#the good cgi is calling me tho i do love good cgi
australet789 · 2 years
Have you seen the rest of Prehistoric Planet? It's amazing? The T-Rex bits were my favorite
No, not yet. I'm currently binge watching The Lion Guard, im almost done with season 2 and i will only have season 3 left (finally).
I would love to watch Prehistoric Planet, tho. Like i mentioned before, it makes me feel like watching Dinosaur all over again. But i dont like that in every post about the dinos someone is ALWAYS asking to give them feathers. It's becoming annoying, at least for me, specially when feathers ARE an evolutionary feature. Scales are gonna happen first no matter what, so it pisses me off. Sure, ok, raptors do have feathers and are cool! But not every dinosaur is a raptor! Let me enjoy them being reptiles for fucks sake.
Either way, I do have seen the gif of the spicy T-rex scene xD which i have found hilarious with that random bush covering the sex scene. Like, cmon, we know what is going on there haha
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yogurtlid10000 · 4 months
your HNK art is making me want to watch HNK hrghfghfjrrfcgdggh
Jaw drop emoji. Well. 😎 Here’s my thoughts the “starter pack” briefing to Houseki no Kuni:
Highly recommend the anime!! It’s 12 eps long, u can probably find it if u search like “watch land of the lustrous online” and made by the same studio which made… uh Beastars if you’ve heard of that! And the new Trigun Stampede! They make GREAT CGI animation :)) anyway the anime is beautiful animation and characters, great music, great sound design, great voice acting!
I’ll say the story is pretty weird, but that’s what it’s supposed to be like! A little brief summary about Land of the Lustrous/Houseki no Kuni 🫶my fav anime
Far in the future the last beings on Earth are Genderless Rock Beings Like Steven Universe but Anime and Without Musical Numbers. They’re immortal! The characters are gems. Rocks. And they are being hunted by mysterious divine looking spirit people called Lunarians who want to shatter the gem people (the Lustrous) and make them into JEWLERY and shit ☹️ anyway the story follows one gem, and their changes throughout their journey to uncovering the mysteries about the world! Why are their only gems? Who are the Lunarians? Are there other creatures? Etc. anyway the anime gets u up to about chapter 33 or smth. There’s about 100 chaps in the manga so far, and the story continues further :))
The characters I draw the most that you’ve seen (cairn and laphos)-just for your reference-are from the manga! 🙏the manga is highly rated and ranked #12 top on myanilist which is epic let’s just say things get darker😎 love this series!
Anyway I wrote all this just for fun because I like this series obviously no pressure to watch it because it’s lowkey confusing 😔it’s still really good tho I swear 🔥if u do ever read the manga, I salute u? Be mentally prepared! Hooray! Ok that’s all hope this helps lmao
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obligitory-fma-blog · 8 months
I watched the second fma Netflix adaptation. Here’s the best of my notes:
They had the whole fma original soundtrack to use for this movie and tHEY DIDNT??
Purification arts of Xing?? Just call it Alcehestry like they do in the show?? (No I didn’t spell it right I was noting stuff as I went and didn’t look it up)
Okay the weird pause before Lan Fan pulled out the smoke bomb…
Lots of weird pauses and slow-mo’s to mimic anime fights but it reads weird as live action and I don’t like it
Wtf never mind hi envy with your shit ass wig (I forgot they killed off Hughes in the first one 😭😭)
Ed really be like “you do you ig”
“Yeah people exploding today!” Is my favorite line so far. (English Captions with Japanese audio; this was the train hijacker guy from fma 03)
Ed’s expression when Mustang shows up is the most in character thing I will say that (after train stuff)
I will say they did better on characterization this time around I feel like they’re close to the actual characters
But it’s hard to get close to them since they aren’t, well, animated characters. Trying not to judge too harshly.
Not terrible so far actually
Okay nevermind about the cgi WHAT IS WITH XIAOMEI
“I mean, we’re just some decent human beings.” -Ed who wanted to leave Mei behind
Okay we’re gonna have a really awkward explosion-over-short moment that just will not work because it isn’t animated
Mei being a bitch back is warranted
They be running
“You’ll never catch me, tiny rice man!” -Mei (rice man?)
The dialogue being altered where Ed says he doesn’t have a god to pray to before scar kills him bothers me
I like Alphonse’s movements on the ground when he’s incapacitated, I think the cgi works well there
Hi Mustang good on you for saving your pseudo sons
Riza with the side eye lmao
The slowmo’s again like hello
ARMSTRONG HIIIII You look really fuckin weird tho But HIIIIII
Okay the flexing I can do without thanks it looks weird
Yes Breda why is he shirtless
The red eyes don’t look good either. (For scar)
N ow see why wouldn’t you put in a leitmotif for the brothers theme in this scene with Ed and Al and instead just put in sad piano that sounds vaguely similar to it
Riza being the best and putting her coat over Ed >>>>
Mustang go comfort your son’s PLEASE
Okay just ignore that I’m on the found family train
Girlie that looked like a bad PowerPoint presentation WHY WOULD YOU DO IT LIKE THAT?? (The part where the officer shot the ishvallen child)
Gluttony… hi… again…. Can’t wait for your cgi…. (It didn’t look as bad tbh)
Sorry but with the military uniform off and just the white collared shirt he looks LIKE A DAD LIKE CMON (Mustang)
“You’ve grown… at least I think.” -Hoenhiem, observational genius
“I think I like this scene better than canon a bit actually? Cause Ed gets to express his emotions more than just calling him a bastard
Okay Hoenhiem just ignore him??
Uh oh they have to walk back together
“Our hair matches :D” -Hoenhiem
Ed immediately takes his out of the ponytail
Im not gonna lie I chuckled at that
Also I love seeing Ed with his hair down we don’t get enough of that
“stop following me” -Ed
“we’re going to the same place? 😥” -Hoenhiem
Okay we’re talking about Xerxes instead of Ed and Al’s mom or…?
And the bitch is gone
Ooooo love the look of Xerxes ruins
Awwww Winry’s parents :D we get more of them
They’re gonna die tho and I hate that :(
This is gonna be so hard wrenching actually-
5 minutes into Central and you’re already causing trouble, good job Ed
Al I feel like has the weakest characterization so far in this adaptation he’s just reacting to stuff rather than doing stuff as far as I’ve seen
Scar when Winry is having a breakdown🧍
Ruhroh Winry’s got a gun
Okay the slowmo makes more sense here
Ed saves the day :D
Also we finally see scars brother after getting no context on him
Good acting on Lan Fan’s part
Also why is this calling her Ran Fan? Is that a dub thing (they called Ling “Lin” but this was all in the captions so I’m confused)
“King Bradley is a Homonculus” very serious Ling “hUh.” -Ed
Any Mustang and Hughes content is good Mustang and Hughes content I don’t make the rules
Also it’s good they didn’t change the layout of Riza’s explanation montage for Ishval because it works really well in canon and translated pretty well to live action
Riza and Roy’s speeches near the end >>>
Oh great the bros are gonna try and catch scar alone this can only end well
Well they definitely didn’t catch him
Oh hi Riza :D
Mustang’s like “let ur gf speak to him if she wants like damn”
Ed’s like “bb girl if he says anything shitty I’ll fight for you”
“Hell no I don’t forgive you for shit, but I’m gonna patch you up anyway.” -Winry
Okay cool message, someone must endure pain if it means they can prevent further suffering and cycles of violence
Uh oh Gluttony escaped
He be runnin
“Wait I won’t leave you behind” MUSTANG BEING A DAD AHEGWIWNWN
“Colonel your fight is elsewhere” SCREAMING
Oh hi envy
and they got eaten lmao
Yay we’re all trapped in Gluttony’s stomach :D
Envy is so cynical what a bitch lol
“Tf is a portal of truth 🧍” -Ling
Oh great we’re gonna get cgi envy this will go well right?
Could be worse but
Conclusion: it was okay. There were parts I genuinely liked. There are things that also bug me to no end. The soundtrack from the original series would’ve fit way better and a lot of times it sounded like an off brand marvel track. Acting and cgi was a lot better (at times.) An improvement on the first one, and a semi-worthwhile watch if you have nothing else to do and you like fma. Cannot and will never be a substitute for the original obviously. Seems like less of a cash grab and more of a genuine effort this time which I appreciate. Overall? 6.5/10
(Lemme know if y’all want my full notes version because it has way more of me screaming and being goofy)
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trobedgirldads · 1 month
Hey, I'm working on my Cooliver fic. Do you have a list of episodes that are best to rewatch to get their personalities and dynamics?
okay first of all i’m honored that you thought to ask me. second of all, i’m sorry i took forever to reply but i realized i didn’t have a list so i put one together lol
the otto motto (s1 e18) is the first time the idea of oliver being gay is mentioned
the walk (s1 e 20) is sooo important for cooper. first time we see his real personality instead of just his cool kid facade. also iirc this is the first appearance of “move on to your next point”
boo-who? (s2 e5) is pretty good for early oliver. it’s got his sass, some insecurities, a touch of scheming and ofc his iconic scream. cooper’s not in it tho.
blondetourage (s2 e11) is so iconic for them. the sneakers, the phone scheme. “i’m already riding bitch on your vespa.”
all coupled up (s2 e17) is their first big fight, so if you’re writing a fight/argument this is a good one. also some good cooper & katie moments.
it’s hard to say goodbye (s2 e19) is another one without cooper, but if you’re writing sad oliver this is such a good reference; he’s really well written and acted in this episode. the cgi tears take me out tho 😭😭
here we go again (s3 e2) has them work through conflicts and like resolve a fight without intervention from katie/greg. i love them <3. absolutely banger episode for each of them individually, and them as a duo.
enemies: an otto story (s3 e4) has a good oliver scheme, and he gets cooper in on it. cooper talking about tagging along to boarding school with him makes me feel things.
trust me (s3 e5) is the absolutely iconic scooby-doo halloween costumes/making out practice episode that every cooliver writer has written about. i think it’s the first time cooper is seriously brought into the whole “oliver might be gay” bit, but i might be wrong about that (i know cooper’s mentioned the first time it’s ever brought up, but i think this is the first time he really seems like a piece of the puzzle)
body image (s3 e6) again, no cooper, but very good for insecure oliver
mo’ money, mo’ problems (s3 e13) is also so iconic in my brain. idk how genuinely important it is to either of their development, but it means a lot to me. i can’t remember who it was, but someone on here posted a really good analysis of cooper in this episode and how he’s lying to try to get oliver to not go to the party, which could be useful depending what you’re writing. also this is the first time cooper calls katie and greg mom and dad :(
insta-friends (s3 e16) is another big fight for them, and also some serious cooper daddy/mommy issues. this one isn’t super helpful for individual oliver, but it’s great for individual cooper and their dynamic when they’re mad at each other
field trippin’ (s3 e20) is a much sillier, fluffier episode than a lot of what i have on this list. silly lil scheme gone wrong. cooper’s really only in the first like half of this one tho
a mom’s parade (s3 e22) ok so hot take i don’t really like this episode that much… you can do you is very queer coded tho so it’s going on the list lol
girls’ night out (s4 e6) is just so awesome. oliver’s really sweet towards the end, and it’s bcuz of cooper. cooliver/triplor double date mention!!! tiny touch of cooper angst. greg implying that cooper holds a similar role in the family to trip. just all of it is so perfectly cooliver. this is one of their best episodes imo
hip to be square (s4 e9) is the i love you episode!!!!!!!!!!!! them fighting and then saying they love each other!!!!!!!!!!! so interesting for their dynamic!!!
a very english scandal (s4 e14) is the one where the whole school thinks oliver is gay. the one time cooper denies being oliver’s boyfriend. overall very gay episode.
all is fair in love and war reenactment (s4 e17) is a good one for them supporting each other, but not enabling each other’s shitty behavior. really good for their dynamic, and cooper’s got some good layers in this episode
senior prank (s4 e18) ohhhhh they’re such big brothers in this one i love it so much. if you wanna write them as parents this might be a decent reference. also, not cooliver related but franklin is just so iconic in this.
vacation! (s4 e19) i’ve said it before and ill say it again: this episode feels more like a cooliver fic than an actual episode. so good for both of them as individuals, their dynamic as a couple, and how cooper fits into the otto family as a whole.
prom (s4 e20) is another one that i think is good for oliver as an individual and their relationship as a pair. also big brother cooper crumbs!! (they’re very small but they’re there and they’re important to me 😌)
graduation (s5 e1) is ofc so good if you’re writing some angst. seeing how they deal with issues involving them that seem out of their control. also more cooper fitting into the family as a whole <3
psych (s5 e2) is really good for later-seasons oliver and his need for validation. also supportive bf cooper :)
coupling (s5 e3) is the episode i show ppl if i want to get them into the show bcuz it gives such a good overview of all of the characters and their relationships with each other. more cooliver fighting if you need references for that. the couple coding in this episode is so intense.
kids these days (s5 e5) is sooooo good for their dynamic bcuz it really shows how they support each other without enabling each other. i love cooper so much in this episode. “our family” <3
mother’s little helper (s5 e6) is pretty good. shows off that no matter how much they’ve grown, they’re still just dumb teenage boys.
encourage, discourage (s5 e8) is soooo good for cooper fitting into the family as a whole.
the heist (s5 e9) chef cooper origin!!!!! oliver being a supportive bf!!! i love them!!!
getting frank with the ottos (s5 e10) is a big turning point in their relationship. once again, supportive bf oliver!! they’re so cute.
the election (s5 e13) i feel like their dynamic is a little bit weird in this episode (oliver’s like weirdly chill abt once again being confronted w the idea of cooper moving, but ig it’s bcuz he has his own stuff going on) but it’s so good for sad cooper/daddy issues cooper. this is definitely a huge one for cooper angst references
okok so this is a really big list. obvs i don’t know what the plot of your fic is or when it’s set, so some of these might be much more helpful than others depending what you’re writing. these are just my suggestions of the ones that stand out as important for them as individuals and as a duo. hope this is helpful!!!! i’m excited to read your fic if/when you post it :)
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bigtittiecomitte · 7 months
Anyways since I have nothing else to do so might as well post about random thoughts
I really enjoyed TADC pilot btw I really loved the characters and the whole aesthetic, animation was really good too I absolutely adore when animation is in cgi but looks 2Dish
For the characters, love Pomni, silly goober and continues the insane girl trope in Glitch’s content lmao
Not much to say about Caine tho he was pretty much who I expected him to be but he’s still silly
I never expected Purple Bitch to be THAT sassy like holy shit he literally would call you a thousand slurs and run a podcast, he’s still purple double sassy Popee The Performer to me
Uh Kinger is a silly guy I didn’t expect to like him as much as I did. That scene with him shaking violently got me cry laughing so hard 😭
That other sassy bitch was cool I really like her design
That gang ribbon one wasn’t my favourite but silly otherwise, if I had a dollar for every time a show shows a character with double masks they use as emotions and were victims of sassy rabbit dudes I’d have two dollars
I did feel like it was going a bit fast pace but it is the pilot so I’ll be waiting for any upcoming episodes
Anyways TADC is great I heavily recommend it 👍
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as-i-watch · 8 months
in my opinion i think the opla did a very good job of trying to emulate the one piece manga and anime, but there’s a part of the anime that they can’t really convey through the live action. like… i think that the cartooniness of one piece, as well as the occasional emotional moments is what makes one piece one piece, but while the opla was able to get some of it, being a live action, it wasn’t able to convey all of it
it’s still wonderful, and i love it, but i like to compare it to the percy jackson movies. good live actions in their own right (still think opla did it WAY better) but compared to the original, it falls short (percy jackson a lot, opla a tiny bit)
i think the main issue for me is the characterisation. inaki did a very good luffy, but you can clearly see how it’s so inaki luffy instead of luffy luffy. still good, but still different
and i think mackenyu did zoro well, but in my opinion, it doesn’t fit him very well. zoro (while i still love him) isn’t as pretty as mackenyu is. mackenyu is too much of a pretty boy
i actually remember hearing in an interview that mackenyu grew up with anime, and of course one piece. i think he emulates zoro extremely well, and he tries his best to make it anime accurate, but he as a person just doesn't fit perfectly, the vibes are kinda off. still absolutely in love with him though
i think that it shouldn't have skipped so many parts of the original, but of course, it completely makes sense why they did
anyways, like i said, i think that if you don't compare them to each other, it's very good, and i do love how they did it (i'm also so happy that so many people loved the live action that they're actually starting to watch the anime!!)
I just finished episode 3 but i totally agree
My biggest fear when the adaptstion was announced was precisely that, bc one piece is so one of a kind, it can make you smile, it can make you sad, you cry tears of joy and of pain, and the anime takes the time to develope the charecters, the stories and the world, so sometimes the emotions are conveyed in such a subtle but effective way bc they took the time to make sure it did. Not to mention the tone and aesthetic. There's a lot that was gonna be difficult to translate to live action
That said, so far i think they did it great! I think they found a certain balance between the cartoonish and the 'real world' lets call it, and they took advantage very cleverly of cgi and practical effects to achive that too.
I agree the thing that perhaps lacks for me too is the charecters and also the pasing imo. But again, it was impossible to fit the storytelling way of the famously 'too long' anime in a 8 episodes per series format.
I too think Luffy feels the most different, i already talked a bit about that and i think it was just the result of it being a western production plus the complex charecter Luffy is. But Iñaki put so much love into his Luffy, you can feel it, its endearing
I dont have a problem with Mackenyu's Zoro funny enough. Sure, i miss how silly anime Zoro can be (but again, the tone thing) and they tried to make it too purposefully imo. Zoro is not edgy. He is badass and a maniac but he doesnt want to wear only black or cares about pressenting an "attitude". But there's a ray of hope for me (i havent finish the show so it might change my mind), the biggest stupid ass smile when he said he'd cut Helmepo's hair. He can be silly and less serious, so i hope i get to see more of that as he feels more comfortable in the crew.
Nami i like, im waiting for the Arlong park arc to make up my mind bc thats where her true colors shine either way. Really liking her dynamic with Luffy so far tho
Havent seen Sanji yet
And Usopp, i just met him and this might sound mean but this Usopp is too cool. Kinda like what you said for Zoro. I think this Usopp has more confidence in himself than anime/manga Usopp did back then and he is not that much of a coward. The coward part is important bc every time he stood up to fight it meant so much more. But again, is early for me to make up my mind this is just first impressions
But like you said, this is just bc of the comparison, on its own i think they are all doing amazing jobs and, so far for me, the writers managed to pull off something that to me was next to impossible and in a great way too.
Im curious to see how someone that hasnt watched the anime reacts to the mixed tone of live action meets silly cartoonish vibes, i hope its not too of context for a first time watcher
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cassecorrea · 10 months
I’ve seen a lot of people do these and I wanted to get in on the action even though it’s super late
Thoughts on The Little Mermaid (2023)
- I will forever preach about how my favorite scene is the one after KTG when they sneak back in!!! Soaking wet!! Giggling!! Quiet!! Late at night!!! I love it!!
- after reading about this I’m actually VERY glad they went with short dresses for Ariel — good costume design choice!! A big ballgown would hide the very fact that she’s human now!
- the Caribbean 👏🏼 calypso music 👏🏼 need I say more?
- how Eric finds out her name ☺️ written in the stars ☺️
- the opening quote! The fact that she doesn’t shed a tear until the end!
- the fact that the ending focuses on their new adventures together in the future
- part of your world reprise 2!! It should’ve been longer!!
- the jade mermaid figurine 🥹 (btw I want one please someone make a replica… that I can afford LOL)
- back to costumes, I love her blue dress!! (Tho Lashana(?) had her animated dress’ color palette so like… it was right there XD) but I also loved her pink dress!! And the ponytail!! She needed more hairstyles 😭
- I LOVE the fact that the mermaids are covered in scale patterns, that they don’t have skin at all but shimmering scales all over
- the fact that king Triton just SPAWNS???? From fish???? With the fish cape???? Now what was that about — also, how old are all the sisters if he’s been ruling for centuries??? Questions questions
- I love how Ariel and Eric meet on the beach in the OG but as a variant I did also like that a fisherman finds her (also I love how we see her struggling to swim to shore) this movie also made me realize how impossible that hair flip scene is since she’s standing on nothing and her hair would be behind her but it’s pretty so who cares
- Awkwafina my girl was the perfect scuttle
- scuttlebutt was so unnecessary but it’s low-key a bop so I’m not complaining (though Ariel and Eric SHOULDVE HAD A DUET ok bye) wait why isn’t there a single pop version of a song from the soundtrack like with every other film? Demi lovato singing let it go, Christina Aguilera reflection, zayn a whole new world, John legend and Ariana beauty and the beast, like BRO we needed one for under the sea!! Or part of your world!! Or kiss the girl! Ugh missed opportunity
- her hair on land TwT is so pretty TwT the shades of gold and red and orange ahhhh (maybe could’ve done with a few more red strands but it was still gorgeous) plus the shells in her hair!! She needed more!!
- I’m all over the place but the library scene !!! Ariel’s curiosity!! Ariel always disappearing LMAO someone needs to nail that girls fins to the floor is right
- love that they took out the writing plothole
- Jodi!! With the fork!!
- Grimsby being the ultimate shipper
- yo Vanessa’s actress?? For having so little screen time she BODIED that role
- Halle’s voice duh
- for the first time was such a needed song, love the cinematography especially in her room (her eating the soap!!! Lmao)
- go back home to daddy, and nEVER. LEAVE. AGAIN.
- Ursula looking all zombie and kaiju-esque?? Definitely to hide weird cgi but it looked so creepy and cool
- Eric struggling back to shore at the end and immediately calling to search for Ariel as he stumbles from exhaustion
- Ariel diving for the trident instead of Eric!!
- scuttle and Sebastian were a hilarious duo lmao
- Ariel’s mermaid design (but the early screen test footage version looked so pretty too… more thoughts in the dislike section about this)
- Ariel saving Max!!
- the whole market sequence tbh
- Ariel’s bones cracking when she transformed back into a mermaid!! But I’m so mad we never once got to see a full transformation scene lmao more about that later
- Ariel just putting everything in her mouth 🌷
- the grander orchestral soundtracks in each song
- Ariel’s grotto is bigger
- ariel killing Ursula (it’s her villain!!!) and having to drag herself across the deck (eric saved her with the harpoons so stop complaining)
- Ariel finding the telescope
- the shot of ariel swimming to the surface with her reflection on top with the fireworks!!!
- Ariel forgetting about the kiss
- Ariel singing along to under the sea!!! To show that she doesn’t absolutely hate her home!!! She just wants more!!! And the way she sings music is to me specifically !!! And the fact that she sings more period! I always thought she should’ve sang a lot more than twice in the original version for being known for her voice
- Ariel saving/healing Eric quicker with her siren song???
- the fact that one of my fave Disney ships is now getting all the love they always deserved ☺️
- her sisters do more than the og but they still need to be shown more… and have lines lol. I read the companion novels for this version and they’re so prominent and have cool abilities and cultures and kingdoms but !! They don’t show any of that in the movie !! Like why add lore if you’re not going to show it… also I like the fact that in the companion novels they rule over fictional seas and their world map is different from ours, but then in the film they just mention real world locations like�� pick one
- okay I gotta talk about it 😔 Ariel’s ocean transformation dress. Not to mention that whole scene. It’s one of my favorites in the original and they just… scrapped it. I was looking forward to them actually showing Ariel’s transformation back into a human at the end because I thought the original should’ve included it too (hello I love a good Barbie transformation scene) but they still didn’t show it… AND they didn’t even show the gold magic going to her tail OR her reaction!!! Like BRO WHAT???? And the fact that they took out her magical dress???? And just put her back in RAGS like they put my poor girl in a torn up smelly dress and for what 😭 not to mention the fact that they imply she had to swim naked, find the rags dress, and climb up all those stairs AHEM YEAH THEY ALSO TOOK OUT THE RISING FROM THE WATER SCENE LIKE BRO also if they didn’t want to include the ocean dress (mistake but ok, they could’ve had her scales transform into a dress but ok) they could’ve at least fixed up her blue dress… added some shimmer or shells and coral idk man
- yeah she needed at least one more day outfit… my girl wore the same dress for three days in a row… and one of those days it fell in a lake…
- the fact that every transformation scene was either dark and hidden or not shown at all (come on budget??)
- the screen test version where Ariel had more upper body and arm scales… was better. She just looked so empty compared to her sisters it was a weird choice they made to make her top look more like an actual bandeau bra with a harsh cut off and everything
- yes Ariel and Eric needed a duet
- where was the ensemble?? The choir??? Both in under the sea and kiss the girl??? Under the sea should’ve had a lot more people singing as the song went on especially since he’s talking about instruments and animals (that don’t even get shown???) but instead it sounds so empty since he’s singing by himself until Halle joins and a tiny quiet ensemble — and in kiss the girl it was such a BAD choice to have it just be scuttle Sebastian and flounder I’m sorry but it ruined the sultry smooth jazz calypso vibe of that beautiful song 😭 flounder’s vocals threw me so far out of it lmao they could’ve started the song singing it but the ensemble should’ve come in!!! Where were the harmonies!!! Anyway the broadway version is my fave listen to that instead
- the lyric changes were so unnecessary… Ursula’s a villain, duh she’s gonna spout some shady misogynistic advice… plus that was my fave part of the song 😭 also the whole “use your words boy” line was unnecessary… because when he leans into kiss her multiple times he doesn’t even ask………… like they missed the point there (also why was he already so willing to kiss her, he should’ve been super reluctant 😭)
- they took out les poissons which, fine, I guess but we’re not even gonna have a kitchen scene in any way?? Also Ariel got over the whole food for slaughter thing real quick but I’m glad they brought it up at all
- they could’ve had Sebastian rap at the ending bridge of under the sea (as an alternative to scuttlebutt)
- where was the finale song !!! With all the merpeople and humans singing together!!! At least have Ariel sing the deleted clip of it !!! Now we can walk now we can run… ugh we needed it
- loved the ending… but that final shot was a bit wonky?
- where was the cruise ship????? If we’re not gonna see the wedding on the ship (missing triton’s water spout and rainbow) fine but not even the engagement cruise?? Hello budget??? We didn’t even get to see Ariel swimming her butt off to get to Vanessa?? But we got her tackling her instead 😭😭 odd choice
- I’m sorry but the visuals were not giving on wild uncharted waters, at least in the first half… like show something!! Show him on the beach at least!! At Ariel’s rock??? Show flashbacks?? Idk something??
- the fact that Sebastian is no longer the court composer 😔 and he’s not dignified anymore he’s just an abused wannabe advisor who is harassed like whaaaaat he’s supposed to be one of her father figuresssss,,, also the fact that he’s so miffed and takes things into his own hands during KTG is because he’s a composer, it’s why he mentions bands and instruments in under the sea!!
- I was afraid of this when the casting announcement was first made but I was looking for some more expressive… expressions from Halle :( mainly in the poor unfortunate souls scene and when she has no voice, like she does a great job but I do think she needed to be more expressive in some parts
- why does Ariel call him father?? And not daddy?? Small nitpick but it seemed a lot colder/distant when she called him father lol like it threw me out of it in the goodbye scene
- the whole concert scene was gone lmao not to mention that we barely even see other merpeople or their culture, we literally just see the sisters in an otherwise empty sea until the ending
- no lyrics to Vanessa’s song :( but it was sung beautifully. Oh also it made no sense that Vanessa’s melody started singing before she even put the necklace on?? Like wha?? Why would Ariel’s melody change on its own? Also why did Vanessa not talk in Ariel’s voice? That girl had three voices come out of her XD I guess they wanted the actress to be able to talk??
- also I wish Vanessa were black too since she was supposed to look so similar to Ariel and be mistaken for her (Halle could’ve played her, or even Chloe!) but the actress did a great job so it’s fine
- I’m sorry but Eric should’ve been Hispanic imo… :( they made sure it takes place in the Caribbean but still had a white Eric? Who was adopted? Idk man I wanted a Latino prince :/ also wasn’t a fan of the way they styled his hair or stubble because he looks much better in other things he’s been in
- Eric had only one outfit, even for his wedding XD, and what was up with that weird blue vest
- the shot of Ariel in the sun was too blurry and dark :( didn’t give off the same vibes as the og
- the sky in the part of your world reprise is so pale, they could’ve upped the saturation behind her :( the shot didn’t give the same oomph
- Ariel creeping up the rock… why
- the weird shot in part of your world where her hand is through the hole but it cuts to her being on the rock at the bottom? Made no sense lol also they could’ve upped the saturation of her hair underwater the way it looks in the sunlight since it’s all cgi
- they couldn’t even give my girl an actual high quality mermaid tail to base the cgi off of?? H2O had a much smaller budget but had actual detailed tails 😭
- for the first time was great but melody wise it didn’t seem to fit the rest of the soundtrack? It was much more broadway-ie
- why didn’t the eels talk? Why did Ursula not even talk to them? Ariel killing them literally is what gets her mad and go kraken on her but… they barely had a relationship in this one
- ^ like why did Ursula say the word pathetic out loud? To no one? How was that not an immediate turn off for Ariel? Plus the skulls??
- where was Eric’s flute? Playing Ariel’s melody? And Vanessa walking across the beach all majestic like?
- I’m sorry but the queen was so unnecessary… I get what they were going for with the Triton parallels but they could’ve done that with Grimsby in the beginning or his court or whatever, why give a mom who’s barely in the film then immediately changes her mind in the very end without us seeing it?
- Carlotta 😭 poor girl was written out!!! Lashana was obviously supposed to be her so why change her name?
- I do kinda wish they made the three days longer (give her a week?) but I get why they didn’t, that’s just a personal thing
- some of the underwater scenes were shot at an angle that were unflattering to Halle which pissed me off because she looks stunning in every other part of the movie
- why did Eric’s castle look like a gray European fortress 😭 where were the red tiled roofs and the canals
- Atlantica went from a glowing golden magical city-palace to an underground rocky coral cave… couldn’t we have done a mix?
- flounder was so unnecessary he was barely in the movie in favor for the scuttle/Sebastian dynamic
- max was barely in the movie :(
All in all I HOPE they make a sequel (but please don’t base it off of the terrible animated one lmao please no kids) and give Ariel and Eric a duet, give Eric a tail!!! Make him explore her world too!!! And actually address the fact that Ursula killed the queen like the companion novels state… also please include a full transformation scene lol also why does no one make a version where she can switch between worlds freely, it’s okay I’ll write that into my own version
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calkale · 7 months
As someone who relatively enjoyed MI7 (bc I go no thoughts mode and just watch Tom run around), im sooo curious about your thoughts
im putting this under the cut cause I need to rant about it again and its gonna be LONG, thank you for asking tho
a lot of this is gonna be a repeat of what I said when I watched the movie (I have not seen it since it was in theatres), idk where those posts are but they should be under #mi7 spoilers if you wanna find them.
okay first off im not gonna talk about the overall plot, I couldn't care less about it and I knew that going into the movie. its the stunts and the overall feel of that movie that piss me off. I watch mi movies because I wanna have a good time and watch tom cruise do cool stuff and thats not what I got out of this movie.
im starting with the cliff jump stunt cause I was just thinking about it. the buildup was Ass with a capital A. they cut away from ethan riding up the mountain too many times and for too long at a time. I was comparing it to the scene when ethans chasing walker in fallout because to me that was cut perfectly. Cutting from ethan to benji and sometimes walker for a few seconds so I knew where ethan was and where he was trying to get to but I still felt the build up, I knew he was gonna catch walker but I was still thinking "omg is he gonna make it?". and the cuts to benji and luthor worked well because they were still a part of what was going on and the map on benjis ipad helped visualize what was going on. in mi7 when Ethans riding up the mountain the cuts between him and benji where really good but I hate that they kept cutting back to the train. They could've easily had more obstacles for ethan on the way up the mountain if they needed! its a long ride but showing the mountain and a few shots of Ethan at different parts would've been good enough, we could've had Benji asking him "are you there yet?" like every minute so we get that a lot of time is passing but not enough that the tension stops building and a funny little joke between the two of them. I understand why it cuts back to grace/alanna on the train during that time but those are two very different things going on that are building tension in very different ways. call me crazy but ethan jumping off a cliff is different than grace dressed as someone she's not sitting down to talk to someone. it was just really hard to get invested in either of the two things going on. then the actual jumping off the cliff was such a letdown, I did not feel a fucking thing when he jumps off then it cuts away immediately after like that wasn't The Stunt of the movie?? you dont put a stunt like that on posters and post a 20 minute behind the scenes video about it for it to feel like that and show basically none of it!! show ethan flying through the sky!! show him landing on the train!!! I thought he was gonna land on the train but no that gets taken away in favour of a fucking joke when he crashes through the window. yes mi movies are supposed to be funny im fine with that I love that but come on!! let tom cruise land on the train!!! he can still slip and fall on top of the train but let that old man get his enrichment time!!
now for the train. Im sorry but it looked horrendous, the cgi was Not Good and I can't get past it. with other movies I try my best to not care but this is Mission Impossible. I know they did crash a train I love that but all the cgi added in around it and when Ethan and Grace are climbing through the train looks So Bad. it takes away from everything going on because you know its not real. I get it yeah yeah they can't dangle actors from wires while a train is slipping off a cliff but theres gotta be some way to make it look better. like I said about the bike stunt there was no tension there to me and I felt so disconnected from the movie and the characters, I like putting myself in situations and its hard when im like hm thats not real.
the fiat car chase. this was when I was like "fuck, I hate this movie", im sure we all know by now I am not a hayley atwell fan, so what sue me im allowed to not like people. I didn't like this car chase because it was mostly her driving. BABE THIS IS MISSION IMPOSSIBLE IM HERE TO SEE TOM CRUISE DRIVE NOT HER!!! if she was good then whatever but shes not for the bit. I feel like a lot of things that could've been really cool were pushed aside in favour of humour in this movie and I hate it. you can have both!! they literally did it in rogue nation and you're allowed to have callbacks in this movie so you can have a car chase like the one in rogue nation again!!! just let tom drive so it looks cool or even let hayley drive I dont care I just want it to look cool and have the humour stay inside the car. doing bits like this made the movie feel more generic and like they were trying to appeal to, dare I say, mcu fans. i like mission impossible because they get the ratio of humour to action perfect every time, and they're always so good at timing it too but in this movie especially during this chase it did not work for me and I didn't even find it funny if im being honest.
obviously I also have to talk about ilsa and im gonna shit on mcqs writing so apologies. there are two ways to look at this, one shes dead and two shes not dead, both are bad writing IN MY OPINION. if she is dead that was an awful way to send off such a loved character, she was hardly in the movie. im all for more women in movies but she definitely could've replaced grace and I think it would've given her and ethan a much better dynamic. ilsa barely has any lines??? I wouldn't even call her a side character in this movie like my friend didn't even know her name thats how insignificant she was. the sword fight was cool as fuck, rebecca slayed, but she really should've won that fight? maybe if she was outnumbered id be like okay thats a little more likely but it just feels really out of character for me. now if she DIDNT die then im also pissed because fake killing a character twice in the same movie is a little much for me, if it happened at the start of the movie and the end of the movie then okay I can deal with it but she died twice in like the first part of the movie? im sorry to say it but im sure most casual viewers forgot about her by the end of the movie and if they go back for part two and she comes back it's not gonna mean a whole lot to them. and ethans reaction to her death didn't sit right with me, this guy was a theatre kid he can at least somewhat act sad when the girl he loves fake dies and he should be allowed to, for like 5 minutes at least, I know theres a lot of stuff going on but he loved her!! let him cry a little!! and if we're supposed to believe shes dead then ethan not reacting is not helping.
one last thing I wanna add and I know im probably the only one who feels this because I know most people liked the movie, but when you make a part one and part two that release at different times you want people to like part one. it needs to be able to stand well on its own so people want to watch part two and are excited for it. am I gonna watch part two? probably yeah I wanna see that plane stunt but im not excited for it and I really feel like im just gonna be let down in the same ways again. I dont want to go see a movie for the stunts when I know I hated the stunts in the first part and I didn't come out of it caring about the plot or the characters (other than benji <3) so what am I going for? i have no reason to see that movie or be excited for it
I would also like to add I know this is not the movie tom and mcq wanted to put out since the original cut was like what 4 hours? and the movie was extremely over budget because of covid but I can still be mad about the finished product
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cutepastelstarsalior · 5 months
Clone high living blogging thing
Episode 2
Idk why but I feel like the sponsorship is a parody on Monster???
Ok looking it up Monster came out in April 2002. Clone high first episode was in November 2002.
Apparently the show is a parody base off Dawson’s Creek and Beverly Hills 90210. Never heard of these shows….They came out before I was born…. :/
The CGI monster parody thing looks SO dated, it’s almost charming. Also wow this show from the 200s art style didn’t look dated
Oh my god….Hes singing
The song was ok. Cute, cringe, and random.
Episode 3
I’m mixed on Cleo. On one hand, she a teen who confuses on her emotions, but the other she keeps flirting and using Abe and jfk to do stuff..,,,,is this what people call girlboss™️
JFK being fatphobic :( boooo
Ghandi with ADHD…..same.
“Wow I really need to think about this” AH HE SAID THE THING!
Let’s how the show dosnt mess it up.
Is…does this show going to have musical in every episode? Hmmm was NOT expecting that.
Adhd isn’t contagious???? The hell?
He’s Hispanic (???) neat. But I like 99% sure he’s a rasist caricature???
Marie curie radiation dna clone…..Oh my god I thought they meant Marie CAREY
Ableism :/
Nooooo Abe and Ghandi friendship :0
Jewish gandi real!!! Pog
Man this music is good
😬 stop protraying adhd like that….
Gandhi feeling depressed and suicidal ideation…Those are symptoms!! Sooooo (yea I know this is haha overdramatic stuff but let me have thissss)
Awww dr guy being nice is his own weird way :)
Nice message…Abe….you don’t have to kiss Ghandi tho….
????????? Homophobia is stronger than ableism….gross.
“If that guy fires me I’m going to kill his dog” ???? Narrator guy I love you.
Episode 4
Joan…..why do you sound like Gwen total drama? (She not but apparently the VA is Shego in Kim Possible)
I kind of wish the clones of non Americans could have accents base off their native languages. Or like speak them…
????? There a stereotype about how black peoples and Indian people don’t get along??????
Ok the bit about how Abe looking for Joan in the restaurant when she like 2 table away is so funny. I love it.
Their weird little hand lifting gestures is so cute and random. I love it.
Abe think Joan as a sister…..,he kisses ghandi with hesitation or even disgust….he really wants to be with cloe……Abe is either bi or aromantic. Both?
It’s kind of sweet how Abe thinks how awesome Joan is :)
Dr guy and robot and definitely husbands
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mistninja · 8 months
When you get back online after watching opla PLEASE tell me your thoughts!!
OKAY SO. I have now watched two episodes and i have so much to say (long rambling post ahead, sorry)
Iñaqui is perfect. I was worried that he would not live up to the hype but he does. He captures luffy perfectly and manages to adapt luffy's personality to the new medium / the tone of the show. He is not just copying luffy, if that makes sense. Hes funny and silly and clearly having a great time which is exactly why he is the best possible casting. He just makes me smile so hard (btw my friend said he was his favorite character hehe)
I love Zoro, I wish he would smile more/be sillier but I think his sense of humor in the show works. I hope we see him call out some of his moves eventually, like, Get over youself and be silly!!!! But i love the actor and I loooove the zoro/luffy dynamic so far. I do have to say that i have mixed feelings about the change to Zoro joining the crew, i have always loved the moment when he calls luffy captain at shells town, but whatever its fine
(((Zolu shippers keep winning tho. i went insane over the "he believes in himself" bit)))
Nami.... im still not sold on the actress, she feels a bit stiff sometimes, but its better than what i was expecting based on the trailers. Not a fan of turning Nami into the "older sister" character :/ but im not surprised that they went with that angle. LOVED to see her fight alongside luffy and zoro, it is something that i wish we could see more of in the manga/anime. I love that they give her a lot more to do and we see her actually lock picks and be a thief! Im hopeful for the rest of the season and cant wait to see how they did Arlong Park. I really enjoyed her scene with Zoro when they are captured by Buggy, again i really miss seeing them interact in the original so it was nice
And that leads us to BUGGY. oh boy. I do like the costuming and his crew looked amazing, but hes too edgy for my taste. Maybe the actor is taking himself too seriously? Idk maybe i should reread the orange town chapters but i dont think buggy was ever this threatening and scary... he still had some goofy moments tho, so im hoping that as the show progresses he will be more like the buggy we know and love. My friend liked him a lot so ig it might have been the right call in order to bring in new fans.
I liked how they changed Alvida! It was totally the best way to handle her character (also, the actress is so hot, no one would have believed it if they called her ugy lol). I dont see why they took away Kobys big moment :/ I think it was a great disservice to his character
So far, I like the way they are condensing the plot. Obviously they would have to cut a lot, so im okay with how they are doing it. Orange Town felt a little rushed to me, but its okay.
LETS TALK ABOUT MR 7 THO. I fucking gasped. Did everyone already know that mr 7 was going to be on this? Cuz i didnt. It was such a good fight and i loved that they added that, they are clearly confident on getting a second season which makes ME more confident too. God i really hope we get Baroque Works.
The sets look amazing, i love the transponder snails SO MUCH, the fights are really cool and the CGI looks so good. The Devil Fruit looked too fake but eh, thats just a nitpick. The costumes are a mixed bag. I know namis orange skirt with the rings on the side is iconic but i think the actress looked silly with that outfit lol.
Okay im done HAHA sorry im going a bit insane. TLDR: I love it, im having a blast, i dont like some details here and there but im extremely positive about the show and cant wait to see the rest :)))) What did you think????
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rosecblossom · 7 months
So I just watch the FNAF movie (no spoilers) I thought it was both good and meh. I really can't complain that much since I've been in love with the FNAF franchise since the day it first dropped in 2014. I'm just so overwhelmed with joy that it actually got made in the first place
Things I loved about the movie
• the animatronics themselves! Having them be actual, PRACTICAL props was such an amazing call on Blumhouse and Scott as a collective especially with the rise of cgi.
• the mc
Having mike have the trauma that he does really makes it grounded and real for me at least. I've got two little boys. I know damn well that if someone did what happened to them with what happened in the movie I'd do what Mike did.
I really like her addition to the FNAF universe. I understand that the movie isn't one to one with the games nor the books but more like a sliver in its own timeline. That's just fine. Abby is adorable and the way she acts is so reminiscent to those akin to possession. It's so good.
• Vanessa
Even tho at first I was a little sceptical with her addition at first. I really liked how she was in the movie. I think her and Mike work well together. I love her chemistry with Abby and all together seem like a cute gang.
Now things I didn't quite like. I will go into spoilers for the end of the movie so if you don't want to be spoiled SKIP THE REST OF THIS!
•so....the bit twist at the end....
Ehhh....I didn't care for it all that much. I mean it deffo got an audible gasp out of me but....now that I'm not in movie mode. It was kinda...idk dumb? Remember these are MY OPTIONS on the movie. But idk I feel like how are they gonna go about explaining what happeneds or how it happenes later on
Like okay so In the established lore willy has 3kids
Crying child
So his (Afton's) died bc of Henry. So that kicks off the events of FNAF. So with the twist that happens. Hooww are they gonna do this? Like I have faith in them. Especially bc it's going to be a trilogy. But I am confused.
•henry Emily
There was NO MENTION of him. Vanessa said that there was a co-owner but that was it. No name dropping no nothing. Are they gonna go back to Fred bears family diner in the 2nd movie a la FNAF 1 and 2? Or what.
• the spring lock failure. I LOVED how Vanessa demoed it with the broom handle. But then in practice. It went so slow. It's supposed to be a rubber band snapping. Quick. Boom. Dead. (Well not for willy) but like. It was SO SLOW and ugh no screaming just some light grunting? My dude you're not having sexy fun time you're literally getting impaled by multiple metal, sharp, rusty locks. Wheres the screaming. Ugh.
• Another thing I LOVED (jumping around here I know) is the bodies that where stuffed Into the suits. Loved that scene.
But that's pretty much all my options on the movie. Again done get pissed at me if you get spoiled I gave fair warning.
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calamitydaze · 3 months
I've been pretty pos about the show overall (albeit with some criticisms, and I did think episodes 6 and 7 were disappointing and underwhelming) so maybe take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I can confirm that the last episode was really good! one of the bests out of the entire season, if I'm being honest.
they utilized flashbacks really well (Luke + Percy sparring), and the Luke scene was 10/10 imo
ok i finally watched the last episode (over 2 weeks after you sent this, sorry nonnie) and it was definitely the best of the bunch! i liked it :) a solid 6.5/10 maybe, if i had to give a number score? you didn't ask but i love sharing my opinion so, some bullet points:
zeus was legit really good! the first (and only) god to actually feel godly, something i've been CRAVING the entire show! "so when i say 'you may go' it means be grateful and it means be gone" is a bar and i'm so sad we won't get more of lance reddick's performance
the ares fight was cool-- good choreography, i like how much Bigger and more physically powerful ares is than percy, you could really feel the strength in his strikes which didn't come across as much in the books. finally seeing percy fully use his powers was neat too, and actually pretty good cgi! i wish it had been longer though. and i wish we got percy actually outwitting ares and using his strength and pride against him instead of ares just staring at the huge wave coming at him for 10 seconds. and feeling the presence of kronos would have been cool. and i wish they had kept ares' curse on him after being defeated which was so much cooler. but i guess i can't have everything
really glad we finally got some training flashbacks with luke! i agree that it's utilized great by being intercut with the ares fight and olympus, and i think they captured luke and percy's dynamic well! luke's line about not being both small and scary was a good addition
speaking of luke, the betrayal scene was also p good! the visual of the fireworks lighting up the scarred side of his face is great (though it would've been better if the scar looked nastier and we actually got its history......) and i think it makes a lot of sense for him to try and recruit percy instead of just killing him! "stop saying we" / "it's the word zeus fears the most" is another great line
percy apologizing after hitting luke was cute lmao, and imo he was a better character in general this episode-- we got more of his edge and impertinence (which i've sorely missed) but also more of his heart and loyalty
other cute things: the last scene between the trio, grover's searchers license being a flower, the sally scenes, percy calling kronos grandpa
walker's performance was also the best it's been so far, he felt like he embodied the character and got to show that he actually has talent
i like the idea of the "clarisse is the lightning thief" red herring! never bothered to watch episodes 6 and 7 though so i can't say much about it
not related to ep 8 specifically but since i haven't mentioned it yet, i actually really like the change of having four pearls instead of three! it works with show!percy being more explicitly focused on saving sally, it makes sense for poseidon to do that as a gesture of goodwill, and it gives more weight to "you shall fail to save what matters most in the end" if they Could have saved her and actually did fail by losing one of the pearls (<- the way they lost one was lame as fuck tho)
starting off with a nitpick sorry but it bothers me so much that the prophecy line got changed to "find what was stolen and see it returned" when the original just objectively flows better
it also gets under my skin to no end that they just call mrs dodds "alecto" the whole time like what happened to names having power??
also mr d sucks shit he doesn't have that necessary threatening aspect or feel meaningfully resentful of the camp at all. case study: calling percy by the wrong name. in the books it's a sign of purposeful disrespect because he doesn't like percy and doesn't gaf about halfbloods in general, which makes it important on the few occasions when he does get it right, in the show it's just a bad joke
gabe accidentally petrifying himself is a bad change.. i get that it was a consequence of his own nosiness and lack of respect for others, and in a vacuum that's fine (and more fitting for a less explicitly abusive gabe), but it's so much weaker compared to the books. gabe being genuinely Awful adds so much strength to sally's character, both in her selfless love for percy by staying with gabe to protect him and when she actually does get to rescue herself and take control of her own life
i was underwhelmed by how olympus looked-- on a technical level it's pretty, but it was so grey and had none of the energy and sense of life described in the books (which is important for the contrast to how it looks in the fifth!) i think this is a flaw with how they use the volume as a whole, which i also noticed on the beach in the ares scenes. objectively it looks nice, but it's flat and boring when it's overused or you don't add other physical set dressing
was also disappointed they didn't include the gods' custom thrones and they're all nondescript metal :^( where's the personality! where's the whimsy!
making the quest deadline pass to set up poseidon surrendering for percy is fine i guess-- and i can see why it was changed since they've leaned so hard into The Gods Are Bad Parents and need to make it believable that percy wouldn't immediately side with luke-- but again, it's just... weaker than what we already had
i reeeeaaally hate that annabeth was there for the betrayal scene..... her clinging to the hope that luke could be turned back is a FUNDAMENTAL part of the story, both as a character flaw and what ultimately saves them, and i don't see how that could be believable going forward if she actually heard him say that he wants to tear the gods down? and if you're gonna do that at least have her react believably? like that's her big brother, who saved her, who she's known since she was 7, have her yell at him or cry or attack him or something! SOMETHING! why does this show hate annabeth so much i don't understand
i've liked the kronos dream sequences fine so far but i wasn't a big fan of this last one, too cartoon villainy for my taste
and finally to address the elephant in the room, my god the exposition is so fucking annoying, it's by far the biggest problem with the show. whenever percy starts explaining things to people (including people who Already Know the thing he's explaining) i'm like HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? HOW DID YOU DEDUCE THAT? the most egregious examples in this ep being:
1. figuring out kronos is behind everything. it's such a good little mystery in the book to find out who the big baddie is-- not even annebeth knowing who "the crooked one" is referring to, the mysterious presence on the beach, percy catching the word father in zeus and poseidon's conversation-- and it has a genuine sense of ominousness and ancientness and "THIS WOULD BE REALLY FUCKING BAD" that just isn't present at all in the show because he either already knows or those moments doesn't happen
2. figuring out luke's betrayal. i just don't buy that percy would be able to deduce that with the information he has, and while i like luke wanting to convert him in theory, it would've been so much more powerful to have that slowly-dawning dread as luke reveals his plan and tries to appeal to percy as a friend while also sounding more bitter and angry than he ever has before, rather than percy already knowing and expecting it
anyway i think those are all my thoughts! i know i sound like i hated it lmao but i really didn't (this last episode at least), it was a decently fun watch and i'm doing my best to be fair about the things they did right! although those things are almost More frustrating because i can see the flashes of potential that are ultimately drowned out by an overall disappointing experience :/ but i would love to hear other opinions if anyone wants to share! i never wanna take someone else's enjoyment away and i really am so happy for everyone who liked it
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soundoflaughingwind · 8 months
Just spent my day off watching the new One Piece live action and it was definitely worth it!
Definitely an adaptation, several things got moved around, but they stuck to the main plot and honestly most of what they cut was filler arcs and side characters that didn't add much, which honestly made for a much tighter story. Overall pretty strong imo, still recognizable as One Piece, and extremely enjoyable.
Overall, A+, 10/10! It's definitely goofy and a bit cheesy, but in the enjoyable way One Piece has always been.
Love what they did with the sets as well! I can tell there was a lot of thought put in: it all feels very deliberate, who has electricity, which parts are vibrant vs run down, the splashes of color, etc. Even the occasional anachronism just makes it feel that much more distinctively One Piece.
They chose the perfect actor for Luffy, honestly. He manages to pull off the right blend of goofiness and danger for Luffy, and absolutely nailed the smile. The Devil Fruit CGI managed to incur the uncanny valley effect too, which is important to me on a personal level. (They're called devil fruits for a reason)
Also! CHAIN BREAKER! He's about freedom! A "different kind of pirate!" I love this young man so much!!! He just wants good things for people!!!
I could spend about an hour gushing over the Straw Hat crew but I'll just say they're terrible teenagers (affectionate). They're sometimes mean and soso funny about it. Especially Zoro's sense of humor.
I liked how much screen time Coby got and his own little arc. With the amount of time he got I wouldn't be surprised if he was a significant character in later seasons (if we have them. I'm really hoping we do.)
I don't really like Garp in this, but I like what the show did with Garp, if that makes sense. Wish he was more goofy like in the anime, but I understand how that would have detracted from what they were going for.
Buggy was extremely funny. Somehow they managed to make him more nasty and sadistic than canon and yet also made him into better comic relief. He looks like he eats children tbh. Nasty pirate clown man. Loved everything about the circus scenes.
Mihawk is just such a CGI-ass looking man tho. He looks like he got copy-pasted out of a video game. Like a mix between Sephiroth and Jack Sparrow. Like he's out of an entirely different media, or moving on an entirely different level than the rest of the world. Unsettling. A+ character design, would never want to meet this man in person.
Not a super deep show but enjoyable in a deeply satisfying way. I'll definitely be rewatching it, and definitely hoping for more.
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engagemythrusters · 8 months
Okay ep4 time to roll my eyes
Okay I’m bored already. Sabine is saving grace of the show. This is boring
Awww she’s calling for her mom 🥺
God I like this planet but. Overall for this show I hate it. Because the LACK OF COLOUR IS BAD
You are NOT leaving ezra behind
You can explode thrawn if he gets back. BUT YOU WILL NOT FUCKING ABANDON EZRA.
I miss clone wars Huyang. When ahsoka rebooted him she took all his personality out and trashed it.
Shin Hati ur sooo cute.
Reeeeally hate shins hair tho. So 2020s.That won’t age. That’s going to stay 2020s and when people watch this in 20 years they will rightfully make fun of costuming.
Disney pay people to give a shit about this please
I’m so sick of Ahsoka’s shitty ass lekku and montrals
Jumpsca—yep. Knew it. Disney cares about nothing except shock value
okay bored again now.
“Stay together” lines sooo stupid. Rolling my eyes.
I could write better in my sleep.
Rip that guy he doesn’t get paid enough
He’s sitting where his brother used to sit where his father used to sit. I’m not okay. I’m truly not.
Where… is the ghosts colour.
Where’s the yellow.
Also why… is that guy around again. Do we NEED mando refs.
Bored again.
Baylon is interesting tho. I want to know more about him and Shin.
Kay stupid action scene. Bored. Zoning out.
I love cranberries tho I’m having a cranberri orange scone that I made from scratch. So tasty. Burned at the bottom bc my oven doesn’t work right (the airflow is very poor). But the orange glaze j made mostly covers it.
Ooo tree destruction
Okay all that twirly for nothing is so stupid
Oop so Marrok was just. Nightsister magic. I figured as much.
Buff Santa will protect the map
Oh this bitch knew anakin?
Ofc everyone knew anakin he was a bitch that never followed protocol
Buff Santa Baylon is very interesting
If they can’t do it right. DONT DO IT AT ALL.
This should have been animated. This should not have Filoni. This shouldnt be set so far back in the timeline.
Hhh when do we see ezra.
I don’t care about this I want exra
Spoke too soon
Sabine putcher helmet back on
Kanan and Fenn Rau taught her that 🥰
Oop buff Santa big mad
Don’t destroy take it
is shin really dead tho that would be bad and make the show boring
She’s not like Ahsoka. She’s like Hera. She’s like Kanan. She’s like Ezra. She’s like her family.
Oh no… clan wren…
Oh no…
Oh my god hera and Jacen and chopper and zeb are all she has left. All. No wonder she wants ezra back so so much. Even much more than before.
Stab his hand STAB HIS HAND
nooo sabine WOULDNT
No she would NOT
Oh butt
Sabine wouldn’t do that.
Where’s the yellow for the ghost?
Oh my god
Sabine wouldn’t have done that
Well now she’ll be inside the ship tho
She’ll go to ezra
Ezra I miss you so much. I hope we see you soon <3
Gonna run right thru em all except hera bc she’s in the middle
Interesting. But predictable. Did we all expect that? Yes we did!
Jacen baby you shouldn’t be here
Okay good good
“I’ve got a bad feeling” oh he’s like his brother he’s like his father I’m going to cry. I don’t… I can’t…
Wow great shot of Bad Lekku And Montrals
Sparkle water
Is she dead?!
..: she man save Kanan…
How is he full body tho he’s dead
Where’s his scar?
Wow and ofc they cut it off right as it gets interesting
Kay. Bored now.
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
Ant-man 3 is proof Marvel's peak has come and gone.
<Spoilers, but I am doing you a favor. Read this; do not watch it.>
-Should have been called 'Ant-man deals with his daughter who has Tony Stark's brains, but teenage hormones.' Cuz the Wasp is in it as much as her fucking parents, so she's not the headliner, and not till the end does it even really feel like they super focused on Ant-man.
-His daughter was practically the lead, and it feels like stupid hawkeye; they're trying to give the next generation a spin, pass the baton when....we can just call it. Make up new heroes. She was boring. Not a thing interesting about her or stood out. Seriously: give me 3 adjectives to describe her that make her different from everyone in the movie. Smart? Determined? Heroic? You mean EVERYONE in the movie?
-BTW: why the FUCK is EVERYONE a super genius now? The mini tony stark in black panther 2, ant-man's daughter when...she's just a fucking kid. From a thief and a regular person; why is she so smart!? Ant-man is kinda a fucking idiot. Genetics DOES come to play. 'Hank taught her in her spare time.' WHY? But ok. COOL. I was great at math, A's, then I met calculus and no one could teach me. Not everyone can be taught HOW TO MAKE A MINI VERSE SATELLITE! I just...why can't heroes be heroic and mindful? Smart people don't need powers to help...
-Ant-man movies always kinda sucked (compared to other heroes). Ant-man is funny, but...his powers are boring, and there are limited things you can do with them. Big, small, woot. They were good because of the special effects (fight at the end of 1. Car chase in 2.) But now ALL CGI ALL THE TIME?! No real sets? Ew. And you cut his crew? The FUNNIEST parts of the first 2 ant-man movies? Because Hank and his wife were that important in ANT MAN and the WASP being they are not either of those?
-Fairly, Thor 4 was a trash pile so unforgettable it somehow made Thor 3 look bad because it had similar tones. So thor started this fall from grace, but ant man 3 was the nail in the coffin. Thank god; let it rest.
-Ant-man 3 is not the funniest, the most original, or at all got a good hook. I am not fucking around: There is not a single fucking thing that surprised me in this movie. Even Mordok being the villain from the first movie (sorry). Why? BECAUSE I DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING CARE! NO ONE DOES! Mordok, his origin, arc, and ending is the largest isolated incident of failure to watch for. He/it it so fucking bland and pathetic. The trailer IS the whole movie. Or at least the best parts...
-I feel bad cuz the end of loki, kang seemed like he would be a GREAT bad guy (LOVE the actor. Watch Lovecraft Country if you have not. AMAZING. A great stand alone season), but in this movie, he is such a fucking 1 dimensional basic bitch, he stands out from no villain. And I know THAT Kang was a different one, but the difference was (hint) BETTER WRITERS!!!! Even tho the loki kang was all monologue, it was at least fun. Chaotic. This Kang is like thanos, without ANY proper motivation but control. CONQUEROR. Who cares? Bad guy #3671 step up, get knocked down. Don't get back up again. No different or better than Justice League.
-And they did the 'save it all from grace from outta no where' endings. Summary: hyper intelligent ants went into the quantum realm with them, but experiences millions of years of evolution (why the ants and not them? Fuck if I know. And how did the ants get back to the cast? WE NEVER KNOW!), and they come to fight kang on behalf of hank in the end. I could do crack, acid, and meth and that still wouldn't fucking make sense to my brain. I guess it was the only way they could keep the word ant in the title cuz they come to play NEVER anywhere else.
None of this movie matters. Worst ant man. Def top 10 worst marvel movies (of recent. Not all time).
'Ant-man and the trailer that gave it all away, 3': 2/10.
Best part? All of them are in the trailer. No worries.
<Side note: what the FUCK is with the inconsistent powers? Ant-man: Big and small (NO FLY yet). Wasp: Flying and Small (NO BIG). Daughter: Small, no flying (tho AFTER the wasp's suit was made) and, oh wow, I can hack this at the perfect time, I can go big now! Why would you not make a suit with it ALL for EVERYONE? The fuck you thinking? I know: it will be more dramatic (but stupid as fuck logically.)>
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praphit · 2 years
Black Adam: the psychopath we need right now
Of course The Rock belongs in a comic book cinematic universe. What the hell took so long?! 
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There are a bunch of characters I think he could have played well:
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The Winter Soldier (imagine The Rock growing out his hair:)
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Apocalypse (no way that movie sucks with The Rock in it)
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(I can’t stop laughing at this GIF, and J.Law’s “Oh, Shit!” face.
The Rock could have played a jacked Professor X (tired of only being the brains)
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Or he could have simply played himself. I’d buy that when Batman is in trouble he runs to The Rock.
But, he's perfect for Black Adam!
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A long ass time ago, there was a lil boy, born into slavery, in a Middle Eastern country called Kahndaq. Him and his people were slaving away trying to locate a mystical crown made of Vibranium... sorry, I meant Eternium... or was it Krytponite?? Doesn't matter.
This crown has the power to... unleash hell on earth or something. Which... why would anyone want to do that? If you're a bad guy, I get ruling the earth or even destroying the earth. But, to bring a literal, demonic, Hell on earth, doesn't seem productive for anyone... except for Hell. But, anyway, this lil boy, one day, says to himself "Slavery sucks! I want to be free!"
If only it were that simple to be free, kid (though according to Ye, it is).
Some ancient wizards show up and grant this boy powers. They have a habit of doing this.
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Why?! Is it just me, or does giving children the powers of gods seem stupid? But, who can tell wizards anything??
This now super-powered, young boy finds his father (The Rock) in peril, one thing leads to another, and SHAZAM!
  Black Ass  Adam is born!
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Buuuuuut, he has a bit of a temper, so he has to be locked away, until the movie comes out.
It's now the present day, and Black Adam is here to protect his people... eventually. He's kind of a psychopath. I mean that in the nicest way possible. He's a charming psychopath tho... well, not really. I mean, The Rock is charming AF, but.... I guess we'll crown B.A. with the same charm as the actor playing him; why not??
But, he needs help from some "friends" (I use that word loosely):
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Ant Squasher or Musher... or something
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Dr. Strange Fate
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And The Winged Black Man
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( I think I may have mixed up a name or two in there, but it doesn't really matter)
These weirdly familiar characters are able to annoy B.A. enough to convince him to limit his anti-hero murdering spree long enough to save the day. Although, I kinda think he enjoyed the killing more than saving the day.
This movie has everything you'd want:
super-powered freaks, a video game level of action and explosions, evil labs, zombie vibes, some tomb raider action, demons/end of days bs, international politics, the funny fat guy, the strong and smart single mom character (in the credits, she's (a Middle Eastern woman) named ISIS... I know these comic books were written a while ago, but... still kinda bleeped up), it's got tear-jerking self-sacrifice, and some Lord of the Rings vibes.
What more could you want??!
All held together by the cornerstone, being The Rock!
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  Whew! That's some good sex right there!
However :) There are some issues.
For one, if you suffer from comic book/action movie fatigue, then don't go anywhere near this movie. It's not trying to be anything else but that.
This movie is a Thanksgiving gravy dump of CGI. Is that a good or bad thing? - depends on your tastes, I suppose. This is some of the easiest money The Rock had ever made. CGI did all of the work. In fact, CGI had to work harder than ever to make The Rock look weaker (pre-powers). Dwayne Johnson doesn't even have all that much dialogue. He doesn't need to be the straight man in a comedy duo. Doesn't need to be in shape.... of course he’s in ridiculous shape, being The Rock, but he didn't NEED to be. Shoot, the powers of CGI even squeezed Pierce Brosnan (loved btw) into spandex.
The CGI does get bad though, towards the end. Like, not She-Hulk bad, but in the same ballpark.
There's a lot of slomo. NO, I MEAN A LOT! It's like someone discovering a new IG filter for the first time, and they always feel compelled to use it. Enough with the beautifying filters already! You know damn well you don't look like that. You're not fooling anyone:)
The Rock, though his people all seem to have Kahndaqian accents, he does not. C'mon, Dwayne! Be an actor! On second thought, I'm now picturing The Rock using this accent throughout the whole film, and in my mind, it turns into a comedy. So, I'll take that criticism back.
It's also a lil long. I wish they would have used the extra length to make this movie less dreary. I mean, I had fun with it, but... DC still hasn't learned how to balance out their tones yet (though James Gunn should be able to help that moving forward). Idk what's in Marvel's secret sauce, but if they had produced Black Adam, part of me wouldn't have felt like it needed a strong drink after watching.
There were two messages driven home by ISIS (still feels wrong to call her that):
1) "Hey, outsiders! Stay the bleep out of OUR business!" - that message,  I agree with.
2) Black Adam is not a hero, but he's the ANTI-Hero that they need.  
Idk, people. I get that sometimes you've gotta murder people (not the best message for the kids, but whatever). But, don't we have enough anti-heroes?? If everyone is an anti-hero... what's an anti-hero? You know?? I mean Black Adam murders more people in this movie than "the bad guy". He murders more people in this movie than Michael Myers murders in "Halloween Ends".  
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At what point in the sport of killing, does one become a villain??
That being said, I get it, and I like it!
Considering the slavery of their people. Considering people coming at you with guns. And considering demonic forces rising up against you (not like you can take demons to court) - yeah, sometimes, you've gotta kill people.
If you're looking for a dumb comic book action flick (for the kids? - sure), fueled by revenge - The Rock delivers.
Grade: B-
They also fixed the problem (at least I personally have had) with characters that are way too powerful. He wasn't dull. I mean his character kinda is, but... throw in The Rock as a heavily (and I mean HEAVILY) flawed character, and you've got some entertainment. I hope Marvel is paying attention concerning Captain Marvel 2.
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Let's give Capt a functional coke and drinking problem, and make The Rock her bartender, and we'll have a less dull winner.
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