#teenage mutant magical boys au
nardos-primetime · 2 months
I got the Donnie 'tism and the Leo 'DHD.
Asks are always open (I love asks they're so silly) and requests are open as well!
Call me Rain/Rainy, LED, Leon/Leo/Nardo or Don/Donnie/Tello.
I go by He/Him/His/Himself and Zo/Zom/Zombs/Zombself.
I may or may not be a kinnie of both Leonardo and Donatello. (Mainly Leo though.)
Mainly makes horror and angst aus, but I happily dabble in sillier things as well, there's some lighter things even within my dark aus normally.
(These can contain GORE AND INJURY (MENTAL AND PHYSICAL), PLEASE be warned and take care of yourself first and foremost!)
I normally don't do a ton of romance with the turtles unless it's for lore reasons within a story or something (other than leosagi, possibly donsagi and jasonnie). I do ship some of the adults on occasion for fun Mainly Barsonjitsu? (I Think thats the name I forgot) I absolutely don't do nsfw with the turtles. I might make something like a dick/sex joke here and there or a reference to sex within a story but nothing greater than that.
Feel free to message/ask me about shit, I need to get better with being social and love hearing shit about things I like/make! Just don't be a weirdo, y'know?
(Aka tc*st dni)
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#nardo's primetime.txt - Thoughts and Rambles mostly
#nardo's asks.txt - asks answered
#Writings - More concise rambles. Like minifics or mini fic ideas of some kind. Or story stuff in general. Normally not full works.
#practice makes perfect! - Specifically my adventures practicing drawing turtles
#writers wips - Clips and stuff from my fics what aren't done or whatever
#rottmnt fanart - most of my art is under this :]
#not turtles - other fandom stuff (mainly Gregory Horror Show rn)
#Scary Turtles - Physicalogical or Direct horror
Au Tags:
#Natural Disasters AU - WIP WIP WIP the turtles are all natural disasters/elements and such
#League of Single Fathers AU - Leo is raised by Hypno, Mikey is raised by Meatsweats, Raph is raised by Ghostbear, and Donnie is raised by Repo Mantis. Shit happens.
#Villain Mikey AU/#Broke a Million Dollar Box AU - Wow this bitch has FAMILY ISSUES surely he deals with it in a HEALTHY WAY and does NOT kill people and go crazy!
#Villain Donnie AU/#Viral Donnie AU - Local boy causes apocalypse and then runs the apocalypse more at 10
#Four More Villains AU - Tied in w Villain Mikey & Villain Donnie, shared with @midwesternvibes
#Identical Identities AU - Who am I Anymore?
#Nonsense Apocalypse AU - A Rise au focusing on a robot turtle and zombie turtle trying to find their brothers in a weird apocalypse, and vice-versa.
#Draxum's Side of The Family AU - AU that focuses on Clones of the turtles that have a lot of problems. Don't worry, the original turtles have more problems too! Equal opportunity angst! [Semi hiatus]
#Teenage Mutant Magical Boys AU - Local mutants are used to save the world and are idols on the side. Aware that they're related. All struggling soso hard.
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tasenwrobots · 11 months
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(Click for better quality )
Some really badass villain music playing in the background.
Y'all should check out @onionninjasstuff 's villian PB&J au. It's really cool! Love your art n comics Archie :]
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
List of all AUs that got into the preliminary round!!
Snapdragon - bluesgras
But First They Must Catch You - mudlarkspur (+ao3)
Sorry I’m Late - GeminiForest
Lone Turtle and Hunter - midnightcreator12 (+ao3)
Happily Ever After - Phykoha
Kendratello Childhood AU - zeawesomeness
The Mutation Situation - Indieyuuugre
Quilt AU - Cokowee
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? - tangledinink
Good Genes - lordshroom
Twin-Sync (More than you Think) - little-banjo-frog
Mama’s Boys - honey_rye
Warrior’s Heart - peanutrat20
Rabbit’s Broach - pigeonsgrame2
UPRISING: A Rise Dystopia AU - alexthenerdbird
Down with the Stockholm - devotedtosadpoetry
Broken Trifecta - genderfluid-envy
TMNT Chicago Style - its-captain-sir
Tiz Sep AU - Tizline
Please Don’t Leave I Need You - TownFowl (ao3)
Sewer Punks - kettle-bird
Grown Apart - Chiscribbs
Leaves from the Vine - Cheetochild989
TMNT Shen and the League of Lesbians - genderfluid-envy
The Unicorn paradox - Mushangaa
Snapper Lou AU - Kittynomore
Sep Leo AU - dianagj-art
The Rise Hunger Games AU - daboyau
Honor Bound - terrazooid
Universes - XxLea_nardoxX
Minecraft Isekai - Songdrop/Caleb at calebscornerofart
Raised by the Capybara AU - Rubies-tmnt-aus
Dee-Evolution AU - cnwolf-brainrot
Welcome to Mutinis - mutiniau
Portal Baby - QuarterGremlins
Wouldn’t It Be Easier - 14Muffinz (+ao3)
Twinpathy - twinpathy
Live Life - centerofleesmind
August’s AU - star-sparkler
No Fun in Fungus - boots-with-the-fur-club
At my Worst - teainthesnow (+ao3)
Ktech - dontfindmeimscared
Camp Hamato - P0t3n1al
Even more of a Disaster - 3lectricinsomnia and teaableu (main blog evenmoreofadisaster)
No Crime only Brooches - Olliethescribe (+ao3)
DNAngel - blye-flower
Finding home - sad-leon
Causa scienta - urlocalllama (ao3)
TMNT 04 - koolaidashley
Is this right? - cruitly-ink
Turtles all the way down - pommigranite
Firefight au - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Death wish - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Ghost AU - Melliedoodles
Mama’s Wishes - Bucketofbugz
Forgive Me - reagi-df
Eclipse - G0LD_Tea (Twitter)
Magic AU - vaudeville-moggie
Mitosis - Varian_dislikes_cheese (ao3)
Vengeance is yours - that-one-dork (+ao3)
The likeness of mirrored souls - enthblaze and omgselinabeckendorf
The employees - theemployees
Hello, Clairvoyant? - cogentsummonor (ao3)
Sidelined au - Dandylovesturtles
100 feet and a world away - Dandylovesturtles
Villain leo - Villianleoau
Bloom from oblivion - Aliteraladhdmess
Soulmates (evil) - error-core-animations (Oofiescreams - ao3)
The somber sunrise - Mocha_Mochaccino (ao3)
Snapdonnie - onejellyfishplease
Ōnryo leo - aquariumgirls (ao3)
Lost in the pink mist - lost-in-the-pink-mist
The Lonely Buzz in Blue - overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
The Blood Orange Multiverse - Jade-Clementine (Mylenapony11 + Cherry-blossom-consumer)
Teenage turtle ninja mutants - idiot-mushroom
Revelations Timeline AU - idk_im_just_here_now (ao3)
Two Souls - virgilsspidey (+ao3)
(Please let me know if there’s a duplicate or a creator spelled wrong!)
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twignotstick · 2 months
Liar, Liar
Note: The characters in this fic are from @rufwooff 's teenage mutant ninja everything-but-turtles au. Leo is a salamander, Mikey is a toad/frog, Donnie is a gecko, and Raph is an alligator. It can sort of be read as a rise fic if you ignore the... frog stuff? But there are things that might not make sense without knowledge of the au. This post specifically inspired the fic.
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Leo-centric, NOT MY CHARACTERS, Teenage Mutant Ninja Everything-but-Turtles, tmnebt, turtle tots (still unsure abt that one), dialogue written like a child, lying, extremely fluffy, but with a hint of angst
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): nothing, why would i ever hurt kids :)
Words: 4,647
Summary: Leo finally gets to spend a day alone with his little brother, Mikey. When things go wrong, he decides to save himself. After all, what's so bad about a little lie?
“Can grow to doo-ble the size in a few… h-owers…”
Leo held the small package he'd found close to his face, trying his best to read what the label said. Donnie had told him it was some kind of toy, but it just looked like a plastic whale to him. Mikey watched Leo from the bowl he was quickly outgrowing, listening intently to Leo's somewhat successful attempt at reading.
“Leave in a cup or bowl of wwwater and watch the magic!” Leo read triumphantly, holding the toy in front of him. The salamander looked over to his little brother. “We just need a cup or something to use it!”
“Wah'der!” Mikey noted wisely, bracing himself on the edge of the glass.
“Right!” Leo nodded, face turning pensive. “But I can't reach any of the cups or bowls in the kitchen, and Dad doesn't want me climbing on stuff anymore…”
“Waphie?” Mikey suggested.
“Raph's busy with Dad cooking dinner. Bo-ring.” Leo sighed. “And Donnie said he was studying today…”
“Hmm…” Mikey hummed, before his eyes lit up. “Bow’!” He squeaked, rocking his bowl side to side. “Bow’! A bow’!”
“No Mikey, we need a-” Leo caught on. “Oh, a bowl. You're a genius, Mikey!”
Mikey squeaked and squealed in response to the praise, wiggling what was left of his tail in the water. “Tank you.”
“Alright then, Mikester. You're gonna have to show off how good you are with those new legs.” Leo wrapped his arms around his baby brother's body, struggling for a moment to get a good grip with both of them having slippery skin, but he eventually hefted Mikey out of the bowl under his armpits and placed him on the stone floor. “This'll be a good oppa-tunity for you! You just gotta stay here while I fill up the bowl the rest of the way, okay?”
“Okie-dokie!” Mikey replied cheerfully, patting his newly grown hands on the floor. They had been fully developed for about a week, but he had yet to do much with them other than waving and clapping.
Taking Mikey's word without any doubt, Leo picked up the half filled bowl and carried it away to the nearby tunnel. Sure, he knew he wasn't supposed to go into the tunnels by himself. And sure, he knew he wasn't supposed to leave Mikey alone when they were playing. But Leo was a big boy! And so was Mikey! Mikey had all of his limbs now! That, Leo didn't exactly understand, because Leo always had all his limbs, just like Raph and Donnie. Mikey was just a ball with a tail and eyeballs. A tadpole, Donnie's voice reminded him. Now Mikey was a toadlet, which meant surely he was grown enough to be on his own for a few minutes.
It wasn't like Leo didn't like spending time with Mikey. He loved watching movies with him, coloring things with him, even chatting with him despite his more limited vocabulary. Mikey just… couldn't play a lot of the games Leo liked to play. Leo liked to move, and Mikey couldn't move a lot. Mikey couldn't play tag, or hide and seek, and he could only play Jupiter Jim if he was playing as Godfred, the Goldfish King. Even then, he was no fun to play with without his royal guards.
Today, Leo got to play with Mikey without supervision, a job usually reserved for his older brothers. It was a total breeze, he had found out, because Mikey was so stationary. Babies were boring, but they were easy.
Leo carried the bowl back, making sure to spill as little of the mildly murky sewer water he had collected as possible, and put it down right next to the toy he had left on the floor. Right next to the puddle where Mikey was sitting before.
“Boys! Come eat!”
Leo walked into the kitchen with a nervous smile on his face, finding that Raph and Donnie were already seated with food in front of them. Both plates were filled with vegetables and meat, and Splinter was preparing two more plates with more of the same.
“Hello, Blue,” Splinter greeted, glancing around Leo's sides. “Where is your brother? I thought he was with you.”
“H-he was! He just got reeeally tired,” Leo lied, swaying on his feet and swishing his tail slowly. “So I tucked him in bed. He was really, indubitably tired.”
“You don't even know what that word means, Leo.” Donnie glared right into Leo's soul, pushing his glasses up as Leo sat down next to him.
“Yes I do! I-it means Mikey was really super tired!”
“Purple, do not be rude to your brother,” Splinter scolded. “If Orange was tired, he should sleep. He is a growing boy. Thank you, Blue, for tucking him in. He can eat later, after he wakes up.” Splinter finished preparing a plate for himself, then sat down next to his sons and began eating. “Did you all enjoy yourselves today?”
Raphael nodded. “I showed Cheech how to beat up the practice dummy right! He wasn't too good at holdin’ Raph's sais though.”
“That is very kind of you, Red. I'm sure that Cheech will improve if you keep training him.” Splinter smiled kindly.
“He won't,” Donnie whispered, leaning into Leo's ear. “Teddy bears can't do ninjutsu.”
“I think Raph can teach him, Raph's good at teaching,” Leo whispered back.
“What about you, Purple?”
Donnie straightened his posture, his tail sticking straight up for a moment, straightening his glasses again. “I actually did some very helpful research using the encyclopedia that Dad found and the book on reptiles we got a while ago.” He looked around at his brothers. “I learned a lot about our different species. I looked pretty closely into toads and frogs so I could talk to Mikey about his current state, but apparently I can't, because he fell asleep at 6 pm.” Donnie side eyed Leo questioningly.
“You can tell him about what you learned tomorrow, Purple,” Splinter said. “I'm sure whatever he and Blue did today was exhausting, was it not?” He asked, redirecting the conversation to Leo.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Leo agreed fervently. “Me and Mike were having so much fun. Like, Mikey was having sooo much fun, he literally passed out! And I put him in bed, like a good big brother!”
“He… passed out?” Raph asked worriedly.
“Yeah! Like, knocked out hard. Totally asleep. And I tucked him in good!”
“In his tub.” Donnie raised a drawn eyebrow.
“That's right!”
“Boys, there is no need to argue about this,” Splinter said with a strained smile as the brothers finished eating and put their plates away in the sink. “We should all be happy for Blue, who has proven himself as a big brother.”
“He's sure proving something, alright…” Donnie murmured with crossed arms. 
“You can spend a little more time up, but I want you to get to bed soon as well. Meanwhile, I will be taking this opportunity to take a nice, long shower.” Splinter shook his robed arms, showcasing the small clumps of fur gathering across his body. “This stuff gets oily way faster than you would expect.”
“Don't worry Pops!” Raph said, standing absurdly tall for a child of his age and swishing his unruly tail. “I'll check on Mike, then I'll make sure Leo and Don get to sleep too! You have my word!” Raph tried to hold up a military salute, but he caught his hand on his large jaws and hit his head backwards, tail and arms flailing to make sure he didn't fall. He looked distraught for a moment, before making a show of shaking off the pain to be strong for his dad.
Splinter sighed. “Thank you, Red.”
Leo straightened up, eyes widening as he saw his brothers going toward their room,  and dashed over to the sink to drop off his own plate so he could follow. Quickly, would be preferable. 
“Blue? May I speak with you?”
Leo stood with the most relaxed posture he could muster as he faced his dad, leaning on the countertop behind him with one elbow. “Sure, Pops!”
Splinter kneeled down in front of the salamander. “I wanted to thank you for spending the day with your little brother. I know that he is still unable to do many of the things that you can, but it is good to hear that you included him in your games anyways.”
“Oh,” Leo said, losing his fake nonchalance for a moment. “It… it was no big deal, Dad.”
“I would say it was a big deal, Leonardo.” Splinter placed a paw on Leo's shoulder, smiling softly at his son. “Once Orange hits the growth spurt he is bound to, it will be much more difficult to keep you boys from bouncing off the walls. I am glad to know I can trust you to take care of your little brother.”
Leo's heart dropped in his chest with guilt, but he kept his outward appearance well enough. Internally, he was screaming to run away and stop his brothers from reaching the bedroom. “Of course, Dad. Mikey was actually really really super fun to hang with! Not boring at all! He actually was playing way more than me, and like, he was really cool and stuff. And fun to play with,” he added carefully.
Splinter stood up, cracking his back. “That is great to hear. Now-” he clapped his hands- “to wash the gunk out of this gross fur!” 
As soon as Splinter skipped away, Leo fumbled over his feet to rush to the bedroom. He kicked his tail a few times, but ignored it in his frenzy. His brothers were already there! It was over! He would never be trusted again! Not by Raph, not by Donnie (though who really cared about that), and most importantly, not by his dad!
When Leo got to the shared bedroom, he slid on the floor to turn in the doorway as fast as possible, only to find Raph terrifyingly close to Mikey's tank.
Both of his brothers looked up at him immediately. Donnie's glare from where he sat on his bed quickly changed from confused to exhausted. “And why, dear Nardo, would Raph need to wait?”
Leo hesitated. “Well, b-because-”
“No, Leo. You've been super suspicious ever since you came to dinner.” Donnie stood up, putting the book he had in his hands down.
“No I haven't!” Leo defended. “I don't even know what that means, so I can't be that.”
“It means you've been acting weird because you're hiding something!” Donnie accused.
“Am not!” Leo defended.
“Yes, you a-”
“Guys!” Raph whispered furiously, catching the other boys’ attention. “If you're gonna fight, do it quiet. Mikey's still asleep.” The oldest brother turned away, not being able to see the despaired expression on Leo's face, and approached Mikey's corner of the room where his small tank sat.
Donnie looked back at Leo with disdain. “Whatever you're hiding, you should just cough it up. Dad doesn't like liars.”
“Well that's great, cause I'm not lying. I'm like, the least liar-est person ever.”
“Uh, Donnie?” Raph asked quietly from his spot by the tank. “Didn't you say Mikey was supposed to mecha-morph-uh.. whatever?”
“Metamorphosis. It's the process through which a tadpole becomes a frog or toad. Commonly associated with frogs and butterflies, which come from caterpillars. And technically, the word would be ‘metamorphose’, in this context.”
“I think he meta-morph-osed into a whale instead…”
Leo held his breath.
“What?” Donnie walked over to the tank, continuing to ramble. “No, he's supposed to metamorphose into a fire bellied toad, not a whale. There's no way that- GASP!” Donnie plunged his hand in the tank, coming back out with an unmistakable item. “You left his bowl in the tank?!”
“What?! I-I don't know how that got there, I swear!” Leo stammered, grabbing the hem of his shirt.
“You said you put Mikey to bed! Mikey isn't here, but his bowl is!” Donnie shouted. “You lied! You lost Mikey!”
“N-no I didn't!”
“Oh yeah? Then how did his bowl get here?”
Leo puffed his cheeks, fuming. “It wasn't even my fault! Mikey said I could use his bowl!”
Raph gasped this time, like a normal person. “You really lost Mikey?”
Leo's anger faltered at the sad face on his big brother. The reality of the situation was finally settling in. “I-I didn't mean to. I just went in the tunnel for one second-”
“You went in the tunnels?!” Raph screamed.
Leo winced. “It was just for like a second, and nothing even happened!”
“Clearly, something did happen,” Donnie interjected, putting the bowl down. “You. Lost. Mikey!”
“I did not! Mikey said-”
“GUYS!” Raph slammed his tail on the ground, scaring his brothers into attention. “Right now, Raph's gonna ignore all the rules you broke. We don't need to fight about who to blame, because Mikey is missing. He could be in danger, or worse, already hurt. We need to find him before Dad finds out.” Raph stepped closer to Leo. “Now, where did you lose Mikey?”
“I didn't lose hi-”
“Mikey was under your supervision. Now he's gone. You lost Mikey,” Donnie said sternly. “Where did you lose him?”
Leo stared down at his feet, then sighed heavily. “It was right by the tunnel entrance, by the toy room. When I came-d back in, there was just a puddle where he was sitting before.”
“A puddle?” Donnie asked.
“Yeah, that's what I just said,” Leo groaned.
“No, that could be a clue. Show us where the puddle was,” Raph urged.
“Uh, okay.” Leo turned around and walked down the hall with his brothers in tow. He couldn't help but feel their eyes glaring into his back, judging him. Hating him for lying. For putting his baby brother in danger.
Maybe he wasn't a good big brother like Dad had said. Mikey was the only little brother he had. How did he screw that up?
They reached the end of the hall, and Leo was surprised to see a little bit of dampness still on the floor, even after almost an hour. “He was right here,” he said, crouching down to look.
“Hm,” Donnie hummed, crouching down as well. “Just as I thought.” He put a finger in the spot on the ground, surprising his brothers when his hand came up with something slimy. “Mikey didn't just leave the water from his bowl, he also left mucous.”
“Mucous? Like, he snotted everywhere?” Raph questioned.
“No, it's not snot. It's mucous. Many frogs and toads produce mucous with glands on their skin that helps keep it moist. In some, it also helps them breathe through their skin,” Donnie explained.
“So, Mikey left his skin snot on the floor,” Leo gathered.
“No. It's mucous, not snot.”
“Hey, look!” Raph pointed to another spot on the floor. “More snot!”
“Follow it!” Leo said, running over to the spot and searching for more.
Donnie pinched the bridge of his snout. “Again, not snot, but okay, we have a lead.”
“Why's it in spots, and not, like, little froggy footprints?” Raph asked, following as Leo spotted more spots.
“It's possible that Mikey figured out how to hop,” Donnie said.
“Ha! So this was worth it!” Leo said, pumping a fist. “I taught Mikey how to hop!”
“Or, you taught him how to hop off a cliff and die. Or hop right into a human's home,” Donnie replied.
“Donnie…” Raph whispered.
Leo didn't respond, instead choosing to keep following the spots. There were a few he saw on the walls, which he noted curiously. They traveled all throughout the lair, slowly becoming more recent. Eventually, the brothers found a place where they entered a door.
The bathroom door, where soft singing could be heard on the other side.
“Aw, spit.”
Raph elbowed Leo's shoulder. “Dad said you shouldn't say that anymore.”
“Why? It's not a bad word. I can say it all I want! Spit, spit, spit-”
“Guys,” Donnie said, “let's worry more about the mucous going into the room where Dad is showering.”
“Oh, right.”
The trio opened the door slowly, getting facefuls of steam that fogged up Donnie's glasses, causing him to back out. Leo and Raph stuck their heads in, surveying the area. Splinter's operatic singing filled their ears, making them wince. However, in the midst of the steam filled bathroom, they spotted what they were looking for.
Mikey was perched on the edge of the sink, looking at the closed shower curtain with wide eyes.
“Mikey!” Leo whispered, getting Mikey's attention and drawing his eyes. “Hey Angelo! Come here, come to Leo!” He held his hands out, beckoning.
Mikey squeaked softly, waving at Leo, then pointing at the shower.
“Nonono, don't go there buddy, hop over here!”
Mikey grinned, then readied himself to jump straight at the curtain.
The clattering of metal and screams of the boys cut off Splinter's singing, as Mikey hopped right onto the curtain and pulled the curtain rod down. Raph pushed past Leo into the room, catching Mikey before he fell to the floor with the curtain.
Splinter, despite being covered with soaked fur, tried to cover himself and turned the shower off. “Boys!? What is the meaning of this?!”
Raph fumbled to keep Mikey in his arms. “Sorry, Pops! Mikey was just-”
Mikey turned around in Raph's arms, reaching out to Splinter. “Hi Daddy!”
“Orange? What are you doing awake?”
“He, uh, he woke up!” Leo said, pushing in front of Raph. “We had to follow him here.”
“Follow him?” Splinter raised an eyebrow.
Raph looked at Leo, unsure.
“Yes?” Leo said nervously.
They all stood still, Leo patting his toe on the floor. He couldn't tell if he was sweating of fear, or if it was just the steam in the room. The tension felt as thick as the steam filled air.
“YES YOU DID! AND YOU LIED! LEO LIED!” Donnie screamed from outside the room.
“Donnie! Stop being mean to Leo!” Raph said, struggling to keep a hold on the boy in his arms. Mikey wriggled around, bracing his feet on Raph's chest and hopping off, sending himself flying into Splinter's arms while also hitting Raph's jaws shut with a clack and nearly sending Raph falling backwards.
“Orange!” Splinter caught Mikey deftly, checking him over. Then, he looked back up to his other sons. More specifically, at the one who had just been basically slapped by his own jaw. “Red, are you okay?”
Raph grunted, but nodded slowly as he held his snout.
“Good. That was very rude of you, Orange,” he said to the son in his arms. “What do you say?”
“I'm sowwy, Waphie…” Mikey mumbled with innocent eyes. Raph gave a weak thumbs up in response.
“Good job. I'm very proud of you for learning how to jump.” Splinter looked at Leo, who physically shrank.
“I-I swear, I didn't meanta lose him. We were just playing, a-and he said-”
“He can tell me what he said.”
Leo felt tears trying to force their way out behind his eyes.
Splinter sighed, dropping his shoulders. “Red,” he addressed, “make sure your brothers get to bed. With no screens,” he said, shooting a glare at the door.
“I would never!” Donnie scoffed from outside.
“I will come to tuck you in as soon as I am done with my shower. I have a feeling that Orange won't let me go without giving him a good bath, too,” he added, causing Mikey to squeak and laugh in his hold.
“No problem, Pops,” Raph said, walking toward the door.
Leo blinked, confused. Where was his scolding? Where was his slap on the wrist? This couldn't possibly be that bad, right? “B-but I-”
“Go to bed, Leonardo.”
Leo shut up fast, swallowing all of his tears and excuses. He followed Raph glumly out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Raph was standing outside with a concerned look on his face, while Donnie wore a smirk.
“I told you Dad doesn't like liars.”
Leo walked past, trying to get to the bedroom with as little eye contact as possible. Raph reached to grab his shoulder, but he shrugged it off and walked faster. Donnie's words echoed in his head.
Dad didn't like liars. Leo was a liar. Dad was the one that took care of them.
He could kick Leo out.
He'd have to live in the tunnels. Or maybe, Dad wouldn't let him live in the tunnels. He'd have to live on the surface, with the humans. The humans who wanted to catch him. Who wanted to pull him apart to see what he was made of and then piece him back together to see what he could do. He would die without his dad. He didn't want to live without his dad. Without his brothers. Without Mikey. Because he did love Mikey, even if he lied. At least he thought so.
Maybe Dad wouldn't care now. Maybe Dad didn't love him now. Leo was a liar. Dad doesn't like liars. Why would he?
Leo flopped into his bed as soon as he reached it, pulling the covers over himself and turning in to face the wall. Raph attempted to talk to him, but Leo only curled up tighter, pulling his tail up so far he could see it in front of his face.
Eventually, Raph gave up. Leo heard him softly scolding Donnie, but tried to ignore it as silent tears fell off his cheeks.
Just when he thought he was about to fall asleep, Leo heard the bedroom door opening. He wiped his face and turned slightly, seeing Splinter walk first to Donnie's bed, then to Raph's, before finally coming toward Leo's.
He noticed Mikey sitting in the doorway, who waved when he caught Leo's eyes. Leo waved back slowly.
Splinter kneeled by Leo's bedside, just like he would any other night to tuck him in. Usually, this would bring Leo warmth and comfort, reminding him that his father loved him. This time, Leo couldn't fight the sense of dread that filled his chest, making it feel like he was breathing something heavier than air. He wasn't getting tucked in. He didn't deserve that anymore. He was a liar.
Dad doesn't like liars. 
His father's eyes seemed to see right through him. “I am very upset with you, Leonardo.”
Leo tensed, but kept looking at Splinter.
“I am not upset that you lost track of your brother. You are a child, and I cannot expect you to be perfect. Do you know why I am upset?”
Leo nodded slowly, then mumbled, “Because I lied…”
“Exactly. It is because you lied. You could have told me as soon as it happened, and I would have helped you look for him. Instead, you lied and put your brother at even more risk. You could have fessed up when I saw Michelangelo in the bathroom. But yet, you still didn't. You didn't admit to your own fault. It took Donatello telling me for you to finally confess. And even then, you tried to rid yourself of all guilt.”
Leo sniffed, tearing up again. “Are you gonna kick me out?”
Splinter's eyebrows raised in shock. “What? No, I will not kick you out. Why would I ever do something so horrible?”
Something shattered.
“But… but I lied! I hurt Mikey! I-I'm a bad brother!” Leo's tears started flowing openly.
“No, no, Blue, you are okay. Shh…” Splinter rubbed his hand across Leo's face, wiping a tear away.
Leo sniffled and hiccuped, holding onto the back of Splinter's hand and softly sobbing. “I'm sorry, Dad, I-I didn't want to…”
Splinter rubbed his son's cheek, hushing him quietly. “I know. But that does not change what you did.” He looked deeply into his son's eyes, ensuring he had his full attention. “I forgive you, but this cannot go without punishment. I will not kick you out, and I never would. You are my son. Instead, you will be grounded for a month.”
Leo whined, but nodded. “Okay…”
“However, I believe that taking away the things that bring you joy will not make you learn the lesson that you need to learn. That is why, during this month, you will not be disallowed from doing anything in our home. Do you understand that?”
Leo nodded.
“The only caveat is that you must spend the entire month with your brother, Michelangelo. You will only do things that he wants to do. You will not plant ideas in his head or put words in his mouth. You will only do things that he says he wants to do. If he ever wants to spend time away from you, you will spend that time with me. Do you understand?”
“Mhm.” Leo nodded again.
“Perfect.” Splinter smiled. “I forgive you for this, and I hope that through this grounding period you can regain my trust.”
Leo smiled as well and nodded one last time, wiping one last tear with the heel of his hand. “I hope so too.”
Splinter turned to the doorway and waved Mikey over with his hand. Mikey grinned and hopped over, much quicker than Leo had expected. He stopped at Leo's bedside, slowly using the bed to brace himself as he stood up on shaky legs, then looked at his father.
“Tell Blue what you told me, Orange.”
Mikey wobbled for a second, then looked up at Leo. “I, um, I'm sowwy I went away when you said not go away. And I'm sowwy, um, I jumped at Daddy when you said not to do… And, um, I wwwanted to s'eep in a big boy bed tonight, cause imma big boy now, but I don't got a big boy bed, can I s’eep wi’ you.” Mikey finished the sentence like a statement, not a question, but his intention was clear.
Leo looked for just a second at his dad, who nodded encouragingly, before looking back at his little brother. “Sure, Mike. Hop on up here.”
Mikey did just that, with more force than Leo had expected. “Wow, Angelo, you've really got good legs now!” Leo said, catching Mikey in his arms and helping tuck him into the blankets. Meanwhile, Splinter walked to Mikey's tank and came back with his bowl and a towel.
“Alright, boys. Orange, your bowl will be right here if you need to soak, and your tank will be there if you want it.” Splinter pulled the blanket up, kissing each boy on the forehead. He cringed and wiped his lips after kissing Mikey, making the boy squeak and giggle. “Sleep well, my big boys. I am so proud of you, and I love you.”
“Love you too, Dad,” both boys chorused. Mikey snuggled into Leo's chest, letting Leo hold him like a stuffed animal. Leo only flinched for a moment at the slimy feeling of Mikey's skin (mucous, not snot).
Splinter walked out of the room, and it was barely even 20 seconds after he heard the door close that Leo heard a whisper coming from beside him.
“I'm sowwy, ‘eo,” Mikey murmured.
Leo looked down at his brother, confused. “You already said sorry. You don't gotta say it again.”
“But I said sowwy then cause Dad said,” Mikey explained. “Now, I said sowwy cause Mikey said.”
“Oh.” Leo settled back in, putting his chin on Mikey's head. “Well, I'm really sorry too. And that's cause Leo said,” he added, smirking.
Mikey giggled and squeezed Leo tightly, wiggling beneath the sheets. In a matter of minutes, the young amphibian had completely fallen asleep, slightly drooling on Leo's pillow. He didn't mind.
Leo grabbed onto Mikey and closed his eyes as well.
He never wanted to let go again.
Did I tell myself I would write au comp propaganda? Yes. Did I write a fic about an au completely unrelated to the comp? Yes, and I'm not sorry. I figured since another round finished up today, why not post something?
For real, I've had some insane art block recently, and writing has been keeping me sane. I tried writing propaganda, hated it, then realized, you know what makes me feel better every time? Turtle tots.
In this case, everything-but-turtle tots.
Shoutout to @rufwooff for making one of the most serotonin filled aus I've seen in a while, and fueling my exhaustion-induced writing spree. And go check out @tmntaucompetition! We're getting closer to the end! AAH!
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allyssl · 4 months
TMNT AU Comp Preliminary Links
this is long
Snapdragon - bluesgras
But First They Must Catch You - mudlarkspur (+ao3)
Sorry I’m Late - GeminiForest
Lone Turtle and Hunter - midnightcreator12 (+ao3)
Happily Ever After - Phykoha
Kendratello Childhood AU - zeawesomeness
The Mutation Situation - Indieyuugre
Quilt AU - Cokoweee
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? - tangledinink
Good Genes - lordshroom
Twin-Sync (More than you Think) - little-banjo-frog
Mama’s Boys - honey_rye
Warrior’s Heart - peanutrat20
Rabbit’s Broach - pigeonsgrame2
UPRISING: A Rise Dystopia AU - alexthenerdbird
Down with the Stockholm - devotedtosadpoetry
Broken Trifecta - genderfluid-envy
TMNT Chicago Style - its-captain-sir
Tiz Sep AU - Tizeline
Please Don’t Leave I Need You - fowlaroundtown (ao3)
Sewer Punks - kettle-bird
Grown Apart - Chiscribbs
Leaves from the Vine - Cheetochild989
TMNT Shen and the League of Lesbians - genderfluid-envy
The Unicorn paradox - Mushangaa
Snapper Lou AU - Kittynomore
Sep Leo AU - dianagj-art
The Rise Hunger Games AU - daboyau
Honor Bound - terrazooid
Universes - XxLea-nardoxX
Minecraft Isekai - Songdrop/Caleb at calebscornerofart
Raised by the Capybara AU - Rubies-tmnt-aus
Dee-Evolution AU - cnwolf-brainrot
Welcome to Mutinis - mutiniau (ao3)
Portal Baby - QuarterGremlin
Wouldn’t It Be Easier - 14Muffinz (+ao3)
Twinpathy - twinpathy
Live Life - centerofleesmind
August’s AU - star-sparkler
No Fun in Fungus - boots-with-the-fur-club
At my Worst - teainthesnow (+ao3)
Ktech - dontfindmeimscared
Camp Hamato - P0t3n1al
Even more of a Disaster - 3lectricinsomnia and teaableu (main blog evenmoreofadisaster)
No Crime only Brooches - Olliethescribe (+ao3)
DNAngel - blye-flower
Finding home - sad-leon
Causa scienta - urlocalllama (ao3)
TMNT 04 - koolaidashley
Is this right? - cruitly-ink
Turtles all the way down - pommigranite
Firefight au - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Death wish - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Ghost AU - Melliedoodles
Mama’s Wishes - Bucketofbugz (+askblog)
Forgive Me - reagi-df
Eclipse - G0LD_Tea (Twitter)
Magic AU - vaudeville-moggie
Mitosis - Varian_dislikes_cheese (ao3)
Vengeance is yours - that-one-dork (+ao3)
The likeness of mirrored souls - enthblaze and omgselinabeckendorf
The employees - theemployees
Hello, Clairvoyant? - cogentsummonor (ao3)
Sidelined au - Dandylovesturtles
100 feet and a world away - Dandylovesturtles
Villain leo - Villianleoau
Bloom from oblivion - Aliteraladhdmess
Soulmates (evil) - error-core-animations (Oofiescreams - ao3)
The somber sunrise - xmochaccinox (ao3)
Snapdonnie - onejellyfishplease
Ōnryo leo - aquariumgirls (ao3)
Lost in the pink mist - lost-in-the-pink-mist
The Lonely Buzz in Blue - overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
The Blood Orange Multiverse - Jade-Clementine (Mylenapony11 + Cherry-blossom-consumer)
Teenage turtle ninja mutants - idiot-mushroom
Revelations Timeline AU - idk_im_just_here_now (ao3)
Two Souls - virgilsspidey (+ao3)
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miasmaclockworks · 4 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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sharenadraculea · 5 months
Planetswap-AU Outline!
Finally manged to finish the backstory-outlines for my planetswap-au!
I Lion El‘Johnson (Olympia): The tyrant of Lochos received a vision that a child from the sky would take his throne and so he ordered his servants to kill the infant. But instead they gave the baby to a huntress, who went on to raise him as a girl. Many years later she meets Calliphone, the princess of Lochos who ran away, and while they slowly fell in love, they started planning the revolution. 
III Fulgrim (Barbarus): Beeing captured by the tyrannical overlord Necare, Fulgrim spent his whole life in a tower on the highest mountain of Barbarus. While beeing forced to work for Necare, the toxic atmosphere slowly but surely did irreversible damage to his lungs. When the Emporer finally came to Barbarus, Fulgrim was closer to death than live, and even after leaving the planet, he is in dire need of medical treatment.
IV Perturabo (Baal Secundus): Perturabos pod was found by the mutants living in the desert and they raised him as one of their own. And seeing their suffering, he wanted to help. And he managed to, building houses and trying to improve medicine. 
V Jagathai Dorn (Inwit): The young Jaghatai was found by the patriarch of the house Dorn. Growing up amongst the feuding houses he soon learned the in and outs of both politics and polite society and became a master of artic warfare. It didn‘t take long for him to conquer the whole world and so he set to the stars, soon having taken over the whole of the Inwit-cluster. 
VI Leman (Prospero): After landing in the desert of Prospero, the planets psykic jackels led the infant to the city of Tizca. Roaming it‘s streets, Leman finally found a home in the cities great library. He learned the place of every book and despite beeing of great help to the people of Prospero, he always felt like a outsider due to his inability to use magic. 
VII Rogal (Cthonia): Rogal was found by one of Cthonias many gang-leaders, who quickly came to treat him as her own son. As the young primarch grew up, he realized what his mother was actually doing and in a fit of rage accidentally killed her. Terrified of what he did, Rogal ran away and hid out until the emporer arrived. 
VIII Konrad (Caliban): There are many strage creatures in the depth of Calibans forest and one of them is the Lady of the Lake. As beautifull as she is deadly and often accompanied by the Watchers in the Dark, she may help those mortals brave or foolish enough to seek her out. But if they are deemed unworthy, they may loose their heart to her. 
IX Sanguinius Khan (Chogoris/Mundus Plannus): Raised by a tribal leader, Sanguinius had a happy childhood until his father was killed by a enemy tribe. Gathering his own army, he set out for revenge and once he tasted blood, there was no going back. With both fear and diplomacy he united the warring tribes of the steppe, attracting the attention of the planets empires who soon managed to capture him. The day of his supposed execution, he killed the local emporer and fought his way back out, soon taking over the whole planet. 
X Ferrus Manus (Terra): Ferrus was raised by the Emporer himself or more accuratly, it was Malcador who did most of it. He traveled the stars ever since he was young and no, the Emporer definetly did not loose a teenage Ferrus, leading to him slaying a necron construct which coated his arms in living metal. 
XII Angron Guilliman (Macragge): Angron was raised by loving parents and had a very happy childhood. Thanks to his empathy-powers he came to greatly care about regular humans and so started to improve live for everyone. He also introduced proper democracy to Ultramar and started adopting every stray cat he meets. 
XIII Roboute (Deliverance/Lycaeus): Roboute grew up in the shadows, always hiding from the prison guards and helping prepare the slaves for the revolution. But it didn‘t work forever and he was caught. The sadistic guards were fascinated by the strange boy who was too big and healed too fast. But even after he escaped and the revolution suceeded, Roboute would never be the same again and still struggles to speak. 
XIV Mortarion (Colchis): When a especially bad drought hit Colchis, multiple children were sacrificed to their god of nature. Little Mortarion was the only one to return, no longer human and never to grow up.
XV Magnus the Red (Nocturne): Nocturne has always been a unstable planet, the myriad of vulvanos and lavafields forcing it‘s inhabitants to constantly move. The young Magnus soon realized that he had the power to controll both fire and the earth itself. He learned how to fight the planets vulcanos and turned the deathworld into a much more hospitable place. 
XVI Horus (Nuceria): Horus was lucky: the high-rider who found him decided to keep him instead of throwing the child into the figthing pits. He grew up in luxury and later used his influence not to improve live for everyone but to have good time, doing drugs and playing gladiator. To him it was just a game, afterall he is a primarch, he wouldn‘t loose. 
XVII Lorgar (Medusa): Lorgar grew up in a secluded monestary high in Medusas mountains. As she got older, she realized that she is not a man, which led to her beeing kicked out of the monestary. Wandering the lands she had to learn who she actually is and find a more healthy relationship to her religion,
XVIII Vulkan of the Russ (Fenris): Vulkan was found by a young dragon, who miraculously didn‘t kill the infant, instead taking care of the young boy. As he got older, his interest in humans grew until he decided to join the nearby human village. Quickly discovering his talent as a smith and warrior -as well as a love for everything shiny- he became the leader of his people.
XIX Corvus Corax (Chemos, kind of): Corvus landed on the planet of Chemos, but they didn‘t stay there for long: harlequins found the infant wandering about and after a bit of godly intervention accepted the infant as one of their own. They learned the harlequins dances and stories, how to use eldar weaponery and about Cegorachs mysterious plans as they travelled the webway. And for the story to advance, they need to leave their adoptive family… at least for now. 
XX Alpharius and Omegon (Nostramo): While they landed on a absolutly horrible planet, they were together. Speaking a language only the two of them can understand, they did their best to survive as so many street urchins did, and maybe improve that hellhole of a planet. 
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Out of curiosity, for the teenage mutant neglected turtles AU, what's up with Draxum? I know you've mentioned him a couple of times, like coming by and being the one to give the weapons to the turtles, but like is he still kind of an enemy? Is he a dude who tries to be vaguely parental? (Also just wanted to say that this AU a lot of fun! And I really love your art! You do a really good job with character's designs being unique/memorable and really reflecting their personalities and all that!)
OOHHH IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED *spits up blood* so here's the thing.
i'll try to summarize this cause I need to finish my hw for tomorrow and go to bed (I've been saying that for hours at this point) but here's the story in bullet points
Splinter is forced into the battle nexus like in rise (possibly handed over by shredder, but I'll have to think on that more)
Draxum gets him out this time too, with the caveat that if he successfully jailbreaks Splinter, Splinter will help him create and train his warriors. this is cemented via magical contract/pact. Splinters always wanted to keep the hamato line going so he says yes to the chance of super powered kids he gets to train (read: mold into his perfect obedient little warriors)
Splinter accidentally gets turned into a rat while making The Boys (whoopsie!)
Draxum still wanted to make them mystic warriors, but more for DEFENSE and less for wiping out humanity or whatever it was he wanted in Rise. Basically, the intention behind mutating them was more for defense than offense. Draxum isn't as concerned about Humanity pushing Yokai out as like, an active threat, but he's still concerned so he wants some warriors to safeguard the place.
Splinter throws an absolute bitch fit about Draxum turning him into a rat man and refuses to continue being Draxums lab partner, or whatever you'd call their weird semi-homoerotic situation
unfortunately due to that magic pact, splinter is still very much obligated to train the turtles to be warriors. So after a lot of arguing, Draxum agrees to let Splinter take the kids and go sulk off to live on his own, so long as Draxum gets to check up on them every now and then to assess how they're developing & how the training is going
(at first Draxum is pissy about his creations being taken away from him but he kinda cools down after Splinter keeps bitching at him about how hard it is to raise 4 kids on zero income, cause Draxum realizes he actually really didn't ever want to be a parent and he got lucky that Splinter took them off his hands for him)
anddd that's basically where things stagnate. Draxum still comes by to check on the turtles, and hes unhappy that they haven't unlocked their powers yet despite the weapons he gave them being chock full of mystic energy. Draxum has been working on defenses for the hidden city and other things this whole time, but he's still kinda hoping his Super Soldier project proves itself anyyy minute now
Splinter still hates him for turning him into a rat but tbh Draxum has kinda gotten over the whole thing by now hahff
annnd because you asked after him, here's some character designing doodles I made in class today. still haven't got anything SOLIDLY down yet but, y'know
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foxsoulart · 3 months
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"Teenage Mystic Yokai Turtles"
Mystic Summons Au : Casey and April summon 4 mystic turtles, using ancient clan scrolls, to help save the world (the boys are just a tad unhinged and rather enjoy the modern world than do any work)
Thousands of years old(technically)
Earth threatened by Triceratons
- 'Youngest'
-is the strongest, mystic power wise
-often floats around
-major prankster
- 'second youngest'
- absolutely fascinated by technology, there wasn't any the last time they were summoned
-able to connect and control programs/tech such as spaceships, simply by touching and extending his mystic
-holds grudges
- 'second oldest'
- likes planning pranks with Mikey
- loses arm to Triceratons?
- flamboyant
- 'oldest'
- big ol teddy bear
- loves cute fluffy things
All four are technically the same age, slight time difference in hatching
All four love love love basking
The magic summon scroll:
Ancient, can only be destroyed by incredibly powerful mystic magic. Cannot be destroyed by the mystic sealed in it. Several scrolls scattered around the world each with different mystics. Mystics are sealed by either being forced, tricked, or agreeing to a contract of sorts. Don't necessarily have to obey the one who summoned them, big loopholes to take advantage of there. Scrolls are impervious to the elements; fire, water, sunlight, time etc. Those who seal them don't have to be stronger than the mystic being sealed, although it helps.
Mystics do not age while inactive-sealed-not summoned. Time in between Summons is like a blink, or short nap. Time is paused and so is their consciousness. Mystics can be any species, not just yokai.
About the boys sealing circumstances:
Were tricked into it. Not really mad about it,(probably) since the dude who sealed them is long since dead. Have been sealed since medieval times. Only summoned 10 times, last was over 3000 years ago (have to check my math) these numbers and times are subject to change because I can't make up my mind or bother with math
All four are on 1 scroll, cannot be summoned individually. All or nothing.
The Triceratons:
Lived on earth back in the dinosaur age as normal dinosaurs, mutated by krang deal. Big guys, like 12 tmnt big.
Returned, but decided to get rid of the 'lesser lifeforms' aka humans before settling in.
Fugitiod situation. Except he actually is a criminal. And a cyborg(?) But overall a nice guy.
The krang: ? Who Dat? No krang here?
Casey jones Hammato: Hamato clan descendent. 19 yrs. Fluffy black hair, striking blue eyes. Summons the boys in hopes they will protect the earth.
April (O Neilus or Hammato idk):
Sister or best friend? 18yrs. Red hair. Summons boys with Casey. Part of the Violet Wyverns (band or gang or club idk yet)
Violet Wyverns (name pending): band or gang or club of some real cool peeps. Members include Mondo(leopard gecko yokai boy, 16 yrs) Milo ( Asian persuasion girl, 17yrs) plus more I haven't decided yet
Hidden City: pretty much the same as rottmnt, lotsa them all over the earth.
Other planets outside of earth: who knows? Will I ever integrate any in this au?
Other sentient species besides humans: Yokai, mutants, Triceratons, ??? Mythical beings? Idk yet?
Basic plotline/storyline: guys get summoned, some stuff happens, get kidnapped by Triceratons, interagated/tortured for info cause "hey they look like they know something, let's grab them" - them being clueless for once. Escape involves setting the leader ship into self destruct. Repels the dinos. Casey don't know how to seal them back, not that he really wants to, so hey, let's explore modern earth. Chaos ensues. Mystic Mayhem anyone?
Tags are: #mystic Summons au and #teenage mystic yokai turtles
I love love love questions and asks! Suggestions are cool too! This helps me world/lore build and be decisive about things
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
RotTMNT: The Show Must Go On
For @tutant and the Magic Leo AU.
Leo woke up to pain and confusion. His head feeling like someone had been drilling into it. He blinked several times, feeling like he’d fallen asleep somehow. Did he just wake up? How did he sleep while standing?
The rest of his body felt fine, though. Better than fine, actually. Light. Energized. Like he could do anything.
Something felt off though. Nothing seemed the way it should, though he couldn’t begin to question how. But there was one thing he did know—the only thing that made sense in the ringing in his brain. The new absolute truth around which his thoughts and memories formed as he slowly crawled his way back to what he was sure must be reality.
His only rock—his only guide in the maelstrom of confusion was a singular sentence running through his head, repeating endlessly:
“The show must go on.” 
The pounding in his head lessened the more he thought about it.
He didn’t know where it came from. He didn’t know why it was there either. But something about it felt wrong as it resonated within him.
He hesitated, blinking in confusion as the word blinked just as easily out of his head.
It…it felt…wrong it’s WRONG—
Again, it was like his mind skipped. What did it feel? Something was telling him to get it out it’s not supposed to BE here!
…it felt something, right? But what?
It was perfectly normal.
Yeah, now that he concentrated, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Honestly, now that he focused, it was a beautiful phrase. The perfect phrase, really. The sort of thing to live your life by. How had he never thought about it before?
…why was he thinking about it now?
Wasn’t he supposed to be doing something? He was sure he was supposed to be with…someone?
“There we go.”
There was someone else here, so that answered that question. This must be who he had been here with.
Oh wait. He recognized him! It was Hypno, an enemy! Mesmer-Ron, an amazing magician and hypnotist.
Of course he knew who the man was. He had been a fan. Why was he here with him, though?
Mezmer-Ron spoke, pulling his attention.
“Are you ready?”
Ready? For what?
He frowned, trying to concentrate. What had he been doing? Why was he here? Where were—
“Are you ready for your audition, my boy?”
He blinked. Something snapped into place.
Oh. Oh right, he was here for the audition. How could he forget?
“You just need to get the books.” Mesmer-Ron reminded him, gesturing through a door.
He followed the magician’s directions and peeked into the room where there was a central podium with some books inside. No signs of any guards, though some symbols on the floor and walls indicated cause for warning. And nothing in the way of the books themselves other than a glass case.
This would be easy.
He sent a smirk over his shoulder.
“You got it, Boss.”
He strode into the room with confidence even as he saw and felt the hidden dangers. But he didn’t let any of that stop him. Why would he?
He was going to ace this.
“The show must go on.”
Of course it must.
Life was a show.
And what else was he supposed to be but a showman?
Well, this was easy enough. Certainly easier than he had expected.
He had been worried once he saw one of the Turtles at the Magic Town House as well. After all, where there was one, the others surely were nearby. And all of them together would no doubt ruin his heist plans. This would be his only chance at Houdini’s Journals and the power contained within! The absolute last thing he needed were the mutant teenagers interfering!
But it seemed that what he had feared would be an obstacle turned out to be quite a useful resource.
After all, these were Houdini’s Journals—practically mystic spellbooks in their own right. What if they were trapped in some way he couldn’t tell? What spells or tricks might have been put in place to keep away potential thieves? 
Hypno had been planning to go in himself and brave whatever trials may have been in place.
Well, if he had someone else to send in first, why not use them?
So he directed Blue to enter and steal the Journals for him while he waited outside in relative safety. He had expected a number of scenarios. For nothing to happen. For the boy to be transformed into a frog. So many ways that he could fail to only a few routes of success.
But this…
It was amazing! Better than he could have hoped!
Clearly the ninja title wasn’t just for show as the teen dodged, jumped, ducked, and slid past one trap after another—all with a perfect poker face that didn’t even bely the effort! And with the few tricks that he couldn’t dodge, he deflected and parried them so easily!
Hypno had always been one for a good performance—both from the seats and on the stage. He was a perfectionist like that.
And Blue certainly did not disappoint.
Then best of all was near the final reach. The glass itself was spelled to repel intruders and seemed all but impenetrable. He hadn’t been sure that Blue would manage to make it past that short of breaking glass, and he had been prepared to run in the very likely case that it set off alarms. Yet instead, Blue parried another attack from a magical trap with sword in one hand while having somehow managed to take and switch out the Journals with the other in what had to be the finest display of slight of hand that Hypno had EVER seen!
It was practically a show all in itself! Surely, the great Magicians of the past themselves would have approved!
Then to top it all off, once he was done, Blue leapt back with Journals in hand and fell through a perfectly placed portal to wind up right back outside of the room and at Hypno's side, landing in a perfect bow with the Journals presented to him. Practically—no—actually bow-tied!
“How?” “A good magician never reveals his secrets.” Blue replied with a grin.
“That’s true.” He replied, taking the Journals with some reverence.
And sure enough, it was no trick. These were the actual Journals. He could practically FEEL the secrets and knowledge contained within.
…and yet…he hesitated.
What if their power was too great for him? He of course had confidence in his own capability, but these were the journals of Houdini himself. There was no point in using them if doing so would corrupt or change him.
He needed someone to test it first, he realized.
“But luckily,” he mused, turning to the other in the room, “I have a volunteer.”
Blue looked up at him in confusion.
“Did I pass?”
Hypno grinned. “Of course! I dare say you have quite a lot of talent there.”
The kid beamed. It was adorable, really. He remembered when he had been that young and enchanted by all that magic had to offer.
…in fact…
Why not use this?
If what he had witnessed so far was correct, Blue was a fan of magic. And that showmanship was perfect for stage presence. Perhaps the boy had some talent for magic that Hypno could help foster. And there was something in him that wanted to build that. A future magician. A legacy.
It would be also all the better to allow him test the Journals and see just what they could really do. A bit of influence to nudge Blue in the right direction to want to learn more, to devote his skills to the craft, to excel in magic—what feats could be accomplished? What limits could be broken?
Plus it would mean one less Turtle to disrupt any of his future plans…especially as he had little doubt that the other Turtles would try to step in once it was known he had the Journals. Perhaps having one of the brothers on his side would help to counter that possibility?
Yes, there was everything to gain here.
“It just so happens that I’ve been on the lookout for such bright young talent! I think I may have a place for you.” Hypno announced.
“Really?” Blue asked. His face showed curiosity, but there was excitement there in his eyes. Something that he was fairly convinced his own power hadn’t put there.
“Of course! I’m a magician of my word!” He clapped Blue on the back, grinning as he began to lead the way out. 
“And every magician needs an assistant.”
After all…
The show must go on.
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scribblermerlin · 2 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legacy
Okay, so this is my take on a TMNT series. I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: In the sewers of New York, Hamato Splinter's four sons and adoptive daughter hide from the Shredder and his forces, training so that when he finds them, they won't immediately die.
The Hamato children have spent most of their lives hiding from the Shredder, but when they meet a boy looking for his best friend, they get pulled into a world of adventure and danger, with aliens, monsters, and Purple Dragons; oh my!
Basic Notes: The Hamato clan has magic, but it differs from how Rise does magic.
April was raised by Splinter since she was a toddler, but she is totally human.
Splinter is very overprotective of his kids and while he does let them leave the lair, he worries the whole time. Also, due to an Incident from their childhoods, the area around their lair has been severely booby-trapped.
While the turtles are all Western Painted Turtles, the previously mentioned Incident caused them to be hybridized with several other turtle species.
The Foot Clan are all mutant Kraang hybrids, and Hamato Saki did not start the Foot Clan of his own free will. Karai and Miwa are also separate people.
The Foot Clan will not be the first villains Hamato & Co. will face. That honor belongs to the Purple Dragons, who I've turned into a cult that wants to turn all life into machinery.
Casey is best friends with Irma in this AU. Casey also has a lot of trauma relating to the kidnapping of his younger sister, Cassandra.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
My teenage mutant magical boys au started as a bit but now Raph is dissociating on stage and Leo and Donnie have terrible feeble senses of self and anger issues and Mikey self destucts with vices to cope with his terrible workplace and they're all so so fucking sad and not even heros by choice.
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friskebits · 9 months
Have a cool au I made :3
Tumblr media
Ghosty boy, silly lil dead man and his very alive relative
(rant/story under the cut!)
So! In my lil au Donnie, Raph and Mikey are all brothers that live together in one house with splinter, mutants and yokai are normal to see on the surface here too-
One day while ditching school bc his grades are so perfect he doesn't even need to go, Donnie decides to break into an old abandoned house he found and unknowingly makes a brand new friend!
Finding nothing of interest, he heads back home disappointed. And right as he's about to fall asleep, he feels something grab his blanket. Obviously wondering what the hell was bothering him, he opens his eyes and sees a ghost mutant turtle two inches from his face and, reasonably, says and does absolutely nothing.
After a good 15 second staring contest, Leo introduces himself and makes a joke about how they must be related since their both turtles! (They are but they don't know that yet)
When Donnie finally starts talking again, he asks Leo who he is, why he's here, to get out- all the normal things a teenager would ask a centuries old ghost in his room!
Leo completely ignores Donnie and interrupts him to say that because he's a ghost, he can see people's magic or ninpo and says that Donnie has a whole lot of it, but he hasn't learned how to use it. Right then and there Leo decides to help Donnie learn how to use his ninpo and maybe even be a normal person-
Donnie, still dazed and quite frankly wanting to perform 100 different experiments already agrees, and they agree to meet up again at the abandoned house the next day, and test out Donnie's ninpo. >:3
facts now!
Donnie and Leo are 16, Mikey's 15 and Raph's 17. Splinter is 36.
Leo doesn't remember how he died, but he remembers someone being there as he passed.
April will eventually be the first to know about Leo (after Donnie obi)
idk man their turtles-
(Also @angelpuns bc U said u'd like to see this :D I actually rlly like this au ngl!)
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
As promised here’s the full list of every submission plus the creator! Keep in mind I’m only human and might’ve missed a few AUs. If so, let me know! (This does not mean every au on here is in the competition! Refer to the other two lists for those who are.)
Mystic Prodigy Series - KHLegacyNexus (+ao3)
Rabbit’s Broach - Pigeonsgrame
RatTrap AU - RatTrap tmnt
Uprising Dystopia AU (ROTTMNT) - alexthenerdbird
Uprising (2012) - hypernovasmash
Down with the Stockholm - devotedtoasadpoetry
Donnie Disaster - 5ilent5ilence
Until I Found You - PhoebePheebsPhibs
Little Subjects - AllyHeart707
Snapdragon - bluesgras
Remember Forever - uncannyAlien (ao3)
Totpocalypse - pastadorable
Warriors Heart - PeanutRat20
Gemini AU - tangledinink
Kid Leo - Angelpuns
Mama’s Boys - honey_rye
Feral Casey - azucar-skull
Lone Turtle and Hunter - MidnightCreator12 (+ao3)
We ran out of rats - breadle_doodles and sheltered-uno
Tmnt search for our colors - breadle_doodles
Minor interference - bambiraptorx (+ao3)
Rita’s AU - ProbablyNotARutabaga
Catch You - mudlurkspur (ao3)
Spikerangleo - Sweeenydino
Sorry I’m Late - GeminiForest
Kendratello childhood - zeawesomeness
Kendra tells Childhood AU - AlleyHeart707
Empyrean Weeping - cupcakeslushie
Open your shell to find - Onejellyfishplease
The lemonade leak - turtleinsoup
Fears embrace - Karonkar and OwlieDoesNothing
Their memories - 3mutantsinatrenchcoat
The last ronin becomes a discord admin - MelonPaloonza
Lost and found - LilliputianDuckling (ao3)
Two souls - virgilsspidey
Jacob’s Ladder - Tapakah0
Happily ever after - Phykoha
Ghost in the shell - amevello-blue (+ao3)
Of mutants, mystics, and magic - clanofjones (sideblog: of-mutants-mystics–and-magic)
Rise of the parallel - Indieyuugure
The mutation situation - Indieyuugure
Quilt au - Cokowee
Difference (2012) - NeptuneIsaPlanet (ao3)
The colors of yesterday - boots-with-the-fur
Tmnt greyscale - broken-slime-boi
Good genes 2012 - lordshroom
Two shades of blue a new timeline - Leon/Blue
Aberration - ProbablyNotARutabaga
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? - tangledinink
TMNT stabilize - tangledinink
Slice of life – Theawesomeninja_XD (+ao3)
Memories - Theawesomeninja_XD (+ao3)
Miraculous hamato - Theawesomeninja_XD (+ao3)
Twin-Sync (More than you think) - little-banjo-frog
Snapper and stinkpot - Paytato435
Blood Orange Multiverse - JadeClementine, Mylenapony11, Cherry-Blossom-Consumer
Teenage turtle ninja mutants - idiot-mushroom
Revelations Timeline - idk-im-just-here-now (+ao3)
Through your hollow bones - idiot-mushroom
Age Gap - pezhead
The Lonely Buzz in Blue - Overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
Flowers amongst ashes - Spacemimz
TMNT Reticent - tmnt-reticent
Tabletop turtles - caffetato-the-caffinated-potato
Who rescued who - shardkn1ght
Purple squared - debb987 and bluepeachstudios
Michelangalone - error-code400
TMNT Street punks - Sir Concon (DeviantArt previously, Instagram currently)
Wrong home - Demonwitchcat (TikTok)
Subnautica leon au - havendoesthings
Space pirate leon au - havendoesthings
Pacific turtles - FantasiaWandering (ao3)
Snapdonnie - Onejellyfishplease
TMNA (Tortugas Mutantes Ninja Adolescents) - matuito
Prime Leo - Darth Sonny
Onryo leo - Aquariumgirls (+ao3)
Lost in the pink mist - lost-in-the-pink-mist
Hues of mystic neon - Overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
The Neon void - sugarpastelTMNT (+Twitter)
TMNT but warrior cats - Fireheartfan
Reptile rampage - lexa-ocean
What once was calm - lucatea
Soulmates (evil) – error-core-animations (Oofiescreams - ao3)
The somber sunrise - Mocha_Mochaccino (ao3)
Sorrow is an autumn heart - Srloc_Elbisivni (ao3)
Replica - Kathaynesart
Mitosis - Varian_dislikes_cheese (ao3)
Vengeance is yours - that_one_dork (+ao3)
The likeness of mirrored souls - enthblaze and omgselinabeckendorf
Future!rise mandalorian - TinyP3ncil (+Twitter)
The employees - theemployees
Hello, Clairvoyant? - cogentsummoner (+ao3)
When the world crumbles - tmnt-obessesed-ace
Same story different font - tmnt-obsessed-ace
Non-canonical chronicles - tritailed-shenanigans
The cupboard game - pianokantzart (mollykittykat - ao3)
Sidelined au - Dandylovesturtles
100 feet and a world away - Dandylovesturtles
Villain leo – villainleoau
Bloom from oblivion - Aliteraladhdmess
2012 sep au - Jaydrawsdoodles
Scraps - Skrapadoodlez
Magic au - Vaudeville-Moggie
TMNT unified - Bellaizumi13
Surp-Rise! - TheWritingDork (what_in_the - ao3)
Shades of purple - the_lavender_clown (+TikTok)
Never better - less-depresso-more-espresso
TMT Croc pot - less-depresso-more-espresso
Multiple red masks - Insane_lollypop
Eclipse - G0LD_Tea (Twitter)
Mama’s Wishes - Bucketofbugz
Twins Stick Together - YourGlitchedFandom (ao3)
The last something that meant to me - kinky-asexual
Forgive me - reagi-df
Rottmnt x TADC - insane-ace
Teenage Mutant Meddling Turtles - kaysdenofchaos
Ghost au - Melliedoodles
Difference between the appearance - jasminegazer
Bayverse rewrite - ragathaempanda
Feral leo - cupcakeslushie
Feral Leo (2012) - Tmntforeverinmyheart
Just this once everybody lives - TheDragonTribes (ao3)
The rift - Mathclassd00dles
Multi-Mutant Verse - MerakiMagic
Guess i’ve been disarmed - PhoenixDeleted (+ao3)
The Little Prince - Beannary
Same as it never will be - Hecktail
Is this right - cruilty-ink
Turtles all the way down - Pommigranite
Call me here I will appear - callmehere-iwillappear (rbt_lvr - ao3)
Firefight au - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Death wish - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Strawberry skys - frogandbird
Swanatello - tangledinink
Finding home - sad-leon
Once more, with feeling - oncemorewithfeeling
Causa scienta - urlocalllama (ao3)
Tmnt 04 - koolaidashley
DNAngel - blye-flower
Spider-lily au - tinker-the-dragon
No crime only brooches - olliethescribe
Villain PB and J duo - onionninjasstuff
Size upgrade - twin-disaster-tutel-brainrot
Know peace - less-depresso-more-espresso
Childhood dreams - chaos-potat
Wow, what a coincidence - Mathmusic8 (ao3)
Monophobia - MarukisSnack
Little Scraps of Wisdom - spectralsleuth
Mystic Malfunction - VanillaVengeance (ao3)
Softshell in human clothing - HoonHarpoon (ao3)
Puppet tightly strung - clairakitty (ao3)
Even more a disaster - 3lectricinsomnia and teaableu (mainblog: evenmoreofadisaster)
Red rover - Red-Rover-AU
Old soul - Delicatechildwitch
Camp hamato - P0t3n1al
Ktech - dontfindmeimscared
The sky is still red - cartoonhostage
At my worst - teainthesnow
No fun in fungus - boots-with-the-fur
August’s au - star-sparkler
Years we’ve lost - reagi-df (Reagy_jay - ao3)
Hueso raised leo - shardkn1ght
Remnant au - SelinaBeckendorf
Alt ninpo au - azure-fl0wers
Bad end ninja turtles - butterfilledpockets
Teetlez-verse - shiveagit
The girl who was once human - YourGlitchedFandom
Killer donnie - Yumeleo
wanderer - vangh17a
Live life - centerofleesmind
Twinpathy - vangh17a and centerofleesmind (mainblog: twinpathy)
Wouldn’t it be easier - 12Muffinz
Portal baby - Quartergremlin
Clarification - Quartergremlin
Caseys high school disaster era - Quartergremlin
Teenage mutant neglected turtles - nerves-nebula
Krang infection - Abbeyofcyn
Mutant Menace - 3m0n3rd
One turtle short of a lair - bucketofbugz (+ao3)
Remember your mission - Srae13 (+ao3)
Two arms left - intotheeliwoods
Rise rodeo - wanderinguteruspress
Dadatello - dadatello
Tlr rise - x bluebell (TikTok)
True colors - V-albion
TMNT 1999 - ezguple
Five Nights at the Mad Dogs - cj-can-art
2000s au - Youtube (???)
Mutinis - mutinau
Same as it never was – Kittynumyumm
Dee-evolution au - cnwolf-brainrot
The dragon on 5th ave - Lavender_Chaos (ao3)
Please Don’t Leave I Need You - TownFowl (ao3)
Battle scars - kaysdenofchaos
Blood is thicker than ooze - Linkymew
Loyalty leash - Nicoforlife (ao3)
Little brother au - Sharkfinn
Spider’s web - blue-star-doodles
Multidimensional turtles - multi-dimensional-turtles
Raised by the capybara au - rube-tmntluver and auggie-arts
Minecraft isekai - calebscornerofart
Ronin plural au – cpunkhobie
We’ll go from there - koolaidashley
Universes - XxLea_nardoxX
Honor bound - Terrazooid
New home au - clovers-super-cool-ask-blog
Crusade of a lonely turtle - revitalizationrat
Mustachello - revitalizationrat
Little warrior - NovelistServant (ao3)
TMNT x Sonic the Hedgehog - theelvishfiddeler
Aftermath - Happyfoxx-art
August and papatello au - Star-Sparkler
Her inspiration - Onejellyfishplease
Memories of a tyrant - Idk_im_just_here_now
TMNT Pokemon au - rubie-tmntluver
Bad end friends x tmnt - Landon Discher
Tmnt masa - Masadesign
Separated leo au - dianagj-art
Sewer punks - kettle-bird
Rottmnt ghost au – melliedoodles
Its not always the rabbit that takes a wrong turn (Dimension Hopper Leo AU) - nights-flying-fox (nightsfox - ao3)
Snapper lou au - Kittynomore
Reboot: a second chance - donniesbrows
Tmnt foodie au - Sleepis4theweak
But first they must catch you - mudlarkspur (+ao3)
Mirror maze au - idk-im-just-here-now
Omniverse - glitter-alienz
Life goes on - Andromeda_Galaxy2877 (ao3)
The unicorn paradox – Mushangaa
Starblind - WeirdNCrazy (ao3)
Prison leo au - Turtleblogatlast
Tiz sep au - Tizeline
Mutanimatronics - patate.frenchie (TokTok)
Not quite kintsugi, but close - terveneula
There must be something in the water - Filsamek (ao3)
Once upon a turtle - Metalshootingstar
Hunger games - daboyau
Fireflght - dandylovesturles
Tmnt chicago style - its-captain-sir
Tmnt shen and the lesbian league - genderfluid-envy
Broken trifecta - genderfluid-envy
Prodigy AU - koolaidashley
Leomori - koolaidashley
Four knights - lactoseintolerantswag
Leaves from the vine au - Cheetochild989
The extracurriculars - Nameissmile
Unfamiliar Familiar - Torable (ao3)
Goosey Leo au - GooseyLeo
A ninjas life for me - Triona-tribblescore
Grown apart - Chriscribbs
Turtle torchwood - Kiaxet
138 notes · View notes
my inspirations for my Worldbuilding project Heritage (if you have any suggestions, please comment/ask/reblog!)
Adventure Time, Akira, Aliens, Alternative History Iceberg by AlternateHistoryHub, Amphibia, Apex Legends, Atlas Shrugged, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Back To The Future, Berserk, Blade Runner, Blood Meridian, Borderlands, Breaking Bad, Chainsaw Man, Chaos Walking Trilogy, Clarence, Classic Horror Movies Verse, Conan The Barbarian, Conspiracy Theory Iceberg by Wendigoon, Coraline, Cowboy Bebop, Creepypasta, Cryptids, Cyberpunk, DC, Dead Poets Society, Dead Space, Demon Slayer, Destiny, Discworld, Doctor Who, Donnie Darko, Doom, Dragon Age, Dragonlance, Dune, Eberron, Elric, Escape From New York, Exandria, Fall Out, Forgotten Realms, Frostpunk, Game Of Thrones, Gods And Demons Wiki Fandom, Good Omens, Gorillaz, Gravity Falls, Greyhawk, Grzybjek OC’S, Harry Potter Timeline Up Until Marauders, Hellboy, Helluva Boss, His Dark Materials, Horizon, Hyperion, Hyrule, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, Image Universe, Inside Job, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Kingverse, Kipo And The Age Of The Wonderbeasts, Life Is Strange, Local 58, Love And Monsters, Lovecraft Mythos, Love Death + Robots, Madmax, Magic The Gathering, Marvel, Mass Effect, Maze Runner, Men In Black, Merlin, Middle Earth, Monstergarden, Monsterverse, Mortal Engines, Multiverse Tales PopCross Studios, Mystara, Mystery Flesh National Park, Nimona, Nowhere On Air, Olivers Antics irl OC’s, Osemanverse, Outlaw Star, Overwatch, Owl House, Oxenfree, Planet Of The Apes, Power Puff Girls, Preacher, Predator, Punk Rock Jesus, Radiant Citadel, Ravenloft, Resident Evil, Rick And Morty, Runeterra, Sandman Slim, Schoolbus Graveyard, Scooby Doo, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, SCP, She Ra, Skyrim, Snowpiercer, Solar Opposites, South Park Band AU, Spelljammer, Star Trek, Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil, Star Wars Canon & Legends (Sequel Trilogy = Star Wars - How To Kill A Franchise by The Closer Look), Stranger Things, Sunflowers And Lavender, Sweet Tooth, Tales From The Loop, Tank Girl, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Backrooms, The Blooming Dead, The Boys (only show), The Breakfast Club, The Creator, The Crow, The Dark Crystal, The Hunger Games, The Lands Between, The Last Kingdom, The Last Of Us, The Magnus Archives, The Matrix, The Monument Mythos, The Road, The Sandman, The Squidder, The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, The Umbrella Academy, The Walking Dead, The Yaetuan Sagas, Threads, Toastchild OC’s, Transmetropolitan, V For Vendetta, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer AoS, War Of The World’s, Willow, Witcher, Y The Last Man
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kleenexwoman · 1 year
wait but do u have posts about ur fics so i know what to ask u about 🤲🏻💖
Master List now in progress!
Ego Death With a Side of Demonolatry
a lesser key for a smaller lock at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45536833
Eddie summons a demon, and it decides to possess Steve and take Eddie's virginity. I came back from a witch convention with COVID and had this as a series of fever dreams. Take that as you will.
now i can wake up and face the day at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49101538
Inspired by a post on @thorniest-rose about Steve being BPD. Mental institution abuse, conversion therapy, electroshock. This one's getting a longer second chapter soon.
Eddie Sells Billy Bad Tabs at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48920308
Inspired by a discussion on the Eddie Sluts Discord about Eddie having the chance to punch Billy. I suggested a more subtle method of revenge.
Everything That Rocks
Move to the City at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48409945
A little metal RPF. Eddie hooks up with Rob Halford (inspired by real events in Rob's life) and sells weed to Axl Rose (Indiana boy).
Gary Rock City at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48735946
A Reader/Eddie fic. Reader finds Eddie at a bar and talks about their favorite metal bands.
Writing About the Gods
the whisper of the wind and the words of the woods at https://archiveofourown.org/works/406564
Thor takes Steve to help him fix a drought in Middle America--by having sex with the goddess Columbia. I've been informed that Thor is actually with Columbia in the American Gods TV show, which tickles the hell out of me.
Permit Me to Tell You How to Wage War at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40130454
Speaking of American Gods... Justin Hammer makes a new friend in prison. This is me smooshing Sam Rockwell and Crispin Glover together like I like to do. Not gonna tell you much else cause NOT FINISHED YET.
Five Times Loki Flirted With Royalty (And One Wedding) at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43872652
Loki said that he'd flirted with princes and princesses both. Join the fun and subscribe as the royalty and deities are slowly revealed.
on a high hill, his clear gaze at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44892385
my heart was not so hard as your arrow at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45244795
sweeter than ambrosia is your love returned at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45260953
An Eros/Loki teenaged love story I wrote for the Valentine's Day bingo at @marvelrarepairbingo. I thought Eros was cute as shit (I didn't know he was in a boy band and I apologize to my edgy middle school self, lol). Hail Eris Discordia, as always.
Writing About Being Jewish
The Angel and the Wise Man at https://archiveofourown.org/works/249466
This was an attempt to do an X-Men: First Class fic in the style of Isaac Bashevis Singer. Some asshole started arguing with me in the comments and made me lose my wind entirely. Fuck that guy.
the fruit of your hands, the breath of your being at https://archiveofourown.org/works/438561
Three chapters of suburban AU Cherik mpreg free verse. I turned the first one into a poem I read at my open mic and impressed a bunch of crustpunks with it.
When Orchards Burn Their Lamps of Fiery Gold at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42156090
Tony Stark goes to shul for the first time after he finds out his daughter Morgan is autistic, and talks with Magneto. This is a very personal work and Pepper is real shitty about autism in it for Story Reasons.
A Taste of Orange and Plum at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43590858
Magneto and Emma Frost compare holiday memories. I found out some FASCINATING shit about Nazi Christmas for this fic!
Bad Shit Happens to Steve and Bucky
Tarot Americaine at https://archiveofourown.org/works/35152768
First Steve runs across a magical mutant carnival somewhere in the Midwest on his USO tour--and becomes small again for a night--then he's co-starring with famed eternal beauty Emma Frost in his own series of low-budget action films. Then, eventually, he goes to a Hellfire Club party on Halloween and meets thinly veiled versions of real life people I want to rag on. NOT FINISHED YET.
a slice of life and cucumber at https://archiveofourown.org/works/36433486
I literally just gave Bucky a day I had. It's stuff that happened to me, but it's Bucky. And also I hurt my foot instead of my arm.
Every Breath That I Held For You at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40856901
My answer to what happens when Steve goes back in time to share that dance with Peggy. Past Tony/Steve, and Peggy is not portrayed kindly in this for Story Reasons. I also spend about half a chapter just making the characters watch a play that I really liked. NOT FINISHED YET.
Coffee in Paradise at https://archiveofourown.org/works/33429637
So I wanted to write a coffeeshop AU for Steve and Bucky that had intense longing, Sugar Daddy Tony Stark, a threesome where the guys pretend really hard not to have feelings for each other, and just a whole lot of angst and loving detail about stuff like sandwiches and interior decoration. And this is it. It's gonna be long and meandering. There's random sex dreams sprinkled in. And very powerful, magical things want Steve and Bucky to be as happy as possible. NOT FINISHED, ENDPOINT INDEFINITE
pizza in heaven at https://archiveofourown.org/works/35266066
A "The Good Place" fusion/crossover where Bucky is basically Eleanor and Tony is... well, he's still Tony. They're fake soulmates! Tahani is there running things and has Heelys. I attracted an infamous troll to this one.
The Sun is Also a Warrior at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43872903
Captain America but it's a 1940s urban fantasy universe where humans mix with magical folk pretty freely. Dracula is in it. NOT FINISHED YET.
so pricketh them nature in their courages at https://archiveofourown.org/works/39808719
Captain America if Steve and Bucky were Arthur and his most loyal knight. Peggy is Guinevere and once again not portrayed kindly for Story Reasons.
The Seventh Spring at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43591576
I tried to smoosh together Captain America (apex of corporate entertainment) with a couple of Ingmar Bergman movies (apex of thoughtful independent film). Will probably remain unfinished because I got on antidepressants that work and I can't write the grim shit I was gonna.
Fairytales at https://archiveofourown.org/works/141004
Inspired by Sara Bareilles's "Fairytales" and the "Real Housewives of X County" shows my mom was watching all the time, this Yuletide Exchange original imagines popular princesses as modern women with their own TV shows.
The Legend of the Dancing Queene at https://archiveofourown.org/works/2803193
Inspired by ABBA's "Dancing Queen" and Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market," this Yuletide Exchange poem tells the story of a girl cursed to dance for centuries by fairies (literal centuries, until the 1970s).
The Uses of Enchantment at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42710370
An "Enchanted" fanfic following Nancy Tremaine as she struggles to adjust to ruling her new kingdom. NOT FINISHED YET.
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