#thaank you for helping me out
pennyluna · 2 months
Misunderstanding Part 5
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader 18+
Wordcount: 2.540 Really hope you guys enjoy it ❤️
Genre: Working together au. - Cold Player reputation Au - Future something au.
Warning: This story contains strong language and Spicy/sexual scenes. Be aware before reading.
In the past week, Yoongi and I have spent a couple of nights together in my apartment, his driver would drop him off at the back entrance of the building late at night. We have been very professional when working together, limiting our personal relationship to stolen glances. Except for that one afternoon he asked me for some help preparing for an interview that wasn't in my schedule but turned out to be a trick to give us some time alone and we ended up having some fun in his studio before he left for a 4 day trip, thank God the studio is soundproof. 
Yoongi is coming back tomorrow night, I have been using my free time catching up on some sleep or with Josie and Zion, my best friends. We are having dinner at my apartment tonight, its pasta and wine night. Josie and I are wearing our XL t-shirts and shorts with fluffy socks. I am Laughing at my best friends who jokingly argue about how Zion came straight from a meeting at work wearing a suit convinced that Josie had brought a change of clothes for him.
"Babeㅡ  You can wear one of (Y/N)'s XL t-shirt's!" Josie sounds serious but I know she is trying not to laugh. 
"Josie, her t-shirts aren't going to fit me in the same way they fit you. I'm 6.4, you guys are garden gnomes next to me." Zion says while chopping all the ingredients for the pasta sauce. He is cooking for us tonight and I am thankful. He is a great cook.
"HEY!!" I complain from the couch and he gives me a mocking face.
"Baby, its okay you look hot. Book boyfriend material"  She rubs his back and then whispers something in his ear and by the look on his face, I am glad to not hear it.  They are such a gorgeous couple.
"So (Y/N), any idea who is the next VIP you will be in charge of?" Zion and I work in the same company but different fields, he is a producer, a great one too. "I am working withㅡ"
"MMH MMH. No work talk." Josie Interrupts him before he can finish the sentence that was spiking my curiosity but generally when we start to talk about work, we end up going down a rabbit hole. Zion groans in mock like complain and she gives him a pat in the butt and walks towards where I am sitting. "So tell me, how is it going with 'you know who'!!" she smirks, Zion always goes into overprotective big brother mode whenever I start seeing someone, specially  since I got my heart broken by one of his friends in college, so we didn't tell him about my situation with Yoongi. Also I wouldn't know what to tell him about it since I am not sure if there is anything to say.
"Nothing new" I talk with a low voice as well, telling her about our week and how it feels right to be with him, I tell her about how he causally handed me an Ice coffee after a meeting, earning us a couple of curious looks and then left before I could even say thank you but followed it with a single message " ;) " that made me smile.
"He is coming back tomorrow night so I won't see him until we are back to work on Monday " I say trying my best to sound nonchalant.
She scans my face and then smirks "Girl.. that is in like tree days... He is leaving in a little over a week, right ? Don't waste any time pretending you don't care."
She is right but still I shrug at her when our conversation is interrupted by Zion who is placing the food in front of us. 
"THAANK YOUUU" Josie and I singsong at the same time.
We have a couple of bottles of wine while talking about random things, playing some video games in which Zion won multiple times and Josie and I had to endure his boosted ego for the rest of the night. At some point some wine ended up on Zion's baby blue shirt and Josie hand washed it in my bathroom, he refused to use on of my t-shirts. It was too late and they were too drunk to drive so we turned the dinner into a sleep over.
Around 8 am a loud knock wakes me up, I look over at Josie who is peacefully sleeping next to me and I hear Zion groan from the living room where he slept, then I hear the door open and some muffled conversation so I decide to go and check what's going on. 
Walking out from my room moving s couple of strands of my messy hair off my face "Zi, Who's at the door? is early as Fuㅡ" I cant finish my sentence when I notice Yoongi standing next to Zion who's expression is the pure definition of confusion.  My heart is racing in Excitement "Yoongi? Howㅡ You are back!" God I missed him "I thought you weren't coming back until tonightㅡ"
"Obviously." he cuts me off and his cold tone catches me by surprise. "I shouldn't have come here."  
"Yoongiㅡ" I notice how he is looking between Zion and me. Shirtless, Sleepy faced Zion. Who is trying to fix his hair and looking at us trying to catch on whatever is going on. Shit. Yoongi thinks something happened between us. "OH,NOㅡ Yoongi, no.. Nothing happened. This is ㅡ"
"You don't owe me an explanation. I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry for the intrusion. See you on Monday." He rushes out the door and I try to go after him but Zions hand stops me.
"I don't know what the FUCK is going on right now. But if you run after him like THAT" Zion gives a nod towards my body and I instantly notice the lack of a bra under my t-shirt, mixed with my messy hair and clothes, I can only imagine what Yoongi was thinking "and someone sees you two, shit will go sideways." His voice sounds angry and worried at the same time while walking away from me "Now. I'll make us some coffee while you.." he now nods towards the bar stool at my kitchen Island. "...sit and start talking."
I told Zion Everything, He was annoyed because I am risking my career by sleeping with a VIP. He gave me so much shit about the entire situation and then told me to be careful, both with my work and my heart. He advised me to clear things up with Yoongi and then break it off. Specially because he is also working with Yoongi. I see his point but I cant easily end something that feels this good and this right.
Josie Apologized for being asleep through the entire thing, only showing up when Zion had ended the questioning. She disagrees with the idea of me ending things with Yoongi. She thinks Yoongi has feelings for me, otherwise he wouldn't have showed up at my apartment that early right after his flight and wouldn't have gotten mad when seeing another man in my apartment. "But you need to clear up the confusion about you and Zion. I love you like a sister but I draw the line at sister wives." Her attempt at comedy earned an eyeroll from me and a kiss from Zion. 
I spent the weekend trying to reach Yoongi, but he wouldn't answer the phone and I couldn't exactly text him about it because risking our little secret on the hands of whomever is holding his phone while he does things didn't feel like the right thing to do. 
On Monday Yoongi spent the day mostly in his studio, when we did see each other it wasn't an appropriate moment to start a conversation, at least not that conversation. I spent the rest of the day miserable because the disappointed look in his face before he left my apartment on Saturday morning kept replaying in my head. He is leaving in a week and I don't want that to be the last memory of us. I don't want that to be how we leave things. 
I am at my desk reading some paperwork for a new project... who am I lying to... I am only pretending because I can't concentrate.  
A presence behind me startles me, It's Zion. I turn in my chair to look at him, who's smile is wide. "called your name a couple of times..." He arches an eyebrow once he sees my face. "You look distracted."
"I'm just busy" I try to play it cool "Waitㅡ What are you doing here?"  He usually stays in the floors where the studios are. I scan him, he is wearing a casual outfit and is holding a paper bag that peaks my curiosity.
"Yes, its for you. Unwelcoming ass." He hands it to me "I need to finish some work with your VIP" 
"Oh that's cool." I tuned him, turning around and placing the bag on my desk, focusing on the paper bag's content. A Chocolate Fudge Muffin. My favorite. "Thank youuuu" I smile brightly at him and Zion bends to hug my back and gives me a kiss on my temple.
"You are welcome! Thought you might need that"
Zion is still hugging me and I'm only give him a few more seconds of that because of the muffin but soon I am laughing and elbowing away when he tries to give me another kiss on my temple, he knows it annoys me when he does that but suddenly he freezes "Oh oh... I think I just made things worse."
"Whatㅡ" I look at his face and then follow where his eyes are looking and freeze. Yoongi. He  is standing in front of the glass door to my office and is just looking at us. For fucks sake. I push my friend away and get up to open the door for Yoongi but he beats me to it an walks into my office. 
"Yoongi.. Hey... Can I help you with something?" Why do I sound so awkward. fuuuck.
"I was told I could find you here... " wait.. he is not looking at me. He isn't talking to me. "You are Producer Zi right?" his words sound calm and professional but his eyes say something different, He seems annoyed.
Zion snaps out of what seemed to be his attempt to give us some sort of privacy. "OH, Yeah man. That's me. We ready to go?"
My eyes snap from Yoongi to Zion, "Wait what? Whereㅡ? Zi?"
"I tried to tell you the other night and I told you again today while You were drooling over the muffin."
"Noㅡ " Oh fuck he did say it, when I was on a muffin trance. I look towards Yoongi who seems to be just standing there avoiding eye contact while looking at his phone. 
"You never listen" he says coming close to me and whispering in my ear "I will talk to him for you." while Yoongi walks to the door. "Eat your muffin." Zion orders before following Yoongi out.
I look at them until they disappear around a corner then walk back to my desk, staring at the paperwork on top of it. "Good luck focusing on my work now" I mutter to myself.
I spent the rest of the day not being able to focus on work so I decided to leave early, hoping that going home and taking a bath would calm me down but I was hyperaware of every ping on my phone and of every person walking in the hallway outside my apartment. I don't know what I was waiting for, Zion telling me he had talked to Yoongi? Yoongi telling me he didn't care? whatever it was that I was subconsciously waiting for, never came.  
Tuesday came and Tuesday left and still no news. I should just let it go, I need to focus back on work. I need to focus on closing this project well and start preparing for the next one, so that is exactly what I am doing on Wednesday night on my couch. I am deep on paperwork looking at the two project I could be participating in next, none of them seem as exciting as working with Yoongi but lets be honest, no other project will be the same as working with Yoongi.
I look confused at the time, its late. Its 10.28 PM but Ms. Cole, my neighbor had said something about dropping some potato salad off and she always had a weird timing. However when i open the door my breath hitches. 
"Hi." Yoongi's voice is soft.
"Hi.." I am not even sure if he hear that, my voice was so low. We stare at each other until he interrupts.
"Can I come in?" he says nodding towards my apartment and I realize I'm frozen in the middle of my door, so I hurry to the side and usher him in. There is a few minutes of silence until he decides to interrupt it. "I spoke Zionㅡ I have been embarrassed to come talk to you" 
I open my mouth to speak but he raises a hand stopping me "I came back early because I missed you and wanted to see your face when I told you about my plan for us. But when I saw him here without a Shirt on and you coming from the bedroom, it bothered me. I thought the worst." He continues explaining while pulling on his fingers. 
"Yoongi.. I am sure Zi already explained our relationship so I wont get into that" I reach out and grab his hand. "But I need you to know, I'm not interested in any other guy. I don't know what this is but I want you regardless." I say in my most reassuring voice and pull myself closer to him. "I missed you and I was scared that our last memory would be of a misunderstanding."
We sit on my couch and talk about the situation until Yoongi gets a message and he looks at me with a wide smile "I don't know how you will feel about it but I have a plan, I wasn't sure they were going to accept it so I didn't want to tell you about it before."
"Okay.. do you want to tell me about it now" I look at him, appreciating his smirk.
"You should check your email"
I reach for my computer and there is an unread email in it with the title 'PROJECT EXTENSION' I look at Yoongi, who is just smiling and looking at me back. "Maybe we could create new memories and see what this is. No pressure" he says. 
Smirking at him in confusion I turn back to my computer and my eyes widen when I read it.
Good evening Miss (Y/L/N) After careful consideration and after observing the good work chemistry you have with our team We would like to invite you to join our staff as Min Yoongi's personal interpreter on and for the duration of the upcoming Agust D world tour.  Please find attached the documents with a deeper explanation of what your role would be and the contract. Please let us know if you decide to accept. Kind Regards, Hybe!
A.N: I hope you guys enjoy part 5. I would be really thankful if you could leave a like/repost or some feedback. ❤️ Also please let me know any comments about this story or if you have any personal requests.
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saruman-the-silly · 10 months
Saruman the Silly's Masterlist and Rules
Helloo and welcome to my blog :D the name is Saruman on here, pronouns she/they, and I write! for Ghost! I'm 20 years old and have listened to Ghost for almost a year now :)
Important: I don't write or post regularly!! I try to post at least twice a month but definitely not more :D I post whenever I get an inspiration to write stuff :D but I appreciate everyone who reads my stuff and follows my silly little writings <3
hope you enjoy my stuff! <3
- no discrimination of any kind is welcome here, this is an LGBTQ+ safe space and a safe space for everyone! if you wanna act like a silly goose and won't follow this rule, you will be blocked goodbye lol
- Minors! Please, behave! since I'm 20, minors being here makes me a bit uncomfy. This blog is 17+ so any younger than do not interact!! (the only reason its gonna be 17+ and not 18+ because I don't intend write or post NSFW content but anyway, yeah)
- I write for the ghouls & ghoulettes and the papas!
- I don't write smut or really anything NSFW, just not comfortable with it but everything else is on the table! I will do like mild spice ✨️ but not NSFW
- When it comes to fics, I prefer to keep it gender neutral so everyone is included! But, if someone were to request a fic with a fem!reader for example, that's also possible!
- If you have any questions/requests, just dm me :)
Started: 20.8.2023
Last updated: 12.1.2024
Finished works: 31
I write for Ghost!
Ghouls & Ghoulettes
All of them:
Birthday headcanons
Sodo & Swiss: comforting you through tough times
Living together
the Papas
All of them:
Papas with a chubby reader
Papas with a musician reader
Papas with a s/o whose love language is acts of service
Papas celebrating Halloween with you
Papas comforting you during your studies Papas reacting to you being admitted to the infirmary
Terzo with a partner who knits and crochets
Ghouls & Ghoulettes
A tender moment
Life ain't fun without a little flame
Halloween fun
Prank Wars
the Papas
Dancing in the rain
Late Night Shows (male reader)
A Long Day
A Night Out
Copia with reader who loves physical affection
Copia x fem!reader fluff
Angst/hurt & comfort
Ghouls & Ghoulettes
Let me help
the Papas
Stay with me, please (part 1) Stay with me, please (part 2)
I can see through the scars inside you
A Bitter Finale
anyway thaank you to everyone who reads my silly writing, I appreciate it very much <3
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dumbpup-cunny · 7 months
Do you have fun being his? What are some fun things you and him do?
i have a lot of fun!! Master is the best!
sometimes we call and i help Daddy before he starts his daay, i have a lot of fun tasks that involve edging hehe
last week i went out all taped up! Daddy made me shove my panties up my cunny while wearing the big plug>///< i was super wet and squirmy all evening, i'm sure a lot of people saw that i was all taped under my short skirt
and todaaay i was edging non stop for 2.5hrs? playing with my tits and begging to wear a buttplug hehe i couldn't even talk correctly and my bed is a mess from how wet i was, love obeying all of Master's orders and being his little plaything😖💕
thaanks Master for allowing me to answer(´▽`ʃƪ)♡
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startanewdream · 1 year
19 please!
Thaanks <3
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
Ohh, I write ever since I was very young; eventually I made a job out of it though not in the creativity side of it. Staying at home made me go back to the fic I had left nearly one decade ago (that would TSRTS!) and finish it, though in my mother tongue. Then I thought to myself: since I read mostly in English, I could start writing in English... and here I am.
Writing is hard sometimes, it makes me anxious for reasons I cannot control and I've thought about letting it go many times in the last three years since I rejoined fandom... but eventually I go back. It's a comfort more than it's a trouble and it helps me deal with RL stuff :)
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themadmanandhisbox · 2 years
Based on your tags when you reblog, you seem like a sensitive person (I mean that as a compliment), who's been through a lot. But you still hold on to whatever softness you can find in the world. I'm just sending this to say that I understand some of that and that I believe in you.🌻
🥺🥺🥺 thaank you 💜💜 this is one of the nicest things anyone has sent or said to me in awhile and you have no idea how much this made my morning 🥰
Things haven't been easy but I've always tried to continue to be nice and try to help people out, because I know how awful it can be and have never wanted to see someone feel like I do or go through what I have.
Im sorry that you do understand as well, but I hope things are well for you. Thank you for spreading kindness, you're truly a gem 💜💜
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summerwishes · 9 months
you look  …  stunning . / Cam!
MEME / @spuntale / always accepting.
a group of them were invited to attend the opera, naturally the conklin woman looking to soak up every drop of adventure jumped at the chance. this was a once in a lifetime deal. she and few of the girls made a day of shopping, they even helped her pick out an outfit for the evening. thank god for them otherwise belly wouldn't have a clue what was appropriately accepting for those types of events. casting her gaze upon the male for the first time that afternoon, it never ceases to amaze her how dashing he looked. outdid everyone here by far. cheeks turned a reddish color at the compliment, wearing a luminesce grin atop her modest expression. " really? you think so? it's not too much? ... " accept the compliment belly. " thaanks, cam. " she crinkles her nose in a small laugh. " you look..really nice. very handsome. that look is totally working for you. let me tell you, if there was an award for best dressed, no doubt you'd win it. don't forget about me when you suddenly get famous, okay? "
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stayxlix · 11 months
helloooo agaaain🩵🩵 don't be sorry for not responding right away!! ( I myself usually take a few days to answer so it'd be very wrong to argue on this.. ) I hope the weekend ended somehow smoothly🩵take all the time you want💗 Yes yes, I think I'd be dead if it weren't for them tbh bc as you said... it was a rollercoaster😅 they really are wonderful, and thaank you so much!!
YES YES I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE THIS TROPE JUST AS MUCH AS I DO (is it really that surprising tho...) and no wonder screaming into your pillow has become a regular occurrence for you while writing the story bc if definitely has for me while reading it (in a good way though, I'm pretty sure all of my feelings about otde are positive — even through angsty parts bc then they make me realise how well you write emotions and how I feel like the story is swallowing my own emotions). Of course I'm excited!! Even though I always talk abt my appreciation for otde (and you) I still somehow feel like I haven't expressed it enough.. I'm ALWAYS gonna be excited for the next chapter, like actually no matter what. For me, I'm never worried that something you write wouldn't be a 100% amazing, bc, well, I've come to find out that you are such a good writer/author that it's like you could never go wrong💗 i definitely see why you are nervous, and I'm sure everyone else would say this, but there really isn't any need to be!! I really mean it when I say that your writing is a gift to witness, and even from an objective perspective, it's still just as amazing — you're consistent and portray everything so well that it almost doesn't feel like fiction anymore. I think anyone who'd say you don't write well would be talking shit🫶 aaand of course I will read it thoroughly! I'm so glad it makes you happy, and I honestly THRIVE from long fics so if you end up not splitting it up I will DEFINITELY AND I MEAN IT read in one sitting, I always do😭 I always get caught up in the story so I never realise how many paragraphs have passed already, and I just reallly love to spend my time on well written stories (ESPECUALLY OTDE OMFG I COULD ACTUALLY GO ON FOR HOURS AS TO WHY I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND WHAT EXACTLY IS SO GREAT ABOUT IT AND AND AJAJWJ) but don't feel any pressure!! If you feel like splitting the chapter, then do it! I'm sure all of us will read it regardless 🩵 I SCREAMED when i read that you're only halfway and it's already 12k words... I seriously love long long looooong chaps/fics so much it's unreal AND ESPECIALLY FROM YOU?!?? THAT IS A GIFT. I hope everything goes well with the trouble you're having!💗🩵 i'm sure it'll be amazing and I'm always here to support you fully and unconditionally💗
I'm so HAPPYYBJWJWJ that you're so glad about what I said!! I really wanna find all the compliments in the world and give them to you🩵😭 I love being sweet to you when I know it makes you happy, and I'm so very glad that my asks have the power to make you this happy (your answers literally make me weak in the knees pls help) I totally understand why readers are so important for the story and etc but you saying that YOU value MY opinion just made me SO FUCKING HAPPY I CANT. I'm pretty sure it added 10 years to my lifespan. Thank you for being so nice! I don't feel pressured at all but I do have to admit I'm a bit nervous haha😭 it's truly my pleasure to bring you such excitement through my asks and creations🫶 (you definitely bring me happiness, I always fight the urge to start jumping in excitement when I realise you've answered whjwjej)
I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE THE MOODBOARD!!!! YOU SAYING THAT YOU WANT TO SHOW IT OFF MADE ME SO HAPPY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AJWJWNNENS (the fact that your irl friends don't know your blog is totally valid bc it's so same for me, even tho I don't post what I write😭😭) I'm so thrilled and literally every synonym to happy in existence that you feel the emotions that I tried to portray!!!! I feel the ominous feeling everytime I read otde, and since your world building is so thorough and well done, I knew exactly what i was looking for when making it!🩵 I've kinda associated green with otde now haha bc it just reminds me of it so much I can't even explain it😭 Like something about the story is just so green. The way you just said my love for this story is something you'll never forget has torn me to literal pieces😭 I don't know if I want to squeal and die from happiness or sob and die also from happiness 😭💗 you are also so special to me! I'm glad the offer still stands bc I have just SO MUCH to share so be ready🤭
Thinking so much about the Vans thing is so valid bc literally same. Ever since I read you talking about them being in an alternate universe, in college and etc just made me think how they'd be in some Australian town and the tension would be just as strong as it is now. I once read something (i think it was a fanfic??) And it was about mc and love interest meeting in every single lifetime and falling in love more intensely every single time. Eternal soulmates but a bit twisted kind of beat🤭 and this reminds me of it so much!! Like them disliking each other at first but then then something happens and suddenly they're sneaking around bc they just NEED each other. Or a life where they have always been best friends (hear me out, long blond haired SURFER FELIX?!??!) , the kind that never separates — no matter how big of a damage they suffer from, they push through effortlessly bc that's just how long they've been so close to each other. The kind where all they've ever known has been each other (this is basically our fav trope, just in a different font🤭) and when they get older they realise that all they've ever needed and are going to need is each other, going through each other's firsts ans everything. Then another lifetime where Felix is a streetracer (thiking about 2019 world tour Felix specifically) and it's just full of unexplainable tension. She doesn't like how reckless he is and he dislikes how she judges too quick.. and yeah I could go on FOREVER. The cute twist is that mc always wears the red Vans and Felix always ends up with a tattoo that reminds him of her😭 I'M SO GLAD YOU AGREE THO?? i've been brainrot by this thought for so long now and i just KNOW that it fits otde Felix a little too much🤭 AND THE FLOWER BEING SOMETHING SHE DREW IS SO TRUE TBH I AM ALSO VERY WEAK RN. I'm so obsessed with this also bc I'm really into botany and flower language makes me so weak (especially when it's tattoos omfg)
YES YES YES. YOU ARE SO FUCKING RIGHT WITH THE HAIR TIE. like she just casually gives it to him one evening when they're out and then he suddenly never takes it off. Or if she says she prefers some kind of drink/food, catch him stacking his fridge full of it. The tattoo stuck with me so much because that's how he truly shows just how comitted he is, ESPECIALLY if it's her birth flower. Or a water lily bc it symbolizes purity of heart (or a primrose or a yarrow omfg I'm so weak rn) and it shows how she keeps him grounded even though he's nothing if not a mess. How she is the light he sees on a darkest night in the darkest corner. PLS YES WE DEFINITELY NEED TO DISCUSS THIS FURTHER. (Yes them in parallel universe/past life will now be my obsession)
My adoration for you just grew somehow even more right now after reading this paragraph😭😭 i'm so close to crying rn, you're so lovely I wish I could shower you with kisses rn 😭🩵 I'm so excited to share my creations with you, and I'm so unbelievably glad to be able to talk to you like this that it feels surreal. What you said makes me so warm and happy I could die honestly😭 Writing these asks is the light of day right after reading your answers and I wish I could just hug u so hard rn. Funny that you say that you would shower me with love if we knew each other BUT I WOULD LITERALLY GIVE IT BACK FO YOU 10× STRONGER OMFG I could never get sick of you tbh 😭💗 I feel so happy (how many time have I said this help me) to be able to tell you how I feel about you write, and it makes me even happier to know that you're glad to hear so!! Honestly it's a big possibility that we are halfway across the world from each other, but that it will honestly never stop me from giving you all the love I can virtually💗
So yes, I do admit that me adding The Eve to the playlist was kind of influence by the hyunlix dance (AND YES IT WAS SO RUDE??!? HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME ON A REGULAR CALM DAY ??!?!) but it was bc I finally got to listen to the whole song after knowing of its existence for quite the time and I realised it fits otde a bit well sooo🤭 BUT I NEED TO SHARE THIS BRAINROT WITH YOU so i have discovered this song called "half of my heart" by josh makazo (I HAVE ALREADY ADDED IT TO THE PLAYLIST BC HOLY SHIT) AND IT GIVES ME OTDE VIBES SO MUCH??? THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL WHEN THE TENSION COMES IN. THIS IS LITERALLY THEM IN EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE UNIVERSE AND I WILL STAND BY THAT. I CANT DO THIS WHY IS THIS SONG SO THEM OMFG. (Another one that is a honorable mention is "Your face" by Wisp. THIS SONG IS SO THEM ALSO like this song feels like them looking at each other as rough rain falls on them and they're just fighting the urge to spit out all of their hidden secrets. It's them looking at each other as the wind blows their hair into their faces as they see all the hidden feelings so clearly in each other's faces. Raw emotions that aren't heard but seen. ALSO THEM IN EVERY UNIVERSE.) (But tbh I could go on like this abt every single song that I've added to the playlist — like bermuda locket is also literally them and again also and initiation and decode and AND YES ALL THE FUCKING SONGS ARE THEM I CANT) (like initiation is how i think our fav trope would sound if it were to be a song. also literally them help i cant stop)
this is soooo long but I just can't stop talking when it's you😭 i also have SO much to say to you, but know that I'm here to patiently read out every single one of your words thoroughly bc that is how much your answers and YOU mean to me, Alex🩵🩵 you also have the best rest of your week! I hope all is going well not only in writing sense but overall!!💗 thank you for responding and so kind words, I love you🩵 I truly wish you the best rest of your week💙 as always, stay safe and take care🩵
hi hi hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii🩵🩵🩵 i was so happy to see your ask when i woke up yesterday morning, ive honestly read it over and over again so many times since then🩵my weekend did end smoothly, and this week has also been pretty good so I’m thankful for that☺️ i hope yours is going well too. oh and YES, true friends can be lifesavers indeed. they make all the difference when life gets a little hectic, so im really glad you had yours by your side during your move.💕
i am most definitely obsessed with the trope just as much as you, as well as all of the little ones we have created and discussed throughout our conversations.🤭 they pop into my head at the most random times during the day and i always get so lost in thought daydreaming about them lol. omg and i’m so glad that your feelings about otde are all positive, writing it has certainly been a whirlwind of emotions for me lol and in the back of my mind im always hoping that it won’t ever be too angsty, you know??? idk, sometimes i just get so caught up in the emotions while writing and then i read it back and i’m like wtf i dont even know where that came from.😂 but BABE. the fact that you say i write emotions well means the absolute WORLD to me, because i have never been very good at expressing them in real life. like i have always always always struggled with this. it’s very frustrating to feel so many things and not always be able to express them well, but to have you point out the emotion in my writing as something you like about it means more than you could ever know.💕💕🥹
i don’t think ill ever feel like i’ve expressed my appreciation for you enough, i really don’t. i am ALWAYS going to be excited to see the little blue hearts in my inbox, because of the simple fact that your messages are such a safe place for me :) i feel so comfortable talking to you and my appreciation for you and the kindness you have shown me goes beyond words. i know i’ll never be able to show you just how much your support for my writing means. especially because im so new at it, and my confidence is still so fragile lol. so of course that’s why i get nervous, because nobody wants to disappoint, it would be so disheartening to lose people’s excitement you know? so that is why your continued reassurance and belief in my writing and this story just means everything to me. honestly i can’t think about it for too long or i really do get a bit emotional. but calling my writing a “gift to witness” touches my heart in so many ways😭😭💕and saying that  “it almost doesn’t feel like fiction anymore” is one of the most thoughtful and meaningful compliments i could ever hope to receive. ah im literally at a loss for words rn.😭😭😭😭😭
i swear i keep going back and forth on whether or not to split the chapter up, every time i think ive made a decision then start working on it again and change my mind lol. but you are certainly doing a good job of convincing me to keep it one big massive chapter, so its leaning that way for sure. especially when i know that YOU would get more enjoyment out of it that way<3 knowing that you think it would be worth the time spent reading, i can’t help but want to do my best to finish it out (even if it takes all weekend) and keep it together as one chapter for you specifically. because YOU are a gift my🩵🩵. i swear that on some days your kind words make me smile more than anything else. i LOVE having your asks to go back and read through, and your love for this story warms my heart more than you'll ever know. to hear that it has touched you in such a profound way makes me speechless all over again.🥹🥹
just let me say, your asks and interactions really do make me so happy i don’t even know what to do with myself. i wish i could find all of your favorite things in the world and surround you with them, that is how much i love you🩵💕and of course imo readers are just as important as the writers to any story, but i mean it when i say that specifically YOUR thoughts and YOUR creations have had such a significant impact on me and the whole writing process. if it added 10 years to thank lifespan, then i think it added 100 to mine lmao. thank YOU for being so wonderful, you truly do have a special place in my heart. and don’t worry, there really is no pressure at all to come find me in my dms lol. i totally understand the nerves, but i my door will always be open no matter how long it takes🤗💕 i just can’t wait to share the random things i come across throughout the day that make me think of you.🤭
AND YOU KNOW WHAT. I WANT TO DO MORE THAN SHOW THE MOODBOARD OFF TO MY FRIENDS, I WANT TO PLASTER IT ON A BILLBOARD AND SHOW IT OFF TO THE WHOLE WORLD. “the fact that your irl friends don't know your blog is totally valid bc it's so same for me” lmao im so glad you can relate, and HOLD UP. YOU. WRITE.?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? of course i should have known this (i had a feeling by the way you come up with and explain such unique ideas) BUT YOU WRITE??!?!??! O M G. 🩵. i promise you that if you ever do decide to share your work with the world, i will be the FIRST one in line to read it<333
“every synonym to happy in existence” made me chuckle lol this is so cute and the fact that you said you think the world building is thorough means so much to me because (just like how i live my day to day life) i am navigating through this story with little plan in mind aside from a very general idea of how i want it to end. so this is such a compliment all in its own. it’s almost like you KNEW I needed to hear this.😭 ive also begun to associated green with otde now, thanks to you lol. because having the moodboard as a visual tool to write has just amplified my motivation and the enjoyment that i get from writing x100000000. and i honestly couldn’t have done it better myself. so thank you🩵🥹 i meant it with my whole heart that your love for this story if something ill never forget. even years and years after otde has ended, ill always remember you<3 and (as glad as i am that you’re so excited) please don’t actually die from happiness😂😂 because i truly do not know what i would do without your support. i don’t think the story would exist in the same way if it hadn’t been for you. AND I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE RED VERSION NO BECAUS EYOU DONT EVEN KNOWWWW. HAVE I MENTIONED RED IS MY FAVORITE COLOR!?!?!? HAVE I???????? AND HAVE I MENTIONED THAT RED + FELIX IS THE PERFECT COMBINATION TO GET STRAIGHT TO MY HEART?!?!?! (i barely survived the topline mv tbh. dear lord.🫠🫠🫠) and you’re telling me the red one is SPICIER?!?! okay okay now im the one that actually might sob AND squeal AND THEN die from happiness.😂😂😂😂😭💕
okay okay, let me prepare myself to talk about our parallel universe theories again (i really need to get comfy for this because we’ve reached my favorite part lol) YES. EVEN IN AN AUSTRALIAN TOWN IN MODERN DAY the tension would just be absolutely RIDICULOUS between these two. like even before they SEE each other, maybe they’re just casually at the beach or walking around on the street and suddenly this intense feeling washes over them and they’re like wtf is going on??? why do i feel like this??? and THEN their eyes meet and its just like…..oh. 
I once read something (i think it was a fanfic??) And it was about mc and love interest meeting in every single lifetime and falling in love more intensely every single time.
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL.😭😭😭 if you ever happen to come across that fic or remember the name, then you MUST send it my way. i absolutely love the idea of soulmates meeting in every single lifetime, and then on top of this, making it so that the love becomes a bit more intense every single time just adds that little angsty cherry on top that i’m always seeking out lol. and as you know, a little twist to an otherwise seemingly innocent trope or storyline gets me weak in the knees🤭
Like them disliking each other at first but then then something happens and suddenly they're sneaking around bc they just NEED each other.
YES.😭✋ and the little detail that they’re sneaking around?? I LOVE IT. because it makes me think that they would NEVER want anyone to know just how badly they need each other, right? but its ridiculous how much they do. and so they keep up the front that they hate each other (and everyone around them genuinely believes it because they’re good at pretending)…but little does everyone know that its only because they’re fucking each others brains out behind closed doors (help) 
Or a life where they have always been best friends (hear me out, long blond haired SURFER FELIX?!??!)  the kind that never separates — no matter how big of a damage they suffer from, they push through effortlessly bc that's just how long they've been so close to each other.
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON LONG BLONDE HAIRED SURFER LIX, IM PICTURING HIM FROM THAT BEACH PICTURE (you know the one im talking about, you know) ughhjhosdfds🫠🫠🫠 i feel like i could talk to you for HOURS like this, bouncing ideas off of each other. like i actually want to do this so badly with you, because your ideas are just THAT good. i love how you took our favorite trope and changed it around so that it feels different, and yet, still exactly the same.<333 AND THEN YOU GO AND BRING 2019 WORL DTOUR FELIX INTO THIS AND THE THOUGHT OF HIM AS A STREETRACER MAKES ME FERAL. ESPECIALLY THIS-
She doesn't like how reckless he is and he dislikes how she judges too quickly
-NO BECAUSE WE NEED TO DISCUSS THIS FURTHER. I think you have awakened something in me with this AND I NEED MORE.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
omg okay. get it together alex lol. im so glad you like the idea that for the tattoo, the flower would be something mc drew. (i was so excited to see your reaction to this lol because trust me, tattoos make me weak too) AND I THINK IT IS SO COOL THAT YOURE INTO BOTANY AND FLOWER LANGUAGE OMG.??? tbh there was actually something i wanted to include in otde that was related to flowers, but i hardly have any knowledge about them at all😪😪 i looked up what a yarrow symbolizes and it said healing and love??? and i even saw somewhere that it said protection? i am WEAK.😭😭 “it shows how she keeps him grounded even though he's nothing if not a mess.” BRB S O B B I N G.😭😭😭😭
like she just casually gives it to him one evening when they're out and then he suddenly never takes it off. Or if she says she prefers some kind of drink/food, catch him stacking his fridge full of it.
omg okay in this parallel college/uni world that we’ve created i love this idea that he’s totally obsessed with her (and she’s a bit oblivious lol). like with the hair tie she definitely notices that he never took it off which is just a bit peculiar..but then like you said she starts to notice his fridge is stocked with all of her favorite things and maybe she casually mentions a scent she likes and the next day she catches that specific scent and he’s just like oh yeah just a new shampoo….🤭🤭 (i could go on and on forever but you get the idea) and im totally with you on the fact that thinking about different past lives of theirs might just have become my new favorite obsession.🫢
the hyunlix dance WAS rude wasn't it?!?!? im literally just trying to make it through the day over here, and then they go and do THAT?! (they really have no consideration for our mental health do they) but i love the addition of “the eve” to the playlist. and OMG. the song you shared called "half of my heart"!!! i was speechless while listening because wtf?! it fits SO well (all of your recommendations do ofc, but this is actually insane???) like you said it could literally fit them in every SINGLE universe we've talked about🙃 your descriptions are so vivid i love the way you talked about “your face” by wisp, with them looking at each other amidst the rain and fighting the urge to reveal their hidden feelings. I CAN ACTUALLY SEE THEM THERE. and if you couldn’t tell by now, I LOVE EMOTIONS THAT ARE SEEN NOT HEARD.😭😭 your song choices are PERFECT, and your descriptions to go along with them just make it so much better. so please please never stop recommending songs like this either🩵 i get so excited when i see you’ve added a new song to the playlist or when you mention it in an ask. i really really do, i stop everything im doing and go listen (and usually end up jotting down some ideas) because THAT is how good your suggestions are.
ah i love you so much🩵🩵🩵🩵 i’m so happy to receive your asks, and to have the opportunity to talk to you like this. it really has made my days so much brighter ever since you came into my life. i’ll always be here to receive your love virtually, and do my best to send it back even stronger!!!🤗💕💕💕 im sorry i didnt get this out until today, i really just like to take my time and make sure i get to everything when i respond to you (and i literally go back and edit it like its a chapter of otde.😂😂😭) because you deserve nothing but the very best. so in conclusion (first i would like to thank you for making it all the way to the end of this lol) but my dear 🩵🩵🩵 i love you so very much. and i hope all is going well for you, not just with the red moodboard (although i am every synonym for excited to see it) but with life in general too. i hope you have the most wonderful rest of your week, remember to be kind to yourself<3333 and as we always say, stay safe out there.🩵🩵 take care of yourself and those friends of yours💕💕ily🤗🤗
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feralandmoonstruck · 2 years
Heads up 7 up
Rules: Share the last 7 lines you wrote and tag 7 people
Thaanks @pheita ^-^
Let's see how this goes. In true writeblr fashion I will be sharing more than 7 lines and probably tagging less than 7 people lol
Mara couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Pleasant is just another word for nice. And fun is to do something you enjoy.”
Cal tipped his head to the side. “So eating brownies is both pleasant and fun. They are comfy, too. Brownies seem to be many words.”
“Not quite. The brownies themselves aren’t all of those things alone, but eating them can be.”
“And hugs are these things, too?”
“Yeah, Cal. Hugs are those things, too.”
He nodded, “I think I understand. Would you like for me to leave you now? Night is far away.”
“You don’t have to. Check-out isn’t for a few more hours, but I do need to get breakfast at some point. Maybe shower before I have to leave.”
“Will you explain ‘shower’ and ‘breakfast’?”
Tagging: @kjscottwrites @jezifster @southsidecircuit uhhh..open tag?
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rosierossette · 5 years
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Okay ladies help me understand real fast.
So I don't know very much about Hotaru, having only gotten back into playing SLBP fairly recently.
So he seems very childish, and I guess there are some ladies who find him attractive? I just see him as my son really 😂
So my question is, why are so many ladies so attracted to him? And I'm not meaning for this post to be hateful in any way, shape, or form, I'm just legitimately curious.
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anticapitalistclown · 2 years
since I love the lookism comedy posts you do, can I request a funny scenario or headcanons or anything but with Sanzu and reader?
Thaanks <3
Sorry I had this on my inbox for a while...
Lately these days I've been with a Sanzu brainrot so why not, I was thinking of a scenario based on a comedy sketch
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Call me Cricket, Sanzu x reader funny scenario
Sanzu was annoyed, the last Bonten dealer passed away so that meant he had to search for a new dealer and help find a new employee who was disposed to work for Bonten. If that already put him on a bad mood, the peak was having to spend all day receiving job interviews, all the dealers that he interviewed made his blood boil.
Sanzu massaged his temple and sighed “Next!” he looked at the door and saw you enter, he rolled his eyes and made a gesture inviting you to sit at the chair in front of you, he already wanted to send you off from your looks, you looked clumsy and too innocent, he even for a moment doubted about the reason of the interview.
“what’s your name?” he gave a tired look at you, you smiled at him and placed innocently your hands on the desk, playing with your fingers “call me cricket” he raised an eyebrow and asked again “what’s your name?” this time he was more curious “just call me cricket” you said with a innocent tone.
“okay, cricket, have you been in jail?” he read from the paper Kokonoi prepared him for every candidate, your eyes where looking around the place, when you found out that the silence was a bit long, you answered him “yup” Sanzu seemed surprised and, for some reason, the annoyance he had was vanishing and being replaced with a funny curiosity, basing on your looks you didn’t look like you had been in jail so he had to ask “it was because of a mistake or were you incrimated?” you laughed a bit and replied “naaaaah”  “naah, I deserved that one” Sanzu left a chuckle and leaned closer to you, you got his attention.
Sanzu read from the paper again “do you have any tattoos?” his question made you look intrigued “what does this have to do?” you said pointing at his sleeve tattoo, surprising him since it was difficult to be noticed since the sleeves where almost covering it “I don’t know, all companies ask that so it is on the paper” you left a childish “hoo” to show you understood him “I don’t have any for the moment” you pointed at his tattoo again “but do you get one once you join the company?” “because the weird creepy looking tall man was wearing one on his neck” Sanzu hold his laughter at from the way you refereed to one of the Haitani’s and although he was dying to ask you for who you were referring to, he had to continue with the interview.
“You know how to use weapons?” he asked more seriously, you were looking at your nails and responded with an uninterested “yees”  “which ones?” “all of them” there was another weird silence that you broke “I also make some” you won him “how do you fucking make them?” you leaned your back at the chair backrest “we need a short section of water pipe made of steel, steel or brass caps, match heads, and hobnails” he smiled at you “cool, I like it MacGyver” you both laughed.
“do you consume drugs?” he kept reading Kokonoi’s paper “nah” you said innocently again, Sanzu was a bit confused, you said things a gang member would say but you looked like a normal society member, someone who would really be easy to rob “but, you know how to get them?” you left this time a more mischievous smile “that’s why I am here, am I wrong?” Sanzu left a relaxed sigh “good” he looked at the last question from the paper “Cricket” you looked at his eyes and left a “hhmm?” “did you kill someone?” you looked meditative “dunno” you replied innocently again “how come you don’t know?” he said intrigued “I mean, it’s not like I came back to ask him ‘are you okay dude?’” Sanzu laughed at your reply and extended his hand to grab yours “hired!”. 
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Chris's Call
Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: some violence, re8 spoilers, mentions of Mias grief
Author’s Note: i just think <3 father figure leon <3 Why haven’t I written one like this with Sherry yet? I hope you enjoy darling!
Requested: by anon, OPEN REQUESTS!!!!! I've been waiting for this one. can you do a little fic or drabble or whatever comes to your mind of leon and reader (married) meeting rosemary after re8? or maybe leon and reader teaching grow up rose some tricks for fights and all. it's up to you!! thaanks, u the best <3 (btw, i am from brazil! sending a kiss from rio de janeiro to wherever you are rn!
Summary: the request
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You woke up to your phone ringing. You recognized the ring tone and picked up your phone immediately.
“Hello,” you said, voice still quiet and weak from sleep. Leon threw his arm around your waist, pulling you closer in the cold of the bed. You let him, finding warmth in his body heat.
“Glad you picked up. I need your help,” Chris said on the other line.
“Just me?” “When have I ever needed just you. Of course I mean both of you. I sent you the address.” He hung up the phone. You rolled your eyes and put your head back down on the pillow for a moment.
“Did he say what he wanted?” Leon asked. You shook your head.
“I guess we’re going to have to find out,” you muttered sleepily.
“If only Chris was concise and straightforward like he used to be.” ===
You and Leon walked into the base that Chris had sent you the address too. You had taken the liberty to bring your own handguns, along with your signature weapon as well. Leon brushed his hair out of his face as he yawned. You saw Chris in all black, looking like he had just gotten out of a big fight.
“Thank you both for coming so fast.” You nodded sleepily.
“Who do we need to fight?”
“Oh. No one.” Leon scoffed.
“What?” Chris pursed his lips and thought about how to tell you what had just happened. You and Leon had been working apart from him and the BSAA for a while now but you kept in touch for the broad strokes. You knew about the Mother Miranda problem but not anything detailed about it.
“Mother Miranda and her village have been blown to shit,” Chris said.
“Without us?” you joked weakly, too tired to land a perfect comical hit. Chris looked a little heavier than usual. You weren’t sure what had gone on but clearly it had taken an emotional toll on him.
“Ethan Winters was killed.” Your eyes went wide. You had only met Ethan once but he had been a tough son of a bitch. The Baker house was a whole different problem then what you were used to. You were surprised anything could take him out. “He was protecting his wife Mia and their daughter Rosemary. He made me promise to take care of them.” He gave you and Leon a look.
“You called us in at 4 in the morning because you need parenting advice from people who aren’t parents?” you asked. Chris blew a sharp breath through his nose.
“I need help navigating this situation. You two are my most trusted advisors.”
“You called us in to parent the kid,” Leon said.
“I called you in to help me parent the kid.” You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“Well we’re already here. We may as well meet little Rose.”
Chris nodded once.
“Thank you.” He led you and Leon through the base to a small room. You could see a woman and baby through the small door window. The woman, Mia you guessed, looked exhausted. She held onto the baby for dear life. She stood up as Chris walked through, her eyes still stained with tears. She had just lost her husband. You weren’t sure what you would do if you lost yours.
“Mia this is Leon and Y/N Kennedy. I’ve known them for years and would trust them with my life. I want them to help with Rose.” Mia swallowed hard, looking down at her baby.
“Are you parents?”
“No,” you said gently. “But we want to help.”
You and Leon visited Rose every month, sometimes twice a month. You made sure she was doing alright and made sure Chris wasn’t putting her through too much. He wasn’t made to be a parent. Maybe once upon a time, before Umbrella put their mark on him, he could have been a wonderful dad. But right now he was more focused on the mission and what Rose could bring to the table.
You and Leon helped Mia where you could.
You took a sip of water and kept writing out the report on your computer. Leon was sitting beside you on the couch, flipping through a book he wasn’t actually reading.
“You know we could watch a movie,” he suggested.
“I have to work Kennedy.”
“You’ve been working enough for the both of us,” he commented. You gave him a look and he gave you one back. You were about to say something else when there was a knock on the door. He hoisted himself up and walked over.
Rose stood on the other side, baseball cap over her head, leaning against the doors.
“Hey Uncle Leon,” she said with a smile. “Aunt Y/N.” She walked inside, not bothering to be invited.
“What are you doing here?” you asked. “You could have called.”
“I was busy disobeying Chris to call.” Leon pat her back.
“Atta girl.” You rolled your eyes.
“Why exactly were you disobeying Chris?” She shrugged and flopped down onto the couch.
“Because he’s an asshole. He wants me to learn all this fighting stuff and I just can’t be bothered.”
“Well you need to learn to fight if you’re going to continue to live. People will be after you because of your powers Rose, you need to protect yourself.”
“Why do I need to protect myself when I have you, Leon and Chris? Plus, my mom tried to kill my dad and she pretty much succeeded. Pure rage is in my blood.” You and Leon met each other's eyes.
“Why don’t we teach you some stuff?” he asked.
“Can we get Taco Bell afterwards?”
“It wouldn’t be a fight without Taco Bell afterwards,” Leon promised. She stood up.
“This is why you guys are better than Chris.”
“Give Chris a break, he’s got a lot on his plate. Leon, do you still have the flame thrower Ada gave you?”
“Flame thrower? Nah, you two are the best.”
Resident Evil Tag List: @ceruleanrainblues, @chloe-online , @alexxavicry
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wellthebardsdead · 3 years
A little something sweet from the shimada coffee au ch2
Hanzo: *quietly picking flowers away from the other kids, very overwhelmed experiencing his first day of school in another country*
Bully: *suddenly pushes him over into the grass* Aren’t you a boy?! Why are you picking flowers like a girl?! Is that why your hairs so long? You wanna be a girl-
Bully: huh? *turns around only to get smacked in the face hard with a bucket filled with sand* OW!! *staggers back and runs off crying*
Hanzo: *grass over his clothes and the flowers he was picking tangled in his hair, quietly sits upright as he struggles to keep calm, not liking the dirt all over his body* mmmnn…
???: hey, you alright there lil flower?? *holds out his hand*
Hanzo: *looks up to see the little cowboy he’d seen at the shopping mall that day* h-huh?
Cole: I’m Cole! Cole Cassidy Reyes! Nice to meet you! You’re Hanzo right?? *takes his hand and helps him up*
Hanzo: *nods looking up at his hero star struck*
Cole: *smiles* and yer as pretty as the flowers you got stuck in yer hair!
Hanzo: *blinks before reaching up and feeling the mess his hairs in* … *tears up and starts to cry feeling embarrassed over his messy appearance and sore from being pushed over*
Cole: h-huh? Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-
Hanzo: *hugs onto him suddenly, still crying* K-kōru-chan! Arigatou gozaimasu!
Cole: *only 3 years old, can’t understand much English never mind Japanese* um? huh??
Hanzo: K-kōru-chan… Th-thaank y-you.
Cole: …Oh! I’m Kōru!
Hanzo: *lets him go and nods as he dries his eyes* mm…
Cole: naw, you don’t have’ta thank me flower! Come on! Let’s get ya cleaned up okay??
Hanzo: hai!
Cole: hello?
Hanzo: *sighs*
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sheirukitriesfandom · 2 years
Current WIP Tag Game
Got tagged by @vilkas and @friend-of-giants—Thaank you!!!
ACoS is currently in editing, so enjoy a short excerpt from a one shot I started a few days ago. This is still a first draft, just with the placeholder "..."s removed.
Context: Mirabelle has just entered Savos' quarters for an emergency meeting and realises she's been duped.
"Don't tell me your 'emergency faculty meeting' was but a cover for a little tea party."
Savos shrugged and moved the teapot from the stove to a porcelain tea warmer on his desk, where a bowl of candy sugar and a small can of cream already waited for their turn.
"As a matter of fact, it was."
He sat down beside the table and dropped three large pieces of candy sugar into his cup.
Mirabelle's gaze briefly darted towards the door but was soon caught by a reprimanding scowl. Defeated, she let her shoulders slump and sat down across from Savos.
"You look tired." Savos' blunt words were followed by the splashing and cracking of Senchal black tea meeting cup and candy sugar.
Mirabelle leaned back in her chair, defiantly locking eyes with her archmage, and poured a cup of tea for herself.
"So do you."
"I'm centuries your senior. I'm allowed to look tired, wouldn't you agree?" Savos couldn't help but flash her a cheeky smile. He would not let Mirabelle deflect her way out of a well-deserved break.
I don't know who's done this already so if you're reading this, you're tagged.
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dumbpup-cunny · 4 months
What's your favorite thing to do for your master?
my favorite thing is helping Him when he wakes up needy? i really like calling and doing naughty things while i beg to get knocked up😖
i also really like teasing Master while he's out or working hehehe
thaank you Master for allowing me to answer♡
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Not a total frickin’ idiot
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For the request: R x Daphne Kluger. R being a part of the original Heist Crew and also being the one Daphne approaches. They’re super flirty w/ each other and everyone knows that they like each other except themselves.
Summary: You thought you had gone unnoticed at the Met, but Miss Kluger never forgets a face.
Characters: Daphne Kluger x fem!reader, the Ocean’s team
Word Count: 1,657
Warnings: swearing!? Do i still have to put a warning for that? idk
If you had learned anything about diva actress Daphne Kluger from Rose, it was that you don’t speak unless spoken to first. 
And considering she didn’t talk to you at all during the heist, you were able to get around the entire night never uttering a single word to her, fulfilling your role on the team without any kind of hiccup.
So you were quite surprised when she had slid into your booth at your favourite coffee shop, giant sunglasses and a fashionable sunhat masking her face. You looked up from your phone and were about to comment about your booth being taken until you recognized her.
Your mouth hung open a little bit as she took off the hat and glasses. Her lips were painted a deep red and her outfit was impeccable, as always.
“Say..” she immediately said, pearly whites nearly blinding you as she smiled, “you were at the Met, weren't you?”
“I- I’m sorry?” you began. “I don’t know-”
“Oh my god! You totally were! You were wearing that adorable dress. Gosh, you looked so good.”
You were blushing hard, because in a matter of barely a minute, Daphne Kluger, gorgeous movie star, had called you adorable and good-looking all in the same sentence.
“I was there too- well, obviously you know that,” she chuckled, “and I was wearing that beautiful diamond necklace, don’t you remember? It was all over the news. Especially when I supposedly lost it.”
“O-oh? Right, y-yes I remember reading about it in the news..”
“And you know.. I couldn’t help but wonder how weird my designer was acting all night. And that lady in the black from the staff, who found my necklace? You’d almost think they were acting.”
You were almost as pale as a sheet at this point, gripping your cup in shaking fingers.
“And you know what’s funny? I saw you talking to both of them during the night. I mean, how couldn’t I notice? You looked so gorgeous, almost like you were asking me to see you.”
You gulped, “I do not know what you’re talking about, Miss Kluger-”
“Just call me Daphne,” she leaned forward, lips spread in a feline smile, elbows resting on the table and propping her head up on her hands.
“Y/N, right? I asked for your name from the guest list, I hope you don’t mind. They let me in on those sorts of things anyways.”
“That’s me,” you replied. 
“Do you know Debbie Ocean? Of course you do, you two also seemed pretty close all night, hm? You’re lucky I was the only one who noticed.”
“I’ve been approached by an investigator who seems really interested in her because the uh, necklace turned out to be a fake.”
You tried to pretend to be surprised at the news, but you couldn’t muster it, and Daphne looked at you knowingly.
“Luckily, I didn’t tell  him any  of your names, because I wasn’t sure if I was right. But you just confirmed all my suspicions anyways, so..”
“Are you threatening me?” you narrowed your eyes at her, and she gasped in mock offence.
“Of course not!” she leaned forward, giving you ample view of her cleavage, hand trailing over yours,
“I’m seducing you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know what to say as she looked at you with those deep, telling eyes. Her own eyes flickered appreciatively over your features, and you wondered if she was checking you out or if she was simply acting.
A small group of fans approached the table, chittering and blushing at the sight of Daphne Kluger in a meagre coffee shop such as this one. She smiled amicably, accepting their compliments and giving them autographs, before saying,
“You’re all so sweet, but do you think you’d be able to let my girlfriend and I have some privacy for the rest of our date? Thaanks,” she waved as the fans rushed off, gasping and gossiping amongst themselves at the prospect of the Daphne Kluger having a girlfriend. 
“Girlfriend?” you asked once you found your voice again. She only grinned and winked at you.
“Oh, don’t be like that baby. Now, are you gonna tell me about the necklace, or what?” she sipped your drink and your mouth went dry.
“Chilly,” Daphne remarked at the glances given by the rest of the group, “what about, ‘Hi Daph, welcome to the team. Let’s not all high five at once.’”
You chewed your lip, bounced your leg, avoided her gaze altogether, and tried very hard not to look at how good she looked in her black dress. You were sitting across from the couch where she had plopped down, hunched in the metal framed chair.
“Why’d y’let her get to you, Y/N. I told you not to draw attention to yourself!” Rose said to you, after you and Debbie had explained how Daphne had found you, recognized you and called out the plan. You, being the newbie in the ways of criminality, could barely think of a cover up and ended up bringing her to Debbie with a spluttering confession.
“She didn’t,” Daphne’s eyes were locked on yours, “I just noticed her myself.”
You blushed a little and looked away. Debbie looked at you apologetically, knowing you felt put on the spot.
“Plus,” Daphne continued, “I am the one who is saving your asses from insurance fraud, okay?”
The team burst into shock, responses flying left and right.
“I-I was gonna get to that,” you said hastily, eyeing Debbie, who stepped in,
“It seems that they’ve assigned an insurance investigator-”
“Who’s about to look up your asses with a flashlight,” Daphne pointed out.
"Oh, this little Columbo dude, everything but the trench coat, totally on to you.”
“His name is John Frasier,” Debbie said.
"Wha- you know him?” Amita spluttered in disbelief.
“Yes, he busted my father twice, my brother once.”
“He’s family,” Lou added.
“Lest we forget, this entire enterprise was to keep me out of jail,” Rose interrupted, worry etched on her face.
“No one is going to jail,” Lou assured her.
“We expected this, we prepared for this,” said Debbie. Not many of the team seemed to believe her, with Nineball adding,
“Yup... that’s clear.”
“We will not be the prime suspect,” Debbie said sternly.
"Then who will be?”
“Well,” you added, “we’ve got the security guys, the busboys-”
“...The shady guy who put you away,” Tammy sighed, arching an eyebrow at Debbie, who could barely contain the smirk on her face. Daphne stared at her incredulously,
“..the boyfriend.”
"Mhm,” Debbie replied, “they were gonna be looking for somebody, just had to make sure it wasn’t one of us.”
Lou nodded in approval, adding a faint, “that’s nice.”
“Wow... that is amazing,” Daphne grinned, chewing her gum in delight, “the precision, right? It’s always the attention to detail and the little grace notes that really make something sing.”
A short silence followed. Glances were cast between the rest of you, wondering what on earth had gotten into Daphne’s head.
“...Why are you doing this?” Tammy asked, clearly dumbfounded by this multi-millionaire actress dropping into their party. Daphne stilled for a moment, her eyes flickering to you for a second before saying,
“I.. don’t have that many close female friendships. Plus bookclubs are the worst, so I just thought y’know... could be something fun to share?”
“You’re becoming a criminal because you’re lonely?”
“...Who isn’t sometimes, right?”
"Are you an only child?” you asked her. Her silence told you enough.
The team seemed to accept at that point that Daph was there to stay, so they went about their usual business. 
“Beer?” Lou offered you, which you immediately said yes to, feeling a little woozy after that whole experience.
Tammy went to the kitchen and opened another pizza box, and you went to grab a slice for yourself before calculating your next move carefully, hoping your brain wouldn’t short circuit as you grabbed another slice and headed to where Daphne was sitting by herself.
You sat next to her, very very awkwardly, and offered her the paper plate.
“Aw, thanks,” she smiled, cheering up a little, “you know you don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Be nice to me because you feel bad for me. Look, I’m sorry I cornered you the other day. I didn’t mean to seem desperate or whatever.”
“You- you didn’t seem desperate,” you frowned, “and I don’t feel bad for you. Whatever gave you that idea?”
She looked at you with a mouthful of pizza, and made an exasperated gesture to your whole surroundings, indicating the events that had just occurred. She also didn’t want you to know how she had been dying for your attention the minute she had seen you at the Met. 
“Oh, well, I mean, I think your reasoning was perfectly justified,” you cocked your head at her and smiled. Then you lifted your pizza and said,
“to crime!”
The rest of the group cheered and replied with the same phrase, lifting their beers or pizza with glee. Daphne blushed at the exclamation.
“Now you,” you said, nodding encouragingly. 
“Do it! If you’re gonna be a part of the Ocean’s team, you gotta get with the rituals.”
“Rituals?” Daphne scoffed. But then she saw your dopey smile and sparkling eyes, and her insides melted. She delicately lifted the pizza and said,
“to crime!”
You laughed and sipped your beer.
“Ten bucks says they’re dating by next week,” Nineball said in the kitchen, peering into the fridge.
“I say by the weekend,” Constance offered. 
“Idiots,” Rose shook her head. “If tonight is gonna keep up like this, I say by the morning.”
They eyed you and Daphne chatting away on the couch, completely forgetting about everyone else.
“Not so lonely anymore I guess,” Tammy smiled.
“Told you, crime’s good for many things,” Debbie nudged her and smiled at Lou, who rolled her eyes playfully.
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fernfiction · 3 years
- SIR - Andy Dolan x Reader
(smut, slight voyeurism)
Another Saturday, another full day with Andy at his beautiful home. It was almost routine now. You’d see each other a few times a week, but Saturday was the day you would stay over at his.
Andy lived alone, except for some house help. His right hand man was Ben, the butler. They were of a similar age so they got on well. You didn’t mind Ben. He was always respectful and gave you your privacy.
You were lazily swimming in the pool when you heard Andy call Ben.
“Ben? Can you bring us two mojitos please, as soon as possible. Thaanks”
Mm, a mojito is just what you needed in this heat. Not long after, you felt Andy join you in the pool, pulling you in for a hot lingering kiss. His full soft lips pushed into yours with such passion, you thought he would devour you then and there. As he turned you around, your back came flush to his chest. You reached up and wrapped your hand around his neck as he undid your bikini top. His hands moved down your chest and rested on your tits. Slowly, he began to roll your erect nipples in his fingers, causing you to let out a moan. God his hands felt good, so fucking good. You closed your eyes as he licked up your neck and nibbled at your earlobe.This was your sweet spot and he knew you came undone this way.
Suddenly you heard footsteps and looked up to see Ben walking in with your drinks. “SHIT! SHIT!” you whimpered.
“Sir, your dri-” he stopped dead in his tracks, unable to look away. He had often seen you kissing before, but never in this state. Andy didn’t flinch, he simply waved his hands and said “Give us a moment Ben, wait there.”
WAIT THERE?? You were about to throw a hissy fit, but Andy held you down and moved his hands towards your pussy. You turned around and mouthed “what the fuck??” until you saw the smirk on Andys face and the ravenous look. “Be my filthy slut and let him watch.. you know you want to”
He was right, you did want to. The idea of being fucked in front of someone had always been a fantasy, but you were afraid of sharing it with a usually protective Andy. “Okay” you whispered, as Andy sat you down on the edge of the pool and spread your legs apart. With one quick swipe, he discarded your bikini bottoms. He turned around to see Ben still stood there, flushed and fidgeting.
“Tell me what you want me to do..and say it loud enough so he can hear.”
You weren’t sure if you could, until you saw Andy pull out his cock and start stroking it. His cock was beautiful, thick, swollen and glistening with precum. You wanted to taste it, you wanted to feel it in your mouth, you wanted it to pound your pussy till you couldn’t walk. “Fuck me please, I need it.. I just want you to fuck me senseless..”
Andy growled at your filthy words and moved down until his mouth was on your cunt. “Let me taste you first, I know you’re as sweet as honey, but I want Ben to see what you do to me.”
His warm tongue licked up from your hole, to your clit. As soon as you felt his lips on your clit, you lost it. You let out the filthiest moan ever and bit your lip. Andy knew what to do, he was an expert at fucking you with his mouth AND his cock. He set up a steady rhythm, flicking and sucking your clit until your legs were shaking. You started to grind your pussy all over his beautiful face until you couldn’t take any more. “Andy, please, I need you inside me..”
As he moved up to your face, you saw his beard glistening with your arousal. “Okay baby, but from now on, I’m gonna need to hear you call me Sir. Got that?” He looked at Ben and motioned for him to leave. You could see Ben had a lump in his pants and that spurred you on even more.
As he filled you up with his cock, your mind was racing. What if next time he asked Ben to stay longer, what if he asked him to join in?
“I know what you’re thinking, and if you’re a good girl, I might let you enjoy the both of us next week..” Andy smirked again, and you smiled at how well he knew you.
“Mhhmm.. whatever you say, SIR”
Taglist - @jimmason @angelicmichael
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