#the fall/the great war spec
okay wait so im having a bit of a crisis over how crowley fell. my man says "i only asked questions" in one breath, and then "i just hung around the wrong people". then about the fall itself, "i just sort of... sauntered... vaguely downwards'", but then "did a million-light-year, freestyle dive in to pool of burning sulphur!"
so which is it, crowley? my buddy my pal? which shitshow actually happened here?
well, only one of these remarks was in front of aziraphale. funnily enough, the one about it being a leisurely stroll into hell like he owned the place. the others, the wrong friends, the asking questions and the horrific crash landing into dis or wherever was alone, only to the camera.
has crowley been trying to protect aziraphale from knowing not only was the fall incredibly painful and frightening, but that also protecting aziraphale from the knowledge that even though aziraphale warned him not to, he went and asked questions anyway? that in essence, aziraphale failed to save crowley?
alternatively, are all answers wrong, and crowley is either lying, or doesn't remember why/how he fell? did he even technically fall at all (reawakening theory that crowley fell for a reason -- see reason: god's ineffable plan -- and she wiped his memory of it)? crowley still has wings, and presumably the other demons don't - is this why he does?
edit bc important: "I play an ineffable game of my own devising..." 👀
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mattzerella-sticks · 7 months
"You can live a normal life. Fall in love."
I think this scant piece of ranting says a LOT about how Bruce sees Batman. It's not just a duty. It's a curse. Your blessings are also your damnations. Bruce thinks that you cannot fall in love while you are a vigilante (despite COUNTLESS EVIDENCE THAT DISPROVES THIS - Dick and Babs, Clark and Lois, Ollie and Dinah, etc.)
But Bruce has a very myopic viewpoint that leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. He hasn't had success in romance as Batman. It's Batman's fault. He can't give up Batman. Ergo, he cannot 'find love' in the nuclear family, heteronormative sense because of Batman.
Let's look at the three 'greatest loves' of Batman's life according to his and Ghostmaker's trip into his psyche.
Selina Kyle. Talia al Ghul. Poison Ivy.
I'll work backwards. Ivy is a placeholder because she was never really his. She never loved him, and his love for her was chemically induced. But he has her there, why? Maybe to say that it doesn't work out because she chose someone else.
Talia. The mother of his child who is also the Demon's Head. It would never work because of his strict code against killing and her ambivalence towards it. Ironically, they have the healthiest relationship imo that probably was born from necessary co-parenting. While they don't care for what the other does, they respect and care for each other and have deep history. He thinks if he can't make it work with the mother of his kid, who can he make it work with?
Selina Kyle. Probably the closest (at this point in canon) Bruce has ever come to having a relationship that works. But every time it looks like it'll be a sure hit, something gums up the works. Most of the time, it's each other as there are key aspects of their identity that neither are willing to compromise for. And usually, when there is a compromise, it's usually on Selina's part whereas Bruce can continue being Batman. That puts a huge power imbalance in the relationship. It doesn't work out because Selina will always be drawn back to crime, and Batman will have to stop her. Bruce supposes that's what you get for falling for a criminal.
In all three, Bruce creates logical reasons why Batman is incapable of having a relationship and uses that to justify why he cannot have romance in his life. Why having this duty is a curse. Why he is showing love by getting his kids 'out' of the life, through whatever means necessary.
However, with Selina taking a chunk out of crime through a grey method, she is pulling at a foundational aspect of his personality - I'd argue the safety net Bruce created for himself when he was that boy in the alley - and, in turn, making the Batman/Zur persona go nuts. Zur sees her methods not a way to help Gotham but as an attack on him since, if this can save Gotham what is the point of Batman? What was the point of Bruce's vow? What was it all for?
Zur is giving Bruce a reason to keep going, to keep putting on the mask, so he doesn't have to confront what's under the mask when there's no crime to fight. To deal with his personal life and relationships and mhi that need to be dealt with.
And Selina and the Batfamily are right, this shouldn't have turned into a war. They shouldn't be fighting. This is an unforseen side effect of them fulfilling Bruce's wish which is to make Gotham safe when, in reality, maybe thats not what Batman wants because what safe Gotham would need Batman?
Almost like when in Infinite Crisis, Superman of earth one asks his earth two counterpart: "if your earth was perfect, why did it need a superman?"
A safe Gotham doesn't need a Batman and, after all the stress and trauma Bruce has suffered since he put on that cowl, he is not ready to hang it up. It is his burden and his joy. As much as he grouses about the crime and how much work it is to keep Gotham 'clean' he hates sitting on his hands with nothing to do.
Ironically, Batman of Zur En Arrh reminds me of what happened to Robin in Teen Titans Go! in 'Uncle Jokes' when Starfire started acting like Cyborg and Beast Boy, breaking the natural order of how he saw the world and making him go cuckoo. The same thing is happening to Bruce.
He needs to realize that he can still be Batman but he can also not be in control. That Bruce is the one stopping him from finding 'love' in a traditional sense, not Batman. That he has love and a family and he does not need to keep pushing everyone away because he thinks it's better for them and he knows best.
Batman is Gotham's greatest hero, Bruce Wayne's love, but he's also Bruce's greatest rogue. Duality.
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literary-illuminati · 2 months
2024 Book Review #12 – What Moves The Dead by T. Kingfisher
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I initially meant to read this back last year when it was up for a Hugo nomination, but well – honestly I forgot my copy in an airport waiting room and it’s presumably now living a good life somewhere in a New Jersey compose heap. But a friend had a copy and said they enjoyed it, so! Stole it for a few days, and very glad I did. It’s a quick, fun shot fungal gothic, great for stormy nights.
The basic plot is, well, it’s very explicitly Fall of the House of Usher with a slight admixture of Ruritanian Romance. The Ushers are a genteely impoverished family of minor aristocracy in Ruravia, a less than impressive principality in Eastern Europe. Alex Easton, Roderick Usher’s former commanding officer in some recent war (the Gallacian Army they served in having a habit of getting into these quite habitually) receives a letter from Roderick’s sister Madeline begging company and help, as she is deathly ill. Of course by the time Easton arrives the pair of them look like they’re one stiff wind away from dying, and the estate and the lands around it are both decaying and full of unnerving strangeness. The only person who seems happy to be there is Eugenia Potter, an Englishwoman and amateur mycologist studying the great variety of mushrooms and fungus to be found in the area.
So yes this is very much aiming to be Gothic Classic, at least in aesthetics and trappings. An overgrown and decaying estate several times too large for the last remnants of the family who now occupy it. Genteel madness and disease, hidden behind polite euphemisms and high walls. A deep, atavistic horror at parasitism and the desecration of the human (especially the well-bred, young and female) body by an alien presence. There’s even a cowboy for some reason. It definitely all works for me, but then my exposure to the genre is all a bit second hand.
Speaking of parasitism – mushrooms! The book expresses decay and desecration basically entirely through the idiom of fungal infections, both in terms of metaphor and imagery in descriptions and just in the actual source of the horror here. The lights in the tarn are fungal blooms, Madeline’s disease and her reanimation are both the result of almost drowning and inhaling that fungus into her lungs, and so on. There are two really effective horror beats in the book for me – the image of an infected hare which had just had its head shot off slowly jerking back to its feet as a dozen others placidly stood there and watched it be shot, and the moment of realization that Madeline’s oddly long and wispy body hair is in fact mycelia growing out of her skin – and both play off of this pretty directly.
I very awkwardly didn’t use any pronouns for Easton when giving the plot synopsis because the book actually plays around a bit with gender and pronouns in a way I’ve always loved and wish I saw more of. Easton is Gallacian (unrelated to the actually existing Galicia, I think), and the Gallacian language has a variety of pronoun sets beyond just he and she – one for children, one for God, and one (ka/kan) particularly for soldiers. Which, due to the exigencies of early modern warefare’s manpower requirements, eventually led to both men and women being perfectly eligible to become ‘sworn soldiers’. So y’know, Enlist today! Service guarantees citizen-transition!
(But actually I enjoy the thought and at least superficial sociological plausibility/consideration of what gender means in Gallacian society a lot more than how a lot of modern spec fic just kind of assues that every culture in the world has the perspective on gender of a well-educated 21st century progressive, material conditions be damned).
Anyway yeah, overall very entertaining read. Though Goodreads tells me it’s now the first in the series, which given how cleanly this one ended is not something that fills me with an abundance of faith.
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catindabag · 4 months
In your opinion what would be snows gay or bi awakening lol
In the books, I think Coryo is too depressed (he is) and too stressed (he is) and too mentally unstable (he is) to really think about love (the sincere kind of love), friendships, and bi/gay awakenings.
He does feel things like pain, sadness, anxiety, and desire. However, his childhood war traumas (the horrific 2 year Capitol siege by the rebels that almost starved everyone to death), hunger (physical and psychological), and early losses in life (the death of his parents and other financial problems) were great factors that shaped him to be as cold as his name.
We also have to understand that he was raised in the Capitol. He was raised in a place that was ruthless and merciless to those who don’t have money, power, or status. If you don’t belong or have no relations/connections with one of the “Old Guards” like the Ravinstills, Heavensbees, or Creeds, then you’re a “loser nobody” who has no place or future in the Capitol.
Propaganda was also everywhere (and I mean everywhere). Sympathizing with the rebels who almost starved and eradicated your people to death is a great no no. This also applies to those who secretly aided and supported the rebels.
Don’t forget, the punishment was so severe as well. Either you die a horrible death or you get turned into an Avox. Die or suffer. Those are your only options if you get caught helping a rebel or even know someone who aligned themselves with rebel sympathizers.
So I understand that Snow had to be selfish AF and put great importance to his and his family’s self-preservation and ambitions no matter the cause, reason, or outcome. And because most people in the Capitol will also choose to put themselves first before others. Heck. Being ruthless and selfish are a form of mercy to one’s tragic self if you live in a country like Panem.
Is it wrong to think like that? To most readers who value goodness and love, yes. However, for those who survived a horrific war, no, not really. And for those who are constantly starving or suffering, no. Sometimes hunger will drive anyone (and I mean anyone) to madness. Even the best of us will be tempted to commit such grave sins in order to survive and live a comfortable life.
In addition, we can’t deny that Snow was living in a cruel society where one mistake will cause you and your whole family’s life and reputation. So a poor Coryo had to pretend that everything was splendid and his life was perfect (like most of his rich classmates) because the House of Snow must not fall. It must always land on top.
Moreover, I believe that pretending and performing are one of Coryo’s strongest coping mechanisms when facing the harshness of reality. In a way, you could say that Snow would rather live and accept his crazy delusions than face the consequences of his actions. If not, he might’ve ended up being sent to the gallows or being turned into an Avox.
Even in the books, when Snow was sent back to the Capitol to meet with Dr. Gaul, there was a part of him that screamed and believed that he and his family would be severely punished. He was even in the verge of accepting his “Avox fate” for the mistakes he made while serving as a Peacekeeper in D12.
So is Coriolanus Snow capable of sincerely loving someone above himself? His childhood war traumas, mental instabilities, ambitions, self-preservation, and depression say NO.
Was Snow in love with Lucy Gray? His lonely life and delusional mind say yes, but he’s too afraid of love and just wants power after experiencing one horrible breakup. So no.
Let’s just say that love is the death of power/ambitions/glory and Snow chose the latter in order to survive and thrive.
Was Sejanus Plinth in love with Snow? Yes. Definitely. I won’t question it.
Did Coryo have feelings for Sejanus? I believe that a tiny part of his cold heart will say yes, but his confused AF mind and “rebel allergies” say no.
But these are just my thoughts and opinions anyway. Lol. I specialize in writing and editing crack!AUs. Not angst.
But I do read a lot of psychological & mental health books, Greek tragedies, historical literature, and crime stories.
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prince-toffee · 9 days
So, I rewatched the trailer over and over again, I stepped back, organised my thoughts, and I think I get it.
So first the Bad, then the GOOD, because there's actually a lot to like here.
The Bad:
So, the trend of companies kicking actual voice actors onto the curb and replacing them with celebrities continues. I remember being really angry when they first announced the voice cast, and I still am. It's quite literally the most boring, generic casting possible. You can not get much more white bread, milk toast than a Chris and Scar - I want to play an Asian woman and trans man - jo. Also, why is Chris Hemsworth here? Do he really need the money? Did Thor 4 damage his pockets that bad? There are so many talented voice actors that could've been Orion, David Kaye is a prime example Animated Optimus and Beats Wars/Unicron Trilogy Megatron, beloved by fans, if he was announced people would've been over joyed. I love Brian Tyree Henry, and he actually has some experience with va work as he voiced Jeff Morales in Spider-Verse, my original criticism still stands.... And Kegan, oh Kegan, I love you so much, Key and Peele was my childhood, and the Toad performance was perfectly fine, endearing even. But as Bee? I'm sorry, but no, that's not BumbleBee that's just actor/comedian Kegan Michael Key, I can't hear anything else. And it doesn't help that he's handed the worst lines.
Which brings us to the comedy. First impressions are EVERYTHING. And if you fumble that that hurts your film, and the perception of your film. I think that's really the problem here, it's a bad trailer not necessarily bad content. Packing the trailer with jokes for the sake of jokes and having that samey Hollywood liscensed music cringey feel to it. Like the guitar riff that played when the 'This Fall' card came up just made me turn off the video immediately. That's why I recommend watching the trailer without sound. Bee's jokes don't really land for me, I'm sure kids with love it tho, and that's good. But I'm sure all the jokes won't be bad, the final door gag is actually really funny. So I think it was just a bad joke that soured out feel of the tone at the beginning, which is unfortunate because like I said first impressions are everything. Because this is Josh Cooly, of Up, Inside Out, Toy Story 4 fame, I'm sure the film will have an emotional core to it.
A minor thing I don't much care for is having Bee be in the same age range as Orion, in my mind he's always constructed during the war at like the half way mark or near the end, he's the little brother of the group, and now he's old enough to remember Op and Megs before the war. Also he sounds way too old.
Oh, also I don't like Orion's personality.
Now for the good; I think the animations style is gorgeous. Would have I liked something Spider-Verse/Mutant Mayhem-esk, of course, but what are you gonna do? The stand out here is the environments, a visual feast. This might already be my favourite Cybertron, it's so different yet reminisant of the Cybertron we know. The fact that the surface transformers and shifts and changes is genius, very IDW Phase 2 inspired. And the fact that Cybertron is a techno-organic hybrid world ala Beast Machines is crazy! I love that, and wildlife! I bet that's how we get the cassettes. The character models are great too, you can actually tell what emotion is happening on a person's face. Gone are the days of faces being made up of razor blades and mandibles BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT INSECTS FUCK YOU MICHAEL BAY. THEY'RE PEOPLE! There's the nose, the lips, the eyes, and I can tell where one begins and ends. The eyes are gorgeous and detailed, and the face surface detail has smuges, wear, specs of dirt, metallic texture. Like, you nailed it! It's a person but a robot, you got it!
We see what we assume are the 13 Primes, Alpha Trion being the only survivor, maybe they were killed by the Quintessons and they took over. D-16, a ref to IDW and his toys designation in the toy catalogue, he'll obviously name himself after Megatronus ala TF Prime. He seems to have the Decepticon insignia before meeting The Fallen so maybe Megatronus' face is some sort of religious iconography, the Primes are a religion on Cybertron after all. It's all so fascinating, I can't remember the last time I was so excited to learn more about a new TF continuity.
Orion and D-16 are both miners and or workers, that's a refreshing take, no coptimus here. They've suffered the same way together, I bet story will be about dealing with that pain, what justice means, how far one is willing to take it and where justice stops and injustice begins. I know people are mad that the origins are a little different, but I ask you, different from what? Which continuity are you talking about? TF has never had a consistent singular timeline, and that's what I love about this franchise! It builds on itself with each new continuity! Take a bit of the old, mix it with new ideas and create something fresh, then that old guard leaves and a new team takes over and does the same and the franchise continues to evolve or should I say transform. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get, and new incarnations always give second chances to improve apon what came before. No Reboots, no risks means no Skybite, or Nemesis Prime, no Stasis Pods, Sparks, Protoforms, Energon ore, no Star Saber, Hot Shot, Knock Out, Airachnid, no All Spark, no Sari, no Bulkhead, no old grumpy Ratchet, none of that. Reboots are a part of this franchise's DNA. I sense the people that are complaining are the people who only value one continuity and discard all others.
It's really neat this universe's version of The Cast System is lower class worker protoforms being denied a Transformation Cog, it seems like it's reserved for the higher classes, the very thing that makes their species special and unique is denied to them. Also I didn't notice it the first time, but Alpha actually pulls the t-cogs out of the dead Primes which kind of signifies a passing of the guard, the old Primes failed, now it's your turn, and of course history repeats itself with the downfall of Megatron.
I like how Trion is covered and intertwined with moss and vines and has a beast mode, showcasing that he's of an older era now gone and forgotten.
Some other smaller stuff:
The sun looks like a holographic simulation, which makes me wonder, Cybertron doesn't usually have a sun, but there's plant life now, so what's up?
The cave that the dead Primes and Trion are in kinda looks like a Dweller.
Megatron's black helmet is a ref to Marvel G1.
That spin kick where Elita twirls her entire waist around is sooo satisfying. I love it.
I think that's a good point to end on. So, yeah, v excited.
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the-punforgiven · 1 year
All My Tarnished In Elden Ring
2 of you said do it so I'm doing it lmao
My first character is Ari, they were my very first character and are currently my "main" character. They started out as a raw Strength Claymore-only build and just kinda stayed that way until after I'd beaten the final boss. My original intent was to have them do the rad Carian Sword stuff as a sort of spellsword/battlemage thing, and while they can do that now, I just kinda waited a little too long to spec them into INT so now they're just a friendly summon who's a tanky sword-wielding sword mage who can deal a casual 7453 damage with Carian Grandeur under the right circumstances (As for weapons since they're my Main character I've got a bunch of random shit I've leveled for hyper specific situations, but Claymore is still, as always, Old Reliable for them)
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My second character is one named Bryndegaard, she's a VERY heavy Strength/Faith build that I like, accidentally made good lmao Turns out guard counters with the Great Mace do a lot of stance damage Her shield doesn't have an Ash of War on it, and her mace has Prayerful Strike, so even if someone does manage to hit her through it, her vigor is so good and Prayerful Strike is so strong that the damage is usually pretty negligible. She's my tank/healer build first and foremost, but I also have the Envoy's Longhorn levelled up for her just in case I need to absolutely decimate a large boss like Placidusax or Astel. The Longhorn also worked surprisingly well against Elden Beast, as turns out its 80% Holy Damage negation doesn't mean much if you output too much damage for it to matter
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My third character's named Edge, Lord He was supposed to be my Spooky Scary Death Mage but tbh I haven't touched him in a while so right now he's just a really unoptimized scythe guy with like, Rancorcall and that's it. I tried to make him look like a black metal musician and I think I did really well, but he also looks so angy it's really funny to me fhdjksahfkxz
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Fourth character is Vlad, he's my funny little Dracula Boy. He's not very good but I love him nonetheless. He's built around claws, bleed, and Lifesteal Fist, which I'm very glad was recently buffed because man, this guy was not great to play before that lmao Also I love how tiny his head looks with that cape it's really funny to me
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5th character is Guano Gobbler. Very original. Do Not Steal. Idk man I wanted to get the Dung Eater ending at least once, and idk I didn't want to get it on anyone else. I did use the Dung Eater's facial presets for him, I just thought it'd be funny to make him bald too
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6th character is the lovely Cap'n Rumguzzler. My entire thought process behind him was 'want pirate' and then I made one. I have no idea what build I was gonna make with him and as a result he fucking sucks but I love him anyway. He also has a cannon hidden in his back pocket or something (I am aware what his name is one letter away from, that just straight-up did not occur to me at all when I was first naming him)
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7th character is my Gravity Boy, I don't like his name so you don't get to know it. I've decided he's not going to progress past Maliketh because I still want at least one character I can co-op with in Leyndel. He's exactly what he says on the tin, he's got a Zweihander with Waves of Darkness and he's got a bunch of gravity spells. Not much else to say tbh aside from that I really like how the purple of the gravity magic goes with his All Black Everything look tbh. It's just very aesthetically pleasing to me
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8th character is The Legend Herself, 4PattyCheeseBurg. She's built with the express purpose of having the highest possible health achievable in game. Her first 85 levels were all in Vigor (She started out with 14). She only uses the Star Fist. Red Sun gets stuck in my head every time I play her. She's somehow the strongest character I've ever had for Colosseum battles. I've made people just straight-up avoid her completely for entire matches. Demigods fall before her. The earth itself shatters at her victories. She's so fun to play I love her
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Her health bar looks like this btw.
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9th character is, regrettably, RudolphReindeer. My friend wanted to do a funny holiday-themed run and he'd already claimed Santa, so this is the best I could come up with. You don't get to see his face up close because I hate it
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10th is my sleep build, Eurythmics (Because, y'know, Sweet Dreams) idk what else to say about them aside from that they're here, they do sleep, I don't know what to do for their fashion, and they're Not Very Good
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11th character is just this one, I've named her Sellsword because idk what else to do with her She's a Quality/Quality-Mage build and I just kinda use her for testing out all sorts of wacky shit trying to wrangle huge damage and big AoE's (Fun Fact: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker is buffed by the Highland Axe, and the buff stacks if you have a second one, but for some reason it is not buffed by the Roar Talisman) I like making her dual wield stuff also
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and the 12th (last) character is this one, She's a Quality build with a bit of arcane. With her I typically use either the Claymore, Marais Sword, or Eleonora's twinblade, and the Dragon Communion Seal in her off hand. Her damage is surprisingly good for me barely playing up her bleed potential, and for some reason she tends to get summoned by randos way more than my other builds, couldn't possibly imagine why She's in the Hoslow set here, but sometimes I switch it up and put her in the Briar armor (With the Vagabond legs/arms) instead. idk just kinda depends on mood but I think the Hoslow chest's red bits compliment her eyes idk
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And that's it, that's all of them minus a few I started, got like 5 feet from Limgrave, and haven't touched since
Elden Ring 10/10 game, absolutely consumed my life 👍
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droidsofcoroika · 10 months
[Coroika Robot AU: Droids of Coroika]
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I've been working on an AU for a few weeks now. Specs' design is pictured above. The AU is still a HUGE W.I.P though so I don't have much info to share yet.
[Basics of the lore]
All citizens disappear off the face of the earth, no inkfish or non-ink related fish to be found, only their creations remain. Their androids and robots divided themselves into teams of 4, and spread across the remains of inkadia. One team in particular, Team Emperor, is extremely violent and seeks to hunt down and destroy all other teams. Allied teams notice and join together to defend themselves from this threat. The allied teams build base camps along the ruins of inkadia. Occasionally the allied teams come across the remains of teams who they haven't met yet. Turf wars still exist, but they are mainly done between the allied teams. Turf wars are more viewed as a pastime, however, the violent team doesn't do turf wars. The violent team seeks out teams to decimate them.
[Team designs]
Teams will tend to have different model appearances. [For example: Team Blue consists entirely of strange floating technology based robots with screens as their faces.] Designs for other teams are still being thought of. The clothing of each team will be stylized a little to add some variety to the AU.
[World map]
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[Landmark info]
Emperor's Turf: Areas colored in red. Territory in which Team Emperor is known to roam and reside, all allied teams refuse to go there. Unfortunately Team Emperor does not stay in their turf and will occasionally ambush traveling teams.
Sea of Conflict: The tides had risen over the years, completely covering the Great Turf War Craters and giving way for the new, enlarged sea.
Octochasm Lake: The rising tides have completely flooded octo canyon, rendering the old Octarian territory completely unreachable.
Eight Legged Lake: Same deal as Octochasm lake, only with Octo Valley instead.
The Safe Route: The route that has been titled as the safest route between all 3 base camps.
Hall of Unity: A place in which the allied teams meet to discuss further action in response of the enemy's doings
Base Inkfall: A place of safety ran by Team Inkfall. It's very clean there. Soft beds as well.
Base Hachi: A base full of gadgets and tools. The local "weapons smith" some might say.
Base S4: A base ran by the infamous S4 along with their own individual teams, quite crowded there, but still safe.
The ruins of Splatsville: What remains of the once populated city for chaotic cephalopods.
The ruins of Inkopolis: The sad remains of the once bright and vibrant city of color.
Gravesite of Team XBlood: The site of which Emperor's first victims had fallen. The entire team was mercilessly wiped.
Gravesite of Team Yellow-Green: The site of where 3 members of Team Yellow-Green had fallen, only Rider remains.
Gravesite of Team Hachi: The site of where 2 members of Team Hachi had fallen, only Hachi and Nana remain.
Gravesite of Team Dark Green: Latest set of victims. All members were wiped.
[End of world map section]
[The antagonists]
The info of the violent team hasn't been fully written yet. To get an idea of how violent and destructive they can be, just know that Team X-Blood is the first to fall. The leader of the violent team can control his teammates at will, usually their eyes will glow red when controlled. One of the members is an outlier, and does not desire to decimate other teams.
That's all the info I have written for now, suggestions for story or designs are welcome.
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The Clone Wars 2x5 'Landing at Point Rain' Reaction
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Gif from this post by @elivanto
Is this the first instance that we see of Yeet the Clone? I’m pretty sure it is. If so, then what a beautiful introduction to one of the Jedi’s favourite pastimes: Yeeting their Clones. Poor Rex. I also loved the part before this where he just appears behind the Droideka that Ahsoka was fighting on the top of the wall, smoothly and silently steps through its shield and then puts a blaster bolt through the back of its head a la Trinity to Agent Smith in The Matrix. Certified Rex Is A Badass moment and it was a really well shot and framed moment that emphasised just how highly skilled the clones are. I did wonder how he got up to the top of the giant wall that quickly though. Rex, did you yeet yourself up there? Do you secretly want to be yeeted? 
I hadn’t really clocked onto this until this episode but it’s reminder that Rex is also an ARC, along with being the absolute BAMF that he is and The Captain to everyone. I was watching episodes 2x6 and 2x7 (more to come on those later) and was wondering why Cody didn’t have a kama. Surely Marshal Commander Cody has a kama? Is Cody not an ARC? Wookieepedia doesn’t list him as one so I’m guessing he mustn’t be, which seems decidedly odd seeing as he, along with Rex, are basically held up as examples of the ultimate clone. Though The Bad Batch aren’t ARCs but then they are a special category of genetically enhanced commandos in a spec ops squad of their own. Does this mean kama’s are purely an ARC thing? Either way, Rex looks suitably badass in his kama and Cody should get one too, as a treat. More clones in kamas pls.
Just after poor Rex gets yeeted off the wall by both of his jedis’, we very clearly see that Jedi are able to safely slow and stop the descent of a clone who is falling from a great height. They can even do this while falling from a great height themselves. So where is The Bad Batch’s jedi to stop Tech’s fall? Hmmmmmm?! I have Thoughts about this that I may cobble together into a post at a later date.
Hello to Trapper, who we’re introduced to as the only other survivor along with Obi-Wan from when their troop transport (I think they’re LAAT/i’s?) was shot down and crashed. I’m always slightly worried when we’re introduced to a new named clone. I thought Wooley was absolute Red Shirt material (to mix metaphors with the two main sci-fi franchises that start with Star) when he was introduced in 1x20 ‘Innocents of Ryloth’. The setup did not seem like it bode well for his survival. Four clones go off on their own on a dangerous mission to scout ahead. Wooley, the only clone out of the group without paint on their armour, is paired up with Cody (who has plot armour) and the other two clones, Waxer and Boil, have both been introduced and characterised at the start of this episode. Wooley was set up to be the obvious Red Shirt of the group, doomed to be blasted by the first droid they encounter while the main characters are left to struggle on in a desperate bid to complete their mission. Don’t get me wrong, I was very glad it didn’t happen! Subverting expectations like that worked well in this situation and the entire narrative focus was on Waxer and Boil anyway. More clones need to live. 
That was one thing that stood out to me in this episode, the sheer number of clones that were killed right in front of us. There were so many. It was a constant pattern throughout the episode. Clone after clone after clone dying, and for what? I’m assuming this is the writers making a point about the futility of war and the utterly pointless loss of life. On top of all this, the clones are just expected to keep going, always moving forward, nothing else mattering apart from following orders (*sobs*) and completing the mission. It was a very sobering way of emphasising the lot of the clones and the way they’re treated and viewed. Just the sheer number of LAAT/i’s alone that were shot down was so stark, and each of those carries 35 troops. Or at least that’s what Wookieepedia says. I didn’t think they looked large enough to carry that many troops in the episode, probably closer to around 10 or so clones.
On a lighter note, I really enjoyed how a number of the LAAT/i’s had custom nose art! There was one with what looked like a nexu that I think appeared twice and another with a very cool looking clone trooper helmet that drawn to look like a skull. I love little in-universe touches like that. Ok I’ve done a little bit more digging and omg the LAAT/i with the nexu nose art is called the Bad Kitty! I am crying, this is hilarious, I love it. 
Also, Cody can you come and get your husband. He’s all dusty and dirty and slumped against some boxes in the middle of a battlefield pretending not to be injured. Somewhere in the background is the decidedly miffed countenance of the 212th’s medic. Do we ever discover who the medic of the 212th is? Does Ghost Company have a medic? The only medic I know of is Kix and he hasn’t been introduced yet, plus he’s with the 501st anyway. 
This is all further confirmation that I am entirely here for the clones. Sure the jedi with their fancy laser swords are cool and all that and I will admit that I’m growing rather fond of Ahsoka. But the clones. The Clones. Give me everything about the clones. 
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dreadfutures · 1 year
hello hi hello can I please have the directors' cut on Chrysalid mayhaps? 🥺👉👈
Fic: [Chrysalid]
Rating: G | Pairing: Cillian, Cillian & Solas | Multichap: 9/9
Cillian, once the First of Clan Ralaferin, set out to find ancient knowledge of the elven people. He discovered the path of the Arcane Warrior by meditating for many years in an ancient ruin; when the Breach appeared in the sky, he felt called to lend his skills to the fledgling Inquisition. That's all we know of his path, as a background NPC in Dragon Age: Inquisition, who appears solely in a war table mission and in the Multiplayer addition.
But how did he really get trained as an Arcane Warrior?
Honestly. This was Divine Inspiration at its finest. It was summer; I was missing my college town, where monarch butterflies go as a colony on their migration, stopping there to rest. I kept seeing a few of them flying by my current location on their way south. And I had the whimsical thought: isn't that magical?
I thought about how the inner sea region around Val Royeaux/western Orlais gives me California vibes, and the further south you go, the closer you get to the warm, nearly tropical Arbor Wilds. And I thought: sure, butterflies would work. But what do they lead to?
It was the Arlathan Exchange, and I had also been playing a lot of Multiplayer recently, and we were discussing Cillian one day and I said OH.
And the whole story just appeared.
It's my belief that "meditating in ruins" is either code for: Cillian read Elvhen writing and learned Arcane Warrior spec that way, OR, he communed with Spirits either directly, or by watching them reenact memories in the Fade. And honestly, teaching yourself to read a dead language with hardly a cypher to go off of, in a ruin, and teaching yourself this dead, historical martial-and-magical art that is like NOTHING ELSE IN EXISTENCE, seemed way more farfetched than "he found a cool Spirit."
@rosella-writes had just written a drabble of Valor, an ancient contemporary of Solas (Pride), being slain in a combat between Champions for the Evanuris. The way Rosella described Valor's body falling and lying in the center of the arena, dying, made me think: this must be immortalized, this must have left a scar, the very earth would remember, if not the denizens of the Fade.
Rosella and I have also often discussed how "pieces" of Valor might be left over, fragmented, and need to get pieced together again. How Solas might search for Valor after he awakens from uthenera, how he might miss her. So I figured, hey, I could leave a piece of Valor to be found.
Cuz boy, a spirit of Valor sure seems like a great teacher for this magical combat specialization!
Then it was just a matter of sprinkling in the luscious visuals in my mind, of giant hosts of butterflies and ghibli forests, of ruins that might be found in The Fall (2006), and of a magical circle of life and death worthy of Guillermo del Toro. Bring Valor back to life just as Cillian pieces together what the ruined temple is, and then handwave the fact that Valor teaches him as a ways to recover her own memories.
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homenecromancer · 1 month
I’m absolutely not getting into it because I no longer have college-student levels of energy to write posts all day, but I sometimes find myself in the Dune tag looking wistfully at a post like. Hey. Nice thoughts, I appreciate your willingness to engage with a text on a deeper level. However. Before we can engage on the same plane, you gotta go read Frank Herbert’s Wikipedia page and at least one science fiction story by Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, or Robert Heinlein. Then come back and we can talk.
There are reasons for those selections, of course.
Frank Herbert was a very specific type of guy that I feel like is almost extinct today — firmly, solidly a Republican, but also into nature conservation and ecology. I’m having trouble articulating the specifics, but these are the kind of guys who are comfortable acknowledging “yeah, we need to take care of the environment, because I want my grandkids to be able to hunt and fish like I did”. I don’t think Frank Herbert was this way himself, but this is the type of guy who was still trying to live out the white American myth of the frontier in the 20th century. That type of person still exists, but, like. The modern tradwife who wants to retvrn probably believes that government could be an OK thing as long as her kind of people — Christian nationalists, not to be too plain about it — were in charge. Herbert was a “don’t trust the government, Watergate helped make that more obvious” guy who didn’t think we should be in Vietnam. Point being: do not mistake Frank Herbert’s concern for environmental balance as something that’s coming from a left-wing point of view.
And the science fiction reading is because — after 60 years, a lot of science fiction is in some way responding to Dune. In the same way, Dune is responding to its own early-1960s zeitgeist — the writers I’ve named enjoy enough lingering popularity that it wouldn’t be hard to find work of theirs to sample. Dune presents something within spec for science fiction of its time: a teenage protagonist, who has special abilities that put him above his peers, travels to a new planet, finds himself in danger, meets a native girl, rises in the esteem of her people, and eventually gets his revenge by/while gaining great power.
And the whole time Frank Herbert is looking the reader in the eye and going “you do understand that this is bad, right”. There’s a whole chapter where one character effectively turns to the reader and says as much. “No more terrible disaster could befall your people than for them to fall into the hands of a Hero.” Dune Messiah leans on this a bit more, in a curious way — Dune definitely doesn’t avoid showing violence, and quite a lot of it. But it does end by telling the reader that what comes next is war on a galactic scale, war on the kind of scale other science fiction books aren’t shy of showing.
When we pick up after twelve years of holy war, Dune Messiah refuses to do more than allude to the events of that war. You can go read Starship Troopers if you want to see interstellar war being fought. Herbert’s here to rub the reader’s nose in that interest in blood-and-guts, and to follow the implications of his hero’s actions. You’re here because Paul became Emperor, and you want to see your guy rewarded for his deeds? Well, the book starts with a character saying this, to put it in the reader’s mind before they go on: “…Paul Atreides lost something essential to his humanity before he could become Muad’Dib.” [This is an slightly edited quote: in context, the speaker is describing the views of another character. What matters is that the thought is put before the reader.]
You can be the hero of that Robert Heinlein novel, but the cost will be heavy. For everyone.
I was not there in December 1963 when the first part of “Dune World” was published in the pages of Analog. But the more that I learn about the world that surrounded Frank Herbert as he wrote, the more I feel I understand about his work. It’s fitting that Dune begins with Irulan taking pains to place her subject in his time and place; you get more out of Dune by doing the same with it.
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loser-jpg · 1 year
A lot of blogs seem to have intro posts so i decided to make one,
Hi im Loser, I write and draw so thats pretty much what im gonna be posting here. If anyone has prompts or ideas for me I'd love to hear them, or if you have questions i have the ask thing open.
Im in a lot of fandoms but mainly stranger things NOW TWISTED WONDERLAND :DD so thats gonna be most of my content. Im trans(he/it) and aroace spec. I might post cool photos I take or stuff like that too.
Really I just put up the stuff I want to share and if that happens to be stuff you like then thats great!
Ive had the ask box open but recently ive been trying to get myself to write more so if ppl have small prompts or reqs id love that, ill write for basically any fandom ive posted about but mostly prob twisted wonderland and stranger things. ill write x reader stuff but only gn reader or masc.
NEW EDIT: sideblogs!!!!
my orv brainrot side blog: @king-of-a-kingless-world
my war against tumblr bots side blog: @deathtothebots
my new side blog for my ocs aka willow night: town of landlock: @willow--night
tged side blog: @shovel-hooligan-frontera
Fic Master list
And for a Moment, there was Hope:
Just a Favor:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
other socials:
ao3: loser_jpg
tiktok: loser__jpg
insta: loser__jpg
cohost: loser-jpg
moot list because god damn theres a lot of you and i cant keep track:
lemonnya (irl)
rougeddie (stranger things)
transfem-2d (just tumblr stuff)
girlynb (ok ko)
navnae (stranger things)
shanedoesdoodles (ok ko)
kikizu (ok ko)
devondespresso (stranger things)
meowloomeow (just tumblr stuff)
the--falling--titan (irl)
demonlike-judge-of-fire (ORV :DD)
rhaenyyras (stranger things)
queen-shiba (twisted wonderland)
leonistic (twisted wonderland)
azulashengrottospiano (twisted wonderland)
officialdaydreamer00 (just tumblr stuff / twst)
the-flags (just tumblr stuff/orv/tged)
fungifanart (tmblr stuff/twst)
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edit 16/04: pouring one out for the bullet theory, you were fun whilst you lasted babes x
okay ive remained sceptical about the 'something in the mouth' thoughts making the rounds but you know what, i love a batshit theory (exactly how batshit, remains to be seen - im fully prepared to eat my words) as much as anyone, so let's take a look.
first off, i truly just thought it might have been a wee bit of slobber. that's fair, right? saliva on aziraphale's tongue, catches the light, whatever. but it's the frame before that one that has me wondering how much weight the theory has:
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because in that first one, just as aziraphale's mouth opens, you can see that there is - what looks like - a dark, round object. it doesn't match the surrounding colour and texture of aziraphale's tongue, and then in the next few frames it catches the light in the same exact spot. the highlight is also curved, in such a way that, yeah, it definitely looks like a metallic object.
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i know im not breaking new ground when suggesting it contains memories. idk if the object itself is:
a bullet from the rifle in 1941 (although i do doubt it; the calibre it would take would be rather unwieldy to hold in your mouth like this? plus: copper plating - this looks to be steel)
a pistol round from the hitherto-unseen derringer (more likely than the above, and in terms of potential significance of s3 would fit rather nicely in with a 1941 spec of mine regardless: potential crowley discorporation but. it's purely hypothetical), or
a ball bearing (which seems like it would just be a bit anomalous in terms of what props we've seen so far, but who knows. and i feel like if any prop was going to be at most risk of being swallowed accidentally, it's this)
but my current favourite is the derringer round so far. which would indicate that if - big if - crowley were discorporated in 1941, he could potentially have the bullet on him that 'killed' him, so to speak, for the time that follows afterwards.
i'll come back to what memories would be contained within it in a sec, because first, there's the question of whether aziraphale accessed them. if this theory is true (im fully taking this all with a pinch of salt, idk how i actually feel about it yet), i think aziraphale probably accessed them right then and there, as soon as crowley kissed him.
as soon as crowley kisses him, aziraphale looked mighty confused - arguably because of the kiss itself (im predominantly in this camp for the moment), but also possibly because he's just been volleyed something in this wild-ass game of tonsil tennis - before he begins to relax into it. potentially, as he relaxed, that could be when the memories first begin to 'play'.
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and then we have the video below - sharpened and at 0.2x speed - that captures after the kiss breaks:
there's a moment, after his mouth presumably is handling around said object and sliding it under his tongue, that his expression clears, and - im sorry, but i'll die on this hill - instead takes on a look of betrayal. it's almost a realisation, a near instantaneous revelation. so let's say he does access the memories during the kiss, has been 'watching' them since the kiss first made contact/the object switched over... what would make aziraphale take on that expression, and react in betrayal and with an 'i forgive you'?
well, i have my thoughts, but let's go back again to the kiss itself. y'all remember this, right?
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it suddenly feels a liiiiittle more deliberate that a) aziraphale would reach for crowley's wings, and b) the camera would capture this particular angle. maybe it's not, but again - humour me a sec.
so in terms of what the memory is? that crowley would place inside said object, would make aziraphale reach for crowley's wings, and result in aziraphale's initial upset and then expression of betrayal? the damning "i forgive you", and crowley's responding look of dejection and resignation, followed by "don't bother"? the memory that crowley would see fit to impart in the context of aziraphale choosing to return to heaven - the memory that would fit the scenes that have come before the kiss?
im wondering if it was the fall.
aziraphale sees crowley's fall, responds in sympathy and sadness in the back touch, but then perhaps remembers now/knows now the potential part crowley had to play in it.
now, it could be crowley's own account of the fall that he watches, sure. but we haven't seen that as a possible mechanic in the show - being able to access someone else's memories. we've only seen gabriel accessing his own. but that doesn't preclude that it's possible. however, that would suggest that crowley himself now can't remember his fall etc, which would be weird and potentially open too many loopholes.
alternatively, as others have put forward and would be logical, crowley accessed the records whilst in heaven and found that aziraphale's memories were incomplete. that, for me, would be the more plausible, because im not convinced that aziraphale does remember the fall. he makes references to crowley having 'been an angel once', and that he remembers 'the angel you were', and frankly it's all a little loosy-goosey. it would make wider narrative sense, too, that aziraphale can't remember - heaven doesn't want dissent to become an institutional problem, after all; so what do you do? you wipe away the crucial information that would give the angels any ideas in rebelling just like the fallen did.
if crowley did in fact have something to do with the genesis of the rebellion in heaven, instigated it or played an active, crucial part in it... and aziraphale can't remember that... maybe that is where the 'i forgive you' originates. and why crowley would reply with 'dont bother'. he attempts to make aziraphale understand why he can't go back, and why aziraphale shouldn't go back either, but all aziraphale can now concentrate on is the part that crowley had to play in it... the part that, for good reason, crowley has kept from him all this time.
again, idk how i feel about all this, but i do have to eat humble pie on my initial reservations about the narrative value of the theory and admit that it's compelling. especially as it would have aziraphale return to heaven with full understanding as to what heaven did in cause of, leading up to, and in response to, the rebellion - knowledge that presumably the metatron does not know he has... dangerous for the metatron especially, when you consider that he may have had a bigger hand in it than aziraphale previously thought.
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queenadabronx · 2 years
The Newsies Go Mini Golfing
Inspired by the mini golfing I did today- I’m not very good at it (I cheated. So. Many. Times. I used my foot and claimed a wizard was moving the ball)
. So
. Davey came up with the idea.
. Not on purpose
. He said in the Newsies group chat that he was taking Les
. And everyone else decided to go too
. Except Crutchie, cause of his leg
. The place that they go to isn’t just mini golf- it has a rock wall, bumper cars, and a batting cage as well.
. It’s…semi expensive but….totally worth it
. The Newsies split up into groups to do stuff
. Davey, Les, Sally, Jack, Katherine, Race, and Albert, are group one. Meaning they do mini golf first
. Smalls, Sniper, Finch, Tommy Boy, Sarah, Mike, Ike, and Hotshot are group two. They are doing rock climbing first 
. Specs, Romeo, Mush, Blink, Henry, Jojo, Elmer, and Buttons are doing bumper cars first
GROUP ONE  . Most of them aren’t very good at mini golf
. Sally is the best
. But she’s super supportive of Les (even though he isn’t great)
. Katherine is also really good
. Race is not
. He hits the ball into the woods three holes in 
. Then he gets the next one stuck in the water
. Albert won’t stop laughing at him
. Even though Albert isn’t good either
. But that’s cause he doesn’t care
. Neither does Davey
. But Davey isn’t even playing 
. Because it’s ‘‘for the kids”
. After mini golf they do bumper cars
. It’s I N S A N I T Y 
. Albert and Race are at war
. Les and Sally are just having fun
. Jack, Katherine, and Dave’s did N O T ride
. Mostly because of Albert and Race
. Once they finish, they go on the rock wall 
. Only Les, Sally, and Race climb it
. Albert is scared of heights 
. And it turns out
. Race can’t climb 
. Les makes it to the top
. And he’s so freaking happy
. These guys started with the rock wall
. Only Smalls and the twins climb
. They compete to see who can get to the top fastest
. It’s Ike
. And he G L O A T S
. So naturally they need a rematch….
. In mini golf
. And it turns out Smalls is great at mini golf
. Mike is too
. Ike sucks 
. (Sorry baby love you ❤️)
. So Hotshot has to comfort his upset boyfriend
. Sniper, however, is cheering on his girlfriend 
. Tommy and Sarah don’t play mini golf 
. They buy ice cream sandwiches and talk
. And make out a little 
. (Tomarah is beautiful and I love it so much)
. This group is even worse with bumper cars
. Since all but two are playing 
. Let’s just say there was a lot of screaming
. This was the most chill group of all
. They just kinda chilled
. They didn’t treat bumper cars like a war
. And all of them tried the rock wall
. Buttons made it to the top
. Specs didn’t go very high cause he didn’t want his glasses to fall off
. And they didn’t even keep score for their mini golf 
. They just played
. And they probably had the most fun
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koopzilla · 1 year
@simiansmoke cont.
Ferocious antics would easily demolish another kong. However, these traitors had been banished for their adoration of battle. Dread is a war machine. Each kick damages as much as it invigorates! The madness in the kong's eyes gleams all the brighter. A worthy desperate opponent pumps blood through his veins!! Especially when it is Donkey Kong.
In a frozen moment of time, Dread Kong demonstrates that sickness which has their kind forsaken. Canines glimmered in the beating flame as he puffed his chest forward, enduring each kick! His skin is bruised and burned; it is a devastating beating. Yet, through it, his own fist rises. "No..." his punch swooped around the flames and dug deep into Donkey's chin. "YOU SUCK!" Childhood banter, but with the intention of dragging one another to the GRAVE. Right after he gets him to the temple...!
Revived rivalry may blind both kongs to the interloping of the third party. Donkey's collar crackles around his neck, shimmering its ever-imposing green. There is no saving pull for the kong prince though; today it works for Bowser! Magnetism reversed, King Koopa skis through dirt and foliage, whipped through the jungle by ceaseless magic. His bulk demolishes trees and forces boulders to their side! From the right, a dusty trail grows more violent by the second!
Donkey's feet have burned their imprint into Dread's pecs. Likewise, impressions of Dread's knuckles scar Donkey's cheek. Somewhere, the larger kong had broken into crazed laughter. Even if he falls here, ruining the prince of that backstabbing kingdom is SO worth it. The others would see him as a HERO. He dove in close, robbing what little space his opponent would have to prepare another kick. "It's been real, Little Donkey. But now, I gotta end ya." In the most ruthless way possible! Once more, his fangs show. In one quick thrust, the kong moved in for Donkey's jugular!!
Until one mighty crash launched the kong into the stratosphere-- turning him into a spec in the sky.
In his place was Bowser: in a brief blur, in hunched charging position, horns first! The missile of a monster blares past, several more trees buckling to him as he skids to a halt...! He wears a great deal of the jungle: branches and leaves clung to his scales and bangles. Crushed fruits dirties his toes. He spat a banana to the floor and shook off the residue like a dog... before waddling back and replacing Dread.
"You look like trash." Is King Koopa for 'found you'. The moment is a blur to the kremling substitute. A brief investigation judges the damage: fire ruins the forest around them, and his pet has obviously suffered some serious abuse. "Where's stupider you?..."
That should be his priority! Bowser does not even stall long to await the answer though. Peaking past Donkey Kong unveils a glorious sight: a giant green statue in the shape of a great gorilla. Housed in its mouth is a cold green rock... worthless to some, but an ode to the crystal coconut to the wise. The temple is close! Sometimes, aimless reckless throwing is really the way to go.
The koopa mashes start and entirely skips the victory screen. He pried Donkey off the tree like a dirty bandage and lugged him over his shoulder. He is stampeding them right to the temple. "Wait ten seconds before you die, Idiot. I need you to punch the door."
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caithesgirlfriend · 2 years
4, 11, and 15 from the anniversary asks!
4. Do you have a favourite playable race?
In the other ask I said sylvari so here I'll talk about norn! Seeing Eir in the trailer for gw2 is actually what got me to play the game! Giant tattooed red haired woman with a wolf? Hell yes. I had never played gw1 so I didn't know much about the game at all but everything about the norn is so my thing. I love all of the different spirits, I love their independent culture, I love their aesthetics! I have a handful of norn that I've worked really hard on despite never rping any of them! Also I too wish to live in a log cabin in the frozen tundra tbh, forget having a real job I want to chop wood all day and make soup and tell stories.
11. What’s your favourite feature that’s been added to the game since you started?
The wardrobe system. The way that transmutation charges used to work was actually horrible. The fact that dyes used to only unlock on one character. The way now that everything is right there on the hero panel is great honestly, the entire implementation of it was a huge quality of life boost for the game.
15. Favourite antagonist?
So I said Kralk before so now I'll talk about Mai Trin, a character I honestly had doubts we'd ever see again. I was really expecting her to be a dropped thread despite how interesting I found her to be all the way back when LS1 first came out. Seeing her again in EOD was amazing, and I love that she became a revenant, so desperate to hold onto the guidance and clarity she thought Scarlet provided her that she brought the woman into her own head. Amazing, 10/10, love this poor girl who falls in love with every woman who shows a spec of ambition and planning skills. Her death felt properly tragic in a way I've felt in the past anet struggled to grasp. She didn't go into that situation thinking she would die, and when she does it actually felt impactful and sad. She was just getting to a place where she was doing some good and regaining the respect of the pc and Jory(imo), and she was cut down. But she managed to save us before her sudden death, idk I see real parallels between her and what anet was trying to do with Tonn in the PS, a character who's death I find incredibly uninteresting and poorly managed.
ty for the ask!!
Guild Wars 2 anniversary questions
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Utah, is heating. and we have it we are in. now too. the place is alive and nees him and pushes for it we want the ship and it is tommy f so huge. now. too. and they want him there try now.
we use it and present the lawsiuit for real soon soon ok
Bitol and Goddess Wife we have your kit car in productini ok it is in garages and was is modified and per todays specs too and works. is nice. runs great looks great is fast uses a mid engine no. is fast enough about 5oo using our car. fun too ok fun the same camero is in halloween five he saw sunday. same one and a few other vehicles in boht and yeh he went to ogden breifly and saaw the barn. entrance to a coal mine yes. and was sppooked liked it had ffun. is a bit odd stange but ok we see him for what he is ours and yes like Nuada Arrianna they think of the war. and fighting in it i do too but dont lookwierd hahahahah ok look very weirdd feel it too cold..and brimstone out my mouth and ok
Bitol and Goddess Wife
we use this we are afraid this is fear he conuers all day we cut it out ok
tommy f
he means the fear of the empire and it is true. right. adn you can sidestep ok ghwb and clans have tons of theese. so find them move it out. they are out. cant help. and mb find signal too. but really. you need to and showthem your human.
Zues he says ill be ok and willkeep the light on Hera
and ok motel six we buy them out are falling. it is a morlock concern we buy out the ones they cant handle and ok good.
Thor Freya
trumpthey said it we do it then and the do and brad wtf it is your son. and ok daughter but really. and she is wrong no but out of ocontol. is eek ours then ok
0 notes