slkmoralesblog · 11 months
i’m not sorry for the person i’ll be when marvel’s spider-man 2 finally arrives on october dude 🤩
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
I subcounciously based my Percy design off Kory.Spiderverse Gwen too like i've said since she's a trans woman but the big kinky hair and dark skin and being a tall buff babe is giving og Starfire
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 year
Does Glitter Bomb get pictures of them bonded with people? It seems like it might enjoy having a scrap book of how pretty it has made various people. Also what kinda glitter glue got ate to make it?
No because Glitter bomb has only officially bonded to Beck, the hosts that it used to go see theatre productions and such were not suitable hosts and would have only technically last maybe about 24 hours with glitter bomb in them before dropping down dead.
If glitter bomb had decided to armour there bodies up it prolly would of killed it's host in a matter of minutes, works as an escape back up plan at the risk of a person but you work with what you have.
Beck just got lucky when Glitter got to excited and changed his body, he just happened to be the right type of host.
Symboites also tend to be able survive only with a host or under great pressure, Otto has pressure chamber tanks specifically for when Ferrol makes more critters which you wouldn't think is often but Ferrol likes to eat but eats more then it should and ends up purging which creates new symboites (I have a valentines one planned)
They can also survive without a host or outside of pressure tank for a few hours on there own, apart from Frootcake who was created in the middle of a shopping mall after Ferrol moved around to much gorging themselves on Christmas food and just latched on to the closest compatible host which was a mall Santa, until he found a better host who he is currently still with.
The other symboites are just very good at breaking out of there pressure chambers, Matcha was the only well behaved one and is the only one that actively removes itself from it's host to return to it's chamber when need be.
Glitter bomb would just escape and find the closest body to take them outside for a few hours before returning and banished to it's chamber again, before Beck became it's host full time.
The same goes for Maim except Maim was leaving a trail of bodies behind by using them to just cause issues before finding it's current host.
Also as for the glitter glue.
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Forbidden sauce bottles
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kermitdafroggy · 9 months
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therealloopylupin2099 · 3 months
Yo migs,
What would happen if there was a symboite looking that is in your universe and they are trying to find to find a host evening if there’s no weapons for backup?
-Maya parks/Archnidana
Ok first of all,HUh?!
Second of all if that happened,that would be a bad thing if it’s not from your timeline-
Oh for shocks sake! Don’t tell me your dealing with one right now
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fatguarddog · 10 months
(It is finally done! I will say I did get a bit turned on by my own writing 😅 so that was a bit of a distraction but I hope you like ^^)
You find a tape player amongst a strange forest along with a stack of tapes. rumors about this forest about weird symbiote hybrids have floated around. some just fatten up their victims. others apparently turn their victims into fruit, whatever that may mean. but almost always have the victims returned from this forest in a strange dazed state. Like what happened here changed them. 
Listening to the tapes, the voice of a researcher came on, detailing how they came to this forest on an expedition but got separated from their group. 
"Dr.Jesse here. I'm making these recordings for whoever may find them. I have been separated from my group in this forest. we came here on the rumors of this forest having strange creatures in hopes of catching a specimen to study. But so far no luck… though I have a strange feeling that I'm being watched… What is that?" Squelching sounds and a thud could be heard on the tape. You could hear squishy shuffling on your end when not listening to the tapes. You get the same feeling as the researcher from the tape. You're not alone.
You continue to listen to the tapes. The next couple of tapes are mostly muffled moans and something… sloshing? The researcher when she is speaking seems exasperated, seemingly showing increased difficulty keeping their professional demeanor. "I-it would s-seem that I-I have been caught by o-one of the rumored creatures. oh gods it's filling me up some s-sort of viscous syrup. Though I can mmm!!!” it breaks for a moment as the researcher takes several gulps and whines a little. 
“I can hear mutters from the creature about what it's going to do to me. It mentioned s-something about me possibly b-being r-ripened? I do not know at this point. Whatever its pumping into me is making it more and more difficult to make these tapes despite the creature helping… G-gods I-I’m getting so big and heavy. I-I think its just f-fattening me up. I can feel each and every drop of the syrup slide its way into my already poor out stretched stomach. Y-yet I c-cant help but feel good. Whatever its pumping into me as an aphrodisiac effect. Oh f-fuuuuuck“ 
Their moans throughout each tape got more and more exasperated. But they werent of pain, but of pleasure. Squishing and squelching covered up the researchers moans over the next couple of tapes. Something was coming up your legs and body  but you were too busy with the tapes to realize it.
One last tape and the loud sounds from the previous tapes have become faint. Lots of sloshing is heard and the researcher is panting. "Ooooh I'm so f-fuulll. whatever this symboite did to me has me in absolute heat. oh gods i-its even catering to it. Thrusting into my ass and playing with any other sensitive areas. Not enough that it completely hinders me b-but enough that I can feel it pounding into me. I think it was trying to-" the tape suddenly cuts off as it sounds like the tape recorder was dropped.
You stand there in frustration and confusion. You try to move but find some sort of plant like slime has curled itself around your legs and abdomen. A deep sultry voice whispered into your ears as it started to tie your hands behind your back. 
"What a quaint little human. So frustrated and confused about their situation, wanting more information~" You feel the 'vines' raise you into the air, your belly facing the ground. The creature that has you captive makes humming noises, like it was thinking somehow. "What to do with you?~" It started taking your clothing off and making its way into your ass and pussy, slowly pumping into them. It rubs your nipples and t-dick. You squirm and writh, the stimulation starting to drive you crazy. 
The creature laughs. "You would make a perfect blueberry. Yes, I think I shall ripen you into a perfectly juicy, plump, round blueberry~" One of its vines makes its way to your mouth. Usually you would try to keep it out, hell you would run. but it has you in its grasp, pumping into you, making you openly moan and whine. It takes advantage of this opportunity and places the vine into your mouth. 
A thick, sweet tasting blueberry syrup is pumped into you. Your eyes become glazed over as you become dazed, barely remembering the tapes from the scientist. You can't help but give in as the aphrodisiac laced in the syrup makes you unbelievably horny and you can't help but climax cause of the creature.
As it continues to pump syrup into you, your belly starts to bulge and swell, along with the rest of your body. Your skin tingles as your skin color changes to a deep indigo. The creature starts pumping its vines into you faster, making you moan louder. The thick syrup has made your belly so plump that it's barely brushing the ground from how your hanging. Some of the vines wrap around your huge tummy, realizing that you might be in a bit of discomfort and start to rub it. Your belly gurgles as it swells from all the syrup. Your breath quickens and you start to pant, as a little bit of juice leaks from your mouth.
"Aww you look so cute helpless like this. Plus, indigo is so your color sweetie." You start to leak juice from your tits and the vines start to suck on them, like a baby nursing on their mom. "Oh someone is leaking already. You are definitely my perfect host, I'm going to have so much fun breeding and feeding you, making you the plump, juicy blueberry that you ate destined to be~"
Timeskip a few days, and you're finally out of the forest. People are shocked by your new bloated, indigo tinted appearance. Your clothes were replaced by the symbiote creature permanently, and you can feel the syrup that has now turned into juice slosh in your big swollen belly with every step you takeBut you don't mind. It breeds and feeds you daily, though quite embarrassing in public when it attempts to be "subtle".
You're resting at home, and you feel the familiar pumping sensation in your lower regions. "It's time again~" You melt into the couch and open your mouth for the feeding vine to enter again to slip into sweet and total ecstasy.
Oh god thank you for sending this, I think it's great! I would definitely be up for hosting this kind of symbiote, keeping me so fat and happy (as a berry or not) ❤️
I don't really have much to add other than that I really am a sucker for vines/tendrils just slipping into my mouth and pumping me full of some sweet intoxicating syrup 🥵 And that again, this is great!
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sapphire600 · 3 days
They’re back, they’re so back!!
I have a few theories and feelings
A. Eddie and Venom never actually left the MCU?
Okay, remember in Siderman No Way Home: Eddie and Venom were in a bar and they eventually got send back to their universe along with the other villains. We also find out that Venom left a piece of themselves in the MCU.
We see that they’re picking that storyline up, we see that the military find out about the symboites and find the piece that Venom left behind, however that is in the MCU. Not in the Venom universe where all the movies is taking place, so what I’m saying is how is the MCU military tracking down Eddie & Venom if they went back to their own universe?!
B. Eddie and Venom are going to be separate. Eddie, Patrick and Toxin are going to team up.
If you’re confused who is Patrick is, he is the cop from LTBC and in the comics, he is the first host of Toxin (Carnage’s offspring, which makes Venom Toxic’s grandfather, lol) we see that we already got Patrick locked up. We don’t see Toxic, but we know they’re there.
I believe that Toxin is the strongest symboite, so when the military try to separate them with sounds, it didn’t work so they just put them in the prison cell together. They eventually separate Venom and Eddie and put Eddie in the prison cell with Patrick where they going to escape, I think Eddie also once was Toxin’s host in the comics to, so it would be kinda cool if they did a nod of that.
C. The other symboites are alive?!
We saw that the other symboites are alive? They must’ve survived the first movie or theses are band new ones. I think saw a yellow one (Scream), a gray one (Riot?!) and a orange one (Phage). This could mean, symboites can’t really died and that also could mean Carnage can come back. They can also make it where all the symboites are actually Venom’s offspring like in the comics.
D. Something bad is going to happen to Venom.
In LTBC, Eddie really didn’t appreciate Venom until the last minute and I think that’s what they’re going to do here. I think Venom is going to get seriously hurt. I really hope we get a scene where Eddie is literally begging the scientists for help while he holds a defenseless Venom they’re going to die.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
ngl i thought u were late 20s bc you had the vibe of "mlp came out when u were in high school and you latched onto it akin to a leech" but now i see that this hypothetical younger punkitt leech was in elementary to middle school when mlp spawned
imagine me as a fish attached to a larger creature in a symboitic relationship with mlp
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sunwarmed-ash · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
(yeah yeah I know its thursday but you're getting it now internet)
tagged by @eevylynn 😍😍
from the slow going Spiderverse fic Separation Anxiety
Deadpool and VE are sitting on the rooftop of another potential rendezvous point when the text alert comes in. “Oh shit,” Wade sighs, his eyes still haven't left his phone. “Buck is dead.”  “Who?” “He's another merc. Big guy with a tiny brain but an even bigger heart.” “Shit," Eddie exhales, "I'm sorry to hear that, if you need time to,-” “No, what I’m saying is, we have an emergency alert system when one of us goes down. Not strictly legal biotech, but it does make for one hell of a convenient plot device.”  “Okay, so-” Eddie says, scratching at his ear, still trying to keep up.  “I’m saying,” Wade continues, “I think that's where our boy is. I think Osborn’s luring us.” “Why would he do that?” “Well I don't think he’s doing it out of the kindness of his heart.” “Meaning,” Eddie sighs, “Pete's either dead, or pretty damn close. Fuck.” “Yeah,” Wade says, tight lipped with his own disapproval.  And if today couldn't get any stranger, an orange and red, octagonal shaped, portal? opens up beside the three of them, right in the middle of the sky, and some random, middle aged brunette with the brightest blue eyes Eddie’s ever seen drops out and waves to them like they are old friends.  “Uh, who are you?” Eddie asks at the same time Venom appears beside him and growls threateningly.  “Stay right where you are,” V orders and the man's hands go up.  Eddie can feel something equal parts wrong and familiar about the man, but V won't let him in on the secret. Luckily the new man is talking again.  “I’m Peter Parker, from, a different universe. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drop by unannounced but uh, I think you guys need me. Or more accurately, something I have.” Eddie's face is shocked while Wade tosses his hands up in exasperation.  “Oh Jesus Christ Ash! Can we cool it with the crossovers? Who do you think you are, Disney?” The blue eyed Peter looks around to try and find the person Deadpool made the comment to but there isn't anyone else here. They are on top of a Wells Fargo building. “Who is he talking to?” Peter 2 asks VE at the same time the symboited pair says,  “Don’t ask.”
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mash-the-buttons · 1 year
the way im already stressed about peter being in the symboite suit
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gardens-light · 2 years
Wild Party
After a rowdy fight with Eddie, Venom leaves and wonders into the nightlife of San Francisco. Forgetting arguments and troubles, Venom finds freedom in an nightclub, hidden away from the usual hustle and bustle. There was many things he unexpected to experience that night, and one of them was you...
Content- Nothing much, just fluff/smut.
Part 2
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"Ugh! Another one bites the dust!."
Exiting the temporary host, leaving the poor man doubling over and throwing up on the side of the road. Venom moved onto another host, taking full control over them and showing his true self to the world.
Entering a night club which was somewhat hidden in a nearby ally. Venom walked in and entered the crowd. Costumed people of all sorts of characters danced out of sink to the strobe lights, and club music. Venom towered over them all, witnessing a sea of various costumes, nearly all accessorised in glow-sticks.
"Look at all these weirdos. My kind of people!" the symboite smiled to himself.
"Nice costume!"
"Hey! Awesome work!"
His smile grew wider, exposing his large teeth. Nobody seemed to be afraid or concerned, only giving him more compliments as they walked or danced past him.
"Greatest costume ever! Awesome work!" A guy in his twenties approached Venom with a camera.
The symboite crouched down and allowed the man, what looked like some kind of band uniform take selfies and group shots.
"Is that Japanese?"
"No, I made it myself-"
"Hello gorgues."
Looking down to his left, seeing a girl with a white full face mask. Big red lips forming into a smile, underneath a large crooked nose, detailed the mask. A hat of red feathers adorned their head.
Venom awkwardly smiled before speaking, "oh... no. Sorry not my type." As he quickly moved through the crowd. "I am out of the 'Eddie Closet!'."
After a few hours of dancing and mingling, Venom made his way towards the back of the club. Settling himself into a quiet booth, simply just watching everyone dance and move pass him. While glow-stick accessories covered his neck and wrists. The coloured strobe lights still hit the area, but the brightness wasn't so harsh. Instead the whole area of booths, and tables were showered with a gentle glow from the ceiling spotlights.
The symboite rubbed his temples and groaned a little, barely overcoming a headache.
"Hey girls, I'm gonna have a sit down. My feet are killing me."
"Really? But the night just started."
Venom looked up, seeing you and your friends standing at the end of his booth.
"Started? We've been here for hours. I doubt you'd call it 'started'."
A girl of blonde curly hair placed a hand upon your shoulder, smiling warmly. "Ignore Tammy. Go for it, Y/N. Would you like company?"
"No thanks, Jess. Just need a minute."
"Ok! Well we're gonna head to the dance floor!" Tammy yelled as she lead your friends. Jess sighed, "be safe. If you decide to go home early. Text me. I wanna know you're ok." You nodded. Seeming satisfied, Jess walked away. As you blindly took a seat at Venom's booth.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to assume-"
"It's alright" Venom assured, "I'm not waiting for anyone."
Making yourself comfortable in the seat across from him. Adjusting your costume, as you awkwardly smile at the symboite.
"So... how has your... night been?" His voice held an unsure tone, as Venom tried to break the ice.
"Pretty good, thank you." Your smile turned more warm, appreciating the attempt of a convocation. "As you saw, some friends and I decided to have a night out. But after dancing for a few hours, I'm feeling kinda tired."
"I understand. I'm slowly getting over this headache" Venom continued to rub his temples. But held out a free hand towards you, "forgive me. I haven't introduced myself. We- I am Venom."
Hesitating a little before you outstretched your hand. Yours barely fit in Venom's oversized digits, as his fingers carefully engulfed your whole hand, giving a tiny shake.
"I'm... Y/N, and Venom? Is that a stage name or something? Your costume is really outstanding by the way."
Your hand returned to your side, as did Venom's as he continued to speak. "Well... let's just say, it's a name I go by. And my costume? Oh! Yes! Thank you. I like yours as well."
You felt your cheeks redden slightly, as you played with the maid skirt. "Oh, it's just a cheap thing from the local costume store..."
The symboite smiled a toothy grin, a shiver ran down your spine. But out of fear? Or fascination? You honestly couldn't tell. Sensing your unease, Venom tried to relax his features in an attempt to expose less of his teeth.
"So uh... what made you come here tonight?" You asked in an attempt to keep the convocation going. Venom lounged back in the seat, taking up room as he rested his arm upon his lap. "I needed to... get away from my... room mate."
His milky white eyes gazed at you with curiosity. His hand slightly clutching onto his leg, as a strange and unfamiliar feeling curled within his chest.
"Why?... Well... We had an argument."
"About what? Must of been pretty bad for you to leave."
"It was nothing. Just an disagreement, which turned into an argument. Which resulted in me leaving. Thus here I am! With new people! Having the time of my life!.-"
"Venom... living with people can be hard sometimes. but you can't just leave whenever someone upsets you, or disagrees with you.-"
His attention snapped back at you,
"Eddie started it! He accused me of 'ruining' things, 'complaining' all the time! Even went as far as, claiming everything was better till I came along!"
His strong fist slammed on the table, the vibrations rippling through the wood. And into the fabric of the seating, "Little did he forget! It was I who made Eddie so great! Therefore he would continued to be useless without me!-"
"Did you?" Your calm and collected tone caught the symboite off guard. "Did you make everything worse?."
Venom's mouth opened but no sound followed. Just sat there in silence, as a frown formed across his face. Then after a hesitation, his expression relaxed, as he looked away in thought. The strange feeling within his chest begun to build.
What... is my heart doing? It's achy and strange. He thought.
A slight sigh left him, as Venom reflected upon his behaviour earlier.
"I... apologize. To you and Eddie... I was rude, on both accounts."
His eyes closed, while he went back to rubbing his temples.
"Eddie and I often do try to- what's the expression? See eye to eye?... Earlier today, I accidently interfered with his work. Well... more like got into a fight with someone at his work. But I apologized! I understand Eddie was angry, but he wouldn't let me explain! He just rambled on how I ruined things! And his life!-."
"Explain to me then."
Again your gentle tone stopped him mid-speech. Venom sensed your sympathy, and the feeling of someone being concerned for him... well, it felt good. Not that Eddie never showed such emotion towards him, but it was rare to feel it from another person. Even from those who knew about Venom and Eddie, the symboite always knew they sympathized with his host more.
"Explain to me."
Venom continued to stare into space, "I know Eddie, just as well as I know myself. We've... seen the best and worse of each other. We don't always agree with things, but we try..."
What is this feeling? Why am I... being emotional?
You reached out for Venom's relaxed fist, sensing that he was choosing his next words carefully.
"He was... interviewing a prisoner. Seeing if he could snap up any last words for himself, or for his victims. But instead..."
A low growl rumbled within his throat, as he gently gave your hand a little squeeze. "Instead the bustard said, how much of a 'cancer' Eddie is to people who's known and loved him."
His grip around your fingers curled tighter. "And not shutting up, about Eddie and his ex-fiancé! And speaking shit about Eddie's father not loving him just because his wife died!-"
"Ow Venom!-"
"Eddie's mother died giving birth to my friend! That pathetic scumbag of a human, had no right speaking in such filth! How dare he speak to Eddie, as if he murdered his mother!-"
"Venom!-" looking down at his hand strongly grasping at yours, Venom quickly pulled away, after seeing the watery tears within your eyes.
"I-I'm so sorry, Y/N! I didn't mean to! I-"
"You have quite the grip" You attempted to smile through the pain, as you opened and closed your hand for a quick minute. "I'm alright."
After a moment, you looked back up at Venom. Seeing the hurt behind his milky eyes.
"What that prisoner said was beyond awful. He had no right speaking about Eddie that way."
Venom relaxed once he was satisfied you wasn't scared, "indeed... that's exactly how I felt. And I got... into a fight with the scumbag."
"I suppose after that, Eddie was beyond annoyed."
"Either with me, or with the inmate. I honestly couldn't tell... By the time we got home. A disagreement erupted. Hurtful words were exchanged, and that just spun into a whole ass argument. And us fist fighting each other."
You reached out for his hand again, "sounds like you and Eddie need some time to cool off, and try talking to each other later.-"
"I suppose. But it's hard to decide where to go-"
"Why don't you stay at mine?"
Bewilderment just washed completely over the symbiote's face. You blushed a little more. "Well, just for tonight I mean..."
"B-But! But!-"
"Relax. Besides after tonight, you'll gain a new friend."
Your smile made Venom's heart flutter, as you slowly lead him out of the booth. He could only muster a mumbled, "ok." Before stumbling out of the club. Reaching the mouth of the ally, Venom placed his back against the wall and slid down.
"I-I'm fine" he tried to assure you, through a weak smile. "I-I just need a minute."
Venom could feel the temporary host's body slowly start to reject him. Just like all the others he's been hoping to and from. Feeling your gentle touch upon the side of his face. Although he had to focus on each breath, he didn't want to take his sight off you.
"You're... so sweet."
"Take this costume off-."
"No!... No. I just need a minute. I'm just tired, that's all."
Thoughts begun to roll around in his head. Eddie always spoke of how the world was an 'unfair' and 'cruel' place. How if the world knew about Venom, it wouldn't end well. Yet here he was. Surrounded by people who treated him well and greeted with smiles, and you. You trying to nurse him back to health, as a concerned expression softened your face.
His heart fluttered again, as you fussed over him. All he wanted was one night of freedom. Where people didn't see him as a monster, a parasite. Just to try and fit into this world. And to end this amazing night with you.
All... I need is a new body. Just another one for a moment longer. He thought, but how? How can I go to another without freaking her out?.
"Is there anything I can do?"
His head perked up a little. Weakly smiling. "Yes... Yes there is one thing-"
"Can I have some water? I'm a bit thirsty."
"Of course! I'll be right back! Stay here!" you promised. Leaving a gentle kiss upon his cheek, before heading back into the club.
He waited till you were out of sight, before slouching against the wall even more. Placing a hand to his cheek where your cheery red lipstick marked with a kiss. Strange and unusual thoughts begun to swirl in Venom's head even more.
I want to know what she tastes like. How it feels to have her body close to mine.
It was always Eddie getting the women. And even when they were somewhat aware of Venom, their mood towards the purposed relationship quickly ended. Venom liked the idea of someone being attracted to him. Determined to not end his first night of freedom in this way, Venom looked around.
People pasted him, walking in and out of the club. Some simply just gave him a side glance and hurried away.
I just... need a new one. Only for a while longer, that's all. Just... a little longer-.
"Hey buddy, you ok?"
Rubbing his eyes a little, so he could refocus. Venom looked up slightly, seeing a guy tall and slim frame kneel towards him. The stranger smiled.
"Haha, had a little too much to drink, mate?"
"Haha, yeah... you could say that." Venom attempted to weakly smile.
"Can I give you a hand? I'm happy to help you get a taxi home, or wait till any friends of yours arrive."
"Thank you, but no need to trouble yourself. May I take your hand though?"
"Of course buddy. I'll help you up..."
Exiting from the club, in a little hurry, carrying a bottle of water with you. Making your way through the crowd that started to line up at the door. Approaching the spot where you left Venom, but only to find a guy leaning against the wall, vomiting his guts up. Mumbling in a confused daze.
"I'm here."
Emerging from a small corner on the other side of the ally, Venom's voice caught your attention as he slowly walked towards you. Raising an eyebrow, "you seem to be feeling better..."
The symbiote smiled as he held out a hand towards you, "yes. I apologize earlier. Something I eat didn't sit right."
You wasn't quite sure what to believe, looking over your shoulder to the guy behind you and back to Venom.
But... you were right here... You assured in thought.
Venom brushed a strain of hair out of your face, as he snapped you out of your thoughts. Gently taking the water from you and having a couple of sips from the bottle.
"Thank you, for helping me out"
"You're...welcome. I'm glad you're feeling better."
Venom nervously laughed a little. "Let's not allow this to ruin our night. I'll walk you home."
You returned his smile. "I'd like that."
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Remember saying a problem in the 90s is that EVERYTHING has to be a group... well we don't just get Scream but a whole Symboite squad...
Also, they pulled Venom of Eddie, and they want us to think it killed him, but I won't fall for that trick again.
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 year
everyone likes glitter bomb symboite but wait till you all find out he’s just a bastard and refuses to hardly ever allow Beck to use it’s abilities and is more to show off then anything
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agent-42 · 2 days
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I thought the piece of the venom symboite that was left in the bar happened mcu? Why is the canom trailer acting like it happen in sumc? Because I don't think Chiwetel Ejiofor is playing Mordo for venom 3 the last dance.
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onmyyan · 2 years
✨Straight venomous Q&A ✨
Q: Did Roy actually call Tim?
A: So Tim did not get a call from Roy, he made a snap decision to say so when he took in the state Jason was in, his brain is constantly working a mile a minute when it comes to (y/n). Tim’s been pulling the strings behind the scenes so to speak, and he’s observant enough to know how Jason would react to the news about (Y/n). He’s also the reason Dick is on his way to Gotham.
Q: Who is the Symboite in the story?
A: The Symboite in straight Venomous is, well Venom. His personality is based on the two movies and I pulled some comic characteristics to make him mesh better with (Y/n)!
Q: What is Venom’s and (Y/n)’s relationship?
A: Platonic soulmates. At some point in the comics, Eddie and Venom are in looove, and that special love chemical actually keeps Venom fed, while not exactly the same, I figured that kind of strong bond was necessary for the amount of shit I’m about to put (Y/n) through lmao
Q: Does Venom have a favorite Robin? Does he ship her with any of them?
A: Out of everyone he’s encountered Venom’s favorite Robin would have to be Jason, he likes how much he cares for his human, he feels a familiarity as Jason’s been around them the longest, the fact that he could protect (Y/n) if push came to shove is a huge plus in his book, however he still hasn’t officially met Dick so this is subject to change depending on bird boys actions.
Q: What is their relationship to (Y/n)?
A: So Tim, Dick, and Jason are for sure Romantic Yanderes. I’ve been flipping back and forth between platonic yanderes for Damian and Bruce because personally I think it adds to the story but if y’all want them all Romantic I have no problems with it🖤 the dami Bruce centered chapters are still in progress so the relationship is subject to change if y’all want, just holla at ya girl.
Q: What are the characters current thoughts on (Y/n)?
A: Jason has long since gone off the deep end, he associates his peace with her, he knows the two of them are going to be in each other’s lives for as long as he can help it. Utterly enamored, leader and founder of the ‘(Y/n) can do no wrong club.’ Can and will kill for her. Dick feels this unwavering obligation to her. He needs to know she’s okay, he needs to see her be okay, better than okay, he needs to see her thrive, it’s the only fair way for them to be squared. While he doesn’t know exactly what happened to her that night he was running late, he doesn’t need to. In his mind his one act has forced changed her life, it’s only right he makes sure the rest of it is good. He owes her and he won’t stop until that debt is paid. Tim has always had this itch in his brain he couldn’t quite scratch. No matter how many cases he solved or lives he changed for the better, it had never gone away. That is until he met her. The small moment the two shared had been monumental to him. He couldn’t think of a time before than when his brain shut off, honed in on one thing, one person. His mind went quiet around her, in the best possible ways, but at the same time when he wasn’t near her, it’s like the volume had been turned to 11, the static was replaced with her face, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Damian, as hard as he tried, couldn’t escape the beast he’d fought and lost to. Once he found out about you his priorities had slowly but surely shifted. She’d captured his father’s unshakable attention, and he was no better. When he trained now, he trained for her. He planned his steak outs and patrols with her in mind, he lingered outside the shitty apartment where they first met far too often. His thoughts were consumed with the idea of once more meeting in battle, he’d fight much harder this time, because he knew once he had her, he wasn’t letting go, as for the last and probably most dangerous man on this list Bruce was entirely confused and dangerously interested. See in his mind, (Y/n) was under his care the second Dick sent her case. While she herself may think they’ve met only once, Bruce had been lurking in the shadows for days before their official meeting, seeing her go about her day only solidified his thought. You were coming home with him one way or another. He was a man who wanted for little, because nearly anything he wanted he could have at his door with the snap of his fingers. Nearly anything. You were making him work for it, but he didn’t mind oh no, if anything the chase you’d sent him on only fueled his fire. He was so certain in fact, he’d already prepared your rooms, one for the transitional period because what Bruce Wayne wanted, he got.
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dearest-painter · 10 months
The Ben 10!Reader give me other idea.
Spider Mech!Reader
Like peni parker, They created a mech, just a little bigger then Penny's Mech, What do you think?
(You can ignore this if you don't have time.)
OMFG GES! Maybe their Mech is VENOM! Just them and their symboite that’s been with them since they were ten (now seventeen with Venom around their age in their universe) having the same relationship as comic Eddie and venom do, with the default nickname for Venom being ‘buttercup’
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