#thats a joke not calling anyone out for their love over the other boys
mylarena · 1 year
EVERYBODY shut the fuck up. coffee shop barista au. soap is a barista and this one guy comes in at the same time on the dot every day and orders the same thing every time. (its straight black coffee with so much added caffeine that soap thinks it could kill a horse.) the man is like, 6′4″ and built like a brick house. soap is a pretty big guy himself, but god does he makes him look tiny.
his hair is blond, light enough that in some lighting it looks nearly silver. it seems to be a mess constantly- wavy locks that curl around the tips of his ears, fringe just long enough to partially cover one of his eyes. just long enough that someone could reach up and tuck it behind his ear. and soap wants to, if not just to get to feel his hair- it looks so fucking soft and smooth and soap wonders what his hair care routine is. (because surely you cant get hair that good without putting work into it, right?)
his upper face is littered with scars; over the bridge of his nose, across his cheeks, under his eye. theres probably more, but anytime he shows up he has a face mask on, one with some dumb skeleton design on it that would probably look stupid on anyone else, but somehow he makes it work.
and his eyes- god, his eyes. his left eye is a brilliant shade of blue with a shock of green at the bottom, something soap has never seen before. the two colors seem to clash and meld together all at once, an enchanting phenomenon that soap wants to study. his right eye is a deep, gorgeous chocolate brown, swirled with a lighter caramel tone that brightens his eye but makes his gaze no less intense. anytime he locks eyes with soap, he loses his breath- hes never seen someone so fucking beautiful in his entire life.
his voice is low and gravelly, a deep, accented rumble that soap swears to god he can feel in his bones. the man doesnt mince his words, but every time he does speak soap can feel himself shiver. he hopes it isnt visible.
the only name he gives for his order is ghost. that isnt enough for soap. he wants his first name- his real name, a name he can place to the beautiful face that lurks in his mind. (and in his sketchbooks.)
so he tries to pry it out of the man. he offers his own name first, john mactavish, but ghost doesnt give him his own name, instead opting nod and hum. he takes to calling soap ‘johnny’, something that soap has notably refused to let anyone call him, no matter how close they are. he allows ghost to call him it, finding the heat it spreads through his body pleasant and welcoming it. gaz, his fellow barista, is disgruntled when he finds out that soap is letting someone call him johnny when he was firmly denied the permission to do so himself.
every day soap asks for a name for the coffee, hoping that one day he’ll slip and tell him, but he never does. its always ghost, you know this, johnny. he keeps trying despite the ineffectiveness.
sometimes he throws out guesses. over time they get increasingly ridiculous, trying to get a huff or a snort out of the man when he looks at his cup. whatever name he chooses is accompanied by some shitty dad joke- one time ghost had told one that was god awful, but soap could see the glee in his eyes when he groaned and complained. he sees ghost look at the writing everytime he hands over the drink, and he adores the amusement he sees dancing in his gaze at the jokes, so he keeps it up.
their banter shifts from friendly teasing to flirting constantly- oftentimes mid-conversation. sometimes its soap who does it, (”the maaask... take it off?” “show my face?” “yes.” “no.” “are you ugly?” “quite the opposite.” “i doubt that.”) and other times its ghost. (”you like tequila?” “could use one right about now.” “id murder for a whiskey.” “you mean scotch?” “i drink bourbon.” “like a good ol’ boy...” “...  i love kentucky.” “yer out o’ yer mind, ghost.” “thats for sure.”)
(gaz is this fucking close to complaining to price about the sexual tension around them. if he has to deal with soap making eyes at this customer for one more fucking minute he thinks hes going to snap.)
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desire-mona · 2 months
dps boys hcs! this has been requested of me! lets make it modern bc thatll be fun
- todd absolutely DESPISES "booktok" and its addiction to smut. can go on a VERY long rant abt how only reading things with sex scenes is, in fact, a porn addiction.
- knox has tried on many occasions to become an influencer, failing every single time and blaming it on the algorithm or whaver
- neil, type of mother fucker to not be on social media like at all. has one private instagram that he posts on maybe twice a year, and has a tiktok only to watch the videos todd intermittently sends him.
- ^^^ followed immediately by a text saying "i sent you a tiktok go look at it" which always sparks a mini argument about whether or not its easier to just save the video and text it to him. goes nowhere every time.
- meeks has fashion taste that makes him look insufferable, band tee's and the worst jeans you ever did see, exclusively. also modern meeks would have clear glasses frames.
- saw someone say charlie would vape, id like to add to that. has a COLLECTION of elf bars, its vast, its colourful, it's annoying, it's turning his coughs wet.
- pitts was a fast fashion guy for a total of 6 months before finding out all the shit about how unethical the industry is. didnt get rid of any of those clothes bc thats wasteful but he IS fighting for his life whenever anyone looks at his wardrobe.
- cameron is a BIG analog horror fan, local 58, walten files, fnaf tapes, thats his jam. can we popularise cam being a big horror fan in general bc im so attached to that hc. horror cam i love u.
- all the boys have a life360 circle (enforced by cam and pitts due to charlie's horrendous reckless driving) and todd CONSTANTLY needs to be yelled at the charge his phone.
- neil's phone is ANCIENT, had the same one for nearly a decade, and its evident. has a bigass crack right down the middle, the back is shattered and held together with tape, a phone case, and a dream. theres marks from shit burning into the screen, most notably a rectangle in the bottom corner from the billions of facetime calls with todd that ultimately set his phone on fire every time.
- todd is secretly a grade A yapper but ONLY in digital form. his online presence is VAST, but impressively anonymous. has a very active substack, letterboxd, poetry tumblr, and even started his own blog. no, not a tumblr blog, a blog blog.
- charlie's car is decked out in the most idiotic add ons that you can think of. comically large mirror dice, a bumper sticker that says "honk if you want me bad", stupid car door lights that project a photo of jimmy fallon onto the ground when u open them, the whole 9 yards. took neil, pitts, and cameron 20 minutes to talk him out of getting flame decals (as a bit.)
- knox refuses to play any other videogame besides GTA, which he plays concerningly often. if ur having trouble reaching him then odds are hes on GTA. its the only hobby of his that his parents know about. christmas is tough for the overstreets.
- meeks is well aware of his general ☝️🤓 demeanour so he started making jokes about it before anyone else can. any time he says anything remotely smart sounding then he MUST do the voice and put up a finger. it became a force of habit and he did it while talking to a teacher once, he left the room mortified.
- pittsie lives on spotify, he has a playlist for every possible emotion, over 3k liked songs, and 200k+ minutes listened when wrapped season rolls around. additionally he does every spotify stat game available, and forced the boys to download a spotify activity widget thing. (WHAT DO YALL KNOW ABT AIRBUDS ‼️‼️ add me @ monahatesya xoxo)
- cam loves to make jokes about DARE and the "this is ur brain on drugs" ads but he is, in fact, the main demographic of said ads. said this before, saying it now, will most definitely say it again, he is beyond susceptible to peer pressure. marijuana isnt a gateway drug for everyone but it certainly is for him.
bonus! chris and keating! just for you!
- chris is avoiding the lesbian masterdoc purely out of fear. not out of fear of being gay, but out of fear of the sheer amount of subsequent other things she'll likely also have to find out about herself.
- keating spends an inordinate amount of time on youtube, which nobody actually expects. big video essay fan, imagine the shock from the boys when he pulls up youtube for a lesson and he's halfway thru the 4 hour iBinged iCarly video. was previously a james somerton fan but considering... the james somerton part.. hes now a defunctland loyalist.
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THE TEXT CONVOS !! I hope it looks ok. I left spaces between the texts (ALSO THANK U FOR THE REQUEST 💗 ) 💺 anon
🍊) My little (brat) princess
🍒: Buy pads please!! 🍊: Already did, anything else that may satisfy her majesty? ❤️
🍊: Hi pretty. Can't find my tie, did you took it? It's the navy one 🍒: No, must've been your side chick :( 🍊: Please tell me you're joking 🍒: I'm not 🍊: Woman I practically worship the ground you walk on 🍒: Screenshotting this to Lem. Also your tie is with me :) 🍊: You two got jokes huh
🍒: Pretty women called "sleepless nights worried about my husband" is waiting for me in bed 🍊: Not tonight love. Coming home in 5
🍊: What kind of streets do ghosts hunt? 🍊: Dead ends
🍊: Really want to shoot him in the head 🍒: What are you talking about? 🍊: He's so fucking cocky huh? 🍒: Ladybug? He's not doing anything 🍊: That "we should all order some food" sounded pretty flirty to me 🍒: You deserve the electric chair
🍊: Are you from Mississippi? Cause you're the only miss who's piss I'll sippie [You blocked this contact]
🍊: That nob better stop touching your shoulder before I give him a lobotomy 🍊: Got the "little off the top" looking haircut 🍒: HE ASKED FOR MY NUMBER 🍊: He should see an optometrist since he clearly didn't notice the ring on your finger 🍒: I told him I have a husband 5 times already but he said "it doesn't matter", so I gave him your number 🍊: That's my girl
🍒: [1 image attached] 🍊: Oh my fucking god 🍊: God took his time with you
🍒: Would you be mad at me if I punched you in the face? 🍊: What's the context love? Are we making out and you just started beating me up? 🍒: Why would I EVER do that??? 🍊: You tell me, you were the one who asked. 🍊: Wait you might actually be onto someting here love 🍒: THATS IT, SEX BAN 🍊: WHAT
🍒: What is taking you so long? 🍊: Lady at the cashier won't leave me alone 🍒: Please hurry up I want you to eat me out :( [Tan reacted with ❤️] 🍒: Tell her "husband duties are calling"
🍋) Silly goofy guy
🍋: I'm really over here with Aristotle talking about plumbs and farmers and shit
🍒: Did you actually got into a fight with that Kimura guy just because he said he didn't like my tie? 🍋: Cherry defender first, human second
🍋: Bro is not listening to me 🤼‍♂️ 🍒: I'll hear you out on Henrys 🍋: [voice message: 42:33]
🍋: Got bored so I drew you 🍋: [1 image attached] 🍒: Thanks !! 🍒: Why do I have 3 fingers on each hand though? 🍋: I stole the other four
🍒: Are the cookies you left for me a prank? 🍋: Are they that bad? 🍒: What?? No!! Of course not!! 😊 I loved them!! 🫶 🍋: I got a feeling you're being sarcastic
🍋: Tan said nobody likes lemons 🍒: I'll kill him
🍒: The bartender asked for my phone number 🍋: BOOOOOO 📢📢 every time 🍒: I gave him Tan's number. Wanna catfish him? 🍋: LETS GO I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK
🍊🍋🍒) The fruit bowl
🍊: The group name is stupid 🍋: IT'S GENIUS 🍒: It's literally what we are 🍊: I think I should've named the group so it wouldn't be something stupid 🍋: "Tangerines are sophisticated" This you❓ 🍒: Point and laugh 🫵🤣 🍊: Piss off
🍋: I burned the pasta 🍊: You can cook? 🍋: I tried 🍊: Never do it again 🍋: Piss off at least I wasn't the one who dropped the pod on the floor 🍒: This is why you two aren't allowed in my kitchen
🍊: I'm just saying, relationships should be 50/50 🍊: She looks pretty, while I growl at anyone who looks at her 🍋: It's getting harder and harder to defend you 🍒: People are gonna think you're insane 🍋: He is
🍋: [1 image attached, it's a selfie of us three] 🍋: BOY WE SEE THEM BABY BLUES 🍒: I swear people don't even say bless you anymore, they just stare at you like that 🍊: Do you two ever stop to think about what you're saying? 🍋: No 😼 🍒: Nope 🍊: It shows
yeah no kidding you aced the shit out of these!!! and they are so fun to read !! I definitely get what you mean now by them being fun😭
LOVE LOVE LOVED them all but these have gotta be my faves
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THIS ONE??? had my cracking up. was still thinking about it and laughing to myself ages after reading 😭😭
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little off the top and the ring comment 😭
and giving the guy tan number and him saying that’s my girl🫠
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god took his time with you??? melting
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WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE!!! lemon definitely sends really long voice messages and spams with videos. like he’s giving you mini personal vlogs😭😭😭 he just starts talking about the most random shit walking around the house. “… yeah they said his car is fucked— no way. I just found this.” and holds it out to the camera and then he carries on with whatever he was saying before
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I feel like he struggled to draw all 10 fingers and got fed up so gave you simpson hands instead
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SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory pet name headcanons
Aka just a bunch of stuff Ness calls Mike and how Mike reacts to it because Mike is lame and just says “babe” all the time /hj /lh (and there will be multiple parts because Ness will call him literally anything but I wanna go in depth anyways)
This is the beloved fandom one. One anon said it and we all just went “YOU ARE RIGHT LAD” /ref and ate that shit up. I imagine it started as a joke. After they start dating, Ness loves being affectionate and embarrassing Mike whenever they can, so they’ll often call him pet names whenever he’s at Sparky’s, and sugar is one of many that just came from the top of their head and stuck. I can just imagine Ness leaning over a table or counter as he greets Mike and he just says “hey, sugar, what can I do for ya?” And Mike is like “wtf did you just call me-“ and Ness just laughs and is like “what, you don’t like me calling you sugar?” And then Mike is just like “well, I mean…I don’t MIND it…it’s just a bit random…” and then BOOM Ness starts calling Mike sugar and it’s cute and silly and I love them
Simple, classic, it’s the one Mike uses all the time so Ness does too. Ness says it a bit more ironically though. Like Mike says it unironically he’s just a babe guy and Ness does say it unironically but they also prefer more sweet or unique pet names so they do it a bit ironically because I mean…it’s “babe”…of all pet names lmao. Def says it like “baaaabe-uh” just to annoy Mike.
Baby/Baby boy:
SCREAMS sorry I love this pet name I feel like it just makes Mike melt. It’s like babe, but it’s sweeter and softer and it just makes Mike soften up immediately. Like if he’s upset or embarrassed or something, Ness just has to coo this at him and his stubbornness just starts to melt away. It is often followed by physical affection. Also Mike has the transmasc trait of loving being called any pet name with the word “boy” in it so sorry I don’t make the rules (I do and it’s called projecting)
Handsome/Pretty boy:
Again this is just “Ness is super affectionate and loves words of affirmation as a love language” x “Mike is a trans guy who can’t help but feel giddy about pet names with the word boy in them”. This one makes Mike SO flustered, especially if Ness adds a “my” before it. He was surprised that he was ok with Ness calling him pretty, cause normally he’d think something like that would trigger dysphoria, but it’s different when Ness does it (not that anyone else really calls him pretty lol). But just the insecure trans guy getting hit with the “being called attractive AND a boy” combo…it’s fatal. He cannot resist. And Ness loves calling him what he is 🥰🥰🥰
Lover boy:
Yeah I’m full into “boy” pet name brainrot atp sorry guys I swear I’ll do others later teehee. This one Ness definitely says a bit more jokingly, but Mike doesn’t mind it. Hes just like “yeah you’re right actually I AM your lover boy” and Ness is just like “yes ofc babe :33”
Good boy:
DONT @ ME ISTG LET ME BE CRINGE I LOVE THIS PET NAME 💔💔💔 this one started as Ness jokingly saying it whenever Mike does something they ask him too, but then they noticed his reaction to it and started saying it unironically. This pet name/praise makes Mike SO FLUSTERED MY GOD. He just blushes and gets quiet immediately and don’t tell anyone but he totally started helping Ness more purposely to hear them say it more AGAIN I DONT MAKE THE RULES THATS JUST WHAT IT IS 💥💥💥
…on that last note- /hj GUYS LOOK OK HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT GUYS I SWEAR ITS NOT CRINGE LEAVE ME ALONE 💔💔💔 it started with Ness comparing Mike to a puppy all the time, saying he has puppy eyes, saying he follows him around like a lost dog, saying that he acts like his guard dog, generally pointing out dog-like characteristics/behaviors of his, etc. and it turned into Ness one day just absentmindedly calling him “puppy” like while they’re cuddling or smth. Mike was just like “what” and Ness was like “what” and Mike is like “did you just…call me ‘puppy’?” And Ness is like “whaaaatttt? …nooo of course not why would I do thaattt…you’re hearing thingssss…(yes I called you puppy…is that like…ok? Cause it kinda just slipped out but I actually think it’s kinda cute)” and then Mike at first thinks it sounds a bit silly and lowkey a bit cringe but then he thinks about it a little longer and is just like “I mean yeah sure, I can be your puppy…” and Ness is just like ASJDKFHELK and then starts kinda treating him like a dog more in like a cute, affectionate, teasing sorta way and Mike just like doesn’t fight it and then yeah they’re cute shut up
My love/my dear/sweetheart;
Breather from the cringe for a second, some simple and cliche ones. Neither of them use these ones super often, but they both will sometimes. Usually used in situations where they’re trying to get the other to listen to them (reassuring, saying smth important, etc.) Really not much else to this idk lol
They use this one pretty often lol. It’s just simple and sweet. It’s good for greetings, getting each other’s attention, general acknowledgement lmao idk. Definitely makes Mike smile :))
Ness just started playing off the sugar thing and it’s cute and sweet and yeah. Ness fr just starts sounding southern with all his pet names… (wink wink possible headcanon wink wink haven’t decided yet but probably will wink wink)
Ok my brain isn’t working anymore I will have to regroup and get back to yall so here you go for now 🫶🫶🫶
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newestq · 1 year
⋆。゚☁︎ p1h jealous headcannon, requested
゚☾ ゚。⋆ lowercase intended, send in your requests
୨ yoon keeho, ୧
ꕥ ignores you 'cause oh boy don't know how to cope.
ꕥ you try to get his attention, but he doesn't even bat and eyelash towards you.
ꕥ he's trying to distract himself but finding anything to do in the kitchen.
ꕥ "fine, be that way. i'm going hang out with intak.
ꕥ "yeah, bet you'd rather hang out with him, huh?"
ꕥ you're both kind of shocked at what he said.
ꕥ "what's your problem?"
ꕥ "what's my problem? you've been attached to intak's hip all day!"
ꕥ "i played a video game with him and that made you jealous?"
ꕥ "i'm not jealous!"
ꕥ jiung eventually joins the conversation, and you both make fun of him as he tries to prove his point.
୨ choi taeyang, ୧ (gender specific.)
ꕥ classic "jealous? me? no."
ꕥ but oh yes he's jealous.
ꕥ he doesn't think it's fair that as a girl barista, guys should be able to order from you.
ꕥ call him toxic and he might agree.
ꕥ rolls his eyes every time a guy walks up to the counter.
ꕥ it's genuinely so bad.
ꕥ you've kind of noticed his sour mood, so on your break, you walk over to him.
ꕥ "what's up?"
ꕥ "what's up? so i'm your bro now?"
ꕥ "my what?"
ꕥ "nah, it's fine man. go with your other boyfriends."
ꕥ you find him humorous.
ꕥ "see you tonight, babe."
ꕥ "nope! you won't see me! i'm leaving you!"
ꕥ yeah, y'all watched frozen while eating chocolate covered strawberries.
ꕥ he ain't leaving you that easy lmao
୨ choi jiung, ୧
ꕥ the type to feel guilty that he feels jealous.
ꕥ he doesn't mean to, and he immediately apologizes.
ꕥ "baby, i'm sorry. i promise i'm not overprotective."
ꕥ "literally wtf are you talking about?"
ꕥ "when you laughed at taeyang's joke, i got so mad. idek why."
ꕥ "his jokes are funnier than yours."
ꕥ "you know im not sorry anymore."
ꕥ you give him more and more reasons to not feel guilty.
୨ hwang intak, ୧
ꕥ clingy.
ꕥ will literally not let you go/leave his sight.
ꕥ not even to use the bathroom.
ꕥ best believe mf is sitting on the sink, scrolling through his phone.
ꕥ "intak. i know you're not happy because that girl flirted with me, but can i please shit in peace."
ꕥ "no. what if she finds you and takes you from me."
ꕥ "intak please let me use the bathroom alone. we're at home."
ꕥ "she might've followed us. i won't look. see."
ꕥ he faces away from you and scrolls through tik tok.
ꕥ you kind of wish he'd be the type to ignore you 💀
୨ haku shota, ୧
ꕥ doesnt really get jealous.
ꕥ he trusts you, and you trust him, so thats enough.
ꕥ and he doesn't really think anyone is cool enough to catch your attention.
ꕥ i mean, what other minecraft pro do you know?
ꕥ what other awesome freestyle dancer do you know?
ꕥ who do you know that loves fries as much as you??
ꕥ exactly.
ꕥ you wish he would get jealous.
ꕥ "someone just asked me for my phone number."
ꕥ "y/n, you signed up for updates for the store. of course the cashier needed your number."
ꕥ "shota please get jealous once."
୨ kim jongseob, ୧
ꕥ wouldnt even realize he's jealous
ꕥ he'd just have this strong feeling towards you and he'd just accept it.
ꕥ like wouldnt even know whats going on.
ꕥ he's probably go to the members freaking out.
ꕥ "idk why i feel this way, like just thinking abt them hanging out with their best friend makes me upset. why!! thats their best friend, i dont have a say on who they can or cannot hang out with, but my god does it piss me off when they do."
ꕥ "seobie, that my friend is jealousy."
ꕥ "jealousy? how do you know?"
ꕥ "cause i feel it every time jiung gets center."
ꕥ "intak..."
i wrote this at 10:18pm....
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eddiiiieeee · 7 months
Wasted Summer.
Eddie Munson x reader warnings: strong language, real angsty, mentions of sexual things, no happy ending. yes, I am an evil fuck.
summary: when y/n has crushed on Eddie Munson the towns freak for years, until one summer brings them together and a birdy named Robin buckley, but it might turn out to be the worst thing thats ever happened to them both. or maybe just y/n, who knows yet.
authors note: all the young adults are in high school, and so are the party members, Joyce and hopper are together, Billy isn't a pimple on anyone's ass. The upside down never happened. and yes ur dad is Pedro pascal his names Nick while your mom is penelope cruz and her name is Maria. have fuuun
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The heat in Hawkins was something everyone hated, it wasnt fun, it was frustrating but what did most teenagers do to escape the heat? head to the mall, which is exactly what y/n, robin, johnnathan and argyle decided to do. spending the day there, walking around, eating, the usual for the group really. they'd spend hours there before the girls eventually had to go. "my moms hosting her bookclub tonight and i am needed to help" Robin said as she looked at the group, y/n eating her oreo Mcflurry she got from Mcdonalds "come over after? i know my mom will be there" y/n said as argyle put his elbow on her head, causing johnathan to chuckle "you need to grow, y/n/n" Johnathan said as y/n scowled at the group "im literally a few inches shorter then robin" y/n said smacking argyles arm off of her "hey, dont call me short!" Robin said as she shoulder bumped y/n "im gonna head out though guys, promised Will i'd take him out to that new arcade with his friends" the burnette said as argyle yawned "ive got a hot date with eden tonight" the long haired boy said as everyone chuckled "did she say yes in your dreams or did she kick you in the nuts and you just took it as a yes?" Robin asked "ha ha funny. no she actually said yes, i caught her at family video the other day and i struck up a convo, and she said yes" he smiled, y/n hummed as Robin pipped up "ooh oh! speaking of family video, remind me to tell you about Steve" Robin said as soon after the group seperated, Robin looked over at y/n as they made their way to their bikes "so, ya' know steve, my co-worker. yea well while we were on break, his bff, Edison Munson walked in and we started chatting before steve joked about Eddie wanting a girlfriend, and then Eddie asked if i could set him up and i told him 'oh yea, my friend, y/n, i'll give her your number if she says yes' and so here we are!" Robin smiled
as y/n chuckled looking at her "youre shitting me right?" the h/c girl said as Robin shooked her head as she dug into her pocket, to pull out the small paper that held y/n's dreams "oh my god, rob, i love you!" she said looking at the number as she hugged robin tightly.
the minute y/n got home, she undressed as she changed into a pair of sweatpants and a black tank top before she rushed over to her phone, the purple phone was sat there staring back at her as she gripped it tightly, putting it up to her ear as she put in eddies number, messing around with cord while it rang "hello?" Eddies voice rang as y/n took a deep breath "hi, is this Eddie Munson by any chance?" she ask, sitting on her bed as she laid down on her bed, sighing as he chuckled through the phone "depends, whos asking?" She heard him say, causing her to gulp "i'm y/n, robins friend? we've got english together? you once told me you liked the sabbath pin i had on my bag" she stated as Eddie hummed "the pretty girl from my english class? how could i forget? to what do i owe this pleasure?" he said coyly as if he hadnt asked her best friend to set them up
"robin told me to call you, said you were looking around, she decided to play cupid i guess" "i always thought you were pretty, glad steve's big mouth came to use for once" he chuckled causing y/n to giggle as well "well thank him for me, gave me a chance to be set up with a pretty handsome dude" "im handsome? you dont say?" "very actually, had a crush on you for a while so" y/n could practically feel Eddie's cute grin on the other side of the call "you’re feeding my ego babe, i’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but ya' know, didn’t know how" y/n smiled as she looked up at her ceiling "well, how about next Monday? pick me up at 7?" y/n said feeling bold out of no where "yes. might be there early, cant have my pretty lady waiting now can we?" he teased
"oh my god, robin. i love him, god i love him so so much!” y/n said looking at her best friend who was sat across from her in the red booth. “we’ve been talking none stop for the past week or so, my parents actually thought i was dissociating again” y/n shrugged taking a sip of her milkshake, as Robin chuckled “he’s so sweet, rob, i wanna pick him up and keep him in my pocket. our dates tomorrow and i literally don’t know what to do with my hair or my clothes!” y/n panicked as she looked at Robin scared "babe, relax its all gonna be fine! curly your hair like you always do, do that glittery makeup look you do, red nails because eddie loves the color, and then one of your sexy hot leather outfits!" Robin smiled as y/n chuckled "interesting" the h/c girl said as she licked her lips
Eddie stuck true to his word, he was there around 6:54. he sat there happily waiting as he let out a small sigh, looking at himself in the mirror for the 50th time today just to make sure he looked perfect for y/n. at exactly 7:00, y/n closed the door behind her as she looked at the van surprised to have found it as she smiled at Eddie "i didnt think you meant it when you said you'd be here early" she smiled as she walked up to the van, watching as Eddie got out and rushed over to the over side, opening the door for her as he took in how pretty she looked, a corset dress shirt with a pair of flared jeans, black boots on her feet and a black purse and leather jacket in her arms, she climbed in thanking him as he made his way back, putting his seatbelt on and looking over at her "you look amazing, and two, i am a man of my word, sweetheart, you will never have to wait for me because im going to be ready for you anytime." y/n could feel the heat spread across her cheeks as they drove away from her place "alright, open that for me sweets and pick out something for us to listen to" he said looking over at her as he smiled, she opened the small compartment in the van and looked through the cd's only to be amazed "oh my god, a limited addition Elvis disc? you're shitting me where did you get this from?" she asked looking at him as she admired the disc "i grew up on Elvis, my grandpa had him on all the time" she chuckled as she put the disc in Eddie chuckled as he licked his lips "Well, i found it at a thrift store once, cost me around 15 bucks but it was worth it, i got it when i was a kid, for my mom. but now it just stays in here, barely get the chance to listen to it"
it was a shared feeling between the two, those people were no longer with us. "well shes got amazing taste in music" y/n smiled as they continued driving to a local diner.
y/n laughed as Eddie wiped the corners of his mouth "i eat like a child so what?" he teased as he ate a fry, y/n taking a bite of her burger as she looked at him "its cute dont worry" she chuckled, licking her lips as Eddie sat back in the booth "alright, im out of questions to ask, i think i know you so much right now i could take a pop quiz about you" Eddie smiled lookin at the girl opposite him "im flattered, could say the same about you, Edward" she teased as he groaned, pretending to fall down "you wound me with such a name" he scoffed playfully as y/n looked at him, with a sparkle in her eye. he was everything she thought he was.
the rest of the date was spent filled with giggles and laughs shared between the two, both sharing cute moments. staring at each other with nothing but admiration in each others.
.... it was around 10, when they gotten back to y/n's place, exactly when her parents asked her to come home. she looked over at Eddie as she smiled "i had alot of fun, Eddie. thank you really." she smiled as Eddie grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it "anytime sweets, about that second date we mentioned earlier, how about this upcoming sunday?" Eddie smiled, staring at her with his button eyes that had her melting within seconds “missing me already?” y/n giggled as Eddie shrugged, sighing dramatically. taking in her laugh as she looked at him "could be, might wanna, ya' know keep you in my pocket and take you wherever." he smiled, looking at her as she bit the inside of her cheek "come on let me walk you to your door" he smiled as he got out moving to help her out the van and then walked her to her door "i'll see you sunday, eds. call me when you get home, yea?" she said moving to kiss his cheek as she stood on her toes, smiling as she opened her door, walking in to be greeted by her parents
who stood side by side smiling at her "so?" y/n's mom said as y/n took her shoes off, picking them up as she kissed their cheeks and moved to put her shoes away "how was it? did he-" "open the door for me, made sure i got in the van and was buckled up, drove under 40 so exactly at the speed limit, paid for lunch and desert. it was perfect" she smiled as she looked at her parents, her dad nodding as he realised she'd made a check list of everything he does does for her mom. things he's mentioned to her she should make sure her dates do or else theyre not worth the second date "apparently he likes me so much that, he cant wait long for our second date, so we're going out on sunday" she said as she fidgeted with her rings "honey, thats great!" her mom said rushing over to her to hug her "isnt that great, Nick? go and get changed so we can watch our movie! go go" she smiled as y/n nodded, rushing upstairs to change. .... it was pure bliss that first week for y/n and Eddie. hanging out at his trailer or in her room, going out on cute dates to the mall, or arcade. he would get her a bunch of flowers everytime he'd see her, he'd play all her favorite songs on the guitar considering they had similar taste in music. Eddie had never let a soul touch his hair but y/n was special, she was y/n. a month into seeing each other, Eddie finally asked her to be his, that alone couldve been something that made y/n feel better about everything. suddenly nothing could upset her, she'd get morning messages from eddie, she would tell him all about her day and he would listen to every word with a smile on his face while he admired her, he loved how excited and how big her eyes would get when she would talk about something she loved, wether it be art or music or her grandpa. it didnt matter he would listen to her word for word. One thing Eddie had noticed was when they'd make out, y/n would attempt to stop it leading to anything else. Eddie made sure he didnt force her into anything but he felt this need for her sometimes and he was getting tired of his fist. he thought maybe he'd bring it up when it happened again, ..... his larger hands kept their place on y/ns hips, their lips fitting together like two puzzle pieces. Eddie hummed into her mouth as he moved his hands down to her ass, squeezing the meet through her jeans, god he loved these jeans, they made her ass look so so fucking good. his hands soon traveled to her thighs, squeezing them as well, this is where eddie knew exactly what would happen. his hands traveled closer up her thighs to her heat, y/n pulled away from the kiss panting as she moved to hold Eddies hands, a sigh leaving Eddies mouth as he looked at y/n with a confused yet concerned look "babe, do you not want this?" he asked as, y/n gulped licking her swollen lips "want what?" she asked knowing exactly what he meant. "its just everytime i try to take things further you just sort of stop me, you'll do anything to distract me from it. am i doing something wrong? are you okay?" he asked licking his lips as y/n looked at their hands gulping "i'm a virgin, eds. apart from that, i cant have sex." she said looking at him as he tried to work it out in his head
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sunnibearr · 2 years
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SKZ reaction when you come out as LGBTQ+.
warnings: swearing, mentions of anxiety and anxiety attacks, use of "honey"
note: if anybody tells me that these are false or tries to be homophobic i will CRY LET ME BELIEVE TT PLS.
PS. yes i made all of their responses positive and accepting fight me L
main skz masterlist
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CHAN ( 방찬 )
he starts crying.
"I'm bisexual-" you immediately broke the eye contact that you'd been trying so hard to keep, tears prickling the edge of your waterlines as you focused on how your hands fiddled in your lap, "It's fine if you don't, you know," you added on, your unstable voice accompanied by a quivering lip. You'd been through this before, telling people that you're bi, but you hoped that Chris' response would be different. What you weren't expecting however was the sniffles that filled the previously quiet space, tan arms pulling you into his chest as he mumbled into your hair. "Thank you for trusting me and sharing this with me, I love you."
would ask you lots of questions about your previous experiences if you're willing to talk about them.
buys you cute bi themed stuff, like a bear thats the colours of the flag because it reminded him of you.
keeps it a secret and lets you come out to the boys in your own time, if you even want to. he doesn't want to pressure you.
he has a little 'my girlfriend is bi' badge omfg i love him.
calls himself "the luckiest man" because you could've literally gone for anyone but still chose him.
omfg YOU are the luckiest person ever i want a chris pls TT
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LEE KNOW ( 리노 )
listens to you.
"Minho, I'm," you start as you swallow the lump that's been building up in your throat. There's nothing to be worried about, you know Minho, you know that it'll be alright, so you persevere. "I'm asexual." You pause after the confession, staring at the man's face for any signs of discomfort -or anything really- but all you're met with is a small nod. "Cool." He doesn't make a big deal out of it, squeezing your hand in a quiet show of support. "How'd you find out?"
literally will listen to your whole life story and nod to show that he's invested.
sometimes will chip in with comments when you mention people being mean to you because of it. "what an asshole" "what the fuck"
is more than happy to go to prides with you to support you.
usually supports you from the sidelines but if anybody makes any nasty comments about you and your sexuality he will be in their face like "the fuck you say? say it again, i fucking dare you."
orders a custom made top for Leebit (minho's skzoo) with the asexual flag on it for your (or his) Leebit.
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he makes a joke.
"Hey y/n? What's up, why'd you call me over?" He'd question you as soon as he saw you, all serious expression and anxiety radiating off of you. "Is everything alright?" He'd continue as he sat down next to you, his hand finding it's way to your leg in an attempt to make you more comfortable. "I'm trans." You blurt out, the sudden spill of tears onto your cheeks taking him by surprise as he takes some time to process your words. He moves his hand away from you -your chest feeling heavier with the negative implication of the action- before he places it softly on your cheek, thumbing away at the tears. "You know, a gender reveal party would've been so much more fun," he said, his face scrunching in a genuine smile.
goes clothes shopping with you and offers to buy you some stuff.
takes you out for a celebratory meal and dessert.
you have to explain preferred adjectives because his little himbo brain forgets that society has (unfortunately) gendered words like pretty.
he is trying his best at using your preferred name, he's even given you some cute new nicknames.
helps you throw a gender reveal party (per his request) when you decide to come out to the others.
will scream at transphobes when they use your deadname and/or wrong pronouns. is not afraid to intimidate them with his buffness.
seo changbin takes nobody's shit.
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HYUNJIN ( 현진 )
makes you do it again.
"Jinnie, you know how i always say you're like a protector of lesbians?" You warily say, hoping that the joking tone somewhat covers the worry in your voice. "Yeah?" He answers from his spot on your bed, only half interested at your comment as he's in the middle of a round in a mobile game. "Well, uh, I'm a lesbian." You breathe out, teeth finding your bottom lip as he drops his phone into his lap. "Wait wait wait, the mood wasn't right," he whines, game forgotten as he turns on his 'dramatic bitch' playlist. "Okay go again, I'm ready." You can't help but laugh at his antics, playing along with his dramatized reaction. "I thought I was gonna be your Prince Charming," he wails, lips curling into a big smile.
buys you a huge ass custom made lesbian flag with his face on it. he calls it "the cockblocker".
"it's to protect you from homophobes....and men" he is dead serious, he hangs it above your bed.
needs you to explain to him the difference between the lipstick and the sunset lesbian flag, like three different times.
becomes a whole matchmaker - introducing you to people left and right. "omg don't you think she's cute? talk to her." "s'cuse me, my friend here thinks you're really cute!"
goes to pride with you and has so. much. fun.
will literally snatch you away from nasty people saying, "don't waste your energy on them queen."
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HAN ( 한 )
nearly has an anxiety attack.
"Jisung." You never use his proper name. His eyes widen significantly as he stands infront of you, his breathing quickening as he eyes your expression. "Yeah?" He basically whimpers, he could feel his chest tightening at the sound of you taking in a sharp breath. "I'm pansexual." His breath hitched, your own anxiety rising significantly at his reaction before he breathes out a relieved sigh. "Oh my fucking god, Y/n, don't do that to me I nearly had a panic attack, oh my god my heart," he rambles on. You're left in a confused state, wondering how to take his response. "Anyways, what's that? Isn't it kind of like bi?" There it is, now you have to spend ten minutes explaining to Jisung why you use the label "pan" and not "bi".
he likes making good-natured pan jokes, he thinks its kind of funny.
will absolutely flip if anybody else makes frying pan jokes towards you - especially in a malicious way.
started getting you rapunzel related things as a joke.
got you the pan flag printed onto the sun(?) flag from Tangled.
calls himself your Flynn Ryder and gets pouty when you call him Eugene instead because "Flynn Rider sounds cooler".
begs you to take him to pride because he thinks it looks really fun but you know he's going to be a handful.
TANGLED is a disney movie. The main character uses a pan as a weapon to hit Flynn. His real name is Eugene.
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FELIX ( 피렉스 )
he starts apologizing.
"Honey, Felix," You hope that the sweet petname will help soften his reactions a little bit. "Yes?" His bright aura beemed at you, white teeth on display as you took a deep breath. "I don't know if you know what it is but i'm genderfluid and i hope this doesn't change anything between us because you mean so much to me." It all comes out in one breath - quick and over with. However, you don't get a direct reply. Instead you get bombarded with apologies, hands holding onto yours as he looks at you with something akin to realization. "Oh my god I am so sorry Y/n. I should have known. I'm so sorry have I been using the wrong pronouns? and oh my god what about your name? am i calling you the wrong name too?" The genuine worry that he had caused you any kind of discomfort made you feel better, lips curling into a smile as you reassured him that he couldn't have known.
asks "what are you feeling like today" whenever he sees you first each day.
gets you guys some kind of code way for you to share your pronouns at any moment.
is a bit confused about how often your pronouns change sometimes but he really tries to get them right.
says that you stole all of the gender as a joke. "you're like a gender bank."
he has the spirit, you just need to keep reminding him sometimes. he'll learn soon enough!
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he does so much research.
"Hey Y/n?" Seungmin spoke out into the silence, the quiet voices from your phone stopping at the sound of his voice. You hummed in a question, your eyebrows quirking up into a curious arch. "How come you've only ever dated, like, one person?" He asked cautiously quickly adding on, "I just- you always point out people who you think are attractive but you only ever go on one date with them or not at all. Why?" You smiled up at him, you never thought about the fact that you'd never came out to him before, so you decided that now is probably the best time to do so. "I'm demiromantic, not many people catch my attention- emotion wise I mean." Now it's his turn to arch a confused an eyebrow at your words.
does so much research about it because he's never heard of it before and wants to learn more.
"doesn't everybody feel like that though?" he's trying to understand, you just have to explain it to him.
"so you've never had a 'strong emotional connection' before?" "well, not really, no." "damn."
asks you what it felt like growing up surrounded by an alloromantic society.
he comes and tells you the stories he's read posted by other demiromantics.
buys you a subtle demiromantic flag pen.
that's about it, he's just a curious lad.
alloromantic: people who can/do experience romantic attraction, usually on a regular basis.
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I.N ( 아이엔 )
has no clue what you're on about.
You've never talked about your sexuality -or gender identity- with anyone face to face before, so when Jeongin started up a conversation about the LGBTQ+ people he knows you took it as a sign. "You know, I've been questioning recently." You say with what you hope sounds like a nonchalant tone. "Questioning what?" He says, (my dumb little meathead <3) brain already focused on something else. "My sexuality and gender, you know." Your voice is a bit more stable now, knowing that his mind wasn't caught up on the topic. "Oh that's cool, what've you figured out so far?" You shrug, glad that his interest sounds genuine and not malicious. "Not much yet but I'll keep you updated," you wink jokingly, laughing at your own silly response.
will try his best to help you figure yourself out.
in the meantime, wont use any labels because "you don't need to fit into a box" and he's 100% right.
sends you daily affirmation voice notes / messages like "you have all the time in the world" "it's okay even if you don't know right now" "you're my favourite question mark".
will google stuff and take 'what sexuality am i' quizzes with you because they're stupid.
your official theme song (according to him) is the pokémon "gotta catch 'em all" song because "you're catching all of the sexualities/genders."
taglist! send ask to be added.
they're just a bit late :)
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raviosrupees · 2 years
Super Specific Linked Universe Headcanons Pt 1.
All of the Links are autistic but they all have wildly different ways of presenting it. Ask me about their special interests, please. Please.
Warriors is in his 20s. He is an Aquarius. I'm right.
Sky is the ultimate straight cis ally, but he has bi wife energy. He is best friends with Legend, and they're kind of inseparable.
Twilight is a taurus, he's cis and bisexual, but leans towards women and fem ppl (and too hung up to think about anyone but one woman)
Wild is taller than yall think, 17 or 117 whatever is more convenient for him, zelda told him his birthday is november 7th (scorpio, ofc) and he just accepts that.
Hyrule is pansexual (mostly cis but might be genderfluid, he likes to wear feminine clothes and makeup)
Four is like? 3'8, and he's 20 yo but most people don't believe him. He's a trans boy, and most of the colors are too besides vio, who I think is either genderfluid or pangender, uses all pronouns. Four is bisexual but leans towards guys, though he loves his Zelda.
Legend is 4'10, 17 yo, born december 14th at midnight. he is trans, any pronouns, and bisexual.
Ravio is same height and age as Legend, and they're both born on the same day but ravio was born at noon. This really bothers Legend, he wants his own birthday. Ravi loves it.
also ravio is gay, asian/latino, chubby and has the best smile <3
war is cis and bisexual but he leans towards women, I think he's aromantic but probably could be romantically involved with someone.
Times eyes are more gray than blue
Sky 9 times out of 10 has no clue whats going on. Stupid and confused, and its perfect.
Twilight always knows where all of them are, and I don't even know if it's just smell. He has mom instincts "where are my kids, what are they doing"
Wild got mad anger issues pls calm down babe. Kind of scary. He lets hyrule braid his hair sometimes.
Hyrules eyes are more green than blue, and he has freckles all over his face and body (jokes he ought to get a kiss for every freckle)
Whenever Wind gets mail from his little sister, he reads it to the group. He's very proud of her, and she's very proud of him. She has a bunch of big brothers now.
Four + the colors are white-asian mixed (or looks like it yk, bc he's hylian) his eyes are dark brown.
Legend goes non verbal a lot, esp when they're stressed, but when she talks, she talks. I mean, hand gestures, ranting, cussing, pointing, "and you a bitch, and you a bitch." favorite curse word is cunt.
warriors ruffle everyone's hair, and they all hate it (esp four and legend, who claims he's going to choke him with his own scarf)
Sky likes to sing and dance, and wishes more of them would dance with him.
Twilight has slept as a wolf so often that it's practically natural for him, he really prefers it. Also, he takes all of his nightwatch shifts as a wolf.
Wild will teach literally anyone about edible flora and mushrooms and such, and foraging around hyrule, if only they would listen. Sometimes talks random animals ears off about his favorite flavor combos. Sky loves to listen and ask questions.
Hyrule will hand his favorite people random stuff as "gifts" like feathers, flowers, rocks, dead bugs (he's obsessed with bugs, he loves them so so much and they're all his friends) his favorite animal is a bumblebee
i know we all agree wind swears likek a bloody sailor, bc thats what he is, but how about him using random shit for swears like, "crabs cankles," "bilge-sucking" or calling the others landlubbers. also feel like he'd be the type to say "bite me" when someone disagrees with him.
Four keeps a bunch of books in his bag, and if their reading is disturbed they all have different reactions. Blue pinches or glares, Vio ignores you unless she deems what youre saying important, red gets physically distressed, and green will actually tell you to be quiet. (blue pinches a lot actually)
Legend is a very picky eater, especially with textures, this pisses wild off (wdym you dont like it YOU HAVENT EVEN TRIED IT)
Sky's Zelda is a bisexual virgo, and she knows everything.
Malon makes very good bread. I want to shove that shit in my face ong. Also she insists on giving each of the boys big hugs when shes sees them.
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do you do any character x reader? if so, can you do the boys with a S/O who wants to be famous?
i don’t have many ideas for this, but i’ll see what i can do!
i think he would be supportive but he’d also keep you grounded, yk like he’d tell you “there’s a lot of hard work that goes into achieving these things, they don’t just happen overnight”
following my other point, he’d help you out a lot. i could see you guys staying inside some Saturday making vision boards and planning out what you need to do to achieve each goal
if you wanted to be a singer or something, he would encourage you to preform in bucks. even if nobody was listening, it would help you get more comfortable preforming in front of people
I think he would be very supportive because I personally hc that he wants to be an author, I mean he did write the book itself, it makes sense!
You two would probably spend hours lying in the lot talking about the future, talking about when you’re famous. The rest of the gang would call you both crazy, but it doesn’t bother either of you.
Since he’s younger, although he knows the score, I still think he doesn’t realise just how much work goes into fame, or the downsides of it.
This man is 100% on board with you. For goodness sake he probably wants to be your agent or something!
If you want to be a singer or a musician, he’s making you do private concerts for him. If you want to be an actor, he’s getting ponyboy to write a script for you two to act out together (even though he normally can’t keep a straight face). Soda is doing everything to help you.
Part of him thinks he’s holding you back though, which is why he tries to help so much. If you do end up moving to keep up with your career, he’s encouraging you to, but he’s telling you to leave him behind. so you’re gonna have to remind him just how much you love him, and that without him you probably wouldn’t have gotten as far as you have
In all honesty? I don’t think he’d be supportive. I’m a firm believer in soft Dallas, but i just can’t see him supporting you if you wanted to be famous. It’s nothing against you, he just doesn’t believe it could happen to anyone. (listen, he’s lost all faith in the world, do you really think he believes anyone can achieve their dreams??)
Although, if you want to be a singer, he’d book you a gig in bucks. He does believe that it’s as far as you’ll ever go though.
You two might get into a few arguments over it. He lived in New York for a long time, he’s seen the people that wanted to be famous and ended up unhappy, working as a waitress or something. he doesn’t want that for you.
Honestly i think he’d be the same as Ponyboy except that he doesn’t want to be famous.
Since i just love to write angst for Johnny i think he’d make you promise that you won’t forget him. That you’ll bring him with you if you’re leaving Tulsa.
This man can’t take anything seriously. he’d probably make jokes like “somebody stop those crows” when you’re singing. But it’s all just for jokes and if you tell him it upsets you, he’ll stop.
He’s completely supportive and would go to all your gigs, even if he was bored or tired or smth
Ok hear me out, yk “groupies” (a fan of a rock group who usually follows the group around on concert tours) thats two-bit, or at least what he calls himself. Seriously he’s like your own personal cheerleader. let’s be honest he’d also be like a freaking bodyguard
I’m not so sure about whether Steve would be supportive or not- i think he’d very much so think that people only get famous if they’re in the big city, it just doesn’t happen for people like him and the gang. 
i also think that he just doesn’t understand why someone would want to be famous. All that attention just isn’t for him.
Maybe he’d be more supportive if you wanted to be a football player or something. He thinks that it’s based on your skill rather than talent or luck.
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mydarllinglover · 10 months
SafeHouse || Fourteen
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"Oh, uh, he was just asking if I had a date" I said
"why? what did you say?" Draco asked me, turning his head quickly, to look at me.
"The truth, that I didn't, then he said the weirdest thing"
"What, ask you out to the ball and you said no?" Theo mocked
"No. He's going with Tracey Davis, He said that him and some others thought that I was dating one of you three! Who the hell in their right mind would think that!" I demanded
"Yeah, who would ever think that...ridiculous" Draco said quietly
"I know right, like you could actually get anyone with that face" Theo teased
"leave me alone, I've gone through enough today, I had to dance with Snape" I shivered making the guys burst into a fit of laughter at the memory. "Quit laughing! Its not funny- its traumatising!" I glared at them.
"I- I'm so s-sorry, its just soo ahh god" Theo said through laughs, wiping away a tear.
"Why were you late?" Draco asked
"I got lost" I shrugged
"You've been at this school for over a year, how did you get lost? How hard is it to find the Great Hall?" Theo said, blinking rapidly.
"I think we should leave the Hall now, I'm tired" I yawned and stood up to leave
"She's avoiding the question, but why?" I heard Theo say to them before standing up as well.
Walking out the Hall I saw Ron and friends walking up to the stairs
"Oi! Ron!" I called to him, He stopped, turning to see me
"Keira! Guess what, the best thing happened" Harry rushed to say
"What's up?" I asked
"Ron had to dance with McGonagall in dance lessons" He wheezed
"Merlin's beard, that is so embarrassing, did you twirl her like a gentleman?" I laughed
"What like Snape twirled you" Theo said from behind me, making me freeze
"Shut up Nott!" I barked at him
"What?!" Ron roared with laughter "You danced with Snape, that is so much worse!"
"Shut up, Ron its not funny!" I glared at him
"Yes it is! Wait till the others hear of this"
"Don't tell Fred and George, They'll never let it down!"
"I know, thats why I will, so they forget about me" He smirked
"I hate you so much, anyway, you got a date yet?"
"No, you ?" He asked
"Hey, Keira Weasley? I was wondering if you-" A Hufflepuff boy in Sixth year started
"Can you see that we're talking here? Bugger off!" Ron told them "You were saying?"
"No, I don't either, why don't you just take Hermione" I suggested
"Can't, "apparently" she has a date" Ron rolled his eyes
"Excuse me, Ronald! I Do have a date!" She told him, huffing
"Oh really? tell me who it is then" Ron told her, Harry stood between them looking awkward
"You're joking!" Draco said "You're not telling me someone's asked that to the ball?"
"What, Jealous you couldn't ask Her? I would be honoured to take Hermione to the ball, You know what Rita wrote about her, I'm mad someone got there before I could" I said
"What! No, I'm anything but jealous" Draco said, I caught the light pink blush seeping through his pale face
"shut up then, You make it so hard to be friends with, Honestly" I rolled my eyes "I'll see you later" I waved to the trio before walking back to Theo, Blaise and a pissed off-looking Draco.
"Wait, do you guys have dates?" I asked when we neared the Slytherin Common room
"Draco does" Theo stifled a laugh "Don't ya mate"
"Shut up" Draco snapped, glaring daggers at him
"Who?!" I asked eagerly
"Parkinson, asked her whilst they were dancing" Blaise smirked
"What about you, Blaise, Theo?"
"I'm going with the ever so lovely, Daphne Greengrass" Theo grinned
"My dance partner had a date, your dance partner" Blaise shrugged
"Wait! I know" I said
"What?" Blaise looked at me quizzically
"Why don't we just go together? We both don't have dates"
"Yeah because you practically turned half the school down" Theo muttered
"sure, why not" Blaise smiled at me "Be my date, Weasley?"
"Why of course Zabini" I curtsied.
Christmas day was finally here, Jumping out of bed, I grabbed the pile of presents, For me but also the ones I planned to give to the three and rushed for their dorm.
"Christmas!" I yelled to wake them up when I burst in, Causing Theo to fall off his bed
"Shut up, Weasley!" Draco groaned, rolling over
"What time is it?" Blaise asked
"Early, wake up!" I said
"Keira! What the hell, you scared the shit out of me"  Theo shouted at me
"Okay, I have presents!" I said with the extra sparkle of jazz hands
"When did you get them? We're always with you" Blaise asked
"Guess not, This one for Blaise, this one for Draco" I dropped his presents on his bed before shoving him to wake him up "And this one for Theo, Hurry up and open the small one's first!" I said "Draco, wake up or God help me, I'll hex you so bad"
"Fine! I'm awake!" he huffed before reaching for the presents
"What the hell" Theo stared at the Silver chain necklace I had got him
"Hm, I got a bracelet" Blaise smiled at the Silver bracelet.
"I got a ring" Draco looked at the Black Ring
"Are these...Friendship bracelets, rings, necklaces?" Theo asked, looking up at me
"No. we're not that close, Just open the other presents" I gestured at the other presents
"Okaaay, I see what's going on" Blaise said after open his smokey green coloured notebook. Draco had opened his forest green notebook and Theo had juniper green.
"Just shut up, last ones" 
"Hey! I got you these for Christmas last year" Theo said after opening his presents contains his favourite sweet filled socks.
"D'you wanna explain, Weasley?" Draco asked
"Well after not telling me about the presents last year I decided to get my own back and get you guys contrasting, now we are all equal and I wanted to get you all different things and things that I thought would suit you more, Theo you look like a chains guy- no, not in that way- stop it! But Draco, you are definitely a ring sort of guy and Blaise has nice wrists"
"I have nice wrists?" Blaise asked
"Yes, now let me open my stuff then we can go breakfast" I said, grabbing the present from mum "Open yours" I waved them off to their own piles from their families.
"What is that?" Draco looked at my jumper, dropping a present from Narcissa
"My mum made it, It's her thing, One bad word And I will take it all back" I glared at him, slipping the green jumper over my head.
"You can't do that, It's mine now" He told me, fiddling with the ring on his finger.
"Mince pie? Mum makes them, they are just the best!" I offered the large pile
"Your mum sounds amazing" Theo sighed, diving in
"She is, You'll definitely have to meet her one day" I said
"I want one" Blaise said reaching for the pile.
"Breakfast time" Theo clapped his hands together
"Hang on, I need to get my siblings presents from my dorm" I jumped up to leave
"Why didn't you just send them?" Draco asked
"Because I like to hand deliver gifts, I feel it makes it more special and personal and everyone's actually here this year and no one's mad at each other, I'll meet you in the Hall." Then I walked off.
"Merry Christmas!" I Cheered to The Gryffindors "I have presents"  I dropped one first in front of Fred then George, Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny.
"Oi, Do I get one Weasley?" Seamus shouted over the table
"Do I know you?" I faked confusion, the key to pissing a guy off was pretending they are irrelevant to you which he sort of was.
"Shove off Finnegan" Ron told him
"So, you all got dates?" I asked my brothers
"Yeah, you know Angelina, wicked Chaser" Fred gestured to the beautiful dark skinned girl In Gryffindor "Even Ginny managed to get a date, Didn't you Ginerva?" I turned to See Ginny quickly who's face turned to match her hair
"Who?!" I asked her
"Neville Is taking her" Ron rolled his eyes
"Awe, Gin thats great, now you can come to the ball with us, George, who you taking?"
"Well, It was between Katie and Alicia, so of course I took Lee" George grinned at his best mate
"I love you baby" Lee cooed
"Marry me sweetheart?" George asked
"What about you two?" I asked Harry and Ron
"Yes actually, Twins" Ron said
"I'm taking Parvati" Harry Said looking nervously at the girl giggling with Lavender Brown
"Ron's taking my Twin sister, Padma from ravenclaw, do you know her?" She asked me
"No" I flatly before turning back to the guys "good for you guys, Hermione decided to crack yet?"
"Nope" Ron rolled his eyes "What about you?"
"Oh, I have a date, We all know him, We all love him, and he is quite dashing, I give you... Blaise Zabini"I pointed at the Slytherin table, who coincidentally him, Theo and Draco were already staring in our direction
"I beg to differ about us liking him" Ron grumbled.
"You're taking Zabini?!" Parvati asked me "He is so fit!" She squealed to Lavender
"Isn't he just" She squealed back, I felt like something was drilling into my brain at the horrendous noise
"See you guys later" I waved to my friends and family before leaving to my table to have some breakfast
"That took forever" Theo groaned when I sat down
"Thats what she sai- Sorry" I stopped myself
"Why were you pointing at us? what were you talking about?" Draco asked
"They were just asking who my date to the stupid ball was" I shrugged, biting into a piece of toast "Oh, Blaise, you have quite the admirers in Gryffindor" I giggled
"Ew, don't make me sick, I cant tolerate them with their stupid hero complex" Blaise rolled his eyes.
"Literally my whole family are Gryffindor" I blinked
"Well you don't see us hanging out with red and gold, do you?" Theo said
"Point taken" I nodded. 
After sitting around the fire in the common room, lazying about and eating sweets, we were back in the Great hall having lunch.
"If you both have dates, does that mean it's just me and Blaise tonight?" I asked Theo and Draco
"Why don't the six of us just stick together" Theo said
"because I'd rather not spend my time with Parkinson thanks, No offence Malfoy, And I don't really know Daphne" I shrugged
"But you share a dorm with her" Blaise said
"Do you see me ever talking to her and the other girls? I only sleep in there, the rest of the time I'm with you dickheads" I said
"Alright, calm down on the name calling" Theo told me, feigning hurt.
"Keira!" Fred called, him and George walking over
"What do you both want?" I asked
"Why do you assume we want something?" George asked "Zabini"
"We hear you're taking our Sister to the ball" Fred said
"Yeah I am" Blaise answered
"Is he a better dancer than Snape?" Fred asked me, wiggling his eyebrows
"He told you" I whined "I'm going to kill him"
"Ah ah ah, Save that anger dear sister" George told me, before him and Fred looped their arms through mine to pull me up
"What, where are we going?" I asked them
"We need another person to make it even" Fred said "Bye Sssslytherins"
Turns out they had brought me into their snowball fight.
I was the Sixth player, the other five being Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and Harry. Hermione chose to sit out.
I as well as the others was covered in snow, I could barely feel my fingers when Hermione had said she needed to go and get ready for the ball at Five O'clock.
"What, you need three hours?" Ron had asked, stopping what he was doing to look at her, Giving George the perfect shot to throw a large snowball at the side of his head. "Who're you going with?" He yelled after her
"You do like to make your jealously seen, don't you Ron" I laughed, throwing another snowball at his back
"Shut up, Keira, I'm not jealous, I just want to know who he is" He glared
I had decided to leave half an hour after Hermione to get ready.
Walking into my dorm, I was surprised to see The other Girls in there, Davis, Greengrass, Parkinson and Bulstrode were all putting on their dresses and styling their hair.
"Hey, Keira!" Greengrass greeted me
"H-hi" I waved to her.
"So who are you going with to the ball then?" Davis asked, grinning as she continued to braid her hair
"Oh, I'm going with Blaise, we both didn't have dates" I shrugged
"lucky, I couldn't find anyone" Bulstrode sighed
"I wonder why, Millie" Parkinson rolled her eyes "I of course am going with Draco, after all, we are destined for each other" She jutted her chin out, grinning.
"Keira, you're close with Theo, do you think he will like this dress, the colour?" Greengrass asked, Gesturing to her dress
"It looks wonderful, as do you, I'm sure he will love it" I smiled before walking to my bed to get ready, Pulling my dress out
"Woah, that's beautiful, where'd you get it?" Davis stared at my dress
"Uh- I don't know, It was a gift with no name" I shrugged before slipping it on.
"Well it couldn't of been your family, Salazar know's they would never be able to afford anything as nice as that" Parkinson said
"I don't know whether to take that as an insult to my family or a compliment to my dress?" I said honestly, whilst curling my hair with my wand, a spell I had learned in a book Hermione had told me about.
"We should take a picture!" Greengrass had said gleefully.
"I can take it for you, If you want" I offered as she held up her camera
"Oh, thank you so much, girls come on" She waved them over to pose, Parkinson tried acting as though she were a model, pulling the most ridiculous faces. Bullstrode blushed as she stood behind the other three girls.
"Smile" I said before clicking the camera a few times, during the first one Davis had told a joke, making the other girls laugh.
"Brilliant, you all look amazing" I said, handing the camera back
"Wait! Trace, we should do Keira's make up and, your hair looks so nice curled, but what if you grabbed two strands and did- look I'll show you" Greengrass said as her and Davis walked over to my bed. Greengrass did as she was saying, Picking up strands of my hair to twirl and pull together at the back of my head, whilst Tracey made work of Adding blush and light colours of pink, matching my dress on my eyelids
"Did you receive shoe's with that dress?" Parkinson asked me, my eyes going wide
"No, I completely forgot to even think about that!" I said "I was gonna wear my trainers to be honest"
"Lucky for you, Mother sent me a collection to choose from, and I think I have just the pair to go with your dress" She said, catching me off guard.
"Don't act so surprised, Keira" Davis laughed "We're not as bad as your brother and his friends like to say" I caught the blush on Parkinson's cheeks as Davis mentioned my brother. Weird.
"Yeah, so you don't need to avoid us you know" Greengrass said "Although we are aware on how close you are with the Three leaders of forth year Slytherin"
"The what?" I let out a laugh
"You know, they practically rule our year, house and below, Just wait until we're in seventh year, they all come from the wealthiest and most influential families, haven't you noticed how everyone looks up to them and follow their lead"
"No, I just see them as the three weirdo's I decide to spend my time with, they're more annoying then anything" I shrugged
"Awe, You're so gorgeous, I love your necklace, Keira" Daphne said, taking a look at me and admiring my snake pendent when she finished "You and Your little sister are just angels"
"What?" I laughed
"Guess it make's up for your eleven brother's" Pansy rolled her eyes
"I have six brothers" I corrected
"Hey, have you seen the twins in sixth year, My oh My, they're funny and have the looks" Tracey said, making the others laugh.
"We need more Pictures" Daphne said reaching for her camera once again "Keira, come and get in it" She said
"But who's going to take it?" I asked
"Come on, Weasley, Did you forget we are literally attending Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry? We have magic" Pansy said, waving her wand
"Oh, right, yeah" clumsily walking over in the heels pansy had lent me.
"Ready?" Daphne said before clicking the camera. And we all smiled at the camera before Tracey made us crack up once again.
I guess the Slytherin Girls weren't all that bad.
After the pictures, I had slipped out to go see the guys.
Knocking on the door just in case they were changing.
"Who is it?" Theo yelled through the door
"Theo, my ears!" I heard Draco shout at him
"It's me, who else would want to see you gits!" I said
"Come in, Keira" Blaise said.
I pushed the door open and walked in. Draco and Theo stopped their bickering and the three of them just stared
"What? do I look ridiculous- quit staring at me!" I told them
"Woah!" Theo said
"Shut up!" I blushed furiously "You lot don't look so bad yourselves" I admired them in their dress robes, they all wore black. I walked in the room, slipping a few times on the ruddy shoes
"Are you wearing heels?" Draco asked as he caught my arm before I could break my ankle
"Yes. Pansy let me borrow them, and I am beginning to regret it" I bit
"Hey, at least you're not so short" Theo joked
"Sorry, we can't all be lanky string beans like you, Nott" I glared at him.
"Pansy, huh, and what happened to you not tolerating any of them" Blaise chuckled
"That's before they helped me get ready" I said "Are you all quite done with the Ridiculous questions, Blaise, shall we go?" I asked him
"I would love to" He bowed jokingly before looping his arm around mine, Draco letting go of me
"Please don't let me fall and embarrass myself" I looked up to him with a pleading look.
"Of course not" He smiled warmly.
"Oh, the girls look amazing, Be nice to them!" I glared at the other two.
"Since when did she start caring" Theo said to Draco, rolling his eyes before following us.
"Where did you sneak off to" Tracey laughed when we met her and the other girls in the common room
"Went to see the guys" I said, letting go of Blaise's arm to join them "Hey, Miles" I greeted the boy holding Tracey's hand
"Hi, Keira, nice to see you again"
"I want to get some more pictures!" Daphne exclaimed, using Engorgio on her camera which she had slipped into a tiny bag on her shoulder
"Come on, Daph, I think we have already taken enough" Pansy rolled her eyes
"No, I want to get a picture of the four of you" She said, nodding at Theo, Blaise, Draco and I "After all, you do spend all your time together"
"Oh, I don't know, shouldn't we be leaving for the ball?" I said
"No, we still have a while, its either this or waiting in the entrance hall" Miles unhelpfully said
"Come on, Weasley, the camera won't hex you" Theo said before pulling me in so I being the shortest was in the middle of Blaise and Draco, and Theo being the tallest was stood behind me, his arms slung around Blaise and Draco. Blaise had an arm around my shoulders whilst Draco opted around my waist.
Daphne clicked a few, when we had made different facial expressions and relaxed more.
"Amazing, I'll get them all to each of you soon" She said.
"You can't walk in heels, can you?" Pansy asked me when I stumbled away from the guys
I blushed profusely, before shaking my head "No"
"That's okay, we can help you" Daphne said "Look, come over here and we can teach you, right, Pan?"
"Yes, I don't want Weasley embarrassing us" She rolled her eyes, before they led me to the sofa's
"Look, most of it is with confidence" Daphne explained
"And you want to use your hips for balance, switching the weight from side to side" Pansy said "Like this" And she instructed, walking around the sofa.
"Okay, that seems simple enough" I said before trying to do what they showed me 
"There you go!" Daphne cheered "You're a natural"
"Practise, Weasley" Pansy said.
"Are we ready to go, Ladies?" Theo asked
"Hey, Theo" Daphne said to him, smiling widely.
"Daphne, you look nice by the way" He told her
"Is it bad that I'm exhausted already?" I whispered to Blaise, making him chuckle
"We're all used to such events, With our families and stuff" Blaise said.
"really, when?" I asked
"Whenever you weren't staying over at one of our house's there was a ball, Draco didn't want you coming so He managed to convince Narcissa to plan them when you were with your family"
"I should be offended, but I'm secretly relieved?"
"Oh, don't worry, Narcissa adores you so she's already planned to have one when we get back from Hogwarts" He grinned
I was stood with the other five as we waited for the door's of the Great Hall to open
"There's Ron and Harry, I'm gonna go say hi" I told them, and they all scrunched their faces up at the mention of the duo.
But I ignored it and walked off to my Twin brother and his friend.
"Ron, Harry!" I said to them
"Hi!" Ron said grumpily before turning around to look at me, his jaw dropping "What?! Thats not fair! You got that whilst I got this?" He said , pointing at his dress robes
"It's not my fault, I don't even know who sent this to me" I said furrowing my brows
"H-hey, Keira, You L-look lovely" Harry said, blushing
"Cheers Haz, d'you know where Hermione is?" I asked
"No, We haven't seen her since she left at five" Ron rolled his eyes.
"What a delight you are, Ron, Cheer up before you ruin Padma's night, I best be getting back to my own date" I said before walking back to the group, Just before McGonagall called for the Champions
"Grumbling Gargoyles, Is that Hermione With Krum?!"  I asked
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drottni · 2 years
Okay rewatching LBFAD (ofcourse this would be the show I do that to) and some observations
1. How the heck did they actually manage to capture Dongfang Qincang? Like after Lady Chidi sacrificed herself who was actually strong enough to bring my man down? What happened.
2. The intro says his "primordial spirit cannot be destroyed", why and how is it destroyed later then when XLH kills him? Also that when he resurrects it would be danger for the 3 realms (I like to think that in some universe it was written he would sacrifice himself for XLH and that Taisui would take over his body and put the 3 realms in danger and thats what this refers to) and that "only the goddess of Xilan would be able to prevent this catastrophe" and didn't she? By killing her beloved and stopping Taisui she did. God. I feel like they were destined to play these roles as well. "It's my destiny to save the world" 🤝 "It's my mission to save you"
3. My boy wasn't just casually chilling and trapped in that prison. He was fighting! He was sending out energy even while unconscious and weakening the Matrix. Ofcourse he was.
4. Did XLH's master really plan on throwing her away and only kept her because of Changheng? Did she not know who XLH is? I always assumed she knew and was safe keeping her.
5. My girl XLH didn't even hesitate before deciding she was gonna risk herself for Changheng. Like she was this selfless from day one and we all really fooled ourselves into thinking she wouldn't do this for her Da Mouto. Clowns all of us. Dongfang Qincang too for not locking her up in a tower before heading out to big battle to stop her 😅
6. Dongfang Qincang's little fire spheres said "You're coming home with me" to XLH. 😆 Really grabbed her and never let go. Get yo girl boy.
7. Omg the reflection of DFQC in her eyes! I actually saw it now.
8. Multiple slow pausing has revealed to me: The MINUTE she touches him and her energy shoots out, his hands are FREED. She literally frees him. My god.
9. How do I make that zoomed out scene of them literally coloring the galaxy with their love a phone screen saver or something. I need that now.
10. DFQC who doesn't bother to explain anything to anyone ever immediately explains to XLH that he doesn't know why they have switched bodies and what is happening.
11. Netflix asking me if I want to skip intro:
me: How dare you.
12. That scene in the intro of their heads. How DFQC is bowed and XLH is looking up when in reality they are the opposite. But with each other, he bows to her, she looks up to him. God. I think I could write poetry out of these two and never stop. I could write essays. Someone make me stop.
13. I literally never knew that he refers to himself as Benzhuo (Not sure what its exact meaning is like but The Venerable one or something) until Tumblr and now when she mockingly says "Benzhuo Benzhuo" >" you keep talking about yourself", it's so much funnier. She literally calls him out on his fancy language and says alright mr high and mighty calm down you aint a big deal. LOVE.
14. Idk if its a translation thing or he for real says to her "don't cry" like a request instead of an order as you would expect like "stop crying!". So soft. Sir why. "Clean your face" like you would to a child after consoling them. Like "okay that's enough now wipe your face". God.
15. The first time we see the curse seal is when she enters the Matrix its on her chest. The second time and the first time we see it on DFQC is when they switch back for the first time. I need to how the Xilan curse works. Why does it just feel like the universe conspiring to bring them both together 😆 Like how did the curse know he would try to kill her now that they switched bodies and immediately said "nope jokes on you, she is your precious one now"
16. The sheer joy I feel watching his transformation into Moon Supreme. Cleared my skin, fixed my life, cured my depression.
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notahorseindisguise · 2 years
fun facts about me!
im 17 years old
i live in australia, in nsw 
im mostly a boy ig, but i use any pronouns and just dont care
im bisexual
i am, by family, a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. by belief, im not sure yet!
i have adhd and probably other stuff 
i really love bugs and want to be an entomologist
you can call me Corn, but thats just a nickname, short for Corben
i have 2 pet cats, milly and pebbles
i am really really mean to people, because bullying is how i show my love. if that is an issue for you please let me know and ill change it!
i also use a lot of gendered terms as well as petnames for just. everyone. so if “bro” or “babe” makes you uncomfy, make sure you tell me too!
i very purposely wear day of the week underwear only on the wrong day cause i think its hilarious
i have a slight lisp, very slight, its only really noticeable when i say a bunch of s words in a row and you are looking to notice it. i have this because in preschool i did my s sounds slightly different to how we were taught, but i never bothered to fix it
i get excited when im talking a lot about things i love, and when i get excited, a bit of a stutter comes out, and i like, get stuck on a word, and keep repeating it until my brain buffers the next sentence
i have a lot of self confidence because i stopped making self deprecating jokes and started making self aggrandizing jokes and guys, faking it til you make it really really works
i really like comedy, not just as in i like makng jokes, although thats true, but i like dissecting comedy and talking about it the way a film critic would talk about the dark knight or something. i really like pulling it apart and looking at the behind the scenes. i also think its funny to rate people jokes out of 10.
ive never properly played a game of monopoly. the only game ive ever played i had to leave around halfway through. im a monopoly virgin. 
if youre reading this, reply “autonomic”. just because i think its a fun word to say and i doubt anyone is actually reading all of this.
i had a couple of recurring nightmares as a kid that brought me quite face to face with a cosmic horror, i dont believe it was real of course, just a creation of my mind, but still, im mostly unphased by that genre, although i still love it because its just so cool to read about
i have never opened my eyes underwater for more than half a second, because it hurts me too much. ive opened them up underwater a little bit just to wash them out or to see if i could, but they always hurt too much for me, so ill be wearing goggles underwater for the rest of my life
when i was a child my family would call cuddles from me “dorben” and say “corben give me some dorben” whenever they wanted cuddles. this is not an open invitation to use this for when you want cuddles from me this is just a fun fact about my childhood
one time at a family camp when i was like. 6 or 7 or something, i told my mum i needed the toilet but she didnt wanna walk me down to the toilet block, so she told me to just go in the bush. i protested, but she told me itd be fine so i went to the bush. later i was crying and i pulled her over to where i had gone, and she saw a shit laying on the grass, where she thought i was gonna piss. through my tears i said “mum, you were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG-O!!”
also once when i was half asleep i pissed in the bin in my bathroom instead of the toilet
theres some fun facts about me!! some of these important, some i just thought were random and funny. i will add to this when i think of more random parts of my life. have fun!
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stregoniconiconii · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 1,444 times in 2022
845 posts created (59%)
599 posts reblogged (41%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 678 of my posts in 2022
#stranger things - 131 posts
#stobin - 53 posts
#platonic stobin - 48 posts
#twilight saga - 47 posts
#spn - 22 posts
#codependent stobin - 21 posts
#pjo - 16 posts
#stobin cat agenda - 15 posts
#<333 - 11 posts
#steve harrington - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#both aware that monsters exist and that the other knows about it and yet still it seems they didn't speak to each other until spring break
My Top Posts in 2022:
everyone jokes about kissing the homies goodnight until it’s steve and robin
nah but fr and they’d kiss the homies goodnight every night too wouldn’t miss a bed time ever
35 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
still putting robin in a guest room by season 4 doesn’t make sense. They’re calling steve’s bed “the bed” robin has permanently taken over the left bedside table. Steve is constantly getting on to her about leaving her (empty) glass of water there all day. sometimes Steve puts a hand under his pillow and gets poked by the earring robin spent the last week looking for.
exactlyyyy like thats one of those details that i get tripped up on bc it’s like what do you mean….you place a wall between stobin? a whole wall? sacrilege…like maybe u have ur reasons but why
42 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
actual codependent things I think robin and steve could do because they’re kinda fucked up and traumatised:
this is actually already canon: Steve being self-sacrificing, always putting himself in danger if it means robin (and the others) will be safe. Steve making sure the Russians were focused on torturing him and not robin, being the one to swim down to Watergate instead of anyone else.
I think robin puts off applying to college because she doesn’t want to leave Steve behind in hawkins. this is her own version of self sacrifice: she’s sacrificing her happiness and freedom by choosing to stay in hawkins. she probably feels guilty when she does start sending out applications.
also kinda canon: a little too involved in each other’s romantic relationships. Steve trying to figure out if vickie likes girls through her film choices and where she pauses comes to mind.
a more toxic way this can manifest: trying to protect each other from heartbreak by trying to prevent conflict. icing out romantic interests that they don’t like, stepping into their arguments to try and sort them out for them. very “it’s you and me, me and you, and your friend Steve” energy, but not that cute.
maybe more but these are definitely the main ways it shows up in their relationship
46 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
the reason why steddie fucks so hard is because it’s browneyes4browneyes
61 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was thinking about the head canon of Steve being Italian, through his mom because Harrington is like super Irish, and I have some ideas
first off, I don’t think Steve can speak Italian super fluently. I think his mom was first generation and she worked really hard to sound American and so she didn’t really speak it at home. Steve only heard Italian when his mom was on a long distance phone call with her family back home or when she got homesick and listened to an Italian language radio station. Steve loved hanging out with his mom though, and he loved listening in on her conversations because I know my boy is a little gossip, so he picked up on understanding the language fairly well, but never really got the hang of speaking it
until, when he was like 10 years old and they went to Italy for the summer. his nonna, who he had literally only talked to on the phone, was dying and she wanted her daughter to come back home. she and Steve go together, his dad comes for a couple weeks but then has to go back to work, and they’re there for months, fully immersed. he even spends a month at school with his cousins, who he gets along with pretty well. that’s not to say it was easy at first, definitely not
Steve probably spent the first few weeks there quiet as a mouse just listening to everyone speak. everyone thought he was just a dumb American, chastising his mother for not teaching him their language, teasing him because they thought he couldn’t understand. but they all get surprised when he speaks up when one of his aunts is going in on his mom and he calls her out in actually pretty good Italian. after that, he gets included more, his cousins discover that he’s actually pretty funny besides being American. he still gets teased because his accent needs some serious work, but by the time his Nonna dies and his dad is flying down for the funeral and to take them back to America, he feels pretty damn Italian
he half hopes that he and his mom could stay here, where he has family he actually gets a long with, but his dad’s kinda mad at how native they’ve gone while he’s been gone. now he’s the odd one out and he doesn’t like it. he brings them back to hawkins and issues an Italian ban because he doesn't like not knowing what his wife and son are talking about. and then news about the affair breaks out
see, while Steve and his mom were in Italy, hanging out with family, looking after a sick old lady, and preparing for a funeral, mr harrington was getting dirty with his secretary. so now his mom is paranoid that it will happen again if he gets out of her sights so she ends up going with him on a bunch of business trips. leaving poor Steve alone. and without the practice Steve’s Italian skills go downhill until high school and he starts taking a second language
not many people choose to take Italian, more going for French or Spanish, so it’s a small class. he thought it would be easy for him, since he already knew Italian even if he was out of practice, but this wasn’t the regional Italian his mom and her family spoke, this was The Official Italian Language. so it’s not as easy as he thought it would be but he actually manages to pick it up pretty quickly. yes, Italian is one of his best classes. yes, his accent is still pretty bad
anyway I don't think Steve keeps it a secret that he’s actually pretty good at Italian but not many people know. most of the kids in hawkins are barely passing Spanish or French, the few that are good at languages don’t think of him as someone good at languages so they don’t bother him. it’s not until robin claims she can speak Italian fluently that it even comes up
basically I think Steve and robin gossip in Italian bc they love that only they know what they’re saying. Steve teaches her some of the regional dialect he grew up on, she goes holy shit this means that we can hit up Sicily on our Europe trip and Steve’s very happy about that (because yay best friends trip and also he can visit his family again!)
120 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
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winderlylandchime · 6 months
I am sending this way later than I originally planned since I did write all this out after we finished watching. But we (one of us more than the other) were a fucking mess afterwards soooo here we go 5x10: ‘‘CYNDI LAUPER?! As in Girls just wanna have fun? Please tell me she’s gonna remix it to Gays just wanna have fun’ ‘LOOK AT MY BLONDIE! Look at my dumb little baby who needs to get his head out of his ass and go back to Brian’ the moment happens when those cars drive by with protestors ‘man, fuck you! What a fucking loser’ *throws a pillow at the tv* The scene is now at Brian and Ted when he tells him he’s cancer free ‘wait, Ted is looking for a husband husband? Why is everyone so obsessed with getting married? Why the fuck is Brian going to Australia?! He better take Blondie with him. HE’S CANCER FREE?! *pauses tv* so hold the fuck up. Cancer was there this whole time and he was going to doctors but they just decided to forget about that? Idiots. He needs to celebrate with Blondie not with Australia!’ We are now at the scene where Mikey/Ben try to find a venue and Ben suggests the club. *starts laughing* ‘of fucking course! Brian isn’t a good friend. And he’s not good enough for anyone. But his money and his club? Sign us right up. Fuck all of his so called friends.’ ‘They have to drop Drew? Oh shit. Well this fucking sucks for both of them. (He was dead silent during a scene with Mel and then it went to Brian/Ted/mikey scene) finally something good! (Mikey shows up) ughh this fucker again. Kick him out please. Here he comes asking for help. See even Brian knows that everyone always only wants something from him. This is starting to piss me off and hurt me. (Mikey says brian should apologize) IN WHAT WORLD?! Did you fucking lose your memory from what all you said to him? Fuck you! (Mikey asks for the club) ha, i guess the over the hill’s club boys club is now good enough for you. He’s giving it for free? He’s a way better person than me…’ ‘i get why Emmett is angry at Brian but damn it, im sure he can understand the situation? Its not like Brian did it cause he wanted to do it. I get why he’s mad but damn it come on.’ WE ARE NOW AT THE SCENE WHERE BRIAN WATCHES JUSTIN! ‘Blondie!!! BRIAN! *makes a noise like he’s choking* HES WATCHING HIM! GO UP TO HIM AND KISS HIM AND TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM YOU STUBBORN BEAUTIFUL SHIT! AHHHHHHHH BLONDIE SAW HIM! THATS IT? TAKE CARE AND HE LEAVES? WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN FOR THEM TO GET BACK TOGETHER?!’ And we are now at the benefit and it shows Monty and Eli ‘ughhh theyre here too. (They make a joke about Brian) Justin, if you don’t start throwing hands, i will! Where’s the old Blondie? He’d fight them, why is he so disgusting towards Jen. What a prick.’ ‘MY GIRL CYNDI!!! I FUCKING LOVE HER!!!!’ Jen and Tucker kiss and it shows Justin going through it ‘that’s literally me when they show Mel and Linds. But more importantly imagine Brian with him right now. He’d be cracking jokes left and right.’ ‘BRIAN! Go to the club! Get Blondie back! Come the fuck on JUST FOR ONCE LISTEN TO ME!’
ANNNNNND the bomb just went off *huge gasp and he covers his mouth with his hands and accidentally hits himself with the cast* ‘WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WAS THAT?! WHAT WAS THAT?! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?! (It tells on the radio about the bomb) AN EXPLOSION?! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO BRIAN GO BACK! GO TO THE CLUB! HES GOING! WHATS GOING ON?! (It shows the club scene and Brian just arrived) *he is actually shaking while watching* WHERES MY BLONDIE! BRIAN BE CAREFUL! (Jen says justin is inside and brian runs in) im gonna fucking kill someone if something happens to Blondie. BRIAN IS RUNNING IN OF COURSE HES RUNNING IN! FUCK FUCK FUCK *he is actually on the verge of tears* he better be alive! IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO BRIAN IM BURNING THIS WHOLE PLACE DOWN. (brian starts screaming for Justin) he’s fucking screaming his name. Just like at the garage. Im gonna fucking jump off a bridge, i cant handle this. (Brian spots Justin) OH FUCKING HELL HES ALIVE! MY BOY IS ALIVE! I dont have to commit arson….yet. LOOK AT THEM HUGGING, he was so FUCKING WORRIED! Poor Brian, imagine this happening at your club. Fuck.’ He then paused the tv on Ted and just sat back and stared at the tv for a minute and then let out a big sigh and pressed play. And now we’re at the hospital scene ‘this is making me nervous. I hate this. Oh look Brian being nice to Ben…and they say he doesn’t do charity. Is Mike alive? Yo ben, chill. It’s her fucking kid so shush. BRIAN ONCE AGAIN SAVING THE DAY…wait didnt he have cancer? Brian is about to burn this hospital down. Good for him!’ We’re are the scene with Deb and Brian praying and he only let out a very soft whimper when Brian went to hold her hand but that was it.
And we are at the I love you scene!!!!!!!!!!!!! *he is dead silent, hes covering his mouth and his elbows are on his knees and he is shaking and still on the verge of tears* ‘my boys! I was worried where Blondie was. Please tell me he is getting his man back. (Brian hugs Justin and starts his speech) *he starts slowly crying the second Brian hugs him and the tears just keep coming* (Brian says i love you) *huge gasp and he covers his mouth and just stares in silence until the screen goes black* ‘oh my god…oh my…*said very softly* he said it…he fucking sai- HE SAID HE LOVES HIM! HE SAID HE FUCKING LOVES HIM! HE FUCKING SAID I LOVE YOU! HE SAID! HE! *gets up and starts screaming while pointing to the tv and then hits me on my shoulder* HE SAID IT! I DIDNT HALLUCINATE THAT SHIT! HE ACTUALLY SAID IT! *slowly sits down with his hands all up in his hair and tears going down his face* he said i love you. Twice. He said it twice. Once for him and once for everyone. I…i gotta see that shit again’ *immediately rewinds it* ‘why the fuck didnt blondie say it back? Probably cause he’s processing it like me. He said it. He fucking said. A bomb had to go off but he did it. AND THEY KISSED! WE ARE BACK BABY! AND HE FUCKING FINALLY SAID IT! IT FEELS SO GOOD TO FINALLY WIN SOMETHING!’ He then proceeded to call our mom and when she answered he just yelled into the phone ‘BRIAN SAID I LOVE YOU TO BLONDIE!’ And then hung up and went on the next episode.
Dear sweet anon, I don’t know if your loyal readers are ready for what is about to happen. Dear friends, I’ve read the messages and we must rally. Brother Anon has really been through it. All of his opinions pass peer review and also are Nice and Accurate (forgive the GO reference).
Yeah, I do not understand the cancer arc timeline. Is Brian cancer free at a certain month mark or… because he finished treatment before the Liberty Ride. IDK.
That scene with Brian watching him is heartbreaking. HOW CAN ANYONE SAY BRIAN DOESN’T CARE?
The explosion! “Just like at the garage” I AM DYING. Exactly like that. Brian not knowing if Justin is alive will ALWAYS get me.
His reaction to the I Love You is everything. It is all of us. He is one of us. The one bright moment in the entire season.
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What's a girl gonna do
what's a girl gonna do ?
What would the queen 👸🏼 have to say about all this bickering between the swifties. This is a fandom that doesn't allow mean girls sorry ! Taylor literally stood up for a fan in the middle of singing ! So you don't belong here if you're a mean girl.
If you made fun of anyone wearing an Olaf costume or costume you didn't understand - jokes on you Taylor literally talked about that exact night at tampa night 2. So before you're like "ew cringe." Cuz YOU don't understand. A lot of us do. Don't be rude.
It doesn't matter what age you are. A mean girl is a mean girl is a mean girl and Taylor was bullied by mean girls like you who didn't understand why she liked country music so much - just keep that in mind.
If you're gonna insist on calling her mother instead of sister bestie soul mate , t swizzle - and if you don't know that reference just go rn! But if you must be like oh look it's mother mothering 🙄 just remember to a lot of us she's someone who grew up right along side us. She's not our mother she's our friend and if she's your mother than listen to your mother and be a nice person cuz kindness is best legacy you can leave behind. ---actual quote ---
This fandom is what it is because of the life long friends you can make bonding over your mutual love of this one singer who just is a part of you - if you can't be a part of that without making fun of people who dress up and still listen to Taylor in their 30s- then you don't get it you never will. Taylor threw up 33 during 22 for a reason! And don't be mad that we've been alive as long as Taylor ! We were the lucky ones . Can't you see it now ?
Taylor loves the costumes- she mentioned multiple times alllll the amazing outfits everyone had. The sparkles cuz her favorite color is sparkles ! I personally saw her mouth "i love your outfit"to 2 girls in full on epic costumes so being mean won't get you noticed but putting yourself out there like you don't care what people think cuz trust me when you get older you won't ... thats what gets you noticed.
This is the first tour Taylor has ever not had personal meet and greets i think solely due to the fact that her show is as long and draining as it is ! But when she does - they're looking for the loudest brightest most noticeable having the most fun girls and boys in the room my friend i can promise you that ! That's why we wear costumes and put our heart on our sleeve and show up to concerts in our 30s cuz guess what ? (
Taylor's in her 30s too - 32 is still growin up now . And you KNOW EVERYTHING WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG ! (( that seconds one's sarcasm it's a second language to Taylor learn it ! Along with the many other inside jokes you have some making up to do I'm not gonna lie )))
My point is swifties as a whole need to start being nicer. Gen z is becoming full blown adults and I'm not loving what I'm seeing I'm sorry it needed to be said . You never say cringe to anyone's outfit ! No you trade friend ship bracelets with her and become life long friends ! You make the friendship bracelets take the moment and taste it you got no reason to be afraid
Of mean girls
Cuz it's a Taylor Swift concert how can you possibly be mad a Taylor Swift concert ? I can't
Please no more bad bloood - hey stop! She wasn't doing anything ! Now we got bad blood hey ! Stop ! We used to be mad love stop!
@taylorswift @taylornation
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daniels-rwby-blog · 1 year
Still a good intro, Bit of back story, some falling nice.
That clock is important
Ruby's moody and Jaune the voice of reason
Jaune is my reaction to meta cat
cat your annoying weiss and me
ascension is death called it,
so lewis died
weiss is now the best character don't at me.
holy crap this is the metaverse, like it's a writer's out for the whole show.
okay so we have the bees together working out the little ship issue we have going on (man i hope monty had a list of canon ships) and the backstory, really a tale from remnant about the ever after, as i thought the twist is that morals are totally wack, i love the tape FX btw. and yeah the herbalist seems more important or at least a pawn of the cat, which seems to be jaunes point, the cat rules this world, its the cat's playground and alex bought it, alex dealt with the cat and escaped.
also those mirrors and summer and weiss seeing atlas, thats gonna need a breakdown.
Jaune still isn't saying the full story tho, he's holding something back.
and now thee bee elephant:
so this is about as blunt a way to do the bee's as i could think of, the compliments bridge yangs movments are perfrect here, emotion is so well carried and her spilling out about blake is adorable
This is one of the best scene’s i've seen from rwby, not just cause it’s my ship but because it feels like the show as come, at least half circle upon itself, while it left the realm of cutiepie highschool drama years ago, the core of it, of 4 friends, it's never left. And now it's back, although friends isn't the right word.
and thus the S.S bee wins over. in not the best way or the way i wanted
But yeah i like how nonchalant it is The bees are free and the show is essentially now part over, 2 of the title characters are completed in "friendship" BY is indeed bi. All that's left is ruby; the story of motherhood and doing the right thing even when the odds are against you, and Weiss who's learnt her lesson so many times over it's hard to count. But we're done now, the bees have kissed the ship is a relationship and the GF jokes can start, its phase 2 of the SS bumblebee and I really hope it gets mentioned in the show (the ex-ship name). Kinda wonder if Monty had planned this (seems like he did not gonna lie) but there was time for black sun to have it, but ultimately CRWBY kicked in their teeth. Here's my message to Blacksun or anyone who’s not happy about BB. This is RWBY, a show that while at its core is a fight anime about 4 girls, in a wacky world of monsters and God’s, finding themselves and their friends in the midst of it all, it always had a second message… Be yourself. Wiess tries to become her own person rather than the rich heiress. Ruby tries to be a huntress and later a leader and later still whatever this is. Blake and faunus are an analog for minorities and fitting in. Yang is the “just being physically strong doesn't mean you're good mentally”. This show is about change, finding your place and I don't think that having a Gay ship means any less. In fact it seems fitting. And regardless of all the other gay media you may point to and tell me that RWBY shouldn't have to conform to it, i'd like to point out this show is a decade old (ish)! This ship was there from day 1, and now it's over, its cannon and that's it.
For my fellow Bee’s, it's done, we can have our few weeks (heck the whole rest of the volume) but we have won. The signs were always there, it is now our job to become the defenders, we must gather our memes, our evidence, our mighty clips; and we must, it is our destiny to use them to back up CRWBY, to defend, not our opinions in hate filled fury, but the Show we love with dignity and respect, we need to tone it down once our victory lap is done and keep a level head as we show the world all the hints and love filled moments that led up to, what i hope is one of many Bee Kisses.
Also all the fan art OMG its so cuuuuuteeeeeeeeeee!
Thanks, y'all for reading, and sticking with this show to see out the bees, I'll have a breakdown of Ruby's mental fuzz at CR and what that means coming up. Make sure to read my other theories and DFTBA!
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