#sun and moon theme for me n friend
poppyrays · 6 months
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I think I’m a little too into lethal company rn….
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 2 months
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𝐏𝐭 𝟐
Pairing: Merman!Hyunjin x Human!fem!reader Genre: Angst kinda, Fluff🥰💖, Smut🔥❤️ Word Count: 4.7k Warnings: Blood, Chan is lowkey a dick, MURDER kinda, sex, p in v, cumming inside (use a protection >.>), possessive themes breeding kink, implied pregnancy it doesn't get a part tho i think thats it tell me if i missed anything.
A/N: Based on this TikTok someone save me from my imagination-
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"The humans killed our ancestors, the pushed us far from the shores, our people died because of them."
"But why?" One of the merboys asked.
The class looked at him, small bubbles jetting behind the teacher from seashell horns on the coral wall. "Because they fear the unknown Hyunjin."
It was a while after classes he was moving on the current among the schools of fish, he saw the floaty. He moved for it confused. Why was a floaty this far from the shore. On the bobbing swan was a girl, she stared at him with wide eyes and he stared back. Her hands weren't webbed, she didn't have the fin like appendages jutting out behind her ears... but mostly, she didn't have a tail.
A HUMAN!? Hyunjin swam back slightly, fear prickling through him, the human tried paddling to the shore frantically, also afraid. His brows furrowed. Hesitantly, cautiously, he came above the water and tried forming the syllables he'd learned in class. "You swim no??"
The human girl looked at him. "You speak.."
Hyunjin made a face.
"Sorry. No, I can't swim." She laughed slightly. "What are you?"
Hyunjin tried to think of a word. "You caught... riptide." He pointed to the beach.
The human nodded.
"Catch current." He said, grabbing the floaty and pushing it rather quickly to the upcoming wave heading for the shore.
"Wait." The girl looked at him, her e/c eyes meeting luminescent sea green ones. "I'm y/n. What's your name?"
"Hyunjin." He said, pushing the floaty to the current.
The human grabbed his hand, he froze in fear. But she put something in his hand as the current swept her off. Looking down at it, he smiled slightly at a little moon charm.
Minho was poking Hyunjin's head in class. "Hey bubble maker. I'm bored."
"Class isn't over yet." Hyunjin sighed, fiddling with the moon shaped charm that floated around his neck.
"Sneak out with me." The merman behind him poked him again.
Hyunjin turned to Minho. "What do you take me for?"
"Come on." Minho smiled, the fin appendages behind his ears shifting, the scales that lined them shimmering a deep blue color in the light. "Chan and Yongbok must have already left class too. We can get the others."
"FINE" Hyunjin gave an exasperated huff, swishing his glittery green tail, pushing at the sand floor, startling a small squid.
Minho smiled, asking the instructor if he could use the restroom, a few minutes later Hyunjin asked to also go, and the two didn't return.
Meeting up with their friends, Chan, Changbin, Jisung, Yongbok, Seungmin, and Jeongin, the group swam out of the coral area and surfaced looking around. The sun was setting and sparkled against the water, lapping gently around them.
"Woah..." Jeongin, the youngest marveled, eyes glued to the shore. "How do humans build things like that?" He pointed past the sand to the tall structures.
Chan shrugged, "Last time I was on land, someone said there's a lot of math involved."
Changbin sucked in a sharp breath.
The rest looked at him, he was pointing frantically at something. A boat, not just any, but a boat with nets coming from it.
Hyunjin grit his teeth, "Isn't illegal to fish here?"
"It is." Jisung's eyes narrowed.
Chan looked at Changbin nodding. Before the rest could say something, both mermen swam full speed for the boat, slashing the nets and emerging from the water. Hyunjin watched as the people on the boat fell back into the water in fear. Chan dove again and even if it was far away, the scent of human blood reached Hyunjin's nostrils as he watched Changbin flip the boat.
"Disgusting scum." Yongbok spat, before swimming under.
Jisung pursed his lips before diving under as well, the others followed. As Hyunjin watched the boat capsizing he turned to the shore and his eyes widened at the sight of a human dressed similar to the others swimming and flailing frantically.
Chan came next to him, "Don't let him get far."
Hyunjin's ear appendages flared. He swam quickly, claws emerging from his webbed fingers as he closed in on the screaming human. The metallic scent filled his nose as he slashed the human's throat and let the current float the body to the beach.
You cringed as your boss slapped folder on your desk. "Another?"
"This one was a bit better than the last 4." The man huffed. "Guy we found on shore got out easy. Whoever or whatever killed him did it quick."
You made a face, squeezing the sun charm that hung around your neck. "I'll look into it, might have to stake out."
He nodded. "I could assign you a squad."
"If whatever or whoever did this sees a squad of men, it surely won't act."
"It's for your safety."
You rolled your eyes. "Fine."
Your boss smiled and patted the report. "Get to it."
You flipped through the report, looking at the images and the boat, the claw like marks on the fishermen's chests. You huffed, deciding to go to the forensics lab see what they had to say. When you saw the bodies all the forensic analyst and pathologist could say was that the wounds were ridged as if the blade used was jagged, not uniformly.
"Though, y/n." The forensic analyst pulled you aside to two microscopes. "Have you ever seen something like this?"
You looked into the microscope, there was a keratin like material under the first, similar to human hair but glittering.
"What is it?" you asked.
"A fraction of a scale from something...?" The forensic analyst sighed. "But look at this." She motioned to the other microscope.
Looking through it you saw a cell. "What about it?"
She grabbed you and shook you. "It's blue."
You shrugged.
"Y/N.. I didn't stain that sample."
Your eyes widened and you looked at the skin cell again. It was blue...
"I'm going on a stake out tonight." You said determined.
The pathologist and the forensic analyst looked at you a little scared.
"But-" the pathologist started.
"No!" You crossed your arms. "I'm going to figure this out."
You left the room before they could stop you.
Hyunjin probably shouldn't have but the moonlight looked so alluring through the water. The merman swam to the surface and hummed softly as he took in the moon, full and bright, the sky clear, his right ear fin twitched and he sucked in a breath. Boat...
His eyes narrowed as he tried to identify what type of boat. The nets flew and Hyunjin's gills flared, humans didn't ever learn. He dove under and swam toward the ship, claws out.
"There's something out there!" A man shouted.
Hyunjin burst from the water to slash at the man but his eyes widened as he saw a pair of eyes he hadn't seen in years. He pushed against the boat and dove again, swimming away as fast as he could.. He grabbed the moon charm around his neck and remembered, the human girl who got swept away by the riptide. She... He cursed at himself for not flipping the boat and getting it over with.
"I'm not crazy!" You shouted. "I saw a merman!"
"You've been saying that for the past two months." Your fellow investigator sighed. "Sure more fishermen have died but there's nothing to prove that you saw merpeople."
"Just go home and rest, Y/N, you look crazy." the receptionist quipped.
"Listen kid. You're barely out of high school trying to play investigator." The captain of your department patted your head. "Go home and rest. Let the professionals do their jobs."
You groaned in exasperation and walked to your office, sitting in the spinning chair, you knew you'd seen it, you'd seen it before. It- no.. he had your moon charm, you put your head in your hands and stared at the case report. Could there be others? You noticed it as you scanned the victims, the boats.. You grabbed the phone and dialed the natural resource reserve department.
"Hello. Natural resource reserve department this is Kady speaking."
"Hi I'd like to know if Sta Beach and the surrounding area is protected from fishing for commercial and personal use." You said to the woman on the other end of the line.
"Sta Beach?"
"Yes, ma'am."
There was a long pause on the other end of the line before you heard rapid typing. "Yes it is illegal to fish for any reason in that area."
You nodded. "Thank you." Hanging up the phone you stared at the pictures again. The fishermen were fishing illegally.. so...
You remembered how that blonde haired merman flew out of the water, claws out but froze as he saw you. THE MERPEOPLE KILL PEOPLE WHO HURT THE FISH! You stood and slapped the case folder closed. You grabbed your phone and carkey, dialing your boss's number as you left the station.
"Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning-"
"I know what's going on. I'm going to fix it myself."
"It was a pleasure working with you chief."
You hung up the phone and got into your car, staring the engine and driving to the beach again, as you came to the parking, you put your car into park awkwardly across three spaces and ran for the shore.
You watched as gentle waves crashed against the rocks and sand, removing your shoes, you ran to the water. The moon reflecting off it, stars glittering. You stared out for a moment, noticing a ripple in the water, a head surfaced, fin like appendages behind its ears, it shook its dark hair as another head emerged, then another. You held your breath as five more heads appeared and scanned the water, the first turned and locked eyes with you. Your eyes widened as it dove under the surface, the other heads turned.
You saw those sea green eyes again and you knew.. "Hyunjin..."
Hyunjin shouted, "Chan WAIT!" before diving after the first.
Your eyes widened as the first merman, Chan you assumed, burst out of the water claws bared. You scrambled back deeper into land and it landed, tail dissipating into two legs. You shrieked as he jumped for you. Someone caught him and dragged him to the sand. Hyunjin.
"She saw us!" Chan snapped, easily slamming Hyunjin into the sand.
"She's seen me before!" Hyunjin grabbed Chan's hands. "She won't say anything!"
Chan stared at you. The other mermen came to the shore and changed, they looked human, only their eyes having unnatural luminescence.
One of the men, hair purple and eyes pale white stared intensely at your chest.
You bristled, "It's rude to stare at a woman's chest y'know." You said.
"I wasn't staring at that." he walked forward and Hyunjin jumped off Chan but the purple haired man was faster, grabbing your sun charm and pulling close for inspection. "Hyunjin." he turned to the green eyed man. "Is this here you got that from?" he pointed to Hyunjin's necklace.
Chan stood, eyes narrowed. "She's the human?" He rubbed his face, claws retreating. "Why are you here?"
"I'm investigating why the fishermen died. I guess.." You looked at the men. "I have my answer."
Hyunjin looked at you. "You should go back."
"Why-" You started, but the sound of a siren made you turn.
A few of the men dove back into the water when they heard it, the purple haired man looked at Chan. "What if she says something?"
Chan looked at Hyunjin.
The lights from the police cruisers came closer and one pulled around the corner, a head sticking out the passenger window, gun drawn. Before you could react, Chan grabbed you and threw you into the water, you almost screamed, flailing around since you couldn't swim but Hyunjin grabbed your face, forcing your mouth open as he pushed you deeper beneath the surface. You choked as water invaded your mouth but he put something on your tongue and closed it. To save yourself from choking of the sea water you swallowed and covered your mouth.
The purple haired man tilted his head at you. "Speak."
"Huh-" You grabbed your throat, realizing you were breathing. You looked at them, Hyunjin's legs had become a green tail, Chan's a dark blue one and the purple haired merman now had a funny purple and green tail.
Hyunjin smiled and Chan still gave you an incredulous look. "Minho. Make sure they don't get away."
The purple haired man, Minho, nodded, shooting up to the surface.
"She can't stay." Chan huffed, swimming past Hyunjin and you.
Hyunjin looked at you.
"I thought I was crazy." You said.
"When I send you back you'll have to act crazy." he sighed.
"You can't send me back, they saw you guys drag me under-"
"Minho has it handled, you can return and say it was some kind of sea animal." Hyunjin looked at you. "Chan is right, you can't stay here."
"Says who!?" You snap.
"Do you realize I should've killed you when we met? You and I aren't supposed to even know each other! It's forbidden!" The appendages behind his ears flared angrily.
"Why is it forbidden? Ariel makes it work!"
Hyunjin made a face. "This isn't a fairytale. When human and merperson come together. People die. Why do you think we hide from your kind?" He shook his head. "When the sun rises, you're going back."
You stared at him. "Fine."
He swam after Chan, leaving you there.
If Hyunjin had ever eaten his words it would be years later. Blend in. Act human. Get the artifact and go.
So there Hyunjin was almost four years later, walking around a museum on land, dressed in a suit, carrying a "cellphone". He found the artifact relatively quickly, and admired the craftsmanship of his ancestors.
"Something peak your interest sir?"
He turned to the voice, eyes widening. You looked a little different from before, and if the human world was anything like under the sea, an investigator didn't often change carriers to a museum worker.
You looked up at him and bristled. Taking a step back and shaking your head. "Enjoy the exhibit."
Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak but you had already turned on your heel to walk away. He reached for you but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked at Jisung who shook his head.
"Remember why we're here." he said.
Another museum worker came up to him and Jisung, she smiled and motioned the artifact. "According to native legend, almost 500 years ago this blade belonged to a merman, he fell for a human woman on the surface, and when they wedded in secret, the villagers took him for a monster who bewitched her and they took him away. The human woman told the other merpeople what had happened and hey came to get him back, the result was almost the deaths of nearly all the merpeople who lived on the coast, and when they did, the human woman killed herself with this blade. After the merman found out, he too killed himself."
Hyunjin hummed. It wasn't legend, it was fact. He looked at Jisung. "What an interesting story."
The woman nodded, "The museum is closing soon, please make your way out soon."
Jisung smiled, "Of course."
The men left the museum and Hyunjin grabbed the moon around his neck and breathed deeply. He did it for the best, so the past wouldn't repeat itself... he sent you home. But..
"Did you figure out anything?" Jeongin asked.
Hyunjin snapped out of his thoughts looking at him. "The museum is closing in an hour, we can get it then."
Minho nodded. "Kill the least amount of people as we can."
He nodded, thinking about how they would even get out of the city after they got the artifact.
When it was time to get the artifact, the lights in the museum were out, he could see just fine, sneaking in with Yongbok through a window at the back and making their way to the place he'd seen the artifact. Yongbok grabbed the glass and lifted it just enough for Hyunjin to reach his hand in and grab the handle of the dagger.
"How the hell did I know you'd come back here?"
Yongbok looked claws ready but his brows furrowed when he saw you. "Hyunjin?"
Hyunjin looked at you. "Let us pass."
"No." You huffed.
"Yongbok." Hyunjin handed him the dagger. "Get out of here."
The blonde haired man ran for it.
Hyunjin looked at you. "Why do you have to be everywhere?"
"I work here!" You snapped. "You're everywhere! Stealing that thing!"
"I'm following orders!" he shouted.
"Oh! Are you?! Kill me then! We can't know each other!" You bared your neck at him.
Hyunjin stared down at you. "No."
"Then what orders are you following Hyunjin?" You shoved him. "You let me live time and time again! What orders are you following?!"
"I can't kill you!"
"Why cant you?!"
"What reason do I have to kill you?!"
"Chan said it himself; I know your kind exists! I shouldn't be allowed to live!"
"You say that like you want me to kill you!"
"Maybe I do! I really thought we were friends! From that moment you pushed me back on the current when we were kids, I thought you were my friend Hyunjin!"
He looked away. "I can't."
"But you'll keep me alive." You gave a dry laugh.
"Of course I will!" He whipped around. "What type of moral code do you think I have?"
"You killed those fishermen no problem."
"They were hurting the fish."
You glared at him. "Take your artifact and go." You pulled off your sun charm and threw it at him. "If you see me, you don't know me."
You turned to leave but he grabbed you, pulling you back against his chest, his hair draping over your shoulder. "I just wish you'd understand.."
"I do." You said quietly, trying to pull away, but he held you there.
"No, you don't." He muttered.
"Make me understand." You reached up and touched his head gently, patting his hair.
He pulled away and turned you to face him. His luminescent sea green eyes locked on yours, and hesitantly, he leaned in, his plush, full lips centimeters from yours. And he kissed you gently, nose bumping yours before he turned your head, tongue prodding at your lips for entry. Your lips parted and he sighed softly at your taste, relishing in the feeling of being so close to you.
Then he pulled away, forehead pressed against yours. "I'll be back, I swear it..." He put the sun charm around your neck again and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Wait for me."
You'd gone back to school, deciding to major in marine biology, it had been almost a year since you'd seen Hyunjin. Still illegal fishermen and the occasional oil dumping people in boats were killed, it was on the news and in the paper. More likely than not it was the work of Hyunjin's friends.
You sat in your apartment bedroom, flipping through your assignment. Your roommate was out for tonight, so it was just you. You tapped your desk as you read through the textbook looking for an answer to a question. You bit the plastic cap of your pen out of frustration.
"Maybe humans want the turtles eating plastic because they're no better." A voice said. That voice was familiar. A voice that was nothing but hostile to you. Now it sounded so calm.
You jumped slightly in fear, turning to your bedroom door.
"Woah woah woah!" Chan laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you. Just thought you might want to see your special guest."
You practically flew from your chair. "Guest? Chan how did you get into my apartment- What guest?" You pushed past the dark haired man and your eyes widened at the sight of Hyunjin and the others, who fiddled with your toaster.
"OW!" A short, well built man jumped, blowing on his finger.
"Changbin!" A thin blonde haired man grabbed his hand and went to the sink. "This is why Chan never sent you to human world before."
The group hadn't noticed you yet.
"Uh-" A young man poked Hyunjin.
"What, Jeongin?" Hyunjin turned to him.
The young man, Jeongin, pointed at you.
Hyunjin looked, his lips parting slightly as he saw you.
"GUYS!" Chan shouted.
The other boys looked at him.
"Let's leave them..." He ushered them out of your apartment.
Changbin was still staring at his finger.
"Oh wait.." You grabbed a paper towel and got an ice cube before handing it to Changbin. "Hold it to your finger. Toaster burns are so scary" You teased.
The other men laughed as Chan finally got them out of your apartment.
You turned to look at Hyunjin.
He smiled at you. "You live alone?"
You shook your head no.
"Where's your roommate?" He asked, fiddling with the ice dispenser.
"She's not coming back until tomorrow evening.." You said.
Hyunjin nodded and hummed softly. "I guess I owe you an explanation."
"Chan needed the artifact to find the old merpeople palace. If he found it then... we could come to the surface when we wanted." He opened your fridge and took out a Tupperware of something, examining it before putting it back. "I didn't think we'd find it.. But we did... it looked so old. It was destroyed."
You stared at him. "We destroyed it all that time ago... Humans right?" You moved and sat on your couch.
He nodded, sitting beside you. "It was destroyed because a merman and a human woman were in love."
You looked at your hands. "Is that why Chan hated me?"
Hyunjin nodded. "He was scared the past would repeat itself."
Silence spanned for a moment and then he hugged to his chest.
"I missed you." He said softly.
"You don't even know that much about me.." you muttered.
"I'm here for a while." he said rubbing your shoulder. "I'll learn."
You huffed a small laugh. Looking up at him, you smiled slightly.
He smiled down at you and leaned down to kiss your forehead gently.
You sat up and leaned in, kissing him gently.
The tips of his ears turned turned red. You giggled at his flustered expression but he grabbed you, kissing you again. He hesitantly reached his arm around you, pulling you closer. His tongue pressed its way between your lips and you smiled, allowing him entry. He groaned softly and pulled you onto his lap.
You put your hands on his shoulders and bit your lip looking into his eyes. He smirked and kissed your neck, his hand splaying on the small of your back. He sucked a dark mark beside your jaw and you moaned softly, he hummed and moved lower, his hands moved under you shirt and lifted it over your head. He tossed it haphazardly, his lips meeting yours again as you tugged at his shirt.
"You could've just asked sweet girl." He pulled his short off and kissed you again, his hands moving behind you unclipping your bra, he tugged it off gently before his hands grabbed for your chest. You moaned and arched into him. He groaned softly as you began grinding against him.
He tugged at your pants and you lifted off his lap, he tugged it down as far as he could before he turned your legs in way where he could pull your pants and underwear off all at once. He smirked at you flustered expression.
You grabbed his crotch and he whined. "Not so cocky now huh?"
He rolled his eyes and kissed you again, fondling your breasts as you fumbled to get his pants undone. When you finally got the zipper down, you pulled his pants and boxers just low enough to get out his cock. You stared at it for a moment.
"Y'know if I remember correctly, you said it was rude to stare a while back." Hyunjin teased.
You rolled your eyes and kissed him gently. "You're so dumb."
He laughed lightly and pulled you against him, rubbing his tip between your folds. "Are you ready?"
You looked into his beautiful eyes and nodded. He pulled you down and you moaned as your walls split around his manhood. He groaned when you throbbed around him, kissing your cheeks gently when you were fully sat on him. You rested your head on his shoulder, trying to adjust to him.
He kissed your head gently and muttered. "Take your time."
You made a face and rocked against him gently.
Hyunjin gasped. You smiled. "Take your time." You mocked.
His eyes narrowed and his hands settled on your hips. "I guess you're good to go."
He lifted you slightly and brought you down on his cock hard. You squealed and he groaned. He repeated the motion again and again, "Why am I doing all the work here?" He moaned in your ear.
You huffed and pressed your hands against his chest for balance as you began riding him, one of his hands moved to hold your back while the other played with your right nipple as he sucked the left.
You moaned and gasped, "Hyunjin.."
"Huh?" He looked at you, his eyes half lidded, pupils blown wide. he huffed a small laugh. "Let me help you pretty girl." He flipped you over and pushed you into the couch, gripping your thighs as he fucked into you. "Fill you with my babies..."
Your pussy clenched.
"Oh you like that?" He moaned. "I'll fuck you full of my kids. This pussy is mine."
Your eyes rolled back in your head as he hit the spongey area deep inside you. Hyunjin smirked and caged you in pushing your legs almost beside your head, pushing as deep into you as possible. You moaned loudly, loud enough you were scared you'd get a noise complaint from your neighbors. But you couldn't stop yourself as Hyunjin filled you again and again, reaching places you didn't even know was possible.
"Are you going to cum for me?" He asked, grunting softly.
You were too dazed to form a sentence but he grabbed your face and made you look straight at him.
"Answer me honey." He said lowly.
You nodded. "I'm going t-to cum."
He groaned and pressed his lips to yours, "Cum for me, sweet girl."
He rubbed your clit and you fell over the edge, your eyes rolling back in your head as your pussy clenched and spasmed around Hyunjin's cock. He let out a strained moan, following close behind. he gripped your thighs tightly definitely leaving bruises before he finally relaxed.
Your eyes went wide as you heard the door to your apartment unlocking. "Girl, I'm back early, but you will not believe, I saw the finest guy ever downstairs, he said his name was Cha-" Your roommate came around the corner and froze. "There's no way I sit on that fucking couch, BURN IT. GET A ROOM DAMNIT Y/N!"
"Do you understand what you've done Hyunjin?" Chan turned to him, eyes worried. "You could be killed for for this.. Y/n COULD BE KILLED FOR THIS! This is a massive mistake."
Hyunjin looked at Chan for a moment, "It's not a mistake I'll regret in this life or the next."
Chan groaned and facepalmed.
You were driving to the beach, it'd been a bit since you'd gone to see him, most of the time he came to you.
"Huh?" You looked at the child in the back of the car using the rearview mirror.
"What's Daddy like?"
Your eyes met the child's sea green ones and you smiled. "You'll love him."
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my313 · 2 months
instagram bf!beomgyu 🐻📷
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now playing 𝄞₊⊹ love - rocco
⋆ pairing: bf!beomgyu x f!reader
⋆ warnings/themes: fluff, pda, paris trip w gyu, has some insta story pics, suggestive at the end but not rly?, i love writing cute whipped men beomgyu will not be exempt!!!!
a/n: only a few days until cb!! so have this hehe <3 been thinking abt it since he opened his insta acc .. and the amount of pics hes taken for user page.soobin!!! me 🤝 beomu photographer agenda
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your friends compliment how well your paris pictures turned out, gushing about how they can tell you’re glowing even through their phone screens. one of them even asks how you smile so genuinely. your colleague asks how your candids look picture-perfect, as if the sun knew when to kiss your skin, or when the moon illuminated the swell of your cheeks, and especially as if the camera just knew when to shoot.
there is no magic to your pictures, but you have something — rather, someone — quite close.
your boyfriend of many years, choi beomgyu, had always had a knack for making things appear more beautiful in his capable, calloused hands. though, if he heard you now, he’d give you a scolding, “the camera just captures your beauty. it’s not any of my doing, babe.”
maybe that’s a half-truth, but you know that your boyfriend definitely works his magic on you.
because when beomgyu has a lens in his hold, be it your phone or an ebay-bought digicam; it’s his love for you that carries. every frame that manages to reach yours or his instagram following, even the ones tucked safely behind your phone case and in his wallet.
it’s all a culmination of beomgyu’s lovestruck gaze, his animated attempts of hyping you up, the jokes you pass back and forth, and the utter adoration you have for him.
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you vividly remember the night you and beomgyu aimlessly strolled around paris. the streets would appear dull to many, but you and beomgyu could make any city an enamoring experience with your uncontrollable fits of laughter, mischievous giggles, and the comical sway of your clasped hands back and forth.
like most tourists, you end up by the eiffel tower.
when beomgyu unclasps your hands to paw at the lens cover of his camera, you laugh. “isn’t it illegal to take pictures here at night?”
he moves the camera to his face, trying to look through the viewfinder with one eye shut. “you know what’s illegal, baby?” he redirects his gaze to your unassuming face, the camera moved to the side.
“hm?” your head tilts, genuinely curious.
beomgyu bites down on his lip to hide the growing smile he always can’t seem to control when you’re at mercy to his foolishness. one of the things he loves about you is the way you’re simultaneously gullible and quick enough to join the banter he sets up.
his index finger positions itself on the button readily, shifting back to cameraman mode with the chunky piece of technology blocking out his face.
“to not take photos of my gorgeous, most prettiest, scrumptious, girlfriend that i can frame and put up everywhere.” click.
you stare at him, dumbfounded. even more confused by the click of his camera. you don’t hear it again until seconds later when you throw your head back to let out a boisterous laugh; the ridiculous kind that only beomgyu loves and other tourists hate. click.
when your face is back in the viewfinder, beomgyu shoots again. it feels as though the lens is brought to a new life when you’re the muse, because beomgyu’s rose-coloured gaze shifts the world the camera sees through a pinkish filter — one with hearts and sparkles everywhere. all because of you.
the warmly-lit eiffel tower shies in comparison to the warmth of the grin etched on your lips, cheeks about to burst. click. click. click. one more with flash.
beomgyu makes a halt, capping the lens and slinging the camera over his neck again. you’re calming down from your laughing fit, but you still clutch at your stomach breathlessly. beomgyu takes this as a chance to walk over and take you into his arms.
he nestles you into him, letting you rest your head on his chest like you were too shy to look up at him. a chaste kiss to your forehead prompts you to look up at beomgyu. he smiles fondly at you, “wanna see the photos?”
you grumble, falling back into his chest. his hearty laugh makes you feel the vibrations, and you can’t picture being with anyone else in this lifetime or the next. “i guess…”
he lets you pull away, but only so far. beomgyu’s arms never stray too far, especially when he’s not holding your hand. he wraps an arm around your waist and huddles you in, like showing you these candid pictures of you laughing at his nth stupid joke was some top secret.
“this one’s gonna be a banger, babe…” he scrolls through the camera’s memory roll. “credit me when you post, okay?” he pouts at you.
you roll your eyes, more dotingly than in irritation. “clout chaser…”
“nooo..” he whines.
“i just want people to see who’s behind the camera, making you laugh, seeing you at your most beautiful.” beomgyu’s shift from teasing to sentimental has you cooing. you can’t help but give him a little head pat, one of his favourite forms of affection. like a puppy.
you nod, laughing along. “don’t worry, everyone knows. but i’ll do it for you, my struggling artist~”
“i won’t be struggling anymore if you gimme kiss,” back to taking jabs. his lips are in a pout and you’re tempted to pinch them with your fingers, knowing he’ll grumble cutely.
“c’mon, it’s commission for the photos. good deal, right?”
you peck his lips multiple times, then one on either side of his cheek. by the time you finish, he looks like a smiling fool. you poke at his whisker dimples while your other hand holds his hand.
“i’ll give you an even better payment if we go back to the hotel now. what d’you think, pretty boy?”
beomgyu has never walked that fast in his life.
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katiexpunk · 8 months
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AO3 | Notifications | KoFi About Me
Hi, I'm Katie! I'm just a lil fic writer trying to make her way on this hell site and write things that make people turned on happy.
- I'm a cancer sun, taurus moon, libra rising. - When I'm not writing, you'll find me teaching yoga or doing improv. - I love to make new friends, so feel free to slide into my DMs and ask me anything, send in a request, or just say hi. About My Work/This Blog - I write for Pedro Pascal characters, but you'll find I mostly write for Joel because that's my man. While I will often thirst over Pedro here, I won't write RPF.
- My DM's are always open, and I love getting asks or requests. My blog is a safe space. - All of my work is character x fem!Reader. I try to be inclusive as possible in my work to make it immersive and welcoming, and I don't provide identifying descriptions such as eye, hair, or skin color. I also avoid non-inclusive terms such as "blushing." I'm not perfect. If you find my work to be non-inclusive in some way, please let me know! - You'll catch me dead before I use Y/N. - I love supporting people on this platform, especially newer blogs. I'm pretty vocal about the importance of reblogging and engaging with people here in a respectful way. I'm also more than happy to beta! - I do not consent to my work being fed to AI or used to make chat bots. ++++ Most Recent Fics:
+ Overloaded + Scarlet Haze - Part 1 | Part 2 + Fuck Me, Fill Me | Thoroughly Fucked, Thoroughly Filled
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∞ smut | ⊙ fluff/slow burn | ❥ dark themes/check warnings | ☁ angst
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Scarlet Haze - Ongoing ∞⊙❥☁ Pairing Joel Miller X fem!Reader Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Coming 5/26 | AO3 Summary: Life in the QZ was fairly predictable. That was until Joel Miller showed up on your doorstep covered in blood. Since then, you've helped him more times than you can count. Now, it's his turn to return the favor.
Sex On Fire - Complete ∞⊙ Pairing Firefighter!Joel Miller x fem!reader Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | AO3 Series Summary: You're a country girl in the big city, thanks to your generous aunt. You expected to have adventures your first year in New York, but what you didn't expect was for your hot, firefighter neighbor, Joel, to be part of them.
Fuck Me, Fill Me - Complete ∞⊙ Pairing Joel Miller x fem!Reader Part 1 | Part 2 | AO3 Series Summary: Accidents happen all the time — people fall, knives slip, condoms break. You spent years successfully avoiding one. Except things are different now, you're ready for more. Your husband Joel is more than happy to oblige.
Dream of Me - Complete ∞⊙❥ Pairing Joel Miller x fem!Reader Part 1 | Part 2 | AO3 Summary: In the dark of the night, temptation beckons. You make a silent vow to share your secret with Joel when he wakes tomorrow, but for now, you find yourself unable to resist this opportunity, much like the pulse between your thighs.
28 Floors - Complete ∞⊙ Pairing Joel Miller x fem!Reader Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | AO3 Series Summary: You're a good girl. A senator's daughter who is always there to show your support to your father. What he doesn't know is that his best friend, Joel Miller, is practically the only real reason you show up to events to support him. After one night of schmoozing, you and Joel end up in an elevator alone together. Joel Miller has 28 floors with you, and you bet he's gonna use them.
One Shots:
Desert Dust ∞⊙❥ Pairing Joel Miller and fem!Reader Joel's POV | AO3 Summary: You're a small-town waitress in a highway town in Arizona with a standard, safe life. You never really thought you needed more -- until you met Joel Miller.
Overloaded ∞⊙❥ Pairing Joel and Tommy Miller and fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: After catching your ex-boyfriend in your bed with another woman, you pack up and leave. With no money and no car, you end up hitchhiking back to Texas. You're lucky enough to catch a ride with a nice Trucker named Joel. Things quickly heat up between you two, and only get hotter when you meet his brother.er really thought you needed more -- until you met Joel Miller.
Diner Girl ∞⊙ Pairing Joel Miller x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: You frequent your local dinner pretty often, not just because you love their pancakes with extra syrup, but because your best friend Sydney is a waitress there. You've heard her talk about her hot boss, Joel, every now and then but you've never had the pleasure of meeting him; that was until one morning, after getting unexpectedly laid off, you decided to drown your feels in syrup and love from your bestie. Joel offers you a job, and he shows you the ropes in more ways than one.
Crying Over Spilt Detergent ∞⊙☁ Pairing Joel Miller x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: You've had a no-good, really shitty, bad day. You decide to catch up on your growing laundry pile, only for your day to get worse as you make a giant mess of the detergent. Joel Miller helps you clean it up, and he cheers you up in the process.
The Art of Noticing ∞☁ Pairing Joel Miller x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: In the hushed corners of this desolate world, where whispers of yesteryears linger among crumbling ruins, you find a peculiar kind of peace; just like you did when you fell asleep in the darkroom for the first time. Still armed with your camera, even in this new world, you try to keep your heart attuned to the silent narratives of a forsaken universe. You used to think this was your strong suit; to be able to immortalize the unnoticed, to preserve the beauty around you, even in a world of darkness. That was until it almost got you killed. And Joel Miller hates you for it. 
Nightmare Before Christmas ∞❥ Pairing dark!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: As an escort, you’ve found yourself in some pretty fucked up situations before. Years of experience have taught you to navigate such situations with a combination of tact and assertiveness. Most of the time the men who exude an air of sleaze shrivel back into the corner, embarrassed and limp dicked.  Most of the time.  Tonight is not one of those times. This one is dead dove do not eat. Mind the warnings.
Run the Table ∞☁ Pairing Joel & Tommy Miller x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: You're home for Christmas, only to find yourself there for the New Year. You decide to blow off some steam, only to end up at Joel's Place, your old local watering hole. Bits of your past get dredged up, and before you know it, Joel and Tommy have you bent over a pool table.
Tell Me A Secret ∞⊙ Pairing Joel Miller x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: You're an artist. You aren't quick to share that fact, but Ellie is fast to figure it out. It’s not long before all of Jackson knows. Your favorite muse, though, is Joel Miller. He has no idea. Until he does. A morning horse ride turns into so much more.
Little Mouse ∞❥☁ Pairing biker!Joel Miller x fem!Reader | AO3 In collaboration with the amazing @josephquinnswhore Summary: Date night. Your favorite. You were dressed up and ready for a good time, only to find out that your sleazeball boyfriend was really just a jerk. Stood up and now alone in a bar on the bad side of town, you quickly come to realize you shouldn’t be there for more reasons than one. An unexpected savior to your shit night, a masked motorcycle rider quite literally saves your life, not caring whose blood was on his hands as a result. His only ask as a token of your appreciation? That you go for a ride with him. What could ever possibly happen?
Sugar, Spice and Please Fuck Me Nice ∞⊙ Pairing Neighbor!Joel Miller x fem!Reader | AO3 In collaboration with my Slutty Smutty Sister @syd-djarin Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Summary:  Part 3 of @syd-djarin's Sugar, Spice & Please Fuck Me Nice series. Joel is your new hot neighbor and after a sexy night alone with him on Halloween (where he literally makes you squirt (!!) on his couch, you run into him after a long week at work and you two finally go on a proper date. You two eat burgers; go to a fair, and then he fucks you like it's his last day on earth. Yep :)
The Kind of Love We Make ⊙ Hands, Hands, Hands ∞
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One Shots:
Caller Number Nine ∞⊙ Pairing Javier Pena x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: You're a radio host of a popular late-night segment on relationships, advice and more. After a particularly bad night of calls, your final call of the night takes you by surprise.
Heat Wave ∞☁⊙ Pairing Pairing Javier Pena x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: In the sweltering haze of a Colombian heatwave, everyone's on edge, including you, your nerves fried crispier than plantains in a hot skillet. Even Javi is not immune - his nights spent tossing and turning, the relentless heat driving him mad. Imagine his surprise - and yours - when he knocks on your door late one night, a little buzzed and sweaty, craving a distraction. What's a generous soul to do but let him in and share some cool, sweet cholado? As the night unfurls, the heat outside might be unbearable, but inside, things are just starting to warm up.
Reporting For Duty ∞⊙ Pairing Javier Pena x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: You're a flight attendant. You need to be fucked, and that much becomes all the more obvious when a hot, flirty Air Marshal named Javier shows up to fly your leg with you. That's it. That's the fic.
Edging ∞
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Gas, Grass or ASS ∞❥ Pairing mechanic!Frankie Morales x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: You muster the courage to leave your small town and shitty past behind. Fate, it seems, has other plans. Your beater of a truck breaks down in the middle of the highway, and you get it towed to Catfish Auto & Repair. After finding out you don't have the money to pay, you and Frankie find another way to work it out.
The Invited ⊙ Pairing Lucien Flores x fem!Reader | AO3 Summary: Lucien Flores is invited back into your life in a very unexpected way, at a very bad time – what are you going to do about it? 
Last Update: May 20, 2024
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
yandere! aquamarine x reincarnated! reader x yandere! ruby blurb
warnings: yandere themes, spoilers(?) just don’t search up kamiki if you don’t want to know. rushed and unedited.
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Much like the twins you, Saitou [Y/N], were born into the world with memories of your previous life intact. As their younger adoptive sibling from Miyako and an unknown male idol, you were pretty much under strict supervision since day one.
You preferred to keep your reincarnation a secret as you had no idea they were reborn like you. Thus, to them you were just a frail little child that needed protection.
Ruby didn’t know why she was so entranced by you, perhaps it was because you were just so adorable — so utterly irresistible with those huge, sparkly eyes — that despite her overflowing obsession with her mother at that time, she still had room to swoon over your plump cheeks. She was a face-con at heart after all.
Aqua didn’t really appreciate you much until the death of his mother and even then he was still a cold bastard. You could see the bloodlust in his eyes, the way it would darken when he would give into those emotions. You acknowledged his authority over you, and would always follow his instructions to a tee. You were the moon between two stars, a lonely and shy existence.
It was until you didn’t go through that he finally noticed your true brilliance.
The one benefit of being the moon was that you could easily hide behind the clouds to do whatever you want.
Throughout your teenage years you’d actually been performing in your school and other venues. You had even revealed yourself to previous friends and colleagues.
One such colleague, had an offer. You were to perform as an idol once again in his company, in exchange for a few favors, that is assistance to be provided to Komachi B in their promotions and Aqua’s in his search for his father.
At this point Ruby and Aqua were quite literally your second family.
And you had a feeling, a feeling that if you’d do this everything will be unveiled.
“Don’t look away — !” You sang the last line to the song you’d written for this moment.
The stage, it had been so long since you’d been on it yet it still felt like home. You see in your previous life you had breathed and lived through music. It was your air. Your reason and basis for life.
When Aqua and Ruby saw you perform it was as if explosives had gone through their head. Their eyes were glued to your movements and ears were peeled to your voice throughout the entire song. They had never seen you dance or sing before, they didn’t even know you could do so. But in that moment you looked you like you belonged under the spotlight. No, you were the spotlight.
What they thought was the moon was actually the brightest sun.
“Fantastic performance. As expected from the top of the international industry.” Your benefactor clapped. They’d seen you perform before a multitude of times but you never ceased to entice them with your stage presence.
“You flatter me.” You smiled, your eyes glowing as bright as the binary stars your stagename was chosen after. Your gaze flicking back and forth at those flowers they’d given and their face.
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[note]: will be expanded upon if asks are sent/if this gains enough traction lol.
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Champagne problems
Charles Leclerc x reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀:language, drinking, crying, just a lot of sadness tbh..
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The season has come to an end, I couldn’t be more relieved. Charles won his third championship, i couldn’t be more relieved about that either.
Its been a tough couple of years for him, he’s been extremely busy. This year more than ever.. we started dating 6 years ago. From the start we had so many plans, so many things we were excited for. Those ideas of relaxing and spending long days in the sun together vanished into thin air the second he promised his father that he would sign with Ferarri. I don’t blame him, how could I ?
Charles was a man who made a promise to his passed father, it would be extremely selfish of me to bring it up. I honestly didn’t feel the need to, my life was perfect in every way. Charles was everything and more. He was caring, compassionate, funny, respectful and extremely romantic.
That brings us to today, the end of the season party. It was quite a formal gathering. With bejeweled cocktail dresses and champagne flowing.
Me and Charles walked in hand-in-hand. He was being nicer than normal, if even possible. We greeted a bunch of people, all of them congratulating Charles with huge smiles and compliments.
I settle down on a wooden chair with a white cushion, my little black dress with gold detailing working perfectly with the colour theme of the party. Carmen and Kika sit next to me, both of them staring at their boyfriends with big smiles. I take a moment to look around the boat, bustling crowds filled the deck, all of them crowding around Charles. He had won the Championship this year. It was his third, for the third year in a row. He had promised me we would start to settle after he reached his goal. We never did, always on the move and always making promises we couldn’t keep.
———— 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝗴𝗼
“Charles you did not !” I scream, my hands covering my tear filled face. The man I would do anything for stood with a proud posture and a devastatingly beautiful smile on his face. I practically sprinted into his arms, his flannel riding up on my body and exposing my lace underwear.
Charles took me to his family’s lake house, the season was at its end and Ferarri was second on the leaderboard. He had decided to steer clear of the chaos and rather taken me away for a little vacation before Christmas with his family in December. I was over the moon at the thought of spending the whole of November in the cabin with him. What I was not expecting was him buying me a Chevy convertible. It was my dream car, I had brought it up a few times, all black with red leather seats. It was gorgeous, the interior being Ferarri red and the exterior being as black as the night sky. “Thank you Charles, I love it.” I say with a huge smile on my lips, staring deeply into his eyes, I only see my future.
“I love you, Y/n.”
My mind goes foggy with all the memories of what we had, I almost don’t realize that Kika was tapping my leg. I blink a few times and smile at the stunning woman in front of me. “Y/n, are you alright? You look a little tense.” Kika was an amazing friend and I appreciated her throughout the years. I look down at her hand on my leg, her diamond ring glistened in the flashing lights of the yacht. Her and Pierre were engaged, the two being absolutely perfect for each other. “Yes, I am. Just excited to go home, is that bad ?” I was happy for Charles, but I was exhausted with this whole thing. I was with him every step of the way and I wasn’t complaining. I loved Charles, more than I have ever loved anyone, I gave up everything for him. My job, my friends back home, my family, in all honesty I gave up my whole life to be by his side. I regret it now, the guilt of leaving everyone and the job I had such a passion for, it was catching up to me. I did not matter beyond Charles and his social bubble. I made new friends and I had everything I could want. but it was all so bittersweet.
“Y/n!” I snap back into reality once more. “Fuck , i’m sorry Kika, I should probably go freshen up.” She gives me a sympathetic look, offering to go with me before I turn her down and make my way to the bathroom. I use the one by the master bedroom, as I know there would not be anyone. This isn’t my first time breaking down on this yacht. It’s actually been a tradition for the last three years. Sulking in the bathroom, my mascara smudged onto my inflamed cheeks. It happens every damn year.
This wasn’t what I wanted, nor was it what I deserved. I was stuck in a loop of race after race and party after party. Charles was a natural, this was his favorite way to pass the time. Noting else really mattered all that much. Except me, i guess. He showed me love and care that I have never experienced before. Even with the back lash i received daily. And not only from fans and supporters, but from friends and family members too. His close family and I were in a verg good place. His mum adored me and his brother and I got along very well. I felt comfortable and loved around them. It was the distant relatives and friends that had their opinions. It never bothered Charles, so much so that he didn’t even think to check if it maybe bothered me. It did, a tremendous amount, actually. But I was stuck in the same loop, for I don’t know how long. I couldn’t leave, but I couldn’t bare the thought of this routine going on for decades. My chevy has stood in a private parking garage for the last three years now, only been driven once when I took Charles along with me to pack up my dorm at med school, quitting that year and deciding to move in with Charles. I would have been a doctor by now, a surgeon actually.
I hear a bottle pop and have no doubt in my mind it’s the bottle of Champagne Charles had brought. I clean myself up and walk out of the bathroom, my tears dried and my hart heavy. As I turn the corner I run into Kika who looks like she’s waiting for me. “Y/n, what’s going on?” She has a very concerned look on her face, I smile at that, appreciating how much she cares. Her hand is once again gripping onto me, her ring taking my attention. “You think he’s going to?” she whispers, a slight frown on her face. That confused me, I thought she would be excited at the idea of me and Charles getting married. I’m not even sure I was. “I don’t kn- ”
“Y/n !” I look over Kika’s shoulder to see Charles on his way over. “I’ve been looking all over for you, where have you been love ?” He exclaims gently, his hand in my lower waist. I instantly feel safe in his embrace, like the world stopped for a second and allowed me to take a deep breath. Kika squeezed my arms and walked over to her fiancé. “Sorry, I was with Kika.” I say hazy. I really needed to get my shit together.
“no need to apologize. Cmon, Arthur wants to do shots.”
I was a few drinks deep when the music switched to a slow song, Charles immediately found me, his arms wrapping around my waist. his head rests gently against the side of my temple, the same temple that was pounding and messing with my ability to stay in the present. “I love you so fucking much Y/n. You do know that right?” Charles pours his heart out. I dropped his hand that was so tightly held in mine. I pinch my eyes shut, finding Pascal looking at me with sorrow filled eyes. I was so fucking confused why people kept looking at me like that.
So i chose to ignore it, I leaned back, looking into Charles’s captivating eyes. “I do, I love you more than anything Charlie.” I smile at him. He kisses me, the kiss is passionate and soft. It almost felt as if I would never see him again. When my eyes opened I looked around and saw that it was only me and Charles left on the dance floor, everyone gathered around us. I frown, looking back at Pascal and Kika they both have worried expressions on their faces, Arthur is taking back glass after glass, with the same panicked expression on his face. But he’s not looking at me, he’s looking behind me. I turn around to be met with the Lorenzo on the other side of the crowd. His expression also mirroring the rest. Fingertips graze my leg and I look down to a hopeful Charles with his mother’s ring in his hands. The world stops, not to give me a deep breath, but to suffocate me. I felt breathless and light headed. It was dead silent, the only sound being Arthur putting the now empty bottle of Dom Perignon on the glass table.
“Y/n you are everything. I have never in my whole life been this inlove, nor have I ever imagined an angel like you to ever grace me with your presence. I cannot imagine myself without yo- ”
“Charles.” I whisper, my breath caught in my throat and my eyes watering. Everything burned, the lights the feeling of his fingers still gripping my leg, the sting in my heart.
“Y/n let me finish, baby. It would be an honor to live up to this speech every day. So if I could just finish it?” He smiles at me. Down on one knee and love circulating in both eyes.
“Charles I-” I choke on my words. “Okay I understand my love, this is a big thing, I’ll skip my shitty speech for now.” I wanted to say something but I felt as if i was going to fall faint right here and die. “Y/n I have loved you for a long time now, and I intend to do so until I die.”
“Will you marry me?”
Complete and utter silence, throughout the whole boat, nobody made a sound. The problem was, I didn’t either.
Charles looked at me with years and years of adoration and love and my heart broke a little more every second I stood still.
“No.” I whisper.
Gasps all around the room, it’s all I could hear. Kika let out a big sigh and Pascal let out a big sob. I could hear curse words being thrown and Charles’s manager saying how I could have been such a lovely bride. I next hear Carlos reply “what a shame she’s fucked in the head.”
“Fuck. I- I’m sorry, I can’t.” I sigh and sob at the same time, hyperventilating almost. Charles dropped the ring out of shock, and I could see his heart was also on the ground, although it was shattered.
I turn away in a complete state and rush towards the street. Quickly climbing into a cab and going home. I pack all the things I could need for a few days before taking off on the next train to God knows where. The train is silent and not a single person is awake. I look around the train, my phone ringing uncontrollably in my hand.
I take a seat next to an elderly woman, her window wide open. My phone goes through that same window about gen second later. As do all my worries. My heart has never hurt this much, but I have never in my life felt a weight quite this big being lifted off my shoulders.
I open my leather wallet and look at the picture of Charles tucked on the inside. That too goes out of the window.
hope you enjoyed!
there won’t be a part 2 unless this story really takes off, but I doubt it ?
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 !!!!
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lilacripley · 29 days
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Angel Dressed As a Demon
Pairing: Dark!Rhea x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: NSFW ish, slapping, dark themes, jealousy
A/n: forgive my use of tenses, keeping one tense has never been my strong suite. Also this is fucking rushed and not proof read soo yeah.
You weren't quite sure how you ended up in this position; body heaving, standing face to face with the woman who woman who was meant to protect you from everything, trying to puff out your chest to appear bigger than you felt.
You used to feel big. Now you only felt small under her gaze. An ant crushed under the thumb of a psychopath.
Rhea made you feel small again.
You'd met her when your boss set you up with a journalism gig for the WWE, set up with a camera outside a club. You'd been stood hours, jostled between men bustling to get a better look at the club entrance.
You'd never been a fan of crowds.
Or men.
Pushing through the reporters, you made your way slowly around the building where the people lingering were thinning out. Slumping yourself against the wall, you exhaled loudly, knocking your head back and staring into the sky.
You didn't even know why you'd agreed to this job, you didn't know shit about wrestling, nor did you want to be paid pennies for snapshots.
You'd been wrapped up in your own head when someone cleared their throat beside you. Slowly, you'd risen your gaze to meet worried blue eyes, the glare from the streetlight casting a golden halo around her head.
'You okay?' Her voice was soft, and she reached out for you like you were an old friend, not a stranger.
Finding yourself nodding, unable to take your eyes off her, the way her hair fell in front of her eyes and she'd brush it from her face with dextrous fingers.
'Well then what's a pretty little thing like you doing out here alone at this time of night?' You hadn't even noticed that the sun had long since dipped below the tips of the buildings, casting dangerous shadows down alleys.
She'd led you inside that night, and you'd talked about everything and nothing.
It didn't take long for her to take you under her wing, taking you everywhere she went, possessive, protective and so loving. You hadn't felt love like that in a long time. Falling for an angel dressed like a demon, you swooned over her ring costumes, appreciated being able to see her without the get up to. You were smitten.
The honeymoon phases ended. They did so abruptly, after a match against Becky that she'd lost.
You'd told her again and again, 'the match was rigged, in Beckys hometown, nothing more could be expected.' She'd fumed, black fingernails digging crescent moons into her palms until you'd snaked you palms into hers, pushing yourself softly into her gaze.
She was medusa, and as her palm had landed for the first time against your skin, you felt yourself turn to stone. You never really got the feeling of life back into your bones after that.
'You think Becky deserved to win over me? Go crawling to her for attention, maybe she'll fuck you if your desperate enough.'
'I love you.'
'I hate you.'
'I still love you.'
It was true, you loved her pain. Deserved it maybe. No one would love you like she did.
As time passed, you found yourself distanced from everyone you'd become friends with. Not allowed to speak with Liv, one of the first people you'd met whilst at RAW in your first few weeks of being with Rhea. Rhea only allowed you to sit with members of the judgement day while she was in the ring, but you usually just sat in silence and waited for her to return.
She'd caught you laughing with Becky one night, bursting through the door angrily just as Becky had laid her hand on your thigh, laughing. She'd told Becky to get out if she knew what was good for her, and she'd fucked you, bent over the bench in the locker room.
'Do her fingers feel better than mine do?'
'Do you call her Daddy, you little slut? Go on, call out for Daddy. See if she wants to come see who you really belong to.'
Removing her fingers from your mouth, grasping your jaw and caressing it with her thumb.
'Say it. Who owns you babygirl?'
'M-Mami, you do. I'm yours, only yours.'
'Do you feel her fingers inside you the next day? Do you scream her name like you do for me, hm?'
Rhea had taken your phone after that, kept you at the house while she worked. She didn't want you getting into trouble as she'd said. Didn't want you wandering off.
Liv had popped round that day, all wide eyes and worried, eyes lingering on the discoloured skin around your arms and jaw, promising to return with a phone.
That had been months ago. You were drowning in your mind, trapped in a body that belonged to an angel dressed as a devil.
You weren't sure that she was an angel anymore.
You knew you still loved her. And hated yourself for it.
'Where the hell do you thing you're going?' You stopped, hand contracting against the door handle as if it would just disappear from your grasp.
You turned towards her voice, angry eyes flashing hot towards you as she stepped forward. Rhea raised her eyebrows threateningly.
'I was just- I just needed some air, I'm not going anywhere I swear.' You didn't know who you were trying to convince.
You'd heard the slap before you felt it, a sharp pain that had you doubled over clutching at your cheek with aching palms.
'You think I was born yesterday babygirl? You think I don't know how you've been whoring yourself out to Liv?' Her fingers were around your neck now, and you couldn't help but remember the time when you'd watch her fingers; breathlessly in awe. Now they took your breath destructively, clamping down and leaving you gasping.
You smacked her arm away, shaking the feeling off your skin, 'I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Liv and I are friends,' you spat at her, turning away and slamming your hands against the door in frustration. 'And I haven't even spoken to her since you have taken my fucking phone.'
You felt Rhea's body pressing up against you, pushing you against the door and sliding her hands down to rest on yours. Linking your fingers she laughed, breath hot in your ear, teeth nipping at the skin under your ear. You pinched your eyes closed, trying to not get yourself worked up.
You hated her.
But you loved her.
'I found your little burner phone you little slut. Now, does she fuck you as good as Mami does?' Her tongue licked a strip down the nape of your neck as you groaned. 'Don't think for a second I won't get the boys to sort her out for fucking what's mine.'
'I'll leave you,' you whined, straining against her grip, turning around to face. She smiled, lip curling into a snarl as she pressed a kiss to your browline.
'You wouldn't dare, would you baby?' fingers drawing idly over the faint marks on your wrist, before dancing over to your hip bone. The faint 'Mami' was still visible in the skin there, making you shudder and clench your teeth. 'You're mine. Why don't you show me how much you love me? Put that petulant little mouth to use and then maybe Mami will forgive you for being such a little brat hey?'
Long fingers tangled themselves in your hair, pulling taught at your scalp as she pulled your head back. Rhea kissed up your neck, biting and sucking at delicate skin until red bloomed in place. A painful canvas for her art. When you refused to acknowledge her she pulled away, cocking her head slyly and pinching at your arm. 'When Mami asks you a question you answer her, ungrateful little bitch.'
You spit on the ground at her feet, and puff yourself up. Done making yourself small for her. You asked herself if she'd always been that tall.
All that you could hear was the blood pounded a heartbeat in your ears, and her breath, short and fast and so angry. Eyes full of poison. And yet she smiled at you, shaking her head as her hands dropped to the clasp of her belt.
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ieatbrainz-z · 11 months
astro observations !!!! :3
keep in mind this is my first time doing this :p as i only rlly use tumblr 2 observe rather than actually posting anything lolz ^____^. also there's no specific theme and these observations r based off my own placements or my friendz n family 🙏
also, mentions of depression n trauma 🙏
sun/moon aspecting pluto
i feel like these people have a pretty shit relationship with atleast one parent. or atleast one parent left them. they also have like rllyy intense emotions, or even depression. my mom has her sun squaring pluto and her dad left her as a kid, she has a complicated relationship with her mother, and she haz depression 😭. another friend of mine has both sun and moon aspecting pluto, and he tells me about having really intense emotional periods.
sag rising
my mom and sister r both sagittarius risings and they both have very big thighs 😭
virgo placements
dude i feel like natals with virgo placements aren't always the cleanest, but they definitely do get grossed out easily. like my brothers a virgo stellium and i'm a virgo rising and both of our rooms are pretty messy but we get so grossed out over specific things. like my brother finds rags and old sponges soooo gross and i hate seeing used, dirty, balled up paper towels 😭
cancer in 11th
maybe itz just me but i kinda find all of my friends so adorable 😭 like in a way a mother would with their child(s) i think itz cuz cancer is like the mother of the zodiac and aquarius (11th) rules friendship and connections
leo and taurus placements
we loooove to be spoiled 😭 i got a taurus moon in a leo degree, leo mars, and a venus in a leo degree and holy fuck i loved being spoiled and praised. like random compliments, random gifts, money and shit and luxurious things and i'll fold
venus aspecting pluto
dude im alwayz hearing that this aspect is usually obsessive and duuude 😭 i have venus opposite pluto and i developed a crush and i feel like i'm being driven to insanity. like i feel like i get psychosis every time i realllyyy like someone 🙏
aries suns
i lvoe aries suns they give me a protective vibe, liiike whenever i'm sad around my aries friends, they'd b so mf quick to cuss out and fight whoever made me sad lolz ^____^ they're funny and out of pocket 2 🙏 and gay 😹 like this is just me but like all of my aries friends i've had r gay dudes
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fleurriee · 1 year
— sun and moon ; neteyam sully
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pairing ; neteyam sully x fem!reader
synopsis ; na'vi from the omatikaya clan had arrived in your home, seeking a sanctuary away from the war. who would've known that one of them would be the one to gradually bring you out of your shell?
word count ; 4k
themes ; fluff
warnings ; shy reader, mentions of anxiety & feeling scared of interactions (me), use of y/n
author's note ; THIS IS SO BAD & CORNY WTH!! i didn't bother watching the movie when writing this so the scenes are based off what i can remember :) first time writing from a metkayina background, this was so fun!! thank u for the request <33
next part
day and night series masterlist main masterlist request a fic!
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Horns blaring, the sound piercing through your ear drums, your head whipped to the side, eyes scanning across the beautiful horizon for the meaning of such an unexpected sound. Placed delicately upon your Ilu with Tsireya next to you, the two of you shared a confused glance, before your friend's expression suddenly turned curious, her eagerness taking over both her mind and her actions.
The two of you were spending time out in the water together, venturing this way and that as you allowed the water to take you wherever it desired, allowing the peacefulness of the view surrounding you to consume you whole. This was something you found doing with Tsireya as much as you could, whenever either of you found the time - although, it was more Tsireya's schedule you were working around. As the daughter to the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, it was Tsireya's sole duty to the clan to train up on the ways of a leader, for one day it would be her taking up the mantel. Training was something your friend loved endlessly, finding happiness in aiding her people to the best of her ability, but, in turn, it meant she saw you less than you originally used to.
Growing up, you had only really known Tsireya. She was your best friend, the light of your life, the solace to your anxious heart, and not a day goes by where you don't thank the Great Mother for blessing you with such a lovely friendship. Both of your father's were fairly close, too, having been warriors who trained and fought side by side in their youth, before passing it down onto their daughters, but your relationships would always have their differences.
You and Tsireya managed to balance one another out beautifully, like you were two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together as one. Sure, the two of you would be considered somewhat shy to the rest of the clan, but when comparing you together, there was no argument about whose shyness was worse. As future Tsahik, a younger version of Tsireya was forced to put her timid attitude aside and show herself off as she needs to be, excelling in the confidence that was expected of her, but not being too cocky about it.
You, on the other hand, continued to pull yourself further and further away.
More often than not, you found yourself hiding behind others, wishing to bask in their shadows rather than create your own, allowing others to talk louder than you, sticking to your thoughts within your own mind. There wasn't much you wanted to say anyway - you observed everything around you more than anything, taking in every little detail and making note of it, never bothering to speak up on it. Continuously, your father had tried his very best to push you out into the open, to grow your confidence up more and allow yourself to shine in the way he felt you were always meant to, but, in the end, nothing ever seemed to work. The most confident you'd arguably ever felt was when you were either alone with your parents, or with Tsireya. Something about bigger groups set you on edge, finding yourself curling inwards and wishing to melt into the shadows so no was able to take notice of you.
So, when the two of you finally emerged from the now raucous waters, Tsireya just a few paces in front of you like she always was, allowing you to follow her guide with ease, you spotted newcomers, something that definitely didn't happen often. From your thoughts, you guessed that they were Na'vi of the forest, a family of six sheepishly looking around themselves as every eye pierced into them. The sight had your heart picking up in its speed.
Staying close to Tsireya's side, the two of you dismounted your Ilu's, watching as they swam off to relieve themselves of the journey they previously embarked on, walking up past the water's edge and becoming part of the growing crowd. You ended up standing with Ao'nung and Rotxo, too, their eyes glaring over to the forest people, no doubt already disgusted by their differences in appearance. The two boys were ones you shared time with once in a while, but they were too loud and boisterous for your taste, rather staying with the former's sister in the calm and quiet. They were nice enough to you, though, which you greatly appreciated, but they never exactly sought you out, rather just having you tag along with Tsireya and beginning to expect it. Now, it'd just be weird if you weren't with the female.
Their words of teasing in regards to their tails and their fingers had your interest peeked, not having noticed much other than their darker shade of blue, beforehand. Jake Sully - the father of the family; Toruk Makto - was once a known soldier who became an Avatar, before falling in love with his new life and pledging himself as a full Na'vi. That's why some of them looked different, why some of them had extra fingers.
You can't help but rake your eyes over their figures, taking in their broad chests, toned muscles, weird clothing... so much so, when your gaze moved upwards, you hadn't noticed one in particular had caught your snooping. Eyes meeting as one, you quickly guessed that he was the eldest in the family, with the way he held himself high and protective for those he cared about. There's a small smile lingering upon his lips, both warm and welcoming, before sending you a subtle nod. Finally coming out of your reverie, you shy away, feet moving yourself backwards and consequently hiding behind the three teens next to you, head hanging low and eyes grazing along the floor, your heart surely about to burst from your chest. You just weren't good with people - eye contact was something you'd always struggled with, even with those you were comfortable around - and when they were as handsome as this particular Na'vi was, what were you to do other than feel absolutely terrified?
Neither Ao'nung nor Roxto seemingly noticed your sudden change in demeanour, possibly too used to it happening and too busy continuing to taunt the family with their glaring eyes and smirking lips, but Tsireya had.
Bringing your head back up after an eventual short while, your eyes moved sheepishly when Tonowari claimed that both of his children and their friends would help train the forest family's own children in the ways of the water, in the ways of the Metkayina. As the Olo'eyktan gestured over to the four of you huddled close together, your gaze flickered worriedly over to your own father, who stood near his chief, presenting himself as tall and affirmative. Meeting his stare, you found he was already looking at you, no doubt knowing how your nerves would've spiked at the idea of such a proposition. Your head tilted to the side, ears falling flat as you found your expression to be one of begging, hoping that your father would allow you the relief of not forcing you outside your comfort zone. But, he only nodded at you, eyes soft and smile small in reassurance, repeatedly telling himself that this would be good for you, maybe this would be the thing that could finally push you out there.
Looking back to the appreciative family, your eyes found the eldest son's once again, heart beating at speeds you were sure were considered dangerous, already thinking to yourself that you weren't so sure.
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Your nerves had only sky-rocketed since the moment your father had pushed you towards a situation you wanted no part in. The idea of training the newcomers was something that absolutely terrified you, just for the fact that you'd actually have to interact with them. You didn't know what they were like - were they nice, were they loud, would they even appreciate the help, or would they want nothing to do with you because of your differences?
It felt as though your thoughts were beginning to consume you whole until you were nothing but a shivering, anxious mess. One possible outcome sprung up, before being followed by another, and your fragile heart simply couldn't take it anymore.
Such an impression brought you so close to finding your father, begging and pleading with him to allow you this one chance to run away into the water and to never emerge again. There were two reasons why you'd never gotten that far with your plans - the first being that you knew your father would never give in to you, even when he has done in the past. You were your parent's only child, meaning from a very young age you had the two of them wrapped tightly around your finger, but you never took it too far. On a normal day, your father might've allowed you the solace of a calming heart, but it was obvious already that day wouldn't be today. The second reasoning was that before you could even make it several steps in the direction of your family marui, Tsireya had found you and steered you in the opposite direction.
For once in your life, you felt like screaming at your only true friend.
Instantly, Tsireya noticed your nervous expression - the way your ears lay flat against your head, your eyes flickering from one spot of the beach to the other, fingers absentmindedly playing with one another to distract your mind away from your impending doom. But, with your arms linked together, she gave you a gentle, soothing pat, reassuring you almost immediately that everything would okay, that nothing would go wrong.
"They seem nice enough," Tsireya continued, leading the two of you to where you'd eventually meet up with them. You supposed she was right - from what you had seen from them the day before at their unexpected arrival, the family seemed kind, stating that they were done with war and battle, only hoping to live out the rest of their days together in bliss and perfection.
Granted, you hadn't really interacted with them, the same with Tsireya, Ao'nung and Rotxo, so you truly had no idea what they'd be like. It seemed like you could only hope for the best.
Your thoughts clouding your mind as they always did like a ritual, your face held a far-off expression, eyes looking off into the distance, cloudy and not really present. At your silence, Tsireya looked up at you with loving eyes, taking noticing of your distance, and already understanding what was happening in your mind just from the look. This was something that seemed to happen more often than not - you were more focused within your own thoughts than with the outside world, so Tsireya was used to this. But, something else clawed at her - the look shared between yourself and the eldest son Jake Sully. She had seen the two of you minimally interact when they arrived, and despite you acting as you normally would even with people you've known your whole life, she felt like there was something there...
"Plus," she started, a teasing lilt within her smile, "do you not want to see that boy again?"
Despite your overbearing shy nature, your head shot up, eyes wide, as soon as those particular words left your friend's mouth. Trying to steel your expression, you attempted to calm your features, looking back down at the sand as your feet continued to follow Tsireya. "What boy?"
She laughs - not mockingly, but almost endearingly, like she knows you know exactly what she means, but your terror in such a circumstance was taking over any other means possible. "The boy who smiled at you..." Head continuing to hang low, you felt a soft nudge against your side as your friend attempted to get something out of you. Alas, all you did was stay completely silent, no doubt if you were to speak even the barest of words, they'd come out shaking and broken. "He seemed to like you." Her words weren't doing anything to sway you, she could see, so with a thoughtful sigh, she tried a different direction. "Y/n, I know this is scary for you, but you never know what might happen until you try..." she spoke softly, timidly, like if her words were even half a decibel louder, they'd have frightened you off. She knew she had to be tender with you, always.
At her final words, you find your head subconsciously moving up, eyes meeting one another as they soften in both adoration and appreciation. Her smile is full of so much fondness and endearment, it almost has your heart aching in pleasure. It felt as though Tsireya was always going out of her way to ensure that you were the most comfortable you could be, never wanting to see you scared and simpering. You truly couldn't have asked for a better friend.
So, swallowing deeply as you prepared yourself for what was soon coming up, you sent Tsireya a forced smile along with a subtle nod of your head, attempting to steel your nerves. Still, you could feel your erratically beating heart not once giving up in its torment.
In the near distance, just in front of the horizon as the sun elevated itself within the pale sky, you could see everyone already there - four Sully kids, and Ao'nung and Rotxo, too. The idea of yourself and Tsireya being the last ones to turn up had your stomach roiling is dissatisfaction, but there was nothing you could do about it now.
With a gentle squeeze of compassion once the two of you had made it to the rest of the group, Tsireya unlinked your arms together, before moving closer to them. "Hi," she spoke up, tone airy and lofty, welcoming, "I am Tsireya, and this is my friend y/n."
Even when you shrunk slightly in on yourself, biting your lips in order to feel the pain rather than your racing heart, the shadows of others beginning to envelop you, he's still able to find you. "Neteyam," he greets, introducing himself as he signs an I see you, eyes lingering on your own like he only really meant their meaning to you. Before you can collapse, he gestures next to him, introducing his siblings, too - Kiri, Lo'ak and Tuk.
Neteyam, you thought, what a beautiful name.
You eyes trail over each of them in turn, finding them somehow startlingly different from one another. Lo'ak's own gaze seemed to trail after Tsireya like some sort of lovesick-puppy, the scene causing a small smile to grace your lips; Kiri's attention was here, there and everywhere, her mind shooting from one idea to the next as she took everything in around her; and Tuk grasped eagerly at Neteyam's hand, excitedly bouncing atop her feet, not able to wait a second longer before they got started on their Metkayina training.
Once introductions are in order, each of you signing back to them in greeting (although, you were sure there was some form of malice behind Ao'nung's, which you thought was just simply childish), the group find themselves bobbing along to the current in the cooling waters, several Ilu's spotted around them, waiting for their rider in small anticipation.
The group had been divided out - Ao'nung and Rotxo would be teaching Kiri, Tsireya with Lo'ak, and yourself would be taking care of both Neteyam and Tuk, something you don't doubt was Tsireya's idea - you'd make sure to scorn her for it afterwards. The awaiting Ilu stays calm in your hands as you continuously send soothing strokes down the base of its head, your words slow and understanding, not wanting to overwhelm the two of them with information as they intently listen, Tuk clinging to her brother's neck. "This is an Ilu," you start, eyes trained solely on the creature itself, too scared that if you dared to look over at Neteyam, you'd crash and crumble. "You must learn to tame one in order to stay here, to become Metkayina. It should not be too hard as long as you keep your grip tight - the force of the water can change quickly, so you always need to be prepared."
This Ilu was much smaller in size, only young, so you suggested it would be better for Tuk to try her out. As you gently gestured her over, Neteyam moved the two of them until they were beside the creature, lifting her up and ensuring she was safely on top. Moving back, you take his spot, hands reaching out - one against her back soothingly, and the other grasping along the Ilu's queue.
"Here," you speak softly, guiding the queue up closer, further gesturing for the two of them to bond. Continuously, you ensure to allow yourself to come across as calm and prepared, despite knowing Neteyam is close behind you, causing all sorts of emotions to pass through you - you know that something like bonding with a creature can be nerve-wracking, remembering your own experience very well, and the fact that they were expected to do well due to their ages surely would've made the pressure worse. If those younger than them could do it, why couldn't they?
With their queues finally connected, a small, excited giggle escapes from her lips at the sudden sensation fluttering through her. You can't help the adoring smile on your own features at the sight, your hand stopping in its soothing movements along her back as you pulled away. "Now think go, but be gentle - you do not want to go too fast."
Tuk takes a couple of seconds to herself, smile big and bright as she comfortably fidgets against the Ilu, before seemingly doing so as the creature takes off. Gaze not once faltering from her near-distancing figure, you watched as her Ilu eventually took her under the water for a few seconds, the smile dropping from your face as panic soon started to cleave within you. Before you could even think about swimming under and checking up on her, both Tuk and her Ilu popped up from the surface, her shrill, excited giggles piercing through the air as she exclaimed animatedly, floating beside the creature.
You find yourself joining in on her exhilaration, one hand coming up to cover your mouth as your eyes crinkled in happiness. Small shouts of I did it! I did it! travel to your perked up ears, clapping softly when she looks over to you for approval, heart wrenching lovingly at her cheerfulness.
In your sudden change of emotions, it seemed that you had completely forgotten about the other Na'vi presence behind you - the one who could take your breath away with just a single look. It isn't until you feel the water gently ripple against your waist when you remember of his presence, heart stopping in anticipation. Before you can stop yourself or realise what you're truly doing, you turn your head, coming face to face with the male, directly next to you as he wears a proud smile directed at his youngest sister, then bringing his gaze down to you. "You are a good teacher," he compliments, his smile not once faltering.
There's no denying that your cheeks are starting to blush at his words - you can feel the heat scorching against your skin, no doubt colouring it a darker shade. Your shyness that had started to disappear when teaching Tuk had forced its way back to the forefront, your demeanour changing as you always seemed to struggle receiving compliments, no matter who is was from. "Thank you," your voice is barely audible when you try and speak, unsure of what else to say when your gaze lies back down against the ocean in an attempt to hide away.
But, even if he can sense your struggle, he doesn't give up. His gaze is still searing into you - you can feel it against every portion of skin his eyes land on - but he doesn't wish to make you uncomfortable. Perhaps he can understand your shyness, you wonder, because both his words and actions only seem to want to goad you out of your shell. (You're too scared to admit that it might be working.) "You are friends with Tsireya, yes?"
His question allows you the opportunity of a small form of escape - looking up, your attention focuses on said girl in the near distance as she attempts to teach Lo'ak. It's obvious even from where you are that they're getting along from their lingering touches and elated smiles. "Yes," you nod.
That's all you say to his question, feeling guilty for your one-word answers, but you're unsure with what else to say. It was something you'd always found yourself struggling with - trying to hold a conversation with someone was difficult if they didn't know you as well as your parents or Tsireya. You just had to hope they didn't think you rude for it.
And, it was obvious that Neteyam didn't think of you such a way, for his questions continued. "But, not with Ao'nung or Rotxo?" However, even despite the giddiness that he didn't think you ill-mannered with your lack of words, you felt confused, too, because how had he noticed such a fact? Slowly, your gaze shifts back over to his somewhat towering figure, your eyes slightly narrowed, naturally giving away what you were thinking. He hurries to explain himself when he spots the puzzlement. "You only seem to be with Tsireya whenever I see you."
The words I see you linger repeatedly within the depths of your mind, even when you know for definite he didn't mean it in that way. You can't help yourself - being the way that you are, you thought it was practically impossible for you to ever get a mate. And, for the longest time, you told yourself you were okay with that, despite the chastising looks from your parents who thought otherwise. But, as you grew older, watching other Na'vi around you find their soulmates, it only had your heart aching for more.
And, despite only having met Neteyam just a few days ago, the thought wouldn't leave your brainwaves, lingering like an omen... but this one felt good. The way he had noticed such a circumstance of you only really hanging around wherever Tsireya was must have been somewhat difficult, considering the two of you always found a secluded spot away from the busyness of the surrounding clan. That means either he would've stumbled upon you too many times to count by accident, or he was seeking you out. The latter option felt better, but you didn't want to get your hopes up.
Upon finally realising you've taken too long to give him some semblance of an answer, too lost within your mind, you swallow, shrugging sheepishly. "I've only ever really gotten on with Tsireya..." you admit embarrassingly, eyes downcast once more.
There's a silence that envelops itself between the two of you, only hearing the near-distance sounds of splashing water and happy yells and teasing laughter as the others continue to train on their own Ilu's. That's when Neteyam speaks up. "Well," he starts, his voice somehow both teasing and hesitant, comforting and anxious, "is there a chance that you might get along with me?
Sheepishness be damned, your head shot up so suddenly, you were shocked you didn't experience whiplash as soon as the words left his parted mouth, a smirk evident upon his lips. Your eyes were imploring in on his own, trying to spot where the joke was, but you couldn't find any evidence of such a thing. His amusement has you feeling unsteady, dizzy, and before you can really comprehend what you're doing, there's a small, loving smile on your lips, too. It's barely there, but Neteyam's eyes flicker down to spot it, and it has his own heart racing in its cage.
Coming back to your senses, you turn forwards, swimming away and getting closer to Tuk to train her again without saying another word. From the distance, Neteyam continues to watch you caress the Ilu, clapping his younger sister on the back before helping her back up so she could have another go.
With a shake of his head and chuckling to himself in endearment, he slowly swam over to the two of you, undeniable intrigue festering within the pit of his stomach every time he thought of you.
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taglist ;
@bakugouswaif @andraga12 @draiochtwrites @teyums​ @neteyamslovrr @tinkerbelle05 @netesanrr @lanasblood
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irwinsblender · 6 months
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A/N: hi everyone!! this is my first fanfic that i’m posting on here and the first ever oneshot that i’ve written! as it’s coming up to christmas I decided to write a festive themed oneshot as my first post! i hope you enjoy :)
pairing: ashton x reader
summary: reader has worries about meeting ashton’s family in person for the first time
warnings: a small amount of anxiety
word count: 1k
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Usually, you were always excited for the Christmas season. Celebrating with loved ones and giving out gifts had always been your favourite thing to do.
This year was slightly different.
Ashton had suggested spending Christmas in Australia with his family this year. After many video calls had gone well with them, he assumed it wouldn’t be a big deal for you. Of course, it wasn’t at first. You were over the moon about getting to go to his home country for the first time.
With your flight there coming up in a few days time, you’d both been packing your bags in preparation. Including any gifts that had been bought for his family.
When you decided on taking a break from packing, Ashton offered to pick up some food. Expecting you to be ready to eat once he returned. Instead, he found you sitting out on his back porch, staring out at the darkening sky above.
He considered leaving you to your thoughts, thinking that you’d been okay all day. Something inside him told him that he couldn’t leave you alone. Something was wrong.
The back door opening caught your attention, glancing back to see Ashton walking outside. You sighed, leaning your head against the back of the chair you were sat on. He joined you, sitting down, waiting until you were ready to talk.
You cuddled into Ashton’s side, slipping your arms around his torso with your head against his shoulder. His arm draped around your shoulders.
“Everything okay, baby?” Ashton asked.
You shrugged, not sure how to tell him that you were freaking out about meeting his family in person for the first time.
“Is it about Australia?” He tried to answer for you if you didn’t want to speak. You nodded. “You’re worried for the flight? I know you’re concerned about how long it’ll be.”
“No, it’s not that,” you closed your eyes, trying to figure out how to explain your feelings. “I’m anxious… about meeting your family.”
“Oh,” he said. Not expecting you to say that. “You’ve been alright talking to them on our calls though, haven’t you?”
“This is different though, a lot different,” you sat up again, crossing your legs in front of you as you faced Ashton. “It’s not talking to them through a screen this time, I’ll be seeing your mum, your siblings, your grandparents, it’s a lot, Ash.”
With the way your voice almost broke at the end, Ashton couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen a hint of your anxiety to meet them sooner. You’d talked many times since agreeing, and none of those times had you expressed how worried you were becoming.
“You’re good at talking to people you haven’t met before,” Ashton tried to remind you. “You were fine talking with the guys the first time you met them.”
You looked away from Ashton after he said that, seeing the sun getting lower and lower. With how you were sat, Ashton moved to rest his hand on your knee, caressing his thumb back and fourth to comfort you.
“I’m not worried about talking to them,” you finally admitted. “I’m worried that they won’t like me.”
“Baby…” Ashton looked at you with a sad expression, the same way he always looked when you said things like that. “They like you already, they’ve seen the way you are on call, or when we’ve posted together.”
“How can you say that when they haven’t met me? Yes, we’ve talked, but over a video call.” You slouched in your seat, running one hand frustratedly through your hair. “I’m different in person than over the phone, you know that better than anyone. I’m quiet if someone calls me, but I can be the loudest person in the room when I hang out with our friends.”
“You’re my girlfriend, they’ll like you, baby.”
“just because I’m your girlfriend doesn’t mean they’ll like me.” You replied stubbornly.
Ashton figured he’d have to take a different approach to how you were thinking. He moved to face you more, patting his lap for you to sit on, which you could never say no to. Now sat comfortably with your hands in his, he continued talking.
“They haven’t chosen whether to like you or not depending on if you’re quiet in one setting or loud in another,” he placed his hands on your waist, rubbing up and down softly. “They liked you even before they saw your face. They liked you as soon as they realised how happy you make me. All they’re worried about is that you care for me and love me.”
You nodded, listening to what he said to you. What he was saying was true in every sense. Your parents were the same with him. As long as you’re happy, and as long as he takes care of you, they couldn’t not like him.
“and you do care for me. Every day you care for me, and love me, I feel it every second we’re together.” He cupped your cheek in his palm as you leaned into his grip. “They like you because I’ve told them about the real you, the you that I fell in love with, the you that I want to be with forever.”
“What if I mess up or say something wrong as soon as we get there?”
“I’ll be there to jump in,” He reassured. “If you get too anxious, I’ll start talking. If you aren’t sure what to say, I’ll talk for you. Until you’re more comfortable with my family I’m more than happy to do whatever you need to feel okay.”
You took a breath as you nodded at him. Feeling slightly better about this whole situation. All you needed was a little reassurance from Ashton, and that’s exactly what you got.
“I love you, you know that right?” You chuckled softly.
“And I love you,” Ashton leaned in, pressing a delicate kiss to your lips. “You’ll talk to me next time you have any worries?”
“Yea, I will.” You promised, looping your arms around his neck as he hugged you closer to him.
For now, everything had turned out okay in the end. You’d admitted how you felt, Ashton understood and didn’t mind at all. He was going to suggest going inside when you spoke again.
“What if your sister doesn’t like me?” You asked.
“Don’t give me that! You two are practically best friends already.” Ashton laughed. “Now, come on, we should eat before the food’s completely cold.”
✩ ✩ ✩
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werywrenniethoughts · 9 months
Let's Talk About Sun and Moon
I've been itching to share all my thoughts & theories on the Daycare Attendant ever since I first played SB. With MattPat's latest video reacting to Fuhnaff's recent Ruin theory, I could no longer contain my silence. It's obvious Steel Wool is pointing us back to Sister Location, or more specifically Circus Baby's Pizzaria. I think we'll find that the daycare attendant has been here all along. Below are a few key things I want to open discussions with the DCA fandom. Buckle up friends, and grab a snack or 3, because this is a long one. Let me know your likes, let me know your dislikes. (FYI general disclaimer that I bummed all these pictures from Google and that spoilers ARE contained below)
Personally, my theory is the DCA is an old funtime/toy animatronic from Cirus Baby's Pizzaria that was repurposed for one reason or another and brought to the PizzaPlex. Let's go over some of the reasons why:
Does the Daycare attendant fit with the Glamrock animatronics?
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No. Not even a little. The Glamrocks are synonymous with neon signs, rock n roll, and 80s-early 90s vibes. Sun and Moon are based off of the naturally occurring satellites we see in the sky on the daily. Most FNAF theorist tends to unanimously state they simply "don't know what to do with the daycare attendant." It's understandable. They don't really flow with the rest of the SB cast animatronics.
You know who I think they do mesh with though? Circus Baby, Funtime Freddy, and Bellora. While one could argue they are not an exact fit, they certainly fit the circus designs far better than the Glamrocks. Sun with his striped pants, bells, ribbons, and poofy collar certainly give him more of a clown-like look (dare I even suggest, they look like a jester, Mimic fans?)
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I've also always felt that Moon's speech patterns model Funtime Freddy's more than the Glamrocks or even Suns. They sound like preselected lines he's been programmed to say, rather than cohesive sentences most of the time with limited vocabulary usage, not unlike the lines delivered by the withered, Funtime, and Toy animatronics in Ultimate Custom Night. Phrases that sound innocent, but with the given inflection, they're obvious threats. Kellen Goff, the overly amazing voice actor for both the DCA, and Funtime Freddy stated once in an interview that the audition description for FF was "a voice that children would love, but adults would hate/fear." He nails that with Freddy, but, I think his performance with Moon warrants that description somewhat as well.
Another circus link I want to point out is this little devil right here:
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Ballon Boy. He too blends in with the circus theme. It's also worth mentioning the arcade machine hidden within the DCA's room is Balloon World. Where in-game versions of Sun and Moon watch over any poor soul attempting to complete this flappy bird ripoff. Has anyone ever noticed that the arcade cabinet, and the game's home screen you start on, display a carnival tent?
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Further, Kids Cove is linked to the daycare- the floor map shows us the shore of Kids Cove flows into the daycare, which flows to a flowery hilltop where the DCA's castle room sits. A pirate version of Foxy is the featured animatronic of Kid's Cove. In fact, every character cut-out you need to flash with the FazCam to access the DCA's room is a member of the original four: Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy.
The DCA lore from Bobbiedots states the DCA was "an old stage animatronic" NOT specifically from the FazBear theater. Of course, no one can deny the FazBear theater is absolutely pointing us toward them being meant to be performing there. The artwork of the daycare has the FazTheater in the "sky" per the scenery, there's a sun framing the entrance banner, and Moon's patterns decorate the door. Additionally, both the comedy and tragedy masks line the banner.
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Could it be they are older animatronics meant to be retrofitted and added to the lineup but were instead reprogrammed as the Daycare Attendant last minute or, were they performing an old throwback routine from their original pizzeria for a time before they were reprogrammeed? Or was it always the FazBear Theater from the get-go? I feel all these scenarios are somewhat plausible.
Sun/Moon make more rudimentary machine sounds than the other animatronics in SB. It's hard to describe the glamrocks and the endos just sound smoother, like well-oiled machines. While Sun's movements are fluid and the sounds he produces are rhythmic, he sounds more like a clock or wind-up toy than anything else. Moon flat-out squeaks- a LOT. Like he hasn't been oiled in years. (Admittedly, this could just be a subtle attempt by Steel Wool to help you deal with Moon during the generator section. It's dark as crap, and you CAN hear Moon coming far sooner than you see him.) You can listen to isolated sounds of Sun's mechanisms on the FNAF Wiki and you can hear Moon on any SB playthrough. I think their cable might also be considered rudimentary compared to the glamrocks as well, but, this is also a personal opinion that doesn't really have any evidence to back it up.
I could probably add a few more minor things, but I think I've given us all quite enough to chew on for now. I know I've failed to mention Eclipse this entire time. Without any additional lore, it's hard for me to decide whether he's the original version of Sun and Moon, or a brand new addition. Obviously, a lot of my theories here are either supported or thrown out the window based on which one is true. I'm okay with letting that lie for now until we (hopefully) get a more concrete answer from Scott or Steel Wool.
It seems like we'll be getting a Sun-based story in Tales #8 so I'm eagerly awaiting to see if that completely disproves my ideas, or gives them any merit. I certainly don't think I have them 100% figured out, but, I think the limited amount of lore regarding the origins of the DCA means Steel Wool's hiding something. I'm eager to hear everyone's thoughts! Thanks for coming to my Sun/Moon TED talk.
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iceprincessviviane · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Surprise.
Heritage series.
Paring: poly!BTS x Female!Shy!Skinny!Chosen!Reader.
Type: dark romance, horror au, soulmate au, poly relationship, slowburn, yandere.
Warnings: Horror themes, some religion themes (mostly demonic), gore, blood, manipulation, witchcraft, magic themes, death (side characters), mentionings of forced marriage, mentioning about past, loss, yandere, obsessive, possessive, swearing, low self-esteem,dealing with grief, sugestive content and silly jokes created by me. (If there is more to add let me know.)
Previous chapter. Next chapter.
Summary: The life can be suprising. Sometimes it comes out with an sudden love, some struggling or you can inherit something from a very distant family.
Author's note: so we are beginning. This chapter will be a little longer, if it is going to get out of hand, I'll divide it. This is a made up story, fiction so please don't take some information seriously.
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The small casket was standing peacefuly on coffee table, three pairs of eyes observing it carefuly. With it came a letter in neat envelope, with smell of lilacs.
"Are you going to open it?" The girl with black hair asked crushing the silence.
"I don't know... suddenly I get to know that I had distant living family."
"Well not family but a family member to be accurate." Third one said with a little frown.
Y/N and her friends - Blanca and Kate were staring at it around five minutes. The casket seemed like a item from another era. It was wooden with metal decorations and lock. The key was visible inside the envelope.
"You always stated that you like those old things, but now you are hesitant."
"Because it looks so unbelievable. First the letter with casket then call to the court in case of inheritance which I had never known from family which I had never met." Y/N said with little gruff.
"Isn't that your chance to have an adventure? Like the trip to another continent isn't a big of a challenge." Blanca said confidently.
Well maybe for her because in fact she was confident and sure aboit herself. Usually they were travelling in trio, but working on different fields made them seen each other less often. Last year they had wonderful trip to the Rome and before to Stambul.
Y/N bite a little lip, then reached for a casket and envelope. Her friend put head on her shoulders on each side. She opened first letter, as they could see the small key was there. There was a decorative paper, text was written by ink, person had a very old syle of writing, but Y/N liked it and even found some similarities.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry, that we are never going to met each other. I didn't know that I have even a distant family, as much as I know the officials from Grand Hillsam will contact you about the mansion. It's an old, neglected building which I was keep paying for because I had some family sentiment, not mentioning I was quite rich. Please keep this part of the pendant, that belonged to my grandmother, which was in our family for ages. I believe you have the second part. Let it protect you from bad things.
Aunt Lizzie
After reading letter aloud the silence has fallan upon them. Y/Ns eyes went immediately to casket. She picked up small key and opened it with small 'click'. Inside really was a pendant, small solar disk, currently below her sweater was a necklace with small cerscent moon.
"It' looks like separate part." Blanca frowned.
Y/N took them both and looked closely. It turned out the these could be combined and now the sunshines were going out of moon part, which was silver and sun was gold.
"It's beautiful." Kate summed up looking at it.
"I agree." Y/N admired completed piece, then put it on her neck.
"Did you talk with the boss? He'll allow you to go?"
"We kinda have no option. Luckily we've finished big project and I can do home office. I'll focus on daily tasks and small project, which don't need to a lot of communication with a team." She explained with little sigh.
"But where are you going to stay?"
"I received a call after submiting all files in court. I just need to pay for a flying ticket, then they'll pick me up from airport and drive to Grand Hillsam, there I am going to met all necessary officials." Y/N said furrowing her eyebrows.
"Are you sure you want to go alone? And besides that you are sure that'w not a scam?"
"Well the court checked all info for me and confirm it's all correct. The town is actually very nice to allowing me pay only for ticket. I will stay in the motel till the case will be solved. And well, I am kinda scared to go alone, but it's mine heritage and you are busy that time for first and second we don't know how it'll take, so I asked a boss for homeoffice."
"Well let's see at good points. You are going to see very old mansion and probably have time to wander around after work." Kate smiled trying to improve friend's mood.
"Thanks God it isn't winter. That season can be really harsh in those town." Y/N muttered.
"Oh yea you mentioned that it's kinda small town deep in the forest and mountains."
"That's right, I hope the net will be all right."
"Let's not worry too much. We'll help you pack and go to the airport, also you have to keep us updated." Blanca said pointing her finger at Y/N.
The trio smiled and conversation went on and on about the case, then about casual things. She wanted to leave in a week, so they wanted to spent all the time they could.
Jimin stopped in front of neglected garden, which was in left part of whole mansion field. The grass was too high and stone path was now cracked and dirty. Trees has grown too much, no flowers in sight and vines on all stone walls, and some untreated big bushes. He frowned looking at all those mess and his chest tightened. How long this place was abandoned? Once beautiful now dewastated? Jimin narrowed his eyes and the plants started to disappear, like the life was escaping from the ground, unwanted vines were dying, grass cut itself and few branches fell from the trees then perished into dust. Some flowerbed formed with each kind of flowers, bushes shaped into tidy hedge. Fountain without the water got cleaned from moss and vines, path was now neatly lead into it. Behind it and where the mansion final wall was protecting the garden from outside wild forest submerged the sun clock from the ground. Jimin was content with his work, now the place was more familiar, more welcoming. He eyed the garden once more, when his eyes suddenly shone with crimson colour, black rose appeard almost under the behind wall. Jimin smirked and transformed into nightingale, then left the garden in a hurry, his job there was done for now.
Next chapters will be longer 💖
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maliland · 5 months
if i die, please, let them find me.
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angel(s): gwen stacy & fem reader includes: angst, flashbacks, & themes of depression chapter synopsis: you wasted away the summer ignoring your feelings, gwen unable to escape hers. wc: 4.5k
heaven 'n hell m.list
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august 2023
you felt as though you were melting into your mattress as you lay in your bed on your stomach idly. soon enough, you would be nothing but a puddle of liquid that your sheets and your covers were forcefully drenched in. you had tried so incredibly hard not to mull over the loss of your ex-girlfriend, and for some time, you didn’t do so at all. 
for the first few weeks of the summer, you dismissed the aching feeling in your chest entirely and feigned stability, carrying out your habitual summertime regimen. you went on nightly strolls when the moon was shining a little too bright for you to fall under. when it wasn’t too hot out, you’d venture to the lake and journal thoughts that didn’t involve her. it was therapeutic the way your pen glided across the sheets of paper with ease, and you found solace in the green grass beneath your fingers, coupled with the way the sun kissed your delicate skin. you dove even deeper into the artistry of baking, discovering new recipes and modifying older ones. your method seemed to be working efficiently, because by the end of each and every day, you were far too worn out to give anything else so little as half of a thought.
no matter what, you refused to confront your feelings. what you didn’t yet realize was that pretending like your feelings didn’t exist wasn’t going to stop them from eating you from the inside out whether you liked it or not.
that’s exactly what they did. your efforts had essentially gone to waste. 
one night, something in you just snapped. you could only ignore the tugs at your heartstrings until they turned into painful yanks. you couldn’t stand to bury your hurt anymore, so you dug it up. the oppressive ache of losing both of your best friends in such a short time period plagued your being from then on. you felt dead.
being locked away in your bedroom made you lose track of time. days turned into weeks and weeks turned into the entire summer. you had unfortunately succumbed to the desolation and the seclusion that your body had been begging to enervate you with, and the gelidity that had been nipping at your soul had overpowered your suffocating routine and broken you.
were just there and residing inside of you, the only escape being the tears that spilled from your eyes not intermittently, but only when you let yourself think about gwen too much in one day.
you didn't grieve how you should've. you’d willingly let sorrow consume you. it was who you were now.
summer break was coming to a close. the first day of your senior year was just a week away from the night jules came over to check in on you. she did these checks because your parents were usually on business trips, giving you the freedom to rot in bed without anyone’s knowledge. 
jules came sometime in the evening. she found you snuggled in your bed, blankets layered on top of your exhausted figure. your tv was playing a movie, but you weren’t paying attention, nor did you know what movie was on. you were facing the wall, staring blankly. you’d been doing so for some time. it’s not like it was on purpose.
“hey girl, i brought you some chinese food,” jules announced with a soft sigh. 
you heard a plastic bag crinkling in unison with jules’ footsteps. she set the plastic bag down on the surface of your desk, knowing you’d get up and eat when you were hungry. she briefly inspected your room and picked up a few items that she noticed were out of place. earlier on in the summer, you’d fallen into the habit of having an untidy room. you quickly fixed that when you realized it only made you feel worse about yourself, so now, your room was almost always spotless.
jules said, “you changed your curtains.”
“i did,” you confirmed monotonously. your old curtains were white, embroidered with baby blue floral designs. the new ones you had put up were light pink blackout curtains.
“they’re cute.” “thanks. and thanks for the food.”
you thought jules was simply making sure you were still breathing, dropping off food, and leaving, because that’s how these things usually went. instead, she sat near the foot of your bed, the cushiony mattress slowly shifting under her. it urged you to roll over and sit up, a puzzled expression painted on your face as you stared at jules.
“school’s about to re-open,” she reminded you.
“i’m very aware,” you nodded, releasing an exasperated sigh. 
she nodded slowly, squinting her eyes at you slightly. “right, so… have you packed? done any school shopping?”
“no…” you shook your head.
“you do know when your orientation is, right?”
you tapped your chin repeatedly for a few moments as if the answer was stored in a file deep inside your brain, and you needed to retrieve it before offering up a response “…yeah, no.” 
“it’s tomorrow!” jules exclaimed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
you flopped back down onto your mattress, clearly uninterested. “i can just skip this one. they talk about the same shit every time. it’s really not worth it.”
“it’s mandatory,” jules added. like it would change your mind.
“mandatory, my ass,” you rolled your eyes, yanking your blanket back over you. “how do you even know about this?”
“someone’s gotta keep up. you won’t. i know you better.” 
you didn’t give her a reply, in lieu turning over on your back so you could fix your eyes on the ceiling.
jules exhaled your name, her eyebrows now furrowed in concern. “i’m leaving in two days to go back to houston. i won’t be able to check in like this anymore…” she laid down next to you, joining you in your staring contest with the overhead of your bedroom. “i need you to start taking better care of yourself. no more staying inside twenty-four-seven. you’re gonna go on walks and–”
“walks?” you cut in with a scoff. "seriously?”
“you used to love walks!”
“i liked going on them with gwen.”
you grimaced deeply as soon as you said her name. it left a bad taste in your mouth, but it was true. back when you were dating, you and gwen would regularly go on late-night walks together when sleep wouldn’t have either of you. it was something you two had been doing ever since you were kids, so it stuck with you when you got into a relationship, and even after you called it quits.
“look,” jules began. “i know you miss her, but this breakup is seriously becoming an obstacle. if you keep up like this, you’re gonna ruin your future. all i ask is that you make an effort–”
you planted the palms of your hands on the mattress and used them to arise from your spot, speaking over your cousin in a rather accusatory manner, “you think i’m not making an effort?” 
“you didn’t let me finish,” jules replied, her expression hardening. “all i ask is that you make an effort to try and do some of the things you used to. don’t rush things. that didn’t go well last time.”
you looked down at your lap, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip. you felt embarrassed at how defensive you got. you knew jules was right anyhow. she was only trying to help.
“you’ve worked so hard, from the moment you got into that school. it can’t be for nothing. don’t let it be.” 
you pressed your lips together and a puff of air shot out through your nose. jules was right–again. it was your senior year. you just needed to push through those ten months, no matter how harrowing they felt.
“i haven’t even finished packing,” you mumbled. the fact that you didn’t condemn the idea elicited a smile of hope on your older cousin’s face.
jules hopped off the bed, pulling on either of your arms so you were sitting up. “so we’ll pack. don’t worry, girl. you’re gonna have a great year, okay?”
you nodded, though you didn’t believe that in the slightest. “okay.”
you couldn’t subdue the doubt that you’d never be able to seal the deep puncture in your soul. maybe this was one of those wounds that time couldn’t heal.
the next day arrived faster than you wanted it to. you were pining for the familiar comfort of your bed, eager to escape senior orientation. you were sitting in a fold-up chair, your bottom growing numb from the hard, rough plastic. it’d been a prolonged thirty minutes of various staff explaining things such as college, scholarships, test scores, clubs, sports, community service, and dorms. you weren’t mentally present for the vast majority of it, rather exhausting your social media apps or contemplating ideas that weren’t relevant in the slightest.
out of curiosity, your eyes scanned the room for familiar faces. you weren’t met with anyone you recognized, but forgettable faces that would star as background characters in your future dreams.
you left a little bit before orientation officially concluded to get a head start on unpacking your suitcase. jules was already in your dorm, awaiting your arrival so she could help you unpack since she knew you’d been putting it off.
on your way to student housing, you passed by one of the larger gyms. you were greeted with a familiar warmth in your chest, then it tightened when you remembered. you halted immediately and took a few steps backward to peek inside. it was the gym you attended your first and only prom in—the prom peter died at.
it was like his soul and his energy still resided within–like he was haunting it. 
december 2022
you and gwen strolled into the faintly lit and thoroughly decorated gym alongside each other. the cooler lighting cast a gentle hue of purple over the both of you. the white spotlights whirling around the gym heavily illuminated the area as opposed to the ones that weren’t as harsh. a crescent moon hung gracefully from the ceiling above the stage on the other side of the gym, alternating between tinges of blue, pink, and purple. dangling from the ceiling and decorating the walls were strings of silver stars, exuding the illusion of a starry night.  
you liked your outfit. you had on a short, sparkly, fitted black dress with thin spaghetti straps. you wore black stockings over your legs and black heels on your feet. your earrings were simple but cute: sparkly moon studs. a silver necklace with a shiny star pendant hung around your neck, resting in between your two collarbones. the girl beside you wore a black, grunge leather jacket, with various pins decorating the collar over her pink high-low skirted dress. to accessorize, she wore a dark-colored choker around her neck, two pearl necklaces, and identical pearl earrings that matched the neckpieces. black belts decorated her hips, hanging loosely. she had told you she was going for a nineties kind of look and you thought she totally nailed it.
both you and the blonde wore matching pink rose corsages around your wrists. peter was going to have the other piece pinned to the jacket of his suit. since none of you had dates, you decided to go together as friends. you had yet to spot him though.
you and gwen walked further into the gym, wrapping up the conversation you’d been having on the way in. gwen’s bandmates all waved at you and gwen from one of the drink tables and you two waved back.
“you excited to play?” you asked gwen, gesturing to the instruments that were already set up on the stage. mj had pulled a few strings, and now her band was going to play near the end of the dance.
“excited, yeah. also a little nervous,” she admitted.
“don’t be, you’ll do great,” you slung your arm around her shoulders, flashing her a toothy grin. your eyes wandered the gym, searching for the last piece to your trio, but you couldn’t find him.
“hey, where’s peter?” gwen asked you.
“i was wondering the same…” you took your arm back and squinted into the distance, standing on your tip-toes and trying to see over the heads of other students. “i thought he was catching a ride with harry, but he should be here by now.”
“i don’t see harry either,” gwen groaned. “jesus christ, i hope they didn’t bail.”
you shook your head. “peter wouldn’t do that.” “yeah, you’re right,” gwen shook her head. “let’s split up. i’ll text you if i find him.” “cool, me too.”
you weaved through the crowds of people, muttering small “excuse me’s” and “sorry’s” as needed. despite your efforts, your eyes never came to land on the familiar lanky brunette with glasses. you turned on your heel, beginning to make your way to the opposite side of the gym. at the same time, you checked your phone. no text from gwen. you shoved your cell back in your purse and made your way to one of the drink tables, grabbing a can of your favorite soda and popping it open. your eyes continued to sweep the crowds in the gym as you leaned on the table, your quiet sigh drowned out by the loud music reverberating throughout the gym.
“lookin’ good,” a sonorous voice suddenly said from behind you, disconnecting you from your thoughts. 
your eyebrows lowered before you had even processed who the voice belonged to. you craned your neck to the left to see none other than ned leeds smirking at you, him and his stupid blonde mohawk. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, then close them before exhaling.
ned continued, “way too good to hang with that nerd and his girlfriend.”
“excuse you,” gwen’s voice scoffed before you could rebut, leaving you confused as to where she even came from. “peter is not my boyfriend.”
“and your compliment was ass!” you added, the blonde’s fingers simultaneously wrapping around your free wrist.
ned looked like he was itching to fire back at you, but gwen was already pulling you away by your arm, her grip firm. she led you to an area that was less populated.
“g, i’d like to keep my circulation,” you said to her once you both had stopped, wiggling your arm around. “right, sorry,” she chuckled awkwardly, letting go of your wrist and clearing her throat. “i didn’t find peter.”
you rubbed your wrist and breathed out, “neither did i. didn’t see harry either.” “i did. he was with some girl, and told me that peter was going to find another way here.”
your eyebrows raised. “peter said that?”
“according to harry, yeah,” gwen pressed her lips together, folding her arms anxiously. “and may told me peter’s not home.”
“shit…” you muttered.
gwen’s eyes suddenly narrowed and her neck snapped so she was facing the opposite side of the gym. mere seconds later, the wall fell apart, screams erupting as debris fogged up the air around you. you pulled gwen towards one of the exits as what appeared to be an oversized green lizard stormed further into the gym, the impact shaking the ground and sending you straight for the floor. gwen caught you, helping you gain balance again before you both sprinted out of the gym.
“i gotta go! get out of here!" gwen directed.
“what?!” you yelled, having barely heard your best friend over all the chaos in the background. 
“trust me!"
she took off, disappearing into the debris as more and more students rushed out. what was she thinking? you were left conflicted. in the moment, you didn't trust her at all. how could you? as much as you wanted to go in there and talk some sense into her, you’d be a fool to run into that gym after her.
june 2023
two gentle taps to gwen’s shoulder pulled her out of her head. 
“yo, death leopard,” a voice called out. “something wrong?”
gwen turned around to see her bandmate, mj standing behind her, arms folded over her chest. she looked half irritated and half annoyed. gwen cleared her throat, a shade of red sneaking up under her pale, freckled cheeks. she swallowed thickly and only then did it click that she was still at band practice, not prom.
she then spoke, “no, everything’s good.”
“cool, so could you maybe start playing the drums on three?”
“huh?” gwen glanced down at the drum set below her in confusion, then back at her friends.
“we counted off three different times, but your head was in space, star girl,” glory explained.
“could you even hear us?” betty inquired, a worrisome frown etched on her face.
not at all.
gwen had been deep in thought, the world surrounding her now irrelevant as the tragedy that transpired at prom replayed in her head like a broken record. the fatal blow gwen delivered to the lizard followed by the discovery that it was peter all along was stuck on loop. she didn’t mean to kill him—spider-woman never kills anyone. that’s not what the media and the press thought though, and sure as hell not what gwen’s father, the police chief thought, either. 
gwen recalled desperately throwing rocks and rubble off of her best friend, holding his face in her hands as her body went numb. his hair was shaggy and coated with dust from the foundation of the broken wall. his eyes were half-lidded, his brown irises appearing to have had the life sucked out of them.
“i just wanted to be special… like you, gwen.”  he had said. gwen didn’t know what he meant. she didn't think there was anything special about her. she felt like the most useless person on the planet, especially in that moment.
her job was twenty times harder now. for the rest of her life, she’d have to fight off supervillains while the cops were hot on her trail. for the rest of her life, she’d have to live with the guilt that she took her best friend’s life. she’d have to listen to her father complain about how spider-woman ruins lives. how she ruined may’s life, and his life–and hers. given the way gwen’s life was going, she wouldn’t argue him on it. she lost peter and she lost you. ever since, she felt as though she was living on autopilot, far too busy to have any time to grieve properly. to feel.
gwen couldn't talk to anyone. there wasn’t a single person she could confide in–except for you. the only issue was gwen didn’t just break up with you, she had severed you two’s connection entirely, giving you the impression that she wanted nothing to do with you.
gwen was unsure how to respond to the questions that still hung in the air, so she only stared further, her eyes darting between betty and glory, who both awaited her answer.
mj sighed. “are you sure you’re okay? it’s okay if you’re not, we all have our days.”
“yeah, i’m good. i just spaced out,” gwen insisted, though the girl before her was extremely unconvinced.
mj walked back to her mic, ripping it from the stand and unplugging the wire. “let’s just end early today. i think we all deserve a break, yeah?”
betty and glory nodded in unison. gwen stared at her lap in pure defeat. this was the second band practice that ended earlier than scheduled that week because her mind was somewhere else. she eventually packed up her drum set and migrated off stage to the second row of seats in the seating area. once betty and glory were gone, mj joined gwen, sitting in a seat to the left of her.
“look, we have a festival to play at in three weeks. that’s really not a lot of time,” mj furrowed her eyebrows. “but i’m more worried about you. what’s really going on?”
gwen never was one to open up. even if she wanted to, she couldn’t. she couldn’t tell anyone about the double life she took on, so nobody would ever be able to even begin to understand the grief that came with peter’s passing. you still tried. even though you were mourning peter too, you still managed to bring gwen’s walls down and held her hand gently, assuring her that what happened wasn't her fault. teaching her that she wasn’t a burden for feeling, because feeling was what made her human. it wasn’t a surprise that gwen built those walls again right after your breakup.
gwen couldn’t even give the redhead a proper response before two honks blared from outside, but they both know she would’ve dismissed it anyway. 
“that’s probably my dad,” gwen muttered, grabbing her tote back and slowly rising up from the chair. she pulled the tote over her shoulder and began to walk away, but she stopped and looked over her shoulder. “i’ll be better next rehearsal. promise.”
mj watched with worried eyes as gwen left. gwen held her breath until she was behind those double doors. 
mj knew there was something gwen wasn’t telling her.
april 2023
it was a cool friday evening. the refreshing spring air that the month of april so kindly delivered blew against your soft skin. the sunset looked heavenly that day. the sky dyed with warmer colors as opposed to the usual blue, the contrast in the differing tinctures painting the clouds a salmony pink. you were walking to your girlfriend’s apartment with the intention of spending the night. you two had planned in advance, so it had been the only thing one your mind just about that entire week. even though you’d had an argument a couple of days prior, you wouldn’t say it was detrimental to your relationship.
that was until you arrived at her apartment.
it may sound fucked up, but the truth was that after peter’s death, when you found out that gwen was spider-woman, you didn’t think anything else could possibly come between you two, since the secrecy that came with gwen being a superhero had always been where your doubts had stemmed, though you didn’t know it at the time.
when you learned of gwen’s alter ego, you also learned to empathize with her. you understood if she missed a few movie nights. you didn’t snap at her if she left you high and dry at restaurants where you were supposed to be having dates at. you didn’t mind having to go on a couple of nightly strolls alone, and you didn’t get angry when she’d show up at your window with injuries, because none of it was out of the blue or suspicious anymore.
in retrospect, you hadn’t realized how chaotic your relationship was. you were far too busy being caught up in the highest highs to really stop and think about it. the lows practically descended as low as the bottom of an ocean floor, where no land was in sight from the surface of the water, and the memory of the highs was the only thing that helped you stay afloat.
albeit you and gwen hadn’t had a low in a while, your most recent argument had to do with her tendency to distance herself when she gets stressed or when things got difficult. you thought you two had worked through it, enforcing healthy communication like you agreed to. at the end of it all, the issue was resolved (temporarily, anyway.) you thought that meant progress. 
oh, how wrong you were.
you arrived at her complex and knocked on the door, pressing your lips together as you waited. a couple of seconds later, you heard the lock twist and the door opened. gwen was in one of her hoodies and black sweats, the back of her hair bunched into a pink claw clip while a few of the front pieces hung loosely. she looked disheveled, to say the least. tired.
“hey,” you spoke first.
gwen cleared her throat. “hi.”
you squinted at her as she maneuvered around the open door, shutting it behind her and clearing her throat. you stared at her in confusion while she stared at you in what you could only make out to be woe.
“is everything okay? can i come in?”
gwen opened her mouth to speak but then hesitated. her left thumb was making back-and-forth motions on her right one, an unspoken tell that she was stressed or nervous.
“gwen, i’m talking to you.”
she shook her head. “i know. sorry.”
“is something going on?” you reiterated.
“yeah, i forgot to call you,” she said, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.
she exhaled. “we can’t do the sleepover today.”
your face morphed into one of confusion. “why not?”
there weren’t any villains terrorizing the city, otherwise you wouldn’t even be face to face with gwen. you hadn’t hung out with her one on one in about two weeks, so she’d had plenty of space and time to herself.
“i think i need some time to think about a few things,” she told you, her voice low.
you froze. you were at loss for words entirely. 
“okay… um…” your voice trailed off, searching through your scattered brain for something to respond with.
“you didn’t do anything, i promise,” gwen clarified as she hugged her arms, tugging at the fabric of her hoodie. “it’s me.”
“you wanna talk about it?” you offered.
“no,” gwen replied quicker and harsher than she meant to, causing your eyes to widen. “sorry—no. i just need some time to myself,” she corrected herself, her tone softer. “for a little longer than a while.”
“oh,” you retorted. “yeah, no, i understand.”
“thanks,” she coerced a smile, but it was weak.
you nodded and both of you stood in silence for a few moments before gwen turned on her heel, retreating back to the warmth of her apartment and leaving you alone on the other side of the door. she didn’t offer to walk you back home, or even hug you. you sighed in disappointment and began to walk back the way you came. you were heavily conflicted. apart from the fact that she had basically just told you she needed space indefinitely, all you could think about was how your interaction with gwen had felt stale, or unnatural. something felt different, although you couldn’t put your finger on it. gwen was without a doubt distancing herself again, you knew that, but it wasn’t the same as all the other times. there was some kind of uncertainty to it.
your thoughts were so loud.
was that a breakup? no. it couldn’t have been. she just said she needed space—but why from me?
your head was already pounding and it got worse the more you thought about the possibility, so you opted to let it go. just for a little while. you told yourself, it isn’t a breakup it’s just a break. 
that’s all it is.
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taglist: @spid3namy
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mooncrestedwaters · 2 months
Immortalized Muses
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Authors Word: Woo, ok, this took me easily two months to write.
This came to life after having a dream about Rafayel and I attending an art exhibition and him begging me to be in a picture with him after I refused. (Basically this is a glorified retelling of the dream tbh haha)
This is my first time displaying my writings on this account so I hope you all enjoy
- Mikaela 🤍🪽
Warnings/Themes: Mutual Pining, swearing/profanity, non-established relationship (they're friends/employer & employee), Rafayel throwing hints like confetti, mild smut(??), mentions of sexual tones of voice, mentions of alcohol/being tipsy and/or drunk, banter banter, Rafayel is a princess (big surprise)
Please let me know if I missed any themes
Tags: Rafayel x MC (MC is they/them so it can apply to any gender)
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"Why do you keep disappearing?"
With a jump, y/n turned towards the intrusion of their solace.
"Rafayel..." With sheepish welcome, they bowed their head looking at their reflection in their drink, knowing that they'd wandered off again and left Rafayel alone at the after party for the exhibition, "Sorry, I just needed some air..."
He made a grunt of recognition and came to stand beside them, leaning his elbows on the intricate steel woven fence around the balcony, overlooking a calm rippling lake, decorated with trees and local habitations to be spotlighted by the gentle moon hung in the night sky, speckled with stars like diamonds on velvet to bounce off his sun kissed skin and lavender locks, "I thought you'd gone home."
Looking down into their drink they swished it around the glass, ice knocking against the crystal and straw poised between their index and middle finger, eager for another sip, "No, I wouldn't do that."
They nodded in reply, "I just needed to take a break."
Rafayel's eyebrows creased, a pout working its way onto his charming features, "The reporters were taking pictures downstairs, I couldn't see you anywhere and had to make this perilous journey to find you."
They deadpanned, pursing their lips as Rafayel started his theatrics.
"For all I know you could've been swooped up by some criminal who'd gate crashed the party!"
"Aren't I supposed to be your bodyguard?" - they sipped their drink with a snide snort - "What do you pay me for if not to look after your safety and my own?"
He genuinely pouted now, shooting y/n a half hearted glare, "Oh, you know what I mean."
They smiled, genuinely knowing exactly what he meant.
"That lonely, hmm?"
Rafayel looked away, leaning back from the railing to stand tall, ears burning red, arms crossed as he kicked his heel out and spun away from y/n to saunter off with a huff, "Just come back downstairs already."
Smoothing the silk of their outfit, y/n took a deep breath, their shoes clacking against the grandiose marble floors.
They felt a little out of place in such an outfit but Rafayel always insisted. Y/n had no choice when the ornate crisp white outfit made of silk and chiffon was laid on their bed, pearl accessories and details lined with tints of pastel blues.
Then Rafayel would insist on doing make-up for y/n, his skills on a paintbrush transferring to an array of beauty brushes.
Y/n always came out looking like the multiple zeros on a check he'd get for one of his paintings and they always felt their heart beat a little fast when they noted how much time and care Rafayel put into dressing them up to be the prized Belle of the Ball.
"Ah, there you are!" Rafayel greeted them, wrapping an arm around their shoulder and whispering a quick 'Help me!' in their ear.
Y/n chuckled but it soon died in their throat as they heard the business man drone on about monetary prospects of Rafayel's studio.
His arm was retrieved to his side and he showed utmost interest in the poor fool as he droned on, gums flapping like a pig at a troph, greed seeping into their every word and not a care for the art that Rafayel poured his blood, sweat and pearlescent tears into that was displayed around the exhibition like an ornate frame to the arrogant masses.
Y/n even swore they saw Rafayel's eyes twitch once or twice and couldn't tell if it was from the other mans ignorance, Rafayel's affinity with boredom or if their little rest bite from the party before was still grating on him.
They deemed it well to stay put and endure the rest of the night and took a sip of their drink, eyeing the bar like an old lover already.
"Hey, get me a red wine?" Rafayel whispered in their ear, goosebumps flooding their skin, "I fucking need it."
They looked at him from the corner of their eyes and nodded, seeing the ever present smirk and surety displayed in his eyes, behind it was waves of exhaustion and desperation.
He wanted nothing more than for this night to end, just as much as y/n did. They pitied the poor artist.
With a curt nod, they excused themselves to the drink bar, "Old fashioned and a wine."
"Top or bottom shelf?"
They looked over their shoulder as another business man slung his arm over Rafayel's shoulders, laughing boisterously as Rafayel visibly stiffened, his white knuckled fists slipping into his pockets to disguise his annoyance and crafting a smile on his face.
"The one that'll have the highest alcohol percentage." - They snuck a glance at him again, his jaw now visibly tensed, his smile becoming a grimace - "Stat."
As the money hungry ladder climbers of the night slowly dispersed to their ubers and chauffeurs alike home, Thomas, Rafayel and themself got to winding down the night. Close friends, family and beneficiaries hung back for group pictures and y/n stuck to the side, nibbling on some fancy hors d'oeuvres.
Rafayel's aunt pulled him in for a selfie, pinching his cheeks as he weakly protested with a groan and y/n couldn't help but giggle when Thomas threw himself into the mix enveloping them both from behind in a hug to join the picture.
There wasn't a sober soul in the venue, that was for damn sure.
Y/n couldn't help the smile creeping onto their face at the pleasant scene of Rafayel - despite his eagerness to leave - visibly loosening up and finally enjoying himself with his people, not the riff raff with obese wallets and closed minds.
Looking up from the empty glass, y/n saw Rafayel's gaze over his shoulder at them.
They raised a brow, wondering why Rafayel was staring at them.
Maybe he was tired and wanted to be escorted home?
They'd get their answer, as Rafayel slipped from Thomas' and his Aunts embrace to stride over and stand against the wall beside Y/n.
"Having fun?" They asked.
"I guess," Rafayel sighed, "Just really fucked."
Y/n could tell, since Rafayel's pleasantries and ability to save face had flown out the window with his language and demeanor.
They dusted their curled finger against his cheek, his dark under eyes starting to show through the concealer he'd applied before the event.
He sighed, his bunched shoulders dropping slightly as he closed his eyes, basking in the gentle and tender touch they gave him, his fists loosened, going slack in his pockets as he revealed in the touch.
"We'll get you back to your home soon," Y/n spoke, retrieving their hand away, pressing their watch as a holographic monitor buzzed to life, "It's nearly one in the morning, Gods...."
They called for a ride to take him back to his place and the other guests were doing the same to head to their own respective abodes.
"Rafayel!" His Aunt called and waved him over and he stiffened, "Come over here, we're taking one last picture."
They leant against the wall as Rafayel began to stride over to meet the group of people. He stopped, turning to them and placed out his hand in offering to join.
"Pass." Y/n held their open palm up in front of him, "I'm not someone who should be in such a picture, I'm just your bodyguard."
He turned fully to speak to them, eyebrows creased and lips pursed, "Nonsense, come."
They shook their head, an apologetic smile on their face, "No, no...you go, I'll keep an eye out for-"
"Quit being stubborn," Rafayel quipped, his tone more rough than usual with his fatigue and waning patience, "I want you in the picture, so you'll be in the picture."
Deciding to skip their words of protest they turned on their heel to go stand outside and wait for the ride. Their plan fell short as Rafayel grabbed their arm, his hold strong enough that they couldn't break free but gentle enough as to not hurt them, "Stay..."
Y/n tilted their head, irritation spiking as they looked over their shoulder with pursed lips and a raised brow. They decided to play on his ego, hoping their bargaining chip would shake the painter off, "Beg then."
A look of shock splashed across his features like paint across a canvas. His lips parted, looking for a comeback but instead he let go of their arm.
Y/n thought they were free, going to turn on their heel until his arm snaked around their shoulders, fingers dusting their slightly exposed collarbone with strands of hair interwoven through his fingertips. He lent down, his face to the side of theirs as his other hand tucked their hair behind their ear, his lips dusting against the shell of their ear as he whispered in a low hum, "Please..."
They felt a jolt through their body, their breath hitched to flee their mouth in a squeak.
Rafayel continued his assault of words against their ear, sending electric currents through their veins to rise as a bright crimson blush on their cheeks. His tone was reminiscent of a whine closing in on whimpering.
"Please, Y/n....Please stay, please don't walk away, stay for me? Please darling, I really want you, I really really need you, please I need you beside me-"
With what energy they could muster between their hitched breathing and trembling limbs they pushed the artist off them and stormed towards the group of people readying themselves for the picture.
"Fine! Gods, Rafayel..." Y/n groaned and stood fixing their hair to the side of the group.
They could feel Rafayel's smug, triumphant smirk burning into the back of their skull and they tried not to bristle with frustration that Rafayel got his way.
As Thomas set the timer everyone huddled in and around the artist. Rafayel pulled Y/n flush by his side, his arm around their waist, fingers gripping into the plush flesh of their clothed hip. He leant down as the timer counted down to whisper once more in their ear.
"Art is meant to be witnessed...Do you really think I wouldn't pose with my favorite art piece?"
Y/n blush and Rafayels smug smile of victory were immortalized within that photograph forever.
Y/n blamed it on the alcohol.
Rafayel always held a knowing smirk as to the real reason.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally Darling and a Restoration Project Reader (part 9)
TW: Cults, Religious Imagery, Mentions of Possible Murder, Death
🗞️ You immediately text your friends, Amy and Finn, telling them to come over. You also tell them to introduce themselves as your friends, in the hopes that they make it through the gates without much trouble.
🗞️ They say they will arrive within an hour, allowing you to start your part of the investigation early. Looking around the room, you focus on the posters of Barnaby. The eyes are scratched out on every one, almost like someone took a knife or pin and scraped the pointed end against the poster. You can even see the scratch marks in the wood. Your wonder increases, causing you to search a few of the drawers.
🗞️ You find old clothing, such as suits, ties, pants and the likes. On a desk by the bedside, you see a small jewelery box. You open it, finding a collection of sun shaped pins, cufflinks, and even a few sets of sun and moon earrings in small plastic bags. You pick a set of earrings up, looking at them closely. They seem to be made with real gems. There are notes on each bag, every one saying "To the One". If you had to guess, this man might've been a hopeless romantic! How cute!
🗞️ You hear the door open, seeing both Amy and Finn run in, out of breath. Finn seems to be holding a paper, showing it to you "I... I found the guy that wrote the messy writing! Apparently, he is related to Caesar Jones, the voice actor and creator of Wally! I-" he cuts himself off, looking around "Holy... what is this place?" You grin "This is the room of William Dorelaine! He is the brother of the original creator, Ronald Dorelaine!"
🗞️ Amy looks around, her eyes settling on something by the door. She walks over, before there is a heavy clunking, then a small huff comes out of her mouth. She turns, holding a hatchet in her arms. "This man must be very obsessed with suns and moons. Even his hatchets match that theme. Kind of like Wally with apples..." "What's that? ... Why would he have this?"
🗞️ Both you and Amy look over to Finn, seeing him holding a newspaper. "I found this under his mattress. Here, let me read it out..."
"CULT LEADER FOUND DEAD IN POLICE STATION! The leader of the mysterious cult tormenting town has been found dead in the local police station this afternoon, after being arrested at the parking lot of Playfellow Workshop. It is currently suspected that the sheriff, Sheriff Dekker, killed him after being provoked by the leader, Father Simon "Luna" Johnson. There was a note found in his cell, mentioning how he has been "crucified by the public" and how he shall be a "martyr for the truth". He also wrote down how he shall be resurrected, returning to earth in a body that his followers will recognize instantly by their actions."
🗞️ You all look around at each other. Finn pauses, before saying "There are a few scribbles on the page. Little notes. It is in the same handwriting as William. "Look for the values" and "I must find it", with the last one saying "Sunshine, Sunshine, I love Sunshine", almost like a name instead of just the word." You look over to the jewelry box, remembering the earrings. "I... I feel like we should go..."
🗞️"Come on, (Y/N), a little creepy newspaper article doesn't mean anything. I mean, from what we heard from Mr. Jones' relative, he was really into investigating cults. Maybe William was the same?" Finn nods, explaining "Yeah. He just liked looking into them. How about this? I'll take this book I found. The lock on it should be easy to crack open with my pliers, at home, and we can all look into it, tomorrow. If we find nothing of concern, we will come back to investigate more." Amy then takes the jewelry box, adding on a quick "I just think these are pretty neat!"
🗞️ You look at the book, the unnerving symbol giving you a sense of dread. The symbol seems to be a sun and moon crammed together, with a hourglass in the center. There are a few stains of red on the edges of the hardcover, with a few more on the pages. You swallow, nodding. "Sure. I'm going to go outside, now. Let the Dorelaines know what you took, okay?"
🗞️ As you begin your walk home, you get a call from your mother. Answering, you hear her speak in the harsh tone she uses when upset or annoyed "(Y/N), what have you done know?" "What do you mean, mom? I did nothing! I just went around town, and-!" "There's a man here! He says he is a Dorelaine! Says he wants to talk to you! You better be here quickly, or else I'll lose my temper with him! Keeps talking about Sunshine, like a madman!"
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bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
Platonic DCA (Sun & Moon & Eclipse) Prompt List for November!
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Hiya lovelies! Decided to do a fun a fun lil prompt list challenge for all my fellow aspecs out there for November, and so with the help of some friends and moots we compiled a list of platonic prompts for our beloved DCA jesters!
- Can be Art or Writing either goes!
-  Feel free to go as wild/imaginative as you wish with the prompts!
- The prompts can be for Sun and Moon by themselves or with y/n’s or oc’s! Whatever you prefer!
- No NSFW please! (wanna keep to the platonic theme here hehe)
- You don’t have to complete the entire list! You can even do the prompts on different days whatever works for you!
- Use the tag #Ace Jesters for any prompts posted (or just tag me fhdgj i don’t mind) i’d love to see what you guys may come up with :D
Onto the Prompts:
1. Morning after Halloween
2. Autumn
3. Hug
4. Broken
5. Parental/Caretaker
6. Space
7. Dragons
8. Kiss
9. Haunted
10. Fantasy
11. Catboys
12. Angst
13. Arts and Crafts
14. Cuddle
15. Prank
16. Dress Up
17. Swim
18. Gym Jesters
19. Bug Hunting
20. Gaming
21. Domestic
22. Googly Eyes
23. Sick Day
24. Dinner
25. Story Time
26. Sleep
27. Arson
28. Trust
29. Confession
30. Family
That’s the list! Have fun everyone! :D
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