#tbh it was hard choosing between him and isaac
bicayaya · 18 days
if you had to pick one ikeseries guy to spend the rest of your life with, who would it be and why?
hii, leo!! i hope you’re having a great day 💗 thanks for the ask
so… i love all my beloveds equally… but if i’m being 100% honest… i would choose yves! i think we could get along the best, we have a lot of things and interests in common and i think our personalities can complement each other, yk? and how he treats his mc aligns very well with my priorities and standards for a romantic relationship! (but in the perfect world i would choose all my favs if i could 😭 hahaha)
besides, i would love to have him helping me with my clothes! we would be such a stylish couple, hihi 💞
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Man. How did I forget that an entire subplot of Dazai's main story was just. Trying to trap him into having a single conversation with MC like a normal person I'm so akhdjgfkljshgskjd
I just love watching her, Arthur, and Isaac deadass plot with glee to get one over on Dazai it's killing me, this is some Hamlet level shit (no Charles do not stand behind the curtain to kill Dazai coming in the window!!! yamero!!!!!)
Also because I felt personally attacked (/j) when Isaac said this:
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I love you Isaac but pls have mercy on creatives we only have one brain cell and we're trying s o hard oTL
Although, and I'll leave it under the cut since I'm back on my Comte-posting, but the way Comte talks about Dazai fascinates me. Also just as fair warning, I do broach a lot of the topics that come up in Dazai rt so trigger warnings for self-harm, suicide, CPTSD and PTSD, trauma, etc. I don't go too too in-depth, but they are there.
Comte: "Dazai is quite skilled at concealing what he's really feeling, even from himself, perhaps."
The way he instantly remarks on how Dazai is not only working to conceal what he feels from others, but also from himself. Tbh I think that's enormously perceptive, because at first glance most people tend to think Dazai is lazy, troublesome, flippant, or erratic (and sometimes, a combination of all of these).
I love that he sees to the core of who Dazai is and what he's feeling; fear. Dazai is afraid of hurting someone again, but I also think on some level he's made it an ontological problem; he's afraid of himself. He thinks his very existence is a negative entity, something that exists only to hurt and/or estrange other people, something wrong/different. I'd argue that's why he's so adamant about mood-making and keeping to himself. If you never express how you truly feel or live true to yourself, on some level you can't entirely reach others. Because fundamentally, being close to other people does require some level of lowered defenses and sharing. Ergo, never dwell too long or give too much of yourself away, never make a mark on anyone--good or bad.
As a side note, Theo calls him "a half-strewn dandelion puff" and I agree that's rather blunt, but on some level Theo operates on a level of utility. His entire operating precept is that life and work must serve a discrete purpose. And Dazai, in choosing to opt out of living with meaning/intent out of fear, makes this description entirely consistent with Theo's perspective of the world. Though his phrasing is harsh and perhaps one-dimensional, I do find it interesting that he comes to a similar conclusion as Comte as to what Dazai is doing.
Comte talks about it with such clarity and calm, he really does feel so parental in this moment. He's not necessarily minimizing the reality of how Dazai is experiencing the world, but he also clearly doesn't agree with Dazai's self-perception. Perhaps most striking to me is how Comte seems to understand that the only threat Dazai poses is to himself...Sometimes it feels like, in the case of conditions like mental illness/depression/etc. people are so eager to assume ill will of a person. This is only exponentially compounded if they prove to have striking intelligence and strategic capacity, the same way Dazai does. I guess I can't help but appreciate that Comte knows the difference between strong and scared, and even how the lines between the two can and often do blur (perhaps best exemplified in his relationships with Jeanne and Dazai).
(Side note: I forgot which event it was but, one time when Dazai was homesick for cherry blossom watching, Comte had the entire house filled with flowers to cheer him up [insert ugly sobbing]).
For someone so enigmatic, evasive, and distant, Comte still notices instantly that Dazai is much, much happier with MC. I suppose it makes me wonder if Comte knew all along that Dazai's real wish was to be accepted and loved as he was, but kept quiet out of respect for his privacy. I would offer too that sometimes people need to realize these things on their own for the information to have value.
But what really gets my ass is what Comte says right after:
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This is my bread and butter (so is he but that's not the point of this particular TED talk). In the last few years I've done a lot of exploratory work on how trauma is mapped both internally but also visibly on the body. What I think is engaging here is that, while it could be read on a surface level as "body language gives people's true intentions away" I don't think that's quite what he's getting at. Or perhaps better phrased, it's an oversimplification. I don't think it's that body language can't communicate real and important information about people's lives. Rather, that people associate rigid and absolutist interpretations to singular mannerisms, which does a disservice to both parties. Nobody can know a person at a glance; to say that you do reduces the lived reality of the opposite party.
Comte gives simple examples and couches his words for the context of the moment, but I think that first line is incredibly telling. "But the body is remarkably truthful." It makes me think of how, in moments where Comte is overcome with anxiety as a result of traumatic recurrence, he has acute panic attacks (i.e. shortened breath, racing heart, trembling). How Leonardo's lethargy (i.e. napping on the floor everywhere like the hobo he is) belies the reality of his very real exhaustion, the emotional turmoil that comes with a fraught immortal life.
Dazai's endless struggle with dissociation and self-harm, the way he stood in the rain unmoving at the thought of MC returning home to the modern era. Whether to numb himself from the pain of that grief/loneliness, or perhaps more likely the self-immolation of subjecting himself to the re-enactment of the most harrowing moment of his life. To relive that anguish as a reminder; to abstain from making the same mistake ever again. Jeanne's endless bodily tension, struggles with basic self-care (appears to be interoception-based; reduced signalling of the need to eat/rest/etc.), and self-isolation to cope in a world where only the strong survive. Never safe, always alone, always defensive.
I think, for many people in general but especially people who have been through intense PTSD/CPTSD/etc., it can be hard to express these feelings directly. Whether they are forcibly silenced, ridiculed into self-derision/self-concealment, or are overwhelmed by emotions that are difficult to process--each manifests itself in unconventional ways. It means a lot to me when those phenomena are portrayed so sensitively in written works/media, that they're explored with real intention and narrative subtlety to communicate how hard it is for people who are wounded or simply different (or both, as often is the case).
Even more than that, and this is an observation at the end of Dazai's route, is Comte's open belief that life is something to be cherished. Of course, like any other person he has behaviors he won't abide and people he doesn't feel partial to, but by and large he doesn't take life lightly. Perhaps that's why he doesn't expect Dazai to resort to such measures again, in conjunction with the circumstances of his transition. From an outsider perspective, I could see how Comte might assume Dazai no longer wishes for that if he seemed to regret his initial course of action by seeking resurrection. There is also the implication that Dazai is always at war with himself, and therefore might give contradictory impressions; one moment he wants to live, the next he doesn't. This is precisely what led him to ask Charles for help to subdue his own 'cowardice.' (His terms, not mine. [bonks him]) There is a sizeable subset of s-word survivors who, after recovery, feel that their problems were actually solvable despite their despair in the moment.
Of course, that doesn't apply to everyone, but I think there's something to be said of Comte feeling such real affection for the mansion boys that he is stricken to find out what Dazai attempted. And perhaps unsurprisingly, very adamant to keep him from ever pursuing such a course of action again. He's incredibly vulnerable about his horror that he might have inflicted something on Dazai that he never wanted in bringing him back, though Dazai comfortably refutes any lack of agency in the situation.
I guess I feel very compelled by the duality inherent in Comte's glass heart, precisely because of how realistic it feels. His greatest strength is his sensitivity, but it's also his greatest weakness in tandem. His genuine care for Dazai--the unwavering belief that his life is valuable and worthy--ends up being the reason he doesn't anticipate Dazai's rather deeply entrenched self-loathing. And to be honest, I'm a bit inclined to agree; looking back on a third reading Dazai feels way too hard on himself. It feels like the young girl's death was more a catalyst for what Dazai was already feeling, than anything. Dazai wanted so badly to have a reason to despise himself (as he already disliked how different and out of place he naturally felt) and with this, his self-reproach could have a viable, rational explanation. A locus outside of his body by which to rationalize his self-hatred. Accident or not becomes irrelevant; he was involved, and thus he is guilty.
He reminds me a lot of that post that was circulating once about how cultish behavior inculcates intelligent people with more devastating pull than one might expect, because intelligent people can more easily and more insistently find ways to desperately rationalize their situation to function in that whirlpool of abuse. Dazai feels like he's in this same such Catch-22, so busy believing he deserves to be scorned (because of how well he hides his perceived abnormalities) that he takes steps to ensure and reinforce it. He wants and needs to see his reality make sense, and if it won't answer his designs he will find a way to make it so.
It fascinates me because Dazai is an incredibly complex example of someone who desires control, but instead of inflicting it with external rapacity, he targets his own internal state. I once heard a Buddhist explain: yes, it is a sign of disturbance to engage with others aggressively and without grace. However, it is also a sign of disturbance when the mind seeks to harm one's own body. Although Dazai's disturbance is not as apparent, it is there. And that's part of what makes him so excruciatingly compelling to me, in a lot of ways he is the manifestation of the Sisyphean suffering of being ill in a quiet way. In enduring and smiling and laughing because you don't want to burden others--or know you're not allowed to--all while you slowly bleed from the inside out.
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horde-princess · 3 years
jesus/adora meta pwease 👉👈😳
okayokay ive been thinking about this for a long time and the reason ive never written about it is because like. its so BIG. i like to think of adora’s character as a reflection of noelle’s experiences as a former christian, and there is still so much to dive into with that- however i do agree there’s another more abstract layer to adora’s story that challenges some bigger theological ideas. this is probably about to sound wild lksjljfdf i’ll try my best to explain my thought process just disclaimer that it will not make any sense 😌 when do my metas ever make sense tbh. U KNOW WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR WHEN YOU FOLLOWED ME BYE
Parallel 1: There’s at least one jesus/adora parallel that’s undeniable and that’s the whole ancient prophesied messiah thing. this wasn’t in the original motu lore so you know it was added for a reason.
Parallel 2: Adora was raised by shadow weaver and light hope to be a willing sacrificial lamb.. the isaac to their abrahams. her faith in god (aka her allegiance to the horde / first ones) demanded that she sacrifice herself to save the world.
i think these 2 parallels provide sufficient evidence to move on with this analysis but later i wanna mention some of the more specific details bc they are super interesting! but yeah for now--there was clearly some theme going on here about subverting the story of jesus... adora was given a divine destiny to save etheria, but save it from what? and why does it matter?
She-Ra criticizes the penal substitutionary atonement theory
what the fuck is that right lsdfdkj I WARNED YOU THIS WAS GONNA BE ABOUT THEOLOGY
ok basically. evangelical christians like to say that jesus died to save us from our sins, but what they actually believe is that jesus died in our place to save us from god’s wrath. that’s an important difference. let me uhh put it another way
god defined sin (as disobeying him), created humans to be inherently sinful, decided he would punish us for the way he made everything.. then sent jesus to save us (from his own unjust anger?? as if it’s an act of mercy lmao)
in a similar way, horde prime defined sin as disobedience, then decided he should kill everyone for it. but he is a 1D villain for the purposes of the show right so instead of prime sending adora as a savior, it’s light hope who sends her. a lil confusing but its all part of the same story light hope is just another metaphor for religion. so far adoras story = jesus.
AND THEN THIS IS THE GENIUS PART--as we know adora’s destiny was never light hope sending her to the world, that was all a lie... her true powers, her true “destiny” came from being chosen BY the world.
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!!!!!!! THERE IS. so much here. the whole christian narrative is flipped. writing the next part in italics because its important lkdfjldj
in christianity, a good god sends a savior from heaven to redeem an evil world. in she-ra, it’s an inherently good world that chooses it’s own human hero to save it from an evil god.
which (finally) brings us back to how she-ra criticizes the evangelicals atonement theory. because humanity doesn’t deserve god’s wrath any more than the etherians deserved prime’s wrath. condemning people for disobeying arbitrary rules (e.g. “believe jesus is the only path to life”) makes no sense. however..... if disobedience is not a sin, that means there is no need for atonement. no need for atonement = no savior. no sacrifice. 
tl;dr she-ra compares jesus--a deity sent from heaven as a sacrifice--to adora, a human chosen by the world itself, who avoided that same sacrifice. to me this is a rejection of the idea that humanity needs a divine savior. and beyond that, a rejection of the specific evangelical theory that we needed him to die in our place because we are sinful.
Resurrection through love instead of faith
ok that was a lot lsdkjfld but.. to shift gears a little..... the fact that adora’s sacrifice was unnecessary isn’t as important as how the sacrifice was avoided.
i said before that god defined sin as disobedience but in practice that just means having any personal desire that exists outside of him. shadow weaver and light hope tell adora that in order to follow her destiny she has to “let go” of her friends... as if they’re mutually exclusive, her desires and faith cannot coincide, she must choose between them. its a reflection of the same kind of black & white ultimatums you hear in church. this is how the show was able to frame adora’s love for catra as sinful without explicitly stating it.
when adora ignores her mentors guidance and kisses catra..... first we all cried ldkfj but also. she is committing the ultimate “sin” !! she’s giving into her desires so, according to the dichotomy set up by sw and lh, she’s also rejecting her destiny/faith by default. 
but then... it’s this sin that actually saves adora’s life, whereas faith would’ve led to her death. wait hold on i [goes outside and screams]
so jesus and adora followed very similar destinies right. jesus spends his life rejecting his personal desires, dies for god, and god resurrects him for his obedience. but adora LIVES and its BECAUSE she embraces her earthly desires, leaving behind the religious idea that rejecting your desires leads to salvation.... which is once again the opposite of jesus. like jesus died to save an evil world from sin, but in contrast adora reclaimed her “sin” as something good and it saved her from death, it saved her from needing resurrection at all !!!!! at least, not from god. maybe catra’s kiss symbolizes a different kind of resurrection, one inspired by love instead of faith. new life that isnt earned through sacrifice but given freely (as christians like to claim god’s grace is).
THAT IS SO LDKJFLDFJDDF and this entire time i havent even MENTIONED the fact that this is all in relation to LESBIAN love and LESBIAN desires which is obviously the point of the show and why these themes hit so hard. but even when you take away the lgbt aspect, she-ra still holds up as a fantastic criticism of evangelical theology.
........ 🙂 ok i think my brain is broken jdjdjsj why did i write this
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gossamer-sky · 3 years
Can I ask for B, C and D for Arthur, Isaac and Mozart pretty please? 🖤
Of course! 💖
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- The size difference between your hands and his always sends a little thrill through him
- Even just twining your fingers together will put a smile on his face
- Often brushes kisses over the back of your hand or your palm
- Looks down and smiles so so soft and gets a little red over it
- You die inside omg
- He can’t help it, he just loves you
- Also loves the way he can make you scream with just his fingers and there’s the Arthur we all know and love
- When you drag your nails down his back in the heat of the moment, it never fails to make him shudder and groan
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- The man has no sense of propriety and will put his fingers to good use at the worst times
- Very often when you’re supposed to be working, or when you’re positive he didn’t lock the door behind him
- He doesn’t seem to care in the slightest though; will just give you an assured grin and slide his fingers under your waistband
- You’ll try hard to continue with...whatever you were doing before, but he’s a bastard and knows exactly where to touch you
- Rubs you from behind as you hang your head and moan
- When you come, he shoves his fingers inside to feel your body spasming
- After, he licks them clean and hums with satisfaction
- Winks before sauntering off
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- Listen, he’s a lot of things but pure is not one of them
- You occupy all of his waking and sleeping thoughts and he strokes himself imagining what it would be like to touch you every night
- So he chooses an obvious spot to jerk off, knowing there’s a chance you’ll walk in on him
- He settles in, and then puts on a show
- Quickly gets riled up, heat rising rapidly as he imagines you
- He hears footsteps approach the open doorway and then just stop, the sweet scent of your blood confirming your identity
- His eyes are closed but he can feel you watching; the thought too overwhelming and all at once he comes
- Groan wrenched from his throat, louder than he intended
- Not loud enough to cover your answering moan though
- When he opens his eyes you’ve already rushed away to your bedroom, but he grins to himself anyway
B = Body part
- The hollow under your ear is his favourite spot on you
- You sigh gently whenever he brushes his nose there, filling him with such adoration that he thinks his chest might burst
- It’s a lovely spot to hide his burning cheeks as well
- If he stays there for long enough, you’ll reach up to stoke his hair he could die a happy man right then
- He likes his hips, likes watching your fingers spread across his pelvic bones when you go down on him
- Or after sex, you tend to stroke that area and it makes him shiver
- (Deep down the real reason is because of how he makes you cry his name out when he pounds you the way you like, so loud that every resident of the mansion hears it)
C = Cum
- Holy shit he gets so shy about this
- Eyes fly open wide when he sees his come on you for the first time
- When he eats you out, his face glistens; he loves it but is dying inside oh my god he’s so flushed
- If you really want to make his head explode, lick along his jaw when your slick is still all over his face
- Then give him a dirty kiss
- “I want to taste myself in your mouth”
- Wowowow he maybe nearly comes in his pants over that
D = Dirty secret
- Obsessed with coming inside you
- Like, more than is actually appropriate and he’s so embarrassed by it
- Unfortunately for him, you’re both mid-fuck when this secret makes itself known
- Your head is thrown back, chest heaving and his heart is already in his throat watching you bounce on him
- You gasp out, “I can’t wait to feel you dripping out of me, Isaac”
- Oh shit
- He’s gone
- Literally instantly comes, and you’re a little shocked at first?
- His face flares so red that you’re actually worried for a moment
- Buries his face in his hands and won’t come out until you convince him that you like it too, you wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t want it
- Then you grind against him until he’s ready to go again
- You drag his hand down so he can feel his come sliding down your thighs
- Proceeds to add more to the mess
B = Body part
- He likes and dislikes his eyes
- Thinks they give him an ethereal glow
- He doesn’t love that they’re so emotive, but he’s trained himself quite well; he’s very sure that he only gives off a frightening aura now
- He’s lying to himself
- You like his eyes too, because of how they show his feelings
- It’s difficult to suss out at first, but once you learn to translate his sharp words with the truth his eyes project
- Then it quickly becomes your favourite thing to tease him and watch how the windows to his soul betray his mouth
- You fuck with intense eye contact, and can tell he’s going to fall apart before he actually does just from the look in those violet depths
C = Cum
- Is in near constant disbelief at how eagerly you drink him down
- Did not expect that
- Is so shocked the first time you do it that he just watches you for long moments in absolute astonishment
- Before reaching down to press his thumb on your lower lip
- He opens his mouth but nothing comes out, and it takes a few minutes longer for his tongue to start forming piercing words
- You simply smirk; knowing you’ve shocked him and relishing in it, blurting out
- “Yum”
- He actually blushes damn it
D = Dirty secret
- Yes, he has jerked off at the piano
- No, he will not ever talk about it
- He was maybe a lot a little drunk
- And riding the high of finishing a work that he actually felt proud of
- It’s ridiculous but the keys were so smooth under his fingertips and before he knew it he was reaching down
- It’s over fast, in an unsteady blur
- He comes on the floor between his shoes, panting like he’s run a marathon
- Cheek pressed to the cool ivory
- He’s fucking mortified about it tbh, but it was so good
ABC list/rules here
Already requested character/letters here
Request here
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bootlickerhawks · 3 years
and just like that it's over, it's hard to believe that we won't be seeing these characters again ;w;
impressions for the final episodes (8 to 10) under the cut (it got really long)
- the main trio reunion was soooo Good and I'm glad they made the wait worth it. the animation was top-notch and watching their teamwork made me really giddy, I wish we could have gotten more teamwork but i'll take what i can get :P
- i was Not expecting the twist reveal with Death (or whatever the fuck it is). I knew something was up with the Alchemist that St Germain met, but I really didn't expect the London Vampire (sorry forget his name) to be the big baddie. Hearing the cockney accent on Death felt really off at first but I got used to it after a while.
- The final fight between Trevor and Death was cool af but I do wish there was a bit more buildup abt the significance of the knife. It was pretty obvious that the knife was gonna be important but I do wish its significance (its power and the pact with God) was made a bit clearer before the big reveal. But tbh I realize that's a bit of a nitpick
- The final scene with Lenor and Hector was really good. I never got really attached to either character before but they really shined in this scene. Lenor's death scene was great what can I say im a sucker for death scenes where characters look at the sun as they die
- I really wish we'd gotten a scene with Isaac but I understand why we didn't. I already had a feeling in episode 6 that we wouldn't see him again and ep 6 did such a great job of wrapping up his character arc that I can't say I'm too disappointed.
- On the subject of absent characters I'm surprised we didn't get anything abt Striga and Morana. Lenor barely mentioned them and we really have no idea what they're up to. Tho tbf their little subplot was wrapped up nicely in ep 6 so I understand why the writers chose not to include them, but still I would have liked a little mention or update on their status.
- I was sure that Trevor was alive but I will admit I had a moment of doubt during Alucard and Sypha's conversation lol. I'm just glad that they finished the series together ;w; And I choose to believe that they're all living together as a polycule (Greta included)
- Speaking of Greta! I fucking love her! I wish we'd gotten more but honestly the show did a great job establishing her character and giving her good chemistry with Alucard (which can be rare with m/f ships).
- The final big twist really caught me by surprise! I really did not expect Vlad and Lisa to be resurrected but honestly I'm happy for them and I hope one day they can reunite with Alucard ;w;
- Overall this season was wild and I loved it! My one criticism(?) is that I feel that Saint Germain's character was kinda wasted. His flashback sequence was ill timed imo, it felt really janky to go from Alucard meeting Saint Germain directly into SG's flashback. I'm guessing they wanted to give viewers context for his actions asap but personally I would have preferred a bit of suspense. I think it would have been cool to see SG plotting with the vampires and slowly piecing together his end goal. However, given how fast-paced Castlevania is and how little time they have I understand why they didn't do it. But overall SG didn't feel really compelling this season. Last season he had the allure of mystery but this season he really just came across as a dick (which i guess you could argue was the point).
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stileslesbian · 3 years
Teen wolf asks: 2 & 4
2. invent a recurring character, what would their first scene be/how would they appear
idk maybe this is silly but like maybe an agressive grandma type character, like if we're going with stiles being polish, i imagine like a polish grandma who isnt stiles actual grandma but has like aggressively grandmaed(??) stiles into becoming her adoptive grandson(im partial to stiles, and him knowing her first bc hes like my fave ngl jhdh), and like she knows about the supernatural but doesn't say anything about it, and stiles tries to tell her about his life as accurately as possible without exposing the supernatural and she always thinks his excuses etc is funny, and she always gives Suspiciously good advice for supernatural problems, and over time she continues to adopt grandchildren from the pack(s), idk how shed be introduced, but i think maybe when stiles is having his regular scheduled grandma time at some point?
idk but i think that several characters on teen wolf needed to have some grandma moments or grandma wisdom. and some grandma food! and you can get some wild grandma stories, bc like they've also lived and done some shit, or had some wild experiences!
4. which of the gone characters would you bring back?
okay so this is really hard lmao, i want to choose everyone, but i think im going to be choosing between kira, allison, or isaac
okay so isaac would mainly be bc i like him and miss him, but also because while its not necessarily clear/obvious what his character has left to give, it feels like his story isn't done or over.
i would choose allison because i love her and think her character evolution is great, and she had so much more to give and places to go, when she died she had found her purpose and i would enjoy seeing where that purpose would take her! but if there's one thing against choosing allison its that while her life was cut short and it was very tragic, especially that she dies so young, her story feels the most finished. she started as a love interest and grew into her own person, she got hurt, scared, and confused, she lost her shit, and herself, she struggled with that and then she found herself and became confident, started trusting herself again, and she found her purpose, and she died for her friends. it feels like there's an actual ending to her story, its just sad that she dies before we get to see where it leads.
for kira, beautiful wonderful kira! i love her and she just has so much more to give, and they just left her, and forgot about her. I want to know how shes grown, what shes learned, how would she approach the pack after everything? her story is definitely not over! (and having her and stiles be fox bros would be fun, but thats just a potential extra tbh)
i think ultimately i would choose to bring back kira. her potential was so tragically wasted!
oops this got really long heh!
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groves · 4 years
anyway i have. a variety of thoughts re: The Last of Us Part II, and i wanna get them out, so beware spoilers below the cut
i don’t wanna go the absolutist route of saying this game was incredible or this game was total bullshit - there were things i liked and things i very much did not
druck has been saying from the very beginning that this game was supposed to be about hate and cycles of violence and what trauma can do to a person and like. listen they achieved their goal with that - that being said, personally, i’m very over torture porn
let’s start with the good, shall we
i loved the gameplay! obviously very reminiscent of the first game, but i like the new add-ons of the ability tree, the new items you could craft, the variety of much bigger, more intricate, and interesting maps was hella fun
holy shit the standing/crouch/prone mechanic was smooth as shit and so much fun. i don’t think i’ve ever played a game where you could go prone like that, let alone with that much ease and versatility. it made a lot of the battles really fun and more versatile than they would have been with just boxes to hide behind
abby’s hair?? i don’t think i’ve ever played a character with hair animated past their shoulders/upper back?? she had a long braid that moved seamlessly as she moved - i’ve always assumed long hair on a player character was something that was deceptively difficult to animate (like characters taking off clothing, which ND were the first to achieve in Thief’s End), so idk if any other tech/animation people can confirm or deny that abby’s hair is kind of an animation breakthrough?
the similarities and differences between ellie and abby’s gameplay based on their strengths/weaknesses, materials, and training was a good touch
i know a lot of people didn’t like her, but abby grew on me a lot. do i love her as much as ellie? not by a long shot, but playing as abby for so long was very effective in driving the theme of cycles of violence home. As in, these are two girls who otherwise would have no reason to be enemies, neither of whom are inherently evil, but they keep doing things to hurt each other and brew this hatred in each other, neither of them feeling like they can stop
i loved a lot of our new cast of characters
i would die for dina, who could have seen that coming
i really liked jesse! i wasn’t sure how i was going to feel after the pregnancy reveal but he was just. super solid the whole time and i appreciated him
yara and lev. my children. “i’ve never heard a scar curse before” “that was my first time” an angel
increased diversity! (which is. a double-edged sword, see below) canonically lesbian ellie, bisexual and jewish dina, trans lev, many more characters of color, you love to see it
listen this is just me being a lesbian talking but despite all the bad it’s just nice to play a canon lesbian with a girlfriend in a mainstream, non-rpg game, okay
the genuine portrayal of trauma, PTSD, and triggers. it was, uh, very hard hitting
JJ. the entire domestic scene at the farm. we’re ignoring the rest of the game, that’s where it ends, happy farm gays and their beautiful baby boy
....and the bad
the obvious one - joel’s death. i went into this game fairly sure he was going to die, but it was just so SOON and abrupt and really didn’t do the character justice. i’m extremely grateful we got to see more of him and ellie through flashbacks, but the literal entire purpose of his death was to traumatize ellie and that’s shitty. he was fridged.
i realize this is a very violent and traumatic game/franchise, and the more minority characters you have, the more likely they are to be victims of that violence. HOWEVER, you can’t help but notice when most of the minority characters are killed, mutilated, or repeatedly traumatized.
killed: jesse, yara, manny, nora, isaac (along with owen, mel, and joel)
mutilated: yara, ellie
repeatedly traumatized: ellie, lev, dina
i love to see a young trans character played by a trans actor, but it would also be nice if his story wasn’t like. entirely about being shunned and targeted bc he’s trans y’know
all of this begs the question of bad/subpar representation vs no representation at all and quite honestly i don’t have an answer to that
i said before that i appreciate the narrative and gameplay risk they took with having you play as abby as almost a deuteragonist, but i missed ellie, who this game was supposed to be about. 
FIGHTING ELLIE?? i died like 5 times bc i was sitting there screaming “i don’t WANT to hurt her??”
again, i appreciate The Point, that neither of them are inherently evil, but have been caught up in this cycle that has made them enemies of each other. ellie has gone down a dark path and lost her way. it was very effective naughty dog i get it okay pls don’t make me hurt my child again
i’m not entirely sure what the point of the seraphites was besides the aesthetic™ tbh
not that anyone’s complaining about the aesthetic™ tho
the whole santa barbara sequence felt. unnecessary and tacked on. again, i get it, ellie choosing to continue the cycle when she could have let it go, but i feel like that also could have been driven home with a little extra time in seattle
finally, the ending:
liked: that ellie didn’t kill abby. by the time we got to the final fight on the beach i very much didn’t want to kill her. the game proved its point. i just wanted her to get to a firefly base with lev and be safe, and break the cycle.
disliked: the seeming hopelessness of ellie’s story? they gave us a crumb with the fact that she was going to try and reconcile her relationship with joel before he was killed, and honestly, i don’t blame dina for leaving, but even a HINT that ellie was going to go find dina and make it up to her and hopefully settle down and have a loving life with her girlfriend and son and recover would have made it so much better. and i guess it could be open to interpretation, but leaving her guitar and all her artwork of her family doesn’t paint a pretty picture.
overall, i had a fun time playing it for the most part, but it’s left me feeling sad and mournful and hurting. which, again, might be the point. but if it is, i don’t like that point very much.
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mystiika · 3 years
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  so a while back on my old blog ( when i had a lot less muses ), i had a post talking about everyone’s favourite muffins & for no reason at all i have decided to make an updated version with the updated muse list !
apollo — those everything morning breakfast muffins ig? he’s not a big bakery items person archie — he’s a double chocolate kinda guy. he’d take triple chocolate if he could asher — strawberry orange or any kind of chocolate chip chris — he doesn’t like to get the same things over & over again but a blueberry muffin is hard to mess up dante — he’d probably go for strawberry if it’s there eiji — sugar donut muffins. it’s barely a muffin but has muffin in the name so he’ll die on that hill eragon  —  it’s a tie between banana & carrot. every time he’s face with the decision of which one, he caves & gets both bc he can’t handle food choosing related pressures. he eats a ton anyway so nothing goes to waste hades — he’s not much of a pastry person, but he enjoys chocolate from time to time so i feel like anything chocolate would be good as long as it’s not overwhelmingly so hyunshik  — he doesn’t like things that are too sweet & prefers more subtle flavours. maybe like a banana muffin? isaac  —  blueberry for sure! he’s happy with most fruity muffins but blueberry is his top choice jamie  —  he’s not a huge muffin fan. don’t get me wrong, he likes em, but he doesn’t care too much about what flavour it is as long as it tastes good. he probably eats applesauce the most just because it’s one of hannah’s favourites kaede  —  being a vampire kaede isn’t big on human food, in an au where she’s still human, i’d wager to say it’s something like apple cinnamon kitae  — also apple cinnamon. it’s a flavour combination he loves in any form kyle  — he loves pumpkin anything, muffins included minkyung  — he likes obscure flavours, he thinks they’re fun. so it’s not something he sees a lot but he likes ginger & pear muffins a lot peter —  honey muffins! ( soft n sweet just like him ). he bakes a lot & thus has made many a muffin but honey is his fav bc it’s so simple yet delicious so they’re really easy to whip up phaelyn — another fan of fruity muffins, but actually likes lemon muffins the most. she finds them really refreshing ryan  — carrot, no question about it sam  — his mother’s favourite is banana chip & he’s not much of a baker himself so that’s what he grew up having. it’s kind of like a default favourite i guess? sebastian  —  zucchini chocolate chip. it was his mother’s go-to muffin n tastes like home. shin  —  another fan of chocolate chip. he likes to think he has a sophisticated pallet but leans a lot towards simpler flavours   soren — he’ll eat anything tbh. hasn’t tried a single food he hasn’t liked so he can’t pick a favourite anything tu’er shen  — he likes tea cake muffins, of any kind really but is partial to black tea vanilla tyrus  —  coffee cake muffins but those are a specialty thing so his next choice is banana nut
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#long post#dante tag tba.#asher tag tba.#❘❙❚  ┊  a. foster. character study   ➳   ❛   character is like a tree & reputation is like its shadow   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  a. esser. character study   ➳   ❛   history is written by the victors   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  c. lee. character study  ➳   ❛   if you don’t know where you are going‚ any road can take you there   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  e. nakamura. character study  ➳   ❛   he who knows others is wise‚  he who knows himself is enlightened   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  e. bromsson. character study   ➳   ❛   shur’tugal   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  h. cha. character study   ➳   ❛   a dragon's heart burns fiercely‚ even in the face of evil   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  i. lahey. character study   ➳   ❛   pragmatic to a fault   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  j. lincoln. character study   ➳   ❛   nothing is ever so mischievous in its own place as it is out of it   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  k. hayashi. character study   ➳   ❛   kishi kaisei   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  k. kang. character study   ➳   ❛   knowledge‚ too‚ is a form of magic   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  k. hak. character study   ➳   ❛   rich man is either a scoundrel or the heir of a scoundrel   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  m. han. character study   ➳   ❛   experiences are essential for growing   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  p. pettigrew. character study   ➳   ❛   be not afraid of growing slowly be afraid only of standing still   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  l. chanthara. character study   ➳   ❛   people say video games are bad for you but they said the same about rock & roll   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  r. carter. character study  ➳   ❛   strength of attitude becomes strength of character   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  s. eliot. character study   ➳   ❛   the secret of all good writing is sound judgment   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  s. kelly. character study   ➳   ❛   it was acceptable in the 80s   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  s. kim. character study   ➳   ❛   to live in hearts we leave behind is not to die   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  soren. character study   ➳   ❛   to find yourself‚ think for yourself   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  tu’er shen. character study   ➳   ❛   affection cannot be created; it can only be liberated   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  t. henderson. character study   ➳   ❛   art enables us to find ourselves   ❜#❘❙❚  ┊  hades. character study   ➳   ❛   knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom   ❜
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pissoffghosts · 5 years
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Thanks @saphyrenights for tagging me 😘
1. Criminal Minds
2. Elementary
3. Queer As Folk
4. Teen Wolf
5. Psych
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
JOAN WATSON. I’m ride or die for that bitch I love her so much. She’s such a good character that was already great but she grew and has become her better self. Plus Lucy Liu is super hot and I’m gay.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
If I’m going off the main group that is in most of the episodes then I’ll say Rossi. I don’t dislike him but he’s never been my favorite.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
Probably Motel California. Posey is so good in that episode and it makes me cry every time. But the one where Scott becomes an alpha is also one of my faves because it was so satisfying to see him get what he deserves.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Tbh I’m not sure. I don’t think of Psych in seasons because they all kinda blend together. But I think after season 1 when it kinda seemed like they knew where they were going was when it started to get really good.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Definitely Brian and Justin. Do I think they’re an unconventional couple who needs to sort out their issues? Yea 100%. But seeing how much they care for each other, even when they’re not together, makes my heart hurt.
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
I’m gonna count Joanlock as a couple. Yes I know they’re technically not together but all the other official couples don’t really interest me. Plus they both deeply care about each other and I think they’re soulmates.
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
Oh god that’s hard to answer there’s just so many to choose from. But I really like the episode where Reid and the black widow lady are having a standoff in the restaurant. Besides that I’m completely blanking.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
I honestly don’t think I have a favorite episode lmao.
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
Probably 1. I thought all the Moriarty stuff was fun.
10. How long have you watched 1?
Since basically the beginning. I don’t know for sure but if I had to guess since season 2 was airing and there’s like 14 seasons now so maybe 13 years.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
I think my friend watched it and got me into it. But I remember it was a pain to watch because it was way too adult for me at the time and I had to make sure my parents weren’t around lol.
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Tyler Posey!!! I love this boy so much and I just want him to be happy.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Ugh dude don’t make me chose. But I guess if I had to pick it would be Criminal Minds.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
Well criminal minds is up to what like 14 seasons and qaf has 5 sooooooo
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Stiles because I want to be Scott’s best friend so I can treat him right.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Yea Scott goes to liberty avenue meets Debbie and the gang, realizes he’s been bi all along and then lives happily ever after with Isaac.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Tbh I don’t know. I would say Jj and Reid but we all know how the writers fucked that up 😒
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Probably Psych. I love Queer as Folk don’t get me wrong but some of the storylines were real dumb and not everything aged well.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
God I love both so much but if I had to chose Teen Wolf. It gets me so hype every time I hear it. And that one scene where they used it in the show *chefs kiss*
Im tagging :
@biniall @lindszeppelin @jaldinegerams @bckwrds-purpose and anyone else who wants to do this. I’m serious just tag me I wanna see.
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gangsoflale · 5 years
lets start with the man w the most scott mccall.
How I feel about this character: 
one of the best written characters in teen dramas from this era, scott had it all im so ashamed this fandom didn’t see a king when it was right in front of them , he was the perfect depiction of a confused kid growing into a strong leader and im so in love with him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Allison argent, Kira yukimura and isaac lahey. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character.
god how do i even answer this when his interactions with the whole pack are just soo good. They really had a great written bond eye-
My unpopular opinion about this character:
scott was the best character on the show, he was incredibly smart and they shouldn't have put stiles ahead of him as pack genius when scott is shown to be like i said incredibly smart. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: 
keep the focus on him post season 3 , why they shifted so much attention to stiles i’ll never understand. 
Stiles stilinski 
How I feel about this character:
 I had a deep love for him at first but the fandom and just the writers killed it for him. i really struggle to see stiles in the same light as others do. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I liked him and malia a lot tbh.
My non-romantic OTP for this character.
him and scott. 
My unpopular opinion about this character:
stiles didn’t deserve all the attention he got, like don’t get me wrong he was a great character but not enough to warrant all the fandom love over scott imo. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
less focus on him in the later seasons. 
allison argent aka love of my life. 
How I feel about this character:
such an incredible character, she was written so well and had a great balance between badass and vulnerable. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
scott mcall, issac lahey and lydia martin.
My non-romantic OTP for this character.
shes another character that i think Brotps really well with alot of people so its hard for me to choose. 
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i’m actually happy with the way her story went, did it suck to lose such a cool character and do i usually hate the trope of a LI dying to push her other love interests yeah but damn did it really work for me. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish she could’ve met kira. 
and last but not least lydia martin.
How I feel about this character:
oh did i dislike lydia at the start and really learn to love her as time went on, she kinda had the same thing that stiles did where they started to really give her more focus but it was like properly done where she still felt like a secondary character but i was learning more about, also shes who cheryl blossom thinks she is character wise. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Allison argent. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character.
mostly her and scott come to mind, shes another character with so many fun interactions that i just. 
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Should’ve been a lesbian. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
kill off the parish and her thing that was happening, i dont need that energy
give me a character
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dillydedalus · 5 years
what i read in may
how is it may lmao... anyway i went thru a bit of reading slump this month and i’d like to pretend it’s bc i had a lot of uni stuff to do (i did) but tbh it’s bc game of thrones infected me with Vintage* ASOIAF Feels & i didn’t really care about reading anything else
celestial bodies, jokha alharthi (tr. from arabic) quiet and evocative novel about a network of families in a village in oman, told over three (?) generations, but centred on three sisters, mayya, asma and khawla (but not as focused on them as i would have liked). interesting to get some insight into omani society, class relations (& especially slavery and the now-free slaves), gender, tradition and westernisation, but it’s also really lovely and sad. ultimately a bit scattered and vague tho. 3/5
the taming of the shrew, billy shakes (uni) academia and assorted shakespeareans like bending over backwards to explain why this is not misogynist but actually subversive/farcical/ironic/meta or whatever and that’s a fine & worthy endeavour i’m sure but the only valid reading of the taming is that kate is actively plotting to murder petruccio in every single scene so... that’s that on that. misandry stars/5 
vinegar girl, anne tyler (uni) y’all i don’t have high expectations for hogarth shakespeare entries (tho shylock really won me over last month) but fuck this was bad. staggeringly BAD, both as a book and as an adaptation of shrew. it starts out with a completely declawed & detoothed kate, who on the scale of ‘timid wifey’ to ‘shrewish firebrand’ is uh ‘apathetic & slightly sour’.... which is a choice i guess. in the beginning i hoped we were seeing a kate who was repressing her rage (and there is one genuinely great line where the bianca annoys kate while she’s gardening and ‘kate stuffed a snarl of vine into the trash bag’ like okay anne that’s cool) and that the taming would be reverse, i.e. would free kate to feel & act on her rage. but instead... honestly i can’t even tell you what the arc was instead? there’s no real taming, kate (who is very stuck in her life and job) just chooses this green card marriage to become a little bit less stuck and i guess pyotr (petruccio) likes her the way she is, that is sour and Not Like Her Dumb Blonde Sister. and then in the end we get a speech about how men have it really hard bc they never learn how to deal with feelings (when kate throughout the book has herself struggled w/ social skills). can’t wait to rip this apart in class. 1/5 (ALSO how did hogarth have atwood on their roster and not give her the shrew wtf)
doctor wooreddy’s prescription for enduring the ending of the world, mudrooroo (uni) for my postcolonial australia course; it’s about the colonisation of australia and genocide against indigenous australians from the pov of tasmanians and an englishman who’s never seen a white man’s burden he didn’t immediately pick up (all based on real historical people). lots of interesting stuff in there (i’d love to read something about gender roles/gendered spaces in indigenous australian culture) but tbh it’s a bit of a slog (at 200 pages...) 2/5 embassytown, china miéville cool scifi novel about weird alien languages (the ariekei, who speak with two mouths at once and cannot lie - apparently their language doesn’t signify so...uh. linguistically not particularly sound at all but a) it’s a cool concept, b) they’re aliens so like whatever) and what happens when humans, not possessing two mouths and very much capable of lying, communicate with them. there is a lot of really original & fascinating concepts here but some problems w/ the execution (pacing/characters mainly) - not as much as with city&city tho. 3.5/5
the little prince, antoine de saint-exupéry (tr. from french) i wanted something short & bittersweet & this is it. anyway i have these vague & but very vivid memories of seeing like. a slide show of this w/ narration at the berlin planetarium when i was a kid & that is the best way to consume this story. 4/5
the year of the death of ricardo reis, josé saramago (tr. from portuguese) took me nearly 2 months to finish this & it’s under 500 pages which should already say a lot. i enjoyed this while reading mostly, and saramago’s style is beautiful, but it is a bit of a drag & reis honestly is not particularly sympathetic or interesting. the undercurrent of the rise of fascism is the best thing about the novel & makes the end really work but there’s too much tangential meandering about how old dude ricky reis is obsessed with a mucher younger girl and like... yawn. i will try again w/ saramago tho. 2/5
follow the rabbit-proof fence, nugi garimara (uni) story about three young girls with indigenous australian mothers and white fathers escaping from the residential school they were abducted to as part of the stolen generations, based on the author’s mother’s own life. it’s an impressive story of resilience and survival, but perfunctorily written. we’re also going to watch the film & that should be interesting. 2/5
everything under, daisy johnson i find it quite hard to talk about this bc there’s something quite vague and uncertain about it, something elusive. some things i will say: vivid, lyrical prose; the setting (oxford canal boat community) is great, the monster is genuinely creepy, and i really like the three (or 4?) narrative strands and how they interweave. i kind of wish i hadn’t known which greek myth it was a loose adaptation of (so i won’t say here) bc i definitely spent too much time trying to map the myth onto the book - and the ‘reveal’ might have been better w/o that knowledge anyway. 3.5/5
the sparrow, maria doria russell wonderful wonderful warm & human & tragic scifi novel about JESUITS IN SPACE!!! told in two timelines: in the first, set mainly in 2019 (which is great) music from another planet is transmitted to earth and emilio sandoz, jesuit linguist + multilingual (@hbo or netflix: cast oscar isaac please & thank), and his closest friends are chosen (by god?? MAYBE) to go on a secret space mission to make first contact bc jesuits.... have a lot of.... experience... with that. everyone is hopeful, curious, excited, and our guy emilio is literally radiant with god’s love or whatever. in the second timeline, 2060, emilio has been sent home by a second expedition, who have since gone radio silent, the only survivor, disturbingly (!) mutilated, broken in mind and body and unwilling to talk. all we know: the 2nd expedition found him in a brothel & he immediately killed the alien child who led them to him. so... what went wrong? (how could... first contact.... possibly go wrong...?) what did emilio do? was whatever happened god’s will? sorry i’m not super coherent about this but IT’S GREAT MY DUDES. also between this & canticle my scifi subgenre really just is ‘scifi but make it religious’. 4.5/5 
on the whole, not a great reading month, but the sparrow... *chef kiss* & i’m currently reading the artifical silk girl (relatable hot mess in weimar berlin) which is.... AMAZING... alfred döblin who???
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EPISODE 2: Hurricane Jordan Pines is coming - Jordan Pines
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girl what the actual fuck was that like.... Eve was ROBBED ok. Absolutely positively robbed! *Sighs* ok here we go Episode 2: Not All Fear Is The Same https://voca.ro/13U2UMQI90Qm
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So we lost the puzzle challenge, and I’m so fucking conflicted because we kinda lost due to Coulee’s mistake which gave us penalty points. So I’m caught in this mindset of not wanting Coulee to be punished for that because it was an honest mistake but I also don’t feel good about someone else going home when it was that mistake that made us lose in the first place if that makes sense it just wouldn’t be fair, also I’m working with Coulee because we wanted to avenge Eve and kick ass and this genuinely is just such a bummer. Also y’all I don’t think you understand how like complicated this is because of the trio twist. Because every decision you make and everything you say can reflect on your trio in some aspect. You say something that rubs someone the wrong way it could go back to your trio and fuck one of them over the next time anyone of them isn’t safe. 
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ok here’s plan: I will say I got a medallion if asked about the bay and THATS IT. I’m taking all advantages with me and I ain’t telling a soul, not even my trio. Cause these girls talk too much. Then Imma get the tea from Andrew and see what’s happening on green. And then I’m gonna size up the other two groups to see who’s ready for war on Ozarks. Streets say Jabari is still in the sunken place and is still being loyal to Henry but that’s ok. That just means there’s an opening and I’m looking for recruits- any takers 😏
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So we of course didnt try our best but it didnt matter thanks to my advantage. On the offside that could mean that eve or another ally could be in dnager, I have made friends with jinx and henry right away and am trying to win my tribe over despite the whole amount of issues roxy brings. I love her to death but she made enemies way too early in the game especially in the way this game is formatted. only the the social survive 👑
Coulee is in danger for really messing up the challenge and even though normally that would be a plausible way to go I can't afford this like literally I worked to hard ve doing this all by myself and alone. Currently I'm doing everything in my power to make sure coulee stays and we get another day.
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going back to my my montenegro roots and submitting one sentence confessionals as a bare minimum. anyways eve baby you will be avenged white women are wild
  also if coulee goes home today truly y'all are gonna see a bitch on a war path.
if i decide to wake up.
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I feel like I’m gonna get first boot on my tribe after the stunt that Sarah pulled cause she voted out Eve whom is jabaris friend, whom is my tight tight ally on this tribe. But we won the challenge so it’s fine. I got a vote expose advantage last cycle I forgot to mention! Roxy has told me that Sarah and bodhi are her nemises and those are like my two closest allies and she knows that like wtf.
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I 1000% tell Andrew too much and it's 100% because I'm just used to talking to him in my host chat This was way less of an issue with Asya and Isaac when I played with them because they only hosted me once and weren't super interactive If Andrew doesn't fuck me over then they've 100% joined the list of people that I will always work with in an org Sarah has already made that list because I am a dumby Pretty blonde girl said "Call me daddy spice" and I said "Yes pls" Wait if Andrew joins that list then literally half of that list is in this game That would be insane there's no way Andrew is gonna join the list then I'd be stuck with another atomic situation where bodhi and Ali didn't get along and I asked to be voted out partially so I didn't have to pick sides WHAT IF I HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN SARAH AND BODHI I WILL SIMPLY DIE
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I have 5 min to submit this hehe so here’s some random shit Literally eve was SO PUSHED sarah RESPOND to me pls omg you just got 5 votes last tribal and I wanna change that and be allies but you gotta respond PLS Andrew is an angel hello? Love him so much and they’re so sweet to talk to and we’re so far always on the same page? LOVE Autumn is literally a bestie but we already knew that didn’t we! Cindi also a bestie omg literally I hope we don’t go to tribal because I could see it being either Cindi or sarah that goes and Cindi going would NOT be it for me
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Hello, this is a mandatory confessional. I am feeling decently on my tribe as I have been playing my social connections to try to start relationships. I have my eyes set on kai a bit at the moment as someone who I want out sooner rather than later, nothing against kai, like he seems like a very cool person who I definitly get along with, but his trio scares me in this game as a big agent of the unknown and I would rather not have to deal with their gameplay in the later parts of this. I feel pretty shitty tbh cause coulee is someone I like a lot and could definitly see a game relationship being strong but she fucked up hard in the challenge and no one is willing to budge on the issue. Let it be stated here first, i tried to get it to be kai but people said jordan pines no thank you. So im gonna hold my trigger finger on kai a little longer and buddy up to him some more so hes not sus of my actions. but mark it down if the joyita boat goes to council again I will drown his ass because hurricane jordan pines is coming and people best be putting on some life jackets or they are going down.
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joyita wins immunity all six of us are final three ☺️😔☺️😔
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Safe again!! I have been in limbo because I’ve been at school and training…hopefully it stays this way though?? I’m worried about Carson tonight and Sarah’s idol play really put 101 in the spotlight. But if Carson votes out Kai- they may just keep losing 
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Fuck working full time I’m at work rn LOL but uhm we won immunity i wanna kiss jinx on the mouth I will die for jinx and roxy said she wants to work w me bc I gave roxy permissions to spam me more to come at *checks watch* idk when I get off work ig 
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The game is progressing 
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cow1sequester · 4 years
EPISODE 11 - “Patrick popped off and killed Isaac and I’m the last Kung Fu left” - Owen
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TWIST: Safety Grab
ELIMINATED: Owen (Battle Match Drag)
YES FUCK YES PATRICK POPPED OFF AND KILLED ISAAC AND IM THE LAST KUNG FU LEFT!!! Every! Single! ONE of those alliance members wrote my name down and you know what? IM THE LAST ONE STANDING! What a bad call on all their parts. They should’ve never thought I was disposable PERIOD Yesterday’s vote went so well. Patrick and Ryan did what I wanted them too and even tho Blake beck Isaac and Raul pulled some shady shit I got put into SUCH A GOOD position when it tied. Blake and Beck we’re voting Isaac and Ryan and Patrick did Raul cause I wanted them to lmao and so I could choose to either make Raul pick between ryan and patrick for the battle or Isaac pick between Blake and beck. So I went with the latter option to save patrick and ryan but surprise surprise they BOTH had a damn LOS!?  I really should be looking for these I didn’t know they’d get handed out like candy.... I don’t think Blake is mad at me either which is good. Next order of business is to split up Raul and beck. After that I’m not sure who I want to get forth. I think I need Blake in the final four with me but I need him to get voted and to not drag me tbh.... so isk how that will work. Best case scenario is Raul and beck go next and I’m in final four with ryan patrick and Blake and then who knows what happens. Ahhhh i can’t believe I’m final six. I’m really fucking snapping. Every round Blake and I make a plan and execute it and sometimes I do something diffeeent or he does but at the end of the day we both still here that’s wild
Hey I'm still here somehow so we're in F6 and there's these pairs Beck-Blake and Patrick-Owen with me leaning more towards BB and Ryan leaning more with PO but at this point all I care about is surviving one more round so here's my plan for this round: I'm gonna tell Owen that since I was in the battle match I got an LOS and that I'm playing it on Blake since it's my last week, making them believe to put votes on Blake if they don't want to go into the battle match but I want to trick them into actually voting out Blake out cause I've not even looked for an LOS since like Cycle 3 or 4. At this point I like my chances going against almost anyone I think I can put up a fight in F2, my only concern is that Owen and Patrick can not get to F4 together cause they won't vote for eachother. So once that is broken up I have a free ride.
This game is so fucking hard. I popped off and got really lucky with those puzzles which gave me a lot of control this week. I decided to give Ryan safety for a few different reasons: First, patrick and I have bonded a lot and I want ryan to feel just as secure in my loyalty to him. Second, ryan did a lot more of the puzzles lol. Third, they’re going to be more scared to go into battle with patrick Than they will against ryan. And prob most important is that Ryan told me the complete truth about voting Isaac in the date night round while patrick lied to me and threw his vote instead of doing jared. So ryan got the safety leaving patrick Blake and beck as options. Blake and Patrick have been my two closest allies throughout the jury phase so it seems like the best choice for me would be Beck going. I also really REALLLLLY need Blake here as a shield over me to be picked off at fifth place. At fourth I can threaten my allies to drag them if they flip on me but at fifth.... 🥴🥴🥴 if Blake goes I’m the next biggest choice as ‘threats’ I think (although maybe that’s not true and I have no shot to win lmao) and all it would take is ryan or patrick or both flipping on me. But ryan really wants to do Blake. So I’m stressed now. This is just a hard game because I need to depend on my allies so much and I am just praying that ryan and patrick will be loyal to me. Patrick mentioned knowing ryan before the game today which makes me a little sketched out that they’ll cut me before the end. So I’m just trying to work out a plan. If we convince Raul to vote Blake, then patrick ryan and Raul could all do Blake and ill still vote beck but then patrick and ryan would be mad at me. But I do wanna survive to five... I feel like I’ll have to win a battle match at final five either way because getting to five with a solid alliance seems to good to be true. I just don’t know anymore AHHH I need to talk to vlake and tell him what’s going on if I wanna save him but last time he was getting voted he took everything I said and blew it the fuck off. Ultimately I want beck GONE but the only person that’s best for is me and idk how to get what I want when it just literally doesn’t make sense for my alllies to do We out here..., Jesus 
It’s right before the final 6 vote and I am SO NERVOUS I COULD POO. I don’t want to get voted out i pray Ryan and Owen stay with me and save me. And then that Blake flips. I’m so scared please let me be safe. I don’t want to do a 6th battle match I really really don’t want to do a 6th one 
Gosh! So sorry I’m so bad at writing these I wish I did them more often :( I promise I’m gaming a lot! Just bad at talking about it. This week, I had a lot going on in my personal life finding out I basically get no credits from my first year of university meaning I basically set a torch to 25 grand so... werq that’s why I didn’t do puzzles. It was pretty obvious early on it was gonna be 3-3 with me saving myself or getting dragged for beck and as much as Im undyingly loyal to beck, I have to put myself first and I don’t think this move was the absolute worst thing for me. I am not the last one not in a battle match, and tonight my plan is to talk to the 3 who are still in the house with me and try to start setting myself up to get to the final 2. If everybody thinks I’m just talking to them, and they solely benefit, they won’t tell anybody else as it doesn’t benefit them. In a game where it’s so easy to get eliminated at the end, they won’t want to leak any info that might get them dragged especially if they might wanna vote me out.
Been feeling really guilty ab beck today /: 
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