#the forgiveness i want to give her. its overwhelming
sayuri-of-the-valley · 9 months
On how Crowley and Aziraphale felt during the kiss (but mainly Crowley here):
Ok so first, the main idea for this huge meta is that a LOT of us noticed how the music from the kiss scene is similar to the nebula one, right?
Second, a lot of us also correctly noticed the parallels between the kiss and how it was to taste food for the first time for Aziraphale: bc of his reactions, the hand on lips, the similar way MS acted both scenes, the little inhale etc. So how was it for Crowley?
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Aziraphale's reaction to the kiss is practically a puzzle to solve on its own, so it's fun to analyse it, but basically, in a few words, Aziraphale kissed Crowley and he discovered he was physically starving for him, longing for him, yearning for him, for his kiss, and he had no idea. Just like with the ox. And now he needs to gorge himself in him but he can't. Great amazing heartbreaking chef's kiss someone give MS an Emmy.
But there's already so much amazing meta out there about Aziraphale x Ox ribs x The Kiss that I want to focus on Crowley here, and on the music.
So back to the music. The song in "Before the Beginning" and the song that plays during The Kiss (I Forgive You + Don't Bother) are so similar. They're not *exactly* the same, but they're totally reminiscent of each other. The viewer is immediately reminded of those chords that played in the opening scene. It's no coincidence that the fandom was talking about this fact only minutes after first watching those final fifteen minutes. This is an obvious intentional choice for storytelling reasons (David Arnold is a genius).
I have no expertise whatsoever when it comes to music, so I asked our friend @otsanda to see if that made sense and not only it does and she explained it, but she also uncovered so much more hidden meaning in all of it (musicians are amazing), so check out her meta about the music that not only serves as evidence to what I'm proposing here but it also has so much more juicy information in it 💖.
Back to the point: WHY thought? Why choose a similar song? Why intentionally COMPOSE a similar song for that moment?
Hear me out. WHAT IF, by reminding the audience of the creation of the nebula, they meant to convey to us that, for Crowley, kissing Aziraphale gave him the same feeling that creating his stars did?
THAT'S what the music is telling us. THAT'S why it makes us remember "Before the Beginning". It may sound cheesy, but Crowley may have literally seen stars when he kissed Aziraphale. He couldn't react accordingly (just like Aziraphale couldn't), bc it was an overwhelming and extremely sad moment (the music is also telling us that) for both of them. They knew it was ending . They were both having a moment of huge revelation that was fated to not come to completion. Crowley was right, it was too late.
It makes sense to show Crowley's feelings through the music, bc he was the one who started the kiss, and also he was wearing sunglasses in that scene, it's different from a character like Aziraphale that has all his million expressions for everyone to see at all times. And they've been doing this ever since s1 with the Queen songs that play in his car or in the background.
So my point is: the same song being used there makes me wonder if kissing Aziraphale finally gave him what he lost. His purpose. What Aziraphale was trying to give back to him by taking him back to heaven. There's no need for Heaven. Just kiss him, Aziraphale, and there he'll find the stars you want to give back to him. There you will one day see that smile on his face you saw Before The Beginning. Neil Gaiman and David Arnold I am in your walls ��
This is what may lead us to see this happiness in Crowley again (not the action of kissing itself, of course, but what it represents to their relationship, them being together, them being an Us).
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As @otsanda said: from the music we can interpret that that moment was a Revelation for them. Almost a religious experience. Crowley found his purpose again. What he'd been missing the whole season (or even his whole life since the Fall, but we've seen him especially depressed this season).
I'm not even getting into the poetry of how one can interpret the parallel to the angel's reaction to the kiss as carnal, and the demon's as religious; that would be another whole essay but let's just agree that it's incredibly beautiful. (Let me be clear that I mean here Aziraphale's reaction is carnal specifically for Crowley, and Crowley's is religious specifically for Aziraphale, not religious as in "worshipping god")
"Do you ever wonder what's the point?" Crowley asked in s2e1. The point, for him, is Aziraphale (if you've seen The Good Place you know what I mean). I hope he figured this out with that kiss, even as heartbreaking as it was. Even if it was a (temporary) separation kiss. (I hope Aziraphale figures this out with time too, that he's more than enough to make Crowley happy, that Crowley doesn't need Heaven, or stars, that Crowley needs him.)
Maybe that's why Crowley didn't leave and kept waiting outside until the very last moment.
Aziraphale and Crowley both bit the apple at the end of s2. There's no turning back from that Knowledge now.
Edit: I just have to add here this brilliant colour analysis of the nebula scene by @halemerry. And it's pointed out that during the nebula formation there's a moment when it looks like two people embracing. And the fact that a similar song is used in the actual Kiss scene I just... I have no words
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4K notes · View notes
neteyamsilly · 1 year
i will soften every edge, hold the world to its best | 2
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summary ;; Your burning determination to prove your father wrong and Jake's wish to teach you a lesson both end up in a pyrrhic victory. PART 1 | PART 3 pairings ;; dad!jake sully x reader, mom!neytiri x reader, sully family x reader genre ;; pure angst and family feels notes / explanations ;; im speechlessly overwhelmed at the sheer amount of love you guys showed me these past couple of days. like. literally never had something like this happen to me before. i got too excited to finish this chapter to give back to yall, there was an attempt to proofread but... i hope it's not too bad, please enjoy! as always, if you see any mistakes, im sorry!
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The path further into the floating mountains was all the worse to navigate thanks to the lack of light, the only useful guides you had were the faintly flickering bioluminescent lights from the forest deep below. The branches twisting around each other to create a naturally built bridge from mountain to mountain benefited from this, contrasting as a clear obscured line to your eyes against the glow underneath. 
The easiest part of your journey, in hindsight, was just skipping along this line. 
You weren’t exactly happy about this.  
The more you left behind, the more you were freaked out that Neteyam or anyone else was onto your intentions already and hot on your trail right this moment. Imagining father making a beeline to you in the air with Bob, a cruel, merciless whistling arrow, made you all jittery and almost puking kind of nervous, pulling at the depths of your stomach. 
Your rationality told you that it was a half an hour walk to your spot from the tent, and Neteyam would be hurrying the more he thought he wasn’t able to catch up with you along the way, so you had around twenty minutes until the whole family was panicking and raising the clan to look for you. 
Tuk had gone missing once thanks to some hide and seek game with Lo’ak (she’d hidden so well and was waiting for her siblings to find her already, blindly sticking to the game for an entire day, not out of stubbornness but childish purity), and this was exactly what had gone down —
the resentful part of you questioned if father thinks of you highly enough to resort to that. 
If something happened to you, he would maybe urge your brothers to search for you for a while, and drop it then — leaving you to your own devices happily. 
Were you even worth it in his eyes for a search party? You wondered if he cared enough that you disappeared. 
But that was a stupid, childish thought you knew you fantasized about a lot — perhaps this was why he’d called you immature. This was no mindset for a strong, independent, confident hunter. The thought father was right, even a miniscule bit was bitter on your tongue, worse than what he called black coffee. 
Disappearing so you’d find out just how much he cared was unfair to mom, for one. 
She had lost so much in such a short amount of time, the stories she sang poignantly about were hard to listen to without tearing up. Her home. The trees of voices, all the lost ancestors. Her father. Uncle Tsu’tey. Her first ikran, Seze. Loss upon loss you think there’d be nothing left to give anymore, but sky people’s fire was always hungry, always willing to waste more to grow bigger. 
You wouldn’t forgive yourself for making her cry in your pursuit to punish father. Never. 
You weren’t a child.
Just wanted to be one, sometimes.
Wanted father to babytalk you, pet your head longer than a passing touch as he walked away hurriedly to attend to other matters, make beads for your braids the way he always did from pretty stones he found on ponds, carve you little trinkets when you graciously had to give up your toys to Lo’ak and Kiri’s greed. 
Your neck piece was all them in fact, he’d see it if he ever paid enough attention, or perhaps it was all insignificant to him, five kids meant countless belongings for each individual child had been passed down from his hands, it would be a miracle for father to recognize you still wore his clumsy creations. But again, it had been too long since he’d even looked at you affectionately, he wouldn’t See. 
He’d transferred those habits entirely to Neteyam at one point in time. 
Your older brother would always ruffle Lo’ak’s hair and tease him the way father used to, comfort him in his own playful way, and even though the younger looked discontent at being babied, you knew he was happy Neteyam was quite literally his shadow to look after him through tough times — including shielding from father’s line of fire. In return, he was suffering from being a foil to the older son, you understood the struggle because you were going through the same comparison, you just weren’t obsessed with catching and living up to father as much as Lo’ak did. 
Win some, lose some, I guess.
Plus, Neteyam was trembling under the massive planet-weight pressure, he had to set the standard, he had to live up to the older brother title. He was becoming more of a father figure to Tuk as days passed and the Olo’eyktan became more transparent from his family’s life as a dad to five. 
Besides, Lo’ak made trouble enough for two people to go around that you felt bad for your big brother, Kiri was thankfully more mellow (despite frequently hanging out together with him and Spider) compared to him that Neteyam could breathe, not having to divide his attention. 
You were in awe of her about how disconnected she was from all the changing dynamics. She had her own problems you could never understand, more spiritual than your grandmother, and ever the ethereal soul who you thought would disappear into Eywa if flesh wasn’t holding her down to Eywa’eveng.
You were the teeniest, tiniest bit jealous of her (and Tuk) holding the softer sides of father, the boys thought he was deliberately softer because they were girls — but you were also a girl, so why weren’t you allowed in?   
Well, thanks to that, you’d gotten closer with Neteyam and known him better after the whole clan had settled on High Camp, so it wasn’t all that bad. You could badmouth father all day long sitting on some rock and make him laugh abashedly, guilty that he was smiling along with the trashing of the father’s name he respected so much — it was therapy, as Norm had taught humans frequently sought back on earth. It got you trying some things with Neteyam, becoming more of a companion and ranting buddy for him who he could be honest and open with, so that he didn’t have to worry about taking up a larger role in your life to fill father’s missing presence. You were concerned about him more than he could be concerned about you. 
That got you contemplating if father had noticed how comfortable his two oldest children were with each other that it was always Neteyam who he sent after you. A girl could dream, no? For one moment, it wasn’t because it was Neteyam’s responsibility, but because father was paying attention to how his kids got along.
The image of him pushed you to be frantically fast to reach your destination as the fear returned with might. If he caught you right now when you had no ikran to prove him wrong, the punishment he was sure to give would be way more humiliating, you at least wanted something in your name to taunt him with if you were going down anyways. 
A smile crept up your face at imagining him discombobulated and speechless, unable to pick out one thing that you did wrong. 
The carelessness that came with your speed combined with how dark it was to see where to clutch and put your feet on caused you to slip up countless times when climbing, the sharp rocks scraping the insides of your palms and insides of your forearms, lifting your skin up. What you cared about more than the pain was that the blood was now tracking material for your family to sniff you out — you couldn’t exactly wipe the rocks clean, so you carried on with a hammering heart, more afraid of father ruining your perfect moment than whatever ikran that would soon be going straight for your throat. 
At least you were able to wash the blood off your hands in the waterfall. 
Downside? You couldn’t see shit. With your bare back flushed straight to the wall of rock and your feet feeling out the thin edge, the shrill cry of ikrans and the roaring of water was about to overwhelm your senses too much to pay attention — 
and you slipped. 
The shriek that ripped out of you at the sensation of falling and the drop of your stomach alone almost made you pass out, and for a split second it was a good thing that you wouldn’t feel the moment you died, but your body, once again, was one step ahead of you, it twisted in the air the last second and your hands gripped the ledge. 
The wet rock and your blood made all that your life was hanging on slippery as you dangled into the abyss, swaying with the strong winds at this height. 
You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline or the nervousness, but something made you laugh out loud, and the bubbling laughter continued until you were able to pull yourself up safely at the ikran rookery, finally. 
Looking around like a fish out of water, how you hadn’t cracked your skull open shooting down to the forest below was a total miracle. 
You’d made it?  
No one was there to witness what you just pulled off in total darkness. Your whole body was shaking, and you weren’t even chosen by an ikran yet. This was happening. Shit. This was totally happening! 
Your excited and terrified, “Hell yeah!” went unheard apart from your aerial crowd. 
One among them answered your holler with its own that cut into the night like a battle horn. It was the closest one to you that was apparently watching you the whole time, starting to roar at you and twitching on its feet, shadow in the night informing you of its movements.
You’d seen from Neteyam and Lo’ak’s iknimayas that you only had a few seconds to pull your shit together until it attacked, this was meant to be dangerous, serious, you could end up as a late night snack to them if things went wrong, but you couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear that it had chosen you.
You were chosen. 
It wanted you as its rider. 
If only father could see you now. The sensation of being the one — being special was unmatched. Now you could somehow get the fraction of the high he must have felt as Toruk Makto.  
The, “Let’s fucking go!” that left you kept echoing into the night as you lunged at it, dodging to the left when it snapped at your head, hooking one arm around the ikran’s slender neck and clamping your legs around it the moment it started thrashing around wildly. 
You didn’t know why father had made a big deal out of it. You formed tsaheylu in no time, breaking Neteyam’s record — and you didn’t even have the rope to hoop around its neck and jaw. 
Firstborn daughter excellence. 
Confidence restored and triumphing wildly to the pulse of your heart, the flickering smile on your face in wonder turned into a full-fledged smirk. At that moment, nothing mattered. It was just you and your victory. Proving father wrong. 
Feeling the ikran’s lifeforce through the bond, a shiver went down your back as his beady eye looked up at you, pupil shrinking and expanding rapidly while you both took a minute to catch your breaths after the fierce wrestling. 
“Gotcha,” you panted. “You’re mine now.”
The adrenaline made everything sparkle and shine, your spirits soaring high and unbothered about literally anything else in the world, and for one glorious moment, lost in the memories of your brothers’ iknimayas boasting with cheers from the clan and sometimes encouraging, sometimes fearful screams of your parents, your spirit sought them out to be soaked in the same pride — forgetting that it was night and nobody was there to celebrate you. 
You were all alone. 
The smile dropped from your face and crashed down like paper thin porcelain upon the slightest movement. 
You’d forgotten you were doing this out of spite. It snuffed every twinkle of magic away from the previously shimmering milestone of your life. 
Your ikran felt the crushing disappointment through your connection and chirped at you, almost like an excited sibling pulling on your arm to show you something, weirdly comforting. Mom’s ikran was a spitfire, but also nurturing — this one felt different somehow, you felt him bouncing from wall to wall in your head, hyperactive and cheerful.
Flying! He wanted to fly! 
The first flight sealed the bond, after all. 
You weren’t alone even if none of your family members were here to share the joy — you had your new buddy. And the drop of gravity was thrilling this time, not the terrifying chaos that had your asshole shriveling up as it was when you’d missed your step. 
The flights with mom were something you looked forward to, drying up in frequency as you aged, you’d missed the wind on your body and the greenery dancing below as you maneuvered in the air — but mom reserved nighttime rides for father only, and after the move to High Camp, the skimpering chance you could get your way if you begged cutely enough was gone too. You’d never flown at night. 
The sight was out of this world. The stars leaving a glowing trail above you, the forest pulsing with faint purple, green and blue lights underneath, everything was elevated in beauty because darkness let them shine. 
You made loops in the air with your ikran, got as high in the air as you could before your breath thinned, and scraped at the tips of trees before shooting up again, all the while laughter you’ve never screamed before bubbled out of you. 
And you were all alone. There was no mom to gleefully taunt your ikran with hers to get both of you dancing in the air. There was no father to watch on with a small smile he was fighting. There was no Neteyam to stop you from dipping too close to the ground, and no Lo’ak to challenge you to get closer to race with him — no Kiri to complain how all of you were being so childish, how stupid this was all the while she was the worst of you all, instigating all the chaos. 
No Tuk in your mom’s lap whining about you guys leaving her off the fun. 
Instead, there was the scent of a bogey in the air, snapping you out of the haze of sorrow.
When had you ventured out further into unprotected territory? 
Linked with your thought process, the ikran stopped advancing forward and started beating his wings downward to stay unmoving, you observed the surroundings to get a better feeling of where you were, and noticed this was around the old shack, artificial lights were gliding between the leaves and branches that obscured your view of just who was roaming the grounds at night, definitely not a natural part of the forest’s flora.    
Father’s voice materialized in your head, drilled into you and your siblings’ heads over and over again. If you come across any threat at all, do not engage, fall back and inform me. Got it? You call for me first.
And that split second of being afraid was your death sentence — that father would be so angry at you for your ignorance, amateurism, carelessness and idiocy that he could throw you out of the family for almost leading the demons to base simply by being there that they could figure out what direction you’d come from. That moment of weakness was enough for someone to snipe you out, and get you falling down from your ikran straight into the forest below, the cries of your new friend falling silent on your ears as you did your best to hug giant leaves to cushion your fall to the best of your ability. . 
 Barely any time was left for you to shake the disorienting motion sickness off, you couldn’t even attempt to run into the accepting, protective hands of the forest before whoever just shot at you was onto you, harshly gripping your arms and raising you up. 
Father’s gonna be so mad if he finds out. Shit, I gotta get out of this. 
But… Avatars? In full camo, armored, even. You hadn’t heard of this from anybody in camp!
“Damn! Didn’t actually think you’d be able to land the shot from all of that tree, man! Up-top!”
Two of them high-fived, you were actually going to be sick. 
Thumb between his belt and stomach, another Avatar strutted towards you. The saunter and confidence meant that he was their leader. “Now, now… What do we have here?”
“A native.” You were being pushed down on your knees, one hand being grabbed and shown like a trophy. Just how many were there? You couldn't calm yourself enough to focus! “Four fingers.”
The speaker this time was a woman. “How unusual. Those monkeys don’t leave their coven at night.” 
“Where were you flying, little bird?” The leader, a sleazy smirk on his face, leaned down to take a good look at you. “Leading away from the nest, perhaps?”
“She don’t understand, Colonel, don’t bother. Ya think Sully could ever manage teaching one word of English to those?”
“Watch how she learns in three seconds.” He yanked on your queue so hard you saw white light in this hour of darkness — and when your vision came back, a screen with your father’s face was being shoved to your face. “Jake Sully. Toruc Mactoe. Where is he?”
You screamed when he pulled with increasing strength, keeping up with the act you didn’t understand. And the state of pain and terror massively helped, contributing to you looking frantic and lost, only knowing that you were being zapped to your core. 
“Seems like I don’t need to ask you.” His fingers snapped your head back to get a good look at your earpiece, late to notice you had it on at all because of the dark. “Can directly ask the man himself.” 
All you could form to think was, ‘Father’s gonna kill me for this. He’s actually gonna kill me this time.’
You weren't terrified of what the Avatars would do to you. You were afraid of him.
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One empty shell from the reloaded machine gun flew away, tinkling hollow when it fell down, and rolled until it stopped in a small pool of water that had formed on the jagged ground of the cave systems. In the scarlet and orange glow of the campfire he’d haphazardly put together right outside of their home out of impatience after Neytiri had basically thrown him out, Jake almost mistook the liquid for blood. 
An ominous cloud of dread settled on his shoulders, a paranoia every father tended to go through.
“Big Brother, this is Devil Dog. State your status, over.”
Neteyam didn’t miss a beat to answer, thankfully. “Devil Dog, this is Big Brother. I’m still en route to Foxcove, over.”
“How much longer?”
“Ten minutes at best, sir. Over.”
What he wanted to say was how come he hadn’t met you halfway, but it was empty talk. No need to stress the boy out. “Devil Dog signing out.”
This girl was half the reason for the wrinkles on his forehead, Jesus Christ. He was basically waiting you out like a father sitting in the dark to ambush his daughter who had snuck out at night, for that single glorious moment of yeah that’s right, you got caught, after the light would come on to ruin that moment of relief of successfully making it back in. 
His mate had scolded him to be nice and understanding, a Marine was anything but, the closest he could compromise was not being as mean to you than he had to be. Sassing, “So how was your Iknimaya?” like he planned was out the window — Neytiri was spot-on to say the girl would simply give the same mean energy right back at him, and that could only mean another erupting volcano of a fight and a good night’s sleep ruined for him, overthinking where he went wrong and how else he could have salvaged the situation. 
He’d just make you tend to the ikrans for a week for some patience practice, cleaning shit for hours on a daily basis would certainly throw the temporary whim of the rite of passage hyperfixation out of your system. The possibility of you shouting you hated him was unavoidable, but Jake had to get his point across, no matter how terribly it nauseated him to hear something like that from his child. 
It was strange to remember he couldn’t care less for what people thought of him in the past. Some shithead he wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about hated Jake’s guts? Good. He was living in their head rent free, it was fun even — Neytiri too, Jake absolutely enjoyed her hating game at first. 
Being legitimately resented by his very own child, though, was a heartbreak he didn’t expect to hurt him the way it did, knocking air off his lungs the first time he heard it. A burning stab right in his heart that wouldn’t go away until he had to hear it for himself you hadn’t meant any of what you said.
Because that said hate actually stemmed from hurt Jake must have inflicted. Because you could actually despise him, and never allow him to reconnect with you again if he could ever manage to garner the courage to reach out to you — a mightier challenge than hunting Toruk in the sense it actually scared him.   
His teenage daughter. Scared him. 
Jake didn’t know what to do about it, he couldn’t even show what exactly this made him feel, too ashamed and proud for it in the first place. 
The growing distance between you and him was an uneasy, frightened bird he tried to shush and calm in his heart in favor of other pressing matters that drilled small holes in the depths of his stomach, and over time, those little holes had fused together to create one big pit with greater gravitational pull than the sun — until Jake didn’t know how to stitch them back together anymore. 
He told himself he would talk to you later, for sure. The morning after every argument, every fight, every jab from you he snapped at he would try to make amends for, definitely. 
And then he didn’t. 
“What is this, are you palulukan ambushing prey? I told you to make up with her, not prepare for hunting.”
Jake shook his head, dropping the machine gun back inside the crate. The warmed metal was some sort of consolation to his nerves. Marine habit. Always felt safer with a gun near. (Or was it the American in him?) “Neytiri,” he acknowledged, bobbing his head. “I’m just passing time.”
“What do you think will happen when she comes back and sees you waiting for her like this?”
Ah, like the old times when Jake couldn’t do one thing right in her eyes. “Yes, ma’am,” he said playfully, but with no mirth behind it, closing the crate with a muffled thunk. With nothing to do with them, one elbow went to his knee and the other hand’s fingers started a rhythm on the lid he’d just shut. 
His mate’s hand gingerly came down on his shoulder, kneading the nerves. “Just talk to her, Ma’Jake.”
“I don’t know how to,” he admitted, he covered her fingers on her shoulder with his, and she immediately held his hand back. “Don’t know what to even tell her.” He gave an exhale from the deeper, tired parts of his soul, gazing at the path leading away from their tent. “With Neteyam and Lo’ak, it’s easy. I tell ‘em what to do and they—”
Neytiri took a seat next to him, gathering their hands together. “Suffer just the same.” Jake was about to brush her off, but she didn’t relent. “What you’re doing is hurting them.”
This now was about all of their children rather than you, specifically. Neytiri was trying to get him to see the bigger picture first before moving to cover what he did wrong with each child of his, they had had this conversation countless times before. 
Here we go again, Jake thought.
“Doesn’t matter if that’s what it takes to keep them safe.”
“Does it?” Neytiri leaned in, and calmness washed over him despite the disturbing nature of what she was saying. “Does it keep them safe? Or push them to act out more, get in worse situations?”
He grimaced. “I have to—”
“You feel like you have to.” His mate shook their clasped hands, rattling his bones. “I keep my children safe with trust and honesty. Transparence, Ma’Jake. So that they listen to me when I mean it because they See me. You shut them out.” Her lips bared to show her pearly teeth as she was practically beseeching him. “You don’t get your children’s trust by treating them like a squad.”
“They trust me plenty.”
“They trust Olo’eyktan. Toruk Makto. What about their father?”
“I make sure they’re safe.” Neytiri dropped his hands with an agitated snarl, she thought they were back at the beginning again, he couldn’t make her truly understand no matter what he did. He poured his heart out through their tsaheylu everytime, but her values and beliefs were wired so differently from his at the end of the day. “I make sure they stay where I want them to stay for their own good.” Jake shook his head, his voice soft, hushed. No force behind it when Neytiri was heated in return. “One day they’ll understand.”
“They won’t if you never tell them.”
“Tell them what?” Jake asked. “That I’m being harsh on them to prepare them for war? You think they’ll take it seriously after this?”
“Na’vi were in war long before you. There will be wars after you. No parent sullied his child’s happiness for the price of becoming a warrior. You still don’t get our ways even after all these years.” 
“The sky people’s way,” Jake emphasized with his arms. “I have to teach them how they think, what they go through, so they know what they’ll be facing, okay? I can’t simply teach them by telling them.”
“You’re deluding yourself, Jake. Contradicting.” Neytiri was gentle in her cruelty, the flickering flames burned less than her amber eyes. “Tuk and Kiri are getting none of this. I know your heart isn’t allowing you. Why can’t you do the same for your other children?”
Because he had gone too far already with the older three. 
Trial and error. 
He couldn’t take back the things he did and say back — and quite honestly? Jake was being pulled from all sides to sit down and rethink his parenting. All he thought anymore was how to protect his family, frequent nightmares of losing his children in gruesome ways were haunting his every step. 
A father protects his children, that’s what gives him meaning. 
Jake had his own desperate ways to do so.  
He opened his mouth to say something back, anything, but was interrupted by the communication line coming on. “Dad.” 
Jake immediately knew something was wrong, body sitting ramrod straight. If the frantic breathing and barely controlled voice wasn’t any indication of it, his eldest’s behavior was. Neteyam didn’t slip up in the codenames like Lo’ak did, dropped all formalities only when he was borderline panicking.  
“Dad. I’m sorry, dad, sir, I can’t find her, dad, I’ve looked everywhere around here, I thought maybe she was hiding underwater, behind rocks—but I can’t, I can’t—.”
“Slow down.” Jake could barely contain his own panic rising from the state his son was in. The boy wasn’t able to see it, but he couldn’t stop himself from leaning in as if Neteyam was right in front of him, and started gesturing with his hand. “Slow down, son.”
Jake tsk-ed. “Neteyam, slow. Slow.”
Neytiri took his elbow. “What is it?”
He told her to wait with his gaze, and turned his attention back to Neteyam. This could only mean one thing, he was praying to be wrong — needed clarification. “Now tell me calmer. What’s going on?”
“She’s never been here. She never came here in the first place. There’s no sign of her. No trace. I’ve tracked.”
Jake’s instant response was fear. Domineering, ice-cold, cutting fear. Bodily and emotionally both. You were clockwork, similar to him in having unchanging routines and patterns. Angry? Went for a walk. Depressed? No talking to anyone until it passed. Happy? Wanted to go to the forest to spend time with your siblings and always craved sweet fruit. Didn’t want to be around anyone? Hid in the little bioluminescent cove with a pond two little mountains away, always. Always.  
Neytiri sensed this, observing the change of demeanor in him.“Ma’Jake?”
“Okay, son.” He seized back control. One missing child was enough. “Stay right there and don’t move. I’ll contact you.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Jake,” Neytiri hissed finally, at the end of her ropes.
“She didn’t go to the cove,” he said, face icy neutral as always, but his eyes showed dizzying concern. Neytiri put a hand on her mouth as Jake wasted no time in changing channels. “Night Owl, this is Devil Dog. Come in.” He couldn’t even wait two seconds before trying again. “Night Owl, what is your status? Where are you?” 
The more fear dug deeper into his skin, the more his anger and annoyance soared up, his tail was whipping the air erratically, the finger on the earpiece could send the metal right into his brain with how hard he was pressing on it. “I know you can hear me. This is no time for playing games. You know what you did to your brother? Do you know how panicked he was, not being able to find you—” 
Then Jake remembered what Neytiri advised, he didn’t change strategies because she was right next to him to dig his eyes out, but because his heart was picking up its pace by the second. “Tell me where you are, I’ll leave you alone, I promise, alright? If you’re somewhere open, get to safety, I’m only asking this from you. Or else—”
“Don’t.” Neytiri raised a warning finger at him, voice just above a whisper so they could hear their daughter if she decided to cut in. “Threaten her.”
He couldn’t stop her from snatching the communication device off of him. “Ma’ite, it’s mom. Can you talk to me at least?”
His ears twitched at picking up on you responding, not quite making out the words.  
Jake’s eyes shut close for a long time as his whole eyebrow line migrated upwards, he physically had to get a few steps between him and the earpiece so the obliviating worry that’d almost blinded him wouldn’t cause him to say something he’d greatly regret later. He could feel himself deflating. A migraine could be coming anytime soon.
You wouldn’t even acknowledge his existence but the moment your mother interrupted, you did? Fine. Fine. He didn’t care. Jake could live with it. At least you were alive.
A rippling shudder shook him the moment that thought hit him, an image of you lying dead in a ditch, pale blue, flashing in his mind, he had to run a hand down his face. 
When Jake looked back, irked by the silence, he found Neytiri standing completely stock-still. And all of a sudden, her petrifying glare was on him, ears pinned all the way back, hands gradually starting to tremble. 
She wordlessly handed him the device, and with a deep frown, Jake put it back in his ear. 
“Hi there Corporal, you hear me? Yeah, I know you do. As much as I’m charmed by the fatherly love I could give you a big old sloppy wet kiss, we have unfinished business.”
And the ground disappeared right under Jake’s feet, plunging him into hell itself.
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taglist: @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @alohastitch0626 @jackiehollanderr @lucciera @qvrcll @iloveavatar @velvtcherie @ssc7514 @goldenmoonbeam @neteyamforlife @itsluludoll @jakesullys-bitch @blubrryy @sully-stick-together @arminsgfloll @alice121804 @noname2246 @justthingzsblog @eywamygoddess @m-1234 @ellabellabus07 @hellok1ttycake @dakotali @bluefire12348 @abbersreads @yellooaaa @aimsro @octavias-next-meat-bite @nikqdn @nao-cchi @spicycloudsalad @yeosxxx @heybiatchz @winxschester @elegantkidfansoul @eichenhouseproperty @kakimakiloh @dueiosy @liyahsocorro @dimplesxx @tigresslily
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amhrosina · 1 year
frank with reader who’s really touchy and loves to touch frank and after a bad mission he snaps at her and she knows it’s because of what happened that night not her but she still feels really bad and distances herself
A/N: hey bestie i got this ask and felt so inspired that i wrote 90% of it in my free time at work today. fastest turn around time ever??? don't get used to it lol i hope you enjoy!!
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Frank knew he had fucked up the second the words left his mouth. He watched the words hit you, watched you process the rage induced slip-up that had forced its way out of his mouth – the way you recoiled your hand from his skin and stumbled over yourself to move away from him. It made him sick. Guilt coiled in his stomach, and before he could apologize, or say anything at all, you turned and left the room, mumbling an apology under your breath.  
Frank couldn’t figure out where it had gone wrong. He’d never snapped at you before tonight and was almost as shocked as you were when the words tumbled out of his mouth.  
“Stop fucking touching me. I said I’m fucking fine.”
Regret gnawed at his stomach, and if he wasn’t bleeding so hard out of the wound on his arm, he would’ve followed you out of the bathroom, dropped to his knees, and begged your forgiveness. But blood was hard to get out of carpet, and he didn’t want you upset about two things tonight. 
So he stitched himself up, and wondered where you were in the apartment, and hoped to God you weren’t somewhere crying. The tears, your tears, he realized, were his least favorite thing in the world, especially if he was the cause of them. He’d rip any fucker who made you cry in half, a promise he’d made good on multiple times, but he hadn’t accounted for the tears he, himself would cause. The guilt overwhelming his senses were doing the job for him anyways – the longer he waited to confront you, the more he felt like an absolute asshole.  
He tested the durability of the dressing on the wound, winding his arm around until he winced. A sharp pain clanged through the left side of his body, and though it made him grimace, he sat with the pain for a moment – let it ground him so that the stress of the evening could leave him. Pain usually sharpened his senses and made him feel more at home in his body. Tonight, it only unsettled him more. 
He wondered if he screwed it up with you for good. You’d worked through a lot of things with Frank, but never this, and the idea of you leaving before he could even try to make things right targeted the urgency in him. He stalked to the door and began his search. 
The hard brick dug into your back as you sat down, and for the third time in half a minute, you questioned your decision to clamber out the window and climb to the roof. You didn’t mean to leave so quickly, but the idea of pacing around the apartment listening to Frank grunt his way through stitches made it hard to breathe, so you did the next best thing – aka the roof.  
You didn’t even need time to think the encounter with Frank over. You knew why he’d said it and what he’d been through tonight, but that didn’t stop the ache in your chest from blooming. It also didn’t stop the tears from welling up in your eyes. You had tried to blink them away, but the more you tried to ignore them, the more your vision blurred. 
You’d always been a touchy person, though it had never been quite as present as it was when you were near Frank. When you first met him, you’d been so drawn to his charming aura that you hadn’t realized you’d been shaking his hand for at least 45 seconds. He hadn’t said anything – just kept watching you watch him with a soft smile on his face.  
And the rest was history. You spent the entire first weekend after you met wrapped in each other’s arms, fucking on every available surface in your apartment. You didn’t quite understand why you felt the desire to be constantly touching him, but he didn’t complain and allowed you to give in to your desires as often as you wanted to. You had mentioned to him early on in your relationship that he could tell you to stop if he needed his space, but he’d never asked you to stop.  
Until tonight. 
And you respected it. You did what he asked. You “stopped fucking touching” him as soon as the words had left his mouth, and maybe it hurt your feelings, but you weren’t going to push that on him. If he wanted you to stop touching him, you would, even if it carved a deep, cavernous hole in your heart.  
Your heart seized, and you jumped at Frank’s sudden appearance.  
“Hey.” You mumbled, refusing to meet his gaze. “How’d you find me?” 
“I worry about you too much not to be able to find you.” You quirked an eyebrow at him, unable to resist looking at him any longer, and he shrugged. “You left the window to the fire escape open. Can I sit?”  
You shuffled to the side, allowing him the space to sit down, though you were careful not to let your skin brush against his. Frank let out a choked scoff and pressed his leg against yours. You turned to him, brows furrowed. 
“I thought you didn’t want me touching you.”  
And yeah, maybe you threw the words in his face to make him feel a little worse, but he was cracking jokes after snapping at you, and you couldn’t help the bite in your tone - didn’t want to help the bite in your tone. 
He shook his head, expression turning grave.  
“Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.”  
“You said it, though.” 
“I know.” He nodded. “I know.”  
You watched him take in your features – the swollen cheeks from the few tears that slipped earlier, the wildness of your hair after one too many run-throughs with your fingers, the way you could barely look at him before turning away again. 
“I was just trying to help you.” Your eyes crinkled at the thought of him snapping at you again.  
He nodded, cradling your face in his palms. 
“I’m an asshole, baby.” His voice cracked, “I never want you to stop touching me. I love it – I love you – and I’m sorry.” 
You gaped up at him, at the desperate expression on his face. A fresh wave of tears pricked at the back of your eyes. You gnawed at your bottom lip, unsure what to say. 
“Don’t cry, baby.” He shook his head, wiping your tears away with the soft pads of his thumbs, “Please don’t cry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. You don’t understand how sorry I am.” 
You sniffled, nodding. He’d groveled enough, and you weren’t entirely sure you knew how to stay upset with him for longer than 10 minutes.
“Did you tie the stitch off correctly?” you asked, nodding to the injury that was now covered with gauze. 
“Of course.” Frank nodded. You narrowed your eyes at his nonchalant tone. 
“Are you sure?”  
“No.” He huffed a laugh and pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek.  
“Why not?” You giggled, swatting him away. 
“Because if this didn’t work, I was going to complain about my awful stitches later and hope my muscles would entice you to forgive me.”  
He smirked, and laughter bubbled out of you from deep in your chest. You climbed to your feet, holding your hands out toward him. 
“Okay, Mr. Muscles, let me fix it before it really does get uncomfortable.” 
He rose to his feet, using the leverage from your hold on his hands to pull you against his chest.  
“I’m sorry,” he paused, “again.”  
“I know, Frankie.” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his nose. 
“I love you.” he added, smiling. 
“Shut up and kiss me, muscles.”  
Tag List:
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 11 months
hiiii its me again!! i used to have terrible insomnia so this would be such a comfort fic for me what would uppermoons do with a reader who has insomnia? its obvious she needs to sleep but just can't, how would they get her to sleep?
Forgive me for answering requests slowly yall😭🙏🏾 anyways enjoy this one!!
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Warnings: gn!reader, gender natural reader, insomnia mentioned, comfort, slight suggestive on Akaza's part but only as light humor, bathing with douma lol
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"Y/n. Did you hear what I said?" Akaza said, close to your ear to get you to concentrate. You stopped fiddling with your fingers and slowly turned to Akaza. "Huh? I'm sorry I didn't... what.. what did you say?" You slured your giggled in exhaustion.
Akaza looked at you with worry, hearing your tired giggle, your head tilt to the side, and your eye lids, forcing themselves to stay open. "You've been like this for a few nights now. You need to rest. It's not healthy to do this," Akaza said while fluffing up your pillow behind you and fixed the blanket over your legs. "A few more minutes?" You softly asked, but you could tell by the look on Akaza's face that he wasn't going to allow it.
"Can I touch you?" He asked innocently but then quickly realized how that could've been taken in a different context. You giggled when Akaza cleared his throat and shook his head to correct his words better. "Stop giggling... I didn't mean it like that," he sighed. "I asked you because I wanted to give you a massage. When a person can't sleep, it's because there's a lot of stress, and that can affect the body, which prevents you from having a good night's rest," Akaza said.
You hummed in response. Work has been overwhelming for you lately, especially when most of the work was defendant on you. The extra hours you had to work during the day weren't helping either since you'd barely make it home before 5pm.
You couldn't lose this job, and the anxiety built up more and more. When you get home the only thing on your mind is that you can finally sit down after standing for so long and have a good meal but what was always forgotten and even pushed away from your mind was sleep. You didn't think anyone else would notice your exhaustion. However, Akaza has a way of knowing just when to take care of you and how to do it. "Yes. I'll allow you to touch me," you flirt and lay down on your stomach.
Akaza gave you a warm smile before closing your window and then blew out the candle. He wanted to make the room as dark as possible so nothing could distract you when you closed your eyes. You felt the bed dip in and a squeak sound when Akaza sat down. You turned your head back for a moment to make out his dark figure in the room and squrmed a little when you felt his warm, big hands press on your lower back.
You felt the pressure of his hands pressing down, having one hand on top of the other, and began to make circulator motions on your back. "This type of message is meant to relieve deep stress you may have," Akaza said, continuing to do the same motion on your back, and you sighed in relief and hugged your pillow. Akaza's hands did different techniques and movements during the massage, and you felt the tension leaving your body.
You yawned and closed your eyes. His touch felt calming, you felt yourself falling into a deep sleep while having this nice night time massage on your back. Once Akaza noticed you were sleeping and hearing your soft snors, he leaned down and kissed your cheek. This was definitely something he's going to continue to do to help you sleep.
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At first, kokushibo assumed you were having hormonal changes to prevent you from sleeping, but that wasn't the case. He'd be able to sense if that were, but it wasn't that. Kokushibo has told you his house is yours and you're free to do what you want, so long as you stay in the house, but as the nights went by, he'd notice you sleep patterns.
Kokushibo didn't think to much about you sleeping with him during the day and assumed you had things to do at night but he also found it strange how you'd take fast naps around 11pm-12am and just do nothing. It was clear on your face that you needed to sleep. You grew more confused when you wake up and forget to do basic things for yourself.
You'd walk slower around the house as well. Your eyes would always be looking down at your feet as you walked instead of looking straight ahead. Seeing you force yourself to stay awake when you can barely keep your head up due to the unbalanced sleep schedule became alarming to Kokushibo.
You know kokushibo doesn't speak out on something unless it needs to be addressed, and because kokushibo cares about you, he couldn't let this continue. One night, when you were walking around the house and staring at your feet, you stopped once you saw Kokushibo's feet in front of yours. You slowly lifted your head up to look at him. "Is something wrong, Kokushibo?" You asked. Kokushibo narrowed his eyes, and now, being this close, he can see how dark and baggy your eyes have gotten.
"Yes... something is wrong," Kokushibo said and lifted his hand to cup your cheek, dragging his thumb on your cheekbone. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, even putting your hands on his. "I insist you mediate with me," Kokushibo bluntly said and used his hand to straighten your head up to look at him properly.
"That's a new suggestion. What will medication do for me?" You asked. "Mediation gives you a sense of calmness," he said, taking his hand from your face to grab your hand and lead you back to your shared room with him. "I... can tell by your aura that you aren't calm. You aren't relaxed... I'm not sure what you're thinking about, but it's affecting you physically i can see," he said.
Before living with Kokushibo, you've always had trouble sleeping. You didn't have a good idea how to fall asleep without doing it this way, staying awake until you're dead tired however this wouldn't work as well as you think it did since you're only human.
You need to sleep during the night and stay awake during the day. This was something kokushibo knew and could see it was now a mistake to let you sleep with him during the day since he sleeps during the day because he's a demon.
You plopped yourself on the futon. "Copy me and do as I say." Kokushibo sat himself down, criss-crossed with his feet flat on the floor. You copied until you heard kokushibo clear his throat. "straighten your back." He said, and you did as he said. "Good... now close your eyes.. and take slow, deep breaths," Kokushibo said and watched you do as you told.
"I don't think I'm doing this right... I'm just getting sleepy.." you said. "The swordsmen use this as a useful way to master total concentration breathing constant in their sleep. You aren't a swordsman, and It will take time for you to fully master meditation, but the goal now is to relax your mind and body," He said and pays close attention to you. "Breath in... and out. In.. and out. That's good. You're doing good y/n"
Mediation wasn't something you'd think would help, nor has it crossed your mind, but doing this for 10 more minutes did help, especially with hearing Kokushibo's deep, calming voice. You repeated the process for a few more minutes until you decided to lay down. You weren't too sure if this was allowed during mediation, but you also didn't hear kokushibo correct you on anything.
Kokushibo placed his hand on your forehead to see if you'd react, but you didn't. You were asleep, and that made Kokushibo proud. This is something he will be suggesting to you more often before you sleep at night.
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Douma didn't see a problem with you staying awake at night, nor did he really care. At first, he was impressed to see a human staying awake this late since he knew most humans needed their bed rest at night. Douma used this opportunity to speak with a human who wasn't a slayer out to kill him or a cult member he needed to help and talk to you at night for hours on end.
His delusion kept feeding into his head that you could stay awake like this even longer until he started to notice your facial changes. You wouldn't smile as much and had a long face. Douma would start to feel some concern, but that concern would go away, and he would let you do what you wanted to do.
Douma noticed even more changes. Your eyes were so droopy that it almost looked like you were rolling your eyes to the back of your head when you looked at douma. He found it troublesome to see you looking at him like so he finally said something. "Y/n, maybe you aren't good at staying awak," Douma laughed but in the moment having some concern. You shake your head "no no I'm fine. I can stay awake." you said.
Douma folded his arms and hummed in question. "I don't think so. Humans who stay awake for too long can die. It's kind of funny how fragile you humans can be from just the lack of sleep." Douma playfully pokes at your arm and watches your body almost fall over the bed. "How about we take a nice bath!" Douma suggested. You knew Douma loved baths. His favorite baths are the scented ones, and you also knew if you took a bath right now, you'd fall asleep on the spot.
Explaining to Douma why it's hard for you to fall asleep no matter how tired you were was pointless but it was also pointless to refuse his offer since this is the one time he's actually showing concern for you. "Fine fine," you said and immediately got picked up by Douma.
You gasped and held onto him. "You really didn't need to do that," you said and looked at Douma as he carried you in his arms to the bath house. "I did though" he pouts "your body is so tired you woukdve been wslking like a zombie to the hot springs" he said. You found it werid at first to be sitting on his lap, naked in the hot springs but nothing werid happened, he just happily holds you and rests his chin of your head.
"Did you know in a hot springs the water is supposed to help your body? It's not like regular water you'd use for bath," Douma said. You chuckled at the random fact that you already knew, but he was serious. Douma thought this bath and the nice hot steam could relax your body to help you sleep faster.
"Douma.. let's go back," you said and rested your back on his chest. "If we do, you'll just stay awake again. If you fall asleep, at least you're in my arms so I can carry you back." Douma smiled and kissed the top of your head. You fell asleep moments later, and he takes your unconscious body out of the water, back to the room to dry you off and put you in comfortable clothing so you can sleep.
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Nakime keeps her opinions to herself. She will notice the change around her but won't give her opinion unless she's asked for it. It was clear to Nakime on how tired you are and how you're keeping yourself awake when it's obvious you need to sleep. She knew you had trouble sleeping, but it was becoming concerning to her as the nights went on.
"It's pretty late y/n" Nakime said, having her back to you and sitting at the opened door with her biwa in her hand. You look up from your book while laying down on the futon and see her long, beautiful black hair flow with the calming wind as she sits at the door.
"I know. I'm just not tired," you lie and flip your page to your book. "Are you trying to tell me to sleep, Nakime?" You asked and went back to reading. "I was merely just stating a fact. It's not my business whether you stay awake or not. This is my time to stay awake," she said. Nakime doesn't mean to sound harsh. She's just bold. She still cares about you and finds it unsettling how you force yourself to stay awake when you need sleep.
She doesn't know the reasoning why, but she had to think of something to stop this unhealthy sleep cycle. A cool breeze comes into your room, and that was the moment Nakime started playing her biwa. The tune was different. It's not like any of the songs she's played in front of you and even felt relaxing. You look up from your book again and close your eyes, listening to the song "Hey, is that a new song?" You asked, but Nakime doesn't respond.
Nakime had the idea to play traditional Japanese music specialized to help people relax and sleep on her biwa. It was a song she taught herself in her past life. She didn't think this type of song would be of good use, but luckily, it came in handy. Nakime didn't turn back to you and continued to play her song until the end. She sighed, This song also relaxed herself and made her chuckle when she realized that.
Nakime looked over her shoulder and saw your head finally rested down on the pillow. You were sleeping. Nakime put her biwa to the side for a moment to take the book from your hand and pakcing it in its correct spot and then covers your body with the blanket. Nakime will be playing this song every night to get you to sleep properly.
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call-sign-shark · 11 months
Heaven in Your Eyes || Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC
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Summary:  Six months after being released from prison and cleared of murder charges, you and Arthur are finally getting married. All you have to do now is hope for the wedding day to be spared from some Shelby chaos. Featuring John Shelby x Reader.
Words: 6k
TW:  tooth-rotting fluff, light angst, allusions to smut, one ruined wedding cake, Tommy not being a dick for once, otherwise it's a well-deserved soft chapter to start this new act. Let's not break your heart too soon.
✞ This chapter is the beginning of Act II of Heaven in Your Eyes. The timeline is S4.
✞ Heaven is OP's original character but written with the use of « you » (Moodboard here).
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PREVIOUS || Masterlist || NEXT PART
The beating in your heart was so erratic, so fierce, that its constant drumming echoed in your skull and ears as painfully as if someone was smashing your brain with a hammer. You clenched your jaws at the painful bite of the rope the police officer behind you had placed around your neck. The way the noose compressed your windpipe, already giving you a foretaste of what was awaiting you, made the act of breathing laborious. Sucking on a sharp breath, your throat whistled like a dying bird. Down below I go, you thought while nervously playing with the wedding ring Arthur gifted you weeks ago. He had barely made his proposal when policemen snatched you from him and threw you both in jail. With your back straight and your crystal eyes glaring at the officers who were present in this slaughter room, you managed to keep your dignity. They might hang you, but they would not see you cry. In fact, if you went down they would have to watch you, so that your piercing irises would haunt them until, one day, Death would come for them too.
I love you Arthur. 
I love you Dad and Mom.
I love you little sister.
I’m so sorry I’ve failed you.
Could you ever forgive me?
Your teeth dug into the flesh of your inner cheek as seconds flew, each bringing you closer to your inevitable end. 
A far cry in the distance. Were you dreaming? Or were demons already afraid of you down in Hell?
Officer Kat Wilson’s heart missed a beat when the familiar voice boomed in the warehouse, as loud as a foghorn. The blonde policewoman turned around, eyes filled with hope as she saw the silhouette of Sergeant Moss bathed in the blinding outside light that had rushed into the place when he had opened the warehouse’s heavy doors, “Do not kill her! We’ve just received a new order from the Crown: Heaven Lavey and Polly Gray are proven innocent of the crimes they had been accused of.”  He said, forehead glistening with sweat. He had probably run as fast as possible to deliver the news quickly. Kat Wilson felt all of her muscles relax at such an unhoped-for plot twist.
“Take the noose off her neck now.” She ordered, trying his best to sound strict despite Moss standing right here,  running out of breath.
Innocent? Take the noose? Sentences were melting in an intelligible treacle because of the emotional roller coaster you were undergoing, hence you only caught a few words. When your mind finally made sense of what was happening, a long sigh came out of your quivering lips. Then, the policeman behind you set your throat free. You blinked several times and looked at Officer Wilson, who replied to your confused gaze with a faint, supportive smile illuminating her usually oh-so-severe traits. Then, she proceeded to free you from the handcuffs that were sinking into the frail flesh of your wrists. As she did, Kat brought her lips near your ear and whispered so only you could hear, “Arthur’s safe. The warrant includes the Shelby family too. I’m sorry for the mess, doll. ” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and glanced at the woman, trying not to let too many emotions show. Not that you wanted to play the tough girl, but you were so overwhelmed by your feelings that you were not even able to let out anything except confusion. It was all… Too much. “You knew they were going to release us.” You stated with a quiet but still slightly shaky voice as the revelation struck you. 
“Let’s say I hoped they’d interrupt your death sentence in time.” Her soft yet hoarse voice replied, highlighted with a cunning little something.
Kat Wilson gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze before leading you outside the sinister warehouse, unwilling to provide you with further details. And somehow, you did not bother to ask. The only thing you wished for was to run away from this killing floor. Thus you walked bare feet on the gravel ground, the peaky sensation of the tiny stones against your flesh keeping you grounded to reality, andyou stopped in the middle of the yard. There, you threw your head back and closed your eyes,  relishing the soft caress of the wind on your face.  You breathed a sigh of relief, for the clouds above you had shifted from the sun, whose rays were warming up your frozen skin. 
You were alive. 
“Heaven!” A woman voice called you.
You reopened your eyes and looked around you, “Oh my God, Polly!” You suddenly exclaimed when you recognized her. Seeing Aunt Polly running to you and almost tackling you in a desperate hug was all it took for your emotions to finally flood you. Tears dawned at the corner of your eyes as you pulled her into a deeper embrace. Polly sobbed in your arms, her body quivering because of her cries.
“I saw them Heaven! I saw the spirits. Oh bloody hell, the spirits…” 
“I know Pol,” You tried to comfort her the best you could, your grip tightening around the poor woman in the hope of helping her calm her panic attack. Still, you knew she was shaken to the core by her freshly canceled rendezvous with Mr. Death, “Everything’s fine,” You whispered, and let one of your hands lose itself in her short dark hair, “I hear them too.” You admitted. Polly gradually grew quieter in your arms, running out of tears. Nevertheless, you did not let her go. What you did, though, was to silently thank the policewoman with your gaze, your irises sparkling with genuine gratitude. No matter her role in all this mess, you knew Kat Wilson contributed to setting you free. 
You were alive.
Alive, for sure, and indescribably furious. 
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1925 - Six Months Later 
You had been absentmindedly looking at your reflection in the mirror for long minutes when someone knocked at the door and snatched you from your contemplative state. A growl escaped from your lips for you had let everyone know you did not want to be bothered— truth be told, you needed a bit of time alone with you to soothe your anxiety. However, the uninvited guest came in before you allowed him to do so.
“True gentlemen wait to be invited before entering a room, you know? Especially when a lady is in it. ” You said with a faint smirk on your plump and glossy lips as you recognized the guest by the sole fragrances of his cologne. 
“A part of me hoped to see you undressed, that’s why I didn’t, little Angel.” The masculine voice answered, its tone filled with tease. You snorted at such a stupid answer, kinda expecting it, and rolled your eyes in amusement.
“Idiot.” You simply retorted, glancing at him through the mirror you were still facing.
“Idiot? That’s it? I’m used to better roast from ya, eh!” John exclaimed, surprised by your lack of wit. He wanted to tease you again you but your sudden silence kept him from doing so. Something was off. Worried, the young Shelby brother frowned a little bit and walked to you, not minding your desire of being alone. You jumped slightly at the sensation of his two large and warm hands squeezing your upper arms, “Oi, Angel.” He gently called, the tenderness in his voice wrapping you in a comforting haze, “Tell me what’s wrong please…” 
For sure John Shelby had a soft spot for you since the day Arthur introduced you to the family. No one had ever doubted it. Without the slightest explanation nor apparent reasons, you both immediately grew fond of each other from the moment your eyes met. In truth, your relationship with the Shelby family had been quite tricky for months following the first meeting. Most of them didn’t want you to be a part of the clan, partly due to the witch rumors around you and Arthur’s obsessive love. It was only now, a solid year and one murder later, that everything had started to flow more smoothly with them. Even Esme, who had been terrified of you and would usually avoid you at all costs, had learned to live with your presence in the family. According to Polly, you had deserved your place among them more than any other women the boys brought home. The only threat to this harmony had been and still was Thomas Shelby himself. The mutual resentment you shared for each other was rooted in deep and far too complicated reasons, the most recent one was him selling you to the police for murder charges. However, you came to terms with the idea of maintaining a mutual hatred as long as he did not step between Arthur and you ever again. 
So, apart from Tommy and Esme, you were now getting along with everyone. But with John… With John, it was unlike anything you had ever experienced, apart from Arthur. Whenever your man wasn’t there, John would do everything that was in his power to keep you company and bring a smile to your face. Not only he loved to visit you and spent his free time with you, but he truly cared for your well-being. Sometimes he would make a surprise visit to your house. In fact, he would stand there on your porch with the most adorable smile you had ever seen etched on his lips, a basket filled with food in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the other. When Arthur and you decided to leave Birmingham, your heart ached at the thought of moving away from John. Following your departure, rumors said John’s eternal smile had not be seen for weeks. However, once you had well adjusted to your new routine, even distance could not shake your unique bond: John never ceased to visit you when he could.
“What’s the matter, little angel?” He inquired, genuinely concerned by your silence and the melancholic gleam in your aquamarine eyes. 
“I’m scared John. I’m fucking scared.” You finally admitted, closing your eyelids a few seconds to take a slow inhale. The weight in your chest had vanished from the moment words left your mouth.  At such a surprising answer, the young gangster’s grip tightened on your arms and he gently forced you to turn around to face him. Still, you avoided his gaze, fearing judgment. 
“It’s your wedding day, Heaven. What are you scared of?” He carefully asked, taking care not to make you think he was mocking or judging you.
“I’m scared because now I’ve got something to lose,” You fell silent for a tiny while, fighting again the desire to remain silent, but you knew you could open up to him, “I have a magnificent house in the forest cradled by the sweet chant of a peaceful stream. I have the loveliest man I could have dreamt of by my side, who loves me to the moon and back. God, I even got a dog!” Another brief pause you took to avoid crying, “And one day there will be one or two kids…” John listened to you carefully, still wondering what the problem was, “If I'm being honest, I’ve never thought I would be allowed to be this happy. At one point in my life, I got used to the idea of dying alone,  hunted down by bad memories, and drown by guilt. But, look at me now. Look how far I’ve come… That’s why I’m scared of losing it all. Fuck, John — I’ll die without him.” 
To your greatest surprise, the young gangster replied to your lament with soft chuckles, “Heaven. I don’t know what it is between Arthur and you, but I’ve never seen a love fiercer than the one you share. Bloody Hell, you’re so addicted to each other it’s even a bit scary sometimes, not gonna lie eh,” His fingers trapped your chin in one soft movement and, with indescribable tenderness, he raised your head so that he could observe each trait of your angelic face, “Having something to lose makes you cherish what you have even more. Plus it doesn’t mean you’re gonna lose it. “ The corner of his charming lips curled in a sweet smile, “Moreover, there’s more chance for Tommy to like you than for Arthur to leave your side. He’s not gonna let you go… To my greatest sadness.” John winked at you and, despite everything, his last flirty comment managed to make you laugh.  Sometimes, you didn’t know how he always succeeded in cheering you up but still he did, “Listen, I knew you’d be a bit nervous for your wedding day, so I got you a little surprise.” 
“A surprise?” You asked, curious, wiping away the tiny tears that had formed in the corner of your eyes while being careful not to ruin the stunning siren-eyes makeup Ada did. It would be a shame to have more mascara on your cheek than on your eyelashes the day of your wedding. John walked to the door and put his large hand on the knob, looking at you to maintain a small suspense “I know he’s not supposed to see you before the ceremony but he would not stop crying without you so…” He was about to open the door when he stopped mid-action, “Oh and I’m not talking about Arthur by the way. Even though I’m pretty sure he’s also doing that.” 
“Fuck off, John boy.” You poked your tongue out, feeling cheerful and far less anxious thanks to him. He grinned in reply and finally opened the door.
“Oh! This is... So cuuuuute!” You almost squealed, for you were welcomed by the sight of Kaiser, the huge Cane Corso Arthur’s had brought home one night, sitting in front of the door with his mouth open in a big smile and with his drooling tongue hanging, “Come here big boy!” You called him, kneeling on the floor without minding your wedding dress now that your fur baby was here. Kaiser did not need to be asked twice: he walked to you and put his huge head between your frail hands to get his scratches, looking at you with so much love in his hazel eyes you could not resist smooching his wet snout “I can’t believe you’ve put a bow tie to my dog!” You laughed, “Look at this distinguished gentleman... He’s gonna steal all the women!”  The massive beast barked loudly as to agree with you. You delicately wrapped your arms around his muscular frame to hug him, the sensation of his fur against your face erasing the last bits of anxiety left in you “Oh you’re the most handsome man of the whole family, baby Kaiser... Yes, you are. ”
His tail wagged. Of course, he was!
“Couldn’t participate in the wedding if he wasn’t all fancy, eh. I've also put a fake mustache on his snout but he ate it so I gave up on the idea,” He shrugged, “I thought it would make you laugh and help you relax.” 
“Thank you, John! Thank you so much, you’re lovely I swear.” You said, looking at him with your gaze filled with genuine affection all the while cuddling with Kaiser, who seemed to be in paradise judging by his blissfully happy face. 
“So — are you ready?” John finally asked.
“Yes, I am.” You replied, then stood up and took a quick look at your reflection in the mirror to fix your long white mane, which had been styled in wavy and adorned with a few diamonds from there and then, giving your hair an otherworldly shine. As you focused on your hairstyle, John rearranged your dress. At one point, he stopped what he was doing to look at you with a dreamy expression. 
“You’re stunning, little angel. Fuckin’ bewitching.” He whispered before shaking his head, “Let’s find your man now, eh. Alright?” You nodded, the butterflies in your stomach flying at the sole mention of Arthur.
“I’m ready but before we go can I ask you a favor, John?”
“You know, I’d have loved my family to be here. Mom would have been prolly crying during the whole wedding in Dad’s arms while my little sister would have thrown white petals at everyone’s face for fun…” You let out a charming but oh-so-sad chuckle “But no matter how fiercely I’ve prayed for it I know they won’t be there. So I’ve got two choices left: either I walk alone to my husband or I ask someone to accompany me.” You had barely finished your sentence when the celeste blue of your eyes dived into the sky blue of his, “I’d like you to escort me down the aisle, John.”
He remained silent, stricken by surprise at such a touching demand.  He had not been expecting it. Words were at loss, however, they were not necessary for you to understand his answer:  as the sun rays crossed through the windows and enlightened John’s face, you could see the precious shine of one sole crystal tear running down his cheek.
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The powerful sound of the organ resonated in the whole church, the vibrations of its melody resounding in Arthur’s chest and making him tremble from within. He was standing in front of the altar with his manly hands interlocked in front of him. For the occasion, he had bought the most elegant and expensive tailored three-piece suit he had ever owned: he was dressed in all black, except for the white shirt he was wearing under. Moreover, Tommy had put some traditional white flowers in the pocket of his vest, while Polly had slipped an emerald pillar pendant around his neck and hid it under his shirt before he entered the church— a marriage blessing, from what he had understood from Polly’s emotional speech. The woman was so proud of her older nephew she could not help but already weep with joy. Arthur nervously glanced at his brother who was standing by his side, slightly in front of him at his best man’s place.  Then, his steel-blue eyes shifted from Tommy and searched for his Aunt, who sat a bit further in the audience beside Ada and Finn. To be honest, Arthur’s anxiety kicked in. The more the second passed, the more the unpleasant impression his heart was about to burst from his chest was overwhelming. Nervously spinning one of his silver rings, he tried to control his nerves the best he could but it was harder than he thought: a part of him, admittedly irrational, was terrified by the possibility of you not showing up.
What if you’ve changed your mind? What if you’ve come to the conclusion you did not want him? What if your wedding did not work out, just like his first one? Maybe the problem hadn’t been Linda but him? 
As was always the case when he was panicking, his self-whipping thoughts banged together in his skull like a hive of furious buzzing hornets. Nevertheless, Arthur knew, deep down, that you were soul mates and that there was no actual reason for you to flee. What really helped him to calm down though was taking a deep inhale and focusing on the hundred of candles’ flames that were illuminating the room with tiny dancing flames. A comforting wave of warmth almost immediately wrapped his heart as he did, for this church was the place in which you met for the very first time. He still clearly remembers the fire that had lit in his dying soul at the way your fingers grazed him when you had cleaned the blood off his face with a torn piece of your own dress. Not only had you purified his soiled skin, but then you had allowed him to put his head on your thighs and proceeded to pet his hair all the while lulling his demons to sleep with that enchanting voice of yours. From that night, Arthur made a promise to Almighty God, who had been kind enough to answer his prayers and sent him his most precious Angel. And that promise was that he would marry you in this same place to show God how well he would treat you and how happy you would be with him.
The organ roared louder in the church all of a sudden, causing him to refocus.
 You were coming.
The gangster straightened his back, quickly slicked his hair back one last time to look perfect for you, and then stared at the church’s heavy wooden doors with both anxiety and anticipation in his eyes. His blood boiled with impatience, for you had been separated for too long because of the traditional “don’t see the bride before the ceremony” the Shelby women — and John — had insisted to establish. That being said, it had been torture for Arthur, who was aching so much from your absence that he felt almost as bad as when he went through rehab. Hands shaking, cold sweat running down his back, breath hitching, Arthur could definitely not live without you by his side. — you were the most exquisite drug ever created, against which even opium could not even compete. 
The doors opened and panic rushed even more brutally into his being. At first, he thought he was about to die from a heart attack, but then, all these negative feelings vanished in dust when his piercing blue irises met your tantalizing silhouette. When you erupted from the almost supernatural light that was surrounding you, Arthur widened his eyes and stopped breathing. Here you were, your seductive body adorned with a graceful Greek goddess-inspired dress whose cut let the pale flesh of your back for the world to see while also forming a graceful and long wedding cape that was cascading down your shoulders. The whiteness of your outfit, equaling the wonderful snow-like color of your hair, was enhanced with gold jewels: armbands and a choker. One look at you was all it took for Arthur to feel the stinging of uncontrollable tears dawning in his eyes, for a tsunami of emotions had crashed in his soul at such a holy sight. As you walked to the altar at John’s arm, the wind blew in the church and made your cape dance behind you. For a few seconds, Arthur was convinced he saw wings in your back. Mighty feathery wings. 
Divine. It was the only word that came into his mind when he watched you breaking the distance between you. And the more you approached, the more he was stunned by your ethereal beauty. So stunned he had to keep himself from falling on his knees at your feet, deeming himself unworthy of standing in front of such a pure seraph. Even Tommy, whose resentment for you was a secret to none, found himself in awe at your pulchritude. He, along with the groom, had to blink several times to make sure they were not dreaming. 
Your glossy lips stretched in an enamored smile overflowing with emotions when you looked at your future husband: he was so charming in his suit that you fell in love with him for a second time. Your grip tightened around John’s arm for your heartbeat quickened until you finally rejoined Arthur. As soon as you reached him, the tall gangster took you by the hands — yours: small, delicate, and freezing. His: large, calloused, and burning. You dived into each other’s eyes, and the rest of the world disappeared. 
“You’re so handsome.”  You whispered, causing an adorable pink shade to blossom on your soon-to-be husband’s cheeks. 
“C-Come on. Did ye see yer own reflection? Ye took me fookin breath away, Angel.” His hoarse replied.
“Arthur, we’re in a church.” You discreetly snorted.
“Oh Fook. I mean shi— Whatever.” He slightly stuttered. At this moment, it did not matter that he was a grown man in his mid-thirties: he felt like a flustered teenager in front of his first crush all over again.  And to be true, so you were — to the point you both did not hear much of what the priest was saying, for you were far too hypnotized by each other’s presence as well as fighting hard against the urge of devouring each other’s lips. The only moment you both came back to your senses was when you had to pronounce your vows.
Then came the final moment.
Arthur Shelby, do you take Heaven Lavey to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?
I do. He answered with haste. You trapped your lower lip between your teeth, gathering all your strength to hold your emotions, but the crystal tears in your aquamarine eyes betrayed you. 
Arthur Shelby, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The caress of your fingers along with the cold sensation of the golden ring on his skin sent shivers down his spine.  Observing you as you sealed your love by slipping the ring around his finger,  Arthur’s smile grew a bit larger and made his teary eyes squint, digging adorable crowfeet at their corners.
You can kiss the bride.
The priest’s last words brought him back to life — that’s what he had been waiting for what seemed to be an eternity. Unable to wait any longer, the gangster brought one hand to your cheek and broke the excruciating distance between your lips until they crashed together under a thunder of applause. The feathery caress of his moustache on your skin mixed with the sensation of his eager mouth warmed you all over. Arthur deepened the kiss by parting his lips slightly so that his tongue could find its way to yours and give it a gentle stroke. But while hungry, the press of his mouth remained chaste. Carried away by his softness, you felt your body flickering in his arms, as fragile as the church’s candle flames.
You were his, he told it to himself. And he was yours. All yours until death tears you apart.
No, fuck that Reaper cunt he thought, even Death would not keep him apart from you.
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The hundreds of candles and lanterns that were scattered through all Arrow House’s garden enlightened the night with their warm hue. Shortly before the wedding, the Shelby family suggested hosting the party in Tommy’s Mansion rather than in your place for practical matters. By celebrating your marriage in Arrow House, all the family and, by extension, friends, could reunite together without having to drive for miles. Moreover, the mansion was far bigger than your and Arthur’s house, which made the place far more convenient for partying.  For the event, all of Arrow House and its gargantuan garden had been decorated with lights, candles of every kind, white drapes, and flower wreaths that gave the place a supernatural atmosphere. The cheerful cacophony of chatter and music hovered above the garden as the guests were indulging themselves with food, alcohol, and innocent fun. Even Officer Kat Wilson, who had been invited following her implication in your release from prison, spent the whole night partying with the Shelby family.  Surprisingly enough, no one dared to disrupt the celebration with illegal activities. Just a few bets here and there. The only incident to declare had been the moment when Arthur, faithful to himself, almost smashed someone’s head in the wedding cake —he got angry when one of the guests looked at your cleavage—.  However, if Arthur failed with ruining the cake it had not been Kaiser’s case, who ate half of it by himself. 
“Where are Arthur and Heaven? Can’t believe the bride and the groom had disappeared!” Polly asked Tommy and Ada, visibly unhappy. The latter was a bit tipsy judging by the red shade of her cheeks and the glass of champagne in her perfectly manicured hand.
“Last time I’ve seen them they were dancing with flower crowns on their heads,” She hiccoughed, “I nearly died from laughing. Arthur. With a flower crown. It was so sweet and ridiculous!”
“That ain’t fun, Ada. I really need to find those stupid lovebirds. I swear I’m going bonkers: first Arthur’s tantrum, then Kaiser ruining the wedding cake, and now the newlyweds are late for the picture!” She complained. Overall, it had been Aunt Polly who made sure everything ran smoothly, hence her discontentment.
Tommy rolled his eyes at his sister’s inebriation, then he squeezed her shoulder with his large hand, “I think your question will find its answer really soon, Pol.” He stated with his quiet and deep voice as his turquoise eyes caught sight of your silhouette walking toward them, holding Arthur by the hand. You were both exchanging glances and light enamored laughters.
As surprising as it sounded, Thomas Shelby and you had managed to put your mutual hatred aside for the sake of the wedding. Of course, you were carefully avoiding each other the best you could, but when you were together in inevitable family moments, your exchanges remained polite. 
Polly turned to you with her eyebrows furrowed and pressed her fists on her hips with an angry- mother expression when you and Arthur joined the small group.
“Ah! There you are! The photographer has been fuming for half an hour! Where have you been?” She scolded. 
“We really need a map. This place is a fookin’ maze eh. We got lost.” Arthur tried to justify himself, his fingers firmly intertwined with yours, “I mean I wanted to show her the mansion but hey, I quite forgot which way to go and —“
“Arthur?” Polly cut him.
“Your fly.”  She simply stated. Holding much power, those two tiny words made Arthur almost jump. He let go of your hand in one vivid movement.
“OH FOOKIN HELL!” His gravel voice exclaimed when he looked down at his trousers. He quickly zipped the fly up under Ada’s hysterical laugh and Tommy’s mocking smirk. Admittedly, you could not help but giggle too for his reaction had been quite priceless. Oh Arthur, you thought. The only one who was not laughing was Polly, who looked at him with such a desperate face that you were sure she was about to facepalm herself. Or slap his face, it depended on her mood.
“Men and their cock, I swear. Look at you, idiot,” She said affectionately, “Your hair is all messed up! You’re going to look awful in your wedding pic!” She growled, grabbing her oldest nephew to rearrange both his hair and his tie. 
“Don’t be mean Pol, he just needed to release the pressure.” You said, watching the scene with a faint smile on your juicy and glossy lips still swollen from Arthur’s lustful kisses, “The whole speech thing worried him.”   
“Mmmpff— true.” He grunted, embarrassed.  
“Yeah of course.” The beautiful Ada started before coming to you and smoothing the folds of your goddess dress with a teasing grin “What a long and difficult way to say you just wanted to give him a blowjob.” She teased.
“Piss off Ada.” You gently retorted, rolling your eyes in a fake outraged pout, “let’s take that picture before Polly strangle us all.”
“OI. Everyone fucking gather together for the picture! Bring the damn dog too!” Tommy yelled to the crowd, “John! Made them pose in front of the mansion!” Orders flew and Peaky Blinders were soon taking the crowd in charge to help the photographer take the most perfect picture he could take. When everyone was ready, he pushed the button of his camera and, in a blinding flash, captured the most beautiful moment of your whole life in a picture you would cherish like the apple of your eye.
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“We… We really should … Like… At least try to get in bed.” You giggled, your cheeks still adorned with a pink blush. Admittedly, talking had become quite a challenge after the second bottle of wine.
“Not gonna lie, love, I can’t fookin’ get up for the life of me.” Arthur pulled you closer against his bare chest and slipped one hand into your messy long hair, not willing to move. The tenderness of his caresses made your whole body relax and you melted in the warmth of his freckled skin. To hell with the bed, you thought, the floor would do the trick. 
When the party had come to an end, Arthur had carried you bridal-style to one of the mansion’s magnificent bedrooms, despite being completely drunk. The whole walk had been tedious with poor Arthur staggering in the stairway, but you could not have cared less — you were as wasted as he was and could not walk anymore. Maybe the alcohol contest with Kat and Uncle Charlie had not been such a great idea after all… Once you reached the bedroom, Arthur and you collapsed on the large fur rug that was on the wooden floor and clumsily took off each other’s clothes between heated kisses and steamy moans. He had impatiently waited for the wedding night, calling you “Mrs. Shelby” and “me lovely wife” all the way. That being said, a few intoxicated chuckles had embellished the symphony of your love when alcohol made one of you missed the other’s lips. No one could tell how many hours went by nor how many times you made love — Not even you. You were only coming back to your senses now that you were both snuggling naked on the floor, your legs entangled and your mind still clouded with your latest orgasm.
“I don’t want this wonderful day to end,” Arthur said, his gruff voice finally breaking the comfortable and peaceful silence that had settled in the room. A slow and long exhale escaped from your nostrils at his words before you laid lazy kisses on his chest. Your lips, still hungry for him despite your drowsiness, trailed up until they reached the golden cross pendant he was always wearing. A shiver ran down his spine when you took it between your full lips and looked up to his eyes through your Bambi lashes, “Fook — you make me so… Happy.” 
“And I’ll do my best to keep you happy every day of your life.” You replied after a little while, setting the pendant free from your tantalizing mouth. “That was a pretty successful day.” 
“It was, eh.” Arthur softly smiled at your words, his piercing blue eyes enjoying your mesmerizing beauty and his long fingers gently massaging your scalp, “We got a letter and a bouquet from Mrs. Solomons, y’know. She wanted to come but her husband’s back was hurting too much. ” 
“Oh yes? Rosie is a sweetheart.”
“And her husband’s a cunt.” He growled, “Bloody bastard.”
“I know right? But she’s great. She’s been teaching me so many interesting things about feminism! Really made me want to attend her next meeting!” 
“Women… You’re all going to overpower us one day.” Arthur said, his voice tinted with amusement. His free hand quickly grabbed the bottle of whisky that was next to him and took a mouthful of alcohol.
“It would not be a bad thing,” You pressed a kiss against his chin and he hummed in response, delighted by the way you showered him with tenderness. Arthur would have been purring under your touch if he had been able to do so. It just felt good — so good the whole world could have gone down in flames he wouldn’t mind as long as you kept pampering him like you were doing. You made him feel loved. You made him feel at peace… And God knows how much he needed that. “Especially for Michael. Have you seen his girlfriend Nora? She looked exhausted.” 
“She just gave birth to her second child. Of course, she’s exhausted, love.” He said. His hand, which had been playing with your hair until then, slowly ran down your naked back.
“Hm.” That was all you replied, for you felt Michael’s girl was more than just physically exhausted. Something was definitely off in their relationship, but you did not want to mingle. “Their daughter is lovely, though.” 
“She is.”
Another silence fell in the bedroom, only embellished by the relaxing cracking of the woods burning in the hearth. Both of you had closed your eyes, slowly drifting away into Morpheus’ kingdom.
“Angel?” He called you with a sleepy voice.
“Yes, Arthur?” You answered, dozing off.
“ I’d love to have kids with ye, eh. Little white-haired and blue-eyed us running barefoot in the forest… Little embodiments of our love brightening our life.” His voice was merely a whisper now for he was slowly falling asleep, “I’ve always wanted to be a dad… but thought I was too messed up for that.”
“You aren’t.” You smiled and let your fingers lazily graze his skin, your nails crossing through his chest hairs and ending their race on his heart, right where his tattoo was “I want it too Arthur. I want it too.” 
Sleep made the last word of your sentence die on your lips. Now, the hullabaloo of the party was no more. All the remaining noises were the harmonious murmurs of your slow breathings and the lullaby sung by the fire, which had never been so comforting. 
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✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
✞ Tag list: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @zablife @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms
✞ Nora Gray belongs to @amidst-wonderland || Rose Solomons belongs to @raincoffeeandfandoms || Kat Wilson belongs to my sweet partner @callme-fox
✞ Each chapter of this series can be read as stand-alone even though it's far more enjoyable if you have read at least the previous chapter.
352 notes · View notes
uzuikyo · 1 year
take me by the hand
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inspired by this tiktok video that shattered my fucking heart </3 i couldn't stop crying after seeing that video send a therapist
pairing/s : akaza x fem!reader
genre : angst, fluff, smut maybe
warning/s : major character death, mentions of infertility, pregnancy, fingering, shower sex, pregnant sex, childbirth (normal & c-section), stillbirth (the baby suffocated from the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck), self-harm, suicide, everything’s just mostly sad and depressing, ): poor akaza, (pls forgive me if some of my medical knowledge or writing are inaccurate), also it was 2am when i wrote this so if there are some grammar or spelling mistakez, i apologize >.<
wc : 3.3k
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🎧 understand x pluto projector (keshi, rex orange county)
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“congratulations! we’re all sooo happy for the both of you!” your best friend, mitsuri, had tears forming in her eyes as she gently pulled you in a hug to not squeeze you and the life growing inside of you. you hugged her back, thanking her as you tried calming her down.
you accepted her gift after pulling away from each other, placing it on the table just for all the presents and gifts. you were feeling kind of overwhelmed as you did not expect this many of them.
your husband saw you and felt your anxiousness. “darling,” you hummed, looking at him. “you okay?” akaza had that soft look in his eyes like he always did ever since you two got together. you nod, “just a little overwhelmed is all. i didn’t know it was going to be such a big deal or something.” you chuckled and akaza let out a small smile, placing a hand on the small of your back and rubbed soothing circles on it.
“everything’s going to be fine. i’m going to be beside you. always. i know my soon to be princess needs her mommy and daddy.” he placed a hand on your round belly and kissed your forehead before both of you went on with the celebration.
all of your friends and family attended the baby shower and all of them were very happy for the both of you to be finally having a child of your own after years of babysitting and stealing your sister’s and mitsuri’s kids and after years of trying for one yourselves.
you and akaza always took it slow and patiently ever since your obgyn informed you about having a low percentage of conceiving a child. this, however, did not stop your lovely husband from adoring you and even told you that it doesn’t matter if you were able to give him one. kids or not, he still loved you no matter what and that was enough to make you feel better.
although you do admit that other women who were able to conceive in just a few tries made you feel insecure and jealous. it made you question yours and your husband’s relationship, but akaza always knew how to reassure you and make your mind be at ease. and you loved him even more for that.
you couldn’t ask for a better husband than akaza.
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“akaza!” you giddily shouted from the bathroom and your husband was in your sight in a second. “well?” you showed him the result of all the the pregnancy tests. it all read ‘positive’.
“all three of them.” you said, tears forming in your eyes. “akaza…” a sob escaped from your mouth when he picked you up and spun you around. “we’re having a baby!” his blue eyes were filled with excitement and love as he looked at your tear-stained face. “i love you so much, darling.”
akaza put you down and kissed you like the world was ending. you pulled away, resting your forehead on his but you couldn’t stare at him for too long so you buried your face in his chest, uncontrollably sobbing. “thank you for being patient with me-“
“hey, i don’t wanna hear it. i told you, didn’t i? i don’t care as long as i have you with me.” akaza mumbled in your hair, caressing your back. “but right now we have received what we’ve been wanting for a long time. and i thank the gods for that.”
akaza was there with you for every check ups and ultrasound. you remember how smiley he was when he got the very first ultrasound pictures of your baby from the doctor. his smile got wider when the doctor added how healthy your baby was in that moment that you felt like his mouth would tore apart.
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first trimester
akaza groaned from the light taps on his shoulder. slowly opening his eyes, he looked at the clock which read 2:48am. “you need anything, darling? is something hurting or bothering you?” his raspy voice indicates how he’s trying to stay awake.
akaza fully opened his eyes and immediately got up when he saw the tears im your eyes. “i’m craving some mangoes. and pickles.” your reply made him think about whether to laugh or curse at himself, but he eventually pulled you closer to him, trying to soothe you by caressing your hair.
“shh, it’s okay. i got you, baby. you’re not bothering me. i told you i would be right beside you, right?”
every midnight and 3am cravings were fully satisfied with a sleepless and tired akaza in the morning. everytime he would get up to buy or prepare your pregnancy cravings, he would make sure you eat well and go back to sleep which leads to him not being able to go back to sleep. although sometimes he does try, cuddling in bed with you and just waiting until he falls back asleep— which sometimes works.
akaza also dealt with your crazy mood swings during the first trimester.
how you would cry over as simple as not being able to fit in your old jeans anymore, or because the whole tub of ice cream that only you ate ran out. or it may also because of a character that died in a movie or series you’re watching.
how you would snap at him over the littlest things. like not holding your hands, or not giving his attention to you immediately, or not being able to answer your calls within the first ring.
and how you would laugh at literally everything. from rengoku saying his famous “umai!” everytime he eats, to mitsuri’s kids running around and trying not to fall face flat on the ground. also, how you laugh at every serious conversations and scenarios you’re in.
lastly, akaza was the most careful as if he was the one pregnant. he did not let you do any straining activities— even exercising or walking around too much! because he knew that this part of the pregnancy stage was the most crucial one.
and you understood that. you didn’t mind his overprotective nature since this was your first child and both of you you did not want anything bad happening to you and the baby.
second trimester
your bump was more visible now and you can kind of feel the additional weight on your body. you started buying more maternity clothes because most of your bottoms won’t even fit your waist anymore.
the little human inside you also started to kick in your womb. you and akaza would always wait for the baby to kick in the morning right after you wake up and whenever you were doing something exciting as you noticed your baby always responds to happy emotions. like when you’re laughing too much or eating your favorite foods.
akaza was still tending to your every needs and cravings. although it wasn’t as bad as the first few weeks of your pregnancy, but the mood swings were still there.
however as the cravings faded, your hormones started to spike up.
“babe- fuck, are you sure you’re okay with this?” akaza tries his best to hold back, but you always pushes him to his limits. “yes, akaza, please. need you right now.” you ran your hands from his naked chest to his lower abdomen, teasing the waistband of his boxers.
his fingers dipped inside your panties, gently sliding over your now wet slit. “already so wet for me, baby?” you nodded, cheeks flushed as you moaned from the feeling. “please- need to feel you inside me already.”
akaza placed his lips on yours along with the slip of one finger inside you, making you gasp in his mouth. “keep making those noises for me, pretty girl.” he groaned, adding another finger.
“f-fuck, yes-h-haa…” the kiss turned sloppy as his fingers moved faster, his other hand playing with your swollen tits. “look how pretty these tits are. so soft and swollen, hmm-“ you sighed, neck falling back onto the pillow as he sucked on your nipple, his other fingers playing with the other.
“‘m cumming- fuck! a-ah.. akaza-“
akaza curled his fingers inside you, hitting the spot once again as you finally released. your white juices staining the bedsheets as you tried to catch your breath.
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“you need help bathing?” you nodded at your husband, smiling sheepishly. “yes please, i can’t clean my legs cuz of my tummy.” you pouted and he chuckled, “alright, ma, i’ll help you. like i always do.” akaza winked at you, and you lightly smacked him on the chest.
with a hand on your elbow and another on your waist, akaza helped you step in the tub, carefully guiding you down to sit as you held your growing tummy.
akaza made sure you were relaxed and settled before letting you go and grabbing the loofah, pouring a good amount of your favorite body wash. you sighed, closing your eyes as he began scrubbing and washing your body— starting with your shoulders and chest area.
"thank you," you mumbled, leaning your head against his chest as he continued on gently scrubbing your tummy and down your legs. "this is the best that i can do since you're doing all the hard work for our baby." he pressed a kiss on the crown of your head.
after your body and hair were all washed up, akaza got you a towel and carefully helped you get out of the tub to dry you. "lotion?" you nodded at your husband's question and he happily grabbed the bottle of lotion and started applying some on your back, softly massaging every area.
it was such an intimate and peaceful feeling. you were looking at him through the mirror as he was doing it and you let out a moan when he started massaging your breasts. "that feels good?" you nodded, letting out a whine when he suddenly pinched your nipples. "akaza!"
"wanna make you feel good.." he hummed, enjoying how you looked so naked and pretty in front of the mirror. akaza sat you down on the vanity and softly kissed you. your hands wrapping around the back of his neck automatically as the feeling between your thighs made you clench them together.
akaza pulled away and started kissing down your neck. his hands making their way back to your tender breasts and kneading them. "akaza.." you moaned, grinding your hips on his as you felt him get harder under his sweatpants.
"i know darling," akaza felt your wetness the moment his fingers touched your aching center. "fuck, already so wet for me." he pushed one finger in, then another, making you gasp. "more, f-fuck- akaza, more!" you moaned, feeling frustrated from how his fingers wasn't enough to satisfy you.
"just need to make sure you'll be okay, baby. fuck-" he continued pushing his fingers in and out of you, making sure you were feeling good but also comfortable in the countertop you were sitting at. he kissed your cheeks when he saw that you were close. "cum f'me, pretty girl."
you let yourself release the knot inside of you as your mouth formed an 'o', holding tight onto akaza's arms as you came. "that's my good girl. i love you so much," he kissed you passionately, and you responded, hands travelling down the band of his sweatpants to pull it down.
akaza helped you take it off and you bit your lip at the sight of his hard cock. "need it inside me, please." akaza hummed, "anything for my pretty girl." you stroked him a few times before lining the tip up your entrance. "let me do all the work, mmkay? don't want you tiring yourself." he gave you a peck and slowly pushed inside your needy entrance.
"ha-aah, s-so good-" you grabbed onto the back of his neck, watching as his whole length entered you with the sound of akaza groaning loudly. "you feel so fucking good." akaza pulled you in for a kiss and started thrusting in and out of your cunt.
both of you were moaning in each others mouths, your fingers grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging on it everytime akaza pushes deeper inside you, making the man groan. "yes, right there! ah!-" your forehead were on his as your mouth opened into a silent moan.
"are you close, my love?" akaza adjusted his pace, still being gentle as to not strain you too much nor the baby. "yes, mhmm- fuuck!" you cried out, looking at akaza with the most pretty yet lustful eyes. "let it all out darling, cum with me." both of you came, releasing the loudest moans and groans as akaza caught you in his arms before you went limp.
"i love you, my darling."
third trimester
you loathed your third trimester. you felt so heavy and tired. as well as uncomfortable, because of how round you felt. but you kept on telling yourself to stay strong for your baby. that you had a few weeks left before you can welcome her into the world.
akaza always tried his best to help you carry all the weight by holding your tummy whenever your standing up. like when your cooking, or getting ready. "i know this sounds easier said than done, but just two more weeks and we're going to see our baby."
for the last for weeks of your pregnancy, you've been going to the doctor once a week just to make sure everything is set once you give birth and that the baby is healthy.
you've also been staying inside more since you mostly felt like shit. all the weight on your tummy makes your body hurts, especially your back and waist. thankfully, your husband is there to give you a massage whenever you need one.
"i look like a ball," you pouted, talking to yourself as you were observing yourself in the mirror. akaza looked at you from his office chair at home, and smiled. "no you don't, you look like a strong, pregnant woman to me."
you frowned at him. "you're not the one carrying a whole human in him, are you?" he chuckled, raising both arms to accept defeat.
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"you're ready to push, you're at 10cm already." the doctor alerted all the nurses as they began setting up the room for you and your baby once she comes out to the world. "is dad going to be with you during the whole birth?" the doctor asked, and you felt akaza hold your hand. "yes."
"okay momma, i need you to push in one, two, three!"
everything got so blurry after that. you could hear akaza telling you soothing phrases while the doctor was telling you to push and be strong. you were screaming, crying, and pushing for what felt like forever until you heard the doctor say, "i've got the head!"
you were so tired and exhausted that you didn't even realize that everyone was acting so frantically. the nurses were running everywhere, and the doctor was shouting things you couldn't comprehend although you heard the word "suffocating".
akaza was told to wait outside, and eventhough he was confused and nervous, he did what he was told to do for the sake of you and the baby.
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you woke up in a different room from the one you were in earlier. the fatigue was still in your system, but you were eager to see your baby, so you tried sitting up only to feel a shooting pain in your lower abdomen.
akaza immediately stood up when he noticed you moving. your brows furrowed when you noticed his swollen, red eyes, and his overall dishveled state. "how's the baby?" you excitedly asked, only to receive a sad smile from your husband as a reply. "akaza?"
"where's our baby? is she healthy? did the nurse take her out to clean?" akaza's heart shattered when he saw the excitement and hope in your eyes slowly disappear. "darling.." you shook your head at him, terror coating your face as the tears just started pouring from your tired eyes.
"no, no, no, no!" you started thrashing around, not giving a fuck about the pain in your abdomen, eager to remove all the cords and needles attached to you just to see your baby. akaza immediately hugged you tightly, trying to stop you from hurting yourself further while whispering, "i'm sorry, my love. it's not your fault. i promise."
you kept on shouting "no!" and "my baby!" and it alarmed the nurses stationed near your room as they came in to check on you. your doctor soon came in and once you calmed down, she explained everything. about how the baby suddenly changed position and that the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, causing her to suffocate. they also had to give you a c-section in order to get her out of you which explains the pain on your lower abdomen.
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everyone was devastated when they heard the news. it was hard. no one could compare to a mother losing their child. mitsuri and your family tried visiting you, but you turned all of them away. you didn't want to feel ashamed and embarassed for failing to bring your baby safely in this world.
akaza knew you were more devastated than anything else, but deep inside he also felt defeated and broken. it was his first ever child. your first ever child. you both waited so patiently for one and she got taken away from you so quickly and suddenly.
he did not ever leave your side after that day, not caring if he missed work because you were more important to him than anything and anyone else.
akaza knew you needed him and he needed you.
however, you couldn't be there for akaza because you feel deep down the rabbit hole and you couldn't climb back up no matter how hard other people helped you do so. it was like the world and just life lost its meaning.
you never once thought about how akaza was feeling, because you were to focused on grieving and blaming yourself for being a bad and a failure mother. you never once saw how akaza would cry in his office or whenever he was alone in the bathroom or whenever you were already asleep at night.
but akaza never blamed you for anything. he couldn't imagine how hard it is to carry a life inside of you for nine months just for it not to live once it was out of your womb. he understood how you couldn't be there for him because he knew it how hard it was. he understood how you couldn't comfort him and make him feel better, because at least you were there with him. at least, you were still alive and breathing beside him.
you should've known. you should've listened to all of akaza's words about how "it wasn't your fault" and "i still love you no matter what". you should've felt it through his actions. how he would still kiss you every morning when you wake up and every night before sleeping. how he would still cook your favorite foods and try to cheer you up by playing your favorite shows on the tv.
because maybe. just maybe if you did, then akaza would not be kneeling on the floor with your lifeless body swimming in a pool of blood.
maybe he wouldn't have to bear the silence of the big house which was once a home for both you and him, and your baby. maybe the house would still be lively from your cheerful presence and maybe even filled with little akazas and you running around the house instead of two pink urns designed with cherry blossoms on a table.
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© uzuikyo. all rights reserved.
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spikedhe4rt · 1 year
could you please write a johnny smut? where he's dominant and praises her (doesn't degrade ofc) but it's really loving sex and its after he yells at her so sort of like makeup sex? sorry if this is too specific
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Word Count: 1,429
It was currently 9:00 pm at night and I'd been at the dingo for over 2 hours alone. Johnny and I had planned a date, but he had yet to show up. I called him on the pay phone over 3 times but no answer. The waitress walked up to me, with her face laced with pity but sympathy at the same time, "Um...were about to close for the night, hun"
I looked up at her sadly, tears almost welling in my eyes. I refuse to cry, not in front of this random girl. I put down ¢15 for my cup of coffee and walked out of the diner. I decided to walk home to try and get some fresh air to calm myself down.
Once I got to our shared apartment, the door was already creaked open. Anticipation filled my bones as I dared to open up the door fully. I sighed in relief when I saw that it was Johnny in the living room. As I looked at him longer, I began to get angry again, "Johnny! Where have you been?" He woke up from his daze and looked at me in somewhat shock.
"I've been here, what do you mean?" My mouth formed into an "O" shape before stomping in front of him on the couch, " What do I mean? I have been at the dingo for 2hrs, waiting for you!" He looked at me in disbelief and shook his head, "why can't you just lay off" he replied in a murmur.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek, this whole thing is so stupid. I just wanted one night "What did you say?" He stood before me, shaking his head in anger, "WHY DON'T YOU JUST LAY OFF!" I looked at him in utter disbelief, letting out a sob.
His face softened when he saw me cry, "Baby-" is the only word he could get out before I ran into our bedroom. I lay down and cried until I was weak. Johnny has never done something like this before.
After a while, I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. Wow, I look tragic. I decided to take a shower and get changed, maybe wash my old makeup off.
I walked out of the bathroom to the smell of food wavering in the air. Johnny never cooks. I walked into the kitchen, following the amazing smell. When I arrive there, I see Johhny making pasta, my favorite. He's so cute.
I walked up to him with a slight smile on my face, "Hi Johnny" He turned around, almost looking surprised I was even talking to him. It wasn't long until he had a pleading look on his face and, on his knees, "Baby, I'm so so sorry for yelling at you, I was just tired. I love you so much and I'm sorry I forgot about our date night. I looked down at him, basically begging for forgiveness.
A smile formed on my face before saying, "I forgive you Baby" He got up and turned off the stove before walking back over to me. He gave me a smirk before pushing me against the wall and kissing my neck. "Johnny please"
He sucked a hickey on my smooth skin before pulling away, making me whimper loudly, "I love you so much so let me show you." Fuck, he makes it so hard to ever be mad at him. Johnny pulled both shirts off to start working on my breasts.
He sucked at the flesh of my right breast while taking my left nipple between his fingers. He then brought his tongue down to circle my areola just right. I moaned loudly at his actions, "baby baby please" my words became slurred from the overwhelming pleasure. He groaned at my fucked-out expression, "I love your tits so much, I love everything bout you, your thighs, your hands, and especially your pretty pussy."
I leaned in to connect our lips eagerly and johnny immediately accepted my offer. He instantly forced his tongue between my lips to play with my own. I pulled away to resume my work but on his neck. I was about to give him a hickey before he stopped me, "Sorry baby, but I'm in charge today. I'm gonna show you how much I fucking love you tonight." He pulled me into our dining room and set me on the table before lowering to his knees.
He kissed down my stomach, leaving a line of hickeys all the way down. Johnny fiddled with the buttons on my pants, then proceeded to my zipper. He rubbed me over my underwear, feeling the wet spot in the middle, "Oh baby, you're so pretty like this for me." I moaned at his praise.
He pulled my underwear down my legs, kissing my inner thighs in the process. It feels like I'm burning up right now. I was lost in my thoughts until I felt Johnny's tongue swirl my clit, "Shit, don't stop please" He began prodding two fingers at my entrance, smirking at my whining and writhing for him, "Who knew what such bad words could come from your pretty mouth. You'll always be my good girl, right?" He softly curled his fingers inside me, massaging my g-spot.
He continued his work on my clit, sending harsh suck every now. Johnny thrust his fingers arduous, sending waves of fulfillment over my whole body. "More please, can I have more?" I begged him for another finger. He looked up at me and removed his fingers altogether, "You can have anything you want tonight" He entered 3 fingers into me, making me feel euphoric.
I moaned loudly at his actions. "You're so pretty when you're taking my fingers." he cooed at me. He started to drift his tongue down to my opening, making me whine, "Johnny please" he sat himself up to look at me, lovingly, "Please what, doll" I whimpered at his pet name, "Can you fuck me know please, I want you so bad."
He removed his fingers and sat up to unbutton his jeans. Johnny always got worked up from giving me head. He removed his underwear swiftly, his dick springing out. His dick was hard, bubbles of his precum forming at the opening.
He rubbed his tip across my arousal-coated pussy, eliciting a whine from my lips. "please!" He slowly entered me halfway, making me feel full from only half his length. He leaned down for a sweet kiss before starting his thrusts slow, speed gradually increasing. "Johhny, Can you hold my hand, please?" I said in a whine.
He looked down at me before replying, "Aww. Does my sweet girl want me to hold her hand?" I whimpered at his words before nodding eagerly. He grabbed my hand, squeezing lightly with each thrust. I reached my other hand down to rub my clit but Johnny moved my hand, placing it on his bare chest, "I'm sorry but I'm in charge tonight, babydoll." he whispered with a small pout resting on his lips.
My hand scratched at his chest making him moan lowly. Johnny brought his hand down on my stomach, pressing down lightly making my euphoria increase. He slid out almost fully before thrusting back in fully, making my belly bulge. "How's it feel, baby?" I let out a pornographic moan, "So g-good Johnny! Fuck."
He chuckled at my reactions and leaned down to give me a sweet kiss. "You're such a good slut...my good slut" I moaned way too loud at his praise. God damn. Johnny put his fingers into my mouth and continued to move in and out of me, picking up his pace. I let out a muffled moan of "Im so close!" around his thick fingers.
I clenched repeatedly on his girthy dick, whimpering as my high approached. "Your pretty pussy is gripping so tight I'm gonna cum baby," he said, out of breath. I squeezed his hand tightly as I came all over him. Johnny moaned as spilled himself into me. He gave me one last kiss before laying next to me on our table.
Johnny looked at me in my eyes, leaning in to kiss my cheek lightly< "I love you doll. I'll never yell at you like that again. I beamed at him, kissing him on the lip this time. "It's ok, I love you too. Y'know if this is how it's gonna end, you can yell at me anytime, Johnny Cade." We looked at each other before bursting out laughing.
Hope you enjoyed this! So sorry it's kinda late, I'm busy with school and competitions!
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cre8inghavoc · 2 months
What are friends for?
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PT. 7
Status: ongoing!!
Updates: no set date.
WC: 2734
Pairing: megumi fushiguro x FEM!reader
Genre/Warnings:[18+] Characters are aged up. This story contains toxic boyfriend, cursing, name calling, self-doubt/hate, angst, breaking up, post-breakup, alcohol, drug use, drunk moments, new friends, dating!au, college!au, no curses!au, dark humour, dark jokes. SMAU.
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Now that your ex has retrieved his belongings, you're on a tight deadline to get everything packed by the end of the day. You have to move out tonight, especially since you're starting at a new school tomorrow. Plus, moving everything out today will make it much easier to settle into your new room before school starts. And, it's a good way to pass the time until 6:40 PM tonight, when you plan to head to the park.... Tonight will be the moment of truth to see if he decides to show up. You're overwhelmed with the need to apologize for your silence all week and for turning down his invitations to hang out. And then there's the mess with your ex, which just adds to the chaos. You really want to explain to him that your ex was only there to pick up his stuff before you move, but it's hard to make him understand when you hadn't even mentioned your plans to move to begin with.
It just feels like everything is just spiralling out of control…
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The phone sits there, taunting me with its silent demand for attention. My fingers itch to reach for it, to answer her call, but I know I can't. It's a battle of wills, and I'm fighting against myself. If I give in, I'll only end up forgiving her too easily, forgetting all about her with her ex.
 But it's so damn hard. 
She's always on my mind, her smile a reminder of genuine warmth that lingers in my thoughts. Her eyes, deep and honest, draw me in with every glance, revealing layers of her soul I can't resist. And her scent... her perfume, it's like a gentle embrace, comforting and alluring, even when she's not around. Every moment with her is like poetry in motion, each touch, each word, sparking a fire of longing within me. She's more than just a person; she's a feeling, an intoxicating presence that I can't shake.
She's a masterpiece in every sense, utterly captivating and impossible to overlook. Despite the simmering anger within me, my deepest longing is to have her close, to revel in the comfort of her embrace. Yet, I restrain myself. I can't muster the strength to answer the phone, to engage with her messages. Not now. At Least not yet….
I glance over at my phone and catch her last message: meet her at the park at 7.
Damn, she makes it so hard to resist.
 7 PM…..
The park across from my place. She'll explain what happened. Maybe it wasn't as serious as it seemed... Maybe he just showed up? Knocking at her door, threatening her. Damn it. If that's the case, what the hell is wrong with me? How could I be so blind? What if he intended to harm her, and I just walked away, leaving her alone? Is she okay? The amount of messages she sent suggests she is, but still... How could I be so reckless? What if she got hurt? I would never forgive myself. Never.
I have to go…. I have to make sure she's okay, to reassure myself that my fears are unfounded. And if she needs me, I'll be there, no matter what.
I glance at the time: 6:55 PM.
God damn it... 
I won't make it back in time, at least not for another 10 minutes or so. With a heavy heart and a sense of urgency, I gather my thoughts and hit the gas, pushing the limits to get home as quickly as possible, determined to find her and ensure her safety, no matter the cost.
I'll just call her and let her know I'm on my way and that I'll be a little late. As I pick up my phone and dial her number, it goes straight to voicemail twice. Is she ignoring me? No, she wouldn't... Why would she? Maybe her phone's dead? Or maybe she turned it off? I have to get to her as fast as I can.
But as I arrive, the park is deserted, and she's nowhere to be seen. Dread washes over me, realizing I'm 15 minutes late. Did she give up on me? Did she think I wouldn't come? Panic sets in as I frantically search, hoping against hope that she's still here, waiting for me…
But she's not. She's gone. And the weight of that realization hits me like a ton of bricks.
I pick up my phone again, desperate, and dial her number once more. But it goes straight to voicemail again.
"Please, angel... pick up," I whisper into the void, my voice strained with worry.
But there's no answer. Just silence. And in that silence, my fears grow stronger, gnawing at my heart with a relentless grip.
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You arrived at the park five minutes early, hoping against hope that Megumi would show up on time.
6:55 PM.
Anxiety courses through your veins, the uncertainty of his reaction weighing heavily on your mind. Would he even show up? Or would he take your explanation poorly, not believing a word you'd say, and then leave you? Both outcomes are equally terrifying, but you can't shake the feeling that Megumi not showing up might be slightly worse. It would mean he wants nothing to do with you, and you wouldn't even have the chance to explain what actually happened. The guilt would eat away at you.
You've turned your phone off, ensuring that when he arrives, if he does, you won't be interrupted. Your focus would be solely on him.
7:00 PM.
You sit there, waiting, scanning the park for any sign of him. Each person who approaches, you hope it's him, but it never is. With every passing moment, your thoughts spiral further. Was he ever going to show up? Did something happen? Or does he just not want you anymore?
7:10 PM.
You give him an extra ten minutes, clinging to the hope that maybe he's running late. But as the minutes tick by, hope fades into disappointment. He's not coming. He didn't come. What's the point in waiting any longer? Even if he did show up, would you be angry? Upset? Feeling unimportant because of his lateness? Maybe he forgot or didn't see your message? You try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard. Trust is a fragile thing, especially after what you went through with your ex.
You stand from the bench, tears threatening to spill, but you hold them back as best as you can. The emotions swirl within you—sadness, disappointment, frustration. You start to walk away, making your way back home. You've already packed everything after kicking out your ex, so all that's left to do is go back. The movers said they'd be there by 8 PM to gather your things and take them to your new place.
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At 9:40 PM, over an hour has passed since you finally moved into your new place. With the help of your friends, unpacking was a breeze, and it felt surprisingly good to be living with them. As you make your way to your room, you're pleasantly surprised to find it larger than expected. Thank goodness for Toge's spacious house, where even the rooms are sizable. And having your own bathroom? That's a luxury you definitely appreciate.
You take a moment to survey the space, considering how to arrange your belongings. With a generous window offering a view of the expansive backyard—complete with lush green grass, towering trees, and a sparkling pool—you decide to position your bed beside it. It's the perfect spot to gaze at your favorite view, especially with the moon casting its gentle glow outside.
Setting up your room with your friends was a joyous experience, making the whole moving process feel more fun and exciting. As you begin to organize, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment and anticipation for the adventures that await in your new home.
You call out to Maki, asking for her help in setting up your gaming equipment in the corner.
"Yep! Is your PC in this box?" she asks, pointing at the one labeled "fragile."
"Yes, ma'am!" you confirm with a smile.
Turning to Toge and Yuta, you assign them the task of mounting your TV on the wall across from your bed.
“Yes ma’am! You got it!” Toge says, in his usual playful manner, as he salutes. 
“You’re so stupid” You say while slapping your forehead. 
Laughter fills the room, easing the tension that's been weighing on you all day. You don't realize how late it's gotten until you finally check the clock: 12:12 AM.
With a mixture of relief and gratitude, you thank your friends for their help. However, beneath the surface, the lingering disappointment of Megumi's absence still weighs heavily on your mind. Though you try to push it aside, your friends can sense that something's bothering you.
"Thank you guys so much for helping me. I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time!" you apologize.
"You know you don't have to thank us... We're always going to be here for you!" Maki reassures you.
"I could've been playing Fortnite, so she does have to apologize for taking up my precious time," Toge interjects jokingly, prompting laughter from everyone.
"Sorry, Toge, didn't know Fortnite was more important," you tease back, rolling your eyes.
"Just kidding, obviously you're more important!!!" Toge replies with a smirk, in a sarcastic tone, though what he said is true... you definitely are more important.
"Wow, screw you," you playfully retort, sticking out your tongue and your middle finger as you all continue to laugh.
"How are you feeling now that you're officially moved out?" Yuta sweetly asks.
"Honestly, I feel happy and comfortable. I love being with you guys, and now that we all live together, it's going to be so fun. And I'm going to the same school as you all! Speaking of which, we should probably head to sleep... It's almost 12:30, and we have to wake up at 7 AM," you say, a hint of tiredness creeping into your tone.
"That's good, and we're happy you're with us too! Goodnight, Y/N," Yuta replies with a smile before hugging you and then heading towards the door.
"Finally, I can play Fortnite," Toge jokes before noticing you picking up a pillow.
"Y/N! I was kidding! I WAS KIDDING!" Toge exclaims, darting out of your room as you chase after him, pillow in hand.
The chase leads you both around the house. As you enter the kitchen, Toge quickly runs on one side of the counter, putting distance between you. Determined to catch him, you move to your left, but he mirrors your movements, keeping just out of reach.
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Toge grins and taunts you from across the counter, knowing he's outmanoeuvred you for now. But you're not one to give up easily, and with a playful smirk, you prepare to outsmart him in this game. 
“NO NEVER!” he runs past you and you chase him back up the stairs but you corner him before he could get to his room.
“Love you too bestie!! goodnight!” You smile innocently and make your way to your room.
“she's fucking crazy....” he mumbled to himself as he gets back up.
“mmm? what was that?” you say turning back towards him. 
“Uhh... N-NOTHING!!! HAHA… NOTHING AT ALL” With a nervous chuckle, Toge swiftly opens the door to his room, slipping inside and securing the lock behind him.
Maki, witnessing the entire exchange, approaches you with a smile to say goodnight. But before she leaves, she asks about Megumi.
Your surprise is evident, but you can't bring yourself to lie to your best friend. 
"It's... kinda bad right now. We're not really talking," you admit.
"What? What the hell happened?" Maki responds, shocked.
"He saw my ex at my house today. He was only there to grab his stuff, but then Megumi showed up around the same time, and my ex lied to him... I didn't know he was there until it was too late," you explain with a sigh.
"Why didn't you just call him and explain?" Maki inquires.
"I tried, but he didn't answer at all. I even texted him to meet me at the park across from his house at 7 PM to explain everything, and if he didn't show up, I'd just assume he didn't want to be friends anymore or have any type of relationship."
"And...?" Maki prompts, sensing your hesitation.
"He didn't show up," you admit, feeling your heart drop.
"What the hell? Why wouldn't he show up? That guy is literally obsessed with you," Maki says, clearly bewildered.
"Stop..." you respond, feeling annoyed.
"Stop what?" Maki asks, confused.
"Stop saying shit that isn't true, you really don't need to lie about that." you say, your frustration bubbling up.
"What do you mean?! I've known Megumi since he was a kid, y/n.. He's never been like this, not once with a girl before. Every girl that's ever tried talking to him, he wouldn't even notice or care to at least. He puts no effort in at all. Why do you think when we saw him with you on the couch together, we were extremely shocked. He barely gets near a girl, so the fact that he let you lean on him AND hold your hand shows that he likes you. Like, a lot," Maki explains, her words hitting you hard.
"We're just friends... that's all. And it's normal," you respond weakly, trying to dismiss her observations.
"Maybe normal for you, but definitely not for Megumi. He barely talks to girls, let alone looks in their direction. Seriously, Y/N, you'd have to be blind or stupid to not see that he obviously has feelings for you," Maki concludes, her annoyance evident.
You fall silent, feeling conflicted by her words as she leaves you to ponder the truth of her observations.
"Goodnight, Maki," you respond, your tone tinged with a hint of annoyance. Despite her insistence, you can't shake the feeling that what she's telling you isn't entirely true, convinced that Megumi sees you only as a friend.
"Y/N—" Maki starts, but you cut her off, retreating back into your room and heading straight for bed. Without wasting a moment, Maki quickly pulls out her phone and sends a message to Nobara.
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As your alarm blares, announcing the start of your first day at a new school, a rush of nerves and excitement courses through you. But, having your friends by your side brings a warm sense of familiarity that soothes the uncertainties of the day ahead.
Last night was rough. You couldn't sleep good as thoughts of Megumi consumed your mind, denying you any peace. Despite knowing it's time to move forward, his memory persists, a constant companion in your thoughts. It's tough to shake off the memory of someone who felt so right, even when things didn't quite align.
The second alarm that goes off snaps you out of your thoughts, prompting you to get moving. With a sigh, you drag yourself out of bed and start getting ready for the day.
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Arriving at the school, you feel a mix of excitement and anxiety as you head to the office to pick up your schedule. Despite the last-minute transfer, you're relieved that they've welcomed you, easing some of the nerves about starting anew.
You rush up the stairs of the school, the realization that you're running late sets in. Panic starts to rise as you frantically search for your classroom, the maze-like layout of the school making it difficult to navigate.
"Where the hell is this stupid class?" you mutter under your breath, frustration mounting with each passing second.
With your mind solely focused on finding your class, you fail to notice the person standing directly in your path. Before you can react, you run right into them, the impact jolting you back to reality.
Stumbling backward, he reaches out to steady you, his hands gently settling on your waist, you look up to apologize, only to freeze in shock as you lock eyes with the person before you.
"Megumi?" you blurt out, unable to hide your surprise as you take in his familiar features and all-black attire.
His expression remains impassive at first, but as his gaze meets yours, recognition flashes in his eyes.
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omg omg omg omg omg
finally finished this part... took longer than expected... sorry for the long wait
i rly appreciate ur guys patience <3
this part was kindaaa boring but i promise next one will get more interesting teehee
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@lavender-hvze @xbarrjallenx @atinymonbebestay @1l-ynn @chilichopsticks @dr-fluff-meow @lost-resonance @maya-maya-56 @ichorstainedskin @luciiferslover @madaqueue @vanitywoo
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hoping to get a little ask in…
Klaus and YN were in a f**k buddies, YN gets pregnant and is upset when Klaus is an ass about it. But YN is heartbroken when she walks into Klaus room to find him painting and a naked (covered in bed sheet) Cami.
Thanks so much
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A life i do not deserve
Part 2
It hadn’t exactly been in mind to get pregnant when i slept with Klaus. He’s a vampire he isn’t meant to be able to have children. But apparently being only half hybrid has its extra ‘perks’. We’ve had a ‘friends with benefits’ kinda situation going on for a a while before i fell pregnant and i hate to admit it but i was gaining feeling but i could have sworn he was too, there was certain gentleness he would have sometimes, a specific look in his eye you know?
Then witches took me and we found out i was pregnant…with his kid. I won’t lie i wasn’t exactly over the moon, i was terrified and sick to my stomach with nerves. When Klaus found out i, for some reason, thought he might have said something, anything reassuring. Yeah, no. He flipped out, i was a liar, a slut that would sleep with anyone who was desperate enough to have me and i probably couldn’t even remember the fathers name. I don’t think i’ve ever cried harder, in front of Klaus, his brother and a witch, the overwhelming combination of the news and then the person i had finally come to actually understand telling me how disgusting and worthless i am to him just pushed me over the edge.
He left me and our child for dead before eventually returning. By the time he came to bring me home i was in an emotionless state. I refused to speak to him and wouldn’t let him touch me.
Over the next few months he had apologised many times and i decided it was best to move on from the issue, we were going to be parents after all. Plus the small fact that i did still long for him and everything in my heart screamed to forgive him. i knew he was struggling with the adjustment to his life as well, he just went for anger instead of distress.
Besides over that time we’ve had many sweet moments, he could be very kind when he wanted to be. I still hoped that he may see me as more one day. He would give my head a soft kiss and rub my bump in a loving manner. We were going to be a family.
I thought we could be a happy family…
But then he had to fuck his therapist.
I had just got back to our home, my bump was much bigger now as i was nearly 7 months pregnant. I had gone out to collect the decorations Klaus had picked for our baby’s new room, he had insisted we get it ready asap and i couldn’t argue. We designed and got it set up over the past few weeks.
I had just made a few extra adjustments to the baby room before going to Klaus’s room but he wasn’t in there. What was however was a bra and panties set. They were definitely not mine. I could feel my heart breaking as my breath caught in my throat and i opened his art room door.
I’m almost certain he could actually hear my heart shatter as i took in the scene before me. Camille. The blonde psychologist was completely naked on his art sofa, a sofa that they had spent time on in the past. Another girl was sprawled out with her tits on full display, a scrap of a bedsheet covering her most private area. And Klaus he was painting her. He only painted people when he had taken an interest, he told me that when he painted me. Everything he had shared with me was a game. The pregnancy ruined his game.
I took a step back and immediately he was stood in front of me, i could feel the tears streaming down my face, my chest aching as my mind yelled at me to leave. I couldn’t hear a thing he was saying, though i could see the panic in his eyes as he hands came to hold my arms. The second he touched me i let out a sob, my head shaking and my feet carrying me out the compound as fast as possible.
“y/n! stop running, love please!” he was grabbing me again, hands that had been all over another woman’s body, possibly inside another woman’s body. I was gonna be sick.
“get off me right now or i swear i will leave and never come back, you don’t even want this child and it’s clear you don’t want me so i don’t know why you’re bothering in trying to convince me otherwise” my voice was shaky and pain was obvious as i spoke.
“that wasn’t anything, she’s nobody, you’re carrying our baby, our baby that i love, you know that i love our child, you mean so much to m-“
“you’re such a fucking liar Klaus! This entire time i was afraid you still thought i was a stupid whore but it turns out I’ve been living with one this whole time while lugging around his kid, a kid you wanted to leave for dead, i forgave you and you said that we could be a family” my heart was basically on the floor at this point
“i can’t live here anymore. i’m leaving, i don’t know where i’m going but i’m not staying with you, you keep your filthy hands off of me and you stay away from my child. Do as you please, when you please but do not expect me to come crawling back to you, begging at your feet for a life that i do not deserve”
i practically ran to my car, the car that he had bought me, and drove to a hotel, i would sleep this off and think of a clear plan when i was in a better headspace
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peachmi1k · 11 months
at a party with some of your close friends, you swirl your drink around in your red solo cup as you lounge on the couch, one elbow propping you up as your legs drape over the armrest. you hum as you take a languid sip of your cocktail, listening but slowly losing interest in the conversation bouncing across the living room.
you glance across the coffee table to your boyfriend schlatt, sat lazily in an armchair, caught in deep conversation with ted. you eye him intently, enjoying the way his legs spread and his hand scratches absentmindedly at his chops.
an evil idea suddenly comes to mind.
you reach for your phone, opening your messages and click on your boyfriends name.
a ping comes from schlatt’s phone. he grabs it from the table casually, still listening to ted as he glances down at the screen.
you get a sick sense of satisfaction when you see his jaw clench. his eyes then lift and lock on you, sitting innocently on the couch with a cute look on your face. you burn under his gaze. you give him a little wave and a sweet smile, biting your lip before you take another sip of your drink.
in no time at all, schlatt’s excused himself from the conversation, standing up and making a beeline for the bathroom. you feel his brooding energy as he passes by you on his way, and you swell with pride. that's your cue. waiting just enough time so its not completely obvious, you set your cup down and make your unsuspecting way down the hall.
you knock gently on the door, and in the blink of an eye, schlatt has reached out and yanked you inside. he’s pinned you to the wall, pressing himself up against you from behind. one hand presses into the wall beside your head, the other grips the back of your neck.
“you wanna explain yourself, pretty girl?” his breath is hot against the side of your face, voice gruff, but you know better. he’s needy, just like you.
“was jus’ lonely,” you coo. “‘nd you looked so handsome, couldn’t resist.”
“ohhh, baby wanted attention? wanted to be a little whore?” his tone is incredulous as he drags out the question.
“mm hmmm,” you hum, sticking your ass out behind you to brush against his crotch.
you gasp as he pulls at your hair hard, bringing your head back to fall on his shoulder.
“you’ve really dug yourself a hole, babydoll. i think i deserve an apology.” schlatt grumbles. he brings his free hand up to grip your jaw, pulling your face to the side to look him in the eye.
“‘m sorry,” you slur, lust overwhelming you. schlatt’s fingers trace across your pretty pink lips.
“sorry what?”
you blink at him innocently, tears on your lashes and hot breath on his fingers.
“i’m sorry, daddy.”
“awwh, baby is sowwy? wants daddy to forgive her, yeah?” he taunts you. you gulp, nodding your head. he twirls you around to face him, lowering you so you’re sat on your knees. you look up at him with your big doe eyes, and he smirks down at you.
“well babydolls gonna have to prove it, ‘nd take her punishment like a good girl.”
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demonslayedher · 4 months
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Things that went through my head while watching this episode: --"it's so nice to be able to get wrapped up in this and know about I'm about to get new content" was certainly something that went through my head by the end of the episode, but I was also reminded of how it felt a little too drawn out and over saccharine, and how the extra long length of this episode did not feel it served it fully well. I've come to be more forgiving of the excess happy fluff at the end of this season, and I will defend it as follows, but I still would have preferred they reign it in a little so we don't forget about how hard-won that battle was with how chipper and energetic everyone is.
--But you know what? They deserve it. They are functioning on the rush of relief, and it took a while for them all to gather down there on the grass. Like, it's kind of sweet that the people who first got to celebrate this victory with the Kamado siblings were a trio of swordsmiths who would have felt awful if Nezuko had to die on their accord. These weren't even swordsmiths whom Tanjiro hung out with much, but their lives were just as worthy.
--It was nice to see the group celebration expanded on a bit, but I think what got me feeling like it was overdone was seeing Mitsuri be overwhelmed with gratitude specifically on Nezuko's behalf too, since she was the one not to witness the peril Nezuko was in. I feel it was enough to have have Mitsuri be relieved on everyone's behalf, and to have her be shocked that Nezuko is there in sunlight, which is cute and funny. No need to quite rehash what Tanjiro has just momentously been through. And this is coming from some who really, really loves Mitsuri & Nezuko interaction. It would have been totally in-character to have left Mitsuri blissfully unaware of how awful Nezuko's experience was unless someone point-blank tells her that Nezuko almost didn't make it. Then the extra gratitude specifically for Nezuko would feel earned.
--And my gosh, Ufotable, you sure sold Nezuko's pain. I am still so impressed.
--I also initially did not like just how playful it is to have Nezuko and Tanjiro running away from Haganezuka, because it takes me out of how much peril they were just in. But hey, if there are two characters who are totally fine, it is Nezuko (the being the point that she is way more than fine) and Haganezuka (who will always have energy for enacting sword justice).
--But hey, besides that? Sure, it's pleasant to see them be so happily relieved. This isn't even "we defeated two Upper Moons" triumph, it's just "we're alive, Nezuko is in the sun, Muichiro remembers things, we're alive, we're alive, we're alive." Like, a littttle bit more "WHOA, THOSE WERE UPPER MOONS" like after defeating Gyutaro & Daki would have been nice.
--And like........ that whole final scene... it has its very cute points, just getting to see the swordsmiths interact more since this was their season to have some well-deserved spotlight, both for the work they do and as characters. But it played that "everyone loves Kamado Tanjiro (but he never takes the credit)" note a little too loud. Some things play more nicely with subtlety, but hey, Ufotable wanted to go out with a triumphant statement. I want to be forgiving of that, but... those villagers were busy trying to hurry out of that village. : / And I really hope that Genya, Muichiro, and Mitsuri got the same treatment, but I doubt anybody went collecting confetti each time.
--So anyway, setting those grievances aside!!
--MUZAN MONOLOGUE. Like, it was good, but it always give me flashbacks to Nomura Mansai's Muzan monologue in the Noh rendition, which was chilling. Still, this anime version was great, and I love me all those extra touches they expanded his Heian life with. Muzan isn't all that complicated of a villain. He was always spiteful human who wanted to take out his frustration by destroying other people. Then he got power, but spending half of his time on the brink of death for a thousand years is like being spit in the face. Sure, you're powerful, buddy, until somebody opens a window. And I like that Muzan is uncomplicated. It's his utter disregard for others that made him a villain in the first place, and he has never and will never change.
--And that is why one of my favorite Muzan moments ever is how he doesn't even both to pick his feet up or step around the two corpses on the floor as he exits the room. Other people really are nothing but furniture to him, and that little action--or lack of action, rather-- speaks so loudly about his character.
--Imagine how different the rest of the series would have been if Hantengu's head didn't spin in Nezuko's direction?
--Nezuko's victory over the sun deserves how much it got milked, because in the context of the series, she had in fact made the greatest achievement of any character in this series. Sure, Tanjiro has just killed Upper Moon Four, but it only took the Corp a little over a hundred years to accomplish killing an Upper Moon. Nezuko, within three years of being turned into a demon, has accomplished what Muzan has failed to do for over a thousand years. What's more, this is entirely through Nezuko's own power; there was no one who could have helped her accomplish this. Tamayo could only observe with wonder.
--Truly, Nezuko has "prioritized" this over, say, reattaining her sense of self. I see Nezuko's demon development as being a bit infantile. When she was first "born," so to speak, she was not aware of herself as an individual being, only that she hungered, and that she had just undergone some terrible loss, and that Tanjiro was all she had left. After a little sleep it got easily to process that Tanjiro was someone who she understood, and even as she started to gain some sense of self, it revolved around Tanjiro and his welfare. Listening to Urokodaki and Tanjiro as she slept, and perhaps seeing memories of her family as she dreamed probably put together something more basic, but she probably did not remember anything more than her family's faces and how deeply she cares about them. I think little by little as she started gaining more of an awareness of others as individuals and appreciating that there is more in the world she enjoys than just her brother's wellbeing, she probably gained more and more of an understanding of being someone named Nezuko and having a mission to fight demons with everyone else she has come to care about, and with, a high level of ability to understand language, but because she had the muzzle this whole time, she had no need to try to use words herself, so she didn't prioritize this either.
--I bring that all up just to say that she might have (without words) been thinking, "oh, I know what this is called. This is 'morning.' People are supposed to say something, what it is? Oh, right! Gu--gOoD mOrnNinG~"
--And then it's like, "OH, I CAN COMMUNICATE!!! THIS IS FUN!!!!! NEW POWER!!!"
--So proud of you, Nezuko
--I like that Ufotable stressed her daytime eyes still looking very inhuman. It stresses how something is still very off about her existence. Nobody is used to seeing a daytime demon. (I prefer her nighttime eyes, though.)
--But also that is such Kimetsu Logic to do a thing and then explain the thing without spoiling it. Thank you for your letter, Tamayo-san.
--Now, Tanjiro, though. You know that he's making it harder and harder to uphold Corp rules about what makes a Pillar. Haha, no, Tanjiro is no Pillar! He only cut the heads off those Twelve Moon demons because he had Pillars helping him! Haha, somehow he is still the same rank as Zenitsu and Inosuke after chopping the head off Upper Moon Four! (Zenitsu and Inosuke, what the fresh hell have you two been up to in order to match rank with Tanjiro???)
--But also, it is wicked cool how Tanjiro is just turns the Mark on now like a lightswitch, and that Ufotable switches up in the animation in a way that shows he's going at full throttle. (Meanwhile, our Marked Pillar friends looked just a little more blithe than their usual blithe selves.)
--I find it totally legit that he could suddenly use Thunder Breath, since Sun Breath is the source of all of them, so the concepts would be the same anyway.
--Those last hits Tanjiro gets in on Hantengu too, very cool. I love how many tries it takes to get that hit, too! Hantengu is full of surprises and I have come to appreciate him a lot more over the course of this rewatch. If I ever, say, get a skiddish hamster, maybe I'll name it Hante or something.
--Love the sound design on the mountain setting, especially when Muichiro calls out to Tanjiro from up on the cliff. That sounded SO GOOD in the theater.
--Also, just, a huge shout out to all of Ufotable's construction of settings. Really, really, wonderful.
--And the sounds on SUCH A REALISTIC PANIC ATTACK, and movements, right now to how Tanjiro's fingers shake. Man, way to stress me out. I sort of what to speed it all up to see how quick this all went down as Tanjiro was panicking, but the only parts that were really slowed down were watching Hantengu run. It was all so painfully slow and was all happening too fast. What an awful moment.
--and I can't wait for Tanjiro to reflect back on that when talking with Himejima
--This episode was Nezuko's biggest triumph, but at least for a few moments, it was also Tanjiro's biggest loss.
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justalonelybitch · 1 year
Love Me In The Night
Chaewon x F!Reader (Ft. Yunjin)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Alcohol Consumption, Suggestive Moments, Swearing, Pinning, Doubts, Mentions of Cheating
Word Count: 6.2k
Buy Me A Coffee :)
Part One Part Two
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Chaewon watched with a conflicted gaze as Yunjin pulled you into her lap, pressing an exaggerated smooch to the side of your head. She couldn’t help the way her heart ached painfully in her chest, shoulders sagged as she averted her gaze, tongue poking the inside of her cheek. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way, but as much as she tried to suppress them, her undeniable feelings for you weren’t something she could control. Her heart beats with a mind of its own, and it always thrashes wildly against her ribs at the mere sight of you. She wished things were different, that she wasn’t burdened by feelings that were impossible to express. She hated that she couldn’t be mad at you for being so annoyingly likeable, that while having feelings for you was so unbelievably painful it was also one of the things she cherished most in life.
She loved you with all her heart and there was no denying it. Chaewon wished it were as simple as that, but everyday she was faced with the tortuous reminder that you were strictly off limits. You weren’t hers to love, for you already had someone to adore you for your every charm. Guilt plagued her every second her feelings for you left her head spinning with euphoria just at the mere sound of your melodious laughter. She was ashamed by the way her chest tightened each time your eyes crinkled into crescents, a wide grin spread across your angelic features that she was certain had been handcrafted by the gods. No matter how hard Chaewon tried, she couldn’t ever seem to escape her overwhelming thoughts of you, even her dreams were no longer a safe haven. 
She had tried to move on, focusing all her attention and energy on being the best leader possible. But much to her dismay, it never seemed to work. Chaewon was always hopeful that she’d wake up one day without such a ridiculous fondness towards you. Though a part of her knew that as much as these feelings troubled her, she never really wanted to give them up. So even if she went out of her way to avoid you in hopes of forgetting the silly feelings that plagued her mind day and night, she always regretted it. You weren’t something she was willing to let go of, even if it hurt. You were worth loving, even if it meant receiving nothing in return. Oddly enough, Chaewon couldn’t bear the thought of what life would be like had she not fallen so hopelessly in love with you. 
The leader glanced back at you with a smile, choosing to focus on the way your nose was scrunched up, an adorable pout adorned your lips, rather than the way Yunjin’s arms were snaked tightly around your waist. Meeting her gaze, you sent the older girl a pleading look, slipping off the main vocalist's lap to crawl towards Chaewon. “Unnie, they’re being mean to me.” You whined, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at the others with narrowed eyes. The older girl shot you an amused grin, feigning an expression of sympathy as she tried to ignore the way butterflies swarmed to life in her stomach as your bare shoulder brushed against hers. Chaewon patted your head comfortingly, suppressing the urge to smile widely as you happily leaned into her touch.
“I think you’ve had enough,” Chaewon stopped you before you could guzzle down another drink, noticing the way your cheeks were already dusted pink. “You’re no fun,” you mumbled with huff, pouting as you longingly stared after the enticing glass of alcohol. Chuckling in amusement, Chaewon poked your puffed out cheek with a grin. “I’m mad at you now too,” you grumbled, looking off into the distance. Refusing to meet her gaze. “I’ll bring you medicine for your hangover,” she offered with a playful smile, barely suppressing a laugh as you glanced at her sceptically. “Fine, I forgive you.” You declared, dropping your head to her shoulder tiredly. “I’m sleepy,” you mumbled into Chaewon’s shoulder, eyes fighting to stay open.
“It’s getting pretty late,” Chaewon mumbled thoughtfully, glancing at the other girls who still seemed full of energy. “I’m gonna take Y/n to bed before she passes out on the floor. I trust you guys will sleep at a reasonable hour, we still have practice tomorrow.” The leader sent each of them a pointed glance, receiving nods of affirmation. “Eunchae, go to sleep now so you’re not too tired in the morning.” Chaewon ordered, pulling your arm over her shoulder as she rose to her feet with a grunt. Her arm wrapped securely around your waist as she guided you down the hall, giggling every time you stumbled over your own feet. Yunjin watched the two of you disappear down the hall pensively, lip sucked between her teeth in thought and her forehead creased in a frown.
Chaewon breathed out a sigh of relief as she gently laid you down on your bed, trying not to smile as you blindly reached for her hand. “Unnie, will you sing for me?” You pleaded, patting the space beside you as you tugged her down to your bed. Shaking her head in amusement, Chaewon let you lace your fingers together, giving in and laying by your side. “What song?” She questioned, failing to slow the speed in which her heart raced. “Doesn’t matter, your voice is just pretty.” You mumbled, eyes fluttering closed as you laid your head on her chest. With flushed cheeks, she began to quietly hum, afraid that you may hear her heartbeat. Smiling in content, you gave her hand a gentle squeeze of encouragement. As much as Chaewon tried, ignoring the way your soft breath tickled the skin of her neck was impossible, sending a shiver down her spine.
For the first time since she’d met you, she allowed herself to relax, briefly giving into temptation. She brought a hand up to comb through your hair, enjoying the way you snuggled further into the crook of her neck, nose softly nudging against her skin. Chaewon looped her free arm around your waist carefully, fearful you may pull away at any moment. But you didn’t, instead you shifted your body impossibly closer to hers, hands balling into fists as you curled your fingers into the fabric of her sweater. For a moment, Chaewon let herself believe that maybe you loved her too, an undeniably wide grin spreading across her face. Butterflies swarmed to life in her stomach as you rose your head to glance at her, your eyes swirling with admiration as the slow tune came to an end.
“Thank you.” You murmured with a sincere smile, eyes gleaming appreciatively as you gazed at her. Chaewon’s eyes widened comically as you leaned down to press a lingering kiss to her cheek, heat rushing to her face. An overjoyed grin bloomed on her face, buzzing with happiness as you stared at her with a proud smile. Her mind was foggy as you dropped your head back to her chest, the feeling of your soft pink lips being the only remaining thought on her mind. “Unnie, will you stay?” You questioned into the darkness, your voice being the thing capable of breaking her from her racing thoughts. “Of course,” she whispered without a second thought. There wasn’t a thing she wouldn’t do for you, whether she got anything in return or not. She simply loved you too much to care.
You awoke to cold sheets and the faint scent of Chaewon’s perfume lingering on your pillow. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes with a sigh, you squint your eyes to adjust to the light. Distant shouts could be hurt coming from the living room, a reminder that although it was incredibly early, your schedule demanded you be in the practice room in an hour. Raking a hand through your matted hair, you trudged down the halls, yawning as you reached the chaos. Raising your arms above your head to stretch, a surprised yelp left your lips as two strong arms snaked around your torso. “Good morning,” Yunjin mumbled, pulling you into her chest and perching her head on your shoulder. “I’d hardly call it that,” you joked, smiling tiredly and leaning into her touch.
“Did you sleep well?” She questioned, your gaze flickering to Chaewon before you answered. The leader stared at you blankly, whipping her head around the second you caught her gaze. “Yeah,” you muttered distractedly, brows pinched in confusion as you stared after the older girl. “Everything alright?” Yunjin asked as you brushed her off you, beginning to approach Chaewon. Humming as you traipsed towards your leader, leaving the main vocalist to shrug and wander off to the couch, choosing not to dwell on it. Just as you reached Chaewon, she abruptly rose from her seat, eyes on her phone as she darted past you. She briefly glanced up, catching your gaze, her eyes were dull, forehead creased in a frown. You watched helplessly as she disappeared around the corner, pursuing your lips as you pondered her sullen expression over breakfast.
Staring at Chaewon throw her head back in amusement as a melodious laugh bubbled from her lips brought an unconscious smile to your lips. Sakura stood beside her with a proud grin, arms dangling loosely by her sides. You were glad to see the leader’s tense shoulders relaxing as they shook with laughter, features no longer infected by a deep frown. You padded towards them as their chuckles began to die down, a hopeful smile adorning your lips. “Chaewon unnie,” you mumbled, an awkward cough leaving her lips as she turned to you. She managed to let out an uninterested hum in response, body stiffening on the spot as she avoided your gaze. Sakura raised her brows in mild amusement, shooting Chaewon a questioning look before shifting away from the two of you in an attempt to escape the tension.
Anxiously fiddling with your fingers at the abrupt mood change, you sucked your bottom lips between your teeth. “What is it?” Chaewon asked, internally wincing out her harsh tone. Staring up at her with wide eyes, you blinked rapidly in surprise, flinching at her unusually cold voice. “Uh.. nevermind,” you mumbled, shrinking under her expectant stare. Chaewon rolled her eyes in irritation, your brows furrowing in confusion. “Look, I’m really busy right now, so if you don’t have anything to say..” She trailed off, raising an expectant brow as you parted your lips to speak only for no words to come out. “I’m gonna practice then,” she huffed in irritation, turning away from you. “Right, sorry,” you apologised, not even receiving a glance of acknowledgement as you shuffled away in defeat, shoulder sagged.
The harsh tone of her voice replayed in your head as you dragged your feet along the recently polished floors. An unusual feeling of discomfort blossomed in your chest as you glanced over your shoulder, Chaewon’s expression troubled. You couldn’t understand how moments before you’d approached her she’d looked so happy and careless, but the second you spoke her shoulders tensed. Gnawing on the inside of your cheek, you turned away from her with a frown, wondering what you’d done to upset the leader you admired so much. Your breath caught in your throat as you thought back to the previous night, gaps in your memory making it hard to put the pieces together. That had to be it, you had to have done something idiot that pissed her off during your drunken state.
Chaewon watched you walk away in the reflection of the mirror with a conflicted gaze, trying to ignore the way her heart ached painfully in her chest as your shoulders sagged in defeat. Nibbling on her soft lips regretfully, features guilt stricken as you plopped down on the couch with a deep frown, eyes downcast on the floor. As much as it hurt her to do so, acting this way was what she had convinced herself was for the best. Chaewon couldn’t risk her feelings for you growing more that they already had, she had begun to feel the control she once had when it came to you slipping through her fingers. Last night was a mistake, she had grown too comfortable and had come to regret how close she’d let herself become with you. There were more feelings than just her own at stake, and she wasn’t willing to inflict pain upon her fellow members just because she had fallen hopelessly in love with your unsuspecting self. 
A timid knock on her door shook Chaewon from her thoughts, rising to her feet as she carelessly swung it wide open. She found herself blinking owlishly as the object of her affection greeted her with a weak smile. Staring blankly at you in hopes of wiping away the bright grin that threatened to break out on her face, Chaewon’s eyes unconsciously travelled over your figure. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of your exposed skin, you wore a tight long sleeved cropped top, paired with questionably short shorts that left little to imagination. Clearing her throat, her eyes found yours once more, cheeks dusted with a faint blush. Untrusting of her voice, she merely raised her brows inquisitively, fearful that she may embarrass herself in front of you.
“Umm,” you uttered pathetically, anxiously tugging at the sleeves of your shirt. The silence only made you more unsure of all this. Chaewon crossed her arms over her chest impatiently, leaning against the doorframe as you gathered the courage to speak. As much as she longed to reach out and grasp your hands in her own, assuring you that everything was okay and that you could take all the time in the world and she would wait, she knew she couldn’t. Sighing, she gazed at you with eyes that swirled with something unfamiliar to you, something you easily mistook as frustration. “It's just that- umm, did I do something wrong?” You questioned, voice becoming more quiet with each word that escaped your lips.
“What?” Chaewon muttered in confusion, tone coming out far harsher than she’d meant for it to. “Well, I thought that you were upset and I wanted to cheer you up. But then you ignored me, so I want to know what I did so I can make up for it.” You explained with a bashful grin, Chaewon’s face dimming at your thoughtfulness. She’d spent the entire day brushing you off, and yet you were the one who wanted to apologise. “Oh,” was all Chaewon managed to stutter out, unfortunately for you, her body language did not match her thoughts, making it incredibly hard to read her. Your thoughts raced, the silence making you worried about the magnitude of your actions. “I don’t remember what I did last night, but I’m sorry if I upset you while I was drunk. Please let me make it up to you,” you pleaded, mumbling a sincere apology as you anxiously awaited her answer. 
“I’m really not in the mood for this,” Chaewon muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose in exhaustion. She ignored the way her heart longed to say the exact opposite, watching as your face fell. “Oh,” you murmured, gaze downcast to the floor as tears suddenly blurred your vision. “Okay, I’m sorry for bothering you,” you mumbled, ducking your head in an attempt to hide your glassy eyes. Turning away as you began to sniffle, walking away and missing the look of heartache that crossed Chaewon’s face as she watched you go. Shutting the door carefully even when she wanted nothing more than to slam it in frustration, Chaewon buried her head in her hands. She thought things would be easier this way, but seeing the way your eyes shone with unshed tears sprung a whole new level of pain onto her. Hurting you was by far the worst decision she’d ever made.
Sitting between Yunjin’s legs with your back comfortably pressed to her chest, you aimlessly scrolled through your phone. Her hands skimmed across your bare skin, tracing nonsensical patterns above the waistband of your pants. The faintest of smiles tugged at your lips when one of Chaewon’s selfies popped up in your feed, an unusual feeling blossoming in your chest. Glancing over your shoulder, Yunjin gently scraped her nails along your stomach to get your attention. “What is it?” You questioned, discarding your phone as you tilted your head to face her. “Is there something going on between you and Chaewon?” Yunjin inquired, gnawing on the inside of her cheek as your expression morphed into one of shock.
“What do you mean?” You questioned incredulously, Yunjin raising her brows at the defensive tone of your voice. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been spending a lot of time together lately, specifically in your bed.” Your eyes widened comically at her statement, head shaking rapidly as you tried to explain. “It’s not like that,” you denied, your heart thought otherwise. She shot you a questioning glance, your evident distress giving away what even you didn’t know. “Why does it matter anyway? I thought we agreed to be friends for now,” you mumbled, avoiding her gaze. Ever since your argument, the two of you had been taking things incredibly slow in order to assure that you were both ready to enter a relationship again.
“There’s nothing to worry about anyway, she won’t even talk to me these days, let alone get into my bed.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest as your forehead creased in a deep frown. “As your friend..” Yunjin began, the word leaving a bitter taste on her tongue. “I’m asking if some part of you may have feelings for Chaewon unnie?” She asked, squeezing your hips gently as you squirmed uncomfortably in her hold. “I don’t know,” you groaned in confusion, gaze conflicted as you met the older girl’s eyes. “Would you be mad if I did?” You asked hesitantly, bottom lips anxiously sucked between your teeth nervously. Humming thoughtfully, Yunjin gazed at you with furrowed brows. “I wouldn’t be mad at you, but maybe a little jealous.” She pondered your question thoughtfully, scratching the top of her head.
“You’re not exactly mine at the moment though, so I wouldn’t feel betrayed if you wanted to explore things with Chaewon..” Yunjin trailed off, chuckling in amusement as you blinked owlishly at her. “Really?” You asked incredulously, earning an affirmative hum in response. “I’m the one who messed this up in the first place, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to explore other options.” She mumbled regretfully, gesturing between the two of you as she spoke. You found yourself frowning at her choice of words, reaching down to lace your fingers together. “If I do..choose to pursue whatever this is, I hope you know that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” You mumbled, eyes swirling with sincerity. “I know, it just means that I have to try harder to win you over!” Yunjin grinned proudly, pressing a peck to your unsuspecting lips.
Shaking your head in amusement, you leant back against her chest, heat flushing to your cheeks. “You’re such an idiot,” you exclaimed with an undeniably wide grin. “This is stupid, Chaewon unnie doesn’t even like me like that. If anything, she hates me!” You grumbled in annoyance, staring up at the blank ceiling. “You’ll regret it if you don’t try,” Yunjin declared, a groan leaving your parted lips. “Why are you so encouraging? Shouldn’t you be against this?” You questioned in disbelief, feeling her fingertips begin to graze over your torso. “It’s better to figure things like this now, otherwise it’ll only trouble you in the future.” Yunjin mumbled, burying her face in the crook of your neck. 
“I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life wondering what could’ve been,” she spoke, lips barely  brushing against your skin. “When did you get so smart?” You questioned, yelping as Yunjin sunk her teeth into your neck in offence, a playful smile adorning her lips. “You’re mean,” she muttered, pressing a kiss to the sensitive reddening skin. “You like it,” you grinned smugly, eyes glinting with mischief. Huffing, she bit your neck once more in warning, earning a squeak as you squirmed in her arms. “Stop,” you mumbled shyly, her tongue swiping across your skin to soothe the sting. “You really want me to?” She asked teasingly, smirking against your neck. She snickered when not a single word made it past your lips, eyes swirling with amusement.
Did you have feelings for Chaewon? The thought replayed in your head like a broken record. You knew you had a fondness greater than others for the leader, but you couldn’t figure out whether that was just admiration or adoration. A grin made its way onto your face as the image or her cute smile invaded your mind, heart thrashing wildly in your chest. Remembering the many nights you’d spent snuggled up to her side, her comforting hold, how safe you felt in her arms. How she would use any excuse to snake her arms around you, but you never complained, always moving impossibly closer to her. Fiddling with her fingers as you thought of the way your hands fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces. The way your chest tightened painfully each time her cold gaze met yours, heart aching as she continued to ignore you. Realizing you had feelings for Chaewon hurt more when you came to terms with the fact she may not feel the same. How she’d spent the past few days doing anything in her power to be as far away from you as physically possible.
It was late the following evening when you found yourself curled up on the couch in boredom, humming a tune into the silence. Your eyes unconsciously travelled to the opposite side of the couch where Chaewon rested comfortably, gaze set on her phone as she typed away. Much to your surprise, she hadn’t rushed out of the room the second you arrived like she had every other time this week. Instead she remained in her spot, ignoring the feeling of your eyes boring into the side of her head. “Chaewon unnie,” you called out to the older girl, hoping that this time would be different and she didn’t really hate you. That it was all just some stupid insecurity your mind had created to inflict pain upon you. Humming uninterestedly, the leader didn’t bother to glance up from her device, knowing she would cave upon meeting your eyes.
Chaewon huffed in annoyance when you didn’t continue, eyes filling with faux irritation as she snapped her head up. “What-” She began to question harshly, words dying on the tip of her tongue as you stared at her with glassy eyes. Her eyes were blown wide as she gazed at you uneasily, lips parting in shock. “Do you hate me?” You asked weakly, sniffling in embarrassment as you tried to stop the tears from flowing. Chaewon was stuck in her place, chest tightening as her heart begged her to disagree, to do anything that would prove it was in fact the opposite. No words made it past her parted lips, eyes unblinking as she stared at you, momentarily forgetting how to breathe. Her legs felt numb, unwilling to move at her command so she could hold you in your arms until you never questioned her love for you again.
Inhaling sharply, you blinked back the tears that threatened to fall, heaving a sigh as you rose to your feet. “I understand, I’ll stop bothering you now.” You mumbled, leaving Chaewon wondering what exactly it was you understood. She watched helplessly as you trudged towards your room, gaze downcast and shoulders sagged. She wished her legs would lift her from the couch, she wanted nothing more than to run after you. The moment you turned away from her, tears began to endlessly cascade down your cheeks. You didn’t want to give in to your insecurities and believe that she really did hate you, but that made things painfully clear. The sound of your heartbeat throbbing in your ears blocked out the hurried footfall that followed you.
A body abruptly collided with yours, slim arms cautiously snaking around your torso. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Chaewon stuttered out, tears streaming down her face. She knew she had no right to cry, but ignoring you had done more damage to both of you than she’d initially thought it would. You stood stiffly in her hold, kept firmly in place by her arms that were locked at your waist. “I don’t hate you, Y/n. I could never hate you, I’m so fucking sorry for making you think that.” Chaewon mumbled against the back of your neck, squeezing you so tightly it hurt, but she was afraid you would leave. “Why did you do it?” You croaked, sniffling as you pushed her arms off you. Turning to face her, you were met with a fearful stare, her eyes swirling with regret.
Minutes ticked by and Chaewon was still trying to find the will to tell you the truth. Sighing in disappointment, you stepped into your room, moving to shut the door. The older girl finally jumped into action, wedging herself between the gap. “I was scared,” she confessed, standing before you as she anxiously fiddled with her fingers. “Hell, I’m still scared.” She muttered, meeting your conflicted gaze with glassy eyes. “What are you so scared of?” You asked tiredly, still not entirely convinced she didn’t despise you. “That I would lose you because of something stupid. So I thought it would be easier to distance myself before I did something I’d regret.” She admitted, but you were still confused, her words giving you no clarity. 
“I still don’t understand,” you muttered, slumping as you took a seat on the edge of your bed. “It- It’s just complicated. I think it’s best if you don’t know,” Chaewon mumbled, your head snapping up as you shook your head firmly in disagreement. “That’s not fair. You can’t just ignore me for days and then leave me in the dark.” You complained, shooting up from the bed, sadness morphing into anger within seconds as she continued to dodge your questions. “Just tell me why,” you pleaded, fed up with the constant uncertainty you were left with around Chaewon. “Because I’m so in love with you it hurts,” she breathed out a heavy sigh, slapping her hand over her mouth the second the words rolled off her tongue. You blinked owlishly at the girl before you, lips parting in shock as you stared at her with wide eyes.
“Shit,” Chaewon spoke into the palm of her hand, voice coming out muffled. “You..what?” You questioned in disbelief, reflecting her look of panic with one of your own. “Ugh, nothing. Just forget I ever said anything,” she rushed out, spinning on her heel in an attempt to escape your now suffocating room. “Wait!” You yelled, grasping her wrist before she could make it further. She kept her gaze firmly on the floor, refusing to meet your eyes in fear. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked softly, not wanting to startle her. “Because it’s irrelevant, you don’t feel the same and you’re already happy with Yunjin.” Chaewon explained, still avoiding your now gentle gaze. “I wish you would’ve talked to me..” You trailed off, surprising the older girl by looping your arms around her neck and pulling her into a hug.
“Why aren’t you mad at me?” She mumbled, hesitantly snaking her hands around your waist, small hands balling into fists as she clutched the fabric of your hoodie. “Your feelings aren’t something you can control, nor should you be ashamed of them.” Your words brought tears to her eyes, she didn’t know how badly she needed to hear them, especially from you. “Chaewon unnie, I have to tell you something,” you mumbled, pulling away to look down at the floor, a guilty expression plastered on your face. “Did I make you uncomfortable? I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore.” Chaewon rambled out at a rapid speed, your eyes widening as you waved your hands around frantically in dismissal.
“No, it’s the opposite.” You rushed out, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly. “The opposite..?” Chaewon questioned, head tilting to the side in confusion, brows furrowed. “I like you,” you mumbled, sucking your lip between your teeth anxiously. “You like me? So we’re still friends?” She asked hopefully, eyes shining expectantly. “No- That’s not what I meant,” you frowned, trying to find the right words to convince her of your feelings. “Oh, well I should probably go then..” Chaewon uttered, voice small as she spoke, afraid it may break. “God, that’s not what I meant either. I don’t know how to explain it,” you whined, clutching onto her sleeve to keep her from leaving. “I think I love you, the same way you love me.” You clarified, staring down at your feet, afraid to meet her gaze.
“..huh?” Chaewon murmured, a blush dusting her cheeks as she stared up at you with a smile. “Really? Why?” She questioned, bringing her hand up to cup your cheek, your eyes finally locking with her joy filled ones. “How could I not?” You respond with a question of your own, gnawing on the inside of your cheek as your gaze flickered to her lips. “You’re an amazing leader and we all look up to you, you’re sweet and beautiful. There are so many reasons why, if anything it’s hard not to love you.” You confessed, the corners of her lips rising with each word that rolled off your tongue. Chaewon glanced up at you with teary eyes, lips quivering as she sniffled. “You really mean it?” She asked, fearful that this was all a dream and she’d wake up in a nightmare. 
“Every word,” you assured, face edging dangerously closer to hers. “I don’t believe you,” she whispered doubtfully, eyes fluttering shut as your nose gently nudged against hers. “Then let me prove it,” you mumbled confidently, her smile widening as your lips barely brushed against hers. The grin was wiped from her angelic features mere moments later as she jerked back, expression pained as she frowned deeply. “We can’t,” she uttered regretfully, features guilt stricken. “Why not?” You questioned, reaching out to grasp her hands, but she brushed you away swiftly. “You’re not mine to love,” Chaewon sniffled, wiping the stray tear that rolled down her cheek when faced with the truth. “What do you mean-” You muttered in confusion. “Yunjin.” Chaewon stated simply, the ghost of a weak smile crossing her face.
“It’s not what you think,” you muttered, gaze pleading as you clung to her arm. “Just stop, Y/n.” She whispered tiredly, exhaustion present on her face. “Please,” you begged, refusing to let her leave like this. “Let me explain,” you pleaded, the older girl sighing as she shook her head. “There’s no need,” she dismissed, pushing you away as she made her way to the door. “You really think I’d cheat?!” You shouted incredulously, forehead creased in a frown. “I don’t know anymore, Y/n.” She mumbled, your heart aching in your chest at the lack of faith she had in you. “Yunjin was the one who told me to confess!” You informed her, Chaewon spinning on her heel as she looked at you in disbelief. 
“What?” She asked incredulously, brows pinched in confusion. “I don’t get it either, but she kept pushing me to act on my feelings. Especially since Yunjin and I are technically just friends.” You rambled, the older girl staring at you as if you’d gone insane. “You and Yunjin are only friends?” She questioned, suddenly feeling her heart begin to thrash wildly against her chest. “Something like that, but we’re trying to work things out.” You explained carefully, wanting to be as clear as possible. “I still don’t understand why you’re telling me all this,” Chaewon muttered, head beginning to ache as she tried to keep up. “Because I love you!” You exclaimed, running a hand through your hair.
“But you love Yunjin too?” She asked, staring at you expectantly. “Ugh, yes. But-” “And she’s okay with you and I..?” Chaewon cut you off, eyes swirling with a dangerous curiosity as she stepped closer to you. “Yes-” Your eyes widened as Chaewon’s sudden lips crashed into yours with a searing passion, eagerly backing you up against the wall with a thud, all the air leaving your lungs. Your eyes fluttered shut as her lips moved against yours, her hands desperately clutching your hoodie to keep herself grounded. Your hands flew to her neck, where you hungrily pulled her impossibly closer. Chaewon’s tongue darted out to swipe across your lips, greedy for more as she kissed you passionately. Your lips parted as she deepened the kiss, her hands travelling to your hips, grip so firm it was bound to leave marks, but you couldn’t find it in you to care.
Reluctantly pulling away to catch her breath, she gazed at you with half lidded eyes that swirled with desire. “You’re not mad that I love two people,” you mumbled, fearful that you may drive her away. “Not if I’m one of them,” she shook her head breathlessly, gaze darting to your neck. “Did she leave those?” Chaewon gritted out, eyes darkening as she stared down at the faint marks that littered your neck. A blush rose to your cheeks as you nodded timidly, her jaw clenching in vexation, possessively tightening her grip on you. Her lips were hungrily pressed to yours in yet another bruising kiss, body pushed up against yours in desperation. She pulled back slightly before leaving lingering kisses along your jaw, then letting them travel to your neck as she left marks of her own in her wake. Chaewon’s teeth scraped along your collarbone, tongue swiping over the same place mere seconds later.
She had waited so long for this, and now that you were finally somewhat hers to claim, she couldn’t stop herself. Chaewon didn’t care about the sound of light footfall that inched closer to your door, for she was too enraptured by you. She didn’t dare pull away when the door swung open, not bothering to look up as you gasped and it then clicked shut. “It seems like you two are having fun,” Yunjin teased, Chaewon's teeth sinking into your neck at the sound of the girl who held the other half of your heart in the palm of her hand. You yelped in surprise, but made no move to push the older girl away as you locked eyes with Yunjin over her shoulder. “Y/n, come here.” Yunjin ordered, your body acting on instinct as you shot a now pouting Chaewon an apologetic smile.
Yunjin smirked as you approached, spinning you around and pulling you in for a back hug. She stared at Chaewon smugly, pressing a kiss to the reddening mark that the leader had just left on your neck. The eldest narrowed her eyes in a glare, huffing as she crossed her arms over her chest, unimpressed by the display. “Did you tell her about what we talked about last night?” Yunjin questioned, perching her head on your shoulder. You nodded, looking at Chaewon with a smile and flushed cheeks. The leader reflected your smile with one of her own, craving to hold you in her arms once more. “And about what we did last night?” She grinned playfully, chuckling as Chaewon’s nostrils flared in anger. “Stop it, Yunjin,” you sent the main vocalist a warning glare.
“What do you want?” Chaewon huffed, fed up by the teasing. She just wanted you back in her arms, she also didn’t want to stare at you in the hold of someone else. Yunjin ushered Chaewon closer with a come hither motion, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. “I was just thinking about how we’re going to have to share Y/n now,” the blonde muttered thoughtfully, speaking as if you weren’t currently trapped in her arms. Chaewon raised an expectant brow, startled as Yunjin reached out to tug her forwards, the eldest resorting to clutching your arms to steady herself. You looked at Yunjin in confusion, now pressed between the two of them. “I realized that we don’t have to fight..” the main vocalist trailed off with a suggestive smile. “Not when we can come to a more desirable solution,” Yunjin mumbled, kissing your unsuspecting lips and sending Chaewon a challenging smirk. The eldest took the opportunity to return her lips to your neck with an understanding smirk of her own adoring her lips, trapping you between the two of them.
This was bound to be trouble, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. Not when you were trapped between Chaewon and Yunjin, two of the most desirable people you’d had the pleasure of laying your eyes upon.
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weixuldo · 8 months
Enigma// ch 24 pt 2
anakin x reader
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A/N: HELLO MY LOVES!! i am so so sooo sorry for my long ass break- school has been insane; im taking 19 credit hours and have three labs on dif days 😭/ last week my grandpa died and then my car broke down… so it’s been a time. anyways!! im back now for the time being!! i hope you all have been doing well and are excited for the stories to progress!! thank you all for the support and for being so patient w me :)) i love u all
Unexpected guests, a tedious day… how will anakin react?
warnings: cursing, ani is a disabled veteran, ptsd
There was a knock on the door and Anakin begrudgingly hoisted himself up to go see who it was. 
He opened the door and was met with Ben, Satine, Ash, and their other friend Rex. 
“Surprise!” they said in unison.
You felt a wave of anxiety- you knew Anakin wasn’t fond of surprises (look how he reacted to your pregnancy!) But you also understood the gesture everyone wanted to make. 
“Happy Birthday Skyguy!” Ahsoka exclaimed once Anakin stepped aside to allow them inside. 
“It was Ahsoka’s idea by the way” Ben said to Anakin as he patted him on the shoulder.
“Look, you wouldn’t have let us celebrate if we asked- and if we planned something you wouldn’t come. So this was the only choice!” Ahsoka defended in a mock-sad voice. 
Anakin seemed perplexed- almost frustrated, so you were ready to be on damage control once he finally responded. 
“Thanks guys, I really appreciate it”
“Not what I was expecting, but I'll take it!” Ash exclaimed. 
“Wow Anakin, that's some real character development” Rex joked as he placed the chocolate cake on the counter. 
“Yea” Anakin blushed. 
“y/n” Ben greeted, “how are you doing my dear? Is the baby doing well?”.
“Hey Ben! We’re both doing just fine, except that this little one has decided that around midnight is the best time to start kicking” you joked (it really was a pain though; you weren’t getting good sleep at all). 
“And is Skyguy tending to your needs kindly?” Ahsoka added with an arched brow. 
“Yes, Ani has been so sweet; making me weird combinations to satisfy my cravings” you laughed, rubbing his back. 
“Of course,” he said back, eyes full of sincerity. 
“Damn, y/n. He must really like you because he hates cooking. When we bunked together, I had to bribe him to make me a PB & J” Rex added with a boisterous laugh. 
“I never said I didn’t like to cook, maybe I just didn’t like to cook when it was for you” Anakin quipped back. 
“Look at you Sky guy! Being a good boyfriend and all '' Ahsoka joked. 
You and Anakin hadn’t really talked about what the relationship officially was since the fight; it just never really came up. But hearing him being referred to as your boyfriend again made your heart skip a beat. 
“Is this everyone?” you asked Ben as Ahsoka and Rex continued joking with anakin.
“Yes, we didn’t want to overwhelm him, plus the last time we did a surprise thing with a bunch of our friends, he wasn’t thrilled” Ben chuckled. 
You, Ben, and Satine stayed on the side line and observed the other’s banter. You couldn’t help the soft smile that found its way onto your face as you watched his eyes crinkled when he laughed. 
Satine noticed your adoring gaze and nudged Ben’s shoulder; she nodded her head towards you and the pair smiled. 
Ben gave his Fiance a look and she nodded. 
“You really do care for him, don't you?” 
Ben’s voice grabbed your attention from Anakin.
Of course you did, but you didn't want to sound childish and too forgiving to Satine and Ben. 
“Yea” you tilted your head to the side and sighed, “I do. I know he has his flaws but so do I”.
The pair listened intently, “I know some may see me as too forgiving, but I believe Anakin is a good man. A man deserving of love; love that I want to give him.”
“Maybe some of my optimism is the baby, but I wholeheartedly believe that we would still be as happy as how we were before, if I never got pregnant”. You explained, placing a gentle hand over your stomach. 
“Do you think that’s naive of me?” you asked worriedly.
Ben scratched his beard in contemplation and Satine shook her head. 
“I do not think you are naive for having hope in the person you love.” her smooth voice assured you. 
“I have known Anakin for many years and rarely have I witnessed him care for another as he does for you.” Ben added.
“Of course, he loved Padme at a time, but even when they were in the prime of their relationship, he never really actively bettered himself. They would get into little spats over repetitive things that Anakin promised he would fix, but his resolutions never really stuck.”
“Though…” Satine interjected, “I do see a change in his nature since you’ve been with him”. 
In that moment you locked eyes with Anakin across the room and he winked at you; no matter how long you’d been together, he never failed to make you blush. 
You turned back around and smiled to the couple, “Thank you, that really means the world”. 
“Alright, everyone! We’re gonna light the candles!” Ahsoka shouted with a jovial tone. 
Everyone headed towards the kitchen and gathered around the counter; Anakin was already standing by the cake (which looked quite scrumptious), so you walked up beside him and gave him a small side hug. 
“Hey princess” he smiled as he leaned in to kiss your forehead.
Everyone was still chatting amongst themselves and Ahsoka was looking for the lighter she unfortunately misplaced, so no one noticed Anakin wrap around a gloved hand to lightly squeeze your ass. Your eyes widened and you pinched his side lightly, making him let out a small laugh. 
“Found it!” Ahsoka exclaimed, excitedly holding her beat up lighter. 
“You coulda, just asked me for mine, y’know?” Rex offered.
“Why didn’t you offer it when I was ripping my bag apart?” Ahsoka sighed, fakely annoyed.
Everyone laughed before Ahsoka opened the cake box and lit the lighter. 
“Alright, Skyguy! This is your moment, better wish for something good“.
“Don’t worry Snipps, I’ve got it ready” he joked, pointing to his head. 
“Alrighty” she said with a sing-songy voice before lighting the candles.
Rex started the “happy birthday” song and everyone joined in to celebrate the man in the middle. 
Anakin blushed ever so slightly before giving his cunning smirk and gently blowing out the candles in single blow. 
Everyone cheered and Ben handed him a knife to make the first slice. Anakin’s hand slowly gripped around the hilt of the knife before he brought it down into the soft top layer of icing. After the pieces were distributed, everyone found somewhere to sit and began conversing with whoever was close by.
Anakin sat in his normal spot on his sofa and you invited yourself to the seat beside him after he nodded you over. 
You sighed as you sat on the plush couch; the weight of the baby was really getting to you so it felt nice to be off of your feet for a moment. Anakin set his plate down onto the end table to his left, then promptly draped his stiff arm over your shoulders to draw you closer. 
“Hi” you smiled, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
“Hi” he smiled back, leaning in to gently kiss you. 
The two of you sat quietly for a moment just observing the others.
“What did you wish for?” you eventually said.
Anakin sighed and began to speak, “Well, I-”
You gently (but quickly) placed your hand over his mouth, making him confused.
“Shh, shh It was a test!” you giggled. “Don’t ya know that if you tell your wishes, they won’t come true” you smiled.
He rolled his blue eyes with a smile and playfully obliged, “alright, if you say so. But it better come true, now that you said that” he winked.
“I’m sure it will, the birthday wish is a sacred tradition” you joked as you batted your lashes at him. 
“Of course it is,” he playfully responded. 
The party continued until Rex realized he had to be at work in 5 hours; Anakin thanked everyone and they all left with wide smiles. THankfully there wasn’t much of a mess, so all you had to do was put the leftover cake in the fridge. 
Once everything was taken care of, you took a seat on the couch next to Anakin once again. You leaned into his chest and ran your fingers through his sandy locks. 
“I didn’t think you would be this thrilled by a surprise” you said after a few moments of silence.. 
He grabbed his soda and drank some before speaking, “Well with all that’s going on- who’s to say I’ll get another one of these?”.
His grim reminder made your stomach drop. The macabre threat of Anakin’s eventual death always hung over your head, but the joyous events and lifted spirits of the evening must have kicked it to the back burner for a moment. 
You bit your lip and leaned over to embrace him. 
The two of you sat there for a while until you felt droplets landing on your shoulder. You pulled away to see Anakin’s blue eyes filled with a sea of sorrow. 
“Oh, Ani…” you sighed, pulling him into your chest.
“I’m scared, y/n”.
You had nothing to say because you were just as scared; so instead you held him as tightly as you could. 
a/n: RAHH sorry again for being gone for so long 😭😭 but i hope this chapter still is as enticing as the others!!
taglist : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil @sythe-skywalker
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Yves seeing Yan Bro like a son and friend, how wholesome, on its own twisted way, the only 'child' he would not only stand but even enjoy the company and Bro being understood, I'm leaving for it
Best friend I feel will also be a 'good' relationship too
(granted I imagine Yves would prefer Bro because he CAN be in a relationship with his darling)
Tw: AFAB reader/ fem reader, violence
Original part
It's a slow day at the milk tea shop. You're grateful for that because you're working alone, you wouldn't want to get caught in a rush hour.
"My baby!" Your ears perked up at the sound of your older brother squealing. You tensed up and went to guard the staff door, he has a habit of entering places where he should not.
Your older brother excitedly waved at you through the kiosk window. You shook your head and told him to stay there, do not enter through the back door.
It either seems like he's deaf or ignoring. But regardless, before he could move an inch further, a manicured hand shot out to grab your brother by the forearm. He winced at how tight the grip was and from the pain of those almond-shaped nails digging into his flesh.
You heard those familiar heels clack against the ground. Soon, your boyfriend emerged into view with a nasty glare directed towards your brother.
"You shouldn't enter places that aren't meant for you." Scolded Yves.
Your brother muttered an apology and hung his head low. The long-haired male sternly stared at him for a few seconds before letting him go. You wonder how strong his hold on your brother was because he was hissing in pain as he cradled the site of injury.
He turned to you and smiled. "Hello, my dear. I hope you had a wonderful day so far." Yves adjusted the handles of his handbag on his shoulder.
You beamed and greeted them back. You asked them what brings them here.
"I just- we just wanted to visit our most favorite girl in the world!" Your brother tried hopping over the counter to give you a kiss- you instinctively brought your hands up to shield yourself and took a few steps back, but Yves grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him away.
"Manners." Spat your boyfriend. Your brother sighed and composed himself. "Do not embarrass us."
Your brother cowered and whimpered like a kicked puppy, apologizing to his idol and to his beloved little sister.
Yves frowned. "You will have to forgive him, (name). He has been extremely agitated since this morning."
Yves turned to face you with a sympathetic look. "He misses you. And so do I."
You told them you could go on break right now since there aren't any other customers. This earned an excited shrill from your animated brother, it caused a few heads to turn. Yves shot him a dour lour in response.
You took your apron off and hung it on a hook, you then left through the side exit, taking a deep breath and fully expecting to be glomped by your gyrating brother.
"Oh, my darling, come here!" You saw him making a mad dash towards you. You closed your eyes and braced yourself. Except the impact never came, you did hear him choke, though.
You opened your eyes to see that Yves was covering his face out of shame as he restrained your brother by the collar. Your brother whined and complained, trying to pry Yves off him so he could love on you.
"Control yourself. Do not overwhelm her." Reprimanded Yves. Silence draped over the three of you like a blanket as he slowly lets go of the fabric, leaving wrinkles in your brother's once-ironed shirt.
Your brother looked at you and then at Yves. To which, your boyfriend gave him an expectant tilt of the head while narrowing his eyes.
"R-right." Your brother coughed into his hand. He then opened his arms wide and gave you the most inviting smile.
You saw this as an invitation to hug, so you went forward and snuggled right into his chest. He lets out a gleeful laugh as he rocks you side to side, ruffling your hair and showering you with multiple kisses on your head.
You wonder if Yves trained him to do that, this is what Yves would normally do, allowing you to choose if you want to be in the hug or not.
You thought that it was enough for him, so you tried pushing your brother away to greet Yves similarly. But your brother held on tightly, making you uncomfortable.
You and your brother turned heads to Yves. He's crossing his arms while shooting the other man a disapproving look. He received the message and let you go.
You immediately went to give your boyfriend an embrace. He is too tall to be standing straight, so he had to crouch down to your level. His hold is not suffocatingly unbearable nor is it too loose. It was just right.
He held you by the chin and pressed a soft kiss onto your lips. You smiled and returned it while Yves stroked your hair with his slender fingers.
Yves lets you go at an appropriate time, it was perfect because it didn't leave you yearning nor did it leave you relieved.
But what you didn't see, was Yves telling your brother with his eyes to "Pay attention."
They lead you to the seats in front of the shop. Yves sat next to your brother while you sat directly opposite to both of them.
"How are you, dear?" Yves asked calmly.
You were about to speak but were interrupted by your brother.
"Is there anyone bothering you? Do you want more customers? Are you bored? I could call my coworkers over to buy a couple of drinks. Are you hungry? Yves and I got you something to eat, we got you--"
"How are you, (name)?" Yves cuts in, side-eyeing your brother. He gets the message and shuts up.
You told them that you're fine. Your brother opened his mouth to say something but suddenly jolted before sealing his lips again. If you were to look under the table, Yves is driving his sharp stiletto heel into his leather shoe. The two men know that it's probably bruising your older brother's foot.
The quietness prompted you to say something more, detailing what went on. From your annoyance regarding the opening sign not being aligned, to meeting a customer with a very interesting sense of fashion. This astonished your brother. You never willingly revealed that much information about your day to him.
Yves donned a soft smile as he listened on, nodding at appropriate times, occasionally glancing at your brother from the corner of his eyes.
Your brother is staring a bit too much without blinking at you. He isn't visibly confirming that he is mentally present in this conversation. If this goes on, you would inevitably be spooked. Yves had to rectify it.
What a coincidence, a customer came by and waited at the counter. You told the two men you will be right back.
Once you're out of earshot, Yves continued glowering at your brother.
Your brother was upset that your time with them was cut short by this pesky stranger, but upon further inspection, this is one of Yves's hired help. As the customer crossed her fingers behind her back, a sign that Yves told him to look out for earlier.
He whipped his head to your boyfriend, if he had to do something like this to take your attention away elsewhere, that means your brother did something wrong. He sighed, he's going to get lectured again.
Yves pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. It's like all his instructions went in one ear and out of the other.
"I know, I know. I just... love her so much. It's really hard for me not to just..." Your brother mumbled incoherently.
Yves stood up and sat in front of him, so that he could examine his body language better.
There really aren't any words that Yves could say to make a meaningful change in your brother. All he could do is lead by example.
"Stand up." Commanded Yves. Your boyfriend did the same and queued behind the customer. Hie emerald eyes were constantly trained on your face and skin.
"(Name) is mildly dehydrated. How would you approach this?" He asked, your brother knew Yves isn't looking for a verbal answer. But he wants to see what he would do.
You gave her the drink, she thanked you and left.
Yves gestured to your brother to take her place, to order a drink for himself.
"What was your favourite again, baby? Was it..." He listed all the beverages that you drank more than once.
You told your brother he should get what he likes. Which made him pout.
"Aww. I like whatever you like. Plus, you're dehydrated and I'm getting this for you too. You haven't been drinking enough water, have you? I told you that you should set an hourly reminder on your phone!"
You rolled your eyes at his incessant nagging. Yet, he kept going.
Yves watched with a blank face, but deep down, he is horrified at your brother's lack of tact. He has seen it before through cameras, but never in person. It's so much worse witnessing it in real life.
If he doesn't step in soon, you would snap at your brother and put a huge damper on his mood.
"-and dad never took good care of you--"
"Are you finished?" Yves asked when your brother is obviously in the middle of ranting. His face went pale, realizing that he derailed from his original goal.
He shrunk away and let Yves take the spotlight.
You sighed in relief when a much calmer presence replaced your brother's.
Yves skimmed through the menu.
"You must have had to memorize how to prepare all of these." Yves appeared impressed as he scanned through all forty different drinks.
You chuckled and scratched the back of your head, you told him that you do have to refer to the recipe book from time to time. Yves still praised you for working hard.
"What would you recommend, dear?" He brought his head back up and looked you in the eyes.
You thought about what Yves likes. Definitely nothing too artificial or sweet, something healthy and refreshing you think he would appreciate.
So you pointed at a fruit smoothie. It has almost all the fruits blended in it, you promoted it by telling him that it is full of essential vitamins and electrolytes.
"That sounds lovely. I would like to try it, please." You nodded, Yves paid for it. He said he would pay for your brother's order as well, whatever that may be.
Once the receipt is printed out, you go straight to work.
He turned around to see your brother watching you like a hawk. Yves shook his head disappointingly, he then walked to him and grabbed your brother by the forearm. Leading him away from your sight.
"Why did you do that?" Asked your brother with a tone that suggested he wasn't at all happy.
"Would you appreciate it if I watched your every move?" Replied Yves.
"No, but..." he struggled to find the right words. "You do! You're watching me and (name)." Your brother countered.
"Have I ever revealed myself doing so?" He snipped back.
No. Not openly. Yves would only give him painfully clear insinuations that he is stalking you and him, but it's just speculation and it's never proven. In your eyes, Yves is a normal person who is just more attentive than the average man. You suspected nothing from Yves.
Yves pointed in a direction. Your brother turned his head and caught a glimpse of you working hard.
"She can't see you from this angle. Stay here until (name) calls you."
The two men watched you blend their drinks in secret.
Finally, you poured them into their respective cups and called out for your brother and Yves.
They emerged from their hiding spot and collected their drinks. You took off your apron to join them at the tables.
As expected, your brother tried to make you drink his beverage. You refused, most likely due to his pushiness that puts you off. No matter how hard he tries to bring the straw to your lips, you would move away and push the cup back to your brother.
Yves was in agony over how bad your brother is at his job.
"(name)." Yves once again stole the limelight. He unwrapped the straw and poked into the drink. He then sipped on it.
"This is delicious. Thank you for making this." You smiled at the compliment.
"As you were saying about the fascinating demeanor of someone you served earlier today?" He propped his head up by an elbow.
You went back to becoming a chatterbox as your two favourite men listened on. Finally, your brother learned to mirror his senior's movement to create a more natural environment for you.
You talk, on and on and on. Each time when your brother tried to say something, he dug his heels deeper into his shoe to shut him up.
"I see, that's quite the personality." Yves commented. Which prompted you to tell him about another customer you found eccentric.
While you're occupied with yapping, Yves gently pushes his fruit smoothie towards you. And to your brother's bafflement, you subconsciously picked it up and began drinking it as you speak.
It made sense. You would get parched after rambling for so long, you wouldn't realize what you're putting in your mouth. It's as if your body is acting without the influence of your brain.
You went on and on, not paying attention to how empty the cup is becoming. Your brother gawked at how Yves managed to hydrate you without a hitch, without even explicitly telling you to drink.
There was a subtle cocky smirk on his face that can only be identified by your brother's keen eye.
Yves used his eyes to gesture to your brother to give his method a try.
And so, he did. He didn't say a word as he passed his untouched drink to you.
You absentmindedly took it and began drinking from it too, leaving Yves's empty cup alone. Your boyfriend retrieved the plastic and pretended to drink from it. His two large hands conceal the fact you finished everything, because you might snap out of this trance once you realize what you had done.
You would have felt guilty and stopped talking, he wouldn't want that.
Your brother may be lovesick, but not stupid. He quickly caught onto Yves's logic.
But sometimes, his mouth works faster than his brain. While you're in mid-sentence, he blurted out:
"Have you gone to the toilet today? You know it's not good to hold your pee in, you could get kidney stones!"
Yves froze and so did you. The spell has been broken and you were brought back to earth. You felt your cheeks heat up at your brother's embarrassing comment and the fact that you drank out of both cups.
You mumbled your apologies for finishing Yves's drink, excusing yourself to make a new one for him. Your brother tried to stop you while Yves sat still, it would have only made you feel worse if they were to restrain you.
You disappeared into the kiosk again.
Your brother let his shoulder sag. But he made a wrong move by turning to the side to face Yves.
As he struck the back of his hand across your brother's face, the sharp slap was muffled by the sounds of the blender.
Your brother rubbed the sore spot on his cheek and looked downwards.
"What is wrong with you? She's not a child anymore, did you know how humiliating that was to her?" Snapped Yves. He was angry, he was fuming that your idiotic sibling had to ruin a good thing today.
"I'm sorry, I- it's a habit of mine." He mumbled.
"Well, you better break it." Yves snarled. "You keep sabotaging yourself. If you can't get something as simple as... all this, straightened out, then, my teachings will be futile. You will not retain anything I demonstrated." He berated your brother.
He muttered an apology again, avoiding Yves's harsh gaze.
Your boyfriend lets out a breath of annoyance, he pulled out a hair brush and fixed his silky, dark hair.
The two of them sat in silence until you came out with two new cups. Yves and your brother were all smiles and affection towards you as usual, pretending that your boyfriend didn't backhand your brother a few minutes earlier.
Yves gladly accepted the new drink, but he stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder.
"(name), I enjoyed our little chat today. But your brother and I have somewhere to be. You didn't have to go through the trouble of making new ones for us. But I appreciate the consideration, my love." Yves brushed stray strands of your hair away from your face.
Your brother looked at him puzzled. Why is he cutting the meeting short? He didn't want to leave you alone! He didn't dare to say anything though, as Yves's sharp stiletto heel is still threatening to pierce his shoe.
You smiled and bid them goodbye. Yves kissed you on the forehead and gestured for your brother to kiss you farewell too.
Yves jabbed his ribs when he saw your brother hogging you too much, by being too touchy and kissing you too much.
Your boyfriend led your brother away by the forearm. He waved as they walked past your workplace.
Once out of sight, Yves dropped his smile and scowled at your brother. "You missed it."
"Missed what?" Your brother eyed the hand that is chaining him to Yves, looks like your boyfriend knows your brother too much. If he were to let go within a certain radius, he would inevitably run back to you.
"We overstayed our welcome." Yves sighed, handing his drink to the younger man to hold. Now your brother is in charge of two tasty beverages, it's, unfortunately, freezing his fingers.
"How can you tell?" This question earned a look of disbelief, followed by a look of irritation from Yves.
"Were you not paying attention to what I taught you over the year? Is that thing up here," Yves poked his head. "...merely for decor?"
"Instead of calling me stupid, why don't you tell me what I fucking missed?" Your brother felt his blood boil, sometimes Yves can be an impossible teacher and he didn't like being belittled like this.
"Everything! You are unbelievable!" Yves finally lets go of him. He let out a frustrated sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. As much as Yves wants to get rid of your brother at this very moment for being so stupid and blind, he couldn't. You love him and Yves worked so hard to build a rapport with him. But it's so hard not to just throw it all away.
He has to remind himself that he was young and inexperienced before, it's only fair for Yves to be patient and kind since that is the most effective way to teach someone. But it is hard because it relates to you. He couldn't easily accept mistakes or errors when it comes to caring for the love of his life.
The two men walked in tense silence. Your brother looked elsewhere to distract himself from the injustice of it all while Yves buried his head in his hand, trying to quell the throbbing headache the moron next to him caused.
"Please... be more mindful next time." Yves broke the quietness.
Your brother only grunted in response.
Despite it all, neither man would give up on the other. They would still work together to give you the happiest life possible.
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ladyvelvette · 1 month
What if.. Vox forgets our anniversary, reader tries to give him hints. Vox gets very angry and abandons Reader. Then he remembers, He tries looking for reader and take her back. Reader declines vox And leaves, Vox Gets a mental breakdown. The rest is yours to write.
(I need angst please.)
TITLE: Forgotten.
Sypnosis: Vox forgot your guy's anniversary and you two get into an argument.
HELLO! This one took way too long to write because I wanted to test a more....mature writing style. I also had a lot of school stuff going on! There's little to no talking it this one because I can't be asked 😭.. SORRY!! I PROMISE ILL WORK HARDER ON THE NEXT ONE. this was typed on mobile btw, so no fancy decora.
In the vibrant tapestry of Hell, where souls sought redemption or fame amidst the chaos, Vox and you found yourselves entangled in a tumultuous dance of love and loss.
As the anniversary approached, anticipation tingled in your veins, each passing moment a silent reminder of the significance of the day. Hints were dropped like delicate petals, each one a whisper of longing, yet Vox, consumed by his own ambitions, remained blind to your silent pleas.
Frustration simmered beneath your surface, patience stretched thin as Vox's obliviousness persisted.
In a moment of heated confrontation, words were exchanged, wounds inflicted that would not easily heal.
"Vox! How could you forget our anniversary!?"
"OH! Calm it, (Name), it's no big deal. If anything, nothing important 's today anyways."
Vox's pride, wounded by your rebuke, erupted into a tempest of anger, and in a rash decision, he turned his back on you, his metallic heart shielded by a facade of indifference, Vox simply stormed out of the room in a fit of rage.
Yet, as time went on and the echoes of your argument faded, Vox's memory stirred, a belated realization dawning upon him like a bolt of lightning in the darkness. With determination born of regret, he set out to find you, intent on making amends and reclaiming what he had foolishly cast aside.
But fate, cruel in its irony, had other plans. Despite Vox's heartfelt pleas and promises of change, you, wounded and emotional, couldn't find it within yourself to forgive the man you once loved with your entire being, the man you would sell your soul to, the man you would do anything for.
With a heavy heart, you declined Vox's advances, choosing instead to turn away, leaving him to grapple with the consequences of his actions, ones that Vox had caused himself. You thought to yourself, "(Name)...He deserves it", yet you couldn't shake the feeling of guilt away.
Alone in the aftermath of your departure, Vox's facade crumbled, revealing the vulnerability he had long sought to conceal. With a primal scream of anguish, he unleashed the full force of his power, a torrent of energy cascading through the depths of Hell.
As the realm was plunged into darkness, Vox was left to confront the wreckage of his own making, the echoes of his regret reverberating through the void. And amidst the chaos he had unleashed, he was forced to reckon with the price of forgetting the one thing that truly mattered.
However, Luck was on the TV demon's side, months later, you couldn't take the overwhelming guilt of leaving the overlord, often missing your lavish lifestyle! That guilt and lack of luxury made you come running back to Vox. As soon as you came back, Vox used his hypnosis powers to keep you in place. He'd never be alone again.....
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 8 months
Since I'm a very "the curtains are blue for a reason" kinda person, I want to talk about potential symbolism in the couches of Ai Nan Desu Yo and I Love You! Does that sound weird? Maybe it is, but I think it's kinda fun!
CW Suicide, unhealthy relationships
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What first caught my eye is that the couch is (mostly) symmetrical, split right down the middle. Well, the pillows are symmetrical, not the... blanket? Yeah, blanket. Because it's symmetrical, it could be seen as a representation of Mahiru's relationship, with each side representing one of the lovers. Notice how it's yellow-orange, which can represent happiness and warmth, which fits.
[Ai Nan Desu Yo] Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, then let's just overheat together
What I then noticed is that the blanket thing is mostly on the left side (I'm using camera view for this post), which could be interpreted as meaning the partner on the left puts more effort into the relationship, 'gives more warmth'. Meaning the partner on the left would be Mahiru, who is implied to be showing way more affection than the boyfriend to the point of being overwhelming. For example, just looking at the size of the pieces of cake they give each other in I Love You.
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(Mahiru left, boyfriend right)
And this idea of 'Mahiru to the left, boyfriend to the right' is corroborated because that's how they're shown sitting in I Love You.
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... Well, the couch is slightly different. It's more detailed, possibly because I Love You gives a more realistic look at the complexities of their relationship (?), but it does seem like it's a reference, especially since the green pillows are still there.
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Although the green pillows are tattered when we see them in the Purple Background Dimension (<- why is this series so hard to talk about). Could this imply they're actually a representation of the lovers? It feels like this makes sense. Pillows are often filled with feathers, which are an important aspect of these two's symbolism (they're both in the bird cage -> they're both birbs). And it also fits with the "calling" scene, sort of.
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[Ai Nan Desu Yo] Ring ring, I'm calling you in the middle of the night Forcing you to wake up, and I say "Good Morning!" But I fall asleep before you, I really feel bad you know? We can both feel lonely sometimes, but wonder if you'll get angry soon I'm going to start relying on you if you're kind to me, so please forgive me, thanks!
We see her call her boyfriend while somewhat-tightly hugging the pillow which apparently represents him, and the lyrics imply she's calling at an inconvenient time. Mahiru has a lot of imagery of smothering and suffocating, as her love is too overwhelming for her boyfriend, which vaguely fits the first two images. In this case, she wants to talk to him at all times, which he likely doesn't appreciate, he gets angry with her being overbearing, they do what seems to be one of the "breakup rituals" mentioned in a later line. Still, she longingly holds onto the pillow, before breaking down when it's no longer in her hands. They always come back to each other, because they've probably become dangerously codependent (I think? <- My aromantic ass does not understand romantic relationships)
Does that sorta work? Maybe.
Then there's the scene where Mahiru jumps into the right side of the couch, possibly a representation of invading boundaries (again, overwhelming affection), and sends a bunch of feathers flying. The feathers are in the middle, because again, both the lovers are birds. And this makes sense, since Mahiru's love in a way was also hurting her by making her love someone who could not meet her emotional needs.
[I Love You] My love, it scored an own goal, destroyed my love and me with its weight
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(Also, I swear I remember Mahiru hugging a pillow here, but no, she grabs air. Mandela effect, ig)
The final thing to note is that Mahiru is sleeping on the right side of the couch before her boyfriend's suicide in Ai Nan Desu Yo, but she goes to sleep on the left after the suicide in I Love You.
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The former again possibly implying Mahiru's unwillingness to separate from her boyfriend, and her tendency to invade his boundaries, is part of what caused him to commit suicide. Meanwhile, the latter makes sense, as Mahiru is alone and thus has to stick to her side of the couch.
(I'm frankly not sure how this would work with the shinju theory, but to be fair Ai Nan Desu Yo's ending as a whole doesn't work perfectly with that theory anyways)
Uh... so it sorta works? If that's the case, we can look at the stuff around the couch to establish some further potential symbolism.
For one, the diamond pattern in the carpet. Diamonds in general represent love and all the aspects of healthy relationships, which doesn't seem like it should make sense until you realize most of Ai Nan shows an idealized version of the relationship, and the carpet isn't present in the more realistic I Love You. Though I have to disclaim I'm talking about diamond the gemstone, because the shape itself (lozenge) represents "a sown field and female fertility" which I don't think is exactly applicable. Mahiru and her boyfriend aren't farmers.
(As far as we know)
The phone could have really been on either side since it just represents communication, so it's probably on the right for the sake of the "calling" scene.
The potted plant on the left is something which needs taking care of to survive, which may represents Mahiru's unfulfilled desire for attention and matching love from her partner.
[Ai Nan Desu Yo] This is a claim of responsibility From the two of us with matching love
The lamp is odd because I can't tell where it's meant to be pointing, but thankfully it makes sense with all three possibilities. Since it's on the right, it may represent how much attention Mahiru is giving her boyfriend. But it seems pointed to the left, so it could represent Mahiru's desire for her boyfriend to pay attention to her. Or maybe it's pointing at the middle, because the video is focusing on the relationship. The beauty of symbolism is that, if something looks a bit odd, you can just make shit up as long as it doesn't contradict any of your other claims!
Anyways, am I onto something or am I going completely insane? Good question! But I wanted to share this so. Take care!
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