#sword catcher by cassandra clare
ofstarsandmoonlightt · 6 months
people are comparing conor and kel to will and jem when there’re matthew and james right there to do so. like conor and kel’s relationship is what happens when matthew and james don’t resolve their problems. i haven’t read chot properly but until choi their relationship was already on its way to a toxic one. them being unflinchingly loyal and loving each other so much yes but also then starting to keep secrets from each other and all. tho in comparison conor and kel also have a power imbalance (of conor being the superior one) that math and jamie don’t have thankfully; what i’m tryna say is that we can find more parallels in these two pairs rather than in jem and will who are the epitome of a perfect (brotherly/parabatai) relationship.
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erionmakuo · 8 months
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Endpaper illustrations for Illumicrate edition of Sword Catcher by Cassandra Clare. In the actual book, they're positioned in a way that makes them look at each other across the pages <3
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cassandraclare · 9 months
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Map of Castellane! I’m pretty sure if you tap on it you can embiggen it. Castellane is a sort of mash up; a French-inflected version of Venice at the height of its trading power. Illustration by Sarah J. Coleman.
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purplebass · 8 months
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A TSC fan would recognize this everywhere, am I right? I wonder if it was done on purpose, an Easter egg of sorts. This is the typical parabatai interaction we get in every tsc series
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tmisource · 8 months
Happy release day to 'Sword Catcher': Book Review + Exclusive Interview
Happy release day to Cassandra Clare and her debut adult fantasy novel Sword Catcher! We have come a long way since its first announcement in 2017 and I am thrilled to celebrate Cassie and her new book today. Sword Catcher is now available in bookstores and online as an ebook or audio book. The audio book is narrated by Christian Coulson (aka Tom Riddle in the second Harry Potter movie 😉 ) and…
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dreamofmysoul-tsc · 8 months
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Merren Asper and Ji An from Sword Catcher ⚔️
Art by Sasha Coleman
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clockworkbee · 7 months
when he thinks about her too much:
it's disgusting (the cruel prince, holly black)
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it's like a fever (sword catcher, cassandra clare)
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Merren: Isn’t this going a little too far?
Kel, poisoning himself: No, why would you think that?
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tys-kitty · 10 months
There are two kinds of CC fans right now
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spacehero-23 · 7 months
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belle-keys · 10 months
Summary: Virtual Author Talk with Cassandra Clare at San Anselmo Public Library (23/08/23)
Cassie wrote her first “novel” when she was 12 on a Mac computer, the infamous The Beautiful Cassandra that she regularly teases to us. She got into writing fiction professionally full-time after leaving her journalism job in 2006.
Finishing City of Bones took about 3-4 years because it was her first novel. Holly Black was the one who hooked her up with her first agent who then got the book published, which was a really new experience. She said that the publishing process was initially surprising to her because of how crazily long it takes to get a single book published.
Cassie acknowledges that City of Bones is starkly “different” from the rest of all her books in colour and voice, because of how experimental the novel writing process was for her. She said she thinks she’s evolved a lot as a writer since then.
She aims for psychological realism in her books even though it’s fantasy. She tries to see each character as a fully-formed person who can exist outside of the immediate plot. She creates worksheets to write her characters.
She also believes it’s necessary to let your main characters make bad mistakes – she cites Matthew as a prominent example i.e. someone highly reactive to their own mistakes. Matthew is defined by his regret and his need to fix his mistakes. She thinks Matthew is one of the most relatable characters because of this.
She’s very drawn to the found family trope because of how much she moved around as a kid – the stability and love of a found family is something she’s worked to build her whole life. She emphasizes the importance of friendship and its different forms in life.
Cassie cites Magnus as the character who turned out most differently than she had initially planned – she hadn’t originally anticipated how significant Magnus would be in the wider scheme of the series.
Doing The Last Hours was, at least a little, in response to people’s excitement about The Family Tree back in 2013.
Her advice for writing fantasy worlds is to create a flexible and expansive magic system so it can grow with you as a writer. She also emphasizes letting your favorite characters make poor decisions – your characters determine the plot and not the other way around.
Cassie strikes a balance between planning worldbuilding details beforehand and then spontaneously adding in new things in the writing process. The Scholomance is an example of something new that was added later in the TSC writing chronology.
She decided that Sword Catcher had to be in the adult publishing category because when she initially developed the characters, they just appeared as people in their twenties. With TSC, the characters had just appeared to her as teenagers then. Writing characters in these different life stages was interesting and challenging.
Sword Catcher is the first in a duology, but she’d like it to be four books if it’s successful.
Cassie has always wanted to write Shadowhunters in the Roaring ‘20s but she has no idea what the plot would possibly be.
She doesn’t read TSC fanfiction, but her husband has informed her of a popular Magnus X BTS fanfiction on AO3. She stays away from fanfiction, but she is very invested in the fanart of her works. Her favorite artist is, of course, Cassandra Jean, and she also loves Charlie Bowater.
She loves writing with Holly Black and probably would only do more Middle Grade writing with her.
She is very much anti-censorship and anti-banning books, especially because of the form it takes in the US (aka, censorsing books dealing with issues affecting the BIPOC and queer communities).
She doesn’t believe they’ll do another TMI adaptation in any form, even though she doesn’t believe the TMI books’ story was ever truly told. She hopes, one day, that TID can get made as it’s the most adaptable series in her catalogue for logistical reasons.
If she couldn’t be a fiction writer, her dream job would be a travel writer. She intensely loves traveling and making her characters travel as well.
Her favorite author of all time is Dorothy Dunnett. She thinks you should check out The Queen’s Thief by Megan Whaler Turner (I agree). And she’s currently reading Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak (I really enjoyed this one).
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ofstarsandmoonlightt · 6 months
lol i love all the chaos that ensues when cassie comes on tumblr and then everyone’s out of their minds trying to hyper analyse her response lmaoo
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layla-carstairs · 8 months
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ngl I was waiting for this. wouldn't be a Cassandra Clare novel without it lmao
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cassandraclare · 10 months
Sword Catcher: Worldbuilding
Who rules Castellane?
Castellane is a city-state — it has its own government and royal family. Part of my inspiration for Sword Catcher was Venice during the Silk Road era, and families like the famous Borgias and Medicis. Castellane’s government consists of a royal family and a Council of Twelve — twelve families, each of whom holds a charter that gives them ownership over a certain kind of good that is traded through the continent of Dannemore. These are the Charter Families; they are the richest in Castellane, and Charters are passed down through families, like an inheritance — though the ruling family, the Aurelians, has the power to grant charters and also to take them away.
The Charter Families
The Uzecs have quite a bit of sway as the holders of the Wine Charter.
A popular man is Mathieu Gremont, who holds the Coffee and Tea Charter.
Fabulous Lupin Montfaucon always has the latest fashions, as appropriate for the Charter holder for fabrics.
Joss Falconet is an old friend of Prince Conor’s, and owns the Spice Charter. More on him later!
House Gasquet controls all the oil and perfume coming in and out of the city.
Lady Alleyne, the mother of Antonetta, is in charge of the valuable Silk Charter and makes sure she and her daughter are always in the finest silk dresses.
The Cazalet Family has owned the Banking Charter for so long, coins are often called “cazalets”.
House Roverge owns the Dye Charter. House Sardou has the Glass Charter,
House Raspail Timber, and Alonse Esteve owns the Horse Charter.
They have their meetings in the Dial Chamber, whose seats are arranged to look like the numbers on a clock.
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Sitting at midnight is House Aurelian, the Royal Family, whose charter is kingship. At these meetings the fates of cities and countries are decided with the stroke of a pen. It used to be the pen of King Markus, but as he has grown weaker with a mysterious illness, that pen has found itself in the hand of his son, Conor Aurelian…possibly the least responsible person in Castellane.
(Conor art by Sasha Coleman.)
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rinadragomir · 11 months
Cassie's publishing plans + things you can do while waiting for TWP (under the video)
The Wicked Powers - 2025👸🏼🔫(but read my thoughts below pls)
Sword Catcher - October 10
Secrets Of Blackthorn Hall (kickstarter), which is gonna include "other Shadowhunter material" (new short stories and something "mysterious" else) - 2024
Eldest Curses - unknown, but it will come out at some point during The Wicked Powers, please don't die while waiting🫶
So TWP comes out in 2 years. Listen🖐️I know how it sounds, but heeey it's not actually too long if you think of it. She hasn't even started writing and we were waiting for the Chain of Thorns around the same amount of time✊ focus on the fact that these two years will be full of different kind of new content!
We can read Sword Catcher, it looks and sounds like something exciting
We'll get lots of new arts for TWP and maybe something else for TLH
In a year we'll be able to hold a physical copy of SOBH and get !new! short stories✨
We'll probably get extra ChoT content, maybe explicit scenes or sth
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Take me away to Castellane ✨
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