#sw jfo oneshot
wrencatte · 4 months
mini-fic 3! Cere POV. linguist!Cal, Mantis Crew as Family, Merrin & Cal bonding 1.2k words
“This one?”
Cal squints at it for half a second, says “yes,” then looks back down.
“What about this one?”
“You didn’t even look!”
“Greez, that’s the third time you’ve shown me that one.”
“No, it – oh, wait, haha, yeah it is. Okay. Let me see….”
Cere watches in fond amusement as Greez goes back to the shelves. Merrin comes over with a tome from deeper within the city library and angles it in a way Cal can look at it without straining his neck. His expression brightens and he takes it, running his fingers over the edges and corners.
There’s a slight twist in the Force that Cere’s beginning to learn means he found an echo. She has to focus pretty hard to feel it so she only pays it enough attention to be sure Cal’s not about to fall into anything nasty – not that she can do anything about it if he does, but she likes to be prepared – and tunes back into the softly murmured conversation between Merrin and Cal.
The Nightsister looks absolutely delighted at having found something in a language Cal doesn’t recognize, all quiet pride and subtle preening. Cere hides a smile behind her hand. Adorable. Cal flips the tome open and the two of them duck heads, Cal underlining a few words with his finger and saying something that Merrin repeats. He shakes his head and says it again. Her face twists in thought as she sounds it out before giving it voice and he nods rapidly, grinning. She smiles back, one of those small soft ones that pops up whenever it’s just her and Cal.
Cere is just about to go back to her own readings when Greez arrives, BD-1 whirling on his shoulder, a book held over his head in triumph.
“Ha! Try this on for size!”
Cal takes the book carefully. “I know this one,” he tells Greez, who groans in disappointment. “But, oh wow.” He flips through a few pages, lips moving as he reads the text silently to himself. “I can’t believe they have a book written in pre-Reformation Gwyrdd’tafodi. Do you know how rare that is? When they switched over, they deliberately destroyed all they could! An archivist hid this away for a hundred years in order to get it safely off the planet. It kept getting passed down the family line until one of them got passage on a ship.”
Greez crosses one set of arms, his free hands on his hips. He watches Cal fondly as the young Jedi’s excitement grows with every page flip. “You know, I would’ve never pegged you as such a gigantic nerd.”
“Jedi were scholars and peacekeepers before they were soldiers,” Cere says quietly. A hush falls on the group. Cal ducks down, shoulders hunching, eyes kept resolutely on the page though it’s obvious he’s not reading a single word. She smiles and adds lightly, “We’re all nerds.”
Cal laughs first, tinged with grief and legitimate delight. He tucks the book Greez brought under the one Merrin showed him, which makes Merrin throw Greez a smirk and for the latero to throw his crossed arms up in the air in a huff. Cere rolls her eyes fondly and catches Cal’s gaze. He grins, unrepentant, enjoying whatever contest is going on between their friends. It gets Cal more books without him getting up, so he’s not going to stop them.
Greez’s frustration is amusing to watch, especially when he snatches BD from scanning the book Cal has open so he can co-opt the droid’s database to help find a language Cal doesn’t know. It’s not helping. BD-1’s database might be filled with years and years of history and culture but knowing the intimate details of a language instead of just a simple dictionary is completely different.
Merrin listens to Cal read out loud for a few minutes, humming at all the right moments, but obviously thinking hard about something. Cere gives up on reading her book and focuses on the two of them, curious as to what’s going to happen next.
“How many languages do you know?”
Cal’s teeth click he stops talking so fast. “I don’t know,” he admits with a shrug. “Sometimes I don’t even realize I know a language until I see or hear it again. Sometimes not even then! It doesn’t always register it as a different language. It’s just…words I understand.”
She tilts her head, expression intense. “Could you learn Dathomiri?”
He grins and quips something in the smokey, gritty sounding language of Dathomir. Merrin’s eyes widen, and then, suddenly, they glimmer with a wetness both Cere and Cal pretend they don’t see.
Knuckles pressed to her lips, she breathes a very quiet, “oh,” before clearing her throat and adding roughly, “Your accent is terrible.”
“Is it though?” Cal asks smugly.
Merrin scowls. “I will teach you more…if you want to learn.”
Cal’s expression softens. “I would love to. Thank you for sharing it with me.” He adds something in Dathomiri at the end that has Merrin abruptly turning back to their shared book, expression pained and grieving.
Cere nudges the Nightsister with a tendril of the Force and gets a small smile in response. They don’t share the same bond as Jedi do, but theirs is enough for Cere to believe her. She settles back in her chair, musing on what her life has become, sharing a bond with a Nightsister, before she shrugs it off and fully intends on finally going back to her reading with Merrin and Cal’s back-and-forth as a background noise.
Except Greez comes back again, the book he carries is much thinner than any of the ones stacked around Cal like a barrier. BD-1 clicks excitedly and Greez is grinning smugly as he waves the book in the air.
“Did you know this place has an unknown language section? Guess who found it!” he all but brags. Merrin frowns, nose wrinkling while Cal laughs brightly and holds out a hand for the book.
Greez slaps it in his hand, earning a scandalized look from one of the librarians. Merrin and Cere laugh as he hunches down with quick apologies. Cal inspects the book carefully. If there are any echoes, they’re soft and quick. He grins.
“Congratulations, Greez, I don’t know this one.”
The latero cheers silently, all four arms thrown up in victory.
Merrin rolls her eyes. “You still lost. I found one first.”
Cal hums. “Best two out of three? This place is open for another five hours.”
The two of them exchange looks for a full second before Merrin jumps out of her chair and rushes into the depths of the library. Greez yelps and follows her as fast as he can without running. Cere hides her face, as though that will keep people from realizing they’re with her. Cal laughs, covering his mouth with his book. His eyes peek over, glittering in mirth. He pulls the book away, and holds it to his cheek, leaning in like he has a secret. Cere can’t help but lean in to hear it.
“I already know the language,” he admits.
Cere blinks at him then laughs loudly – nearly getting them kicked out of the library.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
The Pull of the Dark
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Another one. This is probably the longest oneshot I’ve made after that other story set during a ball in Naboo. I had fun writing this though, in fact too much because I went beyond with the word count.
Hope you would still enjoy this! :) I’m going to make a masterlist soon if I’ve made enough.
1 of ?
Read the next.
You feel yourself shifting back to reality. You open your eyes and look around. Seated by your side is Cal, who welcomes you back with a smile.
“One more go?” He said invitingly.
You both resume meditation position, it took a few minutes for you to reach out and step in subconsciously. Even in your motionless seat, something troubled you that it caused your eyebrows to furrow.
You had a feeling: warmth, softness, and then finally cool winds.
You began to see: the grass, the life around the planet, until… 
Something felt cold, lifeless, and artificial.
The abrupt change caused your eyes to shoot open. Something doesn’t feel right. Cal is not by your side anymore.
No response, except for the echo of your voice saying his name.
I don’t think he went back to the ship. You tell yourself.
You navigate your way from the subterranean refuge to the surface, hopping from one rock top to another until you got to the rock column where the ship is; to your surprise, instead of finding the ship, you ended up at the mesa—but the Binog is absent from its nest.
“I swear I went the right way,” you reassured yourself.
No use in crying over it, then. Might as well take the opportunity to explore this part while the Binog is nowhere to be seen. You’re not surprised that it’s like any other plateau in the planet until something interesting caught your attention.
A crater, no bigger than the hole traps that lead straight down to Oggdo Bogdo’s den.
You knelt by the rim and saw that very little sunlight poured through it—despite the size of the mouth. You pick up a small rock, raised it in mid-height and released it from your fingers.
It was silent for a few seconds, estimated to be at least 15 seconds, until the rock’s impact to the surface sounded—albeit not too faint, not loud either—and you wagered it’d be just a six-foot drop, if you land on the right spot.
You search for vines or rocks that could serve as footholds and handholds to climb down on. You positioned yourself to climb down, so far so good. It has been a few meters from the mouth now, you just have to pace yourself and levy your weight just right to avoid the vines from snapping.
A vine that you were holding on to snapped apart! You exclaimed and fell to the unknown abyss. Your back stung from the impact of hitting the water’s surface. The cold pricked and nipped at your pores, you kick and flail underwater but the water felt magnetized, pulling you ever deeper.
“Relax, young Padawan. Impatience can dull your mind and focus.”
Master, was that you? Master, where are you?!
You swerve around in the water. The voice sounded clear despite being heard underwater. You search for your late master’s voice or face, but nothing can be seen through the blur of the midnight-blue water.
You stopped panicking and propelled yourself upwards for air. You swam to the surface and pulled yourself up from the water. The cold from the water and the chill of the wind did a number on you as you trembled and twitched; struggling to relax and let the warmth set in, you thought it was best to walk it off.
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generallynerdy · 3 years
And they’ve already began forgetting, whether they know it or not (Cal Kestis/Hera Syndulla/Kanan Jarrus)
Summary: With Vader on their tails, Cal tells Hera a hard truth. She doesn’t want to hear it, but she needs to. The only question is, will Kanan ever forgive them for this?
Warnings: Angst, Fake Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Burns, Serious Injuries, Self-Sacrifice, Goodbyes, Nightmares, Scars
Word Count: 2,343
Prompt: Angstpril Day 1 - “You have to let me go.”
Author’s Note: you know the Inquisitor!Cal concept I was ranting about? Yeah, this is the start of it lol. I saw that the first Angstpril prompt matched one of my lines of dialogue perfectly and lost my shit, so it’s basically destiny. I hope to continue this in the future as a series, but for now enjoy this terrible, depressing one-shot. :) Title is from Obituary Generator by Mariah Bosch.
Read On AO3
She won’t stop running. Her body burns with the effort and Cal tugs her hand, trying to stop her, but she keeps going. She may not be able to feel the poison of Vader’s presence quite so literally as he and Kanan can, but she knows he’s not far away.
“They’re in the tunnel, it’s not much farther—” she manages breathlessly.
“Hera, stop!”
He stops cold, forcing her to turn and face him.
The lights flicker in the lifeless hallway, the pair the only people in sight. The floor is cold and the walls dark, the choking colour scheme of an Imperial fortress. Cal feels it more than she does; the Force here is entirely dark and threatens to drown him each passing moment. Maybe that’s why he’s more winded than his Twi’lek companion, or maybe it’s the lightsaber wound across his chest.
Hera had managed to save him from dying at Vader’s blade, but that scar will always remain. It burns into his skin like shame.
“If Vader catches up,” Cal gasps out, breath heaving, “he’ll kill all of us.”
“He won’t if we keep going,” she says sharply, ever sure of herself. “C’mon—”
He pulls her back before she can keep walking. “Hera.” It’s firm and fearful enough to keep her still. “I can distract him.”
BD-1, on the floor next to his feet, wails in distress.
Her eyes widen. ���No. No! No, absolutely not—”
“I’m a liability,” he argues, unable to even gesture to his injury without wincing at the pull. “He can’t get his hands on the holocron. If you run ahead, you can get it to Kanan and Cere and the three of you can get the hell out of here.”
“He will kill you!” She grabs his poncho and holds him close. “Or worse, turn you into an Inquisitor!”
Cal cradles her face, his eyes shining with desperation. “My life for thousands,” he whispers. “Like my Masters before me.”
“I can’t let you do this, Cal.”
Already, she’s crying. He’s a stubborn son of a bitch and they both know it. The decision might have already been made, considering the ache she already feels in her chest. It’s not her choice and yet she feels guilt rise like nausea.
He reveals the Holocron, pressing it into her shaking hands. “Bring it to Cere. Protect it with your lives or destroy it,” he orders. “Give those kids the chance me and Kanan never got.”
The chance to live. He thinks of Master Jaro, of Master Depa, Grey, and Styles. He thinks of his fellow Padawans, all cut down in the name of power. But most of all he thinks of the children listed in that Holocron, who have committed a crime all their lives without ever knowing it.
BD whirrs and it pulls in Cal’s chest. He gives a sad smile, crouching to the little droid’s height.
“Go with Hera, buddy, okay? She’ll take care of you.” He pets BD’s head, trying to ignore the whines he makes. After a moment, he looks back up at Hera. “I’ll hold him back as long as I can.”
A sob lodges itself in Hera’s throat. “Kanan will never forgive you.”
It’s supposed to be a joke, but Cal shuts his eyes tight, pained by the thought as he stands again.
“And you will?” he asks with a rueful huff of laughter.
She puts a gentle hand on his cheek, caressing a scar that rests there. “I already have,” she murmurs.
He shuts his eyes again, that same grimace on his face as he rests his forehead against hers. Then, he kisses her. It’s gentle and drawn out, a lingering sensation against her salty lips. She takes it with an aching sort of grief, the pit of a forbidden knowledge heavy in her stomach. No one should know when their last interaction with someone is, but she does.
“That was for you,” Cal says when he pulls back.
He kisses her again, fiercely this time. It has a message, one she doesn’t understand.
“That was for Kanan.”
He’ll understand it, even if she never will.
Hera hugs him, burying her face in his shoulder as his hand rests on her back. One of her lekku twists around his wrist, as if reminding her of his steadily beating pulse.
Alarms begin to roar around them, a warning.
“Hera.” It’s gentle at first, but he must sense something because desperation catches in his voice. “You have to let me go. Let go. Hera, let go.”
He pries her off, taking her hands in his gloved ones. Though it’s ridiculous, he wishes that an Echo of hers would spark to life and give him one last memory to think of. Instead, he’s left wiping away the remnant of a tear from her cheek. He steps back after, pulling his lightsaber off his belt.
Hera swallows. “Cal, I—”
I love you.
She can’t say it. And she curses herself for it.
They’ve never needed words, but it would mean everything to hear it out loud, just once. Just once, she begs her own unmoving lips.
He smiles, knowing and sad and all the more infuriating. “Me, too,” he whispers.
Not too far away now, another lightsaber buzzes to life.
“Go,” he says finally, his face sharpening into something like determination. “Get out of here!”
She nods and tucks the holocron away into her jacket, allowing BD to hop onto her shoulder. Her first steps are in lead boots, but finally, she manages to shake herself out of her stupor and turn away, running toward the exit. It takes everything in her not to look back, not to seek out one last glimpse of that fiery red hair and the twin pair of yellow blades that snap and hiss as they activate. BD watches, though, a little light blinking on the side of his head. He chirps, almost like a goodbye, but Cal never hears it.
Opposite Cal, the shadow of the galaxy’s golden age looms. He brandishes his blood-red blade, bathed in red and yellow light. His rasping breaths haunt the air.
Though it burns more than anything Cal has ever felt before, he twirls his double-bladed lightsaber, letting its golden light wash over him, secure in the knowledge that his fate is his own.
Finally, the ghost speaks.
“Your attempts are admirable, but useless. You and your friends will fall at my hand. There is no escape.”
“Does it look like I’m running?” Cal asks, settling into a fighting stance. “Musty bitch.”
Hera flies up from bed, her throat burning like she’s been screaming.
A jerk away from the cold metal wall of her bunk sends her over the edge of it, right toward the floor. She has half a second to close her eyes and brace herself for the impact, but—
It never comes.
She opens her eyes, only to find the floor a few inches away. A green mist encompasses her body, holding her up and keeping her safe. Glancing at the door of her room, she sees Merrin in the doorway, her fingers smoking with that same green mist.
“You should think about installing railings,” the Nightsister says dryly.
Hera only huffs and tenses when she starts to move. With a wave of Merrin’s pale hand, she’s standing upright and is let down carefully. She steadies herself with a deep breath, unaware of the little droid at her friend’s heels.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, dusting herself off. Then, she glances up. “How did you know I was—?”
“I didn’t. Cere asked me to check on you. Lucky for your face.”
If Hera didn’t know her any better, it would be sharp, but unfortunately, she does. So, she snorts. “Lucky for the floor.”
She goes to stretch, her muscles sore with sleep. Instead, she stops abruptly, wincing when her lekku tingles. Lifting a hand to its end, she doesn’t notice the flash of concern on Merrin’s face until she speaks again.
“Fine, just slept on it funny. It’s numb,” she admits with a rueful laugh.
Raising an eyebrow, Merrin wiggles her fingers, miming magick. “I can help,” she suggests.
Hera visibly hesitates. “...you can?”
Nightsister magicks tend to be dark, according to Kanan and, once upon a time, Cal, but that doesn’t mean they always are. They have the capacity to heal and, though aware of that, Hera didn’t realise they could help with numbness of all things.
“A touch of healing magick and a massage,” Merrin explains shortly. “It’s not rocket science.”
Hera laughs. “If it were, I’d understand it.” Then, she nods. “I’d appreciate it.”
They settle on the bottom bunk, which usually belongs to Sabine. However, the teen has been trying to barter for the top bunk and, with this latest fall, Hera is tempted to give in. The young Mandalorian is sturdier than she is and far less prone to night terrors.
Merrin has a surprisingly gentle touch, carefully interwoven with wisps of glowing mist. Despite her initial reluctance, Hera lets out a grateful sigh when the feeling starts to return to her lekku. It’s like walking around swinging a numb arm; intensely uncomfortable. While Merrin works, BD-1 approaches, beeping concernedly and nudging the Twi’lek’s leg with his head.
“I’m okay, BD,” she reassures gently.
After a moment, Merrin speaks in a whisper. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Hera has to look away from BD-1, something in her chest wrenching. She shuts her eyes. “No,” she says finally. “Not really.”
Merrin must notice her reaction to their droid friend because after a long enough moment to be somewhat normal, she speaks to him. “BD, could you go find her head wrap? She might have left it on the Mantis.”
He leaps up, chirping determinedly. When he rushes out of the room, intent on helping, Hera can’t help but let out a breath of relief.
Still working away, Merrin sighs. “You should hang back when we get to Lothal. We could use a pilot in case things go wrong.”
“Greez already offered,” she reminds her, frowning.
“The Mantis isn’t exactly ideal for the type of cargo we’re... borrowing.” She pauses. “Besides, you need a break.”
“I’m fine.”
She scoffs. “Yes, falling from your bed in a fit of terror is the behaviour of a fine person.” At Hera’s silence, she sighs again. “Look, I’m not the only one who’s noticed. Things have been difficult lately and whatever you see in your sleep isn’t helping. Just...let yourself rest, Hera. The galaxy won’t implode if you take a nap.”
Tell that to the Empire. Maybe they’d hold off on pulling the trigger, she thinks ruefully.
Eventually, she relaxes, and when Merrin finishes, BD reappears. This time, however, he’s not alone. Kanan stands a step behind him, eyes tight with worry. The weight on his shoulders lessens minutely at the sight of Hera.
BD ignores him, running up to the Twi’lek with her leather headwrap held tight in one metal foot. He beeps excitedly as he hands it to her.
She gives him as much of a smile as she can currently manage. “Thank you, BD. You’re my hero.”
He nudges her fondly before scampering over to Merrin, who huffs amusedly.
“C’mon,” she says, leaning down as she stands from the bunk so he can leap onto her shoulder. “Let’s see if we can’t coax Rabid out, hm?”
On their way out of the room, she sends a knowing glance at both Hera and Kanan before the door shuts behind her. Her voice, directed toward the devil droid on her shoulder, starts to fade after a few moments, growing more distant.
“I…” Kanan has to clear his throat, which is drier than Tatooine. “I felt your distress in the Force. Came back as soon as I could. You okay?”
Hera takes a moment to slip on her headwrap, grateful at the fact that her lekku are no longer tingling. “Better now, I think,” she admits.
He takes a step forward, asking. At her nod, he moves to sit beside her on the lower bunk and pulls her to his side. She rests her head on his shoulder. Shutting her eyes, she finally lets herself relax, knowing that she must be safe here, of all places. She takes comfort in Kanan’s touch and the way he runs his thumb across her shoulder, too. His breath of relief against her forehead makes her smile, just a little.
(And it certainly helps to clutch the stupid poncho he’s wearing in her hand. It’s an ugly near-white with black patterning that forms an arrow near the bottom. Outlander was what Cal called it. He loved giving them dramatic names like he’d made his own clothing line or something. Hera hates the Outlander one.)
“Nightmares?” he murmurs.
She nods slightly.
He hesitates, but finally asks what she’s anticipating. “The same one again?”
“Isn’t it always?” she retorts, more sad than sharp. There’s a long moment of silence before she speaks again and when she does, her voice wavers. “I can’t remember what he looked like.”
“I know he had a scar on his cheek and across the bridge of his nose, that he had red hair and green eyes and the cutest karking smile in the galaxy, but I can’t remember it,” Hera says shakily. “I know what he should look like, but I can’t...picture it. And it drives me insane.”
Kanan squeezes her shoulder. “It’s been ten years. I forget, too.”
“I hate it,” she whispers.
The kiss to her temple is sweet and soft and it should bring her some sort of relief, but it doesn’t. It’s not nearly enough and Kanan knows that. There’s nothing he can do to soothe the ache in her chest where Cal used to live, because he can’t even soothe his own gaping wound.
All he can do is hold her close and say: “I know. I know.”
But, thinking of tear-stained, freckled cheeks and a bitter kiss goodbye, she can’t help but wonder if he really does.
River’s Tags: @mystoragehatesme & @hahaboop
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
SW JFO Fic Masterlist
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This list will probably expand, but for now I’ll post the links that direct to the stories I’ve published so far :)
Cal x Reader Imagine - You and Cal meet again after the Purge.
Imagine Prompt: Bad Dreams
Hath Heart Love Till Now
Imagine Prompt: Meditation
The Pull of the Dark
Worth Protecting - Prompted by Anon :)
Love’s Mischievous Twin - Prompt: Jealous Cal
Imagine Prompt: Overprotective Cal
Inseparable Dyad
Imagine Prompt: Jealous Reader
Refuge in Sorgan
Can I Keep You? - Requested by @stellar-trinity
Huge Faith For A Little Droid
Come Back To You
Bad Dreams Don’t Come True - Requested by @peterwandaparker
Can’t Keep The Doctor Away - Requested by Anon | Trilla x Fem OC | First one ever!
A Test of Wills - Requested by Anon
His Spark of Light - Requested by @stellar-trinity
Playing Pretend - Requested by @calkesttiss
A Flicker of Rebellion - Requested by @calkesttiss
The Two Faces of Bracca - Requested by @someoneovertherainbowx
Flying Lessons
Just Us Now - Prompted and requested by @calgasm
A Path I Can’t Follow
Perseverance Over Pride - requested by @stellar-trinity
Day Off - requested by @peterwandaparker
What You Fear To Lose - requested by Anon
Just A Scratch - requested by @berenilion
The Haunt of Redemption - Sequel of A Path I Can’t Follow
Old Friend, New Family - requested by Anon
Festival of Flowers - requested by @peterwandaparker
Bad Ideas Make Good Memories - requested by @queen-destenie
The Longing For A Familiar Feeling
A Legacy Begun - requested and prompted by Anons
Say Love - song prompt requested by Anon
Stronger Than Blood - requested by Anon
Two Sides of the Coin - original fic with supporting prompt from Anon :)
Little Secrets That You Know That I Never Told - requested by Anon
A Time Where Innocence Prevailed - requested by Anon
Someone Left to Save - requested by Anon
In the Face of Fear - requested by @stellar-trinity
A Shadow of What You Used to Be - requested Anon | Fem! OC used
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Hey isk if you are taking requests right now, but I’ll shoot my shot anyway : Can I request an imagine with Cal Kestis where the reader is also a Jedi who’s feeling down/sad (for whatever reason you feel like) and Cal feels it through the force and helps her feel better?? Loads of fluff and kisses if possible, thank you I really love your writing🥺🥺💖
Hi there! Yeah, I’m taking requests right now ^-^ that’s an interesting prompt you got there. Coincidentally, I was starting a fic that seem to have blended well with your request ;) I hope you enjoy this fic, hun! And thank you, you’re very kind 🥺🥺💖
“Bad Dreams Don’t Come True”
Cal Kestis x Reader
The chirping of the crickets hidden amongst the tall grass, the whispers of the Saava within the tree roots and niches, the snoring of the Slyyygs in their damp dens—Kashyyyk is asleep. The water trickling from the rocks and trees was enough of a lullaby to drift the partisans to sleep. However, even in the midst of peace, there is a storm brewing within.
You lie awake in bed, keeping the tossing and the turning to a minimum. Cal’s breathing kept a slow rhythm. You study his face illuminated by what little light there is in the ship’s quarters; you trace the freckles that riddled his cheeks and your eyes follow the scar on his nose bridge that had already blended into his skin. Slight flits of his eyelids and the little twitches the corner of his mouth made you wonder what he might be dreaming about.
You leave bed and head on to the galley for a cup of water. Contemplating on what to do with the insomnia. After one last chug of the water, you immediately went back to bed and mentally coaxed yourself to sleep.
The next morning, Cal woke up to finding your side of the bed empty. He gets up and walks to the galley.
“Good morning, Cal,” Cere greeted while pouring tea. “Have some breakfast first.”
“And [y/n]?”
Cere shot him a clueless look, “She went out early, said she needed to do something.”
“Did she now? Where?”
“Last I saw her she was just here at the landing pad.”
Cal stepped out of the Mantis but does not see you. He finds your handiwork at the west corner of the hangar instead—tools and datapads scattered on the floor. It’s a mess.
Shortly after, you arrive back to your spot in the hangar and find Cal crouched to the floor peering over your work.
“Good morning,” you simply said.
“Hey, good morning. You’re up early,”
“Yeah, fancied fixing this speeder bike I hijacked from a scout. Nothing I can’t fix though,”
He watched you tinker away with the speeder’s chassis on the table. You were so absorbed with it, but he stayed there—watching you and sometimes handing over the tools you needed but was within his reach. He knew that you were just trying to distract yourself.
“You were tossing and turning last night,” Cal finally starts the conversation.
“Sorry, I tried to be careful. I didn’t mean to wake you,”
“Bad dream?”
“It’s nothing I can’t sleep off,”
Cal nodded, he knows that he’s not going to get to you that easily. Yet he can see how upset you are, even when you’re denying it until the lie you tell yourself becomes truth. Whatever question he throws, you either segue to a different topic or just don’t answer at all.
He gave up for now. He didn’t want to upset you further and left you to your business. There were times that he still wanted his presence known such as lending you more of his tools and parts, handing you some lunch when you forgot to eat.
He may not see the whole picture of the thoughts in your mind, but he can sense your feelings—they were strong, loud, and dark. The latter worried him. There was a swirling darkness about it that he wanted to know more about, he bit his tongue, thinking that he didn’t want to further upset you by pressing into the matter.
Later that night, Cal begged you to stop for tonight. Clearly, the speeder bike needed a lot of work considering the wear and tear it had gotten over time. The chassis you worked on was a bust and you had to figure out what else it needed to get it running again.
“Come on,” Cal coaxed. “Don’t make me carry you against your will.”
“Oh I bet you’d love that,” you teased as you unzipped your jumpsuit’s top and tied the sleeves around your waist.
You got your consequence. Cal reeled you in by the waist, riddled your ticklish neck with kisses before scooping you up in his arms and marching to the Mantis. Lying down together, neither of you spoke whilst cuddling; he just glided his fingertips over your smooth skin—he reached for your thighs, traced to your arms, and then your collarbone. Ironically, his battle-scarred hands had a certain softness that relaxed you. He planted a kiss on your bare shoulder, then his lips wandered to your neck, and then a long, final one on the cheek before drifting to sleep.
You were almost too afraid to doze off. Because there will be no control from you by the time the nightmares set in—but you were exhausted.
Your eyes shot up, you gasped and woke in a cold sweat. You could have sworn you only closed your eyes for a few seconds, but it somehow felt like hours since. Massaging the bridge of your nose, you wonder if you were awake or dreaming because it still feels like real life although a little different. You find Cal missing in bed, you hear a clattering noise coming from the galley. The anxiety faded.
Oh thank God, he must be having a glass of water. You thought.
You stand up from bed and call to him again. Not a single response, not a grunt or whatever. Nonetheless, you head to the galley—only to find it empty. Your eyebrows pulled in confusion and looked around—it clearly wasn’t your little stowaway, otherwise it would have been caught red-handed. Something wasn’t right. You immediately untied and wore your jumpsuit on and then headed out of the ship.
The hangar was empty, so is the hallway that led to the elevator between the hangar and forest trench. More noise came from the narrow annex on the right, you continued to follow it in the hope that it would be Cal—it was empty again, yet something in it drew you to jump down from the platform.
Something came from behind, you sensed the danger the split second your boots touched the soil below. You turned around with lightsaber already ignited and found an opening that had never been there before. A menacing figure emerged from the pitch black mouth of the cave. Whatever it was, it didn’t idle in the darkness for too long, it was eager to face you. Here comes the one you have been looking for—but not exactly in the way you wanted to.
It was Cal. His face had been distorted. The lining of his eyes were swollen red, bags were under them too, and the skin of his face had become sallow; but there was a frightening tenacity in the way he appeared before you. You sucked in air and held your arms up.
“Cal? Is it…? No…”
The only reaction that came from him was a low, throaty growl as his face wrinkled with anger—one that seems to be directed only to you.
He wielded a red lightsaber, there was rage and hate in his eyes that you couldn’t comprehend; at the same time, there was something in you that you couldn’t stop—let alone control—you dueled with this impersonator. In a second’s notice, you immediately thrusted your saber into his heart and realized it too little too late.
The look on his face was wrought with pain. He kept his mouth agape while he choked to breathe. Blood trickled from his eyes as he croaked, struggling to either speak or catch air. Every second that he tried, more blood dripped until it filled out the whites in his eyes. You retracted the saber out of him and the body fell limp at your feet—dead open eyes crying out blood as they stared back at you. The sight was utterly terrorizing. You wanted to blink, close your eyes, or avert from it but you just can’t—you’re stuck to staring at what you just did.
“Good…” a raspy, ancient voice chanted.
You spun around, searching for the source; desperate to find it, the moving has finally made you dizzy and caused you to lose your footing.
The voice easily shifts its tone. At first, it sounded somewhat benevolent, but even so it sent chills down your spine from end to end. Although it eventually turns into a croaking snarl, adding up to the fear of its invisible yet all-seeing presence looming about. Something about that voice was oddly familiar.
“He was weak, you knew from the start,”
NO! You fought.
“Your anger rewards you with great power. The Dark side of the Force favors you,” the voice snarled, emphasizing its latter words.
“NO!” You jolt up, found yourself in a cold sweat gasping for air with the fullness of your lungs.
You immediately jumped out of bed and walked out of the quarters, Cal felt the shuffling of the sheets and felt you leaving bed. He blinked his eyes open, saw you leave, and heard the ship door open. He got up too—he didn’t bother suiting up the top part of his jumpsuit—he simply followed you out.
He finds you sitting alone at the edge of the landing pad where he blew up an entire tank with the AT-AT he hijacked. He sat beside you and just relished the silence for a few moments.
“If it helps, you can talk to me about it,” he persisted to find your gaze as you avoided it, he shyly reached for your hand, and he fiddled with your fingers.
Oh, you sweet, clueless boy. You thought as you looked Cal in the eye while he pursed his lips in, but you couldn’t look at him for long. You look away, contemplating whether you have the strength to put the words and thought together and then say it in front of his face.
He gently cradles your cheek and turns your face to him. He brushes the hair to your ear and cups your cheeks, keeping you locked to his gaze.
“Hey, it’s okay, you can tell me,”
It didn’t take long before you decided to narrate everything from the start to the end. No detail was spared until you started to hesitate when that certain part is almost there. You sucked in air, closed your eyes, and prepared yourself for whatever reaction or comment he’ll have for you.
“Your eyes were yellow. We fought. I killed you…” you choked but attempted to finish, “And then you started crying out blood while you died in front of me—by my hand.”
The concluding part was hearing the voice that was trying to reach into you, by using the Dark side.
“Has it been getting to you often lately?”
“It’s been two days and a half now—if you count today,”
Cal’s face was blank, but the slight twitches in his lips were evident; he could only wonder what the actual picture looked like and concluded that he doesn’t want to know. That dream just burned an awful picture of Cal in your mind. He noticed your erratic fidgeting: your cracked nails were ripping out the cuticles and when that started to hurt, your knuckles were white as bone when you close your hand into a fist.
He saw the way you looked down on your mutilation with great disdain, the moonlight reflected on the tears that glazed your eyes until one teardrop fell. His finger wiped away the stain that the tear left and wrapped his arm around you, pulled you closer for an embrace, and his one hand was enough to hold both of your hands to stop you from hurting yourself.
“It’s alright now, [y/n], don’t worry,” he cooed.
You wrap your small arm around him, embracing him back. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your fingers—wounded or not—and then planted more kisses on the palm of your hand. Later on, his attention trailed to your lips. He brushes the back of his fingers smoothly against your cheek, and then tenderly locked his lips onto yours and he rakes your hair in the sweet spots. Both of you withdrew but he followed up with a kiss on the forehead before propping his chin on your head. His other hand stroked your hair while you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I know you’ll never hurt me, [y/n], you’ve nothing to fear,” he hummed in your ear as he scooped your legs and rested them over his thighs, while he cuddled you warm and tight under the moonlight.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Imagine Prompt: Jealous Reader
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Photo picked up from @darthvronton​
Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: Greez finally takes the crew to Takodana—keeping the promise that he made not too long ago about laying off once everything was over.
Notes: I originally planned this as a sequel to Inseparable Dyad, I tried writing some parts to be ambiguous to its connection with Inseparable Dyad, but I think it works well as a standalone fic too. Either way works anyway, that’s why I made it ambiguous ;)
The Mantis entered the Takodana system via jump to hyperspace. You and Cal have been long awake after your nap, you’ve taken your places in the cockpit—Cal at shotgun, you on the seat opposite Cere.
The off-planet view of Takodana could be seen and appreciated from the Mantis’s windshield. Greez cranks the steering lever forward, you buckled to your seat as the vessel enters the atmosphere; soon enough, the turbulence went away and the crew could sit back and relax. The captain looks for a suitable place to land, not far from the castle but hidden well enough from prying, suspicious eyes.
“Okay, like I promised—Takodana!” Greez exclaimed, almost celebratory in tone.
As soon as you’ve set foot on the cushiony soil of the planet, a strong waft of petrichor invaded your sense of smell. The air was so fresh and clean. Everything about the planet reminded you of Bogano—of home. Unconsciously, you smile at the vast green horizon behind the castle; Cal turned his head to you, stared at you and your infectious smile caught on to him. He smiles to himself.
“Come on, I’ll show you newbies what a real Bloody Rancor tastes like!”
“I’ve never tasted a bleeding Rancor before,” a clueless Merrin blurted.
“No, no. That’s just a beverage name, not a real Rancor bleeding to death!” you explained whilst finding Merrin’s cluelessness somewhat endearing.
Greez was the tour guide for today. After all, he said that the whole crew deserves a day off after that long, exhausting quest and everything else that followed. He led you to the castle’s walls. Upon nearing the high arch that leads to the main door, you looked up high and saw flags flying their colors in the wild wind—there were so many of them that you could no longer see the part of wall where they’re stuck to, because the flags were clustered closely to one another, either way it mesmerized you.
Through the main door, the inside of the castle was like any other cantina—albeit the wider space and more seating areas. The entrance of the Mantis crew caused some curious heads to turn but they quickly looked back away. The last thing you need is more attention.
“Greez!” the voice of a middle-aged female calls from across the room.
“Hey, Maz!” Greez returned the greeting.
“Took you long enough to visit!”
The cantina keeper emerges from the dense crowd of patrons. An orange creature nearly in equal height with Greez appeared. She donned a pair of large glasses which may have made her eyes look slightly bigger than actual. Her voice was wise as it was feisty and lively, there is no doubt she is the castle’s owner. Aside from her appearance, you and Cal could sense something strong coming from Maz—you immediately distinguished that she was a Force-sensitive.
When the niceties and quick catch-up finished between Greez and Maz, he introduced each of you to her, afterwards Maz gave a polite bow to acknowledge all of you. Neither of you may have spoken, but Maz could already sense that you were thinking about her—curious about her, she could almost hear the questions in your head.
In a little while. Maz thought to herself, hoping that you would pick up the hint.
“Welcome to my castle, feel free to go about as you please. Help yourself to some drinks at the bar, put it on Greez’s tab if you like,” she said half-jokingly.
“Aww come on, don’t be like that, Maz! Say we split 50-50?”
Maz didn’t verbally respond, she just chuckled and dismissively waved at the group before walking up to a group she was initially speaking with prior to your arrival. Merrin decided to look around and order later, Cere wanted to sit down already and relax.
“I’ll have whatever you guys are having,” Cere said before going to look for a seat.
All that’s left is you, Cal, and Greez. The three of you sat by the bar, the bartender was a teal, female Twi’lek. As soon as Cal takes his seat on the barstool, she slowed down in wiping the glass in her hand.
“Hey there, delicious,” the Twi’lek spoke in a suggestive hushed tone, when that caught your and Cal’s attention, she continued on with the act. “Anything I could get for you?”
Cal was evidently taken aback by the display, he subtly pulled mere inches away from the Twi’lek while slowly raising his eyebrow at her. You propped your chin on your fist, a look that screamed “What did she just say?” plastered all over your face.
“Uh yeah, five Bloody Rancors, maybe?”
“I’ll get right on it,” she flashed a coy smile before turning around to work on your drinks.
You and Cal shot looks at one another, shrugging shoulders and throwing raised eyebrows back and forth with each other. Your free hand gestured to the Twi’lek, your body language echoing “Is she for real?”
Suppressing your growing irritation made you eerily silent and withdrawn. Greez calls the bartender and tells her to just serve it on their table, she acknowledged the request but kept her eyes on Cal. The Twi’lek was exuding so much attraction to Cal that she’s practically reeking of it.
The three of you immediately left the bar and searched for Cere and Merrin. The flow of the conversation was natural but you were unconsciously out of it, you barely interacted with the crew; Cal sensed the jealousy from the start, he put his arm around you to comfort you and you gradually picked up the conversation. The Twi’lek bartender served the drinks to your table, she noticed Cal’s arm over your shoulder, she maintained eye contact on Cal but you had eyes on her too. Your gaze pierced the Twi’lek, her seductive smirk reduces to a poker face and then leaves. Cal noticed your silence in her presence until she was gone and so he slightly tightens his grip on you.
The Bloody Rancor was apparently a one-hit wonder among the Mantis crew, even Merrin liked it! The chatter and the stories mingled with the patrons’, you decided to explore the rest of the castle and you hurriedly dismissed yourself, making up the excuse of forgetting something back in the ship. Cal waited for a few more paces before following you. He saw you heading back to the ship.
Cal waited a few more minutes before entering the Mantis. He heard the sparking of the soldering iron, the clinking of tools, and the crunching of screws and bolts being wrenched in. He followed the sound and found you in your lonesome by the workbench.
“Hey,” he called.
You glanced over your shoulder, repeated the word, and promptly returned to your handicraft.
“Something wrong?”
“No, not really. I just suddenly found the castle too… crowded,” you muttered and had a dry follow-up. “You should get back there, the bartender might miss you.”
Cal stepped forward, filling up the tiny space beside you by the workbench. He leans his waist against the edge of the table, crossed his arms against his chest, and simply watched you tweak on your gadgets. He knew that you were deliberately trying to avoid eye contact with him; surprisingly, his presence made you a little shaky, you weren’t holding your tools firmly as you should until you accidentally nipped yourself with wire cutters.
“Ow!” You hissed.
Cal immediately took your hand. You didn’t cut yourself luckily, but you nipped yourself hard enough for the base of your pointer finger to get swollen.
“It’s nothing,” you dismissed.
“No, you’re hurt,”
His thumb softly ran across your wound, you gently attempt to pull it away but his grip felt too secure albeit gentle, and then your fingers curled and encased his fingers. Cal slowly closes in on you with your hand held close to his heart.
“I’m fine really, you should go back, they’re probably looking for you,” you continue to dismissively mutter but Cal isn’t budging.
“I don’t think they’ll mind,” his voice was now only a whisper to you.
“Won’t they now?” you muttered.
“Stop talking,”
The gap between you two has vanished, he pulled himself towards you, and then the next thing you knew he has his lips locked onto yours. He dips his tongue into your mouth and a chill ran swiftly down your spine, your heart skipped a beat, failing to conceal your surprise. He gently lets go of your hand, cups your jaw with both hands and intensifies his kiss—causing you to throw your arms around his shoulder, pressing him closer to you whilst you rake his hair with your slender fingers until you gently gripped it.
You felt his smile in the middle of the kiss, you smiled too. His thumb ran across your jaw, his fingers were slowly sinking into the flesh of your neck—in response, you prodded your tongue which caught him by surprise this time. When you pulled away from the kiss, he followed up with another kiss on your forehead and then his lips trail down to the tip of your nose. Suggestive smiles beamed at one another as soon as you found each other’s eyes. Cal playfully pinched your cheek and added another kiss, a quick peck on the lips.
“We should really get back there,” you giggled.
Cal playfully made a pensive expression, squinting his eyes and smacking his lips.
“Yeah, I think we can stay a little bit longer,” he concluded.
You insisted to go back inside, with the half-joke that your drinks are getting warm. You grabbed both of his hands and led him out of the Mantis, the pair of you head back into the castle hand-in-hand. Along the way, he pulled you to him until he could lock his arms around your waist and embrace you, bury his nose on your shoulder and then sneak little kisses on your ear. Your giggles echoed on the outer foyer of the castle until you got back inside and rejoined to catch up with the crew and Maz.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Thank you so much for answering my questions! I just wanted to know if you take requests/ideas? If you do, could you do something based off of “Kiss Me” by Ed Sheeran? Something that encapsulates the lyrics and overall mood of the song? Soft, deep, riveting, soulful? If you don’t take requests, that’s fine and feel free to disregard! Again, keep up the STELLAR work! 🥰💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
Firstly, you’re welcome, hun! I actually read your ask last night and listened to the song on repeat until today. It’s my first time to hear about the song and OMG I LOVE IT ALREADY NEXT TO “PHOTOGRAPH”! I hope this fic really did encapsulate the song in general. I tried my best haha but thank you for the support! Hope you enjoy the fic! 💕💞💖💗💓❤
“Can I Keep You?”
It was like any other normal day.
You and Cal had the workshop all to yourselves. He seems to have finished on whatever he was working on, but you were still busy—particularly with soldering the new pipes to replace the old rusty ones. He saw you take off your protective mask and put down the soldering iron, he walked up behind you and slipped his arm around your waist—reeling you in so he could hold you.
“How are things going on your side?”
“Doing alright—won’t be having any wonky pipes soon,”
“Great. Meet me later tonight at 0900,”
You furrowed your eyebrows in a playful manner, “What’s up?”
“You’ll see,” that was all he answered, then he brushed the hair from your cheek and planted a kiss right then and there.
Without waiting for your reaction, he waltzes out of the workshop and heads upstairs, back onto the surface. His excuse? He needs something from the abode.
So many guesses ran in your head but none of them seem to check out. You shrug, chuckle to yourself and then continued your handiwork with the pipes.
The work was finally done. You didn’t realize that it took you until the evening to finish up the workshop. You washed up and changed to cleaner clothes after the grime collected on your former jumpsuit. It’s only 20 minutes before 0900 hits. For the benefit of the doubt, you donned your favorite black jumpsuit ensemble.
You realized that he didn’t say where. As soon as you stepped out of the workshop yourself, you hear the pitter-patter of BD-1’s feet.
“Hey there, buddy, have you seen Cal?”
He replied with a series of chirps and trills. His antennas were wagging eagerly, he seems happy.
“Really now? Alright, lead the way then.”
Following BD-1 out in the open, you realize you didn’t often get the chance to appreciate the splendor of Bogano at night. In the comfort of your thoughts, you hoped tonight will be one of those nights that you will. You stood in front of the wall of the vines, you tilt your head up to the hole.
“Cal?” you called.
His head popped out into sight and greeted you with a smile of relief and excitement.
“Come on up!”
You bent down to let BD-1 perch on your shoulder before scaling the wall with ease. When you hoisted your upper body to the surface, you saw the quaint little setup that he’s made: a pair of bowls and glasses atop a blanket. BD-1 sprang away from your shoulder and then skittered towards Cal’s setup.
You smile and quickly glanced at him, thoroughly impressed the work he’s put on. You bring yourself to the surface, Cal assisted you like the gentleman that he is, and escorted you to your romantic table setting. Both of you settled yourselves down.
“Wow, you sure made yourself busy while I was gone,”
“Well, I wanted to make sure it’s extra special, it’s something I’ve been thinking of for a while now.”
He handed you your bowl of food, you clinked spoons together and took your own first bites. From the texture and taste, you knew it was Phillak steak. Cal asked how the food was, you asked if he made this himself, and he confidently said yes.
“I thought BD-1 was the only one full of surprises!”
He places a poncho over your shoulders as the cold wind began to set in, while you continue to enjoy the hearty meal complemented by Cal’s company and stories. In turn, you had your own share of stories—adventures and misadventures alike. He pours blue milk into two glasses, handing you one while keeping the other.
“A toast?” you suggested.
“Well,” he paused briefly. “To new memories and stories. Together.”
You smile, “To new memories and stories—together.”
Your glasses clink against one another and brought the glass to your lips. The classic taste of the silky blue milk tickling your tongue. You purse in your lips to lick the foam that stuck on your mouth after taking a sip.
“Missed a spot,” said Cal, then he promptly ran his thumb across your lip.
Out of the blue, there was a faint, chiming sound; at first, the sound came in one at a time, until it started becoming more obvious and more in succession. At the corner of your eye, white lines came and go from your sight. You turn your head to the sky and what you saw simply took your breath away.
A meteor shower.
It seems the galaxy is in Cal’s favor.
“Oh my God,” you gasped.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of it, you were positively overwhelmed. The midnight blue stretch of sky was now riddled with streaks of light that come and go, followed by another but vanishes as quickly as they appeared.
Cal appreciated the celestial spectacle, but he can’t seem to get enough of the sight sitting by his side. The smile on his lips was secret from you as he watches the starlight fill your eyes.
And at that moment, when he saw your smile, he knew that he’s found a true north in you.
“It’s all so beautiful…” you sighed.
“Yeah, beautiful,” he echoed.
Your head shifts to him, you caught him staring at you but he does not deny it, he has retained his small yet coy smile. You felt your heart has skipped a beat.
Cal promptly stands up and offers you to take his hand. Now on your feet, he positions his hand on your waist, he takes your arm to his shoulder and your other arm followed. In the serene silence of this evening, there was music playing within you—a gentle melody that only you and he can hear. An unspoken dyad.
Whilst slow dancing beneath the stars, you pressed yourself against his body, locking an embrace between the both of you–you’re feeling his heart pounding loudly through your hand on his chest. A smile privately stretches across your face as you close your eyes.
Cal takes a deep breath, his chest heaved on your cheek. “I know that… attachments are forbidden to the Jedi, but I just can’t help but think…”
He struggled, but you still listened in earnest.
“I may be breaking one of the rules that I’ve known all my life but…”
But? Your mind urged.
“Can I keep you?”
Cal continued to ramble on—unconsciously denying you a chance to answer—finding good reasons to justify his true feelings for you. He eventually comes at a loss for words. He feels as if he’s said everything, though not in the order that he probably planned in his head. You actually found it endearing.
You gingerly press your fingertips upon his lips. He fixates a fond gaze on you, it was greeted by your smile.
“You talk too much,” you whispered.
The tips of your toes took on your weight as you reached for his lips. He gladly welcomes the kiss. When you pulled away, his cheeks flushed in color and your heart raced erratically. Deeply looking into each other’s eyes—without a word, Cal understood. He brushes his finger across your cheek, tracing the faint contours of your face, and then finally settling on your lips.
“I love you,” he confessed.
“I know,”
He pulls in closer to you until there was no gap anymore. He repays your kiss tenderly and with a growing passion as he gently caresses your jaw. His free hand slipped around your waist again like earlier and pulls you in closer to the point your hip touches his thighs. You return that same passion by wrapping your arms around his neck. Cal’s free arm snakes around the small of your back, joining the other arm, and lifts you up from the ground.
Soft, secret chuckles formed between the little space that gaped between your noses. Cal inched his face closer to yours, the tip of his nose softly brushing against yours before planting a soft peck. He gently puts you down but doesn’t let you go, he kept his arms around your waist and your body close to his as he presses his lips against your forehead.
Tonight just took the title of best night of your life so far.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
I absolutely love your Cal x Reader writings! Is it possible that you could write a prompt that the reader ends up getting injured in battle, and Cal helps treat their wounds? With a mix of fluff and angst? If not, no worries! Thank you!
Thank you, Anon! I’m glad you like my stuff. Great suggestion and prompt! :D I hope you and other enjoy reading this fic. I hope the build-up is worth it too haha 😅
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Worth Protecting : Cal Kestis x Reader
Part 1 of ? | Read the next.
It was a lazy afternoon in Bogano.
You, Cal, and Merrin were playing games to pass the time. Greez was tending to his terrarium, secretly conversing with the plants—since he believed that talking to plants boosts their growth speed—and Cere was busy tinkering with the comms in the ship.
Cere suddenly appeared from the cockpit and strode to the galley, a great urgency rung in her voice.
“We have to go,”
“Go?” Greez’s head jerked to Cere’s direction. “Go where?”
“To Coruscant.”
You and Cal stopped with whatever you were doing, your heads turn to Cere as well. Cal’s eyes were filled with shock while you sat there frozen with your mouth gaping open.
“You’re kidding?” you raised your brow at her.
“There’ll be time for questions—when we land.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Cal groaned.
Cere gestured Greez to hurry to the captain’s seat and set course for Coruscant. Cal took his shotgun seat while you and Merrin sat together on the couch by the holotable. For the rest of the trip, Merrin noticed that you have been queasy—at first, she assumed that you might have motion sickness but realized that you never had problems while travelling, especially through hyperspace. She gingerly places her hand on yours and her fingers softly clutched onto yours.
“You’re uneasy. Is there something wrong?”
“Coruscant used to be our home. During the Purge, it has been destroyed, I was there with my master but we were trying to escape that time,”
Cal overheard you, his last memories of that place flew into his head; the last time he was there, it was three days before the Purge—that was also the last time he saw you. Three days before the Purge, he remembered running up to you after the lecture, he was about to tell you that he was going with Tapal in a Republic command ship on the way to Bracca.
“I wish you and your master could come with us, too bad you’re assigned to Felucia…”
Cal still remembers the words he told you before his departure. Everything went fresh in his mind: his tone quickly shifting from excited to disappointed, how his muscles relaxed from smiling when it morphed into a frown, and how heavy was the sigh that escaped his chest when he shared the news.
“Don’t worry, it’s only for three days. And who knows? Maybe my master and yours would send transmissions to one another—just make sure you show up in the hologram too!”
Your younger self teased. You smiled looking back to that memory. You two planned it even though you two were fully aware you aren’t allowed to send personal transmissions unless necessary to the mission. But you didn’t care, you were too naive and innocent. You thought everything was going to be alright. Both of you did.
Cal swiveled his chair to Cere’s direction.
“Hey, Cere, I know I said ‘where to’ a few days ago but why Coruscant?”
Cere sighed and removed her headpiece. She swiveled her chair to face Cal.
“I’ve been receiving word that looters are ransacking the Jedi Temple—the only point of interest in the ruins now are the Archives. If they so much as unearth any of the holocrons there—”
“The Inquisitors will go after it,”
“Well, I hope Greez floors it,” Cal smiled and swiveled back to face front.
Meanwhile, you have been having trouble relaxing for the duration of the trip. Your chest was tight and heavy at the same time, there was also a quease at the pit of your stomach, and to stop your fingers from twitching you sink your nails to the fullness of your thighs.
“[y/n]?” Merrin softly tapped you on the back of your hand with a single finger. Even her gentleness startled you from that flashback.
“You look restless, are you alright?”
“I… really don’t know, Merrin,”
“You’re not sick, are you?”
You shake your head, and smiled at her for showing concern, “No, I’m fine, just… I just don’t know what to feel.”
Merrin did not speak anymore, but as a way of comforting you, she took you by the hand and clasped it with the other. From the cockpit, you hear Greez telling you to brace yourself as you’re about to land.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
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Cal Kestis x Reader fic
Prompt: Meditation
Enjoy the fic, guys! :) I hope you’ll like and support my future fics too. I have a list in mind ;3
2 of 2
You put down the Bogling and let it go back to its burrow. You turn to face Cal across the water.
“I can help you, if you like. I was about to meditate myself.”
“I’d like that very much, Cal.”
He leaps across the gap with ease, landing in a kneeling position in front of you, and quickly seats himself with legs crossed over one another.
“Look, I’ve noticed…” he trailed off. “That you’ve been struggling. Struggling to reconnect, to heal, and to feel again. It was the same for me, especially in Bracca, I almost lost myself there—who I truly am, a Jedi—because like you, my connection with the Force is scarred.”
He licks his lips, finding the right words to continue.
“I don’t know where to focus my thoughts on. Do I remember Master Tapal when he was alive—before the Purge? My childhood in the Jedi Temple with you—our laughter, our energy as kids? I honestly don’t know why I couldn’t go back to those feelings, until I met Cere and Greez, and then Merrin… and finally you. It’s like finding a missing piece to a puzzle.”
He shuffles closer to you.
“If you could… just have a little faith in me, I could help you. The same way these people did. Will you trust me, [y/n]?”
There was a silenced pause after he asked you. You saw the light glistened over his pure green eyes, the yearning kind of light, you felt his genuine desire to help you—because the darkness that you’re in is a familiar place to him.
You nodded and it was returned with a smile from him. Both of you positioned yourselves for meditation and he took the lead.
“Okay, just relax when you reach out. Try to empty your mind of memories and thoughts; listen to only the things around you.”
You only hear sounds at first. The dripping water from the limestone ceiling, the shifting earth from the Boglings burrowing, and the ripple that expands when the drop hits the water surface.
“Good. Baby steps. Now, what do you see?”
Images then flash in your head and then behind your closed eyelids. It started with the islet that you’re sitting on, gradually it grew to the rock walls of the cave you’re in, and then the whole planet. Due to your thrill of seeing the planet from a bird’s eye view through the Force, you lose your focus.
“Now, I get it,” Cal said. “It’s like you’re rushing into it. You know, like, impatient to see the bigger picture.”
“If you put it that way.” You agreed.
“I think I know how to help you now.” He extended his hands in front of you, palms open, inviting yours. “Give me your hands.”
You placed both of your hands on top of his, you never realized your hands were so small in comparison.
“Just have a little faith. Now, close your eyes.”
You did as you were told and then you felt something touch your forehead. It was his forehead. His red fringes have loosed from their place and tickled your brows as both of you meditated. Then, there it was. The feeling that you have been trying so hard to reach.
A warm feeling that makes you feel safe, one that makes you release all tension in your body. You saw yourself walking in a path of grass, leading to someplace that you haven’t figured out yet. The trance almost felt like an eternity, until you finally latched onto the very connection to the Force that you have been yearning for ever since you tried to heal.
“I saw it. I felt it!” You exclaimed with glee after going back to your conscious self in a jolt.
Cal shot back a smile at you, he was proud of you, he was so glad that he was able to help you.
“How did you do it?”
“Like I said, I healed along the way. I just figured that, maybe, you could heal in the same way as I did—even for just a bit.”
 “Thank you, Cal. It really meant a lot.”
You tenderly embrace him as a gesture of thanks—you slipped your hands under his arms and put them on over his back. Your chin rests on his shoulder and you felt his fingers run through your hair.
“We’ll get through this, [y/n]. I’ll always be there to help. Neither of us are gonna be alone ever again.” He promised, hugging you back tightly.
You bit your lip as you fought back a single tear welling up in your eye. You love this new family of yours that you never want to remember the feeling of being alone.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
The Pull of the Dark (5)
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Read the first, second, third, aaaand fourth.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it! :)
5 of 5
Eventually, it got dark out and you all set up camp just outside the Mantis. After all, it’s not everyday the crew gets to relax under the stars without the Inquisitors hunting them with an army chock full of Stormtroopers at gunpoint, so this was a good time to unwind.
From time to time, Cere would notice your shifting eyes and anxious body language, and out of concern for you, she would ask if you are feeling alright—in the back of your mind, you wondered if she had heard your scream when you woke up from that horrible vision. However, this little hearty get-together somehow eased yourself from your worries.
When the get-together around the campfire ended, you insisted to stay behind when they were all heading in for tonight. You also volunteered to put the fire out before you head inside. You huddle your knees close to your chest while you lousily toss blades of grass and dead leaves to the fire.
“Hey, do you mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.”
He sat down next to you with his legs crossed over each other, watching you lazily stoke the fire with scraps. It was so quiet between the two of you that only the crackling fire spoke. Neither of you knew who was going to talk first; you didn’t know what to say to start a conversation, he knows something but the timing might be bad.
“Listen, [y/n],” he started. “I don’t know what happened to you back there—what you saw or what you felt—but I can’t help but notice you’ve been… off lately.”
“I’ve had the most terrifying vision, Cal. I saw my master again—but she was very different, far different from how I remember her—and then Trilla showed up, she was about to strike my master but I stopped her…” You trailed off.
“But you stopped her,” Cal repeated. “And?”
“My lightsaber was red,” there was a pause. “And I killed Trilla—just to save my master. Then she started telling me that your blood, hers, and Trilla’s are on my hands. And she blamed me for her death—it was the only nightmare that was constantly haunted me ever since I escaped. Like a leech.”
Cal angled his head to a slight tilt and shifted in his position. The glow of the fire illuminated half of his face. His eyelids drooped and his jaw clenched. He knew the feeling too well—when he had the vision at the Zeffo temple in Dathomir and had broken his lightsaber accidentally.
“Acceptance can be the most difficult thing you could ever do if it involves the past, moreso if regret is there too,” Cal muttered quietly. “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t better than it, it doesn’t mean that you can never fight it back either.”
“Was it hard, fighting it back?”
“Yeah, because it had a lot to do with myself. The conflict was within me,” Cal firmly said. “Even if it was hard, accepting something to become a part of me—even if it was something that scared me so much before—kind of made me feel better about myself, stronger even.”
“I wish I could do that, too,” you muttered under your breath.
“And you can,” Cal encouraged, taking your hand again and gave it a light squeeze. “I know you can.”
“Thanks, Cal,” you sighed with great relief, as if a burden has been removed from your shoulders.
“Your master would’ve been proud of you, if she saw how far you’ve come,”
From the ship’s entrance stood Cere, leaning against the door frame watching you two. She crosses her arms together, hearing the faint words and laughter between you and Cal. Greez was with her.
“Do you think the kids are gonna be okay?” Greez whispered while looking at you and Cal from the Mantis’s door.
“Oh, don’t worry, Captain,” Cere assured, a confident smile curling up on her face. “I think they’re going to be alright.”
Under the moonlight, you two exchange smiles, BD-1 wants in on the coziness so he hops onto your lap and snuggles himself between the two of you like a puppy, you two whisper inside jokes to each other and share a good laugh; finally, you were able to relax and breathe easy. Cal closed in to steal a kiss on your forehead while warming yourselves up by the fire.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
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Another Cal Kestis x Reader
I just finished SWJFO but I’m playing again to complete BD’s scans. This is just my way of coping lol
Enjoy the fic!
1 of 2
When you’re done, read the 2nd one here :)
The rays spill through the thin lines of the Mantis’s door, you bask in the mild sunlight after that harsh red one in Dathomir—no offense to Merrin, of course—Cere has been noticing your uneasiness during the trip.
“[y/n], are you all right?” Cere asked with nothing in her tone but concern.
“Yeah, I am…” you stammered. “I… I just want some time alone to meditate.”
“Of course, [y/n]. I understand.”
“Thanks.” You manage a smile at Cere before walking away from the Mantis.
As you trailed away from the ship, you looked around the horizon where you could hold your meditation.
Running around on this planet of rock platforms and plateaus was a good alternative to a training course. You knew that some of the best places for meditating are the ones way beyond human contact—the canyon, the lone columns of rock, the underground areas, and if you were brave enough, the mesa but that is definitely out of the list.
You went to the area where the rock formation resembled an outdoor amphitheater, you dealt with the vermin that inhabited it first. You sit on the center, settled yourself, and attempted to reach out.
“Come on, [y/n],” you mutter under your breath, encouraging yourself. “Come on…”
You sense a connection, but you don’t meet it. You struggle, again and again. Your attempt to reconnect with the Force is a hook that does not meet its ring, struggle any more and you will end up pulling it apart.
“I can’t.” You sigh in defeat.
Looking around, you presumed that you were surrounded by one too many distractions: the snoring Binog, the chittering Boglings, the snarling Bog Rats from the platform just below your position, and the whistling wind.
You make another run until you found the water hole past the Bogdo—you walk in and see the lone island with a single Bogling’s burrow. You started backing away to give yourself momentum if you wanted to land on the island without touching the water.
“Sorry, little one.” You apologize in advance.
Two strides from your lithe legs, you spring yourself from the ground and you propelled yourself to make a Jedi flip. You landed successfully, just mere centimeters away from the mouth of the burrow, where dust wafted around as the Bogling has thrown itself into the tunnel.
You sit down in front of the burrow, you flex your spine straight and relax your shoulders. The dripping water from the limestone’s moisture was almost melodic.
Perfect. You think to yourself.
Fingers pat down on the damp grass and you try to find your connection with the Force, hoping that you can latch on to it. Deep breaths entered and escape your lungs, until you have deafened yourself from the sounds surrounding you. You felt close, you were almost thrilled, but you didn’t let yourself get carried away.
“Hold on to it,” you whispered, as if like a chant—it was something that your late master told you when they began teaching you meditation.
But something else intervened: a feeling of struggle and helplessness. The memory of you struggling and stumbling jabbed into your mind involuntarily. You lost your focus, snapping back into reality in a cold sweat, as if being pushed by a strong force by the chest. You look and see the Bogling staring at you with full black eyes.
“Sorry, little fella,” you said. “I’m not gonna hurt you, don’t worry.”
As another gesture of apology, you fished for something in your belt pouch. You hold a chestnut between your index finger and thumb. You show it to the Bogling whose ears pricked up and nose twitched profusely. You chuckle and patiently watched it crawl out of its hole while sniffing the chestnut from your hand.
It finally approached you and snatched the chestnut from your hand, nibbling ferociously while you sat there watching. It was done in a flash, it went up on you searching for more. You gave it another while petting it.
“I kinda envy you, little guy.” You blurted. “You have nothing to worry about except your babies, your nest, food, and yourself.”
You sighed and lied down on the grass while it snuggled on you, at least it comforted you when you felt disappointed with yourself.
“I wonder when I will ever be carefree like you, little one?”
From your upside-down vision, you saw a pair of boots walk up but stop at the mouth of the cave.
“Jedi don’t have it easy. Big difference from Boglings, huh?”
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Worth Protecting (4)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
1 | 2 | 3 | Masterlist | 5
4 of ?
Finding the Jedi Archives was almost too easy as you knew the Temple by heart—after all, you two grew up in here. Cal assumed that thieves would see it as a labyrinth since they have never set foot in here until now. Merrin also reported that they have encountered scavengers on their end as well, but it was only a cinch—as she puts it, you personally don’t doubt her anyway.
You find yourselves in the main lobby at the ground floor. The Temple was abandoned when the Clone Troopers have finished their business here, it was a horrid sight to see after spotting some skeletons that were either left unnoticed or ignored when they were destroying the bodies. The whole place is a nightmare.
Your ears pricked up as you sensed the incoming group of looters coming from the south-eastern side.
“Cal, I can hear them coming!” you warned. “There’s got to be another way to get there without picking a fight.”
“And the Archives is three floors away from here,”
Luckily, the destruction has afforded you a series of shortcuts. Both of you had to make minor adjustments by creating a path using whatever surfaces or objects that you can move. Climbing up crumbled walls and beams have led you right away to the second floor.
“There,” you nodded at the direction ahead of you. “The elevators!”
You and Cal sprint towards the sealed elevators but Cal spots a terminal just by its door.
“BD-1, think you can fix it?”
Without question, the droid hopped down and his little legs skittered like mad, matching up to your pace until he reached the terminal, slicing the control panel and essentially removing the lockdown in the elevator.
“I knew we could count on you, little buddy!” You cheered.
The three of you hopped into the elevator heading for the third floor. The heavy breathing between you and Cal were the only sounds in the lift aside from the humming sound that the elevator makes while it pulls you up.
“You know,” you gasped. “Some parts bring back memories.”
“Yeah,” Cal agreed, gasping for breath too, one look at you and he smiles through the huffing. At a glance, every good memory that happened between you and him flashed in his eyes. “It sure does.”
You look back at him, you shoot him a mischievous smile and he smiled back, your hand clutched onto his and gave it a tight squeeze. When the elevator stopped at the third floor and opened its doors, your vigilance was back again after that breather inside the lift; your lightsabers illuminated the dim hallway until you spotted a familiar entrance.
“Look!” you exclaimed.
“That’s the entrance to the Archives, alright,”
“Stay sharp, I can sense something in there,”
“Yeah,” Cal breathed deeply. “Me too.”
Side by side, you two approach the Archives with great caution as you saw that the main door was left open—but the manner of how it was opened was off, there were creases on the rims, as if something with big hands have split it open with complete brute force.
“Only a big droid could have done this,” Cal commented. “A droid like the ones Haxion Brood has.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” you muttered.
As you stepped into the library’s foyer, at first one would think it was dead silent with no one around, but a second look would pay off—rather, in this case, a second listen. You looked around, searching for something—anything—that would give away its position. Your senses sharpened by the Force did not betray you before, it could not betray you now.
You heard the faint whirring of a Bounty Droid, it’s probably moving its limbs while walking around the aisles. You can pinpoint it coming from the left side at the farthest shelf until it actually walked out into the light but it did not notice you.
On the right, in one of the closer shelves, you hear the single click of a blaster rifle’s switch. Cal heard it too and prepared himself for an attack. When the armed looter, an adult male Duros, appeared out of hiding, you immediately severed its blaster’s barrel—completely taking him by surprise.
“Huh?! It’s the Jedi! Two of ‘em!” he shouted, alarming the bounty droid and his other companions hiding amongst the shelves.
You practically impaled this looter and gut him open for good measure—in case his body still has the sheer will to survive that stab.
The bounty droid aimed its blaster at your general direction but Cal deflected them all back at it. He comes running up to it for a split-saber attack and damaged its armor quite heavily. Another looter comes out from the shadows to assist the droid.
You took on the other graverobber who is also a Duros, but its fighting style was so sloppy you assumed that it knew nothing of combat—you immediately disarmed him the moment he pulled out his blade.
“Go! I’ll deal with these fleas myself!” The droid instructed the Duros and the scum booked it.
“HEY!!” You screeched, sprinting towards him until you gained on him.
“[Y/N], WAIT!”
Cal hurriedly destroyed the bulky clanker to go after you while you’re chasing the thief Duros.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Love’s Mischievous Twin (6 - End)
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Gif by @daisyridleys
Cal Kestis x Reader
I’ve finally finished it! I had extra fun writing the fight scene while listening to Duel of the Fates song, of course it perfectly fit with the vibe of that scene! Hope you’ve enjoyed the stories and my other stuff, guys. I really love the support you’ve shown. ❤
Summary: The Imperial troops and Inquisitorius threaten to occupy your home planet, a certain someone from the past gets a little too close for comfort for Cal’s taste.
Prompt: Jealous Cal
Legend: [p/n] = planet name; choose your own fave Star Wars planet ;)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Masterlist
6 of 6
Cal got separated from you in the chaos but you had to continue fighting; left and right, soldiers came running up to you in need of reinforcement. You worry for him but you knew that was strong, you told yourself that you believe in him. He’ll know what to do.
You aided the faction of Captain Osmos’s second-in-command in the marketplace. Very few troopers were stationed there but they had ones armed with heavy artillery like  flametroopers and Purge Troopers. 
“Hold fast!” You cried out, lightsaber gleaming in the night, a beacon in the midst of devastation.
Meanwhile, Cal joined Captain Osmos and Cere in the plaza. The numbers have thinned in the Imperial side. Death wrought an air of silence as the street was strewn with bodies. Out of the blue, there was a sharp jab in his senses—a disturbance in the Force—you felt it too.
He didn’t bother to confirm it with Cere. He just knew and this prompted him to leave.
“I have to find [y/n]!”
Cal sprinted through the city, retracing the path to your last known location: the marketplace. Between the plaza and the marketplace is the residential area—it was a wide area consisting of several blocks between both public areas. He sped through the streets, feeling you through the Force, and trying to hear your voice in the distance. He gasped for breath with every step he took; each one would bring you closer to him.
“[y/n], I’m coming!”
But something stood in his way: Armus. Fully clad in black like the darkness that consumed him, armed with the electrostaff whose indigo sparks crackled like contained lightning—impatient and wild—and the hazel eyes underneath that curtain of black fringes that were once so gentle to the look were now as furious as the inferno.
“Going somewhere, Jedi?” Armus growled.
Cal did not say a word, his thumb searched for the switch on his hilt and then ignited his lightsaber.
Armus’s smirk was smeared with arrogance and blind confidence when the lightsaber buzzed out the blades from both ends. Cal positioned into a defensive stance. Armus sprang from where he stood, screeching with seething hate, his electrostaff met Cal’s lightsaber, both weapons sizzled and spewed sparks on impact. Armus brought down his weight against Cal, but he was staggered away with the Force and Cal regained his composure again.
Cal and Armus have each other trapped in a dance of blades. The fight has brought them to the small residential square. Surprisingly, Armus was as destructive as he was skilled with the electrostaff. His blows were strong, one wrong move and he might overpower Cal.
“You just had to up and ruin everything, don’t you, redhead?”
“Sorry I stole your thunder… not.”
Cal’s snarky comeback provoked Armus. A flurry of slashes and overhead strikes ensues. He was able to put a dent on Armus’s defenses: getting the right timing to stagger the enemy, breaking Armus’s block with continuous strikes until he fumbles and then a straight-on jab, switching between lightsaber styles to deny Armus an opening to strike.
The duel went on for long and it was exhausting, but Cal isn’t allowing himself to falter—not yet, not now, not ever.
Armus landed another strike but Cal parried it hard just in time.
“You’re so persistent,” Armus chortled wickedly as he staggered. “That’s impressive. I wonder if she is just as strong as I think she is, I can’t wait to see for myself!”
“You’ll have to get through me first!”
Armus continued to flail his electrostaff, he doesn’t seem to be tiring out any time soon, but so is Cal.
“What does she see in you, anyway!?” he spat.
His every taunt rooted from his immense envy. Cal didn’t respond to his verbal taunts. But Armus’s anger blinded him, made him lose the grace that he demonstrated in the earlier moments of the duel. Eventually, he has resorted to brute force and recklessness. He continuously struck Cal’s lightsaber until his defense would break.
One… two… three… four strikes.
After the fifth hit, Armus—now overtaken with derangement—chuckled menacingly, “Don’t bother answering. It doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll deal with her once I’m through with you! I will have my way with her!”
Suddenly, that fueled something within Cal. He Force-pushed Armus away from him to afford a moment to regain himself. Raising his lightsaber to the level of his cheek, the look in his eyes gleamed with determination.
“I won’t let you hurt her!” Cal snarled.
It was Cal’s turn to send a flurry of strikes until Armus could falter, but he pulled away and kicked Cal to the ground.
For a moment, Cal body felt like giving up already—he was exhausted and his body ached, his adrenaline had worn off. He weakly snapped his fingers, signalling BD-1 to toss a stim, but before he could even inject himself, Armus darted toward him and kicked off the stim from his hand.
“No…!” Cal exclaimed even while out of breath, squirming on the ground to reach the stim.
“Aww, so weak and pathetic. I think [y/n] failed to see that,” Armus taunted. “You were so busy pretending to be strong in her eyes. Now look at you—writhing like a worm!”
Armus struck Cal on the leg with the end of his electrostaff, sending thousands of volts forcefully coursing through his weakened body.
“I will have her head and yours rolling at the Inquisitor’s feet!”
“Don’t get too confident, Armus!!”
You entered the duel with a jump attack, Armus blocked it at the last second, completely taking him by surprise. The indigo light from the electricity shone over your face while your eyes flared with an intensity that bested the wild cracks of the staff.
You swung your lightsaber and pushed Armus away from Cal, standing between both of them with the tip of your lightsaber humming threateningly at Armus’s face.
“You’re not laying anything on him ever!” you threatened.
Armus swung back with his electrostaff, he has you exchanging blows and slashes with him this time, he switched to using the electrostaff in a twin-blade mode; dealing with him afforded Cal to reach for the stim and heal himself. When he finally injected himself and let the bacta do its work but it was taking some time before he could actually recover and fight again.
Cal was able to stop an incoming blow from Armus with his Force slow to help you—it was the least he could do. You turned to look at Cal, he was still weak and lying on the ground.
You’ve overpowered Armus in a few things: stamina, speed, skill, and finesse. With the right balance of Force abilities and lightsaber skills, Armus couldn’t pick up the pace, not even with his twin-blade electrostaff.
Finally, you brought Armus to the ground, completely weakened and unable to fight back. You hovered your lightsaber over his nose.
“You’ve lost, Armus,”
Captain Osmos and a handful of his men strode into the scene of your duel, finding Armus lying flat on the ground.
“Take him away,” you commanded.
The squad encircled him, a guard confiscated his electrostaff, and Captain Osmos proceeded to cuff him. You run up to Cal, knelt by his side and shook him lightly on the chest.
You took his hand and placed your fingers on his wrist, feeling for a pulse, you lightly tapped his cheek to wake him up, you press your ear against his chest in search of a heartbeat. There! You felt the slow pounding of his heart.
“Cal? Cal, it’s over… we did it,” you mutter in his ear.
His lids slowly lifted, he blinked until the light in his eyes have adjusted; you were the first thing he sees and he manages a smile.
“Hey,” he softly muttered as he reached for you cheek.
“Hi,” you choked back tears as you happily kiss the palm of his hand.
“You came for me, you saved me,”
“Of course, I did, silly. Why wouldn’t I?”
“I love you…”
“I know,”
BD-1 scampered to Cal’s side, nuzzling on his shoulder, Cal lifts his hand to pat BD’s head and the little droid whistled with great relief.
You helped Cal sit up, supporting his weight with one arm on his back and holding his hand with the other. You let him lean on you while he tries to regain his strength.
Much later, the sun’s rays spill over the roofs of the houses while coloring the edges of the clouds in sunshine gold, at the same time tickling your skin with its mild heat.
“Good morning,” Cal softly whispered while gazing lovingly at you.
You smiled back, caressing his cheek, “Good morning,”
You and Cal greeted the new morning together with the breeze flying through your hairs and fingers intertwined in a firm clutch. He remained leaning on your shoulder as you nuzzle your cheek on his fine red hair while you watch the sun fill the horizon.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Worth Protecting (3)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
First | Second | Fourth | Masterlist
3 of ?
The tunnel’s height was enough for both of you to stand up straight and lose the risk of getting backaches. Courtesy of BD-1, he kept the holomap on while you tread through the tunnels.
“Just straight ahead,”
“Did you know this existed, [y/n]?”
“No, did you?”
Your voices echoed through the hollow passages, every step was light and inaudible as possible, the small flashlight you have in your hand plus the holomap were your only sources of light. The only encounters you’ve had so far were vermin that have made a home out of the unused tunnel network.
“I wonder where do the other twists and turns lead to?” You thought out loud.
“Other parts of the city, perhaps,”
“Perhaps… are we close, Cal?”
Cal stopped walking to review and retrace your steps. His finger hovered over the green line leading to the eastern garden courtyard until he pointed a part of the path where there’s a corner.
“Yes, we’re close. Just two more turns: a left but it’s the first one out of three left turns in that side, and then a right—the second one,”
With haste, you carefully find that first left turn and then the right turn. Not giving in to eagerness and impatience, you would review the holomap before you would make any turn.
“[y/n], we’re closing in on the entrance to the gardens!”
“It’s about time we’ll see some sunlight!” you exclaimed in glee.
When you found the doorway, on your side it was nothing but stone but you saw the cracks following its frame. Before opening it, you heard some unfamiliar voices chattering from the other side.
“Looters, you think?” You whispered to him.
“Maybe, or maybe troopers—be careful,”
Through the crack in the door, you were able to peek through—although you could only see very little—and silhouettes would the light through the crack; you could see the red pauldrons faintly and a vague glimpse of the armor design. Patiently, you watch their walking pattern before you could even mount an ambush.
“Well, [y/n]?”
“Three or four of them, give or take. Anytime you’re ready, Cal,”
“Come on, let’s do it,”
Using the Force with a wave of your hand to the side, the door slid open and without waiting for the reactions of the intruders, you and Cal completely caught them by surprise. There were four skinny Weequays, they blasted recklessly while you sprinted and deflected their shots until you were close enough for a killing blow.
“Where are reinforcements!?” One panicked Weequay shouted before Cal cuts him down.
Two more Weequays wielding vibroblades come running out of the main building, but Cal had robbed them the chance of fighting by Force-pulling one of them and throwing him to his companion.
“Cool bank shot, by the way,” you complimented.
“Thanks, I’ve been working on my aim,”
“You’re getting better at it, then,”
Looking around the mess, you two examined the current state of the garden after not being here in a long time. The stone benches were shattered to shapeless blocks, most of the plants have wilted and dried due to lack of care, and you discovered that the secret door to the tunnels was concealed by the foliage forming on the wall.
“This is bad,” you say out loud. You turn on your commlink, “Cere, we’ve arrived in the gardens but there were some scavengers in here.”
“That is a problem, just make your way to the main hall and head for the Archive,”
“Do you think it’s the Haxion Brood?”
“I’m not really sure. The Brood is more interested in kidnapping people and droids for their ring fights, this must be a different syndicate, be vigilant.”
The communication stopped there, while you were speaking with Cere, Cal found the same helmet used by younglings during lightsaber practice. This was the kind of helmet whose rim was so low that it practically blindfolded you from seeing the remote droids. He felt the Force from the helmet and he could hear a familiar voice,
“Your feelings you must use, when clouded your vision is,”
“But shouldn’t it be better if we could actually see?” an impatient Padawan groaned, his frustrated growl echoed in Cal’s head.
“Senses you always use, yes—but deceive you, they do! When trusting and feeling with the Force, never fail you it will, hmm.”
The sounds that the droids make and the humming of many lightsabers all at once felt fresh in Cal’s ears, it’s as if he’s witnessing it happen for real in front of his very eyes.
“This is where the younglings were sometimes brought to for lightsaber practice, Master Yoda would personally proctor them.”
You walked up and knelt beside Cal, you gingerly took the helmet from his hands and examined it closely: the smudges of dust and soil obscured its original white color, there were cracks on the edges—an indication that it was dropped at some point—and a shattered eye shield.
“The poor things,” you muttered, your heart felt heavy when you turned your head to the secret door. “They would have made it.”
“Come on, [y/n], we have to go,”
You gently put down the helmet where Cal found it, he took you by the hand and helped you stand up. He sensed that it was too heartbreaking for you, he felt the slightest tremble in your fingers, and your sadness infected him. You knew some of these younglings, most of them called you, “Big Sister,” and called Cal, “Big Brother.”
You headed for the main building. Now that you’ve discovered that the thieves have made their way into the Temple, your caution and vigilance doubled, and lightsabers always at the ready.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Worth Protecting (2)
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Part 1 | Part 3 | Masterlist
I hope you’re enjoying this new fic I’ve got! :) It means a lot that you guys are noticing it and actually liking it.
2 of ?
When Greez had landed, Cere gathered you all in the galley to brief you of your plan here in Coruscant. She places a puck that projected a holographic map of the Temple and its vicinity. 
“Here’s the plan: we are going to split up into two groups. Merrin and I will circle around the west side of the Temple. I know a secret passage that leads inside the Temple. Cal, you and [y/n] are going to take the east side of the Temple, there is also an underground passage from the lower keep,”
She zooms in on the area of the Jedi Temple where the said passage entrance is found, then she visually traces the path you ought to take that will lead you to one of its courtyard gardens.
“This garden is found in the east wing,” Cere added. “We will meet at the Jedi Archives. Understood?”
You all nod in concurrence. Cere turned off the puck, she gave one last warning before dismissing you.
“But most importantly: keep a low profile, don’t look at anybody for too long, and stay alive.”
“I think we got that covered,” You winked.
All of you prepared the supplies and weapons that you might need. You buckled your lightsaber to your belt and Cal knew that it would be a dead giveaway.
“Hold on,” he urged.
He takes you by the hand and lends you one of his ponchos so that your lightsaber remains concealed when you traverse the streets.
“Perfect fit!” he chimed.
“Thanks, Cal,” you giggled.
Before you left the ship, Cere provided a holomap for each team—but in your case, she transmitted the holomap to BD-1’s memory—while Greez stayed with the ship in case you need to do emergency take-offs. To avoid any suspicion, Cere planned to dispatch each group in different time intervals. Since your route was longer and would take more time, you and Cal went out first. From time to time, you would sneak into alleyways so that you can review the holomap without any interested eyes—ever since the Purge, the Temple has become a treasure trove for scavengers, looters, and other similar scum; should they catch sight of any leads to the Temple, you’re as good as dead to them with your maps stolen from you.
It was raining in Coruscant, which happened in the most perfect timing, because you can use your poncho hoods to blend in with the crowd.
“We have to be careful,” Cal muttered, staring at the green winding line on the holomap before tucking it in his pocket.
“Come on, the sooner we leave this alley, the less trouble we’ll get,” you add.
“Aren’t you the one who always causes trouble?” he joked.
As a response, you tug his hood until his field of vision was blocked. Both of you giggle as you continue your way to the Temple. The path to the underground passage was deserted and there were no signs of infiltration.
Good. You thought. A sealed door.
BD-1 hopped down from Cal’s shoulder and scampered closer to the door to scan it. Five seconds later, he clings onto Cal’s arm until he’s already cradling the little droid.
“You have something for us, BD?” you cooed.
“Boooop!” BD-1 whistled excitedly.
“He says the door was special,” Cal translated.
And special it was indeed. Aside from being made of pure stone, in the middle of it had a mechanism as the lock. This lock was an embossed stone likeness of the Jedi Order sigil, but upon closer inspection—of the trained eye—one can see that there is something out of place.
“Cal? [y/n]? Can you hear me?” Cere’s voice crackled through the commlink.
“Yeah, we just got to the passage but it’s sealed,” Cal answered. “According to BD’s scanners, it’s a Force-responsive lock.”
“He’s right, you’re gonna have to use the Force,”
“I got this,” you raise your hands, arms splayed out so that each arm is facing the wrong-facing bracket that is supposed to go to the side of the sigil, you concentrated and used the Force on the lock until the sigil was turned into its correct shape.
“Oh nice,” Cal commented.
“Thanks! Now come on,”
The door sealed itself closed when Cal stepped in last, the lock had reset itself—which was the perfect security measure, at least against weak-minded folk like looters.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
#3 of Hath Heart Love Till Now
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Had to cut it short to a 1k word minimum per part ;) Already working on the latter parts, so stay tuned!
Read Parts 1, 2, and 4 (Final)
The same servant who escorted you to her room had already drawn your bath. You step into the water in the tub, the temperature was lukewarm, and you slide down from the incline of the tub as you nerves calmed.
“How is the water, milady?”
“It’s perfect.”
You feel her sit by the bathtub, she gently took your hair into her hand and gingerly poured water on it. The water was evidently fragrant, the petals on the water were of a different flower that you have never seen before. You scooped a few petals from the water and brought it to your nose, one whiff and the flower exerted a strong yet pleasant scent.
“It’s pure Naboo Jasmine, milady. The most fragrant there is.”
“What is your name?”
“Lestia, my lady.”
“That’s a nice name.”
“Thank you. Yours as well.”
After your bath, there were three more ladies-in-waiting in your bedroom. They introduced themselves before you, each one bowing after they’ve said their names: Perina, Mitoria, and Forelle. You sit among them. Lestia dried your hair while the others entertained you with stories. It did not take long for you to adapt with them, you can easily understand their jokes and idioms and you buckled in laughter. Typical Naboo girl talk.
“What kind of man do you prefer, Lady [y/n]?” Forelle asked casually.
You were taken aback by the question but not offended, of course. The cogs in your mind cranked and slowly started running as you begin to think of the right words.
“Do you like a boy with hair as red as fire?” Lestia teased as she smoothed your hair.
You stifled a laugh and bit your lip. Perina gasped like a teenager, wagging her finger at you while she covers her other hand with her open mouth.
“Milady is blushing!”
The girls giggled as you blushed, you have never had this kind of giddy because you have spent most of your childhood playing rough with your fellow Padawans—hitting each other with dummy sabers in the courtyard and all. That was a whole other definition of giddy.
“I think Milady has someone in mind already.” Lestia winked at you. Of course she knew.
Mitoria had begun styling your hair, her slender fingers navigated their way through your [hair color] locks with great ease and expertise, the most elaborate of styles do not faze her.
Perina had a skill with the face. You are her living canvas—the fine bristles of her brush glide on your skin, leaving streaks and spots of powder and colors in all the right places, and for her finishing touch: painting your lip in the shade of a juvenile rose.
“See? Very beautiful.” Perina smiled.
Lestia stood up, “It’s time for Milady’s garments.”
The girls shuffled in excitement. Mitoria covered your eyes from behind, Lestia opened the closet and handed a case to Forelle. As for Lestia, she tenderly cradled your dress with both hands supporting the top and bottom portions to see the full length.
“Go on, let Lady [y/n] see.”
You opened your eyes and you were utterly mesmerized.
“Oh!” You swooned. “It’s so beautiful.”
“One more thing, milady.” Forelle added, she opened the case that she had been holding, and before you was an array of jewelry, complete from head to toe. Your hand hovered over the case, pointing on the particular accessories that tickled your fancy, and the ladies put it on you.
“There, you’re ready.” Lestia said with great pride.
Cere, Greez, and Cal were summoned to the ballroom. You were summoned to join your sister in her ingress, your parents were also there. You all had a little reunion—you hugged, you and your sister clasped each other’s hands before the ingress starts, and your Queen Sister marched with two of her handmaidens in the front.
“I hope you have interesting stories for me.” she whispered to you.
“I have just the thing.” you smugly say.
“Queen of the Naboo,” a voice announced. “And her beloved sister, Lady [y/n] of the Naboo.”
The mere mention of your name drew in Cal’s attention alone.
Behold the stars and their gold dust resting on your hair as loose locks spilled over your shoulders. The fabric of your dress was the fragile ice on the mountains of Zeffo, sweeping off the marble floor with your every step. The moon shone over your heart, strung around your neck as if you were its guardian saint.
You find Cal in the crowd. You smiled at him, both to acknowledge his presence and that you’ve never seen him all dashing.
“Wow.” Cal muttered under his breath.
Cere saw the boy stricken and smitten. She smirked and continued to watch the Queen and her family’s ingress.
The Queen gave a brief speech, goblet in hand, and concluding it with a wish for a happy night and a joyous celebration for everyone in the ballroom tonight. There was a dance, you and your father joined in; he was so happy that his little princess had come to visit home. You last saw him a middle-aged yet strong man, now his hair had greyed and his beard grown but his joints still haven’t stiffened.
“You know, keep looking on until some other guy steals her.” Greez groans.
“Greez,” Cere hissed.
“What? All I’m saying to the kid is ask her for a dance before someone else does!”
After your dance with your father, you finally met with Cal who seems to be behaving bashfully.
“Hi, guys.” You greeted, still in bliss from the dance with your father.
“[y/n], you’re looking very pretty tonight,” Cere compliments.
“Thanks, you guys look good too!”
“Well, we have the Queen to thank for that.” she winked.
At the corner of your eye, you notice that Cal has been staring at you, unsure what to say or what to do—even though he greatly considered Greez’s suggestion, albeit put terribly so.
“Will you have this dance with me?”
He offers his hand to you with hopeful eyes.
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