't matter, they'll find the city. To Kit this must look like more baseless faith-- faith she hasn't yet learned to have in Elora.
She's just lost her dad again, lost a substitute father figure, the other father figure she has on The Quest has betrayed her trust, and she's desperate to not lose Airk too. She is still deeply conscious of how little time they have, how little time her twin has.
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It should be mentioned that they are too late when they reach the Immemorial City! Airk has been corrupted, Kit might have needed to kill him in order to save Elora, they did fail in a meaningful way!
I know we're limited by episode length, and how everyone in the party is perpetually semi-annoyed by Kit, but Kit actually checks in with the party quite a bit! She has a moment with Graydon where she apologizes and gets to know him, she checks in with Jade after Ballantine's death, asks Jade how she's feeling about the whole Bone Reaver family thing, she has three conversations with Elora where the focus is on giving her confidence in herself, she checks in on Willow's emotional health for god's sake.
I just desperately wanted someone to pull this kid aside and say "hey, you good?"
Because she's definitely not.
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thatsgay-writes · 1 year
The Princess & The Knight… & Archer?
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Summary: Redo-ish of the troll episode, a lot of time jumps because the episodes are almost an hour long and that's a lot to cover.
You had known Jade and Kit for as long as you could remember. You and Jade had both been stable hands until Commander Ballantine had taken an interest in you both and swept you away into a life of knighthood. While Jade became good with her sword, you preferred a bow and arrow. Because of your training, you were able to meet Princess Kit of Tir Asleen after Queen Sorsha asked the two of you to help her practice/train. Jade would take her out to a rocky cliff where they would duel and you would sun bathe. And you would take her into the forest to either have a competition of some sorts or to hunt, while Jade would sharpen her sword or practice on some trees. Growing up with the two of them had been one of the biggest highlights of your life. Every time you were with them, together or separately, your heart would feel like it was about to beat out of your chest and you felt all these nerves in your stomach. But when you saw Kit kiss Jade the night she was going to run away your heart sunk, the sparkle in your eye faded. And both Kit and Jade noticed… And they were worried.
Both had assumed your emotionlessness stemmed from the capture of Prince Airk, who you also enjoyed hanging out with... After he stopped hitting on you. You had tried your hardest to mask what you felt but seeing Kit and Jade together, both acting like the kiss hadn't even happened, hurt. Maybe they were just trying to keep their relationship on the low since Kit was suppose to marry Prince Graydon. Maybe they weren't in a relationship at all and more so friends with benefits? But why wouldn't they tell you? You had so many questions running through your mind but there was one thing you knew for certain, Kit and Jade's happiness and safety were and will always be your top priority. So when Kit volunteered to go beyond the barrier and Queen Sorsha agreed, you let out a breath of nerves and silently walked away from Jade and stood behind Kit. A silent volunteer to go and a silent vow to yourself to protect the two people you loved who loved each other.
--- Time Skip ---
Things had finally felt like they were looking up, even if the 5 men you were drinking with had also been the same 5 you had knocked out less than 24 hours ago when you thought Jade was going to get killed by her sister. You thought you had already had a big enough heart attack to last a lifetime, until the trolls attacked out of nowhere and Jade appeared informing us that Kit had been taken. Jade tried not to show it but you could tell she was scared, you were too. Neither of you had dealt with trolls or knew much about them. Either way, everyone knew you had to get Kit and Willow back and after spending the rest of the evening coming up with a plan, you all retired to your tents for the night so you could leave early the next day.
As soon as the meeting was over you turned and headed straight to your tent. But when you heard Jade's name said over the crunching of leaves under your foot, you turned around to see her speed walking to catch up to you. She does turn when her name is called, her sister offering to share her tent, but Jade declines and catches up to you. She grabs ahold of your hand and motions for you to lead the way to your tent and you oblige, missing the way Elora's eyes watch both of you leave in confusion before a look of realization and a small smirk take over her face.
As soon as you and Jade entered your tent, she started undressing and doing her nightly routine. Well as close to it as she could get being out in the woods. You just let her do her thing and prepare for bed as well, you and Jade had to share a bed when you were stable hands so you figured you were sharing a bed again now. You got into bed first laying on your side and facing the inside of the bed, Jade mirrored your position. "We'll get her back." You say trying to reassure her as she stares at you, eyes filled with fear. "I was there, I watched her get taken. I should have grabbed her, something."
"Jade, we were all taken by surprise." You tell her as you let one of your hands come up and rest on her cheek. "You did the best you could. What if you had grabbed Kit and then been taken too? Our numbers are low as is. We need you, I need you. Okay?" Jade lets out a small sniffle as she smiles. "Yeah, you always know what to say." She lets out a yawn as she moves in closer to you, causing you to move as well and lay on your back. Jade takes it all in stride and places her head on your chest and lets one arm wrap around your waist. Just like how you both slept together when you were kids. "Now let's go to sleep we got a big day ahead of us."
--- Time Skip to Troll Mountain ---
"Wow! First we walk through troll poop and now Elora has a earthshaking magical sneezes." You say as the ground beneath your feet finally stops shaking. "We need to get out of here because I'm sure and earthquake set off any alarms made by the trolls." It's quiet for a few moments before Boorman speaks up. "I have an idea."
"If I knew your idea involved me smelling hot troll for an unknown amount of time I would have disagreed." You tell Boorman as you slip on the helmet of the hazmat suit and move towards Jade and her sister, stopping when you start to overhear there conversation. "I need to save as many as I can." Scorpia tells Jade as she turns to her. "I need to find Kit. I promised I'd get them to Immemorial City." Jade responds knowing this would probably be the last time she would see her sister for a while. "You have a family now, and when this is all over, you're gonna have to decide whether your with them or with us." Scorpia tells Jade as she gives you a sideways glance and you turn away from the sisters immediately, missing the knowing look Scorpia gives Jade.
You creep along the side of the cliff, between Jade and Elora. "I feel like this is a bad time to say I have a fear of heights?" You ask no one specifically as you continue to stare upwards. "Then whatever you do, don't look down." Jade responds like it's the easiest thing in the world. "Yeah, totally. Except I'm one of those people. Where when you tell me not to look or think about something and then I have to and..." Elora trails off as she looks over the edge. You silently pray that she either keeps moving or falls off so you can get to the other side faster. "She was right, don't look." Is all Elora says again before she starts moving.
"Okay and now we are on a bridge, a bridge is nicer than a cliff right." You quietly say to yourself as you finally reach the end of the cliff. "But there is a hole on the bridge and if someone misses they will fall to their death but that's okay because we are all athletic... Maybe someone should help Elora." You continue your inner monologue as you jump over the gap and are ready to continue.
Your heart drops, however, when you hear the sound of wood breaking and Jade yelling out in fear. Without hesitance, you turn around and lunge towards the gap in the bridge and Jade. "Help me pull her up!" You yell at Elora and Boorman who looked at the scene in shock before finally getting into action. "Jade saving you has caused me to look down and I now might throw up on you out of fear." You tell her as the three of you continue to pull her up, Jade just grabs onto your sleeves tighter. "And your up!" Boorman says as you all fall backwards after pulling Jade back onto the bridge, the relief shattered almost immediately as Elora makes it known that the wand has fallen off the bridge. Once, off the bridge you do make sure to give Jade a tight hug and make a mental note of the third heart attack you've had in the last 48 hours.
"The biggest mistake of my life." Boorman says as you, Jade, and Elora look at each other in confusion. "Boorman!" A random man shouts as he makes his presence known, behind him enters Willow and Kit. A smile graces your face along with the feeling of relief as you and Jade make your way towards her. You let Jade hug her first and then give Kit a tight hug once the two release each other. "Great now we can leave right?" You ask your companions ready to leave the mountain. "No!" Boorman and the still unknown man say, "We still need to find Wiggleheim's tomb."
"Seems perhaps you need more time, or if you wish I'll repeat my rhyme." You groan at that sentence that has been repeating for what feels like a life time. "If we get stuck in here, I volunteer we eat Boorman first." You whisper to Kit as she sits between you and Allagash. "I don't know, he's all muscle." Kit responds and you nod your head like you were taking the discussion seriously. "As you say Princess." You tell Kit with a small laugh as she pushes your shoulder lightly, Jade watching the whole thing play out from her seat behind you with a small smile.
"Nothing!" Elora randomly says as she stand up, stopping Allagash and Boorman from fighting. "The answer is nothing!" She yells to the stone face and happy music follows soon afterwards. The exit behind you and the one into the tomb open simultaneously as Boorman and Allagash rush into the tomb to see who could find the Cuirass first. Kit, who was sitting next to you, stands and walks towards the entrance. You give her hand a quick squeeze before letting go and staying where you are, knowing this was something she needed to do alone. Jade walks a couple steps to stand next to you and the both of you share a nervous look before continuing to watch Kit.
Elora follows Kit into the room and the mountain starts shaking again a few seconds later. "Go get Kit and Elora, I'll try to get the two adults to stop acting like children. We need to leave." You tell Jade as you try to break up the fight between Boorman and Allagash, who ends up with the Cuirass. "Dad! Dad!" You hear Kit yelling and your heart breaks at how desperate she sounds, it also doesn't help to see that Jade had to practically pick her up to get her out of the tomb. "We need to get out of here now." Jade says as the rumbling gets worse and everyone nods in agreement before running out the door. You notice Kit lag behind and you stop at the door waiting for her. Kit looks back at the tomb before looking at you with tears in her eyes and all you can do is hold out your hand to her. She takes it and the both of you exit together right as the entrance crumbles.
The fight between your group and the trolls was a brief but intense one with luckily no injuries to group, minus Allagash getting stabbed. The quickest exit for you all was a metal gate on the side of the wall that led somewhere. Everyone entered the tunnel quickly but Kit lagged behind again, so you waited. It was taking her a little longer than what you were comfortable with so you headed back towards where you had just come from, only to catch the end of an interesting conversation. "What matters the most?" You hear Kit ask and you just make out Allagash responding with the name "Elora Danan."
"Shit." You mumble to yourself as you hear his response. Kit and Elora we're just getting to a good spot again and you knew this would destroy whatever foothold they had found. You waited where you were for a few more seconds, not wanting to seem like you were intruding, when Kit finally crawled around the bend and you could see the anger in her eyes. You knew Allagash wasn't coming and you could tell by the look on her face that whatever you had to say would go in one ear and out the other. So you just slid down the rest of the whole and prayed you would make it out of the mountain alive.
Kit always chose the wrong time to start an argument. Whether it be in the middle of hunt, bursting into your room mid clothing change, or now standing on the top crust of magic liquid as the earth around you shook and fell. "Kit now is not the time." You tell her along with everyone else as she talks to Elora. "Blame me, hate me, just please, can you just do it somewhere else because if we stay here we're both gonna..." It happened so fast, one minute Kit was yelling at Elora and Elora was begging her to stop and the next she was submerged under the water. A large stone falling and hitting the ground directly beneath her, shattering it. You dive towards the hole it created as fast as you could and stick your hand in trying to grab Kit but it was too late. You felt Kit grab onto your hand the same time as the hole closed in on your arm causing you to yell out of pain, the crystalizing magic water stabbed into your arm as it tried to close. Turning the ground you laid on red and staining your clothes.
"Kit! No!" You can hear Jade scream as she runs up to you and Elora. She takes out her sword and goes to hit the ground with it but stops in fear of hitting. "Just start hitting!" You tell her as you use your other hand to ram the butt of your sword into the ground. Jade follows your example along with Boorman. "C'mon Kit! Please! Her grip is weakening!" You tell the others as your hits to the ground get more desperate, the consistent moving of your body causes the crystals to move deeper into your arm. "Willow do something please! She's letting go and I can't hold on much long!" You beg him with tears in your eyes, from pain and fear. "I could blow you up on accident!" He responds and you glare at him. "I don't care! Just do it!"
"Vantage abhor turmach." Willow starts chanting repeatedly as he points the spell just above where your arm is stuck. You see Jade move towards your legs as to not get in the way but to also pull you out of the way if Willow does manage to blow the hole open. You reach your hand down to her and when she grabs onto it you squeeze hard. With no free hands, the tears you were trying to hide start to run down your face and onto the ground. Willow falls the ground after a few tries from exhaustion and Elora picks up where he left off. Her magic was brighter than his and you have to turn your head away as she continues to yell. "Vantage abhor turmach!"
Your arm is fully numb by the time Elora gets the spell to work and Jade pulls you backwards as soon as the ground explodes and frees your arm. Jade pulls you into her chest as she takes a moment to make sure you didn't get hit anywhere else from the explosion. You let relief wash over you as you let out a few sobs into her shoulder but you urge her to check on Kit as soon as you hear her let out a cough. Jade looks torn between leaving you and checking on Kit but you give her the best reassuring look you can and nudge her towards Kit.
You watch as Jade mirrors the position she had just held you in with Kit and you snap yourself back into reality. You struggle to stand, the blood loss hitting you like a brick now that adrenaline had worn off, and watch as Boorman picks Kit up and throws her over his shoulder. Jade reaches down to grab her and Kit's sword and then yours as she sees you sway on your feet. "C'mon!" She says as she grabs you by your good arm and starts to pull you with her towards the exit.
Your group doesn't stop until you reach the shattered sea. Kit walking on her own after regaining some strength while you continue to struggle behind the group. The makeshift bandage on your arm in need of a desperate change. "What's our final test?" Elora asks Willow as you all stare out into the large expanse of the sea. "We walk across it." He tells her and you want to cry right then and there. You didn't know if you could keep walking like you had just been for days on end but you knew if it was what needed to be done and that Kit and Jade were going, you would follow anyways. Boorman immediately asks about any other way to travel but is shot down quickly.
"Then let's go." Kit says as she goes to take a step but Jade puts her arm out stopping her. "No, you need to rest." Kit just shrugs off her arm, "I'm good." "I personally wouldn't mind a quick rest." You butt in. Kit and Jade turn to look at you and both look worried as they take in your heavy breathing, bloody bandage, and how blood was rolling down you arm and dripping off your fingers. "Maybe rest wouldn't be the worst idea." Kit concedes as she takes a few steps towards you to make sure you were alright, only for her to fall.
Part 2
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knight-princess · 10 months
I don’t really know where this came from, it’s just a bit of writing just cos I felt like it. A little oneshot set as they cross the Shattered Sea. Header by @hgstuff
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Kit was getting real fed up with this thrice blasted sea. She was sick of looking to the horizon and seeing nothing more than an endless seascape, monotonous and unbroken save by the odd, sad, sandy little island. She was sick of the endless travelling, she was sick of the food that grew ever staler and scarcer, sick of the grating rattle of the sleigh, but most of all she was sick of waiting.
She’d lost track of how long they’d been out here. How long Airk had been gone for. How long the Crone had had him.
They’d stopped for the night, and with no convenient little island in sight, they’d had to settle for making camp in ankle deep water again, and wet feet all evening. Cooking would be fun, setting everything just above the waters reach.
She was even fed up of the sloshing sound of the water.
She didn’t realise she was grinding her teeth until Jade made her jump by setting her hand on her shoulder. “Hey. You startled me,” she said, by way of greeting.
“Yeah, you looked like you were somewhere else, up here,” Jade tapped her temple. “You okay?”
“Fine. Just tired.”
“Mmhm. Well, are you gonna help set up? We’ve still got enough rations to make a good meal of it tonight. Tomorrow. . . well, that’ll have to take care of itself, but we should be able to have a good time of it tonight.”
“I . . . think I’d like to be alone tonight.”
Jade paused, an eyebrow flicked up in silent doubt. It was a Pause, and like all of Jade’s signature Pauses, full of meaning if you knew how to read her. This one was her I know when you’re lying, Kit pause. “Okay, spit it out. What’s wrong?”
Kit turned away, her feet carrying her splashing across the uneven sand beneath her feet and the hateful never ending awful water. “Nothing. Nothing, except, you know, my brother. Being held by them. For . . . God knows how long, at a place you can only reach by doing this ridiculous journey, with some terrible old hag who Willow talks about like she’s the worst thing in the whole goddamn world. What if they’re . . . What if . . .” She took a breath that shuddered and ran her hands through her hair, which was crusty with salt and too long since it had been properly cared for. “So. Aside from all that? Nothing. I’m just tired.” She kicked the water. “Go back to the others.”
The silence was almost worse. “Kit. I’m sorry. We’ll be there soon. We’re going as fast as we can.”
“I know.”
“You heard Elora today. We’re nearly there, and she’s been training, and we’ve been training.” She sounded almost as if she were babbling, a most un-Jade-like thing. When Kit flicked her gaze to her and their eyes met, she found Jade’s deep with worry. “We’ll get Airk back.” She licked her lips, hesitating, like she was wondering if her next words were altogether wise. “I promise.”
Kit felt a spark of old anger. An empty promise, that’s all it was. How could Jade promise such a thing? They had no idea what they’d find when they reached the Immemorial City. Kit had a retort ready to go, but it died in her throat. She bowed her head, her shoulders curling in. She felt cold as the anger deserted her. And what was the point in getting angry, really? It wouldn’t get her to Airk faster. It wouldn’t undo what had happened the night he’d been kidnapped. It wouldn’t change the fact her friend was just trying to make her feel better.
She felt Jade’s arms wrap around her and leant into her. “Yeah. We’ll fight the Gales and the Crone and get him back,” she whispered. “No problem.”
“You scared?”
“No.” A beat. “Yes.”
Jade held her tighter, a steady warmth, a comforting pressure. “I’m here,” she said. She rested her chin atop Kit’s head. “I’ll be with you. No matter what we face.”
“What if it’s too late?” Kit whispered. “What if Airk . . . the Crone . . .” She trailed off, afraid to speak her deepest fear.
Jade brushed a kiss to her forehead. “Then I’ll be with you for that too.”
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gemini-magic17 · 6 months
Entanglement Chapter Ten
**Queen Sorsha's POV
Breaking the news to Kit didn't go quite as planned. I thought she would be less angry almost understanding of the situation but then again she is Kit and she does not go along with things. Making my way down the corridor I set out to find Jade. I knew there was another reason as to why Kit didn't want to get married Y/n and being in love with Jade was the biggest. I knew that Jade would be training around this time so I went to the training yard. Once I got there I spotted Jade and Boorman training. I walked to the far right side making sure to avoid any potential hits from there swords. I proceeded to call out her name to get her attention.
"Jade, may I have a word", I said as she turned to look at me. She sheathed her sword and walked up to me.
"Hello, Queen Sorsha", she said with a smile.
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"I was wondering if you had a minute to talk", I said.
"Yes, of course."
We started walking away from the training yard and I knew that I had to find out how serious their "relationship" was and what she thought of Kit's betrothal.
"So, Jade I wanted to know what do you think of Kit's engagement to Y/n"?
"Oh, well I think that it was a good idea to betrothed them to each other", she said
"Now why is that"?
"I know that this is mutually beneficial for both Kingdoms regarding trade routes and the number of soldiers combined between the two, she said.
"Yes, and that is why nothing can stand in between this marriage. You understand don't you Jade", I said. She looked at me with a sense of knowing what I was inferring.
"I would never do anything to jeopardize this."
"I know and I am grateful for that. So grateful I want to grant you what you have been trying to achieve all this time", I said.
"You mean-"
"Yes, I plan to make you a Knight of Tir Asleen", I said.
"Thank you Queen Sorsha", Jade exclaimed.
"But you know in order to become a knight it takes a year perhaps longer."
"Oh, I didn't consider that", she deflated.
"I hope that won't be an issue I know how much you want this", I said.
"Yes I do but what about Kit", Jade asked.
"What about Kit", I questioned.
"You wanted me to protect her and who will while I am gone."
"We have a number of guards to protect and train her. Besides once you come back you will be assigned to protect Kit again", hopefully after that year is up Kit will have taken a liking to Y/n and will no longer have feelings for Jade.
"If that's the case, I accept your offer", she said.
"When would I have to leave"?
"In two weeks", I said.
"That means I will miss Kit's wedding."
"No, you won't we had to move up the wedding due to certain circumstances presenting itself. You will depart the day after the wedding."
"Its been moved up and so soon", she said with sadness in her voice.
"Yes it has and I think it would be best to tell Kit after the wedding. Just so that she won't be upset and cause a scene", I said.
"I understand", Jade said with a hushed tone.
"Great. Well, I will let you get back to your training and remember Kit cannot know until after her wedding", I said in a warning tone.
"Yes, Queen Sorsha."
I turned to walk away and head back to the castle and Jade returned to the training yard. I know now that Y/n and Kit's union will go off without a hitch and nothing will interfere with it.
**Jade's POV
Returning back to the training yard I spotted Boorman and made my way over to him.
"Hey, what did Queen Sorsha want", he asked.
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"She wanted to make me knight", I said quietly.
"What, that's great kid congrats", he exclaimed.
"Yeah, thanks", I said with my head hung low while fiddling with my fingers.
"Why don't you look happy about it"?
"I am to leave in two weeks."
"What, why?", he said.
"She didn't come out and directly say it but I think she wants to get me away from Kit", I said.
"Why would she want to do that? Oh, let me guess she found out the two of you have the hots for each other", he raised his eyebrows.
"Pretty much."
"Doesn't that mean you will miss her wedding", he questioned.
"No, they moved the wedding up due to circumstances presenting themselves. I would leave the day after the wedding", I told him.
"Do you know why it is being pushed up"?
"No, I didn't care to ask and I can't tell Kit till after the wedding that I am leaving for a year."
"Shit, that's not going to go over well when she does find out. So are you going to tell her or is the Queen going to", he asked.
"I honestly don't know", I said rubbing my temples.
"I'm sorry kid."
Just then Boorman and I see Kit coming up to us and she does not look happy from what I can see. I tell Boorman not to say anything about the conversation I had with Queen Sorsha.
**Kit's POV
I entered the training yard looking for Jade I spotted her and Boorman in deep conversation. From the look she has on her face I can see that she is frustrated but the question is by what.
"Hey Kit what are you-"
"Jade I need to talk to you in private", I said ignoring Boorman's hello.
"Uh sure", she said and turned to Boorman. Getting the hint he took off in another direction. I took her hand and led her to a more secluded area so no one would hear us.
"I need to tell you something and you are not going to like it", I said.
"What is it", she asked.
"My mother moved up the wedding between Y/n and I. It is happening in two weeks."
"Why so soon? You said you were getting married in three months", she said.
"Apparently King Larikson of Jalisa got the idea in his head that our impending union was a chance for us to take over his Kingdom", I scoffed.
"Oh, that's all you have to say is Oh", I asked with astonishment. I just told her that I am to be married in two weeks and she just says oh.
"What do you want me to say, Kit? You were always going to be married it is just sooner rather than later but it is still happening", Jade said.
"I know but I thought you would be angry or disheartened not hopeless", I said.
"I have to come to terms with what is going to eventually happen and so do you."
"How can you say that? I will only ever love you and you are just giving up", I exclaimed.
"No, I am not giving up. I just know that you will be getting married there is no doubt about that. I will always love you never forget that", she said taking my face into her hands.
"And I will always love you and nobody will ever change that", I said as I leaned to kiss her and our lips met. I savored it not knowing when I would get to kiss her again. Little did I know it might have been the last.
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isaidquirky · 1 year
OKAY BUT WHAT IF: Kit and Elora fake dating because Kit is going to be in deep shit for having her politically advantageous fiancé get sucked into a bdsm dragon pit or whatever and that way she gets to be with Jade because obviously Elora will be chill about it my brain has produced this like a cat delivering a dead bird at 3am
sdkfjhkghkdfhkdfg sure, kit straight up lost the heir of another kingdom AND fell in love with a bone reaver, and maybe that looks really bad politically?? but what if. what if. dating the future empress of all things? huh? huh? that totally fixes everything, right? right. great plan, kit.
cut to: okay, so it turns out there was a small flaw in that plan and the future empress of all things has now run away to avoid coming between kit and jade (in her defense, willow didn't teach her thuasa polyamory thuasa) BUT DON'T WORRY, kit is totally gonna fix that too. brb!
soon: okay, so it turns out that that was definitely not the real elora that kit did just bring back and invite into the castle and her bed. BUT DON'T WORRY -
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
A Treasure I Can't Afford To Lose
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Pairing: Thraxus Boorman x reader
Summary: As you're badly injured, Boorman takes it upon himself to nurse you back to help, and soon realizes that you're more than just a friend.
Boorman was on his horse, searching the terrain to see if there was any trouble coming towards them. Even if he was annoyed by everyone on this expedition, he really wanted them safe (he'll never admit to it though).
He kept his mind sharp till he hears another horse galloping to catch up with. It was Graydon, who had a lovestruck look on his face.
Boorman hated the look.
"If you're going to ask me for any relationship advice, throw yourself in a ditch."
"Ouch, did you sleep on the wrong side of the ground?" Graydon asks.
Boorman rolls his eyes. Graydon was knowledgeable in many things, such as receiving a full education, but he always looked lost in a way. Maybe because he lost his older brother at a young age and still needed that guidance, so Boorman tolerated the young prince when he was eager with questions.
"Prince Graydon, Willow is requesting for your presence." a soft voice says out loud.
Graydon brightens up and heads back while the one who called him joins Boorman's side.
"Thought you needed rescuing." You said, smiling softly at the rugged man.
He returns the same courteous smile as he slowed down his horse as you rode the same pace.
"I will repay the kindness one day." he joked, making you slightly blush.
You were Kit's lady in waiting. You have never left your small kingdom, so when Kit wished to find her brother, you asked the queen to join her on her expedition. Queen Sorsha almost denied your request, but she knew you'll stay by her daughter's side.
She gave you a special task, to make sure that Kit was not distracted by any stories that the prisoner will tell her. She said that the young man, Thraxus Boorman, was a squire for Madmartigan. If Kit were to learn the truth of what happened to her father, she would be devastated.
You stayed true to your task, making sure that Kit wasn't close to the mysterious man that had these eyes you could get lost in.
Then on, you "befriended" the outcast. He became quite the chatter during your expedition, and made you laugh till you couldn't breathe on those nights by the fire. You two would slightly flirt with one another, as you fell harder for his charm.
When dawn fell, everyone decided to camp for the night. You volunteered to stay up and be on the lookout. You sat by the fire, trying to warm yourself up. You heard footsteps and turn around quickly, holding a dagger that you owned.
"You're holding it wrong." Boorman said, as he was holding more wood to feed the fire.
You exhaled and lower your guard as Boorman dropped the wood. He looks down at your hand that still held the dagger.
"What a peculiar weapon..." He says, holding onto your wrist as he examined its features.
"It was my grandmother's, said it was made by the faes." you said, looking up at Boorman. He turns you around as your back is on his broad chest and picked your arm out.
"Turn your arm in this direction, that way you're able to pull back quickly." He whispers in your ear, guiding your stance.
"I know how to defend myself." you said. Oftentimes, you'll be watching Jade and Kit spar by the mountains, making sure that both of them don't fall off.
"Then show me." Boorman said, backing away.
You turn in his direction, smirking.
"I admire your confidence, but don't you think your imprisonment made you rusty?"
"Oh, you just put a knife through my heart!" He said sarcastically, pretending to stab himself. Both of you laugh as he leaned back in a tree.
"But I'm serious, I don't want you getting hurt." He said, his voice now sincere.
"I can handle myself, Thraxus Boorman. But maybe you should-"
You throw your dagger in his direction, as it only cut a lock of hair by his ear.
"...look out." You said, going back to your post, leaving him speechless as he reached out for his hair that he desperately been trying to maintain.
He tries shaking off his unsettled nerves as he sits next to you, amazed.
"How has a girl like you never been outside of the kingdom's walls till now?" He asks.
You give a dry chuckle, shrugging.
"I couldn't imagine my life outside of the only place I've known. Thought I'd be by Kit's side, and be an ear to listen when she's butting heads with her majesty and brother."
"The queen's alright. Can't blame her for ruling a kingdom and raising two kids alone." Boorman said, feeling slight guilt.
You look at his far out gaze in the fire, thinking of the past.
"You've probably seen the whole world, bet you even found beautiful people." You said, hoping to raise his spirits.
He looks at you, feeling some indescribable feeling.
"I traveled hundreds of miles and met interesting individuals, but they weren't as astonishing as you."
You were silent, slightly taken back at his words. Boorman closes the gap between you two, lips now inches away from each other.
Suddenly, you heard a low growl coming from the darkness.
You and Boorman get up from your positions, he picked up his cleaver while you unsheathed your dagger.
Suddenly, the fire went out and everything was consumed in darkness.
"Guys! Time to wake up unless you want to be killed in your sleep!" Boorman yelled out as both of you had your backs to each other.
You and Boorman circle around, trying to use your other senses.
When you suddenly heard flapping coming towards you, you duck quickly as Boorman strikes first.
The dag shrieks in pain and backs away quickly, trying to regain its strength.
"Everyone to the horses, now!" Willow said as everyone tried to fight off either the lich or the scourge.
Boorman grabbed your hand as you raced to his horse, but the doom got in your way.
Boorman fiercely fights him as he gets off his horse. The doom used one of his whips to take control of Boorman's cleaver as it flies feet away.
"Go! I'll distract it." You ordered Boorman. He doesn't want to leave you, but he needed to get to one of the horse so you'll both leave.
Once it was your turn, you fought valiantly against your foe. You were quick enough to escape its strikes and used your dagger to cut behind his knees and arms. But suddenly, he caught onto what you were doing and strike you again.
As if on cue, you heard galloping your way and see Boorman racing to you. You reached out your arm as he pulled you up in one swoop as you two rode off.
You held onto Boorman tightly, then suddenly look down as you felt pain in the side of your stomach.
"You weren't hurt, were you?" Boorman asks as you are still racing away from the campsite, unable to see you in the dark night.
"I'm- I'm fine. Let's catch up with the others." You said, holding onto Boorman like he'll be the last person you'll ever be with.
When early morning arose, you saw your friends near a cave as they sat down, breathless from last night's fight.
Boorman stops the horse and gets down first. he was glad that you two made it out alive. He looks up to you smiling as he offered a hand. Then, his face fell as he could see the large blood stain on the side of your dress.
You can't recall if he called your name, but you started swaying and fell off the horse. You look up and see that Boorman caught you, trying to tell you to open your eyes as they slowly began to close.
He hurriedly takes you within the cave as everyone asks what happens. Boorman could only stand, shocked that he didn't see you hurt. He should have been the one to take the hit, but he knew that you had to fight the doom in order for both of you to escape.
Willow inspects your wound thoroughly, as everyone gathered close by.
"Is the wound like what I had?" Graydon asks.
"No, there's no parasite, which is good, but it's close to her liver. I'm afraid-"
"Don't say that. She'll make it. Out of all of us, she can get through this." Kit said. You were like an older sister to her, so she was protective of you.
"We'll have to split into two groups to find specific ingredients to help her survive, that way we can save her more quickly. But someone needs to stay and take care of her." Willow says.
"Let me, I use to help those back home when they were sick," Elora says, looking back at the group.
"It's too much of a risk if you stay out here alone." Graydon said, as the Gales were still trying to hunt her down.
"I'll do it." Boorman said out loud, taking a step forward.
Everyone looks back at him as he has been quiet since he took you in.
"Boorman now isn't the time for jokes," Kit said,
Boorman was upset that he couldn't save you in time, and no one took him seriously to do this for you. He looked more menacing, almost as if he was towering Kit.
"I'm the reason why she's like this. I'm not leaving her side." He said.
Jade steps forward to break them apart so they wouldn't kill each other.
"This isn't like nursing a plant back to health. She's seriously ill, she could-" Jade had to stop her sentence, already knowing the many knights that came back with the same wound and not making it when the sun rises.
"I meant what I said, I'll stay with her."
There was an uncomfortable pause, but they all decided for him to say as time was of the essence. The group separated in two and traveled out to find the cure you need.
Boorman was left alone and began to prep, knowing how to treat wounds and help you during the day as he often treated himself when he was badly injured.
After a few hours, you began to wake up in a bead of sweat and your mouth dry. You were tucked under a blanket as you felt the warmth it gave. You drew in a sharp breath, catching Boorman's attention.
"You're awake." He said in relief as he knelt down. He helped you bend your head forward as he carefully cradled your head to drink.
"Ho-How long have I've been out?" You ask.
"Almost the whole day." Boorman said, dabbing a cloth on your temple.
You slightly hissed as you moved, feeling your bandaged abdomen.
"Try not getting up, it'll only open your stitches." He said attentively.
"You bandaged me up?" You ask.
"Willow did what he could. When I saw you bleeding more, I stitched you up again and replaced your bandages." Boorman replied, looking down at his hands that still painted by your blood.
"Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" Boorman asks, hearing the pain in his voice.
"I would blame it on shock or adrenaline, but I didn't want my last moments for you to worry about someone like me."
"How can you say that? Can't you see that you're important? Everyone was worried out of their mind and are out there finding some concoction to help you heal faster. Me? I was wondering if you would die on me with each passing minute. Don't you know I'd switch our positions if I had the chance?" He asks out loud, as his voice boomed within the cave.
He plops down next to you, cursing under his breath.
You could only look at him, feeling your heart break a little.
"I didn't mean to frighten you."
Boorman could only look away, not wanting to show his tear stained cheeks.
"You're a treasure I can't afford to lose." he says lastly.
When night fell, you were having a hard time to sleep as you constantly shivered. It was to the point where your teeth were chattering.
Boorman, who was guarding the entrance, turned around as he heard you. He quickly runs toward the fire and fed it, but it didn't make a difference.
"I'll be fine..." you whispered as you tried to snuggle in your blanket.
"No you won't, trust me." Boorman said, unbuckling his leather chest plate. Soon, he became shirtless as his toned body was illuminated by the fire. He lies down and presses his body next to you inside the blanket.
"The body heat should regulate your temperature." he says.
You could only nod your head weakly. You still shiver a bit, so Boorman holds you in his arms and you immediately stop.
"Thank you." you whispered, as you feel the warmth flood back in your cheeks.
"I told you I'd repay the kindness." He says, grinning.
You couldn't help but chuckle, but you started to cough. Boorman's eyes were filled with concern. Soon, your breathing started to sound more even.
You then lock eyes with the tall man, feeling a sort of guilt.
"Boorman, there's something I've been hiding from you." You said.
"What, that you're Sorsha's spy?" He asks casually.
"How did you know?" You ask in alert.
"You keep a distance from me and Kit whenever she's curious about Madmartigan. Or, you just really like me and my muscles" he says.
"I'm sorry for keeping it from you. Kit was destroyed when her father didn't come back. I just felt that if she knew what happened to him, she wouldn't have a clear mind of why she's on this mission. But there is some truth in the other option..."
"You like my muscles?" He asks.
"No you idiot, I like you!" You acclaimed.
Both your eyes widen as you just admitted your feelings for him.
"Did I just-"
"Yeah." Boorman interrupted.
There was some awkward silence, but Boorman still haven't left your side.
Your eyes fluttered as you tried to stay awake.
"Would it be okay if I could go to sleep?" You ask.
"Of course. Just promise me that you won't leave me." He said in a low tone.
"Why?" You ask, already knowing what he'd say but you needed to hear his words.
Boorman inches closer to your face as his eyes were serious.
"Because I can't stand a life where you're not in it."
With all of your strength, you lean closer to Boorman and kiss his lips.
The kiss was passionate, like fire and ice crashing against each other. Boorman's hands hold you firmly, as he shut his eyes shut, fearing that this will be a dream if he'd open them.
You drew in a breath, staring back at him.
He travels his hands to find yours and brings it to his lips, kissing the back of your hand. He felt tired as he closed his eyes, but made sure to tell you the truth of how he felt.
"Let me be the one to love you forever."
You smile at him, kissing his closed eyelids and snuggled closer to him.
"I promise to be here by your side."
Morning arose, and you fluttered your eyes. You still felt awful, as there was pain in your side.
But you were still alive.
You look to Boorman who was still snoring loudly, but his hands never left your waist.
"Boorman..." you whispered.
He scrunches his nose, slightly annoyed that his beauty sleep was interrupted. You decided to kiss his lips as he couldn't help but smile.
"Morning." You whispered again.
"G'mrng..." He grumbled.
It took a second, but Boorman's eyes opened up wildly.
"You're here." He says, almost in disbelief.
"I promised you that I'd stay. I'm sorry for scaring y-"
Boorman crashed his lips to yours once again, as you two melt within each other like wax.
He lets go and frames his big hands around your face.
"Never do that to me again." He said.
You nod your head, holding in a chuckle. Your two lips reunited, never wanting to be parted again
"Apparently, we missed something."
You and Boorman swing your heads to see your friends staring at you with different expressions. Boorman staggers upward, looking quite flustered as all you could do was laugh. Kit ran towards you and hugged you tightly, earning a groan as you were still injured.
"Sorry." Kit said, but she hugged you again softly as you were both crying.
After Willow collected all the ingredients and healed you, you were soon back on your feet. Boorman was still at your side as you recovered and all of you started packing up to travel to the shattered sea.
"Be careful Boorman. If you break her heart, I'll break your face and more." Kit warned, still not happy about the idea that you two were an item. Jade gave a warning glance at his direction too as you both rode on one horse.
"You should watch your back 'cause soon your lady won't be in waiting!"
Kit almost drew her sword if you didn't give her a look to stop. She rolled her eyes and rode along with Jade as you two stayed back.
"We have just begun our courting and you're already thinking of marriage?" You ask, looking back at him.
"When Thraxus Boorman makes a promise, he'd never break it. Especially when he's talking about a woman who has his whole heart."
You smile as you two kiss, later leaning on his chest. You feel Boorman's heart pounding, as you knew his love for you was true.
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Hidden Injury
At first it had not felt like a big deal. The Jade had probably averted the worst and the discomfort of whatever wound that man's knife had dealt would probably pass soon enough. Except as the day went on, the pain very much did not pass. Sneaking a glance under his coat revealed a surprising and concerning amount of blood and he could barely suppress a wince when Sixteen wrapped her arms around his middle from where she was seated behind him on the horse.
Well, he just would have to take care of it when they rested for the night. Without anybody seeing.
"I was wondering why it took you so long to get water. Did you touch anything before the urge to undress overcame you?"
"Haha. No, I did not, but thank you for your concern. Sorry for taking so long, I just... need to freshen up before dinner. I'll back in a minute." Carefully angling his injured side away. Hopefully this lie would pacify Nerron and get him to leave. And yes, he was turning away with a brief annoyed scowl- and suddenly drew a series of quick, flat breaths. Sniffing. Damn, by now Will should have been more than aware that he was travelling with someone who wasn't human. Nerron sighed.
"I have to hand it to you, I almost believed that lie. Now, where is the wound? And don't even try, I can smell the blood is fresh." Reluctantly, Will turned, displaying the gash across his side.
"Really, it's nothing", he mumbled, looking away from Nerron's frown. "Just a scratch. There's no need to get all annoyed at me."
"I'm not annoyed. Where do you have the supplies to wrap the wound? The quicker this gets done, the quicker we get to dinner." Nerron walked over, sorting through the bag that served as Will's first aid kit and picking what he would need. All with a quiet focus and really not a trace of irritation.
"I thought this would aggravate you more"; Will admitted as Nerron applied salve to the wound.
"You got injured in a fight, that can happen. But you shouldn't wait so many hours before you take proper care of it. Cuts like that can get infected and that would cost time we would rather spend on other things."
"I didn't..." Want to worry you, if you would worry about me in the first place. I didn't want to make you angry when we started getting closer. I didn't want to lose your respect. Will sighed. "I suppose I should keep back in fights from now on."
"You definitiv should take it easy for a while. But we heal a lot quicker than humans, so you should be good as new in about a week." No word about how Will should avoid fights in the future. Nerron tied the bandage and stepped back, pointedly not looking at the exposed skin of Will's chest.
"Come on, let's get some food and water in you, get your strength back after the blood you lost." While Will put his shirt back on gingerly, Nerron refilled their water supplies in the stream. For a moment, it looked like he would soak the bloodied cloth they had used to clean Will's wounds as well, but stopped the motion. He called Will over and pointed at a clawed footprint in the mud and some scattered scales.
"It pretty much doesn't matter where you are in the world, this shows you something is living in this river that you don't want anything to do with. Footprint about the same size as mine, so if they are anything like our watermen, the thing is a little smaller than me. Doesn't appear to venture away from the river more than a few meters, so we won't have to move our camp, but fresh blood in the water could call them so quickly I couldn't have gotten away quickly enough if I had washed the cloth. We should use our water to wash at camp tomorrow and refill it before we move on tomorrow." Pointing out things to Will, explaining what he saw and what actions should be taken in light of it, the way he had done for weeks now. If someone had asked Nerron, he probably would have claimed that this served to make Will more useful, but Will didn't think there was much more reason to it than simply because Will showed an interest.
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ofmagicandmusic · 2 years
At the end of the day - Dick & Roy
Word Count: 1.3k
Rating: T
Details: Dick & Roy, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Angst with a Happy Ending, Late Night Conversations, Abandonment Issues, Single Parent Roy Harper, Friendship, can be read as Dickroy
for Titans Bingo @titansbingo2022
Dick helps Roy recover after a fight as Roy wonders about the life he wants for himself and his daughter.
Read below or on Ao3
The pain was fiercer now. Roy grasped his wounded side as he struggled to put the keys in the lock. His vision was becoming hazy. As he turned the key the door opened, and he was met with Dick’s face twisted in concern.
Roy groaned as he pushed past him, collapsing onto the couch. He hoped Lian wasn’t around to see him like this. Dick turned around, immediately scolding.
“Roy, I can’t believe you would— “. He paused seeing the pained look on his friend’s face.
“It’s not what you think.” Roy struggled to say. He moved his hand away from his abdomen which grew wetter every second. His red Speedy uniform was pretty good at hiding things like this.
Dick paled. “Come on we gotta get you help. Where’s your first aid stuff?” Roy gestured limply to the bathroom, and Dick dashed in that direction. He came back a few moments later as Roy was struggling with his shirt.
“Lift your arms up.” Dick commanded as he pulled off Roy’s quiver and shirt. His bow was already on the floor by the door. Dick peeled the fabric off quickly and Roy grimaced. The wound was a diagonal line in his side, blood trickling freely now that the fabric was out of the way. Roy grunted in pain.
 “Hold on, it’ll be over soon.” Dick rolled him onto his side, wound facing up. He grabbed a rag from the kit and ran over his skin, wiping the blood off. Next, he pulled out the needle and thread from the kit, stitching up the gash. Roy winced with each stitch. Dick didn’t ask if he wanted anything for the pain, he knew he wouldn’t take it.
Dick pulled out the bandages, wrapping the fabric gently around the wound after a applying a healing ointment. Roy’s breathing was starting to slow. Dick moved to pull off the rest of his gear, placing his armguards and supplies meticulously on the coffee table. The apartment was silent, thankfully Lian hadn’t woken up in the commotion.
“Thanks.” Roy finally whispered. He sat up slowly, wary of his injury as he moved to lean against the side of the couch. “Don’t know if I would’ve been able to do that myself.”
Dick passed him a glass of water as he sat down. “It’s what we do.” Roy nodded, eyes trailing to the dingy carpet before slowly facing his friend.
“What were you doing here?” His voice was careful and restrained.
“The babysitter called, apparently I’m the first emergency contact.”
Roy glanced at the time on his phone, 12:53 and way past her shift. No wonder she’d been worried when she couldn’t reach him. Honestly, Roy had forgotten he’d scribbled Dick’s name down for the new sitter a few weeks ago. But there wasn’t anyone else to put, the rest of the Titans still didn’t know about Lian, and he hadn’t spoken to Ollie and Dinah in a long time. And Jade was well… Jade.
“Sorry you had to come out all this way.” Roy frowned, feeling the tension in the air. Dick must have feared the worst when he got the call.
“I was in the area.” Dick shrugged, rolling the sleeves of his dress shirt back down. He let his arm fall to his side, inches away from Roy who took another sip of water. The muscles in his back creaked as he moved.
Dick tapped his fingers on the rough fabric of the couch as the silence between them pressed inward. “You should be more careful.” He finally said, coming off more scolding than he intended.
“I know.” Roy said with the ease of a kid being nagged to clean his room.
“Roy, I just mean—”
“Don’t you think I know.” Roy’s voice was suddenly serious, his laidback demeanor falling away. “I risk my life every day out there, just like you.” There was a far-away look in his eyes, fingers trembling on the cup. He thought of his biological father, saving lives to the point that it cost him his own and Ollie leaving ‘to save the world’ on his road trip.
His shoulders slumped as he leaned down on his knees. He set the glass down with a sigh.
“Dick, I almost died today.”
He glanced at his friend for a reaction, but he was as emotionless as his mentor, listening intently. Roy knew how important this work was, protecting people, stopping those who want to harm others, but at what cost?
“All I could think about was her.” Roy admitted quietly. “I can’t leave her alone, not like…” He trailed off. Dick nodded in silent understanding. Roy didn’t want her to be like him, growing up without support or taking the wrong turns he had in his life. It scared him today, that he came so close to that. That he almost died and would’ve left her alone.
“I don’t want this life for her.” Roy said. “But everything I’ve ever done seems to take me right back to it.” He was a father now; he couldn’t risk his life in the same way anymore.
“Well, you grew up in it.” Dick said, facing Roy. “We-you don’t know anything else. It’s hard to change.” Roy sighed in affirmation. “Plus, I don’t think a quiet life suits you.” Dick’s voice was laced with fondness.
The corners of Roy’s mouth turned up at his words, but his eyes still faced the floor. Everything was different now. He couldn’t be the lone wolf jumping from mission to mission, team to team, careful of overstaying his welcome. Lian would need something more grounded as she grew up. But he still didn’t know if he could ever leave this life, the thrill of landing a perfect shot, the bonds with other heroes, the satisfaction of helping people. Roy clenched his hands together before looking over at Dick.
“If something ever happened to me, you’d be there for her, right?”
“Of course.” Dick said. Roy knew he was too practical to deny the possibility. It was all too easy, especially with their normal brittle human bodies. Memories flashed through, sounds of cracking bones and dripping blood echoed in his mind. He thought of how easily the knife sank through his skin today. How if Dick hadn’t been there things might not have turned out all right.
Roy gave a slight smile. “That includes letting her see her mom. And don’t you dare turn her into a bat.” He scolded. “I don’t want to see her running around Gotham in the afterlife.”
Dick rolled his eyes with a grin. “Can’t make any promises about that.” His smile dimmed as he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. There was something contemplative in his eyes.
“But I promise I won’t leave her alone, and that includes you too.” Dick met his gaze, voice firm. “Maybe I’ll have to come help for more than just emergencies.” Roy glanced at his bandages instinctively, running his fingers across the fabric. His expression shifted in an instant.
“Really? From what I hear you’re the one that needs the help Boy Wonder.” Roy said, shoving him gently with his uninjured side.
“Oh, is that right, Speedy?” Dick elbowed him with a smirk. Ow, Roy gripped his side in mock hurt. The duo sat back against the cushions with shared laughter that fell quiet as late night turned into early morning.
Snores eventually filled the living room. Roy’s chest rose and fell in a thankfully steady rhythm. Dick longed to be asleep too but didn’t dare let his guard down in an unfamiliar place. Eventually he got up, putting away the medical equipment and washing the glasses in the early morning darkness.
He looked down at his friend, the bliss of sleep written on his face. It was nice to see him so peaceful after the ordeal that getting Lian had been. Dick reached under his body, lifting him up. Roy was about his size, so it wasn’t hard with his acrobatic strength, but he wasn’t light. He carried him to the bedroom, pulling a patterned Navajo blanket over Roy’s bare chest. Lian was curled up peacefully in the crib beside his bed, as sound asleep as her father.
Dick smiled at the duo before slipping out through the window. Hopefully, he’d get a chance to honor his promise.
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corinneecrivaine · 9 months
The Day You Healed My Soul
Kit and Jade fanfiction
Queer romance.
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Part 1
New Beginning
Kit was standing at the grave of the woman who had been her whole life: Emma. The unprotected rain was pouring down on her face, mingling with her tears, as her emotions, grief and anger intertwined. The fresh flowers she had delicately placed on the tombstone exhaled their sweet perfume into the morning air, like a last loving tribute. Kit dropped to her knees, drawing even closer to the one she had lost too soon.
"Emma..." she whispered in a broken voice. The words were carried by the wind to an unseen beyond. "I don't know how I'll go on without you. You were my light in the darkness of my soul, my strength when I couldn't go on." Kit closed her eyes for a moment, as if to feel the soothing presence of her love one last time.
"I love you so much," she breathed in a whisper. "Every moment spent with you was a blessing. I thank you for accepting me into your life, even if it was all too brief."
Memories raced through her mind, images of shared happiness etched forever in the sanctuary of her heart. She remembered her bursts of laughter, her gentle voice, their comforting embraces and the promise of eternal love. But cruel reality had finally torn them apart.
"I don't know how to face all this. The pain is so intense. I feel so lost without you. But I have to keep this promise I made to you. Keep on living."
Kit gently wiped away her tears, her eyes fixed on the tombstone as if she were trying to engrave every detail of her sweetheart's name in her memory. She stood there, motionless, as if time had frozen around her.
The storm rumbled as powerfully as the beating of her heart in her chest, as if it wanted to leave this battered soul and seek refuge elsewhere. Far, far away from this cursed place of sadness.
"I will always love you. Emma. I'm leaving for The Brightly Stars Island, honoring your memory. I'm taking you to this place of magic. You have etched my heart with your love. It will forever be imbued with your presence and belong to you forever. Wherever I go, you'll be with me. You are and always will be my treasure."
She placed a final kiss with her hand on the epitaph next to her love's name, "Emma Mills beloved February 17, 2000-March 15, 2023", as a final farewell before walking away, her heart heavy, and leaving without looking back.
Arriving at Lyon St Exupéry airport, Kit made her way to the check-in counter. The hostess was smiling and soft-spoken.
- Nice destination, for a nice vacation.
- Thanks a lot. (Kit replied with a smile).
After security checks, she made her way to the gate and waited. The call came over the loudspeakers
"Passengers for Tropical Airlines flight to The Brightly Stars Island, boarding now at Gate 7. »
A final check of papers and boarding pass, and she was off. No turning back.
She gazed out of the plane's window at the cloudy expanse, thinking of her childhood, her life, what she was leaving behind, not knowing what she would find. Her thought for the love of her life.
She had been happy with every moment she spent with Emma. She was so sweet in her way of being and expressing herself, so smiling and soothing. Emma was a wonderful young woman, always looking for the positive side of life. In her presence, Kit felt no need to speak; her company was enough. A simple glance and they understood each other. Everything about her brought her joy. She sorely missed those moments of laughter, those long night-time conversations, the hand-in-hand walks, all that tenderness, their sensual embraces. The emptiness she left added to that created by the absence of a father. Her father had abandoned her at birth. She never knew the real reason for his departure. Unaware of where he might be, somewhere in this vast world. She had to learn to live with the weight of this abandonment. Emma was always there, supporting her in all her decisions, even if at times they disagreed and their relationship was sometimes stormy.
When the doctors diagnosed her illness, the world collapsed, the earth cracked and the abyss swallowed her up. She was so young, only 23. Kit took care of her as best she could, but she watched her deteriorate with each passing month. Feeling completely helpless, useless, impotent, she had no power to heal her. She wasn't one of those superheroes. She was just Kit. During this long, dark period, anger at life's injustice overwhelmed her far too often. Every day, she tried to stay strong, to keep smiling, but at times this burden was too heavy to bear, and she would isolate herself in order to shout out all her rage and suffering.
Life often reminds us that we are but a few things in this immensity.
A few tears rolled down her cheeks, which she wiped away with a wave of her hand. She had grown up with the absence of a father, now she would have to live with the absence of her Beloved, who left a gaping hole in her heart and tore away part of her soul.
Perhaps this new place she'd come to would bring a band-aid to her scars, not only physical ones, which she hid with a bandage on her right arm, but also those of the soul.
The stewardess approached her and gently asked if she wanted something to eat or drink. She declined with a smile, put on her headphones and closed her eyes, lulled by the music to escape.
A total of 15 hours in the air before reaching our destination. It had been a long journey, but Kit had taken the opportunity to write his gratitude journal and his novel before falling asleep.
The commander's voice came over the loudspeakers.
"Madam, Sir, we are arriving at The Tropical Airport. In view of our imminent landing, we invite you to return to your seats and fasten your seat belts. Make sure your hand luggage is under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Doors and exits must remain clear of luggage. The weather at The Brightly Stars Island is sunny and the temperature is 31°. We wish you a wonderful stay."
Emma had always wanted to go to The Brightly Stars Island for their wedding night, she joked. She wanted to spend a few months or more there. This mythical place had always attracted her, convinced of the existence of magic. They'd talked about it for days, planning their stay and laughing together about the time they'd spend in this heavenly place. This was the promise they made to each other when Emma fell ill. What the young woman never knew was that Kit had every intention of proposing to her. But fate decided otherwise. She had bought the ring, which she now kept as a necklace, closest to her hear
After his death and a long period of hesitation, Kit did some research and answered an advertisement from a restaurant owner who was looking for an employee to run the bar. She was no stranger to this kind of job, having worked as a barmaid to pay for her literary studies. Three months passed before she made her decision and the owner responded and accepted her application. Three long months of not hearing Emma's voice, not feeling her presence, listening to her sing and laugh. If their home had once been a warm hearth where happiness and love had woven unforgettable memories, today it was a place devoid of life, warmth and love. Emma's absence had left an abyssal void in every room that seemed to stretch into infinity. Having had several video interviews with the manager, his wife and their daughter, she explained a tiny part of the reasons behind her choice. The remote interviews were simple, natural and spontaneous.
Despite her suffering, Kit remained a jovial person, always smiling and pleasant. It was only a facade, the light that hides the darkness, but it couldn't eternally hide the shadow that followed it.
The Tropical Airport was nothing like those huge airports where you could easily get lost if you weren't used to traveling. It had a single runway and a single terminal. As soon as the plane landed and reached the boarding gate, Kit presented herself to an agent for a passport check and headed for the baggage carousel. Once she'd retrieved her suitcase, she headed for the exit, where a young girl with tousled red hair was waiting for her with her name on a sign.
She greeted her with a beautiful, expressive smile.
- Hello, I'm Jade.
- Hello, Kit.
- Did you have a good trip, not too long?
- It was fine. I've been busy.
Jade spoke with a benevolence in her voice, soothing and serene that she could reassure anyone beside her. So majestic in her light outfit, an orange T-shirt and white shorts. And those deep, kindly eyes that Kit could lose herself in. Her long, autumn-colored hair embellished her natural beauty.
- I'll take you to your lodgings. You can get some rest.
Jade's parents had provided her with an apartment. Of course, she paid a small rent, so as not to be indebted to them. That was her choice. She'd grown up fending for herself. Asking for and accepting help was not part of her life skills.
When the young girl saw the vehicle in which Jade was going to take her home, she couldn't hide her amazement.
Jade "What!"
Kit "Nothing."
A 1964 Beetle, convertible, sky-blue in color, the body all painted with multicolored flowers, on the doors the letters "Love" inscribed in pink, on the hood the yellow peace logo, above the inscriptions, "Flowers" in pink, below, "Power" in red. The letters O in the shape of daisies. Inside, everything was original: white cloth seats, no electric windows, no Bluetooth or GPS, a vintage steering wheel and gearbox. Only the car radio had been modified.
Jade took the luggage and placed it in the trunk at the front of the vehicle.
- You'll see, you don't need technology here to be happy.
Jade spoke jovially, with that wonderful infectious smile that gave her such charm.
She picked up her USB key.
- One of my buddies adapted the car radio. I'm not that obsolete.
Kit smiled.
And off they went to their new home to the music of Bob Marley.
"One Love. One Heart. Let's get together and feel all right."
Happy and smiling, Jade began to hum.
Arriving at the apartment, the young girl took the keys, which Jade handed her.
- There you are. You're home. I hope you're settling in well. I'll pick you up around 7pm. We'll have dinner at the restaurant with my parents. See you then.
- See you then.
Getting ready to leave, Jade turned around, "By the way, the WIFI codes are on the coffee table. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."
Kit smiled at her "Thank you."
She looked around quickly and sighed.
The apartment was pleasant, with a large living room, very bright thanks to the balcony overlooking the ocean, a kitchenette, separated by a charcoal worktop which also served as a dining table, a bedroom and the bathroom. The apartment was furnished and decorated simply enough. A brown sofa on top of which were two paintings, one a sketch of a wolf and the other a black panther. A wooden coffee table, a wood-colored wall unit, the TV in the middle and various black knick-knacks depicting dolphins, French bulldogs and artificial plants.
The first thing she did, once alone, was to pick up her computer and turn it on. The picture on the home screen was magnificent. A portrait of Emma, a beautiful woman with long, wavy chestnut hair, a radiant smile and sparkling eyes, radiant with sincerity and kindness of spirit.
Kit gazed tenderly at Emma's photo, tears beginning to flow slightly.
- Here we are, my sweet. I feel closer to you than ever. I haven't forgotten your dreams, our passionate discussions about those enchanted places we wanted to explore together. I'm going to honor your memory, I'm going to do what we said we'd do. I don't know if I'll find the strength, but every moment I spend here will be for you. I miss you terribly. I love you.
She placed a kiss on the photo with her hand and closed the computer. She let silence envelop the room, as if waiting for a response from her love. She had found a way to connect with Emma, to talk to her as if she were still physically present. Somewhere in her heart she could feel that she could hear her, that she was really there, at her side. Was this the magic of The Brightly Stars Island?
Before getting ready, she called her mother in Face Time to reassure her.
- Hello daughter, how are you?
- I'm fine, Mom. I'm all settled in. The place is nice. I've got a view of the ocean. Here, take a look. (She took a tour of the apartment by video). Tonight I'm having dinner with her parents and I think I'll start work tomorrow.
- It's a nice little place you've got here.
- You'll come and visit me.
- Yes, I will. Take care of yourself my girl. I love you, baby.
- Love you, Mom. I'll call you tomorrow.
Sorsha was a woman of strong character but great tenderness for her daughter. She raised her daughter as best she could, coping with an absent husband. She made mistakes, but always tried to be there, to protect her at all costs, to support her in her choices, even if she sometimes disagreed with his decisions. When Emma died, Sorsha felt completely devastated by the loss of this wonderful young woman and the terrible suffering of her daughter. She felt helpless and didn't know how to help. So, when Kit decided to go away for a while, she accepted her choice, even though it tore at her heart. If that was the way to ease the pain.
Darkness fell fairly quickly in the Caribbean between 5:30 and 6:30 pm. When Jade rang the doorbell at 7pm, it was already dark outside. She had changed into a pair of black canvas pants with a white belt and a matching crop top, which made her look rather sexy. As for Kit, she was dressed in a pair of light-blue bootcut jeans tied at the waist with a wide black belt and a white crop top that didn't leave Jade indifferent.
- Are you ready?
- Ready.
- Okay. Let's go.
The temperature was quite mild and pleasant. A light breeze gently caressed Kit's face. She could hear the murmur of the waves, like a song of nature welcoming her.
The moon's rays formed thousands of pearls that glistened on the ocean's surface and drifted along the water's edge. Kit was filled with wonder, and paused for a few moments, carried away by the beauty of this image straight out of a fantasy tale.
- Is it beautiful? asked Jade.
- It is indeed. Is that why this place is called Pearl Beach?
Jade smiled.
- Yes and no.
When their eyes met, Jade's intense stare unnerved her. Kit turned her eyes back to the ocean.
- There's a legend that in ancient times, when sailors were about to set sail for long months or even years, the day before, the ocean would give birth to a unique pearl for each sailor. They would offer this pearl to their suitors. In exchange, each would promise to wait for her lover's return and marry him.
- What if he doesn't come back?
- I don't know. She'd probably keep the pearl and find herself another suitor.
Jade was amused by this answer.
The restaurant was about a 10-minute walk from Kit's home. Jade lived nearby, as did her parents. When she arrived, the young woman was seduced by the magical, sumptuous setting. The decor perfectly reflected the restaurant's name: The Shinning Sun, and created a unique atmosphere that took her back to a fairytale world. A ceiling of orange-colored hanging lights created a hypnotic sunny sky, accentuating the contrast between the brightness of the restaurant's interior and the natural lighting of the moon. Jade watched her, silent, and saw in her eyes the fascination she felt for this enchanting place. She let her gaze soak up the splendor that warmed her heart and soul.
Emma would have marveled at this magical place, just as the legend of the pearls would have made her laugh. A great dreamer, she would have given one of those famous pearls to Kit and asked her if she would have waited for her. Oh yes, she would have waited for her. She would have treasured the pearl until she returned. She felt a twinge of regret.
- Hello, young lady.
- Hello, Mr. Claymore.
- Forget "sir". Call me Kael.
It was incredible, Jade had the same physical features as her father. Tangled, red hair, intense eyes. He was so striking with his imposing build and the way he looked at her. So deeply that she felt he was peering into her soul. It was both unsettling and awe-inspiring. Would her father have been like this man ? Prestigious, charismatic, clear-voiced, poised, a pleasure to listen to ? He fascinated her as much as he impressed her.
Mrs. Claymore arrived from the kitchen, carrying a cast-iron pot and placing it on the table.
- I've prepared a typical local dish for you: shrimp dombrés. These are little flour dumplings cooked in a spicy sauce of tomatoes and chillies, served with rice.
The spice blend smelled delicious. It was like a bewitching ballet of fragrances that awakened all Kit's senses. A symphony of aromas that tickled her nostrils and tantalized her taste buds. The smell of a dish simmered for hours mingled with the spices. All these aromas transported Kit's mind back to happy, convivial, warm memories of those moments shared with her mother and Emma.
Melissa Claymore invited her to sit down, and the young girl found herself seated next to Jade and facing her father.
When she tasted the dombrés, an explosion of flavors intoxicated her taste buds. Each bite released a rich, comforting taste. The perfectly measured spices awakened the senses with their subtle balance of warmth and sweetness. This meal was a celebration of life and sharing.
- It's really good. Kit enthused.
- Mom is the best cook.
- My daughter exaggerates all the time.
- I'd say she's right. Kit replied with a smile.
Jade's mom was a lovely woman with long, straight black hair and matte skin. The tenderness in her voice, her beautiful smile and her gentle gaze were qualities that Emma possessed and that she found in Jade.
Kael said nothing, but kept looking at Kit intently. Her eyes fell on the bandage on her right arm.
- I hope, young lady, that this little corner of paradise brings you what you came for.
Kit was so embarrassed by these words that she didn't know what to say. Melissa came to her aid.
- Come on, Kael, don't start bothering her. If you're talking about hours.
- Service starts at 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. and evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 or even 11 p.m., depending. We're closed on Sundays and Mondays. So you've got tomorrow off. If you need anything, don't hesitate.
- I need to rent a car and shopping for food
Jade offered to accompany her.
- Oh, I'll drive you tomorrow.
- We can lend you a car we're not using.
Melissa turned to her husband, who agreed, but Kit didn't want to overstay her welcome. Kael insisted.
- Are you planning to visit our island during your stay?
The young girl hesitated a little before answering Madame Claymore. She refused to reveal the real reasons that had brought her to The Brightly Stars Island.
- In fact, I made myself an itinerary that I promised to follow in memory of... someone I've lost.
Melissa couldn't hide her sadness at these words.
Jade's father spoke calmly but firmly.
- Bring your route tomorrow, we'll see together. I'll give you some advice.
Their kindness and welcome touched her deeply. Seeing Jade's parents so united, she would have loved to have grown up in such a family environment. As time went by, she tried to understand a father’s absence. She imagined all kinds of reasons, but no explanation could alleviate the pain she felt, which was tinged with anger. This paternal absence unconsciously developed a self-defense mechanism to protect herself from further disappointment and loss, refusing to leave herself vulnerable to others. This situation made her a strong, independent person who relied solely on herself. Whenever she tried to discuss her father's departure with her mother, the discussion ended in an argument.
The meal was drawing to a close. Before leaving, Kit thanked her hosts. Melissa called out to her.
- Come and have breakfast with us tomorrow morning, at first light. It's a wonderful sight to see.
Jade saw her off.
- Your parents are really thoughtful.
- Oh, they have their own character: my mother is sweet, but my father can be a bit abrupt, but you'll see he's a real Teddy bear.
Arriving at her lodgings, Jade left her.
- By the way, the sun rises at 5 o'clock.
Kit remained silent. Jade was amused.
When she closed the front door, she leaned against the wall and sighed.
- 5 o'clock... What did I get myself into, Emma ?
In the restaurant, Kael turned to his wife.
- That little girl needs help.
- I’m sure, she does.
0 notes
mythicamagic · 3 years
As usual... I can never just choose one... soo here are my top choices you choose one. Lol
1. Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?
2. The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.
3.that ship has sailed. i’ve had my one great love already
4. we’re just…friends.” “friends don’t do this type of shit!
5. Did you just slap my ass?” / “Actually, I firmly grasped it.” 
Why did I decide 2 of the hurt/sad/angst.. idk.. i suppose im glutton for punishment. Dont hurt me too bad if you choose to do one of them myth.
Decided to do a part two for - this ask. 
I chose;  The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.
The air felt crisp and clean, biting at Kagome's cheeks as she wound her scarf tighter around her neck. Winter markets were so much fun. The vast array of cute little items on display made warmth light up her chest, even as the candy and children's toys reminded her of a certain fox she'd left behind in the past.
Kagome smiled at Ayumi as she prattled on about something or other.
She shouldn't feel guilty. Shippo had barely visited the village in the last year she'd been there. Everyone had moved on. Including herself, somewhat. She'd been so wrapped up in her whirlwind romance with a certain Daiyoukai- the feudal era had been irreparably damaged as a home for her the second they'd broken up.
But she missed her friends. Dearly.
She shook herself. It was too late to go back on her choice now. The well had sealed shut for good.
Ayumi stopped to grab some hot chocolate from a street vendor, allowing Kagome a moment to warm her hands, rubbing them together.
Snowflakes gently danced about like powdered sugar, kissing Kagome's face as she turned- almost bumping face-first into a muscular chest. Fresh scents of wild forests and thunderstorms filled her nose, and she stiffened.
He smells the same.
Kagome bit the inside of her cheek, blue eyes narrowing. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing."
"Haven't the faintest idea of what you mean," he arranged his features into mild innocence, which was near impossible due to his smiling eyes.
"Riiight," she muttered, wishing Ayumi would hurry up.
Sesshoumaru gazed down at her, a pink gift bag in hand. Kagome grit her teeth, hating that she wondered who it was meant for.
"I did not intend to run into you here, before you accuse me of anything," his silky voice caressed her hearing once more. It sounded so lulling, designed to draw her back in. "Did you take my gift home with you or did you throw it away?" he asked, deceptively casually.
"Home. But don't think that means anything- it's not the plant's fault you're trying to worm your way back into my life."
The Daiyouki smiled to himself, obviously absurdly pleased. He began pursuing the street vendor's items right beside her, gazing at children's toys with a touch of gentleness in his steady gaze. Kagome was prepared to ignore him- until he leaned down, breath fanning 'accidentally' over her cheek as he picked up a doll and straightened.
"Do you remember Rin? And the other children-"
"Don't," Kagome said, unable to move away. She hated the thrumming of her skin so much. The way it cried out. Hated him.
Her skin flared alive, body humming with hunger. Like a shot of adrenalin to the heart, Kagome dipped her chin into her scarf to try and mask her escalating breathing due to his proximity. When they'd had sex- so many years ago- it hadn't been like human lovemaking.
He'd wired new pathways within her system via his youki. Sometimes she felt like it still lived inside her, having made a home for itself. They hadn't mated, but she felt irreversibly changed by it.
Kagome made a faint noise, squeezing her eyes shut.
Resist him-
Oh thank God.
"Ayumi, let's go," she said abruptly, facing her friend with an urgent look in her eyes.
Ayumi tilted her head slightly, eyeing Sesshoumaru curiously. "A-alright?"
"You do not need to leave," he turned, exuding a magnanimous air. "I am the one who intruded on your time, please continue," he gestured to the market, ensnaring Kagome's gaze with his own. Unblinking, unable to hide his more animalistic habits even after so many years.
"I hope to see you some other time when my presence does not disturb you," he said softly, walking away.
When entering work that Saturday, Kagome could already sense the buzz in the air. Someone had generously donated some priceless artefacts to their museum. The previously undiscovered finds that shaken everyone due to their rarity and mint condition. No one could stop talking about it.
Kagome's blood ran cold the second the items in question were described to her. Pushing through the crowd that had gathered, she stared in horror at the display case.
Itching for a fight, she immediately stormed to his office downtown, opening the door to reception and letting herself in. "Is Sesshoumaru here?" she burst, stopping in front of the secretary's desk.
"Mr Taisho?" the woman blinked, obviously thrown by the petite, angry miko currently glaring at her and using his name so informally. "Do you have an appointment?"
"No. Just tell him Kagome is here."
She was let into his office soon enough, trying to keep a lid on her crackling reiki. Sesshoumaru glanced up from his computer. "Miko? What a pleasant surprise."
Kagome slammed an article atop his desk. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped.
He raised a brow, briefly flicking his attention to the contents. A photo of red and white silks, coupled with polished spiked armour sat in a display unit. "Something wrong? It was just a donation, given in good faith."
"Donated to my workplace!" Kagome seethed, groaning and burying her face in her hands. "Don't you realise I'm going to have to see your things now every day? I've worn those clothes! I've slept in them as pyjamas! Are you trying to mess with me because you want me back?"
"That's a little dramatic, dear one, I'm not trying to 'mess with you.' It was just a donation," he rose from his seat, face inches from hers. "And if I wanted to romance you, I'd go about it much differently."
"Don't 'dear one' me," she snapped. "You could've donated that stuff years ago- or to a different museum. But no, you had to give it to mine."
"My gift was not meant to distress you, but," he rounded the table slowly, fingers dragging over the wood. "It does make me worry, seeing you so worn thin. Is something else going on? Separate from...us?"
Kagome stiffened, avoiding eye contact. Things with her boyfriend had been strained as of late, and the Daiyoukai's sudden appearance back into her life wasn't helping matters.
"There is no 'us.' I'm frustrated and exhausted, that's all. Don't make things even more complicated by asking about that stuff."
Sesshoumaru lingered close, and Kagome didn't shy away. The one person she couldn't bear to be near was also the only being who could offer some semblance of comfort to her due to his familiarity.
"This one meant to give you something," reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a business card, handing it over. Kagome immediately froze, staring at the name. "You miss him," Sesshoumaru murmured. "The kit lives in Kyoto now with his wife and children. Call him."
Tears pricked her eyes, and Kagome bowed her head. Full lips crumpled into a wobbly line.
"If there is something I regret more than our parting, it is that you felt compelled to leave. The fault lies with me."
Shaking her head, a saddened laugh bubbled up her throat. "It was my decision to break up, and it was my decision to leave the Feudal Era. Don't...blame yourself for that part."
"You did not do anything wrong," a long-fingered hand reached out, blunt nails losing their glamour. Sharp claws stroked dark curling hair back from her neck. Kagome's breathing hitched. "When we were together- you did not do anything wrong. We were both so young. It was foolish of me to act as I did, but I think it is now... that we are in the right place for something more."
Kagome shivered, body warming to him. Intuitively, the brush of fingers on her neck made her foolishly anticipate a kiss- sorely disappointed when it didn't come. "I'm not," she forced herself to say. Seeing the disappointment darken his brown eyes, she sighed. "I miss you," Kagome admitted quietly, turning away to escape from his touch. "I miss how... we were. I'm terrified of that, though. I was...under the impression we'd be together. Permanently. Then you had to go and tell me you needed 'pure' heirs to continue the family bloodline."
She laughed bitterly, loosely holding her arms. "The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I'm still in love with you."
"You are frightened that I will hurt you again."
Kagome nodded mutely. She then forced a giggle, giving a weak smile. "Besides, you may not like me as I am now. I'm more jaded than before."
"I like what I see very much," moving closer once more as though experiencing a gravitational pull, he stopped inches away. "I have missed you too," he muttered quietly, genuinely. She could feel him inhale her scent through her hair. "Very much."
Her mouth suddenly became dry. "I'm with Natsuki-"
"Leave him," a rush of passion entered his voice as Sesshoumaru swept closer, backing her into the desk. The wood dug into her thighs, their hips meeting. "This one is not interested in being 'the other man' in an affair. Nor am I interested in watching you remain with someone less than ideal," he snorted, resting his hand over her wrist and grazing his thumb over it.
"Y-you don't know anything about it!"
"I could smell your scent. It was not bright and cheerful even before I re-entered your life the other day. His feels...murky on you. Unhappy."
Kagome swallowed thickly, glancing away. "Observant as ever," she admitted softly.
"Or perhaps you did a poor job of hiding it," backing off a little- he rested his hip next to hers beside the desk, remaining near but barely touching. And yet everything felt so close. "You've changed. But you're still the same at your core, miko," hot breath fanned over her neck, teeth ghosting over the shell of her ear. "If you permitted me, I would not be reckless with your heart again, as I was in my youth."
Her palms traitorously slid up, sliding over firm muscles- running across his chest. He felt warm. His heart was beating fast. Was he nervous? Such a thing sounded impossible.
She bit her lip, secretly longing for the sensation of silks under her hands again instead of the modern cotton of his shirt.
"I don't know that I believe you," Kagome met his gaze, rewarded with the golden glow of his eyes instead of human brown.
"I've gotta go," she said reluctantly, forcing herself to pull away. "I need to be at work."
"Very well," he hummed, unmoving. "But if you...need something. You know where to find me."
He sounded almost desperate for an excuse to talk with her. Giving a curt nod, she let herself out of his office with a long breath, shaking her head. Sesshoumaru's static youki haunted her steps for the remainder of the day.
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travellingarmy · 3 years
From Wattpad.
Word count: 1.9k
She looked so beautiful sitting in the midst of those glaze lilies, a smile on her lips and eyes gentle with a soft glow from the sunlight as she looked at the flowers. She plucks a glaze lily and brought it up to her nose, pushing a strand of her long hair behind her ears.
At that moment, it felt as if the rest of the world stopped. Your eyes glimmered and your face dusted with a light pink. To you, she was a goddess under that one beautiful and bright day and hope that you could get to see more of her in the future.
You see, you were a travelling painter and writer who is inspired by anything and everything around you. Travelling all across Teyvat, anybody would thought that you would have already met that eureka moment at its highest peak but no, you didn't- not until your travel to Liyue, that is.
Liyue, like all regions of Teyvat, had a unique style that distinguishes itself from others: the aesthetic of buildings, the aromatic dishes, its culture, yearly festivals-- you name it. It draws many and all sorts of people- either for work or for fun and you were there for the latter.
The bustling of crowds and the bright lights of the city at night have you that peaceful yet lively atmosphere that made you look at everything in awe. There was simply too much things one could write about and many places surrounding Liyue to paint, but none of them really sparked that motivation.
It was only when you took a walk outside of Liyue, that you found your spark. In the field full of glaze lilies, there was a woman, alone, in Liyue esque clothing. She had hair that was white as the snow in Dragonspine and eyes that was the colour of a phoenix and full of love and life. Your heart pounded against your chest like never before. She was alluring.
You took a step closer but the sound of grass bring crumpled upon made her alert and her reaction to the sound was faster than a normal person, like she was a warrior on full alert. "Who are you?" she asks sternly and her soft gaze became sharp as soon as her eyes landed on you.
"Oh, um, sorry to alert you," you started, "I was just passing by when I saw you and um.." You didn't say what you were thinking- her looking beautiful- to save yourself from embarrassment and from the- what would have been- suspicious gaze on you.
"Oh, is that so?" she says and starts to inspect you from head to toe, taking every little details of you. "Hm, it doesn't look like you're from Liyue. Are you an adventurer?"
"Ah, you can say that.." You scratch the back of your head shyly. "I'm travelling across Teyvat for inspiration." The lady hums, bringing her fingers on her chin. "So, I'm assuming you're here for inspiration?" she clarifies herself and you nod. A smile forms on her lips. "Not a lot come by this place as there are many monsters and that there are glaze lilies that can already be found within the city."
She then stood up and turns her full body to you. "Then, I shall be leaving so I can give you the scenery to help inspire you," she says and bows politely, excusing herself from your sight. You watched as her figure disappears from your sight, returning to the city. When you turned around, the scenery before you felt different. It felt sort of lonely and empty without the lady who basked in the sunlight and that spark suddenly died as soon as your eyes landed on it.
You decided to call it a day out in the wilderness and return back to the safety of the city, but not before seeing something glimmer in the midst of flowers under the sun's light. You walked closer and see a jewelry just sitting there and you presumed that it was the lady's so you picked it up, but since she was far gone, you can't hope to catch up to her, so you just hope that you two will meet again.
On the next day, you found Luhua Pool and decided to paint the scenery. It was very beautiful indeed so you sat there and painted away. As you were painting, you couldn't help but let your mind wander to the lady from yesterday.
She was a local which means you would see her somewhere in the city. However, she didn't look like a simple worker of the local stores or restaurants which meant that you can't simply walk into buildings and expect her to be there.
You still remember of the jewelry that you found and rummage your satchel for it. It was kept well inside a small box that you bought not soon after returning to the city. You suddenly pictured the white-haired female, alone, in that field of flowers, looking so beautiful that it took your breath away.
Subconsciously, you picked up a new canvas and paintbrush and spent that day painting the scene from yesterday with the best of your memories. The field itself was pretty, but it was her that made it even more so beautiful than it already was. When you were finished, the sun was already setting in the horizon. You took a step back to look at your work and praised it. It was your favourite and the one where you put so much care and effort into. If only the lady was there to see it.
You packed your belongings inside your satchel and made your way down the mountain you were on. You felt that the sun was setting rather quickly because the moon and a couple of stars were already dusting the now dark sky and you were nowhere near the city.
Not being a vision user, it kind of sucked that you have to fear of hilichurls suddenly appearing before you. The thought alone made you clutch the strap of your satchel and began frantically looking around.
Then- to your dread- you see a bunch of hilichurls in the distance. Some were sleeping while others were awake and on guard; there was even a mitachurl which just made the whole thing much worse than it already is. You can make your way around the camp so that's what you did, not knowing there there was a sleeping hilichurl in the direction you were heading. It woke up and set the alarm for the others as well.
"Oh, for the love of..!" You gripped tightly on your satchel and made a run for it. Through the years of travelling, your legs gotten quite used to long travels, as well as running away from encountered hilichurls. It was something not worth bragging since it's for survival.
You looked back and see that a hilichurl with a fire bat-like weapon sped up than the rest. In a panic, you sprinted faster, but since you weren't looking forward, you didnt see the conveniently placed log.
You tripped over it and ended up scratching your chin from the impact. You turn your body and see that they the samachurls was no more than a metre away, ready to swing its axe. Closing your eyes, you expected for the worst.
When ten seconds passed and the strike didn't come, you open one eye and then both to see some sort of barrier in front of you. "Are you alright?" Upon hearing the voice, you looked over your shoulders and see the white-haired female of whom you just painted of not too long ago.
Not waiting for an answer, she casted little rocks that was strong enough to wipe all of the hilichurls out of sight and returned back to you, kneeling down to inspect your injuries. "You're lucky that I was on my way back to the city and found you," she states. "Archon forbids what might have happened to you if I were not around."
She gets up on her feet again and stretches out a hand for you to grab. "Come on, I'll treat your wounds at my place." You didn't think it through as you hastily accepted the offered hand and followed her back inside the city.
She lead you up a couple of stairs and to your shocking news, up to the Jade Chamber that you had heard so many praises about. "Um, excuse me, but isn't this place off limits for common folks?" you ask, your eyes darting across the place with a mix of uneasiness and excitement. "It is, usually, but since you are injured, I've made an exception."
The words caught you by surprise and stare at the back of the female who rummage through shelves and drawers, looking for the things she needed. "Wait, so, are you Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing!?" you exclaim. She hums, a small smile tugging her lips. "I see you're well informed of Liyue. Yes, I am and this is my home," she answers. Once she found the thing she wanted- which was a medical kit- she walks to where you were sitting and places the kit on the table beside you.
"This will sting so I apologise beforehand," she said and took out a cotton, dabbing some kind of ointment on it. She gently cups your face with her free hand and tilts it upwards before placing the cotton on the bottom of your chin.
She wasn't lying when it would sting and you hissed at the sudden stinging pain you felt. She apologises again before doing it a couple more times. "There, that should heal up in no time," she says as soon as she pulls away.
You watched her quietly from your seat, mesmerized by the sight of her as she cleans up. "Beautiful." Before you could comprehend what came out from underneath your breath, Ningguang heard it and looks at you with a baffled look. "I beg your pardon?"
You realized what you said and shook your head hastily. "A, ah, did I say that out loud?" you ask, more to yourself. I-it's just that.. Um, I really think you're beautiful, Lady Ningguang and I hope that we could meet more often.." You scratched your cheek, averting your gaze from the Tianquan.
There was a brief awkward silence which made you kinda wish that you hadn't said what you said just a few moments ago. Then, "Thank you," she says. You look up and see her smiling. "I.. I do like the thought of knowing someone outside of working matters."
Your eyes glimmered in happiness that soon reached your lips. "R-really? Then, I'm happy," you said and remembered something the slipped your mind. "Oh, right, I was wondering if it would be alright to ask what you were doing out so late?"
"Oh, I was looking for something that I had dropped yesterday. I had thought I dropped it by the fields.." she answers. You knew what that 'something' is and asked, "Are you perhaps looking for a jewelry?" She looks at you with hope in her eyes. "Do you know where it is?"
You nodded and look through your satchel. "I found it lying on the grass and kept it safe, thinking that it was yours," you say in honest and pulled out the box it was kept in before walking towards her, stretching the box towards her. "I'm glad to have stumbled upon you so that I could return it to you."
Ningguang smiles and accepts the box. "Thank you," she says in a gentle tone. "By the way, I haven't gotten your name, have I?" You shook your head. "My name is (Y/N)," you answered.
"Well, (Y/N), I hope we can become great friends," she says to which you happily nod. "Me too."
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 14
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Ya'll, when I say, that the writer's block for this story practically parked it's 18 wheeler sized ass in front of me, like a boulder on a mountain road AND THERE WAS NO WAY AROUND IT, to the point that I didn't know if I ever would get to write it again and I had to take a break for...way too fucking long. Also- for the record, all of this still happens in my head in 2018, you know, when I started writing this story, because BY GOD, all these characters should have had their weddings and a small piece of happily ever after BEFORE COVID comes to fuck everyone over. But Hazel's dress, that's still 2022 Pnina Tornay, it's a fantasy story, I'm fudging the timeline, a little. Also Hazel's engagement ring? Chocolate diamond. She's a foodie. It made sense.
Also, Yes, I do realize that I am face casting Alex Pettyfer twice. The first was as modern Ravus Nox Flueret, and then...as Dash Parr in my modern Incredibles AU Why So Jaded. Look, I just adore the guy ok? He's...incredibly good looking and talented, and HOT. They don't happen in the same alternate universe, it's fine, it's fine.
Anyway, so back to the road block, sorry, detour, anyway, so then, tragedy struck in my personal life, ok several tragedies kind of piled up all at once it felt like and shook me to my core, and suddenly those earthquakes, knocked that boulder off the road and opened up the creative roadway to this story again, then I wrote something truly horrific for this particular story. AND IT'S AWESOME, like it's brutal, will reach inside and grab your heart, put it into a blender before handing it back to you as you cry and say thank you, kind of awesome, so angsty.
But, I couldn't just...post it and not keep wrapping up other character's story lines because this was still "everyone needs to find their happily ever after" foundations laid. So. What that did, was give me a "if you want this- angsty thing to happen, how do you get the story from here to there, now that you don't have this fucking boulder in the way." and my brain finally went "I got it! TREDD IS AN ASSHOLE" and boom, problem solved. See I had- most of the components to this particular chapter, already written and mentally mapped out and planned out but the "go juice" to write it was empty.
But Tredd, lovable, asshole Tredd, gave me what I needed. I don't even know if I should tag who I used to tag...however long ago I used to post chapters to this story or if they have all changed their usernames and stuff or if any of them are still interested. But you know what? I'm gonna post it anyway. So enjoy.
Also, @the-immortal-marshal, thanks for sticking with me and hanging in there, THE PAIN IS COMMING NEXT CHAP. ENJOY the last moment of "peace and happiness where everything is perfect and nothing hurts" while it lasts.
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 14
“Hello Behbehs!” Selena cooed when she came home from school to her dogs and Duchess who eagerly greeted her before she got all the packages from the little stylish boxes she built out of pallets to create a little place for packages to be stored on her front porch before she and Ravus could get home and get them in their apartment.
“Ah thank goodness.” Selena breathed in relief when a couple of them were those pre prepared meal kits. Because with both her and Ravus being in school and both of them working too, they rarely had a chance to go grocery shopping anymore and the meal kits were a healthy alternative to fast food and surprisingly less expensive than take out and right now they were still in their “try everything once to find our favorites” stage. But Selena barely had them all unpacked and put away by the time her phone chimed.
‘Hope you had a good day today Darling’ Ravus texted when his phone chimed that she had made it home.
‘It’s been fine, busy, how about yours?’ Selena texted back.
‘Not great, I’ll be happy to call it a day soon.’ Ravus texted back as Selena frowned at her phone before she got an idea and raced up the stairs to get dressed in more business formal attire that was clearly flirtatious that covered up some ridiculously sexy lingerie and some really good ‘fuck me’ heels and put on some makeup and put her hair up in a quick bun then quickly left their apartment to go to Miracles Hospital where she parked next to Ravus’ car and purposefully strutted into the offices, using the badge keycard Sylva had made for her to get in before she made a B-Line for Ravus’ temperoary office while his was under construction before she checked in with Kathryn to make sure he was alone in his office before she opened his office door and struck a pose in his door frame with a smoldering look and a mischevious smirk on her lips that had Ravus’ jaw dropping to the floor at the vision she was.
“Hey. What are you doing here? Is there a problem with…?” Ravus began to ask as she closed the door, locked it then sauntered up to him and straddled his lap before she kissed him passionately as he eagerly held her and pulled her to himself as he kissed her back with equal passion that had Ravus thanking God that he put such an amazing, wonderful and sexy as hell woman in his life that could give him the one thing he wanted that he knew money could never buy- her love, priceless and perfect as it was. And with her love came devotion, loyalty, honesty, faithfulness and right now- desire and it was his life’s goal to make himself as desirable to her as he could possibly be because being the object of her affection was all he could ever want and he wanted her to feel as lucky that she had him for a partner- that he felt about her.
“How’s your day now?” Selena purred when they broke for air.
“Ah-amazing, I can’t, can’t complain.” Ravus answered truthfully, his mind desperate in it’s grasping for coherent thought as he was completely blown away and delighted by her little surprise visit as his hands traveled down her body, appreciating every nuance and curve she had.
“Good, now do you want to fuck me here or in the sleep studies wing, in the car or at home?” Selena asked and watched as he swallowed thickly as his own eyes grew a dark stormy gray with lust.
“Is there an ‘all of them’ option?” Ravus returned which made Selena smile brighter as he quickly hiked up her skirt the rest of the way to reveal that she had not been wearing underwear but was wearing thigh highs attached to a matching green silk garter belt ,which were his favorite kind of stockings as his cock tried to break through his pants trying to get into her as he gasped and ‘oohed’ in surprise and delight as she made quick work of his pants and underwear before she managed to seat herself onto him as he let his chair lean back and rest on a filing cabinet so they wouldn’t crash backwards and also so that Selena could ride him as hard as she wanted to without hurting anything as she opened up his silk dress shirt so that his chest and neck were bared to her before he yanked down her shirt and undid her bra so that her breasts, which had been pushed up to show her amazing cleavage before- were now bared to him in turn as he suckled as his hands went to her hips to guide her over him and when his other hand reached down to stroke her clit with practiced ease as he whispered some absolutely filthy things to her in French which he had discovered could get Selena all riled up and to hear and see and feel that was like a drug to him.
Selena could feel her orgasm approaching as her body and mind were in absolute bliss and to hear Ravus whisper, moan and growl in her ear in between kissing and licking and playfully biting every inch of skin he could reach as he drove up into her as hard as he could and rub her clit just right. Not too hard, not too fast, but as if he was delicately conjuring her soul through her pussy was the greatest pleasure she had ever known and she didn’t care what he was saying to her in French, but the way he said it, the way it rolled off of his very gifted tongue and the way he could enrapture her mind, body and soul so easily, as easy as he breathed and leave her so desperate for him, desperate for more. Just one more touch, one more kiss, one more thrust, one more profession of love, of promise, of adoration, everything. How she was his everything and how he was going to love her and cherish her for as long as he lived and she had the utmost faith in every word. And she knew that she was going to love him for the rest of hers. She didn’t care if he lost his fortune or the hospital or anything. She would keep him and he would keep her. And that would be all that mattered.
In rapid succession Selena came, her shuddering cry of bliss was the most perfect sound in Ravus’ ears as he smiled victoriously that he was able to give her the greatest pleasure possible before Ravus’ own face scrunched up as he came himself, a grunting, hissing moan. His cock throbbing but since his injections, there were no loads, other than an extra load of precum before they both collapsed in the chair as they held each other as Selena let her head rest on his shoulder as they recovered.
Selena traced random designs on his skin around his chest hair that was starting to fill in nicely along with more muscle mass that had started to build just in the last few months since he graduated highschool and gotten back from the most epic summer vacation. It was as if he was a late bloomer. All the bulky muscle he had always wanted was finally filling in the way he wanted it to and he was having to buy new suits and shirts because his old ones no longer fit him the way he wanted them to, but thankfully that glorious cock of his stayed the same, much to Selena’s utter and complete delight.
The only thing that hadn’t grown was thankfully his feet so that meant the man didn’t need to buy new shoes. Which was his own guilty pleasure and obsession, especially dress shoes. While they had gone cross country all summer, he and Luche would hit up all the thrift stores and speciality shops looking for old shoes to restore and when they had been in L.A. They had hit the mother load. All these places that had all the shoes from the old stars of hollywood, whether they became famous or infamous or never even made it on the map. But their very expensive and very good quality shoes were left behind. One shop in particular was run by a couple of older gentlemen that were so happy to see some younger guys were into this kind of thing that they gave them the deals of a lifetime and even Tredd and of course Ignis came along and between Ravus and Ignis, Luche and Tredd got quite the crash course education on shoes, in particular old dress shoes as the four of them practically bought the store out and had to ship out most of them back home because they wouldn't fit with their former travel plans. Ravus and Ignis were the way about shoes the same way some women were about fashion and purses.
Of course that wasn't the only "obsession" Ravus and Ignis had shared with Luche and Tredd, Ravus' mother and of course his grandparents were avid fountain pen collectors and when Sylva's parents had passed, they went over her parent's very, very extensive fountain pen collection that was in the thousands of pens large, Ravus insisted that about two dozen of them go directly to Selena so she could "impress" her more "financially affluent" clients she was starting to get as Sylva happily let those precious few go to Selena, then the rest were picked through by Sylva, Lunafreya who was also an avid fountain pen enthusiast as well as Ravus and Ignis who then coached Luche and Tredd of all people who showed an interest in what he called "rich people shit", just like jewels, yahts, jets, shoes and the like, which amused Sylva who humored him enough to go through what made a good fountain pen and what made different pens valuable and what the more "famous" or well known "name brands" were and what inks were best for which pens and corralating inks to the pens themselves as Luna did the same thing with Selena so that Ravus could coach Luche through the same thing too as the rest were divided evenly and "put away" so that they could become an "inheritance" for the next generation.
Meanwhile Ravus wasn’t the only one who had gone through some changes over the course of the summer and now fall, Selena too seemed to fill in quite nicely, she had gained some weight over the summer, her hips had filled out and her derriere had plumped out and her breasts had grown, filled in and rounded out and while she had gone up a few dress sizes, Ravus couldn’t be happier about the developments. Like she had transformed from lithe teen to full blown woman and he was all too happy to replace every piece of clothing in her wardrobe so that she was comfortable and could embrace her current body.
And with Selena landing what in her opinion was the dream job at Fosters as a junior designer and was currently designing all her friend’s houses as Oak Creek Estates under the supervision of a woman named Samantha Leeds, who had taken Selena under her wing and was showing her the ropes and helping get all the classes at the local college. Selena had had the hardest time understanding CAD but when she finally figured it out. She quickly excelled.
“So what’s going on?” Selena asked after they seemed to recover but were in no need to change their positions or state of partial undress.
“Something stupid in office politics.” Ravus huffed.
“Ok…” Selena urged.
“Some of the board members are getting greedy, in particular Mr. Greed, they look at how much Project Recovery is making them and they’re seeing dollar signs at the other pharma we produce.” Ravus revealed.
“But I thought your mom had a pretty good stance that when it came to life saving drugs like insulin and other medications like it- that you put a cap on all those so they’re affordable to everyone.” Selena frowned.
“She did, but the other board members see Luche and I coming onto the board and think they can get to us and pit us against mother or pit us against each other- thinking their greed is going to be contagious or something or that we’re too young to know what we’re talking about and too inexperienced to have valid opinions.” Ravus grumped before he kissed her forehead sweetly, grateful he could bare his heart and soul like this to her so freely.
“Well that’s not going to work right?” Selena said as she raised her head to fix him with a look.
"No, it's just frustrating to deal with until they retire, although I can’t imagine dealing with Roman or Ainsley is going to get any better, all I hear is ‘chip off the old block’ when Rob talks about them." Ravus shook his head.
"Is there any way we can get Mr. Greed to retire early? Get some peace before Roman and Ainsley come on board or is it not just Mr. Greed that’s giving you all the headaches?" Selena hoped.
"I wish it was just him. But it’s not. It just...comes with the territory. Besides if there was a way to make Mr. Greed and the others to retire early, I'm pretty sure my mother would have done it already. They've been thorns in her sides most of her life and they’re proving to be thorns in ours as well." Ravus mused as Selena frowned deeper.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your problem to fix, but thank you for listening.” Ravus thanked her gratefully as he held her comfortably in his arms. “And thank you for this, this was the best surprise.” He smiled appreciatively as he nuzzled her face with his.
“You’re welcome.” Selena smiled happily.
“Hey you wanna go out to dinner?” Ravus asked hopefully. “We could see if Lu and Ada wanted to join us?” He asked.
“Sure,” Selena nodded as she and Ravus worked on getting straightened up as Selena pulled her dress down a bit more so it was a bit more modest and pinned the top up to a much more modest height and by the time they got squared away and unlocked the door they saw Ada coming out of Luche’s office dressed similarly to Selena and Luche himself had the same love drunk smile Ravus was wearing.
“Hey,” Selena greeted as both Selena and Ada blushed before they looked pointedly at each other’s shoes then back up to each other before they both tried to stifle their giggles because they both knew exactly why the other was wearing those heels as they beamed knowingly at each other.
“Dinner?” Ravus asked as he self consciously smoothed his hair as Luche did the same as Luche gave Ada a questioning look and smiled when she eagerly nodded her head.
“Oh yeah.” Luche agreed before they all hopped into Ravus’ new Land Rover and drove to the restaurant that piqued their interest and hunger.
“So how’s the wedding planning going?” Ravus asked Luche while they looked at the menus.
“Good, still deciding on invitations, although we've narrowed it down to three different choices.” Luche answered.
“We did agree to use the same venue Sylva used when she got married.” Ada revealed.
“Yeah, that’s the same venue we decided on too.” Selena smiled happily.
“Do you have any ideas what dress you’d want?” Selena asked.
“Actually yeah.” Ada nodded as she scooted closer to Selena in the booth to show her the dresses she had found on Pintrist.
“Oooh, I like that one.” Selena agreed.
“It’s just going to be a challenge to find one that doesn’t drown me out. Because I’m so short and petite, but I don’t want to walk down the aisle in like 7 inch heels just to not trip over the dress.” Ada confessed as Ravus nearly lost it Luche’s grin as he had that ‘I wouldn’t mind’ kind of expression.
“Are you excited to go back to Kleinfelds?” Selena asked.
“Very much so, I’m already packed.” Ada confessed.
That weekend, the whole crew went back to Klinefelds for Ada to do her dress shopping. As Sylva made sure that Ada’s parents and Luche’s parents were in the middle couch while the boys made sure to keep Luche preoccupied while all the girls happily rallied around Ada as they all had their own ideas of what Ada should wear while Morgan got Sylva’s picks and other dresses into the room.
“Ok, this is Crowe’s pick.” Morgan said as she brought Ada out in the first dress.
“Aww,” they all awwed.
“You’re drowning in it though Love.” Ada’s mother noted as others kind of grimaced and nodded in agreement.
“So what do you love about this dress?”
“I love the bling, I love the tiered layers, it’s just a little too poofy.” Ada offered Morgan.
“Ok, so let’s try again, we’ll be right back.” Morgan offered the crew.
“Ok, so this is a mermaid, fit and flare,” Morgan announced as she brought Ada back out.
“It looks amazing, I just can’t really move because it’s so restrictive.” Ada realized as the rest of her family put in their 2 cents about it before she was back and tried even more, trying on her mom’s picks, Linda’s picks then finally getting to Sylva’s picks but Sylva made sure that Morgan didn’t tell Ada that they were her pick’s and instead urged Morgan to introduce them as her picks before sneaking one into Morgan’s hands that was brand new that had not been there when they had been there last.
Ada softly gasped when she saw it, it was perfect, it had the tiered layers but it also had lace and glitter and just a little bit of everything. It was perfect and when she put it on, she couldn’t help but cry. It was a soft, blushed ivory. It complemented her red hair and her skin tone gorgeously. She felt like a proper bride in this and she could see in her mind- so clearly- how Luche would probably cry tears of happiness if he saw her in this. This was it, this was the one.
“There’s that smile.” Morgan grinned victoriously as she looked at Ada in the mirror after she cinched the corset back closed and got it looking like Ada was born into this dress.
“This is it, even if all of them hate it, this is it.” Ada insisted.
“Well then let’s show them.” Morgan insisted.
Everyone could tell that Ada’s smile practically came from her toes, she was practically glowing with happiness as Sylva got choked up which caused Linda and Ada’s mom Amelia to start crying as all the girls started gasping and cooing before Morgan happily snagged an appropriate veil and put it on her and that’s when they were all practically sobbing.
“It’s perfect Love, absolutely perfect. It has those tiers that you love and the lace is so romantic.” Amelia cried as she squeezed her husband- Richard’s hand who was also getting choked up as they passed a box of tissues down the line.
“You look stunning Ada, really, just perfectly beautiful.” Linda praised as she had already made her peace with Ada being a daughter in law.
“And it still has enough sparkle and glitter to it, that even in low light, you’ll glitter like the jewel you are.” Sylva added.
“So, are you saying yes to the dress?” Morgan asked.
“Yes, I’m saying yes to this dress.” Ada confirmed happily before Amelia got up off the couch and hugged her daughter tightly before her dad hugged her tightly too along with her brother who had also been flown in for the event with his fiance.
A week later, Hazel and Sylva returned to Klinefelds as Sylva had flown out Hazel’s sister Mei and her mother Huan and her dad Tommy along with Titus' mother Helen and Titus’ sister Jenny in for the appointment. Helen and the rest of her family had been all too happy to welcome Hazel into the fold. Once Titus was thirty and then almost 40, Helen gave up on the idea that Titus would ever get married and settle down, especially when the rest of her children were giving her grandchildren at this point but it seemed she was too hasty when Titus finally met Hazel and seemed to get with the program and settle down “properly”.
Meanwhile Huan and Tommy were also over the moon that Hazel was finally settling down and even though Billy wasn’t wild about the age difference at first, the more he and Titus got to know each other, the better they got along, Tommy was happy that Titus made Hazel happy in addition to Titus’ character and stability and profession and Huan was so happy to learn that Titus was a good man, who had a house and was planning on building another with Hazel and when Titus and Hazel adopted Brutus who was Kona, Kahlua and Sasha’s sibling, while Tredd and Stella adopted Brutus’ brother King. To Huan- a grand-dog was close enough to a grandchild, for now. While she was always proud of Hazel for earning her own way though the world and earning enough to take care of them in their retirement, she had been on Hazel since she was in her twenties to have someone take care of her. And it seems Titus had finally come along and to do just that.
“So what are you looking for?” Meredith asked Hazel after everyone had been introduced.
“I’m looking for a very simple, not too many embellishments, comfortable, light weight wedding dress. Titus and I are getting married at the beach next May, right after school lets out, because he is highschool football coach. It’s going to be a very small, intimate wedding with just family and really close friends.” Hazel answered.
“Aww, that’s awesome, is there a price point we’re comfortable with?”
“Ten thousand.” Hazel answered.
“Ooh, more than enough to work with, well let’s go.” Meredith urged as she brought Hazel back into a dressing room to get changed before she went hunting for the perfect dress.
“Simple, light, comfortable.” Meredith echoed over and over again as she combed through the back room, her almost encyclopedic knowledge of the backroom to her aid as she went through all the dresses before she found several that would fit those criteria.
Charlotte came into the bridal shop, a giddy grin on her face as she came and “snuck up” on her family as Sylva turned her head and smiled at the newcomer.
“Surprise!” Charlotte announced to her family.
“Charlie?!” Tommy smiled happily as he got up and gathered up his daughter into his large arms. She may have been a wanted criminal and fugitive, but he was always happy to see her and to him, she would always be his "little Charlie".
“I thought you were overseas?” Tommy asked.
“And miss this? Nah, it’s Hazel’s first big day before the big big day, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Charlotte happily murmured into her dad’s chest before Tommy put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and introduced her to Titus’ family who were completely oblivious as to Charlotte’s true identity as Charlotte sat next to Sylva.
“It’s nice to see you again. Different kind of exciting this time,” Sylva offered with a mischievous grin that Charlotte mirrored.
“I take it you didn’t get any kind of trouble from the last time we were in each other’s company.” Charlotte offered.
“Nope, not a peep, thank you.” Sylva reassured her.
“You’re welcome, this was wonderful, thanks for letting me know, when you get to know their wedding arrangements, forward them to this number, I doubt the groom would be comfortable with Gil and I coming but I want to send them a proper wedding gift that won't be on any kind of gift registry, at least domestically.” Charlotte nodded as she handed Sylva a slip of paper written in Mandarin as Sylva read it quickly, nodded and put it into her billfold just as Hazel came out in her first dress and stopped when she saw Charlotte.
“Charlie?” Hazel gasped in excitement as she saw her sister.
“Hey you, don’t you look beautiful.” Charlie greeted as she set her large, heavy purse on the seat and came over and embraced her sister.
“I didn’t think I would see you again.” Hazel admitted as she hugged her sister tight.
“Sylva invited me, hope you don’t mind.” Charlotte explained.
“Nope, not at all.” Hazel readily assured her sister.
“Is Gil here too?” Hazel asked.
“He’s doing business, as usual, plus I don’t think Dad would be cool and I know your fiance wouldn't be cool if Gil and I showed up to the wedding itself, so this is the best I can do and this is exposed enough without making things difficult or uncomfortable or "unsafe".” Charlotte excused.
“I get it, I'm still really happy to see you and that you're here. It means a lot, especially to Mom and Dad, and of course me as well.” Hazel nodded as Charlotte nodded in unison.
“So is this your dress?” Charlotte asked, changing the subject.
“This is just the first one, you came just in time.” Hazel answered.
“Well then let’s get to it.” Charlotte insisted as she returned to her seat.
“So this is dress number one. What do we think?” Meredith asked.
“It’s nice, I’m not in love with it, but it’s nice.” Hazel answered honestly.
“It makes you look like you’re wearing a tent.” Huan criticized as Helen and Jenny nearly choked on their spit and looked at Huan in alarm as Charlotte akept her snickering quiet enough to pass it off as a cough as Mei just rolled her eyes and complained to her mom in Mandarin that she was being too harsh.
“You don’t look like you’re wearing a tent, but the cut isn’t quite right. You need a more flattering shape to the fabric.” Charlotte offered.
“Agreed.” Sylva nodded.
“Well, that’s what first dresses are all about, finding what elements can work and what elements won’t.” Meredith explained before they tried on a few different picks as Charlotte looked around as did Sylva at the other dresses on display at the other dresses in the store.
“That one,” Charlotte and Sylva said at the same time once they both locked eyes on it and pointed to it.
“Well go get it then, bring it to her, it will mean more to her if you do.” Sylva encouraged before Charlotte got up and strutted across the floor to get the dress in question before she asked to see which room her sister was in before she came to the appropriate dressing room, a security guard shadowing her.
“Try this one.” Charlotte suggested as she handed the dress over to her sister as Hazel gasped softly when she saw it before Charlotte saw her way out and went back to the group and waived the security guard back a little farther so his presence was not felt by everyone else.
“And?” Sylva prodded.
“She had the gasp and the smile.” Charlotte answered as she checked her phone.
“Please let this be the one, I’m running out of time.” Charlotte whispered as she looked at the time on her phone and read the messages her henchmen were sending her as they stood guard a short distance away as her driver himself was scanning the police channels as Gil’s other men were monitoring the area.
Hazel came out a short time later, wearing a smile that shamed the sun, moon and stars as everyone else gasped and oohed and awed.
“Now that’s the dress, you look exquisite Hazel.” Huan finally complimented as Charlotte and Sylva gave each other a meaningful smile as Hazel nearly burst into tears as Jenny and Helen were already crying too.
“It’s perfect, but still incomplete.” Hazel began as she stood up and pulled a special box from her bag and took out a set of jade jewelry and put it on Hazel as Huan and Mei cooed and practically giggled as they put it on her as Charlotte gave Hazel a special sachet as well before Charlotte’s phone chimed.
“Do you have to go?” Hazel asked as Charlotte’s eyes watered as she tried to put on a brave, happy smile but nodded yes.
“Thank you for coming and for all of this. Thank you for being my sister. I love you so much.” Hazel thanked her as the two hugged before Charlotte got to hug every member of her family as Sylva got to get a quick picture of them all together, both with Charlotte’s phone as well as other members of her family so that each one would have a picture of this moment to treasure forever before the Henchmen came over and cleared their throats to get Charlotte’s attention as Charlotte hugged her parents, specifically her dad one last time.
“I have to go, I love you.” Charlotte bid her family before she used her handkerchief to dry her eyes and left with the henchmen as her driver was already anxiously out front, waiting to take his Empress back to a safer, less ‘exposed’ space.
“How come she couldn’t stay?” Helen asked.
“She’s a very busy woman. She lives half a world away and she probably had to fly back pretty soon, and security at the airports is a nightmare.” Sylva delicately excused as she waived it off.
“But now that we found the dress and the veil and obviously the jewelry. Let’s get settled up and get dinner shall we?” Sylva encouraged with a bright happy smile.
When Sylva came back home from flying and taking care of all the other guests, she came home to see all of her kids and their fiances and their friends as they had made a really nice dinner for everyone as Pelna and Yasmine, Gladio and Pashmina, Prompto and Cindy, Luche and Ada, Libertus and Crowe and Craig and Iris were on their way as well as Luche’s family and Ada’s family.
“Hey! So how did it go?” Luna asked as she gave her mom a big hug.
“Good, Charlotte came and surprised Hazel and the family.” Sylva revealed which caused everyone to freeze and look at each other worriedly.
“Charlotte Stevens?” Luna asked, taken aback by the news.
“Oh don’t look so surprised, when Charlotte and Gil used the jet they left a single phone number for the pilot to give to me and said I get to use it once. And I knew Charlotte wouldn’t want to miss the milestone in Hazel’s life because Charlotte knows she probably won't be welcome at the wedding since Cor is one of Titus' groomsmen, so I used it and told Charlotte the plan and she was very grateful for the invitation since no one else in her family knew how to get a hold of her to tell her. Besides, Titus’ family was blissfully ignorant of who she really was and Hazel’s family got to have a nice little reunion within the realitive safety confine of a public space and Charlotte got to see Hazel in her wedding dress as a good sister should. It was fine, I mean she had to be carrying four guns on her and who knows how many knives on her person, she had to have two guns in her outfit and at least another two in her purse and her four henchmen were armed to the teeth as well and she could only stay for about an hour but Hazel found the dress and everyone gave it their stamp of approval and Charlotte gifted Hazel some really pretty jade jewelry which is customary for a Chinese bride to receive which honored that part of her heritage and traditions, which was really nice, it was a lovely time.” Sylva waived off as she got the picture and showed everyone the family picture she took.
“She has got to have the biggest balls in the world.” Tredd noted, impressed when he saw the picture.
“She’s got you beat, that’s for sure.” Stella teased.
“She’s got everyone beat.” Sylva laughed.
“So is this everyone or are more coming?” Sylva asked.
“More are coming.” Luna reported.
“How many more?” Sylva asked before her doorbell rang and slowly then all at once, everyone came as everyone started pulling all the components at the table, setting it up for a large extended friends and family meal before Luche and Ada came in last, both of them having anxious smiles on their faces.
“Is everything ok?” Sylva asked Luche as she tried to keep her knowing smile to a minimum.
“Yeah, yeah, everythings great.” Luche reassured her.
“You sure?” Sylva asked as she looked from Luche to Ada who had the same anxious smile on her face.
“Ok, so we have some news and we wanted everyone to be around to make the announcement and we don’t exactly know how it’s going to be received.” Luche hinted.
“If it’s what I think it is, I will do my best to lead the way in accepting the announcement with all the happiness and joy that such an announcement garners. But I also want to be the first to offer my congratulations.” Sylva reassured them both.
“Thank you.” Luche and Ada breathed in relief.
“Come on, dinner is getting cold.” Sylva encouraged them before they all came into the kitchen where everyone was getting something to drink with their dinner.
“So Luche and I chose wedding invitations!” Ada happily announced as she handed every couple an invitation as well as one to her parents and one to Luche’s parents as well.
“Wait, I thought we agreed on May 18th, this is in December..only three months, it’s the weekend before Nyx and Luna’s wedding?” Linda pointed out.
“Well that brings us to announcement number two. We’re pregnant, or rather Ada is.” Luche announced as there was just a hint of nervousness to his excitement as Sylva was the first to squeal, almost an excited scream in delight, only half a second before Crowe did which got everyone else to cheer joyfully as Sylva came over and hugged them both and offered her first “official” congratulations which got Linda and Ada’s mother Amelia and Linda to get over their initial shock and plaster on happy smiles and congratulate them before Ada was swarmed by the girls with hugs and congrats as the first ultrasound pictures were passed around that she had gotten the day before.
“So how far along are you?” Sylva asked.
“Ten weeks.” Ada announced as Tredd, Nyx and Ravus shared a rather knowing smile, but no money was passed between the three because Tredd and Ravus had “seen it” when Sylva had as well. Crowe especially was super happy because she wasn’t the only one pregnant anymore as her own little baby bump had seemed to pop out since her own wedding.
“Baby bump!” Crowe happily cheered as she gently bumped her little baby bump into Ada’s belly which got Ada to giggle as the two hugged tightly and couldn’t stop laughing.
“Congratulations man!” Libertus congratulated Luche as he hugged him super tightly.
“Thanks.” Luche laughed into the hug before he got more congratulations from everyone else as even Tredd was, for once, gracious.
“So what are you hoping for?” Tredd asked.
“A healthy baby and a non complicated delivery.” Luche answered honestly.
“Good. Ok, everyone listen up! Taking bets on due dates and gender, where’s a white board?” Tredd suddenly turned, raising his voice to shout over everyone as he received a mixture of laughter and groans from some of the adults as Sylva laughed the hardest as Tredd took the whiteboard off the fridge and the little marker and erased all the important reminders after taking a pic of what was on it so none of it would be lost.
“Ok so that technically puts Crowe five months ahead of Ada so if gestation is 40 weeks, that’s basically ten months and Ada is already ten of those 38-40 weeks in- that puts us at...holy shit you’re due on your original wedding date- May 18th. OK, So, taking bets on three day spreads May 18th, 19th and 20th? Any takers?” Tredd continued undeterred.
“You asshole, I announce my fiance is pregnant and you immediately turn it into a bet?” Luche laughed, not surprised by his friend’s behavior, but was hoping he would have at least five minutes before Tredd turned into “The Lovable Douche Asshole”, the lovable part was questionable though most of the time.
“May 12th through the 15th, and a boy and the winner gets bragging rights but all the money and proceeds go to Luche and Ada.” Sylva said as she fished several hundred dollar bills out of her wallet and handed them to Ada before discretely handing Tredd another one too.
“Sweet, first better, Sylva Caelum, May 12th through the 15th and a boy.” Tredd repeated as he wrote that down and put a note in his phone.
“Oh what the hell. Twenty quid on the 16th-19th and I want a granddaughter so I’m betting on a girl.” Amelia offered as she handed Luche and Ada the money with a laugh of her own.
“May 9th-12th, a boy.” Ignis said as he handed Luche a few hundred dollars as well.
“May 19 through the 21st and a boy as well.” Luna giggled as she handed the couple a few hundred dollars too.
“May 14th through the 17th, boy as well.” Ravus added as he gave Luche most of the money in his wallet.
“Amelia it looks like if it is a girl, you’re getting amazing odds, five to one, that’s pretty awesome.” Tredd grinned at Amelia.
“Oh hell, I say May 21st through the 24th, also a girl.” Linda added as she gave Luche and Ada some money too as soon Luche and Ada were holding wads of cash and laughing as their friends were giving them money as Tredd was taking “bets” from everyone as everyone joined in on this impromptu gamble.
“Ok, so this isn’t so bad.” Ada had to confess to Luche as they tried to organize their “winnings” into a “gift bag” that Sylva had on hand before they all sat down to eat dinner as Luche nodded his agreement to that. That had gone way better than he was fearing as Selena, Stella and Luna all looked at their fiances with thinly veiled suspicion as they were looking at each other knowingly as they also noticed that Sylva also seemed particularly smug as they all happily enjoyed a very nice friends and family dinner as they discussed baby shower ideas as well as when to plan all the bridal showers and such and made a new, accelerated timeline.
16 notes · View notes
eastertag · 3 years
Jasmine and Jade
@katblu42 gift for @bonsaiiiiiii
“International Rescue, we have a situation,” John’s holographic figure announced as the last echoes of the alarm died away.  Once he was sure he had the full attention of his brothers and sister he filled them in.  “An EPIRB device has been activated in a remote section of a national park in Vietnam. Local authorities have requested assistance.  The remote location combined with challenging terrain makes access to the area difficult.  There is also a weather concern.  Heavy rainfall expected to hit the area soon and continue over the next 12 hours will likely cause rock falls and mud slides as well as flooding in the cave systems.”
“How many people are we looking for?”  Virgil asked, already on his way to his launch chute.
“The EPIRB device is registered as belonging to a pair of visitors who entered the national park two days ago.”  John replied.  “This rescue could turn ugly quickly.  I suggest you take Alan and Gordon with you on this one.  Thunderbird 4 may be required to traverse the river system that runs through the caves and canyons.”
“FAB,” two voices responded as the youngsters raced off to suit up.
“I’ll head out there too,” Scott suggested.  “I’ll liaise with the local authorities and park rangers and co-ordinate on site.”
And with that Kayo was left alone in the sunken lounge to wait and watch as her brothers took off towards Vietnam.
Jasmine was exhausted.  The fall had left her battered and bruised, scrapes and scratches all over her hands, knees, forearms and shins from her attempts at grabbing hold of something on the way down. 
Initially when they had cut the rope she thought she had a chance of making it to the top without the safety of Jade’s belay.  Then she’d heard the gunshot.  She hadn’t dared look down to where she could hear Jade yelling for her to get out and get help.  But when she’d looked up there was someone waiting for her, a stranger with a vicious grin and a gun. 
Fear had frozen her to the spot as she’d tried to figure out whether to go up or attempt to climb back down and help Jade.  In the end fate decided for her as her hand had begun to slip on rocks already slick from earlier rain.  Her attempt to adjust her hold failed and she slid several feet before hitting a protruding rock. Hard.  She’d jarred her right hip but managed to hold fast and catch her breath. 
She had caught sight of the canyon floor below her and seen Jade being dragged back toward the cave entrance by two men dressed like Indiana Jones wannabes.  She could hear a voice above her but she hadn’t thought he was talking to her – maybe the guys below that had Jade were talking to the guy above through some kind of radio.  Jasmine had tried to haul herself into a sitting position on the rock, but her foot had hit loose stones and she’d slipped again, this time bouncing and scraping down the cliff face until reaching the bottom. 
“You still alive down there?” a male voice had bellowed from the top of the cliff. 
Instinct told Jasmine not to answer.  Instead she had taken time to asses her injuries.  Nothing broken, so far as she could tell.  Her hip was complaining, there were tears in her clothing and blood stains beginning to appear in places, the cuts in her left leg needed dressing, but didn’t look too deep, and her right ankle was tender, but otherwise she considered herself very lucky. 
Taking stock of her surroundings she realised she had landed a few metres away from where her original ascent had begun.  Jade’s backpack was still lying on the ground next to the severed belay line.  When Jasmine attempted to retrieve the backpack another gunshot rang out, and the bullet ricocheted off the rocks a few feet to her left.  Looking up she spied the gunman far above her and her heart lurched in fear – for him.
“Get back from the edge!” she yelled up at him.  It was mere seconds later that the rock he stood on gave way and he was tumbling down the rockface.
Now she was sitting with her back against rocks, tired and sore, beginning to shiver as the cloud cover increased, trying to keep an unconscious, unknown enemy alive.  She had activated the EPIRB alarm from her own pack, and used the medical kit Jade had carried in hers to treat what she could of the man’s injuries as well as the cut on her own leg.  She had tried the man’s radio, but it seemed to have been broken in the fall.  She had considered leaving him and going after Jade, wondering why the other men had taken her, and what they might be doing to her, but staying put was safer.  She just had to trust that someone would come in answer to her beacon in time to find and rescue Jade.
The canyon was rapidly growing dark.  A look skyward confirmed the ominous threat presented by the gathering storm clouds.  Jasmine could hear the rumble of distant thunder as the rain began to pelt the surrounding rock and the surface of the river that ran through the canyon.  This was why she and Jade had given up on their quest for the next clue in the treasure hunt and decided to make their way back out of the canyon.  They were right on the edge of the rainy season, and once the rain began it would not take long for the water level in the river to rise.  The cave system was known to be prone to flooding.  Water would come at you from below, with the river and its network of creeks and streams winding through the various caverns, tunnels and caves, and from above trickling down through cracks, crevices and swallow holes in the rocks and earth overhead.  Rock and mudslides in these caverns and caves were common in heavy rain and Jasmine and Jade had stayed as long as they dared before this weather system had arrived.
Despite the cold and the rain and the intense worry about the wellbeing of her closest friend Jasmine must have fallen asleep.  She didn’t remember closing her eyes, but now she was struggling to open them.  She was aware that the distant and intermittent rumbles of thunder seemed to have become much louder, closer.  There was something not quite right about the deep rumbling sound reverberating through the canyon.  Between the loud cracking booms that came seconds after lightning the rumbling sound never completely died away, and instead of fading it seemed to be growing consistently louder.  It was the oddness of the sound that gave her the mental strength to drag her eyes open.  The river had moved closer to her – or rather the water level had risen significantly and she wondered how long she’d been asleep.  She could feel the rumble of the thunder now, vibrating through her bones, unceasing and growing in intensity.  The realisation that this wasn’t thunder came milliseconds before she saw the flash of blue and silver overhead.  Not thunder – a Thunderbird.
“Thunderbird 5, I’ve arrived at the coordinates and have a visual on two small all-terrain vehicles and what appears to be a campsite,” Scott reported.  “Commencing bioscan now.”
John was keeping a close eye on the weather.  His own scans were being hampered by the storm activity.  The topography of the area didn’t help either with the deep, narrow canyons surrounded by steep cliffs and rocky outcrops, and the complex cave system beneath the dense rainforest requiring complex 3D ground penetrating scans.
“John, I’ve got two biosigns.  Looks like they’re at the bottom of the canyon, just below the campsite.  There’s nowhere to land Thunderbird 1, so I’m going to jetpack down and take a closer look.”
“FAB Scott.  Be careful.  I’m detecting some unpredictable wind gusts in that area.”  John’s eyes flicked across the various projections of information before him.  “Thunderbird 2 should reach your location in 4 minutes.”  He knew that information would not stop Scott from racing into danger, but he hoped it would help moderate any risky behaviour.
Scott set Thunderbird 1 into a hover over the canyon, opened the floor hatch and swung down before launching himself out into the rain and wind.  Seconds later he was crouched beside a shivering young woman with a thick, long, dark braid protruding from her climber’s helmet, and deep-set dark brown eyes that seemed to take a second to focus on him.
“I’m from International Rescue.  Are you injured?”  As he spoke Scott was visually checking for obvious signs of injury, noting the bandaged leg and the paleness of the girl’s skin.
“I-international Re-rescue?”  The shivering affected her speech, and her trembling fingers tried to grab hold of Scott’s arm.  “Jade!  Y-you have t-to help Jade.  They took her. P-p-please find Jade!!”
“Woah, let’s look after you first.  What’s your name?”  Scott already had a med-scanner out and proceeded to check her vital signs.
“Jasmine,” she stated simply.  “But J-jade …”
“I promise we’ll take care of Jade, but we’re gonna need to get you somewhere dry and warm and look after that leg of yours.”  Scott looked over at the jumble of rocks and dirt to his right and asked “Who’s your friend there?”
“N-not my f-friend.  H-he’s one of them!”  Jasmine’s eyes were wide with fear or anger, Scott couldn’t tell which.  “He had a gun.”
Scott needed more information, but his primary focus at that moment was the unconscious man.  His injuries were many and severe.  He needed Virgil’s medical expertise, and an urgent evacuation.
“Thunderbird 2, what’s your ETA?”  Scott now had the med-scanner on the pasty white guy who was barely clinging to life.  “I’ve got a critically injured man here who needs immediate evac, and a second patient with minor injuries but showing signs of shock.”
“We’re about 30 seconds out, Thunderbird 1.”  Virgil’s voice seemed quiet beneath the roar of the rain and Thunderbird 1’s engines as she remained hovering above.  “I’ll send the cradle down and get you all safely aboard.”
By the time Virgil had finished speaking Thunderbird 2’s engines had been added to the symphony echoing through the canyon.  Scott adjusted his ‘bird’s position so Virgil could hover directly above them and lower the rescue cradle as close as possible.
“Thunderbird 5,” Scott almost shouted over the background noise, “we need to locate an unknown number of people who entered the caves from this location.  One was taken in there against her will.”
“FAB, Scott.  I’m scanning now.”
Scott helped Jasmine to her feet as Alan and Gordon descended from Thunderbird 2 aboard the lowered rescue cradle.  Virgil had to fight the wind gusts to hold Two steady and prevent the cradle swinging sideways too much.  As soon as the downward motion stopped Scott assisted Jasmine into one of the seats and secured her restraints, while Alan and Gordon readied the hover stretcher.
Jasmine watched from her seat as the three rescue operatives carefully transferred the man to a hover stretcher and secured him to the cradle.  The one all in blue and silver with the dimples and blue eyes had made sure she was aboard and safely harnessed before turning his attention to the other patient.  She knew they had to help the man, but everything in her was insisting that they needed to be looking for Jade. 
The instant the hover stretcher was locked into its secure position in the cradle they were ascending towards the belly of the great green beast above them.  Scott directed his attention back to Jasmine, placing a comforting hand over hers were it sat trembling on her knee.
“We are running search scans to try and locate your friend,” he assured her.  “We will find her.”
She was still losing herself in the depths of those blue eyes that spoke of hope and reassurance when the cradle came to rest inside Thunderbird 2 and the hatch was closed.  There was movement around her, Scott helped her out of the seat and over to a fold-down bed in what she assumed was some kind of medical bay, while others fussed over the stretcher.  She couldn’t be sure, but she thought one of the men who had come down into the canyon had been replaced by one she hadn’t seen before.  Voices seemed to float through the space around her, but her attention was still held by the man who had come to her rescue.  He handed her a towel and had dry clothes for her to put on and a blanket to wrap around her.  He checked her scrapes and bruises, removed the bloodied bandage from her left leg, cleaned and re-bandaged those cuts and even handed her something hot to drink.  Tea.  Weak and sweet, but importantly hot enough to warm her hands as she held the cardboard cup, and spread warmth through her with every sip.
On the other side of the medical bay Virgil was busy assessing the condition of the man who had fallen some 15 meters down a ragged cliff face.  Alan had assumed piloting duties, freeing Virgil to do what he could for the man, assisted by Gordon.  There was a great deal of frowning and mumbled phrases that might have been curses between instructions and medical jargon.
“Scott,” Virgil turned to address the commander, “we need to get him to hospital now!  I’ve stabilised him as much as I can, but he needs much more than I can provide here.”
Before Scott could answer a flickering of holographic blue light burst forth from Scott’s forearm.
“I have a probable location for your missing people,” John informed them.  As he spoke a map of the area appeared in hologram form.  Three little red dots seemed to indicate life signs.  “They appear to be well inside the cave system, quite deep beneath the surface and not making much progress.  I’m trying to map the caves and tunnels as best I can, but there are difficulties.  Thunderbird 4 has the best chance of being able to reach them, but you’ll need to head downstream of your current location to launch.”
John showed them the location they’d need to head to in order to deploy Thunderbird 4, some 4km downstream where the canyon was wide enough to lower the module.  He also showed them the location of a doline located upstream of the position of the three life signs where an explorer POD could gain access to the caves.
“The water level in the caves is rising quickly,” John said, reappearing where the map had just been displayed, “and I have detected some rockslides in the vicinity.  These people may not have much time.”
“FAB, John.”  Scott looked across at Virgil and Gordon, formulating a plan of action as he spoke, and checking that the comm channel to Alan was open.  “Alan, take us downstream for module deployment, Gordon you’re heading out in Four.”
“FAB,” the two youngsters replied as one, Gordon rushing out to prepare for launch.
“Virgil, can we safely transfer your patient to Thunderbird One so I can get him to hospital?  You’ll need to head to the doline and drop off Alan in the POD then stand by to assist with the rescue when we find our three cavers.”
“We should be able to make the transfer at the location where we drop the module to launch Thunderbird 4.”  Virgil’s reply was delivered with a frown as he mentally calculated risks and logistical practicalities.  “I’ll have to transfer some equipment with him or he’ll never make it, even taking One’s speed into account.  I’d prefer it if I could go with him, but under the circumstances, we have little choice.”
The two men exchanged a look of determined resignation and a nod.  Virgil’s eyes flicked across to Jasmine and back to Scott, a silent question.
“Jasmine,” Scott said softly as he returned to her side, “I’m going to take you to the hospital with me in Thunderbird One …”
“No, please!” she pleaded.  “Let me stay here.  I need to know what’s happening.  I want to be here when you find Jade.  Please!”
There was another silent conversation between the two men, seemingly conducted purely through eye contact and the smallest shrug from the shorter one with the green sash.  It was that one who answered, addressing her for the first time.
“Okay,” Virgil said.  “You can stay here, but I need you to tell me straight away if you’re not feeling well.”  She nodded emphatically.  He went on, listing symptoms she was to notify him of if she felt even a little.  His deep baritone voice was soothing and his warm brown eyes held so much concern she almost wanted to reach out and hug him.
The next few minutes were a blur of activity around Jasmine.  The aircraft she was in – Thunderbird 2 she had to remind herself – was able to land almost straddling the river as it lifted on its landing struts to let Thunderbird Four launch from the module.  The man on the stretcher was taken away, presumably so he could be securely loaded into Thunderbird One along with some complicated looking medical equipment the man with the green sash and gentle brown eyes removed from the medbay.  Minutes later she heard the rumbling of Thunderbird One’s explosive take off, and soon after that Thunderbird Two lowered back down around her module and made her own take off, with the green-sashed man at the helm.  The smaller man with the red sash rushed past her on his way to prepare the machine she’d heard them call a POD.
After a very short flight Jasmine felt as much as heard the changes in the ship’s engines as Thunderbird Two descended slightly, hovered for a moment, circled and landed.  Once again the ship rose up on its legs to allow a vehicle to exit the container they called a module, then settled back down into her natural turtle shape.  By the time all the mechanical clunking and whirring of pieces moving into place had ceased, leaving a few clicks of cooling, contracting metal and the dulled sounds of rain against the hull, the green-sashed pilot was approaching her.
“Hey, Jasmine,” he said softly as he took a seat beside her.  “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” she answered a little more emphatically than she perhaps really felt.  Those kind, gentle eyes were pinned on her and she was compelled to say more.  “A little shaky maybe.  Mostly I’m just really worried about Jade.  It’s so dangerous to be in those caves with the rain like this.  Jade knows that, but the men who dragged her in there …”  Words failed her and she took in a ragged breath.
“Who are they?”  Virgil prompted.  “You told Scott they forced your friend to go back into the caves, why would they do that?”
“I don’t know.  I don’t know who they are, and I’m not sure what they want but I guess it must have something to do with Patterson’s Treasure.”
“Patterson’s Treasure?”  The raised eyebrow gave him an expression of curious puzzlement, and Jasmine was reminded of the fact that not everyone in the world was as obsessed by treasure hunting as she and Jade were.
“A few years ago this rich guy named Manfred Patterson decided he wanted to give away a chunk of his fortune,” she explained.  “He was really into old pirate treasure stories and stuff, so he created this elaborate treasure hunt, promising that whoever could find and solve all the clues he’d hidden in some of his favourite places all over the world would be led to a mysterious hidden treasure worth a quarter of his net worth.”
“Oh, yeah.  I remember hearing something about that.  He released a set of navigational coordinates for the first clue and there was practically a stampede of nu- uh, people trying to find whatever he’d hidden there.”
“Nutcases.  You were going to say nutcases.”  She caught his guilty expression, and a hint of apology in the way he leaned his head sideways and shrugged.  She laughed.  “It’s okay.  I would have used stronger language.  A lot of them thought he’d hidden the treasure there rather than just a clue.  When they found out the coordinates led to a hidden data hotspot that revealed a cryptic clue a lot of those idiots gave up.  There is still a small but dedicated community of treasure hunters like me and Jade who have kept searching, but most of the money hungry get-rich-quick types lost interest a long time ago.  Seven clues have been discovered so far, but Jade and I are the only ones to have found the seventh.”
“How do you know that?”
“Patterson created a kind of online scoreboard.  Every time a clue is found for the first time its coordinates appear on the scoreboard.  When the hotspot at each location is activated it triggers a counter next to each clue’s location.  Clue seven’s counter still reads 1, so Jade and I are the only ones who have activated it.  You have to find the actual hotspot to access the clue though, those don’t appear on the website.  So If these men are after us because of the treasure hunt I don’t know how they knew to look here.”
Just then some kind of alarm pinged from Virgil’s comm.  He excused himself and moved back over to the ship’s cockpit to activate the holocomm there.  Jasmine could see the glow of the holographic light, but not the details of what was displayed there.
“I’ve detected vehicle activity not far from your location,” John reported, his eyes constantly darting and flicking between the numerous sources of information he was monitoring.  “Park rangers have reported that they don’t have anyone currently in the vicinity, and local search and rescue have recalled all vehicles due to the weather.”
“Could it be related to these mystery men who kidnapped Jasmine’s friend?” Virgil asked.
“That would be my guess.  The vehicle appears to have very similar markings to the ones Scott saw at the campsite.  Eos has already identified the markings on those vehicles and uncovered the company that manufactured them, and Kayo is on the way.”
“That’s my name,” the woman in question joined the conversation.  “Scott filled me in on the kidnapping and the fact that guns had been mentioned.  Neither of us like the implications of that, so I figured I’d be more use in the danger zone than sitting at home.  Does your victim have any information about what these guys are after?”
“Jasmine thinks it has something to do with Patterson’s Treasure,” Virgil replied.  “She and her friend Jade were here looking for the next clue.”
“A treasure hunt?”  Kayo sounded incredulous.  “What exactly is this treasure that makes it worth risking lives to go searching in caves?”
“That’s just it,” Virgil explained, “Jasmine says they were looking for another clue, not the treasure itself.  The odd thing is that no one else has the previous clue, so if the next clue is here its location hasn’t been revealed yet.”
An ominous rumble shook through the hull of Thunderbird 2 at the same instant warning signals started blaring at John, and both Alan and Gordon’s voices could be heard exclaiming in alarm over the comm.
“John?!” Alan’s voice was edged with panic.  “I suddenly have a lot of water and a bunch of rocks coming down in front of me!”
“We’ve got cave-ins down here!” Gordon shouted at the same time.
A view of the map John had been monitoring appeared in front of Virgil, highlighting the positions of Alan in the pod, Gordon in Thunderbird 4 and the three biosigns they were trying to reach.  Gordon was deepest in the layers of tunnels and caverns, but not far from the location of the three.  Alan was in a cave that ran closer to the surface and approaching a position that would be directly above them.  Thanks to the combined sensor information from Thunderbirds Four and Five the map now provided a fairly accurate and detailed picture of the labyrinthine subterranean landscape.
“Alan!  Are you clear of the rockslide?” John called out.
“Yeah, yeah.  I’m good, but that was close!” came the breathless reply.  “I’m gonna have to shift some of this stuff to get through though.  Gordon, what’s going on down there?”
“I’m fine Alan, but it looks like one of the side tunnels near here just collapsed.  John, tell me how much more use I can be down here.  This river’s getting to be a pretty tight squeeze.  I’ll need to leave Four here and continue on foot soon.  But I’d rather not do that if we’re gonna get more collapses like that one.” 
“We have a fairly detailed map of the tunnels and caves now,” John confirmed.  “Head back out to the canyon river, I’ll manage the rest of the topographical scanning without the additional information from Four’s scanners.  Get to safety, Gordon.”
“FAB.  You don’t have to tell me twice!”
“John?” Virgil interjected, needing to get John’s attention.  His voice was quiet but had an edge to it. His eyes were darting over the instrument panel checking readings from various sensors and visual feeds from outside his ‘bird.  “How close can I get to Alan’s location in Thunderbird Two, and where is that vehicle you mentioned earlier?”
“What’s on your mind, Virgil?”  John was also eyeing his various sources of information, looking for their mystery vehicle and wondering where his engineer brother’s concern was coming from.
“Sinkholes, unstable ground … and explosives.”  As if in answer to Virgil’s statement there was another rumbling tremor in the earth. He turned and looked straight at Jasmine, who had crept closer to see what was going on.  “You better come over here and strap in.  We’re taking off.”
Jasmine limped over to the nearest seat, just behind her pilot, sat and secured the restraint. 
“John?”  This time Virgil’s tone, low and almost menacing was a demand for information.
“I’m sending you coordinates.  Looks like you’re right about the sinkhole, and it’s close to the last known location of the mystery vehicle.  Alan’s position is slightly east of there and around 18 meters below the surface.”
Jasmine found herself rapidly overwhelmed by information coming in different voices and holographic images as Thunderbird Two roared into life around her and took to the air.  Female voices talked about custom modifications to vehicles which somehow meant they now knew the company the men that had Jade worked for.  The voice she associated with Thunderbird Five said something about a vehicle descending into the caves through the sinkhole.  Another voice – she thought it might have been the red-sash man – was reporting a cave collapse where it seemed the floor had dropped away a short distance in front of him, but the roof above him seemed unmoved this time.  There was a low throaty noise from the pilot in front of her, like a growl.
“They’re blasting their way out,” Virgil grumbled.  “Don’t they know how dangerous that is in these conditions?”
Jasmine’s heart leapt into her throat.  She knew how dangerous explosives in the caves would be right now, and Jade was down there with these idiots who had no idea what kind of problems they might create.
“Jade!” she gasped, barely realising she’d spoken aloud.  That earned her a concerned glance over the shoulder from the green-sashed pilot, but his attention was quickly torn away.
“Whoa!  What was that?  Did I just see a …”
“I saw it too Alan, and yes that was a small airborne vehicle that just shot out of the sinkhole.”
“I’m on it, Virgil!”
As the female voice spoke Jasmine could have sworn she saw something black streak across the sky in front of them, and heard the loud, close-by swoosh of jet engines.
“The GDF has been notified and are on their way, Kayo.”  John’s voice was calm amidst the chaotic flurry. 
“Hey, guys?  I’ve reached the edge of the hole in the floor here,” Alan reported.  “It’s a long way down to the bottom of that pit and the sides are still pretty unstable.”
“I’m still reading one biosign down there,” said John.  “Do you have a visual?”
“I’m doing my best, but it’s too far and too dark down there for me to see much.  What I wouldn’t give for one of Thunderbird One’s drones right now,” Alan lamented.
“I might be able to grant your wish little brother!”
Suddenly Thunderbird One was zooming in to hover close by Thunderbird Two, somewhere above the sinkhole that led down to Alan’s current depth below the surface. 
“Nice to have you back with us Thunderbird One.”  The pilot of Thunderbird Two seemed relieved to have the commander back at the scene.  Even from behind him Jasmine could not fail to notice his smile at the new arrival.
It seemed that in no time at all a drone had been launched into the hole, and the view from its camera was being projected in the cockpit of Thunderbird Two (and, Jasmine presumed, also in the vehicles the other International Rescue operatives currently occupied).  It was difficult for Jasmine to make out exactly what she was seeing at first.  The drone seemed to descend so quickly into the darkness of the cave tunnels.  She caught a glimpse of the yellow pod vehicle as the drone approached the pit it sat beside, then the drone was once again descending.  As the young man had said, it was quite a long descent.  The drone’s lights illuminated streaks of mud running down the slick, shiny rockface, and the occasional tumble of small stones dislodged by the dribbling water.  Then the lights hit the bottom of the pit.
Jasmine gasped.  There amid a jumble of rocks and dirt appeared an outstretched arm, a shoulder partially covered by a tangle of dark red curls emerging from beneath the back of a blue helmet, and a scratched and dirty leg that led to a sturdy hiking boot clad foot.
“It’s Jade,” Jasmine cried in sheer relief.  “Look, you can see the tattoo!”
Sure enough, there on the wrist of the extended left arm was a tattoo of an elaborate key attached to a chain.  Jasmine held out her own right wrist to show Virgil a tattoo that appeared to be a continuation of the same chain attached to an equally elaborate treasure chest.
“I’m going down there,” Virgil stated emphatically.  “Alan, I’ll come down to you via cable from Two.  Scott, can you come stay with Jasmine?  I’ll slave One’s controls so you can keep them both in the air from here.”
“You gunning for command, Virgil?” Scott asked with a laugh.  “I’m on my way over.  You have control of Thunderbird One.”
Once again Jasmine was struck by how fast International Rescue did things.  No sooner had decisions been made than things were set in motion.  A hatch above her was opened and the man with the blue eyes and dimples flew in by jetpack.  The green-sashed pilot with the gentle brown eyes vacated his seat and ran off past her, while the other man took his seat at the controls of Thunderbird Two.  It seemed like only seconds later she was watching vision of the man they called Virgil, who seemed to be attached to some kind of contraption that gave him mechanical arms, lowering into the hole below them on a cable which swung slightly in the wind and rain.
It was not long before he reached the pod vehicle and climbed aboard.  She listened along with the IR commander as the man in the mechanical suit gave navigational instruction to the pod driver.  Their progress was cautious, and there were some anxious moments as they descended deep into the earth. 
When they reached the bottom Jasmine waited with bated breath as they approached her unresponsive friend, and cried with relief when Virgil reported that she was alive.  He said they would have to be extremely careful digging her out, that her injuries were many, and some serious, but none life-threatening.
“She’s gonna be okay.”
Jasmine hadn’t noticed the commander of International Rescue muting the comm and coming to kneel in front of her.  She had jumped when he spoke.  He took hold of her hand and looked up at her with so much reassurance contained within the sparkling blue eyes and the soft smile.  She nodded and tried to smile back as tears trickled down her cheek.
“She has to be,” Jasmine choked out past the lump in her throat.  “I couldn’t … I don’t know what I’d do without her.  She’s my best friend, my closest – I mean closer than family.  She means – I mean, she’s my everything.  If I lost her …”
“You would feel lost,” Scott finished for her.  “I know that feeling.”
While Virgil and Alan worked at freeing Jade without causing more rock and rubble to fall around them, Scott kept Jasmine talking.  He was able to keep an eye on vital information about Jade’s condition and the progress of the rescue, as well as the occasional update from Kayo and John while he kept her distracted. 
Jasmine mostly spoke about Jade, detailing how they had met as young girls whose families shared an interest in geocaching.  The fun of following a geographical clue to find a little hidden gem had sparked something in each of them that they had never lost.  As they got older the two girls began creating little treasure hunts for each other, complete with clues and sometimes maps.  Then they had begun fostering each other’s love of outdoor adventure and exploration by learning about real treasures they might be able to hunt for, and setting out to track some down.  Patterson’s Treasure Hunt had come along at the perfect time for them, and they were determined to find and solve every clue, even if they weren’t the first to find the treasure.  It was enough for them both just to share the adventure of the hunt.
With a little prompting from Scott she explained the matching tattoos.
“We both always felt there was a bond between us, even when we lived far apart.  Right from when we were ten years old, anytime we were together we’d end up holding hands.  It was almost always my right hand and her left, like we were tied together.  When we finished high school we both took a year off to travel (and look for treasure) together before we would go our separate ways again for college.  Towards the end of that year together we decided to get the tattoos as a physical reminder that no matter how far apart we might be we are always tied together.  She’s the key to all the things I treasure, and she says I’m the most valuable treasure she ever found.”
A beeping sounded from Scott’s wrist and he unmuted his comm.
“We have the patient stabilised for transport and we’re on our way up,” Virgil reported. 
“Fantastic news, Virgil,” John chimed in from a new hologram popping into Scott and Jasmine’s view.  “Kayo has handed over the two men who kidnapped Jade, and the pilot of their rescue vehicle to the GDF.”
“I can’t take all the credit,” Kayo interjected.  “I had some, shall we say, creative help from Thunderbird Four!”
There was a giggle over the comm.  “You’re welcome, Kayo!”
“Do I wanna know?” Scott asked.
“Probably not,” Gordon replied.  “Now, can someone hurry up and give me a ride home?”
“Give me a few minutes and I’ll see what I can do,” Kayo responded.  “After all, one good turn deserves another.  You don’t mind being suspended beneath Thunderbird Shadow the whole way home do you?”
“Uh, no?  Not what I had in mind, but I’ll take it.”
“By the way, if you’re still wondering what these guys were doing in the caves, you’ll never believe it.  They’re not treasure hunters at all – they’re smugglers.  They were sent to collect a stash of goods that had been hidden in the caves.  They had a grid reference and a hand-drawn map, but once they got close they realised they needed a guide to get them through the caves,” Kayo explained.
“So they kidnapped Jade to act as their guide,” Scott surmised.
“And threatened to hurt Jasmine if she didn’t cooperate,” Gordon added.  “The victim you took to hospital earlier was meant to hold Jasmine hostage to make sure Jade stayed compliant.  The GDF have placed a guard at the hospital.  He’ll be arrested too, as soon as he’s well enough.”
“Great work you two.”
Soon after that the call came through to say the explorer POD had emerged out of the pit.  In some way that Jasmine didn’t understand Virgil took back control of Thunderbird Two, remote piloting from the where he was at the bottom of the sinkhole.  He expertly manoeuvred the big green plane into position above the sinkhole and launched a grapple claw to lift the POD vehicle out of the ground and back into the module.
Jasmine was up out of her seat as soon as the POD was secured aboard Thunderbird Two.  She watched the three men from International Rescue settle Jade into a drop-down bed in the medical bay.  Once she was securely strapped in for transport Jasmine watched the commander of International Rescue leave via the overhead hatch, firing up his jetpack to return to Thunderbird One, while the young man with the red sash took over piloting Thunderbird Two.
Virgil beckoned Jasmine over to a seat next to Jade’s bed, and Jasmine gratefully took it, strapped herself in and tentatively reached out to take Jade’s hand in hers.  Virgil smiled at her, briefly diverting his attention from monitoring scanner readings and administering IV fluids.
“I know it looks bad, but she’s gonna be okay,” he reassured her.
Jasmine’s eyes filled with tears.  “Thank you,” she said.  “For saving her.  For saving me.  Everything.”
She knew that without International Rescue, without these amazing men and women who had answered her call for help, she might have lost the greatest treasure she had ever found.
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
What's the most embarrassing thing each of the Bucci gang has done/has had happen to them?
Ok I took WAY too long on this but I loved this question so much and it was so fun coming up with these. Special thanks to my girl @jjadegreen for helping me!!
**This isn’t NSFW but I’d say its teen and up just because of some of the stuff talked about hehe**
-Pre-canon Mista was a bit sick one night so Bruno made him stay home while they all went on this one mission
-So naturally he’s like “HELL YEAH HOME ALONE”
-Bruno forgets his wallet and had to come back a little while later to get it and walks in on him wearing the following:
One of Abbacchio’s signature goth dress robe thing
Like 12 of Bruno’s barrettes all sticking to the top of his head
Fugo’s tie
Narancia’s bandana
All while BLASTING K-Pop at full volume in the living room. And our man is INTO IT. This isn’t just some radio coincidence shit, he was SCREAMING the lyrics. He owns the CDs.
-Bucciarati LOSES IT. Mista has never been so mortified in his life and Bruno has never laughed so hard in his life.
-He promises not to tell the rest of the gang but tells him it’s officially blackmail material
-They never speak of it again but at Christmas Mista opens Bruno’s gift and it's a brand new K-pop CD and everyone thinks its just a gag gift but like
-He definitely listens to it later alone in his room
Bruno Bucciarati does not get drunk for two main reasons:
He blacks out every time
He’s an absolute lightweight
-The last time Bruno got absolutely piss drunk, he was with Abbacchio and it wasn’t even funny. It was just surreal because Bucciarati never lets himself go to such an extent
-For whatever reason Bruno is like “hey I never drink we should go to the bar or something” after a successful mission
-Even though the legal age of drinking is technically 16 in Italy they leave “the kids” home to watch mean girls or some shit
-Mista tags along too because he’s worried Bruno will get drunk and spill about the unfortunate “K-pop incident”
-My man Bruno drank like two beers and was immediately GONE like he got up and got lost in the bar after way too many drinks and ran into a drag Queen with Abbacchio’s hair
-Said drag queen became Bruno Bucciarati’s new drinking buddy
-He stumbles over to the karaoke contest and gets onstage and grabs the shitty bar mic and screams “THIS GOES OUT TO LEONE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MWUA TWO YEARS HONEY~” and Mista is just like 👁👄👁
-Because uhhh they have literally been together for two years but everyone in the gang just thinks its a weird on/off thing because they never talk about it
-He sings dancing queen because its by ABBA and both Leone and Mista are fucking screaming with laughter and Abbacchio is filming the entire goddamn thing
-He buys the entire bar drinks they all love him so much
-Afterwards Leone tries to get them home so he leaves them outside while he takes a piss and when he walks back out THEY ARE GONE.
-Mista thought it would be a perfect time for them to get tattoos because his fucking capo is drunk off his ass and there is no better time
-Mista gets these two giant smoking guns on his back and his ass is in SO MUCH PAIN afterward that he leaves Bruno alone while he’s picking out his tattoo to get ice cream
-When he comes back Bruno has a tattoo ON HIS LEFT FOOT THAT SAYS “Never don’t give up.” The tattoo people tried to correct him but he insisted
-Abba finds them and is just like “jesus god” and takes them all to a hotel because there is no way in hell he’s taking them back home like this
-The next morning Bruno remembers absolutely NOTHING and as the gang admires Mista’s giant tattoo they ask if Bruno got one too and he’s like “god no I’m not that irresponsible”
-As soon as they’re alone Abba’s like “you got one on the bottom of your foot” and you can just see the moment Bucciarati’s soul leaves his body
-Ok so if y’all didn’t know Fugo literally canonically wears a thong
-This isn’t sexualizing him (also I am indeed a minor don’t harass me) it's just a fact of life. You do you Fugo.
-So he sneaks out of the house once in a while and goes shopping for them cause our man’s gotta live, you know?
-He pops in the underwear store one day and you wanna know who he fucking passes by in the lingerie section?
-Bruno fucking Bucciarati.
-Which isn’t exactly a surprise considering he’s wearing visible lingerie in his tiddy window outfit but like
-That’s like running into your dad at femboy hooters
-Much to his dismay, the man spots him immediately and there’s just this...awkward silence as Fugo is holding this shopping basket of underwear and Bruno is holding the raunchiest piece of clothing he’s ever seen in his life
-They never talk about it again. Fugo finds a different store.
-The most mortifying moment Abbacchio can live to remember is the first time he told Bucciarati that he loved him
-Pre-canon, our man is NOT having a vibing time
-He gets absolutely wasted with while Bruno’s at his apartment
-He’s the most miserable drunk, so he’s just fucking sobbing and Bucci is sitting there trying to console him and Abbacchio just looks up at him with tears streaking down his face and says “I’m in love with you” and the look on Bruno’s face just makes him feel even more miserable
-The entire night he keeps blubbering about how much he loves him and how much he means to him and how beautiful he is and the entire time Bruno is doing that thing where he tries to cover his face with his hand because our man is mega FLUSTERED up in here
-When he wakes up he remembers EVERYTHING and he wished he didn’t because then maybe he would be able to say that he didn’t mean it
-Bruno is surprisingly just like “Did you really mean it?” and he can’t lie so he just tells the truth and he’s just nonchalantly like “me too”
-Bruno thinks it’ll be a nice wedding story and Abbacchio no longer wants to live on this planet
-Mista and Narancia are vibing in the living room one night and Nara tells Mista to grab his gameboy from upstairs
-He says its under his pillow (or else Bruno will take it away every night hehe)
-But you wanna know what else is under Narancia’s pillow? His Diary. No, it’s not a journal or just a blank book, Mista finds a book titled DIARY.
-And the shit in there is priceless.
“Bucciarati is sooo cool. I tried cutting my hair like his, but it didn’t really work. I think I gotta wear this hat for the next couple weeks. Shit. Fuck. If someone takes it off, I’m so fucked.”
“I clogged up the toilet yesterday and was too scared to tell Abba, so I just flushed it again but then the water wouldn’t stop flooding everywhere so I used Aerosmith to explode the toilet and told Abba that it was a stand attack. He believed me. If ANYONE ever finds out, I’m dead.”
“HOLY SHIT. I swallowed a tide pod yesterday and freaked out so I made Giorno turn it into a grape in my stomach with his stand. I almost DIED. But I didn’t so I’m over it. If Giorno ever tells anyone, I’ll kill him.”
-Narancia realizes about ten minutes after Mista left that HOLY SHIT HIS DIARY
-he finds Mista three quarters way through it and gives him $50 not to tell anyone about it.
-The shame never leaves, though
-Jade gave me a cute headcanon that Trish’s mom was still only teaching her how to properly put on makeup before she died (it's not like there was youtube or anything to teach her either) so our girl Trish only knows the basics
-She puts on lip gloss and blush and mascara and stuff but she’s never even TOUCHED eyeliner and rarely puts on eyeshadow. She doesn’t even wear concealer most of the time (she honestly doesn’t even need to, her skin is baby soft smooth)
-So long story short she kind of misses her mom and remembers how her mom was going to teach her a smokey eye before she died and is determined to teach it to herself now
-So she pulls a little heist and snatches some of Abbacchio’s makeup while they’re all out doing stuff
-She was not prepared for how heavy this shit was. She was used to the lighter, more natural stuff but Abba’s makeup is EXTREME.
-All of his stuff is waterproof so it doesn’t wash off while he’s crying at 3am and it’s just this—dark, heavy stuff.
-She actually hasn’t used a thick, real tube of lipstick before, only those little gloss tubes with the stick because she has smaller lips so when she crouches over with a small makeup mirror in fear of anyone somehow walking in on her and smears Abbacchio’s thick, dark purple lipstick on her lips, she knew she was absolutely fucked. She has no idea how to do this shit, especially not with dark, heavy goth makeup
-The smokey eye does not work. It’s just smeared eyeshadow EVERYWHERE, it looks like she has two giant, awful, black eyes and her first attempt at eyeliner was just—unspeakably horrible
-She has no idea where to start so she just puts on way too much of absolutely everything and immediately regrets it the moment she looks at herself in the bathroom mirror
-Abba comes home early and immediately realizes that some of his makeup is gone and he knows it has to be Trish
-He walks upstairs to confront her but just hears loud, ugly sobbing coming from her room and bursts in only to find her desperately trying to wipe off layers of caked-on water-proof makeup and absolutely failing
-The two of them spend all night taking it off all while Trish is still crying teary apologies to him
-To add in some wholesome Dadbacchio, he teaches her how to properly put everything on the next day <3
-Some people forget that as a 15 year old, Giorno sometimes has absolutely no impulse control
-So when Polnareff tells him that he’s the spitting image of his evil, murderous, vampire dad he’s immediately like “haha well I’m gonna go dye my hair now”
-Everyone had something to do that day/night so Giorno waltzes over to the nearest drug store and grabs one of those at-home dying kits (he got dark green cause he thought it would look cool with his new outfit)
-He gets home and has absolutely no idea what he’s doing so he just thinks it’ll work out somehow
-Soooo yeah he does NOT put it in properly at all, he just kind of takes the shit and slathers it all over his hair and doesn’t do his roots and doesn’t put it up and leaves it dripping down his back and stuff and his stupid ass FALLS ASLEEP with the hair dye in
-He wakes up and the sheets are this really awful light green colour but he doesn’t pay any mind to it
-He looks in the mirror and from the front it actually looks good and he gets all excited and decides to wash it out
-When he gets out of the shower it’s this awful disgusting light light ugly green and he almost cries. Almost.
-It looks like someone dunked him in that Nickelodeon slime and he looks at the package and it says the dye will stay in for at least 3 weeks and there aRE TEARY EYES
-He spends the next hour in the shower trying to wash it out. It does not wash out.
-Utterly defeated with his hair matted and donuts practically falling apart, he stumbles over to his room and tries to wash the sheets covered in slime-coloured hair dye which *surprise!!!* doesn’t wash out either!
-He must dispose of the evidence, but of COURSE they’re out of garbage bags so he shoves all the dye kit stuff and the sheets into a mafia body bag and chucks it by the garbage can outside without a single thought
-Which he SHOULD have had a single thought about it, because when they get home and Narancia spots the body bag he’s like “holy shit guys I think Giorno killed someone while we were out”
-So they all panically pop into the house and cautiously try to find Giorno. Fugo finally finds him pacing around his room in the dark and when he flicks on the lights HO-LY SHIT.
-Fugo obviously bursts out into laughter and Bruno books it up the stairs and also starts cackling and Narancia is like “OH MY GOD YOU KILLED SOMEONE LOOKING LIKE THAT?!” and Giorno has to explain to them that the body bag is filled with stained bedsheets (much to his embarrassment)
-Abbacchio takes so many pictures and Giorno is having a nervous breakdown because he cannot live with his hair looking like this
-Bruno makes Abba fix it the next morning and he loves every second of Giorno’s mortification
-The pictures Abbacchio took of that night are framed next to the pictures of Bruno’s wasted karaoke night in his room
Thank you for the ask, anon!! I’m absolutely exhausted now haha so I’ll scroll through the rest of the asks when I wake up!!
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skellebonez · 3 years
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks: Chapter 6
AO3 Link!
Chapter 1 Link!, Chapter 2 Link!, Chapter 3 Link!, Chapter 4 Link!, Chapter 5 Link!
Summary: Revelations. History. Collision.
Warnings: Descriptions canonical violence in Journey To The West, smoking and drug use on others.
Author’s note: So... this was supposed to be up on Saturday last week... I thought I had posted it, but due to issues offline I had completely forgotten. But I went over this chapter, edited it, and moved some things from it into the next chapter for a better flow and therefore it is a smidgen short! (No special spoilers here.)
Chapter 6: Knew you weren’t human but who’d guess?
“Jin! Jin, what’s happening!?” MK yelled, watching as the Gold Demon in the form of his mentor fell to his knees and screamed. His entire form glitched and rippled as the world around them shook and shook and shook so hard that they could barely keep on their feet. The world rippled around them, wisps of pieces of the ground and building glitching in front and between them blocking their vision. “JIN!”
The demon didn’t reply, the longer he screamed the more none of the trio was even certain that he could, curling into himself and bending at the waist so much that his forehead dug into the ground beneath him. And suddenly the shaking was gone while the pained screaming remained.
“What is happening!?” Mei whirled around in the hopes of seeing anything that could give them a hint as to what was happening. “W-what the hell?”
No one was reacting. Every single fake person in the Calabash city just kept on going about their day as if the visage of the Monkey King doubled over and screaming in agony wasn’t in front of them at all.
“Oh please,” a voice rang out from all around them. “Did you think I wouldn’t catch on? No cheating allowed in my little game you four.”
The trio looked at each other with wide eyes. They didn’t recognize this voice at all. It was feminine, that was much was certain, smooth and calm like nothing was happening at all and it was spoken as if through the opening to a vast cave that made it vibrate the very air surrounding them.
“What did you do to Jin!?” MK yelled back, kneeling down to put a hand on his back. Jin’s screams had begun to die down and now he was shaking violently, though whether it was because whatever had caused him to start screaming had stopped or if it was because he physically could not anymore.
“Just a little incentive for him to cooperate while I do a little something something,” the voice rang out again, a high pitched and haughty chuckle following soon after. “It’s amazing what these two little buffoons have managed to create while being sooooo bad at figuring out how to actually use it. Almost as clever as growing little kits.”
“Kits?” Red Son muttered, looking to the sky and narrowing his gaze.
“Shit...” Jin suddenly groaned out, not getting up from his place on the ground. “What did you do to me?” He tried to turn his head but didn’t seem to have the energy to do so and the sight of this happening with Sun Wukong’s face made MK feel sick to his stomach.
“Incentive, I said,” The voice sounded exasperated now, a low drawn out groan sounding out. “You should be very familiar with it by now, though this batch is more of the paralyzing variety than the sleeping one so maybe it should be expected for you to not realize what I had blown into your secret little calabash.”
Vapor. The voice was most definitely Vapor, or whoever was hiding behind that moniker. The realization they had had been caught before their plan to escape could even really start sent ice cold shudders down all of their spines.
“How did you even k-”
“You thought I actually left?” Vapor cut Mei off with a tut, and suddenly the world started shaking violently for a few seconds before calming down. “I wouldn’t be dumb enough to turn my back on these two for a second, they may not be the best plotters but they’re not dumb. No no no, I knew they had a little something up their sleeve. That’s why I pretended to leave. Muuuuuuch easier to deal with one of them than both of them, less costly in supplies as well.”
“What did you do to my brother!?” Jin screeched, just barely managing to push himself to his feet with a snarl that dissipated instantly. “Wh-what... did you do to me?”
“You like it?” Vapor giggled this time, still high and haughty. “Why wear the face of Sun Wukong remotely when you can just be him instead? Much easier to keep track of you when you’re all in one place...” The sound of a crunch could be heard, ringing in all their ears as Jin’s face dropped in horror at the realization that it had been the calabash he was originally in. And no longer in. “As for your brother he is taking a much needed nap. He’s veeeery comfy I can assure you, very safe. Safer than you will be.”
“You let us out of here right now you damned fox!” Jin yelled, finding his anger just in time for a whooshing sound and smoke to start billowing from the sky and to surround them. “Aw shit, no! No, cover your mouths!”
The warning came far too let, the smoke seeping into their mouths and eyes before the trio could even attempt to cover them. They coughed and gagged on the sickly sweet and bitter taste on their tongues, eyes burning and tears failing to relieve them.
“F-fox?” Red Son coughed out, trying his best to remain standing and failing miserably as he joined the others in the ground in only a few seconds. “It’s n-not possible, you’re-!”
“Dead?” Vapor’s voice rang out again as a form glitched in front of them, a patchwork tapestry of people before eventually forming a whole person who’s face lit up as Red’s fell into one of horror and recognition. “Awww, you do know me! I was afraid your father had never kept any of my portraits.”
She stepped forward, tall and regal and draped in rich silken robes of old fashion. Hair half up with intricate pins and a jade comb, the tell tale giveaways of a fox spirit showing in her long tail and large ears.
Princess Jade Face knelt down, smile softening even though no kindness shown through it as she cupped Red Son’s face in her hands. “Oh my dear little kit, I am terribly sorry you had to meet your step-mother like this.”
Thunder and lighting surrounded them, electricity and bangs that could shake the ground itself the backdrop to their battle. Princess Jade Face gritted her teeth, growling low in her throat. If she knew this is what would become of her after moving from being the demon Bull King’s concubine to his second wife she would have never taken the chance.
“This altitude ain’t the only thing I got over you!” That damned pig, Zhu Bajie, yelled from the rocky alcove above her with a wickedly proud smirk. He swung his rake, mythical energies emanating from it in a clear warning to stay away. She couldn’t afford to listen to that warning, not if she wanted to keep her position. She’d worked so hard to gain the bull’s favor and she wouldn’t just give it up now.
“Big words traveler, but can you back them up?” Jade Face snarled, allowing her fangs and claws to morph in. Damn this pig for forcing her to reveal herself. Damn that monkey for demanding the fan. Damn the monk, the fish, the dragon-horse! Damn them all!
“Oh I can back them up and than some, show me what you got!” With a yell the pig leapt off the rocks.
“Gladly, your journey ends here with me!” She leapt forward in turn, allowing her herself to fully become her fox-woman form. She grabbed the rake before it made contact with her skull, swinging it and it’s owner to the other side of the field.
“Knew you weren’t human but who’d guess?” The pig sneered, swinging the rake again to show off. “A fox spirit all along. Doesn’t matter what you are though, this rake will rend your soul regardless!”
Oh, rend her soul would it? Not without a fight! Jade Face dropped to all fours, running around Zhu Bajie and cartwheeling once behind him to catch him off guard and kick his legs out from under him.
She lengthened her claws, swinging down to gore at his throat before the blunt end of the rake slammed into her stomach and sent her flying with no air left in her lungs. Barely landing on her feet she just managed to catch the pig lunging at her with nine teeth aimed right at her face, falling back just in time to be missed. She rolled, kicking him in the stomach in retribution and grabbed one of his ears to bite at his neck.
That’s when she felt all nine of those barely missed teeth sink into her back.
She froze, jolting only when they were pulled out and the pig moved to let her fall face down into the dirt.
“Gotta admit,” she heard him say distantly, growing further and further away. He was leaving, no doubt to return to his master and companions. “You ain’t half bad. No match for me, but still not half bad. Maybe if I ever end up in the underworld we could have a rematch.”
Rematch. Rematch, that word spun around in her head as she laid in the dirt. Warm blood seeping from her wounds and painting her back in a deep red. A rematch.
‘He will get much more than a rematch some day,’ Jade Face thought to herself as she finally moved once she was sure he had left, crawling through the field to hide away and lick her wounds. ‘He’ll learn not to leave things unfinished.’
Princess Jade Face leaned back in her chair, hands typing wildly at the keyboard in front of her as she turned the memory over in her head. She watched the chaos unfold on the screens before her, a smile forming on her lips as she finally turned away to empty her smoking pipe to fill it with another concoction of her own making.
Yes. Zhu Bajie would learn not to leave things unfinished.
Zhu Bajie would learn the hard way.
She was sorry for getting Red Son involved, but her husband... well. Not him.
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