#thank you to the writers to the director to the cameramen to everyone and the whole cast too
5283 · 8 months
haeryun stabbing the cop to save "the man she trusts", junmo tipping her off she should just leave for hongkong instead of going back to china or staying in korea.
junmo leaving the car key inside to let gicheol escape, then later shooting him mid-suicide... for god knows what reason? because he wouldn't be able to bear the guilt of him killing himself because of junmo's betrayal? because killing gicheol can be justified and rationalized as "part of the operation"?
also the moment junmo confesses to gicheol how "it's too late for him to go back to normal". how at the very end he visits his grave. and leaves a half-smoked cigarette instead of flowers.
"i am a sinner but using my trust and deceiving me is also a sin." and euijeong replying "yes it is. and we will be repaying it for the rest of our lives."
gicheol in the end was betrayed not only by junmo and euijeong, but also by his whole gang and his dearest friends.
i feel like there's also a particular sentiment in "the first international drug case solved by three nations" which i can sense but wouldn't be able to grasp fully since i'm not from said countries. but knowing the history and the tensions between the three nations even up until today, the whole "working together for one goal" thing seems like it could really tug at one's heartstrings, too.
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Rules For Falling In Love: #3
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summary: In which George wants to get married. But… you’re not dating. Why should you say yes?
a/n: So sorry I've been MIA! Here's the news. There are only two chapters left of this fun little story. And something else is in the works for which I'll be posting a sneak peek of very soon (bet ya can't guess what it is!) I hope you're all still just as in love with this plot, though, because I know I am. Let me know your thoughts as always, dudes
w/c: 3k
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"What the hell are you doing?" You hissed through your teeth at your very own reflection. You were dressed for any imaginable occasion. If folks noticed you waltzing down the street, they might assume you were on your way to lunch with friends. They might think you were headed to the market, or to the movies, or shopping around. But they most likely wouldn't imagine you were on your way to get married. But you were.
You perfected your lipgloss and fixed your hair, and when there was nothing left to primp, you stood there, still, waiting for the girl on the other side of the glass to reach through, grab your shoulders and shake some sense into your head. But she didn't.
"That's it? We're done?" You asked in a stunned breath. The cheery old fellow who'd walked you through the process of signing a bunch of papers and reciting a few promises smiled, but studied you for a beat before nodding.
"You're married, now. Congratulations!" He escorted you and your group toward the door, waving a bony hand from the entry before slamming the old wooden door shut, abandoning you in the massive marble halls.
"Oh, that's absolutely not it." George's sister whined. The girl yanked you and her brother out into the warm sunshine. She shoved some wildflowers in your hands, forced you to stand in place, and shoved her brother to your side. George draped an arm around your shoulder as you both grumbled for the girl to stop making such a fuss.
"Just think of all the things I was talked out of doing. The party I could have- no, should have thrown. Now smile!" She rose her phone camera and snapped a few shots, humming with satisfaction when she was decidedly finished. Bless her, she really did only want the best for the two of you. And you and George were due for some new photos besides the ones snapped of your forced smiles at the latest award show.
"Well, I forgot to bring cake as promised, but let me take you round the cafe uptown to kick off my stress eating. " Dean sighed as if someone was making him pitch the offer.
"Sounds like ya need it." You jested. Dean rolled his eyes and gave you a real, soft smile. George's sister left with a big wave and a dramatic congratulations.
Dean was excited to choose your celebratory treats himself, and was the first to dart inside the posh cafe when you arrived. You and George followed, laughing about how your friend had transformed into the classic "kid in a candy shop." You lost Dean to the winding line and moved to find some big comfy seats in the busy shop.
The reality of your latest achievement hadn't quite set in yet. George's laughter was such a familiar, comforting sound, as you settled beside him on some ridiculously oversized ottoman. Today was just... another day.
"Please tell me that what Dean just told me is a big fat joke." A familiar lilt pipped up from the other side of the paint chipped coffee table in front of you. George's agent was stood, slack-jawed with a big, whip cream filled to-go coffee in hand. How funny she happened to be here, you thought. Only her surprise greeting was much different from the times you'd bumped into each other and chatted in line at the markets, before.r
"It's nice to see you too, Donna." George laughed, watching as she set her drink down and moved to sit in the claw foot chair at your side. The woman reached for your hand in a flash, focusing on the ring you'd grown rather attached to over the week.
"Surprise?" You laughed, a twinge of worry settling in your stomach as the woman glanced up to you, eyes full of shock.
"Why on earth did you get married?" She asked in a slow squeak, turning to George as you drew your hand out of her clutch. "More importantly why haven't you told me?"
"Well, it's only just happened. Like half an hour ago." George looked to you, then back to his agent. Donna let out a laugh, and you understood her shock, but her reaction was a bit unnerving. She continued to ask a string of rhetorical questions, how, why, where, why, why?
That was about the time Dean emerged from the line that was now flooding out of the doors and around the building. Was it filling up in here, or was the place closing in on you? A nagging unease settled at the base of your lungs as George told Donna some of the things you'd discussed and what led you to signing some papers, together.
Your favorite third wheel plopped down a tray of little bite-sized cakes, decorated in different shades of pretty pastel icing. They reminded you of the macaroons George brought home from the last award show after-party, and never shared.
"Care to join in the celebration? Tea is on it's way." Dean spoke in Donna's direction before casting his gaze to you, sitting across the way.
"Unfortunately, I've got to get going, but I do wish we could continue discussing what the hell you two have gotten yourselves into." Donna stood, with a wavering smile, grabbing her condensation covered to-go coffee, and spinning toward the door to the tune of your crew's goodbyes.
You glanced down to the cakes Dean had picked out, as he piped up to explain their fillings and flavors. George reached over to place a hand on your knee, as he nodded along to his friend's excited dessert-themed rambles. All the worry that had sprouted at Donna's confusion was swiftly put at ease when you noticed the ring on George's finger. This was your decision, together. You'd talked it all the way through and back. Anyone else's worry over the matter didn't hold value over that fact.
When your tea came, you had managed to ask Dean about the girl he'd been seeing. The three of you noshed on divine desserts and listened to your friend gush over the girl he'd taken on a fourth date, just the night before last. His eyes sparkled and you couldn't help but smile when he paused to think up just how to describe his new beau. He was lucky to have found someone who brought a blush to his cheeks at the mention of their name. Hers, was Claire.
You'd been enraptured by Dean's rose-colored chatter, so much so that your phone's sudden rhythmic buzz in your pocket made you gasp aloud.
"Oh shit." You muttered, past a bite of cake. "We're gonna be late for that thing." You turned to George whose face lit up in recognition. He had an interview today, one for a late-night talk show that would be on air long after you'd settled in for the night.
George thanked his friend for the desserts and for being there today, for the both of you. You knew George meant it, you knew how important it was to him. But to hear his genuine appreciation in his goodbye to Dean made your heart lurch.
"I know I've been giving you both a hard time about this, and I'm still a bit confused by the whole thing, but honestly, I'm happy for you both. And I'm glad you let me come along today." Dean shrugged as you all stood to head your separate ways. Now your heart was a puddle, as you flung yourself to the fellow, wrapping him in a hug and thanking him for being too good a friend. You were lucky too, you figured.
It was almost actually funny how uncomfortable these things made George. He was so keen to be a movie star, in the most romantic sense, of course. He could go on for days (months, even, you suspected) about the magic of storytelling and all the lessons to be learned from his chosen career.
But promoting his works, promoting himself, wasn't something he was fond of in the very least bit. So once, you tagged along to some garish dinner party that was really just a competition for best dressed, in disguise. He mingled with the people he knew, and the people he was meant to know, trying with all his might to make genuine connections because if he'd failed to learn at least one person's life story on a night out, he considered the evening wasted. And when they asked about him, he'd get it over with in a flash before turning his attention to you, introducing you, asking you to tell that one story. And when you were left alone to await the next celebrity encounter George begged you with his hands clasped together to come along with him to all of the ridiculous Hollywood shindigs he was ever required to attend. And of course, you couldn't tell the boy no.
So tonight was another one of many. You went home, tossed on a dress, and spun out of the door again without a second to breathe. All your focus was spent reminding George that this would all be worth it in the end. How selling his latest film to millions of viewers would ensure the story he was so proud to have been a part of would effectively become dear to most everyone who tuned in to hear his interview.
When you crept through the studio doors, hand in hand, the welcome George received was perplexingly warm. Interns offered both of you snacks and drinks, directors passed through the green room doorway with beaming smiles, and instructions for George to follow. Writers breezed in, covering the last of the bases, and a friendly old makeup lady fussed over his look just in time for George to float to the stage. When he did, he dragged you along with him. You let go behind all the cameras, promising you'd be near the door's he was meant to exit- near enough to give him the odd thumbs up and dash away when it was all said and done.  
A small audience murmured as the set changed, and cameramen fluttered about. And then it was off. A man in a casual suit sped through a nauseating, over-rehearsed introduction and you wondered how many of the audience members were laughing for real or because they'd been told to.
And then, out of nowhere, without any warning, the interview took a turn you hadn't prepared for in the least. After the usual quick nice to see you again greetings had been passed back and forth, the host asked George a question he already knew the answer too and presented a photograph you hadn't even gotten the chance to see yet.
It was the one his sister had taken this morning, with the wildflowers, out in the midmorning sun. She'd posted it to her Instagram, tagging you in the caption that featured some long-winded sentiment. And you knew that the girl only had you in mind. She probably wasn't dreaming of George's next interview when she uploaded the photo for the world to see. She most definitely probably wasn't thinking of a moment like this coming true, and how her brother would hate it. In the blink of an eye, you envisioned George angrily phoning his sister and her dramatic defense, and a big unnecessary row breaking out.
But then you zoned back to life and watched George answer the interviewer's question with a small smile. He confirmed that he was officially married, and glad to be. George swiftly moved the conversation toward the film he was meant to prompt, which didn't sway the host on a strict schedule to cover all sorts of topics in the next three minutes. But George wasn't dismissive of the subject. He didn't squirm when the aspect of his personal life was spoken aloud to a room full of strangers. He smiled and caught your eye from the stage. You were too stunned to give him the usual thumbs up from where you waited, you just watched as he grinned, and nodded when the host offered his congratulations.
Then it was over, and the audience flooded away, and you and George hurried to collect yourselves and leave in as big of a hurry as you could without seeming rude. He held your hand like a vice, and you led the way out of the exit, toward the car park.
Before you could reach sweet freedom, a small crew of George's fans had been waiting near the back, with hopes of catching a moment of the guys time they'd come to watch get interviewed. The three young girls held out a marker and asked for his autograph in a shy manner. You noticed most of the fans George encountered over the years were just as meek and mild as the guy himself.
So he smiled and agreed with pleasure, as you awkwardly shifted on the sidelines, unable to flee to the car across the way because he had the keys.
"We're really happy for you, by the way." One of the girls piped up, facing you. "You guys have like, always been our favorite couple."
"You restore our faith in love." Another one of the girls giggled, approaching George with movie posters in hand.
All the complex feelings in your gut the rose at the girl's comments didn't matter. It was entirely too sweet of them to say something. So you thanked them with a smile, and waved goodbye when the last of them had their selfie with George. He said goodbye and turned toward the car with a sigh. You could practically see the weight of the evening's events fall off of his broad shoulders.
You piled into the passenger seat, debating on what to have for dinner, already knowing he dreamed of nothing more than a self-indulgent end to the long night. When you both agreed on what to have, a silence fell over the two of you for the first time all day.
It was heavy with different versions of the same question, the same subject. You'd woken up in one era, one that ended around ten this morning. And neither of you had much of a chance to talk about the fact that you were married now.
"Are you... happy?" You spoke up, at last, watching the world float by on your drive through the city.
"I am. Are you?" George smiled, turning to catch your eye, glancing back at the road ahead a couple of times.
"Yeah." You laughed a little. You wouldn't have agreed to any of this if you weren't dead sure you'd be at peace when the decision was made. And you were filled with that same calm that filled you in the cafe, this morning when George rested his hand on your knee. You'd made the right decision for the both of you, and you were very glad for it indeed.
Three months had passed. They were quite busy, and filled with all the usual stress that any typical trio of months held. But as the days passed by, you found George was right, somehow. Things... were easier. Maybe you'd talked yourself into believing so, but you noticed celebrities had stopped leaving you out of chit chat when they breezed through after-parties. You notice stranger men had stopped pestering you at the bar, half of the time. And when you met new people and wound up in new places, you didn't have to go through the long spiel of who Geogre was to you, and why he was always around. He was simply your husband, now.
It was strange to get used to the tile at first, but by the time you'd made it to month four, it rolled off your tongue like melting butter. George seemed most keen to use your unity to get out of other plans.
"Sorry I'll have to miss the next gala, my wife wants to go kayaking." You'd never kayaked. You didn't know how, and you'd never brought it up.
"Ah yes, I am that guy from that one movie but sorry I can't come back to your motel, I've got to help my wife pick out dinner." He had rushed you along grocery store stalls in a hurry to escape the odd, unnerving encounter.
That's how your week started, avoiding the scary fan who kept stalking through the market, stopping George with strange questions around too many corners. It wasn't his most unsettling encounter, but one that left the poor guy on edge for another day or so. You'd get home after fifteen-hour shifts, too tired to talk about it. Too tired to ask what he'd been up to all day.  
By the end of your week, you'd barely seen George, and he'd been just as busy. You ended your last, hellish never-ending shift with tears in your eyes from the thousands of little things that had piled up and left you stressed till it was time to clock out.  
You got home to find George in the living room, reaching for the remote. He left the thing on the coffee table when he twisted to see you in the doorway, worn down, strung out, over it. He asked if you were alright as you kicked your shoes away and hung your coat up in a hurry to decompress.
You demanded George wait to watch whatever film he had in mind for you to join him. You desperately needed to shift your focus from your own worries to an unrelated fictional realm. In a hurry, you showered the day from your achy body and slipped into your comfiest nightclothes.  Then you piled up your best blankets on the sofa, using a couple as faux pillows while you and George shared one big, massive quilt, and flipped on the film.
"What'll be tonight then?" You asked, sinking into the cushions at long last.  
"That one my mum won't shut up about. About that couple who gets divorced? WOn a bunch of awards." George muttered, clicking on Netflix. He'd always made it a point to watch the films the public raved over, to find out if the fuss was worth it.
"What if this kick starts our own divorce." You joked, the thought escaping your lips as soon as it passed through your head. Regret might have seeded itself in you if George wasn't so quick to laugh.
"I solemnly swear I will not let a fictional couple's marital issues affect my promise... no, my genuine desire to continue working at being with you for better or for worse."
Where the hell did that come from? You gapped at George as he queued up the film.
"Damn. You're getting good at this whole husband thing." You let out a small, stunned laugh. It made the dull ache in your head hammer. George noticed as you drew a hand to your brow, waiting for the thrum to settle.
"I'm sorry you had another bad day," He whispered.
"Thanks, You softened, knowing he truly empathized.
George lifted his arm and bobbed his head, beckoning you closer. You took the invite to curl into his side with a sigh. He was warm, and comforting, and his bicep was the perfect pillow. You relaxed for the first time in forever, it seemed, closing your eyes in to soak up the calm, quiet evening. The sounds of the film faded as you fell into an accidental nap.
You were jarred awake by a dreadful buzzing coming from the coffee table. George's phone was ringing, and when he twisted too slowly to reach for it, you realized he'd fallen asleep too. You noticed Dean's name flash across the screen as George answered, lackadaisically holding the cell in the hand that wasn't still closely wrapped around you.
"You're on speaker," George warned, as you stayed lethargically content at his side.
"Good! I have a question for both of you." Dean 's voice crackled through the telly. His assumption that you were already wherever George was, made you chuckle.
"Claire and I are staying in that quaint little seaside town, this weekend. Fancy coming along? In fact, it was her idea to invite you both to join us." Dean explained, it sounded as though he was walking through the city, shouts and clangs passing through the call.
You glanced up to George from where your head still rested near his shoulder. Neither of your expressions held signs of disinterest so when George carefully responded to Dean that the idea sounded nice, and asked for more details, you grinned and relaxed back into place.
Dean listed off some more information as George hummed and murmured in response. When the call had ended and new plans were made, George tossed his phone back on the table, and settled deeper into the sofa, shifting the weight of his arm beneath you, but hardly disturbing your peace a bit. The sun was peeking through the cracks of your curtains, and the movie must have been nearly over. You both drifted back asleep without another word, and all seemed well. It must have been.
You and George were closer than ever before- and you had already been classified as inseparable. But you'd hardly gotten to enjoy each other's company since making whatever you had official. Rule number three of this marriage enforced you must take every opportunity to for a bit of fun, as possible. It was time for a small getaway. A peaceful sleep would have to do, till then.
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taglist: @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes​ @andux @imaginationandlove @velvetgoldsilver @queen-bunnyears @maria-josefin @dearevansamham​ @belledamsceno @nilletellsstories @loulouloueh @visionsofmelodrama @haileymorelikestupid
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obliviatemick · 5 years
Ben Hardy Fanfiction | When I Kissed You p. 7.
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PLAYLIST: blazed - Ariana Grande.
"I can't believe it!", it was around 2 pm in Amsterdam and I was talking on the phone with Cole. "It was like reliving that night in New York. EVERY.LITTLE.DETAIL"
The dream/déjà vu about Ben had made of me a nervous mess. Of course, I had thought that night with Ben (several times, in fact), but none of my memories were that... vivid. In my dream I'd felt him once more: his skin, his lips, everything. For some reason, my dumb brain took this as a warning, a sign that something big was about to happen. The question was: what?
"It's normal!", his voice blasted through the speaker, there was a buzz of people speaking in the background, probably photographers and models. He spoke as if he found the whole situation very amusing. "Having those dreams is a pretty common thing in women like you and 12 year olds. It's biology, Barbara."
"Women like me? What does that mean?"
"Unsatisfied", he stated, a smile on his voice.
"Wha- the fact that he's the first guy I've slept with in months has absolutely nothing to do with me having those dreams and also-", in the line, he was laughing his ass off at my expense. "Cole, listen!!"
"Look, I'm just saying that you had a good time with an attractive guy whose greek profile and sculpted body were saved by your subconscious just to give him to you when you need a certain... stimulation." He made a pause, I heard him blowing his cigarette. "Your dream means absolutely nothing. "
I bit my lip, unsure of what to believe. On one side, I had my bff giving me unsolicited biology facts and on the other side I had sweaty hands, an upset tummy and not to mention the need of looking over my shoulder every two damn seconds. I was going crazy. Whatever it was, I decided to give Cole the benefit of the doubt. "I guess you're right..."
"The hell I am, now-", he made a pause to take another drag of his cigarette. "Could you stop whining about wet dreams and enjoy your moment of glory?", in the background, the clamour of conversation stopped swiftly. "Oh", I shut my eyes, embarrassed.
"Did you... have to say that out loud?"
My agent was already waiting for me in arrivals, even though we were supposed to meet thirty minutes later. The blonde, round woman was stomping her way to me, her cheeks looked rosy pink and tiny beads of sweat were glued to her forehead. She pulled me by the arm as soon as she laid hands on me.
She explained that the producers had changed the schedule and that instead of having a private table read with the cast, we would be doing a press conference with lots of media to report on it. Which meant I had to answer a lot of questions about my character in front of the whole country!
"Countries, darling", she corrected me. "This is a Netflix series; the whole world will be watching you"
I felt sick.
We hopped in a car I assumed was hers (if not: what a nonchalant way of stealing a car, Amber. Damn!) and drove 10 kilometres to the speed of an overstressed Amber to the building where the production team and the rest of the cast were already waiting for us.
When we arrived, I looked around and saw that everyone else was dressed in far better, not as casual outfits. I cocked my head to give Amber an alarmed look, but she was already directing orders to a pair of stylists that came to my rescue. One of them worked my hair while the other did my make-up and I wondered how the hell could they put up with so much pressure! They put me in a black dress that had see-through sleeves and a puffy skirt and matched it with white stilettos. In a normal situation, that would have felt like too much, but considering I would be in front of cameras from hundreds of countries... it felt just right.
My hands started sweating as I stood near the entrance of the stage, my stomach churned with both my nervousness and the odd feeling from before. It was getting worse with every minute that passed. I peeked to the room where the conference would be held and OMG, without counting cameramen, at least two hundred people were sitting there in front of the stage! I started worrying about puking in front of all those cameras and news reporters.
A raven-haired girl appeared from the side and patted me on the shoulder, she was wearing a gorgeous red dress with matching lipstick and white pumps.
"Is this your first time doing press?", she spoke with a feminine, kind of high-pitched voice.
I sighed and nodded. She smiled warmly and wrapped an arm around my shoulders
"It'll be okay, we've all been there", she chirped. "And to be honest, these things are very short! There's nothing to worry about, you'll see", she winked at me before stepping away.
Seconds after, the whole producing crew entered the stage through a door located just in front of ours. I breathed deeply and tried to mentally prepare for what was about to come. After presenting himself and the crew, Zach, the casting director, invited us to stage, a man in his forties with greying hair, beard and hard blue eyes winked at me as the whole cast walked to get our seats at the pannel.
A roar of clapping and cheering flooded the room as soon as we put a foot on the stage and GOD walking that stage felt like ages! I waved to the public and tried to give them my best imnotnervous smile before finally sitting at the table with my colleagues. To my right sat the black haired girl and then to her right was the rest of the cast. The only empty seat was on my left, I figured it would be for the actor who'd play Rowan.
"You look very concentrated today, Barbara", one of the writers said on the mic. "Are you preparing yourself for the shooting tomorrow on set?"
"Actually I was just trying not to fall on these damn heels!", I declared and then quickly shut my mouth. I couldn't believe I'd just said that in front of cameras. To my surprise, everyone in the room laughed, my co-stars, the writers, even some cameramen. Wtf?!
"Just be sure not to sprain an ankle, Barbara!" he pointed a finger at me but he smiled. "We'll need you in one piece for the next three months..."
"Roger that!"
The writer then gave the floor to Zach, the casting director who started giving some background for our characters and asking questions about how we felt related to them. During this time, I got to know my cast mates a bit more, they were friendly and WAAAY fun! Their jokes and great attitude helped me feel better and confident up on stage, I was sure we would be a great team. But... where was the other guy?
"Now, I believe this is the moment everyone has been waiting for", Zach started and everyone cheered. It was time. "My team and I have postponed this announcement for months, but there is a reason to it", he made a pause to approach our table. "As you can see, we did our best to collect the best of the best. Only the best candidates for the roles were the chosen ones for the titanic effort that bringing Fiber to life means! Like we did with Farren's role (little Barbara here), we thoroughly analysed every candidate for Rowan's role until we found the perfect match, both physically and mentally..."
I could feel the expectation growing in the room, all eyes were locked on Zach's face, following his every movement. I sat up straight and whispered to the black-haired girl, whose name I'd learned was Emeraude.
"Do you know who got that role?"
"Are you joking? I was about to ask the same thing!"
Marcus, the blue-eyed man joined in, speaking through his teeth, "It's top secret, rumour has it only Zach and the book's author know who he is..."
"I just hope he's handsome", Emeraude purred grinning and raising her eyebrows in a seductive manner. Marcus and I snorted.
"... through all the possibilities, we came to the conclusion that the one person who could bring Rowan to life is him. From X-Men: Apocalypse and Bohemian Rhapsody, please welcome the talented Ben Hardy!"
In a milisecond, the crowd around me went bananas and my soul left my body. People were cheering and whistling while for me the room spun at wild angles, they clapped and stomped their feet and I supressed a scream. Please, be other Ben Hardy, please be other Ben Hardy!
But there he was, walking straight to the empty seat next to me, looking like a model taken out of a magazine cover, that damned blond, green-eyed bastard! Because fuck me right?! After all I'd been through to avoid him... He glanced at me and instantly looked away, as if he hadn't even noticed my presence.  I took a gulp from my water bottle, trying to hide my discomfort.
"Finally!", Zach was beaming, a few more cheers erupted from the crowd. "Ben, what does it feel like to be the chosen one for the job?"
"Oh, it's an honour!", he stated with that deep voice of his. "It's just crazy, knowing that I was the chosen one when you had other thousand actors, good actors, willing to take on this role. It blows my mind!"
"Yeah, and then there's the fact that you didn't have to lie to get this role", both Ben and the crowd laughed at this comment, even some of my cast mates did. I didn't get it.
After a few more interchanges between them, Zach gave the floor to the reporters who'd been patiently waiting for Ben to appear.
"A question for Mr. Hardy, yes!", a reporter with glasses stood up. "What are your expectations of working with Miss Benavides as her character's love interest?"
"Uhh, well..."
"Did you two know each other before today? Have you talked about..." (hey, only one question! Someone reprimanded the reporter)
"No!", we answered in unison. Our eyes met for a split second before Ben returned his attention to the reporter. "This is the first time we meet."
TAGLIST: @rrrogahtaylahhhh @valeriecarolinaw
Thank y’all for reading!
Let me know if you’d like me to put you on the taglist!
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spxderman-s · 7 years
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requested: by anon
summary: While doing a screen test after auditioning to be Gwen Stacy in the upcoming Spider-Man film, you find out that you and the incredibly suave Tom Holland have more chemistry than you expected.
pairings: tom holland x reader 
word count: 2.1k
warnings:  some swearz, as usual lmfao 
a/n: okay @ the anon who sent this in, i know i tweaked it a teeny bit, i hope that’s okay!! xx
“This is [Y/N],” you answered cheerfully into your phone.
“Hey kid,” you recognized your agent’s voice. “Marvel wants you to come in and do a screen test for Gwen Stacy tomorrow.”
Your jaw dropped, and you managed to stutter out a few words. “I--they--did I get the part?”
“No, this means they’re thinking about giving you the part,” he corrected you, but that didn’t diminish your excitement. “They want you to run a few lines with Tom Holland, see how you do in front of the camera with him.”
“Do you think I’m ready for that?” you asked, nibbling at your thumb. “I mean, this is my first big break.”
“The only way you’ll find out is if you go,” he quipped, and you could hear the annoyance lacing his words. “You in or out?”
“In,” you replied firmly. “Definitely in.”
“Ma, stop fiddling with it, you’ll mess it up!” you chided your mother as she once again tried to adjust the platinum blonde wig you were wearing.
She raised her hands up in defense, and stepped away. “I’m just saying, it’s crooked.”
“If it’s crooked, costume and makeup will fix it.”
“Kid!” your agent called from across the studio, his hand gesturing for you to come to him. “C’mere.”
You took a deep breath and walked towards him, suddenly aware at how sweaty your palms were becoming. Why were you nervous? You had done this audition a thousand times already.
Coming to a stop beside your agent, he clapped a hand to your shoulder and grinned. “This is my rising star,” he spoke to the two men standing by him--both you recognized.
The older man stuck out his hand for you and began with, “I’m the director of the film, Jon--”
“--Watts,” you finished for him almost breathlessly. “I’m a huge fan.”
“Well,” Watts smiled warmly. “It’s always nice to be admired. This is, of course, Mr. Holland himself--”
“I think I’m capable of introducing myself, mate,” Tom joked, laughter in his voice. He stuck out his hand to you, and you prayed that he wouldn’t notice your sweaty palms. “Pleasure to meet you, love.”
“Likewise,” you murmured. “I’m [Y/N].”
“Alright,” Watts, rubbing his hands together. “It’s a quick scene, let’s get right to it. Did you read the bit of script I sent?”
You nodded, swallowing nervously. “All memorized.”
“I like you,” he declared with a grin. He gestured for you and Tom to move to the staged scene, a scene where Peter Parker shows Gwen he’s Spider-Man. It was supposed to be a very emotional scene, you had noted as you read the script over the last week.
The two of you found your marks, the sound coordinator and cameramen found their positions, and you heard Watts’ voice call out: “Action!”
“There’s something that I need to tell you,” Tom spoke, as Peter. The muscle in his jaw flickered as he turned away from you dramatically, the emotion breaking through his voice. “But….that means putting you at risk.”
You followed the script and moved forward two steps to your second mark, a hand going out to rest on his shoulder. “Peter--whatever it is,” you paused for striking effect, purposely making your voice crack, “you can tell me, I don’t care what happens.”
“You don’t get it!” Tom roared, turning to face you suddenly, right on time. The anger in his face was so raw, you were struck for a moment, nearly forgetting your next line.
“What don’t I get?” you carefully weaved your words, keeping them level and soft. “Peter, please….please tell me.” With each syllable, you inched closer to him, feeling the rage radiate off of him. The two of you were so close, so….
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Tom turned away from you again, the sharpness of his voice sending shivers down your spine, and you actually felt real sorrow. You didn’t want him angry, you didn’t want him turning away from you.
It wasn’t until you heard Watts’ voice ring out, “Cut!” that you noticed a tear had slipped from your eye and slid down your cheek. Shit! That wasn’t in the script!
“[Y/N]!” he shouted, and you wanted to cry again. You messed the whole take up with your “improvised” tears. “That was absolutely breathtaking!”
“I--what?” you furrowed your brow, fingers rising to wipe the tears away. “I did a good job?”
“Darling, you did incredible!” Tom remarked, impressed.
You exhaled a sigh of relief as your heart rate slowed down. “I was so afraid I botched the whole scene.”
Watts joined the two of you and placed a hand on your shoulder. “That was very impressive for your first run—we encourage improvisation, it makes the scene feel more natural. Just don’t stray too far from the script; it irritates the writers.”
You saw your mother standing with your agent behind the cameraman, both of them grinning and waving excitedly. “My mom certainly thinks I did a good job.”
“It’s very sweet that she’s here to support you,” Tom commented, still smiling at you.
“Now, [Y/N],” Watts said, his tone serious. He looked at you in your eyes. “I speak for everyone here when I say that you are the Gwen Stacy we’ve been looking for—you embody the character perfectly. Would you like the position?”
Time had certainly passed quickly after you were officially cast as Gwen Stacy, and production was well underway. You had been filming for almost seven months now, slowly falling into a rhythm: wake up, go to work, go home, go to sleep. You were absolutely exhausted as you trudged up into your trailer early one morning, silently praying that Mary had gotten you a cup of coffee.
“Good morning!” your assistant’s cheerful voice rang out as you entered the tiny room, pulling the door closed and sliding into the chair in front of the mirror.
“Morning,” you yawned, rubbing your eyes. “I don’t even want to know what time it is.”
“It’s five forty-seven,” she answered, pushing a styrofoam cup towards you as she began scribbling things down on her clipboard. “Hair and makeup should be here soon, you should be starting takes in about an hour.”
“Sounds good,” you mindlessly agreed. “Thank you for the coffee.”
“Of course, sweetheart,” Mary smiled. “Are you ready for today’s scenes?”
You inwardly groaned. “God, I don’t know--how do actors do it?”
She sympathetically patted your shoulder. “You’re an actor, darling--how should you do it?”
“How does someone kiss somebody like Tom Holland?” you complained, covering your face with your hands. “He’s so--so perfect, I’m terrified of screwing this up.”
“You’ve kissed people before, haven’t you?” she asked, her face contorted in confusion. “Don’t tell me he’d be your first.”
“I’ve kissed people,” you growled, taking a sip of coffee. “But nobody like him.”
“Alright kids,” Watts called out over the set. “Let’s take it from the top--nice and fluid. Action!”
“Peter,” your voice wavered with emotion as you stepped to your mark, hands outstretched to Tom, who was hanging upside down in front of you by a wire. He was dressed in the Spiderman suit, the red a stark contrast against the blue. The movie was trying to pay homage to the original movie, with the upside-down kiss between Tobey MaGuire and Kirsten Dunst. “Peter, is that you?”
Tom said nothing, as was scripted. You moved to your second mark, just inches away from his masked face hanging in perfect parallel to yours. Your hands lifted and you curled your fingers beneath the edge of his mask, tugging the material slowly to expose his mouth. Your heart lept into your throat as you studied his parted lips, feeling his warm breath on your skin. Splaying your hands over his cheeks, you closed your eyes and very gently placed your screen kiss upon those lips.
And for a moment, there was nothing. The set was silent as you continued the kiss, keeping your eyes closed. There was no emotion, nothing pulling you towards or away from anything. Until….
You felt Tom’s tongue prod your own lips open with such gentleness that your knees nearly collapsed on the stage. Your fingers gripped his cheeks a little more firmly as you returned that kiss--a kiss that was casting fireworks with a blindingly bright light behind your eyes, leaving an alluringly soft afterglow resting on your cheeks as you pulled away.
“Cut!” you heard Watts shout.
You took a giant step back from Tom, feeling the heat creep into your face as the wire he was hooked to gave him some slack to swing right-side-up. He pulled the mask off entirely, a wicked grin on his handsome features. The wire slowly let him down, and he unhooked himself.
“That was some kiss,” he whispered to you. 
“Alright, Tom--go get out of the suit and see makeup,” Watts ordered as he walked up to the two of you. “[Y/N], I can’t begin to tell you how amazing you’re doing. Seriously, you’re killing it.”
“You have no idea how much that means,” you smiled sheepishly. “That last take was all good?”
“Better than we imagined,” he assured you. “The chemistry between Peter and Gwen feels very real.”
“You can go ahead and go home for the weekend,” you said to Mary, who was buried underneath a mountain of paperwork. “Jon said that we all deserve a break.”
“You’ll be alright by yourself?” she asked, picking up her purse.
“Yeah, I’m gonna call an Uber soon.”
“Alright, sweet pea. Have a good weekend,” she waved goodbye, and disappeared out of the trailer.
That left you sitting at the tiny kitchen table alone, flipping through a magazine. The little speaker resting on the counter softly played a slow, alternative tune as you picked up your phone to order a ride home. But before you could open the app, the door to your trailer opened again.
“What did you forget?” you playfully called out, thinking it was Mary coming back for something.
“I don’t believe I’ve ever been in here to forget something,” a familiar voice replied. Tom’s head appeared as he entered up the little steps, grinning at you. His eyes danced over the interior of the trailer quickly, and he pulled the door shut. “It’s cute.”
“Thanks,” you managed to say, as the butterflies in your chest exploded. “Uh--what are you doing in here?”
He took a seat beside you, casually leaning back. “I figured we should hang out.”
“We’re co-stars,” he teased. “Did it ever occur to you that we might benefit from spending some time together?”
“True,” you replied, closing the magazine. “What--what do you want to do?”
“We could go over lines,” he suggested.
He seems nervous, you thought to yourself. Was he having trouble memorizing them? “Sure--are you having problems?”
“Kinda,” he fiddled with the corner of the table. “I think we need to go over today’s take.”
You frowned at him. “But we already wrapped--what was wrong with it?”
“There was nothing wrong with it at all,” he said, confusing you even more. “In fact, it was the best scene I had ever done with someone.”
“Then why--,” you started, but before you could finish your sentence, Tom was kissing you--and then you understood. 
He was tentative at first, gauging your reaction. As soon as you relaxed against him, his tongue searched for yours in a passionate frenzy. Tom’s hands found themselves at your waist, his lips feeling utterly soft against your own, your fingers entwining in his curls. He pulled you closer towards him so you were straddling his lap, his hands gripping and squeezing you--sending bolt of electricity and excitement up and down your spine.
In a collective gasp for breath, your lips broke apart from his and you both panted in unison. He rested his forehead against yours, his hands still on your waist.
“Do you do this with all of your co-stars?” you murmured, moving to place kisses along his sharp jawline and down his neck.
Tom suppressed a groan that excited you in ways you never imagined. “Not until now,” he growled, feeling his fingernails dig into your skin. “You’re driving me up the wall, darling.”
You smiled against his neck, and softly nipped his ear--earning another moan from him. “Good--you don’t have plans tonight, do you?”
“Now I do,” he spoke, his words low and guttural in his throat as he picked you up effortlessly, moving over to the couch where the two of you fell together in a web of passion, lust, and infatuation.
tagging: @tronnoristheotp @nedthegay @i-saved-me @theweirdowithablogo @skymoonandstardust @timemngmtoptimisationproblems @thumper-darling @holywinchesterness @grabyourpolaroidandmyhand @ketterdame @tonight-couldbeforgettable @dimplesandcutesmiles @terrashrone @leorai-lemony-lewa @yoinkpeter @spider-boo-5 @elizzabeth21 @multi-parker @rvrdxle @gaiasambuci @bisexualmomfriend @1022bridgetp @erule @tommysdarlin @penguinlover-7 @dangerousluv1 @stephie-senpai @emmaamalie @fairydustparker 
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ninetyonekz · 6 years
Interview from guys to the the-steppe.com portal. 23/08/2017
August 24, to the big screen will be presented a film by Askar Uzabayev, in which the events of the formation of the famous Kazakhstani group are recreated: strong pressure, threats from envious persons and opponents and, of course, the path to fame. About how the film was filmed, is it hard to play yourself and why fans should see the movie Ninety one, the musicians told in an exclusive interview to Aray Amankulova.
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- I remember the moment when the press reported that Ninety One will be shooting a full-length movie very well. Then it seemed to me that the audience was divided into three or even more camps. Someone was intrigued, some thought it was not serious, but there were those who vehemently poisoned your team. But despite the different opinions and comments, the cinema was shot, edited, and the outdoor advertising around Kazakhstan is full of your posters,  tomorrow there will be a big premiere. What was your first reaction when you were announced shooting a movie?
ALEM: My first reaction was  a surprise. I was shocked. Of course, being a child I dreamed of doing a movie, to develop like an actor. But in reality, it  scared me a little.
AZ: As an Eminem fan, I sometimes fantasized that it would be cool if NINETY ONE would shoot a movie like "8 Mile", but when we were told about the shooting, I thought that it was too early for us to film our musical story, that we have not reached the required level yet. Although, perhaps, these doubts were caused by the fact that we are not an actors. ZAQ: I was against it, not only that I did not see in myself acting abilities, I also do not really like the camera. It is even hard to me to make a selfie. I'm camerophobic, it's difficult for me to act in clips, I break myself, try to close or not to notice that they are shooting me.
ACE: I was certainly surprised, and for a second it even seemed to me that we were being pranked, especially after those events when our concerts were cancelled and various comments were sent to us. BALA: And I thought about is there anything we could film a movie on? Then we conferred with the guys and with Yerbolat-aga (the aga means older brother, it’s also often used to the older male person you have close relationship with but he is not a family member. Also, if someone doesn’t know Yerbolat is producer of the band.) and realized that we have something to tell and share. Well, I also thought about the acting courses (smiles).
- Filming in clips and in TV shows definitely give good experience on the camera and relieve the fear of the public, but the big movie is a completely different story. Tell us how you prepared for the shooting and where there any difficulties ? BALA: We, in the period of preparation for the shooting, have passed a small course of acting skills from the remarkable actress of the Lermontov Theater Olga Landina. AZ: Yes, her classes have always been very fun. And despite the fact that the lessons were in Russian, and I do not have a good knowledge of the language, I was comfortable, I did not feel constrained, I gave my best in the program and completed every  task. It was a great experience.
ZAQ: And I did not expect that the lessons of acting can be so interesting. Every time I was on the scene, I discovered something new in myself. To be honest, I could not overcome the fear of the camera, although I feel much more confident today.
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ALEM: Because of the tight deadlines, Olga taught us on an unusual system. We went from the most difficult to the simplest. In general, everything was upside down (laughs), and it was then that I realized that sometimes playing something simple is the most difficult task. I mean, Olga says: enter to the room and say hello to the guys, I go in, follow her directions and it's somehow not natural, although you understand that you just have to say hello, but in fact, it sounded artificial.
Ace: I think a lot of worries caused that. Inside ourselves, we were very worried about the upcoming shootings. The fact that we will work with a team of professionals who have shot a lot of films, and because we are not actors, we could fail the film crew, ant expectations of our producers and our fans.
- But as far as I know, this was also an interesting experience for Askar Uzabayev, when all the main characters on the scene are non-professional actors. To avoid a conflict , he invited actors to supporting roles without much experience too. Those who watched the first version of the edit noted that this director's decision gave his zest and made the picture live and honest. You believe to the movie! And what was your aftertaste when you first watched the movie?
ALEM: Honestly, when we went into the hall for the preview, we expected that this movie will stop us from wanting to communicate with the cinema for ever. We all objectively understood that we are not actors. However, when we looked at the first version of the edit, we were in shock. We a hundred times, probably, thanked the director and producers for the fact that they still decided to shoot this film. AZ: When I watched "NINETY ONE", I had a shivers through my body, because we played ourselves in the past, so many things changed, people, events, and, most importantly, our world perception, we were completely different. Indescribable feelings.
ZAQ: I'm self-critical: I saw all the shortcomings of my acting, all my mistakes. I noticed where I could act better, but I did not. I saw where I had not act enough, I did not say enough. It's great that the film inspired us so much that after watching, we immediately went to the studio and recorded the soundtrack (song is called Mooz). We have not had such a thing yet.
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- And what do you think, what will be the reaction to the movie from your parents and friends?
BALA: Honestly, I do not know. Many moments of my life I have not told to my mother, I did not want her to worry. She is very sentimental, I'm sure she will cry. And my father will be proud, because it was he who taught me love to the art. ALEM: I know that my parents will be happy for me. They are aware of all the events in my life. First of all, they will be happy that their child has achieved something, and he is on the big screen.
ACE: My family will be impressed, I'm sure of that. They will learn that I have not  told them everything. The main thing, I hope they will not cry. Otherwise,  it is good to buy a lot of napkins. (puzzled) AZ: Mom will definitely cry, and Dad will mentally ask me a question: "Son, have you really gone through all of this?
When I arrived to Almaty, I had no money, no relatives, no friends. There were moments when I stayed on the street, not finding where to sleep, I had to sleep in round-the-clock diners, right behind the table.
My mother is one of those women who feel their children. When I was ill, she always called and asked where I was, do I have money, do I need help. But I always said that I'm all right. Thanked for attention and again fell asleep where could.
ZAQ: When my family will see this film, they will be shocked, because I haven’t told them the whole truth - about the complexity, about my experiences. In any case, the film does not reflect 100% of the whole truth, the film has moments that are smoothed.
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- The shooting of the film "NINETY ONE" consisted of 91 scenes and lasted 3 weeks. 21 shooting days without breaks and weekends. After such intense days, was it hard to return to your usual life?
ALEM: Right after the shooting of the film, we were loaded with studio work. Wrote songs, made clips. Then we began to prepare for the concert tour. After, to the shootings in the series, but still, the time that we spent during the shootings of a full-length film is a kind of little life that you will always keep in your memory.
Initially, we were told that it was difficult to act in films because everyone will argue around, and the director will shout at everyone. However, our experience was completely different. The director was very kind and delicate. He often joked, pranked us, told interesting stories, so when the shooting was over, it was even a bit sad. We have become friends with the crew so much that now we embrace each other as if we were relatives. AZ: Cool, when you are surrounded by creative people. Artists, director, cameramen, administrators, writers ... Even though, I am closed person, however the film crew became to me such native, that now I  miss them very much.
- After you made your debut in the cinema, did you change your attitude towards it? ACE: Of course, I have changed the attitude towards cinema in general. Now I look at films differently: from what angle are they filmed, what plan is chosen, how actors pronounce dialogues, how much they are believable. ZAQ: I used to enjoy the movie, but now I'm constantly looking at it. Recently I watched horrors, they did not frighten me. I looked and started imagine how the cameraman comes with the camera to film the actor in makeup (laughs).
BALA: It seems to me that every person who has been on the set, will not be able to watch films, as before. When you know how it's done, how many times many details are important and how much effort and labour is invested in every scene. ALEM: While watching the movie I can completely lose the thread of the plot, distracted by the work of cameraman,  costume designer, artist (laughs). I do not know if this will work out, but I really want to link myself to the cinema, at least in part. This is my childhood dream. Now I only know the basics of this profession. But I want to learn, grow, learn more and more.
BALA: Well, since we have already started talking about dreams, my dream was to become an Asian version of "Spider-Man". I love this movie from childhood. And would love to play with Kirsten Dunst (smiles)
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- It seems to me that you are gradually realizing all your dreams. If you drop various incomprehensible comments and situations, your life is like a fairy tale. You are being admired many people, millions of girls go crazy over you, you create great music and work with super producer Yerbolat Bedelkhan. In addition to musical history, the full-length movie was created about you shot, where you were the protagonists of the picture. Today, if you look back, what advice would you give yourself 4 years ago, when you just stepped on this thorny and difficult creative path?
BALA: Do not be afraid, do not stop, do not be lazy! Do what you love. And do not get distracted by anything. If I gave these advice myself then, 4 years ago, then the present Daniyar would be much better. ALEM: Be yourself. No need to adjust to anyone. Do not try to please everyone, because it is just impossible. You have to be honest and do not lie to yourself. If I understood this then, my path of development would be faster.
AZ: Believe in yourself and give yourself to work! Keep going till the end! ACE: Azamat, be true to your sincere desires, follow your heart and know that everything that's done is for the best! ZAQ: Be confident and do not be afraid of anything. Fear hampered me, I realized in years that the person who is going to the intended goal, will never fail.
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- Well, summing up our conversation with you, why does the viewer still have to watch the movie NINETY ONE?
ACE: I want that this movie will help to look at us from different angle, people will look at us and our creativity from different perspective. BALA: I think that this movie will answer all the questions that constantly hang around our team. Because there are no answers, people are divided into two camps. And from the film it becomes clear that we are simple guys from  the simple Kazakh families
ZAQ: My sister was a fan of K-POP. I did not recognize them before, I looked and thought: strange boys with makeup, dressed incomprehensibly. Then my sister showed me a TV show about them. And I was imbued. I realized that this is art. AZ: Often, our image and opinion about us is made up of rumors and gossips. I think after watching this movie, many will change their point of view. As a child, I was told, rap will not bring you money, it's a hobby, you need to do something serious. And I still believed in myself and my dream. We are children of not rich parents, we have achieved everything by ourselves. I, for example, once worked as a loader. And only because of perseverance and purpose I have - I am today the one who realizes his desires and deals with his favorite business.
ALEM: Maybe for motivation. Motivation is one of those things that everyone needs in order to achieve their goals. I want to motivate young people. Not to dye your hair, no. The main moral of the film: "Guys, never give up, and boldly go to your goal." Our film will help people to look a little wider at this world. Do not set limits and boundaries for yourself
Hope you enjoyed it, me myself while translating have learnt a lot of new thing about guys. Also,as soon the movie will be uploaded to the internet i’ll try to translate it. xoxo
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wannawrite · 7 years
Time Will Tell [ pt.1 ]
who?: Wanna One’s Ong Seongwoo genre: 🌺🌸 type: scenario, short series word count: 1.5K, a continuation of short and sweet scenarios :”) part one / ? 
blog navigator. • idol AU, soulmate AU • time speaks, looks like you just need to listen but it also looks like time is running out of things to say to you the angst has arrived, I hope you guys are prepared but for what, lol I’m not a good angst writer so don’t prepare to cry or anything!! It’s still pretty sweet! Thank you for requesting this anon!! I came up with this concept thanks to you! Not sure if anyone else has done this hourglass idea. - Admin L 
The hourglass. All the time spent in the studio, all the song lyrics that littered your notebook and all the songs on your albums were because of the hourglass. Sand seeping through that slim crack between the two holders. The sand seemed like all the chances to meet the one slipping through your fingertips and out to another world. It left your hold faster than you could catch it, not sparing any mercy. Allow me to elaborate. The universe was one full of trickery, especially with this whole soulmate idea. Everyone was gifted with an hourglass that seemed to never run out of the sand, the sand just kept falling and refreshing. It will repeat the cycle until the day you find your soulmate. When you do, time around you will stop for a couple seconds, just for confirmation. That’s when you know. You know your life will be complete. You know that you have found your other half, one who was specially selected for you. You know you will not be doomed to a long life of loneliness. You know that you have not completely lost all sensibility. As an idol, you have probably met everyone in the universe - staff, fellow idols, trainees, MCs, fans - yet the hourglass that had your name scribbled on continued to allow the sand to run. Many of your songs were based on your peculiar hourglass. Somedays it the falling sand fell faster than ever. Other times, you could shake the hourglass until it threatened to shatter without any sand moving an inch. The quickness of the sand usually indicated how far away your soulmate was from you. It appeared that your only lover was the Houdini, he was there but at the same time, he was not. He popped in and out of your life quicker than The Flash. Some days you wondered if your other half even existed. The hourglass hung from a thin gold chain around your neck, it followed you everywhere. You feared losing it in waiting rooms so your necklace never left you. Additionally, if the hourglass was not with you, you could never tell if someone was your soulmate. The only times were when you had to perform on stage but you made sure to store it safely in your personal handbag before preparing to go on stage. It was precious, of course. That tiny time teller dictated your future. A staff directing cameramen clutched onto her hourglass tightly, afraid of letting it slip from her grasp. Lucky her, you thought. Her hourglass is filled to the brim with sand. Not only had she found her soulmate but their relationship was a joyful and prosperous one, according to the amount of sand in the glass case. It usually indicated the owner’s relationship status, what kind of relationship it was and the happiness level of the owner. Again, whatever your hourglass revealed was inconsistent, unreliable. “Y/N, please get ready. It’s almost time to head backstage,” Manager informed, checking off a box on his list. He continued bustling around, making sure things were in check. You nodded, unclasping the necklace from around your neck and holding it in front of you, observing every grain of sand that fell and returned to the top. Every grain represented whatever hope you had left. Your hopes were falling at a rather slow speed today. Gosh, this is harder than the road to becoming a singer. It swung like a pendulum on the chain, entrancing you, trapping you within its thin, glass walls. It hypnotised you into believing he existed, into thinking he was around. Whispering false hope into your ears. He will come soon. He’s just waiting for the perfect moment. Maybe it was your own fault for listening. You shook the fuzzy feeling off, sucking in a deep breath to call yourself out of your thoughts, to bring your mind back to reality. A reality that you forced yourself to accept. One where there was no one destined for you. Where you would live your life in solitude. There was no reason to lose hope so easily but it felt as if all odds were against you. Was there even a purpose behind gifting an hourglass when there was no soulmate? No conclusion could be formed, therefore, you had no answers. You inhaled a shaky breath. One day. After all, someday, it was to happen. There must be a balance, Earth must align. 
Sweat dripped down your face as you stepped off the stage, a huge smile gracing your face. It was always energising to perform on stage, no matter the circumstance. “Y/N, you did well! Would you like to stay to watch the other stages? There is nothing else scheduled for today, plus, we have time,” Manager said. “It’s rare we ever run ahead of schedule. Today must be special.” Staffs escorted you back to your dressing room. On the way, you passed by various rooms of other idols, a few names that rang a bell but some were completely foreign. “Maybe I should go and greet other groups. I am still a rookie after all,” you mentioned. “While I’m still dolled up.” No one held any opposition so you ventured back to the waiting room to collect a couple of your albums. “Y/N!” A staff yelled, clutching something in her hands as she raced towards you. Another staff interrupted her, announcing that a fellow rookie group named Wanna One was on their way to greet you. You shot her an apologetic smile, assuring that you would see to that issue later. She opened her mouth to protest but clamped it shut and nodded. You tried your best to shake off the nerves of meeting another idol group. Oh goodness! I’m not even a senior yet rookies are greeting me? Okay, this must be scheduled, scripted. MNet is behind this, I must be prepared for everything. Or it could just be Jisung and Daniel. Maybe MNet wanted an MMO reunion? Two solid knocks hammered on your door before it swung open to reveal the members of Wanna One, smartly dressed in their performance attire. “Hello!” Automatically, your lips stretched into a wide beam, glad to see friends from MMO - the company you signed with. Your palms began sweating as if someone had pulled a trigger, your heartbeat began racing off the charts. What is happening? What is this feeling? Nerves aren’t like this. Your eyes fell on a particularly tall, handsome, dark-haired man. He seemed to carry an air of poise, comedy even. That made you crack a shy smile directed at him. Seongwoo felt flattered. Of course, he already knew he had good looks and the amount of recognition he received from them, but this was different, your acknowledgement somehow gave him an extra boost of confidence. You posed next to the fellow idols for a proof shot of exchanging albums. “Please listen to mine well! I promise you won’t regret loving MMO talent,” you insisted, giving the Yoon Jisung and Kang Daniel high-fives. Ong Seongwoo chuckled and stepped forward. “I would never doubt your talent, sweetheart.” The redness crept up the back of your neck before you could stop it. This was one of the rare moments you were lost for words, your lips moved but no sound was produced. Meanwhile, Seongwoo had a somewhat smug look on his face. “Oh god, stop that,” Daniel groaned, slapping Seongwoo’s shoulder. “This is why we cannot bring you anywhere.” “Well, all the best for your stage. I’ll be watching!” You encouraged as the boys bid you farewell. Seongwoo’s words still resounded in your mind, the blush tainting your cheeks could not subside. “Y/N!” The same staff called out, a greater sense of urgency in her tone. You heard it before you even saw it. The drumming of sand as it pounded against the glass was faster and louder than usual. Stunned, your eyes enlarged until they were cartoon wide, mouth forming a small letter ‘O’. If your soulmate was that near, why did the sand not stand still? Why did it not began filling up? You wanted to rip your hair out in frustration, taking the hourglass from the director and holding it in your palm. The sand had begun to calm down but you had never witnessed such an urgent cry, such a prominent promise of your other half. Four fingers folded around it, hiding it from your sight. You exhaled a shaky breath. So close yet so far, the questions seemed to bounce off the walls of your brain. Who was it? It had to be one of the eleven. Woojin? Jaehwan? You felt your heart slam against your ribcage, breathing compromised. So far there were two things you were able to comprehend, 1. Your soulmate was just within your reach 2. You reacted so positively to Seongwoo, as if it was meant to be. Am I falling for someone who can never be mine? The sand in hourglass was shaken vigorously, desperate for more answers but the talk time had already passed and you were left with silence.
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pastel-kinana · 6 years
dear my darlings || 06.15.2018 (6)
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Dear my darlings,
Really sorry I didn't get to write for a few days. You know how school life is like. I mean, all of you have been on that road. Not to mention balancing it with the celebrity life. Seriously, teach me your ways.
Sorry again because I can't help it. I'm too happy right now!
It's because I finally found you. Or at least two of you.
I'm supposedly in this club at school called F.I.L.M. It stands for 'Film Inspiration and Love for Movies.' What this club does is all about film. We review films and we even produce films of our own. The club is composed of the Production team, who are the scriptwriters, directors and cameramen, and the Actor team, who are the ones in front of the camera. One of my new friends scolded me a bit for forgetting that there was a meeting in the afternoon but he just shook his head and we walked together to the club meeting room. We were seated with the Production team and the Actor team members were seated in a separate table.
The club meeting started like with a recap about last meeting, updates about ongoing projects, new project proposals, and deciding on what film to review today. As the meeting went on, the door opened, making everyone turn their attention to the newcomer.
I couldn't believe my eyes and my heart started beating fast.
"Oh Sehun, you're late," said the club president.
"Yeah... had an exam. Sorry," Sehun answered with labored breaths.
He still looked the same. Tall, jet black hair, and broad shoulders. He had a bit of sweat on the sides of his face and neck from running from the exam room to here. His clothing were simple and neat. He wore a plain white shirt, ripped jeans, and Chucks. Even with simple clothing, he still manages to be handsome and charming. The president just waved his hand, accepting Sehun's excuse. Time seemed to slow down as I watched Sehun close the door and make his way to our table. My heart couldn't calm down and if it was already beating too fast, it went faster than that when he sat down next to me. I looked at him, trying hard not to stare too much.
When he caught my gaze, he smiled and said, "Hey, Maya."
Oh God...
He knew my name.
Well, we're in the same club but oh my God, Oh Sehun knows my name!
Is it crazy to say that I could die right now? Sorry... got too happy.
The club president started talking about the collaboration project with the Theatre Club and it was a full-length film featuring some of the actors of F.I.L.M and some from the Theatre Club. The film is a comedy about a swindler and his blind brother reconnecting after fifteen years. The script has been approved by both club presidents and all has been set for filming, which is a week from now. We were given tasks and my job for tomorrow was to deliver scripts to the actors from the Theatre Club who will be in the film.
Then, we were going to watch the film Maria Full of Grace, a drama film about a pregnant teenager who becomes a drug mule. One of the members had prepared a basket of snacks for each table to eat while the film was playing. We were supposed to be reviewing it afterwards but I couldn't concentrate, especially when Oh Sehun is right next to me. While my eyes were on the projector screen, in my peripheral vision, I saw an open bag of chips being passed to me. I turned to my left and saw Sehun giving me some of the chips he had been eating. I felt my face heat up and I took a handful of chips for me to eat. I bobbed my head as a sign of thanks and he smiled before turning his attention back to the film. Since I went home that day, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I found Oh Sehun, who happened to be a senior in my school.
The next day (which is today) I went to the club meeting room to get the copies of the script I was supposed to deliver. The writer who wrote the script had already printed the scripts and bound them like paperback books. He gave me three copies in a paper bag and the list of the actors I was supposed to give it to. I read the names and one name stood out to me, making me nearly drop everything in my hands.
Do Kyungsoo
Immediately, I made my way to the Auditorium to see the Theatre Club preparing materials that are probably going to be used for filming next week. I delivered the script to the actors written on the list but when I asked where Kyungsoo was, they said he's in a judo gym nearby. Once I got the address, I went there and asked for Kyungsoo and one of the students pointed at the man at the side drinking water.
There he was... our Kyungsoo. Like Sehun, he still looked the same as ever and he still had the same large eyes.
I went to him in baby steps, both trying to avoid the students practicing and out of nervousness. He noticed me and looked at me curiously. "Yes?" he asked and I answered him (shakily) that I was going to deliver his copy of the script.
He just nodded and held out his hand. I took out the script and handed it to him with shaky hands. "Thanks," he said with a polite smile.
With a quiet 'you're welcome,' I scurried out of the gym. I wanted slap myself for looking like some weirdo in front of Kyungsoo. But I was still glad that I found him too. I went back to school to continue working on the things I'm supposed to do, still feeling both embarrassed and glad.
At least in this universe, you're still here and that's enough for me.
With all my heart,
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awed-frog · 7 years
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[read the rest of Angst and Feels on AO3]
For this and for everything else I’ve forgotten and for what I can’t put into words, today, on International Fanworks Day, I’d like to leave a giant kudos to everyone out there who’s doing their best to keep storytelling alive. The AO3 staff and its volunteers, of course. The writers. The readers. The people who kudo, bookmark and comment. The people who make lists and share them. The people who squeal and jump around in their rooms because that one story was just that great and now they can’t even. The people who write about unknown characters, and who toil on their crossover AUs no one will perhaps ever read. Those who take the time to help others with their grammar, punctuation and character development. Those who wake up with a dialogue in their heads and offer it up as a prompt, letting it go like a colourful balloon; trusting someone else to find it and smile at it and make it theirs. And also the other people. The fansubbers. The translators. The podfic creators. The giffers, who can tell a whole story in a sequence five seconds long. The university researchers who write very long metas and the people who take the time to say this and make someone’s day.
And, of course, a big thank you to that other part of the community - the ‘real’ storytellers - the writers and the screenwriters and the poets who have chosen this difficult, vampiric profession and won’t give it up, not for anything. The actors who work so hard to bring our favourite characters to life and who create new characters for us to love. The directors and cameramen and sound and light technicians and wardrobe experts and literary agents and producers and everyone else - all those people who said to themselves, I want to tell stories for a living because there’s nothing else I’d rather do.
Thank you for making our world a bit more magical.
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