#the denial because this is still Gabriel!
books-and-omens · 1 year
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hypnos333 · 4 months
Hi hi, I was wandering if your gonna do a part two With lucifer x angel wife reader, i wonder how he will try to woo her again or what do you think he would do to earn readers heart again?
Pray you catch me (Alternate version)
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Pt.1 - Left her behind
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You hummed to a song in the human world, you were disguise as a human, leading people into the right direction. This is what you do in your Job and for your birthday this what you love to do. You knew Gabriel and Michael was gonna do something for you either you tried to escape or not.
“Hello again My beloved” A handsome blond hair guy said but when you looked closer you knew it was Lucifer straight from the jump.
“Go away Lucifer” You stated continuously walking with him trailing behind you like a puppy. That’s when he grabbed your hand dragging you near the closest alleyway looking at you pleadingly.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me” He said looking at your eyes making you look away.
“I can’t, it hurts”
“Because you’re in denial or your because you know you love me?” He asked making you ignore his question. You flinch as his fingers in locks with yours, you quickly moved your hand looking up before extending your wings from your back then flying away with your wings.
You thought you escaped from him until he followed you too with his six wings.
“You can’t hide from me ___ it’s been centuries can’t you just give me another chance?” Lucifer begs making you roll your eyes once more.
“Centuries married and with a kid Lucifer and you want to start over for what? You left me for Lilith and had a kid, are you kidding me” You angrily told him making you sigh in at his silence.
“I used to always catch your dishonesty it was all over your breath but even that was test always aware of it all but now I can’t tell” you continued saying as he looked in shame giving you a chance to go back home.
But no he didn’t stop there, he gave you back your wedding ring you threw at him as your birthday present making you even shocked he still has it.
The second day was red and white roses.
The third day was a new wedding ring
the forth was a brand new white dress.
Then this time he fell in the sky on purpose making your eyes wide before quickly flying forward rushing to catch him. “LUCIFER FLY YOU DUMBASS” You yelled out but he just smiled waiting to just hit the ground
But a few inches before he fell to his death you catched him holding him tightly in fear you were actually gonna loose him.
“Are you crazy or just insane?” You asked him shaking him in the air making him sigh dreamily.
“I just prayed you’ll catch me” He said before seeing you’re still hesitant about him. “Let me earn your forgiveness, I’ll wait for you until you’re waiting my Angel” He said swiftly.
Making you nod in agreement “I’ll like that, let me get comfortable with you again” You agreed making him let out his excitement before lifting you up and twirl you around making you laugh with him.
Everyday he’ll make up for lost life like taking you too new places to eat or spend time together.
But little did you know you knew where Lilith really was, where she always wanted to be.
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knuckleblaster · 6 months
On some level I understand the rejection or outright denial of V2's death: it was jarring and brutal, especially for a character who, at least in laws of traditional video game rivals and the rule of thirds, seemed like it'd stick around for longer. This said, inferring from in-game lore as well as dev statements, I believe V2's death, tragic that it is, is not unwarranted; and that it is commonly pigeonholed into a characterization it does not fit into due to its assumed role within the game.
This is long, so it's going under the cut.
Considering its name, it's easy to assume V2 is a new and improved version of its predecessor; but it is more heavily implied that it's simply a version of V1 with thicker plating, and nothing more. [1] V2 was an attempt at salvaging V1's design after war became irrelevant, to capitalize on the resources wasted on a highly advanced war machine by rebranding it as an adaptable worker, for security and (theoretically) other peacetime activities (...not an innuendo). This was a failure; there's no reason to invest in something so refined when a handful of lesser machines could do the same job [2].
If V2 is contextualized within its backstory, it makes a lot more sense why it ate shit so quickly. It is, out of any in-game machine so far, one of the least suited for survival in Hell. Sentries and Streetcleaners were created for war. Swordsmachine(s) and Mindflayers are scrapheads, constantly adapting to create (and protect) their perfect, lethal body. [3] If anything, it's on the same level as a Drone, able to defend itself in a limited capacity, but not intentionally programmed or built for combat. Faced with V1, something built for perfect, swift destruction, a machine made for peace would stand even less of a chance than normal, even with an equal level of mobility and build.
V2 is also doomed, in a very literal sense, by the narrative. In a meta sense, it does not matter to the game story whatsoever [4]. V1 is the butterfly whose wing flaps set Gabriel's story in motion, but V2 has no such connection to his story, and is thus irrelevant. Even its lore entry is overshadowed by information about V1/its connection to V1. A third fight, as well, was never in the running, not necessarily due to anything in the game lore, but because its first and second encounters are all it needs: a third rematch would be repetitive and messy [5]. The reason for its extremely violent death sequence is to ensure there was no question as to its fate [6].
In regards to its personality; it is oft-headcanoned as loud, irritable, and competitive, but this characterization is more likely due to its color as well as its assumed role as a "rival" to V1; rather than based upon its in-game actions. Although its initial intentions are up to interpretation [7], comparing its actions and mechanics to other enemies fully rationalizes its anger. Although it's fairly easy to enrage in-fight, the criteria for its enrage state is much more specific than other enemies, and it's quite easy to not trigger it at all. Cerberi will enrage after one of its kind dies, Malicious Faces and Mindflayers after a certain amount of damage has been dealt (on Violent). Most notably, as the only other character with a rematch, Gabriel begins his second fight enraged after his first defeat [3], which can imply by extension that even though V2 is taking its second fight more seriously [8], it is still not outwardly angry. Its enrage state is only triggered when its patience is depleted (the player avoids it for too long), or in its second fight when it has been punched with the Knuckleblaster. These can be interpreted as indicators that V2 likes it when the fight is "fair": when it's not being avoided and picked at from a distance, or being hit with its own arm; which is frankly pretty fucking mean. A side note: Returning to its creation, it can also potentially be inferred that V2 was intentionally programmed with a rational, controlled, and even marketable personality, easily suppressed or overwritten for ease of use.
In another game, or if V1 was the protagonist, perhaps V2 would not be dead. Instead, V2 is doomed by its creators, both in-game and in reality. It mirrors V1 in action and Gabriel in mind, but unlike them, it has no place in this story beyond a truly fantastic duo of fights. Although its story has any number of potential rewritings or epilogues [9], its doom was always intended. It's easy to mourn lost potential, and its end is intensely tragic; but I believe it is a tragedy that meshes nicely with the rest of the game's story. V2 is dead, and not a second too soon.
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Along with the lore entry for V2:
V1’s planned production was cancelled and an updated model, V2, was developed instead, using the standardized plating, since durability was far more important during times of peace when no bloodshed was necessary.
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3. in-game lore entries, can be read on ultrakill.miraheze.org or here in one document: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2245904838
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6. "And then V2 dies as hard as anyone could possibly die to make sure people understand he's fucking dead and is not coming back" - dev commentary, 05:08:09 (youtu.be/kaImho5JioI?si=v4_m90nfLOY-DyEZ&t=18489)
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9. Notably, Dream's End Come True / v2isdead.com.
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actual-changeling · 5 months
y'know what i'd love to see as a cold open in season three? various demons and angels collaborating with each other in secret.
you can't tell me that somehow gabriel & beez and crowley & aziraphale are the only ones who ever thought hey maybe this system fucking sucks, especially because aziraphale is still neck deep in the denial puddle. there is nothing actively preventing them from meeting, they share a fucking elevator they can use without any restrictions. everyone in heaven is left to their own devices and lonely but they are left to their own devices. no one is watching them. no one CARES because within the system the mere thought of collaborating with the enemy is just. not taken seriously.
there are no back channels, gabriel tells michael, but they both know that there ARE back channels and that they're using them, it's exactly the same thing crowley and aziraphale are doing on earth, deny everything upfront but have secrets underneath.
the goals might differ since angels and demons don't really give a fuck about humans, but the organization is the same.
give me michael and ligur trying to undermine their bosses, give me random angels meeting with demons and exchanging information, give me a group of spies trying to come up with functional plans against new policies.
give me operatives on earth refusing to kill one another when they meet because why should they? if the world ends they might as well start another revolution because what is the point in destroying one half of all existing celestial beings?
earth was saved by humans being fundamentally human, now give me the whole of creation being saved by people who are fundamentally people, angel or demon or human. god created everyone in her image, so when it comes down to it, it's the same spark of life burning in each of them.
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sighed-the-snake · 8 months
Speculation on Archangel Michael
I think Crowley might have murdered Michael's boyfriend.
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The way she rushes off so eagerly to make that phone call in the stairwell.
"It's me," she says with familiarity. Her voice is soft, and sweet, like her smile. "It's our man, Aziraphale. Is there any possibility he's working for you?"
She accepts his denial easily, without question. "No? Well then, you might want to investigate the activities of the demon Crowley. Might be playing his own game, word to the wise."
She's warning him. When he resists, she pushes back, but she is still gentle. "No, I'm - I'm telling you, you can't trust him."
He questions her, and there is a flirtatiousness in her voice. She almost purrs. "Of course you can trust me. I'm an angel."
Who is she talking to?
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That's right. This guy. Ligur.
The one Crowley melts with holy water when Ligur comes for him.
Contrast this with the way Michael conducts her phone call to Hell in S2. (For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure she's talking to Dagon.)
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"I'm not saying Hell is complicit in this," she says, the facade of angelic grace barely concealing her irritation. She's lounging stiffly in her chair. She doesn't want to be on this call, explaining herself. "I'm not saying anyone is complicit. I'm just saying that if anyone is found helping him, we are prepared to use extreme sanctions."
"Extreme sanctions?" echoes the voice on the line.
"Yes," says Michael, almost rolling her eyes and restraining a sigh. "Book of Life."
"I'm on it," says the voice dutifully.
Michael's reply is almost a sneer. "I appreciate it," she says, and hangs up on the demon by literally blowing them off.
That is a pretty big tonal shift.
The softness she showed Ligur is not her usual way of going about things. She does not get her way by using a light touch. Irritated exasperation is closer to Michael's default.
She's calculating, and canny, and restrained. She sees through Aziraphale's deception in the Job job. She later investigates him by combing through Earth's surveillance when he makes some remarks that don't sit right with her. She cuts people off to talk over them. She's ambitious and covets Gabriel's job.
And yet, she was soft and sweet to Ligur, in a way we never see again.
And when it was time to execute Crowley, who showed up with a pitcher of holy water to destroy him?
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That's right. Michael.
Taking this scene at face value, I thought it was because Michael is one of Heaven's heavy-hitters, and she's the one with the backchannel to Hell. She's the one talking to them, so she's the one who goes there with the holy water.
But with S2 in mind, I'm seeing this with different eyes.
I think she requested this job. She knows Ligur was destroyed trying to bring in Crowley, and she has probably guessed where the demon's holy water came from. This execution was personal. She wanted to be the one to supply the water that melted the Serpent of Eden into a dingy pool of filth, just like he did to the demon she cared about. When she walks away with an empty pitcher, she looks satisfied.
That's it, that's the theory. Crowley murdered her boyfriend, Aziraphale supplied the murder weapon, and she probably hates both of them down to her angelic bones.
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thisisnotachair · 5 months
Good Omens Observation on The Power of Denial in Threes
I’ve noticed something while watching (and rewatching) Good Omens and I’ve not yet come across another mention of it online, though I’ve searched r/goodomens, and the gdoc linked from Neil Gaiman’s pinned post, perhaps I am not tumblr savvy enough to have found it. Anyway, I was raised Catholic in a fundamentalist-leaning community, and while I’ll probably be unpacking that for a long time yet, it has, oddly, been an advantage here through some familiarity with lore.
My observation has to do with the power of 3, more specifically, the power of a denial made 3 times.
In the bible, Jesus knows he’s going to be targeted, and tells Peter, “Dude, you’re going to deny me 3 times before the rooster crows.” And Peter’s all, “No way, man, you’re my bro, even when everyone else ditches you, I’m SO here!” Later, when Jesus is arrested, folks around town ask Peter, “Hey, weren’t you friends with that guy?” and 3 times he lies and says that he doesn’t know Jesus. After the third denial, a rooster crows and Peter breaks down because Jesus was right all along and he realizes what he’s done.
Good Omens:
S1E6. Adam denies Satan, saying he’s not his real dad because he didn’t raise him and he wasn’t around. Twice, of his own volition, he says, “You’re not my dad,” then Crowley prompts him to say it again, because HE knows that there’s power in the third denial. Adam says it again, and Satan crumbles.
Huh. Neat.
It gets better (worse).
S1E3. Crowley calls Aziraphale to meet him at the bandstand to discuss the situation. They can’t agree on what to do (rather, who should kill Adam), Crowley’s ready to give up and leave. Aziraphale tells him he can’t leave, as there isn’t anywhere that they could go (Armageddon would impact the whole planet), to which Crowley says, “It’s a big universe. Even if it all ends up in a puddle of burning goo, we can go off together.” Aziraphale is taken aback, surprised that Crowley suggests they go together. Crowley points out they’ve been friends for 6,000 years and *foomp* Aziraphale denies him, “Friends? We’re not friends. We are an angel and a demon. We have nothing whatsoever in common.” He says that he doesn’t like Crowley (liar) and that they’re on opposite sides, after which Crowley responds, “We’re on our side,” and Aziraphale says, “There is no ‘our side’.” Aziraphale has chosen a side, and Crowley saunters off, hurt. Denial No.1
S1E4. Crowley comes tearing up to the bookshop in his Bentley, and hops out to apologize to Aziraphale, though it’s a half assed, “Whatever I said, I didn’t mean it. Get in the car.” He’s in a panic because Hell found out it’s his fault that Adam wasn’t where he was expected to be, so his energy is a bit much. He says to Aziraphale, “But we can run away together. Alpha Centauri, lots of spare planets up there, nobody would even notice us.” *foomp* Aziraphale denies him again, “You’re being ridiculous.” He’s certain that he can sort it all out if he just has a chat with God, Crowley knows it’s futile and flaunts off petulantly. Denial No.2
I know you know where this is going.
S2E6. *sobs* Crowley’s second, “Tell me you said no,” absolutely destroys me. His struggle to get his words out when he wasn’t expecting things to be so… acute, then, “...if Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, go off together, then we can. Just the two of us… just be an ‘Us’.” *foomp* Aziraphale denies him a third time.
Rationale For This As An Actual Thing:
Crowley stays engaged for a few more moments, mentioning the bookshop, and turning back when Aziraphale calls after him but his face is impassive once he sees that Aziraphale is still fixated on them both going to heaven. We know the denial has sunk in when Aziraphale’s, “I need you,” isn’t as effective as it should be. When that doesn’t land (at all), Aziraphale reaches again, reminding Crowley what he’s been promised, but that doesn’t work, either. Crowley’s mention of the nightingale is somewhat cruel, IMO, he’s taking his broken heart out on Aziraphale, yet it’s also his way of saying to him that it’s too late, it’s done, “We could have been …us,” the opportunity is in past tense. Crowley’s fierce [plausibly most re-watched kiss in history?] conveys his intention, his sincerity, and his hurt. He’s not trying to change Aziraphale’s mind, it’s too late for that. Rather he’s communicating in a way that Aziraphale will understand, explicitly: Crowley’s proposed “us” isn’t just about running off to another solar system on a friendly whim, it’s a real, explicit life together as more than friends that he's asked Aziraphale to share. And was denied a third time.
What about the rooster crowing, though? Huh?
Well, the last bits of scenes wrap things up insomuch as a heart wrenching season finale can at all, and they’re still watching each other. When the Metatron comes back and Aziraphale hesitates, he’s glancing out the window to look at Crowley standing gloomily by the car, and Crowley stands outside watching until the elevator door closes, maybe there is something that could mitigate that third denial[?]. At that, he gets into the Bently where the Nightingale [in Berkeley Square] song plays as he drives away, the nightingale has been a symbol of their love, now it is the figurative rooster crowing.
I’m being careful about what fan content I consume because I don’t want to go into S3 with expectations, I’d prefer to savour it like my first ox rib. I enjoy reading things folks have noticed, but I don’t want to go down S3 theory rabbit holes much.
My observation is based on the show, I’ve consumed the first half of the book in a day, maybe I can finish it tomorrow. I just wanted to get this put into words now.
Aziraphale’s rejection of Crowley is more implicit than Adam’s rejection of Satan, so I could be reaching, yet I feel like Adam’s 3 explicit rejections matter, and this context is a slow reference back to it (and word on the web is that Neil Gaiman doesn’t do things accidentally).
Could it also be a Betrayed With A Kiss thing? Maybe, I don’t think Crowley is betraying Aziraphale here, though maybe symbolically it’s a way to make Aziraphale recognize that HE emotionally betrayed Crowley. I genuinely believe Aziraphale didn’t mean to, but it happened powerfully, meaningfully, and in such a way that it’s going to take a miracle [waggles eyebrows] to mend.
I’m sure Aziraphale is aware of the power of the 3 denials, but, plausibly, each time Crowley asked, there were other ‘tabs open’ that prevented Aziraphale from explicitly picking up on it.
I haven’t looked closely at how many times Aziraphale explicitly, deliberately defies heaven (in a significant way, not just small whims), perhaps there's something there that could be meaningful. [Starts from the beginning AGAIN.]
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ladymelisande · 9 months
My problem with this implication that Crowley is the Selfish One™ for panicking and wanting to run instead of going with Aziraphale to Heaven and Aziraphale being a supposed saint that wants to save humanity (or fix Heaven just for love of Crowley, which is quite reductive and I will to that in a minute) is that it just acts as ir Aziraphale knew that the Second Coming was happening all along (which he didn't) and that once again just ignores that 1) he was pretty excited at the idea of coming back there, 2) that he did imply he misses reporting to Heaven AKA he is struggling to be part of The Company™ - Michael Sheen also mentioned this before the season started - and 3) Aziraphale was spiraling and in denial of the situations happening around him all season.
There are some points I disagree with so much and they are just... Not in the show?
'That Aziraphale didn't know that Heaven tried to kill him.' Yes, he did, he didn't know the whole dialogue word for word, but Crowley says in the first episode that Gabriel tried to cast him into hellfire.
'That Heaven has good angels and that's why Aziraphale was doing the right thing by going.' Okay, I hate this point with passion. Heaven having nice, innocent angels like Muriel doesn't make it less of a cult/totalitarian environment/dystopia/you pick your metaphor. Just because some angels are good doesn't mean the system is not broken. In any case, those angels deserve to get the fuck out too.
Crowley can't let go of his hate of Heaven and that's bad for some reason. This point is so... victim blamy. Why in the hell should Crowley feel anything but hate for Heaven or God by the matter? Huh?!
The point that argues that Aziraphale only wanted to go back to Heaven because of Crowley and to keep him safe deserves a paragraph of his own because I think it's such a 'reduce into shipping' reading. Aziraphale has been struggling with letting go of Heaven, he hasn't been eating, he is playing humans like fiddles during that ball and denying the danger around him, he accepted Gabriel in his home when anyone with some self-preservation would have thrown him out of in the street. All of this, plus his line in Season 1 when he still hesitated about 'his side' not liking him staying with Crowley, all of this is a build up that goes up to the moment where he presents Metatron's offer to Crowley.
Because as much as I ship them and I do think Crowley going was a mayor factor on making him accept, I don't think it's only about Crowley, it's about Aziraphale's inability to let go of his perception of Heaven as the side of goodness.
Crowley going back to Heaven is how Aziraphale thinks he can have his cake and eat it. Crowley is safe from Hell (because he thinks in terms of Hell being more harmful to Crowley than Heaven) and Aziraphale gets to 'fix' Heaven and never, ever confront the fact that Heaven is not the side of good, most importantly, never confront the fact that God is not a force of good.
Aziraphale's acceptance of the offer is not just doing Good and Save Earth™ (because remember he didn't know about the Second Coming when he accepted), it's him regressing (in the psychological term, not in the character term) and not wanting to accept real change, which sort of goes with his character being the sort of slow and frozen previous eras (contrasting with Crowley 'going too fast'). It's the same thing with him just believing Crowley is a good person because he is fundamentally an angel Deep Down™, and not because he developed his own moral compass.
Like, I'm sorry, but I don't think him accepting that offer had anything to do with some super mega selfless impulse to save Earth. He doesn't mention Earth in his whole speech. He goes around how Heaven is 'the side of truth, of light, of good' and he looks at Crowley confused as if he doesn't get why Crowley wouldn't want to go back to The Side of Truth, Light and Good™. I don't see Earth and humans mentioned there. It's not about them and deep down is not even about Crowley.
It's about Aziraphale and Heaven. It's about how he, as much as he loves Crowley, he still wants Heaven, he still wants their praise, he wants to be needed by them and how he can't and (in that moment) doesn't want to accept what they truly are.
This is why he will fail in Season 3. There won't be growth if he suddenly manages to change an unchangeable system. He needs to fail, he needs to have this view of them and God broken or he will never grow out of it.
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goodomens-hints · 11 months
Episode 1 plot summary (+complete list of scenes) and more details about later episodes
SPOILER WARNING SPOILER GOOD OMEN SPOILERS BELOW i'll leave my inbox open in case anyone has specific questions about season 2 eps
Scene 1: star creation scene Crowley needs help building constellations so he calls out at a shooting star-shape that turns out to be Aziraphale, who materializes in front of him. He asks Aziraphale to hold up an open scroll with schematics for the galaxies. When Aziraphale does so, Crowley pokes the center of the scroll with his hand crank device and twists it, so that nebulae shoot out. Yes there is a scene where Crowley says "look at that, gorgeous" and Aziraphale gets flustered. They watch in awe until Aziraphale tells Crowley "you do know after 6,000 years it'll be gone right? I read about it in the Great Plan". Crowley gets upset and protests, questioning the almighty, how there should be a suggestion box where they can put suggestions, and Aziraphale advises him not to say such things. Crowley says it's not like asking questions gets you into trouble. They watch the galaxies bloom and Crowley veils Aziraphale with his wing as shooting stars fall toward them, similar to the Garden of Eden scene but in reverse. Scene 2 aziraphale goes to record shop Aziraphale gets a note in the bookshop that says there's a matter of great "ugrency" (misspelled). He visits Maggie in the record shop and she's crying because she can't pay rent, so she's prepared to move. Aziraphale says if she gives him the records he requested, that'll be equivalent to the rent she owes. Maggie asks how he can forgive her and he says "I'm all about forgiveness, actually" and leaves.
Scene 3: crowley talks to shax this is the one posted on youtube, though it's a lengthened scene that includes the beginning where a spy tries to talk to crowley on the bench and he redirects him to the guy feeding ducks. those are the guys crowley is yelling at later. there is also a part where shax implies that crowley owes her specific information? it's very vague but it's probably why she's giving him updates on hell. yup, crowley does say he hasn't seen aziraphale in a while but it's clearly a lie lol Scene 4: michael mentions book of life
in heaven, michael is arguing with someone on the phone about the book of life, i thought at first it was beelzebub on the other end but it's probably uriel
Scene 5: gabriel appears on earth maggie visits nina who remembers her coffee order (skinny latte). then they're distracted by the commotion outside wherein gabriel shows up naked carrying a box. aziraphale is listening to the records but gabriel knocks on the door of his bookshop. there's a huge crowd outside and the moment aziraphale opens the door, gabriel says "I know you! :D" and hugs him in front of everyone while still naked LOL. aziraphale gets really embarrassed and brings gabriel inside. the rest of the scene is the one on youtube where gabriel explains he doesn't remember who he is. Scene 6: muriel finds matchbox short scene where muriel finds the matchbox with Job's passage on the floor of Heaven. you can see a bit of this in the trailer
Scene 7: crowley throws mail and meets shax again Crowley is in a random street throwing the mail shax gave him into a garbage can. Suddenly shax calls and crowley picks up, snapping at her that she shouldn't call and appear suddenly at the same time. shax appears behind him and says "why not?" this is the pic where both shax and crowley are on the phone -- theyre actually talking to each other lmao. shax tells crowley there are rumors of gabriel being missing and crowley is happy. she leaves. Scene 8:
aziraphale is talking to gabriel and we get the whole trailer scene ("you know that feeling where...") but in the real ep aziraphale's reaction is SO ANIMATED, with him standing up and saying "No! definitely not! I have no idea!" LMAO it's so funny, he's so in denial. We hear FLIES when it cuts to gabriel btw so maybe beelzebub is spying? HOW SUSPICIOUS. At one point Gabriel says "I love you" out of nowhere to Aziraphale and Aziraphale says "I..." and Gabriel smiles, looking like he's expecting an i love you back but Aziraphale just says "hmm". People were laughing so hard at this.
Aziraphale calls crowley and asks to meet at the coffee shop. Crowley informs him that gabriel is missing.
Scene 9: short scene where michael and uriel argue because michael said now with gabriel gone, someone has to be in charge...
Scene 10: Maggie brings Nina a record but Nina doesn't have a record player. Nina reveals she has a partner (Lindsay) and Maggie gets disappointed and leaves. She bumps into Crowley and Aziraphale on the way out and tells Aziraphale "you're an angel" lmao.
Scene 11: Crowley is PISSED PISSED PISSED the whole time, in fact the whole ep he looks like he's about to explode. We get the coffee shop scene HOWEVER right before that Crowley asks Aziraphale "what's wrong?" and Aziraphale says "why do you think something's wrong?" all nervously and Crowley says "you only ever call for 3 reasons: one, you're bored, two, you accomplished something and want to brag about it, and three, something's wrong. And you're using your 'something's wrong' voice." YUP THIS IS THE NEW 'i know what you smell like!'. we then get the naked man convo and crowley realizes immediately that aziraphale is stressed and says "is it something i can help with?" and aziraphale nods and THEY IMMEDIATELY GET UP and go to the bookshop with a plate of eccle cakes lmao. once crowley sees gabriel he and aziraphale start fighting. crowley gets mad at aziraphale and tells him he didn't command gabriel to answer properly. He yells at gabriel "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE BOOKSHOP?!" and uses his hypnotism but gabriel just says "I'm dusting" and does the passive-aggressive feather duster motion. we get the "carved out for ourselves" convo .aziraphale says "fine, i would love for you to help, but if you won't, then feel free to leave". crowley says "i'm not helping" and storms off. he goes out into the street and says to himself "dont do anything rash... wait 10 seconds before doing anything..." but he's already emmitting smoke. We get a funny convo between nina and maggie who are watching crowley from the coffee shop. Nina's all "the man who drank six expressos! He's smoking!" and maggie says "well of course, he needs to calms down!" and nina says "no i mean actually smoking!" Crowley does the lightning thing (maggie thinks he was actually struck by lightning) and it ends up locking Maggie and Nina in the shop and killing their phones. Scene 12:
seroquel and muriel show michael and uriel the matchbox. It has "The Resurrectionist" on it. They are baffled that something material has made its way into heaven. We get the "Gabriel, I think he's gone to earth" line.
Scene 13:
Crowley's in his car and flies start buzzing. beelzebub appears in his car and teleports them both to hell using flies. This is the pic in the poster where beelz and crowley are sitting on chairs side by side. crowley is disgusted and spits some flies out lmao. beelzebub says he can come back and work for hell (and even get a promotion) if he finds gabriel, and that according to heaven, anyone involved in hiding gabriel will be erased from the book of life. crowley is teleported back to his car and begins panicking. Scene 14: nina and maggie bond while locked in the coffee shop. maggie doesn't drink wine and didn't party, nina opens up some wine and drinks it out of a teacup. she says her girlfriend makes her text if she's late by 10 minutes and that she must be freaking out right now. they see someone walking outside and try to ask her to help free them but she doesn't notice them.
Scene 15:
Crowley is mad in his car, speeding, doing the usual etc. Good Old-fashioned lover boy is playing!!!! Scene 16: Crowley arrives and Nina and Maggie catch his attention. They signal for help and he just goes "oh" and snaps his fingers, unlocking the coffee shop and bringing back the electricity. He walks off lmao. Nina and Maggie are weirded out, Nina groans because her phone is bombarded with texts from Lindsay asking where she is. Crowley enters and we get the "I'm back" scene. Aziraphale says he has to do the apology dance and Crowley is all "no way" at first but Aziraphale says "I had to do it in 1861, 1942..." and Crowley says fine and dances.
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So we get the "we need to hide him" convo and they decide to each use half a miracle so that their miracles wont be detected by heaven/hell. crowley will hide gabriel from heaven and aziraphale will hide gabriel from hell. they do the hand-holding thing (like in the pic). theyre not sure if it worked but crowley tests it by standing on a chair and poking at the space above gabriel LOL and there's a hint of a shield so he says it worked, and that he's sure heaven or hell didn't detect a thing. Gabriel is all "now i have two friends :D" and crowley says "We are not friends >:(" Scene 17: an alarm is blaring in heaven because CLEARLY they noticed the half miracle ahahahaha. michael, uriel and seraquel go to the globe and see purple smoke streaming out of the UK. they 'zoom in' and realize it's coming from aziraphale's bookshop.... (interesting that michael refers to aziraphale as a 'former angel' here)
End episode Soon I will summarize ep 2! Some hints for future eps too: -There's a big rain scene -There's an epic scene in the bookshop that took several weeks to film! (youve seen some hints in the trailer) -There are at least 3 jokes about aziraphale and crowley having sex that are scattered throughout the season LOL one of them is nina noticing crowley grumpy and saying "you look like mr. fell didn't let you top last night" and crowley's reaction is amazing. I'll say no more (for now)
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familyagrestefanblog · 11 months
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Adrien's amoks!!! Oh my gosh, she didnt notice the wedding rings!
Marinette almost killed Adrien! The entire time their conversation went down Marinette didnt realize that she was holding Adrien at gun point! That changes the entire nature of the situation! Dont tell me that it doesn't, it absolutely does!
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Oh gosh this was so much worse that I thought! I need to further look into this. I was already of the opinion that believing that Gabriel gave Marinette his BLESSING after she basically told him in nice words that she will for the greater good let Adrien, as a then orphan, pay for all of his family's sins and mistakes on a disastrous globally scale is absolute insanity or blatant denial, but THIS???
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look closer:
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You can see Adrien's rings, oh my god...
Gabriel is talking about the day Adrien was born and how happy he made Emilie and him - that he was there little miracle - and Marinette is here not realizing that Gabriel knows exactly that she's ONE word away from making Adrien met his death in a mere second! Even Gabriel and Nathalie still had longer life-spans than the few moments Adrien was at the risk of having left if Gabriel made a wrong move or said the wrong thing!
No wonder Gabriel behaved as well as he did! And no wonder that all of this so quickly became entirely about Adrien while Gabriel kept catching glances at her hand resting on his:
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"And Adrien will be miserable"
How have we gotten so far by now that I'm agreeing with Gabriel's faces here?? Adrien would be DEAD! She's even saying that her powers cant remedy any of this, how is this real?
Bug Noire is currently the threat towards Adrien's entire existence. The episode almost had Marinette kill Adrien/ Chat Noir with his own Miraculous! With PLAGG! Gabriel had to end up playing along to de-escalate the threat that SHE posed to Adrien!
I'm stressed right now!
Girl, take that hand away!
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Thank you...
Oh gosh, this was so much worse than I though. Marinette is absolutely screwed and she doesn't even know why! Don't think for a second that this didn't had consequences via Gabriel's wish! Gabriel's love for his son very much exists and always has and it's by far the worst thing in Adrien's entire life!
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I don't care if you truly think the scale of the wish is nothing but on the smallest dimension of 1:1 just because that's the damn berry explanation Gimmi gave for an easy understanding while obviously being characterized to be annoyed with humanity for how they treat them and how pathetically trivial the things are for Gimmi the humans wished for in the past, and the ending didnt immediately present you with the grand answer of how every chain reaction worked.
It's a reality changing wish after 5 seasons of built-up from the one damn person the show explained to you in ever way possible that it would be an world ending catastrophe if he got his wish!
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If there is one bastard who didn't use Gimmi for something small and noble its the fucking MAIN VILLAIN before he dies and the hero almost killed their child who is the hero's love interest!
Come ON people!
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kari-go · 2 months
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I am aware that some people weren't here from the start or are just confused so take this as a sort of rundown or at least some basic information about this au. While it is still a WIP, I don't think I'm really gonna change this info. I hope this isn't overwhelming or anything :D also apologies if my English is wonky
Text written down in case it's unreadable xd
Stephan Petrov
moved to Paris after his dad's death
he's trying his best, he's just having a rough time
rlly athletic and (intellectually) smart
also really pretty
also in denial
someone help him
holder of the cat -> Gato Noir
*arrow pointing to Luxx* Luxx
Chris Duval
moved from New York to Paris out of nowhere
yearns for knowledge
especially about the kwamis
surprisingly adjusting well to everything
holder of the lion -> Lion Blanc
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
still lives in a bakery
Nino & Kim's childhood friend
has only heard about Chloe from Kim
my babygirl, baby
Lukagaminette endgame
holder of the ladybug -> Ladybug
Chloe Bourgeois
gets a redemption (if she even has to have one)
still the mayor's daughter
Audrey is still absent
has done many sports but slowed down cuz of her low grades -> Sabrina is her tutor
has been friends with Kagami for a while now, they met in a fencing match (no Chlogami) (Kagami was definitely her awakening tho)
later the holder of the monkey -> Prima Queen
Lila Rossi
Chris' childhood friend (back when they used to live in Italy)
exchange student
absolutely despises the Parisian Butterfly
just a normal with a pretty normal life!
Luxx hates him
had the Matter duo *arrow pointing to the cat and ladybug*, gave it away
only has Fluff now
*arrow pointing to Fluff* NO TIME TRAVEL!
You had perfectly good children and what did you do to them?
Arthur Duval
Chris' dad
Blanche's lovely husband <3
looks calm & collected but isn't
still lives in New York
rlly charismatic but gets overwhelmed in a crowd
Blanche Duval
Chris' mom
Arthur's lovely wife <3
capable of murder but doesn't because Arthur told her no
lives in Paris with Chris
works in a museum
somehow the most responsible adult in most situations (idk if that's a good thing)
Marianne's (adopted) daughter
Sofia Petrov
Stephan's mom
moved to Paris after she got a job offer from Gabriel (and her husband died)
she just wants the best for her son
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pisoprano · 8 months
With regards to the ML season 5 finale:
I’ve seen some people bemoan Marinette for letting her guard down in front of Gabriel since that enabled him to make his Wish—a classic case of the hero being stupid because the plot needed it happen. But actually? I think it was the very fact that she did let her guard down that helped save the world.
Ladybug has always been shown as being a compassionate person, and this became more pronounced when she started handing out protective charms and giving the akumatized victims the encouragement they needed to help fight back against succumbing to their negative emotions. (side note: I will admit I previously thought it was weird when the show kept having her hand these out after Shadowmoth figured out how to break them, but after the group effort of everyone using their charms to help Prof. Damocles, I realized that they were showing that continued effort to be kind was the right thing to do, even when those efforts failed, because in aggregate it will help things get better).
Marinette is someone who has learned to see and recognize others when they’re at their lowest and support them, and when she realizes that her archenemy is just as human as all the villains she’s faced before, she shows him compassion too. And Gabriel responds to it! Moments before, he was raving about having his perfect universe with his perfect family, with Adrien and Kagami being the iconic perfect couple as its crowning jewel. It’s Marinette who brings him back down to reality and gives him the wake-up call he’s sorely needed—and she can only do that by, not confronting him and judging him, but honestly empathizing with him. She has all the power to crush him and he knows it, so when she instead responds with understanding and reminds him of what Emilie really wanted, the simple truth of it breaks his resolve to get everything he wants—and with that clarity he is finally able to stop being in denial about Emilie’s death and prioritize the happiness Adrien made for himself over what Gabriel thought was best for him.
Naturally, the second that even a hint of a solution pops up, Gabe falls back into his old patterns of grasping at slim chances, but when he does? He doesn’t have the same goals anymore. When he makes the Wish, whatever his heart and soul asked for didn’t include his perfect vision that forced everyone into their boxes of what he thought was right. It saved Nathalie (whose illness was directly caused by Gabriel’s wrongdoings as Hawkmoth, so it’s understandable he’d still want to set that right), and it may or may not have saved Emilie (I personally think that he didn’t, but we’ll see), but Gabriel wasn’t part of that world and Adrien was free to live his life on his own terms. That would not have happened if Gabriel had gotten his hands on the ring and earrings before Marinette helped him change, just enough, to let his obsession go.
Marinette may have made some mistakes in the finale, but being the person who helps others isn’t one of them. There’s a reason Ladybug is considered the greatest hero in the Miraculous universe: it’s not just because she saves the day, but because she inspires people—even those who have hurt her—to choose to become better. The fact that she did so with Gabriel “Monarch” Agreste is pretty amazing in my book.
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goodomenskinkyrambles · 6 months
Disclaimer: I reference kink as a way of processing and letting yourself ‘feel’. Imo, this is a very legitimate and intimate experience if communication, consent, trust, and boundaries etc are respected, and it is not relied upon in place of therapy etc.
Aziraphale comes across as a pillow princess, but this is only because he fears repercussions / is in denial about being on ‘their own side’ when it comes to intimacy.
Whenever Aziraphale gains the confidence to be more himself, his dominance starts to show through. Here, we start to see a switch who is primarily a gentle dom with a subtle sadistic streak.
He enjoys making Crowley follow his orders. He likes to see him squirm as the Demon fights with his pride, only to ultimately give in to his Angel’s wishes.
Crowley is a masochistic brat / bratty sub.
But what about the “Rescue” scene in France?
In S2, Aziraphale reveals that he usually has a plan, but that Crowley loves to feel like he’s saving him. This is a classic ‘power play’. Aziraphale is in control all along —luring Crowley in, playing up to Crowley’s pride… only to rip it away.
And this is very reminiscent of Crowley’s fall.
It is shown throughout that Crowley struggles with the traumatic experience of his fall, especially given the circumstances. He was simply asking “why”. So, what better way to release this trauma, and process it, than in a safe and intimate environment? With his Angel, he can be vulnerable —though they haven’t fully gotten to this point, due to their perilous position with Heaven and Hell.
Being seen, especially through the intimacy of kink, can be a beautiful and healing thing.
And so, our Demon plays up to his pride —his protective shell, shielding him from his anger, his confusion, his pain— and Aziraphale lets him have this, until he doesn’t. As an Angel, he is the perfect person to deconstruct the Demon, and reveal those layers.
Here, Crowley can brat, and ask ‘why’, and be ‘punished’, and have the power taken forcibly away from him, but can still be loved and held and seen as ‘good’. He can writhe in anger and struggle against the loss of power, and still be comforted rather than abandoned. He can be ignored when he is in need, in favour of a good book, but still be taken care of afterwards and never truly discarded.
He’s been in free fall for so long, that for all his feigned confidence and self-assertiveness, the highest form of freedom he can get would be in the form of rope, and intimacy with his Angel, where he doesn’t have to pretend to be strong, or free of worries, or unaffected by things, or tough all the time.
But it is by NO means all about Crowley.
Aziraphale constantly doubts himself, and has constantly been patronised and abused by Heaven and his so-called ‘superiors’ (looking at S1 you, Gabriel).
What better way for Aziraphale to own his thoughts and freedom, and gain confidence in his words, thoughts, ideas, and his own *will*, than in the safe headspace kink provides. Many a time, he has shown himself to have a slight, tantalising edge to him. In S2, he looked every bit the dominant when asserting that /yes, Crowley would be doing the “I was wrong” dance/.
Aziraphale’s style of dominance is subtle but incredibly strong when you’re able to see it.
In S1, he subtly hints that Crowley should remove the stain from his jacket —an action he can easily do, but wanted Crowley to do. Although it can be argued that he wanted this as a display of affection and because it’s ‘not the same’ if he does it himself, it is also a power play —and there are many of these subtleties scattered throughout. Aziraphale’s gentle (but foreboding) approach to dominance shows when we see how little convincing it takes for Crowley to catch on and (brattily, begrudgingly) follow Aziraphale’s whims.
These moments of feigned petulance could be interpreted as Aziraphale himself bratting, but really, Aziraphale always comes out on top —no pun intended— and has an air of unknown power about him. His gentle, airy, and petulant moments makes it all the more hedonistic when he switches to steely, strategising, and commanding. He lets himself indulge in fine foods, intricate books, and good wine. If he let himself indulge in intimacy, I think his particular and exacting nature would show through. Like crepes —he knows exactly what he wants, and will go to great lengths to get it… be it a good book, or Crowley accepting that he is ‘a little bit good’ via an intensely emotional scene.
But what about Crowley throwing him against the wall?!
Well, it looks like said intensive scene would follow, if Aziraphale chose to ‘correct’ Crowley on his insistence of not being nice.
To conclude, though I will happily write more and converse about this all day, and would love to add gifs and examples some day…
Psychologically, it makes the most sense for Aziraphale to naturally side towards dominance. I sometimes feel that for Aziraphale, alluding towards submission just doesn’t do him justice. It would put Crowley —ever the tempter— in control. Previously, Aziraphale’s sense of duty has taken the angel’s control and will from him. Gabriel has taken his power from him. His own anxieties and worries have done the same.
Aziraphale’s growth lies in his dominance, and his self-assertion. By “taking down” his beloved Tempter & serpent, in the most intimate way possible, he is proving that he has made his choice with his own mind, is regaining and revelling in his own power, his own will, and his own desires.
By allowing himself to access this power, he proves this to himself, to the whole of Heaven, and to Crowley.
He proves that, regardless of temptation, he *chooses* Crowley.
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ilikekidsshows · 9 months
@chocolatevoidpizza What would say now about Chloe's treatment in the show compared to Gabriel's and Felix's ?
Honestly, I have been wondering if making a new post about this very topic would be timely with what season 5 ended up doing. You sending this message in was just the excuse I needed.
For reference to other folks, back during the first half of season four, while I was still in denial about this show getting bad, I made a post about how Chloé's continued presentation as a villain would only be sexist if we got male characters in similar situations who got treated better than she did. Back then Félix and Gabriel were still very much villains, so I said Chloé's villainy wasn't the result of sexist writing.
Now, as of season five, both Félix and Gabriel have had all of their misdeeds forgiven and/or swept under the rug by the heroes, while Chloé has been sent to limbo/written off the show while being explicitly condemned as irredeemable. The double standard is staggering. I'm not sure if I'd still call it sexism, considering the show is also ignoring/forgiving Tomoe, Nathalie, Amelie and Emilie for all their sins and crimes, but there is some kind of writer bias at work.
It might still fall under my personal stringboard theory that Astruc is just that mad that people like Chloé, because the only other character being treated as badly by the narrative is Adrien, another fandom favorite. Chloé's and Adrien's treatment by the writers has been very similar after Zag gave Astruc more creative freedom.
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I'm just saying, season five either dropped arcs for or dropped the entire character for characters who have very vocal fanbases, fanbases that Astruc has been very clear on not being fond of. This man got chased off Twitter once by the more toxic parts of the fandom. He has to be pretty steamed and I'm not convinced he's professional enough to not let that affect his work.
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mckinlily · 1 year
Completely out of step with my usual fixation, but I saw fan art with femme!Chat, forgot about it for a while, and then got hit with idea which is basically we all know Chat is 1) a huge flirt and 2) Adrien’s outlet for everything he’s not allowed to be as Adrien Agreste.
And just…au where Adrien-> Adrienne is a girl. A girl with HUGE expectations set for her by Gabriel (f, because I think this works well with a SUPER strict, unavailable mother) and one of those expectations being, of course, to be straight.
So we got Adrienne, the most closeted gay girl to ever gay, making up male celebrity crushes and doing EVERYTHING in her power to prove she definitely, certainly, 100%, no girls included, likes boys.
And on the other hand, there’s Verified Lesbian DisasterTM Chat Noir. Gay Icon of Paris. Can’t go three seconds without spewing Gay all over the place. Is she flirting or just that useless at acting straight?
There’s a viral, gif-ed, meme-ed shaking phone recording of Chat just GOING OFF on all the ways girls are beautiful and perfect and so hot, omg, Ladybug, you don’t understand—
(Marinette thought she was straight, but now she’s fighting to ignore the fluttery feelings she gets when Chat flirts with her and, ugh, she has the worst crush on definitely-straight would-never-like-her-back Adrienne.)
Paris is pretty sure that their superheroes are dating (Have you seen those two? That is not a platonic “gal pals” situation). Ladybug shuts down anyone who suggests they’re dating but, like, if they aren’t together why does she constantly refer to Chat as her “partner” and threatens bodily harm to anyone who dares suggest she’s a sidekick or anything less? What about how they’re always cuddling together? What about all the dates?
(”They’re not DATES!” vents Ladybug.
“They’re not not dates,” says Chat with an adorable stupid wink.)
Even those who take what Ladybug and Chat Noir say at face value assume that they’re just the kind of lesbians who date for three years before figuring out they’re dating. Frankly, they’re not wrong. 
But also, we’ve got Marinette/Ladybug who assume like…Chat has to be super comfortable with her sexuality, right? She throws it around everywhere. Whereas Marinette is still trying to work out how she feels about being bi. Like, she knows it’s not bad. Her parents won’t have a problem with it. Alya was delighted when she told her! So why is it still hard? Why does the thought still feel uncomfortable and, sometimes, dirty, when she thinks about it? Why is it still hard?
So of course she look to Chat, her super out and open friend, to figure out how to process it. But Chat actually isn’t okay with her sexuality at all. She pretends when she’s Chat Noir because she can, but when she’s Adrienne, she’s filled with so much shame about it. Why can’t she just be normal? Why does she have to feel this way and feel it so much if it’s so clearly bad? Sure, Chat can be gay, but Chat is a superhero and ultimately a mask. Chat can’t be real.
In this au, it’s not just Ladybug’s denial disinterest that’s holding them back, but Chat won’t actually let herself have this. Sure, she’ll flirt and make gay jokes and wear a pride flag as a cape as Pride, but actually have a relationship with Ladybug? Act on all those feelings and fantasies she has? No, no, absolutely not. She’d rather be eviscerated by an akuma first.
And Adrienne is filled with so much guilt when she’s herself for what she does as Chat. Adrienne shouldn’t do that. Adrienne shouldn’t want that. And she’s desperate not a hint of what she is as Chat Noir come through in Adrienne Agreste. This time, Chat is just as insistent, if not more, that they have to keep their identities secret. She can’t ever have her alter ego revealed. It would ruin everything. Adrienne Agreste can’t be gay.
Over time, Ladybug has to slowly figure out that Chat isn’t nearly as confident and secure in her identity as she appears be. Adrienne has to learn to actually let herself have this. That it’s absolutely okay to be in love with her best friend and partner in saving Paris (or to be crushing on that super cute girl behind her in class). And, somehow, they have to work out the classic Love Square and figure out the exceptionally obvious fact that THE OTHER LIKES YOU BACK.
useless lesbians, both of them 
idk, I just think it could be a really interesting story about wlw and young queer women figuring themselves out. 
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mimisempai · 7 months
Just a little hesitation
Sitting side by side on the sofa, Aziraphale is aware of Crowley's hand close to his own. He doesn't know why, but even though they've held hands so many times before, the few millimeters that separate their hands now seem like an insurmountable obstacle.
Centuries of self-denial leave their mark...
Day 25 : Holding Hands
On Ao3
Rating G -  1352 words
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Aziraphale placed his cup of tea on the coffee table next to the plate of Eccles cakes before leaning back on the sofa and listening to Crowley, seated next to him, recount his latest session at the planetarium.
But the angel soon found it hard to concentrate on the demon's words when he was acutely aware of his hand next to his on the sofa between them. All he had to do was move his little finger a millimeter or two and their hands would touch. They were so close that the angel could feel the warmth emanating from Crowley's hand.
They often held hands, touched and kissed, and yet sometimes, as now, Aziraphale felt a kind of shyness. 
As if something was preventing him from making the simple little move that would allow him to touch Crowley.
But everything was different now.
So why the hesitation?
He no longer needed an excuse, a pretext, or an opportunity to touch Crowley.
All the times he'd had the opportunity, merely because circumstances had allowed it.
As the years went by and his encounters with Crowley became more frequent, the need to touch became stronger and stronger. 
They entered the crowded pub and Crowley exclaimed, "Oh, we're going to the pub! You never go to the pub!"
Aziraphale replied a little annoyed, "We're in the pub now. "
They were forced to stop as the crowd near the bar grew denser and Crowley asked, "What's wrong with the Coffee Shop?" 
Aziraphale looked around for a free table or a way to clear one and replied, "Well, that is precisely the point."
A young woman passed in front of them, prompting him to turn to the demon, place his hand on his chest as he asked, "Sherry for me, please, a large one."  
His hand slid down the demon's body and he moved away to the spot he'd just freed.
It would have been a light, innocuous touch had Aziraphale's hand not lingered longer than necessary, had it truly been provoked by the movement of the crowd. But even though he'd spent years lying to himself, he couldn't do that anymore, and there had been nothing casual about the hand he'd placed on Crowley's chest that day.
"Hell has sent demons. They are milling about outside, they want Gabriel."
Aziraphale could hear Crowley's words, but the exhilaration of dancing with him was far too great at the moment for the words to really sink in. 
As his body moved through the motions of the dance, he replied calmly and confidently, "We're perfectly safe in here. Technically, this bookshop still counts as an embassy." 
They raised their hands in sync, and as Crowley continued his tirade and Aziraphale responded, he couldn't help but feel excited just because their hands were touching, palm to palm, Crowley's fingers curling around his. The demon probably didn't notice, but for Aziraphale it was all he could think about. 
Until he was forced to, for Hell and Heaven never slept.
Reality had forced him to put all these thoughts to the back of his mind. But now Aziraphale realized how much that simple touch, which had been dictated by the dance, had once again been something far from casual and had left an impression on him. 
Accused by Shax, Beelzebub replied with determination and unexpected gentleness, "I didn't collaborate with Heaven any more than Gabriel collaborated with Hell. I simply found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides."
Then Gabriel smiled in a way Aziraphale had never seen him smile before, and while some raved and others made disapproving noises, the hands of the ex-Supreme Archangel and the ex-Duke of Hell intertwined.
Seeing this, feeling their love, Aziraphale couldn't resist the impulse to move closer to Crowley and put his hand on his arm. This time there was no excuse from the crowd or the dance. His body had acted on pure instinct, responding to a need that had been rooted in him for so long he couldn't tell. 
He was barely aware of the turmoil around him, the angels threatening Maggie and Nina, only the loss of contact as Crowley stepped aside to protect the two women. Aziraphale's hand reached out to the demon, trying to reconnect, but the moment of grace was over and the angel slowly returned to reality.
And what a reality it had been.
Fortunately, this reality was quite different now. As he contemplated all of this, his eyes were fixed on their two hands so close to each other. 
Realizing he didn't have to hesitate, he slid his hand over Crowley's. The demon's fingers spread, leaving a space for the angel's to slip through. 
"Took you long enough to make up your mind, Angel."
Aziraphale lifted his head sharply to see that Crowley was looking at him kindly, and realized that, lost in thought, he had completely forgotten that the demon was speaking.
He apologized sheepishly and the demon chuckled softly, "I saw I'd lost you on the way. What was going through your mind? You were staring at our hands, all sorts of emotions crossing your face."
As he spoke, his hand had turned against Aziraphale's and their fingers intertwined.
At that moment, the angel realized what was different now.
He knew his touches were being accepted, received, and returned. 
He rested his head on the demon's shoulder and said softly, "You'd think that now that we're together, everything would be so much easier, almost normal, and it should be, considering what we are to each other. Just like any other couple. And yet sometimes, like now, just taking your hand in mine seemed like something impossible for a brief moment, it's weird, isn't it?"
Crowley leaned his head against the angel's and replied softly, "Not so weird when you think about it, Angel. We've only been together as a couple for a short time compared to how long we've known each other. We've spent years, centuries, denying ourselves so many things that it takes time for some of them to become as innocuous as they are for most people. And that's okay, Angel. There's no time limit, no plan, no list to check off, as long as you do what you feel like doing. At worst, I'll say no. But I really don't think you need to worry about that."
The demon squeezed his hand in his own and cupped the angel's chin with his other hand, lifting his face to his own before moving closer.
He murmured softly against the angel's lips, "Like now, you can refuse if you don't want me to continue."
Aziraphale chuckled softly, "Oh, but I absolutely want you to go on, my dear, and besides, if you don't do it right now, it's me who..."
He didn't have time to finish his sentence because the demon had pressed his lips to his and was kissing him tenderly.
The kiss lingered, their lips parting only to catch their breath, giving and receiving in an endless exchange.
A little later, as Aziraphale snuggled up to the demon, he had his hand in his, playing with his fingers before intertwining them.
He murmured, "So easy."
Crowley kissed his hair and replied, "The next time you hesitate, just think of this moment and maybe it'll be that easy. And if it's not, just say the words and I'll meet you halfway. That's also what being a group of two is about."
Aziraphale brought their entwined hands to his lips and pressed his lips to them before saying softly, "You're right, my dear."
Crowley replied cheekily, "That must have hurt to say, didn't it?"
"I don't like that side of you," the angel replied sulkily.
"Oh, come on, you love me, Angel."
Aziraphale sighed, "I can't deny it."
Then he straightened up a bit and brought his lips close to Crowley's face, continuing, "And I don't want to deny it," then he pressed his lips to the demon's in a kiss that showed him how much he loved him.
He didn't hesitate for a second.
Because sometimes it was that easy.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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kay-jaye · 3 months
“i’m a little bemused as to why crowley should risk destruction for you. you don’t seem his type at all.”
aziraphale raises his eyebrows, but he would laugh if he wasn’t so stressed. the mention of gabriel almost had him crashing the bentley into the treeline, and crowley would never let him hear the end of it if aziraphale wrecked his prized possession. for heaven's sake, crowley threatened to sell his books at a mere color change.
he’s on edge. the driving (which he hasn’t done in decades), the amnesiac archangel in his bookshop (where he should be heading back to now), the demon in his (their!) car suddenly grilling him on his personal relations to crowley.
aziraphale won’t agree with shax. lying would be a sin.
“i can tell hell crowley’s got him.”
“crowley doesn’t have gabriel.” well, some lies…some lies are necessary evils. “where would he put him? gabriel would never go to crowley. he hates crowley.”
“he hates you,” says shax.
aziraphale glances at her, thinks about “jim” and hot chocolate, then returns to the road. “i don’t know where he is, but he isn’t with crowley.”
the denial comes easy. aziraphale’s been practicing it for so long now that it’s second nature. he’s mastered the art of deflecting, and what’s he supposed to say anyway? in fact, if you must know, i invented crowley’s type. slightly conceited, for an angel, but that doesn’t make it any less true.
“you know what?” shax starts, and aziraphale is pretty certain he does not want to know. “sometime in the last eighty, ninety years, i remember hearing that you and crowley were an item. i didn’t believe it then. not really. poor old furfur. he thought you were his ticket to the big time. now he’s in requisitions.”
perhaps her plan was to catch him off guard, use crowley as a means to…what’s the expression, rattle the ship? it’s close enough, and it works enough because aziraphale can hear bombs and guns going off in his head like he’s back in 1941, even after shax gets out of the bentley.
aziraphale is still fretting over how much information he revealed. he considers calling crowley to warn him, but with that night so clear in his mind, he’s afraid of revealing more.
aziraphale thinks about it the whole drive home, though. even the parts he tried to forget.
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