#that's a human person. you passionately hate a real person you don't know anything about who didn't do anything wrong
daz4i · 2 years
this wave of harry styles hate truly feels like ed sheeran 2.0 ngl
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morallyinept · 7 months
I don't rant very often - it's negative energy that I don't want or need in my life - but I feel that as a fan of Pedro Pascal, I'd like to take a moment to highlight what being a fan actually means.
As clearly, some people, some "fans", have demonstrated having a hard time grasping that concept...
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Being a fan of Pedro Pascal means I enjoy his career, his portfolio of works.
Sure, I enjoy his physical looks too; the man is certainly as handsome as they come, let's be real here. Yes, I find him attractive.
More importantly, I enjoy what Pedro stands for; his beliefs, his passions. He stands up for injustice, he is an LGBTQIA+ advocate and friend. He is a feminist. He is politcal. He's proud of his heritage.
Is Pedro perfect? Do I believe the sun shines out of his ass? No, he's human and has flaws and off days like the rest of us.
Ain't no-one that is perfect, babe. That's delusion talking if you truly believe that.
I enjoy that Pedro inspires me to be a better human being.
Being a true fan, to me, means only positive things.
It means respect.
It means respecting Pedro's boundaries, be that in person, or online.
It means respecting Pedro's privacy. He has the right, just like any one of us, to a personal life seperate from his career.
Pedro doesn't have to answer to you, me, or anyone else about his private life.
You are not entitled to him, or his time, just because he is a celebrity. (God, I fucking hate that word.) He does not owe you anything, and nor should he be expected to.
Pedro Pascal is a human being.
As a fan of Pedro, I will not write fanfic about him. Only his characters, because his characters are primarily the reason why I admire Pedro. His characters are how I discovered Pedro to begin with.
He can make me laugh, cry, fall in love, wince when he loses an arm, gasp when he double crosses the protagonist. I can survive a fungal apocalypse with his characters by my side.
That's an incredible testament to his talent as an actor that no matter what role he plays, I don't see Pedro on the screen. I only see his characters.
It's his job and he enjoys it. As a fan, I enjoy his craft.
If you do write about Pedro, that's up to you and I am not going to judge, but for me personally, it's a hard no. And I won't be reading any of it either, sorry.
As a fan of Pedro, I can draw the line between fantasy and reality. Meaning, I would never go out of my way to invite, devise, plant myself in deliberately, or exploit a situation where Pedro is in my personal space, or I in his.
Firstly, I'm a realist. And secondly if I ever met the guy, chances are I'd walk right past him and not even notice. (It's happened a lot, not with Pedro but with other actors etc... I live in the capital, there are a lot of them here.)
And thirdly, I am not a stalker.
I would never intentionally track him down in another country whilst he is working or vacationing, and then post about how slighted I am on IG that he told me to politely leave him alone because I was too persistent in getting too close. I would never relocate and uproot my life just to live near him in the hopes we bump into one another and fall desperately in love. 🙄
This is real life people, not a movie.
This kind of behaviour from Pedro's so-called fans is questionable, and frankly concerning to anyone with a sane mind.
I would also never bully or belittle anyone because their fan account is more popular than mine. I would never actively enforce or seek to enforce the deliberate closure of any fan accounts because I am petty or jealous.
Unfortunately this has happened and I am sorry to have heard about those who were affected by it - you did not deserve that.
Sadly, all these things have happened. For real. And it's utterly gross behaviour from, in most cases, fully grown women who are old enough to know better.
We are all here to enjoy and support Pedro, so why is that such a hard concept to grasp? Why does fandom have a toxic corner?
I'll tell you why.
Because thanks to social media, and platforms like Tumblr, it's all too easy to sit faceless behind a keyboard and do and say whatever you want, without any real consequence.
There are always a few bad eggs, in any fandom, who feel they are superior, that they know everything. That because they found a new image or a clip first that they are entitled to police everything. That they are entitled to dictate how fandom should be run.
I've got news for you; you're not.
Fandom is inclusive, sharing, a creative hub for ideas, inspiration. A place to forge friendships, relationships because you have common ground. The coming together of like-minded individuals to celebrate and endorse their admiration for their idol in a safe, non-threatening place.
A place for creativity to flow, for confidence in yourself to grow. To create original stories from canon, to create unique head canon because we don't want these lovable characters to die. To paint amazing pictures. To get excited over Pedro's new projects and discuss your favourites.
That's fandom. That's being a fan.
Being a fan doesn't mean creating, spreading, peddling or posting harmful material that 1) is frankly abhorrently disgusting and is not only insulting to Pedro, but also his family, his friends etc... and 2) could also be potentially damaging to his career.
I am referring to the vile deepfake of Pedro currently doing the rounds now on Tumblr because some idiot thought it was funny to clog up our timelines with it.
I don't want, or need, to see that, thanks.
And whoever created it originally should be fucking ashamed of themselves. I would wholly encourage you to report and block any accounts that have done this.
Imagine how you would feel if your face, your image was used and violated in that way.
You'd be outraged, right? Hurt? Sickened?
This kind of manipulation of AI is exactly what the WGA and SAG-AFTRA are concerned about and were/are striking for.
What Pedro is striking for, and then someone has the gall to pull this sickening stunt.
It's what artists are concerned about. What writers are concerned about. AI wasn't created to be abused in this way.
So, what makes you think that all this behaviour is acceptable to do to a man, who is nothing but generous and kind?
A man who would give you help, no questions asked, if he ran into you, in his own words:
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And you have the audacity to call yourselves fans?
A man who, if he knew, what his "fans" do, I'm certain he would be absolutely disgusted and not condone any of it.
☝🏻Let me make it abundantly clear:
If you have looked for, deliberately searched for, posted, jerked off to, liked or shared that vile deepfake clip, video, pic - whatever the fuck it is - in any way then, YOU ARE NO FAN OF PEDRO PASCAL.
And I am certainly no fan of yours.
Do better. Don't be a dick.
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furiousgoldfish · 7 months
No matter how horrid and despicable the abuse is, the abusers will always insist it's all because of you. It's because you're doing something wrong, you're not doing good enough for them, you don't love them enough, you don't love them unconditionally, you're not showing that you love them through obedience enough, you're not considerate enough, and if only, if only you had more love for them, understanding and dedication and loyalty, then things would be fine and nothing bad would ever happen.
They convince you that this is the one ultimate truth and you almost can't escape it because their entire logic is warped around what YOU did to cause this, to cause them to snap and hurt you. They create this fictional world where potentially no abuse would happen if only you acted differently, almost as if it was under your control, whether they abuse you or not.
You can get lost in that world where your actions all have unpredictable, horrible and painful consequences, you can try to change your behaviour in a million ways to try and get different results, you can run yourself ragged trying to please the abuser to make them less hostile, and they still abuse you, and you still feel like nothing will ever be good enough, like you are not good enough.
And that's because their logic makes no sense. A person who loves you wouldn't do this to you. They wouldn't hurt you for anything. They wouldn't want you to suffer. They wouldn't consider themselves an authority over whether you've deserved pain or not, you would never deserve pain in their eyes.
A person who loves you and cares about you does not want you to run yourself ragged trying to please them. They don't want to train you into obedience, they don't find your worth equal to how much you're useful to them, they don't see you as a toy to manipulate into as much work as possible. The person who would do this to you hates you so intensely and so cruelly, you're not even real to them. They don't even see you as a person. And you know it, because after this type of treatment, you don't see yourself as a person either, you only see something to be used as a resource and discard at will, this is not who you are!
Compassion, humanizing, comfort, warmth, concern, care about your emotions, care about your experience of life, care for your well being, your happiness, your confidence, your quality of life, your dreams and goals, your happiness, your desires, freedom, passion, excitement, enjoyment, love can't exist without all that. That's what makes you feel like a person, that's what love is. Not being trained and dehumanized. Not being judged and punished because your best is not enough for someone. Not being blamed and scrutinized when you're in pain. That's the deepest hatred a person can hold for you, that's desire to torture you.
It doesn't matter if you're not good enough for this person because you were never meant to be a resource or a property. You were never meant to be used. You are good enough to laugh with, to spend time with, to adore, to comfort and to play with, to hold memories with someone, to be seen and heard and appreciated, to be held special in someone's heart. That's what you're meant for and this person is failing you. You don't have to be anything for them. They don't deserve to have anyone to use.
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ladymelisande · 8 months
My problem with this implication that Crowley is the Selfish One™ for panicking and wanting to run instead of going with Aziraphale to Heaven and Aziraphale being a supposed saint that wants to save humanity (or fix Heaven just for love of Crowley, which is quite reductive and I will to that in a minute) is that it just acts as ir Aziraphale knew that the Second Coming was happening all along (which he didn't) and that once again just ignores that 1) he was pretty excited at the idea of coming back there, 2) that he did imply he misses reporting to Heaven AKA he is struggling to be part of The Company™ - Michael Sheen also mentioned this before the season started - and 3) Aziraphale was spiraling and in denial of the situations happening around him all season.
There are some points I disagree with so much and they are just... Not in the show?
'That Aziraphale didn't know that Heaven tried to kill him.' Yes, he did, he didn't know the whole dialogue word for word, but Crowley says in the first episode that Gabriel tried to cast him into hellfire.
'That Heaven has good angels and that's why Aziraphale was doing the right thing by going.' Okay, I hate this point with passion. Heaven having nice, innocent angels like Muriel doesn't make it less of a cult/totalitarian environment/dystopia/you pick your metaphor. Just because some angels are good doesn't mean the system is not broken. In any case, those angels deserve to get the fuck out too.
Crowley can't let go of his hate of Heaven and that's bad for some reason. This point is so... victim blamy. Why in the hell should Crowley feel anything but hate for Heaven or God by the matter? Huh?!
The point that argues that Aziraphale only wanted to go back to Heaven because of Crowley and to keep him safe deserves a paragraph of his own because I think it's such a 'reduce into shipping' reading. Aziraphale has been struggling with letting go of Heaven, he hasn't been eating, he is playing humans like fiddles during that ball and denying the danger around him, he accepted Gabriel in his home when anyone with some self-preservation would have thrown him out of in the street. All of this, plus his line in Season 1 when he still hesitated about 'his side' not liking him staying with Crowley, all of this is a build up that goes up to the moment where he presents Metatron's offer to Crowley.
Because as much as I ship them and I do think Crowley going was a mayor factor on making him accept, I don't think it's only about Crowley, it's about Aziraphale's inability to let go of his perception of Heaven as the side of goodness.
Crowley going back to Heaven is how Aziraphale thinks he can have his cake and eat it. Crowley is safe from Hell (because he thinks in terms of Hell being more harmful to Crowley than Heaven) and Aziraphale gets to 'fix' Heaven and never, ever confront the fact that Heaven is not the side of good, most importantly, never confront the fact that God is not a force of good.
Aziraphale's acceptance of the offer is not just doing Good and Save Earth™ (because remember he didn't know about the Second Coming when he accepted), it's him regressing (in the psychological term, not in the character term) and not wanting to accept real change, which sort of goes with his character being the sort of slow and frozen previous eras (contrasting with Crowley 'going too fast'). It's the same thing with him just believing Crowley is a good person because he is fundamentally an angel Deep Down™, and not because he developed his own moral compass.
Like, I'm sorry, but I don't think him accepting that offer had anything to do with some super mega selfless impulse to save Earth. He doesn't mention Earth in his whole speech. He goes around how Heaven is 'the side of truth, of light, of good' and he looks at Crowley confused as if he doesn't get why Crowley wouldn't want to go back to The Side of Truth, Light and Good™. I don't see Earth and humans mentioned there. It's not about them and deep down is not even about Crowley.
It's about Aziraphale and Heaven. It's about how he, as much as he loves Crowley, he still wants Heaven, he still wants their praise, he wants to be needed by them and how he can't and (in that moment) doesn't want to accept what they truly are.
This is why he will fail in Season 3. There won't be growth if he suddenly manages to change an unchangeable system. He needs to fail, he needs to have this view of them and God broken or he will never grow out of it.
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Ainur as Aesthetics: 
Melkor  —  eye-rolls, either sleep for the week or sleep is for the weak, great music taste, extremely passionate, smarter than you'd think, abandoned cities, alcohol, doesn't care about opinions, midnight hours, black coffee, hates humanity, cold hands, barely-there eyeliner, sharp smiles, lace-up boots, doesn't like to be told what to do, anger so blinding that you forget where and who you are, staring at the mirror until your features start to disappear, bad decisions, their words can hit you like a gunshot, the chilling sensation of metal on your skin, sharp claws ready to slash anyone they encounter, shattered antique mirrors, long dark scarves, dark and tousled hair, swallowing hard, a little broken.
Manwë  —  pale white snow, red cheeks, dried flowers that used to be the colour of the sun, quiet half-smiles, sunlight coming through an open window in the morning, hair tucked behind ears, gives the most thoughtful gifts, always neat, sparkly jewellery, beautiful poetry, comforting hugs, light footsteps, kisses on cheeks, a laugh like wind chimes, thunderstorms that you feel in your chest, intelligent eyes, collector of small objects, windswept hair, loves their friends with almost an unhealthy amount of loyalty, the colour of the sky at dusk, a crisp autumn breeze, soft hair, gold-flecked souls, the one who is there for you even when you think you don't need them, singing under their breath, smiles as the rain falls down and laughs as their hair lifts in the breeze.
Varda  —  cracked spines of leather-bound classics, sharing pieces of your soul with the world, starting revolutions with simple words, rosewater, cherry blossom petals floating through the wind, making promises, midnight conversations, writing into abysmal nothingness, stargazing, knowing smiles, doesn't open up easily, soft skin, crystals, a night where the clouds hide the moon, stories swirling in your mind, cursive letters, piercing eyes, whispers filled with secrets, studying things that do not exist, bright flashes of light outside your window, silk bedsheets, mysterious, handwritten notes, stays up so late it's early, plays quiet music for ambiance, fingertips stained with ink.
Ulmo  —  bodies full of stories, a will that ebbs and flows, lazy smiles, no real devotion to anything but existence itself, wordless lullabies, glassy blue eyes, moves with grace and rhythm, late night swims, blue tie dyed sheets, flowing outfits, the rough ocean at night, tall waves and bitter winds, salty hair, long limbs, kind of sad and tired but you've never see them cry, goes with the flow, quiet voice but loud meaning, walks with purpose, always looks their best, very kind and giving, seashells, loud laughter, perfect posture, habit of overthinking, bare feet, ice-cold lemonade, laying on the ground to soak up the sun, sand in the air, intricate designs, high ceilings, dim lights, bitten nails.
Aule  — confident, likes to perform, acts cool but is secretly emotional underneath, bold/dark colours, loves challenges, gets mad and forgives just as quickly, wouldn't change for anyone, laughing so loudly that strangers stare at you, running around like crazy person with your lover, compliments a stranger's crazy hair colour and feeling so good when they smile, unhealthy amounts of candy, fiery red sunsets, getting back up after being knocked down, they know that their friends are right behind them wherever they go, the burn in your lungs after chasing something you'll never be able to catch, always does their own thing.
Yavanna  —  warm days, soft smiles, making sure everyone is happy, walking barefoot, falling asleep in the sun, wishes everyone would be kinder, mugs of too-sweet tea, the person who screams don't kill the spider, adores animals, covered in freckles, one can never quite tell exactly what their eye colour is, pointing to the stars as they peek out from behind the clouds, large yawns early in the morning, a question left unanswered, honey, one hand catching another, tea that is swallowed for its warmth and not the taste, faded patterns on well-loved t-shirts, dew beading on flower petals, the imprints tight socks leave behind, wanderlust's yearning pull.
Orome  —  long hair, loves nature and animals, mist, sharp features, dirt under their fingernails, very down to earth, always willing to help, the strong friend, always has new, interesting facts to tell, tough as all hell, doesn't love easily but always loves deeply, walking barefoot everywhere, wildflowers threaded into messy braids, laying in the afternoon sun, big adventures, crisp air, deeply opinionated, climbing the tallest trees around, muddy feet, toothy smiles, accepting of everyone, follows their own path, stargazing off mountain cliffs, running through tall grass, folklore stories of fairies and dragons, a child at heart.
Nienna  —  honeyed and sulky dark summers, pomegranates, thunderstorms, magnolias, unkept promises, cinematic and shadowy, existing in a trance of melancholy, feels passionately though feigns detachment, slightly off-putting, their presence is announced but even if it wasn't you'd still know they were there, constantly underestimated, desperately afraid of silence, red-rimmed eyes, always appears serene, broken handwriting, short hair, foxes, dead leaves, large coats and scarves, numb fingers, old stone walls, steaming black tea, tears, gazing at a past lover down the hall, the smell before rain, old songs, nostalgia.
Námo  —  set features, eyes the color of dead souls, candles melting wax atop a piano, tragic smiles, an inexplicable sense of sharpness, hot tears, decaying cores, irreversible tornadoes, infectious whispers, heart is always pounding, doesn't like to be seen, nightmares, dark circles under their eyes that they can't hide, doesn't know their limits, slightly self-destructive, the silent one, bitter coffee, quiet observation, black eyeshadow, knows a bit of everything, no-nonsense, cold fingers and colder gazes, being misunderstood, sitting alone in a hard wood chair late at night, dead roses, losing a loved one too soon, moss covering broken gravestones, shattered glass, the taste of melancholy. 
Irmo  —  glows when they talk, dewy eyes, radiates with a blessing from the sun, gentle hands, dandelions, white clouds, the shy warmth of the first days of spring, afternoon naps, soft pillows, carefree laughter, fields of reeds, basking in the moonlight, flower crowns, sunbathing in creeks, gloriously alive, hours among the leaves, kind soul, often lost in their own thoughts, nights spent watching the river, dancing in a circle, holding hands, soft clothes, sun kissed skin, always listening to music, either works too hard or not at all, warm smiles, dancing in the rain, catching fireflies, wanting to do everything and nothing all at once, innocent hope, paper stars in glass jars, bittersweet goodbyes, looking for beauty in everything, water-coloured skies. 
Estë  —  dried orange garlands, snow on green tiled roofs, a bit in love, quills dipped in metallic ink, daydreaming, angelic singing, very fond of cuddling, homemade bread, constantly buying gifts for people, talkative, will hold your hand whenever and wherever, friends with almost everyone, convinced that sleeping at 10pm is late, strawberry ice cream, calming eyes, telling old stories, rosy cheeks, wanting the best for everyone, sunrises, loves nature, passionate about dreams, self-made flower crowns, will stay up late to comfort you, unexpected hugs from the back, not afraid to tell people they love them, humble.
Vairë  —  silver knitting needles, velvet skies filled with twinkling stars, red embroidery thread, hot black tea with spoonfuls of sugar, ballet shoes, hearts carved in birch bark, denim jackets, distant bells, foxgloves, rain moving over hills, cheek caresses, a bedroom left alone, walking in the mud and rain at dusk, resisting change, dead ends, unspoken feelings, finally coming home, looking up at the stars in hope of something more, simultaneously brimming with hope and lifeless, wiling the hours away, staring at the ceiling, wanting to write but not knowing the words, hiding from the world, afraid of the future, a sense of dread.
Vána  —  soft features, the smell of lavender, long walks in the sunshine, singing in a choir, sincere laughter, pastel colours, reading poetry aloud, baking cookies and sharing it with friends, kind gestures, painting on random objects, flower print clothes, lacy socks, handwritten love letters, forgiving people, graceful movements, writing poetry, roses, standing up for those who can't defend themselves, walks through nature, positivity, white lace, long hair, very graceful, always there for you, nostalgia of a time that you never knew, undeniably beautiful, the sweet breeze of a spring morning, slowing drifting off while laying on a green meadow, calm and collected, the best friend you could ask for.
Tulkas  —  loud laughter, hammocks, doesn't know when to stop, can't sleep, jacket with so many fixed holes it has been reduced to patchwork, flashing smiles, living on the edge, free spirit that will rip you to shreds if you dare to try and tame it, bloody knuckles, the moments of silence after a loud screaming match, riding into the sunset, dogs barking in the distance, the smell of fire on the air, running from person to person, unbridled chaos, aimless wandering, on the verge of greatness, call of the void, empty avenues, walking between worlds, wanting to hold the planets, melancholy nights, seeing things that aren't really there, wishing for more, overgrown unkempt gardens, bright colours against dark greens, tripping up on vines and logs, scraped knees.
Nessa  —  can go from laughing to serious fast if necessary, little bits of dark humour, staying up late, they do the little eyebrow thing when they get insulted, doodles, everybody else thinks they have friends but they don’t, red lipstick, lively, can be implosive, forgotten, mood swings like crazy, but very calm when they are happy, regrets decisions they made in the past, affectionately called a little brat, out until late in the afternoon of the next day, does not let anyone kill their vibe, seeing their escape in a person, the echo of your own steps on a tile floor, the sensation of being the only one left, a way that seems to have no end.
Eönwë  —  intimidating, has a soft side but only a few people see it, loves the forest, natural beauty, combat boots, deep thinker, false formality, a chord of music that breaks the silence, clouds rolling in, doesn't get angry but instead just fucking glares at you until you crumble, loves thunderstorms, mind like caverns, hands like stone, to hold or to hurt, heavy irises, earthquake tempers, unrequited love, soft voice, they know you whether you know them or not, lingering touches, people watching, the smell of old books and rain, faint music in the distance, won't let others break their friend's hearts, clearing their throat as a type of warning, moral righteousness, faith in humanity, towering buildings.
Mairon  —  sarcastic comments with a smile, glares that could kill, speaking in such a pretentious way that no one even understands you, obsession over studies, being a good person but getting corrupted, setting fire to the city, eyes like flames, heeled boots, soft aching hands buried in messy hair, ancient ruins, cups of tea gone cold, flawless eyeliner, impulsive decisions, false pretences, sickly sweet smiles, daunting realisations, masquerade masks, too stubborn to admit their regrets, waking up from a nightmare, hands cold to the bone, chest pains, the sharp cold of winter, rotting apples, dark circles under the eyes from not sleeping for days, hands stripped from over-washing.
So! Still trying to work out my masterlist and first few posts I have pre-written. In the meantime, please enjoy this messy aesthetic thingy.
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blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
Dating Cole Caulfield Would Include:
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Well, he's really devoted. He's very romantic, a bit mischievous, and really loves taking care of you. He likes to think he has a great sense of humor and he's a great listener. He knows he can be a little protective at times, but I think it's just because he cares so much.
He's very passionate. When he cares about something, it's all or nothing. When it comes to a relationship, he wants to be all in and he wants to make sure that he's doing everything he can to make his partner happy. He wants you to feel supported and cared for.
He's really attentive. He loves showing you how much he loves you through small gestures and just being present. He's a little impulsive, and He loves spontaneity in a relationship. He's the type of guy who would surprise his partner with flowers.
You see, dating him also means dating someone who enjoys being very passionate in all regards. It means spending time with someone who enjoys making you smile, and who loves being with you, regardless of the circumstances. That being said, let's just say he's a good time.
He's very loyal, I would say. He's always there for you and you can count on him to be there for you no matter what's going on with him. He'd do anything to make you happy and I don't think there's a time that he wouldn't put you first.
I'd say he's a very open person. He's very comfortable sharing his thoughts and feelings, and he always makes an effort to be transparent with you. He's happy to talk about pretty much anything and he values communication in a relationship. He's also really big on physical affection, he likes to kiss, cuddle, and just be in close proximity to you.
I'd like to think he's a real gentleman on a date. He likes to open doors for you and make sure you're comfortable. He likes going to nice restaurants and really enjoying the meal. If you're going out for the night, maybe something a little more laid-back like a movie or concert, or even just a nice stroll through a park.
Jealousy can be an issue sometimes. He's not proud of it and he's working on it, but sometimes when he sees you getting attention from others, he feels a little possessive. He knows it's an insecurity issue and he works through it. He trusts you and you trust him, but he's human and sometimes these emotions take over.
You both know leaving is part of his life as a professional athlete. It is a little tough when he has to leave you behind, but he always makes sure to call or FaceTime as much as possible while he's away. He knows you have such a strong foundation between you and he trusts her completely. It's hard, but you both always make it work.
He likes the idea of you coming along during roadies. It's not something he's thought much of, but it would be really nice if you could join him on the road sometimes. The season is extremely long and a little extra support while he's traveling always means a lot to him.
The one thing he hates about being a public figure. He sees his partner as this amazing person who deserves nothing but support and love however if you were constantly being brought into the spotlight. He feels a little protective. He hates it. It's one thing to criticize him and his game. He's learned to deal with it, but when it's directed towards you, it really pisses him off. You're just his partner and if it comes down to it he'll keep your relationship private as much as possible.
He loves getting you gifts. He tries to find things that you'll like and make you smile. He'll buy you flowers, your favorite candy, a random piece of jewelry, or a little token that shows you he's thinking about you. I would say he's a really thoughtful gift-giver.
He doesn't ever like fighting with you. He tries to always be open and honest with each other and nothing's ever really been an issue. He wants and enjoys always addressing any issue that comes up. He just feels so comfortable with you like he can be himself around you.
He loves it if you're really understanding about his busy schedule. You'll have to go into it knowing you don't always have a ton of time together, but never resent him for it. Always being supportive of each other and make sure to encourage one another.
He's a pretty easy-going guy, so when you want to do something, he usually goes along with it. He likes doing new things with you. He just enjoys spending time with you and making memories together.
Besides being really close friends, you'll also have amazing physical chemistry. You're always touching each other and flirting practically drawn to each other, and there's never a dull moment. It's like fireworks every time you're together, and it keeps things exciting and fun. Whenever you're alone, you can't keep your hands off each other, and that's the best kind of relationship to have.
He enjoys going and doing new things like going on hikes and exploring new places, seeing live music, watching movies and shows together, trying out different restaurants, and even cooking at home occasionally. He also likes taking you to festivals, concerts, and street fairs.
He might not show it, but he does get pissed off when people even mention you on the ice during games just to get into his head. He's not the only one who has to deal with the criticism, he knows you do too. And he thinks it isn't fair to you because the only thing you did was date him.
It's a relationship that means a lot to him. You're his support system and really make each day worthwhile. You have an incredibly strong foundation and that allows you both to get through anything that is thrown your way. It's been a really incredible experience and he feels blessed to have you in his life.
He loves getting his kicks from pushing boundaries with you. One of his favorite things is to tease and deny you for a long time before finally letting you have your release.
Even though he has a bit of a wild side, he also enjoys indulging in some more "tame" kinks from time to time. For example, he loves giving you a massage (using plenty of oil and pressure).
Sexting is one of his absolute favorite forms of communication with you when apart from one another – it allows him to stay connected with you. He loves sending dirty messages, pictures, and videos of himself doing all sorts of kinky things to get your blood pumping and imagination running wild. And if he receives responses from you – whether it's a picture, a video, or simply a message filled with your own dirty thoughts and ideas – it's like a little slice of heaven for him.
He also loves giving spankings - both light and hard ones depending on the mood he's in - as well as smothering you with kisses and loving bites during these play sessions.
Another one of his favorites is marking, biting lightly on sensitive areas like the neck or earlobes before moving on to more intense sensations.
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lollytea · 3 months
Given that Hunter was introduced to anime in the Human Realm (canon), what do you think some of his favourites would be? Any he wouldn't like as much?
Astro Boy
Voltron Defender of the Universe (the 80s one. He eats it up. Its his cocomelon)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Gus also enjoys Sci-fi type stuff so this is what they watch together <333
Sailor Moon/Cardcaptor Sakura/Whatever other cute wholesome power of friendship magical girl animes that you can think of. I just believe he loves Magical Girls. That is a headcanon that is attached to my brain like a leech.
Pokemon. He loves cute little creechurs, they're silly and they remind him of palismen <33
I imagine that he really enjoys sports anime. Especially the ones with intense homoerotic friendships. He loves Haikyu and Free, god bless. If you dare to open your mouth during Yuri on Ice, he will kill you.
As a guy who is a bit awkward, passionate about his interests, a little bit on the gnc side, and into making clothes, I think he'd like Princess Jellyfish.
I think when it comes to anime he WOULDN'T like, I think maybe....slice of life shojo high school stuff. Ones that are deeply rooted in experiences that Hunter cannot connect to. Not that he hates that stuff. He just struggles to relate. Also, as introspective, sensitive and emotionally mature as I imagine Hunter to be, I also think that his attention span cannot be held by a show that focuses on feelings/romance alone. Bro is like "I want SPACESHIPS!! I want SPORT!!! I want POKEMON!!!" There's gotta be some exciting angle to keep him entertained.
Something I'm a little unsure of is what Hunter's relationship is with gore/horror/edgy type stuff. Because we know he was a fan of Ruler's Reach, which was written by an edgelord 8 year old and was packed with gratuitous violence. Considering he was not only a teenage boy (who tend to gravitate towards depictions violence because of societal influence) but a child soldier who was unnervingly desensitized to brutality, it does make a lot of sense. Ruler's Reach also seemed to be something of a masculine power fantasy written by one boy who felt small and powerless in his own life, which connected with a boy who felt similarly. King wanted to be feared, Hunter wanted to be respected.
However, this was during the time that Hunter was trapped in a very bleak situation, one that he didn't even fully understand was bleak. And he coped by hyperfixating on a book that normalized the cruelty.
But what I wonder is, would he still feel the same way about that book now, after everything? He's been woken up to how horrific his life was until this point. He's aware of the atrocities and he's deeply uncomfortable with all of it. Things are drastically different now. Hunter is drastically different.
Personally, I think Ruler's Reach was something that comforted him when he needed it. But as he changes as a person, its just not his taste anymore.
Hunter can certainly stomach gore and violence. He's seen more disturbing sights than anything an anime can show him. But I don't think he actively seeks it out. I imagine that he prefers stuff that's lighthearted. Not that he doesn't enjoy tension/excitement/high stakes. Just not the kind of stuff that will make him extremely upset.
Like Fullmetal Alchemist for example. Absolutely amazing anime, but not something Hunter would enjoy sitting through. It's good to have fiction that makes you feel something deep in your core, the way FMA does to people. But Hunter has experienced enough real life trauma and existential horror for a lifetime. He's felt enough!!! He doesn't need to see that weird fucking dog!!!!! Leave him alone!!!!!
So ya in summary, I think he likes fun, semi-lighthearted stuff. But he doesn't really wanna watch anything that's gonna make him sit in the shower for over an hour and rethink everything. He is already mentally exhausted. He once learned made of a dead guy's bones, that's enough for him.
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muzzleroars · 4 months
Hear me out, if Michael believes that even the lowest sinner deserves absolute punishment and V2 was programed to protect people could this lead to arguments or even conflicts between the two of them?
Like, I can't imagine Michael would possibly have anything against V2 wishing to avoid fights but what if Michael wished harm against a husk, such as what he did with the Ferryman, while V2 didn't see them as deserving it (I would guess that as a peacekeeper V2 has some sort of "judge-and-jury.exe" sort thing that let's her judge whether or not someone is a threat or something). Would V2 actively seek to protect a husk if they deemed they weren't a threat, such as a husk living under Minos' protection?
Also, thanks for making this amazing au! You really don't get enough credit for all the hard work that you've put in to it.
this is absolutely the case and why i think of v2 as integral to michael regaining his sense of mercy after all the years he's spent enveloped in god's wrath. v2 is in a very unique position with mike, understanding him in ways many others can't while also having no fear of retribution from him nor being subject to his leadership. it has his respect, it has a connection with him, but it has no problem speaking its mind to him as well. mostly they butt heads over the exact subjects michael expects and so it's not deeply thought-provoking - of course v2 isn't devout, and he doesn't believe it needs to be concerned with what he does as an angel (they'll still bicker about it, but it's nothing so serious) it's very different, though, when the matter of justice, of michael's sense of right and wrong, is put into question by v2, when it raises up arms against him in the protection of husks.
for michael, the matter should be simple when it comes to the damned - they have already been judged and so, as the warden of hell, his justification is implicit. no matter the punishment he deals, no matter the ruling he makes, they are at his discretion and it cannot be flawed for an angel that has so long served in this role, who was made for it. michael is so sure of his given righteousness that v2's defiance of him in that moment, a moment so banal for him as he whips his chains to bind out of place husks, that he thinks it must be mistaken (or he of its intent). the husks are small, filths or strays or schisms, terrified by the angel and the machine just the same, but when michael moves again v2 levels a gun at him demanding he leave these people alone. people? they are sinners, they are the damned, condemned forever by god's law to be inhuman husks. v2 sees it then, that these souls no longer have value in michael's eyes and so can no longer be treated by all the hypothetical mercy he had spoken of. it recoils slightly, trying to find a bit of reason in him but getting regurgitated, dogmatic talking points that barely sound like the michael it knows. even when he argued with it about god and about the laws, it felt passion from him, it felt his personal joy in being a part of it. this feels unthinking, unmoving, at best. hateful. so hateful, he thinks his stance is given and there is no need to defend it...so he has no personal defenses for it.
it creates a major split in the two, the first real damaging blow their established relationship sustains - v2 is adamant and so is michael, both growing furious with the other (likely while the husks escape back to minos's city and never take a walk outside AGAIN!!!) this is not what v2 expected of michael and michael is shocked that his ethical standing is challenged. he does all the rationalizing he can, v2 is a machine, v2 was made by human hands, v2 is wrong because it doesn't understand god, it doesn't understand true law, it knows imperfect, unfair human law. yet...there is doubt in that rationale. michael respects v2's opinions, he has listened to it talk about the achievement of peace and how it was taught so much to judge in fairness. he knows how deeply complex its mind is, not so trapped by bias and emotion the way humans can be though it was designed for them - in fact, v2 could be quite harsh and was made to enforce peace, not just maintain it. he has continually pushed aside gabriel's protest against his conduct because he is fallen, hell-warped...but now v2 is saying the same. michael stays away for some time, cloistered up in heaven and contemplative (for once).
when he returns, it is in that state of doubt, wretched as it is for an angel. and he speaks to v2, plainly, about what his justice is, with v2 quickly seeing how deeply michael has been affected by god's own displeasure. this is not an overnight process. michael, with v2, slowly opens up more and more about his hatred, his vitriolic anger, his utter, unapologetic disgust for the husks of hell, and how he is right for it. it's not simple for v2 to dissect, it gets them into further arguments and shouting matches, but it refuses to give up on this for how much it sees it festering inside of him. michael has mercy and michael has reasoning, and v2 isn't going to allow him to continue his cruelty unabated any longer as it destroys him far more than any rot ever could. in a way, it is achieving more peace than it ever has and that lights a fire in it - for hell's peace, for michael's peace. it's going to use everything it's got, and it's going to be sure mike can no longer abuse the souls here as he sees fit. and the more v2 stands in his way, the more it challenges him over and over, the more it picks at the threads of his hatred to begin unraveling it. it will pull it right down to its evil root, when god told michael to punish lucifer is to show him mercy, when the fallout afterward demanded no love, no matter how little, for the damned could be shown lest an angel go the same way.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Gonna be real here for a second. I fucking HATE token people. That sounds bad, don't it? Got your attention now. Now listen to what I mean. I hate it when you have a person who wants to share their culture, or their thoughts as a person from a minority group, and/or marginalised group, about things that interest them, and is relevant to their experiences. That can be race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender-id, whatever. Some of these people will then somehow become the default token "Knows it all" person to not only their audience, but even people “outside” their audience, even if they don't “know it all”. Like let's say you have a person get popular because they talk about their origin countries culture. They talk about the stuff they know, and their passions within that culture, all fine and dandy. Then suddenly? People expect them to know every fucking little detail of everything, even if it's not even from their corner of the country/culture, their sexuality/experiences as a person with a specific sexuality or gender-Id, and their connected interests. Or it isn’t even something they’re experienced in at all, it’s just that because they’re the “token” person who became known and popular for sharing parts of their culture, and experiences, but now they’re expected to suddenly be the always-go-to default for anything that might marginally be linked to their internet persona. I remember being into some topics a few years ago, and specifically on places like youtube, I found a lot of different youtubers talking about it, from the same culture and country, many of them were specifically into the topic they talked about, either by interest, specific-culture or even via their work. Under those videos I still constantly saw mentions of the “Token” person, with the commenters saying “I want (token) to do a video on this.” Despite the 1st hand resource person being right there, and the “token” person never having mentioned any interest in the topic, or even any knowledge of it. It's all well and good loving this one specific person above others, but it just starts getting really weird when people treat this popular person as less of someone just wanting to share their interests, and more as a human Wikipedia, who should do everything to educate their fans because their “fans” are too lazy to do research or even just try to find other resources and creators who actually are into the topic they wanna know about. I remember as a teen I had a similar role in language class, as the only person who spoke the language, because it was my 1st language we were learning, and everyone always expected me to help them, and teach them, when I myself didn’t know even half of what we were learning in terms of culture, history, and what have you. Can't imagine the exhaustion if this was on a scale of thousands online, constantly sending messages, dm's and comments. And it’s fine if this token person loves being the Wikipedia for people, or doesn’t mind it, I’m also trying to look at it from the perspective of an observer who also started to feel fatigued about constantly seeing one person be linked for everything about that really broad topics. This has also spread, and now even people try to explain my own experiences to me, because “this one person who has this one specific trait (we share) they like to talk about said it, so now everyone else’s opinion is worth less and shouldn’t be cared about, even if you’re an affected person/even if another person talking about it is actually much more knowledgeable about the topic.”
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voxasks · 1 month
🫐idk how to do this so i'm just gonna yap i have no clue what my personality type is but one of my favorite characters that i mildly related to was an INTJ 4w5 so i just took that and ran with it. uhh idk if i'm an introvert or extrovert it just depends on my mental state ig. i've been kinda tweekin recently so i'm loud in public like this dude one time caught me saying some of the most devious ahh shii known to man so i pointed at some random dude and blamed bro for saying it and then i sang the my little pony theme song but like 4 octaves higher. my friends hate me i also have no morals whatsoever so i'm cooked. the only reason why i'm not some bonkers dude on a documentary is because i'm a pathetic loser who doesn't actually go through with anything, i just lose interest or go 'nah this is way too much work' i'm a dude and 4'10" (idk lowkey my fault for not taking nutrition supplements when my doctor told me to) and idk what i like because i just have a hyperfixation and then i go batshit over it for several months (my longest hyperfixation was on a character for a year and i spent like 5k on merch of that character and now i highkey hate waking up to see the character's face literally everywhere) i dislike greasy foods with a burning passion, animals of all types (including insects) but actually i highkey used to like sharks but then they got popular online and agreeing with people on tiktok brings me physical pain. oh yeah i also dislike a lot of people online if they disagree with my opinion but depends on my mood because if i'm feeling mildly upset then i spam them with replies and tell them i love them and for them to have a good day but in the most toxic positive way possible and if i'm having a happy day then i do the same thing but i also slander everything i know about them for hobbies i love getting attention, positive or negative like honestly it's so fun. i go on social media a lot i'm pretty much just terminally online except i don't keep up w/ gossip majority of the time because i have no clue who celebrities are. oh yeah i love getting concern i never follow their advice or whatever all i do is make a joke about how pathetic my existence is and they rather don't care or they show concern and either way i get pissed so maybe i should stop with that lmao tbh whenever i read through the things i write i literally sound like those 'quirky >w<' 2020 gacha life ocs i feel like everyone with an ounce of humanity would realize i'm straight up embarrassing anyways ily have a good day!! take care of yourself :3333
“yeah  i'm  gonna  be  real  fucking  honest  with  you  kid—halfway  through  your  life  story  i  genuinely  forgot  i  was  looking  through  my  inbox  and  thought  i  was  reading  an  article  on  a  serial  killer.  you  say  you  don't  have  morals  but  then  you  draw  the  line  at  greasy  foods  and  tiktok?  i  mean  alright  sure  but  then  you  go  on  to  bully  other  people  on  the  internet  over  a  bad  mood?  i'd  say  get  a  life  but  i'm  pretty  sure  if  you  tried  you  would  have  dropped  yourself  on  the  head  like  you  were  as  a  kid.  you  sound  like  someone  who  has  over  ten  restraining  orders  filed  against  them  and  they  still  have  no  clue  as  to  why.  well  fuck  that's  ten  minutes  of  my  time  i'm  never  taking  back—you  have  me  mourning  over  lost  time  when  i'm  a demon  in  literal  fucking  hell,  congrats.  let  me  guess,  you'll  probably  celebrate  by  being   a  keyboard  warrior  in  the  comments  of  this  post,  like  if  junko  enoshima  was  online.  yeah,  that's  the  energy  this  is  giving.” 
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based off of the 200 follower event.
“🫐 — tell vox about yourself and he’ll give you his inner thoughts about you.”
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sneakydraws · 10 months
what do you think about pierre and andrei? do you think it could actually work out together and if so how? i’m just curious cus i haven’t really seen other people who ship them too
haha i'm so flattered to be asked my opinion like a wap men expert..! i'm gonna go on a long and unfocused ramble now if you don't mind
my take is thus: andrei is a depressed repressed artistocrat who Knows he's attracted to men (in whatever 1800s language he might cloak it) (has known since he was young in fact. i have a comic somewhere in the back of my mind about andrei's teen journals written in code... but anyway) but is pretty dead set on never acting on that attraction because he just cares so, SO MUCH about being the perfect son and perfect nobleman and never indulging in his desires. Frankly at a certain point this mindset becomes so deeply rooted in him that it stops even being about risking his career/reputation and just becomes self-denial/rigid self control for the sake of it. Because he has issues.
His love for pierre i think is similar to his later love for natasha, in that he's attracted by pierre's youthfulness, naivete, lack of aristocratic savoir faire or any artificiality. i have to admit i really love that "you are the only alive person in our social circle" quote... andrei sees himself and the society he lives in as walking corpses, perpetuating pointless social conventions and actively avoiding any meaningful conversation because their reputation or social standing may suffer for it. pierre, as an outsider, is attractive to andrei because andrei sees his honesty, his naive passion, his unfiltered emotion, and sees everything that he himself is incapable of indulging in. That being said, i do think he sees pierre's faults as well - unlike with natasha later, where he was completely blinded by what she represented for him and suffered all the more when she turned out to be an imperfect human being. the reason why he doesn't idealise pierre to the same extent lies probably partly in their longer friendship, partly in misogyny that curses natasha with the madonna-whore treatment - pierre is more of a real person to andrei. i also think andrei needs to be railed by a bear so there's also that
as for pierre! i think he admires andrei tremendously, especially at the beginning of wap, and basically assumes andrei is superior to himself in every way, but either isn't interested in him romantically or simply doesn't realise it. he's definitely strongly characterised by a lack of knowledge of himself and his own needs or desires, as shown in his being peer pressured into marrying helene. so you have a situation where one party is unaware of their own feelings and the other refuses to act on theirs... an impasse.
so as you can see i'm skeptical that anything ever could happen between them but just for funsies let's imagine it does... thing is, andrei is so committed to torturing himself by staying faithful to his wife and never doing anything against the rules of wedlock (or of society!) even while he openly hates her and makes her miserable that i have to believe any adultery would weigh on him heavily no matter how much his heart aches for pierre. add to that the shame and danger of homosexuality and i really think that while he would seek out secret meetings with pierre with desperation he would be horribly miserable about it all the while, cursing his inability to stick to his principles and drowning in shame and self-reproach. and like i've discussed before, andrei is chronically incapable of being vulnerable with anyone (just look at his frantic but detached and mocking speech to pierre about how his marriage is making him unhappy, or the strangled way in which he proposes to natasha) so it's not like he could talk this over with pierre... and pierre isn't exactly the psychologically insightful type so, especially with the high regard he holds andrei in, i imagine he'd be confused at andrei's conflicted feelings and feel it was somehow his fault... i think the closes they could get to an honest talk about their feelings is something like the scene before borodino where andrei frantically paces the room spewing disgusted tirades about himself while pierre doesn't know how to comfort him. they'd have sex every so often and it would be great and messy and complicated and andrei would get that post nut shame trip and feel in turns happy and disgusted with himself for feeling happy and pierre would be too afraid of seeming stupid to question any of andrei's evasive answers. it would suck and they would be just two of the many victims of pre-therapy society. if at least they went to confession... maybe being catholic or at least xtian would save them but nooo they gotta be enlightened atheists. idiots
i should probably reread and rewrite this whole thing but it's late and i've had a rough few days so i think i'll just release this answer into the wild and go to sleep. i still dont know how they would even start hooking up tbh like i'm racking my brain. maybe andrei has some personal crisis and is finally convinced to have a drink and then his overstrained thread of rigorous self control snaps or maybe literally any of the kuragins pick up on andrei's feelings and tell pierre to mess with him. maybe fedya does. maybe pierre reads a boook about the homosexual agenda maybe his masonic buddies get him into a cool all gender orgy maybe anatole throws a bangin party and pierre realises some things about himself
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idk im glad they didn't give us any actual details about caleb and evelyn beyond belos's memories and like. fifty-sixth-hand information from masha's story so audience members not paying attention would at least know who they are.
whatever nitty gritty details the audience comes up with on their own for what happened to these two would be infinitely more satisfying to them than what the show would have been able to depict in a flashback. especially working within what's appropriate for children's television.
caleb the person isn't important to the story anymore. the MEMORY of caleb, which belos has never let himself get over in 400 years, is the important thing. and you don't need to know much about caleb for that to work. and while i loved the parallels between the wittebanes and hunter and luz, as well as the clawthornes being a descendent of evelyn, i'm glad they never confirmed it, and it remains situational irony purely for the audience.
hunter's only connection with caleb is his DNA, which also ties back to belos's feelings. him befriending luz is something they did of their own volition. it's not because hunter is fated to play out every beat of caleb's life by virtue of being his clone. similarly, while i love a good hunter clawthorne, dell taking hunter as an apprentice and eda showing care towards him in s2 are because eda is kind to children and hunter independently had passion for palisman carving. it's not because they found out they were related, because the whole show is about found family.
having flashbacks to the real caleb and evelyn wouldn't have contributed anything to the story aside from fanservice. what matters is how belos feels about them. belos's ego and the desperation to be acknowledged by his puritan community and God aside, the idea of caleb haunts his every action. not the actual ghost of caleb-i've already discussed here why the idea of caleb's ghost literally haunting belos would be a poor writing decision. belos knew the person his brother actually was, killed him, and imagined a perfect version of him that he chased after for the next 350 years.
the tragedy is that the perfect version of caleb is unattainable, and now belos can never get the real caleb back. he refuses to acknowledge that caleb may have been flawed before the influence of evelyn. to phillip, everything he thinks is wrong about caleb is because he was corrupted by the boiling isles, and that's part of the reason he starts on a quest to kill all the witches. it's also why he makes so many grimwalkers. he desperately misses that ideal version of caleb, so he makes copies of caleb and plays family with them.
and belos loathes the grimwalkers. he kills them because he hates the magic they were made with. because he hates being reminded of his brother and what happened to him. and of course, he hates the grimwalkers for not meeting his expectations of what his "ideal" caleb would have been like. it's a fluid expectation that belos, subconsciously or not, changes as he goes, all in order to take out his anger on innocent children. he seems to recognize his enjoyment of harming the grimwalkers, though it's unknown if he understands the reason-which is that the "perfect" caleb will never exist, and likely never did. phillip's brother is gone forever, and it's all his fault.
and idk maybe in the writers minds caleb was a perfect brother and baby phillip was just a possessive little shit. or maybe it's the opposite and caleb messed up a lot in communicating with phillip on his relationship with evelyn. maybe evelyn was a perfectly nice girl who was perfectly supportive of caleb and phillip's choices or maybe she hated phillip and the other humans and did convince caleb to leave it all behind. it's a fascinating piece of backstory and i love seeing fanworks that talk about it! but anything more about caleb and evelyn that the creators add in canon would give actual context to their situation that we don't need! their story has been over for 350 years and dont affect any of the other characters beyond how it affects phillip!
nothing more about these two can be said that will contribute more to belos's character that isn't already conveyed with the barebones material we got in the show. this story isn't about "forbidden love," this is about how phillip was confronted with the fact that his brother found happiness outside of him, and that someone he's been taught since childhood to hate may not be all bad. it's about how he plugged his fingers in his ears in response to this and went on a 350 year long killing spree to prove to himself that he can never be in the wrong.
basically, i wouldn't go so far as to call caleb and evelyn's backstory "purposefully unexplained," but i definitely think the story is a lot stronger as it is than it would be if they did explain it all. not every detail of a story needs to have a word of god answer as to how it all went down. sometimes adding in unnecessary detail for completionism's sake just distracts from the point you're actually trying to convey. while there are a lot of things that i wished the show could have explored in more detail had it not been shortened, caleb and evelyn's story is not one of them.
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I don't want to not love you (Aron x Sam)
This story includes mentions Meave, an OC owned by @havenwitchworks This story was also inspired by conversations we've had about the game.
Really, it's an introspective of Aron's POV at the start of her relationship with Sam. It starts very unhealthy on her end (as one would expect in this circumstance)
I plan to do Sam's POV of this, but since angst is my weak spot in writing, I thought I'd try a perspective I understand a bit more. I hope you enjoy, even if the incubi aren't hugely mentioned here.
Aron sat at the table, her mouth silent and her mind loud. She smiled softly at the incubi as they joked around, feeling a painful squeeze in her chest when her eyes landed on Sam, reminding her of her love for him, and Sam’s inability to love her back.
Meave, Aron’s sister had mentioned in passing that demons lacked the ability to feel love. They knew passion, they knew lust, but romantic feelings weren’t something they felt, or sought out. Marriage was merely a contract, relationships stemmed from convenience, no more and no less.
Maybe that was why Aron felt so stupid. Sam would come to her, they’d kiss with or without energy drain, act like nothing happened for a few days, then it’d start over. 
She knew he wasn’t using her. Sure, her and her sister had given him and his brothers a home, but they had never taken advantage of that and they were all vocal about their immense gratitude.
Was she even sure that it was love? She’d never loved someone before, not outside of a familiar love. She’d never looked at someone only to feel her heart thump in her chest, reminding herself that her feelings were in fact real. 
But what if it was infatuation? Any attention she’d received as a child was for the family company, not counting the times she’d injured herself, her sister using magic to heal her when she was almost past repair. Sam showed her attention and made her feel good, what if she was craving that fulfillment?
Though, when she looked at him, hearing his laugh as he teased Matthew, she could feel her nerves dance over her skin and her heart catch in her throat. She remembered the nausea she felt when he was sad or angry, the way it got worse when she didn’t know how to help him… It all reminded her that she was truly in love with him. 
She knew the likelihood of him harboring any feelings for her was slim to none, and she’d never ask him too. She was a meer human, a difficult one at that. She always hurts, constantly aching somewhere. Always getting sick and needing someone to check on her. How could she ask someone to love someone so complicated? She couldn’t even stand herself, and she’d always thought you had to love yourself first but…she loved him more then she hated herself.
A part of her wanted to forget it all, a small but angry part. Why had she fallen for someone who can’t fall just as hard? She’d watched and read the most heartbreaking love stories, but she didn’t really understand how badly it would hurt, the palpitations that shot from her chest to her fingers. 
Aron wasn’t sure she could move on, and a part of her never wanted to. As much as it hurt, it was so beautiful. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t love her, why should she punish him by shutting him out? Would he even care?
She decided it didn’t matter. She’d stay as long as he wanted her and leave as soon as he didn’t. She was his, and she hated how much she loved it. She wasn’t worthy of his pure devotion, him even looking at her was a blessing, so she’d do anything to stay with him. As a friend, a lover, it didn’t matter. She wanted him to be happy, and if that meant ignoring the burning in her throat, she’d do it happily, over and over. 
It wasn’t as big of a sacrifice as it sounded. Loving him made her happy, and the thought of not loving him made her feel hollow, an all too familiar feeling she never wanted to feel again. He made her feel like a person, not a trophy, or a broken porcelain doll. He encouraged her, pushed her, made her feel confident in herself. It was only every so often that she found herself blinking back tears and excusing herself to her room, ignoring the pitying look Damien gave her when she smiled softly and quickly ran to her room.
She sat in bed, scrolling through her phone to distract herself. Her face was wet with tears that she couldn’t bring herself to fight in the privacy of her room. She stayed like that for a while, and eventually the tears stopped falling. She washed her face in the en suite bathroom and changed into some pajamas before hearing someone knock on the door.
She opened it, revealing Sam who had a concerned expression. “Hey doofus, you alright?”
She felt the tug in her heart, making her smile. “Mhm, wanna come in?”
He grinned, and she thought her knees might give out from underneath her. As much as it hurt, it felt so good. So, she’d let him in, let him unknowingly break her, because when he smiled at her it would become worth it. She loved him, loved loving him, and never wanted to stop loving him.
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flhoarder · 10 months
Absolutely hilarious how you're literally just here minding your business on this blog, enjoying what you're enjoying and not harming anyone (as far as I know?), and someone had the nerve to pop onto anon to send hate and call YOU toxic. Lol. Lmfao.
Sending anonymous hate mail to an actual real-like human person sounds far more toxic than enjoying a fictional character.
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Anyway tho—you're allowed to enjoy whoever and whatever you enjoy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Please have a nice day.
Hey thanks!
To be honest I don’t take those too seriously. Mainly because it’s nothing new to take a stray bullet on social media. Especially when preferences in something people are passionate about are involved. I do think it’s a shame that there are people out there who played DE and learnt nothing from the stories that the game was trying to tell though. A theme of struggle and trauma and redemption in everyone, it was always there.
I get where some of those views are from. People who think Harry dug himself out and so that decision of his had to be universally celebrated. People who cared must be supportive because it did Harry some good.
But it’s not that simple, is it.
Decisions have consequences. Some people have to bear those consequences for decisions not made by themselves, things that are entirely out of their control but suddenly have the potential to leave a massive crater in their life that maybe they can’t even afford to repair. Things they have to accept just because they woke up one day to a new reality.
Harry made his decision for himself. It’s easier for some characters to come to terms with it because they never knew Harry intimately as he was before, they never had Harry in their life so much to feel the impact. Jean did, and he needs what he needs to deal with this sudden change of current, when the old one was one that he still was trying to navigate. The change disrupted his entire assessment of a big part of his life, and a relationship he thought was entirely doomed but at least he understood.
As the audience, it’s easy to get confused and misunderstand this, but it’s not a ‘misery loves company’ situation. If you really look, you can see a mishmash of emotions from him. It’s uncertainty. It’s fear. (And oh, so much fear.) It’s hope. It’s helplessness. He can’t afford to be optimistic because even though he hasn’t dealt with anything like it, he was let down many many times. Hope is a dangerous thing to have, and this whole current change in Jean’s life is both too irrevocable and uncertain for him to have it.
But it’s clear that he wants to believe and to hope, however desperate. He‘s actively seeking out ways to let himself be persuaded into picking choices to look out for Harry. It’s confirmation bias: He exclusively takes people who care about Harry, people who can help Harry with him. Every time he tries to cut off ties, he looks for the tiniest voice of objection to push him back to Harry. At the end of the confrontation, he goes back to what he really wants out of it, not a final decider, that’s already done- but something he needs to gingerly anchor his hope onto: any final affirmation or confirmation from someone who’s been in his shoes for a minute with the new Harry. If a partner of this new Harry can work things out, he’s willing to try.
And there’s something to be said about that. I hope I’ve said my piece clearly enough that at least it’s out there for people who care to read.
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denimini · 7 months
Why can't jk just say he ain't banging any of bts members???
For obvious reasons.
Shipping is a part of the idol world. Always has been and always will be. Part of any group's appeal in the K-pop world is the interpersonal relationships, not just the music. Fans have always enjoyed seeing their idols interact with each other. It adds to the fan-idol parasocial relationship because you are not only listening to this person's album, but it feels like you actually know this artist, on a personal level. We as human beings, are inherently curious and nosy creatures and always want to know how "something really is behind the scenes.", "the real this and that. " It's no wonder reality TV shows is so popular, even when we all know it is far from reality.
Entertainment companies know this, of course, and they use it like a powerful tool to draw more attention and engagement from the fans in the form of views, comments, and sales. This is why fan service exists. There are many performarive interactions in the idol world. I'd bet good money there are people who can't stand each other yet play the role of best friends for the camera.
With Bangtan, it isn't like that. They truly care for each other, and the friendships are genuine. Sure, they may amp up the "fan-service" on stage for the entertainment of the fans, but it isn't fake. It's them, but high on adrenaline and trying to keep up the energy during a concert.
Because BTS are actually really close to each other, and it shows, naturally, there are all sorts of shippers in the fandom. I'd go on a limb here and say that probably every other ARMY is a shipper in one form or another. Some are more casual, others more intense. And objectively, there is no bigger ship in this fandom, probably all of K-pop in recent years, than Taekook, neither in numbers of the shippers nor in the size of their delusions. Shipping has always been part of the K-pop world, but it was never intended to be the monster that the Cult had become in recent years. A lot of the people in this fandom are Taekookers. Some are vocal about it, others are in disguise. Even some of the biggest accounts are Taekookers. Jikookers, while marginally less delusional, are in second place in terms of numbers. Both ships are "passionate" in their beliefs, regularly engage with content "looking for clues" for their ship, and pay attention to everything the people they ship do and say.
Unfortunately for Jungkook, this means that a big part of the fan base, particularly *his* fanbase, is made of shippers. Some of them are truly dedicated. These are people who vote, stream, buy, run big accounts, etc. They are not just ingrained in the fandom, they *are* the fandom. Another part are there more for their ship, than anything else. But even if they are not always necessarily true fans, even if they don't stream, vote, or buy as much, they still talk, observe, and engage online a lot.
Like it or not, shippers, as nasty as they can get, significantly contribute to the attention an idol gets, and even bad attention is still a form of engagement. Jungkook knows this , which is why he doesn't care if someone is hating on him because they are still taking their time to pay attention to him.
Directly and undeniably shutting all shippers down and possibly alienating them could affect not only JK's sales and results but the whole of the group's. I doubt HYBE would be very happy about that.
All the members understand this, and that's why not one of them, neither Jungkook nor even Jimin (who undoubtedly have been suffering the most from shipping) have ever come out and outright denied anything shipping related, unless it majorly violated their boundaries. Sometimes shippers get reprimanded and reminded of their place,when they become too much and actually cross the lines directly in front of the idol. Ex. Tae saying "Get out of your imagination," and JK saying "Me? Living with Tae?!" But mostly shippers are left to their own devices. They may get a slap on the wrist or some tough reality check, from time to time, but they will never get the boot out of the fandom and the door shut at their faces.
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desertfangs · 10 months
How do you feel what the show is doing to the characters? Especially to Daniel?
Listen, I don't love it. But before I go on, let me just say this is my only my opinion and I'm not trying to steal your joy if you do! The show just doesn't work for me. If you want to know why, read on. Otherwise, feel free to scroll on past and don't let me yuck your yum. The first thing I heard about the show was actually that they were making Daniel an old man and it was going to be second interview and I was immediately wary. I mean, a second interview might neat but why does it have to be a mortal Daniel conducting it? Changing Daniel's story that much meant that Devil's Minion--the real, true-to-book Devil's Minion--could never happen. Armand's whole character arc in that section is learning to love and accept that he deserves loves and making the decision to turn and not lose Daniel. Daniel's whole arc is wanting immortality, falling desperately in love with an immortal, and finally accepting that he cannot have it and is willing to die at peace in said immortal's arms. None of that happens if Daniel is old now, end of story. No matter what the show does with flashbacks, whether or not it gives them time together than TV!Daniel has forgotten--forcibly or otherwise--that story is irrevocably changed.
But the trailer looked great!! I was willing to give it a chance. I'm also a huge fan of Lestat and Louis/Lestat was my first and formative ship in this fandom so I was willing to hear it out and see what story it was trying to tell. I figured yeah, it sucks that they've changed my favorite guy but maybe the rest of it will be good! I watched every single episode. But sadly, it just didn't work for me.
None of the characters feel like their book counterparts to me. Of course, your mileage may vary on that score, but to me, they don't have anything in common: their personalities, their motivations, their goals (such as we are given them, which I feel is quite lacking)... none of it lines up to me with the characters I've known and loved for so long. Louis is telling the story and I don't feel like I understand him in the show very well. Lestat is loathsome and hateful and doesn't even have a care for Claudia. Why is Armand pretending to be human? What game are they playing?
For Daniel in particular, Young Daniel seems lackluster and bored, trolling gay bars to score drugs and disinterested in his interview project, when in the book, Daniel the Reporter Boy is passionate about it, curious about people and their stories, respectful and gently prodding. TV!Daniel is angry and aggressive, rude and pushy. (The flashback bar scene in particular really felt like it lacked a complete understanding of what makes these characters tick, and then we got the Rashid reveal and it's like.. OK sure, but why should I care? Who is this guy?)
I don't recognize these characters or how they relate to each other. Add to that the way the timeline was totally changed and the fact that the lore feels very Generic TV Vampire rather than Ricean, and it's just not my bag.
I'm happy for all of the people who love it! I just cannot join you.
Thank you for the ask, anon, I have no idea if this is the answer you were hoping for and I'm sorry if not.
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