#tare answer
tare-anime · 2 months
Hello Think will be a kiss Twiyor in the lips at some point ?
Yes, definitely.
But not in these days. Sometimes in the future for sure.
And the kiss will involve genuine feelings. Not for the mission, not for appearance, and not covered in layers of lies 🤭🤭🤭
And we will be bawling our hearts out.
We just need to be patient and let Endo cook his story 🥰
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tare-chan · 10 months
(copy paste) when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers. (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ~
Oooohhh 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I didn't listen to any song today though.
But yes, positivity is good.
Thank you so much 🥰🥰
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rlbbackup · 2 years
I hope I understand the questions right... 🤣
Fanfiction trope (for TwiYor?):
Enemy to lovers
There's only one bed
Soulmate AU
Medieval AU
Regency AU
First meeting AU
Soulmate AU
I think I should stop before I'm making super long post 😅
>.> Hi Tare
Um yes! Okay! Let's do this. *cracks knuckles*
Enemies to lovers - In general and for twiyor specifically, C. I don't read enough of it to have an opinion one way or another. I've seen a few really good ones, but most of them are AUs that have no attachment to canon save for the names, relationships, and appearances of the characters.
There was only one bed - A. My beloved trope. <3 I'm currently writing one XD
Soulmate AU - A - Love it. There aren't enough twiyor ones, but I get why. It's not a very popular trope (yet?) on AO3 for it.
Medieval Au - Again I'm writing one XD But I'll grade this one at C, mostly because I have seen poorly written Medieval AUs. So I'm always cautious.
Regency Au - Oh boy this one. Hard B on this. I like it, and I'll read it, but it's not what I constantly search for.
First meeting AU - Hmm. depends! A few of them I've read are really good, so I'll say B.
XD You put soulmate twice Tare <3
Thank you!
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picavecalyx · 1 year
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  silva thinks about whether or not she is human or not a lot, probably more than is healthy, or normal at all. in a lot of ways, silva never really got to be ‘human’, not necessarily. yes, when she was adopted she was treated as a ‘person’, but there were plenty of time where she would be compared more to a pokemon than a person, not helped by her early life being completely lived in the believe that she was one. even her way of telling if something is ‘human’ or not--whether or not she can hear a heart or not...well...she can’t hear her own heart, so that means she was human, right? well, not necessarily...silva can’t hear human hearts, not always...but she can still tell something is there if she focused, she can still tell that there is a heart there--not simply that it is empty or lacking. no, but when she tries to focus on her own heart, it’s...it’s silent. she can’t tell if anything is even there!       as if she doesn’t even have that, a heart.
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tareloin · 1 year
I am HONOURED to be Berserker from MS2 ;;
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Sleepy -> pure Ethan fluff here
Ethan’s best friend likes him more than she’ll admit, and he has a habit of sleeping on her.
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Tara caught you the first time it happened.
You were at Ethan and Chad’s dorm, studying for your Econ exam with Tara, when you’d found yourself curled up against Ethan, head in his lap, dozing away from boredom.
“Look how cute.” Tara whispered to Chad, pointing her pen at the two of you. Ethan’s head had fallen back to rest against the wall, his eyes closed as the two of you slept.
The next time was at the Halloween party. This time it was Ethan, exhausted from the alcohol and the noise, that had sat next to you on the couch beside Anika and Mindy. And when his head had moved to lay against your shoulder, his breaths slowing as he found comfort in your presence, you’d had to shush Mindy so she wouldn’t wake him up with her loud gossiping.
Most recently, you’d been found by Chad, curled up together under the covers in Ethan’s bed, his arm slung over your waist as your head burrowed in the space between his neck and shoulder.
No one in your friend group understood why the two of you weren’t together. It made no sense—you were always attached at the hip and, whenever you hung out, you always inevitably seemed to be napping with one another. For Ethan, it was because he was constantly stressed, and with you he could relax, breathing in the scent of your perfume and running tentative hands over your soft skin. For you, it was…
Well, you weren’t entirely sure.
So when you began receiving messages from your friend’s shared group-chat you gave a wary glance to Ethan where he laid curled up in a ball beside you, his head in your lap.
Core Four
Chad: Alright Y/N, spill the tea. What’s going on w you and E?
Chad: That rhymed
Chad: lol
Y/N: nothings going on why?
Tara: surrrre
Tara: *image*
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Tara: looks like a whole lot of ‘nothing’
Y/N: stopppp when did you take that??
Chad: what the HELLL 🔥🔥🔥
Y/N: Tara delete that pls
Tara: no I’m making it my lock screen 😏
Chad: I thought I was your lock screen
Mindy: As long as his Ghostface ass stays away from me I don’t care who he naps with. Next subject.
Chad: don’t be boring
Y/N: *left groupchat*
Tara: noooo
You sighed, turning off your phone and chucking it to the end of the bed before running your nails absentmindedly through Ethan’s curls. Truth was, you did like your friend. You just didn’t know how to tell him.
“Y/N.” Ethan grumbled, lifting his head a fraction as he blinked sleepily. “What’s going…on?”
“Hey, Sleepy.” You smiled down at him, then squeaked when he wrapped his arms around your waist and tugged you under the covers next to him, his head moving to rest on your stomach. “E, what the—”
“Just go to sleep, please.” He grumbled, voice drowsy. “Need your…” he trailed off and your face flushed, but you made yourself comfortable, resting a hand against his head as you relaxed, your eyes slowly closing.
“Come on.” Tara was urging, watching as you did your makeup and ignored her. “Just get together all ready I’m sick of this.”
“He’s my friend, Tare.” You argued, raising a brow at her in the vanity mirror. “It’s not like that.”
“Really?” She asked, flouncing over. “Because I heard that Chad says he likes you.”
“Chad likes me?” You asked, confused, and Tara rolled her eyes.
“No dumbass. Ethan likes you.”
You blinked at her for a moment before shaking your head.
“I call bullshit.”
“What kind of friends nap together all the time?” She pushed, approaching to crouch on the floor beside you, crossing her arms and resting them on your legs. “I mean—come on. Come on. The boy can’t keep his hands off you.”
“That’s bull—” your phone rang and you both jumped. You reached out but Tara grabbed it first and you yelped, diving for the brunette as she giggled and ran, answering the call.
“Hey Sleepy.” She cooed, reading off Ethan’s contact name. She shot you a wink as your face burned. “What’s—” she paused. Then she looked at you, a curious expression on her face. “Yeah, yeah. She’s here, hold on.” Tara passed you the phone and you snatched it away, heartbeat quickening as you answered.
“Y/N.” Ethan’s voice met your ear and you tensed. He sounded…sad? Distressed? “Can you come over? Please?”
“Why what happened?” You asked, already standing up. Screw it, you’d take your makeup wipes with you and remove your half-finished look. Tara was watching you, looking a bit worried, as she handed you your purse.
“I don’t know I just…can you just come?”
“Yeah. Yeah, E.” You said, listening to the phone click as you looked to Tara. “What did he say to you?”
“Nothing he—he kind of sounded like…like he was crying or something. All he said was ‘Tara, give me Y/N please.’” She paused. “Is he okay, or—?”
“I don’t know. I’m sorry for leaving. Dunkin in the morning?”
“Yeah. Yeah.”
So you left, going to Ethan’s dorm as fast as you could. You knew Chad was out with Mindy and Anika, and assumed that that’s why Ethan had called. But why did he sound so…upset?
You used your spare key that Ethan had made you to enter, knocking first, then pushed inside. When you got to Ethan’s room you saw him sitting with his head in his hands, but he soon looked up at you. His expression was pained and you felt a stab of anxiety run through you.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, setting your stuff down as you moved to him, sitting down beside your friend.
“I um..” he trailed off, looking at you then away. “this is embarrassing. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine.” You said, reaching out to rub his back. “Tell me what happened.” Baby. You’d almost called him baby at the end of that sentence. You were insanely glad that you hadn’t.
“I have night terrors.” He said after a weighted pause, his eyes shifting to yours. “I cant sleep sometimes. When I’m alone I—I just…I just toss and turn. Everything freaks me out I don’t like to be alone.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him.
“Night terrors? About what?”
“Well,” his face turned a shade of pink and he looked away. “well I was trying to go to bed and then I saw you and—” he paused, breath hitching, and you felt your chest tighten. “It’s fine. You’re here now, right? You’re fine.” He seemed to be trying to convince himself, his eyes darting across your face like he wasn’t sure this was real, and something in you cracked.
“Is that why you’re always so tired with me?” You asked, frowning. “Because you cant sleep alone?”
“No.” He said, and you stared at him in confusion, but he cut you off before you could speak. “I sleep with you because I feel…safe with you.” He seemed embarrassed again and glanced down at his hands. “I don’t feel comfortable with anyone else. Not like—not like you..” he sighed and blinked up at the ceiling, seeming to fight back a wince. “Im totally weirding you out right now, aren’t I.”
You watched him for a moment, contemplative, before you kicked off your shoes. He could only stare as you moved to the opposite side of his bed and shoved your shorts off, left in a huge t-shirt curtesy of Ethan himself.
“It’s not weird.” You said, slipping under the covers, and smacked the mattress next to you. He still stared, and you rolled your eyes. “Come on, E. Get in the bed.”
A hesitant laugh left him as he did so, climbing in beside you. It was muscle memory, at this point: your head on his chest, his arm around your waist, pulling you into him. You felt his soft breaths on your hair as you settled, adjusting into the familiarity of his body as you rested.
“You know I care about you, right?” Ethan asked into the darkness, his thumb brushing soft strokes against your waist. “Like..more than anyone.”
You smiled against him.
“Are you saying you have a crush on me, Sleepy?” You teased, and he startled you by instantly saying, “Yeah”.
You sat up a bit, looking at him, and you could’ve sworn his cheeks had gone red. You brushed his hair away from his forehead and ran your fingers across his cheek, your head tilting.
“Then do something about it.” You whispered, feeling his chest rise and fall beneath you, before he lowered his head and pressed his mouth to yours.
Core Four
Chad: Y/N?
Chad: Y/N I know you’re getting these messages. I added you back to the groupchat a week ago.
Y/N: what do you want
Chad: my BOY over here says he’s going to his GIRLFRIENDS HOUSE TO WATCH A MOVIE
Tara: WHAT
Mindy: Ew.
Y/N: he has a girlfriend?
Chad: …
Chad: it’s not you??? he just left the house like an hour ago
Y/N: why would you think it’s me??
Tara: nooo my fave ship
Mindy: Thank God.
Y/N: *image*
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Y/N: idk what movie he was planning on watching because this man is out like a fuckin light
Mindy: I hate you all.
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asmosmainhoe · 6 months
Idk if you will feel this as much as me BUT
First you have to listen to "Get in the water" from Epic the musical. (If You didn't already xD)
How will the obey me boys react to seeing the MC in the position singing this/threatening the person that for example did something terrible to a person dear to them or even killed a loved one? Would they let them do it? Would they stop them? How would they feel about it?
For the past day I can't keep thinking about anything else and now I need your help because you always get the point that I want aaaaaagskyhskdh help
MC kills someone
MC has their magical abilities here and is manipulating the ocean
I really recommend to listen to Get in the Water by Epic the Musical, but you don't have to to understand this. It's mainly for the vibes
Gender: neutral
Warnings: threats, death, angst, MC is murderous, slight spoilers about what happens after you free Belphie from the attic in Mammon's and Belphie's parts
He knows what you're feeling right now, but he doesn't want you to do something you might regret later on
"Are you absolutely sure?"
As a response you only shoot him a glare full of rage and sorrow. That is answer enough
"Fine then. I won't stand in your way."
The person responsible for your grief has brought this upon themselves and Lucifer refuses to intervene
He will have your back the same way his brothers had his back during the Celestial war
Maybe he should. Maybe he should keep you from taking a life, but would he react ant different if they had taken you from him? It wouldn't be fair
So he stands still at a nearby cliff, silently watching the tides rise and listening to your angry roars
The other person falls to their knees, begging for mercy which only fuels you
Lucifer can't do much except be there for you once you finish the deed and he intends to stay by your side for as long as it takes
He's very well aware of the fact that nothing in the three realms is going to talk you out of it, but he doesn't want to see you go down this path of destruction
"MC, you're better than this!"
"What if that person had killed me? Huh, Mammon? What would you do in my position?"
He knows what he'd do. After all he once held your dead body in his arms. The image still haunts him everytime he closes his eyes
Mammon is all for making people who take things dear to him pay, but you're his sweet MC. It pains him to see you go from the kindest person he's ever met to...this
He wishes he could take all the suffering from you and go through this hell himself
The last thing he wants is lose you so he quickly pulls himself together and decides to stand by you when you do it
"You really don't have to, Mammon."
"I do. I won't let ya go through this alone."
Because wherever you go he will follow you even if you're leading him to the deepest pits of hell
Like Mammon he's hesitant to let you do this at first
It's just that you've never been a killer in his eyes. You're his innocent human who occasionally kicks ass when the ass deserves it, but this is entirely different
"I want to do it by the ocean."
"W-what will you do there?"
"...drown them."
Yes. Drowning. One of the most painful deaths one can experience
Levi knows it, because he feels every single life that is being taken by the tides fading. They're his tides after all
Only then he realizes how serious you are about this and how nothing will stop you from doing it
"If you do it then I want to be with you. In the water."
You stare at him silently for a few seconds until you nod
He desperately wants to be there in case you drown yourself in your own grief
No one understands the rage that you felt the day this person took the thing most dear to you like Satan does
That day he felt it through the realms. It woke him up from his sleep and made him nearly tare down the entire house of lamentation
Your wrath still pulls on him to this day. It's making him go insane and he has no idea how long he's going to be able to keep calm. If this goes on any longer he might destroy the entirety of the devildom
That's also why he doesn't disagree with you when you tell him about your murderous plans. Maybe you both will have some kind of relief
Nothing could prepare him for the day
Not only does the sea rage under your hand. Satan does as well
It's as if something knocked out all the air in his lungs and he falls to his knees, desperately trying to control his shaking body
"Get in the water!"
He can hear your screams inside his head and he is so close to kill that person with his own two hands, but he wouldn't take that from you. He couldn't
"Get in the water."
People might think that Asmo doesn't understand love. That he only understand desire and attraction on a physical level
But truth be told, no one loves the way he loves
So when you tell him what you plan on doing his expression turns completely blank and he takes your hands
You can see your own determination in his eyes
"Do you really want this?"
He whispers the words, but they're still hanging loudly in the silent room
"I do."
"Very well, love. I'll go with you."
"You don't have to, Asmo. It's my business."
"Oh, my silly MC. How do you intend to raise the entire ocean without channeling a demon's magic?"
You usually channel the brothers magic on accident, because you don't feel comfortable using their powers for your own gain
Asmo's offer is different. He has a point and looks just as sure about this as you are
If you wouldn't have decided to kill the person who hurt you the most then he would have done it himself
Ever since grief took over you Beel has been eating less. Seeing you in so much pain makes him feel sick to his stomach. All he does all day is worry about you so there isn't really the time to eat something either
He's of Levi's and Mammon's opinions when it comes to this. Beel doesn't want you to walk the dark path of revenge and self destruction
Belphie is living proof that the hatred doesn't end and only takes over everything that makes you...well you
Seeing his brother in such despair was bad enough, but he can't handle seeing you like this as well
But he gets it. He felt the exact same when he lost Lilith. There were less murderous intentions though
"MC, please don't. You saw what it did to Belphie-"
"And none of you stopped him."
Ouch. Even though your words hurt, Beel won't hold them against you. He knows it's the anger in you speaking and not you
Nothing will change your mind so the only thing he can do is support you and make sure you don't kill yourself in the process
He knows. He knows it too well and is just waiting for you to come up to him. To come up with a plan similar to his during the time he was locked up in the attic
Belphie is the last person to stop you. It simply wouldn't be right if he did, considering how he lashed out on you back then
"Use my power, MC."
"Are you sure?"
Of course you know that you don't have to ask him. If anyone would help you with this then it was him
"I owe you. For forgiving me."
You don't think twice about taking him up on his offer and the two of you immediately get to work
The sound of crashing waves is deafening, but Belphie can hear your screams loud and clear even though there is quite a distance between you and him
The murderous look on your face, the rage you wield the tides with and the lack of life in your eyes remind Belphie of himself
And the day he killed you
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Twin flames
Warning: Swearing, age gap, asshole Aemond
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen × Targaryen oc
You watched as your uncle took in the appearance of your bedchamber, his lilac eyes scanning the room your mother deemed unworthy of a princess. Furniture was plain; curtains were faded; and books filled with stories of tragic lovers were scattered everywhere. He was most likely underwhelmed; most people were. Aegon often compared your bedchamber to the servants. Aemond had no such remark since he had never entered your bedchambers since childhood.
“If I knew in advance, uncle, you’d be helping me sneak back into the keep, I would have tried to spruce the room up slightly for you,” you say jokingly.
Daemon's facial expression remains hard to read until something catches his attention. Frowning, he walks towards the table in the center of the room and picks up the different pieces of fabric. “What happened to your dresses?”
You’re taken aback by the tone of his voice; unlike your mother or grandsire, there wasn’t a hint of judgment or disapproval; Daemon sounded genuinely concerned about why so many outfits had large tares in them. His eyes had a fierce glow to them while he awaited your answer. You cleared your throat. “My mother won’t allow me to repurpose my dresses unless they are ruined. After wearing a dress a few times, I tend to accidentally rip it.”
“Hmm,” he says, tossing the fabric back down, “and what exactly do you do with them?”
“Myself and one of the seamstresses turn them into bedding or clothing to give to the poor.” Sighing, you start to fold the pieces of fabric into squares, placing them neatly onto the table. Keep your head low to hide the embarrassment; you probably sounded spoiled. “I know it isn’t much, but it should be criminal how much material is used for just one of my dresses when there are homeless people freezing during the nights and children running around naked in the streets of Flea Bottom.”
“Yes, the gods can be cruel.”
Your eyes narrow, and Daemon’s mocking tone irritates you until you spot a ghost of a smirk pulling on his lips. He was teasing you. “Perhaps one day the gods will be kind enough to help those who need them most.”
Daemon silently stares at you for a few moments, observing each of your actions as if something exciting could happen at any moment. His gaze slowly moves to the floor for a few seconds, as if he’s lost in thought. Daemon moves to another small table and sits beside it. He sniffs the remaining wine that you had brought earlier in the night and then takes a gulp of it, saying, “So tell me, what Dragon is it you ride?”
He tilts his head back, an amused look on his face. “Tyvaros is High Valyrian for serpent, is it not?”
“You know it is”, you sit down across from him and smile, “with scales as dark as coal and glowing green eyes. My dragon is basically a smaller version of the Cannibal, my black beauty.”
“I can’t imagine the same girl who gives her clothing to the less fortunate riding a dragon so ferocious.”
You lean across the table, reaching for the cup he just drank out of, and take a sip yourself. “You don’t know me well enough to make such assumptions.”
Grinning, he takes the cup from your hand and refills it before handing it back to you. He chuckles and says, “Dear niece, I think you are right; not to worry, we can always amend that. Now tell me, how often do you sneak out at night?”
Having little appetite, you pick at the food on your plate, washing what little you do eat down with wine. The room is silent aside from the sounds of scraping forks and knives until your mother says to you, “I haven’t seen that ring before; where did you get it from?”
You glance down at the delicate ring. It was a gold band with a red circular stone, one of the many gifts your uncle had given you over the past few moons. Daemon gave you books he thought you would enjoy, black and red dresses he assured you were made out of the cheapest fabric, and he even got a black collar decorated with emerald stones for your dragon. A gift your mother and grandsire were most pleased with, they assumed you had chosen the collar paying token to the Hightower family symbol, when in reality it was from a man whom they both despised. Neither of them made the connection between the green and matching Tyvaros eyes. Daemon had told you the ring was sentimental but never explained how so; you just knew he wore a matching one.
“It was a gift from a friend.”
The table is mostly quiet again. Aegon leers over and scrunches his nose up. “It’s hideous.”
“Good thing it’s not you who’s wearing it then, brother,” you say before dipping bread into the stew that was just placed in front of you.
You remain focused on your meal until you feel your hair being brushed behind your ear, sending shivers down your spine. Aemond stares at you intensely; his eye seems darker than usual as his fingers brush over a thin braid that had been hidden beneath the top layer of your hair.
Aemond seemed mad, but perhaps you were just imagining it.
Nights prior, during the hour of the owl, you had snuck out to meet with your uncle, and you sat in the gardens listening to tales of his daughters, who were currently staying with their grandmother, the queen who never was, Rhaenys Targaryen. It was clear he missed his daughters deeply, along with their mother, Lady Laena. As he spoke, Daemon played with your hair, braiding it as you drew a detailed picture of Caraxes flying in the night sky. Nothing inappropriate had happened between you and your uncle, but the thoughts you had of kissing him made it feel sinful, so you pretended your relationship with Daemon didn’t exist to others.
Aemond quickly pulled his hand away before returning to his meal, and all conversation ceased to exist once again.
You walk to your bedchamber with a smile on your face. You had spent the remainder of the afternoon with your sister Helaena, riding your dragons alongside one another. It isn’t until you are inside and begin to remove your riding gear that you notice a presence in your room. “Aemond!” You gasp, hand clasping on your chest, “What are you doing here?”
“Why not? I am your husband after all.”
The coldness in his tone causes you to tighten your grip on your recently removed jacket. You were wrong for ignoring the tingling of dread earlier when he spotted your braid. You clear your throat. “It is unlike you to come visit me; I’m surprised.”
“I regret not doing it sooner, wife.”
The word wife drips like venom from his tongue, and when you finally look at him again, you notice he’s holding your drawings. He scoffs before scrunching them up in his hands. “Tyvaros, Tessarion, Dreamfyre, Sunfyre, Syrax, Meleys, Seasmoke... hmm, you’ve drawn these dragons but not Vhagar.”
“I’ve not drawn the wild dragons either. I intend to draw them all eventually.”
“You’ve drawn that deformed-looking beast before mine!” He snaps, tossing a scrunched-up piece of paper with a drawing of Caraxes at your face, “Vhagar is my dragon, your husband's dragon!”
Tears well up in your eyes as his voice becomes louder and full of rage. You glance at the door. You could scream for the knight guarding your door, but realistically, he wouldn’t do anything to help you. Although you were a princess, he was a prince, and the knights would always defend the son of a king over a king's daughter. As frightened as you were, you would be damned if you let him know that, “If your intention was to frighten me, then you have failed.”
Aemond suddenly storms towards you; gripping your jaw tightly, he says, “Not to fear me is stupid. Foolish girl, not only are you sneaking around with our cunt of an uncle, but you now insult me even further by favoring him and his dragon over my own.”
“It was never meant as an insult; we all know Vhagar is a gift from the gods.”
He rolls his eyes at your weak attempt at softening him up. He glares at you and says, “You’ve made a fool of me.”
“Nothing has ever happened between me and Daemon. I enjoy his company; he cares what I have to say.”
You shake as Aemond lets go of your jaw and pulls his dagger from his belt. Tears roll down your cheeks as you squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for pain to come, but it never does. Feeling something tickle the tip of your nose, you open your eyes again to see your silver braid dangling like a prize that has been won in front of you. He lets out a dark chuckle, dropping it to the ground. “You’ve never let anyone braid your hair since we were children, not even your handmaidens.”
Your fear turns to anger. How dare he treat you in such a manner? When he is the one who created the toxic dynamic between you. You never wanted to marry Aemond, but you were prepared to perform your duty as a wife and princess, but he refused you each time. deprived you of not only children but also basic respect. “Tell me, brother, do you not feel guilt each time you look at me?” You pull up the sleeve of your dress, revealing your scared arm. “Every time I see this or a reflection of the one on my face, I curse the gods, then beg for their forgiveness for my lack of faith in them, and do you want to know why? It wasn’t them that did this to me.”
“It was an accident!”
“No,” you snort out with a laugh. “No, it wasn’t, not really. Deep down, you wanted to hurt me; you wanted to punish me for not wanting to help you seek revenge against our nephew.”
“Lucerys owes me a debt.”
“Does that mean you owe me one? Lucerys was just a boy defending his brother; you, on the other hand, are a brother who hurt his sister.” You shake your head at him and say, “When you saw the scar on my face, did you not think it was justice?”
Aemond knocks on the chamber door for the knight to open it, ignoring your question. He looks back at you and says, “You will no longer spend time with our uncle.”
Snorting out a laugh, you struggle to compose yourself. A smile spreads across your face. “Or what? You’ll have me locked away? You dishonor me each time you lay with your whores, and not once have I complained. I am not your property and will do as I please.”
“We’ll see.”
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toya x reader
you and your complicated lover have an honest talk about the future.
angst, so so much angst, guys i was so sad when i wrote this, euphoria reference if you squint
a/n: the bridge for how did it end is actually poetry. go listen to it rn
a/n: hate and love feel like the same thing, we’re all confused
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to mourn someone who is still with you.
mourning someone who is not just with you. who is next to you, cradling you in the arms. he is silent, a wall of solitude. he is a magnitude of grief joined together by burnt skin and piercings. he is waves of hurt and love with nowhere to go kissing your shoulder. he is a litany of fear and resentment tightening his arms around your waist, holding you against his warm body as you stare at the window of your shitty apartment.
his name is toya todoroki. he was hurt, scarred, vengeful, and already gone. his skin that screamed for salvation proved that. and you loved him.
your eyes stare hesitantly at the window. he holds you silently against his ribs, blue eyes watching you with an unreadable stare. he was taring your world apart from the roots down, and he knew it. he felt it your bones scream against him.
"i wanna burn this city to the ground." you sigh.
and you'd honestly do it. not for you, not for anyone else but him. you'd tear the soil up from the ground, wrath building up explosions from the oceans as the waters flood the ground, drowning the suffering of humanity. you'd set everything in your sight ablaze, watching as everything burns into embers, and then nothing. and in the end you'd salt the earth behind you. nothing would dare sprout on the earth toya todoroki once loved you on.
"i know." he says.
you bring his burnt palm to your face, pressing your lips to the mourning skin. he looks at you, not taking his eyes off of you for even a second. "i"m not scared of you, toya." you reassure him. hands that were known for destruction, known for the eruptions of blue flames that ravaged everything in his will. you kissed them. you'd kiss them a million times over. it was funny, how hands built for death held you so good.
he hums, his grip tightening around you. he knows you should be, that you should leave. if not out of fear, than out of hate. hate for who he his, hate for the pain that he has caused and will cause. because toya knew from the moment his marred body stared back at him in the mirror, was that he was going to go down in flames. he was going to destroy his father and everything he had done. he was going to die.
and you knew that. better than anyone.
so there you were. mourning someone who lay next to you, heart still beating, lungs still breathing.
"i'd destroy the whole world for you." you repeat.
toya looks at you, blue eyes staring intently at the way you lay in his embrace. "you're not supposed to, doll. thats my job, you're the good one." he mutters into your skin.
"i'm not as good as you think." you insist, still refusing to face your lover.
a sigh escapes his marred lips. "i know you're not perfect. but..." his fingers trace up and down the curves of your waist. "you're good for me. better."
you scoff.
"whats... whats gonna happen to us?"
you don't know what you feared more. silence, or the answer.
he paused for a moment, his hands wandering down to your thigh. his gave moved away from you as a pensive look came over his face, lips pursing as he thought of an answer. after a long moment of silence, his eyes returned to you, where his gaze belonged.
"do you really wanna know?"
"yeah, i do."
toya held your gaze for a moment, making sure his face stayed unreadable. his hand remained on your thigh, caressing your soft skin.
"this isn't gonna end well, doll. you and me.." he whispers breathlessly.
"i know." you nod solemnly.
"we're not gonna survive this. i'm not. the world... ain't gonna let us."
his actions betrayed his words, pulling you even closer to him. the look on his eyes screamed otherwise. they wanted something else, but his soul knew that his burnt hands were already out of reach.
"i figured." your voice was laced with bitterness. he wanted to protest, but what was there to argue against? he made up his mind.
"what am i to you?" you ask, eyes still gazing the emptiness of the outside world. your world laid right next to you, telling you that he wasn't going to stay.
"you're... everything." he utters, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
you wince. finally turning around. you needed him to see the hurt in your eyes. and you needed to find the hurt in his.
"what... what can i do to convince you? to stay?" your voice cracked when your words reached his ears. toya paused, a part of him wanting to be his usual asshole self- teasing you into making love with your body pressed against him, the physical pleasure making him forget about his troubles for a moment. but the look in your eyes told im to stop.
he lets out the slightest sigh before speaking.
"you can't." his voice was barely above a whisper.
your eyes dropped, staring out the window again. "i figured."
he felt a twinge of guilt erupt in his chest, piercing new burns through his heart. he hated seeing you this way, hated knowing he was the one who caused it.
"i'm not gonna apologize." he muttered quietly, his grip on your chin soft yet firm as he held your face. "i'm not gonna change my mind, either..."
"i didn't expect you to." you answer, tearing his hand off of your face.
toya felt his fingers reflexively tighten before reluctantly letting you remove his hand. a flicker of frustration bloomed across his burning blue eyes. he hated how accepting you were, how understanding you were. both of you felt the tension, both souls aware of the inevitable. his jaw clenched as he thought of his mission, knowing that it would finally cause his father pain, but you bring you down with it. it killed him more than the fire, than the smoke.
"i'm not apart of your plan." you sigh. "you don't have to be here."
toya let out the slightest scoff at your words. his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at you. his eyes hardened for a moment before he leaned in closer, whispering: "you think i'd choose to be anywhere else when i could be with you?"
"why do you stay here if you're just gonna die?"
"do i need a reason to stay with you, doll?"
"do you have one?"
both you and toya paused at your last question. his jaw clenched as you pressed his reasoning. he knew he couldn't tell you the truth. the truth that you were the one thing keeping him alive, the one thing that kept made staying seem like a reality. no, he couldn't tell you that. he couldn't give you hope.
"maybe, i just like being with you." he lies with a truth.
you sigh again, defeated as you lay your head on his chest like a soldier collapsing on the battle field. toya let out a low, content breath as his body welcomed you wholeheartedly in his embrace.
"so... i'm just gonna sit here.. and watch you kill yourself over some shitty revenge plan... i'm just gonna sit here and lose you..?"
toya pretends to not notice the way your voice cracks. he feels a wince of guilt at your quiet words, hating the way you suffered because of him. hated the way he could do absolutely nothing about it.
he took a deep breath before he spoke. "i didn't say you had to stay, doll... you're free to leave anytime you want." his words betrayed his feelings. he didn't want you to leave, selfishly. he rubs circles into your back, doing anything to comfort you.
"if i wanted to i would've left by now, idiot." you sigh, voice cracking once more.
he felt a familiar flicker of sadness run through his veins. this wasn't fair to you. not at all. he knew he was hurting you and he hated himself for it, more than anything else did. his grip on you tightened, calloused fingers running over your skin.
"you shouldn't stay." he muttered. "you should hate me. you should walk away and have nothing to do with me." toya tells you the truth and only the truth.
"i know." you whisper, defeated. "i really hate you right now, toya..." you cry, tightening your grip on his arm.
he feels his chest tighten as you cry. he knew he deserved your hatred, but he wished he didn't. his arm wrapped around you tighter, as if you'd disappear if he dare let you go. you had to be the one to let him go.
"i know you do, doll." he utters. "i think i hate myself too."
"good." you seethe, still holding onto him like a safety net.
he heard the anger in your voice, anger he knew all too well. he could feel the way your body trembled, the hurt and frustration locked inside of you evident. he absolutely hated himself for this. his thumb continued to trace patterns onto your back, thinking that maybe it'd take your pain away. "go ahead. scream at me, cry at me, hate me. you can do anything you want. i can take it."
but you don't scream or even yell. you just lay there, almost as lifeless as he was about to be soon. you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, nothing could possibly console you right now.
"i fucking hate you right now, toya todoroki." you cried into him.
"i know doll, i know." he feels the hurt press against his lungs, and he takes it. he takes all of the darkness that comes from you to him and eats it, swallowing it whole. he knows he deserves it.
you cry and cry, your shaking body cradled into toya's embrace. he held onto you desperately, seeing the pieces of you shattered in his arms tear him apart from the inside out. he could tell by the way your broken hands hold him that you don't want him to go.
"i want you to want me to stay." you choke, messy sobs piercing your words. you hated how he let you go, how he told you you should walk away from him. you wanted the complete opposite- you wished he'd make a god damn fool out of himself, loving you and begging you to stay. but toya knew not to waste his breath.
"its not a matter of wanting you to stay." he utters. "god, i want you to stay... more than anything." he presses his face into the skin of your shoulder, trying to feel you, trying to feel if a part of you still loved him beneath all the hate.
but its not enough for you. "no i want you to tell me to stay! dont tell me i should hate you, or-or that i should leave- i want you to fucking want me to stay! fucking love me! love me like i love you!" you rip a scream from your chest, sitting up from his embrace and staring him straight into his eyes. he needs to know how much he's hurting you.
he winced, feeling his chest clench at your words. "i do love you." his words escape from his lips.
"bullshit." you declare.
you can see on his eyes that he's taken aback by your words. if theres one thing he knew for sure, it was that he loved you. "why won't you believe me?!"
"because you're letting me just watch you fucking die!" you scream.
he stands up, the hurt from your face infecting his own.
"you think i want to die!?" he snarls, an unwanted hint of vulnerability escaping with his words. "i'm not letting you watch anything. i didn't ask you to sit around and wait for me."
he immediately regrets his words.
a look of disgust contorts your face. you stand up, facing away from him fully. your completely speechless. what could you say?
toya felt his heart strings wither as he tried to rectify the situation. "thats not what i meant." he sighs, running a finger through his hair.
you cry on your own, away from toya's prying eyes. he feels his heart clench again, knowing he's the villain here. he places a hand on your shoulder.
"doll." he whispers. "turn around"
you sigh, looking up at the ceiling.
"i can't save you. i can't convince you to stay. yet i can't... leave. i can't get on my feet and leave you. i want to, but... i just can't." you admit your defeat, not bothering to fight back as toya pulls you against him, back into bed.
"i told you you were free to leave, free to walk away and never look back. not like i don't deserve it." he reminds you, pressing a somber kiss to your head.
"i want you to hold me back." you whisper, now facing him with tears pricking your eyes. "i want you to ask me to stay. but.. but you don't."
toya said nothing. he knew you were right, that he wasn't going to ask you to stay. not when he knew it was more than he deserved.
"i hate you." you mutter. toya accepted it, nodding as he gave you a firm squeeze.
"i know you do, doll." he utters.
"no, you don't." you sob. he could never know how much this hurt for you.
"you're the worst." you half heartedly laugh through your tears, tearing a dry chuckle from toya as he agrees with you. he was the worst. the absolute scum of the earth.
"you're an asshole." you trail off. "you're a fucking bastard. and i still love you." you whisper that last part.
"you shouldn't."
"you think i want to?"
he chuckles at that. you were always right.
"after you die, i might end up burning the entire world down after all." you sigh. toya's eyes widen at this.
"you won't." he warns, his voice lower. you scoff.
"you're not in it anymore. so now i can do it." your eyes and voice alike are devoid of any happiness as you speak. and it killed him. good.
"don't say that." toya utters, this sentiment corroding him more than anything else.
"why not?"
"because... you're better than that, doll." he states firmly. you scoff again.
"i'm really not." announce.
"thats not you.. you're not a a killer, you're not cruel. you're good. you're kind. you're... you're everything i'm not." he mutters, declarative in his words as he holds you. it broke him to think you'd throw away everything like that. but then again, he was throwing away everything to.
you sob even harder. "i wanna be like you. i wanna be angry, i wanna destroy everything because of it. god, i wanna hate everyone and hate you. i wanna hate and hate and hate for the rest of my life but i can't." you run out of breath on the cant, hopelessness lingering in your throat as you spoke.
"i know..." toya utters, speechless. he felt a wince of physical pain from his body, his burnt vessel screaming at him to finally end it all.
"i love you, doll. don't you dare forget that." he challenges you, embedding it into your skin with a kiss. he made it sound like a goodbye. it was a goodbye.
"i love you too, asshole." you utter, closing your eyes against the warmth of his chest. for the first time, ever, toya todoroki felt cold.
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
Max Verstappen X HornerDaughter!
Part 7, here’s the LINK for part 6.
Max throws a luxurious 26th birthday on a yacht in Monaco. Despite it being a fairly civilised meet up the drinks flow a little too easily when the majority of guests have retired for the night. Leni finds herself being one of the party goers drinking with Max until the late hours of the morning. Things only get a little too out of hand from there.
warnings: no spoilers but obviously alcohol consumption, swearing, Max and Leni are giving each other the eyes 👀 mentions of specific antics I will not go into detail about. Taglist: @ironmaiden1313 @callsignwidow @fangirl125reader @norassimpingzone @roseseraj @eugene-emt-roe @copper-boom @its-elias-world @cassiopeiia24 @larastark3107
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“Happy birthday! Happy birthday!” I cheered, the birthday boy holding a hand out for me as I climbed on the boat, handing Max the biggest bottle of alcohol and a card over.
“Leni!” He exclaimed catching a sight of the present. “You didn’t have to!”
“No it’s fine, you should celebrate with it.” I wobbled slightly before setting my feet down on the ground below. “Thank you.” He smiled, rubbing my arm slightly. “It’s okay.” My voice cracked slightly as I had to force myself to tare my eyes to the other guests on the boat. Amongst them were Max’s mum and sister, whom I’d got along with so well over the years. I was relieved to see them here, alongside a couple more familiar faces I’d met over the years. ”Leni, it’s been too long!” Victoria stood up, welcoming me in a tight hug, one which was followed from his mum. “I know it’s been ages. When did I last see you both, last year?!” “In Abu Dhabi!” Vic immediately began snorting out laughter as I attempted to muffle mine, the memory of how plastered we both were after Max had been crowned champion was hilarious. We did things that were super messy and ever since it had been our inside joke. “Oh..” I cleared my throat. “Was it really that long ago?”
“Yes. I’m surprised you’re not still hungover.” Her voice wobbled from laughter. “What, I don’t get it?” Max approached, touching my back gently before sitting down besides where I stood.
“You wouldn’t.” His sister responded. “I probably am.” I answered her question with a giggle before we returned to our seats. I purposefully sat a little away from Max, especially seeing as his family was here. I didn’t want them to think anything was going on between us, not that it was- but I did want something to happen. Well, partly, the other side of me was playing devils advocate and told myself it was too early after his previous breakup. Even I was in a full fledged relationship only 5 months ago, hell I didn't think I’d thought about my ex once in the past two months, but I had to rationale the time frame before letting myself fully grow feelings for Max.
My mind was a goldmine for overthinking. It was hard not to, even when he was next to me, the warmth of his skin would brush against mine and I’d move away, but only after I’d experienced the way my cheeks warmed, or how my heart would skip a little, stomach would churn, or I’d experience the overwhelming sensation to move closer to him. Fuck! “Are you still with your boyfriend then, Leni?” Sophie asked me as I smiled gently, shaking my head. “No, we broke up a couple months ago now.”
“Oh.” She nodded as I awkwardly smiled, gripping my glass of champagne.
“He wasn’t a really nice boy though, was he? You could do better.” When she did that, I noticed how she eyed Max up slightly who sat besides me, innocently swigging his beer.
“Probably… has my dad been telling everybody about this or?”
“Actually Max told us.” She nodded as I almost choked on my drink. Max looked towards her as if to say ‘shut the hell up’ before I began laughing.
“You’re just as bad as my dad.” This time, I placed a hand on his arm. “They gossip all the time!” Victoria added on as my hand slipped off, shaking my head. “And they say girls are bad…” “Well are you going on dates, Leni?” Sophie asked again. Max let out a groan, “mum, we don’t have to talk about this now.”
“No it’s fine.” I reassured Max. “I’m not, nobody’s asked me.”
“Max ask her on a date.” Sophie immediately spoke, speaking deadpan serious. Victoria and I began laughing at the bluntness behind her words, but when I glanced over to Max I knew I’d needed to save him from such an awkward situation.
“No, no, I’ve seen a couple guys, but I wasn’t really interested.” “Well, I’m sure you’ll find somebody very soon…”
As the night continued we’d sailed further out, lingering not too far from the harbour when we’d dropped a few people off to go to bed. It was 2:30AM and despite the fact we weren’t allowed to play music, the 7 of us that were left were playing all kinds of stupid games.
“I’ve got a game! I’ve got a game!” Maria, who was a girlfriend of one of Max’s friends announced excitedly. “It’s like would you rather, but it’s not would you rather, because we don’t play kids games anymore.”
“Okay..” Ben, her boyfriend waited patiently. “So you have to say like ‘Ben would you rather drink this drink or that one’, and whatever you pick you have to do.”
“Alright, alright.” Max agreed, clearly pretty drunk if he was agreeing to play. “Would you rather, Ben, jump in the water or drink three of them.” Max pushed forwards 3 cans of beer.
“Well, seeing as we’re not allowed in the sea…” he reached out for the alcohol, making a start with his chugging skills. I cringed, praying I wouldn’t get such a difficult question. Who would’ve thought the game would turn so silly so quickly, when people began kissing each other, I’d already polished off way too many drinks.
“Leni!” Somebody called out. “Strip off your dress or take your underwear off.”
“Oh my god.” I laughed, knowing some of the other girls had already done the same. “Neither!” My response was met with protests. “You just want everybody to go commando!” I pulled on the strings of my underwear, not believing I was doing this at all. People wolf whistled and I rolled my eyes, sticking my finger up at Henry who had sent the request out of several other girls. From besides me Max was snickering like a child.
The game was still going heavy with four of us left, Ben and Maria, and Max and I. I found myself with a blanket Max and I shared wrapped over both our shoulders, huddled closer together.
“Leni sit on Max’s lap or give him a lap dance.”
“I don’t know how to give a lap dance!” I exclaimed in my defence, feeling Max’s arm shift down onto my lower back as I shuffled onto his lap, sitting across him with a casual arm over his shoulders comfortably. The alcohol was making me fidgety, I’d craved nothing more than this, I didn’t care about any prior doubts I had. When Max’s other hand rested on my lap, beer in hand, I gulped nervously.
“Max, now kiss Leni or throw her in the sea.” Despite my lack of sobriety I knew I was blushing a vibrant pink colour, giggling towards the Dutch man. “You can throw me in the sea, Max.” I teased. Max was smiling, borderline grinning in amusement. He took my cheek with the hand that still held it beer and we shared a peck on the lips, one that ended so fast I barely even felt anything.
“Oh, do a real one!” Maria groaned, swaying. “Like this-” Ben pulled her in closer, arm wrapping around the back of her neck as they shared the most sloppiest kiss I’d ever seen. Max and I both grimaced, blinking away. They weren’t stopping. “Ew.” Max muttered as I laughed.
“Go around the other side of the boat if you’re gonna do that!” The driver exclaimed as they actually stood up, ‘sneaking’ away on Max’s half-joke.
“Oh my god.” I exhaled in amusement, glancing back to Max. My legs were fidgeting slightly, and being alone in a position like this was making feel all hot and bothered.
“Jesus.” Max muttered as I glanced back down to him, amusement spread across both our faces. Max’s eyes fell to lips and I felt a burst of energy, excitement, an overwhelming desire to lean in. It must have been a mutual feeling, because his hand reached up to touch my face again, bringing me in for a kiss which happened so quickly my drunken mind couldn’t comprehend it.
The kiss was warm, his lips were plump and smiling against my own. We laughed as we kissed one another, butterflies filling my stomach as I placed another hand on his chest. At first it seemed playful, borderline not even real. We were giggling into the kiss like we knew we shouldn’t have been doing it. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but I wasn’t complaining. Max was a good kisser, even if we were both shit-faced. His lips moved against mine, beer discarded to one side as he deepened the kiss, pulling me in closer to his lap with a hand on my waist.
We were giggling, like children, and when a funny noise emerged from the two stumbling around on the other side of the ship I turned away and let out a louder laugh. Max exclaimed one of his own too, hugging me closer with a hand on the side of my hip. I felt his chin rest on the bare skin of my shoulder, eyeing my body up from where I sat.
“They’re so drunk.” I managed to squeak out, like the two of us weren’t absolutely rat-arsed. “I know.” He snickered, I turned back down to him and we shared a few more kisses. “What’re we doing, Max?”
“I dunno.” He laughed, kissing me again. I hummed out a giggle, deepening the kiss. I could feel his hands beginning to press on me, finger tips digging in as he pulled me even closer. Our tongues moved against one another’s, and we were fully making out. In fact, when I’d shuffled even further onto Max’s lap, I could feel something pressing against my thigh. He was fucking hard, oh my god. The thought felt alien to me, the fact I was sitting on my good friends lap, making out and he had a whole fucking boner. It turned me on to say the least.
It wasn’t until the boat docked up at the harbour that we broke apart, his hand digging deeper into the flesh of my thigh, as though he was desperate for more. My core was throbbing for him, I hated to sound so crude, but I was so desperate for him it was pathetic. Maybe it was a good thing that we were both a little too drunk, Max attempted to swig the last of his drink, but in return he heaved all over the path on the way to get a ride home.
“Oh, no, Max!” I scurried away in a fake disgust. Truth be told I went home and threw up more than I’d liked to have admitted that night (or morning) and passed out on the bathroom floor. Only future Leni would have to worry about the events of the night which just unfolded…
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tare-anime · 10 months
Correct me if i’m wrong, but i think this is the first time i’ve seen Yor without her thorn earrings. And here is Twilight without his WISE pin. I felt like this signify these two beings are purely them, just Yor and [redacted] and not Thorn Princess and Twilight. Could be nothing but just some brainrot on these two adorkables!
A very interesting observation!!
Yor has been seen removing her earings when she is sleeping or has just awaken. (Chp 14)
Basically whenever she's not ready to go to work yet.
But since you mentioned this, I go to chp 80, and Endo cleverly made Yor let her hair down, so it covers her ears. We don't know for sure whether she uses her earings or not.
But in chp 86, she is about to get ready to sleep. So we can safely assume that she already not using her earrings.
For Twilight, this man has been shown not to use the WISE pin for quite some time now.
At this latest arc, it is safely to assume that Twilight deliberatly didn't use his pin, because they are about to confront the SSS (oh but Fiona still uses her earings from the start till the end)
Can we assume that Twilight is getting more and more comfortable to have a life outside of his spy career??? I certainly hope so 🥰🥰🥰
The possibility of symbolism that both Twilight and Yor starts to find comfort in each other, outside of their respective jobs, is an interesting intake, Anon 🥰🥰🥰
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tare-chan · 10 months
First line || Last line
Rules: go to your last 5 fics and share the first and last line with no context.
I was tagged by @nire-the-mithridatist and @puolain . What an honor 🥰🥰🥰
My latest fic hasn't had any last line yet, so I'll skip that 🤣🤣
All are TwiYor from Spy x Family fics.
Grilled Bear: Roland keeps running || And he answers happily, "It tastes absolutely amazing!"
Little Things about you: Twilight has been a spy for a decade. || Contented with his plan, the man then lazily stretches and wraps his arms around his family, and continues his morning nap.
Truth in a Glass of Wine: “Good morning, Twilight. Or should I say good evening?” || Whether he got so flustered and angry at himself because he let himself easily roasted by Frankie and Anya, or because he just realized that he missed a perfect moment to kiss Yor, the man preferred to not think about that for now.
Daily Shenanigans of 128 Park Avenue's Resident: It was dark and gloomy. || And even though there was a tiny bit of fear in his heart regarding the uncertainty of the future, with all of them on his side, Loid knew he could handle it.
How to Stop a Rampaging Monster: Yor was rearranging her belongings in order to go home that afternoon. || Including a family of three who were happily eating their ice cream and walking through the park.
Wow, I love to write a super long sentences aren't I 🤣🤣
Now, I'd like to tag (that I can remember now) @deonideatta @littlestfallenangel @piracytheorist @nightofnyx8 @lacrow @rachellysebrook @gonnahypatia @assassinnumber9
And of course anyone else who want to play this game 🥰🥰
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winterspiderpurrs · 3 months
Dinner had wrapped up, Steve was sitting on a chair with his sketch book, Tony was pouring coffee, Nat was talking with Clint and Sam, Bucky was doing the dishes when the window panel, specially created for Peter when in his suit opened.
" Oh good! You haven't gone to bed yet! I swung over as fast as I could!"
Tony laughed. " I would of been awake anyway. But its..."
Friday answered " 2:14 am"
" Yeah late. Or early. But for you college kid. Late. "
Peter takes his mask off, sliding his backpack up, unzipping and digging around.
" I know! I tried to get here before midnight but there was a purse snatcher and then a mugging. Here it is. I would of been mad if I left it."
Putting his backpack and mask on the table top. Peter walks over to Bucky and offers him a small box wrapped in newspaper.
The room froze, as Peter doesn't interact with Bucky often. Mainly because Tony is over protective and Bucky thinks he is a danger to the kid.
Bucky blinks at the box, towels his hands off and slowly takes the box.
" What is it?"
" It's your birthday present! Or I guess belated cause it's after midnight now. Sorry about that."
Now the rest of the team blinks and then with growing horror and self disappointment they realized they collectively all forgot Bucky's birthday. He hadn't said anything either. But normally Tony throws parties for these things.
Bucky looks at the box wrapped in newspaper, stroking his fingers across it, glancing up at Peter and then back down. He tares off the wrapping and finds a director cut of The Lors of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies.
" You said you've read the book, but I know you are stilling making it through the list for movies. But you GOT to watch these. Sure, the book is good, and they took a lot of liberties, but it's so good! "
Bucky stares down at the DVD case before offering Peter a bright smile. " How about we do the... what you call binge watching next week?"
" Yes! I mean sure totally! I'll bring some snacks too! "
Peter spins around to face Tony.
" Is it OK that I crash here tonight Mr. Stark? I rather now swing back or have Happy drive me."
" Sure kid. You know where your room is"
" Thanks Mr. Stark! Happy Birthday again Bucky!"
Peter waves at everyone, and he bounds off out of the room. Making his way to Tony's private floor.
Bucky stares off at the hallway entryway before looking back at the DVDs. He smiles again before turning to face the group who are just staring at him.
" What?"
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whateversawesome · 2 years
Spy x Family Fic Recommendations
A while ago I asked for Spy x Family fics recommendations (thank you to all who answered!). Now, here are my recommendations, all of them in ao3:
Person of interest, by suchmadness: In which Twilight and Yor get to discover they are soulmates. A beautiful and exciting story!
Peace, consuming, by foxphantom: A little piece of fluff, kinda sexy too. In which Loid and Yor discuss baby names. 
Wonderland by Puolain: Everything by this author is beautiful, but this particular work is chef’s kiss! It has a little bit of everything and my favorites are her AU shots @puolain
Loid Forger is NOT a cuddler by AssassinNumber9: A super cute, fluffy, funny piece. Come on, the name says it all!
Things about you, by Tare: A super sweet story about identity reveal. Daily shenanigans is another highly recommended story by the same author @tare-anime
Until we run out of mornings by bloomdove: This one is a super exciting identity reveal, very intense too.
Saccharin, by Lacrow: Anything written by this author is simply fantastic! My personal favorite is Saccharin, in which Twilight is at home recovering from a kidnapping. It has plenty of fluff, humor, and that last chapter is incredibly hot!
All the Things We Cannot Say by nightofnyx8: This story has one of the sexiest kisses I have ever read. The plot is oh so good too. Do yourself a favor and read this! @nightofnyx8
Roses Bloom red in my Heart by deonideatta: In which Twilight develops a super cute (but deadly) disease from unrequited love and only Yor can save him. I loved this one @deonideatta
And last, but not least...
The Last Days of Operation Strix by whateversawesome (yeah, yeah, it’s me): Here, Twilight and Yor finally realize how they feel about each other. This is the story of how they get together. There’s plenty of fluff, angst, romance, and spice too. I’m having tons of fun writing it!
That’s it! If you have any recommendations, let me know. I’ll be happy to read them and add them to the list. 
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miizuzu · 1 month
i stumbled across the LaDS smuts and has been loving all the stories you guys created. i came up with a few ideas my self but im not a writer and not great at English but still decided i wanted to share... so here goes....
You were heading home from visiting Philos, you knew Xavier was waiting for you at home and you were excited to see him. The 2 of you had been openly dating for the last year and a half. Everyone has been jealous of how lovey dovey the 2 of you acts, be it at public or at work. 
You unlocked the door and saw Xavier sitting at the couch, he was quiet and you thought he fell asleep waiting. “Hey babe, I'm ba-” “Are you cheating on me?” He cuts you off. You were so shocked and confused and thought you misheard him. “Excuse me, what did you just say…?” He stood up, walked towards you and with a serious look on his face, he asked again “Are you, cheating on me.” 
You felt your heart sink, you looked at him and his eyes were just dark, like the light can't reach him. Still very confused by what was asked, you asked “and where did you get this idea from?” 
“I saw you.” Xavier answered, you could tell he was getting angry. You’ve seen him get upset before but it would never be towards you. “Babe, what do you mean?” Still trying to wrap your head around everything that is happening. “I SAW YOU HUGGING JEREMIAH!” He was yelling, you are taken aback by him yelling. He has never yelled at you before. 
You felt like there was a tare in your heart, you tried to explain what happened. “Wait, babe, that is not what you think. I was just-” “I saw you 2 hugging and laughing together.” He covered his eyes with one of his hands and you could see he was gritting his teeth. He looks like he was trying to hold his bottled up emotions from spilling out even more.
Xavier has always been the jealous type. He is never happy when you talk to the opposite sex, he would be so angry if any of the guys hover your desk for too long and if they ever lay their hands on you, all hell would break loose. But Jeremiah was different, they were buddies, the best of friends. He would still get jealous but never go overboard. Not like this. You've explained yourself many many times, the only person you ever loved was Xavier and that would never change.
“You know you are the only one in my heart.” You tried to tell Xavier, but you are starting to feel upset. How could he have doubts about your love for him? How could he ever consider you cheating on him? “Well that is not what it looked like when you hugged him, I saw how happy you were. Maybe you thought he would make a better boyfriend than me.” Something snapped within you. That was the last straw. Even with you trying to explain, he still doesn't believe you. 
“...get out.” You said quietly under your breath. Xavier was shocked, his hand left his face and his eyes widened, slowly trying to get his drifting eyes to connect with yours. He could tell that he's done it. He had let jealousy take over his emotions. He had just realized the words that came out of his mouth. “...I … I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me…” he tried to plead. “Leave.” He twitched as he saw the fury in your eyes. The tables have turned. You are now angry at him for accusing you of cheating. “I don't want to see you right now. Leave.” You demanded. 
He has no choice but to leave you for the night. He does not want this to escalate to the point of no return. He walked out of your apartment and said another, “I'm sorry.” But you did not even flinch. He thought if he gave you some space, you would cool off and he can make amends after. 
The next day, he was about to head to work. He walked down to your apartment and knocked on the door, he wanted to walk to work with you. There was no answer. He thought you must have left already, so he headed into work. Once he arrived, he noticed you were not there. He thought to himself, ‘I should have checked and left home with you’ instead of just assuming you already left. He sighed and went to sit at his desk. 
It was already noon and you have not shown up. Xavier was getting anxious. You've never been this late before. He wanted to ask Tara if she knew what happened to you, but he also didn't want her to find out that you 2 had a fight so he just sat there. Worried. No one else seemed to mind that you were not at work, which was very odd. You are always working, even when you are sick, you would come to work and they would have to have someone send you home to rest. 
Once the day was over, Xavier raced home. Ran as fast as he could and got to the door of your apartment. He knocks again, still no answer. He opens the door and goes inside only to find you are not home. The clothes you wore last night are on your bed but you were nowhere to be seen. He checked your closet. Your luggage is still there, so where have you gone? 
It was just rinse and repeat for the next couple of days, no one bothered asking where you went, and Xavier not asking. He wanted to have everyone believe that nothing happened between the 2 of you. Jenna walks over to Xavier and tells him to go to her office. Xavier complied and followed her. “How is Y/N doing? She never asks for this much time off, is she feeling ok?” Jenna was concerned about you and was trying to get updates from Xavier. He thought Jenna had more information he could ply from her. “She has been a bit tired the past few days, she should be back to work soon.” He made up some answers just so she won't get suspicious. “Well, she just called and extended her days off for another week. Whatever she has right now must have hit her hard. She was so excited for tomor-” she stopped herself from talking. Like she almost said something she wasn't supposed to. Xavier was so preoccupied he didn't even notice her last remark. 
Xavier thought to himself, ‘she extended her leave? Where could she have gone?’ he is not going through his head, all the places you could be. He would go to every location and look if he must. He's been worried sick. All he wants is to find you and hold you tight in his arms and not let go. He would try and not get jealous that easily, try. He can't even promise himself that. It's another night without seeing your face, Xavier has not been sleeping well, all he could do is worry. He worries himself to sleep.
The next day, he arrived at the office being fully decorated. He was not sure of the occasion and sat down. Everyone surrounded him and had party poppers and they were popping around him. He looked at everyone confused. Until everyone shouted “Happy birthday Xavier!” Shocked, he's been worrying about you so much that he didn't notice it was his birthday. To be fair, after all these years he has stopped keeping count of his birthday, the only reason why he celebrates anymore is because of Y/N. He would feel overwhelmed with happiness when you sing him Happy Birthday and give him tender kisses and tell him to make wishes that he thought had already come true. “Too bad Y/N couldn’t make it, she planned this for so long. You better treat her to a great dinner tonight when you get home!” Tara suggests. If only I knew where she is right now… Xavier thought to himself. 
“Delivery for Xavier from Philos!” Xavier hears someone shouting as he snaps back into reality. “Wow, how thoughtful of Y/N! You’re lucky to have her, Xavier!” A basket of Heliotrope, Eternal Love, and inside the basket, Xavier sees a card. Happy Birthday, Father Xavier.  
Xavier’s eyes widened, hands shaking. He shot up from his seat and ran out of the office. He ran to Philos as fast as his legs could take him. He barges in, swinging the door wide open. “Woah there Xavier, I don't need you breaking my door now!” Jeremiah says jokingly. Xavier paid him no mind and started searching the whole flower shop for you. “So how is it? Are you excited? Judging from your expression, I guess Y/N was actually able to keep it secret until today.” Jeremiah continued. “Where is she? Is she here?” Xavier asked. “Of course not, she came in 5 days ago to place the order. She also told me that I was going to be a godfather! I was so excited I gave her a big hug to celebrate! Oh!” Jeremiah swiftly moves his arms up in a defending position, remembering how jealous Xavier can be and was expecting a few beatings from him. 
Xavier falls back and leans on the table behind him. ‘So this was why she was hugging Jeremiah and had a big smile on her face…’ Xavier finally realized his mistake. All he could think about right now, is to find you and apologize and never let you go again. He ran out, searched every part of the city, still no sign of you. Just when he thought all hope was lost, he got a phone call, he pulled the phone out of his pocket hoping it was you calling. B&B Owner, why would he be calling? Xavier picks up the phone. “...Hello?” he asked with a questioning tone to his voice. “Hey there Bud, Happy Birthday! How’s your day been?” the B&B owner asked, “Your friend who you introduced me to before is staying at the resort, and she reminded me of you and that your birthday was coming up and I thought I should call and wish you a happy birthday!” Wait, Xavier thought and asked “Y/N?? She’s there at the resort??!” “Well yeah, she's been here the past 5 days, she checked in late one night and had stayed here ever since, I can see her right now on the beach walking by herself.”
Upon hearing your exact location, Xavier used his special ability, the one he used once before with you, where you were teleported to a safe location away from the Wanderers. When he finally arrived, he saw you. Walking by yourself, gentle winds blow your hair as you try to push it back behind your ears. You have not noticed him yet, and kept walking along the beach, with the sandals in one hand and the other resting around your belly. You continue to stroll slowly, sinking your feet into the soft sand. You stepped on a broken shell and was about to lose your balance when Xavier dashed out and swooped you off your feet, holding you in his arms. Shocked at almost falling, all you could do was protect your belly. You slowly look up to see who helped you only to find Xavier’s eyes as if he was in pain. 
“Xavier…..? How did you find me? You questioned, you haven't told anyone including Jenna of your whereabouts. “We are destined to be together, I will find you no matter where you are.” Xavier proclaims. You felt warm, safe in his arms, but you suddenly remembered how you got here. You told him under your breath, “Put me down, I can walk.” “No.” A stern but simple reply from Xavier, you were shocked, he had never given you a firm rejection before. “Where is your room, we are going back inside to treat your foot.” He said in a very strict tone of voice, very different from the Xavier you know. “305.” You answered while staring at your hands, clenched in fists on top of your belly.
Arriving at the room, you unlocked the door with the key card while Xavier still had you in a bridal carry. He walks into the room and places you gently on the bed, he takes your injured food and examines it. With you 2 being separated for a while, you felt shy and embarrassed with the slightest touch. “It's ok, I've got it. You can go now.” You told Xavier as you tried to pull your leg away from him, you couldn't stand to look at him. “No!” He raised his voice, it made you flinch. 
“I'm sorry, my queen. I should have never said those things to you. You are my everything, my light, my love, my life. I regretted everything I've said that night. I should have never left, how could I leave you by yourself this whole time, especially when…” he's staring at your belly. He tried reaching for you but stopped himself when he saw you slightly moving back. He was afraid to upset you, every atom in his body is telling him to grab you, hold you tight in his arms. But he fought with his temptations, his hand only ghosting the outline of your face and body as it trembled. 
He is kneeling in front of you, slouching with his head hovering above your legs and one hand on your slide clutching the bed while the other is in a fist in front of his chest. He is trembling, afraid you would reject him again. You can see and sense how hurt he felt, you couldn't help yourself but to gently pet his head to try and comfort him. He quickly grabs your free hand and places it on his cheeks, trying to seek your touch that he had missed for so long, staring at you with longing eyes, almost as if he was begging for you to touch him some more. 
“Y/N, I… missed you, so very very much…” he pulls you closer to him and kisses your wrist. He finally placed his head on you, his ear was placed on your stomach. As if he was trying to listen for something. “Please tell mommy to forgive daddy…” he is now talking directly to your womb. His arms wrapped around your waist. “Please…” he continues to beg.
“Xavier…” you said softly. Xavier was very anxious of the words that are about to come out of your mouth. He sat up straight and waited, like a puppy about to get his treats. “I'm sorry for making you angry…” you told him. That moment, he felt as if life had been brought back to him, he could see colors again. He was so happy you could see him glowing. He gave you a hug, gentle yet you could feel him embrace you with all the love he could give. “No, my queen. It was never your fault. I know I was wrong. I should never have an ounce of doubt of your love for me, you loved me enough to carry my child. And I will always love you, now and forever.” He released you from his embrace only to give you a passionate kiss on your lips, he kissed you for so long that it made it hard for both of you to breathe and end up gasping for air once his lips left yours. 
This was part of your plan, you know the owner of the place knew Xavier, so you decided to keep appearing in front of him hoping he would tell Xavier that you are here. Waiting for him. But he doesn't need to know that, you thought. 
“What are we going to do about this…” you placed your hands along with Xavier's hand on your belly. “Marry me, Y/N, I will take care of you and our child. You will never have to worry about anything ever again.” You were flushed, to be honest, you were not expecting him to propose to you. You thought being together would be enough. “Will you please allow me this honor of making you my wife?” Xavier asks again. Your face was all red and you felt the room was spinning, you gave Xavier a nod and fell laying on the bed, you used your arms to try and hide your burning face. 
Xavier could not contain his giddiness and leans in on top of you. Slowly removing your arms so he could see your beautiful face. When your eyes finally met, you could see he was as red as you. He softly puts his forehead against yours, he whispers, “I love you, this is the best birthday present one can ever get.”
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allkordelia · 1 year
Keep Me in Your Thoughts (1)
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[King's Landing - Heir's Tournament]
You held your dress as you walk down the steps and took a seat on the first row with the king and otto, your curly hair was pulled into a high bun with your white streak loose making you put it behind your ear. You held your child in your lap as you waited for this barbaric sport to start and be over with so you can go back to your chambers, you saw the knights lined up one by one as your eyes carry over them.
You tare your eyes away when the king stood tall and announced that his wife the queen has gone into labor, you along with your family clapped at the joyous knews even through you didn't feel any joy, he proclaimed the start of the tourney before taking his seat making you watch as the knights rode around the grounds as the man in red called their names and the house they served. The first person up was your cousin, boremund baratheon, and some new knight from dorne.
"Princess Rhaenys Targaryen! I would humbly ask for the favor of the Queen Who Never Was." You glared at the man for the unnecessary nickname he called your mother, you locked eyes with her making you gave her a look only for her to give you one back before she grabbed her flower crown and get up.
"You could have Baratheon's tongue for that." You heard otto say next to you.
"Tongues will not change the succession. Let them wag." The king replied, making you roll your eyes at him, the amount of times I heard him talk about how family is important and how should never be divided, he certainty have no care that his own flesh and blood was disrespected. What a hypocrite, you thought. You watch the exchanged between your mother and cousin as she wished him luck only for him to give her a impertinent answer, he glanced over at you as you gave him a void look while your eyes was slit with fire making him cowered away as he took his post.
"Mother! Who do you think will win?" You eldest son asked turning in his seat from the second row making you shrug one shoulder leaning in a bit.
"The dorinish lad. That's only because he looks fit unlike boremund who looks like he ate a whole goat..." you said with a slight smile as everyone in the box laugh including your sweet child on your lap.
"I have to agree with you on that one." The young boy said laughing before turning around to see the two knights, you sat back in your seat noticing viserys and otto looking at you before muttering.
"And if I'm lucky he eat dirt and maybe that would bring down a peg," Otto gave you an unamused look.
"Must you speak like that infront of the child." You rolled your eyes with your lower half of your face in your son's white curly hair before pulling away to look at Otto.
"It's not like I'm saying anything lethal, and if I did he wouldn't mind...wouldn't you my sweet seahorse." The young boy wasn't paying no mind to what his mother was saying as he watch boremund get knocked off his horse, this made you smile as you clapped along the others at the knight who did it.
As the dornish knight called Cole and Boremund make their way off the grounds drums sounded off as the crowds in the stands cheered when they see the one and only, prince daemon targaryen, you could see from your seat how he smile boastful as everyone cheered for him. His eyes looked up at the bo, to anyone else it looked like he was staring at his brother or his neice, but in reality he was looking at you making you stare back at him with an unamused look before he gave you a smug smile as he went and picked the knight he was going to joust. Your heart fell to your stomach when you saw daemon point his lance at gwayne, you held your child close to your chest as gwayne stepped forward you looked at alicent who turn to you worried making you give her a reassuring smile as you squeezed her shoulder in comfort. The young girl gave you small smile before turning around you could tell she was worried about her brother, and you can't blame her knowing daemon he won't show any mercy. As daemon took his post gwayne made his way towards the box, he took off his helmet and look up as he held his lance high.
"My lady Rhaelle. It would be an honor to ask for your favor..." Gwayne said, you smiled softly getting up with your flower crown in one hand while you held your son on your hip, you walked over putting the crown on his lance.
"I wish you much luck, ser gwayne." You smiled down at him, he bowed his head.
"Thank you, stepmother." You rolled your eyes at him as he gave you a cheeky smile before putting on his helmet and making his horse back up as you took your seat next to your husband again. You looked over at daemon who was watching the whole interactiong with a bitter look before he turned his attention to gwayne, you said a quick prayer in your head before hearing the horn and you watch anxiously as they changed each other in all honestly you didn't want neither man to be hurt. You flinch when gwayne got daemon in the chest causing otto to look relieved and placate, but that was short lived when daemon circled back and aimed for gwayne's horse leg. You covered you son's eyes as the horse flipped over crushing gwayne and injuring his face when his helmet fell off, you turned looking back down to see squires carrying gwayne away before removing your hand from your son's face as the people cheered for daemon and his ignoble action.
The tourney continued on like this for about another hour until you had enough violence for today, you decided to stand up with your son in your arms, making otto look at you as everyones else was watching the next competitors.
"Where are you going?" Otto asked looking up at you.
"I have grown a headache from all this noise, I will be returning to my chambers." Your son, Baelor, whined lowly at this choice before he spoke in a shy voice.
"No, mama I wish to watch the tourney." He said looking at you with a small frown as you gave him a look of pity.
"You can leave him with me, lady-wife. " Otto says, you glanced at him in surpised he usually doesn't like being left alone with the kids, so you conseplated on leaving baelor or not until the young boy started getting fussy making you rock him and press a tender kiss against his cheek before handing him over to his father.
You moved down a step looking at your childern and step-daughter telling them you be gone for a bit causing them to nod before looking back to the grounds, you held your dress as you walked up the steps to the entrance. You look back at your son seeing him smile and laugh as otto played with him, you looked away staring at the rest of your childern as they watch the tourney. Your eyes moved over to the grounds and over to daemon who looked up at the box again at you, he held eye contact with you for a split second before you turn and walked away not giving him a second thought.
You walk through the halls not feeling up to going to your chambers, so you ended up at the queen's chambers seeing all the female servants around the bed with the maester. You saw aemma twist and turn moaning in pain, when one of the servant girls went to get more water aemma saw you standing in the doorway.
"Rhaelle! My sweet girl...ah come...come here and hold...mmhm–hold my hand." Aemma called out weakly in pain making you grimace and slowly walk further into the room.
"How long has she been like this." You asked, standing by the queen's bed, her hand grasped your hand quickly and tightly making you scrunch up your face a bit as you look at the maester.
"A few hours..." he came closer moving towards you to whisper as you turned a bit to look at him, "...it seems the baby has been breach and it's not good, I'm sending someone to receive the king now." You sigh looking down at aemma as she laid there sweaty and pink in the face, one of the servants brought you a chair making you take a seat next to aemma as you held her hand.
"...rhaelle.." your head bowed when you looked up at aemma, "...I must tell you something–" your hands were holding her hand rubbing your thumb against her palm.
"Don't speak. Save your energy for the babe." Aemma shook her head before she could say what she wanted to say to you the king walked in with otto behind him, you looked at aemma squeezing her hand gently before moving aside for her husband to take your place you move to your own husband side while the maester, you, and otto watch the king and queen.
"How is she?" You glanced at Otto and gave him a disappointing sigh.
"Not good. She's in a lot of pain only pray that the gods have mercy...on both of them." You said, before you and the other two men looked away from one another to see the king walking up to three of ya.
"Aemma wishes to speak to you." He said solemnly looking at you with heartbroken expression, you nodded walking away from the man before walking by to aemma's side.
You took your seat again as the older woman turned her head weakly looking exhausted at you, "Rhaelle...my sweet cousin, my sweet girl." Aemma moved the back of her hand to graze your cheek you grabbed it linking your hands before planting a kiss on her knuckles.
"I am so sorry." You looked at her confused making you shake your head slightly.
"For what, my queen." You could see the pain and regret in her eyes as she stared at you with tears.
"I failed in protecting you...I was so tired of losing babe after babe that...I told him him..." your widen at what she was talking about when you looked at the servant girl who was standing on the other side pouring water into a glass, the servant glanced at you when she was finish with a look before walking away.
"Aemma. There's no need–" you started.
"No, I...I have to tell you this because I know I won't make it....not this time." You shook your head at her as you moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to her.
"You will make it. You will because you are a dragon, my sweet cousin. You are strong and you have fire in your veins." Aemma shook her head closing her eyes as tears slipped down her face, no matter how fucked up it was for what happened to you here you still couldn't hate aemma for what happened.
"I don't deserve you and you didn't deserve what happened to you, I'm so sorry..." aemma weep making you turn away in pain can't standing see her like this as you looked toward the maester and the others you heard mellos say something about the queen, your eyes caught otto before turning your head quickly before back at the queen.
"Aemma. I need you to listen to me very carefully...I need you to push." You knew what mellos was talking about with the king you heard the stories and you heard the malpractice the maesters did to those woman, you know that if she push there a chance she might live but there's a chance she might die but aleast it she will die quick and painless.
"Aemma. You need to push." She said hastily turning to see otto coming this way.
"...promise me. You look after rhaenyra, rhaelle."
"Promise me! Please, protect her from these vultures. Make her know shes not alone." You looked at her for moment before nodding.
"I promise...i promise I look after her but you need to push–" she cut short as otto pulled you away from the bed.
"Aemma! Let go of me. Aemma, push." Otto held your arm as he dragged you out, the last thing you saw was her giving you a small smile before viserys blocked your vision and you were out of the door.
"Unhand me." You snatched you arm from oot's grip and stood outside in the hall.
"You should return to the tourney–"
"No! I'm not leaving...you know this is wrong, otto." He looked at you with a ashamed look.
"The king has made his decision, now please return to the tourney–" his voice was cut off by aemma's screams, you look at the door in horror as your hands went to your stomach feeling sick.
"Rhaelle, please." You move towards the door as you heard her begging them to stop, otto caught your waist stopping you from going inside you struggled in his arms for but before there was a silence. You twist out of his hold and barged through the door, you almost threw up bile when you saw the scene in front of you. An unmoving aemma in pool of her own blood but that wasn't that made you sick it was the servants who was there to make her comfortable and look after her that were moving away after holding her arms and legs down, your eyes looked to viserys to see him holding his child he before turning to you and otto with teary smile.
"It's a boy." He spoke brokenly before looking down at the babe again, you stepped back in shock and disgust.
"Monsters." You croaked out, "...fucking monsters!" You snapped pushing past otto as you stalk out of the room.
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You looked down as you twisted the flower in your hand...the queen's favorite, moonbloom, it only grows in old town but the king have them send to the red keep every few weeks as a gift to the queen. You remember how her face will light up when she saw them at feasts as decorations on the tables or just around the castle, she would always say that it was viserys way of telling her how much he loved her. You thought it was sweet at the time, it sounded like something you would dream about when you were a little girl hoping that one day your future lord husband will do the same, but life had other plans. Cruel and unfair plans that cause you to resent the very people you trusted. You side eyed otto who bumped your shoulder with his own taking you out of your thoughts, you lifted your eyes up to him, look at you with a sorrow expression as he spoke in a low voice.
"Maybe you should say a few words, lady-wife." You gave him a look of uncertainty before you glanced around, rhaenyra was far away from her father with daemon amd alicent near her, you could still see the tears that slide down her face from your spot here, you turned your eyes to viserys who stood there like a ghost staring into nothing.
"No, I rather not." You crushed the flower in your hand as rhaenyra's dragon cremated the queen and the prince, you reopening your palm again as the wind blew the ashes of aemma and her son waft away to the sky like the petals in her hand.
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The night air was cool against your skin as you leaned against the stone rails outside your large balcony, the city of King's Landing looked peaceful and calm today not like last night. You turned your head into your chambers to check on baelor, who was under your covers with his thumb in his mouth, a small smile made its way onto your face as you walked back inside you took a seat on the edge of the bed as your fingers rake through his hair, it made you sad at times that he looks more like his father than you with his alabaster skin and silk white hair but he did have your nose and your soft eyes. You frown when you heard a knock on the door a feeling of dread sets in as you sat up the knock came again making you move off the bed, you took slow steps to the door before your hand rest on the knob making you slowly turn it and opened it a few centimeter wide.
"What is it?" You snapped.
"It seems like your special treatment here has made you forget how to address a prince." Your head snapped up to see daemon giving you a small smile, your shock evaporated into irritation.
"Belive me, cousin. There's no such thing as special treatment in this prison." You chide, a quick hum was his only response as he looked down at you.
"May I come in?" He asked, you looked at him for a minute.
"No." You closed the door only for him to stop you with his hand, you glare at him while he only smirked as he didn't need to use much strength to push open the door making you stumbled back.
You looked to your child to found them still sound asleep, you turned back to daemon to be blind sided by his lips you move your head back but he moved his hand behind your neck to keep you in place. You didn't realized he was steering you until you felt your legs hit the outside arm of the couch and felt his other hand pull up your nightgown you scratched his neck causing him to pull away from you, moving like a bat out hell you stood on the other end of the couch with your back to the balcony you watched daemon draw back his hand from his neck and smirk at you with lust in his eyes.
"You gotten feisty since I been away, I kinda like it." You gave him a hard glare as he came closer.
"You need to leave." You said stern as every step he took you took two steps back.
"But, I missed you so much, dear cousin." He held you trap against the wall making you push at his chest as his head leaned against yours before whispering, "And all I want now is to bury my face in your sweet cunt." His hand massage your breast through your thin nightgown, a moan broke free as your swollen breasts were sensitive as he played with them he left love bites on both sides of your neck.
"...no...daemon, not in here..." you clench your jaw trying to stop another moan from slipping out, daemon growled in your neck before bending his knees a bit before picking you up and carry you outside to the balcony. After, placing you on the banister he pecked your lips a few times before he kneeled in front of you, he pushed the gown up making you shiver at the cold air you moved your leg to rest on his shoulder as he kissed your inner thigh getting you wet.
You gasped slighly feeling his lips against your folds as if giving them a kiss before feeling his tongue swipe over your folds, you tilt your head up to the stars as daemon's warm tongue lick your cunt before his lips sucked on it making you roll your hips against his face while your hand grasped the back of his neck. His hand moved to your breast pinching your nipple causing a sharpe inhale at the overwhelming pleasure, you held on to the banister for dear life as you arch your back you fear if you leaned any further you might fall to your death. You jolt slightly feeling daemon's tongue explore your insides making you feel a bit dazed by the way his tongue work in devouring you, he had his arm over stomach keeping you still and from falling as you pulled his hair at the back of his head causing him to moan against your wet cunt. Your body erupted in goosebumps as he made you cum you let out soft hum as he continue to lick your folds and tender sweet spot, he finally pulled away his hand left your breast to your throat pulling you into a heated kiss while his fingers massage and circle your entrance before pushing in making a throaty moan against his lips.
"You still taste sweet." He mumbled against your lips your arms went around his neck pulling him closer, "...oh, how I missed your taste, your smell, your lips, your body..." His face move to the crook of your neck inhaling your scent as he crane his two fingers inside of you making you whimper at his touch.
"You have no idea how much I missed you." He mutters, leaving sloppy kisses on your cheek and jaw.
"Oh, how I missed your touch, daemon." You sighed blissfully as you started biting his neck leaving your own love bites around his neck.
"I can only imagine, my sweet qēlos. I wager all the gold in the kingdom that otto haven't been giving you the special attention you need with how needy you been acting since I walked in..." you pulled back looking at him your hands on his chest as he looked at you with his lips red and glistening in the moonlight while his hair was a mess and his face was flustered
"Why must you bring up his name in such a imtimate moment?" You asked.
"Why must you feel ashame when I do?" He ask back looking at you in question.
"I do not–"
"Do too." You scoffed, as his fingers slipped out of you when you pushed him slightly as you got off the banister.
"How can I be so foolish to think you came here to be with me–" you rolled your eyes turing away from him.
"I did–"
"But, yet here you are bringing up my husband while all I want to do is be with you," you turned back to him with a hurt and annoyed look, "...you should just leave the moment has past and I do not wish my child to wake up to found you here." You walked past him only him to grab your arm he looked inside his eyes going to the little boy in your bed.
"I saw him earlier at the tourney, you imagine my surpised when I was saw he doesn't have the similar streak in his hair like you or the similar green eyes like your other childern, why is that?" He asked turning his eyes back to you as you looked at him with a blank expression shrugging.
"I don't know, maybe my targaryen blood is getting stronger with each child I pop out."
"Or maybe my brother's seed finally gave him a son, pity that he can't put him on the iron throne though. " He gave you a fake pout making you clenched your jaw.
"That's a vile allegation." You snapped.
"Is it though because while away I heard some distasteful rumors about you, so tell me how long did it take for you to become my brother's whore after I left." You snatched your arm from his grip and push at his chest not moving him one bit.
"How dare you I would never–"
"Fuck my brother to benefit your husband?" You glared.
"You know nothing...and how could you after abandoning me here. " You hissed, daemon smile disappeared before looking away.
"I didn't abandoned you."
"Really? What do you call it when you up and leave out of nowhere with no explanation." He snap his eyes at you with a look that you couldn't cipher.
"I had to leave."
"Why?" You pushed wanting an explanation.
"Just know that I had to." He snapped making you purse your lip in a thin line.
" I had to leave you...after that night. I just had to leave, I knew if I didn't...you grow to hate me and I didn't want that." You looked up at him, before putting your hand on his chest where his heart was, he put his hands over yours looking down at you.
" I can never hate you," she sighed as he thumb rubbed the top of her hand, "whatever you thought could have happened to make me feel that way, couldn't be as bad as the pain my husband put me through these last few years."
"Than say the words and I will kill him. I'll make sure he suffer greatly and finally put a end to this miserable marriage." He said, daemon words made your heart flutter but you knew nothing good would come out of it and nothing can erase that sullied feeling inside you.
"And what than, daemon. " He step closer cuddling your cheeks in his hands.
"We'll marry and I'll take you as my second wife, your childern will have my name. We will live on dragonstone and raise our childern there." You looked into daemon's eyes and you similar words he told you long ago and remember how you swoon when you got back to your chambers, and he gave you hope you believed his words then like you do now. Daemon love you and you love him but you knew better, you took his hands and held them in front of you as you knew what you were about to say would break his heart.
"Your brother will never allow you to take another wife, and I fear the consequences that may take place if you do this..." you sigh with a small frown, "I feel the gods do not wish for us to be togther." He snatched his hand from your grasped as if you were a hot stone taking a step back from you making your heart ach.
"I'm sorry but it is true, if otto's dies I will just be sold off again like cattle to the next lord, it's not worth you getting in trouble." He huff through his nose, you could see he was growing angry and you know thats only because he doesn't want you to see him heartbroken.
"I'm giving you a escape. I'm giving you the life you truely deserve, and I'm willing to destroy my life and my relationship with my brother for you. Only for you to say no." He hissed out, you gave him a penitent look as you step closer only for him to move away and walk back into the room.
"Daemon, wait–" he caught your wrist after grabbing his arm you both stood in the hall just meters away from your chambers.
"No, if you want to continue living your life as a cum bearer for your husband go ahead I do not care," he roughly let go of your wrist making you hold it to your chest as you massage it, he stepped closer making you look up at him with regret.
"Issa dōna zaldrīzes darilaros, I did not mean to hurt you–" he cackled in your face making you close your mouth. My sweet dragon prince.
"Hurt me? Don't be stupid...you don't have that power over me...your nothing to me anymore." He look down at you as if you were least than him.
"I know that's not true....your just trying to hurt me," you said quietly, he looked at you for a moment as you stare into his lilac eyes seeing the storm you cause brewing inside.
"No, I mean ever single word of it, I see you for who you really are now, " you frown at his words, you turn your head away when he lean his face closer to yours, "A pathetic little girl with no real purpose except for laying on her back," he scoffed.
"what a waste of a evening. " He spat stalking away from you as you stare after him with tears, you sniffled wiping your face hearing your son call for you, you walk back inside closing the door as you tend to your youngest.
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Taglist: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @beggarsnotchoosey
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