#thank you for sending an ask!
randomfoggytiger · 11 months
Inbox being weird again, had to repost (sorry, anon!)
What are your thoughts on IWTB? It’s now on hulu and I am like 15 minutes in to a rewatch (I’ve watched FtF a truly offensive number of times but have only seen this once, when it first came out) and am absolutely incensed already. I’m having trouble making sense of their characters, they seem so OOC to me — even with the understanding that they are (possibly both) depressed and life on the run has really jaded and hardened them. Also its so weird to me that Amanda Peet reaches out to touch Mulders cheek bc he cut himself shaving? Just bizarre behavior all around!
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It is a truly bizarre movie. I've not seen it; but I have done extensive research on it, if that makes sense. I think it can be summed up by this one Tumblr post I saw (and lost, someone help me find it!) that noted Mulder requested a helicopter for himself and Scully to, essentially, walk a few street blocks to the next location. Because CC wanted a helicopter in his movie and he was going to get it, somehow, someway.
Below is a tragically long post filled with article links for more enjoyment~.
(**Note**: Will edit this post later, brb.)
TLDR: A movie/tv series worth its salt is well-written, end of story. It doesn't matter how excellent or in-character the themes or motifs or etc. are if the characters are badly written or act out-of-turn. You cannot have a god-tier theme about fighting back the Darkness and seeking for the Truth if at every opportunity the characters themselves reject the message continually in ways that make no sense, especially when they have a history of stellar characterization and well-thought-out opinions and actions. This movie is a prime example of that.
There are numerous blogs here that have already (rightfully) griped about IWTB, so I won't go into plot nonsense or whatnot. But I DO have interviews that show how roughshod the movie making process was before it even hit theatres, so....
I first heard about IWTB's flaws peripherally through this article (that trashes the Revival, highly recommend. Written by a CC fan, too, so it's not a bash-sesh against the Creator.) It spoke endearingly-ish about IWTB, believing it to be more in-character than the Revival (yup.... unfortunately.) Then I started perusing fan opinions... and everyone pretty much agreed it was awful in most parts and shippy in others.
TBH, shippy doesn't mean squat to me. Maybe it's how I'm wired, but I was drawn to The X-Files because the romance is so unspoken with very light kisses. I 100% get Chris Carter's restraint perspective; but I also get the fans' perspective, that it's gone too far to ignore or take back. An example: the movie sets up a "gasp, really??" mystery that Scully is a doctor with a life separate from Mulder, driving over to him to try to get him involved in the FBI manhunt. It's taken back almost immediately when Mulder later springs up beside her in bed, but it's those little touches that start to confuse the message. And then throw in Scully insisting Mulder join the chase while Gillian Anderson acted her completely opposite to what she was saying and you start to see the mess unravel. Then Mulder tosses aside his loyalty to Scully-- something that is KEY to his character, having formerly left his life's work for her and even left his newborn son when she told him to-- to chase the very monsters she begged him to chase but is now begging him not to. There is no reason given other than "It's who I am", which is NOT who Mulder is: he is a man willing to sacrifice who he is and what makes him tick over and over for Scully's sake. This not only breaks his character in-movie, it nullifies all his actions and choices in the original series, stripping them of their consequences and weight.
The movie, I believe, was supposed to be about Mulder and Scully scrabbling against the Darkness while also lost in confusion: they're together but Scully feels threatened by Agent Whitney, Mulder no's the case before getting wrapped up into it, Scully supports then withdraws her support (and LEAVES??), both rely on the word of a pedophile priest (a similar alliance to Luthor Lee Boggs but creepier and less redeemable... and even Boggs wasn't redeemed), and finally Scully casts aside her doubts to get back in the saddle and save Mulder. It seems a compelling story, no? ...No.
An example of the "confusion" theme of the plot: When Mulder meets up with the other agents to discuss terms (I suppose), the camera briefly pans to random people walking past him in the hallway-- one of them is the actress who played his little sister in the OG series; and the camera makes it a point for Mulder to notice that fact... but so briefly and quickly it never made an impression on him permanently, a.k.a. a seeming callback. BUT when Scully yells at him (before? after? I dunno) about always looking for his sister, this is the scene that was supposed to back her up? In which case: dude, we all saw the Samantha Agent. She did, indeed, look like Samantha; and she had NOTHING to do with this case. The only explanation Scully had for her tasteless remark was that she thought Mulder was full-on delusional or so stubborn he was projecting his own demons onto this case. Y'know... the case he didn't want and only got more involved in to SAVE LIVES. In which case, it doesn't fit with the themes of the movie at all: Mulder was right here, Scully was wrong; but the movie stated that SCULLY was right, or at least half-right, and Mulder was at least half-wrong. It's all nonsense.
The dialogue is atrocious. Absolutely appalling. Which makes sense to an extent: CC and Spotnitz had this movie written out right after the series ended as an attempt to gain back the studio's attention. No such luck; and when FOX was finally interested to make more money, the script notes were accidentally lost; so CC and Frank blitzkrieged up a final draft in just a few weeks (very not good.) This and this article breaks down how Spotnitz (in his own words) watched CC battle FOX from the sidelines for the movie, then scramble with him to complete a draft in time for filming; and it explains (but doesn't justify) the stilted dialogue, horrendous pacing issues, and disjointed theme. To summarize:
""Frank Spotnitz: ...The pressure in television is incredible because you’ve got to keep coming up with another script, another script, another script. The movie was completely different. We started work on the story in 2003, and then got derailed for four years by deal-making and the threat of a lawsuit. Then when we returned to it in 2007, we’d lost our notes.
Lost your notes?
Frank Spotnitz: We’d put them on note cards to pitch the studio, and we couldn’t locate them. At first, we were very unhappy, but it ended up being a blessing in disguise. We remembered what the case was about, but the emotional beats, the personal beats between Mulder and Scully, we had to start from scratch, and we had changed."" 
Frank Spotnitz claims it was effortless to get back in their characters' heads; and, while that may be true, it was certainly not effortless to put them down on paper.
The messaging of the movie was so confusing that Mark Snow, the composer, didn't read all of it correctly (which is important for the person composing the score for each scene):
""Now the plot of I Want To Believe has characteristically remained a secret – I don’t suppose you can tell us anything about what we can expect from this film?
Well the interesting part was, when I read the script the first thing I got out of it was deep, dark complexity and I spoke to Chris Carter afterwards and he said ‘what do you think?’, I said ‘man, it’s so complex and dark and mysterious’, and he said ‘and it’s a love story with religious overtones…’ Okay! He said ‘just keep that in mind’ and you know I re-read it and I got what he meant, and then seeing the movie I certainly got what he meant. Besides the Mulder and Scully relationship there are some other very very emotional, intimate if you would, moments there that do add spiritual and religious weight to it...."" 
This article does well at picking apart the claims (some ludicrous) for and against the movie But, for time's sake, let's skip to the summary of the very sloppy (and downright goofy) climax of the movie:
""The biggest shortcoming may be that the case is solved by both Mulder and Scully independently and simultaneously, and thanks to coincidences on both their behalf. Mulder’s investigative skills lead him to the villain thanks to a simple visit to a local store; stem cell research for organ transplants and for curing Christian allow the two storylines to cross, but Scully having a revelation by finding the villain’s research on the internet through a non-related search draws the odds extremely. There is little actual investigation and the case is wrapped up too quickly. All those are little things — but they pile up to too much.""
Both the actors had "notes" and "questions" (read here) about their characters when they first got the script, with Gillian Anderson admitting how hard it was to find her character (post here)--
""Gillian Anderson: I had a similar experience. This feels so weird. Summertime. I didn’t have all the running around that David had to do, but I did have my own unfortunate beginning which was starting with one of the most difficult scenes for Scully in the film where it’s later on in the script and she goes through a range of emotions in confronting Billy Connolly’s  character. I just had a really time for those first couple of days that that scene was. I had a really hard time just finding her, finding her voice. I think I must’ve gone through ten other characters in the process of trying to get to her when I had assumed that I would be able to show up on the first day and it would just be there. It wasn’t until I think day three when we got to work together, not just necessarily in a familiar environment which it really wasn’t, but in the environment of each other and the relationship and that it kind of felt natural and familiar and I felt like I’d landed this time."" --
but it was David Duchovny who was surprisingly the most honest to the press about his (measured) thoughts, as he's usually the most reticent. He always wanted to do a movie series, liking the scope and freedom it would give him with acting and scheduling; but he mentioned, once or twice, that he wished IWTB had been a bigger action film in the vein of FTF. Further, he admits to an interviewer about his thoughts and his (slight) dissatisfaction with Mulder's out-of-character element here:
""Since The X-Files: I Want to Believe may not have been the huge blockbuster that everyone was hoping for, we’d like to know: What is your own measure of success for the movie?
Duchovny: I guess it’s always the first time I see the movie. What’s my feeling when I come out? I always felt like the subject matter of this particular movie was limiting. It was dark, and it wasn’t going....
I’ve only seen it one time, and I was sitting in Chris’ editing room. I watched it on a little screen. I guess I missed the chance to see it on the big screen, and that’s too bad, but when I left that initial screening at Chris’ house, the film was pretty much almost done except for some special effects. I just felt like it was really strong and kind of a strangely moving piece of work. Still dark, and still, I thought, limited, but the way that the movie performed did not surprise me so much, and I think that if we do get a chance to do another one … what I always really liked about the show was that it had a dark vision, but at the heart of it being driven by Mulder was this real optimism or wonder or sense of belief, and then it would kind of open out. Most of the best shows that we did would open out into real wonder at the end, if only because you didn’t have an answer, which was the mystery of it, but the wonder.
Mulder’s quest, to me, is a very positive one. If we get a chance to do another one, I think because in this movie Mulder kept getting reinvigorated, Mulder was in a down place for much of this film; he wasn’t driving the way he drives, the way he drove everything before that. In a way, the nature of how we had to get back into the show, which was to take the guy out of his job, also deprived the movie of some optimism and wonder and enlightenment that occurs when you’ve got this unhinged guy trying to prove wonderful crazy things.""
And while DD defended IWTB's box office failings as having to compete against Batman, one of the previous articles I linked had the savvy to tackle that reason and debunk it:
""The defenders of IWTB will endlessly complain about the budget (but look at what a feast Darren Aronofsky did with $35 million: “The Fountain” (2006)), the fact that it’s low-key ‘intellectual’ and not blockbuster-like (so is “There Will Be Blood” (2007), $25 million, and countless other generally agreed upon masterpieces), the lousy promotion (but look at what good word of mouth can do with a movie few believed in in the beginning: “The Matrix” (1999), $65 million), the unforseen success of “The Dark Knight” as competition (hardly an argument) or trends in selfish cinema critics (as if a bad reception is the sole result of a conspiracy).
However what will remain in history is not the whys and hows but the what: the final product itself. And the truth is that if IWTB featured characters other than Mulder and Scully, this would be a not very memorable movie.""
Needless to say: the entire movie's a mess, and it's down to the roots. While beautiful visually and musically-- all the reviews and cast and crew had nothing to say against that-- the characters and the script and the plot were a horrible mishmash that highlighted its weaknesses and smashed down its strengths.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble; and sorry if this didn't do what you needed! But you did inspire me to find all the old angry IWTB discussions/posts on Tumblr (archive hopping, heheheh) and put them all in one place. So, look forward to that sometime in the future, I suppose~!
Disclaimers: I do not like canon after S8; and that's only because they get a happy ending and, even though it has garbage canon decisions, the characters were able to save most of it and forget the rest. But I will treat IWTB as its own thing devoid of my personal opinion.
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lassusog · 1 year
Hello ! Have a one sentence for Royai 😁
"I don't mind the rain."
, announces the host of the radio programme. “It’s good for nature, you know? Makes the flowers bloom.”
“Cleans my car as well,” jokes the programme’s guest.
Roy grits his teeth and shifts in his car seat, resisting the urge to rest a hand against his scarred side. The rain the clouds are spitting feels like it’s hitting it directly. Every drop lands on one damaged nerve that never quite healed after he admitted himself early from the hospital.
“You can’t appreciate the sun if you don’t deal with a little rain,” hums the host philosophically.
His Lieutenant turns off the radio with one swift move before he can.
“We’re nearly there,” she informs him, glancing briefly at him and turning her eyes back on the road with a new crease on her forehead.
“I could have driven,” he says, even as with the barest bump of the car against an uneven piece of road pain erupts from his lower back and abdomen. Some days, it feels like it wasn’t Lust who lost the fight.
If he were to say that out loud though, the crease on his Lieutenant’s forehead would become permanent, so he sits up straighter and says, “A frown is not typically what one wants to elicit from women."
They stop at a red light, and she turns to him, her frown growing deeper. “Wow, that’s worse.” His smile is small and strained when he attempts it.
Her eyes somehow soften and harden at the same time. “You don’t have to pretend with me,” she says, and he doesn’t know what to do with her gentle words.
He looks away and hears her sigh.
Moving quickly to get out of the car and inside her apartment building to avoid the shower drains what strength he had left in him. As they stand inside the escalator, it takes all his self-control to not simply lie on the floor and tell her to leave him there.
When the doors open, she briefly puts a hand on his arm, a silent encouragement for him to stop leaning against the wall and get out. It’s a testament to how badly he’s been hiding his pain when she even smiles a little through equally badly concealed concern.
And it’s a testament to how bad the pain is when he can’t find the willpower to do something about it.
The moment they get inside her apartment, Hayate rushes to greet them, overjoyed to have found them return together. His Lieutenant’s frown evaporates, and for one beautiful moment she smiles warmly at her dog, an automatic response to his uninhibited display of love, and its sight somehow makes him forget his side.
Then Roy unconsciously shifts some of his weight on his left leg and fails to control the way his breath hitches.
She turns her head sharply to him, all lines of worry back on her face. The abrupt transition from joy to worry – caused by him – is akin to a slap on the face. Suddenly, the need to be in his apartment, on his bed, with painkillers already inside of him, feels like an enormous weight on his shoulders, demanding what little the pain has left of him.
“Where are the papers?” he asks and it comes out ugly, all his exhaustion and frustration blending together, mixing with the cold that has been settling itself deeper into his chest as her worry creased her features more and more as the day has gone by.
She doesn’t flinch away from him, however. Instead, her expression settles into something determined, almost calm, that he doesn’t question, just as he doesn’t question it when she tells him to sit on her newly bought couch – a gift from him and Rebecca for her birthday last week that they both dragged inside her apartment – where he sinks and realises, he’ll never stand up from. Hayate hops onto it beside him and settles himself against his right.
The couch is soft, the dog is warm, and he is tired, so it takes little time for his eyes to close.
They open again when a second source of warmth settles itself on his left.
Roy blinks and finds his Lieutenant sitting next to him with her uniform jacket gone, replaced with a lavender sweater, holding a glass of water and a pill in each hand.
As he turns to take them from her, he realises he isn’t wearing his black coat. The thought that he didn’t ever register her helping him out of it is pushed aside by the naked relief the sight of the painkiller evokes in him.
The water he washes it down with is cold and clears his head somewhat.
“Did you kidnap me to your apartment under false pretences?” he asks and before he can push himself forward to set the glass on the floor, she’s taken it from his hand and set it on the table in the middle of the living room.
“In the eight years we’ve worked together I’ve never forgotten papers you had to sign in my apartment,” she says and settles back next to him so naturally, one would have thought that this sort of intimacy was a thing they were used to, that they enjoyed frequently.
“I’ve been sharper,” he admits and finds that his smile, although small, isn’t strained this time. She gives him a small smile back, and ah, it’s a warm thing, her smile, when she lets it show.
“I had to get you out of the office, and I didn’t want you to drive in this weather in the state you're in,” she says and he confirms, once more, that he’ll never stop loving this woman. A war, scars, supernatural beings, and military policies haven’t done anything to stifle this truth.
So, he simply leans his head against her shoulder, slumped as he is and at the right height to do it. A part of him waits for her to tell him to sit straight and stop breaching protocol. Another part is not surprised when she leans her head on his and they settle together more comfortably on the couch.
Before sleep claims him, he thinks that sometimes you don’t have to wait for the rain to pass to enjoy the sun.
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hawktims · 5 months
FT ask game
9, 10 + 11 😄
(from @feelingpure)
Thank you for sending an ask! ❤️
9. What is your favourite headcanon(s)?
Answered here but I'll add one more and say that after Tim dies Hawk starts wearing the tie Tim gave him for Christmas again (it was always his favorite) as a way to somehow keep Tim with him still (if you think about it the tie rests just over his heart 💔).
10. f the show had one more episode, what would it be about?
Answered here
11. What era did you like the most and why (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s)?
I HATE choosing because they all have something great about them. I think I have a soft spot for the 50s since it's where we see Hawk and Tim become smitten with each other for the first time. The 80s were also nice. It pained me seeing Tim getting sicker by the minute but I loved that he at least had something he was passionate about fighting for. Also grandpa Hawk's gotten much softer. I liked the small moments of them being cute (the cuddling in Tim's hospital bed, "it feels like we're on a date").
fellow travelers ask game
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crazypercheron · 25 days
WIP game: through
WIP from my Convex fic. (inspired by "Incandescence of a Dying Light" HermitcraftxFirewatch fanfic) Because the Sentence was too short, I'll post the entire paragraph instead lol
Suddenly, the identifying shrill of a rattling bell rang down the hallway and out through the screen of Cub’s front door. The homeowner turned and gave Scar a look, crossing his arms to express his disapproval at being lied to. However, the credibility of the threat was quickly lost when Cub saw how much Scar’s face suddenly lit up. And to his surprise, it was a genuine smile at that. “Ahh! Right on cue!” Scar grinned, limping past Cub at a quicken pace, the rubber tip of his trekking pole thudding rhythmically along the ground. “‘Xcuse me Cub, that phone call’s for me.”
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mywaywardcupcake · 1 month
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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OMFG. But to give you a real answer, according to Google, 700 pounds??? Dear God.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 2 years
I want a request of Obanai threatening Asta
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Asta better watch out because he might accidentally charm everyone-
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97keanu · 11 months
Hi, can you do an headcanon about being Tommy Warnecki's girlfriend, please?🙏❤️
Of course!!
The main things I think being Tommy's gf would consist of are:
Tommy wanting to see you at school all the time, he'd probably try to get some classes with you and sit next to you in class trying to make you laugh all the time
Him asking to come over for "study" sessions but you know he's just coming over to goof off with you and maybe a make out sess while watching tv
this boy is PUPPY! He loves going for walks with you, he loves his head rubbed and he loves doing anything for a treat!
You two probably hang out at the local mall a lot on weekends, tommy seems like a "grab a slushie and people watch while joking about what they're doing/where they're going" type
I feel like tommy would be really into trying to get good grades for you, and you motivate him a lot in the end, and he's super grateful for the successful study sessions you do end up having every once in a while
Expect small pranks, never ones that hurt you, but I'm sure he would love to do little things just to confuse/make you laugh.
Expect long, drawn out make out sessions, tommy def loves getting his hands all over you and experimenting.
Overall, I think tommy is just super loving, a bit goofy, and a little dumb, but in a cute way. He would do anything to make you laugh or blush, and he loves teasing you playfully. Any outtings or gifts will be a bit childish but its just so fun! He really cares and tries to show it even if it doesn't come out right :)
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
🎤 and Bill!! 👀
This is when he stole Dipper’s body, but I just love how excited he sounds here and how much of a rush he’s getting!
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iindigoeyed · 10 months
So I'm not sure if your a fan of the English dub or not. But I thought I'd let you know as someone who also loves Feligami. The episode Pretension comes out in English dub this Saturday on July 15th! ☺️
AHH i know!!! i got into the show from the english dub :DD and im definitely going to watch the eng version of pretension when it's out! <33
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hong--zhi--zhu · 1 year
#28, #29, and #30 for the music ask game?
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Takehito Koyasu - Someday (character song from Weiß Kreuz)
Non Takehito Koyasu answer:
Bird Thongchai McIntyre - Miss You
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Real McCoy - Run Away
For some reason I liked to imagine dramatic werewolf scenarios to this song whenever I heard it on the radio so I've personally linked it to werewolves ever since.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better
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theraedar · 1 year
Hi! 14 and 30 for the art ask game please~
14. Any favorite motifs
Answered here!
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
My collab with miu! I hope you can show it some love<3 also maybe this squad piece haha I was really excited to put them in matching varsity jackets and then the bday union jackets came out a year later and I was like YESSS
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lassusog · 2 months
Hello! 1, 29, 35 for the fiction writer's asks, please~ 🩵 Thanks!
I'm so egregiously late for this, thank you so much for your patience!
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Er, when I haven't reread anything I've written I feel great about my writing so maybe a 4? When I'm writing something or when I've scrolled through some of my stuff I think it's pure garbage so 2. It depends on what day you catch me.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
My most recent fic, "Your hands, holding me up" was written on a time crunch for the fma secret santa exchange, and I stressed about that a lot. It was also my fist time using a beta reader! The end result was worse for the former and better for the latter, but ultimately, it's just not my favourite. I've received some lovely comments, which I'm eternally grateful for, but it haunts me, a little bit. There were many scenes I didn't have time to write, and I wish I could re-do it. Jedi, who betaed it was amazing though, and the work is better for having her go through it.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Why is writing so difficult? I can picture everything I want to write in my head, but just can't get myself to sit down and write it. It's infuriating! Also, I really wish ao3 would have a recommendations column based on other works you'd left kudos on, because I find it really difficult to find new works sometimes.
Thank you so much for leaving an ask and I'm terribly sorry I kept forgetting to answer it!
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lelitachay · 1 year
Who's your favourite character and why is Elsa? (i love her too btw)
Guilty as charged. I cannot lie.
But, even though I love Elsa and you could say she's my favourite character, I love Anna almost as much! The thing is, I see myself in Anna in a lot of things - not all, but a lot. And so, I think that's why I love Elsa. I understand the way Anna feels towards her sister. And just like Anns, all I want to do is hug Elsa and make sure she's okay.
I think that, in a way, I find Elsa’s character fascinating because she's so different to me.
I'm glad to know we're in the same team, BTW. Arendelle sisters are the best 💪
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we-are-so-close · 1 year
hi ash congrats on your milestone! i'd like a matchup/caramel apple cheesecake please <3 you can choose between haikyuu, jjk, and mha for the fandoms, any gender is okay (says the bi flag pfp haver lol)
as for myself uhh. my sense of humor can be quite dry and sarcastic, i joke a lot to cope with things. i'm quite introverted and reserved, takes a while for me to open up, apparently lol. i love learning things and i tend to go on wikipedia/search rabbit holes about random topics. i enjoy all things artistic and creative: art, music, writing, etc. i'm honest, sometimes a little too much so and uhhh that's all i can think about. congrats again <33
I match you with....
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-Sero is friends with Bakugou, Denki, and Kirishima...all of them have different levels of humor so i think that he would understand your sense of humor perfectly
-he also likes loves to joke around, especially with you
-he knows it takes a lot for you to open up, so when you can freely joke around and laugh with him, he knows that he's someone you feel comfortable around
-he saves all of his funniest jokes and bits for you because he loves to hear you laugh
-when the two of you joke around together is one of his favorite things
-but he's extremely perceptive and knows when something is wrong (even if you try to cover it up with laughs)
-you are both very honest people and that makes the relationship work so well
-neither of you have a problem with calling each other out (out of love, not spite) for doing something you probably shouldn't have
-he also gets invested in the things you are interested in
-could sit and listen to you talk about anything, honestly
-if you're going down a rabbit hole, he's going with you
-will try any of the hobbies you have (even if his is terrible, he's still really proud of it and keeps anything you make for him)
-i also really like the headcanon that if you try to walk away from him, he'll use his tape to stop you (wrap it around you or block the doorway)
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Eyoo, itachi and shisui for the character bingo :))
lmao yes good question, what do i think of that one uchiha who was so traumatized and feared war to the point he ended up slaughtering his entire clan except for his little brother all for the sake of peace, and the other uchiha who got his eye stolen so he *checks notes* ripped the other eye out, put it in a crow and gave it to his mentally unstable cousin for safekeeping before committing suicide?? true blorbo material haha <3
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itachi is the kind of character i want to study like a bug. i don't agree with his actions (tho i do agree that if the uchiha had gone through with their coup it would've only resulted in a civil war - i don't understand uchiha stans who miss that point entirely) but i do find him fascinating. this 13yo traumatized brat rly was like noooo no war!!11! and then. just.... killed his whole clan. he traumatized his own little brother over and over and over IN THE NAME OF LOVE! HE RLY WENT I LOVE YOU OTOUTO AFTER EVERYTHING ACHAKFHSJFH???!!! that's some iconic bullshit right there lol. i love him in a very very weird way. he's terrible but he's fascinating af.
i also want to study kishimoto too for that matter considering that narratively itachi is supposed to be a good guy. all the ex kage saying he behaved like a kage??? naruto acknowledging him as a good guy??? even sasuke too??? he rly gave us this utterly fucked up character and his fucked up actions and then said yeah that one is a good one :) like???? kishi has some issues himself and i wanna know what those are except for the obvious misogyny which we all know of
shisui is. there i guess. i don't watch any fillers so i have only canon to go from, which isn't much at all, but he gets extra points for being the second prettiest uchiha to ever live. if he ever committed any crimes, he's forgiven bc of his pretty eyelashes and the cute curls <3
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sinkingsubmission · 2 years
Edging this morning?🖤
I wish! I woke up late and wasted too much time just being warm in bed for that. Maybe if I get my work done quick enough I can take a mid-day shower and have fun in there though
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