#the frustration was so fucking real
ellcrys · 1 year
ALRIGHT FOLKS here’s the story you (no one!) has been waiting for: my brush with murphy’s law this morning 💀💀💀
expectation #1: it takes 30 minutes to get to park street from davis square by subway. my movie starts at 1pm. so as long as i get to davis square by 12:30 to catch the red line, I will make it in time
first brush with murphy’s law: shuttle buses replace red line service between alewife and kendall square this weekend
expectation #2: not ideal, but still ok. the shuttle buses will probably add ~15 minutes to the commute so i’ll get to the theater at ~1:15 which should be ok since amc always peppers us with trailers for the first 15 minutes anyways
second brush with murphy’s law: the bus driver gets fucking lost en route to porter square, the next stop after davis, which means he takes a huge fucking loop to get back to davis to restart the route so that by the time it’s 12:50 (15 minutes after we left davis at 12:35) we’re STILL IN DAVIS
expectation #3: i’m going to get the fuck off this bus and just catch a lyft from davis to park
third brush with murphy’s law: the bus driver won’t let me off bc it’s not an official stop. i have to cancel the lyft ride i’d booked and rebook it to pick me up at porter
we finally get to porter. it’s now basically 1pm. the movie is starting and i haven’t even made it one mile out from home yet. luckily, my lyft driver is just one min away bc i requested priority pickup. i realize to my horror that in my haste to book my ride i put my pin down at a shitty location so i run towards the street my lyft driver is coming down and flag him down with waving arms before he can get to the horrible intersection where my pin is and have to do a uturn to get us on track to boston.
it’s 1pm now. my lyft driver not only takes everything in stride, he gets me to park street in 19 minutes FLAT. i miss only the first 5 minutes of the movie.
fucking mvp of the fucking century
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temeyes · 20 days
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just some biker bois complaining about other biker bois' bikes (except i didn't draw any bikes...)
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buddiesmutslut · 1 month
Can we be real, for a second?
People aren’t pissed bc a Buddie scene was cut during the Madney wedding episode.
People are pissed that the team used an entire scene to draw people into that episode & THEN dropped, through an actor interview a day before release, that it was cut.
They’ve been treating the song they were supposed to be singing like a state secret. Oliver was talking WEEKS ago about this episode and doing “one of the scariest things he’d ever done” on the show about the karaoke. There was subtext there & stuff in the bachelor party that was hinting more with the storyline Eddie is on.
For the last 3 weeks, they’ve been using THAT SCENE in every promo & teaser & interview to keep fans interested, and THAT’S why people are pissed.
We all know that e6 is about Madney, nobody is disputing that.
The promo team hasn’t done a very thorough job of showing us that though. They’ve showed us Buck & Eddie, & now they’re cutting (at least, inferring from what we’ve heard by the people who have already seen it) a substantial amount of that out.
THAT is why people are upset. If they hadn’t been making such a big deal about this scene being in the episode, it wouldn’t be such a big deal now that it’s been cut out.
Tell me you don’t understand context without TELLING ME you don’t understand context 🙄
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the-auguer · 3 months
Fright Night
Just a li’l something that’s been sitting in my drafts for a while. It was titled ‘the girls are fighting’ so do with that what you will.
Mammon’s nails dig a little bit into your arm. It’s not harsh or purposeful. It just happens. Like how his arm constricts around your chest and squeezes you a bit too tightly. You crane your head to stare at him. His eyes are a harsh blue, the yellow near his iris ablaze, and he’s not looking at you. 
Belphie retracts his arms slowly, a frown marring his previously soft face. 
“Mammon.” he says slowly. Tightly, like Mammon’s arms. “What are you doing?”
Mammon’s grip tightens a little. You push at Mammon’s chest, and try harder when he doesn’t budge. 
“Mammon, let go.”
Mammon glances down at you. “What?! Why!?”
You glare at him. “You’re squeezing.”
Mammon’s hold on you loosens, but he doesn’t let go. You push uselessly at him again, unwilling to Order him, but getting close to it. 
“Mammon,” Belphie says again, his light frown beginning to pull into a scowl. “Why?”
“Whaddaya mean, why?” Mammon snipes back. “You were touchin’ them.”
“We were hugging.”
“Yeah, and you’re not allowed.”
“Not allowed? Then what are you doing?”
“Wha— well obviously they want the Great Mammon to hold them. I’m allowed.”
“And I’m not?”
Mammon splutters. “Why? Be-because you’re not allowed, that’s why!”
Levi snorts, sinking deeper into your bed and not glancing up from his D.D.D. “I’m telling Beel that you hit Belphie.”
From his hold, you feel Mammon’s body tense. “I didn’t hit him!”
“You shoved me,” Belphie says, confusion fading into anger. “When I hugged them, you shoved me.”
Beel walks back into your room, a tower of snacks in his arms. He drops them irreverently to the ground and they crackle and crunch at his feet. “Who shoved Belphie?”
Levi cackles. “Mammon.”
Mammon startles, backing both you and him up a few steps. “I did not!”
“Yeah, you did,” Levi sings.
“Yes, you did!” Belphie yells. 
You drive your hand into Mammon’s face to  create more space between the both of you. You were just trying to watch a movie. Why did watching movies always evolve into shit like this? It’s not fair. 
“Let go, Mammon. Now.”
“No!” Mammon shouts, obviously panicked as both Beel and Belphie begin to advance on him. Levi lifts his D.D.D, obviously recording. 
“Why not!” You yell back, wedging your elbow against his cheek and push with all your might. Mammon squawks and tries to pry your arms off his face. 
“No one should push Belphie,” Beel intones, moving closer and closer. 
“They’re not something you can hog all to yourself, Mammon,” Belphie says darkly, in step with Beel.
“Let me go right now!” You shout. If this continues, there’s going to be a dog pile on Mammon and you are not the slightest bit interested in the broken bones that will follow if you get caught up in that. 
“Fight, fight, fight, fight,” Levi chants.
“Mammon,” you scream as Beel gets closer. He’s so obviously focused on Mammon and not on you. Maybe Beel doesn’t even see you right now. “Now!”
“No! He’s not allowed!”
“Why!” Belphie howls.
“You’ll hurt them!”
Belphie freezes his prowl forward, and you pause your attempts to pinch under Mammon’s arms. 
Levi lowers his D.D.D. Beel stops moving entirely. 
Mammon’s eyes dart around anxiously, sensing the change in the room. 
He laughs nervously. “Yeah, you’ll just hurt them, so it’s better for me to hold them. See,” he jostles you, “no harm done.”
You shove Mammon harshly. “Get. Off. Me! Get off me now!”
Surprisingly, Mammon lets go of you this time. His eyes are big and wet. “Why?”
He looks hurt, and usually you would backtrack right about now. You would assure him and explain to him. Sighing, you try. 
“Belphie won’t hurt me.” You say, tiredly. You motion for Levi to put his D.D.D down. “Is this about how you were late? I told you what time I was starting the movie and you decided to stay out shopping.”
“No, it’s not,” Mammon says, sounding petulant. “I’m not mad because of that. I’m mad cause yer lettin’ him touch all over you and he’ll hurt you!”
“No he won’t,” you say, exasperated.
“No I won’t,” Belphie presses.
“No he won’t,” Beel echoes, confusion evident in the furrow of his brows. 
Levi stays quiet, his D.D.D laying on the bed next to him. 
Mammon is your friend. A close friend, even if he’s really bad at being a friend sometimes. You try to understand, despite the throbbing of your head. 
“What do you mean, Mammon? You have to expla—“
“Whaddaya mean, whaddaya I mean?” Mammon interrupts, frustrated. “He already did! He— he—“
Mammon clamps a handful of his hair in his fist, tugging ineffectually. “He hurt you.”
Mammon’s eyes are more than just wet now. He’s tearing up, staring at you imploringly, worse than when he begs you to hide him from Lucifer. It’s almost too much for you to bear. 
Belphie snarls. “That was before— that was because I— I said I was sorry! I’m not going to do it again! You’re just jealous they want to spend time with me, so you’re making up excuses!”
“No I am not!” Mammon yells back, tears disappearing under a rare bearing of fangs. “I’M their first, so there’s nothin’ ta be jealous of! I’m bein’ honest here!”
“You know why you’re their first?” Belphie says dangerously. Beel puts a worried hand on his shoulder, but Belphie shakes it off. “Because Levi threatened them into it to get his money back! They didn’t want to form a pack with you, they had to.”
Levi sank deep into your comforter, mumbling something indistinct as he attempts to be absorbed by the sheets. 
“It’s different now! And that doesn’t matter anymore!”
“Mammon‘s right, Belphie,” you say. “It doesn’t. But both of you need to calm down so we can talk this through.”
“Talk through what? How Mammon thinks I’ll hurt my contractor?”
Beel moves forward, pressing a hand on Belphie’s chest. “That’s right,” he stresses, brows still drawn together. “Belphie has a contract with them. He can’t hurt them.”
“Yes,” you agree, pouncing on Beel’s statement with vigor. “No one in this house can hurt me. See? It’s all fine.”
You glance at the clock, prepared to make an excuse about how late it is and how you are oh so tired and they’ll have to watch a movie another night. 
“But Mammon hurt you,” Levi pipes up, peering out from inside the cocoon he made out of your blanket. “Just now. You’re bleeding.”
You glance down and yeah, the skin of your upper arm is a bit red and there are small cuts where Mammon’s nails had dug in. They’re not bleeding, per se, but they are raw pink and surrounded by ripped skin. 
Mammon almost falls over with how hard he startles. “What! I didn’t— but I didn’t— I didn’t mean to! That was an accident!”
You poke experimentally at your arm. It stings, but no more than it should. You’re fine. 
“I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt.”
You try to smile soothingly at Mammon, who is staring at you like you are the killer in a slasher film, his honey brown skin pale and stricken. 
“Hypocrite,” Belphie crows vindictively. “All that talk and you’re the one who hurt them!”
“I didn’t mean to!” Mammon swears, louder than before. 
“Are you okay?” Beel asks worriedly. He plucks a bag of chips off the floor to press into your hands. “Eat something, it’ll make you feel better.”
You open the bag eat a chip to stave off his fretting. “I’m fine, Beel. It’s fine.” You look at Mammon meaningfully. “I’m fine.” 
“Go-good. And what the hell, Levi!” Mammon shouts, gaining back steam. “Why’d ya have to go and bring that up?”
Levi burrows tighter into your blanket. You wouldn’t be surprised if there’s rips stressed into it by the end of the night. “Just leveling the field. Now everyone in here has hurt them. Balanced team. Every RPG needs a balanced team. All the Seven Lords hurt Henry before they became friends. It’s the way it is.”
Everyone shifts uncomfortably at that. The air around you is suffocating. You suddenly ache to be the one in Levi’s cocoon. Preferably alone. 
“Thank you, Levi,” you grit out frustratedly. “So. Much. Since this conversation is over, I think I’m done with movie night. You all can go back to your rooms.”
Belphie startles. “What did I do? It was Mammon that started this!”
“Belphie.” Beel glances at you, uncertain and guilty in equal measure. You want to hide in your closet to avoid his gaze. “Let’s just go. We can talk about it later.”
Levi slowly extracts himself. He looks at you like he wants to say something, but turns away instead. 
Mammon clenched his fists. “I wanna talk more. Are ya sendin’ me out cause I hurt ya? I didn’t mean to, honest.”
“I know Mammon, and I’m fine,” you sigh. “I’m tired, though. We can talk later.”
Belphie shakes Beel off again. “Sure. We can talk later.” He gives Mammon a nasty smile. “We’re all on the same team, after all.”
Mammon is across the room in the blink of an eye, Belphie’s collar clenched tight in his hand. Belphie rises to the tops of his toes and snatches Mammon’s collar in return. 
“I am not on the same level as you. As any of you. Because I never tried to kill them.”
And there it is. Exactly what you were hoping would never be said. Ever. 
“I never almost killed them. I never actually killed them! You did that!” Mammon yanks at Belphie’s collar. “Ya killed them! And said sorry ‘cause a’ Lilith! Ya didn’t mean it!”
“Yes I did!” Belphie howls. He releases Mammon’s collar to claw uselessly at Mammon’s hands. His horns curl out of his hair and his tail lashes behind him like a provoked cat. “I meant it! I meant it, you selfish bastard! You just wish I didn’t cause you want them all to yourself!”
Beel is shifting from foot to foot, obviously longing to step in or speak up, but does not move. His eyes are locked on Mammon, unsure. He doesn’t seem scared, but he is uncertain. Levi moves between your table and the wall, like the added barrier puts him further away from the situation. 
“Ya didn’t! Ya killed them! Ya killed my best friend! I had ta watch them die!”
Mammon is not in his demon form, despite Bephie’s bared fangs and the flashes of purple singing through the air. He holds Belphie captive like it doesn’t mean anything, like Belphie’s struggles to free himself don’t require the smallest hint of his demonic power. 
“Stop it.” Your fists clench. “I don’t like this.”
Mammon continues to yell, and tears are falling freely down his cheeks. Belphie curses him, screams his name and damns him in every way he seems to know how. 
“Ya don’t know! Ya laughed! Ya laughed when I cried an’ they weren’t breathing! No one cared but me! They were dead an’ no one else cared!”
The shockwaves of Belphie’s power grow more drastic, more erratic.
“You didn’t notice I was gone!” He bellows. “Lucifer kept me in the goddamn attic and you thought I was playing nice with humans! You were supposed to be my big brother! You were supposed to come for me!”
“How could you?” They both wail and wail and wail. 
Why did you have to break up the fights between beings that are thousands of years older than you? Why did you have to be the one with the level head in a room full of people that could kill you on a whim? In a simple accident? Is it because you dared to care about them? Is it really that bad to care about them? God help you, you care about them so much. 
Shouldn’t this feel vindicative? Shouldn’t you feel better now that the confrontation has happened, feel more seen? Shouldn’t you want your housemates, your friends, to acknowledge you and your past pain? Why did you feel so drained and defeated, then?
Maybe because you were always going to die. 
From the moment you arrived in that throne room with the most powerful demons that gave less than a shit about your continued existence, you were always going to die. Maybe it was not a possibility but a race of circumstances. A race of who would do it first.
Leviathan in the Tales of the Seven Lords trivia competition, the first to charge at you. His scornful gaze as he verbally contemplates the pros and cons of killing you. The force in his eyes as he made you a pawn in a game of revenge against his brother. 
Beelzebub in the kitchen, your room in shambles afterwards. The knowledge that that could have easily been you. His flat, hungry eyes in the student council room, and a few more places beyond that. 
Lucifer in the crypt, bearing down on you with the light of heaven’s finest and looming power of the right hand of the ruler of hell. A hand clamping down on your injured wrist. Lucifer time and time again reminding you of how easily he would kill you if you stepped out of line. Would. Not could. 
Asmodeus’s hypnotic gaze training itself on you dozens of times, certain you will yearn for him, certain you will bow to him. His annoyance when you do not. Cerberus’s breath lashing across your heels as you run, heart plummeting to your stomach. 
Satan’s room, green flames licking at the walls and beginning to scorch your skin. His claws reaching for your throat. 
Mammon. Mammon never… but he did. He left you for dead, time and time again in the beginning. He was told to watch you, to guard you, and he left you in the clutches of demons. Again and again. 
And you were so focused on the contestants in front of you, the ones already at your throat, that you didn’t think to look out for the knife behind you. The hands at your neck, the bind around your trachea, the arms around your chest. The sight of your own body, limp and lifeless. 
Where was Lucifer? You reach into the pocket of your pajama pants, scrambling for your D.D.D. 
Your shaking fingers manage to navigate to Lucifer’s contact, and you find you can’t do more than hit the call button. The dial tone is lost in the cacophony of your room, and you find you can no longer see Beel or Levi past how hazy Belphie’s power is making you. 
Your D.D.D falls from your limp fingers, and you find your eyes getting heavy.
Well… well shit.
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leupagus · 1 year
Okay I've been drinking but I gotta say
I keep seeing takes in the Ted Lasso takes about the various favored pairings — be they Rebecca/Ted, Trent/Ted, Roy/Jamie, Roy/Keeley, Keeley/Roy/Jamie, WHATEVER, with this sentiment of "if this relationship does not turn into a romance, then what was the point of the show?"
And that really frustrates me as someone whose most valued and cherished relationships are not romantic, and who will not likely ever have another romantic relationship in her life. Because there's a point to friendships! There's a point to love in all its forms, in all its complexities. Romance is great, absolutely, but to say that there's no "point" to Rebecca and Ted's trust and respect and affection if it doesn't become a romance, or there's no "point" to Trent becoming a Diamond Dog if he and Ted don't start dating, or there's no "point" to Roy and Jamie and Keeley's complicated dance around each other this past season if it doesn't end up in bed — that just makes me really depressed about the limitations people are putting on how people can love each other.
You can absolutely cheer for your favorite ship and hope that it becomes canon — but to reduce all the rest of the show does a disservice to the show itself.
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crabussy · 5 months
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p4nishers · 9 months
crowley is so real bc i also have a small waist and am genderfluid and obsessed with aziraphale and value my freedom too much and also sometimes yell at god when im upset
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andromeda3116 · 8 months
people actually went on about how game of thrones made it socially acceptable to be a fantasy nerd, as though the lord of the rings movies hadn't been released less than a decade earlier and left far greater cultural ripples and i am just
got may have made the adults feel better about liking fantasy, but lotr got into the kids' heads when they (we) were just young and impressionable enough to be absolutely transported and emotionally rewritten by don't you leave him, samwise gamgee and my brother, my captain, my king and and rohan will answer
lotr was rewriting entire generations' brain chemistry long before asoiaf and so obviously it's not fair to compare any post-lotr fantasy novel to it, and each book series was trying to do different things within their own spheres and so that also is not a fair comparison, but in terms of the cultural impact of the adaptations that came out within a decade of each other, saying that it was game of thrones that made fantasy mainstream is baffling
game of thrones could only run because the lord of the rings movies laid the path, and i will die on this hill
#lotr#lord of the rings#lord of the rings movies#i started this post because ''may it be'' came up on my playlist but now i think i'm going to start my nth rewatch of the trilogy#there is a lot to discuss about it re: comparison to the books but it's like...#for all the changes they made - good and bad and neutral - everyone involved in making the films *loved* the source material#they all *wanted* to do justice to it and believed in it and it shows#i think of some posts i've seen about how frustrating this modern push towards tongue-in-cheek irony over sincerity#so afraid to be corny or cheesy that you have to tack a joke onto every real emotional moment#like no fuck that#give me sam hauling frodo onto his shoulders saying ''i can't carry it for you but i can carry you''#give me aragorn gently kissing boromir's forehead as he dies#give me merry and pippin throwing themselves at the uruk hai to distract them from frodo#give me theoden's grand speeches and gandalf's pained expression when frodo says he'll carry the ring#tbh i think that sincerity is a large part of *why* it has such staying power even now#because it is a story you are meant to get deeply emotionally invested in and not hold yourself a little ironically apart from#it isn't meant to sell merch it's meant to bring you to middle-earth and capture your heart and make you believe that the war can be won#with love and loyalty and hope and fellowship and fidelity and integrity and just... just refusing to give in to despair#it is earnest. it is unafraid to be melodramatic or corny because it believes in the story it's telling.#and so it imprinted onto a whole generation growing up right at the cusp of a barrage of apocalypses#anyway. i have Feelings about these movies and their impact and how that mirrors and enhances the books' own impact
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crimescrimson · 4 months
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Mementos Fuses With Reality in Persona 5 Royal (2019)
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moe-broey · 6 months
I've only read the first volume of Dungeon Meshi but I'm convinced Laios and Marcille are both autistic but two EXTREMELY different flavors of autism, so much so it enables autistic PVP (one sided, Laios is unaware, possibly due to the autism)
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mokutone · 2 years
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wooooooow naruto thanked him :) maybe naruto doesn't hate him. maybe.
maybe theyre even.
😳 friends
#my art#naruto#sai#sai yamanaka#naruto uzumaki#hbd sai#this is abt shippuden ep 197 or 198#this moment means a lot to me as a fan of sai bc its kind of the first time that naruto extends sai an olive branch or like.#even implies he likes having sai around#and it happens right after sai stopped the cloud nin from beating naruto 2 death 4 real#and then got really frustrated at naruto for continuing 2 protect sasuke despite how much sasuke was hurting naruto and sakura#and naruto told sai to shut up LMFAO#but like immediately after that despite sai insisting that sakura would be better at managing the wounds naruto has sai do it#and thanks him#and maybe naruto was just thinking about how mad sakura would get or something else#but u can tell it really meant a lot to sai...and the episodes after this he gets a little obsessed w/ making sure naruto is okay#u can tell the whole time hes thinking ''sasuke is a Fucking idiot. if naruto and sakura cared abt me half as much as they care about him-'#''-i would never betray them. i would never hurt them like that.'' hes like so jealous of sasuke#to be fair to sasuke. sai would have no way to comprehend the loss of the uchiha clan massacre or itachis torments but like#ough. these episodes r great for sai fans. hes trying his best and he Does Not Know What Hes Doing#this isnt intended as shippy (very little of my stuff is. as always) but just sai being Intense abt his first real friendship#i think he's obsessed with naruto because naruto is so...up front. he doesn't often give fake smiles#and when he does hes not doing it to be polite but to avoid hurting other people. i think sai is drawn to him like a moth to a flame
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antianakin · 6 months
I'll never understand how some fans are so incredibly willing to just be okay with "it happened in a timeskip" to excuse bad writing lol. Like "oh yeah these two characters who have been enemies for like four seasons of a TV show had their entire reconciliation OFF SCREEN in the time skip between episodes right at the end so it works" or "oh yeah this character who was left basically broken had their entire growth and development where they came to terms with the thing that broke them in the time skip so it works" kind of stuff. Like that's literally the ENTIRE emotional climax of a story that's been building for a while and you're FINE with not getting to actually SEE IT???
Can't relate.
#fandom wank#i'm so so tired of people telling me 'well it happened in the timeskip' when i get annoyed about something#like a character doing a personality 180#or a character suddenly changing their mind about something that was really important to them#or literal wholeass character development that's integral to this character's story#there are some things that can happen in a timeskip and some shit that CANNOT#like imagine if luke had NEVER confronted yoda or obi-wan about keeping the truth of his parentage from him#like we come into rotj and they're just fine and it's never addressed#like luke's just never mad and they never even have a convo about it#imagine how unsatisfying it would feel to have had that massive bombshell dropped without any real payoff to it#imagine never actually getting to see luke work through that particular revelation or how it impacts these relationships#and they were just like 'well it happened in-between movies'#it would SUCK#you NEED those convos in order to actually understand how luke fully comes to accept the truth about anakin#because even if he's calmer by rotj he's still upset by it a bit#only by TALKING to yoda and obi-wan does he actually get to the point where he has total faith in anakin's goodness#we HAVE to see that he's still frustrated about this and still working thru it#we cannot fucking skip it#i'm willing to accept that he's calmer about it due to the timeskip but not that he's already worked thru it all#there's a fucking difference
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sinnbaddie · 2 days
To say that Kakashi and Gai’s relationship (talking solely platonic rn) was mostly about him helping Kakashi cope with the loss of Obito is disingenuous to Kakashi and all of his relationships.
Any person is going to be traumatized after seeing someone — much less their teammate — be crushed to death under a rock. Kakashi is shown to be someone susceptible to depression due to 1. His environment 2. His initial beliefs and 3. His genetic line. Of course his life is going to be centered around one of the most traumatic experiences of his life, romanticizing it is so hurtful to his character because it destroyed him - and if Kishimoto actually cared about expanding other character relationships instead of making a “generational duo that falls apart” + wasn’t a misogynistic writer, Rin’s death would be the bigger influence on his life than Obito’s.
Yes, Gai had to help him numerous times in his grief but it wasn’t solely or even mainly about Obito. Rin was an absolute vital point in Kakashi’s downfall into chaos. The self harm he inflicted upon himself, the self hatred, the self shame. He became a whole different person after he was forced to kill her. I would say Kakashi’s father Sakumo is by far the biggest influence on him. He wouldn’t have needed any speech of “your father was a hero” by Obito if it wasn’t for Sakumo. His personality of today is thanks to his father’s own death.
Gai and Kakashi’s friendship is almost entirely about them when they’re in scenes together. Look at the chunin exams, look at any scene in the land of steam arc, look at their race, etc. naturally there will be grief the two bring to the relationship and it’s on them to work it out separately, together and with other people which did happen.
You’re actively ignoring every other character that has shaped and formed who Kakashi is by saying Obito is the biggest and only reason he is who he is. Gai is one of the strongest reasons why Kakashi is as motivated and strong as he is. Kakashi would’ve absolutely died at some point in (general) anbu if Gai didn’t pull him out and he was slipping so far when he was in it because of Rin and Minato.
Kakashi’s heart does not “belong” to Obito because he’s in love with Obito and can’t get over him, his heart belongs to the people he loves because that’s who Kakashi is at his core - a lover. He’s a person who cares so deeply, even for people he doesn’t necessarily like or get along with.
Kakashi is a person who is shaped by everybody in his life, that’s why he is one of the best written Naruto characters. He feels like a real person because real people are influenced by everyone in their life, in every way. It’s unfortunate to see those who call themselves Kakashi fans only to mischaracterize, limit and erase the bonds he was written to have to prop up one single bond for your ship.
Do you care for this character? His themes, parallels, relationships and writing? or is he just a placeholder / self insert for shipping content?
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arsenicflame · 8 months
the thing is, right, if izzy WAS evil i would still absolutely love him. hes a fictional character, i don't care about his morals if hes compelling.
but the frustrating thing is that hes not evil, hes not even the antagonist anymore by a long stretch, hes arguably more liked by the crew than ed at the moment, but people still insist that we are reading the text of the show wrong and its going to completely 180 and turn him into a cartoon villain when there is absolutely no sign of that in the show, from the cast and crew, anything!!!
its so ridiculously annoying that i feel i have to defend my stance on a character because some people are so determined to cast him into the roll of a villain he is not, and think that we are the wrong ones for simply reading what the show is putting out
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ms-all-sunday · 4 months
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prince & princess
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overtake · 3 months
If i see one more person spread “news” sourced to outlets like f1-insider… please actually pay attention to sources and use critical thought about where it came from. these accounts want their engagement numbers and will share information derived from a fucking reddit comment if they think it’ll earn them a few extra dollars. there’s always an off chance these bullshit tabloids are right, but they almost never are, and a legitimate source will come along if there’s any whisper of truth to it. i just beg of people to simply wait for sources with the slightest bit of credibility to their name before they start sharing information.
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