#taffy vents
laceygamesdotcom · 11 months
I hate seeing what I do to myself
My friend came over shortly after I resorted to cutting because of stress from family
It makes me feel like such a failure
She didn’t comment on it, so I don’t know if she didn’t notice or was just being respectful (both of these outcomes are good to me)
But I couldn’t help but feel so anxious, and ashamed that I’d done this to my body
I wish I didn’t rely on this in stressful situations
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wristcvtter · 7 days
"I can stop whenever I want" until one day you realise you actually can't.
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taffywabbit · 1 year
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a most wretched and harrowed creature
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thethingything · 2 years
people have been setting off fireworks for the last few hours and luckily it's kind of in the distance so it's not as bad, but there'll definitely be more over the next week or so until bonfire night and for the last two years the neighbours had really loud ones that basically shook the house with how loud they were and we're really not looking forward to that again
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
overdid it at my improv show last night and now all i can do is lay in bed having blorbo thoughts
#it was my first time performing live comedy in at least a year and oh my god i didn't realize how much i'd missed it#i love doing behind-the-scenes stuff but something about being onstage with no script and the job of entertaining people#i'm like ah yes this is why i want to be a comedian no matter what#i'd done some virtual improv shows since the pandemic but being in person is so much better#my scene partner could just be like ''hey i'm giving you a piggy back now'' and i'd be like ok no follow up questions#i trust you know what you're doing in this scene enough for me to put my entire weight on you (both metaphorically and literally)#also spontaneously transformed from acting as myself to acting as taffy (one of my recurring improv characters) in like 0.5 seconds#and i didn't even know i was going to be doing taffy at this show (neither did my scene partner they just set me up perfectly)#idk if i've talked about taffy before but i love her she was my first major recurring comedic character#her whole thing is she desperately wants to be part of this wealthy family called the van bortels#and comes up with wild schemes to get there such as living in their vents for the entire pandemic#she also has a husband who's a raccoon that is also nonbinary#i love playing taffy bc she was the first character i ever did that was like. oh people enjoy this. oh people REALLY want to see this.#and when i came home from college the first time we did a scene where there was an imposter-taffy that was another cast member#basically doing their own impression of taffy#and it genuinely made me emotional like wow i made such a distinct character that people are doing their own imitations of her#and it's still unmistakably taffy#anyway maybe i should bring taffy out more. i've been focusing a lot on aubrey lately bc ze's my favorite character i do#but i have at least two other characters i developed in improv over the years that people seem to enjoy#(the third is taytay but i legit haven't played taytay since 2020 so i barely remember what she's like)
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
Oughghgghhhhhhhhhh hate having cramps but at least I can post about gay fictional characters online to distract myself from it
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chaoticace2005 · 4 months
Reasons why Niffty might be so small:
(Related: list of why she has one eye.)
1. To represent the fact that her whole life she felt looked down on by people living in the world as a mixed-race woman in the 50s
2. So she can crawl through the vents easily.
3. Budget cuts. All the money for height was used on Angel, Sir Pentious and Valentino. So there was very little left for Niffty.
4. She was one of Santa’s elves until she fled to become a dentist.
5. Why aren’t YOU that short? God, some people!
6. Everyone else is abnormally tall.
7. To stab people’s ankles when they least expect it.
8. So she can be closer to the floor and closer to the bugs.
9. So she can fit in the oven to take naps.
10. It’s a good size to sneak up behind someone while they’re talking and stab them :)
11. Angel stole it from her.
12. She’s half Egg Boi.
13. With deals with Alastor when you trade away your soul you also trade away part of your height. This happened to Husk too to a lesser extent and is why Alastor can grow to be so tall.
14. She’s a bug puppeting a doll of a demon. This was the biggest size they had.
15. She was actually really tall in life and this is her eternal punishment.
16. Unlike the other characters she never got out through a taffy puller.
17. She’d be too powerful if she was any larger.
18. You need to sleep to grow. Niffty never does.
19. She’s Alastor’s ventriquist dummy
20. So her eye to body size ration is REALLY out of wack
21. She lost the bottom half of her body in the Great Pirate War
22. To consolidate her power. Short people contain energy in a smaller amount of space, making it more pressurized, the more pressure the more powerful.
23. The ears Alastor has actually used to be her feet, but she didn’t want them so she gave them away.
24. Rosie and Alastor got hungry once
25. Every kill she has takes a mm from her height (you don’t want to know how tall she was originally.)
26. So she can be closer in size to her greatest love, a roomba with knives.
27. She knife monopolied too hard once. Got in debt, you can fill in the blanks.
28. So her enemies underestimate her
29. So she can hide under your bed and you will NEVER know :)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
I just had the thought that Sephiroth likes to bite and gnaw on things like pens, pencils, and markers when he is bored or doing paperwork.
This leads to everyone hiding pens, pencils, and markers where Sephiroth can't find them, such as in the vents or other, similar odd places.
In Turn, Sephiroth seeks out and finds the writing utensils.
And round and round the cycle goes, like a never ending game of treasure hunt.
Fluff be upon ye .・゜-: ✧ :-
• Not even Sephiroth knows why he does it⏤he's oblivious to the possibility that it could be an anxiety response, or an involuntary, self-soothing gesture. All he knows is that every pen he owns is indented with teeth marks, and each pencil in his desk is chewed beyond saving, and even other supplies like rulers and highlighters are spoiled by tiny teeth marks.
• It's an inconvenient habit, especially when someone asks to borrow a pen, but Sephiroth doesn't concern himself over it much. So what if Genesis complains that the nice fountain pen he lent Sephiroth now has a dent the size of a canine tooth near the top? Sephiroth can simply buy him a new one. So what if Angeal scolds him for biting the eraser top off the pencil he gave him? It still writes, it's perfectly usable.
• Genesis and Angeal, in turn, have learned that there is no place for them to hide their office supplies where Sephiroth won't find them. Angeal can't stand lying to him whenever he asks to borrow a pen, and Genesis knows that Sephiroth will go out and besmirch someone else's good pens anyway, so what's the point?
• They decide its time to do something the day Sephiroth's naked hands reveal that he's been using his fingers as substitute whenever writing utensils aren't available. The sight of faint bite marks, purple splotches and red knuckles break their heart.
• Angeal thinks it's covert anxiety, Genesis is sure that he's trying to soothe himself when his mind wanders, either men know that Sephiroth needs something to distract his mouth while he's working. Angeal reprimand's Genesis's suggestion to gift Sephiroth teething toys, but he's sold on the idea of candy.
• They look duly out-of-place buying out the local convenience store's entire stock of chewing gum, taffy and hard candy. They look even more odd fussing and arguing over which flavors Sephiroth will like best.
• They stock up Sephiroth's office when he's away on an assignment, filling his drawer with a neat row of gum packs, placing lollipops in his pen-holder, and littering any open space with hard candy. They make sure to make it look as if Sephiroth himself had bought the sweets, haphazardly thrown them wherever, and forgotten about it.
• The end result is positive. They're pleased to see Sephiroth with a lollipop in his mouth whenever they swing by his office, or chewing gum as he furiously as he writes things down. It's a win-win situation⏤all of their pens are spared, Sephiroth's biting habits have ceased, and if he has more sweets in his diet now, so what? He deserves to indulge.
• Genesis and Angeal make sure to keep his drawers stocked, going down to the convenience store once a week and picking out all of Sephiroth's favorite candy. They think he doesn't know where it's all coming from, that he's blissfully unaware of how much they care for him and can't stand to see him taking out his anxiety on his poor fingers.
• Sephiroth, in turn, finds it hilarious that Genesis doesn't know where that expensive red quill pen came from, or when he marvels at how his favorite gel pens seem to never run out. He thinks it's sweet how excited Angeal is when he finds a pack of brand new pencils in his desk drawer, and tries his hardest to remember when he bought himself an electric pencil sharpener shaped like a plant.
• They will never find out it's him, and Sephiroth will forever be grateful for their caring gesture.
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raineandsky · 6 months
this is the secret santa gift for @laffy-taffy-creations!
their prompt: "Hero that is a living weapon and past experiment, they run into Supervillain who taunts them calling them by their experiment name and Hero fighting to stay in control of their emotions so they don't accidentally cause any sort of diaster. Bonus points if there's someone (you pick) hiding in the shadows, eavesdropping, that part is optional though."
this was super fun, hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing!!
The hero’s hands had shook when the superhero announced their next assignment. When he’d placed a slim file in their hands, like they didn’t know the exact ins and outs of the place he was sending them to. There was a map on the front page that they didn't need.
The hero’s hands had shook as they meticulously unscrewed the little vent to shuffle their way inside. They’d been violated by the familiar stench of burning skin and cleaning chemicals, the sound of clanking metal and far-off, shrieking voices grating in their ears. Primal instinct had momentarily elbowed in front of duty, and they’d been halfway to abandoning the mission before remembering why they were here.
Let’s eradicate them. A small handwritten note left in the back of the hero’s file, as much of a kindness as an explicit push towards the superhero’s true goal. I think it’s what you deserve as much as they do.
The hero’s hands are shaking now, buried in the supervillain’s desk, as the office door clunks unlocked.
No one else but the supervillain could come in here really—the hero knows this—but their heart still sinks to see that it isn’t anyone else.
The supervillain pauses on the threshold, clearly reining in any blatant surprise before he speaks. He was always good at that—the only emotions he ever let them see was the disappointment of what they’d done wrong, or nothing at all.
“Q-5,” he says after a long moment, and the hero’s hands scrunch on paper at the name. “It is a delight to see you return to us.”
“That’s not my name,” the hero spits. Their voice trembles traitorously. “It’s [Hero] now.”
“Don’t be absurd.” The supervillain hums a laugh as he carefully closes the door behind him, like this is nothing more than a business meeting. “You are Q-5. No one gets to name you but me. You know this well, I’m sure.”
The hero does know this well. Any attempt of individuality here was met with an iron fist, quite literally. The relief of getting a name—a real, actual name—had been one of the biggest victories in their escape from this hell.
Hearing that so-called name again, that jumble of characters that mean nothing, that make them nothing, it’s– it’s—
The hero sucks down a long breath as the ceiling sprinkles dust over the room. Something deep in the building groans as if the hero’s tidal wave of emotion is boring it.
The supervillain’s gaze tilts to the shuddering pipes along the walls. Unbothered, vaguely amused.
“Q-5.” The supervillain’s voice is deceptively soft. It’s the tone of someone the hero’s about to want to be very far away from. They feel like a child again, an experiment slightly off canter, caught with their hand in the biscuit tin reserved for the scientists. “I see the power I gave you is strengthening.”
The supervillain takes a step closer and the hero takes one back without thinking. Their wrists bash painfully against the drawer in their haste.
Power. That’s all it is with the supervillain. Power, strength, violence. How can we make you better when you were such a mistake? How can I make you into who I intended? You came out wrong, but I can’t let another failure go to waste. How do I give you true power? Power. Power power power power power power—
A crack snaps its way into the floor underneath the supervillain. The hero heaves another unwilling breath. Control is difficult when their destruction is ruled by the lawless waves of emotion.
“I came here,” the hero says slowly, “to stop you.”
They grit their teeth, as if that will quell the quaking tightness in their chest. It doesn’t, not really, but at least the building stops shaking. The supervillain admires the gash underfoot like it’s a piece of art and not a consequence of what he created.
“I would love to see you try.” The supervillain smiles, the expression calculated. “Take whatever you’ve found. I’m sure it’ll be useful for your little mission.”
The hero falters, their gaze drawn to their hands. They didn’t realise that they’d held onto some of the papers in their rush to put space between them. The supervillain steps to the side to give the hero a straight escape to the door.
He’s letting them leave. It’s a trick. It’s a test. Will you try to get away from something that will never leave you no matter how far you run? Or will you accept that you belong here, as nothing more than a half-failed experiment and a muddle of uncontrollable feelings?
The hero takes a step towards the door. The supervillain doesn’t move. They take another. Another. Another.
The supervillain practically smirks when the hero gets to the door, like this is exactly what he planned. “Don’t think your departure now means you’re escaping, Q-5,” he says lightly. “I know you’ll be back. You cannot truly run from this place. From me.”
The building rumbles underfoot. Shouts rise distantly. The hero forces themself to stare him in the face as they forcibly stamp their flare of hatred down. Then they swing the door open to make their escape.
Someone stumbles into the office as the door she was leaning against abandons her. She quickly rights herself with an awkward clearing of her throat. 
“I was trying to find the source of the disturbances,” she explains hurriedly. “It seemed the worst of the earthquake was coming from here.”
The hero recognises her. A villain. Bright, eager, forever in the supervillain’s shadow. She probably thinks she’s safely detached from the supervillain’s insane experiments. The hero thought that too, once. It was only when he ran out of test subjects that he turned his interest to them.
The hero pushes past her before they can see any more of their lost self in her. The building rumbles in agreement as they mindlessly break for the exit. 
“This will be vitally useful, [Hero],” the superhero says with a smile when they lay the crumpled papers on his desk, “you’ve brought us a step closer to ending [Supervillain]’s reign. Thank you.”
The hero is just glad it’s over. 
But when the superhero approaches a week later, a file in his hand and a grim look on his face, the hero finds the floors shaking with revulsion under their feet.
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mel-loly · 2 months
-I really didn't want to talk about it anymore, because remembering it is really painful, even if everything has passed, it still hurts... All the fights I heard, all the tears I let fall, all my heart in pieces.. It was all very painful...
And don't worry, I didn't come to talk about that, I didn't come to make a post to vent, but rather to thank those who took a little bit of their time to support me in a post I was going through a very difficult time...
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There were few people, but these people and their words were enough to give me the strength to continue, even with that unbearable pain in my heart that was already broken.. This continuing made me who is here now, making and writing this post, in the form of gratitude, made me still live and not give up on who I can still improve in the future. It made me feel like... The pain hurts, but it's okay, an hour will pass, things will change, and these changes will make you better and happier.
And.. Well... Thank you all, thank you to: @aesopsbaby, @nysnextd00r, @edgywithaheart and @laf-e-taffy to write these messages, they not only helped me but MADE me better and be here, again, posting and having fun with everyone. I love you, my dear ones💛
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laceygamesdotcom · 1 year
18 years old; 3/31/05
All pronouns! Prefer he/him
Other blogs: @imstalehere (Cookie Run), @magicalgirl-noelleholiday (Deltarune), more that I don’t feel like listing xd
This blog will contain: (SFW) age regression, occasional venting, personal/daily life posts, misc art/fandoms, OCs, outfit pictures, and more!
DNI (Do Not Interact)
Basic DNI criteria (bigots, “MAPs”, etc.)
Pro ED/SH (I’m in recovery so I don’t want these blogs to interact)
#taffy babbles (talking tag)
#taffy memories (image tag)
#taffy vents (vent tag)
#taffy art (art tag)
#taffys ocs (oc tag)
#small taff (agere tag)
#taffy fits (outfit tag)
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wristcvtter · 2 days
Why do I only feel pretty with my skin all sliced up, blood running down my body and my hip bønes sticking out?
I'm only worth something if I cut deeper
I'm only worth something if I eat less
I'm only worth something if I'm in pain
I'm only worth something if I'm dying
I'm worthless.
Maybe I'll be worth something if I'm dead?
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rafent · 2 months
[ 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦 ]
“ y'know, raffy-taffy, it's almost annoying how good you are at pretending to be useless. ”
fogado's faux-annoyed tone belies clear joy, face painted with freshly-spattered blood from some no-name he's pinned under his knife. he's not even bothering to watch where his knife is going---it's like a surprise, however he ends up killing this person. fogado can treat the body like meat if he pleases---it won't matter in the end.
this job is better than anything he had going for him before. he's right hand to an entity whose power he can't even begin to comprehend, and the amount of blood that spills is enough to keep the party going for years and years and years. fogado keeps up the stream by sort of throwing himself at whoever looks at rafal even a bit weirdly. sure, rafal could dust them with the flick of a finger, but fogado likes to show his devotion to the guy that lets him go wild beast on whatever.
such has happened to the newly-corrupted that still lies beneath fogado---in fact, fogado is simply so pleased with himself that he's considering sticking his winding blade back into the body. would it kill them again? probably. would rafal get mad at him? who knows!
but fogado thinks better of it. after all, they're trying to amass an army for a reason. even if this one life was more than worthless, it wouldn't do to start culling their numbers just because. it wasn't like they could even bleed anyways. so instead he hops off, giving the reanimation a rough kick in the head as it tries to stand up.
“ khaha~! stupid thing, stupid thing, ” sings fogado, jumping around with arms raised and bloody knife spinning between his fingers. “ thinkin' he had a shot... ”
but suddenly he's in rafal's face for no other reason other than he just fucking feels like it. “ but i'd ne~ver let anyone touch you, ” he hums now, almost grandstanding. “ not even with a little bitty fingernail---'cuz i'd cut the whole hand off~! ” he makes a show of almost hacking his own hand off. “ the whole right hand, 'cuz i'm your right-hand man and stuff~! hahahaha~!! ”
sweeping a foot out and upwards, fogado tumbles to the ground in a heap of laughter and blood. the ring of his mirth is a horrible sound, but it quiets soon---he simply has more he must say to the master whom he serves.
“ ahhh, what fun. you'll call on me whenever you need me, right? ” he rolls to a sitting position, looking up at rafal keenly. “ i'm your loyal murder doggy, so feel free to point me at whoever's throat you wanna see ripped out, o~kaaaay~? ”
— 𝐢. sender has killed someone who threatened the receiver
The undead Prince of Solm retained a crown in this only; being the cream of Rafal's rotten crop. His cold eyes watched the other's gratuitous display, a reanimated soldier squatted upon by the young man. Preferring to kill neatly in order to leave the body and brain intact, even Fell Dragons did not squander time or play with corpses afterward to such a degree. With his unique attitude, Fogado showed to the world another brand of cruelty entirely, even if to Rafal that cruelty mattered little. It mattered a thousand times more that he was efficient.
"Do not place the newly born Corrupted under duress. Also; if you will dare to utter my true name then you will say it right." He admonished the nickname, nostrils flaring and brows hauled low, but an '-or else' never came. Despite his insulted demeanor, there were no elaborated consequences to committing offenses against him, no caveats to undisciplined language.
Fogado was useful, after all. Fogado was dead, after all. Brandishing threats against his Corrupted was no different from jeopardizing a doll with strings he could cut at will. It was meaningless, venting frustrations upon lesser creatures dependent on his magic to stand, and to Rafal they were all mostly the same. Mostly, and not totally, if only because some were more advantageous than others. His gaze traveled to Fogado again, preparing to dispense an order, and stopped short at the distance, then the collapse onto the floor. Then the laughter.
". . . . . . ."
His silence was a vast blanket, amused and disgusted and tolerating all in one. Peering down the bevel of his nose, the Fell Heir pursed his mouth into a deeper frown at the metaphor. Dogs? Stinking and slobbering creatures far withdrawn from being his first choice. "I do not require your protection, Fogado, but I do require your talents. And if you are done larking around, then I will generously fulfill your wish. Let us get into the thick of your next assignment. There is work to be done."
Master and dog; lord and knight; no matter how, they played the farce. For the joyful Fogado who enjoyed it, or perhaps for lonely, lonely "Nil" who knew no other way - the tender dragon who had always possessed his Four Winds close at hand following the end of the war. On the flip side of his false identity - a double life of a double life - some semblance of normalcy yet remained. Even if he was bereft three knights, at least when he gazed upon Fogado there was still one.
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smalltimidbean · 5 months
I forgot I even posted earlier, and I got jumpscared by Giant Bean and got-put-through-a-taffy-stretcher-Bean jhfdjhfd
But I was thinking about changing Bean a little bc they have had that design since uhhh 2015, and they kinda don't represent who I am now - although it is mainly the clothes, since the only thing I still wear that Bean wears is the shoes (and they probably need to be replaced soon bc they are 10 years old)
But that being said, I still pretty much only wear sweaters/hoodies and bandannas, so it wouldn't be too much of a difference - except the skinny jeans, bc I got too fat for them, and maybe the purple streak, bc that was from... 2011? And I haven't had my hair dyed period since 2019, but the hair is kinda iconic (even if I don't currently and have never had a pompadour), so it'll probably stay kjfdlkfdlk
But that all also being said, I did kinda go on a mini spiral today bc idk if an updated Bean would represent me either, bc I Don't Know Who I Am and I Have Made Such A Caricature Of Myself That, To Some Degree, I Don't Know What Is Real And What Is An Exaggeration For Comedy, and There Are So Many Spin-Off Beans, What If The Real One Is Hidden Somewhere
But I'm like fine now, and maybe we will not change Bean for the moment to avoid... That
And once again, I did not mean for funnee text post to turn into a long-winded semi-vent, but sailor bees I suppose
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kindheart525 · 7 months
Who's the killer?
YES I’m so glad you asked! I had to do some more research into slasher tropes for this. One trope that a lot of slashers have in common is having a traumatic backstory of some kind, so I made a short list of some of my characters who have suffered the most and settled on
In this AU, the accidental curse she cast on Summer had an extra side effect where the dark magic spread to Iolite’s own mind and heart, subsequently corrupting her. Now she’s out to take revenge on others’ hearts after her own was broken and betrayed, which brings her to the group of protagonists that lead this story.
Brackish and Taffy both have a history of being careless with love, both romantic and platonic, which would remind Iolite of what Summer did to her. But on the flip side, even loving, stable relationships trigger her. She couldn’t bear to see Rainier speak of his lover so adoringly and faithfully, thinking of what she didn’t have. She was about to take out one half of the resident couple, YngSidian, before Obbi’s thoughtless missteps did the job for her. She took out Polly to make Yng suffer more, because not even platonic love is safe around her. Plus, to Iolite, Yng and Polly were both “raising children from the ashes of what was once real love” (having stepchildren from their partners’ previous relationships) which she couldn’t let stand. Of course, ignoring that neither of those previous unions were “real love” at all, but Iolite isn’t thinking rationally.
Erudite doesn’t have a love life so he was killed for being a little bit annoying and reminding her of Crash. And queerbaiting /JOKE
What became of Summer Beauty, you might ask? She and Iolite are “back together” and “married,” which would seem like everything that canon Summer would have wanted. But this Summer is imprisoned underground in the crystal caves, hidden from the world as scars keep growing on her body, with Iolite visiting her to vent and rant at her about her evil plans. And when Iolite is finally defeated, Summer is transformed into a lifeless crystal statue, all part of an extra curse Iolite cast to make sure that Summer can’t live without her.
In addition to these victims, Iolite has also taken down the entire Crystal Family and rules the Empire in their place. And when she’s eventually defeated, with nobody else to step up, Yngvlid takes over and attempts to restore the kingdom with help from her Yakyakistan connections. She becomes known as a warrior queen of sorts, but she’s hiding her own scars from her battle with the villain.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Growing up a lot of people read a lot, and I mean a lot, into all the horribly mutilated zombies I draw. It’s never been vent art; the actual, honest-to-god draw for me is that if you’re drawing a zombie nobody thinks you got lazy if the thing only has one arm. Nobody will question your ability to draw different facial expressions or structures if the figure’s entire face is a mass of undifferentiated torn flesh and overly sharp teeth. Now crucially this was wrong. This was the artistic equivalent of hiding behind a stop sign and going “you can’t see me.” because the underlying grasp of volumes and structures on the heads were still wrong. Those fuckers had eyes like an inch below the tops of their skulls. Torsos that looked like they’d been fed through a taffy stretching machine. And I still don’t know how lips work. But I did freak out a bunch of counselors and that’s not nothing.
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