#the best kind of south side trash
smiley-milkovich · 6 months
Mickey telling his kids he was king of the south side when he was their age
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schrodinger-swriter · 3 months
Heyoo!! I was wondering if I could request A, D, F, K, L, P, Q, T and X for Angel Dust x reader for the Hazbin fluff alphabet? Thank you!!!💕
A, D, F, K, L, P, Q, T, and X for Angel Dust
I hope this one is okay, I feel Angel may be another character I'll have difficulty catching right, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy, Anon!
Apologies for such a short note, I'm getting another headache coming on.. I think I will write out this post and rest.
For the Tunes segment I would like to apologize for having a trash taste in music, I naturally gravitate to songs I already know with these kinds of questions..
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This one is very tricky, given that Angel throws himself at any guy he sees. Though, that's because he feels it's what is expected of him, is it not? At least gathering from his wiki as well as his actions within the series... Pinpointing his type is a little difficult and what he knows he's attracted to. But what about subconscious attraction? He needs someone who's willing to deal with his sarcasm and meanness, but won't totally blow him off. But he also needs someone he can just unwind with, you know? Very hard to say, and comparing how he acts with the rest of the cast is offering little idea.. Definitely going to need to be patient with this one, too, but that's not exactly an attraction thing.. hmm..
A club may be his first go to, especially if this before he starts taking the redemption thing seriously. Though, that's not exactly the best date idea now is it? You go there to get drunk or take enough substances to not think straight for the next week; or to fuck. Sure, you can bond with someone over a shot, but is it really.. genuine? Add in he might be stressing over you like he did with Niffty if this is within the second half of the show's current timeline, and you get drunk before he can.. No, my mind keeps wandering to the two of you simply having an at home date. Together, at your place or yours. If it takes place at the hotel he takes you to his room. Less of a date as it is a hangout session, and he might try to initiate sex.. More experienced with intercourse than the romance side of things, so that's going to take time too.
Sinners can't have biological children of his own, but Angel Dust is fine by that. Perhaps he feels responsible for a moment and admits (likely internally) that he can hardly keep an eye on himself, how can he keep an eye on a child? There's also some level of fear that the kid would follow in his foot steps and end up in a nasty situation, Angel knows he's not exactly the best.. role model. He's more likely to ascend than be a father.
Oh he loves physical affection. Sure, a lot of it is going to be sexually charged. Diving into the romance vs sex side of things, it may take him a while to fully get a grasp on the difference between lustful feelings and romantic ones and how to act them out. Not all kisses and cuddle sessions need to end in intercourse. He loves giving you quick kisses, long kisses, kisses with tongue, kisses without tongue. He's not picky at all. His favorite place to kiss you is really anywhere on your face... but if you give him the chance he'll say his favorite place is more... down south
As for receiving, I think he stands at around the same.. point.. Yeah, point! Not picky when it comes to him getting affection!
He calls you everything under the sun. From schnookums to Honey, you've heard it all. He defaults to Baby and Babe, though. Tends to replace your name with something endearing unless there's something serious going on or he's trying to get your attention. Similar to the above segment he's not picky about what you call him, but he does seem to get this look in his eye if you call him something rather sweet and innocent.
Oooo this ones tough....
He asks what your favorite position is/j
No, but real talk, I think if you two were alone and you're in his room... perhaps in one of your hangouts... he might let his walls slip a bit, ask you some real.. personal stuff, perhaps seeking some sort of validation or even reassurance. This is more likely after a rough day and after a drink or two.
Perhaps I'm biased because I've been getting back into Maneskin but I can imagine you two absolutely BELTING it to this song! Not exactly a "couple song" per say, but definitely a song that you two vibe with together!
As well as this song, for the same reasons above
Though I'm also picturing the Reader and Angel drunkingly singing Tally Hall's version of Just A Friend (while the pair are giggling and getting way into it, you know just having a good time!)
It depends on how long you two have known each other. Are you guys a quick fling that fell together fast, or were you both a slow burn? If your relationship formed quickly, he may be a little stumped on reading you.. which can sometimes lead to him being a little insensitive to your feelings and vibe. Or awkwardly standing there unsure of how to approach you, likely slinking away to let you handle it on your own. But in something that had left more time for the two of you to get to know one another, he's going to let you vent and complain to him. He can tell somethings off with just the tone of your voice or if your wording is a little off. You two aren't totally in sync, but he's not as clueless as the former.
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mouthoftheocean · 2 months
Jean Harlow: Do you have a garden? If so, what kind of plants do you have?
Humphrey Bogart: Do you travel a lot? Where have you been?
Myrna Loy: Do you like going to parties?
Spencer Tracy: What time do you wake up?
Jean: My garden is shared, and predates me (no, not that way.) The largest trees are over 40 years old; an Agonis Flexuosa and Pōhutukawa dominate the north and south sides of the house, respectively, both are in excess of 15 meters tall. In the backyard, an equally freakishly large variegated Pittosporum continues to challenge them for supremacy. A flowering eucalyptus grows on our nature strip, and together with the Agonis, and a teetering Virgilia, make seasonal threats against our overhead powerline. Closer to the ground, I have made attempts to introduce more Australian plants despite the reputation of our local soil being complete trash (spoiler: it is, our suburban block was quite literally built on a historic landfill.) The survivors, to date, include Callistemon, several varieties of Correa and Leptospermum (honorable mention to the coastal teatree* to which I have a not insignificant emotional attachment that will no doubt end in bitter disappointment), Kangaroo Paw (they’re alive but screaming for help), Banksia (alive but refusing to thrive), Eucalyptus ‘Baby Blue’ (he’s adopted), Thryptomene, Hardenbergia, and Acacia. Plants that have been here for longer than I’ve been alive include Fuschias, Pelargoniums, and an ocean self-seeding Cinerarias. My father planted a Diosma in the early 90’s that he has dotingly hedged ever since, it’s now as tall as I am, but I remember jumping over it with my sister when it, and we, were much, much smaller. Back then, we also had an enormous cherry plum tree growing on our eastern boundary – shading our driveway, and the neighbours’. Summer would arrive, the fruit would fall, and with every passing car a chorus of popping plums would foreshadow the looming familial task of scraping half-fermented plum slurry off the concrete. On the upside, our local blackbirds were very happy, and so were the Hydrangeas growing in the shade of the plum tree. And because you didn’t ask for an essay, I’ll make a list of the rest: Roses (17 at last count); Buddleja; Elderflower, Convulvulus ‘Silver Bush’; Salvia; Borage; Violets; Statice, Jasmine; Rosemary; Sunflowers; Gladioli; Petunia; Viola; Jade, Zygo Cactus, Catmint, Seaside Daisy, a dream of red Poppies (waiting to discover if the seeds are still viable), Grape Hyacinth, Foxglove, Snowdrops, and Bluebells (despite my best efforts at wholesale murder.) Humphrey: Not a lot. Internationally, I’ve been to Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England - first in 2005 (there was a brief weekend in Paris, as well), and then again in 2015. In 2010 I visited New Mexico. It was my first time traveling alone, abroad, to meet and stay with people I’d met on the internet. Accordingly, I have a vivid recollection of my sister giving me instruction on how to brutally incapacitate someone as I was packing to leave for the city to catch my plane. While my friend will tell you she still has the bruise, I can at least attest that she wasn’t trying to take me to a second location when I gave it to her… affectionately – but you know this story already. Locally, I’ve been to South Australia, New South Wales, and the Northern Territory… but in the grand scheme, I’ve seen very little of Australia. Living where I do, in a little damp corner of Victoria, the rest of the country intimidates me like the promise of third-degree burns. Myrna: Categorically get away from me if people are coming that I don’t know. I can enjoy myself, or I can make small talk with strangers… I can’t do both. Smaller scale, close friends/family is fine… but anything too peopled and I’m liable to be person-not-appearing-at-this-soiree. Spencer: Any random-ass time between 1 and 4am, and ostensibly for no reason.
*the coastal tea tree's final form. Mine is still only 8 inches tall.
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outeremissary · 1 year
I was late to the asks so idk if you’re still doing them, but if you are…
💖,🌹,💜,🍆 for Marcus!!
Never too late! Seriously, as long as I can tell what prompt list something is responding to I'll try to answer even if it's months late. I usually only get like two asks max per list I post anyway. Though of course sometimes I get stuck on random ones and take months...
Anyway, from this list.
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way?
The question saying "in love" makes it hard to see this as anything besides a romance despite how the rest is structured... "In love" has some pretty specific connotations in English, after all. I love my friends very deeply, but I'd never say I was in love with them. And I don't think anyone could discuss a familial relationship in relation to a sentence that started like that... but anyway. My late night grousing aside.
I suppose Marcus must have had a crush at some point when he was a kid, before things really went south with his family. He seems like the sort of person who would spend a lot of time agonizing over the perfect confession, even as a kid (maybe especially as a kid). He'd plan the date and time and event for confessing his feelings. He'd write and rewrite love poetry, getting more and more frustrated with it, and try to show an adult some for critique before getting nervous and snatching it away right as they began to read. He'd waffle back and forth on the poem, throwing it out and then taking it out of the trash and painstakingly rewriting it on nicer paper in his best cursive. And of course he'd be the sort to try to get a gift- it's the right thing to do, right? Flowers, chocolate, some cute little trinket. He'd figure all that out and probably have everything all assembled, and then the time would come and he wouldn't have the courage to go through with it. He'd hold it in and keep moping as long as it took the roses to wilt and the candy to be eaten. Then he'd try to forget all about it. He'd be awkward for ages afterwards. I have to imagine this was the basic template for his precocious crushes- some on peers, some on a particularly handsome teacher or mentor. Some known, some possibly requited, some not. And none of them went anywhere at all.
In the end, all his little affections and any lingering romantic angsts he might have had were ended abruptly by the crushing weight of an unexpected and early adulthood. When his family's fortune was lost and it became necessary for him to be a significant earner for the household he stopped thinking so much about others like that. I suppose it was all consumed by the anxiety he now feels interacting with anyone who could discover him. And it's all too much work, and he's so tired, and it could never work out. He just has to focus on his devotion to his family. That's all.
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
It's not very easy for him to connect with others. He's good at coming across as polite or professional, but making actual connections is tricky. He's a somewhat standoffish person who can be intensely rules obsessed, judgmental, and moralizing, and he doesn't really understand how to positively interact with others while maintaining healthy boundaries or asserting his own needs. As a result he comes off as either intensely combative or as a serious doormat in most of his personal relationships. It's as unpleasant for him as it is for other people, but he tries not to dwell on it. It seems best not to connect anyway- after all, the other reason for his isolation is his need to maintain the secret of his double life to protect his family's reputation and cover for his father's failings.
I imagine that it's not hard for Marcus to make enemies, or at least to amass a list of people who really dislike him. See above. He's not really a charmer- you know as well as I! Most people dislike putting up with his abrasive attitude or find him to be a suckup. His perfectionist tendencies make him unpopular at his job as well- he's the type of person to ask to be added to projects just so that he can appoint himself the editor/person doing the final checks because he doesn't trust anyone else to do things correctly or to a reasonable standard. He always wants to correct things on other people's desks. And on top of that, he's late or absent so often... He's a hassle to work with! No one can argue with his results, but no one can tolerate him beyond that.
As for parties, you've seen that yourself. He's able to talk to anyone, but really he doesn't like to... once he's hit what he thinks is the mandatory threshold of polite interaction, he tries to find somewhere to stay out of the way.
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
Silence. Not out of any dislike of music, it's just easier to work in quiet places. He appreciates quiet space to relax as well. I think for him there's an association between music and crowded or busy places. Big social situations seem a bit anxiety inducing for a number of reasons. He prefers spells to swords- swords aren't good for much, after all! You can use magic to communicate, to clean, to count things, for transportation, to heat your drink... What are swords good for? Showing off and killing. Both aren't very good things. He's not interested in either use. Between cities and nature he prefers cities- he's hardly ever been outside of Absalom. I think he hasn't spent much time in rural areas and he dislikes them simply for their unfamiliarity. City parks are fine though! Nature has to be something you can ingest in bites.
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
He's a serious coffee drinker. Not because he has any special passion for it, just because it's easy to get cheap, adequate coffee to stay awake for early shifts or overtime hours. He'd prefer sweets- once more, not out of any special passion for sweet things. He's got low spice tolerance and can easily get an upset stomach from spicy things. Something sugary is safer. Of fruits or vegetables, he'd prefer fruit. He just prefers the array of flavors- perhaps he likes natural sweetness after all? But he's not exactly picky about vegetables. He'll dutifully eat most foods he isn't very fond of, even if internally he's cringing.
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luckykingsublime · 2 years
Raising Cane's Amarillo Delivery & Menu | Order Now
Raising Cane's started serving the and sides in 1998. Its original South Louisiana location was closed in 1999.
The brand is well-known for its "One Love", slogan and simplified menu.
Now it's open for business in over 25 states. They have also introduced two food trucks to the country that travel and bring their brand to new clients and cities.
Also Read:www.raisingcanes.com/survey
Many chain restaurants tend to be a follower of every dining trend and change their menus frequently. Raising Cane is a different kind of restaurant.
They believe that focusing on one product is enough to keep customers coming back for more. It seems that their success is a testament to this.
The Best Raising Cane Menu Items
Here are my top picks from Raising Cane's. You'll be back for more chicken fingers after you have tried them.
Caniac Combo
Let me be truthful. I'll be honest. I ordered the Caniac Combo only once. It was because I was hungry after spending the day working out in my backyard.
The Caniac Combo makes a huge meal. This meal includes six breaded chicken fingers, Texas toast, Texas toast, and an extra-large beverage of your choice.
The Caniac Combo can be shared or divided into two meals, but it is large enough.
Don't forget to order at most one and possibly two additional sauces. You'll run out long before your chicken runs out of sweet and savory dip.
Chicken Sandwich
Three Raising Cane's chicken fingers are taken, placed on a lettuce leaf between two buns, and then drizzle with sauce.
Voila! Now you're ready to eat the delicious chicken sandwich from the company. This is the perfect lunchtime snack for anyone who's on the move.
All the wonderful flavor of Raising Cane’s marinade locks in the chicken's flavor and tenderizes it. 
You can also enjoy the crunchiness and tenderness of the lettuce, as well as the juicy chicken and soft bread simultaneously.
Make sure to get extra napkins for this occasion. It's delicious and gooey!
Cooks wait to be asked to prepare them until the order is given. This ensures that there aren’t hundreds of frozen fries under a heat lamp. The company claims they don't have a single heat lamp.
You will end up with a few tasty fries that can soak up Cane’s sauce, ketchup or any other dips. You can also eat them plain to enjoy the natural flavors.
Two chicken fingers are included (a better protein than burgers), as well as a few crinkle-cut fries and one Cane's Sauce.
Raising Cane's, like many fast-food restaurants, includes a toy for the return trip. The kids' combo bag contains a few ideas for "Simple Acts of Caneness".
You might do this by picking up trash near your home or reminding your dog to drink water. Good ideas can go hand in hand with good food.
Line workers cut each lemon in the premises, squeeze out all of the juice, and then add pure cane (Canes?). Before serving, run the juice through filtered water.
The lemonade is continuously being churned by the dispenser so that the ingredients don't sit still for too long.
Each March, they add green food coloring in honor of "St. Paddy's Day." 
This delicious concoction is perfect for a Southern Fried Chicken Finger restaurant.
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cherry-interlude · 3 years
Lana Del Rey Songs Categorised
I didn't include a few but that's covers/demos / sorted by vibe/lyrics / there are other versions of this that could be made
Bad Girl - Lana's bad girl songs that make you feel cool af
Summer of Sam
Making Out
Put Your Lips Together
Dum Dum
Kinda Outta Luck
Children of the Bad Revolution
Dangerous Girl
Girl That Got Away
Maha Maha
Hangin' Around
Catch and Release
Queen of the Gas Station
St Tropez
I Learned How To Make Love
Teen Romance
Prom Song (Gone Wrong)
Puppy Love
Television Heaven
Back To Tha Basics
Brooklyn Baby
Me and My Boyfriend
Sweet Romance - Somewhat gentle and cute romance songs
Starry Eyed
When I'm With You
Because of You
Daddy Issues
Tulsa Jesus Freak
Groupie Love
Lust For Life
Lucky Ones
Joshy and I
For K Part 2
You Mister
Coca Cola
How Do You Know Me So Well?
Stoplight Delite
Serious Romance - They have a more serious tone but they're genuinely romantic
Swan Song
Cinnamon Girl
Living Legend
True Love - Deep and romantic
Let Me Love You Like A Woman
Young and Beautiful
Life Is Beautiful
Venice Bitch
Love Song
Old Money
Off To The Races
Video Games
Never Let Me Go
On Our Way
Heartbreak - Songs for feeling all kinds of sad romantically
Fine China
French Restaurant
Hollywood's Dead
Your Band Is All The Rage
Some Things Last A Hard Time
Happiness Is A Butterfly
White Mustang
Norman Fucking Rockwell
Terrence Loves You
The Blackest Day
Cruel World
Dark Paradise
Summertime Sadness
Blue Jeans
Pawn Shop Blues
F You - Aimed for people who kind of suck
Tired of Singing the Blues
It's Not You It's Just Me
Damn You
In My Feelings
High By The Beach
In The Sun
So Legit
Seduction - Sexual songs generally
Trash Magic
Us Against The World
Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight
Playing Dangerous
Behind Closed Doors
You Can Be The Boss
Party Girl
Pussycat Kittycat
BBM Baby
Big Bad Wolf
Be My Daddy
Ooh Baby
Push Me Down
Daddy's Girl
Burning Desire
Mermaid Motel
Hey You
Body Electric
Kill Kill
Jimmy Gnecco
Wolf T-Shirt
Sad Romance - Kind of toxic romance or the darker side of romance
TV In Black and White
I Talk To Jesus
Colour Blue
Put The Radio On
My Best Days
Velvet Crowbar
Breaking Up Slowly
Fuck It I Love You
The Next Best American Record
The Greatest
Summer Bummer
Tomorrow Never Came
Shades of Cool
Black Beauty
Is This Happiness?
Million Dollar Man Pretty Baby
Drive By
Hey Blue Baby
Hawaiin Tropic
Axl Rose Husband
Butterflies Part 1
Heartshaped Chevrolet
How To Disappear
Dreamy - Aesthetically pleasing songs sonically, and a lot of Lana's songs are but these stand out the most
Yes To Heaven
Angels Forever Forever Angels
Ave Maria
Roses Bloom
Art Deco
West Coast
Guns and Roses
Bel Air
Cherry Blossom
Dangerous Love - Jealousy and obsession
Your Girl
Is It Wrong?
Jealous Girl
She's Not Me
Serial Killer
Caught You Boy
Criminal and Gangsta Love - The bad romances
Queen of Disaster
Beautiful Player
Crooked Cop
Hundred Dollar Bill
Gangsta Boy
Live or Die
Hit and Run
Ghetto Baby
Every Man Gets His Wish
Live Forever
Bad Boy
Match Made In Heaven
Bops - They're good for bopping
Roll With Me
Motel 6
Florida Kilos
Brite Lites
Diet Mountain Dew
Boom Like That
Starlet - A lot of Lana's songs feature starlets but these are the songs that let her shine as a star
Hollywood Dynamite
Fake Diamond
A Star For Nick
Strong - Being the stronger one in the relationship
Lift Your Eyes
Serene Queen
Break My Fall
Big Eyes
I Can Fly
Get Free
Mariner's Apartment Complex
All You Need
Junky Pride
There's Nothing To Be Sorry About
More Mountains
In Wendy
Wild One
Weird Vibe - They either sound creepy or just have an unsettling feel
C U L8r Alligator
You and Me
Let My Hair Down
Get Drunk
Betty Boop Boop
Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)
Jesus Is My Boyfriend
Hmm - They could go into other categories but they are songs that have darker, disturbing elements
Baby Blue Love
Roller Derby
Heavy Hitter
Boarding School
Put Me In A Movie
Sad Girl - Songs with a sad vibe
Last Girl on Earth
All Smiles
Wait For Life
Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - But I Have It
13 Beaches
Music To Watch Boys To
God Knows I Tried
Pretty When You Cry
This Is What Makes Us Girls
Without You
Oh Say Can You See
Born To Die
Valley of the Dolls
Stripper - Pure stripper theme
Go Go Dancer
Dance For Money
Midnite Dancer Girlfriend
Other Woman - Pure other woman theme
Other Woman
True Love On The Side
Sad Girl
Next To Me
Money/Fame/Materialism - Songs that revolve around those three things
Money Power Glory
Fucked My Way Up To The Top
Gods and Monsters
National Anthem
Breaking My Heart
Makes You Think - Deeper songs
God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It
When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing
Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
Money Hunny
Looking For America
Songs That Sound Like Diary Entries - More personal tracks
I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy
My Momma
Wild At Heart
Dark But Just A Game
Not All Who Wander Are Lost
White Dress
Run Motorcycle
Out With A Bang
Dance Til We Die
Bad Disease
Fordham Road
I Don't Wanna Go
For You
Try Tonight
You're Gonna Love Me
Outliers - They're more happy
Come When You Call Me
Birds of a Feather
Driving In Cars With Boys
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
Shelter | kth (m)
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Summary - Lost in a sketchy area of Daegu with no phone battery and no one to turn to, you run into a handsome stranger who ends up becoming your shelter.
Word Count - 1829
Pairing - Taehyung x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - minor mentions of drug deals, penetrative sex, dirty talk, sex with a complete stranger (pls be safe guys)
Wandering a sketchy area on the southside of Daegu alone at night wasn’t exactly on your bucket list, but your friends had ditched you at a party and you’d gotten lost from there. Your phone was on low battery and you were beginning to panic. Your parents were out of town for their anniversary, so you couldn’t call them Your friends weren’t answering your calls or texts.You looked around helplessly, noticing a drug deal across the street. 
You ducked into a nearby alley, backing up slowly. You knew what happened to witnesses of crimes. Your heart was racing and you didn’t notice that you had company until your back collided with something solid. A scream built up in your chest but a strong arm shot out to hold you, one hand covering your mouth, silencing you. You struggled against his grip, certain you were about to get murdered. You were no match for his lean muscles though, and soon you stopped fighting. 
“I’m going to let go, don’t scream. If those guys hear you, they’ll kill us both,” a husky voice whispered in your ear, hot breath fanning against your skin. 
You nodded and slowly, he removed his hand from your mouth and arms from your waist, stepping back. You turned around, coming face-to-face with the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen in your life. Dark, slicked back hair, tanned skin, and deep brown eyes that shone even in the dimly lit alley. 
You sucked in a breath at the fact that you were close enough to kiss this beautiful stranger. One side of his lips turned up, revealing his straight white teeth. Your gazes locked together like magnets. 
“Hi,” you whispered, barely audible as the words left your lips with a breath.
“Hi,” he smiled, voice low, “not that I’m complaining, but what are you doing alone in a dark alley on the south side?” 
“I’m lost,” you shrugged.
“Lucky for you, I know Daegu like the back of my hand.”
“My hero,” you laughed.
“We should probably go the back way in case those dealers are still out there, follow me,” he motioned towards the other end of the alley.
“Wait, what’s your name?” you asked.
“Taehyung, yours?” he smiled.
“Y/N,” you answered with a smile of your own.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Ready?” he asked, the sound of his voice saying your name made you shiver.
You nodded, following him through the darkest corners of the south side, doing our best to remain silent. Occasionally, your arm would brush up against his, and you’d feel lightning bolts shooting through your entire body. You wondered if he felt it too. You walked side-by-side, passing homes, businesses, all dark and eerie. The street lamps and stars guided your way. You glanced at Taehyung, his defined cheekbones and chiseled jaw bathed in the moonlight, glowing like he was some angel.
“What were you doing alone in a dark alley on the south side?” you asked.
“You know why I’m here, why are you?” you re-phrased.
“I just got back to town and I’m laying low,” he explained.
“Sounds scandalous,” you joked.
He cleared his throat uncomfortably.
“Oh. It was scandalous,” you squeaked.
Was he dangerous? Even if he was, did it matter? You weren’t going to find your way home on your own. Please don’t let me get murdered, you thought, swallowing hard.
“It’s over now, that’s all that matters,” he smiled comfortingly.
“Okay,” you said quietly.
“So how did you get lost on the south side?” he asked.
“My friends made me go to a party then ditched me and I started walking trying to find my way home but my phone died so I don’t have GPS. And my parents are out of town so I couldn’t find someone’s phone to use and call them to take me home, even though they live close,” you explained, mentally kicking yourself for telling him your parents weren’t in town and you were alone. 
“Wow, you have some shitty friends,” he commented.
“Apparently,” you sighed.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” he said, stopping and putting a hand on your shoulder, “you don’t deserve to be treated like you’re disposable or something.”
“Thank you,” you said sincerely, smiling up at him.
You both began walking again, and you followed him, not recognizing your surroundings until you got closer to your neighborhood. You knew where you were going by now and ended up leading the way, and there was a silent agreement between the two of you that you didn’t want him to leave yet.
Relief washed through your whole body when you saw your house in the distance. You led Taehyung up to the front steps, sticking your key in the lock and opening the door.
“Thank you so much for helping me get home safely,” you gushed.
“It was my pleasure,” he smiled.
“Would you want to come inside for a drink or something?” you asked nervously.
“Sure, that would be great.” he replied, following you through the door and into the kitchen.
“We’ve got lemonade, tea, water, and coke,” you said, leaning down into the fridge to look for the beverages.
You felt eyes on your backside and turned around to look at Taehyung but didn’t stand up. He wasn’t embarrassed at all, and raised one eyebrow as he smirked at you.
“Do you know what you want?” you asked, referring to the drinks… kind of.
“I know exactly what I want,” he grinned, gaze moving from your ass to meet your eyes.
“What might that be?” you asked, standing up, not breaking eye contact.
“I think you know what I want, Y/N,” he purred, voice low and hoarse.
“Tell me,” you smirked, licking your lips.
“Coke, please.” 
You blinked, surprised. 
You bent down to grab a coke from the fridge when you felt him press up against your backside, hardened length rubbing up against you. You stood and turned to face him, backed up against the fridge, his body pressed firmly against yours. He took the coke from your hand and took a drink before setting it on the counter and tilting your chin up so you were looking him in the eyes.
“Your friends suck for leaving you alone tonight, but I’m not sorry they did, because I got to meet you. But, a woman like you deserves to be cherished,.” he whispered, hot breath against your ear, pressing a soft kiss to the sensitive skin beneath your ear.
You leaned your head back, tilting your head to the side to give him more access, your entire body tingling in anticipation. His kisses moved down your jaw until his lips met yours, and you kissed back immediately. He moved your body away from the fridge and kicked the door closed, picking you up and placing you on the counter. He moved to stand between your parted legs, and you could barely breathe. 
“I want you.” 
“Then have me,” you whispered.
Taehyung quickly removed your shirt and bra, his lips moving to suck on your already hardened nipples. You moaned quietly, lolling your head back and enjoying the feeling of his lips on your sensitive skin. His teeth grazed along your skin as he moved his kisses down your navel. You lifted your hips so he could remove your shorts and underwear. After he’d undressed you, you leaned forward to remove his shirt, revealing what seemed like miles of hard, muscled, tattooed skin. You melted and your core twitched.
You ran your hands down his torso and popped open the button of his jeans. He stepped back to take them off after removing a condom from his wallet. Your eyes drifted to look at it, thinking to yourself: were you really doing this? He was a complete stranger with a sketchy past. But, he’d treated you with more respect in the past few hours than your friends had in years of knowing you. Plus, he was incredibly attractive, he should’ve been a model. Fuck. 
His member was erect and leaking pre-cum and it looked painful, it was so hard. You smirked, giddy at the fact you had done this to such a magnificent looking man. You licked your lips seductively, causing a groan to escape from his parted lips. That delicious sound erupting from deep within him caused your heat to grow wetter by the second. 
“Do you want to take this to the bedroom?” he asked, stepping closer to you.
“I can’t wait that long,” you groaned, pulling him closer to you before grabbing his condom and ripping it open, delicately rolling it onto his sensitive length. 
He hissed as your fingers slid over his throbbing cock, and you smiled encouragingly, guiding his rock hard dick towards your entrance. He slowly entered you, keeping eye contact as he filled you completely. Your breath left your lungs as the pleasure filled you as Taehyung thrust in and out of your aching heat.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, your body shaking as he pounded into you.
The cool counter mixed with his burning hot skin on yours made you shiver ,or maybe it was the way he felt so right inside of you. You’d never felt this electrified with any other man, but compared to Taehyung the guys you’d been with were only boys. He was better in every way, and you were on cloud nine as he quickened his pace.
All you could hear was the sound of skin smacking on skin and the heavy breaths between the two of you mixed with occasional moans when a particularly good spot was hit. Tingling heat filled your core as you got closer and you noticed Taehyung’s thrusts getting more desperate as they went on, so you knew he was close too. You were nearly to the edge, dangling right off of it, when you felt his hot breath fan against your ear.
“Let go for me baby girl,” he whispered huskily.
Instantly, your body responded, and you were flying as your orgasm crashed over you. The rush was so intense you saw spots and Taehyung kept thrusting, helping you through it, eventually reaching his own climax. The moans he released were the hottest thing you’d ever heard in your life. You were both panting as he slid out of you and discarded the condom in the trash, using a softer dish towel to clean you up. You were still shaking from the intense climax and jumped when the cool cloth slid across your sensitive nub.
“Holy shit.”  
“That was amazing,” he chuckled, leaning in to kiss your lips gently. “You felt so good.” 
“Stay?” you asked quietly.
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be tonight,” he admitted, “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
“Good,” you smirked, leading him up to your room to cuddle until you both fell asleep, feeling safer than you ever had before, like you’d found shelter.
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Yandere Izuku Midoriya x Villain Male Reader
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I would like to clarify something, I never watched “My Hero Academia,” so don’t know much about this show. 
Warning: Violence, slight mention of bullying. 
Requested from Pokadeathpony
Background: Midoriya is doing the normal thing patrolling the city when he finds this beautiful villain male and falls for him. Midoriya decides after already killing an investigator on M/N to join and be the best killing couple.
M/N: Male Name
V/N: Villain Name
E/C: Eye color
S/C: Skin color
H/C: Hair color
sorry if this is bad!!
Midoriya was patrolling the city at night when he noticed something happening in an alleyway. he saw a guy attacking someone else! As he got closer, he noticed the features of the assailant. (You’re a murder by the way.)
He had soft, fluffy H/C hair, a nice S/C tone that radiants from the gray and dark colors, and couldn’t see his E/C, but it must be beautiful like the rest of him. Midoriya blushed at his features. He had never felt this towards anyone. This is a new feeling to him. 
He was stared for too long because M/n saw him and ran away. I wanted to stop him and bring him to justice but something in me told me to just let him go. ‘Well, I guess I won’t see him again.’ I sighed to myself as I walked away from the scene. 
(Why didn’t you cover yourself in black clothing so you couldn’t be seen? Because of plot purposes.)
Flash forward to morning (By the way it’s summer break in this story. Again I have never seen the show, so don’t judge me.)
Midoriya’s sleep was disturbed by his alarm clock. “Ugh!” Midoriya groans as he smashed his clock. ‘Well, I’ll have to get a new one,’ Midoriya said to himself saying that this wasn’t the first time he has done it. Midoriya just laid there for the next 10 minutes before getting up. 
‘What day is it today?’ Midoriya got up and checked the calendar, seeing that it was Spring Break. ‘Yes, It’s spring break!’ Midoriya went to the kitchen to make some breakfast and watch TV. Midoriya made a traditional breakfast that consists of steamed rice, miso soup, protein such as grilled fish, and various side dishes. 
After making his breakfast he sat down and watched TV. nothing was really so he went on the News Channel. “Good morning everyone, it’s a wonderful day here in Musutafu I’m Himari Yamamoto, and now for the weather with Sakura Kobayashi.” (Random name I created.) it then flashed over to the Weather woman. 
“Thank you, Himari Suzuki. So today, we have warm winds coming in from the south and today’s temperature is 18 °C (64 degrees Fahrenheit) now back to you, Himari.” she was done giving the weather. 
“Thank you, Sakura, now onto breaking news. A dead body was found in an alleyway near (insert random restaurant name) last night at 10 something PM.” 
(Does this sound like a good news broadcast?)
when the news lady said that Midoriya had a flashback to last night, he remembers seeing the cute murder. ‘Wait cute?!’ Midoriya was getting all confused about this. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the news say, “An investigator is currently trying to bring this murderer to justice.” 
‘An investigator?!’ something is triggering Midoriya. For some reason, he’s mad at this person, but he should be happy that someone is going to bring them to justice. ‘Why I’m I like this?! What I’m I feeling?’ Midoriya was confused, did he like this murderer? 
Time Skip (10 PM)
It was 10 PM, the same time Midoriya first spotted ‘him’. Midoriya hated night patrol (does he?) but this time he is actually was excited because maybe he’ll accidentally into him. Nothing really happened until he sees the same H/c and S/c. just to be sure, he got closer and he could confirm that was M/n.
M/n was just walking around. People assumed that M/n was a kind person and that he would never do anything bad towards anyone but behind closed doors, M/n can be the most dangerous person you’ll ever meet. He shows no mercy and is ruthless. But he only kills people who wronged him and people who bully him because he was the ‘quiet kid.’
Anyways M/n was just walking, he was going to the store to get some items. As M/n was walking he could feel someone watching him. He kept turning and looking around. This is what years of bullying can do to you, it makes you more aware but of course that all changed when M/n killed his bullies. M/n arrived at the store and got what he needs. 
While walking home, he could still feel eyes watching his every move. ‘Is it that damn investigator?’ M/n yelled in his mind. But little did he know that those eyes were not from the investigator but from a hero.
Time Skip (3 weeks)
For the past three weeks, M/n felt like he was being watched. M.n could rule out that it wasn’t the investigator because he still doesn’t know who is behind all of these murders. As for Midoriya, he watched M/n from the top of the building just in the shadows. He learned a lot about M/n from stalking him, he discovered that most of M/n victims are his bullies. Midoriya is lovesick for M/n. 
Midoriya finally understood what he was feeling. These feelings developed as he began to stalk M/n more. He denied it at first but it got more controlling. Midoriya wanted to join M/n but he couldn’t do that because of the investigator. So he had to deal with him.
Midoriya got out his phone and called him. It was ringing for moments until someone picked up, “Hello?” the man finally picked up. “Ah yes, is this Satoshi...  Hashimoto?” “Yes, this is Satoshi. What do you need?” “This Izuku Midoriya and I want to help you with the murder cases.” “Wait you’re the Izuku Midoriya?!” Looks like Satoshi is a fan of Midoriya. MIdoriya is just getting more annoyed about this man. 
“Answer my question. Yes or no? The more time that is consumed, the more time that killer is out there.” “Yes, I’ll be honored for you to help me.” “Okay, I want you to meet me at my apartment. Today at 11:00.” “Uhh, why your place?” “Do you want me to help or not?!” “Yes, sorry, I’ll be over there.” “Great see you at 11:00.” then Midoriya hung up. 
Midoriya sat there with a sadistic grin on his face. ‘This night will be your last.’
Time Skip (11:00)
It was 11:00 and Satoshi should be arriving soon.11:10, Satoshi hasn’t arrived. 11:30 still hasn’t arrived. Just then Midoriya received a call. “Yes, I don’t know where you live.” *sigh* “Okay I live in the (Apartment name) complex, on the 4th floor. Go straight and then take a left, and go straight.” “Okay thank you.”
It was currently 12:10 AM and Midoriya heard someone knocking on the door. ‘About time.’ Midoriya got up and walked to the door, unlocking it. “Hey, Satoshi nice to meet you.” he extended his arm out. “Nice to meet you too,” Midoriya said while shaking his hand. “Come inside.” “Okay.” Satoshi walked inside and Modoriya locked the door. 
Midoriya slowly walked behind Satoshi, pulling out the knife he had in his pocket. “So wha-” Midoriya put his hand over Satoshi’s mouth covering it so he wouldn’t make a sound. And Midoriya shoved the knife into his head killing him instantly. ‘So this is what murdering someone feels like?’ Midoriya didn’t feel guilty, he felt relieved. 
Midoriya didn’t stop there, he continued to repeatedly stab Satoshi’s body. He cut his fingers off one by one. He cut open his chest and pulled his intestines out. Midoriya released all of his anger. “Tsk, what a mess.” Midoriya grabbed the body and put it in a trash bag. He cleaned up the blood and cleaned the knife. 
Once completed Midoriya took the body to the nearby garbage dumpster and there it in. “Time to go to sleep.” 
Time Skip (3 days) 
M/n turned on the news and he was shocked at what he just saw. “The body of Satoshi Hashimoto was found in a dumpster. The killer is unknown but it is speculated that it’s the same murderer.” ‘I didn’t kill this man? If it wasn’t me then who was it?’ M/n thought to himself. But M/n didn’t care at least Satoshi wasn’t a problem anymore. 
Times Skip (10:00 PM. Another one?! Just too lazy to put anything else.)
M/n was walking when he was grabbed and pulled into an alleyway. He was shocked at first but he regained his focus and looked up at who it was. ‘Just who I looking for.’ M/n smirked but before he could pull out his knife, and stab this person, someone else killed him. The body dropped to the ground revealing the person who was behind him. And it shocked M/n.
‘Midoriya?’ M/n mouth dropped. “Hello, M/n.” “How do you know my name?” “Well… you see. You caught my attention and... to be honest I was the one watching.” M/n couldn’t process what was going on. The MIDORIYA was interested in him and he didn’t care that I kill people? “But I kill people… how are you interested in me?” “Well I knew you were a killer but I just stayed quiet. And that investigator, Satoshi? I was the one who killed him.” 
M/n was now more shocked. “You were the one who killed him?! Why though? I thought you were a hero?” “Yes, I was the one who killed. Why? Because while I was watching you, I started to develop feelings… sick feelings. And now the last question, I WAS a hero but now I want to join you.”
Not only does Midoriya want to join you in killing people but also has feelings for you. Sick feelings. ‘I mean Midoriya is kind of cute.’ you thought to yourself. “Fine, I give you a chance and you can join me.” Midoriya face lit up and he grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss. You blushed at this. “Okay stop that, you need to prove yourself first.” Midoriya nodded his head. 
Time skip (5 months later)
Midoriya proved himself showing you that he can handle it. He also was ruthless as you and showed no mercy. You also began to develop feelings for Midoriya and you confessed to him, he was ecstatic.  He pulled you for a long kiss and you kiss back, melting into it. He pulled back and whispered.
“You’re mine. You belong to me and I belong to you.” 
ANNOUCEMENT: I’m currently out of request! You can request me something. it has to be Male reader or gender-neutral, give a description, and you can request smut if you want. any male character from anime to your favorite celebrities. I need to create a rules section but I don’t know how to do that.
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So…I wrote a little something. Hope you enjoy!
Keep Your Secrets
Tattooed fingers caressed silky red strands; soft, slow, loving. More love than he could have ever thought possible. The movie that had been playing in the background had long since finished and the Netflix menu screen cast an eerie glow upon Ian’s pale skin; freckles on full display. Little soft snores filled the room in a way that would have annoyed the fuck out of Mickey a few years ago. Now they were a soothing reminder of everything that he has. Ian is everything.
He doesn’t deserve it. He knows this and feels it right down to his bones. He’s nothing; trash as his father had reminded him plenty throughout the years. Good for nothing and no one, but Ian…Ian just doesn’t get it. Ian sees something in him that he just can’t see himself. He’ll never figure it out, but then he guesses he doesn’t need to.
He’ll never tell Ian he’s wrong. He’d never risk it. Lose all this? Fuck that. He’ll take it to his grave unless Ian figures it out on his own someday. Jesus he hopes that doesn’t happen. It can’t happen. That would be the end of him.
Ian stirs and the snoring stops. He leans his head back from where it rests on Mickeys chest and looks at him upside down. Fuck he’s beautiful and he’s looking at Mickey like he’s the best damn thing to ever come out of the South Side. Mickey leans down and places a soft kiss to Ian’s forehead. “Sorry I fell asleep babe.” Ian croaks out.
“S’ok. Movie got kind of boring anyway.” Mickey whispers into Ian’s hair.
“Let’s go to bed.” Ian says and stands up, dragging Mickey along with him. Mickey goes without a fight cause fuck him if wouldn’t follow his ginger puppy anywhere. Ian doesn’t need to know that he deserves better. Mickey’s certainly not gonna spill his secret.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence. (? x f!reader) pt6
THANK U FOR BEING SO PATIENT i am so excited to get back to this story!!
“That’s not how you do it.”
Asami furrowed her brows at her. “Oh yeah? Then show me how you knead dough.” (Y/N) rolled up her sleeves and began pressing into the dough with the heel of her palm, at first gently, but then with some effort.
“It’s like raising a baby,” (Y/N) said. “You have to be soft, but firm.”
It took (Y/N) quite a few days to recover. She shivered in bed the first night, retching violently into the trash bin Jinora had kindly placed at her bedside. She had given her a worried smile, which (Y/N) weakly returned. Falling asleep was difficult because of how cold she felt. When sleep finally did grace her, it was littered with dreams of empty blackness and monsters licking at her heels. She woke up every few hours, sweat beading down her neck and a scream threatening to rip at her throat. She felt like her heart was beating too fast to be contained by her chest. Her first night of illness was undoubtedly the worst. 
Knowing this, Korra had moved a cot into her room the next night. She knew what it was like to be ill and how isolating it felt, so she thought (Y/N) could use the company. Especially when her fever had risen to a temperature near scalding. Korra bundled her in her warmest blankets from the Northern Water Tribe, tucking (Y/N) into the fabric. She looked so small and weak, nothing like the bright, curious girl that Korra had come to know over the past few days. Naga slept protectively at the girls’ feet. (Y/N) slept most of the night and well into the next day. 
But when she awoke, the rest of the household was surprised to find her walking into the dining room, one of Korra’s blankets still wrapped around her shoulders and the color returning to her skin. “Could I have something to eat?” Her voice was hoarse from lack of use. Pema insisted that she go back to bed and rest, that dinner would be brought to her, and although she hadn’t known her very long, (Y/N) knew better than to argue. 
Quickly, she made her way back to her room and crawled back into bed, her stomach eagerly awaiting the arrival of food. 
Korra entered a few minutes later, shocked to find (Y/N) looking so chipper. “Someone’s feeling better. Pema made your favorite.” (Y/N) cocked her head to the side. “Bolin told me. Soup dumplings.” (Y/N) held in her squeal of excitement as Korra handed her the hot bowl and chopsticks. 
“So,” Korra began as she scarfed down her dumplings. “I have a plan. We,” (Y/N) liked how Korra included her in the ‘we.’ “Will take a ship to the South Pole and enter the Spirit World through the portal. Then we’ll ask the spirits if they know anything about you.” 
(Y/N) finished her last dumpling, her mouth burning comfortably from the hot food. “Is that it?” Korra let out a surprised laughed at her boldness. 
“Did you want more action?” (Y/N’s) face flushed. 
“No, I just mean that it seems really easy.” 
“If all goes well, it will be.”
(Y/N) was bundled up so tightly for their trip that she could hardly move. Pema hadn’t like the idea of them leaving before she was feeling her best, but (Y/N) insisted that they left as soon as possible. The thought of getting her memories back made her heart race. 
She stood in the courtyard of the Air Temple, Tenzin and his family standing before her. “I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality,” She said. “I hope one day I can repay you for taking care of me.” 
“You have to come back and play with us!” Ikki begged, jumping up and down as she clapped her hands together. “Please, please, please!” 
“Yeah!” Meelo interjected. “You were too busy throwing up to play with us!” (Y/N) laughed as Tenzin blanched at his children. 
“I’m sorry, Meelo. I promise I’ll come back and play with you guys soon!” She glanced at Tenzin and Pema. “As long as I’m welcome, of course.” 
“You are always welcome here,” Tenzin reassured her, and (Y/N) smiled. Korra walked out of the house then, both her and (Y/N’s) bags slung across her shoulders. 
“Ready to go?” Korra questioned, and (Y/N) nodded. She waved goodbye to the family and walked down the stone steps to the dock, where their ship was pulling up. (Y/N’s) eyes widened at the sight of it. “Ship” was an understatement. It was huge, twice the size of any boat she had seen in her almost three weeks of memory. It was white, with thick blue stripes painted around the edges. 
“Is that yours?” She asked Korra. 
“It’s Varrick’s,” She called back to her. “He’s a super rich guy. Kinda sorta a friend of ours, a guess. I called in a favor.” 
“You’re sure he doesn’t mind?” 
Korra turned around and flashed her a smile. “Varrick tosses money around like it’s leaves. If anything happens to this boat, he’s got ten more.” (Y/N) smiled back at Korra and tried to ignore the statement, “If anything happens.” 
When they reached the dock, one of the most beautiful girls (Y/N) had ever seen stood at it’s edge. She waved at the two of them, her dark hair fluttering behind her in the breeze. Korra dropped their bags on the dock and enveloped the girl in a hug. “Asami!” She cheered. 
Asami squeezed Korra tightly and gave her a kind smile. “It’s good to see you again!” Her green eyes fluttered to (Y/N). “You must be (Y/N). Korra’s told me so much about you.” She extended her hand and (Y/N) shook it firmly. 
“I guess that’s not very much,” (Y/N) joked, eliciting a laugh from Asami. 
“Where are the guys?” Asami asked, and Korra shrugged. 
“Probably running late, as usual.” 
“I want to say thank you to you both,” (Y/N) said suddenly, wringing her fingers together nervously. “I’m sure you both have heard some pretty bad things about me, but I’m so thankful you’re willing to help.” 
“Mako has a bit of a flair for the dramatics,” Asami said as she waved a hand into the air. “As far as we’re concerned, you’re a completely different person.” Korra nodded in agreement, flashing her white teeth at (Y/N). 
Mako and Bolin joined them only a few moments later and the five of them boarded the massive ship. Varrick had sent along an entire crew to accompany them, which everyone was very thankful for. As much as Team Avatar trusted their abilities, none of them were very keen on the idea of steering a ship for a whole week. 
They departed from the bay outside of Republic City and (Y/N) watched from one of the enclosed decks as the skyscraper buildings faded into nothingness. A nervous pit fit itself in the bottom of her stomach. This was really happening. She would get her memories back. 
The majority of her was absolutely ecstatic. She hated not knowing anything about herself and couldn’t wait for her life to get back to normal--whatever that meant before she lost her memory. But a small, miniscule part of her enjoyed what was happening right now. If it hadn’t been for losing her memory, she would not have become friends with Korra. (Y/N) feared that once she got her memories back, there would be some things she didn’t want to remember. 
Asami appeared at her side, offering (Y/N) yet another kind smile. “How do you like the ship?” 
“It’s huge,” (Y/N) said. “I can barely feel the water underneath us. I was worried that since I was sick, I wouldn’t feel well, but I feel fine.” 
“Korra mentioned that you hadn’t been feeling well. I’m glad you’re okay now.” 
(Y/N’s) eyes trailed to the middle of the room, where Korra, Mako, and Bolin talked to each other. “Have you known them long?” 
“Only a few months,” Asami said. “But they’ve become my best friends.” (Y/N) felt a tug at her heart. She wondered if before everything, if she had had a group like this. “Are you feeling hungry?” 
“A little,” (Y/N) admitted. 
“How about we make something in the kitchens? Just you and me.” (Y/N) nodded excitedly and followed Asami down two flights of stairs, where the kitchen took up the entire floor. The staff was scarce, considering that dinner would not be happening for a long while, so they both rifled through the pantries trying to find ingredients. “We could make a pizza!” 
(Y/N) poked her head around the pantry door and stared quizzically at Asami. “Do you know how to make a pizza?” The dark haired girl shrugged, gathering ingredients into her arms. 
“It can’t be that hard.” 
It turned out it was that hard, but they had found a cookbook with their desired recipe and managed to at least get the dough started. Asami slapped it against the counter as (Y/N) giggled. “That’s not how you do it.” 
Asami furrowed her brows at her. “Oh yeah? Then show me how you knead dough.” (Y/N) rolled up her sleeves and began pressing into the dough with the heel of her palm, at first gently, but then with some effort. 
“It’s like raising a baby,” (Y/N) said. “You have to be soft, but firm.” Asami laughed at her comparison. 
“How do you know so much about making dough?” (Y/N) paused for a moment before turning back to her work, kneading into the dough harder. 
“I’m not sure,” She admitted. “I guess there are some things left in there.” 
Bolin stood in the entryway to the kitchens, not yet noticed by the two girls. He watched as (Y/N) taught Asami how to make pizza dough. It brought him back to a memory he reflected on often during the years of her absence. 
Years ago, after (Y/N) and Bolin had taken each other out on many dates, there was the night that he decided to ask her to be his girlfriend. He was incredibly nervous, his palms were a sweaty, clammy mess, but (Y/N) had stared at him kindly. 
“I want to show you something,” She said as they walked down the streets of Republic City, their hands intertwined. If she noticed how slippery his hands were, she didn’t acknowledge it. Like he did in all things, Bolin followed (Y/N) with no questions asked. 
She led him to Kwong’s Cuisine, which had closed for the night hours ago. She pulled a silver key from her pocket and led him to the backdoor. She unlocked the heavy metal door and pushed it open with her shoulder, her fingers still interlocked with Bolin’s. 
“Are you sure we should be in here?” He asked the darkness. (Y/N) flipped a switch and bright, white lights illuminated the silver fixtures of the kitchens. 
“I’m the owner’s daughter,” (Y/N) said with a teasing scoff. “What are they going to do, fire me?” She pulled open the fridges and began gathering her ingredients. Bolin had never seen her move like this before. (Y/N) always seemed so confident, but here, she seemed liked she owned the place. He guessed in a way, she did. “I’d like to make you brownies,” She said to him, pulling out a metal stool with her foot and gesturing toward it. “Sit.” 
Bolin obeyed and watched with fascinated eyes as she mixed the batter together from scratch. “Are you doing this all off the top of your head?” He asked. She nodded. 
“Mom always made me cook when I still lived with her,” She said, offering him the spoon so he could get a taste of the batter. He took his finger and swiped it into the chocolatey mixture before licking it. 
“These are going to be the best brownies I’ve ever had! You should be a chef!” (Y/N) laughed. 
“Maybe one day,” She said. She put the brownies in the oven and set the timer. As they waited, they talked about their days and the events of Bolin’s latest pro-bending match. When the timer buzzed, (Y/N) hopped up from her seat and pulled the brownies out. 
“I’m too excited to wait,” Bolin said, grabbing a knife and slicing into the gooey brownies. 
“Bo, be careful you’re gonna-” 
“Ow, ow, ow,” Bolin complained as he held the scorching hot brownie, but he tossed it into his mouth. He tried his best to chew. “It burns but it’s so yummy,” He mumbled as he tried to breathe hot air out of his mouth. 
“Your girlfriend makes pretty good brownies, huh?” She asked, and Bolin nearly choked on his hot piece of brownie. He doubled over as he coughed and tried to swallow it down. “Oh my goodness, are you okay?” 
“Girlfriend?” Bolin asked once he had righted himself. (Y/N’s) face flushed. Had she calculated everything wrong?
“Yeah, girlfriend. I thought that girlfriend is okay.” Bolin nodded, his hands wrapping around the small of her back to pull her close. 
“Girlfriend’s okay!” He said. “As long as boyfriend’s okay, too.” (Y/N) smiled brightly up at him. 
“Boyfriend’s okay,” She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Bolin leaned down to kiss her and she could taste the hot brownies on his tongue. 
“Bolin!” Asami called to him, breaking his flashback. “You want a piece of pizza? I think (Y/N) should be a chef, because it’s amazing!” 
Bolin stepped into the room, giving (Y/N) a tight smile. She smiled back at him as she chewed on her piece of pizza. “What kind is it?” 
“Pineapple and pepperoni,” She said, and Bolin twisted his face in disgust. “No, no! You have to give it a chance first, please?” He conceded and took a bite of pizza. It did taste amazing. 
“Not bad,” He said with a teasing smile, and both Asami and (Y/N) rolled their eyes. 
Once the three had finished devouring the pizza, (Y/N) moved to leave the room with Asami, but Bolin called out her name. She turned to him, her eyes staring up at his quizzically. “I just wanted to say,” He cleared his throat. “That, even though I know that you know that things didn’t necessarily end well for us, I don’t, uh, have hard feelings.” He could feel his face redden. “It was a long time ago, and I know I can’t tell you anything yet, but I’m sure you had a reason for doing certain things, so I don’t blame you.” 
(Y/N’s) eyes shined so brightly in the kitchen light that Bolin was sure tears would spill over any moment. “Thank you,” She said quietly, an uncertain smile making its way across her features. “I, um, want to apologize for whatever it was I did. You seem very kind and great and whatever happened between us, I’m certain you didn’t deserve it.” Bolin nodded, his own eyes prickling at the backs. “Could we start over? Just be friends?” 
Bolin nodded perhaps a bit too eagerly. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
(Y/N) smiled up at Bolin and felt that maybe she had been wrong. Maybe things would be okay. 
When she left the kitchens, she wondered if everyone had been planning to gather down there, because she ran into Mako as she was walking away. “Sorry,” She said, refusing to meet his eyes. She would never admit it, but Mako intimidated her. His dislike for her was always apparent and (Y/N) hated it. 
“Bolin told me what he said to you,” Mako said as she began to walk past. She turned back to look at him. 
“He’s forgiving, but I’m not. What you did, it was cruel. You were cruel.” 
“As if you don’t spend every waking moment reminding me,” (Y/N) said with a sigh. Mako narrowed his eyes at her. 
“If you do anything--” 
“You’ll do what, Mako?” She snapped. She had enough of him thinking that he could talk to her whatever way he pleased. “Hurt me?” 
He blinked in surprise, as if the suggestion was ridiculous. “Just stay away from him, alright?” 
“How about you stay away from me? The ship’s big enough.” With that, she stormed up the stairs and joined the rest of her friends. (Y/N) hated Mako. Absolutely hated him. The flush of her cheeks and her racing heart proved that.
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gallavictorious · 3 years
I know we all love the idea of a Tami & Mickey friendship (bitching about the Gallaghers = A++) but I raise you: Tami & Ian friendship 🥰
Petty Sarcastic King 🤴 + Petty Sarcastic Queen👸🏼, the 2 people who know Lip the best and love him the most. They have a special WhatsApp group just for them dedicated solely to regaling each other with their Lip tales, simultaneously adoring him and absolutely tearing him to shreds in equal measure.
(Plus, they're both vulnerable middle children taken advantage of by adults who are only just starting to come to terms with it. Lip definitely let slip to each about the other without meaning to and after an awkward couple of interactions afterwards, now they're their own support group that no one knows about).
Just... Tami & Ian, secret bffs ❤
(Also, Ian would 100% shell out for a fresh uncontaminated cup of her favourite coffee, just sayin')
Oh, I'm all herefor that, nonnie! Though there's no adoration at first encounter and we don't see them actually interacting much in season 10, we DO have Tami's ”I love Ian” in 10x12, and I don't think there's any reason to doubt her sincerity? Tami might be slightly wary at first – she probably doesn't know much about bipolar disorder and Ian did go to prison for blowing up a van after starting a cult – but once she sees how good he Ian with Freddie and how much of a sweetheart he is (when he's not being a petty sarcastic king), I think she warms right up! Also, Ian is the one of the Gallaghers that has a real interest in the middle-class lifestyle Tami comes from, so I think they might have share a few frames of reference that they others either don't get or don't care about?
Now, there's not a lot in-text to support them being fast friends in season 11, but I'd say it's fairly natural that they might both be busy with their respective partners and lives at that point: Tami with Lip and Freddie in their new house, Ian being somewhat consumed by being married and looking for ways to start his and Mickey's new life? It makes sense to me that they'd maybe wouldn't hang out all that much when they're no longer sharing a kitchen and have lots of other stuff going on. Not for any lack of love, you see, but just.... other priorities.
But! I think there's some excellent potential for them to start hanging out again once Ian and Mickey moves to the West Side! As you say, Ian would totally shell out for her favourite coffee – and in Tami he'd have a friend who enjoys trying all the sweet stuff the West Side has to offer! Coffee shops! Restaurants! Yoga! Maybe even an art gallery at one point!
I mean, Ian wants to do everything with Mickey always because those dumbasses just loves being together that much, but sometimes it's probably nice to go to a new restaurant with someone who's actually excited about it and doesn't need to be bribed into going? So at one point at family dinner at the Gallagher house – which Lip did not actually sell and now they share it with Debbie and Liam while Carl has moved into the Alibi flat, no you will not change my mind on this – Ian mentions this place he's heard about and Tami is immediately interested and they make plans to go and just like that they have regular outings and so much fun!
Talking about Lip would happen a lot, maybe starting with Tami coming to Ian for... well, not advice, but some context about Lip's behavior. Is he alwasy like this? Is it a South Side thing? And yeah, that leads to them starting to trade stories, Ian dragging up stuff from their childhood (both heroic and hilarious) and Tami telling him all about the idiotic and amazing things Lip does now...
Ian sometimes mutters about Mickey but Tami understands instinctively that that's not an invitation for her to trash talk him the same way they do Lip. I just don't think that Ian would be down for anyone else making fun of Mickey (other than Mandy) at this point?
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure that Ian has fully accepted that what happened with Kash and Ned (and at the club) was him being abused and taken advantaged of, so I doubt that's a connection he would be very interested in exploring, even if Lip does mention Tami's experiences to him (mentions them somewhat meaningfully, since Lipcertainly sees the connection). However, I think Tami might latch right onto it, either if Lip lets it slip or if Ian mentions something about his past relationships that has her go oh, yeah, I know what you mean, same thing kind of happened to me. Ian might be defensive at first – no, actually, it wasn't like that at all, this was different – but it might serve as a way for him to slowly approach the reality of what was done to him? Tami would be patient and gentle, since she knows all too well how hard it is to accept that the person you thought truly loved you actually abused you.
So, I don't necessarily think they're there yet, when we leave them at the end of the series, but yeah, there's all sorts of potential for future Ian & Tami BFF:s! (And let's face it, Tami would have NO PROBLEM being secret friends with Ian and Mickey both, and privately having so much fun comparing their wildly divergent accounts of their latest squabble... 😏)
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Man’s Best Friend
Allen, walked the streets of downtown Boston. His breath was slightly visible and frost-covered everything he could see. It would have been beautiful to anyone, but him. The frost reminded him of the feeling in his soul, cold and sharp. 
His year had not been a good one. He had started welding school, but though his skills were on point, the classes were much more difficult than he realized. Each lecture and the remembering of various formulas left him cursing. Studying felt like learning a new language, while tutors felt out of reach.
To save money he decided to remain with his family in the south side of Boston, but the stress they caused made him not want to be there. Every day felt like another fight between him and his brothers. First, he and Oliver, were constantly going back and forth over things like his choice of school and his lack of a stable dating life. It wasn't his fault the ladies just fell at his feet. 
His brother Matt and him were always just angry with each other. Allen could not pinpoint what started their fighting, but whatever had caused it, created such intense animosity they both acted like fighting dogs. Sizing up each other up before going in for a chance to kill. 
The only one he was on some decent ground with was his brother François. Sure they fought a lot too. Moments of insults and crude language had become common between them. Despite that at the end of the day, Allen found comfort in his grumpy brother. Allen thought it was because François was the only one that would actually give some kind of feed back that was not an insult.
The more his thoughts lingered on school and home life, the more cold Allen could feel himself become. The fighting was taking its toll, and school was starting to become a chore. He wasn't sure how much longer he could go on. He felt himself getting close to sna-.
Allen's head rose, brown hair shifted with the shake of his head, his thoughts were temporarily forgotten. Was that a dog? Most of the strays he had seen seemed to live by a code of silence. Always watching but never barking. For all he knew it could be a stress induced hallucination.
Again a deep woof resonated along the empty streets. 
With the second bark Allen realized it was no mere hallucination. Almost against his will, Allen moved toward the source of the barking. He walked a few feet into an alley. 
It was dark, cold, and there were many different trash cans along the way. Some were silver and metal, others were green and plastic. Trash was thrown in various clumps along the walls. The smell around it made his nose wrinkle. By this point the dog had stopped barking. Its silence made him think that the dog had moved on until it barked again. 
He had come this far, he might as well continue on to find it. In his mind, Allen told himself at least it was an excuse as to why he stayed out so late. 
As his feet moved down the alley he noticed it was shorter than it first appeared. It quickly let out to an old train junction. It was gray in the late fall air and as he heard another bark, he changed his course.
Stepping over the dark steel train tracks, he heard the barking increase in intensity. Then as soon as it started, he heard it change into small whimpers and howls. 
The juncture had been abandoned and in its run down state, Allen had to avoid various holes left from its neglect. As he drew closer to the now whimpering dog, he noticed its source seemed to be in one of the holes he had worked to avoid. 
Looking down, Allen saw a huge dog. It had a dark coat, but it was covered in globs of thick dark mud and small splinters of wood. Allen assumed it was stuck due to the steep walls that prevented an escape. 
The sight alone made Allen's heart clench. This was man's best friend and it was left here to rot. Without a second thought, Allen was crouching down by the hole. Clicking his tongue Allen stretched his tan hand toward the beast of the hole.
It looked at him, before lifting its head to smell the outstretched hand. With no other reaction than the sniff, Allen took it as his go-ahead. 
His hands reached down and grabbed the beast by its scruff. The dog growled for just a second, but once Allen started lifting it stopped. With a couple of grunts and heaves of his toned biceps that dog was out.
With its tail wagging and tongue panting, the dog hopped around. Allen chuckled as the dog continued its romp and looked back up at him. He stood up, brushing the mud from his clothes. 
"You're free buddy."
He gave a firm pat to its head as he turned to walk away. 
It wasn't more than a few steps before Allen realized that he was being followed. Doing what most people do, he turned and attempted to shoo the dog away. 
The dog just stopped and looked at Allen. It's head cocked and showed confusion. Allen tried again and shooed at it. Instead of leaving it came closer and wagged its tail.
Allen sighed. The dog was kinda cute and it was cold outside. Maybe he could house the big idiot for the night. Then find it a good home, or its owner. Allen wasn't sure if the dog was microchipped and he didn't recall feeling a collar.
He patted his thigh as he turned back to walk home. The dog quickly followed wagging along side his savior. 
Their walk was quiet and as the sun set the street lights took over and casted a harsh golden gleam. Allen's once barely visible breathe turned into dragon's smoke as he and the dog moved silently in the streets to his home. 
Allen could see his home in the distance. Its red brick walls and white shutters made him groan. He knew he had to reach the house eventually, but he wished it wasn't so soon. 
Looking at his new furry friend, he gestured. 
"This is it, my gateway to hell."
In tandem they walked into the house. It was quiet and that was never a good sign. He felt the heavy stare from blue swirled eyes. Looking around Allen saw those eyes again in the corner of the living room. It was his older brother, Oliver.
"Allen, you're finally home... and you brought a disgusting mutt."
Allen could feel the vein in his forehead twitch. Clenching his jaw, he breathed out.
"He ain't disgusting. Just covered in mud. I'm gonna bathe it and find it a home."
Oliver snorted at his attitude. Did Allen really think that it was ok to bring such a filthy animal into his home.
"Allen, take it outside."
"Why not."
"It's cold and it maybe hurt."
Oliver rolled his eyes, he could careless for the mongrel and if it died so what. It was dirty and Allen should be listening to his elder.
"Allen I am going to ask you one more time. Refuse and be punished. Now, take it outside."
"No, it has a right to be here too."
As soon as the words left his mouth, Oliver threw a punch at Allen's stomach. Though smaller than him, Oliver's punch left him winded. The grunt spooked the dog and caused it to start barking.
Oliver looked over not amused. He thought it would be best to shut it up, after all Matt was out drinking with François and Allen didn't have the skills to save it. He'd make it quick and save them both the trouble. 
As Oliver reached for his knife, the dog pounced on him. Knocking them both on to the floor and the knife from Oliver's hand. It landed somewhere in the room.
Oliver held eye contact with the beast as it growled and something in those eyes made him freeze.
"Allen get this MUTT OFF ME!"
Allen having recovered some from the punch, looked amused at Oliver's fear. He couldn't help but wonder what happened to that condescending attitude from moments before. 
"Well Ollie, I could. But you said the dog was dirty. I guess I shouldn't touch it."
Allen smirked at his yelling. It sounded shrill and panicked. He enjoyed having this power over his brother. Tapping his index finger to his chin, he thought.
"Hmm... If you allow me to keep it, I'll help."
"WHAT?! I thought you were gonna rehome it"
Allen explained that had been his original plan, but he just got too attached. How could he ever part with such a sweet doggy. After all Oliver and the big guy were getting along very well.
Oliver's eyes widened before narrowing into slits. Without turning his head toward Allen, Oliver attempted to spit curses at him. But before a full sentence was out, the dog growled louder and snapped its jaws.
"Alright! Fine, you can keep the horrid beast."
With a grin Allen stood and whistled. There was no hesitance from the dog as it stopped growling and walked to its new master. This behavior caused Allen to smile. What else could he have this dog do?
With a quick thanks to Oliver, Allen took the beast up to his room. Even in the dark of the room, Allen and the dog walked calmly into his black stone bathroom and started the cleaning process. 
It was no easy feat, but as he washed that dog he finally checked the gender. 
A male.
That means his scary dog privileges just went up even more. With a chuckle he leaned back and looked at the damp animal. With its eyes covered it kinda reminded Allen of a small bear and the growling from early helped set the image.
"I'm gonna call you Makwa. My bear."
Allen smiled and the dog gave a happy bark. This was going to be a great friendship.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for the meet uglies, 55 indruck sfw? sorry apollo
Here you go! For those wondering, Apollo originates in my Amnesty Super Hero AU
“Okay sir, I’m gonna say this as nice as I can.”
Indrid looks up from his drawing of some mushrooms. The ranger, a man about his age whose little bronze name tag reads “D. Newton”, has the look of someone choosing his words very, very carefully.
“You are this close to me writin you up. And I mean this. Close.” He puts his thumb against his finger.
“I, is this not allowed?” The log he’s sitting on is technically on the trail, just next to it.
“This ain’t the problem. It’s everythin you done since this morning that’s the problem.”
“First there was leavin your breakfast trash on the picnic table by the visitor center so chipmunks got into it--it’s real bad for them y’know, makes ‘em too bold--then there was the selfies on off-limits spots, then you had the fu, uh, freakin nerve to be rude to Juno when she asked you to stay in safe areas, you littered left and right, then you left a beer can in the reeds by the plover nestin’ grounds. I don’t even know where to start with that one; you know we don’t allow alcohol in the park. Campgrounds sure, but we don’t want fellas like you gettin drunk and then fallin off a rock. How can you be so careless, or not give a shit for a place people put time into protectin?
The smile that’s been spreading across Indrid’s face since the word “selfie” is wide enough that the ranger spots it.
“Man, if you think this is funny, you won’t when you’re too drunk to swim or run from a bear. Then I’m gonna have to bail your ass out, which I will, and you’re gonna eat a slice of humble pie big as that overinflated ego of yours.”
Indrid snickers. The ranger glares. Slowly, Indrid pulls back the hood of his sweatshirt and retrieves his glasses from the front of his shirt (he doesn’t wear them when drawing in color due to their red lenses). The other mans expression slides off confusion and tumbles into horror.
“Aw hell, I’m sorry sir. Thought you were your, uh, well, guessin you got a twin runnin around this park.” He pulls the brim of his hat down in a charming attempt to hide his face.
“I do, and this is far from the first time I’ve been scolded in his place. Less so since I dyed my hair” he indicates the artificial silver framing his face, “I’m mostly amused by how accurately you captured his orientation towards the world. It’s also bitterly funny to discover he made someone else's day as unpleasant as he made mine.”
The ranger studies him, seems to notice the creases by his eyes and mouth, “Seem a little old to be gettin forced into family time. Not that you look old. Just, uh, I mean, you might be younger than me, hard to tell with the hair, uh, yeah.”
Indrid points in the direction of the beachside campsites, “The Cold Family Reunion can only be begged off so long.” His phone dings, the reminder that it’s his turn to help his aunt with dinner, “speaking of which, I should pack up.” He quickly gathers his supplies, sends the other man a final smile, “thank you for the laugh, Ranger Newton.”
“You’re uh, you’re welcome. And tell your twin to throw his damn trash away.” He smiles as he says this, suggesting a joke, but Indrid resolves to remind Apollo of his manners anyway.
The fog caresses the coastline, hiding the dawn entirely. Indrid pulls his hood up against the chill, the wooden bench and viewing deck damp from the weather. He’s not going back to camp until he’s captured the sight before him; dozens of fishing boats on the dark water, their lights beautiful and soft against the grey world.
Sandy gravel crunches to his right, and then Ranger Newton appears. He keeps glancing at Indrid as he writes something indecipherable on a clipboard.
“I’m the nice one.” Indrid says in response to the quick, searching, looks.
“Thank fuck.” He turns so they’re actually looking at each other, “guess we’re both on the early shift.”
“Normally I wouldn’t be, but the cold and quiet is preferable to my twin snoring. I brought my own one person tent, but then my aunt and uncle had their monthly argument and she needed a new place to sleep.”
“That was mighty kind of you.”
Indrid shrugs, “Not really. I just want to get through this reunion with as little conflict as possible.”
“How’d you end up on this thing? Said you couldn’t get out of it but-”
“I just moved to town a month ago. Turns out this is a place my parents have always wanted to visit. Not enough to see me, mind you, or refrain from criticizing my choice of towns, but enough to host the reunion here so I had no escape. And if I want to eat with the family, I have to spend the night in the camp and not at home. And since money is tight after moving, well..."
The ranger whistles, “Damn, that’s rough. But uh, since you live in town you’ll actually get to see this place in nice weather.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” He shivers, “though I enjoy the cold when I can be in my nice little apartment. In a tent, not so much.”
“If you get a good sleepin bag or good company, gets a lot better.” The ranger smiles, then looks at his notes, “sorry, that ain’t appropriate talk around a visitor.”
Indrid meets his green eyes, “If you have recommendations for either, I’m all ears.”
A gust of wind carries salt spray all the way to the platform, Indrid shivering as it mists his glasses.
“Here” the ranger holds out his hnd, “I gotta go open the visitor center; nice and warm in there.”
“...Could you possibly come back in ten minutes? I’d like to finish my sketch.”
“Sure, won’t kill me to check on the tide measures while I’m out here.” He tips his hat and soon Indrid sees him winding down a path to the beach. Eleven minutes later he’s back, telling Indrid about a huge starfish he saw.
On the walk to the visitor center, he learns the “D” on his nametag is for “Duck,” that he’s a transplant from West Virginia, and that they’re actually the same age. When Indrid explains that he’s a tattoo artist who sells his drawings on the side.
“You’ll appreciate this, then” Duck bends down to roll up his pant leg. Indrid appreciates the view and the well executed geometric tree tattoo on his ankle.
“Juno and I got ‘em together. Had to go with the ankle because I already got some on my arms. Can’t show those off right now though.”
“My, my, Ranger Newton, you’ll flash a scandalous ankle at a guest but not take him to the gun show?”
Duck laughs, the sound like the mating call of a strange tropical bird; absurd and enchanting.
“Glad you’re in town to stay, Indrid. Think you’re the kind of fella I’d like to get to know.”
Maybe he’s being childish. It’s not wrong for Apollo to say he’s making their father proud, that he’s successful, that he’s a golden boy of his field.
It’s just obnoxious for him to do this the one time their extended family expressed Indrid’s professional accomplishments. With that smile, the one Indrid knows for a damn fact he had fixed, that tone, that, that….
That voice sounds familiar.
He reverses course, takes the path he passed by that points towards the amphitheater. What he gets is more a firepit with a small stage, but standing at the center and addressing fascinated families is Duck.
Indrid sits on the rickety bench furthest from the stage, lets Ducks explanations of night blooming plants and the creatures that pollinate them drown out the echoes of family dinner. When the program ends and the parents shepherd their children off with instructions for bedtime and brushing teeth Indrid stays, not ready to leave but not intending to attract Duck’s attention.
He gets it anyway.
“Enjoy the talk?” Duck stays two steps down from him, rests a foot up on the bench, “this one is always real popular; when it gets warm, the little animal rehab place south of town brings education animals in. Y’know, bats and owls, stuff like that.”
“I’ll have to come back to see them.” The thought of seeing bats up close excites him, but he’s too tired to sell the emotion.
Duck frowns, “You okay?”
Indrid shakes his head, tells him about the constant comments, the threat of living forever as the family disappointment, a threat he can deal with until he’s around them all. Then he’s right back to being seventeen and afraid of failing them.
“....Apollo’s always been the golden boy, ruthless and goal focused like our father. He always knows just what to say to get under my skin and dig out the scar tissue,” Indrid sighs, “All I wanted tonight was to roast marshmallows and go to bed early.”
The ranger moved from the steps to the bench beside him as he told his story. Now, Duck looks at him, smile more soothing than the thrum of the distant waves, “I got an idea. Guessin’ you don’t gotta tell your family where you’re goin, right?”
“No, most of them will assume I’m off sulking and Apollo will hope I’ve fallen off a cliff.”
“Then leave ‘em to be their shitty selves and come home with me. Uh, not, not-not like that, fuck, like what you’re thinkin, uh. Fuck. What I mean is; I got a fireplace and some marshmallows. You want in?”
Indrid watches the dying fire flicker of the curves of his face, thinks back on the last week. The ranger has been a frequent companion, brings him hot cocoa from the little cafe and tells him where he’ll be for chunks of the day in case Indrid needs a break from his family. Last night, all Indrid could think about was wanting Duck to be in the tent beside him.
On the drive over, Indrid points out his apartment complex and Duck points out the best places to eat and the cheapest laundromats. His house is tiny, looks like it was built when the town was a logging hub and not a tourist destination.
“Make yourself at home, it’ll take me a sec to get the fire goin’--uhuh, Taco, stop tryin’ to open that cabinet.” He hoists a yowling, blonde ball of fur on the couch. The cat directs a suspicious look Indrid’s way and then settles on top of the pile of blankets.
“You a s’more man?” Duck calls from the kitchen.
“No, thank you. I prefer my sugar in a single bite.”
“You eat marshmallows in one bite? I’m always worried I’ll choke.”
“I have an accommodating mouth.” Indrid smirks when Duck audibly drops the bag. He’s not always the best with social cues, but if the way Duck kept brushing their hands together on the center armrest in his car is any indication, the ranger is trying to pick him up.
Once the fire is going Duck sits on the rug, patting the spot to his left. Indrid joins him. Caramelizing sugar and increasingly sleepy laughter soon fills the air. Neither of them keep their knees from touching, and Duck keeps dropping his head to Indrid’s shoulder when he giggles. The whole scene is so heavenly Indrid isn’t paying attention to their marshmellow consumption. He reaches into the empty bag and makes a disappointed noise.
“Damn, we really went through ‘em.” He catches Indrid’s eye with a playful grin, “you still cravin’ sugar?”
Indrid licks his lips, “Yes.”
Duck cups his cheek, guiding him into a sleepy, close-mouthed kiss, brushing their noses together when he pulls back to murmur, “That do the trick?”
“Hmmmmm?” Indrid cocks his head, “no.”
The other man guffaws as Indrid pulls him down on top of him, kissing him happily and wiggling his hips when Duck digs his fingers into his hair. His own hands migrate under Duck’s shirts, finding his body just as warm and wonderful as he hoped.
He nips Duck’s lower lip. The ranger growls and Indrid is no longer tired.
“Care to see just how accommodating my mouth can be?”
Duck rolls them twice so they’re a safe distance from the fire, “Hell yeah.”
Indrid saunters into camp late in the morning, some of the Colds already packing up to depart. His twin is stuck on dish duty, grins like a barracuda when he spots Indrid.
“I don’t know why you’re here. You missed breakfast, and you weren’t in camp last night, so you don’t get lunch or dinner either. May as well skulk back into the shadows.”
“Mmm, yes, I was rather undutiful.” Indrid spots a figure checking campsite permits, who stealthily blows him a kiss, “but at this moment in time, I don’t particularly care.”
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 7
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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EZ dropped Nina off at Angel’s house on his bike, and used his extra key to let her in. He stood around awkwardly for a few moments, before beginning to move some of Angel’s clutter from the coffee table. “He’s not the best cleaner…”, he muttered. “It’s ok. You should see my place”, Nina chuckled, suddenly feeling a sting in her heart. No matter how much she’d begun to care about the Mayans, she still had a hint of homesickness. “Well, seeing as you’re sticking around; maybe you can get Angel to pull his act together”, EZ smiled, and walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. He immediately shut it again. “I wouldn’t look in there”.
She sat leaned against the doorway to the kitchen, deep in thought. “Are you ok?”, EZ asked. “It’s just been a crazy few days…”, she muttered. He walked over to her, and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You know we have your back with this thing with Palo, right?”. She nodded slightly. “I know. But I still feel like I…”. She sighed, unable to finish her sentence. “Signed a deal with the enemy?”, EZ said. “With the club, I mean”.
Nina moved into the living room, and picked up her helmet; sitting down on the couch. EZ sat down next to her. “Mayans aren’t the enemy…”, she said. “No, but we’re not SAMCRO”, EZ replied. She met his eyes hesitantly. “Look, I get it. You don’t know us. Not really… And you still have family in Charming”. Nina nodded. “I’m not going back on my deal. And I want to be here; I mean, you guys have been really good to me”. “But you miss home”, he said, and took the helmet from her. “Angel mentioned your brother. Are you worried what he’d think if he knew you were here?”. Nina laughed out loud. “Oh, I know what he’d think. I know what he’d say as well… Chibs sent you down south to keep you safe, darlin’. Not sling beers and screw bikers. And then I’d remind him I’ve been doing pretty much the same thing in Charming up until now… Save the screwing bikers. No need for contraception, when you’ve got Happy looking over your shoulder”. EZ laughed at this, and squeezed her hand, before getting up to stand. “Yeah, he’s pretty scary”, he said. “Look, whether you stay for a week, a year, or however long; you got a home here now as well. And I hope whatever you have going on with Angel continues. You’re doing something to my brother. And I like having you around”. He bent down to kiss her cheek. “Thanks, EZ”, Nina said. “No problem, hermanita… Family; right?”. She felt a smile tug at her lips, and squeezed his hand, before they said goodbye, and EZ left the house.
Nina was dozing off on Angel’s couch, a telenovela running on the flatscreen. She was jostled awake, at the sound of the front door opening, and him walking in. He closed and locked the door behind him, before turning to look at the tv. “Fucking Catalina…”, he muttered, took off his cut, and hung it over a chair, before going over to throw himself on the couch with Nina.
He wrapped both arms around her torso, and nuzzled up against her chest. “Everything ok?”, she asked, and ran her fingertips through his hair. “We just made five grand for the club on a kidney”, Angel smiled. “We’re good”. Nina shuddered. “Yeah… I still didn’t need to know”. Angel chuckled softly. “Sorry, querida”, he said. “Did you eat?”. Twirling a lock of his hair between her fingers, Nina shrugged. “Your fridge isn’t exactly stuffed”, she said. She’d gone against EZ’s advise, and checked it, after he left. Angel looked at her disgruntledly. “I got food…”, he pouted. Nina ran her index finger over his lower lip teasingly. “You mean that broccoli pizza you got on the shelf next to the Miller Lights?”. “That ain’t broccoli; that’s…”, Angel began, before meeting her eyes. “Right. I should probably do some grocery shopping. You could cook us a real meal”.
Nina frowned at his words, knowing it was time for some truth. She pushed at Angel’s shoulders, to make him sit up. “What’s wrong?”, he asked. Nina sighed deeply, and took his hand; kissing his knuckles. “I have to tell you something… And I don’t know if you’ll feel the same about me once I’m finished”. Angel looked worried. He tried to meet her eyes, but she looked away. “Nina, you’re scaring me. Talk to me”. He put a hand to the side of her face, stroking her temple, as if to soothe her. She finally looked up – meeting his terrified gaze – and took a deep breath. “Angel… I can’t cook”.
Angel let out a huff. “Fuck, Nina… That’s it? That’s the big secret? You fucking scared me!”. Nina laughed at his guffawed expression. “Oh, you think that’s funny? After everything these last few days; I was shitting myself!”. She put a hand on either side of his face, and went to kiss him. “Aw, poor baby. Come here…”. Angel pulled back, and grabbed her wrists. “Nah, mami. That shit ain’t funny…”. Nina straddled his lap, and attacked his face with kisses, while he continuously moved his head away. “I thought something was seriously wrong”. “I’m sorry”, Nina pouted. She shifted in his lap, grinding against him. “Forgive me?”. Angel groaned, and moved her off of him, with a firm grip on her hips. “I’m gonna go have some broccoli pizza”, he grunted, and got off the couch; moving towards the kitchen.
Nina let out a scoffing laugh, and shook her head. “Seriously? Angel, I was joking!”. She followed him into the kitchen. “I can’t hear you over the sound of the echo in my empty fridge!”, Angel said, and grabbed a slice of cold pizza, before slamming the fridge-door shut. He took one bite of the slice, before wincing, and spitting it out in the trash-can. He dumped the rest of the slice as well. “Angel…”, Nina said. Angel nabbed a beer in stead of the pizza, and opened it; taking a big gulp while theatrically ignoring her. “Angel!”, she repeated. Angel walked past her, and back into the living room. Nina sighed. “Papi…?”.
Angel stopped dead in his tracks, and turned around slowly. “I’m listening…”. Nina walked slowly towards him, pushing out her lower lip. “I’m sorry I tricked you…”, she said, and looked at him innocently. Putting her hands on his chest, she leaned in close. “Please forgive me…”. “Hmm”, Angel grunted. “Kiss it better”. Nina smiled sweetly, and began getting on her toes to meet his lips. “No…”. He looked down towards his groin, before meeting her eyes with a raised brow. Licking her lips, Nina nodded, and took a hold of his hips; lowering herself onto her knees.
Angel looked on – taking another sip of his beer – while she unbuckled his belt, and opened his pants. He was already half hard, when she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his boxers, and pulled them down to expose his cock. She sighed in contentment, and made a languid stroke of her tongue up the side of his length. He let out a soft gasp, when she made the same movement on the other side; and she couldn’t help but giggle at the small jumps his cock made, as it hardened fully. She left a kitten lick on the tip, and smiled up at him.
Grabbing himself, and stroking his length; Angel chuckled down at her. “What?”, Nina asked. “Mami, you look so cute like this… I just wanna…”. He touched the head of his penis to her nose. “Boop”. Nina sat back on her heels, and looked at him with a guffawed expression. “Did you just… boop my nose with your dick?”, she asked. “Fuck yeah”, Angel grinned. “Now, open your mouth, or I’ll do it again”. “Angel, you…”, Nina began. “Nuh uh… try again”, he replied. She couldn’t help but smile. “Papi…”, she said. Angel nodded. “Good girl. Now say ah…”.
Nina opened her mouth, and let him enter it. She let out a moan around him, and took over stroking his length, while suckling at the head. She sucked him in as far as she could, and moved her tongue to massage him. Angel put a hand on her cheek, and took another sip of his beer. Moving her hands to his bottom, Nina began moving her head back and forth, while gently squeezing his cheeks. He was letting out soft groans now, and shifted his legs. The sounds of her slurping at him mixed with the sounds of a couple arguing on the tv. “No, Antonio. You know she’s just playing with your heart, man…”, Angel muttered. Nina pulled him out of her mouth. “Seriously?”, she said. Angel looked down at her and shrugged apologetically. “Sorry…”. “No, you’re not”, Nina said, and rolled her eyes, before getting back to work.
She added pressure with her tongue this time, and cupped his balls; massaging them gently. Angel gasped, and grabbed at her hair, moving her head back and forth. The sting from his grasp was strangely delicious, and sent pleasant signals to Nina’s core; making it difficult to sit still. She pressed her thighs together to get some kind of friction to help with the throbbing. Angel moved his hand to her chin, and made her pull back, and look up at him. “You want something, querida?”, he asked. She looked up at him with lips parted, and nodded. “Talk to me. Tell me what you want”.
She got on her feet slowly – her thighs burning slightly, from having been on her knees for so long – and pulled off her top. Turning around to walk towards the bedroom, she opened her bra and tossed it over the chair his cut was hanging on; and then opened her shorts, to step out of them. Once in the doorway, she pulled down her panties, and stood naked in front of him. “Food… I’m hungry”, she said. Angel laughed, and grabbed his phone to order takeout.
The – fresh – pizza arrived after round one; and Angel hardly took the time to put on his boxers, to go to the door to get it. After devouring more than half the pie – letting Nina enjoy a few slices herself – he devoured her for a good while; leaving her still short of breath, when he entered her again. Nina let herself be enveloped in the comfort of Angel’s presence, and in her quiet mind she thought that maybe spending a year in Santo Padre wouldn’t be so bad after all.
The next morning, it rained for the first time since she’d arrived with the Mayans. The bikers were all miserable, unable to take their fancy road kings for their regular rides; but Nina felt the rainfall as a fresh start.
“What are you smiling about?”, Creeper said, as she was filling the fridges with drinks for the party that night. He was looking over some maps with Riz, by a table near the bar. The two of them were supposed to go for a short run over the border, but the rain had kept them stranded for now. “What’s not to smile about? The air is finally breathable around here, and there’s a party tonight”. Creeper chuckled, and shook his head. “Yeah, if anyone comes. It’s not riding weather”, he retorted. “You think a little rain will keep SAMCRO from riding down here?”, Nina scoffed. “You can’t keep them off the road”. Riz raised a brow at her. “Yeah, well Palo’s riding in as well… I don’t think the rain will stop him either”. She sighed. “Yeah. Thanks for that…”, she said.
Angel and Gilly came in to the clubhouse then, and Angel went behind the bar, to kiss her cheek. She smiled slightly at him, before looking at Riz and Creeper. “Whatever. I’m not going to let that shit ruin the fact that I’m seeing my family for the first time in weeks”, she declared. Angel gave her a short look, and went to sit by the counter with Gilly. “I thought we were your family”, Gilly said. “I’m not saying…”, Nina began. “Yeah; what are you saying?”, Angel said, his voice hard. Nina frowned, and was about to speak, when the door slammed open, and Coco came in with a grin plastered over his face. “It stopped raining!”, he proclaimed. “Thank fuck”, Creeper said. “Let’s get this shit done”.
Riz and Creeper went to leave the clubhouse. Nina walked over to Angel, and took his hand. “Are we ok?”, she asked quietly. He nodded dismissively. “Yeah, ma’. We’re good”, he replied, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I gotta go help Gilly with a haul that just came in the yard”. “Angel…”. He pecked her lips again. “We’re good, Nina. Go get shit ready for later…”. He squeezed her bottom, and went to do his job.
Trying to ignore the nagging feeling in her stomach at Angel’s behavior, Nina went back to getting the bar ready for the party. While EZ and Chucky were lugging cases of potato-salad, tortillas, and other non-meat foods, she kept herself busy by putting pouring spouts on liquor bottles, and putting snacks in bowls. Coco was leaning against the bar, arguing with his daughter on the phone. “No… Because I said so, Letty”. He looked at the bowl Nina set down in front of him. “Hold up…”. He pulled the bowl towards him. “The fuck is this?”, he asked Nina. She looked down at the orange lumps of deliciousness. “Apricots…”. Coco frowned. “They’re not supposed to look like this”, he grunted. She popped an apricot into her mouth. “They’re dried”, she shrugged with a smile. “Like raisins? Ma’, that’s wrong. They look like shrunken dog’s testicles”. There was a long rant on the other end of the phone, and Coco went back to his conversation. “We got two clubs of dirty ass bikers coming in to this thing. I already fucked up one cabron for you this week. You’re not coming… Letty…? Leticia! Fuck. She hung up”. Nina handed him a cold beer to calm him down. “You trying to keep her out of trouble?”, she asked. “Always”, Coco muttered. Nina gave him a half smile. “Do you really wanna think about what she might get herself into tonight, if she’s not here, though? It’s the weekend…”. Coco looked ahead of himself for a short moment, before something resembling a shudder went through him, and he pulled out his phone again, and called up his kid. “You’re coming here tonight… No arguments, mija. And wear a turtleneck!”.
Gilly ducked in to the clubhouse. “Prospect. Meat incoming”. EZ quickly went for the door, to help his pap unload. Nina followed him outside, and saw Felipe arrive in a flatbed. Angel came out of the office, and went to greet his father. It was the first time Nina had seen the two men interact, and she lingered on the porch for a moment; looking down at the scene. Felipe pulled his eldest son in for a hug, and Angel kissed his father’s cheek. He’d been truthful in telling Nina that Felipe looked at him differently than he did Ezekiel; but she found him selling himself short in his father’s eyes. There was clear pride there; and so much love.
She went down to join them, and Angel went over to take her hand. He looked strangely nervous, when he led her over to Felipe. “Pap’, this is Nina. She’s…”. “We met”, Felipe said, and took Nina’s free hand; squeezing it. “Right…”, Angel said. “I forgot”. “It’s good to see you again, Nina”, Felipe said. “You too, Mr. Reyes”. “Please… Felipe”, he replied. “I brought that chorizo you liked yesterday”. “Thank you!”, Nina grinned. Angel looked between them; a slightly bewildered expression on his face. “Pap, where’s the ribs?”, EZ asked from behind the truck. “I’m coming”, Felipe said, and went to help his youngest son.
Angel put an arm around her shoulder, and looked down at her in wonder. “What?”, Nina chuckled. “He likes you…”, Angel said. She shrugged, and turned to put her arms around his waist. “I guess I have a way with the Reyes men”. Angel smiled softly, and gave her a soft kiss. “I have to go get ready”, she said, and went to get dressed for the party.
Zipping up the only dress she’d brought to Santo Padre, Nina gave herself a final once over in the small mirror of the trailer’s bathroom. Spending a little time alone, the fearful thoughts of what was actually going to happen that night, had come back. Palo would be there, with his men; and even the thought of having both Mayans and SAMCRO at her back, didn’t ease her mind. If by some chance Palo managed to figure out who she was, it would be literal war; and not only she, but every civilian attending – and there would be quite a few, she knew – would be caught smack in the middle of it. She was beginning to regret pushing Coco to let Letty come.
As she added a dash of lipstick, someone knocked on the trailer door. Bishop was standing outside when she opened. “Someone told me I’d better knock, before coming in”, he said, stifling a grin. “Yeah, me and Angel might have scarred Coco for life”, Nina replied, and moved for him to enter. “The guy fought the Taleban. He’s seen worse than Angel’s flat ass”, Bishop chuckled. He sat down by the table, and Nina sat down on the other side to face him. “How are you feeling?”, he asked earnestly. “Like I’m about to serve beer to a psychopath who wants me dead”, she replied. “Well, you are…”, Bishop said. She nodded, and looked down at the table. The .38 was lying there, next to her inhaler. Her hands were shaking, and her heart racing. “You need to keep your head down tonight. Act like any other girl here. Serve the drinks, smile…”. “And pretend I don’t notice any of the illegal shit going on”, Nina muttered. “Exactly”, Bishop said. “Once VM rolls in, don’t pay any special attention to SAMCRO. I know you’re close with them, but Palo doesn’t need to know you have connections up north. This is your home. Ok?”. “Ok”, Nina whispered. “Do I bring my gun?”. “Hangarounds don’t carry weapons. Leave it here”, Bishop said. She swallowed thickly; and Bishop reached over the table, and put a hand on her cheek. “We got you, mija”. There was a roar of engines sounding outside in the distance. “And you got your other family coming in as well”. They both got up to stand, and Nina took a deep breath. She fingered her inhaler absentmindedly. “Leave that too”, Bishop said. “No need to add to suspicion”.
There was a hard knock on the door. “Bish! Reaper incoming…”, Hank yelled from outside. Nina closed her eyes, and listened to the arriving bikes. She felt her lips turning into a large smile. “Better break out the Johnnie Walker”, Bishop said. Nina opened her eyes. “Jameson…”, she grinned.
The Mayans were all gathered in front of the clubhouse, standing ready to greet the incoming guests. Bishop went to stand in front of them, while Nina waited in the doorway of the trailer. Angel stood with his hands leaning against the railing of the porch, his expression somber.
The roars of five Harleys made its way up the drive. Nina knew the sound of every bike like the back of her hand, and a feeling of comfort and home washed over her, as she watched her family drive in. Filip pulled up, followed by Tig, Happy, Quinn and Ratboy. They all got off their bikes, and it was a struggle for her not to run at them right away; but she knew convention was that the two clubs greet first, and halted herself. Walking up to greet Bishop, Filip, shook his hand, and gave him a half hug. “Welcome”, the Mayan president said. “It’s hot as fuck out here. Did you have to scare away the rain?”, Filip replied. “We wanted Quinn to feel at home. Heard his old lady’s as dry as the Sonoran”, Taza said. “That’s my kids’ mom you’re talking about”, Quinn said, and hugged Taza. “Sorry”, the VP laughed. Quinn shrugged. “Nah, fuck that bitch. We split months ago”.
The two groups merged, and there was a murmur of greetings and pats on backs, before Filip looked at Bishop again. “Where are you keeping our girl?”, he said. Bishop nodded his head at Nina, who practically sprang to greet her brothers. She flung herself around the neck of Filip, and earned about a hundred kisses to her forehead. “I’m so happy you’re here!”, she smiled, and turned to hug Tig, who gave her even more kisses. “We missed you, sweetheart!”, he said. Happy picked her up from the ground, and squeezed her tight. “Are they treating you ok, little sister?”. “I’m good, Hap’”, she replied.
After having hugged Quinn and Rat, Filip once again wrapped her in his arms, and turned them, so his back was to the Mayans. “We need to talk, luv’”, he said. “You should not be here right now”. Nina sighed into the crook of his neck. She locked eyes with Angel, who looked about ready to throttle someone. “I can’t go… I made a deal with them”. “What kind of deal?”, Filip asked. “Look, if this is just about some dick…”. “It’s not… Not just…”. Filip made a displeased grunt, and turned to look at the other club; his arm still wrapped around her. “Which one is it then? His voice was kind of shrill over the phone; I couldn’t make out which one of the eight amigos it was”. She punched his shoulder. “Stop it, you bagpipe-wielding ass!”, she growled. “Ow!”, Filip said. “What have you been feeding her? Don’t tell me you let her cook!”.
“She can’t cook”, Angel said, having come down form the porch. “Thought you’d know that… being family and all”. It was like watching two roosters getting ready to get in to it, and Nina felt a sudden urge to pour a bucket of cold water over both men. “This is the one, then”, Filip said, and let go of Nina; to go face Angel. He got really close, starring the younger biker down; and being somewhat successful, in spite of being a few inches shorter. “Huh…”. With an overbearing look, he passed Angel; bumping his shoulder as he went to walk up the steps to the clubhouse. “Bishop, mind showing me the inside of your templo? We have some things to discuss”. Angel was about to follow him, when Nina grabbed his arm. Bishop came over and looked hard at him. “Cool it, Angel… I’m serious!”. Angel clenched his jaw and cursed below his breath; and Bishop followed Filip up the stairs, and into the clubhouse. The rest of the Mayans and SAMCRO-members went about their business of checking on the incoming bikes. As they all began comparing their phallic extensions, Nina pulled Angel out of earshot.
“Seriously, Angel? This is not the time to…”, she began. “He disrespected me…!”, Angel growled. “Oh come on…”, Nina hissed, trying to shush him. “Think about it. You’ve spent the last few weeks with your hands down his little sister’s panties. How is he supposed to react…? This is how it works. You know that better than me”. “I’m gonna…”, Angel began. “He’s a president of another MC. And he’s my…”. “Family… Yeah, you said”. He scoffed, and pulled his arm from her grasp, almost stomping away.
“Angel!”, Nina called after him. “Don’t walk away from me like that!”. He turned around, and looked at her with hard eyes. “Do you want to go back?”, he asked. “Are you going back with them?”. There was actual hurt in his voice. Nina went over to him, and shook her head fervently. “No! I made a promise to Bishop and the rest of you”. “Is that the only reason you’re staying, though?”. Angel’s expression was anguished. “’Cuz I’ll take you back right now, if that’s what will make you happy. We’ll just get on my bike, and drive north”. “What are you saying?”, Nina asked. A dull pain was forming in her chest, and Angel looked like he was feeling the same. “If you hadn’t made this deal with the club… Would you still want to stay?”. Nina took a moment to ponder her words. Angel looked more and more defeated by the second. “Yeah… Didn’t think so”. Anger bubbling inside her, she grabbed his arm again. “Don’t make me smack the shit out of you again!”, she said. “I want to stay here for you; you stupid dick! You’re the reason I haven’t run and hidden from Palo. Because I might not see you again…”. She gasped at her own words. She only just realized the truth of them as she spoke.
Behind them, the bikers were beginning to make their way into the clubhouse. EZ closed the door behind them, seemingly trying to give Nina and Angel some privacy. Angel looked dumbstruck. “For real?”, he asked. “Yes, for real…”, Nina said quietly. Relaxing his tense stance, Angel cupped her face. “I kept thinking you were just waiting to go home”. “Is this why you so weird after talking to Chibs over the phone?”, she asked. Angel nodded, but didn’t say anything. “If you had asked me a few days ago… Yes, I wanted to leave”, she said. “I didn’t think you and me… I wanted to go back to Charming. But now…”. She sighed, unable to finish the sentence. “Yeah?”, he asked. “Yeah…”, she said. “I’m here… And I want to be”.
Angel let out a deep breath, like all the troubles of the world had been on his shoulders, and he was finally at peace. “Come here”, he said, and put one arm around her back, while his other hand pulled her face in for a deep kiss. “I’m sorry, querida…”. Nina kissed him back, and smiled. “Look, when this impending nuclear detonation we’re calling a party is over, could you just take me back to your place; and we can… fuck it out?”, Nina asked, a crooked smile on her lips. Angel gave her an adoring look. “Oh, mami…”, he said, and pulled her impossibly closer. “You’re so fucking perfect. You sure, though?”. “Yeah…”, Nina said, and bit her lip. “Just remind me to bring my inhaler. Bishop made me leave it in the trailer”. Angel shook his head. “Nah. Pack all your shit. You ain’t spending another night in that piece of shit tin-can”.
Someone cleared their throat. EZ had come back outside. “That’s my piece of shit tin-can”, he said with a wry smile. “Bishop wants you inside”.
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shsl-otaku · 4 years
Where Greed Goes, Despair Follows: Chp. 39
Pairing: Ban & Y/N
Anime: Seven Deadly Sins
Genre: Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Tag List: @asgleo16 @yuri-2018 @vialuciferscage @commanderawkward @chidayasays @misfitgirlwrites @amberfoxcosplay @catlover7722 @shiggi-trash @softiekage @happynoodle @milkysamu @kageyamis @yogurthdecoco @alysplxnet @chanderefk @furryavocadoowo @nellieleverlin @djdestiny23 @kelseyleia98 @demise-dies-dead @giyuustears @callmeunstable @jaybeingweird @lizzy101 @wishfulcoconut @80strashbag @crownedcupcake17 @rinzyx05 @cinnamonbun332 @smolmacbean @lalalol17 @rintheemolion @lostgirl2007 @god-of-the-universe @whorianscum @ihaveaproblem98 @ariknj @liawinchester67 @sunnsettee @beccawinter @stxtch72 @starrykeigo
"What is that?!" Ban said, a blast going off in the city. He ran with Meliodas and Gowther behind the broken houses and buildings. He wiped what remained of his tears that fell during your power surge.
"Judging by the sound and vibration, it's 0.5 miles away," Gowther said. "Between the South Gate and the palace gate."
"Come to think of it, we could sense someone with mad magical powers just now, huh?" Ban said, scowling.
"Right now, it's Hendrickson that I can sense, just barely," Gowther replied. "That's the magical power of a man who bore the title 'Platinum' ten years ago."
"That's it," Meliodas exclaimed. "Let's go!"
"Huh? We're not heading for the castle?!" Ban said. "What about Y/N?! She could be in there and we don't know what they're doing to her!"
"If we're going to rescue Elizabeth and Y/N, taking them all out would be the fastest," Meliodas said, running towards the blast. "We have to believe that Y/N will stay strong until we can find her. Until then, we have to take these guys out first so that we won't have problems when finding them!"
"Looks like we should follow him," Gowther said, watching Meliodas run farther into the city. Ban turned to look at the castle with a frustrated, worried expression, before shaking his head and following Meliodas, Gowther following closely behind.
Meanwhile, Diane, King, and Hawk's mom were walking peacefully, taking their time to Liones. Hawk's mom huffed, making King turn to her and pout.
"I know, I know," he said, pouting at her.
"Hey," Diane said, making King turn to face her.
"Huh? Yeah, what?" King asked.
"Have you ever seen that look on the captain's face before?" Diane asked. "And Ban. He looked like he had seen a ghost."
"Nope," King replied, shaking his head. "It took me by surprise too. I don't think I've ever seen the two of them get so worked up before. But..." King looked down. "I can't take my mind off of what Ban said to me."
Diane turned to King. "What did he say?"
"He said that he already lost Elaine and that he wouldn't lose Y/N too," King said. "I know the two of them are close, but... I wasn't expecting him to say that."
Diane's eyes widened. "Really? Ban said that?"
"Yeah," King said, nodding.
Diane giggled. "Wait till we tell Y/N. I bet she'll be so happy." King let out a laugh at the thought of you being so flustered.
Diane grew silent, looking down at the ground. "King... If it was me instead of Elizabeth who got abducted, do you think the captain would've gotten that worked up for me?"
"Diane," King whispered, his heart hurting at the sight of Diane looking so down. His eyes widened. "O-Of course he would! No question about it! You're a precious comrade of his!"
Diane smiled and looked up at King. "Right! The captain's really kind-hearted!" She hid her face with her hair. "But he probably wouldn't get that look on his face for me..."
King huffed, pink dusting his cheeks. "Well, I would! I'd totally get all worked up! Even if I were by myself, I'd go to your rescue!"
Diane stared at King, a faint blush on her cheeks. "King... are you consoling me?"
King's eyes widened. "That's not it, I'm just... Uh..." Hawk's mom suddenly huffed, making King slightly lose his balance in the air. "Woah—! Y-Yeah, you're right. We'd better get going, too." Diane laughed.
"I'm worried about Y/N though," Diane said, furrowing her brows. "She wasn't doing so well after we left Vaizal. She's been acting more scared even though she tries covering it up by acting happy." King nodded.
"King," Diane said, making him turn to her. Her purple eyes had tears in them. "What if they're doing something to Y/N?"
King's face grew visably worried. "That's why we're on our way to save her. Ban's probably looking for her as we speak."
"Yeah, but what if something's happened to Ban too?" Diane said, distressed. "Y/N's our best friend! We should be there—"
"Diane," King said, cutting her off. "Y/N is strong. We have to believe in her. Ban and the captain and Gowther are there too. They won't let anything happen to Elizabeth and Y/N, I promise." Diane sniffled and nodded, making King smile softly at her.
King's eyes widened, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, wait! I almost forgot!" He suddenly let out a piercing whistle.
As soon as he did that, a portal opened up in the sky and a floating green dog popped out.
"Oslo," King called, smiling.
"A-A dog?" Diane said.
"A Black Hound," King said, smiling at Oslo. "He's a type of fairy who lives in between the human world and the fairy world, and he's an old friend of mine." Oslo opened his mouth to reveal a portal inside.
"He's got this mysterious power that lets him teleport whatever he swallows to another place," King said.
Diane's face lightened up. "You mean he can send us to Liones right away?"
"Right on the money," King exclaimed, grinning.
Diane smiled. "But if he's your friend, why didn't you introduce us sooner? The captain wouldn't get mad, you know! Not like one more pet is going to make any..."
"He adores pork," King said, sweat dropping.
Diane smiled, also sweat dropping. "I see."
King turned to Oslo, smiling. "I'm counting on you, Oslo!"
Oslo suddenly grew almost the size-maybe even the size of!-Hawk's mom and stuffed Diane into his mouth. Except... her bottom half was still sticking out.
"Am I really in Liones?" Diane said, her top half now in a dark cave. "It's so dark, I can't tell."
From the other side, Diane's voice was muffled. "My butt's stuck, and I can't get out," she cried. "King! Please! Give me a shove!"
King stared at Diane, his face bright red. "You... You want me to...?"
"Hurry," Diane yelled.
"No way," King whispered to himself, blood beginning to drip from the poor fairy’s nose. "I need to prepare mentally for that!
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Ignored pt. 2
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Theon Greyjoy x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1492 words
Warnings: none
Summary:  Theon’s wife leaves the Iron Isle and wanders around until she finds herself in the arms of someone else.
Part 1
You couldn't believe how he was reacting.
Maybe hastily boarding a smugglers ship to a foreign land was a bad idea, or at least far too rash for a woman of your standing. Still, you didn't understand why your husband was reacting like you were the irrational one.
You had been more than understanding of all his requests. When he wanted to leave you in the north to go home, without any idea when he would be back, you allowed him to do so without so much as a word.
All you wanted was a lousy letter every few weeks but even that was clearly far too much for him.
In fact, during your entire exchange with the man, you found little evidence of your letters at all which meant that he either wasn't getting them, or didn't even bother to save them in the first place. So, you asked.
You interrupted his very heated berating of your character to ask him exactly where all your letters had gone.
"I burned them, and scattered the ash to the sea" he replied, not even bothering to lie to you. Perhaps it was his anger making him more bold, or perhaps it was something else entirely. Perhaps the male was just trying to drive you away.
In any case, it worked.
Once again, Theon had made you look like a fool.
You had  boarded that ship with nothing planned, stupid enough to believe that he would actually be glad to see you. In reality, he had just tossed away all that time, effort, and love like one of your unread letters.
...But when you stopped to think about it, maybe you shouldn't have been shocked.
After all, Theon had been an excellent husband when he had nothing else to worry about but perhaps now that he had everything he'd always wanted, he didn't need you.
He wasn't alone in the world anymore, some little boy tossed to the wolves like trash. He was back home, and with that came his real family and the title he'd been born with. It was possible he just didn't need you to distract him anymore.
So, you did the only logical thing you could think of.
You sat in the sand, staring out into the deep darkness of the water as it rolled up to where you were sitting. The salt-dense water drenched your clothing and exposed skin but you didn't pay it any mind.
Instead, you let your tears fall and mix with the salt water beneath you without a care in the world.
Theon didn't even bother to chase you as you stormed out of the room, and out of the castle, never looking back. No one else stopped you either, assuming that you were just some common woman being hysterical.
If only they knew.
If only you were back in the north. If only you had anyone to be by your side, to show you that you mattered to them and that you weren't just some disposable thing. Right now, you just wanted to be back home, but you couldn't have been farther away.
See, when you boarded that ship, you assumed that you wouldn't need to worry about going back to Winterfell. You foolishly assumed that your husband would welcome you with open arms into his new life, even if you had gone behind his back.
You hadn't even stopped to consider that Theon may actually turn you away in the way he did, because you thought that he loved you.
Even thinking about it made you want to be ill. How could you have been so stupid?
You asked yourself that over and over again as you fiddled with the gold wedding band on your finger. Theon had it made by the blacksmith just for you, and you still remembered how ecstatic you had been the first time you saw it.
At that time, it was your most prized possession but all it was now was a reminder of your foolishness. It was a reminder that you weren't even good enough for the man who claimed to love you.
So, without so much as a second thought, you slipped the small metal band from your finger and tossed it into the sea. With a tiny splash, it was gone, lost to the salty depths but you felt nothing as it sunk.
In some ways, it lessened the weight of your own heart as you stood from the sand, paying no mind to the mess it had made of your gown and rushed as quickly as you could to the fjords.
With any luck, you would be able to get a ride with a fisherman, or a trader, or anyone. It didn't matter, as long as you got as far away from the place as humanly possible and you never looked back.
It was quite the journey back to the north, where you found that in your absence, the people of Winterfell decided you a traitor as well as your husband. You now had not an alley in the world, without a husband, a family, or a home.
However, you kept as positive as you could, and just kept going north until you found yourself outside the Dreadfort. You had no idea what it was at the time, but in ending up there, you found the one place in the world you would find refuge.
While the current position of the House Bolton was up in the air and you had no real way of knowing if they would kill you or not, you had to hope for the best. After all, your father had fought beside Roose Bolton in the War of the Five Kings, and that had to count for something.
If nothing else, it was worth a shot.
You didn't really  have many other places to go.
Naturally the man was shocked to see you there, shivering on his front step but he let you in nonetheless. As far as he was concerned, you had married the wrong man but you were still of the North.
Turning you away to the elements would only ensure your death, and why would he do that when you could be of so much more use to him alive?
"You're quite far from home aren't you, little one?" Roose hummed, reaching out to offer a hand to you which you took slowly. It gave him just enough leverage to lead you further into the castle, and you followed without hesitation.
Even the dark, mysterious and potentially dangerous confines of the dark castle were better than the bitter cold. You had been born of the winter but you were human and had been travelling without shelter for hours.
Your skin pricked when you sat before the fire, your attention fully on the older man who you assumed would have a number of questions for you regarding where you had come from. Though, Roose Bolton just kept looking at you across the table for a few minutes in silence.
When he finally did speak, you stopped in your tracks. His voice was intimidating, and boomed in the close quarters of the room, where it was just the two of you.
"What were you doing all the way out here, all alone?" he wondered finally, not seeing any reason why a woman like you would be wandering around so close to the wall with no one to accompany you.
That was the question of the year wasn't it? How did you end up here, entirely alone when you should have been with your husband on the iron isles. If you knew, you wouldn't have been sitting there in the first place.
"I didn't know where else to go, I was hoping I could take refuge here for a while" you shrugged, hoping that you weren't being too presumptions in what you were asking. It wasn't lost on you that Roose Bolton owed you nothing but he didn't even hesitate before he nodded.
"Of course, I'll send word to your father of your arrival in the morning" he suggested, and while you weren't sure that would even gather any kind of results, you nodded anyway. "You will stay here in the south wing until we get word from him"
There was something so casual about the way he spoke before he stood from the table, gesturing for you to do the same before you had even processed what he was saying. "My son, Ramsay will show you there" he informed, taking you all the way there before leaving entirely.
As strange as the man was, you knew better that to give it a single thought, seeing as he was helping you out so much in your time of need.
Roose taking his absence left you alone with the young man he had called Ramsay, and from that moment on, your life was never going to be the same...whether you knew it or not.
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