#the Hale pack
teenwolf-confessions · 20 hours
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voidstilesplease · 2 months
Derek: I come in peace.
Stiles: I'm peace.
The Hale Pack:
The Alpha Pack:
The Pack who owns the territory:
Every other creature in the vicinity:
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kymera219 · 7 days
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@artforkuponuts providing yet another excellent meme commission
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Teen wolf characters as something I or my family members have said with no context
Stiles: “Do you like the feel of Satan’s Armpits?”
Derek: “I heard you.. I’m ignoring you😗💅”
Erica: “I’ll circumcise you”
Boyd: “Letting me stay home gives me more time to stay home”
Issac: “She’s probably gonna die soon.. HAH”
Sheriff Stilinski: “No degradation at the dinner table”
Lydia: “It’s not judgement it’s a peer review”
Malia: “I can smell your skin”
Scott: “So you said it was ok to rob old people”
Allison: “What if I accidentally stabbed you!!”
Peter: “rules are rules they don’t apply to us 😌”
Jackson: “I’m not equipped for poor people”
I will not be elaborating. Also if any of my family members see this, no you didn’t
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distractedducky · 9 days
Ok, so I had an idea for a teen wolf fic I have neither the talent nor the time to write - so I’m putting it out into the world for those much more talented and motivated then me.
It’s kinda a 5+1 sounding idea about the fact that the wolves think stiles is weaker then he is. Not in a bad way, but in the way where they no longer know how to gage human strength and even though stiles looks like this
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They forget that he is probably in better shape then almost any human around (not to mention in an fbi training programming).
So the basic idea is either stiles will be doing something that requires strength- like lifting bags of cement or fertilizer- moving/opening something- etc and a pack member will either come in and “help” him by assuming he was struggling. Or stiles pretends to struggle and then a pack member helps them only for when they leave for him to just effortlessly handle the rest.
I picture it either ending with stiles having to do something when the wolves are incapacitated- either funny like they lost their powers and stiles has to do a bunch of stuff they used to. Or serious like they are all in danger and stiles moves a thing previously thought to be too much for him.
Mostly I have this scene in my head of stiles moving into a new apt or something with someone from quantico and Derek or Scott won’t let him lift anything heavy . And while there doing that the other person who is human and knows stiles is strong just goes “ they do know you can bench press my body weight right” and stiles just grins.
Anyway, someone can do whatever with this. It can be any time line with any pack members, ships or no ships. Let it infect your brain like it has mine.
My only ask, is if this does inspire you to write something please tag me.
Have a great day
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 8 months
I hate when people (Scott stans) say Derek didn't care about his betas. Um? He literally broke when Boyd and Erica died and he definitely cared about Issac?
This scene? When Stiles comforted him? That's Derek's face looking at Boyd's body. He's about to burst into tears
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And when Derek carried Erica's body?
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He's completely numb with grief. As an Alpha his betas were basically his children, and he lost two of them back to back. He cared about them.
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jade-bright · 3 months
Why is the Teen Wolf timeline genuinely so fucked up???
I've spent two nights now dissecting the events that occurred, and when people were born cause of my fucking adhd and ocd not wanting there to be any plot holes in my fucking fanfic I'm writing, first one mind you, and it's just arghhhhhhhhhh!!!
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myrkky · 1 year
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Stiles and Peter force Derek to stay still and show off the new sweater they got him, so that someone (most likely Erica) can take a photo!
(this can be seen as shippy or not, it's up to you!)
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when-they-write-stuff · 10 months
Lydia: Yeah, I support men's rights.
Lydia: Men's rights to shut the fuck up.
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
Eli: GOOD MORNING MOMMY! Happy birthday... I'm your gift.
Stiles, already on his third cup of coffee whispering to Derek: does it come with a receipt or do I have to keep them?
Eli: *sadly, with his puppy dog eyes* heeeeyyyyy!
Derek: I think the general rule here is what comes out of you, you keep.
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Derek: Yesterday, I heard Isaac ask “Are you sure this a good idea?” And Stiles said “Trust me”.
Derek: I have never moved from one room to another so quickly.
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bunnyskull152 · 1 year
Stiles: “Being in a polyamorous was a mistake, now there is a group of people complementing me till I turn into a blushing mess. Meanies, the lot of them.”
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eevylynn · 2 months
I've been reading a lot about Littermate Syndrome lately (because I have 2 puppies and need to know how to prevent it), and it got me thinking:
Do werewolves get Littermate Syndrome if they're bitten into the same pack within a month or two of each other?
Fearfulness of unfamiliar people, dogs, and other novel stimuli (aka, neophobia)
Intense anxiety when separated, even briefly
Difficulty learning basic obedience skills
Difficulty bonding with owners
Incessant fighting with each other
Sounds a lot like Derek's puppies, especially Erica and Boyd
Imagine Stiles, during one of his research rabbit holes, stumbling across it and insisting on helping Derek prevent the leather pups from developing it. Derek, while initially annoyed by the comparison between werewolves and dogs, decides to ultimately go for it because he's just happy for the help in building pack bonds.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Pack Mom pt.2 - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek x Reader
Prompt: Request! – Liam starts getting jealous when Isaac gets more attention than him, soon it becomes a competition between them that you decide to indulge in. (Also inspired by Woman – Honne.)
Warning: None! Just FLUFFFFF!
“Isaac honey can you pass me the butter.” You muttered as you grabbed the bread from the cupboard.
“Okay Mama!” He smiled as he grabbed the butter from the fridge bouncing over to you as you grabbed a knife out the draw.
“Thank you baby.” You smiled at him softly ruffling his hair. You started buttering the bread placing different ingredients on each sandwich. Lydia and Erica had a BLT. Liam, Mason, Cory and Stiles had a PBJ and Derek, Isaac and Jackson all had plain cheese and ham. You had a peanut butter and Nutella fried, kind of like grilled cheese. When you were frying your sandwich you heard yelling start from the front room.
“No fair! It’s my turn!” Liam screeched.
“NO IT’S NOT!” Scott scoffed before you heard more shuffling.
“Ow don’t bite me!” Liam whined making you wince slightly.
“Actually I think it’s my turn.” Derek deadpanned as you heard more movement.
“Listen old man!” Jackson yelled angrily.
You switched off the hob before storming into the living room to see Scott, Liam, Jackson and Derek rolling around on the floor fighting over the Xbox controller. Your hand immediately went to your hips as you waited for them to notice you. Lydia was sat reading but she looked up to acknowledge you before going back to her book.
“DEREK!” You screamed eventually when you realized they weren’t going to notice you.
“Shit!” You heard him muttered before de-tangling himself from the boys.
“Scott get off your brothers!” You snapped as you tapped you bare foot against the floor. Once they were all stood in front of you, head down in an attempt not to test what patience you had left.
“Every time I start making food somehow you always seem to interrupt me by acting like morons!” You huffed angrily.
“The Xbox can go off now. Derek you can come pour me a glass of wine. Lord knows I need it. Scott you can finish the reading you have for school. Jackson how about you study for the maths test coming up. Ask Lydia for help if you need it. Liam you can come sit in the kitchen.” You ordered pointing at each one of them as you snapped your orders, Scott and Jackson groaned but did as they were told. You made you way back to the kitchen Liam following closely behind. You told him to sit at the breakfast bar while you got out the first aid kit. You wiped always the blood noticing the bite mark almost gone completely, which you were thankful for.
“Mama?” Liam murmured softly, a blush on his face.
“What baby?” You said as you threw the used antiseptic wipe in the bin.
“Can I have a hug?” He fiddle with the bottom of his shirt nervously as he waited for your response. You smiled but leaned over to hug him tightly. His head laying against your chest probably able to hear you heart beating. He hugged you back but the moment only lasted a few more seconds because you heard Isaac start talking.
“Mama I’m hungryyy.” He whined, a pout gracing his face. You pulled away from Liam and nodded before you went back to making food.
You glanced at Isaac and Liam as you went to turn the hob back on. You noticed that they were thoroughly glaring at each other which you thought was weird, shaking your head you chose the let it go.
After the pack has finished eating they went back to their houses, except Isaac who went upstairs to study, leaving you alone with Derek. You had college tomorrow but you didn’t feel like staying in your dorm with your overly happy roommate. You cuddled into Derek as he flipped through the films that were on the TV, his pick of film made you laugh. As much as he a Stiles bicker their love for Star Wars was always what had them chatting like they were best friends.
“I think you should move in with me.” Derek spoke after half an hour of silence through the film. You looked up at him shocked by the sudden statement, his eyes still glued on the TV like he felt embarrassed somehow.
“Oh really? Would you like to look at me and ask me instead of telling me?” You snorted, crossing your arms in playful anger.
“Y/N Y/L/N will you move in with me?” He huffed with false confidence as he gazed in your eyes.
“I would love to Derek. Now I need to sleep because I have class at 8. Night Der.” You muttered as you wandered up the stairs. You stopped at Isaac’s room to see him sprawled over his bed with his homework thrown everywhere which made you smile to yourself. You carefully moved the papers to his computer desk and threw his covers over him, brushing his curly hair away from his face. After making sure he was okay, you went to yours and Derek’s shared bedroom getting dressed into one on Derek’s tops before getting into bed.
“Isaac breakfasts ready!” You screamed up the stairs as you checked the time once again. Isaac ran down stairs dressed and ready for school. He kissed your cheek before he sat down next to you digging into his breakfast.
“Thank you Mama.” He said with half of a piece of bacon hanging out his mouth.
“Isaac don’t talk with your mouthful. It’s rude.” You instructed your voice soft yet stern. He nodded and continued chewing his food before you realized it was already 7.30am. You got up and kissed Derek on the cheek, who was sat silently with a coffee in his hand. Isaac followed closely behind hoping into the passenger seat.
“I need to talk to Derek about getting you a car or a bike.” You muttered as the pulled away from the Hale house.
“I don’t need a car mama I’m fine.” Isaac whispered slowly like he was worried about how Derek would react.
“Yes you do and don’t argue with me. Derek will agree too. Everyone else has a way to get around so which would you prefer bike or car?”
“Mama I do-”
“I think a bike since you love riding with Scott.” You interrupted before he could reject the offer again. After that you and Isaac chose to stay quiet for the rest of the time in the car. When you arrived at Beacon Hills High School you got out the car to greet the pack which was making their way over to your car.
“Ma-Y/N shouldn’t you be at college?” Scott voiced as they stopped in front of you.
“I’m going after this. Derek said he would drop him off but it’s on my way so I thought I’d do it today. Plus I have some good news.” You stated before ruffling Liam’s hair which made him preen.
“I’m moving in full time with Derek.” You added after pulling your hand away from Liam.
“That’s awesome!!” Erica screeched making Stiles roll his eyes.
“Right I’ve gotta go. Liam be good everyone else looking after him and make sure you don’t fight. You know it may seem like play fighting to werewolves but to humans it looks brutal and I’m not dealing with another call from Natalie telling me you’ve earned yourself detention for 2 weeks!”
“Yes Mom.” They are voiced sarcastically.
When everyone came over for dinner that night it wasn’t just the pack but also the parents, who had yet to find out about your new name. It happened when you were helping Melissa cook while the Sheriff, Chris and Derek sat around the breakfast bar chatting away.
“JACKSON GIVE IT BACK! MAMA!!!!” Stiles screamed as he chased Jackson into the kitchen. Everyone stopped to stare at you but you paid no mind.
“JACKSON! Put that down before I take away your new phone!” You yelled as you stirred the chicken pieces around the wok.
“What you didn’t buy that though!!” Jackson screamed angrily his foot stomping angrily.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You responded, your tone calm with a sickly sweet smile joining as you turned to look at him.
“I mean! I’m sorry Stiles here’s your comic book and I love you Mama!” He replied in a rushed way that made you smirk.
“That’s what I thought now, boy’s front room I don’t wanna tell you twice.” You added as you watched the boys bicker as they walked into the front room. You turned your attentions to the 3 sets or wide eyes staring at you, realizing what you had done you blushed and picked up your glass of wine.
“I think we should leave the kids here and go into early retirement.” Noah snorted making Derek go deathly pale.
“So your pack mom now?” Chris added nodding in agreement as he did, you nodded before going back to food. Once dinner was ready you all moved to the dining room to sit down but then just like every aspect of your life turned into another argument.
“But you always sit next to Mama I wanna sit next to her today!” Liam whined his bottom lip sticking out slightly.
“No it’s my seat pipsqueak.” Isaac mocked as he made his way to the seat.
“Isaac you can sit next to Melissa.” Your voice made no room for arguments with made everyone stop awkwardly.
“Isaac.” Was all Derek said as everyone finally started to situate themselves.
During dinner everything was full of chatter and laughs except Isaac who sat there pushing his food around his plate aimlessly. You knew what was happening Isaac had been the baby of the pack for years until Liam came along. You could tell he was jealous and they were competing but you also knew that you loved everyone in this pack equally, well except Peter because he’s a maniac and Derek who is possibly the love of your life.
You knew Isaac felt left out but he had to learn you weren’t just his. After dinner you started cleaning up but Chris and Noah quickly took over saying that you and Melissa should rest, so you did. As soon as you sat down Liam began speaking to you.
“Mama would you like a drink?” He asked hopefully.
“I can rub your feet if you want?” Isaac tried to interrupt.
“I could put on your favorite film if you want.” Liam grit his teeth as he smiled, as if trying to control his anger.
“Boys just sit down.” You groaned before flopping onto Derek’s chest.
That night the entire pack stayed over, the big house full of giggles and teasing but what got you the most was every 5 minutes Liam and Isaac asked if you wanted anything or tried to get your attention. By the time it was midnight you had enough of the bickering so you told everyone to sit down and watch a film or they could go to their own rooms. Thankfully they listened.
“Mama would you like some popcorn?” Liam asked gently as the movie got to about half way through.
“Mama doesn’t like salted popcorn.” Isaac snickered making you pause the film and tell Erica to turn the light on.
“Right I’ve had enough of this competing! I am not a toy that you can fight over nor am I everyone’s favorite lamppost to piss up!” You screamed angrily as you threw the remote controller onto the couch.
“I love you all equally! You are all my baby’s in some way! If you had two babies would you love them differently?” You added, your arms crossing over your chest as you tried to maintain calm.
“No.” Isaac muttered, his cheeks glowing red.
“Well then don’t expect that from me! I love you all the exact same amount!” You huffed before hearing Derek re-enter the living room. Everyone was staring at you with sad eyes but you knew it was because they all felt bad.
After everyone had gone to bed you and Derek made your way up to your bed room changing into one of Derek’s tops before sliding into bed with a sigh. Derek got in without a word kissing you passionately which made you squeak in surprise. One he pulled back he smiled down at you lovingly his thumb tracing circles on your cheeks.
“Thank you for being the best Pack Mom ever.” He whispered gently, his hands making their way into your hair.
That’s night Derek made love to you over and over again his love pouring out over and over until you were overloaded with his feelings.
This man is the love of your life and he gave you everything you ever wanted.
A family.
Part 1 <- -> Part 3(fin)
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So I just watched the Teen Wolf Movie (read: my mom bullied me into watching the Teen Wolf Movie)
And... let's just say I "strongly disliked it"
There's a whole multitude of things that bothered me. Mainly with them not sticking to canon, taking giant steps back in character development, and the writers not remembering how they built the world, but I digress.
If you liked it, great! I'm so glad that you got more content that made you happy within the world of Teen Wolf!
ANYWAY, I'm going to rewrite the movie. It will have Sterek and past!Stydia. (You can not look at me and tell me Eli was not Stiles coded, I will die on this hill). It will cover a lot of the plot holes from the movie. The werewolves will know how to use their freaking powers! And (spoiler) Derek is not gunna die at the end.
I'll post it a link when I'm done with it, or you can read it on my Ao3 account
Ao3: xbabyinatrenchcoatx
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noyzinerd · 7 months
Stiles, opening the pantry: Um, what are you-?
Derek, frantically attempting to scarf down popsicles in the darkness: Stiles, I have three betas and only two popsicles. This has to be done!
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