#we left davis at 12:35 and at 12:50 we were STILL IN DAVIS 😭😭😭
ellcrys · 1 year
ALRIGHT FOLKS here’s the story you (no one!) has been waiting for: my brush with murphy’s law this morning 💀💀💀
expectation #1: it takes 30 minutes to get to park street from davis square by subway. my movie starts at 1pm. so as long as i get to davis square by 12:30 to catch the red line, I will make it in time
first brush with murphy’s law: shuttle buses replace red line service between alewife and kendall square this weekend
expectation #2: not ideal, but still ok. the shuttle buses will probably add ~15 minutes to the commute so i’ll get to the theater at ~1:15 which should be ok since amc always peppers us with trailers for the first 15 minutes anyways
second brush with murphy’s law: the bus driver gets fucking lost en route to porter square, the next stop after davis, which means he takes a huge fucking loop to get back to davis to restart the route so that by the time it’s 12:50 (15 minutes after we left davis at 12:35) we’re STILL IN DAVIS
expectation #3: i’m going to get the fuck off this bus and just catch a lyft from davis to park
third brush with murphy’s law: the bus driver won’t let me off bc it’s not an official stop. i have to cancel the lyft ride i’d booked and rebook it to pick me up at porter
we finally get to porter. it’s now basically 1pm. the movie is starting and i haven’t even made it one mile out from home yet. luckily, my lyft driver is just one min away bc i requested priority pickup. i realize to my horror that in my haste to book my ride i put my pin down at a shitty location so i run towards the street my lyft driver is coming down and flag him down with waving arms before he can get to the horrible intersection where my pin is and have to do a uturn to get us on track to boston.
it’s 1pm now. my lyft driver not only takes everything in stride, he gets me to park street in 19 minutes FLAT. i miss only the first 5 minutes of the movie.
fucking mvp of the fucking century
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