#the trick is to understand it's all bullshit. then you can have fun with it
hellbubu · 2 days
If you don’t like what I post, filter tags and block me. I’m not gonna argue with anyone.
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At least Violet is hiding his reaction somewhat well, the rest just want to be arrested ig. pendejos
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Why does Arden have some cheap-looking rinnegans?
"Mom, can I get the rinnegan"
"We have the rinnegan at home" The rinnegan at home^
Also, does Cheslock not think that the P4's reaction is weird? Are they always weird? Maybe. Then what about Arden? Is he acting like he's hypnotized not weird? Maybe it's also not weird, they live in a world with Reapers and Demons ig. Maybe all young lads act like they're hypnotized and love the smell of tea.
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They're gonna kiss 😍💕
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Welp, there goes his career in whatever sport he plays.
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I want to hire Sebastian to perform magic tricks (like this one) at my birthday party in August
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He's the magician Undertaker hired to entertain you guys. He just forgot his uniform
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The Queen should give Ciel a police badge or smth so he can show people. Because if a thirteen-year-old just randomly told me he's a detective, I'd pat him on the head and mentally coo at the baby.
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One, Midford is right, don't fuck with Ciel. Two, what's with that lackluster reaction? Clayton, a dude is a zombie and a baby is pointing a gun at a bitch, shut up unless you want that gun pointed at you.
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Maybe I'm wrong, but you guys go to a pretty religious school and I'm pretty sure god said not to kill. The bitch could've been kicking puppies and stealing kid's ice cream and you still shouldn't kill him. Beating him up on the other hand...
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They jumped him??? I thought one of them killed him and called the rest to help hide the body.
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Baby, he'll go to court and the lawyers with the wig will be there then he'll go to jail. You might go to jail for helping him hide the body. How will you guys get the blood off the carpet??
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Is this the same Dr from BOA? Did Undertaker rescue him?? I only remember Undertaker fleeing and panicking that Ciel had his locked chain.
Everyone's reactions to Undertaker are so over the top. The only Understandable ones are Midford's and Ciel's. I know the rest of them had never ever heard the headmaster speak. They're acting more shocked at the Headmaster saying that watching them was fun than the literal zombie.
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It's bullshit that that hat hid his hair. No hair tie? No bobby pins? I put my hair in a bun and it'll last me an afternoon at best unless I make it tight enough it'll give me a headache. This is bullshit. I find it easier to believe that Charles laid an egg and that the hen came out of it.
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I miss my girls. I miss Madam Red. I miss Grelle. This season has too many boys.
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Why- why is he drooling while holding Ciel?
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He's so touchy with Ciel. I'm surprised Sebastian hasn't pushed him off.
This episode got the Naruto treatment. So many flashbacks I thought I'd see that damned swing.
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Back then you probably just needed to forge some documents to get a job. It's not like a good chunk of the population could read/write plus it's not like they're gonna email the school or call your last job.
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Yet you guys are allowed to step on the grass. And be at the Swan Gazebo.
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Oh, so he was a snitch? Murder is understandable
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What's with the Red House and shitty prefect's drudges? Like, this has to be more than just a coincidence at this point. It's probably the environment that breeds these fuckers
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bthump · 3 months
This is quite a broad question, but how do you define masculinity and femininity?
A set of culturally dictated traits which reflect cultural biases and social dynamics, and are forcibly assigned to men and women (and people perceived as men or women) through social and even institutional pressures.
Femininity and masculinity are in no way innate to women and men respectively, they're categories that exist to reinforce patriarchy, heteronormativity, cissexism, and even less directly associated power structures like white supremacy.
And as a sidenote, I don't think there's anything wrong with identifying with femininity or masculinity - they're all just collections of traits and there are positive and negative and neutral traits in both categories (though generally more negative feminine traits for the reasons described above lol.)
But I think that in an ideal world masculinity and femininity would not be coherent categories of traits, even if men and women are still coherent categories of people, and I think trying to redefine or reinterpret femininity or masculinity more positively rather than interrogating the reasons traits like passivity or objectification or irrationality are considered feminine and traits like anger, dominance, and violence are considered masculine misses the point. It's much more valuable to fight against gender essentialism and dismantle the categories of masculinity and femininity entirely than to attempt to redefine these categories positively while still associating them with men and women imo.
But also since we don't live in that ideal world it remains useful and interesting to analyse the portrayals of masculinity and femininity in media, and as a gender nonconformity enthusiast it's one of my favourite things to do lol
Thanks for the ask! It's always good to actually define terms, especially politically loaded terms like these.
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cryptidghostgirl · 4 months
Can I request a part 3 to "unrequited"?
A/N I honestly was not planning another part to this story. I'm just gonna... leave this here. (Pls don't hate me guys. This is so genuinely the only path I could think of for this story that I liked.)
Unrequited pt. 3 (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Um. Alastor is dark/yandere in this part. Uh. Unhealthy relationship. Yeah.
Word Count: 2,094
Previous Parts:
Unrequited (Alastor x Reader)
Unrequited Pt. 2
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Alastor had cornered her in the hall. The years, the games, the challenges, none of it was fun anymore. It all came to an end tonight. There was no other option, not when she could die tomorrow. The angels were coming, and they were coming for the hotel.
"I don't want you here tomorrow."
"What!?" Y/n exclaimed in utter shock.
She hadn't known what to expect when Alastor had stopped her as she made her way downstairs to the bar. Everyone was supposed to be having a drink together, celebrating their afterlives that there was a chance they might loose. She didn't know what to expect but, she certainly hadn't expected this.
Alastor had been acting weird lately. He was always weird but ever since the day with Husk in the hallway, he'd been weird even by those standards. He was always finding something for Y/n to do that put her near him, always watching. It was irritating. They had been fighting a lot and Alastor still had yet to apologize to Husk.
"I don't want you at the hotel tomorrow. You are not coming near this fight."
"What the fuck, Alastor?" Y/n nearly stamped her foot on the floor, she crossed her arms and glared at the demon, "I... these are my friends. This is my home. I will do what I can to protect it."
"No, you wont. You wont be here." he paused, "I will use our little deal to make sure of that, if need be."
Y/n scoffed. Her anger was a fiery, radiant thing. Alastor found himself thinking she had always reminded him quite a bit of a lioness when she got like this. The thought had been an accident, he couldn't afford to be distracted. Not when these were the stakes. Alastor pushed it away.
"You fucking... literally why? Like, what? I... sorry, just taking me a bit to process this: the demon who tricked me into selling my soul to them is now going to use that contract to take me, a valuable asset, out of a war which we cannot afford to loose?"
"Yes." Alastor nodded.
"Because?" Y/n prompted in irritation after a moment.
Alastor sighed.
"Y/n, think about what could happen if you are here."
"The same thing that could happen to any one here!" Y/n threw her arms up in exasperation, gesticulating her frustration as she spoke, "The same thing you're forcing on Husk and Nifty, have you had this chat with either of them?"
Alastor didn't respond. It was all the answer she needed.
"Yeah, I didn't fucking think so!" she scoffed, "So it's okay for everyone to risk their lives -- it's okay for you to risk your life even, but not me? Its okay for you to force my friends to risk their lives, but you're going to force me to stay out of it? Listen to yourself, you sound ridiculous."
"We don't need your help. You're slow, you will only hold us back."
The comment he had hope would dampen Y/n's spirit, bend her will into submission, only added to her fire.
"I'm... that's bullshit and we both know it. I might be small, but so is Nifty. Everyone has skills they can offer. I know how to fight, how to survive, and we will have angelic weapons for Christ's sake. Like, I really don't understand what the issue your having is here."
"Y/n, just... no." Alastor shook his head, a hand to his temples, "No. You will not be here tomorrow. I forbid it. I'm sending you to stay with Rosie."
"What am I, your kid?" Y/n sneered.
Alastor looked over at her, his hand falling from his forehead.
"Just please, Y/n." he took a step forward, pulling her hands into his. Alastor took a deep breath. "For me."
Y/n's eyes went wide. Alastor could see the conflict, the swirling emotions. Anger turned to grief, mixed with gratitude, and became anger again. A never ending cycle.
His heart pounded against his chest, it fought him valiantly for release. It had been so long. So long since she'd looked at him with anything other than disgust, so long since she had let him touch her like this.
Y/n settled on confusion as her dominant emotion and pulled her hands from his grasp. Alastor mourned the contact, his hands still held up in the air where hers had met them as Y/n took a step away.
It wasn't a question. Y/n commanded information and at the end of the day, he may own her soul but she owned his heart. Alastor felt like in some way, she always had. He couldn't bear the thought of loosing her but, he didn't know if he could handle the rejection either. There was no way, no chance, she would believe him if he told her too much of the truth but, lying wouldn't work either. It would have to be a careful balance, a calculated withholding of information. Too much was riding on tomorrow, on tonight, on this very moment.
"Because I don't want you to die."
Y/n's brow furrowed even further, their eyes growing wider still as she stumbled another step back. Her back was nearly against the wall now, there wasn't anywhere else she could go.
Her eyes flitted around the space fervently. Her lips formed words that never left her mouth. Alastor watched, stress eating him alive. At last, Y/n did something. She brought her hands to her head and sunk to the floor, her knees pulled into her chest.
"What are you doing to me." she muttered softly, just barely loud enough for him to hear.
For what felt like the thousandth time, Alastor felt a little piece of his heart fracture off. He didn't know how much more he could take of this before there was nothing left to break, nothing left to loose. She looked up at him, her hands still holding either side of her head and her eyes wet with tears.
"Why do you care?"
Alastor's breath caught in his throat. There was an insistence in her voice, a pleading. He stood in indecision for a moment, frozen by want, by need, by fear. His body took over as he took a step towards Y/n. Alastor kneeled down in front of her.
With great care, with a familiarity and gentleness Y/n hadn't felt from him in years, Alastor untangled her fingers from her hair. He held her hands in his once again and this time, he wasn't going to let go.
"Because I care about you."
Shock at his own bravery emanated from his chest. Alastor held his breath.
"You..." Y/n's eyes hardened, "I wish you'd stop messing with my head like this. Its not funny."
"Y/n, I'm not messing. I am not playing a game, I'm not..." Alastor sighed, letting go of one of Y/n's hands and running his hand through his hair as he looked to the side.
Taking a deep breath, he turned back to face her, grabbing her free hand once again.
"I don't know what I can do to prove it to you, that I'm not. But I will keep you safe. No matter what, you will not be here tomorrow."
"Please, Alastor."
His heart stopped. He couldn't recall the last time she'd asked him for anything that wasn't to leave her, Husk, and Nifty, alone. He couldn't recall the last time she'd seemed to fragile in his arms.
"Please, they're... they're my family. I can't..." a single tear rolled down Y/n's cheek, "I can't just leave them."
There was a moment, a split second where he almost agreed. Alastor's eyes narrowed. He dropped Y/n's hands and got back to his feet. She adjusted her position in response, nearly kneeling before him.
"Please, Alastor. Let me help them. Let me do what I can to protect my family. Please. I'll do anything you want... I'll..."
It almost worked. Alastor felt his purpose waver again. Then the fear came back. He had already lost so much. His mother, his humanity, his own soul and free will. Alastor refused to add Y/n to the list of things that were so far out of his reach. He just couldn't. He didn't care if she hated him for the rest of eternity, as long as it meant she was safe at his side.
"No." he shook his head, his heart hardening, "You forget, you already have to do whatever I want. You forget, I own you."
Y/n's scream of anger as the shadows took her was muffled as she was sucked into their portal. Alastor stood, watching the spot she had been in for a few moments and then, he doubled over in pain. It shot through him in spikes, in daggers. It was the first time he had told her that. Not once before had Alastor ever said those three words to Y/n, not even when they had first made their deal. I own you.
The guilt, the regret, all of it underpinned by the overwhelming love. It had been trapped for so long, so sheltered and pushed back in the recesses of his mind that it had twisted. The love had become obsessive, dangerous, hungry.
With a breath, Alastor stood straight once again. Pushing his composure back to the surface, he smoothed his hair and went down to the bar to inform everyone of his decision. He may have forced Y/n to do something she didn't want to, fracturing things further than he'd believed possible, but he wasn't going to blame her for it. Alastor was used to being the villain and hopefully, in this case, he wouldn't have to be. Hopefully, they would understand.
Y/n gasped for breath as she was let out of the shadow portal. Panting on all fours, slowly she brought herself back together. Y/n had met Rosie before, once or twice. She knew she was a kind soul at heart, a reasonable person, and she knew that Rosie's cannibals were the main force of their army tomorrow. All she had to do was convince the overlord to let her join them, and it would be okay.
Taking a deep breath to restore her confidence, Y/n looked up. Her heart dropped.
She got to her feet, looking carefully around the decrepit old radio tower.
"No. Nonono."
Her breaths becoming panicked, she ran to the door. It was locked. Taking a step back, she kicked it harshly. The firm wood didn't budge.
Driven by adrenaline alone, Y/n ran to the windows and began to hit them with all her might. None of them so much as trembled.
She looked wildly around the space and, spotting Alastor's chair, picked it up. Y/n hurled it at the window. There was a crash and for a split second, there was hope. That was until she realized it was the chair that had broken, not the window.
"No! No!"
Turning back to the door, she hurled her body repeatedly against it. Each time, she got the biggest running start she could. Each time, there was no change at all, nothing happened. Fresh tears pooled in her eyes, she was long past panicked now.
After about twenty minutes, Y/n was out of breath and exhausted. Her whole body hurt and her face was sticky with tears. She sat at the door, her back pressed against it and her knees pulled into her chest. Burying her face in her legs, she sobbed.
Everyone was at the hotel, except for her. Everyone was preparing to fight for and protect what they loved, except for her. What would they think? What would they say? Much more importantly, would they make it out?
A sudden fear gripped her, a fist around her heart. Would she ever see any of them again? Y/n's sobs redoubled.
She sniffed, her panic and grief quickly fixing itself back in the shape of the familiar anger. She could see him in her minds eye, that moment his eyes had softened, that moment she thought that maybe he had been telling the truth all along, that they really had been friends, that he really did care.
"I hate you Alastor!" she screamed to herself, alone in the dark, "I hate you and I will continue to hate you until the day I fucking die again!"
A/N I love an irredeemable villain and doomed, misshapen love. I'm sorry to anyone who wanted this to end up happy.
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nmakii · 3 months
‘Can I ask you to do something about Alastor×reader? About y/n being a modern girl (2023-2024), and she often has strange gestures or words towards Alastor. One time she talked to him in modern language, making him confused and very curious. (You can expand the situation as you like, sorry my English is not very good)’
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— alastor x modern!reader (platonic or romantic!)
— alastor calls reader “good girl” so mostly fem!coded
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alastor gets slangs that are common such as LOL, WTF, IDK but doesn’t get some that aren’t as common like LMFAO, IDRC, or WTAF since they’re just making them longer, so it’s quite useless…
he also doesn’t quite get shortcuts for words. one time you left him a note “lol brb rq imma b back in like 20 min. j gon pick smt up” most of it was honestly gibberish to him, but at the very least, he understood you’ll be back in 20 minutes.
gets really angry when you say things like “stop reaching, gooner. you’re just pissed that you’re a beta.” because; one, you’re blatantly disrespecting the radio demon and telling him to shut up. and two, he doesn’t get what any of that meant. what’s a gooner?
also gets annoyed often when you start singing songs like “i’m the alpha, i’m the leader” or “sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler” because, it’s a reflection on modern society and how music quality in modern times have plummeted significantly.
what happened to those beautiful songs such as “the man i love”? has it been replaced by this rizzler nonsense??? honestly, you’re giving alastor more and more reasons to dislike modernity… you’re lucky he finds your company enjoyable
in a desperate attempt to connect with you, he asked angel about your humor, hoping he’d understand. alastor knows that if anything, velvette would know. but, he’d rather get beaten by lucifer than ask the vees for help…
sadly for him, angel is just as confused. although, he at least knew what this alpha bullshit was, vaguely explaining furries and the alpha-beta-omegaverse to him…
you were in the hotel den, scrolling on social media as alastor walked in. “s/o, be a dear and fetch me some chicken breasts from the butcher, would you? i’d like to prepare something for tonight’s dinner.” alastor smiled
“hmm… nah. go do it yourself, furry” you giggled brattishly. “hahah… what did you call me?” alastor asked sternly, his face now close with yours, antlers increasing only slightly in size. “ah…” you stuttered.
alastor was never this mad when you said stuff like that, what was so different today? maybe he was in a bad mood? “ah… ill get it…” you conceded, using your hands to lightly push alastor away, lest he decides you’ll be for dinner…………
alastor snickered before patting you on the head. “good girl. don’t call me that again, this old dog can still learn new tricks, y’know?” he teasingly sang out. “huh?” you asked. “did you learn what a furry is?” you bit your lip, holding back your laughter.
“indeed, i did. horrifying that you’d think i would indulge in such hobbies…” he sighed, looking a little uncomfortable through his stressed smile. “what..? i don’t think you’re a furry, alastor. it’s not that deep. furry is just something that i used to laugh about with my friends back on earth.” you shallowly laughed, copying his actions by rubbing his hair.
he has to admit, that little mistranslation was a little funny looking back on it. but, he is a little disheartened that he got you scared over nothing. you were just having your fun and he got all pissed off. he’d definitely try to instead ask you about your slang as to prevent such a thing again…
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> Neptune IN the HOUSES < How your DELUSIONS find you RESOLUTIONS
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Neptune in the First - You act so naive, and now people actually think your naive. But you hate it when people treat you this way, but your always swaying around and acting oblivious to everything around you, but ik its all a front, and people find you to be mystical and now everyone is entranced by this dance you make acting oblivious. its obvious its an act, but then the more you get to know them you realize its not and thats actually who they are, and you wonder why no one has bonked them on the head yet Neptune in the Second - you dont really value anything, you think everything comes and goes, and your just like a paper bag flowing through the wind tbh. But this quality of letting things be and go, allows you to be molded by life and that can be a useful tool for artisty, but man yall just give up easy tbh. also your voices are like ethereal - kiddd cudiiiiiieee Neptune in the Third - you guys talk like a movie character, and its never the villain but the naive protagonist who just believes in a bunch of bullshit. but everyone thinks your so amusing to lissten to and i suppose you are but sometimes you guys really are playing up this movie trope and well im done watching the same movie i want a re-cast. then next week you will re-cast yourself as a new protagonist and well everyone just loves to watch you be an idiot so keep it up Neptune in the Fourth - Your literally 'good will huntings robin Williams'. you act like you figured out emotions because you let them come and go, but when someone questions whats going on with you, you find a million reasons to explain why you behave this way, and why others do, whilst completely avoiding letting your emotions out because your way too sensitive youd rather keep it at them at a distance that way you can handle it Neptune in the Fifth - You guys are the embodiment of a amusement park. YOu perform a million different acts, and never run out of ideas on how to entertain. Very amusing to watch, but people tend to take you for granted since your always so fun to be around we just expect yalll to keep performing, and you can, but this eats you up inside. then you perform again showing us how you feel as usual, and how it feels being used, and well i guess its all good because you have a never ending source of material - yourselves
Neptune in the Sixth - IMO the real mvps of delusions. No one is as delusional as them but they dont even care because they have thought of so much bullshit and have found so much evidence for their bullshit that they now realized that what most people believe in is bullshit, so they just think everything is bullshit. They dont even give a fuck anymore because to them everything isnt real, and everything is real, they have trouble understanding reality, because they have seen things no one could ever believe exists Neptune in the Seventh - Hopelessly projecting what they want in the world just for it to never come to fruition. This is actually how they pull, so dont hate their game. but they tell people how they wish things would be, and people want to save them by showing them how the world works, or giving into their stupid delusions and pretending what they believe in is real. Kinda a lot to deal with. But they'll never admit that they act so innocent but then your basically taking care of a baby Neptune in the Eighth - They make the universe bend to their will whether it wants to or not. They will pull every magic trick they know to make sure that their delusions are not delusional anymore. And its impressive how much they believe in there imaginings that it does tend to become real, but i would warn them and whoever is around them; That their fantasies tend towards the dark. so if they want something to be real (and they gonna do everything they can to get it) they may or may not resort to black magic or some shady ass shit Neptune in the Ninth - They believe in god a lot, maybe too much to appear normal. They are the type to make up a cult and behave liek mormons and say it was the will of god. The people ive met with this are strange, and their beliefs alter quite a bit, and for some reason they always have met deities and angels. But they are so delusional in their beleifs that if you hear them out, its so far fetched youll get lost in them because your so curious how someone got so lost in their own religion you wonder if they'll ever return to the real world Neptune in the Tenth - They are openly strange. Bro dennis Rodman has this conj his midheaven and its just iconic really. These guys are the strangest most ethereal beings and everyone gets lost in their cult of personality. Always switching up their identity, they think reality is bullshit and well we are all here for it because yall do the strangest things and i just wanna watch what your gonnna do next. but im still trynna figure out how close i wanna get to you because being seen with you is a risk for my reputation, because you clearly dont give a fuck about yours Neptune in the Eleventh - How many acid shirts do you own. Its like your the public personification of 'make love not war and peace bro' and its cool everyone wants a freidn like you, but no one takes your advice seriously. Because your so lost in the make believe that you think your make believe can actually make someone make believe..... But like cmon how the fuck do you think thats going to change anything. WHen has 'peace bro' ever actually worked. do your charities or whatever but i do not see it working as much as you think it can. sorry not sorry. But i do love you. But get a haircut Neptune in the Twelvth - Your literally the type to lick your finger , put it up in the air and say 'yep it going to rain wednesday' then it actually rains wednesday. And your so cooked no one believes you (because why would you) but then it does happen and now eveyrone thinks your even more cooked because what you had cookin is a real recipe. Now everyone wants to know how you have your third eye or whatever open and now you just want to hide again lmao. Also incredible artists, i recommend you guys keep your intuitive insights to yourself because you are right a lot but why tell people when everyone is just going to question how you see signs rather than heed your advice
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shmowder · 15 days
Your blog is making me want to replay Patho 2 again... I did play once on the intended difficulty, and then I replayed it afterwards on the easiest settings, doing everything and saving everyone and I'm ngl, that was some of the most fun I've ever had even though it wasn't quite in the spirit of the game haha
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The so-called spirit of the game is this senior citizen wirh an overgrown 2000s anime boy haircut who shakes his cane at you sassily when you choose to only swallow a handful of razors as opposed to the razor muckbang the game offers.
I finished the game on the hardest difficulty
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This was my first time playing the game ever. I straight up went to the intended difficulty, saved everyone, did everything, and never starved for a single day. I had 20+ Shmowders by the end. I was fully stocked on meat, I was fully stocked on homemade antibiotics and maxed the hospital shift each day.
All of that with only 3 Deaths
What I'm saying is. Look, we both finished the game on complete opposite extremes, yet we're both here. In a pathologic x reader blog on tumblr. We both had fun and shared a good understanding of the plot and characters. That's what matters. Everything else is just people patting themselves on the shoulder. You're the only one who will be impressed with the fact you beat the game flawlessly, and you're the only one who will be bothered by the fact you picked an easier difficulty
Because it's really not that different. To me, I have the kind of autism that makes games like pathologic smoother than water for me, I thrived on the ruthlessness of dark soul and did a no death run in darkest dungeon. But also. I absolutely suck at casual games, I can't play Stardew Valley unless I'm fully cheating, I can't for the life of me beat a single platforming game because I have a slow reaction speed.
Play Pathologic however you want! Ice-pick Joe isn't gonna pop from under your bed at 3am to beat you up with hammers. This is coming from the most tryhard difficulty elitism person there is in games.
Buttttt. I do recommend giving Pathologic classic HD a try. I promise anyone who beat Pathologic 2 on ANY difficultly will cuck tf out of the first game. There is no thirst! The vendors have unlimited money, and you can sell all of your trash to them! THE ECONOMY IS THRIVING I BOUGHT FOOD ON THE DAYS THE PRICES WERE SKYROCKETING BC I COULD AFFORD IT. I would've never financially recovered from buying food in P2 on any day that's not the first one. In P1, I rarely slept because I was deepthroating lemons and snorting coffee beans day and night since I could easily afford the health/hunger penalty.
Meanwhile, in P2, I'd save coffee beans to sell to get enough money to save up for army clothes.
The combat is so forgiving, the houses with good loot aren't the infected ones like in P2 but the burned ones! The AI in that game is so stupid you can trick plague clouds into disappearing if you stand still! You can glitch and jump over fences to take shortcuts through the town! YOU CAN SCAM THAT CUNT ANDREY STAMATIN FOR ENDLESS SHOTGUNS.
Lastly don't forget that 90% of the Pathologic fandom haven't even played any of the games at all. 70% probably never watched a single playthrough either and just video essays instead.
In the steam version of Pathologic 2, Only 10% of players who bought the game have ever reached the end.
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10% !!! That's us there! Me and You! It doesn't matter how what matters is that we both did it while 90% of people gave up.
And the situation in the classic game is even more dire tbh-
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Only 6% ever opened the game and made it through the first day. Only 3% ever made it to the last day.
So, really good on you for finishing the game! Good on me for finishing the game! WE DID IT! YAY! Someone really should give Bella Hadid a call.
Also, please do yourself a favour and ignore whatever the video essayist says about the difficulty of the games. They're good storytellers for building an interesting narrative to watch, but they're not good at videogames assessment. Each of their reasons is very personalised by their own experience and doesn't necessarily mean other people will struggle with the same issues. Don't listen to anyone who tells you picking an easy difficulty ruins the game either, Pathologic doesn't relay on its brutal gameplay to shine, it can more stand on its own as a narrative story walking game. If anything, it would probably shine better on easier difficulties when you have time to dig for context clues and plot without starvation breathing down your neck. I missed some flavour text quests because I was too stressed about balancing different objectives to do them or pay attention when something important was said.
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zeb-z · 7 months
most islanders think Foolish is entirely pro Federation, either because he wants the power they give him or because he doesn’t truly understand what he’s doing or what’s at stake, and is just having fun. even to Cucurucho, he’s a bit of a fool - an overambitious one sure, but a fool nonetheless - who’s irritating and asks too many questions, not quite in a concerning way, but in the way a kid might bother you asking for more ice cream. a newbie on the job who wants the world and is trying to find his place in all of this - any digging for information surely isn’t malicious, because he’s obvious and ignorant about it!
it’s always so exciting when they talk about him, when they say such things to his face - it means it’s working. he tells Cellbit that he’s genuinely infiltrating and he’s not believed. Bad straight up says Foolish’s plans to a Federation worker, and if anything it does more to legitimize him further in the eyes of the Federation.
because he’s silly, and overeager, he can play dumb and his true intentions fly right over everyone’s heads. they only see him for whatever singular facet of his personality that he chooses to present, and it works so well because he can be all those things, he just overplays it to his benefit. Bad is one of the very few who can see his tricks for what they are, who doesn’t underestimate him - because hes right, Foolish does have this way of slipping past peoples defenses to get the info he wants without them even knowing they needed defenses in the first place.
idk this latest stream was just full of these little moments. acting silly when Etoiles asked him why he’s working for the Feds, and grinning when Etoiles says he’s basically a clapping monkey who doesn’t know what he’s doing, calling him naïve. asking Cucurucho a million questions and overwhelming him, acting suspicious and curious around the black concrete nonsense - allowing him to easily get away with presenting exaggerated, biased, and some even fabricated, evidence for his investigation, controlling the narrative entirely, because that part of the convo was made insignificant. (and through those questions, possibly even getting more bonuses for his office and fellow workers - he’s gotten the break room so far, and coffee machines, and another level for investigations, which has swayed workplace opinion towards him heavily.)
then with the AI, Cucuruchito, engaging in banter, then sharing a secret, which seems like a big deal - but everything he told the AI is just what he himself was told by Cucurucho, it was no secret to the Feds at all. then flirting with it for a long time before leaving - which is a tactic he outright explained to chat. to get what you want, information, loyalty, etc, you have to build a good repoire. if it takes flirting, and charm, if it takes a date or two, he’s more than willing to play the part to get what he wants. he’ll pretend to eat up their bullshit about him being special, and let them think he’s charmed instead of the opposite.
Foolish is good at what he does because he catches more flies with honey than with vinegar, and the flies never realize their caught - he’s patient enough to play the long con. and really, could someone as naïve, as foolish as him, be able to do such a thing?
he isn’t taken seriously. and it won’t be their final mistake, but it will certainly be the one that damns them.
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noahsresources · 11 months
incorrect quotes prompts (2/?)
taken from this generator & this generator! triggering themes & nsfw topics may be present!
❝ schrödinger's cat is overrated. if you wanna see something that's both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day. ❞ ❝ if the thought of something makes any of you giggle for longer than 15 seconds, you are to assume you're not allowed to do it. ❞ ❝ dracula had it right. sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations. ❞ ❝ i'm a multitasker: i can disappoint fifteen people at once. ❞ ❝ i'd make fun of your height but there isn't enough to make fun of. ❞ ❝ as someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, i feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on. ❞ ❝ does anyone know how to relax? asking for a friend. ❞ ❝ if looking good was a crime, you'd be a law abiding citizen. ❞ ❝ the next time i open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy. ❞ ❝ well, well, well ... if it isn't my old friend: the dawning realization that i fucked up bad. ❞ ❝ do you ever think? because i do not. ❞ ❝ i dunno if i'm ready to process the ramifications of this bullshit. ❞ ❝ my expectations were low but holy fuck. ❞ ❝ why do i always try to tell people we're cool? we are so very uncool. ❞ ❝ the last time i went to an urgent care clinic, i checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies. ❞ ❝ i was born for politics. i have great hair and i love lying. ❞ ❝ i am so horny and angry all the time. ❞ ❝ i have been tricked, i have been backstabbed, and i have quite possibly been bamboozled. ❞ ❝ if you see me talking to myself, go away! i'm self-employed and we're having a staff meeting! ❞ ❝ i've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by a spontaneous musical number. ❞ ❝ god has let me live another day and i'm going to make it everyone's problem. ❞ ❝ i just realized that every person is living a life as vivid and complex as my own. i feel so bad for them. ❞ ❝ quitting! it's like trying, but easier. ❞ ❝ with great power comes great need to take a nap. wake me up later. ❞ ❝ i came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and i'm not afraid to leave the same way. ❞ ❝ we always used to do the wordle rather than take notes in class, and to stop us the teacher would always threaten to tell us the answer if we didn't pay attention. ❞ ❝ the only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. i could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls i have yet to witness, and i wanna be around when that happens. ❞
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loversj0y · 11 months
hey its me glonk
talking about siren/clinic!wilbur.
Imagine Sire having a love/hate relationship with a low-ranking hero.
(Now I say "low-ranking", but it doesn't mean they're weak. They're just... really bad at their job. They can fight, but they're a little too brutal for the public eye. Breaking bones, etc..
So the hero committee says they are too violent to move up the ranks. Ironic, considering that they are the only hero that doesn't kill villains. The other heroes do much worse all the time-- they just keep it under wraps.)
Anyway, maybe the hero has some nullification power. Siren's voice doesn't work on them, so they end up duking it out in a good old fashioned fistfight.
Unless its the hero's lunch break. they only work when they have to.
eventually, when one gets a call about the other and an order to go deal with them, neither knows whether its going to be a snog-in-the-alleyway kind of day or a beat-each-other-to-a-pulp kind of day until they lock eyes.
fuck Enemies to lovers, this is enemies AND lovers.
lonemies. lovemies. enevers. Enemivers? Who knows.
(also. imagine the hero getting fired one day because they incapacitated someone in a rather brutal manner-- on live television. Does the Hero Committee care that it allows its other heroes to do far worse, just out of the public eye? No! Boom, they are fired)
you bet that siren goes asking them ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶p̶h̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶n̶u̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ to join the syndicate.
glonk. you get me. oh my god.
okay i kind of went crazy down below but i love this concept SO much
enemies AND lovers is SOOO powerful. i feel like siren would have a complex about anyone who cant be affected by his power naturally bc on one hand, it pisses him off, but on the other hand, he LOVES it because it allows him to feel secure in knowing they will never think he’s manipulated them and he’ll never have the option to (id imagine growing up, he found it hard to make connections because people who knew his power and didn’t understand it would find it hard to trust him)
i love the idea too of their very first meeting. hero reader is brand new, spiffy, ready to tackle any challenges! and who do they get? literally one of the three top ranking heros. and yeah they’re terrified but they agreed to this so they get ready to fight and siren just is not having it and simply tries to command them and reader is like *oh fuck…wait.* and they both have this mutual realization that he cant use his power and immediately in siren’s eyes. they are rivals. siren manages to get away without any fight due to the shock and processing they both have, but the hero committee quickly hears about it and is PISSED because, from the media’s view, hero reader didnt even try. which is why next time the hero just gets aggressive and physical and the hero committee ALSO gets pissed again and reader is just like ????? already so done with this shit but they’re on a contract fuck.
but oh thats when siren catches them. they’re not really paying attention to patrolling, still pissed off and reeling from the meeting with the hero committee, so it isnt hard for siren to come up behind them and get them pinned down. and he’s all cocky and talking shit, and reader is too tired to actually fight him or be angry, so siren is like. something is wrong here, i want a reaction. so he switches to flirting. and oh boy does that do the trick. and reader is so tired theyre just like. fuck the hero committee. fuck everything. im going to have fun. and they end up making out in the dark alleyway until siren gets called away by the syndicate.
and the song and dance continues, either fighting or making out (though siren does note that the fighting tends to happen more when the media is involved) hero learns more abt the syndicate and is like honestly i cant even hate them bc the hero committee IS bullshit and the committee is up their ass about needing to be better, constantly needing to be better and fight more and help more people, and they let out some stress with thanatos, but it’s more of a “beat each other up until we’re exhausted and can relax” type of fight until hero accidentally knocks him completely cold because his head hit a brick wall. and they look up and the camera definitely caught that. a text about being fired comes quickly, but honestly they dont even care, they’re more just worried that this person is okay, and so they grab his ear piece and tell nemesis what happened and nemesis is like “okay, im going to trust you only because you just got fired. here’s the cafe’s address, ill tell our healer and have someone meet you there” and so hero brings him to the cafe for tommy to heal, and siren is there because of course he’d be there, but it’s for two main reasons: making sure the hero keeps this place a secret, and extending the offer to potentially become a villain (which he notes that they’d need to have a chat about it over dinner specifically, and it definitely is not an excuse to go on a date)
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rickfucker · 1 year
What would you say are some particular traits in a partner that Rick would appreciate? Or something about someone that would maybe them stand out? (perhaps you've mentioned something like this before but my memory is bad, plus I love how you interpret Rick sm)
Love this ask! It’s easy to come up with a pretty comprehensive list of traits I think Rick would like in a person, but I think he also likes a bunch of different kinds of personalities. Like, yeah, I could say that he likes someone who’s just as stubborn and mean as he is because it keeps things interesting. But I do also think that being good natured could surprise him in how much he likes it, because it’s the opposite of how he perceives himself. So do keep that in mind with these headcanons! Just because I think these things would be important, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like something a lil’ more on the other end of the spectrum ;)
Adventurousness is obviously a must. Someone who’s a little spontaneous when it comes to last minute trips and missions. You gotta be down to at least try anything once. 
Being adaptable or a fast learner is pretty useful to him. If you’re quick on your feet when it comes to problem solving, even better. Rick can solve pretty much all situations, so if you can figure out a new solution before he can, you’ll definitely impress him. People he finds impressive are definitely more attractive to him.
Intelligence doesn’t really feel like a deal breaker (hot take, I know) but it’s a pretty big plus. He doesn’t respect people who don’t have a base line of intelligence, but you definitely don’t need to be anywhere near him in terms of that. He doesn’t expect anybody to be on his level.
This is a bit on the nose, but you gotta be decisive. He’d like a partner who has secure confidence in at least one major area. Could be in social situations (a plus, since he sucks at them), in a personal skill (doesn’t matter what that skill is), expressing absolute certainty in decision making, etc. He likes people who know they’re good and can back it up with evidence.
Someone who can banter with him. You don’t have to be clever or witty necessarily, just have good chemistry with him; you have to be able to flow together well in conversation, in bed, and out in the field.
Skilled in communication!! Another hot take, maybe. He probably wouldn’t even know that he likes this quality in a person (or alien, or… thing). He isn’t good at expressing himself when it comes to basically any overwhelming emotions, right? If you’re good at communicating, you can see through his little tricks or schemes that would push others away. Communication is absolutely a hard skill. Setting boundaries with Rick would definitely level up his respect for you, even if he would seem annoyed, hurt, etc., when you first make it clear to him.
If you can pick out his moods or what he’s really saying when he spouts whatever bullshit he does, it’s going to make his life that much easier. And having a partner who can be absolutely direct with him is the cherry on top. He doesn’t read between the lines when it comes to emotions. If you want him, you have to say it up front. If he’s pissing you off and you say it just like that, that’s something he can understand. Over time, it will become easier for him to open up and be more vulnerable because you don’t mock him or trivialize his feelings simply because he can’t actually put them out in the open. So on top of all that, being observant and intuitive will go a long way with building a relationship.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say Rick likes more childish characters, though I would describe him that way. If you’ve got a fun loving spirit, that’s enough. You gotta be able to deal with his sillier antics. If you don’t just put up with them, but are able to join in on the fun, that’s something that he really appreciates.
Obviously, you gotta love the family. Expressing thoughtful care towards the grandkids will go far in winning his affection, especially if the kids tell him that they like you.
Some other quick things: being passionate, ambitious, having a curious or questioning nature (as long as you don’t bother him with too many questions lmao), non-conformity, a little indulgent, a little skeptical (not a follower, anyway), and just the ability to think for yourself. Yeah, he likes attention and being fawned over for sure, but that’ll get boring to him pretty quick. He doesn’t want a sidekick or a yes-man, he wants a companion.
Just being your own person unabashedly, regardless of what he might say about it, is enough to pique his interest.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Lookism Big Deal dynamics
hc of my number 1 crew: the Golden Era of Big Deal
Tumblr media
Sinu Han
Naturally fun drunk uncle vibe but has to be the reluctant dad.
Tries to teach the kids and be a good role model. Attempts birds and bees lecture when he thinks the boys are up to no good but who are we kidding... no experience whatsoever. Tries to teach the crew but more often than not he learns something himself.
Gets the young members all their first beers much to Yeonhui's disapproval.
Makes them teach him the new tech, new slang, new trends. They're reluctant but he pulls rank. He will still dab to this day.
Shit stirrer, the biggest gossip, and will absolutely egg on non-serious fights.
Favourite hobby is winding up Samuel. This includes:
Calling him Sammy.
Stealing just the 1 brass knuckle, wearing it and constantly asking why Samuel's copying him.
Wearing the standard regulation Big Deal uniform and constantly asking why Samuel's copying him.
Reserving the best jokes for Samuel exclusively:
"I wrote a song about a tortilla. Well, it’s actually more of a wrap"
...Then proceeds to rap.
Jake Kim
Well liked and respected by almost everyone in Big Deal. They are usually won over by his natural charm and his cheeky smile.
Knows everyone by name and makes sure to acknowledge and ask about them.
Extremely good memory, to the point some members find it a bit creepy "morning [name], hope your grandmas operation went well" until they remembered they mentioned it in passing 2 months ago.
Messes around a lot. Trying to speak to him about some official business when he's not in the mood? "I'm Jane Kim, I don't know who Jake is" and runs away.
Just and fair in real life, but cheats at every game he plays. Samuel has flipped the table on him more than once.
Has an extremely dry sense of humour that most people can't read.
Sinu: It'll be good to get a new paint job for my car. Do you think we can afford it?
Samuel: Sure. We have a lot of money to spare.
Sinu: Really???
Samuel: Everyone has been eating ramen for the last 3 weeks and you have holes in your socks. You tell me.
Most of Big Deal can't understand why he gets on so well with Jake when they seem like oil and water. Hey, opposites attract. And ultimately they're working towards the same goal for now.
These 2 are the definition of good cop, bad cop.
Jake: why are you going round terrorising our girls
Rival Gang member: your girls work for us from now on
Jake: [sigh] listen, leave Big Deal Street alone. You don't want me to get this guy [points at Samuel] involved. I'm doing you a favour here
[Samuel smoking menacingly and looking unhinged]
Rival Gang member: ...ok
[Samuel beats the shit out of him anyway]
Jerry Kwon
Most of Big Deal were absolutely terrified of him until they found out he was 15 years old and Jake prepares his lunches.
Often plans visiting Jeju Island with Jason and sightseeing for when they have money to spare.
No hard feelings between him and Lineman, with Jerry even tutoring him on some of the subjects at school.
Listens patiently to all the bullshit that Lineman weaves like it's storytime.
Jerry tries to prioritise school when he can, and still gets around on his bicycle. He wants to keep making Jake proud.
Brad Lee
You thought Jake was bad to play games with? This guy has the most underhanded tricks. Hiding extra monopoly money, random cards up his sleeve, making up rules that sound just official enough. Samuel hasn't actually flipped the table on him. He just enjoys watching Jake getting more and more pissed off then Jake will do the table flip.
During the gang's quieter days, him and Sinu are the most annoying fuckers to be around. Constantly cracking jokes and ridiculous conversations that gives the rest of Big Deal a headache.
Sinu: which octopus leg would you want be?
Brad: the fifth one, it's the most important
Sinu: (nods) that makes sense
Sinu: hey Brenda, who am i?
Brad: good morning Sarah, how's make up school going?
Jason Yoon
Hangs out on the pier a lot. The rest of Big Deal think he's broody but it reminds him of Jeju Island beaches a little and he feels homesick.
Didn't speak a lot and quiet initially. He actually did have a lot of things to say, mostly revolving round wanting Sinu and Brad to stfu but keeps his mouth shut as he doesn't want to offend the boss.
The most pragmatic out of Team YB and has the best working relationship with Samuel.
The girls have heard he's called the Crimson Stallion but they don't really know why. "Hey do you think it's cos he's hung like a-"
Golden retriever vibes, happy to be here. Super starstruck when he was introduced to everyone.
Gets flustered and stutters when he first joined the crew "g-good morning j-jake" and 'oh h-hiya mister k-kwon' until Jason and Brad poked fun at him "hey fuck you guys!!! im just being polite >:(" he very quickly relaxed and settled in after that.
Then it was the return of the cocky Lineman: the bullshit master of Big Deal.
Completely harmless and well intentioned though so they dont mind. Everyone can smell it a mile away but they let him dig his own grave.
The conservative culture and the fact that not a lot of girls are in the crew means the boys don't know how to often act around her. She gets away with far too much and takes advantage of this.
Brings back stray cats and dogs to Big Deal, where her and Jerry would take care of them until Samuel reminds them they barely have enough money to feed themselves.
Samuel is the only person that can keep her in line, and who treats her like any other member. To him your gender doesn't matter as long as you're useful. Lua respects him a lot but finds him too intimidating to ever get too close.
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Can the Redacted Characters Skateboard
Hi and welcome back to bullshit that I wrote while on a hiatus to avoid actually working on WIPs and then shoved into my scheduled posting so i didnt have to worry about it. 
Also if this has already previously been done, can someone please tell me so I can delete it because i dont wanna be a content thief. That always fucking sucks. (I say as I make up things about characters that Erik made up.)
Redacted Masterlist
Starting off strong with the Shaw pack and their respective partners.
David: Man had zero interest in actually learning to skateboard. He preferred learning to drive or ride a bike if he needed transportation. But he learned it with Asher when they were kids. Since being able to drive though he stopped practicing and now he’s rusty. He can skate and do basic ollies but that’s it.
Angel: No. They are clumsy. They get on a skateboard and immediately fall over. Wrap them in bubble wrap because they will get hurt but they will continue trying because they’re stubborn as all hell.
Asher: Yes. I headcanon he’s a skater boy so fucking hard you don’t understand. Man got obsessed with skating when he was in fifth grade and begged David to learn how to skate with him. He got so many injuries, Marie told him that she wouldn’t heal him for his skating injuries anymore. But he kept at it and when David started driving, he would be skitching to David’ car/truck all the fucking time. He also knows how to make his own boards and do a bunch of cool tricks.
Baabe: Baabe started to learn skating in middle school but then stopped. Asher taught them when they got together and now they go to skate parks and go on skating dates every now and then. it’s very cute. Asher made them a matching board to his.
Milo: No. This man sits on a board and uses both his feet and hands to make it move. He can at least balance on it unlike Angel but don’t ask him to push. He will fail and he will fall into traffic.
Sweetheart: They were able to skate in middle school but then stopped because they kept going invisible while on the street and people would try to stop a runaway skateboard. It ended up getting them and others injured so then they stopped. Now they’re too busy to see if they still retain any of their basic street skills.
Darlin: Abso-fucking-lutely. This is their main mode of transportation when they aren’t running. They continuously try to skate through the woods and fail every time because it’s not a stable enough surface. However they are a longboard user since they view street boards as hella cliche and they refuse. Also they like asking Asher to make longboards since he dislikes making the fuckers.
Sam: Yes. Especially post-turning. Man has reflexes and can make the skateboard go zoom with his vamp speed. But he doesn’t do it anymore because skateboarding at night can be kinda dangerous due to low visibility and he doesn’t like drawing attention to himself. 
Arden: yes. I just get skater girl vibes from her. I can’t explain why. But I could see Asher making her an eggboard cruiser.
Christian: No. He tried to learn so he could be better than Asher but he fails harder than Angel. Everyone thought it wasn’t possible, but he proved them wrong. Congrats Christian.
Amanda: No. She didn’t have any interest in learning.
Now onto the Solaire vamps!
William: I wanna say yes simply for the mental image of this fabulous man skating down the street while Vincent and Sam stare on in shocked horror, but Imma have to say no. He will finance skateboards, but he doesn’t know. Darlin did try to teach him how to skate with a longboard but he looked at the board then at them and politely declined.
Vincent: Are you kidding me? Of course this flamboyant fucker knows how to skate. He only got better when he was turned. He prefers driving cars, but he likes skitching to one of his cars while Lovely is driving. It’s very fun. But he continuously tries to do tricks with a longboard and fails every time since that’s not what they’re made for. He’s too stubborn to stop though. His streetboard is so scratched up please get it some TLC.
Lovely: They’re in the process of learning because Baabe and Asher told them about their skate dates and they think that’s cute. Vincent is a horrible teacher though so their learning is going very slowly.
Alexis: No. This is commoner activities and therefore below her.
Adam: No. He’s missing a head. Usually pretty important when one wishes to skate. Thoughts and prayers dude.
DAMN squad!
Huxley: FUCK YES! This dude is a skateboarding king. He has a cruiser though since he just likes the chill vibes of cruising everywhere. It’s especially helpful on campus.
Damien: No and it frustrates him to no end. Huxley has tried teaching him, but he’s not able to pick it up. And everytime he gets frustrated he ends up damaging the deck so he stopped trying.
Lasko: No. He’s way too anxious to be confident about his balance so he always falls whenever he tries to put his foot on the back deck. He’s content with just walking, thank you.
Lasko’s listener (Kinda excited to see what pet name they get.): Yes. The confidence that is dripping (heh get it?) from this being is tangible, even from just one video. They seem pretty confident in their abilities, so that would serve them well for skating. Whether I think they do skate or not is still kinda up in the air. I can kinda see them being like that on tiktok teacher who skates around in the building ona  cruiser. They give off a really chill teacher vibes (They literally wanted to start up a workplace romance, that seems pretty chill to me) so I could see them cruising down the hall with a stack of graded papers in their bag. Also they would totally skate during a storm. They’re a water elemental so they can probably control the element enough to make sure their wheels don’t slip too much. Lasko did say they were pretty good at their magic, so I could see them having that level of control.
Freelancer: Yes. Huxley taught them, so they only know about cruisers, but they’re okay with this. They get to cruise around campus and everything and it makes them feel cool. 
Gavin: He has no need for it, but Freelancer has been begging him so he relents. Huxley and Freelancer are teaching him right now. It’s slow going since he would much rather just tease them both though.
Caelum: No. He can’t. But he’s very energetic when following after Freelancer when he can. He’s happy they found another activity that helps loosen the knots inside them. He’s a hype-boyo. 
Meridian and Sovereign storyliners!
Vega: No. It’s a human custom so therefore he has zero interest in it. Also it holds no purpose to further his goals so why would he bother learning?
Warden: No. They were too busy to learn how and they also didn’t really care. It’s just a skateboard, but there are people that need their help. Also they’re too busy trying to fight off the never ending hunger.
Avior: He’s wanted to learn but has been a bit busy the past several months/hour. 
Starlight: They know the basic push and ollies so they can easily get around but that’s it. They’ve been a bit busy too. Plus they like walking. It’s good for them.
Cam: (he needs to be here for organization sake) He has a cruiser. It’s nice to be able to to take a small break and just go past some flowers or parks and soak up how everyone is having a pretty good day. He doesn’t get the chance very often though sadly.
Asset: Yes but only because they know everything and have the ability to go through with it. They have never stepped foot on a skateboard and don’t have any plans to.
Marcus: No he’s a whiny little baby bitch. He would fall into traffic.
James: No, he’s a runner not a skater. But we respect him for it.
James listener: Yes. They don’t wanna be a marathon runner like James, but they wanna be able to go with him during his runs so they have a cruiser and they know how to use it. That’s it though.
Anton: Yes. I can feel it in my bones, if the workplace was more chill he would have an eggboard and that would be how he’d get around within the facility.
Anton’s listener: No. I get a gentle plant parent vibe from them. But they like seeing how content Anton gets when he gets to skate.
Brian: (i think that’s his name) No. He just wants to go home to his family bro. Plus he plays tennis (hc). Being a tennis player makes him above skaters. (lovingly said.)
Blake: Yes and he’s annoyingly good at it. He impresses his listener every time he does because they always think he’s not gonna be any good and then he proves them otherwise. Whether they’re dreaming or not when they see this and are impressed is unimportant. What’s important is that he impresses them and has their attention. What, are you not feeling drowsy? Don’t worry about that, look at this cool flip he can do.
Blake’s Listener: They have a skateboard that they have not touched since 3rd grade. So no, they cannot. They don’t remember and they didn’t practice long enough as a kid for it to be in any kind of muscle memory.
Elliot: Absolutely. This is another born, raised, and bred skater boy. He loves putting stickers all over the underside of his deck. It looks like someone vomited the definition of multi-fandom all over it. He also needs to get a new board before his deck snaps in half, but he’s too attached to it to do so.
Sunshine: Yes. After their accident, they were a bit scared to drive again so they learned how to skate in an effort of alternate modes of transportation. It was a necessity. But they met Elliot at a skate park when they were practicing turning and he helped them out. They became friends and then you know how the story goes.
Brachium: No. He has no access but Sunshine has told him about skating and he’s happy for them.
Aaron: He got interested when Elliot got obsessed and he tried it out but then decided against actually dedicating time to learn. But he gave Elliot stickers to put on the deck.
Smartass: Aaron mentioned that he gave up learning while Smartass was half-asleep. The next morning they went out and bought a board to prove that they were going to learn and be better than Aaron. So they’re in the process of learning and everytime they feel like giving up because it offers nothing for them besides bragging rights, spite makes them continue. We wish them luck on their spiteful journey.
Ollie: No he doesn’t. He was more into playing board games inside then going outside to learn how to skateboard or anything. He knows his name is related to a skating maneuver but that wasn’t enough to make him have any interest.
Baby (Ollie): No. They’re content with playing board games with Ollie. They like being indoors instead of outdoors anyways.
Ivan: He learned but never put his skills to use. So theoretically he knows how to skate but we aren’t sure.
Baby (Pre-Vega’s Ivan): Yes. They learned with Ivan, and actually put the skills to use. So they do know how to skate and it’s a fun hobby for them to learn new little tricks.
Baby (post-Vega’s Ivan): No. They don’t. They didn’t have any interest and still don’t even after being freed and memory modified. Skateboarding isn’t for everyone and that’s fine.
Guy: yes and he’s horrible at it. He knows how but he likes messing up because then he can go to Honey about his “boo-boos”s and try to convince them to kiss the scrapes and bruises better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
Honey: Yes and they’re good at it. Their favorite thing to do when just skating around is a Dragon flip (also known as the 360 dolphin flip) they think it’s fun and they would do it continuously if they could. But every chance they get, they’re at least doing a dozen of them.
Geordi: He’s too anxious to actually be confident (like Lasko) but he really wants to learn. It seems less exhausting than running. He also thinks it looks cool.
Cutie: No they can’t, and street boarders thoughts are a bit too intense for them to even want to learn or try. They know Geordi wants to try, but they aren’t going to mention skateboarding because then they would have to worry about Geordi’s thoughts getting like the street boarder’s. 
Regulus: He’s invisible, we will never know if he’s a secret skater boy. He’s very good at doing flips inside your mind though.
Regulus Listener (Precious I think they’re called? Getting Gollum vibes ngl): Why do you need to go outside? Inside you can be with Regulus. That’s all you want, not to see if you can skate. Inside with Regulus, safe from those who want to take him away from you. To separate the two of you. Why are you crying? Oh, he understands. Those are tears of joy aren’t they? Don’t worry, he’ll wipe them from you as he makes you lay dormant to his every whim. Isn’t this the life you wanted?
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You've probably read a million high school/college AU's and maybe some middle school or kindergarten ones. Regardless, you've seen the Hetalia characters a students. But what would they be like if they were teachers? Here's what I think...
Hetalia characters and what kind of teacher I think they'd be:
America: He's the kind of teacher that's generally pretty chill, except due to that, he gives the most gut wrenching "I'm very disappointed in you guys" speeches. And he's actually a very busy teacher who is diligent, so he doesn't take easy to students who slack off and expect to pass by doing absolutely nothing. But he's one of those teachers who has buddy-buddy type conversations with students.
Canada: He's a sweet and very understanding teacher. You can tell from the first day of class that he's super approachable. He keeps a well organized class space with very straight forward boundaries. He's blunt and honest but he's nice about it. He stays extra hours after school incase anyone wants tutoring or maybe just wants to hang out even.
France: His classroom is definitely very decorative and pretty. He likes to feel comfy. Not a huge fan of boring assignments. He likes creativity and will actively do what it takes to get all students participating. Don't think you can sit in your little emo corner by the window because he will ask you to speak up about what you thought about your classmates presentation. Also he pays a lot of attention to his students, so he notices when someone's having a bad day and is willing to chat with them.
England: He is very orderly and quite strict. He's the kind of teacher that says "today we're gonna do a fun assignment" and then proceeds to assign a 5 page essay. He loves what he teaches but more often than not the students don't share the same sentiment over the subject. Students tend to think he has a personal vandetta against them, but in reality he doesn't. He just wants you to be self-disciplined because he genuinely cares, but it tends to come off as "I just want to fail you".
China: He's strict. He doesn't play games. Don't think you can get away with ass-kissing or trying to play teachers pet because unless you actually do the work, you ain't passing. He's one of those old teachers that knows every trick students could possibly try to pull. And by the same token, he's that old teacher that never gives up on a student. He will do what he can to teach you what you need to learn, even if it's the last thing he does.
Russia: Every student on campus is terrified of him. His assignments are not easy, he is not shy about assigning tough work. But he's always in his class (yes, always) so if you don't go in to ask for help that's on you babes. He will actually take the time to explain it one step at a time. He's also just happy to have company during his lunch time. And he really appreciates little gifts, he's the teacher that never throws away gifts from students that have graduated years ago.
Japan: He's not the most talkative or loud teacher, but he still knows how to demand students attention, even while keeping a calm, unbothered face. And he has a quiet voice, he is not afraid to "raise" his volume if necessary (I say "raise" cuz its more of a harsh berating tone). He is very kind, and he explains things very well the first time. He's strict on due dates and punctuality though. However, he's more lenient on other things (as long as you show respect to him, of course).
Germany: He's scary. First day of class he immediately gives a speech about how he will not tolerate any bullshit whatsoever. (I imagine him giving the spiel he gave at the world meeting in episode 1.) He has a small but very well enforced set of rules. The basics: just show respect and do your work as expected. You will learn that if you try your best, he will give you grace and understanding regardless of the result. He's pretty generous, really, just don't be a lazy ass.
Italy: He's perky and preppy and ready to start the day, every day. Even if he arrives right before the bell rings. He's a teacher of few rules, but don't take advantage of that. He will put his foot down eventually, for he can only let things go so far. He always wants to help and will be there for you if you need to talk, but disrespectful behavior will have consequences. If you decide you want to chose that path, he's happy to let you have enough rope to hang yourself with.
Alright, that's all I have for now. Feel free to comment! (Do they sound like any teachers you've had?) I can always add more to this because, lowkey, I could use a teacher AU for a change. I've seen enough Hetalia characters as dumb high schoolers. Also, who would be your favorite if they were your teachers?
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freakshowtwopointoh · 4 months
Doubt Comes In - All I've Ever Known Part 2
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Is this a trap that's bein' laid for me? (The wind is changing) (Doubt comes in)
Is this a trick that's bein' played on me? (How cold it's blowing) (Doubt comes in)
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I’m not usually the kind of person who doesn’t leave well enough alone, and usually, I’m content to let others have their own secrets. I have other shit to worry about. But every time I try to ignore Maggie, she does something that throws me for a loop. She’s a whiz with computers and physics, which I found out when she came up behind me in class to correct my mathematics. Something that should have set her up for success at her old school. Why is she here? Why is she here now? 
It’s clear the administration was gearing up to slot her into a high rank position with her brother. I’d been thinking it before their interview, but after that it was crystal clear. I was going to lose my chance at number one because of some legacy bullshit. It’s infuriating. She has no qualifications, no experience... she was a mediocre student at a nerd school for two years and all of a sudden she’s a T.A. and a junior in crime fighting? She’s clearly smart.
But of course, I did reach out to professor Park for her application after Maggie so kindly instructed me to do so. And Park said she was “not permitted to share student records without a good reason.” Then, I reached out to Brink, who also gave me the run around. What were they hiding? I went to a third professor, making up an excuse about T.A. duties or whatever, and afterwards, Brink essentially told me if I kept poking around, he’d get in trouble. I burst into my childhood best friend’s dorm, fuming.
“I’m telling you Emma, there’s something off about her. Even Brink won’t let me see her applications.” Emma hummed in response, clearly not listening to me. “Emma, are you even listening?”
“Not really.” She admitted. “So, she’s got a sponsor or whatever. Why do you care?”
“Even the sponsored students have applications. Brink told me straight up that he would get in trouble if I kept pushing.”
“So why are you still pushing?” I sighed in exasperation. 
“Because there’s something fishy going on, and I’d like to know about it before it becomes a problem for me. I thought you, of all people, would jump at a new mystery, Veronica Mars.” She giggled at that, but her face turned serious again in a moment.
“It seems like it’s already a problem for you.” She said honestly, and I didn’t have a response for that. “Look, Jor, I understand why you’re concerned. But do you really want to stick your nose into something that could risk everything for you?” She held my gaze for a long moment, forcing me to get out of my own head. 
“You’re smarter than most give you credit for, Cricket.” I said, ruffling her short blonde hair and smiling. 
“You’re not going to let this go, are you?” She said, the mischievous glint shining in her eyes.
“No.” I said finally.
“Then just remember - this could be anything. It could be nothing, it could be... dangerous. For you, for her...” She seemed uncharacteristically serious.
“Do you know something I don’t, Em?” I said, eyes narrowing, searching her face for information I knew she didn’t have.
“No, but if Brink really won’t pull strings for you, there is probably something fishy. I’ll give you that much.” She said. “Now, can we do something fun before you wind yourself up into a tornado?” I rolled my eyes but smiled, settling in for a night of shitty TV, shitty beer, and not-so-shitty weed.
Emma’s words stuck with me as I tried and failed to put Maggie out of my mind. The way the school was pushing her through the ranks was really starting to get on my nerves, and when she broke the top twenty I talked Emma’s ear off so much she threatened to kick me out of her dorm.
I feel like she’d piss me off less if she didn’t act like she belonged at the top. At least Andre and Luke can acknowledge the bullshit system that lifts them up while leaving me in the dirt. But Maggie walks around like she’s been given the short end of the stick when she’s basically being escorted into stardom and celebrity. I have to get my head on straight. This is junior year - not the time to lose my head over some silly girl with secrets. I have a ranking to maintain, and I will not let her take my place at the top. No matter what the administration is trying to pull. 
-- One Month Later --
But somehow, here I am, riding Tyler’s dick in his tiny ass dorm room, and I can’t stop thinking about her. Her secrets, her smile... Fuck. Who is this girl and what the fuck is she doing to me? I could feel Tyler getting close and I was just glad it was over. Not like I was getting off anyways. He stood up and threw me a box of tissues, which I caught gratefully. Cleaning up quickly, I pulled on my basketball shorts and saw myself out. 
I had been planning on just heading straight to my room to study, but as I approached the kitchen door, I heard someone singing. It was beautiful, low and gravelly, but still distinctly feminine. It had to be Maggie - Cate’s voice is bright and higher. It was honestly entrancing - I was glued to where I was standing like a sailor hearing a siren song. Even when a leaf lodged itself in my ponytail, I was transfixed. But when Luke approached, I shook my head to clear it, making a move towards the door.
“Don’t go in yet, it’s Mags.” Luke whispered, stopping to stand next to me. “She is petrified of anyone hearing her sing. Cate caught her once and Maggie didn’t make eye contact with her for the rest of the trip.” Luke chuckled, but his eyes drifted away, the clear sign that Sam was involved in the story. Luke had always been hesitant to discuss his family, even before Sam died. And now that Maggie was living here, he basically acted as if he’d never had a brother, or any issues in his family at all. It’s a little sickening sometimes, watching him play at a happy family. He kept listening for a little while, and I almost thought I saw a tear in his eye. I shifted uncomfortably, unsure what to do with this information or his emotion. 
Finally, the song ended, and Luke crashed through the back door, purposefully making more noise than necessary. “Oh, hey Mags!” He said, and I pushed my way to my room, keeping my eyes straight ahead as if neither of them were there, making my way to my room.
I caught myself wondering why Maggie didn’t like people hearing her sing instead of studying. She clearly has talent, but as with most things about her, she kept it hidden away. 
But she was always on my mind, worming her way into my thoughts like an irritating pop song that starts showing up everywhere. The first thing I noticed, besides the fact that she’s faker than a Barbie doll, was that she keeps a strict routine. There hasn’t been a day of us living together that she isn’t awake before me, and I wake up at 6am. She’s always back at the house by 6pm, and in her room by 8:30pm. She is always on time to the weekly T.A. meetings, and every class. I keep looking for cracks in her facade, but I haven’t found any. 
I tried looking into her past, her old college - and there’s nothing. It’s clear she did attend the school for two years, but there’s no record of any classes even attended. And without her applications, there are no transcripts, no essays, no papers, nothing. It’s as if two entire years of her life were gone. The only other mention of her is in Sam’s obituary. Another thing that no one wants to talk about or look into.
Fucking Sam. What pissed me off the most about Sam’s death was how much it scared me. Any of us could have disappeared and presumed dead... and nothing would be done. How was anyone supposed to show any weakness at all if it could be used to cover up our own suffering? No body was ever found. No note was ever found. Nothing was ever found. And yet, everyone is so sure he killed himself that there was a death certificate a week later? Practically unheard of, but no one questioned it. They all just posed in fucking black designer clothes and moved on with their lives. No one says his name, no one wonders where he is... it’s almost been a year. What would happen if I vanished? Would any of them care to find me? Lord knows my parents would accept whatever bullshit Vought spewed... was Sam involved in something sketchy? Doubtful, he was so young. Whatever it was, he was a pawn in some stupid fucking game like the rest of us. Best to play along and get your share of the pie. Fuck that whole fucked up family. 
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edits by @barbieprincesshilton
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the-very-rubiest · 9 months
Alright my lovely mutuals, I'm pulling you aside for a sec.
Every day I come on here and see so many of you talking badly about yourselves. Every day I open this website and see lovely, kind, passionate, creative, talented people calling themselves unlovable, unworthy, unwanted, and so many other nasty things that they don't deserve. And I get it. When you grew up being made to feel like you were all these things, not internalizing that thought is goddamn hard. But I'm still here to tell you all a story.
Last semester I knew a guy who was, frankly, the biggest Negative Nancy I've ever met. I don't remember a single time he had something nice to say about anything. Personally, I thought he was a bitch and had to bite my tongue really hard to keep from arguing with him. Sometimes I failed.
But guess what? The guys in my group loved him. They thought he was the funniest guy on earth, did activities with him, invited him to visit each other's places after the semester ended and everyone returned home. In fact, he was better liked in that group than I was—he was consistently included while I was slowly iced out, because I guess having one random girl there ruins the feeling of boys' night. (Which I understand, I just think they handled it poorly.)
Another time, in the intro group I mentored, there was one of the creepiest men I've ever met in my own age range. I won't get into the details of his creepery, only that he made me and several other girls severely uncomfortable every time he'd had a few drinks, and sometimes even sober. The kind of person where you really, really ask yourself how anyone could possibly stand their company.
But guess what? For the longest time, the whole group still enjoyed his company. They thought he was fun, they included him in conversations and on the dancefloor at parties; and even after he'd crossed the line so many times that we mentors were considering kicking him out, the very girls who had brought it to us were willing to give him another chance after he'd apologized. In my opinion it wasn't even an apology. But people were still willing to keep including him.
And those are just two examples. I've met many, many people. And I can give you many, many stories of people who were mean, selfish, immature, or objectively terrible who others saw, flaws and all, and still considered worth their time. Who still had friends, even close ones (and yes—often perfectly lovely people), who looked past their bullshit and enjoyed their company.
Now let me ask you a question.
Do you seriously think you're less worthy of people's love, time and attention than people who don't even try to be likable, considerate, or remotely kind?
There is no magical threshold for how amazing, charismatic, and super speshiful you have to be to be liked by others. If you feel like you always have to be perfect, always interesting, never make a single mistake, to be liked—you're probably with the wrong crowd. If the people around you make you feel like that: You. Are. With. The. Wrong. Crowd. There's nothing wrong with you. And finding the right people is hard, especially as an adult with limited time and energy, but you have to hold onto the knowledge that this isn't all that's in the cards for you. You're not hopeless.
Or maybe it's not even that. Maybe you just lack confidence. And listen, I get it. I, too, grew up as "the friend nobody liked" for many years. But you know what helps? Pretending to have confidence. If you go into interactions convinced that nobody cares anyway, or that you're annoying, or whatever else you tell yourself—that belief will show, and other people will pick up on it and think the same. You gotta stand behind yourself. That's the whole trick all the above-mentioned people used to get a foot in the door—they believed they were worthy of everyone else's time and energy, so others believed it too.
And I know this speech won't make deeply ingrained feelings of inadequacy or loneliness go away overnight. It won't change old patterns. But maybe it'll give you food for thought. Because if you care about your surroundings, and you try to be kind, and you have things you love and care about—what more can anyone expect from you? What more can you expect from yourself?
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forcebookish · 9 months
I'm sorry but the crazy hate for top doesn't even make sense at this point. like even in comparison to some other characters he isn't as bad yet they all get treated like innocent meow meows and he gets villanized. repeatedly drunk driving and putting innocent lives in danger? my poor baby :( manipulating a whole scheme to get back at a guy you hate with no concern for how it will destroy others? king behavior! (And tbh no hate to sand I respect what he did lol but there's no need to lie about what it was). recording people having sex and commiting numerous other crimes? he's just in love :/ and I don't even need to get into how Boston can do all the sick shit he does and still be called a "bad bitch." Is top a flawed character with MANY issues he needs to work on? yes absolutely but if you're gonna call him the scum of the universe you sure better do it for all the other characters too is all I'm saying.
anon, you're absolutely right!
although, i don't respect what sand did - i just love him for it lol that man is insane 🤣 he finally did something interesting to me🫢 and the fact that he did it, knowing how much it would hurt ray in the process? just the rotten cherry on top of the shit sundae he served that friend group. now that is messy. and at least he seems to actually understand the gravity of how fucked up what he did was once he saw the consequences, unlike boston😒 who really had the gall to say that he "let" topmew have their happily ever after, after he had tried to sleep with top again and continued to lie to him about mew and ray - only leaving top alone because top finally stood up for himself, pushed him away, and shamed him about it.
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the point is that all these characters are flawed; they'd be boring otherwise. that's the case in literally all storytelling. does BL fandom think that all their faves in other series are perfect? no one is perfect.
however, top's flaws are what make him perfect to me. he's a well-crafted character who is fun to watch. plus, if you make a list of all his "sins" and "faults," he doesn't compare even slightly to these other characters. besides mew (uh, at least before ep6 lol), he's literally the least messy of them all - he's just a mean girl, who slept with someone else because the objectively worst of them tricked him through some of the nastiest, most underhanded means i have ever seen. all his other negatives aren't even unique to him - in fact, he seems to be the only one of the boys (besides mew) who doesn't do anything nasty unprovoked. we've seen in literally every episode what he said here is true:
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and even when ray "messed with" top by telling him he wanted to give whoever punched him in the face a trophy (because *checks notes* top was irritated that ray raised his voice about mew not wanting to leave the party. and that he's dating mew... that's it lmao ray was rude just from top hitting on mew. he didn't even know him yet! what kind of "if i can't have him no one can" kinda bullshit is that? wtf ray, grow up! ), top just stared at him sadly - and that was when he still thought that ray was sleeping with mew.
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every (idk, i might be missing a couple) other "flaw" of top's could be used to describe other characters in the group:
"smug" because he's hot and rich (ray)
"smug" because he's "good at sex" (boston)
promiscuous (boston)
drug user (ray)
lying/not telling mew about sleeping with boston (boston and nick)
"betrayed" mew by sleeping with someone else (boston)
not mentioning that someone kissed him without consent (mew)
punches someone in the face (sand, ray, boston, and mew lol)
he "stole" (tbh i'm not convinced) someone's lover (boston)
and guess what? he's stopped doing all of those things. (i'll concede this: he might get in another fight later. i hope not, i'm a little over all the punching soz mew can have his attempted drowning of boston tho, i won't complain about that.) (and he's definitely going to relapse and take mew's pills, probably in the next episode. but at least he's stopped before then - i haven't seen any evidence that ray has ever tried to get sober.) can't say the same for the other characters.
meanwhile, negative things he hasn't done that others have:
violated consent (boston and ray)
instigated a physical fight (sand and ray)
insisted that the person he was seeing was "just a friend" (ray and boston)
recorded someone without their consent (nick and boston)
made fun of mew for being a virgin (boston)
smashed his own phone into pieces so he could steal a sex tape (sand omg i really cannot get over how truly insane that was)
hit the person he's sleeping with (boston and ray)
drove while drunk/high (ray)
got high and sent his best friend a sex tape of his boyfriend with their other friend ON HIS BIRTHDAY, AT THE BIRTHDAY PARTY WHERE BOTH OF THEM WERE (ray lol also can't get over that one. and everyone saying he did it with "good intentions" like nah just because he knew that mew wouldn't fall in love with him over it, doesn't mean that he didn't do it out of revenge against boston and top - even if he thought he was avenging mew. ON HIS BIRTHDAY, BITCH. maybe he convinced himself he was doing the right thing, but he did it because he was angry and high.)
exposed his friend's darkest secrets about their love lives to their partners, only to hurt them because he's miserable (boston and ray)
and i don't think top would. (maybe the driving while drunk/high but based on the kind of drugs he likes, i don't think he'd be able to, like, stand let alone get in a car lol but we'll see.)
and by compiling this list, i don't mean to say that all these characters are evil, except boston, and by his own admission lol,
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or that they're bad characters, just that the hate top gets is ridiculous and disproportionate. i'm not even saying that you have to like him, just don't exaggerate his faults or blame him for all the shit boston did to him. oh, you hate him based on "vibes?" don't act like it's not because he's played by force and you don't care about forcebook. it's not subtle😒 we can see your clown shoes😒
and this isn't really directed at you, anon, i know you mean well, but i am really tired of the fact that top fans seem to be the only ones who feel the need to say stuff like "he's flawed" and "he has issues," when every single fucking character is and does. why do we have to be defensive? we don't. he's a good character, and not even a bad person lol
i fucking love him, no caveats. i love everything about him.
AND ANOTHER THING lol i should just shut up but this is really bothering me: i am SO annoyed by these "huh i guess top does love mew" and "huh i wonder if top has some sexual trauma" posts LIKE REALLY??? REALLY???????? NOW YOU THINK SO?? FUCK OFF. like on one hand, yeah thanks for fucking FINALLY coming around but he's only acted like and said he liked mew LITERALLY EVERY EPISODE and only slept with boston because he was CORNERED and BECAUSE HE LIKED MEW AND FELT BETRAYED BY HIM LIKe JFOWJIWHGIOWJSFKL RAAAAAAAAH ok i'm done
so glad you dropped by, anon, clearly i needed to get some stuff off my chest 😅
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