gemini-magic17 · 3 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Nine
**One Week Later (Y/n's POV)
I haven't spoken to James since our conversation and he has made no effort to talk to me at all. The same goes for my parents they still keep their distance and I understood in the beginning. However, it's been almost a month how long can they pretend that I don't exist and that I am a disappointment to them. I thought that maybe this celebration or rather a welcome party we have for the Prince of Kilandra. Ever since the attack on Tir Asleen the constant worry the people have had that King Larikson would come back and try to finish what he started struck a fear in everyone. My father and Queen Sorsha have turned to the kingdom of Kilandra seeing as they almost have as many soldiers as Larikson does.
The town square was somewhat turned into this lavish place where decorations were placed all over in Tir Asleen colors. As I walked around the square my eyes landed on Prince Henrik. When I first met him I could hear a hint of arrogance in his voice whenever he talked especially when it came to him and the position he held. It was almost like he believed he was better than everyone else and we were beneath him I mean that is how he acted anyway. The first words I ever spoke to him were regarding how his journey had been and he turned his nose up at me. I never even met him before and apparently, I had disgusted him.
Standing next to Henrik was Kit and from the looks of it she did not seem to be amused by what he had to see. I could see her roll her eyes and take a sip from her cup dreading the conversation they were having. As she turned away from him her eyes landed on me and she gave me a look of exhaustion. This makes sense because just being near him could make someone want to die of boredom and couldn't imagine talking to him for so long it would make you want to hit him. When I say that someone might want to hit him it is not because of the way he drags on and on but it is the way he treats people. Henrik has no regard for other people or their feelings. It is almost as if he is God's gift to the world and we are just here to worship him. I could see Kit getting more and more annoyed by his antics and decided someone should go save her from him. As I made my way over Prince Henrik spotted me in the corner of his eye and he followed with an immediate eye roll when I made my appearance.
"Hello, Prince Henrik how are you doing today", I said and he said nothing just responded with a scoff.
"If you will excuse us I just need to borrow Kit for a moment", I stated and grabbed her hand trying to make an escape.
"Actually Princess Kit and I were right in the middle of a conversation so if you don't mind why don't you make yourself scarce. After all, that is what you are best at, aren't you", he said and I turned to him ready to go off.
"I'm sorry what did you just say to me?"
"You heard me. You ran off leaving your family behind letting them believe something awful had happened to you. What kind of person does that?"
"She had her reasons so why don't you apologize to Y/n otherwise I am going to shove my foot so far up your ass you will be able to taste the leather of my boots", Kit stated getting into Henrik's face.
"I would watch what you say Kit", he said with a smirk.
"And why is that?"
"Because both Tir Asleen and Zemira need my numbers for both of your kingdoms to be safe. So, I would watch it bitch before I got to make an offer to King Larikson instead and take over both of your kingdoms", he said and started to walk away from us. It was then all the rage that was building up inside of me for weeks was ready to blow.
"HEY JACKASS", I shouted which not only got the attention of the Prince but everyone there.
"What did you just call me", he said as he turned to me.
"You heard me I called you a jackass because that is what you are. Who the hell do you think you are coming here, insulting Kit and I? I don't give a fuck who you are and what you say to me but what you said to Kit I won't let stand. I don't care how many soldiers you have or rather your father does. Tir Asleen and Zemira don't need the help of some arrogant, stuck-up, pussy of a sorry excuse of a prince to help defeat Larksion", I exclaimed and the looks that I got were ones of astonishment. I could see my parents and Queen Sorsha approach us. The anger radiating off of them was intense I have never seen my father so angry not even after what I had done.
After he said that I looked all around to see the terror shown on everyone's face including my parents. In that moment I knew that I may have started a war that we could not win and ultimately led to the downfall of Zemira and Tir Asleen. Yet, I was still furious about what he had said and wanted to inflict pain upon him by not only insulting Kit and me but threatening to annihilate both of our kingdoms. Before my father or Queen Sorsha could calm Henrik down a loud roar could be heard in the distance. It was then there was complete silence throughout the square.
"What was that", I heard my father say as everyone looked around for where the sound originated from. I however knew where it came from and what was coming. The sound could be heard closer and closer which is when guards surrounded us for our protection. Kit looked at me wondering what had happened and if I had some how managed to call one of the dragons here. However, I didn't it is almost as if they knew what has happened.
I pushed my way through the guards and tried to figure out if it was Tyrax that was coming closer but as I got closer I realized it was Calyx. Calyx must have followed me here not just Tyrax and almost in a blink of an eye his appearance was clearly made. The sight of him made everyone shake in fear and many shouts could be heard. As I saw Calyx he circled around the town square and landed on the stone structure that stood behind me. He let out a ferocious roar and jumped off the structure only to land beside me.
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This caused everyone to back up in fear yet many couldn't turn their eyes away from the scene in front of them. The looks I was getting from everyone were one of curiosity many of them must have wondered why isn't the the beast attacking her. The death stare Calyx gave those around us especially Henrik could almost kill. When the guards who were previously surrounding us made their way towards us Calyx moved part of his body to shield me from them. Many whisperers could be heard and I could see the expression on my father's face where I could tell he knew what was going on. Well, not entirely just the fact that one of the largest dragons in history thought to be extinct is right in front of him living and breathing.
"Y/n what is the meaning of this", I hear my father ask.
"I believe you know exactly what is going on. After all, you remember telling me that dragons don't exist or rather that they were no longer alive", I stated, and the onlookers were confused about what was going on.
"Get away from that thing before it hurts you or rather kills you", when my father said that Calyx let out a growl in his direction warning him not to interfere.
"I will do no such thing Calyx will not hurt me. However, he may hurt anyone who dares to come near me or rather do me harm", as I looked at Prince Henrik who seemed to be wary of what is going on.
Calyx saw where I was looking and in turn, followed my line of sight. I could see now that he was trained on Henrik and was looking to pounce on him at any moment.
"Sweetheart I am begging you please come here", my mother asked.
"Oh, now I am your sweetheart, am I? For weeks I have been trying to talk to both of you and all I have been getting is the cold shoulder. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel? I thought you both hated me I still do", I exclaimed.
"Of course we don't hate you ", I hear my father state.
"Could have fooled me."
"Please can you just come here?"
"No", I shouted.
"Y/n please-", before my mother could continue a large shadow appeared over her. As I looked up I could see Tyrax make his way down a boulder. With many eyes trained on him, I could see that Henrik was really starting to get scared.
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"How many of those things are there", he shouts.
"First of all they are not things they are dragons and secondly it is best not to provoke them otherwise it might lead to something terrible happening to you", I stated.
"How dare you threaten?
"It wasn't a threat it was a warning. Regarding the so-called alliance between pour two kingdoms, it will not be needed. If you or King Larikson attack us know that you will die an imaginable death", I said and his face went as white as a sheep.
"You can't do that I am a prince!"
"And I am a Princess but yet I do not care especially when it comes to those threatening those I care about. I suggest you leave along with your companions and go back to your father to tell him what will happen if he were to go against us", I stated and Calyx roared in response to my declaration. I could see that Prince Henrik was officially spooked and decided to talk to Queen Sorsha.
"Queen Sorsha surely you won't let this stand", he said.
"Well, Prince Henrik seeing as the princess is married to my daughter and that it is also her kingdom is at stake I would say she has the right to defend her home", she states.
"You can't be serious", he exclaims and turns to my father.
"King Aiden surely you can see reason. The fact your daughter threatens my kingdom and my people is serious which must be dealt with", he said and my father turned to look at me contemplating what to do next.
"My daughter can be ill-tempered and quick to resort to extreme measures", when he said that I knew that he wasn't going to stick up for me.
"However, she gets that from me. Since King Larikson has waged war against us and you now threaten to do so is something none of us can let stand. Also, I distinctly remember my daughter threatening you, not your people. I am giving you one chance to pack your things and leave otherwise I will have no choice but to do the same", he stated and I thought that Henrik was going to piss his pants in that moment.
"You're going to regret this you know that! Kilandra is a proud country and we will not let this go", he screamed and Calyx roared in return.
"We will regret nothing and I can assure you if you are to attack us we will make sure your will pay for it with your life", I said and he walked off to the castle escorted by a number of guards to get his things.
**Kit's POV
I was shocked by everything that just happened. From Henrik talking about waging war against us to Calyx revealing himself to everyone is Tir Asleen. The awkward silence that seemed to consume the town square after Prince Henrik had left was broken by the words of Airk.
"Will you quiet down Airk you are going to spook Calyx and Tyrax", I told him and he gave me an incredulous look.
"Spook them how the hell can I spook them they are fucking dragons!"
"Yes that maybe but I don't think they react too well to someone all of a sudden shouting dumbass."
"Wait a minute is this what you were hiding", he asked.
"What do you mean hiding? Kit", my mother asked.
"I wasn't hiding anything don't be ridiculous", I stated.
"I knew you were covering up something about that day in battle. You lied about how Larikson's army was defeated and now I see why", he said pointing towards Calyx.
"Kit, is this true? Is this how we won the battle", she asked.
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"Don't be ridiculous mother Airk is just paranoid."
"I am not fucking paranoid Kit!"
"Kit tell us the truth is this how we won by Y/n using dragons", King Aiden chimed in.
"No, it is not how-", before I could finish my statement Y/n spoke up.
"Yes, that is how we won. Calyx and I flew to battle when we received news that Tir Asleen was going to be attacked."
"Why wouldn't you tell us this in the first place", my mother asked me.
"I made a promise to Y/n that I wouldn't. Think about what would happen if they knew that dragons were real and that they even existed how well do you think that would have gone over with?"
"Do not blame Kit or any of the others I swore them to secrecy it is my fault not theirs."
"Wait a minute how did you find out about the battle anyway", Y/n's father asked her.
"I received a letter from Willow detailing everything that happened."
"Hold on. Kit, didn't you inform me that you also received a letter from Willow about this", my mother said and I went quiet.
"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me", King Aiden exclaimed.
"You were with my daughter when you found out about this and didn't think to tell any of us!"
"I told her not to say anything. It is not her fault", Y/n stated.
"I didn't want to come back not yet and I made that very clear to her, Boorman, and Amara."
"This is unfucking believable", he shouts.
"Be mad at me all you want after all that is what you have been doing for weeks on end but do not take it out on them", with those words, she turned towards Calyx and started climbing on his back.
"Where do you think you are going", Aiden stated.
"I am going to go see Willow that is where I am going."
"Like hell you are we are not finished talking about this any of it!"
"Maybe you are but I am. I will be back later and we can discuss everything then but for right now I have to go", she said and was about to leave when I stopped her.
"Wait, Y/n", I said and she turned to look at me.
"What is it kit?"
"I wanted to thank you", I said and she looked confused.
"For what?"
"For standing up for me when Henrik bad-mouthed me in front of the entire kingdom."
"Of course, I couldn't sit back and let him disrespect you like that", and her words made me blush. I tried to turn away before she could notice it but I don't think it worked.
"Anyway thank you."
"You are welcome", she said and proceeded to take off in the direction of Willow's home/
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Calyx started to move forward not caring who he knocked down who was in his way. In a matter of seconds, he leaped off the ground, and from the flap of his wings the wind caused by it made the dirt on the ground blow around everyone. As they took off towards the skies Tyrax was not far behind them and the looks of the townspeople were one of amazement and fear.
The threat that Prince Henrik and his kingdom pose to us is grave. Only time will tell what is to happen after the events from today. If Larikson and Henrik were to join forces it would not end well for us but then again we have something they don't.
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gemini-magic17 · 3 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Eight
**Y/n's POV
It's been weeks since I returned to Tir Asleen; all I have gotten is the cold shoulder. Not that I could really blame anyone considering what I did and how I left things. My parents won't speak to me and whenever I try to approach James he just gives me a look of disdain and walks the other way. I now know what they felt when I was missing and what I put them through. The heartbreak they must have gone through must have been horrible and knowing that I caused it especially after I experienced myself I know how wrong I was.
It was midday when I pulled myself out of bed after not wanting to deal with the whisperers and stares from everyone around me. I know I can't just hide in my chambers forever no matter how much I want to. Once I had gotten dressed I made my way to the courtyard but of course, I couldn't go without receiving looks from others. As I passed a corner I saw two older women whispering to each other but not so much where I couldn't hear them.
"How could she do that to everyone", one of the women asked wearing a blue dress with gold accents running across the bodice.
"She obviously doesn't care about anyone but herself otherwise she wouldn't have done it. King Aiden wasn't threatening to execute people if they didn't find her and all this time she ran off without any explanation."
"If I were her parent I would disown her. Can you imagine the pain and fear she must have caused her family? Not knowing where she was letting them think she was in trouble or possibly dead. What an awful daughter I'd say", the woman with curly blonde hair said. My heart sank to my stomach knowing that they were right I am an awful daughter or rather just an awful person.
"Don't you old bitches have something better to do than gossip about? You're talking ill of the princess and that could be considered a crime that warrants execution. If you continue I shall remove both of your heads from your bodies at once", I hear Ser Easton say as he comes up beside me. It was then the two women scurried off in the opposite direction obviously afraid of the wrath that he was going to bestow upon them at any moment.
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"It seems that people have nothing better to do these days", he stated.
"Maybe so but they are not wrong", I said turning my head down to the castle floor.
"Y/n you need to stop doing this to yourself."
"Doing what Ser Easton, huh? Pretend that I didn't run off leaving my family to think I was kidnapped or how I let them believe I could be dead", I exclaimed.
"I know you are just trying to make me feel better but there is no way anyone can stop me from feeling absolutely shitty about what I have done", I stated and walked away.
I moved as fast as I could through the groups of people that resided in the castle just wanting to be alone, away from everyone else. It wasn't until I got to the courtyard that my eyes landed on the blacksmith shop. I walked over to the crowd of people surrounding it and as I approached it it was almost as if they could sense my presence because as soon as they turned their heads they hurried away from Smithery.
"Now what did you do to make everyone take off", I hear the blacksmith say.
"You haven't heard", I asked him truly stunned that he was practically the only person not to hear about what I had done.
"Heard what?"
"About how the Princess of Zemira took off on her wedding day making everyone believe that she was kidnapped in turn leading into an uproar."
"No, I haven't I don't much care for gossip. It in my experience that people don't tell the truth. However, if you did take off on your wedding day it must have been for a good reason right."
"I thought it was", I stated.
"Did they believe it was when you told them", he asked as he hammered a blade and I looked away from him.
"I didn't exactly tell them why", I said and he looked up at me curiously.
""If you had a good reason why didn't you tell them what it was?"
"Because if I did tell them the real reason my father and brother would be more furious than they already are now."
"At you", he asked.
"No, not at me but someone else who let's just say did me wrong."
"I am guessing that person who did you wrong is the one you got married to. After all, that is the day you decided to run", he stated and I slightly chuckled.
"How did you know?"
"Well, who else would cause you to run out on one of the most important days of somebody's life other than the one they were marrying", he said giving a small smile as he put the hammer down and put the blade it a barrel of water.
"I have only told a few people the real reason why I left and all of them I knew. I don't why I just told you all of this though".
"It is easier to tell a stranger your secrets rather than those you are closest to", he said.
"I guess that makes sense. I mean I kept this secret for so long and just telling someone even if it is a random stranger about this whole thing is somewhat of a weight off my shoulders."
"Well, anytime you need to talk to someone I am always hear to listen", he said.
"I might take you up on that", I said and my eyes wandered to the blade he finished working on as he took it out of the water.
"What do you think?"
"What do I think of what", I asked and he raised up the blade in front of me so I could take it.
"It is magnificent", I said when I took it from him. When I did I accidentally cut myself on the tip of it.
"Son of a bitch."
"Oh be careful this blade is especially sharp", he said and handed me a rag to stop the bleeding.
"Aren't they all", I asked applying pressure to the wound.
"Not this one. This dagger is made of Draconian steel", he said and that immediately caught my attention.
"Isn't that steel incredibly hard to come by?"
"It is but last week there was this man by the shipping ports selling it."
"Did he say when he got it?"
"No, but I did buy all of it", he said and showed me the steel that lay next to the kilm.
"How much are you selling those weapons for?"
"Quite a lot", he said.
"I can pay it", I said sounding almost too eager.
"Well, I have only made this one so far."
"I will be happy to buy this one now and come back to purchase any remaining ones you forge later", I said and I could see him contemplating what I had said.
"You know what you can have this one and come back and pay for the ones I finish creating."
"I trust you. After all, you do seem very eager to buy them so come back in a week and they should be ready."
"Thank you", I said and turned to walk away when my eyes made immediate contact with James. I could see the anger all over his face and breaks eye contact with me storming off. Not being able to take any more of the silent treatment I ran after him and decided I was going to make him listen to me whether he liked it or not
**James' POV
As soon as I saw her every word that came out of her mouth the day she arrived back just came flooding back in. I tried to get as far away from Y/n as possible but no matter how far I go she just keeps following me. It wasn't until I stopped in close proximity of the woods that I had enough of this.
"You think me avoiding you would tell you that I have no interest in speaking to you", I said and turned to face her.
"That may be true but it has been weeks you have to talk to me at some point."
"No, actually I don't because after what you did I really don't want to speak to you or even look at you ever again", I stated and tried to go around her but she just moved to stand in front of me.
"Get out of my way."
"No. I have tried to talk to you and explain why I did what I did and all you have done is ignore me! Well you know what it is about time you damn well listen to what I have to say", she exclaimed.
"You wanna talk? Fine talk please explain to me how you could just leave without telling anyone where you were or that you were unharmed. I mean at least of all you could have told me! The person who has always had your back, protected you against those who would wish you harm, and would always defend you! How could you not say anything to me?"
"It is not like I planned any of this it was just spur of the moment."
"After everything we have been through together and what we have done for each other, this is how you decided to do this? How can you be so fucking selfish", I said and that look of sadness that was once on her face was replaced by one of anger.
"You know what James fuck you!"
"I'm sorry what?"
"Yeah said fuck you! I know I was wrong for how I handled this whole situation but god I felt so alone in this place even with the people who I trusted most were here. I would be left to live the rest of my days out with someone in love with their best friend! I couldn't bear it and knowing that I would most likely be unhappy for the rest of my life I needed to be free from that damn marriage. I knew how it would go and what the hell my life would be so for once instead of looking out for everyone else I looked out for myself!"
"So you can be pissed off at me for the rest of my life and never forgive me I don't give a damn. I am done trying to get you to forgive me. It seems that you get holding grudges from our mother", Y/n said and sneered.
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"Forgive don't forgive me I don't care", she said and walked off.
There was no doubt that I was pissed at her but I couldn't hate her not for one second. It was a shitty thing for her to do but knowing the kind of situation she was put in. Especially, since Kit was the one she was marrying I think I can understand why she left. I don't think I will ever understand why she couldn't tell me out of all people.
**Kit's POV
"You ready to get your ass kicked", Airk asked unsheathing his sword.
"Get my ass kicked? Nah I think you have that switched around", I said.
"You sure about that because whenever we train I beat you".
"I don't know if you have brain damage after the last time I knocked you on your ass but you can't beat me, never have been able to before", I laughed putting on my mask guard.
"Care to make a wager", he asks.
"I'm listening."
"Loser goes with mother on her next "diplomatic" journey to one of the many kingdoms ."
"You got to be kidding those things are a month at best", I stated.
"Scared you'll lose", he quirks an eyebrow and puts his mask on.
"Just get ready to pack your bags", I said swinging my sword in his direction leaving him little time to block the attack.
The clash of our swords seemed like it went on for hours as we landed blow after blow on each other. It felt like this would go on forever but it wasn't till Airk made a fatal mistake that cost him the bet. As Airk was trying to trip me he didn't release he was on the edge of a giant rock bed losing his footing. When he tried to balance himself I disarmed him and held the tip of the sword to his chest.
""You lose", I said and laughed.
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"I would have won if I didn't loose balance", he said.
"Maybe but I guess we will never know now will we", I chuckled and stuck out my hand for him to take.
"Uhhh", he said as he got up.
"I can't believe I have to go on one of mother's stupid trips."
"Now you know how I felt all those years when you would find some way out of it and I would have to end up going."
"Do you know when the next one is", he asks.
"How should I know mother would usually spring that stuff on me at the last moment so I couldn't get out of it."
"Oh, great", he says sarcastically.
"So what?"
"How do you feel about Y/n being back", he asks.
"Good. I'm glad she is back", I said.
"Did she ever tell you where she went those past couple of months when she was gone", he said and I hesitated for a moment.
"Um no she didn't."
"Its weird though isn't it? She leaves the day of her wedding and nobody knows where she is. Then a couple of months later she arrives on a boat with Ser Easton after he found her when the whole kingdom was looking."
The one thing I hate about my brother is he is too inquisitive and can't leave well enough alone.
"I guess he was just lucky", I said hoping to put an end to this conversation.
"But how-"
"You know Airk I told Willow I would go see him before it gets dark I'll see you back at the castle later", I said turning away from him and going in the opposite direction.
I wasn't really going to Willow's but I needed some type of excuse to get out of there before he started asking more questions than he already was. This whole thing has turned into a shit show from Y/n's family to the rumors going around about her. This has gotten way out of control and hopefully, this will all die down soon. Otherwise, we are going to be in for some serious problems.
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gemini-magic17 · 4 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Seven
**Arrival at Tir Asleen (Y/n's POV)
After days at sea, we finally docked in Tir Asleen and my nerves worsened. What would my family think or rather say about everything? Would they hate me? Would I ever be able to make up for what I have done to them, everyone? The wrath many experienced by my father was due to me for what I decided to do not thinking of the consequences.
"I can see the gears turning in your head", I hear Ser Easton say as he is taking our luggage off the ship.
"It's not going to be as bad as you think."
"You know you kept telling me that and the more you say the more I don't believe it", I sighed and helped him with the remained of our things.
"You worry too much and have I ever not told you the truth."
"No, I suppose not", I said and he turned to look at me after setting the last of the luggage down on the wooden dock.
"Then trust me when I tell you this. Everything will work itself out. Besides, when have you ever known your family to stay mad with you, especially your father", he said raising his eyebrows.
"You are right he could never stay mad at me for more than a couple of hours yet I know this time will be different."
At the last of those Ser Easton averts his eyes from me to whatever was behind me at the time. I turned around and could see Tir Asleen soldiers approaching. As they got closer the look of determination they had on their face turned to one of shock and relief.
"Princess Y/n, it is really you", one of the men questioned.
"Yes, it is me."
"We are so grateful that you have returned and unharmed. You are unharmed, aren't you?"
"I am perfectly fine", I say and look to Ser Easton.
"What happened to you? Were you taken", another soldier asked.
"I believe it is better for her to talk to her family about what happened over these long weeks", once Ser Easton spoke the men clearly stood down from the commanding voice he used.
"Of course, we shall inform them you are back", he said and told one of his fellow soldiers to hurry to inform them.
"So what happens now", I whispered in the ear of Ser Easton making sure the soldiers did not hear me.
"We wait", he stated and I took a depth breath waiting for the inevitable.
"There is something else though Y/n", he said and I knew where this was going.
"Let me guess, Tyrax and the others."
"Yes, we know that Tyrax is here and the others are more likely close by as well but where are they", he asked.
"Well, if I am right to what I am thinking Tyrax is hiding in the same place where Calyx was the first time I laid eyes on him. That means that the other dragons will most likely follow Tyrax's lead."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I can't be but they did coexist on Dristarya what makes you think they wouldn't here. Plus they are not fond of the outside world which means they are going to stay as far away from people as humanly possible", I said.
**King Aiden's POV (In the castle garden)
"What are we to do my love", I asked.
"It has been weeks since she has been gone and I am losing my mind", he says holding his wife's hand.
"I know sweetheart, I can't stand not knowing where she is if she is hurt or worse, dead", with those words his wife started to cry and he took her in his arms.
"I promise you we will find her even if I have to go to the ends of the earth to do it", just then the doors that lead to the garden are burst open by a soldier out of breath.
"What is it, man? Why all of the shouting", I questioned.
"It's the Princess, she has returned and is safe. Ser Easton and her arrived at the dock only moments ago", and at those words, Raina and I ran as fast as we could to the beach.
My heart rejoiced knowing that my child was back. Back with her family where she belonged, safe. Along with my wife, the soldier was managing to catch up with us, and the look of those throughput the castle was one of curiosity. On our way, we passed Queen Sorsha and heard her shout not stopping to address the question "What is going on?" With all of us still running the soldiers yells to inform her of recent events. In the corner of my eye, I can see the wave of emotions that crosses her face. They went from shocked to happy where she then ran off assuming that she was on her way to inform Kit about Y/n's arrival.
When the three of us made it to the dock I searched everywhere for her not knowing exactly where they had docked. Starting to worry that the soldier made a mistake it wasn't until another one of Tir Asleen's soldiers approached us directing us to where they were. As we followed his lead and stopped right around where the docks began I still didn't see her but it wasn't until I saw a silhouette come from around one of the ships.
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My heart jumped through the roof when I saw her. Y/n looked almost exactly the same when I saw her last well, minus the wedding dress. As she walked towards me I could see Raina run right past me and take her in her arms hugging her tight. As Y/n hugged her back you could see the tears running down her cheeks falling on the cold wet sand.
"Mother, I am ok I promise", she says and pulls away from Raina.
"I missed you so much. What happened to you? Did someone kidnap you", Raina asked and Y/n went silent. It was then Ser Easton spoke up.
"It is better that we talk back at the castle and Y/n can explain to you what happened", he said and I looked at him questioningly. I turned to my daughter and could tell she was hiding something from me as she wouldn't look us in the eye.
"Y/n, can you tell me what happened to you", I asked her taking her hands in mine.
"Ser Easton is right, I think it is better to explain everything that went on at the castle. In private", at her words I could tell something was really off that something happened that she was afraid to discuss out in the open.
"Alright then let's head back", I said and we all made our way to the castle.
**Kit's POV
It was midday when I was cleaning my sword or rather the sword that belonged to my father. Whenever I would use it I would think of him and how he was never coming back. I can barely remember the sound of his voice let alone what he looks like. I let out a big sigh while holding back tears when there was a knock at the door.
"Who is it", I asked and turned to face the door. At that moment the door knob began to turn and the last person I wanted to see was standing before me.
"What the fuckall do you want Airk? I told you to leave me alone."
"Yeah you did but that doesn't mean I am going to listen to you", I rolled my eyes and focused my attention back on cleaning the sword.
"You keep avoiding me or rather the conversation we had days ago", he said.
"Well, yes because I have nothing else to say about it so you should just drop it."
"Well that is not going to happen so you might as well spill", I threw my sword onto my bed and walked right up to him looking him in his eyes.
"You know what Airk, you are right something did happen on that battlefield but you will never find out what", I stated.
"What makes you think that? I could easily go to any of our soldiers who were there that day or Boorman and get them to tell me", he said smugly.
"Oh no you won't because they have been sworn to secrecy by me, Boorman, and Ser Easton."
"That's an easy fix I will just go to our mother or King Aiden and tell them you have just confessed to me about covering up the events that took place", he said and made his way to the door before I stopped him.
"I mean you could but I will just tell them you are lying and I said no such thing which they will believe me on the matter", I stated with a smirk.
"Now why would they do that?"
"Well one, I have sworn statements from the soldiers who will say what they were told along with Boorman and Ser Easton who were on that field. I am sure that Y/n's family would believe their sworn guard who has been with them since Y/n and her brother were kids. Not to mention I was actually there that day fighting alongside them and you weren't so who do you think they are going to believe", and with those words he knew there was nothing he could do. Airk was fuming at that point ready to blow from the fury arising in him and all I could do was smirk as I had won.
As we stared each other down the door has suddenly burst open to reveal my mother and a couple of guards behind her. Airk and I turned to her wondering what the hell was going on as she was all red in the face.
"Mom what's wrong", I had asked her and she approached me taking me in a hug. I didn't know what to make of this action seeing as I wasn't hurt. The only explanation I could come up with is that some else was or they were dead. She slowly pulled away from with a small smile appearing on her face.
"It's Y/n, Kit", when she said that my mind started going miles per minute. Something had happened to her, why else would she be acting like this.
"Did something happen to her? Is she dead", I choked out the last remaining words.
"No, of course not."
"Then what is it", I asked with persistance.
"She is back in Tir Asleen", at that I felt my heart sink into my stomach. It was not from fear but rather disbelief. Y/n said she would never come back here so someone must have been wrong.
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"Are you serious", I questioned and my mother nodded her head.
"Where is she?"
"Her and Ser Easton are docked down at the beach. We can head over-", I ran out of the room before she could finish talking and made a beeline for the beach as fast as I could.
When I did make it there I could see King Aiden and Queen Raina walking my way while Y/n along with Ser Easton were in tow. I locked eyes with her and it is like everything in the world had stopped. I started to walk to her which then turned into a run and hugged her. I didn't want to let her go afraid that she would leave again.
"Your back", I said and grabbed her hands.
"Yeah", she said and gave a slight smile. We held each other's gaze until I heard someone cough.
"We should be getting back. We all have much to discuss", King Aiden says and we both turned to him. I looked back at her and she squeezed my right hand as she let the other one go. Y/n continued to hold my hand as we walked back to the castle and part of me wanted to believe that we could be happy together.
When we did make it to the castle many people were looking at us pretty much shocked at what they were seeing. The stares that we were given were mostly directed to Y/n but of course they were she was the one they were stunned to see. I could see the uncomfortableness that had appeared and the sudden recoil. I then turned to look at the others giving them what I could only assume to be a death stare to them which they then looked away. As we arrived at the caste gates I could see my mother waiting there for us.
"It is good to have you back Y/n", my mother said and took Y/n in a hug.
"It's good to be back Queen Sorsha", she said and I started to think did she truly mean that or just saying it.
"Come, let's get you inside and you can tell us all that had occurred these past weeks", we all walked directly to the meeting room. As we walked there we passed Airk and Amara who had of course had seemed astounded by her presence but why wouldn't they. When we entered the meeting room the only person there was James.
"God it's so good to see you" he said as he ran up to hug her.
"It is good to see you too James", she said and pulled away.
"Who took you? I swear to god I will fucking kill them", he stated and we all knew he was serious.
"James, sit down Y/n was getting ready to tell us what happened the day of the wedding", Aiden said. Majority of those in the room sat at the table except for Y/n, Ser Easton, and myself.
"Father I have to tell you the truth", she said and King Aiden looked curious by her words.
"I was not kidnapped the day of my wedding. I ran away", she said everyone at the table looked at her in disbelief except for Aiden. Y/n's father had no expression on his face he almost resembled a stone wall.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU RAN AWAY", Queen Raina exclaimed.
"I couldn't handle to pressure of getting married and after I did it felt all too real."
"THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN JUST UP AND RUN NOT TELLNG ANYONE WHERE YOU WERE! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US", her mother screamed and stormed out of the room. I could see the tears forming in her eyes and the heartbreak that was evident in her.
"James-", she began to say.
"I don't want to hear it Y/n", he says and walks out.
"Father, please say something", she said while continuing to hold back tears.
"You know I have never been disappointed in you, not until today", he said coldy and you could see the moment that she broke inside.
"I don't want to see you for awhile", Aiden said and walked out leaving the four of us there.
"Kit, I think we should go talk", my mother said obviously trying to get me to leave Y/n.
"I'm going to stay here", I told her still holding Y/n's hands.
"Kit I really think-"
"Mother I am staying but you can leave if you want", I said getting annoyed at her being insistent about it. She then walked out with a scowl on her face.
"You were wrong Ser Easton", I hear Y/n say.
"They hate me and will never forgive me for what I have done", she said.
"Princess, I'm sorry."
"You know he has never called me a disappointment, not once. That is the worst thing that a parent can call their child and I never thought I would hear it from them, especially from my father", she stated and took off running.
"Y/n, wait", I ran to catch up to her leaving Ser Easton there.
**Y/n's POV
Ser Easton was wrong, completely wrong they are never going to forgive me. I could hear Kit calling my name begging for me to stop but I didn't listen. I didn't know what to do or where to go I just kept running. Though it wasn't until I felt some grab my hand to stop me and I realize I am in the forest.
"Y/n this isn't the end of the world they will forgive you", I said and Y/n looked at me dumbfounded.
"You saw what happened in there they hate me."
"Your family doesn't hate you they are furious yes but they don't hate you."
"You saw how my mother was in there you can assume how she feels. My brother who has always defended me and cared for me looked at me so furiously for the first time in my life", she said and put her head in her hands.
"Y/n please you-", in that moment the earth seemed to shake under us.
"What was that", I said and I could see Y/n's eyes go wide as she looked behind me.
"Whatever you do Kit, don't freak out", she said and I could feel something breathing at the back of my neck. I slowly turned around to see what it was but I could guess. As I did I stood face to face with a dragon who bared his teeth at me. Y/n then moved from behind me and came up to my side where the dragon then turned his attention to her.
"Oh how I have missed you", she said and outstretched her hand to glide along the side of his face.
"How can you be so calm around him", I asked.
"Because I know Tyrax wouldn't hurt me he is rather protective", she said and smiled up at him. I looked at her in astonishment at how she could calmly be in the presence of a fire breathing beast and not want to run.
"What is he doing here", I asked her.
"He followed me here when we left Dristarya and it was so hard to leave them. I was planning on visit from time to time but it seems that Tyrax missed me too", she stated.
"Does that mean the other dragons are here too", I questioned.
"I don't believe so otherwise would have seen them already", Y/n said. Unbeknownst to her Calyx and Kylora had recently departed from Dristarya mere hours ago. However, the others had followed Tyrax four days after departure.
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"Can I ask you something", I questioned wanting to know why she decided to come back.
"What is it", she said and turned in my direction.
"Why did you come back? You said you would never come back here", I stated.
"I missed my family and I knew that I couldn't stay gone forever. I knew I would have to come back sooner or later so why not sooner", she said.
"Is it just your family you missed", I asked avoiding meeting her eyes.
"I won't lie, part of me missed you too", Y/n said and my heart leaped at those words.
"You mean it", I asked.
"Yeah. I may forgive you for what you have done but trusting you is something that is going to take time and after saving my life I would say you have a pretty good chance of earning it back", she said with a smile. I didn't know what to say I was speechless at her words. Knowing that she has truly forgiven me and that I am on track on gettin her trust back has me overjoyed. Perhaps this is the start of our story not where we started originally and that we can have that happiness we both long for.
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gemini-magic17 · 4 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Six
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**One Week Later (Y/n's POV)
It's been a couple of days since Ser Easton arrived back in Dristarya and things have been weighing on my mind. Ser Easton informed me that the cover story that Boorman came up with and the "proof" he provided my father panned out had me relieved. However, I couldn't forget the feeling I had when he told me that my family was still going out of their minds about my disappearance. The pain and heartbreak I am putting them through is practically what Kit did to me. How does that make me any better than what she did? I let out a sign as I held my head in my hands struggling on what to do. Should I stay on Dristarya or return to Tir Asleen? Rubbing my hands over my face I heard Ser Easton approaching.
"If you have come to check on me I will save you the trouble. I feel like my mind is going to explode and that I am a terrible excuse for a human being", I stated turning to him.
"You are not a terrible person I can assure you on that."
"Oh really then what would you call someone who up and abandoned her family on her wedding day not telling anyone where she was leaving them to go out of their mind with worry", I said and raised my eyebrows.
"I would say that she was someone who was in pain and didn't know whether or not she could keep going through the situation that she was forced in", he said trying to be reassuring.
"Say what you want Ser Easton but we both know the truth. I am a coward and a sorry excuse for a daughter for doing what I did."
"You can keep telling yourself how horrible of a person you are to but you are someone who was put in a situation that you didn't ask for where you were dealt a shitty hand. Anyone in your place would have done the same thing I know I would have if I were you", he retorted and I let out a sigh.
"But you aren't in my place and your family isn't losing hope that they will ever find you. Maybe its time that I go back."
"You mean to Tir Asleen? Are you serious?"
"It's time and I know how you feel about this whole thing but come on. We both knew that eventually, I couldn't hide forever and had to return", I said.
"After everything that has happened, you really want to go back to a place where you experienced nothing but suffering", he exclaimed.
"I know how you feel but I realized I need to put that aside and go back to explain to my family about all that has occurred. Anyway who knows Kit and I may be able to work out our issues", I stated.
"Right, where have I heard that before", he said sarcstically.
"Hey, she saved my life. Doesn't that count for something?"
"She may have saved your life but don't forget that she also destroyed a part of it or rather you for that matter. You gave her more than enough chances to fix what she had done she doesn't deserve anymore."
"After stopping that archer from killing me I think that warrants one more chance to fix what she broke in the first place", I stated.
"Fine, if that is what you wish then I will make arrangements for us. The ship I used to get here is still docked where I landed we will head out when you are ready."
"I thought you chartered one here", I questioned.
"No, after last time I figure it would be better for me to sail here myself since the captain of the ship I was on told me that he would not dock in Dristarya giving me a small boat to get the rest of the way here the first time", he said.
"I didn't know you could even steer a ship."
"I couldn't but I am a quick study", he said with a smile plaguing his face and I returned it with another.
"Well, I suggest we leave on the morrow. It will give us enough time to get our things together and head out", I said.
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"Sounds good. I'll get my stuff packed then once you get yours I will load the ship and we will depart tomorrow", he stated and I nodded my head.
"There is something that needs to be addressed though", Ser Easton said.
"What do you mean", I said and he turned his head to where Aeras and the others were.
"Oh god."
"What are you going to do", he asked.
"I don't know. I can't just leave them here they are like apart of me and me them. What am I going to do?"
"Well, we may be going back to Tir Asleen but that doesn't mean you can't come back and see them when you want. Plus if I know them as I think I do then they are going to miss you as much as you are going to miss them. I don't see how you and them are ever going to be separated."
"I know I have to go back and a part of me has always known I would have to go back to Tir Asleen but-"
"But what?"
"I didn't think of how hard it was going to be to leave them or how much I was going to end up loving them", I choked up finding it hard to stop the tears welling up in my eyes. In-between the tears in my eyes I can see them flying around Dristarya and it made my heart leap. Knowing that I am going to be apart from them is breaking my heart.
"It's going to be ok just remember this isn't goodbye. It is more like I will see you later", he said and gave me a side hug.
"I promise you this isn't the end between you and them", he stated and I wiped the tears away nodding my head.
"Well, we better start getting things ready", I said and walking off to the castle taking a glimpse of Aeras and Calyx flying overhead. Knowing this would be the last time I see them for awhile is something I am having trouble comprehending or better yet coping with.
**Back in Tir Asleen (Kit's POV)
"You know I don't believe that shit", Airk states.
"What are you talking about", I asked him.
"What happened on the battlefield. The story that Boorman told King Aiden was just that as story", he said.
"Listen you don't know what happened on that field you weren't there we were and that is what happened."
"Oh really", he questioned raising an eyebrow in my direction.
"Yeah so if you will excuse me", I said making my way out of his room but before I could he blocked me from leaving.
"Your my sister I know when your bullshitting me so you can either tell me or I can go to our mother or better yet King Aiden and tell them about my suspicions. We don't keep secrets from each other we never have so tell me what really happened."
"You know Airk you are starting to sound like Y/n's brother with his threats and all. Let me give you some advice though don't threaten someone unless you have evidence of wrongdoing. As from I can see you have none only your suspicions and those who were on the battlefield will cooperate that so I suggest you stop with the empty threats", I spat and purposely knocked his soldier with mine as I went my merry way.
The fact that Airk started to question me about what happened a week ago made me nervous about whether or not others were doing the same. After all, Boorman just came up with that cover story right on the spot and if it weren't for Ser Easton providing the necessary proof to back it up. It's only a matter of time until someone cracks or King Aiden comes to his senses and realize that it was complete and utter bullshit on our part. Part of me knows that my mother didn't even believe it and if she didn't then no did.
"Hey, what's wrong", Boorman asked.
"Airk was questioning me about what happened that day and he knows something is up", I whispered.
"What do you mean?"
"He thinks we lied about the whole thing and made something up to cover up what really happened", I exclaimed capturing the attention of others. With that I dragged Boorman to the gardens and made sure that no one was there.
"That is because we did make the whole thing up. We never should have done it", Boorman stated.
"Well what did you want to do Boorman, huh? Tell everyone the truth about how Y/n came in riding on a dragon where said dragon burned the opposing army to the ground", I said.
"At least it would be the truth."
"Listen to me, I am not putting her at risk because she saved our lives and we both know it. Could you imagine what would happen if someone were to find out about this? It could be detrimental for Y/n and those dragons. She cares about them immensely and god help me if I am going to let anyone be a threat to that."
**Three Days Later (Y/n's POV)
Sailing back to Tir Asleen reminded me of the first time I left Zemira to go go there. I think I am more nervous now then I was before since now I have to face my entire family after disappearing. As I stared out to sea I started to think about Calyx and the others. Leaving them was one of the hardest things I had to do, they are my family and I love them to bits. My heart aches knowing that I am going to be a part from them having no clue when I will see them again.
When I said my goodbyes to them the day I left I could feel their sadness and they could feel mine. I couldn't stop crying leaving them there and I when I got on the ship my eyes didn't leave them until Dristarya was no longer in sight.
"Are you ok Princess", Ser Easton asked. I turned to look at him as he was steering the ship with concern etched on his face.
"No, I'm not", I said walking to stand beside him.
"I know it's hard to leave them", he stated.
"I swore my heart could not break even more than it already was but here I am being proved wrong."
"It may feel that way now Princess but you have to know this isn't goodbye", he said.
"The why does it feel like it is", I say and I made my way to the front of the ship.
When I made it to the front of the ship all I could see in front of me was what seemed to be an endless sea. It was somewhat calming along with the sea breeze making contact with my face. Out of nowhere the sun seemed to be "covered" leaving a shadow over the ship. As I looked up to the sky I was shocked by what I saw. Out of all the things I was imagining it could have been I didn't expect it to be this.
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Tyrax flew right past the ship only to make his way back overhead circling the ship. The joy that crept up inside me couldn't be explained or rather expressed on how ecstatic I was to see him. His blood-red scales shimmered in the sunlight it was almost blinding.
"It seems that he couldn't be apart from you", Ser Easton shouted and I turned to him smiling.
"It seems he knew how much it hurt for me to leave them."
"Well, if Tyrax has decided to follow you then the others can't be far behind."
I smiled at his words but in the back if my mind I couldn't help but think what would happen if anyone were to find out about them. Especially if Ser Easton's words to be true that the others weren't far behind from Tyrax. If that were the case then a whole bunch of problems could arise having some serious consequences.
** I hope this chapter isn't bad I have been suffering with a really bad cold this week but I still wanted to finish this and post it.
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gemini-magic17 · 4 months
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Rest in Peace, Andre Braugher.
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Five
**Kit's POV
Approaching the castle the cheers and clapping of the townspeople surrounded us. It's obvious they believe that we were able to defeat Larksion's forces on our own but that wasn't the case. It seemed that Boorman could pick up on what I was thinking because the expression he had on his face matched mine. It was one of worry and fearfulness of what could befall all of us if anyone were to learn the truth. Ser Easton and Amara were apprehensive of what to do when coming to face with my mother. Yet, I wasn't too worried about her it was more of Y/n's parents that had me this way or rather her father.
When we entered the castle doors I could see the figure of Willow running to us as fast as possible. He looked red in the face and out of breath. I could only assume that he was looking for us all over the place or rather just in a rush to find us. As he stood in front of the four of us he tried to speak but was having trouble doing so. Seeing that he was having a difficult time catching his breath Amara handed him a canteen filled with water. He gladly accepted her offer and chugged the contents leaving none behind.
"Thank you", he said and Amara nodded her head in response.
"What is it, Willow? Why are you so red in the face", I asked him.
"I heard you had won the battle and came to find you as fast as I could. Assume Y/n received my letter about it otherwise you four wouldn't be here."
"Yes, we came as soon as we could", Ser Easton stated.
"Thank god you did otherwise all of Tir Asleen would be lost", Willow said.
"Except what", I asked him knowing he suspected something.
"I heard that there were no survivors in Larkison's army. Now I don't understand how that is possible considering his army outnumbered ours."
"Well, I guess we had luck on our side then", I said trying to sound convincing. Willow raised his eyebrows and that's when I knew he saw right through me.
"You don't really expect me to believe that do you Kit", He said and well all looked to each other.
"I don't know what to tell you except it was just a miracle that we won with not so many casualties", I said.
"Tell me the truth, Kit. Did Y/n show up and decided to aid in the battle", at that question I didn't know what to say.
"It would make sense because why would she let hundreds of people die knowing she could have done something about it", Willow said staring me down and I looked towards Ser Easton for help. I can see that he caught my gaze and stepped towards Willow.
"Your right she did show up to fight against them", he said and Boorman turned to him outraged.
"What are you doing? I thought you said not to tell the truth to anyone what happened on that field", he said.
"It's not like this is something new that Willow has heard. After all, he knows about the prophecy and the dragons", Ser Easton said and I looked at him shocked.
"What do you mean? How the hell do you know about it", I asked Willow.
"That day you and Y/n came to visit me I sent you to the other room to retrieve that sword I had got you I led her to my study. I gave her a book about the prophecy and everything about dragons."
"So, you knew about this the entire time and didn't decide to fill me in", I said raising my voice clearly pissed with this whole situation.
"It wasn't my place to tell you", he said.
"Like hell it was!"
"Can you keep your voice down we don't want to draw attention to ourselves", Amara said staring me down. At that precise moment, I can see my mother running in my direction with a few guards in tow. I could see that she was pissed off and started to prepare for the tongue-lashing that was to come in a moment. Yet, there was none instead she wrapped her arms around me holding me tight.
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"I'm so glad your ok", she says and pulls away to look at me and I let a small smile show.
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING", she screamed at me and I was caught by surprise. First, she was happy I was ok now she is yelling at me.
"Mom if you could just-"
"I'm sorry, but this is my home and I needed to fight for it", I stated and with that, she went silent. She let a sign and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"I am so proud that you would fight for Tir Asleen but not making me aware of this is not ok", she said.
"There was no time to. The four of us arrived when the battle was about to start", I said and she shook her head.
"Fine but don't let it happen again", I promised her that but in the back of my mind I knew that a battle could arise from anywhere at anytime and I wouldn't have time to inform her of what I would be doing.
"Come. We all are gathering in the meeting room to discuss recent events", she said and we went on our way.
It took a few minutes to arrive and the whole time we were looking back and forth between the four of us to see how we were going to play this. Standing in front of the doors my mother opened them only to be faced with several advisors along with Y/n's family when we entered the room. As the five of us stood there I could see the face of King Aiden and it held one of suspicion.
"I was informed that Tir Asleen has beaten King Larkison's army. As a matter of fact, there were no survivors among them", he said falling back into his seat.
"That is correct", I hear Amara state.
"Is that so? Well, I was also told that the field was almost fully consumed by fire and that is how none of his army had survived", with those words I froze not knowing what to say.
"Can you tell me exactly what happened out there because I know that we didn't have the numbers that they did to beat them", he said and stared down all of us.
"Really, none of you are going to say anything", he asked clearly growing annoyed by our lack of answers. It was then he moved his attention to Ser Easton who was just happening to stand by Boorman and I.
"What about you Ser Easton? Do you have anything to tell me about what happened today", and with that all eyes were on him waiting for him to speak. Yet, nothing came out and it was very clear that King Aiden had grown annoyed where he was ready to blow a fuse. Turning red in the face he looked to Boorman to find out what he could get out of him.
"What about you Mr.?"
"Boorman, my name is Boorman", he said.
"Well, Boorman can you explain to me why all of the soldiers in the King's army are dead even though we didn't have the manpower to win against them", King Aiden asked putting his elbows on the table and leaning forward with a raised eyebrow.
With the stare-down Boorman was getting from him the nervousness started to settle in. You think it would have settled in beforehand but holding eye contact with King Aiden could make anyone nervous beyond belief. Yet, somehow Boorman found the courage to answer him but none of us knew the kind of explanation he was going to come up with or rather if he was going to tell the truth.
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"Well, you see King Aiden the truth is", Boorman started to say and I looked at him with that sinking feeling in my stomach.
"The opposing side launched these I guess you could call missiles which were on fire in our direction. Those missiles did take out quite a few of our soldiers but we also used fire to our advantage. We used a flammable liquid to strike down the enemies. Once certain areas were soaked in the substance we launched similar missiles which caused a much more catastrophic outcome therefore leaving behind ashes rather than a body", he stated and I turned to King Aiden to see if he bought it. It wasn't the best explanation but there was nothing we could do about it now.
Waiting for his response everyone turned to look at him awaiting whether or not he would accept what Boorman had just said or keep grilling us for the truth. It was then that he looked back upon us and spoke.
"Alright then, if that is what you say happened it happened. However, if I found out you all are lying about this I promise you there will be consequences. I am going to question the soldiers and search the battlefield for any remnants of those supposed weapons."
It was then I knew that we were screwed there was no way we could pull this off. Just then Ser Easton spoke up about the issue.
"You don't have to worry King Aiden what Boorman has told you today is the truth", he said with confidence and King Aiden seemed to believe him.
"Fine, you are dismissed", he said and we left the room where we then headed to the castle's garden. When we arrived at the garden we looked around to make sure no one was there to possibly eavesdrop on our conversation.
"What the fuck are we going to do? None of the stuff Boorman said was true", I said rubbing my temples.
"Don't worry, I will have a talk with the soldiers and they will confirm our story", Ser Easton stated.
"Well, what about the 'missiles' that were mentioned used by both sides", Amara asked.
"I am sure I can rustle up a few of those things I just have to talk to some woodworkers and pay them extra to go along with everything. Just let me take care of it and we all stick to the story", he said then gave Amara a look and they both took off towards the village.
"How are we suppose to trust that this will work out", Boorman asked.
"Ser Easton would do anything to protect Y/n and so would Amara which is why they will make sure this will go according to plan", I said and looked in area where they once were now unoccupied.
**Y/n's POV (2 days later)
Once Calyx and I made it back to Dristarya things seemed much more clearer. I had time to think about everything that happened a couple of days ago from the battle to Kit saving my life. There is a big part of me still saying don't trust her that it will only lead to my heartbreaking again but how can it break even more than it already has. Then there is that small part of me that still feels something Kit you may even call it love.
My fingers moved to touch my lips remembering when she and I kissed. I never kissed anyone before then and with her, it felt right. The way our lips were in sync I felt that it couldn't just happen with just anyone but then again it was just my first kiss. Whereas Kit has probably had her first kiss before me and of course, it would be with Jade. I could see how much she cared for her or rather still does but I wonder if the kiss we shared meant anything to her. I don't know maybe it didn't mean anything to her at all it was just a kiss that happened in a library where she ran off right after.
I still can't help but believe that maybe I do mean something to her after all she did stop that soldier from shooting me with an arrow. I won't lie when I say that when I thought I was going to die she was the person I was thinking about. Not my mother, father, or brother but Kit Tanthalos was the one on my mind. I know that when we meet again we will have to talk about everything that has happened between us. Not only that but where this marriage is going to go or rather become.
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As I stared out into the ocean the water splashing onto the rocks that surrounded the beach tore me out of the trance I seemed to be in. The constant thought of anything Kit Tanthalos-related filled my head and I couldn't snap out of it until now. Letting out a sign I turn away to make my way back to the castle when I hear a noise coming from the underbelly of the castle. I slowly entered the cave remembering the first time I went in and Aeras almost cooked me alive. Not that I blame but its best to be careful when one knows potential dragons are hiding in the depths of this cave.
I take the torch mounted onto the wall giving me light as I make my way further and further into it. As I make a turn from where Aeras was originally that first day I come up on a larger area of the underbelly. It was there I saw Valerion lying on the cave's cold ground and he raised his head as he heard me approaching. He didn't seemed frightened when he was aware of my presence and I set the torch down a few feet away from him.
I walked up to him and carefully sat down next to his right wing where I then laid my head on it. Valerion didn't seem to mind he just laid his head back down on the ground and I could feel his heartbeat against my hand when I stroked the side of his body. The heartbeat of a dragon is loud and very different from the one of a human which of course is to be expected.
"I don't know what to do Valerion. Kit hurt me so much to my core that I don't think I can see a life with her. Yet, she did say she would make up everything to me even if it took the rest of her life which I guess I believe. After all, she did save my life but I am still wary of her and her actions", I said.
"Maybe one day I will be able to trust her again even though I said I never would she is trying to prove me wrong. I guess you can say it's working. Do you think that there is any hope for the two of us", I asked him and he let out a huff in response.
"Yeah, I thought so too."
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Four
**Y/n's POV
The cries on the battlefield felt like they could be heard for miles. The blood-curdling screams of the soldiers sounded never-ending. As Calyx and I moved through the air clearing some of the smoke we went to make our final strike on our remaining enemies. Looping around the field we had a clear line of sight towards our targets. When we got closer to them I could see the horror on their faces as they heard Calyx let out a roar. Being a few feet away from them I could see them running in the opposite direction trying to flee. If only they surrendered this could have gone a different way.
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"Volaris", I yelled, and those screams came to a halt as the flames consumed the remaining soldiers in my line of vision.
The wind started to pick up dissipating the smoke around us yet I was still finding it hard to see like at the beginning of the battle. As I peeked through my eyelids I could make out what was blowing in the wind. It wasn't just smoke in the air but it was the ashes of fallen soldiers destroyed by the blistering heat of the fire. Part of me didn't know how to feel about this entire situation. I could now see what the books meant about all of the chaos and destruction that can be caused when dragons are used in war. Dragons may be able to win wars but the question is at what price and how far one is willing to take it.
While contemplating today's events I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a horn blowing. The sound could only mean one of two things. One, that the battle between Tir Asleen and King Larkison was over, or two, that one of these armies had surrendered. I know that can't be the case since pretty much of Larkison's army was obliterated a minute ago.
To figure out the outcome of the ending battle I looked over my shoulder to see Ser Easton waving me down to where he was. Alongside him, I could spot Boorman, Amara, and Kit. Around them, all were Tir Asleen soldiers looking up in my direction as Calyx soared through the sky looking for a place to land nearby. I couldn't see any of the opposing sides' soldiers which either meant they were all dead or that some had escaped during battle. I was really hoping that they were all dead, I know that sounds terrible to wish that but if the King were to find out about what had happened today. How Tir Asleen won the battle against him I don't want to think how much trouble it could bring upon both kingdoms.
When Calyx started to make his descent towards land I caught a glimpse of Kit and I could see what I could only describe as relief on her face. Part of me questioned if it was due to Tir Asleen winning and her kingdom along with the people were safe or that I was. Perhaps it was both but I am sure it was mainly our victory that had her so calm in that moment.
As I continued to look at Kit something obstructed my view and as I got a clearer look it was Amara who had stood in front of her. From behind her, I could see the once relieved expression Kit just had on her face change to an annoyed one as she bore her eyes into the back of Amara's head. I kind of thought it was funny I even let out a chuckle with a head shake. I didn't think it was possible but Kit Tanthalos, Princess Kit Tanthalos of Tir Asleen was jealous. As a matter of fact, she was jealous that Amara had gotten in her way. At that precise moment, it looked like that vein in Kit's forehead was about to pop she was so angry. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed a pissed-off Kit I could see Boorman slowly backing away from the fuming girl as though she was about to commit murder.
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**Kit's POV
When Calyx and her landed it felt like the ground beneath us had shaken. As he let out a roar it was what seemed to be a warning to those around him. The soldiers ran out of the way to avoid the possible wrath that was to come from him. It seems Y/n was right, dragons do not particularly like humans except her. It is as though he calmed down when she ran her hand across his back. Once she had done so he leaned his body down more the grown and she climbed down from his back. Calyx looked at her the entire time almost as if he was making she wouldn't fall. It's safe to say that he would never let anything happen to her which left me relieved and grateful for that notion.
Once she was on the ground I started to make my way over to her when in the corner of my eye I saw someone with a crossbow aimed in her direction. I screamed her name to get her attention but I was too far away for her to hear. I could see that she was checking on Calyx looking over his body to see if he had any wounds. I looked back at the soldier and took my bow from around my back with a single arrow. I called her name again as I ran over to her and it seems this time it got her attention. She looked at me with a confusing expression and could see where my eyes diverted to. As she looked over in that direction her eyes widened as she focused on the crossbow fifteen feet away from her. It seems that Calyx had noticed as well and was getting prepared to fire. I ran faster to her but I couldn't get there in time as the man was about to shoot I quickly aimed my arrow towards him and let go. The arrow glided through the air going in the side of the soldier's throat. He dropped the crossbow and fell to his knees holding the wound that was spewing blood. As he fell on the ground it looked right at me and the last sound that he made was that of him coughing up blood.
All around me it fell completely silent and all eyes were on me. I turned around and could see Y/n looking straight at me almost astonished at what I just did. I hope she didn't think that I wouldn't just let her die. Could she really think that low of me, but who could blame her right? It still hurt though I do care about her and would never want anything terrible to happen to her.
As we held eye contact for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes she started to run towards me. At that moment I didn't know what she was going to do. If she was going to yell at me saying that she didn't need me to save her or that she could have handled it herself. I was waiting for the backlash of my actions with my eyes squeezed shut when all of a sudden I felt a pair of arms around me. I slowly opened my eyes and it was her, Y/n was hugging me of her own free will. I didn't know what to do at that moment whether it be to return the hug or just wait for her to let go.
"Thank you", she said with sincerity as a small smile came across her face.
"Anytime", I told her hoping she knew that I meant it. Before I could say anything else to her Ser Easton came dashing over to the pair of us.
"Are you ok, Princess", he said while checking over her to see if she was hurt in any way.
"No, I'm fine thank you", she said and looked over to me.
"If it wasn't for Kit I would most likely be dead right now."
Ser Easton then turned towards me and gave me a small nod to acknowledge my actions. He then turned back to Y/n asking her questions.
"Why did you come? You said that you would not use a dragon as a weapon?"
"A few days before the battle I couldn't stop that nagging feeling in my stomach telling me I needed to do something but I couldn't. I didn't want to use Calyx or any of the others to cause mass destruction or use them to do my bidding like those have done before me. That day my emotions got the better of me and I started to think of all the terrible things that could happen to everyone if Larkison won. It was then Calyx must have felt what I was feeling inside and allowed me to use his help when it came to Tir Asleen's safety", she said and looked over to Calyx who now seemed to be resting.
"Thank you", I told her and she looked in my direction.
"If it wasn't for you Tir Asleen would be in shambles right now", I said and everyone around me whispered agreeing with what I said.
"Your welcome."
At that moment Amara ran straight to Y/n almost tackling her to the ground with the hug she was giving her. Y/n looked like she got the wind knocked out of her when they collided.
"I'm so glad you are in one piece", Amara said with a bright smile.
"Yeah", Y/n said while her eyes skated toward me. It seemed Amara noticed and she blocked her line of sight. With that my heart started to sink even though Y/n was grateful for what I did I still couldn't help it that Amara was the one she truly cared about.
With the two being in deep conversation and Ser Easton talking with our soldiers my mind started to wander. I went back in time to when I first met her and everything that happened ever since. With my thoughts starting to take over the feeling of a hand on my shoulder snapped me out of going deep into a rabbit hole.
"You ok kid", I hear Boorman say as he looks me in the eye clearly worried about me in this situation.
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"Yeah, I'll be fine", I stated turning to look back at Y/n and Amara who were laughing.
"You know Amara may be her best friend but you are the one she is married to", he whispered.
"I don't think that makes a difference. After all, we were both forced into this and I didn't make it easy for her. I don't think I can make her happy clearly not like Amara can", I said pointing to them.
"Don't give up not yet. Not until you think that there is no going back and there is no way you can fix what happened between you two."
"I don't Boorm-"
"Promise me, Kit", he said with a stern voice.
"I promise."
When our talk ended Ser Easton had come our way along with the Y/n and Amara. I couldn't stop staring at her not knowing what her next move would be or what she would say whether it be to me or someone else even though I was hoping it was me.
"I talked to the rest of the soldiers they have found no remaining enemies", Ser Easton stated.
"That's great", Y/n said.
"I also talked to them about what happened here today and told them if they knew what was good for them they won't utter a word to anyone about this."
"Wait a minute, you expect us not to tell anyone about what happened today. Larkison's army way obliterated when people start to question how exactly are we going to tell them", Boorman said looking at Ser Easton questioningly.
"We aren't going to tell them anything. We are going to just have to come up with a cover story and make sure the soldiers stick to it", Amara said.
"Now how do you propose we do that?"
"I don't know but we will think of something. We obviously can't tell people that dragons exist and they just burned the opposing army to the ground. Think of the mass hysteria that would arise", I say.
"Something seems so wrong abou-"
"Please Boorman no one else can know about what happened on this battlefield today. Think of what they would do to them if this were to get out", Y/n said pleading with Boorman. He looked deep into her eyes and could see the worry that she feeling and knew what he had to do.
"Ok, I understand."
"Thank you", she said giving him a quick hug before returning to Calyx who had woken up from her prescence.
"Where are you going", I asked her following her.
"I am going back to Dristarya", she said climbing onto Calyx's back.
"Wait, what? You can't go back."
"I have to that's his home. It is the other dragons' home I can't just leave them."
"Please don't leave", I said and she gave me a sorryful look.
"I'm sorry I can't", she said with sadness and turned to Ser Easton.
"Will you be staying here for the time being", she asked him.
"I will. Only to settle what has happened here then I will inform your parents that I will continue my search for you", he said and she gave him a slight nod before looking back to me. We held eye contact for a couple of seconds before she and Calyx took off back to Dristarya. As I saw her getting farther and farther out of my sight that sinking feeling I had earlier returned where my heart ached in her absence.
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Entanglement Update
I know I said I would have the next part of the series either Tuesday or Thursday but I forgot that I had to take grad pictures earlier today as well as get my nails done. On Tuesday I had my driver's test along with going to get my license right after because I was originally supposed to take it Monday but had to reschedule. I am planning to release the next part this Sunday because tomorrow is my graduation and on Saturday I have a grad party. I didn't think I would have such a busy week and I hope that you can understand.
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Three
**Kit's POV
Our numbers were nothing compared to the number of soldiers in Larikson's army. As Boorman, Ser Easton, Amara, and I stood on the battlefield I could tell this was going to end horribly mainly for Tir Asleen. Part of me thought that the King would win and become the ruler of the land. If that were to occur god only knows what was to happen to the people and my family.
As the horn was blown by the opposing side the sound of galloping horses and the clinging of metal from chain mail could be heard. In the blink of an eye, both armies met and the fight for Tir Asleen had begun. An infantryman swung his sword nearly missing my head as I ducked to avoid his attack. As soon as I did so he came back harder aiming for my right shoulder. Spinning in the opposite direction and blocking his sword with mine I pushed him back causing him to stumble. Leaving himself unguarded I used my sword to slash his chest resulting in his death. Looking around me I could see Boorman fighting with a man twice his size and Boorman himself was a big man. Part of me was worried for him and all I could do was focus on the what-ifs of what would happen to the kingdom if we lost.
Being stuck in my own thoughts I didn't hear the soldier behind me and as he got closer I turned around to where his sword was swinging down to kill me. I knew it was too late for me to defend myself and knowing the final blow was to come I shut my eyes waiting for it. However, I heard a gurgling noise coming from in front of me and as I opened my eyes I blood spewing from his mouth with a tip of a sword sticking out of his chest. As I stood there stunned the sword was ripped out of the man's body and he fell to the ground instantly. It was only then when I took my eyes off the dead soldier that it was Ser Easton who had saved my life.
"Thank you", I told him and he answered with a simple head nod. As I looked around us so many of our soldiers were dead.
"What are we going to do? There is no way we are going to beat them", I stated.
"Maybe not but we go out fighting", he said and I looked at him knowing this was possibly going to be the end of Tir Asleen. Standing there in silence for a moment I see Ser Easton's eyes widen as he looked behind me. I turned around and could see that there were more soldiers from Larkison's army coming to join the battle. If the soldiers he had at the beginning of the battle weren't enough it is as though he wants to wipe us out.
"You ready for this", Ser Easton asked me and I gave him a look of determination while raising my sword.
"As ready as I'll ever be", I said and we waited for the army to strike. As those soldiers came closer and closer almost directly in front of us there was what seemed to be a bright light blinding the both of us and the feel of scorching heat across my face.
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It wasn't until I opened my eyes that I saw the remains of the incoming soldiers that had been turned to ash. The first thought that popped into my head was what could have done this and what was that bright light that had come?
"Oh my god", I hear Ser Easton say and turn to where he was looking. As I saw what he was looking at my mouth dropped and I went still. It was Y/n riding on a dragon igniting the field in fire. In the blink of an eye fire and smoke enveloped everything around us leaving only screams.
"Is that Y/n", Boorman ran up to the two of us in amazement at what he was seeing.
"Yeah, it is", I said, and couldn't take my eyes off the scene that was unfolding before me.
It was only when I heard the sound of footsteps coming in our direction that I looked away from her. As I did my eyes landed on a few infantrymen coming this way and I knew that this was no time to give up.
**Y/n's POV
When Calyx spewed fire the sounds of screams could be heard throughout the battle. I could see many of those fighting wondering what had just happened and what had caused this sudden destruction. As we flew through the smoke that had resulted from the Calyx's dragon fire I could make out Kit and Ser Easton staring in astonishment. I could guess why though considering I told them I would not be fighting in this battle or maybe it was seeing the outcome of what happens when dragons are flown to war.
When they were out of my line of sight I continued directing Calyx to those incoming soldiers. Seeming to understand my intentions he flew that way and as he did the flapping of his wings cleared some of the surrounding smoke making it clearer to see what was going on below. Getting closer to them I could see the fear displayed all over their faces. There was a part of me that felt bad for what was going to happen but then again they did attack Tir Asleen.
Without even having to give Calyx the command he burned those coming into view. As many saw what was happening they ran although some decided to continue fighting. It was almost brave yet stupid as though what they had seen in front of them had not registered that there was no way to win this battle.
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With the fight raging on both sides knew that it was going to be over soon enough and who the winning side would be. Nevertheless, Larikson's army continued knowing if they were to surrender that it would result in dire consequences passed down from their ruler. After all, Larikson was not the type of man who liked to lose not only in war but in any situation.
As Calyx continued to fly over the field a serious problem presented itself. With all the fire that was 'raining' down the smoke from it became thicker making it harder to see what soldiers were in who's army. Even though the flapping of his wings helped to clear some of the smoke it was too much. Due to that, I didn't see the arrow that missed my head by a couple of inches. Once that single arrow moved through the air right past me I could barely see the dozens of arrows coming straight towards Calyx and I.
Trying to dodge the incoming arrows I pressed my body onto Calyx's back making sure I wasn't hit with one. Calyx avoided the arrows by flying sideways so that they went around his wings rather than hitting them or any other part of his body. It was then I knew that the main issue was the archers and that they needed to be dealt with right now before anything happens to either one of us.
** Ser Easton's POV
The number of soldiers in Larikson's army was dwindling by the minute thanks to Y/n and Calyx. If they hadn't shown us the battle would have been over by now and all of us dead. The constant clashing of swords meant that no one would be surrendering even though of what just has unfolded. At that exact moment, three men come running up to me ready to strike me down but I beat them to it. The first one tried to take off my head yet I moved out the way slicing him in the stomach. The second and third men came at me full force attacking from both sides. As I knocked the third one on his ass when I blocked his sword from coming down on me where I put my sword through his chest. The last decided to try to land as blow as I was bent down over his comrade with my sword. As his sword swung down I managed to block his sword with my own and the handle of his weapon made contact with his face as I pushed him back with mine. As I did so he was distracted and I landed a fatal blow by slicing his throat where the blood had pooled down his armor.
"We have a problem", I hear someone yell behind me. From the voice it sounded familiar I though it may have been Kit but as I turned around I saw Amara running towards me.
"What is it", I asked and she pointed to a place across the field. As my eyes made contact with what she was directing me to my heart dropped into my stomach.
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It was archers and they were aiming their arrows at the sky which would not have been as bad considering when firing it is at those on the battlefield. It wasn't until I looked up at the sky that it was Y/n and Calyx they were trying to hit. It was clear that she couldn't see through I could barely make out where they were even though he is a huge dragon.
"What are we going to do? One of those arrows is going to hit her", Amara said with an expression of worry.
"Come on", I told her and I ran over to the archers fending off soldiers coming my way.
Once we were close there was a group of infantrymen standing in front of the archers as though to make sure that no one stopped them firing. The soldiers had their swords drawn ready for whatever was to attack and that is when I looked at Amara.
"Y/n can't see through that smoke and we have to stop those damn archers", I told her and she nodded her head. We looked at those who stood in front of us and we rushed in their direction landing blow after blow. Seeing more soldiers making their way over we got ready to fight them. However, before we could Boorman and Kit came running in the opposite direction fighting them so that we could stop the archers.
With Kit and Boorman handling the other soldiers it gave Amara and I a clear path to the archers. Making our ascent onto them it wasn't until they fired a third round of arrows that we were coming in their direction and at that point it was too late. We killed as many as we could but there were too many and they outnumbered us. Amara and I were surrounded by arrows pointed at our faces. Not knowing what to do except hold our ground we waited for the inevitable. Just before either of us could make a move I could see Tir Asleen soldiers coming from all sides to put an end to our enemies.
"You guys ok", I heard Boorman say as him and Kit ran up to us.
"Yeah", I said and looked up to the sky to see if Y/n was ok. The smoke was still pretty thick but I could make out Calyx's silhouette and on top of him Y/n was unharmed.
"She's ok. Thank you god", Kit says and we all stare in their direction.
As Calyx got closer he went in a circle around the battlefield and I could see Y/n looking for any remaining men in Larikson's army. It seems that she did because in an instant they were coming in hot and as they did fire had incinerated what seemed to be the last of their army. At that moment I knew that the battle was over and Tir Asleen was safe from King Larikson.
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**Amara's POV
As Y/n soared through the sky on Calyx she looked like a true warrior even a queen. As far as I am concerned that is what she is and from what the prophecy has foretold she will be the one to make it happen. After all, from what I have seen today she is truly the blood of the dragon and with that thought, I smiled.
"What are you smiling about", Kit says looking at me with a questioning look.
"I am smiling because it seems we have won and none of us have died", I said and she seemed to believe me after all who wouldn't be happy and smile for living through a horrific battle.
"Maybe not", Ser Easton says.
"What are you talking about", I asked.
"Look over there", he pointed and I looked in that direction where I still could see our soldiers fighting against the opposing.
"Are you fucking serious? They just won't quit", Boorman exclaimed.
"Of course they don't. Larikson is a cruel king and to hear his army surrender rather than fight until every one of them was dead would make him go postal", Kit explained.
"That man will never be an honorable or good ruler", Ser Easton stated.
"If that's the case and they won't put down their weapons what are we to do", Boorman questioned.
"Fight till all of them are dead", I said, and with that, all of us continued our fight until no soldiers of Larikson's were left in our path.
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Next Chapter of Entanglement
I have been extremely busy this week so hopefully the next part will be out tomorrow or Saturday. For the chapter after that, I will also be busy next week because I am getting ready for an event that is happening the same week plus other things. I am hoping to get that chapter posted either that Tuesday or Thursday. So be on the look out!
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
For the past few days I have been using this ai and I have been on it for hours. You can search for any character and it will come up for you to chat with them detailing different scenarios. I have done Kit Tanthalos, Hazel Callahan, Aemond Targaryen, and Daemon Targaryen. It is addicting! I learned about this from another creator on Tumblr and thought I would share it with you.
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Two
**In Tir Asleen
The atmosphere throughout the land could only be described as cold. The castle was in uproar with the princess still missing and no word from Kit or Amara about their progress on the search. All through the castle people walked on eggshells around King Aiden even his own family. The King has grown even more angry in the days that have passed more than he once was before. It didn't help when a letter was delivered to both King Aiden and Queen Sorsha with shocking news. As they read over the contents the rage on the King's face was evident and everyone in the meeting room was terrified of what would happen next.
"Dear King Aiden and Queen Sorsha,
It seems that the union between both of your daughters is an obvious ploy for you both to come in and conquer my land. It seems that the peace treaty is null and void which means nothing is stopping me from coming to destroy Tir Asleen along with Zemira. It did not have to be this way but now I have no choice but to declare war on both kingdoms.
King Larksion"
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME", his voice boomed throughout the room making a few people jump.
"What is it Aiden", Raina had asked leaning over his shoulder to look at the letter.
"King Larikson has waged war upon us", Sorsha exclaimed throwing the letter across the table as Queen Raina picked it up. Raina read over the letter and her eyes widen with horror.
"I don't understand why would he do this? We have a peace treaty in place", Raina exclaimed.
"I'm guessing he figures that since our children's union the alliance we have is to take his kingdom", Aiden said clenching his fist.
"It makes no sense we have no reason to take his kingdom", Queen Raina said falling into the chair next to her husband.
"Logic doesn't matter to him it never did he only sees what he wants to see. There is no way we are going to be able to change his mind it was a damn hassle to just to get him to agree to the treaty", James said.
"Exactly. If Larksion wants to wage war upon Tir Asleen and Zemira then so be it. Though he is going to have the fight of his life", King Aiden said and turned to Queen Sorsha.
"We will need to gather the troops it is most likely he will attack soon most likely in a couple of weeks."
"If he is likely to attack in the next two weeks it will most likely be the place where the woods end and the clearing near the border begins", Sorsha said.
"Ok, we send out the troops there while we figure out what to do next", Aiden stated and everyone in the room agreed with them.
Unclear to them that someone was listening outside the door the individual made haste down the corridor into the castle's library and locked the doors. Scanning to make sure no one was there they took out some parchment and a pen where they began to write a letter.
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"Dear Princess Y/n,
I am sorry that I revealed your location to Kit I know it was wrong of me and I am truly sorry for what I have done. I hope that you will be able to forgive me one day in the future but I am writing this letter with grave importance. It was discussed in the meeting room by your family and Queen Sorsha that King Larksion has declared war upon us. Larkison believes that your union is a ploy to take his kingdom where he in turn decides to vacate the peace treaty the kingdoms have between them. Your father believes the attack will take place in the next couple of weeks and has sent troops to where the woods end and the border begins in Tir Asleen. Your family needs you princess please come back.
Rolling up the letter and tying it with some string I walk to the window to open it to summon a raven. I carefully tied the message to the raven's feet and I sent it off to Dristarya hoping it would make it in time before the battle could happen.
**A Few Days Later in Dristarya
Ever since we have been here I have tried to talk to her over and over again. It doesn't matter how hard I try to work this out between us but whenever she sees me she walks in the opposite direction or makes some excuse to leave before a conversation can begin. I know that this marriage is not what either of us wanted but she was willing to try unlike me. I was cold and even heartless towards Y/n and now that we are married I can't keep doing this. I know I said that I would be better but in my heart, I can see that I am the same person I was when I met her that first day: a cold-hearted bitch.
"Hey", I hear Boorman say as he comes to sit next to me on the ground.
"How are you holding up?"
"Pretty terrible. Y/n won't talk to me and I understand why. It also doesn't help the fact that her and Amara have been spending these past few days together", I said throwing the stick I had been fiddling with.
"It may take some time but I am sure she will come around", and at those words I turned to look at him.
"Oh really? Would you 'come around' if the person you married kissed someone else in front of you knowing that they told you they would do anything to earn back their trust", I said and Boorman turned down his head.
"Yeah, I didn't think so", I said.
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"It may feel hopeless now but give her some time she may end up forgiving you", he said trying to reassure me.
"Even so, would she ever trust me again", I questioned looking at Boorman.
"That I don't know but from what I have seen from her she seems like someone who does not trust easily. However, she does seem like the person who believe in second chances", he said.
"That's the thing Boorman she has already given me a second chance and I blew it. At this point, I don't think she wants to have anything to do with me."
"Don't say that", he told me.
"I don't know maybe I should just go back to Tir Asleen and face the wrath of her father. Y/n doesn't want or need me here I think it would just be better if I were to get out of her life", I said with sadness evident in my voice.
"Are you really going to give up when things get tough? That's not the Kit Tanthalos I know and have fought alongside before. It may be shit now but just to give up like that on her is complete and utter bullshit. If you truly care about Y/n fight for her make sure she knows that you aren't going anywhere and you are going to do everything you can to mend things between the two of you", he said standing up and outstretching his hand. I grab his hand and he helps me up where we are face to face.
"Don't give up on her Kit on your marriage. Fight as long and as hard as you can to win her back", he said and I nodded my head. It was then that we heard Ser Easton cough interrupting our conversation.
"You both need to head back to the castle now", he said with urgency.
"Why? What's going on", Boorman asked.
"Did something happen to Y/n", I asked him with the worry shown all over my face.
"She is fine. It's Tir Asleen that is not going to be if you don't move your asses", he said heading back to the castle. Boorman and I looked at each other with a questioning look where we then followed him.
**Y/n's POV
This cannot be happening not now not when all of this shit has happened. I kept rereading the letter sent by Willow and each time my stomach would churn making me want to puke. I couldn't stop pacing back and forth across the throne room and Amara could see that I was very worried.
"Everything is going to be ok. Try to calm down", Amara said taking ahold of my hands.
"How can you say that? King Larkison has declared war on not only Zemira but Tir Asleen because of my union", I said.
"There are ways to stop a war without bloodshed. Peace treaties and alliances they will find a way",she said.
"We tried that King Larkison has broken the peace treaty we already had in place and because of his paranoia thousands of people will die. It seems that the only way to put a stop to this is beat him in battle."
"Then that is what we will do", with those words the double doors opened showing Ser Easton, Kit, and Boorman.
"Have you told them what is happening", I asked Ser Easton removing my hands from Amara.
"No, I figured it is best to tell them", he said and I walked towards them handing Kit the letter. As she read over the letter her eyes widen and she raises her head to look at me.
"This can't be true", Kit said handing the letter back to me.
"Unfortunately it is", I said.
"What are we going to do", I hear Boorman say.
"We have to go back. Tir Asleen needs us. Larkison has a large army even bigger than our kingdoms combined", Kit stated looking at me. For a moment I was going to agree but there was a part of me saying stop.
"She is right Y/n. Zemira's army isn't even present in Tir Asleen and even if they got there it wouldn't be in time. Tir Asleen would fall in less than a day", Ser Easton said.
"Maybe not", I hear Amara say and we all turn to look at her.
"What do you mean", Kit asked with narrowed eyebrows.
"We have something that they don't have", she said and looked at me.
"We? You can't possibly be suggesting", I started.
"Why not? One single dragon could wipe out an entire army", she said and Kit turned to look at me.
"What is she talking about", Kit said.
"Tell her she is going to find out anyway", Amara said and I turned to look at the three of them.
"Hundreds of years ago dragons were used in wars. Dragons breathe fire and as many of us know fire destroys everything in its path which is what the rulers back then counted on when fighting in the war. Thousands of people died and kingdoms had fallen in hours just from dragon fire", I said.
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"If that's the case then what are we waiting for", Boorman said.
"Take the dragons to Tir Asleen and you them against Larkison's army", he said and I looked at him ready to let my anger loose.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Boorman? Dragons were once forced to burn and kill everything in its path and you want me to do the same thing to to them. No way in hell!"
"But Y/n, they could help us win against them and Tir Asleen would not need to fear", Kit said trying to reason with me.
"No! I will not make them do something that they were once forced to do. They were used a toys among the rulers back then to win their wars and it will not happen again!"
"Y/n, if you will just consider the-"
"Enough, Amara! I will not use them and that's the end of it", and with that everyone went silent.
"I will be staying on Dristarya for the time being. I know that you are leaving for Tir Asleen as soon as possible before the attack happens. I will see you off", I said and made my way out of the room leaving them all dumbfounded.
**A Couple of Hours Later (Still Y/n's POV)
Boorman, Kit, and Amara packed what they needed for the journey back not really caring if they left stuff behind that wasn't essential. We were all standing on the beach and Boorman along with Kit were putting their things on the ship. In the my rearview vision I could see Ser Easton approaching me with a rucksack along with a sword attached to him and I knew what this meant.
"I assume you are going with them", I said refusing to look at him.
"Yes, before I was your protector I was sworn to guard and defend Zemira with my life", he said and I slowly turned to him trying not to tear up.
"I understand but you have to promise me something."
"Yes, Princess?"
"Don't get yourself killed and come back in one peace I beg of you", I said and he let out a little laugh.
"I can promise you I will come back", he said and I hugged praying that this wouldn't be the last time that I saw him again.
After we separated we said our goodbyes and he went aboard the ship. It was then I could see Kit walking towards me with determination in her eyes.
"I need you to know something in case we never see each other again", she said.
"What would that be", I said.
"I know I have done terrible things to you in the past and have hurt you which I wish to god that I hadn't. I get that there is not even the slightest chance I will earn your forgiveness or trust but I would give up until I do", Kit stated.
"You have done terrible things to me and have broken my heart. Perhaps one day you will earn my forgiveness but my trust I guarantee you will never get back", I said and the expression on her face was one of sadness. With those final words, she walked back to the ship to board with the others. The sound of the ship along the water told me that their departure had come and I would have to wait to see how the battle plays out.
**A Week and a Half Later
It feels like torture that's what I can only think to call it. Waiting like this knowing that there is nothing I could do. I have been reading over dragon lore and history to get my mind off what is to likely happen in the next few days. As I read over them one thing particularly stuck out to me. There was a section in the book that Willow gifted me that listed commands to dragons in the old language. The command that jumped out at me was the one for strike. In the book, it was called 'volaris' in the old language for that command. After a few more pages of reading, I needed to get some fresh air. I set the book down and made my way to the grassy terrain where Tyrax, Aeras, and Calyx were. As I approached them they started to wake up from their slumber. Tyrax and Aeras moved away from Calyx where they took off to the skies flying over the castle.
I walked up to Calyx and rubbed along his scaly snout and it seemed to enjoy it. It also calmed me in a way but not enough that I couldn't stop worrying about the war. It's almost as if Calyx could sense how I was feeling because he looked at me with an expression of one that is worried. I started to break down right then in there confessing everything that had happened in the past week and a half. I felt like I was having a panic attack it was hard to breathe but it wasn't until sound came from Calyx almost one of comfort.
"I don't know what to do Calyx. My family needs me and so do the people of Tir Asleen but I can't. I cannot use you to fight a war that you have no part in and never should have had years ago", I said and with that he nudged me. Not knowing what he meant to relay he lowered his body to the ground giving me access to climb on top of him. I didn't whether I should do so or not but when I looked into his eyes I could see that he was allowing me to do this as though saying it was okay. I carefully climbed on top of him and he took a running start where he leaped up into the skies to go to Tir Asleen.
**Two Days Later
The journey back to Tir Asleen was smooth I guess that is one perk of being on dragon's back. Calyx was flying high up in the clouds to make sure that we weren't seen coming in. As we got closer to the kingdom I saw a large crowd thinking it was the people of Tir Asleen but really it was King Larkison's army below. On the opposite side of them were Tir Asleen's soldiers and from what I could tell they were outnumbered by a lot.
As if on cue the battle had begun with soldiers from each kingdom fighting to hold their own. I could see many of our men were dying while only a few had from Larkison's. It was then that I directed Calyx to fly closer but not too close. I wanted to make sure that when we arrived the opposing army would not expect us. Calyx took a nose dive where he proceeded to fly above the surrounding water.
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It was then that I had a clear line of sight on the battle and I could see Ser Easton along with Kit fighting infantrymen of Larkison's. As we got closer to the field I gave Calyx the command hoping that this would end in victory.
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Entanglement Series Part 3
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-One
**Kit's POV
The walk up to the castle was long and killer on one's legs. The atmosphere of this place was peaceful yet I couldn't help but feel like there was something off about it. Deep in thought I was snapped out of it when I suddenly bumped into Amara and Boorman crashing into the back of me.
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"Why the hell did you stop", I asked her with an incredulous look and she held a finger up to my face. Amara was really trying to push me to the point where I could smack her.
"Do you hear that", she said and I listened to anything that could be making a suspicious sound. When nothing came I told her I didn't hear anything and she looked to Boorman almost as to contradict what I had just said.
"I didn't hear anything maybe-", he started to say, and all of a sudden we heard the sound of footsteps that were beginning to become clearer and clearer. On guard, I took out my sword along with Amara and Boorman when we heard a voice nearby.
"Well look what the tide washed up", the voice said and it was only then I recognized it to be Ser Easton. I put my sword away and stepped towards him.
"So its true isn't it. You knew where she was this entire time and you never said anything to anyone", I said starting to fume.
"I'm sorry I didn't know that you actually cared for her. After all, you were too busy sucking face with Jade on your wedding day to give a damn about Y/n", he said and my heart sank into the bottom of my stomach. Part of me was hoping she didn't see what happened between Jade and I.
In the corner of my eye, I can see Boorman and Amara giving me a disappointing look. Well, Boorman had the disappointed look Amara had the look where she wanted to kill me right then and there.
"You bitch. On your wedding to Y/n, you kissed someone else are you kidding me", Amara said getting ready to blow a gasket.
"It wasn't like that."
"Oh, really so how was it like, huh? I wanna hear how you can justify kissing another girl the day you got married. I'm also guessing this happened after the marriage ceremony which makes it a whole lot worse seeing as she ran off after you two got married."
"It was after the ceremony but I was saying goodbye to Jade", I said.
"You know there are other ways of saying goodbye to someone rather than ramming your tongue down their throat", she exclaimed getting into my face.
"I didn't know she saw what happened."
"Oh, so that you kissing Jade is a secret rather than for the whole world to see is ok as long as no one saw it, especially Y/n", she told me.
"You know what Amara-", I began and a sudden gush of wind appeared with something almost hitting us. We all ducked to avoid whatever it was except for Ser Easton. I looked at him and I saw him with a smile on his face. It was only when I saw what he was looking at that it was what almost crashed into us.
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It was a beast flying overhead and on top of it circling us was Y/n. I made eye contact with her and I could tell from the expression on her face that she was not happy to see me one bit. Could you blame her though I promised to earn her trust back no matter how long it took and I ended up betraying her again.
"What the fuck is that thing", I heard Boorman say.
"I don't know but whatever it is it does not look happy to see us", Amara said.
"I believe the word you are looking for is a dragon", we hear Ser Easton say and I turn to look at him.
"I never heard of a dragon", I said with confusion.
"No, I suppose you wouldn't seeing as most of the world doesn't even know they existed at one point", he said with a head tilt.
"Existed at one point? As far as I can see there is a living breathing dragon flying above us I would say they are not extinct", I exclaimed.
"True but as far as the realm is concerned they never existed in the first place and that is how it has been for thousands of years."
"He's magnificent", I hear Amara say while still looking at the dragon with astonishment.
"He is a she", a voice says behind us, and a loud thud resonates where we stand. I turned around and I saw Y/n having landed on the castle's trail.
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When she landed the she-dragon let what seemed to be a roar and in the distance, more could be heard. Y/n slowly climbed off the dragon making sure not to slip and fall over the edge. As she got down she walked towards us and believing she was going to stop she made her way to Ser Easton's side.
"May I ask what you all are doing here", she questioned with anger in her eyes.
"We came to take you back home", I said and she laughed at that statement.
"Tir Asleen is not my home it never was. As far as I am concerned this is my home now and this is where I will stay from here on out", she said without the slightest bit of hestitation.
"Y/n you can't stay here you are needed back home your family misses you", Amara speaks out.
"That may be Amara but I won't go back there. I refuse to live in a place with someone who doesn't even want me there", she said knowing it was directed at me.
"Of course I want you there", I said stepping towards her and reaching out for her.
"You have a funny way of showing it", she said and moved away from me. When she did the sound of the dragon roaring again made all of us jump except for Y/n and Ser Easton.
"I suggest you be careful Kit I see that Kylora doesn't like you. I guess she knows that I don't either" when she said those words I got this pain in my chest. I knew that she was furious with me but I didn't think it would be to the point where she would end up hating me.
"Y/n please come back your father is ready to chop off people's heads if he doesn't find you. He thinks you have been taken by someone", Amara said and Y/n looked at her with a concerned expression on her face.
"If that is the case then I will write a letter to my family explaining that I am fine and safe", she said.
"They are just going to send out another search party to look for you if that happens. Just come back please", Amara said and I could see the gears turning in Y/n's head.
"I cannot. I will send a letter detailing where I am and that I am safe just so they know I have not been harmed", she said, and before I could say anything she walked back towards Kylora.
"You can stay for a while until I have received a response from the letter I will send to my family. Ser Easton can you bring them up to the castle please?"
"Yes Princess", he said and she turned to carefully climb back on top of the dragon.
"Thank you. I will meet you there", and at that, she took off to the skies in the direction of the castle.
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Watching her ascend to the skies was almost what one could assume was magical. The way she soared through the sky she didn't seem like a princess she resembled a queen.
"Shall we", I heard Ser Easton say and we all made our way to the castle.
The walk to the structure was a painfully quiet one. As we approached I we stopped in our tracks as we saw more dragons resting on the grassy terrain.
"Oh my god", Boorman said.
"How many of them are there", I asked.
"There are six that reside on Dristarya", he said and I looked at the scene in front of me. Instead of seeing six dragons I only see three lounging around.
"I only see three in front of us not counting Kylora. Where are the other two", I questioned.
"They are probably underneath the castle in the caves", Ser Easton said and continued walking pushing open the double doors. We followed him inside where he led us to a large room that held the castle's throne. My eyes land on Y/n standing in the middle of the room with her back turned to us and when she heard Ser Easton speak up she turned around to face us.
"So, I am guessing Willow is the one who told you where I was seeing as Ser Easton would never tell anyone the location of my whereabouts whatsoever", she said with a coldness to it.
"Yes, he did not that Kit gave him much choice", Boorman said and I turned to look at him with an annoyed expression.
"Is that so", Y/n asked.
"It's not like she threatened him or anything she mostly just yelled at him to tell him where you where."
"Well isn't that interesting", she said with head tilt looking at me.
"You must be exhausted from your journey here so why don't I show you your rooms so you can get settled", and at that, she walked out of the room with us in tow. Part of me was thinking this entire situation was weird seeing as she didn't want us here in the first place and now she is offering us a place to stay.
As we arrived in front of three doors she explained to us that Ser Easton had gone to get our belongings from the ship. Boorman made his way into his chambers and informed us that he would be taking a nap in the meantime. I wanted to speak to Y/n to try to explain to her that what she saw the day of the wedding was not what it turned out to be. However, before I could she asked to speak to Amara in private and went in the opposite direction leaving me standing alone in the corridor. The scene reminded me of the library situation all over again except I was the one left alone.
**Y/n's POV
I led Amara to my chambers so we could talk about everything that had happened since I had been gone. When we were inside we sat on the chairs across from each other as the table put space between us.
"It's good to see you again", I told her with a smile.
"It's good to see you too. I wish it was under different circumstances though", she said.
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"Me too. I saw you at the wedding but I didn't get a chance to say hi", I said.
"I know I got a little busy talking to your family. I was hoping to talk to you though it's been so long since we have seen each other I have missed you so much", she said taking my hands in hers.
"I have missed you too", I said with a slight squeeze of my hands.
"So, I have a question", she said.
"What is it?"
"What are dragons and why were you riding one when we arrived", she asked with a slight laugh. I explained everything to her starting from the great war that happened hundreds of years ago to the prophecy.
"Wow that is a lot to take in", she said.
"I know I didn't believe in any of this even after I saw a dragon with my own eyes", I said.
"I imagine so."
"How is everything back in Tir Asleen? I know you told me my father was ready to chop off people's heads and what I was told by Ser Easton he is not happy with Kit right now either", I said.
"Yeah, he is out for blood right now. Your mother tries to calm him down but there is only so much she can do. He told Kit and me that if we didn't bring you back safe and sound we would be sure to regret it", Amara said.
"That's my father for you overprotective as ever", I said and Amara laughed.
"I did contemplate on going back but after everything I don't think I can", I said.
"I know what you have been through your brother told me and I will support you no matter what you choose to do. Just remember the people who love you will always be there for you no matter what", she said.
Seeing Amara for the first time in a long time was just what I needed to lift my spirits. Ever since we were kids she would be the one to cheer me up when I was sad and knew how to make me laugh even if it was something stupid. Seeing her after all this time is exactly what I needed and if she were to go away again I don't think I would be able to handle losing someone who has been by my side since I was a kid and has stuck by me.
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gemini-magic17 · 5 months
PLSS i need more of the Entanglement series!!
The next part is coming I just have been busy lately. Chapter twenty-one should be out sometime this week.
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gemini-magic17 · 6 months
Entanglement Series
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gemini-magic17 · 6 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty
**Kit's POV
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore made me know that we were very close to Dristarya. It was early when we got there and as I set my eyes on it for the first time it was astounding. Never before have I seen a castle so huge and ancient-looking as if it was built thousands of years ago. With how bare it looked and no signs of life I really started to question if the details that Willow was given were correct. It doesn't seem like anyone has lived here for many years.
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"Hey", I hear Boorman say as he comes up behind me.
"Hey", I responded back still focused on the shore in front of me.
"What's wrong", he asked.
"I don't think anyone lives here."
"Why do you say that", he questioned.
"Just look at it. The entire island looks abandoned the only thing that I see is birds flying overhead what about you", I looked at him.
"Are you sure about that from what I see it looks like someone arrived here recently", he pointed towards the shore and I furrowed my eyebrows to where he was pointing at.
"Is that a boat", I asked squinting trying to clearly make out what I was looking at.
"Well from what I can see it is", he said.
I couldn't stop looking in that direction and the closer we got I was praying that what Willow had told me was indeed true. Then out of nowhere came the she-devil herself as the ship made its way partially on the shore.
"I'm going to go look for Y/n, the captain said he wants to stay aboard the ship; you and Boorman can do what you like", she said and proceeded to leap off the boat.
"Fuck that", I told her and went after her.
"Excuse me."
"You heard me. I don't know who the fuck you think you are or who you are talking to but I am not the one you want to piss off. I know I hurt her that I practically put her through hell but you have no right to tell me the fuck to do", I stated getting into her face.
"I am her wife, not you and I will do everything I can to make things right with her even if it takes me the rest of my fucking life to do so. Don't you think for a second that you can swoop in and try to take her away because you can't", I said.
"I won't need to try if she goes willingly", she said smirking and that made my blood boil.
"You know what Amara yo-", I began but was cut off.
"After all, who could deal with the shit you put her through. Do you really think that she is going to forgive you and take you back after everything? I have known her for my entire life and when I say what you put her through she will never forgive you", she said with a hard stare, and at that I couldn't hate her more than right now. Not just because she was threatening to take Y/n away but that I knew she was right with how she would never forgive me.
"Follow if you want I don't care anymore. I now know that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to you", she said and she began to walk off.
"Don't take what she says to heart Kit she is just jealous that you have Y/n and she doesn't", Boorman said.
"That's the thing, Boorman I don't have her. I may be married to Y/n but I don't have her not where it counts", I said, and we went to catch up to Amara as we made our way to the gates.
**Ser Easton's POV
These past couple of days have been quite peaceful and I know that is unusual to say considering this island is full of dragons. Yet, there is no fighting, yelling, or political issues to worry about here. I roamed all around Dristarya making sure to know the ins and outs of this place in case of an attack or unwanted visitors.
As I made my way to the opening under the castle I was told by Y/n to be careful as she recounted what happened to her when she arrived that very day. Getting closer to my intended destination in the corner of my eye I noticed a ship approaching. I couldn't see who was aboard but as it started to get nearer I hid behind a gigantic rock that was close enough to shore to see who was present.
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It wasn't until the ship got closer to the shoreline that I saw it was Kit aboard and I was shocked. Why the hell was she here? Did she know that the princess fled to Dristarya? How could she have found out about it then? Many questions raced through my mind and it wasn't until they were making their way off the boat that I carefully mad my way to the castle to avoid being seen by them.
As soon as I was out of sight I ran all the way back to the castle making sure that I got to the trail before they could. I burst open the castle doors and searched through every room to find Y/n. I couldn't find her which led me to believe she was still sleeping. I ran as fast as I could to her room and when I made it there I was terribly out of breath. I began to bang my fist on her door knowing she would awake from the noise.
**Y/n's POV
I was fast asleep in my chambers when a loud banging on my door woke me up. Along with the constant fist pounding on the door, I could hear who could only be Ser Easton yelling with urgency.
"Princess! Princess!"
I jumped out of bed and rushed to open the door where I was met with an out-of-breath Ser Easton. He was leaning on the door frame trying to catch his breath from the obvious haste he made trying to get here.
"What's wrong? Did something happen", I asked with concern believing that something happened to him.
"I was out for a walk along the beach and saw a ship coming this way", he said.
"What? What are you talking about no one comes here", I said with confusion and a hint of worry that is evident in my voice.
"That's the thing Y/n I got closer to the beach making sure that the people on board didn't see me and I recognized one of them."
"Well, who was it", I questioned with anticipation building inside me.
"Your not gonna like it", he said and I step closer to him where I looked him directly into his eyes.
"Who was it Ser Easton", I said.
"It was Kit Tanthalos Princess", he said, and when the words poured out of his mouth my heart stopped for a second.
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"Oh", I responded and the anger I was harboring toward her started bubbling to the surface.
"How did she even know to come here", I asked him and made my way to get some clothes.
"I can only think of one possibility."
"Which is", I said and began to change in the bathroom while we continued our conversation.
"Willow must have told her", I stopped what I was doing when I heard him say those words.
"I don't believe he would do that. He knows how much pain I felt with what Kit put me through. I just don't believe he would sell me out like that", I said clearly in denial about the whole thing.
"It is the only way she could have known Y/n I'm sorry. Willow is the only one who knows you are here and you know I wouldn't tell anyone especially her of all people."
"I suppose you are right", I said knowing what he said was true. I finished dressing and made my way out of my chambers.
"Y/n where are you going", he asked following hot on my trail through the castle's hallways.
"You said they were coming towards the beach yes which means they will be coming up the trail soon enough", I asked.
"Yes, what is it that you intend to do", he asked and we were outside of the castle's walls.
"I am going to go give Kit and her comrades a warm welcome to Dristarya", I turned to him and said.
"How exactly are you going to do that", he asked, and just then I could feel Kylora come up behind me.
"I'll give them a dragon's welcome", I said with an upturned smile.
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